path: root/build/plugins
diff options
authorsnermolaev <snermolaev@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:53 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:53 +0300
commit7353a3fdea9c67c256980c00a2b3b67f09b23a27 (patch)
tree1a2c5ffcf89eb53ecd79dbc9bc0a195c27404d0c /build/plugins
parent2015790ac9fcc04caab83fccc23ab2460310a797 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <snermolaev@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'build/plugins')
8 files changed, 358 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/build/plugins/copy_files_to_build_prefix.py b/build/plugins/copy_files_to_build_prefix.py
index 6b041ae797..c8a6e07511 100644
--- a/build/plugins/copy_files_to_build_prefix.py
+++ b/build/plugins/copy_files_to_build_prefix.py
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-from _common import sort_by_keywords
-def oncopy_files_to_build_prefix(unit, *args):
- keywords = {'PREFIX': 1, 'GLOBAL': 0}
- # NB! keyword 'GLOBAL' is a way to skip this word from the list of files
- flat_args, spec_args = sort_by_keywords(keywords, args)
- prefix = spec_args['PREFIX'][0] if 'PREFIX' in spec_args else ''
- if len(prefix) > 0:
- build_prefix = '/'.join([BUILD_ROOT, prefix])
- else:
- build_prefix = BUILD_ROOT
- for arg in flat_args:
- if arg.startswith(build_prefix):
- # nothing to do
- pass
- elif len(prefix) > 0 and arg.startswith(BUILD_ROOT):
- unit.oncopy_file([arg, '{}/{}'.format(build_prefix, arg[len(BUILD_ROOT):])])
- elif arg.startswith(SOURCE_ROOT):
- unit.oncopy_file([arg, '{}/{}'.format(build_prefix, arg[len(SOURCE_ROOT):])])
- else:
- offset = 0
- if arg.startswith(BINDIR):
- offset = len(BINDIR)
- elif arg.startswith(CURDIR):
- offset = len(CURDIR)
- unit.oncopy_file([arg, '{}/{}/{}'.format(build_prefix, unit.get(['MODDIR']), arg[offset:])])
+from _common import sort_by_keywords
+def oncopy_files_to_build_prefix(unit, *args):
+ keywords = {'PREFIX': 1, 'GLOBAL': 0}
+ # NB! keyword 'GLOBAL' is a way to skip this word from the list of files
+ flat_args, spec_args = sort_by_keywords(keywords, args)
+ prefix = spec_args['PREFIX'][0] if 'PREFIX' in spec_args else ''
+ if len(prefix) > 0:
+ build_prefix = '/'.join([BUILD_ROOT, prefix])
+ else:
+ build_prefix = BUILD_ROOT
+ for arg in flat_args:
+ if arg.startswith(build_prefix):
+ # nothing to do
+ pass
+ elif len(prefix) > 0 and arg.startswith(BUILD_ROOT):
+ unit.oncopy_file([arg, '{}/{}'.format(build_prefix, arg[len(BUILD_ROOT):])])
+ elif arg.startswith(SOURCE_ROOT):
+ unit.oncopy_file([arg, '{}/{}'.format(build_prefix, arg[len(SOURCE_ROOT):])])
+ else:
+ offset = 0
+ if arg.startswith(BINDIR):
+ offset = len(BINDIR)
+ elif arg.startswith(CURDIR):
+ offset = len(CURDIR)
+ unit.oncopy_file([arg, '{}/{}/{}'.format(build_prefix, unit.get(['MODDIR']), arg[offset:])])
diff --git a/build/plugins/docs.py b/build/plugins/docs.py
index d656ec876d..760fe3af7f 100644
--- a/build/plugins/docs.py
+++ b/build/plugins/docs.py
@@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ def macro_calls_to_dict(unit, calls):
def onprocess_docs(unit, *args):
- build_tool = unit.get('_DOCS_BUILDER_VALUE')
- if build_tool:
- if build_tool not in ['mkdocs', 'yfm']:
- unit.message(['error', 'Unsupported build tool {}'.format(build_tool)])
+ build_tool = unit.get('_DOCS_BUILDER_VALUE')
+ if build_tool:
+ if build_tool not in ['mkdocs', 'yfm']:
+ unit.message(['error', 'Unsupported build tool {}'.format(build_tool)])
- build_tool = 'yfm'
