path: root/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash
diff options
authordeshevoy <deshevoy@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:46:56 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:46:56 +0300
commite988f30484abe5fdeedcc7a5d3c226c01a21800c (patch)
tree0a217b173aabb57b7e51f8a169989b1a3e0309fe /contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash
parent33ee501c05d3f24036ae89766a858930ae66c548 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <deshevoy@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 1 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash')
4 files changed, 603 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash.c b/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash.c
index 07d94c1e6e..35e35e586c 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash.c
+++ b/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash.c
@@ -1,260 +1,260 @@
- * Copyright 2017-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
- * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
- * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
- * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
- */
-/* Based on https://131002.net/siphash C reference implementation */
- SipHash reference C implementation
- Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Jean-Philippe Aumasson
- Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Daniel J. Bernstein
- To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
- and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
- worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <openssl/crypto.h>
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+ * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+ * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+ * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+ */
+/* Based on https://131002.net/siphash C reference implementation */
+ SipHash reference C implementation
+ Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Jean-Philippe Aumasson
+ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Daniel J. Bernstein
+ To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
+ and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
+ worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
+ You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
+ with this software. If not, see
+ <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include "crypto/siphash.h"
-#include "siphash_local.h"
-/* default: SipHash-2-4 */
-#define ROTL(x, b) (uint64_t)(((x) << (b)) | ((x) >> (64 - (b))))
-#define U32TO8_LE(p, v) \
- (p)[0] = (uint8_t)((v)); \
- (p)[1] = (uint8_t)((v) >> 8); \
- (p)[2] = (uint8_t)((v) >> 16); \
- (p)[3] = (uint8_t)((v) >> 24);
-#define U64TO8_LE(p, v) \
- U32TO8_LE((p), (uint32_t)((v))); \
- U32TO8_LE((p) + 4, (uint32_t)((v) >> 32));
-#define U8TO64_LE(p) \
- (((uint64_t)((p)[0])) | ((uint64_t)((p)[1]) << 8) | \
- ((uint64_t)((p)[2]) << 16) | ((uint64_t)((p)[3]) << 24) | \
- ((uint64_t)((p)[4]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)((p)[5]) << 40) | \
- ((uint64_t)((p)[6]) << 48) | ((uint64_t)((p)[7]) << 56))
-#define SIPROUND \
- do { \
- v0 += v1; \
- v1 = ROTL(v1, 13); \
- v1 ^= v0; \
- v0 = ROTL(v0, 32); \
- v2 += v3; \
- v3 = ROTL(v3, 16); \
- v3 ^= v2; \
- v0 += v3; \
- v3 = ROTL(v3, 21); \
- v3 ^= v0; \
- v2 += v1; \
- v1 = ROTL(v1, 17); \
- v1 ^= v2; \
- v2 = ROTL(v2, 32); \
- } while (0)
-size_t SipHash_ctx_size(void)
- return sizeof(SIPHASH);
-size_t SipHash_hash_size(SIPHASH *ctx)
- return ctx->hash_size;
-static size_t siphash_adjust_hash_size(size_t hash_size)
- if (hash_size == 0)
- return hash_size;
-int SipHash_set_hash_size(SIPHASH *ctx, size_t hash_size)
- hash_size = siphash_adjust_hash_size(hash_size);
- if (hash_size != SIPHASH_MIN_DIGEST_SIZE
- && hash_size != SIPHASH_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE)
- return 0;
- /*
- * It's possible that the key was set first. If the hash size changes,
- * we need to adjust v1 (see SipHash_Init().
