path: root/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests
diff options
authoralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-12-01 12:02:50 +0300
committeralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-12-01 13:28:10 +0300
commit0e578a4c44d4abd539d9838347b9ebafaca41dfb (patch)
treea0c1969c37f818c830ebeff9c077eacf30be6ef8 /contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests
parent84f2d3d4cc985e63217cff149bd2e6d67ae6fe22 (diff)
Change "ya.make"
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests')
16 files changed, 1473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/__init__.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/private.pem b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/private.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a17279f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/private.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_cli.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ce57ebd99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+Unit tests for CLI entry points.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import unittest
+import sys
+import functools
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import os
+from io import StringIO, BytesIO
+import rsa
+import rsa.cli
+import rsa.util
+from rsa._compat import PY2
+def make_buffer():
+ if PY2:
+ return BytesIO()
+ buf = StringIO()
+ buf.buffer = BytesIO()
+ return buf
+def get_bytes_out(out):
+ if PY2:
+ # Python 2.x writes 'str' to stdout
+ return out.getvalue()
+ # Python 3.x writes 'bytes' to stdout.buffer
+ return out.buffer.getvalue()
+def captured_output():
+ """Captures output to stdout and stderr"""
+ new_out, new_err = make_buffer(), make_buffer()
+ old_out, old_err = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
+ try:
+ sys.stdout, sys.stderr = new_out, new_err
+ yield new_out, new_err
+ finally:
+ sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_out, old_err
+def cli_args(*new_argv):
+ """Updates sys.argv[1:] for a single test."""
+ old_args = sys.argv[:]
+ sys.argv[1:] = [str(arg) for arg in new_argv]
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ sys.argv[1:] = old_args
+def remove_if_exists(fname):
+ """Removes a file if it exists."""
+ if os.path.exists(fname):
+ os.unlink(fname)
+def cleanup_files(*filenames):
+ """Makes sure the files don't exist when the test runs, and deletes them afterward."""
+ def remove():
+ for fname in filenames:
+ remove_if_exists(fname)
+ def decorator(func):
+ @functools.wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ remove()
+ try:
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ remove()
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
+class AbstractCliTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ # Ensure there is a key to use
+ cls.pub_key, cls.priv_key = rsa.newkeys(512)
+ cls.pub_fname = '%s.pub' % cls.__name__
+ cls.priv_fname = '%s.key' % cls.__name__
+ with open(cls.pub_fname, 'wb') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(cls.pub_key.save_pkcs1())
+ with open(cls.priv_fname, 'wb') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(cls.priv_key.save_pkcs1())
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ if hasattr(cls, 'pub_fname'):
+ remove_if_exists(cls.pub_fname)
+ if hasattr(cls, 'priv_fname'):
+ remove_if_exists(cls.priv_fname)
+ def assertExits(self, status_code, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ func(*args, **kwargs)
+ except SystemExit as ex:
+ if status_code == ex.code:
+ return
+ self.fail('SystemExit() raised by %r, but exited with code %r, expected %r' % (
+ func, ex.code, status_code))
+ else:
+ self.fail('SystemExit() not raised by %r' % func)
+class KeygenTest(AbstractCliTest):
+ def test_keygen_no_args(self):
+ with cli_args():
+ self.assertExits(1, rsa.cli.keygen)
+ def test_keygen_priv_stdout(self):
+ with captured_output() as (out, err):
+ with cli_args(128):
+ rsa.cli.keygen()
+ lines = get_bytes_out(out).splitlines()
+ self.assertEqual(b'-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----', lines[0])
+ self.assertEqual(b'-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----', lines[-1])
+ # The key size should be shown on stderr
+ self.assertTrue('128-bit key' in err.getvalue())
+ @cleanup_files('test_cli_privkey_out.pem')
+ def test_keygen_priv_out_pem(self):
+ with captured_output() as (out, err):
+ with cli_args('--out=test_cli_privkey_out.pem', '--form=PEM', 128):
+ rsa.cli.keygen()
+ # The key size should be shown on stderr
+ self.assertTrue('128-bit key' in err.getvalue())
+ # The output file should be shown on stderr
+ self.assertTrue('test_cli_privkey_out.pem' in err.getvalue())
+ # If we can load the file as PEM, it's good enough.
+ with open('test_cli_privkey_out.pem', 'rb') as pemfile:
+ rsa.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(pemfile.read())
+ @cleanup_files('test_cli_privkey_out.der')
+ def test_keygen_priv_out_der(self):
+ with captured_output() as (out, err):
+ with cli_args('--out=test_cli_privkey_out.der', '--form=DER', 128):
+ rsa.cli.keygen()
+ # The key size should be shown on stderr
+ self.assertTrue('128-bit key' in err.getvalue())
+ # The output file should be shown on stderr
+ self.assertTrue('test_cli_privkey_out.der' in err.getvalue())
+ # If we can load the file as der, it's good enough.
+ with open('test_cli_privkey_out.der', 'rb') as derfile:
+ rsa.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(derfile.read(), format='DER')
+ @cleanup_files('test_cli_privkey_out.pem', 'test_cli_pubkey_out.pem')
+ def test_keygen_pub_out_pem(self):
+ with captured_output() as (out, err):
+ with cli_args('--out=test_cli_privkey_out.pem',
+ '--pubout=test_cli_pubkey_out.pem',
+ '--form=PEM', 256):
+ rsa.cli.keygen()
+ # The key size should be shown on stderr
+ self.assertTrue('256-bit key' in err.getvalue())
+ # The output files should be shown on stderr
+ self.assertTrue('test_cli_privkey_out.pem' in err.getvalue())
+ self.assertTrue('test_cli_pubkey_out.pem' in err.getvalue())
+ # If we can load the file as PEM, it's good enough.
