path: root/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings
diff options
authorDaniil Cherednik <dan.cherednik@gmail.com>2022-11-24 13:14:34 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dan.cherednik@gmail.com>2022-11-24 14:46:00 +0300
commit87f7fceed34bcafb8aaff351dd493a35c916986f (patch)
tree26809ec8f550aba8eb019e59adc3d48e51913eb2 /contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings
parent11bc4015b8010ae201bf3eb33db7dba425aca35e (diff)
Ydb stable 22-4-4322.4.43
x-stable-origin-commit: 8d49d46cc834835bf3e50870516acd7376a63bcf
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings')
7 files changed, 2220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/builder.go b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/builder.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba4df618bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/builder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package strings
+import (
+ "unicode/utf8"
+ "unsafe"
+// A Builder is used to efficiently build a string using Write methods.
+// It minimizes memory copying. The zero value is ready to use.
+// Do not copy a non-zero Builder.
+type Builder struct {
+ addr *Builder // of receiver, to detect copies by value
+ buf []byte
+// noescape hides a pointer from escape analysis. It is the identity function
+// but escape analysis doesn't think the output depends on the input.
+// noescape is inlined and currently compiles down to zero instructions.
+// This was copied from the runtime; see issues 23382 and 7921.
+func noescape(p unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
+ x := uintptr(p)
+ return unsafe.Pointer(x ^ 0)
+func (b *Builder) copyCheck() {
+ if b.addr == nil {
+ // This hack works around a failing of Go's escape analysis
+ // that was causing b to escape and be heap allocated.
+ // See issue 23382.
+ // TODO: once issue 7921 is fixed, this should be reverted to
+ // just "b.addr = b".
+ b.addr = (*Builder)(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(b)))
+ } else if b.addr != b {
+ panic("strings: illegal use of non-zero Builder copied by value")
+ }
+// String returns the accumulated string.
+func (b *Builder) String() string {
+ return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b.buf))
+// Len returns the number of accumulated bytes; b.Len() == len(b.String()).
+func (b *Builder) Len() int { return len(b.buf) }
+// Cap returns the capacity of the builder's underlying byte slice. It is the
+// total space allocated for the string being built and includes any bytes
+// already written.
+func (b *Builder) Cap() int { return cap(b.buf) }
+// Reset resets the Builder to be empty.
+func (b *Builder) Reset() {
+ b.addr = nil
+ b.buf = nil
+// grow copies the buffer to a new, larger buffer so that there are at least n
+// bytes of capacity beyond len(b.buf).
+func (b *Builder) grow(n int) {
+ buf := make([]byte, len(b.buf), 2*cap(b.buf)+n)
+ copy(buf, b.buf)
+ b.buf = buf
+// Grow grows b's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for
+// another n bytes. After Grow(n), at least n bytes can be written to b
+// without another allocation. If n is negative, Grow panics.
+func (b *Builder) Grow(n int) {
+ b.copyCheck()
+ if n < 0 {
+ panic("strings.Builder.Grow: negative count")
+ }
+ if cap(b.buf)-len(b.buf) < n {
+ b.grow(n)
+ }
+// Write appends the contents of p to b's buffer.
+// Write always returns len(p), nil.
+func (b *Builder) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
+ b.copyCheck()
+ b.buf = append(b.buf, p...)
+ return len(p), nil
+// WriteByte appends the byte c to b's buffer.
+// The returned error is always nil.
+func (b *Builder) WriteByte(c byte) error {
+ b.copyCheck()
+ b.buf = append(b.buf, c)
+ return nil
+// WriteRune appends the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode code point r to b's buffer.
+// It returns the length of r and a nil error.
+func (b *Builder) WriteRune(r rune) (int, error) {
+ b.copyCheck()
+ // Compare as uint32 to correctly handle negative runes.
+ if uint32(r) < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ b.buf = append(b.buf, byte(r))
+ return 1, nil
+ }
+ l := len(b.buf)
+ if cap(b.buf)-l < utf8.UTFMax {
+ b.grow(utf8.UTFMax)
+ }
+ n := utf8.EncodeRune(b.buf[l:l+utf8.UTFMax], r)
+ b.buf = b.buf[:l+n]
+ return n, nil
+// WriteString appends the contents of s to b's buffer.
+// It returns the length of s and a nil error.
+func (b *Builder) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
+ b.copyCheck()
+ b.buf = append(b.buf, s...)
+ return len(s), nil
diff --git a/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/clone.go b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/clone.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edd1497d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/clone.go
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package strings
+import (
+ "unsafe"
+// Clone returns a fresh copy of s.
+// It guarantees to make a copy of s into a new allocation,
+// which can be important when retaining only a small substring
+// of a much larger string. Using Clone can help such programs
+// use less memory. Of course, since using Clone makes a copy,
+// overuse of Clone can make programs use more memory.
+// Clone should typically be used only rarely, and only when
+// profiling indicates that it is needed.
+// For strings of length zero the string "" will be returned
+// and no allocation is made.
+func Clone(s string) string {
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ b := make([]byte, len(s))
+ copy(b, s)
+ return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
diff --git a/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/compare.go b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/compare.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bd4a243db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/compare.go
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package strings
+// Compare returns an integer comparing two strings lexicographically.
+// The result will be 0 if a == b, -1 if a < b, and +1 if a > b.
+// Compare is included only for symmetry with package bytes.
+// It is usually clearer and always faster to use the built-in
+// string comparison operators ==, <, >, and so on.
+func Compare(a, b string) int {
+ // NOTE(rsc): This function does NOT call the runtime cmpstring function,
+ // because we do not want to provide any performance justification for
+ // using strings.Compare. Basically no one should use strings.Compare.
+ // As the comment above says, it is here only for symmetry with package bytes.
+ // If performance is important, the compiler should be changed to recognize
+ // the pattern so that all code doing three-way comparisons, not just code
+ // using strings.Compare, can benefit.
+ if a == b {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if a < b {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return +1
diff --git a/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/reader.go b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/reader.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f069a62ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/reader.go
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package strings
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// A Reader implements the io.Reader, io.ReaderAt, io.ByteReader, io.ByteScanner,
+// io.RuneReader, io.RuneScanner, io.Seeker, and io.WriterTo interfaces by reading
+// from a string.
+// The zero value for Reader operates like a Reader of an empty string.
+type Reader struct {
+ s string
+ i int64 // current reading index
+ prevRune int // index of previous rune; or < 0
+// Len returns the number of bytes of the unread portion of the
+// string.
+func (r *Reader) Len() int {
+ if r.i >= int64(len(r.s)) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return int(int64(len(r.s)) - r.i)
+// Size returns the original length of the underlying string.
+// Size is the number of bytes available for reading via ReadAt.
+// The returned value is always the same and is not affected by calls
+// to any other method.
+func (r *Reader) Size() int64 { return int64(len(r.s)) }
+// Read implements the io.Reader interface.
+func (r *Reader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if r.i >= int64(len(r.s)) {
+ return 0, io.EOF
+ }
+ r.prevRune = -1
+ n = copy(b, r.s[r.i:])
+ r.i += int64(n)
+ return
+// ReadAt implements the io.ReaderAt interface.
+func (r *Reader) ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {
+ // cannot modify state - see io.ReaderAt
+ if off < 0 {
+ return 0, errors.New("strings.Reader.ReadAt: negative offset")
+ }
+ if off >= int64(len(r.s)) {
+ return 0, io.EOF
+ }
+ n = copy(b, r.s[off:])
+ if n < len(b) {
+ err = io.EOF
+ }
+ return
+// ReadByte implements the io.ByteReader interface.
+func (r *Reader) ReadByte() (byte, error) {
+ r.prevRune = -1
+ if r.i >= int64(len(r.s)) {
+ return 0, io.EOF
+ }
+ b := r.s[r.i]
+ r.i++
+ return b, nil
+// UnreadByte implements the io.ByteScanner interface.
+func (r *Reader) UnreadByte() error {
+ if r.i <= 0 {
+ return errors.New("strings.Reader.UnreadByte: at beginning of string")
+ }
+ r.prevRune = -1
+ r.i--
+ return nil
+// ReadRune implements the io.RuneReader interface.
+func (r *Reader) ReadRune() (ch rune, size int, err error) {
+ if r.i >= int64(len(r.s)) {
+ r.prevRune = -1
+ return 0, 0, io.EOF
+ }
+ r.prevRune = int(r.i)
+ if c := r.s[r.i]; c < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ r.i++
+ return rune(c), 1, nil
+ }
+ ch, size = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(r.s[r.i:])
+ r.i += int64(size)
+ return
+// UnreadRune implements the io.RuneScanner interface.
+func (r *Reader) UnreadRune() error {
+ if r.i <= 0 {
+ return errors.New("strings.Reader.UnreadRune: at beginning of string")
+ }
+ if r.prevRune < 0 {
+ return errors.New("strings.Reader.UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune")
+ }
+ r.i = int64(r.prevRune)
+ r.prevRune = -1
+ return nil
+// Seek implements the io.Seeker interface.
+func (r *Reader) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
+ r.prevRune = -1
+ var abs int64
+ switch whence {
+ case io.SeekStart:
+ abs = offset
+ case io.SeekCurrent:
+ abs = r.i + offset
+ case io.SeekEnd:
+ abs = int64(len(r.s)) + offset
+ default:
+ return 0, errors.New("strings.Reader.Seek: invalid whence")
+ }
+ if abs < 0 {
+ return 0, errors.New("strings.Reader.Seek: negative position")
+ }
+ r.i = abs
+ return abs, nil
+// WriteTo implements the io.WriterTo interface.
+func (r *Reader) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
+ r.prevRune = -1
+ if r.i >= int64(len(r.s)) {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ s := r.s[r.i:]
+ m, err := io.WriteString(w, s)
+ if m > len(s) {
+ panic("strings.Reader.WriteTo: invalid WriteString count")
+ }
+ r.i += int64(m)
+ n = int64(m)
+ if m != len(s) && err == nil {
+ err = io.ErrShortWrite
+ }
+ return
+// Reset resets the Reader to be reading from s.
+func (r *Reader) Reset(s string) { *r = Reader{s, 0, -1} }
+// NewReader returns a new Reader reading from s.
+// It is similar to bytes.NewBufferString but more efficient and read-only.
+func NewReader(s string) *Reader { return &Reader{s, 0, -1} }
diff --git a/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/replace.go b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/replace.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee728bb22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/replace.go
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package strings
+import (
+ "io"
+ "sync"
+// Replacer replaces a list of strings with replacements.
+// It is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
+type Replacer struct {
+ once sync.Once // guards buildOnce method
+ r replacer
+ oldnew []string
+// replacer is the interface that a replacement algorithm needs to implement.
+type replacer interface {
+ Replace(s string) string
+ WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error)
+// NewReplacer returns a new Replacer from a list of old, new string
+// pairs. Replacements are performed in the order they appear in the
+// target string, without overlapping matches. The old string
+// comparisons are done in argument order.
+// NewReplacer panics if given an odd number of arguments.
+func NewReplacer(oldnew ...string) *Replacer {
+ if len(oldnew)%2 == 1 {
+ panic("strings.NewReplacer: odd argument count")
+ }
+ return &Replacer{oldnew: append([]string(nil), oldnew...)}
+func (r *Replacer) buildOnce() {
+ r.r = r.build()
+ r.oldnew = nil
+func (b *Replacer) build() replacer {
+ oldnew := b.oldnew
+ if len(oldnew) == 2 && len(oldnew[0]) > 1 {
+ return makeSingleStringReplacer(oldnew[0], oldnew[1])
+ }
+ allNewBytes := true
+ for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {
+ if len(oldnew[i]) != 1 {
+ return makeGenericReplacer(oldnew)
+ }
+ if len(oldnew[i+1]) != 1 {
+ allNewBytes = false
+ }
+ }
+ if allNewBytes {
+ r := byteReplacer{}
+ for i := range r {
+ r[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ // The first occurrence of old->new map takes precedence
+ // over the others with the same old string.
+ for i := len(oldnew) - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2 {
+ o := oldnew[i][0]
+ n := oldnew[i+1][0]
+ r[o] = n
+ }
+ return &r
+ }
+ r := byteStringReplacer{toReplace: make([]string, 0, len(oldnew)/2)}
+ // The first occurrence of old->new map takes precedence
+ // over the others with the same old string.
+ for i := len(oldnew) - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2 {
+ o := oldnew[i][0]
+ n := oldnew[i+1]
+ // To avoid counting repetitions multiple times.
+ if r.replacements[o] == nil {
+ // We need to use string([]byte{o}) instead of string(o),
+ // to avoid utf8 encoding of o.
+ // E. g. byte(150) produces string of length 2.
+ r.toReplace = append(r.toReplace, string([]byte{o}))
+ }
+ r.replacements[o] = []byte(n)
+ }
+ return &r
+// Replace returns a copy of s with all replacements performed.
+func (r *Replacer) Replace(s string) string {
+ r.once.Do(r.buildOnce)
+ return r.r.Replace(s)
+// WriteString writes s to w with all replacements performed.
+func (r *Replacer) WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {
+ r.once.Do(r.buildOnce)
+ return r.r.WriteString(w, s)
+// trieNode is a node in a lookup trie for prioritized key/value pairs. Keys
+// and values may be empty. For example, the trie containing keys "ax", "ay",
+// "bcbc", "x" and "xy" could have eight nodes:
+// n0 -
+// n1 a-
+// n2 .x+
+// n3 .y+
+// n4 b-
+// n5 .cbc+
+// n6 x+
+// n7 .y+
+// n0 is the root node, and its children are n1, n4 and n6; n1's children are
+// n2 and n3; n4's child is n5; n6's child is n7. Nodes n0, n1 and n4 (marked
+// with a trailing "-") are partial keys, and nodes n2, n3, n5, n6 and n7
+// (marked with a trailing "+") are complete keys.
+type trieNode struct {
+ // value is the value of the trie node's key/value pair. It is empty if
+ // this node is not a complete key.
+ value string
+ // priority is the priority (higher is more important) of the trie node's
+ // key/value pair; keys are not necessarily matched shortest- or longest-
+ // first. Priority is positive if this node is a complete key, and zero
+ // otherwise. In the example above, positive/zero priorities are marked
+ // with a trailing "+" or "-".
+ priority int
+ // A trie node may have zero, one or more child nodes:
+ // * if the remaining fields are zero, there are no children.
+ // * if prefix and next are non-zero, there is one child in next.
+ // * if table is non-zero, it defines all the children.
+ //
+ // Prefixes are preferred over tables when there is one child, but the
+ // root node always uses a table for lookup efficiency.
+ // prefix is the difference in keys between this trie node and the next.
+ // In the example above, node n4 has prefix "cbc" and n4's next node is n5.
+ // Node n5 has no children and so has zero prefix, next and table fields.
+ prefix string
+ next *trieNode
+ // table is a lookup table indexed by the next byte in the key, after
+ // remapping that byte through genericReplacer.mapping to create a dense
+ // index. In the example above, the keys only use 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x' and
+ // 'y', which remap to 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. All other bytes remap to 5, and
+ // genericReplacer.tableSize will be 5. Node n0's table will be
+ // []*trieNode{ 0:n1, 1:n4, 3:n6 }, where the 0, 1 and 3 are the remapped
+ // 'a', 'b' and 'x'.
+ table []*trieNode
+func (t *trieNode) add(key, val string, priority int, r *genericReplacer) {
+ if key == "" {
+ if t.priority == 0 {
+ t.value = val
+ t.priority = priority
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if t.prefix != "" {
+ // Need to split the prefix among multiple nodes.
+ var n int // length of the longest common prefix
+ for ; n < len(t.prefix) && n < len(key); n++ {
+ if t.prefix[n] != key[n] {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if n == len(t.prefix) {
+ t.next.add(key[n:], val, priority, r)
+ } else if n == 0 {
+ // First byte differs, start a new lookup table here. Looking up
+ // what is currently t.prefix[0] will lead to prefixNode, and
+ // looking up key[0] will lead to keyNode.
+ var prefixNode *trieNode
+ if len(t.prefix) == 1 {
+ prefixNode = t.next
+ } else {
+ prefixNode = &trieNode{
+ prefix: t.prefix[1:],
+ next: t.next,
+ }
+ }
+ keyNode := new(trieNode)
+ t.table = make([]*trieNode, r.tableSize)
+ t.table[r.mapping[t.prefix[0]]] = prefixNode
+ t.table[r.mapping[key[0]]] = keyNode
+ t.prefix = ""
+ t.next = nil
+ keyNode.add(key[1:], val, priority, r)
+ } else {
+ // Insert new node after the common section of the prefix.
+ next := &trieNode{
+ prefix: t.prefix[n:],
+ next: t.next,
+ }
+ t.prefix = t.prefix[:n]
+ t.next = next
+ next.add(key[n:], val, priority, r)
+ }
+ } else if t.table != nil {
+ // Insert into existing table.
+ m := r.mapping[key[0]]
+ if t.table[m] == nil {
+ t.table[m] = new(trieNode)
+ }
+ t.table[m].add(key[1:], val, priority, r)
+ } else {
+ t.prefix = key
+ t.next = new(trieNode)
+ t.next.add("", val, priority, r)
+ }
+func (r *genericReplacer) lookup(s string, ignoreRoot bool) (val string, keylen int, found bool) {
+ // Iterate down the trie to the end, and grab the value and keylen with
+ // the highest priority.
+ bestPriority := 0
+ node := &r.root
+ n := 0
+ for node != nil {
+ if node.priority > bestPriority && !(ignoreRoot && node == &r.root) {
+ bestPriority = node.priority
+ val = node.value
+ keylen = n
+ found = true
+ }
+ if s == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ if node.table != nil {
+ index := r.mapping[s[0]]
+ if int(index) == r.tableSize {
+ break
+ }
+ node = node.table[index]
+ s = s[1:]
+ n++
+ } else if node.prefix != "" && HasPrefix(s, node.prefix) {
+ n += len(node.prefix)
+ s = s[len(node.prefix):]
+ node = node.next
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// genericReplacer is the fully generic algorithm.
+// It's used as a fallback when nothing faster can be used.
+type genericReplacer struct {
+ root trieNode
+ // tableSize is the size of a trie node's lookup table. It is the number
+ // of unique key bytes.
+ tableSize int
+ // mapping maps from key bytes to a dense index for trieNode.table.
+ mapping [256]byte
+func makeGenericReplacer(oldnew []string) *genericReplacer {
+ r := new(genericReplacer)
+ // Find each byte used, then assign them each an index.
+ for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {
+ key := oldnew[i]
+ for j := 0; j < len(key); j++ {
+ r.mapping[key[j]] = 1
+ }
+ }
+ for _, b := range r.mapping {
+ r.tableSize += int(b)
+ }
+ var index byte
+ for i, b := range r.mapping {
+ if b == 0 {
+ r.mapping[i] = byte(r.tableSize)
+ } else {
+ r.mapping[i] = index
+ index++
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensure root node uses a lookup table (for performance).
+ r.root.table = make([]*trieNode, r.tableSize)
+ for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {
+ r.root.add(oldnew[i], oldnew[i+1], len(oldnew)-i, r)
+ }
+ return r
+type appendSliceWriter []byte
+// Write writes to the buffer to satisfy io.Writer.
+func (w *appendSliceWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
+ *w = append(*w, p...)
+ return len(p), nil
+// WriteString writes to the buffer without string->[]byte->string allocations.
+func (w *appendSliceWriter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
+ *w = append(*w, s...)
+ return len(s), nil
+type stringWriter struct {
+ w io.Writer
+func (w stringWriter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
+ return w.w.Write([]byte(s))
+func getStringWriter(w io.Writer) io.StringWriter {
+ sw, ok := w.(io.StringWriter)
+ if !ok {
+ sw = stringWriter{w}
+ }
+ return sw
+func (r *genericReplacer) Replace(s string) string {
+ buf := make(appendSliceWriter, 0, len(s))
+ r.WriteString(&buf, s)
+ return string(buf)
+func (r *genericReplacer) WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {
+ sw := getStringWriter(w)
+ var last, wn int
+ var prevMatchEmpty bool
+ for i := 0; i <= len(s); {
+ // Fast path: s[i] is not a prefix of any pattern.
+ if i != len(s) && r.root.priority == 0 {
+ index := int(r.mapping[s[i]])
+ if index == r.tableSize || r.root.table[index] == nil {
+ i++
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ // Ignore the empty match iff the previous loop found the empty match.
+ val, keylen, match := r.lookup(s[i:], prevMatchEmpty)
+ prevMatchEmpty = match && keylen == 0
+ if match {
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(s[last:i])
+ n += wn
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(val)
+ n += wn
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ i += keylen
+ last = i
+ continue
+ }
+ i++
+ }
+ if last != len(s) {
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(s[last:])
+ n += wn
+ }
+ return
+// singleStringReplacer is the implementation that's used when there is only
+// one string to replace (and that string has more than one byte).
+type singleStringReplacer struct {
+ finder *stringFinder
+ // value is the new string that replaces that pattern when it's found.
+ value string
+func makeSingleStringReplacer(pattern string, value string) *singleStringReplacer {
+ return &singleStringReplacer{finder: makeStringFinder(pattern), value: value}
+func (r *singleStringReplacer) Replace(s string) string {
+ var buf Builder
+ i, matched := 0, false
+ for {
+ match := r.finder.next(s[i:])
+ if match == -1 {
+ break
+ }
+ matched = true
+ buf.Grow(match + len(r.value))
+ buf.WriteString(s[i : i+match])
+ buf.WriteString(r.value)
+ i += match + len(r.finder.pattern)
+ }
+ if !matched {
+ return s
+ }
+ buf.WriteString(s[i:])
+ return buf.String()
+func (r *singleStringReplacer) WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {
+ sw := getStringWriter(w)
+ var i, wn int
+ for {
+ match := r.finder.next(s[i:])
+ if match == -1 {
+ break
+ }
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(s[i : i+match])
+ n += wn
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(r.value)
+ n += wn
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ i += match + len(r.finder.pattern)
+ }
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(s[i:])
+ n += wn
+ return
+// byteReplacer is the implementation that's used when all the "old"
+// and "new" values are single ASCII bytes.
+// The array contains replacement bytes indexed by old byte.
+type byteReplacer [256]byte
+func (r *byteReplacer) Replace(s string) string {
+ var buf []byte // lazily allocated
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ b := s[i]
+ if r[b] != b {
+ if buf == nil {
+ buf = []byte(s)
+ }
+ buf[i] = r[b]
+ }
+ }
+ if buf == nil {
+ return s
+ }
+ return string(buf)
+func (r *byteReplacer) WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {
+ // TODO(bradfitz): use io.WriteString with slices of s, avoiding allocation.
+ bufsize := 32 << 10
+ if len(s) < bufsize {
+ bufsize = len(s)
+ }
+ buf := make([]byte, bufsize)
+ for len(s) > 0 {
+ ncopy := copy(buf, s)
+ s = s[ncopy:]
+ for i, b := range buf[:ncopy] {
+ buf[i] = r[b]
+ }
+ wn, err := w.Write(buf[:ncopy])
+ n += wn
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// byteStringReplacer is the implementation that's used when all the
+// "old" values are single ASCII bytes but the "new" values vary in size.
+type byteStringReplacer struct {
+ // replacements contains replacement byte slices indexed by old byte.
+ // A nil []byte means that the old byte should not be replaced.
+ replacements [256][]byte
+ // toReplace keeps a list of bytes to replace. Depending on length of toReplace
+ // and length of target string it may be faster to use Count, or a plain loop.
+ // We store single byte as a string, because Count takes a string.
+ toReplace []string
+// countCutOff controls the ratio of a string length to a number of replacements
+// at which (*byteStringReplacer).Replace switches algorithms.
+// For strings with higher ration of length to replacements than that value,
+// we call Count, for each replacement from toReplace.
+// For strings, with a lower ratio we use simple loop, because of Count overhead.
+// countCutOff is an empirically determined overhead multiplier.
+// TODO(tocarip) revisit once we have register-based abi/mid-stack inlining.
+const countCutOff = 8
+func (r *byteStringReplacer) Replace(s string) string {
+ newSize := len(s)
+ anyChanges := false
+ // Is it faster to use Count?
+ if len(r.toReplace)*countCutOff <= len(s) {
+ for _, x := range r.toReplace {
+ if c := Count(s, x); c != 0 {
+ // The -1 is because we are replacing 1 byte with len(replacements[b]) bytes.
+ newSize += c * (len(r.replacements[x[0]]) - 1)
+ anyChanges = true
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ b := s[i]
+ if r.replacements[b] != nil {
+ // See above for explanation of -1
+ newSize += len(r.replacements[b]) - 1
+ anyChanges = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !anyChanges {
+ return s
+ }
+ buf := make([]byte, newSize)
+ j := 0
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ b := s[i]
+ if r.replacements[b] != nil {
+ j += copy(buf[j:], r.replacements[b])
+ } else {
+ buf[j] = b
+ j++
+ }
+ }
+ return string(buf)
+func (r *byteStringReplacer) WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {
+ sw := getStringWriter(w)
+ last := 0
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ b := s[i]
+ if r.replacements[b] == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ if last != i {
+ nw, err := sw.WriteString(s[last:i])
+ n += nw
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ last = i + 1
+ nw, err := w.Write(r.replacements[b])
+ n += nw
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ if last != len(s) {
+ var nw int
+ nw, err = sw.WriteString(s[last:])
+ n += nw
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/search.go b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/search.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5bffbbfe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/search.go
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package strings
+// stringFinder efficiently finds strings in a source text. It's implemented
+// using the Boyer-Moore string search algorithm:
+// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyer-Moore_string_search_algorithm
+// https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~moore/publications/fstrpos.pdf (note: this aged
+// document uses 1-based indexing)
+type stringFinder struct {
+ // pattern is the string that we are searching for in the text.
+ pattern string
+ // badCharSkip[b] contains the distance between the last byte of pattern
+ // and the rightmost occurrence of b in pattern. If b is not in pattern,
+ // badCharSkip[b] is len(pattern).
+ //
+ // Whenever a mismatch is found with byte b in the text, we can safely
+ // shift the matching frame at least badCharSkip[b] until the next time
+ // the matching char could be in alignment.
+ badCharSkip [256]int
+ // goodSuffixSkip[i] defines how far we can shift the matching frame given
+ // that the suffix pattern[i+1:] matches, but the byte pattern[i] does
+ // not. There are two cases to consider:
+ //
+ // 1. The matched suffix occurs elsewhere in pattern (with a different
+ // byte preceding it that we might possibly match). In this case, we can
+ // shift the matching frame to align with the next suffix chunk. For
+ // example, the pattern "mississi" has the suffix "issi" next occurring
+ // (in right-to-left order) at index 1, so goodSuffixSkip[3] ==
+ // shift+len(suffix) == 3+4 == 7.
+ //
+ // 2. If the matched suffix does not occur elsewhere in pattern, then the
+ // matching frame may share part of its prefix with the end of the
+ // matching suffix. In this case, goodSuffixSkip[i] will contain how far
+ // to shift the frame to align this portion of the prefix to the
+ // suffix. For example, in the pattern "abcxxxabc", when the first
+ // mismatch from the back is found to be in position 3, the matching
+ // suffix "xxabc" is not found elsewhere in the pattern. However, its
+ // rightmost "abc" (at position 6) is a prefix of the whole pattern, so
+ // goodSuffixSkip[3] == shift+len(suffix) == 6+5 == 11.
+ goodSuffixSkip []int
+func makeStringFinder(pattern string) *stringFinder {
+ f := &stringFinder{
+ pattern: pattern,
+ goodSuffixSkip: make([]int, len(pattern)),
+ }
+ // last is the index of the last character in the pattern.
+ last := len(pattern) - 1
+ // Build bad character table.
+ // Bytes not in the pattern can skip one pattern's length.
+ for i := range f.badCharSkip {
+ f.badCharSkip[i] = len(pattern)
+ }
+ // The loop condition is < instead of <= so that the last byte does not
+ // have a zero distance to itself. Finding this byte out of place implies
+ // that it is not in the last position.
+ for i := 0; i < last; i++ {
+ f.badCharSkip[pattern[i]] = last - i
+ }
+ // Build good suffix table.
+ // First pass: set each value to the next index which starts a prefix of
+ // pattern.
+ lastPrefix := last
+ for i := last; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if HasPrefix(pattern, pattern[i+1:]) {
+ lastPrefix = i + 1
+ }
+ // lastPrefix is the shift, and (last-i) is len(suffix).
+ f.goodSuffixSkip[i] = lastPrefix + last - i
+ }
+ // Second pass: find repeats of pattern's suffix starting from the front.
+ for i := 0; i < last; i++ {
+ lenSuffix := longestCommonSuffix(pattern, pattern[1:i+1])
+ if pattern[i-lenSuffix] != pattern[last-lenSuffix] {
+ // (last-i) is the shift, and lenSuffix is len(suffix).
+ f.goodSuffixSkip[last-lenSuffix] = lenSuffix + last - i
+ }
+ }
+ return f
+func longestCommonSuffix(a, b string) (i int) {
+ for ; i < len(a) && i < len(b); i++ {
+ if a[len(a)-1-i] != b[len(b)-1-i] {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// next returns the index in text of the first occurrence of the pattern. If
+// the pattern is not found, it returns -1.
+func (f *stringFinder) next(text string) int {
+ i := len(f.pattern) - 1
+ for i < len(text) {
+ // Compare backwards from the end until the first unmatching character.
+ j := len(f.pattern) - 1
+ for j >= 0 && text[i] == f.pattern[j] {
+ i--
+ j--
+ }
+ if j < 0 {
+ return i + 1 // match
+ }
+ i += max(f.badCharSkip[text[i]], f.goodSuffixSkip[j])
+ }
+ return -1
+func max(a, b int) int {
+ if a > b {
+ return a
+ }
+ return b
diff --git a/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/strings.go b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/strings.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5793d9e26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/go/_std_1.18/src/strings/strings.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1186 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.
+// For information about UTF-8 strings in Go, see https://blog.golang.org/strings.
+package strings
+import (
+ "internal/bytealg"
+ "unicode"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// explode splits s into a slice of UTF-8 strings,
+// one string per Unicode character up to a maximum of n (n < 0 means no limit).
+// Invalid UTF-8 sequences become correct encodings of U+FFFD.
+func explode(s string, n int) []string {
+ l := utf8.RuneCountInString(s)
+ if n < 0 || n > l {
+ n = l
+ }
+ a := make([]string, n)
+ for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
+ ch, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
+ a[i] = s[:size]
+ s = s[size:]
+ if ch == utf8.RuneError {
+ a[i] = string(utf8.RuneError)
+ }
+ }
+ if n > 0 {
+ a[n-1] = s
+ }
+ return a
+// Count counts the number of non-overlapping instances of substr in s.
+// If substr is an empty string, Count returns 1 + the number of Unicode code points in s.
+func Count(s, substr string) int {
+ // special case
+ if len(substr) == 0 {
+ return utf8.RuneCountInString(s) + 1
+ }
+ if len(substr) == 1 {
+ return bytealg.CountString(s, substr[0])
+ }
+ n := 0
+ for {
+ i := Index(s, substr)
+ if i == -1 {
+ return n
+ }
+ n++
+ s = s[i+len(substr):]
+ }
+// Contains reports whether substr is within s.
+func Contains(s, substr string) bool {
+ return Index(s, substr) >= 0
+// ContainsAny reports whether any Unicode code points in chars are within s.
+func ContainsAny(s, chars string) bool {
+ return IndexAny(s, chars) >= 0
+// ContainsRune reports whether the Unicode code point r is within s.
+func ContainsRune(s string, r rune) bool {
+ return IndexRune(s, r) >= 0
+// LastIndex returns the index of the last instance of substr in s, or -1 if substr is not present in s.
+func LastIndex(s, substr string) int {
+ n := len(substr)
+ switch {
+ case n == 0:
+ return len(s)
+ case n == 1:
+ return LastIndexByte(s, substr[0])
+ case n == len(s):
+ if substr == s {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return -1
+ case n > len(s):
+ return -1
+ }
+ // Rabin-Karp search from the end of the string
+ hashss, pow := bytealg.HashStrRev(substr)
+ last := len(s) - n
+ var h uint32
+ for i := len(s) - 1; i >= last; i-- {
+ h = h*bytealg.PrimeRK + uint32(s[i])
+ }
+ if h == hashss && s[last:] == substr {
+ return last
+ }
+ for i := last - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ h *= bytealg.PrimeRK
+ h += uint32(s[i])
+ h -= pow * uint32(s[i+n])
+ if h == hashss && s[i:i+n] == substr {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+// IndexByte returns the index of the first instance of c in s, or -1 if c is not present in s.
+func IndexByte(s string, c byte) int {
+ return bytealg.IndexByteString(s, c)
+// IndexRune returns the index of the first instance of the Unicode code point
+// r, or -1 if rune is not present in s.
+// If r is utf8.RuneError, it returns the first instance of any
+// invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
+func IndexRune(s string, r rune) int {
+ switch {
+ case 0 <= r && r < utf8.RuneSelf:
+ return IndexByte(s, byte(r))
+ case r == utf8.RuneError:
+ for i, r := range s {
+ if r == utf8.RuneError {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+ case !utf8.ValidRune(r):
+ return -1
+ default:
+ return Index(s, string(r))
+ }
+// IndexAny returns the index of the first instance of any Unicode code point
+// from chars in s, or -1 if no Unicode code point from chars is present in s.
+func IndexAny(s, chars string) int {
+ if chars == "" {
+ // Avoid scanning all of s.
+ return -1
+ }
+ if len(chars) == 1 {
+ // Avoid scanning all of s.
+ r := rune(chars[0])
+ if r >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ r = utf8.RuneError
+ }
+ return IndexRune(s, r)
+ }
+ if len(s) > 8 {
+ if as, isASCII := makeASCIISet(chars); isASCII {
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ if as.contains(s[i]) {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ }
+ for i, c := range s {
+ if IndexRune(chars, c) >= 0 {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+// LastIndexAny returns the index of the last instance of any Unicode code
+// point from chars in s, or -1 if no Unicode code point from chars is
+// present in s.
+func LastIndexAny(s, chars string) int {
+ if chars == "" {
+ // Avoid scanning all of s.
+ return -1
+ }
+ if len(s) == 1 {
+ rc := rune(s[0])
+ if rc >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ rc = utf8.RuneError
+ }
+ if IndexRune(chars, rc) >= 0 {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ if len(s) > 8 {
+ if as, isASCII := makeASCIISet(chars); isASCII {
+ for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if as.contains(s[i]) {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ }
+ if len(chars) == 1 {
+ rc := rune(chars[0])
+ if rc >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ rc = utf8.RuneError
+ }
+ for i := len(s); i > 0; {
+ r, size := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(s[:i])
+ i -= size
+ if rc == r {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ for i := len(s); i > 0; {
+ r, size := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(s[:i])
+ i -= size
+ if IndexRune(chars, r) >= 0 {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+// LastIndexByte returns the index of the last instance of c in s, or -1 if c is not present in s.
+func LastIndexByte(s string, c byte) int {
+ for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if s[i] == c {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+// Generic split: splits after each instance of sep,
+// including sepSave bytes of sep in the subarrays.
+func genSplit(s, sep string, sepSave, n int) []string {
+ if n == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if sep == "" {
+ return explode(s, n)
+ }
+ if n < 0 {
+ n = Count(s, sep) + 1
+ }
+ a := make([]string, n)
+ n--
+ i := 0
+ for i < n {
+ m := Index(s, sep)
+ if m < 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ a[i] = s[:m+sepSave]
+ s = s[m+len(sep):]
+ i++
+ }
+ a[i] = s
+ return a[:i+1]
+// SplitN slices s into substrings separated by sep and returns a slice of
+// the substrings between those separators.
+// The count determines the number of substrings to return:
+// n > 0: at most n substrings; the last substring will be the unsplit remainder.
+// n == 0: the result is nil (zero substrings)
+// n < 0: all substrings
+// Edge cases for s and sep (for example, empty strings) are handled
+// as described in the documentation for Split.
+// To split around the first instance of a separator, see Cut.
+func SplitN(s, sep string, n int) []string { return genSplit(s, sep, 0, n) }
+// SplitAfterN slices s into substrings after each instance of sep and
+// returns a slice of those substrings.
+// The count determines the number of substrings to return:
+// n > 0: at most n substrings; the last substring will be the unsplit remainder.
+// n == 0: the result is nil (zero substrings)
+// n < 0: all substrings
+// Edge cases for s and sep (for example, empty strings) are handled
+// as described in the documentation for SplitAfter.
+func SplitAfterN(s, sep string, n int) []string {
+ return genSplit(s, sep, len(sep), n)
+// Split slices s into all substrings separated by sep and returns a slice of
+// the substrings between those separators.
+// If s does not contain sep and sep is not empty, Split returns a
+// slice of length 1 whose only element is s.
+// If sep is empty, Split splits after each UTF-8 sequence. If both s
+// and sep are empty, Split returns an empty slice.
+// It is equivalent to SplitN with a count of -1.
+// To split around the first instance of a separator, see Cut.
+func Split(s, sep string) []string { return genSplit(s, sep, 0, -1) }
+// SplitAfter slices s into all substrings after each instance of sep and
+// returns a slice of those substrings.
+// If s does not contain sep and sep is not empty, SplitAfter returns
+// a slice of length 1 whose only element is s.
+// If sep is empty, SplitAfter splits after each UTF-8 sequence. If
+// both s and sep are empty, SplitAfter returns an empty slice.
+// It is equivalent to SplitAfterN with a count of -1.
+func SplitAfter(s, sep string) []string {
+ return genSplit(s, sep, len(sep), -1)
+var asciiSpace = [256]uint8{'\t': 1, '\n': 1, '\v': 1, '\f': 1, '\r': 1, ' ': 1}
+// Fields splits the string s around each instance of one or more consecutive white space
+// characters, as defined by unicode.IsSpace, returning a slice of substrings of s or an
+// empty slice if s contains only white space.
+func Fields(s string) []string {
+ // First count the fields.
+ // This is an exact count if s is ASCII, otherwise it is an approximation.
+ n := 0
+ wasSpace := 1
+ // setBits is used to track which bits are set in the bytes of s.
+ setBits := uint8(0)
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ r := s[i]
+ setBits |= r
+ isSpace := int(asciiSpace[r])
+ n += wasSpace & ^isSpace
+ wasSpace = isSpace
+ }
+ if setBits >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ // Some runes in the input string are not ASCII.
+ return FieldsFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace)
+ }
+ // ASCII fast path
+ a := make([]string, n)
+ na := 0
+ fieldStart := 0
+ i := 0
+ // Skip spaces in the front of the input.
+ for i < len(s) && asciiSpace[s[i]] != 0 {
+ i++
+ }
+ fieldStart = i
+ for i < len(s) {
+ if asciiSpace[s[i]] == 0 {
+ i++
+ continue
+ }
+ a[na] = s[fieldStart:i]
+ na++
+ i++
+ // Skip spaces in between fields.
+ for i < len(s) && asciiSpace[s[i]] != 0 {
+ i++
+ }
+ fieldStart = i
+ }
+ if fieldStart < len(s) { // Last field might end at EOF.
+ a[na] = s[fieldStart:]
+ }
+ return a
+// FieldsFunc splits the string s at each run of Unicode code points c satisfying f(c)
+// and returns an array of slices of s. If all code points in s satisfy f(c) or the
+// string is empty, an empty slice is returned.
+// FieldsFunc makes no guarantees about the order in which it calls f(c)
+// and assumes that f always returns the same value for a given c.
+func FieldsFunc(s string, f func(rune) bool) []string {
+ // A span is used to record a slice of s of the form s[start:end].
+ // The start index is inclusive and the end index is exclusive.
+ type span struct {
+ start int
+ end int
+ }
+ spans := make([]span, 0, 32)
+ // Find the field start and end indices.
+ // Doing this in a separate pass (rather than slicing the string s
+ // and collecting the result substrings right away) is significantly
+ // more efficient, possibly due to cache effects.
+ start := -1 // valid span start if >= 0
+ for end, rune := range s {
+ if f(rune) {
+ if start >= 0 {
+ spans = append(spans, span{start, end})
+ // Set start to a negative value.
+ // Note: using -1 here consistently and reproducibly
+ // slows down this code by a several percent on amd64.
+ start = ^start
+ }
+ } else {
+ if start < 0 {
+ start = end
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Last field might end at EOF.
+ if start >= 0 {
+ spans = append(spans, span{start, len(s)})
+ }
+ // Create strings from recorded field indices.
+ a := make([]string, len(spans))
+ for i, span := range spans {
+ a[i] = s[span.start:span.end]
+ }
+ return a
+// Join concatenates the elements of its first argument to create a single string. The separator
+// string sep is placed between elements in the resulting string.
+func Join(elems []string, sep string) string {
+ switch len(elems) {
+ case 0:
+ return ""
+ case 1:
+ return elems[0]
+ }
+ n := len(sep) * (len(elems) - 1)
+ for i := 0; i < len(elems); i++ {
+ n += len(elems[i])
+ }
+ var b Builder
+ b.Grow(n)
+ b.WriteString(elems[0])
+ for _, s := range elems[1:] {
+ b.WriteString(sep)
+ b.WriteString(s)
+ }
+ return b.String()
+// HasPrefix tests whether the string s begins with prefix.
+func HasPrefix(s, prefix string) bool {
+ return len(s) >= len(prefix) && s[0:len(prefix)] == prefix
+// HasSuffix tests whether the string s ends with suffix.
+func HasSuffix(s, suffix string) bool {
+ return len(s) >= len(suffix) && s[len(s)-len(suffix):] == suffix
+// Map returns a copy of the string s with all its characters modified
+// according to the mapping function. If mapping returns a negative value, the character is
+// dropped from the string with no replacement.
+func Map(mapping func(rune) rune, s string) string {
+ // In the worst case, the string can grow when mapped, making
+ // things unpleasant. But it's so rare we barge in assuming it's
+ // fine. It could also shrink but that falls out naturally.
+ // The output buffer b is initialized on demand, the first
+ // time a character differs.
+ var b Builder
+ for i, c := range s {
+ r := mapping(c)
+ if r == c && c != utf8.RuneError {
+ continue
+ }
+ var width int
+ if c == utf8.RuneError {
+ c, width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+ if width != 1 && r == c {
+ continue
+ }
+ } else {
+ width = utf8.RuneLen(c)
+ }
+ b.Grow(len(s) + utf8.UTFMax)
+ b.WriteString(s[:i])
+ if r >= 0 {
+ b.WriteRune(r)
+ }
+ s = s[i+width:]
+ break
+ }
+ // Fast path for unchanged input
+ if b.Cap() == 0 { // didn't call b.Grow above
+ return s
+ }
+ for _, c := range s {
+ r := mapping(c)
+ if r >= 0 {
+ // common case
+ // Due to inlining, it is more performant to determine if WriteByte should be
+ // invoked rather than always call WriteRune
+ if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ b.WriteByte(byte(r))
+ } else {
+ // r is not a ASCII rune.
+ b.WriteRune(r)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return b.String()
+// Repeat returns a new string consisting of count copies of the string s.
+// It panics if count is negative or if
+// the result of (len(s) * count) overflows.
+func Repeat(s string, count int) string {
+ if count == 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ // Since we cannot return an error on overflow,
+ // we should panic if the repeat will generate
+ // an overflow.
+ // See Issue golang.org/issue/16237
+ if count < 0 {
+ panic("strings: negative Repeat count")
+ } else if len(s)*count/count != len(s) {
+ panic("strings: Repeat count causes overflow")
+ }
+ n := len(s) * count
+ var b Builder
+ b.Grow(n)
+ b.WriteString(s)
+ for b.Len() < n {
+ if b.Len() <= n/2 {
+ b.WriteString(b.String())
+ } else {
+ b.WriteString(b.String()[:n-b.Len()])
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return b.String()
+// ToUpper returns s with all Unicode letters mapped to their upper case.
+func ToUpper(s string) string {
+ isASCII, hasLower := true, false
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ c := s[i]
+ if c >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ isASCII = false
+ break
+ }
+ hasLower = hasLower || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z')
+ }
+ if isASCII { // optimize for ASCII-only strings.
+ if !hasLower {
+ return s
+ }
+ var b Builder
+ b.Grow(len(s))
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ c := s[i]
+ if 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' {
+ c -= 'a' - 'A'
+ }
+ b.WriteByte(c)
+ }
+ return b.String()
+ }
+ return Map(unicode.ToUpper, s)
+// ToLower returns s with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case.
+func ToLower(s string) string {
+ isASCII, hasUpper := true, false
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ c := s[i]
+ if c >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ isASCII = false
+ break
+ }
+ hasUpper = hasUpper || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
+ }
+ if isASCII { // optimize for ASCII-only strings.
+ if !hasUpper {
+ return s
+ }
+ var b Builder
+ b.Grow(len(s))
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ c := s[i]
+ if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' {
+ c += 'a' - 'A'
+ }
+ b.WriteByte(c)
+ }
+ return b.String()
+ }
+ return Map(unicode.ToLower, s)
+// ToTitle returns a copy of the string s with all Unicode letters mapped to
+// their Unicode title case.
+func ToTitle(s string) string { return Map(unicode.ToTitle, s) }
+// ToUpperSpecial returns a copy of the string s with all Unicode letters mapped to their
+// upper case using the case mapping specified by c.
+func ToUpperSpecial(c unicode.SpecialCase, s string) string {
+ return Map(c.ToUpper, s)
+// ToLowerSpecial returns a copy of the string s with all Unicode letters mapped to their
+// lower case using the case mapping specified by c.
+func ToLowerSpecial(c unicode.SpecialCase, s string) string {
+ return Map(c.ToLower, s)
+// ToTitleSpecial returns a copy of the string s with all Unicode letters mapped to their
+// Unicode title case, giving priority to the special casing rules.
+func ToTitleSpecial(c unicode.SpecialCase, s string) string {
+ return Map(c.ToTitle, s)
+// ToValidUTF8 returns a copy of the string s with each run of invalid UTF-8 byte sequences
+// replaced by the replacement string, which may be empty.
+func ToValidUTF8(s, replacement string) string {
+ var b Builder
+ for i, c := range s {
+ if c != utf8.RuneError {
+ continue
+ }
+ _, wid := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+ if wid == 1 {
+ b.Grow(len(s) + len(replacement))
+ b.WriteString(s[:i])
+ s = s[i:]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // Fast path for unchanged input
+ if b.Cap() == 0 { // didn't call b.Grow above
+ return s
+ }
+ invalid := false // previous byte was from an invalid UTF-8 sequence
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); {
+ c := s[i]
+ if c < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ i++
+ invalid = false
+ b.WriteByte(c)
+ continue
+ }
+ _, wid := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+ if wid == 1 {
+ i++
+ if !invalid {
+ invalid = true
+ b.WriteString(replacement)
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ invalid = false
+ b.WriteString(s[i : i+wid])
+ i += wid
+ }
+ return b.String()
+// isSeparator reports whether the rune could mark a word boundary.
+// TODO: update when package unicode captures more of the properties.
+func isSeparator(r rune) bool {
+ // ASCII alphanumerics and underscore are not separators
+ if r <= 0x7F {
+ switch {
+ case '0' <= r && r <= '9':
+ return false
+ case 'a' <= r && r <= 'z':
+ return false
+ case 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z':
+ return false
+ case r == '_':
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ // Letters and digits are not separators
+ if unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Otherwise, all we can do for now is treat spaces as separators.
+ return unicode.IsSpace(r)
+// Title returns a copy of the string s with all Unicode letters that begin words
+// mapped to their Unicode title case.
+// Deprecated: The rule Title uses for word boundaries does not handle Unicode
+// punctuation properly. Use golang.org/x/text/cases instead.
+func Title(s string) string {
+ // Use a closure here to remember state.
+ // Hackish but effective. Depends on Map scanning in order and calling
+ // the closure once per rune.
+ prev := ' '
+ return Map(
+ func(r rune) rune {
+ if isSeparator(prev) {
+ prev = r
+ return unicode.ToTitle(r)
+ }
+ prev = r
+ return r
+ },
+ s)
+// TrimLeftFunc returns a slice of the string s with all leading
+// Unicode code points c satisfying f(c) removed.
+func TrimLeftFunc(s string, f func(rune) bool) string {
+ i := indexFunc(s, f, false)
+ if i == -1 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return s[i:]
+// TrimRightFunc returns a slice of the string s with all trailing
+// Unicode code points c satisfying f(c) removed.
+func TrimRightFunc(s string, f func(rune) bool) string {
+ i := lastIndexFunc(s, f, false)
+ if i >= 0 && s[i] >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ _, wid := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+ i += wid
+ } else {
+ i++
+ }
+ return s[0:i]
+// TrimFunc returns a slice of the string s with all leading
+// and trailing Unicode code points c satisfying f(c) removed.
+func TrimFunc(s string, f func(rune) bool) string {
+ return TrimRightFunc(TrimLeftFunc(s, f), f)
+// IndexFunc returns the index into s of the first Unicode
+// code point satisfying f(c), or -1 if none do.
+func IndexFunc(s string, f func(rune) bool) int {
+ return indexFunc(s, f, true)
+// LastIndexFunc returns the index into s of the last
+// Unicode code point satisfying f(c), or -1 if none do.
+func LastIndexFunc(s string, f func(rune) bool) int {
+ return lastIndexFunc(s, f, true)
+// indexFunc is the same as IndexFunc except that if
+// truth==false, the sense of the predicate function is
+// inverted.
+func indexFunc(s string, f func(rune) bool, truth bool) int {
+ for i, r := range s {
+ if f(r) == truth {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+// lastIndexFunc is the same as LastIndexFunc except that if
+// truth==false, the sense of the predicate function is
+// inverted.
+func lastIndexFunc(s string, f func(rune) bool, truth bool) int {
+ for i := len(s); i > 0; {
+ r, size := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(s[0:i])
+ i -= size
+ if f(r) == truth {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+// asciiSet is a 32-byte value, where each bit represents the presence of a
+// given ASCII character in the set. The 128-bits of the lower 16 bytes,
+// starting with the least-significant bit of the lowest word to the
+// most-significant bit of the highest word, map to the full range of all
+// 128 ASCII characters. The 128-bits of the upper 16 bytes will be zeroed,
+// ensuring that any non-ASCII character will be reported as not in the set.
+// This allocates a total of 32 bytes even though the upper half
+// is unused to avoid bounds checks in asciiSet.contains.
+type asciiSet [8]uint32
+// makeASCIISet creates a set of ASCII characters and reports whether all
+// characters in chars are ASCII.
+func makeASCIISet(chars string) (as asciiSet, ok bool) {
+ for i := 0; i < len(chars); i++ {
+ c := chars[i]
+ if c >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ return as, false
+ }
+ as[c/32] |= 1 << (c % 32)
+ }
+ return as, true
+// contains reports whether c is inside the set.
+func (as *asciiSet) contains(c byte) bool {
+ return (as[c/32] & (1 << (c % 32))) != 0
+// Trim returns a slice of the string s with all leading and
+// trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed.
+func Trim(s, cutset string) string {
+ if s == "" || cutset == "" {
+ return s
+ }
+ if len(cutset) == 1 && cutset[0] < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ return trimLeftByte(trimRightByte(s, cutset[0]), cutset[0])
+ }
+ if as, ok := makeASCIISet(cutset); ok {
+ return trimLeftASCII(trimRightASCII(s, &as), &as)
+ }
+ return trimLeftUnicode(trimRightUnicode(s, cutset), cutset)
+// TrimLeft returns a slice of the string s with all leading
+// Unicode code points contained in cutset removed.
+// To remove a prefix, use TrimPrefix instead.
+func TrimLeft(s, cutset string) string {
+ if s == "" || cutset == "" {
+ return s
+ }
+ if len(cutset) == 1 && cutset[0] < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ return trimLeftByte(s, cutset[0])
+ }
+ if as, ok := makeASCIISet(cutset); ok {
+ return trimLeftASCII(s, &as)
+ }
+ return trimLeftUnicode(s, cutset)
+func trimLeftByte(s string, c byte) string {
+ for len(s) > 0 && s[0] == c {
+ s = s[1:]
+ }
+ return s
+func trimLeftASCII(s string, as *asciiSet) string {
+ for len(s) > 0 {
+ if !as.contains(s[0]) {
+ break
+ }
+ s = s[1:]
+ }
+ return s
+func trimLeftUnicode(s, cutset string) string {
+ for len(s) > 0 {
+ r, n := rune(s[0]), 1
+ if r >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ r, n = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
+ }
+ if !ContainsRune(cutset, r) {
+ break
+ }
+ s = s[n:]
+ }
+ return s
+// TrimRight returns a slice of the string s, with all trailing
+// Unicode code points contained in cutset removed.
+// To remove a suffix, use TrimSuffix instead.
+func TrimRight(s, cutset string) string {
+ if s == "" || cutset == "" {
+ return s
+ }
+ if len(cutset) == 1 && cutset[0] < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ return trimRightByte(s, cutset[0])
+ }
+ if as, ok := makeASCIISet(cutset); ok {
+ return trimRightASCII(s, &as)
+ }
+ return trimRightUnicode(s, cutset)
+func trimRightByte(s string, c byte) string {
+ for len(s) > 0 && s[len(s)-1] == c {
+ s = s[:len(s)-1]
+ }
+ return s
+func trimRightASCII(s string, as *asciiSet) string {
+ for len(s) > 0 {
+ if !as.contains(s[len(s)-1]) {
+ break
+ }
+ s = s[:len(s)-1]
+ }
+ return s
+func trimRightUnicode(s, cutset string) string {
+ for len(s) > 0 {
+ r, n := rune(s[len(s)-1]), 1
+ if r >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ r, n = utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(s)
+ }
+ if !ContainsRune(cutset, r) {
+ break
+ }
+ s = s[:len(s)-n]
+ }
+ return s
+// TrimSpace returns a slice of the string s, with all leading
+// and trailing white space removed, as defined by Unicode.
+func TrimSpace(s string) string {
+ // Fast path for ASCII: look for the first ASCII non-space byte
+ start := 0
+ for ; start < len(s); start++ {
+ c := s[start]
+ if c >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ // If we run into a non-ASCII byte, fall back to the
+ // slower unicode-aware method on the remaining bytes
+ return TrimFunc(s[start:], unicode.IsSpace)
+ }
+ if asciiSpace[c] == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // Now look for the first ASCII non-space byte from the end
+ stop := len(s)
+ for ; stop > start; stop-- {
+ c := s[stop-1]
+ if c >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ return TrimFunc(s[start:stop], unicode.IsSpace)
+ }
+ if asciiSpace[c] == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // At this point s[start:stop] starts and ends with an ASCII
+ // non-space bytes, so we're done. Non-ASCII cases have already
+ // been handled above.
+ return s[start:stop]
+// TrimPrefix returns s without the provided leading prefix string.
+// If s doesn't start with prefix, s is returned unchanged.
+func TrimPrefix(s, prefix string) string {
+ if HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
+ return s[len(prefix):]
+ }
+ return s
+// TrimSuffix returns s without the provided trailing suffix string.
+// If s doesn't end with suffix, s is returned unchanged.
+func TrimSuffix(s, suffix string) string {
+ if HasSuffix(s, suffix) {
+ return s[:len(s)-len(suffix)]
+ }
+ return s
+// Replace returns a copy of the string s with the first n
+// non-overlapping instances of old replaced by new.
+// If old is empty, it matches at the beginning of the string
+// and after each UTF-8 sequence, yielding up to k+1 replacements
+// for a k-rune string.
+// If n < 0, there is no limit on the number of replacements.
+func Replace(s, old, new string, n int) string {
+ if old == new || n == 0 {
+ return s // avoid allocation
+ }
+ // Compute number of replacements.
+ if m := Count(s, old); m == 0 {
+ return s // avoid allocation
+ } else if n < 0 || m < n {
+ n = m
+ }
+ // Apply replacements to buffer.
+ var b Builder
+ b.Grow(len(s) + n*(len(new)-len(old)))
+ start := 0
+ for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+ j := start
+ if len(old) == 0 {
+ if i > 0 {
+ _, wid := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[start:])
+ j += wid
+ }
+ } else {
+ j += Index(s[start:], old)
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[start:j])
+ b.WriteString(new)
+ start = j + len(old)
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[start:])
+ return b.String()
+// ReplaceAll returns a copy of the string s with all
+// non-overlapping instances of old replaced by new.
+// If old is empty, it matches at the beginning of the string
+// and after each UTF-8 sequence, yielding up to k+1 replacements
+// for a k-rune string.
+func ReplaceAll(s, old, new string) string {
+ return Replace(s, old, new, -1)
+// EqualFold reports whether s and t, interpreted as UTF-8 strings,
+// are equal under Unicode case-folding, which is a more general
+// form of case-insensitivity.
+func EqualFold(s, t string) bool {
+ for s != "" && t != "" {
+ // Extract first rune from each string.
+ var sr, tr rune
+ if s[0] < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ sr, s = rune(s[0]), s[1:]
+ } else {
+ r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
+ sr, s = r, s[size:]
+ }
+ if t[0] < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ tr, t = rune(t[0]), t[1:]
+ } else {
+ r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(t)
+ tr, t = r, t[size:]
+ }
+ // If they match, keep going; if not, return false.
+ // Easy case.
+ if tr == sr {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Make sr < tr to simplify what follows.
+ if tr < sr {
+ tr, sr = sr, tr
+ }
+ // Fast check for ASCII.
+ if tr < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ // ASCII only, sr/tr must be upper/lower case
+ if 'A' <= sr && sr <= 'Z' && tr == sr+'a'-'A' {
+ continue
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ // General case. SimpleFold(x) returns the next equivalent rune > x
+ // or wraps around to smaller values.
+ r := unicode.SimpleFold(sr)
+ for r != sr && r < tr {
+ r = unicode.SimpleFold(r)
+ }
+ if r == tr {
+ continue
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ // One string is empty. Are both?
+ return s == t
+// Index returns the index of the first instance of substr in s, or -1 if substr is not present in s.
+func Index(s, substr string) int {
+ n := len(substr)
+ switch {
+ case n == 0:
+ return 0
+ case n == 1:
+ return IndexByte(s, substr[0])
+ case n == len(s):
+ if substr == s {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return -1
+ case n > len(s):
+ return -1
+ case n <= bytealg.MaxLen:
+ // Use brute force when s and substr both are small
+ if len(s) <= bytealg.MaxBruteForce {
+ return bytealg.IndexString(s, substr)
+ }
+ c0 := substr[0]
+ c1 := substr[1]
+ i := 0
+ t := len(s) - n + 1
+ fails := 0
+ for i < t {
+ if s[i] != c0 {
+ // IndexByte is faster than bytealg.IndexString, so use it as long as
+ // we're not getting lots of false positives.
+ o := IndexByte(s[i+1:t], c0)
+ if o < 0 {
+ return -1
+ }
+ i += o + 1
+ }
+ if s[i+1] == c1 && s[i:i+n] == substr {
+ return i
+ }
+ fails++
+ i++
+ // Switch to bytealg.IndexString when IndexByte produces too many false positives.
+ if fails > bytealg.Cutover(i) {
+ r := bytealg.IndexString(s[i:], substr)
+ if r >= 0 {
+ return r + i
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ c0 := substr[0]
+ c1 := substr[1]
+ i := 0
+ t := len(s) - n + 1
+ fails := 0
+ for i < t {
+ if s[i] != c0 {
+ o := IndexByte(s[i+1:t], c0)
+ if o < 0 {
+ return -1
+ }
+ i += o + 1
+ }
+ if s[i+1] == c1 && s[i:i+n] == substr {
+ return i
+ }
+ i++
+ fails++
+ if fails >= 4+i>>4 && i < t {
+ // See comment in ../bytes/bytes.go.
+ j := bytealg.IndexRabinKarp(s[i:], substr)
+ if j < 0 {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return i + j
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+// Cut slices s around the first instance of sep,
+// returning the text before and after sep.
+// The found result reports whether sep appears in s.
+// If sep does not appear in s, cut returns s, "", false.
+func Cut(s, sep string) (before, after string, found bool) {
+ if i := Index(s, sep); i >= 0 {
+ return s[:i], s[i+len(sep):], true
+ }
+ return s, "", false