path: root/library/cpp/json
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /library/cpp/json
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/json')
50 files changed, 7668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/common/defs.cpp b/library/cpp/json/common/defs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da86da82e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/common/defs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+using namespace NJson;
+TJsonCallbacks::~TJsonCallbacks() {
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnNull() {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnBoolean(bool) {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnInteger(long long) {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnUInteger(unsigned long long) {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnDouble(double) {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnString(const TStringBuf&) {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnOpenMap() {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnMapKey(const TStringBuf&) {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnCloseMap() {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnOpenArray() {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnCloseArray() {
+ return true;
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnStringNoCopy(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ return OnString(s);
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnMapKeyNoCopy(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ return OnMapKey(s);
+bool TJsonCallbacks::OnEnd() {
+ return true;
+void TJsonCallbacks::OnError(size_t off, TStringBuf reason) {
+ if (ThrowException) {
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "JSON error at offset " << off << " (" << reason << ")";
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/common/defs.h b/library/cpp/json/common/defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3c8761bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/common/defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ class TJsonException: public yexception {
+ };
+ class TJsonCallbacks {
+ public:
+ explicit TJsonCallbacks(bool throwException = false)
+ : ThrowException(throwException)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~TJsonCallbacks();
+ virtual bool OnNull();
+ virtual bool OnBoolean(bool);
+ virtual bool OnInteger(long long);
+ virtual bool OnUInteger(unsigned long long);
+ virtual bool OnDouble(double);
+ virtual bool OnString(const TStringBuf&);
+ virtual bool OnOpenMap();
+ virtual bool OnMapKey(const TStringBuf&);
+ virtual bool OnCloseMap();
+ virtual bool OnOpenArray();
+ virtual bool OnCloseArray();
+ virtual bool OnStringNoCopy(const TStringBuf& s);
+ virtual bool OnMapKeyNoCopy(const TStringBuf& s);
+ virtual bool OnEnd();
+ virtual void OnError(size_t off, TStringBuf reason);
+ protected:
+ bool ThrowException;
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/common/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/common/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bbd3b0792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/common/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ defs.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/domscheme_traits.h b/library/cpp/json/domscheme_traits.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5a99cd8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/domscheme_traits.h
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "json_value.h"
+#include "json_reader.h"
+#include "json_writer.h"
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+struct TJsonTraits {
+ using TValue = NJson::TJsonValue;
+ using TValueRef = TValue*;
+ using TConstValueRef = const TValue*;
+ using TStringType = TStringBuf;
+ // anyvalue defaults
+ template <class T>
+ static inline TValue Value(T&& t) {
+ return TValue(std::forward<T>(t));
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ static inline TValue Value(std::initializer_list<T> t) {
+ TValue result(NJson::JSON_ARRAY);
+ result.GetArraySafe() = NJson::TJsonValue::TArray(t.begin(), t.end());
+ return result;
+ }
+ static inline TValueRef Ref(TValue& v) {
+ return &v;
+ }
+ static inline TConstValueRef Ref(const TValue& v) {
+ return &v;
+ }
+ // common ops
+ static inline bool IsNull(TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->GetType() == NJson::JSON_UNDEFINED || v->IsNull();
+ }
+ static inline TString ToJson(TConstValueRef v) {
+ return NJson::WriteJson(v, false);
+ }
+ // struct ops
+ static inline TValueRef GetField(TValueRef v, const TStringBuf& name) {
+ return &(*v)[name];
+ }
+ static inline TConstValueRef GetField(TConstValueRef v, const TStringBuf& name) {
+ return &(*v)[name];
+ }
+ // array ops
+ static bool IsArray(TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->IsArray();
+ }
+ static inline void ArrayClear(TValueRef v) {
+ v->SetType(NJson::JSON_NULL);
+ v->SetType(NJson::JSON_ARRAY);
+ }
+ using TArrayIterator = size_t;
+ static inline TValueRef ArrayElement(TValueRef v, TArrayIterator n) {
+ return &(*v)[n];
+ }
+ static inline TConstValueRef ArrayElement(TConstValueRef v, TArrayIterator n) {
+ return &(*v)[n];
+ }
+ static inline size_t ArraySize(TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->GetArray().size();
+ }
+ static inline TArrayIterator ArrayBegin(TConstValueRef) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static inline TArrayIterator ArrayEnd(TConstValueRef v) {
+ return ArraySize(v);
+ }
+ // dict ops
+ static bool IsDict(TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->IsMap();
+ }
+ static inline void DictClear(TValueRef v) {
+ v->SetType(NJson::JSON_NULL);
+ v->SetType(NJson::JSON_MAP);
+ }
+ static inline TValueRef DictElement(TValueRef v, TStringBuf key) {
+ return &(*v)[key];
+ }
+ static inline TConstValueRef DictElement(TConstValueRef v, TStringBuf key) {
+ return &(*v)[key];
+ }
+ static inline size_t DictSize(TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->GetMap().size();
+ }
+ using TDictIterator = NJson::TJsonValue::TMapType::const_iterator;
+ static inline TDictIterator DictBegin(TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->GetMap().begin();
+ }
+ static inline TDictIterator DictEnd(TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->GetMap().end();
+ }
+ static inline TStringBuf DictIteratorKey(TConstValueRef /*dict*/, const TDictIterator& it) {
+ return it->first;
+ }
+ static inline TConstValueRef DictIteratorValue(TConstValueRef /*dict*/, const TDictIterator& it) {
+ return &it->second;
+ }
+ // boolean ops
+ static inline void Get(TConstValueRef v, bool def, bool& b) {
+ b =
+ v->GetType() == NJson::JSON_UNDEFINED ? def : v->IsNull() ? def : v->GetBooleanRobust();
+ }
+ static inline void Get(TConstValueRef v, bool& b) {
+ Get(v, false, b);
+ }
+ static inline bool IsValidPrimitive(const bool&, TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->IsBoolean();
+ }
+#define INTEGER_OPS(type, checkOp, getOp) \
+ static inline void Get(TConstValueRef v, type def, type& i) { \
+ i = v->checkOp() ? v->getOp() : def; \
+ } \
+ static inline void Get(TConstValueRef v, type& i) { \
+ i = v->getOp(); \
+ } \
+ static inline bool IsValidPrimitive(const type&, TConstValueRef v) { \
+ return v->checkOp() && v->getOp() >= Min<type>() && v->getOp() <= Max<type>(); \
+ }
+ INTEGER_OPS(i8, IsInteger, GetInteger)
+ INTEGER_OPS(i16, IsInteger, GetInteger)
+ INTEGER_OPS(i32, IsInteger, GetInteger)
+ INTEGER_OPS(i64, IsInteger, GetInteger)
+ INTEGER_OPS(ui8, IsUInteger, GetUInteger)
+ INTEGER_OPS(ui16, IsUInteger, GetUInteger)
+ INTEGER_OPS(ui32, IsUInteger, GetUInteger)
+ INTEGER_OPS(ui64, IsUInteger, GetUInteger)
+ // double ops
+ static inline bool Get(TConstValueRef v, double def, double& d) {
+ if (v->IsDouble()) {
+ d = v->GetDouble();
+ return true;
+ }
+ d = def;
+ return false;
+ }
+ static inline void Get(TConstValueRef v, double& d) {
+ d = v->GetDouble();
+ }
+ static inline bool IsValidPrimitive(const double&, TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->IsDouble();
+ }
+ // string ops
+ static inline void Get(TConstValueRef v, TStringBuf def, TStringBuf& s) {
+ s = v->IsString() ? v->GetString() : def;
+ }
+ static inline void Get(TConstValueRef v, TStringBuf& s) {
+ s = v->GetString();
+ }
+ static inline bool IsValidPrimitive(const TStringBuf&, TConstValueRef v) {
+ return v->IsString();
+ }
+ // generic set
+ template <class T>
+ static inline void Set(TValueRef v, T&& t) {
+ v->SetValue(t);
+ }
+ static inline void Clear(TValueRef v) {
+ v->SetType(NJson::JSON_NULL);
+ }
+ // validation ops
+ static inline TVector<TString> GetKeys(TConstValueRef v) {
+ TVector<TString> res;
+ for (const auto& it : v->GetMap()) {
+ res.push_back(it.first);
+ }
+ Sort(res.begin(), res.end());
+ return res;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline bool IsValidPrimitive(const T&, TConstValueRef) {
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/json_easy_parser.cpp b/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/json_easy_parser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c781f544b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/json_easy_parser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#include "json_easy_parser.h"
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/string/split.h>
+#include <util/string/strip.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ static TString MAP_IDENTIFIER = "{}";
+ static TString ARRAY_IDENTIFIER = "[]";
+ static TString ANY_IDENTIFIER = "*";
+ static void ParsePath(TString path, TVector<TPathElem>* res) {
+ TVector<const char*> parts;
+ Split(path.begin(), '/', &parts);
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < parts.size(); ++n) {
+ TString part = Strip(parts[n]);
+ if (!part.empty()) {
+ if (part[0] != '[') {
+ res->push_back(TPathElem(NImpl::MAP));
+ res->push_back(TPathElem(part));
+ } else {
+ int arrayCounter;
+ try {
+ arrayCounter = FromString<int>(part.substr(1, part.length() - 2));
+ } catch (yexception&) {
+ arrayCounter = -1;
+ }
+ res->push_back(TPathElem(arrayCounter));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TJsonParser::AddField(const TString& path, bool nonEmpty) {
+ Fields.emplace_back();
+ Fields.back().NonEmpty = nonEmpty;
+ ParsePath(path, &Fields.back().Path);
+ }
+ TString TJsonParser::ConvertToTabDelimited(const TString& json) const {
+ TStringInput in(json);
+ TStringStream out;
+ ConvertToTabDelimited(in, out);
+ return out.Str();
+ }
+ class TRewriteJsonImpl: public NJson::TJsonCallbacks {
+ const TJsonParser& Parent;
+ TVector<TString> FieldValues;
+ TVector<TPathElem> Stack;
+ bool ShouldUpdateOnArrayChange;
+ int CurrentFieldIdx;
+ bool HasFormatError;
+ private:
+ static bool PathElementMatch(const TPathElem& templ, const TPathElem& real) {
+ if (templ.Type != real.Type)
+ return false;
+ if (templ.Type == NImpl::ARRAY)
+ return templ.ArrayCounter == -1 || templ.ArrayCounter == real.ArrayCounter;
+ if (templ.Type == NImpl::MAP_KEY)
+ return templ.Key == ANY_IDENTIFIER || templ.Key == real.Key;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool CheckFilter(const TVector<TPathElem>& path) const {
+ if (Stack.size() < path.size())
+ return false;
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < path.size(); ++n) {
+ if (!PathElementMatch(path[n], Stack[n]))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void UpdateRule() {
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < Parent.Fields.size(); ++n) {
+ if (FieldValues[n].empty() && CheckFilter(Parent.Fields[n].Path)) {
+ CurrentFieldIdx = n;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ CurrentFieldIdx = -1;
+ }
+ void Pop() {
+ Stack.pop_back();
+ }
+ void IncreaseArrayCounter() {
+ if (!Stack.empty() && Stack.back().Type == NImpl::ARRAY) {
+ ++Stack.back().ArrayCounter;
+ if (ShouldUpdateOnArrayChange)
+ UpdateRule();
+ }
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool OnValue(const T& val) {
+ IncreaseArrayCounter();
+ if (CurrentFieldIdx >= 0) {
+ FieldValues[CurrentFieldIdx] = ToString(val);
+ UpdateRule();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public:
+ TRewriteJsonImpl(const TJsonParser& parent)
+ : Parent(parent)
+ , FieldValues(parent.Fields.size())
+ , ShouldUpdateOnArrayChange(false)
+ , CurrentFieldIdx(-1)
+ , HasFormatError(false)
+ {
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < Parent.Fields.size(); ++n) {
+ if (!Parent.Fields[n].Path.empty() && Parent.Fields[n].Path.back().Type == NImpl::ARRAY)
+ ShouldUpdateOnArrayChange = true;
+ }
+ }
+ bool OnOpenMap() override {
+ IncreaseArrayCounter();
+ Stack.push_back(TPathElem(NImpl::MAP));
+ if (CurrentFieldIdx >= 0)
+ HasFormatError = true;
+ else
+ UpdateRule();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnOpenArray() override {
+ IncreaseArrayCounter();
+ Stack.push_back(TPathElem(-1));
+ if (CurrentFieldIdx >= 0)
+ HasFormatError = true;
+ else
+ UpdateRule();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseMap() override {
+ while (!Stack.empty() && Stack.back().Type != NImpl::MAP)
+ Pop();
+ if (!Stack.empty())
+ Pop();
+ UpdateRule();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseArray() override {
+ if (!Stack.empty())
+ Pop();
+ UpdateRule();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnMapKey(const TStringBuf& key) override {
+ if (!Stack.empty() && Stack.back().Type == NImpl::MAP_KEY) {
+ Pop();
+ UpdateRule();
+ }
+ Stack.push_back(TPathElem(TString{key}));
+ if (CurrentFieldIdx >= 0)
+ HasFormatError = true;
+ else
+ UpdateRule();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnBoolean(bool b) override {
+ return OnValue(b);
+ }
+ bool OnInteger(long long i) override {
+ return OnValue(i);
+ }
+ bool OnDouble(double f) override {
+ return OnValue(f);
+ }
+ bool OnString(const TStringBuf& str) override {
+ return OnValue(str);
+ }
+ bool IsOK() const {
+ if (HasFormatError)
+ return false;
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < FieldValues.size(); ++n)
+ if (Parent.Fields[n].NonEmpty && FieldValues[n].empty())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void WriteTo(IOutputStream& out) const {
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < FieldValues.size(); ++n)
+ out << "\t" << FieldValues[n];
+ }
+ void WriteTo(TVector<TString>* res) const {
+ *res = FieldValues;
+ }
+ };
+ void TJsonParser::ConvertToTabDelimited(IInputStream& in, IOutputStream& out) const {
+ TRewriteJsonImpl impl(*this);
+ ReadJson(&in, &impl);
+ if (impl.IsOK()) {
+ out << Prefix;
+ impl.WriteTo(out);
+ out.Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ bool TJsonParser::Parse(const TString& json, TVector<TString>* res) const {
+ TRewriteJsonImpl impl(*this);
+ TStringInput in(json);
+ ReadJson(&in, &impl);
+ if (impl.IsOK()) {
+ impl.WriteTo(res);
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }
+ //struct TTestMe {
+ // TTestMe() {
+ // TJsonParser worker;
+ // worker.AddField("/x/y/z", true);
+ // TString ret1 = worker.ConvertToTabDelimited("{ \"x\" : { \"y\" : { \"w\" : 1, \"z\" : 2 } } }");
+ // TString ret2 = worker.ConvertToTabDelimited(" [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ");
+ // }
+ //} testMe;
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/json_easy_parser.h b/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/json_easy_parser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59d7791ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/json_easy_parser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/stream/input.h>
+#include <util/stream/output.h>
+#include "json_easy_parser_impl.h"
+namespace NJson {
+ /* This class filters out nodes from a source JSON by a xpath-style description. It represent these nodes as a tab-delimited string (or a vector).
+ * It is useful if you need to parse a data which comes into JSON in a known and fixed format.
+ * Fields are set as a list of keys separated by slash, for example:
+ * Field x/y/z in JSON { "x" : { "y" : { "w" : 1, "z" : 2 } } contains number 2.
+ * In a path to a field you can also provide a special array identifier "[]", identifier of a particular field in an array (for example "[4]") or wildcard "*".
+ *
+ * The parser of the class supports parsing of several fields. Each of them could be marked as mandatory or as optional.
+ * If a mandatory field is not found in JSON, then Parse() returns false and ConvertToTabDelimited() returns an empty string.
+ * If an optional field is not found in JSON, then it's value in Parse()/ConvertToTabDelimited() is an empty string.
+ * In particular ConvertToTabDelimited() always returns either an empty string, or a string of the same number of tab-delimited fields starting from the same Prefix.
+ *
+ * NB! Library can not extract values of not a simple type (namely it doesn't support the case when a result is a vocabulary or an array) from JSON.
+ * If you expect such a case, please check json_value.h.
+ */
+ class TJsonParser {
+ TString Prefix;
+ struct TField {
+ TVector<TPathElem> Path;
+ bool NonEmpty;
+ };
+ TVector<TField> Fields;
+ friend class TRewriteJsonImpl;
+ void ConvertToTabDelimited(IInputStream& in, IOutputStream& out) const;
+ public:
+ void SetPrefix(const TString& prefix) {
+ Prefix = prefix;
+ }
+ void AddField(const TString& path, bool mustExist);
+ TString ConvertToTabDelimited(const TString& json) const;
+ bool Parse(const TString& json, TVector<TString>* res) const;
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/json_easy_parser_impl.h b/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/json_easy_parser_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec55d838b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/json_easy_parser_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ namespace NImpl {
+ enum EType {
+ MAP,
+ };
+ }
+ template <class TStringType>
+ struct TPathElemImpl {
+ NImpl::EType Type;
+ TStringType Key;
+ int ArrayCounter;
+ TPathElemImpl(NImpl::EType type)
+ : Type(type)
+ , ArrayCounter()
+ {
+ }
+ TPathElemImpl(const TStringType& key)
+ : Type(NImpl::MAP_KEY)
+ , Key(key)
+ , ArrayCounter()
+ {
+ }
+ TPathElemImpl(int arrayCounter)
+ : Type(NImpl::ARRAY)
+ , ArrayCounter(arrayCounter)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ typedef TPathElemImpl<TString> TPathElem;
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2304c542f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ json_easy_parser.cpp
+ library/cpp/json
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.h b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5f031dd9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/json/common/defs.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ bool ReadJsonFast(TStringBuf in, TJsonCallbacks* callbacks);
+ inline bool ValidateJsonFast(TStringBuf in, bool throwOnError = false) {
+ Y_ASSERT(false); // this method is broken, see details in IGNIETFERRO-1243. Use NJson::ValidateJson instead, or fix this one before using
+ TJsonCallbacks c(throwOnError);
+ return ReadJsonFast(in, &c);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.rl6 b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.rl6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edb4e9ee1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.rl6
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#include <library/cpp/json/fast_sax/unescape.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/generic/buffer.h>
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+#include <util/generic/ymath.h>
+namespace NJson {
+enum EStoredStr {
+struct TParserCtx {
+ TJsonCallbacks& Hndl;
+ TBuffer Buffer;
+ TStringBuf String;
+ EStoredStr Stored = SS_NONE;
+ bool ExpectValue = true;
+ const char* p0 = nullptr;
+ const char* p = nullptr;
+ const char* pe = nullptr;
+ const char* eof = nullptr;
+ const char* ts = nullptr;
+ const char* te = nullptr;
+ int cs = 0;
+ int act = 0;
+ TParserCtx(TJsonCallbacks& h, TStringBuf data)
+ : Hndl(h)
+ , p0(data.data())
+ , p(data.data())
+ , pe(data.end())
+ , eof(data.end())
+ {}
+ static inline bool GoodPtrs(const char* b, const char* e) {
+ return b && e && b <= e;
+ }
+ bool OnError(TStringBuf reason = TStringBuf(""), bool end = false) const {
+ size_t off = 0;
+ TStringBuf token;
+ if (GoodPtrs(p0, ts)) {
+ off = ts - p0;
+ } else if (end && GoodPtrs(p0, pe)) {
+ off = pe - p0;
+ }
+ if (GoodPtrs(ts, te)) {
+ token = TStringBuf(ts, te);
+ }
+ if (!token) {
+ Hndl.OnError(off, reason);
+ } else {
+ Hndl.OnError(off, TString::Join(reason, " at token: '", token, "'"));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool OnVal() {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(!ExpectValue)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ExpectValue = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnNull() {
+ return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+ && Hndl.OnNull();
+ }
+ bool OnTrue() {
+ return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+ && Hndl.OnBoolean(true);
+ }
+ bool OnFalse() {
+ return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+ && Hndl.OnBoolean(false);
+ }
+ bool OnPInt() {
+ unsigned long long res = 0;
+ return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+ && TryFromString<unsigned long long>(TStringBuf(ts, te), res)
+ && Hndl.OnUInteger(res);
+ }
+ bool OnNInt() {
+ long long res = 0;
+ return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+ && TryFromString<long long>(TStringBuf(ts, te), res)
+ && Hndl.OnInteger(res);
+ }
+ bool OnFlt() {
+ double res = 0;
+ return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+ && TryFromString<double>(TStringBuf(ts, te), res)
+ && IsFinite(res)
+ && Hndl.OnDouble(res);
+ }
+ bool OnMapOpen() {
+ bool res = Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+ && Hndl.OnOpenMap();
+ ExpectValue = true;
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool OnArrOpen() {
+ bool res = Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+ && Hndl.OnOpenArray();
+ ExpectValue = true;
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool OnString(TStringBuf s, EStoredStr t) {
+ if (Y_LIKELY(OnVal())) {
+ String = s;
+ Stored = t;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool OnStrU() {
+ return OnString(TStringBuf(ts, te), SS_NOCOPY);
+ }
+ bool OnStrQ() {
+ return OnString(TStringBuf(ts + 1, te - 1), SS_NOCOPY);
+ }
+ bool OnStrE() {
+ Buffer.Clear();
+ Buffer.Reserve(2 * (te - ts));
+ return OnString(UnescapeJsonUnicode(TStringBuf(ts + 1, te - ts - 2), Buffer.data()), SS_MUSTCOPY);
+ }
+ bool OnMapClose() {
+ ExpectValue = false;
+ return Y_LIKELY(OnAfterVal())
+ && Hndl.OnCloseMap();
+ }
+ bool OnArrClose() {
+ ExpectValue = false;
+ return Y_LIKELY(OnAfterVal())
+ && Hndl.OnCloseArray();
+ }
+ bool OnColon() {
+ if (ExpectValue) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ExpectValue = true;
+ const auto stored = Stored;
+ Stored = SS_NONE;
+ switch (stored) {
+ default:
+ return false;
+ case SS_NOCOPY:
+ return Hndl.OnMapKeyNoCopy(String);
+ return Hndl.OnMapKey(String);
+ }
+ }
+ bool OnAfterVal() {
+ const auto stored = Stored;
+ Stored = SS_NONE;
+ switch (stored) {
+ default:
+ return true;
+ case SS_NOCOPY:
+ return Hndl.OnStringNoCopy(String);
+ return Hndl.OnString(String);
+ }
+ }
+ bool OnComma() {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(ExpectValue)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ExpectValue = true;
+ return OnAfterVal();
+ }
+ bool Parse();
+#if 0
+machine fastjson;
+alphtype char;
+action OnNull { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnNull())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnTrue { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnTrue())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnFalse { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnFalse())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnPInt { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnPInt())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnNInt { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnNInt())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnFlt { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnFlt())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnStrU { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnStrU())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnStrQ { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnStrQ())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnStrE { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnStrE())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnDictO { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnMapOpen())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnDictC { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnMapClose())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnArrO { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnArrOpen())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnArrC { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnArrClose())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnComma { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnComma())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnColon { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnColon())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+action OnError { goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+comment1 = "/*" (any* -- "*/") "*/";
+pint = [0-9]+;
+nint = '-'[0-9]+;
+flt = '-'?[0-9.][0-9.eE+\-]+;
+uchar0 = [a-zA-Z_@$] | (0x80 .. 0xFF);
+uchar = uchar0 | digit | [.\-];
+qchar = [^'\\]; #';
+dchar = [^"\\]; #";
+echar = "\\" any;
+qechar = qchar | echar;
+dechar = dchar | echar;
+strq = "'" qchar* "'";
+strd = '"' dchar* '"';
+strqe = "'" qechar* "'";
+strde = '"' dechar* '"';
+strU = uchar0 uchar*;
+strQ = strq | strd;
+strE = strqe | strde;
+ws = (0x00 .. 0x20) | 0x7F;
+sp = ws+;
+main := |*
+ 'null' => OnNull;
+ 'true' => OnTrue;
+ 'false' => OnFalse;
+ pint => OnPInt;
+ nint => OnNInt;
+ flt => OnFlt;
+ strU => OnStrU;
+ strQ => OnStrQ;
+ strE => OnStrE;
+ ',' => OnComma;
+ ':' => OnColon;
+ '{' => OnDictO;
+ '}' => OnDictC;
+ '[' => OnArrO;
+ ']' => OnArrC;
+ sp;
+ comment1;
+ (flt | pint | nint) (any - (ws | ',' | ':' | '{' | '}' | '[' | ']')) => OnError;
+ any => OnError;
+ *|;
+bool TParserCtx::Parse() {
+ try {
+ %%{
+ write data noerror nofinal;
+ write init;
+ write exec;
+ }%%
