path: root/library/cpp/logger/composite_ut.cpp
diff options
authoriddqd <iddqd@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:49:46 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:49:46 +0300
commitff241e1daf76d79ed38015cdb76d55eb3a33ac27 (patch)
tree5d5cb817648f650d76cf1076100726fd9b8448e8 /library/cpp/logger/composite_ut.cpp
parent07fce9c5f7771600d0b3d70e1f88fd8a7e164d85 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <iddqd@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/logger/composite_ut.cpp')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/logger/composite_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/logger/composite_ut.cpp
index a75122eb57..f330419271 100644
--- a/library/cpp/logger/composite_ut.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/logger/composite_ut.cpp
@@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
-#include "log.h"
-#include <library/cpp/logger/init_context/config.h>
-#include <library/cpp/logger/init_context/yconf.h>
-#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-#include <library/cpp/yconf/patcher/unstrict_config.h>
-#include <util/stream/file.h>
-#include <util/system/fs.h>
- TVector<TString> ReadLines(const TString & filename) {
- TVector<TString> lines;
- TIFStream fin(filename);
- TString line;
- while (fin.ReadLine(line)) {
- lines.push_back(std::move(line));
- }
- return lines;
- }
- void Clear(const TString & filename) {
- NFs::Remove(filename + "1");
- NFs::Remove(filename + "2");
- }
- void DoTestComposite(const ILogBackendCreator::IInitContext& ctx, const TString & filename) {
- Clear(filename);
- {
- TLog log;
- {
- auto creator = ILogBackendCreator::Create(ctx);
- log.ResetBackend(creator->CreateLogBackend());
- log.ReopenLog();
- }
- log.Write(TLOG_ERR, "first\n");
- log.Write(TLOG_DEBUG, "second\n");
- }
- auto data1 = ReadLines(filename + "1");
- auto data2 = ReadLines(filename + "2");
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(data1.size(), 2);
- UNIT_ASSERT(data1[0] == "first");
- UNIT_ASSERT(data1[1] == "second");
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(data2.size(), 1);
- UNIT_ASSERT(data2[0] == "first");
- Clear(filename);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCompositeConfig) {
- TString s(R"(
- "LoggerType": "composite",
- "SubLogger":[
- {
- "LoggerType": "file",
- "Path": "config_log_1"
- }, {
- "LoggerType": "config_log_2",
- "LogLevel": "INFO"
- }
- ]
- TStringInput si(s);
- NConfig::TConfig cfg = NConfig::TConfig::FromJson(si);
- //Прогоняем конфигурацию через серализацию и десериализацию
- TLogBackendCreatorInitContextConfig ctx(cfg);
- TString newCfg = ILogBackendCreator::Create(ctx)->AsJson().GetStringRobust();
- TStringInput si2(newCfg);
- DoTestComposite(TLogBackendCreatorInitContextConfig(NConfig::TConfig::FromJson(si2)), "config_log_");
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCompositeYConf) {
- constexpr const char* CONFIG = R"(
- LoggerType: composite
- <SubLogger>
- LoggerType: file
- Path: yconf_log_1
- </SubLogger>
- <SubLogger>
- LoggerType: yconf_log_2
- LogLevel: INFO
- </SubLogger>
- TUnstrictConfig cfg;
- if (!cfg.ParseMemory(CONFIG)) {
- TString errors;
- cfg.PrintErrors(errors);
- UNIT_ASSERT_C(false, errors);
- }
- TLogBackendCreatorInitContextYConf ctx(*cfg.GetFirstChild("Logger"));
- //Прогоняем конфигурацию через серализацию и десериализацию
- TUnstrictConfig newCfg;
- UNIT_ASSERT(newCfg.ParseJson(ILogBackendCreator::Create(ctx)->AsJson()));
- DoTestComposite(TLogBackendCreatorInitContextYConf(*newCfg.GetRootSection()), "yconf_log_");
- }
+#include "log.h"
+#include <library/cpp/logger/init_context/config.h>
+#include <library/cpp/logger/init_context/yconf.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yconf/patcher/unstrict_config.h>
+#include <util/stream/file.h>
+#include <util/system/fs.h>
+ TVector<TString> ReadLines(const TString & filename) {
+ TVector<TString> lines;
+ TIFStream fin(filename);
+ TString line;
+ while (fin.ReadLine(line)) {
+ lines.push_back(std::move(line));
+ }
+ return lines;
+ }
+ void Clear(const TString & filename) {
+ NFs::Remove(filename + "1");
+ NFs::Remove(filename + "2");
+ }
+ void DoTestComposite(const ILogBackendCreator::IInitContext& ctx, const TString & filename) {
+ Clear(filename);
+ {
+ TLog log;
+ {
+ auto creator = ILogBackendCreator::Create(ctx);
+ log.ResetBackend(creator->CreateLogBackend());
+ log.ReopenLog();
+ }
+ log.Write(TLOG_ERR, "first\n");
+ log.Write(TLOG_DEBUG, "second\n");
+ }
+ auto data1 = ReadLines(filename + "1");
+ auto data2 = ReadLines(filename + "2");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(data1.size(), 2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(data1[0] == "first");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(data1[1] == "second");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(data2.size(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(data2[0] == "first");
+ Clear(filename);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCompositeConfig) {
+ TString s(R"(
+ "LoggerType": "composite",
+ "SubLogger":[
+ {
+ "LoggerType": "file",
+ "Path": "config_log_1"
+ }, {
+ "LoggerType": "config_log_2",
+ "LogLevel": "INFO"
+ }
+ ]
+ TStringInput si(s);
+ NConfig::TConfig cfg = NConfig::TConfig::FromJson(si);
+ //Прогоняем конфигурацию через серализацию и десериализацию
+ TLogBackendCreatorInitContextConfig ctx(cfg);
+ TString newCfg = ILogBackendCreator::Create(ctx)->AsJson().GetStringRobust();
+ TStringInput si2(newCfg);
+ DoTestComposite(TLogBackendCreatorInitContextConfig(NConfig::TConfig::FromJson(si2)), "config_log_");
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCompositeYConf) {
+ constexpr const char* CONFIG = R"(
+ LoggerType: composite
+ <SubLogger>
+ LoggerType: file
+ Path: yconf_log_1
+ </SubLogger>
+ <SubLogger>
+ LoggerType: yconf_log_2
+ LogLevel: INFO
+ </SubLogger>
+ TUnstrictConfig cfg;
+ if (!cfg.ParseMemory(CONFIG)) {
+ TString errors;
+ cfg.PrintErrors(errors);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(false, errors);
+ }
+ TLogBackendCreatorInitContextYConf ctx(*cfg.GetFirstChild("Logger"));
+ //Прогоняем конфигурацию через серализацию и десериализацию
+ TUnstrictConfig newCfg;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(newCfg.ParseJson(ILogBackendCreator::Create(ctx)->AsJson()));
+ DoTestComposite(TLogBackendCreatorInitContextYConf(*newCfg.GetRootSection()), "yconf_log_");
+ }