diff options
authorddoarn <ddoarn@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:49:53 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:49:53 +0300
commit3bf10d3f40b502d181ef52f5c4602c98cb135360 (patch)
parent0783fe3f48d91a3b741ce2ea32b11fbfc1637e7e (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <ddoarn@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
555 files changed, 30853 insertions, 30853 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor.cpp
index b9f1eb1b9d..6f9ba6a42b 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor.cpp
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-#include "actor.h"
-#include "executor_thread.h"
-#include "mailbox.h"
+#include "actor.h"
+#include "executor_thread.h"
+#include "mailbox.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
-namespace NActors {
- Y_POD_THREAD(TActivationContext*)
- TlsActivationContext((TActivationContext*)nullptr);
+namespace NActors {
+ Y_POD_THREAD(TActivationContext*)
+ TlsActivationContext((TActivationContext*)nullptr);
bool TActorContext::Send(const TActorId& recipient, IEventBase* ev, ui32 flags, ui64 cookie, NWilson::TTraceId traceId) const {
return Send(new IEventHandle(recipient, SelfID, ev, flags, cookie, nullptr, std::move(traceId)));
- }
+ }
bool TActorContext::Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) const {
return ExecutorThread.Send(ev);
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ namespace NActors {
bool IActor::Send(const TActorId& recipient, IEventBase* ev, ui32 flags, ui64 cookie, NWilson::TTraceId traceId) const noexcept {
- return SelfActorId.Send(recipient, ev, flags, cookie, std::move(traceId));
- }
- bool TActivationContext::Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) {
- return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.Send(ev);
- }
+ return SelfActorId.Send(recipient, ev, flags, cookie, std::move(traceId));
+ }
+ bool TActivationContext::Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) {
+ return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.Send(ev);
+ }
void TActivationContext::Schedule(TInstant deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) {
TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.Schedule(deadline, ev, cookie);
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ namespace NActors {
bool TActorIdentity::Send(const TActorId& recipient, IEventBase* ev, ui32 flags, ui64 cookie, NWilson::TTraceId traceId) const {
- return TActivationContext::Send(new IEventHandle(recipient, *this, ev, flags, cookie, nullptr, std::move(traceId)));
- }
+ return TActivationContext::Send(new IEventHandle(recipient, *this, ev, flags, cookie, nullptr, std::move(traceId)));
+ }
void TActorIdentity::Schedule(TInstant deadline, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) const {
return TActivationContext::Schedule(deadline, new IEventHandle(*this, {}, ev), cookie);
@@ -62,31 +62,31 @@ namespace NActors {
TActorId TActivationContext::RegisterWithSameMailbox(IActor* actor, TActorId parentId) {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(parentId);
- auto& ctx = *TlsActivationContext;
- return ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, &ctx.Mailbox, parentId.Hint(), parentId);
- }
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(parentId);
+ auto& ctx = *TlsActivationContext;
+ return ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, &ctx.Mailbox, parentId.Hint(), parentId);
+ }
TActorId TActorContext::RegisterWithSameMailbox(IActor* actor) const {
- return ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, &Mailbox, SelfID.Hint(), SelfID);
- }
+ return ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, &Mailbox, SelfID.Hint(), SelfID);
+ }
TActorId IActor::RegisterWithSameMailbox(IActor* actor) const noexcept {
- return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, &TlsActivationContext->Mailbox, SelfActorId.Hint(), SelfActorId);
- }
+ return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, &TlsActivationContext->Mailbox, SelfActorId.Hint(), SelfActorId);
+ }
TActorId TActivationContext::Register(IActor* actor, TActorId parentId, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId) {
- return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, mailboxType, poolId, parentId);
- }
+ return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, mailboxType, poolId, parentId);
+ }
TActorId TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(ui32 destinationNodeId) {
- return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->InterconnectProxy(destinationNodeId);
- }
- TActorSystem* TActivationContext::ActorSystem() {
- return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem;
- }
+ return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->InterconnectProxy(destinationNodeId);
+ }
+ TActorSystem* TActivationContext::ActorSystem() {
+ return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem;
+ }
i64 TActivationContext::GetCurrentEventTicks() {
return GetCycleCountFast() - TlsActivationContext->EventStart;
@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ namespace NActors {
TActorId TActorContext::Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId) const {
- return ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, mailboxType, poolId, SelfID);
- }
+ return ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, mailboxType, poolId, SelfID);
+ }
TActorId IActor::Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId) const noexcept {
- return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, mailboxType, poolId, SelfActorId);
- }
+ return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(actor, mailboxType, poolId, SelfActorId);
+ }
void TActorContext::Schedule(TInstant deadline, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) const {
ExecutorThread.Schedule(deadline, new IEventHandle(SelfID, TActorId(), ev), cookie);
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ namespace NActors {
ExecutorThread.Schedule(deadline, new IEventHandle(SelfID, TActorId(), ev), cookie);
- void TActorContext::Schedule(TDuration delta, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) const {
+ void TActorContext::Schedule(TDuration delta, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) const {
ExecutorThread.Schedule(delta, new IEventHandle(SelfID, TActorId(), ev), cookie);
- }
+ }
void IActor::Schedule(TInstant deadline, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) const noexcept {
TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.Schedule(deadline, new IEventHandle(SelfActorId, TActorId(), ev), cookie);
@@ -125,20 +125,20 @@ namespace NActors {
void IActor::Schedule(TDuration delta, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) const noexcept {
TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.Schedule(delta, new IEventHandle(SelfActorId, TActorId(), ev), cookie);
- }
- TInstant TActivationContext::Now() {
- return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Timestamp();
- }
+ }
+ TInstant TActivationContext::Now() {
+ return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Timestamp();
+ }
TMonotonic TActivationContext::Monotonic() {
return TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Monotonic();
TInstant TActorContext::Now() const {
return ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Timestamp();
- }
+ }
TMonotonic TActorContext::Monotonic() const {
return ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Monotonic();
@@ -147,26 +147,26 @@ namespace NActors {
return ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->LoggerSettings();
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> TActorContext::CountMailboxEvents(ui32 maxTraverse) const {
- return Mailbox.CountMailboxEvents(SelfID.LocalId(), maxTraverse);
- }
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> IActor::CountMailboxEvents(ui32 maxTraverse) const {
- return TlsActivationContext->Mailbox.CountMailboxEvents(SelfActorId.LocalId(), maxTraverse);
- }
- void IActor::Die(const TActorContext& ctx) {
- if (ctx.SelfID)
- Y_VERIFY(ctx.SelfID == SelfActorId);
- PassAway();
- }
- void IActor::PassAway() {
- auto& cx = *TlsActivationContext;
- cx.ExecutorThread.UnregisterActor(&cx.Mailbox, SelfActorId.LocalId());
- }
- double IActor::GetElapsedTicksAsSeconds() const {
- return NHPTimer::GetSeconds(ElapsedTicks);
- }
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> TActorContext::CountMailboxEvents(ui32 maxTraverse) const {
+ return Mailbox.CountMailboxEvents(SelfID.LocalId(), maxTraverse);
+ }
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> IActor::CountMailboxEvents(ui32 maxTraverse) const {
+ return TlsActivationContext->Mailbox.CountMailboxEvents(SelfActorId.LocalId(), maxTraverse);
+ }
+ void IActor::Die(const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ if (ctx.SelfID)
+ Y_VERIFY(ctx.SelfID == SelfActorId);
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void IActor::PassAway() {
+ auto& cx = *TlsActivationContext;
+ cx.ExecutorThread.UnregisterActor(&cx.Mailbox, SelfActorId.LocalId());
+ }
+ double IActor::GetElapsedTicksAsSeconds() const {
+ return NHPTimer::GetSeconds(ElapsedTicks);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h
index a790101c34..ed29bd14b9 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "event.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "event.h"
#include "monotonic.h"
-#include <util/system/tls.h>
+#include <util/system/tls.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/local_process_key.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
class TActorSystem;
- class TMailboxTable;
- struct TMailboxHeader;
- class TExecutorThread;
- class IActor;
- class ISchedulerCookie;
- namespace NLog {
- struct TSettings;
+ class TMailboxTable;
+ struct TMailboxHeader;
+ class TExecutorThread;
+ class IActor;
+ class ISchedulerCookie;
+ namespace NLog {
+ struct TSettings;
- struct TActorContext;
- struct TActivationContext {
- public:
- TMailboxHeader& Mailbox;
- TExecutorThread& ExecutorThread;
+ struct TActorContext;
+ struct TActivationContext {
+ public:
+ TMailboxHeader& Mailbox;
+ TExecutorThread& ExecutorThread;
const NHPTimer::STime EventStart;
- protected:
+ protected:
explicit TActivationContext(TMailboxHeader& mailbox, TExecutorThread& executorThread, NHPTimer::STime eventStart)
- : Mailbox(mailbox)
- , ExecutorThread(executorThread)
+ : Mailbox(mailbox)
+ , ExecutorThread(executorThread)
, EventStart(eventStart)
- {
- }
- public:
- static bool Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev);
+ {
+ }
+ public:
+ static bool Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev);
* Schedule one-shot event that will be send at given time point in the future.
@@ -63,40 +63,40 @@ namespace NActors {
* @param cookie cookie that will be piggybacked with event
static void Schedule(TDuration delta, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie = nullptr);
- static TInstant Now();
+ static TInstant Now();
static TMonotonic Monotonic();
NLog::TSettings* LoggerSettings() const;
- // register new actor in ActorSystem on new fresh mailbox.
+ // register new actor in ActorSystem on new fresh mailbox.
static TActorId Register(IActor* actor, TActorId parentId = TActorId(), TMailboxType::EType mailboxType = TMailboxType::HTSwap, ui32 poolId = Max<ui32>());
// Register new actor in ActorSystem on same _mailbox_ as current actor.
// There is one thread per mailbox to execute actor, which mean
// no _cpu core scalability_ for such actors.
// This method of registration can be usefull if multiple actors share
// some memory.
static TActorId RegisterWithSameMailbox(IActor* actor, TActorId parentId);
- static const TActorContext& AsActorContext();
+ static const TActorContext& AsActorContext();
static TActorContext ActorContextFor(TActorId id);
static TActorId InterconnectProxy(ui32 nodeid);
- static TActorSystem* ActorSystem();
+ static TActorSystem* ActorSystem();
static i64 GetCurrentEventTicks();
static double GetCurrentEventTicksAsSeconds();
- };
- struct TActorContext: public TActivationContext {
+ };
+ struct TActorContext: public TActivationContext {
const TActorId SelfID;
explicit TActorContext(TMailboxHeader& mailbox, TExecutorThread& executorThread, NHPTimer::STime eventStart, const TActorId& selfID)
: TActivationContext(mailbox, executorThread, eventStart)
- , SelfID(selfID)
- {
- }
+ , SelfID(selfID)
+ {
+ }
bool Send(const TActorId& recipient, IEventBase* ev, ui32 flags = 0, ui64 cookie = 0, NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) const;
template <typename TEvent>
bool Send(const TActorId& recipient, THolder<TEvent> ev, ui32 flags = 0, ui64 cookie = 0, NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) const {
@@ -132,47 +132,47 @@ namespace NActors {
* @param ev the event to send
* @param cookie cookie that will be piggybacked with event
- void Schedule(TDuration delta, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie = nullptr) const;
+ void Schedule(TDuration delta, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie = nullptr) const;
TActorContext MakeFor(const TActorId& otherId) const {
return TActorContext(Mailbox, ExecutorThread, EventStart, otherId);
- }
- // register new actor in ActorSystem on new fresh mailbox.
+ }
+ // register new actor in ActorSystem on new fresh mailbox.
TActorId Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType = TMailboxType::HTSwap, ui32 poolId = Max<ui32>()) const;
// Register new actor in ActorSystem on same _mailbox_ as current actor.
// There is one thread per mailbox to execute actor, which mean
// no _cpu core scalability_ for such actors.
// This method of registration can be usefull if multiple actors share
// some memory.
TActorId RegisterWithSameMailbox(IActor* actor) const;
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountMailboxEvents(ui32 maxTraverse = Max<ui32>()) const;
- };
- extern Y_POD_THREAD(TActivationContext*) TlsActivationContext;
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountMailboxEvents(ui32 maxTraverse = Max<ui32>()) const;
+ };
+ extern Y_POD_THREAD(TActivationContext*) TlsActivationContext;
struct TActorIdentity: public TActorId {
explicit TActorIdentity(TActorId actorId)
: TActorId(actorId)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
void operator=(TActorId actorId) {
- *this = TActorIdentity(actorId);
- }
+ *this = TActorIdentity(actorId);
+ }
bool Send(const TActorId& recipient, IEventBase* ev, ui32 flags = 0, ui64 cookie = 0, NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) const;
void Schedule(TInstant deadline, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie = nullptr) const;
void Schedule(TMonotonic deadline, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie = nullptr) const;
void Schedule(TDuration delta, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie = nullptr) const;
- };
+ };
class IActor;
class IActorOps : TNonCopyable {
- public:
+ public:
virtual void Describe(IOutputStream&) const noexcept = 0;
virtual bool Send(const TActorId& recipient, IEventBase*, ui32 flags = 0, ui64 cookie = 0, NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) const noexcept = 0;
@@ -211,24 +211,24 @@ namespace NActors {
class IActor : protected IActorOps {
- typedef void (IActor::*TReceiveFunc)(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- private:
- TReceiveFunc StateFunc;
- TActorIdentity SelfActorId;
- i64 ElapsedTicks;
- ui64 HandledEvents;
+ typedef void (IActor::*TReceiveFunc)(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ private:
+ TReceiveFunc StateFunc;
+ TActorIdentity SelfActorId;
+ i64 ElapsedTicks;
+ ui64 HandledEvents;
friend void DoActorInit(TActorSystem*, IActor*, const TActorId&, const TActorId&);
friend class TDecorator;
- public:
+ public:
/// @sa services.proto NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType
- enum EActorActivity {
- OTHER = 0,
+ enum EActorActivity {
+ OTHER = 0,
@@ -246,64 +246,64 @@ namespace NActors {
- };
+ };
using EActivityType = EActorActivity;
ui32 ActivityType;
- protected:
+ protected:
IActor(TReceiveFunc stateFunc, ui32 activityType = OTHER)
- : StateFunc(stateFunc)
+ : StateFunc(stateFunc)
, SelfActorId(TActorId())
- , ElapsedTicks(0)
- , HandledEvents(0)
- , ActivityType(activityType)
- {
- }
- public:
- virtual ~IActor() {
- } // must not be called for registered actors, see Die method instead
- protected:
- virtual void Die(const TActorContext& ctx); // would unregister actor so call exactly once and only from inside of message processing
- virtual void PassAway();
- public:
- template <typename T>
- void Become(T stateFunc) {
- StateFunc = static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(stateFunc);
- }
+ , ElapsedTicks(0)
+ , HandledEvents(0)
+ , ActivityType(activityType)
+ {
+ }
+ public:
+ virtual ~IActor() {
+ } // must not be called for registered actors, see Die method instead
+ protected:
+ virtual void Die(const TActorContext& ctx); // would unregister actor so call exactly once and only from inside of message processing
+ virtual void PassAway();
+ public:
+ template <typename T>
+ void Become(T stateFunc) {
+ StateFunc = static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(stateFunc);
+ }
template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
void Become(T stateFunc, const TActorContext& ctx, TArgs&&... args) {
- StateFunc = static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(stateFunc);
+ StateFunc = static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(stateFunc);
- }
+ }
template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
void Become(T stateFunc, TArgs&&... args) {
- StateFunc = static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(stateFunc);
+ StateFunc = static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(stateFunc);
- }
- protected:
+ }
+ protected:
void SetActivityType(ui32 activityType) {
- ActivityType = activityType;
- }
- public:
- TReceiveFunc CurrentStateFunc() const {
- return StateFunc;
- }
- // NOTE: exceptions must not escape state function but if an exception hasn't be caught
- // by the actor then we want to crash an see the stack
- void Receive(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- (this->*StateFunc)(ev, ctx);
- HandledEvents++;
- }
+ ActivityType = activityType;
+ }
+ public:
+ TReceiveFunc CurrentStateFunc() const {
+ return StateFunc;
+ }
+ // NOTE: exceptions must not escape state function but if an exception hasn't be caught
+ // by the actor then we want to crash an see the stack
+ void Receive(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ (this->*StateFunc)(ev, ctx);
+ HandledEvents++;
+ }
// must be called to wrap any call trasitions from one actor to another
template<typename TActor, typename TMethod, typename... TArgs>
static decltype((std::declval<TActor>().*std::declval<TMethod>())(std::declval<TArgs>()...))
@@ -326,29 +326,29 @@ namespace NActors {
virtual void Registered(TActorSystem* sys, const TActorId& owner);
virtual TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> AfterRegister(const TActorId& self, const TActorId& parentId) {
- Y_UNUSED(self);
- Y_UNUSED(parentId);
- return TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>();
- }
- i64 GetElapsedTicks() const {
- return ElapsedTicks;
- }
- double GetElapsedTicksAsSeconds() const;
- void AddElapsedTicks(i64 ticks) {
- ElapsedTicks += ticks;
- }
+ Y_UNUSED(self);
+ Y_UNUSED(parentId);
+ return TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>();
+ }
+ i64 GetElapsedTicks() const {
+ return ElapsedTicks;
+ }
+ double GetElapsedTicksAsSeconds() const;
+ void AddElapsedTicks(i64 ticks) {
+ ElapsedTicks += ticks;
+ }
auto GetActivityType() const {
- return ActivityType;
- }
- ui64 GetHandledEvents() const {
- return HandledEvents;
- }
- TActorIdentity SelfId() const {
- return SelfActorId;
- }
- protected:
+ return ActivityType;
+ }
+ ui64 GetHandledEvents() const {
+ return HandledEvents;
+ }
+ TActorIdentity SelfId() const {
+ return SelfActorId;
+ }
+ protected:
void Describe(IOutputStream&) const noexcept override;
bool Send(const TActorId& recipient, IEventBase* ev, ui32 flags = 0, ui64 cookie = 0, NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) const noexcept final;
template <typename TEvent>
@@ -364,25 +364,25 @@ namespace NActors {
void Schedule(TInstant deadline, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie = nullptr) const noexcept final;
void Schedule(TMonotonic deadline, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie = nullptr) const noexcept final;
void Schedule(TDuration delta, IEventBase* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie = nullptr) const noexcept final;
- // register new actor in ActorSystem on new fresh mailbox.
+ // register new actor in ActorSystem on new fresh mailbox.
TActorId Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType = TMailboxType::HTSwap, ui32 poolId = Max<ui32>()) const noexcept final;
// Register new actor in ActorSystem on same _mailbox_ as current actor.
// There is one thread per mailbox to execute actor, which mean
// no _cpu core scalability_ for such actors.
// This method of registration can be usefull if multiple actors share
// some memory.
TActorId RegisterWithSameMailbox(IActor* actor) const noexcept final;
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountMailboxEvents(ui32 maxTraverse = Max<ui32>()) const;
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountMailboxEvents(ui32 maxTraverse = Max<ui32>()) const;
void ChangeSelfId(TActorId actorId) {
SelfActorId = actorId;
- };
+ };
struct TActorActivityTag {};
inline size_t GetActivityTypeCount() {
@@ -417,10 +417,10 @@ namespace NActors {
- protected:
+ protected:
//* Comment this function to find unmarked activities
- static constexpr IActor::EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
- return EActorActivity::OTHER;
+ static constexpr IActor::EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
+ return EActorActivity::OTHER;
} //*/
// static constexpr char ActorName[] = "UNNAMED";
@@ -428,17 +428,17 @@ namespace NActors {
TActor(void (TDerived::*func)(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx), ui32 activityType = GetActivityTypeIndex())
: IActor(static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(func), activityType)
{ }
- public:
- typedef TDerived TThis;
- };
+ public:
+ typedef TDerived TThis;
+ };
#define STFUNC_SIG TAutoPtr< ::NActors::IEventHandle>&ev, const ::NActors::TActorContext &ctx
#define STATEFN_SIG TAutoPtr<::NActors::IEventHandle>& ev
-#define STFUNC(funcName) void funcName(TAutoPtr< ::NActors::IEventHandle>& ev, const ::NActors::TActorContext& ctx)
-#define STATEFN(funcName) void funcName(TAutoPtr< ::NActors::IEventHandle>& ev, const ::NActors::TActorContext& )
+#define STFUNC(funcName) void funcName(TAutoPtr< ::NActors::IEventHandle>& ev, const ::NActors::TActorContext& ctx)
+#define STATEFN(funcName) void funcName(TAutoPtr< ::NActors::IEventHandle>& ev, const ::NActors::TActorContext& )
Y_UNUSED(ctx); \
@@ -449,15 +449,15 @@ namespace NActors {
} \
- inline const TActorContext& TActivationContext::AsActorContext() {
- TActivationContext* tls = TlsActivationContext;
- return *static_cast<TActorContext*>(tls);
- }
+ inline const TActorContext& TActivationContext::AsActorContext() {
+ TActivationContext* tls = TlsActivationContext;
+ return *static_cast<TActorContext*>(tls);
+ }
inline TActorContext TActivationContext::ActorContextFor(TActorId id) {
- auto& tls = *TlsActivationContext;
+ auto& tls = *TlsActivationContext;
return TActorContext(tls.Mailbox, tls.ExecutorThread, tls.EventStart, id);
- }
+ }
class TDecorator : public IActor {
@@ -515,16 +515,16 @@ namespace NActors {
return true;
-template <>
-inline void Out<NActors::TActorIdentity>(IOutputStream& o, const NActors::TActorIdentity& x) {
- return x.Out(o);
-template <>
-struct THash<NActors::TActorIdentity> {
- inline ui64 operator()(const NActors::TActorIdentity& x) const {
- return x.Hash();
- }
+template <>
+inline void Out<NActors::TActorIdentity>(IOutputStream& o, const NActors::TActorIdentity& x) {
+ return x.Out(o);
+template <>
+struct THash<NActors::TActorIdentity> {
+ inline ui64 operator()(const NActors::TActorIdentity& x) const {
+ return x.Hash();
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h
index 90ab0168a2..a37887c939 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "actor.h"
-#include "events.h"
-namespace NActors {
+#pragma once
+#include "actor.h"
+#include "events.h"
+namespace NActors {
template<typename T> struct dependent_false : std::false_type {};
template<typename TDerived>
class TActorBootstrapped : public TActor<TDerived> {
- protected:
+ protected:
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> AfterRegister(const TActorId& self, const TActorId& parentId) override {
return new IEventHandle(TEvents::TSystem::Bootstrap, 0, self, parentId, {}, 0);
- }
- STFUNC(StateBootstrap) {
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateBootstrap) {
Y_VERIFY(ev->GetTypeRewrite() == TEvents::TSystem::Bootstrap, "Unexpected bootstrap message");
using T = decltype(&TDerived::Bootstrap);
TDerived& self = static_cast<TDerived&>(*this);
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ namespace NActors {
} else {
static_assert(dependent_false<TDerived>::value, "No correct Bootstrap() signature");
- }
+ }
- TActorBootstrapped()
- : TActor<TDerived>(&TDerived::StateBootstrap)
+ TActorBootstrapped()
+ : TActor<TDerived>(&TDerived::StateBootstrap)
- };
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine.cpp
index 538cdac971..0ab4d2b24d 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine.cpp
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
#include <util/system/type_name.h>
namespace NActors {
- static constexpr size_t StackOverflowGap = 4096;
- static char GoodStack[StackOverflowGap];
- static struct TInitGoodStack {
- TInitGoodStack() {
- // fill stack with some pseudo-random pattern
- for (size_t k = 0; k < StackOverflowGap; ++k) {
- GoodStack[k] = k + k * 91;
- }
+ static constexpr size_t StackOverflowGap = 4096;
+ static char GoodStack[StackOverflowGap];
+ static struct TInitGoodStack {
+ TInitGoodStack() {
+ // fill stack with some pseudo-random pattern
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < StackOverflowGap; ++k) {
+ GoodStack[k] = k + k * 91;
+ }
- } initGoodStack;
+ } initGoodStack;
TActorCoroImpl::TActorCoroImpl(size_t stackSize, bool allowUnhandledPoisonPill, bool allowUnhandledDtor)
: Stack(stackSize)
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ namespace NActors {
, FiberContext(FiberClosure)
#ifndef NDEBUG
- char* p;
+ char* p;
- p = Stack.Begin();
+ p = Stack.Begin();
- p = Stack.End() - StackOverflowGap;
+ p = Stack.End() - StackOverflowGap;
- memcpy(p, GoodStack, StackOverflowGap);
+ memcpy(p, GoodStack, StackOverflowGap);
- }
+ }
TActorCoroImpl::~TActorCoroImpl() {
if (!Finished && !NSan::TSanIsOn()) { // only resume when we have bootstrapped and Run() was entered and not yet finished; in other case simply terminate
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ namespace NActors {
0, cookie));
- // ensure we have no unprocessed event and return back to actor system to receive one
- Y_VERIFY(!PendingEvent);
- ReturnToActorSystem();
+ // ensure we have no unprocessed event and return back to actor system to receive one
+ Y_VERIFY(!PendingEvent);
+ ReturnToActorSystem();
- // obtain pending event and ensure we've got one
+ // obtain pending event and ensure we've got one
while (THolder<IEventHandle> event = std::exchange(PendingEvent, {})) {
if (event->GetTypeRewrite() != TEvents::TSystem::CoroTimeout) {
// special handling for poison pill -- we throw exception
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ namespace NActors {
} else {
ReturnToActorSystem(); // drop this event and wait for the next one
- }
+ }
Y_FAIL("no pending event");
const TActorContext& TActorCoroImpl::GetActorContext() const {
return *ActorContext;
- }
+ }
bool TActorCoroImpl::ProcessEvent(THolder<IEventHandle> ev) {
- Y_VERIFY(!PendingEvent);
+ Y_VERIFY(!PendingEvent);
if (!SelfActorId) { // process bootstrap message, extract actor ids
Y_VERIFY(ev->GetTypeRewrite() == TEvents::TSystem::Bootstrap);
SelfActorId = ev->Recipient;
@@ -104,40 +104,40 @@ namespace NActors {
ActorContext = nullptr;
return Finished;
- }
+ }
void TActorCoroImpl::Resume() {
- // save caller context for a later return
- Y_VERIFY(!ActorSystemContext);
+ // save caller context for a later return
+ Y_VERIFY(!ActorSystemContext);
TExceptionSafeContext actorSystemContext;
- ActorSystemContext = &actorSystemContext;
+ ActorSystemContext = &actorSystemContext;
- // go to actor coroutine
+ // go to actor coroutine
// check for stack overflow
#ifndef NDEBUG
- const char* p;
+ const char* p;
- p = Stack.Begin();
+ p = Stack.Begin();
- p = Stack.End() - StackOverflowGap;
+ p = Stack.End() - StackOverflowGap;
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(memcmp(p, GoodStack, StackOverflowGap) == 0);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(memcmp(p, GoodStack, StackOverflowGap) == 0);
void TActorCoroImpl::DoRun() {
- try {
+ try {
if (ActorContext) { // ActorContext may be nullptr here if the destructor was invoked before bootstrapping
- } catch (const TPoisonPillException& /*ex*/) {
- if (!AllowUnhandledPoisonPill) {
- Y_FAIL("unhandled TPoisonPillException");
- }
+ } catch (const TPoisonPillException& /*ex*/) {
+ if (!AllowUnhandledPoisonPill) {
+ Y_FAIL("unhandled TPoisonPillException");
+ }
} catch (const TDtorException& /*ex*/) {
if (!AllowUnhandledDtor) {
Y_FAIL("unhandled TDtorException");
@@ -147,19 +147,19 @@ namespace NActors {
} catch (...) {
Y_FAIL("unhandled exception of type not derived from std::exception");
- Finished = true;
- ReturnToActorSystem();
+ Finished = true;
+ ReturnToActorSystem();
void TActorCoroImpl::ReturnToActorSystem() {
TExceptionSafeContext* returnContext = std::exchange(ActorSystemContext, nullptr);
- Y_VERIFY(returnContext);
- FiberContext.SwitchTo(returnContext);
+ Y_VERIFY(returnContext);
+ FiberContext.SwitchTo(returnContext);
if (!PendingEvent) {
// we have returned from the actor system and it kindly asks us to terminate the coroutine as it is being
// stopped
throw TDtorException();
- }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine.h
index 2f61e5db8b..6bcb768eaf 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine.h
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ namespace NActors {
class TActorCoro;
class TActorCoroImpl : public ITrampoLine {
- TMappedAllocation Stack;
- bool AllowUnhandledPoisonPill;
+ TMappedAllocation Stack;
+ bool AllowUnhandledPoisonPill;
bool AllowUnhandledDtor;
- TContClosure FiberClosure;
+ TContClosure FiberClosure;
TExceptionSafeContext FiberContext;
TExceptionSafeContext* ActorSystemContext = nullptr;
- THolder<IEventHandle> PendingEvent;
+ THolder<IEventHandle> PendingEvent;
bool Finished = false;
ui64 WaitCookie = 0;
TActorContext *ActorContext = nullptr;
@@ -27,83 +27,83 @@ namespace NActors {
TActorIdentity SelfActorId = TActorIdentity(TActorId());
TActorId ParentActorId;
- private:
- template <typename TFirstEvent, typename... TOtherEvents>
- struct TIsOneOf: public TIsOneOf<TOtherEvents...> {
- bool operator()(IEventHandle& ev) const {
- return ev.GetTypeRewrite() == TFirstEvent::EventType || TIsOneOf<TOtherEvents...>()(ev);
- }
- };
- template <typename TSingleEvent>
- struct TIsOneOf<TSingleEvent> {
- bool operator()(IEventHandle& ev) const {
- return ev.GetTypeRewrite() == TSingleEvent::EventType;
- }
- };
+ private:
+ template <typename TFirstEvent, typename... TOtherEvents>
+ struct TIsOneOf: public TIsOneOf<TOtherEvents...> {
+ bool operator()(IEventHandle& ev) const {
+ return ev.GetTypeRewrite() == TFirstEvent::EventType || TIsOneOf<TOtherEvents...>()(ev);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename TSingleEvent>
+ struct TIsOneOf<TSingleEvent> {
+ bool operator()(IEventHandle& ev) const {
+ return ev.GetTypeRewrite() == TSingleEvent::EventType;
+ }
+ };
struct TEvCoroTimeout : TEventLocal<TEvCoroTimeout, TEvents::TSystem::CoroTimeout> {};
struct TPoisonPillException : yexception {};
struct TDtorException : yexception {};
- public:
+ public:
TActorCoroImpl(size_t stackSize, bool allowUnhandledPoisonPill = false, bool allowUnhandledDtor = false);
// specify stackSize explicitly for each actor; don't forget about overflow control gap
virtual ~TActorCoroImpl();
- virtual void Run() = 0;
+ virtual void Run() = 0;
virtual void BeforeResume() {}
- // Handle all events that are not expected in wait loops.
- virtual void ProcessUnexpectedEvent(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) = 0;
+ // Handle all events that are not expected in wait loops.
+ virtual void ProcessUnexpectedEvent(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) = 0;
- // Release execution ownership and wait for some event to arrive. When PoisonPill event is received, then
- // TPoisonPillException is thrown.
+ // Release execution ownership and wait for some event to arrive. When PoisonPill event is received, then
+ // TPoisonPillException is thrown.
THolder<IEventHandle> WaitForEvent(TInstant deadline = TInstant::Max());
- // Wait for specific event set by filter functor. Function returns first event that matches filter. On any other
- // kind of event ProcessUnexpectedEvent() is called.
- //
- // Example: WaitForSpecificEvent([](IEventHandle& ev) { return ev.Cookie == 42; });
- template <typename TFunc>
+ // Wait for specific event set by filter functor. Function returns first event that matches filter. On any other
+ // kind of event ProcessUnexpectedEvent() is called.
+ //
+ // Example: WaitForSpecificEvent([](IEventHandle& ev) { return ev.Cookie == 42; });
+ template <typename TFunc>
THolder<IEventHandle> WaitForSpecificEvent(TFunc&& filter, TInstant deadline = TInstant::Max()) {
- for (;;) {
+ for (;;) {
if (THolder<IEventHandle> event = WaitForEvent(deadline); !event) {
return nullptr;
} else if (filter(*event)) {
- return event;
- } else {
- ProcessUnexpectedEvent(event);
- }
+ return event;
+ } else {
+ ProcessUnexpectedEvent(event);
+ }
- // Wait for specific event or set of events. Function returns first event that matches enlisted type. On any other
- // kind of event ProcessUnexpectedEvent() is called.
- //
- // Example: WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvReadResult, TEvFinished>();
- template <typename TFirstEvent, typename TSecondEvent, typename... TOtherEvents>
+ // Wait for specific event or set of events. Function returns first event that matches enlisted type. On any other
+ // kind of event ProcessUnexpectedEvent() is called.
+ //
+ // Example: WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvReadResult, TEvFinished>();
+ template <typename TFirstEvent, typename TSecondEvent, typename... TOtherEvents>
THolder<IEventHandle> WaitForSpecificEvent(TInstant deadline = TInstant::Max()) {
- TIsOneOf<TFirstEvent, TSecondEvent, TOtherEvents...> filter;
+ TIsOneOf<TFirstEvent, TSecondEvent, TOtherEvents...> filter;
return WaitForSpecificEvent(filter, deadline);
- }
+ }
- // Wait for single specific event.
- template <typename TEventType>
+ // Wait for single specific event.
+ template <typename TEventType>
THolder<typename TEventType::THandle> WaitForSpecificEvent(TInstant deadline = TInstant::Max()) {
- auto filter = [](IEventHandle& ev) {
- return ev.GetTypeRewrite() == TEventType::EventType;
- };
+ auto filter = [](IEventHandle& ev) {
+ return ev.GetTypeRewrite() == TEventType::EventType;
+ };
THolder<IEventHandle> event = WaitForSpecificEvent(filter, deadline);
return THolder<typename TEventType::THandle>(static_cast<typename TEventType::THandle*>(event ? event.Release() : nullptr));
- }
+ }
protected: // Actor System compatibility section
- const TActorContext& GetActorContext() const;
+ const TActorContext& GetActorContext() const;
TActorSystem *GetActorSystem() const { return GetActorContext().ExecutorThread.ActorSystem; }
TInstant Now() const { return GetActorContext().Now(); }
@@ -138,17 +138,17 @@ namespace NActors {
return GetActorContext().RegisterWithSameMailbox(actor);
- private:
+ private:
friend class TActorCoro;
bool ProcessEvent(THolder<IEventHandle> ev);
- /* Resume() function goes to actor coroutine context and continues (or starts) to execute it until actor finishes
+ /* Resume() function goes to actor coroutine context and continues (or starts) to execute it until actor finishes
* his job or it is blocked on WaitForEvent. Then the function returns. */
void Resume();
- void ReturnToActorSystem();
+ void ReturnToActorSystem();
void DoRun() override final;
- };
+ };
class TActorCoro : public IActor {
THolder<TActorCoroImpl> Impl;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine_ut.cpp
index 715d44be4f..951512b877 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine_ut.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine_ut.cpp
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ActorCoro) {
- struct TEvRequest: public TEventLocal<TEvRequest, Request> {
+ struct TEvRequest: public TEventLocal<TEvRequest, Request> {
- struct TEvResponse: public TEventLocal<TEvResponse, Response> {
+ struct TEvResponse: public TEventLocal<TEvResponse, Response> {
- struct TEvEnough: public TEventLocal<TEvEnough, Enough> {
+ struct TEvEnough: public TEventLocal<TEvEnough, Enough> {
- class TBasicResponderActor: public TActorBootstrapped<TBasicResponderActor> {
+ class TBasicResponderActor: public TActorBootstrapped<TBasicResponderActor> {
TDeque<TActorId> RespondTo;
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ActorCoro) {
, DoneEvent(doneEvent)
, ItemsProcessed(itemsProcessed)
, Finish(false)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
void Run() override {
TActorId child = GetActorContext().Register(new TBasicResponderActor);
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ActorCoro) {
- void Check(THolder<IEventBase> && message) {
+ void Check(THolder<IEventBase> && message) {
THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = MakeHolder<TActorSystemSetup>();
setup->NodeId = 0;
setup->ExecutorsCount = 1;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actorid.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/actorid.cpp
index 6f2a816fc1..ccda035eac 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actorid.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actorid.cpp
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-#include "actorid.h"
-#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include "actorid.h"
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
#include <util/string/cast.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
void TActorId::Out(IOutputStream& o) const {
- o << "[" << NodeId() << ":" << LocalId() << ":" << Hint() << "]";
- }
+ o << "[" << NodeId() << ":" << LocalId() << ":" << Hint() << "]";
+ }
TString TActorId::ToString() const {
- TString x;
- TStringOutput o(x);
- Out(o);
- return x;
- }
+ TString x;
+ TStringOutput o(x);
+ Out(o);
+ return x;
+ }
bool TActorId::Parse(const char* buf, ui32 sz) {
- if (sz < 4 || buf[0] != '[' || buf[sz - 1] != ']')
- return false;
- size_t semicolons[2];
- TStringBuf str(buf, sz);
- semicolons[0] = str.find(':', 1);
- if (semicolons[0] == TStringBuf::npos)
- return false;
- semicolons[1] = str.find(':', semicolons[0] + 1);
- if (semicolons[1] == TStringBuf::npos)
- return false;
+ if (sz < 4 || buf[0] != '[' || buf[sz - 1] != ']')
+ return false;
+ size_t semicolons[2];
+ TStringBuf str(buf, sz);
+ semicolons[0] = str.find(':', 1);
+ if (semicolons[0] == TStringBuf::npos)
+ return false;
+ semicolons[1] = str.find(':', semicolons[0] + 1);
+ if (semicolons[1] == TStringBuf::npos)
+ return false;
- bool success = TryFromString(buf + 1, semicolons[0] - 1, Raw.N.NodeId) && TryFromString(buf + semicolons[0] + 1, semicolons[1] - semicolons[0] - 1, Raw.N.LocalId) && TryFromString(buf + semicolons[1] + 1, sz - semicolons[1] - 2, Raw.N.Hint);
+ bool success = TryFromString(buf + 1, semicolons[0] - 1, Raw.N.NodeId) && TryFromString(buf + semicolons[0] + 1, semicolons[1] - semicolons[0] - 1, Raw.N.LocalId) && TryFromString(buf + semicolons[1] + 1, sz - semicolons[1] - 2, Raw.N.Hint);
- return success;
- }
+ return success;
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actorid.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/actorid.h
index 7d3ac61808..d972b1a0ff 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actorid.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actorid.h
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <util/stream/output.h> // for IOutputStream
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-namespace NActors {
- // used as global uniq address of actor
- // also could be used to transport service id (12 byte strings placed in hint-localid)
- // highest 1 bit of node - mark of service id
- // next 11 bits of node-id - pool id
- // next 20 bits - node id itself
+namespace NActors {
+ // used as global uniq address of actor
+ // also could be used to transport service id (12 byte strings placed in hint-localid)
+ // highest 1 bit of node - mark of service id
+ // next 11 bits of node-id - pool id
+ // next 20 bits - node id itself
struct TActorId {
static constexpr ui32 MaxServiceIDLength = 12;
static constexpr ui32 MaxPoolID = 0x000007FF;
@@ -19,174 +19,174 @@ namespace NActors {
static constexpr ui32 PoolIndexMask = MaxPoolID << PoolIndexShift;
static constexpr ui32 ServiceMask = 0x80000000;
static constexpr ui32 NodeIdMask = MaxNodeId;
- private:
- union {
- struct {
- ui64 LocalId;
- ui32 Hint;
- ui32 NodeId;
- } N;
- struct {
- ui64 X1;
- ui64 X2;
- } X;
- ui8 Buf[16];
- } Raw;
- public:
+ private:
+ union {
+ struct {
+ ui64 LocalId;
+ ui32 Hint;
+ ui32 NodeId;
+ } N;
+ struct {
+ ui64 X1;
+ ui64 X2;
+ } X;
+ ui8 Buf[16];
+ } Raw;
+ public:
TActorId() noexcept {
- Raw.X.X1 = 0;
- Raw.X.X2 = 0;
- }
+ Raw.X.X1 = 0;
+ Raw.X.X2 = 0;
+ }
explicit TActorId(ui32 nodeId, ui32 poolId, ui64 localId, ui32 hint) noexcept {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(poolId <= MaxPoolID);
- Raw.N.LocalId = localId;
- Raw.N.Hint = hint;
- Raw.N.NodeId = nodeId | (poolId << PoolIndexShift);
- }
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(poolId <= MaxPoolID);
+ Raw.N.LocalId = localId;
+ Raw.N.Hint = hint;
+ Raw.N.NodeId = nodeId | (poolId << PoolIndexShift);
+ }
explicit TActorId(ui32 nodeId, const TStringBuf& x) noexcept {
- Y_VERIFY(x.size() <= MaxServiceIDLength, "service id is too long");
- Raw.N.LocalId = 0;
- Raw.N.Hint = 0;
- Raw.N.NodeId = nodeId | ServiceMask;
- memcpy(Raw.Buf, x.data(), x.size());
- }
+ Y_VERIFY(x.size() <= MaxServiceIDLength, "service id is too long");
+ Raw.N.LocalId = 0;
+ Raw.N.Hint = 0;
+ Raw.N.NodeId = nodeId | ServiceMask;
+ memcpy(Raw.Buf, x.data(), x.size());
+ }
explicit TActorId(ui64 x1, ui64 x2) noexcept {
- Raw.X.X1 = x1;
- Raw.X.X2 = x2;
- }
- explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
- return Raw.X.X1 != 0 || Raw.X.X2 != 0;
- }
+ Raw.X.X1 = x1;
+ Raw.X.X2 = x2;
+ }
+ explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
+ return Raw.X.X1 != 0 || Raw.X.X2 != 0;
+ }
ui64 LocalId() const noexcept {
- return Raw.N.LocalId;
- }
+ return Raw.N.LocalId;
+ }
ui32 Hint() const noexcept {
- return Raw.N.Hint;
- }
+ return Raw.N.Hint;
+ }
ui32 NodeId() const noexcept {
- return Raw.N.NodeId & NodeIdMask;
- }
+ return Raw.N.NodeId & NodeIdMask;
+ }
bool IsService() const noexcept {
- return (Raw.N.NodeId & ServiceMask);
- }
+ return (Raw.N.NodeId & ServiceMask);
+ }
TStringBuf ServiceId() const noexcept {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(IsService());
- return TStringBuf((const char*)Raw.Buf, MaxServiceIDLength);
- }
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(IsService());
+ return TStringBuf((const char*)Raw.Buf, MaxServiceIDLength);
+ }
static ui32 PoolIndex(ui32 nodeid) noexcept {
- return ((nodeid & PoolIndexMask) >> PoolIndexShift);
- }
+ return ((nodeid & PoolIndexMask) >> PoolIndexShift);
+ }
ui32 PoolID() const noexcept {
- return PoolIndex(Raw.N.NodeId);
- }
+ return PoolIndex(Raw.N.NodeId);
+ }
ui64 RawX1() const noexcept {
- return Raw.X.X1;
- }
+ return Raw.X.X1;
+ }
ui64 RawX2() const noexcept {
- return Raw.X.X2;
- }
+ return Raw.X.X2;
+ }
bool operator<(const TActorId& x) const noexcept {
- const ui64 s1 = Raw.X.X1;
- const ui64 s2 = Raw.X.X2;
- const ui64 x1 = x.Raw.X.X1;
- const ui64 x2 = x.Raw.X.X2;
- return (s1 != x1) ? (s1 < x1) : (s2 < x2);
- }
+ const ui64 s1 = Raw.X.X1;
+ const ui64 s2 = Raw.X.X2;
+ const ui64 x1 = x.Raw.X.X1;
+ const ui64 x2 = x.Raw.X.X2;
+ return (s1 != x1) ? (s1 < x1) : (s2 < x2);
+ }
bool operator!=(const TActorId& x) const noexcept {
- return Raw.X.X1 != x.Raw.X.X1 || Raw.X.X2 != x.Raw.X.X2;
- }
+ return Raw.X.X1 != x.Raw.X.X1 || Raw.X.X2 != x.Raw.X.X2;
+ }
bool operator==(const TActorId& x) const noexcept {
- return !(x != *this);
- }
- ui64 Hash() const noexcept {
- const ui32* x = (const ui32*)Raw.Buf;
- const ui64 x1 = x[0] * 0x001DFF3D8DC48F5Dull;
- const ui64 x2 = x[1] * 0x179CA10C9242235Dull;
- const ui64 x3 = x[2] * 0x0F530CAD458B0FB1ull;
- const ui64 x4 = x[3] * 0xB5026F5AA96619E9ull;
- const ui64 z1 = x1 + x2;
- const ui64 z2 = x3 + x4;
- const ui64 sum = 0x5851F42D4C957F2D + z1 + z2;
- return (sum >> 32) | (sum << 32);
- }
- ui32 Hash32() const noexcept {
- const ui32* x = (const ui32*)Raw.Buf;
- const ui64 x1 = x[0] * 0x001DFF3D8DC48F5Dull;
- const ui64 x2 = x[1] * 0x179CA10C9242235Dull;
- const ui64 x3 = x[2] * 0x0F530CAD458B0FB1ull;
- const ui64 x4 = x[3] * 0xB5026F5AA96619E9ull;
- const ui64 z1 = x1 + x2;
- const ui64 z2 = x3 + x4;
- const ui64 sum = 0x5851F42D4C957F2D + z1 + z2;
- return sum >> 32;
- }
- struct THash {
+ return !(x != *this);
+ }
+ ui64 Hash() const noexcept {
+ const ui32* x = (const ui32*)Raw.Buf;
+ const ui64 x1 = x[0] * 0x001DFF3D8DC48F5Dull;
+ const ui64 x2 = x[1] * 0x179CA10C9242235Dull;
+ const ui64 x3 = x[2] * 0x0F530CAD458B0FB1ull;
+ const ui64 x4 = x[3] * 0xB5026F5AA96619E9ull;
+ const ui64 z1 = x1 + x2;
+ const ui64 z2 = x3 + x4;
+ const ui64 sum = 0x5851F42D4C957F2D + z1 + z2;
+ return (sum >> 32) | (sum << 32);
+ }
+ ui32 Hash32() const noexcept {
+ const ui32* x = (const ui32*)Raw.Buf;
+ const ui64 x1 = x[0] * 0x001DFF3D8DC48F5Dull;
+ const ui64 x2 = x[1] * 0x179CA10C9242235Dull;
+ const ui64 x3 = x[2] * 0x0F530CAD458B0FB1ull;
+ const ui64 x4 = x[3] * 0xB5026F5AA96619E9ull;
+ const ui64 z1 = x1 + x2;
+ const ui64 z2 = x3 + x4;
+ const ui64 sum = 0x5851F42D4C957F2D + z1 + z2;
+ return sum >> 32;
+ }
+ struct THash {
ui64 operator()(const TActorId& actorId) const noexcept {
return actorId.Hash();
- }
- };
- struct THash32 {
+ }
+ };
+ struct THash32 {
ui64 operator()(const TActorId& actorId) const noexcept {
return actorId.Hash();
- }
- };
- struct TOrderedCmp {
+ }
+ };
+ struct TOrderedCmp {
bool operator()(const TActorId &left, const TActorId &right) const noexcept {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(!left.IsService() && !right.IsService(), "ordered compare works for plain actorids only");
- const ui32 n1 = left.NodeId();
- const ui32 n2 = right.NodeId();
- return (n1 != n2) ? (n1 < n2) : left.LocalId() < right.LocalId();
- }
- };
- TString ToString() const;
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(!left.IsService() && !right.IsService(), "ordered compare works for plain actorids only");
+ const ui32 n1 = left.NodeId();
+ const ui32 n2 = right.NodeId();
+ return (n1 != n2) ? (n1 < n2) : left.LocalId() < right.LocalId();
+ }
+ };
+ TString ToString() const;
void Out(IOutputStream& o) const;
- bool Parse(const char* buf, ui32 sz);
- };
+ bool Parse(const char* buf, ui32 sz);
+ };
static_assert(sizeof(TActorId) == 16, "expect sizeof(TActorId) == 16");
static_assert(MaxPools < TActorId::MaxPoolID); // current implementation of united pool has limit MaxPools on pool id
-template <>
+template <>
inline void Out<NActors::TActorId>(IOutputStream& o, const NActors::TActorId& x) {
- return x.Out(o);
+ return x.Out(o);
template <>
struct THash<NActors::TActorId> {
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.cpp
index 3e2060b806..c58698a206 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.cpp
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "actorsystem.h"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "actorsystem.h"
#include "callstack.h"
#include "cpu_manager.h"
-#include "mailbox.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "interconnect.h"
-#include "servicemap.h"
-#include "scheduler_queue.h"
+#include "mailbox.h"
+#include "events.h"
+#include "interconnect.h"
+#include "servicemap.h"
+#include "scheduler_queue.h"
#include "scheduler_actor.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "probes.h"
#include "ask.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-#include <util/system/rwlock.h>
-#include <util/random/random.h>
-namespace NActors {
- struct TActorSystem::TServiceMap : TNonCopyable {
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/system/rwlock.h>
+#include <util/random/random.h>
+namespace NActors {
+ struct TActorSystem::TServiceMap : TNonCopyable {
NActors::TServiceMap<TActorId, TActorId, TActorId::THash> LocalMap;
- TTicketLock Lock;
+ TTicketLock Lock;
TActorId RegisterLocalService(const TActorId& serviceId, const TActorId& actorId) {
- TTicketLock::TGuard guard(&Lock);
+ TTicketLock::TGuard guard(&Lock);
const TActorId old = LocalMap.Update(serviceId, actorId);
- return old;
- }
+ return old;
+ }
TActorId LookupLocal(const TActorId& x) {
- return LocalMap.Find(x);
- }
- };
- TActorSystem::TActorSystem(THolder<TActorSystemSetup>& setup, void* appData,
- TIntrusivePtr<NLog::TSettings> loggerSettings)
- : NodeId(setup->NodeId)
+ return LocalMap.Find(x);
+ }
+ };
+ TActorSystem::TActorSystem(THolder<TActorSystemSetup>& setup, void* appData,
+ TIntrusivePtr<NLog::TSettings> loggerSettings)
+ : NodeId(setup->NodeId)
, CpuManager(new TCpuManager(setup))
, ExecutorPoolCount(CpuManager->GetExecutorsCount())
- , Scheduler(setup->Scheduler)
- , InterconnectCount((ui32)setup->Interconnect.ProxyActors.size())
- , CurrentTimestamp(0)
+ , Scheduler(setup->Scheduler)
+ , InterconnectCount((ui32)setup->Interconnect.ProxyActors.size())
+ , CurrentTimestamp(0)
, CurrentMonotonic(0)
- , CurrentIDCounter(RandomNumber<ui64>())
- , SystemSetup(setup.Release())
- , DefSelfID(NodeId, "actorsystem")
- , AppData0(appData)
- , LoggerSettings0(loggerSettings)
- , StartExecuted(false)
- , StopExecuted(false)
- , CleanupExecuted(false)
- {
- ServiceMap.Reset(new TServiceMap());
- }
- TActorSystem::~TActorSystem() {
- Cleanup();
- }
- bool TActorSystem::Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) const {
- if (Y_UNLIKELY(!ev))
- return false;
+ , CurrentIDCounter(RandomNumber<ui64>())
+ , SystemSetup(setup.Release())
+ , DefSelfID(NodeId, "actorsystem")
+ , AppData0(appData)
+ , LoggerSettings0(loggerSettings)
+ , StartExecuted(false)
+ , StopExecuted(false)
+ , CleanupExecuted(false)
+ {
+ ServiceMap.Reset(new TServiceMap());
+ }
+ TActorSystem::~TActorSystem() {
+ Cleanup();
+ }
+ bool TActorSystem::Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) const {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(!ev))
+ return false;
- ev->Callstack.TraceIfEmpty();
+ ev->Callstack.TraceIfEmpty();
TActorId recipient = ev->GetRecipientRewrite();
const ui32 recpNodeId = recipient.NodeId();
- if (recpNodeId != NodeId && recpNodeId != 0) {
- // if recipient is not local one - rewrite with forward instruction
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(!ev->HasEvent() || ev->GetBase()->IsSerializable());
+ if (recpNodeId != NodeId && recpNodeId != 0) {
+ // if recipient is not local one - rewrite with forward instruction
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(!ev->HasEvent() || ev->GetBase()->IsSerializable());
Y_VERIFY(ev->Recipient == recipient,
"Event rewrite from %s to %s would be lost via interconnect",
- recipient = InterconnectProxy(recpNodeId);
- ev->Rewrite(TEvInterconnect::EvForward, recipient);
+ recipient = InterconnectProxy(recpNodeId);
+ ev->Rewrite(TEvInterconnect::EvForward, recipient);
if (recipient.IsService()) {
TActorId target = ServiceMap->LookupLocal(recipient);
@@ -100,24 +100,24 @@ namespace NActors {
recipient = target;
ev->Rewrite(ev->GetTypeRewrite(), recipient);
- }
+ }
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(recipient == ev->GetRecipientRewrite());
- const ui32 recpPool = recipient.PoolID();
- if (recipient && recpPool < ExecutorPoolCount) {
+ const ui32 recpPool = recipient.PoolID();
+ if (recipient && recpPool < ExecutorPoolCount) {
if (CpuManager->GetExecutorPool(recpPool)->Send(ev)) {
- return true;
+ return true;
- Send(ev->ForwardOnNondelivery(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::ReasonActorUnknown));
- return false;
- }
+ Send(ev->ForwardOnNondelivery(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::ReasonActorUnknown));
+ return false;
+ }
bool TActorSystem::Send(const TActorId& recipient, IEventBase* ev, ui32 flags) const {
- return this->Send(new IEventHandle(recipient, DefSelfID, ev, flags));
- }
+ return this->Send(new IEventHandle(recipient, DefSelfID, ev, flags));
+ }
void TActorSystem::Schedule(TInstant deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) const {
Schedule(deadline - Timestamp(), ev, cookie);
@@ -136,15 +136,15 @@ namespace NActors {
TTicketLock::TGuard guard(&ScheduleLock);
ScheduleQueue->Writer.Push(deadline.MicroSeconds(), ev.Release(), cookie);
- }
+ }
TActorId TActorSystem::Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 executorPool, ui64 revolvingCounter,
const TActorId& parentId) {
- Y_VERIFY(executorPool < ExecutorPoolCount, "executorPool# %" PRIu32 ", ExecutorPoolCount# %" PRIu32,
- (ui32)executorPool, (ui32)ExecutorPoolCount);
+ Y_VERIFY(executorPool < ExecutorPoolCount, "executorPool# %" PRIu32 ", ExecutorPoolCount# %" PRIu32,
+ (ui32)executorPool, (ui32)ExecutorPoolCount);
return CpuManager->GetExecutorPool(executorPool)->Register(actor, mailboxType, revolvingCounter, parentId);
- }
+ }
NThreading::TFuture<THolder<IEventBase>> TActorSystem::AskGeneric(TMaybe<ui32> expectedEventType,
TActorId recipient, THolder<IEventBase> event,
TDuration timeout) {
@@ -154,34 +154,34 @@ namespace NActors {
ui64 TActorSystem::AllocateIDSpace(ui64 count) {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(count < Max<ui32>() / 65536);
- static_assert(sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(ui64), "expect sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(ui64)");
- // get high 32 bits as seconds from epoch
- // it could wrap every century, but we don't expect any actor-reference to live this long so such wrap will do no harm
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(count < Max<ui32>() / 65536);
+ static_assert(sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(ui64), "expect sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(ui64)");
+ // get high 32 bits as seconds from epoch
+ // it could wrap every century, but we don't expect any actor-reference to live this long so such wrap will do no harm
const ui64 timeFromEpoch = TInstant::MicroSeconds(RelaxedLoad(&CurrentTimestamp)).Seconds();
- // get low 32 bits as counter value
- ui32 lowPartEnd = (ui32)(AtomicAdd(CurrentIDCounter, count));
- while (lowPartEnd < count) // if our request crosses 32bit boundary - retry
- lowPartEnd = (ui32)(AtomicAdd(CurrentIDCounter, count));
- const ui64 lowPart = lowPartEnd - count;
- const ui64 ret = (timeFromEpoch << 32) | lowPart;
- return ret;
- }
+ // get low 32 bits as counter value
+ ui32 lowPartEnd = (ui32)(AtomicAdd(CurrentIDCounter, count));
+ while (lowPartEnd < count) // if our request crosses 32bit boundary - retry
+ lowPartEnd = (ui32)(AtomicAdd(CurrentIDCounter, count));
+ const ui64 lowPart = lowPartEnd - count;
+ const ui64 ret = (timeFromEpoch << 32) | lowPart;
+ return ret;
+ }
TActorId TActorSystem::InterconnectProxy(ui32 destinationNode) const {
- if (destinationNode < InterconnectCount)
- return Interconnect[destinationNode];
+ if (destinationNode < InterconnectCount)
+ return Interconnect[destinationNode];
else if (destinationNode != NodeId)
return MakeInterconnectProxyId(destinationNode);
- else
+ else
return TActorId();
- }
+ }
ui32 TActorSystem::BroadcastToProxies(const std::function<IEventHandle*(const TActorId&)>& eventFabric) {
// TODO: get rid of this method
for (ui32 i = 0; i < InterconnectCount; ++i) {
@@ -191,87 +191,87 @@ namespace NActors {
TActorId TActorSystem::LookupLocalService(const TActorId& x) const {
- return ServiceMap->LookupLocal(x);
- }
+ return ServiceMap->LookupLocal(x);
+ }
TActorId TActorSystem::RegisterLocalService(const TActorId& serviceId, const TActorId& actorId) {
// TODO: notify old actor about demotion
return ServiceMap->RegisterLocalService(serviceId, actorId);
- }
+ }
void TActorSystem::GetPoolStats(ui32 poolId, TExecutorPoolStats& poolStats, TVector<TExecutorThreadStats>& statsCopy) const {
CpuManager->GetPoolStats(poolId, poolStats, statsCopy);
- void TActorSystem::Start() {
- Y_VERIFY(StartExecuted == false);
- StartExecuted = true;
+ void TActorSystem::Start() {
+ Y_VERIFY(StartExecuted == false);
+ StartExecuted = true;
ScheduleQueue.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType());
TVector<NSchedulerQueue::TReader*> scheduleReaders;
- scheduleReaders.push_back(&ScheduleQueue->Reader);
+ scheduleReaders.push_back(&ScheduleQueue->Reader);
CpuManager->PrepareStart(scheduleReaders, this);
Scheduler->Prepare(this, &CurrentTimestamp, &CurrentMonotonic);
Scheduler->PrepareSchedules(&scheduleReaders.front(), (ui32)scheduleReaders.size());
- // setup interconnect proxies
- {
- const TInterconnectSetup& setup = SystemSetup->Interconnect;
+ // setup interconnect proxies
+ {
+ const TInterconnectSetup& setup = SystemSetup->Interconnect;
Interconnect.Reset(new TActorId[InterconnectCount + 1]);
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = InterconnectCount; i != e; ++i) {
- const TActorSetupCmd& x = setup.ProxyActors[i];
- if (x.Actor) {
- Interconnect[i] = Register(x.Actor, x.MailboxType, x.PoolId, i);
- Y_VERIFY(!!Interconnect[i]);
- }
- }
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = InterconnectCount; i != e; ++i) {
+ const TActorSetupCmd& x = setup.ProxyActors[i];
+ if (x.Actor) {
+ Interconnect[i] = Register(x.Actor, x.MailboxType, x.PoolId, i);
+ Y_VERIFY(!!Interconnect[i]);
+ }
+ }
ProxyWrapperFactory = std::move(SystemSetup->Interconnect.ProxyWrapperFactory);
- }
- // setup local services
- {
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = (ui32)SystemSetup->LocalServices.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ }
+ // setup local services
+ {
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = (ui32)SystemSetup->LocalServices.size(); i != e; ++i) {
const std::pair<TActorId, TActorSetupCmd>& x = SystemSetup->LocalServices[i];
const TActorId xid = Register(x.second.Actor, x.second.MailboxType, x.second.PoolId, i);
- Y_VERIFY(!!xid);
- if (!!x.first)
- RegisterLocalService(x.first, xid);
- }
- }
- // ok, setup complete, we could destroy setup config
- SystemSetup.Destroy();
+ Y_VERIFY(!!xid);
+ if (!!x.first)
+ RegisterLocalService(x.first, xid);
+ }
+ }
+ // ok, setup complete, we could destroy setup config
+ SystemSetup.Destroy();
Send(MakeSchedulerActorId(), new TEvSchedulerInitialize(scheduleReaders, &CurrentTimestamp, &CurrentMonotonic));
- Scheduler->Start();
- }
- void TActorSystem::Stop() {
- if (StopExecuted || !StartExecuted)
- return;
- StopExecuted = true;
+ Scheduler->Start();
+ }
+ void TActorSystem::Stop() {
+ if (StopExecuted || !StartExecuted)
+ return;
+ StopExecuted = true;
for (auto&& fn : std::exchange(DeferredPreStop, {})) {
- Scheduler->PrepareStop();
+ Scheduler->PrepareStop();
- Scheduler->Stop();
+ Scheduler->Stop();
- }
- void TActorSystem::Cleanup() {
- Stop();
- if (CleanupExecuted || !StartExecuted)
- return;
- CleanupExecuted = true;
+ }
+ void TActorSystem::Cleanup() {
+ Stop();
+ if (CleanupExecuted || !StartExecuted)
+ return;
+ CleanupExecuted = true;
- Scheduler.Destroy();
- }
- ui32 TActorSystem::MemProfActivityBase;
+ Scheduler.Destroy();
+ }
+ ui32 TActorSystem::MemProfActivityBase;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.h
index 6306ab7ce3..40499d7586 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.h
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "balancer.h"
#include "config.h"
-#include "event.h"
+#include "event.h"
#include "log_settings.h"
-#include "scheduler_cookie.h"
+#include "scheduler_cookie.h"
#include "mon_stats.h"
#include <library/cpp/threading/future/future.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/ticket_lock.h>
-#include <util/generic/vector.h>
-#include <util/datetime/base.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/datetime/base.h>
#include <util/system/mutex.h>
-namespace NActors {
- class TActorSystem;
+namespace NActors {
+ class TActorSystem;
class TCpuManager;
- class IExecutorPool;
+ class IExecutorPool;
struct TWorkerContext;
inline TActorId MakeInterconnectProxyId(ui32 destNodeId) {
char data[12];
memcpy(data, "ICProxy@", 8);
@@ -40,32 +40,32 @@ namespace NActors {
return nodeId;
- namespace NSchedulerQueue {
- class TReader;
+ namespace NSchedulerQueue {
+ class TReader;
struct TQueueType;
- }
- class IExecutorPool : TNonCopyable {
- public:
- const ui32 PoolId;
- TAtomic ActorRegistrations;
- TAtomic DestroyedActors;
- IExecutorPool(ui32 poolId)
- : PoolId(poolId)
- , ActorRegistrations(0)
- , DestroyedActors(0)
- {
- }
- virtual ~IExecutorPool() {
- }
+ }
+ class IExecutorPool : TNonCopyable {
+ public:
+ const ui32 PoolId;
+ TAtomic ActorRegistrations;
+ TAtomic DestroyedActors;
+ IExecutorPool(ui32 poolId)
+ : PoolId(poolId)
+ , ActorRegistrations(0)
+ , DestroyedActors(0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~IExecutorPool() {
+ }
// for workers
virtual ui32 GetReadyActivation(TWorkerContext& wctx, ui64 revolvingCounter) = 0;
virtual void ReclaimMailbox(TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 hint, TWorkerId workerId, ui64 revolvingCounter) = 0;
* Schedule one-shot event that will be send at given time point in the future.
