path: root/contrib/libs/icu/i18n/rbt_pars.cpp
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /contrib/libs/icu/i18n/rbt_pars.cpp
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/icu/i18n/rbt_pars.cpp')
1 files changed, 1747 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/icu/i18n/rbt_pars.cpp b/contrib/libs/icu/i18n/rbt_pars.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ae5b81f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/icu/i18n/rbt_pars.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1747 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
+ **********************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
+ * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ * Date Name Description
+ * 11/17/99 aliu Creation.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/parsepos.h"
+#include "unicode/putil.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+#include "cstring.h"
+#include "funcrepl.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "quant.h"
+#include "rbt.h"
+#include "rbt_data.h"
+#include "rbt_pars.h"
+#include "rbt_rule.h"
+#include "strmatch.h"
+#include "strrepl.h"
+#include "unicode/symtable.h"
+#include "tridpars.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "patternprops.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "uprops.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+// Operators
+#define VARIABLE_DEF_OP ((UChar)0x003D) /*=*/
+#define FORWARD_RULE_OP ((UChar)0x003E) /*>*/
+#define REVERSE_RULE_OP ((UChar)0x003C) /*<*/
+#define FWDREV_RULE_OP ((UChar)0x007E) /*~*/ // internal rep of <> op
+// Other special characters
+#define QUOTE ((UChar)0x0027) /*'*/
+#define ESCAPE ((UChar)0x005C) /*\*/
+#define END_OF_RULE ((UChar)0x003B) /*;*/
+#define RULE_COMMENT_CHAR ((UChar)0x0023) /*#*/
+#define SEGMENT_OPEN ((UChar)0x0028) /*(*/
+#define SEGMENT_CLOSE ((UChar)0x0029) /*)*/
+#define CONTEXT_ANTE ((UChar)0x007B) /*{*/
+#define CONTEXT_POST ((UChar)0x007D) /*}*/
+#define CURSOR_POS ((UChar)0x007C) /*|*/
+#define CURSOR_OFFSET ((UChar)0x0040) /*@*/
+#define ANCHOR_START ((UChar)0x005E) /*^*/
+#define KLEENE_STAR ((UChar)0x002A) /***/
+#define ONE_OR_MORE ((UChar)0x002B) /*+*/
+#define ZERO_OR_ONE ((UChar)0x003F) /*?*/
+#define DOT ((UChar)46) /*.*/
+static const UChar DOT_SET[] = { // "[^[:Zp:][:Zl:]\r\n$]";
+ 91, 94, 91, 58, 90, 112, 58, 93, 91, 58, 90,
+ 108, 58, 93, 92, 114, 92, 110, 36, 93, 0
+// A function is denoted &Source-Target/Variant(text)
+#define FUNCTION ((UChar)38) /*&*/
+// Aliases for some of the syntax characters. These are provided so
+// transliteration rules can be expressed in XML without clashing with
+// XML syntax characters '<', '>', and '&'.
+#define ALT_REVERSE_RULE_OP ((UChar)0x2190) // Left Arrow
+#define ALT_FORWARD_RULE_OP ((UChar)0x2192) // Right Arrow
+#define ALT_FWDREV_RULE_OP ((UChar)0x2194) // Left Right Arrow
+#define ALT_FUNCTION ((UChar)0x2206) // Increment (~Greek Capital Delta)
+// Special characters disallowed at the top level
+static const UChar ILLEGAL_TOP[] = {41,0}; // ")"
+// Special characters disallowed within a segment
+static const UChar ILLEGAL_SEG[] = {123,125,124,64,0}; // "{}|@"
+// Special characters disallowed within a function argument
+static const UChar ILLEGAL_FUNC[] = {94,40,46,42,43,63,123,125,124,64,0}; // "^(.*+?{}|@"
+// By definition, the ANCHOR_END special character is a
+// trailing SymbolTable.SYMBOL_REF character.
+// private static final char ANCHOR_END = '$';
+static const UChar gOPERATORS[] = { // "=><"
+ 0
+static const UChar HALF_ENDERS[] = { // "=><;"
+ 0
+// These are also used in Transliterator::toRules()
+static const int32_t ID_TOKEN_LEN = 2;
+static const UChar ID_TOKEN[] = { 0x3A, 0x3A }; // ':', ':'
+commented out until we do real ::BEGIN/::END functionality
+static const int32_t BEGIN_TOKEN_LEN = 5;
+static const UChar BEGIN_TOKEN[] = { 0x42, 0x45, 0x47, 0x49, 0x4e }; // 'BEGIN'
+static const int32_t END_TOKEN_LEN = 3;
+static const UChar END_TOKEN[] = { 0x45, 0x4e, 0x44 }; // 'END'
+// BEGIN ParseData
+ * This class implements the SymbolTable interface. It is used
+ * during parsing to give UnicodeSet access to variables that
+ * have been defined so far. Note that it uses variablesVector,
+ * _not_ data.setVariables.
+ */
+class ParseData : public UMemory, public SymbolTable {
+ const TransliterationRuleData* data; // alias
+ const UVector* variablesVector; // alias
+ const Hashtable* variableNames; // alias
+ ParseData(const TransliterationRuleData* data = 0,
+ const UVector* variablesVector = 0,
+ const Hashtable* variableNames = 0);
+ virtual ~ParseData();
+ virtual const UnicodeString* lookup(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+ virtual const UnicodeFunctor* lookupMatcher(UChar32 ch) const;
+ virtual UnicodeString parseReference(const UnicodeString& text,
+ ParsePosition& pos, int32_t limit) const;
+ /**
+ * Return true if the given character is a matcher standin or a plain
+ * character (non standin).
+ */
+ UBool isMatcher(UChar32 ch);
+ /**
+ * Return true if the given character is a replacer standin or a plain
+ * character (non standin).
+ */
+ UBool isReplacer(UChar32 ch);
+ ParseData(const ParseData &other); // forbid copying of this class
+ ParseData &operator=(const ParseData &other); // forbid copying of this class
+ParseData::ParseData(const TransliterationRuleData* d,
+ const UVector* sets,
+ const Hashtable* vNames) :
+ data(d), variablesVector(sets), variableNames(vNames) {}
+ParseData::~ParseData() {}
+ * Implement SymbolTable API.
+ */
+const UnicodeString* ParseData::lookup(const UnicodeString& name) const {
+ return (const UnicodeString*) variableNames->get(name);
+ * Implement SymbolTable API.
+ */
+const UnicodeFunctor* ParseData::lookupMatcher(UChar32 ch) const {
+ // Note that we cannot use data.lookupSet() because the
+ // set array has not been constructed yet.
+ const UnicodeFunctor* set = NULL;
+ int32_t i = ch - data->variablesBase;
+ if (i >= 0 && i < variablesVector->size()) {
+ int32_t j = ch - data->variablesBase;
+ set = (j < variablesVector->size()) ?
