path: root/contrib/libs/icu/common/ucnv_ext.cpp
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /contrib/libs/icu/common/ucnv_ext.cpp
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/icu/common/ucnv_ext.cpp')
1 files changed, 1143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/icu/common/ucnv_ext.cpp b/contrib/libs/icu/common/ucnv_ext.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7dea4eef41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/icu/common/ucnv_ext.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* file name: ucnv_ext.cpp
+* encoding: UTF-8
+* tab size: 8 (not used)
+* indentation:4
+* created on: 2003jun13
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+* Conversion extensions
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "ucnv_bld.h"
+#include "ucnv_cnv.h"
+#include "ucnv_ext.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "uassert.h"
+/* to Unicode --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @return lookup value for the byte, if found; else 0
+ */
+static inline uint32_t
+ucnv_extFindToU(const uint32_t *toUSection, int32_t length, uint8_t byte) {
+ uint32_t word0, word;
+ int32_t i, start, limit;
+ /* check the input byte against the lowest and highest section bytes */
+ start=(int32_t)UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_BYTE(toUSection[0]);
+ limit=(int32_t)UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_BYTE(toUSection[length-1]);
+ if(byte<start || limit<byte) {
+ return 0; /* the byte is out of range */
+ }
+ if(length==((limit-start)+1)) {
+ /* direct access on a linear array */
+ return UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_VALUE(toUSection[byte-start]); /* could be 0 */
+ }
+ /* word0 is suitable for <=toUSection[] comparison, word for <toUSection[] */
+ word0=UCNV_EXT_TO_U_MAKE_WORD(byte, 0);
+ /*
+ * Shift byte once instead of each section word and add 0xffffff.
+ * We will compare the shifted/added byte (bbffffff) against
+ * section words which have byte values in the same bit position.
+ * If and only if byte bb < section byte ss then bbffffff<ssvvvvvv
+ * for all v=0..f
+ * so we need not mask off the lower 24 bits of each section word.
+ */
+ word=word0|UCNV_EXT_TO_U_VALUE_MASK;
+ /* binary search */
+ start=0;
+ limit=length;
+ for(;;) {
+ i=limit-start;
+ if(i<=1) {
+ break; /* done */
+ }
+ /* start<limit-1 */
+ if(i<=4) {
+ /* linear search for the last part */
+ if(word0<=toUSection[start]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(++start<limit && word0<=toUSection[start]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(++start<limit && word0<=toUSection[start]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* always break at start==limit-1 */
+ ++start;
+ break;
+ }
+ i=(start+limit)/2;
+ if(word<toUSection[i]) {
+ limit=i;
+ } else {
+ start=i;
+ }
+ }
+ /* did we really find it? */
+ if(start<limit && byte==UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_BYTE(word=toUSection[start])) {
+ return UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_VALUE(word); /* never 0 */
+ } else {
+ return 0; /* not found */
+ }
+ * TRUE if not an SI/SO stateful converter,
+ * or if the match length fits with the current converter state
+ */
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_VERIFY_SISO_MATCH(sisoState, match) \
+ ((sisoState)<0 || ((sisoState)==0) == (match==1))
+ * this works like ucnv_extMatchFromU() except
+ * - the first character is in pre
+ * - no trie is used
+ * - the returned matchLength is not offset by 2
+ */
+static int32_t
+ucnv_extMatchToU(const int32_t *cx, int8_t sisoState,
+ const char *pre, int32_t preLength,
