path: root/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/c_like.py
diff options
authororivej <orivej@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:01 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:01 +0300
commit2d37894b1b037cf24231090eda8589bbb44fb6fc (patch)
treebe835aa92c6248212e705f25388ebafcf84bc7a1 /contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/c_like.py
parent718c552901d703c502ccbefdfc3c9028d608b947 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <orivej@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/c_like.py')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/c_like.py b/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/c_like.py
index a22501bd86..ed3864832d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/c_like.py
+++ b/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/c_like.py
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class ClayLexer(RegexLexer):
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'\s+', Whitespace),
- (r'//.*?$', Comment.Single),
+ (r'//.*?$', Comment.Single),
(r'/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/', Comment.Multiline),
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class ValaLexer(RegexLexer):
'ulong', 'unichar', 'ushort'), suffix=r'\b'),
(r'(true|false|null)\b', Name.Builtin),
- (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
+ (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
'root': [
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ class SwigLexer(CppLexer):
# SWIG directives
(r'(%[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)', Name.Function),
# Special variables
- (r'\$\**\&?\w+', Name),
+ (r'\$\**\&?\w+', Name),
# Stringification / additional preprocessor directives
(r'##*[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Comment.Preproc),
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ class MqlLexer(CppLexer):
class ArduinoLexer(CppLexer):
For `Arduino(tm) <https://arduino.cc/>`_ source.
@@ -431,144 +431,144 @@ class ArduinoLexer(CppLexer):
# Language sketch main structure functions
structure = {'setup', 'loop'}
- # Language operators
+ # Language operators
operators = {'not', 'or', 'and', 'xor'}
- # Language 'variables'
+ # Language 'variables'
variables = {
- 'LOW', 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT', 'INPUT_PULLUP', 'LED_BUILTIN', 'true', 'false',
- 'void', 'boolean', 'char', 'unsigned char', 'byte', 'int', 'unsigned int',
- 'word', 'long', 'unsigned long', 'short', 'float', 'double', 'string', 'String',
- 'array', 'static', 'volatile', 'const', 'boolean', 'byte', 'word', 'string',
- 'String', 'array', 'int', 'float', 'private', 'char', 'virtual', 'operator',
- 'sizeof', 'uint8_t', 'uint16_t', 'uint32_t', 'uint64_t', 'int8_t', 'int16_t',
- 'int32_t', 'int64_t', 'dynamic_cast', 'typedef', 'const_cast', 'const',
- 'struct', 'static_cast', 'union', 'unsigned', 'long', 'volatile', 'static',
- 'protected', 'bool', 'public', 'friend', 'auto', 'void', 'enum', 'extern',
- 'class', 'short', 'reinterpret_cast', 'double', 'register', 'explicit',
- 'signed', 'inline', 'delete', '_Bool', 'complex', '_Complex', '_Imaginary',
- 'atomic_bool', 'atomic_char', 'atomic_schar', 'atomic_uchar', 'atomic_short',
- 'atomic_ushort', 'atomic_int', 'atomic_uint', 'atomic_long', 'atomic_ulong',
