path: root/build/plugins/ytest.py
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /build/plugins/ytest.py
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'build/plugins/ytest.py')
1 files changed, 1113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/plugins/ytest.py b/build/plugins/ytest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8970837f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/plugins/ytest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import json
+import copy
+import base64
+import shlex
+import _common
+import lib._metric_resolvers as mr
+import _test_const as consts
+import _requirements as reqs
+import StringIO
+import subprocess
+import collections
+import ymake
+MDS_URI_PREFIX = 'https://storage.yandex-team.ru/get-devtools/'
+MDS_SHEME = 'mds'
+CANON_DATA_DIR_NAME = 'canondata'
+CANON_OUTPUT_STORAGE = 'canondata_storage'
+CANON_RESULT_FILE_NAME = 'result.json'
+CANON_MDS_RESOURCE_REGEX = re.compile(re.escape(MDS_URI_PREFIX) + r'(.*?)($|#)')
+CANON_SB_VAULT_REGEX = re.compile(r"\w+=(value|file):[-\w]+:\w+")
+CANON_SBR_RESOURCE_REGEX = re.compile(r'(sbr:/?/?(\d+))')
+VALID_NETWORK_REQUIREMENTS = ("full", "restricted")
+VALID_DNS_REQUIREMENTS = ("default", "local", "dns64")
+BLOCK_SEPARATOR = '============================================================='
+DEFAULT_TIDY_CONFIG = "build/config/tests/clang_tidy/config.yaml"
+DEFAULT_TIDY_CONFIG_MAP_PATH = "build/yandex_specific/config/clang_tidy/tidy_default_map.json"
+PROJECT_TIDY_CONFIG_MAP_PATH = "build/yandex_specific/config/clang_tidy/tidy_project_map.json"
+tidy_config_map = None
+def ontest_data(unit, *args):
+ ymake.report_configure_error("TEST_DATA is removed in favour of DATA")
+def save_in_file(filepath, data):
+ if filepath:
+ with open(filepath, 'a') as file_handler:
+ if os.stat(filepath).st_size == 0:
+ print >>file_handler, BLOCK_SEPARATOR
+ print >> file_handler, data
+def prepare_recipes(data):
+ data = data.replace('"USE_RECIPE_DELIM"', "\n")
+ data = data.replace("$TEST_RECIPES_VALUE", "")
+ return base64.b64encode(data or "")
+def prepare_env(data):
+ data = data.replace("$TEST_ENV_VALUE", "")
+ return serialize_list(shlex.split(data))
+def is_yt_spec_contain_pool_info(filename): # XXX switch to yson in ymake + perf test for configure
+ pool_re = re.compile(r"""['"]*pool['"]*\s*?=""")
+ cypress_root_re = re.compile(r"""['"]*cypress_root['"]*\s*=""")
+ with open(filename, 'r') as afile:
+ yt_spec = afile.read()
+ return pool_re.search(yt_spec) and cypress_root_re.search(yt_spec)
+def validate_sb_vault(name, value):
+ if not CANON_SB_VAULT_REGEX.match(value):
+ return "sb_vault value '{}' should follow pattern <ENV_NAME>=:<value|file>:<owner>:<vault key>".format(value)
+def validate_numerical_requirement(name, value):
+ if mr.resolve_value(value) is None:
+ return "Cannot convert [[imp]]{}[[rst]] to the proper [[imp]]{}[[rst]] requirement value".format(value, name)
+def validate_choice_requirement(name, val, valid):
+ if val not in valid:
+ return "Unknown [[imp]]{}[[rst]] requirement: [[imp]]{}[[rst]], choose from [[imp]]{}[[rst]]".format(name, val, ", ".join(valid))
+def validate_force_sandbox_requirement(name, value, test_size, is_force_sandbox, in_autocheck, is_fuzzing, is_kvm, is_ytexec_run, check_func):
+ if is_force_sandbox or not in_autocheck or is_fuzzing or is_ytexec_run:
+ if value == 'all':
+ return
+ return validate_numerical_requirement(name, value)
+ error_msg = validate_numerical_requirement(name, value)
+ if error_msg:
+ return error_msg
+ return check_func(mr.resolve_value(value), test_size, is_kvm)
+# TODO: Remove is_kvm param when there will be guarantees on RAM
+def validate_requirement(req_name, value, test_size, is_force_sandbox, in_autocheck, is_fuzzing, is_kvm, is_ytexec_run):
+ req_checks = {
+ 'container': validate_numerical_requirement,
+ 'cpu': lambda n, v: validate_force_sandbox_requirement(n, v, test_size, is_force_sandbox, in_autocheck, is_fuzzing, is_kvm, is_ytexec_run, reqs.check_cpu),
+ 'disk_usage': validate_numerical_requirement,
+ 'dns': lambda n, v: validate_choice_requirement(n, v, VALID_DNS_REQUIREMENTS),
+ 'kvm': None,
+ 'network': lambda n, v: validate_choice_requirement(n, v, VALID_NETWORK_REQUIREMENTS),
+ 'ram': lambda n, v: validate_force_sandbox_requirement(n, v, test_size, is_force_sandbox, in_autocheck, is_fuzzing, is_kvm, is_ytexec_run, reqs.check_ram),
+ 'ram_disk': lambda n, v: validate_force_sandbox_requirement(n, v, test_size, is_force_sandbox, in_autocheck, is_fuzzing, is_kvm, is_ytexec_run, reqs.check_ram_disk),
+ 'sb': None,
+ 'sb_vault': validate_sb_vault,
+ }
+ if req_name not in req_checks:
+ return "Unknown requirement: [[imp]]{}[[rst]], choose from [[imp]]{}[[rst]]".format(req_name, ", ".join(sorted(req_checks)))
+ if req_name in ('container', 'disk') and not is_force_sandbox:
+ return "Only [[imp]]LARGE[[rst]] tests without [[imp]]ya:force_distbuild[[rst]] tag can have [[imp]]{}[[rst]] requirement".format(req_name)
+ check_func = req_checks[req_name]
+ if check_func:
+ return check_func(req_name, value)
+def validate_test(unit, kw):
+ def get_list(key):
+ return deserialize_list(kw.get(key, ""))