+ const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+ uint32_t *pMatchValue,
+ UBool /*useFallback*/, UBool flush) {
+ const uint32_t *toUTable, *toUSection;
+ uint32_t value, matchValue;
+ int32_t i, j, idx, length, matchLength;
+ uint8_t b;
+ if(cx==NULL || cx[UCNV_EXT_TO_U_LENGTH]<=0) {
+ return 0; /* no extension data, no match */
+ }
+ /* initialize */
+ toUTable=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_TO_U_INDEX, uint32_t);
+ idx=0;
+ matchValue=0;
+ i=j=matchLength=0;
+ if(sisoState==0) {
+ /* SBCS state of an SI/SO stateful converter, look at only exactly 1 byte */
+ if(preLength>1) {
+ return 0; /* no match of a DBCS sequence in SBCS mode */
+ } else if(preLength==1) {
+ srcLength=0;
+ } else /* preLength==0 */ {
+ if(srcLength>1) {
+ srcLength=1;
+ }
+ }
+ flush=TRUE;
+ }
+ /* we must not remember fallback matches when not using fallbacks */
+ /* match input units until there is a full match or the input is consumed */
+ for(;;) {
+ /* go to the next section */
+ toUSection=toUTable+idx;
+ /* read first pair of the section */
+ value=*toUSection++;
+ length=UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_BYTE(value);
+ value=UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_VALUE(value);
+ if( value!=0 &&
+ TO_U_USE_FALLBACK(useFallback)) &&
+ ) {
+ /* remember longest match so far */
+ matchValue=value;
+ matchLength=i+j;
+ }
+ /* match pre[] then src[] */
+ if(i<preLength) {
+ b=(uint8_t)pre[i++];
+ } else if(j<srcLength) {
+ b=(uint8_t)src[j++];
+ } else {
+ /* all input consumed, partial match */
+ if(flush || (length=(i+j))>UCNV_EXT_MAX_BYTES) {
+ /*
+ * end of the entire input stream, stop with the longest match so far
+ * or: partial match must not be longer than UCNV_EXT_MAX_BYTES
+ * because it must fit into state buffers
+ */
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /* continue with more input next time */
+ return -length;
+ }
+ }
+ /* search for the current UChar */
+ value=ucnv_extFindToU(toUSection, length, b);
+ if(value==0) {
+ /* no match here, stop with the longest match so far */
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if(UCNV_EXT_TO_U_IS_PARTIAL(value)) {
+ /* partial match, continue */
+ idx=(int32_t)UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_PARTIAL_INDEX(value);
+ } else {
+ if( (UCNV_EXT_TO_U_IS_ROUNDTRIP(value) ||
+ TO_U_USE_FALLBACK(useFallback)) &&
+ ) {
+ /* full match, stop with result */
+ matchValue=value;
+ matchLength=i+j;
+ } else {
+ /* full match on fallback not taken, stop with the longest match so far */
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(matchLength==0) {
+ /* no match at all */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* return result */
+ *pMatchValue=UCNV_EXT_TO_U_MASK_ROUNDTRIP(matchValue);
+ return matchLength;
+static inline void
+ucnv_extWriteToU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
+ uint32_t value,
+ UChar **target, const UChar *targetLimit,
+ int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ /* output the result */
+ if(UCNV_EXT_TO_U_IS_CODE_POINT(value)) {
+ /* output a single code point */
+ ucnv_toUWriteCodePoint(
+ target, targetLimit,
+ offsets, srcIndex,
+ pErrorCode);
+ } else {
+ /* output a string - with correct data we have resultLength>0 */
+ ucnv_toUWriteUChars(
+ cnv,
+ target, targetLimit,
+ offsets, srcIndex,
+ pErrorCode);
+ }
+ * get the SI/SO toU state (state 0 is for SBCS, 1 for DBCS),
+ * or 1 for DBCS-only,
+ * or -1 if the converter is not SI/SO stateful
+ *
+ * Note: For SI/SO stateful converters getting here,
+ * cnv->mode==0 is equivalent to firstLength==1.
