path: root/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/src/debug.cpp
diff options
authorAndrey Khalyavin <halyavin@gmail.com>2022-02-10 16:46:30 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:46:30 +0300
commit4b839d0704ee9be1dabb0310a1f03af24963637b (patch)
tree1a2c5ffcf89eb53ecd79dbc9bc0a195c27404d0c /contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/src/debug.cpp
parentf773626848a7c7456803654292e716b83d69cc12 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for Andrey Khalyavin <halyavin@gmail.com>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/src/debug.cpp')
1 files changed, 574 insertions, 574 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/src/debug.cpp b/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/src/debug.cpp
index 7b7a770f18..dd5963fcce 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/src/debug.cpp
+++ b/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/src/debug.cpp
@@ -1,578 +1,578 @@
-//===-------------------------- debug.cpp ---------------------------------===//
+//===-------------------------- debug.cpp ---------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "__config"
-#include "__debug"
-#include "functional"
-#include "algorithm"
-#include "string"
-#include "cstdio"
-#include "__hash_table"
-#include "mutex"
-#if defined(__ELF__) && defined(_LIBCPP_LINK_PTHREAD_LIB)
-#pragma comment(lib, "pthread")
-std::string __libcpp_debug_info::what() const {
- string msg = __file_;
- msg += ":" + to_string(__line_) + ": _LIBCPP_ASSERT '";
- msg += __pred_;
- msg += "' failed. ";
- msg += __msg_;
- return msg;
-_LIBCPP_NORETURN void __libcpp_abort_debug_function(__libcpp_debug_info const& info) {
- std::fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", info.what().c_str());
- std::abort();
-_LIBCPP_SAFE_STATIC __libcpp_debug_function_type
- __libcpp_debug_function = __libcpp_abort_debug_function;
-bool __libcpp_set_debug_function(__libcpp_debug_function_type __func) {
- __libcpp_debug_function = __func;
- return true;
- static _LIBCPP_NO_DESTROY __libcpp_db db;
- return &db;
-const __libcpp_db*
- return __get_db();
-typedef mutex mutex_type;
-typedef lock_guard<mutex_type> WLock;
-typedef lock_guard<mutex_type> RLock;
- static _LIBCPP_NO_DESTROY mutex_type m;
- return m;
-} // unnamed namespace
- if (__next_)
- {
- __next_->~__i_node();
- free(__next_);
- }
- free(beg_);
- if (__next_)
- {
- __next_->~__c_node();
- free(__next_);
- }
- : __cbeg_(nullptr),
- __cend_(nullptr),
- __csz_(0),
- __ibeg_(nullptr),
- __iend_(nullptr),
- __isz_(0)
- if (__cbeg_)
- {
- for (__c_node** p = __cbeg_; p != __cend_; ++p)
- {
- if (*p != nullptr)
- {
- (*p)->~__c_node();
- free(*p);
- }
- }
- free(__cbeg_);
- }
- if (__ibeg_)
- {
- for (__i_node** p = __ibeg_; p != __iend_; ++p)
- {
- if (*p != nullptr)
- {
- (*p)->~__i_node();
- free(*p);
- }
- }
- free(__ibeg_);
- }
-__libcpp_db::__find_c_from_i(void* __i) const
- RLock _(mut());
- __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(i != nullptr, "iterator not found in debug database.");
- return i->__c_ != nullptr ? i->__c_->__c_ : nullptr;
-__libcpp_db::__insert_ic(void* __i, const void* __c)
- WLock _(mut());
- if (__cbeg_ == __cend_)
- return;
- size_t hc = hash<const void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
- __c_node* c = __cbeg_[hc];
- if (c == nullptr)
- return;
- while (c->__c_ != __c)
- {
- c = c->__next_;
- if (c == nullptr)
- return;
- }
- __i_node* i = __insert_iterator(__i);
- c->__add(i);
- i->__c_ = c;
-__libcpp_db::__insert_c(void* __c, __libcpp_db::_InsertConstruct *__fn)
- WLock _(mut());
- if (__csz_ + 1 > static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_))
- {
- size_t nc = __next_prime(2*static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_) + 1);
