path: root/library/cpp
diff options
authormax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-07-29 00:02:16 +0300
committermax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-07-29 00:02:16 +0300
commit73b89de71748a21e102d27b9f3ed1bf658766cb5 (patch)
tree188bbd2d622fa91cdcbb1b6d6d77fbc84a0646f5 /library/cpp
parent528e321bcc2a2b67b53aeba58c3bd88305a141ee (diff)
YT-19210: expose YQL shared library for YT.
After this, a new target libyqlplugin.so appears. in open-source cmake build. Diff in open-source YDB repo looks like the following: https://paste.yandex-team.ru/f302bdb4-7ef2-4362-91c7-6ca45f329264
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp')
216 files changed, 21895 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
index 81a8d715c0..772027a342 100644
--- a/library/cpp/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
+++ b/library/cpp/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ add_subdirectory(retry)
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ add_subdirectory(threading)
diff --git a/library/cpp/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
index 5e6834dea1..cd50b0e3a4 100644
--- a/library/cpp/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
+++ b/library/cpp/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ add_subdirectory(retry)
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ add_subdirectory(threading)
diff --git a/library/cpp/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
index 81a8d715c0..772027a342 100644
--- a/library/cpp/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
+++ b/library/cpp/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ add_subdirectory(retry)
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ add_subdirectory(threading)
diff --git a/library/cpp/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
index 81a8d715c0..772027a342 100644
--- a/library/cpp/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
+++ b/library/cpp/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ add_subdirectory(retry)
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ add_subdirectory(threading)
diff --git a/library/cpp/containers/concurrent_hash/concurrent_hash.h b/library/cpp/containers/concurrent_hash/concurrent_hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f15a1c3d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/containers/concurrent_hash/concurrent_hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/system/spinlock.h>
+#include <array>
+template <typename K, typename V, size_t BucketCount = 64, typename L = TAdaptiveLock>
+class TConcurrentHashMap {
+ using TActualMap = THashMap<K, V>;
+ using TLock = L;
+ struct TBucket {
+ friend class TConcurrentHashMap;
+ private:
+ TActualMap Map;
+ mutable TLock Mutex;
+ public:
+ TLock& GetMutex() const {
+ return Mutex;
+ }
+ TActualMap& GetMap() {
+ return Map;
+ }
+ const TActualMap& GetMap() const {
+ return Map;
+ }
+ const V& GetUnsafe(const K& key) const {
+ typename TActualMap::const_iterator it = Map.find(key);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != Map.end(), "not found by key");
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ V& GetUnsafe(const K& key) {
+ typename TActualMap::iterator it = Map.find(key);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != Map.end(), "not found by key");
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ V RemoveUnsafe(const K& key) {
+ typename TActualMap::iterator it = Map.find(key);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != Map.end(), "removing non-existent key");
+ V r = std::move(it->second);
+ Map.erase(it);
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool HasUnsafe(const K& key) const {
+ typename TActualMap::const_iterator it = Map.find(key);
+ return (it != Map.end());
+ }
+ };
+ std::array<TBucket, BucketCount> Buckets;
+ TBucket& GetBucketForKey(const K& key) {
+ return Buckets[THash<K>()(key) % BucketCount];
+ }
+ const TBucket& GetBucketForKey(const K& key) const {
+ return Buckets[THash<K>()(key) % BucketCount];
+ }
+ void Insert(const K& key, const V& value) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ bucket.Map[key] = value;
+ }
+ void InsertUnique(const K& key, const V& value) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ if (!bucket.Map.insert(std::make_pair(key, value)).second) {
+ Y_FAIL("non-unique key");
+ }
+ }
+ V& InsertIfAbsent(const K& key, const V& value) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ return bucket.Map.insert(std::make_pair(key, value)).first->second;
+ }
+ template <typename Callable>
+ V& InsertIfAbsentWithInit(const K& key, Callable initFunc) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ if (bucket.HasUnsafe(key)) {
+ return bucket.GetUnsafe(key);
+ }
+ return bucket.Map.insert(std::make_pair(key, initFunc())).first->second;
+ }
+ V Get(const K& key) const {
+ const TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ return bucket.GetUnsafe(key);
+ }
+ bool Get(const K& key, V& result) const {
+ const TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ if (bucket.HasUnsafe(key)) {
+ result = bucket.GetUnsafe(key);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ V Remove(const K& key) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ return bucket.RemoveUnsafe(key);
+ }
+ bool Has(const K& key) const {
+ const TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ return bucket.HasUnsafe(key);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/backtrace.cpp b/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/backtrace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a955d07249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/backtrace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include "backtrace.h"
+#include <contrib/libs/backtrace/backtrace.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/system/type_name.h>
+#include <util/system/execpath.h>
+namespace NDwarf {
+ namespace {
+ struct TContext {
+ TCallback& Callback;
+ int Counter = 0;
+ TMaybe<TError> Error;
+ };
+ void HandleLibBacktraceError(void* data, const char* msg, int errnum) {
+ auto* context = reinterpret_cast<TContext*>(data);
+ context->Error = TError{.Code = errnum, .Message=msg};
+ }
+ int HandleLibBacktraceFrame(void* data, uintptr_t pc, const char* filename, int lineno, const char* function) {
+ auto* context = reinterpret_cast<TContext*>(data);
+ TLineInfo lineInfo{
+ .FileName = filename != nullptr ? filename : "???",
+ .Line = lineno,
+ .Col = 0, // libbacktrace doesn't provide column numbers, so fill this field with a dummy value.
+ .FunctionName = function != nullptr ? CppDemangle(function) : "???",
+ .Address = pc,
+ .Index = context->Counter++,
+ };
+ return static_cast<int>(context->Callback(lineInfo));
+ }
+ }
+ TMaybe<TError> ResolveBacktrace(TArrayRef<const void* const> backtrace, TCallback callback) {
+ TContext context{.Callback = callback};
+ // Intentionally never freed (see https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/contrib/libs/backtrace/backtrace.h?rev=6789902#L80).
+ static auto* state = backtrace_create_state(
+ GetPersistentExecPath().c_str(),
+ 1 /* threaded */,
+ HandleLibBacktraceError,
+ &context /* data for the error callback */
+ );
+ if (nullptr == state) {
+ static const auto initError = context.Error;
+ return initError;
+ }
+ for (const void* address : backtrace) {
+ int status = backtrace_pcinfo(
+ state,
+ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(address) - 1, // last byte of the call instruction
+ HandleLibBacktraceFrame,
+ HandleLibBacktraceError,
+ &context /* data for both callbacks */);
+ if (0 != status) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return context.Error;
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/backtrace.h b/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/backtrace.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62ec36dba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/backtrace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/array_ref.h>
+#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <functional>
+namespace NDwarf {
+ struct TLineInfo {
+ TString FileName;
+ int Line;
+ int Col;
+ TString FunctionName;
+ uintptr_t Address;
+ int Index;
+ };
+ struct TError {
+ int Code;
+ TString Message;
+ };
+ enum class EResolving {
+ Continue = 0,
+ Break = 1,
+ };
+ using TCallback = std::function<EResolving(const TLineInfo&)>;
+ // Resolves backtrace addresses and calls the callback for all line infos of inlined functions there.
+ // Stops execution if the callback returns `EResolving::Break`.
+ [[nodiscard]] TMaybe<TError> ResolveBacktrace(TArrayRef<const void* const> backtrace, TCallback callback);
diff --git a/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/ya.make b/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e955f9aa92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ backtrace.cpp
+ contrib/libs/backtrace
+ ut
+ )
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8d296df29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(library-cpp-skiff PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+target_sources(library-cpp-skiff PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/public.h
+ library/cpp/skiff/public.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0656a7bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(library-cpp-skiff PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+target_sources(library-cpp-skiff PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/public.h
+ library/cpp/skiff/public.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0656a7bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(library-cpp-skiff PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+target_sources(library-cpp-skiff PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/public.h
+ library/cpp/skiff/public.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8d296df29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(library-cpp-skiff PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+target_sources(library-cpp-skiff PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/skiff/public.h
+ library/cpp/skiff/public.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/public.h b/library/cpp/skiff/public.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d67c6f26ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/public.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+namespace NSkiff {
+enum class EWireType
+ Nothing /* "nothing" */,
+ Int8 /* "int8" */,
+ Int16 /* "int16" */,
+ Int32 /* "int32" */,
+ Int64 /* "int64" */,
+ Int128 /* "int128" */,
+ Uint8 /* "uint8" */,
+ Uint16 /* "uint16" */,
+ Uint32 /* "uint32" */,
+ Uint64 /* "uint64" */,
+ Uint128 /* "uint128" */,
+ Double /* "double" */,
+ Boolean /* "boolean" */,
+ String32 /* "string32" */,
+ Yson32 /* "yson32" */,
+ Tuple /* "tuple" */,
+ Variant8 /* "variant8" */,
+ Variant16 /* "variant16" */,
+ RepeatedVariant8 /* "repeated_variant8" */,
+ RepeatedVariant16 /* "repeated_variant16" */,
+class TSkiffSchema;
+using TSkiffSchemaPtr = std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>;
+using TSkiffSchemaList = std::vector<TSkiffSchemaPtr>;
+class TSimpleTypeSchema;
+using TSimpleTypeSchemaPtr = std::shared_ptr<TSimpleTypeSchema>;
+class TSkiffValidator;
+class TUncheckedSkiffParser;
+class TCheckedSkiffParser;
+class TUncheckedSkiffWriter;
+class TCheckedSkiffWriter;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+using TCheckedInDebugSkiffParser = TCheckedSkiffParser;
+using TCheckedInDebugSkiffWriter = TCheckedSkiffWriter;
+using TCheckedInDebugSkiffParser = TUncheckedSkiffParser;
+using TCheckedInDebugSkiffWriter = TUncheckedSkiffWriter;
+} // namespace NSkiff
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/skiff-inl.h b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3f68a9374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SKIFF_H
+#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include skiff.h"
+// For the sake of sane code completion.
+#include "skiff.h"
+#undef SKIFF_H
+namespace NSkiff {
+template <EWireType wireType>
+constexpr auto TUnderlyingIntegerType<wireType>::F() {
+ if constexpr (wireType == EWireType::Int8) {
+ return i8{};
+ } else if constexpr (wireType == EWireType::Int16) {
+ return i16{};
+ } else if constexpr (wireType == EWireType::Int32) {
+ return i32{};
+ } else if constexpr (wireType == EWireType::Int64) {
+ return i64{};
+ } else if constexpr (wireType == EWireType::Uint8) {
+ return ui8{};
+ } else if constexpr (wireType == EWireType::Uint16) {
+ return ui16{};
+ } else if constexpr (wireType == EWireType::Uint32) {
+ return ui32{};
+ } else if constexpr (wireType == EWireType::Uint64) {
+ return ui64{};
+ } else {
+ static_assert(wireType == EWireType::Int8, "expected integer wire type");
+ }
+} // namespace NSkiff
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.cpp b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbdbdfe364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+#include "skiff.h"
+#include "skiff_validator.h"
+#include <util/stream/buffered.h>
+#include <util/system/byteorder.h>
+#include <util/system/unaligned_mem.h>
+namespace NSkiff {
+bool operator==(TInt128 lhs, TInt128 rhs)
+ return lhs.Low == rhs.Low && lhs.High == rhs.High;
+bool operator!=(TInt128 lhs, TInt128 rhs)
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+bool operator==(TUint128 lhs, TUint128 rhs)
+ return lhs.Low == rhs.Low && lhs.High == rhs.High;
+bool operator!=(TUint128 lhs, TUint128 rhs)
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+TUncheckedSkiffParser::TUncheckedSkiffParser(IZeroCopyInput* underlying)
+ : Underlying_(underlying)
+ , Buffer_(512 * 1024)
+{ }
+TUncheckedSkiffParser::TUncheckedSkiffParser(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& /*schema*/, IZeroCopyInput* underlying)
+ : TUncheckedSkiffParser(underlying)
+{ }
+i8 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt8()
+ return ParseSimple<i8>();
+i16 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt16()
+ return ParseSimple<i16>();
+i32 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt32()
+ return ParseSimple<i32>();
+i64 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt64()
+ return ParseSimple<i64>();
+ui8 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint8()
+ return ParseSimple<ui8>();
+ui16 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint16()
+ return ParseSimple<ui16>();
+ui32 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint32()
+ return ParseSimple<ui32>();
+ui64 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint64()
+ return ParseSimple<ui64>();
+TInt128 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt128()
+ auto low = ParseSimple<ui64>();
+ auto high = ParseSimple<i64>();
+ return {low, high};
+TUint128 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint128()
+ auto low = ParseSimple<ui64>();
+ auto high = ParseSimple<ui64>();
+ return {low, high};
+double TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseDouble()
+ return ParseSimple<double>();
+bool TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseBoolean()
+ ui8 result = ParseSimple<ui8>();
+ if (result > 1) {
+ ythrow TSkiffException() << "Invalid boolean value \"" << result << "\"";
+ }
+ return result;
+TStringBuf TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseString32()
+ ui32 len = ParseSimple<ui32>();
+ const void* data = GetData(len);
+ return TStringBuf(static_cast<const char*>(data), len);
+TStringBuf TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseYson32()
+ return ParseString32();
+ui8 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseVariant8Tag()
+ return ParseSimple<ui8>();
+ui16 TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseVariant16Tag()
+ return ParseSimple<ui16>();
+template <typename T>
+T TUncheckedSkiffParser::ParseSimple()
+ return ReadUnaligned<T>(GetData(sizeof(T)));
+const void* TUncheckedSkiffParser::GetData(size_t size)
+ if (RemainingBytes() >= size) {
+ const void* result = Position_;
+ Advance(size);
+ return result;
+ }
+ return GetDataViaBuffer(size);
+const void* TUncheckedSkiffParser::GetDataViaBuffer(size_t size)
+ Buffer_.Clear();
+ Buffer_.Reserve(size);
+ while (Buffer_.Size() < size) {
+ size_t toCopy = Min(size - Buffer_.Size(), RemainingBytes());
+ Buffer_.Append(Position_, toCopy);
+ Advance(toCopy);
+ if (RemainingBytes() == 0) {
+ RefillBuffer();
+ if (Exhausted_ && Buffer_.Size() < size) {
+ ythrow TSkiffException() << "Premature end of stream while parsing Skiff";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Buffer_.Data();
+size_t TUncheckedSkiffParser::RemainingBytes() const
+ Y_ASSERT(End_ >= Position_);
+ return End_ - Position_;
+void TUncheckedSkiffParser::Advance(size_t size)
+ Y_ASSERT(size <= RemainingBytes());
+ Position_ += size;
+ ReadBytesCount_ += size;
+void TUncheckedSkiffParser::RefillBuffer()
+ size_t bufferSize = Underlying_->Next(&Position_);
+ End_ = Position_ + bufferSize;
+ if (bufferSize == 0) {
+ Exhausted_ = true;
+ }
+bool TUncheckedSkiffParser::HasMoreData()
+ if (RemainingBytes() == 0 && !Exhausted_) {
+ RefillBuffer();
+ }
+ return !(RemainingBytes() == 0 && Exhausted_);
+void TUncheckedSkiffParser::ValidateFinished()
+{ }
+ui64 TUncheckedSkiffParser::GetReadBytesCount() const
+ return ReadBytesCount_;
+TCheckedSkiffParser::TCheckedSkiffParser(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema, IZeroCopyInput* stream)
+ : Parser_(stream)
+ , Validator_(std::make_unique<TSkiffValidator>(schema))
+{ }
+TCheckedSkiffParser::~TCheckedSkiffParser() = default;
+i8 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt8()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int8);
+ return Parser_.ParseInt8();
+i16 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt16()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int16);
+ return Parser_.ParseInt16();
+i32 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt32()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int32);
+ return Parser_.ParseInt32();
+i64 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt64()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int64);
+ return Parser_.ParseInt64();
+ui8 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint8()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint8);
+ return Parser_.ParseUint8();
+ui16 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint16()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint16);
+ return Parser_.ParseUint16();
+ui32 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint32()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint32);
+ return Parser_.ParseUint32();
+ui64 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint64()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint64);
+ return Parser_.ParseUint64();
+TInt128 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseInt128()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int128);
+ return Parser_.ParseInt128();
+TUint128 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseUint128()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint128);
+ return Parser_.ParseUint128();
+double TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseDouble()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Double);
+ return Parser_.ParseDouble();
+bool TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseBoolean()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Boolean);
+ return Parser_.ParseBoolean();
+TStringBuf TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseString32()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::String32);
+ return Parser_.ParseString32();
+TStringBuf TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseYson32()
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Yson32);
+ return Parser_.ParseYson32();
+ui8 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseVariant8Tag()
+ Validator_->BeforeVariant8Tag();
+ auto result = Parser_.ParseVariant8Tag();
+ Validator_->OnVariant8Tag(result);
+ return result;
+ui16 TCheckedSkiffParser::ParseVariant16Tag()
+ Validator_->BeforeVariant16Tag();
+ auto result = Parser_.ParseVariant16Tag();
+ Validator_->OnVariant16Tag(result);
+ return result;
+bool TCheckedSkiffParser::HasMoreData()
+ return Parser_.HasMoreData();
+void TCheckedSkiffParser::ValidateFinished()
+ Validator_->ValidateFinished();
+ Parser_.ValidateFinished();
+ui64 TCheckedSkiffParser::GetReadBytesCount() const
+ return Parser_.GetReadBytesCount();
+TUncheckedSkiffWriter::TUncheckedSkiffWriter(IZeroCopyOutput* underlying)
+ : Underlying_(underlying)
+{ }
+TUncheckedSkiffWriter::TUncheckedSkiffWriter(IOutputStream* underlying)
+ : BufferedOutput_(MakeHolder<TBufferedOutput>(underlying))
+ , Underlying_(BufferedOutput_.Get())
+{ }
+TUncheckedSkiffWriter::TUncheckedSkiffWriter(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& /*schema*/, IZeroCopyOutput* underlying)
+ : TUncheckedSkiffWriter(underlying)
+{ }
+TUncheckedSkiffWriter::TUncheckedSkiffWriter(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& /*schema*/, IOutputStream* underlying)
+ : TUncheckedSkiffWriter(underlying)
+{ }
+ try {
+ Flush();
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt8(i8 value)
+ WriteSimple<i8>(value);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt16(i16 value)
+ WriteSimple<i16>(value);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt32(i32 value)
+ WriteSimple<i32>(value);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt64(i64 value)
+ WriteSimple<i64>(value);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt128(TInt128 value)
+ WriteSimple<ui64>(value.Low);
+ WriteSimple<i64>(value.High);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint128(TUint128 value)
+ WriteSimple<ui64>(value.Low);
+ WriteSimple<ui64>(value.High);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint8(ui8 value)
+ WriteSimple<ui8>(value);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint16(ui16 value)
+ WriteSimple<ui16>(value);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint32(ui32 value)
+ WriteSimple<ui32>(value);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint64(ui64 value)
+ WriteSimple<ui64>(value);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteDouble(double value)
+ return WriteSimple<double>(value);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteBoolean(bool value)
+ return WriteSimple<ui8>(value ? 1 : 0);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteString32(TStringBuf value)
+ WriteSimple<ui32>(value.size());
+ Underlying_.Write(value.data(), value.size());
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteYson32(TStringBuf value)
+ WriteSimple<ui32>(value.size());
+ Underlying_.Write(value.data(), value.size());
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteVariant8Tag(ui8 tag)
+ WriteSimple<ui8>(tag);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteVariant16Tag(ui16 tag)
+ WriteSimple<ui16>(tag);
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::Flush()
+ Underlying_.UndoRemaining();
+ if (BufferedOutput_) {
+ BufferedOutput_->Flush();
+ }
+template <typename T>
+Y_FORCE_INLINE void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::WriteSimple(T value)
+ if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>) {
+ value = HostToLittle(value);
+ Underlying_.Write(&value, sizeof(T));
+ } else {
+ Underlying_.Write(&value, sizeof(T));
+ }
+void TUncheckedSkiffWriter::Finish()
+ Flush();
+TCheckedSkiffWriter::TCheckedSkiffWriter(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema, IZeroCopyOutput* underlying)
+ : Writer_(underlying)
+ , Validator_(std::make_unique<TSkiffValidator>(schema))
+{ }
+TCheckedSkiffWriter::TCheckedSkiffWriter(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema, IOutputStream* underlying)
+ : Writer_(underlying)
+ , Validator_(std::make_unique<TSkiffValidator>(schema))
+{ }
+TCheckedSkiffWriter::~TCheckedSkiffWriter() = default;
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteDouble(double value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Double);
+ Writer_.WriteDouble(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteBoolean(bool value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Boolean);
+ Writer_.WriteBoolean(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt8(i8 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int8);
+ Writer_.WriteInt8(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt16(i16 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int16);
+ Writer_.WriteInt16(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt32(i32 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int32);
+ Writer_.WriteInt32(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt64(i64 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int64);
+ Writer_.WriteInt64(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint8(ui8 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint8);
+ Writer_.WriteUint8(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint16(ui16 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint16);
+ Writer_.WriteUint16(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint32(ui32 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint32);
+ Writer_.WriteUint32(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint64(ui64 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint64);
+ Writer_.WriteUint64(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteInt128(TInt128 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Int128);
+ Writer_.WriteInt128(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteUint128(TUint128 value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Uint128);
+ Writer_.WriteUint128(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteString32(TStringBuf value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::String32);
+ Writer_.WriteString32(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteYson32(TStringBuf value)
+ Validator_->OnSimpleType(EWireType::Yson32);
+ Writer_.WriteYson32(value);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteVariant8Tag(ui8 tag)
+ Validator_->OnVariant8Tag(tag);
+ Writer_.WriteVariant8Tag(tag);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::WriteVariant16Tag(ui16 tag)
+ Validator_->OnVariant16Tag(tag);
+ Writer_.WriteVariant16Tag(tag);
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::Flush()
+ Writer_.Flush();
+void TCheckedSkiffWriter::Finish()
+ Validator_->ValidateFinished();
+ Writer_.Finish();
+} // namespace NSkiff
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.h b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..183c112700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "public.h"
+#include "zerocopy_output_writer.h"
+#include <util/generic/buffer.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/stream/input.h>
+#include <util/stream/output.h>
+namespace NSkiff {
+class TSkiffException
+ : public yexception
+{ };
+template <typename T>
+constexpr T EndOfSequenceTag()
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value, "T must be unsigned integer");
+ return T(-1);
+struct TInt128
+ ui64 Low = 0;
+ i64 High = 0;
+struct TUint128
+ ui64 Low = 0;
+ ui64 High = 0;
+bool operator==(TInt128 lhs, TInt128 rhs);
+bool operator!=(TInt128 lhs, TInt128 rhs);
+bool operator==(TUint128 lhs, TUint128 rhs);
+bool operator!=(TUint128 lhs, TUint128 rhs);
+class TUncheckedSkiffParser
+ explicit TUncheckedSkiffParser(IZeroCopyInput* stream);
+ TUncheckedSkiffParser(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema, IZeroCopyInput* stream);
+ i8 ParseInt8();
+ i16 ParseInt16();
+ i32 ParseInt32();
+ i64 ParseInt64();
+ ui8 ParseUint8();
+ ui16 ParseUint16();
+ ui32 ParseUint32();
+ ui64 ParseUint64();
+ TInt128 ParseInt128();
+ TUint128 ParseUint128();
+ double ParseDouble();
+ bool ParseBoolean();
+ TStringBuf ParseString32();
+ TStringBuf ParseYson32();
+ ui8 ParseVariant8Tag();
+ ui16 ParseVariant16Tag();
+ bool HasMoreData();
+ void ValidateFinished();
+ ui64 GetReadBytesCount() const;
+ const void* GetData(size_t size);
+ const void* GetDataViaBuffer(size_t size);
+ size_t RemainingBytes() const;
+ void Advance(size_t size);
+ void RefillBuffer();
+ template <typename T>
+ T ParseSimple();
+ IZeroCopyInput* const Underlying_;
+ TBuffer Buffer_;
+ ui64 ReadBytesCount_ = 0;
+ char* Position_ = nullptr;
+ char* End_ = nullptr;
+ bool Exhausted_ = false;
+class TCheckedSkiffParser
+ TCheckedSkiffParser(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema, IZeroCopyInput* stream);
+ ~TCheckedSkiffParser();
+ i8 ParseInt8();
+ i16 ParseInt16();
+ i32 ParseInt32();
+ i64 ParseInt64();
+ ui8 ParseUint8();
+ ui16 ParseUint16();
+ ui32 ParseUint32();
+ ui64 ParseUint64();
+ TInt128 ParseInt128();
+ TUint128 ParseUint128();
+ double ParseDouble();
+ bool ParseBoolean();
+ TStringBuf ParseString32();
+ TStringBuf ParseYson32();
+ ui8 ParseVariant8Tag();
+ ui16 ParseVariant16Tag();
+ bool HasMoreData();
+ void ValidateFinished();
+ ui64 GetReadBytesCount() const;
+ TUncheckedSkiffParser Parser_;
+ std::unique_ptr<TSkiffValidator> Validator_;
+class TUncheckedSkiffWriter
+ explicit TUncheckedSkiffWriter(IZeroCopyOutput* underlying);
+ explicit TUncheckedSkiffWriter(IOutputStream* underlying);
+ TUncheckedSkiffWriter(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema, IZeroCopyOutput* underlying);
+ TUncheckedSkiffWriter(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema, IOutputStream* underlying);
+ ~TUncheckedSkiffWriter();
+ void WriteDouble(double value);
+ void WriteBoolean(bool value);
+ void WriteInt8(i8 value);
+ void WriteInt16(i16 value);
+ void WriteInt32(i32 value);
+ void WriteInt64(i64 value);
+ void WriteUint8(ui8 value);
+ void WriteUint16(ui16 value);
+ void WriteUint32(ui32 value);
+ void WriteUint64(ui64 value);
+ void WriteInt128(TInt128 value);
+ void WriteUint128(TUint128 value);
+ void WriteString32(TStringBuf value);
+ void WriteYson32(TStringBuf value);
+ void WriteVariant8Tag(ui8 tag);
+ void WriteVariant16Tag(ui16 tag);
+ void Flush();
+ void Finish();
+ template <typename T>
+ void WriteSimple(T data);
+ THolder<TBufferedOutput> BufferedOutput_;
+ TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter Underlying_;
+class TCheckedSkiffWriter
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema, IZeroCopyOutput* underlying);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema, IOutputStream* underlying);
+ ~TCheckedSkiffWriter();
+ void WriteInt8(i8 value);
+ void WriteInt16(i16 value);
+ void WriteInt32(i32 value);
+ void WriteInt64(i64 value);
+ void WriteUint8(ui8 value);
+ void WriteUint16(ui16 value);
+ void WriteUint32(ui32 value);
+ void WriteUint64(ui64 value);
+ void WriteDouble(double value);
+ void WriteBoolean(bool value);
+ void WriteInt128(TInt128 value);
+ void WriteUint128(TUint128 value);
+ void WriteString32(TStringBuf value);
+ void WriteYson32(TStringBuf value);
+ void WriteVariant8Tag(ui8 tag);
+ void WriteVariant16Tag(ui16 tag);
+ void Flush();
+ void Finish();
+ TUncheckedSkiffWriter Writer_;
+ std::unique_ptr<TSkiffValidator> Validator_;
+template <EWireType wireType>
+class TUnderlyingIntegerType {
+ TUnderlyingIntegerType() = default;
+ static constexpr auto F();
+ using TValue = decltype(TUnderlyingIntegerType::F());
+} // namespace NSkiff
+#define SKIFF_H
+#include "skiff-inl.h"
+#undef SKIFF_H
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema-inl.h b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d66325b222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#pragma once
+#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include skiff_schema.h"
+// For the sake of sane code completion.
+#include "skiff_schema.h"
+namespace NSkiff {
+inline bool IsSimpleType(EWireType type)
+ switch (type) {
+ case EWireType::Int8:
+ case EWireType::Int16:
+ case EWireType::Int32:
+ case EWireType::Int64:
+ case EWireType::Int128:
+ case EWireType::Uint8:
+ case EWireType::Uint16:
+ case EWireType::Uint32:
+ case EWireType::Uint64:
+ case EWireType::Uint128:
+ case EWireType::Double:
+ case EWireType::Boolean:
+ case EWireType::String32:
+ case EWireType::Yson32:
+ case EWireType::Nothing:
+ return true;
+ case EWireType::Tuple:
+ case EWireType::Variant8:
+ case EWireType::Variant16:
+ case EWireType::RepeatedVariant8:
+ case EWireType::RepeatedVariant16:
+ return false;
+ }
+ Y_FAIL();
+template <EWireType WireType>
+TComplexSchema<WireType>::TComplexSchema(TSkiffSchemaList elements)
+ : TSkiffSchema(WireType)
+ , Elements_(std::move(elements))
+{ }
+template <EWireType WireType>
+const TSkiffSchemaList& TComplexSchema<WireType>::GetChildren() const
+ return Elements_;
+} // namespace NSkiff
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.cpp b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c762896ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#include "skiff_schema.h"
+#include "skiff.h"
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+namespace NSkiff {
+bool operator==(const TSkiffSchema& lhs, const TSkiffSchema& rhs)
+ if (lhs.GetWireType() != rhs.GetWireType() || lhs.GetName() != rhs.GetName()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const auto& lhsChildren = lhs.GetChildren();
+ const auto& rhsChildren = rhs.GetChildren();
+ return std::equal(
+ std::begin(lhsChildren),
+ std::end(lhsChildren),
+ std::begin(rhsChildren),
+ std::end(rhsChildren),
+ TSkiffSchemaPtrEqual());
+bool operator!=(const TSkiffSchema& lhs, const TSkiffSchema& rhs)
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+void PrintShortDebugString(const std::shared_ptr<const TSkiffSchema>& schema, IOutputStream* out)
+ (*out) << ToString(schema->GetWireType());
+ if (!IsSimpleType(schema->GetWireType())) {
+ auto children = schema->GetChildren();
+ if (!children.empty()) {
+ (*out) << '<';
+ for (const auto& child : children) {
+ PrintShortDebugString(child, out);
+ (*out) << ';';
+ }
+ (*out) << '>';
+ }
+ }
+TString GetShortDebugString(const std::shared_ptr<const TSkiffSchema>& schema)
+ TStringStream out;
+ PrintShortDebugString(schema, &out);
+ return out.Str();
+std::shared_ptr<TSimpleTypeSchema> CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType type)
+ return std::make_shared<TSimpleTypeSchema>(type);
+static void VerifyNonemptyChildren(const TSkiffSchemaList& children, EWireType wireType)
+ if (children.empty()) {
+ ythrow TSkiffException() << "\"" << ToString(wireType) << "\" must have at least one child";
+ }
+std::shared_ptr<TTupleSchema> CreateTupleSchema(TSkiffSchemaList children)
+ return std::make_shared<TTupleSchema>(std::move(children));
+std::shared_ptr<TVariant8Schema> CreateVariant8Schema(TSkiffSchemaList children)
+ VerifyNonemptyChildren(children, EWireType::Variant8);
+ return std::make_shared<TVariant8Schema>(std::move(children));
+std::shared_ptr<TVariant16Schema> CreateVariant16Schema(TSkiffSchemaList children)
+ VerifyNonemptyChildren(children, EWireType::Variant16);
+ return std::make_shared<TVariant16Schema>(std::move(children));
+std::shared_ptr<TRepeatedVariant8Schema> CreateRepeatedVariant8Schema(TSkiffSchemaList children)
+ VerifyNonemptyChildren(children, EWireType::RepeatedVariant8);
+ return std::make_shared<TRepeatedVariant8Schema>(std::move(children));
+std::shared_ptr<TRepeatedVariant16Schema> CreateRepeatedVariant16Schema(TSkiffSchemaList children)
+ VerifyNonemptyChildren(children, EWireType::RepeatedVariant16);
+ return std::make_shared<TRepeatedVariant16Schema>(std::move(children));
+TSkiffSchema::TSkiffSchema(EWireType type)
+ : Type_(type)
+{ }
+EWireType TSkiffSchema::GetWireType() const
+ return Type_;
+std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema> TSkiffSchema::SetName(TString name)
+ Name_ = std::move(name);
+ return shared_from_this();
+const TString& TSkiffSchema::GetName() const
+ return Name_;
+const TSkiffSchemaList& TSkiffSchema::GetChildren() const
+ static const TSkiffSchemaList children;
+ return children;
+TSimpleTypeSchema::TSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType type)
+ : TSkiffSchema(type)
+ Y_VERIFY(IsSimpleType(type));
+size_t TSkiffSchemaPtrHasher::operator()(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema) const
+ return THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema);
+size_t TSkiffSchemaPtrEqual::operator()(
+ const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& lhs,
+ const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& rhs) const
+ return *lhs == *rhs;
+} // namespace NSkiff
+size_t THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>::operator()(const NSkiff::TSkiffSchema &schema) const
+ auto hash = CombineHashes(
+ THash<TString>()(schema.GetName()),
+ static_cast<size_t>(schema.GetWireType()));
+ for (const auto& child : schema.GetChildren()) {
+ hash = CombineHashes(hash, (*this)(*child));
+ }
+ return hash;
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.h b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8952a84bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "public.h"
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace NSkiff {
+template <EWireType WireType>
+class TComplexSchema;
+using TTupleSchema = TComplexSchema<EWireType::Tuple>;
+using TVariant8Schema = TComplexSchema<EWireType::Variant8>;
+using TVariant16Schema = TComplexSchema<EWireType::Variant16>;
+using TRepeatedVariant8Schema = TComplexSchema<EWireType::RepeatedVariant8>;
+using TRepeatedVariant16Schema = TComplexSchema<EWireType::RepeatedVariant16>;
+using TTupleSchemaPtr = std::shared_ptr<TTupleSchema>;
+using TVariant8SchemaPtr = std::shared_ptr<TVariant8Schema>;
+using TVariant16SchemaPtr = std::shared_ptr<TVariant16Schema>;
+using TRepeatedVariant8SchemaPtr = std::shared_ptr<TRepeatedVariant8Schema>;
+using TRepeatedVariant16SchemaPtr = std::shared_ptr<TRepeatedVariant16Schema>;
+class TSkiffSchema
+ : public std::enable_shared_from_this<TSkiffSchema>
+ virtual ~TSkiffSchema() = default;
+ EWireType GetWireType() const;
+ std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema> SetName(TString name);
+ const TString& GetName() const;
+ virtual const TSkiffSchemaList& GetChildren() const;
+ explicit TSkiffSchema(EWireType type);
+ const EWireType Type_;
+ TString Name_;
+bool operator==(const TSkiffSchema& lhs, const TSkiffSchema& rhs);
+bool operator!=(const TSkiffSchema& lhs, const TSkiffSchema& rhs);
+class TSimpleTypeSchema
+ : public TSkiffSchema
+ explicit TSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType type);
+template <EWireType WireType>
+class TComplexSchema
+ : public TSkiffSchema
+ explicit TComplexSchema(TSkiffSchemaList elements);
+ virtual const TSkiffSchemaList& GetChildren() const override;
+ const TSkiffSchemaList Elements_;
+bool IsSimpleType(EWireType type);
+TString GetShortDebugString(const std::shared_ptr<const TSkiffSchema>& schema);
+void PrintShortDebugString(const std::shared_ptr<const TSkiffSchema>& schema, IOutputStream* out);
+std::shared_ptr<TSimpleTypeSchema> CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType type);
+std::shared_ptr<TTupleSchema> CreateTupleSchema(TSkiffSchemaList children);
+std::shared_ptr<TVariant8Schema> CreateVariant8Schema(TSkiffSchemaList children);
+std::shared_ptr<TVariant16Schema> CreateVariant16Schema(TSkiffSchemaList children);
+std::shared_ptr<TRepeatedVariant8Schema> CreateRepeatedVariant8Schema(TSkiffSchemaList children);
+std::shared_ptr<TRepeatedVariant16Schema> CreateRepeatedVariant16Schema(TSkiffSchemaList children);
+struct TSkiffSchemaPtrHasher
+ size_t operator()(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& schema) const;
+struct TSkiffSchemaPtrEqual
+ size_t operator()(
+ const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& lhs,
+ const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& rhs) const;
+} // namespace NSkiff
+template <>
+struct THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>
+ size_t operator()(const NSkiff::TSkiffSchema& schema) const;
+#include "skiff_schema-inl.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.cpp b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b1b98d5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+#include "skiff.h"
+#include "skiff_validator.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <stack>
+namespace NSkiff {
+struct IValidatorNode;
+using TValidatorNodeList = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IValidatorNode>>;
+using TSkiffSchemaList = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>>;
+static std::shared_ptr<IValidatorNode> CreateUsageValidatorNode(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& skiffSchema);
+static TValidatorNodeList CreateUsageValidatorNodeList(const TSkiffSchemaList& skiffSchemaList);
+template <typename T>
+inline void ThrowUnexpectedParseWrite(T wireType)
+ ythrow TSkiffException() << "Unexpected parse/write of \"" << ::ToString(wireType) << "\" token";
+struct IValidatorNode
+ virtual ~IValidatorNode() = default;
+ virtual void OnBegin(TValidatorNodeStack* /*validatorNodeStack*/)
+ { }
+ virtual void OnChildDone(TValidatorNodeStack* /*validatorNodeStack*/)
+ {
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ virtual void OnSimpleType(TValidatorNodeStack* /*validatorNodeStack*/, EWireType wireType)
+ {
+ ThrowUnexpectedParseWrite(wireType);
+ }
+ virtual void BeforeVariant8Tag()
+ {
+ ThrowUnexpectedParseWrite(EWireType::Variant8);
+ }
+ virtual void OnVariant8Tag(TValidatorNodeStack* /*validatorNodeStack*/, ui8 /*tag*/)
+ {
+ IValidatorNode::BeforeVariant8Tag();
+ }
+ virtual void BeforeVariant16Tag()
+ {
+ ThrowUnexpectedParseWrite(EWireType::Variant16);
+ }
+ virtual void OnVariant16Tag(TValidatorNodeStack* /*validatorNodeStack*/, ui16 /*tag*/)
+ {
+ IValidatorNode::BeforeVariant16Tag();
+ }
+class TValidatorNodeStack
+ explicit TValidatorNodeStack(std::shared_ptr<IValidatorNode> validator)
+ : RootValidator_(std::move(validator))
+ { }
+ void PushValidator(IValidatorNode* validator)
+ {
+ ValidatorStack_.push(validator);
+ validator->OnBegin(this);
+ }
+ void PopValidator()
+ {
+ Y_VERIFY(!ValidatorStack_.empty());
+ ValidatorStack_.pop();
+ if (!ValidatorStack_.empty()) {
+ ValidatorStack_.top()->OnChildDone(this);
+ }
+ }
+ void PushRootIfRequired()
+ {
+ if (ValidatorStack_.empty()) {
+ PushValidator(RootValidator_.get());
+ }
+ }
+ IValidatorNode* Top() const
+ {
+ Y_VERIFY(!ValidatorStack_.empty());
+ return ValidatorStack_.top();
+ }
+ bool IsFinished() const
+ {
+ return ValidatorStack_.empty();
+ }
+ const std::shared_ptr<IValidatorNode> RootValidator_;
+ std::stack<IValidatorNode*> ValidatorStack_;
+class TNothingTypeValidator
+ : public IValidatorNode
+ void OnBegin(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack) override
+ {
+ validatorNodeStack->PopValidator();
+ }
+class TSimpleTypeUsageValidator
+ : public IValidatorNode
+ explicit TSimpleTypeUsageValidator(EWireType type)
+ : Type_(type)
+ { }
+ void OnSimpleType(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack, EWireType type) override
+ {
+ if (type != Type_) {
+ ThrowUnexpectedParseWrite(type);
+ }
+ validatorNodeStack->PopValidator();
+ }
+ const EWireType Type_;
+template <typename TTag>
+void ValidateVariantTag(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack, TTag tag, const TValidatorNodeList& children)
+ if (tag == EndOfSequenceTag<TTag>()) {
+ // Root validator is pushed into the stack before variant tag
+ // if the stack is empty.
+ validatorNodeStack->PopValidator();
+ } else if (tag >= children.size()) {
+ ythrow TSkiffException() << "Variant tag \"" << tag << "\" "
+ << "exceeds number of children \"" << children.size();
+ } else {
+ validatorNodeStack->PushValidator(children[tag].get());
+ }
+class TVariant8TypeUsageValidator
+ : public IValidatorNode
+ explicit TVariant8TypeUsageValidator(TValidatorNodeList children)
+ : Children_(std::move(children))
+ { }
+ void BeforeVariant8Tag() override
+ { }
+ void OnVariant8Tag(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack, ui8 tag) override
+ {
+ ValidateVariantTag(validatorNodeStack, tag, Children_);
+ }
+ void OnChildDone(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack) override
+ {
+ validatorNodeStack->PopValidator();
+ }
+ const TValidatorNodeList Children_;
+class TVariant16TypeUsageValidator
+ : public IValidatorNode
+ explicit TVariant16TypeUsageValidator(TValidatorNodeList children)
+ : Children_(std::move(children))
+ { }
+ void BeforeVariant16Tag() override
+ { }
+ void OnVariant16Tag(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack, ui16 tag) override
+ {
+ ValidateVariantTag(validatorNodeStack, tag, Children_);
+ }
+ void OnChildDone(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack) override
+ {
+ validatorNodeStack->PopValidator();
+ }
+ const TValidatorNodeList Children_;
+class TRepeatedVariant8TypeUsageValidator
+ : public IValidatorNode
+ explicit TRepeatedVariant8TypeUsageValidator(TValidatorNodeList children)
+ : Children_(std::move(children))
+ { }
+ void BeforeVariant8Tag() override
+ { }
+ void OnVariant8Tag(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack, ui8 tag) override
+ {
+ ValidateVariantTag(validatorNodeStack, tag, Children_);
+ }
+ void OnChildDone(TValidatorNodeStack* /*validatorNodeStack*/) override
+ { }
+ const TValidatorNodeList Children_;
+class TRepeatedVariant16TypeUsageValidator
+ : public IValidatorNode
+ explicit TRepeatedVariant16TypeUsageValidator(TValidatorNodeList children)
+ : Children_(std::move(children))
+ { }
+ void BeforeVariant16Tag() override
+ { }
+ void OnVariant16Tag(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack, ui16 tag) override
+ {
+ ValidateVariantTag(validatorNodeStack, tag, Children_);
+ }
+ void OnChildDone(TValidatorNodeStack* /*validatorNodeStack*/) override
+ { }
+ const TValidatorNodeList Children_;
+class TTupleTypeUsageValidator
+ : public IValidatorNode
+ explicit TTupleTypeUsageValidator(TValidatorNodeList children)
+ : Children_(std::move(children))
+ { }
+ void OnBegin(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack) override
+ {
+ Position_ = 0;
+ if (!Children_.empty()) {
+ validatorNodeStack->PushValidator(Children_[0].get());
+ }
+ }
+ void OnChildDone(TValidatorNodeStack* validatorNodeStack) override
+ {
+ Position_++;
+ if (Position_ < Children_.size()) {
+ validatorNodeStack->PushValidator(Children_[Position_].get());
+ } else {
+ validatorNodeStack->PopValidator();
+ }
+ }
+ const TValidatorNodeList Children_;
+ ui32 Position_ = 0;
+TSkiffValidator::TSkiffValidator(std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema> skiffSchema)
+ : Context_(std::make_unique<TValidatorNodeStack>(CreateUsageValidatorNode(std::move(skiffSchema))))
+{ }
+{ }
+void TSkiffValidator::BeforeVariant8Tag()
+ Context_->PushRootIfRequired();
+ Context_->Top()->BeforeVariant8Tag();
+void TSkiffValidator::OnVariant8Tag(ui8 tag)
+ Context_->PushRootIfRequired();
+ Context_->Top()->OnVariant8Tag(Context_.get(), tag);
+void TSkiffValidator::BeforeVariant16Tag()
+ Context_->PushRootIfRequired();
+ Context_->Top()->BeforeVariant16Tag();
+void TSkiffValidator::OnVariant16Tag(ui16 tag)
+ Context_->PushRootIfRequired();
+ Context_->Top()->OnVariant16Tag(Context_.get(), tag);
+void TSkiffValidator::OnSimpleType(EWireType value)
+ Context_->PushRootIfRequired();
+ Context_->Top()->OnSimpleType(Context_.get(), value);
+void TSkiffValidator::ValidateFinished()
+ if (!Context_->IsFinished()) {
+ ythrow TSkiffException() << "Parse/write is not finished";
+ }
+TValidatorNodeList CreateUsageValidatorNodeList(const TSkiffSchemaList& skiffSchemaList)
+ TValidatorNodeList result;
+ result.reserve(skiffSchemaList.size());
+ for (const auto& skiffSchema : skiffSchemaList) {
+ result.push_back(CreateUsageValidatorNode(skiffSchema));
+ }
+ return result;
+std::shared_ptr<IValidatorNode> CreateUsageValidatorNode(const std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>& skiffSchema)
+ switch (skiffSchema->GetWireType()) {
+ case EWireType::Int8:
+ case EWireType::Int16:
+ case EWireType::Int32:
+ case EWireType::Int64:
+ case EWireType::Int128:
+ case EWireType::Uint8:
+ case EWireType::Uint16:
+ case EWireType::Uint32:
+ case EWireType::Uint64:
+ case EWireType::Uint128:
+ case EWireType::Double:
+ case EWireType::Boolean:
+ case EWireType::String32:
+ case EWireType::Yson32:
+ return std::make_shared<TSimpleTypeUsageValidator>(skiffSchema->GetWireType());
+ case EWireType::Nothing:
+ return std::make_shared<TNothingTypeValidator>();
+ case EWireType::Tuple:
+ return std::make_shared<TTupleTypeUsageValidator>(CreateUsageValidatorNodeList(skiffSchema->GetChildren()));
+ case EWireType::Variant8:
+ return std::make_shared<TVariant8TypeUsageValidator>(CreateUsageValidatorNodeList(skiffSchema->GetChildren()));
+ case EWireType::Variant16:
+ return std::make_shared<TVariant16TypeUsageValidator>(CreateUsageValidatorNodeList(skiffSchema->GetChildren()));
+ case EWireType::RepeatedVariant8:
+ return std::make_shared<TRepeatedVariant8TypeUsageValidator>(CreateUsageValidatorNodeList(skiffSchema->GetChildren()));
+ case EWireType::RepeatedVariant16:
+ return std::make_shared<TRepeatedVariant16TypeUsageValidator>(CreateUsageValidatorNodeList(skiffSchema->GetChildren()));
+ }
+ Y_FAIL();
+} // namespace NSkiff
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.h b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..522cc74db6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/skiff_validator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "public.h"
+#include "skiff_schema.h"
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+namespace NSkiff {
+class TValidatorNodeStack;
+class TSkiffValidator
+ explicit TSkiffValidator(std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema> skiffSchema);
+ ~TSkiffValidator();
+ void BeforeVariant8Tag();
+ void OnVariant8Tag(ui8 tag);
+ void BeforeVariant16Tag();
+ void OnVariant16Tag(ui16 tag);
+ void OnSimpleType(EWireType value);
+ void ValidateFinished();
+ const std::unique_ptr<TValidatorNodeStack> Context_;
+} // namespace NSkiff
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/unittests/skiff_schema_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/skiff/unittests/skiff_schema_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c20a560dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/unittests/skiff_schema_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#include <library/cpp/skiff/skiff.h>
+#include <library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <util/stream/buffer.h>
+using namespace NSkiff;
+void Out<TSkiffSchema>(IOutputStream& s, const TSkiffSchema& schema)
+ s << "TSkiffSchema:" << GetShortDebugString(schema.shared_from_this());
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSkiffSchemaTestSuite) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestIntEqual)
+ {
+ std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema> schema1 = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64);
+ schema1->SetName("schema");
+ std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema> schema2 = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64);
+ schema2->SetName("schema");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(*schema1, *schema2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestTupleEqual)
+ {
+ std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema> schema1 = CreateTupleSchema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::String32),
+ });
+ std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema> schema2 = CreateTupleSchema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::String32),
+ });
+ Cerr << *schema1 << Endl;
+ schema1->SetName("schema");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_UNEQUAL(*schema1, *schema2);
+ schema2->SetName("schema");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(*schema1, *schema2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestHashes)
+ {
+ TSet<size_t> hashes;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64);
+ schema->SetName("schema");
+ hashes.insert(THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema));
+ schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64);
+ hashes.insert(THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema));
+ auto schema2 = CreateTupleSchema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::String32),
+ });
+ schema2->SetName("s");
+ hashes.insert(THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema2));
+ schema2->SetName("s0");
+ hashes.insert(THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema2));
+ schema2->SetName("s");
+ hashes.insert(THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema2));
+ auto schema3 = CreateRepeatedVariant16Schema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ schema2,
+ });
+ hashes.insert(THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema3));
+ schema3->SetName("kek");
+ hashes.insert(THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema3));
+ auto schema4 = CreateRepeatedVariant8Schema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ schema2,
+ });
+ hashes.insert(THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema4));
+ schema4->SetName("kek");
+ hashes.insert(THash<NSkiff::TSkiffSchema>()(*schema4));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(hashes.size(), 8);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestDifferent)
+ {
+ TVector<std::shared_ptr<TSkiffSchema>> schemas;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64);
+ schema->SetName("schema");
+ schemas.push_back(schema);
+ schemas.push_back(CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64));
+ auto schema2 = CreateTupleSchema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::String32),
+ });
+ schema2->SetName("s");
+ schemas.push_back(schema2);
+ auto schema3 = CreateTupleSchema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::String32),
+ });
+ schema3->SetName("s0");
+ schemas.push_back(schema3);
+ auto schema4 = CreateRepeatedVariant16Schema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ schema2,
+ });
+ schemas.push_back(schema4);
+ auto schema5 = CreateRepeatedVariant16Schema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ schema2,
+ });
+ schema5->SetName("kek");
+ schemas.push_back(schema5);
+ auto schema6 = CreateRepeatedVariant8Schema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ schema2,
+ });
+ schemas.push_back(schema6);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < schemas.size(); ++i) {
+ for (size_t j = i + 1; j < schemas.size(); ++j) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_UNEQUAL(*schemas[i], *schemas[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/unittests/skiff_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/skiff/unittests/skiff_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e4c709611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/unittests/skiff_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <library/cpp/skiff/skiff.h>
+#include <library/cpp/skiff/skiff_schema.h>
+#include <util/stream/buffer.h>
+#include <util/string/hex.h>
+using namespace NSkiff;
+static TString HexEncode(const TBuffer& buffer)
+ auto result = HexEncode(buffer.Data(), buffer.Size());
+ result.to_lower();
+ return result;
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestInt8)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int8);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt8(42);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt8(-42);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "2a"
+ "d6");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt8(), 42);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt8(), -42);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestInt16)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int16);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt16(0x1234);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt16(-0x1234);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "3412"
+ "cced");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt16(), 0x1234);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt16(), -0x1234);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestInt32)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int32);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt32(0x12345678);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt32(-0x12345678);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "78563412"
+ "88a9cbed");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt32(), 0x12345678);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt32(), -0x12345678);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestInt64)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt64(-42);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt64(100500);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt64(-0x123456789abcdef0);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "d6ffffffffffffff"
+ "9488010000000000"
+ "1021436587a9cbed");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt64(), -42);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt64(), 100500);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt64(), -0x123456789abcdef0);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestUint8)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint8);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint8(42);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint8(200);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "2a"
+ "c8");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint8(), 42);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint8(), 200);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestUint16)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint16);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint16(0x1234);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint16(0xfedc);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "3412"
+ "dcfe");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint16(), 0x1234);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint16(), 0xfedc);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestUint32)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint32);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint32(0x12345678);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint32(0x87654321);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "78563412"
+ "21436587");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint32(), 0x12345678);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint32(), 0x87654321);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestUint64)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(42);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(100500);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(0x123456789abcdef0);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "2a00000000000000"
+ "9488010000000000"
+ "f0debc9a78563412");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint64(), 42);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint64(), 100500);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint64(), 0x123456789abcdef0);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestInt128)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int128);
+ const TInt128 val1 = {0x1924cd4aeb9ced82, 0x0885e83f456d6a7e};
+ const TInt128 val2 = {0xe9ba36585eccae1a, -0x7854b6f9ce448be9};
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter writer(schema, &bufferStream);
+ writer.WriteInt128(val1);
+ writer.WriteInt128(val2);
+ writer.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "82ed9ceb4acd2419" "7e6a6d453fe88508"
+ "1aaecc5e5836bae9" "1774bb310649ab87");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt128(), val1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt128(), val2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestUint128)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint128);
+ const auto val1 = TUint128{0x1924cd4aeb9ced82, 0x0885e83f456d6a7e};
+ const auto val2 = TUint128{0xe9ba36585eccae1a, 0x8854b6f9ce448be9};
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter writer(schema, &bufferStream);
+ writer.WriteUint128(val1);
+ writer.WriteUint128(val2);
+ writer.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "82ed9ceb4acd2419" "7e6a6d453fe88508"
+ "1aaecc5e5836bae9" "e98b44cef9b65488");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint128(), val1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint128(), val2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestBoolean)
+ {
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Boolean);
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteBoolean(true);
+ tokenWriter.WriteBoolean(false);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseBoolean(), true);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseBoolean(), false);
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ bufferStream.Write('\x02');
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(parser.ParseBoolean(), std::exception);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestVariant8)
+ {
+ auto schema = CreateVariant8Schema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Nothing),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64),
+ });
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(tokenWriter.WriteUint64(42), std::exception);
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(tokenWriter.WriteUint64(42), std::exception);
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(tokenWriter.WriteInt64(42), std::exception);
+ }
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(0);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(1);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(42);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant8Tag(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant8Tag(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint64(), 42);
+ parser.ValidateFinished();
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestTuple)
+ {
+ auto schema = CreateTupleSchema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::String32),
+ });
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt64(42);
+ tokenWriter.WriteString32("foobar");
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt64(), 42);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseString32(), "foobar");
+ parser.ValidateFinished();
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestString)
+ {
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::String32);
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteString32("foo");
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseString32(), "foo");
+ parser.ValidateFinished();
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteString32("foo");
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(parser.ParseInt64(), std::exception);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestRepeatedVariant8)
+ {
+ auto schema = CreateRepeatedVariant8Schema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64),
+ });
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ // row 0
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(0);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt64(-8);
+ // row 2
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(1);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(42);
+ // end
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(EndOfSequenceTag<ui8>());
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ {
+ TBufferInput input(bufferStream.Buffer());
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &input);
+ // row 1
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant8Tag(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt64(), -8);
+ // row 2
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant8Tag(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint64(), 42);
+ // end
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant8Tag(), EndOfSequenceTag<ui8>());
+ parser.ValidateFinished();
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferInput input(bufferStream.Buffer());
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &input);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(parser.ParseInt64(), std::exception);
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferInput input(bufferStream.Buffer());
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &input);
+ parser.ParseVariant8Tag();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(parser.ParseUint64(), std::exception);
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferInput input(bufferStream.Buffer());
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &input);
+ parser.ParseVariant8Tag();
+ parser.ParseInt64();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(parser.ValidateFinished(), std::exception);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(tokenWriter.WriteUint64(5), std::exception);
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(1);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(5);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(tokenWriter.Finish(), std::exception);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestRepeatedVariant16)
+ {
+ auto schema = CreateRepeatedVariant16Schema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64),
+ });
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ // row 0
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(0);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt64(-8);
+ // row 2
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(1);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(42);
+ // end
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(EndOfSequenceTag<ui16>());
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ // row 1
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant16Tag(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt64(), -8);
+ // row 2
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant16Tag(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint64(), 42);
+ // end
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant16Tag(), EndOfSequenceTag<ui16>());
+ parser.ValidateFinished();
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(tokenWriter.WriteUint64(5), std::exception);
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(1);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(5);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(tokenWriter.Finish(), std::exception);
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ // row 0
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(0);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt64(-8);
+ // row 2
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(1);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(42);
+ // end
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(EndOfSequenceTag<ui16>());
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ {
+ TBufferInput input(bufferStream.Buffer());
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &input);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(parser.ParseInt64(), std::exception);
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferInput input(bufferStream.Buffer());
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &input);
+ parser.ParseVariant16Tag();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(parser.ParseUint64(), std::exception);
+ }
+ {
+ TBufferInput input(bufferStream.Buffer());
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &input);
+ parser.ParseVariant16Tag();
+ parser.ParseInt64();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(parser.ValidateFinished(), std::exception);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestStruct)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateRepeatedVariant16Schema(
+ {
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Nothing),
+ CreateTupleSchema({
+ CreateVariant8Schema({
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Nothing),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int64)
+ }),
+ CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Uint64),
+ })
+ }
+ );
+ {
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, &bufferStream);
+ // row 0
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(0);
+ // row 1
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(1);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(0);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(1);
+ // row 2
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(1);
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant8Tag(1);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt64(2);
+ tokenWriter.WriteUint64(3);
+ // end
+ tokenWriter.WriteVariant16Tag(EndOfSequenceTag<ui16>());
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ }
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ // row 0
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant16Tag(), 0);
+ // row 1
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant16Tag(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant8Tag(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint64(), 1);
+ // row 2
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant16Tag(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant8Tag(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt64(), 2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseUint64(), 3);
+ // end
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseVariant16Tag(), EndOfSequenceTag<ui16>());
+ parser.ValidateFinished();
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestSimpleOutputStream)
+ {
+ TBufferStream bufferStream;
+ auto schema = CreateSimpleTypeSchema(EWireType::Int8);
+ TCheckedSkiffWriter tokenWriter(schema, static_cast<IOutputStream*>(&bufferStream));
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt8(42);
+ tokenWriter.WriteInt8(-42);
+ tokenWriter.Finish();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(HexEncode(bufferStream.Buffer()),
+ "2a"
+ "d6");
+ TCheckedSkiffParser parser(schema, &bufferStream);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt8(), 42);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(parser.ParseInt8(), -42);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/unittests/ya.make b/library/cpp/skiff/unittests/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d67ca8c618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/unittests/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ skiff_ut.cpp
+ skiff_schema_ut.cpp
+ library/cpp/skiff
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/ya.make b/library/cpp/skiff/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff3eb55c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ skiff.cpp
+ skiff_schema.cpp
+ skiff_validator.cpp
+ zerocopy_output_writer.cpp
+ unittests
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer-inl.h b/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6bd067c9fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#pragma once
+#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include zerocopy_output_writer.h"
+// For the sake of sane code completion.
