path: root/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing
diff options
authorthegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:08 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:08 +0300
commit4e839db24a3bbc9f1c610c43d6faaaa99824dcca (patch)
tree506dac10f5df94fab310584ee51b24fc5a081c22 /contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing
parent2d37894b1b037cf24231090eda8589bbb44fb6fc (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <thegeorg@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 1 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing')
6 files changed, 3065 insertions, 3065 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/JsonCodec.cc b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/JsonCodec.cc
index 8bca2984ae..73271fca55 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/JsonCodec.cc
+++ b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/JsonCodec.cc
@@ -1,718 +1,718 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>
-#include "ValidatingCodec.hh"
-#include "Symbol.hh"
-#include "ValidSchema.hh"
-#include "Decoder.hh"
-#include "Encoder.hh"
-#include "NodeImpl.hh"
-#include "../json/JsonIO.hh"
-namespace avro {
-namespace parsing {
-using std::make_shared;
-using std::map;
-using std::vector;
-using std::string;
-using std::reverse;
-using std::ostringstream;
-using std::istringstream;
-using avro::json::JsonParser;
-using avro::json::JsonGenerator;
-using avro::json::JsonNullFormatter;
-class JsonGrammarGenerator : public ValidatingGrammarGenerator {
- ProductionPtr doGenerate(const NodePtr& n,
- std::map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m);
-static std::string nameOf(const NodePtr& n)
- if (n->hasName()) {
- return n->name();
- }
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n->type();
- return oss.str();
-ProductionPtr JsonGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(const NodePtr& n,
- std::map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m) {
- switch (n->type()) {
- case AVRO_NULL:
- case AVRO_BOOL:
- case AVRO_INT:
- case AVRO_LONG:
- case AVRO_FLOAT:
- case AVRO_BYTES:
- case AVRO_FIXED:
- case AVRO_ARRAY:
- case AVRO_MAP:
- return ValidatingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(n, m);
- {
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- m.erase(n);
- size_t c = n->leaves();
- result->reserve(2 + 2 * c);
- result->push_back(Symbol::recordStartSymbol());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
- const NodePtr& leaf = n->leafAt(i);
- ProductionPtr v = doGenerate(leaf, m);
- result->push_back(Symbol::fieldSymbol(n->nameAt(i)));
- copy(v->rbegin(), v->rend(), back_inserter(*result));
- }
- result->push_back(Symbol::recordEndSymbol());
- reverse(result->begin(), result->end());
- m[n] = result;
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::indirect(result));
- }
- case AVRO_ENUM:
- {
- vector<string> nn;
- size_t c = n->names();
- nn.reserve(c);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
- nn.push_back(n->nameAt(i));
- }
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::nameListSymbol(nn));
- result->push_back(Symbol::enumSymbol());
- m[n] = result;
- return result;
- }
- case AVRO_UNION:
- {
- size_t c = n->leaves();
- vector<ProductionPtr> vv;
- vv.reserve(c);
- vector<string> names;
- names.reserve(c);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
- const NodePtr& nn = n->leafAt(i);
- ProductionPtr v = doGenerate(nn, m);
- if (nn->type() != AVRO_NULL) {
- ProductionPtr v2 = make_shared<Production>();
- v2->push_back(Symbol::recordEndSymbol());
- copy(v->begin(), v->end(), back_inserter(*v2));
- v.swap(v2);
- }
- vv.push_back(v);
- names.push_back(nameOf(nn));
- }
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::alternative(vv));
- result->push_back(Symbol::nameListSymbol(names));
- result->push_back(Symbol::unionSymbol());
- return result;
- }
- default:
- throw Exception("Unknown node type");
- }
-static void expectToken(JsonParser& in, JsonParser::Token tk)
- in.expectToken(tk);
-class JsonDecoderHandler {
- JsonParser& in_;
- JsonDecoderHandler(JsonParser& p) : in_(p) { }
- size_t handle(const Symbol& s) {
- switch (s.kind()) {
- case Symbol::sRecordStart:
- expectToken(in_, JsonParser::tkObjectStart);
- break;
- case Symbol::sRecordEnd:
- expectToken(in_, JsonParser::tkObjectEnd);
- break;
- case Symbol::sField:
- expectToken(in_, JsonParser::tkString);
- if (s.extra<string>() != in_.stringValue()) {
- throw Exception("Incorrect field");
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
-template <typename P>
-class JsonDecoder : public Decoder {
- JsonParser in_;
- JsonDecoderHandler handler_;
- P parser_;
- void init(InputStream& is);
- void decodeNull();
- bool decodeBool();
- int32_t decodeInt();
- int64_t decodeLong();
- float decodeFloat();
- double decodeDouble();
- void decodeString(string& value);
- void skipString();
- void decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value);
- void skipBytes();
- void decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value);
- void skipFixed(size_t n);
- size_t decodeEnum();
- size_t arrayStart();
- size_t arrayNext();
- size_t skipArray();
- size_t mapStart();
- size_t mapNext();
- size_t skipMap();
- size_t decodeUnionIndex();
- void expect(JsonParser::Token tk);
- void skipComposite();
- void drain();
- JsonDecoder(const ValidSchema& s) :
- handler_(in_),
- parser_(JsonGrammarGenerator().generate(s), NULL, handler_) { }
-template <typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::init(InputStream& is)
- in_.init(is);
- parser_.reset();
-template <typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::expect(JsonParser::Token tk)
- expectToken(in_, tk);
-template <typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::decodeNull()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sNull);
- expect(JsonParser::tkNull);
-template <typename P>
-bool JsonDecoder<P>::decodeBool()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBool);
- expect(JsonParser::tkBool);
- bool result = in_.boolValue();
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-int32_t JsonDecoder<P>::decodeInt()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sInt);
- expect(JsonParser::tkLong);
- int64_t result = in_.longValue();
- if (result < INT32_MIN || result > INT32_MAX) {
- throw Exception(boost::format("Value out of range for Avro int: %1%")
- % result);
- }
- return static_cast<int32_t>(result);
-template <typename P>
-int64_t JsonDecoder<P>::decodeLong()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sLong);
- expect(JsonParser::tkLong);
- int64_t result = in_.longValue();
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-float JsonDecoder<P>::decodeFloat()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
- expect(JsonParser::tkDouble);
- double result = in_.doubleValue();
- return static_cast<float>(result);
-template <typename P>
-double JsonDecoder<P>::decodeDouble()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
- expect(JsonParser::tkDouble);
- double result = in_.doubleValue();
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::decodeString(string& value)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
- expect(JsonParser::tkString);
- value = in_.stringValue();
-template <typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::skipString()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
- expect(JsonParser::tkString);
-static vector<uint8_t> toBytes(const string& s)
- return vector<uint8_t>(s.begin(), s.end());
-template <typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value )
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
- expect(JsonParser::tkString);
- value = toBytes(in_.bytesValue());
-template <typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::skipBytes()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
- expect(JsonParser::tkString);
-template <typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
- parser_.assertSize(n);
- expect(JsonParser::tkString);
- value = toBytes(in_.bytesValue());
- if (value.size() != n) {
- throw Exception("Incorrect value for fixed");
- }
-template <typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::skipFixed(size_t n)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
- parser_.assertSize(n);
- expect(JsonParser::tkString);
- vector<uint8_t> result = toBytes(in_.bytesValue());
- if (result.size() != n) {
- throw Exception("Incorrect value for fixed");
- }
-template <typename P>
-size_t JsonDecoder<P>::decodeEnum()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
- expect(JsonParser::tkString);
- size_t result = parser_.indexForName(in_.stringValue());
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t JsonDecoder<P>::arrayStart()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
- expect(JsonParser::tkArrayStart);
- return arrayNext();
-template <typename P>
-size_t JsonDecoder<P>::arrayNext()
- parser_.processImplicitActions();
- if (in_.peek() == JsonParser::tkArrayEnd) {
- in_.advance();
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- return 0;
- }
- parser_.nextRepeatCount(1);
- return 1;
-template<typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::skipComposite()
- size_t level = 0;
- for (; ;) {
- switch (in_.advance()) {
- case JsonParser::tkArrayStart:
- case JsonParser::tkObjectStart:
- ++level;
- continue;
- case JsonParser::tkArrayEnd:
- case JsonParser::tkObjectEnd:
- if (level == 0) {
- return;
- }
- --level;
- continue;
- default:
- continue;
- }
- }
-template<typename P>
-void JsonDecoder<P>::drain()
- parser_.processImplicitActions();
- in_.drain();
-template <typename P>
-size_t JsonDecoder<P>::skipArray()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
- parser_.pop();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- expect(JsonParser::tkArrayStart);
- skipComposite();
- return 0;
-template <typename P>
-size_t JsonDecoder<P>::mapStart()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
- expect(JsonParser::tkObjectStart);
- return mapNext();
-template <typename P>
-size_t JsonDecoder<P>::mapNext()
- parser_.processImplicitActions();
- if (in_.peek() == JsonParser::tkObjectEnd) {
- in_.advance();
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- return 0;
- }
- parser_.nextRepeatCount(1);
- return 1;
-template <typename P>
-size_t JsonDecoder<P>::skipMap()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
- parser_.pop();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- expect(JsonParser::tkObjectStart);
- skipComposite();
- return 0;
-template <typename P>
-size_t JsonDecoder<P>::decodeUnionIndex()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
- size_t result;
- if (in_.peek() == JsonParser::tkNull) {
- result = parser_.indexForName("null");
- } else {
- expect(JsonParser::tkObjectStart);
- expect(JsonParser::tkString);
- result = parser_.indexForName(in_.stringValue());
- }
- parser_.selectBranch(result);
- return result;
-template<typename F = JsonNullFormatter>
-class JsonHandler {
- JsonGenerator<F>& generator_;
- JsonHandler(JsonGenerator<F>& g) : generator_(g) { }
- size_t handle(const Symbol& s) {
- switch (s.kind()) {
- case Symbol::sRecordStart:
- generator_.objectStart();
- break;
- case Symbol::sRecordEnd:
- generator_.objectEnd();
- break;
- case Symbol::sField:
- generator_.encodeString(s.extra<string>());
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
-template <typename P, typename F = JsonNullFormatter>
-class JsonEncoder : public Encoder {
- JsonGenerator<F> out_;
- JsonHandler<F> handler_;
- P parser_;
- void init(OutputStream& os);
- void flush();
- int64_t byteCount() const;
- void encodeNull();
- void encodeBool(bool b);
- void encodeInt(int32_t i);
- void encodeLong(int64_t l);
- void encodeFloat(float f);
- void encodeDouble(double d);
- void encodeString(const std::string& s);
- void encodeBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
- void encodeFixed(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
- void encodeEnum(size_t e);
- void arrayStart();
- void arrayEnd();
- void mapStart();
- void mapEnd();
- void setItemCount(size_t count);
- void startItem();
- void encodeUnionIndex(size_t e);
- JsonEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema) :
- handler_(out_),
- parser_(JsonGrammarGenerator().generate(schema), NULL, handler_) { }
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::init(OutputStream& os)
- out_.init(os);
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::flush()
- parser_.processImplicitActions();
- out_.flush();
-template<typename P, typename F>
-int64_t JsonEncoder<P, F>::byteCount() const
- return out_.byteCount();
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeNull()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sNull);
- out_.encodeNull();
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeBool(bool b)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBool);
- out_.encodeBool(b);
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeInt(int32_t i)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sInt);
- out_.encodeNumber(i);
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeLong(int64_t l)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sLong);
- out_.encodeNumber(l);
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeFloat(float f)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
- if (f == std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
- out_.encodeString("Infinity");
- } else if (f == -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
- out_.encodeString("-Infinity");
- } else if (boost::math::isnan(f)) {
- out_.encodeString("NaN");
- } else {
- out_.encodeNumber(f);
- }
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeDouble(double d)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
- if (d == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
- out_.encodeString("Infinity");
- } else if (d == -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
- out_.encodeString("-Infinity");
- } else if (boost::math::isnan(d)) {
- out_.encodeString("NaN");
- } else {
- out_.encodeNumber(d);
- }
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeString(const std::string& s)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
- out_.encodeString(s);
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
- out_.encodeBinary(bytes, len);
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeFixed(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
- parser_.assertSize(len);
- out_.encodeBinary(bytes, len);
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeEnum(size_t e)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
- const string& s = parser_.nameForIndex(e);
- out_.encodeString(s);
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::arrayStart()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
- out_.arrayStart();
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::arrayEnd()
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- out_.arrayEnd();
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::mapStart()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
- out_.objectStart();
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::mapEnd()
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- out_.objectEnd();
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::setItemCount(size_t count)
- parser_.nextRepeatCount(count);
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::startItem()
- parser_.processImplicitActions();
- if (parser_.top() != Symbol::sRepeater) {
- throw Exception("startItem at not an item boundary");
- }
-template<typename P, typename F>
-void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeUnionIndex(size_t e)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
- const std::string name = parser_.nameForIndex(e);
- if (name != "null") {
- out_.objectStart();
- out_.encodeString(name);
- }
- parser_.selectBranch(e);
-} // namespace parsing
-DecoderPtr jsonDecoder(const ValidSchema& s)
- return std::make_shared<parsing::JsonDecoder<
- parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::JsonDecoderHandler> > >(s);
-EncoderPtr jsonEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema)
- return std::make_shared<parsing::JsonEncoder<
- parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::JsonHandler<avro::json::JsonNullFormatter> >, avro::json::JsonNullFormatter> >(schema);
-EncoderPtr jsonPrettyEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema)
- return std::make_shared<parsing::JsonEncoder<
- parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::JsonHandler<avro::json::JsonPrettyFormatter> >, avro::json::JsonPrettyFormatter> >(schema);
-} // namespace avro
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>
+#include "ValidatingCodec.hh"
+#include "Symbol.hh"
+#include "ValidSchema.hh"
+#include "Decoder.hh"
+#include "Encoder.hh"
+#include "NodeImpl.hh"
+#include "../json/JsonIO.hh"
+namespace avro {
+namespace parsing {
+using std::make_shared;
+using std::map;
+using std::vector;
+using std::string;
+using std::reverse;
+using std::ostringstream;
+using std::istringstream;
+using avro::json::JsonParser;
+using avro::json::JsonGenerator;
+using avro::json::JsonNullFormatter;
+class JsonGrammarGenerator : public ValidatingGrammarGenerator {
+ ProductionPtr doGenerate(const NodePtr& n,
+ std::map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m);
+static std::string nameOf(const NodePtr& n)
+ if (n->hasName()) {
+ return n->name();
+ }
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << n->type();
+ return oss.str();
+ProductionPtr JsonGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(const NodePtr& n,
+ std::map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m) {
+ switch (n->type()) {
+ case AVRO_NULL:
+ case AVRO_BOOL:
+ case AVRO_INT:
+ case AVRO_LONG:
+ case AVRO_FLOAT:
+ case AVRO_BYTES:
+ case AVRO_FIXED:
+ case AVRO_ARRAY:
+ case AVRO_MAP:
+ return ValidatingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(n, m);
+ {
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ m.erase(n);
+ size_t c = n->leaves();
+ result->reserve(2 + 2 * c);
+ result->push_back(Symbol::recordStartSymbol());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
+ const NodePtr& leaf = n->leafAt(i);
+ ProductionPtr v = doGenerate(leaf, m);
+ result->push_back(Symbol::fieldSymbol(n->nameAt(i)));
+ copy(v->rbegin(), v->rend(), back_inserter(*result));
+ }
+ result->push_back(Symbol::recordEndSymbol());
+ reverse(result->begin(), result->end());
+ m[n] = result;
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::indirect(result));
+ }
+ case AVRO_ENUM:
+ {
+ vector<string> nn;
+ size_t c = n->names();
+ nn.reserve(c);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
+ nn.push_back(n->nameAt(i));
+ }
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::nameListSymbol(nn));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::enumSymbol());
+ m[n] = result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ case AVRO_UNION:
+ {
+ size_t c = n->leaves();
+ vector<ProductionPtr> vv;
+ vv.reserve(c);
+ vector<string> names;
+ names.reserve(c);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
+ const NodePtr& nn = n->leafAt(i);
+ ProductionPtr v = doGenerate(nn, m);
+ if (nn->type() != AVRO_NULL) {
+ ProductionPtr v2 = make_shared<Production>();
+ v2->push_back(Symbol::recordEndSymbol());
+ copy(v->begin(), v->end(), back_inserter(*v2));
+ v.swap(v2);
+ }
+ vv.push_back(v);
+ names.push_back(nameOf(nn));
+ }
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::alternative(vv));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::nameListSymbol(names));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::unionSymbol());
+ return result;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw Exception("Unknown node type");
+ }
+static void expectToken(JsonParser& in, JsonParser::Token tk)
+ in.expectToken(tk);
+class JsonDecoderHandler {
+ JsonParser& in_;
+ JsonDecoderHandler(JsonParser& p) : in_(p) { }
+ size_t handle(const Symbol& s) {
+ switch (s.kind()) {
+ case Symbol::sRecordStart:
+ expectToken(in_, JsonParser::tkObjectStart);
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sRecordEnd:
+ expectToken(in_, JsonParser::tkObjectEnd);
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sField:
+ expectToken(in_, JsonParser::tkString);
+ if (s.extra<string>() != in_.stringValue()) {
+ throw Exception("Incorrect field");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+template <typename P>
+class JsonDecoder : public Decoder {
+ JsonParser in_;
+ JsonDecoderHandler handler_;
+ P parser_;
+ void init(InputStream& is);
+ void decodeNull();
+ bool decodeBool();
+ int32_t decodeInt();
+ int64_t decodeLong();
+ float decodeFloat();
+ double decodeDouble();
+ void decodeString(string& value);
+ void skipString();
+ void decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value);
+ void skipBytes();
+ void decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value);
+ void skipFixed(size_t n);
+ size_t decodeEnum();
+ size_t arrayStart();
+ size_t arrayNext();
+ size_t skipArray();
+ size_t mapStart();
+ size_t mapNext();
+ size_t skipMap();
+ size_t decodeUnionIndex();
+ void expect(JsonParser::Token tk);
+ void skipComposite();
+ void drain();
+ JsonDecoder(const ValidSchema& s) :
+ handler_(in_),
+ parser_(JsonGrammarGenerator().generate(s), NULL, handler_) { }
+template <typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::init(InputStream& is)
+ in_.init(is);
+ parser_.reset();
+template <typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::expect(JsonParser::Token tk)
+ expectToken(in_, tk);
+template <typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::decodeNull()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sNull);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkNull);
+template <typename P>
+bool JsonDecoder<P>::decodeBool()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBool);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkBool);
+ bool result = in_.boolValue();
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+int32_t JsonDecoder<P>::decodeInt()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sInt);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkLong);
+ int64_t result = in_.longValue();
+ if (result < INT32_MIN || result > INT32_MAX) {
+ throw Exception(boost::format("Value out of range for Avro int: %1%")
+ % result);
+ }
+ return static_cast<int32_t>(result);
+template <typename P>
+int64_t JsonDecoder<P>::decodeLong()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sLong);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkLong);
+ int64_t result = in_.longValue();
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+float JsonDecoder<P>::decodeFloat()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkDouble);
+ double result = in_.doubleValue();
+ return static_cast<float>(result);
+template <typename P>
+double JsonDecoder<P>::decodeDouble()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkDouble);
+ double result = in_.doubleValue();
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::decodeString(string& value)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkString);
+ value = in_.stringValue();
+template <typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::skipString()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkString);
+static vector<uint8_t> toBytes(const string& s)
+ return vector<uint8_t>(s.begin(), s.end());
+template <typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value )
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkString);
+ value = toBytes(in_.bytesValue());
+template <typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::skipBytes()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkString);
+template <typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
+ parser_.assertSize(n);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkString);
+ value = toBytes(in_.bytesValue());
+ if (value.size() != n) {
+ throw Exception("Incorrect value for fixed");
+ }
+template <typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::skipFixed(size_t n)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
+ parser_.assertSize(n);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkString);
+ vector<uint8_t> result = toBytes(in_.bytesValue());
+ if (result.size() != n) {
+ throw Exception("Incorrect value for fixed");
+ }
+template <typename P>
+size_t JsonDecoder<P>::decodeEnum()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkString);
+ size_t result = parser_.indexForName(in_.stringValue());
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t JsonDecoder<P>::arrayStart()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkArrayStart);
+ return arrayNext();
+template <typename P>
+size_t JsonDecoder<P>::arrayNext()
+ parser_.processImplicitActions();
+ if (in_.peek() == JsonParser::tkArrayEnd) {
+ in_.advance();
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ parser_.nextRepeatCount(1);
+ return 1;
+template<typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::skipComposite()
+ size_t level = 0;
+ for (; ;) {
+ switch (in_.advance()) {
+ case JsonParser::tkArrayStart:
+ case JsonParser::tkObjectStart:
+ ++level;
+ continue;
+ case JsonParser::tkArrayEnd:
+ case JsonParser::tkObjectEnd:
+ if (level == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ --level;
+ continue;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+template<typename P>
+void JsonDecoder<P>::drain()
+ parser_.processImplicitActions();
+ in_.drain();
+template <typename P>
+size_t JsonDecoder<P>::skipArray()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
+ parser_.pop();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkArrayStart);
+ skipComposite();
+ return 0;
+template <typename P>
+size_t JsonDecoder<P>::mapStart()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkObjectStart);
+ return mapNext();
+template <typename P>
+size_t JsonDecoder<P>::mapNext()
+ parser_.processImplicitActions();
+ if (in_.peek() == JsonParser::tkObjectEnd) {
+ in_.advance();
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ parser_.nextRepeatCount(1);
+ return 1;
+template <typename P>
+size_t JsonDecoder<P>::skipMap()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
+ parser_.pop();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkObjectStart);
+ skipComposite();
+ return 0;
+template <typename P>
+size_t JsonDecoder<P>::decodeUnionIndex()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
+ size_t result;
+ if (in_.peek() == JsonParser::tkNull) {
+ result = parser_.indexForName("null");
+ } else {
+ expect(JsonParser::tkObjectStart);
+ expect(JsonParser::tkString);
+ result = parser_.indexForName(in_.stringValue());
+ }
+ parser_.selectBranch(result);
+ return result;
+template<typename F = JsonNullFormatter>
+class JsonHandler {
+ JsonGenerator<F>& generator_;
+ JsonHandler(JsonGenerator<F>& g) : generator_(g) { }
+ size_t handle(const Symbol& s) {
+ switch (s.kind()) {
+ case Symbol::sRecordStart:
+ generator_.objectStart();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sRecordEnd:
+ generator_.objectEnd();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sField:
+ generator_.encodeString(s.extra<string>());
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+template <typename P, typename F = JsonNullFormatter>
+class JsonEncoder : public Encoder {
+ JsonGenerator<F> out_;
+ JsonHandler<F> handler_;
+ P parser_;
+ void init(OutputStream& os);
+ void flush();
+ int64_t byteCount() const;
+ void encodeNull();
+ void encodeBool(bool b);
+ void encodeInt(int32_t i);
+ void encodeLong(int64_t l);
+ void encodeFloat(float f);
+ void encodeDouble(double d);
+ void encodeString(const std::string& s);
+ void encodeBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
+ void encodeFixed(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
+ void encodeEnum(size_t e);
+ void arrayStart();
+ void arrayEnd();
+ void mapStart();
+ void mapEnd();
+ void setItemCount(size_t count);
+ void startItem();
+ void encodeUnionIndex(size_t e);
+ JsonEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema) :
+ handler_(out_),
+ parser_(JsonGrammarGenerator().generate(schema), NULL, handler_) { }
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::init(OutputStream& os)
+ out_.init(os);
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::flush()
+ parser_.processImplicitActions();
+ out_.flush();
+template<typename P, typename F>
+int64_t JsonEncoder<P, F>::byteCount() const
+ return out_.byteCount();
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeNull()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sNull);
+ out_.encodeNull();
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeBool(bool b)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBool);
+ out_.encodeBool(b);
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeInt(int32_t i)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sInt);
+ out_.encodeNumber(i);
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeLong(int64_t l)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sLong);
+ out_.encodeNumber(l);
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeFloat(float f)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
+ if (f == std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
+ out_.encodeString("Infinity");
+ } else if (f == -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
+ out_.encodeString("-Infinity");
+ } else if (boost::math::isnan(f)) {
+ out_.encodeString("NaN");
+ } else {
+ out_.encodeNumber(f);
+ }
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeDouble(double d)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
+ if (d == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
+ out_.encodeString("Infinity");
+ } else if (d == -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
+ out_.encodeString("-Infinity");
+ } else if (boost::math::isnan(d)) {
+ out_.encodeString("NaN");
+ } else {
+ out_.encodeNumber(d);
+ }
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeString(const std::string& s)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
+ out_.encodeString(s);
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
+ out_.encodeBinary(bytes, len);
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeFixed(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
+ parser_.assertSize(len);
+ out_.encodeBinary(bytes, len);
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeEnum(size_t e)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
+ const string& s = parser_.nameForIndex(e);
+ out_.encodeString(s);
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::arrayStart()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
+ out_.arrayStart();
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::arrayEnd()
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ out_.arrayEnd();
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::mapStart()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
+ out_.objectStart();
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::mapEnd()
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ out_.objectEnd();
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::setItemCount(size_t count)
+ parser_.nextRepeatCount(count);
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::startItem()
+ parser_.processImplicitActions();
+ if (parser_.top() != Symbol::sRepeater) {
+ throw Exception("startItem at not an item boundary");
+ }
+template<typename P, typename F>
+void JsonEncoder<P, F>::encodeUnionIndex(size_t e)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
+ const std::string name = parser_.nameForIndex(e);
+ if (name != "null") {
+ out_.objectStart();
+ out_.encodeString(name);
+ }
+ parser_.selectBranch(e);
+} // namespace parsing
+DecoderPtr jsonDecoder(const ValidSchema& s)
+ return std::make_shared<parsing::JsonDecoder<
+ parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::JsonDecoderHandler> > >(s);
+EncoderPtr jsonEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema)
+ return std::make_shared<parsing::JsonEncoder<
+ parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::JsonHandler<avro::json::JsonNullFormatter> >, avro::json::JsonNullFormatter> >(schema);
+EncoderPtr jsonPrettyEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema)
+ return std::make_shared<parsing::JsonEncoder<
+ parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::JsonHandler<avro::json::JsonPrettyFormatter> >, avro::json::JsonPrettyFormatter> >(schema);
+} // namespace avro
diff --git a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ResolvingDecoder.cc b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ResolvingDecoder.cc
index f6dbacabcf..2e33eaa8d0 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ResolvingDecoder.cc
+++ b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ResolvingDecoder.cc
@@ -1,740 +1,740 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <stack>
-#include <map>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <memory>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "ValidatingCodec.hh"
-#include "Symbol.hh"
-#include "Types.hh"
-#include "ValidSchema.hh"
-#include "Decoder.hh"
-#include "Encoder.hh"
-#include "NodeImpl.hh"
-#include "Generic.hh"
-#include "Stream.hh"
-namespace avro {
-using std::make_shared;
-namespace parsing {
-using std::shared_ptr;
-using std::static_pointer_cast;
-using std::make_shared;
-using std::unique_ptr;
-using std::map;
-using std::pair;
-using std::vector;
-using std::string;
-using std::reverse;
-using std::ostringstream;
-using std::istringstream;
-using std::stack;
-using std::find_if;
-using std::make_pair;
-typedef pair<NodePtr, NodePtr> NodePair;
-class ResolvingGrammarGenerator : public ValidatingGrammarGenerator {
- ProductionPtr doGenerate2(const NodePtr& writer,
- const NodePtr& reader, map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> &m,
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m2);
- ProductionPtr resolveRecords(const NodePtr& writer,
- const NodePtr& reader, map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> &m,
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m2);
- ProductionPtr resolveUnion(const NodePtr& writer,
- const NodePtr& reader, map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> &m,
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m2);
- static vector<pair<string, size_t> > fields(const NodePtr& n) {
- vector<pair<string, size_t> > result;
- size_t c = n->names();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
- result.push_back(make_pair(n->nameAt(i), i));
- }
- return result;
- }
- static int bestBranch(const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader);
- ProductionPtr getWriterProduction(const NodePtr& n,
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>& m2);
- Symbol generate(
- const ValidSchema& writer, const ValidSchema& reader);
-Symbol ResolvingGrammarGenerator::generate(
- const ValidSchema& writer, const ValidSchema& reader) {
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> m2;
- const NodePtr& rr = reader.root();
- const NodePtr& rw = writer.root();
- ProductionPtr backup = ValidatingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(rw, m2);
- fixup(backup, m2);
- map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> m;
- ProductionPtr main = doGenerate2(rw, rr, m, m2);
- fixup(main, m);
- return Symbol::rootSymbol(main, backup);
-int ResolvingGrammarGenerator::bestBranch(const NodePtr& writer,
- const NodePtr& reader)
- Type t = writer->type();
- const size_t c = reader->leaves();
- for (size_t j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
- NodePtr r = reader->leafAt(j);
- if (r->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC) {
- r = resolveSymbol(r);
- }
- if (t == r->type()) {
- if (r->hasName()) {
- if (r->name() == writer->name()) {
- return j;
- }
- } else {
- return j;
- }
- }
- }
- for (size_t j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
- const NodePtr& r = reader->leafAt(j);
- Type rt = r->type();
- switch (t) {
- case AVRO_INT:
- if (rt == AVRO_LONG || rt == AVRO_DOUBLE || rt == AVRO_FLOAT) {
- return j;
- }
- break;
- case AVRO_LONG:
- case AVRO_FLOAT:
- if (rt == AVRO_DOUBLE) {
- return j;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-static shared_ptr<vector<uint8_t> > getAvroBinary(
- const GenericDatum& defaultValue)
- EncoderPtr e = binaryEncoder();
- unique_ptr<OutputStream> os = memoryOutputStream();
- e->init(*os);
- GenericWriter::write(*e, defaultValue);
- e->flush();
- return snapshot(*os);
-template<typename T1, typename T2>
-struct equalsFirst
- const T1& v_;
- equalsFirst(const T1& v) : v_(v) { }
- bool operator()(const pair<T1, T2>& p) {
- return p.first == v_;
- }
-ProductionPtr ResolvingGrammarGenerator::getWriterProduction(
- const NodePtr& n, map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>& m2)
- const NodePtr& nn = (n->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC) ?
- static_cast<const NodeSymbolic& >(*n).getNode() : n;
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>::const_iterator it2 = m2.find(nn);
- if (it2 != m2.end()) {
- return it2->second;
- } else {
- ProductionPtr result = ValidatingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(nn, m2);
- fixup(result, m2);
- return result;
- }
-ProductionPtr ResolvingGrammarGenerator::resolveRecords(
- const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader,
- map<NodePair, ProductionPtr>& m,
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>& m2)
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- vector<pair<string, size_t> > wf = fields(writer);
- vector<pair<string, size_t> > rf = fields(reader);
- vector<size_t> fieldOrder;
- fieldOrder.reserve(reader->names());
- /*
- * We look for all writer fields in the reader. If found, recursively
- * resolve the corresponding fields. Then erase the reader field.
- * If no matching field is found for reader, arrange to skip the writer
- * field.
- */
- for (vector<pair<string, size_t> >::const_iterator it = wf.begin();
- it != wf.end(); ++it) {
- vector<pair<string, size_t> >::iterator it2 =
- find_if(rf.begin(), rf.end(),
- equalsFirst<string, size_t>(it->first));
- if (it2 != rf.end()) {
- ProductionPtr p = doGenerate2(writer->leafAt(it->second),
- reader->leafAt(it2->second), m, m2);
- copy(p->rbegin(), p->rend(), back_inserter(*result));
- fieldOrder.push_back(it2->second);
- rf.erase(it2);
- } else {
- ProductionPtr p = getWriterProduction(
- writer->leafAt(it->second), m2);
- result->push_back(Symbol::skipStart());
- if (p->size() == 1) {
- result->push_back((*p)[0]);
- } else {
- result->push_back(Symbol::indirect(p));
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Examine the reader fields left out, (i.e. those didn't have corresponding
- * writer field).
- */
- for (vector<pair<string, size_t> >::const_iterator it = rf.begin();
- it != rf.end(); ++it) {
- NodePtr s = reader->leafAt(it->second);
- fieldOrder.push_back(it->second);
- if (s->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC) {
- s = resolveSymbol(s);
- }
- shared_ptr<vector<uint8_t> > defaultBinary =
- getAvroBinary(reader->defaultValueAt(it->second));
- result->push_back(Symbol::defaultStartAction(defaultBinary));
- map<NodePair, shared_ptr<Production> >::const_iterator it2 =
- m.find(NodePair(s, s));
- ProductionPtr p = (it2 == m.end()) ?
- doGenerate2(s, s, m, m2) : it2->second;
- copy(p->rbegin(), p->rend(), back_inserter(*result));
- result->push_back(Symbol::defaultEndAction());
- }
- reverse(result->begin(), result->end());
- result->push_back(Symbol::sizeListAction(fieldOrder));
- result->push_back(Symbol::recordAction());
- return result;
-ProductionPtr ResolvingGrammarGenerator::resolveUnion(
- const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader,
- map<NodePair, ProductionPtr>& m,
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>& m2)
- vector<ProductionPtr> v;
- size_t c = writer->leaves();
- v.reserve(c);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
- ProductionPtr p = doGenerate2(writer->leafAt(i), reader, m, m2);
- v.push_back(p);
- }
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::alternative(v));
- result->push_back(Symbol::writerUnionAction());
- return result;
-ProductionPtr ResolvingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate2(
- const NodePtr& w, const NodePtr& r,
- map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> &m,
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m2)
- const NodePtr writer = w->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC ? resolveSymbol(w) : w;
- const NodePtr reader = r->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC ? resolveSymbol(r) : r;
- Type writerType = writer->type();
- Type readerType = reader->type();
- if (writerType == readerType) {
- switch (writerType) {
- case AVRO_NULL:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::nullSymbol());
- case AVRO_BOOL:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::boolSymbol());
- case AVRO_INT:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::intSymbol());
- case AVRO_LONG:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::longSymbol());
- case AVRO_FLOAT:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::floatSymbol());
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::doubleSymbol());
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::stringSymbol());
- case AVRO_BYTES:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::bytesSymbol());
- case AVRO_FIXED:
- if (writer->name() == reader->name() &&
- writer->fixedSize() == reader->fixedSize()) {
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::sizeCheckSymbol(reader->fixedSize()));
- result->push_back(Symbol::fixedSymbol());
- m[make_pair(writer, reader)] = result;
- return result;
- }
- break;
- if (writer->name() == reader->name()) {
- const pair<NodePtr, NodePtr> key(writer, reader);
- map<NodePair, ProductionPtr>::const_iterator kp = m.find(key);
- if (kp != m.end()) {
- return (kp->second) ? kp->second :
- make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::placeholder(key));
- }
- m[key] = ProductionPtr();
- ProductionPtr result = resolveRecords(writer, reader, m, m2);
- m[key] = result;
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::indirect(result));
- }
- break;
- case AVRO_ENUM:
- if (writer->name() == reader->name()) {
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::enumAdjustSymbol(writer, reader));
- result->push_back(Symbol::enumSymbol());
- m[make_pair(writer, reader)] = result;
- return result;
- }
- break;
- case AVRO_ARRAY:
- {
- ProductionPtr p = getWriterProduction(writer->leafAt(0), m2);
- ProductionPtr p2 = doGenerate2(writer->leafAt(0), reader->leafAt(0), m, m2);
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::arrayEndSymbol());
- result->push_back(Symbol::repeater(p2, p, true));
- result->push_back(Symbol::arrayStartSymbol());
- return result;
- }
- case AVRO_MAP:
- {
- ProductionPtr pp =
- doGenerate2(writer->leafAt(1),reader->leafAt(1), m, m2);
- ProductionPtr v(new Production(*pp));
- v->push_back(Symbol::stringSymbol());
- ProductionPtr pp2 = getWriterProduction(writer->leafAt(1), m2);
- ProductionPtr v2(new Production(*pp2));
- v2->push_back(Symbol::stringSymbol());
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::mapEndSymbol());
- result->push_back(Symbol::repeater(v, v2, false));
- result->push_back(Symbol::mapStartSymbol());
- return result;
- }
- case AVRO_UNION:
- return resolveUnion(writer, reader, m, m2);
- {
- shared_ptr<NodeSymbolic> w =
- static_pointer_cast<NodeSymbolic>(writer);
- shared_ptr<NodeSymbolic> r =
- static_pointer_cast<NodeSymbolic>(reader);
- NodePair p(w->getNode(), r->getNode());
- map<NodePair, ProductionPtr>::iterator it = m.find(p);
- if (it != m.end() && it->second) {
- return it->second;
- } else {
- m[p] = ProductionPtr();
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::placeholder(p));
- }
- }
- default:
- throw Exception("Unknown node type");
- }
- } else if (writerType == AVRO_UNION) {
- return resolveUnion(writer, reader, m, m2);
- } else {
- switch (readerType) {
- case AVRO_LONG:
- if (writerType == AVRO_INT) {
- return make_shared<Production>(1,
- Symbol::resolveSymbol(Symbol::sInt, Symbol::sLong));
- }
- break;
- case AVRO_FLOAT:
- if (writerType == AVRO_INT || writerType == AVRO_LONG) {
- return make_shared<Production>(1,
- Symbol::resolveSymbol(writerType == AVRO_INT ?
- Symbol::sInt : Symbol::sLong, Symbol::sFloat));
- }
- break;
- if (writerType == AVRO_INT || writerType == AVRO_LONG
- || writerType == AVRO_FLOAT) {
- return make_shared<Production>(1,
- Symbol::resolveSymbol(writerType == AVRO_INT ?
- Symbol::sInt : writerType == AVRO_LONG ?
- Symbol::sLong : Symbol::sFloat, Symbol::sDouble));
- }
- break;
- case AVRO_UNION:
- {
- int j = bestBranch(writer, reader);
- if (j >= 0) {
- ProductionPtr p = doGenerate2(writer, reader->leafAt(j), m, m2);
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::unionAdjustSymbol(j, p));
- result->push_back(Symbol::unionSymbol());
- return result;
- }
- }
- break;
- case AVRO_NULL:
- case AVRO_BOOL:
- case AVRO_INT:
- case AVRO_BYTES:
- case AVRO_ENUM:
- case AVRO_ARRAY:
- case AVRO_MAP:
- break;
- default:
- throw Exception("Unknown node type");
- }
- }
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::error(writer, reader));
-class ResolvingDecoderHandler {
- shared_ptr<vector<uint8_t> > defaultData_;
- unique_ptr<InputStream> inp_;
- DecoderPtr backup_;
- DecoderPtr& base_;
- const DecoderPtr binDecoder;
- public:
- ResolvingDecoderHandler(DecoderPtr& base) : base_(base),
- binDecoder(binaryDecoder()) { }
- size_t handle(const Symbol& s) {
- switch (s.kind()) {
- case Symbol::sWriterUnion:
- return base_->decodeUnionIndex();
- case Symbol::sDefaultStart:
- defaultData_ = s.extra<shared_ptr<vector<uint8_t> > >();
- backup_ = base_;
- inp_ = memoryInputStream(&(*defaultData_)[0], defaultData_->size());
- base_ = binDecoder;
- base_->init(*inp_);
- return 0;
- case Symbol::sDefaultEnd:
- base_= backup_;
- backup_.reset();
- return 0;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- }
- void reset()
- {
- if (backup_ != NULL)
- {
- base_= backup_;
- backup_.reset();
- }
- }
-template <typename Parser>
-class ResolvingDecoderImpl : public ResolvingDecoder
- DecoderPtr base_;
- ResolvingDecoderHandler handler_;
- Parser parser_;
- void init(InputStream& is);
- void decodeNull();
- bool decodeBool();
- int32_t decodeInt();
- int64_t decodeLong();
- float decodeFloat();
- double decodeDouble();
- void decodeString(string& value);
- void skipString();
- void decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value);
- void skipBytes();
- void decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value);
- void skipFixed(size_t n);
- size_t decodeEnum();
- size_t arrayStart();
- size_t arrayNext();
- size_t skipArray();
- size_t mapStart();
- size_t mapNext();
- size_t skipMap();
- size_t decodeUnionIndex();
- const vector<size_t>& fieldOrder();
- void drain() {
- parser_.processImplicitActions();
- base_->drain();
- }
- ResolvingDecoderImpl(const ValidSchema& writer, const ValidSchema& reader,
- const DecoderPtr& base) :
- base_(base),
- handler_(base_),
- parser_(ResolvingGrammarGenerator().generate(writer, reader),
- &(*base_), handler_)
- {
- }
-template <typename P>
-void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::init(InputStream& is)
- handler_.reset();
- base_->init(is);
- parser_.reset();
-template <typename P>
-void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeNull()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sNull);
- base_->decodeNull();
-template <typename P>
-bool ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeBool()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBool);
- return base_->decodeBool();
-template <typename P>
-int32_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeInt()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sInt);
- return base_->decodeInt();
-template <typename P>
-int64_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeLong()
- Symbol::Kind k = parser_.advance(Symbol::sLong);
- return k == Symbol::sInt ? base_->decodeInt() : base_->decodeLong();
-template <typename P>
-float ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeFloat()
- Symbol::Kind k = parser_.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
- return k == Symbol::sInt ? base_->decodeInt() :
- k == Symbol::sLong ? base_->decodeLong() :
- base_->decodeFloat();
-template <typename P>
-double ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeDouble()
- Symbol::Kind k = parser_.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
- return k == Symbol::sInt ? base_->decodeInt() :
- k == Symbol::sLong ? base_->decodeLong() :
- k == Symbol::sFloat ? base_->decodeFloat() :
- base_->decodeDouble();
-template <typename P>
-void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeString(string& value)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
- base_->decodeString(value);
-template <typename P>
-void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipString()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
- base_->skipString();
-template <typename P>
-void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
- base_->decodeBytes(value);
-template <typename P>
-void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipBytes()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
- base_->skipBytes();
-template <typename P>
-void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
- parser_.assertSize(n);
- return base_->decodeFixed(n, value);
-template <typename P>
-void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipFixed(size_t n)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
- parser_.assertSize(n);
- base_->skipFixed(n);
-template <typename P>
-size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeEnum()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
- size_t n = base_->decodeEnum();
- return parser_.enumAdjust(n);
-template <typename P>
-size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::arrayStart()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
- size_t result = base_->arrayStart();
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(result);
- if (result == 0) {
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- }
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::arrayNext()
- parser_.processImplicitActions();
- size_t result = base_->arrayNext();
- parser_.nextRepeatCount(result);
- if (result == 0) {
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- }
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipArray()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
- size_t n = base_->skipArray();
- if (n == 0) {
- parser_.pop();
- } else {
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(n);
- parser_.skip(*base_);
- }
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- return 0;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::mapStart()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
- size_t result = base_->mapStart();
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(result);
- if (result == 0) {
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- }
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::mapNext()
- parser_.processImplicitActions();
- size_t result = base_->mapNext();
- parser_.nextRepeatCount(result);
- if (result == 0) {
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- }
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipMap()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
- size_t n = base_->skipMap();
- if (n == 0) {
- parser_.pop();
- } else {
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(n);
- parser_.skip(*base_);
- }
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- return 0;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeUnionIndex()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
- return parser_.unionAdjust();
-template <typename P>
-const vector<size_t>& ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::fieldOrder()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sRecord);
- return parser_.sizeList();
-} // namespace parsing
-ResolvingDecoderPtr resolvingDecoder(const ValidSchema& writer,
- const ValidSchema& reader, const DecoderPtr& base) {
- return make_shared<parsing::ResolvingDecoderImpl
- <parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::ResolvingDecoderHandler> > >(
- writer, reader, base);
-} // namespace avro
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <stack>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "ValidatingCodec.hh"
+#include "Symbol.hh"
+#include "Types.hh"
+#include "ValidSchema.hh"
+#include "Decoder.hh"
+#include "Encoder.hh"
+#include "NodeImpl.hh"
+#include "Generic.hh"
+#include "Stream.hh"
+namespace avro {
+using std::make_shared;
+namespace parsing {
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::static_pointer_cast;
+using std::make_shared;
+using std::unique_ptr;
+using std::map;
+using std::pair;
+using std::vector;
+using std::string;
+using std::reverse;
+using std::ostringstream;
+using std::istringstream;
+using std::stack;
+using std::find_if;
+using std::make_pair;
+typedef pair<NodePtr, NodePtr> NodePair;
+class ResolvingGrammarGenerator : public ValidatingGrammarGenerator {
+ ProductionPtr doGenerate2(const NodePtr& writer,
+ const NodePtr& reader, map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> &m,
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m2);
+ ProductionPtr resolveRecords(const NodePtr& writer,
+ const NodePtr& reader, map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> &m,
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m2);
+ ProductionPtr resolveUnion(const NodePtr& writer,
+ const NodePtr& reader, map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> &m,
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m2);
+ static vector<pair<string, size_t> > fields(const NodePtr& n) {
+ vector<pair<string, size_t> > result;
+ size_t c = n->names();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
+ result.push_back(make_pair(n->nameAt(i), i));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static int bestBranch(const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader);
+ ProductionPtr getWriterProduction(const NodePtr& n,
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>& m2);
+ Symbol generate(
+ const ValidSchema& writer, const ValidSchema& reader);
+Symbol ResolvingGrammarGenerator::generate(
+ const ValidSchema& writer, const ValidSchema& reader) {
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> m2;
+ const NodePtr& rr = reader.root();
+ const NodePtr& rw = writer.root();
+ ProductionPtr backup = ValidatingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(rw, m2);
+ fixup(backup, m2);
+ map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> m;
+ ProductionPtr main = doGenerate2(rw, rr, m, m2);
+ fixup(main, m);
+ return Symbol::rootSymbol(main, backup);
+int ResolvingGrammarGenerator::bestBranch(const NodePtr& writer,
+ const NodePtr& reader)
+ Type t = writer->type();
+ const size_t c = reader->leaves();
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
+ NodePtr r = reader->leafAt(j);
+ if (r->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC) {
+ r = resolveSymbol(r);
+ }
+ if (t == r->type()) {
+ if (r->hasName()) {
+ if (r->name() == writer->name()) {
+ return j;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
+ const NodePtr& r = reader->leafAt(j);
+ Type rt = r->type();
+ switch (t) {
+ case AVRO_INT:
+ if (rt == AVRO_LONG || rt == AVRO_DOUBLE || rt == AVRO_FLOAT) {
+ return j;
+ }
+ break;
+ case AVRO_LONG:
+ case AVRO_FLOAT:
+ if (rt == AVRO_DOUBLE) {
+ return j;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+static shared_ptr<vector<uint8_t> > getAvroBinary(
+ const GenericDatum& defaultValue)
+ EncoderPtr e = binaryEncoder();
+ unique_ptr<OutputStream> os = memoryOutputStream();
+ e->init(*os);
+ GenericWriter::write(*e, defaultValue);
+ e->flush();
+ return snapshot(*os);
+template<typename T1, typename T2>
+struct equalsFirst
+ const T1& v_;
+ equalsFirst(const T1& v) : v_(v) { }
+ bool operator()(const pair<T1, T2>& p) {
+ return p.first == v_;
+ }
+ProductionPtr ResolvingGrammarGenerator::getWriterProduction(
+ const NodePtr& n, map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>& m2)
+ const NodePtr& nn = (n->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC) ?
+ static_cast<const NodeSymbolic& >(*n).getNode() : n;
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>::const_iterator it2 = m2.find(nn);
+ if (it2 != m2.end()) {
+ return it2->second;
+ } else {
+ ProductionPtr result = ValidatingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(nn, m2);
+ fixup(result, m2);
+ return result;
+ }
+ProductionPtr ResolvingGrammarGenerator::resolveRecords(
+ const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader,
+ map<NodePair, ProductionPtr>& m,
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>& m2)
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ vector<pair<string, size_t> > wf = fields(writer);
+ vector<pair<string, size_t> > rf = fields(reader);
+ vector<size_t> fieldOrder;
+ fieldOrder.reserve(reader->names());
+ /*
+ * We look for all writer fields in the reader. If found, recursively
+ * resolve the corresponding fields. Then erase the reader field.
+ * If no matching field is found for reader, arrange to skip the writer
+ * field.
+ */
+ for (vector<pair<string, size_t> >::const_iterator it = wf.begin();
+ it != wf.end(); ++it) {
+ vector<pair<string, size_t> >::iterator it2 =
+ find_if(rf.begin(), rf.end(),
+ equalsFirst<string, size_t>(it->first));
+ if (it2 != rf.end()) {
+ ProductionPtr p = doGenerate2(writer->leafAt(it->second),
+ reader->leafAt(it2->second), m, m2);
+ copy(p->rbegin(), p->rend(), back_inserter(*result));
+ fieldOrder.push_back(it2->second);
+ rf.erase(it2);
+ } else {
+ ProductionPtr p = getWriterProduction(
+ writer->leafAt(it->second), m2);
+ result->push_back(Symbol::skipStart());
+ if (p->size() == 1) {
+ result->push_back((*p)[0]);
+ } else {
+ result->push_back(Symbol::indirect(p));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Examine the reader fields left out, (i.e. those didn't have corresponding
+ * writer field).
+ */
+ for (vector<pair<string, size_t> >::const_iterator it = rf.begin();
+ it != rf.end(); ++it) {
+ NodePtr s = reader->leafAt(it->second);
+ fieldOrder.push_back(it->second);
+ if (s->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC) {
+ s = resolveSymbol(s);
+ }
+ shared_ptr<vector<uint8_t> > defaultBinary =
+ getAvroBinary(reader->defaultValueAt(it->second));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::defaultStartAction(defaultBinary));
+ map<NodePair, shared_ptr<Production> >::const_iterator it2 =
+ m.find(NodePair(s, s));
+ ProductionPtr p = (it2 == m.end()) ?
+ doGenerate2(s, s, m, m2) : it2->second;
+ copy(p->rbegin(), p->rend(), back_inserter(*result));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::defaultEndAction());
+ }
+ reverse(result->begin(), result->end());
+ result->push_back(Symbol::sizeListAction(fieldOrder));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::recordAction());
+ return result;
+ProductionPtr ResolvingGrammarGenerator::resolveUnion(
+ const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader,
+ map<NodePair, ProductionPtr>& m,
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>& m2)
+ vector<ProductionPtr> v;
+ size_t c = writer->leaves();
+ v.reserve(c);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
+ ProductionPtr p = doGenerate2(writer->leafAt(i), reader, m, m2);
+ v.push_back(p);
+ }
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::alternative(v));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::writerUnionAction());
+ return result;
+ProductionPtr ResolvingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate2(
+ const NodePtr& w, const NodePtr& r,
+ map<NodePair, ProductionPtr> &m,
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m2)
+ const NodePtr writer = w->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC ? resolveSymbol(w) : w;
+ const NodePtr reader = r->type() == AVRO_SYMBOLIC ? resolveSymbol(r) : r;
+ Type writerType = writer->type();
+ Type readerType = reader->type();
+ if (writerType == readerType) {
+ switch (writerType) {
+ case AVRO_NULL:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::nullSymbol());
+ case AVRO_BOOL:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::boolSymbol());
+ case AVRO_INT:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::intSymbol());
+ case AVRO_LONG:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::longSymbol());
+ case AVRO_FLOAT:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::floatSymbol());
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::doubleSymbol());
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::stringSymbol());
+ case AVRO_BYTES:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::bytesSymbol());
+ case AVRO_FIXED:
+ if (writer->name() == reader->name() &&
+ writer->fixedSize() == reader->fixedSize()) {
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::sizeCheckSymbol(reader->fixedSize()));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::fixedSymbol());
+ m[make_pair(writer, reader)] = result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (writer->name() == reader->name()) {
+ const pair<NodePtr, NodePtr> key(writer, reader);
+ map<NodePair, ProductionPtr>::const_iterator kp = m.find(key);
+ if (kp != m.end()) {
+ return (kp->second) ? kp->second :
+ make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::placeholder(key));
+ }
+ m[key] = ProductionPtr();
+ ProductionPtr result = resolveRecords(writer, reader, m, m2);
+ m[key] = result;
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::indirect(result));
+ }
+ break;
+ case AVRO_ENUM:
+ if (writer->name() == reader->name()) {
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::enumAdjustSymbol(writer, reader));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::enumSymbol());
+ m[make_pair(writer, reader)] = result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ break;
+ case AVRO_ARRAY:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr p = getWriterProduction(writer->leafAt(0), m2);
+ ProductionPtr p2 = doGenerate2(writer->leafAt(0), reader->leafAt(0), m, m2);
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::arrayEndSymbol());
+ result->push_back(Symbol::repeater(p2, p, true));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::arrayStartSymbol());
+ return result;
+ }
+ case AVRO_MAP:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr pp =
+ doGenerate2(writer->leafAt(1),reader->leafAt(1), m, m2);
+ ProductionPtr v(new Production(*pp));
+ v->push_back(Symbol::stringSymbol());
+ ProductionPtr pp2 = getWriterProduction(writer->leafAt(1), m2);
+ ProductionPtr v2(new Production(*pp2));
+ v2->push_back(Symbol::stringSymbol());
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::mapEndSymbol());
+ result->push_back(Symbol::repeater(v, v2, false));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::mapStartSymbol());
+ return result;
+ }
+ case AVRO_UNION:
+ return resolveUnion(writer, reader, m, m2);
+ {
+ shared_ptr<NodeSymbolic> w =
+ static_pointer_cast<NodeSymbolic>(writer);
+ shared_ptr<NodeSymbolic> r =
+ static_pointer_cast<NodeSymbolic>(reader);
+ NodePair p(w->getNode(), r->getNode());
+ map<NodePair, ProductionPtr>::iterator it = m.find(p);
+ if (it != m.end() && it->second) {
+ return it->second;
+ } else {
+ m[p] = ProductionPtr();
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::placeholder(p));
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ throw Exception("Unknown node type");
+ }
+ } else if (writerType == AVRO_UNION) {
+ return resolveUnion(writer, reader, m, m2);
+ } else {
+ switch (readerType) {
+ case AVRO_LONG:
+ if (writerType == AVRO_INT) {
+ return make_shared<Production>(1,
+ Symbol::resolveSymbol(Symbol::sInt, Symbol::sLong));
+ }
+ break;
+ case AVRO_FLOAT:
+ if (writerType == AVRO_INT || writerType == AVRO_LONG) {
+ return make_shared<Production>(1,
+ Symbol::resolveSymbol(writerType == AVRO_INT ?
+ Symbol::sInt : Symbol::sLong, Symbol::sFloat));
+ }
+ break;
+ if (writerType == AVRO_INT || writerType == AVRO_LONG
+ || writerType == AVRO_FLOAT) {
+ return make_shared<Production>(1,
+ Symbol::resolveSymbol(writerType == AVRO_INT ?
+ Symbol::sInt : writerType == AVRO_LONG ?
+ Symbol::sLong : Symbol::sFloat, Symbol::sDouble));
+ }
+ break;
+ case AVRO_UNION:
+ {
+ int j = bestBranch(writer, reader);
+ if (j >= 0) {
+ ProductionPtr p = doGenerate2(writer, reader->leafAt(j), m, m2);
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::unionAdjustSymbol(j, p));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::unionSymbol());
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case AVRO_NULL:
+ case AVRO_BOOL:
+ case AVRO_INT:
+ case AVRO_BYTES:
+ case AVRO_ENUM:
+ case AVRO_ARRAY:
+ case AVRO_MAP:
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Exception("Unknown node type");
+ }
+ }
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::error(writer, reader));
+class ResolvingDecoderHandler {
+ shared_ptr<vector<uint8_t> > defaultData_;
+ unique_ptr<InputStream> inp_;
+ DecoderPtr backup_;
+ DecoderPtr& base_;
+ const DecoderPtr binDecoder;
+ public:
+ ResolvingDecoderHandler(DecoderPtr& base) : base_(base),
+ binDecoder(binaryDecoder()) { }
+ size_t handle(const Symbol& s) {
+ switch (s.kind()) {
+ case Symbol::sWriterUnion:
+ return base_->decodeUnionIndex();
+ case Symbol::sDefaultStart:
+ defaultData_ = s.extra<shared_ptr<vector<uint8_t> > >();
+ backup_ = base_;
+ inp_ = memoryInputStream(&(*defaultData_)[0], defaultData_->size());
+ base_ = binDecoder;
+ base_->init(*inp_);
+ return 0;
+ case Symbol::sDefaultEnd:
+ base_= backup_;
+ backup_.reset();
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ void reset()
+ {
+ if (backup_ != NULL)
+ {
+ base_= backup_;
+ backup_.reset();
+ }
+ }
+template <typename Parser>
+class ResolvingDecoderImpl : public ResolvingDecoder
+ DecoderPtr base_;
+ ResolvingDecoderHandler handler_;
+ Parser parser_;
+ void init(InputStream& is);
+ void decodeNull();
+ bool decodeBool();
+ int32_t decodeInt();
+ int64_t decodeLong();
+ float decodeFloat();
+ double decodeDouble();
+ void decodeString(string& value);
+ void skipString();
+ void decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value);
+ void skipBytes();
+ void decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value);
+ void skipFixed(size_t n);
+ size_t decodeEnum();
+ size_t arrayStart();
+ size_t arrayNext();
+ size_t skipArray();
+ size_t mapStart();
+ size_t mapNext();
+ size_t skipMap();
+ size_t decodeUnionIndex();
+ const vector<size_t>& fieldOrder();
+ void drain() {
+ parser_.processImplicitActions();
+ base_->drain();
+ }
+ ResolvingDecoderImpl(const ValidSchema& writer, const ValidSchema& reader,
+ const DecoderPtr& base) :
+ base_(base),
+ handler_(base_),
+ parser_(ResolvingGrammarGenerator().generate(writer, reader),
+ &(*base_), handler_)
+ {
+ }
+template <typename P>
+void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::init(InputStream& is)
+ handler_.reset();
+ base_->init(is);
+ parser_.reset();
+template <typename P>
+void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeNull()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sNull);
+ base_->decodeNull();
+template <typename P>
+bool ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeBool()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBool);
+ return base_->decodeBool();
+template <typename P>
+int32_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeInt()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sInt);
+ return base_->decodeInt();
+template <typename P>
+int64_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeLong()
+ Symbol::Kind k = parser_.advance(Symbol::sLong);
+ return k == Symbol::sInt ? base_->decodeInt() : base_->decodeLong();
+template <typename P>
+float ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeFloat()
+ Symbol::Kind k = parser_.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
+ return k == Symbol::sInt ? base_->decodeInt() :
+ k == Symbol::sLong ? base_->decodeLong() :
+ base_->decodeFloat();
+template <typename P>
+double ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeDouble()
+ Symbol::Kind k = parser_.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
+ return k == Symbol::sInt ? base_->decodeInt() :
+ k == Symbol::sLong ? base_->decodeLong() :
+ k == Symbol::sFloat ? base_->decodeFloat() :
+ base_->decodeDouble();
+template <typename P>
+void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeString(string& value)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
+ base_->decodeString(value);
+template <typename P>
+void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipString()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
+ base_->skipString();
+template <typename P>
+void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
+ base_->decodeBytes(value);
+template <typename P>
+void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipBytes()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
+ base_->skipBytes();
+template <typename P>
+void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
+ parser_.assertSize(n);
+ return base_->decodeFixed(n, value);
+template <typename P>
+void ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipFixed(size_t n)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
+ parser_.assertSize(n);
+ base_->skipFixed(n);
+template <typename P>
+size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeEnum()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
+ size_t n = base_->decodeEnum();
+ return parser_.enumAdjust(n);
+template <typename P>
+size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::arrayStart()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
+ size_t result = base_->arrayStart();
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(result);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ }
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::arrayNext()
+ parser_.processImplicitActions();
+ size_t result = base_->arrayNext();
+ parser_.nextRepeatCount(result);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ }
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipArray()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
+ size_t n = base_->skipArray();
+ if (n == 0) {
+ parser_.pop();
+ } else {
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(n);
+ parser_.skip(*base_);
+ }
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ return 0;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::mapStart()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
+ size_t result = base_->mapStart();
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(result);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ }
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::mapNext()
+ parser_.processImplicitActions();
+ size_t result = base_->mapNext();
+ parser_.nextRepeatCount(result);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ }
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::skipMap()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
+ size_t n = base_->skipMap();
+ if (n == 0) {
+ parser_.pop();
+ } else {
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(n);
+ parser_.skip(*base_);
+ }
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ return 0;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::decodeUnionIndex()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
+ return parser_.unionAdjust();
+template <typename P>
+const vector<size_t>& ResolvingDecoderImpl<P>::fieldOrder()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sRecord);
+ return parser_.sizeList();
+} // namespace parsing
+ResolvingDecoderPtr resolvingDecoder(const ValidSchema& writer,
+ const ValidSchema& reader, const DecoderPtr& base) {
+ return make_shared<parsing::ResolvingDecoderImpl
+ <parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::ResolvingDecoderHandler> > >(
+ writer, reader, base);
+} // namespace avro
diff --git a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/Symbol.cc b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/Symbol.cc
index 6eb83309be..b59b965133 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/Symbol.cc
+++ b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/Symbol.cc
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "Symbol.hh"
-namespace avro {
-namespace parsing {
-using std::vector;
-using std::string;
-using std::ostringstream;
-const char* Symbol::stringValues[] = {
- "TerminalLow",
- "Null",
- "Bool",
- "Int",
- "Long",
- "Float",
- "Double",
- "String",
- "Bytes",
- "ArrayStart",
- "ArrayEnd",
- "MapStart",
- "MapEnd",
- "Fixed",
- "Enum",
- "Union",
- "TerminalHigh",
- "SizeCheck",
- "NameList",
- "Root",
- "Repeater",
- "Alternative",
- "Placeholder",
- "Indirect",
- "Symbolic",
- "EnumAdjust",
- "UnionAdjust",
- "SkipStart",
- "Resolve",
- "ImplicitActionLow",
- "RecordStart",
- "RecordEnd",
- "Field",
- "Record",
- "SizeList",
- "WriterUnion",
- "DefaultStart",
- "DefaultEnd",
- "ImplicitActionHigh",
- "Error"
-Symbol Symbol::enumAdjustSymbol(const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader)
- vector<string> rs;
- size_t rc = reader->names();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
- rs.push_back(reader->nameAt(i));
- }
- size_t wc = writer->names();
- vector<int> adj;
- adj.reserve(wc);
- vector<string> err;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < wc; ++i) {
- const string& s = writer->nameAt(i);
- vector<string>::const_iterator it = find(rs.begin(), rs.end(), s);
- if (it == rs.end()) {
- int pos = err.size() + 1;
- adj.push_back(-pos);
- err.push_back(s);
- } else {
- adj.push_back(it - rs.begin());
- }
- }
- return Symbol(sEnumAdjust, make_pair(adj, err));
-Symbol Symbol::error(const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader)
- ostringstream oss;
- oss << "Cannot resolve: " << std::endl;
- writer->printJson(oss, 0);
- oss << std::endl << "with" << std::endl;
- reader->printJson(oss, 0);
- return Symbol(sError, oss.str());
-} // namespace parsing
-} // namespace avro
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "Symbol.hh"
+namespace avro {
+namespace parsing {
+using std::vector;
+using std::string;
+using std::ostringstream;
+const char* Symbol::stringValues[] = {
+ "TerminalLow",
+ "Null",
+ "Bool",
+ "Int",
+ "Long",
+ "Float",
+ "Double",
+ "String",
+ "Bytes",
+ "ArrayStart",
+ "ArrayEnd",
+ "MapStart",
+ "MapEnd",
+ "Fixed",
+ "Enum",
+ "Union",
+ "TerminalHigh",
+ "SizeCheck",
+ "NameList",
+ "Root",
+ "Repeater",
+ "Alternative",
+ "Placeholder",
+ "Indirect",
+ "Symbolic",
+ "EnumAdjust",
+ "UnionAdjust",
+ "SkipStart",
+ "Resolve",
+ "ImplicitActionLow",
+ "RecordStart",
+ "RecordEnd",
+ "Field",
+ "Record",
+ "SizeList",
+ "WriterUnion",
+ "DefaultStart",
+ "DefaultEnd",
+ "ImplicitActionHigh",
+ "Error"
+Symbol Symbol::enumAdjustSymbol(const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader)
+ vector<string> rs;
+ size_t rc = reader->names();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
+ rs.push_back(reader->nameAt(i));
+ }
+ size_t wc = writer->names();
+ vector<int> adj;
+ adj.reserve(wc);
+ vector<string> err;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < wc; ++i) {
+ const string& s = writer->nameAt(i);
+ vector<string>::const_iterator it = find(rs.begin(), rs.end(), s);
+ if (it == rs.end()) {
+ int pos = err.size() + 1;
+ adj.push_back(-pos);
+ err.push_back(s);
+ } else {
+ adj.push_back(it - rs.begin());
+ }
+ }
+ return Symbol(sEnumAdjust, make_pair(adj, err));
+Symbol Symbol::error(const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader)
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Cannot resolve: " << std::endl;
+ writer->printJson(oss, 0);
+ oss << std::endl << "with" << std::endl;
+ reader->printJson(oss, 0);
+ return Symbol(sError, oss.str());
+} // namespace parsing
+} // namespace avro
diff --git a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/Symbol.hh b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/Symbol.hh
index f4ecfe6e83..d642341e16 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/Symbol.hh
+++ b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/Symbol.hh
@@ -1,854 +1,854 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef avro_parsing_Symbol_hh__
-#define avro_parsing_Symbol_hh__
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <stack>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <boost/any.hpp>
-#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
-#include "Node.hh"
-#include "Decoder.hh"
-#include "Exception.hh"
-namespace avro {
-namespace parsing {
-class Symbol;
-typedef std::vector<Symbol> Production;
-typedef std::shared_ptr<Production> ProductionPtr;
-typedef boost::tuple<std::stack<ssize_t>, bool, ProductionPtr, ProductionPtr> RepeaterInfo;
-typedef boost::tuple<ProductionPtr, ProductionPtr> RootInfo;
-class Symbol {
- enum Kind {
- sTerminalLow, // extra has nothing
- sNull,
- sBool,
- sInt,
- sLong,
- sFloat,
- sDouble,
- sString,
- sBytes,
- sArrayStart,
- sArrayEnd,
- sMapStart,
- sMapEnd,
- sFixed,
- sEnum,
- sUnion,
- sTerminalHigh,
- sSizeCheck, // Extra has size
- sNameList, // Extra has a vector<string>
- sRoot, // Root for a schema, extra is Symbol
- sRepeater, // Array or Map, extra is symbol
- sAlternative, // One of many (union), extra is Union
- sPlaceholder, // To be fixed up later.
- sIndirect, // extra is shared_ptr<Production>
- sSymbolic, // extra is weal_ptr<Production>
- sEnumAdjust,
- sUnionAdjust,
- sSkipStart,
- sResolve,
- sImplicitActionLow,
- sRecordStart,
- sRecordEnd,
- sField, // extra is string
- sRecord,
- sSizeList,
- sWriterUnion,
- sDefaultStart, // extra has default value in Avro binary encoding
- sDefaultEnd,
- sImplicitActionHigh,
- sError
- };
- Kind kind_;
- boost::any extra_;
- explicit Symbol(Kind k) : kind_(k) { }
- template <typename T> Symbol(Kind k, T t) : kind_(k), extra_(t) { }
- Kind kind() const {
- return kind_;
- }
- template <typename T> T extra() const {
- return boost::any_cast<T>(extra_);
- }
- template <typename T> T* extrap() {
- return boost::any_cast<T>(&extra_);
- }
- template <typename T> const T* extrap() const {
- return boost::any_cast<T>(&extra_);
- }
- template <typename T> void extra(const T& t) {
- extra_ = t;
- }
- bool isTerminal() const {
- return kind_ > sTerminalLow && kind_ < sTerminalHigh;
- }
- bool isImplicitAction() const {
- return kind_ > sImplicitActionLow && kind_ < sImplicitActionHigh;
- }
- static const char* stringValues[];
- static const char* toString(Kind k) {
- return stringValues[k];
- }
- static Symbol rootSymbol(ProductionPtr& s)
- {
- return Symbol(Symbol::sRoot, RootInfo(s, std::make_shared<Production>()));
- }
- static Symbol rootSymbol(const ProductionPtr& main,
- const ProductionPtr& backup)
- {
- return Symbol(Symbol::sRoot, RootInfo(main, backup));
- }
- static Symbol nullSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sNull);
- }
- static Symbol boolSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sBool);
- }
- static Symbol intSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sInt);
- }
- static Symbol longSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sLong);
- }
- static Symbol floatSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sFloat);
- }
- static Symbol doubleSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sDouble);
- }
- static Symbol stringSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sString);
- }
- static Symbol bytesSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sBytes);
- }
- static Symbol sizeCheckSymbol(size_t s) {
- return Symbol(sSizeCheck, s);
- }
- static Symbol fixedSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sFixed);
- }
- static Symbol enumSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sEnum);
- }
- static Symbol arrayStartSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sArrayStart);
- }
- static Symbol arrayEndSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sArrayEnd);
- }
- static Symbol mapStartSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sMapStart);
- }
- static Symbol mapEndSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sMapEnd);
- }
- static Symbol repeater(const ProductionPtr& p,
- bool isArray) {
- return repeater(p, p, isArray);
- }
- static Symbol repeater(const ProductionPtr& read,
- const ProductionPtr& skip,
- bool isArray) {
- std::stack<ssize_t> s;
- return Symbol(sRepeater, RepeaterInfo(s, isArray, read, skip));
- }
- static Symbol defaultStartAction(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t> > bb)
- {
- return Symbol(sDefaultStart, bb);
- }
- static Symbol defaultEndAction()
- {
- return Symbol(sDefaultEnd);
- }
- static Symbol alternative(
- const std::vector<ProductionPtr>& branches)
- {
- return Symbol(Symbol::sAlternative, branches);
- }
- static Symbol unionSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sUnion);
- }
- static Symbol recordStartSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sRecordStart);
- }
- static Symbol recordEndSymbol() {
- return Symbol(sRecordEnd);
- }
- static Symbol fieldSymbol(const std::string& name) {
- return Symbol(sField, name);
- }
- static Symbol writerUnionAction() {
- return Symbol(sWriterUnion);
- }
- static Symbol nameListSymbol(
- const std::vector<std::string>& v) {
- return Symbol(sNameList, v);
- }
- template <typename T>
- static Symbol placeholder(const T& n) {
- return Symbol(sPlaceholder, n);
- }
- static Symbol indirect(const ProductionPtr& p) {
- return Symbol(sIndirect, p);
- }
- static Symbol symbolic(const std::weak_ptr<Production>& p) {
- return Symbol(sSymbolic, p);
- }
- static Symbol enumAdjustSymbol(const NodePtr& writer,
- const NodePtr& reader);
- static Symbol unionAdjustSymbol(size_t branch,
- const ProductionPtr& p) {
- return Symbol(sUnionAdjust, std::make_pair(branch, p));
- }
- static Symbol sizeListAction(std::vector<size_t> order) {
- return Symbol(sSizeList, order);
- }
- static Symbol recordAction() {
- return Symbol(sRecord);
- }
- static Symbol error(const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader);
- static Symbol resolveSymbol(Kind w, Kind r) {
- return Symbol(sResolve, std::make_pair(w, r));
- }
- static Symbol skipStart() {
- return Symbol(sSkipStart);
- }
- * Recursively replaces all placeholders in the production with the
- * corresponding values.
- */
-template<typename T>
-void fixup(const ProductionPtr& p,
- const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m)
- std::set<ProductionPtr> seen;
- for (Production::iterator it = p->begin(); it != p->end(); ++it) {
- fixup(*it, m, seen);
- }
- * Recursively replaces all placeholders in the symbol with the values with the
- * corresponding values.
- */
-template<typename T>
-void fixup_internal(const ProductionPtr& p,
- const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m,
- std::set<ProductionPtr>& seen)
- if (seen.find(p) == seen.end()) {
- seen.insert(p);
- for (Production::iterator it = p->begin(); it != p->end(); ++it) {
- fixup(*it, m, seen);
- }
- }
-template<typename T>
-void fixup(Symbol& s, const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m,
- std::set<ProductionPtr>& seen)
- switch (s.kind()) {
- case Symbol::sIndirect:
- fixup_internal(s.extra<ProductionPtr>(), m, seen);
- break;
- case Symbol::sAlternative:
- {
- const std::vector<ProductionPtr> *vv =
- s.extrap<std::vector<ProductionPtr> >();
- for (std::vector<ProductionPtr>::const_iterator it = vv->begin();
- it != vv->end(); ++it) {
- fixup_internal(*it, m, seen);
- }
- }
- break;
- case Symbol::sRepeater:
- {
- const RepeaterInfo& ri = *s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
- fixup_internal(boost::tuples::get<2>(ri), m, seen);
- fixup_internal(boost::tuples::get<3>(ri), m, seen);
- }
- break;
- case Symbol::sPlaceholder:
- {
- typename std::map<T, std::shared_ptr<Production> >::const_iterator it =
- m.find(s.extra<T>());
- if (it == m.end()) {
- throw Exception("Placeholder symbol cannot be resolved");
- }
- s = Symbol::symbolic(std::weak_ptr<Production>(it->second));
- }
- break;
- case Symbol::sUnionAdjust:
- fixup_internal(s.extrap<std::pair<size_t, ProductionPtr> >()->second,
- m, seen);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-template<typename Handler>
-class SimpleParser {
- Decoder* decoder_;
- Handler& handler_;
- std::stack<Symbol> parsingStack;
- static void throwMismatch(Symbol::Kind actual, Symbol::Kind expected)
- {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << "Invalid operation. Schema requires: " <<
- Symbol::toString(expected) << ", got: " <<
- Symbol::toString(actual);
- throw Exception(oss.str());
- }
- static void assertMatch(Symbol::Kind actual, Symbol::Kind expected)
- {
- if (expected != actual) {
- throwMismatch(actual, expected);
- }
- }
- void append(const ProductionPtr& ss) {
- for (Production::const_iterator it = ss->begin();
- it != ss->end(); ++it) {
- parsingStack.push(*it);
- }
- }
- size_t popSize() {
- const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sSizeCheck, s.kind());
- size_t result = s.extra<size_t>();
- parsingStack.pop();
- return result;
- }
- static void assertLessThan(size_t n, size_t s) {
- if (n >= s) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << "Size max value. Upper bound: " << s << " found " << n;
- throw Exception(oss.str());
- }
- }
- Symbol::Kind advance(Symbol::Kind k) {
- for (; ;) {
- Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
-// std::cout << "advance: " << Symbol::toString(s.kind())
-// << " looking for " << Symbol::toString(k) << '\n';
- if (s.kind() == k) {
- parsingStack.pop();
- return k;
- } else if (s.isTerminal()) {
- throwMismatch(k, s.kind());
- } else {
- switch (s.kind()) {
- case Symbol::sRoot:
- append(boost::tuples::get<0>(*s.extrap<RootInfo>()));
- continue;
- case Symbol::sIndirect:
- {
- ProductionPtr pp =
- s.extra<ProductionPtr>();
- parsingStack.pop();
- append(pp);
- }
- continue;
- case Symbol::sSymbolic:
- {
- ProductionPtr pp(
- s.extra<std::weak_ptr<Production> >());
- parsingStack.pop();
- append(pp);
- }
- continue;
- case Symbol::sRepeater:
- {
- RepeaterInfo *p = s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
- std::stack<ssize_t>& ns = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
- if (ns.empty()) {
- throw Exception(
- "Empty item count stack in repeater advance");
- }
- if (ns.top() == 0) {
- throw Exception(
- "Zero item count in repeater advance");
- }
- --ns.top();
- append(boost::tuples::get<2>(*p));
- }
- continue;
- case Symbol::sError:
- throw Exception(s.extra<std::string>());
- case Symbol::sResolve:
- {
- const std::pair<Symbol::Kind, Symbol::Kind>* p =
- s.extrap<std::pair<Symbol::Kind, Symbol::Kind> >();
- assertMatch(p->second, k);
- Symbol::Kind result = p->first;
- parsingStack.pop();
- return result;
- }
- case Symbol::sSkipStart:
- parsingStack.pop();
- skip(*decoder_);
- break;
- default:
- if (s.isImplicitAction()) {
- size_t n = handler_.handle(s);
- if (s.kind() == Symbol::sWriterUnion) {
- parsingStack.pop();
- selectBranch(n);
- } else {
- parsingStack.pop();
- }
- } else {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << "Encountered " << Symbol::toString(s.kind())
- << " while looking for " << Symbol::toString(k);
- throw Exception(oss.str());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void skip(Decoder& d) {
- const size_t sz = parsingStack.size();
- if (sz == 0) {
- throw Exception("Nothing to skip!");
- }
- while (parsingStack.size() >= sz) {
- Symbol& t = parsingStack.top();
- // std::cout << "skip: " << Symbol::toString(t.kind()) << '\n';
- switch (t.kind()) {
- case Symbol::sNull:
- d.decodeNull();
- break;
- case Symbol::sBool:
- d.decodeBool();
- break;
- case Symbol::sInt:
- d.decodeInt();
- break;
- case Symbol::sLong:
- d.decodeLong();
- break;
- case Symbol::sFloat:
- d.decodeFloat();
- break;
- case Symbol::sDouble:
- d.decodeDouble();
- break;
- case Symbol::sString:
- d.skipString();
- break;
- case Symbol::sBytes:
- d.skipBytes();
- break;
- case Symbol::sArrayStart:
- {
- parsingStack.pop();
- size_t n = d.skipArray();
- processImplicitActions();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, parsingStack.top().kind());
- if (n == 0) {
- break;
- }
- Symbol& t = parsingStack.top();
- RepeaterInfo *p = t.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
- boost::tuples::get<0>(*p).push(n);
- continue;
- }
- case Symbol::sArrayEnd:
- break;
- case Symbol::sMapStart:
- {
- parsingStack.pop();
- size_t n = d.skipMap();
- processImplicitActions();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, parsingStack.top().kind());
- if (n == 0) {
- break;
- }
- Symbol& t = parsingStack.top();
- RepeaterInfo *p = t.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
- boost::tuples::get<0>(*p).push(n);
- continue;
- }
- case Symbol::sMapEnd:
- break;
- case Symbol::sFixed:
- {
- parsingStack.pop();
- Symbol& t = parsingStack.top();
- d.decodeFixed(t.extra<size_t>());
- }
- break;
- case Symbol::sEnum:
- parsingStack.pop();
- d.decodeEnum();
- break;
- case Symbol::sUnion:
- {
- parsingStack.pop();
- size_t n = d.decodeUnionIndex();
- selectBranch(n);
- continue;
- }
- case Symbol::sRepeater:
- {
- RepeaterInfo *p = t.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
- std::stack<ssize_t>& ns = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
- if (ns.empty()) {
- throw Exception(
- "Empty item count stack in repeater skip");
- }
- ssize_t& n = ns.top();
- if (n == 0) {
- n = boost::tuples::get<1>(*p) ? d.arrayNext()
- : d.mapNext();
- }
- if (n != 0) {
- --n;
- append(boost::tuples::get<3>(*p));
- continue;
- } else {
- ns.pop();
- }
- }
- break;
- case Symbol::sIndirect:
- {
- ProductionPtr pp =
- t.extra<ProductionPtr>();
- parsingStack.pop();
- append(pp);
- }
- continue;
- case Symbol::sSymbolic:
- {
- ProductionPtr pp(
- t.extra<std::weak_ptr<Production> >());
- parsingStack.pop();
- append(pp);
- }
- continue;
- default:
- {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << "Don't know how to skip "
- << Symbol::toString(t.kind());
- throw Exception(oss.str());
- }
- }
- parsingStack.pop();
- }
- }
- void assertSize(size_t n) {
- size_t s = popSize();
- if (s != n) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << "Incorrect size. Expected: " << s << " found " << n;
- throw Exception(oss.str());
- }
- }
- void assertLessThanSize(size_t n) {
- assertLessThan(n, popSize());
- }
- size_t enumAdjust(size_t n) {
- const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sEnumAdjust, s.kind());
- const std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<std::string> >* v =
- s.extrap<std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<std::string> > >();
- assertLessThan(n, v->first.size());
- int result = v->first[n];
- if (result < 0) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << "Cannot resolve symbol: " << v->second[-result - 1]
- << std::endl;
- throw Exception(oss.str());
- }
- parsingStack.pop();
- return result;
- }
- size_t unionAdjust() {
- const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sUnionAdjust, s.kind());
- std::pair<size_t, ProductionPtr> p =
- s.extra<std::pair<size_t, ProductionPtr> >();
- parsingStack.pop();
- append(p.second);
- return p.first;
- }
- std::string nameForIndex(size_t e) {
- const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sNameList, s.kind());
- const std::vector<std::string> names =
- s.extra<std::vector<std::string> >();
- if (e >= names.size()) {
- throw Exception("Not that many names");
- }
- std::string result = names[e];
- parsingStack.pop();
- return result;
- }
- size_t indexForName(const std::string &name) {
- const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sNameList, s.kind());
- const std::vector<std::string> names =
- s.extra<std::vector<std::string> >();
- std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it =
- std::find(names.begin(), names.end(), name);
- if (it == names.end()) {
- throw Exception("No such enum symbol");
- }
- size_t result = it - names.begin();
- parsingStack.pop();
- return result;
- }
- void pushRepeatCount(size_t n) {
- processImplicitActions();
- Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, s.kind());
- RepeaterInfo *p = s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
- std::stack<ssize_t> &nn = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
- nn.push(n);
- }
- void nextRepeatCount(size_t n) {
- processImplicitActions();
- Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, s.kind());
- RepeaterInfo *p = s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
- std::stack<ssize_t> &nn = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
- if (nn.empty() || nn.top() != 0) {
- throw Exception("Wrong number of items");
- }
- nn.top() = n;
- }
- void popRepeater() {
- processImplicitActions();
- Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, s.kind());
- RepeaterInfo *p = s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
- std::stack<ssize_t> &ns = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
- if (ns.empty()) {
- throw Exception("Incorrect number of items (empty)");
- }
- if (ns.top() > 0) {
- throw Exception("Incorrect number of items (non-zero)");
- }
- ns.pop();
- parsingStack.pop();
- }
- void selectBranch(size_t n) {
- const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sAlternative, s.kind());
- std::vector<ProductionPtr> v =
- s.extra<std::vector<ProductionPtr> >();
- if (n >= v.size()) {
- throw Exception("Not that many branches");
- }
- parsingStack.pop();
- append(v[n]);
- }
- const std::vector<size_t>& sizeList() {
- const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- assertMatch(Symbol::sSizeList, s.kind());
- return *s.extrap<std::vector<size_t> >();
- }
- Symbol::Kind top() const {
- return parsingStack.top().kind();
- }
- void pop() {
- parsingStack.pop();
- }
- void processImplicitActions() {
- for (; ;) {
- Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
- if (s.isImplicitAction()) {
- handler_.handle(s);
- parsingStack.pop();
- } else if (s.kind() == Symbol::sSkipStart) {
- parsingStack.pop();
- skip(*decoder_);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- SimpleParser(const Symbol& s, Decoder* d, Handler& h) :
- decoder_(d), handler_(h) {
- parsingStack.push(s);
- }
- void reset() {
- while (parsingStack.size() > 1) {
- parsingStack.pop();
- }
- }
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Symbol s);
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Production p)
- os << '(';
- for (Production::const_iterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it) {
- os << *it << ", ";
- }
- os << ')';
- return os;
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Symbol s)
- switch (s.kind()) {
- case Symbol::sRepeater:
- {
- const RepeaterInfo& ri = *s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
- os << '(' << Symbol::toString(s.kind())
- << ' ' << *boost::tuples::get<2>(ri)
- << ' ' << *boost::tuples::get<3>(ri)
- << ')';
- }
- break;
- case Symbol::sIndirect:
- {
- os << '(' << Symbol::toString(s.kind()) << ' '
- << *s.extra<std::shared_ptr<Production> >() << ')';
- }
- break;
- case Symbol::sAlternative:
- {
- os << '(' << Symbol::toString(s.kind());
- for (std::vector<ProductionPtr>::const_iterator it =
- s.extrap<std::vector<ProductionPtr> >()->begin();
- it != s.extrap<std::vector<ProductionPtr> >()->end();
- ++it) {
- os << ' ' << **it;
- }
- os << ')';
- }
- break;
- case Symbol::sSymbolic:
- {
- os << '(' << Symbol::toString(s.kind())
- << ' ' << s.extra<std::weak_ptr<Production> >().lock()
- << ')';
- }
- break;
- default:
- os << Symbol::toString(s.kind());
- break;
- }
- return os;
- }
-} // namespace parsing
-} // namespace avro
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef avro_parsing_Symbol_hh__
+#define avro_parsing_Symbol_hh__
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <stack>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <boost/any.hpp>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+#include "Node.hh"
+#include "Decoder.hh"
+#include "Exception.hh"
+namespace avro {
+namespace parsing {
+class Symbol;
+typedef std::vector<Symbol> Production;
+typedef std::shared_ptr<Production> ProductionPtr;
+typedef boost::tuple<std::stack<ssize_t>, bool, ProductionPtr, ProductionPtr> RepeaterInfo;
+typedef boost::tuple<ProductionPtr, ProductionPtr> RootInfo;
+class Symbol {
+ enum Kind {
+ sTerminalLow, // extra has nothing
+ sNull,
+ sBool,
+ sInt,
+ sLong,
+ sFloat,
+ sDouble,
+ sString,
+ sBytes,
+ sArrayStart,
+ sArrayEnd,
+ sMapStart,
+ sMapEnd,
+ sFixed,
+ sEnum,
+ sUnion,
+ sTerminalHigh,
+ sSizeCheck, // Extra has size
+ sNameList, // Extra has a vector<string>
+ sRoot, // Root for a schema, extra is Symbol
+ sRepeater, // Array or Map, extra is symbol
+ sAlternative, // One of many (union), extra is Union
+ sPlaceholder, // To be fixed up later.
+ sIndirect, // extra is shared_ptr<Production>
+ sSymbolic, // extra is weal_ptr<Production>
+ sEnumAdjust,
+ sUnionAdjust,
+ sSkipStart,
+ sResolve,
+ sImplicitActionLow,
+ sRecordStart,
+ sRecordEnd,
+ sField, // extra is string
+ sRecord,
+ sSizeList,
+ sWriterUnion,
+ sDefaultStart, // extra has default value in Avro binary encoding
+ sDefaultEnd,
+ sImplicitActionHigh,
+ sError
+ };
+ Kind kind_;
+ boost::any extra_;
+ explicit Symbol(Kind k) : kind_(k) { }
+ template <typename T> Symbol(Kind k, T t) : kind_(k), extra_(t) { }
+ Kind kind() const {
+ return kind_;
+ }
+ template <typename T> T extra() const {
+ return boost::any_cast<T>(extra_);
+ }
+ template <typename T> T* extrap() {
+ return boost::any_cast<T>(&extra_);
+ }
+ template <typename T> const T* extrap() const {
+ return boost::any_cast<T>(&extra_);
+ }
+ template <typename T> void extra(const T& t) {
+ extra_ = t;
+ }
+ bool isTerminal() const {
+ return kind_ > sTerminalLow && kind_ < sTerminalHigh;
+ }
+ bool isImplicitAction() const {
+ return kind_ > sImplicitActionLow && kind_ < sImplicitActionHigh;
+ }
+ static const char* stringValues[];
+ static const char* toString(Kind k) {
+ return stringValues[k];
+ }
+ static Symbol rootSymbol(ProductionPtr& s)
+ {
+ return Symbol(Symbol::sRoot, RootInfo(s, std::make_shared<Production>()));
+ }
+ static Symbol rootSymbol(const ProductionPtr& main,
+ const ProductionPtr& backup)
+ {
+ return Symbol(Symbol::sRoot, RootInfo(main, backup));
+ }
+ static Symbol nullSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sNull);
+ }
+ static Symbol boolSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sBool);
+ }
+ static Symbol intSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sInt);
+ }
+ static Symbol longSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sLong);
+ }
+ static Symbol floatSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sFloat);
+ }
+ static Symbol doubleSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sDouble);
+ }
+ static Symbol stringSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sString);
+ }
+ static Symbol bytesSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sBytes);
+ }
+ static Symbol sizeCheckSymbol(size_t s) {
+ return Symbol(sSizeCheck, s);
+ }
+ static Symbol fixedSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sFixed);
+ }
+ static Symbol enumSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sEnum);
+ }
+ static Symbol arrayStartSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sArrayStart);
+ }
+ static Symbol arrayEndSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sArrayEnd);
+ }
+ static Symbol mapStartSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sMapStart);
+ }
+ static Symbol mapEndSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sMapEnd);
+ }
+ static Symbol repeater(const ProductionPtr& p,
+ bool isArray) {
+ return repeater(p, p, isArray);
+ }
+ static Symbol repeater(const ProductionPtr& read,
+ const ProductionPtr& skip,
+ bool isArray) {
+ std::stack<ssize_t> s;
+ return Symbol(sRepeater, RepeaterInfo(s, isArray, read, skip));
+ }
+ static Symbol defaultStartAction(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t> > bb)
+ {
+ return Symbol(sDefaultStart, bb);
+ }
+ static Symbol defaultEndAction()
+ {
+ return Symbol(sDefaultEnd);
+ }
+ static Symbol alternative(
+ const std::vector<ProductionPtr>& branches)
+ {
+ return Symbol(Symbol::sAlternative, branches);
+ }
+ static Symbol unionSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sUnion);
+ }
+ static Symbol recordStartSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sRecordStart);
+ }
+ static Symbol recordEndSymbol() {
+ return Symbol(sRecordEnd);
+ }
+ static Symbol fieldSymbol(const std::string& name) {
+ return Symbol(sField, name);
+ }
+ static Symbol writerUnionAction() {
+ return Symbol(sWriterUnion);
+ }
+ static Symbol nameListSymbol(
+ const std::vector<std::string>& v) {
+ return Symbol(sNameList, v);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static Symbol placeholder(const T& n) {
+ return Symbol(sPlaceholder, n);
+ }
+ static Symbol indirect(const ProductionPtr& p) {
+ return Symbol(sIndirect, p);
+ }
+ static Symbol symbolic(const std::weak_ptr<Production>& p) {
+ return Symbol(sSymbolic, p);
+ }
+ static Symbol enumAdjustSymbol(const NodePtr& writer,
+ const NodePtr& reader);
+ static Symbol unionAdjustSymbol(size_t branch,
+ const ProductionPtr& p) {
+ return Symbol(sUnionAdjust, std::make_pair(branch, p));
+ }
+ static Symbol sizeListAction(std::vector<size_t> order) {
+ return Symbol(sSizeList, order);
+ }
+ static Symbol recordAction() {
+ return Symbol(sRecord);
+ }
+ static Symbol error(const NodePtr& writer, const NodePtr& reader);
+ static Symbol resolveSymbol(Kind w, Kind r) {
+ return Symbol(sResolve, std::make_pair(w, r));
+ }
+ static Symbol skipStart() {
+ return Symbol(sSkipStart);
+ }
+ * Recursively replaces all placeholders in the production with the
+ * corresponding values.
+ */
+template<typename T>
+void fixup(const ProductionPtr& p,
+ const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m)
+ std::set<ProductionPtr> seen;
+ for (Production::iterator it = p->begin(); it != p->end(); ++it) {
+ fixup(*it, m, seen);
+ }
+ * Recursively replaces all placeholders in the symbol with the values with the
+ * corresponding values.
+ */
+template<typename T>
+void fixup_internal(const ProductionPtr& p,
+ const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m,
+ std::set<ProductionPtr>& seen)
+ if (seen.find(p) == seen.end()) {
+ seen.insert(p);
+ for (Production::iterator it = p->begin(); it != p->end(); ++it) {
+ fixup(*it, m, seen);
+ }
+ }
+template<typename T>
+void fixup(Symbol& s, const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m,
+ std::set<ProductionPtr>& seen)
+ switch (s.kind()) {
+ case Symbol::sIndirect:
+ fixup_internal(s.extra<ProductionPtr>(), m, seen);
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sAlternative:
+ {
+ const std::vector<ProductionPtr> *vv =
+ s.extrap<std::vector<ProductionPtr> >();
+ for (std::vector<ProductionPtr>::const_iterator it = vv->begin();
+ it != vv->end(); ++it) {
+ fixup_internal(*it, m, seen);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sRepeater:
+ {
+ const RepeaterInfo& ri = *s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
+ fixup_internal(boost::tuples::get<2>(ri), m, seen);
+ fixup_internal(boost::tuples::get<3>(ri), m, seen);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sPlaceholder:
+ {
+ typename std::map<T, std::shared_ptr<Production> >::const_iterator it =
+ m.find(s.extra<T>());
+ if (it == m.end()) {
+ throw Exception("Placeholder symbol cannot be resolved");
+ }
+ s = Symbol::symbolic(std::weak_ptr<Production>(it->second));
+ }
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sUnionAdjust:
+ fixup_internal(s.extrap<std::pair<size_t, ProductionPtr> >()->second,
+ m, seen);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+template<typename Handler>
+class SimpleParser {
+ Decoder* decoder_;
+ Handler& handler_;
+ std::stack<Symbol> parsingStack;
+ static void throwMismatch(Symbol::Kind actual, Symbol::Kind expected)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Invalid operation. Schema requires: " <<
+ Symbol::toString(expected) << ", got: " <<
+ Symbol::toString(actual);
+ throw Exception(oss.str());
+ }
+ static void assertMatch(Symbol::Kind actual, Symbol::Kind expected)
+ {
+ if (expected != actual) {
+ throwMismatch(actual, expected);
+ }
+ }
+ void append(const ProductionPtr& ss) {
+ for (Production::const_iterator it = ss->begin();
+ it != ss->end(); ++it) {
+ parsingStack.push(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t popSize() {
+ const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sSizeCheck, s.kind());
+ size_t result = s.extra<size_t>();
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ return result;
+ }
+ static void assertLessThan(size_t n, size_t s) {
+ if (n >= s) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Size max value. Upper bound: " << s << " found " << n;
+ throw Exception(oss.str());
+ }
+ }
+ Symbol::Kind advance(Symbol::Kind k) {
+ for (; ;) {
+ Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+// std::cout << "advance: " << Symbol::toString(s.kind())
+// << " looking for " << Symbol::toString(k) << '\n';
+ if (s.kind() == k) {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ return k;
+ } else if (s.isTerminal()) {
+ throwMismatch(k, s.kind());
+ } else {
+ switch (s.kind()) {
+ case Symbol::sRoot:
+ append(boost::tuples::get<0>(*s.extrap<RootInfo>()));
+ continue;
+ case Symbol::sIndirect:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr pp =
+ s.extra<ProductionPtr>();
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ append(pp);
+ }
+ continue;
+ case Symbol::sSymbolic:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr pp(
+ s.extra<std::weak_ptr<Production> >());
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ append(pp);
+ }
+ continue;
+ case Symbol::sRepeater:
+ {
+ RepeaterInfo *p = s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
+ std::stack<ssize_t>& ns = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
+ if (ns.empty()) {
+ throw Exception(
+ "Empty item count stack in repeater advance");
+ }
+ if (ns.top() == 0) {
+ throw Exception(
+ "Zero item count in repeater advance");
+ }
+ --ns.top();
+ append(boost::tuples::get<2>(*p));
+ }
+ continue;
+ case Symbol::sError:
+ throw Exception(s.extra<std::string>());
+ case Symbol::sResolve:
+ {
+ const std::pair<Symbol::Kind, Symbol::Kind>* p =
+ s.extrap<std::pair<Symbol::Kind, Symbol::Kind> >();
+ assertMatch(p->second, k);
+ Symbol::Kind result = p->first;
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ return result;
+ }
+ case Symbol::sSkipStart:
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ skip(*decoder_);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (s.isImplicitAction()) {
+ size_t n = handler_.handle(s);
+ if (s.kind() == Symbol::sWriterUnion) {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ selectBranch(n);
+ } else {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Encountered " << Symbol::toString(s.kind())
+ << " while looking for " << Symbol::toString(k);
+ throw Exception(oss.str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void skip(Decoder& d) {
+ const size_t sz = parsingStack.size();
+ if (sz == 0) {
+ throw Exception("Nothing to skip!");
+ }
+ while (parsingStack.size() >= sz) {
+ Symbol& t = parsingStack.top();
+ // std::cout << "skip: " << Symbol::toString(t.kind()) << '\n';
+ switch (t.kind()) {
+ case Symbol::sNull:
+ d.decodeNull();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sBool:
+ d.decodeBool();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sInt:
+ d.decodeInt();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sLong:
+ d.decodeLong();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sFloat:
+ d.decodeFloat();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sDouble:
+ d.decodeDouble();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sString:
+ d.skipString();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sBytes:
+ d.skipBytes();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sArrayStart:
+ {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ size_t n = d.skipArray();
+ processImplicitActions();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, parsingStack.top().kind());
+ if (n == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ Symbol& t = parsingStack.top();
+ RepeaterInfo *p = t.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
+ boost::tuples::get<0>(*p).push(n);
+ continue;
+ }
+ case Symbol::sArrayEnd:
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sMapStart:
+ {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ size_t n = d.skipMap();
+ processImplicitActions();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, parsingStack.top().kind());
+ if (n == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ Symbol& t = parsingStack.top();
+ RepeaterInfo *p = t.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
+ boost::tuples::get<0>(*p).push(n);
+ continue;
+ }
+ case Symbol::sMapEnd:
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sFixed:
+ {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ Symbol& t = parsingStack.top();
+ d.decodeFixed(t.extra<size_t>());
+ }
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sEnum:
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ d.decodeEnum();
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sUnion:
+ {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ size_t n = d.decodeUnionIndex();
+ selectBranch(n);
+ continue;
+ }
+ case Symbol::sRepeater:
+ {
+ RepeaterInfo *p = t.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
+ std::stack<ssize_t>& ns = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
+ if (ns.empty()) {
+ throw Exception(
+ "Empty item count stack in repeater skip");
+ }
+ ssize_t& n = ns.top();
+ if (n == 0) {
+ n = boost::tuples::get<1>(*p) ? d.arrayNext()
+ : d.mapNext();
+ }
+ if (n != 0) {
+ --n;
+ append(boost::tuples::get<3>(*p));
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ ns.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sIndirect:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr pp =
+ t.extra<ProductionPtr>();
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ append(pp);
+ }
+ continue;
+ case Symbol::sSymbolic:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr pp(
+ t.extra<std::weak_ptr<Production> >());
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ append(pp);
+ }
+ continue;
+ default:
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Don't know how to skip "
+ << Symbol::toString(t.kind());
+ throw Exception(oss.str());
+ }
+ }
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ void assertSize(size_t n) {
+ size_t s = popSize();
+ if (s != n) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Incorrect size. Expected: " << s << " found " << n;
+ throw Exception(oss.str());
+ }
+ }
+ void assertLessThanSize(size_t n) {
+ assertLessThan(n, popSize());
+ }
+ size_t enumAdjust(size_t n) {
+ const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sEnumAdjust, s.kind());
+ const std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<std::string> >* v =
+ s.extrap<std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<std::string> > >();
+ assertLessThan(n, v->first.size());
+ int result = v->first[n];
+ if (result < 0) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Cannot resolve symbol: " << v->second[-result - 1]
+ << std::endl;
+ throw Exception(oss.str());
+ }
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ return result;
+ }
+ size_t unionAdjust() {
+ const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sUnionAdjust, s.kind());
+ std::pair<size_t, ProductionPtr> p =
+ s.extra<std::pair<size_t, ProductionPtr> >();
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ append(p.second);
+ return p.first;
+ }
+ std::string nameForIndex(size_t e) {
+ const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sNameList, s.kind());
+ const std::vector<std::string> names =
+ s.extra<std::vector<std::string> >();
+ if (e >= names.size()) {
+ throw Exception("Not that many names");
+ }
+ std::string result = names[e];
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ return result;
+ }
+ size_t indexForName(const std::string &name) {
+ const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sNameList, s.kind());
+ const std::vector<std::string> names =
+ s.extra<std::vector<std::string> >();
+ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it =
+ std::find(names.begin(), names.end(), name);
+ if (it == names.end()) {
+ throw Exception("No such enum symbol");
+ }
+ size_t result = it - names.begin();
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ return result;
+ }
+ void pushRepeatCount(size_t n) {
+ processImplicitActions();
+ Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, s.kind());
+ RepeaterInfo *p = s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
+ std::stack<ssize_t> &nn = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
+ nn.push(n);
+ }
+ void nextRepeatCount(size_t n) {
+ processImplicitActions();
+ Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, s.kind());
+ RepeaterInfo *p = s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
+ std::stack<ssize_t> &nn = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
+ if (nn.empty() || nn.top() != 0) {
+ throw Exception("Wrong number of items");
+ }
+ nn.top() = n;
+ }
+ void popRepeater() {
+ processImplicitActions();
+ Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sRepeater, s.kind());
+ RepeaterInfo *p = s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
+ std::stack<ssize_t> &ns = boost::tuples::get<0>(*p);
+ if (ns.empty()) {
+ throw Exception("Incorrect number of items (empty)");
+ }
+ if (ns.top() > 0) {
+ throw Exception("Incorrect number of items (non-zero)");
+ }
+ ns.pop();
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ }
+ void selectBranch(size_t n) {
+ const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sAlternative, s.kind());
+ std::vector<ProductionPtr> v =
+ s.extra<std::vector<ProductionPtr> >();
+ if (n >= v.size()) {
+ throw Exception("Not that many branches");
+ }
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ append(v[n]);
+ }
+ const std::vector<size_t>& sizeList() {
+ const Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ assertMatch(Symbol::sSizeList, s.kind());
+ return *s.extrap<std::vector<size_t> >();
+ }
+ Symbol::Kind top() const {
+ return parsingStack.top().kind();
+ }
+ void pop() {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ }
+ void processImplicitActions() {
+ for (; ;) {
+ Symbol& s = parsingStack.top();
+ if (s.isImplicitAction()) {
+ handler_.handle(s);
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ } else if (s.kind() == Symbol::sSkipStart) {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ skip(*decoder_);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SimpleParser(const Symbol& s, Decoder* d, Handler& h) :
+ decoder_(d), handler_(h) {
+ parsingStack.push(s);
+ }
+ void reset() {
+ while (parsingStack.size() > 1) {
+ parsingStack.pop();
+ }
+ }
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Symbol s);
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Production p)
+ os << '(';
+ for (Production::const_iterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it) {
+ os << *it << ", ";
+ }
+ os << ')';
+ return os;
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Symbol s)
+ switch (s.kind()) {
+ case Symbol::sRepeater:
+ {
+ const RepeaterInfo& ri = *s.extrap<RepeaterInfo>();
+ os << '(' << Symbol::toString(s.kind())
+ << ' ' << *boost::tuples::get<2>(ri)
+ << ' ' << *boost::tuples::get<3>(ri)
+ << ')';
+ }
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sIndirect:
+ {
+ os << '(' << Symbol::toString(s.kind()) << ' '
+ << *s.extra<std::shared_ptr<Production> >() << ')';
+ }
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sAlternative:
+ {
+ os << '(' << Symbol::toString(s.kind());
+ for (std::vector<ProductionPtr>::const_iterator it =
+ s.extrap<std::vector<ProductionPtr> >()->begin();
+ it != s.extrap<std::vector<ProductionPtr> >()->end();
+ ++it) {
+ os << ' ' << **it;
+ }
+ os << ')';
+ }
+ break;
+ case Symbol::sSymbolic:
+ {
+ os << '(' << Symbol::toString(s.kind())
+ << ' ' << s.extra<std::weak_ptr<Production> >().lock()
+ << ')';
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ os << Symbol::toString(s.kind());
+ break;
+ }
+ return os;
+ }
+} // namespace parsing
+} // namespace avro
diff --git a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ValidatingCodec.cc b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ValidatingCodec.cc
index fdf6ef898f..8a291d4317 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ValidatingCodec.cc
+++ b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ValidatingCodec.cc
@@ -1,591 +1,591 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "ValidatingCodec.hh"
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <memory>
-#include <boost/any.hpp>
-#include "ValidSchema.hh"
-#include "Decoder.hh"
-#include "Encoder.hh"
-#include "NodeImpl.hh"
-namespace avro {
-using std::make_shared;
-namespace parsing {
-using std::shared_ptr;
-using std::static_pointer_cast;
-using std::map;
-using std::vector;
-using std::pair;
-using std::string;
-using std::reverse;
-using std::ostringstream;
-/** Follows the design of Avro Parser in Java. */
-ProductionPtr ValidatingGrammarGenerator::generate(const NodePtr& n)
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> m;
- ProductionPtr result = doGenerate(n, m);
- fixup(result, m);
- return result;
-Symbol ValidatingGrammarGenerator::generate(const ValidSchema& schema)
- ProductionPtr r = generate(schema.root());
- return Symbol::rootSymbol(r);
-ProductionPtr ValidatingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(const NodePtr& n,
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m) {
- switch (n->type()) {
- case AVRO_NULL:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::nullSymbol());
- case AVRO_BOOL:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::boolSymbol());
- case AVRO_INT:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::intSymbol());
- case AVRO_LONG:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::longSymbol());
- case AVRO_FLOAT:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::floatSymbol());
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::doubleSymbol());
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::stringSymbol());
- case AVRO_BYTES:
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::bytesSymbol());
- case AVRO_FIXED:
- {
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::sizeCheckSymbol(n->fixedSize()));
- result->push_back(Symbol::fixedSymbol());
- m[n] = result;
- return result;
- }
- {
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- m.erase(n);
- size_t c = n->leaves();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
- const NodePtr& leaf = n->leafAt(i);
- ProductionPtr v = doGenerate(leaf, m);
- copy(v->rbegin(), v->rend(), back_inserter(*result));
- }
- reverse(result->begin(), result->end());
- m[n] = result;
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::indirect(result));
- }
- case AVRO_ENUM:
- {
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::sizeCheckSymbol(n->names()));
- result->push_back(Symbol::enumSymbol());
- m[n] = result;
- return result;
- }
- case AVRO_ARRAY:
- {
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::arrayEndSymbol());
- result->push_back(Symbol::repeater(doGenerate(n->leafAt(0), m), true));
- result->push_back(Symbol::arrayStartSymbol());
- return result;
- }
- case AVRO_MAP:
- {
- ProductionPtr pp = doGenerate(n->leafAt(1), m);
- ProductionPtr v(new Production(*pp));
- v->push_back(Symbol::stringSymbol());
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::mapEndSymbol());
- result->push_back(Symbol::repeater(v, false));
- result->push_back(Symbol::mapStartSymbol());
- return result;
- }
- case AVRO_UNION:
- {
- vector<ProductionPtr> vv;
- size_t c = n->leaves();
- vv.reserve(c);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
- vv.push_back(doGenerate(n->leafAt(i), m));
- }
- ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
- result->push_back(Symbol::alternative(vv));
- result->push_back(Symbol::unionSymbol());
- return result;
- }
- {
- shared_ptr<NodeSymbolic> ns = static_pointer_cast<NodeSymbolic>(n);
- NodePtr nn = ns->getNode();
- map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>::iterator it =
- m.find(nn);
- if (it != m.end() && it->second) {
- return it->second;
- } else {
- m[nn] = ProductionPtr();
- return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::placeholder(nn));
- }
- }
- default:
- throw Exception("Unknown node type");
- }
-struct DummyHandler {
- size_t handle(const Symbol& s) {
- return 0;
- }
-template <typename P>
-class ValidatingDecoder : public Decoder {
- const shared_ptr<Decoder> base;
- DummyHandler handler_;
- P parser;
- void init(InputStream& is);
- void decodeNull();
- bool decodeBool();
- int32_t decodeInt();
- int64_t decodeLong();
- float decodeFloat();
- double decodeDouble();
- void decodeString(string& value);
- void skipString();
- void decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value);
- void skipBytes();
- void decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value);
- void skipFixed(size_t n);
- size_t decodeEnum();
- size_t arrayStart();
- size_t arrayNext();
- size_t skipArray();
- size_t mapStart();
- size_t mapNext();
- size_t skipMap();
- size_t decodeUnionIndex();
- void drain() {
- base->drain();
- }
- ValidatingDecoder(const ValidSchema& s, const shared_ptr<Decoder> b) :
- base(b),
- parser(ValidatingGrammarGenerator().generate(s), NULL, handler_) { }
-template <typename P>
-void ValidatingDecoder<P>::init(InputStream& is)
- base->init(is);
-template <typename P>
-void ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeNull()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sNull);
- base->decodeNull();
-template <typename P>
-bool ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeBool()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sBool);
- return base->decodeBool();
-template <typename P>
-int32_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeInt()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sInt);
- return base->decodeInt();
-template <typename P>
-int64_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeLong()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sLong);
- return base->decodeLong();
-template <typename P>
-float ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeFloat()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
- return base->decodeFloat();
-template <typename P>
-double ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeDouble()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
- return base->decodeDouble();
-template <typename P>
-void ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeString(string& value)
- parser.advance(Symbol::sString);
- base->decodeString(value);
-template <typename P>
-void ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipString()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sString);
- base->skipString();
-template <typename P>
-void ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value)
- parser.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
- base->decodeBytes(value);
-template <typename P>
-void ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipBytes()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
- base->skipBytes();
-template <typename P>
-void ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value)
- parser.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
- parser.assertSize(n);
- base->decodeFixed(n, value);
-template <typename P>
-void ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipFixed(size_t n)
- parser.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
- parser.assertSize(n);
- base->skipFixed(n);
-template <typename P>
-size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeEnum()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
- size_t result = base->decodeEnum();
- parser.assertLessThanSize(result);
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::arrayStart()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
- size_t result = base->arrayStart();
- parser.pushRepeatCount(result);
- if (result == 0) {
- parser.popRepeater();
- parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- }
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::arrayNext()
- size_t result = base->arrayNext();
- parser.nextRepeatCount(result);
- if (result == 0) {
- parser.popRepeater();
- parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- }
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipArray()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
- size_t n = base->skipArray();
- if (n == 0) {
- parser.pop();
- } else {
- parser.pushRepeatCount(n);
- parser.skip(*base);
- }
- parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- return 0;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::mapStart()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
- size_t result = base->mapStart();
- parser.pushRepeatCount(result);
- if (result == 0) {
- parser.popRepeater();
- parser.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- }
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::mapNext()
- size_t result = base->mapNext();
- parser.nextRepeatCount(result);
- if (result == 0) {
- parser.popRepeater();
- parser.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- }
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipMap()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
- size_t n = base->skipMap();
- if (n == 0) {
- parser.pop();
- } else {
- parser.pushRepeatCount(n);
- parser.skip(*base);
- }
- parser.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- return 0;
-template <typename P>
-size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeUnionIndex()
- parser.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
- size_t result = base->decodeUnionIndex();
- parser.selectBranch(result);
- return result;
-template <typename P>
-class ValidatingEncoder : public Encoder {
- DummyHandler handler_;
- P parser_;
- EncoderPtr base_;
- void init(OutputStream& os);
- void flush();
- int64_t byteCount() const;
- void encodeNull();
- void encodeBool(bool b);
- void encodeInt(int32_t i);
- void encodeLong(int64_t l);
- void encodeFloat(float f);
- void encodeDouble(double d);
- void encodeString(const std::string& s);
- void encodeBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
- void encodeFixed(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
- void encodeEnum(size_t e);
- void arrayStart();
- void arrayEnd();
- void mapStart();
- void mapEnd();
- void setItemCount(size_t count);
- void startItem();
- void encodeUnionIndex(size_t e);
- ValidatingEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema, const EncoderPtr& base) :
- parser_(ValidatingGrammarGenerator().generate(schema), NULL, handler_),
- base_(base) { }
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::init(OutputStream& os)
- base_->init(os);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::flush()
- base_->flush();
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeNull()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sNull);
- base_->encodeNull();
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeBool(bool b)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBool);
- base_->encodeBool(b);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeInt(int32_t i)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sInt);
- base_->encodeInt(i);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeLong(int64_t l)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sLong);
- base_->encodeLong(l);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeFloat(float f)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
- base_->encodeFloat(f);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeDouble(double d)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
- base_->encodeDouble(d);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeString(const std::string& s)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
- base_->encodeString(s);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
- base_->encodeBytes(bytes, len);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeFixed(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
- parser_.assertSize(len);
- base_->encodeFixed(bytes, len);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeEnum(size_t e)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
- parser_.assertLessThanSize(e);
- base_->encodeEnum(e);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::arrayStart()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
- base_->arrayStart();
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::arrayEnd()
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
- base_->arrayEnd();
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::mapStart()
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
- parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
- base_->mapStart();
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::mapEnd()
- parser_.popRepeater();
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
- base_->mapEnd();
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::setItemCount(size_t count)
- parser_.nextRepeatCount(count);
- base_->setItemCount(count);
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::startItem()
- if (parser_.top() != Symbol::sRepeater) {
- throw Exception("startItem at not an item boundary");
- }
- base_->startItem();
-template<typename P>
-void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeUnionIndex(size_t e)
- parser_.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
- parser_.selectBranch(e);
- base_->encodeUnionIndex(e);
-template<typename P>
-int64_t ValidatingEncoder<P>::byteCount() const
- return base_->byteCount();
-} // namespace parsing
-DecoderPtr validatingDecoder(const ValidSchema& s,
- const DecoderPtr& base)
- return make_shared<parsing::ValidatingDecoder<parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::DummyHandler> > >(s, base);
-EncoderPtr validatingEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema, const EncoderPtr& base)
- return make_shared<parsing::ValidatingEncoder<parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::DummyHandler> > >(schema, base);
-} // namespace avro
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "ValidatingCodec.hh"
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <boost/any.hpp>
+#include "ValidSchema.hh"
+#include "Decoder.hh"
+#include "Encoder.hh"
+#include "NodeImpl.hh"
+namespace avro {
+using std::make_shared;
+namespace parsing {
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::static_pointer_cast;
+using std::map;
+using std::vector;
+using std::pair;
+using std::string;
+using std::reverse;
+using std::ostringstream;
+/** Follows the design of Avro Parser in Java. */
+ProductionPtr ValidatingGrammarGenerator::generate(const NodePtr& n)
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> m;
+ ProductionPtr result = doGenerate(n, m);
+ fixup(result, m);
+ return result;
+Symbol ValidatingGrammarGenerator::generate(const ValidSchema& schema)
+ ProductionPtr r = generate(schema.root());
+ return Symbol::rootSymbol(r);
+ProductionPtr ValidatingGrammarGenerator::doGenerate(const NodePtr& n,
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m) {
+ switch (n->type()) {
+ case AVRO_NULL:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::nullSymbol());
+ case AVRO_BOOL:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::boolSymbol());
+ case AVRO_INT:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::intSymbol());
+ case AVRO_LONG:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::longSymbol());
+ case AVRO_FLOAT:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::floatSymbol());
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::doubleSymbol());
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::stringSymbol());
+ case AVRO_BYTES:
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::bytesSymbol());
+ case AVRO_FIXED:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::sizeCheckSymbol(n->fixedSize()));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::fixedSymbol());
+ m[n] = result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ {
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ m.erase(n);
+ size_t c = n->leaves();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
+ const NodePtr& leaf = n->leafAt(i);
+ ProductionPtr v = doGenerate(leaf, m);
+ copy(v->rbegin(), v->rend(), back_inserter(*result));
+ }
+ reverse(result->begin(), result->end());
+ m[n] = result;
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::indirect(result));
+ }
+ case AVRO_ENUM:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::sizeCheckSymbol(n->names()));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::enumSymbol());
+ m[n] = result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ case AVRO_ARRAY:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::arrayEndSymbol());
+ result->push_back(Symbol::repeater(doGenerate(n->leafAt(0), m), true));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::arrayStartSymbol());
+ return result;
+ }
+ case AVRO_MAP:
+ {
+ ProductionPtr pp = doGenerate(n->leafAt(1), m);
+ ProductionPtr v(new Production(*pp));
+ v->push_back(Symbol::stringSymbol());
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::mapEndSymbol());
+ result->push_back(Symbol::repeater(v, false));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::mapStartSymbol());
+ return result;
+ }
+ case AVRO_UNION:
+ {
+ vector<ProductionPtr> vv;
+ size_t c = n->leaves();
+ vv.reserve(c);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
+ vv.push_back(doGenerate(n->leafAt(i), m));
+ }
+ ProductionPtr result = make_shared<Production>();
+ result->push_back(Symbol::alternative(vv));
+ result->push_back(Symbol::unionSymbol());
+ return result;
+ }
+ {
+ shared_ptr<NodeSymbolic> ns = static_pointer_cast<NodeSymbolic>(n);
+ NodePtr nn = ns->getNode();
+ map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr>::iterator it =
+ m.find(nn);
+ if (it != m.end() && it->second) {
+ return it->second;
+ } else {
+ m[nn] = ProductionPtr();
+ return make_shared<Production>(1, Symbol::placeholder(nn));
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ throw Exception("Unknown node type");
+ }
+struct DummyHandler {
+ size_t handle(const Symbol& s) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+template <typename P>
+class ValidatingDecoder : public Decoder {
+ const shared_ptr<Decoder> base;
+ DummyHandler handler_;
+ P parser;
+ void init(InputStream& is);
+ void decodeNull();
+ bool decodeBool();
+ int32_t decodeInt();
+ int64_t decodeLong();
+ float decodeFloat();
+ double decodeDouble();
+ void decodeString(string& value);
+ void skipString();
+ void decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value);
+ void skipBytes();
+ void decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value);
+ void skipFixed(size_t n);
+ size_t decodeEnum();
+ size_t arrayStart();
+ size_t arrayNext();
+ size_t skipArray();
+ size_t mapStart();
+ size_t mapNext();
+ size_t skipMap();
+ size_t decodeUnionIndex();
+ void drain() {
+ base->drain();
+ }
+ ValidatingDecoder(const ValidSchema& s, const shared_ptr<Decoder> b) :
+ base(b),
+ parser(ValidatingGrammarGenerator().generate(s), NULL, handler_) { }
+template <typename P>
+void ValidatingDecoder<P>::init(InputStream& is)
+ base->init(is);
+template <typename P>
+void ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeNull()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sNull);
+ base->decodeNull();
+template <typename P>
+bool ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeBool()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sBool);
+ return base->decodeBool();
+template <typename P>
+int32_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeInt()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sInt);
+ return base->decodeInt();
+template <typename P>
+int64_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeLong()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sLong);
+ return base->decodeLong();
+template <typename P>
+float ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeFloat()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
+ return base->decodeFloat();
+template <typename P>
+double ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeDouble()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
+ return base->decodeDouble();
+template <typename P>
+void ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeString(string& value)
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sString);
+ base->decodeString(value);
+template <typename P>
+void ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipString()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sString);
+ base->skipString();
+template <typename P>
+void ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeBytes(vector<uint8_t>& value)
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
+ base->decodeBytes(value);
+template <typename P>
+void ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipBytes()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
+ base->skipBytes();
+template <typename P>
+void ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeFixed(size_t n, vector<uint8_t>& value)
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
+ parser.assertSize(n);
+ base->decodeFixed(n, value);
+template <typename P>
+void ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipFixed(size_t n)
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
+ parser.assertSize(n);
+ base->skipFixed(n);
+template <typename P>
+size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeEnum()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
+ size_t result = base->decodeEnum();
+ parser.assertLessThanSize(result);
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::arrayStart()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
+ size_t result = base->arrayStart();
+ parser.pushRepeatCount(result);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ parser.popRepeater();
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ }
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::arrayNext()
+ size_t result = base->arrayNext();
+ parser.nextRepeatCount(result);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ parser.popRepeater();
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ }
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipArray()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
+ size_t n = base->skipArray();
+ if (n == 0) {
+ parser.pop();
+ } else {
+ parser.pushRepeatCount(n);
+ parser.skip(*base);
+ }
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ return 0;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::mapStart()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
+ size_t result = base->mapStart();
+ parser.pushRepeatCount(result);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ parser.popRepeater();
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ }
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::mapNext()
+ size_t result = base->mapNext();
+ parser.nextRepeatCount(result);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ parser.popRepeater();
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ }
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::skipMap()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
+ size_t n = base->skipMap();
+ if (n == 0) {
+ parser.pop();
+ } else {
+ parser.pushRepeatCount(n);
+ parser.skip(*base);
+ }
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ return 0;
+template <typename P>
+size_t ValidatingDecoder<P>::decodeUnionIndex()
+ parser.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
+ size_t result = base->decodeUnionIndex();
+ parser.selectBranch(result);
+ return result;
+template <typename P>
+class ValidatingEncoder : public Encoder {
+ DummyHandler handler_;
+ P parser_;
+ EncoderPtr base_;
+ void init(OutputStream& os);
+ void flush();
+ int64_t byteCount() const;
+ void encodeNull();
+ void encodeBool(bool b);
+ void encodeInt(int32_t i);
+ void encodeLong(int64_t l);
+ void encodeFloat(float f);
+ void encodeDouble(double d);
+ void encodeString(const std::string& s);
+ void encodeBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
+ void encodeFixed(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
+ void encodeEnum(size_t e);
+ void arrayStart();
+ void arrayEnd();
+ void mapStart();
+ void mapEnd();
+ void setItemCount(size_t count);
+ void startItem();
+ void encodeUnionIndex(size_t e);
+ ValidatingEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema, const EncoderPtr& base) :
+ parser_(ValidatingGrammarGenerator().generate(schema), NULL, handler_),
+ base_(base) { }
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::init(OutputStream& os)
+ base_->init(os);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::flush()
+ base_->flush();
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeNull()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sNull);
+ base_->encodeNull();
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeBool(bool b)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBool);
+ base_->encodeBool(b);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeInt(int32_t i)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sInt);
+ base_->encodeInt(i);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeLong(int64_t l)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sLong);
+ base_->encodeLong(l);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeFloat(float f)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sFloat);
+ base_->encodeFloat(f);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeDouble(double d)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sDouble);
+ base_->encodeDouble(d);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeString(const std::string& s)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sString);
+ base_->encodeString(s);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sBytes);
+ base_->encodeBytes(bytes, len);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeFixed(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sFixed);
+ parser_.assertSize(len);
+ base_->encodeFixed(bytes, len);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeEnum(size_t e)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sEnum);
+ parser_.assertLessThanSize(e);
+ base_->encodeEnum(e);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::arrayStart()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayStart);
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
+ base_->arrayStart();
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::arrayEnd()
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sArrayEnd);
+ base_->arrayEnd();
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::mapStart()
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapStart);
+ parser_.pushRepeatCount(0);
+ base_->mapStart();
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::mapEnd()
+ parser_.popRepeater();
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sMapEnd);
+ base_->mapEnd();
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::setItemCount(size_t count)
+ parser_.nextRepeatCount(count);
+ base_->setItemCount(count);
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::startItem()
+ if (parser_.top() != Symbol::sRepeater) {
+ throw Exception("startItem at not an item boundary");
+ }
+ base_->startItem();
+template<typename P>
+void ValidatingEncoder<P>::encodeUnionIndex(size_t e)
+ parser_.advance(Symbol::sUnion);
+ parser_.selectBranch(e);
+ base_->encodeUnionIndex(e);
+template<typename P>
+int64_t ValidatingEncoder<P>::byteCount() const
+ return base_->byteCount();
+} // namespace parsing
+DecoderPtr validatingDecoder(const ValidSchema& s,
+ const DecoderPtr& base)
+ return make_shared<parsing::ValidatingDecoder<parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::DummyHandler> > >(s, base);
+EncoderPtr validatingEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema, const EncoderPtr& base)
+ return make_shared<parsing::ValidatingEncoder<parsing::SimpleParser<parsing::DummyHandler> > >(schema, base);
+} // namespace avro
diff --git a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ValidatingCodec.hh b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ValidatingCodec.hh
index 39ceda033e..b90b3ea64a 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ValidatingCodec.hh
+++ b/contrib/libs/apache/avro/impl/parsing/ValidatingCodec.hh
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef avro_parsing_ValidatingCodec_hh__
-#define avro_parsing_ValidatingCodec_hh__
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include "Symbol.hh"
-#include "ValidSchema.hh"
-#include "NodeImpl.hh"
-namespace avro {
-namespace parsing {
-class ValidatingGrammarGenerator {
- template<typename T>
- static void doFixup(Production& p, const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m);
- template<typename T>
- static void doFixup(Symbol &s, const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m);
- virtual ProductionPtr doGenerate(const NodePtr& n,
- std::map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m);
- ProductionPtr generate(const NodePtr& schema);
- Symbol generate(const ValidSchema& schema);
-} // namespace parsing
-} // namespace avro
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef avro_parsing_ValidatingCodec_hh__
+#define avro_parsing_ValidatingCodec_hh__
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "Symbol.hh"
+#include "ValidSchema.hh"
+#include "NodeImpl.hh"
+namespace avro {
+namespace parsing {
+class ValidatingGrammarGenerator {
+ template<typename T>
+ static void doFixup(Production& p, const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m);
+ template<typename T>
+ static void doFixup(Symbol &s, const std::map<T, ProductionPtr> &m);
+ virtual ProductionPtr doGenerate(const NodePtr& n,
+ std::map<NodePtr, ProductionPtr> &m);
+ ProductionPtr generate(const NodePtr& schema);
+ Symbol generate(const ValidSchema& schema);
+} // namespace parsing
+} // namespace avro