+ (UnicodeFunctor*) variablesVector->elementAt(j) : 0;
+ }
+ return set;
+ * Implement SymbolTable API. Parse out a symbol reference
+ * name.
+ */
+UnicodeString ParseData::parseReference(const UnicodeString& text,
+ ParsePosition& pos, int32_t limit) const {
+ int32_t start = pos.getIndex();
+ int32_t i = start;
+ UnicodeString result;
+ while (i < limit) {
+ UChar c = text.charAt(i);
+ if ((i==start && !u_isIDStart(c)) || !u_isIDPart(c)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (i == start) { // No valid name chars
+ return result; // Indicate failure with empty string
+ }
+ pos.setIndex(i);
+ text.extractBetween(start, i, result);
+ return result;
+UBool ParseData::isMatcher(UChar32 ch) {
+ // Note that we cannot use data.lookup() because the
+ // set array has not been constructed yet.
+ int32_t i = ch - data->variablesBase;
+ if (i >= 0 && i < variablesVector->size()) {
+ UnicodeFunctor *f = (UnicodeFunctor*) variablesVector->elementAt(i);
+ return f != NULL && f->toMatcher() != NULL;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Return true if the given character is a replacer standin or a plain
+ * character (non standin).
+ */
+UBool ParseData::isReplacer(UChar32 ch) {
+ // Note that we cannot use data.lookup() because the
+ // set array has not been constructed yet.
+ int i = ch - data->variablesBase;
+ if (i >= 0 && i < variablesVector->size()) {
+ UnicodeFunctor *f = (UnicodeFunctor*) variablesVector->elementAt(i);
+ return f != NULL && f->toReplacer() != NULL;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// BEGIN RuleHalf
+ * A class representing one side of a rule. This class knows how to
+ * parse half of a rule. It is tightly coupled to the method
+ * RuleBasedTransliterator.Parser.parseRule().
+ */
+class RuleHalf : public UMemory {
+ UnicodeString text;
+ int32_t cursor; // position of cursor in text
+ int32_t ante; // position of ante context marker '{' in text
+ int32_t post; // position of post context marker '}' in text
+ // Record the offset to the cursor either to the left or to the
+ // right of the key. This is indicated by characters on the output
+ // side that allow the cursor to be positioned arbitrarily within
+ // the matching text. For example, abc{def} > | @@@ xyz; changes
+ // def to xyz and moves the cursor to before abc. Offset characters
+ // must be at the start or end, and they cannot move the cursor past
+ // the ante- or postcontext text. Placeholders are only valid in
+ // output text. The length of the ante and post context is
+ // determined at runtime, because of supplementals and quantifiers.
+ int32_t cursorOffset; // only nonzero on output side
+ // Position of first CURSOR_OFFSET on _right_. This will be -1
+ // for |@, -2 for |@@, etc., and 1 for @|, 2 for @@|, etc.
+ int32_t cursorOffsetPos;
+ UBool anchorStart;
+ UBool anchorEnd;
+ /**
+ * The segment number from 1..n of the next '(' we see
+ * during parsing; 1-based.
+ */
+ int32_t nextSegmentNumber;
+ TransliteratorParser& parser;
+ //--------------------------------------------------
+ // Methods
+ RuleHalf(TransliteratorParser& parser);
+ ~RuleHalf();
+ int32_t parse(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit, UErrorCode& status);
+ int32_t parseSection(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit,
+ UnicodeString& buf,
+ const UnicodeString& illegal,
+ UBool isSegment,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Remove context.
+ */
+ void removeContext();
+ /**
+ * Return true if this half looks like valid output, that is, does not
+ * contain quantifiers or other special input-only elements.
+ */
+ UBool isValidOutput(TransliteratorParser& parser);
+ /**
+ * Return true if this half looks like valid input, that is, does not
+ * contain functions or other special output-only elements.
+ */
+ UBool isValidInput(TransliteratorParser& parser);
+ int syntaxError(UErrorCode code,
+ const UnicodeString& rule,
+ int32_t start,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ return parser.syntaxError(code, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ // Disallowed methods; no impl.
+ RuleHalf(const RuleHalf&);
+ RuleHalf& operator=(const RuleHalf&);
+RuleHalf::RuleHalf(TransliteratorParser& p) :
+ parser(p)
+ cursor = -1;
+ ante = -1;
+ post = -1;
+ cursorOffset = 0;
+ cursorOffsetPos = 0;
+ anchorStart = anchorEnd = FALSE;
+ nextSegmentNumber = 1;
+RuleHalf::~RuleHalf() {
+ * Parse one side of a rule, stopping at either the limit,
+ * the END_OF_RULE character, or an operator.
+ * @return the index after the terminating character, or
+ * if limit was reached, limit
+ */
+int32_t RuleHalf::parse(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit, UErrorCode& status) {
+ int32_t start = pos;
+ text.truncate(0);
+ pos = parseSection(rule, pos, limit, text, UnicodeString(TRUE, ILLEGAL_TOP, -1), FALSE, status);
+ if (cursorOffset > 0 && cursor != cursorOffsetPos) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MISPLACED_CURSOR_OFFSET, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ return pos;
+ * Parse a section of one side of a rule, stopping at either
+ * the limit, the END_OF_RULE character, an operator, or a
+ * segment close character. This method parses both a
+ * top-level rule half and a segment within such a rule half.
+ * It calls itself recursively to parse segments and nested
+ * segments.
+ * @param buf buffer into which to accumulate the rule pattern
+ * characters, either literal characters from the rule or
+ * standins for UnicodeMatcher objects including segments.
+ * @param illegal the set of special characters that is illegal during
+ * this parse.
+ * @param isSegment if true, then we've already seen a '(' and
+ * pos on entry points right after it. Accumulate everything
+ * up to the closing ')', put it in a segment matcher object,
+ * generate a standin for it, and add the standin to buf. As
+ * a side effect, update the segments vector with a reference
+ * to the segment matcher. This works recursively for nested
+ * segments. If isSegment is false, just accumulate
+ * characters into buf.
+ * @return the index after the terminating character, or
+ * if limit was reached, limit
+ */
+int32_t RuleHalf::parseSection(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit,
+ UnicodeString& buf,
+ const UnicodeString& illegal,
+ UBool isSegment, UErrorCode& status) {
+ int32_t start = pos;
+ ParsePosition pp;
+ UnicodeString scratch;
+ UBool done = FALSE;
+ int32_t quoteStart = -1; // Most recent 'single quoted string'
+ int32_t quoteLimit = -1;
+ int32_t varStart = -1; // Most recent $variableReference
+ int32_t varLimit = -1;
+ int32_t bufStart = buf.length();
+ while (pos < limit && !done) {
+ // Since all syntax characters are in the BMP, fetching
+ // 16-bit code units suffices here.
+ UChar c = rule.charAt(pos++);
+ if (PatternProps::isWhiteSpace(c)) {
+ // Ignore whitespace. Note that this is not Unicode
+ // spaces, but Java spaces -- a subset, representing
+ // whitespace likely to be seen in code.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (u_strchr(HALF_ENDERS, c) != NULL) {
+ if (isSegment) {
+ // Unclosed segment
+ return syntaxError(U_UNCLOSED_SEGMENT, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (anchorEnd) {
+ // Text after a presumed end anchor is a syntax err
+ return syntaxError(U_MALFORMED_VARIABLE_REFERENCE, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ if (UnicodeSet::resemblesPattern(rule, pos-1)) {
+ pp.setIndex(pos-1); // Backup to opening '['
+ buf.append(parser.parseSet(rule, pp, status));
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MALFORMED_SET, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ pos = pp.getIndex();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Handle escapes
+ if (c == ESCAPE) {
+ if (pos == limit) {
+ return syntaxError(U_TRAILING_BACKSLASH, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ UChar32 escaped = rule.unescapeAt(pos); // pos is already past '\\'
+ if (escaped == (UChar32) -1) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MALFORMED_UNICODE_ESCAPE, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ if (!parser.checkVariableRange(escaped)) {
+ return syntaxError(U_VARIABLE_RANGE_OVERLAP, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ buf.append(escaped);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Handle quoted matter
+ if (c == QUOTE) {
+ int32_t iq = rule.indexOf(QUOTE, pos);
+ if (iq == pos) {
+ buf.append(c); // Parse [''] outside quotes as [']
+ ++pos;
+ } else {
+ /* This loop picks up a run of quoted text of the
+ * form 'aaaa' each time through. If this run
+ * hasn't really ended ('aaaa''bbbb') then it keeps
+ * looping, each time adding on a new run. When it
+ * reaches the final quote it breaks.
+ */
+ quoteStart = buf.length();
+ for (;;) {
+ if (iq < 0) {
+ return syntaxError(U_UNTERMINATED_QUOTE, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ scratch.truncate(0);
+ rule.extractBetween(pos, iq, scratch);
+ buf.append(scratch);
+ pos = iq+1;
+ if (pos < limit && rule.charAt(pos) == QUOTE) {
+ // Parse [''] inside quotes as [']
+ iq = rule.indexOf(QUOTE, pos+1);
+ // Continue looping
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ quoteLimit = buf.length();
+ for (iq=quoteStart; iq<quoteLimit; ++iq) {
+ if (!parser.checkVariableRange(buf.charAt(iq))) {
+ return syntaxError(U_VARIABLE_RANGE_OVERLAP, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!parser.checkVariableRange(c)) {
+ return syntaxError(U_VARIABLE_RANGE_OVERLAP, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ if (illegal.indexOf(c) >= 0) {
+ syntaxError(U_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ switch (c) {
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ // Elements allowed within and out of segments
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ if (buf.length() == 0 && !anchorStart) {
+ anchorStart = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return syntaxError(U_MISPLACED_ANCHOR_START,
+ rule, start, status);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // bufSegStart is the offset in buf to the first
+ // character of the segment we are parsing.
+ int32_t bufSegStart = buf.length();
+ // Record segment number now, since nextSegmentNumber
+ // will be incremented during the call to parseSection
+ // if there are nested segments.
+ int32_t segmentNumber = nextSegmentNumber++; // 1-based
+ // Parse the segment
+ pos = parseSection(rule, pos, limit, buf, UnicodeString(TRUE, ILLEGAL_SEG, -1), TRUE, status);
+ // After parsing a segment, the relevant characters are
+ // in buf, starting at offset bufSegStart. Extract them
+ // into a string matcher, and replace them with a
+ // standin for that matcher.
+ StringMatcher* m =
+ new StringMatcher(buf, bufSegStart, buf.length(),
+ segmentNumber, *parser.curData);
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ // Record and associate object and segment number
+ parser.setSegmentObject(segmentNumber, m, status);
+ buf.truncate(bufSegStart);
+ buf.append(parser.getSegmentStandin(segmentNumber, status));
+ }
+ break;
+ case FUNCTION:
+ {
+ int32_t iref = pos;
+ TransliteratorIDParser::SingleID* single =
+ TransliteratorIDParser::parseFilterID(rule, iref);
+ // The next character MUST be a segment open
+ if (single == NULL ||
+ !ICU_Utility::parseChar(rule, iref, SEGMENT_OPEN)) {
+ return syntaxError(U_INVALID_FUNCTION, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ Transliterator *t = single->createInstance();
+ delete single;
+ if (t == NULL) {
+ return syntaxError(U_INVALID_FUNCTION, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ // bufSegStart is the offset in buf to the first
+ // character of the segment we are parsing.
+ int32_t bufSegStart = buf.length();
+ // Parse the segment
+ pos = parseSection(rule, iref, limit, buf, UnicodeString(TRUE, ILLEGAL_FUNC, -1), TRUE, status);
+ // After parsing a segment, the relevant characters are
+ // in buf, starting at offset bufSegStart.
+ UnicodeString output;
+ buf.extractBetween(bufSegStart, buf.length(), output);
+ FunctionReplacer *r =
+ new FunctionReplacer(t, new StringReplacer(output, parser.curData));
+ if (r == NULL) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ // Replace the buffer contents with a stand-in
+ buf.truncate(bufSegStart);
+ buf.append(parser.generateStandInFor(r, status));
+ }
+ break;
+ case SymbolTable::SYMBOL_REF:
+ // Handle variable references and segment references "$1" .. "$9"
+ {
+ // A variable reference must be followed immediately
+ // by a Unicode identifier start and zero or more
+ // Unicode identifier part characters, or by a digit
+ // 1..9 if it is a segment reference.
+ if (pos == limit) {
+ // A variable ref character at the end acts as
+ // an anchor to the context limit, as in perl.
+ anchorEnd = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Parse "$1" "$2" .. "$9" .. (no upper limit)
+ c = rule.charAt(pos);
+ int32_t r = u_digit(c, 10);
+ if (r >= 1 && r <= 9) {
+ r = ICU_Utility::parseNumber(rule, pos, 10);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ rule, start, status);
+ }
+ buf.append(parser.getSegmentStandin(r, status));
+ } else {
+ pp.setIndex(pos);
+ UnicodeString name = parser.parseData->
+ parseReference(rule, pp, limit);
+ if (name.length() == 0) {
+ // This means the '$' was not followed by a
+ // valid name. Try to interpret it as an
+ // end anchor then. If this also doesn't work
+ // (if we see a following character) then signal
+ // an error.
+ anchorEnd = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ pos = pp.getIndex();
+ // If this is a variable definition statement,
+ // then the LHS variable will be undefined. In
+ // that case appendVariableDef() will append the
+ // special placeholder char variableLimit-1.
+ varStart = buf.length();
+ parser.appendVariableDef(name, buf, status);
+ varLimit = buf.length();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DOT:
+ buf.append(parser.getDotStandIn(status));
+ break;
+ case ONE_OR_MORE:
+ case ZERO_OR_ONE:
+ // Quantifiers. We handle single characters, quoted strings,
+ // variable references, and segments.
+ // a+ matches aaa
+ // 'foo'+ matches foofoofoo
+ // $v+ matches xyxyxy if $v == xy
+ // (seg)+ matches segsegseg
+ {
+ if (isSegment && buf.length() == bufStart) {
+ // The */+ immediately follows '('
+ return syntaxError(U_MISPLACED_QUANTIFIER, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ int32_t qstart, qlimit;
+ // The */+ follows an isolated character or quote
+ // or variable reference
+ if (buf.length() == quoteLimit) {
+ // The */+ follows a 'quoted string'
+ qstart = quoteStart;
+ qlimit = quoteLimit;
+ } else if (buf.length() == varLimit) {
+ // The */+ follows a $variableReference
+ qstart = varStart;
+ qlimit = varLimit;
+ } else {
+ // The */+ follows a single character, possibly
+ // a segment standin
+ qstart = buf.length() - 1;
+ qlimit = qstart + 1;
+ }
+ UnicodeFunctor *m =
+ new StringMatcher(buf, qstart, qlimit, 0, *parser.curData);
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ int32_t min = 0;
+ int32_t max = Quantifier::MAX;
+ switch (c) {
+ case ONE_OR_MORE:
+ min = 1;
+ break;
+ case ZERO_OR_ONE:
+ min = 0;
+ max = 1;
+ break;
+ // case KLEENE_STAR:
+ // do nothing -- min, max already set
+ }
+ m = new Quantifier(m, min, max);
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ buf.truncate(qstart);
+ buf.append(parser.generateStandInFor(m, status));
+ }
+ break;
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ // Elements allowed ONLY WITHIN segments
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ // assert(isSegment);
+ // We're done parsing a segment.
+ done = TRUE;
+ break;
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ // Elements allowed ONLY OUTSIDE segments
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ if (ante >= 0) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MULTIPLE_ANTE_CONTEXTS, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ ante = buf.length();
+ break;
+ if (post >= 0) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MULTIPLE_POST_CONTEXTS, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ post = buf.length();
+ break;
+ case CURSOR_POS:
+ if (cursor >= 0) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MULTIPLE_CURSORS, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ cursor = buf.length();
+ break;
+ if (cursorOffset < 0) {
+ if (buf.length() > 0) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MISPLACED_CURSOR_OFFSET, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ --cursorOffset;
+ } else if (cursorOffset > 0) {
+ if (buf.length() != cursorOffsetPos || cursor >= 0) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MISPLACED_CURSOR_OFFSET, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ ++cursorOffset;
+ } else {
+ if (cursor == 0 && buf.length() == 0) {
+ cursorOffset = -1;
+ } else if (cursor < 0) {
+ cursorOffsetPos = buf.length();
+ cursorOffset = 1;
+ } else {
+ return syntaxError(U_MISPLACED_CURSOR_OFFSET, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ // Non-special characters
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ default:
+ // Disallow unquoted characters other than [0-9A-Za-z]
+ // in the printable ASCII range. These characters are
+ // reserved for possible future use.
+ if (c >= 0x0021 && c <= 0x007E &&
+ !((c >= 0x0030/*'0'*/ && c <= 0x0039/*'9'*/) ||
+ (c >= 0x0041/*'A'*/ && c <= 0x005A/*'Z'*/) ||
+ (c >= 0x0061/*'a'*/ && c <= 0x007A/*'z'*/))) {
+ return syntaxError(U_UNQUOTED_SPECIAL, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ buf.append(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return pos;
+ * Remove context.
+ */
+void RuleHalf::removeContext() {
+ //text = text.substring(ante < 0 ? 0 : ante,
+ // post < 0 ? text.length() : post);
+ if (post >= 0) {
+ text.remove(post);
+ }
+ if (ante >= 0) {
+ text.removeBetween(0, ante);
+ }
+ ante = post = -1;
+ anchorStart = anchorEnd = FALSE;
+ * Return true if this half looks like valid output, that is, does not
+ * contain quantifiers or other special input-only elements.
+ */
+UBool RuleHalf::isValidOutput(TransliteratorParser& transParser) {
+ for (int32_t i=0; i<text.length(); ) {
+ UChar32 c = text.char32At(i);
+ i += U16_LENGTH(c);
+ if (!transParser.parseData->isReplacer(c)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Return true if this half looks like valid input, that is, does not
+ * contain functions or other special output-only elements.
+ */
+UBool RuleHalf::isValidInput(TransliteratorParser& transParser) {
+ for (int32_t i=0; i<text.length(); ) {
+ UChar32 c = text.char32At(i);
+ i += U16_LENGTH(c);
+ if (!transParser.parseData->isMatcher(c)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+TransliteratorParser::TransliteratorParser(UErrorCode &statusReturn) :
+ idBlockVector.setDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject);
+ curData = NULL;
+ compoundFilter = NULL;
+ parseData = NULL;
+ variableNames.setValueDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject);
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+TransliteratorParser::~TransliteratorParser() {
+ while (!dataVector.isEmpty())
+ delete (TransliterationRuleData*)(dataVector.orphanElementAt(0));
+ delete compoundFilter;
+ delete parseData;
+ while (!variablesVector.isEmpty())
+ delete (UnicodeFunctor*)variablesVector.orphanElementAt(0);
+TransliteratorParser::parse(const UnicodeString& rules,
+ UTransDirection transDirection,
+ UParseError& pe,
+ UErrorCode& ec) {
+ if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
+ parseRules(rules, transDirection, ec);
+ pe = parseError;
+ }
+ * Return the compound filter parsed by parse(). Caller owns result.
+ */
+UnicodeSet* TransliteratorParser::orphanCompoundFilter() {
+ UnicodeSet* f = compoundFilter;
+ compoundFilter = NULL;
+ return f;
+// Private implementation
+ * Parse the given string as a sequence of rules, separated by newline
+ * characters ('\n'), and cause this object to implement those rules. Any
+ * previous rules are discarded. Typically this method is called exactly
+ * once, during construction.
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is a syntax error in the
+ * rules
+ */
+void TransliteratorParser::parseRules(const UnicodeString& rule,
+ UTransDirection theDirection,
+ UErrorCode& status)
+ // Clear error struct
+ uprv_memset(&parseError, 0, sizeof(parseError));
+ parseError.line = parseError.offset = -1;
+ UBool parsingIDs = TRUE;
+ int32_t ruleCount = 0;
+ while (!dataVector.isEmpty()) {
+ delete (TransliterationRuleData*)(dataVector.orphanElementAt(0));
+ }
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ idBlockVector.removeAllElements();
+ curData = NULL;
+ direction = theDirection;
+ ruleCount = 0;
+ delete compoundFilter;
+ compoundFilter = NULL;
+ while (!variablesVector.isEmpty()) {
+ delete (UnicodeFunctor*)variablesVector.orphanElementAt(0);
+ }
+ variableNames.removeAll();
+ parseData = new ParseData(0, &variablesVector, &variableNames);
+ if (parseData == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ dotStandIn = (UChar) -1;
+ UnicodeString *tempstr = NULL; // used for memory allocation error checking
+ UnicodeString str; // scratch
+ UnicodeString idBlockResult;
+ int32_t pos = 0;
+ int32_t limit = rule.length();
+ // The compound filter offset is an index into idBlockResult.
