path: root/contrib/libs/icu/i18n/simpletz.cpp
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authorvvvv <vvvv@yandex-team.ru>2022-03-19 03:08:17 +0300
committervvvv <vvvv@yandex-team.ru>2022-03-19 03:08:17 +0300
commita5903a6577baec274cc9b12cb8f6310a6d909288 (patch)
tree691b05518934c908d56b814d9362ce70bcac0413 /contrib/libs/icu/i18n/simpletz.cpp
parent91c4444d50a2eb5df5072ef181a6f2bd5471b77b (diff)
don't export pg_wrapper in opensource build yet
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/icu/i18n/simpletz.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1263 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/icu/i18n/simpletz.cpp b/contrib/libs/icu/i18n/simpletz.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7972e2bb04..0000000000
--- a/contrib/libs/icu/i18n/simpletz.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1263 +0,0 @@
-// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
-// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
- *******************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 1997-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and
- * others. All Rights Reserved.
- *******************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * Modification History:
- *
- * Date Name Description
- * 12/05/96 clhuang Creation.
- * 04/21/97 aliu Fixed miscellaneous bugs found by inspection and
- * testing.
- * 07/29/97 aliu Ported source bodies back from Java version with
- * numerous feature enhancements and bug fixes.
- * 08/10/98 stephen JDK 1.2 sync.
- * 09/17/98 stephen Fixed getOffset() for last hour of year and DST
- * 12/02/99 aliu Added TimeMode and constructor and setStart/EndRule
- * methods that take TimeMode. Whitespace cleanup.
- ********************************************************************************
- */
-#include "utypeinfo.h" // for 'typeid' to work
-#include "unicode/utypes.h"
-#include "unicode/simpletz.h"
-#include "unicode/gregocal.h"
-#include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h"
-#include "cmemory.h"
-#include "gregoimp.h"
-#include "umutex.h"
-// Use only for decodeStartRule() and decodeEndRule() where the year is not
-// available. Set February to 29 days to accomodate rules with that date
-// and day-of-week-on-or-before-that-date mode (DOW_LE_DOM_MODE).
-// The compareToRule() method adjusts to February 28 in non-leap years.
-// For actual getOffset() calculations, use Grego::monthLength() and
-// Grego::previousMonthLength() which take leap years into account.
-// We handle leap years assuming always
-// Gregorian, since we know they didn't have daylight time when
-// Gregorian calendar started.
-const int8_t SimpleTimeZone::STATICMONTHLENGTH[] = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
-static const UChar DST_STR[] = {0x0028,0x0044,0x0053,0x0054,0x0029,0}; // "(DST)"
-static const UChar STD_STR[] = {0x0028,0x0053,0x0054,0x0044,0x0029,0}; // "(STD)"
-// *****************************************************************************
-// class SimpleTimeZone
-// *****************************************************************************
-SimpleTimeZone::SimpleTimeZone(int32_t rawOffsetGMT, const UnicodeString& ID)
-: BasicTimeZone(ID),
- startMonth(0),
- startDay(0),
- startDayOfWeek(0),
- startTime(0),
- startTimeMode(WALL_TIME),
- endTimeMode(WALL_TIME),
- endMonth(0),
- endDay(0),
- endDayOfWeek(0),
- endTime(0),
- startYear(0),
- rawOffset(rawOffsetGMT),
- useDaylight(FALSE),
- startMode(DOM_MODE),
- endMode(DOM_MODE),
- dstSavings(U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR)
- clearTransitionRules();
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::SimpleTimeZone(int32_t rawOffsetGMT, const UnicodeString& ID,
- int8_t savingsStartMonth, int8_t savingsStartDay,
- int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsStartTime,
- int8_t savingsEndMonth, int8_t savingsEndDay,
- int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsEndTime,
- UErrorCode& status)
-: BasicTimeZone(ID)
- clearTransitionRules();
- construct(rawOffsetGMT,
- savingsStartMonth, savingsStartDay, savingsStartDayOfWeek,
- savingsStartTime, WALL_TIME,
- savingsEndMonth, savingsEndDay, savingsEndDayOfWeek,
- savingsEndTime, WALL_TIME,
- U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR, status);
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::SimpleTimeZone(int32_t rawOffsetGMT, const UnicodeString& ID,
- int8_t savingsStartMonth, int8_t savingsStartDay,
- int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsStartTime,
- int8_t savingsEndMonth, int8_t savingsEndDay,
- int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsEndTime,
- int32_t savingsDST, UErrorCode& status)
-: BasicTimeZone(ID)
- clearTransitionRules();
- construct(rawOffsetGMT,
- savingsStartMonth, savingsStartDay, savingsStartDayOfWeek,
- savingsStartTime, WALL_TIME,
- savingsEndMonth, savingsEndDay, savingsEndDayOfWeek,
- savingsEndTime, WALL_TIME,
- savingsDST, status);
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::SimpleTimeZone(int32_t rawOffsetGMT, const UnicodeString& ID,
- int8_t savingsStartMonth, int8_t savingsStartDay,
- int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsStartTime,
- TimeMode savingsStartTimeMode,
- int8_t savingsEndMonth, int8_t savingsEndDay,
- int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsEndTime,
- TimeMode savingsEndTimeMode,
- int32_t savingsDST, UErrorCode& status)
-: BasicTimeZone(ID)
- clearTransitionRules();
- construct(rawOffsetGMT,
- savingsStartMonth, savingsStartDay, savingsStartDayOfWeek,
- savingsStartTime, savingsStartTimeMode,
- savingsEndMonth, savingsEndDay, savingsEndDayOfWeek,
- savingsEndTime, savingsEndTimeMode,
- savingsDST, status);
- * Internal construction method.
