diff options
authormepershin <mepershin@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:52:26 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:52:26 +0300
commitd44eaca2d95ae331ff3c8ce74be2fd2a933d45d7 (patch)
parentdafbf141fbb8966f59d5bda4d52bdff29407bfee (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <mepershin@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 1 of 2.
11 files changed, 706 insertions, 706 deletions
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h b/ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h
index a2faee326e..c08d8c2925 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h
@@ -792,13 +792,13 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
- EvControllerMigrationPause,
- EvControllerMigrationContinue,
- EvControllerMigrationFinished,
- EvControllerMigrationBatch,
- EvControllerMigrationBatchRequest,
- EvControllerMigrationDone,
+ EvControllerMigrationPause,
+ EvControllerMigrationContinue,
+ EvControllerMigrationFinished,
+ EvControllerMigrationBatch,
+ EvControllerMigrationBatchRequest,
+ EvControllerMigrationDone,
// proxy - node controller interface
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/cluster_fit_scripts/cluster.py b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/cluster_fit_scripts/cluster.py
index c005a26d8d..9e38a1d3e5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/cluster_fit_scripts/cluster.py
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/cluster_fit_scripts/cluster.py
@@ -1,357 +1,357 @@
-import argparse
-import random
-import string
-import struct
-import math
-import sys
-KB = 1024
-MB = 1024 * KB
-GB = 1024 * MB
-def padding(x = 0, t = None):
- if t is None:
- return ' ' * (x * 4)
- else:
- lines = t.strip().split('\n')
- return '\n'.join(padding(1) + line for line in lines)
-def human(value):
- return value + 1
-class PrintLine:
- def __init__(self, key, value, encode=False):
- self.key = key
- self.value = value
- self.encode = encode
- def print(self, padding_size=0):
- result = padding(padding_size)
- result += str(self.key)
- result += ": "
- if self.encode: result += "\""
- result += str(self.value)
- if self.encode: result += "\""
- return result
- def __str__(self):
- return self.print()
-class PrintNode:
- def __init__(self, name, inline=False):
- self.name = name
- self.children = []
- def add_line(self, key, value, encode=False):
- self.children.append(PrintLine(key, value, encode))
- def add_node(self, node):
- self.children.append(node)
- def print(self, padding_size=0):
- result = padding(padding_size) + self.name + " {\n"
- for child in self.children:
- result += child.print(padding_size + 1) + "\n"
- result += padding(padding_size) + "}"
- return result
- def __str__(self):
- return self.print()
-class PDisk:
- def __init__(self, node_id, pdisk_id, box_id, disk_type='HDD'):
- self.node_id = node_id
- self.pdisk_id = pdisk_id
- self.path = "/dev/node{}/pdisk{}".format(node_id, pdisk_id)
- self.type = disk_type
- self.box_id = box_id
- self.num_static_slots = 0
- self.expected_slot_count = 16
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("PDisk")
- printer.add_line("NodeId", self.node_id)
- printer.add_line("PDiskId", self.pdisk_id)
- printer.add_line("Path", self.path, encode=True)
- printer.add_line("Guid", ''.join(random.choice('123456789') for _ in range(9)))
- printer.add_line("BoxId", self.box_id)
- printer.add_line("NumStaticSlots", self.num_static_slots)
- printer.add_line("DriveStatus", "ACTIVE")
- printer.add_line("ExpectedSlotCount", self.expected_slot_count)
- return printer
-class VSlot:
- def __init__(self, node_id, pdisk_id, vslot_id):
- self.node_id = node_id
- self.pdisk_id = pdisk_id
- self.vslot_id = vslot_id
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("VSlotId")
- printer.add_line("NodeId", self.node_id)
- printer.add_line("PDiskId", self.pdisk_id)
- printer.add_line("VSlotId", self.vslot_id)
- return printer
- def __str__(self):
- return "VSlot({}, {}, {})".format(self.node_id, self.pdisk_id, self.vslot_id)
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-class Group:
- def __init__(self, box_id, storage_pool_id, erasure_species='block-4-2'):
- self.erasure_species = erasure_species
- self.box_id = box_id
- self.storage_pool_id = storage_pool_id
- self.vslots = []
- def add_vslot(self, node_id, pdisk_id, vslot_id):
- self.vslots.append(VSlot(node_id, pdisk_id, vslot_id))
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("Group")
- printer.add_line("GroupId", ''.join(random.choice('123456789') for _ in range(9)))
- printer.add_line("ErasureSpecies", self.erasure_species, encode=True)
- printer.add_line("BoxId", self.box_id)
- printer.add_line("StoragePoolId", self.storage_pool_id)
- for vslot in self.vslots:
- printer.add_node(vslot.print())
- return printer
-class FailDomain:
- def __init__(self, dc=None, room=None, rack=None, body=None):
- self.dc = dc
- self.room = room
- self.rack = rack
- self.body = body
- def serialize(self):
- result = bytes()
- pack = lambda level, value: b'' if value is None else struct.pack('<BI', level, value)
- result += pack(10, self.dc)
- result += pack(20, self.room)
- result += pack(30, self.rack)
- result += pack(40, self.body)
- result = ''.join('\\{0:03o}'.format(x) for x in result)
- return result
- def deserialize(self, data):
- value_count = len(data) // 5
- data = struct.unpack('<' + 'BI' * value_count, data)
- for index in range(0, len(data), 2):
- if data[index] == 10:
- self.dc = data[index + 1]
- elif data[index] == 20:
- self.room = data[index + 1]
- elif data[index] == 30:
- self.rack = data[index + 1]
- else:
- self.body = data[index + 1]
-class Node:
- def __init__(self, node_id, dc=None, room=None, rack=None, body=None):
- self.node_id = node_id
- self.physical_location = FailDomain(dc, room, rack, body)
- self.fqdn = "node{}.test.cluster.net".format(node_id)
- self.icport = 1337
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("Node")
- printer.add_line("NodeId", self.node_id)
- printer.add_line("PhysicalLocation", self.physical_location.serialize(), encode=True)
- hostkey = PrintNode("HostKey")
- hostkey.add_line("Fqdn", self.fqdn, encode=True)
- hostkey.add_line("IcPort", self.icport)
- printer.add_node(hostkey)
- return printer
-class Request:
- def __init__(self, algorithm, iterations):
- self.algorithm = algorithm
- self.iterations = iterations
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("Request")
- printer.add_line("Algorithm", self.algorithm)
- printer.add_line("Iterations", self.iterations)
- return printer
- @staticmethod
- def choices():
-class BaseConfig:
- def __init__(self):
- self.nodes = []
- self.pdisks = []
- self.groups = []
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("BaseConfig")
- for node in self.nodes:
- printer.add_node(node.print())
- for pdisk in self.pdisks:
- printer.add_node(pdisk.print())
- for group in self.groups:
- printer.add_node(group.print())
- return printer
-class StoragePool:
- def __init__(self, groups, box_id, sp_id, erasure_species="block-4-2"):
- self.box_id = box_id
- self.storage_pool_id = sp_id
- self.name = "StoragePool{}:{}".format(box_id, sp_id)
- self.erasure_species = erasure_species
- self.groups = groups
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("StoragePool")
- printer.add_line("BoxId", self.box_id)
- printer.add_line("StoragePoolId", self.storage_pool_id)
- printer.add_line("Name", self.name, encode=True)
- printer.add_line("ErasureSpecies", self.erasure_species, encode=True)
- printer.add_line("VDiskKind", "Default", encode=True)
- printer.add_line("Kind", "rot", encode=True)
- printer.add_line("NumGroups", self.groups)
- pdisk_filter = PrintNode("PDiskFilter")
- prop = PrintNode("Property")
- prop.add_line("Type", "ROT")
- pdisk_filter.add_node(prop)
- printer.add_node(pdisk_filter)
- return printer
-class Metric:
- def __init__(self, vslot, size):
- self.vslot = vslot
- self.size = size
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("Metric")
- printer.add_node(self.vslot.print())
- printer.add_line("Metric", self.size)
- return printer
- def __str__(self):
- return "Metric({}, {})".format(str(self.vslot), self.size)
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-class MetricStrategy:
- def __init__(self, name):
- if name not in MetricStrategy.choices():
- raise Exception("wrong strategy typename")
- self.func = getattr(self, 'strategy_{}'.format(name))
- @staticmethod
- def choices():
- allowed_names = [name for name in dir(MetricStrategy) if name.startswith('strategy_')]
- allowed_names = [name[name.find('_') + 1:] for name in allowed_names]
- return allowed_names
- def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
- def strategy_random(self, minimum=10*MB, maximum=10*GB, *args, **kwargs):
- return random.randint(minimum, maximum)
- def strategy_minmax(self, group_id, minimum=10*MB, maximum=10*GB, *args, **kwargs):
- if group_id % 2 == 0:
- return minimum
- return maximum
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test cluster crafting utility.')