- */
- /* Start by adjusting the stored size, to make things easier */
- ctx->hash_size = siphash_adjust_hash_size(ctx->hash_size);
- /* Now, adjust ctx->v1 if the old and the new size differ */
- if ((size_t)ctx->hash_size != hash_size) {
- ctx->v1 ^= 0xee;
- ctx->hash_size = hash_size;
- }
- return 1;
-/* hash_size = crounds = drounds = 0 means SipHash24 with 16-byte output */
-int SipHash_Init(SIPHASH *ctx, const unsigned char *k, int crounds, int drounds)
- uint64_t k0 = U8TO64_LE(k);
- uint64_t k1 = U8TO64_LE(k + 8);
- /* If the hash size wasn't set, i.e. is zero */
- ctx->hash_size = siphash_adjust_hash_size(ctx->hash_size);
- if (drounds == 0)
- drounds = SIPHASH_D_ROUNDS;
- if (crounds == 0)
- crounds = SIPHASH_C_ROUNDS;
- ctx->crounds = crounds;
- ctx->drounds = drounds;
- ctx->len = 0;
- ctx->total_inlen = 0;
- ctx->v0 = 0x736f6d6570736575ULL ^ k0;
- ctx->v1 = 0x646f72616e646f6dULL ^ k1;
- ctx->v2 = 0x6c7967656e657261ULL ^ k0;
- ctx->v3 = 0x7465646279746573ULL ^ k1;
- if (ctx->hash_size == SIPHASH_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE)
- ctx->v1 ^= 0xee;
- return 1;
-void SipHash_Update(SIPHASH *ctx, const unsigned char *in, size_t inlen)
- uint64_t m;
- const uint8_t *end;
- int left;
- int i;
- uint64_t v0 = ctx->v0;
- uint64_t v1 = ctx->v1;
- uint64_t v2 = ctx->v2;
- uint64_t v3 = ctx->v3;
- ctx->total_inlen += inlen;
- if (ctx->len) {
- /* deal with leavings */
- size_t available = SIPHASH_BLOCK_SIZE - ctx->len;
- /* not enough to fill leavings */
- if (inlen < available) {
- memcpy(&ctx->leavings[ctx->len], in, inlen);
- ctx->len += inlen;
- return;
- }
- /* copy data into leavings and reduce input */
- memcpy(&ctx->leavings[ctx->len], in, available);
- inlen -= available;
- in += available;
- /* process leavings */
- m = U8TO64_LE(ctx->leavings);
- v3 ^= m;
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->crounds; ++i)
- v0 ^= m;
- }
- left = inlen & (SIPHASH_BLOCK_SIZE-1); /* gets put into leavings */
- end = in + inlen - left;
- for (; in != end; in += 8) {
- m = U8TO64_LE(in);
- v3 ^= m;
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->crounds; ++i)
- v0 ^= m;
- }
- /* save leavings and other ctx */
- if (left)
- memcpy(ctx->leavings, end, left);
- ctx->len = left;
- ctx->v0 = v0;
- ctx->v1 = v1;
- ctx->v2 = v2;
- ctx->v3 = v3;
-int SipHash_Final(SIPHASH *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t outlen)
- /* finalize hash */
- int i;
- uint64_t b = ctx->total_inlen << 56;
- uint64_t v0 = ctx->v0;
- uint64_t v1 = ctx->v1;
- uint64_t v2 = ctx->v2;
- uint64_t v3 = ctx->v3;
- if (outlen != (size_t)ctx->hash_size)
- return 0;
- switch (ctx->len) {
- case 7:
- b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[6]) << 48;
- /* fall thru */
- case 6:
- b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[5]) << 40;
- /* fall thru */
- case 5:
- b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[4]) << 32;
- /* fall thru */
- case 4:
- b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[3]) << 24;
- /* fall thru */
- case 3:
- b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[2]) << 16;
- /* fall thru */
- case 2:
- b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[1]) << 8;
- /* fall thru */
- case 1:
- b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[0]);
- case 0:
- break;
- }
- v3 ^= b;
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->crounds; ++i)
- v0 ^= b;
- if (ctx->hash_size == SIPHASH_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE)
