From e9656aae26e0358d5378e5b63dcac5c8dbe0e4d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shadchin <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 16:44:39 +0300
Subject: Restoring authorship annotation for <>. Commit
 2 of 2.

 .../matplotlib_inline/            | 612 ++++++++++-----------
 .../matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline/  | 214 +++----
 2 files changed, 413 insertions(+), 413 deletions(-)

(limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline')

diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline/ b/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline/
index 1e3431fc0f..ca2e003186 100644
--- a/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline/
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline/
@@ -1,306 +1,306 @@
-"""A matplotlib backend for publishing figures via display_data""" 
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. 
-# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License. 
-import matplotlib 
-from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import (  # noqa 
-    new_figure_manager, 
-    FigureCanvasAgg, 
-    new_figure_manager_given_figure, 
-from matplotlib import colors 
-from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf 
-from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell 
-from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython 
-from IPython.core.pylabtools import select_figure_formats 
-from IPython.display import display 
-from .config import InlineBackend 
-def show(close=None, block=None): 
-    """Show all figures as SVG/PNG payloads sent to the IPython clients. 
-    Parameters 
-    ---------- 
-    close : bool, optional 
-        If true, a ``plt.close('all')`` call is automatically issued after 
-        sending all the figures. If this is set, the figures will entirely 
-        removed from the internal list of figures. 
-    block : Not used. 
-        The `block` parameter is a Matplotlib experimental parameter. 
-        We accept it in the function signature for compatibility with other 
-        backends. 
-    """ 
-    if close is None: 
-        close = InlineBackend.instance().close_figures 
-    try: 
-        for figure_manager in Gcf.get_all_fig_managers(): 
-            display( 
-                figure_manager.canvas.figure, 
-                metadata=_fetch_figure_metadata(figure_manager.canvas.figure) 
-            ) 
-    finally: 
-        show._to_draw = [] 
-        # only call close('all') if any to close 
-        # close triggers gc.collect, which can be slow 
-        if close and Gcf.get_all_fig_managers(): 
-            matplotlib.pyplot.close('all') 
-# This flag will be reset by draw_if_interactive when called 
-show._draw_called = False 
-# list of figures to draw when flush_figures is called 
-show._to_draw = [] 
-def draw_if_interactive(): 
-    """ 
-    Is called after every pylab drawing command 
-    """ 
-    # signal that the current active figure should be sent at the end of 
-    # execution.  Also sets the _draw_called flag, signaling that there will be 
-    # something to send.  At the end of the code execution, a separate call to 
-    # flush_figures() will act upon these values 
-    manager = Gcf.get_active() 
-    if manager is None: 
-        return 
-    fig = manager.canvas.figure 
-    # Hack: matplotlib FigureManager objects in interacive backends (at least 
-    # in some of them) monkeypatch the figure object and add a .show() method 
-    # to it.  This applies the same monkeypatch in order to support user code 
-    # that might expect `.show()` to be part of the official API of figure 
-    # objects. 
-    # For further reference: 
-    # 
-    # 
-    if not hasattr(fig, 'show'): 
-        # Queue up `fig` for display 
- = lambda *a: display(fig, metadata=_fetch_figure_metadata(fig)) 
-    # If matplotlib was manually set to non-interactive mode, this function 
-    # should be a no-op (otherwise we'll generate duplicate plots, since a user 
-    # who set ioff() manually expects to make separate draw/show calls). 
-    if not matplotlib.is_interactive(): 
-        return 
-    # ensure current figure will be drawn, and each subsequent call 
-    # of draw_if_interactive() moves the active figure to ensure it is 
-    # drawn last 
-    try: 
-        show._to_draw.remove(fig) 
-    except ValueError: 
-        # ensure it only appears in the draw list once 
-        pass 
-    # Queue up the figure for drawing in next show() call 
-    show._to_draw.append(fig) 
-    show._draw_called = True 
-def flush_figures(): 
-    """Send all figures that changed 
-    This is meant to be called automatically and will call show() if, during 
-    prior code execution, there had been any calls to draw_if_interactive. 
-    This function is meant to be used as a post_execute callback in IPython, 
-    so user-caused errors are handled with showtraceback() instead of being 
-    allowed to raise.  If this function is not called from within IPython, 
-    then these exceptions will raise. 
-    """ 
-    if not show._draw_called: 
-        return 
-    if InlineBackend.instance().close_figures: 
-        # ignore the tracking, just draw and close all figures 
-        try: 
-            return show(True) 
-        except Exception as e: 
-            # safely show traceback if in IPython, else raise 
-            ip = get_ipython() 
-            if ip is None: 
-                raise e 
-            else: 
-                ip.showtraceback() 
-                return 
-    try: 
-        # exclude any figures that were closed: 
-        active = set([fm.canvas.figure for fm in Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()]) 
-        for fig in [fig for fig in show._to_draw if fig in active]: 
-            try: 
-                display(fig, metadata=_fetch_figure_metadata(fig)) 
-            except Exception as e: 
-                # safely show traceback if in IPython, else raise 
-                ip = get_ipython() 
-                if ip is None: 
-                    raise e 
-                else: 
-                    ip.showtraceback() 
-                    return 
-    finally: 
-        # clear flags for next round 
-        show._to_draw = [] 
-        show._draw_called = False 
-# Changes to matplotlib in version 1.2 requires a mpl backend to supply a default 
-# figurecanvas. This is set here to a Agg canvas 
-# See 
-FigureCanvas = FigureCanvasAgg 
-def configure_inline_support(shell, backend): 
-    """Configure an IPython shell object for matplotlib use. 
-    Parameters 
-    ---------- 
-    shell : InteractiveShell instance 
-    backend : matplotlib backend 
-    """ 
-    # If using our svg payload backend, register the post-execution 
-    # function that will pick up the results for display.  This can only be 
-    # done with access to the real shell object. 
-    cfg = InlineBackend.instance(parent=shell) 
- = shell 
-    if cfg not in shell.configurables: 
-        shell.configurables.append(cfg) 
-    if backend == 'module://matplotlib_inline.backend_inline': 
-'post_execute', flush_figures) 
-        # Save rcParams that will be overwrittern 
-        shell._saved_rcParams = {} 
-        for k in cfg.rc: 
-            shell._saved_rcParams[k] = matplotlib.rcParams[k] 
-        # load inline_rc 
-        matplotlib.rcParams.update(cfg.rc) 
-        new_backend_name = "inline" 
-    else: 
-        try: 
-  'post_execute', flush_figures) 
-        except ValueError: 
-            pass 
-        if hasattr(shell, '_saved_rcParams'): 
-            matplotlib.rcParams.update(shell._saved_rcParams) 
-            del shell._saved_rcParams 
-        new_backend_name = "other" 
-    # only enable the formats once -> don't change the enabled formats (which the user may 
-    # has changed) when getting another "%matplotlib inline" call. 
-    # See 
-    cur_backend = getattr(configure_inline_support, "current_backend", "unset") 
-    if new_backend_name != cur_backend: 
-        # Setup the default figure format 
-        select_figure_formats(shell, cfg.figure_formats, **cfg.print_figure_kwargs) 
-        configure_inline_support.current_backend = new_backend_name 
-def _enable_matplotlib_integration(): 
-    """Enable extra IPython matplotlib integration when we are loaded as the matplotlib backend.""" 
-    from matplotlib import get_backend 
-    ip = get_ipython() 
-    backend = get_backend() 
-    if ip and backend == 'module://%s' % __name__: 
-        from IPython.core.pylabtools import activate_matplotlib 
-        try: 
-            activate_matplotlib(backend) 
-            configure_inline_support(ip, backend) 
-        except (ImportError, AttributeError): 
-            # bugs may cause a circular import on Python 2 
-            def configure_once(*args): 
-                activate_matplotlib(backend) 
-                configure_inline_support(ip, backend) 
-      'post_run_cell', configure_once) 
-  'post_run_cell', configure_once) 
-def _fetch_figure_metadata(fig): 
-    """Get some metadata to help with displaying a figure.""" 