+ with open('test_cli_pubkey_out.pem', 'rb') as pemfile:
+ rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(pemfile.read())
+class EncryptDecryptTest(AbstractCliTest):
+ def test_empty_decrypt(self):
+ with cli_args():
+ self.assertExits(1, rsa.cli.decrypt)
+ def test_empty_encrypt(self):
+ with cli_args():
+ self.assertExits(1, rsa.cli.encrypt)
+ @cleanup_files('encrypted.txt', 'cleartext.txt')
+ def test_encrypt_decrypt(self):
+ with open('cleartext.txt', 'wb') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(b'Hello cleartext RSA users!')
+ with cli_args('-i', 'cleartext.txt', '--out=encrypted.txt', self.pub_fname):
+ with captured_output():
+ rsa.cli.encrypt()
+ with cli_args('-i', 'encrypted.txt', self.priv_fname):
+ with captured_output() as (out, err):
+ rsa.cli.decrypt()
+ # We should have the original cleartext on stdout now.
+ output = get_bytes_out(out)
+ self.assertEqual(b'Hello cleartext RSA users!', output)
+ @cleanup_files('encrypted.txt', 'cleartext.txt')
+ def test_encrypt_decrypt_unhappy(self):
+ with open('cleartext.txt', 'wb') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(b'Hello cleartext RSA users!')
+ with cli_args('-i', 'cleartext.txt', '--out=encrypted.txt', self.pub_fname):
+ with captured_output():
+ rsa.cli.encrypt()
+ # Change a few bytes in the encrypted stream.
+ with open('encrypted.txt', 'r+b') as encfile:
+ encfile.seek(40)
+ encfile.write(b'hahaha')
+ with cli_args('-i', 'encrypted.txt', self.priv_fname):
+ with captured_output() as (out, err):
+ self.assertRaises(rsa.DecryptionError, rsa.cli.decrypt)
+class SignVerifyTest(AbstractCliTest):
+ def test_empty_verify(self):
+ with cli_args():
+ self.assertExits(1, rsa.cli.verify)
+ def test_empty_sign(self):
+ with cli_args():
+ self.assertExits(1, rsa.cli.sign)
+ @cleanup_files('signature.txt', 'cleartext.txt')
+ def test_sign_verify(self):
+ with open('cleartext.txt', 'wb') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(b'Hello RSA users!')
+ with cli_args('-i', 'cleartext.txt', '--out=signature.txt', self.priv_fname, 'SHA-256'):
+ with captured_output():
+ rsa.cli.sign()
+ with cli_args('-i', 'cleartext.txt', self.pub_fname, 'signature.txt'):
+ with captured_output() as (out, err):
+ rsa.cli.verify()
+ self.assertFalse(b'Verification OK' in get_bytes_out(out))
+ @cleanup_files('signature.txt', 'cleartext.txt')
+ def test_sign_verify_unhappy(self):
+ with open('cleartext.txt', 'wb') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(b'Hello RSA users!')
+ with cli_args('-i', 'cleartext.txt', '--out=signature.txt', self.priv_fname, 'SHA-256'):
+ with captured_output():
+ rsa.cli.sign()
+ # Change a few bytes in the cleartext file.
+ with open('cleartext.txt', 'r+b') as encfile:
+ encfile.seek(6)
+ encfile.write(b'DSA')
+ with cli_args('-i', 'cleartext.txt', self.pub_fname, 'signature.txt'):
+ with captured_output() as (out, err):
+ self.assertExits('Verification failed.', rsa.cli.verify)
+class PrivatePublicTest(AbstractCliTest):
+ """Test CLI command to convert a private to a public key."""
+ @cleanup_files('test_private_to_public.pem')
+ def test_private_to_public(self):
+ with cli_args('-i', self.priv_fname, '-o', 'test_private_to_public.pem'):
+ with captured_output():
+ rsa.util.private_to_public()
+ # Check that the key is indeed valid.
