path: root/library/cpp/yt/string/format-inl.h
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /library/cpp/yt/string/format-inl.h
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/yt/string/format-inl.h')
1 files changed, 744 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/string/format-inl.h b/library/cpp/yt/string/format-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5484d4a216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/string/format-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+#ifndef FORMAT_INL_H_
+#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include format.h"
+// For the sake of sane code completion.
+#include "format.h"
+#include "enum.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yt/assert/assert.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/small_containers/compact_vector.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/misc/enum.h>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <optional>
+namespace NYT {
+static const char GenericSpecSymbol = 'v';
+inline bool IsQuotationSpecSymbol(char symbol)
+ return symbol == 'Q' || symbol == 'q';
+// TStringBuf
+inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, TStringBuf value, TStringBuf format)
+ if (!format) {
+ builder->AppendString(value);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Parse alignment.
+ bool alignLeft = false;
+ const char* current = format.begin();
+ if (*current == '-') {
+ alignLeft = true;
+ ++current;
+ }
+ bool hasAlign = false;
+ int alignSize = 0;
+ while (*current >= '0' && *current <= '9') {
+ hasAlign = true;
+ alignSize = 10 * alignSize + (*current - '0');
+ if (alignSize > 1000000) {
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf("<alignment overflow>"));
+ return;
+ }
+ ++current;
+ }
+ int padding = 0;
+ bool padLeft = false;
+ bool padRight = false;
+ if (hasAlign) {
+ padding = alignSize - value.size();
+ if (padding < 0) {
+ padding = 0;
+ }
+ padLeft = !alignLeft;
+ padRight = alignLeft;
+ }
+ bool singleQuotes = false;
+ bool doubleQuotes = false;
+ while (current < format.end()) {
+ if (*current == 'q') {
+ singleQuotes = true;
+ } else if (*current == 'Q') {
+ doubleQuotes = true;
+ }
+ ++current;
+ }
+ if (padLeft) {
+ builder->AppendChar(' ', padding);
+ }
+ if (singleQuotes || doubleQuotes) {
+ for (const char* valueCurrent = value.begin(); valueCurrent < value.end(); ++valueCurrent) {
+ char ch = *valueCurrent;
+ if (ch == '\n') {
+ builder->AppendString("\\n");
+ } else if (ch == '\t') {
+ builder->AppendString("\\t");
+ } else if (ch < PrintableASCIILow || ch > PrintableASCIIHigh) {
+ builder->AppendString("\\x");
+ builder->AppendChar(Int2Hex[static_cast<ui8>(ch) >> 4]);
+ builder->AppendChar(Int2Hex[static_cast<ui8>(ch) & 0xf]);
+ } else if ((singleQuotes && ch == '\'') || (doubleQuotes && ch == '\"')) {
+ builder->AppendChar('\\');
+ builder->AppendChar(ch);
+ } else {
+ builder->AppendChar(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ builder->AppendString(value);
+ }
+ if (padRight) {
+ builder->AppendChar(' ', padding);
+ }
+// TString
+inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TString& value, TStringBuf format)
+ FormatValue(builder, TStringBuf(value), format);
+// const char*
+inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const char* value, TStringBuf format)
+ FormatValue(builder, TStringBuf(value), format);
+// char
+inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, char value, TStringBuf format)
+ FormatValue(builder, TStringBuf(&value, 1), format);
+// bool
+inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, bool value, TStringBuf format)
+ // Parse custom flags.
+ bool lowercase = false;
+ const char* current = format.begin();
+ while (current != format.end()) {
+ if (*current == 'l') {
+ ++current;
+ lowercase = true;
+ } else if (IsQuotationSpecSymbol(*current)) {
+ ++current;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ auto str = lowercase
+ ? (value ? TStringBuf("true") : TStringBuf("false"))
+ : (value ? TStringBuf("True") : TStringBuf("False"));
+ builder->AppendString(str);
+// Fallback to ToString
+struct TToStringFallbackValueFormatterTag
+{ };
+template <class TValue, class = void>
+struct TValueFormatter
+ static TToStringFallbackValueFormatterTag Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TValue& value, TStringBuf format)
+ {
+ using ::ToString;
+ FormatValue(builder, ToString(value), format);
+ return {};
+ }
+// Enum
+template <class TEnum>
+struct TValueFormatter<TEnum, typename std::enable_if<TEnumTraits<TEnum>::IsEnum>::type>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, TEnum value, TStringBuf format)
+ {
+ // Parse custom flags.
