path: root/library/cpp/monlib/encode/prometheus/prometheus_decoder.cpp
diff options
authorSergey Polovko <sergey@polovko.me>2022-02-10 16:47:02 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:02 +0300
commit3e0b762a82514bac89c1dd6ea7211e381d8aa248 (patch)
treec2d1b379ecaf05ca8f11ed0b5da9d1a950e6e554 /library/cpp/monlib/encode/prometheus/prometheus_decoder.cpp
parentab3783171cc30e262243a0227c86118f7080c896 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for Sergey Polovko <sergey@polovko.me>. Commit 1 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/monlib/encode/prometheus/prometheus_decoder.cpp')
1 files changed, 548 insertions, 548 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/monlib/encode/prometheus/prometheus_decoder.cpp b/library/cpp/monlib/encode/prometheus/prometheus_decoder.cpp
index 7e81357dbd..f11dd33e31 100644
--- a/library/cpp/monlib/encode/prometheus/prometheus_decoder.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/monlib/encode/prometheus/prometheus_decoder.cpp
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-#include "prometheus.h"
-#include "prometheus_model.h"
-#include <library/cpp/monlib/metrics/histogram_snapshot.h>
-#include <library/cpp/monlib/metrics/metric.h>
-#include <util/datetime/base.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-#include <util/string/cast.h>
-#include <util/string/builder.h>
-#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
-#include <util/string/ascii.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#define Y_PARSER_FAIL(message) \
- ythrow ::NMonitoring::TPrometheusDecodeException() << message << " at line #" << CurrentLine_
-#define Y_PARSER_ENSURE(cond, message) \
- Y_ENSURE_EX(cond, ::NMonitoring::TPrometheusDecodeException() << message << " at line #" << CurrentLine_)
-namespace NMonitoring {
- namespace {
+#include "prometheus.h"
+#include "prometheus_model.h"
+#include <library/cpp/monlib/metrics/histogram_snapshot.h>
+#include <library/cpp/monlib/metrics/metric.h>
+#include <util/datetime/base.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
+#include <util/string/ascii.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#define Y_PARSER_FAIL(message) \
+ ythrow ::NMonitoring::TPrometheusDecodeException() << message << " at line #" << CurrentLine_
+#define Y_PARSER_ENSURE(cond, message) \
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(cond, ::NMonitoring::TPrometheusDecodeException() << message << " at line #" << CurrentLine_)
+namespace NMonitoring {
+ namespace {
constexpr ui32 MAX_LABEL_VALUE_LEN = 256;
- using TLabelsMap = THashMap<TString, TString>;
- TString LabelsToStr(const TLabelsMap& labels) {
- TStringBuilder sb;
- auto it = labels.begin();
- auto end = labels.end();
- sb << '{';
- while (it != end) {
- sb << it->first;
- sb << '=';
- sb << '"' << it->second << '"';
- ++it;
- if (it != end) {
- sb << ", ";
- }
- }
- sb << '}';
- return sb;
- }
+ using TLabelsMap = THashMap<TString, TString>;
+ TString LabelsToStr(const TLabelsMap& labels) {
+ TStringBuilder sb;
+ auto it = labels.begin();
+ auto end = labels.end();
+ sb << '{';
+ while (it != end) {
+ sb << it->first;
+ sb << '=';
+ sb << '"' << it->second << '"';
+ ++it;
+ if (it != end) {
+ sb << ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ sb << '}';
+ return sb;
+ }
template <typename T, typename U>
bool TryStaticCast(U val, T& out) {
@@ -64,534 +64,534 @@ namespace NMonitoring {
return true;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // THistogramBuilder
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class THistogramBuilder {
- using TBucketData = std::pair<TBucketBound, TBucketValue>;
- constexpr static TBucketData ZERO_BUCKET = { -std::numeric_limits<TBucketBound>::max(), 0 };