+ with open('test_private_to_public.pem', 'rb') as pemfile:
+ key = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(pemfile.read())
+ self.assertEqual(self.priv_key.n, key.n)
+ self.assertEqual(self.priv_key.e, key.e)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_common.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af13695a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+import struct
+from rsa._compat import byte
+from rsa.common import byte_size, bit_size, inverse
+class TestByte(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_values(self):
+ self.assertEqual(byte(0), b'\x00')
+ self.assertEqual(byte(255), b'\xff')
+ def test_struct_error_when_out_of_bounds(self):
+ self.assertRaises(struct.error, byte, 256)
+ self.assertRaises(struct.error, byte, -1)
+class TestByteSize(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_values(self):
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(1 << 1023), 128)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size((1 << 1024) - 1), 128)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(1 << 1024), 129)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(255), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(256), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(0xffff), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(0xffffff), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(0xffffffff), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(0xffffffffff), 5)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(0xffffffffffff), 6)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(0xffffffffffffff), 7)
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(0xffffffffffffffff), 8)
+ def test_zero(self):
+ self.assertEqual(byte_size(0), 1)
+ def test_bad_type(self):
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, byte_size, [])
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, byte_size, ())
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, byte_size, dict())
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, byte_size, "")
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, byte_size, None)
+class TestBitSize(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_zero(self):
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(0), 0)
+ def test_values(self):
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(1023), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(1024), 11)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(1025), 11)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(1 << 1024), 1025)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size((1 << 1024) + 1), 1025)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size((1 << 1024) - 1), 1024)
+ def test_negative_values(self):
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(-1023), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(-1024), 11)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(-1025), 11)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(-1 << 1024), 1025)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(-((1 << 1024) + 1)), 1025)
+ self.assertEqual(bit_size(-((1 << 1024) - 1)), 1024)
+ def test_bad_type(self):
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, bit_size, [])
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, bit_size, ())
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, bit_size, dict())
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, bit_size, "")
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, bit_size, None)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, bit_size, 0.0)
+class TestInverse(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_normal(self):
+ self.assertEqual(3, inverse(7, 4))
+ self.assertEqual(9, inverse(5, 11))
+ def test_not_relprime(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, inverse, 4, 8)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, inverse, 25, 5)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_compat.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_compat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62e933f25f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_compat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+import struct
+from rsa._compat import byte, is_bytes, range, xor_bytes
+class TestByte(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for single bytes."""
+ def test_byte(self):
+ for i in range(256):
+ byt = byte(i)
+ self.assertTrue(is_bytes(byt))
+ self.assertEqual(ord(byt), i)
+ def test_raises_StructError_on_overflow(self):
+ self.assertRaises(struct.error, byte, 256)
+ self.assertRaises(struct.error, byte, -1)
+ def test_byte_literal(self):
+ self.assertIsInstance(b'abc', bytes)
+class TestBytes(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for bytes objects."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.b1 = b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'
+ self.b2 = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+ self.b3 = b'\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0'
+ self.b4 = b'\x4d\x23\xca\xe2'
+ self.b5 = b'\x9b\x61\x3b\xdc'
+ self.b6 = b'\xff\xff'
+ self.byte_strings = (self.b1, self.b2, self.b3, self.b4, self.b5, self.b6)
+ def test_xor_bytes(self):
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b1, self.b2), b'\xff\xff\xff\xff')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b1, self.b3), b'\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b1, self.b4), b'\xb2\xdc\x35\x1d')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b1, self.b5), b'\x64\x9e\xc4\x23')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b2, self.b3), b'\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b2, self.b4), b'\x4d\x23\xca\xe2')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b2, self.b5), b'\x9b\x61\x3b\xdc')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b3, self.b4), b'\xbd\xd3\x3a\x12')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b3, self.b5), b'\x6b\x91\xcb\x2c')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b4, self.b5), b'\xd6\x42\xf1\x3e')
+ def test_xor_bytes_length(self):
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b1, self.b6), b'\x00\x00')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b2, self.b6), b'\xff\xff')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b3, self.b6), b'\x0f\x0f')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b4, self.b6), b'\xb2\xdc')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b5, self.b6), b'\x64\x9e')
+ self.assertEqual(xor_bytes(self.b6, b''), b'')
+ def test_xor_bytes_commutative(self):
+ for first in self.byte_strings:
+ for second in self.byte_strings:
+ min_length = min(len(first), len(second))
+ result = xor_bytes(first, second)
+ self.assertEqual(result, xor_bytes(second, first))
+ self.assertEqual(len(result), min_length)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_integers.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_integers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb29ba41d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_integers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests integer operations."""
+import unittest
+import rsa
+import rsa.core
+class IntegerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ (self.pub, self.priv) = rsa.newkeys(64)
+ def test_enc_dec(self):
+ message = 42
+ print("\tMessage: %d" % message)
+ encrypted = rsa.core.encrypt_int(message, self.pub.e, self.pub.n)
+ print("\tEncrypted: %d" % encrypted)
+ decrypted = rsa.core.decrypt_int(encrypted, self.priv.d, self.pub.n)
+ print("\tDecrypted: %d" % decrypted)
+ self.assertEqual(message, decrypted)
+ def test_sign_verify(self):
+ message = 42
+ signed = rsa.core.encrypt_int(message, self.priv.d, self.pub.n)
+ print("\tSigned: %d" % signed)
+ verified = rsa.core.decrypt_int(signed, self.pub.e, self.pub.n)
+ print("\tVerified: %d" % verified)
+ self.assertEqual(message, verified)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_key.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_key.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9db30cedf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_key.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+Some tests for the rsa/key.py file.
+import unittest
+import rsa.key
+import rsa.core
+class BlindingTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_blinding(self):
+ """Test blinding and unblinding.
+ This is basically the doctest of the PrivateKey.blind method, but then
+ implemented as unittest to allow running on different Python versions.
+ """
+ pk = rsa.key.PrivateKey(3727264081, 65537, 3349121513, 65063, 57287)
+ message = 12345
+ encrypted = rsa.core.encrypt_int(message, pk.e, pk.n)
+ blinded = pk.blind(encrypted, 4134431) # blind before decrypting
+ decrypted = rsa.core.decrypt_int(blinded, pk.d, pk.n)
+ unblinded = pk.unblind(decrypted, 4134431)
+ self.assertEqual(unblinded, message)
+class KeyGenTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_custom_exponent(self):
+ priv, pub = rsa.key.newkeys(16, exponent=3)
+ self.assertEqual(3, priv.e)
+ self.assertEqual(3, pub.e)
+ def test_default_exponent(self):
+ priv, pub = rsa.key.newkeys(16)
+ self.assertEqual(0x10001, priv.e)
+ self.assertEqual(0x10001, pub.e)
+ def test_exponents_coefficient_calculation(self):
+ pk = rsa.key.PrivateKey(3727264081, 65537, 3349121513, 65063, 57287)
+ self.assertEqual(pk.exp1, 55063)
+ self.assertEqual(pk.exp2, 10095)
+ self.assertEqual(pk.coef, 50797)
+ def test_custom_getprime_func(self):
+ # List of primes to test with, in order [p, q, p, q, ....]