+ valid_kw = copy.deepcopy(kw)
+ errors = []
+ warnings = []
+ if valid_kw.get('SCRIPT-REL-PATH') == 'boost.test':
+ project_path = valid_kw.get('BUILD-FOLDER-PATH', "")
+ if not project_path.startswith(("contrib", "mail", "maps", "tools/idl", "metrika", "devtools", "mds", "yandex_io", "smart_devices")):
+ errors.append("BOOSTTEST is not allowed here")
+ elif valid_kw.get('SCRIPT-REL-PATH') == 'gtest':
+ project_path = valid_kw.get('BUILD-FOLDER-PATH', "")
+ if not project_path.startswith(("contrib", "devtools", "mail", "mds", "taxi")):
+ errors.append("GTEST_UGLY is not allowed here, use GTEST instead")
+ size_timeout = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(consts.TestSize.DefaultTimeouts.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]))
+ size = valid_kw.get('SIZE', consts.TestSize.Small).lower()
+ # TODO: use set instead list
+ tags = get_list("TAG")
+ requirements_orig = get_list("REQUIREMENTS")
+ in_autocheck = "ya:not_autocheck" not in tags and 'ya:manual' not in tags
+ is_fat = 'ya:fat' in tags
+ is_force_sandbox = 'ya:force_distbuild' not in tags and is_fat
+ is_ytexec_run = 'ya:yt' in tags
+ is_fuzzing = valid_kw.get("FUZZING", False)
+ is_kvm = 'kvm' in requirements_orig
+ requirements = {}
+ list_requirements = ('sb_vault')
+ for req in requirements_orig:
+ if req in ('kvm', ):
+ requirements[req] = str(True)
+ continue
+ if ":" in req:
+ req_name, req_value = req.split(":", 1)
+ if req_name in list_requirements:
+ requirements[req_name] = ",".join(filter(None, [requirements.get(req_name), req_value]))
+ else:
+ if req_name in requirements:
+ if req_value in ["0"]:
+ warnings.append("Requirement [[imp]]{}[[rst]] is dropped [[imp]]{}[[rst]] -> [[imp]]{}[[rst]]".format(req_name, requirements[req_name], req_value))
+ del requirements[req_name]
+ elif requirements[req_name] != req_value:
+ warnings.append("Requirement [[imp]]{}[[rst]] is redefined [[imp]]{}[[rst]] -> [[imp]]{}[[rst]]".format(req_name, requirements[req_name], req_value))
+ requirements[req_name] = req_value
+ else:
+ requirements[req_name] = req_value
+ else:
+ errors.append("Invalid requirement syntax [[imp]]{}[[rst]]: expect <requirement>:<value>".format(req))
+ if not errors:
+ for req_name, req_value in requirements.items():
+ error_msg = validate_requirement(req_name, req_value, size, is_force_sandbox, in_autocheck, is_fuzzing, is_kvm, is_ytexec_run)
+ if error_msg:
+ errors += [error_msg]
+ invalid_requirements_for_distbuild = [requirement for requirement in requirements.keys() if requirement not in ('ram', 'ram_disk', 'cpu', 'network')]
+ sb_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.startswith('sb:')]
+ if is_fat:
+ if size != consts.TestSize.Large:
+ errors.append("Only LARGE test may have ya:fat tag")
+ if in_autocheck and not is_force_sandbox:
+ if invalid_requirements_for_distbuild:
+ errors.append("'{}' REQUIREMENTS options can be used only for FAT tests without ya:force_distbuild tag. Remove TAG(ya:force_distbuild) or an option.".format(invalid_requirements_for_distbuild))
+ if sb_tags:
+ errors.append("You can set sandbox tags '{}' only for FAT tests without ya:force_distbuild. Remove TAG(ya:force_sandbox) or sandbox tags.".format(sb_tags))
+ if 'ya:sandbox_coverage' in tags:
+ errors.append("You can set 'ya:sandbox_coverage' tag only for FAT tests without ya:force_distbuild.")
+ else:
+ if is_force_sandbox:
+ errors.append('ya:force_sandbox can be used with LARGE tests only')
+ if 'ya:nofuse' in tags:
+ errors.append('ya:nofuse can be used with LARGE tests only')
+ if 'ya:privileged' in tags:
+ errors.append("ya:privileged can be used with LARGE tests only")
+ if in_autocheck and size == consts.TestSize.Large:
+ errors.append("LARGE test must have ya:fat tag")
+ if 'ya:privileged' in tags and 'container' not in requirements:
+ errors.append("Only tests with 'container' requirement can have 'ya:privileged' tag")
+ if size not in size_timeout:
+ errors.append("Unknown test size: [[imp]]{}[[rst]], choose from [[imp]]{}[[rst]]".format(size.upper(), ", ".join([sz.upper() for sz in size_timeout.keys()])))
+ else:
+ try:
+ timeout = int(valid_kw.get('TEST-TIMEOUT', size_timeout[size]) or size_timeout[size])
+ script_rel_path = valid_kw.get('SCRIPT-REL-PATH')
+ if timeout < 0:
+ raise Exception("Timeout must be > 0")
+ if size_timeout[size] < timeout and in_autocheck and script_rel_path != 'java.style':
+ suggested_size = None
+ for s, t in size_timeout.items():
+ if timeout <= t:
+ suggested_size = s
+ break
+ if suggested_size:
+ suggested_size = ", suggested size: [[imp]]{}[[rst]]".format(suggested_size.upper())
+ else:
+ suggested_size = ""
+ errors.append("Max allowed timeout for test size [[imp]]{}[[rst]] is [[imp]]{} sec[[rst]]{}".format(size.upper(), size_timeout[size], suggested_size))
+ except Exception as e:
+ errors.append("Error when parsing test timeout: [[bad]]{}[[rst]]".format(e))
+ requiremtens_list = []
+ for req_name, req_value in requirements.iteritems():
+ requiremtens_list.append(req_name + ":" + req_value)
+ valid_kw['REQUIREMENTS'] = serialize_list(requiremtens_list)
+ if valid_kw.get("FUZZ-OPTS"):
+ for option in get_list("FUZZ-OPTS"):
+ if not option.startswith("-"):
+ errors.append("Unrecognized fuzzer option '[[imp]]{}[[rst]]'. All fuzzer options should start with '-'".format(option))
+ break
+ eqpos = option.find("=")
+ if eqpos == -1 or len(option) == eqpos + 1:
+ errors.append("Unrecognized fuzzer option '[[imp]]{}[[rst]]'. All fuzzer options should obtain value specified after '='".format(option))
+ break
+ if option[eqpos - 1] == " " or option[eqpos + 1] == " ":
+ errors.append("Spaces are not allowed: '[[imp]]{}[[rst]]'".format(option))
+ break
+ if option[:eqpos] in ("-runs", "-dict", "-jobs", "-workers", "-artifact_prefix", "-print_final_stats"):
+ errors.append("You can't use '[[imp]]{}[[rst]]' - it will be automatically calculated or configured during run".format(option))
+ break
+ if valid_kw.get("YT-SPEC"):
+ if not is_ytexec_run:
+ errors.append("You can use YT_SPEC macro only tests marked with ya:yt tag")
+ else:
+ for filename in get_list("YT-SPEC"):
+ filename = unit.resolve('$S/' + filename)
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ errors.append("File '{}' specified in the YT_SPEC macro doesn't exist".format(filename))
+ continue
+ if is_yt_spec_contain_pool_info(filename) and "ya:external" not in tags:
+ tags.append("ya:external")
+ tags.append("ya:yt_research_pool")
+ if valid_kw.get("USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON") == "yes" and valid_kw.get("SCRIPT-REL-PATH") == "py.test":
+ errors.append("PYTEST_SCRIPT is deprecated")
+ partition = valid_kw.get('TEST_PARTITION', 'SEQUENTIAL')
+ if partition not in PARTITION_MODS:
+ raise ValueError('partition mode should be one of {}, detected: {}'.format(PARTITION_MODS, partition))
+ if valid_kw.get('SPLIT-FACTOR'):
+ if valid_kw.get('FORK-MODE') == 'none':
+ errors.append('SPLIT_FACTOR must be use with FORK_TESTS() or FORK_SUBTESTS() macro')
+ value = 1
+ try:
+ value = int(valid_kw.get('SPLIT-FACTOR'))
+ if value <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("must be > 0")
+ raise ValueError("the maximum allowed value is {}".format(SPLIT_FACTOR_MAX_VALUE))
+ except ValueError as e:
+ errors.append('Incorrect SPLIT_FACTOR value: {}'.format(e))
+ if valid_kw.get('FORK-TEST-FILES') and size != consts.TestSize.Large:
+ nfiles = count_entries(valid_kw.get('TEST-FILES'))
+ if nfiles * value > SPLIT_FACTOR_TEST_FILES_MAX_VALUE:
+ errors.append('Too much chunks generated:{} (limit: {}). Remove FORK_TEST_FILES() macro or reduce SPLIT_FACTOR({}).'.format(
+ nfiles * value, SPLIT_FACTOR_TEST_FILES_MAX_VALUE, value))
+ unit_path = get_norm_unit_path(unit)
+ if not is_fat and "ya:noretries" in tags and not is_ytexec_run \
+ and not unit_path.startswith("devtools/") \
+ and not unit_path.startswith("infra/kernel/") \
+ and not unit_path.startswith("yt/python/yt") \
+ and not unit_path.startswith("infra/yp_dns_api/tests") \
+ and not unit_path.startswith("yp/tests"):
+ errors.append("Only LARGE tests can have 'ya:noretries' tag")
+ if errors:
+ return None, warnings, errors
+ return valid_kw, warnings, errors
+def get_norm_unit_path(unit, extra=None):
+ path = _common.strip_roots(unit.path())
+ if extra:
+ return '{}/{}'.format(path, extra)
+ return path
+def dump_test(unit, kw):
+ valid_kw, warnings, errors = validate_test(unit, kw)
+ for w in warnings:
+ unit.message(['warn', w])
+ for e in errors:
+ ymake.report_configure_error(e)
+ if valid_kw is None:
+ return None
+ string_handler = StringIO.StringIO()
+ for k, v in valid_kw.iteritems():
+ print >>string_handler, k + ': ' + v
+ print >>string_handler, BLOCK_SEPARATOR
+ data = string_handler.getvalue()
+ string_handler.close()
+ return data
+def serialize_list(lst):
+ lst = filter(None, lst)
+ return '\"' + ';'.join(lst) + '\"' if lst else ''
+def deserialize_list(val):
+ return filter(None, val.replace('"', "").split(";"))
+def count_entries(x):
+ # see (de)serialize_list
+ assert x is None or isinstance(x, str), type(x)
+ if not x:
+ return 0
+ return x.count(";") + 1
+def get_values_list(unit, key):
+ res = map(str.strip, (unit.get(key) or '').replace('$' + key, '').strip().split())
+ return [r for r in res if r and r not in ['""', "''"]]
+def get_norm_paths(unit, key):
+ # return paths without trailing (back)slash
+ return [x.rstrip('\\/') for x in get_values_list(unit, key)]
+def get_unit_list_variable(unit, name):
+ items = unit.get(name)
+ if items:
+ items = items.split(' ')
+ assert items[0] == "${}".format(name), (items, name)
+ return items[1:]
+ return []
+def implies(a, b):
+ return bool((not a) or b)
+def match_coverage_extractor_requirements(unit):
+ # we shouldn't add test if
+ return all([
+ # tests are not requested
+ unit.get("TESTS_REQUESTED") == "yes",
+ # build doesn't imply clang coverage, which supports segment extraction from the binaries
+ unit.get("CLANG_COVERAGE") == "yes",
+ # contrib wasn't requested
+ implies(get_norm_unit_path(unit).startswith("contrib/"), unit.get("ENABLE_CONTRIB_COVERAGE") == "yes"),
+ ])
+def get_tidy_config_map(unit):
+ global tidy_config_map
+ if tidy_config_map is None:
+ config_map_path = unit.resolve(os.path.join("$S", PROJECT_TIDY_CONFIG_MAP_PATH))
+ with open(config_map_path, 'r') as afile:
+ tidy_config_map = json.load(afile)
