path: root/contrib/libs/poco/JSON/src/ParserImpl.cpp
diff options
authororivej <orivej@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:01 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:01 +0300
commit2d37894b1b037cf24231090eda8589bbb44fb6fc (patch)
treebe835aa92c6248212e705f25388ebafcf84bc7a1 /contrib/libs/poco/JSON/src/ParserImpl.cpp
parent718c552901d703c502ccbefdfc3c9028d608b947 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <orivej@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/poco/JSON/src/ParserImpl.cpp')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/poco/JSON/src/ParserImpl.cpp b/contrib/libs/poco/JSON/src/ParserImpl.cpp
index 8cd24f9995..ce455ea031 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/poco/JSON/src/ParserImpl.cpp
+++ b/contrib/libs/poco/JSON/src/ParserImpl.cpp
@@ -1,241 +1,241 @@
-// Parser.cpp
-// Library: JSON
-// Package: JSON
-// Module: Parser
-// Copyright (c) 2012, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
-// and Contributors.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
-#include "Poco/JSON/Parser.h"
-#include "Poco/JSON/JSONException.h"
-#include "Poco/Ascii.h"
-#include "Poco/Token.h"
-#include "Poco/UTF8Encoding.h"
-#include "Poco/String.h"
-#include "Poco/StreamCopier.h"
-#undef min
-#undef max
-#include <limits>
-#include <clocale>
-#include <istream>
-#include "pdjson.h"
-typedef struct json_stream json_stream;
-namespace Poco {
-namespace JSON {
-ParserImpl::ParserImpl(const Handler::Ptr& pHandler, std::size_t /*bufSize*/):
- _pJSON(new json_stream),
- _pHandler(pHandler),
- _decimalPoint('.'),
- _allowNullByte(true),
- _allowComments(false)
- delete _pJSON;
-void ParserImpl::handle(const std::string& json)
- if (!_allowNullByte && json.find("\\u0000") != json.npos)
- throw JSONException("Null bytes in strings not allowed.");
- try
- {
- json_open_buffer(_pJSON, json.data(), json.size());
- checkError();
- //////////////////////////////////
- // Underlying parser is capable of parsing multiple consecutive JSONs;
- // we do not currently support this feature; to force error on
- // excessive characters past valid JSON end, this MUST be called
- // AFTER opening the buffer - otherwise it is overwritten by
- // json_open*() call, which calls internal init()
- json_set_streaming(_pJSON, false);
- /////////////////////////////////
- handle(); checkError();
- if (JSON_DONE != json_next(_pJSON))
- throw JSONException("Excess characters found after JSON end.");
- json_close(_pJSON);
- }
- catch (std::exception&)
- {
- json_close(_pJSON);
- throw;
- }
-Dynamic::Var ParserImpl::parseImpl(const std::string& json)
- if (_allowComments)
- {
- std::string str = json;
- stripComments(str);
- handle(str);
- }
- else handle(json);
- return asVarImpl();
-Dynamic::Var ParserImpl::parseImpl(std::istream& in)
- std::ostringstream os;
- StreamCopier::copyStream(in, os);
- return parseImpl(os.str());
-void ParserImpl::stripComments(std::string& json)
- if (_allowComments)
- {
- bool inString = false;
- bool inComment = false;
- char prevChar = 0;
- std::string::iterator it = json.begin();
- for (; it != json.end();)
- {
- if (*it == '"' && !inString) inString = true;
- else inString = false;
- if (!inString)
- {
- if (*it == '/' && it + 1 != json.end() && *(it + 1) == '*')
- inComment = true;
- }
- if (inComment)
- {
- char c = *it;
- it = json.erase(it);
- if (prevChar == '*' && c == '/')
- {
- inComment = false;
- prevChar = 0;
- }
