path: root/contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/uniset.h
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authorneksard <neksard@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:33 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:33 +0300
commit1d9c550e7c38e051d7961f576013a482003a70d9 (patch)
treeb2cc84ee7850122e7ccf51d0ea21e4fa7e7a5685 /contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/uniset.h
parent8f7cf138264e0caa318144bf8a2c950e0b0a8593 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <neksard@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/uniset.h')
1 files changed, 1680 insertions, 1680 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/uniset.h b/contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/uniset.h
index 0e7f886862..9742311003 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/uniset.h
+++ b/contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/uniset.h
@@ -1,284 +1,284 @@
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
-// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
-* Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
-* and others. All Rights Reserved.
-* Date Name Description
-* 10/20/99 alan Creation.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* Date Name Description
+* 10/20/99 alan Creation.
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/ucpmap.h"
-#include "unicode/unifilt.h"
-#include "unicode/unistr.h"
-#include "unicode/uset.h"
- * \file
- * \brief C++ API: Unicode Set
- */
-// Forward Declarations.
-class BMPSet;
-class ParsePosition;
-class RBBIRuleScanner;
-class SymbolTable;
-class UnicodeSetStringSpan;
-class UVector;
-class RuleCharacterIterator;
- * A mutable set of Unicode characters and multicharacter strings. Objects of this class
- * represent <em>character classes</em> used in regular expressions.
- * A character specifies a subset of Unicode code points. Legal
- * code points are U+0000 to U+10FFFF, inclusive.
- *
- * <p>The UnicodeSet class is not designed to be subclassed.
- *
- * <p><code>UnicodeSet</code> supports two APIs. The first is the
- * <em>operand</em> API that allows the caller to modify the value of
- * a <code>UnicodeSet</code> object. It conforms to Java 2's
- * <code>java.util.Set</code> interface, although
- * <code>UnicodeSet</code> does not actually implement that
- * interface. All methods of <code>Set</code> are supported, with the
- * modification that they take a character range or single character
- * instead of an <code>Object</code>, and they take a
- * <code>UnicodeSet</code> instead of a <code>Collection</code>. The
- * operand API may be thought of in terms of boolean logic: a boolean
- * OR is implemented by <code>add</code>, a boolean AND is implemented
- * by <code>retain</code>, a boolean XOR is implemented by
- * <code>complement</code> taking an argument, and a boolean NOT is
- * implemented by <code>complement</code> with no argument. In terms
- * of traditional set theory function names, <code>add</code> is a
- * union, <code>retain</code> is an intersection, <code>remove</code>
- * is an asymmetric difference, and <code>complement</code> with no
- * argument is a set complement with respect to the superset range
- * <code>MIN_VALUE-MAX_VALUE</code>
- *
- * <p>The second API is the
- * <code>applyPattern()</code>/<code>toPattern()</code> API from the
- * <code>java.text.Format</code>-derived classes. Unlike the
- * methods that add characters, add categories, and control the logic
- * of the set, the method <code>applyPattern()</code> sets all
- * attributes of a <code>UnicodeSet</code> at once, based on a
- * string pattern.
- *
- * <p><b>Pattern syntax</b></p>
- *
- * Patterns are accepted by the constructors and the
- * <code>applyPattern()</code> methods and returned by the
- * <code>toPattern()</code> method. These patterns follow a syntax
- * similar to that employed by version 8 regular expression character
- * classes. Here are some simple examples:
- *
- * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
- * <table>
- * <tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[]</code></td>
- * <td valign="top">No characters</td>
- * </tr><tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[a]</code></td>
- * <td valign="top">The character 'a'</td>
- * </tr><tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[ae]</code></td>
- * <td valign="top">The characters 'a' and 'e'</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[a-e]</code></td>
- * <td valign="top">The characters 'a' through 'e' inclusive, in Unicode code
- * point order</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[\\u4E01]</code></td>
- * <td valign="top">The character U+4E01</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[a{ab}{ac}]</code></td>
- * <td valign="top">The character 'a' and the multicharacter strings &quot;ab&quot; and
- * &quot;ac&quot;</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[\\p{Lu}]</code></td>
- * <td valign="top">All characters in the general category Uppercase Letter</td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
- *
- * Any character may be preceded by a backslash in order to remove any special
- * meaning. White space characters, as defined by UCharacter.isWhitespace(), are
- * ignored, unless they are escaped.
- *
- * <p>Property patterns specify a set of characters having a certain
- * property as defined by the Unicode standard. Both the POSIX-like
- * "[:Lu:]" and the Perl-like syntax "\\p{Lu}" are recognized. For a
- * complete list of supported property patterns, see the User's Guide
- * for UnicodeSet at
- * <a href="http://icu-project.org/userguide/unicodeSet.html">
- * http://icu-project.org/userguide/unicodeSet.html</a>.
- * Actual determination of property data is defined by the underlying
- * Unicode database as implemented by UCharacter.
- *
- * <p>Patterns specify individual characters, ranges of characters, and
- * Unicode property sets. When elements are concatenated, they
- * specify their union. To complement a set, place a '^' immediately
- * after the opening '['. Property patterns are inverted by modifying
- * their delimiters; "[:^foo]" and "\\P{foo}". In any other location,
- * '^' has no special meaning.
- *
- * <p>Ranges are indicated by placing two a '-' between two
- * characters, as in "a-z". This specifies the range of all
- * characters from the left to the right, in Unicode order. If the
- * left character is greater than or equal to the
- * right character it is a syntax error. If a '-' occurs as the first
- * character after the opening '[' or '[^', or if it occurs as the
- * last character before the closing ']', then it is taken as a
- * literal. Thus "[a\-b]", "[-ab]", and "[ab-]" all indicate the same
- * set of three characters, 'a', 'b', and '-'.
- *
- * <p>Sets may be intersected using the '&' operator or the asymmetric
- * set difference may be taken using the '-' operator, for example,
- * "[[:L:]&[\\u0000-\\u0FFF]]" indicates the set of all Unicode letters
- * with values less than 4096. Operators ('&' and '|') have equal
- * precedence and bind left-to-right. Thus
- * "[[:L:]-[a-z]-[\\u0100-\\u01FF]]" is equivalent to
- * "[[[:L:]-[a-z]]-[\\u0100-\\u01FF]]". This only really matters for
- * difference; intersection is commutative.
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[a]</code><td>The set containing 'a'
- * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[a-z]</code><td>The set containing 'a'
- * through 'z' and all letters in between, in Unicode order
- * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[^a-z]</code><td>The set containing
- * all characters but 'a' through 'z',
- * that is, U+0000 through 'a'-1 and 'z'+1 through U+10FFFF
- * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[[<em>pat1</em>][<em>pat2</em>]]</code>
- * <td>The union of sets specified by <em>pat1</em> and <em>pat2</em>
- * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[[<em>pat1</em>]&[<em>pat2</em>]]</code>
- * <td>The intersection of sets specified by <em>pat1</em> and <em>pat2</em>
- * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[[<em>pat1</em>]-[<em>pat2</em>]]</code>
- * <td>The asymmetric difference of sets specified by <em>pat1</em> and
- * <em>pat2</em>
- * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[:Lu:] or \\p{Lu}</code>
- * <td>The set of characters having the specified
- * Unicode property; in
- * this case, Unicode uppercase letters
- * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[:^Lu:] or \\P{Lu}</code>
- * <td>The set of characters <em>not</em> having the given
- * Unicode property
- * </table>
- *
- * <p><b>Warning</b>: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</p>
- *
- * <p><b>Formal syntax</b></p>
- *
- * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
- * <table>
- * <tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>pattern :=&nbsp; </code></td>
- * <td valign="top"><code>('[' '^'? item* ']') |
- * property</code></td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>item :=&nbsp; </code></td>
- * <td valign="top"><code>char | (char '-' char) | pattern-expr<br>
- * </code></td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>pattern-expr :=&nbsp; </code></td>
- * <td valign="top"><code>pattern | pattern-expr pattern |
- * pattern-expr op pattern<br>
- * </code></td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>op :=&nbsp; </code></td>
- * <td valign="top"><code>'&amp;' | '-'<br>
- * </code></td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>special :=&nbsp; </code></td>
- * <td valign="top"><code>'[' | ']' | '-'<br>
- * </code></td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>char :=&nbsp; </code></td>
- * <td valign="top"><em>any character that is not</em><code> special<br>
- * | ('\' </code><em>any character</em><code>)<br>
- * | ('\\u' hex hex hex hex)<br>
- * </code></td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr align="top">
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>hex :=&nbsp; </code></td>
- * <td valign="top"><em>any character for which
- * </em><code>Character.digit(c, 16)</code><em>
- * returns a non-negative result</em></td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>property :=&nbsp; </code></td>
- * <td valign="top"><em>a Unicode property set pattern</em></td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- * <br>
- * <table border="1">
- * <tr>
- * <td>Legend: <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a := b</code></td>
- * <td width="20" valign="top">&nbsp; </td>
- * <td valign="top"><code>a</code> may be replaced by <code>b</code> </td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a?</code></td>
- * <td valign="top"></td>
- * <td valign="top">zero or one instance of <code>a</code><br>
- * </td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a*</code></td>
- * <td valign="top"></td>
- * <td valign="top">one or more instances of <code>a</code><br>
- * </td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a | b</code></td>
- * <td valign="top"></td>
- * <td valign="top">either <code>a</code> or <code>b</code><br>
- * </td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>'a'</code></td>
- * <td valign="top"></td>
- * <td valign="top">the literal string between the quotes </td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- * </td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
- *
- * <p>Note:
- * - Most UnicodeSet methods do not take a UErrorCode parameter because
- * there are usually very few opportunities for failure other than a shortage
- * of memory, error codes in low-level C++ string methods would be inconvenient,
- * and the error code as the last parameter (ICU convention) would prevent
- * the use of default parameter values.
- * Instead, such methods set the UnicodeSet into a "bogus" state
- * (see isBogus()) if an error occurs.
+#include "unicode/unifilt.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Unicode Set
+ */
+// Forward Declarations.
+class BMPSet;
+class ParsePosition;
+class RBBIRuleScanner;
+class SymbolTable;
+class UnicodeSetStringSpan;
+class UVector;
+class RuleCharacterIterator;
+ * A mutable set of Unicode characters and multicharacter strings. Objects of this class
+ * represent <em>character classes</em> used in regular expressions.
+ * A character specifies a subset of Unicode code points. Legal
+ * code points are U+0000 to U+10FFFF, inclusive.
+ *
+ * <p>The UnicodeSet class is not designed to be subclassed.
