path: root/contrib/libs/highwayhash/README.md
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authorsomov <somov@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:49 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:49 +0300
commit7489e4682331202b9c7d863c0898eb83d7b12c2b (patch)
tree9142afc54d335ea52910662635b898e79e192e49 /contrib/libs/highwayhash/README.md
parenta5950576e397b1909261050b8c7da16db58f10b1 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <somov@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/highwayhash/README.md')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/highwayhash/README.md b/contrib/libs/highwayhash/README.md
index 4d120be2a2..2d311c66c1 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/highwayhash/README.md
+++ b/contrib/libs/highwayhash/README.md
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-Strong (well-distributed and unpredictable) hashes:
-* Portable implementation of
- [SipHash](https://www.131002.net/siphash/siphash.pdf)
-* HighwayHash, a 5x faster SIMD hash with [security
- claims](https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.06257)
-## Quick Start
-To build on a Linux or Mac platform, simply run `make`. For Windows, we provide
-a Visual Studio 2015 project in the `msvc` subdirectory.
-Run `benchmark` for speed measurements. `sip_hash_test` and `highwayhash_test`
-ensure the implementations return known-good values for a given set of inputs.
-64-bit SipHash for any CPU:
- #include "highwayhash/sip_hash.h"
- using namespace highwayhash;
- const HH_U64 key2[2] HH_ALIGNAS(16) = {1234, 5678};
- char in[8] = {1};
- return SipHash(key2, in, 8);
-64, 128 or 256 bit HighwayHash for the CPU determined by compiler flags:
- #include "highwayhash/highwayhash.h"
- using namespace highwayhash;
- const HHKey key HH_ALIGNAS(32) = {1, 2, 3, 4};
- char in[8] = {1};
- HHResult64 result; // or HHResult128 or HHResult256
- HHStateT<HH_TARGET> state(key);
- HighwayHashT(&state, in, 8, &result);
-64, 128 or 256 bit HighwayHash for the CPU on which we're currently running:
- #include "highwayhash/highwayhash_target.h"
- #include "highwayhash/instruction_sets.h"
- using namespace highwayhash;
- const HHKey key HH_ALIGNAS(32) = {1, 2, 3, 4};
- char in[8] = {1};
- HHResult64 result; // or HHResult128 or HHResult256
- InstructionSets::Run<HighwayHash>(key, in, 8, &result);
-C-callable 64-bit HighwayHash for the CPU on which we're currently running:
- #include "highwayhash/c_bindings.h"
- const uint64_t key[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
- char in[8] = {1};
- return HighwayHash64(key, in, 8);
-## Introduction
-Hash functions are widely used, so it is desirable to increase their speed and
-security. This package provides two 'strong' (well-distributed and
-unpredictable) hash functions: a faster version of SipHash, and an even faster
-algorithm we call HighwayHash.
-SipHash is a fast but 'cryptographically strong' pseudo-random function by
-Aumasson and Bernstein [https://www.131002.net/siphash/siphash.pdf].
-HighwayHash is a new way of mixing inputs which may inspire new
-cryptographically strong hashes. Large inputs are processed at a rate of 0.24
-cycles per byte, and latency remains low even for small inputs. HighwayHash is
-faster than SipHash for all input sizes, with 5 times higher throughput at 1
-KiB. We discuss design choices and provide statistical analysis and preliminary
-cryptanalysis in https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.06257.
-## Applications
-Unlike prior strong hashes, these functions are fast enough to be recommended
-as safer replacements for weak hashes in many applications. The additional CPU
-cost appears affordable, based on profiling data indicating C++ hash functions
-account for less than 0.25% of CPU usage.
-Hash-based selection of random subsets is useful for A/B experiments and similar
-applications. Such random generators are idempotent (repeatable and
-deterministic), which is helpful for parallel algorithms and testing. To avoid
-bias, it is important that the hash function be unpredictable and
-indistinguishable from a uniform random generator. We have verified the bit
-distribution and avalanche properties of SipHash and HighwayHash.
-64-bit hashes are also useful for authenticating short-lived messages such as
-network/RPC packets. This requires that the hash function withstand
-differential, length extension and other attacks. We have published a formal
-security analysis for HighwayHash. New cryptanalysis tools may still need to be
-developed for further analysis.
-Strong hashes are also important parts of methods for protecting hash tables
-against unacceptable worst-case behavior and denial of service attacks
-(see "hash flooding" below).