+ bool lowercase = false;
+ const char* current = format.begin();
+ while (current != format.end()) {
+ if (*current == 'l') {
+ ++current;
+ lowercase = true;
+ } else if (IsQuotationSpecSymbol(*current)) {
+ ++current;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ FormatEnum(builder, value, lowercase);
+ }
+template <class TRange, class TFormatter>
+typename TFormattableView<TRange, TFormatter>::TBegin TFormattableView<TRange, TFormatter>::begin() const
+ return RangeBegin;
+template <class TRange, class TFormatter>
+typename TFormattableView<TRange, TFormatter>::TEnd TFormattableView<TRange, TFormatter>::end() const
+ return RangeEnd;
+template <class TRange, class TFormatter>
+TFormattableView<TRange, TFormatter> MakeFormattableView(
+ const TRange& range,
+ TFormatter&& formatter)
+ return TFormattableView<TRange, std::decay_t<TFormatter>>{range.begin(), range.end(), std::forward<TFormatter>(formatter)};
+template <class TRange, class TFormatter>
+TFormattableView<TRange, TFormatter> MakeShrunkFormattableView(
+ const TRange& range,
+ TFormatter&& formatter,
+ size_t limit)
+ return TFormattableView<TRange, std::decay_t<TFormatter>>{range.begin(), range.end(), std::forward<TFormatter>(formatter), limit};
+template <class TRange, class TFormatter>
+void FormatRange(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TRange& range, const TFormatter& formatter, size_t limit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max())
+ builder->AppendChar('[');
+ size_t index = 0;
+ for (const auto& item : range) {
+ if (index > 0) {
+ builder->AppendString(DefaultJoinToStringDelimiter);
+ }
+ if (index == limit) {
+ builder->AppendString(DefaultRangeEllipsisFormat);
+ break;
+ }
+ formatter(builder, item);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ builder->AppendChar(']');
+template <class TRange, class TFormatter>
+void FormatKeyValueRange(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TRange& range, const TFormatter& formatter, size_t limit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max())
+ builder->AppendChar('{');
+ size_t index = 0;
+ for (const auto& item : range) {
+ if (index > 0) {
+ builder->AppendString(DefaultJoinToStringDelimiter);
+ }
+ if (index == limit) {
+ builder->AppendString(DefaultRangeEllipsisFormat);
+ break;
+ }
+ formatter(builder, item.first);
+ builder->AppendString(DefaultKeyValueDelimiter);
+ formatter(builder, item.second);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ builder->AppendChar('}');
+// TFormattableView
+template <class TRange, class TFormatter>
+struct TValueFormatter<TFormattableView<TRange, TFormatter>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TFormattableView<TRange, TFormatter>& range, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatRange(builder, range, range.Formatter, range.Limit);
+ }
+template <class TFormatter>
+TFormatterWrapper<TFormatter> MakeFormatterWrapper(
+ TFormatter&& formatter)
+ return TFormatterWrapper<TFormatter>{
+ .Formatter = std::move(formatter)
+ };
+// TFormatterWrapper
+template <class TFormatter>
+struct TValueFormatter<TFormatterWrapper<TFormatter>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TFormatterWrapper<TFormatter>& wrapper, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ wrapper.Formatter(builder);
+ }
+// std::vector
+template <class T, class TAllocator>
+struct TValueFormatter<std::vector<T, TAllocator>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const std::vector<T, TAllocator>& collection, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatRange(builder, collection, TDefaultFormatter());
+ }
+// TCompactVector
+template <class T, unsigned N>
+struct TValueFormatter<TCompactVector<T, N>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TCompactVector<T, N>& collection, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatRange(builder, collection, TDefaultFormatter());
+ }
+// std::set
+template <class T>