+ */
+#define UCNV_SISO_STATE(cnv) \
+ ((cnv)->sharedData->mbcs.outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_2_SISO ? (int8_t)(cnv)->mode : \
+ (cnv)->sharedData->mbcs.outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_DBCS_ONLY ? 1 : -1)
+ * target<targetLimit; set error code for overflow
+ */
+ucnv_extInitialMatchToU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
+ int32_t firstLength,
+ const char **src, const char *srcLimit,
+ UChar **target, const UChar *targetLimit,
+ int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
+ UBool flush,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ uint32_t value = 0; /* initialize output-only param to 0 to silence gcc */
+ int32_t match;
+ /* try to match */
+ match=ucnv_extMatchToU(cx, (int8_t)UCNV_SISO_STATE(cnv),
+ (const char *)cnv->toUBytes, firstLength,
+ *src, (int32_t)(srcLimit-*src),
+ &value,
+ cnv->useFallback, flush);
+ if(match>0) {
+ /* advance src pointer for the consumed input */
+ *src+=match-firstLength;
+ /* write result to target */
+ ucnv_extWriteToU(cnv, cx,
+ value,
+ target, targetLimit,
+ offsets, srcIndex,
+ pErrorCode);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if(match<0) {
+ /* save state for partial match */
+ const char *s;
+ int32_t j;
+ /* copy the first code point */
+ s=(const char *)cnv->toUBytes;
+ cnv->preToUFirstLength=(int8_t)firstLength;
+ for(j=0; j<firstLength; ++j) {
+ cnv->preToU[j]=*s++;
+ }
+ /* now copy the newly consumed input */
+ s=*src;
+ match=-match;
+ for(; j<match; ++j) {
+ cnv->preToU[j]=*s++;
+ }
+ *src=s; /* same as *src=srcLimit; because we reached the end of input */
+ cnv->preToULength=(int8_t)match;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else /* match==0 no match */ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+U_CFUNC UChar32
+ucnv_extSimpleMatchToU(const int32_t *cx,
+ const char *source, int32_t length,
+ UBool useFallback) {
+ uint32_t value = 0; /* initialize output-only param to 0 to silence gcc */
+ int32_t match;
+ if(length<=0) {
+ return 0xffff;
+ }
+ /* try to match */
+ match=ucnv_extMatchToU(cx, -1,
+ source, length,
+ NULL, 0,
+ &value,
+ useFallback, TRUE);
+ if(match==length) {
+ /* write result for simple, single-character conversion */
+ if(UCNV_EXT_TO_U_IS_CODE_POINT(value)) {
+ return UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_CODE_POINT(value);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * return no match because
+ * - match>0 && value points to string: simple conversion cannot handle multiple code points
+ * - match>0 && match!=length: not all input consumed, forbidden for this function
+ * - match==0: no match found in the first place
+ * - match<0: partial match, not supported for simple conversion (and flush==TRUE)
+ */
+ return 0xfffe;
+ * continue partial match with new input
+ * never called for simple, single-character conversion
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_extContinueMatchToU(UConverter *cnv,
+ UConverterToUnicodeArgs *pArgs, int32_t srcIndex,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ uint32_t value = 0; /* initialize output-only param to 0 to silence gcc */
+ int32_t match, length;
+ match=ucnv_extMatchToU(cnv->sharedData->mbcs.extIndexes, (int8_t)UCNV_SISO_STATE(cnv),
+ cnv->preToU, cnv->preToULength,
+ pArgs->source, (int32_t)(pArgs->sourceLimit-pArgs->source),
+ &value,
+ cnv->useFallback, pArgs->flush);
+ if(match>0) {
+ if(match>=cnv->preToULength) {
+ /* advance src pointer for the consumed input */
+ pArgs->source+=match-cnv->preToULength;
+ cnv->preToULength=0;
+ } else {
+ /* the match did not use all of preToU[] - keep the rest for replay */
+ length=cnv->preToULength-match;
+ uprv_memmove(cnv->preToU, cnv->preToU+match, length);
+ cnv->preToULength=(int8_t)-length;
+ }
+ /* write result */
+ ucnv_extWriteToU(cnv, cnv->sharedData->mbcs.extIndexes,
+ value,
+ &pArgs->target, pArgs->targetLimit,
+ &pArgs->offsets, srcIndex,
+ pErrorCode);
+ } else if(match<0) {
+ /* save state for partial match */
+ const char *s;
+ int32_t j;
+ /* just _append_ the newly consumed input to preToU[] */
+ s=pArgs->source;
+ match=-match;
+ for(j=cnv->preToULength; j<match; ++j) {
+ cnv->preToU[j]=*s++;
+ }
+ pArgs->source=s; /* same as *src=srcLimit; because we reached the end of input */
+ cnv->preToULength=(int8_t)match;
+ } else /* match==0 */ {
+ /*
+ * no match
+ *
+ * We need to split the previous input into two parts:
+ *
+ * 1. The first codepage character is unmappable - that's how we got into
+ * trying the extension data in the first place.
+ * We need to move it from the preToU buffer
+ * to the error buffer, set an error code,
+ * and prepare the rest of the previous input for 2.
+ *
+ * 2. The rest of the previous input must be converted once we
+ * come back from the callback for the first character.
+ * At that time, we have to try again from scratch to convert
+ * these input characters.
+ * The replay will be handled by the ucnv.c conversion code.