- unit.ondocs_builder([build_tool])
- if build_tool == 'yfm' and unit.enabled('_DOCS_USE_PLANTUML'):
- unit.on_docs_yfm_use_plantuml([])
- orig_variables = macro_calls_to_dict(unit, extract_macro_calls(unit, '_DOCS_VARS_VALUE'))
- variables = {k: unit.get(k) or v for k, v in orig_variables.items()}
- if variables:
- if build_tool == 'mkdocs':
- unit.set(['_DOCS_VARS_FLAG', ' '.join(['--var {}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in variables.items()])])
- elif build_tool == 'yfm':
- unit.set(['_DOCS_VARS_FLAG', '--vars {}'.format(json.dumps(json.dumps(variables, sort_keys=True)))])
- else:
- assert False, 'Unexpected build_tool value: [{}]'.format(build_tool)
+ build_tool = 'yfm'
+ unit.ondocs_builder([build_tool])
+ if build_tool == 'yfm' and unit.enabled('_DOCS_USE_PLANTUML'):
+ unit.on_docs_yfm_use_plantuml([])
+ orig_variables = macro_calls_to_dict(unit, extract_macro_calls(unit, '_DOCS_VARS_VALUE'))
+ variables = {k: unit.get(k) or v for k, v in orig_variables.items()}
+ if variables:
+ if build_tool == 'mkdocs':
+ unit.set(['_DOCS_VARS_FLAG', ' '.join(['--var {}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in variables.items()])])
+ elif build_tool == 'yfm':
+ unit.set(['_DOCS_VARS_FLAG', '--vars {}'.format(json.dumps(json.dumps(variables, sort_keys=True)))])
+ else:
+ assert False, 'Unexpected build_tool value: [{}]'.format(build_tool)
diff --git a/build/plugins/gobuild.py b/build/plugins/gobuild.py
index 3085eb8a5e..8df96ebc55 100644
--- a/build/plugins/gobuild.py
+++ b/build/plugins/gobuild.py
@@ -1,277 +1,277 @@
-import base64
-import itertools
-import md5
-import os
-from _common import rootrel_arc_src, tobuilddir
-import ymake
-runtime_cgo_path = os.path.join('runtime', 'cgo')
-runtime_msan_path = os.path.join('runtime', 'msan')
-runtime_race_path = os.path.join('runtime', 'race')
-arc_project_prefix = 'a.yandex-team.ru/'
-import_runtime_cgo_false = {
- 'norace': (runtime_cgo_path, runtime_msan_path, runtime_race_path),
- 'race': (runtime_cgo_path, runtime_msan_path),
-import_syscall_false = {
- 'norace': (runtime_cgo_path),
- 'race': (runtime_cgo_path, runtime_race_path),
-def get_import_path(unit):
- # std_lib_prefix = unit.get('GO_STD_LIB_PREFIX')
- # unit.get() doesn't evalutate the value of variable, so the line above doesn't really work
- std_lib_prefix = unit.get('GOSTD') + '/'
- arc_project_prefix = unit.get('GO_ARCADIA_PROJECT_PREFIX')
- vendor_prefix = unit.get('GO_CONTRIB_PROJECT_PREFIX')
- module_path = rootrel_arc_src(unit.path(), unit)
- assert len(module_path) > 0
- import_path = module_path.replace('\\', '/')
- if import_path.startswith(std_lib_prefix):
- import_path = import_path[len(std_lib_prefix):]
- elif import_path.startswith(vendor_prefix):
- import_path = import_path[len(vendor_prefix):]
- else:
- import_path = arc_project_prefix + import_path
- assert len(import_path) > 0
- return import_path
-def get_appended_values(unit, key):
- value = []
- raw_value = unit.get(key)
- if raw_value:
- value = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, raw_value.split(' '))
- assert len(value) == 0 or value[0] == '$' + key
- return value[1:] if len(value) > 0 else value
-def compare_versions(version1, version2):
- def last_index(version):
- index = version.find('beta')
- return len(version) if index < 0 else index
- v1 = tuple(x.zfill(8) for x in version1[:last_index(version1)].split('.'))
- v2 = tuple(x.zfill(8) for x in version2[:last_index(version2)].split('.'))