+ # By starting with two of the same primes, we test that this is
+ # properly rejected.
+ primes = [64123, 64123, 64123, 50957, 39317, 33107]
+ def getprime(_):
+ return primes.pop(0)
+ # This exponent will cause two other primes to be generated.
+ exponent = 136407
+ (p, q, e, d) = rsa.key.gen_keys(64,
+ accurate=False,
+ getprime_func=getprime,
+ exponent=exponent)
+ self.assertEqual(39317, p)
+ self.assertEqual(33107, q)
+class HashTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test hashing of keys"""
+ def test_hash_possible(self):
+ priv, pub = rsa.key.newkeys(16)
+ # This raises a TypeError when hashing isn't possible.
+ hash(priv)
+ hash(pub)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_load_save_keys.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_load_save_keys.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..967c946e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_load_save_keys.py
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Unittest for saving and loading keys."""
+import base64
+import mock
+import os.path
+import pickle
+import unittest
+import warnings
+from rsa._compat import range
+import rsa.key
+PRIVATE_DER = base64.standard_b64decode(B64PRIV_DER)
+PUBLIC_DER = base64.standard_b64decode(B64PUB_DER)
+PRIVATE_PEM = b'''\
+Cruft before the key
+Comment: something blah
+''' + B64PRIV_DER + b'''
+Stuff after the key
+''' + B64PRIV_DER + b'''
+PUBLIC_PEM = b'''\
+Cruft before the key
+Comment: something blah
+''' + B64PUB_DER + b'''
+Stuff after the key
+''' + B64PUB_DER + b'''
+class DerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test saving and loading DER keys."""
+ def test_load_private_key(self):
+ """Test loading private DER keys."""
+ key = rsa.key.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(PRIVATE_DER, 'DER')
+ expected = rsa.key.PrivateKey(3727264081, 65537, 3349121513, 65063, 57287)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, key)
+ self.assertEqual(key.exp1, 55063)
+ self.assertEqual(key.exp2, 10095)
+ self.assertEqual(key.coef, 50797)
+ @mock.patch('pyasn1.codec.der.decoder.decode')
+ def test_load_malformed_private_key(self, der_decode):
+ """Test loading malformed private DER keys."""
+ # Decode returns an invalid exp2 value.
+ der_decode.return_value = (
+ [0, 3727264081, 65537, 3349121513, 65063, 57287, 55063, 0, 50797],
+ 0,
+ )
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
+ # Always print warnings
+ warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ # Load 3 keys
+ for _ in range(3):
+ key = rsa.key.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(PRIVATE_DER, 'DER')
+ # Check that 3 warnings were generated.
+ self.assertEqual(3, len(w))
+ for warning in w:
+ self.assertTrue(issubclass(warning.category, UserWarning))
+ self.assertIn('malformed', str(warning.message))
+ # Check that we are creating the key with correct values
+ self.assertEqual(key.exp1, 55063)
+ self.assertEqual(key.exp2, 10095)
+ self.assertEqual(key.coef, 50797)
+ def test_save_private_key(self):
+ """Test saving private DER keys."""
+ key = rsa.key.PrivateKey(3727264081, 65537, 3349121513, 65063, 57287)
+ der = key.save_pkcs1('DER')
+ self.assertIsInstance(der, bytes)
+ self.assertEqual(PRIVATE_DER, der)
+ def test_load_public_key(self):
+ """Test loading public DER keys."""
+ key = rsa.key.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(PUBLIC_DER, 'DER')
+ expected = rsa.key.PublicKey(3727264081, 65537)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, key)
+ def test_save_public_key(self):
+ """Test saving public DER keys."""
+ key = rsa.key.PublicKey(3727264081, 65537)
+ der = key.save_pkcs1('DER')
+ self.assertIsInstance(der, bytes)
+ self.assertEqual(PUBLIC_DER, der)
+class PemTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test saving and loading PEM keys."""
+ def test_load_private_key(self):
+ """Test loading private PEM files."""
+ key = rsa.key.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(PRIVATE_PEM, 'PEM')
+ expected = rsa.key.PrivateKey(3727264081, 65537, 3349121513, 65063, 57287)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, key)
+ self.assertEqual(key.exp1, 55063)
+ self.assertEqual(key.exp2, 10095)
+ self.assertEqual(key.coef, 50797)
+ def test_save_private_key(self):
+ """Test saving private PEM files."""
+ key = rsa.key.PrivateKey(3727264081, 65537, 3349121513, 65063, 57287)
+ pem = key.save_pkcs1('PEM')
+ self.assertIsInstance(pem, bytes)
+ self.assertEqual(CLEAN_PRIVATE_PEM, pem)
+ def test_load_public_key(self):
+ """Test loading public PEM files."""