- public:
- TStringBuf GetName() const noexcept {
- return Name_;
- }
- void SetName(TStringBuf name) noexcept {
- Name_ = name;
- }
- const TLabelsMap& GetLabels() const noexcept {
- return *Labels_;
- }
- void SetLabels(TLabelsMap&& labels) {
- if (Labels_.Defined()) {
- Y_ENSURE(Labels_ == labels,
- "mixed labels in one histogram, prev: " << LabelsToStr(*Labels_) <<
- ", current: " << LabelsToStr(labels));
- } else {
- Labels_.ConstructInPlace(std::move(labels));
- }
- }
- TInstant GetTime() const noexcept {
- return Time_;
- }
- void SetTime(TInstant time) noexcept {
- Time_ = time;
- }
- bool Empty() const noexcept {
- return Bounds_.empty();
- }
- bool Same(TStringBuf name, const TLabelsMap& labels) const noexcept {
- return Name_ == name && Labels_ == labels;
- }
- void AddBucket(TBucketBound bound, TBucketValue value) {
- Y_ENSURE_EX(PrevBucket_.first < bound, TPrometheusDecodeException() <<
- "invalid order of histogram bounds " << PrevBucket_.first <<
- " >= " << bound);
- Y_ENSURE_EX(PrevBucket_.second <= value, TPrometheusDecodeException() <<
- "invalid order of histogram bucket values " << PrevBucket_.second <<
- " > " << value);
- // convert infinite bound value
- if (bound == std::numeric_limits<TBucketBound>::infinity()) {
- }
- Bounds_.push_back(bound);
- Values_.push_back(value - PrevBucket_.second); // keep only delta between buckets
- PrevBucket_ = { bound, value };
- }
- // will clear builder state
- IHistogramSnapshotPtr ToSnapshot() {
- Y_ENSURE_EX(!Empty(), TPrometheusDecodeException() << "histogram cannot be empty");
- Time_ = TInstant::Zero();
- PrevBucket_ = ZERO_BUCKET;
- Labels_.Clear();
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // THistogramBuilder
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class THistogramBuilder {
+ using TBucketData = std::pair<TBucketBound, TBucketValue>;
+ constexpr static TBucketData ZERO_BUCKET = { -std::numeric_limits<TBucketBound>::max(), 0 };
+ public:
+ TStringBuf GetName() const noexcept {
+ return Name_;
+ }
+ void SetName(TStringBuf name) noexcept {
+ Name_ = name;
+ }
+ const TLabelsMap& GetLabels() const noexcept {
+ return *Labels_;
+ }
+ void SetLabels(TLabelsMap&& labels) {
+ if (Labels_.Defined()) {
+ Y_ENSURE(Labels_ == labels,
+ "mixed labels in one histogram, prev: " << LabelsToStr(*Labels_) <<
+ ", current: " << LabelsToStr(labels));
+ } else {
+ Labels_.ConstructInPlace(std::move(labels));
+ }
+ }
+ TInstant GetTime() const noexcept {
+ return Time_;
+ }
+ void SetTime(TInstant time) noexcept {
+ Time_ = time;
+ }
+ bool Empty() const noexcept {
+ return Bounds_.empty();
+ }
+ bool Same(TStringBuf name, const TLabelsMap& labels) const noexcept {
+ return Name_ == name && Labels_ == labels;
+ }
+ void AddBucket(TBucketBound bound, TBucketValue value) {
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(PrevBucket_.first < bound, TPrometheusDecodeException() <<
+ "invalid order of histogram bounds " << PrevBucket_.first <<
+ " >= " << bound);
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(PrevBucket_.second <= value, TPrometheusDecodeException() <<
+ "invalid order of histogram bucket values " << PrevBucket_.second <<
+ " > " << value);
+ // convert infinite bound value
+ if (bound == std::numeric_limits<TBucketBound>::infinity()) {
+ }
+ Bounds_.push_back(bound);
+ Values_.push_back(value - PrevBucket_.second); // keep only delta between buckets
+ PrevBucket_ = { bound, value };
+ }
+ // will clear builder state
+ IHistogramSnapshotPtr ToSnapshot() {
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(!Empty(), TPrometheusDecodeException() << "histogram cannot be empty");
+ Time_ = TInstant::Zero();
+ PrevBucket_ = ZERO_BUCKET;
+ Labels_.Clear();