- if v1 == v2:
- return 0
- return 1 if v1 < v2 else -1
-def need_compiling_runtime(import_path, gostd_version):
- return import_path in ('runtime', 'reflect', 'syscall') or \
- import_path.startswith('runtime/internal/') or \
- compare_versions('1.17', gostd_version) >= 0 and import_path == 'internal/bytealg'
-def go_package_name(unit):
- name = unit.get('GO_PACKAGE_VALUE')
- if not name:
- name = unit.get('GO_TEST_IMPORT_PATH')
- if name:
- name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(name))
- elif unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') == 'PROGRAM':
- name = 'main'
- else:
- name = unit.get('REALPRJNAME')
- return name
-def need_lint(path):
- return not path.startswith('$S/vendor/') and not path.startswith('$S/contrib/')
-def on_go_process_srcs(unit):
- """
- _GO_PROCESS_SRCS() macro processes only 'CGO' files. All remaining *.go files
- and other input files are currently processed by a link command of the
- """
- srcs_files = get_appended_values(unit, '_GO_SRCS_VALUE')
- asm_files = []
- c_files = []
- cxx_files = []
- ev_files = []
- fbs_files = []
- go_files = []
- in_files = []
- proto_files = []
- s_files = []
- syso_files = []
- classifed_files = {
- '.c': c_files,
- '.cc': cxx_files,
- '.cpp': cxx_files,
- '.cxx': cxx_files,
- '.ev': ev_files,
- '.fbs': fbs_files,
- '.go': go_files,
- '.in': in_files,
- '.proto': proto_files,
- '.s': asm_files,
- '.syso': syso_files,
- '.C': cxx_files,
- '.S': s_files,
- }
- # Classify files specifed in _GO_SRCS() macro by extension and process CGO_EXPORT keyword
- # which can preceed C/C++ files only
- is_cgo_export = False
- for f in srcs_files:
- _, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
- ext_files = classifed_files.get(ext)
- if ext_files is not None:
- if is_cgo_export:
- is_cgo_export = False
- if ext in ('.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.C'):
- unit.oncopy_file_with_context([f, f, 'OUTPUT_INCLUDES', '${BINDIR}/_cgo_export.h'])
- f = '${BINDIR}/' + f
- else:
- ymake.report_configure_error('Unmatched CGO_EXPORT keyword in SRCS() macro')
- ext_files.append(f)
- elif f == 'CGO_EXPORT':
- is_cgo_export = True
- else:
- # FIXME(snermolaev): We can report an unsupported files for _GO_SRCS here
- pass
- if is_cgo_export:
- ymake.report_configure_error('Unmatched CGO_EXPORT keyword in SRCS() macro')
- for f in go_files:
- if f.endswith('_test.go'):
- ymake.report_configure_error('file {} must be listed in GO_TEST_SRCS() or GO_XTEST_SRCS() macros'.format(f))
- go_test_files = get_appended_values(unit, '_GO_TEST_SRCS_VALUE')
- go_xtest_files = get_appended_values(unit, '_GO_XTEST_SRCS_VALUE')
- for f in go_test_files + go_xtest_files:
- if not f.endswith('_test.go'):
- ymake.report_configure_error('file {} should not be listed in GO_TEST_SRCS() or GO_XTEST_SRCS() macros'.format(f))
- is_test_module = unit.enabled('GO_TEST_MODULE')
- # Add gofmt style checks
- if unit.enabled('_GO_FMT_ADD_CHECK'):
- resolved_go_files = []
- go_source_files = [] if is_test_module and unit.get(['GO_TEST_FOR_DIR']) else go_files
- for path in itertools.chain(go_source_files, go_test_files, go_xtest_files):
- if path.endswith('.go'):
- resolved = unit.resolve_arc_path([path])
- if resolved != path and need_lint(resolved):
- resolved_go_files.append(resolved)
- if resolved_go_files:
- basedirs = {}
- for f in resolved_go_files:
- basedir = os.path.dirname(f)
- if basedir not in basedirs:
- basedirs[basedir] = []
- basedirs[basedir].append(f)
- for basedir in basedirs:
- unit.onadd_check(['gofmt'] + basedirs[basedir])
- # Go coverage instrumentation (NOTE! go_files list is modified here)
- if is_test_module and unit.enabled('GO_TEST_COVER'):
- cover_info = []
- for f in go_files:
- if f.endswith('_test.go'):
- continue
- cover_var = 'GoCover' + base64.b32encode(f).rstrip('=')
- cover_file = unit.resolve_arc_path(f)
- unit.on_go_gen_cover_go([cover_file, cover_var])
- if cover_file.startswith('$S/'):
- cover_file = arc_project_prefix + cover_file[3:]
- cover_info.append('{}:{}'.format(cover_var, cover_file))
- # go_files should be empty now since the initial list shouldn't contain
- # any non-go or go test file. The value of go_files list will be used later
- # to update the value of _GO_SRCS_VALUE
- go_files = []
- unit.set(['GO_COVER_INFO_VALUE', ' '.join(cover_info)])
- # We have cleaned up the list of files from _GO_SRCS_VALUE var and we have to update
- # the value since it is used in module command line
- unit.set(['_GO_SRCS_VALUE', ' '.join(itertools.chain(go_files, asm_files, syso_files))])
- unit_path = unit.path()
- # Add go vet check
- if unit.enabled('_GO_VET_ADD_CHECK') and need_lint(unit_path):
- vet_report_file_name = os.path.join(unit_path, '{}{}'.format(unit.filename(), unit.get('GO_VET_REPORT_EXT')))
- unit.onadd_check(["govet", '$(BUILD_ROOT)/' + tobuilddir(vet_report_file_name)[3:]])
- for f in ev_files:
- ev_proto_file = '{}.proto'.format(f)
- unit.oncopy_file_with_context([f, ev_proto_file])
- proto_files.append(ev_proto_file)
- # Process .proto files
- for f in proto_files:
- unit.on_go_proto_cmd(f)
- # Process .fbs files
- for f in fbs_files:
- unit.on_go_flatc_cmd([f, go_package_name(unit)])
- # Process .in files
- for f in in_files:
- unit.onsrc(f)
- # Generate .symabis for .s files (starting from 1.12 version)
- if len(asm_files) > 0:
- symabis_flags = []
- gostd_version = unit.get('GOSTD_VERSION')
- if compare_versions('1.16', gostd_version) >= 0:
- import_path = get_import_path(unit)
- symabis_flags.extend(['FLAGS', '-p', import_path])
- if need_compiling_runtime(import_path, gostd_version):
- symabis_flags.append('-compiling-runtime')
- unit.on_go_compile_symabis(asm_files + symabis_flags)
- # Process cgo files
- cgo_files = get_appended_values(unit, '_CGO_SRCS_VALUE')
- cgo_cflags = []
- if len(c_files) + len(cxx_files) + len(s_files) + len(cgo_files) > 0:
- if is_test_module:
- go_test_for_dir = unit.get('GO_TEST_FOR_DIR')
- if go_test_for_dir and go_test_for_dir.startswith('$S/'):
- unit.onaddincl(['FOR', 'c', go_test_for_dir[3:]])
- unit.onaddincl(['FOR', 'c', unit.get('MODDIR')])
- cgo_cflags = get_appended_values(unit, 'CGO_CFLAGS_VALUE')
- for f in itertools.chain(c_files, cxx_files, s_files):
- unit.onsrc([f] + cgo_cflags)
- if len(cgo_files) > 0:
- if not unit.enabled('CGO_ENABLED'):
- ymake.report_configure_error('trying to build with CGO (CGO_SRCS is non-empty) when CGO is disabled')
- import_path = get_import_path(unit)
- if import_path != runtime_cgo_path:
- go_std_root = unit.get('GOSTD')
- unit.onpeerdir(os.path.join(go_std_root, runtime_cgo_path))
- race_mode = 'race' if unit.enabled('RACE') else 'norace'
- import_runtime_cgo = 'false' if import_path in import_runtime_cgo_false[race_mode] else 'true'
- import_syscall = 'false' if import_path in import_syscall_false[race_mode] else 'true'
- args = [import_path] + cgo_files + ['FLAGS', '-import_runtime_cgo=' + import_runtime_cgo, '-import_syscall=' + import_syscall]
+import base64
+import itertools
+import md5
+import os
+from _common import rootrel_arc_src, tobuilddir
+import ymake
+runtime_cgo_path = os.path.join('runtime', 'cgo')
+runtime_msan_path = os.path.join('runtime', 'msan')
+runtime_race_path = os.path.join('runtime', 'race')
+arc_project_prefix = 'a.yandex-team.ru/'
+import_runtime_cgo_false = {
+ 'norace': (runtime_cgo_path, runtime_msan_path, runtime_race_path),
+ 'race': (runtime_cgo_path, runtime_msan_path),
+import_syscall_false = {
+ 'norace': (runtime_cgo_path),
+ 'race': (runtime_cgo_path, runtime_race_path),
+def get_import_path(unit):
+ # std_lib_prefix = unit.get('GO_STD_LIB_PREFIX')
+ # unit.get() doesn't evalutate the value of variable, so the line above doesn't really work
+ std_lib_prefix = unit.get('GOSTD') + '/'
+ arc_project_prefix = unit.get('GO_ARCADIA_PROJECT_PREFIX')
+ vendor_prefix = unit.get('GO_CONTRIB_PROJECT_PREFIX')
+ module_path = rootrel_arc_src(unit.path(), unit)
+ assert len(module_path) > 0
+ import_path = module_path.replace('\\', '/')
+ if import_path.startswith(std_lib_prefix):
+ import_path = import_path[len(std_lib_prefix):]
+ elif import_path.startswith(vendor_prefix):
+ import_path = import_path[len(vendor_prefix):]
+ else:
+ import_path = arc_project_prefix + import_path
+ assert len(import_path) > 0
+ return import_path
+def get_appended_values(unit, key):
+ value = []
+ raw_value = unit.get(key)
+ if raw_value:
+ value = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, raw_value.split(' '))
+ assert len(value) == 0 or value[0] == '$' + key
+ return value[1:] if len(value) > 0 else value
+def compare_versions(version1, version2):
+ def last_index(version):
+ index = version.find('beta')
+ return len(version) if index < 0 else index
+ v1 = tuple(x.zfill(8) for x in version1[:last_index(version1)].split('.'))