+struct TValueFormatter<std::set<T>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const std::set<T>& collection, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatRange(builder, collection, TDefaultFormatter());
+ }
+// std::map
+template <class K, class V>
+struct TValueFormatter<std::map<K, V>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const std::map<K, V>& collection, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatKeyValueRange(builder, collection, TDefaultFormatter());
+ }
+// std::multimap
+template <class K, class V>
+struct TValueFormatter<std::multimap<K, V>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const std::multimap<K, V>& collection, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatKeyValueRange(builder, collection, TDefaultFormatter());
+ }
+// THashSet
+template <class T>
+struct TValueFormatter<THashSet<T>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const THashSet<T>& collection, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatRange(builder, collection, TDefaultFormatter());
+ }
+// THashMultiSet
+template <class T>
+struct TValueFormatter<THashMultiSet<T>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const THashMultiSet<T>& collection, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatRange(builder, collection, TDefaultFormatter());
+ }
+// THashMap
+template <class K, class V>
+struct TValueFormatter<THashMap<K, V>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const THashMap<K, V>& collection, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatKeyValueRange(builder, collection, TDefaultFormatter());
+ }
+// THashMultiMap
+template <class K, class V>
+struct TValueFormatter<THashMultiMap<K, V>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const THashMultiMap<K, V>& collection, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ {
+ FormatKeyValueRange(builder, collection, TDefaultFormatter());
+ }
+// TEnumIndexedVector
+template <class E, class T>
+struct TValueFormatter<TEnumIndexedVector<E, T>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TEnumIndexedVector<E, T>& collection, TStringBuf format)
+ {
+ builder->AppendChar('{');
+ bool firstItem = true;
+ for (const auto& index : TEnumTraits<E>::GetDomainValues()) {
+ if (!firstItem) {
+ builder->AppendString(DefaultJoinToStringDelimiter);
+ }
+ FormatValue(builder, index, format);
+ builder->AppendString(": ");
+ FormatValue(builder, collection[index], format);
+ firstItem = false;
+ }
+ builder->AppendChar('}');
+ }
+// std::pair
+template <class T1, class T2>
+struct TValueFormatter<std::pair<T1, T2>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const std::pair<T1, T2>& value, TStringBuf format)
+ {
+ builder->AppendChar('{');
+ FormatValue(builder, value.first, format);
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(", "));
+ FormatValue(builder, value.second, format);
+ builder->AppendChar('}');
+ }
+// std::optional
+inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, std::nullopt_t, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf("<null>"));
+template <class T>
+struct TValueFormatter<std::optional<T>>
+ static void Do(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const std::optional<T>& value, TStringBuf format)
+ {
+ if (value) {
+ FormatValue(builder, *value, format);
+ } else {
+ FormatValue(builder, std::nullopt, format);
+ }
+ }
+template <class TValue>
+auto FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TValue& value, TStringBuf format) ->
+ decltype(TValueFormatter<TValue>::Do(builder, value, format))
+ return TValueFormatter<TValue>::Do(builder, value, format);
+template <class TValue>
+void FormatValueViaSprintf(
+ TStringBuilderBase* builder,
+ TValue value,
+ TStringBuf format,
+ TStringBuf genericSpec)
+ constexpr int MaxFormatSize = 64;
+ constexpr int SmallResultSize = 64;
+ auto copyFormat = [] (char* destination, const char* source, int length) {
+ int position = 0;
+ for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