+ *
+ * <p><code>UnicodeSet</code> supports two APIs. The first is the
+ * <em>operand</em> API that allows the caller to modify the value of
+ * a <code>UnicodeSet</code> object. It conforms to Java 2's
+ * <code>java.util.Set</code> interface, although
+ * <code>UnicodeSet</code> does not actually implement that
+ * interface. All methods of <code>Set</code> are supported, with the
+ * modification that they take a character range or single character
+ * instead of an <code>Object</code>, and they take a
+ * <code>UnicodeSet</code> instead of a <code>Collection</code>. The
+ * operand API may be thought of in terms of boolean logic: a boolean
+ * OR is implemented by <code>add</code>, a boolean AND is implemented
+ * by <code>retain</code>, a boolean XOR is implemented by
+ * <code>complement</code> taking an argument, and a boolean NOT is
+ * implemented by <code>complement</code> with no argument. In terms
+ * of traditional set theory function names, <code>add</code> is a
+ * union, <code>retain</code> is an intersection, <code>remove</code>
+ * is an asymmetric difference, and <code>complement</code> with no
+ * argument is a set complement with respect to the superset range
+ * <code>MIN_VALUE-MAX_VALUE</code>
+ *
+ * <p>The second API is the
+ * <code>applyPattern()</code>/<code>toPattern()</code> API from the
+ * <code>java.text.Format</code>-derived classes. Unlike the
+ * methods that add characters, add categories, and control the logic
+ * of the set, the method <code>applyPattern()</code> sets all
+ * attributes of a <code>UnicodeSet</code> at once, based on a
+ * string pattern.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Pattern syntax</b></p>
+ *
+ * Patterns are accepted by the constructors and the
+ * <code>applyPattern()</code> methods and returned by the
+ * <code>toPattern()</code> method. These patterns follow a syntax
+ * similar to that employed by version 8 regular expression character
+ * classes. Here are some simple examples:
+ *
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <table>
+ * <tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[]</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top">No characters</td>
+ * </tr><tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[a]</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top">The character 'a'</td>
+ * </tr><tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[ae]</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top">The characters 'a' and 'e'</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[a-e]</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top">The characters 'a' through 'e' inclusive, in Unicode code
+ * point order</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[\\u4E01]</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top">The character U+4E01</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[a{ab}{ac}]</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top">The character 'a' and the multicharacter strings &quot;ab&quot; and
+ * &quot;ac&quot;</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[\\p{Lu}]</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top">All characters in the general category Uppercase Letter</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * </table>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * Any character may be preceded by a backslash in order to remove any special
+ * meaning. White space characters, as defined by UCharacter.isWhitespace(), are
+ * ignored, unless they are escaped.
+ *
+ * <p>Property patterns specify a set of characters having a certain
+ * property as defined by the Unicode standard. Both the POSIX-like
+ * "[:Lu:]" and the Perl-like syntax "\\p{Lu}" are recognized. For a
+ * complete list of supported property patterns, see the User's Guide
+ * for UnicodeSet at
+ * <a href="http://icu-project.org/userguide/unicodeSet.html">
+ * http://icu-project.org/userguide/unicodeSet.html</a>.
+ * Actual determination of property data is defined by the underlying
+ * Unicode database as implemented by UCharacter.
+ *
+ * <p>Patterns specify individual characters, ranges of characters, and
+ * Unicode property sets. When elements are concatenated, they
+ * specify their union. To complement a set, place a '^' immediately
+ * after the opening '['. Property patterns are inverted by modifying
+ * their delimiters; "[:^foo]" and "\\P{foo}". In any other location,
+ * '^' has no special meaning.
+ *
+ * <p>Ranges are indicated by placing two a '-' between two
+ * characters, as in "a-z". This specifies the range of all
+ * characters from the left to the right, in Unicode order. If the
+ * left character is greater than or equal to the
+ * right character it is a syntax error. If a '-' occurs as the first
+ * character after the opening '[' or '[^', or if it occurs as the
+ * last character before the closing ']', then it is taken as a
+ * literal. Thus "[a\-b]", "[-ab]", and "[ab-]" all indicate the same
+ * set of three characters, 'a', 'b', and '-'.
+ *
+ * <p>Sets may be intersected using the '&' operator or the asymmetric
+ * set difference may be taken using the '-' operator, for example,
+ * "[[:L:]&[\\u0000-\\u0FFF]]" indicates the set of all Unicode letters
+ * with values less than 4096. Operators ('&' and '|') have equal
+ * precedence and bind left-to-right. Thus
+ * "[[:L:]-[a-z]-[\\u0100-\\u01FF]]" is equivalent to
+ * "[[[:L:]-[a-z]]-[\\u0100-\\u01FF]]". This only really matters for
+ * difference; intersection is commutative.
+ *
+ * <table>
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[a]</code><td>The set containing 'a'
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[a-z]</code><td>The set containing 'a'
+ * through 'z' and all letters in between, in Unicode order
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[^a-z]</code><td>The set containing
+ * all characters but 'a' through 'z',
+ * that is, U+0000 through 'a'-1 and 'z'+1 through U+10FFFF
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[[<em>pat1</em>][<em>pat2</em>]]</code>
+ * <td>The union of sets specified by <em>pat1</em> and <em>pat2</em>
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[[<em>pat1</em>]&[<em>pat2</em>]]</code>
+ * <td>The intersection of sets specified by <em>pat1</em> and <em>pat2</em>
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[[<em>pat1</em>]-[<em>pat2</em>]]</code>
+ * <td>The asymmetric difference of sets specified by <em>pat1</em> and
+ * <em>pat2</em>
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[:Lu:] or \\p{Lu}</code>
+ * <td>The set of characters having the specified
+ * Unicode property; in
+ * this case, Unicode uppercase letters
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[:^Lu:] or \\P{Lu}</code>
+ * <td>The set of characters <em>not</em> having the given
+ * Unicode property
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p><b>Warning</b>: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</p>
+ *
+ * <p><b>Formal syntax</b></p>
+ *
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <table>
+ * <tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>pattern :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"><code>('[' '^'? item* ']') |
+ * property</code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>item :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"><code>char | (char '-' char) | pattern-expr<br>
+ * </code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>pattern-expr :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"><code>pattern | pattern-expr pattern |
+ * pattern-expr op pattern<br>
+ * </code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>op :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"><code>'&amp;' | '-'<br>
+ * </code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>special :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"><code>'[' | ']' | '-'<br>
+ * </code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>char :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"><em>any character that is not</em><code> special<br>
+ * | ('\' </code><em>any character</em><code>)<br>
+ * | ('\\u' hex hex hex hex)<br>
+ * </code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr align="top">
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>hex :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"><em>any character for which
+ * </em><code>Character.digit(c, 16)</code><em>
+ * returns a non-negative result</em></td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>property :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"><em>a Unicode property set pattern</em></td>
+ * </tr>
+ * </table>
+ * <br>
+ * <table border="1">
+ * <tr>
+ * <td>Legend: <table>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a := b</code></td>
+ * <td width="20" valign="top">&nbsp; </td>
+ * <td valign="top"><code>a</code> may be replaced by <code>b</code> </td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a?</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"></td>
+ * <td valign="top">zero or one instance of <code>a</code><br>
+ * </td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a*</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"></td>
+ * <td valign="top">one or more instances of <code>a</code><br>
+ * </td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a | b</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"></td>
+ * <td valign="top">either <code>a</code> or <code>b</code><br>
+ * </td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td nowrap valign="top"><code>'a'</code></td>
+ * <td valign="top"></td>
+ * <td valign="top">the literal string between the quotes </td>
+ * </tr>
+ * </table>
+ * </td>
+ * </tr>
+ * </table>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
- * @author Alan Liu
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
-class U_COMMON_API UnicodeSet U_FINAL : public UnicodeFilter {
+ * <p>Note:
+ * - Most UnicodeSet methods do not take a UErrorCode parameter because
+ * there are usually very few opportunities for failure other than a shortage
+ * of memory, error codes in low-level C++ string methods would be inconvenient,
+ * and the error code as the last parameter (ICU convention) would prevent
+ * the use of default parameter values.
+ * Instead, such methods set the UnicodeSet into a "bogus" state
+ * (see isBogus()) if an error occurs.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnicodeSet U_FINAL : public UnicodeFilter {
* Enough for sets with few ranges.
@@ -287,28 +287,28 @@ private:
static constexpr int32_t INITIAL_CAPACITY = 25;
// fFlags constant
static constexpr uint8_t kIsBogus = 1; // This set is bogus (i.e. not valid)
UChar32* list = stackList; // MUST be terminated with HIGH
int32_t capacity = INITIAL_CAPACITY; // capacity of list
int32_t len = 1; // length of list used; 1 <= len <= capacity
uint8_t fFlags = 0; // Bit flag (see constants above)
BMPSet *bmpSet = nullptr; // The set is frozen iff either bmpSet or stringSpan is not NULL.
UChar32* buffer = nullptr; // internal buffer, may be NULL
int32_t bufferCapacity = 0; // capacity of buffer
- /**
- * The pattern representation of this set. This may not be the
- * most economical pattern. It is the pattern supplied to
- * applyPattern(), with variables substituted and whitespace
- * removed. For sets constructed without applyPattern(), or
- * modified using the non-pattern API, this string will be empty,
- * indicating that toPattern() must generate a pattern
- * representation from the inversion list.
- */
+ /**
+ * The pattern representation of this set. This may not be the
+ * most economical pattern. It is the pattern supplied to
+ * applyPattern(), with variables substituted and whitespace
+ * removed. For sets constructed without applyPattern(), or
+ * modified using the non-pattern API, this string will be empty,
+ * indicating that toPattern() must generate a pattern
+ * representation from the inversion list.
+ */
char16_t *pat = nullptr;
int32_t patLen = 0;
UVector* strings = nullptr; // maintained in sorted order
UnicodeSetStringSpan *stringSpan = nullptr;
@@ -319,1426 +319,1426 @@ private:
UChar32 stackList[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
- /**
- * Determine if this object contains a valid set.
- * A bogus set has no value. It is different from an empty set.
- * It can be used to indicate that no set value is available.
- *
- * @return TRUE if the set is bogus/invalid, FALSE otherwise
- * @see setToBogus()
- * @stable ICU 4.0
- */
- inline UBool isBogus(void) const;
- /**
- * Make this UnicodeSet object invalid.
- * The string will test TRUE with isBogus().
- *
- * A bogus set has no value. It is different from an empty set.
- * It can be used to indicate that no set value is available.
- *
- * This utility function is used throughout the UnicodeSet
- * implementation to indicate that a UnicodeSet operation failed,
- * and may be used in other functions,
- * especially but not exclusively when such functions do not
- * take a UErrorCode for simplicity.
- *
- * @see isBogus()
- * @stable ICU 4.0
- */
- void setToBogus();
- enum {
- /**
- * Minimum value that can be stored in a UnicodeSet.
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- MIN_VALUE = 0,
- /**
- * Maximum value that can be stored in a UnicodeSet.
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- MAX_VALUE = 0x10ffff
- };
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constructors &c
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Constructs an empty set.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- UnicodeSet();
- /**
- * Constructs a set containing the given range. If <code>end <
- * start</code> then an empty set is created.