+ key = rsa.key.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(PUBLIC_PEM, 'PEM')
+ expected = rsa.key.PublicKey(3727264081, 65537)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, key)
+ def test_save_public_key(self):
+ """Test saving public PEM files."""
+ key = rsa.key.PublicKey(3727264081, 65537)
+ pem = key.save_pkcs1('PEM')
+ self.assertIsInstance(pem, bytes)
+ self.assertEqual(CLEAN_PUBLIC_PEM, pem)
+ def test_load_from_disk(self):
+ from yatest.common import source_path
+ """Test loading a PEM file from disk."""
+ fname = source_path('contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/private.pem')
+ with open(fname, mode='rb') as privatefile:
+ keydata = privatefile.read()
+ privkey = rsa.key.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(keydata)
+ self.assertEqual(15945948582725241569, privkey.p)
+ self.assertEqual(14617195220284816877, privkey.q)
+class PickleTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test saving and loading keys by pickling."""
+ def test_private_key(self):
+ pk = rsa.key.PrivateKey(3727264081, 65537, 3349121513, 65063, 57287)
+ pickled = pickle.dumps(pk)
+ unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
+ self.assertEqual(pk, unpickled)
+ def test_public_key(self):
+ pk = rsa.key.PublicKey(3727264081, 65537)
+ pickled = pickle.dumps(pk)
+ unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
+ self.assertEqual(pk, unpickled)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_parallel.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_parallel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a69e9ece6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_parallel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+"""Test for multiprocess prime generation."""
+import unittest
+import rsa.prime
+import rsa.parallel
+import rsa.common
+class ParallelTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for multiprocess prime generation."""
+ def test_parallel_primegen(self):
+ p = rsa.parallel.getprime(1024, 3)
+ self.assertFalse(rsa.prime.is_prime(p - 1))
+ self.assertTrue(rsa.prime.is_prime(p))
+ self.assertFalse(rsa.prime.is_prime(p + 1))
+ self.assertEqual(1024, rsa.common.bit_size(p))
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_pem.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_pem.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fb96002af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_pem.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from rsa._compat import is_bytes
+from rsa.pem import _markers
+import rsa.key
+# 512-bit key. Too small for practical purposes, but good enough for testing with.
+public_key_pem = '''
+-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
+private_key_pem = '''
+# Private key components
+prime1 = 96275860229939261876671084930484419185939191875438854026071315955024109172739
+prime2 = 88103681619592083641803383393198542599284510949756076218404908654323473741407
+class TestMarkers(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_values(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_markers('RSA PRIVATE KEY'),
+ (b'-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----',
+ b'-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'))
+class TestBytesAndStrings(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test that we can use PEM in both Unicode strings and bytes."""
+ def test_unicode_public(self):
+ key = rsa.key.PublicKey.load_pkcs1_openssl_pem(public_key_pem)
+ self.assertEqual(prime1 * prime2, key.n)
+ def test_bytes_public(self):
+ key = rsa.key.PublicKey.load_pkcs1_openssl_pem(public_key_pem.encode('ascii'))
+ self.assertEqual(prime1 * prime2, key.n)
+ def test_unicode_private(self):
+ key = rsa.key.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(private_key_pem)
+ self.assertEqual(prime1 * prime2, key.n)
+ def test_bytes_private(self):
+ key = rsa.key.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(private_key_pem.encode('ascii'))
+ self.assertEqual(prime1, key.p)
+ self.assertEqual(prime2, key.q)
+class TestByteOutput(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests that PEM and DER are returned as bytes."""
+ def test_bytes_public(self):
+ key = rsa.key.PublicKey.load_pkcs1_openssl_pem(public_key_pem)
+ self.assertTrue(is_bytes(key.save_pkcs1(format='DER')))
+ self.assertTrue(is_bytes(key.save_pkcs1(format='PEM')))
+ def test_bytes_private(self):
+ key = rsa.key.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(private_key_pem)
+ self.assertTrue(is_bytes(key.save_pkcs1(format='DER')))
+ self.assertTrue(is_bytes(key.save_pkcs1(format='PEM')))
+class TestByteInput(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests that PEM and DER can be loaded from bytes."""
+ def test_bytes_public(self):
+ key = rsa.key.PublicKey.load_pkcs1_openssl_pem(public_key_pem.encode('ascii'))
+ self.assertTrue(is_bytes(key.save_pkcs1(format='DER')))
+ self.assertTrue(is_bytes(key.save_pkcs1(format='PEM')))
+ def test_bytes_private(self):
+ key = rsa.key.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(private_key_pem.encode('ascii'))
+ self.assertTrue(is_bytes(key.save_pkcs1(format='DER')))
+ self.assertTrue(is_bytes(key.save_pkcs1(format='PEM')))
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_pkcs1.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_pkcs1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f7dcea7ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_pkcs1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests string operations."""
+import struct
+import sys
+import unittest
+import rsa
+from rsa import pkcs1
+from rsa._compat import byte, is_bytes
+class BinaryTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ (self.pub, self.priv) = rsa.newkeys(256)
+ def test_enc_dec(self):
+ message = struct.pack('>IIII', 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ print("\tMessage: %r" % message)
+ encrypted = pkcs1.encrypt(message, self.pub)
+ print("\tEncrypted: %r" % encrypted)
+ decrypted = pkcs1.decrypt(encrypted, self.priv)
+ print("\tDecrypted: %r" % decrypted)
+ self.assertEqual(message, decrypted)
+ def test_decoding_failure(self):
+ message = struct.pack('>IIII', 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ encrypted = pkcs1.encrypt(message, self.pub)
+ # Alter the encrypted stream
+ a = encrypted[5]
+ if is_bytes(a):
+ a = ord(a)
+ altered_a = (a + 1) % 256
+ encrypted = encrypted[:5] + byte(altered_a) + encrypted[6:]
+ self.assertRaises(pkcs1.DecryptionError, pkcs1.decrypt, encrypted,
+ self.priv)
+ def test_randomness(self):
+ """Encrypting the same message twice should result in different
+ cryptos.