- */
-void SimpleTimeZone::construct(int32_t rawOffsetGMT,
- int8_t savingsStartMonth,
- int8_t savingsStartDay,
- int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeek,
- int32_t savingsStartTime,
- TimeMode savingsStartTimeMode,
- int8_t savingsEndMonth,
- int8_t savingsEndDay,
- int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeek,
- int32_t savingsEndTime,
- TimeMode savingsEndTimeMode,
- int32_t savingsDST,
- UErrorCode& status)
- this->rawOffset = rawOffsetGMT;
- this->startMonth = savingsStartMonth;
- this->startDay = savingsStartDay;
- this->startDayOfWeek = savingsStartDayOfWeek;
- this->startTime = savingsStartTime;
- this->startTimeMode = savingsStartTimeMode;
- this->endMonth = savingsEndMonth;
- this->endDay = savingsEndDay;
- this->endDayOfWeek = savingsEndDayOfWeek;
- this->endTime = savingsEndTime;
- this->endTimeMode = savingsEndTimeMode;
- this->dstSavings = savingsDST;
- this->startYear = 0;
- this->startMode = DOM_MODE;
- this->endMode = DOM_MODE;
- decodeRules(status);
- if (savingsDST == 0) {
- }
-// -------------------------------------
- deleteTransitionRules();
-// -------------------------------------
-// Called by TimeZone::createDefault(), then clone() inside a Mutex - be careful.
-SimpleTimeZone::SimpleTimeZone(const SimpleTimeZone &source)
-: BasicTimeZone(source)
- *this = source;
-// -------------------------------------
-// Called by TimeZone::createDefault(), then clone() inside a Mutex - be careful.
-SimpleTimeZone &
-SimpleTimeZone::operator=(const SimpleTimeZone &right)
- if (this != &right)
- {
- TimeZone::operator=(right);
- rawOffset = right.rawOffset;
- startMonth = right.startMonth;
- startDay = right.startDay;
- startDayOfWeek = right.startDayOfWeek;
- startTime = right.startTime;
- startTimeMode = right.startTimeMode;
- startMode = right.startMode;
- endMonth = right.endMonth;
- endDay = right.endDay;
- endDayOfWeek = right.endDayOfWeek;
- endTime = right.endTime;
- endTimeMode = right.endTimeMode;
- endMode = right.endMode;
- startYear = right.startYear;
- dstSavings = right.dstSavings;
- useDaylight = right.useDaylight;
- clearTransitionRules();
- }
- return *this;
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::operator==(const TimeZone& that) const
- return ((this == &that) ||
- (typeid(*this) == typeid(that) &&
- TimeZone::operator==(that) &&
- hasSameRules(that)));
-// -------------------------------------
-// Called by TimeZone::createDefault() inside a Mutex - be careful.
-SimpleTimeZone::clone() const
- return new SimpleTimeZone(*this);
-// -------------------------------------
- * Sets the daylight savings starting year, that is, the year this time zone began
- * observing its specified daylight savings time rules. The time zone is considered
- * not to observe daylight savings time prior to that year; SimpleTimeZone doesn't
- * support historical daylight-savings-time rules.
- * @param year the daylight savings starting year.
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::setStartYear(int32_t year)
- startYear = year;
- transitionRulesInitialized = FALSE;
-// -------------------------------------
- * Sets the daylight savings starting rule. For example, in the U.S., Daylight Savings
- * Time starts at the first Sunday in April, at 2 AM in standard time.
- * Therefore, you can set the start rule by calling:
- * setStartRule(TimeFields.APRIL, 1, TimeFields.SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);
- * The dayOfWeekInMonth and dayOfWeek parameters together specify how to calculate
- * the exact starting date. Their exact meaning depend on their respective signs,
- * allowing various types of rules to be constructed, as follows:<ul>
- * <li>If both dayOfWeekInMonth and dayOfWeek are positive, they specify the
- * day of week in the month (e.g., (2, WEDNESDAY) is the second Wednesday
- * of the month).
- * <li>If dayOfWeek is positive and dayOfWeekInMonth is negative, they specify
- * the day of week in the month counting backward from the end of the month.
- * (e.g., (-1, MONDAY) is the last Monday in the month)
- * <li>If dayOfWeek is zero and dayOfWeekInMonth is positive, dayOfWeekInMonth
- * specifies the day of the month, regardless of what day of the week it is.
- * (e.g., (10, 0) is the tenth day of the month)
- * <li>If dayOfWeek is zero and dayOfWeekInMonth is negative, dayOfWeekInMonth
- * specifies the day of the month counting backward from the end of the
- * month, regardless of what day of the week it is (e.g., (-2, 0) is the
- * next-to-last day of the month).