- *
- * @param start first character, inclusive, of range
- * @param end last character, inclusive, of range
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
- /**
- * @internal
- */
- enum ESerialization {
- kSerialized /* result of serialize() */
- };
- /**
- * Constructs a set from the output of serialize().
- *
- * @param buffer the 16 bit array
- * @param bufferLen the original length returned from serialize()
- * @param serialization the value 'kSerialized'
- * @param status error code
- *
- * @internal
- */
- UnicodeSet(const uint16_t buffer[], int32_t bufferLen,
- ESerialization serialization, UErrorCode &status);
-#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
- /**
- * Constructs a set from the given pattern. See the class
- * description for the syntax of the pattern language.
- * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
- * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
- * contains a syntax error.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- UnicodeSet(const UnicodeString& pattern,
- UErrorCode& status);
- /**
- * Constructs a set from the given pattern. See the class
- * description for the syntax of the pattern language.
- * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
- * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
- * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to values
- * and stand-in characters to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
- * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
- * contains a syntax error.
- * @internal
- */
- UnicodeSet(const UnicodeString& pattern,
- uint32_t options,
- const SymbolTable* symbols,
- UErrorCode& status);
-#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
- /**
- * Constructs a set from the given pattern. See the class description
- * for the syntax of the pattern language.
- * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
- * @param pos on input, the position in pattern at which to start parsing.
- * On output, the position after the last character parsed.
- * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
- * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to values
- * and stand-in characters to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
- * @param status input-output error code
- * @stable ICU 2.8
- */
- UnicodeSet(const UnicodeString& pattern, ParsePosition& pos,
- uint32_t options,
- const SymbolTable* symbols,
- UErrorCode& status);
- /**
- * Constructs a set that is identical to the given UnicodeSet.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- UnicodeSet(const UnicodeSet& o);
- /**
- * Destructs the set.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual ~UnicodeSet();
- /**
- * Assigns this object to be a copy of another.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- UnicodeSet& operator=(const UnicodeSet& o);
- /**
- * Compares the specified object with this set for equality. Returns
- * <tt>true</tt> if the two sets
- * have the same size, and every member of the specified set is
- * contained in this set (or equivalently, every member of this set is
- * contained in the specified set).
- *
- * @param o set to be compared for equality with this set.
- * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified set is equal to this set.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UBool operator==(const UnicodeSet& o) const;
- /**
- * Compares the specified object with this set for equality. Returns
- * <tt>true</tt> if the specified set is not equal to this set.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
+ /**
+ * Determine if this object contains a valid set.
+ * A bogus set has no value. It is different from an empty set.
+ * It can be used to indicate that no set value is available.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if the set is bogus/invalid, FALSE otherwise
+ * @see setToBogus()
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ inline UBool isBogus(void) const;
+ /**
+ * Make this UnicodeSet object invalid.
+ * The string will test TRUE with isBogus().
+ *
+ * A bogus set has no value. It is different from an empty set.
+ * It can be used to indicate that no set value is available.
+ *
+ * This utility function is used throughout the UnicodeSet
+ * implementation to indicate that a UnicodeSet operation failed,
+ * and may be used in other functions,
+ * especially but not exclusively when such functions do not
+ * take a UErrorCode for simplicity.
+ *
+ * @see isBogus()
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ void setToBogus();
+ enum {
+ /**
+ * Minimum value that can be stored in a UnicodeSet.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ MIN_VALUE = 0,
+ /**
+ * Maximum value that can be stored in a UnicodeSet.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ MAX_VALUE = 0x10ffff
+ };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Constructors &c
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Constructs an empty set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ UnicodeSet();
+ /**
+ * Constructs a set containing the given range. If <code>end <
+ * start</code> then an empty set is created.
+ *
+ * @param start first character, inclusive, of range
+ * @param end last character, inclusive, of range
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ /**
+ * @internal
+ */
+ enum ESerialization {
+ kSerialized /* result of serialize() */
+ };
+ /**
+ * Constructs a set from the output of serialize().
+ *
+ * @param buffer the 16 bit array
+ * @param bufferLen the original length returned from serialize()
+ * @param serialization the value 'kSerialized'
+ * @param status error code
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+ UnicodeSet(const uint16_t buffer[], int32_t bufferLen,
+ ESerialization serialization, UErrorCode &status);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ /**
+ * Constructs a set from the given pattern. See the class
+ * description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+ * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+ * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+ * contains a syntax error.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ UnicodeSet(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Constructs a set from the given pattern. See the class
+ * description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+ * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+ * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+ * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to values
+ * and stand-in characters to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
+ * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+ * contains a syntax error.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ UnicodeSet(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ uint32_t options,
+ const SymbolTable* symbols,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ /**
+ * Constructs a set from the given pattern. See the class description
+ * for the syntax of the pattern language.
+ * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+ * @param pos on input, the position in pattern at which to start parsing.
+ * On output, the position after the last character parsed.
+ * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+ * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to values
+ * and stand-in characters to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
+ * @param status input-output error code
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+ UnicodeSet(const UnicodeString& pattern, ParsePosition& pos,
+ uint32_t options,
+ const SymbolTable* symbols,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Constructs a set that is identical to the given UnicodeSet.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ UnicodeSet(const UnicodeSet& o);
+ /**
+ * Destructs the set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual ~UnicodeSet();
+ /**
+ * Assigns this object to be a copy of another.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& operator=(const UnicodeSet& o);
+ /**
+ * Compares the specified object with this set for equality. Returns
+ * <tt>true</tt> if the two sets
+ * have the same size, and every member of the specified set is
+ * contained in this set (or equivalently, every member of this set is
+ * contained in the specified set).
+ *
+ * @param o set to be compared for equality with this set.
+ * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified set is equal to this set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UBool operator==(const UnicodeSet& o) const;
+ /**
+ * Compares the specified object with this set for equality. Returns
+ * <tt>true</tt> if the specified set is not equal to this set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
inline UBool operator!=(const UnicodeSet& o) const;
- /**
- * Returns a copy of this object. All UnicodeFunctor objects have
- * to support cloning in order to allow classes using
- * UnicodeFunctors, such as Transliterator, to implement cloning.
- * If this set is frozen, then the clone will be frozen as well.
- * Use cloneAsThawed() for a mutable clone of a frozen set.
- * @see cloneAsThawed
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
+ /**
+ * Returns a copy of this object. All UnicodeFunctor objects have
+ * to support cloning in order to allow classes using
+ * UnicodeFunctors, such as Transliterator, to implement cloning.
+ * If this set is frozen, then the clone will be frozen as well.
+ * Use cloneAsThawed() for a mutable clone of a frozen set.
+ * @see cloneAsThawed
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
virtual UnicodeSet* clone() const;
- /**
- * Returns the hash code value for this set.
- *
- * @return the hash code value for this set.
- * @see Object#hashCode()
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const;
- /**
- * Get a UnicodeSet pointer from a USet
- *
- * @param uset a USet (the ICU plain C type for UnicodeSet)
- * @return the corresponding UnicodeSet pointer.
- *
- * @stable ICU 4.2
- */
- inline static UnicodeSet *fromUSet(USet *uset);
- /**
- * Get a UnicodeSet pointer from a const USet
- *
- * @param uset a const USet (the ICU plain C type for UnicodeSet)
- * @return the corresponding UnicodeSet pointer.
- *
- * @stable ICU 4.2
- */
- inline static const UnicodeSet *fromUSet(const USet *uset);
- /**
- * Produce a USet * pointer for this UnicodeSet.
- * USet is the plain C type for UnicodeSet
- *
- * @return a USet pointer for this UnicodeSet
- * @stable ICU 4.2
- */
- inline USet *toUSet();
- /**
- * Produce a const USet * pointer for this UnicodeSet.
- * USet is the plain C type for UnicodeSet
- *
- * @return a const USet pointer for this UnicodeSet
- * @stable ICU 4.2
- */
- inline const USet * toUSet() const;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Freezable API
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Determines whether the set has been frozen (made immutable) or not.
- * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
- * @return TRUE/FALSE for whether the set has been frozen
- * @see freeze
- * @see cloneAsThawed
- * @stable ICU 3.8
- */
- inline UBool isFrozen() const;
- /**
- * Freeze the set (make it immutable).
- * Once frozen, it cannot be unfrozen and is therefore thread-safe
- * until it is deleted.
- * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
- * Freezing the set may also make some operations faster, for example
- * contains() and span().
- * A frozen set will not be modified. (It remains frozen.)
- * @return this set.
- * @see isFrozen
- * @see cloneAsThawed
- * @stable ICU 3.8
- */
+ /**
+ * Returns the hash code value for this set.
+ *
+ * @return the hash code value for this set.
+ * @see Object#hashCode()
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const;
+ /**
+ * Get a UnicodeSet pointer from a USet
+ *
+ * @param uset a USet (the ICU plain C type for UnicodeSet)
+ * @return the corresponding UnicodeSet pointer.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ inline static UnicodeSet *fromUSet(USet *uset);
+ /**
+ * Get a UnicodeSet pointer from a const USet
+ *
+ * @param uset a const USet (the ICU plain C type for UnicodeSet)
+ * @return the corresponding UnicodeSet pointer.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ inline static const UnicodeSet *fromUSet(const USet *uset);
+ /**
+ * Produce a USet * pointer for this UnicodeSet.
+ * USet is the plain C type for UnicodeSet
+ *
+ * @return a USet pointer for this UnicodeSet
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ inline USet *toUSet();
+ /**
+ * Produce a const USet * pointer for this UnicodeSet.
+ * USet is the plain C type for UnicodeSet
+ *
+ * @return a const USet pointer for this UnicodeSet
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ inline const USet * toUSet() const;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Freezable API
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Determines whether the set has been frozen (made immutable) or not.
+ * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
+ * @return TRUE/FALSE for whether the set has been frozen
+ * @see freeze
+ * @see cloneAsThawed
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+ inline UBool isFrozen() const;
+ /**
+ * Freeze the set (make it immutable).
+ * Once frozen, it cannot be unfrozen and is therefore thread-safe
+ * until it is deleted.
+ * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
+ * Freezing the set may also make some operations faster, for example
+ * contains() and span().
+ * A frozen set will not be modified. (It remains frozen.)
+ * @return this set.
+ * @see isFrozen
+ * @see cloneAsThawed
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
UnicodeSet *freeze();
- /**
- * Clone the set and make the clone mutable.
- * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
- * @return the mutable clone
- * @see freeze
- * @see isFrozen
- * @stable ICU 3.8
- */
+ /**
+ * Clone the set and make the clone mutable.
+ * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
+ * @return the mutable clone
+ * @see freeze
+ * @see isFrozen
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
UnicodeSet *cloneAsThawed() const;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Public API
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Public API
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
* Make this object represent the range `start - end`.
* If `end > start` then this object is set to an empty range.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param start first character in the set, inclusive
- * @param end last character in the set, inclusive
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& set(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
- /**
- * Return true if the given position, in the given pattern, appears
- * to be the start of a UnicodeSet pattern.