+ // If it is 0, then the compound filter occurred at the start,
+ // and it is the offset to the _start_ of the compound filter
+ // pattern. Otherwise it is the offset to the _limit_ of the
+ // compound filter pattern within idBlockResult.
+ compoundFilter = NULL;
+ int32_t compoundFilterOffset = -1;
+ while (pos < limit && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ UChar c = rule.charAt(pos++);
+ if (PatternProps::isWhiteSpace(c)) {
+ // Ignore leading whitespace.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Skip lines starting with the comment character
+ if (c == RULE_COMMENT_CHAR) {
+ pos = rule.indexOf((UChar)0x000A /*\n*/, pos) + 1;
+ if (pos == 0) {
+ break; // No "\n" found; rest of rule is a commnet
+ }
+ continue; // Either fall out or restart with next line
+ }
+ // skip empty rules
+ if (c == END_OF_RULE)
+ continue;
+ // keep track of how many rules we've seen
+ ++ruleCount;
+ // We've found the start of a rule or ID. c is its first
+ // character, and pos points past c.
+ --pos;
+ // Look for an ID token. Must have at least ID_TOKEN_LEN + 1
+ // chars left.
+ if ((pos + ID_TOKEN_LEN + 1) <= limit &&
+ rule.compare(pos, ID_TOKEN_LEN, ID_TOKEN) == 0) {
+ pos += ID_TOKEN_LEN;
+ c = rule.charAt(pos);
+ while (PatternProps::isWhiteSpace(c) && pos < limit) {
+ ++pos;
+ c = rule.charAt(pos);
+ }
+ int32_t p = pos;
+ if (!parsingIDs) {
+ if (curData != NULL) {
+ if (direction == UTRANS_FORWARD)
+ dataVector.addElement(curData, status);
+ else
+ dataVector.insertElementAt(curData, 0, status);
+ curData = NULL;
+ }
+ parsingIDs = TRUE;
+ }
+ TransliteratorIDParser::SingleID* id =
+ TransliteratorIDParser::parseSingleID(rule, p, direction, status);
+ if (p != pos && ICU_Utility::parseChar(rule, p, END_OF_RULE)) {
+ // Successful ::ID parse.
+ if (direction == UTRANS_FORWARD) {
+ idBlockResult.append(id->canonID).append(END_OF_RULE);
+ } else {
+ idBlockResult.insert(0, END_OF_RULE);
+ idBlockResult.insert(0, id->canonID);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Couldn't parse an ID. Try to parse a global filter
+ int32_t withParens = -1;
+ UnicodeSet* f = TransliteratorIDParser::parseGlobalFilter(rule, p, direction, withParens, NULL);
+ if (f != NULL) {
+ if (ICU_Utility::parseChar(rule, p, END_OF_RULE)
+ && (direction == UTRANS_FORWARD) == (withParens == 0))
+ {
+ if (compoundFilter != NULL) {
+ // Multiple compound filters
+ syntaxError(U_MULTIPLE_COMPOUND_FILTERS, rule, pos, status);
+ delete f;
+ } else {
+ compoundFilter = f;
+ compoundFilterOffset = ruleCount;
+ }
+ } else {
+ delete f;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Invalid ::id
+ // Can be parsed as neither an ID nor a global filter
+ syntaxError(U_INVALID_ID, rule, pos, status);
+ }
+ }
+ delete id;
+ pos = p;
+ } else {
+ if (parsingIDs) {
+ tempstr = new UnicodeString(idBlockResult);
+ // NULL pointer check
+ if (tempstr == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (direction == UTRANS_FORWARD)
+ idBlockVector.addElement(tempstr, status);
+ else
+ idBlockVector.insertElementAt(tempstr, 0, status);
+ idBlockResult.remove();
+ parsingIDs = FALSE;
+ curData = new TransliterationRuleData(status);
+ // NULL pointer check
+ if (curData == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ parseData->data = curData;
+ // By default, rules use part of the private use area
+ // E000..F8FF for variables and other stand-ins. Currently
+ // the range F000..F8FF is typically sufficient. The 'use
+ // variable range' pragma allows rule sets to modify this.
+ setVariableRange(0xF000, 0xF8FF, status);
+ }
+ if (resemblesPragma(rule, pos, limit)) {
+ int32_t ppp = parsePragma(rule, pos, limit, status);
+ if (ppp < 0) {
+ syntaxError(U_MALFORMED_PRAGMA, rule, pos, status);
+ }
+ pos = ppp;
+ // Parse a rule
+ } else {
+ pos = parseRule(rule, pos, limit, status);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parsingIDs && idBlockResult.length() > 0) {
+ tempstr = new UnicodeString(idBlockResult);
+ // NULL pointer check
+ if (tempstr == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (direction == UTRANS_FORWARD)
+ idBlockVector.addElement(tempstr, status);
+ else
+ idBlockVector.insertElementAt(tempstr, 0, status);
+ }
+ else if (!parsingIDs && curData != NULL) {
+ if (direction == UTRANS_FORWARD)
+ dataVector.addElement(curData, status);
+ else
+ dataVector.insertElementAt(curData, 0, status);
+ }
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ // Convert the set vector to an array
+ int32_t i, dataVectorSize = dataVector.size();
+ for (i = 0; i < dataVectorSize; i++) {
+ TransliterationRuleData* data = (TransliterationRuleData*)dataVector.elementAt(i);
+ data->variablesLength = variablesVector.size();
+ if (data->variablesLength == 0) {
+ data->variables = 0;
+ } else {
+ data->variables = (UnicodeFunctor**)uprv_malloc(data->variablesLength * sizeof(UnicodeFunctor*));
+ // NULL pointer check
+ if (data->variables == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ data->variablesAreOwned = (i == 0);
+ }
+ for (int32_t j = 0; j < data->variablesLength; j++) {
+ data->variables[j] =
+ static_cast<UnicodeFunctor *>(variablesVector.elementAt(j));
+ }
+ data->variableNames.removeAll();
+ int32_t p = UHASH_FIRST;
+ const UHashElement* he = variableNames.nextElement(p);
+ while (he != NULL) {
+ UnicodeString* tempus = ((UnicodeString*)(he->value.pointer))->clone();
+ if (tempus == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ data->variableNames.put(*((UnicodeString*)(he->key.pointer)),
+ tempus, status);
+ he = variableNames.nextElement(p);
+ }
+ }
+ variablesVector.removeAllElements(); // keeps them from getting deleted when we succeed
+ // Index the rules
+ if (compoundFilter != NULL) {
+ if ((direction == UTRANS_FORWARD && compoundFilterOffset != 1) ||
+ (direction == UTRANS_REVERSE && compoundFilterOffset != ruleCount)) {
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < dataVectorSize; i++) {
+ TransliterationRuleData* data = (TransliterationRuleData*)dataVector.elementAt(i);
+ data->ruleSet.freeze(parseError, status);
+ }
+ if (idBlockVector.size() == 1 && ((UnicodeString*)idBlockVector.elementAt(0))->isEmpty()) {
+ idBlockVector.removeElementAt(0);
+ }
+ }
+ * Set the variable range to [start, end] (inclusive).