- else prevChar = c;
- }
- else ++it;
- }
- }
-void ParserImpl::handleArray()
- json_type tok = json_peek(_pJSON);
- while (tok != JSON_ARRAY_END && checkError())
- {
- handle();
- tok = json_peek(_pJSON);
- }
- if (tok == JSON_ARRAY_END) handle();
- else throw JSONException("JSON array end not found");
-void ParserImpl::handleObject()
- json_type tok = json_peek(_pJSON);
- while (tok != JSON_OBJECT_END && checkError())
- {
- json_next(_pJSON);
- if (_pHandler) _pHandler->key(std::string(json_get_string(_pJSON, NULL)));
- handle();
- tok = json_peek(_pJSON);
- }
- if (tok == JSON_OBJECT_END) handle();
- else throw JSONException("JSON object end not found");
-void ParserImpl::handle()
- enum json_type type = json_next(_pJSON);
- switch (type)
- {
- case JSON_DONE:
- return;
- case JSON_NULL:
- _pHandler->null();
- break;
- case JSON_TRUE:
- if (_pHandler) _pHandler->value(true);
- break;
- case JSON_FALSE:
- if (_pHandler) _pHandler->value(false);
- break;
- {
- if (_pHandler)
- {
- std::string str(json_get_string(_pJSON, NULL));
- if (str.find(_decimalPoint) != str.npos || str.find('e') != str.npos || str.find('E') != str.npos)
- {
- _pHandler->value(NumberParser::parseFloat(str));
- }
- else
- {
- Poco::Int64 val;
- if (NumberParser::tryParse64(str, val))
- _pHandler->value(val);
- else
- _pHandler->value(NumberParser::parseUnsigned64(str));
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if (_pHandler) _pHandler->value(std::string(json_get_string(_pJSON, NULL)));
- break;
- if (_pHandler) _pHandler->startObject();
- handleObject();
- break;
- if (_pHandler) _pHandler->endObject();
- return;
- case JSON_ARRAY:
- if (_pHandler) _pHandler->startArray();
- handleArray();
- break;
- if (_pHandler) _pHandler->endArray();
- return;
- case JSON_ERROR:
- {
- const char* pErr = json_get_error(_pJSON);
- std::string err(pErr ? pErr : "JSON parser error.");
- throw JSONException(err);
- }
- }
-bool ParserImpl::checkError()
- const char* err = json_get_error(_pJSON);
- if (err) throw Poco::JSON::JSONException(err);
- return true;
-} } // namespace Poco::JSON
+// Parser.cpp
+// Library: JSON
+// Package: JSON
+// Module: Parser
+// Copyright (c) 2012, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
+// and Contributors.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
+#include "Poco/JSON/Parser.h"
+#include "Poco/JSON/JSONException.h"
+#include "Poco/Ascii.h"
+#include "Poco/Token.h"
+#include "Poco/UTF8Encoding.h"
+#include "Poco/String.h"
+#include "Poco/StreamCopier.h"
+#undef min
+#undef max
+#include <limits>
+#include <clocale>
+#include <istream>
+#include "pdjson.h"
+typedef struct json_stream json_stream;
+namespace Poco {
+namespace JSON {
+ParserImpl::ParserImpl(const Handler::Ptr& pHandler, std::size_t /*bufSize*/):
+ _pJSON(new json_stream),
+ _pHandler(pHandler),
+ _decimalPoint('.'),
+ _allowNullByte(true),
+ _allowComments(false)
+ delete _pJSON;
+void ParserImpl::handle(const std::string& json)
+ if (!_allowNullByte && json.find("\\u0000") != json.npos)
+ throw JSONException("Null bytes in strings not allowed.");
+ try
+ {
+ json_open_buffer(_pJSON, json.data(), json.size());
+ checkError();
+ //////////////////////////////////
+ // Underlying parser is capable of parsing multiple consecutive JSONs;
+ // we do not currently support this feature; to force error on
+ // excessive characters past valid JSON end, this MUST be called
+ // AFTER opening the buffer - otherwise it is overwritten by