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- static UBool resemblesPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
- int32_t pos);
- /**
- * Modifies this set to represent the set specified by the given
- * pattern, ignoring Unicode Pattern_White_Space characters.
- * See the class description for the syntax of the pattern language.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
- * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
- * contains a syntax error.
- * <em> Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
- * @return a reference to this
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- UnicodeSet& applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
- UErrorCode& status);
- /**
- * Modifies this set to represent the set specified by the given
- * pattern, optionally ignoring Unicode Pattern_White_Space characters.
- * See the class description for the syntax of the pattern language.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
- * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
- * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to
- * values and stand-ins to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
- * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
- * contains a syntax error.
- *<em> Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
- * @return a reference to this
- * @internal
- */
- UnicodeSet& applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
- uint32_t options,
- const SymbolTable* symbols,
- UErrorCode& status);
-#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
- /**
- * Parses the given pattern, starting at the given position. The
- * character at pattern.charAt(pos.getIndex()) must be '[', or the
- * parse fails. Parsing continues until the corresponding closing
- * ']'. If a syntax error is encountered between the opening and
- * closing brace, the parse fails. Upon return from a successful
- * parse, the ParsePosition is updated to point to the character
- * following the closing ']', and a StringBuffer containing a
- * pairs list for the parsed pattern is returned. This method calls
- * itself recursively to parse embedded subpatterns.
- *<em> Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param pattern the string containing the pattern to be parsed.
- * The portion of the string from pos.getIndex(), which must be a
- * '[', to the corresponding closing ']', is parsed.
- * @param pos upon entry, the position at which to being parsing.
- * The character at pattern.charAt(pos.getIndex()) must be a '['.
- * Upon return from a successful parse, pos.getIndex() is either
- * the character after the closing ']' of the parsed pattern, or
- * pattern.length() if the closing ']' is the last character of
- * the pattern string.
- * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
- * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to
- * values and stand-ins to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
- * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
- * contains a syntax error.
- * @return a reference to this
- * @stable ICU 2.8
- */
- UnicodeSet& applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
- ParsePosition& pos,
- uint32_t options,
- const SymbolTable* symbols,
- UErrorCode& status);
- /**
- * Returns a string representation of this set. If the result of
- * calling this function is passed to a UnicodeSet constructor, it
- * will produce another set that is equal to this one.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param result the string to receive the rules. Previous
- * contents will be deleted.
- * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
- * character to their hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or
- * \\Uxxxxxxxx. Unprintable characters are those other than
- * U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& result,
- UBool escapeUnprintable = FALSE) const;
- /**
- * Modifies this set to contain those code points which have the given value
- * for the given binary or enumerated property, as returned by
- * u_getIntPropertyValue. Prior contents of this set are lost.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param prop a property in the range UCHAR_BIN_START..UCHAR_BIN_LIMIT-1
- *
- * @param value a value in the range u_getIntPropertyMinValue(prop)..
- * u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(prop), with one exception. If prop is
- * UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, then value should not be a UCharCategory, but
- * rather a mask value produced by U_GET_GC_MASK(). This allows grouped
- * categories such as [:L:] to be represented.
- *
- * @param ec error code input/output parameter
- *
- * @return a reference to this set
- *
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& applyIntPropertyValue(UProperty prop,
- int32_t value,
- UErrorCode& ec);
- /**
- * Modifies this set to contain those code points which have the
- * given value for the given property. Prior contents of this
- * set are lost.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param prop a property alias, either short or long. The name is matched
- * loosely. See PropertyAliases.txt for names and a description of loose
- * matching. If the value string is empty, then this string is interpreted
- * as either a General_Category value alias, a Script value alias, a binary
- * property alias, or a special ID. Special IDs are matched loosely and
- * correspond to the following sets:
- *
- * "ANY" = [\\u0000-\\U0010FFFF],
- * "ASCII" = [\\u0000-\\u007F],
- * "Assigned" = [:^Cn:].
- *
- * @param value a value alias, either short or long. The name is matched
- * loosely. See PropertyValueAliases.txt for names and a description of
- * loose matching. In addition to aliases listed, numeric values and
- * canonical combining classes may be expressed numerically, e.g., ("nv",
- * "0.5") or ("ccc", "220"). The value string may also be empty.
- *
- * @param ec error code input/output parameter
- *
- * @return a reference to this set
- *
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& applyPropertyAlias(const UnicodeString& prop,
- const UnicodeString& value,
- UErrorCode& ec);
- /**
- * Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
- * Note than the elements of a set may include both individual
- * codepoints and strings.
- *
- * @return the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual int32_t size(void) const;
- /**
- * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains no elements.
- *
- * @return <tt>true</tt> if this set contains no elements.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UBool isEmpty(void) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains the given character.
- * This function works faster with a frozen set.
- * @param c character to be checked for containment
- * @return true if the test condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UBool contains(UChar32 c) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains every character
- * of the given range.
- * @param start first character, inclusive, of the range
- * @param end last character, inclusive, of the range
- * @return true if the test condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UBool contains(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const;
- /**
- * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains the given
- * multicharacter string.
- * @param s string to be checked for containment
- * @return <tt>true</tt> if this set contains the specified string
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UBool contains(const UnicodeString& s) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains all the characters and strings
- * of the given set.
- * @param c set to be checked for containment
- * @return true if the test condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- virtual UBool containsAll(const UnicodeSet& c) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains all the characters
- * of the given string.
- * @param s string containing characters to be checked for containment
- * @return true if the test condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UBool containsAll(const UnicodeString& s) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains none of the characters
- * of the given range.
- * @param start first character, inclusive, of the range
- * @param end last character, inclusive, of the range
- * @return true if the test condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UBool containsNone(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains none of the characters and strings
- * of the given set.
- * @param c set to be checked for containment
- * @return true if the test condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UBool containsNone(const UnicodeSet& c) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains none of the characters
- * of the given string.
- * @param s string containing characters to be checked for containment
- * @return true if the test condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UBool containsNone(const UnicodeString& s) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains one or more of the characters
- * in the given range.
- * @param start first character, inclusive, of the range
- * @param end last character, inclusive, of the range
- * @return true if the condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- inline UBool containsSome(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains one or more of the characters
- * and strings of the given set.
- * @param s The set to be checked for containment
- * @return true if the condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- inline UBool containsSome(const UnicodeSet& s) const;
- /**
- * Returns true if this set contains one or more of the characters
- * of the given string.
- * @param s string containing characters to be checked for containment
- * @return true if the condition is met
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- inline UBool containsSome(const UnicodeString& s) const;
- /**
- * Returns the length of the initial substring of the input string which
- * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
- * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
- * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
- * See USetSpanCondition for details.
- * Similar to the strspn() C library function.
- * Unpaired surrogates are treated according to contains() of their surrogate code points.
- * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
- * @param s start of the string
- * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
- * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
- * @return the length of the initial substring according to the spanCondition;
- * 0 if the start of the string does not fit the spanCondition
- * @stable ICU 3.8
- * @see USetSpanCondition
- */
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param start first character in the set, inclusive
+ * @param end last character in the set, inclusive
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& set(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ /**
+ * Return true if the given position, in the given pattern, appears
+ * to be the start of a UnicodeSet pattern.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ static UBool resemblesPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ int32_t pos);
+ /**
+ * Modifies this set to represent the set specified by the given
+ * pattern, ignoring Unicode Pattern_White_Space characters.
+ * See the class description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+ * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+ * contains a syntax error.
+ * <em> Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
+ * @return a reference to this
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Modifies this set to represent the set specified by the given
+ * pattern, optionally ignoring Unicode Pattern_White_Space characters.
+ * See the class description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+ * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+ * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to
+ * values and stand-ins to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
+ * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+ * contains a syntax error.
+ *<em> Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
+ * @return a reference to this
+ * @internal
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ uint32_t options,
+ const SymbolTable* symbols,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ /**
+ * Parses the given pattern, starting at the given position. The
+ * character at pattern.charAt(pos.getIndex()) must be '[', or the
+ * parse fails. Parsing continues until the corresponding closing
+ * ']'. If a syntax error is encountered between the opening and
+ * closing brace, the parse fails. Upon return from a successful
+ * parse, the ParsePosition is updated to point to the character
+ * following the closing ']', and a StringBuffer containing a
+ * pairs list for the parsed pattern is returned. This method calls
+ * itself recursively to parse embedded subpatterns.
+ *<em> Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param pattern the string containing the pattern to be parsed.
+ * The portion of the string from pos.getIndex(), which must be a
+ * '[', to the corresponding closing ']', is parsed.
+ * @param pos upon entry, the position at which to being parsing.
+ * The character at pattern.charAt(pos.getIndex()) must be a '['.
+ * Upon return from a successful parse, pos.getIndex() is either
+ * the character after the closing ']' of the parsed pattern, or
+ * pattern.length() if the closing ']' is the last character of
+ * the pattern string.
+ * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+ * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to
+ * values and stand-ins to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
+ * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+ * contains a syntax error.
+ * @return a reference to this
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ ParsePosition& pos,
+ uint32_t options,
+ const SymbolTable* symbols,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Returns a string representation of this set. If the result of
+ * calling this function is passed to a UnicodeSet constructor, it
+ * will produce another set that is equal to this one.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param result the string to receive the rules. Previous
+ * contents will be deleted.
+ * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
+ * character to their hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or
+ * \\Uxxxxxxxx. Unprintable characters are those other than
+ * U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+ UBool escapeUnprintable = FALSE) const;
+ /**
+ * Modifies this set to contain those code points which have the given value
+ * for the given binary or enumerated property, as returned by
+ * u_getIntPropertyValue. Prior contents of this set are lost.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param prop a property in the range UCHAR_BIN_START..UCHAR_BIN_LIMIT-1
+ *
+ * @param value a value in the range u_getIntPropertyMinValue(prop)..
+ * u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(prop), with one exception. If prop is
+ * UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, then value should not be a UCharCategory, but
+ * rather a mask value produced by U_GET_GC_MASK(). This allows grouped
+ * categories such as [:L:] to be represented.
+ *
+ * @param ec error code input/output parameter
+ *
+ * @return a reference to this set
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& applyIntPropertyValue(UProperty prop,
+ int32_t value,
+ UErrorCode& ec);
+ /**
+ * Modifies this set to contain those code points which have the
+ * given value for the given property. Prior contents of this
+ * set are lost.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param prop a property alias, either short or long. The name is matched
+ * loosely. See PropertyAliases.txt for names and a description of loose
+ * matching. If the value string is empty, then this string is interpreted
+ * as either a General_Category value alias, a Script value alias, a binary
+ * property alias, or a special ID. Special IDs are matched loosely and
+ * correspond to the following sets:
+ *
+ * "ANY" = [\\u0000-\\U0010FFFF],
+ * "ASCII" = [\\u0000-\\u007F],
+ * "Assigned" = [:^Cn:].