- parser.add_argument('--nodes', dest='total_nodes', type=int, default=0, help='count of nodes in cluster')
- parser.add_argument('--groups', dest='groups', type=int, default=0, help='count of existing groups')
- parser.add_argument('--nodes-in-rack', dest='nodes_in_rack', type=int, default=8, help='count of nodes in one rack')
- parser.add_argument('--pdisks-per-node', dest='pdisks_per_node', type=int, default=1, help='count of pdisks on one node')
- parser.add_argument('--cluster-output', dest='cluster_output', type=str, default='cluster', help='name of file with clusterfit config')
- parser.add_argument('--metric-output', dest='metric_output', type=str, default='metric', help='name of file with vdisk metrics')
- parser.add_argument('--strategy', dest='strategy', type=str, default='random', choices=MetricStrategy.choices(), help='vslot metric assignment mechanism')
- parser.add_argument('--algorithm', dest='algorithm', type=str, choices=Request.choices(), help='clusterfit algorithm')
- parser.add_argument('--iterations', dest='iterations', type=int, default=10**5, help='count of iteration in anneling algorithm')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- racks = dict()
- node_usage = dict()
- strategy = MetricStrategy(args.strategy)
- nodes = []
- for id in range(args.total_nodes):
- rack_id = id // args.nodes_in_rack
- nodes.append(Node(human(id), 1, 1, human(id // args.nodes_in_rack), 1))
- node_usage[id] = [0 for _ in range(args.pdisks_per_node)]
- if rack_id in racks:
- racks[rack_id].append(id)
- else:
- racks[rack_id] = [id]
- pdisks = []
- for node in range(args.total_nodes):
- for index in range(args.pdisks_per_node):
- pdisk = PDisk(human(node), human(index), 1)
- pdisks.append(pdisk)
- def make_vslots():
- def find_vslot(rack_id):
- for node_id in racks[rack_id]:
- for pdisk_id in range(args.pdisks_per_node):
- if node_usage[node_id][pdisk_id] < 8:
- node_usage[node_id][pdisk_id] += 1
- return VSlot(human(node_id), human(pdisk_id), node_usage[node_id][pdisk_id])
- return None
- result = []
- for rack_id in racks:
- if len(result) < 8:
- vslot = find_vslot(rack_id)
- if vslot is not None:
- result.append(vslot)
- return result
- groups = []
- metrics = []
- for group_id in range(args.groups):
- group = Group(1, 1)
- group.vslots = make_vslots()
- for vslot in group.vslots:
- metrics.append(Metric(vslot, strategy.execute(group_id=group_id, vslot=vslot)))
- groups.append(group)
- storage_pools = []
- storage_pools.append(StoragePool(args.groups, 1, 1))
- base_config = BaseConfig()
- base_config.pdisks = pdisks
- base_config.groups = groups
- base_config.nodes = nodes
- with open(args.cluster_output, 'w') as cluster:
- cluster.write(str(base_config.print()) + "\n")
- for spool in storage_pools:
- cluster.write(str(spool.print()) + "\n")
- for metric in metrics:
- cluster.write(str(metric.print()) + "\n")
- cluster.write(str(Request(args.algorithm, args.iterations).print()) + "\n")
- with open(args.metric_output, 'w') as metrics_file:
- metrics_file.write(str(metrics))
+import argparse
+import random
+import string
+import struct
+import math
+import sys
+KB = 1024
+MB = 1024 * KB
+GB = 1024 * MB
+def padding(x = 0, t = None):
+ if t is None:
+ return ' ' * (x * 4)
+ else:
+ lines = t.strip().split('\n')
+ return '\n'.join(padding(1) + line for line in lines)
+def human(value):
+ return value + 1
+class PrintLine:
+ def __init__(self, key, value, encode=False):
+ self.key = key
+ self.value = value
+ self.encode = encode
+ def print(self, padding_size=0):
+ result = padding(padding_size)
+ result += str(self.key)
+ result += ": "
+ if self.encode: result += "\""
+ result += str(self.value)
+ if self.encode: result += "\""
+ return result
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.print()
+class PrintNode:
+ def __init__(self, name, inline=False):
+ self.name = name
+ self.children = []
+ def add_line(self, key, value, encode=False):
+ self.children.append(PrintLine(key, value, encode))
+ def add_node(self, node):
+ self.children.append(node)
+ def print(self, padding_size=0):
+ result = padding(padding_size) + self.name + " {\n"
+ for child in self.children:
+ result += child.print(padding_size + 1) + "\n"
+ result += padding(padding_size) + "}"
+ return result
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.print()
+class PDisk:
+ def __init__(self, node_id, pdisk_id, box_id, disk_type='HDD'):
+ self.node_id = node_id
+ self.pdisk_id = pdisk_id
+ self.path = "/dev/node{}/pdisk{}".format(node_id, pdisk_id)
+ self.type = disk_type
+ self.box_id = box_id
+ self.num_static_slots = 0
+ self.expected_slot_count = 16
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("PDisk")
+ printer.add_line("NodeId", self.node_id)
+ printer.add_line("PDiskId", self.pdisk_id)
+ printer.add_line("Path", self.path, encode=True)
+ printer.add_line("Guid", ''.join(random.choice('123456789') for _ in range(9)))
+ printer.add_line("BoxId", self.box_id)
+ printer.add_line("NumStaticSlots", self.num_static_slots)
+ printer.add_line("DriveStatus", "ACTIVE")
+ printer.add_line("ExpectedSlotCount", self.expected_slot_count)
+ return printer
+class VSlot:
+ def __init__(self, node_id, pdisk_id, vslot_id):
+ self.node_id = node_id
+ self.pdisk_id = pdisk_id
+ self.vslot_id = vslot_id
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("VSlotId")