+ ;
+ Y_UNUSED(fastjson_en_main);
+ } catch (const TFromStringException& e) {
+ return OnError(e.what());
+ }
+ return OnAfterVal() && Hndl.OnEnd() || OnError("invalid or truncated", true);
+ return OnError("invalid syntax");
+bool ReadJsonFast(TStringBuf data, TJsonCallbacks* h) {
+ return TParserCtx(*h, data).Parse();
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/unescape.cpp b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/unescape.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72109b0b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/unescape.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#include "unescape.h"
+#include <util/string/escape.h>
+TStringBuf UnescapeJsonUnicode(TStringBuf data, char* scratch) {
+ return TStringBuf(scratch, UnescapeC(data.data(), data.size(), scratch));
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/unescape.h b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/unescape.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e40e1e866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/unescape.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+TStringBuf UnescapeJsonUnicode(TStringBuf data, char* scratch);
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6447ab6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ pg
+ velavokr
+ library/cpp/json/common
+ parser.rl6
+ unescape.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/cvt.cpp b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/cvt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fee0cea0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/cvt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#include "cvt.h"
+#include <flatbuffers/flexbuffers.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/stream/output.h>
+#include <util/stream/input.h>
+#include <util/memory/pool.h>
+using namespace NJson;
+namespace {
+ struct TJsonToFlexCallbacks: public TJsonCallbacks {
+ inline TJsonToFlexCallbacks()
+ : P(8192)
+ {
+ }
+ bool OnNull() override {
+ B.Null();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnBoolean(bool v) override {
+ B.Bool(v);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnInteger(long long v) override {
+ B.Int(v);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnUInteger(unsigned long long v) override {
+ B.UInt(v);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnDouble(double v) override {
+ B.Double(v);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnString(const TStringBuf& v) override {
+ B.String(v.data(), v.size());
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnOpenMap() override {
+ S.push_back(B.StartMap());
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnMapKey(const TStringBuf& v) override {
+ auto iv = P.AppendCString(v);
+ B.Key(iv.data(), iv.size());
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseMap() override {
+ B.EndMap(PopOffset());
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnOpenArray() override {
+ S.push_back(B.StartVector());
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseArray() override {
+ B.EndVector(PopOffset(), false, false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnStringNoCopy(const TStringBuf& s) override {
+ return OnString(s);
+ }
+ bool OnMapKeyNoCopy(const TStringBuf& s) override {
+ return OnMapKey(s);
+ }
+ bool OnEnd() override {
+ B.Finish();
+ Y_ENSURE(S.empty());
+ return true;
+ }
+ void OnError(size_t, TStringBuf reason) override {
+ ythrow yexception() << reason;
+ }
+ inline size_t PopOffset() {
+ auto res = S.back();
+ S.pop_back();
+ return res;
+ }
+ inline auto& Buffer() {
+ return B.GetBuffer();
+ }
+ flexbuffers::Builder B;
+ TVector<size_t> S;
+ TMemoryPool P;
+ };
+void NJson::ConvertJsonToFlexBuffers(TStringBuf input, TFlexBuffersData& result) {
+ TJsonToFlexCallbacks cb;
+ ReadJsonFast(input, &cb);
+ result.swap(const_cast<std::vector<ui8>&>(cb.Buffer()));
+TString NJson::FlexToString(const TFlexBuffersData& v) {
+ auto root = flexbuffers::GetRoot(v.data(), v.size());
+ return TString(root.ToString());
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/cvt.h b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/cvt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82d2874268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/cvt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ using TFlexBuffersData = TVector<ui8>;
+ TString FlexToString(const TFlexBuffersData& v);
+ void ConvertJsonToFlexBuffers(TStringBuf input, TFlexBuffersData& result);
+ inline TFlexBuffersData ConvertJsonToFlexBuffers(TStringBuf input) {
+ TFlexBuffersData result;
+ ConvertJsonToFlexBuffers(input, result);
+ return result;
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/ut/cvt_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/ut/cvt_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9fffef4d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/ut/cvt_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/cvt.h>
+using namespace NJson;
+static auto JSON = R"({
+ "a": {
+ "b": [1, 2, 3],
+ "c": ["x", "y", 3, "z"]
+ }
+static auto RES = R"({ a: { b: [ 1, 2, 3 ], c: [ "x", "y", 3, "z" ] } })";
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(Test1) {
+ auto buf = ConvertJsonToFlexBuffers(JSON);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/ut/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/ut/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fdc93f88e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/ut/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ cvt_ut.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ece5e3703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/flex_buffers/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ library/cpp/json
+ contrib/libs/flatbuffers
+ cvt.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/fuzzy_test/main.cpp b/library/cpp/json/fuzzy_test/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29a53aac14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/fuzzy_test/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <util/random/random.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const ui8* data, size_t size) {
+ const auto json = TString((const char*)data, size);
+ try {
+ NJson::TJsonValue value;
+ NJson::ReadJsonFastTree(json, &value, true);
+ } catch (...) {
+ //Cout << json << " -> " << CurrentExceptionMessage() << Endl;
+ }
+ try {
+ NJson::TJsonCallbacks cb;
+ NJson::ReadJsonFast(json, &cb);
+ } catch (...) {
+ //Cout << json << " -> " << CurrentExceptionMessage() << Endl;
+ }
+ try {
+ NJson::ValidateJson(json);
+ } catch (...) {
+ //Cout << json << " -> " << CurrentExceptionMessage() << Endl;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/fuzzy_test/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/fuzzy_test/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff50bc1f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/fuzzy_test/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ library/cpp/json
+ main.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/json_prettifier.cpp b/library/cpp/json/json_prettifier.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb16aab44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/json_prettifier.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#include "json_prettifier.h"
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+#include <util/memory/pool.h>
+#include <util/string/util.h>
+#include <library/cpp/string_utils/relaxed_escaper/relaxed_escaper.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ struct TRewritableOut {
+ IOutputStream& Slave;
+ char Last = 0;
+ bool Dirty = false;
+ TRewritableOut(IOutputStream& sl)
+ : Slave(sl)
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void Write(const T& t) {
+ Flush();
+ Slave << t;
+ }
+ void Hold(char c) {
+ if (Dirty)
+ Flush();
+ Last = c;
+ Dirty = true;
+ }
+ void Flush() {
+ if (Dirty) {
+ Slave << Last;
+ Dirty = false;
+ }
+ }
+ void Revert() {
+ Dirty = false;
+ }
+ };
+ struct TSpaces {
+ char S[256];
+ TSpaces() {
+ memset(&S, ' ', sizeof(S));
+ }
+ TStringBuf Get(ui8 sz) const {
+ return TStringBuf(S, sz);
+ }
+ };
+ bool TJsonPrettifier::MayUnquoteNew(TStringBuf s) {
+ static str_spn alpha("a-zA-Z_@$", true);
+ static str_spn alnum("a-zA-Z_@$0-9.-", true);
+ static TStringBuf true0("true");
+ static TStringBuf false0("false");
+ static TStringBuf null0("null");
+ return !!s && alpha.chars_table[(ui8)s[0]] && alnum.cbrk(s.begin() + 1, s.end()) == s.end() && !EqualToOneOf(s, null0, true0, false0);
+ }
+ // to keep arcadia tests happy
+ bool TJsonPrettifier::MayUnquoteOld(TStringBuf s) {
+ static str_spn alpha("a-zA-Z_@$", true);
+ static str_spn alnum("a-zA-Z_@$0-9", true);
+ static TStringBuf true0("true");
+ static TStringBuf false0("false");
+ static TStringBuf true1("on");
+ static TStringBuf false1("off");
+ static TStringBuf true2("da");
+ static TStringBuf false2("net");
+ static TStringBuf null0("null");
+ return !!s && alpha.chars_table[(ui8)s[0]] && alnum.cbrk(s.begin() + 1, s.end()) == s.end() && !EqualToOneOf(s, null0, true0, false0, true1, false1, true2, false2);
+ }
+ class TPrettifier: public TJsonCallbacks {
+ TRewritableOut Out;
+ TStringBuf Spaces;
+ TStringBuf Quote;
+ TStringBuf Unsafe;
+ TStringBuf Safe;
+ ui32 Level = 0;
+ ui32 MaxPaddingLevel;
+ bool Unquote = false;
+ bool Compactify = false;
+ bool NewUnquote = false;
+ public:
+ TPrettifier(IOutputStream& out, const TJsonPrettifier& p)
+ : Out(out)
+ , MaxPaddingLevel(p.MaxPaddingLevel)
+ , Unquote(p.Unquote)
+ , Compactify(p.Compactify)
+ , NewUnquote(p.NewUnquote)
+ {
+ static TSpaces spaces;
+ Spaces = spaces.Get(p.Padding);
+ if (p.SingleQuotes) {
+ Quote = Unsafe = "'";
+ Safe = "\"";
+ } else {
+ Quote = Unsafe = "\"";
+ Safe = "'";
+ }
+ }
+ void Pad(bool close = false) {
+ if (Compactify) {
+ Out.Flush();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Level > MaxPaddingLevel || (Level == MaxPaddingLevel && close)) {
+ Out.Write(" ");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Level || close) {
+ Out.Write(Spaces ? "\n" : " ");
+ }
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < Level; ++i) {
+ Out.Write(Spaces);
+ }
+ }
+ void WriteSpace(char sp) {
+ if (Compactify) {
+ Out.Flush();
+ return;
+ }
+ Out.Write(sp);
+ }
+ void OnVal() {
+ if (Out.Dirty && ':' == Out.Last) {
+ WriteSpace(' ');
+ } else {
+ Pad();
+ }
+ }
+ void AfterVal() {
+ Out.Hold(',');
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ bool WriteVal(const T& t) {
+ OnVal();
+ Out.Write(t);
+ AfterVal();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnNull() override {
+ return WriteVal(TStringBuf("null"));
+ }
+ bool OnBoolean(bool v) override {
+ return WriteVal(v ? TStringBuf("true") : TStringBuf("false"));
+ }
+ bool OnInteger(long long i) override {
+ return WriteVal(i);
+ }
+ bool OnUInteger(unsigned long long i) override {
+ return WriteVal(i);
+ }
+ bool OnDouble(double d) override {
+ return WriteVal(d);
+ }
+ void WriteString(TStringBuf s) {
+ if (Unquote && (NewUnquote ? TJsonPrettifier::MayUnquoteNew(s) : TJsonPrettifier::MayUnquoteOld(s))) {
+ Out.Slave << s;
+ } else {
+ Out.Slave << Quote;
+ NEscJ::EscapeJ<false, true>(s, Out.Slave, Safe, Unsafe);
+ Out.Slave << Quote;
+ }
+ }
+ bool OnString(const TStringBuf& s) override {
+ OnVal();
+ WriteString(s);
+ AfterVal();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnOpen(char c) {
+ OnVal();
+ Level++;
+ Out.Hold(c);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnOpenMap() override {
+ return OnOpen('{');
+ }
+ bool OnOpenArray() override {
+ return OnOpen('[');
+ }
+ bool OnMapKey(const TStringBuf& k) override {
+ OnVal();
+ WriteString(k);
+ WriteSpace(' ');
+ Out.Hold(':');
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnClose(char c) {
+ if (!Level)
+ return false;
+ Level--;
+ if (Out.Dirty && c == Out.Last) {
+ WriteSpace(' ');
+ } else {
+ Out.Revert();
+ Pad(true);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseMap() override {
+ if (!OnClose('{'))
+ return false;
+ Out.Write("}");
+ AfterVal();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseArray() override {
+ if (!OnClose('['))
+ return false;
+ Out.Write("]");
+ AfterVal();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnEnd() override {
+ return !Level;
+ }
+ };
+ bool TJsonPrettifier::Prettify(TStringBuf in, IOutputStream& out) const {
+ TPrettifier p(out, *this);
+ if (Strict) {
+ TMemoryInput mIn(in.data(), in.size());
+ return ReadJson(&mIn, &p);
+ } else {
+ return ReadJsonFast(in, &p);
+ }
+ }
+ TString TJsonPrettifier::Prettify(TStringBuf in) const {
+ TStringStream s;
+ if (Prettify(in, s))
+ return s.Str();
+ return TString();
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/json_prettifier.h b/library/cpp/json/json_prettifier.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27d611b0b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/json_prettifier.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "json_reader.h"
+#include <util/generic/ylimits.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ struct TJsonPrettifier {
+ bool Unquote = false;
+ ui8 Padding = 4;
+ bool SingleQuotes = false;
+ bool Compactify = false;
+ bool Strict = false;
+ bool NewUnquote = false; // use new unquote, may break old tests
+ ui32 MaxPaddingLevel = Max<ui32>();
+ static TJsonPrettifier Prettifier(bool unquote = false, ui8 padding = 4, bool singlequotes = false) {
+ TJsonPrettifier p;
+ p.Unquote = unquote;
+ p.Padding = padding;
+ p.SingleQuotes = singlequotes;
+ return p;
+ }
+ static TJsonPrettifier Compactifier(bool unquote = false, bool singlequote = false) {
+ TJsonPrettifier p;
+ p.Unquote = unquote;
+ p.Padding = 0;
+ p.Compactify = true;
+ p.SingleQuotes = singlequote;
+ return p;
+ }
+ bool Prettify(TStringBuf in, IOutputStream& out) const;
+ TString Prettify(TStringBuf in) const;
+ static bool MayUnquoteNew(TStringBuf in);
+ static bool MayUnquoteOld(TStringBuf in);
+ };
+ inline TString PrettifyJson(TStringBuf in, bool unquote = false, ui8 padding = 4, bool sq = false) {
+ return TJsonPrettifier::Prettifier(unquote, padding, sq).Prettify(in);
+ }
+ inline bool PrettifyJson(TStringBuf in, IOutputStream& out, bool unquote = false, ui8 padding = 4, bool sq = false) {
+ return TJsonPrettifier::Prettifier(unquote, padding, sq).Prettify(in, out);
+ }
+ inline bool CompactifyJson(TStringBuf in, IOutputStream& out, bool unquote = false, bool sq = false) {
+ return TJsonPrettifier::Compactifier(unquote, sq).Prettify(in, out);
+ }
+ inline TString CompactifyJson(TStringBuf in, bool unquote = false, bool sq = false) {
+ return TJsonPrettifier::Compactifier(unquote, sq).Prettify(in);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/json_reader.cpp b/library/cpp/json/json_reader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..072c8deafe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/json_reader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+#include "json_reader.h"
+#include "rapidjson_helpers.h"
+#include <contrib/libs/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/error/en.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/error/error.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/reader.h>
+#include <util/generic/stack.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ namespace {
+ TString PrintError(const rapidjson::ParseResult& result) {
+ return TStringBuilder() << TStringBuf("Offset: ") << result.Offset()
+ << TStringBuf(", Code: ") << (int)result.Code()
+ << TStringBuf(", Error: ") << GetParseError_En(result.Code());
+ }
+ }
+ static const size_t DEFAULT_BUFFER_LEN = 65536;
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OpenComplexValue(EJsonValueType type) {
+ TJsonValue* pvalue;
+ switch (CurrentState) {
+ case START:
+ Value.SetType(type);
+ ValuesStack.push_back(&Value);
+ break;
+ case IN_ARRAY:
+ pvalue = &ValuesStack.back()->AppendValue(type);
+ ValuesStack.push_back(pvalue);
+ break;
+ pvalue = &ValuesStack.back()->InsertValue(Key, type);
+ ValuesStack.push_back(pvalue);
+ CurrentState = IN_MAP;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::CloseComplexValue() {
+ if (ValuesStack.empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ValuesStack.pop_back();
+ if (!ValuesStack.empty()) {
+ switch (ValuesStack.back()->GetType()) {
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ CurrentState = IN_ARRAY;
+ break;
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ CurrentState = IN_MAP;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ CurrentState = FINISH;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ TParserCallbacks::TParserCallbacks(TJsonValue& value, bool throwOnError, bool notClosedBracketIsError)
+ : TJsonCallbacks(throwOnError)
+ , Value(value)
+ , NotClosedBracketIsError(notClosedBracketIsError)
+ , CurrentState(START)
+ {
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnNull() {
+ return SetValue(JSON_NULL);
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnBoolean(bool val) {
+ return SetValue(val);
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnInteger(long long val) {
+ return SetValue(val);
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnUInteger(unsigned long long val) {
+ return SetValue(val);
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnString(const TStringBuf& val) {
+ return SetValue(val);
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnDouble(double val) {
+ return SetValue(val);
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnOpenArray() {
+ bool res = OpenComplexValue(JSON_ARRAY);
+ if (res)
+ CurrentState = IN_ARRAY;
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnCloseArray() {
+ return CloseComplexValue();
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnOpenMap() {
+ bool res = OpenComplexValue(JSON_MAP);
+ if (res)
+ CurrentState = IN_MAP;
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnCloseMap() {
+ return CloseComplexValue();
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnMapKey(const TStringBuf& val) {
+ switch (CurrentState) {
+ case IN_MAP:
+ Key = val;
+ CurrentState = AFTER_MAP_KEY;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TParserCallbacks::OnEnd() {
+ if (NotClosedBracketIsError){
+ return ValuesStack.empty();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ TJsonReaderConfig::TJsonReaderConfig()
+ {
+ }
+ void TJsonReaderConfig::SetBufferSize(size_t bufferSize) {
+ BufferSize = Max((size_t)1, Min(bufferSize, DEFAULT_BUFFER_LEN));
+ }
+ size_t TJsonReaderConfig::GetBufferSize() const {
+ return BufferSize;
+ }
+ namespace {
+ struct TJsonValueBuilder {
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+ using TItem = TJsonValue*;
+ inline TJsonValue& Access(TItem& item) const {
+ return *item;
+ }
+ struct TItem {
+ TJsonValue* V;
+ size_t DuplicateKeyCount;
+ TItem(TJsonValue* v)
+ : V(v)
+ , DuplicateKeyCount(0)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ inline TJsonValue& Access(TItem& item) const {
+ return *item.V;
+ }
+ NJson::TJsonValue& V;
+ TStack<TItem> S;
+ TJsonValueBuilder(NJson::TJsonValue& v)
+ : V(v)
+ {
+ S.emplace(&V);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void Set(const T& t) {
+ if (Access(S.top()).IsArray()) {
+ Access(S.top()).AppendValue(t);
+ } else {
+ Access(S.top()) = t;
+ S.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ bool Null() {
+ Set(NJson::JSON_NULL);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool Bool(bool b) {
+ Set(b);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool Int(int i) {
+ Set(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <class U>
+ bool ProcessUint(U u) {
+ if (Y_LIKELY(u <= static_cast<ui64>(Max<i64>()))) {
+ Set(i64(u));
+ } else {
+ Set(u);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool Uint(unsigned u) {
+ return ProcessUint(u);
+ }
+ bool Int64(i64 i) {
+ Set(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool Uint64(ui64 u) {
+ return ProcessUint(u);
+ }
+ bool Double(double d) {
+ Set(d);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool RawNumber(const char* str, rapidjson::SizeType length, bool copy) {
+ Y_ASSERT(false && "this method should never be called");
+ Y_UNUSED(str);
+ Y_UNUSED(length);
+ Y_UNUSED(copy);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool String(const char* str, rapidjson::SizeType length, bool copy) {
+ Y_ASSERT(copy);
+ Set(TStringBuf(str, length));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool StartObject() {
+ if (Access(S.top()).IsArray()) {
+ S.emplace(&Access(S.top()).AppendValue(NJson::JSON_MAP));
+ } else {
+ Access(S.top()).SetType(NJson::JSON_MAP);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool Key(const char* str, rapidjson::SizeType length, bool copy) {
+ Y_ASSERT(copy);
+ auto& value = Access(S.top())[TStringBuf(str, length)];
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(value.GetType() != JSON_UNDEFINED)) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ ++S.top().DuplicateKeyCount;
+ value.SetType(JSON_UNDEFINED);
+ }
+ S.emplace(&value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline int GetDuplicateKeyCount() const {
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+ return 0;
+ return S.top().DuplicateKeyCount;
+ }
+ bool EndObject(rapidjson::SizeType memberCount) {
+ Y_ASSERT(memberCount == Access(S.top()).GetMap().size() + GetDuplicateKeyCount());
+ S.pop();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool StartArray() {
+ if (Access(S.top()).IsArray()) {
+ S.emplace(&Access(S.top()).AppendValue(NJson::JSON_ARRAY));
+ } else {
+ Access(S.top()).SetType(NJson::JSON_ARRAY);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool EndArray(rapidjson::SizeType elementCount) {
+ Y_ASSERT(elementCount == Access(S.top()).GetArray().size());
+ S.pop();
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <class TRapidJsonCompliantInputStream, class THandler>
+ auto Read(const TJsonReaderConfig& config,
+ rapidjson::Reader& reader,
+ TRapidJsonCompliantInputStream& is,
+ THandler& handler) {
+ ui8 flags = ReaderConfigToRapidJsonFlags::NOCOMMENTS_VALID_NOESCAPE;
+ if (config.AllowComments) {
+ flags |= ReaderConfigFlags::COMMENTS;
+ }
+ if (config.DontValidateUtf8) {
+ flags &= ~(ReaderConfigFlags::VALIDATE);
+ }
+ if (config.AllowEscapedApostrophe) {
+ flags |= ReaderConfigFlags::ESCAPE;
+ }
+ switch (flags) {
+ case ReaderConfigToRapidJsonFlags::COMMENTS_NOVALID_NOESCAPE:
+ return reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseCommentsFlag>(is, handler);
+ case ReaderConfigToRapidJsonFlags::COMMENTS_VALID_NOESCAPE:
+ return reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::kParseValidateEncodingFlag>(is, handler);
+ case ReaderConfigToRapidJsonFlags::COMMENTS_VALID_ESCAPE:
+ return reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::kParseValidateEncodingFlag | rapidjson::kParseEscapedApostropheFlag>(is, handler);
+ case ReaderConfigToRapidJsonFlags::COMMENTS_NOVALID_ESCAPE:
+ return reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::kParseEscapedApostropheFlag>(is, handler);
+ case ReaderConfigToRapidJsonFlags::NOCOMMENTS_VALID_NOESCAPE:
+ return reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseValidateEncodingFlag>(is, handler);
+ case ReaderConfigToRapidJsonFlags::NOCOMMENTS_VALID_ESCAPE:
+ return reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseValidateEncodingFlag | rapidjson::kParseEscapedApostropheFlag>(is, handler);
+ case ReaderConfigToRapidJsonFlags::NOCOMMENTS_NOVALID_ESCAPE:
+ return reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseEscapedApostropheFlag>(is, handler);
+ default:
+ return reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseNoFlags>(is, handler);
+ }
+ }
+ template <class TRapidJsonCompliantInputStream, class THandler>
+ bool ReadJson(TRapidJsonCompliantInputStream& is, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, THandler& handler, bool throwOnError) {
+ rapidjson::Reader reader;
+ auto result = Read(*config, reader, is, handler);
+ if (result.IsError()) {
+ if (throwOnError) {
+ ythrow TJsonException() << PrintError(result);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <class TRapidJsonCompliantInputStream>
+ bool ReadJsonTree(TRapidJsonCompliantInputStream& is, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ out->SetType(NJson::JSON_NULL);
+ TJsonValueBuilder handler(*out);
+ return ReadJson(is, config, handler, throwOnError);
+ }
+ template <class TData>
+ bool ReadJsonTreeImpl(TData* in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ std::conditional_t<std::is_same<TData, TStringBuf>::value, TStringBufStreamWrapper, TInputStreamWrapper> is(*in);
+ return ReadJsonTree(is, config, out, throwOnError);
+ }
+ template <class TData>
+ bool ReadJsonTreeImpl(TData* in, bool allowComments, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ TJsonReaderConfig config;
+ config.AllowComments = allowComments;
+ return ReadJsonTreeImpl(in, &config, out, throwOnError);
+ }
+ template <class TData>
+ bool ReadJsonTreeImpl(TData* in, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ return ReadJsonTreeImpl(in, false, out, throwOnError);
+ }
+ } //namespace
+ bool ReadJsonTree(TStringBuf in, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ return ReadJsonTreeImpl(&in, out, throwOnError);
+ }
+ bool ReadJsonTree(TStringBuf in, bool allowComments, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ return ReadJsonTreeImpl(&in, allowComments, out, throwOnError);
+ }
+ bool ReadJsonTree(TStringBuf in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ return ReadJsonTreeImpl(&in, config, out, throwOnError);
+ }
+ bool ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ return ReadJsonTreeImpl(in, out, throwOnError);
+ }
+ bool ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, bool allowComments, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ return ReadJsonTreeImpl(in, allowComments, out, throwOnError);
+ }
+ bool ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError) {
+ return ReadJsonTreeImpl(in, config, out, throwOnError);
+ }
+ bool ReadJsonFastTree(TStringBuf in, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError, bool notClosedBracketIsError) {
+ TParserCallbacks cb(*out, throwOnError, notClosedBracketIsError);
+ return ReadJsonFast(in, &cb);
+ }
+ TJsonValue ReadJsonFastTree(TStringBuf in, bool notClosedBracketIsError) {
+ TJsonValue value;
+ // There is no way to report an error apart from throwing an exception when we return result by value.