+ *
+ * @param value a value alias, either short or long. The name is matched
+ * loosely. See PropertyValueAliases.txt for names and a description of
+ * loose matching. In addition to aliases listed, numeric values and
+ * canonical combining classes may be expressed numerically, e.g., ("nv",
+ * "0.5") or ("ccc", "220"). The value string may also be empty.
+ *
+ * @param ec error code input/output parameter
+ *
+ * @return a reference to this set
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& applyPropertyAlias(const UnicodeString& prop,
+ const UnicodeString& value,
+ UErrorCode& ec);
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
+ * Note than the elements of a set may include both individual
+ * codepoints and strings.
+ *
+ * @return the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual int32_t size(void) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains no elements.
+ *
+ * @return <tt>true</tt> if this set contains no elements.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UBool isEmpty(void) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains the given character.
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set.
+ * @param c character to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UBool contains(UChar32 c) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains every character
+ * of the given range.
+ * @param start first character, inclusive, of the range
+ * @param end last character, inclusive, of the range
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UBool contains(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains the given
+ * multicharacter string.
+ * @param s string to be checked for containment
+ * @return <tt>true</tt> if this set contains the specified string
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UBool contains(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains all the characters and strings
+ * of the given set.
+ * @param c set to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ virtual UBool containsAll(const UnicodeSet& c) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains all the characters
+ * of the given string.
+ * @param s string containing characters to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UBool containsAll(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains none of the characters
+ * of the given range.
+ * @param start first character, inclusive, of the range
+ * @param end last character, inclusive, of the range
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UBool containsNone(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains none of the characters and strings
+ * of the given set.
+ * @param c set to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UBool containsNone(const UnicodeSet& c) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains none of the characters
+ * of the given string.
+ * @param s string containing characters to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UBool containsNone(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains one or more of the characters
+ * in the given range.
+ * @param start first character, inclusive, of the range
+ * @param end last character, inclusive, of the range
+ * @return true if the condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ inline UBool containsSome(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains one or more of the characters
+ * and strings of the given set.
+ * @param s The set to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ inline UBool containsSome(const UnicodeSet& s) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this set contains one or more of the characters
+ * of the given string.
+ * @param s string containing characters to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ inline UBool containsSome(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the length of the initial substring of the input string which
+ * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+ * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+ * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+ * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+ * Similar to the strspn() C library function.
+ * Unpaired surrogates are treated according to contains() of their surrogate code points.
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+ * @param s start of the string
+ * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the length of the initial substring according to the spanCondition;
+ * 0 if the start of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
int32_t span(const char16_t *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
- /**
- * Returns the end of the substring of the input string according to the USetSpanCondition.
- * Same as <code>start+span(s.getBuffer()+start, s.length()-start, spanCondition)</code>
- * after pinning start to 0<=start<=s.length().
- * @param s the string
- * @param start the start index in the string for the span operation
- * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
- * @return the exclusive end of the substring according to the spanCondition;
- * the substring s.tempSubStringBetween(start, end) fulfills the spanCondition
- * @stable ICU 4.4
- * @see USetSpanCondition
- */
- inline int32_t span(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
- /**
- * Returns the start of the trailing substring of the input string which
- * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
- * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
- * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
- * See USetSpanCondition for details.
- * Unpaired surrogates are treated according to contains() of their surrogate code points.
- * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
- * @param s start of the string
- * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
- * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
- * @return the start of the trailing substring according to the spanCondition;
- * the string length if the end of the string does not fit the spanCondition
- * @stable ICU 3.8
- * @see USetSpanCondition
- */
+ /**
+ * Returns the end of the substring of the input string according to the USetSpanCondition.
+ * Same as <code>start+span(s.getBuffer()+start, s.length()-start, spanCondition)</code>
+ * after pinning start to 0<=start<=s.length().
+ * @param s the string
+ * @param start the start index in the string for the span operation
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the exclusive end of the substring according to the spanCondition;
+ * the substring s.tempSubStringBetween(start, end) fulfills the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
+ inline int32_t span(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the start of the trailing substring of the input string which
+ * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+ * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+ * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+ * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+ * Unpaired surrogates are treated according to contains() of their surrogate code points.
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+ * @param s start of the string
+ * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the start of the trailing substring according to the spanCondition;
+ * the string length if the end of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
int32_t spanBack(const char16_t *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
- /**
- * Returns the start of the substring of the input string according to the USetSpanCondition.
- * Same as <code>spanBack(s.getBuffer(), limit, spanCondition)</code>
- * after pinning limit to 0<=end<=s.length().
- * @param s the string
- * @param limit the exclusive-end index in the string for the span operation
- * (use s.length() or INT32_MAX for spanning back from the end of the string)
- * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
- * @return the start of the substring according to the spanCondition;
- * the substring s.tempSubStringBetween(start, limit) fulfills the spanCondition
- * @stable ICU 4.4
- * @see USetSpanCondition
- */
- inline int32_t spanBack(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t limit, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
- /**
- * Returns the length of the initial substring of the input string which
- * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
- * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
- * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
- * See USetSpanCondition for details.
- * Similar to the strspn() C library function.
- * Malformed byte sequences are treated according to contains(0xfffd).
- * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
- * @param s start of the string (UTF-8)
- * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
- * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
- * @return the length of the initial substring according to the spanCondition;
- * 0 if the start of the string does not fit the spanCondition
- * @stable ICU 3.8
- * @see USetSpanCondition
- */
- int32_t spanUTF8(const char *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
- /**
- * Returns the start of the trailing substring of the input string which
- * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
- * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
- * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
- * See USetSpanCondition for details.
- * Malformed byte sequences are treated according to contains(0xfffd).
- * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
- * @param s start of the string (UTF-8)
- * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
- * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
- * @return the start of the trailing substring according to the spanCondition;
- * the string length if the end of the string does not fit the spanCondition
- * @stable ICU 3.8
- * @see USetSpanCondition
- */
- int32_t spanBackUTF8(const char *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
- /**
- * Implement UnicodeMatcher::matches()
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- virtual UMatchDegree matches(const Replaceable& text,
- int32_t& offset,
- int32_t limit,
- UBool incremental);
- /**
- * Returns the longest match for s in text at the given position.
- * If limit > start then match forward from start+1 to limit
- * matching all characters except s.charAt(0). If limit < start,
- * go backward starting from start-1 matching all characters
- * except s.charAt(s.length()-1). This method assumes that the
- * first character, text.charAt(start), matches s, so it does not
- * check it.
- * @param text the text to match
- * @param start the first character to match. In the forward
- * direction, text.charAt(start) is matched against s.charAt(0).
- * In the reverse direction, it is matched against
- * s.charAt(s.length()-1).
- * @param limit the limit offset for matching, either last+1 in
- * the forward direction, or last-1 in the reverse direction,
- * where last is the index of the last character to match.
- * @param s
- * @return If part of s matches up to the limit, return |limit -
- * start|. If all of s matches before reaching the limit, return
- * s.length(). If there is a mismatch between s and text, return
- * 0
- */
- static int32_t matchRest(const Replaceable& text,
- int32_t start, int32_t limit,
- const UnicodeString& s);
- /**
- * Returns the smallest value i such that c < list[i]. Caller
- * must ensure that c is a legal value or this method will enter
- * an infinite loop. This method performs a binary search.
- * @param c a character in the range MIN_VALUE..MAX_VALUE
- * inclusive
- * @return the smallest integer i in the range 0..len-1,
- * inclusive, such that c < list[i]
- */
- int32_t findCodePoint(UChar32 c) const;
- /**
- * Implementation of UnicodeMatcher API. Union the set of all
- * characters that may be matched by this object into the given
- * set.
- * @param toUnionTo the set into which to union the source characters
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- virtual void addMatchSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
- /**
- * Returns the index of the given character within this set, where
- * the set is ordered by ascending code point. If the character
- * is not in this set, return -1. The inverse of this method is
- * <code>charAt()</code>.
- * @return an index from 0..size()-1, or -1
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- int32_t indexOf(UChar32 c) const;
- /**
- * Returns the character at the given index within this set, where
- * the set is ordered by ascending code point. If the index is
- * out of range, return (UChar32)-1. The inverse of this method is
- * <code>indexOf()</code>.
- * @param index an index from 0..size()-1
- * @return the character at the given index, or (UChar32)-1.
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UChar32 charAt(int32_t index) const;
- /**
- * Adds the specified range to this set if it is not already
- * present. If this set already contains the specified range,
- * the call leaves this set unchanged. If <code>end > start</code>
- * then an empty range is added, leaving the set unchanged.
- * This is equivalent to a boolean logic OR, or a set UNION.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be added
- * to this set.
- * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be added
- * to this set.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& add(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
- /**
- * Adds the specified character to this set if it is not already
- * present. If this set already contains the specified character,
- * the call leaves this set unchanged.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- UnicodeSet& add(UChar32 c);
- /**
- * Adds the specified multicharacter to this set if it is not already
- * present. If this set already contains the multicharacter,
- * the call leaves this set unchanged.
- * Thus "ch" => {"ch"}
- * <br><b>Warning: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</b>
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param s the source string
- * @return this object, for chaining
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& add(const UnicodeString& s);
- private:
- /**
- * @return a code point IF the string consists of a single one.
- * otherwise returns -1.
- * @param s string to test
- */
- static int32_t getSingleCP(const UnicodeString& s);
- void _add(const UnicodeString& s);
- public:
- /**
- * Adds each of the characters in this string to the set. Thus "ch" => {"c", "h"}
- * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param s the source string
- * @return this object, for chaining
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& addAll(const UnicodeString& s);
- /**
- * Retains EACH of the characters in this string. Note: "ch" == {"c", "h"}
- * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param s the source string
- * @return this object, for chaining
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& retainAll(const UnicodeString& s);
- /**
- * Complement EACH of the characters in this string. Note: "ch" == {"c", "h"}
- * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param s the source string
- * @return this object, for chaining
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& complementAll(const UnicodeString& s);
- /**
- * Remove EACH of the characters in this string. Note: "ch" == {"c", "h"}
- * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param s the source string
- * @return this object, for chaining
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& removeAll(const UnicodeString& s);
- /**
- * Makes a set from a multicharacter string. Thus "ch" => {"ch"}
- * <br><b>Warning: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</b>
- * @param s the source string
- * @return a newly created set containing the given string.
- * The caller owns the return object and is responsible for deleting it.
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- static UnicodeSet* U_EXPORT2 createFrom(const UnicodeString& s);
- /**
- * Makes a set from each of the characters in the string. Thus "ch" => {"c", "h"}
- * @param s the source string
- * @return a newly created set containing the given characters
- * The caller owns the return object and is responsible for deleting it.