+ printer.add_line("NodeId", self.node_id)
+ printer.add_line("PDiskId", self.pdisk_id)
+ printer.add_line("VSlotId", self.vslot_id)
+ return printer
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "VSlot({}, {}, {})".format(self.node_id, self.pdisk_id, self.vslot_id)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+class Group:
+ def __init__(self, box_id, storage_pool_id, erasure_species='block-4-2'):
+ self.erasure_species = erasure_species
+ self.box_id = box_id
+ self.storage_pool_id = storage_pool_id
+ self.vslots = []
+ def add_vslot(self, node_id, pdisk_id, vslot_id):
+ self.vslots.append(VSlot(node_id, pdisk_id, vslot_id))
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("Group")
+ printer.add_line("GroupId", ''.join(random.choice('123456789') for _ in range(9)))
+ printer.add_line("ErasureSpecies", self.erasure_species, encode=True)
+ printer.add_line("BoxId", self.box_id)
+ printer.add_line("StoragePoolId", self.storage_pool_id)
+ for vslot in self.vslots:
+ printer.add_node(vslot.print())
+ return printer
+class FailDomain:
+ def __init__(self, dc=None, room=None, rack=None, body=None):
+ self.dc = dc
+ self.room = room
+ self.rack = rack
+ self.body = body
+ def serialize(self):
+ result = bytes()
+ pack = lambda level, value: b'' if value is None else struct.pack('<BI', level, value)
+ result += pack(10, self.dc)
+ result += pack(20, self.room)
+ result += pack(30, self.rack)
+ result += pack(40, self.body)
+ result = ''.join('\\{0:03o}'.format(x) for x in result)
+ return result
+ def deserialize(self, data):
+ value_count = len(data) // 5
+ data = struct.unpack('<' + 'BI' * value_count, data)
+ for index in range(0, len(data), 2):
+ if data[index] == 10:
+ self.dc = data[index + 1]
+ elif data[index] == 20:
+ self.room = data[index + 1]
+ elif data[index] == 30:
+ self.rack = data[index + 1]
+ else:
+ self.body = data[index + 1]
+class Node:
+ def __init__(self, node_id, dc=None, room=None, rack=None, body=None):
+ self.node_id = node_id
+ self.physical_location = FailDomain(dc, room, rack, body)
+ self.fqdn = "node{}.test.cluster.net".format(node_id)
+ self.icport = 1337
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("Node")
+ printer.add_line("NodeId", self.node_id)
+ printer.add_line("PhysicalLocation", self.physical_location.serialize(), encode=True)
+ hostkey = PrintNode("HostKey")
+ hostkey.add_line("Fqdn", self.fqdn, encode=True)
+ hostkey.add_line("IcPort", self.icport)
+ printer.add_node(hostkey)
+ return printer
+class Request:
+ def __init__(self, algorithm, iterations):
+ self.algorithm = algorithm
+ self.iterations = iterations
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("Request")
+ printer.add_line("Algorithm", self.algorithm)
+ printer.add_line("Iterations", self.iterations)
+ return printer
+ @staticmethod
+ def choices():
+class BaseConfig:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.pdisks = []
+ self.groups = []
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("BaseConfig")
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ printer.add_node(node.print())
+ for pdisk in self.pdisks:
+ printer.add_node(pdisk.print())
+ for group in self.groups:
+ printer.add_node(group.print())
+ return printer
+class StoragePool:
+ def __init__(self, groups, box_id, sp_id, erasure_species="block-4-2"):
+ self.box_id = box_id
+ self.storage_pool_id = sp_id
+ self.name = "StoragePool{}:{}".format(box_id, sp_id)
+ self.erasure_species = erasure_species
+ self.groups = groups
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("StoragePool")
+ printer.add_line("BoxId", self.box_id)
+ printer.add_line("StoragePoolId", self.storage_pool_id)
+ printer.add_line("Name", self.name, encode=True)
+ printer.add_line("ErasureSpecies", self.erasure_species, encode=True)
+ printer.add_line("VDiskKind", "Default", encode=True)
+ printer.add_line("Kind", "rot", encode=True)
+ printer.add_line("NumGroups", self.groups)
+ pdisk_filter = PrintNode("PDiskFilter")
+ prop = PrintNode("Property")
+ prop.add_line("Type", "ROT")
+ pdisk_filter.add_node(prop)
+ printer.add_node(pdisk_filter)
+ return printer
+class Metric:
+ def __init__(self, vslot, size):
+ self.vslot = vslot
+ self.size = size
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("Metric")
+ printer.add_node(self.vslot.print())
+ printer.add_line("Metric", self.size)
+ return printer
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Metric({}, {})".format(str(self.vslot), self.size)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+class MetricStrategy:
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ if name not in MetricStrategy.choices():
+ raise Exception("wrong strategy typename")
+ self.func = getattr(self, 'strategy_{}'.format(name))
+ @staticmethod
+ def choices():
+ allowed_names = [name for name in dir(MetricStrategy) if name.startswith('strategy_')]
+ allowed_names = [name[name.find('_') + 1:] for name in allowed_names]
+ return allowed_names
+ def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
+ def strategy_random(self, minimum=10*MB, maximum=10*GB, *args, **kwargs):
+ return random.randint(minimum, maximum)
+ def strategy_minmax(self, group_id, minimum=10*MB, maximum=10*GB, *args, **kwargs):
+ if group_id % 2 == 0:
+ return minimum
+ return maximum
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test cluster crafting utility.')