+ */
+ /* move the first codepage character to the error field */
+ uprv_memcpy(cnv->toUBytes, cnv->preToU, cnv->preToUFirstLength);
+ cnv->toULength=cnv->preToUFirstLength;
+ /* move the rest up inside the buffer */
+ length=cnv->preToULength-cnv->preToUFirstLength;
+ if(length>0) {
+ uprv_memmove(cnv->preToU, cnv->preToU+cnv->preToUFirstLength, length);
+ }
+ /* mark preToU for replay */
+ cnv->preToULength=(int8_t)-length;
+ /* set the error code for unassigned */
+ }
+/* from Unicode ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Use roundtrips, "good one-way" mappings, and some normal fallbacks.
+static inline UBool
+extFromUUseMapping(UBool useFallback, uint32_t value, UChar32 firstCP) {
+ return
+ ((value&UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STATUS_MASK)!=0 ||
+ FROM_U_USE_FALLBACK(useFallback, firstCP)) &&
+ * @return index of the UChar, if found; else <0
+ */
+static inline int32_t
+ucnv_extFindFromU(const UChar *fromUSection, int32_t length, UChar u) {
+ int32_t i, start, limit;
+ /* binary search */
+ start=0;
+ limit=length;
+ for(;;) {
+ i=limit-start;
+ if(i<=1) {
+ break; /* done */
+ }
+ /* start<limit-1 */
+ if(i<=4) {
+ /* linear search for the last part */
+ if(u<=fromUSection[start]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(++start<limit && u<=fromUSection[start]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(++start<limit && u<=fromUSection[start]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* always break at start==limit-1 */
+ ++start;
+ break;
+ }
+ i=(start+limit)/2;
+ if(u<fromUSection[i]) {
+ limit=i;
+ } else {
+ start=i;
+ }
+ }
+ /* did we really find it? */
+ if(start<limit && u==fromUSection[start]) {
+ return start;
+ } else {
+ return -1; /* not found */
+ }
+ * @param cx pointer to extension data; if NULL, returns 0
+ * @param firstCP the first code point before all the other UChars
+ * @param pre UChars that must match; !initialMatch: partial match with them
+ * @param preLength length of pre, >=0
+ * @param src UChars that can be used to complete a match
+ * @param srcLength length of src, >=0
+ * @param pMatchValue [out] output result value for the match from the data structure
+ * @param useFallback "use fallback" flag, usually from cnv->useFallback
+ * @param flush TRUE if the end of the input stream is reached
+ * @return >1: matched, return value=total match length (number of input units matched)
+ * 1: matched, no mapping but request for <subchar1>
+ * (only for the first code point)
+ * 0: no match
+ * <0: partial match, return value=negative total match length
+ * (partial matches are never returned for flush==TRUE)
+ * (partial matches are never returned as being longer than UCNV_EXT_MAX_UCHARS)
+ * the matchLength is 2 if only firstCP matched, and >2 if firstCP and
+ * further code units matched
+ */
+static int32_t
+ucnv_extMatchFromU(const int32_t *cx,
+ UChar32 firstCP,
+ const UChar *pre, int32_t preLength,
+ const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+ uint32_t *pMatchValue,
+ UBool useFallback, UBool flush) {
+ const uint16_t *stage12, *stage3;
+ const uint32_t *stage3b;
+ const UChar *fromUTableUChars, *fromUSectionUChars;
+ const uint32_t *fromUTableValues, *fromUSectionValues;
+ uint32_t value, matchValue;
+ int32_t i, j, idx, length, matchLength;
+ UChar c;
+ if(cx==NULL) {
+ return 0; /* no extension data, no match */
+ }
+ /* trie lookup of firstCP */
+ idx=firstCP>>10; /* stage 1 index */
+ if(idx>=cx[UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STAGE_1_LENGTH]) {
+ return 0; /* the first code point is outside the trie */
+ }
+ stage12=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STAGE_12_INDEX, uint16_t);
+ stage3=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STAGE_3_INDEX, uint16_t);
+ idx=UCNV_EXT_FROM_U(stage12, stage3, idx, firstCP);
+ stage3b=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STAGE_3B_INDEX, uint32_t);
+ value=stage3b[idx];
+ if(value==0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Tests for (value&UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_RESERVED_MASK)==0:
+ * Do not interpret values with reserved bits used, for forward compatibility,
+ * and do not even remember intermediate results with reserved bits used.
+ */
+ if(UCNV_EXT_TO_U_IS_PARTIAL(value)) {
+ /* partial match, enter the loop below */
+ idx=(int32_t)UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_PARTIAL_INDEX(value);
+ /* initialize */
+ fromUTableValues=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_VALUES_INDEX, uint32_t);
+ matchValue=0;
+ i=j=matchLength=0;
+ /* we must not remember fallback matches when not using fallbacks */
+ /* match input units until there is a full match or the input is consumed */
+ for(;;) {
+ /* go to the next section */
+ fromUSectionUChars=fromUTableUChars+idx;
+ fromUSectionValues=fromUTableValues+idx;
+ /* read first pair of the section */
+ length=*fromUSectionUChars++;
+ value=*fromUSectionValues++;
+ if(value!=0 && extFromUUseMapping(useFallback, value, firstCP)) {
+ /* remember longest match so far */
+ matchValue=value;
+ matchLength=2+i+j;
+ }
+ /* match pre[] then src[] */
+ if(i<preLength) {
+ c=pre[i++];
+ } else if(j<srcLength) {
+ c=src[j++];
+ } else {
+ /* all input consumed, partial match */
+ if(flush || (length=(i+j))>UCNV_EXT_MAX_UCHARS) {
+ /*
+ * end of the entire input stream, stop with the longest match so far
+ * or: partial match must not be longer than UCNV_EXT_MAX_UCHARS
+ * because it must fit into state buffers
+ */
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /* continue with more input next time */
+ return -(2+length);
+ }
+ }
+ /* search for the current UChar */
+ idx=ucnv_extFindFromU(fromUSectionUChars, length, c);
+ if(idx<0) {
+ /* no match here, stop with the longest match so far */
+ break;
+ } else {
+ value=fromUSectionValues[idx];
+ /* partial match, continue */
+ idx=(int32_t)UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_PARTIAL_INDEX(value);
+ } else {
+ if(extFromUUseMapping(useFallback, value, firstCP)) {
+ /* full match, stop with result */
+ matchValue=value;
+ matchLength=2+i+j;
+ } else {
+ /* full match on fallback not taken, stop with the longest match so far */
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(matchLength==0) {
+ /* no match at all */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else /* result from firstCP trie lookup */ {
+ if(extFromUUseMapping(useFallback, value, firstCP)) {
+ /* full match, stop with result */
+ matchValue=value;
+ matchLength=2;
+ } else {
+ /* fallback not taken */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* return result */
+ if(matchValue==UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_SUBCHAR1) {
+ return 1; /* assert matchLength==2 */
+ }
+ *pMatchValue=matchValue;
+ return matchLength;
+ * @param value fromUnicode mapping table value; ignores roundtrip and reserved bits
+ */
+static inline void
+ucnv_extWriteFromU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
+ uint32_t value,
+ char **target, const char *targetLimit,
+ int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ uint8_t buffer[1+UCNV_EXT_MAX_BYTES];
+ const uint8_t *result;
+ int32_t length, prevLength;
+ length=UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_LENGTH(value);
+ value=(uint32_t)UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_DATA(value);
+ /* output the result */
+ /*
+ * Generate a byte array and then write it below.
+ * This is not the fastest possible way, but it should be ok for
+ * extension mappings, and it is much simpler.
+ * Offset and overflow handling are only done once this way.
+ */
+ uint8_t *p=buffer+1; /* reserve buffer[0] for shiftByte below */
+ switch(length) {
+ case 3:
+ *p++=(uint8_t)(value>>16);
+ case 2:
+ *p++=(uint8_t)(value>>8);
+ case 1:
+ *p++=(uint8_t)value;
+ default:
+ break; /* will never occur */
+ }
+ result=buffer+1;
+ } else {
+ result=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_BYTES_INDEX, uint8_t)+value;
+ }
+ /* with correct data we have length>0 */
+ if((prevLength=cnv->fromUnicodeStatus)!=0) {
+ /* handle SI/SO stateful output */
+ uint8_t shiftByte;
+ if(prevLength>1 && length==1) {
+ /* change from double-byte mode to single-byte */
+ shiftByte=(uint8_t)UCNV_SI;
+ cnv->fromUnicodeStatus=1;
+ } else if(prevLength==1 && length>1) {
+ /* change from single-byte mode to double-byte */
+ shiftByte=(uint8_t)UCNV_SO;
+ cnv->fromUnicodeStatus=2;
+ } else {
+ shiftByte=0;
+ }
+ if(shiftByte!=0) {
+ /* prepend the shift byte to the result bytes */
+ buffer[0]=shiftByte;
+ if(result!=buffer+1) {
+ uprv_memcpy(buffer+1, result, length);
+ }
+ result=buffer;
+ ++length;
+ }
+ }
+ ucnv_fromUWriteBytes(cnv, (const char *)result, length,
+ target, targetLimit,
+ offsets, srcIndex,
+ pErrorCode);
+ * target<targetLimit; set error code for overflow
+ */
+ucnv_extInitialMatchFromU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
+ UChar32 cp,
+ const UChar **src, const UChar *srcLimit,
+ char **target, const char *targetLimit,
+ int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
+ UBool flush,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ uint32_t value = 0; /* initialize output-only param to 0 to silence gcc */
+ int32_t match;
+ /* try to match */
+ match=ucnv_extMatchFromU(cx, cp,
+ NULL, 0,
+ *src, (int32_t)(srcLimit-*src),
+ &value,
+ cnv->useFallback, flush);
+ /* reject a match if the result is a single byte for DBCS-only */
+ if( match>=2 &&
+ !(UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_LENGTH(value)==1 &&
+ cnv->sharedData->mbcs.outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_DBCS_ONLY)
+ ) {
+ /* advance src pointer for the consumed input */
+ *src+=match-2; /* remove 2 for the initial code point */
+ /* write result to target */
+ ucnv_extWriteFromU(cnv, cx,
+ value,
+ target, targetLimit,
+ offsets, srcIndex,
+ pErrorCode);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if(match<0) {
+ /* save state for partial match */
+ const UChar *s;
+ int32_t j;
+ /* copy the first code point */
+ cnv->preFromUFirstCP=cp;
+ /* now copy the newly consumed input */
+ s=*src;
+ match=-match-2; /* remove 2 for the initial code point */
+ for(j=0; j<match; ++j) {
+ cnv->preFromU[j]=*s++;
+ }
+ *src=s; /* same as *src=srcLimit; because we reached the end of input */
+ cnv->preFromULength=(int8_t)match;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if(match==1) {
+ /* matched, no mapping but request for <subchar1> */
+ cnv->useSubChar1=TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+ } else /* match==0 no match */ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ * Used by ISO 2022 implementation.
+ * @return number of bytes in *pValue; negative number if fallback; 0 for no mapping
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ucnv_extSimpleMatchFromU(const int32_t *cx,
+ UChar32 cp, uint32_t *pValue,
+ UBool useFallback) {
+ uint32_t value;
+ int32_t match;
+ /* try to match */
+ match=ucnv_extMatchFromU(cx,
+ cp,
+ NULL, 0,
+ NULL, 0,
+ &value,
+ useFallback, TRUE);
+ if(match>=2) {
+ /* write result for simple, single-character conversion */
+ int32_t length;
+ int isRoundtrip;
+ isRoundtrip=UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_IS_ROUNDTRIP(value);
+ length=UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_LENGTH(value);
+ value=(uint32_t)UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_DATA(value);
+ *pValue=value;
+ return isRoundtrip ? length : -length;
+#if 0 /* not currently used */
+ } else if(length==4) {
+ /* de-serialize a 4-byte result */
+ const uint8_t *result=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_BYTES_INDEX, uint8_t)+value;
+ *pValue=
