path: root/contrib/libs/icu/common/unistr_case.cpp
diff options
authorSergey Uzhakov <uzhastik@gmail.com>2022-06-22 21:23:19 +0300
committerSergey Uzhakov <uzhastik@gmail.com>2022-06-22 21:23:19 +0300
commitb86c509aaa5b19d5659a4548395a47c9e87826e9 (patch)
tree98025d7bd574b788f6679b24f91711ea86bf07ae /contrib/libs/icu/common/unistr_case.cpp
parentf55ada30d924b55d15fad9001944df1323a9598a (diff)
YQ-1154: allow pg translator in OSS
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/icu/common/unistr_case.cpp')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/icu/common/unistr_case.cpp b/contrib/libs/icu/common/unistr_case.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2138d60c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/icu/common/unistr_case.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* file name: unistr_case.cpp
+* encoding: UTF-8
+* tab size: 8 (not used)
+* indentation:2
+* created on: 2004aug19
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+* Case-mapping functions moved here from unistr.cpp
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/brkiter.h"
+#include "unicode/casemap.h"
+#include "unicode/edits.h"
+#include "unicode/putil.h"
+#include "cstring.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "uassert.h"
+#include "ucasemap_imp.h"
+#include "uelement.h"
+// Read-only implementation
+UnicodeString::doCaseCompare(int32_t start,
+ int32_t length,
+ const UChar *srcChars,
+ int32_t srcStart,
+ int32_t srcLength,
+ uint32_t options) const
+ // compare illegal string values
+ // treat const UChar *srcChars==NULL as an empty string
+ if(isBogus()) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // pin indices to legal values
+ pinIndices(start, length);
+ if(srcChars == NULL) {
+ srcStart = srcLength = 0;
+ }
+ // get the correct pointer
+ const UChar *chars = getArrayStart();
+ chars += start;
+ if(srcStart!=0) {
+ srcChars += srcStart;
+ }
+ if(chars != srcChars) {
+ UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ int32_t result=u_strcmpFold(chars, length, srcChars, srcLength,
+ options|U_COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE, &errorCode);
+ if(result!=0) {
+ return (int8_t)(result >> 24 | 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // get the srcLength if necessary
+ if(srcLength < 0) {
+ srcLength = u_strlen(srcChars + srcStart);
+ }
+ if(length != srcLength) {
+ return (int8_t)((length - srcLength) >> 24 | 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Write implementation
+UnicodeString &
+UnicodeString::caseMap(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_PARAM
+ UStringCaseMapper *stringCaseMapper) {
+ if(isEmpty() || !isWritable()) {
+ // nothing to do
+ return *this;
+ }
+ UChar oldBuffer[2 * US_STACKBUF_SIZE];
+ UChar *oldArray;
+ int32_t oldLength = length();
+ int32_t newLength;
+ UBool writable = isBufferWritable();
+ UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ // Read-only alias to the original string contents for the titlecasing BreakIterator.
+ // We cannot set the iterator simply to *this because *this is being modified.
+ UnicodeString oldString;
+ // Try to avoid heap-allocating a new character array for this string.
+ if (writable ? oldLength <= UPRV_LENGTHOF(oldBuffer) : oldLength < US_STACKBUF_SIZE) {
+ // Short string: Copy the contents into a temporary buffer and
+ // case-map back into the current array, or into the stack buffer.
+ UChar *buffer = getArrayStart();
+ int32_t capacity;
+ oldArray = oldBuffer;
+ u_memcpy(oldBuffer, buffer, oldLength);
+ if (writable) {
+ capacity = getCapacity();
+ } else {
+ // Switch from the read-only alias or shared heap buffer to the stack buffer.
+ if (!cloneArrayIfNeeded(US_STACKBUF_SIZE, US_STACKBUF_SIZE, /* doCopyArray= */ FALSE)) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ U_ASSERT(fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags & kUsingStackBuffer);
+ buffer = fUnion.fStackFields.fBuffer;
+ capacity = US_STACKBUF_SIZE;
+ }
+ if (iter != nullptr) {
+ oldString.setTo(FALSE, oldArray, oldLength);
+ iter->setText(oldString);
+ }
+ newLength = stringCaseMapper(caseLocale, options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR
+ buffer, capacity,
+ oldArray, oldLength, NULL, errorCode);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
+ setLength(newLength);
+ return *this;
+ } else if (errorCode == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
+ // common overflow handling below
+ } else {
+ setToBogus();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Longer string or read-only buffer:
+ // Collect only changes and then apply them to this string.
+ // Case mapping often changes only small parts of a string,
+ // and often does not change its length.
+ oldArray = getArrayStart();
+ Edits edits;
+ UChar replacementChars[200];
+ if (iter != nullptr) {
+ oldString.setTo(FALSE, oldArray, oldLength);
+ iter->setText(oldString);
+ }
+ stringCaseMapper(caseLocale, options | U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR
+ replacementChars, UPRV_LENGTHOF(replacementChars),
+ oldArray, oldLength, &edits, errorCode);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
+ // Grow the buffer at most once, not for multiple doReplace() calls.
+ newLength = oldLength + edits.lengthDelta();
+ if (newLength > oldLength && !cloneArrayIfNeeded(newLength, newLength)) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ for (Edits::Iterator ei = edits.getCoarseChangesIterator(); ei.next(errorCode);) {
+ doReplace(ei.destinationIndex(), ei.oldLength(),
+ replacementChars, ei.replacementIndex(), ei.newLength());
+ }
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+ setToBogus();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ } else if (errorCode == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
+ // common overflow handling below
+ newLength = oldLength + edits.lengthDelta();
+ } else {
+ setToBogus();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle buffer overflow, newLength is known.
+ // We need to allocate a new buffer for the internal string case mapping function.
+ // This is very similar to how doReplace() keeps the old array pointer
+ // and deletes the old array itself after it is done.
+ // In addition, we are forcing cloneArrayIfNeeded() to always allocate a new array.
+ int32_t *bufferToDelete = 0;
+ if (!cloneArrayIfNeeded(newLength, newLength, FALSE, &bufferToDelete, TRUE)) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ // No need to iter->setText() again: The case mapper restarts via iter->first().
+ newLength = stringCaseMapper(caseLocale, options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR
+ getArrayStart(), getCapacity(),
+ oldArray, oldLength, NULL, errorCode);
+ if (bufferToDelete) {
+ uprv_free(bufferToDelete);
+ }
+ if (U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
+ setLength(newLength);
+ } else {
+ setToBogus();
+ }
+ return *this;
+UnicodeString &
+UnicodeString::foldCase(uint32_t options) {
+ return caseMap(UCASE_LOC_ROOT, options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_NULL ustrcase_internalFold);
+// Defined here to reduce dependencies on break iterator
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_hashCaselessUnicodeString(const UElement key) {
+ const UnicodeString *str = (const UnicodeString*) key.pointer;
+ if (str == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Inefficient; a better way would be to have a hash function in
+ // UnicodeString that does case folding on the fly.
+ UnicodeString copy(*str);
+ return copy.foldCase().hashCode();
+// Defined here to reduce dependencies on break iterator
+uhash_compareCaselessUnicodeString(const UElement key1, const UElement key2) {
+ const UnicodeString *str1 = (const UnicodeString*) key1.pointer;
+ const UnicodeString *str2 = (const UnicodeString*) key2.pointer;
+ if (str1 == str2) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return str1->caseCompare(*str2, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT) == 0;