+ return tidy_config_map
+def get_default_tidy_config(unit):
+ unit_path = get_norm_unit_path(unit)
+ default_config_map_path = unit.resolve(os.path.join("$S", DEFAULT_TIDY_CONFIG_MAP_PATH))
+ with open(default_config_map_path, 'r') as afile:
+ tidy_default_config_map = json.load(afile)
+ for project_prefix, config_path in tidy_default_config_map.items():
+ if unit_path.startswith(project_prefix):
+ return config_path
+def get_project_tidy_config(unit):
+ tidy_map = get_tidy_config_map(unit)
+ unit_path = get_norm_unit_path(unit)
+ for project_prefix, config_path in tidy_map.items():
+ if unit_path.startswith(project_prefix):
+ return config_path
+ else:
+ return get_default_tidy_config(unit)
+def onadd_ytest(unit, *args):
+ keywords = {"DEPENDS": -1, "DATA": -1, "TIMEOUT": 1, "FORK_MODE": 1, "SPLIT_FACTOR": 1,
+ flat_args, spec_args = _common.sort_by_keywords(keywords, args)
+ test_data = sorted(_common.filter_out_by_keyword(spec_args.get('DATA', []) + get_norm_paths(unit, 'TEST_DATA_VALUE'), 'AUTOUPDATED'))
+ if flat_args[1] == "fuzz.test":
+ unit.ondata("arcadia/fuzzing/{}/corpus.json".format(get_norm_unit_path(unit)))
+ elif flat_args[1] == "go.test":
+ data, _ = get_canonical_test_resources(unit)
+ test_data += data
+ elif flat_args[1] == "coverage.extractor" and not match_coverage_extractor_requirements(unit):
+ # XXX
+ # Current ymake implementation doesn't allow to call macro inside the 'when' body
+ # that's why we add ADD_YTEST(coverage.extractor) to every PROGRAM entry and check requirements later
+ return
+ elif flat_args[1] == "clang_tidy" and unit.get("TIDY") != "yes":
+ # Graph is not prepared
+ return
+ elif flat_args[1] == "no.test":
+ return
+ test_size = ''.join(spec_args.get('SIZE', [])) or unit.get('TEST_SIZE_NAME') or ''
+ test_tags = serialize_list(_get_test_tags(unit, spec_args))
+ test_timeout = ''.join(spec_args.get('TIMEOUT', [])) or unit.get('TEST_TIMEOUT') or ''
+ test_requirements = spec_args.get('REQUIREMENTS', []) + get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE')
+ if flat_args[1] != "clang_tidy" and unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
+ # graph changed for clang_tidy tests
+ if flat_args[1] in ("unittest.py", "gunittest", "g_benchmark"):
+ flat_args[1] = "clang_tidy"
+ test_size = 'SMALL'
+ test_tags = ''
+ test_timeout = "60"
+ test_requirements = []
+ unit.set(["TEST_YT_SPEC_VALUE", ""])
+ else:
+ return
+ if flat_args[1] == "clang_tidy" and unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
+ if unit.get("TIDY_CONFIG"):
+ default_config_path = unit.get("TIDY_CONFIG")
+ project_config_path = unit.get("TIDY_CONFIG")
+ else:
+ default_config_path = get_default_tidy_config(unit)
+ project_config_path = get_project_tidy_config(unit)
+ unit.set(["DEFAULT_TIDY_CONFIG", default_config_path])
+ unit.set(["PROJECT_TIDY_CONFIG", project_config_path])
+ fork_mode = []
+ if 'FORK_SUBTESTS' in spec_args:
+ fork_mode.append('subtests')
+ if 'FORK_TESTS' in spec_args:
+ fork_mode.append('tests')
+ fork_mode = fork_mode or spec_args.get('FORK_MODE', []) or unit.get('TEST_FORK_MODE').split()
+ fork_mode = ' '.join(fork_mode) if fork_mode else ''
+ unit_path = get_norm_unit_path(unit)
+ test_record = {
+ 'TEST-NAME': flat_args[0],
+ 'SCRIPT-REL-PATH': flat_args[1],
+ 'TESTED-PROJECT-NAME': unit.name(),
+ 'TESTED-PROJECT-FILENAME': unit.filename(),
+ 'SOURCE-FOLDER-PATH': unit_path,
+ 'BUILD-FOLDER-PATH': unit_path,
+ 'BINARY-PATH': "{}/{}".format(unit_path, unit.filename()),
+ 'GLOBAL-LIBRARY-PATH': unit.global_filename(),
+ 'CUSTOM-DEPENDENCIES': ' '.join(spec_args.get('DEPENDS', []) + get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_DEPENDS_VALUE')),
+ 'TEST-RECIPES': prepare_recipes(unit.get("TEST_RECIPES_VALUE")),
+ 'TEST-ENV': prepare_env(unit.get("TEST_ENV_VALUE")),
+ # 'TEST-PRESERVE-ENV': 'da',
+ 'TEST-DATA': serialize_list(test_data),
+ 'TEST-TIMEOUT': test_timeout,
+ 'FORK-MODE': fork_mode,
+ 'SPLIT-FACTOR': ''.join(spec_args.get('SPLIT_FACTOR', [])) or unit.get('TEST_SPLIT_FACTOR') or '',
+ 'SIZE': test_size,
+ 'TAG': test_tags,
+ 'REQUIREMENTS': serialize_list(test_requirements),
+ 'TEST-CWD': unit.get('TEST_CWD_VALUE') or '',
+ 'FUZZ-DICTS': serialize_list(spec_args.get('FUZZ_DICTS', []) + get_unit_list_variable(unit, 'FUZZ_DICTS_VALUE')),
+ 'FUZZ-OPTS': serialize_list(spec_args.get('FUZZ_OPTS', []) + get_unit_list_variable(unit, 'FUZZ_OPTS_VALUE')),
+ 'YT-SPEC': serialize_list(spec_args.get('YT_SPEC', []) + get_unit_list_variable(unit, 'TEST_YT_SPEC_VALUE')),
+ 'BLOB': unit.get('TEST_BLOB_DATA') or '',
+ 'SKIP_TEST': unit.get('SKIP_TEST_VALUE') or '',
+ 'GO_BENCH_TIMEOUT': unit.get('GO_BENCH_TIMEOUT') or '',
+ }
+ if flat_args[1] == "go.bench":
+ if "ya:run_go_benchmark" not in test_record["TAG"]:
+ return
+ else:
+ test_record["TEST-NAME"] += "_bench"
+ if flat_args[1] == 'fuzz.test' and unit.get('FUZZING') == 'yes':
+ test_record['FUZZING'] = '1'
+ # use all cores if fuzzing requested
+ test_record['REQUIREMENTS'] = serialize_list(filter(None, deserialize_list(test_record['REQUIREMENTS']) + ["cpu:all", "ram:all"]))
+ data = dump_test(unit, test_record)
+ if data:
+ unit.set_property(["DART_DATA", data])