-## SipHash
-Our SipHash implementation is a fast and portable drop-in replacement for
-the reference C code. Outputs are identical for the given test cases (messages
-between 0 and 63 bytes).
-Interestingly, it is about twice as fast as a SIMD implementation using SSE4.1
-(https://goo.gl/80GBSD). This is presumably due to the lack of SIMD bit rotate
-SipHash13 is a faster but weaker variant with one mixing round per update and
-three during finalization.
-We also provide a data-parallel 'tree hash' variant that enables efficient SIMD
-while retaining safety guarantees. This is about twice as fast as SipHash, but
-does not return the same results.
-## HighwayHash
-We have devised a new way of mixing inputs with AVX2 multiply and permute
-instructions. The multiplications are 32x32 -> 64 bits and therefore infeasible
-to reverse. Permuting equalizes the distribution of the resulting bytes.
-The internal state occupies four 256-bit AVX2 registers. Due to limitations of
-the instruction set, the registers are partitioned into two 512-bit halves that
-remain independent until the reduce phase. The algorithm outputs 64 bit digests
-or up to 256 bits at no extra cost.
-In addition to high throughput, the algorithm is designed for low finalization
-cost. The result is more than twice as fast as SipTreeHash.
-For older CPUs, we also provide an SSE4.1 version (80% as fast for large inputs
-and 95% as fast for short inputs) and a portable version (10% as fast).
-Statistical analyses and preliminary cryptanalysis are given in
-## Versioning and stability
-SipHash and HighwayHash 1.0 are 'fingerprint functions' whose input -> hash
-mapping will not change. This is important for applications that write hashes to
-persistent storage.
-HighwayHash has not yet reached 1.0 and may still change in the near future. We
-will announce when it is frozen.
-## Speed measurements
-To measure the CPU cost of a hash function, we can either create an artificial
-'microbenchmark' (easier to control, but probably not representative of the
-actual runtime), or insert instrumentation directly into an application (risks
-influencing the results through observer overhead). We provide novel variants of
-both approaches that mitigate their respective disadvantages.
-profiler.h uses software write-combining to stream program traces to memory
-with minimal overhead. These can be analyzed offline, or when memory is full,
-to learn how much time was spent in each (possibly nested) zone.
-nanobenchmark.h enables cycle-accurate measurements of very short functions.
-It uses CPU fences and robust statistics to minimize variability, and also
-avoids unrealistic branch prediction effects.
-We compile the C++ implementations with a patched GCC 4.9 and run on a single
-core of a Xeon E5-2690 v3 clocked at 2.6 GHz. CPU cost is measured as cycles per
-byte for various input sizes:
-Algorithm | 8 | 31 | 32 | 63 | 64 | 1024
----------------- | ----- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
-HighwayHashAVX2 | 7.34 | 1.81 | 1.71 | 1.04 | 0.95 | 0.24
-HighwayHashSSE41 | 8.00 | 2.11 | 1.75 | 1.13 | 0.96 | 0.30
-SipTreeHash | 16.51 | 4.57 | 4.09 | 2.22 | 2.29 | 0.57
-SipTreeHash13 | 12.33 | 3.47 | 3.06 | 1.68 | 1.63 | 0.33
-SipHash | 8.13 | 2.58 | 2.73 | 1.87 | 1.93 | 1.26
-SipHash13 | 6.96 | 2.09 | 2.12 | 1.32 | 1.33 | 0.68
-SipTreeHash is slower than SipHash for small inputs because it processes blocks
-of 32 bytes. AVX2 and SSE4.1 HighwayHash are faster than SipHash for all input
-sizes due to their highly optimized handling of partial vectors.
-Note that previous measurements included the initialization of their input,
-which dramatically increased timings especially for small inputs.
-## CPU requirements
-SipTreeHash[13] requires an AVX2-capable CPU (e.g. Haswell). HighwayHash
-includes a dispatcher that chooses the best available (AVX2, SSE4.1 or portable)
-implementation at runtime, as well as a directly callable function template that
-can only run on the CPU for which it was built. SipHash[13] and
-ScalarSipTreeHash[13] have no particular CPU requirements.
-Our implementations use custom AVX2 vector classes with overloaded operators
-(e.g. `const V4x64U a = b + c`) for type-safety and improved readability vs.