- v2 ^= 0xee;
- else
- v2 ^= 0xff;
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->drounds; ++i)
- b = v0 ^ v1 ^ v2 ^ v3;
- U64TO8_LE(out, b);
- if (ctx->hash_size == SIPHASH_MIN_DIGEST_SIZE)
- return 1;
- v1 ^= 0xdd;
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->drounds; ++i)
- b = v0 ^ v1 ^ v2 ^ v3;
- U64TO8_LE(out + 8, b);
- return 1;
+#include "siphash_local.h"
+/* default: SipHash-2-4 */
+#define ROTL(x, b) (uint64_t)(((x) << (b)) | ((x) >> (64 - (b))))
+#define U32TO8_LE(p, v) \
+ (p)[0] = (uint8_t)((v)); \
+ (p)[1] = (uint8_t)((v) >> 8); \
+ (p)[2] = (uint8_t)((v) >> 16); \
+ (p)[3] = (uint8_t)((v) >> 24);
+#define U64TO8_LE(p, v) \
+ U32TO8_LE((p), (uint32_t)((v))); \
+ U32TO8_LE((p) + 4, (uint32_t)((v) >> 32));
+#define U8TO64_LE(p) \
+ (((uint64_t)((p)[0])) | ((uint64_t)((p)[1]) << 8) | \
+ ((uint64_t)((p)[2]) << 16) | ((uint64_t)((p)[3]) << 24) | \
+ ((uint64_t)((p)[4]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)((p)[5]) << 40) | \
+ ((uint64_t)((p)[6]) << 48) | ((uint64_t)((p)[7]) << 56))
+#define SIPROUND \
+ do { \
+ v0 += v1; \
+ v1 = ROTL(v1, 13); \
+ v1 ^= v0; \
+ v0 = ROTL(v0, 32); \
+ v2 += v3; \
+ v3 = ROTL(v3, 16); \
+ v3 ^= v2; \
+ v0 += v3; \
+ v3 = ROTL(v3, 21); \
+ v3 ^= v0; \
+ v2 += v1; \
+ v1 = ROTL(v1, 17); \
+ v1 ^= v2; \
+ v2 = ROTL(v2, 32); \
+ } while (0)
+size_t SipHash_ctx_size(void)
+ return sizeof(SIPHASH);
+size_t SipHash_hash_size(SIPHASH *ctx)
+ return ctx->hash_size;
+static size_t siphash_adjust_hash_size(size_t hash_size)
+ if (hash_size == 0)
+ return hash_size;
+int SipHash_set_hash_size(SIPHASH *ctx, size_t hash_size)
+ hash_size = siphash_adjust_hash_size(hash_size);
+ if (hash_size != SIPHASH_MIN_DIGEST_SIZE
+ && hash_size != SIPHASH_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * It's possible that the key was set first. If the hash size changes,
+ * we need to adjust v1 (see SipHash_Init().
+ */
+ /* Start by adjusting the stored size, to make things easier */
+ ctx->hash_size = siphash_adjust_hash_size(ctx->hash_size);
+ /* Now, adjust ctx->v1 if the old and the new size differ */
+ if ((size_t)ctx->hash_size != hash_size) {
+ ctx->v1 ^= 0xee;
+ ctx->hash_size = hash_size;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* hash_size = crounds = drounds = 0 means SipHash24 with 16-byte output */
+int SipHash_Init(SIPHASH *ctx, const unsigned char *k, int crounds, int drounds)
+ uint64_t k0 = U8TO64_LE(k);
+ uint64_t k1 = U8TO64_LE(k + 8);
+ /* If the hash size wasn't set, i.e. is zero */
+ ctx->hash_size = siphash_adjust_hash_size(ctx->hash_size);
+ if (drounds == 0)
+ drounds = SIPHASH_D_ROUNDS;
+ if (crounds == 0)
+ crounds = SIPHASH_C_ROUNDS;
+ ctx->crounds = crounds;
+ ctx->drounds = drounds;
+ ctx->len = 0;
+ ctx->total_inlen = 0;
+ ctx->v0 = 0x736f6d6570736575ULL ^ k0;
+ ctx->v1 = 0x646f72616e646f6dULL ^ k1;
+ ctx->v2 = 0x6c7967656e657261ULL ^ k0;
+ ctx->v3 = 0x7465646279746573ULL ^ k1;
+ if (ctx->hash_size == SIPHASH_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE)
+ ctx->v1 ^= 0xee;
+ return 1;
+void SipHash_Update(SIPHASH *ctx, const unsigned char *in, size_t inlen)
+ uint64_t m;
+ const uint8_t *end;
+ int left;
+ int i;
+ uint64_t v0 = ctx->v0;
+ uint64_t v1 = ctx->v1;
+ uint64_t v2 = ctx->v2;
+ uint64_t v3 = ctx->v3;
+ ctx->total_inlen += inlen;
+ if (ctx->len) {
+ /* deal with leavings */
+ size_t available = SIPHASH_BLOCK_SIZE - ctx->len;
+ /* not enough to fill leavings */
+ if (inlen < available) {
+ memcpy(&ctx->leavings[ctx->len], in, inlen);