+ */
+void TransliteratorParser::setVariableRange(int32_t start, int32_t end, UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (start > end || start < 0 || end > 0xFFFF) {
+ return;
+ }
+ curData->variablesBase = (UChar) start;
+ if (dataVector.size() == 0) {
+ variableNext = (UChar) start;
+ variableLimit = (UChar) (end + 1);
+ }
+ * Assert that the given character is NOT within the variable range.
+ * If it is, return FALSE. This is neccesary to ensure that the
+ * variable range does not overlap characters used in a rule.
+ */
+UBool TransliteratorParser::checkVariableRange(UChar32 ch) const {
+ return !(ch >= curData->variablesBase && ch < variableLimit);
+ * Set the maximum backup to 'backup', in response to a pragma
+ * statement.
+ */
+void TransliteratorParser::pragmaMaximumBackup(int32_t /*backup*/) {
+ //TODO Finish
+ * Begin normalizing all rules using the given mode, in response
+ * to a pragma statement.
+ */
+void TransliteratorParser::pragmaNormalizeRules(UNormalizationMode /*mode*/) {
+ //TODO Finish
+static const UChar PRAGMA_USE[] = {0x75,0x73,0x65,0x20,0}; // "use "
+static const UChar PRAGMA_VARIABLE_RANGE[] = {0x7E,0x76,0x61,0x72,0x69,0x61,0x62,0x6C,0x65,0x20,0x72,0x61,0x6E,0x67,0x65,0x20,0x23,0x20,0x23,0x7E,0x3B,0}; // "~variable range # #~;"
+static const UChar PRAGMA_MAXIMUM_BACKUP[] = {0x7E,0x6D,0x61,0x78,0x69,0x6D,0x75,0x6D,0x20,0x62,0x61,0x63,0x6B,0x75,0x70,0x20,0x23,0x7E,0x3B,0}; // "~maximum backup #~;"
+static const UChar PRAGMA_NFD_RULES[] = {0x7E,0x6E,0x66,0x64,0x20,0x72,0x75,0x6C,0x65,0x73,0x7E,0x3B,0}; // "~nfd rules~;"
+static const UChar PRAGMA_NFC_RULES[] = {0x7E,0x6E,0x66,0x63,0x20,0x72,0x75,0x6C,0x65,0x73,0x7E,0x3B,0}; // "~nfc rules~;"
+ * Return true if the given rule looks like a pragma.
+ * @param pos offset to the first non-whitespace character
+ * of the rule.
+ * @param limit pointer past the last character of the rule.
+ */
+UBool TransliteratorParser::resemblesPragma(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit) {
+ // Must start with /use\s/i
+ return ICU_Utility::parsePattern(rule, pos, limit, UnicodeString(TRUE, PRAGMA_USE, 4), NULL) >= 0;
+ * Parse a pragma. This method assumes resemblesPragma() has
+ * already returned true.
+ * @param pos offset to the first non-whitespace character
+ * of the rule.
+ * @param limit pointer past the last character of the rule.
+ * @return the position index after the final ';' of the pragma,
+ * or -1 on failure.
+ */
+int32_t TransliteratorParser::parsePragma(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit, UErrorCode& status) {
+ int32_t array[2];
+ // resemblesPragma() has already returned true, so we
+ // know that pos points to /use\s/i; we can skip 4 characters
+ // immediately
+ pos += 4;
+ // Here are the pragmas we recognize:
+ // use variable range 0xE000 0xEFFF;
+ // use maximum backup 16;
+ // use nfd rules;
+ // use nfc rules;
+ int p = ICU_Utility::parsePattern(rule, pos, limit, UnicodeString(TRUE, PRAGMA_VARIABLE_RANGE, -1), array);
+ if (p >= 0) {
+ setVariableRange(array[0], array[1], status);
+ return p;
+ }
+ p = ICU_Utility::parsePattern(rule, pos, limit, UnicodeString(TRUE, PRAGMA_MAXIMUM_BACKUP, -1), array);
+ if (p >= 0) {
+ pragmaMaximumBackup(array[0]);
+ return p;
+ }
+ p = ICU_Utility::parsePattern(rule, pos, limit, UnicodeString(TRUE, PRAGMA_NFD_RULES, -1), NULL);
+ if (p >= 0) {
+ pragmaNormalizeRules(UNORM_NFD);
+ return p;
+ }
+ p = ICU_Utility::parsePattern(rule, pos, limit, UnicodeString(TRUE, PRAGMA_NFC_RULES, -1), NULL);
+ if (p >= 0) {
+ pragmaNormalizeRules(UNORM_NFC);
+ return p;
+ }
+ // Syntax error: unable to parse pragma
+ return -1;
+ * MAIN PARSER. Parse the next rule in the given rule string, starting
+ * at pos. Return the index after the last character parsed. Do not
+ * parse characters at or after limit.
+ *
+ * Important: The character at pos must be a non-whitespace character
+ * that is not the comment character.
+ *
+ * This method handles quoting, escaping, and whitespace removal. It
+ * parses the end-of-rule character. It recognizes context and cursor
+ * indicators. Once it does a lexical breakdown of the rule at pos, it
+ * creates a rule object and adds it to our rule list.
+ */
+int32_t TransliteratorParser::parseRule(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit, UErrorCode& status) {
+ // Locate the left side, operator, and right side
+ int32_t start = pos;
+ UChar op = 0;
+ int32_t i;
+ // Set up segments data
+ segmentStandins.truncate(0);
+ segmentObjects.removeAllElements();
+ // Use pointers to automatics to make swapping possible.
+ RuleHalf _left(*this), _right(*this);
+ RuleHalf* left = &_left;
+ RuleHalf* right = &_right;
+ undefinedVariableName.remove();
+ pos = left->parse(rule, pos, limit, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return start;
+ }
+ if (pos == limit || u_strchr(gOPERATORS, (op = rule.charAt(--pos))) == NULL) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MISSING_OPERATOR, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ ++pos;
+ // Found an operator char. Check for forward-reverse operator.