- * <li>If dayOfWeek is negative and dayOfWeekInMonth is positive, they specify the
- * first specified day of the week on or after the specfied day of the month.
- * (e.g., (15, -SUNDAY) is the first Sunday after the 15th of the month
- * [or the 15th itself if the 15th is a Sunday].)
- * <li>If dayOfWeek and DayOfWeekInMonth are both negative, they specify the
- * last specified day of the week on or before the specified day of the month.
- * (e.g., (-20, -TUESDAY) is the last Tuesday before the 20th of the month
- * [or the 20th itself if the 20th is a Tuesday].)</ul>
- * @param month the daylight savings starting month. Month is 0-based.
- * eg, 0 for January.
- * @param dayOfWeekInMonth the daylight savings starting
- * day-of-week-in-month. Please see the member description for an example.
- * @param dayOfWeek the daylight savings starting day-of-week. Please see
- * the member description for an example.
- * @param time the daylight savings starting time. Please see the member
- * description for an example.
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfWeekInMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
- int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UErrorCode& status)
- startMonth = (int8_t)month;
- startDay = (int8_t)dayOfWeekInMonth;
- startDayOfWeek = (int8_t)dayOfWeek;
- startTime = time;
- startTimeMode = mode;
- decodeStartRule(status);
- transitionRulesInitialized = FALSE;
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth,
- int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UErrorCode& status)
- setStartRule(month, dayOfMonth, 0, time, mode, status);
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
- int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UBool after, UErrorCode& status)
- setStartRule(month, after ? dayOfMonth : -dayOfMonth,
- -dayOfWeek, time, mode, status);
-// -------------------------------------
- * Sets the daylight savings ending rule. For example, in the U.S., Daylight
- * Savings Time ends at the last (-1) Sunday in October, at 2 AM in standard time.
- * Therefore, you can set the end rule by calling:
- * setEndRule(TimeFields.OCTOBER, -1, TimeFields.SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);
- * Various other types of rules can be specified by manipulating the dayOfWeek
- * and dayOfWeekInMonth parameters. For complete details, see the documentation
- * for setStartRule().
- * @param month the daylight savings ending month. Month is 0-based.
- * eg, 0 for January.
- * @param dayOfWeekInMonth the daylight savings ending
- * day-of-week-in-month. See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
- * @param dayOfWeek the daylight savings ending day-of-week. See setStartRule()
- * for a complete explanation.
- * @param time the daylight savings ending time. Please see the member
- * description for an example.
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfWeekInMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
- int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UErrorCode& status)
- endMonth = (int8_t)month;
- endDay = (int8_t)dayOfWeekInMonth;
- endDayOfWeek = (int8_t)dayOfWeek;
- endTime = time;
- endTimeMode = mode;
- decodeEndRule(status);
- transitionRulesInitialized = FALSE;
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth,
- int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UErrorCode& status)
- setEndRule(month, dayOfMonth, 0, time, mode, status);
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
- int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UBool after, UErrorCode& status)
- setEndRule(month, after ? dayOfMonth : -dayOfMonth,
- -dayOfWeek, time, mode, status);
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
- uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis, UErrorCode& status) const
- // Check the month before calling Grego::monthLength(). This
- // duplicates the test that occurs in the 7-argument getOffset(),
- // however, this is unavoidable. We don't mind because this method, in
- // fact, should not be called; internal code should always call the
- // 7-argument getOffset(), and outside code should use Calendar.get(int
- // field) with fields ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET. We can't get rid of
- // this method because it's public API. - liu 8/10/98
- if(month < UCAL_JANUARY || month > UCAL_DECEMBER) {
- return 0;
- }
- return getOffset(era, year, month, day, dayOfWeek, millis, Grego::monthLength(year, month), status);
-SimpleTimeZone::getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
- uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis,
- int32_t /*monthLength*/, UErrorCode& status) const
- // Check the month before calling Grego::monthLength(). This
- // duplicates a test that occurs in the 9-argument getOffset(),
- // however, this is unavoidable. We don't mind because this method, in
- // fact, should not be called; internal code should always call the
- // 9-argument getOffset(), and outside code should use Calendar.get(int
- // field) with fields ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET. We can't get rid of
- // this method because it's public API. - liu 8/10/98
- if (month < UCAL_JANUARY
- || month > UCAL_DECEMBER) {
- return -1;
- }
- // We ignore monthLength because it can be derived from year and month.
- // This is so that February in leap years is calculated correctly.
- // We keep this argument in this function for backwards compatibility.
- return getOffset(era, year, month, day, dayOfWeek, millis,
- Grego::monthLength(year, month),
- Grego::previousMonthLength(year, month),
- status);
-SimpleTimeZone::getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
- uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis,
- int32_t monthLength, int32_t prevMonthLength,
- UErrorCode& status) const
- if(U_FAILURE(status)) return 0;
- if ((era != GregorianCalendar::AD && era != GregorianCalendar::BC)
- || month < UCAL_JANUARY
- || month > UCAL_DECEMBER
- || day < 1
- || day > monthLength
- || dayOfWeek < UCAL_SUNDAY
- || dayOfWeek > UCAL_SATURDAY
- || millis < 0
- || millis >= U_MILLIS_PER_DAY
- || monthLength < 28
- || monthLength > 31
- || prevMonthLength < 28
- || prevMonthLength > 31) {
- return -1;
- }
- int32_t result = rawOffset;
- // Bail out if we are before the onset of daylight savings time
- if(!useDaylight || year < startYear || era != GregorianCalendar::AD)
- return result;
- // Check for southern hemisphere. We assume that the start and end
- // month are different.