auto snapshot = ExplicitHistogramSnapshot(Bounds_, Values_);
return snapshot;
- }
- private:
- TStringBuf Name_;
- TMaybe<TLabelsMap> Labels_;
- TInstant Time_;
- TBucketBounds Bounds_;
- TBucketValues Values_;
- TBucketData PrevBucket_ = ZERO_BUCKET;
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // EPrometheusMetricType
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- enum class EPrometheusMetricType {
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TPrometheusReader
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TPrometheusReader {
- public:
+ }
+ private:
+ TStringBuf Name_;
+ TMaybe<TLabelsMap> Labels_;
+ TInstant Time_;
+ TBucketBounds Bounds_;
+ TBucketValues Values_;
+ TBucketData PrevBucket_ = ZERO_BUCKET;
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // EPrometheusMetricType
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ enum class EPrometheusMetricType {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // TPrometheusReader
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class TPrometheusReader {
+ public:
TPrometheusReader(TStringBuf data, IMetricConsumer* c, TStringBuf metricNameLabel)
- : Data_(data)
- , Consumer_(c)
+ : Data_(data)
+ , Consumer_(c)
, MetricNameLabel_(metricNameLabel)
- {
- }
- void Read() {
- Consumer_->OnStreamBegin();
- if (HasRemaining()) {
- ReadNextByte();
- SkipSpaces();
- try {
- while (HasRemaining()) {
- switch (CurrentByte_) {
- case '\n':
- ReadNextByte(); // skip '\n'
- CurrentLine_++;
- SkipSpaces();
- break;
- case '#':
- ParseComment();
- break;
- default:
- ParseMetric();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!HistogramBuilder_.Empty()) {
- ConsumeHistogram();
- }
- } catch (const TPrometheusDecodeException& e) {
- throw e;
- } catch (...) {
- Y_PARSER_FAIL("unexpected error " << CurrentExceptionMessage());
- }
- }
- Consumer_->OnStreamEnd();
- }
- private:
- bool HasRemaining() const noexcept {
- return CurrentPos_ < Data_.Size();
- }
- // # 'TYPE' metric_name {counter|gauge|histogram|summary|untyped}
- // # 'HELP' metric_name some help info
- // # general comment message
- void ParseComment() {
- SkipExpectedChar('#');
- SkipSpaces();
- TStringBuf keyword = ReadToken();
+ {
+ }
+ void Read() {
+ Consumer_->OnStreamBegin();
+ if (HasRemaining()) {
+ ReadNextByte();
+ SkipSpaces();
+ try {
+ while (HasRemaining()) {
+ switch (CurrentByte_) {
+ case '\n':
+ ReadNextByte(); // skip '\n'
+ CurrentLine_++;
+ SkipSpaces();
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ ParseComment();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ParseMetric();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!HistogramBuilder_.Empty()) {
+ ConsumeHistogram();
+ }
+ } catch (const TPrometheusDecodeException& e) {
+ throw e;
+ } catch (...) {
+ Y_PARSER_FAIL("unexpected error " << CurrentExceptionMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ Consumer_->OnStreamEnd();
+ }
+ private:
+ bool HasRemaining() const noexcept {
+ return CurrentPos_ < Data_.Size();
+ }
+ // # 'TYPE' metric_name {counter|gauge|histogram|summary|untyped}
+ // # 'HELP' metric_name some help info
+ // # general comment message
+ void ParseComment() {
+ SkipExpectedChar('#');
+ SkipSpaces();
+ TStringBuf keyword = ReadToken();
if (keyword == TStringBuf("TYPE")) {
- SkipSpaces();
- TStringBuf nextName = ReadTokenAsMetricName();
- Y_PARSER_ENSURE(!nextName.Empty(), "invalid metric name");
- SkipSpaces();
- EPrometheusMetricType nextType = ReadType();
- bool inserted = SeenTypes_.emplace(nextName, nextType).second;
- Y_PARSER_ENSURE(inserted, "second TYPE line for metric " << nextName);
- if (nextType == EPrometheusMetricType::HISTOGRAM) {
- if (!HistogramBuilder_.Empty()) {
- ConsumeHistogram();