- __c_node** cbeg = static_cast<__c_node**>(calloc(nc, sizeof(__c_node*)));
- if (cbeg == nullptr)
- __throw_bad_alloc();
- for (__c_node** p = __cbeg_; p != __cend_; ++p)
- {
- __c_node* q = *p;
- while (q != nullptr)
- {
- size_t h = hash<void*>()(q->__c_) % nc;
- __c_node* r = q->__next_;
- q->__next_ = cbeg[h];
- cbeg[h] = q;
- q = r;
- }
- }
- free(__cbeg_);
- __cbeg_ = cbeg;
- __cend_ = __cbeg_ + nc;
- }
- size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
- __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
- void *buf = malloc(sizeof(__c_node));
- if (buf == nullptr)
+#include "__config"
+#include "__debug"
+#include "functional"
+#include "algorithm"
+#include "string"
+#include "cstdio"
+#include "__hash_table"
+#include "mutex"
+#if defined(__ELF__) && defined(_LIBCPP_LINK_PTHREAD_LIB)
+#pragma comment(lib, "pthread")
+std::string __libcpp_debug_info::what() const {
+ string msg = __file_;
+ msg += ":" + to_string(__line_) + ": _LIBCPP_ASSERT '";
+ msg += __pred_;
+ msg += "' failed. ";
+ msg += __msg_;
+ return msg;
+_LIBCPP_NORETURN void __libcpp_abort_debug_function(__libcpp_debug_info const& info) {
+ std::fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", info.what().c_str());
+ std::abort();
+_LIBCPP_SAFE_STATIC __libcpp_debug_function_type
+ __libcpp_debug_function = __libcpp_abort_debug_function;
+bool __libcpp_set_debug_function(__libcpp_debug_function_type __func) {
+ __libcpp_debug_function = __func;
+ return true;
+ static _LIBCPP_NO_DESTROY __libcpp_db db;
+ return &db;
+const __libcpp_db*
+ return __get_db();
+typedef mutex mutex_type;
+typedef lock_guard<mutex_type> WLock;
+typedef lock_guard<mutex_type> RLock;
+ static _LIBCPP_NO_DESTROY mutex_type m;
+ return m;
+} // unnamed namespace
+ if (__next_)
+ {
+ __next_->~__i_node();
+ free(__next_);
+ }
+ free(beg_);
+ if (__next_)
+ {
+ __next_->~__c_node();
+ free(__next_);
+ }
+ : __cbeg_(nullptr),
+ __cend_(nullptr),
+ __csz_(0),
+ __ibeg_(nullptr),
+ __iend_(nullptr),
+ __isz_(0)
+ if (__cbeg_)
+ {
+ for (__c_node** p = __cbeg_; p != __cend_; ++p)
+ {
+ if (*p != nullptr)
+ {
+ (*p)->~__c_node();
+ free(*p);
+ }
+ }
+ free(__cbeg_);
+ }
+ if (__ibeg_)
+ {
+ for (__i_node** p = __ibeg_; p != __iend_; ++p)
+ {
+ if (*p != nullptr)
+ {
+ (*p)->~__i_node();
+ free(*p);
+ }
+ }
+ free(__ibeg_);
+ }
+__libcpp_db::__find_c_from_i(void* __i) const
+ RLock _(mut());
+ __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(i != nullptr, "iterator not found in debug database.");
+ return i->__c_ != nullptr ? i->__c_->__c_ : nullptr;
+__libcpp_db::__insert_ic(void* __i, const void* __c)
+ WLock _(mut());
+ if (__cbeg_ == __cend_)
+ return;
+ size_t hc = hash<const void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
+ __c_node* c = __cbeg_[hc];
+ if (c == nullptr)
+ return;
+ while (c->__c_ != __c)
+ {
+ c = c->__next_;
+ if (c == nullptr)
+ return;
+ }
+ __i_node* i = __insert_iterator(__i);
+ c->__add(i);
+ i->__c_ = c;
+__libcpp_db::__insert_c(void* __c, __libcpp_db::_InsertConstruct *__fn)
+ WLock _(mut());
+ if (__csz_ + 1 > static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_))
+ {
+ size_t nc = __next_prime(2*static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_) + 1);
+ __c_node** cbeg = static_cast<__c_node**>(calloc(nc, sizeof(__c_node*)));
+ if (cbeg == nullptr)
+ __throw_bad_alloc();
+ for (__c_node** p = __cbeg_; p != __cend_; ++p)
+ {
+ __c_node* q = *p;
+ while (q != nullptr)
+ {
+ size_t h = hash<void*>()(q->__c_) % nc;
+ __c_node* r = q->__next_;
+ q->__next_ = cbeg[h];
+ cbeg[h] = q;
+ q = r;
+ }
+ }
+ free(__cbeg_);
+ __cbeg_ = cbeg;
+ __cend_ = __cbeg_ + nc;
+ }
+ size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