- UBool southern = (startMonth > endMonth);
- // Compare the date to the starting and ending rules.+1 = date>rule, -1
- // = date<rule, 0 = date==rule.
- int32_t startCompare = compareToRule((int8_t)month, (int8_t)monthLength, (int8_t)prevMonthLength,
- (int8_t)day, (int8_t)dayOfWeek, millis,
- startTimeMode == UTC_TIME ? -rawOffset : 0,
- startMode, (int8_t)startMonth, (int8_t)startDayOfWeek,
- (int8_t)startDay, startTime);
- int32_t endCompare = 0;
- /* We don't always have to compute endCompare. For many instances,
- * startCompare is enough to determine if we are in DST or not. In the
- * northern hemisphere, if we are before the start rule, we can't have
- * DST. In the southern hemisphere, if we are after the start rule, we
- * must have DST. This is reflected in the way the next if statement
- * (not the one immediately following) short circuits. */
- if(southern != (startCompare >= 0)) {
- endCompare = compareToRule((int8_t)month, (int8_t)monthLength, (int8_t)prevMonthLength,
- (int8_t)day, (int8_t)dayOfWeek, millis,
- endTimeMode == WALL_TIME ? dstSavings :
- (endTimeMode == UTC_TIME ? -rawOffset : 0),
- endMode, (int8_t)endMonth, (int8_t)endDayOfWeek,
- (int8_t)endDay, endTime);
- }
- // Check for both the northern and southern hemisphere cases. We
- // assume that in the northern hemisphere, the start rule is before the
- // end rule within the calendar year, and vice versa for the southern
- // hemisphere.
- if ((!southern && (startCompare >= 0 && endCompare < 0)) ||
- (southern && (startCompare >= 0 || endCompare < 0)))
- result += dstSavings;
- return result;
-SimpleTimeZone::getOffsetFromLocal(UDate date, int32_t nonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t duplicatedTimeOpt,
- int32_t& rawOffsetGMT, int32_t& savingsDST, UErrorCode& status) const {
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- return;
- }
- rawOffsetGMT = getRawOffset();
- int32_t year, month, dom, dow;
- double day = uprv_floor(date / U_MILLIS_PER_DAY);
- int32_t millis = (int32_t) (date - day * U_MILLIS_PER_DAY);
- Grego::dayToFields(day, year, month, dom, dow);
- savingsDST = getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, year, month, dom,
- (uint8_t) dow, millis,
- Grego::monthLength(year, month),
- status) - rawOffsetGMT;
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- return;
- }
- UBool recalc = FALSE;
- // Now we need some adjustment
- if (savingsDST > 0) {
- if ((nonExistingTimeOpt & kStdDstMask) == kStandard
- || ((nonExistingTimeOpt & kStdDstMask) != kDaylight && (nonExistingTimeOpt & kFormerLatterMask) != kLatter)) {
- date -= getDSTSavings();
- recalc = TRUE;
- }
- } else {
- if ((duplicatedTimeOpt & kStdDstMask) == kDaylight
- || ((duplicatedTimeOpt & kStdDstMask) != kStandard && (duplicatedTimeOpt & kFormerLatterMask) == kFormer)) {
- date -= getDSTSavings();
- recalc = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (recalc) {
- day = uprv_floor(date / U_MILLIS_PER_DAY);
- millis = (int32_t) (date - day * U_MILLIS_PER_DAY);
- Grego::dayToFields(day, year, month, dom, dow);
- savingsDST = getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, year, month, dom,
- (uint8_t) dow, millis,
- Grego::monthLength(year, month),
- status) - rawOffsetGMT;
- }
-// -------------------------------------
- * Compare a given date in the year to a rule. Return 1, 0, or -1, depending
- * on whether the date is after, equal to, or before the rule date. The
- * millis are compared directly against the ruleMillis, so any
- * standard-daylight adjustments must be handled by the caller.
- *
- * @return 1 if the date is after the rule date, -1 if the date is before
- * the rule date, or 0 if the date is equal to the rule date.