+#include "zerocopy_output_writer.h"
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+namespace NSkiff {
+char* TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter::Current() const
+ return Current_;
+ui64 TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter::RemainingBytes() const
+ return RemainingBytes_;
+void TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter::Advance(size_t bytes)
+ Y_VERIFY(bytes <= RemainingBytes_);
+ Current_ += bytes;
+ RemainingBytes_ -= bytes;
+void TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter::Write(const void* buffer, size_t length)
+ if (length > RemainingBytes_) {
+ UndoRemaining();
+ Output_->Write(buffer, length);
+ TotalWrittenBlockSize_ += length;
+ ObtainNextBlock();
+ } else {
+ memcpy(Current_, buffer, length);
+ Advance(length);
+ }
+ui64 TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter::GetTotalWrittenSize() const
+ return TotalWrittenBlockSize_ - RemainingBytes_;
+} // namespace NSkiff
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.cpp b/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49492b55a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include "zerocopy_output_writer.h"
+namespace NSkiff {
+TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter::TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter(IZeroCopyOutput* output)
+ : Output_(output)
+ ObtainNextBlock();
+ if (RemainingBytes_ > 0) {
+ UndoRemaining();
+ }
+void TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter::ObtainNextBlock()
+ if (RemainingBytes_ > 0) {
+ UndoRemaining();
+ }
+ RemainingBytes_ = Output_->Next(&Current_);
+ TotalWrittenBlockSize_ += RemainingBytes_;
+void TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter::UndoRemaining()
+ Output_->Undo(RemainingBytes_);
+ TotalWrittenBlockSize_ -= RemainingBytes_;
+ RemainingBytes_ = 0;
+} // namespace NSkiff
diff --git a/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.h b/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0bccc5a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/skiff/zerocopy_output_writer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/stream/zerocopy_output.h>
+namespace NSkiff {
+// Simple wrapper around
+class TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter
+ : private TNonCopyable
+ explicit TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter(IZeroCopyOutput* output);
+ ~TZeroCopyOutputStreamWriter();
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE char* Current() const;
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE ui64 RemainingBytes() const;
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE void Advance(size_t bytes);
+ void UndoRemaining();
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE void Write(const void* buffer, size_t length);
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE ui64 GetTotalWrittenSize() const;
+ void ObtainNextBlock();
+ IZeroCopyOutput* Output_;
+ char* Current_ = nullptr;
+ ui64 RemainingBytes_ = 0;
+ ui64 TotalWrittenBlockSize_ = 0;
+} // namespace NSkiff
+#include "zerocopy_output_writer-inl.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/threading/CMakeLists.txt
index 681ef6b24e..018e72c5cc 100644
--- a/library/cpp/threading/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
@@ -17,3 +19,4 @@ add_subdirectory(poor_man_openmp)
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fcf5ce481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-blocking_queue PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+target_sources(cpp-threading-blocking_queue PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..640f1e9144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-blocking_queue PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+target_sources(cpp-threading-blocking_queue PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..640f1e9144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-blocking_queue PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+target_sources(cpp-threading-blocking_queue PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fcf5ce481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-blocking_queue PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+target_sources(cpp-threading-blocking_queue PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.cpp b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db199c80be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "blocking_queue.h"
+// just check compilability
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.h b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48d3762f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/system/condvar.h>
+#include <util/system/guard.h>
+#include <util/system/mutex.h>
+#include <utility>
+namespace NThreading {
+ ///
+ /// TBlockingQueue is a queue of elements of limited or unlimited size.
+ /// Queue provides Push and Pop operations that block if operation can't be executed
+ /// (queue is empty or maximum size is reached).
+ ///
+ /// Queue can be stopped, in that case all blocked operation will return `Nothing` / false.
+ ///
+ /// All operations are thread safe.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Example of usage:
+ /// TBlockingQueue<int> queue;
+ ///
+ /// ...
+ ///
+ /// // thread 1
+ /// queue.Push(42);
+ /// queue.Push(100500);
+ ///
+ /// ...
+ ///
+ /// // thread 2
+ /// while (TMaybe<int> number = queue.Pop()) {
+ /// ProcessNumber(number.GetRef());
+ /// }
+ template <class TElement>
+ class TBlockingQueue {
+ public:
+ ///
+ /// Creates blocking queue with given maxSize
+ /// if maxSize == 0 then queue is unlimited
+ TBlockingQueue(size_t maxSize)
+ : MaxSize(maxSize == 0 ? Max<size_t>() : maxSize)
+ , Stopped(false)
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Blocks until queue has some elements or queue is stopped or deadline is reached.
+ /// Returns `Nothing` if queue is stopped or deadline is reached.
+ /// Returns element otherwise.
+ TMaybe<TElement> Pop(TInstant deadline = TInstant::Max()) {
+ TGuard<TMutex> g(Lock);
+ const auto canPop = [this]() { return CanPop(); };
+ if (!CanPopCV.WaitD(Lock, deadline, canPop)) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ if (Stopped && Queue.empty()) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ TElement e = std::move(Queue.front());
+ Queue.pop_front();
+ CanPushCV.Signal();
+ return std::move(e);
+ }
+ TMaybe<TElement> Pop(TDuration duration) {
+ return Pop(TInstant::Now() + duration);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Blocks until queue has space for new elements or queue is stopped or deadline is reached.
+ /// Returns false exception if queue is stopped and push failed or deadline is reached.
+ /// Pushes element to queue and returns true otherwise.
+ bool Push(const TElement& e, TInstant deadline = TInstant::Max()) {
+ return PushRef(e, deadline);
+ }
+ bool Push(TElement&& e, TInstant deadline = TInstant::Max()) {
+ return PushRef(std::move(e), deadline);
+ }
+ bool Push(const TElement& e, TDuration duration) {
+ return Push(e, TInstant::Now() + duration);
+ }
+ bool Push(TElement&& e, TDuration duration) {
+ return Push(std::move(e), TInstant::Now() + duration);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Stops the queue, all blocked operations will be aborted.
+ void Stop() {
+ TGuard<TMutex> g(Lock);
+ Stopped = true;
+ CanPopCV.BroadCast();
+ CanPushCV.BroadCast();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Checks whether queue is empty.
+ bool Empty() const {
+ TGuard<TMutex> g(Lock);
+ return Queue.empty();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns size of the queue.
+ size_t Size() const {
+ TGuard<TMutex> g(Lock);
+ return Queue.size();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Checks whether queue is stopped.
+ bool IsStopped() const {
+ TGuard<TMutex> g(Lock);
+ return Stopped;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool CanPush() const {
+ return Queue.size() < MaxSize || Stopped;
+ }
+ bool CanPop() const {
+ return !Queue.empty() || Stopped;
+ }
+ template <typename Ref>
+ bool PushRef(Ref e, TInstant deadline) {
+ TGuard<TMutex> g(Lock);
+ const auto canPush = [this]() { return CanPush(); };
+ if (!CanPushCV.WaitD(Lock, deadline, canPush)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Stopped) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Queue.push_back(std::forward<TElement>(e));
+ CanPopCV.Signal();
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ TMutex Lock;
+ TCondVar CanPopCV;
+ TCondVar CanPushCV;
+ TDeque<TElement> Queue;
+ size_t MaxSize;
+ bool Stopped;
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26e125279d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/blocking_queue_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#include "blocking_queue.h"
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include <util/system/thread.h>
+namespace {
+ class TFunctionThread: public ISimpleThread {
+ public:
+ using TFunc = std::function<void()>;
+ private:
+ TFunc Func;
+ public:
+ TFunctionThread(const TFunc& func)
+ : Func(func)
+ {
+ }
+ void* ThreadProc() noexcept override {
+ Func();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ };
+IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& o, const TMaybe<int>& val) {
+ if (val) {
+ o << "TMaybe<int>(" << val.GetRef() << ')';
+ } else {
+ o << "TMaybe<int>()";
+ }
+ return o;
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BlockingQueueTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SimplePushPopTest) {
+ const size_t limit = 100;
+ NThreading::TBlockingQueue<int> queue(100);
+ for (int i = 0; i != limit; ++i) {
+ queue.Push(i);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i != limit; ++i) {
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT(queue.Empty());
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SimpleStopTest) {
+ const size_t limit = 100;
+ NThreading::TBlockingQueue<int> queue(100);
+ for (int i = 0; i != limit; ++i) {
+ queue.Push(i);
+ }
+ queue.Stop();
+ bool ok = queue.Push(100500);
+ for (int i = 0; i != limit; ++i) {
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), TMaybe<int>());
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(BigPushPop) {
+ const int limit = 100000;
+ NThreading::TBlockingQueue<int> queue(10);
+ TFunctionThread pusher([&] {
+ for (int i = 0; i != limit; ++i) {
+ if (!queue.Push(i)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ pusher.Start();
+ try {
+ for (int i = 0; i != limit; ++i) {
+ size_t size = queue.Size();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(size <= 10, (TStringBuilder() << "Size exceeds 10: " << size).data());
+ }
+ } catch (...) {
+ // gracefull shutdown of pusher thread if assertion fails
+ queue.Stop();
+ throw;
+ }
+ pusher.Join();
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(StopWhenMultiplePoppers) {
+ NThreading::TBlockingQueue<int> queue(10);
+ TFunctionThread popper1([&] {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), TMaybe<int>());
+ });
+ TFunctionThread popper2([&] {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), TMaybe<int>());
+ });
+ popper1.Start();
+ popper2.Start();
+ queue.Stop();
+ popper1.Join();
+ popper2.Join();
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(StopWhenMultiplePushers) {
+ NThreading::TBlockingQueue<int> queue(1);
+ queue.Push(1);
+ TFunctionThread pusher1([&] {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue.Push(2), false);
+ });
+ TFunctionThread pusher2([&] {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue.Push(2), false);
+ });
+ pusher1.Start();
+ pusher2.Start();
+ queue.Stop();
+ pusher1.Join();
+ pusher2.Join();
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(InterruptPopByDeadline) {
+ NThreading::TBlockingQueue<int> queue1(10);
+ NThreading::TBlockingQueue<int> queue2(10);
+ const auto popper1DeadLine = TInstant::Now();
+ const auto popper2DeadLine = TInstant::Now() + TDuration::Seconds(2);
+ TFunctionThread popper1([&] {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue1.Pop(popper1DeadLine), TMaybe<int>());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue1.IsStopped(), false);
+ });
+ TFunctionThread popper2([&] {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue2.Pop(popper2DeadLine), 2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue2.IsStopped(), false);
+ });
+ popper1.Start();
+ popper2.Start();
+ Sleep(TDuration::Seconds(1));
+ queue1.Push(1);
+ queue2.Push(2);
+ Sleep(TDuration::Seconds(1));
+ queue1.Stop();
+ queue2.Stop();
+ popper1.Join();
+ popper2.Join();
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(InterruptPushByDeadline) {
+ NThreading::TBlockingQueue<int> queue1(1);
+ NThreading::TBlockingQueue<int> queue2(1);
+ queue1.Push(0);
+ queue2.Push(0);
+ const auto pusher1DeadLine = TInstant::Now();
+ const auto pusher2DeadLine = TInstant::Now() + TDuration::Seconds(2);
+ TFunctionThread pusher1([&] {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue1.Push(1, pusher1DeadLine), false);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue1.IsStopped(), false);
+ });
+ TFunctionThread pusher2([&] {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue2.Push(2, pusher2DeadLine), true);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(queue2.IsStopped(), false);
+ });
+ pusher1.Start();
+ pusher2.Start();
+ Sleep(TDuration::Seconds(1));
+ queue1.Pop();
+ queue2.Pop();
+ Sleep(TDuration::Seconds(1));
+ queue1.Stop();
+ queue2.Stop();
+ pusher1.Join();
+ pusher2.Join();
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/ut/ya.make b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/ut/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50f220d552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/ut/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ blocking_queue_ut.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/ya.make b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce1104c1c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ blocking_queue.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..429d3b0b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-cron PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-deprecated-atomic
+target_sources(cpp-threading-cron PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5bb429c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-cron PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-deprecated-atomic
+target_sources(cpp-threading-cron PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5bb429c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-cron PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-deprecated-atomic
+target_sources(cpp-threading-cron PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..429d3b0b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/cron/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-cron PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-deprecated-atomic
+target_sources(cpp-threading-cron PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.cpp b/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7c1c59735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include "cron.h"
+#include <library/cpp/deprecated/atomic/atomic.h>
+#include <util/system/thread.h>
+#include <util/system/event.h>
+using namespace NCron;
+namespace {
+ struct TPeriodicHandle: public IHandle {
+ inline TPeriodicHandle(TJob job, TDuration interval, const TString& threadName)
+ : Job(job)
+ , Interval(interval)
+ , Done(false)
+ {
+ TThread::TParams params(DoRun, this);
+ if (!threadName.empty()) {
+ params.SetName(threadName);
+ }
+ Thread = MakeHolder<TThread>(params);
+ Thread->Start();
+ }
+ static inline void* DoRun(void* data) noexcept {
+ ((TPeriodicHandle*)data)->Run();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ inline void Run() noexcept {
+ while (true) {
+ Job();
+ Event.WaitT(Interval);
+ if (AtomicGet(Done)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ~TPeriodicHandle() override {
+ AtomicSet(Done, true);
+ Event.Signal();
+ Thread->Join();
+ }
+ TJob Job;
+ TDuration Interval;
+ TManualEvent Event;
+ TAtomic Done;
+ THolder<TThread> Thread;
+ };
+IHandlePtr NCron::StartPeriodicJob(TJob job) {
+ return NCron::StartPeriodicJob(job, TDuration::Seconds(0), "");
+IHandlePtr NCron::StartPeriodicJob(TJob job, TDuration interval) {
+ return NCron::StartPeriodicJob(job, interval, "");
+IHandlePtr NCron::StartPeriodicJob(TJob job, TDuration interval, const TString& threadName) {
+ return new TPeriodicHandle(job, interval, threadName);
+IHandle::~IHandle() = default;
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.h b/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77fa40c5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/cron/cron.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+#include <util/generic/function.h>
+#include <util/datetime/base.h>
+namespace NCron {
+ struct IHandle {
+ virtual ~IHandle();
+ };
+ using TJob = std::function<void()>;
+ using IHandlePtr = TAutoPtr<IHandle>;
+ IHandlePtr StartPeriodicJob(TJob job);
+ IHandlePtr StartPeriodicJob(TJob job, TDuration interval);
+ IHandlePtr StartPeriodicJob(TJob job, TDuration interval, const TString& threadName);
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/cron/ya.make b/library/cpp/threading/cron/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ead272e837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/cron/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ cron.cpp
+ library/cpp/deprecated/atomic
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a282845d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-thread_local PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-threading-hot_swap
+ cpp-threading-skip_list
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+target_sources(cpp-threading-thread_local PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.h
+ library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69ae5b9e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-thread_local PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-threading-hot_swap
+ cpp-threading-skip_list
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+target_sources(cpp-threading-thread_local PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.h
+ library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69ae5b9e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-thread_local PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-threading-hot_swap
+ cpp-threading-skip_list
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+target_sources(cpp-threading-thread_local PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.h
+ library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a282845d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(cpp-threading-thread_local PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-threading-hot_swap
+ cpp-threading-skip_list
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+target_sources(cpp-threading-thread_local PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.h
+ library/cpp/threading/thread_local/thread_local.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1fe5a9709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(library-cpp-type_info PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+ yson_pull
+target_sources(library-cpp-type_info PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/builder.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/error.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
+ library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..388946eff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(library-cpp-type_info PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+ yson_pull
+target_sources(library-cpp-type_info PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/builder.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/error.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
+ library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..388946eff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(library-cpp-type_info PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+ yson_pull
+target_sources(library-cpp-type_info PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/builder.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/error.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
+ library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1fe5a9709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ TOOL_enum_parser_bin
+ TOOL_enum_parser_dependency
+ tools/enum_parser/enum_parser
+ enum_parser
+target_link_libraries(library-cpp-type_info PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ tools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime
+ yson_pull
+target_sources(library-cpp-type_info PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/builder.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/error.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
+ library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/Readme.md b/library/cpp/type_info/Readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4501c8c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/Readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TI — unified in-memory representation for Common Yandex Typesystem
+Common Yandex Typesystem is a type system used across data storage and processing technologies developed by Yandex. A list of systems that support it includes YT, YDB, RTMR, YQL and others.
+The Type Info library provides classes that represent types from Common Yandex Typesystem. It allows constructing in-memory representations of types, inspecting said representations, combining them to derive new types, as well as serializing and deserializing them.
+For those familiar with Protobuf, Type Info implements the concept of message descriptors for Yandex type system.
+Here you can find open issues: https://st.yandex-team.ru/YT/order:updated:false/filter?tags=type_info&resolution=empty() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/builder.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/builder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..008e0af754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/builder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "type_factory.h"
+namespace NTi {
+ TStructBuilderRaw::TStructBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory) noexcept
+ : Factory_(&factory)
+ {
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw::TStructBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, TStructTypePtr prototype) noexcept
+ : TStructBuilderRaw(factory, prototype.Get())
+ {
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw::TStructBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, const TStructType* prototype) noexcept
+ : TStructBuilderRaw(factory)
+ {
+ Members_.reserve(prototype->GetMembers().size());
+ if (prototype->GetFactory() == Factory_) {
+ // members are in the same factory -- can reuse them.
+ for (auto member : prototype->GetMembers()) {
+ Members_.push_back(member);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // members are in a different factory -- should copy them.
+ for (auto member : prototype->GetMembers()) {
+ AddMember(member.GetName(), member.GetTypeRaw());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::SetName(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) & noexcept {
+ Name_ = Factory_->AllocateStringMaybe(name);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::SetName(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(SetName(name));
+ }
+ bool TStructBuilderRaw::HasName() const noexcept {
+ return Name_.Defined();
+ }
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> TStructBuilderRaw::GetName() const noexcept {
+ return Name_;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::Reserve(size_t size) & noexcept {
+ Members_.reserve(size);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::Reserve(size_t size) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(Reserve(size));
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::AddMember(TStringBuf name, TTypePtr type) & noexcept {
+ return AddMember(name, type.Get());
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::AddMember(TStringBuf name, TTypePtr type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddMember(name, type));
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::AddMember(TStringBuf name, const TType* type) & noexcept {
+ Members_.emplace_back(Factory_->AllocateString(name), Factory_->Own(type));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::AddMember(TStringBuf name, const TType* type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddMember(name, type));
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::AddMemberName(TStringBuf name) & noexcept {
+ PendingMemberName_ = Factory_->AllocateString(name);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::AddMemberName(TStringBuf name) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddMemberName(name));
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::DiscardMemberName() & noexcept {
+ PendingMemberName_.Clear();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::DiscardMemberName() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(DiscardMemberName());
+ }
+ bool TStructBuilderRaw::HasMemberName() const noexcept {
+ return PendingMemberName_.Defined();
+ }
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> TStructBuilderRaw::GetMemberName() const noexcept {
+ return PendingMemberName_;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::AddMemberType(TTypePtr type) & noexcept {
+ return AddMemberType(type.Get());
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::AddMemberType(TTypePtr type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddMemberType(type));
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::AddMemberType(const TType* type) & noexcept {
+ PendingMemberType_ = Factory_->Own(type);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::AddMemberType(const TType* type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddMemberType(type));
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::DiscardMemberType() & noexcept {
+ PendingMemberType_.Clear();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::DiscardMemberType() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(DiscardMemberType());
+ }
+ bool TStructBuilderRaw::HasMemberType() const noexcept {
+ return PendingMemberType_.Defined();
+ }
+ TMaybe<const TType*> TStructBuilderRaw::GetMemberType() const noexcept {
+ return PendingMemberType_;
+ }
+ bool TStructBuilderRaw::CanAddMember() const noexcept {
+ return HasMemberName() && HasMemberType();
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::AddMember() & noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(CanAddMember());
+ Members_.emplace_back(*PendingMemberName_, *PendingMemberType_);
+ DiscardMember();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::AddMember() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddMember());
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::DiscardMember() & noexcept {
+ DiscardMemberName();
+ DiscardMemberType();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::DiscardMember() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(DiscardMember());
+ }
+ TStructType::TMembers TStructBuilderRaw::GetMembers() const noexcept {
+ return Members_;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw& TStructBuilderRaw::Reset() & noexcept {
+ Name_ = {};
+ Members_.clear();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TStructBuilderRaw TStructBuilderRaw::Reset() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(Reset());
+ }
+ TStructTypePtr TStructBuilderRaw::Build() {
+ return BuildRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TStructType* TStructBuilderRaw::BuildRaw() {
+ return DoBuildRaw(Name_);
+ }
+ TVariantTypePtr TStructBuilderRaw::BuildVariant() {
+ return BuildVariantRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TVariantType* TStructBuilderRaw::BuildVariantRaw() {
+ return Factory_->New<TVariantType>(Nothing(), Name_, DoBuildRaw(Nothing()));
+ }
+ const TStructType* TStructBuilderRaw::DoBuildRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) {
+ auto members = Factory_->NewArray<TStructType::TMember>(Members_.size(), [this](TStructType::TMember* member, size_t i) {
+ new (member) TStructType::TMember(Members_[i]);
+ });
+ auto sortedMembersArray = Factory_->AllocateArrayFor<size_t>(Members_.size());
+ auto sortedMembers = TArrayRef(sortedMembersArray, members.size());
+ TStructType::MakeSortedMembers(members, sortedMembers);
+ return Factory_->New<TStructType>(Nothing(), name, members, sortedMembers);
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw::TTupleBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory) noexcept
+ : Factory_(&factory)
+ {
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw::TTupleBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, TTupleTypePtr prototype) noexcept
+ : TTupleBuilderRaw(factory, prototype.Get())
+ {
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw::TTupleBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, const TTupleType* prototype) noexcept
+ : TTupleBuilderRaw(factory)
+ {
+ Elements_.reserve(prototype->GetElements().size());
+ if (prototype->GetFactory() == Factory_) {
+ // elements are in the same factory -- can reuse them
+ for (auto element : prototype->GetElements()) {
+ Elements_.push_back(element);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // items are in a different factory -- should copy them
+ for (auto element : prototype->GetElements()) {
+ AddElement(element.GetTypeRaw());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::SetName(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) & noexcept {
+ Name_ = Factory_->AllocateStringMaybe(name);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::SetName(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(SetName(name));
+ }
+ bool TTupleBuilderRaw::HasName() const noexcept {
+ return Name_.Defined();
+ }
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> TTupleBuilderRaw::GetName() const noexcept {
+ return Name_;
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::Reserve(size_t size) & noexcept {
+ Elements_.reserve(size);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::Reserve(size_t size) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(Reserve(size));
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElement(TTypePtr type) & noexcept {
+ return AddElement(type.Get());
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElement(TTypePtr type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddElement(type));
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElement(const TType* type) & noexcept {
+ Elements_.emplace_back(Factory_->Own(type));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElement(const TType* type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddElement(type));
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElementType(TTypePtr type) & noexcept {
+ return AddElementType(type.Get());
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElementType(TTypePtr type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddElementType(type));
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElementType(const TType* type) & noexcept {
+ PendingElementType_ = Factory_->Own(type);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElementType(const TType* type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddElementType(type));
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::DiscardElementType() & noexcept {
+ PendingElementType_.Clear();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::DiscardElementType() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(DiscardElementType());
+ }
+ bool TTupleBuilderRaw::HasElementType() const noexcept {
+ return PendingElementType_.Defined();
+ }
+ TMaybe<const TType*> TTupleBuilderRaw::GetElementType() const noexcept {
+ return PendingElementType_;
+ }
+ bool TTupleBuilderRaw::CanAddElement() const noexcept {
+ return HasElementType();
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElement() & noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(CanAddElement());
+ Elements_.emplace_back(*PendingElementType_);
+ DiscardElement();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::AddElement() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(AddElement());
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::DiscardElement() & noexcept {
+ DiscardElementType();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::DiscardElement() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(DiscardElement());
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& TTupleBuilderRaw::Reset() & noexcept {
+ Name_ = {};
+ Elements_.clear();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTupleType::TElements TTupleBuilderRaw::GetElements() const noexcept {
+ return Elements_;
+ }
+ TTupleBuilderRaw TTupleBuilderRaw::Reset() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(Reset());
+ }
+ TTupleTypePtr TTupleBuilderRaw::Build() {
+ return BuildRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTupleType* TTupleBuilderRaw::BuildRaw() {
+ return DoBuildRaw(Name_);
+ }
+ TVariantTypePtr TTupleBuilderRaw::BuildVariant() {
+ return BuildVariantRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TVariantType* TTupleBuilderRaw::BuildVariantRaw() {
+ return Factory_->New<TVariantType>(Nothing(), Name_, DoBuildRaw(Nothing()));
+ }
+ const TTupleType* TTupleBuilderRaw::DoBuildRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) {
+ auto items = Factory_->NewArray<TTupleType::TElement>(Elements_.size(), [this](TTupleType::TElement* element, size_t i) {
+ new (element) TTupleType::TElement(Elements_[i]);
+ });
+ return Factory_->New<TTupleType>(Nothing(), name, items);
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw::TTaggedBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory) noexcept
+ : Factory_(&factory)
+ {
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& TTaggedBuilderRaw::SetTag(TStringBuf tag) & noexcept {
+ Tag_ = Factory_->AllocateString(tag);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw TTaggedBuilderRaw::SetTag(TStringBuf tag) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(SetTag(tag));
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& TTaggedBuilderRaw::DiscardTag() & noexcept {
+ Tag_.Clear();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw TTaggedBuilderRaw::DiscardTag() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(DiscardTag());
+ }
+ bool TTaggedBuilderRaw::HasTag() const noexcept {
+ return Tag_.Defined();
+ }
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> TTaggedBuilderRaw::GetTag() const noexcept {
+ return Tag_;
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& TTaggedBuilderRaw::SetItem(TTypePtr type) & noexcept {
+ return SetItem(type.Get());
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw TTaggedBuilderRaw::SetItem(TTypePtr type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(SetItem(std::move(type)));
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& TTaggedBuilderRaw::SetItem(const TType* type) & noexcept {
+ Item_ = Factory_->Own(type);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw TTaggedBuilderRaw::SetItem(const TType* type) && noexcept {
+ return std::move(SetItem(type));
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& TTaggedBuilderRaw::DiscardItem() & noexcept {
+ Item_.Clear();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw TTaggedBuilderRaw::DiscardItem() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(DiscardItem());
+ }
+ bool TTaggedBuilderRaw::HasItem() const noexcept {
+ return Item_.Defined();
+ }
+ TMaybe<const TType*> TTaggedBuilderRaw::GetItem() const noexcept {
+ return Item_;
+ }
+ bool TTaggedBuilderRaw::CanBuild() const noexcept {
+ return HasTag() && HasItem();
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& TTaggedBuilderRaw::Reset() & noexcept {
+ DiscardTag();
+ DiscardItem();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw TTaggedBuilderRaw::Reset() && noexcept {
+ return std::move(Reset());
+ }
+ TTaggedTypePtr TTaggedBuilderRaw::Build() {
+ return BuildRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTaggedType* TTaggedBuilderRaw::BuildRaw() {
+ Y_VERIFY(CanBuild());
+ return Factory_->New<TTaggedType>(Nothing(), *Item_, *Tag_);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/builder.h b/library/cpp/type_info/builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faae45ab51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#pragma once
+//! @file builder.h
+//! Builders help with creating complex types piece-by-piece.
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include "type.h"
+#include "fwd.h"
+namespace NTi {
+ /// An interface for building structs using the raw interface (via memory-pool-based factory).
+ ///
+ /// This interface allows allocating structs piece-by-piece. You can feed it struct items, one-by-one, and they'll
+ /// be copied into the memory pool before the struct is created. This way, you don't have to allocate heap memory
+ /// to temporarily store item names or types.
+ ///
+ /// Note: this builder doesn't own the underlying factory.
+ class TStructBuilderRaw {
+ public:
+ /// Create a new builder with the given factory.
+ TStructBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory) noexcept;
+ /// Create a new builder with the given factory and add fields from the given struct.
+ /// Note that struct name is not copied to the builder.
+ TStructBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, TStructTypePtr prototype) noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, const TStructType* prototype) noexcept;
+ /// Set a new struct name.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the name is copied to the factory right away. If you call this function twice, second call will
+ /// overwrite name from the first call, but will not remove it from the memory pool.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& SetName(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw SetName(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) && noexcept;
+ /// Check if there's a struct name set.
+ bool HasName() const noexcept;
+ /// Get a struct name.
+ ///
+ /// Name was copied to the factory's memory pool and will live as long as the factory lives.
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> GetName() const noexcept;
+ /// Reserve some place in the underlying vector that collects struct items.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& Reserve(size_t size) & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw Reserve(size_t size) && noexcept;
+ /// Append a new struct member.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& AddMember(TStringBuf name, TTypePtr type) & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw AddMember(TStringBuf name, TTypePtr type) && noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw& AddMember(TStringBuf name, const TType* type) & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw AddMember(TStringBuf name, const TType* type) && noexcept;
+ /// Partial member creation interface.
+ ///
+ /// This interface allows building individual struct items piece-by-piece. You can pass member's name
+ /// and copy it to the pool without passing its type. For example:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// auto builder = TStructBuilderRaw(factory);
+ /// builder.AddMemberName("name"); // add name for a new member.
+ /// builder.AddMemberType(type); // add type for a new member.
+ /// builder.AddMember(); // use added name and type to construct and append an member.
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// This interface is useful when you can't store member name for a long time. For example, if you building
+ /// a parser, at some point have an member name, but you don't have an member type yet. Then you can add member name
+ /// when you have it, and add member type later.
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Set name for pending member.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the name is copied to the factory right away. If you call this function twice, second call will
+ /// overwrite name from the first call, but will not remove it from the memory pool.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& AddMemberName(TStringBuf name) & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw AddMemberName(TStringBuf name) && noexcept;
+ /// Unset name for pending member.
+ ///
+ /// Note that member name is copied to the factory right away. If you discard it via this method,
+ /// it will not be removed from the memory pool.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& DiscardMemberName() & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw DiscardMemberName() && noexcept;
+ /// Check if there's a name set for pending member.
+ bool HasMemberName() const noexcept;
+ /// Get name for pending member.
+ ///
+ /// Name was copied to the factory's memory pool and will live as long as the factory lives.
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> GetMemberName() const noexcept;
+ /// Set type for pending member.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the type is copied to the factory right away. If you call this function twice, second call will
+ /// overwrite type from the first call, but will not remove it from the memory pool.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& AddMemberType(TTypePtr type) & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw AddMemberType(TTypePtr type) && noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw& AddMemberType(const TType* type) & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw AddMemberType(const TType* type) && noexcept;
+ /// Unset type for pending member.
+ ///
+ /// Note that member type is copied to the factory right away. If you discard it via this method,
+ /// it will not be removed from the memory pool.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& DiscardMemberType() & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw DiscardMemberType() && noexcept;
+ /// Check if there's a type set for pending member.
+ bool HasMemberType() const noexcept;
+ /// Get type for pending member.
+ TMaybe<const TType*> GetMemberType() const noexcept;
+ /// Check if both name and type are set for pending member.
+ bool CanAddMember() const noexcept;
+ /// Use data added via `AddMemberName` and `AddMemberType` to construct a new struct member
+ /// and append it to this builder. This function panics if there's no name or no type set for pending member.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& AddMember() & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw AddMember() && noexcept;
+ /// Discard all data added via `AddMemberName` and `AddMemberType` functions.
+ ///
+ /// Note that member name and type are copied to the factory right away. If you discard them via this method,
+ /// they will not be removed from the memory pool.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& DiscardMember() & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw DiscardMember() && noexcept;
+ /// @}
+ /// Get immutable list of items that've been added to this builder.
+ /// The returned object is invalidated when this builder dies or when `AddMember` is called.
+ TStructType::TMembers GetMembers() const noexcept;
+ /// Reset struct name and items.
+ TStructBuilderRaw& Reset() & noexcept;
+ TStructBuilderRaw Reset() && noexcept;
+ /// Create a new struct type using name and items from this builder.
+ TStructTypePtr Build();
+ /// Like `Build`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TStructType* BuildRaw();
+ /// Create a new variant over struct using items from this builder.
+ TVariantTypePtr BuildVariant();
+ /// Like `BuildVariant`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TVariantType* BuildVariantRaw();
+ private:
+ const TStructType* DoBuildRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name);
+ private:
+ IPoolTypeFactory* Factory_;
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> Name_;
+ TVector<TStructType::TMember> Members_;
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> PendingMemberName_;
+ TMaybe<const TType*> PendingMemberType_;
+ };
+ /// An interface for building tuples using the raw interface (via memory-pool-based factory).
+ ///
+ /// Note: this builder doesn't own the underlying factory.
+ class TTupleBuilderRaw {
+ public:
+ /// Create a new builder with the given factory.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory) noexcept;
+ /// Create a new builder with the given factory and add fields from the given tuple.
+ /// Note that tuple name is not copied to the builder.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, TTupleTypePtr prototype) noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, const TTupleType* prototype) noexcept;
+ /// Set a new tuple name.
+ /// Note that the name is copied to the factory right away. If you call this function twice, second call will
+ /// overwrite name from the first call, but will not remove it from the memory pool.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& SetName(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw SetName(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name) && noexcept;
+ /// Check if there's a tuple name set.
+ bool HasName() const noexcept;
+ /// Get a tuple name.
+ ///
+ /// Name was copied to the factory's memory pool and will live as long as the factory lives.
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> GetName() const noexcept;
+ /// Reserve some place in the underlying vector that collects tuple items.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& Reserve(size_t size) & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw Reserve(size_t size) && noexcept;
+ /// Append a new tuple item.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& AddElement(TTypePtr type) & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw AddElement(TTypePtr type) && noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& AddElement(const TType* type) & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw AddElement(const TType* type) && noexcept;
+ /// Partial item creation interface.
+ ///
+ /// This interface allows building individual tuple items piece-by-piece. It mirrors the same type of interface
+ /// in the struct builder.
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Set type for pending item.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the type is copied to the factory right away. If you call this function twice, second call will
+ /// overwrite type from the first call, but will not remove it from the memory pool.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& AddElementType(TTypePtr type) & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw AddElementType(TTypePtr type) && noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& AddElementType(const TType* type) & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw AddElementType(const TType* type) && noexcept;
+ /// Unset type for pending item.
+ ///
+ /// Note that item type is copied to the factory right away. If you discard it via this method,
+ /// it will not be removed from the memory pool.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& DiscardElementType() & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw DiscardElementType() && noexcept;
+ /// Check if there's a type set for pending item.
+ bool HasElementType() const noexcept;
+ /// Get type for pending item.
+ TMaybe<const TType*> GetElementType() const noexcept;
+ /// Check if type is set for pending item.
+ bool CanAddElement() const noexcept;
+ /// Use data added via `AddElementType` to construct a new tuple item and append it to this builder.
+ /// This function panics if there's no type set for pending item.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& AddElement() & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw AddElement() && noexcept;
+ /// Discard all data added via `AddElementType` function.
+ ///
+ /// Note that item type is copied to the factory right away. If you discard it via this method,
+ /// it will not be removed from the memory pool.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& DiscardElement() & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw DiscardElement() && noexcept;
+ /// @}
+ /// Get immutable list of items that've been added to this builder.
+ /// The returned object is invalidated when this builder dies or when `AddElement` is called.
+ TTupleType::TElements GetElements() const noexcept;
+ /// Reset tuple name and items.
+ TTupleBuilderRaw& Reset() & noexcept;
+ TTupleBuilderRaw Reset() && noexcept;
+ /// Create a new tuple type using name and items from this builder.
+ TTupleTypePtr Build();
+ /// Like `Build`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TTupleType* BuildRaw();
+ /// Create a new variant over tuple using items from this builder.
+ TVariantTypePtr BuildVariant();
+ /// Like `BuildVariant`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TVariantType* BuildVariantRaw();
+ private:
+ const TTupleType* DoBuildRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name);
+ private:
+ IPoolTypeFactory* Factory_;
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> Name_;
+ TVector<TTupleType::TElement> Elements_;
+ TMaybe<const TType*> PendingElementType_;
+ };
+ /// An interface for building tagged types using the raw interface (via memory-pool-based factory).
+ ///
+ /// Note: this builder doesn't own the underlying factory.
+ class TTaggedBuilderRaw {
+ public:
+ /// Create a new builder with the given factory.
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory) noexcept;
+ /// Set a new tag.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the tag is copied to the factory right away. If you call this function twice, second call will
+ /// overwrite tag from the first call, but will not remove it from the memory pool.
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& SetTag(TStringBuf tag) & noexcept;
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw SetTag(TStringBuf tag) && noexcept;
+ /// Unset tag.
+ ///
+ /// Note that tag is copied to the factory right away. If you discard it via this method,
+ /// it will not be removed from the memory pool.
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& DiscardTag() & noexcept;
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw DiscardTag() && noexcept;
+ /// Check if a tag is set.
+ bool HasTag() const noexcept;
+ /// Get a tag.
+ ///
+ /// The tag was copied to the factory's memory pool and will live as long as the factory lives.
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> GetTag() const noexcept;
+ /// Set type that's being tagged.
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& SetItem(TTypePtr type) & noexcept;
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw SetItem(TTypePtr type) && noexcept;
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& SetItem(const TType* type) & noexcept;
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw SetItem(const TType* type) && noexcept;
+ /// Unset item type.
+ ///
+ /// Note that item type is copied to the factory right away. If you discard it via this method,
+ /// it will not be removed from the memory pool.
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& DiscardItem() & noexcept;
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw DiscardItem() && noexcept;
+ /// Check if there's an item type set.
+ bool HasItem() const noexcept;
+ /// Get item type.
+ TMaybe<const TType*> GetItem() const noexcept;
+ /// Check if there's both name and item type set.
+ bool CanBuild() const noexcept;
+ /// Discard both tag and item.
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw& Reset() & noexcept;
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw Reset() && noexcept;
+ /// Create a new tagged type using name and item from this builder.
+ TTaggedTypePtr Build();
+ /// Like `Build`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TTaggedType* BuildRaw();
+ private:
+ IPoolTypeFactory* Factory_;
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> Tag_;
+ TMaybe<const TType*> Item_;
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/error.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/error.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe9ecf1d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/error.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include "error.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/error.h b/library/cpp/type_info/error.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26fd8853f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/error.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#pragma once
+//! @file error.h
+//! All error classes that one can encounter when working with type info library.
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+namespace NTi {
+ /// Base class for all exceptions that arise when working with Type Info library.
+ class TException: public yexception {
+ };
+ /// Type Info API used in an unintended way.
+ class TApiException: public TException {
+ };
+ /// Attempting to create an illegal type.
+ ///
+ /// For example, this exception is raised when attempting to create a struct with non-unique item names.
+ class TIllegalTypeException: public TException {
+ };
+ /// Type deserializer got an invalid input.
+ ///
+ /// See `TType::Serialize()` and `TType::Deserialize()` for more info on type serialization/deserialization.
+ class TDeserializationException: public TException {
+ };
+ /// No such item in type.
+ class TItemNotFound: public TException {
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/fwd.h b/library/cpp/type_info/fwd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..644932f677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/fwd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/fwd.h>
+namespace NTi {
+ class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ class TNamedTypeBuilderRaw;
+ class TStructBuilderRaw;
+ class TTupleBuilderRaw;
+ class TTaggedBuilderRaw;
+ class ITypeFactory;
+ using ITypeFactoryPtr = TIntrusivePtr<ITypeFactory>;
+ class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ using IPoolTypeFactoryPtr = TIntrusivePtr<IPoolTypeFactory>;
+ class TType;
+ using TTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TType>;
+ class TVoidType;
+ using TVoidTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TVoidType>;
+ class TNullType;
+ using TNullTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TNullType>;
+ class TPrimitiveType;
+ using TPrimitiveTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TPrimitiveType>;
+ class TBoolType;
+ using TBoolTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TBoolType>;
+ class TInt8Type;
+ using TInt8TypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TInt8Type>;
+ class TInt16Type;
+ using TInt16TypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TInt16Type>;
+ class TInt32Type;
+ using TInt32TypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TInt32Type>;
+ class TInt64Type;
+ using TInt64TypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TInt64Type>;
+ class TUint8Type;
+ using TUint8TypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TUint8Type>;
+ class TUint16Type;
+ using TUint16TypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TUint16Type>;
+ class TUint32Type;
+ using TUint32TypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TUint32Type>;
+ class TUint64Type;
+ using TUint64TypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TUint64Type>;
+ class TFloatType;
+ using TFloatTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TFloatType>;
+ class TDoubleType;
+ using TDoubleTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TDoubleType>;
+ class TStringType;
+ using TStringTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TStringType>;
+ class TUtf8Type;
+ using TUtf8TypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TUtf8Type>;
+ class TDateType;
+ using TDateTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TDateType>;
+ class TDatetimeType;
+ using TDatetimeTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TDatetimeType>;
+ class TTimestampType;
+ using TTimestampTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTimestampType>;
+ class TTzDateType;
+ using TTzDateTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTzDateType>;
+ class TTzDatetimeType;
+ using TTzDatetimeTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTzDatetimeType>;
+ class TTzTimestampType;
+ using TTzTimestampTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTzTimestampType>;
+ class TIntervalType;
+ using TIntervalTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TIntervalType>;
+ class TDecimalType;
+ using TDecimalTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TDecimalType>;
+ class TJsonType;
+ using TJsonTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TJsonType>;
+ class TYsonType;
+ using TYsonTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TYsonType>;
+ class TUuidType;
+ using TUuidTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TUuidType>;
+ class TOptionalType;
+ using TOptionalTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TOptionalType>;
+ class TListType;
+ using TListTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TListType>;
+ class TDictType;
+ using TDictTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TDictType>;
+ class TStructType;
+ using TStructTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TStructType>;
+ class TTupleType;
+ using TTupleTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTupleType>;
+ class TVariantType;
+ using TVariantTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TVariantType>;
+ class TTaggedType;
+ using TTaggedTypePtr = TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTaggedType>;
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/type.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cee58a0a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1662 @@
+#include "type.h"
+#include "type_factory.h"
+#include "type_equivalence.h"
+#include <util/generic/overloaded.h>
+#include <util/digest/murmur.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
+#include <util/string/escape.h>
+namespace {
+ inline ui64 Hash(NTi::ETypeName type) {
+ return IntHash(static_cast<ui64>(type));
+ }
+ inline ui64 Hash(ui64 value, ui64 seed) {
+ return MurmurHash(&value, sizeof(value), seed);
+ }
+ inline ui64 Hash(TStringBuf string, ui64 seed) {
+ seed = ::Hash(string.size(), seed);
+ return MurmurHash(string.data(), string.size(), seed);
+ }
+ inline ui64 Hash(TMaybe<TStringBuf> string, ui64 seed) {
+ if (string.Defined()) {
+ return MurmurHash(string->data(), string->size(), seed);
+ } else {
+ return seed;
+ }
+ }
+ TString Quote(TStringBuf s) {
+ TString result;
+ result.push_back('\'');
+ result += EscapeC(s);
+ result.push_back('\'');
+ return result;
+ }
+namespace NTi {
+ TType::TType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, ETypeName typeName) noexcept
+ : TypeName_(typeName)
+ , HasHash_(hash.Defined())
+ , Hash_(hash.GetOrElse(0))
+ {
+ }
+ ui64 TType::CalculateHash() const noexcept {
+ return ::Hash(TypeName_);
+ }
+ TMaybe<ui64> TType::GetHashRaw() const noexcept {
+ if (HasHash_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst)) {
+ return Hash_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ } else {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ }
+ ui64 TType::GetHash() const {
+ if (HasHash_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst)) {
+ return Hash_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ } else {
+ ui64 hash = VisitRaw([](const auto* type) {
+ return type->CalculateHash();
+ });
+ Hash_.store(hash, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ HasHash_.store(true, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ }
+ TTypePtr TType::StripTags() const noexcept {
+ return StripTagsRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TType* TType::StripTagsRaw() const noexcept {
+ auto type = this;
+ while (type->IsTagged()) {
+ type = type->AsTaggedRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw();
+ }
+ return type;
+ }
+ TTypePtr TType::StripOptionals() const noexcept {
+ return StripOptionalsRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TType* TType::StripOptionalsRaw() const noexcept {
+ auto type = this;
+ while (type->IsOptional()) {
+ type = type->AsOptionalRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw();
+ }
+ return type;
+ }
+ TTypePtr TType::StripTagsAndOptionals() const noexcept {
+ return StripTagsAndOptionalsRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TType* TType::StripTagsAndOptionalsRaw() const noexcept {
+ auto type = this;
+ while (type->IsTagged() || type->IsOptional()) {
+ if (type->IsTagged()) {
+ type = type->AsTaggedRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw();
+ } else {
+ type = type->AsOptionalRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw();
+ }
+ }
+ return type;
+ }
+ const TType* TType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ return VisitRaw([&factory](const auto* type) -> const NTi::TType* {
+ return type->Clone(factory);
+ });
+ }
+ void TType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ VisitRaw([&factory](const auto* type) {
+ using T = std::remove_const_t<std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(type)>>;
+ return const_cast<T*>(type)->Drop(factory);
+ });
+ }
+ ITypeFactoryInternal* TType::GetFactory() const noexcept {
+ size_t manager_or_rc = FactoryOrRc_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (IsRc(manager_or_rc)) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory();
+ } else if (IsFactory(manager_or_rc)) {
+ return CastToFactory(manager_or_rc);
+ } else {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ void TType::SetFactory(ITypeFactoryInternal* factory) noexcept {
+ if (factory == NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()) {
+ FactoryOrRc_.store(0b1u, std::memory_order_release);
+ } else {
+ FactoryOrRc_.store(CastFromFactory(factory), std::memory_order_release);
+ }
+ }
+ ITypeFactoryInternal& TType::FactoryInternal(ITypeFactory& factory) noexcept {
+ return static_cast<ITypeFactoryInternal&>(factory);
+ }
+ template <bool RefFactory>
+ void TType::RefImpl() noexcept {
+ size_t factoryOrRc = FactoryOrRc_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (Y_LIKELY(IsRc(factoryOrRc))) {
+ FactoryOrRc_.fetch_add(0b10u, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+ } else if (Y_LIKELY(IsFactory(factoryOrRc))) {
+ auto factory = CastToFactory(factoryOrRc);
+ if (RefFactory) {
+ factory->Ref();
+ }
+ factory->RefType(this);
+ }
+ }
+ template void TType::RefImpl<true>() noexcept;
+ template void TType::RefImpl<false>() noexcept;
+ template <bool UnRefFactory>
+ void TType::UnRefImpl() noexcept {
+ size_t factoryOrRc = FactoryOrRc_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (Y_LIKELY(IsRc(factoryOrRc))) {
+ size_t rc = FactoryOrRc_.fetch_sub(0b10u, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+ if (rc == 0b11u) {
+ auto factory = NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory();
+ Drop(*factory);
+ factory->Delete(this);
+ }
+ } else if (Y_LIKELY(IsFactory(factoryOrRc))) {
+ auto factory = CastToFactory(factoryOrRc);
+ factory->UnRefType(this);
+ if (UnRefFactory) {
+ factory->UnRef();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template void TType::UnRefImpl<true>() noexcept;
+ template void TType::UnRefImpl<false>() noexcept;
+ template <bool DecRefFactory>
+ void TType::DecRefImpl() noexcept {
+ size_t factoryOrRc = FactoryOrRc_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (Y_LIKELY(IsRc(factoryOrRc))) {
+ size_t rc = FactoryOrRc_.fetch_sub(2, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+ if (rc == 2) {
+ Y_FAIL("DecRef isn't supposed to drop");
+ }
+ } else if (Y_LIKELY(IsFactory(factoryOrRc))) {
+ auto factory = CastToFactory(factoryOrRc);
+ factory->DecRefType(this);
+ if (DecRefFactory) {
+ factory->DecRef();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template void TType::DecRefImpl<true>() noexcept;
+ template void TType::DecRefImpl<false>() noexcept;
+ long TType::RefCountImpl() const noexcept {
+ size_t factoryOrRc = FactoryOrRc_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (Y_LIKELY(IsRc(factoryOrRc))) {
+ return factoryOrRc >> 1u;
+ } else if (Y_LIKELY(IsFactory(factoryOrRc))) {
+ return CastToFactory(factoryOrRc)->RefCountType(this);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename TCtor>
+ const T* TType::Cached(const T* type, ITypeFactoryInternal& factory, TCtor&& ctor) {
+ const TType* result = factory.LookupCache(type);
+ if (result == nullptr) {
+ result = std::forward<TCtor>(ctor)();
+ factory.SaveCache(result);
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(result->GetTypeName() == type->GetTypeName());
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(result->GetHash() == type->GetHash());
+ return static_cast<const T*>(result);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const TType& lhs, const TType& rhs) {
+ Y_VERIFY(&lhs);
+ Y_VERIFY(&rhs);
+ return NEq::TStrictlyEqual().IgnoreHash(&lhs, &rhs);
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const TType& lhs, const TType& rhs)
+ {
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+ }
+ TVoidType::TVoidType()
+ : TType({}, ETypeName::Void)
+ {
+ }
+ TVoidTypePtr TVoidType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TVoidType* TVoidType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TVoidType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TVoidType* TVoidType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TVoidType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TNullType::TNullType()
+ : TType({}, ETypeName::Null)
+ {
+ }
+ TNullTypePtr TNullType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TNullType* TNullType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TNullType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TNullType* TNullType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TNullType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TPrimitiveType::TPrimitiveType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, EPrimitiveTypeName primitiveTypeName) noexcept
+ : TType(hash, ToTypeName(primitiveTypeName))
+ {
+ }
+ TBoolType::TBoolType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Bool)
+ {
+ }
+ TBoolTypePtr TBoolType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TBoolType* TBoolType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TBoolType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TBoolType* TBoolType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TBoolType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TInt8Type::TInt8Type()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Int8)
+ {
+ }
+ TInt8TypePtr TInt8Type::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TInt8Type* TInt8Type::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TInt8Type();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TInt8Type* TInt8Type::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TInt8Type::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TInt16Type::TInt16Type()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Int16)
+ {
+ }
+ TInt16TypePtr TInt16Type::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TInt16Type* TInt16Type::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TInt16Type();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TInt16Type* TInt16Type::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TInt16Type::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TInt32Type::TInt32Type()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Int32)
+ {
+ }
+ TInt32TypePtr TInt32Type::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TInt32Type* TInt32Type::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TInt32Type();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TInt32Type* TInt32Type::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TInt32Type::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TInt64Type::TInt64Type()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Int64)
+ {
+ }
+ TInt64TypePtr TInt64Type::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TInt64Type* TInt64Type::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TInt64Type();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TInt64Type* TInt64Type::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TInt64Type::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TUint8Type::TUint8Type()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint8)
+ {
+ }
+ TUint8TypePtr TUint8Type::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUint8Type* TUint8Type::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TUint8Type();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TUint8Type* TUint8Type::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TUint8Type::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TUint16Type::TUint16Type()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint16)
+ {
+ }
+ TUint16TypePtr TUint16Type::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUint16Type* TUint16Type::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TUint16Type();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TUint16Type* TUint16Type::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TUint16Type::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TUint32Type::TUint32Type()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint32)
+ {
+ }
+ TUint32TypePtr TUint32Type::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUint32Type* TUint32Type::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TUint32Type();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TUint32Type* TUint32Type::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TUint32Type::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TUint64Type::TUint64Type()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint64)
+ {
+ }
+ TUint64TypePtr TUint64Type::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUint64Type* TUint64Type::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TUint64Type();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TUint64Type* TUint64Type::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TUint64Type::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TFloatType::TFloatType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Float)
+ {
+ }
+ TFloatTypePtr TFloatType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TFloatType* TFloatType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TFloatType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TFloatType* TFloatType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TFloatType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TDoubleType::TDoubleType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Double)
+ {
+ }
+ TDoubleTypePtr TDoubleType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDoubleType* TDoubleType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TDoubleType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TDoubleType* TDoubleType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TDoubleType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TStringType::TStringType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::String)
+ {
+ }
+ TStringTypePtr TStringType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TStringType* TStringType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TStringType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TStringType* TStringType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TStringType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TUtf8Type::TUtf8Type()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Utf8)
+ {
+ }
+ TUtf8TypePtr TUtf8Type::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUtf8Type* TUtf8Type::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TUtf8Type();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TUtf8Type* TUtf8Type::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TUtf8Type::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TDateType::TDateType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Date)
+ {
+ }
+ TDateTypePtr TDateType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDateType* TDateType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TDateType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TDateType* TDateType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TDateType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TDatetimeType::TDatetimeType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Datetime)
+ {
+ }
+ TDatetimeTypePtr TDatetimeType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDatetimeType* TDatetimeType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TDatetimeType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TDatetimeType* TDatetimeType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TDatetimeType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TTimestampType::TTimestampType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Timestamp)
+ {
+ }
+ TTimestampTypePtr TTimestampType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTimestampType* TTimestampType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TTimestampType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TTimestampType* TTimestampType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TTimestampType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TTzDateType::TTzDateType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::TzDate)
+ {
+ }
+ TTzDateTypePtr TTzDateType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTzDateType* TTzDateType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TTzDateType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TTzDateType* TTzDateType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TTzDateType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TTzDatetimeType::TTzDatetimeType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::TzDatetime)
+ {
+ }
+ TTzDatetimeTypePtr TTzDatetimeType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTzDatetimeType* TTzDatetimeType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TTzDatetimeType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TTzDatetimeType* TTzDatetimeType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TTzDatetimeType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TTzTimestampType::TTzTimestampType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::TzTimestamp)
+ {
+ }
+ TTzTimestampTypePtr TTzTimestampType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTzTimestampType* TTzTimestampType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TTzTimestampType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TTzTimestampType* TTzTimestampType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TTzTimestampType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TIntervalType::TIntervalType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Interval)
+ {
+ }
+ TIntervalTypePtr TIntervalType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TIntervalType* TIntervalType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TIntervalType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TIntervalType* TIntervalType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TIntervalType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TDecimalType::TDecimalType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, ui8 precision, ui8 scale) noexcept
+ : TPrimitiveType(hash, EPrimitiveTypeName::Decimal)
+ , Precision_(precision)
+ , Scale_(scale)
+ {
+ }
+ TDecimalTypePtr TDecimalType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, ui8 precision, ui8 scale) {
+ return CreateRaw(factory, precision, scale)->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDecimalType* TDecimalType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, ui8 precision, ui8 scale) {
+ scale <= precision,
+ TIllegalTypeException() << "decimal scale " << (ui32)scale
+ << " should be no greater than decimal precision " << (ui32)precision);
+ return TDecimalType({}, precision, scale).Clone(FactoryInternal(factory));
+ }
+ ui64 TDecimalType::CalculateHash() const noexcept {
+ auto hash = TType::CalculateHash();
+ hash = ::Hash(Precision_, hash);
+ hash = ::Hash(Scale_, hash);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ const TDecimalType* TDecimalType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ return Cached(this, factory, [this, &factory]() -> const TDecimalType* {
+ auto hash = GetHashRaw();
+ auto precision = Precision_;
+ auto scale = Scale_;
+ return factory.New<TDecimalType>(hash, precision, scale);
+ });
+ }
+ void TDecimalType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TJsonType::TJsonType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Json)
+ {
+ }
+ TJsonTypePtr TJsonType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TJsonType* TJsonType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TJsonType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TJsonType* TJsonType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TJsonType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TYsonType::TYsonType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Yson)
+ {
+ }
+ TYsonTypePtr TYsonType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TYsonType* TYsonType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TYsonType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TYsonType* TYsonType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TYsonType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TUuidType::TUuidType()
+ : TPrimitiveType({}, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uuid)
+ {
+ }
+ TUuidTypePtr TUuidType::Instance() {
+ return InstanceRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUuidType* TUuidType::InstanceRaw() {
+ static auto singleton = TUuidType();
+ return &singleton;
+ }
+ const TUuidType* TUuidType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ return InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ void TUuidType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ Y_UNUSED(factory);
+ }
+ TOptionalType::TOptionalType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, const TType* item) noexcept
+ : TType(hash, ETypeName::Optional)
+ , Item_(item)
+ {
+ }
+ TOptionalTypePtr TOptionalType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr item) {
+ return CreateRaw(factory, item.Get())->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TOptionalType* TOptionalType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* item) {
+ return TOptionalType({}, item).Clone(FactoryInternal(factory));
+ }
+ const TOptionalType* TOptionalType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ return Cached(this, factory, [this, &factory]() -> const TOptionalType* {
+ auto hash = GetHashRaw();
+ auto item = factory.Own(Item_);
+ return factory.New<TOptionalType>(hash, item);
+ });
+ }
+ void TOptionalType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ factory.Disown(Item_);
+ }
+ ui64 TOptionalType::CalculateHash() const noexcept {
+ auto hash = TType::CalculateHash();
+ hash = ::Hash(Item_->GetHash(), hash);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ TListType::TListType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, const TType* item) noexcept
+ : TType(hash, ETypeName::List)
+ , Item_(item)
+ {
+ }
+ TListTypePtr TListType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr item) {
+ return CreateRaw(factory, item.Get())->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TListType* TListType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* item) {
+ return TListType({}, item).Clone(FactoryInternal(factory));
+ }
+ const TListType* TListType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ return Cached(this, factory, [this, &factory]() -> const TListType* {
+ auto hash = GetHashRaw();
+ auto item = factory.Own(Item_);
+ return factory.New<TListType>(hash, item);
+ });
+ }
+ void TListType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ factory.Disown(Item_);
+ }
+ ui64 TListType::CalculateHash() const noexcept {
+ auto hash = TType::CalculateHash();
+ hash = ::Hash(Item_->GetHash(), hash);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ TDictType::TDictType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, const TType* key, const TType* value) noexcept
+ : TType(hash, ETypeName::Dict)
+ , Key_(key)
+ , Value_(value)
+ {
+ }
+ TDictTypePtr TDictType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr key, TTypePtr value) {
+ return CreateRaw(factory, key.Get(), value.Get())->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDictType* TDictType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* key, const TType* value) {
+ return TDictType({}, key, value).Clone(FactoryInternal(factory));
+ }
+ const TDictType* TDictType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ return Cached(this, factory, [this, &factory]() -> const TDictType* {
+ auto hash = GetHashRaw();
+ auto key = factory.Own(Key_);
+ auto value = factory.Own(Value_);
+ return factory.New<TDictType>(hash, key, value);
+ });
+ }
+ void TDictType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ factory.Disown(Key_);
+ factory.Disown(Value_);
+ }
+ ui64 TDictType::CalculateHash() const noexcept {
+ auto hash = TType::CalculateHash();
+ hash = ::Hash(Key_->GetHash(), hash);
+ hash = ::Hash(Value_->GetHash(), hash);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ TStructType::TMember::TMember(TStringBuf name, const TType* type)
+ : Name_(name)
+ , Type_(type)
+ {
+ }
+ ui64 TStructType::TMember::Hash() const {
+ auto hash = 0x10000;
+ hash = ::Hash(Name_, hash);
+ hash = ::Hash(Type_->GetHash(), hash);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ TStructType::TOwnedMember::TOwnedMember(TString name, TTypePtr type)
+ : Name_(std::move(name))
+ , Type_(std::move(type))
+ {
+ }
+ TStructType::TOwnedMember::operator TStructType::TMember() const& {
+ return TStructType::TMember(Name_, Type_.Get());
+ }
+ TStructType::TStructType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TMembers members, TConstArrayRef<size_t> sortedItems) noexcept
+ : TType(hash, ETypeName::Struct)
+ , Name_(name)
+ , Members_(members)
+ , SortedMembers_(sortedItems)
+ {
+ }
+ TStructTypePtr TStructType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TStructType::TOwnedMembers members) {
+ return Create(factory, Nothing(), members);
+ }
+ TStructTypePtr TStructType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TStructType::TOwnedMembers members) {
+ auto rawItems = TTempArray<TMember>(members.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) {
+ new (rawItems.Data() + i) TMember(members[i]);
+ }
+ return CreateRaw(factory, name, TArrayRef(rawItems.Data(), members.size()))->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TStructType* TStructType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TStructType::TMembers members) {
+ return CreateRaw(factory, Nothing(), members);
+ }
+ const TStructType* TStructType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TStructType::TMembers members) {
+ auto sortedMembersArray = TTempArray<size_t>(members.size());
+ auto sortedMembers = TArrayRef(sortedMembersArray.Data(), members.size());
+ MakeSortedMembers(members, sortedMembers);
+ return TStructType({}, name, members, sortedMembers).Clone(FactoryInternal(factory));
+ }
+ void TStructType::MakeSortedMembers(TStructType::TMembers members, TArrayRef<size_t> sortedItems) {
+ Y_VERIFY(members.size() == sortedItems.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) {
+ sortedItems[i] = i;
+ }
+ Sort(sortedItems.begin(), sortedItems.end(), [members](size_t lhs, size_t rhs) {
+ return members[lhs].GetName() < members[rhs].GetName();
+ });
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < members.size(); ++i) {
+ if (members[sortedItems[i - 1]].GetName() == members[sortedItems[i]].GetName()) {
+ ythrow TIllegalTypeException() << "duplicate struct item " << Quote(members[sortedItems[i]].GetName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const TStructType* TStructType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ return Cached(this, factory, [this, &factory]() -> const TStructType* {
+ auto hash = GetHashRaw();
+ auto name = factory.AllocateStringMaybe(Name_);
+ auto members = factory.NewArray<TMember>(Members_.size(), [this, &factory](TMember* item, size_t i) {
+ auto name = factory.AllocateString(Members_[i].GetName());
+ auto type = factory.Own(Members_[i].GetTypeRaw());
+ new (item) TMember(name, type);
+ });
+ auto sortedItems = factory.AllocateArrayFor<size_t>(SortedMembers_.size());
+ Copy(SortedMembers_.begin(), SortedMembers_.end(), sortedItems);
+ return factory.New<TStructType>(hash, name, members, TArrayRef{sortedItems, SortedMembers_.size()});
+ });
+ }
+ void TStructType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ factory.FreeStringMaybe(Name_);
+ factory.DeleteArray(Members_, [&factory](const TMember* item, size_t) {
+ factory.FreeString(item->GetName());
+ factory.Disown(item->GetTypeRaw());
+ });
+ factory.Free(const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(SortedMembers_.data())));
+ }
+ ui64 TStructType::CalculateHash() const noexcept {
+ auto hash = TType::CalculateHash();
+ hash = ::Hash(Name_, hash);
+ hash = ::Hash(Members_.size(), hash);
+ for (auto& item : Members_) {
+ hash = ::Hash(item.Hash(), hash);
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }
+ bool TStructType::HasMember(TStringBuf name) const noexcept {
+ return GetMemberIndex(name) != -1;
+ }
+ const TStructType::TMember& TStructType::GetMember(TStringBuf name) const {
+ auto idx = GetMemberIndex(name);
+ if (idx == -1) {
+ ythrow TItemNotFound() << "no item named " << Quote(name);
+ } else {
+ return Members_[idx];
+ }
+ }
+ ssize_t TStructType::GetMemberIndex(TStringBuf name) const noexcept {
+ auto it = LowerBound(SortedMembers_.begin(), SortedMembers_.end(), name, [this](size_t i, TStringBuf name) {
+ return Members_[i].GetName() < name;
+ });
+ if (it == SortedMembers_.end() || Members_[*it].GetName() != name) {
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ return *it;
+ }
+ }
+ TTupleType::TElement::TElement(const TType* type)
+ : Type_(type)
+ {
+ }
+ ui64 TTupleType::TElement::Hash() const {
+ auto hash = 0x10001;
+ hash = ::Hash(Type_->GetHash(), hash);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ TTupleType::TOwnedElement::TOwnedElement(TTypePtr type)
+ : Type_(std::move(type))
+ {
+ }
+ TTupleType::TOwnedElement::operator TTupleType::TElement() const& {
+ return TTupleType::TElement(Type_.Get());
+ }
+ TTupleType::TTupleType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TElements elements) noexcept
+ : TType(hash, ETypeName::Tuple)
+ , Name_(name)
+ , Elements_(elements)
+ {
+ }
+ TTupleTypePtr TTupleType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTupleType::TOwnedElements elements) {
+ return Create(factory, Nothing(), elements);
+ }
+ TTupleTypePtr TTupleType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTupleType::TOwnedElements elements) {
+ auto rawItems = TTempArray<TElement>(elements.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
+ new (rawItems.Data() + i) TElement(elements[i]);
+ }
+ return CreateRaw(factory, name, TArrayRef(rawItems.Data(), elements.size()))->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTupleType* TTupleType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TTupleType::TElements elements) {
+ return CreateRaw(factory, Nothing(), elements);
+ }
+ const TTupleType* TTupleType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTupleType::TElements elements) {
+ return TTupleType({}, name, elements).Clone(FactoryInternal(factory));
+ }
+ const TTupleType* TTupleType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ return Cached(this, factory, [this, &factory]() -> const TTupleType* {
+ auto hash = GetHashRaw();
+ auto name = factory.AllocateStringMaybe(Name_);
+ auto elements = factory.NewArray<TElement>(Elements_.size(), [this, &factory](TElement* item, size_t i) {
+ auto type = factory.Own(Elements_[i].GetTypeRaw());
+ new (item) TElement(type);
+ });
+ return factory.New<TTupleType>(hash, name, elements);
+ });
+ }
+ void TTupleType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ factory.FreeStringMaybe(Name_);
+ factory.DeleteArray(Elements_, [&factory](const TElement* item, size_t) {
+ factory.Disown(item->GetTypeRaw());
+ });
+ }
+ ui64 TTupleType::CalculateHash() const noexcept {
+ auto hash = TType::CalculateHash();
+ hash = ::Hash(Name_, hash);
+ hash = ::Hash(Elements_.size(), hash);
+ for (auto& item : Elements_) {
+ hash = ::Hash(item.Hash(), hash);
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }
+ TVariantType::TVariantType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, const TType* inner) noexcept
+ : TType(hash, ETypeName::Variant)
+ , Name_(name)
+ , Underlying_(inner)
+ {
+ }
+ TVariantTypePtr TVariantType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr inner) {
+ return Create(factory, Nothing(), std::move(inner));
+ }
+ TVariantTypePtr TVariantType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTypePtr inner) {
+ return CreateRaw(factory, name, inner.Get())->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TVariantType* TVariantType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* inner) {
+ return CreateRaw(factory, Nothing(), inner);
+ }
+ const TVariantType* TVariantType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, const TType* inner) {
+ inner->VisitRaw(TOverloaded{
+ [&](const TStructType* s) {
+ !s->GetMembers().empty(),
+ TIllegalTypeException() << "variant should contain at least one alternative");
+ },
+ [&](const TTupleType* t) {
+ !t->GetElements().empty(),
+ TIllegalTypeException() << "variant should contain at least one alternative");
+ },
+ [](const TType* t) {
+ ythrow TIllegalTypeException() << "variants can only contain structs and tuples, got "
+ << t->GetTypeName() << " instead";
+ }});
+ return TVariantType({}, name, inner).Clone(FactoryInternal(factory));
+ }
+ const TVariantType* TVariantType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ return Cached(this, factory, [this, &factory]() -> const TVariantType* {
+ auto hash = GetHashRaw();
+ auto name = factory.AllocateStringMaybe(Name_);
+ auto inner = factory.Own(Underlying_);
+ return factory.New<TVariantType>(hash, name, inner);
+ });
+ }
+ void TVariantType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ factory.FreeStringMaybe(Name_);
+ factory.Disown(Underlying_);
+ }
+ ui64 TVariantType::CalculateHash() const noexcept {
+ auto hash = TType::CalculateHash();
+ hash = ::Hash(Name_, hash);
+ hash = ::Hash(Underlying_->GetHash(), hash);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ TTaggedType::TTaggedType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, const TType* item, TStringBuf tag) noexcept
+ : TType(hash, ETypeName::Tagged)
+ , Item_(item)
+ , Tag_(tag)
+ {
+ }
+ TTaggedTypePtr TTaggedType::Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr type, TStringBuf tag) {
+ return CreateRaw(factory, type.Get(), tag)->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTaggedType* TTaggedType::CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* type, TStringBuf tag) {
+ return TTaggedType({}, type, tag).Clone(FactoryInternal(factory));
+ }
+ const TTaggedType* TTaggedType::Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept {
+ return Cached(this, factory, [this, &factory]() -> const TTaggedType* {
+ auto hash = GetHashRaw();
+ auto item = factory.Own(Item_);
+ auto tag = factory.AllocateString(Tag_);
+ return factory.New<TTaggedType>(hash, item, tag);
+ });
+ }
+ void TTaggedType::Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept {
+ factory.FreeString(Tag_);
+ factory.Disown(Item_);
+ }
+ ui64 TTaggedType::CalculateHash() const noexcept {
+ auto hash = TType::CalculateHash();
+ hash = ::Hash(Tag_, hash);
+ hash = ::Hash(Item_->GetHash(), hash);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ TVoidTypePtr Void() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Void();
+ }
+ TNullTypePtr Null() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Null();
+ }
+ TBoolTypePtr Bool() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Bool();
+ }
+ TInt8TypePtr Int8() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Int8();
+ }
+ TInt16TypePtr Int16() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Int16();
+ }
+ TInt32TypePtr Int32() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Int32();
+ }
+ TInt64TypePtr Int64() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Int64();
+ }
+ TUint8TypePtr Uint8() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Uint8();
+ }
+ TUint16TypePtr Uint16() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Uint16();
+ }
+ TUint32TypePtr Uint32() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Uint32();
+ }
+ TUint64TypePtr Uint64() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Uint64();
+ }
+ TFloatTypePtr Float() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Float();
+ }
+ TDoubleTypePtr Double() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Double();
+ }
+ TStringTypePtr String() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->String();
+ }
+ TUtf8TypePtr Utf8() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Utf8();
+ }
+ TDateTypePtr Date() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Date();
+ }
+ TDatetimeTypePtr Datetime() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Datetime();
+ }
+ TTimestampTypePtr Timestamp() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Timestamp();
+ }
+ TTzDateTypePtr TzDate() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->TzDate();
+ }
+ TTzDatetimeTypePtr TzDatetime() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->TzDatetime();
+ }
+ TTzTimestampTypePtr TzTimestamp() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->TzTimestamp();
+ }
+ TIntervalTypePtr Interval() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Interval();
+ }
+ TDecimalTypePtr Decimal(ui8 precision, ui8 scale) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Decimal(precision, scale);
+ }
+ TJsonTypePtr Json() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Json();
+ }
+ TYsonTypePtr Yson() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Yson();
+ }
+ TUuidTypePtr Uuid() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Uuid();
+ }
+ TOptionalTypePtr Optional(TTypePtr item) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Optional(std::move(item));
+ }
+ TListTypePtr List(TTypePtr item) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->List(std::move(item));
+ }
+ TDictTypePtr Dict(TTypePtr key, TTypePtr value) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Dict(std::move(key), std::move(value));
+ }
+ TStructTypePtr Struct(TStructType::TOwnedMembers members) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Struct(members);
+ }
+ TStructTypePtr Struct(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TStructType::TOwnedMembers members) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Struct(name, members);
+ }
+ TTupleTypePtr Tuple(TTupleType::TOwnedElements elements) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Tuple(elements);
+ }
+ TTupleTypePtr Tuple(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTupleType::TOwnedElements elements) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Tuple(name, elements);
+ }
+ TVariantTypePtr Variant(TTypePtr underlying) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Variant(std::move(underlying));
+ }
+ TVariantTypePtr Variant(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTypePtr underlying) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Variant(name, std::move(underlying));
+ }
+ TTaggedTypePtr Tagged(TTypePtr type, TStringBuf tag) {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory()->Tagged(std::move(type), tag);
+ }
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TType, o, v) {
+ v.VisitRaw([&o](const auto* v) { o << *v; });
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TPrimitiveType, o, v) {
+ v.VisitPrimitiveRaw([&o](const auto* v) { o << *v; });
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TVoidType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Void";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TNullType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Null";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TBoolType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Bool";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TInt8Type, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Int8";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TInt16Type, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Int16";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TInt32Type, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Int32";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TInt64Type, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Int64";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TUint8Type, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Uint8";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TUint16Type, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Uint16";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TUint32Type, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Uint32";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TUint64Type, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Uint64";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TFloatType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Float";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TDoubleType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Double";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TStringType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "String";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TUtf8Type, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Utf8";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TDateType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Date";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TDatetimeType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Datetime";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TTimestampType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Timestamp";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TTzDateType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "TzDate";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TTzDatetimeType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "TzDatetime";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TTzTimestampType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "TzTimestamp";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TIntervalType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Interval";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TDecimalType, o, v) {
+ o << "Decimal(" << (i32)v.GetPrecision() << ", " << (i32)v.GetScale() << ')';
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TJsonType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Json";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TYsonType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Yson";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TUuidType, o, v) {
+ Y_UNUSED(v);
+ o << "Uuid";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TOptionalType, o, v) {
+ o << "Optional<" << *v.GetItemTypeRaw() << ">";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TListType, o, v) {
+ o << "List<" << *v.GetItemTypeRaw() << ">";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TDictType, o, v) {
+ o << "Dict<" << *v.GetKeyTypeRaw() << ", " << *v.GetValueTypeRaw() << ">";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TStructType, o, v) {
+ o << "Struct";
+ if (v.GetName().Defined()) {
+ o << "[" << Quote(*v.GetName()) << "]";
+ }
+ o << "<";
+ const char* sep = "";
+ for (auto& item : v.GetMembers()) {
+ o << sep << Quote(item.GetName()) << ": " << *item.GetTypeRaw();
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ o << ">";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TTupleType, o, v) {
+ o << "Tuple";
+ if (v.GetName().Defined()) {
+ o << "[" << Quote(*v.GetName()) << "]";
+ }
+ o << "<";
+ const char* sep = "";
+ for (auto& item : v.GetElements()) {
+ o << sep << *item.GetTypeRaw();
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ o << ">";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TVariantType, o, v) {
+ o << "Variant";
+ if (v.GetName().Defined()) {
+ o << "[" << Quote(*v.GetName()) << "]";
+ }
+ o << "<";
+ v.VisitUnderlyingRaw(
+ TOverloaded{
+ [&o](const NTi::TStructType* s) {
+ const char* sep = "";
+ for (auto& item : s->GetMembers()) {
+ o << sep << Quote(item.GetName()) << ": " << *item.GetTypeRaw();
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ },
+ [&o](const NTi::TTupleType* t) {
+ const char* sep = "";
+ for (auto& item : t->GetElements()) {
+ o << sep << *item.GetTypeRaw();
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ }});
+ o << ">";
+Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NTi::TTaggedType, o, v) {
+ o << "Tagged<" << *v.GetItemTypeRaw() << ", " << Quote(v.GetTag()) << ">";
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type.h b/library/cpp/type_info/type.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1577f1cee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2421 @@
+#pragma once
+//! @file type.h
+//! Hierarchy of classes that represent types.
+#include "fwd.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "type_list.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <util/generic/array_ref.h>
+#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+namespace NTi {
+ /// Represents a single type.
+ ///
+ /// Create instances of types using type factory (see `NTi::ITypeFactory`).
+ ///
+ /// Introspect them using associated methods and functions that work with `ETypeName`.
+ ///
+ /// Pattern-match them using the `Visit` method.
+ ///
+ /// Serialize and deserialize them using functions from `NTi::NIo`.
+ class TType {
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ template <typename T>
+ friend class ::TDefaultIntrusivePtrOps;
+ public:
+ TTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TType*>(this);
+ }
+ protected:
+ explicit TType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, ETypeName typeName) noexcept;
+ protected:
+ /// Calculate hash for this type. This function is lazily called by `GetHash`.
+ ///
+ /// Note: this function is not marked as `virtual` because we use our own dispatch via `Visit`.
+ ui64 CalculateHash() const noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get hash of this type. Hashes follow the 'strict equivalence' relation (see `type_equivalence.h`).
+ ui64 GetHash() const;
+ /// Get hash of this type. If hash is not calculated, returns nothing.
+ TMaybe<ui64> GetHashRaw() const noexcept;
+ /// Get name of this type as a `NTi::ETypeName` enumerator.
+ ETypeName GetTypeName() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_;
+ }
+ /// @name Simple type downcast functions
+ ///
+ /// Check if type is of the given subclass and convert between subclasses.
+ /// Conversions panic if downcasting into an incompatible type.
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ inline bool IsVoid() const noexcept;
+ inline TVoidTypePtr AsVoid() const noexcept;
+ inline const TVoidType* AsVoidRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsNull() const noexcept;
+ inline TNullTypePtr AsNull() const noexcept;
+ inline const TNullType* AsNullRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsPrimitive() const noexcept;
+ inline TPrimitiveTypePtr AsPrimitive() const noexcept;
+ inline const TPrimitiveType* AsPrimitiveRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsBool() const noexcept;
+ inline TBoolTypePtr AsBool() const noexcept;
+ inline const TBoolType* AsBoolRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsInt8() const noexcept;
+ inline TInt8TypePtr AsInt8() const noexcept;
+ inline const TInt8Type* AsInt8Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsInt16() const noexcept;
+ inline TInt16TypePtr AsInt16() const noexcept;
+ inline const TInt16Type* AsInt16Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsInt32() const noexcept;
+ inline TInt32TypePtr AsInt32() const noexcept;
+ inline const TInt32Type* AsInt32Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsInt64() const noexcept;
+ inline TInt64TypePtr AsInt64() const noexcept;
+ inline const TInt64Type* AsInt64Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsUint8() const noexcept;
+ inline TUint8TypePtr AsUint8() const noexcept;
+ inline const TUint8Type* AsUint8Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsUint16() const noexcept;
+ inline TUint16TypePtr AsUint16() const noexcept;
+ inline const TUint16Type* AsUint16Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsUint32() const noexcept;
+ inline TUint32TypePtr AsUint32() const noexcept;
+ inline const TUint32Type* AsUint32Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsUint64() const noexcept;
+ inline TUint64TypePtr AsUint64() const noexcept;
+ inline const TUint64Type* AsUint64Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsFloat() const noexcept;
+ inline TFloatTypePtr AsFloat() const noexcept;
+ inline const TFloatType* AsFloatRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsDouble() const noexcept;
+ inline TDoubleTypePtr AsDouble() const noexcept;
+ inline const TDoubleType* AsDoubleRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsString() const noexcept;
+ inline TStringTypePtr AsString() const noexcept;
+ inline const TStringType* AsStringRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsUtf8() const noexcept;
+ inline TUtf8TypePtr AsUtf8() const noexcept;
+ inline const TUtf8Type* AsUtf8Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsDate() const noexcept;
+ inline TDateTypePtr AsDate() const noexcept;
+ inline const TDateType* AsDateRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsDatetime() const noexcept;
+ inline TDatetimeTypePtr AsDatetime() const noexcept;
+ inline const TDatetimeType* AsDatetimeRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsTimestamp() const noexcept;
+ inline TTimestampTypePtr AsTimestamp() const noexcept;
+ inline const TTimestampType* AsTimestampRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsTzDate() const noexcept;
+ inline TTzDateTypePtr AsTzDate() const noexcept;
+ inline const TTzDateType* AsTzDateRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsTzDatetime() const noexcept;
+ inline TTzDatetimeTypePtr AsTzDatetime() const noexcept;
+ inline const TTzDatetimeType* AsTzDatetimeRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsTzTimestamp() const noexcept;
+ inline TTzTimestampTypePtr AsTzTimestamp() const noexcept;
+ inline const TTzTimestampType* AsTzTimestampRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsInterval() const noexcept;
+ inline TIntervalTypePtr AsInterval() const noexcept;
+ inline const TIntervalType* AsIntervalRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsDecimal() const noexcept;
+ inline TDecimalTypePtr AsDecimal() const noexcept;
+ inline const TDecimalType* AsDecimalRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsJson() const noexcept;
+ inline TJsonTypePtr AsJson() const noexcept;
+ inline const TJsonType* AsJsonRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsYson() const noexcept;
+ inline TYsonTypePtr AsYson() const noexcept;
+ inline const TYsonType* AsYsonRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsUuid() const noexcept;
+ inline TUuidTypePtr AsUuid() const noexcept;
+ inline const TUuidType* AsUuidRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsOptional() const noexcept;
+ inline TOptionalTypePtr AsOptional() const noexcept;
+ inline const TOptionalType* AsOptionalRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsList() const noexcept;
+ inline TListTypePtr AsList() const noexcept;
+ inline const TListType* AsListRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsDict() const noexcept;
+ inline TDictTypePtr AsDict() const noexcept;
+ inline const TDictType* AsDictRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsStruct() const noexcept;
+ inline TStructTypePtr AsStruct() const noexcept;
+ inline const TStructType* AsStructRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsTuple() const noexcept;
+ inline TTupleTypePtr AsTuple() const noexcept;
+ inline const TTupleType* AsTupleRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsVariant() const noexcept;
+ inline TVariantTypePtr AsVariant() const noexcept;
+ inline const TVariantType* AsVariantRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsTagged() const noexcept;
+ inline TTaggedTypePtr AsTagged() const noexcept;
+ inline const TTaggedType* AsTaggedRaw() const noexcept;
+ /// @}
+ /// Recursively descends to tagged types and returns first non-tagged type.
+ TTypePtr StripTags() const noexcept;
+ /// Like `StripTags`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* StripTagsRaw() const noexcept;
+ /// Recursively descends to optional types and returns first non-optional type.
+ TTypePtr StripOptionals() const noexcept;
+ /// Like `StripOptionals`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* StripOptionalsRaw() const noexcept;
+ /// Recursively descends to tagged and optional types and returns first non-tagged non-optional type.
+ TTypePtr StripTagsAndOptionals() const noexcept;
+ /// Like `StripTagsAndOptionals`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* StripTagsAndOptionalsRaw() const noexcept;
+ /// Cast this base class down to the most-derived class and pass it to the `visitor`.
+ ///
+ /// This function is used as a safer alternative to manually downcasting types via `IsType`/`AsType` calls.
+ /// It works like `std::visit` for types, except that it doesn't produce as much code bloat as `std::visit`
+ /// does, and can be optimized better. It casts an instance of `NTi::TType` down to the most-derived class,
+ /// and passes an intrusive pointer to that concrete type to the `visitor` functor. That is, `visitor` should
+ /// be a callable which can handle `NTi::TVoidTypePtr`, `NTi::TOptionalTypePtr`, etc.
+ ///
+ /// This function returns whatever the `visitor` returns.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// # Example: visitor
+ ///
+ /// A simple visitor that returns name for a type would look like this:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// struct TGetNameVisitor {
+ /// TString operator()(TVoidTypePtr) {
+ /// return "Void";
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// TString operator()(TStringTypePtr) {
+ /// return "String";
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// // ...
+ ///
+ /// TString operator()(TStructTypePtr type) {
+ /// return TString(type->GetName().GetOrElse("Struct"));;
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// // ...
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Now, we can use this visitor as following:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// TString typeName = type->Visit(TGetNameVisitor());
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// # Example: overloaded struct
+ ///
+ /// Writing a separate struct each time one needs a visitor is tedious. Thanks to C++17 magic, we may avoid it.
+ /// Using lambdas and `TOverloaded` from `library/cpp/overloaded` allows replacing separate struct with
+ /// a bunch of lambdas:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// TString typeName = type->Visit(TOverloaded{
+ /// [](TVoidTypePtr) -> TString {
+ /// return "Void";
+ /// },
+ /// [](TStringTypePtr) -> TString {
+ /// return "String";
+ /// },
+ ///
+ /// // ...
+ ///
+ /// });
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// # Example: handling all primitives at once
+ ///
+ /// Since all primitives derive from `TPrimitiveType`, they can be handled all at once,
+ /// by accepting `TPrimitiveTypePtr`:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// TString typeName = type->Visit(TOverloaded{
+ /// // All primitive types are handled by this lambda.
+ /// [](TPrimitiveTypePtr) -> TString {
+ /// return "Primitive";
+ /// },
+ ///
+ /// // Special handler for string type. Strings are handled by this lambda
+ /// // because of how C++ prioritizes overloads.
+ /// [](TStringTypePtr) -> TString {
+ /// return "String";
+ /// },
+ ///
+ /// // ...
+ ///
+ /// });
+ /// ```
+ template <typename V>
+ inline decltype(auto) Visit(V&& visitor) const;
+ /// Like `Visit`, but passes const raw pointers to the visitor.
+ template <typename V>
+ inline decltype(auto) VisitRaw(V&& visitor) const;
+ /// @}
+ protected:
+ /// @name Internal interface for adoption semantics support
+ ///
+ /// Do not call these functions manually!
+ ///
+ /// See `type_factory.h`'s section on implementation details for more info.
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Create a new instance of the class using this instance as a prototype.
+ ///
+ /// This is a [virtual copy constructor]. Typical implementation does the following:
+ ///
+ /// 1. for nested types, if any, it calls the factory's `Own` function. The `Own` acquires internal
+ /// ownership over the nested types, thus guaranteeing that they'll outlive the object that've
+ /// owned them. Depending on the particular factory implementation, `Own` may either recursively deepcopy
+ /// the whole nested type, increment some reference counter, or do nothing;
+ /// 2. for other resources owned by this type (i.e. arrays, strings, etc.), it copies them into the given
+ /// factory by calling factory's `New` and `Allocate` functions;
+ /// 3. finally, it creates a new instance of the type by invoking its constructor via the factory's
+ /// `New` function.
+ ///
+ /// Note: there are no guarantees on the value stored in `FactoryOrRc_` during invocation of this function.
+ /// Specifically, creating types on the stack (`FactoryOrRc_` is `0` in this case) and moving them
+ /// into a factory is a valid technique used extensively throughout this library.
+ ///
+ /// See `type_factory.h`'s section on implementation details for more info.
+ ///
+ /// Note: this function is not marked as `virtual` because we use our own dispatch via `Visit`.
+ ///
+ /// [virtual move constructor]: https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/virtual-functions#virtual-ctors
+ const TType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ /// Release internal resources that were allocated in `Clone`.
+ ///
+ /// This function is the opposite of `Clone`. It releases all memory that was allocated within `Clone`,
+ /// and disowns nested types.
+ ///
+ /// This function is called by factories that perform active memory management, such as the default
+ /// heap factory. Typical implementation does the following:
+ ///
+ /// 1. for each `Clone`'s call to `Own` it calls `Disown`. The `Disown` releases internal ownership
+ /// over the nested types, thus allowing factory to free their memory. Depending
+ /// on the particular factory implementation, `Disown` may either decrement some reference counter,
+ /// call `Drop` and free the underlying memory, or do nothing;
+ /// 2. for each `Clone`'s call to `New` and `Allocate`, it calls `Delete` and `Free`;
+ /// 3. it should *not* call `Delete(this)` to mirror `Clone`'s final call to `New` (see the third bullet
+ /// in the `Clone`'s documentation). It is the factory's job to release memory under the type that's
+ /// being dropped.
+ ///
+ /// Note: there are no guarantees on whether this method will be called or not. For example, the default
+ /// heap factory will call it when some type's reference counter reaches zero. The default memory pool
+ /// factory will not call it.
+ ///
+ /// Note: this function is not marked as `virtual` because we use our own dispatch via `Visit`.
+ ///
+ /// See `type_factory.h`'s section on implementation details for more info.
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ /// Get factory that manages this instance.
+ ///
+ /// If this instance is refcounted, returns the default heap factory. If it is unmanaged, returns `nullptr`.
+ /// Otherwise, returns pointer to the instance's factory.
+ ///
+ /// Remember that factories are not thread safe, thus using factory from this method may not be safe.
+ ITypeFactoryInternal* GetFactory() const noexcept;
+ /// Mark this instance as managed by the given factory.
+ void SetFactory(ITypeFactoryInternal* factory) noexcept;
+ /// Get factory's internal interface.
+ static ITypeFactoryInternal& FactoryInternal(ITypeFactory& factory) noexcept;
+ /// @}
+ protected:
+ /// @name Internal interface for reference counting
+ ///
+ /// See `type_factory.h`'s section on implementation details for more info.
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Increase reference count of this type.
+ void RefSelf() noexcept {
+ RefImpl</* RefFactory = */ false>();
+ }
+ /// Increase reference count of this type and its factory.
+ void Ref() noexcept {
+ RefImpl</* RefFactory = */ true>();
+ }
+ /// Decrease reference count of this type.
+ void UnRefSelf() noexcept {
+ UnRefImpl</* UnRefFactory = */ false>();
+ }
+ /// Decrease reference count of this type and its factory.
+ void UnRef() noexcept {
+ UnRefImpl</* UnRefFactory = */ true>();
+ }
+ /// Decrease reference count of this type. Panic if any of it reaches zero.
+ void DecRefSelf() noexcept {
+ DecRefImpl</* DecRefFactory = */ false>();
+ }
+ /// Decrease reference count of type and its factory. Panic if any of it reaches zero.
+ void DecRef() noexcept {
+ DecRefImpl</* DecRefFactory = */ true>();
+ }
+ /// Get current reference count for this type.
+ long RefCount() const noexcept {
+ return RefCountImpl();
+ }
+ /// @}
+ private:
+ template <bool RefFactory>
+ void RefImpl() noexcept;
+ template <bool UnRefFactory>
+ void UnRefImpl() noexcept;
+ template <bool DecRefFactory>
+ void DecRefImpl() noexcept;
+ long RefCountImpl() const noexcept;
+ protected:
+ /// Helper for implementing `Clone` with caching.
+ template <typename T, typename TCtor>
+ static const T* Cached(const T* type, ITypeFactoryInternal& factory, TCtor&& ctor);
+ private:
+ /// Pointer to the type factory that've created this instance.
+ /// If this instance is static, this variable contains zero.
+ /// If this instance was created by the default heap factory, this variable is used as a reference counter.
+ std::atomic<size_t> FactoryOrRc_ = 0;
+ /// Name of this type. Can be used to check before downcast.
+ ETypeName TypeName_;
+ /// Hash is calculated lazily.
+ mutable std::atomic<bool> HasHash_;
+ mutable std::atomic<ui64> Hash_;
+ private:
+ static bool IsRc(size_t factoryOrRc) noexcept {
+ return factoryOrRc & 1u;
+ }
+ static bool IsFactory(size_t factoryOrRc) noexcept {
+ return factoryOrRc != 0 && !IsRc(factoryOrRc);
+ }
+ static size_t CastFromFactory(ITypeFactoryInternal* factory) noexcept {
+ return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(factory);
+ }
+ static ITypeFactoryInternal* CastToFactory(size_t factoryOrRc) noexcept {
+ return reinterpret_cast<ITypeFactoryInternal*>(factoryOrRc);
+ }
+ };
+ static_assert(sizeof(TType) == 24);
+ bool operator==(const TTypePtr& lhs, const TTypePtr& rhs) = delete;
+ bool operator!=(const TTypePtr& lhs, const TTypePtr& rhs) = delete;
+ /// @brief Check for strict equivalence of the types.
+ ///
+ /// @see NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqual
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ bool operator==(const TType& lhs, const TType& rhs);
+ bool operator!=(const TType& lhs, const TType& rhs);
+ /// @}
+ /// A singular type. This type has only one value. When serialized, it takes no space because it carries no data.
+ ///
+ /// Historically, YQL's `Void` is what's known as unit type (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_type),
+ /// i.e. a type with only one possible value. This is similar to Python's `NoneType` or Rust's `()`.
+ class TVoidType final: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TVoidTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TVoidType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TVoidType();
+ public:
+ static TVoidTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TVoidType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TVoidType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// Create new `Void` type using the default heap factory.
+ TVoidTypePtr Void();
+ /// A singular type, value of an empty optional.
+ ///
+ /// This type is used by YQL for `NULL` literal. Use `TVoidType` unless you have reasons to use this one.
+ class TNullType final: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TNullTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TNullType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TNullType();
+ public:
+ static TNullTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TNullType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TNullType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// Base class for all primitive types.
+ class TPrimitiveType: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TPrimitiveTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TPrimitiveType*>(this);
+ }
+ protected:
+ explicit TPrimitiveType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, EPrimitiveTypeName primitiveTypeName) noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get name of this primitive type as a `NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName` enumerator.
+ EPrimitiveTypeName GetPrimitiveTypeName() const noexcept {
+ return ToPrimitiveTypeName(GetTypeName());
+ }
+ /// Cast this scalar class down to the most-derived type and pass it to the `visitor`.
+ ///
+ /// This function works like `NTi::TType::Visit`, but only handles primitive types.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// # Example:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// auto name = scalar->VisitPrimitive(TOverloaded{
+ /// [](TBoolTypePtr t) { return "Bool" },
+ /// [](TStringTypePtr t) { return "String" },
+ /// // ...
+ /// });
+ /// ```
+ template <typename V>
+ inline decltype(auto) VisitPrimitive(V&& visitor) const;
+ /// Like `VisitPrimitive`, but passes raw pointers to the visitor.
+ template <typename V>
+ inline decltype(auto) VisitPrimitiveRaw(V&& visitor) const;
+ };
+ /// A logical type capable of holding one of the two values: true or false.
+ class TBoolType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TBoolTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TBoolType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TBoolType();
+ public:
+ static TBoolTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TBoolType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TBoolType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A signed integer, one byte.
+ class TInt8Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TInt8TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TInt8Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TInt8Type();
+ public:
+ static TInt8TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TInt8Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TInt8Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A signed integer, two bytes.
+ class TInt16Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TInt16TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TInt16Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TInt16Type();
+ public:
+ static TInt16TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TInt16Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TInt16Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A signed integer, four bytes.
+ class TInt32Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TInt32TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TInt32Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TInt32Type();
+ public:
+ static TInt32TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TInt32Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TInt32Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A signed integer, eight bytes.
+ class TInt64Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TInt64TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TInt64Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TInt64Type();
+ public:
+ static TInt64TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TInt64Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TInt64Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// An unsigned integer, one byte.
+ class TUint8Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TUint8TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TUint8Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TUint8Type();
+ public:
+ static TUint8TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TUint8Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TUint8Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// An unsigned integer, two bytes.
+ class TUint16Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TUint16TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TUint16Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TUint16Type();
+ public:
+ static TUint16TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TUint16Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TUint16Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// An unsigned integer, four bytes.
+ class TUint32Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TUint32TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TUint32Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TUint32Type();
+ public:
+ static TUint32TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TUint32Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TUint32Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// An unsigned integer, eight bytes.
+ class TUint64Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TUint64TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TUint64Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TUint64Type();
+ public:
+ static TUint64TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TUint64Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TUint64Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A floating point number, four bytes.
+ class TFloatType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TFloatTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TFloatType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TFloatType();
+ public:
+ static TFloatTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TFloatType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TFloatType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A floating point number, eight bytes.
+ class TDoubleType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TDoubleTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TDoubleType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TDoubleType();
+ public:
+ static TDoubleTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TDoubleType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TDoubleType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A binary blob.
+ ///
+ /// This type can be used for any binary data. For text, consider using type `Utf8`.
+ class TStringType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TStringTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TStringType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TStringType();
+ public:
+ static TStringTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TStringType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TStringType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A utf-8 encoded text.
+ class TUtf8Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TUtf8TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TUtf8Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TUtf8Type();
+ public:
+ static TUtf8TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TUtf8Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TUtf8Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// An absolute point in time in range `[1970-01-01, 2106-01-01)`, precision up to days.
+ class TDateType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TDateTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TDateType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TDateType();
+ public:
+ static TDateTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TDateType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TDateType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// An absolute point in time in range `[1970-01-01, 2106-01-01)`, precision up to seconds.
+ class TDatetimeType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TDatetimeTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TDatetimeType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TDatetimeType();
+ public:
+ static TDatetimeTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TDatetimeType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TDatetimeType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// An absolute point in time in range `[1970-01-01, 2106-01-01)`, precision up to microseconds.
+ class TTimestampType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TTimestampTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TTimestampType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TTimestampType();
+ public:
+ static TTimestampTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TTimestampType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TTimestampType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// `TDateType` with additional timezone mark.
+ class TTzDateType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TTzDateTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TTzDateType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TTzDateType();
+ public:
+ static TTzDateTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TTzDateType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TTzDateType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// `TDatetimeType` with additional timezone mark.
+ class TTzDatetimeType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TTzDatetimeTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TTzDatetimeType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TTzDatetimeType();
+ public:
+ static TTzDatetimeTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TTzDatetimeType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TTzDatetimeType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// `TTimestampType` with additional timezone mark.
+ class TTzTimestampType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TTzTimestampTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TTzTimestampType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TTzTimestampType();
+ public:
+ static TTzTimestampTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TTzTimestampType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TTzTimestampType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// Signed delta between two timestamps.
+ class TIntervalType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TIntervalTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TIntervalType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TIntervalType();
+ public:
+ static TIntervalTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TIntervalType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TIntervalType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A 128-bit number with controlled exponent/significand size.
+ ///
+ /// Decimal is a type for extra precise calculations. Internally, it is represented by a float-like 128-bit number.
+ ///
+ /// Two parameters control number of decimal digits in the decimal value. `Precision` is the total number
+ /// of decimal digits. `Scale` is the number of digits after the decimal point.
+ class TDecimalType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TDecimalTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TDecimalType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TDecimalType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, ui8 precision, ui8 scale) noexcept;
+ static TDecimalTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, ui8 precision, ui8 scale);
+ static const TDecimalType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, ui8 precision, ui8 scale);
+ protected:
+ ui64 CalculateHash() const noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get total number of decimal digits.
+ ui8 GetPrecision() const noexcept {
+ return Precision_;
+ }
+ /// Get number of decimal digits after the decimal point.
+ ui8 GetScale() const noexcept {
+ return Scale_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ const TDecimalType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ private:
+ ui8 Precision_;
+ ui8 Scale_;
+ };
+ /// A string with valid JSON.
+ class TJsonType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TJsonTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TJsonType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TJsonType();
+ public:
+ static TJsonTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TJsonType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TJsonType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A string with valid YSON.
+ class TYsonType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TYsonTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TYsonType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TYsonType();
+ public:
+ static TYsonTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TYsonType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TYsonType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// A string with valid UUID.
+ class TUuidType final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TUuidTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TUuidType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TUuidType();
+ public:
+ static TUuidTypePtr Instance();
+ static const TUuidType* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TUuidType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// Object which can store a value or a singular `NULL` value.
+ ///
+ /// This type is used to encode a value or its absence.
+ class TOptionalType final: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TOptionalTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TOptionalType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TOptionalType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, const TType* item) noexcept;
+ static TOptionalTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr item);
+ static const TOptionalType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* item);
+ protected:
+ ui64 CalculateHash() const noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get underlying type.
+ TTypePtr GetItemType() const noexcept {
+ return GetItemTypeRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ /// Like `GetMemberType`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* GetItemTypeRaw() const noexcept {
+ return Item_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ const TOptionalType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ private:
+ const TType* Item_;
+ };
+ /// A variable-size collection of homogeneous values.
+ class TListType final: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TListTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TListType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TListType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, const TType* item) noexcept;
+ static TListTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr item);
+ static const TListType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* item);
+ protected:
+ ui64 CalculateHash() const noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get underlying type.
+ TTypePtr GetItemType() const noexcept {
+ return GetItemTypeRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ /// Like `GetMemberType`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* GetItemTypeRaw() const noexcept {
+ return Item_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ const TListType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ private:
+ const TType* Item_;
+ };
+ /// An associative key-value container.
+ ///
+ /// Values of this type are usually represented as hashmaps.
+ class TDictType final: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TDictTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TDictType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TDictType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, const TType* key, const TType* value) noexcept;
+ static TDictTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr key, TTypePtr value);
+ static const TDictType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* key, const TType* value);
+ protected:
+ ui64 CalculateHash() const noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get the key type.
+ TTypePtr GetKeyType() const noexcept {
+ return GetKeyTypeRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ /// Like `GetKeyType`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* GetKeyTypeRaw() const noexcept {
+ return Key_;
+ }
+ /// Get the value type.
+ TTypePtr GetValueType() const noexcept {
+ return GetValueTypeRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ /// Like `GetValueType`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* GetValueTypeRaw() const noexcept {
+ return Value_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ const TDictType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ private:
+ const TType* Key_;
+ const TType* Value_;
+ };
+ /// A fixed-size collection of named heterogeneous values.
+ ///
+ /// Structs represent multiple values grouped into a single entity. Values stored in a struct are called items.
+ /// Each item have an associated type and a name.
+ ///
+ /// Struct type is represented by an array of item types and their names.
+ ///
+ /// Even though struct elements are accessed by their names, we use vector to represent struct type because order
+ /// of struct items matters. If affects memory layout of a struct, how struct is serialized and deserialized.
+ /// Items order is vital for struct versioning. New fields should always be added to the end of the struct.
+ /// This way older parsers can read values serialized by newer writers: they'll simply read known head of a struct
+ /// and skip tail that contains unknown fields.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// # Struct names
+ ///
+ /// Each struct defined by YDL must have an associated name. This name is used to refer struct in code, to generate
+ /// code representing this struct in other programming languages, and to report errors. The struct's name is saved
+ /// in this field.
+ ///
+ /// Note that, even though YDL requires struct names, name field is optional because other systems might
+ /// use anonymous structs (or maybe they dont't use struct names at all).
+ ///
+ /// Note also that type aliases (especially `newtype`) use tags to name types, so primitives don't have name field.
+ class TStructType final: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ friend class TStructBuilderRaw;
+ public:
+ TStructTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TStructType*>(this);
+ }
+ public:
+ /// A single struct element.
+ class TMember {
+ public:
+ TMember(TStringBuf name, const TType* type);
+ public:
+ /// Get name of this item.
+ TStringBuf GetName() const {
+ return Name_;
+ }
+ /// Get type of this item.
+ TTypePtr GetType() const {
+ return GetTypeRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ /// Like `GetType`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* GetTypeRaw() const {
+ return Type_;
+ }
+ /// Calculate this item's hash. Hashes follow the 'strict equivalence' (see type_equivalence.h).
+ ui64 Hash() const;
+ private:
+ TStringBuf Name_;
+ const TType* Type_;
+ };
+ using TMembers = TConstArrayRef<TMember>;
+ /// Like `TMember`, but owns its contents. Used in non-raw constructors to guarantee data validity.
+ class TOwnedMember {
+ public:
+ TOwnedMember(TString name, TTypePtr type);
+ public:
+ operator TMember() const&;
+ private:
+ TString Name_;
+ TTypePtr Type_;
+ };
+ using TOwnedMembers = TConstArrayRef<TOwnedMember>;
+ private:
+ explicit TStructType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TMembers members, TConstArrayRef<size_t> sortedMembers) noexcept;
+ static TStructTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TOwnedMembers members);
+ static TStructTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TOwnedMembers members);
+ static const TStructType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TMembers members);
+ static const TStructType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TMembers members);
+ static void MakeSortedMembers(TMembers members, TArrayRef<size_t> sortedItems);
+ protected:
+ ui64 CalculateHash() const noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get name of this struct.
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> GetName() const noexcept {
+ return Name_;
+ }
+ /// Get description of structure members.
+ TMembers GetMembers() const noexcept {
+ return Members_;
+ }
+ /// Check if there is an item with the given name in this struct.
+ bool HasMember(TStringBuf name) const noexcept;
+ /// Lookup struct item by name. Throw an error if there is no such item.
+ const TMember& GetMember(TStringBuf name) const;
+ /// Lookup struct item by name, return its index or `-1`, if item was not found.
+ /// This function works in `O(log(n))` time, where `n` is number of struct members.
+ ssize_t GetMemberIndex(TStringBuf name) const noexcept;
+ protected:
+ const TStructType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ private:
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> Name_;
+ TMembers Members_;
+ TConstArrayRef<size_t> SortedMembers_;
+ };
+ /// A fixed-size collection of named heterogeneous values.
+ ///
+ /// Tuples, like structs, represent multiple values, also called items, grouped into a single entity. Unlike
+ /// structs, though, tuple items are unnamed. Instead of names, they are accessed by their indexes.
+ ///
+ /// For a particular tuple type, number of items, their order and types are fixed, they should be known before
+ /// creating instances of tuples and can't change over time.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// # Tuple names
+ ///
+ /// YDL requires each tuple definition to have a name (see `TStructType`). The name might not be mandatory
+ /// in other systems, so name field is optional.
+ class TTupleType: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ friend class TTupleBuilderRaw;
+ public:
+ TTupleTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TTupleType*>(this);
+ }
+ public:
+ /// A single tuple element.
+ class TElement {
+ public:
+ TElement(const TType* type);
+ public:
+ /// Get type of this item.
+ TTypePtr GetType() const {
+ return GetTypeRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ /// Like `GetType`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* GetTypeRaw() const {
+ return Type_;
+ }
+ /// Calculate this item's hash. Hashes follow the 'strict equivalence' (see type_equivalence.h).
+ ui64 Hash() const;
+ private:
+ const TType* Type_;
+ };
+ using TElements = TConstArrayRef<TElement>;
+ /// Like `TElement`, but owns its contents. Used in non-raw constructors to guarantee data validity.
+ class TOwnedElement {
+ public:
+ TOwnedElement(TTypePtr type);
+ public:
+ operator TElement() const&;
+ private:
+ TTypePtr Type_;
+ };
+ using TOwnedElements = TConstArrayRef<TOwnedElement>;
+ private:
+ explicit TTupleType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TElements items) noexcept;
+ static TTupleTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TOwnedElements items);
+ static TTupleTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TOwnedElements items);
+ static const TTupleType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TElements items);
+ static const TTupleType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TElements items);
+ protected:
+ ui64 CalculateHash() const noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get name of this type.
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> GetName() const noexcept {
+ return Name_;
+ }
+ /// Get description of tuple items.
+ TElements GetElements() const noexcept {
+ return Elements_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ const TTupleType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ private:
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> Name_;
+ TElements Elements_;
+ };
+ /// A tagged union with named or unnamed alternatives (a.k.a. variant over struct or variant over tuple).
+ ///
+ /// Variants are used to store values of different types.
+ ///
+ /// For example, a variant over struct which holds an ip address could look like
+ /// `Ip = Variant<v4: IpV4, v6: IpV6>`, where `IpV4` and `IpV6` are some other types. Now, a value of type `Ip`
+ /// could store either a value of type `IpV4` or a value of type `IpV6`.
+ ///
+ /// Even though item types can be the same, each item represents a distinct state of a variant. For example,
+ /// a variant for a user identifier can look like `Uid = Variant<yuid: String, ip: String>`. This variant can
+ /// contain either user's yandexuid of user's ip. Despite both items are of the same type `String`, `Uid` which
+ /// contains a `yuid` and `Uid` which contains an `ip` are never equal.
+ /// That is, `Uid.yuid("000000") != Uid.ip("000000")`.
+ ///
+ /// Exactly like with structs or tuples, order of variant items matter. Indexes of variant items are used
+ /// instead of names when variant is serialized.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// # Variant names
+ ///
+ /// YDL requires each variant definition to have a name (see `TStructType`). The name might not be mandatory
+ /// in other systems, so name field is optional.
+ class TVariantType final: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ friend class TStructBuilderRaw;
+ friend class TTupleBuilderRaw;
+ public:
+ TVariantTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TVariantType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TVariantType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, const TType* inner) noexcept;
+ static TVariantTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr inner);
+ static TVariantTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTypePtr inner);
+ static const TVariantType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* inner);
+ static const TVariantType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, const TType* inner);
+ protected:
+ ui64 CalculateHash() const noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get name of this variant.
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> GetName() const noexcept {
+ return Name_;
+ }
+ /// Get vector of variant items.
+ TTypePtr GetUnderlyingType() const noexcept {
+ return Underlying_->AsPtr();
+ }
+ /// Like `GetUnderlyingType`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* GetUnderlyingTypeRaw() const noexcept {
+ return Underlying_;
+ }
+ /// Check if this variant's inner type is a struct.
+ bool IsVariantOverStruct() const noexcept {
+ return GetUnderlyingTypeRaw()->GetTypeName() == ETypeName::Struct;
+ }
+ /// Check if this variant's inner type is a tuple.
+ bool IsVariantOverTuple() const noexcept {
+ return GetUnderlyingTypeRaw()->GetTypeName() == ETypeName::Tuple;
+ }
+ /// Visit inner type of this variant. This function works like `Visit`, but only casts inner type
+ /// to struct or tuple, so you don't need to handle other types in a visitor.
+ template <typename V>
+ inline decltype(auto) VisitUnderlying(V&& visitor) const;
+ /// Like `VisitUnderlying`, but passes const raw pointers to the visitor.
+ template <typename V>
+ inline decltype(auto) VisitUnderlyingRaw(V&& visitor) const;
+ protected:
+ const TVariantType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ private:
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> Name_;
+ const TType* Underlying_;
+ };
+ /// Named or tagged or user-defined type.
+ ///
+ /// Tags are used to create new types from existing ones by assigning them a tag, i.e. a name. They wrap other types
+ /// adding them additional semantics.
+ ///
+ /// On physical level, tags do not change types. Both `Tagged<Int32, 'GeoId'>` and `Int32` have exactly the same
+ /// representation when serialized.
+ ///
+ /// On logical level, tags change semantics of a type. This can affect how types are displayed, how they
+ /// are checked and converted, etc.
+ class TTaggedType final: public TType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TTaggedTypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TTaggedType*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TTaggedType(TMaybe<ui64> hash, const TType* type, TStringBuf tag) noexcept;
+ static TTaggedTypePtr Create(ITypeFactory& factory, TTypePtr type, TStringBuf tag);
+ static const TTaggedType* CreateRaw(ITypeFactory& factory, const TType* type, TStringBuf tag);
+ protected:
+ ui64 CalculateHash() const noexcept;
+ public:
+ /// Get tag content, i.e. name of the new type.
+ TStringBuf GetTag() const noexcept {
+ return Tag_;
+ }
+ /// Get the wrapped type.
+ TTypePtr GetItemType() const noexcept {
+ return GetItemTypeRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ /// Like `GetMemberType`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ const TType* GetItemTypeRaw() const noexcept {
+ return Item_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ const TTaggedType* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ private:
+ const TType* Item_;
+ TStringBuf Tag_;
+ };
+#ifdef __JETBRAINS_IDE__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma ide diagnostic ignored "cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-static-cast-downcast"
+ bool TType::IsPrimitive() const noexcept {
+ return ::NTi::IsPrimitive(TypeName_);
+ }
+ TPrimitiveTypePtr TType::AsPrimitive() const noexcept {
+ return AsPrimitiveRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TPrimitiveType* TType::AsPrimitiveRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsPrimitive());
+ return static_cast<const TPrimitiveType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsVoid() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Void;
+ }
+ TVoidTypePtr TType::AsVoid() const noexcept {
+ return AsVoidRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TVoidType* TType::AsVoidRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsVoid());
+ return static_cast<const TVoidType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsNull() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Null;
+ }
+ TNullTypePtr TType::AsNull() const noexcept {
+ return AsNullRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TNullType* TType::AsNullRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsNull());
+ return static_cast<const TNullType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsBool() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Bool;
+ }
+ TBoolTypePtr TType::AsBool() const noexcept {
+ return AsBoolRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TBoolType* TType::AsBoolRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsBool());
+ return static_cast<const TBoolType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsInt8() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Int8;
+ }
+ TInt8TypePtr TType::AsInt8() const noexcept {
+ return AsInt8Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TInt8Type* TType::AsInt8Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsInt8());
+ return static_cast<const TInt8Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsInt16() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Int16;
+ }
+ TInt16TypePtr TType::AsInt16() const noexcept {
+ return AsInt16Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TInt16Type* TType::AsInt16Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsInt16());
+ return static_cast<const TInt16Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsInt32() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Int32;
+ }
+ TInt32TypePtr TType::AsInt32() const noexcept {
+ return AsInt32Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TInt32Type* TType::AsInt32Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsInt32());
+ return static_cast<const TInt32Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsInt64() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Int64;
+ }
+ TInt64TypePtr TType::AsInt64() const noexcept {
+ return AsInt64Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TInt64Type* TType::AsInt64Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsInt64());
+ return static_cast<const TInt64Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsUint8() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Uint8;
+ }
+ TUint8TypePtr TType::AsUint8() const noexcept {
+ return AsUint8Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUint8Type* TType::AsUint8Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsUint8());
+ return static_cast<const TUint8Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsUint16() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Uint16;
+ }
+ TUint16TypePtr TType::AsUint16() const noexcept {
+ return AsUint16Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUint16Type* TType::AsUint16Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsUint16());
+ return static_cast<const TUint16Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsUint32() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Uint32;
+ }
+ TUint32TypePtr TType::AsUint32() const noexcept {
+ return AsUint32Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUint32Type* TType::AsUint32Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsUint32());
+ return static_cast<const TUint32Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsUint64() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Uint64;
+ }
+ TUint64TypePtr TType::AsUint64() const noexcept {
+ return AsUint64Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUint64Type* TType::AsUint64Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsUint64());
+ return static_cast<const TUint64Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsFloat() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Float;
+ }
+ TFloatTypePtr TType::AsFloat() const noexcept {
+ return AsFloatRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TFloatType* TType::AsFloatRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsFloat());
+ return static_cast<const TFloatType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsDouble() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Double;
+ }
+ TDoubleTypePtr TType::AsDouble() const noexcept {
+ return AsDoubleRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDoubleType* TType::AsDoubleRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsDouble());
+ return static_cast<const TDoubleType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsString() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::String;
+ }
+ TStringTypePtr TType::AsString() const noexcept {
+ return AsStringRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TStringType* TType::AsStringRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsString());
+ return static_cast<const TStringType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsUtf8() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Utf8;
+ }
+ TUtf8TypePtr TType::AsUtf8() const noexcept {
+ return AsUtf8Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUtf8Type* TType::AsUtf8Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsUtf8());
+ return static_cast<const TUtf8Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsDate() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Date;
+ }
+ TDateTypePtr TType::AsDate() const noexcept {
+ return AsDateRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDateType* TType::AsDateRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsDate());
+ return static_cast<const TDateType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsDatetime() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Datetime;
+ }
+ TDatetimeTypePtr TType::AsDatetime() const noexcept {
+ return AsDatetimeRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDatetimeType* TType::AsDatetimeRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsDatetime());
+ return static_cast<const TDatetimeType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsTimestamp() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Timestamp;
+ }
+ TTimestampTypePtr TType::AsTimestamp() const noexcept {
+ return AsTimestampRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTimestampType* TType::AsTimestampRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsTimestamp());
+ return static_cast<const TTimestampType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsTzDate() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::TzDate;
+ }
+ TTzDateTypePtr TType::AsTzDate() const noexcept {
+ return AsTzDateRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTzDateType* TType::AsTzDateRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsTzDate());
+ return static_cast<const TTzDateType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsTzDatetime() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::TzDatetime;
+ }
+ TTzDatetimeTypePtr TType::AsTzDatetime() const noexcept {
+ return AsTzDatetimeRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTzDatetimeType* TType::AsTzDatetimeRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsTzDatetime());
+ return static_cast<const TTzDatetimeType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsTzTimestamp() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::TzTimestamp;
+ }
+ TTzTimestampTypePtr TType::AsTzTimestamp() const noexcept {
+ return AsTzTimestampRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTzTimestampType* TType::AsTzTimestampRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsTzTimestamp());
+ return static_cast<const TTzTimestampType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsInterval() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Interval;
+ }
+ TIntervalTypePtr TType::AsInterval() const noexcept {
+ return AsIntervalRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TIntervalType* TType::AsIntervalRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsInterval());
+ return static_cast<const TIntervalType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsDecimal() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Decimal;
+ }
+ TDecimalTypePtr TType::AsDecimal() const noexcept {
+ return AsDecimalRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDecimalType* TType::AsDecimalRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsDecimal());
+ return static_cast<const TDecimalType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsJson() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Json;
+ }
+ TJsonTypePtr TType::AsJson() const noexcept {
+ return AsJsonRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TJsonType* TType::AsJsonRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsJson());
+ return static_cast<const TJsonType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsYson() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Yson;
+ }
+ TYsonTypePtr TType::AsYson() const noexcept {
+ return AsYsonRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TYsonType* TType::AsYsonRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsYson());
+ return static_cast<const TYsonType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsUuid() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Uuid;
+ }
+ TUuidTypePtr TType::AsUuid() const noexcept {
+ return AsUuidRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TUuidType* TType::AsUuidRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsUuid());
+ return static_cast<const TUuidType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsOptional() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Optional;
+ }
+ TOptionalTypePtr TType::AsOptional() const noexcept {
+ return AsOptionalRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TOptionalType* TType::AsOptionalRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsOptional());
+ return static_cast<const TOptionalType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsList() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::List;
+ }
+ TListTypePtr TType::AsList() const noexcept {
+ return AsListRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TListType* TType::AsListRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsList());
+ return static_cast<const TListType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsDict() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Dict;
+ }
+ TDictTypePtr TType::AsDict() const noexcept {
+ return AsDictRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDictType* TType::AsDictRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsDict());
+ return static_cast<const TDictType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsStruct() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Struct;
+ }
+ TStructTypePtr TType::AsStruct() const noexcept {
+ return AsStructRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TStructType* TType::AsStructRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsStruct());
+ return static_cast<const TStructType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsTuple() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Tuple;
+ }
+ TTupleTypePtr TType::AsTuple() const noexcept {
+ return AsTupleRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTupleType* TType::AsTupleRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsTuple());
+ return static_cast<const TTupleType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsVariant() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Variant;
+ }
+ TVariantTypePtr TType::AsVariant() const noexcept {
+ return AsVariantRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TVariantType* TType::AsVariantRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsVariant());
+ return static_cast<const TVariantType*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsTagged() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Tagged;
+ }
+ TTaggedTypePtr TType::AsTagged() const noexcept {
+ return AsTaggedRaw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTaggedType* TType::AsTaggedRaw() const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsTagged());
+ return static_cast<const TTaggedType*>(this);
+ }
+#ifdef __JETBRAINS_IDE__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ template <typename V>
+ decltype(auto) TType::Visit(V&& visitor) const {
+ switch (TypeName_) {
+ case ETypeName::Bool:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsBool());
+ case ETypeName::Int8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt8());
+ case ETypeName::Int16:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt16());
+ case ETypeName::Int32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt32());
+ case ETypeName::Int64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt64());
+ case ETypeName::Uint8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint8());
+ case ETypeName::Uint16:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint16());
+ case ETypeName::Uint32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint32());
+ case ETypeName::Uint64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint64());
+ case ETypeName::Float:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsFloat());
+ case ETypeName::Double:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDouble());
+ case ETypeName::String:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsString());
+ case ETypeName::Utf8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUtf8());
+ case ETypeName::Date:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDate());
+ case ETypeName::Datetime:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDatetime());
+ case ETypeName::Timestamp:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTimestamp());
+ case ETypeName::TzDate:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzDate());
+ case ETypeName::TzDatetime:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzDatetime());
+ case ETypeName::TzTimestamp:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzTimestamp());
+ case ETypeName::Interval:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInterval());
+ case ETypeName::Decimal:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDecimal());
+ case ETypeName::Json:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsJson());
+ case ETypeName::Yson:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsYson());
+ case ETypeName::Uuid:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUuid());
+ case ETypeName::Void:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsVoid());
+ case ETypeName::Null:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsNull());
+ case ETypeName::Optional:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsOptional());
+ case ETypeName::List:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsList());
+ case ETypeName::Dict:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDict());
+ case ETypeName::Struct:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsStruct());
+ case ETypeName::Tuple:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTuple());
+ case ETypeName::Variant:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsVariant());
+ case ETypeName::Tagged:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTagged());
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename V>
+ decltype(auto) TType::VisitRaw(V&& visitor) const {
+ switch (TypeName_) {
+ case ETypeName::Bool:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsBoolRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Int8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt8Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Int16:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt16Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Int32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt32Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Int64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt64Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Uint8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint8Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Uint16:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint16Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Uint32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint32Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Uint64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint64Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Float:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsFloatRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Double:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDoubleRaw());
+ case ETypeName::String:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsStringRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Utf8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUtf8Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Date:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDateRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Datetime:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDatetimeRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Timestamp:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTimestampRaw());
+ case ETypeName::TzDate:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzDateRaw());
+ case ETypeName::TzDatetime:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzDatetimeRaw());
+ case ETypeName::TzTimestamp:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzTimestampRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Interval:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsIntervalRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Decimal:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDecimalRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Json:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsJsonRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Yson:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsYsonRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Uuid:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUuidRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Void:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsVoidRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Null:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsNullRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Optional:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsOptionalRaw());
+ case ETypeName::List:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsListRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Dict:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDictRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Struct:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsStructRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Tuple:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTupleRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Variant:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsVariantRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Tagged:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTaggedRaw());
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename V>
+ decltype(auto) TPrimitiveType::VisitPrimitive(V&& visitor) const {
+ switch (GetPrimitiveTypeName()) {
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Bool:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsBool());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Int8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt8());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Int16:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt16());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Int32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt32());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Int64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt64());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint8());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint16:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint16());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint32());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint64());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Float:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsFloat());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Double:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDouble());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::String:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsString());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Utf8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUtf8());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Date:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDate());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Datetime:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDatetime());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Timestamp:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTimestamp());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::TzDate:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzDate());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::TzDatetime:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzDatetime());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::TzTimestamp:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzTimestamp());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Interval:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInterval());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Decimal:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDecimal());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Json:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsJson());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Yson:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsYson());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uuid:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUuid());
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename V>
+ decltype(auto) TPrimitiveType::VisitPrimitiveRaw(V&& visitor) const {
+ switch (GetPrimitiveTypeName()) {
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Bool:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsBoolRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Int8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt8Raw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Int16:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt16Raw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Int32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt32Raw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Int64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInt64Raw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint8Raw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint16:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint16Raw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint32Raw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUint64Raw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Float:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsFloatRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Double:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDoubleRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::String:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsStringRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Utf8:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUtf8Raw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Date:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDateRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Datetime:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDatetimeRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Timestamp:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTimestampRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::TzDate:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzDateRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::TzDatetime:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzDatetimeRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::TzTimestamp:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTzTimestampRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Interval:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsIntervalRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Decimal:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDecimalRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Json:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsJsonRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Yson:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsYsonRaw());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uuid:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUuidRaw());
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename V>
+ decltype(auto) TVariantType::VisitUnderlying(V&& visitor) const {
+ switch (GetUnderlyingTypeRaw()->GetTypeName()) {
+ case ETypeName::Struct:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw()->AsStruct());
+ case ETypeName::Tuple:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw()->AsTuple());
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename V>
+ decltype(auto) TVariantType::VisitUnderlyingRaw(V&& visitor) const {
+ switch (GetUnderlyingTypeRaw()->GetTypeName()) {
+ case ETypeName::Struct:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw()->AsStructRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Tuple:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw()->AsTupleRaw());
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace NTi
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..073c24b909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#include "type_complexity.h"
+#include "type.h"
+namespace NTi {
+int ComputeTypeComplexity(const TTypePtr& type)
+ return ComputeTypeComplexity(type.Get());
+int ComputeTypeComplexity(const TType* type)
+ switch (type->GetTypeName()) {
+ case ETypeName::Bool:
+ case ETypeName::Int8:
+ case ETypeName::Int16:
+ case ETypeName::Int32:
+ case ETypeName::Int64:
+ case ETypeName::Uint8:
+ case ETypeName::Uint16:
+ case ETypeName::Uint32:
+ case ETypeName::Uint64:
+ case ETypeName::Float:
+ case ETypeName::Double:
+ case ETypeName::String:
+ case ETypeName::Utf8:
+ case ETypeName::Date:
+ case ETypeName::Datetime:
+ case ETypeName::Timestamp:
+ case ETypeName::TzDate:
+ case ETypeName::TzDatetime:
+ case ETypeName::TzTimestamp:
+ case ETypeName::Interval:
+ case ETypeName::Decimal:
+ case ETypeName::Json:
+ case ETypeName::Yson:
+ case ETypeName::Uuid:
+ case ETypeName::Void:
+ case ETypeName::Null:
+ return 1;
+ case ETypeName::Optional:
+ return 1 + ComputeTypeComplexity(type->AsOptionalRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw());
+ case ETypeName::List:
+ return 1 + ComputeTypeComplexity(type->AsListRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Dict:
+ return 1 + ComputeTypeComplexity(type->AsDictRaw()->GetKeyTypeRaw())
+ + ComputeTypeComplexity(type->AsDictRaw()->GetValueTypeRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Struct: {
+ int result = 1;
+ for (const auto& member : type->AsStructRaw()->GetMembers()) {
+ result += ComputeTypeComplexity(member.GetTypeRaw());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ case ETypeName::Tuple: {
+ int result = 1;
+ for (const auto& element : type->AsTupleRaw()->GetElements()) {
+ result += ComputeTypeComplexity(element.GetTypeRaw());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ case ETypeName::Variant: {
+ return ComputeTypeComplexity(type->AsVariantRaw()->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+ }
+ case ETypeName::Tagged: {
+ return 1 + ComputeTypeComplexity(type->AsTaggedRaw()->GetItemType());
+ }
+ }
+ Y_FAIL("internal error: unreachable code");
+} // namespace NTi
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.h b/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcf367eb81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "fwd.h"
+namespace NTi {
+ ///
+ /// Compute type complexity.
+ /// Roughly speaking type complexity is a number of nodes in the schema tree.
+ /// Examples:
+ /// - Type complexity of simple or singular type (i.e. Int64, String, Null, Decimal) is 1.
+ /// - Type complexity of `Optional<Int64>` is 2
+ /// - Type complexity of `Struct<a:Int64,b:Optional<String>` is 4 (1 for Int64, 2 for Optional<String> and 1 for struct)
+ ///
+ /// Systems might impose restrictions on the type complexity.
+ int ComputeTypeComplexity(const TTypePtr& type);
+ int ComputeTypeComplexity(const TType* type);
+} // namespace NTi
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_constructors.h b/library/cpp/type_info/type_constructors.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..439d5a1887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_constructors.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#pragma once
+//! @file type_constructors.h
+#include "type.h"
+namespace NTi {
+ /// Create new `Null` type using the default heap factory.
+ TNullTypePtr Null();
+ /// Create new `Bool` type using the default heap factory.
+ TBoolTypePtr Bool();
+ /// Create new `Int8` type using the default heap factory.
+ TInt8TypePtr Int8();
+ /// Create new `Int16` type using the default heap factory.
+ TInt16TypePtr Int16();
+ /// Create new `Int32` type using the default heap factory.
+ TInt32TypePtr Int32();
+ /// Create new `Int64` type using the default heap factory.
+ TInt64TypePtr Int64();
+ /// Create new `Uint8` type using the default heap factory.
+ TUint8TypePtr Uint8();
+ /// Create new `Uint16` type using the default heap factory.
+ TUint16TypePtr Uint16();
+ /// Create new `Uint32` type using the default heap factory.
+ TUint32TypePtr Uint32();
+ /// Create new `Uint64` type using the default heap factory.
+ TUint64TypePtr Uint64();
+ /// Create new `Float` type using the default heap factory.
+ TFloatTypePtr Float();
+ /// Create new `Double` type using the default heap factory.
+ TDoubleTypePtr Double();
+ /// Create new `String` type using the default heap factory.
+ TStringTypePtr String();
+ /// Create new `Utf8` type using the default heap factory.
+ TUtf8TypePtr Utf8();
+ /// Create new `Date` type using the default heap factory.
+ TDateTypePtr Date();
+ /// Create new `Datetime` type using the default heap factory.
+ TDatetimeTypePtr Datetime();
+ /// Create new `Timestamp` type using the default heap factory.
+ TTimestampTypePtr Timestamp();
+ /// Create new `TzDate` type using the default heap factory.
+ TTzDateTypePtr TzDate();
+ /// Create new `TzDatetime` type using the default heap factory.
+ TTzDatetimeTypePtr TzDatetime();
+ /// Create new `TzTimestamp` type using the default heap factory.
+ TTzTimestampTypePtr TzTimestamp();
+ /// Create new `Interval` type using the default heap factory.
+ TIntervalTypePtr Interval();
+ /// Create new `Decimal` type using the default heap factory.
+ TDecimalTypePtr Decimal(ui8 precision, ui8 scale);
+ /// Create new `Json` type using the default heap factory.
+ TJsonTypePtr Json();
+ /// Create new `Yson` type using the default heap factory.
+ TYsonTypePtr Yson();
+ /// Create new `Uuid` type using the default heap factory.
+ TUuidTypePtr Uuid();
+ /// Create new `Optional` type using the default heap factory.
+ TOptionalTypePtr Optional(TTypePtr item);
+ /// Create new `List` type using the default heap factory.
+ TListTypePtr List(TTypePtr item);
+ /// Create new `Dict` type using the default heap factory.
+ TDictTypePtr Dict(TTypePtr key, TTypePtr value);
+ /// Create new `Struct` type using the default heap factory.
+ TStructTypePtr Struct(TStructType::TOwnedMembers items);
+ /// Create new `Struct` type using the default heap factory.
+ TStructTypePtr Struct(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TStructType::TOwnedMembers items);
+ /// Create new `Tuple` type using the default heap factory.
+ TTupleTypePtr Tuple(TTupleType::TOwnedElements items);
+ /// Create new `Tuple` type using the default heap factory.
+ TTupleTypePtr Tuple(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTupleType::TOwnedElements items);
+ /// Create new `Variant` type using the default heap factory.
+ TVariantTypePtr Variant(TTypePtr underlying);
+ /// Create new `Variant` type using the default heap factory.
+ TVariantTypePtr Variant(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTypePtr underlying);
+ /// Create new `Tagged` type using the default heap factory.
+ TTaggedTypePtr Tagged(TTypePtr type, TStringBuf tag);
+} // namespace NTi
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f22f0308c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+#include "type_equivalence.h"
+#include <util/generic/overloaded.h>
+#include "type.h"
+namespace NTi::NEq {
+ namespace {
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TType* lhs, const TType* rhs);
+ // template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ // bool StrictlyEqual(const TDocumentation& lhs, const TDocumentation& rhs) {
+ // ...
+ // }
+ // template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ // bool StrictlyEqual(const TAnnotations& lhs, const TAnnotations& rhs) {
+ // ...
+ // }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TVoidType&, const TVoidType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TNullType&, const TNullType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TBoolType&, const TBoolType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TInt8Type&, const TInt8Type&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TInt16Type&, const TInt16Type&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TInt32Type&, const TInt32Type&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TInt64Type&, const TInt64Type&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TUint8Type&, const TUint8Type&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TUint16Type&, const TUint16Type&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TUint32Type&, const TUint32Type&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TUint64Type&, const TUint64Type&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TFloatType&, const TFloatType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TDoubleType&, const TDoubleType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TStringType&, const TStringType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TUtf8Type&, const TUtf8Type&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TDateType&, const TDateType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TDatetimeType&, const TDatetimeType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TTimestampType&, const TTimestampType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TTzDateType&, const TTzDateType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TTzDatetimeType&, const TTzDatetimeType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TTzTimestampType&, const TTzTimestampType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TIntervalType&, const TIntervalType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TDecimalType& lhs, const TDecimalType& rhs) {
+ return lhs.GetPrecision() == rhs.GetPrecision() && lhs.GetScale() == rhs.GetScale();
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TJsonType&, const TJsonType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TYsonType&, const TYsonType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TUuidType&, const TUuidType&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TOptionalType& lhs, const TOptionalType& rhs) {
+ return StrictlyEqual<IgnoreHash>(lhs.GetItemTypeRaw(), rhs.GetItemTypeRaw());
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TListType& lhs, const TListType& rhs) {
+ return StrictlyEqual<IgnoreHash>(lhs.GetItemTypeRaw(), rhs.GetItemTypeRaw());
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TDictType& lhs, const TDictType& rhs) {
+ return StrictlyEqual<IgnoreHash>(lhs.GetKeyTypeRaw(), rhs.GetKeyTypeRaw()) &&
+ StrictlyEqual<IgnoreHash>(lhs.GetValueTypeRaw(), rhs.GetValueTypeRaw());
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TStructType& lhs, const TStructType& rhs) {
+ if (lhs.GetName() != rhs.GetName()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return std::equal(
+ lhs.GetMembers().begin(), lhs.GetMembers().end(),
+ rhs.GetMembers().begin(), rhs.GetMembers().end(),
+ [](const TStructType::TMember& lhs, const TStructType::TMember& rhs) -> bool {
+ return lhs.GetName() == rhs.GetName() &&
+ StrictlyEqual<IgnoreHash>(lhs.GetTypeRaw(), rhs.GetTypeRaw());
+ // && StrictlyEqual(lhs.GetAnnotations(), rhs.GetAnnotations())
+ // && StrictlyEqual(lhs.GetDocumentation(), rhs.GetDocumentation());
+ });
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TTupleType& lhs, const TTupleType& rhs) {
+ if (lhs.GetName() != rhs.GetName()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return std::equal(
+ lhs.GetElements().begin(), lhs.GetElements().end(),
+ rhs.GetElements().begin(), rhs.GetElements().end(),
+ [](const TTupleType::TElement& lhs, const TTupleType::TElement& rhs) -> bool {
+ return StrictlyEqual<IgnoreHash>(lhs.GetTypeRaw(), rhs.GetTypeRaw());
+ // && StrictlyEqual(lhs.GetAnnotations(), rhs.GetAnnotations())
+ // && StrictlyEqual(lhs.GetDocumentation(), rhs.GetDocumentation());
+ });
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TVariantType& lhs, const TVariantType& rhs) {
+ if (lhs.GetName() != rhs.GetName()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return StrictlyEqual<IgnoreHash>(lhs.GetUnderlyingTypeRaw(), rhs.GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TTaggedType& lhs, const TTaggedType& rhs) {
+ return lhs.GetTag() == rhs.GetTag() &&
+ StrictlyEqual<IgnoreHash>(lhs.GetItemTypeRaw(), rhs.GetItemTypeRaw());
+ }
+ template <bool IgnoreHash>
+ bool StrictlyEqual(const TType* lhs, const TType* rhs) {
+ if (lhs == rhs) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (lhs == nullptr || rhs == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!IgnoreHash && lhs->GetHash() != rhs->GetHash()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (lhs->GetTypeName() != rhs->GetTypeName()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // FIXME: update `TStrictlyEqual`'s docs to explicitly state that documentation and annotations
+ // must be the same for types to compare strictly equal.
+ // if (!StrictlyEqual(lhs->GetAnnotations(), rhs->GetAnnotations())) {
+ // return false;
+ // }
+ // if (!StrictlyEqual(lhs->GetDocumentation(), rhs->GetDocumentation())) {
+ // return false;
+ // }
+ return lhs->VisitRaw([&rhs](const auto* lhs) {
+ using TSameType = decltype(lhs);
+ return rhs->VisitRaw(TOverloaded{
+ [lhs](TSameType rhs) {
+ return StrictlyEqual<IgnoreHash>(*lhs, *rhs);
+ },
+ [](const auto* rhs) {
+ static_assert(!std::is_same_v<decltype(lhs), decltype(rhs)>);
+ return false;
+ }});
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ bool TStrictlyEqual::operator()(const TType* lhs, const TType* rhs) const {
+ return StrictlyEqual<false>(lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ bool TStrictlyEqual::operator()(TTypePtr lhs, TTypePtr rhs) const {
+ return operator()(lhs.Get(), rhs.Get());
+ }
+ bool TStrictlyEqual::IgnoreHash(const TType* lhs, const TType* rhs) const {
+ return StrictlyEqual<true>(lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ bool TStrictlyEqual::IgnoreHash(TTypePtr lhs, TTypePtr rhs) const {
+ return IgnoreHash(lhs.Get(), rhs.Get());
+ }
+ ui64 TStrictlyEqualHash::operator()(const TType* type) const {
+ if (type == nullptr) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return type->GetHash();
+ }
+ ui64 TStrictlyEqualHash::operator()(TTypePtr type) const {
+ return operator()(type.Get());
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.h b/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70351dc689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_equivalence.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#pragma once
+//! @file type_equivalence.h
+//! Relations between types.
+//! Type info declares multiple ways to compare types. There's strict, nominal, structural and other equivalences,
+//! as well as subtyping. See corresponding functors for more info.
+//! At the moment, only strict equivalence is implemented because others are not yet standartized.
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "fwd.h"
+#include <util/system/types.h>
+namespace NTi::NEq {
+ /// Strict equivalence is the strongest form of type equivalence. If two types are strictly equal,
+ /// they're literally the same type for all intents and purposes. This includes struct, tuple, variant and enum
+ /// names, order of their items, names of their items, names of tagged types, and so on.
+ struct TStrictlyEqual {
+ bool operator()(const TType* lhs, const TType* rhs) const;
+ bool operator()(TTypePtr lhs, TTypePtr rhs) const;
+ /// Compare types without calculating and comparing their hashes first.
+ bool IgnoreHash(const TType* lhs, const TType* rhs) const;
+ bool IgnoreHash(TTypePtr lhs, TTypePtr rhs) const;
+ };
+ /// Hash that follows the strict equality rules (see `TStrictlyEqual`).
+ struct TStrictlyEqualHash {
+ ui64 operator()(const TType* type) const;
+ ui64 operator()(TTypePtr type) const;
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d60307938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+#include "type_factory.h"
+#include "type.h"
+#include "type_equivalence.h"
+#include <util/memory/pool.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+namespace NTi {
+ TVoidTypePtr ITypeFactory::Void() {
+ return TVoidType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TVoidType* IPoolTypeFactory::VoidRaw() {
+ return TVoidType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TNullTypePtr ITypeFactory::Null() {
+ return TNullType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TNullType* IPoolTypeFactory::NullRaw() {
+ return TNullType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TBoolTypePtr ITypeFactory::Bool() {
+ return TBoolType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TBoolType* IPoolTypeFactory::BoolRaw() {
+ return TBoolType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TInt8TypePtr ITypeFactory::Int8() {
+ return TInt8Type::Instance();
+ }
+ const TInt8Type* IPoolTypeFactory::Int8Raw() {
+ return TInt8Type::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TInt16TypePtr ITypeFactory::Int16() {
+ return TInt16Type::Instance();
+ }
+ const TInt16Type* IPoolTypeFactory::Int16Raw() {
+ return TInt16Type::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TInt32TypePtr ITypeFactory::Int32() {
+ return TInt32Type::Instance();
+ }
+ const TInt32Type* IPoolTypeFactory::Int32Raw() {
+ return TInt32Type::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TInt64TypePtr ITypeFactory::Int64() {
+ return TInt64Type::Instance();
+ }
+ const TInt64Type* IPoolTypeFactory::Int64Raw() {
+ return TInt64Type::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TUint8TypePtr ITypeFactory::Uint8() {
+ return TUint8Type::Instance();
+ }
+ const TUint8Type* IPoolTypeFactory::Uint8Raw() {
+ return TUint8Type::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TUint16TypePtr ITypeFactory::Uint16() {
+ return TUint16Type::Instance();
+ }
+ const TUint16Type* IPoolTypeFactory::Uint16Raw() {
+ return TUint16Type::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TUint32TypePtr ITypeFactory::Uint32() {
+ return TUint32Type::Instance();
+ }
+ const TUint32Type* IPoolTypeFactory::Uint32Raw() {
+ return TUint32Type::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TUint64TypePtr ITypeFactory::Uint64() {
+ return TUint64Type::Instance();
+ }
+ const TUint64Type* IPoolTypeFactory::Uint64Raw() {
+ return TUint64Type::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TFloatTypePtr ITypeFactory::Float() {
+ return TFloatType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TFloatType* IPoolTypeFactory::FloatRaw() {
+ return TFloatType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TDoubleTypePtr ITypeFactory::Double() {
+ return TDoubleType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TDoubleType* IPoolTypeFactory::DoubleRaw() {
+ return TDoubleType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TStringTypePtr ITypeFactory::String() {
+ return TStringType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TStringType* IPoolTypeFactory::StringRaw() {
+ return TStringType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TUtf8TypePtr ITypeFactory::Utf8() {
+ return TUtf8Type::Instance();
+ }
+ const TUtf8Type* IPoolTypeFactory::Utf8Raw() {
+ return TUtf8Type::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TDateTypePtr ITypeFactory::Date() {
+ return TDateType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TDateType* IPoolTypeFactory::DateRaw() {
+ return TDateType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TDatetimeTypePtr ITypeFactory::Datetime() {
+ return TDatetimeType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TDatetimeType* IPoolTypeFactory::DatetimeRaw() {
+ return TDatetimeType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TTimestampTypePtr ITypeFactory::Timestamp() {
+ return TTimestampType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TTimestampType* IPoolTypeFactory::TimestampRaw() {
+ return TTimestampType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TTzDateTypePtr ITypeFactory::TzDate() {
+ return TTzDateType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TTzDateType* IPoolTypeFactory::TzDateRaw() {
+ return TTzDateType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TTzDatetimeTypePtr ITypeFactory::TzDatetime() {
+ return TTzDatetimeType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TTzDatetimeType* IPoolTypeFactory::TzDatetimeRaw() {
+ return TTzDatetimeType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TTzTimestampTypePtr ITypeFactory::TzTimestamp() {
+ return TTzTimestampType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TTzTimestampType* IPoolTypeFactory::TzTimestampRaw() {
+ return TTzTimestampType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TIntervalTypePtr ITypeFactory::Interval() {
+ return TIntervalType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TIntervalType* IPoolTypeFactory::IntervalRaw() {
+ return TIntervalType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TDecimalTypePtr ITypeFactory::Decimal(ui8 precision, ui8 scale) {
+ return TDecimalType::Create(*this, precision, scale);
+ }
+ const TDecimalType* IPoolTypeFactory::DecimalRaw(ui8 precision, ui8 scale) {
+ return TDecimalType::CreateRaw(*this, precision, scale);
+ }
+ TJsonTypePtr ITypeFactory::Json() {
+ return TJsonType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TJsonType* IPoolTypeFactory::JsonRaw() {
+ return TJsonType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TYsonTypePtr ITypeFactory::Yson() {
+ return TYsonType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TYsonType* IPoolTypeFactory::YsonRaw() {
+ return TYsonType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TUuidTypePtr ITypeFactory::Uuid() {
+ return TUuidType::Instance();
+ }
+ const TUuidType* IPoolTypeFactory::UuidRaw() {
+ return TUuidType::InstanceRaw();
+ }
+ TOptionalTypePtr ITypeFactory::Optional(TTypePtr item) {
+ return TOptionalType::Create(*this, std::move(item));
+ }
+ const TOptionalType* IPoolTypeFactory::OptionalRaw(const TType* item) {
+ return TOptionalType::CreateRaw(*this, item);
+ }
+ TListTypePtr ITypeFactory::List(TTypePtr item) {
+ return TListType::Create(*this, std::move(item));
+ }
+ const TListType* IPoolTypeFactory::ListRaw(const TType* item) {
+ return TListType::CreateRaw(*this, item);
+ }
+ TDictTypePtr ITypeFactory::Dict(TTypePtr key, TTypePtr value) {
+ return TDictType::Create(*this, std::move(key), std::move(value));
+ }
+ const TDictType* IPoolTypeFactory::DictRaw(const TType* key, const TType* value) {
+ return TDictType::CreateRaw(*this, key, value);
+ }
+ TStructTypePtr ITypeFactory::Struct(TStructType::TOwnedMembers items) {
+ return TStructType::Create(*this, items);
+ }
+ TStructTypePtr ITypeFactory::Struct(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TStructType::TOwnedMembers items) {
+ return TStructType::Create(*this, name, items);
+ }
+ const TStructType* IPoolTypeFactory::StructRaw(TStructType::TMembers items) {
+ return TStructType::CreateRaw(*this, items);
+ }
+ const TStructType* IPoolTypeFactory::StructRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TStructType::TMembers items) {
+ return TStructType::CreateRaw(*this, name, items);
+ }
+ TTupleTypePtr ITypeFactory::Tuple(TTupleType::TOwnedElements items) {
+ return TTupleType::Create(*this, items);
+ }
+ TTupleTypePtr ITypeFactory::Tuple(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTupleType::TOwnedElements items) {
+ return TTupleType::Create(*this, name, items);
+ }
+ const TTupleType* IPoolTypeFactory::TupleRaw(TTupleType::TElements items) {
+ return TTupleType::CreateRaw(*this, items);
+ }
+ const TTupleType* IPoolTypeFactory::TupleRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTupleType::TElements items) {
+ return TTupleType::CreateRaw(*this, name, items);
+ }
+ TVariantTypePtr ITypeFactory::Variant(TTypePtr inner) {
+ return TVariantType::Create(*this, std::move(inner));
+ }
+ TVariantTypePtr ITypeFactory::Variant(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTypePtr inner) {
+ return TVariantType::Create(*this, name, std::move(inner));
+ }
+ const TVariantType* IPoolTypeFactory::VariantRaw(const TType* inner) {
+ return TVariantType::CreateRaw(*this, inner);
+ }
+ const TVariantType* IPoolTypeFactory::VariantRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, const TType* inner) {
+ return TVariantType::CreateRaw(*this, name, inner);
+ }
+ TTaggedTypePtr ITypeFactory::Tagged(TTypePtr type, TStringBuf tag) {
+ return TTaggedType::Create(*this, std::move(type), tag);
+ }
+ const TTaggedType* IPoolTypeFactory::TaggedRaw(const TType* type, TStringBuf tag) {
+ return TTaggedType::CreateRaw(*this, type, tag);
+ }
+ namespace {
+ class TPoolFactory: public NTi::IPoolTypeFactory {
+ public:
+ TPoolFactory(size_t initial, TMemoryPool::IGrowPolicy* grow, IAllocator* alloc, TMemoryPool::TOptions options)
+ : Pool_(initial, grow, alloc, options)
+ {
+ }
+ public:
+ void* Allocate(size_t size, size_t align) noexcept override {
+ return Pool_.Allocate(size, align);
+ }
+ void Free(void* data) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(data);
+ }
+ protected:
+ const NTi::TType* LookupCache(const NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void SaveCache(const NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ }
+ void Ref() noexcept override {
+ Counter_.Inc();
+ }
+ void UnRef() noexcept override {
+ if (Counter_.Dec() == 0) {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ }
+ void DecRef() noexcept override {
+ if (Counter_.Dec() == 0) {
+ Y_FAIL("DecRef is not supposed to drop");
+ }
+ }
+ long RefCount() const noexcept override {
+ return Counter_.Val();
+ }
+ void RefType(NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ }
+ void UnRefType(NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ }
+ void DecRefType(NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ }
+ long RefCountType(const NTi::TType* type) const noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ return RefCount();
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t Available() const noexcept override {
+ return Pool_.Available();
+ }
+ size_t MemoryAllocated() const noexcept override {
+ return Pool_.MemoryAllocated();
+ }
+ size_t MemoryWaste() const noexcept override {
+ return Pool_.MemoryWaste();
+ }
+ private:
+ TAtomicCounter Counter_;
+ TMemoryPool Pool_;
+ };
+ class TPoolFactoryDedup: public TPoolFactory {
+ public:
+ using TPoolFactory::TPoolFactory;
+ public:
+ const NTi::TType* LookupCache(const NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ if (auto it = Cache_.find(type); it != Cache_.end()) {
+ return *it;
+ } else {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ void SaveCache(const NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Cache_.insert(type);
+ }
+ protected:
+ TStringBuf AllocateString(TStringBuf str) noexcept override {
+ if (str.empty()) {
+ return TStringBuf(); // `str` could still point somewhere whereas empty strbuf points to NULL
+ }
+ if (auto it = StringCache_.find(str); it != StringCache_.end()) {
+ return *it;
+ } else {
+ return *StringCache_.insert(it, ITypeFactoryInternal::AllocateString(str));
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ THashSet<const NTi::TType*, NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqualHash, NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqual> Cache_;
+ THashSet<TStringBuf> StringCache_;
+ };
+ class THeapFactory: public NTi::ITypeFactory {
+ public:
+ void* Allocate(size_t size, size_t align) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(align);
+ return malloc(size);
+ }
+ void Free(void* data) noexcept override {
+ free(data);
+ }
+ protected:
+ const NTi::TType* LookupCache(const NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void SaveCache(const NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ }
+ void Ref() noexcept override {
+ // nothing
+ }
+ void UnRef() noexcept override {
+ // nothing
+ }
+ void DecRef() noexcept override {
+ // nothing
+ }
+ long RefCount() const noexcept override {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void RefType(NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ Y_FAIL("not supposed to be called");
+ }
+ void UnRefType(NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ Y_FAIL("not supposed to be called");
+ }
+ void DecRefType(NTi::TType* type) noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ Y_FAIL("not supposed to be called");
+ }
+ long RefCountType(const NTi::TType* type) const noexcept override {
+ Y_UNUSED(type);
+ Y_FAIL("not supposed to be called");
+ }
+ };
+ THeapFactory HEAP_FACTORY;
+ }
+ IPoolTypeFactoryPtr PoolFactory(bool deduplicate, size_t initial, TMemoryPool::IGrowPolicy* grow, IAllocator* alloc, TMemoryPool::TOptions options) {
+ if (deduplicate) {
+ return new TPoolFactoryDedup(initial, grow, alloc, options);
+ } else {
+ return new TPoolFactory(initial, grow, alloc, options);
+ }
+ }
+ namespace NPrivate {
+ ITypeFactory* GetDefaultHeapFactory() {
+ return &HEAP_FACTORY;
+ }
+ }
+ ITypeFactoryPtr HeapFactory() {
+ return NPrivate::GetDefaultHeapFactory();
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.h b/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df47c7082b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_factory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+#pragma once
+//! @file type_factory.h
+//! Type factory creates type instances and manages their lifetimes and destruction.
+//! Type info supports multiple ways of allocating type instances and managing their lifetimes:
+//! - [heap-based allocation] is the standard memory allocation method for C++. It offers great flexibility
+//! as it can allocate memory regions of almost arbitrary size and alignment, deallocate them, re-use them
+//! for new allocations or return the to the operating system. This flexibility comes with a price, though.
+//! Heap allocators usually require synchronisation (i.e. a mutex or a spinlock), and some memory overhead to track
+//! allocated regions. Also, they provide no guarantees on data locality and CPU cache friendliness whatsoever.
+//! When using a heap-based factory, each type instance have a separate reference counter. `TTypePtr`s will
+//! increment and decrement this counter. Whenever it reaches zero, they will destroy the type instance and free
+//! its memory. This is the standard reference counting technique, just like in `TRefCounted`.
+//! - [memory pool] is a data structure for faster memory allocation. It pre-allocates large chunks of memory and uses
+//! them to allocate smaller objects. This way, we don't have to `malloc` memory for each new object.
+//! Also, we can drop all objects at once by discarding all memory chunks.
+//! When using memory-pool-based factory, types don't have individual reference counters. Instead, they store
+//! a pointer to the factory that've created them. Whenever such type is referenced or unreferenced, the factory's
+//! own reference counter is incremented or decremented. Factory dies and releases all pool's memory when the last
+//! reference to a type in its pool dies.
+//! [heap-based allocation]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_management#Dynamic_memory_allocation
+//! [Reference counting]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_counting
+//! [memory pool]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Region-based_memory_management
+//! The rule of thumb is: if you have an intrusive pointer to a type, you can be sure it points to an alive object;
+//! if you have a raw pointer to a type, it's your responsibility to ensure its validity.
+//! Whenever you have a valid raw pointer to a type, you can promote it to an intrusive pointer by calling `AsPtr`.
+//! This is always safe because there's no way to create a type instance on the stack or in the static memory
+//! of a program.
+//! # Implementation details
+//! We're building a hierarchy of classes that work equally well with both heap-based allocation model
+//! and memory-pool-based allocation model. In order to understand how we do it, we should first understand how
+//! object ownership works in both models.
+//! ## Ownership schema
+//! Depending on the chosen factory implementation, ownership schema may vary.
+//! When using the heap-based factory, each type has its own reference counter. User own types, and types own
+//! their nested types. For `Optional<String>`, user owns the `Optional` type, and `Optional` type
+//! owns the `String` type:
+//! ```text
+//! Legend: A ───> B -- A owns B | A ─ ─> B -- A points to B
+//! User code: Objects:
+//! ┌─────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
+//! │ IFactoryPtr │───────>│ Factory │
+//! └─────────────┘ └────────────────┘
+//! ┌─────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
+//! │ TTypePtr │───────>│ Type: Optional │──┐
+//! └─────────────┘ └────────────────┘ │
+//! ┌──────────────────────┘
+//! │ ┌────────────────┐
+//! └─>│ Type: String │
+//! └────────────────┘
+//! ```
+//! When using a pool-based factory, all allocated types are owned by pool. So, in the `Optional<String>` example,
+//! user owns factory, factory owns the `Optional` type and the `String` type. All references between types
+//! are just borrows:
+//! ```text
+//! Legend: A ───> B -- A owns B | A ─ ─> B -- A points to B
+//! User code: Objects:
+//! ┌─────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
+//! │ IFactoryPtr │─┌─────>│ Factory │──┐
+//! └─────────────┘ │ └────────────────┘ │
+//! ┌─────────────┐ │ ┌────────────────┐ │
+//! │ TTypePtr │─┘─ ─ ─>│ Type: Optional │<─┤
+//! └─────────────┘ └───────┬────────┘ │
+//! ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┘ │
+//! ╎ ┌────────────────┐ │
+//! └─ ─>│ Type: String │<─┘
+//! └────────────────┘
+//! ```
+//! Notice how `TTypePtr` points to `Optional`, but doesn't own it. Instead, it owns the factory which,
+//! transitively, owns `Optional`. This way we can be sure that the factory will not be destroyed before
+//! all `IFactoryPtr`s and `TTypePtr`s die, thus guaranteeing that all `TTypePtr` always stay valid.
+//! With that in mind, we can derive two types of ownership here.
+//! Whenever `TTypePtr` owns some type, we call it 'external ownership' (because it's code that is external
+//! to this library owns something). In this situation, ref and unref procedures must increment type's own reference
+//! counter, if there is one, and also increment factory's reference counter. `NTi::TType::Ref` and `NTi::TType::Unref`
+//! do this by calling `NTi::ITypeFactoryInternal::Ref`, `NTi::ITypeFactoryInternal::RefType`,
+//! `NTi::ITypeFactoryInternal::UnRef`, `NTi::ITypeFactoryInternal::UnRefType`.
+//! Whenever one type owns another type, we call it 'internal ownership'. In this situation, ref and unref procedures
+//! must only increment and decrement type's own reference counter. They should *not* increment or decrement
+//! factory's reference counter. `NTi::TType::RefSelf` and `NTi::TType::UnrefSelf` do this by calling
+//! `NTi::ITypeFactoryInternal::RefType` and `NTi::ITypeFactoryInternal::UnRefType`, and not calling
+//! `NTi::ITypeFactoryInternal::Ref` and `NTi::ITypeFactoryInternal::UnRef`.
+//! ## Adoption semantics
+//! Let's see now what should happen when we create some complex type using more that one factory.
+//! Suppose we're creating a container type, such as `Optional`, using factory `a`. If its nested type is
+//! managed by the same factory, we have no issues at all:
+//! ```
+//! auto a = NTi::PoolFactory();
+//! auto string = a->String();
+//! auto optional = a->Optional(string);
+//! ```
+//! But what if the nested type is managed by some other factory `b`? Consider:
+//! ```
+//! auto b = NTi::PoolFactory();
+//! auto a = NTi::PoolFactory();
+//! auto string = b->String();
+//! auto optional = a->Optional(string);
+//! ```
+//! Well, we're in trouble. It's not enough for `optional` to just acquire internal ownership over `string`.
+//! Actually, `optional` has to own both `string` and its factory, `b`. Otherwise, if `b` dies, `string` will
+//! die with it, leaving `optional` with a dangling pointer.
+//! However, we can't have a type owning its factory. It will create a loop. The only safe solution is to copy
+//! the nested type from one factory to another. If we have some type managed by factory `a`, all nested types
+//! must also be managed by the same factory `a`.
+//! So, whenever we create a type, we must ensure that all its nested types are managed by the same factory.
+//! If they're not, we must deep-copy them to the current factory. This is called the 'adoption semantics'. That is,
+//! we adopt nested types into the current factory.
+//! In fact, adoption semantics is a bit more complicated that this. Some types are not managed by any factory.
+//! They have static storage duration and therefore need no management. So, if we see that there's no factory
+//! associated with some type, we don't perform deep-copy. Instead, we just return it as is.
+//! ## Overview
+//! So, now we're ready to put this puzzle together.
+//! When we create a new type instance, we do the following:
+//! 1: we adopt all nested types and acquire internal ownership over them. This is done by the `Own` function;
+//! 2: we allocate some memory for the type. This is done by `New`, `Allocate` and other functions;
+//! 3: we initialize all this memory;
+//! 4: finally, we acquire external ownership over the newly created type and return it to the user.
+//! Steps 1 through 3 are performed by the `NTi::TType::Clone` function. Step 4 is performed by the factory.
+//! When we adopt some type, we check if it's managed by any factory other that the current one. If needed,
+//! we deep-copy it by the `NTi::TType::Clone` function. That is, `Clone` copies type to a new factory and adopts
+//! nested types, adoption calls nested type's `Clone`, causing recursive deep-copying.
+//! When we release external or internal ownership over some type, factory might decide to destroy it (if, for
+//! example, this type's reference count reached zero). In this case, we need to release internal ownership
+//! over the nested types, and release all memory that was allocated in step 3.
+//! This is done by `NTi::TType::Drop` function.
+#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+#include <util/memory/pool.h>
+#include "type.h"
+#include "fwd.h"
+namespace NTi {
+ namespace NPrivate {
+ /// If `T` is derived from `NTi::TType` (ignoring cv-qualification), provides the member constant `value`
+ /// equal to `true`. Otherwise `value` is `false`.
+ template <typename T>
+ struct TIsType: public std::is_base_of<TType, T> {
+ };
+ /// Helper template variable for `TIsType`.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline constexpr const bool IsTypeV = TIsType<T>::value;
+ /// Statically assert that `T` is a managed object.
+ template <typename T>
+ void AssertIsType() {
+ static_assert(IsTypeV<T>, "object should be derived from 'NTi::TType'");
+ }
+ }
+ /// Internal interface for type factory.
+ ///
+ /// This interface is accessible from `TType` implementation, but not from outside.
+ class ITypeFactoryInternal {
+ friend class TType;
+ template <typename T>
+ friend class ::TDefaultIntrusivePtrOps;
+ public:
+ virtual ~ITypeFactoryInternal() = default;
+ public:
+ /// @name Object creation and lifetime management interface
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Create a new object of type `T` by allocating memory for it and constructing it with arguments `args`.
+ ///
+ /// If `T` is derived from `TType`, it will be linked to this factory via the `NTi::TType::SetFactory` method.
+ ///
+ /// This method does not acquire any ownership over the created object, not internal nor external. It just
+ /// allocates some memory and calls a constructor and that's it.
+ template <typename T, typename... Args>
+ inline T* New(Args&&... args) {
+ // Note: it's important to understand difference between `New` and `Create` - read the docs!
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible_v<T>, "can only create trivially destructible types");
+ auto value = new (AllocateFor<T>()) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ if constexpr (NPrivate::IsTypeV<T>) {
+ value->SetFactory(this);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ /// Delete an object that was created via the `New` function.
+ ///
+ /// This function essentially just calls `Free`. Note that `New` can only create trivially destructible types,
+ /// thus `Delete` does not neet to call object's destructor.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void Delete(T* obj) noexcept {
+ Free(obj);
+ }
+ /// Create a new array of `count` objects of type `T`.
+ ///
+ /// This function will allocate an array of `count` objects of type `T`. Then, for each object in the array,
+ /// it will call the `ctor(T* memory, size_t index)`, passing a pointer to the uninitialized object
+ /// and its index in the array. `ctor` should call placement new on the passed pointer.
+ ///
+ /// If `T` is derived from `TType`, it will be linked to this factory via the `NTi::TType::SetFactory` method.
+ ///
+ /// This method does not acquire any ownership over the created array elements, not internal nor external.
+ /// It just allocates some memory and calls a constructor and that's it.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Copy vector to factory:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// TVector<T> source = ...;
+ /// TArrayRef<T> copied = NMem::NewArray<T>(factory, source.size(), [&source](T* ptr, size_t i) {
+ /// new (ptr) T(source[i]);
+ /// });
+ /// ```
+ template <typename T, typename TCtor>
+ inline TArrayRef<T> NewArray(size_t count, TCtor&& ctor) {
+ // Note: it's important to understand difference between `New` and `Create` - read the docs!
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible_v<T>, "can only create trivially destructible types");
+ auto items = AllocateArrayFor<T>(count);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ auto value = items + i;
+ ctor(value, i);
+ if constexpr (NPrivate::IsTypeV<T>) {
+ value->SetFactory(this);
+ }
+ }
+ return TArrayRef(items, count);
+ }
+ /// Delete an object that was created via the `NewArray` function.
+ ///
+ /// This function runs `dtor` on each element of the array and then just calls `Free`. Note that `NewArray`
+ /// can only create arrays for trivially destructible types, thus `DeleteArray`
+ /// does not call object destructors.
+ template <typename T, typename TDtor>
+ inline void DeleteArray(TArrayRef<T> obj, TDtor&& dtor) noexcept {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < obj.size(); ++i) {
+ auto value = obj.data() + i;
+ dtor(value, i);
+ }
+ Free(const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(obj.data())));
+ }
+ /// Adopt `type` into this factory.
+ ///
+ /// This function works like `AdoptRaw`, but it wraps its result to an intrusive pointer, thus acquiring
+ /// external ownership over it.
+ ///
+ /// It is used by external code to copy types between factories.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline TIntrusiveConstPtr<T> Adopt(TIntrusiveConstPtr<T> type) noexcept {
+ NPrivate::AssertIsType<T>();
+ return TIntrusiveConstPtr<T>(const_cast<T*>(AdoptRaw<T>(type.Get())));
+ }
+ /// Adopt `type` into this factory.
+ ///
+ /// This function is used to transfer types between factories. It has the following semantics:
+ ///
+ /// - if `type` is managed by this factory, this function returns its argument unchanged;
+ /// - if `type` is not managed by any factory, this function also returns its argument unchanged;
+ /// - if `type` is managed by another factory, this function deep-copies `type` into this factory and returns
+ /// a pointer to the new deep-copied value.
+ ///
+ /// This function uses `NTi::TType::Clone` to deep-copy types. It does not acquire any ownership over
+ /// the returned object, not internal nor external. If you need to adopt and acquire external ownership
+ /// (i.e. you're returning type to a user), use `Adopt`. If you need to adopt and acquire internal ownership
+ /// (i.e. you're writing `NTi::TType::Clone` implementation), use `Own`.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline const T* AdoptRaw(const T* type) noexcept {
+ NPrivate::AssertIsType<T>();
+ ITypeFactoryInternal* typeFactory = type->GetFactory();
+ if (typeFactory == nullptr || typeFactory == this) {
+ return type;
+ } else {
+ return type->Clone(*this);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Adopt some type and acquire internal ownership over it.
+ ///
+ /// This function works like `AdoptRaw`, but acquires internal ownership over the returned type.
+ ///
+ /// It is used by `NTi::TType::Clone` implementations to acquire ownership over the nested types.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline const T* Own(const T* type) noexcept {
+ NPrivate::AssertIsType<T>();
+ type = AdoptRaw(type);
+ const_cast<T*>(type)->RefSelf();
+ return type;
+ }
+ /// Release internal ownership over some type.
+ ///
+ /// This function is used by `NTi::TType::Drop` to release internal ownership over nested types.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void Disown(const T* type) noexcept {
+ NPrivate::AssertIsType<T>();
+ const_cast<T*>(type)->UnRefSelf();
+ }
+ /// @}
+ public:
+ /// @name Memory management interface
+ ///
+ /// Functions for dealing with raw unmanaged memory.
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Allocate a new chunk of memory of size `size` aligned on `align`.
+ ///
+ /// The behaviour is undefined if `size` is zero, `align` is zero, is not a power of two,
+ /// or greater than `PLATFORM_DATA_ALIGN` (i.e., over-aligned).
+ ///
+ /// This function panics if memory can't be allocated.
+ ///
+ /// Returned memory may or may not be initialized.
+ virtual void* Allocate(size_t size, size_t align) noexcept = 0;
+ /// Allocate a chunk of memory suitable for storing an object of type `T`.
+ ///
+ /// This function panics if memory can't be allocated.
+ ///
+ /// Returned memory may or may not be initialized.
+ template <typename T>
+ T* AllocateFor() noexcept {
+ static_assert(alignof(T) <= PLATFORM_DATA_ALIGN, "over-aligned types are not supported");
+ return static_cast<T*>(Allocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T)));
+ }
+ /// Allocate a new chunk of memory suitable for storing `count` of objects of size `size` aligned on `align`.
+ ///
+ /// The behaviour is undefined if `count` is zero, `size` is zero, `align` is zero, is not a power of two,
+ /// or greater than `PLATFORM_DATA_ALIGN` (i.e., over-aligned).
+ ///
+ /// This function panics if memory can't be allocated.
+ ///
+ /// Returned memory may or may not be initialized.
+ void* AllocateArray(size_t count, size_t size, size_t align) noexcept {
+ return Allocate(size * count, align);
+ }
+ /// Allocate a chunk of memory suitable for storing an array of `count` objects of type `T`.
+ ///
+ /// This function panics if memory can't be allocated.
+ ///
+ /// Returned memory may or may not be initialized.
+ template <typename T>
+ T* AllocateArrayFor(size_t count) noexcept {
+ static_assert(alignof(T) <= PLATFORM_DATA_ALIGN, "over-aligned types are not supported");
+ return static_cast<T*>(AllocateArray(count, sizeof(T), alignof(T)));
+ }
+ /// Reclaim a chunk of memory memory that was allocated via one of the above `Allocate*` functions.
+ ///
+ /// This function is not suitable for freeing memory allocated via `AllocateString` or `AllocateStringMaybe`.
+ ///
+ /// Behaviour of this function varies between implementations. Specifically, in the memory-pool-based factory,
+ /// this function does nothing, while in heap-based factory, it calls `free`.
+ ///
+ /// Passing a null pointer here is ok and does nothing.
+ ///
+ /// The behaviour is undefined if the given pointer is not null and it wasn't obtained from a call
+ /// to the `Allocate` function or it was obtained from a call to the `Allocate` function
+ /// of a different factory.
+ virtual void Free(void* data) noexcept = 0;
+ /// Allocate memory for string `str` and copy `str` to the allocated memory.
+ ///
+ /// Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to be null-terminated.
+ ///
+ /// Note: some factories may cache results of this function to avoid repeated allocations. Read documentation
+ /// for specific factory for more info.
+ virtual TStringBuf AllocateString(TStringBuf str) noexcept {
+ return TStringBuf(MemCopy(AllocateArrayFor<char>(str.size()), str.data(), str.size()), str.size());
+ }
+ /// Reclaim a chunk of memory memory that was allocated via the `AllocateString` function.
+ virtual void FreeString(TStringBuf str) noexcept {
+ Free(const_cast<char*>(str.Data()));
+ }
+ /// Like `AllocateString`, but works with `TMaybe<TStringBuf>`.
+ ///
+ /// If the given `str` contains a value, pass it to `AllocateString`.
+ /// If it contains no value, return an empty `TMaybe`.
+ TMaybe<TStringBuf> AllocateStringMaybe(TMaybe<TStringBuf> str) noexcept {
+ if (str.Defined()) {
+ return AllocateString(str.GetRef());
+ } else {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Reclaim a chunk of memory memory that was allocated via the `AllocateStringMaybe` function.
+ void FreeStringMaybe(TMaybe<TStringBuf> str) noexcept {
+ if (str.Defined()) {
+ FreeString(str.GetRef());
+ }
+ }
+ /// @}
+ public:
+ /// @name Type caching and deduplication interface
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Lookup the given type in the factory cache. Return cached version of the type or `nullptr`.
+ virtual const TType* LookupCache(const TType* type) noexcept = 0;
+ /// Save the given type to the factory cache. Type must be allocated via this factory.
+ virtual void SaveCache(const TType* type) noexcept = 0;
+ /// @}
+ public:
+ /// @name Factory reference counting interface
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Increase reference count of this factory.
+ virtual void Ref() noexcept = 0;
+ /// Decrease reference count of this factory.
+ /// If reference count reaches zero, drop this factory.
+ virtual void UnRef() noexcept = 0;
+ /// Decrease reference count of this factory.
+ /// If reference count reaches zero, panic.
+ virtual void DecRef() noexcept = 0;
+ /// Get current reference count of this factory.
+ virtual long RefCount() const noexcept = 0;
+ /// @}
+ public:
+ /// @name Type instance reference counting interface
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Increase reference count of some object managed by this factory.
+ virtual void RefType(TType*) noexcept = 0;
+ /// Decrease reference count of some object managed by this factory.
+ /// If reference count reaches zero, call `TType::Drop` and free object's memory, if needed.
+ virtual void UnRefType(TType*) noexcept = 0;
+ /// Decrease reference count of some object managed by this factory.
+ /// If reference count reaches zero, panic.
+ virtual void DecRefType(TType*) noexcept = 0;
+ /// Get current reference count of some object managed by this factory.
+ virtual long RefCountType(const TType*) const noexcept = 0;
+ /// @}
+ };
+ /// Base interface for type factory. There are functions to create type instances, and also a function to
+ /// adopt a type from one factory to another. See the file-level documentation for more info.
+ class ITypeFactory: protected ITypeFactoryInternal {
+ friend class TType;
+ template <typename T>
+ friend class ::TDefaultIntrusivePtrOps;
+ public:
+ /// Adopt type into this factory.
+ ///
+ /// This function is used to transfer types between factories. It has the following semantics:
+ ///
+ /// - if `type` is managed by this factory, this function returns its argument unchanged;
+ /// - if `type` is not managed by any factory, this function also returns its argument unchanged;
+ /// - if `type` is managed by another factory, this function deep-copies `type` into this factory and returns
+ /// a pointer to the new deep-copied value.
+ ///
+ /// This function should be used on API borders, whenever you receive ownership over some type that wasn't
+ /// created by you. For example, you may ensure that the type you got is allocated in heap, or you may want to
+ /// copy some type into a memory pool that you have control over.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline TIntrusiveConstPtr<T> Adopt(TIntrusiveConstPtr<T> value) noexcept {
+ return ITypeFactoryInternal::Adopt<T>(std::move(value));
+ }
+ public:
+ /// Create a new instance of a type using this factory.
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Create a new `Void` type. See `NTi::TVoidType` for more info.
+ TVoidTypePtr Void();
+ /// Create a new `Null` type. See `NTi::TNullType` for more info.
+ TNullTypePtr Null();
+ /// Create a new `Bool` type. See `NTi::TBoolType` for more info.
+ TBoolTypePtr Bool();
+ /// Create a new `Int8` type. See `NTi::TInt8Type` for more info.
+ TInt8TypePtr Int8();
+ /// Create a new `Int16` type. See `NTi::TInt16Type` for more info.
+ TInt16TypePtr Int16();
+ /// Create a new `Int32` type. See `NTi::TInt32Type` for more info.
+ TInt32TypePtr Int32();
+ /// Create a new `Int64` type. See `NTi::TInt64Type` for more info.
+ TInt64TypePtr Int64();
+ /// Create a new `Uint8` type. See `NTi::TUint8Type` for more info.
+ TUint8TypePtr Uint8();
+ /// Create a new `Uint16` type. See `NTi::TUint16Type` for more info.
+ TUint16TypePtr Uint16();
+ /// Create a new `Uint32` type. See `NTi::TUint32Type` for more info.
+ TUint32TypePtr Uint32();
+ /// Create a new `Uint64` type. See `NTi::TUint64Type` for more info.
+ TUint64TypePtr Uint64();
+ /// Create a new `Float` type. See `NTi::TFloatType` for more info.
+ TFloatTypePtr Float();
+ /// Create a new `Double` type. See `NTi::TDoubleType` for more info.
+ TDoubleTypePtr Double();
+ /// Create a new `String` type. See `NTi::TStringType` for more info.
+ TStringTypePtr String();
+ /// Create a new `Utf8` type. See `NTi::TUtf8Type` for more info.
+ TUtf8TypePtr Utf8();
+ /// Create a new `Date` type. See `NTi::TDateType` for more info.
+ TDateTypePtr Date();
+ /// Create a new `Datetime` type. See `NTi::TDatetimeType` for more info.
+ TDatetimeTypePtr Datetime();
+ /// Create a new `Timestamp` type. See `NTi::TTimestampType` for more info.
+ TTimestampTypePtr Timestamp();
+ /// Create a new `TzDate` type. See `NTi::TTzDateType` for more info.
+ TTzDateTypePtr TzDate();
+ /// Create a new `TzDatetime` type. See `NTi::TTzDatetimeType` for more info.
+ TTzDatetimeTypePtr TzDatetime();
+ /// Create a new `TzTimestamp` type. See `NTi::TTzTimestampType` for more info.
+ TTzTimestampTypePtr TzTimestamp();
+ /// Create a new `Interval` type. See `NTi::TIntervalType` for more info.
+ TIntervalTypePtr Interval();
+ /// Create a new `Decimal` type. See `NTi::TDecimalType` for more info.
+ TDecimalTypePtr Decimal(ui8 precision, ui8 scale);
+ /// Create a new `Json` type. See `NTi::TJsonType` for more info.
+ TJsonTypePtr Json();
+ /// Create a new `Yson` type. See `NTi::TYsonType` for more info.
+ TYsonTypePtr Yson();
+ /// Create a new `Uuid` type. See `NTi::TUuidType` for more info.
+ TUuidTypePtr Uuid();
+ /// Create a new `Optional` type. See `NTi::TOptionalType` for more info.
+ /// If `item` is managed by some other factory, it will be deep-copied into this factory.
+ TOptionalTypePtr Optional(TTypePtr item);
+ /// Create a new `List` type. See `NTi::TListType` for more info.
+ /// If `item` is managed by some other factory, it will be deep-copied into this factory.
+ TListTypePtr List(TTypePtr item);
+ /// Create a new `Dict` type. See `NTi::TDictType` for more info.
+ /// If `key` or `value` are managed by some other factory, they will be deep-copied into this factory.
+ TDictTypePtr Dict(TTypePtr key, TTypePtr value);
+ /// Create a new `Struct` type. See `NTi::TStructType` for more info.
+ /// If item types are managed by some other factory, they will be deep-copied into this factory.
+ TStructTypePtr Struct(TStructType::TOwnedMembers items);
+ TStructTypePtr Struct(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TStructType::TOwnedMembers items);
+ /// Create a new `Tuple` type. See `NTi::TTupleType` for more info.
+ /// If item types are managed by some other factory, they will be deep-copied into this factory.
+ TTupleTypePtr Tuple(TTupleType::TOwnedElements items);
+ TTupleTypePtr Tuple(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTupleType::TOwnedElements items);
+ /// Create a new `Variant` type. See `NTi::TVariantType` for more info.
+ /// If `inner` is managed by some other factory, it will be deep-copied into this factory.
+ TVariantTypePtr Variant(TTypePtr inner);
+ TVariantTypePtr Variant(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTypePtr inner);
+ /// Create a new `Tagged` type. See `NTi::TTaggedType` for more info.
+ /// If `type` is managed by some other factory, it will be deep-copied into this factory.
+ TTaggedTypePtr Tagged(TTypePtr type, TStringBuf tag);
+ /// @}
+ };
+ /// Type factory over a memory pool.
+ ///
+ /// This interface provides some additional info related to the underlying memory pool state.
+ ///
+ /// Also, since all types that're created via this factory will live exactly as long as this factory lives,
+ /// one doesn't have to actually refcount them. Thus, it is safe to work with raw pointers instead of intrusive
+ /// pointers when using this kind of factory. So we provide the 'raw' interface that creates type instances
+ /// as usual, but doesn't increment any reference counters, thus saving some atomic operations. It still
+ /// adopts nested types into this factory, though.
+ class IPoolTypeFactory: public ITypeFactory {
+ friend class TNamedTypeBuilderRaw;
+ friend class TStructBuilderRaw;
+ friend class TTupleBuilderRaw;
+ friend class TTaggedBuilderRaw;
+ public:
+ /// Memory available in the current chunk.
+ ///
+ /// Allocating object of size greater than this number will cause allocation of a new chunk. When this happens,
+ /// available memory in the current chunk is lost, i.e. it'll never be used again.
+ virtual size_t Available() const noexcept = 0;
+ /// Number of bytes that're currently used by some object (i.e. they were allocated).
+ ///
+ /// Total memory consumed by arena is `MemoryAllocated() + MemoryWaste()`.
+ virtual size_t MemoryAllocated() const noexcept = 0;
+ /// Number of bytes that're not used by anyone.
+ ///
+ /// Total memory consumed by arena is `MemoryAllocated() + MemoryWaste()`.
+ ///
+ /// Memory that's lost and will not be reused is `MemoryWaste() - Available()`.
+ virtual size_t MemoryWaste() const noexcept = 0;
+ public:
+ /// Adopt type into this factory.
+ ///
+ /// This works like `ITypeFactory::Adopt`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline const T* AdoptRaw(const T* value) noexcept {
+ return ITypeFactoryInternal::AdoptRaw<T>(value);
+ }
+ public:
+ /// Raw versions of type constructors. See the class-level documentation for more info.
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ //-
+ /// Create a new `Void` type. See `NTi::TVoidType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TVoidType* VoidRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Null` type. See `NTi::TNullType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TNullType* NullRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Bool` type. See `NTi::TBoolType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TBoolType* BoolRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Int8` type. See `NTi::TInt8Type` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TInt8Type* Int8Raw();
+ /// Create a new `Int16` type. See `NTi::TInt16Type` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TInt16Type* Int16Raw();
+ /// Create a new `Int32` type. See `NTi::TInt32Type` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TInt32Type* Int32Raw();
+ /// Create a new `Int64` type. See `NTi::TInt64Type` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TInt64Type* Int64Raw();
+ /// Create a new `Uint8` type. See `NTi::TUint8Type` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TUint8Type* Uint8Raw();
+ /// Create a new `Uint16` type. See `NTi::TUint16Type` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TUint16Type* Uint16Raw();
+ /// Create a new `Uint32` type. See `NTi::TUint32Type` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TUint32Type* Uint32Raw();
+ /// Create a new `Uint64` type. See `NTi::TUint64Type` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TUint64Type* Uint64Raw();
+ /// Create a new `Float` type. See `NTi::TFloatType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TFloatType* FloatRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Double` type. See `NTi::TDoubleType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TDoubleType* DoubleRaw();
+ /// Create a new `String` type. See `NTi::TStringType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TStringType* StringRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Utf8` type. See `NTi::TUtf8Type` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TUtf8Type* Utf8Raw();
+ /// Create a new `Date` type. See `NTi::TDateType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TDateType* DateRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Datetime` type. See `NTi::TDatetimeType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TDatetimeType* DatetimeRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Timestamp` type. See `NTi::TTimestampType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TTimestampType* TimestampRaw();
+ /// Create a new `TzDate` type. See `NTi::TTzDateType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TTzDateType* TzDateRaw();
+ /// Create a new `TzDatetime` type. See `NTi::TTzDatetimeType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TTzDatetimeType* TzDatetimeRaw();
+ /// Create a new `TzTimestamp` type. See `NTi::TTzTimestampType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TTzTimestampType* TzTimestampRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Interval` type. See `NTi::TIntervalType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TIntervalType* IntervalRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Decimal` type. See `NTi::TDecimalType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TDecimalType* DecimalRaw(ui8 precision, ui8 scale);
+ /// Create a new `Json` type. See `NTi::TJsonType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TJsonType* JsonRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Yson` type. See `NTi::TYsonType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TYsonType* YsonRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Uuid` type. See `NTi::TUuidType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TUuidType* UuidRaw();
+ /// Create a new `Optional` type. See `NTi::TOptionalType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TOptionalType* OptionalRaw(const TType* item);
+ /// Create a new `List` type. See `NTi::TListType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TListType* ListRaw(const TType* item);
+ /// Create a new `Dict` type. See `NTi::TDictType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TDictType* DictRaw(const TType* key, const TType* value);
+ /// Create a new `Struct` type. See `NTi::TStructType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TStructType* StructRaw(TStructType::TMembers items);
+ const TStructType* StructRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TStructType::TMembers items);
+ /// Create a new `Tuple` type. See `NTi::TTupleType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TTupleType* TupleRaw(TTupleType::TElements items);
+ const TTupleType* TupleRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, TTupleType::TElements items);
+ /// Create a new `Variant` type. See `NTi::TVariantType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TVariantType* VariantRaw(const TType* inner);
+ const TVariantType* VariantRaw(TMaybe<TStringBuf> name, const TType* inner);
+ /// Create a new `Tagged` type. See `NTi::TTaggedType` for more info.
+ /// The returned object will live for as long as this factory lives.
+ const TTaggedType* TaggedRaw(const TType* type, TStringBuf tag);
+ /// @}
+ };
+ namespace NPrivate {
+ ITypeFactory* GetDefaultHeapFactory();
+ }
+ /// Create a heap-based factory.
+ ///
+ /// This factory uses heap to allocate type instances, and reference counting to track individual type lifetimes.
+ ///
+ /// Choose this factory if you need safety and flexibility.
+ ITypeFactoryPtr HeapFactory();
+ /// Create a memory-pool-based factory.
+ ///
+ /// This factory uses a memory pool to allocate type instances. All allocated memory will be released when
+ /// the factory dies.
+ ///
+ /// Choose this factory if you need speed and memory efficiency. You have to understand how memory pool works.
+ /// We advise testing your code with msan when using this factory.
+ ///
+ /// If in doubt, use a heap-based factory instead.
+ ///
+ /// @param deduplicate
+ /// if enabled, factory will cache all types and avoid allocations when creating a new type that is
+ /// strictly-equal (see `type_equivalence.h`) to some previously created type.
+ ///
+ /// For example:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// auto a = factory.Optional(factory.String());
+ /// auto b = factory.Optional(factory.String());
+ /// Y_ASSERT(a == b);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// If `deduplicate` is disabled, this assert will fail. If, however, `deduplicate` is enabled,
+ /// the assert will not fail because `a` and `b` will point to the same type instance.
+ ///
+ /// This behaviour slows down creation process, but can save some memory when working with complex types.
+ ///
+ /// @param initial
+ /// number of bytes in the first page of the memory pool.
+ /// By default, we pre-allocate `64` bytes.
+ ///
+ /// @param grow
+ /// policy for calculating size for a next pool page.
+ /// By default, next page is twice as big as the previous one.
+ ///
+ /// @param alloc
+ /// underlying allocator that'll be used to allocate pool pages.
+ ///
+ /// @param options
+ /// other memory pool options.
+ IPoolTypeFactoryPtr PoolFactory(
+ bool deduplicate = true,
+ size_t initial = 64,
+ TMemoryPool::IGrowPolicy* grow = TMemoryPool::TExpGrow::Instance(),
+ IAllocator* alloc = TDefaultAllocator::Instance(),
+ TMemoryPool::TOptions options = {});
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c14b158d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include "type_info.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h b/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c6e249c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "type.h"
+#include "type_constructors.h"
+#include "type_equivalence.h"
+#include "type_factory.h"
+#include "type_io.h"
+#include "type_list.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90b98c8baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1186 @@
+#include "type_io.h"
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "type_constructors.h"
+#include "type_factory.h"
+#include <util/generic/overloaded.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson_pull/read_ops.h>
+#include <util/stream/mem.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/generic/scope.h>
+namespace NTi::NIo {
+ namespace {
+ class TYsonDeserializer: private TNonCopyable {
+ public:
+ TYsonDeserializer(IPoolTypeFactory* factory, NYsonPull::TReader* reader)
+ : Factory_(factory)
+ , Reader_(reader)
+ {
+ }
+ public:
+ const TType* ReadType() {
+ if (++Depth_ > 100) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "types are nested too deep";
+ }
+ Depth_--;
+ };
+ auto event = Reader_->NextEvent();
+ if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::BeginStream) {
+ event = Reader_->NextEvent();
+ }
+ if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::EndStream) {
+ if (Depth_ == 1) {
+ return nullptr;
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "unexpected end of stream";
+ }
+ }
+ if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::Scalar && event.AsScalar().Type() == NYsonPull::EScalarType::String) {
+ return ReadTypeFromData(TypeNameStringToEnum(event.AsString()), std::monostate{});
+ } else if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::BeginMap) {
+ return ReadTypeFromMap();
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "type must be either a string or a map";
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ struct TDictData {
+ const TType *Key, *Value;
+ };
+ struct TDecimalData {
+ ui8 Precision, Scale;
+ };
+ using TTypeData = std::variant<
+ std::monostate,
+ TDictData,
+ TDecimalData,
+ TStructBuilderRaw,
+ TTupleBuilderRaw,
+ TTaggedBuilderRaw>;
+ const TType* ReadTypeFromMap() {
+ TMaybe<ETypeName> typeName;
+ TTypeData data;
+ while (true) {
+ auto event = Reader_->NextEvent();
+ if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::Key) {
+ auto mapKey = event.AsString();
+ if (mapKey == "type_name") {
+ if (typeName.Defined()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key R"(type_name"))";
+ } else {
+ typeName = TypeNameStringToEnum(ReadString(R"("type_name")"));
+ }
+ } else if (mapKey == "item") {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data)) {
+ data = TTaggedBuilderRaw(*Factory_);
+ }
+ if (std::holds_alternative<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ auto& builder = std::get<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data);
+ if (!builder.HasItem()) {
+ builder.SetItem(ReadType());
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key "item")";
+ }
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(unexpected key "item")";
+ }
+ } else if (mapKey == "key") {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data)) {
+ data = TDictData{nullptr, nullptr};
+ }
+ if (std::holds_alternative<TDictData>(data)) {
+ auto& dictData = std::get<TDictData>(data);
+ if (dictData.Key == nullptr) {
+ dictData.Key = ReadType();
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key "key")";
+ }
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(unexpected key "key")";
+ }
+ } else if (mapKey == "value") {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data)) {
+ data = TDictData{nullptr, nullptr};
+ }
+ if (std::holds_alternative<TDictData>(data)) {
+ auto& dictData = std::get<TDictData>(data);
+ if (dictData.Value == nullptr) {
+ dictData.Value = ReadType();
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key "value")";
+ }
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(unexpected key "value")";
+ }
+ } else if (mapKey == "members") {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data)) {
+ data = TStructBuilderRaw(*Factory_);
+ }
+ if (std::holds_alternative<TStructBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ ReadMembers(std::get<TStructBuilderRaw>(data));
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(unexpected key "members")";
+ }
+ } else if (mapKey == "elements") {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data)) {
+ data = TTupleBuilderRaw(*Factory_);
+ }
+ if (std::holds_alternative<TTupleBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ ReadElements(std::get<TTupleBuilderRaw>(data));
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(unexpected key "elements")";
+ }
+ } else if (mapKey == "tag") {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data)) {
+ data = TTaggedBuilderRaw(*Factory_);
+ }
+ if (std::holds_alternative<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ auto& builder = std::get<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data);
+ if (!builder.HasTag()) {
+ builder.SetTag(ReadString(R"("tag")"));
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key "tag")";
+ }
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(unexpected key "tag")";
+ }
+ } else if (mapKey == "precision") {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data)) {
+ data = TDecimalData{ReadSmallInt(R"("precision")"), 0};
+ } else if (std::holds_alternative<TDecimalData>(data)) {
+ auto& decimalData = std::get<TDecimalData>(data);
+ if (decimalData.Precision == 0) {
+ decimalData.Precision = ReadSmallInt(R"("precision")");
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key "precision")";
+ }
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(unexpected key "precision")";
+ }
+ } else if (mapKey == "scale") {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data)) {
+ data = TDecimalData{0, ReadSmallInt(R"("scale")")};
+ } else if (std::holds_alternative<TDecimalData>(data)) {
+ auto& decimalData = std::get<TDecimalData>(data);
+ if (decimalData.Scale == 0) {
+ decimalData.Scale = ReadSmallInt(R"("scale")");
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key "scale")";
+ }
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(unexpected key "scale")";
+ }
+ } else {
+ NYsonPull::NReadOps::SkipValue(*Reader_);
+ }
+ } else if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::EndMap) {
+ if (!typeName.Defined()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "type_name")";
+ }
+ return ReadTypeFromData(*typeName, std::move(data));
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "unexpected event " << event.Type();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const TType* ReadTypeFromData(ETypeName typeName, TTypeData data) {
+ const TType* type;
+ switch (typeName) {
+ case ETypeName::Bool:
+ type = TBoolType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Int8:
+ type = TInt8Type::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Int16:
+ type = TInt16Type::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Int32:
+ type = TInt32Type::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Int64:
+ type = TInt64Type::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Uint8:
+ type = TUint8Type::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Uint16:
+ type = TUint16Type::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Uint32:
+ type = TUint32Type::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Uint64:
+ type = TUint64Type::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Float:
+ type = TFloatType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Double:
+ type = TDoubleType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::String:
+ type = TStringType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Utf8:
+ type = TUtf8Type::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Date:
+ type = TDateType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Datetime:
+ type = TDatetimeType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Timestamp:
+ type = TTimestampType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::TzDate:
+ type = TTzDateType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::TzDatetime:
+ type = TTzDatetimeType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::TzTimestamp:
+ type = TTzTimestampType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Interval:
+ type = TIntervalType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Decimal: {
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<TDecimalData>(data)) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required keys "precision" and "scale" for type Decimal)";
+ }
+ auto& decimalData = std::get<TDecimalData>(data);
+ if (decimalData.Precision == 0) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "precision" for type Decimal)";
+ }
+ if (decimalData.Scale == 0) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "scale" for type Decimal)";
+ }
+ return Factory_->DecimalRaw(decimalData.Precision, decimalData.Scale);
+ }
+ case ETypeName::Json:
+ type = TJsonType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Yson:
+ type = TYsonType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Uuid:
+ type = TUuidType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Void:
+ type = TVoidType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Null:
+ type = TNullType::InstanceRaw();
+ break;
+ case ETypeName::Optional: {
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "item" for type Optional)";
+ }
+ auto& builder = std::get<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data);
+ if (!builder.HasItem()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "item" for type Optional)";
+ }
+ return Factory_->OptionalRaw(*builder.GetItem());
+ }
+ case ETypeName::List: {
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "item" for type List)";
+ }
+ auto& builder = std::get<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data);
+ if (!builder.HasItem()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "item" for type List)";
+ }
+ return Factory_->ListRaw(*builder.GetItem());
+ }
+ case ETypeName::Dict: {
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<TDictData>(data)) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required keys "key" and "value" for type Dict)";
+ }
+ auto& dictData = std::get<TDictData>(data);
+ if (dictData.Key == nullptr) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "key" for type Dict)";
+ }
+ if (dictData.Value == nullptr) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "value" for type Dict)";
+ }
+ return Factory_->DictRaw(dictData.Key, dictData.Value);
+ }
+ case ETypeName::Struct: {
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<TStructBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "members" for type Struct)";
+ }
+ return std::get<TStructBuilderRaw>(data).BuildRaw();
+ }
+ case ETypeName::Tuple: {
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<TTupleBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "elements" for type Tuple)";
+ }
+ return std::get<TTupleBuilderRaw>(data).BuildRaw();
+ }
+ case ETypeName::Variant: {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<TStructBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ return std::get<TStructBuilderRaw>(data).BuildVariantRaw();
+ } else if (std::holds_alternative<TTupleBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ return std::get<TTupleBuilderRaw>(data).BuildVariantRaw();
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing both keys "members" and "elements" for type Variant)";
+ }
+ }
+ case ETypeName::Tagged: {
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data)) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required keys "tag" and "item" for type Tagged)";
+ }
+ auto& builder = std::get<TTaggedBuilderRaw>(data);
+ if (!builder.HasItem()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "item" for type Tagged)";
+ }
+ if (!builder.HasTag()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "tag" for type Tagged)";
+ }
+ return builder.BuildRaw();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data)) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "unexpected key for type " << typeName;
+ }
+ return type;
+ }
+ TStringBuf ReadString(TStringBuf what) {
+ auto event = Reader_->NextEvent();
+ if (event.Type() != NYsonPull::EEventType::Scalar || event.AsScalar().Type() != NYsonPull::EScalarType::String) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << what << " must contain a string";
+ }
+ return event.AsString();
+ }
+ ui8 ReadSmallInt(TStringBuf what) {
+ auto event = Reader_->NextEvent();
+ if (event.Type() != NYsonPull::EEventType::Scalar || event.AsScalar().Type() != NYsonPull::EScalarType::Int64) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << what << " must contain a signed integer";
+ }
+ auto result = event.AsScalar().AsInt64();
+ if (result <= 0) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << what << " must be greater than zero";
+ }
+ if (result > Max<ui8>()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << what << " is too big";
+ }
+ return static_cast<ui8>(result);
+ }
+ void ReadMembers(TStructBuilderRaw& builder) {
+ if (Reader_->NextEvent().Type() != NYsonPull::EEventType::BeginList) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"("members" must contain a list)";
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ auto event = Reader_->NextEvent();
+ if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::BeginMap) {
+ while (true) {
+ auto event = Reader_->NextEvent();
+ if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::Key) {
+ auto mapKey = event.AsString();
+ if (mapKey == "name") {
+ if (builder.HasMemberName()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key "name")";
+ }
+ builder.AddMemberName(ReadString(R"("name")"));
+ } else if (mapKey == "type") {
+ if (builder.HasMemberType()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key "type")";
+ }
+ builder.AddMemberType(ReadType());
+ } else {
+ NYsonPull::NReadOps::SkipValue(*Reader_);
+ }
+ } else if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::EndMap) {
+ if (!builder.HasMemberName()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "name")";
+ }
+ if (!builder.HasMemberType()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "type")";
+ }
+ builder.AddMember();
+ break;
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "unexpected event " << event.Type();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::EndList) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"("members" must contain a list of maps)";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ReadElements(TTupleBuilderRaw& builder) {
+ if (Reader_->NextEvent().Type() != NYsonPull::EEventType::BeginList) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"("elements" must contain a list)";
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ auto event = Reader_->NextEvent();
+ if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::BeginMap) {
+ while (true) {
+ auto event = Reader_->NextEvent();
+ if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::Key) {
+ auto mapKey = event.AsString();
+ if (mapKey == "type") {
+ if (builder.HasElementType()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(duplicate key "type")";
+ }
+ builder.AddElementType(ReadType());
+ } else {
+ NYsonPull::NReadOps::SkipValue(*Reader_);
+ }
+ } else if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::EndMap) {
+ if (!builder.HasElementType()) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"(missing required key "type")";
+ }
+ builder.AddElement();
+ break;
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "unexpected event " << event.Type();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (event.Type() == NYsonPull::EEventType::EndList) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << R"("elements" must contain a list of maps)";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static ETypeName TypeNameStringToEnum(TStringBuf name) {
+ static const THashMap<TStringBuf, ETypeName> dispatch = {
+ {"void", ETypeName::Void},
+ {"null", ETypeName::Null},
+ {"bool", ETypeName::Bool},
+ {"int8", ETypeName::Int8},
+ {"int16", ETypeName::Int16},
+ {"int32", ETypeName::Int32},
+ {"int64", ETypeName::Int64},
+ {"uint8", ETypeName::Uint8},
+ {"uint16", ETypeName::Uint16},
+ {"uint32", ETypeName::Uint32},
+ {"uint64", ETypeName::Uint64},
+ {"float", ETypeName::Float},
+ {"double", ETypeName::Double},
+ {"string", ETypeName::String},
+ {"utf8", ETypeName::Utf8},
+ {"date", ETypeName::Date},
+ {"datetime", ETypeName::Datetime},
+ {"timestamp", ETypeName::Timestamp},
+ {"tz_date", ETypeName::TzDate},
+ {"tz_datetime", ETypeName::TzDatetime},
+ {"tz_timestamp", ETypeName::TzTimestamp},
+ {"interval", ETypeName::Interval},
+ {"json", ETypeName::Json},
+ {"yson", ETypeName::Yson},
+ {"uuid", ETypeName::Uuid},
+ {"decimal", ETypeName::Decimal},
+ {"optional", ETypeName::Optional},
+ {"list", ETypeName::List},
+ {"dict", ETypeName::Dict},
+ {"struct", ETypeName::Struct},
+ {"tuple", ETypeName::Tuple},
+ {"variant", ETypeName::Variant},
+ {"tagged", ETypeName::Tagged},
+ };
+ if (auto it = dispatch.find(name); it != dispatch.end()) {
+ return it->second;
+ } else {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "unknown type " << TString{name}.Quote();
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ IPoolTypeFactory* Factory_;
+ NYsonPull::TReader* Reader_;
+ size_t Depth_ = 0;
+ };
+ }
+ TTypePtr DeserializeYson(ITypeFactory& factory, NYsonPull::TReader& reader, bool deduplicate) {
+ auto pool = PoolFactory(deduplicate, 2048);
+ auto type = DeserializeYsonRaw(*pool, reader);
+ return factory.Adopt(type->AsPtr());
+ }
+ TTypePtr DeserializeYson(ITypeFactory& factory, TStringBuf data, bool deduplicate) {
+ auto reader = NYsonPull::TReader(NYsonPull::NInput::FromMemory(data), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node);
+ return DeserializeYson(factory, reader, deduplicate);
+ }
+ TTypePtr DeserializeYson(ITypeFactory& factory, IInputStream& input, bool deduplicate) {
+ auto reader = NYsonPull::TReader(NYsonPull::NInput::FromInputStream(&input), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node);
+ return DeserializeYson(factory, reader, deduplicate);
+ }
+ const TType* DeserializeYsonRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, NYsonPull::TReader& reader) {
+ if (reader.LastEvent().Type() != NYsonPull::EEventType::BeginStream) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "stream contains extraneous data";
+ }
+ auto type = DeserializeYsonMultipleRaw(factory, reader);
+ if (type == nullptr) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "unexpected end of stream";
+ }
+ if (reader.NextEvent().Type() != NYsonPull::EEventType::EndStream) {
+ ythrow TDeserializationException() << "stream contains extraneous data";
+ }
+ return type;
+ }
+ const TType* DeserializeYsonRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, TStringBuf data) {
+ auto reader = NYsonPull::TReader(NYsonPull::NInput::FromMemory(data), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node);
+ return DeserializeYsonRaw(factory, reader);
+ }
+ const TType* DeserializeYsonRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, IInputStream& input) {
+ auto reader = NYsonPull::TReader(NYsonPull::NInput::FromInputStream(&input), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node);
+ return DeserializeYsonRaw(factory, reader);
+ }
+ const TType* DeserializeYsonMultipleRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, NYsonPull::TReader& reader) {
+ return TYsonDeserializer(&factory, &reader).ReadType();
+ }
+ TString SerializeYson(const TType* type, bool humanReadable, bool includeTags) {
+ auto result = TString();
+ auto writer = humanReadable
+ ? NYsonPull::MakePrettyTextWriter(NYsonPull::NOutput::FromString(&result), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node)
+ : NYsonPull::MakeBinaryWriter(NYsonPull::NOutput::FromString(&result), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node);
+ SerializeYson(type, writer.GetConsumer(), includeTags);
+ return result;
+ }
+ void SerializeYson(const TType* type, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool includeTags) {
+ consumer.OnBeginStream();
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(type, consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndStream();
+ }
+ void SerializeYson(const TType* type, IOutputStream& stream, bool humanReadable, bool includeTags) {
+ auto writer = humanReadable
+ ? NYsonPull::MakePrettyTextWriter(NYsonPull::NOutput::FromOutputStream(&stream), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node)
+ : NYsonPull::MakeBinaryWriter(NYsonPull::NOutput::FromOutputStream(&stream), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node);
+ SerializeYson(type, writer.GetConsumer(), includeTags);
+ }
+ void SerializeYsonMultiple(const TType* type, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool includeTags) {
+ type->VisitRaw(TOverloaded{
+ [&consumer](const TVoidType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("void");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TNullType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("null");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TBoolType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("bool");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TInt8Type*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("int8");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TInt16Type*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("int16");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TInt32Type*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("int32");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TInt64Type*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("int64");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUint8Type*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("uint8");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUint16Type*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("uint16");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUint32Type*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("uint32");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUint64Type*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("uint64");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TFloatType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("float");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TDoubleType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("double");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TStringType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("string");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUtf8Type*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("utf8");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TDateType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("date");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TDatetimeType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("datetime");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TTimestampType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("timestamp");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TTzDateType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("tz_date");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TTzDatetimeType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("tz_datetime");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TTzTimestampType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("tz_timestamp");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TIntervalType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("interval");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TJsonType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("json");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TYsonType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("yson");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUuidType*) {
+ consumer.OnScalarString("uuid");
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TDecimalType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type_name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString("decimal");
+ consumer.OnKey("precision");
+ consumer.OnScalarInt64(t->GetPrecision());
+ consumer.OnKey("scale");
+ consumer.OnScalarInt64(t->GetScale());
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TOptionalType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type_name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString("optional");
+ consumer.OnKey("item");
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TListType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type_name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString("list");
+ consumer.OnKey("item");
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TDictType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type_name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString("dict");
+ consumer.OnKey("key");
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(t->GetKeyTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnKey("value");
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(t->GetValueTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TStructType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type_name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString("struct");
+ consumer.OnKey("members");
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ for (auto& item : t->GetMembers()) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString(item.GetName());
+ consumer.OnKey("type");
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(item.GetTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ }
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TTupleType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type_name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString("tuple");
+ consumer.OnKey("elements");
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ for (auto& item : t->GetElements()) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type");
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(item.GetTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ }
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TVariantType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type_name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString("variant");
+ t->VisitUnderlyingRaw(
+ TOverloaded{
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TStructType* t) {
+ // Warning: we loose struct's name here.
+ // See https://ml.yandex-team.ru/thread/data-com-dev/171136785840079161/
+ consumer.OnKey("members");
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ for (auto& item : t->GetMembers()) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString(item.GetName());
+ consumer.OnKey("type");
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(item.GetTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ }
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TTupleType* t) {
+ // Warning: we loose tuple's name here.
+ // See https://ml.yandex-team.ru/thread/data-com-dev/171136785840079161/
+ consumer.OnKey("elements");
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ for (auto& item : t->GetElements()) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type");
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(item.GetTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ }
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ }});
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TTaggedType* t) {
+ if (includeTags) {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("type_name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString("tagged");
+ consumer.OnKey("tag");
+ consumer.OnScalarString(t->GetTag());
+ consumer.OnKey("item");
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ } else {
+ SerializeYsonMultiple(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ namespace {
+ void WriteVoidType(NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("VoidType");
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ }
+ void WriteNullType(NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("NullType");
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ }
+ void WriteDataType(NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName name) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("DataType");
+ consumer.OnScalarString(ToString(name));
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ }
+ }
+ void AsYqlType(const TType* type, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool includeTags) {
+ type->VisitRaw(TOverloaded{
+ [&consumer](const TVoidType*) {
+ WriteVoidType(consumer);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TNullType*) {
+ WriteNullType(consumer);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TBoolType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Bool);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TInt8Type*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Int8);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TInt16Type*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Int16);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TInt32Type*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Int32);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TInt64Type*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Int64);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUint8Type*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint8);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUint16Type*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint16);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUint32Type*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint32);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUint64Type*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uint64);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TFloatType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Float);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TDoubleType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Double);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TStringType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::String);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUtf8Type*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Utf8);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TDateType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Date);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TDatetimeType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Datetime);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TTimestampType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Timestamp);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TTzDateType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::TzDate);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TTzDatetimeType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::TzDatetime);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TTzTimestampType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::TzTimestamp);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TIntervalType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Interval);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TJsonType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Json);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TYsonType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Yson);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TUuidType*) {
+ WriteDataType(consumer, EPrimitiveTypeName::Uuid);
+ },
+ [&consumer](const TDecimalType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("DataType");
+ consumer.OnScalarString("Decimal");
+ consumer.OnScalarString(ToString(t->GetPrecision()));
+ consumer.OnScalarString(ToString(t->GetScale()));
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TOptionalType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("OptionalType");
+ AsYqlType(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TListType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("ListType");
+ AsYqlType(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TDictType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("DictType");
+ AsYqlType(t->GetKeyTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ AsYqlType(t->GetValueTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TStructType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("StructType");
+ {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ for (auto& item : t->GetMembers()) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString(item.GetName());
+ AsYqlType(item.GetTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ }
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ }
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TTupleType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("TupleType");
+ {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ for (auto& item : t->GetElements()) {
+ AsYqlType(item.GetTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ }
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ }
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TVariantType* t) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("VariantType");
+ AsYqlType(t->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ },
+ [&consumer, includeTags](const TTaggedType* t) {
+ if (includeTags) {
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ consumer.OnScalarString("TaggedType");
+ consumer.OnScalarString(t->GetTag());
+ AsYqlType(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ } else {
+ AsYqlType(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), consumer, includeTags);
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ TString AsYqlType(const NTi::TType* type, bool includeTags) {
+ auto result = TString();
+ auto writer = NYsonPull::MakePrettyTextWriter(NYsonPull::NOutput::FromString(&result), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node);
+ writer.BeginStream();
+ AsYqlType(type, writer.GetConsumer(), includeTags);
+ writer.EndStream();
+ return result;
+ }
+ void AsYqlRowSpec(const TType* maybeTagged, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool includeTags) {
+ auto* type = maybeTagged->StripTagsRaw();
+ if (!type->IsStruct()) {
+ ythrow TApiException() << "AsYqlRowSpec expected a struct type but got " << type->GetTypeName();
+ }
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("StrictSchema");
+ consumer.OnScalarBoolean(true);
+ consumer.OnKey("Type");
+ AsYqlType(type, consumer, includeTags);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ }
+ TString AsYqlRowSpec(const NTi::TType* type, bool includeTags) {
+ auto result = TString();
+ auto writer = NYsonPull::MakePrettyTextWriter(NYsonPull::NOutput::FromString(&result), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node);
+ writer.BeginStream();
+ AsYqlRowSpec(type, writer.GetConsumer(), includeTags);
+ writer.EndStream();
+ return result;
+ }
+ void AsYtSchema(const TType* maybeTagged, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool failOnEmptyStruct) {
+ auto* type = maybeTagged->StripTagsRaw();
+ if (!type->IsStruct()) {
+ ythrow TApiException() << "AsYtSchema expected a struct type but got " << type->GetTypeName();
+ }
+ auto* structType = type->AsStructRaw();
+ if (structType->GetMembers().empty()) {
+ if (failOnEmptyStruct) {
+ ythrow TApiException() << "AsYtSchema expected a non-empty struct";
+ }
+ AsYtSchema(Struct({{"_yql_fake_column", Optional(Bool())}}).Get(), consumer);
+ return;
+ }
+ consumer.OnBeginAttributes();
+ consumer.OnKey("strict");
+ consumer.OnScalarBoolean(true);
+ consumer.OnKey("unique_keys");
+ consumer.OnScalarBoolean(false);
+ consumer.OnEndAttributes();
+ consumer.OnBeginList();
+ for (auto& item : structType->GetMembers()) {
+ auto* itemType = item.GetTypeRaw()->StripTagsRaw();
+ bool required = true;
+ if (itemType->IsOptional()) {
+ // toplevel optionals make non-required columns
+ itemType = itemType->AsOptionalRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw();
+ required = false;
+ }
+ TStringBuf typeString = itemType->VisitRaw(TOverloaded{
+ [](const TVoidType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ [](const TNullType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ [](const TBoolType*) -> TStringBuf { return "boolean"; },
+ [](const TInt8Type*) -> TStringBuf { return "int8"; },
+ [](const TInt16Type*) -> TStringBuf { return "int16"; },
+ [](const TInt32Type*) -> TStringBuf { return "int32"; },
+ [](const TInt64Type*) -> TStringBuf { return "int64"; },
+ [](const TUint8Type*) -> TStringBuf { return "uint8"; },
+ [](const TUint16Type*) -> TStringBuf { return "uint16"; },
+ [](const TUint32Type*) -> TStringBuf { return "uint32"; },
+ [](const TUint64Type*) -> TStringBuf { return "uint64"; },
+ [](const TFloatType*) -> TStringBuf { return "double"; },
+ [](const TDoubleType*) -> TStringBuf { return "double"; },
+ [](const TStringType*) -> TStringBuf { return "string"; },
+ [](const TUtf8Type*) -> TStringBuf { return "utf8"; },
+ [](const TDateType*) -> TStringBuf { return "uint16"; },
+ [](const TDatetimeType*) -> TStringBuf { return "uint32"; },
+ [](const TTimestampType*) -> TStringBuf { return "uint64"; },
+ [](const TTzDateType*) -> TStringBuf { return "string"; },
+ [](const TTzDatetimeType*) -> TStringBuf { return "string"; },
+ [](const TTzTimestampType*) -> TStringBuf { return "string"; },
+ [](const TIntervalType*) -> TStringBuf { return "int64"; },
+ [](const TJsonType*) -> TStringBuf { return "string"; },
+ [](const TYsonType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ [](const TUuidType*) -> TStringBuf { return "string"; },
+ [](const TDecimalType*) -> TStringBuf { return "string"; },
+ [](const TOptionalType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ [](const TListType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ [](const TDictType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ [](const TStructType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ [](const TTupleType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ [](const TVariantType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ [](const TTaggedType*) -> TStringBuf { return "any"; },
+ });
+ if (typeString == "any") {
+ // columns of type `any` cannot be required
+ required = false;
+ }
+ {
+ consumer.OnBeginMap();
+ consumer.OnKey("name");
+ consumer.OnScalarString(item.GetName());
+ consumer.OnKey("required");
+ consumer.OnScalarBoolean(required);
+ consumer.OnKey("type");
+ consumer.OnScalarString(typeString);
+ consumer.OnEndMap();
+ }
+ }
+ consumer.OnEndList();
+ }
+ TString AsYtSchema(const NTi::TType* type, bool failOnEmptyStruct) {
+ auto result = TString();
+ auto writer = NYsonPull::MakePrettyTextWriter(NYsonPull::NOutput::FromString(&result), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node);
+ writer.BeginStream();
+ AsYtSchema(type, writer.GetConsumer(), failOnEmptyStruct);
+ writer.EndStream();
+ return result;
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.h b/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e400414cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#pragma once
+//! @file type_io.h
+//! Utilities for serializing and deserializing type instances.
+#include "type.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yson_pull/yson.h>
+namespace NTi::NIo {
+ /// Load type from a serialized representation.
+ ///
+ /// Serialization uses YSON (either binary or text). Contents are described in the [docs page].
+ ///
+ /// Throws `TTypeDeserializationException` if input is not valid.
+ ///
+ /// [docs page]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/cpp/type_info/docs/types_serialization.md
+ ///
+ /// @param factory factory that will be used to allocate new type. Technically, type will be deserialized into
+ /// a temporary pool factory and then adopted into a given one.
+ /// @param reader yson pull reader that'll be used to read types.
+ /// @param deduplicate use deduplication while creating new types. See `NTi::PoolFactory` function for more info.
+ /// @{
+ TTypePtr DeserializeYson(ITypeFactory& factory, NYsonPull::TReader& reader, bool deduplicate = true);
+ TTypePtr DeserializeYson(ITypeFactory& factory, TStringBuf data, bool deduplicate = true);
+ TTypePtr DeserializeYson(ITypeFactory& factory, IInputStream& input, bool deduplicate = true);
+ /// @}
+ /// Like `Deserialize`, but returns a raw pointer.
+ /// @{
+ const TType* DeserializeYsonRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, NYsonPull::TReader& reader);
+ const TType* DeserializeYsonRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, TStringBuf data);
+ const TType* DeserializeYsonRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, IInputStream& input);
+ /// @}
+ /// Like `Deserialize`, but allows deserializing multiple types from the same reader.
+ ///
+ /// This function takes a reader created with `NYsonPull::EStreamType::ListFragment` mode. It reads a type,
+ /// but doesn't fails if there is no `BeginStream` event. If the reader is empty, it returns nullptr.
+ ///
+ /// This function mirrors `SerializeMultiple`. Call it multiple times on the same reader to read multiple types.
+ const TType* DeserializeYsonMultipleRaw(IPoolTypeFactory& factory, NYsonPull::TReader& reader);
+ /// Serialize this type info.
+ ///
+ /// Serialization uses YSON (either binary or text). Contents are described in the [RFC].
+ ///
+ /// [RFC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/logfeller/mvp/docs/types_serialization.md
+ ///
+ /// @param humanReadable use pretty textual format instead of a binary one.
+ /// @param includeTags when disabled, tagged types will be removed from the result, only tagged type contents
+ /// will be dumped. For example, `Tagged<'Url', String>` will be rendered as just `String`.
+ /// This is useful if you only care about physical layout of a type and don't want to export
+ /// any semantical meaning.
+ /// @{
+ void SerializeYson(const TType* type, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool includeTags = true);
+ void SerializeYson(const TType* type, IOutputStream& stream, bool humanReadable = false, bool includeTags = true);
+ TString SerializeYson(const TType* type, bool humanReadable = false, bool includeTags = true);
+ /// @}
+ /// Like `Serialize`, but allows serializing multiple types into the same consumer.
+ ///
+ /// This function takes a consumer created with `NYsonPull::EStreamType::ListFragment` mode. It writes type,
+ /// but doesn't emit the `BeginStream` and `EndStream` commands.
+ ///
+ /// Call this function multiple times on the same consumer to write multiple types. Note that you must emit
+ /// the `BeginStream` and `EndStream` commands to the consumer yourself.
+ void SerializeYsonMultiple(const TType* type, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool includeTags = true);
+ /// Convert type to the lisp-like representation used in YQL row specs.
+ ///
+ /// TODO: move this code to yql/
+ ///
+ /// @param includeTags when disabled, tagged types will be removed from the result, only tagged type contents
+ /// will be dumped. For example, `Tagged<'Url', String>` will be rendered as just `String`.
+ /// This is useful if you only care about physical layout of a type and don't want to export
+ /// any semantic meaning.
+ /// @{
+ void AsYqlType(const TType* type, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool includeTags = true);
+ TString AsYqlType(const TType* type, bool includeTags = true);
+ /// @}
+ /// Generate a strict YQL row spec. Toplevel tags will be ignored.
+ ///
+ /// Throws `TApiException` if the type is not a (possibly tagged) struct.
+ ///
+ /// TODO: move this code to yql/
+ ///
+ /// @param type type that'll be converted to YQL row spec.
+ /// @param consumer yson pull consumer. Attention: `OnBeginStream` and `OnEndStream` should be emitted manually
+ /// before and after calling this function.
+ /// @param includeTags same as in `TType::AsYqlType`.
+ /// @{
+ void AsYqlRowSpec(const TType* type, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool includeTags = true);
+ TString AsYqlRowSpec(const TType* type, bool includeTags = true);
+ /// @}
+ /// Generate a strict YT schema (only types are exported, no index/sorting information).
+ ///
+ /// Throws `TApiException` if the type is not a (possibly tagged) struct.
+ ///
+ /// The schema is generated according to the translation rules of YQL types, i.e. container types translate
+ /// to `Any`.
+ ///
+ /// TODO: move this code to mapreduce/yt/
+ ///
+ /// @param failOnEmptyStruct if true, will throw `TApiException` if called on a struct with no fields;
+ /// if false, will emit a strict YT schema with a single column `'_yql_fake_column'`
+ /// of type `Optional<Bool>` (this is how YQL handles empty tables).
+ /// @{
+ void AsYtSchema(const TType* type, NYsonPull::IConsumer& consumer, bool failOnEmptyStruct = true);
+ TString AsYtSchema(const TType* type, bool failOnEmptyStruct = true);
+ /// @}
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b741b2858b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include "type_list.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h b/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c87c51918d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/type_list.h
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#pragma once
+//! @file type_list.h
+//! Enum with all type names that are included in the Common Type System.
+//! # Primitive and non-primitive types
+//! Some systems only work with primitive types, so we've split the enum in two: the first contains primitive types,
+//! and the second contains all types, including the primitive ones. This way systems that are only interested
+//! in primitives can stop handling containers and make all their switch-cases exhaustive.
+//! Consequently, the class hierarchy follows the same division: there is `NTi::TPrimitiveType`,
+//! from which all primitives are derived.
+//! # Enumerator values
+//! Enumerator values are implementation detail and should not be relied upon. In particular, use `NTi::ToTypeName`
+//! and `NTi::ToPrimitiveTypeName` to safely cast between `NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName` and `NTi::ETypeName`. Also, don't
+//! use enumerator values for serialization and deserialization — convert enumerator values to strings
+//! it you need persistence.
+#include <util/system/types.h>
+#include <util/generic/variant.h>
+namespace NTi {
+ /// Enum with names of all primitive types.
+ ///
+ /// See the file-level documentation.
+ enum class EPrimitiveTypeName : i32 {
+ Bool,
+ Int8,
+ Int16,
+ Int32,
+ Int64,
+ Uint8,
+ Uint16,
+ Uint32,
+ Uint64,
+ Float,
+ Double,
+ String,
+ Utf8,
+ Date,
+ Datetime,
+ Timestamp,
+ TzDate,
+ TzDatetime,
+ TzTimestamp,
+ Interval,
+ Decimal,
+ Json,
+ Yson,
+ Uuid,
+ };
+ /// Enum with names of all types, including primitives.
+ ///
+ /// See the file-level documentation.
+ enum class ETypeName : i32 {
+ //
+ // # Primitive types
+ Bool,
+ Int8,
+ Int16,
+ Int32,
+ Int64,
+ Uint8,
+ Uint16,
+ Uint32,
+ Uint64,
+ Float,
+ Double,
+ String,
+ Utf8,
+ Date,
+ Datetime,
+ Timestamp,
+ TzDate,
+ TzDatetime,
+ TzTimestamp,
+ Interval,
+ Decimal,
+ Json,
+ Yson,
+ Uuid,
+ //
+ // # Singular types
+ Void,
+ Null,
+ //
+ // # Containers
+ Optional,
+ List,
+ Dict,
+ Struct,
+ Tuple,
+ Variant,
+ Tagged,
+ };
+ /// Return true if the given type is a primitive one.
+ ///
+ /// Primitive type is a type that have no type parameters and is not a singular one.
+ inline constexpr bool IsPrimitive(ETypeName typeName) {
+ return ETypeName::FIRST_PRIMITIVE <= typeName && typeName <= ETypeName::LAST_PRIMITIVE;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the given type is one of singular types.
+ ///
+ /// Singular type is a type that has only one instance and therefore carries no information,
+ /// i.e. occupy zero-length memory buffer.
+ inline constexpr bool IsSingular(ETypeName typeName) {
+ return ETypeName::FIRST_SINGULAR <= typeName && typeName <= ETypeName::LAST_SINGULAR;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the given type is one of containers.
+ ///
+ /// Container type is a type that has type parameters.
+ inline constexpr bool IsContainer(ETypeName typeName) {
+ return ETypeName::FIRST_CONTAINER <= typeName && typeName <= ETypeName::LAST_CONTAINER;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the given type has any type parameters.
+ inline constexpr bool HasTypeParameters(ETypeName typeName) {
+ return IsContainer(typeName);
+ }
+ /// Return true if the given type has any non-type parameters.
+ inline constexpr bool HasNonTypeParameters(ETypeName typeName) {
+ return typeName == ETypeName::Decimal;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the given type has any type or non-type parameters.
+ inline constexpr bool HasParameters(ETypeName typeName) {
+ return HasTypeParameters(typeName) || HasNonTypeParameters(typeName);
+ }
+ /// Safely cast `NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName` to `NTi::ETypeName`.
+ ///
+ /// Enumerator values should not relied upon, therefore users should not cast `NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName`
+ /// to `NTi::ETypeName` using `static_cast`.
+ inline constexpr ETypeName ToTypeName(EPrimitiveTypeName primitiveTypeName) {
+ // Note: there's a test in ut/type_list.cpp that checks this is a safe conversion
+ return static_cast<ETypeName>(primitiveTypeName);
+ }
+ /// Cast `NTi::ETypeName` to `NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName`, panic if the given type is not a primitive one.
+ ///
+ /// Enumerator values should not relied upon, therefore users should not cast `NTi::ETypeName`
+ /// to `NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName` using `static_cast`.
+ inline constexpr EPrimitiveTypeName ToPrimitiveTypeName(ETypeName typeName) {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsPrimitive(typeName));
+ // Note: there's a test in ut/type_list.cpp that checks this is a safe conversion
+ return static_cast<EPrimitiveTypeName>(typeName);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/builder.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/builder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43b7bb8c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/builder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+class Builder: public NTesting::TTest {
+ void SetUp() override {
+ F = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ }
+ void TearDown() override {
+ F.Reset();
+ }
+ NTi::IPoolTypeFactoryPtr F;
+TEST_F(Builder, TaggedBuilder) {
+ auto builder = NTi::TTaggedBuilderRaw(*F);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.CanBuild());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.HasTag());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.HasItem());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetTag(), Nothing());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetItem(), Nothing());
+ {
+ auto tag = TString("Url");
+ builder.SetTag(tag);
+ }
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.CanBuild());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.HasTag());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.HasItem());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetTag(), MakeMaybe<TStringBuf>("Url"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetItem(), Nothing());
+ {
+ auto ty = NTi::String();
+ builder.SetItem(ty);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.CanBuild());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.HasTag());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.HasItem());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetTag(), MakeMaybe<TStringBuf>("Url"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetItem(), MakeMaybe<const NTi::TType*>(NTi::TStringType::InstanceRaw()));
+ {
+ auto tagged = builder.Build();
+ ASSERT_STRICT_EQ(tagged, NTi::Tagged(NTi::String(), "Url"));
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.CanBuild());
+ builder.Reset();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.CanBuild());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.HasTag());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.HasItem());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetTag(), Nothing());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetItem(), Nothing());
+ builder.SetTag("T");
+ builder.SetItem(NTi::String());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.CanBuild());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.HasTag());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.HasItem());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetTag(), MakeMaybe<TStringBuf>("T"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetItem(), MakeMaybe<const NTi::TType*>(NTi::TStringType::InstanceRaw()));
+ builder.DiscardItem();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.CanBuild());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.HasTag());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(builder.HasItem());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetTag(), MakeMaybe<TStringBuf>("T"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(builder.GetItem(), Nothing());
+ builder.DiscardTag();
+ builder.SetTag("T");
+ builder.SetItem(NTi::String());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.CanBuild());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.HasTag());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(builder.HasItem());
+TEST_F(Builder, TaggedBuilderChaining) {
+ auto builder = NTi::TTaggedBuilderRaw(*F)
+ .SetTag("Uuu")
+ .SetItem(NTi::Optional(NTi::String()));
+ ASSERT_STRICT_EQ(builder.Build(), NTi::Tagged(NTi::Optional(NTi::String()), "Uuu"));
+ builder = std::move(builder)
+ .DiscardTag()
+ .SetTag("Urls");
+ ASSERT_STRICT_EQ(builder.Build(), NTi::Tagged(NTi::Optional(NTi::String()), "Urls"));
+ builder = std::move(builder)
+ .DiscardItem()
+ .SetItem(F->ListRaw(F->StringRaw()));
+ ASSERT_STRICT_EQ(builder.Build(), NTi::Tagged(NTi::List(NTi::String()), "Urls"));
+ auto type = std::move(builder)
+ .Reset()
+ .SetTag("Url")
+ .SetItem(F->StringRaw())
+ .Build();
+ ASSERT_STRICT_EQ(type, NTi::Tagged(NTi::String(), "Url"));
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/README.txt b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4ce965357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+The format of the text files is as follows:
+ 1. Each line starting with '#' is comment and must be ignored.
+ 2. Test case are separated with ';;'
+ 3. Each test case has predefined number of fields. Fields are separated with '::'.
+ 4. Meaning of the fields are described in test case.
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/bad-types.txt b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/bad-types.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8f3120f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/bad-types.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# The format of this file is described in README.txt
+# Each test case contains 3 fields:
+# - Yson representation (that cannot be parsed to type).
+# - Expected error description.
+# - Path in yson that we expect to see in error.
+# Suggested approach to writing test:
+# 1. Try to deserialize type from yson (1st field).
+# 2. Ensure that error is raised.
+# 3. (Optionally) ensure that error description matches (contains) 2nd field.
+# 4. (Optionally) ensure that error description contains path from 3rd field
+5 :: type must be either a string or a map :: ;;
+"" :: unknown type "" :: ;;
+"int" :: unknown type "int" :: ;;
+# Type names must be in lowercase.
+"Int32" :: unknown type "Int32" :: ;;
+{typename=int32} :: missing required key "type_name" :: ;;
+{type_name=5} :: "type_name" must contain a string :: ;;
+# Decimal
+ type_name=decimal;
+ precision=3;
+} :: missing required key "scale" :: ;;
+ type_name=decimal;
+ scale=3;
+} :: missing required key "precision" :: ;;
+# Optional
+ type_name=optional;
+} :: missing required key "item" :: ;;
+ item=int32;
+} :: missing required key "type_name" :: ;;
+# List
+ type_name=list;
+} :: missing required key "item" :: ;;
+# Struct
+ type_name=struct;
+} :: missing required key "members" :: ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ members=5;
+} :: "members" must contain a list :: ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ members=[
+ {name=foo; type=int32;};
+ 5;
+ ];
+} :: "members" must contain a list of maps :: ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ members=[
+ {type=int32;};
+ ];
+} :: missing required key "name" :: ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ members=[
+ {name=foo;};
+ ];
+} :: missing required key "type" :: ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ members=[
+ {name=foo; type=int32};
+ {name=bar; type=5};
+ ];
+} :: type must be either a string or a map :: /members/1/type ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ members=[
+ {name=4; type=int32};
+ ];
+} :: "name" must contain a string :: ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ elements=[
+ {name=4; type=int32};
+ ];
+} :: missing required key "members" :: ;;
+# Tuple
+ type_name=tuple;
+} :: missing required key "elements" :: ;;
+ type_name=tuple;
+ elements=5;
+} :: "elements" must contain a list :: ;;
+ type_name=tuple;
+ elements=[
+ {type=int32;};
+ 5;
+ ];
+} :: "elements" must contain a list of maps :: ;;
+ type_name=tuple;
+ elements=[
+ {};
+ ];
+} :: missing required key "type" :: /elements/0 ;;
+ type_name=tuple;
+ elements=[
+ {type=5};
+ ];
+} :: type must be either a string or a map :: /elements/1/type ;;
+ type_name=tuple;
+ members=[
+ {name=foo; type=int32};
+ ];
+} :: missing required key "elements" :: ;;
+# Variant
+# We don't specify exception message here because in C++ library that message is not good and we don't want to canonize it
+# Though fixing it is not that easy too.
+ type_name=variant;
+ members=[
+ {name=foo; type=int32};
+ ];
+ elements=[
+ {type=int8};
+ ]
+} :: :: ;;
+ type_name=variant;
+} :: missing both keys "members" and "elements" :: ;;
+# Dict
+ type_name=dict;
+ key=string;
+} :: missing required key "value" :: ;;
+ type_name=dict;
+ value=string;
+} :: missing required key "key" :: ;;
+ type_name=dict;
+ value=string;
+} :: missing required key "key" :: ;;
+ type_name=dict;
+ key=5;
+ value=string;
+} :: type must be either a string or a map :: /key ;;
+ type_name=dict;
+ key=string;
+ value=5;
+} :: type must be either a string or a map :: /value ;;
+# Tagged
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=string;
+} :: missing required key "tag" :: ;;
+ type_name=tagged;
+ tag=string;
+} :: missing required key "item" :: ;;
+ type_name=tagged;
+ tag=5;
+ item=string;
+} :: "tag" must contain a string :: /tag ;;
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/good-types.txt b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/good-types.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb082707b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/good-types.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+# The format of this file is described in README.txt
+# Each test case contains 2 fields:
+# - Yson reporesentation of the type.
+# - String representation of the type.
+# Suggested approach to writing test:
+# 1. Try to deserialize type from yson (1st field).
+# 2. Check that text representation of parsed type matches 2nd field.
+# 3. Serialize type to yson and deserialize it from it.
+# 4. Check that typef from 1. and 3. are equal.
+# Integer
+int8 :: Int8 ;;
+int16 :: Int16 ;;
+int32 :: Int32 ;;
+int64 :: Int64 ;;
+{type_name=int8} :: Int8 ;;
+{type_name=int16} :: Int16 ;;
+{type_name=int32} :: Int32 ;;
+{type_name=int64} :: Int64 ;;
+# Unsigned integer
+uint8 :: Uint8 ;;
+uint16 :: Uint16 ;;
+uint32 :: Uint32 ;;
+uint64 :: Uint64 ;;
+{type_name=uint8} :: Uint8 ;;
+{type_name=uint16} :: Uint16 ;;
+{type_name=uint32} :: Uint32 ;;
+{type_name=uint64} :: Uint64 ;;
+# Floating
+float :: Float ;;
+double :: Double ;;
+{type_name=float} :: Float ;;
+{type_name=double} :: Double ;;
+# Strings
+string :: String ;;
+utf8 :: Utf8 ;;
+{type_name=string} :: String ;;
+{type_name=utf8} :: Utf8 ;;
+# Time
+date :: Date ;;
+datetime :: Datetime ;;
+timestamp :: Timestamp ;;
+tz_date :: TzDate ;;
+tz_datetime :: TzDatetime ;;
+tz_timestamp :: TzTimestamp ;;
+interval :: Interval ;;
+{type_name=date} :: Date ;;
+{type_name=datetime} :: Datetime ;;
+{type_name=timestamp} :: Timestamp ;;
+{type_name=tz_date} :: TzDate ;;
+{type_name=tz_datetime} :: TzDatetime ;;
+{type_name=tz_timestamp} :: TzTimestamp ;;
+{type_name=interval} :: Interval ;;
+# Singular
+void :: Void ;;
+null :: Null ;;
+{type_name=void} :: Void ;;
+{type_name=null} :: Null ;;
+uuid :: Uuid ;;
+{type_name=uuid} :: Uuid ;;
+# Json / Yson
+yson :: Yson ;;
+json :: Json ;;
+{type_name=yson} :: Yson ;;
+{type_name=json} :: Json ;;
+ type_name=string;
+ unknown_key=bar;
+} :: String ;;
+# Decimal
+ type_name=decimal;
+ precision=3;
+ scale=2;
+} :: Decimal(3, 2) ;;
+ type_name=decimal;
+ precision=3;
+ scale=2;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+} :: Decimal(3, 2) ;;
+# Optional
+ type_name=optional;
+ item=string;
+} :: Optional<String> ;;
+ type_name=optional;
+ item={
+ type_name=string;
+ }
+} :: Optional<String> ;;
+ type_name=optional;
+ item={
+ type_name=optional;
+ item={
+ type_name=list;
+ item={
+ type_name=decimal;
+ precision=10;
+ scale=5;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} :: Optional<Optional<List<Decimal(10, 5)>>> ;;
+ type_name=optional;
+ item={
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=int32;
+ tag="foo";
+ };
+} :: Optional<Tagged<Int32, 'foo'>> ;;
+ type_name=optional;
+ item={
+ type_name=string;
+ };
+ unknown_column=ha;
+} :: Optional<String> ;;
+# List
+ type_name=list;
+ item=string;
+} :: List<String> ;;
+ type_name=list;
+ item={
+ type_name=string;
+ }
+} :: List<String> ;;
+ type_name=list;
+ item={
+ type_name=list;
+ item={
+ type_name=optional;
+ item=string;
+ }
+ };
+} :: List<List<Optional<String>>> ;;
+ type_name=list;
+ item={
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=int32;
+ tag="foo";
+ };
+} :: List<Tagged<Int32, 'foo'>> ;;
+ type_name=list;
+ item={
+ type_name=string;
+ };
+ unknown_column=ha;
+} :: List<String> ;;
+# Dict
+ type_name=dict;
+ key=int32;
+ value=string;
+} :: Dict<Int32, String> ;;
+ type_name=dict;
+ key={
+ type_name=optional;
+ item=string;
+ };
+ value={
+ type_name=list;
+ item={
+ type_name=int32;
+ }
+ };
+} :: Dict<Optional<String>, List<Int32>> ;;
+ type_name=dict;
+ key={
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=int32;
+ tag="foo";
+ };
+ value={
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=string;
+ tag="bar";
+ };
+} :: Dict<Tagged<Int32, 'foo'>, Tagged<String, 'bar'>> ;;
+ type_name=dict;
+ key=int32;
+ value=string;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+} :: Dict<Int32, String> ;;
+# Struct
+ type_name=struct;
+ members=[];
+} :: Struct<> ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ members=[
+ {
+ name=foo;
+ type=int32;
+ };
+ {
+ name=bar;
+ type={
+ type_name=optional;
+ item=string;
+ };
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Struct<'foo': Int32, 'bar': Optional<String>> ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ members=[
+ {
+ name=foo;
+ type={
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=string;
+ tag=foo;
+ };
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Struct<'foo': Tagged<String, 'foo'>> ;;
+ type_name=struct;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ members=[
+ {
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ name=foo;
+ type=int32;
+ };
+ {
+ name=bar;
+ type={
+ type_name=optional;
+ item=string;
+ };
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Struct<'foo': Int32, 'bar': Optional<String>> ;;
+# Tuple
+ type_name=tuple;
+ elements=[];
+} :: Tuple<> ;;
+ type_name=tuple;
+ elements=[
+ {
+ type=int32;
+ };
+ {
+ type={
+ type_name=optional;
+ item=string;
+ };
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Tuple<Int32, Optional<String>> ;;
+ type_name=tuple;
+ elements=[
+ {
+ type={
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=string;
+ tag=foo;
+ };
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Tuple<Tagged<String, 'foo'>> ;;
+ type_name=tuple;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ elements=[
+ {
+ type=int32;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ };
+ {
+ type={
+ type_name=optional;
+ item=string;
+ };
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Tuple<Int32, Optional<String>> ;;
+# Variant
+ type_name=variant;
+ elements=[
+ {
+ type=int32;
+ };
+ {
+ type={type_name=string};
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Variant<Int32, String> ;;
+ type_name=variant;
+ members=[
+ {
+ name=foo;
+ type=int32;
+ };
+ {
+ name=bar;
+ type={
+ type_name=optional;
+ item=string;
+ };
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Variant<'foo': Int32, 'bar': Optional<String>> ;;
+ type_name=variant;
+ elements=[
+ {
+ type={
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=string;
+ tag=foo;
+ }
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Variant<Tagged<String, 'foo'>> ;;
+ type_name=variant;
+ members=[
+ {
+ name=bar;
+ type={
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=string;
+ tag=foo;
+ };
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Variant<'bar': Tagged<String, 'foo'>> ;;
+ type_name=variant;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ elements=[
+ {
+ type=int32;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ };
+ {
+ type={
+ type_name=string;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ };
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Variant<Int32, String> ;;
+ type_name=variant;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ members=[
+ {
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ name=foo;
+ type=int32;
+ };
+ {
+ name=bar;
+ type={
+ type_name=optional;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ item=string;
+ };
+ };
+ ];
+} :: Variant<'foo': Int32, 'bar': Optional<String>> ;;
+# Tagged
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=string;
+ tag="image/png"
+} :: Tagged<String, 'image/png'> ;;
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item={
+ type_name=optional;
+ item=string;
+ };
+ tag="image/png"
+} :: Tagged<Optional<String>, 'image/png'> ;;
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item={
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=string;
+ tag=foo;
+ };
+ tag=bar;
+} :: Tagged<Tagged<String, 'foo'>, 'bar'> ;;
+ type_name=tagged;
+ item=string;
+ unknown_column=ha;
+ tag="image/png"
+} :: Tagged<String, 'image/png'> ;;
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test_data.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test_data.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36944e7bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test_data.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/resource/resource.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_io.h>
+#include <util/string/strip.h>
+#include <util/string/split.h>
+using namespace NTi;
+std::vector<std::vector<TString>> ParseData(TStringBuf data, int expectedFieldsCount) {
+ TString noComments;
+ {
+ TMemoryInput in(data);
+ TString line;
+ while (in.ReadLine(line)) {
+ if (StripString(line).StartsWith('#')) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ noComments += line;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<std::vector<TString>> result;
+ for (TStringBuf record : StringSplitter(noComments).SplitByString(";;")) {
+ record = StripString(record);
+ if (record.Empty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::vector<TString> fields;
+ for (TStringBuf field : StringSplitter(record).SplitByString("::")) {
+ fields.emplace_back(StripString(field));
+ }
+ if (static_cast<int>(fields.size()) != expectedFieldsCount) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Unexpected field count expected: " << expectedFieldsCount << " actual: " << fields.size();
+ }
+ result.push_back(fields);
+ }
+ return result;
+TEST(TestData, GoodTypes) {
+ auto records = ParseData(NResource::Find("/good"), 2);
+ for (const auto& record : records) {
+ const auto& typeYson = record.at(0);
+ const auto& typeText = record.at(1);
+ TString context = TStringBuilder()
+ << "text: " << typeText << Endl
+ << "yson: " << typeYson << Endl;
+ auto wrapError = [&] (const std::exception& ex) {
+ return yexception() << "Unexpected error: " << ex.what() << '\n' << context;
+ };
+ TTypePtr type;
+ try {
+ type = NIo::DeserializeYson(*HeapFactory(), typeYson);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ ythrow wrapError(ex);
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(ToString(*type), typeText, context);
+ TTypePtr type2;
+ try {
+ auto yson2 = NIo::SerializeYson(type.Get(), true);
+ type2 = NIo::DeserializeYson(*HeapFactory(), yson2);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ ythrow wrapError(ex);
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(*type, *type2, context);
+ }
+TEST(TestData, BadTypes) {
+ auto records = ParseData(NResource::Find("/bad"), 3);
+ for (const auto& record : records) {
+ const auto& typeYson = record.at(0);
+ const auto& exceptionMessage = record.at(1);
+ TString context = TStringBuilder()
+ << "exception: " << exceptionMessage << Endl
+ << "yson: " << typeYson << Endl;
+ NIo::DeserializeYson(*HeapFactory(), typeYson),
+ yexception,
+ exceptionMessage,
+ context);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_basics.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_basics.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83996d63d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_basics.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Void) {
+ auto t = f.Void();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Void);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVoid());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Bool) {
+ auto t = f.Bool();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Bool);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsBool());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Int8) {
+ auto t = f.Int8();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Int8);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInt8());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Int16) {
+ auto t = f.Int16();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Int16);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInt16());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Int32) {
+ auto t = f.Int32();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Int32);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInt32());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Int64) {
+ auto t = f.Int64();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Int64);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInt64());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Uint8) {
+ auto t = f.Uint8();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uint8);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUint8());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Uint16) {
+ auto t = f.Uint16();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uint16);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUint16());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Uint32) {
+ auto t = f.Uint32();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uint32);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUint32());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Uint64) {
+ auto t = f.Uint64();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uint64);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUint64());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Float) {
+ auto t = f.Float();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Float);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsFloat());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Double) {
+ auto t = f.Double();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Double);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDouble());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, String) {
+ auto t = f.String();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::String);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsString());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Utf8) {
+ auto t = f.Utf8();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Utf8);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUtf8());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Date) {
+ auto t = f.Date();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Date);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDate());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Datetime) {
+ auto t = f.Datetime();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Datetime);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDatetime());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Timestamp) {
+ auto t = f.Timestamp();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Timestamp);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTimestamp());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, TzDate) {
+ auto t = f.TzDate();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::TzDate);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTzDate());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, TzDatetime) {
+ auto t = f.TzDatetime();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::TzDatetime);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTzDatetime());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, TzTimestamp) {
+ auto t = f.TzTimestamp();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::TzTimestamp);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTzTimestamp());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Interval) {
+ auto t = f.Interval();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Interval);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInterval());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Decimal) {
+ auto t = f.Decimal(20, 10);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Decimal);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDecimal());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetPrecision(), 20);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetScale(), 10);
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Json) {
+ auto t = f.Json();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Json);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsJson());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Yson) {
+ auto t = f.Yson();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Yson);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsYson());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Uuid) {
+ auto t = f.Uuid();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uuid);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUuid());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Optional) {
+ auto t = f.Optional(f.Void());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Optional);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsOptional());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetItemType()->IsVoid());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetItemType().Get(), t->GetItemTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, List) {
+ auto t = f.List(f.Void());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::List);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsList());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetItemType()->IsVoid());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetItemType().Get(), t->GetItemTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Dict) {
+ auto t = f.Dict(f.Void(), f.String());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Dict);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDict());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetKeyType()->IsVoid());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetKeyType().Get(), t->GetKeyTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetValueType()->IsString());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetValueType().Get(), t->GetValueTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, EmptyStruct) {
+ auto t = f.Struct({});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Struct);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsStruct());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers().size(), 0);
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, NamedEmptyStruct) {
+ auto t = f.Struct("S", {});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Struct);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsStruct());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "S");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers().size(), 0);
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Struct) {
+ auto t = f.Struct({{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Struct);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsStruct());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers().size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[0].GetName(), "a");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetMembers()[0].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt64());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[0].GetType().Get(), t->GetMembers()[0].GetTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[1].GetName(), "b");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetMembers()[1].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt8());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[1].GetType().Get(), t->GetMembers()[1].GetTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, NamedStruct) {
+ auto t = f.Struct("S", {{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Struct);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsStruct());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "S");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers().size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[0].GetName(), "a");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetMembers()[0].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt64());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[0].GetType().Get(), t->GetMembers()[0].GetTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[1].GetName(), "b");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetMembers()[1].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt8());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[1].GetType().Get(), t->GetMembers()[1].GetTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, EmptyTuple) {
+ auto t = f.Tuple({});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tuple);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTuple());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements().size(), 0);
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, NamedEmptyTuple) {
+ auto t = f.Tuple("T", {});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tuple);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTuple());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "T");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements().size(), 0);
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Tuple) {
+ auto t = f.Tuple({{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tuple);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTuple());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements().size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetElements()[0].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt64());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements()[0].GetType().Get(), t->GetElements()[0].GetTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetElements()[1].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt8());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements()[1].GetType().Get(), t->GetElements()[1].GetTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, NamedTuple) {
+ auto t = f.Tuple("T", {{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tuple);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTuple());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "T");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements().size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetElements()[0].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt64());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements()[0].GetType().Get(), t->GetElements()[0].GetTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetElements()[1].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt8());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements()[1].GetType().Get(), t->GetElements()[1].GetTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, VariantOverStruct) {
+ auto t = f.Variant(f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Variant);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariant());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariantOverStruct());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->IsVariantOverTuple());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType()->AsStruct()->GetName().GetRef(), "Inner");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType().Get(), t->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, NamedVariantOverStruct) {
+ auto t = f.Variant("V", f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Variant);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariant());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "V");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariantOverStruct());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->IsVariantOverTuple());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType()->AsStruct()->GetName().GetRef(), "Inner");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType().Get(), t->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, VariantOverTuple) {
+ auto t = f.Variant(f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Variant);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariant());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->IsVariantOverStruct());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariantOverTuple());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType()->AsTuple()->GetName().GetRef(), "Inner");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType().Get(), t->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, NamedVariantOverTuple) {
+ auto t = f.Variant("V", f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Variant);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariant());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "V");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->IsVariantOverStruct());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariantOverTuple());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType()->AsTuple()->GetName().GetRef(), "Inner");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType().Get(), t->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, Tagged) {
+ auto t = f.Tagged(f.Void(), "T");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tagged);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTagged());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTag(), "T");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetItemType()->IsVoid());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetItemType().Get(), t->GetItemTypeRaw());
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, EmptyStructLookupByName) {
+ auto s = f.Struct({});
+ ASSERT_FALSE(s->HasMember("item"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMemberIndex("item"), -1);
+ [=]() {
+ s->GetMember("item");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TItemNotFound, "no item named 'item'");
+TEST_TF(TypeBasics, StructLookupByName) {
+ auto s = f.Struct({
+ {"a", f.Void()},
+ {"field2", f.String()},
+ {"field1", f.Utf8()},
+ {"", f.Null()},
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s->HasMember("a"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMemberIndex("a"), 0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s->HasMember("field2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMemberIndex("field2"), 1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s->HasMember("field1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMemberIndex("field1"), 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s->HasMember(""));
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMemberIndex(""), 3);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(s->HasMember("b"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMemberIndex("b"), -1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMember("a").GetName(), "a");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s->GetMember("a").GetTypeRaw()->IsVoid());
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMember("field2").GetName(), "field2");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s->GetMember("field2").GetTypeRaw()->IsString());
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMember("field1").GetName(), "field1");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s->GetMember("field1").GetTypeRaw()->IsUtf8());
+ ASSERT_EQ(s->GetMember("").GetName(), "");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s->GetMember("").GetTypeRaw()->IsNull());
+ [=]() {
+ s->GetMember("b");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TItemNotFound, "no item named 'b'");
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_complexity_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_complexity_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b4f6e5372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_complexity_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_complexity.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_constructors.h>
+using namespace NTi;
+TEST(TypeComplexity, Test)
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Int64()), 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(String()), 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Null()), 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Decimal(4, 2)), 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Optional(Utf8())), 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(List(Json())), 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Tagged(String(), "jpeg")), 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Dict(String(), Optional(Int64()))), 4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Struct({
+ {"a", String()},
+ {"b", List(Optional(Int64()))},
+ })), 5);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Tuple({{Float()}, {Float()}})), 3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Variant(Struct({
+ {"a", String()},
+ {"b", Int64()},
+ }))), 3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ComputeTypeComplexity(Tuple({
+ {String()},
+ {Int64()},
+ })), 3);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_constraints.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_constraints.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f56bd89b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_constraints.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+TEST_TF(TypeConstraints, DecimalScale) {
+ f.Decimal(20, 21);
+ }(),
+ NTi::TIllegalTypeException, "decimal scale 21 should be no greater than decimal precision 20");
+TEST_TF(TypeConstraints, StructDuplicateItem) {
+ f.Struct({{"a", f.Void()}, {"a", f.String()}});
+ }(),
+ NTi::TIllegalTypeException, "duplicate struct item 'a'");
+ f.Struct({{"a", f.Void()}, {"b", f.Bool()}, {"a", f.String()}});
+ }(),
+ NTi::TIllegalTypeException, "duplicate struct item 'a'");
+TEST_TF(TypeConstraints, StructEmpty) {
+ f.Struct({}); // empty structs are ok, this should not fail
+TEST_TF(TypeConstraints, TupleEmpty) {
+ f.Tuple({}); // empty tuples are ok, this should not fail
+TEST_TF(TypeConstraints, VariantStructEmpty) {
+ f.Variant(f.Struct({}));
+ }(),
+ NTi::TIllegalTypeException, "variant should contain at least one alternative");
+TEST_TF(TypeConstraints, VariantTupleEmpty) {
+ f.Variant(f.Tuple({}));
+ }(),
+ NTi::TIllegalTypeException, "variant should contain at least one alternative");
+TEST_TF(TypeConstraints, VariantWrongInnerType) {
+ f.Variant(f.String());
+ }(),
+ NTi::TIllegalTypeException, "variants can only contain structs and tuples, got String instead");
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_deserialize.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_deserialize.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e93a26bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_deserialize.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson_pull/yson.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Void) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Void(), R"(void)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Void(), R"({type_name=void})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Null) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Null(), R"(null)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Null(), R"({type_name=null})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Bool) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Bool(), R"(bool)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Bool(), R"({type_name=bool})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Int8) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Int8(), R"(int8)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Int8(), R"({type_name=int8})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Int16) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Int16(), R"(int16)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Int16(), R"({type_name=int16})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Int32) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Int32(), R"(int32)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Int32(), R"({type_name=int32})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Int64) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Int64(), R"(int64)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Int64(), R"({type_name=int64})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Uint8) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uint8(), R"(uint8)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uint8(), R"({type_name=uint8})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Uint16) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uint16(), R"(uint16)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uint16(), R"({type_name=uint16})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Uint32) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uint32(), R"(uint32)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uint32(), R"({type_name=uint32})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Uint64) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uint64(), R"(uint64)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uint64(), R"({type_name=uint64})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Float) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Float(), R"(float)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Float(), R"({type_name=float})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Double) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Double(), R"(double)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Double(), R"({type_name=double})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, String) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::String(), R"(string)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::String(), R"({type_name=string})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Utf8) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Utf8(), R"(utf8)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Utf8(), R"({type_name=utf8})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Date) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Date(), R"(date)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Date(), R"({type_name=date})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Datetime) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Datetime(), R"(datetime)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Datetime(), R"({type_name=datetime})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Timestamp) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Timestamp(), R"(timestamp)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Timestamp(), R"({type_name=timestamp})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, TzDate) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::TzDate(), R"(tz_date)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::TzDate(), R"({type_name=tz_date})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, TzDatetime) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::TzDatetime(), R"(tz_datetime)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::TzDatetime(), R"({type_name=tz_datetime})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, TzTimestamp) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::TzTimestamp(), R"(tz_timestamp)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::TzTimestamp(), R"({type_name=tz_timestamp})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Interval) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Interval(), R"(interval)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Interval(), R"({type_name=interval})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Decimal) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Decimal(20, 10), R"({type_name=decimal; precision=20; scale=10})");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Decimal(20, 10), R"({scale=10; type_name=decimal; precision=20})");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Decimal(10, 10), R"({type_name=decimal; precision=10; scale=10})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, DecimalMissingTypeParameters) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({precision=20; scale=10})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=decimal; scale=10})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "precision")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=decimal; precision=20})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "scale")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Json) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Json(), R"(json)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Json(), R"({type_name=json})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Yson) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Yson(), R"(yson)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Yson(), R"({type_name=yson})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Uuid) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uuid(), R"(uuid)");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Uuid(), R"({type_name=uuid})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Optional) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Optional(NTi::Void()), R"({type_name=optional; item=void})");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Optional(NTi::String()), R"({type_name=optional; item=string})");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Optional(NTi::String()), R"({item=string; type_name=optional})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, OptionalMissingTypeParameters) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({item=string})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=optional})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "item")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, List) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::List(NTi::Void()), R"({type_name=list; item=void})");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::List(NTi::String()), R"({type_name=list; item=string})");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::List(NTi::String()), R"({item=string; type_name=list})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, ListMissingTypeParameters) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({item=string})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=list})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "item")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Dict) {
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Dict(NTi::Void(), NTi::Void()), R"({type_name=dict; key=void; value=void})");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Dict(NTi::Int32(), NTi::String()), R"({type_name=dict; key=int32; value=string})");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Dict(NTi::Int32(), NTi::String()), R"({key=int32; value=string; type_name=dict})");
+ ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(NTi::Dict(NTi::Int32(), NTi::String()), R"({value=string; key=int32; type_name=dict})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, DictMissingTypeParameters) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({key=string; value=string})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=dict})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required keys "key" and "value")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=dict; value=string})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "key")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=dict; key=string})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "value")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, StructEmpty) {
+ NTi::Struct({}),
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[]})");
+ NTi::Struct({}),
+ R"({members=[]; type_name=struct})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Struct) {
+ auto ty = NTi::Struct({{"ItemB", NTi::String()}, {"ItemA", NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}});
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ ty,
+ R"({members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]; type_name=struct})");
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[{type=string; name=ItemB}; {name=ItemA; type={item=int64; type_name=list}}]})");
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]; name=#})");
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=struct; name=#; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, StructMissingTypeParameters) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({members=[]})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=struct})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "members")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=struct; name=S})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "members")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, TupleEmpty) {
+ NTi::Tuple({}),
+ R"({type_name=tuple; elements=[]})");
+ NTi::Tuple({}),
+ R"({elements=[]; type_name=tuple})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Tuple) {
+ auto ty = NTi::Tuple({{NTi::String()}, {NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}});
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=tuple; elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ ty,
+ R"({elements=[{type=string}; {type={item=int64; type_name=list}}]; type_name=tuple})");
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=tuple; name=#; elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=tuple; elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]; name=#})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, TupleMissingTypeParameters) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({elements=[]})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=tuple})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "elements")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=tuple; name=T})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "elements")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, VariantStruct) {
+ auto ty = NTi::Variant(NTi::Struct({{"ItemB", NTi::String()}, {"ItemA", NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}}));
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=variant; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ ty,
+ R"({members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]; type_name=variant})");
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=variant; name=#; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=variant; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]; name=#})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, VariantTuple) {
+ auto ty = NTi::Variant(NTi::Tuple({{NTi::String()}, {NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}}));
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=variant; elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ ty,
+ R"({elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]; type_name=variant})");
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=variant; name=#; elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ ty,
+ R"({type_name=variant; elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]; name=#})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, VariantMissingTypeParameters) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({elements=[]})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({name=X})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=variant})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing both keys "members" and "elements")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, Tagged) {
+ NTi::Tagged(NTi::String(), "Url"),
+ R"({type_name=tagged; tag=Url; item=string})");
+ NTi::Tagged(NTi::String(), "Url"),
+ R"({type_name=tagged; item=string; tag=Url})");
+ NTi::Tagged(NTi::String(), "Url"),
+ R"({item=string; tag=Url; type_name=tagged})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, TaggedMissingTypeParameters) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({tag=T; item=string})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({tag=T})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=tagged; tag=T})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "item")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({type_name=tagged; item=string})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "tag")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, ComplexTypeAsString) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"(decimal)");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required keys "precision" and "scale")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"(optional)");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "item")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"(list)");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "item")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"(dict)");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required keys "key" and "value")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"(struct)");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "members")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"(tuple)");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "elements")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"(variant)");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing both keys "members" and "elements")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"(tagged)");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required keys "tag" and "item")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, MissingTypeName) {
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({item=string})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({tag=Url})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+ []() {
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), R"({key=string; value=int32})");
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(missing required key "type_name")");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, UnknownKeys) {
+ auto tupleType = NTi::Tuple({{NTi::String()}, {NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}});
+ tupleType,
+ R"({type_name=tuple; unknown_key=<>0; elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ tupleType,
+ R"({type_name=tuple; elements=[{unknown_key={foo=<>0}; type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ auto structType = NTi::Struct({{"ItemB", NTi::String()}, {"ItemA", NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}});
+ structType,
+ R"({type_name=struct; unknown_key=[]; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ structType,
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[{name=ItemB; unknown_key=foo; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+ auto utf8Type = NTi::Utf8();
+ utf8Type,
+ R"({type_name=utf8; unknown_key=[];})");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, DeepType) {
+ auto ty = TStringBuilder();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
+ ty << "{type_name=optional; item=";
+ ty << "string";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
+ ty << "}";
+ NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), ty);
+ }(),
+ NTi::TDeserializationException, R"(too deep)");
+TEST(TypeDeserialize, MultipleTypes) {
+ auto ty = "{type_name=optional; item=string}; {type_name=list; item=utf8}";
+ auto reader = NYsonPull::TReader(NYsonPull::NInput::FromMemory(ty), NYsonPull::EStreamType::ListFragment);
+ auto factory = NTi::PoolFactory();
+ {
+ auto ty1 = NTi::Optional(NTi::String());
+ ASSERT_STRICT_EQ(NTi::NIo::DeserializeYsonMultipleRaw(*factory, reader), ty1.Get());
+ }
+ {
+ auto ty2 = NTi::List(NTi::Utf8());
+ ASSERT_STRICT_EQ(NTi::NIo::DeserializeYsonMultipleRaw(*factory, reader), ty2.Get());
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(NTi::NIo::DeserializeYsonMultipleRaw(*factory, reader), nullptr);
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_equivalence.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_equivalence.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca697620ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_equivalence.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+TEST_TF(TypeEquivalence, StrictEqSelf) {
+ f.Void(),
+ f.Void());
+ f.Bool(),
+ f.Bool());
+ f.Int8(),
+ f.Int8());
+ f.Int16(),
+ f.Int16());
+ f.Int32(),
+ f.Int32());
+ f.Int64(),
+ f.Int64());
+ f.Uint8(),
+ f.Uint8());
+ f.Uint16(),
+ f.Uint16());
+ f.Uint32(),
+ f.Uint32());
+ f.Uint64(),
+ f.Uint64());
+ f.Float(),
+ f.Float());
+ f.Double(),
+ f.Double());
+ f.String(),
+ f.String());
+ f.Utf8(),
+ f.Utf8());
+ f.Date(),
+ f.Date());
+ f.Datetime(),
+ f.Datetime());
+ f.Timestamp(),
+ f.Timestamp());
+ f.TzDate(),
+ f.TzDate());
+ f.TzDatetime(),
+ f.TzDatetime());
+ f.TzTimestamp(),
+ f.TzTimestamp());
+ f.Interval(),
+ f.Interval());
+ f.Decimal(20, 10),
+ f.Decimal(20, 10));
+ f.Json(),
+ f.Json());
+ f.Yson(),
+ f.Yson());
+ f.Uuid(),
+ f.Uuid());
+ f.Optional(f.Void()),
+ f.Optional(f.Void()));
+ f.List(f.Void()),
+ f.List(f.Void()));
+ f.Dict(f.Void(), f.String()),
+ f.Dict(f.Void(), f.String()));
+ f.Struct({}),
+ f.Struct({}));
+ f.Struct("S", {}),
+ f.Struct("S", {}));
+ f.Struct({{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}}),
+ f.Struct({{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}}));
+ f.Struct("S", {{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}}),
+ f.Struct("S", {{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}}));
+ f.Tuple({}),
+ f.Tuple({}));
+ f.Tuple("T", {}),
+ f.Tuple("T", {}));
+ f.Tuple({{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}}),
+ f.Tuple({{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}}));
+ f.Tuple("T", {{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}}),
+ f.Tuple("T", {{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}}));
+ f.Variant(f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant(f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}})));
+ f.Variant("V", f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant("V", f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}})));
+ f.Variant(f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant(f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}})));
+ f.Variant("V", f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant("V", f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}})));
+ f.Tagged(f.Void(), "T"),
+ f.Tagged(f.Void(), "T"));
+TEST_TF(TypeEquivalence, StrictNeOtherType) {
+ f.Void(),
+ f.Bool());
+ f.Bool(),
+ f.Int8());
+ f.Int8(),
+ f.Int16());
+ f.Int16(),
+ f.Int32());
+ f.Int32(),
+ f.Int64());
+ f.Int64(),
+ f.Uint8());
+ f.Uint8(),
+ f.Uint16());
+ f.Uint16(),
+ f.Uint32());
+ f.Uint32(),
+ f.Uint64());
+ f.Uint64(),
+ f.Float());
+ f.Float(),
+ f.Double());
+ f.Double(),
+ f.String());
+ f.String(),
+ f.Utf8());
+ f.Utf8(),
+ f.Date());
+ f.Date(),
+ f.Datetime());
+ f.Datetime(),
+ f.Timestamp());
+ f.Timestamp(),
+ f.TzDate());
+ f.TzDate(),
+ f.TzDatetime());
+ f.TzDatetime(),
+ f.TzTimestamp());
+ f.TzTimestamp(),
+ f.Interval());
+ f.Interval(),
+ f.Decimal(20, 10));
+ f.Decimal(20, 10),
+ f.Json());
+ f.Json(),
+ f.Yson());
+ f.Yson(),
+ f.Uuid());
+ f.Uuid(),
+ f.Optional(f.Void()));
+ f.Optional(f.Void()),
+ f.List(f.Void()));
+ f.List(f.Void()),
+ f.Dict(f.Void(), f.String()));
+ f.Dict(f.Void(), f.String()),
+ f.Struct({}));
+ f.Struct({}),
+ f.Struct("S", {}));
+ f.Struct("S", {}),
+ f.Struct({{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}}));
+ f.Struct({{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}}),
+ f.Struct("S", {{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}}));
+ f.Struct("S", {{"a", f.Int64()}, {"b", f.Int8()}}),
+ f.Tuple({}));
+ f.Tuple({}),
+ f.Tuple("T", {}));
+ f.Tuple("T", {}),
+ f.Tuple({{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}}));
+ f.Tuple({{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}}),
+ f.Tuple("T", {{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}}));
+ f.Tuple("T", {{f.Int64()}, {f.Int8()}}),
+ f.Variant(f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}})));
+ f.Variant(f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant("V", f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}})));
+ f.Variant("V", f.Struct("Inner", {{"x", f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant(f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}})));
+ f.Variant(f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant("V", f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}})));
+ f.Variant("V", f.Tuple("Inner", {{f.Void()}})),
+ f.Tagged(f.Void(), "T"));
+ f.Tagged(f.Void(), "T"),
+ f.Void());
+TEST_TF(TypeEquivalence, StrictNeDecimal) {
+ f.Decimal(20, 10),
+ f.Decimal(21, 10));
+ f.Decimal(20, 10),
+ f.Decimal(20, 11));
+TEST_TF(TypeEquivalence, StrictNeStruct) {
+ f.Struct({}),
+ f.Struct("", {}));
+ f.Struct("name", {}),
+ f.Struct("other name", {}));
+ f.Struct({}),
+ f.Struct({{"x", f.Void()}}));
+ f.Struct({{"x", f.Void()}}),
+ f.Struct({{"y", f.Void()}}));
+ f.Struct({{"x", f.Void()}}),
+ f.Struct({{"x", f.String()}}));
+ f.Struct("name", {}),
+ f.Struct("name", {{"x", f.Void()}}));
+ f.Struct("name", {{"x", f.Void()}}),
+ f.Struct("name", {{"y", f.Void()}}));
+ f.Struct("name", {{"x", f.Void()}}),
+ f.Struct("name", {{"x", f.String()}}));
+ f.Struct({{"x", f.Void()}, {"y", f.String()}}),
+ f.Struct({{"x", f.String()}, {"y", f.Void()}}));
+ f.Struct({{"x", f.Void()}, {"y", f.Void()}}),
+ f.Struct({{"y", f.Void()}, {"x", f.Void()}}));
+ f.Struct({{"x", f.Void()}, {"y", f.Void()}}),
+ f.Struct({{"x", f.Void()}, {"y", f.Void()}, {"z", f.Void()}}));
+TEST_TF(TypeEquivalence, StrictNeTuple) {
+ f.Tuple({}),
+ f.Tuple("", {}));
+ f.Tuple("name", {}),
+ f.Tuple("other name", {}));
+ f.Tuple({}),
+ f.Tuple({{f.Void()}}));
+ f.Tuple({{f.Void()}}),
+ f.Tuple({{f.String()}}));
+ f.Tuple("name", {}),
+ f.Tuple("name", {{f.Void()}}));
+ f.Tuple("name", {{f.Void()}}),
+ f.Tuple("name", {{f.String()}}));
+ f.Tuple({{f.String()}, {f.Void()}}),
+ f.Tuple({{f.Void()}, {f.String()}}));
+ f.Tuple({{f.Void()}, {f.Void()}}),
+ f.Tuple({{f.Void()}, {f.Void()}, {f.Void()}}));
+TEST_TF(TypeEquivalence, StrictNeVariant) {
+ f.Variant(f.Tuple({{f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant("", f.Tuple({{f.Void()}})));
+ f.Variant("", f.Tuple({{f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant("X", f.Tuple({{f.Void()}})));
+ f.Variant(f.Tuple({{f.Void()}})),
+ f.Variant(f.Tuple({{f.String()}})));
+ f.Variant("X", f.Tuple({{f.Utf8()}})),
+ f.Variant("X", f.Tuple({{f.String()}})));
+ f.Variant(f.Tuple({{f.Utf8()}})),
+ f.Variant(f.Struct({{"_", f.Utf8()}})));
+ f.Variant(f.Struct({{"item1", f.String()}})),
+ f.Variant(f.Struct({{"item2", f.String()}})));
+ f.Variant("X", f.Struct({{"item2", f.String()}})),
+ f.Variant("X", f.Struct({{"item1", f.String()}})));
+TEST_TF(TypeEquivalence, StrictNeTagged) {
+ f.Tagged(f.String(), "Tag"),
+ f.Tagged(f.String(), "Other tag"));
+ f.Tagged(f.String(), "Tag"),
+ f.Tagged(f.Utf8(), "Tag"));
+TEST_TF(TypeEquivalence, StrictNeDeep) {
+ auto t1 = f.Struct({
+ {"i", f.Optional(f.String())},
+ {"don't", f.Utf8()},
+ {"have", f.Tuple("GeoCoordinates", {{f.Float()}, {f.Float()}})},
+ {"enough", f.List(f.Optional(f.String()))},
+ {"fantasy", f.Dict(f.String(), f.List(f.Utf8()))}, // < difference
+ {"to", f.Yson()},
+ {"think", f.Optional(f.Json())},
+ {"of", f.Optional(f.String())},
+ {"a", f.List(f.Tuple({{f.String()}, {f.Tuple("GeoCoordinates", {{f.Float()}, {f.Float()}})}}))},
+ {"meaningful", f.Optional(f.String())},
+ {"example", f.Dict(f.Optional(f.Decimal(10, 5)), f.List(f.Dict(f.Int32(), f.Float())))},
+ });
+ auto t2 = f.Struct({
+ {"i", f.Optional(f.String())},
+ {"don't", f.Utf8()},
+ {"have", f.Tuple("GeoCoordinates", {{f.Float()}, {f.Float()}})},
+ {"enough", f.List(f.Optional(f.String()))},
+ {"fantasy", f.Dict(f.String(), f.List(f.String()))}, // < difference
+ {"to", f.Yson()},
+ {"think", f.Optional(f.Json())},
+ {"of", f.Optional(f.String())},
+ {"a", f.List(f.Tuple({{f.String()}, {f.Tuple("GeoCoordinates", {{f.Float()}, {f.Float()}})}}))},
+ {"meaningful", f.Optional(f.String())},
+ {"example", f.Dict(f.Optional(f.Decimal(10, 5)), f.List(f.Dict(f.Int32(), f.Float())))},
+ });
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_factory.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_factory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ab44129ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_factory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+TEST(TypeFactory, AdoptPoolToPool) {
+ auto f1 = NTi::PoolFactory();
+ auto f2 = NTi::PoolFactory();
+ auto t = f1->Optional(f1->List(f1->String()));
+ auto ta = f2->Adopt(t);
+ ASSERT_NE(t.Get(), ta.Get());
+ ASSERT_NE(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), ta->GetItemTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetItemTypeRaw()->AsListRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw(), ta->GetItemTypeRaw()->AsListRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw());
+ f1 = nullptr;
+ f2 = nullptr;
+ t = nullptr;
+ // `ta` is still alive
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ta->IsOptional());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ta->GetItemTypeRaw()->IsList());
+TEST(TypeFactory, AdoptPoolToSamePool) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory();
+ auto t = f->Optional(f->List(f->String()));
+ auto ta = f->Adopt(t);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t.Get(), ta.Get());
+TEST(TypeFactory, AdoptHeapToHeap) {
+ auto f = NTi::HeapFactory();
+ auto t = f->Optional(f->List(f->String()));
+ auto ta = f->Adopt(t);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t.Get(), ta.Get());
+TEST(TypeFactory, AdoptHeapToPool) {
+ auto f1 = NTi::HeapFactory();
+ auto f2 = NTi::PoolFactory();
+ auto t = f1->Optional(f1->List(f1->String()));
+ auto ta = f2->Adopt(t);
+ ASSERT_NE(t.Get(), ta.Get());
+ ASSERT_NE(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), ta->GetItemTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetItemTypeRaw()->AsListRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw(), ta->GetItemTypeRaw()->AsListRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw());
+ f1 = nullptr;
+ f2 = nullptr;
+ t = nullptr;
+ // `ta` is still alive
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ta->IsOptional());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ta->GetItemTypeRaw()->IsList());
+TEST(TypeFactory, AdoptPoolToHeap) {
+ auto f1 = NTi::PoolFactory();
+ auto f2 = NTi::HeapFactory();
+ auto t = f1->Optional(f1->List(f1->String()));
+ auto ta = f2->Adopt(t);
+ ASSERT_NE(t.Get(), ta.Get());
+ ASSERT_NE(t->GetItemTypeRaw(), ta->GetItemTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetItemTypeRaw()->AsListRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw(), ta->GetItemTypeRaw()->AsListRaw()->GetItemTypeRaw());
+ f1 = nullptr;
+ f2 = nullptr;
+ t = nullptr;
+ // `ta` is still alive
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ta->IsOptional());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ta->GetItemTypeRaw()->IsList());
+TEST(TypeFactory, AdoptStaticToPool) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory();
+ auto t = NTi::Void();
+ auto ta = f->Adopt(t);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t.Get(), ta.Get());
+TEST(TypeFactory, AdoptStaticToHeap) {
+ auto f = NTi::HeapFactory();
+ auto t = NTi::Void();
+ auto ta = f->Adopt(t);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t.Get(), ta.Get());
+TEST(TypeFactory, Dedup) {
+ {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(/* deduplicate = */ false);
+ auto a = f->OptionalRaw(f->StringRaw());
+ auto b = f->OptionalRaw(f->StringRaw());
+ ASSERT_NE(a, b);
+ }
+ {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(/* deduplicate = */ true);
+ auto a = f->OptionalRaw(f->StringRaw());
+ auto b = f->OptionalRaw(f->StringRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(a, b);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_factory_raw.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_factory_raw.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37f5d71aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_factory_raw.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Void) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->VoidRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Void);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVoid());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Bool) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->BoolRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Bool);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsBool());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Int8) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->Int8Raw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Int8);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInt8());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Int16) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->Int16Raw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Int16);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInt16());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Int32) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->Int32Raw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Int32);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInt32());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Int64) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->Int64Raw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Int64);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInt64());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Uint8) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->Uint8Raw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uint8);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUint8());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Uint16) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->Uint16Raw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uint16);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUint16());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Uint32) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->Uint32Raw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uint32);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUint32());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Uint64) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->Uint64Raw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uint64);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUint64());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Float) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->FloatRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Float);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsFloat());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Double) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->DoubleRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Double);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDouble());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, String) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->StringRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::String);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsString());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Utf8) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->Utf8Raw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Utf8);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUtf8());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Date) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->DateRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Date);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDate());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Datetime) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->DatetimeRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Datetime);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDatetime());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Timestamp) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->TimestampRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Timestamp);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTimestamp());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, TzDate) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->TzDateRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::TzDate);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTzDate());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, TzDatetime) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->TzDatetimeRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::TzDatetime);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTzDatetime());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, TzTimestamp) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->TzTimestampRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::TzTimestamp);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTzTimestamp());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Interval) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->IntervalRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Interval);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsInterval());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Decimal) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->DecimalRaw(20, 10);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Decimal);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDecimal());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetPrecision(), 20);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetScale(), 10);
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Json) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->JsonRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Json);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsJson());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Yson) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->YsonRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Yson);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsYson());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Uuid) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->UuidRaw();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Uuid);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsUuid());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Optional) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->OptionalRaw(f->VoidRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Optional);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsOptional());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetItemType()->IsVoid());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetItemType().Get(), t->GetItemTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, List) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->ListRaw(f->VoidRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::List);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsList());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetItemType()->IsVoid());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetItemType().Get(), t->GetItemTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Dict) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->DictRaw(f->VoidRaw(), f->StringRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Dict);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsDict());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetKeyType()->IsVoid());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetKeyType().Get(), t->GetKeyTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetValueType()->IsString());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetValueType().Get(), t->GetValueTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, EmptyStruct) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->StructRaw({});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Struct);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsStruct());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers().size(), 0);
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, NamedEmptyStruct) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->StructRaw("S", {});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Struct);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsStruct());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "S");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers().size(), 0);
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Struct) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->StructRaw({{"a", f->Int64Raw()}, {"b", f->Int8Raw()}});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Struct);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsStruct());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers().size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[0].GetName(), "a");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetMembers()[0].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt64());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[0].GetType().Get(), t->GetMembers()[0].GetTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[1].GetName(), "b");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetMembers()[1].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt8());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[1].GetType().Get(), t->GetMembers()[1].GetTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, NamedStruct) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->StructRaw("S", {{"a", f->Int64Raw()}, {"b", f->Int8Raw()}});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Struct);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsStruct());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "S");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers().size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[0].GetName(), "a");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetMembers()[0].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt64());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[0].GetType().Get(), t->GetMembers()[0].GetTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[1].GetName(), "b");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetMembers()[1].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt8());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetMembers()[1].GetType().Get(), t->GetMembers()[1].GetTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, EmptyTuple) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->TupleRaw({});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tuple);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTuple());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements().size(), 0);
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, NamedEmptyTuple) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->TupleRaw("T", {});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tuple);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTuple());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "T");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements().size(), 0);
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Tuple) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->TupleRaw({{f->Int64Raw()}, {f->Int8Raw()}});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tuple);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTuple());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements().size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetElements()[0].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt64());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements()[0].GetType().Get(), t->GetElements()[0].GetTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetElements()[1].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt8());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements()[1].GetType().Get(), t->GetElements()[1].GetTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, NamedTuple) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->TupleRaw("T", {{f->Int64Raw()}, {f->Int8Raw()}});
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tuple);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTuple());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "T");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements().size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetElements()[0].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt64());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements()[0].GetType().Get(), t->GetElements()[0].GetTypeRaw());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetElements()[1].GetTypeRaw()->IsInt8());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetElements()[1].GetType().Get(), t->GetElements()[1].GetTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, VariantOverStruct) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->VariantRaw(f->StructRaw("Inner", {{"x", f->VoidRaw()}}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Variant);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariant());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariantOverStruct());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->IsVariantOverTuple());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType()->AsStruct()->GetName().GetRef(), "Inner");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType().Get(), t->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, NamedVariantOverStruct) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->VariantRaw("V", f->StructRaw("Inner", {{"x", f->VoidRaw()}}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Variant);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariant());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "V");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariantOverStruct());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->IsVariantOverTuple());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType()->AsStruct()->GetName().GetRef(), "Inner");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType().Get(), t->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, VariantOverTuple) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->VariantRaw(f->TupleRaw("Inner", {{f->VoidRaw()}}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Variant);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariant());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->IsVariantOverStruct());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariantOverTuple());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType()->AsTuple()->GetName().GetRef(), "Inner");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType().Get(), t->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, NamedVariantOverTuple) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->VariantRaw("V", f->TupleRaw("Inner", {{f->VoidRaw()}}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Variant);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariant());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetName().Defined());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetName().GetRef(), "V");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(t->IsVariantOverStruct());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsVariantOverTuple());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType()->AsTuple()->GetName().GetRef(), "Inner");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetUnderlyingType().Get(), t->GetUnderlyingTypeRaw());
+TEST(TypeFactoryRaw, Tagged) {
+ auto f = NTi::PoolFactory(false);
+ auto t = f->TaggedRaw(f->VoidRaw(), "T");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTypeName(), NTi::ETypeName::Tagged);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->IsTagged());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetTag(), "T");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t->GetItemType()->IsVoid());
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->GetItemType().Get(), t->GetItemTypeRaw());
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_io.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_io.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4feb9b7d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_io.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+TEST_TF(TypeIO, AsYqlType) {
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Void().Get()),
+ "[VoidType]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Null().Get()),
+ "[NullType]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Bool().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Bool]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Int8().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Int8]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Int16().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Int16]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Int32().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Int32]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Int64().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Int64]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Uint8().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Uint8]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Uint16().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Uint16]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Uint32().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Uint32]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Uint64().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Uint64]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Float().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Float]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Double().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Double]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.String().Get()),
+ "[DataType; String]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Utf8().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Utf8]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Date().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Date]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Datetime().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Datetime]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Timestamp().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Timestamp]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.TzDate().Get()),
+ "[DataType; TzDate]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.TzDatetime().Get()),
+ "[DataType; TzDatetime]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.TzTimestamp().Get()),
+ "[DataType; TzTimestamp]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Interval().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Interval]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Json().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Json]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Yson().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Yson]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Uuid().Get()),
+ "[DataType; Uuid]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Decimal(20, 10).Get()),
+ "[DataType; Decimal; \"20\"; \"10\"]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Decimal(35, 35).Get()),
+ "[DataType; Decimal; \"35\"; \"35\"]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(Optional(f.Bool()).Get()),
+ "[OptionalType; [DataType; Bool]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.List(f.Bool()).Get()),
+ "[ListType; [DataType; Bool]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Dict(f.Bool(), f.Int32()).Get()),
+ "[DictType; [DataType; Bool]; [DataType; Int32]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Struct({}).Get()),
+ "[StructType; []]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Struct({{"a", f.Bool()}}).Get()),
+ "[StructType; [[a; [DataType; Bool]]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Struct({{"a", f.Yson()}, {"b", f.Bool()}}).Get()),
+ "[StructType; [[a; [DataType; Yson]]; [b; [DataType; Bool]]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Struct({{"a", f.Int32()}, {"b", f.Int32()}, {"c", f.Int64()}}).Get()),
+ "[StructType; [[a; [DataType; Int32]]; [b; [DataType; Int32]]; [c; [DataType; Int64]]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Tuple({}).Get()),
+ "[TupleType; []]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Tuple({{f.Bool()}}).Get()),
+ "[TupleType; [[DataType; Bool]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Tuple({{f.Yson()}, {f.Bool()}}).Get()),
+ "[TupleType; [[DataType; Yson]; [DataType; Bool]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Tuple({{f.Int32()}, {f.Int32()}, {f.Int64()}}).Get()),
+ "[TupleType; [[DataType; Int32]; [DataType; Int32]; [DataType; Int64]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Variant(f.Struct({{"a", f.Bool()}})).Get()),
+ "[VariantType; [StructType; [[a; [DataType; Bool]]]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Variant(f.Struct({{"a", f.Yson()}, {"b", f.Bool()}})).Get()),
+ "[VariantType; [StructType; [[a; [DataType; Yson]]; [b; [DataType; Bool]]]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Variant(f.Struct({{"a", f.Int32()}, {"b", f.Int32()}, {"c", f.Int64()}})).Get()),
+ "[VariantType; [StructType; [[a; [DataType; Int32]]; [b; [DataType; Int32]]; [c; [DataType; Int64]]]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Variant(f.Tuple({{f.Bool()}})).Get()),
+ "[VariantType; [TupleType; [[DataType; Bool]]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Variant(f.Tuple({{f.Yson()}, {f.Bool()}})).Get()),
+ "[VariantType; [TupleType; [[DataType; Yson]; [DataType; Bool]]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Variant(f.Tuple({{f.Int32()}, {f.Int32()}, {f.Int32()}})).Get()),
+ "[VariantType; [TupleType; [[DataType; Int32]; [DataType; Int32]; [DataType; Int32]]]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Tagged(f.String(), "Url").Get()),
+ "[TaggedType; Url; [DataType; String]]");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlType(f.Tagged(f.String(), "Url").Get(), /* includeTags = */ false),
+ "[DataType; String]");
+TEST_TF(TypeIO, AsYqlRowSpec) {
+ {
+ auto type = f.Struct({});
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlRowSpec(type.Get()),
+ "{StrictSchema=%true; Type=[StructType; []]}");
+ }
+ {
+ auto type = f.Tagged(f.Struct({}), "Event");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlRowSpec(type.Get()),
+ "{StrictSchema=%true; Type=[StructType; []]}");
+ }
+ {
+ auto type = f.Struct({{"x", f.Tagged(f.String(), "Url")}});
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlRowSpec(type.Get()),
+ "{StrictSchema=%true; Type=[StructType; [[x; [TaggedType; Url; [DataType; String]]]]]}");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlRowSpec(type.Get(), /* includeTags = */ false),
+ "{StrictSchema=%true; Type=[StructType; [[x; [DataType; String]]]]}");
+ }
+ {
+ auto type = f.Struct({{"a", f.Bool()}});
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlRowSpec(type.Get()),
+ "{StrictSchema=%true; Type=[StructType; [[a; [DataType; Bool]]]]}");
+ }
+ {
+ auto type = f.Struct({{"a", f.Yson()}, {"b", f.Bool()}});
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlRowSpec(type.Get()),
+ "{StrictSchema=%true; Type=[StructType; [[a; [DataType; Yson]]; [b; [DataType; Bool]]]]}");
+ }
+ {
+ auto type = f.Struct({{"a", f.Int32()}, {"b", f.Int32()}, {"c", f.Int32()}});
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlRowSpec(type.Get()),
+ "{StrictSchema=%true; Type=[StructType; [[a; [DataType; Int32]]; [b; [DataType; Int32]]; [c; [DataType; Int32]]]]}");
+ }
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlRowSpec(f.Void().Get());
+ }(),
+ NTi::TApiException, "expected a struct type");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYqlRowSpec(Optional(f.Struct({})).Get());
+ }(),
+ NTi::TApiException, "expected a struct type");
+TEST_TF(TypeIO, AsYtSchema) {
+ {
+ auto type = f.Struct({
+ {"void", f.Void()},
+ {"null", f.Null()},
+ {"bool", f.Bool()},
+ {"int8", f.Int8()},
+ {"int16", f.Int16()},
+ {"int32", f.Int32()},
+ {"int64", f.Int64()},
+ {"uint8", f.Uint8()},
+ {"uint16", f.Uint16()},
+ {"uint32", f.Uint32()},
+ {"uint64", f.Uint64()},
+ {"float", f.Float()},
+ {"double", f.Double()},
+ {"string", f.String()},
+ {"utf8", f.Utf8()},
+ {"date", f.Date()},
+ {"datetime", f.Datetime()},
+ {"timestamp", f.Timestamp()},
+ {"tzdate", f.TzDate()},
+ {"tzdatetime", f.TzDatetime()},
+ {"tztimestamp", f.TzTimestamp()},
+ {"interval", f.Interval()},
+ {"decimal", f.Decimal(20, 10)},
+ {"json", f.Json()},
+ {"yson", f.Yson()},
+ {"uuid", f.Uuid()},
+ {"list", f.List(f.Bool())},
+ {"dict", f.Dict(f.Bool(), f.Bool())},
+ {"struct", f.Struct({})},
+ {"tuple", f.Tuple({})},
+ {"variant", f.Variant(f.Struct({{"x", f.Bool()}}))},
+ });
+ NTi::NIo::AsYtSchema(type.Get()),
+ R"(
+ <strict=%true; unique_keys=%false>
+ [
+ {name=void; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=null; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=bool; required=%true; type=boolean };
+ {name=int8; required=%true; type=int8 };
+ {name=int16; required=%true; type=int16 };
+ {name=int32; required=%true; type=int32 };
+ {name=int64; required=%true; type=int64 };
+ {name=uint8; required=%true; type=uint8 };
+ {name=uint16; required=%true; type=uint16 };
+ {name=uint32; required=%true; type=uint32 };
+ {name=uint64; required=%true; type=uint64 };
+ {name=float; required=%true; type=double };
+ {name=double; required=%true; type=double };
+ {name=string; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=utf8; required=%true; type=utf8 };
+ {name=date; required=%true; type=uint16 };
+ {name=datetime; required=%true; type=uint32 };
+ {name=timestamp; required=%true; type=uint64 };
+ {name=tzdate; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=tzdatetime; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=tztimestamp; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=interval; required=%true; type=int64 };
+ {name=decimal; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=json; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=yson; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=uuid; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=list; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=dict; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=struct; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=tuple; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=variant; required=%false; type=any };
+ ]
+ )");
+ }
+ {
+ auto type = f.Struct({
+ {"void", f.Tagged(f.Void(), "Tag")},
+ {"null", f.Tagged(f.Null(), "Tag")},
+ {"bool", f.Tagged(f.Bool(), "Tag")},
+ {"int8", f.Tagged(f.Int8(), "Tag")},
+ {"int16", f.Tagged(f.Int16(), "Tag")},
+ {"int32", f.Tagged(f.Int32(), "Tag")},
+ {"int64", f.Tagged(f.Int64(), "Tag")},
+ {"uint8", f.Tagged(f.Uint8(), "Tag")},
+ {"uint16", f.Tagged(f.Uint16(), "Tag")},
+ {"uint32", f.Tagged(f.Uint32(), "Tag")},
+ {"uint64", f.Tagged(f.Uint64(), "Tag")},
+ {"float", f.Tagged(f.Float(), "Tag")},
+ {"double", f.Tagged(f.Double(), "Tag")},
+ {"string", f.Tagged(f.String(), "Tag")},
+ {"utf8", f.Tagged(f.Utf8(), "Tag")},
+ {"date", f.Tagged(f.Date(), "Tag")},
+ {"datetime", f.Tagged(f.Datetime(), "Tag")},
+ {"timestamp", f.Tagged(f.Timestamp(), "Tag")},
+ {"tzdate", f.Tagged(f.TzDate(), "Tag")},
+ {"tzdatetime", f.Tagged(f.TzDatetime(), "Tag")},
+ {"tztimestamp", f.Tagged(f.TzTimestamp(), "Tag")},
+ {"interval", f.Tagged(f.Interval(), "Tag")},
+ {"decimal", f.Tagged(f.Decimal(20, 10), "Tag")},
+ {"json", f.Tagged(f.Json(), "Tag")},
+ {"yson", f.Tagged(f.Yson(), "Tag")},
+ {"uuid", f.Tagged(f.Uuid(), "Tag")},
+ {"list", f.Tagged(f.List(f.Bool()), "Tag")},
+ {"dict", f.Tagged(f.Dict(f.Bool(), f.Bool()), "Tag")},
+ {"struct", f.Tagged(f.Struct({}), "Tag")},
+ {"tuple", f.Tagged(f.Tuple({}), "Tag")},
+ {"variant", f.Tagged(f.Variant(f.Struct({{"x", f.Bool()}})), "Tag")},
+ });
+ NTi::NIo::AsYtSchema(type.Get()),
+ R"(
+ <strict=%true; unique_keys=%false>
+ [
+ {name=void; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=null; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=bool; required=%true; type=boolean };
+ {name=int8; required=%true; type=int8 };
+ {name=int16; required=%true; type=int16 };
+ {name=int32; required=%true; type=int32 };
+ {name=int64; required=%true; type=int64 };
+ {name=uint8; required=%true; type=uint8 };
+ {name=uint16; required=%true; type=uint16 };
+ {name=uint32; required=%true; type=uint32 };
+ {name=uint64; required=%true; type=uint64 };
+ {name=float; required=%true; type=double };
+ {name=double; required=%true; type=double };
+ {name=string; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=utf8; required=%true; type=utf8 };
+ {name=date; required=%true; type=uint16 };
+ {name=datetime; required=%true; type=uint32 };
+ {name=timestamp; required=%true; type=uint64 };
+ {name=tzdate; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=tzdatetime; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=tztimestamp; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=interval; required=%true; type=int64 };
+ {name=decimal; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=json; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=yson; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=uuid; required=%true; type=string };
+ {name=list; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=dict; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=struct; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=tuple; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=variant; required=%false; type=any };
+ ]
+ )");
+ }
+ {
+ auto type = f.Struct({
+ {"void", Optional(f.Void())},
+ {"null", Optional(f.Null())},
+ {"bool", Optional(f.Bool())},
+ {"int8", Optional(f.Int8())},
+ {"int16", Optional(f.Int16())},
+ {"int32", Optional(f.Int32())},
+ {"int64", Optional(f.Int64())},
+ {"uint8", Optional(f.Uint8())},
+ {"uint16", Optional(f.Uint16())},
+ {"uint32", Optional(f.Uint32())},
+ {"uint64", Optional(f.Uint64())},
+ {"float", Optional(f.Float())},
+ {"double", Optional(f.Double())},
+ {"string", Optional(f.String())},
+ {"utf8", Optional(f.Utf8())},
+ {"date", Optional(f.Date())},
+ {"datetime", Optional(f.Datetime())},
+ {"timestamp", Optional(f.Timestamp())},
+ {"tzdate", Optional(f.TzDate())},
+ {"tzdatetime", Optional(f.TzDatetime())},
+ {"tztimestamp", Optional(f.TzTimestamp())},
+ {"interval", Optional(f.Interval())},
+ {"decimal", Optional(f.Decimal(20, 10))},
+ {"json", Optional(f.Json())},
+ {"yson", Optional(f.Yson())},
+ {"uuid", Optional(f.Uuid())},
+ {"list", Optional(f.List(f.Bool()))},
+ {"dict", Optional(f.Dict(f.Bool(), f.Bool()))},
+ {"struct", Optional(f.Struct({}))},
+ {"tuple", Optional(f.Tuple({}))},
+ {"variant", Optional(f.Variant(f.Struct({{"x", f.Bool()}})))},
+ });
+ NTi::NIo::AsYtSchema(type.Get()),
+ R"(
+ <strict=%true; unique_keys=%false>
+ [
+ {name=void; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=null; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=bool; required=%false; type=boolean };
+ {name=int8; required=%false; type=int8 };
+ {name=int16; required=%false; type=int16 };
+ {name=int32; required=%false; type=int32 };
+ {name=int64; required=%false; type=int64 };
+ {name=uint8; required=%false; type=uint8 };
+ {name=uint16; required=%false; type=uint16 };
+ {name=uint32; required=%false; type=uint32 };
+ {name=uint64; required=%false; type=uint64 };
+ {name=float; required=%false; type=double };
+ {name=double; required=%false; type=double };
+ {name=string; required=%false; type=string };
+ {name=utf8; required=%false; type=utf8 };
+ {name=date; required=%false; type=uint16 };
+ {name=datetime; required=%false; type=uint32 };
+ {name=timestamp; required=%false; type=uint64 };
+ {name=tzdate; required=%false; type=string };
+ {name=tzdatetime; required=%false; type=string };
+ {name=tztimestamp; required=%false; type=string };
+ {name=interval; required=%false; type=int64 };
+ {name=decimal; required=%false; type=string };
+ {name=json; required=%false; type=string };
+ {name=yson; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=uuid; required=%false; type=string };
+ {name=list; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=dict; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=struct; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=tuple; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=variant; required=%false; type=any };
+ ]
+ )");
+ }
+ {
+ auto type = f.Struct({
+ {"void", Optional(Optional(f.Void()))},
+ {"null", Optional(Optional(f.Null()))},
+ {"bool", Optional(Optional(f.Bool()))},
+ {"int8", Optional(Optional(f.Int8()))},
+ {"int16", Optional(Optional(f.Int16()))},
+ {"int32", Optional(Optional(f.Int32()))},
+ {"int64", Optional(Optional(f.Int64()))},
+ {"uint8", Optional(Optional(f.Uint8()))},
+ {"uint16", Optional(Optional(f.Uint16()))},
+ {"uint32", Optional(Optional(f.Uint32()))},
+ {"uint64", Optional(Optional(f.Uint64()))},
+ {"float", Optional(Optional(f.Float()))},
+ {"double", Optional(Optional(f.Double()))},
+ {"string", Optional(Optional(f.String()))},
+ {"utf8", Optional(Optional(f.Utf8()))},
+ {"date", Optional(Optional(f.Date()))},
+ {"datetime", Optional(Optional(f.Datetime()))},
+ {"timestamp", Optional(Optional(f.Timestamp()))},
+ {"tzdate", Optional(Optional(f.TzDate()))},
+ {"tzdatetime", Optional(Optional(f.TzDatetime()))},
+ {"tztimestamp", Optional(Optional(f.TzTimestamp()))},
+ {"interval", Optional(Optional(f.Interval()))},
+ {"decimal", Optional(Optional(f.Decimal(20, 10)))},
+ {"json", Optional(Optional(f.Json()))},
+ {"yson", Optional(Optional(f.Yson()))},
+ {"uuid", Optional(Optional(f.Uuid()))},
+ {"list", Optional(Optional(f.List(f.Bool())))},
+ {"dict", Optional(Optional(f.Dict(f.Bool(), f.Bool())))},
+ {"struct", Optional(Optional(f.Struct({})))},
+ {"tuple", Optional(Optional(f.Tuple({})))},
+ {"variant", Optional(Optional(f.Variant(f.Struct({{"x", f.Bool()}}))))},
+ });
+ NTi::NIo::AsYtSchema(type.Get()),
+ R"(
+ <strict=%true; unique_keys=%false>
+ [
+ {name=void; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=null; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=bool; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=int8; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=int16; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=int32; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=int64; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=uint8; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=uint16; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=uint32; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=uint64; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=float; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=double; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=string; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=utf8; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=date; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=datetime; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=timestamp; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=tzdate; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=tzdatetime; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=tztimestamp; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=interval; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=decimal; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=json; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=yson; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=uuid; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=list; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=dict; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=struct; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=tuple; required=%false; type=any };
+ {name=variant; required=%false; type=any };
+ ]
+ )");
+ }
+ NTi::NIo::AsYtSchema(f.Void().Get());
+ }(),
+ NTi::TApiException, "expected a struct type");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYtSchema(Optional(f.Struct({})).Get());
+ }(),
+ NTi::TApiException, "expected a struct type");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYtSchema(f.Struct({}).Get());
+ }(),
+ NTi::TApiException, "expected a non-empty struct");
+ NTi::NIo::AsYtSchema(f.Struct({}).Get(), /* failOnEmptyf.Struct = */ false),
+ "<strict=%true; unique_keys=%false>[{name=_yql_fake_column; required=%false; type=boolean}]");
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_list.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_list.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56d9e16061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_list.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include <util/generic/serialized_enum.h>
+TEST(TypeList, PrimitiveTypeNameSequence) {
+ auto primitiveNames = GetEnumAllValues<NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName>();
+ ASSERT_GT(primitiveNames.size(), 0);
+ ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<i32>(primitiveNames[0]), 0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < primitiveNames.size() - 1; ++i) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<i32>(primitiveNames[i]) + 1, static_cast<i32>(primitiveNames[i + 1]));
+ }
+TEST(TypeList, PrimitiveTypeGroup) {
+ auto primitiveNames = GetEnumAllValues<NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName>();
+ for (auto typeName : primitiveNames) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NTi::IsPrimitive(static_cast<NTi::ETypeName>(typeName)));
+ }
+TEST(TypeList, TypeNameInExactlyOneGroup) {
+ auto allNames = GetEnumAllValues<NTi::ETypeName>();
+ for (auto typeName : allNames) {
+ int groups = 0;
+ groups += NTi::IsPrimitive(typeName);
+ groups += NTi::IsSingular(typeName);
+ groups += NTi::IsContainer(typeName);
+ ASSERT_EQ(groups, 1);
+ }
+TEST(TypeList, EnumCoherence) {
+ auto primitiveNames = GetEnumAllValues<NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName>();
+ auto allNames = GetEnumAllValues<NTi::ETypeName>();
+ ASSERT_GT(allNames.size(), primitiveNames.size());
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for (; i < primitiveNames.size(); ++i) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<i32>(primitiveNames[i]), static_cast<i32>(allNames[i]));
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(primitiveNames[i]), ToString(allNames[i]));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NTi::IsPrimitive(allNames[i]));
+ }
+ for (; i < allNames.size(); ++i) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(NTi::IsPrimitive(allNames[i]));
+ }
+TEST(TypeList, Cast) {
+ auto primitiveNames = GetEnumAllValues<NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName>();
+ for (auto typeName : primitiveNames) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(typeName, NTi::ToPrimitiveTypeName(NTi::ToTypeName(typeName)));
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_serialize.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_serialize.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d7e184eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_serialize.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Void) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Void().Get()), R"(void)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Null) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Null().Get()), R"(null)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Bool) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Bool().Get()), R"(bool)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Int8) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Int8().Get()), R"(int8)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Int16) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Int16().Get()), R"(int16)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Int32) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Int32().Get()), R"(int32)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Int64) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Int64().Get()), R"(int64)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Uint8) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Uint8().Get()), R"(uint8)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Uint16) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Uint16().Get()), R"(uint16)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Uint32) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Uint32().Get()), R"(uint32)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Uint64) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Uint64().Get()), R"(uint64)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Float) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Float().Get()), R"(float)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Double) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Double().Get()), R"(double)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, String) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::String().Get()), R"(string)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Utf8) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Utf8().Get()), R"(utf8)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Date) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Date().Get()), R"(date)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Datetime) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Datetime().Get()), R"(datetime)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Timestamp) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Timestamp().Get()), R"(timestamp)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, TzDate) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::TzDate().Get()), R"(tz_date)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, TzDatetime) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::TzDatetime().Get()), R"(tz_datetime)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, TzTimestamp) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::TzTimestamp().Get()), R"(tz_timestamp)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Interval) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Interval().Get()), R"(interval)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Decimal) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Decimal(20, 10).Get()), R"({type_name=decimal; precision=20; scale=10})");
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Decimal(10, 10).Get()), R"({type_name=decimal; precision=10; scale=10})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Json) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Json().Get()), R"(json)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Yson) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Yson().Get()), R"(yson)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Uuid) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Uuid().Get()), R"(uuid)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Optional) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Optional(NTi::Void()).Get()), R"({type_name=optional; item=void})");
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Optional(NTi::String()).Get()), R"({type_name=optional; item=string})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, List) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::List(NTi::Void()).Get()), R"({type_name=list; item=void})");
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::List(NTi::String()).Get()), R"({type_name=list; item=string})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Dict) {
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Dict(NTi::Void(), NTi::Void()).Get()), R"({type_name=dict; key=void; value=void})");
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(NTi::Dict(NTi::Int32(), NTi::String()).Get()), R"({type_name=dict; key=int32; value=string})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, StructEmpty) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Struct({}).Get()),
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Struct) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Struct({{"ItemB", NTi::String()}, {"ItemA", NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}}).Get()),
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, StructNamedEmpty) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Struct("S", {}).Get()),
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, StructNamedEmptyNoNames) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Struct("S", {}).Get(),
+ /* binary = */ false,
+ /* includeTags = */ true),
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, StructNamed) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Struct("S", {{"ItemB", NTi::String()}, {"ItemA", NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}}).Get()),
+ R"({type_name=struct; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, TupleEmpty) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Tuple({}).Get()),
+ R"({type_name=tuple; elements=[]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Tuple) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Tuple({{NTi::String()}, {NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}}).Get()),
+ R"({type_name=tuple; elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, TupleNamedEmpty) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Tuple("S", {}).Get()),
+ R"({type_name=tuple; elements=[]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, TupleNamedEmptyNoNames) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Tuple("S", {}).Get(),
+ /* binary = */ false),
+ R"({type_name=tuple; elements=[]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, VariantStruct) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Variant(
+ NTi::Struct({{"ItemB", NTi::String()}, {"ItemA", NTi::List(NTi::Int64())}}))
+ .Get()),
+ R"({type_name=variant; members=[{name=ItemB; type=string}; {name=ItemA; type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, VariantTuple) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Variant(
+ NTi::Tuple({
+ {NTi::String()},
+ {NTi::List(NTi::Int64())},
+ }))
+ .Get()),
+ R"({type_name=variant; elements=[{type=string}; {type={type_name=list; item=int64}}]})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Tagged) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Tagged(NTi::String(), "Url").Get()),
+ R"({type_name=tagged; tag=Url; item=string})");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, TaggedNoTags) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Tagged(NTi::String(), "Url").Get(),
+ /* binary = */ false,
+ /* includeTags = */ false),
+ R"(string)");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, MultipleType) {
+ auto result = TString();
+ {
+ auto writer = NYsonPull::MakeTextWriter(NYsonPull::NOutput::FromString(&result), NYsonPull::EStreamType::ListFragment);
+ writer.BeginStream();
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYsonMultiple(NTi::Optional(NTi::String()).Get(), writer.GetConsumer());
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYsonMultiple(NTi::List(NTi::Utf8()).Get(), writer.GetConsumer());
+ writer.EndStream();
+ }
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ("[" + result + "]", R"([{type_name=optional; item=string}; {type_name=list; item=utf8}])");
+TEST(TypeSerialize, Binary) {
+ NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(
+ NTi::Tagged(NTi::String(), "Url").Get(),
+ /* binary = */ true),
+ R"({type_name=tagged; tag=Url; item=string})");
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_show.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_show.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cde0d9371a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_show.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Void) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Void()), "Void");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Null) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Null()), "Null");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Bool) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Bool()), "Bool");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Int8) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Int8()), "Int8");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Int16) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Int16()), "Int16");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Int32) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Int32()), "Int32");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Int64) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Int64()), "Int64");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Uint8) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Uint8()), "Uint8");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Uint16) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Uint16()), "Uint16");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Uint32) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Uint32()), "Uint32");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Uint64) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Uint64()), "Uint64");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Float) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Float()), "Float");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Double) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Double()), "Double");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, String) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.String()), "String");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Utf8) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Utf8()), "Utf8");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Date) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Date()), "Date");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Datetime) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Datetime()), "Datetime");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Timestamp) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Timestamp()), "Timestamp");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, TzDate) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.TzDate()), "TzDate");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, TzDatetime) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.TzDatetime()), "TzDatetime");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, TzTimestamp) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.TzTimestamp()), "TzTimestamp");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Interval) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Interval()), "Interval");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Decimal) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Decimal(20, 10)), "Decimal(20, 10)");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Json) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Json()), "Json");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Yson) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Yson()), "Yson");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Uuid) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Uuid()), "Uuid");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Optional) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Optional(f.String())), "Optional<String>");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, List) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.List(f.String())), "List<String>");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Dict) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ToString(*f.Dict(f.String(), f.Int32())), "Dict<String, Int32>");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Struct) {
+ ToString(*f.Struct({})),
+ "Struct<>");
+ ToString(*f.Struct({{"x1", f.Void()}})),
+ "Struct<'x1': Void>");
+ ToString(*f.Struct({{"x1", f.Void()}, {"x2", f.String()}})),
+ "Struct<'x1': Void, 'x2': String>");
+ ToString(*f.Struct("Name", {})),
+ "Struct['Name']<>");
+ ToString(*f.Struct("Name", {{"x1", f.Void()}})),
+ "Struct['Name']<'x1': Void>");
+ ToString(*f.Struct("Name", {{"x1", f.Void()}, {"x2", f.String()}})),
+ "Struct['Name']<'x1': Void, 'x2': String>");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Tuple) {
+ ToString(*f.Tuple({})),
+ "Tuple<>");
+ ToString(*f.Tuple({{f.Void()}})),
+ "Tuple<Void>");
+ ToString(*f.Tuple({{f.Void()}, {f.String()}})),
+ "Tuple<Void, String>");
+ ToString(*f.Tuple("Name", {})),
+ "Tuple['Name']<>");
+ ToString(*f.Tuple("Name", {{f.Void()}})),
+ "Tuple['Name']<Void>");
+ ToString(*f.Tuple("Name", {{f.Void()}, {f.String()}})),
+ "Tuple['Name']<Void, String>");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, VariantStruct) {
+ ToString(*f.Variant(f.Struct({{"x1", f.Void()}}))),
+ "Variant<'x1': Void>");
+ ToString(*f.Variant(f.Struct({{"x1", f.Void()}, {"x2", f.String()}}))),
+ "Variant<'x1': Void, 'x2': String>");
+ ToString(*f.Variant("Name", f.Struct({{"x1", f.Void()}}))),
+ "Variant['Name']<'x1': Void>");
+ ToString(*f.Variant("Name", f.Struct({{"x1", f.Void()}, {"x2", f.String()}}))),
+ "Variant['Name']<'x1': Void, 'x2': String>");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, VariantTuple) {
+ ToString(*f.Variant(f.Tuple({{f.Void()}}))),
+ "Variant<Void>");
+ ToString(*f.Variant(f.Tuple({{f.Void()}, {f.String()}}))),
+ "Variant<Void, String>");
+ ToString(*f.Variant("Name", f.Tuple({{f.Void()}}))),
+ "Variant['Name']<Void>");
+ ToString(*f.Variant("Name", f.Tuple({{f.Void()}, {f.String()}}))),
+ "Variant['Name']<Void, String>");
+TEST_TF(TypeShow, Tagged) {
+ ToString(*f.Tagged(f.Void(), "Tag")),
+ "Tagged<Void, 'Tag'>");
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_strip_tags.cpp b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_strip_tags.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3ef4c0825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/type_strip_tags.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+TEST_TF(TypeStripTags, StripTags) {
+ auto t = f.List(f.Tagged(f.Void(), "Tag"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->StripTags().Get(), t.Get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.Tagged(t, "Tag")->StripTags().Get(), t.Get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.Tagged(f.Tagged(t, "Tag"), "Tag2")->StripTags().Get(), t.Get());
+TEST_TF(TypeStripTags, StripOptionals) {
+ auto t = f.Tagged(f.Optional(f.Void()), "Tag");
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->StripOptionals().Get(), t.Get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.Optional(t)->StripOptionals().Get(), t.Get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.Optional(f.Optional(t))->StripOptionals().Get(), t.Get());
+TEST_TF(TypeStripTags, StripTagsAndOptionals) {
+ auto t = f.Void();
+ ASSERT_EQ(t->StripTagsAndOptionals().Get(), t.Get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.Optional(t)->StripTagsAndOptionals().Get(), t.Get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.Optional(f.Optional(t))->StripTagsAndOptionals().Get(), t.Get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.Optional(f.Tagged(t, "Tag"))->StripTagsAndOptionals().Get(), t.Get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.Optional(f.Optional(f.Optional(t)))->StripTagsAndOptionals().Get(), t.Get());
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/utils.h b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b35316cb2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#pragma once
+//! @file utils.h
+//! Infrastructure for running type info tests with different factories and settings.