+ ((uint32_t)result[0]<<24)|
+ ((uint32_t)result[1]<<16)|
+ ((uint32_t)result[2]<<8)|
+ result[3];
+ return isRoundtrip ? 4 : -4;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * return no match because
+ * - match>1 && resultLength>4: result too long for simple conversion
+ * - match==1: no match found, <subchar1> preferred
+ * - match==0: no match found in the first place
+ * - match<0: partial match, not supported for simple conversion (and flush==TRUE)
+ */
+ return 0;
+ * continue partial match with new input, requires cnv->preFromUFirstCP>=0
+ * never called for simple, single-character conversion
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_extContinueMatchFromU(UConverter *cnv,
+ UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *pArgs, int32_t srcIndex,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ uint32_t value = 0; /* initialize output-only param to 0 to silence gcc */
+ int32_t match;
+ match=ucnv_extMatchFromU(cnv->sharedData->mbcs.extIndexes,
+ cnv->preFromUFirstCP,
+ cnv->preFromU, cnv->preFromULength,
+ pArgs->source, (int32_t)(pArgs->sourceLimit-pArgs->source),
+ &value,
+ cnv->useFallback, pArgs->flush);
+ if(match>=2) {
+ match-=2; /* remove 2 for the initial code point */
+ if(match>=cnv->preFromULength) {
+ /* advance src pointer for the consumed input */
+ pArgs->source+=match-cnv->preFromULength;
+ cnv->preFromULength=0;
+ } else {
+ /* the match did not use all of preFromU[] - keep the rest for replay */
+ int32_t length=cnv->preFromULength-match;
+ u_memmove(cnv->preFromU, cnv->preFromU+match, length);
+ cnv->preFromULength=(int8_t)-length;
+ }
+ /* finish the partial match */
+ cnv->preFromUFirstCP=U_SENTINEL;
+ /* write result */
+ ucnv_extWriteFromU(cnv, cnv->sharedData->mbcs.extIndexes,
+ value,
+ &pArgs->target, pArgs->targetLimit,
+ &pArgs->offsets, srcIndex,
+ pErrorCode);
+ } else if(match<0) {
+ /* save state for partial match */
+ const UChar *s;
+ int32_t j;
+ /* just _append_ the newly consumed input to preFromU[] */
+ s=pArgs->source;
+ match=-match-2; /* remove 2 for the initial code point */
+ for(j=cnv->preFromULength; j<match; ++j) {
+ U_ASSERT(j>=0);
+ cnv->preFromU[j]=*s++;
+ }
+ pArgs->source=s; /* same as *src=srcLimit; because we reached the end of input */
+ cnv->preFromULength=(int8_t)match;
+ } else /* match==0 or 1 */ {
+ /*
+ * no match
+ *
+ * We need to split the previous input into two parts:
+ *
+ * 1. The first code point is unmappable - that's how we got into
+ * trying the extension data in the first place.
+ * We need to move it from the preFromU buffer
+ * to the error buffer, set an error code,
+ * and prepare the rest of the previous input for 2.
+ *
+ * 2. The rest of the previous input must be converted once we
+ * come back from the callback for the first code point.
+ * At that time, we have to try again from scratch to convert
+ * these input characters.
+ * The replay will be handled by the ucnv.c conversion code.
+ */
+ if(match==1) {
+ /* matched, no mapping but request for <subchar1> */
+ cnv->useSubChar1=TRUE;
+ }
+ /* move the first code point to the error field */
+ cnv->fromUChar32=cnv->preFromUFirstCP;
+ cnv->preFromUFirstCP=U_SENTINEL;
+ /* mark preFromU for replay */
+ cnv->preFromULength=-cnv->preFromULength;
+ /* set the error code for unassigned */
+ }
+static UBool
+extSetUseMapping(UConverterUnicodeSet which, int32_t minLength, uint32_t value) {
+ if(which==UCNV_ROUNDTRIP_SET) {
+ // Add only code points for which the roundtrip flag is set.
+ // Do not add any fallbacks, even if ucnv_fromUnicode() would use them
+ // (fallbacks from PUA). See the API docs for ucnv_getUnicodeSet().
+ //
+ // By analogy, also do not add "good one-way" mappings.
+ //
+ // Do not add entries with reserved bits set.
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Do not add entries with reserved bits set.
+ if((value&UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_RESERVED_MASK)!=0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Do not add <subchar1> entries or other (future?) pseudo-entries
+ // with an output length of 0.