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::compareToRule(int8_t month, int8_t monthLen, int8_t prevMonthLen,
- int8_t dayOfMonth,
- int8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis, int32_t millisDelta,
- EMode ruleMode, int8_t ruleMonth, int8_t ruleDayOfWeek,
- int8_t ruleDay, int32_t ruleMillis)
- // Make adjustments for startTimeMode and endTimeMode
- millis += millisDelta;
- while (millis >= U_MILLIS_PER_DAY) {
- millis -= U_MILLIS_PER_DAY;
- ++dayOfMonth;
- dayOfWeek = (int8_t)(1 + (dayOfWeek % 7)); // dayOfWeek is one-based
- if (dayOfMonth > monthLen) {
- dayOfMonth = 1;
- /* When incrementing the month, it is desirible to overflow
- * from DECEMBER to DECEMBER+1, since we use the result to
- * compare against a real month. Wraparound of the value
- * leads to bug 4173604. */
- ++month;
- }
- }
- while (millis < 0) {
- millis += U_MILLIS_PER_DAY;
- --dayOfMonth;
- dayOfWeek = (int8_t)(1 + ((dayOfWeek+5) % 7)); // dayOfWeek is one-based
- if (dayOfMonth < 1) {
- dayOfMonth = prevMonthLen;
- --month;
- }
- }
- // first compare months. If they're different, we don't have to worry about days
- // and times
- if (month < ruleMonth) return -1;
- else if (month > ruleMonth) return 1;
- // calculate the actual day of month for the rule
- int32_t ruleDayOfMonth = 0;
- // Adjust the ruleDay to the monthLen, for non-leap year February 29 rule days.
- if (ruleDay > monthLen) {
- ruleDay = monthLen;
- }
- switch (ruleMode)
- {
- // if the mode is day-of-month, the day of month is given
- case DOM_MODE:
- ruleDayOfMonth = ruleDay;
- break;
- // if the mode is day-of-week-in-month, calculate the day-of-month from it
- // In this case ruleDay is the day-of-week-in-month (this code is using
- // the dayOfWeek and dayOfMonth parameters to figure out the day-of-week
- // of the first day of the month, so it's trusting that they're really
- // consistent with each other)
- if (ruleDay > 0)
- ruleDayOfMonth = 1 + (ruleDay - 1) * 7 +
- (7 + ruleDayOfWeek - (dayOfWeek - dayOfMonth + 1)) % 7;
- // if ruleDay is negative (we assume it's not zero here), we have to do
- // the same calculation figuring backward from the last day of the month.
- else
- {
- // (again, this code is trusting that dayOfWeek and dayOfMonth are
- // consistent with each other here, since we're using them to figure
- // the day of week of the first of the month)
- ruleDayOfMonth = monthLen + (ruleDay + 1) * 7 -
- (7 + (dayOfWeek + monthLen - dayOfMonth) - ruleDayOfWeek) % 7;
- }
- break;
- ruleDayOfMonth = ruleDay +
- (49 + ruleDayOfWeek - ruleDay - dayOfWeek + dayOfMonth) % 7;
- break;
- ruleDayOfMonth = ruleDay -
- (49 - ruleDayOfWeek + ruleDay + dayOfWeek - dayOfMonth) % 7;
- // Note at this point ruleDayOfMonth may be <1, although it will
- // be >=1 for well-formed rules.
- break;
- }
- // now that we have a real day-in-month for the rule, we can compare days...
- if (dayOfMonth < ruleDayOfMonth) return -1;
- else if (dayOfMonth > ruleDayOfMonth) return 1;
- // ...and if they're equal, we compare times
- if (millis < ruleMillis) return -1;
- else if (millis > ruleMillis) return 1;
- else return 0;
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::getRawOffset() const
- return rawOffset;
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::setRawOffset(int32_t offsetMillis)
- rawOffset = offsetMillis;
- transitionRulesInitialized = FALSE;
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::setDSTSavings(int32_t millisSavedDuringDST, UErrorCode& status)
- if (millisSavedDuringDST == 0) {
- }
- else {
- dstSavings = millisSavedDuringDST;
- }
- transitionRulesInitialized = FALSE;
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::getDSTSavings() const
- return dstSavings;
-// -------------------------------------
-SimpleTimeZone::useDaylightTime() const
- return useDaylight;
-// -------------------------------------
- * Overrides TimeZone
- * Queries if the given date is in Daylight Savings Time.
- */
-UBool SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime(UDate date, UErrorCode& status) const
- // This method is wasteful since it creates a new GregorianCalendar and
- // deletes it each time it is called. However, this is a deprecated method
- // and provided only for Java compatibility as of 8/6/97 [LIU].
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) return FALSE;
- GregorianCalendar *gc = new GregorianCalendar(*this, status);
- /* test for NULL */
- if (gc == 0) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- gc->setTime(date, status);
- UBool result = gc->inDaylightTime(status);
- delete gc;
- return result;
-// -------------------------------------
- * Return true if this zone has the same rules and offset as another zone.
- * @param other the TimeZone object to be compared with
- * @return true if the given zone has the same rules and offset as this one
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::hasSameRules(const TimeZone& other) const
- if (this == &other) return TRUE;
- if (typeid(*this) != typeid(other)) return FALSE;
- SimpleTimeZone *that = (SimpleTimeZone*)&other;
- return rawOffset == that->rawOffset &&
- useDaylight == that->useDaylight &&
- (!useDaylight
- // Only check rules if using DST
- || (dstSavings == that->dstSavings &&
- startMode == that->startMode &&
- startMonth == that->startMonth &&
- startDay == that->startDay &&
- startDayOfWeek == that->startDayOfWeek &&
- startTime == that->startTime &&
- startTimeMode == that->startTimeMode &&
- endMode == that->endMode &&
- endMonth == that->endMonth &&
- endDay == that->endDay &&
- endDayOfWeek == that->endDayOfWeek &&
- endTime == that->endTime &&
- endTimeMode == that->endTimeMode &&
- startYear == that->startYear));
-// -------------------------------------
-// Rule representation
-// We represent the following flavors of rules:
-// 5 the fifth of the month
-// lastSun the last Sunday in the month
-// lastMon the last Monday in the month
-// Sun>=8 first Sunday on or after the eighth
-// Sun<=25 last Sunday on or before the 25th
-// This is further complicated by the fact that we need to remain
-// backward compatible with the 1.1 FCS. Finally, we need to minimize
-// API changes. In order to satisfy these requirements, we support
-// three representation systems, and we translate between them.