@@ -96,103 +96,103 @@ namespace NActors {
virtual void Schedule(TDuration delta, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) = 0;
- // for actorsystem
- virtual bool Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev) = 0;
- virtual void ScheduleActivation(ui32 activation) = 0;
- virtual void ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingCounter) = 0;
+ // for actorsystem
+ virtual bool Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev) = 0;
+ virtual void ScheduleActivation(ui32 activation) = 0;
+ virtual void ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingCounter) = 0;
virtual TActorId Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui64 revolvingCounter, const TActorId& parentId) = 0;
virtual TActorId Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxHeader* mailbox, ui32 hint, const TActorId& parentId) = 0;
- // lifecycle stuff
+ // lifecycle stuff
virtual void Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, NSchedulerQueue::TReader** scheduleReaders, ui32* scheduleSz) = 0;
- virtual void Start() = 0;
- virtual void PrepareStop() = 0;
- virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
- virtual bool Cleanup() = 0;
+ virtual void Start() = 0;
+ virtual void PrepareStop() = 0;
+ virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
+ virtual bool Cleanup() = 0;
virtual void GetCurrentStats(TExecutorPoolStats& poolStats, TVector<TExecutorThreadStats>& statsCopy) const {
- // TODO: make pure virtual and override everywhere
- Y_UNUSED(poolStats);
- Y_UNUSED(statsCopy);
- }
- virtual TString GetName() const {
- return TString();
- }
+ // TODO: make pure virtual and override everywhere
+ Y_UNUSED(poolStats);
+ Y_UNUSED(statsCopy);
+ }
+ virtual TString GetName() const {
+ return TString();
+ }
virtual ui32 GetThreads() const {
return 1;
- // generic
- virtual TAffinity* Affinity() const = 0;
+ // generic
+ virtual TAffinity* Affinity() const = 0;
virtual void SetRealTimeMode() const {}
- };
+ };
- // could be proxy to in-pool schedulers (for NUMA-aware executors)
- class ISchedulerThread : TNonCopyable {
- public:
- virtual ~ISchedulerThread() {
- }
+ // could be proxy to in-pool schedulers (for NUMA-aware executors)
+ class ISchedulerThread : TNonCopyable {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ISchedulerThread() {
+ }
virtual void Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, volatile ui64* currentTimestamp, volatile ui64* currentMonotonic) = 0;
virtual void PrepareSchedules(NSchedulerQueue::TReader** readers, ui32 scheduleReadersCount) = 0;
virtual void PrepareStart() { /* empty */ }
- virtual void Start() = 0;
- virtual void PrepareStop() = 0;
- virtual void Stop() = 0;
- };
- struct TActorSetupCmd {
- TMailboxType::EType MailboxType;
- ui32 PoolId;
- IActor* Actor;
- TActorSetupCmd()
- : MailboxType(TMailboxType::HTSwap)
- , PoolId(0)
- , Actor(nullptr)
- {
- }
- TActorSetupCmd(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId)
- : MailboxType(mailboxType)
- , PoolId(poolId)
- , Actor(actor)
- {
- }
- void Set(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId) {
- MailboxType = mailboxType;
- PoolId = poolId;
- Actor = actor;
- }
- };
+ virtual void Start() = 0;
+ virtual void PrepareStop() = 0;
+ virtual void Stop() = 0;
+ };
+ struct TActorSetupCmd {
+ TMailboxType::EType MailboxType;
+ ui32 PoolId;
+ IActor* Actor;
+ TActorSetupCmd()
+ : MailboxType(TMailboxType::HTSwap)
+ , PoolId(0)
+ , Actor(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+ TActorSetupCmd(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId)
+ : MailboxType(mailboxType)
+ , PoolId(poolId)
+ , Actor(actor)
+ {
+ }
+ void Set(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId) {
+ MailboxType = mailboxType;
+ PoolId = poolId;
+ Actor = actor;
+ }
+ };
using TProxyWrapperFactory = std::function<TActorId(TActorSystem*, ui32)>;
- struct TInterconnectSetup {
+ struct TInterconnectSetup {
TVector<TActorSetupCmd> ProxyActors;
TProxyWrapperFactory ProxyWrapperFactory;
- };
- struct TActorSystemSetup {
- ui32 NodeId = 0;
+ };
+ struct TActorSystemSetup {
+ ui32 NodeId = 0;
// Either Executors or CpuManager must be initialized
- ui32 ExecutorsCount = 0;
- TArrayHolder<TAutoPtr<IExecutorPool>> Executors;
+ ui32 ExecutorsCount = 0;
+ TArrayHolder<TAutoPtr<IExecutorPool>> Executors;
TAutoPtr<IBalancer> Balancer; // main implementation will be implicitly created if not set
TCpuManagerConfig CpuManager;
- TAutoPtr<ISchedulerThread> Scheduler;
- ui32 MaxActivityType = 5; // for default entries
- TInterconnectSetup Interconnect;
+ TAutoPtr<ISchedulerThread> Scheduler;
+ ui32 MaxActivityType = 5; // for default entries
+ TInterconnectSetup Interconnect;
using TLocalServices = TVector<std::pair<TActorId, TActorSetupCmd>>;
TLocalServices LocalServices;
@@ -207,60 +207,60 @@ namespace NActors {
ui32 GetThreads(ui32 poolId) const {
return Executors ? Executors[poolId]->GetThreads() : CpuManager.GetThreads(poolId);
- };
- class TActorSystem : TNonCopyable {
- struct TServiceMap;
- public:
- const ui32 NodeId;
- private:
+ };
+ class TActorSystem : TNonCopyable {
+ struct TServiceMap;
+ public:
+ const ui32 NodeId;
+ private:
THolder<TCpuManager> CpuManager;
- const ui32 ExecutorPoolCount;
- TAutoPtr<ISchedulerThread> Scheduler;
- THolder<TServiceMap> ServiceMap;
- const ui32 InterconnectCount;
+ const ui32 ExecutorPoolCount;
+ TAutoPtr<ISchedulerThread> Scheduler;
+ THolder<TServiceMap> ServiceMap;
+ const ui32 InterconnectCount;
TArrayHolder<TActorId> Interconnect;
- volatile ui64 CurrentTimestamp;
+ volatile ui64 CurrentTimestamp;
volatile ui64 CurrentMonotonic;
- volatile ui64 CurrentIDCounter;
+ volatile ui64 CurrentIDCounter;
THolder<NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType> ScheduleQueue;
- mutable TTicketLock ScheduleLock;
- friend class TExecutorThread;
+ mutable TTicketLock ScheduleLock;
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> SystemSetup;
+ friend class TExecutorThread;
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> SystemSetup;
TActorId DefSelfID;
- void* AppData0;
- TIntrusivePtr<NLog::TSettings> LoggerSettings0;
+ void* AppData0;
+ TIntrusivePtr<NLog::TSettings> LoggerSettings0;
TProxyWrapperFactory ProxyWrapperFactory;
TMutex ProxyCreationLock;
- bool StartExecuted;
- bool StopExecuted;
- bool CleanupExecuted;
+ bool StartExecuted;
+ bool StopExecuted;
+ bool CleanupExecuted;
std::deque<std::function<void()>> DeferredPreStop;
- public:
- TActorSystem(THolder<TActorSystemSetup>& setup, void* appData = nullptr,
- TIntrusivePtr<NLog::TSettings> loggerSettings = TIntrusivePtr<NLog::TSettings>(nullptr));
- ~TActorSystem();
- void Start();
- void Stop();
- void Cleanup();
+ public:
+ TActorSystem(THolder<TActorSystemSetup>& setup, void* appData = nullptr,
+ TIntrusivePtr<NLog::TSettings> loggerSettings = TIntrusivePtr<NLog::TSettings>(nullptr));
+ ~TActorSystem();
+ void Start();
+ void Stop();
+ void Cleanup();
TActorId Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType = TMailboxType::HTSwap, ui32 executorPool = 0,
ui64 revolvingCounter = 0, const TActorId& parentId = TActorId());
- bool Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) const;
+ bool Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) const;
bool Send(const TActorId& recipient, IEventBase* ev, ui32 flags = 0) const;
* Schedule one-shot event that will be send at given time point in the future.
@@ -321,47 +321,47 @@ namespace NActors {
THolder<IEventBase> event,
TDuration timeout);
- ui64 AllocateIDSpace(ui64 count);
+ ui64 AllocateIDSpace(ui64 count);
TActorId InterconnectProxy(ui32 destinationNode) const;
ui32 BroadcastToProxies(const std::function<IEventHandle*(const TActorId&)>&);
- void UpdateLinkStatus(ui8 status, ui32 destinationNode);
- ui8 LinkStatus(ui32 destinationNode);
+ void UpdateLinkStatus(ui8 status, ui32 destinationNode);
+ ui8 LinkStatus(ui32 destinationNode);
TActorId LookupLocalService(const TActorId& x) const;
TActorId RegisterLocalService(const TActorId& serviceId, const TActorId& actorId);
ui32 GetMaxActivityType() const {
return SystemSetup ? SystemSetup->MaxActivityType : 1;
- }
- TInstant Timestamp() const {
- return TInstant::MicroSeconds(RelaxedLoad(&CurrentTimestamp));
- }
+ }
+ TInstant Timestamp() const {
+ return TInstant::MicroSeconds(RelaxedLoad(&CurrentTimestamp));
+ }
TMonotonic Monotonic() const {
return TMonotonic::MicroSeconds(RelaxedLoad(&CurrentMonotonic));
- template <typename T>
- T* AppData() const {
- return (T*)AppData0;
- }
+ template <typename T>
+ T* AppData() const {
+ return (T*)AppData0;
+ }
- NLog::TSettings* LoggerSettings() const {
- return LoggerSettings0.Get();
- }
+ NLog::TSettings* LoggerSettings() const {
+ return LoggerSettings0.Get();
+ }
void GetPoolStats(ui32 poolId, TExecutorPoolStats& poolStats, TVector<TExecutorThreadStats>& statsCopy) const;
void DeferPreStop(std::function<void()> fn) {
- /* This is the base for memory profiling tags.
+ /* This is the base for memory profiling tags.
System sets memory profiling tag for debug version of lfalloc.
The tag is set as "base_tag + actor_activity_type". */
- static ui32 MemProfActivityBase;
- };
+ static ui32 MemProfActivityBase;
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/buffer.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/buffer.cpp
index 7b7f5f059a..48128d76ef 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/buffer.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/buffer.cpp
@@ -6,51 +6,51 @@
TBufferBase::TBufferBase(size_t size) noexcept
: Size(size)
-TBufferBase::GetSize() const noexcept {
- return Size;
+TBufferBase::GetSize() const noexcept {
+ return Size;
-void TBufferBase::SetSize(size_t size) noexcept {
- Size = size;
+void TBufferBase::SetSize(size_t size) noexcept {
+ Size = size;
-template <typename PointerType>
+template <typename PointerType>
TBufferBaseT<PointerType>::TBufferBaseT(PointerType data, size_t size) noexcept
- : TBufferBase(size)
- , Data(data)
+ : TBufferBase(size)
+ , Data(data)
-template <typename PointerType>
+template <typename PointerType>
-TBufferBaseT<PointerType>::GetPointer() const noexcept {
- return Data;
+TBufferBaseT<PointerType>::GetPointer() const noexcept {
+ return Data;
-template <typename PointerType>
-void TBufferBaseT<PointerType>::Assign(PointerType data, size_t size) noexcept {
- Data = data;
- Size = size;
+template <typename PointerType>
+void TBufferBaseT<PointerType>::Assign(PointerType data, size_t size) noexcept {
+ Data = data;
+ Size = size;
-template <>
-void TBufferBaseT<void*>::Cut(size_t offset) noexcept {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(offset <= Size);
- Data = static_cast<char*>(Data) + offset;
- TBufferBase::Size -= offset;
+template <>
+void TBufferBaseT<void*>::Cut(size_t offset) noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(offset <= Size);
+ Data = static_cast<char*>(Data) + offset;
+ TBufferBase::Size -= offset;
-template <>
-void TBufferBaseT<const void*>::Cut(size_t offset) noexcept {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(offset <= Size);
- Data = static_cast<const char*>(Data) + offset;
- TBufferBase::Size -= offset;
+template <>
+void TBufferBaseT<const void*>::Cut(size_t offset) noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(offset <= Size);
+ Data = static_cast<const char*>(Data) + offset;
+ TBufferBase::Size -= offset;
template class TBufferBaseT<void*>;
@@ -60,34 +60,34 @@ template class TBufferBaseT<const void*>;
TConstBuffer::TConstBuffer(const void* data, size_t size) noexcept
: TBufferBaseT<const void*>(data, size)
TConstBuffer::TConstBuffer(const TMutableBuffer& buffer) noexcept
: TBufferBaseT<const void*>(buffer.GetPointer(), buffer.GetSize())
-TConstBuffer::Offset(ptrdiff_t offset, size_t size) const noexcept {
- return TConstBuffer(static_cast<const char*>(Data) + offset, std::min(Size - offset, size));
+TConstBuffer::Offset(ptrdiff_t offset, size_t size) const noexcept {
+ return TConstBuffer(static_cast<const char*>(Data) + offset, std::min(Size - offset, size));
TMutableBuffer::TMutableBuffer(void* data, size_t size) noexcept
- : TBufferBaseT<void*>(data, size)
+ : TBufferBaseT<void*>(data, size)
-TMutableBuffer::Offset(ptrdiff_t offset, size_t size) const noexcept {
- return TMutableBuffer(static_cast<char*>(Data) + offset, std::min(Size - offset, size));
+TMutableBuffer::Offset(ptrdiff_t offset, size_t size) const noexcept {
+ return TMutableBuffer(static_cast<char*>(Data) + offset, std::min(Size - offset, size));
-TMutableBuffer::CopyFrom(const TConstBuffer& buffer) const noexcept {
- const auto size = std::min(Size, buffer.Size);
- std::memcpy(Data, buffer.Data, size);
- return size;
+TMutableBuffer::CopyFrom(const TConstBuffer& buffer) const noexcept {
+ const auto size = std::min(Size, buffer.Size);
+ std::memcpy(Data, buffer.Data, size);
+ return size;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/buffer.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/buffer.h
index fb8bd563d7..95425046d6 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/buffer.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/buffer.h
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
class TConstBuffer;
class TMutableBuffer;
-class TBufferBase {
+class TBufferBase {
size_t GetSize() const noexcept;
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ protected:
size_t Size;
-template <typename PointerType>
-class TBufferBaseT: public TBufferBase {
+template <typename PointerType>
+class TBufferBaseT: public TBufferBase {
PointerType GetPointer() const noexcept;
@@ -33,30 +33,30 @@ protected:
/// Represents constant memory buffer, but do not owns it.
-class TConstBuffer: public TBufferBaseT<const void*> {
- friend class TMutableBuffer;
+class TConstBuffer: public TBufferBaseT<const void*> {
+ friend class TMutableBuffer;
- TConstBuffer(const TMutableBuffer& buffer) noexcept;
+ TConstBuffer(const TMutableBuffer& buffer) noexcept;
- TConstBuffer(const void* data = nullptr, size_t size = 0U) noexcept;
+ TConstBuffer(const void* data = nullptr, size_t size = 0U) noexcept;
- TConstBuffer Offset(ptrdiff_t offset, size_t size = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const noexcept;
+ TConstBuffer Offset(ptrdiff_t offset, size_t size = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const noexcept;
/// Represents mutable memory buffer, but do not owns it.
-class TMutableBuffer: public TBufferBaseT<void*> {
- friend class TConstBuffer;
+class TMutableBuffer: public TBufferBaseT<void*> {
+ friend class TConstBuffer;
- TMutableBuffer(void* data = nullptr, size_t size = 0U) noexcept;
+ TMutableBuffer(void* data = nullptr, size_t size = 0U) noexcept;
- TMutableBuffer(const TMutableBuffer& value) noexcept
- : TBufferBaseT<void*>(value)
- {
- }
+ TMutableBuffer(const TMutableBuffer& value) noexcept
+ : TBufferBaseT<void*>(value)
+ {
+ }
- TMutableBuffer Offset(ptrdiff_t offset, size_t size = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const noexcept;
+ TMutableBuffer Offset(ptrdiff_t offset, size_t size = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const noexcept;
- size_t CopyFrom(const TConstBuffer& buffer) const noexcept;
+ size_t CopyFrom(const TConstBuffer& buffer) const noexcept;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/callstack.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/callstack.cpp
index 8a3b1df406..9297c1a079 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/callstack.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/callstack.cpp
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
namespace NActors {
- namespace {
+ namespace {
void (*PreviousFormatBackTrace)(IOutputStream*) = 0;
- ui32 ActorBackTraceEnableCounter = 0;
+ ui32 ActorBackTraceEnableCounter = 0;
void ActorFormatBackTrace(IOutputStream* out) {
- TStringStream str;
- PreviousFormatBackTrace(&str);
- str << Endl;
- TCallstack::DumpCallstack(str);
- *out << str.Str();
- }
+ TStringStream str;
+ PreviousFormatBackTrace(&str);
+ str << Endl;
+ TCallstack::DumpCallstack(str);
+ *out << str.Str();
+ }
- void EnableActorCallstack() {
- if (ActorBackTraceEnableCounter == 0) {
- Y_VERIFY(PreviousFormatBackTrace == 0);
- PreviousFormatBackTrace = SetFormatBackTraceFn(ActorFormatBackTrace);
- }
+ void EnableActorCallstack() {
+ if (ActorBackTraceEnableCounter == 0) {
+ Y_VERIFY(PreviousFormatBackTrace == 0);
+ PreviousFormatBackTrace = SetFormatBackTraceFn(ActorFormatBackTrace);
+ }
- ++ActorBackTraceEnableCounter;
+ ++ActorBackTraceEnableCounter;
- void DisableActorCallstack() {
- --ActorBackTraceEnableCounter;
+ void DisableActorCallstack() {
+ --ActorBackTraceEnableCounter;
- if (ActorBackTraceEnableCounter == 0) {
- Y_VERIFY(PreviousFormatBackTrace);
- SetFormatBackTraceFn(PreviousFormatBackTrace);
- PreviousFormatBackTrace = 0;
- }
- }
+ if (ActorBackTraceEnableCounter == 0) {
+ Y_VERIFY(PreviousFormatBackTrace);
+ SetFormatBackTraceFn(PreviousFormatBackTrace);
+ PreviousFormatBackTrace = 0;
+ }
+ }
- TCallstack::TCallstack()
- : BeginIdx(0)
- , Size(0)
- , LinesToSkip(0)
- {
+ TCallstack::TCallstack()
+ : BeginIdx(0)
+ , Size(0)
+ , LinesToSkip(0)
+ {
- void TCallstack::SetLinesToSkip() {
- TTrace record;
- LinesToSkip = BackTrace(record.Data, TTrace::CAPACITY);
- }
+ void TCallstack::SetLinesToSkip() {
+ TTrace record;
+ LinesToSkip = BackTrace(record.Data, TTrace::CAPACITY);
+ }
- void TCallstack::Trace() {
- size_t currentIdx = (BeginIdx + Size) % RECORDS;
- if (Size == RECORDS) {
- ++BeginIdx;
- } else {
- ++Size;
- }
- TTrace& record = Record[currentIdx];
- record.Size = BackTrace(record.Data, TTrace::CAPACITY);
- record.LinesToSkip = LinesToSkip;
- }
+ void TCallstack::Trace() {
+ size_t currentIdx = (BeginIdx + Size) % RECORDS;
+ if (Size == RECORDS) {
+ ++BeginIdx;
+ } else {
+ ++Size;
+ }
+ TTrace& record = Record[currentIdx];
+ record.Size = BackTrace(record.Data, TTrace::CAPACITY);
+ record.LinesToSkip = LinesToSkip;
+ }
- void TCallstack::TraceIfEmpty() {
- if (Size == 0) {
- LinesToSkip = 0;
- Trace();
- }
+ void TCallstack::TraceIfEmpty() {
+ if (Size == 0) {
+ LinesToSkip = 0;
+ Trace();
+ }
- TCallstack& TCallstack::GetTlsCallstack() {
- return *FastTlsSingleton<TCallstack>();
+ TCallstack& TCallstack::GetTlsCallstack() {
+ return *FastTlsSingleton<TCallstack>();
- void TCallstack::DumpCallstack(TStringStream& str) {
- TCallstack& callstack = GetTlsCallstack();
- for (int i = callstack.Size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- TTrace& record = callstack.Record[(callstack.BeginIdx + i) % RECORDS];
- str << Endl << "Trace entry " << i << Endl << Endl;
- size_t size = record.Size;
- if (size > record.LinesToSkip && size < TTrace::CAPACITY) {
- size -= record.LinesToSkip;
- }
- if (size > RECORDS_TO_SKIP) {
- FormatBackTrace(&str, &record.Data[RECORDS_TO_SKIP], size - RECORDS_TO_SKIP);
- } else {
- FormatBackTrace(&str, record.Data, size);
- }
- str << Endl;
+ void TCallstack::DumpCallstack(TStringStream& str) {
+ TCallstack& callstack = GetTlsCallstack();
+ for (int i = callstack.Size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ TTrace& record = callstack.Record[(callstack.BeginIdx + i) % RECORDS];
+ str << Endl << "Trace entry " << i << Endl << Endl;
+ size_t size = record.Size;
+ if (size > record.LinesToSkip && size < TTrace::CAPACITY) {
+ size -= record.LinesToSkip;
+ }
+ if (size > RECORDS_TO_SKIP) {
+ FormatBackTrace(&str, &record.Data[RECORDS_TO_SKIP], size - RECORDS_TO_SKIP);
+ } else {
+ FormatBackTrace(&str, record.Data, size);
+ }
+ str << Endl;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/callstack.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/callstack.h
index 1c45b0468e..176717d2ae 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/callstack.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/callstack.h
@@ -5,53 +5,53 @@
-#include "defs.h"
-#include <util/system/backtrace.h>
-#include <util/stream/str.h>
-#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+#include <util/system/backtrace.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
namespace NActors {
- struct TCallstack {
- struct TTrace {
- static const size_t CAPACITY = 50;
- void* Data[CAPACITY];
- size_t Size;
- size_t LinesToSkip;
- TTrace()
- : Size(0)
- , LinesToSkip(0)
- {
- }
- };
- static const size_t RECORDS = 8;
- static const size_t RECORDS_TO_SKIP = 2;
- TTrace Record[RECORDS];
- size_t BeginIdx;
+ struct TCallstack {
+ struct TTrace {
+ static const size_t CAPACITY = 50;
+ void* Data[CAPACITY];
+ size_t Size;
+ size_t LinesToSkip;
+ TTrace()
+ : Size(0)
+ , LinesToSkip(0)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ static const size_t RECORDS = 8;
+ static const size_t RECORDS_TO_SKIP = 2;
+ TTrace Record[RECORDS];
+ size_t BeginIdx;
size_t Size;
size_t LinesToSkip;
- TCallstack();
- void SetLinesToSkip();
- void Trace();
- void TraceIfEmpty();
- static TCallstack& GetTlsCallstack();
- static void DumpCallstack(TStringStream& str);
+ TCallstack();
+ void SetLinesToSkip();
+ void Trace();
+ void TraceIfEmpty();
+ static TCallstack& GetTlsCallstack();
+ static void DumpCallstack(TStringStream& str);
- void EnableActorCallstack();
- void DisableActorCallstack();
+ void EnableActorCallstack();
+ void DisableActorCallstack();
namespace NActors {
- inline void EnableActorCallstack(){};
+ inline void EnableActorCallstack(){};
- inline void DisableActorCallstack(){};
+ inline void DisableActorCallstack(){};
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/defs.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/defs.h
index 34ddee397e..980b7d767b 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/defs.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/defs.h
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-#pragma once
-// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./library/actorlib/core/defs.h
+#pragma once
+// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./library/actorlib/core/defs.h
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/defs.h>
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <util/string/printf.h>
// Enables collection of
// event send/receive counts
// activation time histograms
// event processing time histograms
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
using TPoolId = ui8;
using TPoolsMask = ui64;
static constexpr TPoolId PoolBits = 6;
@@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ namespace NActors {
using TThreadId = ui64;
static constexpr TThreadId UnknownThreadId = ui64(-1);
- struct TMailboxType {
- enum EType {
+ struct TMailboxType {
+ enum EType {
Inherited = -1, // inherit mailbox from parent
- Simple = 0, // simplest queue under producer lock. fastest in no-contention case
- Revolving = 1, // somewhat outdated, tries to be wait-free. replaced by ReadAsFilled
- HTSwap = 2, // other simple lf queue, suggested for low-contention case
- ReadAsFilled = 3, // wait-free queue, suggested for high-contention or latency critical
- TinyReadAsFilled = 4, // same as 3 but with lower overhead
- //Inplace;
- //Direct;
- //Virtual
- };
- };
+ Simple = 0, // simplest queue under producer lock. fastest in no-contention case
+ Revolving = 1, // somewhat outdated, tries to be wait-free. replaced by ReadAsFilled
+ HTSwap = 2, // other simple lf queue, suggested for low-contention case
+ ReadAsFilled = 3, // wait-free queue, suggested for high-contention or latency critical
+ TinyReadAsFilled = 4, // same as 3 but with lower overhead
+ //Inplace;
+ //Direct;
+ //Virtual
+ };
+ };
struct TScopeId : std::pair<ui64, ui64> {
using TBase = std::pair<ui64, ui64>;
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ namespace NActors {
return Sprintf("<%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ">", scopeId.first, scopeId.second);
struct hash<NActors::TScopeId> : hash<std::pair<ui64, ui64>> {};
-class TAffinity;
+class TAffinity;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/event.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/event.cpp
index 2ce75ac717..33f8ce2aaf 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/event.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/event.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "event.h"
+#include "event.h"
#include "event_pb.h"
namespace NActors {
@@ -7,32 +7,32 @@ namespace NActors {
Max<ui64>(), Max<ui64>()
- TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> IEventHandle::ReleaseChainBuffer() {
- if (Buffer) {
- TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> result;
- DoSwap(result, Buffer);
- Event.Reset();
- return result;
- }
- if (Event) {
- TAllocChunkSerializer serializer;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> IEventHandle::ReleaseChainBuffer() {
+ if (Buffer) {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> result;
+ DoSwap(result, Buffer);
+ Event.Reset();
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (Event) {
+ TAllocChunkSerializer serializer;
auto chainBuf = serializer.Release(Event->IsExtendedFormat());
- Event.Reset();
- return chainBuf;
- }
- return new TEventSerializedData;
+ Event.Reset();
+ return chainBuf;
+ }
+ return new TEventSerializedData;
- TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> IEventHandle::GetChainBuffer() {
- if (Buffer)
- return Buffer;
- if (Event) {
- TAllocChunkSerializer serializer;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> IEventHandle::GetChainBuffer() {
+ if (Buffer)
+ return Buffer;
+ if (Event) {
+ TAllocChunkSerializer serializer;
Buffer = serializer.Release(Event->IsExtendedFormat());
- return Buffer;
- }
- return new TEventSerializedData;
+ return Buffer;
+ }
+ return new TEventSerializedData;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/event.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/event.h
index 617c67fdb9..6ff02aaf94 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/event.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/event.h
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "actorid.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "actorid.h"
#include "callstack.h"
#include "event_load.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_trace.h>
#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
-namespace NActors {
- class TChunkSerializer;
- class ISerializerToStream {
- public:
+namespace NActors {
+ class TChunkSerializer;
+ class ISerializerToStream {
+ public:
virtual bool SerializeToArcadiaStream(TChunkSerializer*) const = 0;
- };
- class IEventBase
- : TNonCopyable,
- public ISerializerToStream {
- public:
- // actual typing is performed by IEventHandle
- virtual ~IEventBase() {
- }
- virtual TString ToStringHeader() const = 0;
- virtual TString ToString() const {
- return ToStringHeader();
- }
- virtual ui32 CalculateSerializedSize() const {
- return 0;
- }
- virtual ui32 Type() const = 0;
+ };
+ class IEventBase
+ : TNonCopyable,
+ public ISerializerToStream {
+ public:
+ // actual typing is performed by IEventHandle
+ virtual ~IEventBase() {
+ }
+ virtual TString ToStringHeader() const = 0;
+ virtual TString ToString() const {
+ return ToStringHeader();
+ }
+ virtual ui32 CalculateSerializedSize() const {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual ui32 Type() const = 0;
virtual bool SerializeToArcadiaStream(TChunkSerializer*) const = 0;
virtual bool IsSerializable() const = 0;
virtual bool IsExtendedFormat() const {
@@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ namespace NActors {
virtual ui32 CalculateSerializedSizeCached() const {
return CalculateSerializedSize();
- };
- // fat handle
+ };
+ // fat handle
class IEventHandle : TNonCopyable {
struct TOnNondelivery {
TActorId Recipient;
TOnNondelivery(const TActorId& recipient)
- : Recipient(recipient)
- {
- }
- };
- public:
+ : Recipient(recipient)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ public:
template <typename TEv>
inline TEv* CastAsLocal() const noexcept {
auto fits = GetTypeRewrite() == TEv::EventType;
@@ -64,256 +64,256 @@ namespace NActors {
return fits ? static_cast<TEv*>(Event.Get()) : nullptr;
- template <typename TEventType>
- TEventType* Get() {
- if (Type != TEventType::EventType)
- Y_FAIL("Event type %" PRIu32 " doesn't match the expected type %" PRIu32, Type, TEventType::EventType);
- if (!Event) {
+ template <typename TEventType>
+ TEventType* Get() {
+ if (Type != TEventType::EventType)
+ Y_FAIL("Event type %" PRIu32 " doesn't match the expected type %" PRIu32, Type, TEventType::EventType);
+ if (!Event) {
- }
+ }
if (Event) {
- return static_cast<TEventType*>(Event.Get());
+ return static_cast<TEventType*>(Event.Get());
Y_FAIL("Failed to Load() event type %" PRIu32 " class %s", Type, TypeName<TEventType>().data());
- }
- template <typename T>
- TAutoPtr<T> Release() {
- TAutoPtr<T> x = Get<T>();
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ TAutoPtr<T> Release() {
+ TAutoPtr<T> x = Get<T>();
- Buffer.Reset();
- return x;
- }
- enum EFlags {
- FlagTrackDelivery = 1 << 0,
- FlagForwardOnNondelivery = 1 << 1,
- FlagSubscribeOnSession = 1 << 2,
- FlagUseSubChannel = 1 << 3,
+ Buffer.Reset();
+ return x;
+ }
+ enum EFlags {
+ FlagTrackDelivery = 1 << 0,
+ FlagForwardOnNondelivery = 1 << 1,
+ FlagSubscribeOnSession = 1 << 2,
+ FlagUseSubChannel = 1 << 3,
FlagGenerateUnsureUndelivered = 1 << 4,
FlagExtendedFormat = 1 << 5,
- };
- const ui32 Type;
- const ui32 Flags;
+ };
+ const ui32 Type;
+ const ui32 Flags;
const TActorId Recipient;
const TActorId Sender;
- const ui64 Cookie;
+ const ui64 Cookie;
const TScopeId OriginScopeId = TScopeId::LocallyGenerated; // filled in when the message is received from Interconnect
- // if set, used by ActorSystem/Interconnect to report tracepoints
- NWilson::TTraceId TraceId;
- // filled if feeded by interconnect session
+ // if set, used by ActorSystem/Interconnect to report tracepoints
+ NWilson::TTraceId TraceId;
+ // filled if feeded by interconnect session
const TActorId InterconnectSession;
- ::NHPTimer::STime SendTime;
+ ::NHPTimer::STime SendTime;
- static const size_t ChannelBits = 12;
- static const size_t ChannelShift = (sizeof(ui32) << 3) - ChannelBits;
+ static const size_t ChannelBits = 12;
+ static const size_t ChannelShift = (sizeof(ui32) << 3) - ChannelBits;
- TCallstack Callstack;
+ TCallstack Callstack;
- ui16 GetChannel() const noexcept {
- return Flags >> ChannelShift;
- }
- ui64 GetSubChannel() const noexcept {
- return Flags & FlagUseSubChannel ? Sender.LocalId() : 0ULL;
- }
- static ui32 MakeFlags(ui32 channel, ui32 flags) {
- Y_VERIFY(channel < (1 << ChannelBits));
- Y_VERIFY(flags < (1 << ChannelShift));
- return (flags | (channel << ChannelShift));
- }
- private:
- THolder<IEventBase> Event;
- TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> Buffer;
+ ui16 GetChannel() const noexcept {
+ return Flags >> ChannelShift;
+ }
+ ui64 GetSubChannel() const noexcept {
+ return Flags & FlagUseSubChannel ? Sender.LocalId() : 0ULL;
+ }
+ static ui32 MakeFlags(ui32 channel, ui32 flags) {
+ Y_VERIFY(channel < (1 << ChannelBits));
+ Y_VERIFY(flags < (1 << ChannelShift));
+ return (flags | (channel << ChannelShift));
+ }
+ private:
+ THolder<IEventBase> Event;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> Buffer;
TActorId RewriteRecipient;
- ui32 RewriteType;
- THolder<TOnNondelivery> OnNondeliveryHolder; // only for local events
+ ui32 RewriteType;
+ THolder<TOnNondelivery> OnNondeliveryHolder; // only for local events
- public:
+ public:
void Rewrite(ui32 typeRewrite, TActorId recipientRewrite) {
- RewriteRecipient = recipientRewrite;
- RewriteType = typeRewrite;
- }
- void DropRewrite() {
- RewriteRecipient = Recipient;
- RewriteType = Type;
- }
+ RewriteRecipient = recipientRewrite;
+ RewriteType = typeRewrite;
+ }
+ void DropRewrite() {
+ RewriteRecipient = Recipient;
+ RewriteType = Type;
+ }
const TActorId& GetRecipientRewrite() const {
- return RewriteRecipient;
- }
- ui32 GetTypeRewrite() const {
- return RewriteType;
- }
+ return RewriteRecipient;
+ }
+ ui32 GetTypeRewrite() const {
+ return RewriteType;
+ }
TActorId GetForwardOnNondeliveryRecipient() const {
return OnNondeliveryHolder.Get() ? OnNondeliveryHolder->Recipient : TActorId();
- }
+ }
IEventHandle(const TActorId& recipient, const TActorId& sender, IEventBase* ev, ui32 flags = 0, ui64 cookie = 0,
const TActorId* forwardOnNondelivery = nullptr, NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {})
- : Type(ev->Type())
- , Flags(flags)
- , Recipient(recipient)
- , Sender(sender)
- , Cookie(cookie)
- , TraceId(std::move(traceId))
+ : Type(ev->Type())
+ , Flags(flags)
+ , Recipient(recipient)
+ , Sender(sender)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
+ , TraceId(std::move(traceId))
- , SendTime(0)
+ , SendTime(0)
- , Event(ev)
- , RewriteRecipient(Recipient)
- , RewriteType(Type)
- {
- if (forwardOnNondelivery)
- OnNondeliveryHolder.Reset(new TOnNondelivery(*forwardOnNondelivery));
- }
- IEventHandle(ui32 type,
- ui32 flags,
+ , Event(ev)
+ , RewriteRecipient(Recipient)
+ , RewriteType(Type)
+ {
+ if (forwardOnNondelivery)
+ OnNondeliveryHolder.Reset(new TOnNondelivery(*forwardOnNondelivery));
+ }
+ IEventHandle(ui32 type,
+ ui32 flags,
const TActorId& recipient,
const TActorId& sender,
- TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> buffer,
- ui64 cookie,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> buffer,
+ ui64 cookie,
const TActorId* forwardOnNondelivery = nullptr,
- NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {})
- : Type(type)
- , Flags(flags)
- , Recipient(recipient)
- , Sender(sender)
- , Cookie(cookie)
- , TraceId(std::move(traceId))
+ NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {})
+ : Type(type)
+ , Flags(flags)
+ , Recipient(recipient)
+ , Sender(sender)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
+ , TraceId(std::move(traceId))
- , SendTime(0)
+ , SendTime(0)
- , Buffer(std::move(buffer))
- , RewriteRecipient(Recipient)
- , RewriteType(Type)
- {
- if (forwardOnNondelivery)
- OnNondeliveryHolder.Reset(new TOnNondelivery(*forwardOnNondelivery));
- }
- // Special ctor for events from interconnect.
+ , Buffer(std::move(buffer))
+ , RewriteRecipient(Recipient)
+ , RewriteType(Type)
+ {
+ if (forwardOnNondelivery)
+ OnNondeliveryHolder.Reset(new TOnNondelivery(*forwardOnNondelivery));
+ }
+ // Special ctor for events from interconnect.
IEventHandle(const TActorId& session,
- ui32 type,
- ui32 flags,
+ ui32 type,
+ ui32 flags,
const TActorId& recipient,
const TActorId& sender,
- TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> buffer,
- ui64 cookie,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> buffer,
+ ui64 cookie,
TScopeId originScopeId,
NWilson::TTraceId traceId) noexcept
- : Type(type)
- , Flags(flags)
- , Recipient(recipient)
- , Sender(sender)
- , Cookie(cookie)
+ : Type(type)
+ , Flags(flags)
+ , Recipient(recipient)
+ , Sender(sender)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
, OriginScopeId(originScopeId)
- , TraceId(std::move(traceId))
- , InterconnectSession(session)
+ , TraceId(std::move(traceId))
+ , InterconnectSession(session)
- , SendTime(0)
+ , SendTime(0)
- , Buffer(std::move(buffer))
- , RewriteRecipient(Recipient)
- , RewriteType(Type)
- {
- }
+ , Buffer(std::move(buffer))
+ , RewriteRecipient(Recipient)
+ , RewriteType(Type)
+ {
+ }
TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> GetChainBuffer();
TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> ReleaseChainBuffer();
ui32 GetSize() const {
- if (Buffer) {
+ if (Buffer) {
return Buffer->GetSize();
} else if (Event) {
return Event->CalculateSerializedSize();
} else {
return 0;
- }
+ }
- bool HasBuffer() const {
- return bool(Buffer);
+ bool HasBuffer() const {
+ return bool(Buffer);
- bool HasEvent() const {
- return bool(Event);
+ bool HasEvent() const {
+ return bool(Event);
- IEventBase* GetBase() {
- if (!Event) {
- if (!Buffer)
- return nullptr;
- else
- ythrow TWithBackTrace<yexception>() << "don't know how to load the event from buffer";
- }
- return Event.Get();
- }
- TAutoPtr<IEventBase> ReleaseBase() {
- TAutoPtr<IEventBase> x = GetBase();
+ IEventBase* GetBase() {
+ if (!Event) {
+ if (!Buffer)
+ return nullptr;
+ else
+ ythrow TWithBackTrace<yexception>() << "don't know how to load the event from buffer";
+ }
+ return Event.Get();
+ }
+ TAutoPtr<IEventBase> ReleaseBase() {
+ TAutoPtr<IEventBase> x = GetBase();
- Buffer.Reset();
- return x;
- }
+ Buffer.Reset();
+ return x;
+ }
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> Forward(const TActorId& dest) {
- if (Event)
- return new IEventHandle(dest, Sender, Event.Release(), Flags, Cookie, nullptr, std::move(TraceId));
- else
- return new IEventHandle(Type, Flags, dest, Sender, Buffer, Cookie, nullptr, std::move(TraceId));
- }
+ if (Event)
+ return new IEventHandle(dest, Sender, Event.Release(), Flags, Cookie, nullptr, std::move(TraceId));
+ else
+ return new IEventHandle(Type, Flags, dest, Sender, Buffer, Cookie, nullptr, std::move(TraceId));
+ }
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ForwardOnNondelivery(ui32 reason, bool unsure = false);
- };
- template <typename TEventType>
- class TEventHandle: public IEventHandle {
- TEventHandle(); // we never made instance of TEventHandle
- public:
- TEventType* Get() {
- return IEventHandle::Get<TEventType>();
- }
- TAutoPtr<TEventType> Release() {
- return IEventHandle::Release<TEventType>();
- }
- };
- static_assert(sizeof(TEventHandle<IEventBase>) == sizeof(IEventHandle), "expect sizeof(TEventHandle<IEventBase>) == sizeof(IEventHandle)");
- template <typename TEventType, ui32 EventType0>
- class TEventBase: public IEventBase {
- public:
- static constexpr ui32 EventType = EventType0;
- ui32 Type() const override {
- return EventType0;
- }
- // still abstract
- typedef TEventHandle<TEventType> THandle;
- typedef TAutoPtr<THandle> TPtr;
- };
+ };
+ template <typename TEventType>
+ class TEventHandle: public IEventHandle {
+ TEventHandle(); // we never made instance of TEventHandle
+ public:
+ TEventType* Get() {
+ return IEventHandle::Get<TEventType>();
+ }
+ TAutoPtr<TEventType> Release() {
+ return IEventHandle::Release<TEventType>();
+ }
+ };
+ static_assert(sizeof(TEventHandle<IEventBase>) == sizeof(IEventHandle), "expect sizeof(TEventHandle<IEventBase>) == sizeof(IEventHandle)");
+ template <typename TEventType, ui32 EventType0>
+ class TEventBase: public IEventBase {
+ public:
+ static constexpr ui32 EventType = EventType0;
+ ui32 Type() const override {
+ return EventType0;
+ }
+ // still abstract
+ typedef TEventHandle<TEventType> THandle;
+ typedef TAutoPtr<THandle> TPtr;
+ };
#define DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(eventType, header) \
TString ToStringHeader() const override { \
return TString(header); \
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ namespace NActors {
bool IsSerializable() const override { \
return false; \
#define DEFINE_SIMPLE_NONLOCAL_EVENT(eventType, header) \
TString ToStringHeader() const override { \
return TString(header); \
@@ -341,4 +341,4 @@ namespace NActors {
bool IsSerializable() const override { \
return true; \
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/event_load.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/event_load.h
index 30a2cb50d2..0dab1dd374 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/event_load.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/event_load.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
#include <util/stream/walk.h>
#include <util/system/types.h>
#include <util/generic/string.h>
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_trace.h>
namespace NActors {
- class IEventHandle;
+ class IEventHandle;
- struct TConstIoVec {
- const void* Data;
- size_t Size;
- };
+ struct TConstIoVec {
+ const void* Data;
+ size_t Size;
+ };
- struct TIoVec {
- void* Data;
- size_t Size;
- };
+ struct TIoVec {
+ void* Data;
+ size_t Size;
+ };
class TEventSerializedData
: public TThrRefBase
@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ namespace NActors {
void Append(TRope&& from) {
Rope.Insert(Rope.End(), std::move(from));
- }
+ }
void Append(TString buffer) {
if (buffer) {
Rope.Insert(Rope.End(), TRope(std::move(buffer)));
- }
- };
+ }
+ };
class TChainBufWalk : public IWalkInput {
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h
index 492df07a27..2845aa94dd 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "event.h"
-#include "scheduler_cookie.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "event.h"
+#include "scheduler_cookie.h"
#include "event_load.h"
#include <util/system/type_name.h>
-namespace NActors {
- template <typename TEv, ui32 TEventType>
- class TEventLocal: public TEventBase<TEv, TEventType> {
- public:
+namespace NActors {
+ template <typename TEv, ui32 TEventType>
+ class TEventLocal: public TEventBase<TEv, TEventType> {
+ public:
TString ToStringHeader() const override {
- return TypeName<TEv>();
- }
+ return TypeName<TEv>();
+ }
bool SerializeToArcadiaStream(TChunkSerializer* /*serializer*/) const override {
Y_FAIL("Serialization of local event %s type %" PRIu32, TypeName<TEv>().data(), TEventType);
- }
+ }
bool IsSerializable() const override {
return false;
- static IEventBase* Load(TEventSerializedData*) {
+ static IEventBase* Load(TEventSerializedData*) {
Y_FAIL("Loading of local event %s type %" PRIu32, TypeName<TEv>().data(), TEventType);
- }
- };
- template <typename TEv, ui32 TEventType>
- class TEventScheduler: public TEventLocal<TEv, TEventType> {
- public:
- TSchedulerCookieHolder Cookie;
- TEventScheduler(ISchedulerCookie* cookie)
- : Cookie(cookie)
- {
- }
- };
- template <ui32 TEventType>
- class TEventSchedulerEv: public TEventScheduler<TEventSchedulerEv<TEventType>, TEventType> {
- public:
- TEventSchedulerEv(ISchedulerCookie* cookie)
- : TEventScheduler<TEventSchedulerEv<TEventType>, TEventType>(cookie)
- {
- }
- };
- template <typename TEv, ui32 TEventType>
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename TEv, ui32 TEventType>
+ class TEventScheduler: public TEventLocal<TEv, TEventType> {
+ public:
+ TSchedulerCookieHolder Cookie;
+ TEventScheduler(ISchedulerCookie* cookie)
+ : Cookie(cookie)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ template <ui32 TEventType>
+ class TEventSchedulerEv: public TEventScheduler<TEventSchedulerEv<TEventType>, TEventType> {
+ public:
+ TEventSchedulerEv(ISchedulerCookie* cookie)
+ : TEventScheduler<TEventSchedulerEv<TEventType>, TEventType>(cookie)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename TEv, ui32 TEventType>
class TEventSimple: public TEventBase<TEv, TEventType> {
- public:
- TString ToStringHeader() const override {
- static TString header(TypeName<TEv>());
- return header;
- }
+ public:
+ TString ToStringHeader() const override {
+ static TString header(TypeName<TEv>());
+ return header;
+ }
bool SerializeToArcadiaStream(TChunkSerializer* /*serializer*/) const override {
static_assert(sizeof(TEv) == sizeof(TEventSimple<TEv, TEventType>), "Descendant should be an empty class");
return true;
- }
+ }
bool IsSerializable() const override {
return true;
- static IEventBase* Load(NActors::TEventSerializedData*) {
- return new TEv();
- }
+ static IEventBase* Load(NActors::TEventSerializedData*) {
+ return new TEv();
+ }
- static IEventBase* Load(const TString&) {
- return new TEv();
- }
- };
+ static IEventBase* Load(const TString&) {
+ return new TEv();
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.cpp
index b8f40c28ef..018ff9ac34 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.cpp
@@ -9,43 +9,43 @@ namespace NActors {
Iter += *size;
} else if (Iter.Valid()) {
- }
+ }
TotalByteCount += *size;
return *size != 0;
- }
+ }
void TRopeStream::BackUp(int count) {
Y_VERIFY(count <= TotalByteCount);
Iter -= count;
TotalByteCount -= count;
- }
+ }
bool TRopeStream::Skip(int count) {
if (static_cast<size_t>(TotalByteCount + count) > Size) {
count = Size - TotalByteCount;
- }
+ }
Iter += count;
TotalByteCount += count;
return static_cast<size_t>(TotalByteCount) != Size;
- TCoroutineChunkSerializer::TCoroutineChunkSerializer()
- : TotalSerializedDataSize(0)
+ TCoroutineChunkSerializer::TCoroutineChunkSerializer()
+ : TotalSerializedDataSize(0)
, Stack(64 * 1024)
, SelfClosure{this, TArrayRef(Stack.Begin(), Stack.End())}
- , InnerContext(SelfClosure)
+ , InnerContext(SelfClosure)
- TCoroutineChunkSerializer::~TCoroutineChunkSerializer() {
- CancelFlag = true;
+ TCoroutineChunkSerializer::~TCoroutineChunkSerializer() {
+ CancelFlag = true;
- bool TCoroutineChunkSerializer::AllowsAliasing() const {
- return true;
- }
+ bool TCoroutineChunkSerializer::AllowsAliasing() const {
+ return true;
+ }
bool TCoroutineChunkSerializer::Produce(const void *data, size_t size) {
Y_VERIFY(size <= SizeRemain);
SizeRemain -= size;
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ namespace NActors {
return true;
- bool TCoroutineChunkSerializer::WriteAliasedRaw(const void* data, int size) {
- Y_VERIFY(size >= 0);
+ bool TCoroutineChunkSerializer::WriteAliasedRaw(const void* data, int size) {
+ Y_VERIFY(size >= 0);
while (size) {
if (CancelFlag || AbortFlag) {
- return false;
+ return false;
} else if (const size_t bytesToAppend = Min<size_t>(size, SizeRemain)) {
if (!Produce(data, bytesToAppend)) {
return false;
@@ -86,29 +86,29 @@ namespace NActors {
- return true;
+ return true;
- bool TCoroutineChunkSerializer::Next(void** data, int* size) {
+ bool TCoroutineChunkSerializer::Next(void** data, int* size) {
if (CancelFlag || AbortFlag) {
- return false;
+ return false;
if (!SizeRemain) {
- InnerContext.SwitchTo(BufFeedContext);
+ InnerContext.SwitchTo(BufFeedContext);
if (CancelFlag || AbortFlag) {
- return false;
+ return false;
- }
+ }
*data = BufferPtr;
*size = SizeRemain;
BufferPtr += SizeRemain;
return Produce(*data, *size);
- }
- void TCoroutineChunkSerializer::BackUp(int count) {
+ }
+ void TCoroutineChunkSerializer::BackUp(int count) {
if (!count) {
- return;
+ return;
Y_VERIFY(count > 0);
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ namespace NActors {
BufferPtr -= count;
SizeRemain += count;
- TotalSerializedDataSize -= count;
+ TotalSerializedDataSize -= count;
- void TCoroutineChunkSerializer::Resume() {
- TContMachineContext feedContext;
- BufFeedContext = &feedContext;
- feedContext.SwitchTo(&InnerContext);
+ void TCoroutineChunkSerializer::Resume() {
+ TContMachineContext feedContext;
+ BufFeedContext = &feedContext;
+ feedContext.SwitchTo(&InnerContext);
BufFeedContext = nullptr;
@@ -155,14 +155,14 @@ namespace NActors {
return {Chunks, Chunks + NumChunks};
- }
+ }
void TCoroutineChunkSerializer::SetSerializingEvent(const IEventBase *event) {
Y_VERIFY(Event == nullptr);
Event = event;
- TotalSerializedDataSize = 0;
+ TotalSerializedDataSize = 0;
AbortFlag = false;
- }
+ }
void TCoroutineChunkSerializer::Abort() {
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ namespace NActors {
- void TCoroutineChunkSerializer::DoRun() {
+ void TCoroutineChunkSerializer::DoRun() {
while (!CancelFlag) {
SerializationSuccess = Event->SerializeToArcadiaStream(this);
@@ -178,12 +178,12 @@ namespace NActors {
if (!CancelFlag) { // cancel flag may have been received during serialization
- }
+ }
Finished = true;
- bool TAllocChunkSerializer::Next(void** pdata, int* psize) {
+ bool TAllocChunkSerializer::Next(void** pdata, int* psize) {
if (Backup) {
// we have some data in backup rope -- move the first chunk from the backup rope to the buffer and return
// pointer to the buffer; it is safe to remove 'const' here as we uniquely own this buffer
@@ -199,17 +199,17 @@ namespace NActors {
*psize = item->GetCapacity();
- return true;
+ return true;
- void TAllocChunkSerializer::BackUp(int count) {
+ void TAllocChunkSerializer::BackUp(int count) {
Backup.Insert(Backup.Begin(), Buffers->EraseBack(count));
- }
+ }
- bool TAllocChunkSerializer::WriteAliasedRaw(const void*, int) {
- Y_VERIFY(false);
- return false;
- }
+ bool TAllocChunkSerializer::WriteAliasedRaw(const void*, int) {
+ Y_VERIFY(false);
+ return false;
+ }
bool TAllocChunkSerializer::WriteRope(const TRope *rope) {
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.h
index 76731cbca9..d7546b901a 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "event.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "event.h"
#include "event_load.h"
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h>
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@
#include <util/system/context.h>
#include <util/system/filemap.h>
#include <array>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
class TRopeStream : public NProtoBuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream {
TRope::TConstIterator Iter;
const size_t Size;
- public:
+ public:
TRopeStream(TRope::TConstIterator iter, size_t size)
: Iter(iter)
, Size(size)
bool Next(const void** data, int* size) override;
void BackUp(int count) override;
bool Skip(int count) override;
@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ namespace NActors {
int64_t TotalByteCount = 0;
- };
+ };
class TChunkSerializer : public NProtoBuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream {
- public:
+ public:
TChunkSerializer() = default;
virtual ~TChunkSerializer() = default;
virtual bool WriteRope(const TRope *rope) = 0;
virtual bool WriteString(const TString *s) = 0;
- };
+ };
class TAllocChunkSerializer final : public TChunkSerializer {
- public:
+ public:
bool Next(void** data, int* size) override;
void BackUp(int count) override;
int64_t ByteCount() const override {
@@ -61,29 +61,29 @@ namespace NActors {
return std::move(Buffers);
- }
+ }
- protected:
+ protected:
TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> Buffers = new TEventSerializedData;
TRope Backup;
- };
+ };
class TCoroutineChunkSerializer final : public TChunkSerializer, protected ITrampoLine {
- public:
+ public:
using TChunk = std::pair<const char*, size_t>;
- TCoroutineChunkSerializer();
- ~TCoroutineChunkSerializer();
+ TCoroutineChunkSerializer();
+ ~TCoroutineChunkSerializer();
void SetSerializingEvent(const IEventBase *event);
void Abort();
std::pair<TChunk*, TChunk*> FeedBuf(void* data, size_t size);
- bool IsComplete() const {
+ bool IsComplete() const {
return !Event;
- }
- bool IsSuccessfull() const {
- return SerializationSuccess;
- }
+ }
+ bool IsSuccessfull() const {
+ return SerializationSuccess;
+ }
const IEventBase *GetCurrentEvent() const {
return Event;
@@ -99,15 +99,15 @@ namespace NActors {
bool WriteRope(const TRope *rope) override;
bool WriteString(const TString *s) override;
- protected:
+ protected:
void DoRun() override;
- void Resume();
+ void Resume();
bool Produce(const void *data, size_t size);
- i64 TotalSerializedDataSize;
- TMappedAllocation Stack;
- TContClosure SelfClosure;
- TContMachineContext InnerContext;
+ i64 TotalSerializedDataSize;
+ TMappedAllocation Stack;
+ TContClosure SelfClosure;
+ TContMachineContext InnerContext;
TContMachineContext *BufFeedContext = nullptr;
char *BufferPtr;
size_t SizeRemain;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ namespace NActors {
bool AbortFlag;
bool SerializationSuccess;
bool Finished = false;
- };
+ };
static const size_t EventMaxByteSize = 140 << 20; // (140MB)
@@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ namespace NActors {
// a vector of data buffers referenced by record; if filled, then extended serialization mechanism applies
TVector<TRope> Payload;
- public:
+ public:
using TRecHolder::Record;
- using ProtoRecordType = TRecord;
+ using ProtoRecordType = TRecord;
TEventPBBase() = default;
@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ namespace NActors {
Record = std::move(rec);
- TString ToStringHeader() const override {
- return Record.GetTypeName();
- }
+ TString ToStringHeader() const override {
+ return Record.GetTypeName();
+ }
- TString ToString() const override {
+ TString ToString() const override {
return Record.ShortDebugString();
- }
+ }
bool IsSerializable() const override {
return true;
@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ namespace NActors {
- return Record.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(chunker);
- }
+ return Record.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(chunker);
+ }
ui32 CalculateSerializedSize() const override {
ssize_t result = Record.ByteSize();
if (result >= 0 && Payload) {
@@ -227,10 +227,10 @@ namespace NActors {
result += rope.GetSize();
- return result;
+ return result;
- static IEventBase* Load(TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> input) {
+ static IEventBase* Load(TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> input) {
THolder<TEventPBBase> ev(new TEv());
if (!input->GetSize()) {
Y_PROTOBUF_SUPPRESS_NODISCARD ev->Record.ParseFromString(TString());
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ namespace NActors {
if (!ev->Record.ParseFromZeroCopyStream(&stream)) {
Y_FAIL("Failed to parse protobuf event type %" PRIu32 " class %s", TEventType, TypeName(ev->Record).data());
- }
+ }
ev->CachedByteSize = input->GetSize();
return ev.Release();
@@ -278,18 +278,18 @@ namespace NActors {
size_t GetCachedByteSize() const {
if (CachedByteSize == 0) {
CachedByteSize = CalculateSerializedSize();
- }
- return CachedByteSize;
- }
+ }
+ return CachedByteSize;
+ }
ui32 CalculateSerializedSizeCached() const override {
return GetCachedByteSize();
- void InvalidateCachedByteSize() {
- CachedByteSize = 0;
- }
+ void InvalidateCachedByteSize() {
+ CachedByteSize = 0;
+ }
void ReservePayload(size_t size) {
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ namespace NActors {
- mutable size_t CachedByteSize = 0;
+ mutable size_t CachedByteSize = 0;
static constexpr char PayloadMarker = 0x07;
static constexpr size_t MaxNumberBytes = (sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT + 6) / 7;
@@ -367,8 +367,8 @@ namespace NActors {
return res;
- };
+ };
// Protobuf record not using arena
template <typename TRecord>
struct TRecordHolder {
@@ -490,11 +490,11 @@ namespace NActors {
inline TActorId ActorIdFromProto(const NActorsProto::TActorId& actorId) {
return TActorId(actorId.GetRawX1(), actorId.GetRawX2());
- }
+ }
inline void ActorIdToProto(const TActorId& src, NActorsProto::TActorId* dest) {
- dest->SetRawX1(src.RawX1());
- dest->SetRawX2(src.RawX2());
- }
+ dest->SetRawX1(src.RawX1());
+ dest->SetRawX2(src.RawX2());
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/events.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/events.h
index 5ff747efee..702cf50fad 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/events.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/events.h
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "event.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "event.h"
#include "event_pb.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/protos/actors.pb.h>
#include <util/system/unaligned_mem.h>
-namespace NActors {
- struct TEvents {
- enum EEventSpace {
- ES_SYSTEM = 1,
- ES_DNS = 4,
- ES_LOGGER = 6,
- ES_MON = 7,
+namespace NActors {
+ struct TEvents {
+ enum EEventSpace {
+ ES_SYSTEM = 1,
+ ES_DNS = 4,
+ ES_LOGGER = 6,
+ ES_MON = 7,
ES_YF = 10,
ES_HTTP = 11,
- ES_USERSPACE = 4096,
- ES_PRIVATE = (1 << 15) - 16,
- ES_MAX = (1 << 15),
- };
-#define EventSpaceBegin(eventSpace) (eventSpace << 16u)
-#define EventSpaceEnd(eventSpace) ((eventSpace << 16u) + (1u << 16u))
- struct THelloWorld {
- enum {
- Start = EventSpaceBegin(ES_HELLOWORLD),
- Ping,
- Pong,
- Blob,
- End
- };
- static_assert(End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_HELLOWORLD), "expect End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_HELLOWORLD)");
- };
- struct TEvPing: public TEventBase<TEvPing, THelloWorld::Ping> {
- };
- struct TEvPong: public TEventBase<TEvPong, THelloWorld::Pong> {
- };
- struct TEvBlob: public TEventBase<TEvBlob, THelloWorld::Blob> {
- const TString Blob;
- TEvBlob(const TString& blob) noexcept
- : Blob(blob)
- {
- }
- TString ToStringHeader() const noexcept override {
- return "THelloWorld::Blob";
- }
+ ES_USERSPACE = 4096,
+ ES_PRIVATE = (1 << 15) - 16,
+ ES_MAX = (1 << 15),
+ };
+#define EventSpaceBegin(eventSpace) (eventSpace << 16u)
+#define EventSpaceEnd(eventSpace) ((eventSpace << 16u) + (1u << 16u))
+ struct THelloWorld {
+ enum {
+ Start = EventSpaceBegin(ES_HELLOWORLD),
+ Ping,
+ Pong,
+ Blob,
+ End
+ };
+ static_assert(End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_HELLOWORLD), "expect End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_HELLOWORLD)");
+ };
+ struct TEvPing: public TEventBase<TEvPing, THelloWorld::Ping> {
+ };
+ struct TEvPong: public TEventBase<TEvPong, THelloWorld::Pong> {
+ };
+ struct TEvBlob: public TEventBase<TEvBlob, THelloWorld::Blob> {
+ const TString Blob;
+ TEvBlob(const TString& blob) noexcept
+ : Blob(blob)
+ {
+ }
+ TString ToStringHeader() const noexcept override {
+ return "THelloWorld::Blob";
+ }
bool SerializeToArcadiaStream(TChunkSerializer *serializer) const override {
return serializer->WriteString(&Blob);
- }
+ }
- static IEventBase* Load(TEventSerializedData* bufs) noexcept {
+ static IEventBase* Load(TEventSerializedData* bufs) noexcept {
return new TEvBlob(bufs->GetString());
- }
+ }
bool IsSerializable() const override {
return true;
- };
- struct TSystem {
- enum {
- Start = EventSpaceBegin(ES_SYSTEM),
- Bootstrap, // generic bootstrap event
- Wakeup, // generic timeout
- Subscribe, // generic subscribe to something
- Unsubscribe, // generic unsubscribe from something
- Delivered, // event delivered
- Undelivered, // event undelivered
+ };
+ struct TSystem {
+ enum {
+ Start = EventSpaceBegin(ES_SYSTEM),
+ Bootstrap, // generic bootstrap event
+ Wakeup, // generic timeout
+ Subscribe, // generic subscribe to something
+ Unsubscribe, // generic unsubscribe from something
+ Delivered, // event delivered
+ Undelivered, // event undelivered
Poison, // request actor to shutdown
- Completed, // generic async job result event
+ Completed, // generic async job result event
PoisonTaken, // generic Poison taken (reply to PoisonPill event, i.e. died completely)
- FlushLog,
- CallbackCompletion,
- CallbackException,
+ FlushLog,
+ CallbackCompletion,
+ CallbackException,
Gone, // Generic notification of actor death
- TrackActor,
- UntrackActor,
+ TrackActor,
+ UntrackActor,
@@ -102,61 +102,61 @@ namespace NActors {
// Compatibility section
PoisonPill = Poison,
ActorDied = Gone,
- };
- static_assert(End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_SYSTEM), "expect End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_SYSTEM)");
- };
- struct TEvBootstrap: public TEventBase<TEvBootstrap, TSystem::Bootstrap> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvBootstrap, "System: TEvBootstrap")
- };
+ };
+ static_assert(End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_SYSTEM), "expect End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_SYSTEM)");
+ };
+ struct TEvBootstrap: public TEventBase<TEvBootstrap, TSystem::Bootstrap> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvBootstrap, "System: TEvBootstrap")
+ };
struct TEvPoison : public TEventBase<TEvPoison, TSystem::Poison> {
- };
- struct TEvWakeup: public TEventBase<TEvWakeup, TSystem::Wakeup> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvWakeup, "System: TEvWakeup")
+ };
+ struct TEvWakeup: public TEventBase<TEvWakeup, TSystem::Wakeup> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvWakeup, "System: TEvWakeup")
TEvWakeup(ui64 tag = 0) : Tag(tag) { }
const ui64 Tag = 0;
- };
- struct TEvSubscribe: public TEventBase<TEvSubscribe, TSystem::Subscribe> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvSubscribe, "System: TEvSubscribe")
- };
- struct TEvUnsubscribe: public TEventBase<TEvUnsubscribe, TSystem::Unsubscribe> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvUnsubscribe, "System: TEvUnsubscribe")
- };
- struct TEvUndelivered: public TEventBase<TEvUndelivered, TSystem::Undelivered> {
- enum EReason {
- ReasonUnknown,
- ReasonActorUnknown,
- Disconnected
- };
- const ui32 SourceType;
- const EReason Reason;
+ };
+ struct TEvSubscribe: public TEventBase<TEvSubscribe, TSystem::Subscribe> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvSubscribe, "System: TEvSubscribe")
+ };
+ struct TEvUnsubscribe: public TEventBase<TEvUnsubscribe, TSystem::Unsubscribe> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvUnsubscribe, "System: TEvUnsubscribe")
+ };
+ struct TEvUndelivered: public TEventBase<TEvUndelivered, TSystem::Undelivered> {
+ enum EReason {
+ ReasonUnknown,
+ ReasonActorUnknown,
+ Disconnected
+ };
+ const ui32 SourceType;
+ const EReason Reason;
const bool Unsure;
const TString Data;
TEvUndelivered(ui32 sourceType, ui32 reason, bool unsure = false)
- : SourceType(sourceType)
- , Reason(static_cast<EReason>(reason))
+ : SourceType(sourceType)
+ , Reason(static_cast<EReason>(reason))
, Unsure(unsure)
, Data(MakeData(sourceType, reason))
- TString ToStringHeader() const override;
+ TString ToStringHeader() const override;
bool SerializeToArcadiaStream(TChunkSerializer *serializer) const override;
- static IEventBase* Load(TEventSerializedData* bufs);
+ static IEventBase* Load(TEventSerializedData* bufs);
bool IsSerializable() const override;
ui32 CalculateSerializedSize() const override { return 2 * sizeof(ui32); }
- static void Out(IOutputStream& o, EReason x);
+ static void Out(IOutputStream& o, EReason x);
static TString MakeData(ui32 sourceType, ui32 reason) {
@@ -166,57 +166,57 @@ namespace NActors {
WriteUnaligned<ui32>(p + 4, reason);
return s;
- };
- struct TEvCompleted: public TEventBase<TEvCompleted, TSystem::Completed> {
- const ui32 Id;
- const ui32 Status;
- TEvCompleted(ui32 id = 0, ui32 status = 0)
- : Id(id)
- , Status(status)
- {
- }
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvCompleted, "System: TEvCompleted")
- };
- struct TEvPoisonTaken: public TEventBase<TEvPoisonTaken, TSystem::PoisonTaken> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvPoisonTaken, "System: TEvPoisonTaken")
- };
- struct TEvFlushLog: public TEventBase<TEvFlushLog, TSystem::FlushLog> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvFlushLog, "System: TEvFlushLog")
- };
- struct TEvCallbackException: public TEventPB<TEvCallbackException,
- NActorsProto::TCallbackException,
- TSystem::CallbackException> {
+ };
+ struct TEvCompleted: public TEventBase<TEvCompleted, TSystem::Completed> {
+ const ui32 Id;
+ const ui32 Status;
+ TEvCompleted(ui32 id = 0, ui32 status = 0)
+ : Id(id)
+ , Status(status)
+ {
+ }
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvCompleted, "System: TEvCompleted")
+ };
+ struct TEvPoisonTaken: public TEventBase<TEvPoisonTaken, TSystem::PoisonTaken> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvPoisonTaken, "System: TEvPoisonTaken")
+ };
+ struct TEvFlushLog: public TEventBase<TEvFlushLog, TSystem::FlushLog> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvFlushLog, "System: TEvFlushLog")
+ };
+ struct TEvCallbackException: public TEventPB<TEvCallbackException,
+ NActorsProto::TCallbackException,
+ TSystem::CallbackException> {
TEvCallbackException(const TActorId& id, const TString& msg) {
ActorIdToProto(id, Record.MutableActorId());
- Record.SetExceptionMessage(msg);
- }
- };
+ Record.SetExceptionMessage(msg);
+ }
+ };
- struct TEvCallbackCompletion: public TEventPB<TEvCallbackCompletion,
+ struct TEvCallbackCompletion: public TEventPB<TEvCallbackCompletion,
- TSystem::CallbackCompletion> {
+ TSystem::CallbackCompletion> {
TEvCallbackCompletion(const TActorId& id) {
ActorIdToProto(id, &Record);
- }
- };
+ }
+ };
struct TEvGone: public TEventBase<TEvGone, TSystem::Gone> {
- };
+ };
struct TEvInvokeResult;
using TEvPoisonPill = TEvPoison; // Legacy name, deprecated
using TEvActorDied = TEvGone;
-template <>
-inline void Out<NActors::TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EReason>(IOutputStream& o, NActors::TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EReason x) {
- NActors::TEvents::TEvUndelivered::Out(o, x);
+template <>
+inline void Out<NActors::TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EReason>(IOutputStream& o, NActors::TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EReason x) {
+ NActors::TEvents::TEvUndelivered::Out(o, x);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/events_undelivered.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/events_undelivered.cpp
index 6ba2d685ee..23deaffd10 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/events_undelivered.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/events_undelivered.cpp
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-#include "events.h"
+#include "events.h"
#include "actorsystem.h"
-namespace NActors {
- TString TEvents::TEvUndelivered::ToStringHeader() const {
- return "TSystem::Undelivered";
- }
+namespace NActors {
+ TString TEvents::TEvUndelivered::ToStringHeader() const {
+ return "TSystem::Undelivered";
+ }
bool TEvents::TEvUndelivered::SerializeToArcadiaStream(TChunkSerializer *serializer) const {
Y_VERIFY(!Unsure); // these are local-only events generated by Interconnect
return serializer->WriteString(&Data);
- }
- void TEvents::TEvUndelivered::Out(IOutputStream& o, EReason x) {
- switch (x) {
- case ReasonActorUnknown:
- o << "ActorUnknown";
- break;
- case Disconnected:
- o << "Disconnected";
- break;
- default:
- o << "Undefined";
- break;
- }
- }
+ }
+ void TEvents::TEvUndelivered::Out(IOutputStream& o, EReason x) {
+ switch (x) {
+ case ReasonActorUnknown:
+ o << "ActorUnknown";
+ break;
+ case Disconnected:
+ o << "Disconnected";
+ break;
+ default:
+ o << "Undefined";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
bool TEvents::TEvUndelivered::IsSerializable() const {
return true;
- IEventBase* TEvents::TEvUndelivered::Load(TEventSerializedData* bufs) {
+ IEventBase* TEvents::TEvUndelivered::Load(TEventSerializedData* bufs) {
TString str = bufs->GetString();
- Y_VERIFY(str.size() == (sizeof(ui32) + sizeof(ui32)));
+ Y_VERIFY(str.size() == (sizeof(ui32) + sizeof(ui32)));
const char* p = str.data();
const ui64 sourceType = ReadUnaligned<ui32>(p + 0);
const ui64 reason = ReadUnaligned<ui32>(p + 4);
- return new TEvUndelivered(sourceType, reason);
- }
+ return new TEvUndelivered(sourceType, reason);
+ }
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> IEventHandle::ForwardOnNondelivery(ui32 reason, bool unsure) {
if (Flags & FlagForwardOnNondelivery) {
- const ui32 updatedFlags = Flags & ~(FlagForwardOnNondelivery | FlagSubscribeOnSession);
+ const ui32 updatedFlags = Flags & ~(FlagForwardOnNondelivery | FlagSubscribeOnSession);
const TActorId recp = OnNondeliveryHolder ? OnNondeliveryHolder->Recipient : TActorId();
- if (Event)
- return new IEventHandle(recp, Sender, Event.Release(), updatedFlags, Cookie, &Recipient, TraceId.Clone());
- else
+ if (Event)
+ return new IEventHandle(recp, Sender, Event.Release(), updatedFlags, Cookie, &Recipient, TraceId.Clone());
+ else
return new IEventHandle(Type, updatedFlags, recp, Sender, Buffer, Cookie, &Recipient, TraceId.Clone());
- }
+ }
if (Flags & FlagTrackDelivery) {
const ui32 updatedFlags = Flags & ~(FlagTrackDelivery | FlagSubscribeOnSession | FlagGenerateUnsureUndelivered);
return new IEventHandle(Sender, Recipient, new TEvents::TEvUndelivered(Type, reason, unsure), updatedFlags,
@@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ namespace NActors {
return nullptr;
- }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executelater.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/executelater.h
index dd617047d8..e7a13c1005 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executelater.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executelater.h
@@ -5,36 +5,36 @@
#include <utility>
namespace NActors {
- template <typename TCallback>
- class TExecuteLater: public TActorBootstrapped<TExecuteLater<TCallback>> {
- public:
+ template <typename TCallback>
+ class TExecuteLater: public TActorBootstrapped<TExecuteLater<TCallback>> {
+ public:
static constexpr IActor::EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
- TExecuteLater(
+ TExecuteLater(
TCallback&& callback,
IActor::EActivityType activityType,
ui32 channel = 0,
ui64 cookie = 0,
const TActorId& reportCompletionTo = TActorId(),
const TActorId& reportExceptionTo = TActorId()) noexcept
- : Callback(std::move(callback))
- , Channel(channel)
- , Cookie(cookie)
- , ReportCompletionTo(reportCompletionTo)
- , ReportExceptionTo(reportExceptionTo)
- {
- this->SetActivityType(activityType);
- }
+ : Callback(std::move(callback))
+ , Channel(channel)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
+ , ReportCompletionTo(reportCompletionTo)
+ , ReportExceptionTo(reportExceptionTo)
+ {
+ this->SetActivityType(activityType);
+ }
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext& ctx) noexcept {
- try {
- {
- /* RAII, Callback should be destroyed right before sending
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext& ctx) noexcept {
+ try {
+ {
+ /* RAII, Callback should be destroyed right before sending
TEvCallbackCompletion */
- auto local = std::move(Callback);
+ auto local = std::move(Callback);
using T = decltype(local);
if constexpr (std::is_invocable_v<T, const TActorContext&>) {
@@ -42,46 +42,46 @@ namespace NActors {
} else {
- }
- if (ReportCompletionTo) {
- ctx.Send(ReportCompletionTo,
- new TEvents::TEvCallbackCompletion(ctx.SelfID),
- Channel, Cookie);
- }
- } catch (...) {
- if (ReportExceptionTo) {
- const TString msg = CurrentExceptionMessage();
- ctx.Send(ReportExceptionTo,
- new TEvents::TEvCallbackException(ctx.SelfID, msg),
- Channel, Cookie);
- }
+ }
+ if (ReportCompletionTo) {
+ ctx.Send(ReportCompletionTo,
+ new TEvents::TEvCallbackCompletion(ctx.SelfID),
+ Channel, Cookie);
+ }
+ } catch (...) {
+ if (ReportExceptionTo) {
+ const TString msg = CurrentExceptionMessage();
+ ctx.Send(ReportExceptionTo,
+ new TEvents::TEvCallbackException(ctx.SelfID, msg),
+ Channel, Cookie);
+ }
- this->Die(ctx);
+ this->Die(ctx);
- private:
- TCallback Callback;
- const ui32 Channel;
- const ui64 Cookie;
+ private:
+ TCallback Callback;
+ const ui32 Channel;
+ const ui64 Cookie;
const TActorId ReportCompletionTo;
const TActorId ReportExceptionTo;
- };
+ };
- template <typename T>
- IActor* CreateExecuteLaterActor(
+ template <typename T>
+ IActor* CreateExecuteLaterActor(
T&& func,
IActor::EActivityType activityType,
ui32 channel = 0,
ui64 cookie = 0,
const TActorId& reportCompletionTo = TActorId(),
const TActorId& reportExceptionTo = TActorId()) noexcept {
- return new TExecuteLater<T>(std::forward<T>(func),
- activityType,
- channel,
- cookie,
- reportCompletionTo,
- reportExceptionTo);
- }
+ return new TExecuteLater<T>(std::forward<T>(func),
+ activityType,
+ channel,
+ cookie,
+ reportCompletionTo,
+ reportExceptionTo);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_base.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_base.cpp
index 1e47aa179c..c3b9999168 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_base.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_base.cpp
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-#include "executor_pool_base.h"
-#include "executor_thread.h"
-#include "mailbox.h"
+#include "executor_pool_base.h"
+#include "executor_thread.h"
+#include "mailbox.h"
#include "probes.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
void DoActorInit(TActorSystem* sys, IActor* actor, const TActorId& self, const TActorId& owner) {
actor->SelfActorId = self;
actor->Registered(sys, owner);
- }
+ }
TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed::TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed(ui32 poolId, ui32 maxActivityType)
- : IExecutorPool(poolId)
- , ActorSystem(nullptr)
- , MailboxTable(new TMailboxTable)
+ : IExecutorPool(poolId)
+ , ActorSystem(nullptr)
+ , MailboxTable(new TMailboxTable)
, Stats(maxActivityType)
@@ -23,146 +23,146 @@ namespace NActors {
TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed::~TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed() {
- }
+ }
TExecutorPoolBase::TExecutorPoolBase(ui32 poolId, ui32 threads, TAffinity* affinity, ui32 maxActivityType)
: TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed(poolId, maxActivityType)
, PoolThreads(threads)
, ThreadsAffinity(affinity)
- TExecutorPoolBase::~TExecutorPoolBase() {
- while (Activations.Pop(0))
- ;
- }
+ TExecutorPoolBase::~TExecutorPoolBase() {
+ while (Activations.Pop(0))
+ ;
+ }
void TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed::ReclaimMailbox(TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 hint, TWorkerId workerId, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter) {
- MailboxTable->ReclaimMailbox(mailboxType, hint, revolvingWriteCounter);
- }
+ MailboxTable->ReclaimMailbox(mailboxType, hint, revolvingWriteCounter);
+ }
ui64 TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed::AllocateID() {
- return ActorSystem->AllocateIDSpace(1);
- }
+ return ActorSystem->AllocateIDSpace(1);
+ }
bool TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed::Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev) {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(ev->GetRecipientRewrite().PoolID() == PoolId);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(ev->GetRecipientRewrite().PoolID() == PoolId);
RelaxedStore(&ev->SendTime, (::NHPTimer::STime)GetCycleCountFast());
- return MailboxTable->SendTo(ev, this);
- }
- void TExecutorPoolBase::ScheduleActivation(ui32 activation) {
- ScheduleActivationEx(activation, AtomicIncrement(ActivationsRevolvingCounter));
- }
+ return MailboxTable->SendTo(ev, this);
+ }
+ void TExecutorPoolBase::ScheduleActivation(ui32 activation) {
+ ScheduleActivationEx(activation, AtomicIncrement(ActivationsRevolvingCounter));
+ }
TActorId TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed::Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter, const TActorId& parentId) {
NHPTimer::STime hpstart = GetCycleCountFast();
- ui32 at = actor->GetActivityType();
- if (at >= Stats.MaxActivityType())
- at = 0;
- AtomicIncrement(Stats.ActorsAliveByActivity[at]);
+ ui32 at = actor->GetActivityType();
+ if (at >= Stats.MaxActivityType())
+ at = 0;
+ AtomicIncrement(Stats.ActorsAliveByActivity[at]);
- AtomicIncrement(ActorRegistrations);
+ AtomicIncrement(ActorRegistrations);
- // first step - find good enough mailbox
- ui32 hint = 0;
- TMailboxHeader* mailbox = nullptr;
+ // first step - find good enough mailbox
+ ui32 hint = 0;
+ TMailboxHeader* mailbox = nullptr;
- if (revolvingWriteCounter == 0)
+ if (revolvingWriteCounter == 0)
revolvingWriteCounter = AtomicIncrement(RegisterRevolvingCounter);
- {
- ui32 hintBackoff = 0;
+ {
+ ui32 hintBackoff = 0;
- while (hint == 0) {
- hint = MailboxTable->AllocateMailbox(mailboxType, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- mailbox = MailboxTable->Get(hint);
+ while (hint == 0) {
+ hint = MailboxTable->AllocateMailbox(mailboxType, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
+ mailbox = MailboxTable->Get(hint);
- if (!mailbox->LockFromFree()) {
- MailboxTable->ReclaimMailbox(mailboxType, hintBackoff, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- hintBackoff = hint;
- hint = 0;
- }
+ if (!mailbox->LockFromFree()) {
+ MailboxTable->ReclaimMailbox(mailboxType, hintBackoff, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
+ hintBackoff = hint;
+ hint = 0;
+ }
- MailboxTable->ReclaimMailbox(mailboxType, hintBackoff, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
+ MailboxTable->ReclaimMailbox(mailboxType, hintBackoff, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- const ui64 localActorId = AllocateID();
+ const ui64 localActorId = AllocateID();
- // ok, got mailbox
- mailbox->AttachActor(localActorId, actor);
+ // ok, got mailbox
+ mailbox->AttachActor(localActorId, actor);
- // do init
+ // do init
const TActorId actorId(ActorSystem->NodeId, PoolId, localActorId, hint);
DoActorInit(ActorSystem, actor, actorId, parentId);
- // Once we unlock the mailbox the actor starts running and we cannot use the pointer any more
- actor = nullptr;
+ // Once we unlock the mailbox the actor starts running and we cannot use the pointer any more
+ actor = nullptr;
- switch (mailboxType) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple:
+ switch (mailboxType) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple:
UnlockFromExecution((TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox*)mailbox, this, false, hint, MaxWorkers, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::Revolving:
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving:
UnlockFromExecution((TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox*)mailbox, this, false, hint, MaxWorkers, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
UnlockFromExecution((TMailboxTable::THTSwapMailbox*)mailbox, this, false, hint, MaxWorkers, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
UnlockFromExecution((TMailboxTable::TReadAsFilledMailbox*)mailbox, this, false, hint, MaxWorkers, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
UnlockFromExecution((TMailboxTable::TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox*)mailbox, this, false, hint, MaxWorkers, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
NHPTimer::STime elapsed = GetCycleCountFast() - hpstart;
- if (elapsed > 1000000) {
- LWPROBE(SlowRegisterNew, PoolId, NHPTimer::GetSeconds(elapsed) * 1000.0);
- }
+ if (elapsed > 1000000) {
+ LWPROBE(SlowRegisterNew, PoolId, NHPTimer::GetSeconds(elapsed) * 1000.0);
+ }
- return actorId;
+ return actorId;
TActorId TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed::Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxHeader* mailbox, ui32 hint, const TActorId& parentId) {
NHPTimer::STime hpstart = GetCycleCountFast();
- ui32 at = actor->GetActivityType();
- if (at >= Stats.MaxActivityType())
- at = 0;
- AtomicIncrement(Stats.ActorsAliveByActivity[at]);
+ ui32 at = actor->GetActivityType();
+ if (at >= Stats.MaxActivityType())
+ at = 0;
+ AtomicIncrement(Stats.ActorsAliveByActivity[at]);
- AtomicIncrement(ActorRegistrations);
+ AtomicIncrement(ActorRegistrations);
- const ui64 localActorId = AllocateID();
- mailbox->AttachActor(localActorId, actor);
+ const ui64 localActorId = AllocateID();
+ mailbox->AttachActor(localActorId, actor);
const TActorId actorId(ActorSystem->NodeId, PoolId, localActorId, hint);
DoActorInit(ActorSystem, actor, actorId, parentId);
NHPTimer::STime elapsed = GetCycleCountFast() - hpstart;
- if (elapsed > 1000000) {
- LWPROBE(SlowRegisterAdd, PoolId, NHPTimer::GetSeconds(elapsed) * 1000.0);
- }
- return actorId;
+ if (elapsed > 1000000) {
+ LWPROBE(SlowRegisterAdd, PoolId, NHPTimer::GetSeconds(elapsed) * 1000.0);
+ }
+ return actorId;
- TAffinity* TExecutorPoolBase::Affinity() const {
- return ThreadsAffinity.Get();
- }
+ TAffinity* TExecutorPoolBase::Affinity() const {
+ return ThreadsAffinity.Get();
+ }
bool TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed::Cleanup() {
- return MailboxTable->Cleanup();
- }
+ return MailboxTable->Cleanup();
+ }
ui32 TExecutorPoolBase::GetThreads() const {
return PoolThreads;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_base.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_base.h
index 1f8c036376..c84ce1af77 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_base.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_base.h
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "actorsystem.h"
-#include "executor_thread.h"
-#include "scheduler_queue.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "actorsystem.h"
+#include "executor_thread.h"
+#include "scheduler_queue.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/unordered_cache.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
class TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed: public IExecutorPool {
- protected:
- TActorSystem* ActorSystem;
- THolder<TMailboxTable> MailboxTable;
+ protected:
+ TActorSystem* ActorSystem;
+ THolder<TMailboxTable> MailboxTable;
- // Need to have per pool object to collect stats like actor registrations (because
- // registrations might be done in threads from other pools)
- TExecutorThreadStats Stats;
+ // Need to have per pool object to collect stats like actor registrations (because
+ // registrations might be done in threads from other pools)
+ TExecutorThreadStats Stats;
TAtomic RegisterRevolvingCounter = 0;
ui64 AllocateID();
- public:
+ public:
TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed(ui32 poolId, ui32 maxActivityType);
void ReclaimMailbox(TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 hint, TWorkerId workerId, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter) override;
- bool Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev) override;
+ bool Send(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev) override;
TActorId Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter, const TActorId& parentId) override;
TActorId Register(IActor* actor, TMailboxHeader* mailbox, ui32 hint, const TActorId& parentId) override;
- bool Cleanup() override;
+ bool Cleanup() override;
class TExecutorPoolBase: public TExecutorPoolBaseMailboxed {
const ui32 PoolThreads;
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ namespace NActors {
TExecutorPoolBase(ui32 poolId, ui32 threads, TAffinity* affinity, ui32 maxActivityType);
void ScheduleActivation(ui32 activation) override;
- TAffinity* Affinity() const override;
+ TAffinity* Affinity() const override;
ui32 GetThreads() const override;
- };
+ };
void DoActorInit(TActorSystem*, IActor*, const TActorId&, const TActorId&);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic.cpp
index 1645ba1910..4dce16939a 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic.cpp
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-#include "executor_pool_basic.h"
+#include "executor_pool_basic.h"
#include "probes.h"
-#include "mailbox.h"
+#include "mailbox.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
#ifdef _linux_
-#include <pthread.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
-namespace NActors {
- constexpr TDuration TBasicExecutorPool::DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX;
+namespace NActors {
+ constexpr TDuration TBasicExecutorPool::DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX;
- TBasicExecutorPool::TBasicExecutorPool(
+ TBasicExecutorPool::TBasicExecutorPool(
ui32 poolId,
ui32 threads,
ui64 spinThreshold,
const TString& poolName,
- TAffinity* affinity,
+ TAffinity* affinity,
TDuration timePerMailbox,
ui32 eventsPerMailbox,
int realtimePriority,
ui32 maxActivityType)
: TExecutorPoolBase(poolId, threads, affinity, maxActivityType)
- , SpinThreshold(spinThreshold)
- , SpinThresholdCycles(spinThreshold * NHPTimer::GetCyclesPerSecond() * 0.000001) // convert microseconds to cycles
- , Threads(new TThreadCtx[threads])
- , PoolName(poolName)
- , TimePerMailbox(timePerMailbox)
- , EventsPerMailbox(eventsPerMailbox)
- , RealtimePriority(realtimePriority)
- , ThreadUtilization(0)
- , MaxUtilizationCounter(0)
- , MaxUtilizationAccumulator(0)
+ , SpinThreshold(spinThreshold)
+ , SpinThresholdCycles(spinThreshold * NHPTimer::GetCyclesPerSecond() * 0.000001) // convert microseconds to cycles
+ , Threads(new TThreadCtx[threads])
+ , PoolName(poolName)
+ , TimePerMailbox(timePerMailbox)
+ , EventsPerMailbox(eventsPerMailbox)
+ , RealtimePriority(realtimePriority)
+ , ThreadUtilization(0)
+ , MaxUtilizationCounter(0)
+ , MaxUtilizationAccumulator(0)
, ThreadCount(threads)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
TBasicExecutorPool::TBasicExecutorPool(const TBasicExecutorPoolConfig& cfg)
: TBasicExecutorPool(
@@ -52,20 +52,20 @@ namespace NActors {
- TBasicExecutorPool::~TBasicExecutorPool() {
- Threads.Destroy();
- }
+ TBasicExecutorPool::~TBasicExecutorPool() {
+ Threads.Destroy();
+ }
ui32 TBasicExecutorPool::GetReadyActivation(TWorkerContext& wctx, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
ui32 workerId = wctx.WorkerId;
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(workerId < PoolThreads);
- NHPTimer::STime elapsed = 0;
- NHPTimer::STime parked = 0;
+ NHPTimer::STime elapsed = 0;
+ NHPTimer::STime parked = 0;
NHPTimer::STime blocked = 0;
NHPTimer::STime hpstart = GetCycleCountFast();
- NHPTimer::STime hpnow;
+ NHPTimer::STime hpnow;
TThreadCtx& threadCtx = Threads[workerId];
AtomicSet(threadCtx.WaitingFlag, TThreadCtx::WS_NONE);
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ namespace NActors {
} while (AtomicGet(threadCtx.BlockedFlag) != TThreadCtx::BS_NONE && !AtomicLoad(&StopFlag));
- const TAtomic x = AtomicDecrement(Semaphore);
- if (x < 0) {
- if (AtomicGetAndIncrement(ThreadUtilization) == 0) {
+ const TAtomic x = AtomicDecrement(Semaphore);
+ if (x < 0) {
+ if (AtomicGetAndIncrement(ThreadUtilization) == 0) {
// Initially counter contains -t0, the pool start timestamp
// When the first thread goes to sleep we add t1, so the counter
// becomes t1-t0 >= 0, or the duration of max utilization so far.
@@ -98,67 +98,67 @@ namespace NActors {
const i64 x = AtomicGetAndAdd(MaxUtilizationCounter, t);
if (x < 0 && x + t > 0)
AtomicStore(&MaxUtilizationAccumulator, x + t);
- }
+ }
Y_VERIFY(AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_NONE);
- if (SpinThreshold > 0) {
- // spin configured period
- AtomicSet(threadCtx.WaitingFlag, TThreadCtx::WS_ACTIVE);
+ if (SpinThreshold > 0) {
+ // spin configured period
+ AtomicSet(threadCtx.WaitingFlag, TThreadCtx::WS_ACTIVE);
ui64 start = GetCycleCountFast();
- bool doSpin = true;
- while (true) {
- for (ui32 j = 0; doSpin && j < 12; ++j) {
+ bool doSpin = true;
+ while (true) {
+ for (ui32 j = 0; doSpin && j < 12; ++j) {
if (GetCycleCountFast() >= (start + SpinThresholdCycles)) {
doSpin = false;
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
- if (AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_ACTIVE) {
- SpinLockPause();
- } else {
- doSpin = false;
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
+ if (AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_ACTIVE) {
+ SpinLockPause();
+ } else {
+ doSpin = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!doSpin) {
+ break;
- if (!doSpin) {
- break;
- }
if (RelaxedLoad(&StopFlag)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // then - sleep
- if (AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_ACTIVE) {
- if (AtomicCas(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag, TThreadCtx::WS_BLOCKED, TThreadCtx::WS_ACTIVE)) {
- do {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // then - sleep
+ if (AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_ACTIVE) {
+ if (AtomicCas(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag, TThreadCtx::WS_BLOCKED, TThreadCtx::WS_ACTIVE)) {
+ do {
hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
- elapsed += hpnow - hpstart;
- if (threadCtx.Pad.Park()) // interrupted
- return 0;
+ elapsed += hpnow - hpstart;
+ if (threadCtx.Pad.Park()) // interrupted
+ return 0;
hpstart = GetCycleCountFast();
- parked += hpstart - hpnow;
- } while (AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_BLOCKED);
- }
+ parked += hpstart - hpnow;
+ } while (AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_BLOCKED);
+ }
- } else {
+ } else {
AtomicSet(threadCtx.WaitingFlag, TThreadCtx::WS_BLOCKED);
- do {
+ do {
hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
- elapsed += hpnow - hpstart;
- if (threadCtx.Pad.Park()) // interrupted
- return 0;
+ elapsed += hpnow - hpstart;
+ if (threadCtx.Pad.Park()) // interrupted
+ return 0;
hpstart = GetCycleCountFast();
- parked += hpstart - hpnow;
- } while (AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_BLOCKED);
- }
+ parked += hpstart - hpnow;
+ } while (AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_BLOCKED);
+ }
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(AtomicLoad(&StopFlag) || AtomicLoad(&threadCtx.WaitingFlag) == TThreadCtx::WS_RUNNING);
- if (AtomicDecrement(ThreadUtilization) == 0) {
+ if (AtomicDecrement(ThreadUtilization) == 0) {
// When we started sleeping counter contained t1-t0, or the
// last duration of max utilization. Now we subtract t2 >= t1,
// which turns counter negative again, and the next sleep cycle
@@ -173,34 +173,34 @@ namespace NActors {
const i64 t = GetCycleCountFast();
const i64 x = AtomicGetAndAdd(MaxUtilizationCounter, -t);
if (x > 0 && x - t < 0)
- AtomicStore(&MaxUtilizationAccumulator, x);
- }
+ AtomicStore(&MaxUtilizationAccumulator, x);
+ }
} else {
AtomicSet(threadCtx.WaitingFlag, TThreadCtx::WS_RUNNING);
- }
- // ok, has work suggested, must dequeue
- while (!RelaxedLoad(&StopFlag)) {
- if (const ui32 activation = Activations.Pop(++revolvingCounter)) {
+ }
+ // ok, has work suggested, must dequeue
+ while (!RelaxedLoad(&StopFlag)) {
+ if (const ui32 activation = Activations.Pop(++revolvingCounter)) {
hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
- elapsed += hpnow - hpstart;
+ elapsed += hpnow - hpstart;
wctx.AddElapsedCycles(IActor::ACTOR_SYSTEM, elapsed);
- if (parked > 0) {
+ if (parked > 0) {
- }
+ }
if (blocked > 0) {
- return activation;
+ return activation;
- SpinLockPause();
+ SpinLockPause();
- // stopping, die!
- return 0;
- }
+ // stopping, die!
+ return 0;
+ }
inline void TBasicExecutorPool::WakeUpLoop() {
for (ui32 i = 0;;) {
TThreadCtx& threadCtx = Threads[i % PoolThreads];
@@ -226,83 +226,83 @@ namespace NActors {
- void TBasicExecutorPool::ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
- Activations.Push(activation, revolvingCounter);
- const TAtomic x = AtomicIncrement(Semaphore);
- if (x <= 0) { // we must find someone to wake-up
+ void TBasicExecutorPool::ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
+ Activations.Push(activation, revolvingCounter);
+ const TAtomic x = AtomicIncrement(Semaphore);
+ if (x <= 0) { // we must find someone to wake-up
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void TBasicExecutorPool::GetCurrentStats(TExecutorPoolStats& poolStats, TVector<TExecutorThreadStats>& statsCopy) const {
- poolStats.MaxUtilizationTime = RelaxedLoad(&MaxUtilizationAccumulator) / (i64)(NHPTimer::GetCyclesPerSecond() / 1000);
- statsCopy.resize(PoolThreads + 1);
- // Save counters from the pool object
- statsCopy[0] = TExecutorThreadStats();
- statsCopy[0].Aggregate(Stats);
- // Per-thread stats
- for (size_t i = 0; i < PoolThreads; ++i) {
- Threads[i].Thread->GetCurrentStats(statsCopy[i + 1]);
- }
+ poolStats.MaxUtilizationTime = RelaxedLoad(&MaxUtilizationAccumulator) / (i64)(NHPTimer::GetCyclesPerSecond() / 1000);
+ statsCopy.resize(PoolThreads + 1);
+ // Save counters from the pool object
+ statsCopy[0] = TExecutorThreadStats();
+ statsCopy[0].Aggregate(Stats);
+ // Per-thread stats
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < PoolThreads; ++i) {
+ Threads[i].Thread->GetCurrentStats(statsCopy[i + 1]);
+ }
void TBasicExecutorPool::Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, NSchedulerQueue::TReader** scheduleReaders, ui32* scheduleSz) {
- TAffinityGuard affinityGuard(Affinity());
- ActorSystem = actorSystem;
- ScheduleReaders.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TReader[PoolThreads]);
- ScheduleWriters.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TWriter[PoolThreads]);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i) {
- Threads[i].Thread.Reset(
- new TExecutorThread(
- i,
+ TAffinityGuard affinityGuard(Affinity());
+ ActorSystem = actorSystem;
+ ScheduleReaders.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TReader[PoolThreads]);
+ ScheduleWriters.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TWriter[PoolThreads]);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i) {
+ Threads[i].Thread.Reset(
+ new TExecutorThread(
+ i,
0, // CpuId is not used in BASIC pool
- actorSystem,
- this,
- MailboxTable.Get(),
- PoolName,
- TimePerMailbox,
- EventsPerMailbox));
- ScheduleWriters[i].Init(ScheduleReaders[i]);
- }
- *scheduleReaders = ScheduleReaders.Get();
- *scheduleSz = PoolThreads;
- }
- void TBasicExecutorPool::Start() {
- TAffinityGuard affinityGuard(Affinity());
- ThreadUtilization = 0;
+ actorSystem,
+ this,
+ MailboxTable.Get(),
+ PoolName,
+ TimePerMailbox,
+ EventsPerMailbox));
+ ScheduleWriters[i].Init(ScheduleReaders[i]);
+ }
+ *scheduleReaders = ScheduleReaders.Get();
+ *scheduleSz = PoolThreads;
+ }
+ void TBasicExecutorPool::Start() {
+ TAffinityGuard affinityGuard(Affinity());
+ ThreadUtilization = 0;
AtomicAdd(MaxUtilizationCounter, -(i64)GetCycleCountFast());
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i) {
- Threads[i].Thread->Start();
- }
- }
- void TBasicExecutorPool::PrepareStop() {
- AtomicStore(&StopFlag, true);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i) {
+ Threads[i].Thread->Start();
+ }
+ }
+ void TBasicExecutorPool::PrepareStop() {
+ AtomicStore(&StopFlag, true);
for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i) {
- Threads[i].Pad.Interrupt();
+ Threads[i].Pad.Interrupt();
- }
- void TBasicExecutorPool::Shutdown() {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i)
- Threads[i].Thread->Join();
- }
+ }
+ void TBasicExecutorPool::Shutdown() {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i)
+ Threads[i].Thread->Join();
+ }
void TBasicExecutorPool::Schedule(TInstant deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(workerId < PoolThreads);
Schedule(deadline - ActorSystem->Timestamp(), ev, cookie, workerId);
- }
+ }
void TBasicExecutorPool::Schedule(TMonotonic deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(workerId < PoolThreads);
@@ -320,21 +320,21 @@ namespace NActors {
ScheduleWriters[workerId].Push(deadline.MicroSeconds(), ev.Release(), cookie);
- void TBasicExecutorPool::SetRealTimeMode() const {
-// TODO: musl-libc version of `sched_param` struct is for some reason different from pthread
-// version in Ubuntu 12.04
+ void TBasicExecutorPool::SetRealTimeMode() const {
+// TODO: musl-libc version of `sched_param` struct is for some reason different from pthread
+// version in Ubuntu 12.04
#if defined(_linux_) && !defined(_musl_)
- if (RealtimePriority != 0) {
- pthread_t threadSelf = pthread_self();
- sched_param param = {RealtimePriority};
- if (pthread_setschedparam(threadSelf, SCHED_FIFO, &param)) {
- Y_FAIL("Cannot set realtime priority");
- }
+ if (RealtimePriority != 0) {
+ pthread_t threadSelf = pthread_self();
+ sched_param param = {RealtimePriority};
+ if (pthread_setschedparam(threadSelf, SCHED_FIFO, &param)) {
+ Y_FAIL("Cannot set realtime priority");
+ }
- Y_UNUSED(RealtimePriority);
+ Y_UNUSED(RealtimePriority);
- }
+ }
ui32 TBasicExecutorPool::GetThreadCount() const {
return AtomicGet(ThreadCount);
@@ -428,4 +428,4 @@ namespace NActors {
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic.h
index 755f679957..023190f7fe 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic.h
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "actorsystem.h"
-#include "executor_thread.h"
-#include "scheduler_queue.h"
-#include "executor_pool_base.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "actorsystem.h"
+#include "executor_thread.h"
+#include "scheduler_queue.h"
+#include "executor_pool_base.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/unordered_cache.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/counters.h>
#include <util/system/mutex.h>
-namespace NActors {
- class TBasicExecutorPool: public TExecutorPoolBase {
- struct TThreadCtx {
- TAutoPtr<TExecutorThread> Thread;
- TThreadParkPad Pad;
+namespace NActors {
+ class TBasicExecutorPool: public TExecutorPoolBase {
+ struct TThreadCtx {
+ TAutoPtr<TExecutorThread> Thread;
+ TThreadParkPad Pad;
TThreadParkPad BlockedPad;
- TAtomic WaitingFlag;
+ TAtomic WaitingFlag;
TAtomic BlockedFlag;
- // different threads must spin/block on different cache-lines.
- // we add some padding bytes to enforce this rule
+ // different threads must spin/block on different cache-lines.
+ // we add some padding bytes to enforce this rule
static const size_t SizeWithoutPadding = sizeof(TAutoPtr<TExecutorThread>) + 2 * sizeof(TThreadParkPad) + 2 * sizeof(TAtomic);
ui8 Padding[64 - SizeWithoutPadding];
static_assert(64 >= SizeWithoutPadding);
- enum EWaitState {
+ enum EWaitState {
- };
+ };
enum EBlockedState {
@@ -42,70 +42,70 @@ namespace NActors {
: WaitingFlag(WS_NONE)
, BlockedFlag(BS_NONE)
- }
- };
- const ui64 SpinThreshold;
- const ui64 SpinThresholdCycles;
- TArrayHolder<TThreadCtx> Threads;
- TArrayHolder<NSchedulerQueue::TReader> ScheduleReaders;
- TArrayHolder<NSchedulerQueue::TWriter> ScheduleWriters;
- const TString PoolName;
- const TDuration TimePerMailbox;
- const ui32 EventsPerMailbox;
- const int RealtimePriority;
- TAtomic ThreadUtilization;
- TAtomic MaxUtilizationCounter;
- TAtomic MaxUtilizationAccumulator;
+ }
+ };
+ const ui64 SpinThreshold;
+ const ui64 SpinThresholdCycles;
+ TArrayHolder<TThreadCtx> Threads;
+ TArrayHolder<NSchedulerQueue::TReader> ScheduleReaders;
+ TArrayHolder<NSchedulerQueue::TWriter> ScheduleWriters;
+ const TString PoolName;
+ const TDuration TimePerMailbox;
+ const ui32 EventsPerMailbox;
+ const int RealtimePriority;
+ TAtomic ThreadUtilization;
+ TAtomic MaxUtilizationCounter;
+ TAtomic MaxUtilizationAccumulator;
TAtomic ThreadCount;
TMutex ChangeThreadsLock;
- public:
+ public:
static constexpr TDuration DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX = TBasicExecutorPoolConfig::DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX;
static constexpr ui32 DEFAULT_EVENTS_PER_MAILBOX = TBasicExecutorPoolConfig::DEFAULT_EVENTS_PER_MAILBOX;
- TBasicExecutorPool(ui32 poolId,
- ui32 threads,
- ui64 spinThreshold,
- const TString& poolName = "",
- TAffinity* affinity = nullptr,
- TDuration timePerMailbox = DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX,
- ui32 eventsPerMailbox = DEFAULT_EVENTS_PER_MAILBOX,
+ TBasicExecutorPool(ui32 poolId,
+ ui32 threads,
+ ui64 spinThreshold,
+ const TString& poolName = "",
+ TAffinity* affinity = nullptr,
+ TDuration timePerMailbox = DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX,
+ ui32 eventsPerMailbox = DEFAULT_EVENTS_PER_MAILBOX,
int realtimePriority = 0,
ui32 maxActivityType = 1);
explicit TBasicExecutorPool(const TBasicExecutorPoolConfig& cfg);
- ~TBasicExecutorPool();
+ ~TBasicExecutorPool();
ui32 GetReadyActivation(TWorkerContext& wctx, ui64 revolvingReadCounter) override;
void Schedule(TInstant deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) override;
void Schedule(TMonotonic deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) override;
void Schedule(TDuration delta, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) override;
- void ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter) override;
+ void ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter) override;
void Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, NSchedulerQueue::TReader** scheduleReaders, ui32* scheduleSz) override;
- void Start() override;
- void PrepareStop() override;
- void Shutdown() override;
+ void Start() override;
+ void PrepareStop() override;
+ void Shutdown() override;
void GetCurrentStats(TExecutorPoolStats& poolStats, TVector<TExecutorThreadStats>& statsCopy) const override;
- TString GetName() const override {
- return PoolName;
- }
- void SetRealTimeMode() const override;
+ TString GetName() const override {
+ return PoolName;
+ }
+ void SetRealTimeMode() const override;
ui32 GetThreadCount() const;
void SetThreadCount(ui32 threads);
void WakeUpLoop();
- };
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic_ut.cpp
index 42669685be..76dff693af 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic_ut.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic_ut.cpp
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BasicExecutorPool) {
for (size_t testIdx = 0; testIdx < testCount; ++testIdx) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
actors[i]->Start(actors[i]->SelfId(), msgCount);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
actorSystem.Send(actorIds[i], new TEvMsg());
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BasicExecutorPool) {
for (size_t testIdx = 0; testIdx < testCount; ++testIdx) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
actors[i]->Start(actors[i]->SelfId(), msgCount);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
actorSystem.Send(actorIds[i], new TEvMsg());
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BasicExecutorPool) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
actors[i]->Start(actorIds[i], msgCount);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
actorSystem.Send(actorIds[i], new TEvMsg());
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BasicExecutorPool) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
actors[i]->Start(actors[i]->SelfId(), msgCount);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
actorSystem.Send(actorIds[i], new TEvMsg());
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BasicExecutorPool) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < actorsCount; ++i) {
actors[i]->Start(actors[i]->SelfId(), msgCount);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < actorsCount; ++i) {
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < actorsCount; ++i) {
actorSystem.Send(actorIds[i], new TEvMsg());
@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BasicExecutorPool) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < actorsCount; ++i) {
actors[i]->Start(actorIds[(i + 1) % actorsCount], msgCount);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < actorsCount; ++i) {
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < actorsCount; ++i) {
actorSystem.Send(actorIds[i], new TEvMsg());
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_io.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_io.cpp
index aea38e39e7..fb557ae6b0 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_io.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_io.cpp
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-#include "executor_pool_io.h"
-#include "mailbox.h"
+#include "executor_pool_io.h"
+#include "mailbox.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
TIOExecutorPool::TIOExecutorPool(ui32 poolId, ui32 threads, const TString& poolName, TAffinity* affinity, ui32 maxActivityType)
: TExecutorPoolBase(poolId, threads, affinity, maxActivityType)
- , Threads(new TThreadCtx[threads])
- , PoolName(poolName)
+ , Threads(new TThreadCtx[threads])
+ , PoolName(poolName)
TIOExecutorPool::TIOExecutorPool(const TIOExecutorPoolConfig& cfg)
: TIOExecutorPool(
@@ -20,34 +20,34 @@ namespace NActors {
- TIOExecutorPool::~TIOExecutorPool() {
- Threads.Destroy();
- while (ThreadQueue.Pop(0))
- ;
- }
+ TIOExecutorPool::~TIOExecutorPool() {
+ Threads.Destroy();
+ while (ThreadQueue.Pop(0))
+ ;
+ }
ui32 TIOExecutorPool::GetReadyActivation(TWorkerContext& wctx, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
ui32 workerId = wctx.WorkerId;
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(workerId < PoolThreads);
NHPTimer::STime elapsed = 0;
NHPTimer::STime parked = 0;
NHPTimer::STime hpstart = GetCycleCountFast();
NHPTimer::STime hpnow;
- const TAtomic x = AtomicDecrement(Semaphore);
- if (x < 0) {
+ const TAtomic x = AtomicDecrement(Semaphore);
+ if (x < 0) {
TThreadCtx& threadCtx = Threads[workerId];
ThreadQueue.Push(workerId + 1, revolvingCounter);
hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
elapsed += hpnow - hpstart;
- if (threadCtx.Pad.Park())
- return 0;
+ if (threadCtx.Pad.Park())
+ return 0;
hpstart = GetCycleCountFast();
parked += hpstart - hpnow;
- }
- while (!RelaxedLoad(&StopFlag)) {
+ }
+ while (!RelaxedLoad(&StopFlag)) {
if (const ui32 activation = Activations.Pop(++revolvingCounter)) {
hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
elapsed += hpnow - hpstart;
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ namespace NActors {
if (parked > 0) {
- return activation;
+ return activation;
- SpinLockPause();
- }
- return 0;
- }
+ SpinLockPause();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
void TIOExecutorPool::Schedule(TInstant deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) {
Schedule(deadline - ActorSystem->Timestamp(), ev, cookie, workerId);
- }
+ }
void TIOExecutorPool::Schedule(TMonotonic deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) {
@@ -86,53 +86,53 @@ namespace NActors {
ScheduleQueue->Writer.Push(deadline.MicroSeconds(), ev.Release(), cookie);
- void TIOExecutorPool::ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter) {
- Activations.Push(activation, revolvingWriteCounter);
- const TAtomic x = AtomicIncrement(Semaphore);
- if (x <= 0) {
- for (;; ++revolvingWriteCounter) {
- if (const ui32 x = ThreadQueue.Pop(revolvingWriteCounter)) {
- const ui32 threadIdx = x - 1;
- Threads[threadIdx].Pad.Unpark();
- return;
- }
- SpinLockPause();
- }
- }
- }
+ void TIOExecutorPool::ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter) {
+ Activations.Push(activation, revolvingWriteCounter);
+ const TAtomic x = AtomicIncrement(Semaphore);
+ if (x <= 0) {
+ for (;; ++revolvingWriteCounter) {
+ if (const ui32 x = ThreadQueue.Pop(revolvingWriteCounter)) {
+ const ui32 threadIdx = x - 1;
+ Threads[threadIdx].Pad.Unpark();
+ return;
+ }
+ SpinLockPause();
+ }
+ }
+ }
void TIOExecutorPool::Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, NSchedulerQueue::TReader** scheduleReaders, ui32* scheduleSz) {
- TAffinityGuard affinityGuard(Affinity());
- ActorSystem = actorSystem;
+ TAffinityGuard affinityGuard(Affinity());
+ ActorSystem = actorSystem;
ScheduleQueue.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType());
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i) {
Threads[i].Thread.Reset(new TExecutorThread(i, 0, actorSystem, this, MailboxTable.Get(), PoolName));
- }
- *scheduleReaders = &ScheduleQueue->Reader;
- *scheduleSz = 1;
- }
- void TIOExecutorPool::Start() {
- TAffinityGuard affinityGuard(Affinity());
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i)
- Threads[i].Thread->Start();
- }
- void TIOExecutorPool::PrepareStop() {
- AtomicStore(&StopFlag, true);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i)
- Threads[i].Pad.Interrupt();
- }
- void TIOExecutorPool::Shutdown() {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i)
- Threads[i].Thread->Join();
- }
+ }
+ *scheduleReaders = &ScheduleQueue->Reader;
+ *scheduleSz = 1;
+ }
+ void TIOExecutorPool::Start() {
+ TAffinityGuard affinityGuard(Affinity());
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i)
+ Threads[i].Thread->Start();
+ }
+ void TIOExecutorPool::PrepareStop() {
+ AtomicStore(&StopFlag, true);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i)
+ Threads[i].Pad.Interrupt();
+ }
+ void TIOExecutorPool::Shutdown() {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != PoolThreads; ++i)
+ Threads[i].Thread->Join();
+ }
void TIOExecutorPool::GetCurrentStats(TExecutorPoolStats& /*poolStats*/, TVector<TExecutorThreadStats>& statsCopy) const {
statsCopy.resize(PoolThreads + 1);
@@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ namespace NActors {
TString TIOExecutorPool::GetName() const {
return PoolName;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_io.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_io.h
index 3917a1b9ad..e576d642a1 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_io.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_io.h
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "actorsystem.h"
-#include "executor_thread.h"
-#include "scheduler_queue.h"
-#include "executor_pool_base.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "actorsystem.h"
+#include "executor_thread.h"
+#include "scheduler_queue.h"
+#include "executor_pool_base.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/ticket_lock.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/unordered_cache.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.h>
-#include <util/system/condvar.h>
-namespace NActors {
- class TIOExecutorPool: public TExecutorPoolBase {
- struct TThreadCtx {
- TAutoPtr<TExecutorThread> Thread;
- TThreadParkPad Pad;
- };
- TArrayHolder<TThreadCtx> Threads;
+#include <util/system/condvar.h>
+namespace NActors {
+ class TIOExecutorPool: public TExecutorPoolBase {
+ struct TThreadCtx {
+ TAutoPtr<TExecutorThread> Thread;
+ TThreadParkPad Pad;
+ };
+ TArrayHolder<TThreadCtx> Threads;
TUnorderedCache<ui32, 512, 4> ThreadQueue;
THolder<NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType> ScheduleQueue;
- TTicketLock ScheduleLock;
- const TString PoolName;
+ TTicketLock ScheduleLock;
- public:
+ const TString PoolName;
+ public:
TIOExecutorPool(ui32 poolId, ui32 threads, const TString& poolName = "", TAffinity* affinity = nullptr,
ui32 maxActivityType = 1);
explicit TIOExecutorPool(const TIOExecutorPoolConfig& cfg);
- ~TIOExecutorPool();
+ ~TIOExecutorPool();
ui32 GetReadyActivation(TWorkerContext& wctx, ui64 revolvingCounter) override;
void Schedule(TInstant deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) override;
void Schedule(TMonotonic deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) override;
void Schedule(TDuration delta, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie, TWorkerId workerId) override;
- void ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter) override;
+ void ScheduleActivationEx(ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingWriteCounter) override;
void Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, NSchedulerQueue::TReader** scheduleReaders, ui32* scheduleSz) override;
- void Start() override;
- void PrepareStop() override;
- void Shutdown() override;
+ void Start() override;
+ void PrepareStop() override;
+ void Shutdown() override;
void GetCurrentStats(TExecutorPoolStats& poolStats, TVector<TExecutorThreadStats>& statsCopy) const override;
TString GetName() const override;
- };
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_united.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_united.cpp
index 99c9ca32f7..dac6245635 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_united.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_united.cpp
@@ -4,32 +4,32 @@
#include "cpu_state.h"
#include "executor_thread.h"
#include "probes.h"
-#include "mailbox.h"
+#include "mailbox.h"
#include "scheduler_queue.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/futex.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/intrinsics.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/timerfd.h>
#include <util/system/datetime.h>
#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
#include <algorithm>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
struct TUnitedWorkers::TWorker: public TNonCopyable {
TAutoPtr<TExecutorThread> Thread;
volatile TThreadId ThreadId = UnknownThreadId;
NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType SchedulerQueue;
struct TUnitedWorkers::TPool: public TNonCopyable {
TAtomic Waiters = 0; // Number of idle cpus, waiting for activations in this pool
char Padding[64 - sizeof(TAtomic)];
TUnorderedCache<ui32, 512, 4> Activations; // MPMC-queue for mailbox activations
TAtomic Active = 0; // Number of mailboxes ready for execution or currently executing
TAtomic Tokens = 0; // Pending tokens (token is required for worker to start execution, guarantees concurrency limit and activation availability)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace NActors {
bool TryAcquireToken() {
return TryAcquireTokenImpl<false>(&Tokens);
// Try acquire pending token. Must be done before execution
bool TryAcquireTokenRelaxed() {
return TryAcquireTokenImpl<true>(&Tokens);
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ namespace NActors {
- }
+ }
activation = 0; // should stop
// End currently active execution and start new one if token is available.
// Reuses token if it's not destroyed.
// Returned `true` means successful switch, `activation` is filled.
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ namespace NActors {
return false; // no more tokens available
// Stop active execution. Returns released token (unless it is destroyed)
bool StopExecution() {
TAtomicBase active = AtomicDecrement(Active);
@@ -534,13 +534,13 @@ namespace NActors {
case Standby:
if (!idleTimer) {
idleTimer = IdleQueue.Enqueue();
- }
+ }
SetPriority(0, IdlePriority);
- break;
+ break;
case Stopped: return false;
default: Y_FAIL();
- }
+ }
} else { // lease has expired and hard preemption occured, so we are executing in a slow-worker
switch (SlowWorkerAction(wctx.PoolId)) {
@@ -551,11 +551,11 @@ namespace NActors {
wctx.Lease = wctx.Lease.NeverExpire();
wctx.PoolId = MaxPools;
idleTimer = nullptr;
- break;
+ break;
case Stopped: return false;
default: Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ namespace NActors {
if (AtomicCas(&SlowPoolsMask, slow | WaitPoolsFlag, slow)) { // try set wait flag
return RunSlowPool; // wait flag has been successfully set
- }
+ }
} else { // we are about to execute fast pool, token required
if (slow & WaitPoolsFlag) { // reset wait flag if required
if (AtomicCas(&SlowPoolsMask, slow & ~WaitPoolsFlag, slow)) { // try reset wait flag
@@ -649,12 +649,12 @@ namespace NActors {
// Lease has been changed just now, no way we need preemption right now, so no retry needed
return Standby;
- } else {
+ } else {
// Lease has not expired yet (maybe never expiring lease)
return Standby;
- }
+ }
EWorkerAction SlowWorkerAction(TPoolId pool) {
if (Y_UNLIKELY(United->IsStopped())) {
return Stopped;
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ namespace NActors {
void SetPoolIsSlowFlag(TPoolId pool) {
while (true) {
TPoolsMask slow = AtomicLoad(&SlowPoolsMask);
@@ -693,9 +693,9 @@ namespace NActors {
Y_FAIL("two slow-workers executing the same pool on the same core");
return; // pool is already slow
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
bool TryBeginHardPreemption(TLease lease) {
return AtomicCas(&CurrentLease, HardPreemptionLease, lease);
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ namespace NActors {
TPoolsMask slow = AtomicLoad(&SlowPoolsMask);
if ((slow & WaitPoolsFlag) == 0) {
return; // woken by WakeFast action
- }
+ }
ui64 ts = GetCycleCountFast();
if (deadlineTs <= ts) {
if (AtomicCas(&SlowPoolsMask, slow & ~WaitPoolsFlag, slow)) { // try reset wait flag
@@ -742,13 +742,13 @@ namespace NActors {
void WakeFastWorker() {
#ifdef _linux_
SysFutex(FastWorkerFutex(), FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
#ifdef _linux_
ui32* FastWorkerFutex() {
// Actually we wait on one highest bit, but futex value size is 4 bytes on all platforms
@@ -1023,12 +1023,12 @@ namespace NActors {
} else {
return false;
- }
+ }
bool BlockedWait(TPoolId& result, ui64 timeoutNs) {
return State.Block(timeoutNs, result);
void SwitchPool(TPoolId pool) {
return State.SwitchPool(pool);
@@ -1051,9 +1051,9 @@ namespace NActors {
case TCpuState::Stopped:
return CpuStopped;
- }
+ }
const TUnitedWorkersConfig& config,
const TVector<TUnitedExecutorPoolConfig>& unitedPools,
@@ -1071,14 +1071,14 @@ namespace NActors {
Pools.Reset(new TPool[PoolCount]);
// Find max cpu id and initialize cpus
CpuCount = 0;
for (const TCpuAllocation& cpuAlloc : allocation.Items) {
CpuCount = Max<size_t>(CpuCount, cpuAlloc.CpuId + 1);
Cpus.Reset(new TCpu[CpuCount]);
// Setup allocated cpus
// NOTE: leave gaps for not allocated cpus (default-initialized)
WorkerCount = 0;
@@ -1143,18 +1143,18 @@ namespace NActors {
- }
+ }
TUnitedWorkers::~TUnitedWorkers() {
void TUnitedWorkers::Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, TVector<NSchedulerQueue::TReader*>& scheduleReaders) {
// Setup allocated cpus
// NOTE: leave gaps for not allocated cpus (default-initialized)
TWorkerId workers = 0;
for (TCpuId cpuId = 0; cpuId < CpuCount; cpuId++) {
TCpu& cpu = Cpus[cpuId];
// Setup cpu-local workers
if (cpu.LocalManager) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < cpu.LocalManager->WorkerCount(); i++) {
@@ -1175,9 +1175,9 @@ namespace NActors {
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void TUnitedWorkers::Start() {
for (TWorkerId workerId = 0; workerId < WorkerCount; workerId++) {
@@ -1207,31 +1207,31 @@ namespace NActors {
void TUnitedWorkers::PrepareStop() {
- AtomicStore(&StopFlag, true);
+ AtomicStore(&StopFlag, true);
for (TPoolId pool = 0; pool < PoolCount; pool++) {
for (TCpuId cpuId = 0; cpuId < CpuCount; cpuId++) {
- }
+ }
void TUnitedWorkers::Shutdown() {
for (TWorkerId workerId = 0; workerId < WorkerCount; workerId++) {
- }
+ }
inline void TUnitedWorkers::PushActivation(TPoolId pool, ui32 activation, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
if (Pools[pool].PushActivation(activation, revolvingCounter)) { // token generated
inline bool TUnitedWorkers::TryAcquireToken(TPoolId pool) {
return Pools[pool].TryAcquireToken();
- }
+ }
inline void TUnitedWorkers::TryWake(TPoolId pool) {
// Avoid using multiple atomic seq_cst loads in cycle, use barrier once
@@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@ namespace NActors {
while (true) {
if (cpu.StartSpinning(this, assignedPool, result)) {
break; // token already acquired (or stop)
- }
+ }
result = WaitSequence(cpu, wctx, timeTracker);
if (Y_UNLIKELY(result == CpuStopped) || TryAcquireToken(result)) {
break; // token acquired (or stop)
@@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ namespace NActors {
wctx.AddElapsedCycles(IActor::ACTOR_SYSTEM, timeTracker.Elapsed());
return result;
- }
+ }
TPoolId TUnitedWorkers::WaitSequence(TCpu& cpu, TWorkerContext& wctx, TTimeTracker& timeTracker) {
TPoolId result;
@@ -1425,4 +1425,4 @@ namespace NActors {
United->GetCurrentStats(PoolId, statsCopy);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_united.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_united.h
index 3afd9efa2b..a090ba2466 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_united.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_united.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "actorsystem.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "actorsystem.h"
#include "balancer.h"
-#include "scheduler_queue.h"
-#include "executor_pool_base.h"
+#include "scheduler_queue.h"
+#include "executor_pool_base.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/unordered_cache.h>
@@ -13,28 +13,28 @@
#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
class TMailboxTable;
class TUnitedWorkers: public TNonCopyable {
struct TWorker;
struct TPool;
struct TCpu;
size_t WorkerCount;
TArrayHolder<TWorker> Workers; // indexed by WorkerId
size_t PoolCount;
TArrayHolder<TPool> Pools; // indexed by PoolId, so may include not used (not united) pools
size_t CpuCount;
TArrayHolder<TCpu> Cpus; // indexed by CpuId, so may include not allocated CPUs
IBalancer* Balancer; // external pool cpu balancer
TUnitedWorkersConfig Config;
TCpuAllocationConfig Allocation;
volatile bool StopFlag = false;
const TUnitedWorkersConfig& config,
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@ namespace NActors {
void Start();
void PrepareStop();
void Shutdown();
bool IsStopped() const {
return RelaxedLoad(&StopFlag);
TWorkerId GetWorkerCount() const {
return WorkerCount;
// Returns thread id of a worker
TThreadId GetWorkerThreadId(TWorkerId workerId) const;
// Returns per worker schedule writers
NSchedulerQueue::TWriter* GetScheduleWriter(TWorkerId workerId) const;
@@ -69,20 +69,20 @@ namespace NActors {
// Try acquire pending token. Must be done before execution
bool TryAcquireToken(TPoolId pool);
// Try to wake idle cpu waiting for tokens on specified pool
void TryWake(TPoolId pool);
// Get activation from pool; requires pool's token
void BeginExecution(TPoolId pool, ui32& activation, ui64 revolvingCounter);
// Stop currently active execution and start new one if token is available
// NOTE: Reuses token if it's not destroyed
bool NextExecution(TPoolId pool, ui32& activation, ui64 revolvingCounter);
// Stop active execution
void StopExecution(TPoolId pool);
// Runs balancer to assign pools to cpus
void Balance();
@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ namespace NActors {
TUnitedExecutorPool(const TUnitedExecutorPoolConfig& cfg, TUnitedWorkers* united);
void Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, NSchedulerQueue::TReader** scheduleReaders, ui32* scheduleSz) override;
- void Start() override;
- void PrepareStop() override;
- void Shutdown() override;
+ void Start() override;
+ void PrepareStop() override;
+ void Shutdown() override;
TAffinity* Affinity() const override;
ui32 GetThreads() const override;
ui32 GetReadyActivation(TWorkerContext& wctx, ui64 revolvingReadCounter) override;
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ namespace NActors {
void GetCurrentStats(TExecutorPoolStats& poolStats, TVector<TExecutorThreadStats>& statsCopy) const override;
- TString GetName() const override {
- return PoolName;
- }
- };
+ TString GetName() const override {
+ return PoolName;
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_thread.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_thread.cpp
index 2af7b0debb..446b651efd 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_thread.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_thread.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#include "executor_thread.h"
-#include "actorsystem.h"
+#include "executor_thread.h"
+#include "actorsystem.h"
#include "callstack.h"
-#include "mailbox.h"
-#include "event.h"
-#include "events.h"
+#include "mailbox.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "events.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/prof/tag.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h>
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#ifdef BALLOC
#include <library/cpp/balloc/optional/operators.h>
#ifdef _linux_
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
-namespace NActors {
- constexpr TDuration TExecutorThread::DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX;
- TExecutorThread::TExecutorThread(
+namespace NActors {
+ constexpr TDuration TExecutorThread::DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX;
+ TExecutorThread::TExecutorThread(
TWorkerId workerId,
TWorkerId cpuId,
TActorSystem* actorSystem,
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ namespace NActors {
TDuration timePerMailbox,
ui32 eventsPerMailbox)
: ActorSystem(actorSystem)
- , ExecutorPool(executorPool)
+ , ExecutorPool(executorPool)
, Ctx(workerId, cpuId, actorSystem ? actorSystem->GetMaxActivityType() : 1)
- , ThreadName(threadName)
+ , ThreadName(threadName)
@@ -49,24 +49,24 @@ namespace NActors {
ui64(-1), // infinite soft deadline
TActorId TExecutorThread::RegisterActor(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId, const TActorId& parentId) {
- if (poolId == Max<ui32>())
+ if (poolId == Max<ui32>())
return Ctx.Executor->Register(actor, mailboxType, ++RevolvingWriteCounter, parentId ? parentId : CurrentRecipient);
- else
- return ActorSystem->Register(actor, mailboxType, poolId, ++RevolvingWriteCounter, parentId ? parentId : CurrentRecipient);
- }
+ else
+ return ActorSystem->Register(actor, mailboxType, poolId, ++RevolvingWriteCounter, parentId ? parentId : CurrentRecipient);
+ }
TActorId TExecutorThread::RegisterActor(IActor* actor, TMailboxHeader* mailbox, ui32 hint, const TActorId& parentId) {
return Ctx.Executor->Register(actor, mailbox, hint, parentId ? parentId : CurrentRecipient);
- }
- void TExecutorThread::UnregisterActor(TMailboxHeader* mailbox, ui64 localActorId) {
- IActor* actor = mailbox->DetachActor(localActorId);
+ }
+ void TExecutorThread::UnregisterActor(TMailboxHeader* mailbox, ui64 localActorId) {
+ IActor* actor = mailbox->DetachActor(localActorId);
- }
+ }
void TExecutorThread::DropUnregistered() {
DyingActors.clear(); // here is actual destruction of actors
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ namespace NActors {
void TExecutorThread::Schedule(TInstant deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) {
Ctx.Executor->Schedule(deadline, ev, cookie, Ctx.WorkerId);
- }
+ }
void TExecutorThread::Schedule(TMonotonic deadline, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) {
Ctx.Executor->Schedule(deadline, ev, cookie, Ctx.WorkerId);
@@ -86,89 +86,89 @@ namespace NActors {
Ctx.Executor->Schedule(delta, ev, cookie, Ctx.WorkerId);
- template <class T>
- inline TString SafeTypeName(T* t) {
- if (t == nullptr) {
- return "nullptr";
- }
- try {
+ template <class T>
+ inline TString SafeTypeName(T* t) {
+ if (t == nullptr) {
+ return "nullptr";
+ }
+ try {
return TypeName(*t);
- } catch (...) {
- return "unknown-type";
- }
+ } catch (...) {
+ return "unknown-type";
+ }
inline TString ActorTypeName(const IActor* actor, ui32 activityType) {
return actor ? SafeTypeName(actor) : ("activityType_" + ToString(activityType) + " (destroyed)");
inline void LwTraceSlowDelivery(IEventHandle* ev, const IActor* actor, ui32 poolId, const TActorId& currentRecipient,
- double delivMs, double sinceActivationMs, ui32 eventsExecutedBefore) {
- const auto baseEv = (ev && ev->HasEvent()) ? ev->GetBase() : nullptr;
- LWPROBE(EventSlowDelivery,
- poolId,
- delivMs,
- sinceActivationMs,
- eventsExecutedBefore,
- baseEv ? SafeTypeName(baseEv) : (ev ? ToString(ev->Type) : TString("nullptr")),
- currentRecipient.ToString(),
- SafeTypeName(actor));
+ double delivMs, double sinceActivationMs, ui32 eventsExecutedBefore) {
+ const auto baseEv = (ev && ev->HasEvent()) ? ev->GetBase() : nullptr;
+ LWPROBE(EventSlowDelivery,
+ poolId,
+ delivMs,
+ sinceActivationMs,
+ eventsExecutedBefore,
+ baseEv ? SafeTypeName(baseEv) : (ev ? ToString(ev->Type) : TString("nullptr")),
+ currentRecipient.ToString(),
+ SafeTypeName(actor));
- inline void LwTraceSlowEvent(IEventHandle* ev, ui32 evTypeForTracing, const IActor* actor, ui32 poolId, ui32 activityType,
+ inline void LwTraceSlowEvent(IEventHandle* ev, ui32 evTypeForTracing, const IActor* actor, ui32 poolId, ui32 activityType,
const TActorId& currentRecipient, double eventMs) {
- // Event could have been destroyed by actor->Receive();
- const auto baseEv = (ev && ev->HasEvent()) ? ev->GetBase() : nullptr;
- LWPROBE(SlowEvent,
- poolId,
- eventMs,
- baseEv ? SafeTypeName(baseEv) : ToString(evTypeForTracing),
- currentRecipient.ToString(),
+ // Event could have been destroyed by actor->Receive();
+ const auto baseEv = (ev && ev->HasEvent()) ? ev->GetBase() : nullptr;
+ LWPROBE(SlowEvent,
+ poolId,
+ eventMs,
+ baseEv ? SafeTypeName(baseEv) : ToString(evTypeForTracing),
+ currentRecipient.ToString(),
ActorTypeName(actor, activityType));
- }
+ }
- template <typename TMailbox>
- void TExecutorThread::Execute(TMailbox* mailbox, ui32 hint) {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(DyingActors.empty());
+ template <typename TMailbox>
+ void TExecutorThread::Execute(TMailbox* mailbox, ui32 hint) {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(DyingActors.empty());
+ bool reclaimAsFree = false;
- bool reclaimAsFree = false;
NHPTimer::STime hpstart = GetCycleCountFast();
- NHPTimer::STime hpprev = hpstart;
+ NHPTimer::STime hpprev = hpstart;
IActor* actor = nullptr;
ui32 prevActivityType = std::numeric_limits<ui32>::max();
TActorId recipient;
for (ui32 executed = 0; executed < Ctx.EventsPerMailbox; ++executed) {
- TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev(mailbox->Pop());
- if (!!ev) {
- NHPTimer::STime hpnow;
+ TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev(mailbox->Pop());
+ if (!!ev) {
+ NHPTimer::STime hpnow;
recipient = ev->GetRecipientRewrite();
if (actor = mailbox->FindActor(recipient.LocalId())) {
TActorContext ctx(*mailbox, *this, hpprev, recipient);
- TlsActivationContext = &ctx;
+ TlsActivationContext = &ctx;
- TCallstack::GetTlsCallstack() = ev->Callstack;
- TCallstack::GetTlsCallstack().SetLinesToSkip();
+ TCallstack::GetTlsCallstack() = ev->Callstack;
+ TCallstack::GetTlsCallstack().SetLinesToSkip();
- CurrentRecipient = recipient;
+ CurrentRecipient = recipient;
CurrentActorScheduledEventsCounter = 0;
- if (executed == 0) {
+ if (executed == 0) {
double usec = Ctx.AddActivationStats(AtomicLoad(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment), hpprev);
if (usec > 500) {
GLOBAL_LWPROBE(ACTORLIB_PROVIDER, SlowActivation, Ctx.PoolId, usec / 1000.0);
- }
+ }
i64 usecDeliv = Ctx.AddEventDeliveryStats(ev->SendTime, hpprev);
- if (usecDeliv > 5000) {
- double sinceActivationMs = NHPTimer::GetSeconds(hpprev - hpstart) * 1000.0;
+ if (usecDeliv > 5000) {
+ double sinceActivationMs = NHPTimer::GetSeconds(hpprev - hpstart) * 1000.0;
LwTraceSlowDelivery(ev.Get(), actor, Ctx.PoolId, CurrentRecipient, NHPTimer::GetSeconds(hpprev - ev->SendTime) * 1000.0, sinceActivationMs, executed);
- }
+ }
- ui32 evTypeForTracing = ev->Type;
+ ui32 evTypeForTracing = ev->Type;
ui32 activityType = actor->GetActivityType();
if (activityType != prevActivityType) {
@@ -178,39 +178,39 @@ namespace NActors {
actor->Receive(ev, ctx);
- size_t dyingActorsCnt = DyingActors.size();
+ size_t dyingActorsCnt = DyingActors.size();
- if (dyingActorsCnt) {
+ if (dyingActorsCnt) {
- actor = nullptr;
- }
+ actor = nullptr;
+ }
- if (mailbox->IsEmpty()) // was not-free and become free, we must reclaim mailbox
- reclaimAsFree = true;
+ if (mailbox->IsEmpty()) // was not-free and become free, we must reclaim mailbox
+ reclaimAsFree = true;
hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
NHPTimer::STime elapsed = Ctx.AddEventProcessingStats(hpprev, hpnow, activityType, CurrentActorScheduledEventsCounter);
if (elapsed > 1000000) {
LwTraceSlowEvent(ev.Get(), evTypeForTracing, actor, Ctx.PoolId, activityType, CurrentRecipient, NHPTimer::GetSeconds(elapsed) * 1000.0);
- // The actor might have been destroyed
- if (actor)
- actor->AddElapsedTicks(elapsed);
+ // The actor might have been destroyed
+ if (actor)
+ actor->AddElapsedTicks(elapsed);
CurrentRecipient = TActorId();
} else {
- TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> nonDelivered = ev->ForwardOnNondelivery(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::ReasonActorUnknown);
- if (nonDelivered.Get()) {
- ActorSystem->Send(nonDelivered);
- } else {
+ TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> nonDelivered = ev->ForwardOnNondelivery(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::ReasonActorUnknown);
+ if (nonDelivered.Get()) {
+ ActorSystem->Send(nonDelivered);
+ } else {
- }
+ }
hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
- hpprev = hpnow;
+ hpprev = hpnow;
// Soft preemption in united pool
if (Ctx.SoftDeadlineTs < (ui64)hpnow) {
AtomicStore(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment, hpnow);
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ namespace NActors {
- // time limit inside one mailbox passed, let others do some work
+ // time limit inside one mailbox passed, let others do some work
if (hpnow - hpstart > (i64)Ctx.TimePerMailboxTs) {
AtomicStore(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment, hpnow);
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ namespace NActors {
- break;
+ break;
if (executed + 1 == Ctx.EventsPerMailbox) {
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ namespace NActors {
- } else {
- if (executed == 0)
+ } else {
+ if (executed == 0)
@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@ namespace NActors {
- break; // empty queue, leave
- }
+ break; // empty queue, leave
+ }
- TlsActivationContext = nullptr;
+ TlsActivationContext = nullptr;
UnlockFromExecution(mailbox, Ctx.Executor, reclaimAsFree, hint, Ctx.WorkerId, RevolvingWriteCounter);
- }
+ }
TThreadId TExecutorThread::GetThreadId() const {
#ifdef _linux_
while (AtomicLoad(&ThreadId) == UnknownThreadId) {
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ namespace NActors {
return ThreadId;
- void* TExecutorThread::ThreadProc() {
+ void* TExecutorThread::ThreadProc() {
#ifdef _linux_
pid_t tid = syscall(SYS_gettid);
AtomicSet(ThreadId, (ui64)tid);
@@ -297,267 +297,267 @@ namespace NActors {
- if (ThreadName) {
+ if (ThreadName) {
- }
- ExecutorPool->SetRealTimeMode();
- TAffinityGuard affinity(ExecutorPool->Affinity());
+ }
+ ExecutorPool->SetRealTimeMode();
+ TAffinityGuard affinity(ExecutorPool->Affinity());
NHPTimer::STime hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
- NHPTimer::STime hpprev = hpnow;
- ui64 execCount = 0;
- ui64 readyActivationCount = 0;
- i64 execCycles = 0;
- i64 nonExecCycles = 0;
+ NHPTimer::STime hpprev = hpnow;
+ ui64 execCount = 0;
+ ui64 readyActivationCount = 0;
+ i64 execCycles = 0;
+ i64 nonExecCycles = 0;
- for (;;) {
+ for (;;) {
if (ui32 activation = ExecutorPool->GetReadyActivation(Ctx, ++RevolvingReadCounter)) {
LWTRACK(ActivationBegin, Ctx.Orbit, Ctx.CpuId, Ctx.PoolId, Ctx.WorkerId, NHPTimer::GetSeconds(Ctx.Lease.GetPreciseExpireTs()) * 1e3);
- readyActivationCount++;
+ readyActivationCount++;
if (TMailboxHeader* header = Ctx.MailboxTable->Get(activation)) {
- if (header->LockForExecution()) {
+ if (header->LockForExecution()) {
hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
- nonExecCycles += hpnow - hpprev;
- hpprev = hpnow;
- switch (header->Type) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple:
- Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox*>(header), activation);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::Revolving:
- Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox*>(header), activation);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
- Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::THTSwapMailbox*>(header), activation);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
- Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::TReadAsFilledMailbox*>(header), activation);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
- Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox*>(header), activation);
- break;
- }
+ nonExecCycles += hpnow - hpprev;
+ hpprev = hpnow;
+ switch (header->Type) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple:
+ Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox*>(header), activation);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving:
+ Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox*>(header), activation);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
+ Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::THTSwapMailbox*>(header), activation);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
+ Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::TReadAsFilledMailbox*>(header), activation);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
+ Execute(static_cast<TMailboxTable::TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox*>(header), activation);
+ break;
+ }
hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
- execCycles += hpnow - hpprev;
- hpprev = hpnow;
- execCount++;
- if (execCycles + nonExecCycles > 39000000) { // every 15 ms at 2.6GHz, so 1000 items is 15 sec (solomon interval)
+ execCycles += hpnow - hpprev;
+ hpprev = hpnow;
+ execCount++;
+ if (execCycles + nonExecCycles > 39000000) { // every 15 ms at 2.6GHz, so 1000 items is 15 sec (solomon interval)
LWPROBE(ExecutorThreadStats, ExecutorPool->PoolId, ExecutorPool->GetName(), Ctx.WorkerId,
- execCount, readyActivationCount,
- NHPTimer::GetSeconds(execCycles) * 1000.0, NHPTimer::GetSeconds(nonExecCycles) * 1000.0);
- execCount = 0;
- readyActivationCount = 0;
- execCycles = 0;
- nonExecCycles = 0;
+ execCount, readyActivationCount,
+ NHPTimer::GetSeconds(execCycles) * 1000.0, NHPTimer::GetSeconds(nonExecCycles) * 1000.0);
+ execCount = 0;
+ readyActivationCount = 0;
+ execCycles = 0;
+ nonExecCycles = 0;
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
LWTRACK(ActivationEnd, Ctx.Orbit, Ctx.CpuId, Ctx.PoolId, Ctx.WorkerId);
} else { // no activation means PrepareStop was called so thread must terminate
- break;
+ break;
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- // there must be barrier and check-read with following cas
- // or just cas w/o read.