-compiler intrinsics (e.g. `const __m256i a = _mm256_add_epi64(b, c)`).
-We intend to port HighwayHash to other SIMD-capable platforms, especially ARM.
-Our instruction_sets dispatcher avoids running newer instructions on older CPUs
-that do not support them. However, intrinsics, and therefore also any vector
-classes that use them, require a compiler flag that also enables the compiler to
-generate code for that CPU. This means the intrinsics must be placed in separate
-translation units that are compiled with the required flags. It is important
-that these source files and their headers not define any inline functions,
-because that might break the one definition rule and cause crashes.
-To minimize dispatch overhead when hashes are computed often (e.g. in a loop),
-we can inline the hash function into its caller using templates. The dispatch
-overhead will only be paid once (e.g. before the loop). The template mechanism
-also avoids duplicating code in each CPU-specific implementation.
-## Defending against hash flooding
-To mitigate hash flooding attacks, we need to take both the hash function and
-the data structure into account.
-We wish to defend (web) services that utilize hash sets/maps against
-denial-of-service attacks. Such data structures assign attacker-controlled
-input messages `m` to a hash table bin `b` by computing the hash `H(s, m)`
-using a hash function `H` seeded by `s`, and mapping it to a bin with some
-narrowing function `b = R(h)`, discussed below.
-Attackers may attempt to trigger 'flooding' (excessive work in insertions or
-lookups) by finding multiple `m` that map to the same bin. If the attacker has
-local access, they can do far worse, so we assume the attacker can only issue
-remote requests. If the attacker is able to send large numbers of requests,
-they can already deny service, so we need only ensure the attacker's cost is
-sufficiently large compared to the service's provisioning.
-If the hash function is 'weak', attackers can easily generate 'hash collisions'
-(inputs mapping to the same hash values) that are independent of the seed. In
-other words, certain input messages will cause collisions regardless of the seed
-value. The author of SipHash has published C++ programs to generate such
-'universal (key-independent) multicollisions' for CityHash and Murmur. Similar
-'differential' attacks are likely possible for any hash function consisting only
-of reversible operations (e.g. addition/multiplication/rotation) with a constant
-operand. `n` requests with such inputs cause `n^2` work for an unprotected hash
-table, which is unacceptable.
-By contrast, 'strong' hashes such as SipHash or HighwayHash require infeasible
-attacker effort to find a hash collision (an expected 2^32 guesses of `m` per
-the birthday paradox) or recover the seed (2^63 requests). These security claims
-assume the seed is secret. It is reasonable to suppose `s` is initially unknown
-to attackers, e.g. generated on startup or even per-connection. A timing attack
-by Wool/Bar-Yosef recovers 13-bit seeds by testing all 8K possibilities using
-millions of requests, which takes several days (even assuming unrealistic 150 us
-round-trip times). It appears infeasible to recover 64-bit seeds in this way.
-However, attackers are only looking for multiple `m` mapping to the same bin
-rather than identical hash values. We assume they know or are able to discover
-the hash table size `p`. It is common to choose `p = 2^i` to enable an efficient
-`R(h) := h & (p - 1)`, which simply retains the lower hash bits. It may be
-easier for attackers to compute partial collisions where only the lower `i` bits
-match. This can be prevented by choosing a prime `p` so that `R(h) := h % p`
-incorporates all hash bits. The costly modulo operation can be avoided by
-multiplying with the inverse (https://goo.gl/l7ASm8). An interesting alternative
-suggested by Kyoung Jae Seo chooses a random subset of the `h` bits. Such an `R`
-function can be computed in just 3 cycles using PEXT from the BMI2 instruction
-set. This is expected to defend against SAT-solver attacks on the hash bits at a
-slightly lower cost than the multiplicative inverse method, and still allows
-power-of-two table sizes.
-Summary thus far: given a strong hash function and secret seed, it appears
-infeasible for attackers to generate hash collisions because `s` and/or `R` are
-unknown. However, they can still observe the timings of data structure
-operations for various `m`. With typical table sizes of 2^10 to 2^17 entries,
-attackers can detect some 'bin collisions' (inputs mapping to the same bin).
-Although this will be costly for the attacker, they can then send many instances
-of such inputs, so we need to limit the resulting work for our data structure.