+ ctx->len += inlen;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* copy data into leavings and reduce input */
+ memcpy(&ctx->leavings[ctx->len], in, available);
+ inlen -= available;
+ in += available;
+ /* process leavings */
+ m = U8TO64_LE(ctx->leavings);
+ v3 ^= m;
+ for (i = 0; i < ctx->crounds; ++i)
+ v0 ^= m;
+ }
+ left = inlen & (SIPHASH_BLOCK_SIZE-1); /* gets put into leavings */
+ end = in + inlen - left;
+ for (; in != end; in += 8) {
+ m = U8TO64_LE(in);
+ v3 ^= m;
+ for (i = 0; i < ctx->crounds; ++i)
+ v0 ^= m;
+ }
+ /* save leavings and other ctx */
+ if (left)
+ memcpy(ctx->leavings, end, left);
+ ctx->len = left;
+ ctx->v0 = v0;
+ ctx->v1 = v1;
+ ctx->v2 = v2;
+ ctx->v3 = v3;
+int SipHash_Final(SIPHASH *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t outlen)
+ /* finalize hash */
+ int i;
+ uint64_t b = ctx->total_inlen << 56;
+ uint64_t v0 = ctx->v0;
+ uint64_t v1 = ctx->v1;
+ uint64_t v2 = ctx->v2;
+ uint64_t v3 = ctx->v3;
+ if (outlen != (size_t)ctx->hash_size)
+ return 0;
+ switch (ctx->len) {
+ case 7:
+ b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[6]) << 48;
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 6:
+ b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[5]) << 40;
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 5:
+ b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[4]) << 32;
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 4:
+ b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[3]) << 24;
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 3:
+ b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[2]) << 16;
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 2:
+ b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[1]) << 8;
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 1:
+ b |= ((uint64_t)ctx->leavings[0]);
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ }
+ v3 ^= b;
+ for (i = 0; i < ctx->crounds; ++i)
+ v0 ^= b;
+ if (ctx->hash_size == SIPHASH_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE)
+ v2 ^= 0xee;
+ else
+ v2 ^= 0xff;
+ for (i = 0; i < ctx->drounds; ++i)
+ b = v0 ^ v1 ^ v2 ^ v3;
+ U64TO8_LE(out, b);
+ if (ctx->hash_size == SIPHASH_MIN_DIGEST_SIZE)
+ return 1;
+ v1 ^= 0xdd;
+ for (i = 0; i < ctx->drounds; ++i)
+ b = v0 ^ v1 ^ v2 ^ v3;
+ U64TO8_LE(out + 8, b);
+ return 1;
diff --git a/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_ameth.c b/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_ameth.c
index 7fce76390e..d043e9b13e 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_ameth.c
+++ b/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_ameth.c
@@ -1,123 +1,123 @@
* Copyright 2007-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
- * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
- * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
- * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "internal/cryptlib.h"
-#include <openssl/evp.h>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+ * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+ * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+ * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "internal/cryptlib.h"
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include "crypto/asn1.h"
#include "crypto/siphash.h"
-#include "siphash_local.h"
+#include "siphash_local.h"
#include "crypto/evp.h"
- * SIPHASH "ASN1" method. This is just here to indicate the maximum
- * SIPHASH output length and to free up a SIPHASH key.