+ if (op == REVERSE_RULE_OP &&
+ (pos < limit && rule.charAt(pos) == FORWARD_RULE_OP)) {
+ ++pos;
+ }
+ // Translate alternate op characters.
+ switch (op) {
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ pos = right->parse(rule, pos, limit, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return start;
+ }
+ if (pos < limit) {
+ if (rule.charAt(--pos) == END_OF_RULE) {
+ ++pos;
+ } else {
+ // RuleHalf parser must have terminated at an operator
+ return syntaxError(U_UNQUOTED_SPECIAL, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ }
+ if (op == VARIABLE_DEF_OP) {
+ // LHS is the name. RHS is a single character, either a literal
+ // or a set (already parsed). If RHS is longer than one
+ // character, it is either a multi-character string, or multiple
+ // sets, or a mixture of chars and sets -- syntax error.
+ // We expect to see a single undefined variable (the one being
+ // defined).
+ if (undefinedVariableName.length() == 0) {
+ // "Missing '$' or duplicate definition"
+ return syntaxError(U_BAD_VARIABLE_DEFINITION, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ if (left->text.length() != 1 || left->text.charAt(0) != variableLimit) {
+ // "Malformed LHS"
+ return syntaxError(U_MALFORMED_VARIABLE_DEFINITION, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ if (left->anchorStart || left->anchorEnd ||
+ right->anchorStart || right->anchorEnd) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MALFORMED_VARIABLE_DEFINITION, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ // We allow anything on the right, including an empty string.
+ UnicodeString* value = new UnicodeString(right->text);
+ // NULL pointer check
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ variableNames.put(undefinedVariableName, value, status);
+ ++variableLimit;
+ return pos;
+ }
+ // If this is not a variable definition rule, we shouldn't have
+ // any undefined variable names.
+ if (undefinedVariableName.length() != 0) {
+ return syntaxError(// "Undefined variable $" + undefinedVariableName,
+ rule, start, status);
+ }
+ // Verify segments
+ if (segmentStandins.length() > segmentObjects.size()) {
+ syntaxError(U_UNDEFINED_SEGMENT_REFERENCE, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<segmentStandins.length(); ++i) {
+ if (segmentStandins.charAt(i) == 0) {
+ syntaxError(U_INTERNAL_TRANSLITERATOR_ERROR, rule, start, status); // will never happen
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<segmentObjects.size(); ++i) {
+ if (segmentObjects.elementAt(i) == NULL) {
+ syntaxError(U_INTERNAL_TRANSLITERATOR_ERROR, rule, start, status); // will never happen
+ }
+ }
+ // If the direction we want doesn't match the rule
+ // direction, do nothing.
+ if (op != FWDREV_RULE_OP &&
+ ((direction == UTRANS_FORWARD) != (op == FORWARD_RULE_OP))) {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ // Transform the rule into a forward rule by swapping the
+ // sides if necessary.
+ if (direction == UTRANS_REVERSE) {
+ left = &_right;
+ right = &_left;
+ }
+ // Remove non-applicable elements in forward-reverse
+ // rules. Bidirectional rules ignore elements that do not
+ // apply.
+ if (op == FWDREV_RULE_OP) {
+ right->removeContext();
+ left->cursor = -1;
+ left->cursorOffset = 0;
+ }
+ // Normalize context
+ if (left->ante < 0) {
+ left->ante = 0;
+ }
+ if (left->post < 0) {
+ left->post = left->text.length();
+ }
+ // Context is only allowed on the input side. Cursors are only
+ // allowed on the output side. Segment delimiters can only appear
+ // on the left, and references on the right. Cursor offset
+ // cannot appear without an explicit cursor. Cursor offset
+ // cannot place the cursor outside the limits of the context.
+ // Anchors are only allowed on the input side.
+ if (right->ante >= 0 || right->post >= 0 || left->cursor >= 0 ||
+ (right->cursorOffset != 0 && right->cursor < 0) ||
+ // - The following two checks were used to ensure that the
+ // - the cursor offset stayed within the ante- or postcontext.
+ // - However, with the addition of quantifiers, we have to
+ // - allow arbitrary cursor offsets and do runtime checking.
+ //(right->cursorOffset > (left->text.length() - left->post)) ||
+ //(-right->cursorOffset > left->ante) ||
+ right->anchorStart || right->anchorEnd ||
+ !left->isValidInput(*this) || !right->isValidOutput(*this) ||
+ left->ante > left->post) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MALFORMED_RULE, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ // Flatten segment objects vector to an array
+ UnicodeFunctor** segmentsArray = NULL;
+ if (segmentObjects.size() > 0) {
+ segmentsArray = (UnicodeFunctor **)uprv_malloc(segmentObjects.size() * sizeof(UnicodeFunctor *));
+ // Null pointer check
+ if (segmentsArray == NULL) {
+ return syntaxError(U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ segmentObjects.toArray((void**) segmentsArray);
+ }
+ TransliterationRule* temptr = new TransliterationRule(
+ left->text, left->ante, left->post,
+ right->text, right->cursor, right->cursorOffset,
+ segmentsArray,
+ segmentObjects.size(),
+ left->anchorStart, left->anchorEnd,
+ curData,
+ status);
+ //Null pointer check
+ if (temptr == NULL) {
+ uprv_free(segmentsArray);
+ return syntaxError(U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, rule, start, status);
+ }
+ curData->ruleSet.addRule(temptr, status);
+ return pos;
+ * Called by main parser upon syntax error. Search the rule string
+ * for the probable end of the rule. Of course, if the error is that
+ * the end of rule marker is missing, then the rule end will not be found.
+ * In any case the rule start will be correctly reported.
+ * @param msg error description
+ * @param rule pattern string
+ * @param start position of first character of current rule
+ */
+int32_t TransliteratorParser::syntaxError(UErrorCode parseErrorCode,
+ const UnicodeString& rule,
+ int32_t pos,
+ UErrorCode& status)
+ parseError.offset = pos;
+ parseError.line = 0 ; /* we are not using line numbers */
+ // for pre-context
+ const int32_t LEN = U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN - 1;
+ int32_t start = uprv_max(pos - LEN, 0);
+ int32_t stop = pos;
+ rule.extract(start,stop-start,parseError.preContext);
+ //null terminate the buffer
+ parseError.preContext[stop-start] = 0;
+ //for post-context
+ start = pos;
+ stop = uprv_min(pos + LEN, rule.length());
+ rule.extract(start,stop-start,parseError.postContext);
+ //null terminate the buffer
+ parseError.postContext[stop-start]= 0;
+ status = (UErrorCode)parseErrorCode;
+ return pos;
+ * Parse a UnicodeSet out, store it, and return the stand-in character
+ * used to represent it.
+ */
+UChar TransliteratorParser::parseSet(const UnicodeString& rule,
+ ParsePosition& pos,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ UnicodeSet* set = new UnicodeSet(rule, pos, USET_IGNORE_SPACE, parseData, status);
+ // Null pointer check
+ if (set == NULL) {
+ return (UChar)0x0000; // Return empty character with error.