+ 'LOW', 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT', 'INPUT_PULLUP', 'LED_BUILTIN', 'true', 'false',
+ 'void', 'boolean', 'char', 'unsigned char', 'byte', 'int', 'unsigned int',
+ 'word', 'long', 'unsigned long', 'short', 'float', 'double', 'string', 'String',
+ 'array', 'static', 'volatile', 'const', 'boolean', 'byte', 'word', 'string',
+ 'String', 'array', 'int', 'float', 'private', 'char', 'virtual', 'operator',
+ 'sizeof', 'uint8_t', 'uint16_t', 'uint32_t', 'uint64_t', 'int8_t', 'int16_t',
+ 'int32_t', 'int64_t', 'dynamic_cast', 'typedef', 'const_cast', 'const',
+ 'struct', 'static_cast', 'union', 'unsigned', 'long', 'volatile', 'static',
+ 'protected', 'bool', 'public', 'friend', 'auto', 'void', 'enum', 'extern',
+ 'class', 'short', 'reinterpret_cast', 'double', 'register', 'explicit',
+ 'signed', 'inline', 'delete', '_Bool', 'complex', '_Complex', '_Imaginary',
+ 'atomic_bool', 'atomic_char', 'atomic_schar', 'atomic_uchar', 'atomic_short',
+ 'atomic_ushort', 'atomic_int', 'atomic_uint', 'atomic_long', 'atomic_ulong',
'atomic_llong', 'atomic_ullong', 'PROGMEM'}
# Language shipped functions and class ( )
functions = {
- 'KeyboardController', 'MouseController', 'SoftwareSerial', 'EthernetServer',
- 'EthernetClient', 'LiquidCrystal', 'RobotControl', 'GSMVoiceCall',
- 'EthernetUDP', 'EsploraTFT', 'HttpClient', 'RobotMotor', 'WiFiClient',
- 'GSMScanner', 'FileSystem', 'Scheduler', 'GSMServer', 'YunClient', 'YunServer',
- 'IPAddress', 'GSMClient', 'GSMModem', 'Keyboard', 'Ethernet', 'Console',
- 'GSMBand', 'Esplora', 'Stepper', 'Process', 'WiFiUDP', 'GSM_SMS', 'Mailbox',
- 'USBHost', 'Firmata', 'PImage', 'Client', 'Server', 'GSMPIN', 'FileIO',
- 'Bridge', 'Serial', 'EEPROM', 'Stream', 'Mouse', 'Audio', 'Servo', 'File',
- 'Task', 'GPRS', 'WiFi', 'Wire', 'TFT', 'GSM', 'SPI', 'SD',
- 'runShellCommandAsynchronously', 'analogWriteResolution',
- 'retrieveCallingNumber', 'printFirmwareVersion', 'analogReadResolution',
- 'sendDigitalPortPair', 'noListenOnLocalhost', 'readJoystickButton',
- 'setFirmwareVersion', 'readJoystickSwitch', 'scrollDisplayRight',
- 'getVoiceCallStatus', 'scrollDisplayLeft', 'writeMicroseconds',
- 'delayMicroseconds', 'beginTransmission', 'getSignalStrength',
- 'runAsynchronously', 'getAsynchronously', 'listenOnLocalhost',
- 'getCurrentCarrier', 'readAccelerometer', 'messageAvailable',
- 'sendDigitalPorts', 'lineFollowConfig', 'countryNameWrite', 'runShellCommand',
- 'readStringUntil', 'rewindDirectory', 'readTemperature', 'setClockDivider',
- 'readLightSensor', 'endTransmission', 'analogReference', 'detachInterrupt',
- 'countryNameRead', 'attachInterrupt', 'encryptionType', 'readBytesUntil',
- 'robotNameWrite', 'readMicrophone', 'robotNameRead', 'cityNameWrite',
- 'userNameWrite', 'readJoystickY', 'readJoystickX', 'mouseReleased',
- 'openNextFile', 'scanNetworks', 'noInterrupts', 'digitalWrite', 'beginSpeaker',
- 'mousePressed', 'isActionDone', 'mouseDragged', 'displayLogos', 'noAutoscroll',
- 'addParameter', 'remoteNumber', 'getModifiers', 'keyboardRead', 'userNameRead',
- 'waitContinue', 'processInput', 'parseCommand', 'printVersion', 'readNetworks',
- 'writeMessage', 'blinkVersion', 'cityNameRead', 'readMessage', 'setDataMode',
- 'parsePacket', 'isListening', 'setBitOrder', 'beginPacket', 'isDirectory',
- 'motorsWrite', 'drawCompass', 'digitalRead', 'clearScreen', 'serialEvent',
