path: root/util/generic/string.h
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /util/generic/string.h
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'util/generic/string.h')
1 files changed, 1287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/generic/string.h b/util/generic/string.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cd8aa6917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/generic/string.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1287 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <stlfwd>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <string_view>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+#include <util/system/atomic.h>
+#include "ptr.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+#include "bitops.h"
+#include "explicit_type.h"
+#include "reserve.h"
+#include "singleton.h"
+#include "strbase.h"
+#include "strbuf.h"
+#include "string_hash.h"
+#if defined(address_sanitizer_enabled) || defined(thread_sanitizer_enabled)
+ #include "hide_ptr.h"
+template <class TCharType, class TCharTraits, class TAllocator>
+void ResizeUninitialized(std::basic_string<TCharType, TCharTraits, TAllocator>& s, size_t len) {
+ s.resize_uninitialized(len);
+ s.resize(len);
+#define Y_NOEXCEPT
+template <class T>
+class TStringPtrOps {
+ static inline void Ref(T* t) noexcept {
+ if (t != T::NullStr()) {
+ t->Ref();
+ }
+ }
+ static inline void UnRef(T* t) noexcept {
+ if (t != T::NullStr()) {
+ t->UnRef();
+ }
+ }
+ static inline long RefCount(const T* t) noexcept {
+ if (t == T::NullStr()) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return t->RefCount();
+ }
+alignas(32) extern const char NULL_STRING_REPR[128];
+struct TRefCountHolder {
+ TAtomicCounter C = 1;
+template <class B>
+struct TStdString: public TRefCountHolder, public B {
+ template <typename... Args>
+ inline TStdString(Args&&... args)
+ : B(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
+ {
+ }
+ inline bool IsNull() const noexcept {
+ return this == NullStr();
+ }
+ static TStdString* NullStr() noexcept {
+ return (TStdString*)NULL_STRING_REPR;
+ #else
+ return Singleton<TStdString>();
+ #endif
+ }
+ friend TStringPtrOps<TStdString>;
+ inline void Ref() noexcept {
+ C.Inc();
+ }
+ inline void UnRef() noexcept {
+ if (C.Val() == 1 || C.Dec() == 0) {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ }
+ inline long RefCount() const noexcept {
+ return C.Val();
+ }
+template <class TStringType>
+class TBasicCharRef {
+ using TChar = typename TStringType::TChar;
+ TBasicCharRef(TStringType& s, size_t pos)
+ : S_(s)
+ , Pos_(pos)
+ {
+ }
+ operator TChar() const {
+ return S_.at(Pos_);
+ }
+ TChar* operator&() {
+ return S_.begin() + Pos_;
+ }
+ const TChar* operator&() const {
+ return S_.cbegin() + Pos_;
+ }
+ TBasicCharRef& operator=(TChar c) {
+ Y_ASSERT(Pos_ < S_.size() || (Pos_ == S_.size() && !c));
+ S_.Detach()[Pos_] = c;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicCharRef& operator=(const TBasicCharRef& other) {
+ return this->operator=(static_cast<TChar>(other));
+ }
+ /*
+ * WARN:
+ * Though references are copyable types according to the standard,
+ * the behavior of this explicit default specification is different from the one
+ * implemented by the assignment operator above.
+ *
+ * An attempt to explicitly delete it will break valid invocations like
+ * auto c = flag ? s[i] : s[j];
+ */
+ TBasicCharRef(const TBasicCharRef&) = default;
+ TStringType& S_;
+ size_t Pos_;
+template <typename TCharType, typename TTraits>
+class TBasicString: public TStringBase<TBasicString<TCharType, TTraits>, TCharType, TTraits> {
+ // TODO: Move to private section
+ using TBase = TStringBase<TBasicString, TCharType, TTraits>;
+ using TStringType = std::basic_string<TCharType, TTraits>;
+ using TStorage = TStringType;
+ using reference = typename TStorage::reference;
+ using TStdStr = TStdString<TStringType>;
+ using TStorage = TIntrusivePtr<TStdStr, TStringPtrOps<TStdStr>>;
+ using reference = TBasicCharRef<TBasicString>;
+ using char_type = TCharType; // TODO: DROP
+ using value_type = TCharType;
+ using traits_type = TTraits;
+ using iterator = TCharType*;
+ using reverse_iterator = typename TBase::template TReverseIteratorBase<iterator>;
+ using typename TBase::const_iterator;
+ using typename TBase::const_reference;
+ using typename TBase::const_reverse_iterator;
+ struct TUninitialized {
+ explicit TUninitialized(size_t size)
+ : Size(size)
+ {
+ }
+ size_t Size;
+ };
+ static size_t max_size() noexcept {
+ static size_t res = TStringType().max_size();
+ return res;
+ }
+ TStorage Storage_;
+ TStorage S_;
+ template <typename... A>
+ static TStorage Construct(A&&... a) {
+ return {new TStdStr(std::forward<A>(a)...), typename TStorage::TNoIncrement()};
+ }
+ static TStorage Construct() noexcept {
+ return TStdStr::NullStr();
+ }
+ TStdStr& StdStr() noexcept {
+ return *S_;
+ }
+ const TStdStr& StdStr() const noexcept {
+ return *S_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Makes a distinct copy of this string. `IsDetached()` is always true after this call.
