path: root/contrib/tools/ragel6/parsedata.h
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /contrib/tools/ragel6/parsedata.h
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/ragel6/parsedata.h')
1 files changed, 391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/ragel6/parsedata.h b/contrib/tools/ragel6/parsedata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e3bfa6e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/ragel6/parsedata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+ * Copyright 2001-2008 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org>
+ */
+/* This file is part of Ragel.
+ *
+ * Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef _PARSEDATA_H
+#define _PARSEDATA_H
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "avlmap.h"
+#include "bstmap.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#include "dlist.h"
+#include "fsmgraph.h"
+#include "compare.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "parsetree.h"
+/* Forwards. */
+using std::ostream;
+struct VarDef;
+struct Join;
+struct Expression;
+struct Term;
+struct FactorWithAug;
+struct FactorWithLabel;
+struct FactorWithRep;
+struct FactorWithNeg;
+struct Factor;
+struct Literal;
+struct Range;
+struct RegExpr;
+struct ReItem;
+struct ReOrBlock;
+struct ReOrItem;
+struct LongestMatch;
+struct InputData;
+struct CodeGenData;
+typedef DList<LongestMatch> LmList;
+/* Graph dictionary. */
+struct GraphDictEl
+ public AvlTreeEl<GraphDictEl>,
+ public DListEl<GraphDictEl>
+ GraphDictEl( const char *k )
+ : key(k), value(0), isInstance(false) { }
+ GraphDictEl( const char *k, VarDef *value )
+ : key(k), value(value), isInstance(false) { }
+ const char *getKey() { return key; }
+ const char *key;
+ VarDef *value;
+ bool isInstance;
+ /* Location info of graph definition. Points to variable name of assignment. */
+ InputLoc loc;
+typedef AvlTree<GraphDictEl, const char*, CmpStr> GraphDict;
+typedef DList<GraphDictEl> GraphList;
+/* Priority name dictionary. */
+typedef AvlMapEl<char*, int> PriorDictEl;
+typedef AvlMap<char*, int, CmpStr> PriorDict;
+/* Local error name dictionary. */
+typedef AvlMapEl<const char*, int> LocalErrDictEl;
+typedef AvlMap<const char*, int, CmpStr> LocalErrDict;
+/* Tree of instantiated names. */
+typedef BstMapEl<const char*, NameInst*> NameMapEl;
+typedef BstMap<const char*, NameInst*, CmpStr> NameMap;
+typedef Vector<NameInst*> NameVect;
+typedef BstSet<NameInst*> NameSet;
+/* Node in the tree of instantiated names. */
+struct NameInst
+ NameInst( const InputLoc &loc, NameInst *parent, const char *name, int id, bool isLabel ) :
+ loc(loc), parent(parent), name(name), id(id), isLabel(isLabel),
+ isLongestMatch(false), numRefs(0), numUses(0), start(0), final(0) {}
+ InputLoc loc;
+ /* Keep parent pointers in the name tree to retrieve
+ * fully qulified names. */
+ NameInst *parent;
+ const char *name;
+ int id;
+ bool isLabel;
+ bool isLongestMatch;
+ int numRefs;
+ int numUses;
+ /* Names underneath us, excludes anonymous names. */
+ NameMap children;
+ /* All names underneath us in order of appearance. */
+ NameVect childVect;
+ /* Join scopes need an implicit "final" target. */
+ NameInst *start, *final;
+ /* During a fsm generation walk, lists the names that are referenced by
+ * epsilon operations in the current scope. After the link is made by the
+ * epsilon reference and the join operation is complete, the label can
+ * have its refcount decremented. Once there are no more references the
+ * entry point can be removed from the fsm returned. */
+ NameVect referencedNames;
+ /* Pointers for the name search queue. */
+ NameInst *prev, *next;
+ /* Check if this name inst or any name inst below is referenced. */
+ bool anyRefsRec();
+typedef DList<NameInst> NameInstList;
+/* Stack frame used in walking the name tree. */
+struct NameFrame
+ NameInst *prevNameInst;
+ int prevNameChild;
+ NameInst *prevLocalScope;
+struct LengthDef
+ LengthDef( char *name )
+ : name(name) {}
+ char *name;
+ LengthDef *prev, *next;
+typedef DList<LengthDef> LengthDefList;
+/* Class to collect information about the machine during the
+ * parse of input. */
+struct ParseData
+ /* Create a new parse data object. This is done at the beginning of every
+ * fsm specification. */
+ ParseData( const char *fileName, char *sectionName, const InputLoc &sectionLoc );
+ ~ParseData();
+ /*
+ * Setting up the graph dict.