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- static UnicodeSet* U_EXPORT2 createFromAll(const UnicodeString& s);
- /**
- * Retain only the elements in this set that are contained in the
- * specified range. If <code>end > start</code> then an empty range is
- * retained, leaving the set empty. This is equivalent to
- * a boolean logic AND, or a set INTERSECTION.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be retained
- * to this set.
- * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be retained
- * to this set.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& retain(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
- /**
- * Retain the specified character from this set if it is present.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- UnicodeSet& retain(UChar32 c);
- /**
- * Removes the specified range from this set if it is present.
- * The set will not contain the specified range once the call
- * returns. If <code>end > start</code> then an empty range is
- * removed, leaving the set unchanged.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be removed
- * from this set.
- * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be removed
- * from this set.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& remove(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
- /**
- * Removes the specified character from this set if it is present.
- * The set will not contain the specified range once the call
- * returns.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- UnicodeSet& remove(UChar32 c);
- /**
- * Removes the specified string from this set if it is present.
- * The set will not contain the specified character once the call
- * returns.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param s the source string
- * @return this object, for chaining
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& remove(const UnicodeString& s);
- /**
- * Inverts this set. This operation modifies this set so that
- * its value is its complement. This is equivalent to
- * <code>complement(MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE)</code>.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& complement(void);
- /**
- * Complements the specified range in this set. Any character in
- * the range will be removed if it is in this set, or will be
- * added if it is not in this set. If <code>end > start</code>
- * then an empty range is complemented, leaving the set unchanged.
- * This is equivalent to a boolean logic XOR.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be removed
- * from this set.
- * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be removed
- * from this set.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& complement(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
- /**
- * Complements the specified character in this set. The character
- * will be removed if it is in this set, or will be added if it is
- * not in this set.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- UnicodeSet& complement(UChar32 c);
- /**
- * Complement the specified string in this set.
- * The set will not contain the specified string once the call
- * returns.
- * <br><b>Warning: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</b>
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @param s the string to complement
- * @return this object, for chaining
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- UnicodeSet& complement(const UnicodeString& s);
- /**
- * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this set if
- * they're not already present. This operation effectively
- * modifies this set so that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two
- * sets. The behavior of this operation is unspecified if the specified
- * collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param c set whose elements are to be added to this set.
- * @see #add(UChar32, UChar32)
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& addAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
- /**
- * Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the
- * specified set. In other words, removes from this set all of
- * its elements that are not contained in the specified set. This
- * operation effectively modifies this set so that its value is
- * the <i>intersection</i> of the two sets.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param c set that defines which elements this set will retain.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& retainAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
- /**
- * Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the
- * specified set. This operation effectively modifies this
- * set so that its value is the <i>asymmetric set difference</i> of
- * the two sets.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param c set that defines which elements will be removed from
- * this set.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& removeAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
- /**
- * Complements in this set all elements contained in the specified
- * set. Any character in the other set will be removed if it is
- * in this set, or will be added if it is not in this set.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param c set that defines which elements will be xor'ed from
- * this set.
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& complementAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
- /**
- * Removes all of the elements from this set. This set will be
- * empty after this call returns.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& clear(void);
- /**
- * Close this set over the given attribute. For the attribute
- * USET_CASE, the result is to modify this set so that:
- *
- * 1. For each character or string 'a' in this set, all strings or
- * characters 'b' such that foldCase(a) == foldCase(b) are added
- * to this set.
- *
- * 2. For each string 'e' in the resulting set, if e !=
- * foldCase(e), 'e' will be removed.
- *
- * Example: [aq\\u00DF{Bc}{bC}{Fi}] => [aAqQ\\u00DF\\uFB01{ss}{bc}{fi}]
- *
- * (Here foldCase(x) refers to the operation u_strFoldCase, and a
- * == b denotes that the contents are the same, not pointer
- * comparison.)
- *
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- *
- * @param attribute bitmask for attributes to close over.
- * Currently only the USET_CASE bit is supported. Any undefined bits
- * are ignored.
- * @return a reference to this set.
- * @stable ICU 4.2
- */
- UnicodeSet& closeOver(int32_t attribute);
- /**
- * Remove all strings from this set.
- *
- * @return a reference to this set.
- * @stable ICU 4.2
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet &removeAllStrings();
- /**
- * Iteration method that returns the number of ranges contained in
- * this set.
- * @see #getRangeStart
- * @see #getRangeEnd
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- virtual int32_t getRangeCount(void) const;
- /**
- * Iteration method that returns the first character in the
- * specified range of this set.
- * @see #getRangeCount
- * @see #getRangeEnd
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- virtual UChar32 getRangeStart(int32_t index) const;
- /**
- * Iteration method that returns the last character in the
- * specified range of this set.
- * @see #getRangeStart
- * @see #getRangeEnd
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- virtual UChar32 getRangeEnd(int32_t index) const;
- /**
- * Serializes this set into an array of 16-bit integers. Serialization
- * (currently) only records the characters in the set; multicharacter
- * strings are ignored.
- *
- * The array has following format (each line is one 16-bit
- * integer):
- *
- * length = (n+2*m) | (m!=0?0x8000:0)
- * bmpLength = n; present if m!=0
- * bmp[0]
- * bmp[1]
- * ...
- * bmp[n-1]
- * supp-high[0]
- * supp-low[0]
- * supp-high[1]
- * supp-low[1]
- * ...
- * supp-high[m-1]
- * supp-low[m-1]
- *
- * The array starts with a header. After the header are n bmp
- * code points, then m supplementary code points. Either n or m
- * or both may be zero. n+2*m is always <= 0x7FFF.
- *
- * If there are no supplementary characters (if m==0) then the
- * header is one 16-bit integer, 'length', with value n.
- *
- * If there are supplementary characters (if m!=0) then the header
- * is two 16-bit integers. The first, 'length', has value
- * (n+2*m)|0x8000. The second, 'bmpLength', has value n.
- *
- * After the header the code points are stored in ascending order.
- * Supplementary code points are stored as most significant 16
- * bits followed by least significant 16 bits.
- *
- * @param dest pointer to buffer of destCapacity 16-bit integers.
- * May be NULL only if destCapacity is zero.
- * @param destCapacity size of dest, or zero. Must not be negative.
- * @param ec error code. Will be set to U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR
- * if n+2*m > 0x7FFF. Will be set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if
- * n+2*m+(m!=0?2:1) > destCapacity.
- * @return the total length of the serialized format, including
- * the header, that is, n+2*m+(m!=0?2:1), or 0 on error other
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- int32_t serialize(uint16_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode& ec) const;
- /**
- * Reallocate this objects internal structures to take up the least
- * possible space, without changing this object's value.
- * A frozen set will not be modified.
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- virtual UnicodeSet& compact();
- /**
- * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for
- * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
- * <pre>
- * . Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
- * . if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
- * . Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
- * </pre>
- * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
- /**
- * Implement UnicodeFunctor API.
- *
- * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
- * class have the same class ID. Objects of other classes have
- * different class IDs.
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
- // Private API for the USet API
- friend class USetAccess;
- const UnicodeString* getString(int32_t index) const;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // RuleBasedTransliterator support
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains any character whose low byte
- * is the given value. This is used by <tt>RuleBasedTransliterator</tt> for
- * indexing.
- */
- virtual UBool matchesIndexValue(uint8_t v) const;
- friend class RBBIRuleScanner;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Implementation: Clone as thawed (see ICU4J Freezable)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- UnicodeSet(const UnicodeSet& o, UBool /* asThawed */);
+ /**
+ * Returns the start of the substring of the input string according to the USetSpanCondition.
+ * Same as <code>spanBack(s.getBuffer(), limit, spanCondition)</code>
+ * after pinning limit to 0<=end<=s.length().
+ * @param s the string
+ * @param limit the exclusive-end index in the string for the span operation
+ * (use s.length() or INT32_MAX for spanning back from the end of the string)
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the start of the substring according to the spanCondition;
+ * the substring s.tempSubStringBetween(start, limit) fulfills the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
+ inline int32_t spanBack(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t limit, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the length of the initial substring of the input string which
+ * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+ * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+ * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+ * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+ * Similar to the strspn() C library function.
+ * Malformed byte sequences are treated according to contains(0xfffd).
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+ * @param s start of the string (UTF-8)
+ * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the length of the initial substring according to the spanCondition;
+ * 0 if the start of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
+ int32_t spanUTF8(const char *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the start of the trailing substring of the input string which
+ * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+ * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+ * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+ * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+ * Malformed byte sequences are treated according to contains(0xfffd).
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+ * @param s start of the string (UTF-8)
+ * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the start of the trailing substring according to the spanCondition;
+ * the string length if the end of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
+ int32_t spanBackUTF8(const char *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+ /**
+ * Implement UnicodeMatcher::matches()
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ virtual UMatchDegree matches(const Replaceable& text,
+ int32_t& offset,
+ int32_t limit,
+ UBool incremental);
+ /**
+ * Returns the longest match for s in text at the given position.
+ * If limit > start then match forward from start+1 to limit
+ * matching all characters except s.charAt(0). If limit < start,
+ * go backward starting from start-1 matching all characters
+ * except s.charAt(s.length()-1). This method assumes that the
+ * first character, text.charAt(start), matches s, so it does not
+ * check it.
+ * @param text the text to match
+ * @param start the first character to match. In the forward
+ * direction, text.charAt(start) is matched against s.charAt(0).
+ * In the reverse direction, it is matched against
+ * s.charAt(s.length()-1).
+ * @param limit the limit offset for matching, either last+1 in
+ * the forward direction, or last-1 in the reverse direction,
+ * where last is the index of the last character to match.
+ * @param s
+ * @return If part of s matches up to the limit, return |limit -
+ * start|. If all of s matches before reaching the limit, return
+ * s.length(). If there is a mismatch between s and text, return
+ * 0
+ */
+ static int32_t matchRest(const Replaceable& text,
+ int32_t start, int32_t limit,
+ const UnicodeString& s);
+ /**
+ * Returns the smallest value i such that c < list[i]. Caller
+ * must ensure that c is a legal value or this method will enter
+ * an infinite loop. This method performs a binary search.
+ * @param c a character in the range MIN_VALUE..MAX_VALUE
+ * inclusive
+ * @return the smallest integer i in the range 0..len-1,
+ * inclusive, such that c < list[i]
+ */
+ int32_t findCodePoint(UChar32 c) const;
+ /**
+ * Implementation of UnicodeMatcher API. Union the set of all
+ * characters that may be matched by this object into the given
+ * set.
+ * @param toUnionTo the set into which to union the source characters
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ virtual void addMatchSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the index of the given character within this set, where
+ * the set is ordered by ascending code point. If the character
+ * is not in this set, return -1. The inverse of this method is
+ * <code>charAt()</code>.
+ * @return an index from 0..size()-1, or -1
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ int32_t indexOf(UChar32 c) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the character at the given index within this set, where
+ * the set is ordered by ascending code point. If the index is
+ * out of range, return (UChar32)-1. The inverse of this method is
+ * <code>indexOf()</code>.