- // or queue unlocks must be performed with exchange and not generic write
- // TODO: check performance of those options under contention
- // placed here in hope for better compiler optimization
- bool TMailboxHeader::MarkForSchedule() {
- AtomicBarrier();
- for (;;) {
- const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
- switch (state) {
- case TExecutionState::Inactive:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Scheduled, TExecutionState::Inactive))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
- return false;
- case TExecutionState::Leaving:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::LeavingMarked, TExecutionState::Leaving))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::Executing:
- case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
- return false;
- case TExecutionState::Free:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::Free))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
- return false;
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked, TExecutionState::FreeLeaving))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
- return false;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
- }
- bool TMailboxHeader::LockForExecution() {
- AtomicBarrier(); // strictly speaking here should be AtomicBarrier, but as we got mailboxes from queue - this barrier is already set implicitly and could be removed
- for (;;) {
- const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
- switch (state) {
- case TExecutionState::Inactive:
- return false;
- case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Executing, TExecutionState::Scheduled))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::Leaving:
- case TExecutionState::Executing:
- case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
- return false;
- case TExecutionState::Free:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeExecuting, TExecutionState::Free))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeExecuting, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
- case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
- return false;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
- }
- bool TMailboxHeader::LockFromFree() {
- AtomicBarrier();
- for (;;) {
- const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
- switch (state) {
- case TExecutionState::Inactive:
- case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
- case TExecutionState::Leaving:
- case TExecutionState::Executing:
- case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
- Y_FAIL();
- case TExecutionState::Free:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Executing, TExecutionState::Free))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Executing, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
- case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
- return false;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
- }
- void TMailboxHeader::UnlockFromExecution1() {
- const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
- if (state == TExecutionState::Executing)
- AtomicStore(&ExecutionState, (ui32)TExecutionState::Leaving);
- else if (state == TExecutionState::FreeExecuting)
- AtomicStore(&ExecutionState, (ui32)TExecutionState::FreeLeaving);
- else
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // there must be barrier and check-read with following cas
+ // or just cas w/o read.
+ // or queue unlocks must be performed with exchange and not generic write
+ // TODO: check performance of those options under contention
+ // placed here in hope for better compiler optimization
+ bool TMailboxHeader::MarkForSchedule() {
+ AtomicBarrier();
+ for (;;) {
+ const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
+ switch (state) {
+ case TExecutionState::Inactive:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Scheduled, TExecutionState::Inactive))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
+ return false;
+ case TExecutionState::Leaving:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::LeavingMarked, TExecutionState::Leaving))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::Executing:
+ case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
+ return false;
+ case TExecutionState::Free:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::Free))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
+ return false;
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked, TExecutionState::FreeLeaving))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool TMailboxHeader::LockForExecution() {
+ AtomicBarrier(); // strictly speaking here should be AtomicBarrier, but as we got mailboxes from queue - this barrier is already set implicitly and could be removed
+ for (;;) {
+ const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
+ switch (state) {
+ case TExecutionState::Inactive:
+ return false;
+ case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Executing, TExecutionState::Scheduled))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::Leaving:
+ case TExecutionState::Executing:
+ case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
+ return false;
+ case TExecutionState::Free:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeExecuting, TExecutionState::Free))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeExecuting, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool TMailboxHeader::LockFromFree() {
+ AtomicBarrier();
+ for (;;) {
+ const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
+ switch (state) {
+ case TExecutionState::Inactive:
+ case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
+ case TExecutionState::Leaving:
+ case TExecutionState::Executing:
+ case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ case TExecutionState::Free:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Executing, TExecutionState::Free))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Executing, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TMailboxHeader::UnlockFromExecution1() {
+ const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
+ if (state == TExecutionState::Executing)
+ AtomicStore(&ExecutionState, (ui32)TExecutionState::Leaving);
+ else if (state == TExecutionState::FreeExecuting)
+ AtomicStore(&ExecutionState, (ui32)TExecutionState::FreeLeaving);
+ else
- AtomicBarrier();
- }
- bool TMailboxHeader::UnlockFromExecution2(bool wouldReschedule) {
- AtomicBarrier();
- for (;;) {
- const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
- switch (state) {
- case TExecutionState::Inactive:
- case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
- Y_FAIL();
- case TExecutionState::Leaving:
- if (!wouldReschedule) {
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Inactive, TExecutionState::Leaving))
- return false;
- } else {
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Scheduled, TExecutionState::Leaving))
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case TExecutionState::Executing:
- Y_FAIL();
- case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Scheduled, TExecutionState::LeavingMarked))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::Free:
- case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
- Y_FAIL();
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
- if (!wouldReschedule) {
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Free, TExecutionState::FreeLeaving))
- return false;
- } else {
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::FreeLeaving))
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
- Y_FAIL();
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked))
- return true;
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
- }
- bool TMailboxHeader::UnlockAsFree(bool wouldReschedule) {
- AtomicBarrier();
- for (;;) {
- const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
- switch (state) {
- case TExecutionState::Inactive:
- case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
- Y_FAIL();
- case TExecutionState::Leaving:
- if (!wouldReschedule) {
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Free, TExecutionState::Leaving))
- return false;
- } else {
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::Leaving))
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case TExecutionState::Executing:
- Y_FAIL();
- case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
- if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::LeavingMarked))
- return true;
- break;
- case TExecutionState::Free:
- case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
- case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
- case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
- Y_FAIL();
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
- }
+ AtomicBarrier();
+ }
+ bool TMailboxHeader::UnlockFromExecution2(bool wouldReschedule) {
+ AtomicBarrier();
+ for (;;) {
+ const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
+ switch (state) {
+ case TExecutionState::Inactive:
+ case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ case TExecutionState::Leaving:
+ if (!wouldReschedule) {
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Inactive, TExecutionState::Leaving))
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Scheduled, TExecutionState::Leaving))
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::Executing:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Scheduled, TExecutionState::LeavingMarked))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::Free:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
+ if (!wouldReschedule) {
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Free, TExecutionState::FreeLeaving))
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::FreeLeaving))
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool TMailboxHeader::UnlockAsFree(bool wouldReschedule) {
+ AtomicBarrier();
+ for (;;) {
+ const ui32 state = AtomicLoad(&ExecutionState);
+ switch (state) {
+ case TExecutionState::Inactive:
+ case TExecutionState::Scheduled:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ case TExecutionState::Leaving:
+ if (!wouldReschedule) {
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::Free, TExecutionState::Leaving))
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::Leaving))
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::Executing:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ case TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
+ if (AtomicUi32Cas(&ExecutionState, TExecutionState::FreeScheduled, TExecutionState::LeavingMarked))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case TExecutionState::Free:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
+ case TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_thread.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_thread.h
index 7cea13f6d7..9d3c573f0d 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_thread.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/executor_thread.h
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "event.h"
-#include "actor.h"
-#include "actorsystem.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "actor.h"
+#include "actorsystem.h"
#include "callstack.h"
#include "probes.h"
#include "worker_context.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
-#include <util/system/thread.h>
-namespace NActors {
+#include <util/system/thread.h>
+namespace NActors {
class TExecutorThread: public ISimpleThread {
- public:
- static constexpr TDuration DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX =
- TDuration::MilliSeconds(10);
- static constexpr ui32 DEFAULT_EVENTS_PER_MAILBOX = 100;
+ public:
+ static constexpr TDuration DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX =
+ TDuration::MilliSeconds(10);
+ static constexpr ui32 DEFAULT_EVENTS_PER_MAILBOX = 100;
TExecutorThread(TWorkerId workerId,
TWorkerId cpuId,
- TActorSystem* actorSystem,
- IExecutorPool* executorPool,
- TMailboxTable* mailboxTable,
- const TString& threadName,
- TDuration timePerMailbox = DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX,
- ui32 eventsPerMailbox = DEFAULT_EVENTS_PER_MAILBOX);
+ TActorSystem* actorSystem,
+ IExecutorPool* executorPool,
+ TMailboxTable* mailboxTable,
+ const TString& threadName,
+ TDuration timePerMailbox = DEFAULT_TIME_PER_MAILBOX,
+ ui32 eventsPerMailbox = DEFAULT_EVENTS_PER_MAILBOX);
TExecutorThread(TWorkerId workerId,
TActorSystem* actorSystem,
IExecutorPool* executorPool,
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace NActors {
TActorId RegisterActor(IActor* actor, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType = TMailboxType::HTSwap, ui32 poolId = Max<ui32>(),
const TActorId& parentId = TActorId());
TActorId RegisterActor(IActor* actor, TMailboxHeader* mailbox, ui32 hint, const TActorId& parentId = TActorId());
- void UnregisterActor(TMailboxHeader* mailbox, ui64 localActorId);
+ void UnregisterActor(TMailboxHeader* mailbox, ui64 localActorId);
void DropUnregistered();
const std::vector<THolder<IActor>>& GetUnregistered() const { return DyingActors; }
@@ -57,28 +57,28 @@ namespace NActors {
return ActorSystem->Send(ev);
- }
+ }
void GetCurrentStats(TExecutorThreadStats& statsCopy) const {
- }
+ }
TThreadId GetThreadId() const; // blocks, must be called after Start()
TWorkerId GetWorkerId() const { return Ctx.WorkerId; }
- private:
- void* ThreadProc();
- template <typename TMailbox>
- void Execute(TMailbox* mailbox, ui32 hint);
- public:
- TActorSystem* const ActorSystem;
- private:
+ private:
+ void* ThreadProc();
+ template <typename TMailbox>
+ void Execute(TMailbox* mailbox, ui32 hint);
+ public:
+ TActorSystem* const ActorSystem;
+ private:
// Pool-specific
- IExecutorPool* const ExecutorPool;
+ IExecutorPool* const ExecutorPool;
// Event-specific (currently executing)
TVector<THolder<IActor>> DyingActors;
TActorId CurrentRecipient;
@@ -88,25 +88,25 @@ namespace NActors {
TWorkerContext Ctx;
ui64 RevolvingReadCounter = 0;
ui64 RevolvingWriteCounter = 0;
- const TString ThreadName;
+ const TString ThreadName;
volatile TThreadId ThreadId = UnknownThreadId;
- };
- template <typename TMailbox>
+ };
+ template <typename TMailbox>
void UnlockFromExecution(TMailbox* mailbox, IExecutorPool* executorPool, bool asFree, ui32 hint, TWorkerId workerId, ui64& revolvingWriteCounter) {
- mailbox->UnlockFromExecution1();
- const bool needReschedule1 = (nullptr != mailbox->Head());
- if (!asFree) {
- if (mailbox->UnlockFromExecution2(needReschedule1)) {
+ mailbox->UnlockFromExecution1();
+ const bool needReschedule1 = (nullptr != mailbox->Head());
+ if (!asFree) {
+ if (mailbox->UnlockFromExecution2(needReschedule1)) {
RelaxedStore<NHPTimer::STime>(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment, GetCycleCountFast());
- executorPool->ScheduleActivationEx(hint, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- }
- } else {
- if (mailbox->UnlockAsFree(needReschedule1)) {
+ executorPool->ScheduleActivationEx(hint, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (mailbox->UnlockAsFree(needReschedule1)) {
RelaxedStore<NHPTimer::STime>(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment, GetCycleCountFast());
- executorPool->ScheduleActivationEx(hint, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- }
+ executorPool->ScheduleActivationEx(hint, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
+ }
executorPool->ReclaimMailbox(TMailbox::MailboxType, hint, workerId, ++revolvingWriteCounter);
- }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h
index 6922c2aadf..26f3c65013 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "actor.h"
-#include "executor_thread.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "actor.h"
+#include "executor_thread.h"
#include <util/system/defaults.h>
-#define HFunc(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
- case TEvType::EventType: { \
- typename TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<typename TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
- HandleFunc(*x, ctx); \
- break; \
- }
-#define hFunc(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
- case TEvType::EventType: { \
- typename TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<typename TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
- HandleFunc(*x); \
- break; \
- }
-#define HFuncTraced(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
- case TEvType::EventType: { \
+#define HFunc(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
+ case TEvType::EventType: { \
+ typename TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<typename TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
+ HandleFunc(*x, ctx); \
+ break; \
+ }
+#define hFunc(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
+ case TEvType::EventType: { \
+ typename TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<typename TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
+ HandleFunc(*x); \
+ break; \
+ }
+#define HFuncTraced(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
+ case TEvType::EventType: { \
- TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
- HandleFunc(*x, ctx); \
- break; \
+ TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
+ HandleFunc(*x, ctx); \
+ break; \
-#define hFuncTraced(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
- case TEvType::EventType: { \
+#define hFuncTraced(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
+ case TEvType::EventType: { \
- typename TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<typename TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
- HandleFunc(*x); \
- break; \
- }
-#define HTemplFunc(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
- case TEvType::EventType: { \
- typename TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<typename TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
- HandleFunc(*x, ctx); \
- break; \
+ typename TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<typename TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
+ HandleFunc(*x); \
+ break; \
+ }
+#define HTemplFunc(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
+ case TEvType::EventType: { \
+ typename TEvType::TPtr* x = reinterpret_cast<typename TEvType::TPtr*>(&ev); \
+ HandleFunc(*x, ctx); \
+ break; \
#define hTemplFunc(TEvType, HandleFunc) \
@@ -59,26 +59,26 @@
HandleFunc(); \
-#define CFunc(TEventType, HandleFunc) \
- case TEventType: \
- HandleFunc(ctx); \
- break;
+#define CFunc(TEventType, HandleFunc) \
+ case TEventType: \
+ HandleFunc(ctx); \
+ break;
#define cFunc(TEventType, HandleFunc) \
case TEventType: \
HandleFunc(); \
- break;
-#define FFunc(TEventType, HandleFunc) \
- case TEventType: \
- HandleFunc(ev, ctx); \
- break;
+ break;
+#define FFunc(TEventType, HandleFunc) \
+ case TEventType: \
+ HandleFunc(ev, ctx); \
+ break;
#define fFunc(TEventType, HandleFunc) \
case TEventType: \
HandleFunc(ev); \
-#define IgnoreFunc(TEvType) \
- case TEvType::EventType: \
- break;
+#define IgnoreFunc(TEvType) \
+ case TEvType::EventType: \
+ break;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h
index 93b78c9d27..679a4b8cc6 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "events.h"
#include "event_local.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/protos/interconnect.pb.h>
#include <util/string/cast.h>
#include <util/string/builder.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
class TNodeLocation {
- public:
+ public:
struct TKeys {
enum E : int {
DataCenter = 10,
@@ -113,21 +113,21 @@ namespace NActors {
friend bool operator <=(const TNodeLocation& x, const TNodeLocation& y) { return x.Compare(y) <= 0; }
friend bool operator > (const TNodeLocation& x, const TNodeLocation& y) { return x.Compare(y) > 0; }
friend bool operator >=(const TNodeLocation& x, const TNodeLocation& y) { return x.Compare(y) >= 0; }
- };
+ };
- struct TEvInterconnect {
- enum EEv {
- EvForward = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_INTERCONNECT),
- EvResolveNode, // resolve info about node (internal)
+ struct TEvInterconnect {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvForward = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_INTERCONNECT),
+ EvResolveNode, // resolve info about node (internal)
EvNodeAddress, // node info (internal)
- EvConnectNode, // request proxy to establish connection (like: we would send something there soon)
- EvAcceptIncoming,
- EvNodeConnected, // node connected notify
- EvNodeDisconnected, // node disconnected notify
- EvRegisterNode,
- EvRegisterNodeResult,
- EvListNodes,
- EvNodesInfo,
+ EvConnectNode, // request proxy to establish connection (like: we would send something there soon)
+ EvAcceptIncoming,
+ EvNodeConnected, // node connected notify
+ EvNodeDisconnected, // node disconnected notify
+ EvRegisterNode,
+ EvRegisterNodeResult,
+ EvListNodes,
+ EvNodesInfo,
@@ -135,48 +135,48 @@ namespace NActors {
- EvEnd
- };
- enum ESubscribes {
- SubConnected,
- SubDisconnected,
- };
- static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_INTERCONNECT), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_INTERCONNECT)");
- struct TEvResolveNode;
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ enum ESubscribes {
+ SubConnected,
+ SubDisconnected,
+ };
+ static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_INTERCONNECT), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_INTERCONNECT)");
+ struct TEvResolveNode;
struct TEvNodeAddress;
- struct TEvConnectNode: public TEventBase<TEvConnectNode, EvConnectNode> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvConnectNode, "TEvInterconnect::TEvConnectNode")
- };
- struct TEvAcceptIncoming;
- struct TEvNodeConnected: public TEventLocal<TEvNodeConnected, EvNodeConnected> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvNodeConnected, "TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected")
- TEvNodeConnected(ui32 node) noexcept
- : NodeId(node)
- {
- }
- const ui32 NodeId;
- };
- struct TEvNodeDisconnected: public TEventLocal<TEvNodeDisconnected, EvNodeDisconnected> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvNodeDisconnected, "TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected")
- TEvNodeDisconnected(ui32 node) noexcept
- : NodeId(node)
- {
- }
- const ui32 NodeId;
- };
- struct TEvRegisterNode;
- struct TEvRegisterNodeResult;
- struct TEvListNodes: public TEventLocal<TEvListNodes, EvListNodes> {
- };
+ struct TEvConnectNode: public TEventBase<TEvConnectNode, EvConnectNode> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvConnectNode, "TEvInterconnect::TEvConnectNode")
+ };
+ struct TEvAcceptIncoming;
+ struct TEvNodeConnected: public TEventLocal<TEvNodeConnected, EvNodeConnected> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvNodeConnected, "TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected")
+ TEvNodeConnected(ui32 node) noexcept
+ : NodeId(node)
+ {
+ }
+ const ui32 NodeId;
+ };
+ struct TEvNodeDisconnected: public TEventLocal<TEvNodeDisconnected, EvNodeDisconnected> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvNodeDisconnected, "TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected")
+ TEvNodeDisconnected(ui32 node) noexcept
+ : NodeId(node)
+ {
+ }
+ const ui32 NodeId;
+ };
+ struct TEvRegisterNode;
+ struct TEvRegisterNodeResult;
+ struct TEvListNodes: public TEventLocal<TEvListNodes, EvListNodes> {
+ };
struct TNodeInfo {
ui32 NodeId;
@@ -211,13 +211,13 @@ namespace NActors {
struct TEvNodesInfo: public TEventLocal<TEvNodesInfo, EvNodesInfo> {
TVector<TNodeInfo> Nodes;
- const TNodeInfo* GetNodeInfo(ui32 nodeId) const {
- for (const auto& x : Nodes) {
- if (x.NodeId == nodeId)
- return &x;
- }
- return nullptr;
+ const TNodeInfo* GetNodeInfo(ui32 nodeId) const {
+ for (const auto& x : Nodes) {
+ if (x.NodeId == nodeId)
+ return &x;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
@@ -252,4 +252,4 @@ namespace NActors {
struct TEvTerminate : TEventLocal<TEvTerminate, EvTerminate> {};
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/log.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/log.cpp
index 1d41c649f7..5f63b5af58 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/log.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/log.cpp
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ namespace NActors {
TLoggerActor::~TLoggerActor() {
- void TLoggerActor::Log(TInstant time, NLog::EPriority priority, NLog::EComponent component, const char* c, ...) {
+ void TLoggerActor::Log(TInstant time, NLog::EPriority priority, NLog::EComponent component, const char* c, ...) {
if (Settings && Settings->Satisfies(priority, component, 0ull)) {
va_list params;
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ namespace NActors {
- void TLoggerActor::HandleIgnoredEvent(TLogIgnored::TPtr& ev, const NActors::TActorContext& ctx) {
+ void TLoggerActor::HandleIgnoredEvent(TLogIgnored::TPtr& ev, const NActors::TActorContext& ctx) {
IgnoredCount = 0;
@@ -254,12 +254,12 @@ namespace NActors {
switch (prio) {
case ::NActors::NLog::EPrio::Alert:
- break;
+ break;
case ::NActors::NLog::EPrio::Emerg:
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ namespace NActors {
AtomicSet(IsOverflow, 0);
// Check if some records have to be dropped
- if ((PassedCount > 10 && delayMillisec > (i64)Settings->TimeThresholdMs) || IgnoredCount > 0) {
+ if ((PassedCount > 10 && delayMillisec > (i64)Settings->TimeThresholdMs) || IgnoredCount > 0) {
if (IgnoredCount == 0) {
ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TLogIgnored());
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ namespace NActors {
Schedule(WakeupInterval, new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
- void TLoggerActor::HandleLogComponentLevelRequest(TLogComponentLevelRequest::TPtr& ev, const NActors::TActorContext& ctx) {
+ void TLoggerActor::HandleLogComponentLevelRequest(TLogComponentLevelRequest::TPtr& ev, const NActors::TActorContext& ctx) {
TString explanation;
int code = Settings->SetLevel(ev->Get()->Priority, ev->Get()->Component, explanation);
@@ -312,24 +312,24 @@ namespace NActors {
void TLoggerActor::RenderComponentPriorities(IOutputStream& str) {
using namespace NLog;
HTML(str) {
- H4() {
- str << "Priority Settings for the Components";
- }
+ H4() {
+ str << "Priority Settings for the Components";
+ }
- TABLEH() {
- str << "Component";
- }
- TABLEH() {
- str << "Level";
- }
- TABLEH() {
- str << "Sampling Level";
- }
- TABLEH() {
- str << "Sampling Rate";
- }
+ TABLEH() {
+ str << "Component";
+ }
+ TABLEH() {
+ str << "Level";
+ }
+ TABLEH() {
+ str << "Sampling Level";
+ }
+ TABLEH() {
+ str << "Sampling Rate";
+ }
@@ -340,18 +340,18 @@ namespace NActors {
NLog::TComponentSettings componentSettings = Settings->GetComponentSettings(i);
- TABLED() {
- str << "<a href='logger?c=" << i << "'>" << name << "</a>";
- }
- TABLED() {
+ TABLED() {
+ str << "<a href='logger?c=" << i << "'>" << name << "</a>";
+ }
+ TABLED() {
str << PriorityToString(EPrio(componentSettings.Raw.X.Level));
- }
- TABLED() {
+ }
+ TABLED() {
str << PriorityToString(EPrio(componentSettings.Raw.X.SamplingLevel));
- }
- TABLED() {
- str << componentSettings.Raw.X.SamplingRate;
- }
+ }
+ TABLED() {
+ str << componentSettings.Raw.X.SamplingRate;
+ }
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ namespace NActors {
* 3. Number of messages per components, per priority
* 4. Log level changes (last N changes)
- void TLoggerActor::HandleMonInfo(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ void TLoggerActor::HandleMonInfo(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
const auto& params = ev->Get()->Request.GetParams();
NLog::EComponent component = NLog::InvalidComponent;
NLog::EPriority priority = NLog::PRI_DEBUG;
@@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ namespace NActors {
HTML(str) {
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {
- H4() {
- str << "Current log settings for " << Settings->ComponentName(component) << Endl;
- }
+ H4() {
+ str << "Current log settings for " << Settings->ComponentName(component) << Endl;
+ }
UL() {
LI() {
str << "Priority: "
@@ -437,9 +437,9 @@ namespace NActors {
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {
- H4() {
- str << "Change priority" << Endl;
- }
+ H4() {
+ str << "Change priority" << Endl;
+ }
UL() {
for (int p = NLog::PRI_EMERG; p <= NLog::PRI_TRACE; ++p) {
LI() {
@@ -448,9 +448,9 @@ namespace NActors {
- H4() {
- str << "Change sampling priority" << Endl;
- }
+ H4() {
+ str << "Change sampling priority" << Endl;
+ }
UL() {
for (int p = NLog::PRI_EMERG; p <= NLog::PRI_TRACE; ++p) {
LI() {
@@ -459,17 +459,17 @@ namespace NActors {
- H4() {
- str << "Change sampling rate" << Endl;
- }
+ H4() {
+ str << "Change sampling rate" << Endl;
+ }
str << "<form method=\"GET\">" << Endl;
str << "Rate: <input type=\"number\" name=\"sr\" value=\"" << samplingRate << "\"/>" << Endl;
str << "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"c\" value=\"" << component << "\">" << Endl;
str << "<input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\"/>" << Endl;
str << "</form>" << Endl;
- H4() {
- str << "<a href='logger'>Cancel</a>" << Endl;
- }
+ H4() {
+ str << "<a href='logger'>Cancel</a>" << Endl;
+ }
@@ -492,76 +492,76 @@ namespace NActors {
HTML(str) {
if (!explanation.empty()) {
DIV_CLASS("row") {
- DIV_CLASS("col-md-12 alert alert-info") {
- str << explanation;
- }
+ DIV_CLASS("col-md-12 alert alert-info") {
+ str << explanation;
+ }
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-6") {
- RenderComponentPriorities(str);
- }
- DIV_CLASS("col-md-6") {
- H4() {
- str << "Change priority for all components";
- }
+ RenderComponentPriorities(str);
+ }
+ DIV_CLASS("col-md-6") {
+ H4() {
+ str << "Change priority for all components";
+ }
TABLE_CLASS("table table-condensed") {
- TABLEH() {
- str << "Priority";
- }
+ TABLEH() {
+ str << "Priority";
+ }
for (int p = NLog::PRI_EMERG; p <= NLog::PRI_TRACE; ++p) {
- TABLED() {
- str << "<a href = 'logger?c=-1&p=" << p << "'>"
+ TABLED() {
+ str << "<a href = 'logger?c=-1&p=" << p << "'>"
<< NLog::PriorityToString(NLog::EPrio(p)) << "</a>";
- H4() {
- str << "Change sampling priority for all components";
- }
+ H4() {
+ str << "Change sampling priority for all components";
+ }
TABLE_CLASS("table table-condensed") {
- TABLEH() {
- str << "Priority";
- }
+ TABLEH() {
+ str << "Priority";
+ }
for (int p = NLog::PRI_EMERG; p <= NLog::PRI_TRACE; ++p) {
- TABLED() {
- str << "<a href = 'logger?c=-1&sp=" << p << "'>"
+ TABLED() {
+ str << "<a href = 'logger?c=-1&sp=" << p << "'>"
<< NLog::PriorityToString(NLog::EPrio(p)) << "</a>";
- H4() {
- str << "Change sampling rate for all components";
- }
+ H4() {
+ str << "Change sampling rate for all components";
+ }
str << "<form method=\"GET\">" << Endl;
str << "Rate: <input type=\"number\" name=\"sr\" value=\"0\"/>" << Endl;
str << "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"c\" value=\"-1\">" << Endl;
str << "<input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\"/>" << Endl;
str << "</form>" << Endl;
- H4() {
- str << "Drop log entries in case of overflow: "
- << (Settings->AllowDrop ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
- }
+ H4() {
+ str << "Drop log entries in case of overflow: "
+ << (Settings->AllowDrop ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
+ }
str << "<form method=\"GET\">" << Endl;
- str << "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"allowdrop\" value=\"" << (Settings->AllowDrop ? "0" : "1") << "\"/>" << Endl;
- str << "<input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" << (Settings->AllowDrop ? "Disable" : "Enable") << "\"/>" << Endl;
+ str << "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"allowdrop\" value=\"" << (Settings->AllowDrop ? "0" : "1") << "\"/>" << Endl;
+ str << "<input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" << (Settings->AllowDrop ? "Disable" : "Enable") << "\"/>" << Endl;
str << "</form>" << Endl;
@@ -605,34 +605,34 @@ namespace NActors {
TLogRecord(logPrio, logRecord.data(), logRecord.size()));
} break;
- case NActors::NLog::TSettings::JSON_FORMAT: {
- NJsonWriter::TBuf json;
- json.BeginObject()
- .WriteKey("@timestamp")
+ case NActors::NLog::TSettings::JSON_FORMAT: {
+ NJsonWriter::TBuf json;
+ json.BeginObject()
+ .WriteKey("@timestamp")
.WriteString(Settings->UseLocalTimestamps ? FormatLocalTimestamp(time, buf) : time.ToString().data())
- .WriteKey("microseconds")
- .WriteULongLong(time.MicroSeconds())
- .WriteKey("host")
- .WriteString(Settings->ShortHostName)
- .WriteKey("cluster")
- .WriteString(Settings->ClusterName)
- .WriteKey("priority")
- .WriteString(PriorityToString(priority))
- .WriteKey("npriority")
- .WriteInt((int)priority)
- .WriteKey("component")
- .WriteString(Settings->ComponentName(component))
- .WriteKey("tag")
- .WriteString("KIKIMR")
- .WriteKey("revision")
- .WriteInt(GetProgramSvnRevision())
- .WriteKey("message")
- .WriteString(formatted)
- .EndObject();
+ .WriteKey("microseconds")
+ .WriteULongLong(time.MicroSeconds())
+ .WriteKey("host")
+ .WriteString(Settings->ShortHostName)
+ .WriteKey("cluster")
+ .WriteString(Settings->ClusterName)
+ .WriteKey("priority")
+ .WriteString(PriorityToString(priority))
+ .WriteKey("npriority")
+ .WriteInt((int)priority)
+ .WriteKey("component")
+ .WriteString(Settings->ComponentName(component))
+ .WriteKey("tag")
+ .WriteString("KIKIMR")
+ .WriteKey("revision")
+ .WriteInt(GetProgramSvnRevision())
+ .WriteKey("message")
+ .WriteString(formatted)
+ .EndObject();
auto logRecord = json.Str();
TLogRecord(logPrio, logRecord.data(), logRecord.size()));
- } break;
+ } break;
return true;
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ namespace NActors {
return buf;
- TAutoPtr<TLogBackend> CreateSysLogBackend(const TString& ident,
+ TAutoPtr<TLogBackend> CreateSysLogBackend(const TString& ident,
bool logPError, bool logCons) {
int flags = 0;
if (logPError)
@@ -668,20 +668,20 @@ namespace NActors {
return new TSysLogBackend(ident.data(), TSysLogBackend::TSYSLOG_LOCAL1, flags);
- class TStderrBackend: public TLogBackend {
+ class TStderrBackend: public TLogBackend {
- TStderrBackend() {
- }
+ TStderrBackend() {
+ }
void WriteData(const TLogRecord& rec) override {
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
- if (IsDebuggerPresent()) {
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ if (IsDebuggerPresent()) {
TString x;
- x.reserve(rec.Len + 2);
- x.append(rec.Data, rec.Len);
- x.append('\n');
- OutputDebugString(x.c_str());
- }
+ x.reserve(rec.Len + 2);
+ x.append(rec.Data, rec.Len);
+ x.append('\n');
+ OutputDebugString(x.c_str());
+ }
bool isOk = false;
do {
try {
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/log.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/log.h
index 3f08af1fc8..c11a7cf3c1 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/log.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/log.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include "log_iface.h"
#include "log_settings.h"
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
::NActors::MemLogAdapter( \
actorCtxOrSystem, priority, component, __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
- } while (0) /**/
+ } while (0) /**/
-#define LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, priority, component, sampleBy, stream) \
+#define LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, priority, component, sampleBy, stream) \
LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, priority, component, sampleBy, "%s", [&]() { \
- TStringBuilder logStringBuilder; \
- logStringBuilder << stream; \
+ TStringBuilder logStringBuilder; \
+ logStringBuilder << stream; \
return static_cast<TString>(logStringBuilder); \
@@ -54,64 +54,64 @@
#define LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, priority, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, priority, component, 0ull, stream)
// use these macros for logging via actor system or actor context
-#define LOG_EMERG(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_EMERG, component, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_ALERT(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ALERT, component, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_CRIT(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_CRIT, component, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_ERROR(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR, component, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_WARN(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_WARN, component, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_NOTICE(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE, component, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_INFO(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, component, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_DEBUG(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, component, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_TRACE(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_TRACE, component, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_EMERG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_EMERG, component, stream)
-#define LOG_ALERT_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ALERT, component, stream)
-#define LOG_CRIT_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_CRIT, component, stream)
-#define LOG_ERROR_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR, component, stream)
-#define LOG_WARN_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_WARN, component, stream)
+#define LOG_EMERG(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_EMERG, component, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_ALERT(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ALERT, component, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_CRIT(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_CRIT, component, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_ERROR(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR, component, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_WARN(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_WARN, component, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_NOTICE(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE, component, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_INFO(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, component, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_DEBUG(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, component, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_TRACE(actorCtxOrSystem, component, ...) LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_TRACE, component, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_EMERG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_EMERG, component, stream)
+#define LOG_ALERT_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ALERT, component, stream)
+#define LOG_CRIT_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_CRIT, component, stream)
+#define LOG_ERROR_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR, component, stream)
+#define LOG_WARN_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_WARN, component, stream)
#define LOG_NOTICE_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE, component, stream)
-#define LOG_INFO_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, component, stream)
-#define LOG_DEBUG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, component, stream)
-#define LOG_TRACE_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_TRACE, component, stream)
-#define LOG_EMERG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_EMERG, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_ALERT_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ALERT, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_CRIT_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_CRIT, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_ERROR_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_WARN_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_WARN, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_NOTICE_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_INFO_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_DEBUG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_TRACE_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_TRACE, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG_EMERG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_EMERG, component, sampleBy, stream)
-#define LOG_ALERT_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ALERT, component, sampleBy, stream)
-#define LOG_CRIT_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_CRIT, component, sampleBy, stream)
-#define LOG_ERROR_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR, component, sampleBy, stream)
-#define LOG_WARN_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_WARN, component, sampleBy, stream)
+#define LOG_INFO_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, component, stream)
+#define LOG_DEBUG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, component, stream)
+#define LOG_TRACE_S(actorCtxOrSystem, component, stream) LOG_LOG_S(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_TRACE, component, stream)
+#define LOG_EMERG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_EMERG, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_ALERT_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ALERT, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_CRIT_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_CRIT, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_ERROR_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_WARN_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_WARN, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_NOTICE_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_INFO_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_DEBUG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_TRACE_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, ...) LOG_LOG_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_TRACE, component, sampleBy, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOG_EMERG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_EMERG, component, sampleBy, stream)
+#define LOG_ALERT_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ALERT, component, sampleBy, stream)
+#define LOG_CRIT_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_CRIT, component, sampleBy, stream)
+#define LOG_ERROR_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR, component, sampleBy, stream)
+#define LOG_WARN_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_WARN, component, sampleBy, stream)
#define LOG_NOTICE_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE, component, sampleBy, stream)
-#define LOG_INFO_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, component, sampleBy, stream)
-#define LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, component, sampleBy, stream)
-#define LOG_TRACE_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_TRACE, component, sampleBy, stream)
+#define LOG_INFO_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, component, sampleBy, stream)
+#define LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, component, sampleBy, stream)
+#define LOG_TRACE_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, component, sampleBy, stream) LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(actorCtxOrSystem, NActors::NLog::PRI_TRACE, component, sampleBy, stream)
// Log Throttling
#define LOG_LOG_THROTTLE(throttler, actorCtxOrSystem, priority, component, ...) \
- do { \
- if ((throttler).Kick()) { \
- LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, priority, component, __VA_ARGS__); \
- } \
- } while (0) /**/
-#define TRACE_EVENT(component) \
- const auto& currentTracer = component; \
- if (ev->HasEvent()) { \
- LOG_TRACE(*TlsActivationContext, currentTracer, "%s, received event# %" PRIu32 ", Sender %s, Recipient %s: %s", \
- __FUNCTION__, ev->Type, ev->Sender.ToString().data(), SelfId().ToString().data(), ev->GetBase()->ToString().substr(0, 1000).data()); \
- } else { \
- LOG_TRACE(*TlsActivationContext, currentTracer, "%s, received event# %" PRIu32 ", Sender %s, Recipient %s", \
+ do { \
+ if ((throttler).Kick()) { \
+ LOG_LOG(actorCtxOrSystem, priority, component, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ } \
+ } while (0) /**/
+#define TRACE_EVENT(component) \
+ const auto& currentTracer = component; \
+ if (ev->HasEvent()) { \
+ LOG_TRACE(*TlsActivationContext, currentTracer, "%s, received event# %" PRIu32 ", Sender %s, Recipient %s: %s", \
+ __FUNCTION__, ev->Type, ev->Sender.ToString().data(), SelfId().ToString().data(), ev->GetBase()->ToString().substr(0, 1000).data()); \
+ } else { \
+ LOG_TRACE(*TlsActivationContext, currentTracer, "%s, received event# %" PRIu32 ", Sender %s, Recipient %s", \
__FUNCTION__, ev->Type, ev->Sender.ToString().data(), ev->Recipient.ToString().data()); \
-#define TRACE_EVENT_TYPE(eventType) LOG_TRACE(*TlsActivationContext, currentTracer, "%s, processing event %s", __FUNCTION__, eventType)
+#define TRACE_EVENT_TYPE(eventType) LOG_TRACE(*TlsActivationContext, currentTracer, "%s, processing event %s", __FUNCTION__, eventType)
class TLog;
class TLogBackend;
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ namespace NActors {
class TLogComponentLevelResponse: public TEventLocal<TLogComponentLevelResponse, int(NLog::EEv::LevelResp)> {
- TLogComponentLevelResponse(int code, const TString& explanation)
+ TLogComponentLevelResponse(int code, const TString& explanation)
: Code(code)
, Explanation(explanation)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ namespace NActors {
return Code;
- const TString& GetExplanation() const {
+ const TString& GetExplanation() const {
return Explanation;
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ namespace NActors {
virtual void GetOutputHtml(IOutputStream&) = 0;
- class TLoggerActor: public TActor<TLoggerActor> {
+ class TLoggerActor: public TActor<TLoggerActor> {
static constexpr IActor::EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
return IActor::LOG_ACTOR;
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ namespace NActors {
std::shared_ptr<NMonitoring::TMetricRegistry> metrics);
- void StateFunc(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ void StateFunc(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFunc(TLogIgnored, HandleIgnoredEvent);
HFunc(NLog::TEvLog, HandleLogEvent);
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ namespace NActors {
// Directly call logger instead of sending a message
- void Log(TInstant time, NLog::EPriority priority, NLog::EComponent component, const char* c, ...);
+ void Log(TInstant time, NLog::EPriority priority, NLog::EComponent component, const char* c, ...);
static void Throttle(const NLog::TSettings& settings);
@@ -244,12 +244,12 @@ namespace NActors {
std::unique_ptr<ILoggerMetrics> Metrics;
void BecomeDefunct();
- void HandleIgnoredEvent(TLogIgnored::TPtr& ev, const NActors::TActorContext& ctx);
+ void HandleIgnoredEvent(TLogIgnored::TPtr& ev, const NActors::TActorContext& ctx);
void HandleIgnoredEventDrop();
void HandleLogEvent(NLog::TEvLog::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void HandleLogEventDrop(const NLog::TEvLog::TPtr& ev);
- void HandleLogComponentLevelRequest(TLogComponentLevelRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void HandleMonInfo(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void HandleLogComponentLevelRequest(TLogComponentLevelRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void HandleMonInfo(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void HandleWakeup();
[[nodiscard]] bool OutputRecord(TInstant time, NLog::EPrio priority, NLog::EComponent component, const TString& formatted) noexcept;
void RenderComponentPriorities(IOutputStream& str);
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ namespace NActors {
TTrivialLogThrottler(TDuration period)
: Period(period)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
// return value:
// true -- write to log
@@ -294,16 +294,16 @@ namespace NActors {
- TAutoPtr<TLogBackend> CreateSysLogBackend(const TString& ident,
+ TAutoPtr<TLogBackend> CreateSysLogBackend(const TString& ident,
bool logPError, bool logCons);
TAutoPtr<TLogBackend> CreateStderrBackend();
TAutoPtr<TLogBackend> CreateFileBackend(const TString& fileName);
TAutoPtr<TLogBackend> CreateNullBackend();
TAutoPtr<TLogBackend> CreateCompositeLogBackend(TVector<TAutoPtr<TLogBackend>>&& underlyingBackends);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Logging adaptors for memory log and logging into filesystem
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Logging adaptors for memory log and logging into filesystem
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
namespace NDetail {
inline void Y_PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3) PrintfV(TString& dst, const char* format, ...) {
@@ -319,18 +319,18 @@ namespace NActors {
} // namespace NDetail
template <typename TCtx>
- inline void DeliverLogMessage(TCtx& ctx, NLog::EPriority mPriority, NLog::EComponent mComponent, TString &&str)
- {
- const NLog::TSettings *mSettings = ctx.LoggerSettings();
+ inline void DeliverLogMessage(TCtx& ctx, NLog::EPriority mPriority, NLog::EComponent mComponent, TString &&str)
+ {
+ const NLog::TSettings *mSettings = ctx.LoggerSettings();
ctx.Send(new IEventHandle(mSettings->LoggerActorId, TActorId(), new NLog::TEvLog(mPriority, mComponent, std::move(str))));
template <typename TCtx, typename... TArgs>
inline void MemLogAdapter(
- TCtx& actorCtxOrSystem,
- NLog::EPriority mPriority,
- NLog::EComponent mComponent,
+ TCtx& actorCtxOrSystem,
+ NLog::EPriority mPriority,
+ NLog::EComponent mComponent,
const char* format, TArgs&&... params) {
TString Formatted;
@@ -346,11 +346,11 @@ namespace NActors {
template <typename TCtx>
- Y_WRAPPER inline void MemLogAdapter(
- TCtx& actorCtxOrSystem,
- NLog::EPriority mPriority,
- NLog::EComponent mComponent,
- const TString& str) {
+ Y_WRAPPER inline void MemLogAdapter(
+ TCtx& actorCtxOrSystem,
+ NLog::EPriority mPriority,
+ NLog::EComponent mComponent,
+ const TString& str) {
MemLogWrite(str.data(), str.size(), true);
DeliverLogMessage(actorCtxOrSystem, mPriority, mComponent, TString(str));
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/log_settings.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/log_settings.cpp
index b51519c82a..f52f2fc5d2 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/log_settings.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/log_settings.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
namespace NActors {
namespace NLog {
TSettings::TSettings(const TActorId& loggerActorId, const EComponent loggerComponent,
- EComponent minVal, EComponent maxVal, EComponentToStringFunc func,
+ EComponent minVal, EComponent maxVal, EComponentToStringFunc func,
EPriority defPriority, EPriority defSamplingPriority,
ui32 defSamplingRate, ui64 timeThresholdMs)
: LoggerActorId(loggerActorId)
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ namespace NActors {
int TSettings::SetLevelImpl(
- const TString& name, bool isSampling,
- EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation) {
+ const TString& name, bool isSampling,
+ EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation) {
TString titleName(name);
@@ -143,17 +143,17 @@ namespace NActors {
- int TSettings::SetLevel(EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation) {
+ int TSettings::SetLevel(EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation) {
return SetLevelImpl("priority", false,
- priority, component, explanation);
+ priority, component, explanation);
- int TSettings::SetSamplingLevel(EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation) {
+ int TSettings::SetSamplingLevel(EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation) {
return SetLevelImpl("sampling priority", true,
- priority, component, explanation);
+ priority, component, explanation);
- int TSettings::SetSamplingRate(ui32 sampling, EComponent component, TString& explanation) {
+ int TSettings::SetSamplingRate(ui32 sampling, EComponent component, TString& explanation) {
if (component == InvalidComponent) {
for (int i = 0; i < Mask + 1; i++) {
TComponentSettings settings = AtomicGet(ComponentInfo[i]);
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ namespace NActors {
AtomicSet(ComponentInfo[component], settings.Raw.Data);
TStringStream str;
str << "Sampling rate for the component " << ComponentNames[component]
- << " has been changed from " << oldSampling
- << " to " << sampling;
+ << " has been changed from " << oldSampling
+ << " to " << sampling;
explanation = str.Str();
return 0;
@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ namespace NActors {
bool TSettings::IsValidPriority(EPriority priority) {
return priority == PRI_EMERG || priority == PRI_ALERT ||
- priority == PRI_CRIT || priority == PRI_ERROR ||
- priority == PRI_WARN || priority == PRI_NOTICE ||
- priority == PRI_INFO || priority == PRI_DEBUG || priority == PRI_TRACE;
+ priority == PRI_CRIT || priority == PRI_ERROR ||
+ priority == PRI_WARN || priority == PRI_NOTICE ||
+ priority == PRI_INFO || priority == PRI_DEBUG || priority == PRI_TRACE;
bool TSettings::IsValidComponent(EComponent component) {
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/log_settings.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/log_settings.h
index 3bb332319c..7fe4504edd 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/log_settings.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/log_settings.h
@@ -11,25 +11,25 @@ namespace NActors {
inline const char* PriorityToString(EPrio priority) {
switch (priority) {
case EPrio::Emerg:
- return "EMERG";
+ return "EMERG";
case EPrio::Alert:
- return "ALERT";
+ return "ALERT";
case EPrio::Crit:
- return "CRIT";
+ return "CRIT";
case EPrio::Error:
- return "ERROR";
+ return "ERROR";
case EPrio::Warn:
- return "WARN";
+ return "WARN";
case EPrio::Notice:
- return "NOTICE";
+ return "NOTICE";
case EPrio::Info:
- return "INFO";
+ return "INFO";
case EPrio::Debug:
- return "DEBUG";
+ return "DEBUG";
case EPrio::Trace:
- return "TRACE";
- default:
- return "UNKNOWN";
+ return "TRACE";
+ default:
+ return "UNKNOWN";
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace NActors {
- struct TSettings: public TThrRefBase {
+ struct TSettings: public TThrRefBase {
TActorId LoggerActorId;
EComponent LoggerComponent;
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace NActors {
// automatically generates YOURTYPE_MIN, YOURTYPE_MAX and
// YOURTYPE_Name for you.
TSettings(const TActorId& loggerActorId, const EComponent loggerComponent,
- EComponent minVal, EComponent maxVal, EComponentToStringFunc func,
+ EComponent minVal, EComponent maxVal, EComponentToStringFunc func,
EPriority defPriority, EPriority defSamplingPriority = PRI_DEBUG,
ui32 defSamplingRate = 0, ui64 timeThresholdMs = 1000);
@@ -149,14 +149,14 @@ namespace NActors {
return TComponentSettings(AtomicGet(ComponentInfo[component & Mask]));
- const char* ComponentName(EComponent component) const {
+ const char* ComponentName(EComponent component) const {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG((component & Mask) == component);
return ComponentNames[component & Mask].data();
- int SetLevel(EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation);
- int SetSamplingLevel(EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation);
- int SetSamplingRate(ui32 sampling, EComponent component, TString& explanation);
+ int SetLevel(EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation);
+ int SetSamplingLevel(EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation);
+ int SetSamplingRate(ui32 sampling, EComponent component, TString& explanation);
EComponent FindComponent(const TStringBuf& componentName) const;
static int PowerOf2Mask(int val);
static bool IsValidPriority(EPriority priority);
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ namespace NActors {
int SetLevelImpl(
const TString& name, bool isSampling,
- EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation);
+ EPriority priority, EComponent component, TString& explanation);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox.cpp
index cf1fca5630..d84b4f9e46 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox.cpp
@@ -1,381 +1,381 @@
-#include "mailbox.h"
-#include "actorsystem.h"
+#include "mailbox.h"
+#include "actorsystem.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
#include <util/system/sanitizers.h>
-namespace NActors {
- TMailboxTable::TMailboxTable()
- : LastAllocatedLine(0)
- , AllocatedMailboxCount(0)
- , CachedSimpleMailboxes(0)
- , CachedRevolvingMailboxes(0)
- , CachedHTSwapMailboxes(0)
- , CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes(0)
- , CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes(0)
- {
- memset((void*)Lines, 0, sizeof(Lines));
- }
- bool IsGoodForCleanup(const TMailboxHeader* header) {
- switch (AtomicLoad(&header->ExecutionState)) {
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Inactive:
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Scheduled:
- return true;
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Leaving:
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Executing:
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
- return false;
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Free:
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
- return true;
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
- case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
- return false;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
- template <typename TMailbox>
- void DestructMailboxLine(ui8* begin, ui8* end) {
- const ui32 sx = TMailbox::AlignedSize();
- for (ui8* x = begin; x + sx <= end; x += sx) {
- TMailbox* mailbox = reinterpret_cast<TMailbox*>(x);
- Y_VERIFY(IsGoodForCleanup(mailbox));
- mailbox->ExecutionState = Max<ui32>();
- mailbox->~TMailbox();
- }
- }
- template <typename TMailbox>
- bool CleanupMailboxLine(ui8* begin, ui8* end) {
- const ui32 sx = TMailbox::AlignedSize();
- bool done = true;
- for (ui8* x = begin; x + sx <= end; x += sx) {
- TMailbox* mailbox = reinterpret_cast<TMailbox*>(x);
- Y_VERIFY(IsGoodForCleanup(mailbox));
- done &= mailbox->CleanupActors() && mailbox->CleanupEvents();
- }
- return done;
- }
- TMailboxTable::~TMailboxTable() {
- // on cleanup we must traverse everything and free stuff
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < LastAllocatedLine; ++i) {
- if (TMailboxLineHeader* lineHeader = Lines[i]) {
- switch (lineHeader->MailboxType) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple:
- DestructMailboxLine<TSimpleMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::Revolving:
- DestructMailboxLine<TRevolvingMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
- DestructMailboxLine<THTSwapMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
- DestructMailboxLine<TReadAsFilledMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
- DestructMailboxLine<TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- lineHeader->~TMailboxLineHeader();
- free(lineHeader);
- Lines[i] = nullptr;
- }
- }
- while (MailboxCacheSimple.Pop(0))
- ;
- while (MailboxCacheRevolving.Pop(0))
- ;
- while (MailboxCacheHTSwap.Pop(0))
- ;
- while (MailboxCacheReadAsFilled.Pop(0))
- ;
- while (MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled.Pop(0))
- ;
- }
- bool TMailboxTable::Cleanup() {
- bool done = true;
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < LastAllocatedLine; ++i) {
- if (TMailboxLineHeader* lineHeader = Lines[i]) {
- switch (lineHeader->MailboxType) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple:
- done &= CleanupMailboxLine<TSimpleMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::Revolving:
- done &= CleanupMailboxLine<TRevolvingMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
- done &= CleanupMailboxLine<THTSwapMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
- done &= CleanupMailboxLine<TReadAsFilledMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
- done &= CleanupMailboxLine<TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
- }
- return done;
- }
- TMailboxHeader* TMailboxTable::Get(ui32 hint) {
- // get line
- const ui32 lineIndex = (hint & LineIndexMask) >> LineIndexShift;
- const ui32 lineHint = hint & LineHintMask;
- Y_VERIFY((lineIndex < MaxLines) && (lineHint < LineSize / 64));
- if (lineHint == 0)
- return nullptr;
- if (TMailboxLineHeader* const x = AtomicLoad(Lines + lineIndex)) {
- switch (x->MailboxType) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple:
- return TSimpleMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
- case TMailboxType::Revolving:
- return TRevolvingMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
- case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
- return THTSwapMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
- case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
- return TReadAsFilledMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
- case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
- return TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
- default:
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(false);
- break;
- }
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- bool TMailboxTable::SendTo(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, IExecutorPool* executorPool) {
+namespace NActors {
+ TMailboxTable::TMailboxTable()
+ : LastAllocatedLine(0)
+ , AllocatedMailboxCount(0)
+ , CachedSimpleMailboxes(0)
+ , CachedRevolvingMailboxes(0)
+ , CachedHTSwapMailboxes(0)
+ , CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes(0)
+ , CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes(0)
+ {
+ memset((void*)Lines, 0, sizeof(Lines));
+ }
+ bool IsGoodForCleanup(const TMailboxHeader* header) {
+ switch (AtomicLoad(&header->ExecutionState)) {
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Inactive:
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Scheduled:
+ return true;
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Leaving:
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Executing:
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::LeavingMarked:
+ return false;
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::Free:
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::FreeScheduled:
+ return true;
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::FreeLeaving:
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::FreeExecuting:
+ case TMailboxHeader::TExecutionState::FreeLeavingMarked:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename TMailbox>
+ void DestructMailboxLine(ui8* begin, ui8* end) {
+ const ui32 sx = TMailbox::AlignedSize();
+ for (ui8* x = begin; x + sx <= end; x += sx) {
+ TMailbox* mailbox = reinterpret_cast<TMailbox*>(x);
+ Y_VERIFY(IsGoodForCleanup(mailbox));
+ mailbox->ExecutionState = Max<ui32>();
+ mailbox->~TMailbox();
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename TMailbox>
+ bool CleanupMailboxLine(ui8* begin, ui8* end) {
+ const ui32 sx = TMailbox::AlignedSize();
+ bool done = true;
+ for (ui8* x = begin; x + sx <= end; x += sx) {
+ TMailbox* mailbox = reinterpret_cast<TMailbox*>(x);
+ Y_VERIFY(IsGoodForCleanup(mailbox));
+ done &= mailbox->CleanupActors() && mailbox->CleanupEvents();
+ }
+ return done;
+ }
+ TMailboxTable::~TMailboxTable() {
+ // on cleanup we must traverse everything and free stuff
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < LastAllocatedLine; ++i) {
+ if (TMailboxLineHeader* lineHeader = Lines[i]) {
+ switch (lineHeader->MailboxType) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple:
+ DestructMailboxLine<TSimpleMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving:
+ DestructMailboxLine<TRevolvingMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
+ DestructMailboxLine<THTSwapMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
+ DestructMailboxLine<TReadAsFilledMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
+ DestructMailboxLine<TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ lineHeader->~TMailboxLineHeader();
+ free(lineHeader);
+ Lines[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ while (MailboxCacheSimple.Pop(0))
+ ;
+ while (MailboxCacheRevolving.Pop(0))
+ ;
+ while (MailboxCacheHTSwap.Pop(0))
+ ;
+ while (MailboxCacheReadAsFilled.Pop(0))
+ ;
+ while (MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled.Pop(0))
+ ;
+ }
+ bool TMailboxTable::Cleanup() {
+ bool done = true;
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < LastAllocatedLine; ++i) {
+ if (TMailboxLineHeader* lineHeader = Lines[i]) {
+ switch (lineHeader->MailboxType) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple:
+ done &= CleanupMailboxLine<TSimpleMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving:
+ done &= CleanupMailboxLine<TRevolvingMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
+ done &= CleanupMailboxLine<THTSwapMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
+ done &= CleanupMailboxLine<TReadAsFilledMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
+ done &= CleanupMailboxLine<TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox>((ui8*)lineHeader + 64, (ui8*)lineHeader + LineSize);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return done;
+ }
+ TMailboxHeader* TMailboxTable::Get(ui32 hint) {
+ // get line
+ const ui32 lineIndex = (hint & LineIndexMask) >> LineIndexShift;
+ const ui32 lineHint = hint & LineHintMask;
+ Y_VERIFY((lineIndex < MaxLines) && (lineHint < LineSize / 64));
+ if (lineHint == 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (TMailboxLineHeader* const x = AtomicLoad(Lines + lineIndex)) {
+ switch (x->MailboxType) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple:
+ return TSimpleMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving:
+ return TRevolvingMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
+ return THTSwapMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
+ return TReadAsFilledMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
+ return TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ default:
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ bool TMailboxTable::SendTo(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, IExecutorPool* executorPool) {
const TActorId& recipient = ev->GetRecipientRewrite();
- const ui32 hint = recipient.Hint();
- // copy-paste from Get to avoid duplicated type-switches
- const ui32 lineIndex = (hint & LineIndexMask) >> LineIndexShift;
- const ui32 lineHint = hint & LineHintMask;
- Y_VERIFY((lineIndex < MaxLines) && (lineHint < LineSize / 64));
- if (lineHint == 0)
- return false;
- if (TMailboxLineHeader* const x = AtomicLoad(Lines + lineIndex)) {
- switch (x->MailboxType) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple: {
- TSimpleMailbox* const mailbox = TSimpleMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ const ui32 hint = recipient.Hint();
+ // copy-paste from Get to avoid duplicated type-switches
+ const ui32 lineIndex = (hint & LineIndexMask) >> LineIndexShift;
+ const ui32 lineHint = hint & LineHintMask;
+ Y_VERIFY((lineIndex < MaxLines) && (lineHint < LineSize / 64));
+ if (lineHint == 0)
+ return false;
+ if (TMailboxLineHeader* const x = AtomicLoad(Lines + lineIndex)) {
+ switch (x->MailboxType) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple: {
+ TSimpleMailbox* const mailbox = TSimpleMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
#if (!defined(_tsan_enabled_))
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
- mailbox->Queue.Push(ev.Release());
- if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
+ mailbox->Queue.Push(ev.Release());
+ if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
RelaxedStore<NHPTimer::STime>(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment, GetCycleCountFast());
- executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
- }
- }
- return true;
- case TMailboxType::Revolving: {
- // The actorid could be stale and coming from a different machine. If local process has restarted than
- // the stale actorid coming from a remote machine might be referencing an actor with simple mailbox
- // which is smaller than revolving mailbox. In this cases 'lineHint' index might be greater than actual
- // array size. Normally its ok to store stale event to other actor's valid mailbox beacuse Receive will
- // compare receiver actor id and discard stale event. But in this case we should discard the event right away
- // instead of trying to enque it to a mailbox at invalid address.
- // NOTE: lineHint is 1-based
- static_assert(TSimpleMailbox::AlignedSize() <= TRevolvingMailbox::AlignedSize(),
- "We expect that one line can store more simple mailboxes than revolving mailboxes");
- if (lineHint > TRevolvingMailbox::MaxMailboxesInLine())
- return false;
- TRevolvingMailbox* const mailbox = TRevolvingMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving: {
+ // The actorid could be stale and coming from a different machine. If local process has restarted than
+ // the stale actorid coming from a remote machine might be referencing an actor with simple mailbox
+ // which is smaller than revolving mailbox. In this cases 'lineHint' index might be greater than actual
+ // array size. Normally its ok to store stale event to other actor's valid mailbox beacuse Receive will
+ // compare receiver actor id and discard stale event. But in this case we should discard the event right away
+ // instead of trying to enque it to a mailbox at invalid address.