+ *
+ * @throw std::length_error
+ */
+ void Clone() {
+ Construct(StdStr()).Swap(S_);
+ }
+ size_t RefCount() const noexcept {
+ return S_.RefCount();
+ }
+ inline const TStringType& ConstRef() const {
+ return Storage_;
+ return StdStr();
+ }
+ inline TStringType& MutRef() {
+ return Storage_;
+ Detach();
+ return StdStr();
+ }
+ inline const_reference operator[](size_t pos) const noexcept {
+ Y_ASSERT(pos <= length());
+ return this->data()[pos];
+ }
+ inline reference operator[](size_t pos) noexcept {
+ Y_ASSERT(pos <= length());
+ return Storage_[pos];
+ return reference(*this, pos);
+ }
+ using TBase::back;
+ inline reference back() noexcept {
+ Y_ASSERT(!this->empty());
+ return Storage_.back();
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(this->empty())) {
+ return reference(*this, 0);
+ }
+ return reference(*this, length() - 1);
+ }
+ using TBase::front;
+ inline reference front() noexcept {
+ Y_ASSERT(!this->empty());
+ return Storage_.front();
+ return reference(*this, 0);
+ }
+ inline size_t length() const noexcept {
+ return ConstRef().length();
+ }
+ inline const TCharType* data() const noexcept {
+ return ConstRef().data();
+ }
+ inline const TCharType* c_str() const noexcept {
+ return ConstRef().c_str();
+ }
+ // ~~~ STL compatible method to obtain data pointer ~~~
+ iterator begin() {
+ return &*MutRef().begin();
+ }
+ iterator vend() {
+ return &*MutRef().end();
+ }
+ reverse_iterator rbegin() {
+ return reverse_iterator(vend());
+ }
+ reverse_iterator rend() {
+ return reverse_iterator(begin());
+ }
+ using TBase::begin; //!< const_iterator TStringBase::begin() const
+ using TBase::cbegin; //!< const_iterator TStringBase::cbegin() const
+ using TBase::cend; //!< const_iterator TStringBase::cend() const
+ using TBase::crbegin; //!< const_reverse_iterator TStringBase::crbegin() const
+ using TBase::crend; //!< const_reverse_iterator TStringBase::crend() const
+ using TBase::end; //!< const_iterator TStringBase::end() const
+ using TBase::rbegin; //!< const_reverse_iterator TStringBase::rbegin() const
+ using TBase::rend; //!< const_reverse_iterator TStringBase::rend() const
+ inline size_t capacity() const noexcept {
+ return Storage_.capacity();
+ if (S_->IsNull()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return S_->capacity();
+ }
+ TCharType* Detach() {
+ return Storage_.data();
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(!IsDetached())) {
+ Clone();
+ }
+ return (TCharType*)S_->data();
+ }
+ bool IsDetached() const {
+ return true;
+ return 1 == RefCount();
+ }
+ // ~~~ Size and capacity ~~~
+ TBasicString& resize(size_t n, TCharType c = ' ') { // remove or append
+ MutRef().resize(n, c);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // ~~~ Constructor ~~~ : FAMILY0(,TBasicString)
+ TBasicString() noexcept
+ : S_(Construct())
+ {
+ }
+ inline explicit TBasicString(::NDetail::TReserveTag rt)
+ : S_(Construct())
+ {
+ reserve(rt.Capacity);
+ }
+ inline TBasicString(const TBasicString& s)
+ : Storage_(s.Storage_)
+ : S_(s.S_)
+ {
+ }
+ inline TBasicString(TBasicString&& s) noexcept
+ : Storage_(std::move(s.Storage_))
+ : S_(Construct())
+ {
+ s.swap(*this);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename A>
+ explicit inline TBasicString(const std::basic_string<TCharType, T, A>& s)
+ : TBasicString(s.data(), s.size())
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename A>
+ inline TBasicString(std::basic_string<TCharType, T, A>&& s)
+ : Storage_(std::move(s))
+ : S_(s.empty() ? Construct() : Construct(std::move(s)))
+ {
+ }
+ TBasicString(const TBasicString& s, size_t pos, size_t n) Y_NOEXCEPT
+ : Storage_(s.Storage_, pos, n)
+ : S_(n ? Construct(s, pos, n) : Construct())
+ {
+ }
+ TBasicString(const TCharType* pc)
+ : TBasicString(pc, TBase::StrLen(pc))
+ {
+ }
+ // TODO thegeorg@: uncomment and fix clients
+ // TBasicString(std::nullptr_t) = delete;
+ TBasicString(const TCharType* pc, size_t n)
+ : Storage_(pc, n)
+ : S_(n ? Construct(pc, n) : Construct())
+ {
+ }
+ TBasicString(std::nullptr_t, size_t) = delete;
+ TBasicString(const TCharType* pc, size_t pos, size_t n)
+ : TBasicString(pc + pos, n)
+ {
+ }
+ explicit TBasicString(TExplicitType<TCharType> c) {
+ Storage_.push_back(c);
+ }
+ explicit TBasicString(TExplicitType<TCharType> c)
+ : TBasicString(&c.Value(), 1)
+ {
+ }
+ explicit TBasicString(const reference& c)
+ : TBasicString(&c, 1)
+ {
+ }
+ TBasicString(size_t n, TCharType c)
+ : Storage_(n, c)
+ : S_(Construct(n, c))
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs an uninitialized string of size `uninitialized.Size`. The proper
+ * way to use this ctor is via `TBasicString::Uninitialized` factory function.
+ *
+ * @throw std::length_error
+ */
+ TBasicString(TUninitialized uninitialized) {
+#if !defined(TSTRING_IS_STD_STRING)
+ S_ = Construct();
+ ReserveAndResize(uninitialized.Size);
+ }
+ TBasicString(const TCharType* b, const TCharType* e)
+ : TBasicString(b, e - b)
+ {
+ }
+ explicit TBasicString(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s)
+ : TBasicString(s.data(), s.size())
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename Traits>
+ explicit inline TBasicString(const std::basic_string_view<TCharType, Traits>& s)
+ : TBasicString(s.data(), s.size())
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * WARN:
+ * Certain invocations of this method will result in link-time error.
+ * You are free to implement corresponding methods in string.cpp if you need them.
+ */
+ static TBasicString FromAscii(const ::TStringBuf& s) {
+ return TBasicString().AppendAscii(s);
+ }
+ static TBasicString FromUtf8(const ::TStringBuf& s) {
+ return TBasicString().AppendUtf8(s);
+ }
+ static TBasicString FromUtf16(const ::TWtringBuf& s) {
+ return TBasicString().AppendUtf16(s);
+ }
+ static TBasicString Uninitialized(size_t n) {
+ return TBasicString(TUninitialized(n));
+ }
+ template <typename... R>
+ static size_t SumLength(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s1, const R&... r) noexcept {
+ return s1.size() + SumLength(r...);
+ }
+ template <typename... R>
+ static size_t SumLength(const TCharType /*s1*/, const R&... r) noexcept {
+ return 1 + SumLength(r...);
+ }
+ static constexpr size_t SumLength() noexcept {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <typename... R>
+ static void CopyAll(TCharType* p, const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s, const R&... r) {
+ TTraits::copy(p, s.data(), s.size());
+ CopyAll(p + s.size(), r...);
+ }
+ template <typename... R, class TNextCharType, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<TCharType, TNextCharType>::value>>
+ static void CopyAll(TCharType* p, const TNextCharType s, const R&... r) {
+ p[0] = s;
+ CopyAll(p + 1, r...);
+ }
+ static void CopyAll(TCharType*) noexcept {
+ }
+ inline void clear() noexcept {
+ Storage_.clear();
+ if (IsDetached()) {
+ S_->clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ Construct().Swap(S_);
+ }
+ template <typename... R>
+ static inline TBasicString Join(const R&... r) {
+ TBasicString s{TUninitialized{SumLength(r...)}};
+ TBasicString::CopyAll((TCharType*)s.data(), r...);
+ return s;
+ }
+ // ~~~ Assignment ~~~ : FAMILY0(TBasicString&, assign);
+ TBasicString& assign(size_t size, TCharType ch) {
+ ReserveAndResize(size);
+ std::fill(begin(), vend(), ch);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& assign(const TBasicString& s) {
+ TBasicString(s).swap(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& assign(const TBasicString& s, size_t pos, size_t n) {
+ return assign(TBasicString(s, pos, n));
+ }
+ TBasicString& assign(const TCharType* pc) {
+ return assign(pc, TBase::StrLen(pc));
+ }
+ TBasicString& assign(TCharType ch) {
+ return assign(&ch, 1);
+ }
+ TBasicString& assign(const TCharType* pc, size_t len) {
+#if defined(address_sanitizer_enabled) || defined(thread_sanitizer_enabled)
+ pc = (const TCharType*)HidePointerOrigin((void*)pc);
+ if (IsDetached()) {
+ MutRef().assign(pc, len);
+ } else {
+ TBasicString(pc, len).swap(*this);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& assign(const TCharType* first, const TCharType* last) {
+ return assign(first, last - first);
+ }
+ TBasicString& assign(const TCharType* pc, size_t pos, size_t n) {
+ return assign(pc + pos, n);
+ }
+ TBasicString& assign(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s) {
+ return assign(s.data(), s.size());
+ }
+ TBasicString& assign(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s, size_t spos, size_t sn = TBase::npos) {
+ return assign(s.SubString(spos, sn));
+ }
+ inline TBasicString& AssignNoAlias(const TCharType* pc, size_t len) {
+ return assign(pc, len);
+ }
+ inline TBasicString& AssignNoAlias(const TCharType* b, const TCharType* e) {
+ return AssignNoAlias(b, e - b);
+ }
+ TBasicString& AssignNoAlias(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s) {
+ return AssignNoAlias(s.data(), s.size());
+ }
+ TBasicString& AssignNoAlias(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s, size_t spos, size_t sn = TBase::npos) {
+ return AssignNoAlias(s.SubString(spos, sn));
+ }
+ /**
+ * WARN:
+ * Certain invocations of this method will result in link-time error.
+ * You are free to implement corresponding methods in string.cpp if you need them.
+ */
+ auto AssignAscii(const ::TStringBuf& s) {
+ clear();
+ return AppendAscii(s);
+ }
+ auto AssignUtf8(const ::TStringBuf& s) {
+ clear();
+ return AppendUtf8(s);
+ }
+ auto AssignUtf16(const ::TWtringBuf& s) {
+ clear();
+ return AppendUtf16(s);
+ }
+ TBasicString& operator=(const TBasicString& s) {
+ return assign(s);
+ }
+ TBasicString& operator=(TBasicString&& s) noexcept {
+ swap(s);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename A>
+ TBasicString& operator=(std::basic_string<TCharType, T, A>&& s) noexcept {
+ TBasicString(std::move(s)).swap(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& operator=(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s) {
+ return assign(s);
+ }
+ TBasicString& operator=(std::initializer_list<TCharType> il) {
+ return assign(il.begin(), il.end());
+ }
+ TBasicString& operator=(const TCharType* s) {
+ return assign(s);
+ }
+ TBasicString& operator=(std::nullptr_t) = delete;
+ TBasicString& operator=(TExplicitType<TCharType> ch) {
+ return assign(ch);
+ }
+ inline void reserve(size_t len) {
+ MutRef().reserve(len);
+ }
+ // ~~~ Appending ~~~ : FAMILY0(TBasicString&, append);
+ inline TBasicString& append(size_t count, TCharType ch) {
+ MutRef().append(count, ch);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline TBasicString& append(const TBasicString& s) {
+ MutRef().append(s.ConstRef());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline TBasicString& append(const TBasicString& s, size_t pos, size_t n) {
+ MutRef().append(s.ConstRef(), pos, n);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline TBasicString& append(const TCharType* pc) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ MutRef().append(pc);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline TBasicString& append(TCharType c) {
+ MutRef().push_back(c);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline TBasicString& append(const TCharType* first, const TCharType* last) {
+ MutRef().append(first, last);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline TBasicString& append(const TCharType* pc, size_t len) {
+ MutRef().append(pc, len);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline void ReserveAndResize(size_t len) {
+ ::ResizeUninitialized(MutRef(), len);
+ }
+ TBasicString& AppendNoAlias(const TCharType* pc, size_t len) {
+ if (len) {
+ auto s = this->size();
+ ReserveAndResize(s + len);
+ memcpy(&*(begin() + s), pc, len * sizeof(*pc));
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& AppendNoAlias(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s) {
+ return AppendNoAlias(s.data(), s.size());
+ }
+ TBasicString& AppendNoAlias(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s, size_t spos, size_t sn = TBase::npos) {
+ return AppendNoAlias(s.SubString(spos, sn));
+ }
+ TBasicString& append(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s) {
+ return append(s.data(), s.size());
+ }
+ TBasicString& append(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s, size_t spos, size_t sn = TBase::npos) {
+ return append(s.SubString(spos, sn));
+ }
+ TBasicString& append(const TCharType* pc, size_t pos, size_t n, size_t pc_len = TBase::npos) {
+ return append(pc + pos, Min(n, pc_len - pos));
+ }
+ /**
+ * WARN:
+ * Certain invocations of this method will result in link-time error.
+ * You are free to implement corresponding methods in string.cpp if you need them.
+ */
+ TBasicString& AppendAscii(const ::TStringBuf& s);
+ TBasicString& AppendUtf8(const ::TStringBuf& s);
+ TBasicString& AppendUtf16(const ::TWtringBuf& s);
+ inline void push_back(TCharType c) {
+ // TODO
+ append(c);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ TBasicString& operator+=(const T& s) {
+ return append(s);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ friend TBasicString operator*(const TBasicString& s, T count) {
+ TBasicString result;
+ for (T i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ result += s;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ TBasicString& operator*=(T count) {
+ TBasicString temp;
+ for (T i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ temp += *this;
+ }
+ swap(temp);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ operator const TStringType&() const noexcept {
+ return this->ConstRef();
+ }
+ operator TStringType&() {
+ return this->MutRef();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Following overloads of "operator+" aim to choose the cheapest implementation depending on
+ * summand types: lvalues, detached rvalues, shared rvalues.
+ *
+ * General idea is to use the detached-rvalue argument (left of right) to store the result
+ * wherever possible. If a buffer in rvalue is large enough this saves a re-allocation. If
+ * both arguments are rvalues we check which one is detached. If both of them are detached then
+ * the left argument is obviously preferrable because you won't need to shift the data.
+ *
+ * If an rvalue is shared then it's basically the same as lvalue because you cannot use its
+ * buffer to store the sum. However, we rely on the fact that append() and prepend() are already
+ * optimized for the shared case and detach the string into the buffer large enough to store
+ * the sum (compared to the detach+reallocation). This way, if we have only one rvalue argument
+ * (left or right) then we simply append/prepend into it, without checking if it's detached or
+ * not. This will be checked inside ReserveAndResize anyway.
+ *
+ * If both arguments cannot be used to store the sum (e.g. two lvalues) then we fall back to the
+ * Join function that constructs a resulting string in the new buffer with the minimum overhead:
+ * malloc + memcpy + memcpy.
+ */
+ friend TBasicString operator+(TBasicString&& s1, const TBasicString& s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ s1 += s2;
+ return std::move(s1);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(const TBasicString& s1, TBasicString&& s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ s2.prepend(s1);
+ return std::move(s2);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(TBasicString&& s1, TBasicString&& s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+#if 0 && !defined(TSTRING_IS_STD_STRING)
+ if (!s1.IsDetached() && s2.IsDetached()) {
+ s2.prepend(s1);
+ return std::move(s2);
+ }
+ s1 += s2;
+ return std::move(s1);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(TBasicString&& s1, const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ s1 += s2;
+ return std::move(s1);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(TBasicString&& s1, const TCharType* s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ s1 += s2;
+ return std::move(s1);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(TBasicString&& s1, TCharType s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ s1 += s2;
+ return std::move(s1);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(TExplicitType<TCharType> ch, const TBasicString& s) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ return Join(TCharType(ch), s);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(const TBasicString& s1, const TBasicString& s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ return Join(s1, s2);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(const TBasicString& s1, const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ return Join(s1, s2);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(const TBasicString& s1, const TCharType* s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ return Join(s1, s2);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(const TBasicString& s1, TCharType s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ return Join(s1, TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits>(&s2, 1));
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(const TCharType* s1, TBasicString&& s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ s2.prepend(s1);
+ return std::move(s2);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s1, TBasicString&& s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ s2.prepend(s1);
+ return std::move(s2);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s1, const TBasicString& s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ return Join(s1, s2);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(const TCharType* s1, const TBasicString& s2) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ return Join(s1, s2);
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(std::basic_string<TCharType, TTraits> l, TBasicString r) {
+ return l + r.ConstRef();
+ }
+ friend TBasicString operator+(TBasicString l, std::basic_string<TCharType, TTraits> r) {
+ return l.ConstRef() + r;
+ }
+ // ~~~ Prepending ~~~ : FAMILY0(TBasicString&, prepend);
+ TBasicString& prepend(const TBasicString& s) {
+ MutRef().insert(0, s.ConstRef());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& prepend(const TBasicString& s, size_t pos, size_t n) {
+ MutRef().insert(0, s.ConstRef(), pos, n);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& prepend(const TCharType* pc) {
+ MutRef().insert(0, pc);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& prepend(size_t n, TCharType c) {
+ MutRef().insert(size_t(0), n, c);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& prepend(TCharType c) {
+ MutRef().insert(size_t(0), 1, c);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& prepend(const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s, size_t spos = 0, size_t sn = TBase::npos) {
+ return insert(0, s, spos, sn);
+ }
+ // ~~~ Insertion ~~~ : FAMILY1(TBasicString&, insert, size_t pos);
+ TBasicString& insert(size_t pos, const TBasicString& s) {
+ MutRef().insert(pos, s.ConstRef());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& insert(size_t pos, const TBasicString& s, size_t pos1, size_t n1) {
+ MutRef().insert(pos, s.ConstRef(), pos1, n1);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& insert(size_t pos, const TCharType* pc) {
+ MutRef().insert(pos, pc);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& insert(size_t pos, const TCharType* pc, size_t len) {
+ MutRef().insert(pos, pc, len);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& insert(const_iterator pos, const_iterator b, const_iterator e) {
+ Storage_.insert(Storage_.begin() + this->off(pos), b, e);
+ return *this;
+ return insert(this->off(pos), b, e - b);
+ }
+ TBasicString& insert(size_t pos, size_t n, TCharType c) {
+ MutRef().insert(pos, n, c);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& insert(const_iterator pos, size_t len, TCharType ch) {
+ return this->insert(this->off(pos), len, ch);
+ }
+ TBasicString& insert(const_iterator pos, TCharType ch) {
+ return this->insert(pos, 1, ch);
+ }
+ TBasicString& insert(size_t pos, const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s, size_t spos = 0, size_t sn = TBase::npos) {
+ MutRef().insert(pos, s, spos, sn);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // ~~~ Removing ~~~
+ TBasicString& remove(size_t pos, size_t n) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ if (pos < length()) {
+ MutRef().erase(pos, n);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& remove(size_t pos = 0) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ if (pos < length()) {
+ MutRef().erase(pos);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& erase(size_t pos = 0, size_t n = TBase::npos) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ MutRef().erase(pos, n);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& erase(const_iterator b, const_iterator e) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ return erase(this->off(b), e - b);
+ }
+ TBasicString& erase(const_iterator i) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ return erase(i, i + 1);
+ }
+ TBasicString& pop_back() Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ Y_ASSERT(!this->empty());
+ MutRef().pop_back();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // ~~~ replacement ~~~ : FAMILY2(TBasicString&, replace, size_t pos, size_t n);
+ TBasicString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const TBasicString& s) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ MutRef().replace(pos, n, s.ConstRef());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const TBasicString& s, size_t pos1, size_t n1) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ MutRef().replace(pos, n, s.ConstRef(), pos1, n1);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const TCharType* pc) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ MutRef().replace(pos, n, pc);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const TCharType* s, size_t len) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ MutRef().replace(pos, n, s, len);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const TCharType* s, size_t spos, size_t sn) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ MutRef().replace(pos, n, s + spos, sn - spos);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n1, size_t n2, TCharType c) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ MutRef().replace(pos, n1, n2, c);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBasicString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const TBasicStringBuf<TCharType, TTraits> s, size_t spos = 0, size_t sn = TBase::npos) Y_NOEXCEPT {
+ MutRef().replace(pos, n, s, spos, sn);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void swap(TBasicString& s) noexcept {
+ std::swap(Storage_, s.Storage_);
+ S_.Swap(s.S_);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @returns String suitable for debug printing (like Python's `repr()`).
