path: root/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp
diff options
authorarcadia-devtools <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-16 18:06:24 +0300
committerarcadia-devtools <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-16 18:06:24 +0300
commit04e26cfb286cbc71346a217021012bd82077c66f (patch)
tree82ac6c518620f66fabbafe9ea6aa51f398ecef13 /contrib/libs/jwt-cpp
parent94e0d1dcb0474eb63e528acc76a3be90dc43163b (diff)
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/jwt-cpp')
3 files changed, 114 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/README.md b/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/README.md
index 5dcdd10c51..5fc1459412 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/README.md
+++ b/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/README.md
@@ -54,12 +54,23 @@ auto token = jwt::create()
+Here is a simple example of creating a token that will expire in one hour:
+auto token = jwt::create()
+ .set_issuer("auth0")
+ .set_issued_at(std::chrono::system_clock::now())
+ .set_expires_at(std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds{3600})
+ .sign(jwt::algorithm::hs256{"secret"});
## Contributing
If you have an improvement or found a bug feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/new) or add the change and create a pull request. If you file a bug please make sure to include as much information about your environment (compiler version, etc.) as possible to help reproduce the issue. If you add a new feature please make sure to also include test cases for it.
## Dependencies
In order to use jwt-cpp you need the following tools.
* libcrypto (openssl or compatible)
+* libssl-dev (for the header files)
* a compiler supporting at least c++11
* basic stl support
@@ -68,9 +79,15 @@ In order to build the test cases you also need
* pthread
## Troubleshooting
+#### Expired tokens
+If you are generating tokens that seem to immediately expire, you are likely not using UTC. Specifically,
+if you use `get_time` to get the current time, it likely uses localtime, while this library uses UTC,
+which may be why your token is immediately expiring. Please see example above on the right way to use current time.
#### Missing _HMAC amd _EVP_sha256 symbols on Mac
There seems to exists a problem with the included openssl library of MacOS. Make sure you link to one provided by brew.
See [here](https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/6) for more details.
#### Building on windows fails with syntax errors
The header "Windows.h", which is often included in windowsprojects, defines macros for MIN and MAX which screw up std::numeric_limits.
See [here](https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/5) for more details. To fix this do one of the following things:
diff --git a/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/jwt.h b/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/jwt.h
index a8c94c0c65..129554699a 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/jwt.h
+++ b/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/jwt.h
@@ -71,6 +71,59 @@ namespace jwt {
+ namespace helper {
+ inline
+ std::string extract_pubkey_from_cert(const std::string& certstr, const std::string& pw = "") {
+ // TODO: Cannot find the exact version this change happended
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x1000114fL
+ std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> certbio(BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast<char*>(certstr.data()), certstr.size()), BIO_free_all);
+ std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> certbio(BIO_new_mem_buf(certstr.data(), certstr.size()), BIO_free_all);
+ std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> keybio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), BIO_free_all);
+ std::unique_ptr<X509, decltype(&X509_free)> cert(PEM_read_bio_X509(certbio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, const_cast<char*>(pw.c_str())), X509_free);
+ if (!cert) throw rsa_exception("Error loading cert into memory");
+ std::unique_ptr<EVP_PKEY, decltype(&EVP_PKEY_free)> key(X509_get_pubkey(cert.get()), EVP_PKEY_free);
+ if(!key) throw rsa_exception("Error getting public key from certificate");
+ if(!PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(keybio.get(), key.get())) throw rsa_exception("Error writing public key data in PEM format");
+ char* ptr = nullptr;
+ auto len = BIO_get_mem_data(keybio.get(), &ptr);
+ if(len <= 0 || ptr == nullptr) throw rsa_exception("Failed to convert pubkey to pem");
+ std::string res(ptr, len);
+ return res;
+ }
+ inline
+ std::shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> load_public_key_from_string(const std::string& key, const std::string& password = "") {
+ std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> pubkey_bio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), BIO_free_all);
+ if(key.substr(0, 27) == "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") {
+ auto epkey = helper::extract_pubkey_from_cert(key, password);
+ if ((size_t)BIO_write(pubkey_bio.get(), epkey.data(), epkey.size()) != epkey.size())
+ throw rsa_exception("failed to load public key: bio_write failed");
+ } else {
+ if ((size_t)BIO_write(pubkey_bio.get(), key.data(), key.size()) != key.size())
+ throw rsa_exception("failed to load public key: bio_write failed");
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> pkey(PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(pubkey_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, (void*)password.c_str()), EVP_PKEY_free);
+ if (!pkey)
+ throw rsa_exception("failed to load public key: PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY failed");
+ return pkey;
+ }
+ inline
+ std::shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> load_private_key_from_string(const std::string& key, const std::string& password = "") {
+ std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> privkey_bio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), BIO_free_all);
+ if ((size_t)BIO_write(privkey_bio.get(), key.data(), key.size()) != key.size())
+ throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: bio_write failed");
+ std::shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> pkey(PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(privkey_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, const_cast<char*>(password.c_str())), EVP_PKEY_free);
+ if (!pkey)
+ throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey failed");
+ return pkey;
+ }
+ }
namespace algorithm {
* "none" algorithm.