+ ReadJsonFastTree(in, &value, /* throwOnError = */ true, notClosedBracketIsError);
+ return value;
+ }
+ namespace {
+ struct TJsonCallbacksWrapper {
+ TJsonCallbacks& Impl;
+ TJsonCallbacksWrapper(TJsonCallbacks& impl)
+ : Impl(impl)
+ {
+ }
+ bool Null() {
+ return Impl.OnNull();
+ }
+ bool Bool(bool b) {
+ return Impl.OnBoolean(b);
+ }
+ template <class U>
+ bool ProcessUint(U u) {
+ if (Y_LIKELY(u <= ui64(Max<i64>()))) {
+ return Impl.OnInteger(i64(u));
+ } else {
+ return Impl.OnUInteger(u);
+ }
+ }
+ bool Int(int i) {
+ return Impl.OnInteger(i);
+ }
+ bool Uint(unsigned u) {
+ return ProcessUint(u);
+ }
+ bool Int64(i64 i) {
+ return Impl.OnInteger(i);
+ }
+ bool Uint64(ui64 u) {
+ return ProcessUint(u);
+ }
+ bool Double(double d) {
+ return Impl.OnDouble(d);
+ }
+ bool RawNumber(const char* str, rapidjson::SizeType length, bool copy) {
+ Y_ASSERT(false && "this method should never be called");
+ Y_UNUSED(str);
+ Y_UNUSED(length);
+ Y_UNUSED(copy);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool String(const char* str, rapidjson::SizeType length, bool copy) {
+ Y_ASSERT(copy);
+ return Impl.OnString(TStringBuf(str, length));
+ }
+ bool StartObject() {
+ return Impl.OnOpenMap();
+ }
+ bool Key(const char* str, rapidjson::SizeType length, bool copy) {
+ Y_ASSERT(copy);
+ return Impl.OnMapKey(TStringBuf(str, length));
+ }
+ bool EndObject(rapidjson::SizeType memberCount) {
+ Y_UNUSED(memberCount);
+ return Impl.OnCloseMap();
+ }
+ bool StartArray() {
+ return Impl.OnOpenArray();
+ }
+ bool EndArray(rapidjson::SizeType elementCount) {
+ Y_UNUSED(elementCount);
+ return Impl.OnCloseArray();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ bool ReadJson(IInputStream* in, TJsonCallbacks* cbs) {
+ return ReadJson(in, false, cbs);
+ }
+ bool ReadJson(IInputStream* in, bool allowComments, TJsonCallbacks* cbs) {
+ TJsonReaderConfig config;
+ config.AllowComments = allowComments;
+ return ReadJson(in, &config, cbs);
+ }
+ bool ReadJson(IInputStream* in, bool allowComments, bool allowEscapedApostrophe, TJsonCallbacks* cbs) {
+ TJsonReaderConfig config;
+ config.AllowComments = allowComments;
+ config.AllowEscapedApostrophe = allowEscapedApostrophe;
+ return ReadJson(in, &config, cbs);
+ }
+ bool ReadJson(IInputStream* in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, TJsonCallbacks* cbs) {
+ TJsonCallbacksWrapper wrapper(*cbs);
+ TInputStreamWrapper is(*in);
+ rapidjson::Reader reader;
+ auto result = Read(*config, reader, is, wrapper);
+ if (result.IsError()) {
+ cbs->OnError(result.Offset(), PrintError(result));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return cbs->OnEnd();
+ }
+ TJsonValue ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, bool throwOnError) {
+ TJsonValue out;
+ ReadJsonTree(in, &out, throwOnError);
+ return out;
+ }
+ TJsonValue ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, bool allowComments, bool throwOnError) {
+ TJsonValue out;
+ ReadJsonTree(in, allowComments, &out, throwOnError);
+ return out;
+ }
+ TJsonValue ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, bool throwOnError) {
+ TJsonValue out;
+ ReadJsonTree(in, config, &out, throwOnError);
+ return out;
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/json_reader.h b/library/cpp/json/json_reader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b673788330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/json_reader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "json_value.h"
+#include <library/cpp/json/common/defs.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/stream/input.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+#include <util/stream/mem.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ struct TJsonReaderConfig {
+ TJsonReaderConfig();
+ // js-style comments (both // and /**/)
+ bool AllowComments = false;
+ bool DontValidateUtf8 = false;
+ bool AllowEscapedApostrophe = false;
+ void SetBufferSize(size_t bufferSize);
+ size_t GetBufferSize() const;
+ private:
+ size_t BufferSize;
+ };
+ bool ReadJsonTree(TStringBuf in, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError = false);
+ bool ReadJsonTree(TStringBuf in, bool allowComments, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError = false);
+ bool ReadJsonTree(TStringBuf in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError = false);
+ bool ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError = false);
+ bool ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, bool allowComments, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError = false);
+ bool ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError = false);
+ TJsonValue ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, bool throwOnError = false);
+ TJsonValue ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, bool allowComments, bool throwOnError);
+ TJsonValue ReadJsonTree(IInputStream* in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, bool throwOnError = false);
+ bool ReadJson(IInputStream* in, TJsonCallbacks* callbacks);
+ bool ReadJson(IInputStream* in, bool allowComments, TJsonCallbacks* callbacks);
+ bool ReadJson(IInputStream* in, bool allowComments, bool allowEscapedApostrophe, TJsonCallbacks* callbacks);
+ bool ReadJson(IInputStream* in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, TJsonCallbacks* callbacks);
+ enum ReaderConfigFlags {
+ COMMENTS = 0b100,
+ VALIDATE = 0b010,
+ ESCAPE = 0b001,
+ };
+ enum ReaderConfigToRapidJsonFlags {
+ };
+ inline bool ValidateJson(IInputStream* in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config, bool throwOnError = false) {
+ TJsonCallbacks c(throwOnError);
+ return ReadJson(in, config, &c);
+ }
+ inline bool ValidateJson(TStringBuf in, const TJsonReaderConfig& config = TJsonReaderConfig(), bool throwOnError = false) {
+ TMemoryInput min(in.data(), in.size());
+ return ValidateJson(&min, &config, throwOnError);
+ }
+ inline bool ValidateJsonThrow(IInputStream* in, const TJsonReaderConfig* config) {
+ return ValidateJson(in, config, true);
+ }
+ inline bool ValidateJsonThrow(TStringBuf in, const TJsonReaderConfig& config = TJsonReaderConfig()) {
+ return ValidateJson(in, config, true);
+ }
+ class TParserCallbacks: public TJsonCallbacks {
+ public:
+ TParserCallbacks(TJsonValue& value, bool throwOnError = false, bool notClosedBracketIsError = false);
+ bool OnNull() override;
+ bool OnBoolean(bool val) override;
+ bool OnInteger(long long val) override;
+ bool OnUInteger(unsigned long long val) override;
+ bool OnString(const TStringBuf& val) override;
+ bool OnDouble(double val) override;
+ bool OnOpenArray() override;
+ bool OnCloseArray() override;
+ bool OnOpenMap() override;
+ bool OnCloseMap() override;
+ bool OnMapKey(const TStringBuf& val) override;
+ bool OnEnd() override;
+ protected:
+ TJsonValue& Value;
+ TString Key;
+ TVector<TJsonValue*> ValuesStack;
+ bool NotClosedBracketIsError;
+ enum {
+ } CurrentState;
+ template <class T>
+ bool SetValue(const T& value) {
+ switch (CurrentState) {
+ case START:
+ Value.SetValue(value);
+ break;
+ ValuesStack.back()->InsertValue(Key, value);
+ CurrentState = IN_MAP;
+ break;
+ case IN_ARRAY:
+ ValuesStack.back()->AppendValue(value);
+ break;
+ case IN_MAP:
+ case FINISH:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ ythrow yexception() << "TParserCallbacks::SetValue invalid enum";
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OpenComplexValue(EJsonValueType type);
+ bool CloseComplexValue();
+ };
+ //// relaxed json, used in library/cpp/scheme
+ bool ReadJsonFastTree(TStringBuf in, TJsonValue* out, bool throwOnError = false, bool notClosedBracketIsError = false);
+ TJsonValue ReadJsonFastTree(TStringBuf in, bool notClosedBracketIsError = false);
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/json_value.h b/library/cpp/json/json_value.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f70f4d2ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/json_value.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/json/writer/json_value.h>
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/json_writer.cpp b/library/cpp/json/json_writer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d058bae36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/json_writer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#include "json_writer.h"
+#include <util/charset/utf8.h>
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ TJsonWriter::TJsonWriter(IOutputStream* out, bool formatOutput, bool sortkeys, bool validateUtf8)
+ : Out(out)
+ , Buf(NJsonWriter::HEM_UNSAFE)
+ , DoubleNDigits(TJsonWriterConfig::DefaultDoubleNDigits)
+ , FloatNDigits(TJsonWriterConfig::DefaultFloatNDigits)
+ , FloatToStringMode(TJsonWriterConfig::DefaultFloatToStringMode)
+ , SortKeys(sortkeys)
+ , ValidateUtf8(validateUtf8)
+ , DontEscapeStrings(false)
+ , DontFlushInDestructor(false)
+ {
+ Buf.SetIndentSpaces(formatOutput ? 2 : 0);
+ }
+ TJsonWriter::TJsonWriter(IOutputStream* out, const TJsonWriterConfig& config, bool DFID)
+ : Out(config.Unbuffered ? nullptr : out)
+ , Buf(NJsonWriter::HEM_UNSAFE, config.Unbuffered ? out : nullptr)
+ , DoubleNDigits(config.DoubleNDigits)
+ , FloatNDigits(config.FloatNDigits)
+ , FloatToStringMode(config.FloatToStringMode)
+ , SortKeys(config.SortKeys)
+ , ValidateUtf8(config.ValidateUtf8)
+ , DontEscapeStrings(config.DontEscapeStrings)
+ , DontFlushInDestructor(DFID)
+ {
+ Buf.SetIndentSpaces(config.FormatOutput ? 2 : 0);
+ Buf.SetWriteNanAsString(config.WriteNanAsString);
+ }
+ TJsonWriter::~TJsonWriter() {
+ // if we write to socket it's possible to get exception here
+ // don't use exceptions in destructors
+ if (!DontFlushInDestructor) {
+ try {
+ Flush();
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::Flush() {
+ if (Out) {
+ Buf.FlushTo(Out);
+ }
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::OpenMap() {
+ Buf.BeginObject();
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::CloseMap() {
+ Buf.EndObject();
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::OpenArray() {
+ Buf.BeginList();
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::CloseArray() {
+ Buf.EndList();
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::Write(const TStringBuf& value) {
+ if (ValidateUtf8 && !IsUtf(value))
+ throw yexception() << "JSON writer: invalid UTF-8";
+ if (Buf.KeyExpected()) {
+ Buf.WriteKey(value);
+ } else {
+ if (DontEscapeStrings) {
+ Buf.UnsafeWriteValue(TString("\"") + value + '"');
+ } else {
+ Buf.WriteString(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::WriteNull() {
+ Buf.WriteNull();
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::Write(float value) {
+ Buf.WriteFloat(value, FloatToStringMode, FloatNDigits);
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::Write(double value) {
+ Buf.WriteDouble(value, FloatToStringMode, DoubleNDigits);
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::Write(long long value) {
+ Buf.WriteLongLong(value);
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::Write(unsigned long long value) {
+ Buf.WriteULongLong(value);
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::Write(bool value) {
+ Buf.WriteBool(value);
+ }
+ namespace {
+ struct TLessStrPtr {
+ bool operator()(const TString* a, const TString* b) const {
+ return *a < *b;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::Write(const TJsonValue* v) {
+ Buf.WriteJsonValue(v, SortKeys, FloatToStringMode, DoubleNDigits);
+ }
+ void TJsonWriter::Write(const TJsonValue& v) {
+ Buf.WriteJsonValue(&v, SortKeys, FloatToStringMode, DoubleNDigits);
+ }
+ TString WriteJson(const TJsonValue* value, bool formatOutput, bool sortkeys, bool validateUtf8) {
+ TStringStream ss;
+ WriteJson(&ss, value, formatOutput, sortkeys, validateUtf8);
+ return ss.Str();
+ }
+ TString WriteJson(const TJsonValue& value, bool formatOutput, bool sortkeys, bool validateUtf8) {
+ TStringStream ss;
+ WriteJson(&ss, &value, formatOutput, sortkeys, validateUtf8);
+ return ss.Str();
+ }
+ void WriteJson(IOutputStream* out, const TJsonValue* val, bool formatOutput, bool sortkeys, bool validateUtf8) {
+ TJsonWriter w(out, formatOutput, sortkeys, validateUtf8);
+ w.Write(val);
+ w.Flush();
+ }
+ void WriteJson(IOutputStream* out, const TJsonValue* val, const TJsonWriterConfig& config) {
+ TJsonWriter w(out, config, true);
+ w.Write(val);
+ w.Flush();
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/json_writer.h b/library/cpp/json/json_writer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7f5c9499a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/json_writer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#pragma once
+// Deprecated. Use library/cpp/json/writer in new code.
+#include "json_value.h"
+#include <library/cpp/json/writer/json.h>
+#include <util/stream/output.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ struct TJsonWriterConfig {
+ constexpr static ui32 DefaultDoubleNDigits = 10;
+ constexpr static ui32 DefaultFloatNDigits = 6;
+ constexpr static EFloatToStringMode DefaultFloatToStringMode = PREC_NDIGITS;
+ inline TJsonWriterConfig& SetUnbuffered(bool v) noexcept {
+ Unbuffered = v;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline TJsonWriterConfig& SetValidateUtf8(bool v) noexcept {
+ ValidateUtf8 = v;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline TJsonWriterConfig& SetFormatOutput(bool v) noexcept {
+ FormatOutput = v;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ui32 DoubleNDigits = DefaultDoubleNDigits;
+ ui32 FloatNDigits = DefaultFloatNDigits;
+ EFloatToStringMode FloatToStringMode = DefaultFloatToStringMode;
+ bool FormatOutput = false;
+ bool SortKeys = false;
+ bool ValidateUtf8 = true;
+ bool DontEscapeStrings = false;
+ bool Unbuffered = false;
+ bool WriteNanAsString = false; // NaN and Inf are not valid json values, so if WriteNanAsString is set, writer would write string intead of throwing exception (default case)
+ };
+ class TJsonWriter {
+ IOutputStream* Out;
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf Buf;
+ const ui32 DoubleNDigits;
+ const ui32 FloatNDigits;
+ const EFloatToStringMode FloatToStringMode;
+ const bool SortKeys;
+ const bool ValidateUtf8;
+ const bool DontEscapeStrings;
+ const bool DontFlushInDestructor;
+ public:
+ TJsonWriter(IOutputStream* out, bool formatOutput, bool sortkeys = false, bool validateUtf8 = true);
+ TJsonWriter(IOutputStream* out, const TJsonWriterConfig& config, bool DontFlushInDestructor = false);
+ ~TJsonWriter();
+ void Flush();
+ void OpenMap();
+ void OpenMap(const TStringBuf& key) {
+ Buf.WriteKey(key);
+ OpenMap();
+ }
+ void CloseMap();
+ void OpenArray();
+ void OpenArray(const TStringBuf& key) {
+ Buf.WriteKey(key);
+ OpenArray();
+ }
+ void CloseArray();
+ void WriteNull();
+ void Write(const TStringBuf& value);
+ void Write(float value);
+ void Write(double value);
+ void Write(bool value);
+ void Write(const TJsonValue* value);
+ void Write(const TJsonValue& value);
+ // must use all variations of integer types since long
+ // and long long are different types but with same size
+ void Write(long long value);
+ void Write(unsigned long long value);
+ void Write(long value) {
+ Write((long long)value);
+ }
+ void Write(unsigned long value) {
+ Write((unsigned long long)value);
+ }
+ void Write(int value) {
+ Write((long long)value);
+ }
+ void Write(unsigned int value) {
+ Write((unsigned long long)value);
+ }
+ void Write(short value) {
+ Write((long long)value);
+ }
+ void Write(unsigned short value) {
+ Write((unsigned long long)value);
+ }
+ void Write(const unsigned char* value) {
+ Write((const char*)value);
+ }
+ void Write(const char* value) {
+ Write(TStringBuf(value));
+ }
+ void Write(const TString& value) {
+ Write(TStringBuf(value));
+ }
+ void Write(const std::string& value) {
+ Write(TStringBuf(value));
+ }
+ // write raw json without checks
+ void UnsafeWrite(const TStringBuf& value) {
+ Buf.UnsafeWriteValue(value);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void Write(const TStringBuf& key, const T& value) {
+ Buf.WriteKey(key);
+ Write(value);
+ }
+ // write raw json without checks
+ void UnsafeWrite(const TStringBuf& key, const TStringBuf& value) {
+ Buf.WriteKey(key);
+ UnsafeWrite(value);
+ }
+ void WriteNull(const TStringBuf& key) {
+ Buf.WriteKey(key);
+ WriteNull();
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void WriteOptional(const TStringBuf& key, const TMaybe<T>& value) {
+ if (value) {
+ Write(key, *value);
+ }
+ }
+ void WriteOptional(const TStringBuf&, const TNothing&) {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+ void WriteKey(const TStringBuf key) {
+ Buf.WriteKey(key);
+ }
+ void WriteKey(const unsigned char* key) {
+ WriteKey((const char*)key);
+ }
+ void WriteKey(const char* key) {
+ WriteKey(TStringBuf{key});
+ }
+ void WriteKey(const TString& key) {
+ WriteKey(TStringBuf{key});
+ }
+ void WriteKey(const std::string& key) {
+ WriteKey(TStringBuf{key});
+ }
+ NJsonWriter::TBufState State() const {
+ return Buf.State();
+ }
+ void Reset(const NJsonWriter::TBufState& from) {
+ return Buf.Reset(from);
+ }
+ void Reset(NJsonWriter::TBufState&& from) {
+ return Buf.Reset(std::move(from));
+ }
+ };
+ void WriteJson(IOutputStream*, const TJsonValue*, bool formatOutput = false, bool sortkeys = false, bool validateUtf8 = true);
+ TString WriteJson(const TJsonValue*, bool formatOutput = true, bool sortkeys = false, bool validateUtf8 = false);
+ TString WriteJson(const TJsonValue&, bool formatOutput = true, bool sortkeys = false, bool validateUtf8 = false);
+ void WriteJson(IOutputStream*, const TJsonValue*, const TJsonWriterConfig& config);
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/rapidjson_helpers.cpp b/library/cpp/json/rapidjson_helpers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e8159a103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/rapidjson_helpers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include "rapidjson_helpers.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/rapidjson_helpers.h b/library/cpp/json/rapidjson_helpers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aeb96ff670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/rapidjson_helpers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+#include <util/stream/input.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ struct TReadOnlyStreamBase {
+ using Ch = char;
+ Ch* PutBegin() {
+ Y_ASSERT(false);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void Put(Ch) {
+ Y_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ void Flush() {
+ Y_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ size_t PutEnd(Ch*) {
+ Y_ASSERT(false);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ };
+ struct TInputStreamWrapper : TReadOnlyStreamBase {
+ Ch Peek() const {
+ if (!Eof) {
+ if (Pos >= Sz) {
+ if (Sz < BUF_SIZE) {
+ Sz += Helper.Read(Buf + Sz, BUF_SIZE - Sz);
+ } else {
+ Sz = Helper.Read(Buf, BUF_SIZE);
+ Pos = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Pos < Sz) {
+ return Buf[Pos];
+ }
+ }
+ Eof = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Ch Take() {
+ auto c = Peek();
+ ++Pos;
+ ++Count;
+ return c;
+ }
+ size_t Tell() const {
+ return Count;
+ }
+ TInputStreamWrapper(IInputStream& helper)
+ : Helper(helper)
+ , Eof(false)
+ , Sz(0)
+ , Pos(0)
+ , Count(0)
+ {
+ }
+ static const size_t BUF_SIZE = 1 << 12;
+ IInputStream& Helper;
+ mutable char Buf[BUF_SIZE];
+ mutable bool Eof;
+ mutable size_t Sz;
+ mutable size_t Pos;
+ size_t Count;
+ };
+ struct TStringBufStreamWrapper : TReadOnlyStreamBase {
+ Ch Peek() const {
+ return Pos < Data.size() ? Data[Pos] : 0;
+ }
+ Ch Take() {
+ auto c = Peek();
+ ++Pos;
+ return c;
+ }
+ size_t Tell() const {
+ return Pos;
+ }
+ TStringBufStreamWrapper(TStringBuf data)
+ : Data(data)
+ , Pos(0)
+ {
+ }
+ TStringBuf Data;
+ size_t Pos;
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/ut/json_prettifier_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_prettifier_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae5f8dd81a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_prettifier_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_prettifier.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(JsonPrettifier) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(PrettifyJsonShort) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson(""), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("null"), "null");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("true"), "true");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("false"), "false");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("1.5"), "1.5");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("test", false, 2, true), "'test'");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[]"), "[ ]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[a]", false, 2), "[\n \"a\"\n]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[a,b]", false, 2, true), "[\n 'a',\n 'b'\n]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[{},b]", false, 2, true), "[\n { },\n 'b'\n]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[a,{}]", false, 2, true), "[\n 'a',\n { }\n]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[{},{}]"), "[\n { },\n { }\n]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{}"), "{ }");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{}"), "{ }");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{k:v}", false, 2, true), "{\n 'k' : 'v'\n}");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("Test545", true, 2), "Test545");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("'null'", true, 2, true), "'null'");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("'true'", true, 2, true), "'true'");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("'false'", true, 2, true), "'false'");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("'\"'", true, 2, true), "'\"'");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("'\"'", true, 2, false), "\"\\\"\"");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("'\\\''", true, 2, true), "'\\u0027'");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("'\\\''", true, 2, false), "\"'\"");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("'1b'", true, 2, true), "'1b'");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("'Test*545'", true, 2, true), "'Test*545'");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{k:v}", true, 2), "{\n k : v\n}");
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(PrettifyJsonLong) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[{k:v},{a:b}]", false, 2, true),
+ "[\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " 'k' : 'v'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " 'a' : 'b'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{k:v,a:b,x:[1,2,3]}", false, 2, true),
+ "{\n"
+ " 'k' : 'v',\n"
+ " 'a' : 'b',\n"
+ " 'x' : [\n"
+ " 1,\n"
+ " 2,\n"
+ " 3\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{k:v,a:b,x:[1,{f:b},3],m:n}", false, 2, true),
+ "{\n"
+ " 'k' : 'v',\n"
+ " 'a' : 'b',\n"
+ " 'x' : [\n"
+ " 1,\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " 'f' : 'b'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " 3\n"
+ " ],\n"
+ " 'm' : 'n'\n"
+ "}");
+ NJson::TJsonPrettifier prettifierMaxLevel1 = NJson::TJsonPrettifier::Prettifier(false, 2, true);
+ prettifierMaxLevel1.MaxPaddingLevel = 1;
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(prettifierMaxLevel1.Prettify("{k:v,a:b,x:[1,{f:b},3],m:n}"),
+ "{\n"
+ " 'k' : 'v',\n"
+ " 'a' : 'b',\n"
+ " 'x' : [ 1, { 'f' : 'b' }, 3 ],\n"
+ " 'm' : 'n'\n"
+ "}");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{g:{x:{a:{b:c,e:f},q:{x:y}},y:fff}}", true, 2),
+ "{\n"
+ " g : {\n"
+ " x : {\n"
+ " a : {\n"
+ " b : c,\n"
+ " e : f\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " q : {\n"
+ " x : y\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " y : fff\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}");
+ NJson::TJsonPrettifier prettifierMaxLevel3 = NJson::TJsonPrettifier::Prettifier(true, 2);
+ prettifierMaxLevel3.MaxPaddingLevel = 3;
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(prettifierMaxLevel3.Prettify("{g:{x:{a:{b:c,e:f},q:{x:y}},y:fff}}"),
+ "{\n"
+ " g : {\n"
+ " x : {\n"
+ " a : { b : c, e : f },\n"
+ " q : { x : y }\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " y : fff\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}");
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(PrettifyJsonInvalid) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("}"), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("}}"), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{}}"), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{}}}"), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("]"), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("]]"), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[]]"), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[]]]"), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("[,,,]"), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::PrettifyJson("{,,,}"), "");
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(CompactifyJsonShort) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson(""), "");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("null"), "null");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("true"), "true");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("false"), "false");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("1.5"), "1.5");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("test", true), "test");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("test", false), "\"test\"");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("[ ]"), "[]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("[\n \"a\"\n]", true), "[a]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("[\n 'a',\n 'b'\n]", true), "[a,b]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("[\n { },\n 'b'\n]", true), "[{},b]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("[\n 'a',\n { }\n]", true), "[a,{}]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("[\n { },\n { }\n]", true), "[{},{}]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("{ }"), "{}");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(NJson::CompactifyJson("{\n 'k' : 'v'\n}", true), "{k:v}");
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(CompactifyJsonLong) {
+ "[\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " 'k' : 'v'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " 'a' : 'b'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "]",
+ true),
+ "[{k:v},{a:b}]");
+ "{\n"
+ " 'k' : 'v',\n"
+ " 'a' : 'b',\n"
+ " 'x' : [\n"
+ " 1,\n"
+ " 2,\n"
+ " 3\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}",
+ true),
+ "{k:v,a:b,x:[1,2,3]}");
+ "{\n"
+ " 'k' : 'v',\n"
+ " 'a' : 'b',\n"
+ " 'x' : [\n"
+ " 1,\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " 'f' : 'b'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " 3\n"
+ " ],\n"
+ " 'm' : 'n'\n"
+ "}",
+ true),
+ "{k:v,a:b,x:[1,{f:b},3],m:n}");
+ "{\n"
+ " g : {\n"
+ " x : {\n"
+ " a : {\n"
+ " b : c,\n"
+ " e : f\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " q : {\n"
+ " x : y\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " y : fff\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}",
+ true),
+ "{g:{x:{a:{b:c,e:f},q:{x:y}},y:fff}}");
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/ut/json_reader_fast_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_reader_fast_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60dffc91c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_reader_fast_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_prettifier.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <library/cpp/string_utils/relaxed_escaper/relaxed_escaper.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/string/printf.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ namespace NTest {
+ enum ETestEvent {
+ E_NO_EVENT = 0,
+ E_ERROR = 1,
+ E_FLT,
+ E_INT,
+ E_STR,
+ };
+ struct TEvent {
+ ETestEvent Type = E_NO_EVENT;
+ i64 INum = 0;
+ double DNum = 0;
+ TString Str;
+ TEvent(ETestEvent e = E_NO_EVENT)
+ : Type(e)
+ {
+ }
+ TEvent(double v, ETestEvent e)
+ : Type(e)
+ , DNum(v)
+ {
+ }
+ TEvent(i64 v, ETestEvent e)
+ : Type(e)
+ , INum(v)
+ {
+ }
+ TEvent(TStringBuf t, ETestEvent e)
+ : Type(e)
+ , Str(NEscJ::EscapeJ<true, false>(t))
+ {
+ }
+ TString ToString() const {
+ switch (Type) {
+ default:
+ return "YOUFAILED";
+ case E_ERROR:
+ return Sprintf("error: %s", Str.data());
+ case E_DICT_OPEN:
+ return "{";
+ case E_DICT_CLOSE:
+ return "}";
+ case E_ARR_OPEN:
+ return "[";
+ case E_ARR_CLOSE:
+ return "]";
+ case E_NULL:
+ return "null";
+ case E_BOOL:
+ return INum ? "true" : "false";
+ case E_INT:
+ return ::ToString(INum);
+ case E_FLT:
+ return ::ToString(DNum);
+ case E_STR:
+ return Sprintf("%s", Str.data());
+ case E_KEY:
+ return Sprintf("key: %s", Str.data());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ using TEvents = TVector<TEvent>;
+ struct TTestHandler : TJsonCallbacks {
+ TEvents Events;
+ bool OnOpenMap() override {
+ Events.push_back(E_DICT_OPEN);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseMap() override {
+ Events.push_back(E_DICT_CLOSE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnOpenArray() override {
+ Events.push_back(E_ARR_OPEN);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseArray() override {
+ Events.push_back(E_ARR_CLOSE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnNull() override {
+ Events.push_back(E_NULL);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnBoolean(bool v) override {
+ Events.push_back(TEvent((i64)v, E_BOOL));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnInteger(long long v) override {
+ Events.push_back(TEvent((i64)v, E_INT));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnUInteger(unsigned long long v) override {
+ return OnInteger(v);
+ }
+ bool OnDouble(double v) override {
+ Events.push_back(TEvent(v, E_FLT));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnString(const TStringBuf& v) override {
+ Events.push_back(TEvent(v, E_STR));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnMapKey(const TStringBuf& v) override {