+ return UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_LENGTH(value)>=minLength;
+static void
+ucnv_extGetUnicodeSetString(const UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+ const int32_t *cx,
+ const USetAdder *sa,
+ UConverterUnicodeSet which,
+ int32_t minLength,
+ UChar32 firstCP,
+ UChar s[UCNV_EXT_MAX_UCHARS], int32_t length,
+ int32_t sectionIndex,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ const UChar *fromUSectionUChars;
+ const uint32_t *fromUSectionValues;
+ uint32_t value;
+ int32_t i, count;
+ fromUSectionUChars=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_UCHARS_INDEX, UChar)+sectionIndex;
+ fromUSectionValues=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_VALUES_INDEX, uint32_t)+sectionIndex;
+ /* read first pair of the section */
+ count=*fromUSectionUChars++;
+ value=*fromUSectionValues++;
+ if(extSetUseMapping(which, minLength, value)) {
+ if(length==U16_LENGTH(firstCP)) {
+ /* add the initial code point */
+ sa->add(sa->set, firstCP);
+ } else {
+ /* add the string so far */
+ sa->addString(sa->set, s, length);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+ /* append this code unit and recurse or add the string */
+ s[length]=fromUSectionUChars[i];
+ value=fromUSectionValues[i];
+ if(value==0) {
+ /* no mapping, do nothing */
+ } else if(UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_IS_PARTIAL(value)) {
+ ucnv_extGetUnicodeSetString(
+ sharedData, cx, sa, which, minLength,
+ firstCP, s, length+1,
+ pErrorCode);
+ } else if(extSetUseMapping(which, minLength, value)) {
+ sa->addString(sa->set, s, length+1);
+ }
+ }
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_extGetUnicodeSet(const UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+ const USetAdder *sa,
+ UConverterUnicodeSet which,
+ UConverterSetFilter filter,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ const int32_t *cx;
+ const uint16_t *stage12, *stage3, *ps2, *ps3;
+ const uint32_t *stage3b;
+ uint32_t value;
+ int32_t st1, stage1Length, st2, st3, minLength;
+ UChar32 c;
+ int32_t length;
+ cx=sharedData->mbcs.extIndexes;
+ if(cx==NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ stage12=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STAGE_12_INDEX, uint16_t);
+ stage3=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STAGE_3_INDEX, uint16_t);
+ stage3b=UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(cx, UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STAGE_3B_INDEX, uint32_t);
+ stage1Length=cx[UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STAGE_1_LENGTH];
+ /* enumerate the from-Unicode trie table */
+ c=0; /* keep track of the current code point while enumerating */
+ if(filter==UCNV_SET_FILTER_2022_CN) {
+ minLength=3;
+ } else if( sharedData->mbcs.outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_DBCS_ONLY ||
+ ) {
+ /* DBCS-only, ignore single-byte results */
+ minLength=2;
+ } else {
+ minLength=1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * the trie enumeration is almost the same as
+ * in MBCSGetUnicodeSet() for MBCS_OUTPUT_1
+ */
+ for(st1=0; st1<stage1Length; ++st1) {
+ st2=stage12[st1];
+ if(st2>stage1Length) {
+ ps2=stage12+st2;
+ for(st2=0; st2<64; ++st2) {
+ if((st3=(int32_t)ps2[st2]<<UCNV_EXT_STAGE_2_LEFT_SHIFT)!=0) {
+ /* read the stage 3 block */
+ ps3=stage3+st3;
+ do {
+ value=stage3b[*ps3++];
+ if(value==0) {
+ /* no mapping, do nothing */
+ } else if(UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_IS_PARTIAL(value)) {
+ // Recurse for partial results.
+ length=0;
+ U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(s, length, c);
+ ucnv_extGetUnicodeSetString(
+ sharedData, cx, sa, which, minLength,
+ c, s, length,
+ pErrorCode);
+ } else if(extSetUseMapping(which, minLength, value)) {
+ switch(filter) {
+ case UCNV_SET_FILTER_2022_CN:
+ if(!(UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_LENGTH(value)==3 && UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_DATA(value)<=0x82ffff)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ if(!(UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_LENGTH(value)==2 && (value=UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_DATA(value))>=0x8140 && value<=0xeffc)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ if(!(UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_LENGTH(value)==2 &&
+ (uint16_t)((value=UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_DATA(value))-0xa1a1)<=(0xfefe - 0xa1a1) &&
+ (uint8_t)(value-0xa1)<=(0xfe - 0xa1))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ if(!(UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_LENGTH(value)==2 &&
+ (uint16_t)((value=UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_DATA(value))-0xa1a1)<=(0xfdfe - 0xa1a1) &&
+ (uint8_t)(value-0xa1)<=(0xfe - 0xa1))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /*
+ * or UCNV_SET_FILTER_DBCS_ONLY which is handled via minLength
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ sa->add(sa->set, c);
+ }
+ } while((++c&0xf)!=0);
+ } else {
+ c+=16; /* empty stage 3 block */
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ c+=1024; /* empty stage 2 block */
+ }
+ }