@@ -173,25 +226,12 @@ namespace jwt {
rsa(const std::string& public_key, const std::string& private_key, const std::string& public_key_password, const std::string& private_key_password, const EVP_MD*(*md)(), const std::string& name)
: md(md), alg_name(name)
- std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> pubkey_bio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), BIO_free_all);
- if ((size_t)BIO_write(pubkey_bio.get(), public_key.data(), public_key.size()) != public_key.size())
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load public key: bio_write failed");
- pkey.reset(PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(pubkey_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, (void*)public_key_password.c_str()), EVP_PKEY_free);
- if (!pkey)
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load public key: PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY failed");
if (!private_key.empty()) {
- std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> privkey_bio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), BIO_free_all);
- if ((size_t)BIO_write(privkey_bio.get(), private_key.data(), private_key.size()) != private_key.size())
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: bio_write failed");
- RSA* privkey = PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(privkey_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, (void*)private_key_password.c_str());
- if (privkey == nullptr)
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey failed");
- if (EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey.get(), privkey) == 0) {
- RSA_free(privkey);
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA failed");
- }
- }
+ pkey = helper::load_private_key_from_string(private_key, private_key_password);
+ } else if(!public_key.empty()) {
+ pkey = helper::load_public_key_from_string(public_key, public_key_password);
+ } else
+ throw rsa_exception("at least one of public or private key need to be present");
* Sign jwt data
@@ -240,8 +280,9 @@ namespace jwt {
throw signature_verification_exception("failed to verify signature: VerifyInit failed");
if (!EVP_VerifyUpdate(ctx.get(), data.data(), data.size()))
throw signature_verification_exception("failed to verify signature: VerifyUpdate failed");
- if (!EVP_VerifyFinal(ctx.get(), (const unsigned char*)signature.data(), signature.size(), pkey.get()))
- throw signature_verification_exception();
+ auto res = EVP_VerifyFinal(ctx.get(), (const unsigned char*)signature.data(), signature.size(), pkey.get());
+ if (res != 1)
+ throw signature_verification_exception("evp verify final failed: " + std::to_string(res) + " " + ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
* Returns the algorithm name provided to the constructor
@@ -274,22 +315,32 @@ namespace jwt {
ecdsa(const std::string& public_key, const std::string& private_key, const std::string& public_key_password, const std::string& private_key_password, const EVP_MD*(*md)(), const std::string& name)
: md(md), alg_name(name)
- if (private_key.empty()) {
+ if (!public_key.empty()) {
std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> pubkey_bio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), BIO_free_all);
- if ((size_t)BIO_write(pubkey_bio.get(), public_key.data(), public_key.size()) != public_key.size())
- throw ecdsa_exception("failed to load public key: bio_write failed");
+ if(public_key.substr(0, 27) == "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") {
+ auto epkey = helper::extract_pubkey_from_cert(public_key, public_key_password);
+ if ((size_t)BIO_write(pubkey_bio.get(), epkey.data(), epkey.size()) != epkey.size())
+ throw ecdsa_exception("failed to load public key: bio_write failed");
+ } else {
+ if ((size_t)BIO_write(pubkey_bio.get(), public_key.data(), public_key.size()) != public_key.size())
+ throw ecdsa_exception("failed to load public key: bio_write failed");
+ }
pkey.reset(PEM_read_bio_EC_PUBKEY(pubkey_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, (void*)public_key_password.c_str()), EC_KEY_free);
if (!pkey)
throw ecdsa_exception("failed to load public key: PEM_read_bio_EC_PUBKEY failed");
- } else {
+ }
+ if (!private_key.empty()) {
std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> privkey_bio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), BIO_free_all);
