path: root/contrib/libs/clapack/dlasd5.c
diff options
authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2022-09-02 12:44:59 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2022-09-02 12:44:59 +0300
commit90d450f74722da7859d6f510a869f6c6908fd12f (patch)
tree538c718dedc76cdfe37ad6d01ff250dd930d9278 /contrib/libs/clapack/dlasd5.c
parent01f64c1ecd0d4ffa9e3a74478335f1745f26cc75 (diff)
[] add metering mode to CLI
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/clapack/dlasd5.c')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/clapack/dlasd5.c b/contrib/libs/clapack/dlasd5.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26fff2650d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/clapack/dlasd5.c
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/* dlasd5.f -- translated by f2c (version 20061008).
+ You must link the resulting object file with libf2c:
+ on Microsoft Windows system, link with libf2c.lib;
+ on Linux or Unix systems, link with .../path/to/libf2c.a -lm
+ or, if you install libf2c.a in a standard place, with -lf2c -lm
+ -- in that order, at the end of the command line, as in
+ cc *.o -lf2c -lm
+ Source for libf2c is in /netlib/f2c/libf2c.zip, e.g.,
+ http://www.netlib.org/f2c/libf2c.zip
+#include "f2c.h"
+#include "blaswrap.h"
+/* Subroutine */ int dlasd5_(integer *i__, doublereal *d__, doublereal *z__,
+ doublereal *delta, doublereal *rho, doublereal *dsigma, doublereal *
+ work)
+ /* System generated locals */
+ doublereal d__1;
+ /* Builtin functions */
+ double sqrt(doublereal);
+ /* Local variables */
+ doublereal b, c__, w, del, tau, delsq;
+/* -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2) -- */
+/* Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
+/* November 2006 */
+/* .. Scalar Arguments .. */
+/* .. */
+/* .. Array Arguments .. */
+/* .. */
+/* Purpose */
+/* ======= */
+/* This subroutine computes the square root of the I-th eigenvalue */
+/* of a positive symmetric rank-one modification of a 2-by-2 diagonal */
+/* matrix */
+/* diag( D ) * diag( D ) + RHO * Z * transpose(Z) . */
+/* The diagonal entries in the array D are assumed to satisfy */
+/* 0 <= D(i) < D(j) for i < j . */
+/* We also assume RHO > 0 and that the Euclidean norm of the vector */
+/* Z is one. */
+/* Arguments */
+/* ========= */
+/* I (input) INTEGER */
+/* The index of the eigenvalue to be computed. I = 1 or I = 2. */
+/* D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 2 ) */
+/* The original eigenvalues. We assume 0 <= D(1) < D(2). */
+/* Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 2 ) */
+/* The components of the updating vector. */
+/* DELTA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 2 ) */
+/* Contains (D(j) - sigma_I) in its j-th component. */
+/* The vector DELTA contains the information necessary */
+/* to construct the eigenvectors. */
+/* The scalar in the symmetric updating formula. */
+/* The computed sigma_I, the I-th updated eigenvalue. */