+ parser.add_argument('--nodes', dest='total_nodes', type=int, default=0, help='count of nodes in cluster')
+ parser.add_argument('--groups', dest='groups', type=int, default=0, help='count of existing groups')
+ parser.add_argument('--nodes-in-rack', dest='nodes_in_rack', type=int, default=8, help='count of nodes in one rack')
+ parser.add_argument('--pdisks-per-node', dest='pdisks_per_node', type=int, default=1, help='count of pdisks on one node')
+ parser.add_argument('--cluster-output', dest='cluster_output', type=str, default='cluster', help='name of file with clusterfit config')
+ parser.add_argument('--metric-output', dest='metric_output', type=str, default='metric', help='name of file with vdisk metrics')
+ parser.add_argument('--strategy', dest='strategy', type=str, default='random', choices=MetricStrategy.choices(), help='vslot metric assignment mechanism')
+ parser.add_argument('--algorithm', dest='algorithm', type=str, choices=Request.choices(), help='clusterfit algorithm')
+ parser.add_argument('--iterations', dest='iterations', type=int, default=10**5, help='count of iteration in anneling algorithm')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ racks = dict()
+ node_usage = dict()
+ strategy = MetricStrategy(args.strategy)
+ nodes = []
+ for id in range(args.total_nodes):
+ rack_id = id // args.nodes_in_rack
+ nodes.append(Node(human(id), 1, 1, human(id // args.nodes_in_rack), 1))
+ node_usage[id] = [0 for _ in range(args.pdisks_per_node)]
+ if rack_id in racks:
+ racks[rack_id].append(id)
+ else:
+ racks[rack_id] = [id]
+ pdisks = []
+ for node in range(args.total_nodes):
+ for index in range(args.pdisks_per_node):
+ pdisk = PDisk(human(node), human(index), 1)
+ pdisks.append(pdisk)
+ def make_vslots():
+ def find_vslot(rack_id):
+ for node_id in racks[rack_id]:
+ for pdisk_id in range(args.pdisks_per_node):
+ if node_usage[node_id][pdisk_id] < 8:
+ node_usage[node_id][pdisk_id] += 1
+ return VSlot(human(node_id), human(pdisk_id), node_usage[node_id][pdisk_id])
+ return None
+ result = []
+ for rack_id in racks:
+ if len(result) < 8:
+ vslot = find_vslot(rack_id)
+ if vslot is not None:
+ result.append(vslot)
+ return result
+ groups = []
+ metrics = []
+ for group_id in range(args.groups):
+ group = Group(1, 1)
+ group.vslots = make_vslots()
+ for vslot in group.vslots:
+ metrics.append(Metric(vslot, strategy.execute(group_id=group_id, vslot=vslot)))
+ groups.append(group)
+ storage_pools = []
+ storage_pools.append(StoragePool(args.groups, 1, 1))
+ base_config = BaseConfig()
+ base_config.pdisks = pdisks
+ base_config.groups = groups
+ base_config.nodes = nodes
+ with open(args.cluster_output, 'w') as cluster:
+ cluster.write(str(base_config.print()) + "\n")
+ for spool in storage_pools:
+ cluster.write(str(spool.print()) + "\n")
+ for metric in metrics:
+ cluster.write(str(metric.print()) + "\n")
+ cluster.write(str(Request(args.algorithm, args.iterations).print()) + "\n")
+ with open(args.metric_output, 'w') as metrics_file:
+ metrics_file.write(str(metrics))
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/cluster_fit_scripts/parser.py b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/cluster_fit_scripts/parser.py
index fa478de894..f4efc263a6 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/cluster_fit_scripts/parser.py
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/cluster_fit_scripts/parser.py
@@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
-import argparse
-class VSlot:
- def __init__(self, node_id, pdisk_id, vslot_id):
- self.node_id = node_id
- self.pdisk_id = pdisk_id
- self.vslot_id = vslot_id
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("VSlotId")
- printer.add_line("NodeId", self.node_id)
- printer.add_line("PDiskId", self.pdisk_id)
- printer.add_line("VSlotId", self.vslot_id)
- return printer
- def key(self):
- return (self.node_id, self.pdisk_id, self.vslot_id)
- def __str__(self):
- return "VSlot({}, {}, {})".format(self.node_id, self.pdisk_id, self.vslot_id)
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-class Metric:
- def __init__(self, vslot, size):
- self.vslot = vslot
- self.size = size
- def print(self):
- printer = PrintNode("Metric")
- printer.add_node(self.vslot.print())
- printer.add_line("Metric", self.size)
- return printer
- def __str__(self):
- return "Metric({}, {})".format(str(self.vslot), self.size)
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-class Statistics:
- def __init__(self):
- self.metrics = dict()
- self.moved = list()
- self.total_size = 0
- self.moved_size = 0
- def parse_metrics(self, metrics):
- for metric in metrics:
- self.metrics[metric.vslot.key()] = metric.size
- self.total_size += metric.size
- def move_vslot(self, vslot):
- self.moved.append(vslot)
- self.moved_size += self.metrics[vslot.key()]
- def __str__(self):
- return "Statistics(moved={:3f}%)".format(100 * self.moved_size / self.total_size)
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-def parse_line(line):
- return int(line.strip().split(':')[-1].strip())
-def read_file(result_filename, metrics_filename):
- with open(result_filename, 'r') as result_desc:
- result_content = result_desc.read().strip()
- with open(metrics_filename, 'r') as metrics_desc:
- metrics = eval(metrics_desc.read())
- stats = Statistics()
- stats.parse_metrics(metrics)
- result_lines = result_content.split('\n')
- current_line = 0
- while current_line < len(result_lines):
- if result_lines[current_line].strip().startswith("MoveCommand"):
- group_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 1])
- origin_node_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 2])
- origin_pdisk_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 3])
- origin_vslot_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 4])
- target_node_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 5])
- target_pdisk_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 6])
- stats.move_vslot(VSlot(origin_node_id, origin_pdisk_id, origin_vslot_id))
- current_line += 7
- else:
- current_line += 1
- return stats
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ClusterFit output statistics tool")
- parser.add_argument("--src", dest="result", type=str, help="text file with move commands and pdisk statistics")
- parser.add_argument("--metrics", dest="metrics", type=str, help="metrics for vslots")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- stats = read_file(args.result, args.metrics)
- print(stats)
+import argparse
+class VSlot:
+ def __init__(self, node_id, pdisk_id, vslot_id):
+ self.node_id = node_id
+ self.pdisk_id = pdisk_id
+ self.vslot_id = vslot_id
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("VSlotId")
+ printer.add_line("NodeId", self.node_id)
+ printer.add_line("PDiskId", self.pdisk_id)
+ printer.add_line("VSlotId", self.vslot_id)
+ return printer
+ def key(self):
+ return (self.node_id, self.pdisk_id, self.vslot_id)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "VSlot({}, {}, {})".format(self.node_id, self.pdisk_id, self.vslot_id)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+class Metric:
+ def __init__(self, vslot, size):
+ self.vslot = vslot
+ self.size = size
+ def print(self):
+ printer = PrintNode("Metric")
+ printer.add_node(self.vslot.print())
+ printer.add_line("Metric", self.size)
+ return printer
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Metric({}, {})".format(str(self.vslot), self.size)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+class Statistics:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.metrics = dict()
+ self.moved = list()
+ self.total_size = 0
+ self.moved_size = 0
+ def parse_metrics(self, metrics):
+ for metric in metrics:
+ self.metrics[metric.vslot.key()] = metric.size
+ self.total_size += metric.size
+ def move_vslot(self, vslot):
+ self.moved.append(vslot)