- }
- HistogramBuilder_.SetName(nextName);
- }
- } else {
- // skip HELP and general comments
- SkipUntilEol();
- }
- Y_PARSER_ENSURE(CurrentByte_ == '\n', "expected '\\n', found '" << CurrentByte_ << '\'');
- }
- // metric_name [labels] value [timestamp]
- void ParseMetric() {
- TStringBuf name = ReadTokenAsMetricName();
- SkipSpaces();
- TLabelsMap labels = ReadLabels();
- SkipSpaces();
- double value = ParseGoDouble(ReadToken());
- SkipSpaces();
- TInstant time = TInstant::Zero();
- if (CurrentByte_ != '\n') {
- time = TInstant::MilliSeconds(FromString<ui64>(ReadToken()));
- }
- TStringBuf baseName = name;
- EPrometheusMetricType type = EPrometheusMetricType::UNTYPED;
- if (auto* seenType = SeenTypes_.FindPtr(name)) {
- type = *seenType;
- } else {
- baseName = NPrometheus::ToBaseName(name);
- if (auto* baseType = SeenTypes_.FindPtr(baseName)) {
- type = *baseType;
- }
- }
- switch (type) {
- case EPrometheusMetricType::HISTOGRAM:
- if (NPrometheus::IsBucket(name)) {
- double bound = 0.0;
- auto it = labels.find(NPrometheus::BUCKET_LABEL);
- if (it != labels.end()) {
- bound = ParseGoDouble(it->second);
- labels.erase(it);
- } else {
- "metric " << name << "has no " << NPrometheus::BUCKET_LABEL <<
- " label at line #" << CurrentLine_);
- }
- if (!HistogramBuilder_.Empty() && !HistogramBuilder_.Same(baseName, labels)) {
- ConsumeHistogram();
- HistogramBuilder_.SetName(baseName);
- }
+ SkipSpaces();
+ TStringBuf nextName = ReadTokenAsMetricName();
+ Y_PARSER_ENSURE(!nextName.Empty(), "invalid metric name");
+ SkipSpaces();
+ EPrometheusMetricType nextType = ReadType();
+ bool inserted = SeenTypes_.emplace(nextName, nextType).second;
+ Y_PARSER_ENSURE(inserted, "second TYPE line for metric " << nextName);
+ if (nextType == EPrometheusMetricType::HISTOGRAM) {
+ if (!HistogramBuilder_.Empty()) {
+ ConsumeHistogram();
+ }
+ HistogramBuilder_.SetName(nextName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // skip HELP and general comments
+ SkipUntilEol();
+ }
+ Y_PARSER_ENSURE(CurrentByte_ == '\n', "expected '\\n', found '" << CurrentByte_ << '\'');
+ }
+ // metric_name [labels] value [timestamp]
+ void ParseMetric() {
+ TStringBuf name = ReadTokenAsMetricName();
+ SkipSpaces();
+ TLabelsMap labels = ReadLabels();
+ SkipSpaces();
+ double value = ParseGoDouble(ReadToken());
+ SkipSpaces();
+ TInstant time = TInstant::Zero();
+ if (CurrentByte_ != '\n') {
+ time = TInstant::MilliSeconds(FromString<ui64>(ReadToken()));
+ }
+ TStringBuf baseName = name;
+ EPrometheusMetricType type = EPrometheusMetricType::UNTYPED;
+ if (auto* seenType = SeenTypes_.FindPtr(name)) {
+ type = *seenType;
+ } else {
+ baseName = NPrometheus::ToBaseName(name);
+ if (auto* baseType = SeenTypes_.FindPtr(baseName)) {
+ type = *baseType;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case EPrometheusMetricType::HISTOGRAM:
+ if (NPrometheus::IsBucket(name)) {
+ double bound = 0.0;
+ auto it = labels.find(NPrometheus::BUCKET_LABEL);
+ if (it != labels.end()) {
+ bound = ParseGoDouble(it->second);
+ labels.erase(it);
+ } else {
+ "metric " << name << "has no " << NPrometheus::BUCKET_LABEL <<
+ " label at line #" << CurrentLine_);
+ }
+ if (!HistogramBuilder_.Empty() && !HistogramBuilder_.Same(baseName, labels)) {
+ ConsumeHistogram();
+ HistogramBuilder_.SetName(baseName);
+ }
TBucketValue bucketVal;
Y_PARSER_ENSURE(TryStaticCast(value, bucketVal), "Cannot convert " << value << " to bucket value type");
HistogramBuilder_.AddBucket(bound, bucketVal);
- HistogramBuilder_.SetTime(time);
- HistogramBuilder_.SetLabels(std::move(labels));
- } else if (NPrometheus::IsCount(name)) {
- // translate x_count metric as COUNTER metric
- ConsumeCounter(name, labels, time, value);
- } else if (NPrometheus::IsSum(name)) {
- // translate x_sum metric as GAUGE metric
- ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
- } else {
- "metric " << name <<
- " should be part of HISTOGRAM " << baseName);
- }
- break;
- case EPrometheusMetricType::SUMMARY:
- if (NPrometheus::IsCount(name)) {
- // translate x_count metric as COUNTER metric
- ConsumeCounter(name, labels, time, value);
- } else if (NPrometheus::IsSum(name)) {
- // translate x_sum metric as GAUGE metric
- ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
- } else {
- ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
- }
- break;
- case EPrometheusMetricType::COUNTER:
- ConsumeCounter(name, labels, time, value);
- break;
- case EPrometheusMetricType::GAUGE:
- ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
- break;
- case EPrometheusMetricType::UNTYPED:
- ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
- break;
- }
- Y_PARSER_ENSURE(CurrentByte_ == '\n', "expected '\\n', found '" << CurrentByte_ << '\'');
- }
- // { name = "value", name2 = "value2", }
- TLabelsMap ReadLabels() {
- TLabelsMap labels;
- if (CurrentByte_ != '{') {
- return labels;
- }
- SkipExpectedChar('{');
- SkipSpaces();
- while (CurrentByte_ != '}') {
- TStringBuf name = ReadTokenAsLabelName();
- SkipSpaces();
- SkipExpectedChar('=');
- SkipSpaces();
- TString value = ReadTokenAsLabelValue();
- SkipSpaces();
- labels.emplace(name, value);
- if (CurrentByte_ == ',') {
- SkipExpectedChar(',');
- SkipSpaces();
- }
- }
- SkipExpectedChar('}');
- return labels;
- }
- EPrometheusMetricType ReadType() {
- TStringBuf keyword = ReadToken();
- if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "GAUGE")) {
- return EPrometheusMetricType::GAUGE;
- } else if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "COUNTER")) {
- return EPrometheusMetricType::COUNTER;
- } else if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "SUMMARY")) {
- return EPrometheusMetricType::SUMMARY;
- } else if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "HISTOGRAM")) {
- return EPrometheusMetricType::HISTOGRAM;
- } else if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "UNTYPED")) {
- return EPrometheusMetricType::UNTYPED;
- }
- "unknown metric type: " << keyword <<
- " at line #" << CurrentLine_);
- }
- Y_FORCE_INLINE void ReadNextByteUnsafe() {
- CurrentByte_ = Data_[CurrentPos_++];
- }
+ HistogramBuilder_.SetTime(time);
+ HistogramBuilder_.SetLabels(std::move(labels));
+ } else if (NPrometheus::IsCount(name)) {
+ // translate x_count metric as COUNTER metric
+ ConsumeCounter(name, labels, time, value);
+ } else if (NPrometheus::IsSum(name)) {
+ // translate x_sum metric as GAUGE metric
+ ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
+ } else {
+ "metric " << name <<
+ " should be part of HISTOGRAM " << baseName);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EPrometheusMetricType::SUMMARY:
+ if (NPrometheus::IsCount(name)) {
+ // translate x_count metric as COUNTER metric
+ ConsumeCounter(name, labels, time, value);
+ } else if (NPrometheus::IsSum(name)) {
+ // translate x_sum metric as GAUGE metric
+ ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
+ } else {
+ ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EPrometheusMetricType::COUNTER:
+ ConsumeCounter(name, labels, time, value);
+ break;
+ case EPrometheusMetricType::GAUGE:
+ ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
+ break;
+ case EPrometheusMetricType::UNTYPED:
+ ConsumeGauge(name, labels, time, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ Y_PARSER_ENSURE(CurrentByte_ == '\n', "expected '\\n', found '" << CurrentByte_ << '\'');
+ }
+ // { name = "value", name2 = "value2", }
+ TLabelsMap ReadLabels() {
+ TLabelsMap labels;