- */
-static int siphash_size(const EVP_PKEY *pkey)
-static void siphash_key_free(EVP_PKEY *pkey)
- ASN1_OCTET_STRING *os = EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey);
- if (os != NULL) {
- if (os->data != NULL)
- OPENSSL_cleanse(os->data, os->length);
- ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(os);
- }
-static int siphash_pkey_ctrl(EVP_PKEY *pkey, int op, long arg1, void *arg2)
- /* nothing (including ASN1_PKEY_CTRL_DEFAULT_MD_NID), is supported */
- return -2;
-static int siphash_pkey_public_cmp(const EVP_PKEY *a, const EVP_PKEY *b)
+ * SIPHASH "ASN1" method. This is just here to indicate the maximum
+ * SIPHASH output length and to free up a SIPHASH key.
+ */
+static int siphash_size(const EVP_PKEY *pkey)
+static void siphash_key_free(EVP_PKEY *pkey)
+ ASN1_OCTET_STRING *os = EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey);
+ if (os != NULL) {
+ if (os->data != NULL)
+ OPENSSL_cleanse(os->data, os->length);
+ ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(os);
+ }
+static int siphash_pkey_ctrl(EVP_PKEY *pkey, int op, long arg1, void *arg2)
+ /* nothing (including ASN1_PKEY_CTRL_DEFAULT_MD_NID), is supported */
+ return -2;
+static int siphash_pkey_public_cmp(const EVP_PKEY *a, const EVP_PKEY *b)
return ASN1_OCTET_STRING_cmp(EVP_PKEY_get0(a), EVP_PKEY_get0(b)) == 0;
-static int siphash_set_priv_key(EVP_PKEY *pkey, const unsigned char *priv,
- size_t len)
- if (pkey->pkey.ptr != NULL || len != SIPHASH_KEY_SIZE)
- return 0;
- os = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new();
- if (os == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(os, priv, len)) {
- ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(os);
- return 0;
- }
- pkey->pkey.ptr = os;
- return 1;
-static int siphash_get_priv_key(const EVP_PKEY *pkey, unsigned char *priv,
- size_t *len)
- ASN1_OCTET_STRING *os = (ASN1_OCTET_STRING *)pkey->pkey.ptr;
- if (priv == NULL) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (os == NULL || *len < SIPHASH_KEY_SIZE)
- return 0;
- memcpy(priv, ASN1_STRING_get0_data(os), ASN1_STRING_length(os));
- return 1;
-const EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD siphash_asn1_meth = {
- 0,
- "OpenSSL SIPHASH method",
- 0, 0, siphash_pkey_public_cmp, 0,
- 0, 0, 0,
- siphash_size,
- 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- siphash_key_free,
- siphash_pkey_ctrl,
- siphash_set_priv_key,
- siphash_get_priv_key,
+static int siphash_set_priv_key(EVP_PKEY *pkey, const unsigned char *priv,
+ size_t len)
+ if (pkey->pkey.ptr != NULL || len != SIPHASH_KEY_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ os = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new();
+ if (os == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(os, priv, len)) {
+ ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(os);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pkey->pkey.ptr = os;
+ return 1;
+static int siphash_get_priv_key(const EVP_PKEY *pkey, unsigned char *priv,
+ size_t *len)
+ ASN1_OCTET_STRING *os = (ASN1_OCTET_STRING *)pkey->pkey.ptr;
+ if (priv == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (os == NULL || *len < SIPHASH_KEY_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ memcpy(priv, ASN1_STRING_get0_data(os), ASN1_STRING_length(os));
+ return 1;
+const EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD siphash_asn1_meth = {
+ 0,
+ "OpenSSL SIPHASH method",
+ 0, 0, siphash_pkey_public_cmp, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ siphash_size,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ siphash_key_free,
+ siphash_pkey_ctrl,
+ siphash_set_priv_key,
+ siphash_get_priv_key,
diff --git a/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_local.h b/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_local.h
index 5ad3476463..a44a986244 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_local.h
+++ b/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_local.h
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- * Copyright 2017 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
- * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
- * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
- * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
- */
-/* Based on https://131002.net/siphash C reference implementation */
-struct siphash_st {
- uint64_t total_inlen;
- uint64_t v0;
- uint64_t v1;
- uint64_t v2;
- uint64_t v3;
- unsigned int len;
- int hash_size;
- int crounds;
- int drounds;
- unsigned char leavings[SIPHASH_BLOCK_SIZE];
+ * Copyright 2017 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+ * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+ * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+ * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+ */
+/* Based on https://131002.net/siphash C reference implementation */
+struct siphash_st {
+ uint64_t total_inlen;
+ uint64_t v0;
+ uint64_t v1;
+ uint64_t v2;
+ uint64_t v3;
+ unsigned int len;
+ int hash_size;
+ int crounds;
+ int drounds;
+ unsigned char leavings[SIPHASH_BLOCK_SIZE];
diff --git a/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_pmeth.c b/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_pmeth.c
index 0c7d2c6190..f54f26d8c4 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_pmeth.c
+++ b/contrib/libs/openssl/crypto/siphash/siphash_pmeth.c
@@ -1,205 +1,205 @@
- * Copyright 2007-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
- * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
- * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
- * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "internal/cryptlib.h"
-#include <openssl/x509.h>
-#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
-#include <openssl/evp.h>
-#include <openssl/err.h>
+ * Copyright 2007-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+ * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+ * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+ * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "internal/cryptlib.h"
+#include <openssl/x509.h>
+#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
#include "crypto/siphash.h"
-#include "siphash_local.h"
+#include "siphash_local.h"
#include "crypto/evp.h"
-/* SIPHASH pkey context structure */
-typedef struct siphash_pkey_ctx_st {
- ASN1_OCTET_STRING ktmp; /* Temp storage for key */
- SIPHASH ctx;
-static int pkey_siphash_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx)
- if ((pctx = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*pctx))) == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- pctx->ktmp.type = V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING;
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_data(ctx, pctx);
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_set0_keygen_info(ctx, NULL, 0);
- return 1;
-static void pkey_siphash_cleanup(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx)
- SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
- if (pctx != NULL) {
- OPENSSL_clear_free(pctx->ktmp.data, pctx->ktmp.length);
- OPENSSL_clear_free(pctx, sizeof(*pctx));
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_data(ctx, NULL);
- }
-static int pkey_siphash_copy(EVP_PKEY_CTX *dst, EVP_PKEY_CTX *src)
- SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *sctx, *dctx;
- /* allocate memory for dst->data and a new SIPHASH_CTX in dst->data->ctx */
- if (!pkey_siphash_init(dst))
- return 0;
- sctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(src);
- dctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(dst);
- if (ASN1_STRING_get0_data(&sctx->ktmp) != NULL &&
- !ASN1_STRING_copy(&dctx->ktmp, &sctx->ktmp)) {
- /* cleanup and free the SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX in dst->data */
- pkey_siphash_cleanup(dst);
- return 0;
- }
- memcpy(&dctx->ctx, &sctx->ctx, sizeof(SIPHASH));
- return 1;
-static int pkey_siphash_keygen(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey)
- SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
- if (ASN1_STRING_get0_data(&pctx->ktmp) == NULL)
- return 0;
- key = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_dup(&pctx->ktmp);
- if (key == NULL)
- return 0;