+ v2 = tuple(x.zfill(8) for x in version2[:last_index(version2)].split('.'))
+ if v1 == v2:
+ return 0
+ return 1 if v1 < v2 else -1
+def need_compiling_runtime(import_path, gostd_version):
+ return import_path in ('runtime', 'reflect', 'syscall') or \
+ import_path.startswith('runtime/internal/') or \
+ compare_versions('1.17', gostd_version) >= 0 and import_path == 'internal/bytealg'
+def go_package_name(unit):
+ name = unit.get('GO_PACKAGE_VALUE')
+ if not name:
+ name = unit.get('GO_TEST_IMPORT_PATH')
+ if name:
+ name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(name))
+ elif unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') == 'PROGRAM':
+ name = 'main'
+ else:
+ name = unit.get('REALPRJNAME')
+ return name
+def need_lint(path):
+ return not path.startswith('$S/vendor/') and not path.startswith('$S/contrib/')
+def on_go_process_srcs(unit):
+ """
+ _GO_PROCESS_SRCS() macro processes only 'CGO' files. All remaining *.go files
+ and other input files are currently processed by a link command of the
+ """
+ srcs_files = get_appended_values(unit, '_GO_SRCS_VALUE')
+ asm_files = []
+ c_files = []
+ cxx_files = []
+ ev_files = []
+ fbs_files = []
+ go_files = []
+ in_files = []
+ proto_files = []
+ s_files = []
+ syso_files = []
+ classifed_files = {
+ '.c': c_files,
+ '.cc': cxx_files,
+ '.cpp': cxx_files,
+ '.cxx': cxx_files,
+ '.ev': ev_files,
+ '.fbs': fbs_files,
+ '.go': go_files,
+ '.in': in_files,
+ '.proto': proto_files,
+ '.s': asm_files,
+ '.syso': syso_files,
+ '.C': cxx_files,
+ '.S': s_files,
+ }
+ # Classify files specifed in _GO_SRCS() macro by extension and process CGO_EXPORT keyword
+ # which can preceed C/C++ files only
+ is_cgo_export = False
+ for f in srcs_files:
+ _, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
+ ext_files = classifed_files.get(ext)
+ if ext_files is not None:
+ if is_cgo_export:
+ is_cgo_export = False
+ if ext in ('.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.C'):
+ unit.oncopy_file_with_context([f, f, 'OUTPUT_INCLUDES', '${BINDIR}/_cgo_export.h'])
+ f = '${BINDIR}/' + f
+ else:
+ ymake.report_configure_error('Unmatched CGO_EXPORT keyword in SRCS() macro')
+ ext_files.append(f)
+ elif f == 'CGO_EXPORT':
+ is_cgo_export = True
+ else:
+ # FIXME(snermolaev): We can report an unsupported files for _GO_SRCS here
+ pass
+ if is_cgo_export:
+ ymake.report_configure_error('Unmatched CGO_EXPORT keyword in SRCS() macro')
+ for f in go_files:
+ if f.endswith('_test.go'):
+ ymake.report_configure_error('file {} must be listed in GO_TEST_SRCS() or GO_XTEST_SRCS() macros'.format(f))
+ go_test_files = get_appended_values(unit, '_GO_TEST_SRCS_VALUE')
+ go_xtest_files = get_appended_values(unit, '_GO_XTEST_SRCS_VALUE')
+ for f in go_test_files + go_xtest_files:
+ if not f.endswith('_test.go'):
+ ymake.report_configure_error('file {} should not be listed in GO_TEST_SRCS() or GO_XTEST_SRCS() macros'.format(f))
+ is_test_module = unit.enabled('GO_TEST_MODULE')
+ # Add gofmt style checks
+ if unit.enabled('_GO_FMT_ADD_CHECK'):
+ resolved_go_files = []
+ go_source_files = [] if is_test_module and unit.get(['GO_TEST_FOR_DIR']) else go_files
+ for path in itertools.chain(go_source_files, go_test_files, go_xtest_files):
+ if path.endswith('.go'):
+ resolved = unit.resolve_arc_path([path])
+ if resolved != path and need_lint(resolved):
+ resolved_go_files.append(resolved)
+ if resolved_go_files:
+ basedirs = {}
+ for f in resolved_go_files:
+ basedir = os.path.dirname(f)
+ if basedir not in basedirs:
+ basedirs[basedir] = []
+ basedirs[basedir].append(f)
+ for basedir in basedirs:
+ unit.onadd_check(['gofmt'] + basedirs[basedir])
+ # Go coverage instrumentation (NOTE! go_files list is modified here)
+ if is_test_module and unit.enabled('GO_TEST_COVER'):