-Hash tables with separate chaining typically store bin entries in a linked list,
-so worst-case inputs lead to unacceptable linear-time lookup cost. We instead
-seek optimal asymptotic worst-case complexity for each operation (insertion,
-deletion and lookups), which is a constant factor times the logarithm of the
-data structure size. This naturally leads to a tree-like data structure for each
-bin. The Java8 HashMap only replaces its linked list with trees when needed.
-This leads to additional cost and complexity for deciding whether a bin is a
-list or tree.
-Our first proposal (suggested by Github user funny-falcon) avoids this overhead
-by always storing one tree per bin. It may also be worthwhile to store the first
-entry directly in the bin, which avoids allocating any tree nodes in the common
-case where bins are sparsely populated. What kind of tree should be used?
-Scapegoat and splay trees only offer amortized complexity guarantees, whereas
-treaps require an entropy source and have higher constant factors in practice.
-Self-balancing structures such as 2-3 or red-black trees require additional
-bookkeeping information. We can hope to reduce rebalancing cost by realizing
-that the output bits of strong `H` functions are uniformly distributed. When
-using them as keys instead of the original message `m`, recent relaxed balancing
-schemes such as left-leaning red-black or weak AVL trees may require fewer tree
-rotations to maintain their invariants. Note that `H` already determines the
-bin, so we should only use the remaining bits. 64-bit hashes are likely
-sufficient for this purpose, and HighwayHash generates up to 256 bits. It seems
-unlikely that attackers can craft inputs resulting in worst cases for both the
-bin index and tree key without being able to generate hash collisions, which
-would contradict the security claims of strong hashes. Even if they succeed, the
-relaxed tree balancing still guarantees an upper bound on height and therefore
-the worst-case operation cost. For the AVL variant, the constant factors are
-slightly lower than for red-black trees.
-The second proposed approach uses augmented/de-amortized cuckoo hash tables
-(https://goo.gl/PFwwkx). These guarantee worst-case `log n` bounds for all
-operations, but only if the hash function is 'indistinguishable from random'
-(uniformly distributed regardless of the input distribution), which is claimed
-for SipHash and HighwayHash but certainly not for weak hashes.
-Both alternatives retain good average case performance and defend against
-flooding by limiting the amount of extra work an attacker can cause. The first
-approach guarantees an upper bound of `log n` additional work even if the hash
-function is compromised.
-In summary, a strong hash function is not, by itself, sufficient to protect a
-chained hash table from flooding attacks. However, strong hash functions are
-important parts of two schemes for preventing denial of service. Using weak hash
-functions can slightly accelerate the best-case and average-case performance of
-a service, but at the risk of greatly reduced attack costs and worst-case
-## Third-party implementations / bindings
-Thanks to Damian Gryski for making us aware of these third-party
-implementations or bindings. Please feel free to get in touch or
-raise an issue and we'll add yours as well.
-By | Language | URL
---- | --- | ---
-Damian Gryski | Go and SSE | https://github.com/dgryski/go-highway/
-Lovell Fuller | node.js bindings | https://github.com/lovell/highwayhash
-Vinzent Steinberg | Rust bindings | https://github.com/vks/highwayhash-rs
-## Modules
-### Hashes
-* c_bindings.h declares C-callable versions of SipHash/HighwayHash.
-* sip_hash.cc is the compatible implementation of SipHash, and also provides
- the final reduction for sip_tree_hash.
-* sip_tree_hash.cc is the faster but incompatible SIMD j-lanes tree hash.
-* scalar_sip_tree_hash.cc is a non-SIMD version.
-* state_helpers.h simplifies the implementation of the SipHash variants.
-* highwayhash.h is our new, fast hash function.
-* hh_avx2.h, hh_sse41.h and hh_portable.h are its various implementations.
-* highwayhash_target.h chooses the best available implementation at runtime.
-### Infrastructure
-* arch_specific.h offers byte swapping and CPUID detection.
-* compiler_specific.h defines some compiler-dependent language extensions.
-* data_parallel.h provides a C++11 ThreadPool and PerThread (similar to
- OpenMP).
-* instruction_sets.h and targets.h enable efficient CPU-specific dispatching.
-* nanobenchmark.h measures elapsed times with < 1 cycle variability.
-* os_specific.h sets thread affinity and priority for benchmarking.
-* profiler.h is a low-overhead, deterministic hierarchical profiler.
-* tsc_timer.h obtains high-resolution timestamps without CPU reordering.