-// This is the format SimpleTimeZone objects take after construction or
-// streaming in is complete. Rules are represented directly, using an
-// unencoded format. We will discuss the start rule only below; the end
-// rule is analogous.
-// startMode Takes on enumerated values DAY_OF_MONTH,
-// startDay The day of the month, or for DOW_IN_MONTH mode, a
-// value indicating which DOW, such as +1 for first,
-// +2 for second, -1 for last, etc.
-// startDayOfWeek The day of the week. Ignored for DAY_OF_MONTH.
-// This is the format accepted by the constructor and by setStartRule()
-// and setEndRule(). It uses various combinations of positive, negative,
-// and zero values to encode the different rules. This representation
-// allows us to specify all the different rule flavors without altering
-// the API.
-// MODE startMonth startDay startDayOfWeek
-// DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE >=0 !=0 >0
-// DOM_MODE >=0 >0 ==0
-// DOW_GE_DOM_MODE >=0 >0 <0
-// DOW_LE_DOM_MODE >=0 <0 <0
-// (no DST) don't care ==0 don't care
-// We must retain binary compatibility with the 1.1 FCS. The 1.1 code only
-// handles DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE and non-DST mode, the latter indicated by the
-// flag useDaylight. When we stream an object out, we translate into an
-// approximate DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE representation so the object can be parsed
-// and used by 1.1 code. Following that, we write out the full
-// representation separately so that contemporary code can recognize and
-// parse it. The full representation is written in a "packed" format,
-// consisting of a version number, a length, and an array of bytes. Future
-// versions of this class may specify different versions. If they wish to
-// include additional data, they should do so by storing them after the
-// packed representation below.
- * Given a set of encoded rules in startDay and startDayOfMonth, decode
- * them and set the startMode appropriately. Do the same for endDay and
- * endDayOfMonth. Upon entry, the day of week variables may be zero or
- * negative, in order to indicate special modes. The day of month
- * variables may also be negative. Upon exit, the mode variables will be
- * set, and the day of week and day of month variables will be positive.
- * This method also recognizes a startDay or endDay of zero as indicating
- * no DST.
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::decodeRules(UErrorCode& status)
- decodeStartRule(status);
- decodeEndRule(status);
- * Decode the start rule and validate the parameters. The parameters are
- * expected to be in encoded form, which represents the various rule modes
- * by negating or zeroing certain values. Representation formats are:
- * <p>
- * <pre>
- * ------------ ----- -------- -------- ----------
- * month 0..11 same same same don't care
- * day -5..5 1..31 1..31 -1..-31 0
- * dayOfWeek 1..7 0 -1..-7 -1..-7 don't care
- * time 0..ONEDAY same same same don't care
- * </pre>
- * The range for month does not include UNDECIMBER since this class is
- * really specific to GregorianCalendar, which does not use that month.
- * The range for time includes ONEDAY (vs. ending at ONEDAY-1) because the
- * end rule is an exclusive limit point. That is, the range of times that
- * are in DST include those >= the start and < the end. For this reason,
- * it should be possible to specify an end of ONEDAY in order to include the
- * entire day. Although this is equivalent to time 0 of the following day,
- * it's not always possible to specify that, for example, on December 31.
- * While arguably the start range should still be 0..ONEDAY-1, we keep
- * the start and end ranges the same for consistency.
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::decodeStartRule(UErrorCode& status)
- if(U_FAILURE(status)) return;
- useDaylight = (UBool)((startDay != 0) && (endDay != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);
- if (useDaylight && dstSavings == 0) {
- dstSavings = U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR;
- }
- if (startDay != 0) {
- if (startMonth < UCAL_JANUARY || startMonth > UCAL_DECEMBER) {
- return;
- }
- if (startTime < 0 || startTime > U_MILLIS_PER_DAY ||
- startTimeMode < WALL_TIME || startTimeMode > UTC_TIME) {
- return;
- }
- if (startDayOfWeek == 0) {
- startMode = DOM_MODE;
- } else {
- if (startDayOfWeek > 0) {
- startMode = DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE;
- } else {
- startDayOfWeek = (int8_t)-startDayOfWeek;
- if (startDay > 0) {
- startMode = DOW_GE_DOM_MODE;
- } else {
- startDay = (int8_t)-startDay;
- startMode = DOW_LE_DOM_MODE;
- }
- }
- if (startDayOfWeek > UCAL_SATURDAY) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (startMode == DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE) {
- if (startDay < -5 || startDay > 5) {
- return;
- }
- } else if (startDay<1 || startDay > STATICMONTHLENGTH[startMonth]) {
- return;
- }
- }
- * Decode the end rule and validate the parameters. This method is exactly
- * analogous to decodeStartRule().