-    # determine if a background is needed for legibility 
-    if _is_transparent(fig.get_facecolor()): 
-        # the background is transparent 
-        ticksLight = _is_light([label.get_color() 
-                                for axes in fig.axes 
-                                for axis in (axes.xaxis, axes.yaxis) 
-                                for label in axis.get_ticklabels()]) 
-        if ticksLight.size and (ticksLight == ticksLight[0]).all(): 
-            # there are one or more tick labels, all with the same lightness 
-            return {'needs_background': 'dark' if ticksLight[0] else 'light'} 
-    return None 
-def _is_light(color): 
-    """Determines if a color (or each of a sequence of colors) is light (as 
-    opposed to dark). Based on ITU BT.601 luminance formula (see 
-    rgbaArr = colors.to_rgba_array(color) 
-    return rgbaArr[:, :3].dot((.299, .587, .114)) > .5 
-def _is_transparent(color): 
-    """Determine transparency from alpha.""" 
-    rgba = colors.to_rgba(color) 
-    return rgba[3] < .5 
-def set_matplotlib_formats(*formats, **kwargs): 
-    """Select figure formats for the inline backend. Optionally pass quality for JPEG. 
-    For example, this enables PNG and JPEG output with a JPEG quality of 90%:: 
-        In [1]: set_matplotlib_formats('png', 'jpeg', quality=90) 
-    To set this in your config files use the following:: 
-        c.InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'png', 'jpeg'} 
-        c.InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs.update({'quality' : 90}) 
-    Parameters 
-    ---------- 
-    *formats : strs 
-        One or more figure formats to enable: 'png', 'retina', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf'. 
-    **kwargs 
-        Keyword args will be relayed to ``figure.canvas.print_figure``. 
-    """ 
-    # build kwargs, starting with InlineBackend config 
-    cfg = InlineBackend.instance() 
-    kw = {} 
-    kw.update(cfg.print_figure_kwargs) 
-    kw.update(**kwargs) 
-    shell = InteractiveShell.instance() 
-    select_figure_formats(shell, formats, **kw) 
-def set_matplotlib_close(close=True): 
-    """Set whether the inline backend closes all figures automatically or not. 
-    By default, the inline backend used in the IPython Notebook will close all 
-    matplotlib figures automatically after each cell is run. This means that 
-    plots in different cells won't interfere. Sometimes, you may want to make 
-    a plot in one cell and then refine it in later cells. This can be accomplished 
-    by:: 
-        In [1]: set_matplotlib_close(False) 
-    To set this in your config files use the following:: 
-        c.InlineBackend.close_figures = False 
-    Parameters 
-    ---------- 
-    close : bool 
-        Should all matplotlib figures be automatically closed after each cell is 
-        run? 
-    """ 
-    cfg = InlineBackend.instance() 
-    cfg.close_figures = close 
+"""A matplotlib backend for publishing figures via display_data"""
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
+import matplotlib
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import (  # noqa
+    new_figure_manager,
+    FigureCanvasAgg,
+    new_figure_manager_given_figure,
+from matplotlib import colors
+from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf
+from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
+from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython
+from IPython.core.pylabtools import select_figure_formats
+from IPython.display import display
+from .config import InlineBackend
+def show(close=None, block=None):
+    """Show all figures as SVG/PNG payloads sent to the IPython clients.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    close : bool, optional
+        If true, a ``plt.close('all')`` call is automatically issued after
+        sending all the figures. If this is set, the figures will entirely
+        removed from the internal list of figures.
+    block : Not used.
+        The `block` parameter is a Matplotlib experimental parameter.
+        We accept it in the function signature for compatibility with other
+        backends.
+    """
+    if close is None:
+        close = InlineBackend.instance().close_figures
+    try:
+        for figure_manager in Gcf.get_all_fig_managers():
+            display(
+                figure_manager.canvas.figure,
+                metadata=_fetch_figure_metadata(figure_manager.canvas.figure)
+            )
+    finally:
+        show._to_draw = []
+        # only call close('all') if any to close
+        # close triggers gc.collect, which can be slow
+        if close and Gcf.get_all_fig_managers():
+            matplotlib.pyplot.close('all')
+# This flag will be reset by draw_if_interactive when called
+show._draw_called = False
+# list of figures to draw when flush_figures is called
+show._to_draw = []
+def draw_if_interactive():
+    """
+    Is called after every pylab drawing command
+    """
+    # signal that the current active figure should be sent at the end of
+    # execution.  Also sets the _draw_called flag, signaling that there will be
+    # something to send.  At the end of the code execution, a separate call to
+    # flush_figures() will act upon these values
+    manager = Gcf.get_active()
+    if manager is None:
+        return
+    fig = manager.canvas.figure
+    # Hack: matplotlib FigureManager objects in interacive backends (at least
+    # in some of them) monkeypatch the figure object and add a .show() method
+    # to it.  This applies the same monkeypatch in order to support user code
+    # that might expect `.show()` to be part of the official API of figure
+    # objects.
+    # For further reference:
+    #
+    #
+    if not hasattr(fig, 'show'):
+        # Queue up `fig` for display
+ = lambda *a: display(fig, metadata=_fetch_figure_metadata(fig))
+    # If matplotlib was manually set to non-interactive mode, this function
+    # should be a no-op (otherwise we'll generate duplicate plots, since a user
+    # who set ioff() manually expects to make separate draw/show calls).
+    if not matplotlib.is_interactive():
+        return
+    # ensure current figure will be drawn, and each subsequent call
+    # of draw_if_interactive() moves the active figure to ensure it is
+    # drawn last
+    try:
+        show._to_draw.remove(fig)
+    except ValueError:
+        # ensure it only appears in the draw list once
+        pass
+    # Queue up the figure for drawing in next show() call
+    show._to_draw.append(fig)
+    show._draw_called = True
+def flush_figures():
+    """Send all figures that changed
+    This is meant to be called automatically and will call show() if, during
+    prior code execution, there had been any calls to draw_if_interactive.
+    This function is meant to be used as a post_execute callback in IPython,
+    so user-caused errors are handled with showtraceback() instead of being
+    allowed to raise.  If this function is not called from within IPython,
+    then these exceptions will raise.
+    """
+    if not show._draw_called:
+        return
+    if InlineBackend.instance().close_figures:
+        # ignore the tracking, just draw and close all figures
+        try:
+            return show(True)
+        except Exception as e:
+            # safely show traceback if in IPython, else raise
+            ip = get_ipython()
+            if ip is None:
+                raise e
+            else:
+                ip.showtraceback()
+                return
+    try:
+        # exclude any figures that were closed:
+        active = set([fm.canvas.figure for fm in Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()])
+        for fig in [fig for fig in show._to_draw if fig in active]:
+            try:
+                display(fig, metadata=_fetch_figure_metadata(fig))
+            except Exception as e:
+                # safely show traceback if in IPython, else raise
+                ip = get_ipython()
+                if ip is None:
+                    raise e
+                else:
+                    ip.showtraceback()
+                    return
+    finally:
+        # clear flags for next round
+        show._to_draw = []
+        show._draw_called = False
+# Changes to matplotlib in version 1.2 requires a mpl backend to supply a default
+# figurecanvas. This is set here to a Agg canvas
+# See
+FigureCanvas = FigureCanvasAgg
+def configure_inline_support(shell, backend):
+    """Configure an IPython shell object for matplotlib use.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    shell : InteractiveShell instance
+    backend : matplotlib backend
+    """
+    # If using our svg payload backend, register the post-execution
+    # function that will pick up the results for display.  This can only be
+    # done with access to the real shell object.
+    cfg = InlineBackend.instance(parent=shell)
+ = shell
+    if cfg not in shell.configurables:
+        shell.configurables.append(cfg)
+    if backend == 'module://matplotlib_inline.backend_inline':
+'post_execute', flush_figures)
+        # Save rcParams that will be overwrittern
+        shell._saved_rcParams = {}
+        for k in cfg.rc:
+            shell._saved_rcParams[k] = matplotlib.rcParams[k]
+        # load inline_rc
+        matplotlib.rcParams.update(cfg.rc)
+        new_backend_name = "inline"
+    else:
+        try:
+  'post_execute', flush_figures)
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        if hasattr(shell, '_saved_rcParams'):
+            matplotlib.rcParams.update(shell._saved_rcParams)
+            del shell._saved_rcParams
+        new_backend_name = "other"
+    # only enable the formats once -> don't change the enabled formats (which the user may
+    # has changed) when getting another "%matplotlib inline" call.
+    # See
+    cur_backend = getattr(configure_inline_support, "current_backend", "unset")
+    if new_backend_name != cur_backend:
+        # Setup the default figure format
+        select_figure_formats(shell, cfg.figure_formats, **cfg.print_figure_kwargs)
+        configure_inline_support.current_backend = new_backend_name
+def _enable_matplotlib_integration():
+    """Enable extra IPython matplotlib integration when we are loaded as the matplotlib backend."""
+    from matplotlib import get_backend
+    ip = get_ipython()
+    backend = get_backend()
+    if ip and backend == 'module://%s' % __name__:
+        from IPython.core.pylabtools import activate_matplotlib
+        try:
+            activate_matplotlib(backend)
+            configure_inline_support(ip, backend)
+        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+            # bugs may cause a circular import on Python 2
+            def configure_once(*args):
+                activate_matplotlib(backend)
+                configure_inline_support(ip, backend)
+      'post_run_cell', configure_once)
+  'post_run_cell', configure_once)
+def _fetch_figure_metadata(fig):
+    """Get some metadata to help with displaying a figure."""
+    # determine if a background is needed for legibility
+    if _is_transparent(fig.get_facecolor()):
+        # the background is transparent
+        ticksLight = _is_light([label.get_color()
+                                for axes in fig.axes
+                                for axis in (axes.xaxis, axes.yaxis)
+                                for label in axis.get_ticklabels()])
+        if ticksLight.size and (ticksLight == ticksLight[0]).all():
+            # there are one or more tick labels, all with the same lightness
+            return {'needs_background': 'dark' if ticksLight[0] else 'light'}
+    return None
+def _is_light(color):
+    """Determines if a color (or each of a sequence of colors) is light (as
+    opposed to dark). Based on ITU BT.601 luminance formula (see
+    rgbaArr = colors.to_rgba_array(color)
+    return rgbaArr[:, :3].dot((.299, .587, .114)) > .5
+def _is_transparent(color):
+    """Determine transparency from alpha."""
+    rgba = colors.to_rgba(color)
+    return rgba[3] < .5
+def set_matplotlib_formats(*formats, **kwargs):
+    """Select figure formats for the inline backend. Optionally pass quality for JPEG.
+    For example, this enables PNG and JPEG output with a JPEG quality of 90%::
+        In [1]: set_matplotlib_formats('png', 'jpeg', quality=90)
+    To set this in your config files use the following::
+        c.InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'png', 'jpeg'}
+        c.InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs.update({'quality' : 90})
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    *formats : strs
+        One or more figure formats to enable: 'png', 'retina', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf'.
+    **kwargs
+        Keyword args will be relayed to ``figure.canvas.print_figure``.
+    """
+    # build kwargs, starting with InlineBackend config
+    cfg = InlineBackend.instance()
+    kw = {}
+    kw.update(cfg.print_figure_kwargs)
+    kw.update(**kwargs)
+    shell = InteractiveShell.instance()
+    select_figure_formats(shell, formats, **kw)
+def set_matplotlib_close(close=True):
+    """Set whether the inline backend closes all figures automatically or not.
+    By default, the inline backend used in the IPython Notebook will close all
+    matplotlib figures automatically after each cell is run. This means that
+    plots in different cells won't interfere. Sometimes, you may want to make
+    a plot in one cell and then refine it in later cells. This can be accomplished
+    by::
+        In [1]: set_matplotlib_close(False)
+    To set this in your config files use the following::
+        c.InlineBackend.close_figures = False
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    close : bool
+        Should all matplotlib figures be automatically closed after each cell is
+        run?
+    """
+    cfg = InlineBackend.instance()
+    cfg.close_figures = close
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline/ b/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline/
index 608015aa77..c0f398069e 100644
--- a/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline/
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/matplotlib_inline/
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-"""Configurable for configuring the IPython inline backend 
-This module does not import anything from matplotlib. 
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. 
-# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License. 
-from traitlets.config.configurable import SingletonConfigurable 
-from traitlets import ( 
-    Dict, Instance, Set, Bool, TraitError, Unicode 
-# Configurable for inline backend options 
-def pil_available(): 
-    """Test if PIL/Pillow is available""" 
-    out = False 
-    try: 
-        from PIL import Image  # noqa 
-        out = True 
-    except ImportError: 
-        pass 
-    return out 
-# Inherit from InlineBackendConfig for deprecation purposes 
-class InlineBackendConfig(SingletonConfigurable): 
-    pass 
-class InlineBackend(InlineBackendConfig): 
-    """An object to store configuration of the inline backend.""" 
-    # The typical default figure size is too large for inline use, 
-    # so we shrink the figure size to 6x4, and tweak fonts to 
-    # make that fit. 
-    rc = Dict( 
-        { 
-            'figure.figsize': (6.0, 4.0), 
-            # play nicely with white background in the Qt and notebook frontend 
-            'figure.facecolor': (1, 1, 1, 0), 
-            'figure.edgecolor': (1, 1, 1, 0), 
-            # 12pt labels get cutoff on 6x4 logplots, so use 10pt. 
-            'font.size': 10, 
-            # 72 dpi matches SVG/qtconsole 
-            # this only affects PNG export, as SVG has no dpi setting 
-            'figure.dpi': 72, 
-            # 10pt still needs a little more room on the xlabel: 
-            'figure.subplot.bottom': .125 
-        }, 
-        help="""Subset of matplotlib rcParams that should be different for the 
-        inline backend.""" 
-    ).tag(config=True) 
-    figure_formats = Set( 
-        {'png'}, 
-        help="""A set of figure formats to enable: 'png', 
-                'retina', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf'.""").tag(config=True) 
-    def _update_figure_formatters(self): 
-        if is not None: 
-            from IPython.core.pylabtools import select_figure_formats 
-            select_figure_formats(, self.figure_formats, **self.print_figure_kwargs) 
-    def _figure_formats_changed(self, name, old, new): 
-        if 'jpg' in new or 'jpeg' in new: 
-            if not pil_available(): 
-                raise TraitError("Requires PIL/Pillow for JPG figures") 
-        self._update_figure_formatters() 
-    figure_format = Unicode(help="""The figure format to enable (deprecated 
-                                         use `figure_formats` instead)""").tag(config=True) 
-    def _figure_format_changed(self, name, old, new): 
-        if new: 
-            self.figure_formats = {new} 
-    print_figure_kwargs = Dict( 
-        {'bbox_inches': 'tight'}, 
-        help="""Extra kwargs to be passed to fig.canvas.print_figure. 
-        Logical examples include: bbox_inches, quality (for jpeg figures), etc. 
-        """ 
-    ).tag(config=True) 
-    _print_figure_kwargs_changed = _update_figure_formatters 
-    close_figures = Bool( 
-        True, 
-        help="""Close all figures at the end of each cell. 
-        When True, ensures that each cell starts with no active figures, but it 
-        also means that one must keep track of references in order to edit or 
-        redraw figures in subsequent cells. This mode is ideal for the notebook, 
-        where residual plots from other cells might be surprising. 