+ * @param index an index from 0..size()-1
+ * @return the character at the given index, or (UChar32)-1.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UChar32 charAt(int32_t index) const;
+ /**
+ * Adds the specified range to this set if it is not already
+ * present. If this set already contains the specified range,
+ * the call leaves this set unchanged. If <code>end > start</code>
+ * then an empty range is added, leaving the set unchanged.
+ * This is equivalent to a boolean logic OR, or a set UNION.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be added
+ * to this set.
+ * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be added
+ * to this set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& add(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ /**
+ * Adds the specified character to this set if it is not already
+ * present. If this set already contains the specified character,
+ * the call leaves this set unchanged.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& add(UChar32 c);
+ /**
+ * Adds the specified multicharacter to this set if it is not already
+ * present. If this set already contains the multicharacter,
+ * the call leaves this set unchanged.
+ * Thus "ch" => {"ch"}
+ * <br><b>Warning: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</b>
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param s the source string
+ * @return this object, for chaining
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& add(const UnicodeString& s);
+ private:
+ /**
+ * @return a code point IF the string consists of a single one.
+ * otherwise returns -1.
+ * @param s string to test
+ */
+ static int32_t getSingleCP(const UnicodeString& s);
+ void _add(const UnicodeString& s);
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Adds each of the characters in this string to the set. Thus "ch" => {"c", "h"}
+ * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param s the source string
+ * @return this object, for chaining
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& addAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+ /**
+ * Retains EACH of the characters in this string. Note: "ch" == {"c", "h"}
+ * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param s the source string
+ * @return this object, for chaining
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& retainAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+ /**
+ * Complement EACH of the characters in this string. Note: "ch" == {"c", "h"}
+ * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param s the source string
+ * @return this object, for chaining
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& complementAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+ /**
+ * Remove EACH of the characters in this string. Note: "ch" == {"c", "h"}
+ * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param s the source string
+ * @return this object, for chaining
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& removeAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+ /**
+ * Makes a set from a multicharacter string. Thus "ch" => {"ch"}
+ * <br><b>Warning: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</b>
+ * @param s the source string
+ * @return a newly created set containing the given string.
+ * The caller owns the return object and is responsible for deleting it.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ static UnicodeSet* U_EXPORT2 createFrom(const UnicodeString& s);
+ /**
+ * Makes a set from each of the characters in the string. Thus "ch" => {"c", "h"}
+ * @param s the source string
+ * @return a newly created set containing the given characters
+ * The caller owns the return object and is responsible for deleting it.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ static UnicodeSet* U_EXPORT2 createFromAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+ /**
+ * Retain only the elements in this set that are contained in the
+ * specified range. If <code>end > start</code> then an empty range is
+ * retained, leaving the set empty. This is equivalent to
+ * a boolean logic AND, or a set INTERSECTION.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be retained
+ * to this set.
+ * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be retained
+ * to this set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& retain(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ /**
+ * Retain the specified character from this set if it is present.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& retain(UChar32 c);
+ /**
+ * Removes the specified range from this set if it is present.
+ * The set will not contain the specified range once the call
+ * returns. If <code>end > start</code> then an empty range is
+ * removed, leaving the set unchanged.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be removed
+ * from this set.
+ * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be removed
+ * from this set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& remove(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ /**
+ * Removes the specified character from this set if it is present.
+ * The set will not contain the specified range once the call
+ * returns.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& remove(UChar32 c);
+ /**
+ * Removes the specified string from this set if it is present.
+ * The set will not contain the specified character once the call
+ * returns.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param s the source string
+ * @return this object, for chaining
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& remove(const UnicodeString& s);
+ /**
+ * Inverts this set. This operation modifies this set so that
+ * its value is its complement. This is equivalent to
+ * <code>complement(MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE)</code>.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& complement(void);
+ /**
+ * Complements the specified range in this set. Any character in
+ * the range will be removed if it is in this set, or will be
+ * added if it is not in this set. If <code>end > start</code>
+ * then an empty range is complemented, leaving the set unchanged.
+ * This is equivalent to a boolean logic XOR.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be removed
+ * from this set.
+ * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be removed
+ * from this set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& complement(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ /**
+ * Complements the specified character in this set. The character
+ * will be removed if it is in this set, or will be added if it is
+ * not in this set.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& complement(UChar32 c);
+ /**
+ * Complement the specified string in this set.
+ * The set will not contain the specified string once the call
+ * returns.
+ * <br><b>Warning: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</b>
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param s the string to complement
+ * @return this object, for chaining
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& complement(const UnicodeString& s);
+ /**
+ * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this set if
+ * they're not already present. This operation effectively
+ * modifies this set so that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two
+ * sets. The behavior of this operation is unspecified if the specified
+ * collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param c set whose elements are to be added to this set.
+ * @see #add(UChar32, UChar32)
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& addAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
+ /**
+ * Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the
+ * specified set. In other words, removes from this set all of
+ * its elements that are not contained in the specified set. This
+ * operation effectively modifies this set so that its value is
+ * the <i>intersection</i> of the two sets.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param c set that defines which elements this set will retain.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& retainAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
+ /**
+ * Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the
+ * specified set. This operation effectively modifies this
+ * set so that its value is the <i>asymmetric set difference</i> of
+ * the two sets.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param c set that defines which elements will be removed from
+ * this set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& removeAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
+ /**
+ * Complements in this set all elements contained in the specified
+ * set. Any character in the other set will be removed if it is
+ * in this set, or will be added if it is not in this set.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param c set that defines which elements will be xor'ed from
+ * this set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& complementAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
+ /**
+ * Removes all of the elements from this set. This set will be
+ * empty after this call returns.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& clear(void);
+ /**
+ * Close this set over the given attribute. For the attribute
+ * USET_CASE, the result is to modify this set so that:
+ *
+ * 1. For each character or string 'a' in this set, all strings or
+ * characters 'b' such that foldCase(a) == foldCase(b) are added
+ * to this set.
+ *
+ * 2. For each string 'e' in the resulting set, if e !=
+ * foldCase(e), 'e' will be removed.
+ *
+ * Example: [aq\\u00DF{Bc}{bC}{Fi}] => [aAqQ\\u00DF\\uFB01{ss}{bc}{fi}]
+ *
+ * (Here foldCase(x) refers to the operation u_strFoldCase, and a
+ * == b denotes that the contents are the same, not pointer
+ * comparison.)
+ *
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param attribute bitmask for attributes to close over.
+ * Currently only the USET_CASE bit is supported. Any undefined bits
+ * are ignored.
+ * @return a reference to this set.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& closeOver(int32_t attribute);
+ /**
+ * Remove all strings from this set.
+ *
+ * @return a reference to this set.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet &removeAllStrings();
+ /**
+ * Iteration method that returns the number of ranges contained in
+ * this set.
+ * @see #getRangeStart
+ * @see #getRangeEnd
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ virtual int32_t getRangeCount(void) const;
+ /**
+ * Iteration method that returns the first character in the
+ * specified range of this set.
+ * @see #getRangeCount
+ * @see #getRangeEnd
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ virtual UChar32 getRangeStart(int32_t index) const;
+ /**
+ * Iteration method that returns the last character in the
+ * specified range of this set.
+ * @see #getRangeStart
+ * @see #getRangeEnd
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ virtual UChar32 getRangeEnd(int32_t index) const;
+ /**
+ * Serializes this set into an array of 16-bit integers. Serialization
+ * (currently) only records the characters in the set; multicharacter
+ * strings are ignored.
+ *
+ * The array has following format (each line is one 16-bit
+ * integer):
+ *
+ * length = (n+2*m) | (m!=0?0x8000:0)
+ * bmpLength = n; present if m!=0
+ * bmp[0]
+ * bmp[1]
+ * ...
+ * bmp[n-1]
+ * supp-high[0]
+ * supp-low[0]
+ * supp-high[1]
+ * supp-low[1]
+ * ...
+ * supp-high[m-1]
+ * supp-low[m-1]
+ *
+ * The array starts with a header. After the header are n bmp
+ * code points, then m supplementary code points. Either n or m
+ * or both may be zero. n+2*m is always <= 0x7FFF.
+ *
+ * If there are no supplementary characters (if m==0) then the
+ * header is one 16-bit integer, 'length', with value n.
+ *
+ * If there are supplementary characters (if m!=0) then the header
+ * is two 16-bit integers. The first, 'length', has value
+ * (n+2*m)|0x8000. The second, 'bmpLength', has value n.
+ *
+ * After the header the code points are stored in ascending order.
+ * Supplementary code points are stored as most significant 16
+ * bits followed by least significant 16 bits.
+ *
+ * @param dest pointer to buffer of destCapacity 16-bit integers.
+ * May be NULL only if destCapacity is zero.
+ * @param destCapacity size of dest, or zero. Must not be negative.
+ * @param ec error code. Will be set to U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR
+ * if n+2*m > 0x7FFF. Will be set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if
+ * n+2*m+(m!=0?2:1) > destCapacity.
+ * @return the total length of the serialized format, including
+ * the header, that is, n+2*m+(m!=0?2:1), or 0 on error other
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ int32_t serialize(uint16_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+ /**
+ * Reallocate this objects internal structures to take up the least
+ * possible space, without changing this object's value.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeSet& compact();
+ /**
+ * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for
+ * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+ * <pre>
+ * . Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+ * . if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+ * . Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+ * </pre>
+ * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+ /**
+ * Implement UnicodeFunctor API.
+ *
+ * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
+ * class have the same class ID. Objects of other classes have
+ * different class IDs.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+ // Private API for the USet API
+ friend class USetAccess;
+ const UnicodeString* getString(int32_t index) const;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RuleBasedTransliterator support
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains any character whose low byte
+ * is the given value. This is used by <tt>RuleBasedTransliterator</tt> for
+ * indexing.
