path: root/util/generic/strbase.h
diff options
authoraxc <axc@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:36 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:36 +0300
commit7b659037613268d5eac4a1b6a7c5eff3cd36d4bf (patch)
treec0748b5dcbade83af788c0abfa89c0383d6b779c /util/generic/strbase.h
parent1f5217043ad70f25dc35e75b3bd261a1e23d045e (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <axc@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'util/generic/strbase.h')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/util/generic/strbase.h b/util/generic/strbase.h
index 39becc9f93..ab39fc7537 100644
--- a/util/generic/strbase.h
+++ b/util/generic/strbase.h
@@ -251,49 +251,49 @@ public:
inline int compare(size_t p, size_t n, const TStringView t, size_t n1) const noexcept {
return compare(LegacySubString(*this, p, n), LegacySubString(t, 0, n1));
- }
+ }
inline int compare(const TCharType* p, size_t len) const noexcept {
return compare(*this, TStringView(p, len));
static bool equal(const TSelf& s1, const TSelf& s2) noexcept {
return s1.AsStringView() == s2.AsStringView();
- }
+ }
static bool equal(const TSelf& s1, const TCharType* p) noexcept {
if (p == nullptr) {
return s1.Len() == 0;
return s1.AsStringView() == p;
- }
+ }
static bool equal(const TCharType* p, const TSelf& s2) noexcept {
return equal(s2, p);
- }
+ }
static bool equal(const TStringView s1, const TStringView s2) noexcept {
return TStringViewWithTraits{s1.data(), s1.size()} == TStringViewWithTraits{s2.data(), s2.size()};
- }
+ }
template <class T>
inline bool equal(const T& t) const noexcept {
- return equal(*this, t);
+ return equal(*this, t);
inline bool equal(size_t p, size_t n, const TStringView t) const noexcept {
return equal(LegacySubString(*this, p, n), t);
- }
+ }
inline bool equal(size_t p, size_t n, const TStringView t, size_t p1, size_t n1) const noexcept {
return equal(LegacySubString(*this, p, n), LegacySubString(t, p1, n1));
- }
+ }
inline bool equal(size_t p, size_t n, const TStringView t, size_t n1) const noexcept {
return equal(LegacySubString(*this, p, n), LegacySubString(t, 0, n1));
- }
+ }
static inline bool StartsWith(const TCharType* what, size_t whatLen, const TCharType* with, size_t withLen) noexcept {
return withLen <= whatLen && TStringViewWithTraits(what, withLen) == TStringViewWithTraits(with, withLen);
@@ -341,12 +341,12 @@ public:
#ifndef __cpp_impl_three_way_comparison
friend bool operator==(const TCharType* pc, const TSelf& s) noexcept {
- return equal(pc, s);
+ return equal(pc, s);
template <typename TDerived2, typename TTraits2>
friend bool operator!=(const TSelf& s1, const TStringBase<TDerived2, TChar, TTraits2>& s2) noexcept {
- return !(s1 == s2);
+ return !(s1 == s2);
friend bool operator!=(const TSelf& s1, TStringView s2) noexcept {
@@ -354,11 +354,11 @@ public:
friend bool operator!=(const TSelf& s, const TCharType* pc) noexcept {
- return !(s == pc);
+ return !(s == pc);
friend bool operator!=(const TCharType* pc, const TSelf& s) noexcept {
- return !(pc == s);
+ return !(pc == s);