+ Events.push_back(TEvent(v, E_KEY));
+ return true;
+ }
+ void OnError(size_t, TStringBuf token) override {
+ Events.push_back(TEvent(token, E_ERROR));
+ }
+ void Assert(const TEvents& e, TString str) {
+ try {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(e.size(), Events.size(), str);
+ for (ui32 i = 0, sz = e.size(); i < sz; ++i) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C((int)e[i].Type, (int)Events[i].Type, Sprintf("'%s' %u", str.data(), i));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(e[i].INum, Events[i].INum, Sprintf("'%s' %u", str.data(), i));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(e[i].DNum, Events[i].DNum, Sprintf("'%s' %u", str.data(), i));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(e[i].Str, Events[i].Str, Sprintf("'%s' %u", str.data(), i));
+ }
+ } catch (const yexception&) {
+ Clog << "Exception at '" << str << "'" << Endl;
+ for (const auto& event : Events) {
+ Clog << event.ToString() << Endl;
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+class TFastJsonTest: public TTestBase {
+ UNIT_TEST(TestParse)
+ UNIT_TEST(TestReadJsonFastTree)
+ UNIT_TEST(TestNoInlineComment)
+ template <bool accept>
+ void DoTestParse(TStringBuf json, ui32 amount, ...) {
+ using namespace NJson::NTest;
+ TEvents evs;
+ va_list vl;
+ va_start(vl, amount);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
+ ETestEvent e = (ETestEvent)va_arg(vl, int);
+ switch ((int)e) {
+ case E_NO_EVENT:
+ case E_DICT_OPEN:
+ case E_DICT_CLOSE:
+ case E_ARR_OPEN:
+ case E_ARR_CLOSE:
+ case E_NULL:
+ evs.push_back(e);
+ break;
+ case E_BOOL: {
+ bool v = va_arg(vl, int);
+ evs.push_back(TEvent((i64)v, E_BOOL));
+ break;
+ }
+ case E_INT: {
+ i64 i = va_arg(vl, int);
+ evs.push_back(TEvent(i, E_INT));
+ break;
+ }
+ case E_LONG_LONG: {
+ i64 i = va_arg(vl, long long);
+ evs.push_back(TEvent(i, E_INT));
+ break;
+ }
+ case E_FLT: {
+ double f = va_arg(vl, double);
+ evs.push_back(TEvent(f, E_FLT));
+ break;
+ }
+ case E_STR: {
+ const char* s = va_arg(vl, const char*);
+ evs.push_back(TEvent(TStringBuf(s), E_STR));
+ break;
+ }
+ case E_KEY:
+ case E_ERROR: {
+ const char* s = va_arg(vl, const char*);
+ evs.push_back(TEvent(TStringBuf(s), e));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ va_end(vl);
+ TTestHandler h;
+ const bool res = ReadJsonFast(json, &h);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(res, accept, Sprintf("%s (%s)", ToString(json).data(), h.Events.back().Str.data()));
+ h.Assert(evs, ToString(json));
+ }
+ void TestParse() {
+ using namespace NJson::NTest;
+ DoTestParse<true>("", 0);
+ DoTestParse<true>(" \t \t ", 0);
+ DoTestParse<true>("a-b-c@аб_вгд909AБ", 1, E_STR, "a-b-c@аб_вгд909AБ");
+ DoTestParse<true>("'я тестовая строка'", 1, E_STR, "я тестовая строка");
+ DoTestParse<true>("\"я тестовая строка\"", 1, E_STR, "я тестовая строка");
+ DoTestParse<true>("'\\xA\\xA\\xA'", 1, E_STR, "\n\n\n");
+ DoTestParse<true>("12.15", 1, E_FLT, 12.15);
+ DoTestParse<true>("null", 1, E_NULL);
+ DoTestParse<true>("true", 1, E_BOOL, true);
+ DoTestParse<true>("false", 1, E_BOOL, false);
+ DoTestParse<true>("[]", 2, E_ARR_OPEN, E_ARR_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<true>("[ a ]", 3, E_ARR_OPEN, E_STR, "a", E_ARR_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<true>("[ a, b ]", 4, E_ARR_OPEN, E_STR, "a", E_STR, "b", E_ARR_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<true>("[a,b]", 4, E_ARR_OPEN, E_STR, "a", E_STR, "b", E_ARR_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<false>("[a,b][a,b]", 5, E_ARR_OPEN, E_STR, "a", E_STR, "b", E_ARR_CLOSE, E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: '['");
+ DoTestParse<false>("[a,,b]", 3, E_ARR_OPEN, E_STR, "a", E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: ','");
+ DoTestParse<true>("{ k : v }", 4, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "k", E_STR, "v", E_DICT_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<true>("{a:'\\b'/*comment*/, k /*comment*/\n : v }", 6, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_STR, "\b", E_KEY, "k", E_STR, "v", E_DICT_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<true>("{a:.15, k : v }", 6, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_FLT, .15, E_KEY, "k", E_STR, "v", E_DICT_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<true>("[ a, -.1e+5, 1E-7]", 5, E_ARR_OPEN, E_STR, "a", E_FLT, -.1e+5, E_FLT, 1e-7, E_ARR_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<true>("{}", 2, E_DICT_OPEN, E_DICT_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<true>("{ a : x, b : [ c, d, ] }", 9, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_STR, "x", E_KEY, "b", E_ARR_OPEN, E_STR, "c", E_STR, "d", E_ARR_CLOSE, E_DICT_CLOSE);
+ DoTestParse<false>("{ a : x, b : [ c, d,, ] }", 8, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_STR, "x", E_KEY, "b", E_ARR_OPEN, E_STR, "c", E_STR, "d", E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: ','");
+ // DoTestParse<false>("{ a : x : y }", 4, E_DICT_OPEN
+ // , E_KEY, "a", E_STR, "x"
+ // , E_ERROR
+ // , ":");
+ // DoTestParse<false>("{queries:{ref:[]},{nonref:[]}}", 8, E_DICT_OPEN
+ // , E_KEY, "queries", E_DICT_OPEN
+ // , E_KEY, "ref", E_ARR_OPEN, E_ARR_CLOSE
+ // , E_DICT_CLOSE, E_ERROR, "");
+ DoTestParse<true>("'100x00'", 1, E_STR, "100x00");
+ DoTestParse<true>("-1", 1, E_INT, -1);
+ DoTestParse<true>("-9223372036854775808", 1, E_LONG_LONG, (long long)Min<i64>());
+ DoTestParse<false>("100x00", 1, E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: '100x'");
+ DoTestParse<false>("100 200", 2, E_INT, 100, E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: '200'");
+ DoTestParse<true>("{g:{x:{a:{b:c,e:f},q:{x:y}},y:fff}}", 22, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "g", E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "x", E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "b", E_STR, "c", E_KEY, "e", E_STR, "f", E_DICT_CLOSE, E_KEY, "q", E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "x", E_STR, "y", E_DICT_CLOSE, E_DICT_CLOSE, E_KEY, "y", E_STR, "fff", E_DICT_CLOSE, E_DICT_CLOSE);
+ }
+ void TestReadJsonFastTree() {
+ const TString json = R"(
+ {
+ "a": {
+ "b": {}
+ }
+ }}
+ )";
+ NJson::TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!ReadJsonFastTree(json, &value));
+ }
+ void TestNoInlineComment() {
+ using namespace NJson::NTest;
+ DoTestParse<false>("{\"a\":1}//d{\"b\":2}", 5, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_INT, 1, E_DICT_CLOSE, E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: '/'");
+ DoTestParse<false>("{\"a\":1}//d{\"b\":2}\n", 5, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_INT, 1, E_DICT_CLOSE, E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: '/'");
+ DoTestParse<false>("{\"a\":{//d{\"b\":2}\n}}", 4, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_DICT_OPEN, E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: '/'");
+ DoTestParse<false>("{\"a\":{//d{\"b\":2}}}\n", 4, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_DICT_OPEN, E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: '/'");
+ DoTestParse<false>("{\"a\":{//d{\"b\":2}}}", 4, E_DICT_OPEN, E_KEY, "a", E_DICT_OPEN, E_ERROR, "invalid syntax at token: '/'");
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/ut/json_reader_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_reader_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd31afa0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_reader_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_writer.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+using namespace NJson;
+class TReformatCallbacks: public TJsonCallbacks {
+ TJsonWriter& Writer;
+ TReformatCallbacks(TJsonWriter& writer)
+ : Writer(writer)
+ {
+ }
+ bool OnBoolean(bool val) override {
+ Writer.Write(val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnInteger(long long val) override {
+ Writer.Write(val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnUInteger(unsigned long long val) override {
+ Writer.Write(val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnString(const TStringBuf& val) override {
+ Writer.Write(val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnDouble(double val) override {
+ Writer.Write(val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnOpenArray() override {
+ Writer.OpenArray();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseArray() override {
+ Writer.CloseArray();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnOpenMap() override {
+ Writer.OpenArray();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnCloseMap() override {
+ Writer.CloseArray();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnMapKey(const TStringBuf& val) override {
+ Writer.Write(val);
+ return true;
+ }
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TJsonReaderTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(JsonReformatTest) {
+ TString data = "{\"null value\": null, \"intkey\": 10, \"double key\": 11.11, \"string key\": \"string\", \"array\": [1,2,3,\"TString\"], \"bool key\": true}";
+ TString result1, result2;
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << data;
+ TStringStream out;
+ TJsonWriter writer(&out, false);
+ TReformatCallbacks cb(writer);
+ ReadJson(&in, &cb);
+ writer.Flush();
+ result1 = out.Str();
+ }
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << result1;
+ TStringStream out;
+ TJsonWriter writer(&out, false);
+ TReformatCallbacks cb(writer);
+ ReadJson(&in, &cb);
+ writer.Flush();
+ result2 = out.Str();
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(result1, result2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonEscapedApostrophe) {
+ TString jsonString = "{ \"foo\" : \"bar\\'buzz\" }";
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << jsonString;
+ TStringStream out;
+ TJsonWriter writer(&out, false);
+ TReformatCallbacks cb(writer);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!ReadJson(&in, &cb));
+ }
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << jsonString;
+ TStringStream out;
+ TJsonWriter writer(&out, false);
+ TReformatCallbacks cb(writer);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJson(&in, false, true, &cb));
+ writer.Flush();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(out.Str(), "[\"foo\",\"bar'buzz\"]");
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonTreeTest) {
+ TString data = "{\"intkey\": 10, \"double key\": 11.11, \"null value\":null, \"string key\": \"string\", \"array\": [1,2,3,\"TString\"], \"bool key\": true}";
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << data;
+ TJsonValue value;
+ ReadJsonTree(&in, &value);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["intkey"].GetInteger(), 10);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(value["double key"].GetDouble(), 11.11, 0.001);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["bool key"].GetBoolean(), true);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["absent string key"].GetString(), TString(""));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["string key"].GetString(), TString("string"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"][0].GetInteger(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"][1].GetInteger(), 2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"][2].GetInteger(), 3);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"][3].GetString(), TString("TString"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["null value"].IsNull());
+ // AsString
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["intkey"].GetStringRobust(), "10");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["double key"].GetStringRobust(), "11.11");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["bool key"].GetStringRobust(), "true");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["string key"].GetStringRobust(), "string");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"].GetStringRobust(), "[1,2,3,\"TString\"]");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["null value"].GetStringRobust(), "null");
+ const TJsonValue::TArray* array;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(GetArrayPointer(value, "array", &array));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"].GetArray().size(), array->size());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"][0].GetInteger(), (*array)[0].GetInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"][1].GetInteger(), (*array)[1].GetInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"][2].GetInteger(), (*array)[2].GetInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["array"][3].GetString(), (*array)[3].GetString());
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonRomaTest) {
+ TString data = "{\"test\": [ {\"name\": \"A\"} ]}";
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << data;
+ TJsonValue value;
+ ReadJsonTree(&in, &value);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(value["test"][0]["name"].GetString(), TString("A"));
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonReadTreeWithComments) {
+ {
+ TString leadingCommentData = "{ // \"test\" : 1 \n}";
+ {
+ // No comments allowed
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << leadingCommentData;
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!ReadJsonTree(&in, false, &value));
+ }
+ {
+ // Comments allowed
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << leadingCommentData;
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, true, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value.Has("test"));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ TString trailingCommentData = "{ \"test1\" : 1 // \"test2\" : 2 \n }";
+ {
+ // No comments allowed
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << trailingCommentData;
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!ReadJsonTree(&in, false, &value));
+ }
+ {
+ // Comments allowed
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << trailingCommentData;
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, true, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test1"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test1"].GetInteger(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value.Has("test2"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonSignedIntegerTest) {
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : " << Min<i64>() << " }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value["test"].IsUInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetInteger(), Min<i64>());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetIntegerRobust(), Min<i64>());
+ } // Min<i64>()
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : " << Max<i64>() + 1ull << " }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value["test"].IsInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsUInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetIntegerRobust(), (i64)(Max<i64>() + 1ull));
+ } // Max<i64>() + 1
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonUnsignedIntegerTest) {
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : 1 }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsUInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetInteger(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetIntegerRobust(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetUInteger(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetUIntegerRobust(), 1);
+ } // 1
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : -1 }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value["test"].IsUInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetInteger(), -1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetIntegerRobust(), -1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetUInteger(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetUIntegerRobust(), static_cast<unsigned long long>(-1));
+ } // -1
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : 18446744073709551615 }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value["test"].IsInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsUInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetInteger(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetIntegerRobust(), static_cast<long long>(18446744073709551615ull));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetUInteger(), 18446744073709551615ull);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetUIntegerRobust(), 18446744073709551615ull);
+ } // 18446744073709551615
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : 1.1 }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value["test"].IsInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value["test"].IsUInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetInteger(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetIntegerRobust(), static_cast<long long>(1.1));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetUInteger(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetUIntegerRobust(), static_cast<unsigned long long>(1.1));
+ } // 1.1
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : [1, 18446744073709551615] }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsArray());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetArray().size(), 2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"][0].IsInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"][0].IsUInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"][0].GetInteger(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"][0].GetUInteger(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value["test"][1].IsInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"][1].IsUInteger());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"][1].GetUInteger(), 18446744073709551615ull);
+ }
+ } // TJsonUnsignedIntegerTest
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonDoubleTest) {
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : 1.0 }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsDouble());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetDouble(), 1.0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetDoubleRobust(), 1.0);
+ } // 1.0
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : 1 }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsDouble());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetDouble(), 1.0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetDoubleRobust(), 1.0);
+ } // 1
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : -1 }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value["test"].IsDouble());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetDouble(), -1.0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetDoubleRobust(), -1.0);
+ } // -1
+ {
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : " << Max<ui64>() << " }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(value.Has("test"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!value["test"].IsDouble());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetDouble(), 0.0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value["test"].GetDoubleRobust(), static_cast<double>(Max<ui64>()));
+ } // Max<ui64>()
+ } // TJsonDoubleTest
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonInvalidTest) {
+ {
+ // No exceptions mode.
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!ReadJsonTree(&in, &value));
+ }
+ {
+ // Exception throwing mode.
+ TStringStream in;
+ in << "{ \"test\" : }";
+ TJsonValue value;
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(ReadJsonTree(&in, &value, true), TJsonException);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonMemoryLeakTest) {
+ // after https://clubs.at.yandex-team.ru/stackoverflow/3691
+ TString s = ".";
+ NJson::TJsonValue json;
+ try {
+ TStringInput in(s);
+ NJson::ReadJsonTree(&in, &json, true);
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ } // TJsonMemoryLeakTest
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonDuplicateKeysWithNullValuesTest) {
+ const TString json = "{\"\":null,\"\":\"\"}";
+ TStringInput in(json);
+ NJson::TJsonValue v;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(ReadJsonTree(&in, &v));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(v.IsMap());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(1, v.GetMap().size());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL("", v.GetMap().begin()->first);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(v.GetMap().begin()->second.IsString());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL("", v.GetMap().begin()->second.GetString());
+ }
+static const TString YANDEX_STREAMING_JSON("{\"a\":1}//d{\"b\":2}");
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TCompareReadJsonFast) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NoEndl) {
+ NJson::TJsonValue parsed;
+ bool success = NJson::ReadJsonTree(YANDEX_STREAMING_JSON, &parsed, false);
+ bool fast_success = NJson::ReadJsonFastTree(YANDEX_STREAMING_JSON, &parsed, false);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(success == fast_success);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(WithEndl) {
+ NJson::TJsonValue parsed1;
+ NJson::TJsonValue parsed2;
+ bool success = NJson::ReadJsonTree(YANDEX_STREAMING_JSON + "\n", &parsed1, false);
+ bool fast_success = NJson::ReadJsonFastTree(YANDEX_STREAMING_JSON + "\n", &parsed2, false);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(success, fast_success);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NoQuotes) {
+ TString streamingJson = "{a:1}";
+ NJson::TJsonValue parsed;
+ bool success = NJson::ReadJsonTree(streamingJson, &parsed, false);
+ bool fast_success = NJson::ReadJsonFastTree(streamingJson, &parsed, false);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(success != fast_success);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/ut/json_saveload_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_saveload_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b480a80fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_saveload_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_value.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <util/stream/buffer.h>
+#include <util/generic/buffer.h>
+#include <util/ysaveload.h>
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(JsonSaveLoad) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(Serialize) {
+ NJson::TJsonValue expected;
+ expected["ui64"] = ui64(1);
+ expected["i64"] = i64(2);
+ expected["double"] = 2.0;
+ expected["string"] = "text";
+ expected["map"] = expected;
+ expected["array"].SetType(NJson::JSON_ARRAY).GetArraySafe().emplace_back(expected);
+ expected["null"].SetType(NJson::JSON_NULL);
+ expected["undefined"].SetType(NJson::JSON_UNDEFINED);
+ TBuffer buffer;
+ {
+ TBufferOutput output(buffer);
+ ::Save(&output, expected);
+ }
+ NJson::TJsonValue load;
+ {
+ TBufferInput input(buffer);
+ ::Load(&input, load);
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_C(expected, load, "expected: " << expected << ", got: " << load);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/ut/json_writer_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_writer_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca11d34dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/ut/json_writer_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_writer.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+using namespace NJson;
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TJsonWriterTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SimpleWriteTest) {
+ TString expected1 = "{\"key1\":1,\"key2\":2,\"key3\":3";
+ TString expected2 = expected1 + ",\"array\":[\"stroka\",false]";
+ TString expected3 = expected2 + "}";
+ TStringStream out;
+ TJsonWriter json(&out, false);
+ json.OpenMap();
+ json.Write("key1", (ui16)1);
+ json.WriteKey("key2");
+ json.Write((i32)2);
+ json.Write("key3", (ui64)3);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(out.Empty());
+ json.Flush();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected1);
+ json.Write("array");
+ json.OpenArray();
+ json.Write("stroka");
+ json.Write(false);
+ json.CloseArray();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected1);
+ json.Flush();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected2);
+ json.CloseMap();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected2);
+ json.Flush();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SimpleWriteValueTest) {
+ TString expected = "{\"key1\":null,\"key2\":{\"subkey1\":[1,{\"subsubkey\":\"test2\"},null,true],\"subkey2\":\"test\"}}";
+ TJsonValue v;
+ v["key1"] = JSON_NULL;
+ v["key2"]["subkey1"].AppendValue(1);
+ v["key2"]["subkey1"].AppendValue(JSON_MAP)["subsubkey"] = "test2";
+ v["key2"]["subkey1"].AppendValue(JSON_NULL);
+ v["key2"]["subkey1"].AppendValue(true);
+ v["key2"]["subkey2"] = "test";
+ TStringStream out;
+ WriteJson(&out, &v);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(FormatOutput) {
+ TString expected = "{\n \"key1\":null,\n \"key2\":\n {\n \"subkey1\":\n [\n 1,\n {\n \"subsubkey\":\"test2\"\n },\n null,\n true\n ],\n \"subkey2\":\"test\"\n }\n}";
+ TJsonValue v;
+ v["key1"] = JSON_NULL;
+ v["key2"]["subkey1"].AppendValue(1);
+ v["key2"]["subkey1"].AppendValue(JSON_MAP)["subsubkey"] = "test2";
+ v["key2"]["subkey1"].AppendValue(JSON_NULL);
+ v["key2"]["subkey1"].AppendValue(true);
+ v["key2"]["subkey2"] = "test";
+ TStringStream out;
+ WriteJson(&out, &v, true);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SortKeys) {
+ TString expected = "{\"a\":null,\"j\":null,\"n\":null,\"y\":null,\"z\":null}";
+ TJsonValue v;
+ v["z"] = JSON_NULL;
+ v["n"] = JSON_NULL;
+ v["a"] = JSON_NULL;
+ v["y"] = JSON_NULL;
+ v["j"] = JSON_NULL;
+ TStringStream out;
+ WriteJson(&out, &v, false, true);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SimpleUnsignedIntegerWriteTest) {
+ {
+ TString expected = "{\"test\":1}";
+ TJsonValue v;
+ v.InsertValue("test", 1ull);
+ TStringStream out;
+ WriteJson(&out, &v);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ } // 1
+ {
+ TString expected = "{\"test\":-1}";
+ TJsonValue v;
+ v.InsertValue("test", -1);
+ TStringStream out;
+ WriteJson(&out, &v);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ } // -1
+ {
+ TString expected = "{\"test\":18446744073709551615}";
+ TJsonValue v;
+ v.InsertValue("test", 18446744073709551615ull);
+ TStringStream out;
+ WriteJson(&out, &v);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ } // 18446744073709551615
+ {
+ TString expected = "{\"test\":[1,18446744073709551615]}";
+ TJsonValue v;
+ v.InsertValue("test", TJsonValue());
+ v["test"].AppendValue(1);
+ v["test"].AppendValue(18446744073709551615ull);
+ TStringStream out;
+ WriteJson(&out, &v);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ } // 18446744073709551615
+ } // SimpleUnsignedIntegerWriteTest
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteOptionalTest) {
+ {
+ TString expected = "{\"test\":1}";
+ TStringStream out;
+ TJsonWriter json(&out, false);
+ json.OpenMap();
+ json.WriteOptional("test", MakeMaybe<int>(1));
+ json.CloseMap();
+ json.Flush();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ }
+ {
+ TString expected = "{}";
+ TStringStream out;
+ TMaybe<int> nothing = Nothing();
+ TJsonWriter json(&out, false);
+ json.OpenMap();
+ json.WriteOptional("test", nothing);
+ json.CloseMap();
+ json.Flush();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ }
+ {
+ TString expected = "{}";
+ TStringStream out;
+ TMaybe<int> empty;
+ TJsonWriter json(&out, false);
+ json.OpenMap();
+ json.WriteOptional("test", empty);
+ json.CloseMap();
+ json.Flush();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ }
+ {
+ TString expected = "{}";
+ TStringStream out;
+ TJsonWriter json(&out, false);
+ json.OpenMap();
+ json.WriteOptional("test", Nothing());
+ json.CloseMap();
+ json.Flush();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(out.Str(), expected);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(Callback) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf json;
+ json.WriteString("A");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json.Str(), "\"A\"");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(WrapJsonToCallback(json, ""), "\"A\"");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(WrapJsonToCallback(json, "Foo"), "Foo(\"A\")");
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(FloatPrecision) {
+ const double value = 1517933989.4242;
+ const NJson::TJsonValue json(value);
+ NJson::TJsonWriterConfig config;
+ {
+ TString expected = "1517933989";
+ TString actual = NJson::WriteJson(json);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(actual, expected);
+ }
+ {
+ TString expected = "1517933989";
+ TStringStream ss;
+ NJson::WriteJson(&ss, &json, config);
+ TString actual = ss.Str();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(actual, expected);
+ }
+ {
+ config.DoubleNDigits = 13;
+ TString expected = "1517933989.424";
+ TStringStream ss;
+ NJson::WriteJson(&ss, &json, config);
+ TString actual = ss.Str();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(actual, expected);
+ }
+ {
+ config.DoubleNDigits = 6;
+ config.FloatToStringMode = PREC_POINT_DIGITS;
+ TString expected = "1517933989.424200";
+ TStringStream ss;
+ NJson::WriteJson(&ss, &json, config);
+ TString actual = ss.Str();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(actual, expected);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/ut/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/ut/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e0362d84b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/ut/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ library/cpp/string_utils/relaxed_escaper
+ json_reader_fast_ut.cpp
+ json_reader_ut.cpp
+ json_prettifier_ut.cpp
+ json_writer_ut.cpp
+ json_saveload_ut.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/writer/README b/library/cpp/json/writer/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a20489f32e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/writer/README
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+JSON writer with no external dependencies, producing output
+where HTML special characters are always escaped.