+ save_in_file(unit.get('TEST_DART_OUT_FILE'), data)
+def java_srcdirs_to_data(unit, var):
+ extra_data = []
+ for srcdir in (unit.get(var) or '').replace('$' + var, '').split():
+ if srcdir == '.':
+ srcdir = unit.get('MODDIR')
+ if srcdir.startswith('${ARCADIA_ROOT}/') or srcdir.startswith('$ARCADIA_ROOT/'):
+ srcdir = srcdir.replace('${ARCADIA_ROOT}/', '$S/')
+ srcdir = srcdir.replace('$ARCADIA_ROOT/', '$S/')
+ if srcdir.startswith('${CURDIR}/') or srcdir.startswith('$CURDIR/'):
+ srcdir = srcdir.replace('${CURDIR}/', os.path.join('$S', unit.get('MODDIR')))
+ srcdir = srcdir.replace('$CURDIR/', os.path.join('$S', unit.get('MODDIR')))
+ srcdir = unit.resolve_arc_path(srcdir)
+ if not srcdir.startswith('$'):
+ srcdir = os.path.join('$S', unit.get('MODDIR'), srcdir)
+ if srcdir.startswith('$S'):
+ extra_data.append(srcdir.replace('$S', 'arcadia'))
+ return serialize_list(extra_data)
+def onadd_check(unit, *args):
+ if unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
+ # graph changed for clang_tidy tests
+ return
+ flat_args, spec_args = _common.sort_by_keywords({"DEPENDS": -1, "TIMEOUT": 1, "DATA": -1, "TAG": -1, "REQUIREMENTS": -1, "FORK_MODE": 1,
+ "SPLIT_FACTOR": 1, "FORK_SUBTESTS": 0, "FORK_TESTS": 0, "SIZE": 1}, args)
+ check_type = flat_args[0]
+ test_dir = get_norm_unit_path(unit)
+ test_timeout = ''
+ fork_mode = ''
+ extra_test_data = ''
+ extra_test_dart_data = {}
+ ymake_java_test = unit.get('YMAKE_JAVA_TEST') == 'yes'
+ if check_type in ["flake8.py2", "flake8.py3"]:
+ script_rel_path = check_type
+ fork_mode = unit.get('TEST_FORK_MODE') or ''
+ elif check_type == "JAVA_STYLE":
+ if ymake_java_test and not unit.get('ALL_SRCDIRS') or '':
+ return
+ if len(flat_args) < 2:
+ raise Exception("Not enough arguments for JAVA_STYLE check")
+ check_level = flat_args[1]
+ allowed_levels = {
+ 'base': '/yandex_checks.xml',
+ 'strict': '/yandex_checks_strict.xml',
+ 'extended': '/yandex_checks_extended.xml',
+ 'library': '/yandex_checks_library.xml',
+ }
+ if check_level not in allowed_levels:
+ raise Exception('{} is not allowed in LINT(), use one of {}'.format(check_level, allowed_levels.keys()))
+ flat_args[1] = allowed_levels[check_level]
+ if check_level == 'none':
+ return
+ script_rel_path = "java.style"
+ test_timeout = '120'
+ fork_mode = unit.get('TEST_FORK_MODE') or ''
+ if ymake_java_test:
+ extra_test_data = java_srcdirs_to_data(unit, 'ALL_SRCDIRS')
+ extra_test_dart_data['JDK_RESOURCE'] = 'JDK' + (unit.get('JDK_VERSION') or '_DEFAULT')
+ elif check_type == "gofmt":
+ script_rel_path = check_type
+ go_files = flat_args[1:]
+ if go_files:
+ test_dir = os.path.dirname(go_files[0]).lstrip("$S/")
+ else:
+ script_rel_path = check_type
+ use_arcadia_python = unit.get('USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON')
+ uid_ext = ''
+ if check_type in ("check.data", "check.resource"):
+ if unit.get("VALIDATE_DATA") == "no":
+ return
+ if check_type == "check.data":
+ uid_ext = unit.get("SBR_UID_EXT").split(" ", 1)[-1] # strip variable name
+ data_re = re.compile(r"sbr:/?/?(\d+)=?.*")
+ data = flat_args[1:]
+ resources = []
+ for f in data:
+ matched = re.match(data_re, f)
+ if matched:
+ resources.append(matched.group(1))
+ if resources:
+ test_files = serialize_list(resources)
+ else:
+ return
+ else:
+ test_files = serialize_list(flat_args[1:])
+ test_record = {
+ 'TEST-NAME': check_type.lower(),
+ 'TEST-TIMEOUT': test_timeout,
+ 'SCRIPT-REL-PATH': script_rel_path,
+ 'TESTED-PROJECT-NAME': os.path.basename(test_dir),
+ 'SOURCE-FOLDER-PATH': test_dir,
+ 'CUSTOM-DEPENDENCIES': " ".join(spec_args.get('DEPENDS', [])),
+ 'TEST-DATA': extra_test_data,
+ "SBR-UID-EXT": uid_ext,
+ 'FORK-MODE': fork_mode,
+ 'SIZE': 'SMALL',
+ 'TAG': '',
+ 'USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON': use_arcadia_python or '',
+ 'OLD_PYTEST': 'no',
+ # TODO remove FILES, see DEVTOOLS-7052
+ 'FILES': test_files,
+ 'TEST-FILES': test_files,
+ 'NO_JBUILD': 'yes' if ymake_java_test else 'no',
+ }
+ test_record.update(extra_test_dart_data)
+ data = dump_test(unit, test_record)
+ if data:
+ unit.set_property(["DART_DATA", data])
+ save_in_file(unit.get('TEST_DART_OUT_FILE'), data)
+def on_register_no_check_imports(unit):
+ s = unit.get('NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE')
+ if s not in ('', 'None'):
+ unit.onresource(['-', 'py/no_check_imports/{}="{}"'.format(_common.pathid(s), s)])
+def onadd_check_py_imports(unit, *args):
+ if unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
+ # graph changed for clang_tidy tests
+ return
+ if unit.get('NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE').strip() == "":
+ return
+ unit.onpeerdir(['library/python/testing/import_test'])
+ check_type = "py.imports"
+ test_dir = get_norm_unit_path(unit)
+ use_arcadia_python = unit.get('USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON')
+ test_files = serialize_list([get_norm_unit_path(unit, unit.filename())])
+ test_record = {
+ 'TEST-NAME': "pyimports",
+ 'SCRIPT-REL-PATH': check_type,
+ 'TESTED-PROJECT-NAME': os.path.basename(test_dir),
+ 'SOURCE-FOLDER-PATH': test_dir,
+ 'TEST-DATA': '',
+ 'TEST-ENV': prepare_env(unit.get("TEST_ENV_VALUE")),
+ 'FORK-MODE': '',