- 'rightToLeft', 'setTextSize', 'leftToRight', 'requestFrom', 'keyReleased',
- 'compassRead', 'analogWrite', 'interrupts', 'WiFiServer', 'disconnect',
- 'playMelody', 'parseFloat', 'autoscroll', 'getPINUsed', 'setPINUsed',
- 'setTimeout', 'sendAnalog', 'readSlider', 'analogRead', 'beginWrite',
- 'createChar', 'motorsStop', 'keyPressed', 'tempoWrite', 'readButton',
- 'subnetMask', 'debugPrint', 'macAddress', 'writeGreen', 'randomSeed',
- 'attachGPRS', 'readString', 'sendString', 'remotePort', 'releaseAll',
- 'mouseMoved', 'background', 'getXChange', 'getYChange', 'answerCall',
- 'getResult', 'voiceCall', 'endPacket', 'constrain', 'getSocket', 'writeJSON',
- 'getButton', 'available', 'connected', 'findUntil', 'readBytes', 'exitValue',
- 'readGreen', 'writeBlue', 'startLoop', 'IPAddress', 'isPressed', 'sendSysex',
- 'pauseMode', 'gatewayIP', 'setCursor', 'getOemKey', 'tuneWrite', 'noDisplay',
- 'loadImage', 'switchPIN', 'onRequest', 'onReceive', 'changePIN', 'playFile',
- 'noBuffer', 'parseInt', 'overflow', 'checkPIN', 'knobRead', 'beginTFT',
- 'bitClear', 'updateIR', 'bitWrite', 'position', 'writeRGB', 'highByte',
- 'writeRed', 'setSpeed', 'readBlue', 'noStroke', 'remoteIP', 'transfer',
- 'shutdown', 'hangCall', 'beginSMS', 'endWrite', 'attached', 'maintain',
- 'noCursor', 'checkReg', 'checkPUK', 'shiftOut', 'isValid', 'shiftIn', 'pulseIn',
- 'connect', 'println', 'localIP', 'pinMode', 'getIMEI', 'display', 'noBlink',
- 'process', 'getBand', 'running', 'beginSD', 'drawBMP', 'lowByte', 'setBand',
- 'release', 'bitRead', 'prepare', 'pointTo', 'readRed', 'setMode', 'noFill',
- 'remove', 'listen', 'stroke', 'detach', 'attach', 'noTone', 'exists', 'buffer',
- 'height', 'bitSet', 'circle', 'config', 'cursor', 'random', 'IRread', 'setDNS',
- 'endSMS', 'getKey', 'micros', 'millis', 'begin', 'print', 'write', 'ready',
- 'flush', 'width', 'isPIN', 'blink', 'clear', 'press', 'mkdir', 'rmdir', 'close',
- 'point', 'yield', 'image', 'BSSID', 'click', 'delay', 'read', 'text', 'move',
- 'peek', 'beep', 'rect', 'line', 'open', 'seek', 'fill', 'size', 'turn', 'stop',
- 'home', 'find', 'step', 'tone', 'sqrt', 'RSSI', 'SSID', 'end', 'bit', 'tan',
- 'cos', 'sin', 'pow', 'map', 'abs', 'max', 'min', 'get', 'run', 'put',
- 'isAlphaNumeric', 'isAlpha', 'isAscii', 'isWhitespace', 'isControl', 'isDigit',
- 'isGraph', 'isLowerCase', 'isPrintable', 'isPunct', 'isSpace', 'isUpperCase',
+ 'KeyboardController', 'MouseController', 'SoftwareSerial', 'EthernetServer',
+ 'EthernetClient', 'LiquidCrystal', 'RobotControl', 'GSMVoiceCall',
+ 'EthernetUDP', 'EsploraTFT', 'HttpClient', 'RobotMotor', 'WiFiClient',
+ 'GSMScanner', 'FileSystem', 'Scheduler', 'GSMServer', 'YunClient', 'YunServer',
+ 'IPAddress', 'GSMClient', 'GSMModem', 'Keyboard', 'Ethernet', 'Console',
+ 'GSMBand', 'Esplora', 'Stepper', 'Process', 'WiFiUDP', 'GSM_SMS', 'Mailbox',
+ 'USBHost', 'Firmata', 'PImage', 'Client', 'Server', 'GSMPIN', 'FileIO',
+ 'Bridge', 'Serial', 'EEPROM', 'Stream', 'Mouse', 'Audio', 'Servo', 'File',
+ 'Task', 'GPRS', 'WiFi', 'Wire', 'TFT', 'GSM', 'SPI', 'SD',
+ 'runShellCommandAsynchronously', 'analogWriteResolution',
+ 'retrieveCallingNumber', 'printFirmwareVersion', 'analogReadResolution',
+ 'sendDigitalPortPair', 'noListenOnLocalhost', 'readJoystickButton',
+ 'setFirmwareVersion', 'readJoystickSwitch', 'scrollDisplayRight',