- return EVP_PKEY_assign_SIPHASH(pkey, key);
-static int int_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, size_t count)
- SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(EVP_MD_CTX_pkey_ctx(ctx));
- SipHash_Update(&pctx->ctx, data, count);
- return 1;
-static int siphash_signctx_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_MD_CTX *mctx)
- SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
- const unsigned char* key;
- size_t len;
- key = EVP_PKEY_get0_siphash(EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx), &len);
- if (key == NULL || len != SIPHASH_KEY_SIZE)
- return 0;
- EVP_MD_CTX_set_flags(mctx, EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_NO_INIT);
- EVP_MD_CTX_set_update_fn(mctx, int_update);
- return SipHash_Init(&pctx->ctx, key, 0, 0);
-static int siphash_signctx(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *sig, size_t *siglen,
- EVP_MD_CTX *mctx)
- SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = ctx->data;
- *siglen = SipHash_hash_size(&pctx->ctx);
- if (sig != NULL)
- return SipHash_Final(&pctx->ctx, sig, *siglen);
- return 1;
-static int pkey_siphash_ctrl(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, int type, int p1, void *p2)
- SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
- const unsigned char *key;
- size_t len;
- switch (type) {
- /* ignore */
- break;
- return SipHash_set_hash_size(&pctx->ctx, p1);
- if (type == EVP_PKEY_CTRL_SET_MAC_KEY) {
- /* user explicitly setting the key */
- key = p2;
- len = p1;
- } else {
- /* user indirectly setting the key via EVP_DigestSignInit */
- key = EVP_PKEY_get0_siphash(EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx), &len);
- }
- if (key == NULL || len != SIPHASH_KEY_SIZE ||
- !ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(&pctx->ktmp, key, len))
- return 0;
- /* use default rounds (2,4) */
- return SipHash_Init(&pctx->ctx, ASN1_STRING_get0_data(&pctx->ktmp),
- 0, 0);
- default:
- return -2;
- }
- return 1;
-static int pkey_siphash_ctrl_str(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
- const char *type, const char *value)
- if (value == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (strcmp(type, "digestsize") == 0) {
- size_t hash_size = atoi(value);
- return pkey_siphash_ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_SET_DIGEST_SIZE, hash_size,
- NULL);
- }
- if (strcmp(type, "key") == 0)
- return EVP_PKEY_CTX_str2ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_SET_MAC_KEY, value);
- if (strcmp(type, "hexkey") == 0)
- return EVP_PKEY_CTX_hex2ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_SET_MAC_KEY, value);
- return -2;
-const EVP_PKEY_METHOD siphash_pkey_meth = {
- EVP_PKEY_FLAG_SIGCTX_CUSTOM, /* we don't deal with a separate MD */
- pkey_siphash_init,
- pkey_siphash_copy,
- pkey_siphash_cleanup,
- 0, 0,
- 0,
- pkey_siphash_keygen,
- 0, 0,
- 0, 0,
- 0, 0,
- siphash_signctx_init,
- siphash_signctx,
- 0, 0,
- 0, 0,
- 0, 0,
- 0, 0,
- pkey_siphash_ctrl,
- pkey_siphash_ctrl_str
+/* SIPHASH pkey context structure */
+typedef struct siphash_pkey_ctx_st {
+ ASN1_OCTET_STRING ktmp; /* Temp storage for key */
+ SIPHASH ctx;
+static int pkey_siphash_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx)
+ if ((pctx = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*pctx))) == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pctx->ktmp.type = V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING;
+ EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_data(ctx, pctx);
+ EVP_PKEY_CTX_set0_keygen_info(ctx, NULL, 0);
+ return 1;
+static void pkey_siphash_cleanup(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx)
+ SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+ if (pctx != NULL) {
+ OPENSSL_clear_free(pctx->ktmp.data, pctx->ktmp.length);
+ OPENSSL_clear_free(pctx, sizeof(*pctx));
+ EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_data(ctx, NULL);
+ }
+static int pkey_siphash_copy(EVP_PKEY_CTX *dst, EVP_PKEY_CTX *src)
+ SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *sctx, *dctx;
+ /* allocate memory for dst->data and a new SIPHASH_CTX in dst->data->ctx */