+ 'SIZE': 'SMALL',
+ 'TAG': '',
+ 'USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON': use_arcadia_python or '',
+ 'OLD_PYTEST': 'no',
+ # TODO remove FILES, see DEVTOOLS-7052
+ 'FILES': test_files,
+ 'TEST-FILES': test_files,
+ }
+ if unit.get('NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE') != "None":
+ test_record["NO-CHECK"] = serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, 'NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE') or ["*"])
+ else:
+ test_record["NO-CHECK"] = ''
+ data = dump_test(unit, test_record)
+ if data:
+ unit.set_property(["DART_DATA", data])
+ save_in_file(unit.get('TEST_DART_OUT_FILE'), data)
+def onadd_pytest_script(unit, *args):
+ if unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
+ # graph changed for clang_tidy tests
+ return
+ unit.set(["PYTEST_BIN", "no"])
+ custom_deps = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_DEPENDS_VALUE')
+ timeout = filter(None, [unit.get(["TEST_TIMEOUT"])])
+ if timeout:
+ timeout = timeout[0]
+ else:
+ timeout = '0'
+ test_type = args[0]
+ fork_mode = unit.get('TEST_FORK_MODE').split() or ''
+ split_factor = unit.get('TEST_SPLIT_FACTOR') or ''
+ test_size = unit.get('TEST_SIZE_NAME') or ''
+ test_files = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_SRCS_VALUE')
+ tags = _get_test_tags(unit)
+ requirements = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE')
+ test_data = get_norm_paths(unit, 'TEST_DATA_VALUE')
+ data, data_files = get_canonical_test_resources(unit)
+ test_data += data
+ python_paths = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_PYTHON_PATH_VALUE')
+ binary_path = None
+ test_cwd = unit.get('TEST_CWD_VALUE') or ''
+ _dump_test(unit, test_type, test_files, timeout, get_norm_unit_path(unit), custom_deps, test_data, python_paths, split_factor, fork_mode, test_size, tags, requirements, binary_path, test_cwd=test_cwd, data_files=data_files)
+def onadd_pytest_bin(unit, *args):
+ if unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
+ # graph changed for clang_tidy tests
+ return
+ flat, kws = _common.sort_by_keywords({'RUNNER_BIN': 1}, args)
+ if flat:
+ ymake.report_configure_error(
+ 'Unknown arguments found while processing add_pytest_bin macro: {!r}'
+ .format(flat)
+ )
+ runner_bin = kws.get('RUNNER_BIN', [None])[0]
+ test_type = 'py3test.bin' if (unit.get("PYTHON3") == 'yes') else "pytest.bin"
+ add_test_to_dart(unit, test_type, runner_bin=runner_bin)
+def add_test_to_dart(unit, test_type, binary_path=None, runner_bin=None):
+ if unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
+ # graph changed for clang_tidy tests
+ return
+ custom_deps = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_DEPENDS_VALUE')
+ timeout = filter(None, [unit.get(["TEST_TIMEOUT"])])
+ if timeout:
+ timeout = timeout[0]
+ else:
+ timeout = '0'
+ fork_mode = unit.get('TEST_FORK_MODE').split() or ''
+ split_factor = unit.get('TEST_SPLIT_FACTOR') or ''
+ test_size = unit.get('TEST_SIZE_NAME') or ''
+ test_cwd = unit.get('TEST_CWD_VALUE') or ''
+ unit_path = unit.path()
+ test_files = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_SRCS_VALUE')
+ tags = _get_test_tags(unit)
+ requirements = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE')
+ test_data = get_norm_paths(unit, 'TEST_DATA_VALUE')
+ data, data_files = get_canonical_test_resources(unit)
+ test_data += data
+ python_paths = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_PYTHON_PATH_VALUE')
+ yt_spec = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_YT_SPEC_VALUE')
+ if not binary_path:
+ binary_path = os.path.join(unit_path, unit.filename())
+ _dump_test(unit, test_type, test_files, timeout, get_norm_unit_path(unit), custom_deps, test_data, python_paths, split_factor, fork_mode, test_size, tags, requirements, binary_path, test_cwd=test_cwd, runner_bin=runner_bin, yt_spec=yt_spec, data_files=data_files)
+def extract_java_system_properties(unit, args):
+ if len(args) % 2:
+ return [], 'Wrong use of SYSTEM_PROPERTIES in {}: odd number of arguments'.format(unit.path())
+ props = []
+ for x, y in zip(args[::2], args[1::2]):
+ if x == 'FILE':
+ if y.startswith('${BINDIR}') or y.startswith('${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}') or y.startswith('/'):
+ return [], 'Wrong use of SYSTEM_PROPERTIES in {}: absolute/build file path {}'.format(unit.path(), y)
+ y = _common.rootrel_arc_src(y, unit)
+ if not os.path.exists(unit.resolve('$S/' + y)):
+ return [], 'Wrong use of SYSTEM_PROPERTIES in {}: can\'t resolve {}'.format(unit.path(), y)
+ y = '${ARCADIA_ROOT}/' + y
+ props.append({'type': 'file', 'path': y})
+ else:
+ props.append({'type': 'inline', 'key': x, 'value': y})
+ return props, None
+def onjava_test(unit, *args):
+ if unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
+ # graph changed for clang_tidy tests
+ return
+ assert unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') is not None
+ if unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') == 'JTEST_FOR':
+ if not unit.get('UNITTEST_DIR'):
+ ymake.report_configure_error('skip JTEST_FOR in {}: no args provided'.format(unit.path()))
+ return