-* vector256.h and vector128.h contain wrapper classes for AVX2 and SSE4.1.
-By Jan Wassenberg <jan.wassenberg@gmail.com> and Jyrki Alakuijala
-<jyrki.alakuijala@gmail.com>, updated 2017-02-07
-This is not an official Google product.
+Strong (well-distributed and unpredictable) hashes:
+* Portable implementation of
+ [SipHash](https://www.131002.net/siphash/siphash.pdf)
+* HighwayHash, a 5x faster SIMD hash with [security
+ claims](https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.06257)
+## Quick Start
+To build on a Linux or Mac platform, simply run `make`. For Windows, we provide
+a Visual Studio 2015 project in the `msvc` subdirectory.
+Run `benchmark` for speed measurements. `sip_hash_test` and `highwayhash_test`
+ensure the implementations return known-good values for a given set of inputs.
+64-bit SipHash for any CPU:
+ #include "highwayhash/sip_hash.h"
+ using namespace highwayhash;
+ const HH_U64 key2[2] HH_ALIGNAS(16) = {1234, 5678};
+ char in[8] = {1};
+ return SipHash(key2, in, 8);
+64, 128 or 256 bit HighwayHash for the CPU determined by compiler flags:
+ #include "highwayhash/highwayhash.h"
+ using namespace highwayhash;
+ const HHKey key HH_ALIGNAS(32) = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+ char in[8] = {1};
+ HHResult64 result; // or HHResult128 or HHResult256
+ HHStateT<HH_TARGET> state(key);
+ HighwayHashT(&state, in, 8, &result);
+64, 128 or 256 bit HighwayHash for the CPU on which we're currently running:
+ #include "highwayhash/highwayhash_target.h"
+ #include "highwayhash/instruction_sets.h"
+ using namespace highwayhash;
+ const HHKey key HH_ALIGNAS(32) = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+ char in[8] = {1};
+ HHResult64 result; // or HHResult128 or HHResult256
+ InstructionSets::Run<HighwayHash>(key, in, 8, &result);
+C-callable 64-bit HighwayHash for the CPU on which we're currently running:
+ #include "highwayhash/c_bindings.h"
+ const uint64_t key[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+ char in[8] = {1};
+ return HighwayHash64(key, in, 8);
+## Introduction
+Hash functions are widely used, so it is desirable to increase their speed and
+security. This package provides two 'strong' (well-distributed and
+unpredictable) hash functions: a faster version of SipHash, and an even faster
+algorithm we call HighwayHash.
+SipHash is a fast but 'cryptographically strong' pseudo-random function by
+Aumasson and Bernstein [https://www.131002.net/siphash/siphash.pdf].
+HighwayHash is a new way of mixing inputs which may inspire new
+cryptographically strong hashes. Large inputs are processed at a rate of 0.24
+cycles per byte, and latency remains low even for small inputs. HighwayHash is
+faster than SipHash for all input sizes, with 5 times higher throughput at 1
+KiB. We discuss design choices and provide statistical analysis and preliminary
+cryptanalysis in https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.06257.
+## Applications
+Unlike prior strong hashes, these functions are fast enough to be recommended
+as safer replacements for weak hashes in many applications. The additional CPU
+cost appears affordable, based on profiling data indicating C++ hash functions
+account for less than 0.25% of CPU usage.
+Hash-based selection of random subsets is useful for A/B experiments and similar
+applications. Such random generators are idempotent (repeatable and
+deterministic), which is helpful for parallel algorithms and testing. To avoid
+bias, it is important that the hash function be unpredictable and
+indistinguishable from a uniform random generator. We have verified the bit
+distribution and avalanche properties of SipHash and HighwayHash.
+64-bit hashes are also useful for authenticating short-lived messages such as
+network/RPC packets. This requires that the hash function withstand
+differential, length extension and other attacks. We have published a formal
+security analysis for HighwayHash. New cryptanalysis tools may still need to be
+developed for further analysis.
+Strong hashes are also important parts of methods for protecting hash tables
+against unacceptable worst-case behavior and denial of service attacks
+(see "hash flooding" below).
+## SipHash
+Our SipHash implementation is a fast and portable drop-in replacement for
+the reference C code. Outputs are identical for the given test cases (messages
+between 0 and 63 bytes).
+Interestingly, it is about twice as fast as a SIMD implementation using SSE4.1
+(https://goo.gl/80GBSD). This is presumably due to the lack of SIMD bit rotate
+SipHash13 is a faster but weaker variant with one mixing round per update and
+three during finalization.
+We also provide a data-parallel 'tree hash' variant that enables efficient SIMD
+while retaining safety guarantees. This is about twice as fast as SipHash, but
+does not return the same results.
+## HighwayHash
+We have devised a new way of mixing inputs with AVX2 multiply and permute
+instructions. The multiplications are 32x32 -> 64 bits and therefore infeasible
+to reverse. Permuting equalizes the distribution of the resulting bytes.
+The internal state occupies four 256-bit AVX2 registers. Due to limitations of
+the instruction set, the registers are partitioned into two 512-bit halves that
+remain independent until the reduce phase. The algorithm outputs 64 bit digests
+or up to 256 bits at no extra cost.
+In addition to high throughput, the algorithm is designed for low finalization
+cost. The result is more than twice as fast as SipTreeHash.
+For older CPUs, we also provide an SSE4.1 version (80% as fast for large inputs
+and 95% as fast for short inputs) and a portable version (10% as fast).
+Statistical analyses and preliminary cryptanalysis are given in
+## Versioning and stability
+SipHash and HighwayHash 1.0 are 'fingerprint functions' whose input -> hash
+mapping will not change. This is important for applications that write hashes to
+persistent storage.
+HighwayHash has not yet reached 1.0 and may still change in the near future. We
+will announce when it is frozen.
+## Speed measurements
+To measure the CPU cost of a hash function, we can either create an artificial
+'microbenchmark' (easier to control, but probably not representative of the
+actual runtime), or insert instrumentation directly into an application (risks
+influencing the results through observer overhead). We provide novel variants of
+both approaches that mitigate their respective disadvantages.
+profiler.h uses software write-combining to stream program traces to memory
+with minimal overhead. These can be analyzed offline, or when memory is full,
+to learn how much time was spent in each (possibly nested) zone.
+nanobenchmark.h enables cycle-accurate measurements of very short functions.
+It uses CPU fences and robust statistics to minimize variability, and also
+avoids unrealistic branch prediction effects.
+We compile the C++ implementations with a patched GCC 4.9 and run on a single
+core of a Xeon E5-2690 v3 clocked at 2.6 GHz. CPU cost is measured as cycles per
+byte for various input sizes:
+Algorithm | 8 | 31 | 32 | 63 | 64 | 1024
+---------------- | ----- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
+HighwayHashAVX2 | 7.34 | 1.81 | 1.71 | 1.04 | 0.95 | 0.24
+HighwayHashSSE41 | 8.00 | 2.11 | 1.75 | 1.13 | 0.96 | 0.30
+SipTreeHash | 16.51 | 4.57 | 4.09 | 2.22 | 2.29 | 0.57
+SipTreeHash13 | 12.33 | 3.47 | 3.06 | 1.68 | 1.63 | 0.33
+SipHash | 8.13 | 2.58 | 2.73 | 1.87 | 1.93 | 1.26
+SipHash13 | 6.96 | 2.09 | 2.12 | 1.32 | 1.33 | 0.68
+SipTreeHash is slower than SipHash for small inputs because it processes blocks
+of 32 bytes. AVX2 and SSE4.1 HighwayHash are faster than SipHash for all input
+sizes due to their highly optimized handling of partial vectors.
+Note that previous measurements included the initialization of their input,
+which dramatically increased timings especially for small inputs.
+## CPU requirements
+SipTreeHash[13] requires an AVX2-capable CPU (e.g. Haswell). HighwayHash
+includes a dispatcher that chooses the best available (AVX2, SSE4.1 or portable)
+implementation at runtime, as well as a directly callable function template that
+can only run on the CPU for which it was built. SipHash[13] and
+ScalarSipTreeHash[13] have no particular CPU requirements.
+Our implementations use custom AVX2 vector classes with overloaded operators
+(e.g. `const V4x64U a = b + c`) for type-safety and improved readability vs.
+compiler intrinsics (e.g. `const __m256i a = _mm256_add_epi64(b, c)`).
+We intend to port HighwayHash to other SIMD-capable platforms, especially ARM.