+ */
+ /* Initialize a graph dict with the basic fsms. */
+ void initGraphDict();
+ void createBuiltin( const char *name, BuiltinMachine builtin );
+ /* Make a name id in the current name instantiation scope if it is not
+ * already there. */
+ NameInst *addNameInst( const InputLoc &loc, const char *data, bool isLabel );
+ void makeRootNames();
+ void makeNameTree( GraphDictEl *gdNode );
+ void makeExportsNameTree();
+ void fillNameIndex( NameInst *from );
+ void printNameTree();
+ /* Increments the usage count on entry names. Names that are no longer
+ * needed will have their entry points unset. */
+ void unsetObsoleteEntries( FsmAp *graph );
+ /* Resove name references in action code and epsilon transitions. */
+ NameSet resolvePart( NameInst *refFrom, const char *data, bool recLabelsOnly );
+ void resolveFrom( NameSet &result, NameInst *refFrom,
+ const NameRef &nameRef, int namePos );
+ NameInst *resolveStateRef( const NameRef &nameRef, InputLoc &loc, Action *action );
+ void resolveNameRefs( InlineList *inlineList, Action *action );
+ void resolveActionNameRefs();
+ /* Set the alphabet type. If type types are not valid returns false. */
+ bool setAlphType( const InputLoc &loc, char *s1, char *s2 );
+ bool setAlphType( const InputLoc &loc, char *s1 );
+ /* Override one of the variables ragel uses. */
+ bool setVariable( char *var, InlineList *inlineList );
+ /* Unique actions. */
+ void removeDups( ActionTable &actionTable );
+ void removeActionDups( FsmAp *graph );
+ /* Dumping the name instantiation tree. */
+ void printNameInst( NameInst *nameInst, int level );
+ /* Make the graph from a graph dict node. Does minimization. */
+ FsmAp *makeInstance( GraphDictEl *gdNode );
+ FsmAp *makeSpecific( GraphDictEl *gdNode );
+ FsmAp *makeAll();
+ /* Checking the contents of actions. */
+ void checkAction( Action *action );
+ void checkInlineList( Action *act, InlineList *inlineList );
+ void analyzeAction( Action *action, InlineList *inlineList );
+ void analyzeGraph( FsmAp *graph );
+ void makeExports();
+ void prepareMachineGen( GraphDictEl *graphDictEl );
+ void prepareMachineGenTBWrapped( GraphDictEl *graphDictEl );
+ void generateXML( ostream &out );
+ void generateReduced( InputData &inputData );
+ FsmAp *sectionGraph;
+ bool generatingSectionSubset;
+ void initKeyOps();
+ /*
+ * Data collected during the parse.