+ __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
+ void *buf = malloc(sizeof(__c_node));
+ if (buf == nullptr)
- __cbeg_[hc] = __fn(buf, __c, p);
- ++__csz_;
-__libcpp_db::__erase_i(void* __i)
- WLock _(mut());
- if (__ibeg_ != __iend_)
- {
- size_t hi = hash<void*>()(__i) % static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_);
- __i_node* p = __ibeg_[hi];
- if (p != nullptr)
- {
- __i_node* q = nullptr;
- while (p->__i_ != __i)
- {
- q = p;
- p = p->__next_;
- if (p == nullptr)
- return;
- }
- if (q == nullptr)
- __ibeg_[hi] = p->__next_;
- else
- q->__next_ = p->__next_;
- __c_node* c = p->__c_;
- --__isz_;
- if (c != nullptr)
- c->__remove(p);
- free(p);
- }
- }
-__libcpp_db::__invalidate_all(void* __c)
- WLock _(mut());
- if (__cend_ != __cbeg_)
- {
- size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
- __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
- if (p == nullptr)
- return;
- while (p->__c_ != __c)
- {
- p = p->__next_;
- if (p == nullptr)
- return;
- }
- while (p->end_ != p->beg_)
- {
- --p->end_;
- (*p->end_)->__c_ = nullptr;
- }
- }
-__libcpp_db::__find_c_and_lock(void* __c) const
- mut().lock();
- if (__cend_ == __cbeg_)
- {
- mut().unlock();
- return nullptr;
- }
- size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
- __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
- if (p == nullptr)
- {
- mut().unlock();
- return nullptr;
- }
- while (p->__c_ != __c)
- {
- p = p->__next_;
- if (p == nullptr)
- {
- mut().unlock();
- return nullptr;
- }
- }
- return p;
-__libcpp_db::__find_c(void* __c) const
- size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
- __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error __find_c A");
- while (p->__c_ != __c)
- {
- p = p->__next_;
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error __find_c B");
- }
- return p;
-__libcpp_db::unlock() const
- mut().unlock();
-__libcpp_db::__erase_c(void* __c)
- WLock _(mut());
- if (__cend_ != __cbeg_)
- {
- size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
- __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
- if (p == nullptr)
- return;
- __c_node* q = nullptr;
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error __erase_c A");
- while (p->__c_ != __c)
- {
- q = p;
- p = p->__next_;
- if (p == nullptr)
- return;
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error __erase_c B");
- }
- if (q == nullptr)
- __cbeg_[hc] = p->__next_;
- else
- q->__next_ = p->__next_;
- while (p->end_ != p->beg_)
- {
- --p->end_;
- (*p->end_)->__c_ = nullptr;
- }
- free(p->beg_);
- free(p);
- --__csz_;
- }
-__libcpp_db::__iterator_copy(void* __i, const void* __i0)
- WLock _(mut());
- __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
- __i_node* i0 = __find_iterator(__i0);
- __c_node* c0 = i0 != nullptr ? i0->__c_ : nullptr;
- if (i == nullptr && i0 != nullptr)
- i = __insert_iterator(__i);
- __c_node* c = i != nullptr ? i->__c_ : nullptr;
- if (c != c0)
- {
- if (c != nullptr)
- c->__remove(i);
- if (i != nullptr)
- {
- i->__c_ = nullptr;
- if (c0 != nullptr)
- {
- i->__c_ = c0;
- i->__c_->__add(i);
- }
- }
- }
-__libcpp_db::__dereferenceable(const void* __i) const
- RLock _(mut());
- __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
- return i != nullptr && i->__c_ != nullptr && i->__c_->__dereferenceable(__i);
-__libcpp_db::__decrementable(const void* __i) const
- RLock _(mut());
- __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
- return i != nullptr && i->__c_ != nullptr && i->__c_->__decrementable(__i);
-__libcpp_db::__addable(const void* __i, ptrdiff_t __n) const
- RLock _(mut());
- __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
- return i != nullptr && i->__c_ != nullptr && i->__c_->__addable(__i, __n);