- * @see decodeStartRule
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::decodeEndRule(UErrorCode& status)
- if(U_FAILURE(status)) return;
- useDaylight = (UBool)((startDay != 0) && (endDay != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);
- if (useDaylight && dstSavings == 0) {
- dstSavings = U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR;
- }
- if (endDay != 0) {
- if (endMonth < UCAL_JANUARY || endMonth > UCAL_DECEMBER) {
- return;
- }
- if (endTime < 0 || endTime > U_MILLIS_PER_DAY ||
- endTimeMode < WALL_TIME || endTimeMode > UTC_TIME) {
- return;
- }
- if (endDayOfWeek == 0) {
- endMode = DOM_MODE;
- } else {
- if (endDayOfWeek > 0) {
- endMode = DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE;
- } else {
- endDayOfWeek = (int8_t)-endDayOfWeek;
- if (endDay > 0) {
- endMode = DOW_GE_DOM_MODE;
- } else {
- endDay = (int8_t)-endDay;
- endMode = DOW_LE_DOM_MODE;
- }
- }
- if (endDayOfWeek > UCAL_SATURDAY) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (endMode == DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE) {
- if (endDay < -5 || endDay > 5) {
- return;
- }
- } else if (endDay<1 || endDay > STATICMONTHLENGTH[endMonth]) {
- return;
- }
- }
-SimpleTimeZone::getNextTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const {
- if (!useDaylight) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- checkTransitionRules(status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- UDate firstTransitionTime = firstTransition->getTime();
- if (base < firstTransitionTime || (inclusive && base == firstTransitionTime)) {
- result = *firstTransition;
- }
- UDate stdDate, dstDate;
- UBool stdAvail = stdRule->getNextStart(base, dstRule->getRawOffset(), dstRule->getDSTSavings(), inclusive, stdDate);
- UBool dstAvail = dstRule->getNextStart(base, stdRule->getRawOffset(), stdRule->getDSTSavings(), inclusive, dstDate);
- if (stdAvail && (!dstAvail || stdDate < dstDate)) {
- result.setTime(stdDate);
- result.setFrom((const TimeZoneRule&)*dstRule);
- result.setTo((const TimeZoneRule&)*stdRule);
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (dstAvail && (!stdAvail || dstDate < stdDate)) {
- result.setTime(dstDate);
- result.setFrom((const TimeZoneRule&)*stdRule);
- result.setTo((const TimeZoneRule&)*dstRule);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-SimpleTimeZone::getPreviousTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const {
- if (!useDaylight) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- checkTransitionRules(status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- UDate firstTransitionTime = firstTransition->getTime();
- if (base < firstTransitionTime || (!inclusive && base == firstTransitionTime)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- UDate stdDate, dstDate;
- UBool stdAvail = stdRule->getPreviousStart(base, dstRule->getRawOffset(), dstRule->getDSTSavings(), inclusive, stdDate);
- UBool dstAvail = dstRule->getPreviousStart(base, stdRule->getRawOffset(), stdRule->getDSTSavings(), inclusive, dstDate);
- if (stdAvail && (!dstAvail || stdDate > dstDate)) {
- result.setTime(stdDate);
- result.setFrom((const TimeZoneRule&)*dstRule);
- result.setTo((const TimeZoneRule&)*stdRule);
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (dstAvail && (!stdAvail || dstDate > stdDate)) {
- result.setTime(dstDate);
- result.setFrom((const TimeZoneRule&)*stdRule);
- result.setTo((const TimeZoneRule&)*dstRule);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-SimpleTimeZone::clearTransitionRules(void) {
- initialRule = NULL;
- firstTransition = NULL;
- stdRule = NULL;
- dstRule = NULL;
- transitionRulesInitialized = FALSE;
-SimpleTimeZone::deleteTransitionRules(void) {
- if (initialRule != NULL) {
- delete initialRule;
- }
- if (firstTransition != NULL) {
- delete firstTransition;
- }
- if (stdRule != NULL) {
- delete stdRule;
- }
- if (dstRule != NULL) {
- delete dstRule;
- }
- clearTransitionRules();
- }
- * Lazy transition rules initializer
- *
- * Note On the removal of UMTX_CHECK from checkTransitionRules():
- *
- * It would be faster to have a UInitOnce as part of a SimpleTimeZone object,
- * which would avoid needing to lock a mutex to check the initialization state.
- * But we can't easily because simpletz.h is a public header, and including
- * a UInitOnce as a member of SimpleTimeZone would publicly expose internal ICU headers.
- *
- * Alternatively we could have a pointer to a UInitOnce in the SimpleTimeZone object,
- * allocate it in the constructors. This would be a more intrusive change, but doable
- * if performance turns out to be an issue.