+ */
+ /* Dictionary of graphs. Both instances and non-instances go here. */
+ GraphDict graphDict;
+ /* The list of instances. */
+ GraphList instanceList;
+ /* Dictionary of actions. Lets actions be defined and then referenced. */
+ ActionDict actionDict;
+ /* Dictionary of named priorities. */
+ PriorDict priorDict;
+ /* Dictionary of named local errors. */
+ LocalErrDict localErrDict;
+ /* List of actions. Will be pasted into a switch statement. */
+ ActionList actionList;
+ /* The id of the next priority name and label. */
+ int nextPriorKey, nextLocalErrKey, nextNameId, nextCondId;
+ /* The default priority number key for a machine. This is active during
+ * the parse of the rhs of a machine assignment. */
+ int curDefPriorKey;
+ int curDefLocalErrKey;
+ /* Alphabet type. */
+ HostType *userAlphType;
+ bool alphTypeSet;
+ InputLoc alphTypeLoc;
+ /* Element type and get key expression. */
+ InlineList *getKeyExpr;
+ InlineList *accessExpr;
+ /* Stack management */
+ InlineList *prePushExpr;
+ InlineList *postPopExpr;
+ /* Overriding variables. */
+ InlineList *pExpr;
+ InlineList *peExpr;
+ InlineList *eofExpr;
+ InlineList *csExpr;
+ InlineList *topExpr;
+ InlineList *stackExpr;
+ InlineList *actExpr;
+ InlineList *tokstartExpr;
+ InlineList *tokendExpr;
+ InlineList *dataExpr;
+ /* The alphabet range. */
+ char *lowerNum, *upperNum;
+ Key lowKey, highKey;
+ InputLoc rangeLowLoc, rangeHighLoc;
+ /* The name of the file the fsm is from, and the spec name. */
+ const char *fileName;
+ char *sectionName;
+ InputLoc sectionLoc;
+ /* Counting the action and priority ordering. */
+ int curActionOrd;
+ int curPriorOrd;
+ /* Root of the name tree. One root is for the instantiated machines. The
+ * other root is for exported definitions. */
+ NameInst *rootName;
+ NameInst *exportsRootName;
+ /* Name tree walking. */
+ NameInst *curNameInst;
+ int curNameChild;
+ /* The place where resolved epsilon transitions go. These cannot go into
+ * the parse tree because a single epsilon op can resolve more than once
+ * to different nameInsts if the machine it's in is used more than once. */
+ NameVect epsilonResolvedLinks;
+ int nextEpsilonResolvedLink;
+ /* Root of the name tree used for doing local name searches. */
+ NameInst *localNameScope;
+ void setLmInRetLoc( InlineList *inlineList );
+ void initLongestMatchData();
+ void setLongestMatchData( FsmAp *graph );
+ void initNameWalk();
+ void initExportsNameWalk();
+ NameInst *nextNameScope() { return curNameInst->childVect[curNameChild]; }
+ NameFrame enterNameScope( bool isLocal, int numScopes );
+ void popNameScope( const NameFrame &frame );
+ void resetNameScope( const NameFrame &frame );
+ /* Make name ids to name inst pointers. */
+ NameInst **nameIndex;
+ /* Counter for assigning ids to longest match items. */
+ int nextLongestMatchId;
+ bool lmRequiresErrorState;
+ /* List of all longest match parse tree items. */
+ LmList lmList;
+ Action *newAction( const char *name, InlineList *inlineList );
+ Action *initTokStart;
+ int initTokStartOrd;
+ Action *setTokStart;
+ int setTokStartOrd;
+ Action *initActId;
+ int initActIdOrd;
+ Action *setTokEnd;
+ int setTokEndOrd;
+ void beginProcessing()
+ {
+ ::condData = &thisCondData;
+ ::keyOps = &thisKeyOps;
+ }
+ CondData thisCondData;
+ KeyOps thisKeyOps;
+ ExportList exportList;
+ LengthDefList lengthDefList;
+ CodeGenData *cgd;
+void afterOpMinimize( FsmAp *fsm, bool lastInSeq = true );
+Key makeFsmKeyHex( char *str, const InputLoc &loc, ParseData *pd );
+Key makeFsmKeyDec( char *str, const InputLoc &loc, ParseData *pd );
+Key makeFsmKeyNum( char *str, const InputLoc &loc, ParseData *pd );
+Key makeFsmKeyChar( char c, ParseData *pd );
+void makeFsmKeyArray( Key *result, char *data, int len, ParseData *pd );
+void makeFsmUniqueKeyArray( KeySet &result, char *data, int len,
+ bool caseInsensitive, ParseData *pd );
+FsmAp *makeBuiltin( BuiltinMachine builtin, ParseData *pd );
+FsmAp *dotFsm( ParseData *pd );
+FsmAp *dotStarFsm( ParseData *pd );
+void errorStateLabels( const NameSet &locations );