+ if (IsQuotationSpecSymbol(source[index])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ destination[position] = source[index];
+ ++position;
+ }
+ return destination + position;
+ };
+ char formatBuf[MaxFormatSize];
+ YT_VERIFY(format.length() >= 1 && format.length() <= MaxFormatSize - 2); // one for %, one for \0
+ formatBuf[0] = '%';
+ if (format[format.length() - 1] == GenericSpecSymbol) {
+ char* formatEnd = copyFormat(formatBuf + 1, format.begin(), format.length() - 1);
+ ::memcpy(formatEnd, genericSpec.begin(), genericSpec.length());
+ formatEnd[genericSpec.length()] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ char* formatEnd = copyFormat(formatBuf + 1, format.begin(), format.length());
+ *formatEnd = '\0';
+ }
+ char* result = builder->Preallocate(SmallResultSize);
+ size_t resultSize = ::snprintf(result, SmallResultSize, formatBuf, value);
+ if (resultSize >= SmallResultSize) {
+ result = builder->Preallocate(resultSize + 1);
+ YT_VERIFY(::snprintf(result, resultSize + 1, formatBuf, value) == static_cast<int>(resultSize));
+ }
+ builder->Advance(resultSize);
+template <class TValue>
+char* WriteIntToBufferBackwards(char* buffer, TValue value);
+template <class TValue>
+void FormatValueViaHelper(TStringBuilderBase* builder, TValue value, TStringBuf format, TStringBuf genericSpec)
+ if (format == TStringBuf("v")) {
+ const int MaxResultSize = 64;
+ char buffer[MaxResultSize];
+ char* end = buffer + MaxResultSize;
+ char* start = WriteIntToBufferBackwards(end, value);
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(start, end));
+ } else {
+ FormatValueViaSprintf(builder, value, format, genericSpec);
+ }
+#define XX(valueType, castType, genericSpec) \
+ inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, valueType value, TStringBuf format) \
+ { \
+ FormatValueViaHelper(builder, static_cast<castType>(value), format, genericSpec); \
+ }
+XX(i8, int, TStringBuf("d"))
+XX(ui8, unsigned int, TStringBuf("u"))
+XX(i16, int, TStringBuf("d"))
+XX(ui16, unsigned int, TStringBuf("u"))
+XX(i32, int, TStringBuf("d"))
+XX(ui32, unsigned int, TStringBuf("u"))
+XX(long, long, TStringBuf("ld"))
+XX(unsigned long, unsigned long, TStringBuf("lu"))
+#undef XX
+#define XX(valueType, castType, genericSpec) \
+ inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, valueType value, TStringBuf format) \
+ { \
+ FormatValueViaSprintf(builder, static_cast<castType>(value), format, genericSpec); \
+ }
+XX(double, double, TStringBuf("lf"))
+XX(float, float, TStringBuf("f"))
+#undef XX
+// Pointer
+template <class T>
+void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, T* value, TStringBuf format)
+ FormatValueViaSprintf(builder, value, format, TStringBuf("p"));
+// TDuration (specialize for performance reasons)
+inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, TDuration value, TStringBuf /*format*/)
+ builder->AppendFormat("%vus", value.MicroSeconds());
+// TInstant (specialize for TFormatTraits)
+inline void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, TInstant value, TStringBuf format)
+ // TODO(babenko): optimize
+ builder->AppendFormat("%v", ToString(value), format);
+template <class TArgFormatter>
+void FormatImpl(
+ TStringBuilderBase* builder,
+ TStringBuf format,
+ const TArgFormatter& argFormatter)
+ size_t argIndex = 0;
+ auto current = format.begin();
+ while (true) {
+ // Scan verbatim part until stop symbol.
+ auto verbatimBegin = current;
+ auto verbatimEnd = verbatimBegin;
+ while (verbatimEnd != format.end() && *verbatimEnd != '%') {
+ ++verbatimEnd;
+ }
+ // Copy verbatim part, if any.
+ size_t verbatimSize = verbatimEnd - verbatimBegin;
+ if (verbatimSize > 0) {
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf(verbatimBegin, verbatimSize));
+ }
+ // Handle stop symbol.
+ current = verbatimEnd;
+ if (current == format.end()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ YT_ASSERT(*current == '%');
+ ++current;
+ if (*current == '%') {
+ // Verbatim %.
+ builder->AppendChar('%');
+ ++current;
+ } else {
+ // Scan format part until stop symbol.