+ cover_info = []
+ for f in go_files:
+ if f.endswith('_test.go'):
+ continue
+ cover_var = 'GoCover' + base64.b32encode(f).rstrip('=')
+ cover_file = unit.resolve_arc_path(f)
+ unit.on_go_gen_cover_go([cover_file, cover_var])
+ if cover_file.startswith('$S/'):
+ cover_file = arc_project_prefix + cover_file[3:]
+ cover_info.append('{}:{}'.format(cover_var, cover_file))
+ # go_files should be empty now since the initial list shouldn't contain
+ # any non-go or go test file. The value of go_files list will be used later
+ # to update the value of _GO_SRCS_VALUE
+ go_files = []
+ unit.set(['GO_COVER_INFO_VALUE', ' '.join(cover_info)])
+ # We have cleaned up the list of files from _GO_SRCS_VALUE var and we have to update
+ # the value since it is used in module command line
+ unit.set(['_GO_SRCS_VALUE', ' '.join(itertools.chain(go_files, asm_files, syso_files))])
+ unit_path = unit.path()
+ # Add go vet check
+ if unit.enabled('_GO_VET_ADD_CHECK') and need_lint(unit_path):
+ vet_report_file_name = os.path.join(unit_path, '{}{}'.format(unit.filename(), unit.get('GO_VET_REPORT_EXT')))
+ unit.onadd_check(["govet", '$(BUILD_ROOT)/' + tobuilddir(vet_report_file_name)[3:]])
+ for f in ev_files:
+ ev_proto_file = '{}.proto'.format(f)
+ unit.oncopy_file_with_context([f, ev_proto_file])
+ proto_files.append(ev_proto_file)
+ # Process .proto files
+ for f in proto_files:
+ unit.on_go_proto_cmd(f)
+ # Process .fbs files
+ for f in fbs_files:
+ unit.on_go_flatc_cmd([f, go_package_name(unit)])
+ # Process .in files
+ for f in in_files:
+ unit.onsrc(f)
+ # Generate .symabis for .s files (starting from 1.12 version)
+ if len(asm_files) > 0:
+ symabis_flags = []
+ gostd_version = unit.get('GOSTD_VERSION')
+ if compare_versions('1.16', gostd_version) >= 0:
+ import_path = get_import_path(unit)
+ symabis_flags.extend(['FLAGS', '-p', import_path])
+ if need_compiling_runtime(import_path, gostd_version):
+ symabis_flags.append('-compiling-runtime')
+ unit.on_go_compile_symabis(asm_files + symabis_flags)
+ # Process cgo files
+ cgo_files = get_appended_values(unit, '_CGO_SRCS_VALUE')
+ cgo_cflags = []
+ if len(c_files) + len(cxx_files) + len(s_files) + len(cgo_files) > 0:
+ if is_test_module:
+ go_test_for_dir = unit.get('GO_TEST_FOR_DIR')
+ if go_test_for_dir and go_test_for_dir.startswith('$S/'):
+ unit.onaddincl(['FOR', 'c', go_test_for_dir[3:]])
+ unit.onaddincl(['FOR', 'c', unit.get('MODDIR')])
+ cgo_cflags = get_appended_values(unit, 'CGO_CFLAGS_VALUE')
+ for f in itertools.chain(c_files, cxx_files, s_files):
+ unit.onsrc([f] + cgo_cflags)
+ if len(cgo_files) > 0:
+ if not unit.enabled('CGO_ENABLED'):
+ ymake.report_configure_error('trying to build with CGO (CGO_SRCS is non-empty) when CGO is disabled')
+ import_path = get_import_path(unit)
+ if import_path != runtime_cgo_path:
+ go_std_root = unit.get('GOSTD')
+ unit.onpeerdir(os.path.join(go_std_root, runtime_cgo_path))
+ race_mode = 'race' if unit.enabled('RACE') else 'norace'
+ import_runtime_cgo = 'false' if import_path in import_runtime_cgo_false[race_mode] else 'true'
+ import_syscall = 'false' if import_path in import_syscall_false[race_mode] else 'true'
+ args = [import_path] + cgo_files + ['FLAGS', '-import_runtime_cgo=' + import_runtime_cgo, '-import_syscall=' + import_syscall]
- cgo2_cflags = get_appended_values(unit, 'CGO2_CFLAGS_VALUE')
- for f in cgo_files:
- if f.endswith('.go'):
- unit.onsrc([f[:-2] + 'cgo2.c'] + cgo_cflags + cgo2_cflags)
- else:
- ymake.report_configure_error('file {} should not be listed in CGO_SRCS() macros'.format(f))
+ cgo2_cflags = get_appended_values(unit, 'CGO2_CFLAGS_VALUE')
+ for f in cgo_files:
+ if f.endswith('.go'):
+ unit.onsrc([f[:-2] + 'cgo2.c'] + cgo_cflags + cgo2_cflags)
+ else:
+ ymake.report_configure_error('file {} should not be listed in CGO_SRCS() macros'.format(f))
args = [go_package_name(unit)] + cgo_files
- if len(c_files) > 0:
- args += ['C_FILES'] + c_files
- if len(s_files) > 0:
- args += ['S_FILES'] + s_files
- if len(syso_files) > 0:
- args += ['OBJ_FILES'] + syso_files
+ if len(c_files) > 0:
+ args += ['C_FILES'] + c_files
+ if len(s_files) > 0:
+ args += ['S_FILES'] + s_files
+ if len(syso_files) > 0:
+ args += ['OBJ_FILES'] + syso_files
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ def on_go_resource(unit, *args):
args = list(args)
files = args[::2]
keys = args[1::2]
- suffix_md5 = md5.new('@'.join(args)).hexdigest()
- resource_go = os.path.join("resource.{}.res.go".format(suffix_md5))
+ suffix_md5 = md5.new('@'.join(args)).hexdigest()
+ resource_go = os.path.join("resource.{}.res.go".format(suffix_md5))
diff --git a/build/plugins/nots.py b/build/plugins/nots.py
index 7c4478c454..5018256ddc 100644
--- a/build/plugins/nots.py
+++ b/build/plugins/nots.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def onnode_modules(unit):
pm = _create_pm(unit)
ins, outs = pm.calc_node_modules_inouts()
- unit.on_node_modules(["IN"] + sorted(ins) + ["OUT"] + sorted(outs))
+ unit.on_node_modules(["IN"] + sorted(ins) + ["OUT"] + sorted(outs))
def on_ts_configure(unit, tsconfig_path):
diff --git a/build/plugins/pybuild.py b/build/plugins/pybuild.py
index 457a9a8231..f32a2d39a0 100644
--- a/build/plugins/pybuild.py
+++ b/build/plugins/pybuild.py
@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ def onpy_srcs(unit, *args):
py_main_only = unit.get('PROCESS_PY_MAIN_ONLY')
with_py = not unit.get('PYBUILD_NO_PY')
with_pyc = not unit.get('PYBUILD_NO_PYC')
- in_proto_library = unit.get('PY_PROTO') or unit.get('PY3_PROTO')
+ in_proto_library = unit.get('PY_PROTO') or unit.get('PY3_PROTO')
venv = unit.get(YA_IDE_VENV_VAR)
- need_gazetteer_peerdir = False
+ need_gazetteer_peerdir = False
trim = 0
if not upath.startswith('contrib/tools/python') and not upath.startswith('library/python/runtime') and unit.get('NO_PYTHON_INCLS') != 'yes':
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ def onpy_srcs(unit, *args):
pys = []
protos = []
evs = []
- fbss = []
+ fbss = []
py_namespaces = {}
dump_dir = unit.get('PYTHON_BUILD_DUMP_DIR')
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ def onpy_srcs(unit, *args):
elif arg == 'SWIG_CPP':
swigs = swigs_cpp
# Unsupported but legal PROTO_LIBRARY arguments.
- elif arg == 'GLOBAL' or not in_proto_library and arg.endswith('.gztproto'):
+ elif arg == 'GLOBAL' or not in_proto_library and arg.endswith('.gztproto'):
elif arg == '_MR':
# GLOB support: convert arcadia-root-relative paths to module-relative
@@ -290,11 +290,11 @@ def onpy_srcs(unit, *args):
if trim:
arg = arg[trim:]
- if arg.endswith('.gztproto'):
- need_gazetteer_peerdir = True
- path = '{}.proto'.format(arg[:-9])
- else:
- path = arg
+ if arg.endswith('.gztproto'):
+ need_gazetteer_peerdir = True
+ path = '{}.proto'.format(arg[:-9])
+ else:
+ path = arg
main_py = (path == '__main__.py' or path.endswith('/__main__.py'))
if not py3 and unit_needs_main and main_py:
mod = '__main__'
@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ def onpy_srcs(unit, *args):
# Allow pyi files in PY_SRCS for autocomplete in IDE, but skip it during building
elif path.endswith('.pyi'):
- elif path.endswith('.fbs'):
- fbss.append(pathmod)
+ elif path.endswith('.fbs'):
+ fbss.append(pathmod)
ymake.report_configure_error('in PY_SRCS: unrecognized arg {!r}'.format(path))
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ def onpy_srcs(unit, *args):
- add_python_lint_checks(unit, 3, [path for path, mod in pys] + unit.get(['_PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES_VALUE']).split())