+ */
+ virtual UBool matchesIndexValue(uint8_t v) const;
+ friend class RBBIRuleScanner;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Implementation: Clone as thawed (see ICU4J Freezable)
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ UnicodeSet(const UnicodeSet& o, UBool /* asThawed */);
UnicodeSet& copyFrom(const UnicodeSet& o, UBool asThawed);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Implementation: Pattern parsing
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- void applyPatternIgnoreSpace(const UnicodeString& pattern,
- ParsePosition& pos,
- const SymbolTable* symbols,
- UErrorCode& status);
- void applyPattern(RuleCharacterIterator& chars,
- const SymbolTable* symbols,
- UnicodeString& rebuiltPat,
- uint32_t options,
- UnicodeSet& (UnicodeSet::*caseClosure)(int32_t attribute),
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Implementation: Pattern parsing
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ void applyPatternIgnoreSpace(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ ParsePosition& pos,
+ const SymbolTable* symbols,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+ void applyPattern(RuleCharacterIterator& chars,
+ const SymbolTable* symbols,
+ UnicodeString& rebuiltPat,
+ uint32_t options,
+ UnicodeSet& (UnicodeSet::*caseClosure)(int32_t attribute),
int32_t depth,
- UErrorCode& ec);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Implementation: Utility methods
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ UErrorCode& ec);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Implementation: Utility methods
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
static int32_t nextCapacity(int32_t minCapacity);
bool ensureCapacity(int32_t newLen);
bool ensureBufferCapacity(int32_t newLen);
- void swapBuffers(void);
- UBool allocateStrings(UErrorCode &status);
+ void swapBuffers(void);
+ UBool allocateStrings(UErrorCode &status);
UBool hasStrings() const;
int32_t stringsSize() const;
UBool stringsContains(const UnicodeString &s) const;
- UnicodeString& _toPattern(UnicodeString& result,
- UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
- UnicodeString& _generatePattern(UnicodeString& result,
- UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
- static void _appendToPat(UnicodeString& buf, const UnicodeString& s, UBool escapeUnprintable);
- static void _appendToPat(UnicodeString& buf, UChar32 c, UBool escapeUnprintable);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Implementation: Fundamental operators
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- void exclusiveOr(const UChar32* other, int32_t otherLen, int8_t polarity);
- void add(const UChar32* other, int32_t otherLen, int8_t polarity);
- void retain(const UChar32* other, int32_t otherLen, int8_t polarity);
- /**
- * Return true if the given position, in the given pattern, appears
- * to be the start of a property set pattern [:foo:], \\p{foo}, or
- * \\P{foo}, or \\N{name}.
- */
- static UBool resemblesPropertyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
- int32_t pos);
- static UBool resemblesPropertyPattern(RuleCharacterIterator& chars,
- int32_t iterOpts);
- /**
- * Parse the given property pattern at the given parse position
- * and set this UnicodeSet to the result.
- *
- * The original design document is out of date, but still useful.
- * Ignore the property and value names:
- * http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icuhtml/trunk/design/unicodeset_properties.html
- *
- * Recognized syntax:
- *
- * [:foo:] [:^foo:] - white space not allowed within "[:" or ":]"
- * \\p{foo} \\P{foo} - white space not allowed within "\\p" or "\\P"
- * \\N{name} - white space not allowed within "\\N"
- *
- * Other than the above restrictions, Unicode Pattern_White_Space characters are ignored.
- * Case is ignored except in "\\p" and "\\P" and "\\N". In 'name' leading
- * and trailing space is deleted, and internal runs of whitespace
- * are collapsed to a single space.
- *
- * We support binary properties, enumerated properties, and the
- * following non-enumerated properties:
- *
- * Numeric_Value
- * Name
- * Unicode_1_Name
- *
- * @param pattern the pattern string
- * @param ppos on entry, the position at which to begin parsing.
- * This should be one of the locations marked '^':
- *
- * [:blah:] \\p{blah} \\P{blah} \\N{name}
- * ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ %
- *
- * On return, the position after the last character parsed, that is,
- * the locations marked '%'. If the parse fails, ppos is returned
- * unchanged.
- * @param ec status
- * @return a reference to this.
- */
- UnicodeSet& applyPropertyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
- ParsePosition& ppos,
- UErrorCode &ec);
- void applyPropertyPattern(RuleCharacterIterator& chars,
- UnicodeString& rebuiltPat,
- UErrorCode& ec);
- static const UnicodeSet* getInclusions(int32_t src, UErrorCode &status);
- /**
- * A filter that returns TRUE if the given code point should be
- * included in the UnicodeSet being constructed.
- */
- typedef UBool (*Filter)(UChar32 codePoint, void* context);
- /**
- * Given a filter, set this UnicodeSet to the code points
- * contained by that filter. The filter MUST be
- * property-conformant. That is, if it returns value v for one
- * code point, then it must return v for all affiliated code
- * points, as defined by the inclusions list. See
- * getInclusions().
- * src is a UPropertySource value.
- */
- void applyFilter(Filter filter,
- void* context,
+ UnicodeString& _toPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+ UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+ UnicodeString& _generatePattern(UnicodeString& result,
+ UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+ static void _appendToPat(UnicodeString& buf, const UnicodeString& s, UBool escapeUnprintable);
+ static void _appendToPat(UnicodeString& buf, UChar32 c, UBool escapeUnprintable);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Implementation: Fundamental operators
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ void exclusiveOr(const UChar32* other, int32_t otherLen, int8_t polarity);
+ void add(const UChar32* other, int32_t otherLen, int8_t polarity);
+ void retain(const UChar32* other, int32_t otherLen, int8_t polarity);
+ /**
+ * Return true if the given position, in the given pattern, appears
+ * to be the start of a property set pattern [:foo:], \\p{foo}, or
+ * \\P{foo}, or \\N{name}.
+ */
+ static UBool resemblesPropertyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ int32_t pos);
+ static UBool resemblesPropertyPattern(RuleCharacterIterator& chars,
+ int32_t iterOpts);
+ /**
+ * Parse the given property pattern at the given parse position
+ * and set this UnicodeSet to the result.
+ *
+ * The original design document is out of date, but still useful.
+ * Ignore the property and value names:
+ * http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icuhtml/trunk/design/unicodeset_properties.html
+ *
+ * Recognized syntax:
+ *
+ * [:foo:] [:^foo:] - white space not allowed within "[:" or ":]"
+ * \\p{foo} \\P{foo} - white space not allowed within "\\p" or "\\P"
+ * \\N{name} - white space not allowed within "\\N"
+ *
+ * Other than the above restrictions, Unicode Pattern_White_Space characters are ignored.
+ * Case is ignored except in "\\p" and "\\P" and "\\N". In 'name' leading
+ * and trailing space is deleted, and internal runs of whitespace
+ * are collapsed to a single space.
+ *
+ * We support binary properties, enumerated properties, and the
+ * following non-enumerated properties:
+ *
+ * Numeric_Value
+ * Name
+ * Unicode_1_Name
+ *
+ * @param pattern the pattern string
+ * @param ppos on entry, the position at which to begin parsing.
+ * This should be one of the locations marked '^':
+ *
+ * [:blah:] \\p{blah} \\P{blah} \\N{name}
+ * ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ %
+ *
+ * On return, the position after the last character parsed, that is,
+ * the locations marked '%'. If the parse fails, ppos is returned
+ * unchanged.
+ * @param ec status
+ * @return a reference to this.
+ */
+ UnicodeSet& applyPropertyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ ParsePosition& ppos,
+ UErrorCode &ec);
+ void applyPropertyPattern(RuleCharacterIterator& chars,
+ UnicodeString& rebuiltPat,
+ UErrorCode& ec);
+ static const UnicodeSet* getInclusions(int32_t src, UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * A filter that returns TRUE if the given code point should be
+ * included in the UnicodeSet being constructed.
+ */
+ typedef UBool (*Filter)(UChar32 codePoint, void* context);
+ /**
+ * Given a filter, set this UnicodeSet to the code points
+ * contained by that filter. The filter MUST be
+ * property-conformant. That is, if it returns value v for one
+ * code point, then it must return v for all affiliated code
+ * points, as defined by the inclusions list. See
+ * getInclusions().
+ * src is a UPropertySource value.
+ */
+ void applyFilter(Filter filter,
+ void* context,
const UnicodeSet* inclusions,
- UErrorCode &status);
+ UErrorCode &status);
// UCPMap is now stable ICU 63
void applyIntPropertyValue(const UCPMap *map,
UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context,
UErrorCode &errorCode);
- /**
- * Set the new pattern to cache.
- */
+ /**
+ * Set the new pattern to cache.
+ */
void setPattern(const UnicodeString& newPat) {
setPattern(newPat.getBuffer(), newPat.length());
void setPattern(const char16_t *newPat, int32_t newPatLen);
- /**
- * Release existing cached pattern.
- */
- void releasePattern();
- friend class UnicodeSetIterator;
-inline UBool UnicodeSet::operator!=(const UnicodeSet& o) const {
- return !operator==(o);
-inline UBool UnicodeSet::isFrozen() const {
- return (UBool)(bmpSet!=NULL || stringSpan!=NULL);
-inline UBool UnicodeSet::containsSome(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const {
- return !containsNone(start, end);
-inline UBool UnicodeSet::containsSome(const UnicodeSet& s) const {
- return !containsNone(s);
-inline UBool UnicodeSet::containsSome(const UnicodeString& s) const {
- return !containsNone(s);
-inline UBool UnicodeSet::isBogus() const {
- return (UBool)(fFlags & kIsBogus);
-inline UnicodeSet *UnicodeSet::fromUSet(USet *uset) {
- return reinterpret_cast<UnicodeSet *>(uset);
-inline const UnicodeSet *UnicodeSet::fromUSet(const USet *uset) {
- return reinterpret_cast<const UnicodeSet *>(uset);
-inline USet *UnicodeSet::toUSet() {
- return reinterpret_cast<USet *>(this);
-inline const USet *UnicodeSet::toUSet() const {
- return reinterpret_cast<const USet *>(this);
-inline int32_t UnicodeSet::span(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const {
- int32_t sLength=s.length();
- if(start<0) {
- start=0;
- } else if(start>sLength) {
- start=sLength;
- }
- return start+span(s.getBuffer()+start, sLength-start, spanCondition);
-inline int32_t UnicodeSet::spanBack(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t limit, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const {
- int32_t sLength=s.length();
- if(limit<0) {
- limit=0;
- } else if(limit>sLength) {
- limit=sLength;
- }
- return spanBack(s.getBuffer(), limit, spanCondition);
+ /**
+ * Release existing cached pattern.
+ */
+ void releasePattern();
+ friend class UnicodeSetIterator;
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::operator!=(const UnicodeSet& o) const {
+ return !operator==(o);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::isFrozen() const {
+ return (UBool)(bmpSet!=NULL || stringSpan!=NULL);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::containsSome(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const {
+ return !containsNone(start, end);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::containsSome(const UnicodeSet& s) const {
+ return !containsNone(s);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::containsSome(const UnicodeString& s) const {
+ return !containsNone(s);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::isBogus() const {
+ return (UBool)(fFlags & kIsBogus);
+inline UnicodeSet *UnicodeSet::fromUSet(USet *uset) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<UnicodeSet *>(uset);
+inline const UnicodeSet *UnicodeSet::fromUSet(const USet *uset) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const UnicodeSet *>(uset);
+inline USet *UnicodeSet::toUSet() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<USet *>(this);
+inline const USet *UnicodeSet::toUSet() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const USet *>(this);
+inline int32_t UnicodeSet::span(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const {
+ int32_t sLength=s.length();
+ if(start<0) {
+ start=0;
+ } else if(start>sLength) {
+ start=sLength;
+ }
+ return start+span(s.getBuffer()+start, sLength-start, spanCondition);
+inline int32_t UnicodeSet::spanBack(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t limit, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const {
+ int32_t sLength=s.length();
+ if(limit<0) {
+ limit=0;
+ } else if(limit>sLength) {
+ limit=sLength;
+ }
+ return spanBack(s.getBuffer(), limit, spanCondition);