+ 'getVoiceCallStatus', 'scrollDisplayLeft', 'writeMicroseconds',
+ 'delayMicroseconds', 'beginTransmission', 'getSignalStrength',
+ 'runAsynchronously', 'getAsynchronously', 'listenOnLocalhost',
+ 'getCurrentCarrier', 'readAccelerometer', 'messageAvailable',
+ 'sendDigitalPorts', 'lineFollowConfig', 'countryNameWrite', 'runShellCommand',
+ 'readStringUntil', 'rewindDirectory', 'readTemperature', 'setClockDivider',
+ 'readLightSensor', 'endTransmission', 'analogReference', 'detachInterrupt',
+ 'countryNameRead', 'attachInterrupt', 'encryptionType', 'readBytesUntil',
+ 'robotNameWrite', 'readMicrophone', 'robotNameRead', 'cityNameWrite',
+ 'userNameWrite', 'readJoystickY', 'readJoystickX', 'mouseReleased',
+ 'openNextFile', 'scanNetworks', 'noInterrupts', 'digitalWrite', 'beginSpeaker',
+ 'mousePressed', 'isActionDone', 'mouseDragged', 'displayLogos', 'noAutoscroll',
+ 'addParameter', 'remoteNumber', 'getModifiers', 'keyboardRead', 'userNameRead',
+ 'waitContinue', 'processInput', 'parseCommand', 'printVersion', 'readNetworks',
+ 'writeMessage', 'blinkVersion', 'cityNameRead', 'readMessage', 'setDataMode',
+ 'parsePacket', 'isListening', 'setBitOrder', 'beginPacket', 'isDirectory',
+ 'motorsWrite', 'drawCompass', 'digitalRead', 'clearScreen', 'serialEvent',
+ 'rightToLeft', 'setTextSize', 'leftToRight', 'requestFrom', 'keyReleased',
+ 'compassRead', 'analogWrite', 'interrupts', 'WiFiServer', 'disconnect',
+ 'playMelody', 'parseFloat', 'autoscroll', 'getPINUsed', 'setPINUsed',
+ 'setTimeout', 'sendAnalog', 'readSlider', 'analogRead', 'beginWrite',
+ 'createChar', 'motorsStop', 'keyPressed', 'tempoWrite', 'readButton',
+ 'subnetMask', 'debugPrint', 'macAddress', 'writeGreen', 'randomSeed',
+ 'attachGPRS', 'readString', 'sendString', 'remotePort', 'releaseAll',
+ 'mouseMoved', 'background', 'getXChange', 'getYChange', 'answerCall',
+ 'getResult', 'voiceCall', 'endPacket', 'constrain', 'getSocket', 'writeJSON',
+ 'getButton', 'available', 'connected', 'findUntil', 'readBytes', 'exitValue',
+ 'readGreen', 'writeBlue', 'startLoop', 'IPAddress', 'isPressed', 'sendSysex',
+ 'pauseMode', 'gatewayIP', 'setCursor', 'getOemKey', 'tuneWrite', 'noDisplay',
+ 'loadImage', 'switchPIN', 'onRequest', 'onReceive', 'changePIN', 'playFile',
+ 'noBuffer', 'parseInt', 'overflow', 'checkPIN', 'knobRead', 'beginTFT',
+ 'bitClear', 'updateIR', 'bitWrite', 'position', 'writeRGB', 'highByte',
+ 'writeRed', 'setSpeed', 'readBlue', 'noStroke', 'remoteIP', 'transfer',
+ 'shutdown', 'hangCall', 'beginSMS', 'endWrite', 'attached', 'maintain',
+ 'noCursor', 'checkReg', 'checkPUK', 'shiftOut', 'isValid', 'shiftIn', 'pulseIn',
+ 'connect', 'println', 'localIP', 'pinMode', 'getIMEI', 'display', 'noBlink',
+ 'process', 'getBand', 'running', 'beginSD', 'drawBMP', 'lowByte', 'setBand',
+ 'release', 'bitRead', 'prepare', 'pointTo', 'readRed', 'setMode', 'noFill',
+ 'remove', 'listen', 'stroke', 'detach', 'attach', 'noTone', 'exists', 'buffer',
+ 'height', 'bitSet', 'circle', 'config', 'cursor', 'random', 'IRread', 'setDNS',
+ 'endSMS', 'getKey', 'micros', 'millis', 'begin', 'print', 'write', 'ready',
+ 'flush', 'width', 'isPIN', 'blink', 'clear', 'press', 'mkdir', 'rmdir', 'close',
+ 'point', 'yield', 'image', 'BSSID', 'click', 'delay', 'read', 'text', 'move',
+ 'peek', 'beep', 'rect', 'line', 'open', 'seek', 'fill', 'size', 'turn', 'stop',