+Our instruction_sets dispatcher avoids running newer instructions on older CPUs
+that do not support them. However, intrinsics, and therefore also any vector
+classes that use them, require a compiler flag that also enables the compiler to
+generate code for that CPU. This means the intrinsics must be placed in separate
+translation units that are compiled with the required flags. It is important
+that these source files and their headers not define any inline functions,
+because that might break the one definition rule and cause crashes.
+To minimize dispatch overhead when hashes are computed often (e.g. in a loop),
+we can inline the hash function into its caller using templates. The dispatch
+overhead will only be paid once (e.g. before the loop). The template mechanism
+also avoids duplicating code in each CPU-specific implementation.
+## Defending against hash flooding
+To mitigate hash flooding attacks, we need to take both the hash function and
+the data structure into account.
+We wish to defend (web) services that utilize hash sets/maps against
+denial-of-service attacks. Such data structures assign attacker-controlled
+input messages `m` to a hash table bin `b` by computing the hash `H(s, m)`
+using a hash function `H` seeded by `s`, and mapping it to a bin with some
+narrowing function `b = R(h)`, discussed below.
+Attackers may attempt to trigger 'flooding' (excessive work in insertions or
+lookups) by finding multiple `m` that map to the same bin. If the attacker has
+local access, they can do far worse, so we assume the attacker can only issue
+remote requests. If the attacker is able to send large numbers of requests,
+they can already deny service, so we need only ensure the attacker's cost is
+sufficiently large compared to the service's provisioning.
+If the hash function is 'weak', attackers can easily generate 'hash collisions'
+(inputs mapping to the same hash values) that are independent of the seed. In
+other words, certain input messages will cause collisions regardless of the seed
+value. The author of SipHash has published C++ programs to generate such
+'universal (key-independent) multicollisions' for CityHash and Murmur. Similar
+'differential' attacks are likely possible for any hash function consisting only
+of reversible operations (e.g. addition/multiplication/rotation) with a constant
+operand. `n` requests with such inputs cause `n^2` work for an unprotected hash
+table, which is unacceptable.
+By contrast, 'strong' hashes such as SipHash or HighwayHash require infeasible
+attacker effort to find a hash collision (an expected 2^32 guesses of `m` per
+the birthday paradox) or recover the seed (2^63 requests). These security claims
+assume the seed is secret. It is reasonable to suppose `s` is initially unknown
+to attackers, e.g. generated on startup or even per-connection. A timing attack
+by Wool/Bar-Yosef recovers 13-bit seeds by testing all 8K possibilities using
+millions of requests, which takes several days (even assuming unrealistic 150 us
+round-trip times). It appears infeasible to recover 64-bit seeds in this way.
+However, attackers are only looking for multiple `m` mapping to the same bin
+rather than identical hash values. We assume they know or are able to discover
+the hash table size `p`. It is common to choose `p = 2^i` to enable an efficient
+`R(h) := h & (p - 1)`, which simply retains the lower hash bits. It may be
+easier for attackers to compute partial collisions where only the lower `i` bits
+match. This can be prevented by choosing a prime `p` so that `R(h) := h % p`
+incorporates all hash bits. The costly modulo operation can be avoided by
+multiplying with the inverse (https://goo.gl/l7ASm8). An interesting alternative
+suggested by Kyoung Jae Seo chooses a random subset of the `h` bits. Such an `R`
+function can be computed in just 3 cycles using PEXT from the BMI2 instruction
+set. This is expected to defend against SAT-solver attacks on the hash bits at a
+slightly lower cost than the multiplicative inverse method, and still allows
+power-of-two table sizes.
+Summary thus far: given a strong hash function and secret seed, it appears
+infeasible for attackers to generate hash collisions because `s` and/or `R` are
+unknown. However, they can still observe the timings of data structure
+operations for various `m`. With typical table sizes of 2^10 to 2^17 entries,
+attackers can detect some 'bin collisions' (inputs mapping to the same bin).
+Although this will be costly for the attacker, they can then send many instances
+of such inputs, so we need to limit the resulting work for our data structure.
+Hash tables with separate chaining typically store bin entries in a linked list,
+so worst-case inputs lead to unacceptable linear-time lookup cost. We instead
+seek optimal asymptotic worst-case complexity for each operation (insertion,
+deletion and lookups), which is a constant factor times the logarithm of the
+data structure size. This naturally leads to a tree-like data structure for each
+bin. The Java8 HashMap only replaces its linked list with trees when needed.