+ """
+ message = struct.pack('>IIII', 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ encrypted1 = pkcs1.encrypt(message, self.pub)
+ encrypted2 = pkcs1.encrypt(message, self.pub)
+ self.assertNotEqual(encrypted1, encrypted2)
+class ExtraZeroesTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Key, cyphertext, and plaintext taken from https://github.com/sybrenstuvel/python-rsa/issues/146
+ self.private_key = rsa.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nXVJl32HuKYPJOMIWfc7hIfxLRHnCN+coz2M6tgqMDs0E/OfjuqVZ\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
+ format='PEM')
+ cyphertext = "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"
+ plaintext = "54657374"
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+ self.cyphertext = cyphertext.decode("hex")
+ self.plaintext = plaintext.decode('hex')
+ else:
+ self.cyphertext = bytes.fromhex(cyphertext)
+ self.plaintext = bytes.fromhex(plaintext)
+ def test_unmodified(self):
+ message = rsa.decrypt(self.cyphertext, self.private_key)
+ self.assertEqual(message, self.plaintext)
+ def test_prepend_zeroes(self):
+ cyphertext = b'\00\00' + self.cyphertext
+ with self.assertRaises(rsa.DecryptionError):
+ rsa.decrypt(cyphertext, self.private_key)
+ def test_append_zeroes(self):
+ cyphertext = self.cyphertext + b'\00\00'
+ with self.assertRaises(rsa.DecryptionError):
+ rsa.decrypt(cyphertext, self.private_key)
+class SignatureTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ (self.pub, self.priv) = rsa.newkeys(512)
+ def test_sign_verify(self):
+ """Test happy flow of sign and verify"""
+ message = b'je moeder'
+ signature = pkcs1.sign(message, self.priv, 'SHA-256')
+ self.assertEqual('SHA-256', pkcs1.verify(message, signature, self.pub))
+ def test_find_signature_hash(self):
+ """Test happy flow of sign and find_signature_hash"""
+ message = b'je moeder'
+ signature = pkcs1.sign(message, self.priv, 'SHA-256')
+ self.assertEqual('SHA-256', pkcs1.find_signature_hash(signature, self.pub))
+ def test_alter_message(self):
+ """Altering the message should let the verification fail."""
+ signature = pkcs1.sign(b'je moeder', self.priv, 'SHA-256')
+ self.assertRaises(pkcs1.VerificationError, pkcs1.verify,
+ b'mijn moeder', signature, self.pub)
+ def test_sign_different_key(self):
+ """Signing with another key should let the verification fail."""
+ (otherpub, _) = rsa.newkeys(512)
+ message = b'je moeder'
+ signature = pkcs1.sign(message, self.priv, 'SHA-256')
+ self.assertRaises(pkcs1.VerificationError, pkcs1.verify,
+ message, signature, otherpub)
+ def test_multiple_signings(self):
+ """Signing the same message twice should return the same signatures."""
+ message = struct.pack('>IIII', 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ signature1 = pkcs1.sign(message, self.priv, 'SHA-1')
+ signature2 = pkcs1.sign(message, self.priv, 'SHA-1')
+ self.assertEqual(signature1, signature2)
+ def test_split_hash_sign(self):
+ """Hashing and then signing should match with directly signing the message. """
+ message = b'je moeder'
+ msg_hash = pkcs1.compute_hash(message, 'SHA-256')
+ signature1 = pkcs1.sign_hash(msg_hash, self.priv, 'SHA-256')
+ # Calculate the signature using the unified method
+ signature2 = pkcs1.sign(message, self.priv, 'SHA-256')
+ self.assertEqual(signature1, signature2)
+ def test_hash_sign_verify(self):
+ """Test happy flow of hash, sign, and verify"""
+ message = b'je moeder'
+ msg_hash = pkcs1.compute_hash(message, 'SHA-224')
+ signature = pkcs1.sign_hash(msg_hash, self.priv, 'SHA-224')
+ self.assertTrue(pkcs1.verify(message, signature, self.pub))
+ def test_prepend_zeroes(self):
+ """Prepending the signature with zeroes should be detected."""
+ message = b'je moeder'
+ signature = pkcs1.sign(message, self.priv, 'SHA-256')
+ signature = b'\00\00' + signature
+ with self.assertRaises(rsa.VerificationError):
+ pkcs1.verify(message, signature, self.pub)
+ def test_apppend_zeroes(self):
+ """Apppending the signature with zeroes should be detected."""
+ message = b'je moeder'
+ signature = pkcs1.sign(message, self.priv, 'SHA-256')
+ signature = signature + b'\00\00'
+ with self.assertRaises(rsa.VerificationError):
+ pkcs1.verify(message, signature, self.pub)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_pkcs1_v2.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_pkcs1_v2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d8f0010de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_pkcs1_v2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests PKCS #1 version 2 functionality.