+ auto argFormatBegin = current;
+ auto argFormatEnd = argFormatBegin;
+ bool singleQuotes = false;
+ bool doubleQuotes = false;
+ while (
+ argFormatEnd != format.end() &&
+ *argFormatEnd != GenericSpecSymbol && // value in generic format
+ *argFormatEnd != 'd' && // others are standard specifiers supported by printf
+ *argFormatEnd != 'i' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'u' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'o' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'x' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'X' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'f' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'F' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'e' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'E' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'g' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'G' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'a' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'A' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'c' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 's' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'p' &&
+ *argFormatEnd != 'n')
+ {
+ if (*argFormatEnd == 'q') {
+ singleQuotes = true;
+ } else if (*argFormatEnd == 'Q') {
+ doubleQuotes = true;
+ }
+ ++argFormatEnd;
+ }
+ // Handle end of format string.
+ if (argFormatEnd != format.end()) {
+ ++argFormatEnd;
+ }
+ // 'n' means 'nothing'; skip the argument.
+ if (*argFormatBegin != 'n') {
+ // Format argument.
+ TStringBuf argFormat(argFormatBegin, argFormatEnd);
+ if (singleQuotes) {
+ builder->AppendChar('\'');
+ }
+ if (doubleQuotes) {
+ builder->AppendChar('"');
+ }
+ argFormatter(argIndex++, builder, argFormat);
+ if (singleQuotes) {
+ builder->AppendChar('\'');
+ }
+ if (doubleQuotes) {
+ builder->AppendChar('"');
+ }
+ }
+ current = argFormatEnd;
+ }
+ }
+template <class T>
+struct TFormatTraits
+ static constexpr bool HasCustomFormatValue = !std::is_same_v<
+ decltype(FormatValue(
+ static_cast<TStringBuilderBase*>(nullptr),
+ *static_cast<const T*>(nullptr),
+ TStringBuf())),
+ TToStringFallbackValueFormatterTag>;
+template <size_t IndexBase, class... TArgs>
+struct TArgFormatterImpl;
+template <size_t IndexBase>
+struct TArgFormatterImpl<IndexBase>
+ void operator() (size_t /*index*/, TStringBuilderBase* builder, TStringBuf /*format*/) const
+ {
+ builder->AppendString(TStringBuf("<missing argument>"));
+ }
+template <size_t IndexBase, class THeadArg, class... TTailArgs>
+struct TArgFormatterImpl<IndexBase, THeadArg, TTailArgs...>
+ explicit TArgFormatterImpl(const THeadArg& headArg, const TTailArgs&... tailArgs)
+ : HeadArg(headArg)
+ , TailFormatter(tailArgs...)
+ { }
+ const THeadArg& HeadArg;
+ TArgFormatterImpl<IndexBase + 1, TTailArgs...> TailFormatter;
+ void operator() (size_t index, TStringBuilderBase* builder, TStringBuf format) const
+ {
+ YT_ASSERT(index >= IndexBase);
+ if (index == IndexBase) {
+ FormatValue(builder, HeadArg, format);
+ } else {
+ TailFormatter(index, builder, format);
+ }
+ }
+template <size_t Length, class... TArgs>
+void Format(
+ TStringBuilderBase* builder,
+ const char (&format)[Length],
+ TArgs&&... args)
+ Format(builder, TStringBuf(format, Length - 1), std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+template <class... TArgs>
+void Format(
+ TStringBuilderBase* builder,
+ TStringBuf format,
+ TArgs&&... args)
+ TArgFormatterImpl<0, TArgs...> argFormatter(args...);
+ FormatImpl(builder, format, argFormatter);
+template <size_t Length, class... TArgs>
+TString Format(
+ const char (&format)[Length],
+ TArgs&&... args)
+ TStringBuilder builder;
+ Format(&builder, format, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+ return builder.Flush();
+template <class... TArgs>
+TString Format(
+ TStringBuf format,
+ TArgs&&... args)
+ TStringBuilder builder;
+ Format(&builder, format, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+ return builder.Flush();
+} // namespace NYT