+ add_python_lint_checks(unit, 3, [path for path, mod in pys] + unit.get(['_PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES_VALUE']).split())
for path, mod in pys:
root_rel_path = rootrel_arc_src(path, unit)
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ def onpy_srcs(unit, *args):
res += [dst + '.yapyc', '/py_code/' + mod]
- add_python_lint_checks(unit, 2, [path for path, mod in pys] + unit.get(['_PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES_VALUE']).split())
+ add_python_lint_checks(unit, 2, [path for path, mod in pys] + unit.get(['_PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES_VALUE']).split())
use_vanilla_protoc = unit.get('USE_VANILLA_PROTOC') == 'yes'
if use_vanilla_protoc:
@@ -515,13 +515,13 @@ def onpy_srcs(unit, *args):
unit.on_generate_py_evs_internal([path for path, mod in evs])
unit.onpy_srcs([ev_arg(path, mod, unit) for path, mod in evs])
- if fbss:
- unit.onpeerdir(unit.get('_PY_FBS_DEPS').split())
- pysrc_base_name = listid(fbss)
- unit.onfbs_to_pysrc([pysrc_base_name] + [path for path, _ in fbss])
- unit.onsrcs(['GLOBAL', '{}.fbs.pysrc'.format(pysrc_base_name)])
+ if fbss:
+ unit.onpeerdir(unit.get('_PY_FBS_DEPS').split())
+ pysrc_base_name = listid(fbss)
+ unit.onfbs_to_pysrc([pysrc_base_name] + [path for path, _ in fbss])
+ unit.onsrcs(['GLOBAL', '{}.fbs.pysrc'.format(pysrc_base_name)])
def _check_test_srcs(*args):
used = set(args) & {"NAMESPACE", "TOP_LEVEL", "__main__.py"}
if used:
diff --git a/build/plugins/res.py b/build/plugins/res.py
index baeec9e6eb..a937caba81 100644
--- a/build/plugins/res.py
+++ b/build/plugins/res.py
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def onresource_files(unit, *args):
src = 'resfs/src/{}={}'.format(key, rootrel_arc_src(path, unit))
res += ['-', src, path, key]
- if unit.enabled('_GO_MODULE'):
- unit.on_go_resource(res)
- else:
- unit.onresource(res)
+ if unit.enabled('_GO_MODULE'):
+ unit.on_go_resource(res)
+ else:
+ unit.onresource(res)
diff --git a/build/plugins/rodata.py b/build/plugins/rodata.py
index ffb31be093..3ecb0f9a83 100644
--- a/build/plugins/rodata.py
+++ b/build/plugins/rodata.py
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ class ROData(iw.CustomCommand):
if flags:
self.parse_flags(path, unit, collections.deque(flags.split(' ')))
- if unit.enabled('DARWIN') or unit.enabled('IOS'):
+ if unit.enabled('DARWIN') or unit.enabled('IOS'):
self._platform = ['DARWIN', 'UNIX']
self._fmt = 'macho'
- elif unit.enabled('WIN64') or unit.enabled('CYGWIN'):
+ elif unit.enabled('WIN64') or unit.enabled('CYGWIN'):
self._platform = ['WIN64']
self._fmt = 'win'
- elif unit.enabled('WIN32'):
+ elif unit.enabled('WIN32'):
self._platform = ['WIN32']
self._fmt = 'win'
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ class ROData(iw.CustomCommand):
if 'elf' in self._fmt:
self._flags += ['-g', 'dwarf2']
- self._fmt += unit.get('HARDWARE_ARCH')
- self._type = unit.get('HARDWARE_TYPE')
+ self._fmt += unit.get('HARDWARE_ARCH')
+ self._type = unit.get('HARDWARE_TYPE')
- if unit.enabled('DARWIN') or unit.enabled('IOS') or (unit.enabled('WINDOWS') and unit.enabled('ARCH_TYPE_32')):
+ if unit.enabled('DARWIN') or unit.enabled('IOS') or (unit.enabled('WINDOWS') and unit.enabled('ARCH_TYPE_32')):
self._prefix = '_'
self._prefix = ''
diff --git a/build/plugins/ytest.py b/build/plugins/ytest.py
index 35fd151dcf..8970837f0f 100644
--- a/build/plugins/ytest.py
+++ b/build/plugins/ytest.py
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ def onjava_test(unit, *args):
test_data = get_norm_paths(unit, 'TEST_DATA_VALUE')
- test_data.append('arcadia/build/scripts/unpacking_jtest_runner.py')
+ test_data.append('arcadia/build/scripts/unpacking_jtest_runner.py')
data, data_files = get_canonical_test_resources(unit)
test_data += data