+ }
+ set->compact();
+ return generateStandInFor(set, status);
+ * Generate and return a stand-in for a new UnicodeFunctor. Store
+ * the matcher (adopt it).
+ */
+UChar TransliteratorParser::generateStandInFor(UnicodeFunctor* adopted, UErrorCode& status) {
+ // assert(obj != null);
+ // Look up previous stand-in, if any. This is a short list
+ // (typical n is 0, 1, or 2); linear search is optimal.
+ for (int32_t i=0; i<variablesVector.size(); ++i) {
+ if (variablesVector.elementAt(i) == adopted) { // [sic] pointer comparison
+ return (UChar) (curData->variablesBase + i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (variableNext >= variableLimit) {
+ delete adopted;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ variablesVector.addElement(adopted, status);
+ return variableNext++;
+ * Return the standin for segment seg (1-based).
+ */
+UChar TransliteratorParser::getSegmentStandin(int32_t seg, UErrorCode& status) {
+ // Special character used to indicate an empty spot
+ UChar empty = curData->variablesBase - 1;
+ while (segmentStandins.length() < seg) {
+ segmentStandins.append(empty);
+ }
+ UChar c = segmentStandins.charAt(seg-1);
+ if (c == empty) {
+ if (variableNext >= variableLimit) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ c = variableNext++;
+ // Set a placeholder in the master variables vector that will be
+ // filled in later by setSegmentObject(). We know that we will get
+ // called first because setSegmentObject() will call us.
+ variablesVector.addElement((void*) NULL, status);
+ segmentStandins.setCharAt(seg-1, c);
+ }
+ return c;
+ * Set the object for segment seg (1-based).
+ */
+void TransliteratorParser::setSegmentObject(int32_t seg, StringMatcher* adopted, UErrorCode& status) {
+ // Since we call parseSection() recursively, nested
+ // segments will result in segment i+1 getting parsed
+ // and stored before segment i; be careful with the
+ // vector handling here.
+ if (segmentObjects.size() < seg) {
+ segmentObjects.setSize(seg, status);
+ }
+ int32_t index = getSegmentStandin(seg, status) - curData->variablesBase;
+ if (segmentObjects.elementAt(seg-1) != NULL ||
+ variablesVector.elementAt(index) != NULL) {
+ // should never happen
+ return;
+ }
+ segmentObjects.setElementAt(adopted, seg-1);
+ variablesVector.setElementAt(adopted, index);
+ * Return the stand-in for the dot set. It is allocated the first
+ * time and reused thereafter.
+ */
+UChar TransliteratorParser::getDotStandIn(UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (dotStandIn == (UChar) -1) {
+ UnicodeSet* tempus = new UnicodeSet(UnicodeString(TRUE, DOT_SET, -1), status);
+ // Null pointer check.
+ if (tempus == NULL) {
+ return (UChar)0x0000;
+ }
+ dotStandIn = generateStandInFor(tempus, status);
+ }
+ return dotStandIn;
+ * Append the value of the given variable name to the given
+ * UnicodeString.
+ */
+void TransliteratorParser::appendVariableDef(const UnicodeString& name,
+ UnicodeString& buf,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ const UnicodeString* s = (const UnicodeString*) variableNames.get(name);
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ // We allow one undefined variable so that variable definition
+ // statements work. For the first undefined variable we return
+ // the special placeholder variableLimit-1, and save the variable
+ // name.
+ if (undefinedVariableName.length() == 0) {
+ undefinedVariableName = name;
+ if (variableNext >= variableLimit) {
+ // throw new RuntimeException("Private use variables exhausted");
+ return;
+ }
+ buf.append((UChar) --variableLimit);
+ } else {
+ //throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined variable $"
+ // + name);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ buf.append(*s);
+ }
+ * Glue method to get around access restrictions in C++.
+ */
+/*Transliterator* TransliteratorParser::createBasicInstance(const UnicodeString& id, const UnicodeString* canonID) {
+ return Transliterator::createBasicInstance(id, canonID);
+U_CAPI int32_t
+utrans_stripRules(const UChar *source, int32_t sourceLen, UChar *target, UErrorCode *status) {
+ //const UChar *sourceStart = source;
+ const UChar *targetStart = target;
+ const UChar *sourceLimit = source+sourceLen;
+ UChar *targetLimit = target+sourceLen;
+ UChar32 c = 0;
+ UBool quoted = FALSE;
+ int32_t index;
+ uprv_memset(target, 0, sourceLen*U_SIZEOF_UCHAR);
+ /* read the rules into the buffer */
+ while (source < sourceLimit)
+ {
+ index=0;
+ U16_NEXT_UNSAFE(source, index, c);
+ source+=index;
+ if(c == QUOTE) {
+ quoted = (UBool)!quoted;
+ }
+ else if (!quoted) {
+ if (c == RULE_COMMENT_CHAR) {
+ /* skip comments and all preceding spaces */
+ while (targetStart < target && *(target - 1) == 0x0020) {
+ target--;
+ }
+ do {
+ if (source == sourceLimit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ c = *(source++);
+ }
+ while (c != CR && c != LF);
+ if (c < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c == ESCAPE && source < sourceLimit) {
+ UChar32 c2 = *source;
+ if (c2 == CR || c2 == LF) {
+ /* A backslash at the end of a line. */
+ /* Since we're stripping lines, ignore the backslash. */
+ source++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c2 == 0x0075 && source+5 < sourceLimit) { /* \u seen. \U isn't unescaped. */
+ int32_t escapeOffset = 0;
+ UnicodeString escapedStr(source, 5);
+ c2 = escapedStr.unescapeAt(escapeOffset);
+ if (c2 == (UChar32)0xFFFFFFFF || escapeOffset == 0)
+ {
+ *status = U_PARSE_ERROR;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!PatternProps::isWhiteSpace(c2) && !u_iscntrl(c2) && !u_ispunct(c2)) {
+ /* It was escaped for a reason. Write what it was suppose to be. */
+ source+=5;
+ c = c2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c2 == QUOTE) {
+ /* \' seen. Make sure we don't do anything when we see it again. */
+ quoted = (UBool)!quoted;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == CR || c == LF)
+ {
+ /* ignore spaces carriage returns, and all leading spaces on the next line.
+ * and line feed unless in the form \uXXXX
+ */
+ quoted = FALSE;
+ while (source < sourceLimit) {
+ c = *(source);
+ if (c != CR && c != LF && c != 0x0020) {
+ break;
+ }
+ source++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Append UChar * after dissembling if c > 0xffff*/
+ index=0;
+ U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(target, index, c);
+ target+=index;
+ }
+ if (target < targetLimit) {
+ *target = 0;
+ }
+ return (int32_t)(target-targetStart);