-        When False, one must call figure() to create new figures. This means 
-        that gcf() and getfigs() can reference figures created in other cells, 
-        and the active figure can continue to be edited with pylab/pyplot 
-        methods that reference the current active figure. This mode facilitates 
-        iterative editing of figures, and behaves most consistently with 
-        other matplotlib backends, but figure barriers between cells must 
-        be explicit. 
-        """).tag(config=True) 
-    shell = Instance('IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShellABC', 
-                     allow_none=True) 
+"""Configurable for configuring the IPython inline backend
+This module does not import anything from matplotlib.
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
+from traitlets.config.configurable import SingletonConfigurable
+from traitlets import (
+    Dict, Instance, Set, Bool, TraitError, Unicode
+# Configurable for inline backend options
+def pil_available():
+    """Test if PIL/Pillow is available"""
+    out = False
+    try:
+        from PIL import Image  # noqa
+        out = True
+    except ImportError:
+        pass
+    return out
+# Inherit from InlineBackendConfig for deprecation purposes
+class InlineBackendConfig(SingletonConfigurable):
+    pass
+class InlineBackend(InlineBackendConfig):
+    """An object to store configuration of the inline backend."""
+    # The typical default figure size is too large for inline use,
+    # so we shrink the figure size to 6x4, and tweak fonts to
+    # make that fit.
+    rc = Dict(
+        {
+            'figure.figsize': (6.0, 4.0),
+            # play nicely with white background in the Qt and notebook frontend
+            'figure.facecolor': (1, 1, 1, 0),
+            'figure.edgecolor': (1, 1, 1, 0),
+            # 12pt labels get cutoff on 6x4 logplots, so use 10pt.
+            'font.size': 10,
+            # 72 dpi matches SVG/qtconsole
+            # this only affects PNG export, as SVG has no dpi setting
+            'figure.dpi': 72,
+            # 10pt still needs a little more room on the xlabel:
+            'figure.subplot.bottom': .125
+        },
+        help="""Subset of matplotlib rcParams that should be different for the
+        inline backend."""
+    ).tag(config=True)
+    figure_formats = Set(
+        {'png'},
+        help="""A set of figure formats to enable: 'png',
+                'retina', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf'.""").tag(config=True)
+    def _update_figure_formatters(self):
+        if is not None:
+            from IPython.core.pylabtools import select_figure_formats
+            select_figure_formats(, self.figure_formats, **self.print_figure_kwargs)
+    def _figure_formats_changed(self, name, old, new):
+        if 'jpg' in new or 'jpeg' in new:
+            if not pil_available():
+                raise TraitError("Requires PIL/Pillow for JPG figures")
+        self._update_figure_formatters()
+    figure_format = Unicode(help="""The figure format to enable (deprecated
+                                         use `figure_formats` instead)""").tag(config=True)
+    def _figure_format_changed(self, name, old, new):
+        if new:
+            self.figure_formats = {new}
+    print_figure_kwargs = Dict(
+        {'bbox_inches': 'tight'},
+        help="""Extra kwargs to be passed to fig.canvas.print_figure.
+        Logical examples include: bbox_inches, quality (for jpeg figures), etc.
+        """
+    ).tag(config=True)
+    _print_figure_kwargs_changed = _update_figure_formatters
+    close_figures = Bool(
+        True,
+        help="""Close all figures at the end of each cell.
+        When True, ensures that each cell starts with no active figures, but it
+        also means that one must keep track of references in order to edit or
+        redraw figures in subsequent cells. This mode is ideal for the notebook,
+        where residual plots from other cells might be surprising.
+        When False, one must call figure() to create new figures. This means
+        that gcf() and getfigs() can reference figures created in other cells,
+        and the active figure can continue to be edited with pylab/pyplot
+        methods that reference the current active figure. This mode facilitates
+        iterative editing of figures, and behaves most consistently with
+        other matplotlib backends, but figure barriers between cells must
+        be explicit.
+        """).tag(config=True)
+    shell = Instance('IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShellABC',
+                     allow_none=True)
cgit v1.2.3