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/consumer.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/node/node.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/node/node_builder.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/node/node_io.h>
+#include <library/cpp/type_info/fwd.h>
+template <typename T>
+inline TString ToCanonicalYson(const T& value) {
+ return NYT::NodeToCanonicalYsonString(NYT::NodeFromYsonString(TStringBuf(value)));
+/// Assert that two YSON strings are equal.
+#define ASSERT_YSON_EQ(L, R) ASSERT_EQ(ToCanonicalYson(L), ToCanonicalYson(R))
+/// Assert that two types are strictly equal.
+#define ASSERT_STRICT_EQ(a, b) \
+ do { \
+ auto lhs = (a); \
+ auto rhs = (b); \
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqual()(lhs, rhs)); \
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqual().IgnoreHash(lhs, rhs)); \
+ ASSERT_EQ(lhs->GetHash(), NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqualHash()(lhs)); \
+ ASSERT_EQ(rhs->GetHash(), NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqualHash()(rhs)); \
+ ASSERT_EQ(lhs->GetHash(), rhs->GetHash()); \
+ } while (false)
+/// Assert that two types are strictly unequal.
+/// Note: we check that, if types are not equal, their hashes are also not equal.
+/// While this is not guaranteed, we haven't seen any collisions so far.
+/// If some collision happen, check if hashing isn't broken before removing the assert.
+#define ASSERT_STRICT_NE(a, b) \
+ do { \
+ auto lhs = (a); \
+ auto rhs = (b); \
+ ASSERT_FALSE(NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqual()(lhs, rhs)); \
+ ASSERT_FALSE(NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqual().IgnoreHash(lhs, rhs)); \
+ ASSERT_EQ(lhs->GetHash(), NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqualHash()(lhs)); \
+ ASSERT_EQ(rhs->GetHash(), NTi::NEq::TStrictlyEqualHash()(rhs)); \
+ ASSERT_NE(lhs->GetHash(), rhs->GetHash()); \
+ } while (false)
+/// Assert that a type string is equal to the given type after deserialization.
+#define ASSERT_DESERIALIZED_EQ(canonicalType, serializedType) \
+ do { \
+ auto reader = NYsonPull::TReader(NYsonPull::NInput::FromMemory(serializedType), NYsonPull::EStreamType::Node); \
+ auto deserializedType = NTi::NIo::DeserializeYson(*NTi::HeapFactory(), reader); \
+ ASSERT_STRICT_EQ(deserializedType, canonicalType); \
+ ASSERT_YSON_EQ(NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(canonicalType.Get()), NTi::NIo::SerializeYson(deserializedType.Get())); \
+ } while (false)
+/// Test parametrized over different type factories.
+#define TEST_TF(N, NN) \
+ void Test##N##NN(NTi::ITypeFactory& f); \
+ TEST(N, NN##_Heap) { \
+ Test##N##NN(*NTi::HeapFactory()); \
+ } \
+ TEST(N, NN##_Pool) { \
+ Test##N##NN(*NTi::PoolFactory(false)); \
+ } \
+ TEST(N, NN##_PoolDedup) { \
+ Test##N##NN(*NTi::PoolFactory(true)); \
+ } \
+ void Test##N##NN(NTi::ITypeFactory& f)
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ut/ya.make b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b32a2a152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ut/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ builder.cpp
+ type_basics.cpp
+ type_complexity_ut.cpp
+ type_constraints.cpp
+ type_deserialize.cpp
+ type_equivalence.cpp
+ type_factory.cpp
+ type_factory_raw.cpp
+ type_io.cpp
+ type_list.cpp
+ type_serialize.cpp
+ type_show.cpp
+ type_strip_tags.cpp
+ test_data.cpp
+ library/cpp/type_info
+ library/cpp/yson
+ library/cpp/yson/node
+ library/cpp/resource
+ ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/good-types.txt /good
+ ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/library/cpp/type_info/ut/test-data/bad-types.txt /bad
diff --git a/library/cpp/type_info/ya.make b/library/cpp/type_info/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..555f0d1433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/type_info/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ type_info.cpp
+ builder.cpp
+ error.cpp
+ type.cpp
+ type_complexity.cpp
+ type_equivalence.cpp
+ type_factory.cpp
+ type_io.cpp
+ type_list.cpp
+ type_list.h
+ library/cpp/yson_pull
diff --git a/library/cpp/yson_pull/bridge.h b/library/cpp/yson_pull/bridge.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac767dcba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yson_pull/bridge.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "consumer.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "writer.h"
+namespace NYsonPull {
+ //! \brief Connect YSON stream producer and consumer.
+ //!
+ //! Useful for writing YSON stream filters.
+ //! \p Producer must have a \p next_event() method (like \p NYsonPull::reader).
+ //! \p Consumer must be like \p NYsonPull::consumer interface.
+ template <typename Producer, typename Consumer>
+ inline void Bridge(Producer&& producer, Consumer&& consumer) {
+ for (;;) {
+ auto& event = producer.NextEvent();
+ consumer.OnEvent(event);
+ if (event.Type() == EEventType::EndStream) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Producer>
+ inline void Bridge(Producer&& producer, TWriter& writer_) {
+ Bridge(std::forward<Producer>(producer), writer_.GetConsumer());
+ }
+ template <typename Producer>
+ inline void Bridge(Producer&& producer, TWriter&& writer_) {
+ Bridge(std::forward<Producer>(producer), writer_.GetConsumer());
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/yson_pull/yson.h b/library/cpp/yson_pull/yson.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a77eaa5c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yson_pull/yson.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "bridge.h"
+#include "consumer.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "exceptions.h"
+#include "input.h"
+#include "output.h"
+#include "position_info.h"
+#include "range.h"
+#include "reader.h"
+#include "scalar.h"
+#include "stream_type.h"
+#include "writer.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/CMakeLists.txt
index eb0165800f..db789d02dd 100644
--- a/library/cpp/yt/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,12 +7,19 @@
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbc5fa609f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-backtrace PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-backtrace PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-string
+target_sources(cpp-yt-backtrace PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dynload/dynload_symbolizer.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..358ab6a86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-backtrace PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-backtrace PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-string
+target_sources(cpp-yt-backtrace PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dynload/dynload_symbolizer.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..358ab6a86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-backtrace PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-backtrace PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-string
+target_sources(cpp-yt-backtrace PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dynload/dynload_symbolizer.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b4a651f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-backtrace PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-string
+target_sources(cpp-yt-backtrace PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dummy/dummy_symbolizer.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace-inl.h b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b78eeffd75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#pragma once
+#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include backtrace.h"
+// For the sake of sane code completion.
+#include "backtrace.h"
+#include <util/system/compiler.h>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+template <class TCursor>
+Y_NO_INLINE TBacktrace GetBacktrace(
+ TCursor* cursor,
+ TBacktraceBuffer buffer,
+ int framesToSkip)
+ // Account for the current frame.
+ ++framesToSkip;
+ size_t frameCount = 0;
+ while (frameCount < buffer.size() && !cursor->IsFinished()) {
+ if (framesToSkip > 0) {
+ --framesToSkip;
+ } else {
+ buffer[frameCount++] = cursor->GetCurrentIP();
+ }
+ cursor->MoveNext();
+ }
+ return {buffer.begin(), frameCount};
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..153a0a5dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include "backtrace.h"
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+TString SymbolizeBacktrace(TBacktrace backtrace)
+ TString result;
+ SymbolizeBacktrace(
+ backtrace,
+ [&] (TStringBuf str) { result += str; });
+ return result;
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.h b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea70d9558c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/yt/memory/range.h>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+using TBacktrace = TRange<const void*>;
+using TBacktraceBuffer = TMutableRange<const void*>;
+//! Obtains a backtrace via a given cursor.
+ * \param buffer is the buffer where the backtrace is written to
+ * \param framesToSkip is the number of top frames to skip
+ * \returns the portion of #buffer that has actually been filled
+ */
+template <class TCursor>
+TBacktrace GetBacktrace(
+ TCursor* cursor,
+ TBacktraceBuffer buffer,
+ int framesToSkip);
+//! Symbolizes a backtrace invoking a given callback for each frame.
+ * \param backtrace Backtrace to symbolize
+ * \param frameCallback Callback to invoke per each frame
+ */
+void SymbolizeBacktrace(
+ TBacktrace backtrace,
+ const std::function<void(TStringBuf)>& frameCallback);
+//! Symbolizes a backtrace to a string.
+ * \param backtrace Backtrace to symbolize
+ */
+TString SymbolizeBacktrace(TBacktrace backtrace);
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
+#include "backtrace-inl.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c6f5d1c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c6f5d1c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c6f5d1c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..961a9a908b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03d4a7153c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40a6e7d0a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(backtrace-cursors-dummy PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+target_sources(backtrace-cursors-dummy PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/dummy_cursor.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/dummy_cursor.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/dummy_cursor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea6e0bc08e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/dummy_cursor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include "dummy_cursor.h"
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+bool TDummyCursor::IsFinished() const
+ return true;
+const void* TDummyCursor::GetCurrentIP() const
+ return nullptr;
+void TDummyCursor::MoveNext()
+{ }
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/dummy_cursor.h b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/dummy_cursor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b47d7d2aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/dummy_cursor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+class TDummyCursor
+ bool IsFinished() const;
+ const void* GetCurrentIP() const;
+ void MoveNext();
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49fd7be050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/dummy/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ dummy_cursor.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/frame_pointer_cursor.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/frame_pointer_cursor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..290d30c3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/frame_pointer_cursor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#include "frame_pointer_cursor.h"
+#include <util/generic/size_literals.h>
+#include <array>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+ TSafeMemoryReader* memoryReader,
+ const TFramePointerCursorContext& context)
+ : MemoryReader_(memoryReader)
+ , Rip_(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(context.Rip))
+ , Rbp_(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(context.Rbp))
+ , StartRsp_(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(context.Rsp))
+{ }
+bool TFramePointerCursor::IsFinished() const
+ return Finished_;
+const void* TFramePointerCursor::GetCurrentIP() const
+ return Rip_;
+void TFramePointerCursor::MoveNext()
+ if (Finished_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto add = [] (auto ptr, auto delta) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(ptr) + delta);
+ };
+ auto checkPtr = [&] (auto ptr) {
+ ui8 data;
+ return MemoryReader_->Read(ptr, &data);
+ };
+ // We try unwinding stack manually by following frame pointers.
+ //
+ // We assume that stack does not span more than 4mb.
+ if (First_) {
+ First_ = false;
+ // For the first frame there are three special cases where naive
+ // unwinding would skip the caller frame.
+ //
+ // 1) Right after call instruction, rbp points to frame of a caller.
+ // 2) Right after "push rbp" instruction.
+ // 3) Right before ret instruction, rbp points to frame of a caller.
+ //
+ // We read current instruction and try to detect such cases.
+ //
+ // 55 push %rbp
+ // 48 89 e5 mov %rsp, %rbp
+ // c3 retq
+ std::array<ui8, 3> data;
+ if (!MemoryReader_->Read(Rip_, &data)) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (data[0] == 0xc3 || data[0] == 0x55) {
+ void* savedRip;
+ if (!MemoryReader_->Read(StartRsp_, &savedRip)) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Avoid infinite loop.
+ if (Rip_ == savedRip) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Detect garbage pointer.
+ if (!checkPtr(savedRip)) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ Rip_ = savedRip;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (data[0] == 0x48 && data[1] == 0x89 && data[2] == 0xe5) {
+ void* savedRip;
+ if (!MemoryReader_->Read(add(StartRsp_, 8), &savedRip)) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Avoid infinite loop.
+ if (Rip_ == savedRip) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Detect garbage pointer.
+ if (!checkPtr(savedRip)) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ Rip_ = savedRip;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ const void* savedRbp;
+ const void* savedRip;
+ if (!MemoryReader_->Read(Rbp_, &savedRbp) || !MemoryReader_->Read(add(Rbp_, 8), &savedRip)) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!checkPtr(savedRbp)) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!checkPtr(savedRip)) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (savedRbp < StartRsp_ || savedRbp > add(StartRsp_, 4_MB)) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ Rip_ = savedRip;
+ Rbp_ = savedRbp;
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/frame_pointer_cursor.h b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/frame_pointer_cursor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a6eaf431b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/frame_pointer_cursor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/yt/memory/safe_memory_reader.h>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+struct TFramePointerCursorContext
+ ui64 Rip;
+ ui64 Rsp;
+ ui64 Rbp;
+class TFramePointerCursor
+ TFramePointerCursor(
+ TSafeMemoryReader* memoryReader,
+ const TFramePointerCursorContext& context);
+ bool IsFinished() const;
+ const void* GetCurrentIP() const;
+ void MoveNext();
+ TSafeMemoryReader* MemoryReader_;
+ bool Finished_ = false;
+ bool First_ = true;
+ const void* Rip_ = nullptr;
+ const void* Rbp_ = nullptr;
+ const void* StartRsp_ = nullptr;
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb85d70315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ frame_pointer_cursor.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/interop.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/interop.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4e6cfbe6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/interop.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include "interop.h"
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+TFramePointerCursorContext FramePointerCursorContextFromUcontext(const ucontext_t& ucontext)
+#if defined(_linux_)
+ return {
+ .Rip = static_cast<ui64>(ucontext.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP]),
+ .Rsp = static_cast<ui64>(ucontext.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RSP]),
+ .Rbp = static_cast<ui64>(ucontext.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RBP]),
+ };
+#elif defined(_darwin_)
+ return {
+ .Rip = static_cast<ui64>(ucontext.uc_mcontext->__ss.__rip),
+ .Rsp = static_cast<ui64>(ucontext.uc_mcontext->__ss.__rsp),
+ .Rbp = static_cast<ui64>(ucontext.uc_mcontext->__ss.__rbp),
+ };
+ #error Unsupported platform
+std::optional<unw_context_t> TrySynthesizeLibunwindContextFromMachineContext(
+ const TContMachineContext& machineContext)
+ unw_context_t unwindContext;
+ if (unw_getcontext(&unwindContext) != 0) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ // Some dirty hacks follow.
+ struct TUnwindContextRegisters
+ {
+ ui64 Rax;
+ ui64 Rbx;
+ ui64 Rcx;
+ ui64 Rdx;
+ ui64 Rdi;
+ ui64 Rsi;
+ ui64 Rbp;
+ ui64 Rsp;
+ ui64 R8;
+ ui64 R9;
+ ui64 R10;
+ ui64 R11;
+ ui64 R12;
+ ui64 R13;
+ ui64 R14;
+ ui64 R15;
+ ui64 Rip;
+ ui64 Rflags;
+ ui64 CS;
+ ui64 FS;
+ ui64 GS;
+ };
+ struct TMachineContextRegisters
+ {
+ ui64 Rbx;
+ ui64 Rbp;
+ ui64 R12;
+ ui64 R13;
+ ui64 R14;
+ ui64 R15;
+ ui64 Rsp;
+ ui64 Rip;
+ };
+ static_assert(sizeof(TContMachineContext) >= sizeof(TMachineContextRegisters));
+ static_assert(sizeof(unw_context_t) >= sizeof(TUnwindContextRegisters));
+ const auto* machineContextRegisters = reinterpret_cast<const TMachineContextRegisters*>(&machineContext);
+ auto* unwindContextRegisters = reinterpret_cast<TUnwindContextRegisters*>(&unwindContext);
+ #define XX(register) unwindContextRegisters->register = machineContextRegisters->register;
+ XX(Rbx)
+ XX(Rbp)
+ XX(R12)
+ XX(R13)
+ XX(R14)
+ XX(R15)
+ XX(Rsp)
+ XX(Rip)
+ #undef XX
+ return unwindContext;
+TFramePointerCursorContext FramePointerCursorContextFromLibunwindCursor(
+ const unw_cursor_t& cursor)
+ TFramePointerCursorContext context{};
+ auto& mutableCursor = const_cast<unw_cursor_t&>(cursor);
+ YT_VERIFY(unw_get_reg(&mutableCursor, UNW_REG_IP, &context.Rip) == 0);
+ YT_VERIFY(unw_get_reg(&mutableCursor, UNW_X86_64_RSP, &context.Rsp) == 0);
+ YT_VERIFY(unw_get_reg(&mutableCursor, UNW_X86_64_RBP, &context.Rbp) == 0);
+ return context;
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/interop.h b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/interop.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62e7177107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/interop.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/frame_pointer_cursor.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/libunwind/include/libunwind.h>
+#include <util/system/context.h>
+#include <optional>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+TFramePointerCursorContext FramePointerCursorContextFromUcontext(const ucontext_t& ucontext);
+std::optional<unw_context_t> TrySynthesizeLibunwindContextFromMachineContext(
+ const TContMachineContext& machineContext);
+TFramePointerCursorContext FramePointerCursorContextFromLibunwindCursor(
+ const unw_cursor_t& uwCursor);
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6637f6a9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ interop.cpp
+ library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer
+ contrib/libs/libunwind
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdea07f78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(backtrace-cursors-libunwind PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(backtrace-cursors-libunwind PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ contrib-libs-libunwind
+target_sources(backtrace-cursors-libunwind PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libunwind_cursor.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d7858cc27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(backtrace-cursors-libunwind PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(backtrace-cursors-libunwind PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ contrib-libs-libunwind
+target_sources(backtrace-cursors-libunwind PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libunwind_cursor.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d7858cc27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(backtrace-cursors-libunwind PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(backtrace-cursors-libunwind PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ contrib-libs-libunwind
+target_sources(backtrace-cursors-libunwind PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libunwind_cursor.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..606ff46b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libunwind_cursor.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libunwind_cursor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f814753034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libunwind_cursor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "libunwind_cursor.h"
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+ if (unw_getcontext(&Context_) != 0) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ Initialize();
+TLibunwindCursor::TLibunwindCursor(const unw_context_t& context)
+ : Context_(context)
+ Initialize();
+void TLibunwindCursor::Initialize()
+ if (unw_init_local(&Cursor_, &Context_) != 0) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ ReadCurrentIP();
+bool TLibunwindCursor::IsFinished() const
+ return Finished_;
+const void* TLibunwindCursor::GetCurrentIP() const
+ return CurrentIP_;
+void TLibunwindCursor::MoveNext()
+ if (Finished_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (unw_step(&Cursor_) <= 0) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ ReadCurrentIP();
+void TLibunwindCursor::ReadCurrentIP()
+ unw_word_t ip = 0;
+ if (unw_get_reg(&Cursor_, UNW_REG_IP, &ip) < 0) {
+ Finished_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ CurrentIP_ = reinterpret_cast<const void*>(ip);
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libunwind_cursor.h b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libunwind_cursor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08b01d07ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libunwind_cursor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <contrib/libs/libunwind/include/libunwind.h>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+class TLibunwindCursor
+ TLibunwindCursor();
+ explicit TLibunwindCursor(const unw_context_t& context);
+ bool IsFinished() const;
+ const void* GetCurrentIP() const;
+ void MoveNext();
+ unw_context_t Context_;
+ unw_cursor_t Cursor_;
+ bool Finished_ = false;
+ const void* CurrentIP_ = nullptr;
+ void Initialize();
+ void ReadCurrentIP();
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f3a8c5284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ libunwind_cursor.cpp
+ contrib/libs/libunwind
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dummy/dummy_symbolizer.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dummy/dummy_symbolizer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19cb41e795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dummy/dummy_symbolizer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include <library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/string/raw_formatter.h>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+void SymbolizeBacktrace(
+ TBacktrace backtrace,
+ const std::function<void(TStringBuf)>& frameCallback)
+ for (int index = 0; index < std::ssize(backtrace); ++index) {
+ TRawFormatter<1024> formatter;
+ formatter.AppendNumber(index + 1, 10, 2);
+ formatter.AppendString(". ");
+ formatter.AppendNumberAsHexWithPadding(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(backtrace[index]), 12);
+ formatter.AppendString("\n");
+ frameCallback(formatter.GetBuffer());
+ }
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dwarf/dwarf_symbolizer.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dwarf/dwarf_symbolizer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5d02aaa33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dwarf/dwarf_symbolizer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include <library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.h>
+#include <library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/backtrace.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/string/raw_formatter.h>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+void SymbolizeBacktrace(
+ TBacktrace backtrace,
+ const std::function<void(TStringBuf)>& frameCallback)
+ auto error = NDwarf::ResolveBacktrace({backtrace.begin(), backtrace.size()}, [&] (const NDwarf::TLineInfo& info) {
+ TRawFormatter<1024> formatter;
+ formatter.AppendNumber(info.Index + 1, 10, 2);
+ formatter.AppendString(". ");
+ formatter.AppendString("0x");
+ const int width = (sizeof(void*) == 8 ? 12 : 8);
+ // 12 for x86_64 because higher bits are always zeroed.
+ formatter.AppendNumber(info.Address, 16, width, '0');
+ formatter.AppendString(" in ");
+ formatter.AppendString(info.FunctionName);
+ const int bytesToAppendEstimate = 4 + info.FileName.Size() + 1 + 4 /* who cares about line numbers > 9999 */ + 1;
+ if (formatter.GetBytesRemaining() < bytesToAppendEstimate) {
+ const int offset = formatter.GetBytesRemaining() - bytesToAppendEstimate;
+ if (formatter.GetBytesWritten() + offset >= 0) {
+ formatter.Advance(offset);
+ }
+ }
+ formatter.AppendString(" at ");
+ formatter.AppendString(info.FileName);
+ formatter.AppendChar(':');
+ formatter.AppendNumber(info.Line);
+ if (formatter.GetBytesRemaining() == 0) {
+ formatter.Revert(1);
+ }
+ formatter.AppendString("\n");
+ frameCallback(formatter.GetBuffer());
+ // Call the callback exactly `frameCount` times,
+ // even if there are inline functions and one frame resolved to several lines.
+ // It needs for case when caller uses `frameCount` less than 100 for pretty formatting.
+ if (info.Index + 1 == std::ssize(backtrace)) {
+ return NDwarf::EResolving::Break;
+ }
+ return NDwarf::EResolving::Continue;
+ });
+ if (error) {
+ TRawFormatter<1024> formatter;
+ formatter.AppendString("*** Error symbolizing backtrace via Dwarf\n");
+ formatter.AppendString("*** Code: ");
+ formatter.AppendNumber(error->Code);
+ formatter.AppendString("\n");
+ formatter.AppendString("*** Message: ");
+ formatter.AppendString(error->Message);
+ formatter.AppendString("\n");
+ frameCallback(formatter.GetBuffer());
+ }
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dwarf/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dwarf/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bffeb676d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dwarf/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ GLOBAL dwarf_symbolizer.cpp
+ library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace
+ library/cpp/yt/backtrace
+ unittests
+ )
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dynload/dynload_symbolizer.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dynload/dynload_symbolizer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37ebda8e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/symbolizers/dynload/dynload_symbolizer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#include <library/cpp/yt/backtrace/backtrace.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/string/raw_formatter.h>
+#include <util/system/compiler.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <cxxabi.h>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+namespace {
+int GetSymbolInfo(const void* pc, char* buffer, int length)
+ TBaseFormatter formatter(buffer, length);
+ // See http://www.codesourcery.com/cxx-abi/abi.html#mangling
+ // And, yes, dladdr() is not async signal safe. We can substitute it
+ // with hand-written symbolization code from google-glog in case of any trouble.
+ Dl_info info;
+ if (!dladdr(pc, &info)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * typedef struct {
+ * const char *dli_fname; // Pathname of shared object that
+ * // contains address
+ * void *dli_fbase; // Address at which shared object
+ * // is loaded
+ * const char *dli_sname; // Name of nearest symbol with address
+ * // lower than addr
+ * void *dli_saddr; // Exact address of symbol named
+ * // in dli_sname
+ * } Dl_info;
+ *
+ * If no symbol matching addr could be found, then dli_sname and dli_saddr are set to NULL.
+ */
+ if (info.dli_sname && info.dli_saddr) {
+ formatter.AppendString("<");
+ int demangleStatus = 0;
+ if (info.dli_sname[0] == '_' && info.dli_sname[1] == 'Z') {
+ // This is also not async signal safe.
+ // But (ta-dah!) we can replace it with symbolization code from google-glob.
+ char* demangledName = abi::__cxa_demangle(info.dli_sname, 0, 0, &demangleStatus);
+ if (demangleStatus == 0) {
+ formatter.AppendString(demangledName);
+ } else {
+ formatter.AppendString(info.dli_sname);
+ }
+ free(demangledName);
+ } else {
+ formatter.AppendString(info.dli_sname);
+ }
+ formatter.AppendString("+");
+ formatter.AppendNumber((char*)pc - (char*)info.dli_saddr);
+ formatter.AppendString(">");
+ formatter.AppendString(" ");
+ }
+ if (info.dli_fname && info.dli_fbase) {
+ formatter.AppendString("(");
+ formatter.AppendString(info.dli_fname);
+ formatter.AppendString("+");
+ formatter.AppendNumber((char*)pc - (char*)info.dli_fbase);
+ formatter.AppendString(")");
+ }
+ return formatter.GetBytesWritten();
+void DumpStackFrameInfo(TBaseFormatter* formatter, const void* pc)
+ formatter->AppendString("@ ");
+ const int width = (sizeof(void*) == 8 ? 12 : 8) + 2;
+ // +2 for "0x"; 12 for x86_64 because higher bits are always zeroed.
+ formatter->AppendNumberAsHexWithPadding(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pc), width);
+ formatter->AppendString(" ");
+ // Get the symbol from the previous address of PC,
+ // because PC may be in the next function.
+ formatter->Advance(GetSymbolInfo(
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pc) - 1,
+ formatter->GetCursor(),
+ formatter->GetBytesRemaining()));
+ if (formatter->GetBytesRemaining() == 0) {
+ formatter->Revert(1);
+ }
+ formatter->AppendString("\n");
+} // namespace
+Y_WEAK void SymbolizeBacktrace(
+ TBacktrace backtrace,
+ const std::function<void(TStringBuf)>& frameCallback)
+ for (int i = 0; i < std::ssize(backtrace); ++i) {
+ TRawFormatter<1024> formatter;
+ formatter.Reset();
+ formatter.AppendNumber(i + 1, 10, 2);
+ formatter.AppendString(". ");
+ DumpStackFrameInfo(&formatter, backtrace[i]);
+ frameCallback(formatter.GetBuffer());
+ }
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/unittests/backtrace_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/unittests/backtrace_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5992b69277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/unittests/backtrace_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <gmock/gmock.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/memory/safe_memory_reader.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer/frame_pointer_cursor.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop/interop.h>
+#include <util/system/compiler.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/libunwind/include/libunwind.h>
+namespace NYT::NBacktrace {
+namespace {
+template <int Depth, class TFn>
+Y_NO_INLINE void RunInDeepStack(TFn cb)
+ if constexpr (Depth == 0) {
+ cb();
+ } else {
+ std::vector<int> touchMem;
+ touchMem.push_back(0);
+ RunInDeepStack<Depth-1>(cb);
+ DoNotOptimizeAway(touchMem);
+ }
+TEST(TFramePointerCursor, FramePointerCursor)
+ std::vector<const void*> backtrace;
+ RunInDeepStack<64>([&] {
+ unw_context_t unwContext;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(unw_getcontext(&unwContext) == 0);
+ unw_cursor_t unwCursor;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(unw_init_local(&unwCursor, &unwContext) == 0);
+ TSafeMemoryReader reader;
+ auto fpCursorContext = NBacktrace::FramePointerCursorContextFromLibunwindCursor(unwCursor);
+ NBacktrace::TFramePointerCursor fpCursor(&reader, fpCursorContext);
+ while (!fpCursor.IsFinished()) {
+ backtrace.push_back(fpCursor.GetCurrentIP());
+ fpCursor.MoveNext();
+ }
+ });
+ ASSERT_THAT(backtrace, testing::SizeIs(testing::Ge(64u)));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace NYT::NBacktrace
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/unittests/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/unittests/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89e55a95ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/unittests/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ library/cpp/testing/gtest
+ library/cpp/yt/backtrace
+ library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/interop
+ library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/frame_pointer
+ library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind
+ library/cpp/yt/memory
+ backtrace_ut.cpp
+ )
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d294082e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ backtrace.cpp
+ symbolizers/dummy/dummy_symbolizer.cpp
+ )
+ symbolizers/dynload/dynload_symbolizer.cpp
+ )
+ library/cpp/yt/string
+ cursors/dummy
+ cursors/frame_pointer
+ cursors/libunwind
+ )
+ symbolizers/dwarf
+ )
+ unittests
+ )
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e570a542e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+add_library(cpp-yt-containers INTERFACE)
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-containers INTERFACE
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0ce8a3922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+add_library(cpp-yt-containers INTERFACE)
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-containers INTERFACE
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0ce8a3922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+add_library(cpp-yt-containers INTERFACE)
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-containers INTERFACE
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e570a542e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/containers/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+add_library(cpp-yt-containers INTERFACE)
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-containers INTERFACE
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/containers/sharded_set-inl.h b/library/cpp/yt/containers/sharded_set-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67d5be58c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/containers/sharded_set-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include sharded_set.h"
+// For the sake of sane code completion.
+#include "sharded_set.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yt/assert/assert.h>
+namespace NYT {
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+class TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::const_iterator
+ friend class TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>;
+ using TOwner = TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>;
+ using TShardIterator = typename S::const_iterator;
+ const TOwner* const Owner_;
+ int ShardIndex_;
+ TShardIterator ShardIterator_;
+ const_iterator(
+ const TOwner* owner,
+ int shardIndex,
+ TShardIterator shardIterator)
+ : Owner_(owner)
+ , ShardIndex_(shardIndex)
+ , ShardIterator_(shardIterator)
+ { }
+ bool IsValid() const
+ {
+ return ShardIterator_ != Owner_->Shards_[ShardIndex_].end();
+ }
+ void FastForward()
+ {
+ while (ShardIndex_ != N - 1 && !IsValid()) {
+ ++ShardIndex_;
+ ShardIterator_ = Owner_->Shards_[ShardIndex_].begin();
+ }
+ }
+ using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<TShardIterator>::difference_type;
+ using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<TShardIterator>::value_type;
+ using pointer = typename std::iterator_traits<TShardIterator>::pointer;
+ using reference = typename std::iterator_traits<TShardIterator>::reference;
+ using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
+ const_iterator& operator++()
+ {
+ ++ShardIterator_;
+ FastForward();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const_iterator operator++(int)
+ {
+ auto result = *this;
+ ++ShardIterator_;
+ FastForward();
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const
+ {
+ return
+ ShardIndex_ == rhs.ShardIndex_ &&
+ ShardIterator_ == rhs.ShardIterator_;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const
+ {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+ const T& operator*() const
+ {
+ return *ShardIterator_;
+ }
+ const T* operator->() const
+ {
+ return &operator*();
+ }
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::TShardedSet(F elementToShard)
+ : ElementToShard_(elementToShard)
+{ }
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+bool TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::empty() const
+ return size() == 0;
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+typename TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::size_type TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::size() const
+ size_type result = 0;
+ for (const auto& shard : Shards_) {
+ result += shard.size();
+ }
+ return result;
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+const T& TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::front() const
+ return *begin();
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+typename TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::size_type TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::count(const T& value) const
+ return GetShard(value).count(value);
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+bool TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::contains(const T& value) const
+ return GetShard(value).contains(value);
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+std::pair<typename TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::const_iterator, bool> TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::insert(const T& value)
+ auto shardIndex = ElementToShard_(value);
+ auto& shard = Shards_[shardIndex];
+ auto [shardIterator, inserted] = shard.insert(value);
+ const_iterator iterator(this, shardIndex, shardIterator);
+ return {iterator, inserted};
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+bool TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::erase(const T& value)
+ return GetShard(value).erase(value);
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+void TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::clear()
+ for (auto& shard : Shards_) {
+ shard.clear();
+ }
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+typename TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::const_iterator TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::begin() const
+ const_iterator iterator(this, /*shardIndex*/ 0, /*shardIterator*/ Shards_[0].begin());
+ iterator.FastForward();
+ return iterator;
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+typename TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::const_iterator TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::cbegin() const
+ return begin();
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+typename TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::const_iterator TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::end() const
+ return const_iterator(this, /*shardIndex*/ N - 1, /*shardIterator*/ Shards_[N - 1].end());
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+typename TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::const_iterator TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::cend() const
+ return end();
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+const S& TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::Shard(int shardIndex) const
+ return Shards_[shardIndex];
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+S& TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::MutableShard(int shardIndex)
+ return Shards_[shardIndex];
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+S& TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::GetShard(const T& value)
+ return Shards_[ElementToShard_(value)];
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S>
+const S& TShardedSet<T, N, F, S>::GetShard(const T& value) const
+ return Shards_[ElementToShard_(value)];
+} // namespace NYT
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/containers/sharded_set.h b/library/cpp/yt/containers/sharded_set.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa24893aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/containers/sharded_set.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <utility>
+namespace NYT {
+//! A set that stores elements divided into fixed amount of shards.
+//! Provides access to whole set and particular shards.
+//! The interface is pretty minimalistic, feel free to extend it when needed.
+template <class T, int N, class F, class S = THashSet<T>>
+class TShardedSet
+ using size_type = size_t;
+ using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
+ using value_type = T;
+ class const_iterator;
+ explicit TShardedSet(F elementToShard = F());
+ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const;
+ size_type size() const;
+ const T& front() const;
+ size_type count(const T& value) const;
+ bool contains(const T& value) const;
+ std::pair<const_iterator, bool> insert(const T& value);
+ bool erase(const T& value);
+ void clear();
+ const_iterator begin() const;
+ const_iterator cbegin() const;
+ const_iterator end() const;
+ const_iterator cend() const;
+ const S& Shard(int shardIndex) const;
+ S& MutableShard(int shardIndex);
+ std::array<S, N> Shards_;
+ const F ElementToShard_;
+ S& GetShard(const T& value);
+ const S& GetShard(const T& value) const;
+} // namespace NYT
+#include "sharded_set-inl.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/containers/unittests/sharded_set_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/containers/unittests/sharded_set_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c4f8c5935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/containers/unittests/sharded_set_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#include <library/cpp/yt/containers/sharded_set.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <random>
+namespace NYT {
+namespace {
+struct TIntToShard
+ int operator()(int value) const
+ {
+ return value % 16;
+ }
+using TSet = TShardedSet<int, 16, TIntToShard>;
+TEST(CompactSetTest, Insert)
+ TSet set;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ set.insert(i);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ set.insert(i);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(4u, set.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, set.count(i));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, set.count(4));
+TEST(CompactSetTest, Erase)
+ TSet set;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ set.insert(i);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(8u, set.size());
+ // Remove elements one by one and check if all other elements are still there.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, set.count(i));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(set.erase(i));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, set.count(i));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8u - i - 1, set.size());
+ for (int j = i + 1; j < 8; j++) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, set.count(j));
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, set.count(8));
+TEST(CompactSetTest, StressTest)
+ TSet set;
+ constexpr int Iterations = 1'000'000;
+ constexpr int Values = 128;
+ THashSet<int> values;
+ auto checkEverything = [&] {
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), set.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.empty(), set.empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(values, THashSet<int>(set.begin(), set.end()));
+ std::array<THashSet<int>, 16> shards;
+ for (int value : values) {
+ shards[value % 16].insert(value);
+ }
+ for (int shardIndex = 0; shardIndex < 16; ++shardIndex) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(shards[shardIndex], set.Shard(shardIndex));
+ }
+ for (int value = 0; value < Values; ++value) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.contains(value), set.contains(value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.count(value), set.count(value));
+ }
+ };
+ std::mt19937_64 rng(42);
+ for (int iteration = 0; iteration < Iterations; ++iteration) {
+ if (rng() % 100 == 0) {
+ set.clear();
+ values.clear();
+ checkEverything();
+ }
+ int value = rng() % Values;
+ if (rng() % 2 == 0) {
+ set.insert(value);
+ values.insert(value);
+ } else {
+ set.erase(value);
+ values.erase(value);
+ }
+ checkEverything();
+ }
+} // namespace
+} // namespace NYT
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/containers/unittests/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/containers/unittests/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e7cfd4311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/containers/unittests/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ sharded_set_ut.cpp
+ library/cpp/yt/containers
+ library/cpp/testing/gtest
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9afea23f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+target_sources(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/clock.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89fe774bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+target_sources(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/clock.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89fe774bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+target_sources(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/clock.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbe906d57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+target_sources(cpp-yt-cpu_clock PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/clock.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/benchmark/benchmark.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/benchmark/benchmark.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d300b6726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/benchmark/benchmark.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
+#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/clock.h>
+namespace NYT {
+namespace {
+void BM_GetCpuInstant(benchmark::State& state)
+ for (auto _ : state) {
+ benchmark::DoNotOptimize(GetCpuInstant());
+ }
+void BM_GetCpuApproximateInstant(benchmark::State& state)
+ for (auto _ : state) {
+ benchmark::DoNotOptimize(GetApproximateCpuInstant());
+ }
+void BM_InstantNow(benchmark::State& state)
+ for (auto _ : state) {
+ benchmark::DoNotOptimize(TInstant::Now());
+ }
+} // namespace
+} // namespace NYT
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/benchmark/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/benchmark/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4550bf5934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/benchmark/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ benchmark.cpp
+ library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/unittests/clock_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/unittests/clock_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd9cb6d4be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/unittests/clock_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/clock.h>
+namespace NYT {
+namespace {
+template <class T>
+i64 DiffMS(T a, T b)
+ return a >= b
+ ? static_cast<i64>(a.MilliSeconds()) - static_cast<i64>(b.MilliSeconds())
+ : DiffMS(b, a);
+TEST(TTimingTest, GetInstant)
+ GetInstant();
+ EXPECT_LE(DiffMS(GetInstant(), TInstant::Now()), 10);
+TEST(TTimingTest, InstantVSCpuInstant)
+ auto instant1 = TInstant::Now();
+ auto cpuInstant = InstantToCpuInstant(instant1);
+ auto instant2 = CpuInstantToInstant(cpuInstant);
+ EXPECT_LE(DiffMS(instant1, instant2), 10);
+TEST(TTimingTest, DurationVSCpuDuration)
+ auto cpuInstant1 = GetCpuInstant();
+ constexpr auto duration1 = TDuration::MilliSeconds(100);
+ Sleep(duration1);
+ auto cpuInstant2 = GetCpuInstant();
+ auto duration2 = CpuDurationToDuration(cpuInstant2 - cpuInstant1);
+ EXPECT_LE(DiffMS(duration1, duration2), 10);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace NYT
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/unittests/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/unittests/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..921087c295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/unittests/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ clock_ut.cpp
+ library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/farmhash/farm_hash.h b/library/cpp/yt/farmhash/farm_hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe4c8193a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/farmhash/farm_hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <contrib/libs/farmhash/farmhash.h>
+#include <util/system/types.h>
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+namespace NYT {
+using TFingerprint = ui64;
+static inline TFingerprint FarmHash(ui64 value)
+ return ::util::Fingerprint(value);
+static inline TFingerprint FarmHash(const void* buf, size_t len)
+ return ::util::Hash64(static_cast<const char*>(buf), len);
+static inline TFingerprint FarmHash(const void* buf, size_t len, ui64 seed)
+ return ::util::Hash64WithSeed(static_cast<const char*>(buf), len, seed);
+static inline TFingerprint FarmFingerprint(ui64 value)
+ return ::util::Fingerprint(value);
+static inline TFingerprint FarmFingerprint(const void* buf, size_t len)
+ return ::util::Fingerprint64(static_cast<const char*>(buf), len);
+static inline TFingerprint FarmFingerprint(TStringBuf buf)
+ return FarmFingerprint(buf.Data(), buf.Size());
+static inline TFingerprint FarmFingerprint(ui64 first, ui64 second)
+ return ::util::Fingerprint(::util::Uint128(first, second));
+// Forever-fixed Google FarmHash fingerprint.
+template <class T>
+TFingerprint FarmFingerprint(const T* begin, const T* end)
+ ui64 result = 0xdeadc0de;
+ for (const auto* value = begin; value < end; ++value) {
+ result = FarmFingerprint(result, FarmFingerprint(*value));
+ }
+ return result ^ (end - begin);
+} // namespace NYT
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9c4a4c7db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-logging PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-logging PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+ cpp-yt-memory
+ cpp-yt-misc
+ cpp-yt-yson_string
+target_sources(cpp-yt-logging PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd29994891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-logging PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-logging PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+ cpp-yt-memory
+ cpp-yt-misc
+ cpp-yt-yson_string
+target_sources(cpp-yt-logging PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd29994891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-logging PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-logging PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+ cpp-yt-memory
+ cpp-yt-misc
+ cpp-yt-yson_string
+target_sources(cpp-yt-logging PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e766966b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-logging PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+ cpp-yt-memory
+ cpp-yt-misc
+ cpp-yt-yson_string
+target_sources(cpp-yt-logging PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/arcadia/backend.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/arcadia/backend.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c6ff9f5f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/arcadia/backend.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#include "backend.h"
+#include <library/cpp/logger/backend.h>
+#include <library/cpp/logger/record.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/assert/assert.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+namespace {
+ELogLevel ConvertToLogLevel(ELogPriority priority)
+ switch (priority) {
+ case ELogPriority::TLOG_DEBUG:
+ return ELogLevel::Debug;
+ case ELogPriority::TLOG_INFO:
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case ELogPriority::TLOG_NOTICE:
+ return ELogLevel::Info;
+ case ELogPriority::TLOG_WARNING:
+ return ELogLevel::Warning;
+ case ELogPriority::TLOG_ERR:
+ return ELogLevel::Error;
+ case ELogPriority::TLOG_CRIT:
+ case ELogPriority::TLOG_ALERT:
+ return ELogLevel::Alert;
+ case ELogPriority::TLOG_EMERG:
+ return ELogLevel::Fatal;
+ case ELogPriority::TLOG_RESOURCES:
+ return ELogLevel::Maximum;
+ }
+class TLogBackendBridge
+ : public TLogBackend
+ TLogBackendBridge(const TLogger& logger)
+ : Logger_(logger)
+ { }
+ void WriteData(const TLogRecord& rec) override
+ {
+ const auto logLevel = ConvertToLogLevel(rec.Priority);
+ if (!Logger_.IsLevelEnabled(logLevel)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Remove trailing \n, because it will add it.
+ TStringBuf message(rec.Data, rec.Len);
+ message.ChopSuffix(TStringBuf("\n"));
+ // Use low-level api, because it is more convinient here.
+ auto loggingContext = GetLoggingContext();
+ auto event = NDetail::CreateLogEvent(loggingContext, Logger_, logLevel);
+ event.MessageRef = NDetail::BuildLogMessage(loggingContext, Logger_, message).MessageRef;
+ event.Family = ELogFamily::PlainText;
+ Logger_.Write(std::move(event));
+ }
+ void ReopenLog() override
+ { }
+ ELogPriority FiltrationLevel() const override
+ {
+ }
+ const TLogger Logger_;
+} // namespace
+THolder<TLogBackend> CreateArcadiaLogBackend(const TLogger& logger)
+ return MakeHolder<TLogBackendBridge>(logger);
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/arcadia/backend.h b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/arcadia/backend.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..251918c972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/arcadia/backend.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/yt/logging/public.h>
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+class TLogBackend;
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+//! Create TLogBackend which redirects log messages to |logger|.
+THolder<TLogBackend> CreateArcadiaLogBackend(const TLogger& logger);
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/arcadia/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/arcadia/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee90be8108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/arcadia/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ backend.cpp
+ library/cpp/yt/assert
+ library/cpp/yt/logging
+ library/cpp/logger
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/stream_log_manager.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/stream_log_manager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62269dc0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/stream_log_manager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include "stream_log_manager.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/string/raw_formatter.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/threading/fork_aware_spin_lock.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+class TStreamLogManager
+ : public ILogManager
+ explicit TStreamLogManager(IOutputStream* output)
+ : Output_(output)
+ { }
+ void RegisterStaticAnchor(
+ TLoggingAnchor* anchor,
+ ::TSourceLocation /*sourceLocation*/,
+ TStringBuf /*anchorMessage*/) override
+ {
+ anchor->Registered = true;
+ }
+ virtual void UpdateAnchor(TLoggingAnchor* anchor) override
+ {
+ anchor->Enabled = true;
+ }
+ virtual void Enqueue(TLogEvent&& event) override
+ {
+ Buffer_.Reset();
+ EventFormatter_.Format(&Buffer_, event);
+ *Output_ << Buffer_.GetBuffer() << Endl;
+ }
+ virtual const TLoggingCategory* GetCategory(TStringBuf categoryName) override
+ {
+ if (!categoryName) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ auto guard = Guard(SpinLock_);
+ auto it = NameToCategory_.find(categoryName);
+ if (it == NameToCategory_.end()) {
+ auto category = std::make_unique<TLoggingCategory>();
+ category->Name = categoryName;
+ category->ActualVersion = &Version_;
+ category->CurrentVersion = Version_.load();
+ it = NameToCategory_.emplace(categoryName, std::move(category)).first;
+ }
+ return it->second.get();
+ }
+ virtual void UpdateCategory(TLoggingCategory* /*category*/) override
+ { }
+ virtual bool GetAbortOnAlert() const override
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ IOutputStream* const Output_;
+ NThreading::TForkAwareSpinLock SpinLock_;
+ THashMap<TString, std::unique_ptr<TLoggingCategory>> NameToCategory_;
+ std::atomic<int> Version_ = 1;
+ TPlainTextEventFormatter EventFormatter_{/*enableSourceLocation*/ false};
+ TRawFormatter<MessageBufferSize> Buffer_;
+std::unique_ptr<ILogManager> CreateStreamLogManager(IOutputStream* output)
+ return std::make_unique<TStreamLogManager>(output);
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/stream_log_manager.h b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/stream_log_manager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f6794e587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/stream_log_manager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/yt/logging/public.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+//! Creates a dead-simple implementation that synchronously logs
+//! all events to #output.
+std::unique_ptr<ILogManager> CreateStreamLogManager(IOutputStream* output);
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/unittests/stream_log_manager_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/unittests/stream_log_manager_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb3e244e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/unittests/stream_log_manager_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/stream_log_manager.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+#include <util/string/split.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+namespace {
+TEST(TStreamLogManagerTest, Simple)
+ TString str;
+ {
+ TStringOutput output(str);
+ auto logManager = CreateStreamLogManager(&output);
+ TLogger Logger(logManager.get(), "Test");
+ YT_LOG_INFO("Hello world");
+ }
+ TVector<TStringBuf> tokens;
+ Split(str, "\t", tokens);
+ EXPECT_GE(std::ssize(tokens), 4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tokens[1], "I");
+ EXPECT_EQ(tokens[2], "Test");
+ EXPECT_EQ(tokens[3], "Hello world");
+} // namespace
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/unittests/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/unittests/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29270459fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/unittests/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ stream_log_manager_ut.cpp
+ library/cpp/testing/gtest
+ library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86e3aa046b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/stream/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ stream_log_manager.cpp
+ library/cpp/yt/logging
+ library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter
+ library/cpp/yt/string
+ library/cpp/yt/threading
+ unittests
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ee4b72bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/backends/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ arcadia
+ stream
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger-inl.h b/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f489da82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#ifndef LOGGER_INL_H_
+#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include logger.h"
+// For the sake of sane code completion.
+#include "logger.h"
+#undef LOGGER_INL_H_
+#include <library/cpp/yt/yson_string/convert.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/yson_string/string.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+inline bool TLogger::IsAnchorUpToDate(const TLoggingAnchor& position) const
+ return
+ !Category_ ||
+ position.CurrentVersion == Category_->ActualVersion->load(std::memory_order::relaxed);
+template <class... TArgs>
+void TLogger::AddTag(const char* format, TArgs&&... args)
+ AddRawTag(Format(format, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...));
+template <class TType>
+void TLogger::AddStructuredTag(TStringBuf key, TType value)
+ StructuredTags_.emplace_back(key, NYson::ConvertToYsonString(value));
+template <class... TArgs>
+TLogger TLogger::WithTag(const char* format, TArgs&&... args) const
+ auto result = *this;
+ result.AddTag(format, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+ return result;
+template <class TType>
+TLogger TLogger::WithStructuredTag(TStringBuf key, TType value) const
+ auto result = *this;
+ result.AddStructuredTag(key, value);
+ return result;
+Y_FORCE_INLINE bool TLogger::IsLevelEnabled(ELogLevel level) const
+ // This is the first check which is intended to be inlined next to
+ // logging invocation point. Check below is almost zero-cost due
+ // to branch prediction (which requires inlining for proper work).
+ if (level < MinLevel_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Next check is heavier and requires full log manager definition which
+ // is undesirable in -inl.h header file. This is why we extract it
+ // to a separate method which is implemented in cpp file.
+ return IsLevelEnabledHeavy(level);
+namespace NDetail {
+struct TMessageStringBuilderContext
+ TSharedMutableRef Chunk;
+struct TMessageBufferTag
+{ };
+class TMessageStringBuilder
+ : public TStringBuilderBase
+ TSharedRef Flush();
+ // For testing only.
+ static void DisablePerThreadCache();
+ void DoReset() override;
+ void DoReserve(size_t newLength) override;
+ struct TPerThreadCache
+ {
+ ~TPerThreadCache();
+ TSharedMutableRef Chunk;
+ size_t ChunkOffset = 0;
+ };
+ TSharedMutableRef Buffer_;
+ static thread_local TPerThreadCache* Cache_;
+ static thread_local bool CacheDestroyed_;
+ static TPerThreadCache* GetCache();
+ static constexpr size_t ChunkSize = 128_KB - 64;
+inline bool HasMessageTags(
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger)
+ if (logger.GetTag()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (loggingContext.TraceLoggingTag) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+inline void AppendMessageTags(
+ TStringBuilderBase* builder,
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger)
+ bool printComma = false;
+ if (const auto& loggerTag = logger.GetTag()) {
+ builder->AppendString(loggerTag);
+ printComma = true;
+ }
+ if (auto traceLoggingTag = loggingContext.TraceLoggingTag) {
+ if (printComma) {
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(", "));
+ }
+ builder->AppendString(traceLoggingTag);
+ }
+inline void AppendLogMessage(
+ TStringBuilderBase* builder,
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ TRef message)
+ if (HasMessageTags(loggingContext, logger)) {
+ if (message.Size() >= 1 && message[message.Size() - 1] == ')') {
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(message.Begin(), message.Size() - 1));
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(", "));
+ } else {
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(message.Begin(), message.Size()));
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(" ("));
+ }
+ AppendMessageTags(builder, loggingContext, logger);
+ builder->AppendChar(')');
+ } else {
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(message.Begin(), message.Size()));
+ }
+template <class... TArgs>
+void AppendLogMessageWithFormat(
+ TStringBuilderBase* builder,
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ TStringBuf format,
+ TArgs&&... args)
+ if (HasMessageTags(loggingContext, logger)) {
+ if (format.size() >= 2 && format[format.size() - 1] == ')') {
+ builder->AppendFormat(format.substr(0, format.size() - 1), std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(", "));
+ } else {
+ builder->AppendFormat(format, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(" ("));
+ }
+ AppendMessageTags(builder, loggingContext, logger);
+ builder->AppendChar(')');
+ } else {
+ builder->AppendFormat(format, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+ }
+struct TLogMessage
+ TSharedRef MessageRef;
+ TStringBuf Anchor;
+template <size_t Length, class... TArgs>
+TLogMessage BuildLogMessage(
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ const char (&format)[Length],
+ TArgs&&... args)
+ TMessageStringBuilder builder;
+ AppendLogMessageWithFormat(&builder, loggingContext, logger, format, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+ return {builder.Flush(), format};
+template <class T>
+TLogMessage BuildLogMessage(
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ const T& obj)
+ TMessageStringBuilder builder;
+ FormatValue(&builder, obj, TStringBuf());
+ if (HasMessageTags(loggingContext, logger)) {
+ builder.AppendString(TStringBuf(" ("));
+ AppendMessageTags(&builder, loggingContext, logger);
+ builder.AppendChar(')');
+ }
+ return {builder.Flush(), TStringBuf()};
+inline TLogMessage BuildLogMessage(
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ TStringBuf message)
+ TMessageStringBuilder builder;
+ builder.AppendString(message);
+ if (HasMessageTags(loggingContext, logger)) {
+ builder.AppendString(TStringBuf(" ("));
+ AppendMessageTags(&builder, loggingContext, logger);
+ builder.AppendChar(')');
+ }
+ return {builder.Flush(), message};
+template <size_t Length>
+TLogMessage BuildLogMessage(
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ const char (&message)[Length])
+ return BuildLogMessage(
+ loggingContext,
+ logger,
+ TStringBuf(message));
+inline TLogMessage BuildLogMessage(
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ TSharedRef&& message)
+ if (HasMessageTags(loggingContext, logger)) {
+ TMessageStringBuilder builder;
+ AppendLogMessage(&builder, loggingContext, logger, message);
+ return {builder.Flush(), TStringBuf()};
+ } else {
+ return {std::move(message), TStringBuf()};
+ }
+inline TLogEvent CreateLogEvent(
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ ELogLevel level)
+ TLogEvent event;
+ event.Instant = loggingContext.Instant;
+ event.Category = logger.GetCategory();
+ event.Essential = logger.IsEssential();
+ event.Level = level;
+ event.ThreadId = loggingContext.ThreadId;
+ event.ThreadName = loggingContext.ThreadName;
+ event.FiberId = loggingContext.FiberId;
+ event.TraceId = loggingContext.TraceId;
+ event.RequestId = loggingContext.RequestId;
+ return event;
+void OnCriticalLogEvent(
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ const TLogEvent& event);
+inline void LogEventImpl(
+ const TLoggingContext& loggingContext,
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ ELogLevel level,
+ ::TSourceLocation sourceLocation,
+ TSharedRef message)
+ auto event = CreateLogEvent(loggingContext, logger, level);
+ event.MessageKind = ELogMessageKind::Unstructured;
+ event.MessageRef = std::move(message);
+ event.Family = ELogFamily::PlainText;
+ event.SourceFile = sourceLocation.File;
+ event.SourceLine = sourceLocation.Line;
+ logger.Write(std::move(event));
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(event.Level >= ELogLevel::Alert)) {
+ OnCriticalLogEvent(logger, event);
+ }
+} // namespace NDetail
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ee5c1a01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+#include "logger.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yt/assert/assert.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/clock.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/misc/thread_name.h>
+#include <util/system/compiler.h>
+#include <util/system/thread.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+namespace NDetail {
+void OnCriticalLogEvent(
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ const TLogEvent& event)
+ if (event.Level == ELogLevel::Fatal ||
+ event.Level == ELogLevel::Alert && logger.GetAbortOnAlert())
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "*** Aborting on critical log event\n");
+ fwrite(event.MessageRef.begin(), 1, event.MessageRef.size(), stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ }
+TSharedRef TMessageStringBuilder::Flush()
+ return Buffer_.Slice(0, GetLength());
+void TMessageStringBuilder::DisablePerThreadCache()
+ Cache_ = nullptr;
+ CacheDestroyed_ = true;
+void TMessageStringBuilder::DoReset()
+ Buffer_.Reset();
+void TMessageStringBuilder::DoReserve(size_t newCapacity)
+ auto oldLength = GetLength();
+ newCapacity = FastClp2(newCapacity);
+ auto newChunkSize = std::max(ChunkSize, newCapacity);
+ // Hold the old buffer until the data is copied.