-__libcpp_db::__subscriptable(const void* __i, ptrdiff_t __n) const
- RLock _(mut());
- __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
- return i != nullptr && i->__c_ != nullptr && i->__c_->__subscriptable(__i, __n);
-__libcpp_db::__less_than_comparable(const void* __i, const void* __j) const
- RLock _(mut());
- __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
- __i_node* j = __find_iterator(__j);
- __c_node* ci = i != nullptr ? i->__c_ : nullptr;
- __c_node* cj = j != nullptr ? j->__c_ : nullptr;
- return ci == cj;
-__libcpp_db::swap(void* c1, void* c2)
- WLock _(mut());
- size_t hc = hash<void*>()(c1) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
- __c_node* p1 = __cbeg_[hc];
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p1 != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error swap A");
- while (p1->__c_ != c1)
- {
- p1 = p1->__next_;
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p1 != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error swap B");
- }
- hc = hash<void*>()(c2) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
- __c_node* p2 = __cbeg_[hc];
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p2 != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error swap C");
- while (p2->__c_ != c2)
- {
- p2 = p2->__next_;
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p2 != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error swap D");
- }
- std::swap(p1->beg_, p2->beg_);
- std::swap(p1->end_, p2->end_);
- std::swap(p1->cap_, p2->cap_);
- for (__i_node** p = p1->beg_; p != p1->end_; ++p)
- (*p)->__c_ = p1;
- for (__i_node** p = p2->beg_; p != p2->end_; ++p)
- (*p)->__c_ = p2;
-__libcpp_db::__insert_i(void* __i)
- WLock _(mut());
- __insert_iterator(__i);
-__c_node::__add(__i_node* i)
- if (end_ == cap_)
- {
- size_t nc = 2*static_cast<size_t>(cap_ - beg_);
- if (nc == 0)
- nc = 1;
- __i_node** beg =
- static_cast<__i_node**>(malloc(nc * sizeof(__i_node*)));
- if (beg == nullptr)
- __throw_bad_alloc();
- if (nc > 1)
- memcpy(beg, beg_, nc/2*sizeof(__i_node*));
- free(beg_);
- beg_ = beg;
- end_ = beg_ + nc/2;
- cap_ = beg_ + nc;
- }
- *end_++ = i;
-// private api
-__libcpp_db::__insert_iterator(void* __i)
- if (__isz_ + 1 > static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_))
- {
- size_t nc = __next_prime(2*static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_) + 1);
- __i_node** ibeg = static_cast<__i_node**>(calloc(nc, sizeof(__i_node*)));
- if (ibeg == nullptr)
- __throw_bad_alloc();
- for (__i_node** p = __ibeg_; p != __iend_; ++p)
- {
- __i_node* q = *p;
- while (q != nullptr)
- {
- size_t h = hash<void*>()(q->__i_) % nc;
- __i_node* r = q->__next_;
- q->__next_ = ibeg[h];
- ibeg[h] = q;
- q = r;
- }
- }
- free(__ibeg_);
- __ibeg_ = ibeg;
- __iend_ = __ibeg_ + nc;
- }
- size_t hi = hash<void*>()(__i) % static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_);
- __i_node* p = __ibeg_[hi];
- __i_node* r = __ibeg_[hi] =
- static_cast<__i_node*>(malloc(sizeof(__i_node)));
- if (r == nullptr)
- __throw_bad_alloc();
- ::new(r) __i_node(__i, p, nullptr);
- ++__isz_;
- return r;
-__libcpp_db::__find_iterator(const void* __i) const
- __i_node* r = nullptr;
- if (__ibeg_ != __iend_)
- {
- size_t h = hash<const void*>()(__i) % static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_);
- for (__i_node* nd = __ibeg_[h]; nd != nullptr; nd = nd->__next_)
- {
- if (nd->__i_ == __i)
- {
- r = nd;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return r;
-__c_node::__remove(__i_node* p)
- __i_node** r = find(beg_, end_, p);
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(r != end_, "debug mode internal logic error __c_node::__remove");
- if (--end_ != r)