+ if (!pkey_siphash_init(dst))
+ return 0;
+ sctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(src);
+ dctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(dst);
+ if (ASN1_STRING_get0_data(&sctx->ktmp) != NULL &&
+ !ASN1_STRING_copy(&dctx->ktmp, &sctx->ktmp)) {
+ /* cleanup and free the SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX in dst->data */
+ pkey_siphash_cleanup(dst);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memcpy(&dctx->ctx, &sctx->ctx, sizeof(SIPHASH));
+ return 1;
+static int pkey_siphash_keygen(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey)
+ SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+ if (ASN1_STRING_get0_data(&pctx->ktmp) == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ key = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_dup(&pctx->ktmp);
+ if (key == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ return EVP_PKEY_assign_SIPHASH(pkey, key);
+static int int_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, size_t count)
+ SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(EVP_MD_CTX_pkey_ctx(ctx));
+ SipHash_Update(&pctx->ctx, data, count);
+ return 1;
+static int siphash_signctx_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_MD_CTX *mctx)
+ SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+ const unsigned char* key;
+ size_t len;
+ key = EVP_PKEY_get0_siphash(EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx), &len);
+ if (key == NULL || len != SIPHASH_KEY_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ EVP_MD_CTX_set_flags(mctx, EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_NO_INIT);
+ EVP_MD_CTX_set_update_fn(mctx, int_update);
+ return SipHash_Init(&pctx->ctx, key, 0, 0);
+static int siphash_signctx(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *sig, size_t *siglen,
+ EVP_MD_CTX *mctx)
+ SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = ctx->data;
+ *siglen = SipHash_hash_size(&pctx->ctx);
+ if (sig != NULL)
+ return SipHash_Final(&pctx->ctx, sig, *siglen);
+ return 1;
+static int pkey_siphash_ctrl(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, int type, int p1, void *p2)
+ SIPHASH_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+ const unsigned char *key;
+ size_t len;
+ switch (type) {
+ /* ignore */
+ break;
+ return SipHash_set_hash_size(&pctx->ctx, p1);
+ if (type == EVP_PKEY_CTRL_SET_MAC_KEY) {
+ /* user explicitly setting the key */
+ key = p2;
+ len = p1;
+ } else {
+ /* user indirectly setting the key via EVP_DigestSignInit */
+ key = EVP_PKEY_get0_siphash(EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx), &len);
+ }
+ if (key == NULL || len != SIPHASH_KEY_SIZE ||
+ !ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(&pctx->ktmp, key, len))
+ return 0;
+ /* use default rounds (2,4) */
+ return SipHash_Init(&pctx->ctx, ASN1_STRING_get0_data(&pctx->ktmp),
+ 0, 0);
+ default:
+ return -2;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int pkey_siphash_ctrl_str(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
+ const char *type, const char *value)
+ if (value == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (strcmp(type, "digestsize") == 0) {
+ size_t hash_size = atoi(value);
+ return pkey_siphash_ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_SET_DIGEST_SIZE, hash_size,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(type, "key") == 0)
+ return EVP_PKEY_CTX_str2ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_SET_MAC_KEY, value);
+ if (strcmp(type, "hexkey") == 0)
+ return EVP_PKEY_CTX_hex2ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_SET_MAC_KEY, value);
+ return -2;
+const EVP_PKEY_METHOD siphash_pkey_meth = {
+ EVP_PKEY_FLAG_SIGCTX_CUSTOM, /* we don't deal with a separate MD */
+ pkey_siphash_init,
+ pkey_siphash_copy,
+ pkey_siphash_cleanup,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0,
+ pkey_siphash_keygen,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0,
+ siphash_signctx_init,
+ siphash_signctx,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0,
+ pkey_siphash_ctrl,
+ pkey_siphash_ctrl_str