+ self.moved_size += self.metrics[vslot.key()]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Statistics(moved={:3f}%)".format(100 * self.moved_size / self.total_size)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+def parse_line(line):
+ return int(line.strip().split(':')[-1].strip())
+def read_file(result_filename, metrics_filename):
+ with open(result_filename, 'r') as result_desc:
+ result_content = result_desc.read().strip()
+ with open(metrics_filename, 'r') as metrics_desc:
+ metrics = eval(metrics_desc.read())
+ stats = Statistics()
+ stats.parse_metrics(metrics)
+ result_lines = result_content.split('\n')
+ current_line = 0
+ while current_line < len(result_lines):
+ if result_lines[current_line].strip().startswith("MoveCommand"):
+ group_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 1])
+ origin_node_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 2])
+ origin_pdisk_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 3])
+ origin_vslot_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 4])
+ target_node_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 5])
+ target_pdisk_id = parse_line(result_lines[current_line + 6])
+ stats.move_vslot(VSlot(origin_node_id, origin_pdisk_id, origin_vslot_id))
+ current_line += 7
+ else:
+ current_line += 1
+ return stats
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ClusterFit output statistics tool")
+ parser.add_argument("--src", dest="result", type=str, help="text file with move commands and pdisk statistics")
+ parser.add_argument("--metrics", dest="metrics", type=str, help="metrics for vslots")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ stats = read_file(args.result, args.metrics)
+ print(stats)
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/config_cmd.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/config_cmd.cpp
index 2fc925a9cd..fa329630a0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/config_cmd.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/config_cmd.cpp
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ namespace NKikimr::NBsController {
State.emplace(*Self, Self->HostRecords, TActivationContext::Now());
TString m;
google::protobuf::TextFormat::Printer printer;
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/config_fit_groups.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/config_fit_groups.cpp
index cb8801b0f5..cd42468e73 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/config_fit_groups.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/config_fit_groups.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "impl.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "group_mapper.h"
-#include "group_geometry_info.h"
+#include "group_geometry_info.h"
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NBsController {
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/group_geometry_info.h b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/group_geometry_info.h
index 10e5daedba..354c955221 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/group_geometry_info.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/group_geometry_info.h
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
#pragma once
#include "defs.h"
-#include "impl.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "group_mapper.h"
+#include "impl.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "group_mapper.h"
namespace NKikimr::NBsController {
struct TExFitGroupError : yexception {};
class TGroupGeometryInfo {
const TBlobStorageGroupType Type;
ui32 NumFailRealms;
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace NKikimr::NBsController {
ui32 RealmLevelEnd;
ui32 DomainLevelBegin;
ui32 DomainLevelEnd;
TGroupGeometryInfo(TBlobStorageGroupType type, NKikimrBlobStorage::TGroupGeometry g)
: Type(type)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace NKikimr::NBsController {
const ui32 minNumFailRealms = isMirror3dc ? 3 : 1;
const ui32 minNumFailDomainsPerFailRealm = isMirror3dc ? 3 : Type.BlobSubgroupSize();
const ui32 minNumVDisksPerFailDomain = 1;
if (!NumFailRealms && !NumFailDomainsPerFailRealm && !NumVDisksPerFailDomain) {
// no values are set, this means we're going to use the default ones
NumFailRealms = minNumFailRealms;
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ namespace NKikimr::NBsController {
NumFailDomainsPerFailRealm < minNumFailDomainsPerFailRealm ||
NumVDisksPerFailDomain < minNumVDisksPerFailDomain) {
throw TExFitGroupError() << "not enough fail domains, fail realms, or vdisks for specified erasure";
- }
+ }
if (RealmLevelBegin || RealmLevelEnd || DomainLevelBegin || DomainLevelEnd) {
if (RealmLevelEnd < RealmLevelBegin || DomainLevelEnd < DomainLevelBegin) {
throw TExFitGroupError() << "XxxLevelBegin must be less than or equal to XxxLevelEnd";
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ namespace NKikimr::NBsController {
RealmLevelEnd = 20;
DomainLevelBegin = 10;
DomainLevelEnd = 40;
- }
+ }
ui32 GetNumFailRealms() const { return NumFailRealms; }
ui32 GetNumFailDomainsPerFailRealm() const { return NumFailDomainsPerFailRealm; }
ui32 GetNumVDisksPerFailDomain() const { return NumVDisksPerFailDomain; }
@@ -77,19 +77,19 @@ namespace NKikimr::NBsController {
requiredSpace, requireOperational, error)) {
- }
+ }
throw TExFitGroupError() << "failed to allocate group: " << error;
bool ResizeGroup(TGroupMapper::TGroupDefinition& group) const {
if (!group) {
- for (auto &realm : group) {
+ for (auto &realm : group) {
- for (auto &domain : realm) {
+ for (auto &domain : realm) {
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
} else {
bool ok = group.size() == NumFailRealms;
if (ok) {
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ namespace NKikimr::NBsController {
if (!ok) {
return false;
- }
+ }
return true;
TBlobStorageGroupType::EErasureSpecies GetErasure() const {
return Type.GetErasure();
} // NKikimr::NBsController
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/impl.h b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/impl.h
index ba311a254c..31144441ba 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/impl.h
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public:
using THostConfigId = Schema::HostConfig::TKey::Type;
using TBoxId = Schema::Box::TKey::Type;
using TBoxStoragePoolId = Schema::BoxStoragePool::TKey::Type;
- using THostId = std::tuple<TString, i32>; // (Host, IcPort) identifier
+ using THostId = std::tuple<TString, i32>; // (Host, IcPort) identifier
class TTxInitScheme;
class TTxMigrate;
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/monitoring.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/monitoring.cpp
index 245c782cea..54374100eb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/monitoring.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/monitoring.cpp
@@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ class TBlobStorageController::TTxMonEvent_OperationLog : public TTransactionBase
const TCgiParameters Params;
- struct TOperationLogEntry {
+ struct TOperationLogEntry {
using T = Schema::OperationLog;
T::Index::Type Index;
T::Timestamp::Type Timestamp;
T::Request::Type Request;
T::Response::Type Response;
T::ExecutionTime::Type ExecutionTime;
- };
+ };
- TVector<TOperationLogEntry> Logs;
+ TVector<TOperationLogEntry> Logs;
ui64 NumRows = 0;
TTxMonEvent_OperationLog(const TActorId& sender, TCgiParameters params, TSelf *controller)
: TBase(controller)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public:
bool LoadOperationLog(TTransactionContext& txc, ui64 count, ui64 offset) {
- NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
+ NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
using T = Schema::OperationLog;
// obtain the very first record index
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ public:
// scan the table
auto table = db.Table<T>().GreaterOrEqual(firstRecordIndex + offset).Select();