+Most of the mocked values come from the test vectors found at:
+import unittest
+from rsa import pkcs1_v2
+class MGFTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_oaep_int_db_mask(self):
+ seed = (
+ b'\xaa\xfd\x12\xf6\x59\xca\xe6\x34\x89\xb4\x79\xe5\x07\x6d\xde\xc2'
+ b'\xf0\x6c\xb5\x8f'
+ )
+ db = (
+ b'\xda\x39\xa3\xee\x5e\x6b\x4b\x0d\x32\x55\xbf\xef\x95\x60\x18\x90'
+ b'\xaf\xd8\x07\x09\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+ b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+ b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+ b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+ b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\xd4\x36\xe9\x95\x69'
+ b'\xfd\x32\xa7\xc8\xa0\x5b\xbc\x90\xd3\x2c\x49'
+ )
+ masked_db = (
+ b'\xdc\xd8\x7d\x5c\x68\xf1\xee\xa8\xf5\x52\x67\xc3\x1b\x2e\x8b\xb4'
+ b'\x25\x1f\x84\xd7\xe0\xb2\xc0\x46\x26\xf5\xaf\xf9\x3e\xdc\xfb\x25'
+ b'\xc9\xc2\xb3\xff\x8a\xe1\x0e\x83\x9a\x2d\xdb\x4c\xdc\xfe\x4f\xf4'
+ b'\x77\x28\xb4\xa1\xb7\xc1\x36\x2b\xaa\xd2\x9a\xb4\x8d\x28\x69\xd5'
+ b'\x02\x41\x21\x43\x58\x11\x59\x1b\xe3\x92\xf9\x82\xfb\x3e\x87\xd0'
+ b'\x95\xae\xb4\x04\x48\xdb\x97\x2f\x3a\xc1\x4f\x7b\xc2\x75\x19\x52'
+ b'\x81\xce\x32\xd2\xf1\xb7\x6d\x4d\x35\x3e\x2d'
+ )
+ # dbMask = MGF(seed, length(DB))
+ db_mask = pkcs1_v2.mgf1(seed, length=len(db))
+ expected_db_mask = (
+ b'\x06\xe1\xde\xb2\x36\x9a\xa5\xa5\xc7\x07\xd8\x2c\x8e\x4e\x93\x24'
+ b'\x8a\xc7\x83\xde\xe0\xb2\xc0\x46\x26\xf5\xaf\xf9\x3e\xdc\xfb\x25'
+ b'\xc9\xc2\xb3\xff\x8a\xe1\x0e\x83\x9a\x2d\xdb\x4c\xdc\xfe\x4f\xf4'
+ b'\x77\x28\xb4\xa1\xb7\xc1\x36\x2b\xaa\xd2\x9a\xb4\x8d\x28\x69\xd5'
+ b'\x02\x41\x21\x43\x58\x11\x59\x1b\xe3\x92\xf9\x82\xfb\x3e\x87\xd0'
+ b'\x95\xae\xb4\x04\x48\xdb\x97\x2f\x3a\xc1\x4e\xaf\xf4\x9c\x8c\x3b'
+ b'\x7c\xfc\x95\x1a\x51\xec\xd1\xdd\xe6\x12\x64'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(db_mask, expected_db_mask)
+ # seedMask = MGF(maskedDB, length(seed))
+ seed_mask = pkcs1_v2.mgf1(masked_db, length=len(seed))
+ expected_seed_mask = (
+ b'\x41\x87\x0b\x5a\xb0\x29\xe6\x57\xd9\x57\x50\xb5\x4c\x28\x3c\x08'
+ b'\x72\x5d\xbe\xa9'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(seed_mask, expected_seed_mask)
+ def test_invalid_hasher(self):
+ """Tests an invalid hasher generates an exception"""
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ pkcs1_v2.mgf1(b'\x06\xe1\xde\xb2', length=8, hasher='SHA2')
+ def test_invalid_length(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
+ pkcs1_v2.mgf1(b'\x06\xe1\xde\xb2', length=2**50)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_prime.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_prime.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3bda9b486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_prime.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests prime functions."""
+import unittest
+from rsa._compat import range
+import rsa.prime
+import rsa.randnum
+class PrimeTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_is_prime(self):
+ """Test some common primes."""
+ # Test some trivial numbers
+ self.assertFalse(rsa.prime.is_prime(-1))
+ self.assertFalse(rsa.prime.is_prime(0))
+ self.assertFalse(rsa.prime.is_prime(1))
+ self.assertTrue(rsa.prime.is_prime(2))
+ self.assertFalse(rsa.prime.is_prime(42))
+ self.assertTrue(rsa.prime.is_prime(41))
+ # Test some slightly larger numbers
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997],
+ [x for x in range(901, 1000) if rsa.prime.is_prime(x)]
+ )
+ # Test around the 50th millionth known prime.
+ self.assertTrue(rsa.prime.is_prime(982451653))
+ self.assertFalse(rsa.prime.is_prime(982451653 * 961748941))
+ def test_miller_rabin_primality_testing(self):
+ """Uses monkeypatching to ensure certain random numbers.
+ This allows us to predict/control the code path.