+ auto oldBuffer = std::move(Buffer_);
+ auto* cache = GetCache();
+ if (Y_LIKELY(cache)) {
+ auto oldCapacity = End_ - Begin_;
+ auto deltaCapacity = newCapacity - oldCapacity;
+ if (End_ == cache->Chunk.Begin() + cache->ChunkOffset &&
+ cache->ChunkOffset + deltaCapacity <= cache->Chunk.Size())
+ {
+ // Resize inplace.
+ Buffer_ = cache->Chunk.Slice(cache->ChunkOffset - oldCapacity, cache->ChunkOffset + deltaCapacity);
+ cache->ChunkOffset += deltaCapacity;
+ End_ = Begin_ + newCapacity;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(cache->ChunkOffset + newCapacity > cache->Chunk.Size())) {
+ cache->Chunk = TSharedMutableRef::Allocate<TMessageBufferTag>(newChunkSize, {.InitializeStorage = false});
+ cache->ChunkOffset = 0;
+ }
+ Buffer_ = cache->Chunk.Slice(cache->ChunkOffset, cache->ChunkOffset + newCapacity);
+ cache->ChunkOffset += newCapacity;
+ } else {
+ Buffer_ = TSharedMutableRef::Allocate<TMessageBufferTag>(newChunkSize, {.InitializeStorage = false});
+ newCapacity = newChunkSize;
+ }
+ if (oldLength > 0) {
+ ::memcpy(Buffer_.Begin(), Begin_, oldLength);
+ }
+ Begin_ = Buffer_.Begin();
+ End_ = Begin_ + newCapacity;
+TMessageStringBuilder::TPerThreadCache* TMessageStringBuilder::GetCache()
+ if (Y_LIKELY(Cache_)) {
+ return Cache_;
+ }
+ if (CacheDestroyed_) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ static thread_local TPerThreadCache Cache;
+ Cache_ = &Cache;
+ return Cache_;
+ TMessageStringBuilder::DisablePerThreadCache();
+thread_local TMessageStringBuilder::TPerThreadCache* TMessageStringBuilder::Cache_;
+thread_local bool TMessageStringBuilder::CacheDestroyed_;
+} // namespace NDetail
+Y_WEAK TLoggingContext GetLoggingContext()
+ return {
+ .Instant = GetCpuInstant(),
+ .ThreadId = TThread::CurrentThreadId(),
+ .ThreadName = GetCurrentThreadName(),
+ };
+Y_WEAK ILogManager* GetDefaultLogManager()
+ return nullptr;
+thread_local ELogLevel ThreadMinLogLevel = ELogLevel::Minimum;
+void SetThreadMinLogLevel(ELogLevel minLogLevel)
+ ThreadMinLogLevel = minLogLevel;
+ELogLevel GetThreadMinLogLevel()
+ return ThreadMinLogLevel;
+TLogger::TLogger(ILogManager* logManager, TStringBuf categoryName)
+ : LogManager_(logManager)
+ , Category_(LogManager_ ? LogManager_->GetCategory(categoryName) : nullptr)
+ , MinLevel_(LogManager_ ? LoggerDefaultMinLevel : NullLoggerMinLevel)
+{ }
+TLogger::TLogger(TStringBuf categoryName)
+ : TLogger(GetDefaultLogManager(), categoryName)
+{ }
+TLogger::operator bool() const
+ return LogManager_;
+const TLoggingCategory* TLogger::GetCategory() const
+ return Category_;
+bool TLogger::IsLevelEnabledHeavy(ELogLevel level) const
+ // Note that we managed to reach this point, i.e. level >= MinLevel_,
+ // which implies that MinLevel_ != ELogLevel::Maximum, so this logger was not
+ // default constructed, thus it has non-trivial category.
+ YT_ASSERT(Category_);
+ if (Category_->CurrentVersion != Category_->ActualVersion->load(std::memory_order::relaxed)) {
+ LogManager_->UpdateCategory(const_cast<TLoggingCategory*>(Category_));
+ }
+ return
+ level >= Category_->MinPlainTextLevel &&
+ level >= ThreadMinLogLevel;
+bool TLogger::GetAbortOnAlert() const
+ return LogManager_->GetAbortOnAlert();
+bool TLogger::IsEssential() const
+ return Essential_;
+void TLogger::UpdateAnchor(TLoggingAnchor* anchor) const
+ LogManager_->UpdateAnchor(anchor);
+void TLogger::RegisterStaticAnchor(TLoggingAnchor* anchor, ::TSourceLocation sourceLocation, TStringBuf message) const
+ LogManager_->RegisterStaticAnchor(anchor, sourceLocation, message);
+void TLogger::Write(TLogEvent&& event) const
+ LogManager_->Enqueue(std::move(event));
+void TLogger::AddRawTag(const TString& tag)
+ if (!Tag_.empty()) {
+ Tag_ += ", ";
+ }
+ Tag_ += tag;
+TLogger TLogger::WithRawTag(const TString& tag) const
+ auto result = *this;
+ result.AddRawTag(tag);
+ return result;
+TLogger TLogger::WithEssential(bool essential) const
+ auto result = *this;
+ result.Essential_ = essential;
+ return result;
+TLogger TLogger::WithStructuredValidator(TStructuredValidator validator) const
+ auto result = *this;
+ result.StructuredValidators_.push_back(std::move(validator));
+ return result;
+TLogger TLogger::WithMinLevel(ELogLevel minLevel) const
+ auto result = *this;
+ if (result) {
+ result.MinLevel_ = minLevel;
+ }
+ return result;
+const TString& TLogger::GetTag() const
+ return Tag_;
+const TLogger::TStructuredTags& TLogger::GetStructuredTags() const
+ return StructuredTags_;
+const TLogger::TStructuredValidators& TLogger::GetStructuredValidators() const
+ return StructuredValidators_;
+void LogStructuredEvent(
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ NYson::TYsonString message,
+ ELogLevel level)
+ YT_VERIFY(message.GetType() == NYson::EYsonType::MapFragment);
+ if (!logger.GetStructuredValidators().empty()) {
+ auto samplingRate = logger.GetCategory()->StructuredValidationSamplingRate.load();
+ auto p = RandomNumber<double>();
+ if (p < samplingRate) {
+ for (const auto& validator : logger.GetStructuredValidators()) {
+ validator(message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto loggingContext = GetLoggingContext();
+ auto event = NDetail::CreateLogEvent(
+ loggingContext,
+ logger,
+ level);
+ event.MessageKind = ELogMessageKind::Structured;
+ event.MessageRef = message.ToSharedRef();
+ event.Family = ELogFamily::Structured;
+ logger.Write(std::move(event));
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.h b/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..686ce9251c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.h
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "public.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yt/string/format.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/memory/ref.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/public.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/yson_string/string.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/misc/guid.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/misc/thread_name.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/memory/leaky_singleton.h>
+#include <util/system/src_location.h>
+#include <util/generic/size_literals.h>
+#include <atomic>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+constexpr double DefaultStructuredValidationSamplingRate = 0.01;
+struct TLoggingCategory
+ TString Name;
+ //! This value is used for early dropping of plaintext events in order
+ //! to reduce load on logging thread for events which are definitely going
+ //! to be dropped due to rule setup.
+ //! NB: this optimization is used only for plaintext events since structured
+ //! logging rate is negligible comparing to the plaintext logging rate.
+ std::atomic<ELogLevel> MinPlainTextLevel;
+ std::atomic<int> CurrentVersion;
+ std::atomic<int>* ActualVersion;
+ std::atomic<double> StructuredValidationSamplingRate = DefaultStructuredValidationSamplingRate;
+struct TLoggingAnchor
+ std::atomic<bool> Registered = false;
+ ::TSourceLocation SourceLocation = {TStringBuf{}, 0};
+ TString AnchorMessage;
+ TLoggingAnchor* NextAnchor = nullptr;
+ std::atomic<int> CurrentVersion = 0;
+ std::atomic<bool> Enabled = false;
+ struct TCounter
+ {
+ std::atomic<i64> Current = 0;
+ i64 Previous = 0;
+ };
+ TCounter MessageCounter;
+ TCounter ByteCounter;
+// Declare some type aliases to avoid circular dependencies.
+using TThreadId = size_t;
+using TFiberId = size_t;
+using TTraceId = TGuid;
+using TRequestId = TGuid;
+ (Unstructured)
+ (Structured)
+struct TLogEvent
+ const TLoggingCategory* Category = nullptr;
+ ELogLevel Level = ELogLevel::Minimum;
+ ELogFamily Family = ELogFamily::PlainText;
+ bool Essential = false;
+ ELogMessageKind MessageKind = ELogMessageKind::Unstructured;
+ TSharedRef MessageRef;
+ TCpuInstant Instant = 0;
+ TThreadId ThreadId = {};
+ TThreadName ThreadName = {};
+ TFiberId FiberId = {};
+ TTraceId TraceId;
+ TRequestId RequestId;
+ TStringBuf SourceFile;
+ int SourceLine = -1;
+struct ILogManager
+ virtual ~ILogManager() = default;
+ virtual void RegisterStaticAnchor(
+ TLoggingAnchor* anchor,
+ ::TSourceLocation sourceLocation,
+ TStringBuf anchorMessage) = 0;
+ virtual void UpdateAnchor(TLoggingAnchor* anchor) = 0;
+ virtual void Enqueue(TLogEvent&& event) = 0;
+ virtual const TLoggingCategory* GetCategory(TStringBuf categoryName) = 0;
+ virtual void UpdateCategory(TLoggingCategory* category) = 0;
+ virtual bool GetAbortOnAlert() const = 0;
+ILogManager* GetDefaultLogManager();
+struct TLoggingContext
+ TCpuInstant Instant;
+ TThreadId ThreadId;
+ TThreadName ThreadName;
+ TFiberId FiberId;
+ TTraceId TraceId;
+ TRequestId RequestId;
+ TStringBuf TraceLoggingTag;
+TLoggingContext GetLoggingContext();
+//! Sets the minimum logging level for messages in current thread.
+// NB: In fiber environment, min log level is attached to a fiber,
+// so after context switch thread min log level might change.
+void SetThreadMinLogLevel(ELogLevel minLogLevel);
+ELogLevel GetThreadMinLogLevel();
+static constexpr auto NullLoggerMinLevel = ELogLevel::Maximum;
+// Min level for non-null logger depends on whether we are in debug or release build.
+// - For release mode default behavior is to omit trace logging,
+// this is done by setting logger min level to Debug by default.
+// - For debug mode logger min level is set to trace by default, so that trace logging is
+// allowed by logger, but still may be discarded by category min level.
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+static constexpr auto LoggerDefaultMinLevel = ELogLevel::Debug;
+static constexpr auto LoggerDefaultMinLevel = ELogLevel::Trace;
+class TLogger
+ using TStructuredValidator = std::function<void(const NYson::TYsonString&)>;
+ using TStructuredValidators = std::vector<TStructuredValidator>;
+ using TStructuredTag = std::pair<TString, NYson::TYsonString>;
+ // TODO(max42): switch to TCompactVector after YT-15430.
+ using TStructuredTags = std::vector<TStructuredTag>;
+ TLogger() = default;
+ TLogger(const TLogger& other) = default;
+ TLogger& operator=(const TLogger& other) = default;
+ TLogger(ILogManager* logManager, TStringBuf categoryName);
+ explicit TLogger(TStringBuf categoryName);
+ explicit operator bool() const;
+ const TLoggingCategory* GetCategory() const;
+ //! Validate that level is admitted by logger's own min level
+ //! and by category's min level.
+ bool IsLevelEnabled(ELogLevel level) const;
+ bool GetAbortOnAlert() const;
+ bool IsEssential() const;
+ bool IsAnchorUpToDate(const TLoggingAnchor& anchor) const;
+ void UpdateAnchor(TLoggingAnchor* anchor) const;
+ void RegisterStaticAnchor(TLoggingAnchor* anchor, ::TSourceLocation sourceLocation, TStringBuf message) const;
+ void Write(TLogEvent&& event) const;
+ void AddRawTag(const TString& tag);
+ template <class... TArgs>
+ void AddTag(const char* format, TArgs&&... args);
+ template <class TType>
+ void AddStructuredTag(TStringBuf key, TType value);
+ TLogger WithRawTag(const TString& tag) const;
+ template <class... TArgs>
+ TLogger WithTag(const char* format, TArgs&&... args) const;
+ template <class TType>
+ TLogger WithStructuredTag(TStringBuf key, TType value) const;
+ TLogger WithStructuredValidator(TStructuredValidator validator) const;
+ TLogger WithMinLevel(ELogLevel minLevel) const;
+ TLogger WithEssential(bool essential = true) const;
+ const TString& GetTag() const;
+ const TStructuredTags& GetStructuredTags() const;
+ const TStructuredValidators& GetStructuredValidators() const;
+ // These fields are set only during logger creation, so they are effectively const
+ // and accessing them is thread-safe.
+ ILogManager* LogManager_ = nullptr;
+ const TLoggingCategory* Category_ = nullptr;
+ bool Essential_ = false;
+ ELogLevel MinLevel_ = NullLoggerMinLevel;
+ TString Tag_;
+ TStructuredTags StructuredTags_;
+ TStructuredValidators StructuredValidators_;
+ //! This method checks level against category's min level.
+ //! Refer to comment in TLogger::IsLevelEnabled for more details.
+ bool IsLevelEnabledHeavy(ELogLevel level) const;
+void LogStructuredEvent(
+ const TLogger& logger,
+ NYson::TYsonString message,
+ ELogLevel level);
+#define YT_LOG_TRACE(...) YT_LOG_EVENT(Logger, ::NYT::NLogging::ELogLevel::Trace, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_TRACE_IF(condition, ...) if (condition) YT_LOG_TRACE(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_TRACE_UNLESS(condition, ...) if (!(condition)) YT_LOG_TRACE(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_UNUSED(...) if (true) { } else { YT_LOG_DEBUG(__VA_ARGS__); }
+#define YT_LOG_TRACE_IF(condition, ...) YT_LOG_UNUSED(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_TRACE_UNLESS(condition, ...) YT_LOG_UNUSED(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_DEBUG(...) YT_LOG_EVENT(Logger, ::NYT::NLogging::ELogLevel::Debug, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_DEBUG_IF(condition, ...) if (condition) YT_LOG_DEBUG(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_DEBUG_UNLESS(condition, ...) if (!(condition)) YT_LOG_DEBUG(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_INFO(...) YT_LOG_EVENT(Logger, ::NYT::NLogging::ELogLevel::Info, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_INFO_IF(condition, ...) if (condition) YT_LOG_INFO(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_INFO_UNLESS(condition, ...) if (!(condition)) YT_LOG_INFO(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_WARNING(...) YT_LOG_EVENT(Logger, ::NYT::NLogging::ELogLevel::Warning, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_WARNING_IF(condition, ...) if (condition) YT_LOG_WARNING(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_WARNING_UNLESS(condition, ...) if (!(condition)) YT_LOG_WARNING(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_ERROR(...) YT_LOG_EVENT(Logger, ::NYT::NLogging::ELogLevel::Error, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_ERROR_IF(condition, ...) if (condition) YT_LOG_ERROR(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_ERROR_UNLESS(condition, ...) if (!(condition)) YT_LOG_ERROR(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_ALERT(...) YT_LOG_EVENT(Logger, ::NYT::NLogging::ELogLevel::Alert, __VA_ARGS__);
+#define YT_LOG_ALERT_IF(condition, ...) if (condition) YT_LOG_ALERT(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_ALERT_UNLESS(condition, ...) if (!(condition)) YT_LOG_ALERT(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_FATAL(...) \
+ do { \
+ YT_LOG_EVENT(Logger, ::NYT::NLogging::ELogLevel::Fatal, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ } while(false)
+#define YT_LOG_FATAL_IF(condition, ...) if (Y_UNLIKELY(condition)) YT_LOG_FATAL(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_FATAL_UNLESS(condition, ...) if (!Y_LIKELY(condition)) YT_LOG_FATAL(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_EVENT(logger, level, ...) \
+ YT_LOG_EVENT_WITH_ANCHOR(logger, level, nullptr, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define YT_LOG_EVENT_WITH_ANCHOR(logger, level, anchor, ...) \
+ do { \
+ const auto& logger__##__LINE__ = (logger); \
+ auto level__##__LINE__ = (level); \
+ \
+ if (!logger__##__LINE__.IsLevelEnabled(level__##__LINE__)) { \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ \
+ auto location__##__LINE__ = __LOCATION__; \
+ \
+ ::NYT::NLogging::TLoggingAnchor* anchor__##__LINE__ = (anchor); \
+ if (!anchor__##__LINE__) { \
+ static ::NYT::TLeakyStorage<::NYT::NLogging::TLoggingAnchor> staticAnchor__##__LINE__; \
+ anchor__##__LINE__ = staticAnchor__##__LINE__.Get(); \
+ } \
+ \
+ bool anchorUpToDate__##__LINE__ = logger__##__LINE__.IsAnchorUpToDate(*anchor__##__LINE__); \
+ if (anchorUpToDate__##__LINE__ && !anchor__##__LINE__->Enabled.load(std::memory_order::relaxed)) { \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ \
+ auto loggingContext__##__LINE__ = ::NYT::NLogging::GetLoggingContext(); \
+ auto message__##__LINE__ = ::NYT::NLogging::NDetail::BuildLogMessage(loggingContext__##__LINE__, logger__##__LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ \
+ if (!anchorUpToDate__##__LINE__) { \
+ logger__##__LINE__.RegisterStaticAnchor(anchor__##__LINE__, location__##__LINE__, message__##__LINE__.Anchor); \
+ logger__##__LINE__.UpdateAnchor(anchor__##__LINE__); \
+ } \
+ \
+ if (!anchor__##__LINE__->Enabled.load(std::memory_order::relaxed)) { \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ \
+ static thread_local i64 localByteCounter__##__LINE__; \
+ static thread_local ui8 localMessageCounter__##__LINE__; \
+ \
+ localByteCounter__##__LINE__ += message__##__LINE__.MessageRef.Size(); \
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(++localMessageCounter__##__LINE__ == 0)) { \
+ anchor__##__LINE__->MessageCounter.Current += 256; \
+ anchor__##__LINE__->ByteCounter.Current += localByteCounter__##__LINE__; \
+ localByteCounter__##__LINE__ = 0; \
+ } \
+ \
+ ::NYT::NLogging::NDetail::LogEventImpl( \
+ loggingContext__##__LINE__, \
+ logger__##__LINE__, \
+ level__##__LINE__, \
+ location__##__LINE__, \
+ std::move(message__##__LINE__.MessageRef)); \
+ } while (false)
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
+#define LOGGER_INL_H_
+#include "logger-inl.h"
+#undef LOGGER_INL_H_
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3be59e00af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-cpu_clock
+ cpp-yt-logging
+ cpp-yt-string
+ cpp-yt-misc
+target_sources(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2771fdd74f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-cpu_clock
+ cpp-yt-logging
+ cpp-yt-string
+ cpp-yt-misc
+target_sources(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2771fdd74f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-cpu_clock
+ cpp-yt-logging
+ cpp-yt-string
+ cpp-yt-misc
+target_sources(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d78a3651a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-cpu_clock
+ cpp-yt-logging
+ cpp-yt-string
+ cpp-yt-misc
+target_sources(yt-logging-plain_text_formatter PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab2181113d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#include "formatter.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/clock.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/misc/port.h>
+#ifdef YT_USE_SSE42
+ #include <emmintrin.h>
+ #include <pmmintrin.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+constexpr int MessageBufferWatermarkSize = 256;
+namespace {
+// Ultra-fast specialized versions of AppendNumber.
+void AppendDigit(TBaseFormatter* out, ui32 value)
+ out->AppendChar('0' + value);
+void AppendNumber2(TBaseFormatter* out, ui32 value)
+ AppendDigit(out, value / 10);
+ AppendDigit(out, value % 10);
+void AppendNumber3(TBaseFormatter* out, ui32 value)
+ AppendDigit(out, value / 100);
+ AppendDigit(out, (value / 10) % 10);
+ AppendDigit(out, value % 10);
+void AppendNumber4(TBaseFormatter* out, ui32 value)
+ AppendDigit(out, value / 1000);
+ AppendDigit(out, (value / 100) % 10);
+ AppendDigit(out, (value / 10) % 10);
+ AppendDigit(out, value % 10);
+void AppendNumber6(TBaseFormatter* out, ui32 value)
+ AppendDigit(out, value / 100000);
+ AppendDigit(out, (value / 10000) % 10);
+ AppendDigit(out, (value / 1000) % 10);
+ AppendDigit(out, (value / 100) % 10);
+ AppendDigit(out, (value / 10) % 10);
+ AppendDigit(out, value % 10);
+} // namespace
+void FormatDateTime(TBaseFormatter* out, TInstant dateTime)
+ tm localTime;
+ dateTime.LocalTime(&localTime);
+ AppendNumber4(out, localTime.tm_year + 1900);
+ out->AppendChar('-');
+ AppendNumber2(out, localTime.tm_mon + 1);
+ out->AppendChar('-');
+ AppendNumber2(out, localTime.tm_mday);
+ out->AppendChar(' ');
+ AppendNumber2(out, localTime.tm_hour);
+ out->AppendChar(':');
+ AppendNumber2(out, localTime.tm_min);
+ out->AppendChar(':');
+ AppendNumber2(out, localTime.tm_sec);
+void FormatMilliseconds(TBaseFormatter* out, TInstant dateTime)
+ AppendNumber3(out, dateTime.MilliSecondsOfSecond());
+void FormatMicroseconds(TBaseFormatter* out, TInstant dateTime)
+ AppendNumber6(out, dateTime.MicroSecondsOfSecond());
+void FormatLevel(TBaseFormatter* out, ELogLevel level)
+ static char chars[] = "?TDIWEAF?";
+ out->AppendChar(chars[static_cast<int>(level)]);
+void FormatMessage(TBaseFormatter* out, TStringBuf message)
+ auto current = message.begin();
+#ifdef YT_USE_SSE42
+ auto vectorLow = _mm_set1_epi8(PrintableASCIILow);
+ auto vectorHigh = _mm_set1_epi8(PrintableASCIIHigh);
+ auto appendChar = [&] {
+ char ch = *current;
+ if (ch == '\n') {
+ out->AppendString("\\n");
+ } else if (ch == '\t') {
+ out->AppendString("\\t");
+ } else if (ch < PrintableASCIILow || ch > PrintableASCIIHigh) {
+ unsigned char unsignedCh = ch;
+ out->AppendString("\\x");
+ out->AppendChar(IntToHexLowercase[unsignedCh >> 4]);
+ out->AppendChar(IntToHexLowercase[unsignedCh & 15]);
+ } else {
+ out->AppendChar(ch);
+ }
+ ++current;
+ };
+ while (current < message.end()) {
+ if (out->GetBytesRemaining() < MessageBufferWatermarkSize) {
+ out->AppendString(TStringBuf("...<message truncated>"));
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef YT_USE_SSE42
+ // Use SSE for optimization.
+ if (current + 16 > message.end()) {
+ appendChar();
+ } else {
+ const void* inPtr = &(*current);
+ void* outPtr = out->GetCursor();
+ auto value = _mm_lddqu_si128(static_cast<const __m128i*>(inPtr));
+ if (_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmplt_epi8(value, vectorLow)) ||
+ _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpgt_epi8(value, vectorHigh))) {
+ for (int index = 0; index < 16; ++index) {
+ appendChar();
+ }
+ } else {
+ _mm_storeu_si128(static_cast<__m128i*>(outPtr), value);
+ out->Advance(16);
+ current += 16;
+ }
+ }
+ // Unoptimized version.
+ appendChar();
+ }
+void TCachingDateFormatter::Format(TBaseFormatter* buffer, TInstant dateTime, bool printMicroseconds)
+ auto currentSecond = dateTime.Seconds();
+ if (CachedSecond_ != currentSecond) {
+ Cached_.Reset();
+ FormatDateTime(&Cached_, dateTime);
+ CachedSecond_ = currentSecond;
+ }
+ buffer->AppendString(Cached_.GetBuffer());
+ buffer->AppendChar(',');
+ if (printMicroseconds) {
+ FormatMicroseconds(buffer, dateTime);
+ } else {
+ FormatMilliseconds(buffer, dateTime);
+ }
+TPlainTextEventFormatter::TPlainTextEventFormatter(bool enableSourceLocation)
+ : EnableSourceLocation_(enableSourceLocation)
+{ }
+void TPlainTextEventFormatter::Format(TBaseFormatter* buffer, const TLogEvent& event)
+ CachingDateFormatter_.Format(buffer, CpuInstantToInstant(event.Instant), true);
+ buffer->AppendChar('\t');
+ FormatLevel(buffer, event.Level);
+ buffer->AppendChar('\t');
+ buffer->AppendString(event.Category->Name);
+ buffer->AppendChar('\t');
+ FormatMessage(buffer, event.MessageRef.ToStringBuf());
+ buffer->AppendChar('\t');
+ if (event.ThreadName.Length > 0) {
+ buffer->AppendString(TStringBuf(event.ThreadName.Buffer.data(), event.ThreadName.Length));
+ } else if (event.ThreadId != TThreadId()) {
+ buffer->AppendNumber(event.ThreadId, 16);
+ }
+ buffer->AppendChar('\t');
+ if (event.FiberId != TFiberId()) {
+ buffer->AppendNumber(event.FiberId, 16);
+ }
+ buffer->AppendChar('\t');
+ if (event.TraceId != TTraceId()) {
+ buffer->AppendGuid(event.TraceId);
+ }
+ if (EnableSourceLocation_) {
+ buffer->AppendChar('\t');
+ if (event.SourceFile) {
+ auto sourceFile = event.SourceFile;
+ buffer->AppendString(sourceFile.RNextTok(LOCSLASH_C));
+ buffer->AppendChar(':');
+ buffer->AppendNumber(event.SourceLine);
+ }
+ }
+ buffer->AppendChar('\n');
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.h b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c35c7c5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/formatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/yt/string/raw_formatter.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/logging//logger.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+constexpr int DateTimeBufferSize = 64;
+constexpr int MessageBufferSize = 64_KB;
+void FormatMilliseconds(TBaseFormatter* out, TInstant dateTime);
+void FormatMicroseconds(TBaseFormatter* out, TInstant dateTime);
+void FormatLevel(TBaseFormatter* out, ELogLevel level);
+void FormatMessage(TBaseFormatter* out, TStringBuf message);
+class TCachingDateFormatter
+ void Format(TBaseFormatter* buffer, TInstant dateTime, bool printMicroseconds = false);
+ ui64 CachedSecond_ = 0;
+ TRawFormatter<DateTimeBufferSize> Cached_;
+class TPlainTextEventFormatter
+ explicit TPlainTextEventFormatter(bool enableSourceLocation);
+ void Format(TBaseFormatter* buffer, const TLogEvent& event);
+ const bool EnableSourceLocation_;
+ TCachingDateFormatter CachingDateFormatter_;
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb31c29d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ formatter.cpp
+ library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock
+ library/cpp/yt/logging
+ library/cpp/yt/string
+ library/cpp/yt/misc
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/public.h b/library/cpp/yt/logging/public.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e2b59ca0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/public.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/yt/misc/enum.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+// Any change to this enum must be also propagated to FormatLevel.
+ (Minimum)
+ (Trace)
+ (Debug)
+ (Info)
+ (Warning)
+ (Error)
+ (Alert)
+ (Fatal)
+ (Maximum)
+ (PlainText)
+ (Structured)
+struct TLoggingCategory;
+struct TLoggingAnchor;
+struct TLogEvent;
+struct TLoggingContext;
+class TLogger;
+struct ILogManager;
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/unittests/logger_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/logging/unittests/logger_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7696ea4a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/unittests/logger_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/logging/logger.h>
+namespace NYT::NLogging {
+namespace {
+TEST(TLogger, NullByDefault)
+ {
+ TLogger logger;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(logger);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(logger.IsLevelEnabled(ELogLevel::Fatal));
+ }
+ {
+ TLogger logger{"Category"};
+ EXPECT_FALSE(logger);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(logger.IsLevelEnabled(ELogLevel::Fatal));
+ }
+TEST(TLogger, CopyOfNullLogger)
+ TLogger nullLogger{/*logManager*/ nullptr, "Category"};
+ ASSERT_FALSE(nullLogger);
+ auto logger = nullLogger.WithMinLevel(ELogLevel::Debug);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(logger);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(logger.IsLevelEnabled(ELogLevel::Fatal));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace NYT::NLogging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/unittests/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/logging/unittests/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42268d3db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/unittests/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ logger_ut.cpp
+ library/cpp/testing/gtest
+ library/cpp/yt/logging
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/logging/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/logging/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e611c2e554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/logging/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ logger.cpp
+ library/cpp/yt/assert
+ library/cpp/yt/memory
+ library/cpp/yt/misc
+ library/cpp/yt/yson_string
+ backends
+ plain_text_formatter
+ unittests
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/memory/leaky_ref_counted_singleton-inl.h b/library/cpp/yt/memory/leaky_ref_counted_singleton-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fba63c427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/memory/leaky_ref_counted_singleton-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include leaky_ref_counted_singleton.h"
+// For the sake of sane code completion.
+#include "leaky_ref_counted_singleton.h"
+#include "new.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <util/system/compiler.h>
+#include <util/system/sanitizers.h>
+namespace NYT {
+template <class T, class... TArgs>
+TIntrusivePtr<T> LeakyRefCountedSingleton(TArgs&&... args)
+ static std::atomic<T*> Ptr;
+ auto* ptr = Ptr.load(std::memory_order::acquire);
+ if (Y_LIKELY(ptr)) {
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ static std::once_flag Initialized;
+ std::call_once(Initialized, [&] {
+ auto ptr = New<T>(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+ Ref(ptr.Get());
+ Ptr.store(ptr.Get());
+#if defined(_asan_enabled_)
+ NSan::MarkAsIntentionallyLeaked(ptr.Get());
+ });
+ return Ptr.load();
+} // namespace NYT
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/memory/leaky_ref_counted_singleton.h b/library/cpp/yt/memory/leaky_ref_counted_singleton.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d77c3c9829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/memory/leaky_ref_counted_singleton.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "intrusive_ptr.h"
+namespace NYT {
+ template <class T> \
+ friend struct ::NYT::TRefCountedWrapper;
+template <class T, class... TArgs>
+TIntrusivePtr<T> LeakyRefCountedSingleton(TArgs&&... args);
+} // namespace NYT
+#include "leaky_ref_counted_singleton-inl.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/misc/arcadia_enum-inl.h b/library/cpp/yt/misc/arcadia_enum-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17a10bb3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/misc/arcadia_enum-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#pragma once
+#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include arcadia_enum.h"
+// For the sake of sane code completion.
+#include "arcadia_enum.h"
+#include <util/system/type_name.h>
+namespace NYT::NDetail {
+template <class T>
+struct TArcadiaEnumTraitsImpl
+ static constexpr bool IsBitEnum = false;
+ static constexpr bool IsStringSerializableEnum = false;
+ static TStringBuf GetTypeName()
+ {
+ static const auto Result = TypeName<T>();
+ return Result;
+ }
+ static std::optional<TStringBuf> FindLiteralByValue(T value)
+ {
+ auto names = GetEnumNames<T>();
+ auto it = names.find(value);
+ return it == names.end() ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(TStringBuf(it->second));
+ }
+ static std::optional<T> FindValueByLiteral(TStringBuf literal)
+ {
+ static const auto LiteralToValue = [] {
+ THashMap<TString, T> result;
+ for (const auto& [value, name] : GetEnumNames<T>()) {
+ result.emplace(name, value);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }();
+ auto it = LiteralToValue.find(literal);
+ return it == LiteralToValue.end() ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(it->second);
+ }
+} // namespace NYT::NDetail
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/misc/arcadia_enum.h b/library/cpp/yt/misc/arcadia_enum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85ad182a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/misc/arcadia_enum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/serialized_enum.h>
+// TEnumTraits interop for Arcadia enums
+ [[maybe_unused]] inline ::NYT::NDetail::TArcadiaEnumTraitsImpl<enumType> GetEnumTraitsImpl(enumType) \
+ { \
+ return {}; \
+ }
+#include "arcadia_enum-inl.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/misc/property.h b/library/cpp/yt/misc/property.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb8264968e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/misc/property.h
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/system/compiler.h>
+//! Declares a trivial public read-write property that is passed by reference.
+#define DECLARE_BYREF_RW_PROPERTY(type, name) \
+public: \
+ type& name(); \
+ const type& name() const
+//! Defines a trivial public read-write property that is passed by reference.
+//! All arguments after name are used as default value (via braced-init-list).
+#define DEFINE_BYREF_RW_PROPERTY(type, name, ...) \
+protected: \
+ type name##_ { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
+ \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE type& name() \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE const type& name() const \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Defines a trivial public read-write property that is passed by reference
+//! and is not inline-initialized.
+#define DEFINE_BYREF_RW_PROPERTY_NO_INIT(type, name) \
+protected: \
+ type name##_; \
+ \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE type& name() \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE const type& name() const \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Forwards a trivial public read-write property that is passed by reference.
+#define DELEGATE_BYREF_RW_PROPERTY(declaringType, type, name, delegateTo) \
+ type& declaringType::name() \
+ { \
+ return (delegateTo).name(); \
+ } \
+ \
+ const type& declaringType::name() const \
+ { \
+ return (delegateTo).name(); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Declares a trivial public read-only property that is passed by reference.
+#define DECLARE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(type, name) \
+public: \
+ const type& name() const
+//! Defines a trivial public read-only property that is passed by reference.
+//! All arguments after name are used as default value (via braced-init-list).
+#define DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(type, name, ...) \
+protected: \
+ type name##_ { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
+ \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE const type& name() const \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Defines a trivial public read-only property that is passed by reference
+//! and is not inline-initialized.
+#define DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY_NO_INIT(type, name) \
+protected: \
+ type name##_; \
+ \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE const type& name() const \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Forwards a trivial public read-only property that is passed by reference.
+#define DELEGATE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(declaringType, type, name, delegateTo) \
+ const type& declaringType::name() const \
+ { \
+ return (delegateTo).name(); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Declares a trivial public read-write property that is passed by value.
+#define DECLARE_BYVAL_RW_PROPERTY(type, name) \
+public: \
+ type Get##name() const; \
+ void Set##name(type value)
+//! Defines a trivial public read-write property that is passed by value.
+//! All arguments after name are used as default value (via braced-init-list).
+#define DEFINE_BYVAL_RW_PROPERTY(type, name, ...) \
+protected: \
+ type name##_ { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
+ \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE type Get##name() const \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE void Set##name(type value) \
+ { \
+ name##_ = value; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Defines a trivial public read-write property that is passed by value.
+//! All arguments after name are used as default value (via braced-init-list).
+#define DEFINE_BYVAL_RW_PROPERTY_WITH_FLUENT_SETTER(declaringType, type, name, ...) \
+protected: \
+ type name##_ { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
+ \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE type Get##name() const \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE void Set##name(type value) &\
+ { \
+ name##_ = value; \
+ } \
+ \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE declaringType&& Set##name(type value) &&\
+ { \
+ name##_ = value; \
+ return std::move(*this); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Defines a trivial public read-write property that is passed by value
+//! and is not inline-initialized.
+#define DEFINE_BYVAL_RW_PROPERTY_NO_INIT(type, name, ...) \
+protected: \
+ type name##_; \
+ \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE type Get##name() const \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE void Set##name(type value) \
+ { \
+ name##_ = value; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Forwards a trivial public read-write property that is passed by value.
+#define DELEGATE_BYVAL_RW_PROPERTY(declaringType, type, name, delegateTo) \
+ type declaringType::Get##name() const \
+ { \
+ return (delegateTo).Get##name(); \
+ } \
+ \
+ void declaringType::Set##name(type value) \
+ { \
+ (delegateTo).Set##name(value); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Declares a trivial public read-only property that is passed by value.
+#define DECLARE_BYVAL_RO_PROPERTY(type, name) \
+public: \
+ type Get##name() const
+//! Defines a trivial public read-only property that is passed by value.
+//! All arguments after name are used as default value (via braced-init-list).
+#define DEFINE_BYVAL_RO_PROPERTY(type, name, ...) \
+protected: \
+ type name##_ { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
+ \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE type Get##name() const \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Defines a trivial public read-only property that is passed by value
+//! and is not inline-initialized.
+#define DEFINE_BYVAL_RO_PROPERTY_NO_INIT(type, name) \
+protected: \
+ type name##_; \
+ \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE type Get##name() const \
+ { \
+ return name##_; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Forwards a trivial public read-only property that is passed by value.
+#define DELEGATE_BYVAL_RO_PROPERTY(declaringType, type, name, delegateTo) \
+ type declaringType::Get##name() \
+ { \
+ return (delegateTo).Get##name(); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Below are macro helpers for extra properties.
+//! Extra properties should be used for lazy memory allocation for properties that
+//! hold default values for the majority of objects.
+//! Initializes extra property holder if it is not initialized.
+ if (!holder##_) { \
+ holder##_.reset(new decltype(holder##_)::element_type()); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Declares an extra property holder. Holder contains extra properties values.
+//! Holder is not created until some property is set with a non-default value.
+//! If there is no holder property getter returns default value.
+#define DECLARE_EXTRA_PROPERTY_HOLDER(type, holder) \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE bool HasCustom##holder() const \
+ { \
+ return static_cast<bool>(holder##_); \
+ } \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE const type* GetCustom##holder() const \
+ { \
+ return holder##_.get(); \
+ } \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE type* GetCustom##holder() \
+ { \
+ return holder##_.get(); \
+ } \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE void InitializeCustom##holder() \
+ { \
+ } \
+private: \
+ std::unique_ptr<type> holder##_; \
+ static const type Default##holder##_
+//! Defines a storage for extra properties default values.
+#define DEFINE_EXTRA_PROPERTY_HOLDER(class, type, holder) \
+ const type class::Default##holder##_
+//! Defines a public read-write extra property that is passed by value.
+#define DEFINE_BYVAL_RW_EXTRA_PROPERTY(holder, name) \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE decltype(holder##_->name) Get##name() const \
+ { \
+ if (!holder##_) { \
+ return Default##holder##_.name; \
+ } \
+ return holder##_->name; \
+ } \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE void Set##name(decltype(holder##_->name) val) \
+ { \
+ if (!holder##_) { \
+ if (val == Default##holder##_.name) { \
+ return; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ holder##_->name = val; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
+//! Defines a public read-write extra property that is passed by reference.
+#define DEFINE_BYREF_RW_EXTRA_PROPERTY(holder, name) \
+public: \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE const decltype(holder##_->name)& name() const \
+ { \
+ if (!holder##_) { \
+ return Default##holder##_.name; \
+ } \
+ return holder##_->name; \
+ } \
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE decltype(holder##_->name)& Mutable##name() \
+ { \
+ return holder##_->name; \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/string/raw_formatter.h b/library/cpp/yt/string/raw_formatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6956330883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/string/raw_formatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "guid.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+namespace NYT {
+//! A dead-simple string formatter.
+ * This formatter is intended to be as simple as possible and async signal safe.
+ * This is the reason we do not use printf(): it does not meet signal-safety
+ * requirements.
+ */
+class TBaseFormatter
+ TBaseFormatter(char* buffer, int length)
+ : Begin_(buffer)
+ , Cursor_(buffer)
+ , End_(buffer + length)
+ { }
+ //! Returns an underlying cursor.
+ char* GetCursor()
+ {
+ return Cursor_;
+ }
+ //! Returns an pointer to the underlying buffer.
+ const char* GetData() const
+ {
+ return Begin_;
+ }
+ //! Returns the number of bytes written in the buffer.
+ int GetBytesWritten() const
+ {
+ return Cursor_ - Begin_;
+ }
+ //! Returns the number of bytes available in the buffer.
+ int GetBytesRemaining() const
+ {
+ return End_ - Cursor_;
+ }
+ //! Advances the internal cursor #count symbols forward (assuming the data is already present).
+ void Advance(int count)
+ {
+ Cursor_ += count;
+ if (Cursor_ > End_) {
+ Cursor_ = End_;
+ }
+ }
+ //! Drops trailing #count symbols (assuming these are present).
+ void Revert(int count)
+ {
+ Cursor_ -= count;
+ }
+ //! Appends the string and updates the internal cursor.
+ void AppendString(const char* string)
+ {
+ while (*string != '\0' && Cursor_ < End_) {
+ *Cursor_++ = *string++;
+ }
+ }
+ //! Appends the string and updates the internal cursor.
+ void AppendString(TStringBuf string)
+ {
+ size_t position = 0;
+ while (position < string.length() && Cursor_ < End_) {
+ *Cursor_++ = string[position++];
+ }
+ }
+ //! Appends a single character and updates the internal cursor.
+ void AppendChar(char ch)
+ {
+ if (Cursor_ < End_) {
+ *Cursor_++ = ch;
+ }
+ }
+ //! Formats |number| in base |radix| and updates the internal cursor.
+ void AppendNumber(uintptr_t number, int radix = 10, int width = 0, char ch = ' ')
+ {
+ int digits = 0;
+ if (radix == 16) {
+ // Optimize output of hex numbers.
+ uintptr_t reverse = 0;
+ int length = 0;
+ do {
+ reverse <<= 4;
+ reverse |= number & 0xf;
+ number >>= 4;
+ ++length;
+ } while (number > 0);
+ for (int index = 0; index < length && Cursor_ + digits < End_; ++index) {
+ unsigned int modulus = reverse & 0xf;
+ Cursor_[digits] = (modulus < 10 ? '0' + modulus : 'a' + modulus - 10);
+ ++digits;
+ reverse >>= 4;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (Cursor_ + digits < End_) {
+ const int modulus = number % radix;
+ number /= radix;
+ Cursor_[digits] = (modulus < 10 ? '0' + modulus : 'a' + modulus - 10);
+ ++digits;
+ if (number == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Reverse the bytes written.
+ std::reverse(Cursor_, Cursor_ + digits);
+ }
+ if (digits < width) {
+ auto delta = width - digits;
+ std::copy(Cursor_, Cursor_ + digits, Cursor_ + delta);
+ std::fill(Cursor_, Cursor_ + delta, ch);
+ Cursor_ += width;
+ } else {
+ Cursor_ += digits;
+ }
+ }
+ //! Formats |number| as hexadecimal number and updates the internal cursor.
+ //! Padding will be added in front if needed.
+ void AppendNumberAsHexWithPadding(uintptr_t number, int width)
+ {
+ char* begin = Cursor_;
+ AppendString("0x");
+ AppendNumber(number, 16);
+ // Move to right and add padding in front if needed.
+ if (Cursor_ < begin + width) {
+ auto delta = begin + width - Cursor_;
+ std::copy(begin, Cursor_, begin + delta);
+ std::fill(begin, begin + delta, ' ');
+ Cursor_ = begin + width;
+ }
+ }
+ //! Formats |guid| and updates the internal cursor.
+ void AppendGuid(TGuid guid)
+ {
+ if (Y_LIKELY(End_ - Cursor_ >= MaxGuidStringSize)) {
+ // Fast path.
+ Cursor_ = WriteGuidToBuffer(Cursor_, guid);
+ } else {
+ // Slow path.
+ std::array<char, MaxGuidStringSize> buffer;
+ auto* end = WriteGuidToBuffer(buffer.data(), guid);
+ AppendString(TStringBuf(buffer.data(), end));
+ }
+ }
+ //! Resets the underlying cursor.
+ void Reset()
+ {
+ Cursor_ = Begin_;
+ }
+ TStringBuf GetBuffer() const
+ {
+ return {Begin_, Cursor_};
+ }
+ char* const Begin_;
+ char* Cursor_;
+ char* const End_;
+template <size_t N>
+class TRawFormatter
+ : public TBaseFormatter
+ TRawFormatter()
+ : TBaseFormatter(Buffer_, N)
+ { }
+ TRawFormatter(char* buffer, int length)
+ : TBaseFormatter(buffer, length)
+ { }
+ char Buffer_[N];
+} // namespace NYT
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad24a0da29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-system PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-system PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+target_sources(cpp-yt-system PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/system/thread_id.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dc2a07499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-system PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-system PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+target_sources(cpp-yt-system PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/system/thread_id.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dc2a07499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-system PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-system PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+target_sources(cpp-yt-system PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/system/thread_id.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..338956fa70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/system/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-system PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+target_sources(cpp-yt-system PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/system/thread_id.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7dbacb9da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-threading PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-threading PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+ cpp-yt-cpu_clock
+ cpp-yt-system
+ cpp-yt-memory
+target_sources(cpp-yt-threading PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/at_fork.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/count_down_latch.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/event_count.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/fork_aware_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/fork_aware_rw_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/futex.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/notification_handle.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/public.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/recursive_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/rw_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_lock_base.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait_hook.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..644ee262f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-threading PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-threading PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+ cpp-yt-cpu_clock
+ cpp-yt-system
+ cpp-yt-memory
+target_sources(cpp-yt-threading PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/at_fork.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/count_down_latch.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/event_count.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/fork_aware_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/fork_aware_rw_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/futex.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/notification_handle.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/public.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/recursive_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/rw_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_lock_base.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait_hook.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..644ee262f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_compile_options(cpp-yt-threading PRIVATE
+ -Wdeprecated-this-capture
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-threading PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+ cpp-yt-cpu_clock
+ cpp-yt-system
+ cpp-yt-memory
+target_sources(cpp-yt-threading PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/at_fork.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/count_down_latch.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/event_count.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/fork_aware_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/fork_aware_rw_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/futex.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/notification_handle.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/public.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/recursive_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/rw_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_lock_base.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait_hook.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eedf3ebee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/threading/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-threading PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-yt-assert
+ cpp-yt-cpu_clock
+ cpp-yt-system
+ cpp-yt-memory
+target_sources(cpp-yt-threading PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/at_fork.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/count_down_latch.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/event_count.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/fork_aware_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/fork_aware_rw_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/futex.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/notification_handle.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/public.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/recursive_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/rw_spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_lock_base.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_lock.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait_hook.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/count_down_latch_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/count_down_latch_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..894bdab22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/count_down_latch_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/threading/count_down_latch.h>
+#include <thread>
+namespace NYT::NThreading {
+namespace {
+void WaitForLatch(const TCountDownLatch& latch)
+ latch.Wait();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, latch.GetCount());
+TEST(TCountDownLatch, TwoThreads)
+ TCountDownLatch latch(2);
+ std::thread t1(std::bind(&WaitForLatch, std::cref(latch)));
+ std::thread t2(std::bind(&WaitForLatch, std::cref(latch)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, latch.GetCount());
+ latch.CountDown();
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, latch.GetCount());
+ latch.CountDown();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, latch.GetCount());
+ t1.join();
+ t2.join();
+TEST(TCountDownLatch, TwoThreadsPredecremented)
+ TCountDownLatch latch(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, latch.GetCount());
+ latch.CountDown();
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, latch.GetCount());
+ latch.CountDown();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, latch.GetCount());
+ std::thread t1(std::bind(&WaitForLatch, std::cref(latch)));
+ std::thread t2(std::bind(&WaitForLatch, std::cref(latch)));
+ t1.join();
+ t2.join();
+TEST(TCountDownLatch, TwoThreadsTwoLatches)
+ TCountDownLatch first(1);
+ TCountDownLatch second(1);
+ std::thread t1([&] () {
+ first.Wait();
+ second.CountDown();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, first.GetCount());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, second.GetCount());
+ });
+ std::thread t2([&] () {
+ first.CountDown();
+ second.Wait();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, first.GetCount());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, second.GetCount());
+ });
+ t1.join();
+ t2.join();
+} // namespace
+} // namespace NYT::NThreading
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/recursive_spin_lock_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/recursive_spin_lock_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c2d8f16cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/recursive_spin_lock_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/threading/recursive_spin_lock.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/threading/event_count.h>
+#include <thread>
+namespace NYT::NThreading {
+namespace {
+TEST(TRecursiveSpinLockTest, SingleThread)
+ TRecursiveSpinLock lock;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.IsLocked());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.TryAcquire());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.IsLocked());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.TryAcquire());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.IsLocked());
+ lock.Release();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.IsLocked());
+ lock.Release();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.IsLocked());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.TryAcquire());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.IsLocked());
+ lock.Release();
+ lock.Acquire();
+ lock.Release();
+TEST(TRecursiveSpinLockTest, TwoThreads)
+ TRecursiveSpinLock lock;
+ TEvent e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7;
+ std::thread t1([&] {
+ e1.Wait();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.IsLocked());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.IsLockedByCurrentThread());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.TryAcquire());
+ e2.NotifyOne();
+ e3.Wait();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.IsLocked());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.IsLockedByCurrentThread());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.TryAcquire());
+ e4.NotifyOne();
+ e5.Wait();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.IsLocked());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.IsLockedByCurrentThread());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.TryAcquire());
+ e6.NotifyOne();
+ e7.Wait();
+ lock.Release();
+ });
+ std::thread t2([&] {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.IsLocked());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.TryAcquire());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.IsLockedByCurrentThread());
+ e1.NotifyOne();
+ e2.Wait();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.TryAcquire());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.IsLockedByCurrentThread());
+ e3.NotifyOne();
+ e4.Wait();
+ lock.Release();
+ lock.Release();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.IsLocked());
+ e5.NotifyOne();
+ e6.Wait();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lock.IsLocked());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lock.IsLockedByCurrentThread());
+ e7.NotifyOne();
+ lock.Acquire();
+ lock.Acquire();
+ lock.Release();
+ lock.Release();
+ });
+ t1.join();
+ t2.join();
+} // namespace
+} // namespace NYT::NThreading
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/spin_wait_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/spin_wait_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8469634f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/spin_wait_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/threading/spin_wait_hook.h>
+#include <thread>
+#include <mutex>
+namespace NYT::NThreading {
+namespace {
+bool SpinWaitSlowPathHookInvoked;
+void SpinWaitSlowPathHook(
+ TCpuDuration cpuDelay,
+ const TSourceLocation& /*location*/,
+ ESpinLockActivityKind /*activityKind*/)
+ SpinWaitSlowPathHookInvoked = true;
+ auto delay = CpuDurationToDuration(cpuDelay);
+ EXPECT_GE(delay, TDuration::Seconds(1));
+ EXPECT_LE(delay, TDuration::Seconds(5));
+TEST(TSpinWaitTest, SlowPathHook)
+ static std::once_flag registerFlag;
+ std::call_once(
+ registerFlag,
+ [] {
+ RegisterSpinWaitSlowPathHook(SpinWaitSlowPathHook);
+ });
+ SpinWaitSlowPathHookInvoked = false;
+ {
+ TSpinWait spinWait(__LOCATION__, ESpinLockActivityKind::ReadWrite);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1'000'000; ++i) {
+ spinWait.Wait();
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SpinWaitSlowPathHookInvoked);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace NYT::NThreading
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef9b5d2995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/threading/unittests/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ count_down_latch_ut.cpp
+ recursive_spin_lock_ut.cpp
+ spin_wait_ut.cpp
+ library/cpp/yt/assert
+ library/cpp/yt/threading
+ library/cpp/testing/gtest
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ad2fc33f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-user_job_statistics PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-mapreduce-common
+target_sources(cpp-yt-user_job_statistics PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33fb6e94cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-user_job_statistics PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-mapreduce-common
+target_sources(cpp-yt-user_job_statistics PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33fb6e94cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-user_job_statistics PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-linux-headers
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-mapreduce-common
+target_sources(cpp-yt-user_job_statistics PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.txt b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b31df0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-aarch64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.darwin-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt)
+ include(CMakeLists.linux-x86_64.txt)
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ad2fc33f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/CMakeLists.windows-x86_64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+target_link_libraries(cpp-yt-user_job_statistics PUBLIC
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ cpp-mapreduce-common
+target_sources(cpp-yt-user_job_statistics PRIVATE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7fd71503d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include "user_job_statistics.h"
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/common/helpers.h>
+#include <util/stream/null.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include <util/system/mutex.h>
+#include <util/system/env.h>
+using namespace NYtTools;
+static TMutex GlobalStatsWritingMutex;
+#if defined(_unix_)
+const FHANDLE TUserJobStatsProxy::JobStatisticsHandle = 5;
+#elif defined(_win_)
+const FHANDLE TUserJobStatsProxy::JobStatisticsHandle = nullptr;
+static IOutputStream* CorrectHandle(const FHANDLE h) {
+#if defined(_unix_)
+ if (fcntl(h, F_GETFD) == -1) {
+ return &Cerr;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+#elif defined(_win_)
+ return &Cerr;
+static TString PrintNodeSimple(const NYT::TNode& n) {
+ return NYT::NodeToYsonString(n, NYson::EYsonFormat::Text);
+void TUserJobStatsProxy::Init(IOutputStream * usingStream) {
+ if (usingStream == nullptr) {
+ usingStream = CorrectHandle(JobStatisticsHandle);
+ }
+ if(usingStream == nullptr && GetEnv("YT_JOB_ID").empty()) {
+ usingStream = &Cerr;
+ }
+ if (usingStream == nullptr) {
+ TFileHandle fixedDesrc(JobStatisticsHandle);
+ FetchedOut = MakeHolder<TFixedBufferFileOutput>(TFile(fixedDesrc.Duplicate()));
+ UsingStream = FetchedOut.Get();
+ fixedDesrc.Release();
+ } else {
+ UsingStream = usingStream;
+ }
+void TUserJobStatsProxy::InitChecked(IOutputStream* def) {
+ IOutputStream* usingStream = CorrectHandle(JobStatisticsHandle);
+ if (usingStream == nullptr && !GetEnv("YT_JOB_ID").empty()) {
+ TFileHandle fixedDesrc(JobStatisticsHandle);
+ FetchedOut = MakeHolder<TFixedBufferFileOutput>(TFile(fixedDesrc.Duplicate()));
+ UsingStream = FetchedOut.Get();
+ fixedDesrc.Release();
+ } else {
+ UsingStream = def;
+ }
+void TUserJobStatsProxy::InitIfNotInited(IOutputStream * usingStream) {
+ if (UsingStream == nullptr) {
+ Init(usingStream);
+ }
+void TUserJobStatsProxy::CommitStats() {
+ if (Stats.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto res = NYT::TNode::CreateMap();
+ for (auto& p : Stats) {
+ res[p.first] = p.second;
+ }
+ for (auto& p : TimeStats) {
+ res[p.first] = p.second.MilliSeconds();
+ }
+ with_lock(GlobalStatsWritingMutex) {
+ *UsingStream << PrintNodeSimple(res) << ";" << Endl;
+ }
+ Stats.clear();
+TTimeStatHolder TUserJobStatsProxy::TimerStart(TString name, bool commitOnFinish) {
+ return THolder(new TTimeStat(this, name, commitOnFinish));
+void TUserJobStatsProxy::WriteStat(TString name, i64 val) {
+ auto res = NYT::TNode {} (name, val);
+ with_lock(GlobalStatsWritingMutex) {
+ *UsingStream << PrintNodeSimple(res) << ";" << Endl;
+ }
+void TUserJobStatsProxy::WriteStatNoFlush(TString name, i64 val) {
+ auto res = NYT::TNode {} (name, val);
+ with_lock(GlobalStatsWritingMutex) {
+ *UsingStream << (TStringBuilder{} << PrintNodeSimple(res) << ";\n");
+ }
+TTimeStat::TTimeStat(TUserJobStatsProxy* parent, TString name, bool commit)
+ : Parent(parent)
+ , Name(name)
+ , Commit(commit) {}
+TTimeStat::~TTimeStat() {
+ Finish();
+void TTimeStat::Cancel() {
+ Parent = nullptr;
+void TTimeStat::Finish() {
+ if (!Parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Commit) {
+ Parent->WriteStatNoFlush(Name, Timer.Get().MilliSeconds());
+ } else {
+ Parent->TimeStats[Name] += Timer.Get();
+ }
+ Cancel();
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.h b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6939d20417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/user_job_statistics.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/stream/file.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/datetime/cputimer.h>
+namespace NYtTools {
+ class TTimeStat;
+ using TTimeStatHolder = THolder<TTimeStat>;
+ class TUserJobStatsProxy {
+ public:
+ static const FHANDLE JobStatisticsHandle;
+ private:
+ THolder<IOutputStream> FetchedOut;
+ IOutputStream* UsingStream = &Cerr;
+ public:
+ // TODO: add inheritance
+ THashMap<TString, i64> Stats;//will be dumped in CommitStats or desctructor
+ THashMap<TString, TDuration> TimeStats;//will be dumped in CommitStats or desctructor
+ TUserJobStatsProxy() { Init(nullptr); }
+ ~TUserJobStatsProxy() {
+ CommitStats();
+ }
+ TUserJobStatsProxy (IOutputStream* usingStream) {Init(usingStream);}
+ void Init(IOutputStream* usingStream);
+ void InitChecked(IOutputStream* ifNotInJob);
+ void InitIfNotInited(IOutputStream* usingStream);
+ IOutputStream* GetStream() const { return UsingStream; }
+ void CommitStats();
+ void WriteStat(TString name, i64 val); //immidiatly wirtes stat
+ void WriteStatNoFlush(TString name, i64 val); //immidiatly wirtes stat but do not flush it
+ //@param name name of statistic to be written in millisecs from creation to destruction
+ //@param commitOnFinish if false: will update state/write on job finish; if true: write stat in destructor
+ TTimeStatHolder TimerStart(TString name, bool commitOnFinish = false);
+ };
+ class TTimeStat {
+ TUserJobStatsProxy* Parent;
+ TString Name;
+ bool Commit;
+ TTimeStat(TUserJobStatsProxy* parent, TString name, bool commit);
+ friend class TUserJobStatsProxy;
+ TSimpleTimer Timer;
+ public:
+ ~TTimeStat();
+ TDuration Get() const {
+ return Timer.Get();
+ }
+ void Cancel();
+ void Finish();
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/ya.make b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7179660b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/user_job_statistics/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ user_job_statistics.cpp
+ yt/cpp/mapreduce/common