path: root/build/conf/go.conf
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* PROTO_SCHEMA() moduleiniklyaev2024-11-181-6/+6
| | | | commit_hash:3c9b927dbb3ddefcaa455eccb51ae1ded847c736
* Revert commit rXXXXXX,Extract Go lib version from yosvidyuk2024-11-071-1/+0
| | | | | | | Proper solution is implemented here: Heuristic searching of version from yo tool json file is not needed anymore. commit_hash:b1e84226e5379c4cfc5d2451d84c80502a795364
* More mod orderingvpozdyayev2024-10-171-9/+9
| | | | commit_hash:a6f9325e26045597decde41f1fe1a18707c1224f
* get rid of C_COMPILER_OLDsnermolaev2024-10-071-1/+1
| | | | commit_hash:2c10b6ba2852955f6d1815c507470b808466620c
* Revert commit rXXXXXX, Revert commit rXXXXXX,GO STRUCT_CMDiniklyaev2024-09-291-10/+11
| | | | commit_hash:220df0a4662e4668a98f50dbfab938b2c331ea41
* Revert commit rXXXXXX,GO STRUCT_CMDsnermolaev2024-09-251-11/+10
| | | | commit_hash:cabcffa40ef1631e94462aa7edbdd7969dfd645a
* Extract Go lib version from yosvidyuk2024-09-231-0/+1
| | | | commit_hash:5bdd87be839b02f013261505a6f5f2fb7fcfc1d4
* GO STRUCT_CMDiniklyaev2024-09-231-10/+11
| | | | commit_hash:54ae28efed1e5eb932ecade8472b8cf558f71f5b
* fix go_package_namesnermolaev2024-08-071-2/+2
| | | | 2a65a73857642ee364242333b3ebdbc907043d19
* Set MODULE_TAG for GEN_LIBRARY and filetr it out in gospreis2024-07-121-2/+2
| | | | d318318d42c0d05b3481e97cf3216683ca208165
* Use GLOBAL_SRCS to pass sbom informationsvidyuk2024-06-261-1/+2
| | | | 8b17a7d46ec1a950b59da80e66713dc21714248b
* fix whitespaces for C_COMPILER, CXX_COMPILER and others for new commandssnermolaev2024-05-131-1/+1
| | | | c781871db335669972c6a05caa74f31990dd1cbd
* stable codegeneration for mockgensnermolaev2024-04-251-5/+7
| | | | 99d405aa2847f46603cf55b123728101ff1b7d15
* yolint: enable riskyimports with configgzuykov2024-04-201-2/+2
| | | | | enable riskyimports with config 195d42df9f8bb1f686ac4a78d39b8be844df66ec
* do not consider BUILD_TYPE for GO module commands explicitlysnermolaev2024-04-131-1/+1
| | | | ffd1faf4812e419717a589f1e924fb848852490d
* Remove old go 1.21hiddenpath2024-04-101-3/+0
| | | | 293ba5bee758f97e4f202016a531f846e295f38d
* Update golang to 1.22.1hiddenpath2024-04-031-3/+10
| | | | 2967d19c907adf59101a1f47b4208bd0b04a6186
* Implement and test SBOM for GOsvidyuk2024-02-291-1/+2
| | | | 1ed1e1636bc019afe5518e10dc903ecb2aa6c18a
* Try to allow PEERDIR between resource librariesspreis2024-02-091-3/+3
* Get rid of go 1.20 supportthegeorg2024-01-251-3/+0
* Library import 7 (#937)AlexSm2024-01-111-7/+0
* Import libs 4 (#758)AlexSm2023-12-271-1/+1
* Add GO_MOCKGEN_CONTRIB_FROM macro to generate mockgens from contribssomov2023-12-131-1/+8
* (no commit message)pg2023-11-301-8/+2
* Add Python implementation of EXTRALIBStekireeva2023-11-271-3/+3
* Rename REQUIRE_DISCLOSURE license property into REQUIRE_DERIVATIVE_DISCLOSUREthegeorg2023-11-221-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `.0` and `.1` licenses require modifications to be disclosed, but do not limit derivative license schema. Introduce `REQUIRE_MODIFICATIONS_DISCLOSURE` license property (containing the abovementioned licenses only). These licenses read as follows: ``` 1.3. "Covered Software" means (a) the Original Software, or (b) Modifications, or (c) the combination of files containing Original Software with files containing Modifications, in each case including portions thereof. 3.1. Availability of Source Code. Any Covered Software that You distribute or otherwise make available in Executable form must also be made available in Source Code form and that Source Code form must be distributed only under the terms of this License. You must include a copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code form of the Covered Software You distribute or otherwise make available. 3.6. Larger Works. You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Software with other code not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Software.
* yolint for go1.21mixa1082023-11-171-1/+1
| | | | yolint for go1.21
* bump go ver 1.21.3mixa1082023-11-161-3/+6
| | | | | | | | | | bump go to 1.21.3 build go.conf Golang 1.20.6 -> 1.21.3 init Golang 1.20.6 -> 1.21.3: copy blame
* Try to isolate host platform for gospreis2023-11-151-11/+15
* "local" go vet tool uses same flags as "production" onebuglloc2023-11-141-1/+1
| | | | Иначе пипец неудобна)
* fix typosviknet2023-10-181-4/+4
* Use ALLOW_ONLY mode in default license restrictionsthegeorg2023-10-171-4/+4
* Restrict licenses in GO_PROGRAM / GO_DLL / GO_TEST by defaultthegeorg2023-10-111-0/+10
* Mandate LICENSE markup in vendor/thegeorg2023-10-111-1/+0
* go: migrate MOCKGEN macros to uber/mockgzuykov2023-09-271-4/+4
* go build: substitute a.yandex-team.ru/ for GO_ARCADIA_PROJECT_PREFIXsnermolaev2023-09-231-2/+2
* fix double -linkmode=externalsnermolaev2023-08-311-2/+3
* (no commit message)pg2023-08-301-2/+8
* Make libclang.rt_profile depends on sources againhiddenpath2023-08-221-4/+25
* Always initialize yatest lib for goiaz16072023-08-111-0/+2
| | | | | | @snermolaev предложил в тикете вынести инициализацию окружения в отдельный модуль и для каждого модуля импортировать его, чтобы не делать лишней работы. Но кажется, что при таком подходе, потом нужно будет либо повторно считывать и парсить контекстный файл, либо сохранять его контент внутри нового модуля и тоже заново парсить. Учитывая, что для инициализации переменных окружения нам все равно придется считать и распарсить контекстный файл, предлагаю оставить инициализацию как есть и вместе с переменными окружния, практически за бесплатно инициализировать весь контекст.
* GO_EMBED_BINDIR macrosnermolaev2023-08-101-4/+37
* move go and perl stuff to their own confs; update java.confsnermolaev2023-07-281-0/+946