+ // NOTE: lineHint is 1-based
+ static_assert(TSimpleMailbox::AlignedSize() <= TRevolvingMailbox::AlignedSize(),
+ "We expect that one line can store more simple mailboxes than revolving mailboxes");
+ if (lineHint > TRevolvingMailbox::MaxMailboxesInLine())
+ return false;
+ TRevolvingMailbox* const mailbox = TRevolvingMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
#if (!defined(_tsan_enabled_))
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
- mailbox->QueueWriter.Push(ev.Release());
- if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
+ mailbox->QueueWriter.Push(ev.Release());
+ if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
RelaxedStore<NHPTimer::STime>(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment, GetCycleCountFast());
- executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
- }
- }
- return true;
- case TMailboxType::HTSwap: {
- THTSwapMailbox* const mailbox = THTSwapMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ case TMailboxType::HTSwap: {
+ THTSwapMailbox* const mailbox = THTSwapMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
#if (!defined(_tsan_enabled_))
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
- mailbox->Queue.Push(ev.Release());
- if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
+ mailbox->Queue.Push(ev.Release());
+ if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
RelaxedStore<NHPTimer::STime>(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment, GetCycleCountFast());
- executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
- }
+ executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
+ }
- return true;
- case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled: {
- if (lineHint > TReadAsFilledMailbox::MaxMailboxesInLine())
- return false;
+ return true;
+ case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled: {
+ if (lineHint > TReadAsFilledMailbox::MaxMailboxesInLine())
+ return false;
- TReadAsFilledMailbox* const mailbox = TReadAsFilledMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ TReadAsFilledMailbox* const mailbox = TReadAsFilledMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
#if (!defined(_tsan_enabled_))
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
- mailbox->Queue.Push(ev.Release());
- if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
+ mailbox->Queue.Push(ev.Release());
+ if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
RelaxedStore<NHPTimer::STime>(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment, GetCycleCountFast());
- executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
- }
+ executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
+ }
- return true;
- case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled: {
- if (lineHint > TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox::MaxMailboxesInLine())
- return false;
+ return true;
+ case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled: {
+ if (lineHint > TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox::MaxMailboxesInLine())
+ return false;
- TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox* const mailbox = TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
+ TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox* const mailbox = TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox::Get(lineHint, x);
#if (!defined(_tsan_enabled_))
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(mailbox->Type == (ui32)x->MailboxType);
- mailbox->Queue.Push(ev.Release());
- if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
+ mailbox->Queue.Push(ev.Release());
+ if (mailbox->MarkForSchedule()) {
RelaxedStore<NHPTimer::STime>(&mailbox->ScheduleMoment, GetCycleCountFast());
- executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
- }
+ executorPool->ScheduleActivation(hint);
+ }
- return true;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unknown mailbox type");
+ return true;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unknown mailbox type");
- }
- return false;
- }
- ui32 TMailboxTable::AllocateMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
- ui32 x = TryAllocateMailbox(type, revolvingCounter);
- if (x == 0)
- x = AllocateNewLine(type);
- return x;
- }
- ui32 TMailboxTable::TryAllocateMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
- switch (type) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple:
- do {
- if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheSimple.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
- AtomicDecrement(CachedSimpleMailboxes);
- return ret;
- }
- } while (AtomicGet(CachedSimpleMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheSimple.Concurrency * 512));
- return 0;
- case TMailboxType::Revolving:
- do {
- if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheRevolving.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
- AtomicDecrement(CachedRevolvingMailboxes);
- return ret;
- }
- } while (AtomicGet(CachedRevolvingMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheRevolving.Concurrency * 512));
- return 0;
- case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
- do {
- if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheHTSwap.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
- AtomicDecrement(CachedHTSwapMailboxes);
- return ret;
- }
- } while (AtomicGet(CachedHTSwapMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheHTSwap.Concurrency * 512));
- return 0;
- case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
- do {
- if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheReadAsFilled.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
- AtomicDecrement(CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes);
- return ret;
- }
- } while (AtomicGet(CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheReadAsFilled.Concurrency * 512));
- return 0;
- case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
- do {
- if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
- AtomicDecrement(CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes);
- return ret;
- }
- } while (AtomicGet(CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled.Concurrency * 512));
- return 0;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("Unknown mailbox type");
- }
- }
- void TMailboxTable::ReclaimMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui32 hint, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
- if (hint != 0) {
- switch (type) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple:
- MailboxCacheSimple.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
- AtomicIncrement(CachedSimpleMailboxes);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::Revolving:
- MailboxCacheRevolving.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
- AtomicIncrement(CachedRevolvingMailboxes);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
- MailboxCacheHTSwap.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
- AtomicIncrement(CachedHTSwapMailboxes);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
- MailboxCacheReadAsFilled.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
- AtomicIncrement(CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes);
- break;
- case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
- MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
- AtomicIncrement(CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes);
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
- }
- TMailboxHeader::TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::EType type)
- : ExecutionState(TExecutionState::Free)
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ ui32 TMailboxTable::AllocateMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
+ ui32 x = TryAllocateMailbox(type, revolvingCounter);
+ if (x == 0)
+ x = AllocateNewLine(type);
+ return x;
+ }
+ ui32 TMailboxTable::TryAllocateMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple:
+ do {
+ if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheSimple.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
+ AtomicDecrement(CachedSimpleMailboxes);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } while (AtomicGet(CachedSimpleMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheSimple.Concurrency * 512));
+ return 0;
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving:
+ do {
+ if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheRevolving.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
+ AtomicDecrement(CachedRevolvingMailboxes);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } while (AtomicGet(CachedRevolvingMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheRevolving.Concurrency * 512));
+ return 0;
+ case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
+ do {
+ if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheHTSwap.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
+ AtomicDecrement(CachedHTSwapMailboxes);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } while (AtomicGet(CachedHTSwapMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheHTSwap.Concurrency * 512));
+ return 0;
+ case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
+ do {
+ if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheReadAsFilled.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
+ AtomicDecrement(CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } while (AtomicGet(CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheReadAsFilled.Concurrency * 512));
+ return 0;
+ case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
+ do {
+ if (ui32 ret = MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled.Pop(revolvingCounter)) {
+ AtomicDecrement(CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } while (AtomicGet(CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes) > (MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled.Concurrency * 512));
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("Unknown mailbox type");
+ }
+ }
+ void TMailboxTable::ReclaimMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui32 hint, ui64 revolvingCounter) {
+ if (hint != 0) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple:
+ MailboxCacheSimple.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
+ AtomicIncrement(CachedSimpleMailboxes);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving:
+ MailboxCacheRevolving.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
+ AtomicIncrement(CachedRevolvingMailboxes);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
+ MailboxCacheHTSwap.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
+ AtomicIncrement(CachedHTSwapMailboxes);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
+ MailboxCacheReadAsFilled.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
+ AtomicIncrement(CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes);
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
+ MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled.Push(hint, revolvingCounter);
+ AtomicIncrement(CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TMailboxHeader::TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::EType type)
+ : ExecutionState(TExecutionState::Free)
, Reserved(0)
- , Type(type)
- , ActorPack(TMailboxActorPack::Simple)
- , Knobs(0)
- {
+ , Type(type)
+ , ActorPack(TMailboxActorPack::Simple)
+ , Knobs(0)
+ {
ActorsInfo.Simple.ActorId = 0;
ActorsInfo.Simple.Actor = nullptr;
- }
- TMailboxHeader::~TMailboxHeader() {
- CleanupActors();
- }
- bool TMailboxHeader::CleanupActors() {
- bool done = true;
- switch (ActorPack) {
+ }
+ TMailboxHeader::~TMailboxHeader() {
+ CleanupActors();
+ }
+ bool TMailboxHeader::CleanupActors() {
+ bool done = true;
+ switch (ActorPack) {
case TMailboxActorPack::Simple: {
if (ActorsInfo.Simple.ActorId != 0) {
delete ActorsInfo.Simple.Actor;
- done = false;
- }
- break;
+ done = false;
+ }
+ break;
- case TMailboxActorPack::Map: {
+ case TMailboxActorPack::Map: {
for (auto& [actorId, actor] : *ActorsInfo.Map.ActorsMap) {
delete actor;
delete ActorsInfo.Map.ActorsMap;
- done = false;
+ done = false;
case TMailboxActorPack::Array: {
@@ -386,166 +386,166 @@ namespace NActors {
done = false;
- }
- ActorPack = TMailboxActorPack::Simple;
+ }
+ ActorPack = TMailboxActorPack::Simple;
ActorsInfo.Simple.ActorId = 0;
ActorsInfo.Simple.Actor = nullptr;
- return done;
- }
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> TMailboxHeader::CountMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse) {
- switch (Type) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple:
- return static_cast<TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox*>(this)->CountSimpleMailboxEvents(localActorId, maxTraverse);
- case TMailboxType::Revolving:
- return static_cast<TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox*>(this)->CountRevolvingMailboxEvents(localActorId, maxTraverse);
- default:
- return {0, 0};
- }
- }
- TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox::TSimpleMailbox()
- : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::Simple)
- , ScheduleMoment(0)
- {
- }
- TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox::~TSimpleMailbox() {
- CleanupEvents();
- }
- bool TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox::CleanupEvents() {
- const bool done = (Queue.Head() == nullptr);
- while (IEventHandle* ev = Queue.Pop())
- delete ev;
- return done;
- }
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox::CountSimpleMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse) {
- ui32 local = 0;
- ui32 total = 0;
- auto it = Queue.ReadIterator();
- while (IEventHandle* x = it.Next()) {
- ++total;
- if (x->GetRecipientRewrite().LocalId() == localActorId)
- ++local;
- if (total >= maxTraverse)
- break;
- }
- return std::make_pair(local, total);
- }
- TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox::TRevolvingMailbox()
- : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::Revolving)
- , QueueWriter(QueueReader)
- , Reserved1(0)
- , Reserved2(0)
- , ScheduleMoment(0)
- {
- }
- TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox::~TRevolvingMailbox() {
- CleanupEvents();
- }
- bool TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox::CleanupEvents() {
- const bool done = (QueueReader.Head() == nullptr);
- while (IEventHandle* ev = QueueReader.Pop())
- delete ev;
- return done;
- }
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox::CountRevolvingMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse) {
- ui32 local = 0;
- ui32 total = 0;
- auto it = QueueReader.Iterator();
- while (IEventHandle* x = it.Next()) {
- ++total;
- if (x->GetRecipientRewrite().LocalId() == localActorId)
- ++local;
- if (total >= maxTraverse)
- break;
- }
- return std::make_pair(local, total);
- }
- template <typename T>
- static ui32 InitNewLine(ui8* x, ui8* end) {
- const ui32 sx = T::AlignedSize();
- for (ui32 index = 1; x + sx <= end; x += sx, ++index)
- ::new (x) T();
- return sx;
- }
- ui32 TMailboxTable::AllocateNewLine(TMailboxType::EType type) {
- ui8* ptr = (ui8*)malloc(LineSize);
- ui8* end = ptr + LineSize;
- const ui32 lineIndex = (ui32)AtomicIncrement(LastAllocatedLine) - 1;
- const ui32 lineIndexMask = (lineIndex << LineIndexShift) & LineIndexMask;
- // first 64 bytes is TMailboxLineHeader
- TMailboxLineHeader* header = ::new (ptr) TMailboxLineHeader(type, lineIndex);
- ui8* x = ptr + 64;
- ui32 sx = 0;
- TMailboxCache* cache = nullptr;
- TAtomic* counter = nullptr;
- switch (type) {
- case TMailboxType::Simple:
- sx = InitNewLine<TSimpleMailbox>(x, end);
- cache = &MailboxCacheSimple;
- counter = &CachedSimpleMailboxes;
- break;
- case TMailboxType::Revolving:
- sx = InitNewLine<TRevolvingMailbox>(x, end);
- cache = &MailboxCacheRevolving;
- counter = &CachedRevolvingMailboxes;
- break;
- case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
- sx = InitNewLine<THTSwapMailbox>(x, end);
- cache = &MailboxCacheHTSwap;
- counter = &CachedHTSwapMailboxes;
- break;
- case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
- sx = InitNewLine<TReadAsFilledMailbox>(x, end);
- cache = &MailboxCacheReadAsFilled;
- counter = &CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes;
- break;
- case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
- sx = InitNewLine<TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox>(x, end);
- cache = &MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled;
- counter = &CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes;
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
+ return done;
+ }
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> TMailboxHeader::CountMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse) {
+ switch (Type) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple:
+ return static_cast<TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox*>(this)->CountSimpleMailboxEvents(localActorId, maxTraverse);
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving:
+ return static_cast<TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox*>(this)->CountRevolvingMailboxEvents(localActorId, maxTraverse);
+ default:
+ return {0, 0};
+ }
+ }
+ TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox::TSimpleMailbox()
+ : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::Simple)
+ , ScheduleMoment(0)
+ {
+ }
+ TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox::~TSimpleMailbox() {
+ CleanupEvents();
+ }
+ bool TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox::CleanupEvents() {
+ const bool done = (Queue.Head() == nullptr);
+ while (IEventHandle* ev = Queue.Pop())
+ delete ev;
+ return done;
+ }
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> TMailboxTable::TSimpleMailbox::CountSimpleMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse) {
+ ui32 local = 0;
+ ui32 total = 0;
+ auto it = Queue.ReadIterator();
+ while (IEventHandle* x = it.Next()) {
+ ++total;
+ if (x->GetRecipientRewrite().LocalId() == localActorId)
+ ++local;
+ if (total >= maxTraverse)
+ break;
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(local, total);
+ }
+ TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox::TRevolvingMailbox()
+ : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::Revolving)
+ , QueueWriter(QueueReader)
+ , Reserved1(0)
+ , Reserved2(0)
+ , ScheduleMoment(0)
+ {
+ }
+ TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox::~TRevolvingMailbox() {
+ CleanupEvents();
+ }
+ bool TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox::CleanupEvents() {
+ const bool done = (QueueReader.Head() == nullptr);
+ while (IEventHandle* ev = QueueReader.Pop())
+ delete ev;
+ return done;
+ }
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> TMailboxTable::TRevolvingMailbox::CountRevolvingMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse) {
+ ui32 local = 0;
+ ui32 total = 0;
+ auto it = QueueReader.Iterator();
+ while (IEventHandle* x = it.Next()) {
+ ++total;
+ if (x->GetRecipientRewrite().LocalId() == localActorId)
+ ++local;
+ if (total >= maxTraverse)
+ break;
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(local, total);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static ui32 InitNewLine(ui8* x, ui8* end) {
+ const ui32 sx = T::AlignedSize();
+ for (ui32 index = 1; x + sx <= end; x += sx, ++index)
+ ::new (x) T();
+ return sx;
+ }
+ ui32 TMailboxTable::AllocateNewLine(TMailboxType::EType type) {
+ ui8* ptr = (ui8*)malloc(LineSize);
+ ui8* end = ptr + LineSize;
+ const ui32 lineIndex = (ui32)AtomicIncrement(LastAllocatedLine) - 1;
+ const ui32 lineIndexMask = (lineIndex << LineIndexShift) & LineIndexMask;
+ // first 64 bytes is TMailboxLineHeader
+ TMailboxLineHeader* header = ::new (ptr) TMailboxLineHeader(type, lineIndex);
+ ui8* x = ptr + 64;
+ ui32 sx = 0;
+ TMailboxCache* cache = nullptr;
+ TAtomic* counter = nullptr;
+ switch (type) {
+ case TMailboxType::Simple:
+ sx = InitNewLine<TSimpleMailbox>(x, end);
+ cache = &MailboxCacheSimple;
+ counter = &CachedSimpleMailboxes;
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::Revolving:
+ sx = InitNewLine<TRevolvingMailbox>(x, end);
+ cache = &MailboxCacheRevolving;
+ counter = &CachedRevolvingMailboxes;
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::HTSwap:
+ sx = InitNewLine<THTSwapMailbox>(x, end);
+ cache = &MailboxCacheHTSwap;
+ counter = &CachedHTSwapMailboxes;
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled:
+ sx = InitNewLine<TReadAsFilledMailbox>(x, end);
+ cache = &MailboxCacheReadAsFilled;
+ counter = &CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes;
+ break;
+ case TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled:
+ sx = InitNewLine<TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox>(x, end);
+ cache = &MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled;
+ counter = &CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
AtomicStore(Lines + lineIndex, header);
- ui32 ret = lineIndexMask | 1;
- ui32 index = 2;
- for (ui32 endIndex = LineSize / sx; index != endIndex;) {
- const ui32 bufSize = 8;
- ui32 buf[bufSize];
- ui32 bufIndex;
- for (bufIndex = 0; index != endIndex && bufIndex != bufSize; ++bufIndex, ++index)
- buf[bufIndex] = lineIndexMask | index;
- cache->PushBulk(buf, bufIndex, index);
- AtomicAdd(*counter, bufIndex);
- }
- AtomicAdd(AllocatedMailboxCount, index - 1);
- return ret;
- }
+ ui32 ret = lineIndexMask | 1;
+ ui32 index = 2;
+ for (ui32 endIndex = LineSize / sx; index != endIndex;) {
+ const ui32 bufSize = 8;
+ ui32 buf[bufSize];
+ ui32 bufIndex;
+ for (bufIndex = 0; index != endIndex && bufIndex != bufSize; ++bufIndex, ++index)
+ buf[bufIndex] = lineIndexMask | index;
+ cache->PushBulk(buf, bufIndex, index);
+ AtomicAdd(*counter, bufIndex);
+ }
+ AtomicAdd(AllocatedMailboxCount, index - 1);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox.h
index 3a9f070bc4..0bd9c4d314 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox.h
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "event.h"
-#include "actor.h"
-#include "mailbox_queue_simple.h"
-#include "mailbox_queue_revolving.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "actor.h"
+#include "mailbox_queue_simple.h"
+#include "mailbox_queue_revolving.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/unordered_cache.h>
#include <library/cpp/threading/queue/mpsc_htswap.h>
#include <library/cpp/threading/queue/mpsc_read_as_filled.h>
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
+#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-// TODO: clean all broken arcadia atomic stuff and replace with intrinsics
-namespace NActors {
- class IActor;
- class IExecutorPool;
+// TODO: clean all broken arcadia atomic stuff and replace with intrinsics
+namespace NActors {
+ class IActor;
+ class IExecutorPool;
const ui64 ARRAY_CAPACITY = 8;
- // structure of hint:
- // 1 bit: is service or direct hint
- // 2 bits: pool index
- // 17 bits: line
- // 12 bits: index of mailbox inside of line
- struct TMailboxHeader {
- struct TMailboxActorPack {
- enum EType {
- Simple = 0,
+ // structure of hint:
+ // 1 bit: is service or direct hint
+ // 2 bits: pool index
+ // 17 bits: line
+ // 12 bits: index of mailbox inside of line
+ struct TMailboxHeader {
+ struct TMailboxActorPack {
+ enum EType {
+ Simple = 0,
Array = 1,
Map = 2
- };
- };
+ };
+ };
using TActorMap = THashMap<ui64, IActor*>;
- struct TExecutionState {
- enum EState {
- // normal states
- Inactive = 0,
- Scheduled = 1,
- Leaving = 2,
- Executing = 3,
- LeavingMarked = 4,
- // states for free mailboxes (they can still be scheduled so we need duplicates)
- Free = 5,
- FreeScheduled = 6,
- FreeLeaving = 7,
- FreeExecuting = 8,
- FreeLeavingMarked = 9,
- };
- };
- volatile ui32 ExecutionState;
+ struct TExecutionState {
+ enum EState {
+ // normal states
+ Inactive = 0,
+ Scheduled = 1,
+ Leaving = 2,
+ Executing = 3,
+ LeavingMarked = 4,
+ // states for free mailboxes (they can still be scheduled so we need duplicates)
+ Free = 5,
+ FreeScheduled = 6,
+ FreeLeaving = 7,
+ FreeExecuting = 8,
+ FreeLeavingMarked = 9,
+ };
+ };
+ volatile ui32 ExecutionState;
ui32 Reserved : 4; // never changes, always zero
- ui32 Type : 4; // never changes
- ui32 ActorPack : 2;
- ui32 Knobs : 22;
+ ui32 Type : 4; // never changes
+ ui32 ActorPack : 2;
+ ui32 Knobs : 22;
struct TActorPair {
IActor *Actor;
ui64 ActorId;
@@ -79,26 +79,26 @@ namespace NActors {
} Map;
} ActorsInfo;
- TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::EType type);
- ~TMailboxHeader();
- bool CleanupActors();
- // this interface is used exclusively by executor thread, so implementation is there
- bool MarkForSchedule(); // we put something in queue, check should we schedule?
- bool LockForExecution(); // we got activation, try to lock mailbox
- bool LockFromFree(); // try to claim mailbox from recycled (could fail if other thread process garbage)
- void UnlockFromExecution1(); // prepare for releasing lock
- bool UnlockFromExecution2(bool wouldReschedule); // proceed with releasing lock
- bool UnlockAsFree(bool wouldReschedule); // preceed with releasing lock, but mark as free one
+ TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::EType type);
+ ~TMailboxHeader();
+ bool CleanupActors();
+ // this interface is used exclusively by executor thread, so implementation is there
+ bool MarkForSchedule(); // we put something in queue, check should we schedule?
+ bool LockForExecution(); // we got activation, try to lock mailbox
+ bool LockFromFree(); // try to claim mailbox from recycled (could fail if other thread process garbage)
+ void UnlockFromExecution1(); // prepare for releasing lock
+ bool UnlockFromExecution2(bool wouldReschedule); // proceed with releasing lock
+ bool UnlockAsFree(bool wouldReschedule); // preceed with releasing lock, but mark as free one
bool IsEmpty() const noexcept {
return (ActorPack == TMailboxActorPack::Simple && ActorsInfo.Simple.ActorId == 0);
- }
+ }
template<typename T>
void ForEach(T&& callback) noexcept {
switch (ActorPack) {
@@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ namespace NActors {
IActor* FindActor(ui64 localActorId) noexcept {
- switch (ActorPack) {
+ switch (ActorPack) {
case TMailboxActorPack::Simple: {
if (ActorsInfo.Simple.ActorId == localActorId)
return ActorsInfo.Simple.Actor;
- break;
+ break;
- case TMailboxActorPack::Map: {
+ case TMailboxActorPack::Map: {
TActorMap::iterator it = ActorsInfo.Map.ActorsMap->find(localActorId);
if (it != ActorsInfo.Map.ActorsMap->end())
- return it->second;
+ return it->second;
case TMailboxActorPack::Array: {
@@ -144,20 +144,20 @@ namespace NActors {
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
void AttachActor(ui64 localActorId, IActor* actor) noexcept {
- switch (ActorPack) {
+ switch (ActorPack) {
case TMailboxActorPack::Simple: {
if (ActorsInfo.Simple.ActorId == 0) {
ActorsInfo.Simple.ActorId = localActorId;
ActorsInfo.Simple.Actor = actor;
- return;
- } else {
+ return;
+ } else {
auto ar = new TActorArray;
ar->Actors[0] = ActorsInfo.Simple;
ar->Actors[1] = TActorPair{actor, localActorId};
@@ -184,35 +184,35 @@ namespace NActors {
ActorsInfo.Map.ActorsMap = mp;
} else {
ActorsInfo.Array.ActorsArray->Actors[ActorsInfo.Array.ActorsCount++] = TActorPair{actor, localActorId};
- }
- break;
+ }
+ break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
IActor* DetachActor(ui64 localActorId) noexcept {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(FindActor(localActorId) != nullptr);
- IActor* actorToDestruct = nullptr;
- switch (ActorPack) {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(FindActor(localActorId) != nullptr);
+ IActor* actorToDestruct = nullptr;
+ switch (ActorPack) {
case TMailboxActorPack::Simple: {
Y_VERIFY(ActorsInfo.Simple.ActorId == localActorId);
actorToDestruct = ActorsInfo.Simple.Actor;
ActorsInfo.Simple.ActorId = 0;
ActorsInfo.Simple.Actor = nullptr;
- break;
+ break;
- case TMailboxActorPack::Map: {
+ case TMailboxActorPack::Map: {
TActorMap::iterator it = ActorsInfo.Map.ActorsMap->find(localActorId);
Y_VERIFY(it != ActorsInfo.Map.ActorsMap->end());
- actorToDestruct = it->second;
+ actorToDestruct = it->second;
if (ActorsInfo.Map.ActorsMap->size() == ARRAY_CAPACITY) {
auto ar = new TActorArray;
ui64 i = 0;
@@ -242,312 +242,312 @@ namespace NActors {
if (ActorsInfo.Array.ActorsCount == 1) {
const TActorPair Actor = ActorsInfo.Array.ActorsArray->Actors[0];
delete ActorsInfo.Array.ActorsArray;
- ActorPack = TMailboxActorPack::Simple;
+ ActorPack = TMailboxActorPack::Simple;
ActorsInfo.Simple = Actor;
- }
+ }
- }
- return actorToDestruct;
- }
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse);
- };
- class TMailboxTable : TNonCopyable {
- private:
- struct TMailboxLineHeader {
- const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType;
- const ui32 Index;
- // some more stuff in first cache line, then goes mailboxes
- ui8 Padding[52];
- TMailboxLineHeader(TMailboxType::EType type, ui32 index)
- : MailboxType(type)
- , Index(index)
- {
- }
- };
- static_assert(sizeof(TMailboxLineHeader) <= 64, "expect sizeof(TMailboxLineHeader) <= 64");
- constexpr static ui64 MaxLines = 131000; // somewhat less then 2^17.
- constexpr static ui64 LineSize = 262144; // 64 * 2^12.
- TAtomic LastAllocatedLine;
- TAtomic AllocatedMailboxCount;
+ }
+ return actorToDestruct;
+ }
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse);
+ };
+ class TMailboxTable : TNonCopyable {
+ private:
+ struct TMailboxLineHeader {
+ const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType;
+ const ui32 Index;
+ // some more stuff in first cache line, then goes mailboxes
+ ui8 Padding[52];
+ TMailboxLineHeader(TMailboxType::EType type, ui32 index)
+ : MailboxType(type)
+ , Index(index)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ static_assert(sizeof(TMailboxLineHeader) <= 64, "expect sizeof(TMailboxLineHeader) <= 64");
+ constexpr static ui64 MaxLines = 131000; // somewhat less then 2^17.
+ constexpr static ui64 LineSize = 262144; // 64 * 2^12.
+ TAtomic LastAllocatedLine;
+ TAtomic AllocatedMailboxCount;
typedef TUnorderedCache<ui32, 512, 4> TMailboxCache;
- TMailboxCache MailboxCacheSimple;
- TAtomic CachedSimpleMailboxes;
- TMailboxCache MailboxCacheRevolving;
- TAtomic CachedRevolvingMailboxes;
- TMailboxCache MailboxCacheHTSwap;
- TAtomic CachedHTSwapMailboxes;
- TMailboxCache MailboxCacheReadAsFilled;
- TAtomic CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes;
- TMailboxCache MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled;
- TAtomic CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes;
- // and here goes large chunk of lines
- // presented as array of static size to avoid sync on access
- TMailboxLineHeader* volatile Lines[MaxLines];
- ui32 AllocateNewLine(TMailboxType::EType type);
- ui32 TryAllocateMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui64 revolvingCounter);
- public:
- TMailboxTable();
- ~TMailboxTable();
- bool Cleanup(); // returns true if nothing found to destruct (so nothing new is possible to be created)
- static const ui32 LineIndexShift = 12;
- static const ui32 LineIndexMask = 0x1FFFFu << LineIndexShift;
- static const ui32 LineHintMask = 0xFFFu;
+ TMailboxCache MailboxCacheSimple;
+ TAtomic CachedSimpleMailboxes;
+ TMailboxCache MailboxCacheRevolving;
+ TAtomic CachedRevolvingMailboxes;
+ TMailboxCache MailboxCacheHTSwap;
+ TAtomic CachedHTSwapMailboxes;
+ TMailboxCache MailboxCacheReadAsFilled;
+ TAtomic CachedReadAsFilledMailboxes;
+ TMailboxCache MailboxCacheTinyReadAsFilled;
+ TAtomic CachedTinyReadAsFilledMailboxes;
+ // and here goes large chunk of lines
+ // presented as array of static size to avoid sync on access
+ TMailboxLineHeader* volatile Lines[MaxLines];
+ ui32 AllocateNewLine(TMailboxType::EType type);
+ ui32 TryAllocateMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui64 revolvingCounter);
+ public:
+ TMailboxTable();
+ ~TMailboxTable();
+ bool Cleanup(); // returns true if nothing found to destruct (so nothing new is possible to be created)
+ static const ui32 LineIndexShift = 12;
+ static const ui32 LineIndexMask = 0x1FFFFu << LineIndexShift;
+ static const ui32 LineHintMask = 0xFFFu;
static const ui32 PoolIndexShift = TActorId::PoolIndexShift;
static const ui32 PoolIndexMask = TActorId::PoolIndexMask;
- static ui32 LineIndex(ui32 hint) {
- return ((hint & LineIndexMask) >> LineIndexShift);
- }
- static ui32 PoolIndex(ui32 hint) {
+ static ui32 LineIndex(ui32 hint) {
+ return ((hint & LineIndexMask) >> LineIndexShift);
+ }
+ static ui32 PoolIndex(ui32 hint) {
return TActorId::PoolIndex(hint);
- }
- TMailboxHeader* Get(ui32 hint);
- ui32 AllocateMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui64 revolvingCounter);
- void ReclaimMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui32 hint, ui64 revolvingCounter);
- ui64 GetAllocatedMailboxCount() const {
- return RelaxedLoad(&AllocatedMailboxCount);
- }
- bool SendTo(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, IExecutorPool* executorPool);
- struct TSimpleMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
- // 4 bytes - state
- // 4 bytes - knobs
- // 8 bytes - actorid
- // 8 bytes - actor*
- TSimpleMailboxQueue<IEventHandle*, 64> Queue; // 24 + 8 bytes (body, lock)
- NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
- TSimpleMailbox();
- ~TSimpleMailbox();
- IEventHandle* Pop() {
- return Queue.Pop();
- }
- IEventHandle* Head() {
- return Queue.Head();
- }
- static TSimpleMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
- return (TSimpleMailbox*)((ui8*)line + hint * 64); //
- }
- static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType = TMailboxType::Simple;
- constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
- return ((sizeof(TSimpleMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
- }
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountSimpleMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse);
- bool CleanupEvents();
- };
- static_assert(sizeof(TSimpleMailbox) == 64, "expect sizeof(TSimpleMailbox) == 64");
- struct TRevolvingMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
- // 4 bytes - state
- // 4 bytes - knobs
- // 8 bytes - actorid
- // 8 bytes - actor*
- TRevolvingMailboxQueue<IEventHandle*, 3, 128>::TReader QueueReader; // 8 * 3 + 4 * 3 + (padding): 40 bytes
- // here goes next cache-line, so less writers<-> reader interference
- TRevolvingMailboxQueue<IEventHandle*, 3, 128>::TWriter QueueWriter; // 8 * 3 + 4 * 3 + 8 : 48 bytes
- ui32 Reserved1;
- ui32 Reserved2;
- NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
- TRevolvingMailbox();
- ~TRevolvingMailbox();
- IEventHandle* Pop() {
- return QueueReader.Pop();
- }
- IEventHandle* Head() {
- return QueueReader.Head();
- }
- static TRevolvingMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
- return (TRevolvingMailbox*)((ui8*)line + 64 + (hint - 1) * 128);
- }
- constexpr static ui64 MaxMailboxesInLine() {
- return (LineSize - 64) / AlignedSize();
- }
- static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType = TMailboxType::Revolving;
- constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
- return ((sizeof(TRevolvingMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
- }
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountRevolvingMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse);
- bool CleanupEvents();
- };
- static_assert(sizeof(TRevolvingMailbox) == 128, "expect sizeof(TRevolvingMailbox) == 128");
- struct THTSwapMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
+ }
+ TMailboxHeader* Get(ui32 hint);
+ ui32 AllocateMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui64 revolvingCounter);
+ void ReclaimMailbox(TMailboxType::EType type, ui32 hint, ui64 revolvingCounter);
+ ui64 GetAllocatedMailboxCount() const {
+ return RelaxedLoad(&AllocatedMailboxCount);
+ }
+ bool SendTo(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, IExecutorPool* executorPool);
+ struct TSimpleMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
+ // 4 bytes - state
+ // 4 bytes - knobs
+ // 8 bytes - actorid
+ // 8 bytes - actor*
+ TSimpleMailboxQueue<IEventHandle*, 64> Queue; // 24 + 8 bytes (body, lock)
+ NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
+ TSimpleMailbox();
+ ~TSimpleMailbox();
+ IEventHandle* Pop() {
+ return Queue.Pop();
+ }
+ IEventHandle* Head() {
+ return Queue.Head();
+ }
+ static TSimpleMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
+ return (TSimpleMailbox*)((ui8*)line + hint * 64); //
+ }
+ static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType = TMailboxType::Simple;
+ constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
+ return ((sizeof(TSimpleMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
+ }
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountSimpleMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse);
+ bool CleanupEvents();
+ };
+ static_assert(sizeof(TSimpleMailbox) == 64, "expect sizeof(TSimpleMailbox) == 64");
+ struct TRevolvingMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
+ // 4 bytes - state
+ // 4 bytes - knobs
+ // 8 bytes - actorid
+ // 8 bytes - actor*
+ TRevolvingMailboxQueue<IEventHandle*, 3, 128>::TReader QueueReader; // 8 * 3 + 4 * 3 + (padding): 40 bytes
+ // here goes next cache-line, so less writers<-> reader interference
+ TRevolvingMailboxQueue<IEventHandle*, 3, 128>::TWriter QueueWriter; // 8 * 3 + 4 * 3 + 8 : 48 bytes
+ ui32 Reserved1;
+ ui32 Reserved2;
+ NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
+ TRevolvingMailbox();
+ ~TRevolvingMailbox();
+ IEventHandle* Pop() {
+ return QueueReader.Pop();
+ }
+ IEventHandle* Head() {
+ return QueueReader.Head();
+ }
+ static TRevolvingMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
+ return (TRevolvingMailbox*)((ui8*)line + 64 + (hint - 1) * 128);
+ }
+ constexpr static ui64 MaxMailboxesInLine() {
+ return (LineSize - 64) / AlignedSize();
+ }
+ static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType = TMailboxType::Revolving;
+ constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
+ return ((sizeof(TRevolvingMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
+ }
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> CountRevolvingMailboxEvents(ui64 localActorId, ui32 maxTraverse);
+ bool CleanupEvents();
+ };
+ static_assert(sizeof(TRevolvingMailbox) == 128, "expect sizeof(TRevolvingMailbox) == 128");
+ struct THTSwapMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
using TQueueType = NThreading::THTSwapQueue<IEventHandle*>;
TQueueType Queue;
- NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
- char Padding_[16];
+ NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
+ char Padding_[16];
- THTSwapMailbox()
- : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::HTSwap)
- , ScheduleMoment(0)
- {
- }
+ THTSwapMailbox()
+ : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::HTSwap)
+ , ScheduleMoment(0)
+ {
+ }
- ~THTSwapMailbox() {
- CleanupEvents();
- }
+ ~THTSwapMailbox() {
+ CleanupEvents();
+ }
- IEventHandle* Pop() {
- return Queue.Pop();
- }
+ IEventHandle* Pop() {
+ return Queue.Pop();
+ }
- IEventHandle* Head() {
- return Queue.Peek();
- }
+ IEventHandle* Head() {
+ return Queue.Peek();
+ }
- static THTSwapMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
- return (THTSwapMailbox*)((ui8*)line + 64 + (hint - 1) * 64);
- }
+ static THTSwapMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
+ return (THTSwapMailbox*)((ui8*)line + 64 + (hint - 1) * 64);
+ }
- constexpr static ui64 MaxMailboxesInLine() {
- return (LineSize - 64) / AlignedSize();
- }
+ constexpr static ui64 MaxMailboxesInLine() {
+ return (LineSize - 64) / AlignedSize();
+ }
- static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType = TMailboxType::HTSwap;
+ static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType = TMailboxType::HTSwap;
- constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
- return ((sizeof(THTSwapMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
- }
+ constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
+ return ((sizeof(THTSwapMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
+ }
- bool CleanupEvents() {
- const bool done = (Queue.Peek() == nullptr);
- while (IEventHandle* ev = Queue.Pop())
- delete ev;
- return done;
- }
- };
+ bool CleanupEvents() {
+ const bool done = (Queue.Peek() == nullptr);
+ while (IEventHandle* ev = Queue.Pop())
+ delete ev;
+ return done;
+ }
+ };
- static_assert(sizeof(THTSwapMailbox) == 64,
- "expect sizeof(THTSwapMailbox) == 64");
+ static_assert(sizeof(THTSwapMailbox) == 64,
+ "expect sizeof(THTSwapMailbox) == 64");
- struct TReadAsFilledMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
+ struct TReadAsFilledMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
using TQueueType = NThreading::TReadAsFilledQueue<IEventHandle>;
TQueueType Queue;
- NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
- char Padding_[8];
- TReadAsFilledMailbox()
- : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled)
- , ScheduleMoment(0)
- {
- }
- ~TReadAsFilledMailbox() {
- CleanupEvents();
- }
- IEventHandle* Pop() {
- return Queue.Pop();
- }
- IEventHandle* Head() {
- return Queue.Peek();
- }
- static TReadAsFilledMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
- return (TReadAsFilledMailbox*)((ui8*)line + 64 + (hint - 1) * 192);
- }
- constexpr static ui64 MaxMailboxesInLine() {
- return (LineSize - 64) / AlignedSize();
- }
- static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType =
- TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled;
- constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
- return ((sizeof(TReadAsFilledMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
- }
- bool CleanupEvents() {
- const bool done = (Queue.Peek() == nullptr);
- while (IEventHandle* ev = Queue.Pop())
- delete ev;
- return done;
- }
- };
- static_assert(sizeof(TReadAsFilledMailbox) == 192,
- "expect sizeof(TReadAsFilledMailbox) == 192");
- struct TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
+ NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
+ char Padding_[8];
+ TReadAsFilledMailbox()
+ : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled)
+ , ScheduleMoment(0)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TReadAsFilledMailbox() {
+ CleanupEvents();
+ }
+ IEventHandle* Pop() {
+ return Queue.Pop();
+ }
+ IEventHandle* Head() {
+ return Queue.Peek();
+ }
+ static TReadAsFilledMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
+ return (TReadAsFilledMailbox*)((ui8*)line + 64 + (hint - 1) * 192);
+ }
+ constexpr static ui64 MaxMailboxesInLine() {
+ return (LineSize - 64) / AlignedSize();
+ }
+ static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType =
+ TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled;
+ constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
+ return ((sizeof(TReadAsFilledMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
+ }
+ bool CleanupEvents() {
+ const bool done = (Queue.Peek() == nullptr);
+ while (IEventHandle* ev = Queue.Pop())
+ delete ev;
+ return done;
+ }
+ };
+ static_assert(sizeof(TReadAsFilledMailbox) == 192,
+ "expect sizeof(TReadAsFilledMailbox) == 192");
+ struct TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox: public TMailboxHeader {
using TQueueType = NThreading::TReadAsFilledQueue<
- IEventHandle,
- NThreading::TRaFQueueBunchSize<4>>;
+ IEventHandle,
+ NThreading::TRaFQueueBunchSize<4>>;
TQueueType Queue;
- NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
- char Padding_[8];
- TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox()
- : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled)
- , ScheduleMoment(0)
- {
- }
- ~TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox() {
- CleanupEvents();
- }
- IEventHandle* Pop() {
- return Queue.Pop();
- }
- IEventHandle* Head() {
- return Queue.Peek();
- }
- static TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
- return (TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox*)((ui8*)line + 64 + (hint - 1) * 192);
- }
- constexpr static ui64 MaxMailboxesInLine() {
- return (LineSize - 64) / AlignedSize();
- }
- static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType =
- TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled;
- constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
- return ((sizeof(TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
- }
- bool CleanupEvents() {
- const bool done = (Queue.Peek() == nullptr);
- while (IEventHandle* ev = Queue.Pop())
- delete ev;
- return done;
- }
- };
- static_assert(sizeof(TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox) == 192,
- "expect sizeof(TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox) == 192");
+ NHPTimer::STime ScheduleMoment;
+ char Padding_[8];
+ TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox()
+ : TMailboxHeader(TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled)
+ , ScheduleMoment(0)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox() {
+ CleanupEvents();
+ }
+ IEventHandle* Pop() {
+ return Queue.Pop();
+ }
+ IEventHandle* Head() {
+ return Queue.Peek();
+ }
+ static TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox* Get(ui32 hint, void* line) {
+ return (TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox*)((ui8*)line + 64 + (hint - 1) * 192);
+ }
+ constexpr static ui64 MaxMailboxesInLine() {
+ return (LineSize - 64) / AlignedSize();
+ }
+ static const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType =
+ TMailboxType::TinyReadAsFilled;
+ constexpr static ui32 AlignedSize() {
+ return ((sizeof(TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox) + 63) / 64) * 64;
+ }
+ bool CleanupEvents() {
+ const bool done = (Queue.Peek() == nullptr);
+ while (IEventHandle* ev = Queue.Pop())
+ delete ev;
+ return done;
+ }
+ };
+ static_assert(sizeof(TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox) == 192,
+ "expect sizeof(TTinyReadAsFilledMailbox) == 192");
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox_queue_revolving.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox_queue_revolving.h
index 49eed7ad7c..b0e78a18db 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox_queue_revolving.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox_queue_revolving.h
@@ -1,214 +1,214 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/queue_chunk.h>
-namespace NActors {
- // add some concurrency to basic queue to avoid hangs under contention (we pay with memory, so use only when really expect contention)
- // ordering: every completed push guarantied to seen before any not-yet-initiated push. parallel pushes could reorder (and that is natural for concurrent queues).
- // try to place reader/writer on different cache-lines to avoid congestion b/w reader and writers.
- // if strict ordering does not matter - look at TManyOneQueue.
- template <typename T, ui32 TWriteConcurrency = 3, ui32 TSize = 128>
- class TRevolvingMailboxQueue {
- static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value, "expect std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value");
- struct TValTagPair {
- volatile T Value;
- volatile ui64 Tag;
- };
- typedef TQueueChunk<TValTagPair, TSize> TChunk;
- static_assert(sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(TChunk*), "expect sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(TChunk*)");
- static_assert(sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(ui64), "expect sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(ui64)");
- public:
- class TWriter;
- class TReader {
- TChunk* ReadFrom[TWriteConcurrency];
- ui32 ReadPosition[TWriteConcurrency];
- friend class TRevolvingMailboxQueue<T, TWriteConcurrency, TSize>::TWriter; // for access to ReadFrom in constructor
- bool ChunkHead(ui32 idx, ui64* tag, T* value) {
- TChunk* head = ReadFrom[idx];
- const ui32 pos = ReadPosition[idx];
- if (pos != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
- if (const T xval = AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[pos].Value)) {
- const ui64 xtag = head->Entries[pos].Tag;
- if (xtag < *tag) {
- *value = xval;
- *tag = xtag;
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
- ReadFrom[idx] = next;
- delete head;
- ReadPosition[idx] = 0;
- return ChunkHead(idx, tag, value);
- }
- return false;
- }
- T Head(bool pop) {
- ui64 tag = Max<ui64>();
+namespace NActors {
+ // add some concurrency to basic queue to avoid hangs under contention (we pay with memory, so use only when really expect contention)
+ // ordering: every completed push guarantied to seen before any not-yet-initiated push. parallel pushes could reorder (and that is natural for concurrent queues).
+ // try to place reader/writer on different cache-lines to avoid congestion b/w reader and writers.
+ // if strict ordering does not matter - look at TManyOneQueue.
+ template <typename T, ui32 TWriteConcurrency = 3, ui32 TSize = 128>
+ class TRevolvingMailboxQueue {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value, "expect std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value");
+ struct TValTagPair {
+ volatile T Value;
+ volatile ui64 Tag;
+ };
+ typedef TQueueChunk<TValTagPair, TSize> TChunk;
+ static_assert(sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(TChunk*), "expect sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(TChunk*)");
+ static_assert(sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(ui64), "expect sizeof(TAtomic) == sizeof(ui64)");
+ public:
+ class TWriter;
+ class TReader {
+ TChunk* ReadFrom[TWriteConcurrency];
+ ui32 ReadPosition[TWriteConcurrency];
+ friend class TRevolvingMailboxQueue<T, TWriteConcurrency, TSize>::TWriter; // for access to ReadFrom in constructor
+ bool ChunkHead(ui32 idx, ui64* tag, T* value) {
+ TChunk* head = ReadFrom[idx];
+ const ui32 pos = ReadPosition[idx];
+ if (pos != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ if (const T xval = AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[pos].Value)) {
+ const ui64 xtag = head->Entries[pos].Tag;
+ if (xtag < *tag) {
+ *value = xval;
+ *tag = xtag;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
+ ReadFrom[idx] = next;
+ delete head;
+ ReadPosition[idx] = 0;
+ return ChunkHead(idx, tag, value);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ T Head(bool pop) {
+ ui64 tag = Max<ui64>();
T ret = T{};
- ui32 idx = 0;
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
- if (ChunkHead(i, &tag, &ret))
- idx = i;
- // w/o second pass we could reorder updates with 'already scanned' range
- if (ret) {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
- if (ChunkHead(i, &tag, &ret))
- idx = i;
- }
- if (pop && ret)
- ++ReadPosition[idx];
- return ret;
- }
- public:
- TReader() {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != TWriteConcurrency; ++i) {
- ReadFrom[i] = new TChunk();
- ReadPosition[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- ~TReader() {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(Head() == 0);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
- delete ReadFrom[i];
- }
- T Pop() {
- return Head(true);
- }
- T Head() {
- return Head(false);
- }
- class TReadIterator {
- TChunk* ReadFrom[TWriteConcurrency];
- ui32 ReadPosition[TWriteConcurrency];
- bool ChunkHead(ui32 idx, ui64* tag, T* value) {
- TChunk* head = ReadFrom[idx];
- const ui32 pos = ReadPosition[idx];
- if (pos != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
- if (const T xval = AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[pos].Value)) {
- const ui64 xtag = head->Entries[pos].Tag;
- if (xtag < *tag) {
- *value = xval;
- *tag = xtag;
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
- ReadFrom[idx] = next;
- ReadPosition[idx] = 0;
- return ChunkHead(idx, tag, value);
- }
- return false;
- }
- public:
- TReadIterator(TChunk* const* readFrom, const ui32* readPosition) {
- memcpy(ReadFrom, readFrom, TWriteConcurrency * sizeof(TChunk*));
- memcpy(ReadPosition, readPosition, TWriteConcurrency * sizeof(ui32));
- }
- T Next() {
- ui64 tag = Max<ui64>();
- T ret = T{};
- ui32 idx = 0;
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
- if (ChunkHead(i, &tag, &ret))
- idx = i;
- // w/o second pass we could reorder updates with 'already scanned' range
- if (ret) {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
- if (ChunkHead(i, &tag, &ret))
- idx = i;
- }
- if (ret)
- ++ReadPosition[idx];
- return ret;
- }
- };
- TReadIterator Iterator() const {
- return TReadIterator(ReadFrom, ReadPosition);
- }
- };
- class TWriter {
- TChunk* volatile WriteTo[TWriteConcurrency];
- volatile ui64 Tag;
- ui32 WritePosition[TWriteConcurrency];
- public:
- TWriter(const TReader& reader)
- : Tag(0)
- {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != TWriteConcurrency; ++i) {
- WriteTo[i] = reader.ReadFrom[i];
- WritePosition[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- bool TryPush(T x) {
- Y_VERIFY(x != 0);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != TWriteConcurrency; ++i) {
- if (RelaxedLoad(&WriteTo[i]) != nullptr) {
- if (TChunk* writeTo = AtomicSwap(&WriteTo[i], nullptr)) {
- const ui64 nextTag = AtomicIncrement(Tag);
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(nextTag < Max<ui64>());
- const ui32 writePosition = WritePosition[i];
- if (writePosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
- writeTo->Entries[writePosition].Tag = nextTag;
- AtomicStore(&writeTo->Entries[writePosition].Value, x);
- ++WritePosition[i];
- } else {
- TChunk* next = new TChunk();
- next->Entries[0].Tag = nextTag;
- next->Entries[0].Value = x;
- AtomicStore(&writeTo->Next, next);
- writeTo = next;
- WritePosition[i] = 1;
- }
- AtomicStore(WriteTo + i, writeTo);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- ui32 Push(T x) {
- ui32 spins = 0;
- while (!TryPush(x)) {
- ++spins;
- SpinLockPause();
- }
- return spins;
- }
- };
- };
+ ui32 idx = 0;
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
+ if (ChunkHead(i, &tag, &ret))
+ idx = i;
+ // w/o second pass we could reorder updates with 'already scanned' range
+ if (ret) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
+ if (ChunkHead(i, &tag, &ret))
+ idx = i;
+ }
+ if (pop && ret)
+ ++ReadPosition[idx];
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public:
+ TReader() {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != TWriteConcurrency; ++i) {
+ ReadFrom[i] = new TChunk();
+ ReadPosition[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ~TReader() {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(Head() == 0);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
+ delete ReadFrom[i];
+ }
+ T Pop() {
+ return Head(true);
+ }
+ T Head() {
+ return Head(false);
+ }
+ class TReadIterator {
+ TChunk* ReadFrom[TWriteConcurrency];
+ ui32 ReadPosition[TWriteConcurrency];
+ bool ChunkHead(ui32 idx, ui64* tag, T* value) {
+ TChunk* head = ReadFrom[idx];
+ const ui32 pos = ReadPosition[idx];
+ if (pos != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ if (const T xval = AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[pos].Value)) {
+ const ui64 xtag = head->Entries[pos].Tag;
+ if (xtag < *tag) {
+ *value = xval;
+ *tag = xtag;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
+ ReadFrom[idx] = next;
+ ReadPosition[idx] = 0;
+ return ChunkHead(idx, tag, value);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public:
+ TReadIterator(TChunk* const* readFrom, const ui32* readPosition) {
+ memcpy(ReadFrom, readFrom, TWriteConcurrency * sizeof(TChunk*));
+ memcpy(ReadPosition, readPosition, TWriteConcurrency * sizeof(ui32));
+ }
+ T Next() {
+ ui64 tag = Max<ui64>();
+ T ret = T{};
+ ui32 idx = 0;
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
+ if (ChunkHead(i, &tag, &ret))
+ idx = i;
+ // w/o second pass we could reorder updates with 'already scanned' range
+ if (ret) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < TWriteConcurrency; ++i)
+ if (ChunkHead(i, &tag, &ret))
+ idx = i;
+ }
+ if (ret)
+ ++ReadPosition[idx];
+ return ret;
+ }
+ };
+ TReadIterator Iterator() const {
+ return TReadIterator(ReadFrom, ReadPosition);
+ }
+ };
+ class TWriter {
+ TChunk* volatile WriteTo[TWriteConcurrency];
+ volatile ui64 Tag;
+ ui32 WritePosition[TWriteConcurrency];
+ public:
+ TWriter(const TReader& reader)
+ : Tag(0)
+ {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != TWriteConcurrency; ++i) {
+ WriteTo[i] = reader.ReadFrom[i];
+ WritePosition[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ bool TryPush(T x) {
+ Y_VERIFY(x != 0);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != TWriteConcurrency; ++i) {
+ if (RelaxedLoad(&WriteTo[i]) != nullptr) {
+ if (TChunk* writeTo = AtomicSwap(&WriteTo[i], nullptr)) {
+ const ui64 nextTag = AtomicIncrement(Tag);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(nextTag < Max<ui64>());
+ const ui32 writePosition = WritePosition[i];
+ if (writePosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ writeTo->Entries[writePosition].Tag = nextTag;
+ AtomicStore(&writeTo->Entries[writePosition].Value, x);
+ ++WritePosition[i];
+ } else {
+ TChunk* next = new TChunk();
+ next->Entries[0].Tag = nextTag;
+ next->Entries[0].Value = x;
+ AtomicStore(&writeTo->Next, next);
+ writeTo = next;
+ WritePosition[i] = 1;
+ }
+ AtomicStore(WriteTo + i, writeTo);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ ui32 Push(T x) {
+ ui32 spins = 0;
+ while (!TryPush(x)) {
+ ++spins;
+ SpinLockPause();
+ }
+ return spins;
+ }
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox_queue_simple.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox_queue_simple.h
index e600854f55..2e44c21adb 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox_queue_simple.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/mailbox_queue_simple.h
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/ticket_lock.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h>
-namespace NActors {
- // dead-simple one-one queue, based on serializability guaranties of x64 and ticket lock to ensure writer unicity.
- template <typename T, ui32 TSize>
- class TSimpleMailboxQueue {
- TOneOneQueueInplace<T, TSize> Queue;
- TTicketLock Lock;
- public:
+namespace NActors {
+ // dead-simple one-one queue, based on serializability guaranties of x64 and ticket lock to ensure writer unicity.
+ template <typename T, ui32 TSize>
+ class TSimpleMailboxQueue {
+ TOneOneQueueInplace<T, TSize> Queue;
+ TTicketLock Lock;
+ public:
ui32 Push(T x) noexcept {
- const ui32 spins = Lock.Acquire();
- Queue.Push(x);
- Lock.Release();
- return spins;
- }
- T Head() {
- return Queue.Head();
- }
- T Pop() {
- return Queue.Pop();
- }
- typename TOneOneQueueInplace<T, TSize>::TReadIterator ReadIterator() {
- return Queue.Iterator();
- }
- };
+ const ui32 spins = Lock.Acquire();
+ Queue.Push(x);
+ Lock.Release();
+ return spins;
+ }
+ T Head() {
+ return Queue.Head();
+ }
+ T Pop() {
+ return Queue.Pop();
+ }
+ typename TOneOneQueueInplace<T, TSize>::TReadIterator ReadIterator() {
+ return Queue.Iterator();
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/mon.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/mon.h
index 93dfbe28b1..c450f2338e 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/mon.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/mon.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace NActors {
static_assert(End < EventSpaceEnd(NActors::TEvents::ES_MON), "expect End < EventSpaceEnd(NActors::TEvents::ES_MON)");
// request info from an actor in HTML format
- struct TEvHttpInfo: public NActors::TEventLocal<TEvHttpInfo, HttpInfo> {
+ struct TEvHttpInfo: public NActors::TEventLocal<TEvHttpInfo, HttpInfo> {
TEvHttpInfo(const NMonitoring::IMonHttpRequest& request, int subReqId = 0)
: Request(request)
, SubRequestId(subReqId)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace NActors {
// base class for HTTP info response
- struct IEvHttpInfoRes: public NActors::TEventLocal<IEvHttpInfoRes, HttpInfoRes> {
+ struct IEvHttpInfoRes: public NActors::TEventLocal<IEvHttpInfoRes, HttpInfoRes> {
enum EContentType {
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ namespace NActors {
// Ready to output HTML in TString
- struct TEvHttpInfoRes: public IEvHttpInfoRes {
- TEvHttpInfoRes(const TString& answer, int subReqId = 0, EContentType contentType = Html)
+ struct TEvHttpInfoRes: public IEvHttpInfoRes {
+ TEvHttpInfoRes(const TString& answer, int subReqId = 0, EContentType contentType = Html)
: Answer(answer)
, SubRequestId(subReqId)
, ContentType(contentType)
@@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ namespace NActors {
const EContentType ContentType;
- struct TEvRemoteHttpInfo: public NActors::TEventBase<TEvRemoteHttpInfo, RemoteHttpInfo> {
- TEvRemoteHttpInfo() {
- }
+ struct TEvRemoteHttpInfo: public NActors::TEventBase<TEvRemoteHttpInfo, RemoteHttpInfo> {
+ TEvRemoteHttpInfo() {
+ }
TEvRemoteHttpInfo(const TString& query)
: Query(query)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
TEvRemoteHttpInfo(const TString& query, HTTP_METHOD method)
: Query(query)
@@ -133,14 +133,14 @@ namespace NActors {
- struct TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes: public NActors::TEventBase<TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes, RemoteHttpInfoRes> {
- TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes() {
- }
+ struct TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes: public NActors::TEventBase<TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes, RemoteHttpInfoRes> {
+ TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes() {
+ }
TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes(const TString& html)
: Html(html)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
TString Html;
@@ -165,14 +165,14 @@ namespace NActors {
- struct TEvRemoteJsonInfoRes: public NActors::TEventBase<TEvRemoteJsonInfoRes, RemoteJsonInfoRes> {
- TEvRemoteJsonInfoRes() {
- }
+ struct TEvRemoteJsonInfoRes: public NActors::TEventBase<TEvRemoteJsonInfoRes, RemoteJsonInfoRes> {
+ TEvRemoteJsonInfoRes() {
+ }
TEvRemoteJsonInfoRes(const TString& json)
: Json(json)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
TString Json;
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ namespace NActors {
- struct TEvRemoteBinaryInfoRes: public NActors::TEventBase<TEvRemoteBinaryInfoRes, RemoteBinaryInfoRes> {
- TEvRemoteBinaryInfoRes() {
- }
+ struct TEvRemoteBinaryInfoRes: public NActors::TEventBase<TEvRemoteBinaryInfoRes, RemoteBinaryInfoRes> {
+ TEvRemoteBinaryInfoRes() {
+ }
TEvRemoteBinaryInfoRes(const TString& blob)
: Blob(blob)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
TString Blob;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/mon_stats.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/mon_stats.h
index 0f691d5125..d55552af0c 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/mon_stats.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/mon_stats.h
@@ -7,33 +7,33 @@
namespace NActors {
struct TLogHistogram : public NMonitoring::IHistogramSnapshot {
- TLogHistogram() {
+ TLogHistogram() {
memset(Buckets, 0, sizeof(Buckets));
- }
+ }
- inline void Add(ui64 val, ui64 inc = 1) {
- size_t ind = 0;
+ inline void Add(ui64 val, ui64 inc = 1) {
+ size_t ind = 0;
#if defined(__clang__) && __clang_major__ == 3 && __clang_minor__ == 7
- asm volatile("" ::
- : "memory");
+ asm volatile("" ::
+ : "memory");
if (val > 1) {
ind = GetValueBitCount(val - 1);
- }
+ }
#if defined(__clang__) && __clang_major__ == 3 && __clang_minor__ == 7
- asm volatile("" ::
- : "memory");
+ asm volatile("" ::
+ : "memory");
- RelaxedStore(&TotalSamples, RelaxedLoad(&TotalSamples) + inc);
- RelaxedStore(&Buckets[ind], RelaxedLoad(&Buckets[ind]) + inc);
- }
- void Aggregate(const TLogHistogram& other) {
- const ui64 inc = RelaxedLoad(&other.TotalSamples);
- RelaxedStore(&TotalSamples, RelaxedLoad(&TotalSamples) + inc);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Y_ARRAY_SIZE(Buckets); ++i) {
- Buckets[i] += RelaxedLoad(&other.Buckets[i]);
- }
+ RelaxedStore(&TotalSamples, RelaxedLoad(&TotalSamples) + inc);
+ RelaxedStore(&Buckets[ind], RelaxedLoad(&Buckets[ind]) + inc);
+ }
+ void Aggregate(const TLogHistogram& other) {
+ const ui64 inc = RelaxedLoad(&other.TotalSamples);
+ RelaxedStore(&TotalSamples, RelaxedLoad(&TotalSamples) + inc);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < Y_ARRAY_SIZE(Buckets); ++i) {
+ Buckets[i] += RelaxedLoad(&other.Buckets[i]);
+ }
// IHistogramSnapshot
@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ namespace NActors {
ui64 TotalSamples = 0;
- ui64 Buckets[65];
- };
- struct TExecutorPoolStats {
- ui64 MaxUtilizationTime = 0;
- };
- struct TExecutorThreadStats {
+ ui64 Buckets[65];
+ };
+ struct TExecutorPoolStats {
+ ui64 MaxUtilizationTime = 0;
+ };
+ struct TExecutorThreadStats {
ui64 SentEvents = 0;
ui64 ReceivedEvents = 0;
ui64 PreemptedEvents = 0; // Number of events experienced hard preemption
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ namespace NActors {
NHPTimer::STime ElapsedTicks = 0;
NHPTimer::STime ParkedTicks = 0;
NHPTimer::STime BlockedTicks = 0;
- TLogHistogram ActivationTimeHistogram;
- TLogHistogram EventDeliveryTimeHistogram;
- TLogHistogram EventProcessingCountHistogram;
- TLogHistogram EventProcessingTimeHistogram;
+ TLogHistogram ActivationTimeHistogram;
+ TLogHistogram EventDeliveryTimeHistogram;
+ TLogHistogram EventProcessingCountHistogram;
+ TLogHistogram EventProcessingTimeHistogram;
TVector<NHPTimer::STime> ElapsedTicksByActivity;
TVector<ui64> ReceivedEventsByActivity;
TVector<i64> ActorsAliveByActivity; // the sum should be positive, but per-thread might be negative
@@ -87,61 +87,61 @@ namespace NActors {
ui64 MailboxPushedOutByTime = 0;
ui64 MailboxPushedOutByEventCount = 0;
- TExecutorThreadStats(size_t activityVecSize = 1) // must be not empty as 0 used as default
+ TExecutorThreadStats(size_t activityVecSize = 1) // must be not empty as 0 used as default
: ElapsedTicksByActivity(activityVecSize)
, ReceivedEventsByActivity(activityVecSize)
, ActorsAliveByActivity(activityVecSize)
, ScheduledEventsByActivity(activityVecSize)
- template <typename T>
+ template <typename T>
static void AggregateOne(TVector<T>& self, const TVector<T>& other) {
- const size_t selfSize = self.size();
- const size_t otherSize = other.size();
- if (selfSize < otherSize)
- self.resize(otherSize);
- for (size_t at = 0; at < otherSize; ++at)
- self[at] += RelaxedLoad(&other[at]);
- }
- void Aggregate(const TExecutorThreadStats& other) {
- SentEvents += RelaxedLoad(&other.SentEvents);
- ReceivedEvents += RelaxedLoad(&other.ReceivedEvents);
+ const size_t selfSize = self.size();
+ const size_t otherSize = other.size();
+ if (selfSize < otherSize)
+ self.resize(otherSize);
+ for (size_t at = 0; at < otherSize; ++at)
+ self[at] += RelaxedLoad(&other[at]);
+ }
+ void Aggregate(const TExecutorThreadStats& other) {
+ SentEvents += RelaxedLoad(&other.SentEvents);
+ ReceivedEvents += RelaxedLoad(&other.ReceivedEvents);
PreemptedEvents += RelaxedLoad(&other.PreemptedEvents);
- NonDeliveredEvents += RelaxedLoad(&other.NonDeliveredEvents);
- EmptyMailboxActivation += RelaxedLoad(&other.EmptyMailboxActivation);
+ NonDeliveredEvents += RelaxedLoad(&other.NonDeliveredEvents);
+ EmptyMailboxActivation += RelaxedLoad(&other.EmptyMailboxActivation);
CpuNs += RelaxedLoad(&other.CpuNs);
- ElapsedTicks += RelaxedLoad(&other.ElapsedTicks);
- ParkedTicks += RelaxedLoad(&other.ParkedTicks);
+ ElapsedTicks += RelaxedLoad(&other.ElapsedTicks);
+ ParkedTicks += RelaxedLoad(&other.ParkedTicks);
BlockedTicks += RelaxedLoad(&other.BlockedTicks);
MailboxPushedOutBySoftPreemption += RelaxedLoad(&other.MailboxPushedOutBySoftPreemption);
MailboxPushedOutByTime += RelaxedLoad(&other.MailboxPushedOutByTime);
MailboxPushedOutByEventCount += RelaxedLoad(&other.MailboxPushedOutByEventCount);
- ActivationTimeHistogram.Aggregate(other.ActivationTimeHistogram);
- EventDeliveryTimeHistogram.Aggregate(other.EventDeliveryTimeHistogram);
- EventProcessingCountHistogram.Aggregate(other.EventProcessingCountHistogram);
- EventProcessingTimeHistogram.Aggregate(other.EventProcessingTimeHistogram);
- AggregateOne(ElapsedTicksByActivity, other.ElapsedTicksByActivity);
- AggregateOne(ReceivedEventsByActivity, other.ReceivedEventsByActivity);
- AggregateOne(ActorsAliveByActivity, other.ActorsAliveByActivity);
+ ActivationTimeHistogram.Aggregate(other.ActivationTimeHistogram);
+ EventDeliveryTimeHistogram.Aggregate(other.EventDeliveryTimeHistogram);
+ EventProcessingCountHistogram.Aggregate(other.EventProcessingCountHistogram);
+ EventProcessingTimeHistogram.Aggregate(other.EventProcessingTimeHistogram);
+ AggregateOne(ElapsedTicksByActivity, other.ElapsedTicksByActivity);
+ AggregateOne(ReceivedEventsByActivity, other.ReceivedEventsByActivity);
+ AggregateOne(ActorsAliveByActivity, other.ActorsAliveByActivity);
AggregateOne(ScheduledEventsByActivity, other.ScheduledEventsByActivity);
- RelaxedStore(
- &PoolActorRegistrations,
- std::max(RelaxedLoad(&PoolActorRegistrations), RelaxedLoad(&other.PoolActorRegistrations)));
- RelaxedStore(
- &PoolDestroyedActors,
- std::max(RelaxedLoad(&PoolDestroyedActors), RelaxedLoad(&other.PoolDestroyedActors)));
- RelaxedStore(
- &PoolAllocatedMailboxes,
- std::max(RelaxedLoad(&PoolAllocatedMailboxes), RelaxedLoad(&other.PoolAllocatedMailboxes)));
- }
- size_t MaxActivityType() const {
- return ActorsAliveByActivity.size();
- }
- };
+ RelaxedStore(
+ &PoolActorRegistrations,
+ std::max(RelaxedLoad(&PoolActorRegistrations), RelaxedLoad(&other.PoolActorRegistrations)));
+ RelaxedStore(
+ &PoolDestroyedActors,
+ std::max(RelaxedLoad(&PoolDestroyedActors), RelaxedLoad(&other.PoolDestroyedActors)));
+ RelaxedStore(
+ &PoolAllocatedMailboxes,
+ std::max(RelaxedLoad(&PoolAllocatedMailboxes), RelaxedLoad(&other.PoolAllocatedMailboxes)));
+ }
+ size_t MaxActivityType() const {
+ return ActorsAliveByActivity.size();
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/probes.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/probes.h
index 44abe77d5d..4912d6dd26 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/probes.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/probes.h
@@ -7,22 +7,22 @@
#define LWTYPE_ACTORID ui64, ui64, ui32, ui32
#define LWNAME_ACTORID(n) n "Raw1", n "Raw2", n "NodeId", n "PoolId"
- PROBE(SlowEvent, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double, TString, TString, TString), \
- NAMES("poolId", "eventMs", "eventType", "actorId", "actorType")) \
- PROBE(EventSlowDelivery, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double, double, ui64, TString, TString, TString), \
- NAMES("poolId", "deliveryMs", "sinceActivationMs", "eventProcessedBefore", "eventType", "actorId", "actorType")) \
- PROBE(SlowActivation, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double), \
- NAMES("poolId", "activationMs")) \
- PROBE(SlowRegisterNew, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double), \
- NAMES("poolId", "registerNewMs")) \
- PROBE(SlowRegisterAdd, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double), \
- NAMES("poolId", "registerAddMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowEvent, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double, TString, TString, TString), \
+ NAMES("poolId", "eventMs", "eventType", "actorId", "actorType")) \
+ PROBE(EventSlowDelivery, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double, double, ui64, TString, TString, TString), \
+ NAMES("poolId", "deliveryMs", "sinceActivationMs", "eventProcessedBefore", "eventType", "actorId", "actorType")) \
+ PROBE(SlowActivation, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double), \
+ NAMES("poolId", "activationMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowRegisterNew, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double), \
+ NAMES("poolId", "registerNewMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowRegisterAdd, GROUPS("ActorLibSlow"), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double), \
+ NAMES("poolId", "registerAddMs")) \
PROBE(MailboxPushedOutBySoftPreemption, GROUPS("ActorLibMailbox", "ActorLibMailboxPushedOut"), \
TYPES(ui32, TString, ui32, TDuration, ui64, TString, TString), \
NAMES("poolId", "pool", "eventsProcessed", "procTimeMs", "workerId", "actorId", "actorType")) \
@@ -41,32 +41,32 @@
PROBE(ActivationEnd, GROUPS(), \
TYPES(ui32, ui32, ui32), \
NAMES("cpu", "poolId", "workerId")) \
- PROBE(ExecutorThreadStats, GROUPS("ActorLibStats"), \
+ PROBE(ExecutorThreadStats, GROUPS("ActorLibStats"), \
TYPES(ui32, TString, ui64, ui64, ui64, double, double), \
NAMES("poolId", "pool", "workerId", "execCount", "readyActivationCount", "execMs", "nonExecMs")) \
- PROBE(SlowICReadLoopAdjustSize, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
- TYPES(double), \
- NAMES("icReadLoopAdjustSizeMs")) \
- PROBE(SlowICReadFromSocket, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
- TYPES(double), \
- NAMES("icReadFromSocketMs")) \
- PROBE(SlowICReadLoopSend, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
- TYPES(double), \
- NAMES("icReadLoopSendMs")) \
- PROBE(SlowICAllocPacketBuffer, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double), \
- NAMES("peerId", "icAllocPacketBufferMs")) \
- PROBE(SlowICFillSendingBuffer, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double), \
- NAMES("peerId", "icFillSendingBufferMs")) \
- PROBE(SlowICPushSentPackets, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double), \
- NAMES("peerId", "icPushSentPacketsMs")) \
- PROBE(SlowICPushSendQueue, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double), \
- NAMES("peerId", "icPushSendQueueMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowICReadLoopAdjustSize, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
+ TYPES(double), \
+ NAMES("icReadLoopAdjustSizeMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowICReadFromSocket, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
+ TYPES(double), \
+ NAMES("icReadFromSocketMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowICReadLoopSend, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
+ TYPES(double), \
+ NAMES("icReadLoopSendMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowICAllocPacketBuffer, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double), \
+ NAMES("peerId", "icAllocPacketBufferMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowICFillSendingBuffer, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double), \
+ NAMES("peerId", "icFillSendingBufferMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowICPushSentPackets, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double), \
+ NAMES("peerId", "icPushSentPacketsMs")) \
+ PROBE(SlowICPushSendQueue, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double), \
+ NAMES("peerId", "icPushSendQueueMs")) \
PROBE(SlowICWriteData, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
- TYPES(ui32, double), \
+ TYPES(ui32, double), \
NAMES("peerId", "icWriteDataMs")) \
PROBE(SlowICDropConfirmed, GROUPS("ActorLibSlowIC"), \
TYPES(ui32, double), \
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/process_stats.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/process_stats.cpp
index 3c5fd82afd..0e1dbd0031 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/process_stats.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/process_stats.cpp
@@ -13,84 +13,84 @@
#include <util/string/split.h>
#ifndef _win_
-#include <sys/user.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/user.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
namespace NActors {
#ifdef _linux_
- namespace {
- template <typename TVal>
- static bool ExtractVal(const TString& str, const TString& name, TVal& res) {
- if (!str.StartsWith(name))
- return false;
+ namespace {
+ template <typename TVal>
+ static bool ExtractVal(const TString& str, const TString& name, TVal& res) {
+ if (!str.StartsWith(name))
+ return false;
size_t pos = name.size();
while (pos < str.size() && (str[pos] == ' ' || str[pos] == '\t')) {
- pos++;
- }
+ pos++;
+ }
res = atol(str.data() + pos);
- return true;
- }
+ return true;
+ }
- float TicksPerMillisec() {
+ float TicksPerMillisec() {
#ifdef _SC_CLK_TCK
- return sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) / 1000.0;
+ return sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) / 1000.0;
- return 1.f;
+ return 1.f;
- }
+ }
- bool TProcStat::Fill(pid_t pid) {
- try {
+ bool TProcStat::Fill(pid_t pid) {
+ try {
TString strPid(ToString(pid));
TFileInput proc("/proc/" + strPid + "/status");
- TString str;
- while (proc.ReadLine(str)) {
- if (ExtractVal(str, "VmRSS:", Rss))
- continue;
- if (ExtractVal(str, "voluntary_ctxt_switches:", VolCtxSwtch))
- continue;
- if (ExtractVal(str, "nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:", NonvolCtxSwtch))
- continue;
- }
- // Convert from kB to bytes
- Rss *= 1024;
- float tickPerMillisec = TicksPerMillisec();
+ TString str;
+ while (proc.ReadLine(str)) {
+ if (ExtractVal(str, "VmRSS:", Rss))
+ continue;
+ if (ExtractVal(str, "voluntary_ctxt_switches:", VolCtxSwtch))
+ continue;
+ if (ExtractVal(str, "nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:", NonvolCtxSwtch))
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Convert from kB to bytes
+ Rss *= 1024;
+ float tickPerMillisec = TicksPerMillisec();
TFileInput procStat("/proc/" + strPid + "/stat");
- procStat.ReadLine(str);
- if (!str.empty()) {
+ procStat.ReadLine(str);
+ if (!str.empty()) {
- "%d %*s %c %d %d %d %d %d %u %lu %lu "
- "%lu %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld "
- "%ld %llu %lu %ld %lu",
- &Pid, &State, &Ppid, &Pgrp, &Session, &TtyNr, &TPgid, &Flags, &MinFlt, &CMinFlt,
- &MajFlt, &CMajFlt, &Utime, &Stime, &CUtime, &CStime, &Priority, &Nice, &NumThreads,
- &ItRealValue, &StartTime, &Vsize, &RssPages, &RssLim);
- Utime /= tickPerMillisec;
- Stime /= tickPerMillisec;
- CUtime /= tickPerMillisec;
- CStime /= tickPerMillisec;
+ "%d %*s %c %d %d %d %d %d %u %lu %lu "
+ "%lu %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld "
+ "%ld %llu %lu %ld %lu",
+ &Pid, &State, &Ppid, &Pgrp, &Session, &TtyNr, &TPgid, &Flags, &MinFlt, &CMinFlt,
+ &MajFlt, &CMajFlt, &Utime, &Stime, &CUtime, &CStime, &Priority, &Nice, &NumThreads,
+ &ItRealValue, &StartTime, &Vsize, &RssPages, &RssLim);
+ Utime /= tickPerMillisec;
+ Stime /= tickPerMillisec;
+ CUtime /= tickPerMillisec;
+ CStime /= tickPerMillisec;
SystemUptime = ::Uptime();
Uptime = SystemUptime - TDuration::MilliSeconds(StartTime / TicksPerMillisec());
TFileInput statm("/proc/" + strPid + "/statm");
- statm.ReadLine(str);
+ statm.ReadLine(str);
TVector<TString> fields;
StringSplitter(str).Split(' ').SkipEmpty().Collect(&fields);
- if (fields.size() >= 7) {
- ui64 resident = FromString<ui64>(fields[1]);
- ui64 shared = FromString<ui64>(fields[2]);
- if (PageSize == 0) {
- PageSize = ObtainPageSize();
- }
- FileRss = shared * PageSize;
- AnonRss = (resident - shared) * PageSize;
- }
+ if (fields.size() >= 7) {
+ ui64 resident = FromString<ui64>(fields[1]);
+ ui64 shared = FromString<ui64>(fields[2]);
+ if (PageSize == 0) {
+ PageSize = ObtainPageSize();
+ }
+ FileRss = shared * PageSize;
+ AnonRss = (resident - shared) * PageSize;
+ }
TFileInput cgroup("/proc/" + strPid + "/cgroup");
TString line;
@@ -112,70 +112,70 @@ namespace NActors {
- } catch (...) {
- return false;
+ } catch (...) {
+ return false;
- return true;
+ return true;
- long TProcStat::ObtainPageSize() {
- long sz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
- return sz;
- }
+ long TProcStat::ObtainPageSize() {
+ long sz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+ return sz;
+ }
- bool TProcStat::Fill(pid_t pid) {
- Y_UNUSED(pid);
- return false;
- }
+ bool TProcStat::Fill(pid_t pid) {
+ Y_UNUSED(pid);
+ return false;
+ }
- long TProcStat::ObtainPageSize() {
- return 0;
- }
+ long TProcStat::ObtainPageSize() {
+ return 0;
+ }
namespace {
- // Periodically collects process stats and exposes them as mon counters
+ // Periodically collects process stats and exposes them as mon counters
template <typename TDerived>
class TProcStatCollectingActor: public TActorBootstrapped<TProcStatCollectingActor<TDerived>> {
- public:
- static constexpr IActor::EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
- return IActor::ACTORLIB_STATS;
- }
+ public:
+ static constexpr IActor::EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
+ return IActor::ACTORLIB_STATS;
+ }
TProcStatCollectingActor(TDuration interval)
: Interval(interval)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext& ctx) {
ctx.Schedule(Interval, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
+ }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, Wakeup);
- }
- }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, Wakeup);
+ }
+ }
- private:
- void Wakeup(const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ private:
+ void Wakeup(const TActorContext& ctx) {
ctx.Schedule(Interval, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
TDerived* Self() {
- ProcStat.Fill(getpid());
+ ProcStat.Fill(getpid());
return static_cast<TDerived*>(this);
- }
+ }
const TDuration Interval;
TProcStat ProcStat;
- };
+ };
// Periodically collects process stats and exposes them as mon counters
class TDynamicCounterCollector: public TProcStatCollectingActor<TDynamicCounterCollector> {
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_basic.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_basic.cpp
index abba1f818f..fba200e16b 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_basic.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_basic.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#include "scheduler_basic.h"
-#include "scheduler_queue.h"
+#include "scheduler_basic.h"
+#include "scheduler_queue.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/thread.h>
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include <library/cpp/balloc/optional/operators.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
struct TBasicSchedulerThread::TMonCounters {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TimeDelayMs;
@@ -32,144 +32,144 @@ namespace NActors {
{ }
- TBasicSchedulerThread::TBasicSchedulerThread(const TSchedulerConfig& config)
- : Config(config)
+ TBasicSchedulerThread::TBasicSchedulerThread(const TSchedulerConfig& config)
+ : Config(config)
, MonCounters(Config.MonCounters ? new TMonCounters(Config.MonCounters) : nullptr)
- , ActorSystem(nullptr)
- , CurrentTimestamp(nullptr)
+ , ActorSystem(nullptr)
+ , CurrentTimestamp(nullptr)
, CurrentMonotonic(nullptr)
- , TotalReaders(0)
- , StopFlag(false)
- , ScheduleMap(3600)
- {
+ , TotalReaders(0)
+ , StopFlag(false)
+ , ScheduleMap(3600)
+ {
Y_VERIFY(!Config.UseSchedulerActor, "Cannot create scheduler thread because Config.UseSchedulerActor# true");
- }
- TBasicSchedulerThread::~TBasicSchedulerThread() {
- Y_VERIFY(!MainCycle);
- }
- void TBasicSchedulerThread::CycleFunc() {
+ }
+ TBasicSchedulerThread::~TBasicSchedulerThread() {
+ Y_VERIFY(!MainCycle);
+ }
+ void TBasicSchedulerThread::CycleFunc() {
#ifdef BALLOC
ui64 currentMonotonic = RelaxedLoad(CurrentMonotonic);
ui64 throttledMonotonic = currentMonotonic;
ui64 activeTick = AlignUp<ui64>(throttledMonotonic, IntrasecondThreshold);
- TAutoPtr<TMomentMap> activeSec;
+ TAutoPtr<TMomentMap> activeSec;
NHPTimer::STime hpprev = GetCycleCountFast();
ui64 nextTimestamp = TInstant::Now().MicroSeconds();
ui64 nextMonotonic = Max(currentMonotonic, GetMonotonicMicroSeconds());
- while (!AtomicLoad(&StopFlag)) {
- {
+ while (!AtomicLoad(&StopFlag)) {
+ {
const ui64 delta = nextMonotonic - throttledMonotonic;
const ui64 elapsedDelta = nextMonotonic - currentMonotonic;
const ui64 threshold = Max(Min(Config.ProgressThreshold, 2 * elapsedDelta), ui64(1));
throttledMonotonic = (delta > threshold) ? throttledMonotonic + threshold : nextMonotonic;
if (MonCounters) {
*MonCounters->TimeDelayMs = (nextMonotonic - throttledMonotonic) / 1000;
- }
+ }
AtomicStore(CurrentTimestamp, nextTimestamp);
AtomicStore(CurrentMonotonic, nextMonotonic);
currentMonotonic = nextMonotonic;
if (MonCounters) {
- bool somethingDone = false;
- // first step - send everything triggered on schedule
+ bool somethingDone = false;
+ // first step - send everything triggered on schedule
ui64 eventsSent = 0;
ui64 eventsDropped = 0;
- for (;;) {
- while (!!activeSec && !activeSec->empty()) {
- TMomentMap::iterator it = activeSec->begin();
+ for (;;) {
+ while (!!activeSec && !activeSec->empty()) {
+ TMomentMap::iterator it = activeSec->begin();
if (it->first <= throttledMonotonic) {
if (NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType* q = it->second.Get()) {
- while (NSchedulerQueue::TEntry* x = q->Reader.Pop()) {
- somethingDone = true;
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x->InstantMicroseconds <= activeTick);
- IEventHandle* ev = x->Ev;
- ISchedulerCookie* cookie = x->Cookie;
- // TODO: lazy send with backoff queue to not hang over contended mailboxes
- if (cookie) {
+ while (NSchedulerQueue::TEntry* x = q->Reader.Pop()) {
+ somethingDone = true;
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x->InstantMicroseconds <= activeTick);
+ IEventHandle* ev = x->Ev;
+ ISchedulerCookie* cookie = x->Cookie;
+ // TODO: lazy send with backoff queue to not hang over contended mailboxes
+ if (cookie) {
if (cookie->Detach()) {
- ActorSystem->Send(ev);
+ ActorSystem->Send(ev);
} else {
- delete ev;
+ delete ev;
- } else {
- ActorSystem->Send(ev);
+ } else {
+ ActorSystem->Send(ev);
- }
- }
- }
- activeSec->erase(it);
- } else
- break;
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ activeSec->erase(it);
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
if (activeTick <= throttledMonotonic) {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(!activeSec || activeSec->empty());
- activeSec.Destroy();
- activeTick += IntrasecondThreshold;
- TScheduleMap::iterator it = ScheduleMap.find(activeTick);
- if (it != ScheduleMap.end()) {
- activeSec = it->second;
- ScheduleMap.erase(it);
- }
- continue;
- }
- // ok, if we are here - then nothing is ready, so send step complete
- break;
- }
- // second step - collect everything from queues
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(!activeSec || activeSec->empty());
+ activeSec.Destroy();
+ activeTick += IntrasecondThreshold;
+ TScheduleMap::iterator it = ScheduleMap.find(activeTick);
+ if (it != ScheduleMap.end()) {
+ activeSec = it->second;
+ ScheduleMap.erase(it);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // ok, if we are here - then nothing is ready, so send step complete
+ break;
+ }
+ // second step - collect everything from queues
ui64 eventsAdded = 0;
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != TotalReaders; ++i) {
- while (NSchedulerQueue::TEntry* x = Readers[i]->Pop()) {
- somethingDone = true;
- const ui64 instant = AlignUp<ui64>(x->InstantMicroseconds, Config.ResolutionMicroseconds);
- IEventHandle* const ev = x->Ev;
- ISchedulerCookie* const cookie = x->Cookie;
- // check is cookie still valid? looks like it will hurt performance w/o sagnificant memory save
- if (instant <= activeTick) {
- if (!activeSec)
- activeSec.Reset(new TMomentMap());
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != TotalReaders; ++i) {
+ while (NSchedulerQueue::TEntry* x = Readers[i]->Pop()) {
+ somethingDone = true;
+ const ui64 instant = AlignUp<ui64>(x->InstantMicroseconds, Config.ResolutionMicroseconds);
+ IEventHandle* const ev = x->Ev;
+ ISchedulerCookie* const cookie = x->Cookie;
+ // check is cookie still valid? looks like it will hurt performance w/o sagnificant memory save
+ if (instant <= activeTick) {
+ if (!activeSec)
+ activeSec.Reset(new TMomentMap());
TAutoPtr<NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType>& queue = (*activeSec)[instant];
- if (!queue)
+ if (!queue)
queue.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType());
- queue->Writer.Push(instant, ev, cookie);
- } else {
- const ui64 intrasecond = AlignUp<ui64>(instant, IntrasecondThreshold);
- TAutoPtr<TMomentMap>& msec = ScheduleMap[intrasecond];
- if (!msec)
- msec.Reset(new TMomentMap());
+ queue->Writer.Push(instant, ev, cookie);
+ } else {
+ const ui64 intrasecond = AlignUp<ui64>(instant, IntrasecondThreshold);
+ TAutoPtr<TMomentMap>& msec = ScheduleMap[intrasecond];
+ if (!msec)
+ msec.Reset(new TMomentMap());
TAutoPtr<NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType>& queue = (*msec)[instant];
- if (!queue)
+ if (!queue)
queue.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType());
- queue->Writer.Push(instant, ev, cookie);
- }
+ queue->Writer.Push(instant, ev, cookie);
+ }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
NHPTimer::STime hpnow = GetCycleCountFast();
if (MonCounters) {
@@ -185,46 +185,46 @@ namespace NActors {
nextTimestamp = TInstant::Now().MicroSeconds();
nextMonotonic = Max(currentMonotonic, GetMonotonicMicroSeconds());
- // ok complete, if nothing left - sleep
- if (!somethingDone) {
+ // ok complete, if nothing left - sleep
+ if (!somethingDone) {
const ui64 nextInstant = AlignDown<ui64>(throttledMonotonic + Config.ResolutionMicroseconds, Config.ResolutionMicroseconds);
if (nextMonotonic >= nextInstant) // already in next time-slice
- continue;
+ continue;
const ui64 delta = nextInstant - nextMonotonic;
- if (delta < Config.SpinThreshold) // not so much time left, just spin
- continue;
+ if (delta < Config.SpinThreshold) // not so much time left, just spin
+ continue;
if (MonCounters) {
- NanoSleep(delta * 1000); // ok, looks like we should sleep a bit.
+ NanoSleep(delta * 1000); // ok, looks like we should sleep a bit.
// Don't count sleep in elapsed microseconds
hpprev = GetCycleCountFast();
nextTimestamp = TInstant::Now().MicroSeconds();
nextMonotonic = Max(currentMonotonic, GetMonotonicMicroSeconds());
- }
- }
- // ok, die!
- }
+ }
+ }
+ // ok, die!
+ }
void TBasicSchedulerThread::Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, volatile ui64* currentTimestamp, volatile ui64* currentMonotonic) {
- ActorSystem = actorSystem;
- CurrentTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
+ ActorSystem = actorSystem;
+ CurrentTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
CurrentMonotonic = currentMonotonic;
*CurrentTimestamp = TInstant::Now().MicroSeconds();
*CurrentMonotonic = GetMonotonicMicroSeconds();
- }
+ }
void TBasicSchedulerThread::PrepareSchedules(NSchedulerQueue::TReader** readers, ui32 scheduleReadersCount) {
- Y_VERIFY(scheduleReadersCount > 0);
- TotalReaders = scheduleReadersCount;
- Readers.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TReader*[scheduleReadersCount]);
- Copy(readers, readers + scheduleReadersCount, Readers.Get());
- }
+ Y_VERIFY(scheduleReadersCount > 0);
+ TotalReaders = scheduleReadersCount;
+ Readers.Reset(new NSchedulerQueue::TReader*[scheduleReadersCount]);
+ Copy(readers, readers + scheduleReadersCount, Readers.Get());
+ }
void TBasicSchedulerThread::PrepareStart() {
// Called after actor system is initialized, but before executor threads
// are started, giving us a chance to update current timestamp with a
@@ -235,18 +235,18 @@ namespace NActors {
AtomicStore(CurrentMonotonic, Max(RelaxedLoad(CurrentMonotonic), GetMonotonicMicroSeconds()));
- void TBasicSchedulerThread::Start() {
- MainCycle.Reset(new NThreading::TLegacyFuture<void, false>(std::bind(&TBasicSchedulerThread::CycleFunc, this)));
- }
- void TBasicSchedulerThread::PrepareStop() {
- AtomicStore(&StopFlag, true);
- }
- void TBasicSchedulerThread::Stop() {
- MainCycle->Get();
- MainCycle.Destroy();
- }
+ void TBasicSchedulerThread::Start() {
+ MainCycle.Reset(new NThreading::TLegacyFuture<void, false>(std::bind(&TBasicSchedulerThread::CycleFunc, this)));
+ }
+ void TBasicSchedulerThread::PrepareStop() {
+ AtomicStore(&StopFlag, true);
+ }
+ void TBasicSchedulerThread::Stop() {
+ MainCycle->Get();
+ MainCycle.Destroy();
+ }
@@ -269,6 +269,6 @@ namespace NActors {
ISchedulerThread* CreateSchedulerThread(const TSchedulerConfig& config) {
return new TBasicSchedulerThread(config);
#endif // __linux__
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_basic.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_basic.h
index f66e784696..2ccde39235 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_basic.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_basic.h
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "actorsystem.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "actorsystem.h"
#include "monotonic.h"
-#include "scheduler_queue.h"
+#include "scheduler_queue.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/queue_chunk.h>
#include <library/cpp/threading/future/legacy_future.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
-namespace NActors {
- class TBasicSchedulerThread: public ISchedulerThread {
- // TODO: replace with NUMA-local threads and per-thread schedules
- const TSchedulerConfig Config;
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+namespace NActors {
+ class TBasicSchedulerThread: public ISchedulerThread {
+ // TODO: replace with NUMA-local threads and per-thread schedules
+ const TSchedulerConfig Config;
struct TMonCounters;
const THolder<TMonCounters> MonCounters;
- TActorSystem* ActorSystem;
- volatile ui64* CurrentTimestamp;
+ TActorSystem* ActorSystem;
+ volatile ui64* CurrentTimestamp;
volatile ui64* CurrentMonotonic;
- ui32 TotalReaders;
- TArrayHolder<NSchedulerQueue::TReader*> Readers;
- volatile bool StopFlag;
+ ui32 TotalReaders;
+ TArrayHolder<NSchedulerQueue::TReader*> Readers;
+ volatile bool StopFlag;
typedef TMap<ui64, TAutoPtr<NSchedulerQueue::TQueueType>> TMomentMap; // intrasecond queues
typedef THashMap<ui64, TAutoPtr<TMomentMap>> TScheduleMap; // over-second schedule
- TScheduleMap ScheduleMap;
- THolder<NThreading::TLegacyFuture<void, false>> MainCycle;
- static const ui64 IntrasecondThreshold = 1048576; // ~second
- void CycleFunc();
- public:
- TBasicSchedulerThread(const TSchedulerConfig& config = TSchedulerConfig());
- ~TBasicSchedulerThread();
+ TScheduleMap ScheduleMap;
+ THolder<NThreading::TLegacyFuture<void, false>> MainCycle;
+ static const ui64 IntrasecondThreshold = 1048576; // ~second
+ void CycleFunc();
+ public:
+ TBasicSchedulerThread(const TSchedulerConfig& config = TSchedulerConfig());
+ ~TBasicSchedulerThread();
void Prepare(TActorSystem* actorSystem, volatile ui64* currentTimestamp, volatile ui64* currentMonotonic) override;
void PrepareSchedules(NSchedulerQueue::TReader** readers, ui32 scheduleReadersCount) override;
void PrepareStart() override;
void Start() override;
void PrepareStop() override;
void Stop() override;
- };
+ };
class TMockSchedulerThread: public ISchedulerThread {
@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ namespace NActors {
ISchedulerThread* CreateSchedulerThread(const TSchedulerConfig& cfg);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_cookie.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_cookie.cpp
index 99717f56e4..0fa6f543a7 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_cookie.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_cookie.cpp
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
-#include "scheduler_cookie.h"
-namespace NActors {
- class TSchedulerCookie2Way: public ISchedulerCookie {
- TAtomic Value;
- public:
- TSchedulerCookie2Way()
- : Value(2)
- {
- }
+#include "scheduler_cookie.h"
+namespace NActors {
+ class TSchedulerCookie2Way: public ISchedulerCookie {
+ TAtomic Value;
+ public:
+ TSchedulerCookie2Way()
+ : Value(2)
+ {
+ }
bool IsArmed() noexcept override {
return (AtomicGet(Value) == 2);
- }
+ }
bool Detach() noexcept override {
- const ui64 x = AtomicDecrement(Value);
- if (x == 1)
- return true;
- if (x == 0) {
- delete this;
- return false;
- }
- Y_FAIL();
- }
+ const ui64 x = AtomicDecrement(Value);
+ if (x == 1)
+ return true;
+ if (x == 0) {
+ delete this;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
bool DetachEvent() noexcept override {
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- };
- ISchedulerCookie* ISchedulerCookie::Make2Way() {
- return new TSchedulerCookie2Way();
- }
- class TSchedulerCookie3Way: public ISchedulerCookie {
- TAtomic Value;
- public:
- TSchedulerCookie3Way()
- : Value(3)
- {
- }
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ };
+ ISchedulerCookie* ISchedulerCookie::Make2Way() {
+ return new TSchedulerCookie2Way();
+ }
+ class TSchedulerCookie3Way: public ISchedulerCookie {
+ TAtomic Value;
+ public:
+ TSchedulerCookie3Way()
+ : Value(3)
+ {
+ }
bool IsArmed() noexcept override {
return (AtomicGet(Value) == 3);
- }
+ }
bool Detach() noexcept override {
- const ui64 x = AtomicDecrement(Value);
- if (x == 2)
- return true;
- if (x == 1)
- return false;
- if (x == 0) {
- delete this;
- return false;
- }
- Y_FAIL();
- }
+ const ui64 x = AtomicDecrement(Value);
+ if (x == 2)
+ return true;
+ if (x == 1)
+ return false;
+ if (x == 0) {
+ delete this;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
bool DetachEvent() noexcept override {
- const ui64 x = AtomicDecrement(Value);
- if (x == 2)
- return false;
- if (x == 1)
- return true;
- if (x == 0) {
- delete this;
- return false;
- }
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- };
- ISchedulerCookie* ISchedulerCookie::Make3Way() {
- return new TSchedulerCookie3Way();
- }
+ const ui64 x = AtomicDecrement(Value);
+ if (x == 2)
+ return false;
+ if (x == 1)
+ return true;
+ if (x == 0) {
+ delete this;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ };
+ ISchedulerCookie* ISchedulerCookie::Make3Way() {
+ return new TSchedulerCookie3Way();
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_cookie.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_cookie.h
index 638c1ab5fe..2c20ca67f3 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_cookie.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_cookie.h
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
-namespace NActors {
- class ISchedulerCookie : TNonCopyable {
- protected:
- virtual ~ISchedulerCookie() {
- }
- public:
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
+namespace NActors {
+ class ISchedulerCookie : TNonCopyable {
+ protected:
+ virtual ~ISchedulerCookie() {
+ }
+ public:
virtual bool Detach() noexcept = 0;
virtual bool DetachEvent() noexcept = 0;
virtual bool IsArmed() noexcept = 0;
- static ISchedulerCookie* Make2Way();
- static ISchedulerCookie* Make3Way();
- };
+ static ISchedulerCookie* Make2Way();
+ static ISchedulerCookie* Make3Way();
+ };
class TSchedulerCookieHolder : TNonCopyable {
- ISchedulerCookie* Cookie;
- public:
- TSchedulerCookieHolder()
+ ISchedulerCookie* Cookie;
+ public:
+ TSchedulerCookieHolder()
: Cookie(nullptr)
- {
- }
- TSchedulerCookieHolder(ISchedulerCookie* x)
- : Cookie(x)
- {
- }
- ~TSchedulerCookieHolder() {
- Detach();
- }
+ {
+ }
+ TSchedulerCookieHolder(ISchedulerCookie* x)
+ : Cookie(x)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TSchedulerCookieHolder() {
+ Detach();
+ }
bool operator==(const TSchedulerCookieHolder& x) const noexcept {
- return (Cookie == x.Cookie);
- }
+ return (Cookie == x.Cookie);
+ }
ISchedulerCookie* Get() const {
- return Cookie;
- }
+ return Cookie;
+ }
ISchedulerCookie* Release() {
ISchedulerCookie* result = Cookie;
Cookie = nullptr;
return result;
- void Reset(ISchedulerCookie* cookie) {
- Detach();
- Cookie = cookie;
- }
+ void Reset(ISchedulerCookie* cookie) {
+ Detach();
+ Cookie = cookie;
+ }
bool Detach() noexcept {
- if (Cookie) {
- const bool res = Cookie->Detach();
+ if (Cookie) {
+ const bool res = Cookie->Detach();
Cookie = nullptr;
- return res;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
bool DetachEvent() noexcept {
- if (Cookie) {
- const bool res = Cookie->DetachEvent();
+ if (Cookie) {
+ const bool res = Cookie->DetachEvent();
Cookie = nullptr;
- return res;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- };
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_queue.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_queue.h
index 4d353096d2..3b8fac28f0 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_queue.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_queue.h
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/queue_chunk.h>
-namespace NActors {
- class IEventHandle;
- class ISchedulerCookie;
- namespace NSchedulerQueue {
- struct TEntry {
- ui64 InstantMicroseconds;
- IEventHandle* Ev;
- ISchedulerCookie* Cookie;
- };
+namespace NActors {
+ class IEventHandle;
+ class ISchedulerCookie;
+ namespace NSchedulerQueue {
+ struct TEntry {
+ ui64 InstantMicroseconds;
+ IEventHandle* Ev;
+ ISchedulerCookie* Cookie;
+ };
struct TChunk : TQueueChunkDerived<TEntry, 512, TChunk> {};
- class TReader;
- class TWriter;
- class TWriterWithPadding;
- class TReader : ::TNonCopyable {
- TChunk* ReadFrom;
- ui32 ReadPosition;
- friend class TWriter;
- public:
- TReader()
- : ReadFrom(new TChunk())
- , ReadPosition(0)
- {
- }
- ~TReader() {
- while (TEntry* x = Pop()) {
- if (x->Cookie)
- x->Cookie->Detach();
- delete x->Ev;
- }
- delete ReadFrom;
- }
- TEntry* Pop() {
- TChunk* head = ReadFrom;
- if (ReadPosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
- if (AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[ReadPosition].InstantMicroseconds) != 0)
- return const_cast<TEntry*>(&head->Entries[ReadPosition++]);
- else
- return nullptr;
- } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
- ReadFrom = next;
- delete head;
- ReadPosition = 0;
- return Pop();
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- };
- class TWriter : ::TNonCopyable {
- TChunk* WriteTo;
- ui32 WritePosition;
- public:
- TWriter()
- : WriteTo(nullptr)
- , WritePosition(0)
- {
- }
- void Init(const TReader& reader) {
- WriteTo = reader.ReadFrom;
- WritePosition = 0;
- }
- void Push(ui64 instantMicrosends, IEventHandle* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) {
+ class TReader;
+ class TWriter;
+ class TWriterWithPadding;
+ class TReader : ::TNonCopyable {
+ TChunk* ReadFrom;
+ ui32 ReadPosition;
+ friend class TWriter;
+ public:
+ TReader()
+ : ReadFrom(new TChunk())
+ , ReadPosition(0)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TReader() {
+ while (TEntry* x = Pop()) {
+ if (x->Cookie)
+ x->Cookie->Detach();
+ delete x->Ev;
+ }
+ delete ReadFrom;
+ }
+ TEntry* Pop() {
+ TChunk* head = ReadFrom;
+ if (ReadPosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ if (AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[ReadPosition].InstantMicroseconds) != 0)
+ return const_cast<TEntry*>(&head->Entries[ReadPosition++]);
+ else
+ return nullptr;
+ } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
+ ReadFrom = next;
+ delete head;
+ ReadPosition = 0;
+ return Pop();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ };
+ class TWriter : ::TNonCopyable {
+ TChunk* WriteTo;
+ ui32 WritePosition;
+ public:
+ TWriter()
+ : WriteTo(nullptr)
+ , WritePosition(0)
+ {
+ }
+ void Init(const TReader& reader) {
+ WriteTo = reader.ReadFrom;
+ WritePosition = 0;
+ }
+ void Push(ui64 instantMicrosends, IEventHandle* ev, ISchedulerCookie* cookie) {
if (Y_UNLIKELY(instantMicrosends == 0)) {
// Protect against Pop() getting stuck forever
instantMicrosends = 1;
- if (WritePosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
- volatile TEntry& entry = WriteTo->Entries[WritePosition];
- entry.Cookie = cookie;
- entry.Ev = ev;
- AtomicStore(&entry.InstantMicroseconds, instantMicrosends);
- ++WritePosition;
- } else {
- TChunk* next = new TChunk();
- volatile TEntry& entry = next->Entries[0];
- entry.Cookie = cookie;
- entry.Ev = ev;
- entry.InstantMicroseconds = instantMicrosends;
- AtomicStore(&WriteTo->Next, next);
- WriteTo = next;
- WritePosition = 1;
- }
- }
- };
- class TWriterWithPadding: public TWriter {
- private:
- ui8 CacheLinePadding[64 - sizeof(TWriter)];
- void UnusedCacheLinePadding() {
- Y_UNUSED(CacheLinePadding);
- }
- };
+ if (WritePosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ volatile TEntry& entry = WriteTo->Entries[WritePosition];
+ entry.Cookie = cookie;
+ entry.Ev = ev;
+ AtomicStore(&entry.InstantMicroseconds, instantMicrosends);
+ ++WritePosition;
+ } else {
+ TChunk* next = new TChunk();
+ volatile TEntry& entry = next->Entries[0];
+ entry.Cookie = cookie;
+ entry.Ev = ev;
+ entry.InstantMicroseconds = instantMicrosends;
+ AtomicStore(&WriteTo->Next, next);
+ WriteTo = next;
+ WritePosition = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class TWriterWithPadding: public TWriter {
+ private:
+ ui8 CacheLinePadding[64 - sizeof(TWriter)];
+ void UnusedCacheLinePadding() {
+ Y_UNUSED(CacheLinePadding);
+ }
+ };
struct TQueueType {
- TReader Reader;
- TWriter Writer;
+ TReader Reader;
+ TWriter Writer;
TQueueType() {
- Writer.Init(Reader);
- }
- };
- }
+ Writer.Init(Reader);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/servicemap.h b/library/cpp/actors/core/servicemap.h
index ac879b53ad..d72e50cae5 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/servicemap.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/servicemap.h
@@ -1,168 +1,168 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-namespace NActors {
- // wait-free one writer multi reader hash-tree for service mapping purposes
- // on fast updates on same key - could lead to false-negatives, we don't care as such cases are broken from service-map app logic
- template <typename TKey, typename TValue, typename THash, ui64 BaseSize = 256 * 1024, ui64 ExtCount = 4, ui64 ExtBranching = 4>
- class TServiceMap : TNonCopyable {
- struct TEntry : TNonCopyable {
- ui32 CounterIn;
- ui32 CounterOut;
- TKey Key;
- TValue Value;
- TEntry()
- : CounterIn(0)
- , CounterOut(0)
- , Key()
- , Value()
- {
- }
- };
- struct TBranch : TNonCopyable {
- TEntry Entries[ExtCount];
- TBranch* Branches[ExtBranching];
- TBranch() {
- Fill(Branches, Branches + ExtBranching, (TBranch*)nullptr);
- }
- };
- ui32 Counter;
- TBranch* Line[BaseSize];
- bool ScanBranch(TBranch* branch, const TKey& key, ui64 hash, TValue& ret) {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != ExtCount; ++i) {
- const TEntry& entry = branch->Entries[i];
- const ui32 counterIn = AtomicLoad(&entry.CounterIn);
- if (counterIn != 0 && entry.Key == key) {
- ret = entry.Value;
- const ui32 counterOut = AtomicLoad(&entry.CounterOut);
- if (counterOut == counterIn)
- return true;
- }
- }
- const ui64 hash0 = hash % ExtBranching;
- if (TBranch* next = AtomicLoad(branch->Branches + hash0))
- return ScanBranch(next, key, hash / ExtBranching, ret);
- return false;
- }
- void ScanZeroOld(TBranch* branch, const TKey& key, ui64 hash, TEntry** zeroEntry, TEntry*& oldEntry) {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != ExtCount; ++i) {
- TEntry& entry = branch->Entries[i];
- if (entry.CounterIn == 0) {
- if (zeroEntry && !*zeroEntry) {
- *zeroEntry = &entry;
- if (oldEntry != nullptr)
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (entry.Key == key) {
- oldEntry = &entry;
- if (!zeroEntry || *zeroEntry)
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- const ui64 hash0 = hash % ExtBranching;
- if (TBranch* next = branch->Branches[hash0]) {
- ScanZeroOld(next, key, hash / ExtBranching, zeroEntry, oldEntry);
- } else { // found tail, if zeroEntry requested, but not yet found - insert one
- if (zeroEntry && !*zeroEntry) {
- TBranch* next = new TBranch();
- *zeroEntry = next->Entries;
- AtomicStore(branch->Branches + hash0, next);
- }
- }
- }
- public:
- TServiceMap()
- : Counter(0)
- {
- Fill(Line, Line + BaseSize, (TBranch*)nullptr);
- }
- ~TServiceMap() {
- for (ui64 i = 0; i < BaseSize; ++i) {
- delete Line[i];
- }
- }
- TValue Find(const TKey& key) {
- THash hashOp;
- const ui64 hash = hashOp(key);
- const ui64 hash0 = hash % BaseSize;
- if (TBranch* branch = AtomicLoad(Line + hash0)) {
- TValue ret;
- if (ScanBranch(branch, key, hash / BaseSize, ret))
- return ret;
- }
- return TValue();
- }
- // returns true on update, false on insert
- TValue Update(const TKey& key, const TValue& value) {
- THash hashOp;
- const ui64 hash = hashOp(key);
- const ui64 hash0 = hash % BaseSize;
- TEntry* zeroEntry = nullptr;
- TEntry* oldEntry = nullptr;
- if (TBranch* branch = Line[hash0]) {
- ScanZeroOld(branch, key, hash / BaseSize, &zeroEntry, oldEntry);
- } else {
- TBranch* next = new TBranch();
- zeroEntry = next->Entries;
- AtomicStore(Line + hash0, next);
- }
- // now we got both entries, first - push new one
- const ui32 counter = AtomicUi32Increment(&Counter);
- AtomicStore(&zeroEntry->CounterOut, counter);
- zeroEntry->Key = key;
- zeroEntry->Value = value;
- AtomicStore(&zeroEntry->CounterIn, counter);
- if (oldEntry != nullptr) {
- const TValue ret = oldEntry->Value;
- AtomicStore<ui32>(&oldEntry->CounterOut, 0);
- AtomicStore<ui32>(&oldEntry->CounterIn, 0);
- return ret;
- } else {
- return TValue();
- }
- }
- bool Erase(const TKey& key) {
- THash hashOp;
- const ui64 hash = hashOp(key);
- const ui64 hash0 = hash % BaseSize;
- TEntry* oldEntry = 0;
- if (TBranch* branch = Line[hash0]) {
- ScanZeroOld(branch, key, hash / BaseSize, 0, oldEntry);
- }
- if (oldEntry != 0) {
- AtomicStore<ui32>(&oldEntry->CounterOut, 0);
- AtomicStore<ui32>(&oldEntry->CounterIn, 0);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- };
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+namespace NActors {
+ // wait-free one writer multi reader hash-tree for service mapping purposes
+ // on fast updates on same key - could lead to false-negatives, we don't care as such cases are broken from service-map app logic
+ template <typename TKey, typename TValue, typename THash, ui64 BaseSize = 256 * 1024, ui64 ExtCount = 4, ui64 ExtBranching = 4>
+ class TServiceMap : TNonCopyable {
+ struct TEntry : TNonCopyable {
+ ui32 CounterIn;
+ ui32 CounterOut;
+ TKey Key;
+ TValue Value;
+ TEntry()
+ : CounterIn(0)
+ , CounterOut(0)
+ , Key()
+ , Value()
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct TBranch : TNonCopyable {
+ TEntry Entries[ExtCount];
+ TBranch* Branches[ExtBranching];
+ TBranch() {
+ Fill(Branches, Branches + ExtBranching, (TBranch*)nullptr);
+ }
+ };
+ ui32 Counter;
+ TBranch* Line[BaseSize];
+ bool ScanBranch(TBranch* branch, const TKey& key, ui64 hash, TValue& ret) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != ExtCount; ++i) {
+ const TEntry& entry = branch->Entries[i];
+ const ui32 counterIn = AtomicLoad(&entry.CounterIn);
+ if (counterIn != 0 && entry.Key == key) {
+ ret = entry.Value;
+ const ui32 counterOut = AtomicLoad(&entry.CounterOut);
+ if (counterOut == counterIn)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ const ui64 hash0 = hash % ExtBranching;
+ if (TBranch* next = AtomicLoad(branch->Branches + hash0))
+ return ScanBranch(next, key, hash / ExtBranching, ret);
+ return false;
+ }
+ void ScanZeroOld(TBranch* branch, const TKey& key, ui64 hash, TEntry** zeroEntry, TEntry*& oldEntry) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != ExtCount; ++i) {
+ TEntry& entry = branch->Entries[i];
+ if (entry.CounterIn == 0) {
+ if (zeroEntry && !*zeroEntry) {
+ *zeroEntry = &entry;
+ if (oldEntry != nullptr)
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (entry.Key == key) {
+ oldEntry = &entry;
+ if (!zeroEntry || *zeroEntry)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const ui64 hash0 = hash % ExtBranching;
+ if (TBranch* next = branch->Branches[hash0]) {
+ ScanZeroOld(next, key, hash / ExtBranching, zeroEntry, oldEntry);
+ } else { // found tail, if zeroEntry requested, but not yet found - insert one
+ if (zeroEntry && !*zeroEntry) {
+ TBranch* next = new TBranch();
+ *zeroEntry = next->Entries;
+ AtomicStore(branch->Branches + hash0, next);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ TServiceMap()
+ : Counter(0)
+ {
+ Fill(Line, Line + BaseSize, (TBranch*)nullptr);
+ }
+ ~TServiceMap() {
+ for (ui64 i = 0; i < BaseSize; ++i) {
+ delete Line[i];
+ }
+ }
+ TValue Find(const TKey& key) {
+ THash hashOp;
+ const ui64 hash = hashOp(key);
+ const ui64 hash0 = hash % BaseSize;
+ if (TBranch* branch = AtomicLoad(Line + hash0)) {
+ TValue ret;
+ if (ScanBranch(branch, key, hash / BaseSize, ret))
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return TValue();
+ }
+ // returns true on update, false on insert
+ TValue Update(const TKey& key, const TValue& value) {
+ THash hashOp;
+ const ui64 hash = hashOp(key);
+ const ui64 hash0 = hash % BaseSize;
+ TEntry* zeroEntry = nullptr;
+ TEntry* oldEntry = nullptr;
+ if (TBranch* branch = Line[hash0]) {
+ ScanZeroOld(branch, key, hash / BaseSize, &zeroEntry, oldEntry);
+ } else {
+ TBranch* next = new TBranch();
+ zeroEntry = next->Entries;
+ AtomicStore(Line + hash0, next);
+ }
+ // now we got both entries, first - push new one
+ const ui32 counter = AtomicUi32Increment(&Counter);
+ AtomicStore(&zeroEntry->CounterOut, counter);
+ zeroEntry->Key = key;
+ zeroEntry->Value = value;
+ AtomicStore(&zeroEntry->CounterIn, counter);
+ if (oldEntry != nullptr) {
+ const TValue ret = oldEntry->Value;
+ AtomicStore<ui32>(&oldEntry->CounterOut, 0);
+ AtomicStore<ui32>(&oldEntry->CounterIn, 0);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ return TValue();
+ }
+ }
+ bool Erase(const TKey& key) {
+ THash hashOp;
+ const ui64 hash = hashOp(key);
+ const ui64 hash0 = hash % BaseSize;
+ TEntry* oldEntry = 0;
+ if (TBranch* branch = Line[hash0]) {
+ ScanZeroOld(branch, key, hash / BaseSize, 0, oldEntry);
+ }
+ if (oldEntry != 0) {
+ AtomicStore<ui32>(&oldEntry->CounterOut, 0);
+ AtomicStore<ui32>(&oldEntry->CounterIn, 0);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/core/ya.make b/library/cpp/actors/core/ya.make
index fef4811b53..880a9d00db 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/core/ya.make
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/core/ya.make
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ IF (ALLOCATOR == "B" OR ALLOCATOR == "BS" OR ALLOCATOR == "C")
- actor_bootstrapped.h
+ actor_bootstrapped.h
- actorid.h
+ actorid.h
- actorsystem.h
+ actorsystem.h
@@ -40,29 +40,29 @@ SRCS(
- defs.h
+ defs.h
- event.h
+ event.h
- event_pb.h
- events.h
- events_undelivered.cpp
+ event_pb.h
+ events.h
+ events_undelivered.cpp
- executor_pool_base.cpp
- executor_pool_base.h
- executor_pool_basic.cpp
- executor_pool_basic.h
- executor_pool_io.cpp
- executor_pool_io.h
+ executor_pool_base.cpp
+ executor_pool_base.h
+ executor_pool_basic.cpp
+ executor_pool_basic.h
+ executor_pool_io.cpp
+ executor_pool_io.h
- executor_thread.cpp
- executor_thread.h
- hfunc.h
+ executor_thread.cpp
+ executor_thread.h
+ hfunc.h
- interconnect.h
+ interconnect.h
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ SRCS(
- mailbox.h
- mailbox_queue_revolving.h
- mailbox_queue_simple.h
+ mailbox.h
+ mailbox_queue_revolving.h
+ mailbox_queue_simple.h
@@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ SRCS(
- scheduler_basic.cpp
- scheduler_basic.h
- scheduler_cookie.cpp
- scheduler_cookie.h
- scheduler_queue.h
- servicemap.h
+ scheduler_basic.cpp
+ scheduler_basic.h
+ scheduler_cookie.cpp
+ scheduler_cookie.h
+ scheduler_queue.h
+ servicemap.h
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/dnscachelib/dnscache.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/dnscachelib/dnscache.cpp
index 4114b8023e..649339ddb2 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/dnscachelib/dnscache.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/dnscachelib/dnscache.cpp
static_assert(sizeof(ares_channel) == sizeof(void*), "expect sizeof(ares_channel) == sizeof(void *)");
-TDnsCache::TDnsCache(bool allowIpv4, bool allowIpv6, time_t lifetime, time_t neg, ui32 timeout)
+TDnsCache::TDnsCache(bool allowIpv4, bool allowIpv6, time_t lifetime, time_t neg, ui32 timeout)
: EntryLifetime(lifetime)
, NegativeLifetime(neg)
, Timeout(TDuration::MicroSeconds(timeout))
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ TDnsCache::TDnsCache(bool allowIpv4, bool allowIpv6, time_t lifetime, time_t neg
, PtrCacheMisses(0)
#ifdef _win_
- if (ares_library_init(ARES_LIB_INIT_WIN32) != ARES_SUCCESS) {
- LWPROBE(AresInitFailed);
- ythrow yexception() << "ares_init() failed";
- }
+ if (ares_library_init(ARES_LIB_INIT_WIN32) != ARES_SUCCESS) {
+ LWPROBE(AresInitFailed);
+ ythrow yexception() << "ares_init() failed";
+ }
ares_channel chan;
if (ares_init(&chan) != ARES_SUCCESS) {
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ TDnsCache::~TDnsCache(void) {
#ifdef _win_
- ares_library_cleanup();
+ ares_library_cleanup();
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/dnscachelib/dnscache.h b/library/cpp/actors/dnscachelib/dnscache.h
index 2c7686cec5..3313a251a1 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/dnscachelib/dnscache.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/dnscachelib/dnscache.h
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@
* 3) most of the time IP addresses do not change
* 4) it's OK to return old IP address when DNS server not responding in time
class TDnsCache {
- TDnsCache(bool allowIpv4 = true, bool allowIpv6 = true, time_t entry_lifetime = 1800, time_t neg_lifetime = 1, ui32 request_timeout = 500000);
+ TDnsCache(bool allowIpv4 = true, bool allowIpv6 = true, time_t entry_lifetime = 1800, time_t neg_lifetime = 1, ui32 request_timeout = 500000);
TString GetHostByAddr(const NAddr::IRemoteAddr&);
// ip in network byte order
TIpHost Get(const TString& host);
/* use with AF_INET, AF_INET6 or AF_UNSPEC */
NAddr::IRemoteAddrPtr GetAddr(const TString& host,
int family,
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ private:
const time_t EntryLifetime;
const time_t NegativeLifetime;
const TDuration Timeout;
- const bool AllowIpV4;
- const bool AllowIpV6;
+ const bool AllowIpV4;
+ const bool AllowIpV6;
TMutex CacheMtx;
THostCache HostCache;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/helpers/flow_controlled_queue.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/helpers/flow_controlled_queue.cpp
index 81d26c3e55..d75cc54023 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/helpers/flow_controlled_queue.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/helpers/flow_controlled_queue.cpp
@@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
-#include "flow_controlled_queue.h"
+#include "flow_controlled_queue.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
-#include <util/generic/deque.h>
-#include <util/datetime/cputimer.h>
-#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
-namespace NActors {
-class TFlowControlledRequestQueue;
-class TFlowControlledRequestActor : public IActor {
- TFlowControlledRequestQueue * const QueueActor;
- void HandleReply(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev);
- void HandleUndelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev);
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/datetime/cputimer.h>
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+namespace NActors {
+class TFlowControlledRequestQueue;
+class TFlowControlledRequestActor : public IActor {
+ TFlowControlledRequestQueue * const QueueActor;
+ void HandleReply(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev);
+ void HandleUndelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev);
const TActorId Source;
- const ui64 Cookie;
- const ui32 Flags;
- const ui64 StartCounter;
+ const ui64 Cookie;
+ const ui32 Flags;
+ const ui64 StartCounter;
TFlowControlledRequestActor(ui32 activity, TFlowControlledRequestQueue *queue, TActorId source, ui64 cookie, ui32 flags)
- : IActor(static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(&TFlowControlledRequestActor::StateWait), activity)
- , QueueActor(queue)
- , Source(source)
- , Cookie(cookie)
- , Flags(flags)
+ : IActor(static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(&TFlowControlledRequestActor::StateWait), activity)
+ , QueueActor(queue)
+ , Source(source)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
+ , Flags(flags)
, StartCounter(GetCycleCountFast())
- {}
- STATEFN(StateWait) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleUndelivered);
- default:
- HandleReply(ev);
- }
- }
- TDuration AccumulatedLatency() const {
+ {}
+ STATEFN(StateWait) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleUndelivered);
+ default:
+ HandleReply(ev);
+ }
+ }
+ TDuration AccumulatedLatency() const {
const ui64 cc = GetCycleCountFast() - StartCounter;
- return CyclesToDuration(cc);
- }
- using IActor::PassAway;
-class TFlowControlledRequestQueue : public IActor {
+ return CyclesToDuration(cc);
+ }
+ using IActor::PassAway;
+class TFlowControlledRequestQueue : public IActor {
const TActorId Target;
- const TFlowControlledQueueConfig Config;
- TDeque<THolder<IEventHandle>> UnhandledRequests;
- TDeque<TFlowControlledRequestActor *> RegisteredRequests;
- bool Subscribed = false;
- TDuration MinimalSeenLatency;
- bool CanRegister() {
- const ui64 inFly = RegisteredRequests.size();
- if (inFly <= Config.MinAllowedInFly) // <= for handling minAllowed == 0
- return true;
- if (inFly >= Config.MaxAllowedInFly)
- return false;
- if (Config.TargetDynamicRate) {
- if (const ui64 dynMax = MinimalSeenLatency.MicroSeconds() * Config.TargetDynamicRate / 1000000) {
- if (inFly >= dynMax)
- return false;
- }
- }
- const TDuration currentLatency = RegisteredRequests.front()->AccumulatedLatency();
- if (currentLatency <= Config.MinTrackedLatency)
- return true;
- if (currentLatency <= MinimalSeenLatency * Config.LatencyFactor)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- void HandleForwardedEvent(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev) {
- if (CanRegister()) {
- RegisterReqActor(ev);
- } else {
- UnhandledRequests.emplace_back(ev.Release());
- }
- }
- void RegisterReqActor(THolder<IEventHandle> ev) {
- TFlowControlledRequestActor *reqActor = new TFlowControlledRequestActor(ActivityType, this, ev->Sender, ev->Cookie, ev->Flags);
+ const TFlowControlledQueueConfig Config;
+ TDeque<THolder<IEventHandle>> UnhandledRequests;
+ TDeque<TFlowControlledRequestActor *> RegisteredRequests;
+ bool Subscribed = false;
+ TDuration MinimalSeenLatency;
+ bool CanRegister() {
+ const ui64 inFly = RegisteredRequests.size();
+ if (inFly <= Config.MinAllowedInFly) // <= for handling minAllowed == 0
+ return true;
+ if (inFly >= Config.MaxAllowedInFly)
+ return false;
+ if (Config.TargetDynamicRate) {
+ if (const ui64 dynMax = MinimalSeenLatency.MicroSeconds() * Config.TargetDynamicRate / 1000000) {
+ if (inFly >= dynMax)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ const TDuration currentLatency = RegisteredRequests.front()->AccumulatedLatency();
+ if (currentLatency <= Config.MinTrackedLatency)
+ return true;
+ if (currentLatency <= MinimalSeenLatency * Config.LatencyFactor)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void HandleForwardedEvent(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev) {
+ if (CanRegister()) {
+ RegisterReqActor(ev);
+ } else {
+ UnhandledRequests.emplace_back(ev.Release());
+ }
+ }
+ void RegisterReqActor(THolder<IEventHandle> ev) {
+ TFlowControlledRequestActor *reqActor = new TFlowControlledRequestActor(ActivityType, this, ev->Sender, ev->Cookie, ev->Flags);
const TActorId reqActorId = RegisterWithSameMailbox(reqActor);
- RegisteredRequests.emplace_back(reqActor);
- if (!Subscribed && (Target.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())) {
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Target.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvSubscribe(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
- Subscribed = true;
- }
- TActivationContext::Send(new IEventHandle(Target, reqActorId, ev->ReleaseBase().Release(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery, ev->Cookie));
- }
- void PumpQueue() {
- while (RegisteredRequests && RegisteredRequests.front() == nullptr)
- RegisteredRequests.pop_front();
- while (UnhandledRequests && CanRegister()) {
- RegisterReqActor(std::move(UnhandledRequests.front()));
- UnhandledRequests.pop_front();
- }
- }
- void HandleDisconnected() {
- Subscribed = false;
- const ui32 nodeid = Target.NodeId();
- for (TFlowControlledRequestActor *reqActor : RegisteredRequests) {
- if (reqActor) {
- if (reqActor->Flags & IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession) {
- TActivationContext::Send(
+ RegisteredRequests.emplace_back(reqActor);
+ if (!Subscribed && (Target.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())) {
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Target.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvSubscribe(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
+ Subscribed = true;
+ }
+ TActivationContext::Send(new IEventHandle(Target, reqActorId, ev->ReleaseBase().Release(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery, ev->Cookie));
+ }
+ void PumpQueue() {
+ while (RegisteredRequests && RegisteredRequests.front() == nullptr)
+ RegisteredRequests.pop_front();
+ while (UnhandledRequests && CanRegister()) {
+ RegisterReqActor(std::move(UnhandledRequests.front()));
+ UnhandledRequests.pop_front();
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleDisconnected() {
+ Subscribed = false;
+ const ui32 nodeid = Target.NodeId();
+ for (TFlowControlledRequestActor *reqActor : RegisteredRequests) {
+ if (reqActor) {
+ if (reqActor->Flags & IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession) {
+ TActivationContext::Send(
new IEventHandle(reqActor->Source, TActorId(), new TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected(nodeid), 0, reqActor->Cookie)
- );
- }
- reqActor->PassAway();
- }
- }
- RegisteredRequests.clear();
- for (auto &ev : UnhandledRequests) {
- const auto reason = TEvents::TEvUndelivered::Disconnected;
- if (ev->Flags & IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery) {
- TActivationContext::Send(
- new IEventHandle(ev->Sender, ev->Recipient, new TEvents::TEvUndelivered(ev->GetTypeRewrite(), reason), 0, ev->Cookie)
- );
- }
- }
- UnhandledRequests.clear();
- }
- void HandlePoison() {
- HandleDisconnected();
- if (SelfId().NodeId() != Target.NodeId())
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Target.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- PassAway();
- }
+ );
+ }
+ reqActor->PassAway();
+ }
+ }
+ RegisteredRequests.clear();
+ for (auto &ev : UnhandledRequests) {
+ const auto reason = TEvents::TEvUndelivered::Disconnected;
+ if (ev->Flags & IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery) {
+ TActivationContext::Send(
+ new IEventHandle(ev->Sender, ev->Recipient, new TEvents::TEvUndelivered(ev->GetTypeRewrite(), reason), 0, ev->Cookie)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ UnhandledRequests.clear();
+ }
+ void HandlePoison() {
+ HandleDisconnected();
+ if (SelfId().NodeId() != Target.NodeId())
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Target.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ PassAway();
+ }
TFlowControlledRequestQueue(TActorId target, ui32 activity, const TFlowControlledQueueConfig &config)
- : IActor(static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(&TFlowControlledRequestQueue::StateWork), activity)
- , Target(target)
- , Config(config)
- , MinimalSeenLatency(TDuration::Seconds(1))
- {}
- STATEFN(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, HandleDisconnected);
- IgnoreFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, HandleDisconnected);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, HandlePoison);
- default:
- HandleForwardedEvent(ev);
- }
- }
- void HandleRequestReply(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev, TFlowControlledRequestActor *reqActor) {
- auto it = Find(RegisteredRequests, reqActor);
- if (it == RegisteredRequests.end())
- return;
- TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(reqActor->Source));
- const TDuration reqLatency = reqActor->AccumulatedLatency();
- if (reqLatency < MinimalSeenLatency)
- MinimalSeenLatency = reqLatency;
- *it = nullptr;
- PumpQueue();
- }
- void HandleRequestUndelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, TFlowControlledRequestActor *reqActor) {
- auto it = Find(RegisteredRequests, reqActor);
- if (it == RegisteredRequests.end())
- return;
- TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(reqActor->Source));
- *it = nullptr;
- PumpQueue();
- }
-void TFlowControlledRequestActor::HandleReply(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev) {
- QueueActor->HandleRequestReply(ev, this);
- PassAway();
-void TFlowControlledRequestActor::HandleUndelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
- QueueActor->HandleRequestUndelivered(ev, this);
- PassAway();
+ : IActor(static_cast<TReceiveFunc>(&TFlowControlledRequestQueue::StateWork), activity)
+ , Target(target)
+ , Config(config)
+ , MinimalSeenLatency(TDuration::Seconds(1))
+ {}
+ STATEFN(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, HandleDisconnected);
+ IgnoreFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, HandleDisconnected);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, HandlePoison);
+ default:
+ HandleForwardedEvent(ev);
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleRequestReply(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev, TFlowControlledRequestActor *reqActor) {
+ auto it = Find(RegisteredRequests, reqActor);
+ if (it == RegisteredRequests.end())
+ return;
+ TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(reqActor->Source));
+ const TDuration reqLatency = reqActor->AccumulatedLatency();
+ if (reqLatency < MinimalSeenLatency)
+ MinimalSeenLatency = reqLatency;
+ *it = nullptr;
+ PumpQueue();
+ }
+ void HandleRequestUndelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, TFlowControlledRequestActor *reqActor) {
+ auto it = Find(RegisteredRequests, reqActor);
+ if (it == RegisteredRequests.end())
+ return;
+ TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(reqActor->Source));
+ *it = nullptr;
+ PumpQueue();
+ }
+void TFlowControlledRequestActor::HandleReply(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev) {
+ QueueActor->HandleRequestReply(ev, this);
+ PassAway();
+void TFlowControlledRequestActor::HandleUndelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
+ QueueActor->HandleRequestUndelivered(ev, this);
+ PassAway();
IActor* CreateFlowControlledRequestQueue(TActorId targetId, ui32 activity, const TFlowControlledQueueConfig &config) {
- return new TFlowControlledRequestQueue(targetId, activity, config);
+ return new TFlowControlledRequestQueue(targetId, activity, config);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/helpers/flow_controlled_queue.h b/library/cpp/actors/helpers/flow_controlled_queue.h
index 0699b35ca6..d250405304 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/helpers/flow_controlled_queue.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/helpers/flow_controlled_queue.h
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
-namespace NActors {
- struct TFlowControlledQueueConfig {
- ui32 MinAllowedInFly = 20;
- ui32 MaxAllowedInFly = 100;
- ui32 TargetDynamicRate = 0;
- TDuration MinTrackedLatency = TDuration::MilliSeconds(20);
- ui32 LatencyFactor = 4;
- };
+namespace NActors {
+ struct TFlowControlledQueueConfig {
+ ui32 MinAllowedInFly = 20;
+ ui32 MaxAllowedInFly = 100;
+ ui32 TargetDynamicRate = 0;
+ TDuration MinTrackedLatency = TDuration::MilliSeconds(20);
+ ui32 LatencyFactor = 4;
+ };
IActor* CreateFlowControlledRequestQueue(TActorId targetId, ui32 activity = IActor::ACTORLIB_COMMON, const TFlowControlledQueueConfig &config = TFlowControlledQueueConfig());
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/helpers/mon_histogram_helper.h b/library/cpp/actors/helpers/mon_histogram_helper.h
index 35d030b822..a9a57e3823 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/helpers/mon_histogram_helper.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/helpers/mon_histogram_helper.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/counters.h>
#include <util/string/cast.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
namespace NMon {
class THistogramCounterHelper {
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace NActors {
, BucketCount(0)
THistogramCounterHelper(const THistogramCounterHelper&) = default;
void Init(NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters* group, const TString& baseName, const TString& unit,
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace NActors {
Y_ASSERT(FirstBucketVal == 0);
Y_ASSERT(BucketCount == 0);
FirstBucketVal = firstBucket;
BucketCount = bucketCnt;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace NActors {
void Add(ui64 val) {
Y_ASSERT(FirstBucketVal != 0);
Y_ASSERT(BucketCount != 0);
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace NActors {
ui64 GetBucketCount() const {
return BucketCount;
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ namespace NActors {
// Last slot is up to +INF
return "INF";
- }
+ }
ui64 FirstBucketVal;
ui64 BucketCount;
@@ -82,5 +82,5 @@ namespace NActors {
TVector<NMonitoring::TDeprecatedCounter*> Buckets;
- }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/helpers/ya.make b/library/cpp/actors/helpers/ya.make
index b6cce2cc23..d8771179de 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/helpers/ya.make
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/helpers/ya.make
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- flow_controlled_queue.cpp
- flow_controlled_queue.h
+ flow_controlled_queue.cpp
+ flow_controlled_queue.h
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/interconnect/interconnect_mon.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/interconnect/interconnect_mon.cpp
index 75104af8de..cf924ccbf9 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/interconnect/interconnect_mon.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/interconnect/interconnect_mon.cpp
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ namespace NInterconnect {
ui32 PendingReplies = 0;
- static constexpr IActor::EActorActivity ActorActivityType() {
- }
+ static constexpr IActor::EActorActivity ActorActivityType() {
+ }
TQueryProcessor(const TActorId& sender, bool json)
: Sender(sender)
, Json(json)
@@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ namespace NInterconnect {
TIntrusivePtr<TInterconnectProxyCommon> Common;
- static constexpr IActor::EActorActivity ActorActivityType() {
- }
+ static constexpr IActor::EActorActivity ActorActivityType() {
+ }
TInterconnectMonActor(TIntrusivePtr<TInterconnectProxyCommon> common)
: TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
, Common(std::move(common))
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/interconnect/slowpoke_actor.h b/library/cpp/actors/interconnect/slowpoke_actor.h
index 00eb020b07..4b02e5da48 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/interconnect/slowpoke_actor.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/interconnect/slowpoke_actor.h
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ namespace NActors {
const TDuration RescheduleMax;
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::INTERCONNECT_COMMON;
- }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::INTERCONNECT_COMMON;
+ }
TSlowpokeActor(TDuration duration, TDuration sleepMin, TDuration sleepMax, TDuration rescheduleMin, TDuration rescheduleMax)
: Duration(duration)
, SleepMin(sleepMin)
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/memlog.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/memlog.cpp
index 9cd7dee0fe..8e6b46727d 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/memlog.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/memlog.cpp
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ static int (*FastGetCpu)(unsigned* cpu, unsigned* node, void* unused);
#if defined(_unix_)
-#include <sched.h>
+#include <sched.h>
#elif defined(_win_)
-#include <WinBase.h>
+#include <WinBase.h>
const char TMemoryLog::DEFAULT_LAST_MARK[16] = {
@@ -62,34 +62,34 @@ const char TMemoryLog::CLEAR_MARK[16] = {
unsigned TMemoryLog::GetSelfCpu() noexcept {
#if defined(_unix_)
unsigned cpu;
if (Y_LIKELY(FastGetCpu != nullptr)) {
auto result = FastGetCpu(&cpu, nullptr, nullptr);
Y_VERIFY(result == 0);
- return cpu;
+ return cpu;
} else {
return 0;
-#elif defined(_x86_64_) || defined(_i386_)
+#elif defined(_x86_64_) || defined(_i386_)
-#define CPUID(func, eax, ebx, ecx, edx) \
- __asm__ __volatile__( \
- "cpuid" \
- : "=a"(eax), "=b"(ebx), "=c"(ecx), "=d"(edx) \
- : "a"(func));
+#define CPUID(func, eax, ebx, ecx, edx) \
+ __asm__ __volatile__( \
+ "cpuid" \
+ : "=a"(eax), "=b"(ebx), "=c"(ecx), "=d"(edx) \
+ : "a"(func));
int a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0;
CPUID(0x1, a, b, c, d);
int acpiID = (b >> 24);
return acpiID;
-#elif defined(__CNUC__)
+#elif defined(__CNUC__)
return sched_getcpu();
return 0;
#elif defined(_win_)
return GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
@@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ unsigned TMemoryLog::GetSelfCpu() noexcept {
TMemoryLog* TMemoryLog::MemLogBuffer = nullptr;
char* TMemoryLog::LastMarkIsHere = nullptr;
std::atomic<bool> TMemoryLog::PrintLastMark(true);
TMemoryLog::TMemoryLog(size_t totalSize, size_t grainSize)
- : GrainSize(grainSize)
- , Buf(totalSize)
+ : GrainSize(grainSize)
+ , Buf(totalSize)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ bool MemLogWrite(const char* begin, size_t msgSize, bool addLF) noexcept {
// alignment required by NoCacheMemcpy
// check for format for snprintf
constexpr size_t prologSize = 48;
- alignas(TMemoryLog::MemcpyAlignment) char prolog[prologSize + 1];
+ alignas(TMemoryLog::MemcpyAlignment) char prolog[prologSize + 1];
Y_VERIFY(AlignDown(&prolog, TMemoryLog::MemcpyAlignment) == &prolog);
int snprintfResult = snprintf(prolog, prologSize + 1,
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ bool MemLogWrite(const char* begin, size_t msgSize, bool addLF) noexcept {
// warning: copy prolog first to avoid corruption of the message
// by prolog tail
NoCacheMemcpy(buffer, prolog, prologSize);
- if (AlignDown(begin + prologSize, TMemoryLog::MemcpyAlignment) == begin + prologSize) {
+ if (AlignDown(begin + prologSize, TMemoryLog::MemcpyAlignment) == begin + prologSize) {
NoCacheMemcpy(buffer + prologSize, begin, msgSize);
} else {
NoWCacheMemcpy(buffer + prologSize, begin, msgSize);
@@ -335,14 +335,14 @@ bool MemLogVPrintF(const char* format, va_list params) noexcept {
auto threadId = TMemoryLog::GetTheadId();
// alignment required by NoCacheMemcpy
- alignas(TMemoryLog::MemcpyAlignment) char buf[TMemoryLog::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
+ alignas(TMemoryLog::MemcpyAlignment) char buf[TMemoryLog::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
Y_VERIFY(AlignDown(&buf, TMemoryLog::MemcpyAlignment) == &buf);
int prologSize = snprintf(buf,
- TMemoryLog::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE - 2,
- "TS %020" PRIu64 " TI %020" PRIu64 " ",
+ TMemoryLog::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE - 2,
+ "TS %020" PRIu64 " TI %020" PRIu64 " ",
- threadId);
+ threadId);
if (Y_UNLIKELY(prologSize < 0)) {
return false;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/memlog.h b/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/memlog.h
index ffeb1c308d..2aa27272a6 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/memlog.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/memlog.h
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
-#if defined(__has_feature)
-#if __has_feature(thread_sanitizer)
-#define NO_SANITIZE_THREAD __attribute__((no_sanitize_thread))
+#if defined(__has_feature)
+#if __has_feature(thread_sanitizer)
+#define NO_SANITIZE_THREAD __attribute__((no_sanitize_thread))
class TMemoryLog {
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ public:
inline static void CreateMemoryLogBuffer(
- size_t totalSize = DEFAULT_TOTAL_SIZE,
- size_t grainSize = DEFAULT_GRAIN_SIZE)
+ size_t totalSize = DEFAULT_TOTAL_SIZE,
+ size_t grainSize = DEFAULT_GRAIN_SIZE)
if (AtomicGet(MemLogBuffer) != nullptr) {
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ bool MemLogWriteStruct(const TObj* obj) noexcept {
return MemLogWrite(begin, begin + sizeof(TObj));
bool MemLogVPrintF(const char* format, va_list params) noexcept;
inline bool MemLogPrintF(const char* format, ...) noexcept {
va_list params;
va_start(params, format);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/mmap.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/mmap.cpp
index 67dfd9a16f..201998d343 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/mmap.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/memory_log/mmap.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#include "memlog.h"
-#if defined(_unix_)
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#elif defined(_win_)
-#include <util/system/winint.h>
+#if defined(_unix_)
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#elif defined(_win_)
+#include <util/system/winint.h>
void TMemoryLog::TMMapArea::MMap(size_t amount) {
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void TMemoryLog::TMMapArea::MUnmap() {
-#if defined(_unix_)
+#if defined(_unix_)
int result = ::munmap(BufPtr, Size);
Y_VERIFY(result == 0);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/prof/tag.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/prof/tag.cpp
index f97191f94c..9ccf03e1a9 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/prof/tag.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/prof/tag.cpp
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
namespace NProfiling {
class TStringAtoms {
- TMutex Mutex;
- atomizer<ci_hash, ci_equal_to> Tags;
+ TMutex Mutex;
+ atomizer<ci_hash, ci_equal_to> Tags;
static TStringAtoms& Instance() {
@@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ namespace NProfiling {
return Tags.size();
- };
+ };
- ui32 MakeTag(const char* s) {
+ ui32 MakeTag(const char* s) {
return TStringAtoms::Instance().MakeTag(s);
- }
+ }
ui32 MakeTags(const TVector<const char*>& ss) {
return TStringAtoms::Instance().MakeTags(ss);
- }
+ }
- const char* GetTag(ui32 tag) {
+ const char* GetTag(ui32 tag) {
return TStringAtoms::Instance().GetTag(tag);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/prof/tag.h b/library/cpp/actors/prof/tag.h
index 7b743ca183..357e264a22 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/prof/tag.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/prof/tag.h
@@ -9,65 +9,65 @@
namespace NProfiling {
- ui32 MakeTag(const char* s);
+ ui32 MakeTag(const char* s);
- // Make only unique tags. Y_VERIFY inside.
+ // Make only unique tags. Y_VERIFY inside.
ui32 MakeTags(const TVector<const char*>& ss);
- const char* GetTag(ui32 tag);
+ const char* GetTag(ui32 tag);
size_t GetTagsCount();
using TSetThreadAllocTag = ui32(ui32 tag);
extern TSetThreadAllocTag* SetThreadAllocTag;
- class TMemoryTagScope {
- public:
+ class TMemoryTagScope {
+ public:
explicit TMemoryTagScope(ui32 tag)
: RestoreTag(SetThreadAllocTag(tag))
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
explicit TMemoryTagScope(const char* tagName) {
- ui32 newTag = MakeTag(tagName);
+ ui32 newTag = MakeTag(tagName);
RestoreTag = SetThreadAllocTag(newTag);
- }
+ }
- TMemoryTagScope(TMemoryTagScope&& move)
- : RestoreTag(move.RestoreTag)
+ TMemoryTagScope(TMemoryTagScope&& move)
+ : RestoreTag(move.RestoreTag)
, Released(move.Released)
- {
+ {
move.Released = true;
- }
+ }
- TMemoryTagScope& operator=(TMemoryTagScope&& move) {
- RestoreTag = move.RestoreTag;
+ TMemoryTagScope& operator=(TMemoryTagScope&& move) {
+ RestoreTag = move.RestoreTag;
Released = move.Released;
move.Released = true;
- return *this;
- }
+ return *this;
+ }
static void Reset(ui32 tag) {
- void Release() {
+ void Release() {
if (!Released) {
Released = true;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
~TMemoryTagScope() {
if (!Released) {
- }
- protected:
- TMemoryTagScope(const TMemoryTagScope&) = delete;
- void operator=(const TMemoryTagScope&) = delete;
+ }
+ protected:
+ TMemoryTagScope(const TMemoryTagScope&) = delete;
+ void operator=(const TMemoryTagScope&) = delete;
ui32 RestoreTag = 0;
bool Released = false;
- };
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/prof/ut/tag_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/prof/ut/tag_ut.cpp
index f40dcc423c..accf3921ab 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/prof/ut/tag_ut.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/prof/ut/tag_ut.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ private:
void Test_MakeTag();
void Test_Make2Tags();
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void TAtomTagsTest::Test_MakeVector() {
"vector tag 0",
"vector tag 1",
"vector tag 3",
- "vector tag 4"};
+ "vector tag 4"};
ui32 baseTag = MakeTags(strs);
UNIT_ASSERT(baseTag != 0);
for (ui32 i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++i) {
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/protos/services_common.proto b/library/cpp/actors/protos/services_common.proto
index f3e8f3794f..afa0ec0073 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/protos/services_common.proto
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/protos/services_common.proto
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ enum EServiceCommon {
- HTTP = 8;
+ HTTP = 8;
// This value is reserved boundary. Is must not be aliased with any values
// TODO: use reseved values upon protobuf update
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/protos/ya.make b/library/cpp/actors/protos/ya.make
index dafcf64f09..3a1488d78e 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/protos/ya.make
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/protos/ya.make
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
- actors.proto
+ actors.proto
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/testlib/test_runtime.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/testlib/test_runtime.cpp
index 5f5fdb1536..6fa25b9965 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/testlib/test_runtime.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/testlib/test_runtime.cpp
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ namespace NActors {
if (Poller)
- if (MailboxTable) {
- for (ui32 round = 0; !MailboxTable->Cleanup(); ++round)
- Y_VERIFY(round < 10, "cyclic event/actor spawn while trying to shutdown actorsystem stub");
- }
+ if (MailboxTable) {
+ for (ui32 round = 0; !MailboxTable->Cleanup(); ++round)
+ Y_VERIFY(round < 10, "cyclic event/actor spawn while trying to shutdown actorsystem stub");
+ }
if (ActorSystem)
@@ -427,10 +427,10 @@ namespace NActors {
void Shutdown() override {
- bool Cleanup() override {
- return true;
- }
+ bool Cleanup() override {
+ return true;
+ }
// generic
TAffinity* Affinity() const override {
@@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ namespace NActors {
node->ActorToActorId[recipientActor] = ev->GetRecipientRewrite();
TActorContext ctx(*mailbox, *node->ExecutorThread, GetCycleCountFast(), actorId);
TActivationContext *prevTlsActivationContext = TlsActivationContext;
- TlsActivationContext = &ctx;
+ TlsActivationContext = &ctx;
CurrentRecipient = actorId;
TInverseGuard<TMutex> inverseGuard(Mutex);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.cpp
index aab8219d6f..cc1b6e70ec 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.cpp
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
-#include "affinity.h"
-#ifdef _linux_
-#include <sched.h>
-class TAffinity::TImpl {
-#ifdef _linux_
- cpu_set_t Mask;
- TImpl() {
-#ifdef _linux_
- int ar = sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &Mask);
+#include "affinity.h"
+#ifdef _linux_
+#include <sched.h>
+class TAffinity::TImpl {
+#ifdef _linux_
+ cpu_set_t Mask;
+ TImpl() {
+#ifdef _linux_
+ int ar = sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &Mask);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(ar == 0);
- }
+ }
explicit TImpl(const ui8* cpus, ui32 size) {
-#ifdef _linux_
- CPU_ZERO(&Mask);
+#ifdef _linux_
+ CPU_ZERO(&Mask);
for (ui32 i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
if (cpus[i]) {
CPU_SET(i, &Mask);
- }
- void Set() const {
-#ifdef _linux_
- int ar = sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &Mask);
+ }
+ void Set() const {
+#ifdef _linux_
+ int ar = sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &Mask);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(ar == 0);
- }
+ }
operator TCpuMask() const {
TCpuMask result;
@@ -48,20 +48,20 @@ public:
return result;
-TAffinity::TAffinity() {
-TAffinity::~TAffinity() {
-TAffinity::TAffinity(const ui8* x, ui32 sz) {
+TAffinity::TAffinity() {
+TAffinity::~TAffinity() {
+TAffinity::TAffinity(const ui8* x, ui32 sz) {
if (x && sz) {
- Impl.Reset(new TImpl(x, sz));
+ Impl.Reset(new TImpl(x, sz));
TAffinity::TAffinity(const TCpuMask& mask) {
if (!mask.IsEmpty()) {
static_assert(sizeof(ui8) == sizeof(mask.Cpus[0]));
@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ TAffinity::TAffinity(const TCpuMask& mask) {
-void TAffinity::Current() {
- Impl.Reset(new TImpl());
-void TAffinity::Set() const {
+void TAffinity::Current() {
+ Impl.Reset(new TImpl());
+void TAffinity::Set() const {
if (!!Impl) {
- Impl->Set();
+ Impl->Set();
-bool TAffinity::Empty() const {
+bool TAffinity::Empty() const {
return !Impl;
TAffinity::operator TCpuMask() const {
if (!!Impl) {
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h
index 0a20744240..ae106ed180 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "cpumask.h"
// Platform-specific class to set or get thread affinity
-class TAffinity: public TThrRefBase, TNonCopyable {
- class TImpl;
- THolder<TImpl> Impl;
- TAffinity();
+class TAffinity: public TThrRefBase, TNonCopyable {
+ class TImpl;
+ THolder<TImpl> Impl;
+ TAffinity();
TAffinity(const ui8* cpus, ui32 size);
explicit TAffinity(const TCpuMask& mask);
- ~TAffinity();
- void Current();
- void Set() const;
- bool Empty() const;
+ ~TAffinity();
+ void Current();
+ void Set() const;
+ bool Empty() const;
operator TCpuMask() const;
// Scoped affinity setter
-class TAffinityGuard : TNonCopyable {
- bool Stacked;
- TAffinity OldAffinity;
- TAffinityGuard(const TAffinity* affinity) {
+class TAffinityGuard : TNonCopyable {
+ bool Stacked;
+ TAffinity OldAffinity;
+ TAffinityGuard(const TAffinity* affinity) {
Stacked = false;
- if (affinity && !affinity->Empty()) {
- OldAffinity.Current();
- affinity->Set();
- Stacked = true;
- }
- }
- ~TAffinityGuard() {
- Release();
- }
- void Release() {
- if (Stacked) {
- OldAffinity.Set();
- Stacked = false;
- }
- }
+ if (affinity && !affinity->Empty()) {
+ OldAffinity.Current();
+ affinity->Set();
+ Stacked = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ~TAffinityGuard() {
+ Release();
+ }
+ void Release() {
+ if (Stacked) {
+ OldAffinity.Set();
+ Stacked = false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/defs.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/defs.h
index b88ce59ec6..5c3b57665b 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/defs.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/defs.h
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-#pragma once
-// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./library/actors/util/defs.h
-#include <util/system/defaults.h>
-#include <util/generic/bt_exception.h>
-#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-#include <util/generic/string.h>
-#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
-#include <util/system/atomic.h>
-#include <util/system/align.h>
-#include <util/generic/vector.h>
-#include <util/datetime/base.h>
-#include <util/generic/ylimits.h>
-#include "intrinsics.h"
+#pragma once
+// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./library/actors/util/defs.h
+#include <util/system/defaults.h>
+#include <util/generic/bt_exception.h>
+#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/system/atomic.h>
+#include <util/system/align.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/datetime/base.h>
+#include <util/generic/ylimits.h>
+#include "intrinsics.h"
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/futex.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/futex.h
index 9f8a7b53bc..c193f8d128 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/futex.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/futex.h
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-#pragma once
-#ifdef _linux_
-#include <linux/futex.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-static long SysFutex(void* addr1, int op, int val1, struct timespec* timeout, void* addr2, int val3) {
- return syscall(SYS_futex, addr1, op, val1, timeout, addr2, val3);
+#pragma once
+#ifdef _linux_
+#include <linux/futex.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+static long SysFutex(void* addr1, int op, int val1, struct timespec* timeout, void* addr2, int val3) {
+ return syscall(SYS_futex, addr1, op, val1, timeout, addr2, val3);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/intrinsics.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/intrinsics.h
index 983bf4788d..df07e36896 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/intrinsics.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/intrinsics.h
@@ -1,97 +1,97 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <util/system/defaults.h>
-#include <util/system/atomic.h>
-#include <util/system/spinlock.h>
+#pragma once
+#include <util/system/defaults.h>
+#include <util/system/atomic.h>
+#include <util/system/spinlock.h>
#include <library/cpp/sse/sse.h> // The header chooses appropriate SSE support
-static_assert(sizeof(TAtomic) == 8, "expect sizeof(TAtomic) == 8");
-// we need explicit 32 bit operations to keep cache-line friendly packs
-// so have to define some atomics additionaly to arcadia one
-#ifdef _win_
-#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedCompareExchange)
-#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedExchangeAdd)
-#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedIncrement)
-#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedDecrement)
-inline bool AtomicUi32Cas(volatile ui32* a, ui32 exchange, ui32 compare) {
-#ifdef _win_
- return _InterlockedCompareExchange((volatile long*)a, exchange, compare) == (long)compare;
- ui32 expected = compare;
- return __atomic_compare_exchange_n(a, &expected, exchange, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
-inline ui32 AtomicUi32Add(volatile ui32* a, ui32 add) {
-#ifdef _win_
- return _InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile long*)a, add) + add;
- return __atomic_add_fetch(a, add, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
-inline ui32 AtomicUi32Sub(volatile ui32* a, ui32 sub) {
-#ifdef _win_
- return _InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile long*)a, -(long)sub) - sub;
- return __atomic_sub_fetch(a, sub, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
-inline ui32 AtomicUi32Increment(volatile ui32* a) {
-#ifdef _win_
- return _InterlockedIncrement((volatile long*)a);
- return __atomic_add_fetch(a, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
-inline ui32 AtomicUi32Decrement(volatile ui32* a) {
-#ifdef _win_
- return _InterlockedDecrement((volatile long*)a);
- return __atomic_sub_fetch(a, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
-template <typename T>
-inline void AtomicStore(volatile T* a, T x) {
- static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value, "expect std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value");
-#ifdef _win_
- *a = x;
- __atomic_store_n(a, x, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
-template <typename T>
-inline void RelaxedStore(volatile T* a, T x) {
- static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value, "expect std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value");
-#ifdef _win_
- *a = x;
- __atomic_store_n(a, x, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-template <typename T>
-inline T AtomicLoad(volatile T* a) {
-#ifdef _win_
- return *a;
- return __atomic_load_n(a, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
-template <typename T>
-inline T RelaxedLoad(volatile T* a) {
-#ifdef _win_
- return *a;
- return __atomic_load_n(a, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+static_assert(sizeof(TAtomic) == 8, "expect sizeof(TAtomic) == 8");
+// we need explicit 32 bit operations to keep cache-line friendly packs
+// so have to define some atomics additionaly to arcadia one
+#ifdef _win_
+#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedCompareExchange)
+#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedExchangeAdd)
+#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedIncrement)
+#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedDecrement)
+inline bool AtomicUi32Cas(volatile ui32* a, ui32 exchange, ui32 compare) {
+#ifdef _win_
+ return _InterlockedCompareExchange((volatile long*)a, exchange, compare) == (long)compare;
+ ui32 expected = compare;
+ return __atomic_compare_exchange_n(a, &expected, exchange, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+inline ui32 AtomicUi32Add(volatile ui32* a, ui32 add) {
+#ifdef _win_
+ return _InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile long*)a, add) + add;
+ return __atomic_add_fetch(a, add, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+inline ui32 AtomicUi32Sub(volatile ui32* a, ui32 sub) {
+#ifdef _win_
+ return _InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile long*)a, -(long)sub) - sub;
+ return __atomic_sub_fetch(a, sub, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+inline ui32 AtomicUi32Increment(volatile ui32* a) {
+#ifdef _win_
+ return _InterlockedIncrement((volatile long*)a);
+ return __atomic_add_fetch(a, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+inline ui32 AtomicUi32Decrement(volatile ui32* a) {
+#ifdef _win_
+ return _InterlockedDecrement((volatile long*)a);
+ return __atomic_sub_fetch(a, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+template <typename T>
+inline void AtomicStore(volatile T* a, T x) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value, "expect std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value");
+#ifdef _win_
+ *a = x;
+ __atomic_store_n(a, x, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
+template <typename T>
+inline void RelaxedStore(volatile T* a, T x) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value, "expect std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value");
+#ifdef _win_
+ *a = x;
+ __atomic_store_n(a, x, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+template <typename T>
+inline T AtomicLoad(volatile T* a) {
+#ifdef _win_
+ return *a;
+ return __atomic_load_n(a, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
+template <typename T>
+inline T RelaxedLoad(volatile T* a) {
+#ifdef _win_
+ return *a;
+ return __atomic_load_n(a, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/named_tuple.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/named_tuple.h
index 5a8999c4ce..67f185bba8 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/named_tuple.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/named_tuple.h
@@ -2,29 +2,29 @@
#include "defs.h"
-template <typename TDerived>
+template <typename TDerived>
struct TNamedTupleBase {
- friend bool operator==(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
+ friend bool operator==(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
return x.ConvertToTuple() == y.ConvertToTuple();
- friend bool operator!=(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
+ friend bool operator!=(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
return x.ConvertToTuple() != y.ConvertToTuple();
- friend bool operator<(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
+ friend bool operator<(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
return x.ConvertToTuple() < y.ConvertToTuple();
- friend bool operator<=(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
+ friend bool operator<=(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
return x.ConvertToTuple() <= y.ConvertToTuple();
- friend bool operator>(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
+ friend bool operator>(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
return x.ConvertToTuple() > y.ConvertToTuple();
- friend bool operator>=(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
+ friend bool operator>=(const TDerived& x, const TDerived& y) {
return x.ConvertToTuple() >= y.ConvertToTuple();
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/queue_chunk.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/queue_chunk.h
index 96657ee890..8a4e02d8cb 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/queue_chunk.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/queue_chunk.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-template <typename T, ui32 TSize, typename TDerived>
-struct TQueueChunkDerived {
- static const ui32 EntriesCount = (TSize - sizeof(TQueueChunkDerived*)) / sizeof(T);
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+template <typename T, ui32 TSize, typename TDerived>
+struct TQueueChunkDerived {
+ static const ui32 EntriesCount = (TSize - sizeof(TQueueChunkDerived*)) / sizeof(T);
static_assert(EntriesCount > 0, "expect EntriesCount > 0");
- volatile T Entries[EntriesCount];
- TDerived* volatile Next;
- TQueueChunkDerived() {
- memset(this, 0, sizeof(TQueueChunkDerived));
- }
-template <typename T, ui32 TSize>
-struct TQueueChunk {
- static const ui32 EntriesCount = (TSize - sizeof(TQueueChunk*)) / sizeof(T);
+ volatile T Entries[EntriesCount];
+ TDerived* volatile Next;
+ TQueueChunkDerived() {
+ memset(this, 0, sizeof(TQueueChunkDerived));
+ }
+template <typename T, ui32 TSize>
+struct TQueueChunk {
+ static const ui32 EntriesCount = (TSize - sizeof(TQueueChunk*)) / sizeof(T);
static_assert(EntriesCount > 0, "expect EntriesCount > 0");
- volatile T Entries[EntriesCount];
- TQueueChunk* volatile Next;
- TQueueChunk() {
- memset(this, 0, sizeof(TQueueChunk));
- }
+ volatile T Entries[EntriesCount];
+ TQueueChunk* volatile Next;
+ TQueueChunk() {
+ memset(this, 0, sizeof(TQueueChunk));
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h
index 48507a5235..d7ec8bb21c 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "queue_chunk.h"
-template <typename T, ui32 TSize, typename TChunk = TQueueChunk<T, TSize>>
-class TOneOneQueueInplace : TNonCopyable {
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "queue_chunk.h"
+template <typename T, ui32 TSize, typename TChunk = TQueueChunk<T, TSize>>
+class TOneOneQueueInplace : TNonCopyable {
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value, "expect std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::valuer");
- TChunk* ReadFrom;
- ui32 ReadPosition;
- ui32 WritePosition;
- TChunk* WriteTo;
- friend class TReadIterator;
- class TReadIterator {
- TChunk* ReadFrom;
- ui32 ReadPosition;
- public:
- TReadIterator(TChunk* readFrom, ui32 readPosition)
- : ReadFrom(readFrom)
- , ReadPosition(readPosition)
- {
- }
- inline T Next() {
- TChunk* head = ReadFrom;
- if (ReadPosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
- return AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[ReadPosition++]);
- } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
- ReadFrom = next;
- ReadPosition = 0;
- return Next();
- }
+ TChunk* ReadFrom;
+ ui32 ReadPosition;
+ ui32 WritePosition;
+ TChunk* WriteTo;
+ friend class TReadIterator;
+ class TReadIterator {
+ TChunk* ReadFrom;
+ ui32 ReadPosition;
+ public:
+ TReadIterator(TChunk* readFrom, ui32 readPosition)
+ : ReadFrom(readFrom)
+ , ReadPosition(readPosition)
+ {
+ }
+ inline T Next() {
+ TChunk* head = ReadFrom;
+ if (ReadPosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ return AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[ReadPosition++]);
+ } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
+ ReadFrom = next;
+ ReadPosition = 0;
+ return Next();
+ }
return T{};
- }
- };
- TOneOneQueueInplace()
- : ReadFrom(new TChunk())
- , ReadPosition(0)
- , WritePosition(0)
- , WriteTo(ReadFrom)
- {
- }
- ~TOneOneQueueInplace() {
+ }
+ };
+ TOneOneQueueInplace()
+ : ReadFrom(new TChunk())
+ , ReadPosition(0)
+ , WritePosition(0)
+ , WriteTo(ReadFrom)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TOneOneQueueInplace() {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(Head() == 0);
- delete ReadFrom;
- }
- struct TPtrCleanDestructor {
+ delete ReadFrom;
+ }
+ struct TPtrCleanDestructor {
static inline void Destroy(TOneOneQueueInplace<T, TSize>* x) noexcept {
- while (T head = x->Pop())
- delete head;
- delete x;
- }
- };
- struct TCleanDestructor {
+ while (T head = x->Pop())
+ delete head;
+ delete x;
+ }
+ };
+ struct TCleanDestructor {
static inline void Destroy(TOneOneQueueInplace<T, TSize>* x) noexcept {
while (x->Pop() != nullptr)
- continue;
- delete x;
- }
- };
- struct TPtrCleanInplaceMallocDestructor {
- template <typename TPtrVal>
+ continue;
+ delete x;
+ }
+ };
+ struct TPtrCleanInplaceMallocDestructor {
+ template <typename TPtrVal>
static inline void Destroy(TOneOneQueueInplace<TPtrVal*, TSize>* x) noexcept {
- while (TPtrVal* head = x->Pop()) {
- head->~TPtrVal();
- free(head);
- }
- delete x;
- }
- };
+ while (TPtrVal* head = x->Pop()) {
+ head->~TPtrVal();
+ free(head);
+ }
+ delete x;
+ }
+ };
void Push(T x) noexcept {
- if (WritePosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
- AtomicStore(&WriteTo->Entries[WritePosition], x);
- ++WritePosition;
- } else {
- TChunk* next = new TChunk();
- next->Entries[0] = x;
- AtomicStore(&WriteTo->Next, next);
- WriteTo = next;
- WritePosition = 1;
- }
- }
- T Head() {
- TChunk* head = ReadFrom;
- if (ReadPosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
- return AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[ReadPosition]);
- } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
- ReadFrom = next;
- delete head;
- ReadPosition = 0;
- return Head();
- }
+ if (WritePosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ AtomicStore(&WriteTo->Entries[WritePosition], x);
+ ++WritePosition;
+ } else {
+ TChunk* next = new TChunk();
+ next->Entries[0] = x;
+ AtomicStore(&WriteTo->Next, next);
+ WriteTo = next;
+ WritePosition = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ T Head() {
+ TChunk* head = ReadFrom;
+ if (ReadPosition != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ return AtomicLoad(&head->Entries[ReadPosition]);
+ } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&head->Next)) {
+ ReadFrom = next;
+ delete head;
+ ReadPosition = 0;
+ return Head();
+ }
return T{};
- }
- T Pop() {
- T ret = Head();
- if (ret)
- ++ReadPosition;
- return ret;
- }
- TReadIterator Iterator() {
- return TReadIterator(ReadFrom, ReadPosition);
- }
+ }
+ T Pop() {
+ T ret = Head();
+ if (ret)
+ ++ReadPosition;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ TReadIterator Iterator() {
+ return TReadIterator(ReadFrom, ReadPosition);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/should_continue.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/util/should_continue.cpp
index 38bb6a28b3..258e6a0aff 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/should_continue.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/should_continue.cpp
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-#include "should_continue.h"
-void TProgramShouldContinue::ShouldRestart() {
- AtomicSet(State, Restart);
-void TProgramShouldContinue::ShouldStop(int returnCode) {
- AtomicSet(ReturnCode, returnCode);
- AtomicSet(State, Stop);
-TProgramShouldContinue::EState TProgramShouldContinue::PollState() {
- return static_cast<EState>(AtomicGet(State));
-int TProgramShouldContinue::GetReturnCode() {
- return static_cast<int>(AtomicGet(ReturnCode));
-void TProgramShouldContinue::Reset() {
- AtomicSet(ReturnCode, 0);
- AtomicSet(State, Continue);
+#include "should_continue.h"
+void TProgramShouldContinue::ShouldRestart() {
+ AtomicSet(State, Restart);
+void TProgramShouldContinue::ShouldStop(int returnCode) {
+ AtomicSet(ReturnCode, returnCode);
+ AtomicSet(State, Stop);
+TProgramShouldContinue::EState TProgramShouldContinue::PollState() {
+ return static_cast<EState>(AtomicGet(State));
+int TProgramShouldContinue::GetReturnCode() {
+ return static_cast<int>(AtomicGet(ReturnCode));
+void TProgramShouldContinue::Reset() {
+ AtomicSet(ReturnCode, 0);
+ AtomicSet(State, Continue);
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/should_continue.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/should_continue.h
index 8fc7f9dab0..76acc40dc4 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/should_continue.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/should_continue.h
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-class TProgramShouldContinue {
- enum EState {
- Continue,
- Stop,
- Restart,
- };
- void ShouldRestart();
- void ShouldStop(int returnCode = 0);
- EState PollState();
- int GetReturnCode();
- void Reset();
- TAtomic ReturnCode = 0;
- TAtomic State = Continue;
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+class TProgramShouldContinue {
+ enum EState {
+ Continue,
+ Stop,
+ Restart,
+ };
+ void ShouldRestart();
+ void ShouldStop(int returnCode = 0);
+ EState PollState();
+ int GetReturnCode();
+ void Reset();
+ TAtomic ReturnCode = 0;
+ TAtomic State = Continue;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/thread.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/thread.h
index 0afbe10921..d742c8c585 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/thread.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/thread.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include <time.h>
inline void SetCurrentThreadName(const TString& name,
- const ui32 maxCharsFromProcessName = 8) {
+ const ui32 maxCharsFromProcessName = 8) {
#if defined(_linux_)
// linux limits threadname by 15 + \0
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.cpp b/library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.cpp
index 88813e270c..74069ff15b 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.cpp
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-#include "threadparkpad.h"
-#include <util/system/winint.h>
-#ifdef _linux_
-#include "futex.h"
-namespace NActors {
+#include "threadparkpad.h"
+#include <util/system/winint.h>
+#ifdef _linux_
+#include "futex.h"
+namespace NActors {
class TThreadParkPad::TImpl {
volatile bool Interrupted;
int Futex;
: Interrupted(false)
@@ -18,39 +18,39 @@ namespace NActors {
~TImpl() {
bool Park() noexcept {
__atomic_fetch_sub(&Futex, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
while (__atomic_load_n(&Futex, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) == -1)
SysFutex(&Futex, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, -1, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
return IsInterrupted();
void Unpark() noexcept {
const int old = __atomic_fetch_add(&Futex, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
if (old == -1)
SysFutex(&Futex, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, -1, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
void Interrupt() noexcept {
__atomic_store_n(&Interrupted, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
bool IsInterrupted() const noexcept {
return __atomic_load_n(&Interrupted, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
-#elif defined _win32_
+#elif defined _win32_
#include <util/generic/bt_exception.h>
-#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
-namespace NActors {
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+namespace NActors {
class TThreadParkPad::TImpl {
TAtomic Interrupted;
HANDLE EvHandle;
: Interrupted(false)
@@ -63,35 +63,35 @@ namespace NActors {
if (EvHandle)
bool Park() noexcept {
::WaitForSingleObject(EvHandle, INFINITE);
return AtomicGet(Interrupted);
void Unpark() noexcept {
void Interrupt() noexcept {
AtomicSet(Interrupted, true);
bool IsInterrupted() const noexcept {
return AtomicGet(Interrupted);
-#include <util/system/event.h>
-namespace NActors {
+#include <util/system/event.h>
+namespace NActors {
class TThreadParkPad::TImpl {
TAtomic Interrupted;
TSystemEvent Ev;
: Interrupted(false)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ namespace NActors {
~TImpl() {
bool Park() noexcept {
return AtomicGet(Interrupted);
@@ -123,26 +123,26 @@ namespace NActors {
: Impl(new TThreadParkPad::TImpl())
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
TThreadParkPad::~TThreadParkPad() {
- }
+ }
bool TThreadParkPad::Park() noexcept {
return Impl->Park();
- }
+ }
void TThreadParkPad::Unpark() noexcept {
- }
+ }
void TThreadParkPad::Interrupt() noexcept {
- }
+ }
bool TThreadParkPad::Interrupted() const noexcept {
return Impl->IsInterrupted();
- }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.h
index 30f9cffdb9..5b574ccf34 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/threadparkpad.h
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-namespace NActors {
- class TThreadParkPad {
- private:
- class TImpl;
- THolder<TImpl> Impl;
- public:
- TThreadParkPad();
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+namespace NActors {
+ class TThreadParkPad {
+ private:
+ class TImpl;
+ THolder<TImpl> Impl;
+ public:
+ TThreadParkPad();
bool Park() noexcept;
void Unpark() noexcept;
void Interrupt() noexcept;
bool Interrupted() const noexcept;
- };
+ };
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/ticket_lock.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/ticket_lock.h
index 334922a088..3b1fa80393 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/ticket_lock.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/ticket_lock.h
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "intrinsics.h"
-#include <util/system/guard.h>
-#include <util/system/yassert.h>
-class TTicketLock : TNonCopyable {
- ui32 TicketIn;
- ui32 TicketOut;
- TTicketLock()
- : TicketIn(0)
- , TicketOut(0)
- {
- }
+#pragma once
+#include "intrinsics.h"
+#include <util/system/guard.h>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+class TTicketLock : TNonCopyable {
+ ui32 TicketIn;
+ ui32 TicketOut;
+ TTicketLock()
+ : TicketIn(0)
+ , TicketOut(0)
+ {
+ }
void Release() noexcept {
- AtomicUi32Increment(&TicketOut);
- }
+ AtomicUi32Increment(&TicketOut);
+ }
ui32 Acquire() noexcept {
- ui32 revolves = 0;
- const ui32 ticket = AtomicUi32Increment(&TicketIn) - 1;
- while (ticket != AtomicLoad(&TicketOut)) {
+ ui32 revolves = 0;
+ const ui32 ticket = AtomicUi32Increment(&TicketIn) - 1;
+ while (ticket != AtomicLoad(&TicketOut)) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(ticket >= AtomicLoad(&TicketOut));
- SpinLockPause();
- ++revolves;
- }
- return revolves;
- }
+ SpinLockPause();
+ ++revolves;
+ }
+ return revolves;
+ }
bool TryAcquire() noexcept {
- const ui32 x = AtomicLoad(&TicketOut);
- if (x == AtomicLoad(&TicketIn) && AtomicUi32Cas(&TicketIn, x + 1, x))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
+ const ui32 x = AtomicLoad(&TicketOut);
+ if (x == AtomicLoad(&TicketIn) && AtomicUi32Cas(&TicketIn, x + 1, x))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
bool IsLocked() noexcept {
- const ui32 ticketIn = AtomicLoad(&TicketIn);
- const ui32 ticketOut = AtomicLoad(&TicketOut);
- return (ticketIn != ticketOut);
- }
- typedef ::TGuard<TTicketLock> TGuard;
+ const ui32 ticketIn = AtomicLoad(&TicketIn);
+ const ui32 ticketOut = AtomicLoad(&TicketOut);
+ return (ticketIn != ticketOut);
+ }
+ typedef ::TGuard<TTicketLock> TGuard;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/unordered_cache.h b/library/cpp/actors/util/unordered_cache.h
index 57b9c6663d..76f036c0cf 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/unordered_cache.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/unordered_cache.h
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "queue_chunk.h"
template <typename T, ui32 Size = 512, ui32 ConcurrencyFactor = 1, typename TChunk = TQueueChunk<T, Size>>
-class TUnorderedCache : TNonCopyable {
+class TUnorderedCache : TNonCopyable {
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value, "expect std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value");
static constexpr ui32 Concurrency = ConcurrencyFactor * 4;
struct TReadSlot {
TChunk* volatile ReadFrom;
volatile ui32 ReadPosition;
char Padding[64 - sizeof(TChunk*) - sizeof(ui32)]; // 1 slot per cache line
struct TWriteSlot {
TChunk* volatile WriteTo;
volatile ui32 WritePosition;
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ private:
TWriteSlot WriteSlots[Concurrency];
static_assert(sizeof(TChunk*) == sizeof(TAtomic), "expect sizeof(TChunk*) == sizeof(TAtomic)");
struct TLockedWriter {
TWriteSlot* Slot;
@@ -82,53 +82,53 @@ private:
TLockedWriter LockWriter(ui64 writerRotation) {
ui32 cycle = 0;
- for (;;) {
+ for (;;) {
TWriteSlot* slot = &WriteSlots[writerRotation % Concurrency];
if (AtomicLoad(&slot->WriteTo) != nullptr) {
if (TChunk* writeTo = AtomicSwap(&slot->WriteTo, nullptr)) {
return TLockedWriter(slot, writeTo);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
// Do a spinlock pause after a full cycle
if (++cycle == Concurrency) {
cycle = 0;
- }
+ }
void WriteOne(TLockedWriter& lock, T x) {
const ui32 pos = AtomicLoad(&lock.Slot->WritePosition);
- if (pos != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ if (pos != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
AtomicStore(&lock.Slot->WritePosition, pos + 1);
AtomicStore(&lock.WriteTo->Entries[pos], x);
- } else {
+ } else {
TChunk* next = new TChunk();
- AtomicStore(&next->Entries[0], x);
+ AtomicStore(&next->Entries[0], x);
AtomicStore(&lock.Slot->WritePosition, 1u);
AtomicStore(&lock.WriteTo->Next, next);
lock.WriteTo = next;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
TUnorderedCache() {
for (ui32 i = 0; i < Concurrency; ++i) {
ReadSlots[i].ReadFrom = new TChunk();
ReadSlots[i].ReadPosition = 0;
WriteSlots[i].WriteTo = ReadSlots[i].ReadFrom;
WriteSlots[i].WritePosition = 0;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
~TUnorderedCache() {
for (ui64 i = 0; i < Concurrency; ++i) {
if (ReadSlots[i].ReadFrom) {
delete ReadSlots[i].ReadFrom;
@@ -139,63 +139,63 @@ public:
T Pop(ui64 readerRotation) noexcept {
- ui64 readerIndex = readerRotation;
- const ui64 endIndex = readerIndex + Concurrency;
- for (; readerIndex != endIndex; ++readerIndex) {
+ ui64 readerIndex = readerRotation;
+ const ui64 endIndex = readerIndex + Concurrency;
+ for (; readerIndex != endIndex; ++readerIndex) {
TReadSlot* slot = &ReadSlots[readerIndex % Concurrency];
if (AtomicLoad(&slot->ReadFrom) != nullptr) {
if (TChunk* readFrom = AtomicSwap(&slot->ReadFrom, nullptr)) {
const ui32 pos = AtomicLoad(&slot->ReadPosition);
- if (pos != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
- if (T ret = AtomicLoad(&readFrom->Entries[pos])) {
+ if (pos != TChunk::EntriesCount) {
+ if (T ret = AtomicLoad(&readFrom->Entries[pos])) {
AtomicStore(&slot->ReadPosition, pos + 1);
AtomicStore(&slot->ReadFrom, readFrom); // release lock with same chunk
return ret; // found, return
- } else {
+ } else {
AtomicStore(&slot->ReadFrom, readFrom); // release lock with same chunk
- }
- } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&readFrom->Next)) {
- if (T ret = AtomicLoad(&next->Entries[0])) {
+ }
+ } else if (TChunk* next = AtomicLoad(&readFrom->Next)) {
+ if (T ret = AtomicLoad(&next->Entries[0])) {
AtomicStore(&slot->ReadPosition, 1u);
AtomicStore(&slot->ReadFrom, next); // release lock with next chunk
- delete readFrom;
- return ret;
- } else {
+ delete readFrom;
+ return ret;
+ } else {
AtomicStore(&slot->ReadPosition, 0u);
AtomicStore(&slot->ReadFrom, next); // release lock with new chunk
- delete readFrom;
- }
- } else {
+ delete readFrom;
+ }
+ } else {
// nothing in old chunk and no next chunk, just release lock with old chunk
AtomicStore(&slot->ReadFrom, readFrom);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0; // got nothing after full cycle, return
- }
- void Push(T x, ui64 writerRotation) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; // got nothing after full cycle, return
+ }
+ void Push(T x, ui64 writerRotation) {
TLockedWriter lock = LockWriter(writerRotation);
WriteOne(lock, x);
- }
- void PushBulk(T* x, ui32 xcount, ui64 writerRotation) {
+ }
+ void PushBulk(T* x, ui32 xcount, ui64 writerRotation) {
for (;;) {
// Fill no more then one queue chunk per round
- const ui32 xround = Min(xcount, (ui32)TChunk::EntriesCount);
+ const ui32 xround = Min(xcount, (ui32)TChunk::EntriesCount);
TLockedWriter lock = LockWriter(writerRotation++);
for (T* end = x + xround; x != end; ++x)
WriteOne(lock, *x);
- if (xcount <= TChunk::EntriesCount)
- break;
- xcount -= TChunk::EntriesCount;
- }
- }
+ if (xcount <= TChunk::EntriesCount)
+ break;
+ xcount -= TChunk::EntriesCount;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/util/ya.make b/library/cpp/actors/util/ya.make
index a8bc36c769..37488c3962 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/util/ya.make
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/util/ya.make
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
- affinity.cpp
- affinity.h
+ affinity.cpp
+ affinity.h
- defs.h
+ defs.h
- futex.h
- intrinsics.h
+ futex.h
+ intrinsics.h
- named_tuple.h
- queue_chunk.h
- queue_oneone_inplace.h
+ named_tuple.h
+ queue_chunk.h
+ queue_oneone_inplace.h
- should_continue.cpp
- should_continue.h
- thread.h
- threadparkpad.cpp
- threadparkpad.h
- ticket_lock.h
+ should_continue.cpp
+ should_continue.h
+ thread.h
+ threadparkpad.cpp
+ threadparkpad.h
+ ticket_lock.h
- unordered_cache.h
- util
+ unordered_cache.h
+ util
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_event.h b/library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_event.h
index 0bf0953096..7d89c33b51 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_event.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_event.h
@@ -10,46 +10,46 @@ namespace NWilson {
#if !defined(_win_)
// works only for those compilers, who trait C++ as ISO IEC 14882, not their own standard
-#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_8(N, F, X, ...) \
- F(X, N - 8) \
- __UNROLL_PARAMS_7(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_7(N, F, X, ...) \
- F(X, N - 7) \
- __UNROLL_PARAMS_6(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_6(N, F, X, ...) \
- F(X, N - 6) \
- __UNROLL_PARAMS_5(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_5(N, F, X, ...) \
- F(X, N - 5) \
- __UNROLL_PARAMS_4(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_4(N, F, X, ...) \
- F(X, N - 4) \
- __UNROLL_PARAMS_3(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_3(N, F, X, ...) \
- F(X, N - 3) \
- __UNROLL_PARAMS_2(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_2(N, F, X, ...) \
- F(X, N - 2) \
- __UNROLL_PARAMS_1(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_1(N, F, X) F(X, N - 1)
+#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_8(N, F, X, ...) \
+ F(X, N - 8) \
+ __UNROLL_PARAMS_7(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_7(N, F, X, ...) \
+ F(X, N - 7) \
+ __UNROLL_PARAMS_6(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_6(N, F, X, ...) \
+ F(X, N - 6) \
+ __UNROLL_PARAMS_5(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_5(N, F, X, ...) \
+ F(X, N - 5) \
+ __UNROLL_PARAMS_4(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_4(N, F, X, ...) \
+ F(X, N - 4) \
+ __UNROLL_PARAMS_3(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_3(N, F, X, ...) \
+ F(X, N - 3) \
+ __UNROLL_PARAMS_2(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_2(N, F, X, ...) \
+ F(X, N - 2) \
+ __UNROLL_PARAMS_1(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_1(N, F, X) F(X, N - 1)
#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_0(N, F)
#define __EX(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define __NUM_PARAMS_SELECT(X, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, N, ...) N
#define __NUM_PARAMS_SEQ 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, ERROR
-#define __CAT(X, Y) X##Y
+#define __CAT(X, Y) X##Y
#define __UNROLL_PARAMS_N(N, F, ...) __EX(__CAT(__UNROLL_PARAMS_, N)(N, F, ##__VA_ARGS__))
#define __UNROLL_PARAMS(F, ...) __UNROLL_PARAMS_N(__NUM_PARAMS(X, ##__VA_ARGS__), F, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define __EX2(F, X, INDEX) __INVOKE(F, __EX X, INDEX)
#define __INVOKE(F, ...) F(__VA_ARGS__)
- static const struct T##NAME##Param \
- : ::NWilson::TParamBinder<INDEX, TYPE> { \
- T##NAME##Param() { \
- } \
+ static const struct T##NAME##Param \
+ : ::NWilson::TParamBinder<INDEX, TYPE> { \
+ T##NAME##Param() { \
+ } \
using ::NWilson::TParamBinder<INDEX, TYPE>::operator=; \
@@ -59,70 +59,70 @@ namespace NWilson {
#define __OUTPUT_PARAM_X(TYPE, NAME, INDEX) str << (INDEX ? ", " : "") << #NAME << "# " << std::get<INDEX>(ParamPack);
-#define __FILL_PARAM(P, INDEX) \
- do { \
- const auto& boundParam = (NParams::P); \
- boundParam.Apply(event.ParamPack); \
- } while (false);
- namespace N##EVENT_NAME##Params { \
- \
- using TParamPack = std::tuple< \
- __UNROLL_PARAMS(__TUPLE_PARAM, ##__VA_ARGS__) char>; \
- } \
- struct T##EVENT_NAME { \
- using TParamPack = N##EVENT_NAME##Params::TParamPack; \
- TParamPack ParamPack; \
- \
+#define __FILL_PARAM(P, INDEX) \
+ do { \
+ const auto& boundParam = (NParams::P); \
+ boundParam.Apply(event.ParamPack); \
+ } while (false);
+ namespace N##EVENT_NAME##Params { \
+ \
+ using TParamPack = std::tuple< \
+ __UNROLL_PARAMS(__TUPLE_PARAM, ##__VA_ARGS__) char>; \
+ } \
+ struct T##EVENT_NAME { \
+ using TParamPack = N##EVENT_NAME##Params::TParamPack; \
+ TParamPack ParamPack; \
+ \
void Output(IOutputStream& str) { \
- str << #EVENT_NAME << "{"; \
- str << "}"; \
- } \
+ str << #EVENT_NAME << "{"; \
+ str << "}"; \
+ } \
- template <size_t INDEX, typename T>
+ template <size_t INDEX, typename T>
class TBoundParam {
mutable T Value;
TBoundParam(T&& value)
: Value(std::move(value))
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
- template <typename TParamPack>
+ template <typename TParamPack>
void Apply(TParamPack& pack) const {
std::get<INDEX>(pack) = std::move(Value);
- template <size_t INDEX, typename T>
+ template <size_t INDEX, typename T>
struct TParamBinder {
- template <typename TValue>
+ template <typename TValue>
TBoundParam<INDEX, T> operator=(const TValue& value) const {
return TBoundParam<INDEX, T>(TValue(value));
- template <typename TValue>
+ template <typename TValue>
TBoundParam<INDEX, T> operator=(TValue&& value) const {
return TBoundParam<INDEX, T>(std::move(value));
// generate wilson event having parent TRACE_ID and span TRACE_ID to become parent of logged event
if (::NWilson::TraceEnabled(CTX)) { \
- ::NWilson::TTraceId* __traceId = (TRACE_ID); \
- if (__traceId && *__traceId) { \
- TInstant now = Now(); \
- T##EVENT_NAME event; \
- namespace NParams = N##EVENT_NAME##Params; \
+ ::NWilson::TTraceId* __traceId = (TRACE_ID); \
+ if (__traceId && *__traceId) { \
+ TInstant now = Now(); \
+ T##EVENT_NAME event; \
+ namespace NParams = N##EVENT_NAME##Params; \
::NWilson::TraceEvent((CTX), __traceId, event, now); \
- } \
+ } \
inline ui32 GetNodeId(const NActors::TActorSystem& actorSystem) {
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ namespace NWilson {
return loggerSettings && loggerSettings->Satisfies(NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, WilsonComponentId);
- template <typename TActorSystem, typename TEvent>
- void TraceEvent(const TActorSystem& actorSystem, TTraceId* traceId, TEvent&& event, TInstant timestamp) {
+ template <typename TActorSystem, typename TEvent>
+ void TraceEvent(const TActorSystem& actorSystem, TTraceId* traceId, TEvent&& event, TInstant timestamp) {
// ensure that we are not using obsolete TraceId
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ namespace NWilson {
const ui64 timestampValue = timestamp.GetValue();
const size_t base64size = Base64EncodeBufSize(sizeof(timestampValue));
char base64[base64size];
- char* end = Base64Encode(base64, reinterpret_cast<const ui8*>(&timestampValue), sizeof(timestampValue));
+ char* end = Base64Encode(base64, reinterpret_cast<const ui8*>(&timestampValue), sizeof(timestampValue));
// cut trailing padding character to save some space
Y_VERIFY(end > base64 && end[-1] == '=');
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_trace.h b/library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_trace.h
index 3f5bbbafa3..3d1ca50562 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_trace.h
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/wilson/wilson_trace.h
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ namespace NWilson {
TTraceId(ui64 traceId, ui64 spanId)
: TraceId(traceId)
, SpanId(spanId)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
static ui64 GenerateTraceId() {
ui64 traceId = 0;
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ namespace NWilson {
: TraceId(0)
, SpanId(0)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
explicit TTraceId(ui64 traceId)
: TraceId(traceId)
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ namespace NWilson {
TTraceId(const TSerializedTraceId& in)
- : TraceId(reinterpret_cast<const ui64*>(in)[0])
- , SpanId(reinterpret_cast<const ui64*>(in)[1])
- {
- }
+ : TraceId(reinterpret_cast<const ui64*>(in)[0])
+ , SpanId(reinterpret_cast<const ui64*>(in)[1])
+ {
+ }
// allow move semantic
TTraceId(TTraceId&& other)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace NWilson {
other.SpanId = 1; // explicitly mark invalid
- TTraceId& operator=(TTraceId&& other) {
+ TTraceId& operator=(TTraceId&& other) {
TraceId = other.TraceId;
SpanId = other.SpanId;
other.TraceId = 0;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace NWilson {
// do not allow implicit copy of trace id
TTraceId(const TTraceId& other) = delete;
- TTraceId& operator=(const TTraceId& other) = delete;
+ TTraceId& operator=(const TTraceId& other) = delete;
static TTraceId NewTraceId() {
return TTraceId(GenerateTraceId(), 0);
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ namespace NWilson {
const size_t base64size = Base64EncodeBufSize(sizeof(x));
char base64[base64size];
- char* end = Base64Encode(base64, buffer, sizeof(x));
+ char* end = Base64Encode(base64, buffer, sizeof(x));
s << TStringBuf(base64, end);
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ namespace NWilson {
void OutputSpanId(IOutputStream& s) const {
const size_t base64size = Base64EncodeBufSize(sizeof(SpanId));
char base64[base64size];
- char* end = Base64Encode(base64, reinterpret_cast<const ui8*>(&SpanId), sizeof(SpanId));
+ char* end = Base64Encode(base64, reinterpret_cast<const ui8*>(&SpanId), sizeof(SpanId));
// cut trailing padding character
Y_VERIFY(end > base64 && end[-1] == '=');
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ namespace NWilson {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(*this || !SpanId);
- friend bool operator==(const TTraceId& x, const TTraceId& y) {
+ friend bool operator==(const TTraceId& x, const TTraceId& y) {
return x.TraceId == y.TraceId && x.SpanId == y.SpanId;
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ namespace NWilson {
return TraceId == other.TraceId;
- void Serialize(TSerializedTraceId* out) {
- ui64* p = reinterpret_cast<ui64*>(*out);
+ void Serialize(TSerializedTraceId* out) {
+ ui64* p = reinterpret_cast<ui64*>(*out);
p[0] = TraceId;
p[1] = SpanId;
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/wilson/ya.make b/library/cpp/actors/wilson/ya.make
index 177884ad69..e371f5061d 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/wilson/ya.make
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/wilson/ya.make
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/library/cpp/actors/ya.make b/library/cpp/actors/ya.make
index 95655c27ce..737c7fbc18 100644
--- a/library/cpp/actors/ya.make
+++ b/library/cpp/actors/ya.make
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
- core
+ core
- examples
- memory_log
+ examples
+ memory_log
- prof
- protos
- util
- wilson
+ prof
+ protos
+ util
+ wilson
diff --git a/library/cpp/digest/crc32c/ya.make b/library/cpp/digest/crc32c/ya.make
index e324c587e5..d6faf16c9c 100644
--- a/library/cpp/digest/crc32c/ya.make
+++ b/library/cpp/digest/crc32c/ya.make
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/library/cpp/malloc/ya.make b/library/cpp/malloc/ya.make
index bacc38d54e..0ec9db71d2 100644
--- a/library/cpp/malloc/ya.make
+++ b/library/cpp/malloc/ya.make
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ RECURSE(
- nalf
+ nalf
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/queue/mpsc_read_as_filled.h b/library/cpp/threading/queue/mpsc_read_as_filled.h
index 7670fc4c6f..be33ba5a58 100644
--- a/library/cpp/threading/queue/mpsc_read_as_filled.h
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/queue/mpsc_read_as_filled.h
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
Completely wait-free queue, multiple producers - one consumer. Strict order.
The queue algorithm is using concept of virtual infinite array.
- A producer takes a number from a counter and atomically increments the counter.
+ A producer takes a number from a counter and atomically increments the counter.
The number taken is a number of a slot for the producer to put a new message
into infinite array.
Then producer constructs a virtual infinite array by bidirectional linked list
of blocks. Each block contains several slots.
- There is a hint pointer which optimistically points to the last block
+ There is a hint pointer which optimistically points to the last block
of the list and never goes backward.
Consumer exploits the property of the hint pointer always going forward
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
Consumer can't stop the progress for producers.
Consumer can skip not-yet-filled slots and read them later.
Thus no producer can stop the progress for consumer.