if ((size_t)BIO_write(privkey_bio.get(), private_key.data(), private_key.size()) != private_key.size())
- throw ecdsa_exception("failed to load private key: bio_write failed");
- pkey.reset(PEM_read_bio_ECPrivateKey(privkey_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, (void*)private_key_password.c_str()), EC_KEY_free);
+ throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: bio_write failed");
+ pkey.reset(PEM_read_bio_ECPrivateKey(privkey_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, const_cast<char*>(private_key_password.c_str())), EC_KEY_free);
if (!pkey)
- throw ecdsa_exception("failed to load private key: PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey failed");
+ throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: PEM_read_bio_ECPrivateKey failed");
+ if(!pkey)
+ throw rsa_exception("at least one of public or private key need to be present");
if(EC_KEY_check_key(pkey.get()) == 0)
throw ecdsa_exception("failed to load key: key is invalid");
@@ -432,25 +483,12 @@ namespace jwt {
pss(const std::string& public_key, const std::string& private_key, const std::string& public_key_password, const std::string& private_key_password, const EVP_MD*(*md)(), const std::string& name)
: md(md), alg_name(name)
- std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> pubkey_bio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), BIO_free_all);
- if ((size_t)BIO_write(pubkey_bio.get(), public_key.data(), public_key.size()) != public_key.size())
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load public key: bio_write failed");
- pkey.reset(PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(pubkey_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, (void*)public_key_password.c_str()), EVP_PKEY_free);
- if (!pkey)
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load public key: PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY failed");
if (!private_key.empty()) {
- std::unique_ptr<BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> privkey_bio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), BIO_free_all);
- if ((size_t)BIO_write(privkey_bio.get(), private_key.data(), private_key.size()) != private_key.size())
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: bio_write failed");
- RSA* privkey = PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(privkey_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, (void*)private_key_password.c_str());
- if (privkey == nullptr)
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey failed");
- if (EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey.get(), privkey) == 0) {
- RSA_free(privkey);
- throw rsa_exception("failed to load private key: EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA failed");
- }
- }
+ pkey = helper::load_private_key_from_string(private_key, private_key_password);
+ } else if(!public_key.empty()) {
+ pkey = helper::load_public_key_from_string(public_key, public_key_password);
+ } else
+ throw rsa_exception("at least one of public or private key need to be present");
* Sign jwt data
@@ -1092,21 +1130,21 @@ namespace jwt {
switch (str.size() % 4) {
case 1:
str += alphabet::base64url::fill();
-#ifdef __cpp_attributes
+#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute
#if __has_cpp_attribute(fallthrough)
case 2:
str += alphabet::base64url::fill();
-#ifdef __cpp_attributes
+#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute
#if __has_cpp_attribute(fallthrough)
case 3:
str += alphabet::base64url::fill();
-#ifdef __cpp_attributes
+#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute
#if __has_cpp_attribute(fallthrough)
@@ -1315,7 +1353,7 @@ namespace jwt {
template<typename Clock>
class verifier {
struct algo_base {
- virtual ~algo_base() = default;
+ virtual ~algo_base() {}
virtual void verify(const std::string& data, const std::string& sig) = 0;
template<typename T>
diff --git a/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/ya.make b/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/ya.make
index c7ddd33162..edf1ee6f9e 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/ya.make
+++ b/contrib/libs/jwt-cpp/ya.make
@@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
-# Generated by devtools/yamaker from nixpkgs 04d5f1e3a87d413181af5d6dd68568228addf1c3.
+# Generated by devtools/yamaker from nixpkgs 21.11.
- pbludov
- g:cpp-contrib
BSD-2-Clause AND
@@ -18,6 +9,15 @@ LICENSE(
+ pbludov
+ g:cpp-contrib