+ if (CurrentByte_ != '{') {
+ return labels;
+ }
+ SkipExpectedChar('{');
+ SkipSpaces();
+ while (CurrentByte_ != '}') {
+ TStringBuf name = ReadTokenAsLabelName();
+ SkipSpaces();
+ SkipExpectedChar('=');
+ SkipSpaces();
+ TString value = ReadTokenAsLabelValue();
+ SkipSpaces();
+ labels.emplace(name, value);
+ if (CurrentByte_ == ',') {
+ SkipExpectedChar(',');
+ SkipSpaces();
+ }
+ }
+ SkipExpectedChar('}');
+ return labels;
+ }
+ EPrometheusMetricType ReadType() {
+ TStringBuf keyword = ReadToken();
+ if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "GAUGE")) {
+ return EPrometheusMetricType::GAUGE;
+ } else if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "COUNTER")) {
+ return EPrometheusMetricType::COUNTER;
+ } else if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "SUMMARY")) {
+ return EPrometheusMetricType::SUMMARY;
+ } else if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "HISTOGRAM")) {
+ return EPrometheusMetricType::HISTOGRAM;
+ } else if (AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(keyword, "UNTYPED")) {
+ return EPrometheusMetricType::UNTYPED;
+ }
+ "unknown metric type: " << keyword <<
+ " at line #" << CurrentLine_);
+ }
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE void ReadNextByteUnsafe() {
+ CurrentByte_ = Data_[CurrentPos_++];
+ }
Y_FORCE_INLINE bool IsSpace(char ch) {
- return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t';
- }
- void ReadNextByte() {
- Y_PARSER_ENSURE(HasRemaining(), "unexpected end of file");
- ReadNextByteUnsafe();
- }
- void SkipExpectedChar(char ch) {
- Y_PARSER_ENSURE(CurrentByte_ == ch,
- "expected '" << CurrentByte_ << "', found '" << ch << '\'');
- ReadNextByte();
- }
- void SkipSpaces() {
+ return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t';
+ }
+ void ReadNextByte() {
+ Y_PARSER_ENSURE(HasRemaining(), "unexpected end of file");
+ ReadNextByteUnsafe();
+ }
+ void SkipExpectedChar(char ch) {
+ Y_PARSER_ENSURE(CurrentByte_ == ch,
+ "expected '" << CurrentByte_ << "', found '" << ch << '\'');
+ ReadNextByte();
+ }
+ void SkipSpaces() {
while (HasRemaining() && IsSpace(CurrentByte_)) {
- ReadNextByteUnsafe();
- }
- }
- void SkipUntilEol() {
- while (HasRemaining() && CurrentByte_ != '\n') {
- ReadNextByteUnsafe();
- }
- }
- TStringBuf ReadToken() {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(CurrentPos_ > 0);
- size_t begin = CurrentPos_ - 1; // read first byte again
+ ReadNextByteUnsafe();
+ }
+ }
+ void SkipUntilEol() {
+ while (HasRemaining() && CurrentByte_ != '\n') {
+ ReadNextByteUnsafe();
+ }
+ }
+ TStringBuf ReadToken() {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(CurrentPos_ > 0);
+ size_t begin = CurrentPos_ - 1; // read first byte again
while (HasRemaining() && !IsSpace(CurrentByte_) && CurrentByte_ != '\n') {
- ReadNextByteUnsafe();
- }
- return TokenFromPos(begin);
- }
- TStringBuf ReadTokenAsMetricName() {
- if (!NPrometheus::IsValidMetricNameStart(CurrentByte_)) {
- return "";
- }
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(CurrentPos_ > 0);
- size_t begin = CurrentPos_ - 1; // read first byte again
- while (HasRemaining()) {
- ReadNextByteUnsafe();
- if (!NPrometheus::IsValidMetricNameContinuation(CurrentByte_)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return TokenFromPos(begin);
- }
- TStringBuf ReadTokenAsLabelName() {
- if (!NPrometheus::IsValidLabelNameStart(CurrentByte_)) {
- return "";
- }
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(CurrentPos_ > 0);
- size_t begin = CurrentPos_ - 1; // read first byte again
- while (HasRemaining()) {
- ReadNextByteUnsafe();
- if (!NPrometheus::IsValidLabelNameContinuation(CurrentByte_)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return TokenFromPos(begin);