if (!table.IsReady()) {
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
for (; !table.EndOfSet() && count; --count) {
const auto& index = table.GetValue<Schema::OperationLog::Index>();
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ public:
const auto& executionTime = table.GetValue<Schema::OperationLog::ExecutionTime>();
Logs.emplace_back(TOperationLogEntry{index, timestamp, request, response, executionTime});
if (!table.Next()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
void RenderOperationLog(IOutputStream& out, const ui64 count, const ui64 offset) {
@@ -537,13 +537,13 @@ public:
const TActorId Source;
const TGroupId GroupId;
TString Response;
TTxMonEvent_GetDown(const TActorId& source, TGroupId groupId, TSelf* bsc)
: TBase(bsc)
, Source(source)
, GroupId(groupId)
TTxType GetTxType() const override { return NBlobStorageController::TXTYPE_MON_EVENT_GET_DOWN; }
bool Execute(TTransactionContext&, const TActorContext&) override {
@@ -562,27 +562,27 @@ public:
json = reportGroup(*group);
} else {
json["Error"] = Sprintf("GroupId# %" PRIu32 " not found", GroupId);
- }
+ }
} else {
for (const auto& kv : Self->GroupMap) {
- }
+ }
TStringStream stream;
NJson::WriteJson(&stream, &json);
Response = stream.Str();
return true;
- }
+ }
void Complete(const TActorContext&) override {
STLOG(PRI_DEBUG, BS_CONTROLLER, BSCTXMO02, "TBlobStorageController::TTxMonEvent_GetDown", (GroupId, GroupId),
(Response, Response));
TActivationContext::Send(new IEventHandle(Source, Self->SelfId(), new NMon::TEvRemoteJsonInfoRes(Response)));
- }
+ }
class TDisableSelfHealActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TDisableSelfHealActor> {
const TActorId MonProxy;
const TString Url;
@@ -616,11 +616,11 @@ public:
bool TBlobStorageController::OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext&) {
if (!Executor() || !Executor()->GetStats().IsActive) {
return false;
- }
+ }
if (!ev) {
return true;
THolder<TTransactionBase<TBlobStorageController>> tx;
TStringStream str;
const TCgiParameters& cgi(ev->Get()->Cgi());
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ void TBlobStorageController::RenderInternalTables(IOutputStream& out, const TStr
- }
+ }
} else if (table == "serials") {
TABLE_CLASS("table") {
@@ -928,9 +928,9 @@ void TBlobStorageController::RenderInternalTables(IOutputStream& out, const TStr
- }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/scheme.h b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/scheme.h
index 3b7a425c95..2d09837ee1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/scheme.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/scheme.h
@@ -308,39 +308,39 @@ struct Schema : NIceDb::Schema {
using TColumns = TableColumns<Index, Timestamp, Request, Response, ExecutionTime>;
- struct MigrationPlan : Table<126> {
- enum EState : ui32 {
- };
- struct Name : Column<1, NScheme::NTypeIds::String> {};
- struct State : Column<2, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> { using Type = EState; };
- struct Size : Column<3, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
- struct Done : Column<4, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
- using TKey = TableKey<Name>;
- using TColumns = TableColumns<Name, State, Size, Done>;
- };
- struct MigrationEntry : Table<127> {
- struct PlanName : Column<1, MigrationPlan::Name::ColumnType> {};
- struct EntryIndex : Column<2, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
- struct GroupId : Column<3, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
- struct OriginNodeId : Column<4, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
- struct OriginPDiskId : Column<5, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
- struct OriginVSlotId : Column<6, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
- struct TargetNodeId : Column<7, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
- struct TargetPDiskId : Column<8, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
- struct Done : Column<9, NScheme::NTypeIds::Bool> {};
- using TKey = TableKey<PlanName, EntryIndex>;
- using TColumns = TableColumns<PlanName, EntryIndex, GroupId, OriginNodeId,
- OriginPDiskId, OriginVSlotId, TargetNodeId, TargetPDiskId, Done>;
- };
+ struct MigrationPlan : Table<126> {
+ enum EState : ui32 {
+ };
+ struct Name : Column<1, NScheme::NTypeIds::String> {};
+ struct State : Column<2, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> { using Type = EState; };
+ struct Size : Column<3, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
+ struct Done : Column<4, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
+ using TKey = TableKey<Name>;
+ using TColumns = TableColumns<Name, State, Size, Done>;
+ };
+ struct MigrationEntry : Table<127> {
+ struct PlanName : Column<1, MigrationPlan::Name::ColumnType> {};
+ struct EntryIndex : Column<2, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
+ struct GroupId : Column<3, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
+ struct OriginNodeId : Column<4, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
+ struct OriginPDiskId : Column<5, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
+ struct OriginVSlotId : Column<6, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
+ struct TargetNodeId : Column<7, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
+ struct TargetPDiskId : Column<8, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
+ struct Done : Column<9, NScheme::NTypeIds::Bool> {};
+ using TKey = TableKey<PlanName, EntryIndex>;
+ using TColumns = TableColumns<PlanName, EntryIndex, GroupId, OriginNodeId,
+ OriginPDiskId, OriginVSlotId, TargetNodeId, TargetPDiskId, Done>;
+ };
struct ScrubState : Table<128> {
struct NodeId : Column<1, VSlot::NodeID::ColumnType> {};
struct PDiskId : Column<2, VSlot::PDiskID::ColumnType> {};
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ struct Schema : NIceDb::Schema {
- OperationLog,
- MigrationPlan,
+ OperationLog,
+ MigrationPlan,
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut_bscontroller/main.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut_bscontroller/main.cpp
index 87f7b18fb3..5263966493 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut_bscontroller/main.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut_bscontroller/main.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/interconnect/interconnect.h>
-#include <util/datetime/cputimer.h>
+#include <util/datetime/cputimer.h>
#include <util/random/random.h>
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ struct TEnvironmentSetup {
TPDiskRecord ParsePDiskRecord(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TBaseConfig::TPDisk& pdisk) {
return std::make_tuple(
- pdisk.GetNodeId(),
- std::make_tuple(
- pdisk.GetPath(),
- pdisk.GetType(),
- pdisk.GetSharedWithOs(),
- pdisk.GetReadCentric(),
- pdisk.GetKind()));
+ pdisk.GetNodeId(),
+ std::make_tuple(
+ pdisk.GetPath(),
+ pdisk.GetType(),
+ pdisk.GetSharedWithOs(),
+ pdisk.GetReadCentric(),
+ pdisk.GetKind()));
TSet<TPDiskRecord> ParsePDisks(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TBaseConfig& config) {
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ struct TEnvironmentSetup {
TEnvironmentSetup(ui32 nodeCount, ui32 dataCenterCount)
: NodeCount(nodeCount)
, DataCenterCount(dataCenterCount)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
void Prepare(const TString& /*dispatchName*/, std::function<void(TTestActorRuntime&)> setup, bool& outActiveZone) {
outActiveZone = false;
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ struct TEnvironmentSetup {
void DefineBox(ui64 boxId, const TString& name, const TVector<TPDiskDefinition>& pdisks,
- const TVector<TNodeRecord>& nodes, NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigRequest& request,
- const ui64 generation = 0) {
+ const TVector<TNodeRecord>& nodes, NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigRequest& request,
+ const ui64 generation = 0) {
auto& hostcfg = *request.AddCommand()->MutableDefineHostConfig();
for (const auto& pdisk : pdisks) {
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ struct TEnvironmentSetup {
auto& box = *request.AddCommand()->MutableDefineBox();
- box.SetItemConfigGeneration(generation);
+ box.SetItemConfigGeneration(generation);
for (const auto& node : nodes) {
TString fqdn;
i32 icPort;
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ struct TEnvironmentSetup {
void DefineStoragePool(ui64 boxId, ui64 storagePoolId, const TString& name, ui32 numGroups,
- TMaybe<NKikimrBlobStorage::EPDiskType> pdiskType, TMaybe<bool> sharedWithOs,
- NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigRequest& request, const TString& erasure = "block-4-2",
- const ui64 generation = 0) {
+ TMaybe<NKikimrBlobStorage::EPDiskType> pdiskType, TMaybe<bool> sharedWithOs,
+ NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigRequest& request, const TString& erasure = "block-4-2",
+ const ui64 generation = 0) {
auto& cmd = *request.AddCommand()->MutableDefineStoragePool();
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ struct TEnvironmentSetup {
- cmd.SetItemConfigGeneration(generation);
+ cmd.SetItemConfigGeneration(generation);
if (pdiskType || sharedWithOs) {
auto& filter = *cmd.AddPDiskFilter();
if (pdiskType) {
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ struct TEnvironmentSetup {
void SetupTablet() {
const TActorId bootstrapper = CreateTestBootstrapper(*Runtime,
CreateTestTabletInfo(TabletId, TTabletTypes::FLAT_BS_CONTROLLER, TErasureType::ErasureNone, GroupId),
- &CreateFlatBsController, NodeId);
+ &CreateFlatBsController, NodeId);
TDispatchOptions options;
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ class TFinalizer {
TFinalizer(TEnvironmentSetup& env)
: Env(env)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
~TFinalizer() {
@@ -263,18 +263,18 @@ public:
Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BsControllerConfig) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(Basic) {
TEnvironmentSetup env(10, 1);
- RunTestWithReboots(env.TabletIds, [&] { return env.PrepareInitialEventsFilter(); }, [&](const TString& dispatchName, std::function<void(TTestActorRuntime&)> setup, bool& outActiveZone) {
+ RunTestWithReboots(env.TabletIds, [&] { return env.PrepareInitialEventsFilter(); }, [&](const TString& dispatchName, std::function<void(TTestActorRuntime&)> setup, bool& outActiveZone) {
TFinalizer finalizer(env);
env.Prepare(dispatchName, setup, outActiveZone);
NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigRequest request;
NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigResponse response = env.Invoke(request);
- UNIT_ASSERT(response.GetSuccess()); });
+ UNIT_ASSERT(response.GetSuccess()); });
Y_UNIT_TEST(PDiskCreate) {
TEnvironmentSetup env(10, 1);
- RunTestWithReboots(env.TabletIds, [&] { return env.PrepareInitialEventsFilter(); }, [&](const TString& dispatchName, std::function<void(TTestActorRuntime&)> setup, bool& outActiveZone) {
+ RunTestWithReboots(env.TabletIds, [&] { return env.PrepareInitialEventsFilter(); }, [&](const TString& dispatchName, std::function<void(TTestActorRuntime&)> setup, bool& outActiveZone) {
TFinalizer finalizer(env);
env.Prepare(dispatchName, setup, outActiveZone);
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BsControllerConfig) {
NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigResponse response = env.Invoke(request);
- UNIT_ASSERT(env.ParsePDisks(response.GetStatus(baseConfigIndex).GetBaseConfig()) == env.ExpectedPDisks); });
+ UNIT_ASSERT(env.ParsePDisks(response.GetStatus(baseConfigIndex).GetBaseConfig()) == env.ExpectedPDisks); });
Y_UNIT_TEST(ManyPDisksRestarts) {
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BsControllerConfig) {
const ui32 numGroups1 = numNodes1 * 3;
const ui32 numGroups2 = numNodes2 * 4;
TEnvironmentSetup env(numNodes, 1);
- RunTestWithReboots(env.TabletIds, [&] { return env.PrepareInitialEventsFilter(); }, [&](const TString& dispatchName, std::function<void(TTestActorRuntime&)> setup, bool& outActiveZone) {
+ RunTestWithReboots(env.TabletIds, [&] { return env.PrepareInitialEventsFilter(); }, [&](const TString& dispatchName, std::function<void(TTestActorRuntime&)> setup, bool& outActiveZone) {
TFinalizer finalizer(env);
env.Prepare(dispatchName, setup, outActiveZone);
@@ -408,81 +408,81 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BsControllerConfig) {
for (const auto& kv : groups2) {
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(kv.second, 8);
- } });
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ExtendBoxAndStoragePool) {
- const ui32 totalNumNodes = 60;
- const ui32 originNumNodes = 50;
- const ui32 originNumGroups = originNumNodes * 3;
- const ui32 resultNumGroups = totalNumNodes * 3;
- TEnvironmentSetup env(totalNumNodes, 1);
- RunTestWithReboots(env.TabletIds, [&] { return env.PrepareInitialEventsFilter(); }, [&](const TString& dispatchName, std::function<void(TTestActorRuntime&)> setup, bool& outActiveZone) {
- TFinalizer finalizer(env);
- env.Prepare(dispatchName, setup, outActiveZone);
- TVector<TEnvironmentSetup::TNodeRecord> nodes = env.GetNodes(), part1, part2;
- for (auto &node : nodes) {
- (part1.size() < originNumNodes ? part1 : part2).push_back(node);
- }
- // creating box of originNumNodes nodes
- NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigRequest request;
- env.DefineBox(1, "first box", {
- {"/dev/disk1", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk2", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, true, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk3", NKikimrBlobStorage::SSD, false, false, 0},
- }, part1, request);
- // creating storage pool of originNumGroups groups
- env.DefineStoragePool(1, 1, "first storage pool", originNumGroups, NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, {}, request);
- // executing request
- size_t baseConfigIndex = request.CommandSize();
- request.AddCommand()->MutableQueryBaseConfig();
- NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigResponse response = env.Invoke(request);
- UNIT_ASSERT(response.GetSuccess());
- // extending count of nodes in box: from originNumNodes to totalNumNodes
- request.Clear();
- env.DefineBox(1, "first box", {
- {"/dev/disk1", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk2", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, true, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk3", NKikimrBlobStorage::SSD, false, false, 0},
- }, nodes, request, 1);
- // saving node ids
- TSet<ui32> nodeIds;
- for (const auto& item : nodes) {
- nodeIds.insert(std::get<2>(item));
+ } });
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ExtendBoxAndStoragePool) {
+ const ui32 totalNumNodes = 60;
+ const ui32 originNumNodes = 50;
+ const ui32 originNumGroups = originNumNodes * 3;
+ const ui32 resultNumGroups = totalNumNodes * 3;
+ TEnvironmentSetup env(totalNumNodes, 1);
+ RunTestWithReboots(env.TabletIds, [&] { return env.PrepareInitialEventsFilter(); }, [&](const TString& dispatchName, std::function<void(TTestActorRuntime&)> setup, bool& outActiveZone) {
+ TFinalizer finalizer(env);
+ env.Prepare(dispatchName, setup, outActiveZone);
+ TVector<TEnvironmentSetup::TNodeRecord> nodes = env.GetNodes(), part1, part2;
+ for (auto &node : nodes) {
+ (part1.size() < originNumNodes ? part1 : part2).push_back(node);
- // extending count of groups in box: from originNumGroups to resultNumGroups
- env.DefineStoragePool(1, 1, "first storage pool", resultNumGroups, NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, {},
- request, "block-4-2", 1);
- // executing extention request
- baseConfigIndex = request.CommandSize();
- request.AddCommand()->MutableQueryBaseConfig();