+ 'home', 'find', 'step', 'tone', 'sqrt', 'RSSI', 'SSID', 'end', 'bit', 'tan',
+ 'cos', 'sin', 'pow', 'map', 'abs', 'max', 'min', 'get', 'run', 'put',
+ 'isAlphaNumeric', 'isAlpha', 'isAscii', 'isWhitespace', 'isControl', 'isDigit',
+ 'isGraph', 'isLowerCase', 'isPrintable', 'isPunct', 'isSpace', 'isUpperCase',
- # do not highlight
+ # do not highlight
suppress_highlight = {
- 'namespace', 'template', 'mutable', 'using', 'asm', 'typeid',
- 'typename', 'this', 'alignof', 'constexpr', 'decltype', 'noexcept',
+ 'namespace', 'template', 'mutable', 'using', 'asm', 'typeid',
+ 'typename', 'this', 'alignof', 'constexpr', 'decltype', 'noexcept',
'static_assert', 'thread_local', 'restrict'}
def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
for index, token, value in CppLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
- if value in self.structure:
- yield index, Name.Builtin, value
- elif value in self.operators:
- yield index, Operator, value
- elif value in self.variables:
- yield index, Keyword.Reserved, value
- elif value in self.suppress_highlight:
- yield index, Name, value
- elif value in self.functions:
- yield index, Name.Function, value
+ if value in self.structure:
+ yield index, Name.Builtin, value
+ elif value in self.operators:
+ yield index, Operator, value
+ elif value in self.variables:
+ yield index, Keyword.Reserved, value
+ elif value in self.suppress_highlight:
+ yield index, Name, value
+ elif value in self.functions:
+ yield index, Name.Function, value
yield index, token, value
-class CharmciLexer(CppLexer):
- """
- For `Charm++ <https://charm.cs.illinois.edu>`_ interface files (.ci).
- .. versionadded:: 2.4
- """
- name = 'Charmci'
- aliases = ['charmci']
- filenames = ['*.ci']
- mimetypes = []
- tokens = {
+class CharmciLexer(CppLexer):
+ """
+ For `Charm++ <https://charm.cs.illinois.edu>`_ interface files (.ci).
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+ """
+ name = 'Charmci'
+ aliases = ['charmci']
+ filenames = ['*.ci']
+ mimetypes = []
+ tokens = {
'keywords': [
- (r'(module)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'classname'),
- (words(('mainmodule', 'mainchare', 'chare', 'array', 'group',
- 'nodegroup', 'message', 'conditional')), Keyword),
- (words(('entry', 'aggregate', 'threaded', 'sync', 'exclusive',
- 'nokeep', 'notrace', 'immediate', 'expedited', 'inline',
- 'local', 'python', 'accel', 'readwrite', 'writeonly',
- 'accelblock', 'memcritical', 'packed', 'varsize',
- 'initproc', 'initnode', 'initcall', 'stacksize',
- 'createhere', 'createhome', 'reductiontarget', 'iget',
- 'nocopy', 'mutable', 'migratable', 'readonly')), Keyword),
- inherit,
- ],
- }
+ (r'(module)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'classname'),
+ (words(('mainmodule', 'mainchare', 'chare', 'array', 'group',
+ 'nodegroup', 'message', 'conditional')), Keyword),
+ (words(('entry', 'aggregate', 'threaded', 'sync', 'exclusive',
+ 'nokeep', 'notrace', 'immediate', 'expedited', 'inline',
+ 'local', 'python', 'accel', 'readwrite', 'writeonly',
+ 'accelblock', 'memcritical', 'packed', 'varsize',
+ 'initproc', 'initnode', 'initcall', 'stacksize',
+ 'createhere', 'createhome', 'reductiontarget', 'iget',
+ 'nocopy', 'mutable', 'migratable', 'readonly')), Keyword),
+ inherit,
+ ],
+ }
class OmgIdlLexer(CLexer):