From 77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shumkovnd <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2023 14:39:34 +0300
Subject: KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script

 .../extern/agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv.h | 128 ++++++
 .../agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv_rgb8.h   | 476 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 604 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv.h
 create mode 100644 contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv_rgb8.h

(limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/util')

diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv.h b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b8a0a55d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (
+// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software 
+// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. 
+// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+// Contact:
+// Conversion from one colorspace/pixel format to another
+#include <string.h>
+#include "agg_basics.h"
+#include "agg_rendering_buffer.h"
+namespace agg
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------color_conv
+    template<class RenBuf, class CopyRow> 
+    void color_conv(RenBuf* dst, const RenBuf* src, CopyRow copy_row_functor)
+    {
+        unsigned width = src->width();
+        unsigned height = src->height();
+        if(dst->width()  < width)  width  = dst->width();
+        if(dst->height() < height) height = dst->height();
+        if(width)
+        {
+            unsigned y;
+            for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
+            {
+                copy_row_functor(dst->row_ptr(0, y, width), 
+                                 src->row_ptr(y), 
+                                 width);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //---------------------------------------------------------color_conv_row
+    template<class CopyRow> 
+    void color_conv_row(int8u* dst, 
+                        const int8u* src,
+                        unsigned width,
+                        CopyRow copy_row_functor)
+    {
+        copy_row_functor(dst, src, width);
+    }
+    //---------------------------------------------------------color_conv_same
+    template<int BPP> class color_conv_same
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            memmove(dst, src, width*BPP);
+        }
+    };
+    // Generic pixel converter.
+    template<class DstFormat, class SrcFormat>
+    struct conv_pixel
+    {
+        void operator()(void* dst, const void* src) const
+        {
+            // Read a pixel from the source format and write it to the destination format.
+            DstFormat::write_plain_color(dst, SrcFormat::read_plain_color(src));
+        }
+    };
+    // Generic row converter. Uses conv_pixel to convert individual pixels.
+    template<class DstFormat, class SrcFormat>
+    struct conv_row
+    {
+        void operator()(void* dst, const void* src, unsigned width) const
+        {
+            conv_pixel<DstFormat, SrcFormat> conv;
+            do
+            {
+                conv(dst, src);
+                dst = (int8u*)dst + DstFormat::pix_width;
+                src = (int8u*)src + SrcFormat::pix_width;
+            }
+            while (--width);
+        }
+    };
+    // Specialization for case where source and destination formats are identical.
+    template<class Format>
+    struct conv_row<Format, Format>
+    {
+        void operator()(void* dst, const void* src, unsigned width) const
+        {
+            memmove(dst, src, width * Format::pix_width);
+        }
+    };
+    // Top-level conversion function, converts one pixel format to any other.
+    template<class DstFormat, class SrcFormat, class RenBuf>
+    void convert(RenBuf* dst, const RenBuf* src)
+    {
+        color_conv(dst, src, conv_row<DstFormat, SrcFormat>());
+    }
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv_rgb8.h b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv_rgb8.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..609460dba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/util/agg_color_conv_rgb8.h
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (
+// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software 
+// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. 
+// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+// Contact:
+// A set of functors used with color_conv(). See file agg_color_conv.h
+// These functors can convert images with up to 8 bits per component.
+// Use convertors in the following way:
+// agg::color_conv(dst, src, agg::color_conv_XXXX_to_YYYY());
+// whare XXXX and YYYY can be any of:
+//  rgb24
+//  bgr24
+//  rgba32
+//  abgr32
+//  argb32
+//  bgra32
+//  rgb555
+//  rgb565
+#include "agg_basics.h"
+#include "agg_color_conv.h"
+namespace agg
+    //-----------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb24
+    class color_conv_rgb24
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                int8u tmp[3];
+                tmp[0] = *src++;
+                tmp[1] = *src++;
+                tmp[2] = *src++;
+                *dst++ = tmp[2];
+                *dst++ = tmp[1];
+                *dst++ = tmp[0];
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24 color_conv_rgb24_to_bgr24;
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24 color_conv_bgr24_to_rgb24;
+    typedef color_conv_same<3> color_conv_bgr24_to_bgr24;
+    typedef color_conv_same<3> color_conv_rgb24_to_rgb24;
+    //------------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgba32
+    template<int I1, int I2, int I3, int I4> class color_conv_rgba32
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                int8u tmp[4];
+                tmp[0] = *src++;
+                tmp[1] = *src++;
+                tmp[2] = *src++;
+                tmp[3] = *src++;
+                *dst++ = tmp[I1];
+                *dst++ = tmp[I2];
+                *dst++ = tmp[I3];
+                *dst++ = tmp[I4]; 
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<0,3,2,1> color_conv_argb32_to_abgr32; //----color_conv_argb32_to_abgr32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<3,2,1,0> color_conv_argb32_to_bgra32; //----color_conv_argb32_to_bgra32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<1,2,3,0> color_conv_argb32_to_rgba32; //----color_conv_argb32_to_rgba32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<3,0,1,2> color_conv_bgra32_to_abgr32; //----color_conv_bgra32_to_abgr32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<3,2,1,0> color_conv_bgra32_to_argb32; //----color_conv_bgra32_to_argb32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<2,1,0,3> color_conv_bgra32_to_rgba32; //----color_conv_bgra32_to_rgba32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<3,2,1,0> color_conv_rgba32_to_abgr32; //----color_conv_rgba32_to_abgr32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<3,0,1,2> color_conv_rgba32_to_argb32; //----color_conv_rgba32_to_argb32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<2,1,0,3> color_conv_rgba32_to_bgra32; //----color_conv_rgba32_to_bgra32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<0,3,2,1> color_conv_abgr32_to_argb32; //----color_conv_abgr32_to_argb32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<1,2,3,0> color_conv_abgr32_to_bgra32; //----color_conv_abgr32_to_bgra32
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32<3,2,1,0> color_conv_abgr32_to_rgba32; //----color_conv_abgr32_to_rgba32
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_same<4> color_conv_rgba32_to_rgba32; //----color_conv_rgba32_to_rgba32
+    typedef color_conv_same<4> color_conv_argb32_to_argb32; //----color_conv_argb32_to_argb32
+    typedef color_conv_same<4> color_conv_bgra32_to_bgra32; //----color_conv_bgra32_to_bgra32
+    typedef color_conv_same<4> color_conv_abgr32_to_abgr32; //----color_conv_abgr32_to_abgr32
+    //--------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb24_rgba32
+    template<int I1, int I2, int I3, int A> class color_conv_rgb24_rgba32
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                dst[I1] = *src++;
+                dst[I2] = *src++;
+                dst[I3] = *src++;
+                dst[A]  = 255; 
+                dst += 4;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgba32<1,2,3,0> color_conv_rgb24_to_argb32; //----color_conv_rgb24_to_argb32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgba32<3,2,1,0> color_conv_rgb24_to_abgr32; //----color_conv_rgb24_to_abgr32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgba32<2,1,0,3> color_conv_rgb24_to_bgra32; //----color_conv_rgb24_to_bgra32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgba32<0,1,2,3> color_conv_rgb24_to_rgba32; //----color_conv_rgb24_to_rgba32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgba32<3,2,1,0> color_conv_bgr24_to_argb32; //----color_conv_bgr24_to_argb32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgba32<1,2,3,0> color_conv_bgr24_to_abgr32; //----color_conv_bgr24_to_abgr32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgba32<0,1,2,3> color_conv_bgr24_to_bgra32; //----color_conv_bgr24_to_bgra32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgba32<2,1,0,3> color_conv_bgr24_to_rgba32; //----color_conv_bgr24_to_rgba32
+    //-------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgba32_rgb24
+    template<int I1, int I2, int I3> class color_conv_rgba32_rgb24
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                *dst++ = src[I1];
+                *dst++ = src[I2];
+                *dst++ = src[I3];
+                src += 4;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb24<1,2,3> color_conv_argb32_to_rgb24; //----color_conv_argb32_to_rgb24
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb24<3,2,1> color_conv_abgr32_to_rgb24; //----color_conv_abgr32_to_rgb24
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb24<2,1,0> color_conv_bgra32_to_rgb24; //----color_conv_bgra32_to_rgb24
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb24<0,1,2> color_conv_rgba32_to_rgb24; //----color_conv_rgba32_to_rgb24
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb24<3,2,1> color_conv_argb32_to_bgr24; //----color_conv_argb32_to_bgr24
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb24<1,2,3> color_conv_abgr32_to_bgr24; //----color_conv_abgr32_to_bgr24
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb24<0,1,2> color_conv_bgra32_to_bgr24; //----color_conv_bgra32_to_bgr24
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb24<2,1,0> color_conv_rgba32_to_bgr24; //----color_conv_rgba32_to_bgr24
+    //------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb555_rgb24
+    template<int R, int B> class color_conv_rgb555_rgb24
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                unsigned rgb = *(int16u*)src;
+                dst[R] = (int8u)((rgb >> 7) & 0xF8);
+                dst[1] = (int8u)((rgb >> 2) & 0xF8);
+                dst[B] = (int8u)((rgb << 3) & 0xF8);
+                src += 2;
+                dst += 3;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgb555_rgb24<2,0> color_conv_rgb555_to_bgr24; //----color_conv_rgb555_to_bgr24
+    typedef color_conv_rgb555_rgb24<0,2> color_conv_rgb555_to_rgb24; //----color_conv_rgb555_to_rgb24
+    //-------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb24_rgb555
+    template<int R, int B> class color_conv_rgb24_rgb555
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                *(int16u*)dst = (int16u)(((unsigned(src[R]) << 7) & 0x7C00) | 
+                                         ((unsigned(src[1]) << 2) & 0x3E0)  |
+                                         ((unsigned(src[B]) >> 3)));
+                src += 3;
+                dst += 2;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgb555<2,0> color_conv_bgr24_to_rgb555; //----color_conv_bgr24_to_rgb555
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgb555<0,2> color_conv_rgb24_to_rgb555; //----color_conv_rgb24_to_rgb555
+    //-------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb565_rgb24
+    template<int R, int B> class color_conv_rgb565_rgb24
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                unsigned rgb = *(int16u*)src;
+                dst[R] = (rgb >> 8) & 0xF8;
+                dst[1] = (rgb >> 3) & 0xFC;
+                dst[B] = (rgb << 3) & 0xF8;
+                src += 2;
+                dst += 3;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgb565_rgb24<2,0> color_conv_rgb565_to_bgr24; //----color_conv_rgb565_to_bgr24
+    typedef color_conv_rgb565_rgb24<0,2> color_conv_rgb565_to_rgb24; //----color_conv_rgb565_to_rgb24
+    //-------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb24_rgb565
+    template<int R, int B> class color_conv_rgb24_rgb565
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                *(int16u*)dst = (int16u)(((unsigned(src[R]) << 8) & 0xF800) | 
+                                         ((unsigned(src[1]) << 3) & 0x7E0)  |
+                                         ((unsigned(src[B]) >> 3)));
+                src += 3;
+                dst += 2;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgb565<2,0> color_conv_bgr24_to_rgb565; //----color_conv_bgr24_to_rgb565
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_rgb565<0,2> color_conv_rgb24_to_rgb565; //----color_conv_rgb24_to_rgb565
+    //-------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb555_rgba32
+    template<int R, int G, int B, int A> class color_conv_rgb555_rgba32
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                int rgb = *(int16*)src;
+                dst[R] = (int8u)((rgb >> 7) & 0xF8);
+                dst[G] = (int8u)((rgb >> 2) & 0xF8);
+                dst[B] = (int8u)((rgb << 3) & 0xF8);
+                dst[A] = (int8u)(rgb >> 15);
+                src += 2;
+                dst += 4;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgb555_rgba32<1,2,3,0> color_conv_rgb555_to_argb32; //----color_conv_rgb555_to_argb32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb555_rgba32<3,2,1,0> color_conv_rgb555_to_abgr32; //----color_conv_rgb555_to_abgr32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb555_rgba32<2,1,0,3> color_conv_rgb555_to_bgra32; //----color_conv_rgb555_to_bgra32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb555_rgba32<0,1,2,3> color_conv_rgb555_to_rgba32; //----color_conv_rgb555_to_rgba32
+    //------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgba32_rgb555
+    template<int R, int G, int B, int A> class color_conv_rgba32_rgb555
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                *(int16u*)dst = (int16u)(((unsigned(src[R]) << 7) & 0x7C00) | 
+                                         ((unsigned(src[G]) << 2) & 0x3E0)  |
+                                         ((unsigned(src[B]) >> 3)) |
+                                         ((unsigned(src[A]) << 8) & 0x8000));
+                src += 4;
+                dst += 2;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb555<1,2,3,0> color_conv_argb32_to_rgb555; //----color_conv_argb32_to_rgb555
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb555<3,2,1,0> color_conv_abgr32_to_rgb555; //----color_conv_abgr32_to_rgb555
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb555<2,1,0,3> color_conv_bgra32_to_rgb555; //----color_conv_bgra32_to_rgb555
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb555<0,1,2,3> color_conv_rgba32_to_rgb555; //----color_conv_rgba32_to_rgb555
+    //------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb565_rgba32
+    template<int R, int G, int B, int A> class color_conv_rgb565_rgba32
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                int rgb = *(int16*)src;
+                dst[R] = (rgb >> 8) & 0xF8;
+                dst[G] = (rgb >> 3) & 0xFC;
+                dst[B] = (rgb << 3) & 0xF8;
+                dst[A] = 255;
+                src += 2;
+                dst += 4;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgb565_rgba32<1,2,3,0> color_conv_rgb565_to_argb32; //----color_conv_rgb565_to_argb32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb565_rgba32<3,2,1,0> color_conv_rgb565_to_abgr32; //----color_conv_rgb565_to_abgr32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb565_rgba32<2,1,0,3> color_conv_rgb565_to_bgra32; //----color_conv_rgb565_to_bgra32
+    typedef color_conv_rgb565_rgba32<0,1,2,3> color_conv_rgb565_to_rgba32; //----color_conv_rgb565_to_rgba32
+    //------------------------------------------------color_conv_rgba32_rgb565
+    template<int R, int G, int B> class color_conv_rgba32_rgb565
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                *(int16u*)dst = (int16u)(((unsigned(src[R]) << 8) & 0xF800) | 
+                                         ((unsigned(src[G]) << 3) & 0x7E0)  |
+                                         ((unsigned(src[B]) >> 3)));
+                src += 4;
+                dst += 2;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb565<1,2,3> color_conv_argb32_to_rgb565; //----color_conv_argb32_to_rgb565
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb565<3,2,1> color_conv_abgr32_to_rgb565; //----color_conv_abgr32_to_rgb565
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb565<2,1,0> color_conv_bgra32_to_rgb565; //----color_conv_bgra32_to_rgb565
+    typedef color_conv_rgba32_rgb565<0,1,2> color_conv_rgba32_to_rgb565; //----color_conv_rgba32_to_rgb565
+    //---------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb555_to_rgb565
+    class color_conv_rgb555_to_rgb565
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                unsigned rgb = *(int16u*)src;
+                *(int16u*)dst = (int16u)(((rgb << 1) & 0xFFC0) | (rgb & 0x1F));
+                src += 2;
+                dst += 2;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //----------------------------------------------color_conv_rgb565_to_rgb555
+    class color_conv_rgb565_to_rgb555
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                unsigned rgb = *(int16u*)src;
+                *(int16u*)dst = (int16u)(((rgb >> 1) & 0x7FE0) | (rgb & 0x1F));
+                src += 2;
+                dst += 2;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    typedef color_conv_same<2> color_conv_rgb555_to_rgb555; //----color_conv_rgb555_to_rgb555
+    typedef color_conv_same<2> color_conv_rgb565_to_rgb565; //----color_conv_rgb565_to_rgb565
+    template<int R, int B> class color_conv_rgb24_gray8
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator () (int8u* dst, 
+                          const int8u* src,
+                          unsigned width) const
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                *dst++ = (src[R]*77 + src[1]*150 + src[B]*29) >> 8;
+                src += 3;
+            }
+            while(--width);
+        }
+    };
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_gray8<0,2> color_conv_rgb24_to_gray8; //----color_conv_rgb24_to_gray8
+    typedef color_conv_rgb24_gray8<2,0> color_conv_bgr24_to_gray8; //----color_conv_bgr24_to_gray8
cgit v1.2.3