+Use it like this:
+ #include <library/cpp/json/writer/json.h>
+ ...
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf json;
+ json.BeginList()
+ .WriteString("<script>")
+ .EndList();
+ Cout << json.Str(); // output: ["\u003Cscript\u003E"]
+For compatibility with legacy formats where object keys
+are not quoted, use CompatWriteKeyWithoutQuotes:
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf json;
+ json.BeginObject()
+ .CompatWriteKeyWithoutQuotes("r").WriteInt(1)
+ .CompatWriteKeyWithoutQuotes("n").WriteInt(0)
+ .EndObject();
+ Cout << json.Str(); // output: {r:1,n:0}
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/writer/json.cpp b/library/cpp/json/writer/json.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02370c2d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/writer/json.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+#include "json.h"
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_value.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/string/strspn.h>
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+#include <util/generic/ymath.h>
+#include <util/generic/singleton.h>
+namespace NJsonWriter {
+ TBuf::TBuf(EHtmlEscapeMode mode, IOutputStream* stream)
+ : Stream(stream)
+ , NeedComma(false)
+ , NeedNewline(false)
+ , EscapeMode(mode)
+ , IndentSpaces(0)
+ , WriteNanAsString(false)
+ {
+ mode == HEM_ESCAPE_HTML ||
+ mode == HEM_RELAXED ||
+ mode == HEM_UNSAFE);
+ if (!Stream) {
+ StringStream.Reset(new TStringStream);
+ Stream = StringStream.Get();
+ }
+ Stack.reserve(64); // should be enough for most cases
+ StackPush(JE_OUTER_SPACE);
+ }
+ static const char* EntityToStr(EJsonEntity e) {
+ switch (e) {
+ return "JE_OUTER_SPACE";
+ case JE_LIST:
+ return "JE_LIST";
+ case JE_OBJECT:
+ return "JE_OBJECT";
+ case JE_PAIR:
+ return "JE_PAIR";
+ default:
+ return "JE_unknown";
+ }
+ }
+ inline void TBuf::StackPush(EJsonEntity e) {
+ Stack.push_back(e);
+ }
+ inline EJsonEntity TBuf::StackTop() const {
+ return Stack.back();
+ }
+ inline void TBuf::StackPop() {
+ Y_ASSERT(!Stack.empty());
+ const EJsonEntity current = StackTop();
+ Stack.pop_back();
+ switch (current) {
+ ythrow TError() << "JSON writer: stack empty";
+ case JE_LIST:
+ PrintIndentation(true);
+ RawWriteChar(']');
+ break;
+ case JE_OBJECT:
+ PrintIndentation(true);
+ RawWriteChar('}');
+ break;
+ case JE_PAIR:
+ break;
+ }
+ NeedComma = true;
+ NeedNewline = true;
+ }
+ inline void TBuf::CheckAndPop(EJsonEntity e) {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(StackTop() != e)) {
+ ythrow TError() << "JSON writer: unexpected value "
+ << EntityToStr(StackTop()) << " on the stack";
+ }
+ StackPop();
+ }
+ void TBuf::PrintIndentation(bool closing) {
+ if (!IndentSpaces)
+ return;
+ const int indentation = IndentSpaces * (Stack.size() - 1);
+ if (!indentation && !closing)
+ return;
+ PrintWhitespaces(Max(0, indentation), true);
+ }
+ void TBuf::PrintWhitespaces(size_t count, bool prependWithNewLine) {
+ static constexpr TStringBuf whitespacesTemplate = "\n ";
+ static_assert(whitespacesTemplate[0] == '\n');
+ static_assert(whitespacesTemplate[1] == ' ');
+ count += (prependWithNewLine);
+ do {
+ const TStringBuf buffer = whitespacesTemplate.SubString(prependWithNewLine ? 0 : 1, count);
+ count -= buffer.size();
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(buffer);
+ prependWithNewLine = false; // skip '\n' in subsequent writes
+ } while (count > 0);
+ }
+ inline void TBuf::WriteComma() {
+ if (NeedComma) {
+ RawWriteChar(',');
+ }
+ NeedComma = true;
+ if (NeedNewline) {
+ PrintIndentation(false);
+ }
+ NeedNewline = true;
+ }
+ inline void TBuf::BeginValue() {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(KeyExpected())) {
+ ythrow TError() << "JSON writer: value written, "
+ "but expected a key:value pair";
+ }
+ WriteComma();
+ }
+ inline void TBuf::BeginKey() {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(!KeyExpected())) {
+ ythrow TError() << "JSON writer: key written outside of an object";
+ }
+ WriteComma();
+ StackPush(JE_PAIR);
+ NeedComma = false;
+ NeedNewline = false;
+ }
+ inline void TBuf::EndValue() {
+ if (StackTop() == JE_PAIR) {
+ StackPop();
+ }
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::BeginList() {
+ NeedNewline = true;
+ BeginValue();
+ RawWriteChar('[');
+ StackPush(JE_LIST);
+ NeedComma = false;
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ }
+ TPairContext TBuf::BeginObject() {
+ NeedNewline = true;
+ BeginValue();
+ RawWriteChar('{');
+ StackPush(JE_OBJECT);
+ NeedComma = false;
+ return TPairContext(*this);
+ }
+ TAfterColonContext TBuf::UnsafeWriteKey(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ BeginKey();
+ RawWriteChar('"');
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(s);
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes("\":", 2);
+ return TAfterColonContext(*this);
+ }
+ TAfterColonContext TBuf::WriteKey(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ // use the default escaping mode for this object
+ return WriteKey(s, EscapeMode);
+ }
+ TAfterColonContext TBuf::WriteKey(const TStringBuf& s, EHtmlEscapeMode hem) {
+ BeginKey();
+ WriteBareString(s, hem);
+ RawWriteChar(':');
+ return TAfterColonContext(*this);
+ }
+ TAfterColonContext TBuf::CompatWriteKeyWithoutQuotes(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ BeginKey();
+ Y_ASSERT(AllOf(s, [](char x) { return 'a' <= x && x <= 'z'; }));
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(s);
+ RawWriteChar(':');
+ return TAfterColonContext(*this);
+ }
+ TBuf& TBuf::EndList() {
+ CheckAndPop(JE_LIST);
+ EndValue();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TBuf& TBuf::EndObject() {
+ CheckAndPop(JE_OBJECT);
+ EndValue();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteString(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ // use the default escaping mode for this object
+ return WriteString(s, EscapeMode);
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteString(const TStringBuf& s, EHtmlEscapeMode hem) {
+ BeginValue();
+ WriteBareString(s, hem);
+ EndValue();
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteNull() {
+ UnsafeWriteValue(TStringBuf("null"));
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteBool(bool b) {
+ constexpr TStringBuf trueVal = "true";
+ constexpr TStringBuf falseVal = "false";
+ UnsafeWriteValue(b ? trueVal : falseVal);
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteInt(int i) {
+ char buf[22]; // enough to hold any 64-bit number
+ size_t len = ToString(i, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ UnsafeWriteValue(buf, len);
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteLongLong(long long i) {
+ static_assert(sizeof(long long) <= 8, "expect sizeof(long long) <= 8");
+ char buf[22]; // enough to hold any 64-bit number
+ size_t len = ToString(i, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ UnsafeWriteValue(buf, len);
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteULongLong(unsigned long long i) {
+ char buf[22]; // enough to hold any 64-bit number
+ size_t len = ToString(i, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ UnsafeWriteValue(buf, len);
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ }
+ template <class TFloat>
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteFloatImpl(TFloat f, EFloatToStringMode mode, int ndigits) {
+ char buf[512]; // enough to hold most floats, the same buffer is used in FloatToString implementation
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(!IsValidFloat(f))) {
+ if (WriteNanAsString) {
+ const size_t size = FloatToString(f, buf, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(buf));
+ WriteString(TStringBuf(buf, size));
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ } else {
+ ythrow TError() << "JSON writer: invalid float value: " << FloatToString(f);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t len = FloatToString(f, buf, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(buf), mode, ndigits);
+ UnsafeWriteValue(buf, len);
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteFloat(float f, EFloatToStringMode mode, int ndigits) {
+ return WriteFloatImpl(f, mode, ndigits);
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteDouble(double f, EFloatToStringMode mode, int ndigits) {
+ return WriteFloatImpl(f, mode, ndigits);
+ }
+ namespace {
+ struct TFinder: public TCompactStrSpn {
+ inline TFinder()
+ : TCompactStrSpn("\xe2\\\"\b\n\f\r\t<>&\'/")
+ {
+ for (ui8 ch = 0; ch < 0x20; ++ch) {
+ Set(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ inline void TBuf::WriteBareString(const TStringBuf s, EHtmlEscapeMode hem) {
+ RawWriteChar('"');
+ const auto& specialChars = *Singleton<TFinder>();
+ const char* b = s.begin();
+ const char* e = s.end();
+ const char* i = b;
+ while ((i = specialChars.FindFirstOf(i, e)) != e) {
+ // U+2028 (line separator) and U+2029 (paragraph separator) are valid string
+ // contents in JSON, but are treated as line breaks in JavaScript, breaking JSONP.
+ // In UTF-8, U+2028 is "\xe2\x80\xa8" and U+2029 is "\xe2\x80\xa9".
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(e - i >= 3 && i[0] == '\xe2' && i[1] == '\x80' && (i[2] | 1) == '\xa9')) {
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(b, i - b);
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(i[2] == '\xa9' ? "\\u2029" : "\\u2028", 6);
+ b = i = i + 3;
+ } else if (EscapedWriteChar(b, i, hem)) {
+ b = ++i;
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(b, e - b);
+ RawWriteChar('"');
+ }
+ inline void TBuf::RawWriteChar(char c) {
+ Stream->Write(c);
+ }
+ void TBuf::WriteHexEscape(unsigned char c) {
+ Y_ASSERT(c < 0x80);
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes("\\u00", 4);
+ static const char hexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ RawWriteChar(hexDigits[(c & 0xf0) >> 4]);
+ RawWriteChar(hexDigits[(c & 0x0f)]);
+ }
+#define MATCH(sym, string) \
+ case sym: \
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(beg, cur - beg); \
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(TStringBuf(string)); \
+ return true
+ inline bool TBuf::EscapedWriteChar(const char* beg, const char* cur, EHtmlEscapeMode hem) {
+ unsigned char c = *cur;
+ if (hem == HEM_ESCAPE_HTML) {
+ switch (c) {
+ MATCH('"', "&quot;");
+ MATCH('\'', "&#39;");
+ MATCH('<', "&lt;");
+ MATCH('>', "&gt;");
+ MATCH('&', "&amp;");
+ }
+ //for other characters, we fall through to the non-HTML-escaped part
+ }
+ if (hem == HEM_RELAXED && c == '/')
+ return false;
+ if (hem != HEM_UNSAFE) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case '/':
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(beg, cur - beg);
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes("\\/", 2);
+ return true;
+ case '<':
+ case '>':
+ case '\'':
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(beg, cur - beg);
+ WriteHexEscape(c);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // for other characters, fall through to the non-escaped part
+ }
+ switch (c) {
+ MATCH('"', "\\\"");
+ MATCH('\\', "\\\\");
+ MATCH('\b', "\\b");
+ MATCH('\f', "\\f");
+ MATCH('\n', "\\n");
+ MATCH('\r', "\\r");
+ MATCH('\t', "\\t");
+ }
+ if (c < 0x20) {
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(beg, cur - beg);
+ WriteHexEscape(c);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+#undef MATCH
+ static bool LessStrPtr(const TString* a, const TString* b) {
+ return *a < *b;
+ }
+ TValueContext TBuf::WriteJsonValue(const NJson::TJsonValue* v, bool sortKeys, EFloatToStringMode mode, int ndigits) {
+ using namespace NJson;
+ switch (v->GetType()) {
+ default:
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ WriteNull();
+ break;
+ WriteBool(v->GetBoolean());
+ break;
+ WriteDouble(v->GetDouble(), mode, ndigits);
+ break;
+ WriteLongLong(v->GetInteger());
+ break;
+ WriteULongLong(v->GetUInteger());
+ break;
+ WriteString(v->GetString());
+ break;
+ case JSON_ARRAY: {
+ BeginList();
+ const TJsonValue::TArray& arr = v->GetArray();
+ for (const auto& it : arr)
+ WriteJsonValue(&it, sortKeys, mode, ndigits);
+ EndList();
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSON_MAP: {
+ BeginObject();
+ const TJsonValue::TMapType& map = v->GetMap();
+ if (sortKeys) {
+ const size_t oldsz = Keys.size();
+ Keys.reserve(map.size() + oldsz);
+ for (const auto& it : map) {
+ Keys.push_back(&(it.first));
+ }
+ Sort(Keys.begin() + oldsz, Keys.end(), LessStrPtr);
+ for (size_t i = oldsz, sz = Keys.size(); i < sz; ++i) {
+ TJsonValue::TMapType::const_iterator kv = map.find(*Keys[i]);
+ WriteKey(kv->first);
+ WriteJsonValue(&kv->second, sortKeys, mode, ndigits);
+ }
+ Keys.resize(oldsz);
+ } else {
+ for (const auto& it : map) {
+ WriteKey(it.first);
+ WriteJsonValue(&it.second, sortKeys, mode, ndigits);
+ }
+ }
+ EndObject();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TValueContext(*this);
+ }
+ TPairContext TBuf::UnsafeWritePair(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(StackTop() != JE_OBJECT)) {
+ ythrow TError() << "JSON writer: key:value pair written outside of an object";
+ }
+ WriteComma();
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(s);
+ return TPairContext(*this);
+ }
+ void TBuf::UnsafeWriteValue(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ BeginValue();
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(s);
+ EndValue();
+ }
+ void TBuf::UnsafeWriteValue(const char* s, size_t len) {
+ BeginValue();
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(s, len);
+ EndValue();
+ }
+ void TBuf::UnsafeWriteRawBytes(const char* src, size_t len) {
+ Stream->Write(src, len);
+ }
+ void TBuf::UnsafeWriteRawBytes(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ UnsafeWriteRawBytes(s.data(), s.size());
+ }
+ const TString& TBuf::Str() const {
+ if (!StringStream) {
+ ythrow TError() << "JSON writer: Str() called "
+ "but writing to an external stream";
+ }
+ if (!(Stack.size() == 1 && StackTop() == JE_OUTER_SPACE)) {
+ ythrow TError() << "JSON writer: incomplete object converted to string";
+ }
+ return StringStream->Str();
+ }
+ void TBuf::FlushTo(IOutputStream* stream) {
+ if (!StringStream) {
+ ythrow TError() << "JSON writer: FlushTo() called "
+ "but writing to an external stream";
+ }
+ stream->Write(StringStream->Str());
+ StringStream->Clear();
+ }
+ TString WrapJsonToCallback(const TBuf& buf, TStringBuf callback) {
+ if (!callback) {
+ return buf.Str();
+ } else {
+ return TString::Join(callback, "(", buf.Str(), ")");
+ }
+ }
+ TBufState TBuf::State() const {
+ return TBufState{NeedComma, NeedNewline, Stack};
+ }
+ void TBuf::Reset(const TBufState& from) {
+ NeedComma = from.NeedComma;
+ NeedNewline = from.NeedNewline;
+ Stack = from.Stack;
+ }
+ void TBuf::Reset(TBufState&& from) {
+ NeedComma = from.NeedComma;
+ NeedNewline = from.NeedNewline;
+ Stack.swap(from.Stack);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/writer/json.h b/library/cpp/json/writer/json.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0aae2531b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/writer/json.h
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ class TJsonValue;
+namespace NJsonWriter {
+ enum EJsonEntity : ui8 {
+ };
+ enum EHtmlEscapeMode {
+ HEM_ESCAPE_HTML = 1, // Use HTML escaping: &lt; &gt; &amp; \/
+ HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML, // Use JSON escaping: \u003C \u003E \u0026 \/
+ HEM_RELAXED, // Use JSON escaping: \u003C \u003E \u0026 /
+ HEM_UNSAFE, // Turn escaping off: < > & /
+ };
+ class TError: public yexception {};
+ class TValueContext;
+ class TPairContext;
+ class TAfterColonContext;
+ struct TBufState {
+ bool NeedComma;
+ bool NeedNewline;
+ TVector<EJsonEntity> Stack;
+ };
+ class TBuf : TNonCopyable {
+ public:
+ TBuf(EHtmlEscapeMode mode = HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML, IOutputStream* stream = nullptr);
+ TValueContext WriteString(const TStringBuf& s, EHtmlEscapeMode hem);
+ TValueContext WriteString(const TStringBuf& s);
+ TValueContext WriteInt(int i);
+ TValueContext WriteLongLong(long long i);
+ TValueContext WriteULongLong(unsigned long long i);
+ TValueContext WriteFloat(float f, EFloatToStringMode mode = PREC_NDIGITS, int ndigits = 6);
+ TValueContext WriteDouble(double f, EFloatToStringMode mode = PREC_NDIGITS, int ndigits = 10);
+ TValueContext WriteBool(bool b);
+ TValueContext WriteNull();
+ TValueContext WriteJsonValue(const NJson::TJsonValue* value, bool sortKeys = false, EFloatToStringMode mode = PREC_NDIGITS, int ndigits = 10);
+ TValueContext BeginList();
+ TBuf& EndList();
+ TPairContext BeginObject();
+ TAfterColonContext WriteKey(const TStringBuf& key, EHtmlEscapeMode hem);
+ TAfterColonContext WriteKey(const TStringBuf& key);
+ TAfterColonContext UnsafeWriteKey(const TStringBuf& key);
+ bool KeyExpected() const {
+ return Stack.back() == JE_OBJECT;
+ }
+ //! deprecated, do not use in new code
+ TAfterColonContext CompatWriteKeyWithoutQuotes(const TStringBuf& key);
+ TBuf& EndObject();
+ /*** Indent the resulting JSON with spaces.
+ * By default (spaces==0) no formatting is done. */
+ TBuf& SetIndentSpaces(int spaces) {
+ IndentSpaces = spaces;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*** NaN and Inf are not valid json values,
+ * so if WriteNanAsString is set, writer would write string
+ * intead of throwing exception (default case) */
+ TBuf& SetWriteNanAsString(bool writeNanAsString = true) {
+ WriteNanAsString = writeNanAsString;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*** Return the string formed in the internal TStringStream.
+ * You may only call it if the `stream' parameter was NULL
+ * at construction time. */
+ const TString& Str() const;
+ /*** Dump and forget the string constructed so far.
+ * You may only call it if the `stream' parameter was NULL
+ * at construction time. */
+ void FlushTo(IOutputStream* stream);
+ /*** Write a literal string that represents a JSON value
+ * (string, number, object, array, bool, or null).
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * j.UnsafeWriteValue("[1, 2, 3, \"o'clock\", 4, \"o'clock rock\"]");
+ *
+ * As in all of the Unsafe* functions, no escaping is done. */
+ void UnsafeWriteValue(const TStringBuf& s);
+ void UnsafeWriteValue(const char* s, size_t len);
+ /*** When in the context of an object, write a literal string
+ * that represents a key:value pair (or several pairs).
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * j.BeginObject();
+ * j.UnsafeWritePair("\"adam\": \"male\", \"eve\": \"female\"");
+ * j.EndObject();
+ *
+ * As in all of the Unsafe* functions, no escaping is done. */
+ TPairContext UnsafeWritePair(const TStringBuf& s);
+ /*** Copy the supplied string directly into the output stream. */
+ void UnsafeWriteRawBytes(const TStringBuf& s);
+ void UnsafeWriteRawBytes(const char* c, size_t len);
+ TBufState State() const;
+ void Reset(const TBufState& from);
+ void Reset(TBufState&& from);
+ private:
+ void BeginValue();
+ void EndValue();
+ void BeginKey();
+ void RawWriteChar(char c);
+ bool EscapedWriteChar(const char* b, const char* c, EHtmlEscapeMode hem);
+ void WriteBareString(const TStringBuf s, EHtmlEscapeMode hem);
+ void WriteComma();
+ void PrintIndentation(bool closing);
+ void PrintWhitespaces(size_t count, bool prependWithNewLine);
+ void WriteHexEscape(unsigned char c);
+ void StackPush(EJsonEntity e);
+ void StackPop();
+ void CheckAndPop(EJsonEntity e);
+ EJsonEntity StackTop() const;
+ template <class TFloat>
+ TValueContext WriteFloatImpl(TFloat f, EFloatToStringMode mode, int ndigits);
+ private:
+ IOutputStream* Stream;
+ THolder<TStringStream> StringStream;
+ typedef TVector<const TString*> TKeys;
+ TKeys Keys;
+ TVector<EJsonEntity> Stack;
+ bool NeedComma;
+ bool NeedNewline;
+ const EHtmlEscapeMode EscapeMode;
+ int IndentSpaces;
+ bool WriteNanAsString;
+ };
+ // Please don't try to instantiate the classes declared below this point.
