path: root/contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/rose/validate_shufti.h
diff options
authorthegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:12 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:12 +0300
commit49116032d905455a7b1c994e4a696afc885c1e71 (patch)
treebe835aa92c6248212e705f25388ebafcf84bc7a1 /contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/rose/validate_shufti.h
parent4e839db24a3bbc9f1c610c43d6faaaa99824dcca (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <thegeorg@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/rose/validate_shufti.h')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/rose/validate_shufti.h b/contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/rose/validate_shufti.h
index de300df4a3..351df36a76 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/rose/validate_shufti.h
+++ b/contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/rose/validate_shufti.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Intel Corporation
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
@@ -175,85 +175,85 @@ int validateShuftiMask32x16(const m256 data,
return !cmp_result;
-#ifdef HAVE_AVX512
+#ifdef HAVE_AVX512
+static really_inline
+int validateShuftiMask64x8(const m512 data, const m512 hi_mask,
+ const m512 lo_mask, const m512 and_mask,
+ const u64a neg_mask, const u64a valid_data_mask) {
+ m512 low4bits = set64x8(0xf);
+ m512 c_lo = pshufb_m512(lo_mask, and512(data, low4bits));
+ m512 c_hi = pshufb_m512(hi_mask,
+ rshift64_m512(andnot512(low4bits, data), 4));
+ m512 t = and512(c_lo, c_hi);
+ u64a nresult = eq512mask(and512(t, and_mask), zeroes512());
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("data\n");
+ dumpMask(&data, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("hi_mask\n");
+ dumpMask(&hi_mask, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("lo_mask\n");
+ dumpMask(&lo_mask, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("c_lo\n");
+ dumpMask(&c_lo, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("c_hi\n");
+ dumpMask(&c_hi, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("nresult %llx\n", nresult);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("valid_data_mask %llx\n", valid_data_mask);
+ u64a cmp_result = (nresult ^ neg_mask) & valid_data_mask;
+ return !cmp_result;
+static really_inline
+int validateShuftiMask64x16(const m512 data,
+ const m512 hi_mask_1, const m512 hi_mask_2,
+ const m512 lo_mask_1, const m512 lo_mask_2,
+ const m512 and_mask_hi, const m512 and_mask_lo,
+ const u64a neg_mask, const u64a valid_data_mask) {
+ m512 low4bits = set64x8(0xf);
+ m512 data_lo = and512(data, low4bits);
+ m512 data_hi = and512(rshift64_m512(data, 4), low4bits);
+ m512 c_lo_1 = pshufb_m512(lo_mask_1, data_lo);
+ m512 c_lo_2 = pshufb_m512(lo_mask_2, data_lo);
+ m512 c_hi_1 = pshufb_m512(hi_mask_1, data_hi);
+ m512 c_hi_2 = pshufb_m512(hi_mask_2, data_hi);
+ m512 t1 = and512(c_lo_1, c_hi_1);
+ m512 t2 = and512(c_lo_2, c_hi_2);
+ m512 result = or512(and512(t1, and_mask_lo), and512(t2, and_mask_hi));
+ u64a nresult = eq512mask(result, zeroes512());
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("data\n");
+ dumpMask(&data, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("data_lo\n");
+ dumpMask(&data_lo, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("data_hi\n");
+ dumpMask(&data_hi, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("hi_mask_1\n");
+ dumpMask(&hi_mask_1, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("hi_mask_2\n");
+ dumpMask(&hi_mask_2, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("lo_mask_1\n");
+ dumpMask(&lo_mask_1, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("lo_mask_2\n");
+ dumpMask(&lo_mask_2, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("c_lo_1\n");
+ dumpMask(&c_lo_1, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("c_lo_2\n");
+ dumpMask(&c_lo_2, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("c_hi_1\n");
+ dumpMask(&c_hi_1, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("c_hi_2\n");
+ dumpMask(&c_hi_2, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("result\n");
+ dumpMask(&result, 64);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("valid_data_mask %llx\n", valid_data_mask);
+ u64a cmp_result = (nresult ^ neg_mask) & valid_data_mask;
+ return !cmp_result;
static really_inline
-int validateShuftiMask64x8(const m512 data, const m512 hi_mask,
- const m512 lo_mask, const m512 and_mask,
- const u64a neg_mask, const u64a valid_data_mask) {
- m512 low4bits = set64x8(0xf);
- m512 c_lo = pshufb_m512(lo_mask, and512(data, low4bits));
- m512 c_hi = pshufb_m512(hi_mask,
- rshift64_m512(andnot512(low4bits, data), 4));
- m512 t = and512(c_lo, c_hi);
- u64a nresult = eq512mask(and512(t, and_mask), zeroes512());
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUG_PRINTF("data\n");
- dumpMask(&data, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("hi_mask\n");
- dumpMask(&hi_mask, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("lo_mask\n");
- dumpMask(&lo_mask, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("c_lo\n");
- dumpMask(&c_lo, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("c_hi\n");
- dumpMask(&c_hi, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("nresult %llx\n", nresult);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("valid_data_mask %llx\n", valid_data_mask);
- u64a cmp_result = (nresult ^ neg_mask) & valid_data_mask;
- return !cmp_result;
-static really_inline
-int validateShuftiMask64x16(const m512 data,
- const m512 hi_mask_1, const m512 hi_mask_2,
- const m512 lo_mask_1, const m512 lo_mask_2,
- const m512 and_mask_hi, const m512 and_mask_lo,
- const u64a neg_mask, const u64a valid_data_mask) {
- m512 low4bits = set64x8(0xf);
- m512 data_lo = and512(data, low4bits);
- m512 data_hi = and512(rshift64_m512(data, 4), low4bits);
- m512 c_lo_1 = pshufb_m512(lo_mask_1, data_lo);
- m512 c_lo_2 = pshufb_m512(lo_mask_2, data_lo);
- m512 c_hi_1 = pshufb_m512(hi_mask_1, data_hi);
- m512 c_hi_2 = pshufb_m512(hi_mask_2, data_hi);
- m512 t1 = and512(c_lo_1, c_hi_1);
- m512 t2 = and512(c_lo_2, c_hi_2);
- m512 result = or512(and512(t1, and_mask_lo), and512(t2, and_mask_hi));
- u64a nresult = eq512mask(result, zeroes512());
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUG_PRINTF("data\n");
- dumpMask(&data, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("data_lo\n");
- dumpMask(&data_lo, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("data_hi\n");
- dumpMask(&data_hi, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("hi_mask_1\n");
- dumpMask(&hi_mask_1, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("hi_mask_2\n");
- dumpMask(&hi_mask_2, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("lo_mask_1\n");
- dumpMask(&lo_mask_1, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("lo_mask_2\n");
- dumpMask(&lo_mask_2, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("c_lo_1\n");
- dumpMask(&c_lo_1, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("c_lo_2\n");
- dumpMask(&c_lo_2, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("c_hi_1\n");
- dumpMask(&c_hi_1, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("c_hi_2\n");
- dumpMask(&c_hi_2, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("result\n");
- dumpMask(&result, 64);
- DEBUG_PRINTF("valid_data_mask %llx\n", valid_data_mask);
- u64a cmp_result = (nresult ^ neg_mask) & valid_data_mask;
- return !cmp_result;
-static really_inline
int checkMultipath32(u32 data, u32 hi_bits, u32 lo_bits) {
u32 t = ~(data | hi_bits);
t += lo_bits;