- }
- TString ReadTokenAsLabelValue() {
- TString labelValue;
- SkipExpectedChar('"');
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < MAX_LABEL_VALUE_LEN; i++) {
- switch (CurrentByte_) {
- case '"':
- SkipExpectedChar('"');
- return labelValue;
- case '\n':
- Y_PARSER_FAIL("label value contains unescaped new-line");
- case '\\':
- ReadNextByte();
- switch (CurrentByte_) {
- case '"':
- case '\\':
- labelValue.append(CurrentByte_);
- break;
- case 'n':
- labelValue.append('\n');
- break;
- default:
- Y_PARSER_FAIL("invalid escape sequence '" << CurrentByte_ << '\'');
- }
- break;
- default:
- labelValue.append(CurrentByte_);
- break;
- }
- ReadNextByte();
- }
- Y_PARSER_FAIL("trying to parse too long label value, size >= " << MAX_LABEL_VALUE_LEN);
- }
- TStringBuf TokenFromPos(size_t begin) {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(CurrentPos_ > begin);
- size_t len = CurrentPos_ - begin - 1;
- if (len == 0) {
- return {};
- }
- return Data_.SubString(begin, len);
- }
- void ConsumeLabels(TStringBuf name, const TLabelsMap& labels) {
+ ReadNextByteUnsafe();
+ }
+ return TokenFromPos(begin);
+ }
+ TStringBuf ReadTokenAsMetricName() {
+ if (!NPrometheus::IsValidMetricNameStart(CurrentByte_)) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(CurrentPos_ > 0);
+ size_t begin = CurrentPos_ - 1; // read first byte again
+ while (HasRemaining()) {
+ ReadNextByteUnsafe();
+ if (!NPrometheus::IsValidMetricNameContinuation(CurrentByte_)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TokenFromPos(begin);
+ }
+ TStringBuf ReadTokenAsLabelName() {
+ if (!NPrometheus::IsValidLabelNameStart(CurrentByte_)) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(CurrentPos_ > 0);
+ size_t begin = CurrentPos_ - 1; // read first byte again
+ while (HasRemaining()) {
+ ReadNextByteUnsafe();
+ if (!NPrometheus::IsValidLabelNameContinuation(CurrentByte_)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TokenFromPos(begin);
+ }
+ TString ReadTokenAsLabelValue() {
+ TString labelValue;
+ SkipExpectedChar('"');
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < MAX_LABEL_VALUE_LEN; i++) {
+ switch (CurrentByte_) {
+ case '"':
+ SkipExpectedChar('"');
+ return labelValue;
+ case '\n':
+ Y_PARSER_FAIL("label value contains unescaped new-line");
+ case '\\':
+ ReadNextByte();
+ switch (CurrentByte_) {
+ case '"':
+ case '\\':
+ labelValue.append(CurrentByte_);
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ labelValue.append('\n');
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_PARSER_FAIL("invalid escape sequence '" << CurrentByte_ << '\'');
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ labelValue.append(CurrentByte_);
+ break;
+ }
+ ReadNextByte();
+ }
+ Y_PARSER_FAIL("trying to parse too long label value, size >= " << MAX_LABEL_VALUE_LEN);
+ }
+ TStringBuf TokenFromPos(size_t begin) {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(CurrentPos_ > begin);
+ size_t len = CurrentPos_ - begin - 1;
+ if (len == 0) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return Data_.SubString(begin, len);
+ }
+ void ConsumeLabels(TStringBuf name, const TLabelsMap& labels) {
Y_PARSER_ENSURE(labels.count(MetricNameLabel_) == 0,
"label name '" << MetricNameLabel_ <<
"' is reserved, but is used with metric: " << name << LabelsToStr(labels));
- Consumer_->OnLabelsBegin();
+ Consumer_->OnLabelsBegin();
Consumer_->OnLabel(MetricNameLabel_, TString(name)); // TODO: remove this string allocation
- for (const auto& it: labels) {
- Consumer_->OnLabel(it.first, it.second);
- }
- Consumer_->OnLabelsEnd();
- }
- void ConsumeCounter(TStringBuf name, const TLabelsMap& labels, TInstant time, double value) {
+ for (const auto& it: labels) {