+/* WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 2 ) */
+/* WORK contains (D(j) + sigma_I) in its j-th component. */
+/* Further Details */
+/* =============== */
+/* Based on contributions by */
+/* Ren-Cang Li, Computer Science Division, University of California */
+/* at Berkeley, USA */
+/* ===================================================================== */
+/* .. Parameters .. */
+/* .. */
+/* .. Local Scalars .. */
+/* .. */
+/* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
+/* .. */
+/* .. Executable Statements .. */
+ /* Parameter adjustments */
+ --work;
+ --delta;
+ --z__;
+ --d__;
+ /* Function Body */
+ del = d__[2] - d__[1];
+ delsq = del * (d__[2] + d__[1]);
+ if (*i__ == 1) {
+ w = *rho * 4. * (z__[2] * z__[2] / (d__[1] + d__[2] * 3.) - z__[1] *
+ z__[1] / (d__[1] * 3. + d__[2])) / del + 1.;
+ if (w > 0.) {
+ b = delsq + *rho * (z__[1] * z__[1] + z__[2] * z__[2]);
+ c__ = *rho * z__[1] * z__[1] * delsq;
+/* B > ZERO, always */
+/* The following TAU is DSIGMA * DSIGMA - D( 1 ) * D( 1 ) */
+ tau = c__ * 2. / (b + sqrt((d__1 = b * b - c__ * 4., abs(d__1))));
+/* The following TAU is DSIGMA - D( 1 ) */
+ tau /= d__[1] + sqrt(d__[1] * d__[1] + tau);
+ *dsigma = d__[1] + tau;
+ delta[1] = -tau;
+ delta[2] = del - tau;
+ work[1] = d__[1] * 2. + tau;
+ work[2] = d__[1] + tau + d__[2];
+/* DELTA( 1 ) = -Z( 1 ) / TAU */
+/* DELTA( 2 ) = Z( 2 ) / ( DEL-TAU ) */
+ } else {
+ b = -delsq + *rho * (z__[1] * z__[1] + z__[2] * z__[2]);
+ c__ = *rho * z__[2] * z__[2] * delsq;
+/* The following TAU is DSIGMA * DSIGMA - D( 2 ) * D( 2 ) */
+ if (b > 0.) {
+ tau = c__ * -2. / (b + sqrt(b * b + c__ * 4.));
+ } else {
+ tau = (b - sqrt(b * b + c__ * 4.)) / 2.;
+ }
+/* The following TAU is DSIGMA - D( 2 ) */
+ tau /= d__[2] + sqrt((d__1 = d__[2] * d__[2] + tau, abs(d__1)));
+ *dsigma = d__[2] + tau;
+ delta[1] = -(del + tau);
+ delta[2] = -tau;
+ work[1] = d__[1] + tau + d__[2];
+ work[2] = d__[2] * 2. + tau;
+/* DELTA( 1 ) = -Z( 1 ) / ( DEL+TAU ) */
+/* DELTA( 2 ) = -Z( 2 ) / TAU */
+ }
+/* TEMP = SQRT( DELTA( 1 )*DELTA( 1 )+DELTA( 2 )*DELTA( 2 ) ) */
+/* DELTA( 1 ) = DELTA( 1 ) / TEMP */
+/* DELTA( 2 ) = DELTA( 2 ) / TEMP */
+ } else {
+/* Now I=2 */
+ b = -delsq + *rho * (z__[1] * z__[1] + z__[2] * z__[2]);
+ c__ = *rho * z__[2] * z__[2] * delsq;
+/* The following TAU is DSIGMA * DSIGMA - D( 2 ) * D( 2 ) */
+ if (b > 0.) {
+ tau = (b + sqrt(b * b + c__ * 4.)) / 2.;
+ } else {
+ tau = c__ * 2. / (-b + sqrt(b * b + c__ * 4.));
+ }
+/* The following TAU is DSIGMA - D( 2 ) */
+ tau /= d__[2] + sqrt(d__[2] * d__[2] + tau);
+ *dsigma = d__[2] + tau;
+ delta[1] = -(del + tau);
+ delta[2] = -tau;
+ work[1] = d__[1] + tau + d__[2];
+ work[2] = d__[2] * 2. + tau;
+/* DELTA( 1 ) = -Z( 1 ) / ( DEL+TAU ) */
+/* DELTA( 2 ) = -Z( 2 ) / TAU */
+/* TEMP = SQRT( DELTA( 1 )*DELTA( 1 )+DELTA( 2 )*DELTA( 2 ) ) */
+/* DELTA( 1 ) = DELTA( 1 ) / TEMP */
+/* DELTA( 2 ) = DELTA( 2 ) / TEMP */
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* End of DLASD5 */
+} /* dlasd5_ */