+This leads to additional cost and complexity for deciding whether a bin is a
+list or tree.
+Our first proposal (suggested by Github user funny-falcon) avoids this overhead
+by always storing one tree per bin. It may also be worthwhile to store the first
+entry directly in the bin, which avoids allocating any tree nodes in the common
+case where bins are sparsely populated. What kind of tree should be used?
+Scapegoat and splay trees only offer amortized complexity guarantees, whereas
+treaps require an entropy source and have higher constant factors in practice.
+Self-balancing structures such as 2-3 or red-black trees require additional
+bookkeeping information. We can hope to reduce rebalancing cost by realizing
+that the output bits of strong `H` functions are uniformly distributed. When
+using them as keys instead of the original message `m`, recent relaxed balancing
+schemes such as left-leaning red-black or weak AVL trees may require fewer tree
+rotations to maintain their invariants. Note that `H` already determines the
+bin, so we should only use the remaining bits. 64-bit hashes are likely
+sufficient for this purpose, and HighwayHash generates up to 256 bits. It seems
+unlikely that attackers can craft inputs resulting in worst cases for both the
+bin index and tree key without being able to generate hash collisions, which
+would contradict the security claims of strong hashes. Even if they succeed, the
+relaxed tree balancing still guarantees an upper bound on height and therefore
+the worst-case operation cost. For the AVL variant, the constant factors are
+slightly lower than for red-black trees.
+The second proposed approach uses augmented/de-amortized cuckoo hash tables
+(https://goo.gl/PFwwkx). These guarantee worst-case `log n` bounds for all
+operations, but only if the hash function is 'indistinguishable from random'
+(uniformly distributed regardless of the input distribution), which is claimed
+for SipHash and HighwayHash but certainly not for weak hashes.
+Both alternatives retain good average case performance and defend against
+flooding by limiting the amount of extra work an attacker can cause. The first
+approach guarantees an upper bound of `log n` additional work even if the hash
+function is compromised.
+In summary, a strong hash function is not, by itself, sufficient to protect a
+chained hash table from flooding attacks. However, strong hash functions are
+important parts of two schemes for preventing denial of service. Using weak hash
+functions can slightly accelerate the best-case and average-case performance of
+a service, but at the risk of greatly reduced attack costs and worst-case
+## Third-party implementations / bindings
+Thanks to Damian Gryski for making us aware of these third-party
+implementations or bindings. Please feel free to get in touch or
+raise an issue and we'll add yours as well.
+By | Language | URL
+--- | --- | ---
+Damian Gryski | Go and SSE | https://github.com/dgryski/go-highway/
+Lovell Fuller | node.js bindings | https://github.com/lovell/highwayhash
+Vinzent Steinberg | Rust bindings | https://github.com/vks/highwayhash-rs
+## Modules
+### Hashes
+* c_bindings.h declares C-callable versions of SipHash/HighwayHash.
+* sip_hash.cc is the compatible implementation of SipHash, and also provides
+ the final reduction for sip_tree_hash.
+* sip_tree_hash.cc is the faster but incompatible SIMD j-lanes tree hash.
+* scalar_sip_tree_hash.cc is a non-SIMD version.
+* state_helpers.h simplifies the implementation of the SipHash variants.
+* highwayhash.h is our new, fast hash function.
+* hh_avx2.h, hh_sse41.h and hh_portable.h are its various implementations.
+* highwayhash_target.h chooses the best available implementation at runtime.
+### Infrastructure
+* arch_specific.h offers byte swapping and CPUID detection.
+* compiler_specific.h defines some compiler-dependent language extensions.
+* data_parallel.h provides a C++11 ThreadPool and PerThread (similar to
+ OpenMP).
+* instruction_sets.h and targets.h enable efficient CPU-specific dispatching.
+* nanobenchmark.h measures elapsed times with < 1 cycle variability.
+* os_specific.h sets thread affinity and priority for benchmarking.
+* profiler.h is a low-overhead, deterministic hierarchical profiler.
+* tsc_timer.h obtains high-resolution timestamps without CPU reordering.
+* vector256.h and vector128.h contain wrapper classes for AVX2 and SSE4.1.
+By Jan Wassenberg <jan.wassenberg@gmail.com> and Jyrki Alakuijala
+<jyrki.alakuijala@gmail.com>, updated 2017-02-07
+This is not an official Google product.