+ java_cp_arg_type = unit.get('JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE_VALUE') or 'MANIFEST'
+ if java_cp_arg_type not in ('MANIFEST', 'COMMAND_FILE', 'LIST'):
+ ymake.report_configure_error('{}: TEST_JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE({}) are invalid. Choose argument from MANIFEST, COMMAND_FILE or LIST)'.format(unit.path(), java_cp_arg_type))
+ return
+ unit_path = unit.path()
+ path = _common.strip_roots(unit_path)
+ test_data = get_norm_paths(unit, 'TEST_DATA_VALUE')
+ test_data.append('arcadia/build/scripts/run_junit.py')
+ test_data.append('arcadia/build/scripts/unpacking_jtest_runner.py')
+ data, data_files = get_canonical_test_resources(unit)
+ test_data += data
+ props, error_mgs = extract_java_system_properties(unit, get_values_list(unit, 'SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_VALUE'))
+ if error_mgs:
+ ymake.report_configure_error(error_mgs)
+ return
+ for prop in props:
+ if prop['type'] == 'file':
+ test_data.append(prop['path'].replace('${ARCADIA_ROOT}', 'arcadia'))
+ props = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(props, encoding='utf-8'))
+ test_cwd = unit.get('TEST_CWD_VALUE') or '' # TODO: validate test_cwd value
+ if unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') == 'JUNIT5':
+ script_rel_path = 'junit5.test'
+ else:
+ script_rel_path = 'junit.test'
+ ymake_java_test = unit.get('YMAKE_JAVA_TEST') == 'yes'
+ test_record = {
+ 'TEST-NAME': '-'.join([os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)), os.path.basename(path)]),
+ 'SCRIPT-REL-PATH': script_rel_path,
+ 'TEST-TIMEOUT': unit.get('TEST_TIMEOUT') or '',
+ 'TEST-ENV': prepare_env(unit.get("TEST_ENV_VALUE")),
+ # 'TEST-PRESERVE-ENV': 'da',
+ 'TEST-DATA': serialize_list(sorted(_common.filter_out_by_keyword(test_data, 'AUTOUPDATED'))),
+ 'FORK-MODE': unit.get('TEST_FORK_MODE') or '',
+ 'SPLIT-FACTOR': unit.get('TEST_SPLIT_FACTOR') or '',
+ 'CUSTOM-DEPENDENCIES': ' '.join(get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_DEPENDS_VALUE')),
+ 'TAG': serialize_list(_get_test_tags(unit)),
+ 'SIZE': unit.get('TEST_SIZE_NAME') or '',
+ 'REQUIREMENTS': serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE')),
+ 'TEST-RECIPES': prepare_recipes(unit.get("TEST_RECIPES_VALUE")),
+ 'MODULE_TYPE': unit.get('MODULE_TYPE'),
+ 'UNITTEST_DIR': unit.get('UNITTEST_DIR') or '',
+ 'JVM_ARGS': serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, 'JVM_ARGS_VALUE')),
+ 'TEST-CWD': test_cwd,
+ 'SKIP_TEST': unit.get('SKIP_TEST_VALUE') or '',
+ 'JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE': java_cp_arg_type,
+ 'NO_JBUILD': 'yes' if ymake_java_test else 'no',
+ 'JDK_RESOURCE': 'JDK' + (unit.get('JDK_VERSION') or '_DEFAULT'),
+ 'JDK_FOR_TESTS': 'JDK' + (unit.get('JDK_VERSION') or '_DEFAULT') + '_FOR_TESTS',
+ }
+ test_classpath_origins = unit.get('TEST_CLASSPATH_VALUE')
+ if test_classpath_origins:
+ test_record['TEST_CLASSPATH_ORIGINS'] = test_classpath_origins
+ elif ymake_java_test:
+ test_record['TEST_CLASSPATH'] = '${DART_CLASSPATH}'
+ if unit.get('UNITTEST_DIR'):
+ test_record['TEST_JAR'] = '${UNITTEST_MOD}'
+ else:
+ test_record['TEST_JAR'] = '{}/{}.jar'.format(unit.get('MODDIR'), unit.get('REALPRJNAME'))
+ data = dump_test(unit, test_record)
+ if data:
+ unit.set_property(['DART_DATA', data])
+def onjava_test_deps(unit, *args):
+ if unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
+ # graph changed for clang_tidy tests
+ return
+ assert unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') is not None
+ assert len(args) == 1
+ mode = args[0]
+ path = get_norm_unit_path(unit)
+ ymake_java_test = unit.get('YMAKE_JAVA_TEST') == 'yes'
+ test_record = {
+ 'TEST-NAME': '-'.join([os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)), os.path.basename(path), 'dependencies']).strip('-'),
+ 'SCRIPT-REL-PATH': 'java.dependency.test',
+ 'TEST-DATA': '',
+ 'FORK-MODE': '',
+ 'CUSTOM-DEPENDENCIES': ' '.join(get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_DEPENDS_VALUE')),
+ 'TAG': '',
+ 'SIZE': 'SMALL',
+ 'NO_JBUILD': 'yes' if ymake_java_test else 'no',
+ 'MODULE_TYPE': unit.get('MODULE_TYPE'),
+ 'TEST-CWD': '',
+ }
+ if mode == 'strict':
+ test_record['STRICT_CLASSPATH_CLASH'] = 'yes'
+ if ymake_java_test:
+ test_record['CLASSPATH'] = '$B/{}/{}.jar ${{DART_CLASSPATH}}'.format(unit.get('MODDIR'), unit.get('REALPRJNAME'))
+ data = dump_test(unit, test_record)
+ unit.set_property(['DART_DATA', data])
+def _get_test_tags(unit, spec_args=None):
+ if spec_args is None:
+ spec_args = {}
+ tags = spec_args.get('TAG', []) + get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_TAGS_VALUE')
+ # DEVTOOLS-7571
+ if unit.get('SKIP_TEST_VALUE') and 'ya:fat' in tags and "ya:not_autocheck" not in tags:
+ tags.append("ya:not_autocheck")
+ return tags
+def _dump_test(
+ unit,
+ test_type,
+ test_files,
+ timeout,
+ test_dir,
+ custom_deps,
+ test_data,
+ python_paths,
+ split_factor,
+ fork_mode,
+ test_size,
+ tags,
+ requirements,
+ binary_path='',
+ old_pytest=False,
+ test_cwd=None,
+ runner_bin=None,
+ yt_spec=None,
+ data_files=None
+ if test_type == "PY_TEST":
+ script_rel_path = "py.test"
+ else:
+ script_rel_path = test_type
+ unit_path = unit.path()