- memmove(r, r+1, static_cast<size_t>(end_ - r)*sizeof(__i_node*));
+ __cbeg_[hc] = __fn(buf, __c, p);
+ ++__csz_;
+__libcpp_db::__erase_i(void* __i)
+ WLock _(mut());
+ if (__ibeg_ != __iend_)
+ {
+ size_t hi = hash<void*>()(__i) % static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_);
+ __i_node* p = __ibeg_[hi];
+ if (p != nullptr)
+ {
+ __i_node* q = nullptr;
+ while (p->__i_ != __i)
+ {
+ q = p;
+ p = p->__next_;
+ if (p == nullptr)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (q == nullptr)
+ __ibeg_[hi] = p->__next_;
+ else
+ q->__next_ = p->__next_;
+ __c_node* c = p->__c_;
+ --__isz_;
+ if (c != nullptr)
+ c->__remove(p);
+ free(p);
+ }
+ }
+__libcpp_db::__invalidate_all(void* __c)
+ WLock _(mut());
+ if (__cend_ != __cbeg_)
+ {
+ size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
+ __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
+ if (p == nullptr)
+ return;
+ while (p->__c_ != __c)
+ {
+ p = p->__next_;
+ if (p == nullptr)
+ return;
+ }
+ while (p->end_ != p->beg_)
+ {
+ --p->end_;
+ (*p->end_)->__c_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+__libcpp_db::__find_c_and_lock(void* __c) const
+ mut().lock();
+ if (__cend_ == __cbeg_)
+ {
+ mut().unlock();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
+ __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
+ if (p == nullptr)
+ {
+ mut().unlock();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ while (p->__c_ != __c)
+ {
+ p = p->__next_;
+ if (p == nullptr)
+ {
+ mut().unlock();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ return p;
+__libcpp_db::__find_c(void* __c) const
+ size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
+ __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error __find_c A");
+ while (p->__c_ != __c)
+ {
+ p = p->__next_;
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error __find_c B");
+ }
+ return p;
+__libcpp_db::unlock() const
+ mut().unlock();
+__libcpp_db::__erase_c(void* __c)
+ WLock _(mut());
+ if (__cend_ != __cbeg_)
+ {
+ size_t hc = hash<void*>()(__c) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
+ __c_node* p = __cbeg_[hc];
+ if (p == nullptr)
+ return;
+ __c_node* q = nullptr;
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error __erase_c A");
+ while (p->__c_ != __c)
+ {
+ q = p;
+ p = p->__next_;
+ if (p == nullptr)
+ return;
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error __erase_c B");
+ }
+ if (q == nullptr)
+ __cbeg_[hc] = p->__next_;
+ else
+ q->__next_ = p->__next_;
+ while (p->end_ != p->beg_)
+ {
+ --p->end_;
+ (*p->end_)->__c_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ free(p->beg_);
+ free(p);
+ --__csz_;
+ }
+__libcpp_db::__iterator_copy(void* __i, const void* __i0)
+ WLock _(mut());
+ __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
+ __i_node* i0 = __find_iterator(__i0);
+ __c_node* c0 = i0 != nullptr ? i0->__c_ : nullptr;
+ if (i == nullptr && i0 != nullptr)
+ i = __insert_iterator(__i);
+ __c_node* c = i != nullptr ? i->__c_ : nullptr;
+ if (c != c0)
+ {
+ if (c != nullptr)
+ c->__remove(i);
+ if (i != nullptr)
+ {
+ i->__c_ = nullptr;
+ if (c0 != nullptr)
+ {
+ i->__c_ = c0;
+ i->__c_->__add(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+__libcpp_db::__dereferenceable(const void* __i) const
+ RLock _(mut());
+ __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
+ return i != nullptr && i->__c_ != nullptr && i->__c_->__dereferenceable(__i);
+__libcpp_db::__decrementable(const void* __i) const
+ RLock _(mut());
+ __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
+ return i != nullptr && i->__c_ != nullptr && i->__c_->__decrementable(__i);
+__libcpp_db::__addable(const void* __i, ptrdiff_t __n) const
+ RLock _(mut());
+ __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