+ template <typename TOutContext>
+ class TValueWriter {
+ public:
+ TOutContext WriteNull();
+ TOutContext WriteString(const TStringBuf&);
+ TOutContext WriteString(const TStringBuf& s, EHtmlEscapeMode hem);
+ TOutContext WriteInt(int);
+ TOutContext WriteLongLong(long long);
+ TOutContext WriteULongLong(unsigned long long);
+ TOutContext WriteBool(bool);
+ TOutContext WriteFloat(float);
+ TOutContext WriteFloat(float, EFloatToStringMode, int ndigits);
+ TOutContext WriteDouble(double);
+ TOutContext WriteDouble(double, EFloatToStringMode, int ndigits);
+ TOutContext WriteJsonValue(const NJson::TJsonValue* value, bool sortKeys = false);
+ TOutContext UnsafeWriteValue(const TStringBuf&);
+ TValueContext BeginList();
+ TPairContext BeginObject();
+ protected:
+ TValueWriter(TBuf& buf)
+ : Buf(buf)
+ {
+ }
+ friend class TBuf;
+ protected:
+ TBuf& Buf;
+ };
+ class TValueContext: public TValueWriter<TValueContext> {
+ public:
+ TBuf& EndList() {
+ return Buf.EndList();
+ }
+ TString Str() const {
+ return Buf.Str();
+ }
+ private:
+ TValueContext(TBuf& buf)
+ : TValueWriter<TValueContext>(buf)
+ {
+ }
+ friend class TBuf;
+ friend class TValueWriter<TValueContext>;
+ };
+ class TAfterColonContext: public TValueWriter<TPairContext> {
+ private:
+ TAfterColonContext(TBuf& iBuf)
+ : TValueWriter<TPairContext>(iBuf)
+ {
+ }
+ friend class TBuf;
+ friend class TPairContext;
+ };
+ class TPairContext {
+ public:
+ TAfterColonContext WriteKey(const TStringBuf& s, EHtmlEscapeMode hem) {
+ return Buf.WriteKey(s, hem);
+ }
+ TAfterColonContext WriteKey(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ return Buf.WriteKey(s);
+ }
+ TAfterColonContext UnsafeWriteKey(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ return Buf.UnsafeWriteKey(s);
+ }
+ TAfterColonContext CompatWriteKeyWithoutQuotes(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ return Buf.CompatWriteKeyWithoutQuotes(s);
+ }
+ TPairContext UnsafeWritePair(const TStringBuf& s) {
+ return Buf.UnsafeWritePair(s);
+ }
+ TBuf& EndObject() {
+ return Buf.EndObject();
+ }
+ private:
+ TPairContext(TBuf& buf)
+ : Buf(buf)
+ {
+ }
+ friend class TBuf;
+ friend class TValueWriter<TPairContext>;
+ private:
+ TBuf& Buf;
+ };
+#define JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(function, params, args) \
+ template <typename TOutContext> \
+ TOutContext TValueWriter<TOutContext>::function params { \
+ Buf.function args; \
+ return TOutContext(Buf); \
+ }
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteNull, (), ())
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteString, (const TStringBuf& arg), (arg))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteString, (const TStringBuf& s, EHtmlEscapeMode hem), (s, hem))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteInt, (int arg), (arg))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteLongLong, (long long arg), (arg))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteULongLong, (unsigned long long arg), (arg))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteBool, (bool arg), (arg))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteFloat, (float arg), (arg))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteFloat, (float arg, EFloatToStringMode mode, int ndigits), (arg, mode, ndigits))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteDouble, (double arg), (arg))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteDouble, (double arg, EFloatToStringMode mode, int ndigits), (arg, mode, ndigits))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(WriteJsonValue, (const NJson::TJsonValue* value, bool sortKeys), (value, sortKeys))
+ JSON_VALUE_WRITER_WRAP(UnsafeWriteValue, (const TStringBuf& arg), (arg))
+ template <typename TOutContext>
+ TValueContext TValueWriter<TOutContext>::BeginList() {
+ return Buf.BeginList();
+ }
+ template <typename TOutContext>
+ TPairContext TValueWriter<TOutContext>::BeginObject() {
+ return Buf.BeginObject();
+ }
+ TString WrapJsonToCallback(const TBuf& buf, TStringBuf callback);
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/writer/json_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/json/writer/json_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9980555683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/writer/json_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <util/system/sanitizers.h>
+#include "json.h"
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_value.h>
+#include <limits>
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(JsonWriter) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(Struct) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w;
+ w.BeginList();
+ w.BeginObject()
+ .WriteKey("key")
+ .WriteString("value")
+ .UnsafeWritePair("\"xk\":13")
+ .WriteKey("key2")
+ .BeginList()
+ .BeginObject()
+ .EndObject()
+ .BeginObject()
+ .EndObject()
+ .EndList()
+ .EndObject();
+ w.WriteInt(43);
+ w.UnsafeWriteValue("\"x\"");
+ w.WriteString("...");
+ w.EndList();
+ const char* exp = "[{\"key\":\"value\",\"xk\":13,\"key2\":[{},{}]},43,\"x\",\"...\"]";
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(w.Str(), exp);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(EscapedString) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w(NJsonWriter::HEM_ESCAPE_HTML);
+ w.WriteString(" \n \r \t \007 \b \f ' <tag> &ent; \"txt\" ");
+ TString ws = w.Str();
+ const char* exp = "\" \\n \\r \\t \\u0007 \\b \\f &#39; &lt;tag&gt; &amp;ent; &quot;txt&quot; \"";
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(ws.c_str(), exp);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(UnescapedString) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w;
+ w.WriteString(" \n \r \t \b \f '; -- <tag> &ent; \"txt\"", NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML);
+ TString ws = w.Str();
+ const char* exp = "\" \\n \\r \\t \\b \\f \\u0027; -- \\u003Ctag\\u003E &ent; \\\"txt\\\"\"";
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(ws.c_str(), exp);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(UnescapedChaining) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w(NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML);
+ w.UnsafeWriteRawBytes("(", 1);
+ w.BeginList().WriteString("<>&'\\").BeginList();
+ w.EndList().EndList();
+ TString ws = w.Str();
+ const char* exp = "([\"\\u003C\\u003E&\\u0027\\\\\",[]]";
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(ws.c_str(), exp);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(Utf8) {
+ TString ws = NJsonWriter::TBuf().WriteString("яЯ σΣ ש א").Str();
+ const char* exp = "\"яЯ σΣ ש א\"";
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(ws.c_str(), exp);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(WrongObject) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w;
+ w.BeginObject();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(w.WriteString("hehe"), NJsonWriter::TError);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(WrongList) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w;
+ w.BeginList();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(w.WriteKey("hehe"), NJsonWriter::TError);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(Incomplete) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w;
+ w.BeginList();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(w.Str(), NJsonWriter::TError);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(BareKey) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w;
+ w.BeginObject()
+ .CompatWriteKeyWithoutQuotes("p")
+ .WriteInt(1)
+ .CompatWriteKeyWithoutQuotes("n")
+ .WriteInt(0)
+ .EndObject();
+ TString ws = w.Str();
+ const char* exp = "{p:1,n:0}";
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(ws.c_str(), exp);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(UnescapedStringInObject) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w(NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML);
+ w.BeginObject().WriteKey("key").WriteString("</&>'").EndObject();
+ TString ws = w.Str();
+ const char* exp = "{\"key\":\"\\u003C\\/&\\u003E\\u0027\"}";
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(ws.c_str(), exp);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ForeignStreamStr) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w(NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML, &Cerr);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(w.Str(), NJsonWriter::TError);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ForeignStreamValue) {
+ TStringStream ss;
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w(NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML, &ss);
+ w.WriteInt(1543);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(ss.Str(), "1543");
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(Indentation) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w(NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML);
+ w.SetIndentSpaces(2);
+ w.BeginList()
+ .WriteInt(1)
+ .WriteString("hello")
+ .BeginObject()
+ .WriteKey("abc")
+ .WriteInt(3)
+ .WriteKey("def")
+ .WriteInt(4)
+ .EndObject()
+ .EndList();
+ const char* exp = "[\n"
+ " 1,\n"
+ " \"hello\",\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"abc\":3,\n"
+ " \"def\":4\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "]";
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteJsonValue) {
+ using namespace NJson;
+ TJsonValue val;
+ val.AppendValue(1);
+ val.AppendValue("2");
+ val.AppendValue(3.5);
+ TJsonValue obj;
+ obj.InsertValue("key", TJsonValue("value"));
+ val.AppendValue(obj);
+ val.AppendValue(TJsonValue(JSON_NULL));
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w(NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML);
+ w.WriteJsonValue(&val);
+ const char exp[] = "[1,\"2\",3.5,{\"key\":\"value\"},null]";
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteJsonValueSorted) {
+ using namespace NJson;
+ TJsonValue val;
+ val.InsertValue("1", TJsonValue(1));
+ val.InsertValue("2", TJsonValue(2));
+ TJsonValue obj;
+ obj.InsertValue("zero", TJsonValue(0));
+ obj.InsertValue("succ", TJsonValue(1));
+ val.InsertValue("0", obj);
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf w(NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML);
+ w.WriteJsonValue(&val, true);
+ const char exp[] = "{\"0\":{\"succ\":1,\"zero\":0},\"1\":1,\"2\":2}";
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(Unescaped) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf(NJsonWriter::HEM_UNSAFE);
+ buf.WriteString("</security>'");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL("\"</security>'\"", buf.Str());
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(LittleBobbyJsonp) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf;
+ buf.WriteString("hello\xe2\x80\xa8\xe2\x80\xa9stranger");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL("\"hello\\u2028\\u2029stranger\"", buf.Str());
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(LittleBobbyInvalid) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf;
+ TStringBuf incomplete("\xe2\x80\xa8", 2);
+ buf.WriteString(incomplete);
+ // garbage in - garbage out
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL("\"\xe2\x80\"", buf.Str());
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(OverlyZealous) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf;
+ buf.WriteString("—");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL("\"—\"", buf.Str());
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(RelaxedEscaping) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf(NJsonWriter::HEM_RELAXED);
+ buf.WriteString("</>");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL("\"\\u003C/\\u003E\"", buf.Str());
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(FloatFormatting) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf(NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML);
+ buf.BeginList()
+ .WriteFloat(0.12345678987654321f)
+ .WriteDouble(0.12345678987654321)
+ .WriteFloat(0.315501, PREC_NDIGITS, 3)
+ .WriteFloat(244.13854, PREC_NDIGITS, 4)
+ .WriteFloat(10385.8324, PREC_POINT_DIGITS, 2)
+ .BeginObject()
+ .WriteKey("1")
+ .WriteDouble(1111.71, PREC_POINT_DIGITS, 0)
+ .WriteKey("2")
+ .WriteDouble(1111.71, PREC_NDIGITS, 1)
+ .EndObject()
+ .EndList();
+ const char exp[] = "[0.123457,0.1234567899,0.316,244.1,10385.83,{\"1\":1112,\"2\":1e+03}]";
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NanFormatting) {
+ {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf;
+ buf.BeginObject();
+ buf.WriteKey("nanvalue");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(buf.WriteFloat(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()), yexception);
+ }
+ {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf;
+ buf.BeginObject();
+ buf.WriteKey("infvalue");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(buf.WriteFloat(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()), yexception);
+ }
+ {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf;
+ buf.BeginList();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(buf.WriteFloat(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()), yexception);
+ }
+ {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf;
+ buf.BeginList();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(buf.WriteFloat(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()), yexception);
+ }
+ {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf;
+ buf.SetWriteNanAsString();
+ buf.BeginObject()
+ .WriteKey("nanvalue")
+ .WriteFloat(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())
+ .WriteKey("infvalue")
+ .WriteFloat(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())
+ .WriteKey("minus_infvalue")
+ .WriteFloat(-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity())
+ .WriteKey("l")
+ .BeginList()
+ .WriteFloat(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())
+ .EndList()
+ .EndObject();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(buf.Str(), R"raw_json({"nanvalue":"nan","infvalue":"inf","minus_infvalue":"-inf","l":["nan"]})raw_json");
+ }
+ {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf;
+ buf.BeginObject()
+ .WriteKey("<>&")
+ .WriteString("Ololo")
+ .UnsafeWriteKey("<>&")
+ .WriteString("Ololo2")
+ .EndObject();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(buf.Str(), R"({"\u003C\u003E&":"Ololo","<>&":"Ololo2"})");
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteUninitializedBoolDoesntCrashProgram) {
+ // makes sense only in release build w/ address sanitizer
+ //
+ // passing uninitialized boolean into WriteBool can make cleverly optimized code which is emitted by compiler crash program
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54120862/does-the-c-standard-allow-for-an-uninitialized-bool-to-crash-a-program
+ // looks like compiler can detect UB at compile time in simple cases, but not in this one
+ class TSensorConf {
+ public:
+ class TAggrRuleItem {
+ public:
+ TVector<TString> Cond;
+ TVector<TString> Target;
+ };
+ TString ToString() const {
+ NJson::TJsonValue jsonValue;
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf jsonOutput;
+ jsonOutput.BeginObject()
+ .WriteKey("rawDataMemOnly").WriteBool(RawDataMemOnly)
+ .WriteKey("aggrRules").BeginList();
+ jsonOutput.EndList()
+ .EndObject();
+ return jsonOutput.Str();
+ }
+ TVector<TAggrRuleItem> AggrRules;
+ bool RawDataMemOnly;
+ };
+ TSensorConf s;
+ NSan::Unpoison(&s.RawDataMemOnly, sizeof(s.RawDataMemOnly));
+ auto p = s.ToString();
+ // doesn't really matter
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!p.empty());
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/writer/json_value.cpp b/library/cpp/json/writer/json_value.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c61e8d1dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/writer/json_value.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+#include "json_value.h"
+#include "json.h"
+#include <util/generic/ymath.h>
+#include <util/generic/ylimits.h>
+#include <util/generic/utility.h>
+#include <util/generic/singleton.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+#include <util/stream/output.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/string/type.h>
+#include <util/string/vector.h>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+#include <util/ysaveload.h>
+#include <util/generic/bt_exception.h>
+static bool
+AreJsonMapsEqual(const NJson::TJsonValue& lhs, const NJson::TJsonValue& rhs) {
+ using namespace NJson;
+ Y_VERIFY(lhs.GetType() == JSON_MAP, "lhs has not a JSON_MAP type.");
+ if (rhs.GetType() != JSON_MAP)
+ return false;
+ typedef TJsonValue::TMapType TMapType;
+ const TMapType& lhsMap = lhs.GetMap();
+ const TMapType& rhsMap = rhs.GetMap();
+ if (lhsMap.size() != rhsMap.size())
+ return false;
+ for (const auto& lhsIt : lhsMap) {
+ TMapType::const_iterator rhsIt = rhsMap.find(lhsIt.first);
+ if (rhsIt == rhsMap.end())
+ return false;
+ if (lhsIt.second != rhsIt->second)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool
+AreJsonArraysEqual(const NJson::TJsonValue& lhs, const NJson::TJsonValue& rhs) {
+ using namespace NJson;
+ Y_VERIFY(lhs.GetType() == JSON_ARRAY, "lhs has not a JSON_ARRAY type.");
+ if (rhs.GetType() != JSON_ARRAY)
+ return false;
+ typedef TJsonValue::TArray TArray;
+ const TArray& lhsArray = lhs.GetArray();
+ const TArray& rhsArray = rhs.GetArray();
+ if (lhsArray.size() != rhsArray.size())
+ return false;
+ for (TArray::const_iterator lhsIt = lhsArray.begin(), rhsIt = rhsArray.begin();
+ lhsIt != lhsArray.end(); ++lhsIt, ++rhsIt) {
+ if (*lhsIt != *rhsIt)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+namespace NJson {
+ const TJsonValue TJsonValue::UNDEFINED{};
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const EJsonValueType type) {
+ SetType(type);
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(TJsonValue&& vval) noexcept
+ {
+ vval.SwapWithUndefined(*this);
+ Zero(vval.Value);
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const TJsonValue& val)
+ : Type(val.Type)
+ {
+ switch (Type) {
+ new (&Value.String) TString(val.GetString());
+ break;
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ Value.Map = new TMapType(val.GetMap());
+ break;
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ Value.Array = new TArray(val.GetArray());
+ break;
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ std::memcpy(&Value, &val.Value, sizeof(Value));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::operator=(const TJsonValue& val) {
+ if (this == &val)
+ return *this;
+ TJsonValue tmp(val);
+ tmp.Swap(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::operator=(TJsonValue&& val) noexcept {
+ if (this == &val)
+ return *this;
+ TJsonValue tmp(std::move(val));
+ tmp.Swap(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const bool value) noexcept {
+ Value.Boolean = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const long long value) noexcept {
+ Value.Integer = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const unsigned long long value) noexcept {
+ Value.UInteger = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const int value) noexcept {
+ Value.Integer = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const unsigned int value) noexcept {
+ Value.UInteger = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const long value) noexcept {
+ Value.Integer = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const unsigned long value) noexcept {
+ Value.UInteger = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const double value) noexcept {
+ Value.Double = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(TString value) {
+ Value.String = std::move(value);
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const TStringBuf value) {
+ Value.String = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TJsonValue(const char* value) {
+ Value.String = value;
+ }
+ EJsonValueType TJsonValue::GetType() const noexcept {
+ return Type;
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::SetType(const EJsonValueType type) {
+ if (Type == type)
+ return *this;
+ Clear();
+ Type = type;
+ switch (Type) {
+ new (&Value.String) TString();
+ break;
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ Value.Map = new TMapType();
+ break;
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ Value.Array = new TArray();
+ break;
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ break;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::SetValue(const TJsonValue& value) {
+ return *this = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::SetValue(TJsonValue&& value) {
+ *this = std::move(value);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::InsertValue(const TString& key, const TJsonValue& value) {
+ SetType(JSON_MAP);
+ return (*Value.Map)[key] = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::InsertValue(const TStringBuf key, const TJsonValue& value) {
+ SetType(JSON_MAP);
+ return (*Value.Map)[key] = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::InsertValue(const char* key, const TJsonValue& value) {
+ SetType(JSON_MAP);
+ return (*Value.Map)[key] = value;
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::InsertValue(const TString& key, TJsonValue&& value) {
+ SetType(JSON_MAP);
+ return (*Value.Map)[key] = std::move(value);
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::InsertValue(const TStringBuf key, TJsonValue&& value) {
+ SetType(JSON_MAP);
+ return (*Value.Map)[key] = std::move(value);
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::InsertValue(const char* key, TJsonValue&& value) {
+ SetType(JSON_MAP);
+ return (*Value.Map)[key] = std::move(value);
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::Back() {
+ BackChecks();
+ return Value.Array->back();
+ }
+ const TJsonValue& TJsonValue::Back() const {
+ BackChecks();
+ return Value.Array->back();
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::AppendValue(const TJsonValue& value) {
+ SetType(JSON_ARRAY);
+ Value.Array->push_back(value);
+ return Value.Array->back();
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::AppendValue(TJsonValue&& value) {
+ SetType(JSON_ARRAY);
+ Value.Array->push_back(std::move(value));
+ return Value.Array->back();
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::EraseValue(const TStringBuf key) {
+ if (IsMap()) {
+ TMapType::iterator it = Value.Map->find(key);
+ if (it != Value.Map->end())
+ Value.Map->erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::EraseValue(const size_t index) {
+ if (IsArray()) {
+ if (index >= Value.Array->size()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TArray::iterator it = Value.Array->begin() + index;
+ Value.Array->erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::Clear() noexcept {
+ switch (Type) {
+ Value.String.~TString();
+ break;
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ delete Value.Map;
+ break;
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ delete Value.Array;
+ break;
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ break;
+ }
+ Zero(Value);
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::operator[](const size_t idx) {
+ SetType(JSON_ARRAY);
+ if (Value.Array->size() <= idx)
+ Value.Array->resize(idx + 1);
+ return (*Value.Array)[idx];
+ }
+ TJsonValue& TJsonValue::operator[](const TStringBuf& key) {
+ SetType(JSON_MAP);
+ return (*Value.Map)[key];
+ }
+ namespace {
+ struct TDefaultsHolder {
+ const TString String{};
+ const TJsonValue::TMapType Map{};
+ const TJsonValue::TArray Array{};
+ const TJsonValue Value{};
+ };
+ }
+ const TJsonValue& TJsonValue::operator[](const size_t idx) const noexcept {
+ const TJsonValue* ret = nullptr;
+ if (GetValuePointer(idx, &ret))
+ return *ret;
+ return Singleton<TDefaultsHolder>()->Value;
+ }
+ const TJsonValue& TJsonValue::operator[](const TStringBuf& key) const noexcept {
+ const TJsonValue* ret = nullptr;
+ if (GetValuePointer(key, &ret))
+ return *ret;
+ return Singleton<TDefaultsHolder>()->Value;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetBoolean() const {
+ return Type != JSON_BOOLEAN ? false : Value.Boolean;
+ }
+ long long TJsonValue::GetInteger() const {
+ if (!IsInteger())
+ return 0;
+ switch (Type) {
+ return Value.Integer;
+ return Value.UInteger;
+ return Value.Double;
+ default:
+ Y_ASSERT(false && "Unexpected type.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned long long TJsonValue::GetUInteger() const {
+ if (!IsUInteger())
+ return 0;
+ switch (Type) {
+ return Value.UInteger;
+ return Value.Integer;
+ return Value.Double;
+ default:
+ Y_ASSERT(false && "Unexpected type.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ double TJsonValue::GetDouble() const {
+ if (!IsDouble())
+ return 0.0;
+ switch (Type) {
+ return Value.Double;
+ return Value.Integer;
+ return Value.UInteger;
+ default:
+ Y_ASSERT(false && "Unexpected type.");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ const TString& TJsonValue::GetString() const {
+ return Type != JSON_STRING ? Singleton<TDefaultsHolder>()->String : Value.String;
+ }
+ const TJsonValue::TMapType& TJsonValue::GetMap() const {
+ return Type != JSON_MAP ? Singleton<TDefaultsHolder>()->Map : *Value.Map;
+ }
+ const TJsonValue::TArray& TJsonValue::GetArray() const {
+ return (Type != JSON_ARRAY) ? Singleton<TDefaultsHolder>()->Array : *Value.Array;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetBooleanSafe() const {
+ if (Type != JSON_BOOLEAN)
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "Not a boolean";
+ return Value.Boolean;
+ }
+ long long TJsonValue::GetIntegerSafe() const {
+ if (!IsInteger())
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "Not an integer";
+ return GetInteger();
+ }
+ unsigned long long TJsonValue::GetUIntegerSafe() const {
+ if (!IsUInteger())
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "Not an unsigned integer";
+ return GetUInteger();
+ }
+ double TJsonValue::GetDoubleSafe() const {
+ if (!IsDouble())
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "Not a double";
+ return GetDouble();
+ }
+ const TString& TJsonValue::GetStringSafe() const {
+ if (Type != JSON_STRING)
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "Not a string";
+ return Value.String;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetBooleanSafe(const bool defaultValue) const {
+ if (Type == JSON_UNDEFINED)
+ return defaultValue;
+ return GetBooleanSafe();
+ }
+ long long TJsonValue::GetIntegerSafe(const long long defaultValue) const {
+ if (Type == JSON_UNDEFINED)
+ return defaultValue;
+ return GetIntegerSafe();
+ }
+ unsigned long long TJsonValue::GetUIntegerSafe(const unsigned long long defaultValue) const {
+ if (Type == JSON_UNDEFINED)
+ return defaultValue;
+ return GetUIntegerSafe();
+ }
+ double TJsonValue::GetDoubleSafe(const double defaultValue) const {
+ if (Type == JSON_UNDEFINED)
+ return defaultValue;
+ return GetDoubleSafe();
+ }
+ TString TJsonValue::GetStringSafe(const TString& defaultValue) const {
+ if (Type == JSON_UNDEFINED)
+ return defaultValue;
+ return GetStringSafe();
+ }
+ const TJsonValue::TMapType& TJsonValue::GetMapSafe() const {
+ if (Type != JSON_MAP)
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "Not a map";
+ return *Value.Map;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TMapType& TJsonValue::GetMapSafe() {
+ return const_cast<TJsonValue::TMapType&>(const_cast<const TJsonValue*>(this)->GetMapSafe());
+ }
+ const TJsonValue::TArray& TJsonValue::GetArraySafe() const {
+ if (Type != JSON_ARRAY)
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "Not an array";
+ return *Value.Array;
+ }
+ TJsonValue::TArray& TJsonValue::GetArraySafe() {
+ return const_cast<TJsonValue::TArray&>(const_cast<const TJsonValue*>(this)->GetArraySafe());
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetBooleanRobust() const noexcept {
+ switch (Type) {
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ return !Value.Array->empty();
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ return !Value.Map->empty();
+ return GetIntegerRobust();
+ return GetIntegerRobust() || IsTrue(Value.String);
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ default:
+ return false;
+ return Value.Boolean;
+ }
+ }
+ long long TJsonValue::GetIntegerRobust() const noexcept {
+ switch (Type) {
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ return Value.Array->size();
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ return Value.Map->size();
+ return Value.Boolean;
+ return GetDoubleRobust();
+ try {
+ i64 res = 0;
+ if (Value.String && TryFromString(Value.String, res)) {
+ return res;
+ }
+ } catch (const yexception&) {
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ return Value.Integer;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned long long TJsonValue::GetUIntegerRobust() const noexcept {
+ switch (Type) {
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ return Value.Array->size();
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ return Value.Map->size();
+ return Value.Boolean;
+ return GetDoubleRobust();
+ try {
+ ui64 res = 0;
+ if (Value.String && TryFromString(Value.String, res)) {
+ return res;
+ }
+ } catch (const yexception&) {
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ return Value.UInteger;
+ }
+ }
+ double TJsonValue::GetDoubleRobust() const noexcept {
+ switch (Type) {
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ return Value.Array->size();
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ return Value.Map->size();
+ return Value.Boolean;
+ return Value.Integer;
+ return Value.UInteger;
+ try {
+ double res = 0;
+ if (Value.String && TryFromString(Value.String, res)) {
+ return res;
+ }
+ } catch (const yexception&) {
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ return Value.Double;
+ }
+ }
+ TString TJsonValue::GetStringRobust() const {
+ switch (Type) {
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ default: {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf sout;
+ sout.WriteJsonValue(this);
+ return sout.Str();
+ }
+ return Value.String;
+ }
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetBoolean(bool* value) const noexcept {
+ if (Type != JSON_BOOLEAN)
+ return false;
+ *value = Value.Boolean;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetInteger(long long* value) const noexcept {
+ if (!IsInteger())
+ return false;
+ *value = GetInteger();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetUInteger(unsigned long long* value) const noexcept {
+ if (!IsUInteger())
+ return false;
+ *value = GetUInteger();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetDouble(double* value) const noexcept {
+ if (!IsDouble())
+ return false;
+ *value = GetDouble();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetString(TString* value) const {
+ if (Type != JSON_STRING)
+ return false;
+ *value = Value.String;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetMap(TJsonValue::TMapType* value) const {
+ if (Type != JSON_MAP)
+ return false;
+ *value = *Value.Map;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetArray(TJsonValue::TArray* value) const {
+ if (Type != JSON_ARRAY)
+ return false;
+ *value = *Value.Array;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetMapPointer(const TJsonValue::TMapType** value) const noexcept {
+ if (Type != JSON_MAP)
+ return false;
+ *value = Value.Map;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetArrayPointer(const TJsonValue::TArray** value) const noexcept {
+ if (Type != JSON_ARRAY)
+ return false;
+ *value = Value.Array;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetValue(const size_t index, TJsonValue* value) const {
+ const TJsonValue* tmp = nullptr;
+ if (GetValuePointer(index, &tmp)) {
+ *value = *tmp;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetValue(const TStringBuf key, TJsonValue* value) const {
+ const TJsonValue* tmp = nullptr;
+ if (GetValuePointer(key, &tmp)) {
+ *value = *tmp;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetValuePointer(const size_t index, const TJsonValue** value) const noexcept {
+ if (Type == JSON_ARRAY && index < Value.Array->size()) {
+ *value = &(*Value.Array)[index];
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetValuePointer(const TStringBuf key, const TJsonValue** value) const noexcept {
+ if (Type == JSON_MAP) {
+ const TMapType::const_iterator it = Value.Map->find(key);
+ if (it != Value.Map->end()) {
+ *value = &(it->second);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::GetValuePointer(const TStringBuf key, TJsonValue** value) noexcept {
+ return static_cast<const TJsonValue*>(this)->GetValuePointer(key, const_cast<const TJsonValue**>(value));
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::IsNull() const noexcept {
+ return Type == JSON_NULL;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::IsBoolean() const noexcept {
+ return Type == JSON_BOOLEAN;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::IsInteger() const noexcept {
+ switch (Type) {
+ return true;
+ return (Value.UInteger <= static_cast<unsigned long long>(Max<long long>()));
+ return ((long long)Value.Double == Value.Double);
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::IsUInteger() const noexcept {
+ switch (Type) {
+ return true;
+ return (Value.Integer >= 0);
+ return ((unsigned long long)Value.Double == Value.Double);
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::IsDouble() const noexcept {
+ // Check whether we can convert integer to floating-point
+ // without precision loss.