+ Consumer_->OnLabel(it.first, it.second);
+ }
+ Consumer_->OnLabelsEnd();
+ }
+ void ConsumeCounter(TStringBuf name, const TLabelsMap& labels, TInstant time, double value) {
i64 intValue{0};
// not nan
if (value == value) {
Y_PARSER_ENSURE(TryStaticCast(value, intValue), "value " << value << " is out of range");
- // see https://st.yandex-team.ru/SOLOMON-4142 for more details
- // why we convert Prometheus COUNTER into Solomon RATE
- // TODO: need to fix after server-side aggregation become correct for COUNTERs
- Consumer_->OnMetricBegin(EMetricType::RATE);
- ConsumeLabels(name, labels);
- Consumer_->OnUint64(time, intValue);
- Consumer_->OnMetricEnd();
- }
- void ConsumeGauge(TStringBuf name, const TLabelsMap& labels, TInstant time, double value) {
- Consumer_->OnMetricBegin(EMetricType::GAUGE);
- ConsumeLabels(name, labels);
- Consumer_->OnDouble(time, value);
- Consumer_->OnMetricEnd();
- }
- void ConsumeHistogram() {
- Consumer_->OnMetricBegin(EMetricType::HIST_RATE);
- ConsumeLabels(HistogramBuilder_.GetName(), HistogramBuilder_.GetLabels());
- auto time = HistogramBuilder_.GetTime();
- auto hist = HistogramBuilder_.ToSnapshot();
- Consumer_->OnHistogram(time, std::move(hist));
- Consumer_->OnMetricEnd();
- }
- double ParseGoDouble(TStringBuf str) {
+ // see https://st.yandex-team.ru/SOLOMON-4142 for more details
+ // why we convert Prometheus COUNTER into Solomon RATE
+ // TODO: need to fix after server-side aggregation become correct for COUNTERs
+ Consumer_->OnMetricBegin(EMetricType::RATE);
+ ConsumeLabels(name, labels);
+ Consumer_->OnUint64(time, intValue);
+ Consumer_->OnMetricEnd();
+ }
+ void ConsumeGauge(TStringBuf name, const TLabelsMap& labels, TInstant time, double value) {
+ Consumer_->OnMetricBegin(EMetricType::GAUGE);
+ ConsumeLabels(name, labels);
+ Consumer_->OnDouble(time, value);
+ Consumer_->OnMetricEnd();
+ }
+ void ConsumeHistogram() {
+ Consumer_->OnMetricBegin(EMetricType::HIST_RATE);
+ ConsumeLabels(HistogramBuilder_.GetName(), HistogramBuilder_.GetLabels());
+ auto time = HistogramBuilder_.GetTime();
+ auto hist = HistogramBuilder_.ToSnapshot();
+ Consumer_->OnHistogram(time, std::move(hist));
+ Consumer_->OnMetricEnd();
+ }
+ double ParseGoDouble(TStringBuf str) {
if (str == TStringBuf("+Inf")) {
- return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+ return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
} else if (str == TStringBuf("-Inf")) {
- return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+ return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
} else if (str == TStringBuf("NaN")) {
- return NAN;
- }
- double r = 0.0;
- if (TryFromString(str, r)) {
- return r;
- }
- Y_PARSER_FAIL("cannot parse double value from '" << str << "\' at line #" << CurrentLine_);
- }
- private:
- TStringBuf Data_;
- IMetricConsumer* Consumer_;
+ return NAN;
+ }
+ double r = 0.0;
+ if (TryFromString(str, r)) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ Y_PARSER_FAIL("cannot parse double value from '" << str << "\' at line #" << CurrentLine_);
+ }
+ private:
+ TStringBuf Data_;
+ IMetricConsumer* Consumer_;
TStringBuf MetricNameLabel_;
- THashMap<TString, EPrometheusMetricType> SeenTypes_;
- THistogramBuilder HistogramBuilder_;
- ui32 CurrentLine_ = 1;
- ui32 CurrentPos_ = 0;
- char CurrentByte_ = 0;
- };
- } // namespace
+ THashMap<TString, EPrometheusMetricType> SeenTypes_;
+ THistogramBuilder HistogramBuilder_;
+ ui32 CurrentLine_ = 1;
+ ui32 CurrentPos_ = 0;
+ char CurrentByte_ = 0;
+ };
+ } // namespace
void DecodePrometheus(TStringBuf data, IMetricConsumer* c, TStringBuf metricNameLabel) {
TPrometheusReader reader(data, c, metricNameLabel);
- reader.Read();
-} // namespace NMonitoring
+ reader.Read();
+} // namespace NMonitoring