+ * Format of the string is unspecified and may be changed over time.
+ */
+ TBasicString Quote() const {
+ extern TBasicString EscapeC(const TBasicString&);
+ return TBasicString() + '"' + EscapeC(*this) + '"';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Modifies the case of the string, depending on the operation.
+ * @return false if no changes have been made.
+ *
+ * @warning when the value_type is char, these methods will not work with non-ASCII letters.
+ */
+ bool to_lower(size_t pos = 0, size_t n = TBase::npos);
+ bool to_upper(size_t pos = 0, size_t n = TBase::npos);
+ bool to_title(size_t pos = 0, size_t n = TBase::npos);
+ /**
+ * Modifies the substring of length `n` starting from `pos`, applying `f` to each position and symbol.
+ *
+ * @return false if no changes have been made.
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ bool Transform(T&& f, size_t pos = 0, size_t n = TBase::npos) {
+ size_t len = length();
+ if (pos > len) {
+ pos = len;
+ }
+ if (n > len - pos) {
+ n = len - pos;
+ }
+ bool changed = false;
+ for (size_t i = pos; i != pos + n; ++i) {
+ auto c = f(i, Storage_[i]);
+ if (c != Storage_[i]) {
+ changed = true;
+ Storage_[i] = c;
+ }
+ auto c = f(i, data()[i]);
+ if (c != data()[i]) {
+ if (!changed) {
+ Detach();
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ begin()[i] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const TString&);
+std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, TString&);
+template <typename TCharType, typename TTraits>
+TBasicString<TCharType> to_lower(const TBasicString<TCharType, TTraits>& s) {
+ TBasicString<TCharType> ret(s);
+ ret.to_lower();
+ return ret;
+template <typename TCharType, typename TTraits>
+TBasicString<TCharType> to_upper(const TBasicString<TCharType, TTraits>& s) {
+ TBasicString<TCharType> ret(s);
+ ret.to_upper();
+ return ret;
+template <typename TCharType, typename TTraits>
+TBasicString<TCharType> to_title(const TBasicString<TCharType, TTraits>& s) {
+ TBasicString<TCharType> ret(s);
+ ret.to_title();
+ return ret;
+namespace std {
+ template <>
+ struct hash<TString> {
+ using argument_type = TString;
+ using result_type = size_t;
+ inline result_type operator()(argument_type const& s) const noexcept {
+ return NHashPrivate::ComputeStringHash(s.data(), s.size());
+ }
+ };
+#undef Y_NOEXCEPT
+template <class S>
+inline S LegacySubstr(const S& s, size_t pos, size_t n = S::npos) {
+ size_t len = s.length();
+ pos = Min(pos, len);
+ n = Min(n, len - pos);
+ return S(s, pos, n);
+template <typename S, typename... Args>
+inline S&& LegacyReplace(S&& s, size_t pos, Args&&... args) {
+ if (pos <= s.length()) {
+ s.replace(pos, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ return s;
+template <typename S, typename... Args>
+inline S&& LegacyErase(S&& s, size_t pos, Args&&... args) {
+ if (pos <= s.length()) {
+ s.erase(pos, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ return s;
+inline const char* LegacyStr(const char* s) noexcept {
+ return s ? s : "";
+// interop
+template <class TCharType, class TTraits>
+auto& MutRef(TBasicString<TCharType, TTraits>& s) {
+ return s.MutRef();
+template <class TCharType, class TTraits>
+const auto& ConstRef(const TBasicString<TCharType, TTraits>& s) noexcept {
+ return s.ConstRef();
+template <class TCharType, class TCharTraits, class TAllocator>
+auto& MutRef(std::basic_string<TCharType, TCharTraits, TAllocator>& s) noexcept {
+ return s;
+template <class TCharType, class TCharTraits, class TAllocator>
+const auto& ConstRef(const std::basic_string<TCharType, TCharTraits, TAllocator>& s) noexcept {
+ return s;
+template <class TCharType, class TTraits>
+void ResizeUninitialized(TBasicString<TCharType, TTraits>& s, size_t len) {
+ s.ReserveAndResize(len);