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::checkTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const {
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- return;
- }
- static UMutex gLock;
- umtx_lock(&gLock);
- if (!transitionRulesInitialized) {
- SimpleTimeZone *ncThis = const_cast<SimpleTimeZone*>(this);
- ncThis->initTransitionRules(status);
- }
- umtx_unlock(&gLock);
-SimpleTimeZone::initTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) {
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- return;
- }
- if (transitionRulesInitialized) {
- return;
- }
- deleteTransitionRules();
- UnicodeString tzid;
- getID(tzid);
- if (useDaylight) {
- DateTimeRule* dtRule;
- DateTimeRule::TimeRuleType timeRuleType;
- UDate firstStdStart, firstDstStart;
- // Create a TimeZoneRule for daylight saving time
- timeRuleType = (startTimeMode == STANDARD_TIME) ? DateTimeRule::STANDARD_TIME :
- ((startTimeMode == UTC_TIME) ? DateTimeRule::UTC_TIME : DateTimeRule::WALL_TIME);
- switch (startMode) {
- case DOM_MODE:
- dtRule = new DateTimeRule(startMonth, startDay, startTime, timeRuleType);
- break;
- dtRule = new DateTimeRule(startMonth, startDay, startDayOfWeek, startTime, timeRuleType);
- break;
- dtRule = new DateTimeRule(startMonth, startDay, startDayOfWeek, true, startTime, timeRuleType);
- break;
- dtRule = new DateTimeRule(startMonth, startDay, startDayOfWeek, false, startTime, timeRuleType);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- // Check for Null pointer
- if (dtRule == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- // For now, use ID + "(DST)" as the name
- dstRule = new AnnualTimeZoneRule(tzid+UnicodeString(DST_STR), getRawOffset(), getDSTSavings(),
- dtRule, startYear, AnnualTimeZoneRule::MAX_YEAR);
- // Check for Null pointer
- if (dstRule == NULL) {
- deleteTransitionRules();
- return;
- }
- // Calculate the first DST start time
- dstRule->getFirstStart(getRawOffset(), 0, firstDstStart);
- // Create a TimeZoneRule for standard time
- timeRuleType = (endTimeMode == STANDARD_TIME) ? DateTimeRule::STANDARD_TIME :
- ((endTimeMode == UTC_TIME) ? DateTimeRule::UTC_TIME : DateTimeRule::WALL_TIME);
- switch (endMode) {
- case DOM_MODE:
- dtRule = new DateTimeRule(endMonth, endDay, endTime, timeRuleType);
- break;
- dtRule = new DateTimeRule(endMonth, endDay, endDayOfWeek, endTime, timeRuleType);
- break;
- dtRule = new DateTimeRule(endMonth, endDay, endDayOfWeek, true, endTime, timeRuleType);
- break;
- dtRule = new DateTimeRule(endMonth, endDay, endDayOfWeek, false, endTime, timeRuleType);
- break;
- }
- // Check for Null pointer
- if (dtRule == NULL) {
- deleteTransitionRules();
- return;
- }
- // For now, use ID + "(STD)" as the name
- stdRule = new AnnualTimeZoneRule(tzid+UnicodeString(STD_STR), getRawOffset(), 0,
- dtRule, startYear, AnnualTimeZoneRule::MAX_YEAR);
- //Check for Null pointer
- if (stdRule == NULL) {
- deleteTransitionRules();
- return;
- }
- // Calculate the first STD start time
- stdRule->getFirstStart(getRawOffset(), dstRule->getDSTSavings(), firstStdStart);
- // Create a TimeZoneRule for initial time
- if (firstStdStart < firstDstStart) {
- initialRule = new InitialTimeZoneRule(tzid+UnicodeString(DST_STR), getRawOffset(), dstRule->getDSTSavings());
- if (initialRule == NULL) {
- deleteTransitionRules();
- return;
- }
- firstTransition = new TimeZoneTransition(firstStdStart, *initialRule, *stdRule);
- } else {
- initialRule = new InitialTimeZoneRule(tzid+UnicodeString(STD_STR), getRawOffset(), 0);
- if (initialRule == NULL) {
- deleteTransitionRules();
- return;
- }
- firstTransition = new TimeZoneTransition(firstDstStart, *initialRule, *dstRule);
- }
- if (firstTransition == NULL) {
- deleteTransitionRules();
- return;
- }
- } else {
- // Create a TimeZoneRule for initial time
- initialRule = new InitialTimeZoneRule(tzid, getRawOffset(), 0);
- // Check for null pointer.
- if (initialRule == NULL) {
- deleteTransitionRules();
- return;
- }
- }
- transitionRulesInitialized = TRUE;
-SimpleTimeZone::countTransitionRules(UErrorCode& /*status*/) const {
- return (useDaylight) ? 2 : 0;
-SimpleTimeZone::getTimeZoneRules(const InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial,
- const TimeZoneRule* trsrules[],
- int32_t& trscount,
- UErrorCode& status) const {
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- return;
- }
- checkTransitionRules(status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- return;
- }
- initial = initialRule;
- int32_t cnt = 0;
- if (stdRule != NULL) {
- if (cnt < trscount) {
- trsrules[cnt++] = stdRule;
- }
- if (cnt < trscount) {
- trsrules[cnt++] = dstRule;
- }
- }
- trscount = cnt;
-#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */