path: root/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /contrib/libs/poco/Util/src
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/poco/Util/src')
27 files changed, 5738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/AbstractConfiguration.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/AbstractConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2751754a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/AbstractConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+// AbstractConfiguration.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: AbstractConfiguration
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/ConfigurationView.h"
+#include "Poco/Exception.h"
+#include "Poco/NumberParser.h"
+#include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h"
+#include "Poco/String.h"
+using Poco::Mutex;
+using Poco::NotFoundException;
+using Poco::SyntaxException;
+using Poco::CircularReferenceException;
+using Poco::NumberParser;
+using Poco::NumberFormatter;
+using Poco::icompare;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+ _depth(0),
+ _eventsEnabled(true)
+bool AbstractConfiguration::hasProperty(const std::string& key) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ return getRaw(key, value);
+bool AbstractConfiguration::hasOption(const std::string& key) const
+ return hasProperty(key);
+bool AbstractConfiguration::has(const std::string& key) const
+ return hasProperty(key);
+std::string AbstractConfiguration::getString(const std::string& key) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return internalExpand(value);
+ else
+ throw NotFoundException(key);
+std::string AbstractConfiguration::getString(const std::string& key, const std::string& defaultValue) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return internalExpand(value);
+ else
+ return defaultValue;
+std::string AbstractConfiguration::getRawString(const std::string& key) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return value;
+ else
+ throw NotFoundException(key);
+std::string AbstractConfiguration::getRawString(const std::string& key, const std::string& defaultValue) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return value;
+ else
+ return defaultValue;
+int AbstractConfiguration::getInt(const std::string& key) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseInt(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ throw NotFoundException(key);
+int AbstractConfiguration::getInt(const std::string& key, int defaultValue) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseInt(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ return defaultValue;
+unsigned AbstractConfiguration::getUInt(const std::string& key) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseUInt(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ throw NotFoundException(key);
+unsigned AbstractConfiguration::getUInt(const std::string& key, unsigned defaultValue) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseUInt(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ return defaultValue;
+#if defined(POCO_HAVE_INT64)
+Int64 AbstractConfiguration::getInt64(const std::string& key) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseInt64(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ throw NotFoundException(key);
+Int64 AbstractConfiguration::getInt64(const std::string& key, Int64 defaultValue) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseInt64(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ return defaultValue;
+UInt64 AbstractConfiguration::getUInt64(const std::string& key) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseUInt64(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ throw NotFoundException(key);
+UInt64 AbstractConfiguration::getUInt64(const std::string& key, UInt64 defaultValue) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseUInt64(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ return defaultValue;
+#endif // defined(POCO_HAVE_INT64)
+double AbstractConfiguration::getDouble(const std::string& key) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return NumberParser::parseFloat(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ throw NotFoundException(key);
+double AbstractConfiguration::getDouble(const std::string& key, double defaultValue) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return NumberParser::parseFloat(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ return defaultValue;
+bool AbstractConfiguration::getBool(const std::string& key) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseBool(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ throw NotFoundException(key);
+bool AbstractConfiguration::getBool(const std::string& key, bool defaultValue) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string value;
+ if (getRaw(key, value))
+ return parseBool(internalExpand(value));
+ else
+ return defaultValue;
+void AbstractConfiguration::setString(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ setRawWithEvent(key, value);
+void AbstractConfiguration::setInt(const std::string& key, int value)
+ setRawWithEvent(key, NumberFormatter::format(value));
+void AbstractConfiguration::setUInt(const std::string& key, unsigned int value)
+ setRawWithEvent(key, NumberFormatter::format(value));
+#if defined(POCO_HAVE_INT64)
+void AbstractConfiguration::setInt64(const std::string& key, Int64 value)
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ setRawWithEvent(key, NumberFormatter::format(value));
+void AbstractConfiguration::setUInt64(const std::string& key, UInt64 value)
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ setRawWithEvent(key, NumberFormatter::format(value));
+#endif // defined(POCO_HAVE_INT64)
+void AbstractConfiguration::setDouble(const std::string& key, double value)
+ setRawWithEvent(key, NumberFormatter::format(value));
+void AbstractConfiguration::setBool(const std::string& key, bool value)
+ setRawWithEvent(key, value ? "true" : "false");
+void AbstractConfiguration::keys(Keys& range) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ std::string key;
+ range.clear();
+ enumerate(key, range);
+void AbstractConfiguration::keys(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ range.clear();
+ enumerate(key, range);
+const AbstractConfiguration* AbstractConfiguration::createView(const std::string& prefix) const
+ return new ConfigurationView(prefix, const_cast<AbstractConfiguration*>(this));
+AbstractConfiguration* AbstractConfiguration::createView(const std::string& prefix)
+ return new ConfigurationView(prefix, this);
+ class AutoCounter
+ {
+ public:
+ AutoCounter(int& count): _count(count)
+ {
+ ++_count;
+ }
+ ~AutoCounter()
+ {
+ --_count;
+ }
+ private:
+ int& _count;
+ };
+std::string AbstractConfiguration::expand(const std::string& value) const
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ return internalExpand(value);
+void AbstractConfiguration::remove(const std::string& key)
+ if (_eventsEnabled)
+ {
+ propertyRemoving(this, key);
+ }
+ {
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ removeRaw(key);
+ }
+ if (_eventsEnabled)
+ {
+ propertyRemoved(this, key);
+ }
+void AbstractConfiguration::enableEvents(bool enable)
+ _eventsEnabled = enable;
+bool AbstractConfiguration::eventsEnabled() const
+ return _eventsEnabled;
+void AbstractConfiguration::removeRaw(const std::string& /*key*/)
+ throw Poco::NotImplementedException("removeRaw()");
+std::string AbstractConfiguration::internalExpand(const std::string& value) const
+ AutoCounter counter(_depth);
+ if (_depth > 10) throw CircularReferenceException("Too many property references encountered");
+ return uncheckedExpand(value);
+std::string AbstractConfiguration::uncheckedExpand(const std::string& value) const
+ std::string result;
+ std::string::const_iterator it = value.begin();
+ std::string::const_iterator end = value.end();
+ while (it != end)
+ {
+ if (*it == '$')
+ {
+ ++it;
+ if (it != end && *it == '{')
+ {
+ ++it;
+ std::string prop;
+ while (it != end && *it != '}') prop += *it++;
+ if (it != end) ++it;
+ std::string rawValue;
+ if (getRaw(prop, rawValue))
+ {
+ result.append(internalExpand(rawValue));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result.append("${");
+ result.append(prop);
+ result.append("}");
+ }
+ }
+ else result += '$';
+ }
+ else result += *it++;
+ }
+ return result;
+int AbstractConfiguration::parseInt(const std::string& value)
+ if ((value.compare(0, 2, "0x") == 0) || (value.compare(0, 2, "0X") == 0))
+ return static_cast<int>(NumberParser::parseHex(value));
+ else
+ return NumberParser::parse(value);
+unsigned AbstractConfiguration::parseUInt(const std::string& value)
+ if ((value.compare(0, 2, "0x") == 0) || (value.compare(0, 2, "0X") == 0))
+ return NumberParser::parseHex(value);
+ else
+ return NumberParser::parseUnsigned(value);
+Int64 AbstractConfiguration::parseInt64(const std::string& value)
+ if ((value.compare(0, 2, "0x") == 0) || (value.compare(0, 2, "0X") == 0))
+ return static_cast<Int64>(NumberParser::parseHex64(value));
+ else
+ return NumberParser::parse64(value);
+UInt64 AbstractConfiguration::parseUInt64(const std::string& value)
+ if ((value.compare(0, 2, "0x") == 0) || (value.compare(0, 2, "0X") == 0))
+ return NumberParser::parseHex64(value);
+ else
+ return NumberParser::parseUnsigned64(value);
+bool AbstractConfiguration::parseBool(const std::string& value)
+ int n;
+ if (NumberParser::tryParse(value, n))
+ return n != 0;
+ else if (icompare(value, "true") == 0)
+ return true;
+ else if (icompare(value, "yes") == 0)
+ return true;
+ else if (icompare(value, "on") == 0)
+ return true;
+ else if (icompare(value, "false") == 0)
+ return false;
+ else if (icompare(value, "no") == 0)
+ return false;
+ else if (icompare(value, "off") == 0)
+ return false;
+ else
+ throw SyntaxException("Cannot convert to boolean", value);
+void AbstractConfiguration::setRawWithEvent(const std::string& key, std::string value)
+ KeyValue kv(key, value);
+ if (_eventsEnabled)
+ {
+ propertyChanging(this, kv);
+ }
+ {
+ Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
+ setRaw(key, value);
+ }
+ if (_eventsEnabled)
+ {
+ propertyChanged(this, kv);
+ }
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Application.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Application.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c584ea7011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Application.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+// Application.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Application
+// Module: Application
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/Application.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/SystemConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/MapConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/PropertyFileConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/IniFileConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/XMLConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/JSONConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/LoggingSubsystem.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/Option.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionProcessor.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/Validator.h"
+#include "Poco/Environment.h"
+#include "Poco/Exception.h"
+#include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h"
+#include "Poco/File.h"
+#include "Poco/Path.h"
+#include "Poco/String.h"
+#include "Poco/ConsoleChannel.h"
+#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
+#include "Poco/UnWindows.h"
+#if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) && !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+#include "Poco/SignalHandler.h"
+#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+#include "Poco/UnicodeConverter.h"
+using Poco::Logger;
+using Poco::Path;
+using Poco::File;
+using Poco::Environment;
+using Poco::SystemException;
+using Poco::ConsoleChannel;
+using Poco::NumberFormatter;
+using Poco::AutoPtr;
+using Poco::icompare;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+Application* Application::_pInstance = 0;
+ _pConfig(new LayeredConfiguration),
+ _initialized(false),
+ _unixOptions(true),
+ _pLogger(&Logger::get("ApplicationStartup")),
+ _stopOptionsProcessing(false)
+ setup();
+Application::Application(int argc, char* argv[]):
+ _pConfig(new LayeredConfiguration),
+ _initialized(false),
+ _unixOptions(true),
+ _pLogger(&Logger::get("ApplicationStartup")),
+ _stopOptionsProcessing(false)
+ setup();
+ init(argc, argv);
+ _pInstance = 0;
+void Application::setup()
+ poco_assert (_pInstance == 0);
+ _pConfig->add(new SystemConfiguration, PRIO_SYSTEM, false, false);
+ _pConfig->add(new MapConfiguration, PRIO_APPLICATION, true, false);
+ addSubsystem(new LoggingSubsystem);
+#if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) && !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+ _workingDirAtLaunch = Path::current();
+ #if !defined(_DEBUG)
+ Poco::SignalHandler::install();
+ #endif
+ setUnixOptions(false);
+ _pInstance = this;
+ AutoPtr<ConsoleChannel> pCC = new ConsoleChannel;
+ Logger::setChannel("", pCC);
+void Application::addSubsystem(Subsystem* pSubsystem)
+ poco_check_ptr (pSubsystem);
+ _subsystems.push_back(pSubsystem);
+void Application::init(int argc, char* argv[])
+ setArgs(argc, argv);
+ init();
+#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+void Application::init(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
+ std::vector<std::string> args;
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ {
+ std::string arg;
+ Poco::UnicodeConverter::toUTF8(argv[i], arg);
+ args.push_back(arg);
+ }
+ init(args);
+void Application::init(const ArgVec& args)
+ setArgs(args);
+ init();
+void Application::init()
+ Path appPath;
+ getApplicationPath(appPath);
+ _pConfig->setString("application.path", appPath.toString());
+ _pConfig->setString("application.name", appPath.getFileName());
+ _pConfig->setString("application.baseName", appPath.getBaseName());
+ _pConfig->setString("application.dir", appPath.parent().toString());
+ _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", Path::configHome() + appPath.getBaseName() + Path::separator());
+ _pConfig->setString("application.cacheDir", Path::cacheHome() + appPath.getBaseName() + Path::separator());
+ _pConfig->setString("application.tempDir", Path::tempHome() + appPath.getBaseName() + Path::separator());
+ _pConfig->setString("application.dataDir", Path::dataHome() + appPath.getBaseName() + Path::separator());
+ processOptions();
+const char* Application::name() const
+ return "Application";
+void Application::initialize(Application& self)
+ for (SubsystemVec::iterator it = _subsystems.begin(); it != _subsystems.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ _pLogger->debug(std::string("Initializing subsystem: ") + (*it)->name());
+ (*it)->initialize(self);
+ }
+ _initialized = true;
+void Application::uninitialize()
+ if (_initialized)
+ {
+ for (SubsystemVec::reverse_iterator it = _subsystems.rbegin(); it != _subsystems.rend(); ++it)
+ {
+ _pLogger->debug(std::string("Uninitializing subsystem: ") + (*it)->name());
+ (*it)->uninitialize();
+ }
+ _initialized = false;
+ }
+void Application::reinitialize(Application& self)
+ for (SubsystemVec::iterator it = _subsystems.begin(); it != _subsystems.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ _pLogger->debug(std::string("Re-initializing subsystem: ") + (*it)->name());
+ (*it)->reinitialize(self);
+ }
+void Application::setUnixOptions(bool flag)
+ _unixOptions = flag;
+int Application::loadConfiguration(int priority)
+ int n = 0;
+ Path appPath;
+ getApplicationPath(appPath);
+ Path confPath;
+ if (findAppConfigFile(appPath.getBaseName(), "properties", confPath))
+ {
+ _pConfig->add(new PropertyFileConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false, false);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ if (findAppConfigFile(appPath.getBaseName(), "ini", confPath))
+ {
+ _pConfig->add(new IniFileConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false, false);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ if (findAppConfigFile(appPath.getBaseName(), "json", confPath))
+ {
+ _pConfig->add(new JSONConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false, false);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ if (findAppConfigFile(appPath.getBaseName(), "xml", confPath))
+ {
+ _pConfig->add(new XMLConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false, false);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ if (n > 0)
+ {
+ if (!confPath.isAbsolute())
+ _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", confPath.absolute().parent().toString());
+ else
+ _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", confPath.parent().toString());
+ }
+ return n;
+void Application::loadConfiguration(const std::string& path, int priority)
+ int n = 0;
+ Path confPath(path);
+ std::string ext = confPath.getExtension();
+ if (icompare(ext, "properties") == 0)
+ {
+ _pConfig->add(new PropertyFileConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false, false);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ else if (icompare(ext, "ini") == 0)
+ {
+ _pConfig->add(new IniFileConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false, false);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ else if (icompare(ext, "json") == 0)
+ {
+ _pConfig->add(new JSONConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false, false);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ else if (icompare(ext, "xml") == 0)
+ {
+ _pConfig->add(new XMLConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false, false);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported configuration file type", ext);
+ if (n > 0 && !_pConfig->has("application.configDir"))
+ {
+ if (!confPath.isAbsolute())
+ _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", confPath.absolute().parent().toString());
+ else
+ _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", confPath.parent().toString());
+ }
+std::string Application::commandName() const
+ return _pConfig->getString("application.baseName");
+std::string Application::commandPath() const
+ return _pConfig->getString("application.path");
+void Application::stopOptionsProcessing()
+ _stopOptionsProcessing = true;
+int Application::run()
+ int rc = EXIT_CONFIG;
+ initialize(*this);
+ try
+ {
+ rc = main(_unprocessedArgs);
+ }
+ catch (Poco::Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().error(exc.what());
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ logger().fatal("system exception");
+ }
+ uninitialize();
+ return rc;
+int Application::main(const ArgVec& /*args*/)
+ return EXIT_OK;
+void Application::setArgs(int argc, char* argv[])
+ _command = argv[0];
+ _pConfig->setInt("application.argc", argc);
+ _unprocessedArgs.reserve(argc);
+ std::string argvKey = "application.argv[";
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ {
+ std::string arg(argv[i]);
+ _pConfig->setString(argvKey + NumberFormatter::format(i) + "]", arg);
+ _unprocessedArgs.push_back(arg);
+ }
+void Application::setArgs(const ArgVec& args)
+ poco_assert (!args.empty());
+ _command = args[0];
+ _pConfig->setInt("application.argc", (int) args.size());
+ _unprocessedArgs = args;
+ std::string argvKey = "application.argv[";
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ _pConfig->setString(argvKey + NumberFormatter::format(i) + "]", args[i]);
+ }
+void Application::processOptions()
+ defineOptions(_options);
+ OptionProcessor processor(_options);
+ processor.setUnixStyle(_unixOptions);
+ _argv = _unprocessedArgs;
+ _unprocessedArgs.erase(_unprocessedArgs.begin());
+ ArgVec::iterator it = _unprocessedArgs.begin();
+ while (it != _unprocessedArgs.end() && !_stopOptionsProcessing)
+ {
+ std::string name;
+ std::string value;
+ if (processor.process(*it, name, value))
+ {
+ if (!name.empty()) // "--" option to end options processing or deferred argument
+ {
+ handleOption(name, value);
+ }
+ it = _unprocessedArgs.erase(it);
+ }
+ else ++it;
+ }
+ if (!_stopOptionsProcessing)
+ processor.checkRequired();
+void Application::getApplicationPath(Poco::Path& appPath) const
+#if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) && !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+ if (_command.find('/') != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ Path path(_command);
+ if (path.isAbsolute())
+ {
+ appPath = path;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ appPath = _workingDirAtLaunch;
+ appPath.append(path);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!Path::find(Environment::get("PATH"), _command, appPath))
+ appPath = Path(_workingDirAtLaunch, _command);
+ appPath.makeAbsolute();
+ }
+#elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS)
+ #if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+ wchar_t path[1024];
+ int n = GetModuleFileNameW(0, path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(wchar_t));
+ if (n > 0)
+ {
+ std::string p;
+ Poco::UnicodeConverter::toUTF8(path, p);
+ appPath = p;
+ }
+ else throw SystemException("Cannot get application file name.");
+ #else
+ char path[1024];
+ int n = GetModuleFileNameA(0, path, sizeof(path));
+ if (n > 0)
+ appPath = path;
+ else
+ throw SystemException("Cannot get application file name.");
+ #endif
+ appPath = _command;
+bool Application::findFile(Poco::Path& path) const
+ if (path.isAbsolute()) return true;
+ Path appPath;
+ getApplicationPath(appPath);
+ Path base = appPath.parent();
+ do
+ {
+ Path p(base, path);
+ File f(p);
+ if (f.exists())
+ {
+ path = p;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (base.depth() > 0) base.popDirectory();
+ }
+ while (base.depth() > 0);
+ return false;
+bool Application::findAppConfigFile(const std::string& appName, const std::string& extension, Path& path) const
+ poco_assert (!appName.empty());
+ Path p(appName);
+ p.setExtension(extension);
+ bool found = findFile(p);
+ if (!found)
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ if (appName[appName.length() - 1] == 'd')
+ {
+ p.setBaseName(appName.substr(0, appName.length() - 1));
+ found = findFile(p);
+ }
+ }
+ if (found)
+ path = p;
+ return found;
+bool Application::findAppConfigFile(const Path& basePath, const std::string& appName, const std::string& extension, Path& path) const
+ poco_assert (!appName.empty());
+ Path p(basePath,appName);
+ p.setExtension(extension);
+ bool found = findFile(p);
+ if (!found)
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ if (appName[appName.length() - 1] == 'd')
+ {
+ p.setBaseName(appName.substr(0, appName.length() - 1));
+ found = findFile(p);
+ }
+ }
+ if (found)
+ path = p;
+ return found;
+void Application::defineOptions(OptionSet& options)
+ for (SubsystemVec::iterator it = _subsystems.begin(); it != _subsystems.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ (*it)->defineOptions(options);
+ }
+void Application::handleOption(const std::string& name, const std::string& value)
+ const Option& option = _options.getOption(name);
+ if (option.validator())
+ {
+ option.validator()->validate(option, value);
+ }
+ if (!option.binding().empty())
+ {
+ AbstractConfiguration* pConfig = option.config();
+ if (!pConfig) pConfig = &config();
+ pConfig->setString(option.binding(), value);
+ }
+ if (option.callback())
+ {
+ option.callback()->invoke(name, value);
+ }
+void Application::setLogger(Logger& logger)
+ _pLogger = &logger;
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/ConfigurationMapper.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/ConfigurationMapper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d76f9c0b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/ConfigurationMapper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// ConfigurationMapper.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: ConfigurationMapper
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/ConfigurationMapper.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+ConfigurationMapper::ConfigurationMapper(const std::string& fromPrefix, const std::string& toPrefix, AbstractConfiguration* pConfig):
+ _fromPrefix(fromPrefix),
+ _toPrefix(toPrefix),
+ _pConfig(pConfig)
+ poco_check_ptr (pConfig);
+ if (!_fromPrefix.empty()) _fromPrefix += '.';
+ if (!_toPrefix.empty()) _toPrefix += '.';
+ _pConfig->duplicate();
+ _pConfig->release();
+bool ConfigurationMapper::getRaw(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const
+ std::string translatedKey = translateKey(key);
+ return _pConfig->getRaw(translatedKey, value);
+void ConfigurationMapper::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ std::string translatedKey = translateKey(key);
+ _pConfig->setRaw(translatedKey, value);
+void ConfigurationMapper::enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ std::string cKey(key);
+ if (!cKey.empty()) cKey += '.';
+ std::string::size_type keyLen = cKey.length();
+ if (keyLen < _toPrefix.length())
+ {
+ if (_toPrefix.compare(0, keyLen, cKey) == 0)
+ {
+ std::string::size_type pos = _toPrefix.find_first_of('.', keyLen);
+ poco_assert_dbg(pos != std::string::npos);
+ range.push_back(_toPrefix.substr(keyLen, pos - keyLen));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string translatedKey;
+ if (cKey == _toPrefix)
+ {
+ translatedKey = _fromPrefix;
+ if (!translatedKey.empty())
+ translatedKey.resize(translatedKey.length() - 1);
+ }
+ else translatedKey = translateKey(key);
+ _pConfig->enumerate(translatedKey, range);
+ }
+void ConfigurationMapper::removeRaw(const std::string& key)
+ std::string translatedKey = translateKey(key);
+ _pConfig->remove(translatedKey);
+std::string ConfigurationMapper::translateKey(const std::string& key) const
+ std::string result(key);
+ if (result.compare(0, _toPrefix.size(), _toPrefix) == 0)
+ result.replace(0, _toPrefix.size(), _fromPrefix);
+ return result;
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/ConfigurationView.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/ConfigurationView.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..008a24f489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/ConfigurationView.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// ConfigurationView.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: ConfigurationView
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/ConfigurationView.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+ConfigurationView::ConfigurationView(const std::string& prefix, AbstractConfiguration* pConfig):
+ _prefix(prefix),
+ _pConfig(pConfig)
+ poco_check_ptr (pConfig);
+ _pConfig->duplicate();
+ _pConfig->release();
+bool ConfigurationView::getRaw(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const
+ std::string translatedKey = translateKey(key);
+ return _pConfig->getRaw(translatedKey, value) || _pConfig->getRaw(key, value);
+void ConfigurationView::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ std::string translatedKey = translateKey(key);
+ _pConfig->setRaw(translatedKey, value);
+void ConfigurationView::enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ std::string translatedKey = translateKey(key);
+ _pConfig->enumerate(translatedKey, range);
+void ConfigurationView::removeRaw(const std::string& key)
+ std::string translatedKey = translateKey(key);
+ _pConfig->remove(translatedKey);
+std::string ConfigurationView::translateKey(const std::string& key) const
+ std::string result = _prefix;
+ if (!result.empty() && !key.empty() && key[0] != '[') result += '.';
+ result += key;
+ return result;
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/FilesystemConfiguration.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/FilesystemConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1978694a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/FilesystemConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// FilesystemConfiguration.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: FilesystemConfiguration
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/FilesystemConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/File.h"
+#include "Poco/Path.h"
+#include "Poco/DirectoryIterator.h"
+#include "Poco/StringTokenizer.h"
+#include "Poco/FileStream.h"
+using Poco::Path;
+using Poco::File;
+using Poco::DirectoryIterator;
+using Poco::StringTokenizer;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+FilesystemConfiguration::FilesystemConfiguration(const std::string& path):
+ _path(path)
+ _path.makeDirectory();
+void FilesystemConfiguration::clear()
+ File regDir(_path);
+ regDir.remove(true);
+bool FilesystemConfiguration::getRaw(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const
+ Path p(keyToPath(key));
+ p.setFileName("data");
+ File f(p);
+ if (f.exists())
+ {
+ value.reserve((std::string::size_type) f.getSize());
+ Poco::FileInputStream istr(p.toString());
+ int c = istr.get();
+ while (c != std::char_traits<char>::eof())
+ {
+ value += (char) c;
+ c = istr.get();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else return false;
+void FilesystemConfiguration::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ Path p(keyToPath(key));
+ File dir(p);
+ dir.createDirectories();
+ p.setFileName("data");
+ Poco::FileOutputStream ostr(p.toString());
+ ostr.write(value.data(), (std::streamsize) value.length());
+void FilesystemConfiguration::enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ Path p(keyToPath(key));
+ File dir(p);
+ if (!dir.exists())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ DirectoryIterator it(p);
+ DirectoryIterator end;
+ while (it != end)
+ {
+ if (it->isDirectory())
+ range.push_back(it.name());
+ ++it;
+ }
+void FilesystemConfiguration::removeRaw(const std::string& key)
+ Path p(keyToPath(key));
+ File dir(p);
+ if (dir.exists())
+ {
+ dir.remove(true);
+ }
+Path FilesystemConfiguration::keyToPath(const std::string& key) const
+ Path result(_path);
+ StringTokenizer tokenizer(key, ".", StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM);
+ for (StringTokenizer::Iterator it = tokenizer.begin(); it != tokenizer.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ result.pushDirectory(*it);
+ }
+ return result;
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/HelpFormatter.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/HelpFormatter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41c8d28720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/HelpFormatter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// HelpFormatter.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Options
+// Module: HelpFormatter
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/HelpFormatter.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionSet.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/Option.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+const int HelpFormatter::TAB_WIDTH = 4;
+const int HelpFormatter::LINE_WIDTH = 78;
+HelpFormatter::HelpFormatter(const OptionSet& options):
+ _options(options),
+ _width(LINE_WIDTH),
+ _indent(0),
+ _unixStyle(true)
+#if !defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX)
+ _unixStyle = false;
+ _indent = calcIndent();
+void HelpFormatter::setCommand(const std::string& command)
+ _command = command;
+void HelpFormatter::setUsage(const std::string& usage)
+ _usage = usage;
+void HelpFormatter::setHeader(const std::string& header)
+ _header = header;
+void HelpFormatter::setFooter(const std::string& footer)
+ _footer = footer;
+void HelpFormatter::format(std::ostream& ostr) const
+ ostr << "usage: " << _command;
+ if (!_usage.empty())
+ {
+ ostr << ' ';
+ formatText(ostr, _usage, (int) _command.length() + 1);
+ }
+ ostr << '\n';
+ if (!_header.empty())
+ {
+ formatText(ostr, _header, 0);
+ ostr << "\n\n";
+ }
+ formatOptions(ostr);
+ if (!_footer.empty())
+ {
+ ostr << '\n';
+ formatText(ostr, _footer, 0);
+ ostr << '\n';
+ }
+void HelpFormatter::setWidth(int width)
+ poco_assert (width > 0);
+ _width = width;
+void HelpFormatter::setIndent(int indent)
+ poco_assert (indent >= 0 && indent < _width);
+ _indent = indent;
+void HelpFormatter::setAutoIndent()
+ _indent = calcIndent();
+void HelpFormatter::setUnixStyle(bool flag)
+ _unixStyle = flag;
+int HelpFormatter::calcIndent() const
+ int indent = 0;
+ for (OptionSet::Iterator it = _options.begin(); it != _options.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ int shortLen = (int) it->shortName().length();
+ int fullLen = (int) it->fullName().length();
+ int n = 0;
+ if (_unixStyle && shortLen > 0)
+ {
+ n += shortLen + (int) shortPrefix().length();
+ if (it->takesArgument())
+ n += (int) it->argumentName().length() + (it->argumentRequired() ? 0 : 2);
+ if (fullLen > 0) n += 2;
+ }
+ if (fullLen > 0)
+ {
+ n += fullLen + (int) longPrefix().length();
+ if (it->takesArgument())
+ n += 1 + (int) it->argumentName().length() + (it->argumentRequired() ? 0 : 2);
+ }
+ n += 2;
+ if (n > indent)
+ indent = n;
+ }
+ return indent;
+void HelpFormatter::formatOptions(std::ostream& ostr) const
+ int optWidth = calcIndent();
+ for (OptionSet::Iterator it = _options.begin(); it != _options.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ formatOption(ostr, *it, optWidth);
+ if (_indent < optWidth)
+ {
+ ostr << '\n' << std::string(_indent, ' ');
+ formatText(ostr, it->description(), _indent, _indent);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ formatText(ostr, it->description(), _indent, optWidth);
+ }
+ ostr << '\n';
+ }
+void HelpFormatter::formatOption(std::ostream& ostr, const Option& option, int width) const
+ int shortLen = (int) option.shortName().length();
+ int fullLen = (int) option.fullName().length();
+ int n = 0;
+ if (_unixStyle && shortLen > 0)
+ {
+ ostr << shortPrefix() << option.shortName();
+ n += (int) shortPrefix().length() + (int) option.shortName().length();
+ if (option.takesArgument())
+ {
+ if (!option.argumentRequired()) { ostr << '['; ++n; }
+ ostr << option.argumentName();
+ n += (int) option.argumentName().length();
+ if (!option.argumentRequired()) { ostr << ']'; ++n; }
+ }
+ if (fullLen > 0) { ostr << ", "; n += 2; }
+ }
+ if (fullLen > 0)
+ {
+ ostr << longPrefix() << option.fullName();
+ n += (int) longPrefix().length() + (int) option.fullName().length();
+ if (option.takesArgument())
+ {
+ if (!option.argumentRequired()) { ostr << '['; ++n; }
+ ostr << '=';
+ ++n;
+ ostr << option.argumentName();
+ n += (int) option.argumentName().length();
+ if (!option.argumentRequired()) { ostr << ']'; ++n; }
+ }
+ }
+ while (n < width) { ostr << ' '; ++n; }
+void HelpFormatter::formatText(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text, int indent) const
+ formatText(ostr, text, indent, indent);
+void HelpFormatter::formatText(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text, int indent, int firstIndent) const
+ int pos = firstIndent;
+ int maxWordLen = _width - indent;
+ std::string word;
+ for (std::string::const_iterator it = text.begin(); it != text.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (*it == '\n')
+ {
+ clearWord(ostr, pos, word, indent);
+ ostr << '\n';
+ pos = 0;
+ while (pos < indent) { ostr << ' '; ++pos; }
+ }
+ else if (*it == '\t')
+ {
+ clearWord(ostr, pos, word, indent);
+ if (pos < _width) ++pos;
+ while (pos < _width && pos % TAB_WIDTH != 0)
+ {
+ ostr << ' ';
+ ++pos;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*it == ' ')
+ {
+ clearWord(ostr, pos, word, indent);
+ if (pos < _width) { ostr << ' '; ++pos; }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (word.length() == maxWordLen)
+ {
+ clearWord(ostr, pos, word, indent);
+ }
+ else word += *it;
+ }
+ }
+ clearWord(ostr, pos, word, indent);
+void HelpFormatter::formatWord(std::ostream& ostr, int& pos, const std::string& word, int indent) const
+ if (pos + word.length() > _width)
+ {
+ ostr << '\n';
+ pos = 0;
+ while (pos < indent) { ostr << ' '; ++pos; }
+ }
+ ostr << word;
+ pos += (int) word.length();
+void HelpFormatter::clearWord(std::ostream& ostr, int& pos, std::string& word, int indent) const
+ formatWord(ostr, pos, word, indent);
+ word.clear();
+std::string HelpFormatter::shortPrefix() const
+#if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX)
+ return "-";
+ return _unixStyle ? "-" : "/";
+std::string HelpFormatter::longPrefix() const
+#if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX)
+ return "--";
+ return _unixStyle ? "--" : "/";
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/IniFileConfiguration.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/IniFileConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76447c10ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/IniFileConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// IniFileConfiguration.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: IniFileConfiguration
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/IniFileConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Exception.h"
+#include "Poco/String.h"
+#include "Poco/Path.h"
+#include "Poco/FileStream.h"
+#include "Poco/Ascii.h"
+#include <set>
+using Poco::icompare;
+using Poco::trim;
+using Poco::Path;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+IniFileConfiguration::IniFileConfiguration(std::istream& istr)
+ load(istr);
+IniFileConfiguration::IniFileConfiguration(const std::string& path)
+ load(path);
+void IniFileConfiguration::load(std::istream& istr)
+ _map.clear();
+ _sectionKey.clear();
+ while (!istr.eof())
+ {
+ parseLine(istr);
+ }
+void IniFileConfiguration::load(const std::string& path)
+ Poco::FileInputStream istr(path);
+ if (istr.good())
+ load(istr);
+ else
+ throw Poco::OpenFileException(path);
+bool IniFileConfiguration::getRaw(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const
+ IStringMap::const_iterator it = _map.find(key);
+ if (it != _map.end())
+ {
+ value = it->second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else return false;
+void IniFileConfiguration::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ _map[key] = value;
+void IniFileConfiguration::enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ std::set<std::string> keys;
+ std::string prefix = key;
+ if (!prefix.empty()) prefix += '.';
+ std::string::size_type psize = prefix.size();
+ for (IStringMap::const_iterator it = _map.begin(); it != _map.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (icompare(it->first, psize, prefix) == 0)
+ {
+ std::string subKey;
+ std::string::size_type end = it->first.find('.', psize);
+ if (end == std::string::npos)
+ subKey = it->first.substr(psize);
+ else
+ subKey = it->first.substr(psize, end - psize);
+ if (keys.find(subKey) == keys.end())
+ {
+ range.push_back(subKey);
+ keys.insert(subKey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void IniFileConfiguration::removeRaw(const std::string& key)
+ std::string prefix = key;
+ if (!prefix.empty()) prefix += '.';
+ std::string::size_type psize = prefix.size();
+ IStringMap::iterator it = _map.begin();
+ IStringMap::iterator itCur;
+ while (it != _map.end())
+ {
+ itCur = it++;
+ if ((icompare(itCur->first, key) == 0) || (icompare(itCur->first, psize, prefix) == 0))
+ {
+ _map.erase(itCur);
+ }
+ }
+bool IniFileConfiguration::ICompare::operator () (const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2) const
+ return icompare(s1, s2) < 0;
+void IniFileConfiguration::parseLine(std::istream& istr)
+ static const int eof = std::char_traits<char>::eof();
+ int c = istr.get();
+ while (c != eof && Poco::Ascii::isSpace(c)) c = istr.get();
+ if (c != eof)
+ {
+ if (c == ';')
+ {
+ while (c != eof && c != '\n') c = istr.get();
+ }
+ else if (c == '[')
+ {
+ std::string key;
+ c = istr.get();
+ while (c != eof && c != ']' && c != '\n') { key += (char) c; c = istr.get(); }
+ _sectionKey = trim(key);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string key;
+ while (c != eof && c != '=' && c != '\n') { key += (char) c; c = istr.get(); }
+ std::string value;
+ if (c == '=')
+ {
+ c = istr.get();
+ while (c != eof && c != '\n') { value += (char) c; c = istr.get(); }
+ }
+ std::string fullKey = _sectionKey;
+ if (!fullKey.empty()) fullKey += '.';
+ fullKey.append(trim(key));
+ _map[fullKey] = trim(value);
+ }
+ }
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
+#endif // POCO_UTIL_NO_INIFILECONFIGURATION \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/IntValidator.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/IntValidator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5372ee098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/IntValidator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// IntValidator.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Options
+// Module: IntValidator
+// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/IntValidator.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/Option.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionException.h"
+#include "Poco/NumberParser.h"
+#include "Poco/Format.h"
+using Poco::NumberParser;
+using Poco::format;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+IntValidator::IntValidator(int min, int max):
+ _min(min),
+ _max(max)
+void IntValidator::validate(const Option& option, const std::string& value)
+ int n;
+ if (NumberParser::tryParse(value, n))
+ {
+ if (n < _min || n > _max)
+ throw InvalidArgumentException(format("argument for %s must be in range %d to %d", option.fullName(), _min, _max));
+ }
+ else throw InvalidArgumentException(format("argument for %s must be an integer", option.fullName()));
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/JSONConfiguration.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/JSONConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..282ac8ce5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/JSONConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+// JSONConfiguration.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: JSON
+// Module: JSONConfiguration
+// Copyright (c) 2012, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/JSONConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/FileStream.h"
+#include "Poco/StringTokenizer.h"
+#include "Poco/JSON/Parser.h"
+#include "Poco/JSON/Query.h"
+#include "Poco/RegularExpression.h"
+#include "Poco/NumberParser.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+JSONConfiguration::JSONConfiguration() : _object(new JSON::Object())
+JSONConfiguration::JSONConfiguration(const std::string& path)
+ load(path);
+JSONConfiguration::JSONConfiguration(std::istream& istr)
+ load(istr);
+JSONConfiguration::JSONConfiguration(const JSON::Object::Ptr& object) : _object(object)
+void JSONConfiguration::load(const std::string& path)
+ Poco::FileInputStream fis(path);
+ load(fis);
+void JSONConfiguration::load(std::istream& istr)
+ JSON::Parser parser;
+ parser.parse(istr);
+ DynamicAny result = parser.result();
+ if ( result.type() == typeid(JSON::Object::Ptr) )
+ {
+ _object = result.extract<JSON::Object::Ptr>();
+ }
+void JSONConfiguration::loadEmpty(const std::string& root)
+ _object = new JSON::Object();
+ JSON::Object::Ptr rootObject = new JSON::Object();
+ _object->set(root, rootObject);
+bool JSONConfiguration::getRaw(const std::string & key, std::string & value) const
+ JSON::Query query(_object);
+ Poco::DynamicAny result = query.find(key);
+ if ( ! result.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ value = result.convert<std::string>();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void JSONConfiguration::getIndexes(std::string& name, std::vector<int>& indexes)
+ indexes.clear();
+ RegularExpression::MatchVec matches;
+ int firstOffset = -1;
+ int offset = 0;
+ RegularExpression regex("\\[([0-9]+)\\]");
+ while(regex.match(name, offset, matches) > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( firstOffset == -1 )
+ {
+ firstOffset = static_cast<int>(matches[0].offset);
+ }
+ std::string num = name.substr(matches[1].offset, matches[1].length);
+ indexes.push_back(NumberParser::parse(num));
+ offset = static_cast<int>(matches[0].offset + matches[0].length);
+ }
+ if ( firstOffset != -1 )
+ {
+ name = name.substr(0, firstOffset);
+ }
+JSON::Object::Ptr JSONConfiguration::findStart(const std::string& key, std::string& lastPart)
+ JSON::Object::Ptr currentObject = _object;
+ StringTokenizer tokenizer(key, ".");
+ lastPart = tokenizer[tokenizer.count() - 1];
+ for(int i = 0; i < tokenizer.count() - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ std::vector<int> indexes;
+ std::string name = tokenizer[i];
+ getIndexes(name, indexes);
+ DynamicAny result = currentObject->get(name);
+ if ( result.isEmpty() ) // Not found
+ {
+ if ( indexes.empty() ) // We want an object, create it
+ {
+ JSON::Object::Ptr newObject = new JSON::Object();
+ currentObject->set(name, newObject);
+ currentObject = newObject;
+ }
+ else // We need an array
+ {
+ JSON::Array::Ptr newArray;
+ JSON::Array::Ptr parentArray;
+ JSON::Array::Ptr topArray;
+ for(std::vector<int>::iterator it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ newArray = new JSON::Array();
+ if ( topArray.isNull() )
+ {
+ topArray = newArray;
+ }
+ if ( ! parentArray.isNull() )
+ {
+ parentArray->add(newArray);
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i <= *it - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ Poco::DynamicAny nullValue;
+ newArray->add(nullValue);
+ }
+ parentArray = newArray;
+ }
+ currentObject->set(name, topArray);
+ currentObject = new JSON::Object();
+ newArray->add(currentObject);
+ }
+ }
+ else // We have a value
+ {
+ if ( indexes.empty() ) // We want an object
+ {
+ if ( result.type() == typeid(JSON::Object::Ptr) )
+ {
+ currentObject = result.extract<JSON::Object::Ptr>();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw SyntaxException("Expected a JSON object");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( result.type() == typeid(JSON::Array::Ptr) )
+ {
+ JSON::Array::Ptr arr = result.extract<JSON::Array::Ptr>();
+ for(std::vector<int>::iterator it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end() - 1; ++it)
+ {
+ JSON::Array::Ptr currentArray = arr;
+ arr = arr->getArray(*it);
+ if ( arr.isNull() )
+ {
+ arr = new JSON::Array();
+ currentArray->add(arr);
+ }
+ }
+ result = arr->get(*indexes.rbegin());
+ if ( result.isEmpty() ) // Index doesn't exist
+ {
+ JSON::Object::Ptr newObject = new JSON::Object();
+ arr->add(newObject);
+ currentObject = newObject;
+ }
+ else // Index is available
+ {
+ if ( result.type() == typeid(JSON::Object::Ptr) )
+ {
+ currentObject = result.extract<JSON::Object::Ptr>();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw SyntaxException("Expected a JSON object");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw SyntaxException("Expected a JSON array");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return currentObject;
+void JSONConfiguration::setValue(const std::string& key, const Poco::DynamicAny& value)
+ std::string sValue;
+ value.convert<std::string>(sValue);
+ KeyValue kv(key, sValue);
+ if (eventsEnabled())
+ {
+ propertyChanging(this, kv);
+ }
+ std::string lastPart;
+ JSON::Object::Ptr parentObject = findStart(key, lastPart);
+ std::vector<int> indexes;
+ getIndexes(lastPart, indexes);
+ if ( indexes.empty() ) // No Array
+ {
+ parentObject->set(lastPart, value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DynamicAny result = parentObject->get(lastPart);
+ if ( result.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ result = JSON::Array::Ptr(new JSON::Array());
+ parentObject->set(lastPart, result);
+ }
+ else if ( result.type() != typeid(JSON::Array::Ptr) )
+ {
+ throw SyntaxException("Expected a JSON array");
+ }
+ JSON::Array::Ptr arr = result.extract<JSON::Array::Ptr>();
+ for(std::vector<int>::iterator it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end() - 1; ++it)
+ {
+ JSON::Array::Ptr nextArray = arr->getArray(*it);
+ if ( nextArray.isNull() )
+ {
+ for(int i = static_cast<int>(arr->size()); i <= *it; ++i)
+ {
+ Poco::DynamicAny nullValue;
+ arr->add(nullValue);
+ }
+ nextArray = new JSON::Array();
+ arr->add(nextArray);
+ }
+ arr = nextArray;
+ }
+ arr->set(indexes.back(), value);
+ }
+ if (eventsEnabled())
+ {
+ propertyChanged(this, kv);
+ }
+void JSONConfiguration::setString(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ setValue(key, value);
+void JSONConfiguration::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ setValue(key, value);
+void JSONConfiguration::setInt(const std::string& key, int value)
+ setValue(key, value);
+void JSONConfiguration::setBool(const std::string& key, bool value)
+ setValue(key, value);
+void JSONConfiguration::setDouble(const std::string& key, double value)
+ setValue(key, value);
+void JSONConfiguration::enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ JSON::Query query(_object);
+ Poco::DynamicAny result = query.find(key);
+ if ( result.type() == typeid(JSON::Object::Ptr) )
+ {
+ JSON::Object::Ptr object = result.extract<JSON::Object::Ptr>();
+ object->getNames(range);
+ }
+void JSONConfiguration::save(std::ostream& ostr, unsigned int indent) const
+ _object->stringify(ostr, indent);
+void JSONConfiguration::removeRaw(const std::string& key)
+ std::string lastPart;
+ JSON::Object::Ptr parentObject = findStart(key, lastPart);
+ std::vector<int> indexes;
+ getIndexes(lastPart, indexes);
+ if ( indexes.empty() ) // No Array
+ {
+ parentObject->remove(lastPart);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DynamicAny result = parentObject->get(lastPart);
+ if (!result.isEmpty() && result.type() == typeid(JSON::Array::Ptr))
+ {
+ JSON::Array::Ptr arr = result.extract<JSON::Array::Ptr>();
+ for(std::vector<int>::iterator it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end() - 1; ++it)
+ {
+ arr = arr->getArray(*it);
+ }
+ arr->remove(indexes.back());
+ }
+ }
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/LayeredConfiguration.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/LayeredConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cbd5d7847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/LayeredConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// LayeredConfiguration.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: LayeredConfiguration
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/LayeredConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Exception.h"
+#include <set>
+using Poco::AutoPtr;
+using Poco::RuntimeException;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ add(pConfig, highest(), false, true);
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, const std::string& label)
+ add(pConfig, label, highest(), false, true);
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, bool shared)
+ add(pConfig, highest(), false, shared);
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, const std::string& label, bool shared)
+ add(pConfig, label, highest(), false, shared);
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, int priority)
+ add(pConfig, priority, false, true);
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, const std::string& label, int priority)
+ add(pConfig, label, priority, false, true);
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, int priority, bool shared)
+ add(pConfig, priority, false, shared);
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, const std::string& label, int priority, bool shared)
+ add(pConfig, label, priority, false, shared);
+void LayeredConfiguration::addFront(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ add(pConfig, lowest(), false, true);
+void LayeredConfiguration::addFront(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, bool shared)
+ add(pConfig, lowest(), false, shared);
+void LayeredConfiguration::addWriteable(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, int priority)
+ add(pConfig, priority, true, true);
+void LayeredConfiguration::addWriteable(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, int priority, bool shared)
+ add(pConfig, priority, true, shared);
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, int priority, bool writeable, bool shared)
+ add(pConfig, std::string(), priority, writeable, shared);
+void LayeredConfiguration::add(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig, const std::string& label, int priority, bool writeable, bool shared)
+ ConfigItem item;
+ item.pConfig = ConfigPtr(pConfig, shared);
+ item.priority = priority;
+ item.writeable = writeable;
+ item.label = label;
+ ConfigList::iterator it = _configs.begin();
+ while (it != _configs.end() && it->priority < priority)
+ ++it;
+ _configs.insert(it, item);
+void LayeredConfiguration::removeConfiguration(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ for (ConfigList::iterator it = _configs.begin(); it != _configs.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->pConfig == pConfig)
+ {
+ _configs.erase(it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+LayeredConfiguration::ConfigPtr LayeredConfiguration::find(const std::string& label) const
+ for (ConfigList::const_iterator it = _configs.begin(); it != _configs.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->label == label)
+ {
+ return it->pConfig;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool LayeredConfiguration::getRaw(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const
+ for (ConfigList::const_iterator it = _configs.begin(); it != _configs.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->pConfig->getRaw(key, value))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void LayeredConfiguration::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ for (ConfigList::iterator it = _configs.begin(); it != _configs.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->writeable)
+ {
+ it->pConfig->setRaw(key, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ throw RuntimeException("No writeable configuration object to store the property", key);
+void LayeredConfiguration::enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ std::set<std::string> keys;
+ for (ConfigList::const_iterator itc = _configs.begin(); itc != _configs.end(); ++itc)
+ {
+ Keys partRange;
+ itc->pConfig->enumerate(key, partRange);
+ for (Keys::const_iterator itr = partRange.begin(); itr != partRange.end(); ++itr)
+ {
+ if (keys.find(*itr) == keys.end())
+ {
+ range.push_back(*itr);
+ keys.insert(*itr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void LayeredConfiguration::removeRaw(const std::string& key)
+ for (ConfigList::iterator it = _configs.begin(); it != _configs.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->writeable)
+ {
+ it->pConfig->remove(key);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+int LayeredConfiguration::lowest() const
+ if (_configs.empty())
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return _configs.front().priority - 1;
+int LayeredConfiguration::highest() const
+ if (_configs.empty())
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return _configs.back().priority + 1;
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/LoggingConfigurator.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/LoggingConfigurator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82b9d7d331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/LoggingConfigurator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// LoggingConfigurator.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: LoggingConfigurator
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/LoggingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
+#include "Poco/Channel.h"
+#include "Poco/FormattingChannel.h"
+#include "Poco/Formatter.h"
+#include "Poco/PatternFormatter.h"
+#include "Poco/Logger.h"
+#include "Poco/LoggingRegistry.h"
+#include "Poco/LoggingFactory.h"
+#include <map>
+using Poco::AutoPtr;
+using Poco::Formatter;
+using Poco::PatternFormatter;
+using Poco::Channel;
+using Poco::FormattingChannel;
+using Poco::Logger;
+using Poco::LoggingRegistry;
+using Poco::LoggingFactory;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+void LoggingConfigurator::configure(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ poco_check_ptr (pConfig);
+ AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> pFormattersConfig(pConfig->createView("logging.formatters"));
+ configureFormatters(pFormattersConfig);
+ AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> pChannelsConfig(pConfig->createView("logging.channels"));
+ configureChannels(pChannelsConfig);
+ AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> pLoggersConfig(pConfig->createView("logging.loggers"));
+ configureLoggers(pLoggersConfig);
+void LoggingConfigurator::configureFormatters(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ AbstractConfiguration::Keys formatters;
+ pConfig->keys(formatters);
+ for (AbstractConfiguration::Keys::const_iterator it = formatters.begin(); it != formatters.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> pFormatterConfig(pConfig->createView(*it));
+ AutoPtr<Formatter> pFormatter(createFormatter(pFormatterConfig));
+ LoggingRegistry::defaultRegistry().registerFormatter(*it, pFormatter);
+ }
+void LoggingConfigurator::configureChannels(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ AbstractConfiguration::Keys channels;
+ pConfig->keys(channels);
+ for (AbstractConfiguration::Keys::const_iterator it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> pChannelConfig(pConfig->createView(*it));
+ AutoPtr<Channel> pChannel = createChannel(pChannelConfig);
+ LoggingRegistry::defaultRegistry().registerChannel(*it, pChannel);
+ }
+ for (AbstractConfiguration::Keys::const_iterator it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> pChannelConfig(pConfig->createView(*it));
+ Channel* pChannel = LoggingRegistry::defaultRegistry().channelForName(*it);
+ configureChannel(pChannel, pChannelConfig);
+ }
+void LoggingConfigurator::configureLoggers(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ typedef std::map<std::string, AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> > LoggerMap;
+ AbstractConfiguration::Keys loggers;
+ pConfig->keys(loggers);
+ // use a map to sort loggers by their name, ensuring initialization in correct order (parents before children)
+ LoggerMap loggerMap;
+ for (AbstractConfiguration::Keys::const_iterator it = loggers.begin(); it != loggers.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> pLoggerConfig(pConfig->createView(*it));
+ loggerMap[pLoggerConfig->getString("name", "")] = pLoggerConfig;
+ }
+ for (LoggerMap::iterator it = loggerMap.begin(); it != loggerMap.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ configureLogger(it->second);
+ }
+Formatter* LoggingConfigurator::createFormatter(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ AutoPtr<Formatter> pFormatter(LoggingFactory::defaultFactory().createFormatter(pConfig->getString("class")));
+ AbstractConfiguration::Keys props;
+ pConfig->keys(props);
+ for (AbstractConfiguration::Keys::const_iterator it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (*it != "class")
+ pFormatter->setProperty(*it, pConfig->getString(*it));
+ }
+ return pFormatter.duplicate();
+Channel* LoggingConfigurator::createChannel(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ AutoPtr<Channel> pChannel(LoggingFactory::defaultFactory().createChannel(pConfig->getString("class")));
+ AutoPtr<Channel> pWrapper(pChannel);
+ AbstractConfiguration::Keys props;
+ pConfig->keys(props);
+ for (AbstractConfiguration::Keys::const_iterator it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (*it == "pattern")
+ {
+ AutoPtr<Formatter> pPatternFormatter(new PatternFormatter(pConfig->getString(*it)));
+ pWrapper = new FormattingChannel(pPatternFormatter, pChannel);
+ }
+ else if (*it == "formatter")
+ {
+ AutoPtr<FormattingChannel> pFormattingChannel(new FormattingChannel(0, pChannel));
+ if (pConfig->hasProperty("formatter.class"))
+ {
+ AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> pFormatterConfig(pConfig->createView(*it));
+ AutoPtr<Formatter> pFormatter(createFormatter(pFormatterConfig));
+ pFormattingChannel->setFormatter(pFormatter);
+ }
+ else pFormattingChannel->setProperty(*it, pConfig->getString(*it));
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 3
+ pWrapper = pFormattingChannel.duplicate();
+ pWrapper = pFormattingChannel;
+ }
+ }
+ return pWrapper.duplicate();
+void LoggingConfigurator::configureChannel(Channel* pChannel, AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ AbstractConfiguration::Keys props;
+ pConfig->keys(props);
+ for (AbstractConfiguration::Keys::const_iterator it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (*it != "pattern" && *it != "formatter" && *it != "class")
+ {
+ pChannel->setProperty(*it, pConfig->getString(*it));
+ }
+ }
+void LoggingConfigurator::configureLogger(AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ Logger& logger = Logger::get(pConfig->getString("name", ""));
+ AbstractConfiguration::Keys props;
+ pConfig->keys(props);
+ for (AbstractConfiguration::Keys::const_iterator it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (*it == "channel" && pConfig->hasProperty("channel.class"))
+ {
+ AutoPtr<AbstractConfiguration> pChannelConfig(pConfig->createView(*it));
+ AutoPtr<Channel> pChannel(createChannel(pChannelConfig));
+ configureChannel(pChannel, pChannelConfig);
+ Logger::setChannel(logger.name(), pChannel);
+ }
+ else if (*it != "name")
+ {
+ Logger::setProperty(logger.name(), *it, pConfig->getString(*it));
+ }
+ }
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/LoggingSubsystem.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/LoggingSubsystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08d51a32e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/LoggingSubsystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// LoggingSubsystem.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Application
+// Module: LoggingSubsystem
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/LoggingSubsystem.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/LoggingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/Application.h"
+#include "Poco/Logger.h"
+using Poco::Logger;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+const char* LoggingSubsystem::name() const
+ return "Logging Subsystem";
+void LoggingSubsystem::initialize(Application& app)
+ LoggingConfigurator configurator;
+ configurator.configure(&app.config());
+ std::string logger = app.config().getString("application.logger", "Application");
+ app.setLogger(Logger::get(logger));
+void LoggingSubsystem::uninitialize()
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/MapConfiguration.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/MapConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..480956ba36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/MapConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// MapConfiguration.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: MapConfiguration
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/MapConfiguration.h"
+#include <set>
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+void MapConfiguration::copyTo(AbstractConfiguration& config)
+ for (iterator it = _map.begin(); it != _map.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ config.setString(it->first, it->second);
+ }
+void MapConfiguration::clear()
+ _map.clear();
+bool MapConfiguration::getRaw(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const
+ StringMap::const_iterator it = _map.find(key);
+ if (it != _map.end())
+ {
+ value = it->second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else return false;
+void MapConfiguration::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ _map[key] = value;
+void MapConfiguration::enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ std::set<std::string> keys;
+ std::string prefix = key;
+ if (!prefix.empty()) prefix += '.';
+ std::string::size_type psize = prefix.size();
+ for (StringMap::const_iterator it = _map.begin(); it != _map.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->first.compare(0, psize, prefix) == 0)
+ {
+ std::string subKey;
+ std::string::size_type end = it->first.find('.', psize);
+ if (end == std::string::npos)
+ subKey = it->first.substr(psize);
+ else
+ subKey = it->first.substr(psize, end - psize);
+ if (keys.find(subKey) == keys.end())
+ {
+ range.push_back(subKey);
+ keys.insert(subKey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MapConfiguration::removeRaw(const std::string& key)
+ std::string prefix = key;
+ if (!prefix.empty()) prefix += '.';
+ std::string::size_type psize = prefix.size();
+ StringMap::iterator it = _map.begin();
+ StringMap::iterator itCur;
+ while (it != _map.end())
+ {
+ itCur = it++;
+ if ((itCur->first == key) || (itCur->first.compare(0, psize, prefix) == 0))
+ {
+ _map.erase(itCur);
+ }
+ }
+MapConfiguration::iterator MapConfiguration::begin() const
+ return _map.begin();
+MapConfiguration::iterator MapConfiguration::end() const
+ return _map.end();
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Option.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Option.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdf33ec067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Option.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// Option.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Options
+// Module: Option
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/Option.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionException.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/Validator.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/String.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+using Poco::icompare;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+ _required(false),
+ _repeatable(false),
+ _argRequired(false),
+ _pValidator(0),
+ _pCallback(0),
+ _pConfig(0)
+Option::Option(const Option& option):
+ _shortName(option._shortName),
+ _fullName(option._fullName),
+ _description(option._description),
+ _required(option._required),
+ _repeatable(option._repeatable),
+ _argName(option._argName),
+ _argRequired(option._argRequired),
+ _group(option._group),
+ _binding(option._binding),
+ _pValidator(option._pValidator),
+ _pCallback(option._pCallback),
+ _pConfig(option._pConfig)
+ if (_pValidator) _pValidator->duplicate();
+ if (_pCallback) _pCallback = _pCallback->clone();
+ if (_pConfig) _pConfig->duplicate();
+Option::Option(const std::string& fullName, const std::string& shortName):
+ _shortName(shortName),
+ _fullName(fullName),
+ _required(false),
+ _repeatable(false),
+ _argRequired(false),
+ _pValidator(0),
+ _pCallback(0),
+ _pConfig(0)
+Option::Option(const std::string& fullName, const std::string& shortName, const std::string& description, bool required):
+ _shortName(shortName),
+ _fullName(fullName),
+ _description(description),
+ _required(required),
+ _repeatable(false),
+ _argRequired(false),
+ _pValidator(0),
+ _pCallback(0),
+ _pConfig(0)
+Option::Option(const std::string& fullName, const std::string& shortName, const std::string& description, bool required, const std::string& argName, bool argRequired):
+ _shortName(shortName),
+ _fullName(fullName),
+ _description(description),
+ _required(required),
+ _repeatable(false),
+ _argName(argName),
+ _argRequired(argRequired),
+ _pValidator(0),
+ _pCallback(0),
+ _pConfig(0)
+ if (_pValidator) _pValidator->release();
+ if (_pConfig) _pConfig->release();
+ delete _pCallback;
+Option& Option::operator = (const Option& option)
+ if (&option != this)
+ {
+ Option tmp(option);
+ swap(tmp);
+ }
+ return *this;
+void Option::swap(Option& option)
+ std::swap(_shortName, option._shortName);
+ std::swap(_fullName, option._fullName);
+ std::swap(_description, option._description);
+ std::swap(_required, option._required);
+ std::swap(_repeatable, option._repeatable);
+ std::swap(_argName, option._argName);
+ std::swap(_argRequired, option._argRequired);
+ std::swap(_group, option._group);
+ std::swap(_binding, option._binding);
+ std::swap(_pValidator, option._pValidator);
+ std::swap(_pCallback, option._pCallback);
+ std::swap(_pConfig, option._pConfig);
+Option& Option::shortName(const std::string& name)
+ _shortName = name;
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::fullName(const std::string& name)
+ _fullName = name;
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::description(const std::string& text)
+ _description = text;
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::required(bool flag)
+ _required = flag;
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::repeatable(bool flag)
+ _repeatable = flag;
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::argument(const std::string& name, bool required)
+ _argName = name;
+ _argRequired = required;
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::noArgument()
+ _argName.clear();
+ _argRequired = false;
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::group(const std::string& group)
+ _group = group;
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::binding(const std::string& propertyName)
+ return binding(propertyName, 0);
+Option& Option::binding(const std::string& propertyName, AbstractConfiguration* pConfig)
+ _binding = propertyName;
+ if (_pConfig) _pConfig->release();
+ _pConfig = pConfig;
+ if (_pConfig) _pConfig->duplicate();
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::callback(const AbstractOptionCallback& cb)
+ _pCallback = cb.clone();
+ return *this;
+Option& Option::validator(Validator* pValidator)
+ if (_pValidator) _pValidator->release();
+ _pValidator = pValidator;
+ return *this;
+bool Option::matchesShort(const std::string& option) const
+ return option.length() > 0
+ && !_shortName.empty() && option.compare(0, _shortName.length(), _shortName) == 0;
+bool Option::matchesFull(const std::string& option) const
+ std::string::size_type pos = option.find_first_of(":=");
+ std::string::size_type len = pos == std::string::npos ? option.length() : pos;
+ return len == _fullName.length()
+ && icompare(option, 0, len, _fullName, 0, len) == 0;
+bool Option::matchesPartial(const std::string& option) const
+ std::string::size_type pos = option.find_first_of(":=");
+ std::string::size_type len = pos == std::string::npos ? option.length() : pos;
+ return option.length() > 0
+ && icompare(option, 0, len, _fullName, 0, len) == 0;
+void Option::process(const std::string& option, std::string& arg) const
+ std::string::size_type pos = option.find_first_of(":=");
+ std::string::size_type len = pos == std::string::npos ? option.length() : pos;
+ if (icompare(option, 0, len, _fullName, 0, len) == 0)
+ {
+ if (takesArgument())
+ {
+ if (argumentRequired() && pos == std::string::npos)
+ throw MissingArgumentException(_fullName + " requires " + argumentName());
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ arg.assign(option, pos + 1, option.length() - pos - 1);
+ else
+ arg.clear();
+ }
+ else if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ throw UnexpectedArgumentException(option);
+ }
+ else arg.clear();
+ }
+ else if (!_shortName.empty() && option.compare(0, _shortName.length(), _shortName) == 0)
+ {
+ if (takesArgument())
+ {
+ if (argumentRequired() && option.length() == _shortName.length())
+ throw MissingArgumentException(_shortName + " requires " + argumentName());
+ arg.assign(option, _shortName.length(), option.length() - _shortName.length());
+ }
+ else if (option.length() != _shortName.length())
+ {
+ throw UnexpectedArgumentException(option);
+ }
+ else arg.clear();
+ }
+ else throw UnknownOptionException(option);
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionCallback.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionCallback.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9fdfc33d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionCallback.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// OptionCallback.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Options
+// Module: OptionCallback
+// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionCallback.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+AbstractOptionCallback::AbstractOptionCallback(const AbstractOptionCallback&)
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionException.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionException.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cda4ed0b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionException.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// OptionException.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Options
+// Module: OptionException
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionException.h"
+#include <typeinfo>
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(OptionException, Poco::DataException, "Option exception")
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(UnknownOptionException, OptionException, "Unknown option specified")
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(AmbiguousOptionException, OptionException, "Ambiguous option specified")
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(MissingOptionException, OptionException, "Required option not specified")
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(MissingArgumentException, OptionException, "Missing option argument")
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(InvalidArgumentException, OptionException, "Invalid option argument")
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(UnexpectedArgumentException, OptionException, "Unexpected option argument")
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(IncompatibleOptionsException, OptionException, "Incompatible options")
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(DuplicateOptionException, OptionException, "Option must not be given more than once")
+POCO_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION(EmptyOptionException, OptionException, "Empty option specified")
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionProcessor.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionProcessor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9c3dc68da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionProcessor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// OptionProcessor.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Options
+// Module: OptionProcessor
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionProcessor.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionSet.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/Option.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionException.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+OptionProcessor::OptionProcessor(const OptionSet& options):
+ _options(options),
+ _unixStyle(true),
+ _ignore(false)
+void OptionProcessor::setUnixStyle(bool flag)
+ _unixStyle = flag;
+bool OptionProcessor::process(const std::string& argument, std::string& optionName, std::string& optionArg)
+ optionName.clear();
+ optionArg.clear();
+ if (!_ignore)
+ {
+ if (!_deferredOption.empty())
+ return processCommon(argument, false, optionName, optionArg);
+ else if (_unixStyle)
+ return processUnix(argument, optionName, optionArg);
+ else
+ return processDefault(argument, optionName, optionArg);
+ }
+ return false;
+void OptionProcessor::checkRequired() const
+ for (OptionSet::Iterator it = _options.begin(); it != _options.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->required() && _specifiedOptions.find(it->fullName()) == _specifiedOptions.end())
+ throw MissingOptionException(it->fullName());
+ }
+ if (!_deferredOption.empty())
+ {
+ std::string optionArg;
+ const Option& option = _options.getOption(_deferredOption, false);
+ option.process(_deferredOption, optionArg); // will throw MissingArgumentException
+ }
+bool OptionProcessor::processUnix(const std::string& argument, std::string& optionName, std::string& optionArg)
+ std::string::const_iterator it = argument.begin();
+ std::string::const_iterator end = argument.end();
+ if (it != end)
+ {
+ if (*it == '-')
+ {
+ ++it;
+ if (it != end)
+ {
+ if (*it == '-')
+ {
+ ++it;
+ if (it == end)
+ {
+ _ignore = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else return processCommon(std::string(it, end), false, optionName, optionArg);
+ }
+ else return processCommon(std::string(it, end), true, optionName, optionArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool OptionProcessor::processDefault(const std::string& argument, std::string& optionName, std::string& optionArg)
+ std::string::const_iterator it = argument.begin();
+ std::string::const_iterator end = argument.end();
+ if (it != end)
+ {
+ if (*it == '/')
+ {
+ ++it;
+ return processCommon(std::string(it, end), false, optionName, optionArg);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool OptionProcessor::processCommon(const std::string& optionStr, bool isShort, std::string& optionName, std::string& optionArg)
+ if (!_deferredOption.empty())
+ {
+ const Option& option = _options.getOption(_deferredOption, false);
+ std::string optionWithArg(_deferredOption);
+ _deferredOption.clear();
+ optionWithArg += '=';
+ optionWithArg += optionStr;
+ option.process(optionWithArg, optionArg);
+ optionName = option.fullName();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (optionStr.empty()) throw EmptyOptionException();
+ const Option& option = _options.getOption(optionStr, isShort);
+ const std::string& group = option.group();
+ if (!group.empty())
+ {
+ if (_groups.find(group) != _groups.end())
+ throw IncompatibleOptionsException(option.fullName());
+ else
+ _groups.insert(group);
+ }
+ if (_specifiedOptions.find(option.fullName()) != _specifiedOptions.end() && !option.repeatable())
+ throw DuplicateOptionException(option.fullName());
+ _specifiedOptions.insert(option.fullName());
+ if (option.argumentRequired() && ((!isShort && optionStr.find_first_of(":=") == std::string::npos) || (isShort && optionStr.length() == option.shortName().length())))
+ {
+ _deferredOption = option.fullName();
+ return true;
+ }
+ option.process(optionStr, optionArg);
+ optionName = option.fullName();
+ return true;
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionSet.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionSet.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfda7b7691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/OptionSet.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// OptionSet.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Options
+// Module: OptionSet
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionSet.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionException.h"
+#include "Poco/Exception.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+OptionSet::OptionSet(const OptionSet& options):
+ _options(options._options)
+OptionSet& OptionSet::operator = (const OptionSet& options)
+ if (&options != this)
+ _options = options._options;
+ return *this;
+void OptionSet::addOption(const Option& option)
+ poco_assert (!option.fullName().empty());
+ OptionVec::const_iterator it = _options.begin();
+ OptionVec::const_iterator itEnd = _options.end();
+ for (; it != itEnd; ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->fullName() == option.fullName())
+ {
+ throw DuplicateOptionException(it->fullName());
+ }
+ }
+ _options.push_back(option);
+bool OptionSet::hasOption(const std::string& name, bool matchShort) const
+ bool found = false;
+ for (Iterator it = _options.begin(); it != _options.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if ((matchShort && it->matchesShort(name)) || (!matchShort && it->matchesFull(name)))
+ {
+ if (!found)
+ found = true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return found;
+const Option& OptionSet::getOption(const std::string& name, bool matchShort) const
+ const Option* pOption = 0;
+ for (Iterator it = _options.begin(); it != _options.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if ((matchShort && it->matchesShort(name)) || (!matchShort && it->matchesPartial(name)))
+ {
+ if (!pOption)
+ {
+ pOption = &*it;
+ if (!matchShort && it->matchesFull(name))
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (!matchShort && it->matchesFull(name))
+ {
+ pOption = &*it;
+ break;
+ }
+ else throw AmbiguousOptionException(name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pOption)
+ return *pOption;
+ else
+ throw UnknownOptionException(name);
+OptionSet::Iterator OptionSet::begin() const
+ return _options.begin();
+OptionSet::Iterator OptionSet::end() const
+ return _options.end();
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/PropertyFileConfiguration.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/PropertyFileConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbdc811403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/PropertyFileConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// PropertyFileConfiguration.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: PropertyFileConfiguration
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/PropertyFileConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Exception.h"
+#include "Poco/String.h"
+#include "Poco/Path.h"
+#include "Poco/FileStream.h"
+#include "Poco/LineEndingConverter.h"
+#include "Poco/Ascii.h"
+using Poco::trim;
+using Poco::Path;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+PropertyFileConfiguration::PropertyFileConfiguration(std::istream& istr)
+ load(istr);
+PropertyFileConfiguration::PropertyFileConfiguration(const std::string& path)
+ load(path);
+void PropertyFileConfiguration::load(std::istream& istr)
+ clear();
+ while (!istr.eof())
+ {
+ parseLine(istr);
+ }
+void PropertyFileConfiguration::load(const std::string& path)
+ Poco::FileInputStream istr(path);
+ if (istr.good())
+ load(istr);
+ else
+ throw Poco::OpenFileException(path);
+void PropertyFileConfiguration::save(std::ostream& ostr) const
+ MapConfiguration::iterator it = begin();
+ MapConfiguration::iterator ed = end();
+ while (it != ed)
+ {
+ ostr << it->first << ": ";
+ for (std::string::const_iterator its = it->second.begin(); its != it->second.end(); ++its)
+ {
+ switch (*its)
+ {
+ case '\t':
+ ostr << "\\t";
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ ostr << "\\r";
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ ostr << "\\n";
+ break;
+ case '\f':
+ ostr << "\\f";
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ ostr << "\\\\";
+ break;
+ default:
+ ostr << *its;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ostr << "\n";
+ ++it;
+ }
+void PropertyFileConfiguration::save(const std::string& path) const
+ Poco::FileOutputStream ostr(path);
+ if (ostr.good())
+ {
+ Poco::OutputLineEndingConverter lec(ostr);
+ save(lec);
+ lec.flush();
+ ostr.flush();
+ if (!ostr.good()) throw Poco::WriteFileException(path);
+ }
+ else throw Poco::CreateFileException(path);
+void PropertyFileConfiguration::parseLine(std::istream& istr)
+ static const int eof = std::char_traits<char>::eof();
+ int c = istr.get();
+ while (c != eof && Poco::Ascii::isSpace(c)) c = istr.get();
+ if (c != eof)
+ {
+ if (c == '#' || c == '!')
+ {
+ while (c != eof && c != '\n' && c != '\r') c = istr.get();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string key;
+ while (c != eof && c != '=' && c != ':' && c != '\r' && c != '\n') { key += (char) c; c = istr.get(); }
+ std::string value;
+ if (c == '=' || c == ':')
+ {
+ c = readChar(istr);
+ while (c != eof && c) { value += (char) c; c = readChar(istr); }
+ }
+ setRaw(trim(key), trim(value));
+ }
+ }
+int PropertyFileConfiguration::readChar(std::istream& istr)
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int c = istr.get();
+ if (c == '\\')
+ {
+ c = istr.get();
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 't':
+ return '\t';
+ case 'r':
+ return '\r';
+ case 'n':
+ return '\n';
+ case 'f':
+ return '\f';
+ case '\r':
+ if (istr.peek() == '\n')
+ istr.get();
+ continue;
+ case '\n':
+ continue;
+ default:
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return c;
+ }
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/RegExpValidator.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/RegExpValidator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1553340650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/RegExpValidator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// RegExpValidator.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Options
+// Module: RegExpValidator
+// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/RegExpValidator.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/Option.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionException.h"
+#include "Poco/RegularExpression.h"
+#include "Poco/Format.h"
+using Poco::format;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+RegExpValidator::RegExpValidator(const std::string& regexp):
+ _regexp(regexp)
+void RegExpValidator::validate(const Option& option, const std::string& value)
+ if (!RegularExpression::match(value, _regexp, RegularExpression::RE_ANCHORED | RegularExpression::RE_UTF8))
+ throw InvalidArgumentException(format("argument for %s does not match regular expression %s", option.fullName(), _regexp));
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/ServerApplication.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/ServerApplication.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e427c0906c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/ServerApplication.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
+// ServerApplication.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Application
+// Module: ServerApplication
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/ServerApplication.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/Option.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionSet.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/OptionException.h"
+#include "Poco/FileStream.h"
+#include "Poco/Exception.h"
+#if !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+#include "Poco/Process.h"
+#include "Poco/NamedEvent.h"
+#include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h"
+#include "Poco/Logger.h"
+#include "Poco/String.h"
+#if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) && !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+#include "Poco/TemporaryFile.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS)
+#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+#include "Poco/Util/WinService.h"
+#include "Poco/Util/WinRegistryKey.h"
+#include "Poco/UnWindows.h"
+#include <cstring>
+#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+#include "Poco/UnicodeConverter.h"
+using Poco::NumberFormatter;
+using Poco::Exception;
+using Poco::SystemException;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+Poco::NamedEvent ServerApplication::_terminate(Poco::ProcessImpl::terminationEventName(Poco::Process::id()));
+#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+Poco::Event ServerApplication::_terminated;
+SERVICE_STATUS ServerApplication::_serviceStatus;
+SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE ServerApplication::_serviceStatusHandle = 0;
+Poco::Event ServerApplication::_terminate;
+#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+ _action = SRV_RUN;
+ std::memset(&_serviceStatus, 0, sizeof(_serviceStatus));
+bool ServerApplication::isInteractive() const
+ bool runsInBackground = config().getBool("application.runAsDaemon", false) || config().getBool("application.runAsService", false);
+ return !runsInBackground;
+int ServerApplication::run()
+ return Application::run();
+void ServerApplication::terminate()
+ _terminate.set();
+ _terminate.set();
+ Poco::Process::requestTermination(Process::id());
+#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+// Windows specific code
+BOOL ServerApplication::ConsoleCtrlHandler(DWORD ctrlType)
+ switch (ctrlType)
+ {
+ case CTRL_C_EVENT:
+ terminate();
+ return _terminated.tryWait(10000) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+void ServerApplication::ServiceControlHandler(DWORD control)
+ switch (control)
+ {
+ terminate();
+ _serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING;
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ SetServiceStatus(_serviceStatusHandle, &_serviceStatus);
+#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+void ServerApplication::ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPWSTR* argv)
+void ServerApplication::ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR* argv)
+ ServerApplication& app = static_cast<ServerApplication&>(Application::instance());
+ app.config().setBool("application.runAsService", true);
+#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+ _serviceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW(L"", ServiceControlHandler);
+ _serviceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA("", ServiceControlHandler);
+ if (!_serviceStatusHandle)
+ throw SystemException("cannot register service control handler");
+ _serviceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32;
+ _serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING;
+ _serviceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN;
+ _serviceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0;
+ _serviceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
+ _serviceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
+ _serviceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
+ SetServiceStatus(_serviceStatusHandle, &_serviceStatus);
+ try
+ {
+#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+ std::vector<std::string> args;
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ {
+ std::string arg;
+ Poco::UnicodeConverter::toUTF8(argv[i], arg);
+ args.push_back(arg);
+ }
+ app.init(args);
+ app.init(argc, argv);
+ _serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING;
+ SetServiceStatus(_serviceStatusHandle, &_serviceStatus);
+ int rc = app.run();
+ _serviceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = rc ? ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR : 0;
+ _serviceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = rc;
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ app.logger().log(exc);
+ _serviceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR;
+ _serviceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = EXIT_CONFIG;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ app.logger().error("fatal error - aborting");
+ _serviceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR;
+ _serviceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = EXIT_SOFTWARE;
+ }
+ _serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
+ SetServiceStatus(_serviceStatusHandle, &_serviceStatus);
+void ServerApplication::waitForTerminationRequest()
+ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleCtrlHandler, TRUE);
+ _terminate.wait();
+ _terminated.set();
+int ServerApplication::run(int argc, char** argv)
+ if (!hasConsole() && isService())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int rc = EXIT_OK;
+ try
+ {
+ init(argc, argv);
+ switch (_action)
+ {
+ registerService();
+ rc = EXIT_OK;
+ break;
+ unregisterService();
+ rc = EXIT_OK;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rc = run();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+int ServerApplication::run(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
+ if (!hasConsole() && isService())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int rc = EXIT_OK;
+ try
+ {
+ init(args);
+ switch (_action)
+ {
+ registerService();
+ rc = EXIT_OK;
+ break;
+ unregisterService();
+ rc = EXIT_OK;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rc = run();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+int ServerApplication::run(int argc, wchar_t** argv)
+ if (!hasConsole() && isService())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int rc = EXIT_OK;
+ try
+ {
+ init(argc, argv);
+ switch (_action)
+ {
+ registerService();
+ rc = EXIT_OK;
+ break;
+ unregisterService();
+ rc = EXIT_OK;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rc = run();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+bool ServerApplication::isService()
+#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+ SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW svcDispatchTable[2];
+ svcDispatchTable[0].lpServiceName = L"";
+ svcDispatchTable[0].lpServiceProc = ServiceMain;
+ svcDispatchTable[1].lpServiceName = NULL;
+ svcDispatchTable[1].lpServiceProc = NULL;
+ return StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW(svcDispatchTable) != 0;
+ SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY svcDispatchTable[2];
+ svcDispatchTable[0].lpServiceName = "";
+ svcDispatchTable[0].lpServiceProc = ServiceMain;
+ svcDispatchTable[1].lpServiceName = NULL;
+ svcDispatchTable[1].lpServiceProc = NULL;
+ return StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA(svcDispatchTable) != 0;
+bool ServerApplication::hasConsole()
+ return hStdOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hStdOut != NULL;
+void ServerApplication::registerService()
+ std::string name = config().getString("application.baseName");
+ std::string path = config().getString("application.path");
+ WinService service(name);
+ if (_displayName.empty())
+ service.registerService(path);
+ else
+ service.registerService(path, _displayName);
+ if (_startup == "auto")
+ service.setStartup(WinService::SVC_AUTO_START);
+ else if (_startup == "manual")
+ service.setStartup(WinService::SVC_MANUAL_START);
+ if (!_description.empty())
+ service.setDescription(_description);
+ logger().information("The application has been successfully registered as a service.");
+void ServerApplication::unregisterService()
+ std::string name = config().getString("application.baseName");
+ WinService service(name);
+ service.unregisterService();
+ logger().information("The service has been successfully unregistered.");
+void ServerApplication::defineOptions(OptionSet& options)
+ Application::defineOptions(options);
+ options.addOption(
+ Option("registerService", "", "Register the application as a service.")
+ .required(false)
+ .repeatable(false)
+ .callback(OptionCallback<ServerApplication>(this, &ServerApplication::handleRegisterService)));
+ options.addOption(
+ Option("unregisterService", "", "Unregister the application as a service.")
+ .required(false)
+ .repeatable(false)
+ .callback(OptionCallback<ServerApplication>(this, &ServerApplication::handleUnregisterService)));
+ options.addOption(
+ Option("displayName", "", "Specify a display name for the service (only with /registerService).")
+ .required(false)
+ .repeatable(false)
+ .argument("name")
+ .callback(OptionCallback<ServerApplication>(this, &ServerApplication::handleDisplayName)));
+ options.addOption(
+ Option("description", "", "Specify a description for the service (only with /registerService).")
+ .required(false)
+ .repeatable(false)
+ .argument("text")
+ .callback(OptionCallback<ServerApplication>(this, &ServerApplication::handleDescription)));
+ options.addOption(
+ Option("startup", "", "Specify the startup mode for the service (only with /registerService).")
+ .required(false)
+ .repeatable(false)
+ .argument("automatic|manual")
+ .callback(OptionCallback<ServerApplication>(this, &ServerApplication::handleStartup)));
+void ServerApplication::handleRegisterService(const std::string& /*name*/, const std::string& /*value*/)
+ _action = SRV_REGISTER;
+void ServerApplication::handleUnregisterService(const std::string& /*name*/, const std::string& /*value*/)
+ _action = SRV_UNREGISTER;
+void ServerApplication::handleDisplayName(const std::string& /*name*/, const std::string& value)
+ _displayName = value;
+void ServerApplication::handleDescription(const std::string& /*name*/, const std::string& value)
+ _description = value;
+void ServerApplication::handleStartup(const std::string& /*name*/, const std::string& value)
+ if (Poco::icompare(value, 4, std::string("auto")) == 0)
+ _startup = "auto";
+ else if (Poco::icompare(value, std::string("manual")) == 0)
+ _startup = "manual";
+ else
+ throw InvalidArgumentException("argument to startup option must be 'auto[matic]' or 'manual'");
+#else // _WIN32_WCE
+void ServerApplication::waitForTerminationRequest()
+ _terminate.wait();
+int ServerApplication::run(int argc, char** argv)
+ try
+ {
+ init(argc, argv);
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ return EXIT_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return run();
+int ServerApplication::run(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
+ try
+ {
+ init(args);
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ return EXIT_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return run();
+#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
+int ServerApplication::run(int argc, wchar_t** argv)
+ try
+ {
+ init(argc, argv);
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ return EXIT_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return run();
+#endif // _WIN32_WCE
+#elif defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+// VxWorks specific code
+void ServerApplication::waitForTerminationRequest()
+ _terminate.wait();
+int ServerApplication::run(int argc, char** argv)
+ try
+ {
+ init(argc, argv);
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ return EXIT_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return run();
+int ServerApplication::run(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
+ try
+ {
+ init(args);
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ return EXIT_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return run();
+void ServerApplication::defineOptions(OptionSet& options)
+ Application::defineOptions(options);
+#elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX)
+// Unix specific code
+void ServerApplication::waitForTerminationRequest()
+ sigset_t sset;
+ sigemptyset(&sset);
+ if (!std::getenv("POCO_ENABLE_DEBUGGER"))
+ {
+ sigaddset(&sset, SIGINT);
+ }
+ sigaddset(&sset, SIGQUIT);
+ sigaddset(&sset, SIGTERM);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sset, NULL);
+ int sig;
+ sigwait(&sset, &sig);
+ _terminate.wait();
+int ServerApplication::run(int argc, char** argv)
+ bool runAsDaemon = isDaemon(argc, argv);
+ if (runAsDaemon)
+ {
+ beDaemon();
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ init(argc, argv);
+ if (runAsDaemon)
+ {
+ int rc = chdir("/");
+ if (rc != 0) return EXIT_OSERR;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ return EXIT_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return run();
+int ServerApplication::run(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
+ bool runAsDaemon = false;
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (*it == "--daemon")
+ {
+ runAsDaemon = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (runAsDaemon)
+ {
+ beDaemon();
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ init(args);
+ if (runAsDaemon)
+ {
+ int rc = chdir("/");
+ if (rc != 0) return EXIT_OSERR;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ logger().log(exc);
+ return EXIT_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return run();
+bool ServerApplication::isDaemon(int argc, char** argv)
+ std::string option("--daemon");
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
+ {
+ if (option == argv[i])
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void ServerApplication::beDaemon()
+#if !defined(POCO_NO_FORK_EXEC)
+ pid_t pid;
+ if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
+ throw SystemException("cannot fork daemon process");
+ else if (pid != 0)
+ exit(0);
+ setsid();
+ umask(027);
+ // attach stdin, stdout, stderr to /dev/null
+ // instead of just closing them. This avoids
+ // issues with third party/legacy code writing
+ // stuff to stdout/stderr.
+ FILE* fin = freopen("/dev/null", "r+", stdin);
+ if (!fin) throw Poco::OpenFileException("Cannot attach stdin to /dev/null");
+ FILE* fout = freopen("/dev/null", "r+", stdout);
+ if (!fout) throw Poco::OpenFileException("Cannot attach stdout to /dev/null");
+ FILE* ferr = freopen("/dev/null", "r+", stderr);
+ if (!ferr) throw Poco::OpenFileException("Cannot attach stderr to /dev/null");
+ throw Poco::NotImplementedException("platform does not allow fork/exec");
+void ServerApplication::defineOptions(OptionSet& options)
+ Application::defineOptions(options);
+ options.addOption(
+ Option("daemon", "", "Run application as a daemon.")
+ .required(false)
+ .repeatable(false)
+ .callback(OptionCallback<ServerApplication>(this, &ServerApplication::handleDaemon)));
+ options.addOption(
+ Option("umask", "", "Set the daemon's umask (octal, e.g. 027).")
+ .required(false)
+ .repeatable(false)
+ .argument("mask")
+ .callback(OptionCallback<ServerApplication>(this, &ServerApplication::handleUMask)));
+ options.addOption(
+ Option("pidfile", "", "Write the process ID of the application to given file.")
+ .required(false)
+ .repeatable(false)
+ .argument("path")
+ .callback(OptionCallback<ServerApplication>(this, &ServerApplication::handlePidFile)));
+void ServerApplication::handleDaemon(const std::string& name, const std::string& value)
+ config().setBool("application.runAsDaemon", true);
+void ServerApplication::handleUMask(const std::string& name, const std::string& value)
+ int mask = 0;
+ for (std::string::const_iterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ mask *= 8;
+ if (*it >= '0' && *it <= '7')
+ mask += *it - '0';
+ else
+ throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("umask contains non-octal characters", value);
+ }
+ umask(mask);
+void ServerApplication::handlePidFile(const std::string& name, const std::string& value)
+ Poco::FileOutputStream ostr(value);
+ if (ostr.good())
+ ostr << Poco::Process::id() << std::endl;
+ else
+ throw Poco::CreateFileException("Cannot write PID to file", value);
+ Poco::TemporaryFile::registerForDeletion(value);
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Subsystem.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Subsystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e6ed6c732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Subsystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Subsystem.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Application
+// Module: Subsystem
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/Subsystem.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+void Subsystem::reinitialize(Application& app)
+ uninitialize();
+ initialize(app);
+void Subsystem::defineOptions(OptionSet& /*options*/)
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/SystemConfiguration.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/SystemConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0a4156472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/SystemConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// SystemConfiguration.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: SystemConfiguration
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/SystemConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/Environment.h"
+#include "Poco/Path.h"
+#include "Poco/DateTime.h"
+#include "Poco/DateTimeFormatter.h"
+#include "Poco/DateTimeFormat.h"
+#include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h"
+#if !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+#include "Poco/Process.h"
+#include "Poco/Exception.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+using Poco::Environment;
+using Poco::Path;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::OSNAME = "system.osName";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::OSVERSION = "system.osVersion";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::OSARCHITECTURE = "system.osArchitecture";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::NODENAME = "system.nodeName";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::NODEID = "system.nodeId";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::CURRENTDIR = "system.currentDir";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::HOMEDIR = "system.homeDir";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::CONFIGHOMEDIR = "system.configHomeDir";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::CACHEHOMEDIR = "system.cacheHomeDir";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::DATAHOMEDIR = "system.dataHomeDir";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::TEMPHOMEDIR = "system.tempHomeDir";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::TEMPDIR = "system.tempDir";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::CONFIGDIR = "system.configDir";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::DATETIME = "system.dateTime";
+#if !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::PID = "system.pid";
+const std::string SystemConfiguration::ENV = "system.env.";
+bool SystemConfiguration::getRaw(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const
+ if (key == OSNAME)
+ {
+ value = Environment::osName();
+ }
+ else if (key == OSVERSION)
+ {
+ value = Environment::osVersion();
+ }
+ else if (key == OSARCHITECTURE)
+ {
+ value = Environment::osArchitecture();
+ }
+ else if (key == NODENAME)
+ {
+ value = Environment::nodeName();
+ }
+ else if (key == NODEID)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Poco::Environment::NodeId id;
+ Poco::Environment::nodeId(id);
+ char result[13];
+ std::sprintf(result, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
+ id[0],
+ id[1],
+ id[2],
+ id[3],
+ id[4],
+ id[5]);
+ value = result;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ value = "000000000000";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (key == CURRENTDIR)
+ {
+ value = Path::current();
+ }
+ else if (key == HOMEDIR)
+ {
+ value = Path::home();
+ }
+ else if (key == CONFIGHOMEDIR)
+ {
+ value = Path::configHome();
+ }
+ else if (key == CACHEHOMEDIR)
+ {
+ value = Path::cacheHome();
+ }
+ else if (key == DATAHOMEDIR)
+ {
+ value = Path::dataHome();
+ }
+ else if (key == TEMPHOMEDIR)
+ {
+ value = Path::tempHome();
+ }
+ else if (key == TEMPDIR)
+ {
+ value = Path::temp();
+ }
+ else if (key == CONFIGDIR)
+ {
+ value = Path::config();
+ }
+ else if (key == DATETIME)
+ {
+ value = Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::DateTime(), Poco::DateTimeFormat::ISO8601_FORMAT);
+ }
+#if !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+ else if (key == PID)
+ {
+ value = "0";
+ value = Poco::NumberFormatter::format(Poco::Process::id());
+ }
+ else if (key.compare(0, ENV.size(), ENV) == 0)
+ {
+ return getEnv(key.substr(ENV.size()), value);
+ }
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+void SystemConfiguration::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& /*value*/)
+ throw Poco::InvalidAccessException("Attempt to modify a system property", key);
+void SystemConfiguration::enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ if (key.empty())
+ {
+ range.push_back("system");
+ }
+ else if (key == "system")
+ {
+ range.push_back("osName");
+ range.push_back("osVersion");
+ range.push_back("osArchitecture");
+ range.push_back("nodeName");
+ range.push_back("nodeId");
+ range.push_back("currentDir");
+ range.push_back("homeDir");
+ range.push_back("configHomeDir");
+ range.push_back("cacheHomeDir");
+ range.push_back("dataHomeDir");
+ range.push_back("tempHomeDir");
+ range.push_back("tempDir");
+ range.push_back("configDir");
+ range.push_back("dateTime");
+#if !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
+ range.push_back("pid");
+ range.push_back("env");
+ }
+void SystemConfiguration::removeRaw(const std::string& /*key*/)
+ throw Poco::NotImplementedException("Removing a key in a SystemConfiguration");
+bool SystemConfiguration::getEnv(const std::string& name, std::string& value)
+ if (Environment::has(name))
+ {
+ value = Environment::get(name);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Timer.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Timer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3de4821c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Timer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+// Timer.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Timer
+// Module: Timer
+// Copyright (c) 2009, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/Timer.h"
+#include "Poco/Notification.h"
+#include "Poco/ErrorHandler.h"
+#include "Poco/Event.h"
+using Poco::ErrorHandler;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+class TimerNotification: public Poco::Notification
+ TimerNotification(Poco::TimedNotificationQueue& queue):
+ _queue(queue)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TimerNotification()
+ {
+ }
+ virtual bool execute() = 0;
+ Poco::TimedNotificationQueue& queue()
+ {
+ return _queue;
+ }
+ Poco::TimedNotificationQueue& _queue;
+class StopNotification: public TimerNotification
+ StopNotification(Poco::TimedNotificationQueue& queue):
+ TimerNotification(queue)
+ {
+ }
+ ~StopNotification()
+ {
+ }
+ bool execute()
+ {
+ queue().clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+class CancelNotification: public TimerNotification
+ CancelNotification(Poco::TimedNotificationQueue& queue):
+ TimerNotification(queue)
+ {
+ }
+ ~CancelNotification()
+ {
+ }
+ bool execute()
+ {
+ // Check if there's a StopNotification pending.
+ Poco::AutoPtr<TimerNotification> pNf = static_cast<TimerNotification*>(queue().dequeueNotification());
+ while (pNf)
+ {
+ if (pNf.cast<StopNotification>())
+ {
+ queue().clear();
+ _finished.set();
+ return false;
+ }
+ pNf = static_cast<TimerNotification*>(queue().dequeueNotification());
+ }
+ queue().clear();
+ _finished.set();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void wait()
+ {
+ _finished.wait();
+ }
+ Poco::Event _finished;
+class TaskNotification: public TimerNotification
+ TaskNotification(Poco::TimedNotificationQueue& queue, TimerTask::Ptr pTask):
+ TimerNotification(queue),
+ _pTask(pTask)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TaskNotification()
+ {
+ }
+ TimerTask::Ptr task()
+ {
+ return _pTask;
+ }
+ bool execute()
+ {
+ if (!_pTask->isCancelled())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ _pTask->_lastExecution.update();
+ _pTask->run();
+ }
+ catch (Exception& exc)
+ {
+ ErrorHandler::handle(exc);
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& exc)
+ {
+ ErrorHandler::handle(exc);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ ErrorHandler::handle();
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ TimerTask::Ptr _pTask;
+class PeriodicTaskNotification: public TaskNotification
+ PeriodicTaskNotification(Poco::TimedNotificationQueue& queue, TimerTask::Ptr pTask, long interval):
+ TaskNotification(queue, pTask),
+ _interval(interval)
+ {
+ }
+ ~PeriodicTaskNotification()
+ {
+ }
+ bool execute()
+ {
+ TaskNotification::execute();
+ if (!task()->isCancelled())
+ {
+ Poco::Clock now;
+ Poco::Clock nextExecution;
+ nextExecution += static_cast<Poco::Clock::ClockDiff>(_interval)*1000;
+ if (nextExecution < now) nextExecution = now;
+ queue().enqueueNotification(this, nextExecution);
+ duplicate();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ long _interval;
+class FixedRateTaskNotification: public TaskNotification
+ FixedRateTaskNotification(Poco::TimedNotificationQueue& queue, TimerTask::Ptr pTask, long interval, Poco::Clock clock):
+ TaskNotification(queue, pTask),
+ _interval(interval),
+ _nextExecution(clock)
+ {
+ }
+ ~FixedRateTaskNotification()
+ {
+ }
+ bool execute()
+ {
+ TaskNotification::execute();
+ if (!task()->isCancelled())
+ {
+ Poco::Clock now;
+ _nextExecution += static_cast<Poco::Clock::ClockDiff>(_interval)*1000;
+ if (_nextExecution < now) _nextExecution = now;
+ queue().enqueueNotification(this, _nextExecution);
+ duplicate();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ long _interval;
+ Poco::Clock _nextExecution;
+ _thread.start(*this);
+Timer::Timer(Poco::Thread::Priority priority)
+ _thread.setPriority(priority);
+ _thread.start(*this);
+ try
+ {
+ _queue.enqueueNotification(new StopNotification(_queue), Poco::Clock(0));
+ _thread.join();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ poco_unexpected();
+ }
+void Timer::cancel(bool wait)
+ Poco::AutoPtr<CancelNotification> pNf = new CancelNotification(_queue);
+ _queue.enqueueNotification(pNf, Poco::Clock(0));
+ if (wait)
+ {
+ pNf->wait();
+ }
+void Timer::schedule(TimerTask::Ptr pTask, Poco::Timestamp time)
+ validateTask(pTask);
+ _queue.enqueueNotification(new TaskNotification(_queue, pTask), time);
+void Timer::schedule(TimerTask::Ptr pTask, Poco::Clock clock)
+ validateTask(pTask);
+ _queue.enqueueNotification(new TaskNotification(_queue, pTask), clock);
+void Timer::schedule(TimerTask::Ptr pTask, long delay, long interval)
+ Poco::Clock clock;
+ clock += static_cast<Poco::Clock::ClockDiff>(delay)*1000;
+ schedule(pTask, clock, interval);
+void Timer::schedule(TimerTask::Ptr pTask, Poco::Timestamp time, long interval)
+ validateTask(pTask);
+ _queue.enqueueNotification(new PeriodicTaskNotification(_queue, pTask, interval), time);
+void Timer::schedule(TimerTask::Ptr pTask, Poco::Clock clock, long interval)
+ validateTask(pTask);
+ _queue.enqueueNotification(new PeriodicTaskNotification(_queue, pTask, interval), clock);
+void Timer::scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask::Ptr pTask, long delay, long interval)
+ Poco::Clock clock;
+ clock += static_cast<Poco::Clock::ClockDiff>(delay)*1000;
+ scheduleAtFixedRate(pTask, clock, interval);
+void Timer::scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask::Ptr pTask, Poco::Timestamp time, long interval)
+ validateTask(pTask);
+ Poco::Timestamp tsNow;
+ Poco::Clock clock;
+ Poco::Timestamp::TimeDiff diff = time - tsNow;
+ clock += diff;
+ _queue.enqueueNotification(new FixedRateTaskNotification(_queue, pTask, interval, clock), clock);
+void Timer::scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask::Ptr pTask, Poco::Clock clock, long interval)
+ validateTask(pTask);
+ _queue.enqueueNotification(new FixedRateTaskNotification(_queue, pTask, interval, clock), clock);
+void Timer::run()
+ bool cont = true;
+ while (cont)
+ {
+ Poco::AutoPtr<TimerNotification> pNf = static_cast<TimerNotification*>(_queue.waitDequeueNotification());
+ cont = pNf->execute();
+ }
+void Timer::validateTask(const TimerTask::Ptr& pTask)
+ if (pTask->isCancelled())
+ {
+ throw Poco::IllegalStateException("A cancelled task must not be rescheduled");
+ }
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/TimerTask.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/TimerTask.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dac3794d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/TimerTask.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// TimerTask.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Timer
+// Module: TimerTask
+// Copyright (c) 2009, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/TimerTask.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+ _lastExecution(0),
+ _isCancelled(false)
+void TimerTask::cancel()
+ _isCancelled = true;
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Validator.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Validator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc596db289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/Validator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Validator.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Options
+// Module: Validator
+// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/Validator.h"
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+} } // namespace Poco::Util
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/XMLConfiguration.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/XMLConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4b655b9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/Util/src/XMLConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+// XMLConfiguration.cpp
+// Library: Util
+// Package: Configuration
+// Module: XMLConfiguration
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/Util/XMLConfiguration.h"
+#include "Poco/SAX/InputSource.h"
+#include "Poco/DOM/DOMParser.h"
+#include "Poco/DOM/Element.h"
+#include "Poco/DOM/Attr.h"
+#include "Poco/DOM/Text.h"
+#include "Poco/XML/XMLWriter.h"
+#include "Poco/Exception.h"
+#include "Poco/NumberParser.h"
+#include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h"
+#include <set>
+namespace Poco {
+namespace Util {
+ _delim('.')