+ fork_test_files = unit.get('FORK_TEST_FILES_MODE')
+ fork_mode = ' '.join(fork_mode) if fork_mode else ''
+ use_arcadia_python = unit.get('USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON')
+ if test_cwd:
+ test_cwd = test_cwd.replace("$TEST_CWD_VALUE", "").replace('"MACRO_CALLS_DELIM"', "").strip()
+ test_name = os.path.basename(binary_path)
+ test_record = {
+ 'TEST-NAME': os.path.splitext(test_name)[0],
+ 'TEST-TIMEOUT': timeout,
+ 'SCRIPT-REL-PATH': script_rel_path,
+ 'TESTED-PROJECT-NAME': test_name,
+ 'SOURCE-FOLDER-PATH': test_dir,
+ 'CUSTOM-DEPENDENCIES': " ".join(custom_deps),
+ 'TEST-ENV': prepare_env(unit.get("TEST_ENV_VALUE")),
+ # 'TEST-PRESERVE-ENV': 'da',
+ 'TEST-DATA': serialize_list(sorted(_common.filter_out_by_keyword(test_data, 'AUTOUPDATED'))),
+ 'TEST-RECIPES': prepare_recipes(unit.get("TEST_RECIPES_VALUE")),
+ 'SPLIT-FACTOR': split_factor,
+ 'FORK-MODE': fork_mode,
+ 'FORK-TEST-FILES': fork_test_files,
+ 'TEST-FILES': serialize_list(test_files),
+ 'SIZE': test_size,
+ 'TAG': serialize_list(tags),
+ 'REQUIREMENTS': serialize_list(requirements),
+ 'USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON': use_arcadia_python or '',
+ 'OLD_PYTEST': 'yes' if old_pytest else 'no',
+ 'PYTHON-PATHS': serialize_list(python_paths),
+ 'TEST-CWD': test_cwd or '',
+ 'SKIP_TEST': unit.get('SKIP_TEST_VALUE') or '',
+ 'BUILD-FOLDER-PATH': _common.strip_roots(unit_path),
+ 'BLOB': unit.get('TEST_BLOB_DATA') or '',
+ }
+ if binary_path:
+ test_record['BINARY-PATH'] = _common.strip_roots(binary_path)
+ if runner_bin:
+ test_record['TEST-RUNNER-BIN'] = runner_bin
+ if yt_spec:
+ test_record['YT-SPEC'] = serialize_list(yt_spec)
+ data = dump_test(unit, test_record)
+ if data:
+ unit.set_property(["DART_DATA", data])
+ save_in_file(unit.get('TEST_DART_OUT_FILE'), data)
+def onsetup_pytest_bin(unit, *args):
+ use_arcadia_python = unit.get('USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON') == "yes"
+ if use_arcadia_python:
+ unit.onresource(['-', 'PY_MAIN={}'.format("library.python.pytest.main:main")]) # XXX
+ unit.onadd_pytest_bin(list(args))
+ else:
+ unit.onno_platform()
+ unit.onadd_pytest_script(["PY_TEST"])
+def onrun(unit, *args):
+ exectest_cmd = unit.get(["EXECTEST_COMMAND_VALUE"]) or ''
+ exectest_cmd += "\n" + subprocess.list2cmdline(args)
+ unit.set(["EXECTEST_COMMAND_VALUE", exectest_cmd])
+def onsetup_exectest(unit, *args):
+ command = unit.get(["EXECTEST_COMMAND_VALUE"])
+ if command is None:
+ ymake.report_configure_error("EXECTEST must have at least one RUN macro")
+ return
+ command = command.replace("$EXECTEST_COMMAND_VALUE", "")
+ if "PYTHON_BIN" in command:
+ unit.ondepends('contrib/tools/python')
+ unit.set(["TEST_BLOB_DATA", base64.b64encode(command)])
+ add_test_to_dart(unit, "exectest", binary_path=os.path.join(unit.path(), unit.filename()).replace(".pkg", ""))
+def onsetup_run_python(unit):
+ if unit.get("USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON") == "yes":
+ unit.ondepends('contrib/tools/python')
+def get_canonical_test_resources(unit):
+ unit_path = unit.path()
+ canon_data_dir = os.path.join(unit.resolve(unit_path), CANON_DATA_DIR_NAME, unit.get('CANONIZE_SUB_PATH') or '')
+ try:
+ _, dirs, files = next(os.walk(canon_data_dir))
+ except StopIteration:
+ # path doesn't exist
+ return [], []
+ return _get_canonical_data_resources_v2(os.path.join(canon_data_dir, CANON_RESULT_FILE_NAME), unit_path)
+ return [], []
+def _load_canonical_file(filename, unit_path):
+ try:
+ with open(filename) as results_file:
+ return json.load(results_file)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print>>sys.stderr, "malformed canonical data in {}: {} ({})".format(unit_path, e, filename)
+ return {}
+def _get_resource_from_uri(uri):
+ if m:
+ res_id = m.group(1)
+ return "{}:{}".format(MDS_SHEME, res_id)
+ if m:
+ # There might be conflict between resources, because all resources in sandbox have 'resource.tar.gz' name
+ # That's why we use notation with '=' to specify specific path for resource
+ uri = m.group(1)
+ res_id = m.group(2)
+ return "{}={}".format(uri, '/'.join([CANON_OUTPUT_STORAGE, res_id]))
+def _get_external_resources_from_canon_data(data):
+ # Method should work with both canonization versions:
+ # result.json: {'uri':X 'checksum':Y}
+ # result.json: {'testname': {'uri':X 'checksum':Y}}
+ # result.json: {'testname': [{'uri':X 'checksum':Y}]}
+ # Also there is a bug - if user returns {'uri': 1} from test - machinery will fail
+ # That's why we check 'uri' and 'checksum' fields presence
+ # (it's still a bug - user can return {'uri':X, 'checksum': Y}, we need to unify canonization format)
+ res = set()
+ if isinstance(data, dict):
+ if 'uri' in data and 'checksum' in data:
+ resource = _get_resource_from_uri(data['uri'])
+ if resource:
+ res.add(resource)
+ else:
+ for k, v in data.iteritems():
+ res.update(_get_external_resources_from_canon_data(v))
+ elif isinstance(data, list):
+ for e in data:
+ res.update(_get_external_resources_from_canon_data(e))
+ return res
+def _get_canonical_data_resources_v2(filename, unit_path):
+ return (_get_external_resources_from_canon_data(_load_canonical_file(filename, unit_path)), [filename])