+ return i != nullptr && i->__c_ != nullptr && i->__c_->__addable(__i, __n);
+__libcpp_db::__subscriptable(const void* __i, ptrdiff_t __n) const
+ RLock _(mut());
+ __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
+ return i != nullptr && i->__c_ != nullptr && i->__c_->__subscriptable(__i, __n);
+__libcpp_db::__less_than_comparable(const void* __i, const void* __j) const
+ RLock _(mut());
+ __i_node* i = __find_iterator(__i);
+ __i_node* j = __find_iterator(__j);
+ __c_node* ci = i != nullptr ? i->__c_ : nullptr;
+ __c_node* cj = j != nullptr ? j->__c_ : nullptr;
+ return ci == cj;
+__libcpp_db::swap(void* c1, void* c2)
+ WLock _(mut());
+ size_t hc = hash<void*>()(c1) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
+ __c_node* p1 = __cbeg_[hc];
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p1 != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error swap A");
+ while (p1->__c_ != c1)
+ {
+ p1 = p1->__next_;
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p1 != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error swap B");
+ }
+ hc = hash<void*>()(c2) % static_cast<size_t>(__cend_ - __cbeg_);
+ __c_node* p2 = __cbeg_[hc];
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p2 != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error swap C");
+ while (p2->__c_ != c2)
+ {
+ p2 = p2->__next_;
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(p2 != nullptr, "debug mode internal logic error swap D");
+ }
+ std::swap(p1->beg_, p2->beg_);
+ std::swap(p1->end_, p2->end_);
+ std::swap(p1->cap_, p2->cap_);
+ for (__i_node** p = p1->beg_; p != p1->end_; ++p)
+ (*p)->__c_ = p1;
+ for (__i_node** p = p2->beg_; p != p2->end_; ++p)
+ (*p)->__c_ = p2;
+__libcpp_db::__insert_i(void* __i)
+ WLock _(mut());
+ __insert_iterator(__i);
+__c_node::__add(__i_node* i)
+ if (end_ == cap_)
+ {
+ size_t nc = 2*static_cast<size_t>(cap_ - beg_);
+ if (nc == 0)
+ nc = 1;
+ __i_node** beg =
+ static_cast<__i_node**>(malloc(nc * sizeof(__i_node*)));
+ if (beg == nullptr)
+ __throw_bad_alloc();
+ if (nc > 1)
+ memcpy(beg, beg_, nc/2*sizeof(__i_node*));
+ free(beg_);
+ beg_ = beg;
+ end_ = beg_ + nc/2;
+ cap_ = beg_ + nc;
+ }
+ *end_++ = i;
+// private api
+__libcpp_db::__insert_iterator(void* __i)
+ if (__isz_ + 1 > static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_))
+ {
+ size_t nc = __next_prime(2*static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_) + 1);
+ __i_node** ibeg = static_cast<__i_node**>(calloc(nc, sizeof(__i_node*)));
+ if (ibeg == nullptr)
+ __throw_bad_alloc();
+ for (__i_node** p = __ibeg_; p != __iend_; ++p)
+ {
+ __i_node* q = *p;
+ while (q != nullptr)
+ {
+ size_t h = hash<void*>()(q->__i_) % nc;
+ __i_node* r = q->__next_;
+ q->__next_ = ibeg[h];
+ ibeg[h] = q;
+ q = r;
+ }
+ }
+ free(__ibeg_);
+ __ibeg_ = ibeg;
+ __iend_ = __ibeg_ + nc;
+ }
+ size_t hi = hash<void*>()(__i) % static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_);
+ __i_node* p = __ibeg_[hi];
+ __i_node* r = __ibeg_[hi] =
+ static_cast<__i_node*>(malloc(sizeof(__i_node)));
+ if (r == nullptr)
+ __throw_bad_alloc();
+ ::new(r) __i_node(__i, p, nullptr);
+ ++__isz_;
+ return r;
+__libcpp_db::__find_iterator(const void* __i) const
+ __i_node* r = nullptr;
+ if (__ibeg_ != __iend_)
+ {
+ size_t h = hash<const void*>()(__i) % static_cast<size_t>(__iend_ - __ibeg_);
+ for (__i_node* nd = __ibeg_[h]; nd != nullptr; nd = nd->__next_)
+ {
+ if (nd->__i_ == __i)
+ {
+ r = nd;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+__c_node::__remove(__i_node* p)
+ __i_node** r = find(beg_, end_, p);
+ _LIBCPP_ASSERT(r != end_, "debug mode internal logic error __c_node::__remove");
+ if (--end_ != r)
+ memmove(r, r+1, static_cast<size_t>(end_ - r)*sizeof(__i_node*));