+ loadEmpty("config");
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(char delim):
+ _delim(delim)
+ loadEmpty("config");
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(Poco::XML::InputSource* pInputSource):
+ _delim('.')
+ load(pInputSource);
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(Poco::XML::InputSource* pInputSource, char delim):
+ _delim(delim)
+ load(pInputSource);
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(std::istream& istr):
+ _delim('.')
+ load(istr);
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(std::istream& istr, char delim):
+ _delim(delim)
+ load(istr);
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(const std::string& path):
+ _delim('.')
+ load(path);
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(const std::string& path, char delim):
+ _delim(delim)
+ load(path);
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(const Poco::XML::Document* pDocument):
+ _delim('.')
+ load(pDocument);
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(const Poco::XML::Document* pDocument, char delim):
+ _delim(delim)
+ load(pDocument);
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(const Poco::XML::Node* pNode):
+ _delim('.')
+ load(pNode);
+XMLConfiguration::XMLConfiguration(const Poco::XML::Node* pNode, char delim):
+ _delim(delim)
+ load(pNode);
+void XMLConfiguration::load(Poco::XML::InputSource* pInputSource, unsigned long namePoolSize)
+ poco_check_ptr (pInputSource);
+ Poco::XML::DOMParser parser(namePoolSize);
+ parser.setFeature(Poco::XML::XMLReader::FEATURE_NAMESPACES, false);
+ parser.setFeature(Poco::XML::DOMParser::FEATURE_FILTER_WHITESPACE, true);
+ Poco::XML::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Document> pDoc = parser.parse(pInputSource);
+ load(pDoc);
+void XMLConfiguration::load(Poco::XML::InputSource* pInputSource)
+void XMLConfiguration::load(std::istream& istr)
+ Poco::XML::InputSource src(istr);
+ load(&src);
+void XMLConfiguration::load(const std::string& path)
+ Poco::XML::InputSource src(path);
+ load(&src);
+void XMLConfiguration::load(const Poco::XML::Document* pDocument)
+ poco_check_ptr (pDocument);
+ _pDocument = Poco::XML::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Document>(const_cast<Poco::XML::Document*>(pDocument), true);
+ _pRoot = Poco::XML::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Node>(pDocument->documentElement(), true);
+void XMLConfiguration::load(const Poco::XML::Node* pNode)
+ poco_check_ptr (pNode);
+ if (pNode->nodeType() == Poco::XML::Node::DOCUMENT_NODE)
+ {
+ load(static_cast<const Poco::XML::Document*>(pNode));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _pDocument = Poco::XML::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Document>(pNode->ownerDocument(), true);
+ _pRoot = Poco::XML::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Node>(const_cast<Poco::XML::Node*>(pNode), true);
+ }
+void XMLConfiguration::loadEmpty(const std::string& rootElementName)
+ _pDocument = new Poco::XML::Document;
+ _pRoot = _pDocument->createElement(rootElementName);
+ _pDocument->appendChild(_pRoot);
+void XMLConfiguration::save(const std::string& path) const
+ Poco::XML::DOMWriter writer;
+ writer.setNewLine("\n");
+ writer.setOptions(Poco::XML::XMLWriter::PRETTY_PRINT);
+ writer.writeNode(path, _pDocument);
+void XMLConfiguration::save(std::ostream& ostr) const
+ Poco::XML::DOMWriter writer;
+ writer.setNewLine("\n");
+ writer.setOptions(Poco::XML::XMLWriter::PRETTY_PRINT);
+ writer.writeNode(ostr, _pDocument);
+void XMLConfiguration::save(Poco::XML::DOMWriter& writer, const std::string& path) const
+ writer.writeNode(path, _pDocument);
+void XMLConfiguration::save(Poco::XML::DOMWriter& writer, std::ostream& ostr) const
+ writer.writeNode(ostr, _pDocument);
+bool XMLConfiguration::getRaw(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const
+ const Poco::XML::Node* pNode = findNode(key);
+ if (pNode)
+ {
+ value = pNode->innerText();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else return false;
+void XMLConfiguration::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+ std::string::const_iterator it = key.begin();
+ Poco::XML::Node* pNode = findNode(it, key.end(), _pRoot, true);
+ if (pNode)
+ {
+ unsigned short nodeType = pNode->nodeType();
+ if (Poco::XML::Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE == nodeType)
+ {
+ pNode->setNodeValue(value);
+ }
+ else if (Poco::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE == nodeType)
+ {
+ Poco::XML::Node* pChildNode = pNode->firstChild();
+ if (pChildNode)
+ {
+ if (Poco::XML::Node::TEXT_NODE == pChildNode->nodeType())
+ {
+ pChildNode->setNodeValue(value);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Node> pText = _pDocument->createTextNode(value);
+ pNode->appendChild(pText);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else throw NotFoundException("Node not found in XMLConfiguration", key);
+void XMLConfiguration::enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const
+ using Poco::NumberFormatter;
+ std::multiset<std::string> keys;
+ const Poco::XML::Node* pNode = findNode(key);
+ if (pNode)
+ {
+ const Poco::XML::Node* pChild = pNode->firstChild();
+ while (pChild)
+ {
+ if (pChild->nodeType() == Poco::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
+ {
+ const std::string& nodeName = pChild->nodeName();
+ int n = (int) keys.count(nodeName);
+ if (n)
+ range.push_back(nodeName + "[" + NumberFormatter::format(n) + "]");
+ else
+ range.push_back(nodeName);
+ keys.insert(nodeName);
+ }
+ pChild = pChild->nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+void XMLConfiguration::removeRaw(const std::string& key)
+ Poco::XML::Node* pNode = findNode(key);
+ if (pNode)
+ {
+ if (pNode->nodeType() == Poco::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
+ {
+ Poco::XML::Node* pParent = pNode->parentNode();
+ if (pParent)
+ {
+ pParent->removeChild(pNode);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pNode->nodeType() == Poco::XML::Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+ {
+ Poco::XML::Attr* pAttr = dynamic_cast<Poco::XML::Attr*>(pNode);
+ Poco::XML::Element* pOwner = pAttr->ownerElement();
+ if (pOwner)
+ {
+ pOwner->removeAttributeNode(pAttr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+const Poco::XML::Node* XMLConfiguration::findNode(const std::string& key) const
+ std::string::const_iterator it = key.begin();
+ Poco::XML::Node* pRoot = const_cast<Poco::XML::Node*>(_pRoot.get());
+ return findNode(it, key.end(), pRoot);
+Poco::XML::Node* XMLConfiguration::findNode(const std::string& key)
+ std::string::const_iterator it = key.begin();
+ Poco::XML::Node* pRoot = const_cast<Poco::XML::Node*>(_pRoot.get());
+ return findNode(it, key.end(), pRoot);
+Poco::XML::Node* XMLConfiguration::findNode(std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string::const_iterator& end, Poco::XML::Node* pNode, bool create) const
+ if (pNode && it != end)
+ {
+ if (*it == '[')
+ {
+ ++it;
+ if (it != end && *it == '@')
+ {
+ ++it;
+ std::string attr;
+ while (it != end && *it != ']' && *it != '=') attr += *it++;
+ if (it != end && *it == '=')
+ {
+ ++it;
+ std::string value;
+ if (it != end && *it == '\'')
+ {
+ ++it;
+ while (it != end && *it != '\'') value += *it++;
+ if (it != end) ++it;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (it != end && *it != ']') value += *it++;
+ }
+ if (it != end) ++it;
+ return findNode(it, end, findElement(attr, value, pNode), create);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (it != end) ++it;
+ return findAttribute(attr, pNode, create);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string index;
+ while (it != end && *it != ']') index += *it++;
+ if (it != end) ++it;
+ return findNode(it, end, findElement(Poco::NumberParser::parse(index), pNode, create), create);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (it != end && *it == _delim) ++it;
+ std::string key;
+ while (it != end && *it != _delim && *it != '[') key += *it++;
+ return findNode(it, end, findElement(key, pNode, create), create);
+ }
+ }
+ else return pNode;
+Poco::XML::Node* XMLConfiguration::findElement(const std::string& name, Poco::XML::Node* pNode, bool create)
+ Poco::XML::Node* pChild = pNode->firstChild();
+ while (pChild)
+ {
+ if (pChild->nodeType() == Poco::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE && pChild->nodeName() == name)
+ return pChild;
+ pChild = pChild->nextSibling();
+ }
+ if (create)
+ {
+ Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Element> pElem = pNode->ownerDocument()->createElement(name);
+ pNode->appendChild(pElem);
+ return pElem;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+Poco::XML::Node* XMLConfiguration::findElement(int index, Poco::XML::Node* pNode, bool create)
+ Poco::XML::Node* pRefNode = pNode;
+ if (index > 0)
+ {
+ pNode = pNode->nextSibling();
+ while (pNode)
+ {
+ if (pNode->nodeName() == pRefNode->nodeName())
+ {
+ if (--index == 0) break;
+ }
+ pNode = pNode->nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pNode && create)
+ {
+ if (index == 1)
+ {
+ Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Element> pElem = pRefNode->ownerDocument()->createElement(pRefNode->nodeName());
+ pRefNode->parentNode()->appendChild(pElem);
+ return pElem;
+ }
+ else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Element index out of range.");
+ }
+ return pNode;
+Poco::XML::Node* XMLConfiguration::findElement(const std::string& attr, const std::string& value, Poco::XML::Node* pNode)
+ Poco::XML::Node* pRefNode = pNode;
+ Poco::XML::Element* pElem = dynamic_cast<Poco::XML::Element*>(pNode);
+ if (!(pElem && pElem->getAttribute(attr) == value))
+ {
+ pNode = pNode->nextSibling();
+ while (pNode)
+ {
+ if (pNode->nodeName() == pRefNode->nodeName())
+ {
+ pElem = dynamic_cast<Poco::XML::Element*>(pNode);
+ if (pElem && pElem->getAttribute(attr) == value) break;
+ }
+ pNode = pNode->nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ return pNode;
+Poco::XML::Node* XMLConfiguration::findAttribute(const std::string& name, Poco::XML::Node* pNode, bool create)
+ Poco::XML::Node* pResult(0);
+ Poco::XML::Element* pElem = dynamic_cast<Poco::XML::Element*>(pNode);
+ if (pElem)
+ {
+ pResult = pElem->getAttributeNode(name);
+ if (!pResult && create)
+ {
+ Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Attr> pAttr = pNode->ownerDocument()->createAttribute(name);
+ pElem->setAttributeNode(pAttr);
+ return pAttr;
+ }
+ }
+ return pResult;
+} } // namespace Poco::Util