- response = env.Invoke(request);
- UNIT_ASSERT(response.GetSuccess());
- // checking consequence
- TMap<ui32, ui32> groups;
- {
- const auto& baseConfig = response.GetStatus(baseConfigIndex).GetBaseConfig();
- UNIT_ASSERT(env.ParsePDisks(baseConfig) == env.ExpectedPDisks);
- for (const auto& vslot : baseConfig.GetVSlot()) {
- UNIT_ASSERT(vslot.HasVSlotId());
- UNIT_ASSERT(nodeIds.count(vslot.GetVSlotId().GetNodeId()));
- ++groups[vslot.GetGroupId()];
- }
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(groups.size(), resultNumGroups);
- for (const auto& kv : groups) {
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(kv.second, 8);
- }
- } });
+ // creating box of originNumNodes nodes
+ NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigRequest request;
+ env.DefineBox(1, "first box", {
+ {"/dev/disk1", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk2", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, true, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk3", NKikimrBlobStorage::SSD, false, false, 0},
+ }, part1, request);
+ // creating storage pool of originNumGroups groups
+ env.DefineStoragePool(1, 1, "first storage pool", originNumGroups, NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, {}, request);
+ // executing request
+ size_t baseConfigIndex = request.CommandSize();
+ request.AddCommand()->MutableQueryBaseConfig();
+ NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigResponse response = env.Invoke(request);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(response.GetSuccess());
+ // extending count of nodes in box: from originNumNodes to totalNumNodes
+ request.Clear();
+ env.DefineBox(1, "first box", {
+ {"/dev/disk1", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk2", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, true, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk3", NKikimrBlobStorage::SSD, false, false, 0},
+ }, nodes, request, 1);
+ // saving node ids
+ TSet<ui32> nodeIds;
+ for (const auto& item : nodes) {
+ nodeIds.insert(std::get<2>(item));
+ }
+ // extending count of groups in box: from originNumGroups to resultNumGroups
+ env.DefineStoragePool(1, 1, "first storage pool", resultNumGroups, NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, {},
+ request, "block-4-2", 1);
+ // executing extention request
+ baseConfigIndex = request.CommandSize();
+ request.AddCommand()->MutableQueryBaseConfig();
+ response = env.Invoke(request);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(response.GetSuccess());
+ // checking consequence
+ TMap<ui32, ui32> groups;
+ {
+ const auto& baseConfig = response.GetStatus(baseConfigIndex).GetBaseConfig();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(env.ParsePDisks(baseConfig) == env.ExpectedPDisks);
+ for (const auto& vslot : baseConfig.GetVSlot()) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT(vslot.HasVSlotId());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(nodeIds.count(vslot.GetVSlotId().GetNodeId()));
+ ++groups[vslot.GetGroupId()];
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(groups.size(), resultNumGroups);
+ for (const auto& kv : groups) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(kv.second, 8);
+ }
+ } });
Y_UNIT_TEST(DeleteStoragePool) {
@@ -790,16 +790,16 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BsControllerConfig) {
NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigRequest request;
env.DefineBox(1, "test box", {
- {"/dev/disk1", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk2", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk3", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk4", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk5", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk6", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk7", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- {"/dev/disk8", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
- },
- env.GetNodes(), request);
+ {"/dev/disk1", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk2", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk3", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk4", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk5", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk6", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk7", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ {"/dev/disk8", NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, false, 0},
+ },
+ env.GetNodes(), request);
env.DefineStoragePool(1, 1, "test pool", numGroups, NKikimrBlobStorage::ROT, false, request);
@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BsControllerConfig) {
NKikimrBlobStorage::TEvControllerSelectGroups request;
- auto* p = request.AddGroupParameters();
+ auto* p = request.AddGroupParameters();
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_config.proto b/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_config.proto
index 10d0a29e6c..4a8e69bbef 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_config.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_config.proto
@@ -254,29 +254,29 @@ message TReassignGroupDisk {
bool SuppressDonorMode = 7; // when set, donor mode is not used even if it is enabled through BSC
-enum EClusterFitAlgorithm {
+enum EClusterFitAlgorithm {
message TClusterFit {
- EClusterFitAlgorithm Algorithm = 1;
- uint64 Iterations = 2;
+ EClusterFitAlgorithm Algorithm = 1;
+ uint64 Iterations = 2;
-message TVSlotMetric {
+message TVSlotMetric {
NKikimrBlobStorage.TVSlotId VSlotId = 1;
- uint64 Metric = 2;
-message TClusterFitConfig {
- TBaseConfig BaseConfig = 1;
- repeated TDefineStoragePool StoragePool = 2;
- repeated TVSlotMetric Metric = 3;
- TClusterFit Request = 4;
+ uint64 Metric = 2;
+message TClusterFitConfig {
+ TBaseConfig BaseConfig = 1;
+ repeated TDefineStoragePool StoragePool = 2;
+ repeated TVSlotMetric Metric = 3;
+ TClusterFit Request = 4;
message TMergeBoxes {
message TStoragePoolIdMap {
uint64 OriginStoragePoolId = 1;
@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@ message TMoveGroups {
repeated uint32 ExplicitGroupId = 6; // if no groups are provided, then all groups of origin storage pool are moved
-message TAddMigrationPlan {
- string Name = 1;
- repeated TMoveCommand MoveCommand = 2;
-message TDeleteMigrationPlan {
- string Name = 1;
+message TAddMigrationPlan {
+ string Name = 1;
+ repeated TMoveCommand MoveCommand = 2;
+message TDeleteMigrationPlan {
+ string Name = 1;
message TEnableSelfHeal {
bool Enable = 1;
@@ -450,8 +450,8 @@ message TConfigRequest {
TQueryBaseConfig QueryBaseConfig = 16; // introspection
TMergeBoxes MergeBoxes = 23;
TMoveGroups MoveGroups = 24; // move groups between storage pools; no checks of SP constraints are performed
- TAddMigrationPlan AddMigrationPlan = 25;
- TDeleteMigrationPlan DeleteMigrationPlan = 26;
+ TAddMigrationPlan AddMigrationPlan = 25;
+ TDeleteMigrationPlan DeleteMigrationPlan = 26;
TEnableSelfHeal EnableSelfHeal = 27;
TDeclareIntent DeclareIntent = 28;
TReadIntent ReadIntent = 29;
@@ -580,15 +580,15 @@ message TMoveCommand {
uint32 TargetPDiskId = 6;
-message TPDiskStat {
- uint32 NodeId = 1;
- uint32 PDiskId = 2;
- string Fqdn = 3;
- int32 IcPort = 4;
- string Path = 5;
- uint32 NumSlotsAfterMigration = 6;
+message TPDiskStat {
+ uint32 NodeId = 1;
+ uint32 PDiskId = 2;
+ string Fqdn = 3;
+ int32 IcPort = 4;
+ string Path = 5;
+ uint32 NumSlotsAfterMigration = 6;
message TReassignedItem {
NKikimrBlobStorage.TVDiskID VDiskId = 1;
NKikimrBlobStorage.TVSlotId From = 2;
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ message TConfigResponse {
repeated uint32 GroupId = 8;
uint64 AssignedStoragePoolId = 9;
repeated TMoveCommand MoveCommand = 10;
- repeated TPDiskStat PDiskStat = 11;
+ repeated TPDiskStat PDiskStat = 11;
repeated TReassignedItem ReassignedItem = 14;
TDeclareIntent Intent = 15;