+ // json_open*() call, which calls internal init()
+ json_set_streaming(_pJSON, false);
+ /////////////////////////////////
+ handle(); checkError();
+ if (JSON_DONE != json_next(_pJSON))
+ throw JSONException("Excess characters found after JSON end.");
+ json_close(_pJSON);
+ }
+ catch (std::exception&)
+ {
+ json_close(_pJSON);
+ throw;
+ }
+Dynamic::Var ParserImpl::parseImpl(const std::string& json)
+ if (_allowComments)
+ {
+ std::string str = json;
+ stripComments(str);
+ handle(str);
+ }
+ else handle(json);
+ return asVarImpl();
+Dynamic::Var ParserImpl::parseImpl(std::istream& in)
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ StreamCopier::copyStream(in, os);
+ return parseImpl(os.str());
+void ParserImpl::stripComments(std::string& json)
+ if (_allowComments)
+ {
+ bool inString = false;
+ bool inComment = false;
+ char prevChar = 0;
+ std::string::iterator it = json.begin();
+ for (; it != json.end();)
+ {
+ if (*it == '"' && !inString) inString = true;
+ else inString = false;
+ if (!inString)
+ {
+ if (*it == '/' && it + 1 != json.end() && *(it + 1) == '*')
+ inComment = true;
+ }
+ if (inComment)
+ {
+ char c = *it;
+ it = json.erase(it);
+ if (prevChar == '*' && c == '/')
+ {
+ inComment = false;
+ prevChar = 0;
+ }
+ else prevChar = c;
+ }
+ else ++it;
+ }
+ }
+void ParserImpl::handleArray()
+ json_type tok = json_peek(_pJSON);
+ while (tok != JSON_ARRAY_END && checkError())
+ {
+ handle();
+ tok = json_peek(_pJSON);
+ }
+ if (tok == JSON_ARRAY_END) handle();
+ else throw JSONException("JSON array end not found");
+void ParserImpl::handleObject()
+ json_type tok = json_peek(_pJSON);
+ while (tok != JSON_OBJECT_END && checkError())
+ {
+ json_next(_pJSON);
+ if (_pHandler) _pHandler->key(std::string(json_get_string(_pJSON, NULL)));
+ handle();
+ tok = json_peek(_pJSON);
+ }
+ if (tok == JSON_OBJECT_END) handle();
+ else throw JSONException("JSON object end not found");
+void ParserImpl::handle()
+ enum json_type type = json_next(_pJSON);
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case JSON_DONE:
+ return;
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ _pHandler->null();
+ break;
+ case JSON_TRUE:
+ if (_pHandler) _pHandler->value(true);
+ break;
+ case JSON_FALSE:
+ if (_pHandler) _pHandler->value(false);
+ break;
+ {
+ if (_pHandler)
+ {
+ std::string str(json_get_string(_pJSON, NULL));
+ if (str.find(_decimalPoint) != str.npos || str.find('e') != str.npos || str.find('E') != str.npos)
+ {
+ _pHandler->value(NumberParser::parseFloat(str));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Poco::Int64 val;
+ if (NumberParser::tryParse64(str, val))
+ _pHandler->value(val);
+ else
+ _pHandler->value(NumberParser::parseUnsigned64(str));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (_pHandler) _pHandler->value(std::string(json_get_string(_pJSON, NULL)));
+ break;
+ if (_pHandler) _pHandler->startObject();
+ handleObject();
+ break;
+ if (_pHandler) _pHandler->endObject();
+ return;
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ if (_pHandler) _pHandler->startArray();
+ handleArray();
+ break;
+ if (_pHandler) _pHandler->endArray();
+ return;
+ case JSON_ERROR:
+ {
+ const char* pErr = json_get_error(_pJSON);
+ std::string err(pErr ? pErr : "JSON parser error.");
+ throw JSONException(err);
+ }
+ }
+bool ParserImpl::checkError()
+ const char* err = json_get_error(_pJSON);
+ if (err) throw Poco::JSON::JSONException(err);
+ return true;
+} } // namespace Poco::JSON