+ switch (Type) {
+ return true;
+ return (1ll << std::numeric_limits<double>::digits) >= Abs(Value.Integer);
+ return (1ull << std::numeric_limits<double>::digits) >= Value.UInteger;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ namespace {
+ template <class TPtr, class T>
+ TPtr* CreateOrNullptr(TPtr* p, T key, std::true_type /*create*/) {
+ return &(*p)[key];
+ }
+ template <class TPtr, class T>
+ TPtr* CreateOrNullptr(const TPtr* p, T key, std::false_type /*create*/) noexcept {
+ const TPtr* const next = &(*p)[key];
+ return next->IsDefined() ? const_cast<TPtr*>(next) : nullptr;
+ }
+ template <bool Create, class TJsonPtr>
+ TJsonPtr GetValuePtrByPath(TJsonPtr currentJson, TStringBuf path, char delimiter) noexcept(!Create) {
+ static_assert(
+ !(Create && std::is_const<std::remove_pointer_t<TJsonPtr>>::value),
+ "TJsonPtr must be a `TJsonValue*` if `Create` is true");
+ constexpr std::integral_constant<bool, Create> create_tag{};
+ while (!path.empty()) {
+ size_t index = 0;
+ const TStringBuf step = path.NextTok(delimiter);
+ if (step.size() > 2 && *step.begin() == '[' && step.back() == ']' && TryFromString(step.substr(1, step.size() - 2), index)) {
+ currentJson = CreateOrNullptr(currentJson, index, create_tag);
+ } else {
+ currentJson = CreateOrNullptr(currentJson, step, create_tag);
+ }
+ if (!currentJson) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ return currentJson;
+ }
+ } // anonymous namespace
+ bool TJsonValue::GetValueByPath(const TStringBuf path, TJsonValue& result, char delimiter) const {
+ const TJsonValue* const ptr = GetValuePtrByPath<false>(this, path, delimiter);
+ if (ptr) {
+ result = *ptr;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::SetValueByPath(const TStringBuf path, const TJsonValue& value, char delimiter) {
+ TJsonValue* const ptr = GetValuePtrByPath<true>(this, path, delimiter);
+ if (ptr) {
+ *ptr = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::SetValueByPath(const TStringBuf path, TJsonValue&& value, char delimiter) {
+ TJsonValue* const ptr = GetValuePtrByPath<true>(this, path, delimiter);
+ if (ptr) {
+ *ptr = std::move(value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ const TJsonValue* TJsonValue::GetValueByPath(const TStringBuf key, char delim) const noexcept {
+ return GetValuePtrByPath<false>(this, key, delim);
+ }
+ TJsonValue* TJsonValue::GetValueByPath(const TStringBuf key, char delim) noexcept {
+ return GetValuePtrByPath<false>(this, key, delim);
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::DoScan(const TString& path, TJsonValue* parent, IScanCallback& callback) {
+ if (!callback.Do(path, parent, *this)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Type == JSON_MAP) {
+ for (auto&& i : *Value.Map) {
+ i.second.DoScan(!!path ? TString::Join(path, ".", i.first) : i.first, this, callback);
+ }
+ } else if (Type == JSON_ARRAY) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < Value.Array->size(); ++i) {
+ (*Value.Array)[i].DoScan(TString::Join(path, "[", ToString(i), "]"), this, callback);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::Scan(IScanCallback& callback) {
+ DoScan("", nullptr, callback);
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::IsString() const noexcept {
+ return Type == JSON_STRING;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::IsMap() const noexcept {
+ return Type == JSON_MAP;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::IsArray() const noexcept {
+ return Type == JSON_ARRAY;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::Has(const TStringBuf& key) const noexcept {
+ return Type == JSON_MAP && Value.Map->contains(key);
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::Has(size_t key) const noexcept {
+ return Type == JSON_ARRAY && Value.Array->size() > key;
+ }
+ bool TJsonValue::operator==(const TJsonValue& rhs) const {
+ switch (Type) {
+ return (rhs.GetType() == JSON_UNDEFINED);
+ }
+ case JSON_NULL: {
+ return rhs.IsNull();
+ }
+ case JSON_BOOLEAN: {
+ return (rhs.IsBoolean() && Value.Boolean == rhs.Value.Boolean);
+ }
+ case JSON_INTEGER: {
+ return (rhs.IsInteger() && GetInteger() == rhs.GetInteger());
+ }
+ return (rhs.IsUInteger() && GetUInteger() == rhs.GetUInteger());
+ }
+ case JSON_STRING: {
+ return (rhs.IsString() && Value.String == rhs.Value.String);
+ }
+ case JSON_DOUBLE: {
+ return (rhs.IsDouble() && fabs(GetDouble() - rhs.GetDouble()) <= FLT_EPSILON);
+ }
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ return AreJsonMapsEqual(*this, rhs);
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ return AreJsonArraysEqual(*this, rhs);
+ default:
+ Y_ASSERT(false && "Unknown type.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::SwapWithUndefined(TJsonValue& output) noexcept {
+ if (Type == JSON_STRING) {
+ static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<TString>::value, "noexcept violation! Add some try {} catch (...) logic");
+ new (&output.Value.String) TString(std::move(Value.String));
+ Value.String.~TString();
+ } else {
+ std::memcpy(&output.Value, &Value, sizeof(Value));
+ }
+ output.Type = Type;
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::Swap(TJsonValue& rhs) noexcept {
+ TJsonValue tmp(std::move(*this));
+ rhs.SwapWithUndefined(*this);
+ tmp.SwapWithUndefined(rhs);
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::Save(IOutputStream* s) const {
+ ::Save(s, static_cast<ui8>(Type));
+ switch (Type) {
+ case JSON_UNDEFINED:break;
+ case JSON_NULL:break;
+ ::Save(s, Value.Boolean);
+ break;
+ ::Save(s, Value.Integer);
+ break;
+ ::Save(s, Value.UInteger);
+ break;
+ ::Save(s, Value.Double);
+ break;
+ ::Save(s, Value.String);
+ break;
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ ::Save(s, *Value.Map);
+ break;
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ ::Save(s, *Value.Array);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::Load(IInputStream* s) {
+ {
+ ui8 loadedType = {};
+ ::Load(s, loadedType);
+ SetType(static_cast<EJsonValueType>(loadedType));
+ }
+ switch (Type) {
+ case JSON_UNDEFINED:break;
+ case JSON_NULL:break;
+ ::Load(s, Value.Boolean);
+ break;
+ ::Load(s, Value.Integer);
+ break;
+ ::Load(s, Value.UInteger);
+ break;
+ ::Load(s, Value.Double);
+ break;
+ ::Load(s, Value.String);
+ break;
+ case JSON_MAP:
+ ::Load(s, *Value.Map);
+ break;
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ ::Load(s, *Value.Array);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //****************************************************************
+ bool GetMapPointer(const TJsonValue& jv, const size_t index, const TJsonValue::TMapType** value) {
+ const TJsonValue* v;
+ if (!jv.GetValuePointer(index, &v) || !v->IsMap())
+ return false;
+ *value = &v->GetMap();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool GetArrayPointer(const TJsonValue& jv, const size_t index, const TJsonValue::TArray** value) {
+ const TJsonValue* v;
+ if (!jv.GetValuePointer(index, &v) || !v->IsArray())
+ return false;
+ *value = &v->GetArray();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool GetMapPointer(const TJsonValue& jv, const TStringBuf key, const TJsonValue::TMapType** value) {
+ const TJsonValue* v;
+ if (!jv.GetValuePointer(key, &v) || !v->IsMap())
+ return false;
+ *value = &v->GetMap();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool GetArrayPointer(const TJsonValue& jv, const TStringBuf key, const TJsonValue::TArray** value) {
+ const TJsonValue* v;
+ if (!jv.GetValuePointer(key, &v) || !v->IsArray())
+ return false;
+ *value = &v->GetArray();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void TJsonValue::BackChecks() const {
+ if (Type != JSON_ARRAY)
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "Not an array";
+ if (Value.Array->empty())
+ ythrow TJsonException() << "Get back on empty array";
+ }
+template <>
+void Out<NJson::TJsonValue>(IOutputStream& out, const NJson::TJsonValue& v) {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf buf(NJsonWriter::HEM_DONT_ESCAPE_HTML, &out);
+ buf.WriteJsonValue(&v);
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/writer/json_value.h b/library/cpp/json/writer/json_value.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f0f50bc4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/writer/json_value.h
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/json/common/defs.h>
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/generic/utility.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+namespace NJson {
+ enum EJsonValueType {
+ JSON_UNDEFINED /* "Undefined" */,
+ JSON_NULL /* "Null" */,
+ JSON_BOOLEAN /* "Boolean" */,
+ JSON_INTEGER /* "Integer" */,
+ JSON_DOUBLE /* "Double" */,
+ JSON_STRING /* "String" */,
+ JSON_MAP /* "Map" */,
+ JSON_ARRAY /* "Array" */,
+ JSON_UINTEGER /* "UInteger" */
+ };
+ class TJsonValue;
+ class IScanCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual ~IScanCallback() = default;
+ virtual bool Do(const TString& path, TJsonValue* parent, TJsonValue& value) = 0;
+ };
+ class TJsonValue {
+ void Clear() noexcept;
+ public:
+ typedef THashMap<TString, TJsonValue> TMapType;
+ typedef TDeque<TJsonValue> TArray;
+ TJsonValue() noexcept = default;
+ TJsonValue(EJsonValueType type);
+ TJsonValue(bool value) noexcept;
+ TJsonValue(int value) noexcept;
+ TJsonValue(unsigned int value) noexcept;
+ TJsonValue(long value) noexcept;
+ TJsonValue(unsigned long value) noexcept;
+ TJsonValue(long long value) noexcept;
+ TJsonValue(unsigned long long value) noexcept;
+ TJsonValue(double value) noexcept;
+ TJsonValue(TString value);
+ TJsonValue(const char* value);
+ template <class T>
+ TJsonValue(const T*) = delete;
+ TJsonValue(TStringBuf value);
+ TJsonValue(const std::string& s)
+ : TJsonValue(TStringBuf(s))
+ {
+ }
+ TJsonValue(const TJsonValue& vval);
+ TJsonValue(TJsonValue&& vval) noexcept;
+ TJsonValue& operator=(const TJsonValue& val);
+ TJsonValue& operator=(TJsonValue&& val) noexcept;
+ ~TJsonValue() {
+ Clear();
+ }
+ EJsonValueType GetType() const noexcept;
+ TJsonValue& SetType(EJsonValueType type);
+ TJsonValue& SetValue(const TJsonValue& value);
+ TJsonValue& SetValue(TJsonValue&& value);
+ // for Map
+ TJsonValue& InsertValue(const TString& key, const TJsonValue& value);
+ TJsonValue& InsertValue(TStringBuf key, const TJsonValue& value);
+ TJsonValue& InsertValue(const char* key, const TJsonValue& value);
+ TJsonValue& InsertValue(const TString& key, TJsonValue&& value);
+ TJsonValue& InsertValue(TStringBuf key, TJsonValue&& value);
+ TJsonValue& InsertValue(const char* key, TJsonValue&& value);
+ // for Array
+ TJsonValue& AppendValue(const TJsonValue& value);
+ TJsonValue& AppendValue(TJsonValue&& value);
+ TJsonValue& Back();
+ const TJsonValue& Back() const;
+ bool GetValueByPath(TStringBuf path, TJsonValue& result, char delimiter = '.') const;
+ bool SetValueByPath(TStringBuf path, const TJsonValue& value, char delimiter = '.');
+ bool SetValueByPath(TStringBuf path, TJsonValue&& value, char delimiter = '.');
+ // returns NULL on failure
+ const TJsonValue* GetValueByPath(TStringBuf path, char delimiter = '.') const noexcept;
+ TJsonValue* GetValueByPath(TStringBuf path, char delimiter = '.') noexcept;
+ void EraseValue(TStringBuf key);
+ void EraseValue(size_t index);
+ TJsonValue& operator[](size_t idx);
+ TJsonValue& operator[](const TStringBuf& key);
+ const TJsonValue& operator[](size_t idx) const noexcept;
+ const TJsonValue& operator[](const TStringBuf& key) const noexcept;
+ bool GetBoolean() const;
+ long long GetInteger() const;
+ unsigned long long GetUInteger() const;
+ double GetDouble() const;
+ const TString& GetString() const;
+ const TMapType& GetMap() const;
+ const TArray& GetArray() const;
+ //throwing TJsonException possible
+ bool GetBooleanSafe() const;
+ long long GetIntegerSafe() const;
+ unsigned long long GetUIntegerSafe() const;
+ double GetDoubleSafe() const;
+ const TString& GetStringSafe() const;
+ const TMapType& GetMapSafe() const;
+ TMapType& GetMapSafe();
+ const TArray& GetArraySafe() const;
+ TArray& GetArraySafe();
+ bool GetBooleanSafe(bool defaultValue) const;
+ long long GetIntegerSafe(long long defaultValue) const;
+ unsigned long long GetUIntegerSafe(unsigned long long defaultValue) const;
+ double GetDoubleSafe(double defaultValue) const;
+ TString GetStringSafe(const TString& defaultValue) const;
+ bool GetBooleanRobust() const noexcept;
+ long long GetIntegerRobust() const noexcept;
+ unsigned long long GetUIntegerRobust() const noexcept;
+ double GetDoubleRobust() const noexcept;
+ TString GetStringRobust() const;
+ // Exception-free accessors
+ bool GetBoolean(bool* value) const noexcept;
+ bool GetInteger(long long* value) const noexcept;
+ bool GetUInteger(unsigned long long* value) const noexcept;
+ bool GetDouble(double* value) const noexcept;
+ bool GetMapPointer(const TMapType** value) const noexcept;
+ bool GetArrayPointer(const TArray** value) const noexcept;
+ bool GetString(TString* value) const;
+ bool GetMap(TMapType* value) const;
+ bool GetArray(TArray* value) const;
+ bool GetValue(size_t index, TJsonValue* value) const;
+ bool GetValue(TStringBuf key, TJsonValue* value) const;
+ bool GetValuePointer(size_t index, const TJsonValue** value) const noexcept;
+ bool GetValuePointer(TStringBuf key, const TJsonValue** value) const noexcept;
+ bool GetValuePointer(TStringBuf key, TJsonValue** value) noexcept;
+ // Checking for defined non-null value
+ bool IsDefined() const noexcept {
+ return Type != JSON_UNDEFINED && Type != JSON_NULL;
+ }
+ bool IsNull() const noexcept;
+ bool IsBoolean() const noexcept;
+ bool IsDouble() const noexcept;
+ bool IsString() const noexcept;
+ bool IsMap() const noexcept;
+ bool IsArray() const noexcept;
+ /// @return true if JSON_INTEGER or (JSON_UINTEGER and Value <= Max<long long>)
+ bool IsInteger() const noexcept;
+ /// @return true if JSON_UINTEGER or (JSON_INTEGER and Value >= 0)
+ bool IsUInteger() const noexcept;
+ bool Has(const TStringBuf& key) const noexcept;
+ bool Has(size_t key) const noexcept;
+ void Scan(IScanCallback& callback);
+ /// Non-robust comparison.
+ bool operator==(const TJsonValue& rhs) const;
+ bool operator!=(const TJsonValue& rhs) const {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+ void Swap(TJsonValue& rhs) noexcept;
+ // save using util/ysaveload.h serialization (not to JSON stream)
+ void Save(IOutputStream* s) const;
+ // load using util/ysaveload.h serialization (not as JSON stream)
+ void Load(IInputStream* s);
+ static const TJsonValue UNDEFINED;
+ private:
+ EJsonValueType Type = JSON_UNDEFINED;
+ union TValueUnion {
+ bool Boolean;
+ long long Integer;
+ unsigned long long UInteger;
+ double Double;
+ TString String;
+ TMapType* Map;
+ TArray* Array;
+ TValueUnion() noexcept {
+ Zero(*this);
+ }
+ ~TValueUnion() noexcept {
+ }
+ };
+ TValueUnion Value;
+ void DoScan(const TString& path, TJsonValue* parent, IScanCallback& callback);
+ void SwapWithUndefined(TJsonValue& output) noexcept;
+ /**
+ @throw yexception if Back shouldn't be called on the object.
+ */
+ void BackChecks() const;
+ };
+ inline bool GetBoolean(const TJsonValue& jv, size_t index, bool* value) noexcept {
+ return jv[index].GetBoolean(value);
+ }
+ inline bool GetInteger(const TJsonValue& jv, size_t index, long long* value) noexcept {
+ return jv[index].GetInteger(value);
+ }
+ inline bool GetUInteger(const TJsonValue& jv, size_t index, unsigned long long* value) noexcept {
+ return jv[index].GetUInteger(value);
+ }
+ inline bool GetDouble(const TJsonValue& jv, size_t index, double* value) noexcept {
+ return jv[index].GetDouble(value);
+ }
+ inline bool GetString(const TJsonValue& jv, size_t index, TString* value) {
+ return jv[index].GetString(value);
+ }
+ bool GetMapPointer(const TJsonValue& jv, size_t index, const TJsonValue::TMapType** value);
+ bool GetArrayPointer(const TJsonValue& jv, size_t index, const TJsonValue::TArray** value);
+ inline bool GetBoolean(const TJsonValue& jv, TStringBuf key, bool* value) noexcept {
+ return jv[key].GetBoolean(value);
+ }
+ inline bool GetInteger(const TJsonValue& jv, TStringBuf key, long long* value) noexcept {
+ return jv[key].GetInteger(value);
+ }
+ inline bool GetUInteger(const TJsonValue& jv, TStringBuf key, unsigned long long* value) noexcept {
+ return jv[key].GetUInteger(value);
+ }
+ inline bool GetDouble(const TJsonValue& jv, TStringBuf key, double* value) noexcept {
+ return jv[key].GetDouble(value);
+ }
+ inline bool GetString(const TJsonValue& jv, TStringBuf key, TString* value) {
+ return jv[key].GetString(value);
+ }
+ bool GetMapPointer(const TJsonValue& jv, const TStringBuf key, const TJsonValue::TMapType** value);
+ bool GetArrayPointer(const TJsonValue& jv, const TStringBuf key, const TJsonValue::TArray** value);
+ class TJsonMap: public TJsonValue {
+ public:
+ TJsonMap()
+ : TJsonValue(NJson::JSON_MAP)
+ {}
+ TJsonMap(const std::initializer_list<std::pair<TString, TJsonValue>>& list)
+ : TJsonValue(NJson::JSON_MAP)
+ {
+ GetMapSafe() = THashMap<TString, TJsonValue>(list);
+ }
+ };
+ class TJsonArray: public TJsonValue {
+ public:
+ TJsonArray()
+ : TJsonValue(NJson::JSON_ARRAY)
+ {}
+ TJsonArray(const std::initializer_list<TJsonValue>& list)
+ : TJsonValue(NJson::JSON_ARRAY)
+ {
+ GetArraySafe() = TJsonValue::TArray(list);
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/writer/json_value_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/json/writer/json_value_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc7f6affdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/writer/json_value_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+#include "json_value.h"
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <util/stream/input.h>
+using namespace NJson;
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TJsonValueTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(UndefTest) {
+ TJsonValue undef;
+ TJsonValue null(JSON_NULL);
+ TJsonValue _false(false);
+ TJsonValue zeroInt(0);
+ TJsonValue zeroDouble(0.0);
+ TJsonValue emptyStr("");
+ TJsonValue emptyArray(JSON_ARRAY);
+ TJsonValue emptyMap(JSON_MAP);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!undef.IsDefined());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!null.IsDefined()); // json NULL is undefined too!
