diff options
2 files changed, 124 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/ydb/library/yql/parser/pg_query_wrapper/copy_src.py b/ydb/library/yql/parser/pg_query_wrapper/copy_src.py
index 41a844d3a4..1be7d3da07 100644
--- a/ydb/library/yql/parser/pg_query_wrapper/copy_src.py
+++ b/ydb/library/yql/parser/pg_query_wrapper/copy_src.py
@@ -3,21 +3,105 @@
import os
from shutil import Error, copy2, rmtree
+import subprocess
+all_vars = set()
+thread_funcs = []
+define_for_yylval = None
+skip_func = False
+def fix_line(line):
+ global define_for_yylval
+ if line.startswith("#define yylval"):
+ define_for_yylval=line[14:].strip()
+ global skip_func
+ if line.startswith("build_guc_variables(void)"):
+ skip_func = True
+ return line
+ if "ConfigureNames" in line and line.strip().endswith("[] ="):
+ skip_func = True
+ return line
+ if skip_func:
+ if line.startswith("{"):
+ return line
+ if not line.startswith("}"):
+ return None
+ skip_func=False
+ if line.startswith("#") or line.startswith(" ") or line.startswith("\t"):
+ return line
+ if not "=" in line:
+ if "(" in line or "{" in line or "}" in line:
+ return line
+ if ";" not in line:
+ return line
+ if line.startswith("YYSTYPE yylval;"):
+ line = line.replace("yylval", define_for_yylval)
+ norm = line.replace("\t"," ")
+ ret = None
+ found_v = None
+ for v in all_vars:
+ if " " + v + " " in norm or " " + v + ";" in norm:
+ found_v = v
+ if line.startswith("static"):
+ ret = "static __thread" + line[6:]
+ elif line.startswith("extern"):
+ ret = "extern __thread" + line[6:]
+ else:
+ ret = "__thread " + line
+ break
+ if ret is None:
+ return line
+ if "DLIST_STATIC_INIT" in ret:
+ # rewrite without {{}} inits
+ pos=ret.find("=");
+ ret=ret[:pos] + ";";
+ ret+="void "+found_v+"_init(void) { dlist_init(&" + found_v + "); }";
+ ret+="\n";
+ thread_funcs.append(found_v+"_init");
+ if "CurrentTransactionState" in ret:
+ # rewrite with address of TLS var
+ pos=ret.find("=");
+ init_val=ret[pos+1:];
+ ret=ret[:pos] + ";";
+ ret+="void "+found_v+"_init(void) { "+found_v+"="+init_val +" };"
+ ret+="\n";
+ thread_funcs.append(found_v+"_init");
+ return ret
def mycopy2(src, dst):
- if src.endswith("ya.make"):
+ global define_for_yylval
+ define_for_yylval = None
+ if not (src.endswith(".h") or src.endswith(".c")):
- else:
- copy2(src, dst)
+ with open(src,"r") as fsrc:
+ with open(dst,"w") as fdst:
+ for line in fsrc:
+ line = fix_line(line)
+ if line is not None:
+ fdst.write(line)
def copytree(src, dst):
names = os.listdir(src)
errors = []
for name in names:
+ if name == "help_config.c": continue
srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
- print(srcname)
+ #print(srcname)
if os.path.isdir(srcname):
copytree(srcname, dstname)
@@ -36,13 +120,45 @@ def make_sources_list():
for line in fsrc:
if " src/" in line:
- print(line.strip())
+ #print(line.strip())
+ if "/help_config.c" in line: continue
fdst.write(" postgresql/" + line.strip() + "\n")
+def get_vars():
+ s=subprocess.check_output("objdump ../../../../../contrib/libs/postgresql/libpostgres.a -tw",shell=True).decode("utf-8")
+ for a in s.replace("\t"," ").split("\n"):
+ for b in a.split(" "):
+ if b.startswith(".bss."): all_vars.add(b[5:])
+ elif b.startswith(".data."): all_vars.add(b[6:])
+ all_vars.remove("Dummy_trace")
+ all_vars.remove("backslash_quote")
+ all_vars.remove("sentinel") # rbtree.c
+ with open("vars.txt","w") as f:
+ for a in sorted(all_vars):
+ print(a, file=f)
+def write_thread_inits():
+ with open("thread_inits.c","w") as f:
+ print("#include \"thread_inits.h\"", file=f)
+ print("static __thread int pg_thread_init_flag;", file=f)
+ print("void pg_thread_init(void) {", file=f)
+ print(" if (pg_thread_init_flag) return;", file=f)
+ print(" pg_thread_init_flag=1;", file=f)
+ for a in sorted(thread_funcs):
+ print(" " + a + "();", file=f)
+ print("}", file=f)
+ with open("thread_inits.h","w") as f:
+ print("#pragma once", file=f)
+ print("extern void pg_thread_init();", file=f)
if __name__ == "__main__":
+ get_vars()
if os.path.isdir("postgresql"):
copytree("../../../../../contrib/libs/postgresql", "postgresql")
+ write_thread_inits()
diff --git a/ydb/library/yql/parser/pg_query_wrapper/copy_src.sh b/ydb/library/yql/parser/pg_query_wrapper/copy_src.sh
index c5c6cfd6ad..bb10d9ce0f 100755
--- a/ydb/library/yql/parser/pg_query_wrapper/copy_src.sh
+++ b/ydb/library/yql/parser/pg_query_wrapper/copy_src.sh
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
+rm -f ../../../../../contrib/libs/postgresql/libpostgres.a
+ya make ../../../../../contrib/libs/postgresql
python3 copy_src.py