+ """
+ randints = []
+ def fake_randint(maxvalue):
+ return randints.pop(0)
+ orig_randint = rsa.randnum.randint
+ rsa.randnum.randint = fake_randint
+ try:
+ # 'n is composite'
+ randints.append(2630484832) # causes the 'n is composite' case with n=3784949785
+ self.assertEqual(False, rsa.prime.miller_rabin_primality_testing(2787998641, 7))
+ self.assertEqual([], randints)
+ # 'Exit inner loop and continue with next witness'
+ randints.extend([
+ 2119139098, # causes 'Exit inner loop and continue with next witness'
+ # the next witnesses for the above case:
+ 3051067716, 3603501763, 3230895847, 3687808133, 3760099987, 4026931495, 3022471882,
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(True, rsa.prime.miller_rabin_primality_testing(2211417913,
+ len(randints)))
+ self.assertEqual([], randints)
+ finally:
+ rsa.randnum.randint = orig_randint
+ def test_mersenne_primes(self):
+ """Tests first known Mersenne primes.
+ Mersenne primes are prime numbers that can be written in the form
+ `Mn = 2**n - 1` for some integer `n`. For the list of known Mersenne
+ primes, see:
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_prime#List_of_known_Mersenne_primes
+ """
+ # List of known Mersenne exponents.
+ known_mersenne_exponents = [
+ 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89, 107, 127, 521, 607, 1279,
+ 2203, 2281, 4423,
+ ]
+ # Test Mersenne primes.
+ for exp in known_mersenne_exponents:
+ self.assertTrue(rsa.prime.is_prime(2**exp - 1))
+ def test_get_primality_testing_rounds(self):
+ """Test round calculation for primality testing."""
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 63), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 127), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 255), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 511), 7)
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 767), 7)
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 1023), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 1279), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 1535), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 2047), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(rsa.prime.get_primality_testing_rounds(1 << 4095), 3)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_strings.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_strings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28fa091a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_strings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests string operations."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import unittest
+import rsa
+unicode_string = u"Euro=\u20ac ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+class StringTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ (self.pub, self.priv) = rsa.newkeys(384)
+ def test_enc_dec(self):
+ message = unicode_string.encode('utf-8')
+ print("\tMessage: %s" % message)
+ encrypted = rsa.encrypt(message, self.pub)
+ print("\tEncrypted: %s" % encrypted)
+ decrypted = rsa.decrypt(encrypted, self.priv)
+ print("\tDecrypted: %s" % decrypted)
+ self.assertEqual(message, decrypted)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_transform.py b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_transform.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe0970c962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/test_transform.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from rsa.transform import int2bytes, bytes2int, _int2bytes
+class Test_int2bytes(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_accuracy(self):
+ self.assertEqual(int2bytes(123456789), b'\x07[\xcd\x15')
+ self.assertEqual(_int2bytes(123456789), b'\x07[\xcd\x15')
+ def test_codec_identity(self):
+ self.assertEqual(bytes2int(int2bytes(123456789, 128)), 123456789)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes2int(_int2bytes(123456789, 128)), 123456789)
+ def test_chunk_size(self):
+ self.assertEqual(int2bytes(123456789, 6), b'\x00\x00\x07[\xcd\x15')
+ self.assertEqual(int2bytes(123456789, 7),
+ b'\x00\x00\x00\x07[\xcd\x15')
+ self.assertEqual(_int2bytes(123456789, 6),
+ b'\x00\x00\x07[\xcd\x15')
+ self.assertEqual(_int2bytes(123456789, 7),
+ b'\x00\x00\x00\x07[\xcd\x15')
+ def test_zero(self):
+ self.assertEqual(int2bytes(0, 4), b'\x00' * 4)
+ self.assertEqual(int2bytes(0, 7), b'\x00' * 7)
+ self.assertEqual(int2bytes(0), b'\x00')
+ self.assertEqual(_int2bytes(0, 4), b'\x00' * 4)
+ self.assertEqual(_int2bytes(0, 7), b'\x00' * 7)
+ self.assertEqual(_int2bytes(0), b'\x00')
+ def test_correctness_against_base_implementation(self):
+ # Slow test.
+ values = [
+ 1 << 512,
+ 1 << 8192,
+ 1 << 77,
+ ]
+ for value in values:
+ self.assertEqual(int2bytes(value), _int2bytes(value),
+ "Boom %d" % value)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes2int(int2bytes(value)),
+ value,
+ "Boom %d" % value)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes2int(_int2bytes(value)),
+ value,
+ "Boom %d" % value)
+ def test_raises_OverflowError_when_chunk_size_is_insufficient(self):
+ self.assertRaises(OverflowError, int2bytes, 123456789, 3)
+ self.assertRaises(OverflowError, int2bytes, 299999999999, 4)
+ self.assertRaises(OverflowError, _int2bytes, 123456789, 3)
+ self.assertRaises(OverflowError, _int2bytes, 299999999999, 4)
+ def test_raises_ValueError_when_negative_integer(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, int2bytes, -1)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, _int2bytes, -1)
+ def test_raises_TypeError_when_not_integer(self):
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, int2bytes, None)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, _int2bytes, None)
diff --git a/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/ya.make b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05640300fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ contrib/python/rsa
+ contrib/python/mock
+ test_cli.py
+ test_common.py
+ test_compat.py
+ test_integers.py
+ test_key.py
+ test_load_save_keys.py
+ test_parallel.py
+ test_pem.py
+ test_pkcs1.py
+ test_pkcs1_v2.py
+ test_prime.py
+ test_strings.py
+ test_transform.py
+ arcadia/contrib/python/rsa/py2/tests