+ UNIT_ASSERT(_false.IsDefined());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(zeroInt.IsDefined());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(zeroDouble.IsDefined());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(emptyStr.IsDefined());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(emptyArray.IsDefined());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(emptyMap.IsDefined());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(undef == TJsonValue());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(undef != null);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(undef != _false);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(undef != zeroInt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(undef != zeroDouble);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(undef != emptyStr);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(undef != emptyArray);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(undef != emptyMap);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(DefaultCompareTest) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ TJsonValue rhs;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhs);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ TJsonValue rhs(JSON_NULL);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs != rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs != lhs);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NullCompareTest) {
+ TJsonValue lhs(JSON_NULL);
+ TJsonValue rhs(JSON_NULL);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhs);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(StringCompareTest) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs(JSON_STRING);
+ TJsonValue rhs(JSON_STRING);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhs);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs("");
+ TJsonValue rhs("");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhs);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs("abc");
+ TJsonValue rhs("abc");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhs);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs("1");
+ TJsonValue rhs(1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs != rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs != lhs);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ArrayCompareTest) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs(JSON_ARRAY);
+ TJsonValue rhs(JSON_ARRAY);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhs);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ TJsonValue rhs;
+ lhs.AppendValue(TJsonValue());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs != rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs != lhs);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ TJsonValue rhs;
+ lhs.AppendValue(1);
+ lhs.AppendValue("2");
+ lhs.AppendValue(3.0);
+ lhs.AppendValue(TJsonValue());
+ lhs.AppendValue(TJsonValue(JSON_NULL));
+ rhs.AppendValue(1);
+ rhs.AppendValue("2");
+ rhs.AppendValue(3.0);
+ rhs.AppendValue(TJsonValue());
+ rhs.AppendValue(TJsonValue(JSON_NULL));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhs);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ TJsonValue rhs;
+ lhs.AppendValue(1);
+ rhs.AppendValue("1");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs != rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs != lhs);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(CompareTest) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ lhs.InsertValue("null value", TJsonValue(JSON_NULL));
+ lhs.InsertValue("int key", TJsonValue(10));
+ lhs.InsertValue("double key", TJsonValue(11.11));
+ lhs.InsertValue("string key", TJsonValue("string"));
+ TJsonValue array;
+ array.AppendValue(1);
+ array.AppendValue(2);
+ array.AppendValue(3);
+ array.AppendValue("string");
+ lhs.InsertValue("array", array);
+ lhs.InsertValue("bool key", TJsonValue(true));
+ TJsonValue rhs;
+ rhs = lhs;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhs);
+ }
+ {
+ // Insert keys in different orders
+ const int NUM_KEYS = 1000;
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; ++i)
+ lhs.InsertValue(ToString(i), i);
+ TJsonValue rhs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i += 2)
+ rhs.InsertValue(ToString(i), i);
+ for (int i = 1; i < NUM_KEYS; i += 2)
+ rhs.InsertValue(ToString(i), i);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhs);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ lhs.InsertValue("null value", TJsonValue(JSON_NULL));
+ lhs.InsertValue("int key", TJsonValue(10));
+ lhs.InsertValue("double key", TJsonValue(11.11));
+ lhs.InsertValue("string key", TJsonValue("string"));
+ TJsonValue array;
+ array.AppendValue(1);
+ array.AppendValue(2);
+ array.AppendValue(3);
+ array.AppendValue("string");
+ lhs.InsertValue("array", array);
+ lhs.InsertValue("bool key", TJsonValue(true));
+ TJsonValue rhs;
+ rhs.InsertValue("null value", TJsonValue(JSON_NULL));
+ rhs.InsertValue("int key", TJsonValue(10));
+ rhs.InsertValue("double key", TJsonValue(11.11));
+ rhs.InsertValue("string key", TJsonValue("string"));
+ rhs.InsertValue("bool key", TJsonValue(true));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs != rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs != lhs);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SwapTest) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ lhs.InsertValue("a", "b");
+ TJsonValue lhsCopy = lhs;
+ TJsonValue rhs(JSON_NULL);
+ TJsonValue rhsCopy = rhs;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == lhsCopy);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == rhsCopy);
+ lhs.Swap(rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == lhsCopy);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == rhsCopy);
+ lhs.Swap(rhs);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs == lhsCopy);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rhs == rhsCopy);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GetValueByPathTest) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ TJsonValue first;
+ TJsonValue second;
+ TJsonValue last;
+ first.InsertValue("e", "f");
+ second.InsertValue("c", first);
+ last.InsertValue("a", second);
+ lhs.InsertValue("l", last);
+ TJsonValue result;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a/c/e", result, '/'));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(result.GetStringRobust() == "f");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a/c/se", result, '/'));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a/c", result, '/'));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(result.GetStringRobust() == "{\"e\":\"f\"}");
+ // faster TStringBuf version
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*lhs.GetValueByPath("l", '/'), last);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a", '/'), second);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a/c", '/'), first);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*lhs.GetValueByPath("l.a.c.e", '.'), "f");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a/c/e/x", '/'), NULL);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(lhs.GetValueByPath("a/c/e/x", '/'), NULL);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(lhs.GetValueByPath("nokey", '/'), NULL);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*lhs.GetValueByPath("", '/'), lhs); // itself
+ TJsonValue array;
+ TJsonValue third;
+ array[0] = first;
+ array[1] = second;
+ third["t"] = array;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(array.GetValueByPath("[0].e", result));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(result.GetStringRobust() == "f");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(third.GetValueByPath("t.[0].e", result));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(result.GetStringRobust() == "f");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(third.GetValueByPath("t.[1].c.e", result));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(result.GetStringRobust() == "f");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!third.GetValueByPath("t.[2]", result));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(third.SetValueByPath("t.[2]", "g"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(third.GetValueByPath("t.[2]", result));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(result.GetStringRobust() == "g");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs.SetValueByPath("l/a/c/se", "h", '/'));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a/c/se", result, '/'));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(result.GetStringRobust() == "h");
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GetValueByPathConstTest) {
+ TJsonValue lhs;
+ TJsonValue first;
+ TJsonValue second;
+ TJsonValue last;
+ first.InsertValue("e", "f");
+ second.InsertValue("c", first);
+ last.InsertValue("a", second);
+ lhs.InsertValue("l", last);
+ {
+ const TJsonValue* result = lhs.GetValueByPath("l", '/');
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*result, last);
+ }
+ {
+ const TJsonValue* result = lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a", '/');
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*result, second);
+ }
+ {
+ const TJsonValue* result = lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a/c", '/');
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*result, first);
+ }
+ {
+ const TJsonValue* result = lhs.GetValueByPath("l.a.c.e", '.');
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*result, "f");
+ }
+ {
+ const TJsonValue* result = lhs.GetValueByPath("l/a/c/e/x", '/');
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(result, nullptr);
+ }
+ {
+ const TJsonValue* result = lhs.GetValueByPath("a/c/e/x", '/');
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(result, nullptr);
+ }
+ {
+ const TJsonValue* result = lhs.GetValueByPath("nokey", '/');
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(result, nullptr);
+ }
+ {
+ const TJsonValue* result = lhs.GetValueByPath("", '/');
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*result, lhs); // itself
+ }
+ TJsonValue array;
+ TJsonValue third;
+ array[0] = first;
+ array[1] = second;
+ third["t"] = array;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(array.GetValueByPath("[0].e", '.')->GetStringRobust() == "f");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(third.GetValueByPath("t.[0].e", '.')->GetStringRobust() == "f");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(third.GetValueByPath("t.[1].c.e", '.')->GetStringRobust() == "f");
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(EraseValueFromArray) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue vec;
+ vec.AppendValue(TJsonValue(0));
+ vec.AppendValue(TJsonValue(1));
+ vec.AppendValue(TJsonValue("2"));
+ vec.AppendValue(TJsonValue("3.14"));
+ TJsonValue vec1;
+ vec1.AppendValue(TJsonValue(0));
+ vec1.AppendValue(TJsonValue("2"));
+ vec1.AppendValue(TJsonValue("3.14"));
+ TJsonValue vec2;
+ vec2.AppendValue(TJsonValue(0));
+ vec2.AppendValue(TJsonValue("2"));
+ TJsonValue vec3;
+ vec3.AppendValue(TJsonValue("2"));
+ TJsonValue vec4(JSON_ARRAY);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec.IsArray());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec.GetArray().size() == 4);
+ vec.EraseValue(1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec.GetArray().size() == 3);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec == vec1);
+ vec.EraseValue(2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec.GetArray().size() == 2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec == vec2);
+ vec.EraseValue(0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec.GetArray().size() == 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec == vec3);
+ vec.EraseValue(0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec.GetArray().size() == 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vec == vec4);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NonConstMethodsTest) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue src;
+ TJsonValue value1;
+ value1.AppendValue(1);
+ value1.AppendValue(2);
+ src.InsertValue("key", value1);
+ src.InsertValue("key1", "HI!");
+ TJsonValue dst;
+ TJsonValue value2;
+ value2.AppendValue(1);
+ value2.AppendValue(2);
+ value2.AppendValue(3);
+ dst.InsertValue("key", value2);
+ src.GetValueByPath("key", '.')->AppendValue(3);
+ src.EraseValue("key1");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(src == dst);
+ dst.GetValueByPath("key", '.')->EraseValue(0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(src != dst);
+ src.GetValueByPath("key", '.')->EraseValue(0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(src == dst);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue src;
+ TJsonValue value1;
+ TJsonValue arr1;
+ value1.InsertValue("key", "value");
+ arr1.AppendValue(value1);
+ arr1.AppendValue(value1);
+ arr1.AppendValue(value1);
+ src.InsertValue("arr", arr1);
+ TJsonValue dst;
+ TJsonValue value2;
+ TJsonValue arr2;
+ value2.InsertValue("key", "value");
+ value2.InsertValue("yek", "eulav");
+ arr2.AppendValue(value2);
+ arr2.AppendValue(value2);
+ arr2.AppendValue(value2);
+ arr2.AppendValue(value2);
+ dst.InsertValue("arr", arr2);
+ src["arr"].AppendValue(value1);
+ for (auto& node : src["arr"].GetArraySafe()) {
+ node.InsertValue("yek", "eulav");
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT(src == dst);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue src;
+ TJsonValue value1;
+ TJsonValue arr1;
+ value1.InsertValue("key", "value");
+ arr1.AppendValue(value1);
+ arr1.AppendValue(value1);
+ arr1.AppendValue(value1);
+ src.InsertValue("arr", arr1);
+ TJsonValue dst;
+ TJsonValue value2;
+ TJsonValue arr2;
+ value2.InsertValue("key", "value");
+ value2.InsertValue("yek", "eulav");
+ arr2.AppendValue(value2);
+ arr2.AppendValue(value2);
+ arr2.AppendValue(value2);
+ arr2.AppendValue(value2);
+ dst.InsertValue("arr", arr2);
+ src["arr"].AppendValue(value1);
+ for (auto& node : src.GetValueByPath("arr", '.')->GetArraySafe()) {
+ node.InsertValue("yek", "eulav");
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT(src == dst);
+ }
+ {
+ TJsonValue json;
+ json.InsertValue("key", "value");
+ try {
+ json.GetArraySafe();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(false);
+ } catch (const TJsonException&) {
+ }
+ const TJsonValue constJson(json);
+ try {
+ constJson.GetArray();
+ } catch (...) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Check non-const GetArraySafe()
+ TJsonValue json{JSON_ARRAY};
+ json.GetArraySafe().push_back(TJsonValue{"foo"});
+ TJsonValue expectedJson;
+ expectedJson.AppendValue(TJsonValue{"foo"});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(json == expectedJson);
+ TJsonValue::TArray jsonArray = std::move(json.GetArraySafe());
+ TJsonValue::TArray expectedArray = {TJsonValue{"foo"}};
+ UNIT_ASSERT(jsonArray == expectedArray);
+ }
+ {
+ // Check non-const GetMap()
+ TJsonValue json{JSON_MAP};
+ json.GetMapSafe()["foo"] = "bar";
+ TJsonValue expectedJson;
+ expectedJson.InsertValue("foo", "bar");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(json == expectedJson);
+ TJsonValue::TMapType jsonMap = std::move(json.GetMapSafe());
+ TJsonValue::TMapType expectedMap = {{"foo", TJsonValue{"bar"}}};
+ UNIT_ASSERT(jsonMap == expectedMap);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NonexistentFieldAccessTest) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue json;
+ json.InsertValue("some", "key");
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!json["some"]["weird"]["access"]["sequence"].Has("value"));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!json["some"]["weird"]["access"]["sequence"].IsDefined());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(json["some"].GetType() == JSON_MAP);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(DefaultValuesTest) {
+ {
+ TJsonValue json;
+ json.InsertValue("some", "key");
+ json.InsertValue("existing", 1.2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json["existing"].GetDoubleSafe(), 1.2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json["existing"].GetDoubleSafe(15), 1.2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(json["some"].GetUIntegerSafe(), yexception);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(json["some"].GetUIntegerSafe(12), yexception);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(json["nonexistent"].GetUIntegerSafe(), yexception);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json["nonexistent"].GetUIntegerSafe(12), 12);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json["nonexistent"]["more_nonexistent"].GetUIntegerSafe(12), 12);
+ json.InsertValue("map", TJsonValue(JSON_MAP));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json["map"]["nonexistent"].GetUIntegerSafe(12), 12);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GetArrayPointerInArrayTest) {
+ TJsonValue outer;
+ {
+ TJsonValue json;
+ json.AppendValue(1);
+ json.AppendValue(2);
+ json.AppendValue(3);
+ outer.AppendValue(json);
+ }
+ const TJsonValue::TArray* array = nullptr;
+ GetArrayPointer(outer, 0, &array);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL((*array)[1], 2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GetArrayPointerInMapTest) {
+ TJsonValue outer;
+ {
+ TJsonValue json;
+ json.AppendValue(1);
+ json.AppendValue(2);
+ json.AppendValue(3);
+ outer.InsertValue("x", json);
+ }
+ const TJsonValue::TArray* array = nullptr;
+ GetArrayPointer(outer, "x", &array);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL((*array)[1], 2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GetMapPointerInArrayTest) {
+ TJsonValue outer;
+ {
+ TJsonValue json;
+ json.InsertValue("a", 1);
+ json.InsertValue("b", 2);
+ json.InsertValue("c", 3);
+ outer.AppendValue(json);
+ }
+ const TJsonValue::TMapType* map = nullptr;
+ GetMapPointer(outer, 0, &map);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL((*map).at("b"), 2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GetMapPointerInMapTest) {
+ TJsonValue outer;
+ {
+ TJsonValue json;
+ json.InsertValue("a", 1);
+ json.InsertValue("b", 2);
+ json.InsertValue("c", 3);
+ outer.InsertValue("x", json);
+ }
+ const TJsonValue::TMapType* map = nullptr;
+ GetMapPointer(outer, "x", &map);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL((*map).at("b"), 2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GetIntegerRobustBignumStringTest) {
+ TString value = "1626862681464633683";
+ TJsonValue json(value);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json.GetUIntegerRobust(), FromString<ui64>(value));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json.GetIntegerRobust(), FromString<i64>(value));
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(MoveSubpartToSelf) {
+ TJsonValue json;
+ json[0] = "testing 0";
+ json[1] = "testing 1";
+ json[2] = "testing 2";
+ json = std::move(json[1]);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json.GetString(), "testing 1");
+ const char* longTestString =
+ "Testing TJsonValue& operator=(TJsonValue&&) subpart self moving "
+ "after TJsonValue was constrcuted from TString&&.";
+ json["hello"] = TString{longTestString};
+ json = std::move(json["hello"]);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(json.GetString(), longTestString);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TJsonArrayMapConstructor) {
+ TJsonMap emptyMap;
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(emptyMap.GetMapSafe().size(), 0);
+ TJsonArray emptyArray;
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(emptyArray.GetArraySafe().size(), 0);
+ TJsonMap filled = {
+ {"1", 1},
+ {"2", "2"},
+ {"3", TJsonArray{3}},
+ {"4", TJsonMap{{"5", 5}}},
+ };
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(filled["1"], TJsonValue{1});
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(filled["2"], TJsonValue{"2"});
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(filled["3"].GetArraySafe().size(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(filled["3"][0], TJsonValue{3});
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(filled["4"].GetMapSafe().size(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(filled["4"]["5"], TJsonValue{5});
+ }
+} // TJsonValueTest
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/writer/ut/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/writer/ut/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e39dae6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/writer/ut/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ ADDINCL library/cpp/json/writer
+ json_ut.cpp
+ json_value_ut.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/writer/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/writer/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3989ff3504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/writer/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ mvel
+ myltsev
+ pg
+ library/cpp/json/common
+ json_value.cpp
+ json.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d58eead8ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ pg
+ velavokr
+ json_writer.cpp
+ json_reader.cpp
+ json_prettifier.cpp
+ rapidjson_helpers.cpp
+ contrib/libs/rapidjson
+ library/cpp/json/common
+ library/cpp/json/fast_sax
+ library/cpp/json/writer
+ library/cpp/string_utils/relaxed_escaper
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson.cpp b/library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f72cb7a9ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#include "json2yson.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yson/parser.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/json/json_writer.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/json/yson2json_adapter.h>
+namespace NJson2Yson {
+ static void WriteJsonValue(const NJson::TJsonValue& jsonValue, NYT::TYson2JsonCallbacksAdapter* adapter) {
+ switch (jsonValue.GetType()) {
+ default:
+ case NJson::JSON_NULL:
+ adapter->OnNull();
+ break;
+ case NJson::JSON_BOOLEAN:
+ adapter->OnBoolean(jsonValue.GetBoolean());
+ break;
+ case NJson::JSON_DOUBLE:
+ adapter->OnDouble(jsonValue.GetDouble());
+ break;
+ case NJson::JSON_INTEGER:
+ adapter->OnInteger(jsonValue.GetInteger());
+ break;
+ case NJson::JSON_UINTEGER:
+ adapter->OnUInteger(jsonValue.GetUInteger());
+ break;
+ case NJson::JSON_STRING:
+ adapter->OnString(jsonValue.GetString());
+ break;
+ case NJson::JSON_ARRAY: {
+ adapter->OnOpenArray();
+ const NJson::TJsonValue::TArray& arr = jsonValue.GetArray();
+ for (const auto& it : arr)
+ WriteJsonValue(it, adapter);
+ adapter->OnCloseArray();
+ break;
+ }
+ case NJson::JSON_MAP: {
+ adapter->OnOpenMap();
+ const NJson::TJsonValue::TMapType& map = jsonValue.GetMap();
+ for (const auto& it : map) {
+ adapter->OnMapKey(it.first);
+ WriteJsonValue(it.second, adapter);
+ }
+ adapter->OnCloseMap();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void SerializeJsonValueAsYson(const NJson::TJsonValue& inputValue, NYson::TYsonWriter* ysonWriter) {
+ NYT::TYson2JsonCallbacksAdapter adapter(ysonWriter);
+ WriteJsonValue(inputValue, &adapter);
+ }
+ void SerializeJsonValueAsYson(const NJson::TJsonValue& inputValue, IOutputStream* outputStream) {
+ NYson::TYsonWriter ysonWriter(outputStream, NYson::EYsonFormat::Binary, ::NYson::EYsonType::Node, false);
+ SerializeJsonValueAsYson(inputValue, &ysonWriter);
+ }
+ void SerializeJsonValueAsYson(const NJson::TJsonValue& inputValue, TString& result) {
+ TStringOutput resultStream(result);
+ SerializeJsonValueAsYson(inputValue, &resultStream);
+ }
+ TString SerializeJsonValueAsYson(const NJson::TJsonValue& inputValue) {
+ TString result;
+ SerializeJsonValueAsYson(inputValue, result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool DeserializeYsonAsJsonValue(IInputStream* inputStream, NJson::TJsonValue* outputValue, bool throwOnError) {
+ NJson::TParserCallbacks parser(*outputValue);
+ NJson2Yson::TJsonBuilder consumer(&parser);
+ NYson::TYsonParser ysonParser(&consumer, inputStream, ::NYson::EYsonType::Node);
+ try {
+ ysonParser.Parse();
+ } catch (...) {
+ if (throwOnError) {
+ throw;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool DeserializeYsonAsJsonValue(TStringBuf str, NJson::TJsonValue* outputValue, bool throwOnError) {
+ TMemoryInput inputStream(str);
+ return DeserializeYsonAsJsonValue(&inputStream, outputValue, throwOnError);
+ }
+ void ConvertYson2Json(IInputStream* inputStream, IOutputStream* outputStream) {
+ NYT::TJsonWriter writer(outputStream, ::NYson::EYsonType::Node, NYT::JF_TEXT, NYT::JAM_ON_DEMAND, NYT::SBF_BOOLEAN);
+ NYson::TYsonParser ysonParser(&writer, inputStream, ::NYson::EYsonType::Node);
+ ysonParser.Parse();
+ }
+ void ConvertYson2Json(TStringBuf yson, IOutputStream* outputStream) {
+ TMemoryInput inputStream(yson);
+ ConvertYson2Json(&inputStream, outputStream);
+ }
+ TString ConvertYson2Json(TStringBuf yson) {
+ TString json;
+ TStringOutput outputStream(json);
+ ConvertYson2Json(yson, &outputStream);
+ return json;
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson.h b/library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..758eb6d0cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_value.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/writer.h>
+namespace NJson2Yson {
+ class TJsonBuilderImpl: public NYson::TYsonConsumerBase {
+ public:
+ TJsonBuilderImpl(NJson::TJsonCallbacks* parserCallbacks)
+ : ParserCallbacks_(parserCallbacks)
+ {
+ }
+ void OnStringScalar(TStringBuf value) override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnString(value);
+ }
+ void OnInt64Scalar(i64 value) override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnInteger(value);
+ }
+ void OnUint64Scalar(ui64 value) override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnUInteger(value);
+ }
+ void OnDoubleScalar(double value) override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnDouble(value);
+ }
+ void OnBooleanScalar(bool value) override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnBoolean(value);
+ }
+ void OnEntity() override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnNull();
+ }
+ void OnBeginList() override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnOpenArray();
+ }
+ void OnListItem() override {
+ }
+ void OnEndList() override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnCloseArray();
+ }
+ void OnBeginMap() override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnOpenMap();
+ }
+ void OnKeyedItem(TStringBuf key) override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnMapKey(key);
+ }
+ void OnEndMap() override {
+ ParserCallbacks_->OnCloseMap();
+ }
+ void OnBeginAttributes() override {
+ }
+ void OnEndAttributes() override {
+ }
+ private:
+ NJson::TJsonCallbacks* ParserCallbacks_;
+ };
+ template <typename TBase>
+ class TSkipAttributesProxy: public TBase {
+ public:
+ template <typename... TArgs>
+ TSkipAttributesProxy<TBase>(TArgs&&... args)
+ : TBase(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...)
+ {
+ }
+ void OnStringScalar(TStringBuf value) override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnStringScalar(value);
+ }
+ }
+ void OnInt64Scalar(i64 value) override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnInt64Scalar(value);
+ }
+ }
+ void OnUint64Scalar(ui64 value) override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnUint64Scalar(value);
+ }
+ }
+ void OnDoubleScalar(double value) override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnDoubleScalar(value);
+ }
+ }
+ void OnBooleanScalar(bool value) override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnBooleanScalar(value);
+ }
+ }
+ void OnEntity() override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnEntity();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnBeginList() override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnBeginList();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnListItem() override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnListItem();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnEndList() override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnEndList();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnBeginMap() override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnBeginMap();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnKeyedItem(TStringBuf key) override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnKeyedItem(key);
+ }
+ }
+ void OnEndMap() override {
+ if (AttributesDepth == 0) {
+ TBase::OnEndMap();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnBeginAttributes() override {
+ ++AttributesDepth;
+ }
+ void OnEndAttributes() override {
+ --AttributesDepth;
+ Y_ASSERT(AttributesDepth >= 0);
+ }
+ private:
+ int AttributesDepth = 0;
+ };
+ using TJsonBuilder = TSkipAttributesProxy<TJsonBuilderImpl>;
+ void ConvertYson2Json(IInputStream* inputStream, IOutputStream* outputStream);
+ void ConvertYson2Json(TStringBuf yson, IOutputStream* outputStream);
+ TString ConvertYson2Json(TStringBuf yson);
+ bool DeserializeYsonAsJsonValue(IInputStream* inputStream, NJson::TJsonValue* outputValue, bool throwOnError = false);
+ bool DeserializeYsonAsJsonValue(TStringBuf str, NJson::TJsonValue* outputValue, bool throwOnError = false);
+ void SerializeJsonValueAsYson(const NJson::TJsonValue& inputValue, NYson::TYsonWriter* ysonWriter);
+ void SerializeJsonValueAsYson(const NJson::TJsonValue& inputValue, IOutputStream* outputStream);
+ void SerializeJsonValueAsYson(const NJson::TJsonValue& inputValue, TString& result);
+ TString SerializeJsonValueAsYson(const NJson::TJsonValue& inputValue);
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eb23354cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#include "library/cpp/json/yson/json2yson.h"
+#include <library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs.h>
+#include <library/cpp/histogram/simple/histogram.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/tests_data.h>
+#include <util/datetime/cputimer.h>
+#include <util/stream/file.h>
+template <typename TCallBack>
+ui64 Run(TCallBack&& callBack) {
+ TSimpleTimer timer;
+ callBack();
+ return timer.Get().MicroSeconds();
+static TString GetRequestsWithDecoding(const TString& inputPath, const NBlockCodecs::ICodec* codec) {
+ TIFStream inputFileStream(inputPath);
+ TString encodedRequests = inputFileStream.ReadAll();
+ TString requests;
+ codec->Decode(encodedRequests, requests);
+ return requests;
+ const ui32 warmUpRetries = 5;
+ const TVector<double> percentiles = {0.25, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 0.97, 0.99, 1.0};
+ NSimpleHistogram::TMultiHistogramCalcer<ui64> calcer;
+ TString requests = GetRequestsWithDecoding(GetWorkPath() + "/noapache_requests_sample_lz4", NBlockCodecs::Codec("lz4"));
+ TStringInput inputStream(requests);
+ for (TString jsonRequest, jsonString, ysonString; inputStream.ReadLine(jsonRequest);) {
+ TStringInput jsonInput(jsonRequest);
+ NJson::TJsonValue readedJson;
+ NJson::ReadJsonTree(&jsonInput, &readedJson, true);
+ jsonRequest.clear();
+ ui64 writeTime = Max<ui64>();
+ ui64 readTime = Max<ui64>();
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < warmUpRetries; ++i) {
+ NJson::TJsonValue Json2Json;
+ TStringOutput jsonWriteOutput(jsonString);
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf jsonBuf(NJsonWriter::HEM_UNSAFE, &jsonWriteOutput);
+ writeTime = Min(writeTime, Run([&]() {
+ jsonBuf.WriteJsonValue(&readedJson);
+ }));
+ TStringInput jsonInput(jsonString);
+ NJson::TJsonReaderConfig config;
+ config.DontValidateUtf8 = true;
+ readTime = Min(readTime, Run([&]() {
+ NJson::ReadJsonTree(&jsonInput, &config, &Json2Json, true);
+ }));
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf().WriteJsonValue(&readedJson, true).Str(),
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf().WriteJsonValue(&Json2Json, true).Str());
+ jsonString.clear();
+ }
+ calcer.RecordValue("read_json", readTime);
+ calcer.RecordValue("write_json", writeTime);
+ calcer.RecordValue("read_and_write_json", readTime + writeTime);
+ writeTime = Max<ui64>();
+ readTime = Max<ui64>();
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < warmUpRetries; ++i) {
+ NJson::TJsonValue convertedJson;
+ TStringOutput ysonOutput(ysonString);
+ writeTime = Min(writeTime, Run([&]() {
+ NJson2Yson::SerializeJsonValueAsYson(readedJson, &ysonOutput);
+ }));
+ TStringInput ysonInput(ysonString);
+ readTime = Min(readTime, Run([&]() {
+ NJson2Yson::DeserializeYsonAsJsonValue(&ysonInput, &convertedJson);
+ }));
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf().WriteJsonValue(&convertedJson, true).Str(),
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf().WriteJsonValue(&readedJson, true).Str());
+ ysonString.clear();
+ }
+ calcer.RecordValue("read_yson", readTime);
+ calcer.RecordValue("write_yson", writeTime);
+ calcer.RecordValue("read_and_write_yson", readTime + writeTime);
+ }
+ NJson::TJsonValue histogramJson = NSimpleHistogram::ToJson(calcer.Calc(), percentiles);
+ for (const auto& it : histogramJson.GetMap()) {
+ for (const auto& percentileValue : it.second.GetMap()) {
+ UNIT_ADD_METRIC(it.first + "_" + percentileValue.first, percentileValue.second.GetUInteger() / 1000.0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/yson/ut/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/yson/ut/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ceb65b279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/yson/ut/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ avitella
+ elshiko
+ library/cpp/blockcodecs
+ library/cpp/histogram/simple
+ library/cpp/testing/unittest
+ json2yson_ut.cpp
diff --git a/library/cpp/json/yson/ya.make b/library/cpp/json/yson/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b289d674f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/json/yson/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ avitella
+ elshiko
+ library/cpp/json
+ library/cpp/yson
+ library/cpp/yson/json
+ json2yson.cpp