- The algorithm is virtually strictly ordered because it skips slots only
+ The algorithm is virtually strictly ordered because it skips slots only
if it is really does not matter in which order the slots were produced and
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
WARNING: though the algorithm itself is completely wait-free
but producers and consumer could be blocked by memory allocator
- WARNING: copy constructors of the queue are not thread-safe
+ WARNING: copy constructors of the queue are not thread-safe
#include <util/generic/deque.h>
diff --git a/util/datetime/cputimer.cpp b/util/datetime/cputimer.cpp
index 69e888e79e..516d372c37 100644
--- a/util/datetime/cputimer.cpp
+++ b/util/datetime/cputimer.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static ui64 GetCyclesPerSecond() {
if (ManuallySetCyclesPerSecond != 0) {
return ManuallySetCyclesPerSecond;
} else {
- return NHPTimer::GetCyclesPerSecond();
+ return NHPTimer::GetCyclesPerSecond();
diff --git a/util/folder/fts.cpp b/util/folder/fts.cpp
index 9f18f8bd14..0e6a6f86eb 100644
--- a/util/folder/fts.cpp
+++ b/util/folder/fts.cpp
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ dird get_dird(char* path) {
WCHAR* ret = _wfullpath(0, buf, 0);
- return ret;
+ return ret;
#endif // ndef _win_
diff --git a/util/generic/vector.h b/util/generic/vector.h
index 7135d0af48..a5b258955a 100644
--- a/util/generic/vector.h
+++ b/util/generic/vector.h
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public:
inline TVector(const TSelf& src)
- : TBase(src)
+ : TBase(src)
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ public:
- inline TSelf& operator=(const TSelf& src) {
- TBase::operator=(src);
- return *this;
- }
+ inline TSelf& operator=(const TSelf& src) {
+ TBase::operator=(src);
+ return *this;
+ }
inline TSelf& operator=(TSelf&& src) noexcept {
diff --git a/util/system/event.cpp b/util/system/event.cpp
index d7cc5caaa0..79b3cdb291 100644
--- a/util/system/event.cpp
+++ b/util/system/event.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
return WaitForSingleObject(cond, (deadLine - now).MilliSeconds()) == WAIT_OBJECT_0;
- return (WaitForSingleObject(cond, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
+ return (WaitForSingleObject(cond, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
inline TEvImpl(ResetMode rmode)
diff --git a/util/system/hp_timer.cpp b/util/system/hp_timer.cpp
index a0bae5d50c..e4c3f21e6b 100644
--- a/util/system/hp_timer.cpp
+++ b/util/system/hp_timer.cpp
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ namespace {
struct TFreq {
inline TFreq()
: Freq(InitHPTimer())
- , Rate(1.0 / Freq)
- , CyclesPerSecond(static_cast<ui64>(Rate))
+ , Rate(1.0 / Freq)
+ , CyclesPerSecond(static_cast<ui64>(Rate))
@@ -80,16 +80,16 @@ namespace {
inline double GetClockRate() const {
- return Rate;
+ return Rate;
+ }
+ inline ui64 GetCyclesPerSecond() const {
+ return CyclesPerSecond;
- inline ui64 GetCyclesPerSecond() const {
- return CyclesPerSecond;
- }
const double Freq;
- const double Rate;
- const ui64 CyclesPerSecond;
+ const double Rate;
+ const ui64 CyclesPerSecond;
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ double NHPTimer::GetClockRate() noexcept {
ui64 NHPTimer::GetCyclesPerSecond() noexcept {
- return TFreq::Instance().GetCyclesPerSecond();
+ return TFreq::Instance().GetCyclesPerSecond();
void NHPTimer::GetTime(STime* pTime) noexcept {
*pTime = GetCycleCount();
diff --git a/util/system/tls.h b/util/system/tls.h
index 1f08352e50..3c4f56dbeb 100644
--- a/util/system/tls.h
+++ b/util/system/tls.h
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ namespace NTls {
T* Construct(void* ptr) const override {
//memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(T));
- return ::new (ptr) T();
+ return ::new (ptr) T();
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ namespace NTls {
~TCopyConstructor() override = default;
T* Construct(void* ptr) const override {
- return ::new (ptr) T(Value);
+ return ::new (ptr) T(Value);
diff --git a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/long_timer.cpp b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/long_timer.cpp
index 8482b704f6..e3b139579f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/long_timer.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/long_timer.cpp
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-#include "long_timer.h"
+#include "long_timer.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/events.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
-namespace NActors {
-class TLongTimer : public TActor<TLongTimer> {
- const static ui64 ThresholdSec = 15;
+namespace NActors {
+class TLongTimer : public TActor<TLongTimer> {
+ const static ui64 ThresholdSec = 15;
TMonotonic StartTime;
TMonotonic SignalTime;
- TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> Ev;
- TSchedulerCookieHolder Cookie;
- void PoisonPill(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- void Round(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (Cookie.Get() && !Cookie.Get()->IsArmed())
- return Die(ctx);
+ TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> Ev;
+ TSchedulerCookieHolder Cookie;
+ void PoisonPill(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void Round(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (Cookie.Get() && !Cookie.Get()->IsArmed())
+ return Die(ctx);
const TMonotonic now = ctx.Monotonic();
- if (SignalTime <= now) {
- if (!Cookie.Get() || Cookie.Detach())
- ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(Ev);
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- const TDuration delta = SignalTime - now;
- if (delta <= TDuration::Seconds(ThresholdSec)) {
+ if (SignalTime <= now) {
+ if (!Cookie.Get() || Cookie.Detach())
+ ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(Ev);
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ const TDuration delta = SignalTime - now;
+ if (delta <= TDuration::Seconds(ThresholdSec)) {
ctx.ExecutorThread.Schedule(SignalTime, Ev, Cookie.Release());
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- ctx.Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(ThresholdSec), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ ctx.Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(ThresholdSec), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
static constexpr auto ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::ACTORLIB_LONG_TIMER;
TLongTimer(TMonotonic startTime, TMonotonic signalTime, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ISchedulerCookie *cookie)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
- , StartTime(startTime)
- , SignalTime(signalTime)
- , Ev(ev)
- , Cookie(cookie)
- {}
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- CFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PoisonPill);
- CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Round);
- }
- }
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
+ , StartTime(startTime)
+ , SignalTime(signalTime)
+ , Ev(ev)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
+ {}
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ CFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PoisonPill);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Round);
+ }
+ }
static TActorId Create(
const TActivationContext &ctx,
TDuration delta,
@@ -64,19 +64,19 @@ public:
ISchedulerCookie *cookie,
const TActorId& parentId)
- if (delta.Seconds() < ThresholdSec) { // direct scheduling w/o creating actor
+ if (delta.Seconds() < ThresholdSec) { // direct scheduling w/o creating actor
ctx.ExecutorThread.Schedule(delta, ev, cookie);
return TActorId();
- }
+ }
TMonotonic now = ctx.Monotonic();
TMonotonic signalTime = now + delta;
ui64 semirandomNumber = parentId.LocalId();
const TActorId timerActorID = ctx.ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Register(new TLongTimer(now, signalTime, ev, cookie), TMailboxType::HTSwap, poolId, semirandomNumber, parentId);
ctx.ExecutorThread.Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(ThresholdSec), new IEventHandle(timerActorID, timerActorID, new TEvents::TEvWakeup()));
- return timerActorID;
- }
+ return timerActorID;
+ }
static TActorId Create(
TDuration delta,
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ public:
return timerActorID;
TActorId CreateLongTimer(const TActorContext &ctx, TDuration delta, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ui32 poolId, ISchedulerCookie *cookie) {
return TLongTimer::Create(ctx, delta, ev, poolId, cookie, ctx.SelfID);
TActorId CreateLongTimer(TDuration delta, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ui32 poolId, ISchedulerCookie *cookie) {
return TLongTimer::Create(delta, ev, poolId, cookie);
diff --git a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/long_timer.h b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/long_timer.h
index 4bab3edaad..9b04c30121 100644
--- a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/long_timer.h
+++ b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/long_timer.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
-namespace NActors {
+namespace NActors {
TActorId CreateLongTimer(const TActorContext &ctx, TDuration delta, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ui32 poolId = 0, ISchedulerCookie *cookie = nullptr);
// uses TlsActivationContext, note that by default we use current pool
TActorId CreateLongTimer(TDuration delta, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev, ui32 poolId = Max<ui32>(), ISchedulerCookie *cookie = nullptr);
diff --git a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/mad_squirrel.cpp b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/mad_squirrel.cpp
index d6105e7639..3f9629d099 100644
--- a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/mad_squirrel.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/mad_squirrel.cpp
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-#include "mad_squirrel.h"
+#include "mad_squirrel.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/events.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-namespace NActors {
-class TMadSquirrel : public TActor<TMadSquirrel> {
+namespace NActors {
+class TMadSquirrel : public TActor<TMadSquirrel> {
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> AfterRegister(const TActorId &self, const TActorId &) override {
- return new IEventHandle(self, self, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
+ return new IEventHandle(self, self, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
static constexpr auto ActorActivityType() {
- TMadSquirrel()
- : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
- {}
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ TMadSquirrel()
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
+ {}
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
-IActor* CreateMadSquirrel() {
- return new TMadSquirrel();
+ ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
+IActor* CreateMadSquirrel() {
+ return new TMadSquirrel();
diff --git a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/mad_squirrel.h b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/mad_squirrel.h
index 22949d7acd..cce45d4aaa 100644
--- a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/mad_squirrel.h
+++ b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/mad_squirrel.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
-namespace NActors {
-IActor* CreateMadSquirrel(); // will send messages to itself in round
+namespace NActors {
+IActor* CreateMadSquirrel(); // will send messages to itself in round
IActor* CreateMelancholicGopher(double surveyForSeconds, const TActorId &reportTo); // will spin for survey period and then wakeup next in line
IActor* CreateGopherMother(const TVector<std::pair<ui32, double>> &lineProfile, ui32 lines, ui32 shotsInRound); // would spawn gophers according to profile (poolid, period) in lines number
diff --git a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/melancholic_gopher.cpp b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/melancholic_gopher.cpp
index 4eaae8b24f..52a895aae4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/melancholic_gopher.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/melancholic_gopher.cpp
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
-#include "mad_squirrel.h"
+#include "mad_squirrel.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/events.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/protos/services_common.pb.h>
-#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
-#include <util/system/spinlock.h>
-namespace NActors {
-class TMelancholicGopher : public TActor<TMelancholicGopher> {
- const double SurveyForSeconds;
+#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
+#include <util/system/spinlock.h>
+namespace NActors {
+class TMelancholicGopher : public TActor<TMelancholicGopher> {
+ const double SurveyForSeconds;
const TActorId ReportTo;
- void Round(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (SurveyForSeconds > 0.0) {
- THPTimer timer;
- while (timer.Passed() < SurveyForSeconds)
- SpinLockPause();
- }
- ctx.Send(ReportTo, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
- static constexpr EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
+ void Round(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (SurveyForSeconds > 0.0) {
+ THPTimer timer;
+ while (timer.Passed() < SurveyForSeconds)
+ SpinLockPause();
+ }
+ ctx.Send(ReportTo, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
+ static constexpr EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
TMelancholicGopher(double surveyForSeconds, const TActorId &reportTo)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
- , SurveyForSeconds(surveyForSeconds)
- , ReportTo(reportTo)
- {}
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Round);
- }
- }
-class TGopherMother : public TActorBootstrapped<TGopherMother> {
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
+ , SurveyForSeconds(surveyForSeconds)
+ , ReportTo(reportTo)
+ {}
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Round);
+ }
+ }
+class TGopherMother : public TActorBootstrapped<TGopherMother> {
const TVector<std::pair<ui32, double>> LineProfile;
- const ui32 Lines;
- const ui32 ShotsInRound;
+ const ui32 Lines;
+ const ui32 ShotsInRound;
TVector<TActorId> HeadGophers;
- ui32 WaitFor;
- TInstant RoundStart;
- void Round(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- RoundStart = ctx.Now();
- for (const auto &head : HeadGophers)
- for (ui32 i = ShotsInRound; i > 0; --i) {
- ctx.Send(head, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- ++WaitFor;
- }
- }
- void Response(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (--WaitFor == 0) {
- const TDuration roundTime = ctx.Now() - RoundStart;
- LOG_INFO_S(ctx, NActorsServices::EServiceCommon::TEST, "Gopher Mother round for " << roundTime.ToString());
- Round(ctx);
- }
- }
- static constexpr EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
+ ui32 WaitFor;
+ TInstant RoundStart;
+ void Round(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ RoundStart = ctx.Now();
+ for (const auto &head : HeadGophers)
+ for (ui32 i = ShotsInRound; i > 0; --i) {
+ ctx.Send(head, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ ++WaitFor;
+ }
+ }
+ void Response(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (--WaitFor == 0) {
+ const TDuration roundTime = ctx.Now() - RoundStart;
+ LOG_INFO_S(ctx, NActorsServices::EServiceCommon::TEST, "Gopher Mother round for " << roundTime.ToString());
+ Round(ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ static constexpr EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
TGopherMother(const TVector<std::pair<ui32, double>> &lineProfile, ui32 lines, ui32 shotsInRound)
- : LineProfile(lineProfile)
- , Lines(lines)
- , ShotsInRound(shotsInRound)
- , WaitFor(0)
- {
+ : LineProfile(lineProfile)
+ , Lines(lines)
+ , ShotsInRound(shotsInRound)
+ , WaitFor(0)
+ {
- }
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- HeadGophers.reserve(Lines);
- for (ui32 lines = Lines; lines > 0; --lines) {
+ }
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ HeadGophers.reserve(Lines);
+ for (ui32 lines = Lines; lines > 0; --lines) {
TActorId &head = HeadGophers.back();
- head = ctx.SelfID;
- for (const auto &xpair : LineProfile)
- head = ctx.ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Register(CreateMelancholicGopher(xpair.second, head), TMailboxType::Simple, xpair.first);
- }
- Round(ctx);
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Response);
- }
- }
+ head = ctx.SelfID;
+ for (const auto &xpair : LineProfile)
+ head = ctx.ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Register(CreateMelancholicGopher(xpair.second, head), TMailboxType::Simple, xpair.first);
+ }
+ Round(ctx);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Response);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateMelancholicGopher(double surveyForSeconds, const TActorId &reportTo) {
- return new TMelancholicGopher(surveyForSeconds, reportTo);
+ return new TMelancholicGopher(surveyForSeconds, reportTo);
IActor* CreateGopherMother(const TVector<std::pair<ui32, double>> &lineProfile, ui32 lines, ui32 shotsInRound) {
- return new TGopherMother(lineProfile, lines, shotsInRound);
+ return new TGopherMother(lineProfile, lines, shotsInRound);
diff --git a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/proto_ready_actor.h b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/proto_ready_actor.h
index 83627ff1f4..f0b29ec65f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/proto_ready_actor.h
+++ b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/proto_ready_actor.h
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public:
template <typename T>
void Become(T stateFunc, const char* hint = "undef") noexcept {
- Y_UNUSED(hint);
+ Y_UNUSED(hint);
DerivedActorFunc = static_cast<IActor::TReceiveFunc>(stateFunc);
diff --git a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/test_interconnect_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/test_interconnect_ut.cpp
index 7bf4b9700e..0d9d3535ef 100644
--- a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/test_interconnect_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/test_interconnect_ut.cpp
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TInterconnectTest) {
void OnStart(const NActors::TActorContext &ctx) noexcept {
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Peer.NodeId()), new TEvInterconnect::TEvConnectNode, true);
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Peer.NodeId()), new TEvInterconnect::TEvConnectNode, true);
void OnConnect(const NActors::TActorContext &ctx) noexcept {
diff --git a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ya.make b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ya.make
index 28a9d482a6..ba63f39617 100644
--- a/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ya.make
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ SRCS(
- long_timer.cpp
- long_timer.h
+ long_timer.cpp
+ long_timer.h
- mad_squirrel.h
- melancholic_gopher.cpp
+ mad_squirrel.h
+ melancholic_gopher.cpp
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ SRCS(
- router_rr.h
+ router_rr.h
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/appdata.cpp b/ydb/core/base/appdata.cpp
index e54e08cbab..f9e517fc42 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/appdata.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/appdata.cpp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ TAppData::TAppData(
const NScheme::TTypeRegistry* typeRegistry,
const NMiniKQL::IFunctionRegistry* functionRegistry,
const TFormatFactory* formatFactory,
- TProgramShouldContinue *kikimrShouldContinue)
+ TProgramShouldContinue *kikimrShouldContinue)
: Magic(MagicTag)
, SystemPoolId(sysPoolId)
, UserPoolId(userPoolId)
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ TAppData::TAppData(
, TypeRegistry(typeRegistry)
, FunctionRegistry(functionRegistry)
, FormatFactory(formatFactory)
- , ProxySchemeCacheNodes(Max<ui64>() / 4)
- , ProxySchemeCacheDistrNodes(Max<ui64>() / 4)
- , CompilerSchemeCachePaths(Max<ui64>() / 4)
- , CompilerSchemeCacheTables(Max<ui64>() / 4)
+ , ProxySchemeCacheNodes(Max<ui64>() / 4)
+ , ProxySchemeCacheDistrNodes(Max<ui64>() / 4)
+ , CompilerSchemeCachePaths(Max<ui64>() / 4)
+ , CompilerSchemeCacheTables(Max<ui64>() / 4)
, Mon(nullptr)
- , BusMonPage(nullptr)
+ , BusMonPage(nullptr)
, Icb(new TControlBoard())
, InFlightLimiterRegistry(new NGRpcService::TInFlightLimiterRegistry(Icb))
, StaticBlobStorageConfig(new NKikimrBlobStorage::TNodeWardenServiceSet)
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/appdata.h b/ydb/core/base/appdata.h
index d2da0db584..c666f7468c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/appdata.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/appdata.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include "channel_profiles.h"
-#include "domain.h"
+#include "domain.h"
#include "feature_flags.h"
#include "nameservice.h"
#include "tablet_types.h"
@@ -25,21 +25,21 @@
#include <library/cpp/random_provider/random_provider.h>
#include <library/cpp/time_provider/time_provider.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/counters.h>
namespace NActors {
class TMon;
-namespace NMonitoring {
- class TBusNgMonPage;
+namespace NMonitoring {
+ class TBusNgMonPage;
namespace NYdb {
class TDriver;
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NScheme {
class TTypeRegistry;
@@ -63,16 +63,16 @@ namespace NPQ {
class TFormatFactory;
-struct TAppData {
- static const ui32 MagicTag = 0x2991AAF8;
- const ui32 Magic;
- const ui32 SystemPoolId;
- const ui32 UserPoolId;
- const ui32 IOPoolId;
- const ui32 BatchPoolId;
+struct TAppData {
+ static const ui32 MagicTag = 0x2991AAF8;
+ const ui32 Magic;
+ const ui32 SystemPoolId;
+ const ui32 UserPoolId;
+ const ui32 IOPoolId;
+ const ui32 BatchPoolId;
TMap<TString, ui32> ServicePools;
const NScheme::TTypeRegistry* TypeRegistry = nullptr;
const NMiniKQL::IFunctionRegistry* FunctionRegistry = nullptr;
const NDataShard::IExportFactory *DataShardExportFactory = nullptr;
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ struct TAppData {
TTabletTypes::EType TestShard;
TTabletTypes::EType SequenceShard;
TTabletTypes::EType ReplicationController;
@@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ struct TAppData {
static TIntrusivePtr<IRandomProvider> RandomProvider;
static TIntrusivePtr<ITimeProvider> TimeProvider;
- TIntrusivePtr<TDomainsInfo> DomainsInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TDomainsInfo> DomainsInfo;
TIntrusivePtr<TChannelProfiles> ChannelProfiles;
TIntrusivePtr<TDynamicNameserviceConfig> DynamicNameserviceConfig;
- ui64 ProxySchemeCacheNodes;
- ui64 ProxySchemeCacheDistrNodes;
- ui64 CompilerSchemeCachePaths;
- ui64 CompilerSchemeCacheTables;
+ ui64 ProxySchemeCacheNodes;
+ ui64 ProxySchemeCacheDistrNodes;
+ ui64 CompilerSchemeCachePaths;
+ ui64 CompilerSchemeCacheTables;
NActors::TMon* Mon;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr Counters;
- NMonitoring::TBusNgMonPage* BusMonPage;
+ NMonitoring::TBusNgMonPage* BusMonPage;
TIntrusivePtr<NKikimr::TControlBoard> Icb;
TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TInFlightLimiterRegistry> InFlightLimiterRegistry;
@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ struct TAppData {
TString AllAuthenticatedUsers;
TResourceProfilesPtr ResourceProfiles;
- TProgramShouldContinue * const KikimrShouldContinue;
+ TProgramShouldContinue * const KikimrShouldContinue;
bool EnableIntrospection = true;
// Used to allow column families for testing
bool AllowColumnFamiliesForTest = false;
bool AllowPrivateTableDescribeForTest = false;
@@ -177,22 +177,22 @@ struct TAppData {
const NScheme::TTypeRegistry* typeRegistry,
const NMiniKQL::IFunctionRegistry* functionRegistry,
const TFormatFactory* formatFactory,
- TProgramShouldContinue *kikimrShouldContinue);
+ TProgramShouldContinue *kikimrShouldContinue);
inline TAppData* AppData(TActorSystem* actorSystem) {
TAppData * const x = actorSystem->AppData<TAppData>();
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x && x->Magic == TAppData::MagicTag);
- return x;
+ return x;
inline TAppData* AppData() {
return AppData(TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem);
-inline TAppData* AppData(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+inline TAppData* AppData(const TActorContext &ctx) {
return AppData(ctx.ActorSystem());
} // NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h b/ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h
index c68e771e76..a2faee326e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "defs.h"
#include "blobstorage_pdisk_category.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "tablet_types.h"
#include "logoblob.h"
-#include "pathid.h"
+#include "pathid.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/services/blobstorage_service_id.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/blobstorage_grouptype.h>
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
#include <ydb/core/protos/blobstorage.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_config.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/yverify_stream.h>
#include <ydb/library/wilson/wilson_event.h>
#include <library/cpp/lwtrace/shuttle.h>
#include <util/stream/str.h>
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NKikimr {
static constexpr ui32 MaxProtobufSize = 67108000;
static constexpr ui32 MaxVDiskBlobSize = 10 << 20; // 10 megabytes
static constexpr ui64 MaxCollectGarbageFlagsPerMessage = 10000;
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ struct TStorageStatusFlags {
bool Check(NKikimrBlobStorage::EStatusFlags statusToCheck) const {
return (Raw & ui32(NKikimrBlobStorage::StatusIsValid)) && (Raw & ui32(statusToCheck));
- }
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -88,25 +88,25 @@ NKikimrBlobStorage::EPDiskType PDiskTypeToPDiskType(const TPDiskCategory::EDevic
TPDiskCategory::EDeviceType PDiskTypeToPDiskType(const NKikimrBlobStorage::EPDiskType type);
-enum EGroupConfigurationType {
- GroupConfigurationTypeStatic = 0,
- GroupConfigurationTypeDynamic = 1
-struct TGroupID {
+enum EGroupConfigurationType {
+ GroupConfigurationTypeStatic = 0,
+ GroupConfigurationTypeDynamic = 1
+struct TGroupID {
TGroupID() { Set((EGroupConfigurationType)0x1, 0x3f, InvalidLocalId); }
TGroupID(EGroupConfigurationType configurationType, ui32 dataCenterId, ui32 groupLocalId) {
- Set(configurationType, dataCenterId, groupLocalId);
- }
+ Set(configurationType, dataCenterId, groupLocalId);
+ }
TGroupID(const TGroupID& group) { Raw.X = group.GetRaw(); }
- explicit TGroupID(ui32 raw) { Raw.X = raw; }
- EGroupConfigurationType ConfigurationType() const { return (EGroupConfigurationType)Raw.N.ConfigurationType; }
- ui32 AvailabilityDomainID() const { return Raw.N.AvailabilityDomainID; }
- ui32 GroupLocalID() const { return Raw.N.GroupLocalID; }
- ui32 GetRaw() const { return Raw.X; }
- bool operator==(const TGroupID &x) const { return GetRaw() == x.GetRaw(); }
- bool operator!=(const TGroupID &x) const { return GetRaw() != x.GetRaw(); }
+ explicit TGroupID(ui32 raw) { Raw.X = raw; }
+ EGroupConfigurationType ConfigurationType() const { return (EGroupConfigurationType)Raw.N.ConfigurationType; }
+ ui32 AvailabilityDomainID() const { return Raw.N.AvailabilityDomainID; }
+ ui32 GroupLocalID() const { return Raw.N.GroupLocalID; }
+ ui32 GetRaw() const { return Raw.X; }
+ bool operator==(const TGroupID &x) const { return GetRaw() == x.GetRaw(); }
+ bool operator!=(const TGroupID &x) const { return GetRaw() != x.GetRaw(); }
TGroupID operator++() {
Set(ConfigurationType(), AvailabilityDomainID(), NextValidLocalId());
return *this;
@@ -118,25 +118,25 @@ struct TGroupID {
TString ToString() const;
- union {
- struct {
- ui32 GroupLocalID : 25;
- ui32 AvailabilityDomainID : 6;
- ui32 ConfigurationType : 1;
- } N;
- ui32 X;
- } Raw;
- void Set(EGroupConfigurationType configurationType, ui32 availabilityDomainID, ui32 groupLocalId) {
- Y_VERIFY(ui32(configurationType) < (1 << 2));
- Y_VERIFY(ui32(availabilityDomainID) < (1 << 7));
- Y_VERIFY(ui32(groupLocalId) < (1 << 26));
- Raw.N.ConfigurationType = configurationType;
- Raw.N.AvailabilityDomainID = availabilityDomainID;
- Raw.N.GroupLocalID = groupLocalId;
- }
+ union {
+ struct {
+ ui32 GroupLocalID : 25;
+ ui32 AvailabilityDomainID : 6;
+ ui32 ConfigurationType : 1;
+ } N;
+ ui32 X;
+ } Raw;
+ void Set(EGroupConfigurationType configurationType, ui32 availabilityDomainID, ui32 groupLocalId) {
+ Y_VERIFY(ui32(configurationType) < (1 << 2));
+ Y_VERIFY(ui32(availabilityDomainID) < (1 << 7));
+ Y_VERIFY(ui32(groupLocalId) < (1 << 26));
+ Raw.N.ConfigurationType = configurationType;
+ Raw.N.AvailabilityDomainID = availabilityDomainID;
+ Raw.N.GroupLocalID = groupLocalId;
+ }
ui32 NextValidLocalId() {
const ui32 localId = GroupLocalID();
@@ -150,51 +150,51 @@ private:
static constexpr ui32 InvalidLocalId = 0x1ffffff;
- static_assert(sizeof(decltype(Raw)) == sizeof(ui32), "TGroupID Raw value must be binary compatible with ui32");
-struct TPDiskID {
- TPDiskID() { Set((EGroupConfigurationType)0x1, 0x3f, 0x1ffffff); }
- explicit TPDiskID(EGroupConfigurationType configurationType, ui32 availabilityDomainID, ui32 pDiskLocalId) {
- Set(configurationType, availabilityDomainID, pDiskLocalId);
- }
- explicit TPDiskID(ui32 raw) { Raw.X = raw; }
- EGroupConfigurationType ConfigurationType() const { return (EGroupConfigurationType)Raw.N.ConfigurationType; }
- ui32 AvailabilityDomainID() const { return Raw.N.AvailabilityDomainID; }
- ui32 PDiskLocalID() const { return Raw.N.PDiskLocalID; }
- ui32 GetRaw() const { return Raw.X; }
- bool operator==(const TPDiskID &x) const { return GetRaw() == x.GetRaw(); }
+ static_assert(sizeof(decltype(Raw)) == sizeof(ui32), "TGroupID Raw value must be binary compatible with ui32");
+struct TPDiskID {
+ TPDiskID() { Set((EGroupConfigurationType)0x1, 0x3f, 0x1ffffff); }
+ explicit TPDiskID(EGroupConfigurationType configurationType, ui32 availabilityDomainID, ui32 pDiskLocalId) {
+ Set(configurationType, availabilityDomainID, pDiskLocalId);
+ }
+ explicit TPDiskID(ui32 raw) { Raw.X = raw; }
+ EGroupConfigurationType ConfigurationType() const { return (EGroupConfigurationType)Raw.N.ConfigurationType; }
+ ui32 AvailabilityDomainID() const { return Raw.N.AvailabilityDomainID; }
+ ui32 PDiskLocalID() const { return Raw.N.PDiskLocalID; }
+ ui32 GetRaw() const { return Raw.X; }
+ bool operator==(const TPDiskID &x) const { return GetRaw() == x.GetRaw(); }
TString ToString() const;
- union {
- struct {
- ui32 PDiskLocalID : 25;
- ui32 AvailabilityDomainID : 6;
- ui32 ConfigurationType : 1;
- } N;
- ui32 X;
- } Raw;
- void Set(EGroupConfigurationType configurationType, ui32 availabilityDomainID, ui32 pDiskLocalId) {
- Y_VERIFY(ui32(configurationType) < (1 << 2));
- Y_VERIFY(ui32(availabilityDomainID) < (1 << 7));
- Y_VERIFY(ui32(pDiskLocalId) < (1 << 26));
- Raw.N.ConfigurationType = configurationType;
- Raw.N.AvailabilityDomainID = availabilityDomainID;
- Raw.N.PDiskLocalID = pDiskLocalId;
- }
- static_assert(sizeof(decltype(Raw)) == sizeof(ui32), "TPDiskID Raw value must be binary compatible with ui32");
-// channel info for tablet
-struct TTabletChannelInfo {
- struct THistoryEntry {
- ui32 FromGeneration;
- ui32 GroupID;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ ui32 PDiskLocalID : 25;
+ ui32 AvailabilityDomainID : 6;
+ ui32 ConfigurationType : 1;
+ } N;
+ ui32 X;
+ } Raw;
+ void Set(EGroupConfigurationType configurationType, ui32 availabilityDomainID, ui32 pDiskLocalId) {
+ Y_VERIFY(ui32(configurationType) < (1 << 2));
+ Y_VERIFY(ui32(availabilityDomainID) < (1 << 7));
+ Y_VERIFY(ui32(pDiskLocalId) < (1 << 26));
+ Raw.N.ConfigurationType = configurationType;
+ Raw.N.AvailabilityDomainID = availabilityDomainID;
+ Raw.N.PDiskLocalID = pDiskLocalId;
+ }
+ static_assert(sizeof(decltype(Raw)) == sizeof(ui32), "TPDiskID Raw value must be binary compatible with ui32");
+// channel info for tablet
+struct TTabletChannelInfo {
+ struct THistoryEntry {
+ ui32 FromGeneration;
+ ui32 GroupID;
TInstant Timestamp; // for diagnostics usage only
: FromGeneration(0)
, GroupID(0)
@@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ struct TTabletChannelInfo {
, Timestamp(timestamp)
- struct TCmp {
- bool operator()(ui32 gen, const THistoryEntry &x) const {
- return gen < x.FromGeneration;
- }
- };
+ struct TCmp {
+ bool operator()(ui32 gen, const THistoryEntry &x) const {
+ return gen < x.FromGeneration;
+ }
+ };
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@ struct TTabletChannelInfo {
return FromGeneration == other.FromGeneration
&& (GroupID == other.GroupID || GroupID == 0 || other.GroupID == 0);
- };
- ui32 Channel;
- TBlobStorageGroupType Type;
+ };
+ ui32 Channel;
+ TBlobStorageGroupType Type;
TString StoragePool;
TVector<THistoryEntry> History;
: Channel()
, Type()
@@ -252,38 +252,38 @@ struct TTabletChannelInfo {
, Type(TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureNone)
, StoragePool(storagePool)
- ui32 GroupForGeneration(ui32 gen) const {
- const size_t historySize = History.size();
+ ui32 GroupForGeneration(ui32 gen) const {
+ const size_t historySize = History.size();
Y_VERIFY(historySize > 0, "empty channel history");
- const THistoryEntry * const first = &*History.begin();
- if (historySize == 1) {
- if (first->FromGeneration <= gen)
- return first->GroupID;
- return Max<ui32>();
- }
- const THistoryEntry * const end = first + historySize;
- const THistoryEntry * const last = end - 1;
- if (last->FromGeneration <= gen) {
- return last->GroupID;
- }
- const THistoryEntry *x = UpperBound(first, end, gen, THistoryEntry::TCmp());
- if (x != first) {
- return (x - 1)->GroupID;
- }
- return Max<ui32>();
- }
- const THistoryEntry* LatestEntry() const {
+ const THistoryEntry * const first = &*History.begin();
+ if (historySize == 1) {
+ if (first->FromGeneration <= gen)
+ return first->GroupID;
+ return Max<ui32>();
+ }
+ const THistoryEntry * const end = first + historySize;
+ const THistoryEntry * const last = end - 1;
+ if (last->FromGeneration <= gen) {
+ return last->GroupID;
+ }
+ const THistoryEntry *x = UpperBound(first, end, gen, THistoryEntry::TCmp());
+ if (x != first) {
+ return (x - 1)->GroupID;
+ }
+ return Max<ui32>();
+ }
+ const THistoryEntry* LatestEntry() const {
if (!History.empty())
- return &History.back();
- else
- return nullptr;
- }
+ return &History.back();
+ else
+ return nullptr;
+ }
const THistoryEntry* PreviousEntry() const {
if (History.size() > 1)
@@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ struct TTabletChannelInfo {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
class TTabletStorageInfo : public TThrRefBase {
@@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ public:
, Version(0)
virtual ~TTabletStorageInfo() {}
- const TTabletChannelInfo* ChannelInfo(ui32 channel) const {
+ const TTabletChannelInfo* ChannelInfo(ui32 channel) const {
if (Channels.size() <= channel) {
return nullptr;
@@ -333,16 +333,16 @@ public:
if (info.History.empty()) {
return nullptr;
- return &info;
- }
+ return &info;
+ }
+ ui32 GroupFor(ui32 channel, ui32 recordGen) const {
+ if (const TTabletChannelInfo *channelInfo = ChannelInfo(channel))
+ return channelInfo->GroupForGeneration(recordGen);
+ else
+ return Max<ui32>();
+ }
- ui32 GroupFor(ui32 channel, ui32 recordGen) const {
- if (const TTabletChannelInfo *channelInfo = ChannelInfo(channel))
- return channelInfo->GroupForGeneration(recordGen);
- else
- return Max<ui32>();
- }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
str << "{Version# " << Version;
@@ -357,48 +357,48 @@ public:
str << channelIdx << ":" << Channels[channelIdx].ToString();
str << "}";
- if (TenantPathId)
- str << " Tenant: " << TenantPathId;
+ if (TenantPathId)
+ str << " Tenant: " << TenantPathId;
return str.Str();
TActorId BSProxyIDForChannel(ui32 channel, ui32 generation) const;
- bool operator<(const TTabletStorageInfo &other) const noexcept {
+ bool operator<(const TTabletStorageInfo &other) const noexcept {
if (Version != 0 && other.Version != 0) {
return Version < other.Version;
- const size_t selfSize = Channels.size();
- const size_t otherSize = other.Channels.size();
- if (selfSize != otherSize)
- return (selfSize < otherSize);
- for (ui64 channelIdx : xrange(selfSize)) {
- const ui32 lastInSelf = Channels[channelIdx].History.back().FromGeneration;
- const ui32 lastInOther = other.Channels[channelIdx].History.back().FromGeneration;
- if (lastInSelf != lastInOther)
- return (lastInSelf < lastInOther);
- }
- return false;
- }
+ const size_t selfSize = Channels.size();
+ const size_t otherSize = other.Channels.size();
+ if (selfSize != otherSize)
+ return (selfSize < otherSize);
+ for (ui64 channelIdx : xrange(selfSize)) {
+ const ui32 lastInSelf = Channels[channelIdx].History.back().FromGeneration;
+ const ui32 lastInOther = other.Channels[channelIdx].History.back().FromGeneration;
+ if (lastInSelf != lastInOther)
+ return (lastInSelf < lastInOther);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
ui64 TabletID;
TVector<TTabletChannelInfo> Channels;
TTabletTypes::EType TabletType;
ui32 Version;
- TPathId TenantPathId;
+ TPathId TenantPathId;
ui64 HiveId = 0;
inline TActorId TTabletStorageInfo::BSProxyIDForChannel(ui32 channel, ui32 generation) const {
const ui32 group = GroupFor(channel, generation);
Y_VERIFY(group != Max<ui32>());
const TActorId proxy = MakeBlobStorageProxyID(group);
- return proxy;
+ return proxy;
inline ui32 GroupIDFromBlobStorageProxyID(TActorId actorId) {
ui32 blobStorageGroup = ui32(
((actorId.RawX1() >> (7 * 8)) & 0xff) |
@@ -418,11 +418,11 @@ inline IEventHandle *CreateEventForBSProxy(TActorId sender, TActorId recipient,
return res;
inline IEventHandle *CreateEventForBSProxy(TActorId sender, ui32 groupId, IEventBase *ev, ui64 cookie, NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) {
return CreateEventForBSProxy(sender, MakeBlobStorageProxyID(groupId), ev, cookie, std::move(traceId));
inline bool SendToBSProxy(TActorId sender, TActorId recipient, IEventBase *ev, ui64 cookie = 0, NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) {
return TActivationContext::Send(CreateEventForBSProxy(sender, recipient, ev, cookie, std::move(traceId)));
@@ -430,49 +430,49 @@ inline bool SendToBSProxy(TActorId sender, TActorId recipient, IEventBase *ev, u
inline bool SendToBSProxy(const TActorContext &ctx, TActorId recipient, IEventBase *ev, ui64 cookie = 0,
NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) {
return ctx.Send(CreateEventForBSProxy(ctx.SelfID, recipient, ev, cookie, std::move(traceId)));
inline bool SendToBSProxy(TActorId sender, ui32 groupId, IEventBase *ev, ui64 cookie = 0, NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) {
return TActivationContext::Send(CreateEventForBSProxy(sender, groupId, ev, cookie, std::move(traceId)));
inline bool SendToBSProxy(const TActorContext &ctx, ui32 groupId, IEventBase *ev, ui64 cookie = 0,
NWilson::TTraceId traceId = {}) {
return ctx.Send(CreateEventForBSProxy(ctx.SelfID, groupId, ev, cookie, std::move(traceId)));
-struct TEvBlobStorage {
- enum EEv {
- // user <-> proxy interface
+struct TEvBlobStorage {
+ enum EEv {
+ // user <-> proxy interface
EvPut = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_BLOBSTORAGE), /// 268 632 064
- EvGet,
- EvBlock,
- EvDiscover,
- EvRange,
- EvProbe,
+ EvGet,
+ EvBlock,
+ EvDiscover,
+ EvRange,
+ EvProbe,
- //
+ //
EvPutResult = EvPut + 512, /// 268 632 576
- EvGetResult,
- EvBlockResult,
- EvDiscoverResult,
- EvRangeResult,
- EvProbeResult,
+ EvGetResult,
+ EvBlockResult,
+ EvDiscoverResult,
+ EvRangeResult,
+ EvProbeResult,
- // proxy <-> vdisk interface
+ // proxy <-> vdisk interface
EvVPut = EvPut + 2 * 512, /// 268 633 088
- EvVGet,
- EvVBlock,
+ EvVGet,
+ EvVBlock,
@@ -488,10 +488,10 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
EvVPutResult = EvPut + 3 * 512, /// 268 633 600
- EvVGetResult,
- EvVBlockResult,
+ EvVGetResult,
+ EvVBlockResult,
@@ -507,29 +507,29 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
- // vdisk <-> vdisk interface
+ // vdisk <-> vdisk interface
EvVDisk = EvPut + 4 * 512, /// 268 634 112
EvVDiskReply = EvPut + 5 * 512, /// 268 634 624
- // vdisk <-> controller interface,
+ // vdisk <-> controller interface,
EvCnt = EvPut + 6 * 512, /// 268 635 136
EvCntReply = EvPut + 7 * 512, /// 268 635 648
// internal vdisk interface
EvYardInit = EvPut + 8 * 512, /// 268 636 160
@@ -842,12 +842,12 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_BLOBSTORAGE),
"expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_BLOBSTORAGE)");
struct TEvPutResult;
struct TEvGetResult;
struct TEvBlockResult;
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
struct TEvPatchResult;
struct TEvInplacePatchResult;
- struct TEvPut : public TEventLocal<TEvPut, EvPut> {
+ struct TEvPut : public TEventLocal<TEvPut, EvPut> {
enum ETactic {
TacticMaxThroughput = 0,
@@ -878,19 +878,19 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
- const TLogoBlobID Id;
+ const TLogoBlobID Id;
const TString Buffer;
const TInstant Deadline;
const NKikimrBlobStorage::EPutHandleClass HandleClass;
const ETactic Tactic;
mutable NLWTrace::TOrbit Orbit;
ui32 RestartCounter = 0;
TEvPut(const TLogoBlobID &id, const TString &buffer, TInstant deadline,
NKikimrBlobStorage::EPutHandleClass handleClass = NKikimrBlobStorage::TabletLog,
ETactic tactic = TacticDefault)
- : Id(id)
- , Buffer(buffer)
+ : Id(id)
+ , Buffer(buffer)
, Deadline(deadline)
, HandleClass(handleClass)
, Tactic(tactic)
@@ -933,25 +933,25 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
std::unique_ptr<TEvPutResult> MakeErrorResponse(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString& errorReason,
ui32 groupId);
- };
- struct TEvPutResult : public TEventLocal<TEvPutResult, EvPutResult> {
- NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- const TLogoBlobID Id;
+ };
+ struct TEvPutResult : public TEventLocal<TEvPutResult, EvPutResult> {
+ NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ const TLogoBlobID Id;
const TStorageStatusFlags StatusFlags;
const ui32 GroupId;
const float ApproximateFreeSpaceShare; // 0.f has special meaning 'data could not be obtained'
TString ErrorReason;
mutable NLWTrace::TOrbit Orbit;
TEvPutResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TLogoBlobID &id, const TStorageStatusFlags statusFlags,
ui32 groupId, float approximateFreeSpaceShare)
- : Status(status)
- , Id(id)
+ : Status(status)
+ , Id(id)
, StatusFlags(statusFlags)
, GroupId(groupId)
, ApproximateFreeSpaceShare(approximateFreeSpaceShare)
- {}
+ {}
TString Print(bool isFull) const {
@@ -970,29 +970,29 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
TString ToString() const {
return Print(false);
- };
- struct TEvGet : public TEventLocal<TEvGet, EvGet> {
- struct TQuery {
- TLogoBlobID Id;
- ui32 Shift;
- ui32 Size;
- TQuery()
- : Shift(0)
- , Size(0)
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvGet : public TEventLocal<TEvGet, EvGet> {
+ struct TQuery {
+ TLogoBlobID Id;
+ ui32 Shift;
+ ui32 Size;
+ TQuery()
+ : Shift(0)
+ , Size(0)
+ {}
void Set(const TLogoBlobID &id, ui32 sh = 0, ui32 sz = 0) {
- Id = id;
- Shift = sh;
- Size = sz;
+ Id = id;
+ Shift = sh;
+ Size = sz;
Y_VERIFY(id.BlobSize() > 0, "Please, don't read/write 0-byte blobs!");
Y_VERIFY(sh < id.BlobSize(),
"Please, don't read behind the end of the blob! BlobSize# %" PRIu32 " sh# %" PRIu32,
(ui32)id.BlobSize(), (ui32)sh);
- }
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -1002,11 +1002,11 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- // todo: replace with queue-like thing
+ };
+ // todo: replace with queue-like thing
const ui32 QuerySize;
- TArrayHolder<TQuery> Queries;
+ TArrayHolder<TQuery> Queries;
TInstant Deadline;
bool MustRestoreFirst;
NKikimrBlobStorage::EGetHandleClass GetHandleClass;
@@ -1017,19 +1017,19 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
bool IsVerboseNoDataEnabled; // Debug use only
bool IsInternal = false; // set to true if generated by ds proxy
bool CollectDebugInfo = false; // collect query debug info and return in response
- ui32 ForceBlockedGeneration = 0;
+ ui32 ForceBlockedGeneration = 0;
bool ReportDetailedPartMap = false;
ui32 RestartCounter = 0;
bool PhantomCheck = false;
// NKikimrBlobStorage::EGetHandleClass::FastRead
TEvGet(TArrayHolder<TQuery> &q, ui32 sz, TInstant deadline, NKikimrBlobStorage::EGetHandleClass getHandleClass,
bool mustRestoreFirst = false, bool isIndexOnly = false, ui32 forceBlockedGeneration = 0,
bool isInternal = false, bool isVerboseNoDataEnabled = false, bool collectDebugInfo = false,
bool reportDetailedPartMap = false)
- : QuerySize(sz)
- , Queries(q.Release())
+ : QuerySize(sz)
+ , Queries(q.Release())
, Deadline(deadline)
, MustRestoreFirst(mustRestoreFirst)
, GetHandleClass(getHandleClass)
@@ -1037,34 +1037,34 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
, IsVerboseNoDataEnabled(isVerboseNoDataEnabled)
, IsInternal(isInternal)
, CollectDebugInfo(collectDebugInfo)
- , ForceBlockedGeneration(forceBlockedGeneration)
+ , ForceBlockedGeneration(forceBlockedGeneration)
, ReportDetailedPartMap(reportDetailedPartMap)
Y_VERIFY(QuerySize > 0, "can't execute empty get queries");
TEvGet(const TLogoBlobID &id, ui32 shift, ui32 size, TInstant deadline,
NKikimrBlobStorage::EGetHandleClass getHandleClass,
- bool mustRestoreFirst = false, bool isIndexOnly = false,
- ui32 forceBlockedGeneration = 0)
- : QuerySize(1)
- , Queries(new TQuery[1])
+ bool mustRestoreFirst = false, bool isIndexOnly = false,
+ ui32 forceBlockedGeneration = 0)
+ : QuerySize(1)
+ , Queries(new TQuery[1])
, Deadline(deadline)
, MustRestoreFirst(mustRestoreFirst)
, GetHandleClass(getHandleClass)
, IsIndexOnly(isIndexOnly)
, IsVerboseNoDataEnabled(false)
- , ForceBlockedGeneration(forceBlockedGeneration)
- {
- Queries[0].Id = id;
+ , ForceBlockedGeneration(forceBlockedGeneration)
+ {
+ Queries[0].Id = id;
Queries[0].Shift = shift;
Queries[0].Size = size;
Y_VERIFY(id.BlobSize() > 0, "Please, don't read/write 0-byte blobs!");
Y_VERIFY(shift < id.BlobSize(),
"Please, don't read behind the end of the blob! Id# %s BlobSize# %" PRIu32 " shift# %" PRIu32,
id.ToString().c_str(), (ui32)id.BlobSize(), (ui32)shift);
- }
+ }
TString Print(bool isFull) const {
@@ -1074,8 +1074,8 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
str << " IsVerboseNoDataEnabled# " << (IsVerboseNoDataEnabled ? "true" : "false");
str << " Deadline# " << Deadline.MilliSeconds();
str << " QuerySize# " << QuerySize;
- if (ForceBlockedGeneration)
- str << " ForceBlock: " << ForceBlockedGeneration;
+ if (ForceBlockedGeneration)
+ str << " ForceBlock: " << ForceBlockedGeneration;
for (ui32 i = 0; i < QuerySize; ++i) {
TQuery &query = Queries[i];
str << " {Id# " << query.Id.ToString();
@@ -1110,9 +1110,9 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
Queries[0].Id.TabletID(), Queries[i].Id.TabletID());
- };
- struct TEvGetResult : public TEventLocal<TEvGetResult, EvGetResult> {
+ };
+ struct TEvGetResult : public TEventLocal<TEvGetResult, EvGetResult> {
struct TPartMapItem {
ui32 DiskOrderNumber;
ui32 PartIdRequested;
@@ -1120,42 +1120,42 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
ui32 ResponseIndex;
TVector<std::pair<ui32, NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus>> Status;
- struct TResponse {
- NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- TLogoBlobID Id;
- ui32 Shift;
+ struct TResponse {
+ NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ TLogoBlobID Id;
+ ui32 Shift;
ui32 RequestedSize;
TString Buffer;
TVector<TPartMapItem> PartMap;
- TResponse()
- : Status(NKikimrProto::UNKNOWN)
- , Shift(0)
+ TResponse()
+ : Status(NKikimrProto::UNKNOWN)
+ , Shift(0)
, RequestedSize(0)
- {}
- };
- NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- // todo: replace with queue-like thing
- ui32 ResponseSz;
- TArrayHolder<TResponse> Responses;
+ {}
+ };
+ NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ // todo: replace with queue-like thing
+ ui32 ResponseSz;
+ TArrayHolder<TResponse> Responses;
const ui32 GroupId;
ui32 BlockedGeneration = 0; // valid only for requests with non-zero TabletId and true AcquireBlockedGeneration.
TString DebugInfo;
TString ErrorReason;
mutable NLWTrace::TOrbit Orbit;
// to measure blobstorage->client hop
TInstant Sent;
TEvGetResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui32 sz, ui32 groupId)
- : Status(status)
- , ResponseSz(sz)
+ : Status(status)
+ , ResponseSz(sz)
, Responses(sz == 0 ? nullptr : new TResponse[sz])
, GroupId(groupId)
- {}
+ {}
TString Print(bool isFull) const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -1198,21 +1198,21 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
return size;
- };
- struct TEvBlock : public TEventLocal<TEvBlock, EvBlock> {
- const ui64 TabletId;
- const ui32 Generation;
+ };
+ struct TEvBlock : public TEventLocal<TEvBlock, EvBlock> {
+ const ui64 TabletId;
+ const ui32 Generation;
const TInstant Deadline;
const ui64 IssuerGuid = RandomNumber<ui64>() | 1;
bool IsMonitored = true;
ui32 RestartCounter = 0;
TEvBlock(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation, TInstant deadline)
- : TabletId(tabletId)
- , Generation(generation)
+ : TabletId(tabletId)
+ , Generation(generation)
, Deadline(deadline)
- {}
+ {}
TEvBlock(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation, TInstant deadline, ui64 issuerGuid)
: TabletId(tabletId)
@@ -1242,15 +1242,15 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
std::unique_ptr<TEvBlockResult> MakeErrorResponse(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString& errorReason,
ui32 groupId);
- };
- struct TEvBlockResult : public TEventLocal<TEvBlockResult, EvBlockResult> {
- NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ };
+ struct TEvBlockResult : public TEventLocal<TEvBlockResult, EvBlockResult> {
+ NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
TString ErrorReason;
- TEvBlockResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status)
- : Status(status)
- {}
+ TEvBlockResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status)
+ : Status(status)
+ {}
TString Print(bool isFull) const {
@@ -1266,8 +1266,8 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
TString ToString() const {
return Print(false);
- };
+ };
struct TEvPatch : public TEventLocal<TEvPatch, EvPatch> {
static constexpr ui32 BaseDomainsCount = 8;
@@ -1555,25 +1555,25 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
- // special kind of request, strictly used for tablet discovery
- // returns logoblobid of last known control-channel (zero) entry.
- struct TEvDiscover : public TEventLocal<TEvDiscover, EvDiscover> {
- const ui64 TabletId;
+ // special kind of request, strictly used for tablet discovery
+ // returns logoblobid of last known control-channel (zero) entry.
+ struct TEvDiscover : public TEventLocal<TEvDiscover, EvDiscover> {
+ const ui64 TabletId;
const ui32 MinGeneration;
const TInstant Deadline;
- const bool ReadBody;
+ const bool ReadBody;
const bool DiscoverBlockedGeneration;
- const ui32 ForceBlockedGeneration;
+ const ui32 ForceBlockedGeneration;
ui32 RestartCounter = 0;
- TEvDiscover(ui64 tabletId, ui32 minGeneration, bool readBody, bool discoverBlockedGeneration, TInstant deadline, ui32 forceBlockedGeneration)
- : TabletId(tabletId)
+ TEvDiscover(ui64 tabletId, ui32 minGeneration, bool readBody, bool discoverBlockedGeneration, TInstant deadline, ui32 forceBlockedGeneration)
+ : TabletId(tabletId)
, MinGeneration(minGeneration)
, Deadline(deadline)
- , ReadBody(readBody)
+ , ReadBody(readBody)
, DiscoverBlockedGeneration(discoverBlockedGeneration)
- , ForceBlockedGeneration(forceBlockedGeneration)
- {}
+ , ForceBlockedGeneration(forceBlockedGeneration)
+ {}
TString Print(bool isFull) const {
@@ -1597,32 +1597,32 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
std::unique_ptr<TEvDiscoverResult> MakeErrorResponse(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString& errorReason,
ui32 groupId);
- };
- struct TEvDiscoverResult : public TEventLocal<TEvDiscoverResult, EvDiscoverResult> {
- NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- TLogoBlobID Id;
+ };
+ struct TEvDiscoverResult : public TEventLocal<TEvDiscoverResult, EvDiscoverResult> {
+ NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ TLogoBlobID Id;
ui32 MinGeneration;
TString Buffer;
ui32 BlockedGeneration;
TString ErrorReason;
TEvDiscoverResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui32 minGeneration, ui32 blockedGeneration)
- : Status(status)
+ : Status(status)
, MinGeneration(minGeneration)
, BlockedGeneration(blockedGeneration)
- {
+ {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(status != NKikimrProto::OK);
- }
+ }
TEvDiscoverResult(const TLogoBlobID &id, ui32 minGeneration, const TString &buffer)
- : Status(NKikimrProto::OK)
- , Id(id)
+ : Status(NKikimrProto::OK)
+ , Id(id)
, MinGeneration(minGeneration)
- , Buffer(buffer)
+ , Buffer(buffer)
, BlockedGeneration(0)
- {}
+ {}
TEvDiscoverResult(const TLogoBlobID &id, ui32 minGeneration, const TString &buffer, ui32 blockedGeneration)
: Status(NKikimrProto::OK)
@@ -1652,28 +1652,28 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
TString ToString() const {
return Print(false);
- };
- struct TEvRange : public TEventLocal<TEvRange, EvRange> {
- ui64 TabletId;
- TLogoBlobID From;
- TLogoBlobID To;
+ };
+ struct TEvRange : public TEventLocal<TEvRange, EvRange> {
+ ui64 TabletId;
+ TLogoBlobID From;
+ TLogoBlobID To;
const TInstant Deadline;
bool MustRestoreFirst;
bool IsIndexOnly;
- ui32 ForceBlockedGeneration;
+ ui32 ForceBlockedGeneration;
ui32 RestartCounter = 0;
TEvRange(ui64 tabletId, const TLogoBlobID &from, const TLogoBlobID &to, const bool mustRestoreFirst,
- TInstant deadline, bool isIndexOnly = false, ui32 forceBlockedGeneration = 0)
- : TabletId(tabletId)
- , From(from)
- , To(to)
+ TInstant deadline, bool isIndexOnly = false, ui32 forceBlockedGeneration = 0)
+ : TabletId(tabletId)
+ , From(from)
+ , To(to)
, Deadline(deadline)
, MustRestoreFirst(mustRestoreFirst)
, IsIndexOnly(isIndexOnly)
- , ForceBlockedGeneration(forceBlockedGeneration)
- {}
+ , ForceBlockedGeneration(forceBlockedGeneration)
+ {}
TString Print(bool isFull) const {
@@ -1683,8 +1683,8 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
str << " To# " << To.ToString();
str << " Deadline# " << Deadline.MilliSeconds();
str << " MustRestoreFirst# " << (MustRestoreFirst ? "true" : "false");
- if (ForceBlockedGeneration)
- str << " ForceBlock: " << ForceBlockedGeneration;
+ if (ForceBlockedGeneration)
+ str << " ForceBlock: " << ForceBlockedGeneration;
str << "}";
return str.Str();
@@ -1699,36 +1699,36 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
std::unique_ptr<TEvRangeResult> MakeErrorResponse(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString& errorReason,
ui32 groupId);
- };
- struct TEvRangeResult : public TEventLocal<TEvRangeResult, EvRangeResult> {
- struct TResponse {
- TLogoBlobID Id;
+ };
+ struct TEvRangeResult : public TEventLocal<TEvRangeResult, EvRangeResult> {
+ struct TResponse {
+ TLogoBlobID Id;
TString Buffer;
- TResponse()
- {}
+ TResponse()
+ {}
TResponse(const TLogoBlobID &id, const TString &x)
- : Id(id)
- , Buffer(x)
- {}
- };
- NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- TLogoBlobID From;
- TLogoBlobID To;
+ : Id(id)
+ , Buffer(x)
+ {}
+ };
+ NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ TLogoBlobID From;
+ TLogoBlobID To;
TVector<TResponse> Responses;
const ui32 GroupId;
TString ErrorReason;
TEvRangeResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TLogoBlobID &from, const TLogoBlobID &to, ui32 groupId)
- : Status(status)
- , From(from)
- , To(to)
+ : Status(status)
+ , From(from)
+ , To(to)
, GroupId(groupId)
- {}
+ {}
TString Print(bool isFull) const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -1755,8 +1755,8 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
TString ToString() const {
return Print(false);
- };
+ };
struct TEvCollectGarbage : public TEventLocal<TEvCollectGarbage, EvCollectGarbage> {
ui64 TabletId;
ui32 RecordGeneration;
@@ -1982,20 +1982,20 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
struct TEvVMovedPatchResult;
struct TEvVInplacePatch;
struct TEvVInplacePatchResult;
- struct TEvVPut;
- struct TEvVPutResult;
+ struct TEvVPut;
+ struct TEvVPutResult;
struct TEvVMultiPut;
struct TEvVMultiPutResult;
- struct TEvVGet;
- struct TEvVGetResult;
+ struct TEvVGet;
+ struct TEvVGetResult;
struct TEvVPatchStart;
struct TEvVPatchFoundParts;
struct TEvVPatchDiff;
struct TEvVPatchResult;
struct TEvVPatchXorDiff;
struct TEvVPatchXorDiffResult;
- struct TEvVBlock;
- struct TEvVBlockResult;
+ struct TEvVBlock;
+ struct TEvVBlockResult;
struct TEvVGetBlock;
struct TEvVGetBlockResult;
struct TEvVCollectGarbage;
@@ -2063,8 +2063,8 @@ struct TEvBlobStorage {
struct TEvAskRestartPDisk;
struct TEvRestartPDisk;
struct TEvRestartPDiskResult;
// EPutHandleClass defines BlobStorage queue to a request to
static inline NKikimrBlobStorage::EVDiskQueueId HandleClassToQueueId(NKikimrBlobStorage::EPutHandleClass cls) {
switch (cls) {
@@ -2077,8 +2077,8 @@ static inline NKikimrBlobStorage::EVDiskQueueId HandleClassToQueueId(NKikimrBlob
Y_FAIL("Unexpected case");
// EGetHandleClass defines BlobStorage queue to a request to
static inline NKikimrBlobStorage::EVDiskQueueId HandleClassToQueueId(NKikimrBlobStorage::EGetHandleClass cls) {
switch (cls) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/blobstorage_grouptype.cpp b/ydb/core/base/blobstorage_grouptype.cpp
index 58055c5ff0..66c79ba42c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/blobstorage_grouptype.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/blobstorage_grouptype.cpp
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ struct TBlobStorageErasureParameters {
static const std::array<TBlobStorageErasureParameters, TErasureType::ErasureSpeciesCount>
- {0} // 0 = ErasureSpicies::ErasureNone
- ,{1} // 1 = ErasureSpicies::ErasureMirror3
- ,{1} // 2 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure3Plus1Block
- ,{1} // 3 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure3Plus1Stipe
- ,{2} // 4 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure4Plus2Block
- ,{2} // 5 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure3Plus2Block
- ,{2} // 6 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure4Plus2Stipe
- ,{2} // 7 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure3Plus2Stipe
+ {0} // 0 = ErasureSpicies::ErasureNone
+ ,{1} // 1 = ErasureSpicies::ErasureMirror3
+ ,{1} // 2 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure3Plus1Block
+ ,{1} // 3 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure3Plus1Stipe
+ ,{2} // 4 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure4Plus2Block
+ ,{2} // 5 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure3Plus2Block
+ ,{2} // 6 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure4Plus2Stipe
+ ,{2} // 7 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure3Plus2Stipe
,{2} // 8 = ErasureSpicies::ErasureMirror3Plus2
,{6} // 9 = ErasureSpicies::ErasireMirror3dc
,{3} // 10 = ErasureSpicies::Erasure4Plus3Block
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/board_lookup.cpp b/ydb/core/base/board_lookup.cpp
index d41feac486..890b88f6b9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/board_lookup.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/board_lookup.cpp
@@ -1,210 +1,210 @@
-#include "statestorage_impl.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
+#include "statestorage_impl.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_LOOKUP, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_LOOKUP, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_LOOKUP, stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TBoardLookupActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TBoardLookupActor> {
- const TString Path;
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_LOOKUP, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_LOOKUP, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_LOOKUP, stream)
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TBoardLookupActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TBoardLookupActor> {
+ const TString Path;
const TActorId Owner;
- const EBoardLookupMode Mode;
- const ui32 StateStorageGroupId;
- enum class EReplicaState {
- Unknown,
+ const EBoardLookupMode Mode;
+ const ui32 StateStorageGroupId;
+ enum class EReplicaState {
+ Unknown,
- NoInfo,
- Ready,
- };
- struct TReplica {
+ NoInfo,
+ Ready,
+ };
+ struct TReplica {
TActorId Replica;
- EReplicaState State = EReplicaState::Unknown;
- };
- TVector<TReplica> Replicas;
+ EReplicaState State = EReplicaState::Unknown;
+ };
+ TVector<TReplica> Replicas;
TMap<TActorId, TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::TInfoEntry> Info;
- ui32 WaitForReplicasToSuccess;
- struct {
- ui32 Replied = 0;
- ui32 NoInfo = 0;
- ui32 HasInfo = 0;
- } Stats;
- void PassAway() override {
- for (const auto &replica : Replicas)
- if (replica.Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(replica.Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- TActor::PassAway();
- }
- void NotAvailable() {
- Send(Owner, new TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::EStatus::NotAvailable, Path));
- return PassAway();
- }
- void CheckCompletion() {
- if (Stats.HasInfo == WaitForReplicasToSuccess) {
- auto reply = MakeHolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo>(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::EStatus::Ok, Path);
- reply->InfoEntries = std::move(Info);
- Send(Owner, std::move(reply));
- return PassAway();
- }
- if (Stats.Replied == Replicas.size())
- return NotAvailable();
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->Replicas.empty()) {
- BLOG_ERROR("lookup on unconfigured statestorage board service " << StateStorageGroupId);
- return NotAvailable();
- }
- Replicas.resize(msg->Replicas.size());
- for (auto idx : xrange(msg->Replicas.size())) {
+ ui32 WaitForReplicasToSuccess;
+ struct {
+ ui32 Replied = 0;
+ ui32 NoInfo = 0;
+ ui32 HasInfo = 0;
+ } Stats;
+ void PassAway() override {
+ for (const auto &replica : Replicas)
+ if (replica.Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(replica.Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ TActor::PassAway();
+ }
+ void NotAvailable() {
+ Send(Owner, new TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::EStatus::NotAvailable, Path));
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ void CheckCompletion() {
+ if (Stats.HasInfo == WaitForReplicasToSuccess) {
+ auto reply = MakeHolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo>(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::EStatus::Ok, Path);
+ reply->InfoEntries = std::move(Info);
+ Send(Owner, std::move(reply));
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ if (Stats.Replied == Replicas.size())
+ return NotAvailable();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->Replicas.empty()) {
+ BLOG_ERROR("lookup on unconfigured statestorage board service " << StateStorageGroupId);
+ return NotAvailable();
+ }
+ Replicas.resize(msg->Replicas.size());
+ for (auto idx : xrange(msg->Replicas.size())) {
const TActorId &replica = msg->Replicas[idx];
Send(replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup(Path, TActorId(), false), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession, idx);
- Replicas[idx].Replica = replica;
- Replicas[idx].State = EReplicaState::Unknown;
- }
- switch (Mode) {
- case EBoardLookupMode::First:
- case EBoardLookupMode::FirstNonEmptyDoubleTime:
- WaitForReplicasToSuccess = 1;
- break;
- case EBoardLookupMode::Second:
- case EBoardLookupMode::SecondNonEmptyDoubleTime:
- WaitForReplicasToSuccess = Min<ui32>(2, Replicas.size());
- break;
- case EBoardLookupMode::Majority:
- case EBoardLookupMode::MajorityDoubleTime:
- WaitForReplicasToSuccess = (Replicas.size() / 2 + 1);
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unsupported mode");
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateLookup);
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- const ui32 idx = ev->Cookie;
- if (idx >= Replicas.size())
- return;
- auto &replica = Replicas[idx];
- if (replica.State != EReplicaState::Unknown)
- return;
- ++Stats.Replied;
- if (record.GetDropped()) {
- replica.State = EReplicaState::NoInfo;
- ++Stats.NoInfo;
- } else {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(record.GetInfo().size());
- replica.State = EReplicaState::Ready;
- ++Stats.HasInfo;
- for (auto &x : record.GetInfo()) {
+ Replicas[idx].Replica = replica;
+ Replicas[idx].State = EReplicaState::Unknown;
+ }
+ switch (Mode) {
+ case EBoardLookupMode::First:
+ case EBoardLookupMode::FirstNonEmptyDoubleTime:
+ WaitForReplicasToSuccess = 1;
+ break;
+ case EBoardLookupMode::Second:
+ case EBoardLookupMode::SecondNonEmptyDoubleTime:
+ WaitForReplicasToSuccess = Min<ui32>(2, Replicas.size());
+ break;
+ case EBoardLookupMode::Majority:
+ case EBoardLookupMode::MajorityDoubleTime:
+ WaitForReplicasToSuccess = (Replicas.size() / 2 + 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unsupported mode");
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateLookup);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const ui32 idx = ev->Cookie;
+ if (idx >= Replicas.size())
+ return;
+ auto &replica = Replicas[idx];
+ if (replica.State != EReplicaState::Unknown)
+ return;
+ ++Stats.Replied;
+ if (record.GetDropped()) {
+ replica.State = EReplicaState::NoInfo;
+ ++Stats.NoInfo;
+ } else {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(record.GetInfo().size());
+ replica.State = EReplicaState::Ready;
+ ++Stats.HasInfo;
+ for (auto &x : record.GetInfo()) {
const TActorId oid = ActorIdFromProto(x.GetOwner());
- Info[oid].Payload = x.GetPayload();
- }
- }
- CheckCompletion();
- }
- void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
- const ui32 nodeId = ev->Get()->NodeId;
- for (auto &replica : Replicas) {
- if (replica.Replica.NodeId() == nodeId && replica.State == EReplicaState::Unknown) {
+ Info[oid].Payload = x.GetPayload();
+ }
+ }
+ CheckCompletion();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
+ const ui32 nodeId = ev->Get()->NodeId;
+ for (auto &replica : Replicas) {
+ if (replica.Replica.NodeId() == nodeId && replica.State == EReplicaState::Unknown) {
replica.State = EReplicaState::NotAvailable;
- ++Stats.Replied;
- ++Stats.NoInfo;
- }
- }
- CheckCompletion();
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->SourceType != TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup::EventType)
- return;
- const ui32 idx = ev->Cookie;
- if (idx >= Replicas.size())
- return;
- auto &replica = Replicas[idx];
- if (replica.State != EReplicaState::Unknown)
- return;
+ ++Stats.Replied;
+ ++Stats.NoInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ CheckCompletion();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->SourceType != TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup::EventType)
+ return;
+ const ui32 idx = ev->Cookie;
+ if (idx >= Replicas.size())
+ return;
+ auto &replica = Replicas[idx];
+ if (replica.State != EReplicaState::Unknown)
+ return;
replica.State = EReplicaState::NotAvailable;
- ++Stats.Replied;
- ++Stats.NoInfo;
- CheckCompletion();
- }
+ ++Stats.Replied;
+ ++Stats.NoInfo;
+ CheckCompletion();
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::BOARD_LOOKUP_ACTOR;
TBoardLookupActor(const TString &path, TActorId owner, EBoardLookupMode mode, ui32 groupId)
- : Path(path)
- , Owner(owner)
- , Mode(mode)
- , StateStorageGroupId(groupId)
- {}
- void Bootstrap() {
+ : Path(path)
+ , Owner(owner)
+ , Mode(mode)
+ , StateStorageGroupId(groupId)
+ {}
+ void Bootstrap() {
const TActorId proxyId = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroupId);
- Send(proxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard(Path), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
- Become(&TThis::StateResolve);
- }
- STATEFN(StateResolve) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, NotAvailable);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateLookup) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
+ Send(proxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard(Path), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
+ Become(&TThis::StateResolve);
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateResolve) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, NotAvailable);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateLookup) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateBoardLookupActor(const TString &path, const TActorId &owner, ui32 groupId, EBoardLookupMode mode, bool sub, bool useNodeSubsriptions) {
- Y_UNUSED(useNodeSubsriptions);
- Y_VERIFY(!sub, "subscribe mode for board lookup not implemented yet");
- return new TBoardLookupActor(path, owner, mode, groupId);
+ Y_UNUSED(useNodeSubsriptions);
+ Y_VERIFY(!sub, "subscribe mode for board lookup not implemented yet");
+ return new TBoardLookupActor(path, owner, mode, groupId);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/board_publish.cpp b/ydb/core/base/board_publish.cpp
index 58cee89a92..cdd4bf6e48 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/board_publish.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/board_publish.cpp
@@ -1,196 +1,196 @@
-#include "statestorage_impl.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
+#include "statestorage_impl.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_PUBLISH, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_PUBLISH, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_PUBLISH, stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TBoardReplicaPublishActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TBoardReplicaPublishActor> {
- const TString Path;
- TString Payload;
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_PUBLISH, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_PUBLISH, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_PUBLISH, stream)
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TBoardReplicaPublishActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TBoardReplicaPublishActor> {
+ const TString Path;
+ TString Payload;
const TActorId Replica;
const TActorId PublishActor;
- ui64 Round;
- void Cleanup() {
- Send(Replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup());
- if (Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- PassAway();
- }
- void NotAvailable() {
- Send(PublishActor, new TEvents::TEvGone());
- PassAway();
- }
- void NotAvailableUnsubscribe() {
- if (Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- Send(PublishActor, new TEvents::TEvGone());
- PassAway();
- }
+ ui64 Round;
+ void Cleanup() {
+ Send(Replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup());
+ if (Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void NotAvailable() {
+ Send(PublishActor, new TEvents::TEvGone());
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void NotAvailableUnsubscribe() {
+ if (Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ Send(PublishActor, new TEvents::TEvGone());
+ PassAway();
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::BOARD_REPLICA_PUBLISH_ACTOR;
TBoardReplicaPublishActor(const TString &path, const TString &payload, TActorId replica, TActorId publishActor)
- : Path(path)
- , Payload(payload)
- , Replica(replica)
- , PublishActor(publishActor)
- , Round(0)
- {}
- void Bootstrap() {
- Send(Replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish(Path, Payload, 0, true, PublishActor), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession, ++Round);
- Become(&TThis::StatePublish);
- }
- STATEFN(StatePublish) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, Cleanup);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, NotAvailableUnsubscribe);
- cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, NotAvailable); // no cleanup on node disconnect
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, NotAvailableUnsubscribe);
- }
- }
-class TBoardPublishActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TBoardPublishActor> {
- const TString Path;
- const TString Payload;
+ : Path(path)
+ , Payload(payload)
+ , Replica(replica)
+ , PublishActor(publishActor)
+ , Round(0)
+ {}
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ Send(Replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish(Path, Payload, 0, true, PublishActor), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession, ++Round);
+ Become(&TThis::StatePublish);
+ }
+ STATEFN(StatePublish) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, Cleanup);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, NotAvailableUnsubscribe);
+ cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, NotAvailable); // no cleanup on node disconnect
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, NotAvailableUnsubscribe);
+ }
+ }
+class TBoardPublishActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TBoardPublishActor> {
+ const TString Path;
+ const TString Payload;
const TActorId Owner;
- const ui32 StateStorageGroupId;
- const ui32 TtlMs;
- const bool Register;
+ const ui32 StateStorageGroupId;
+ const ui32 TtlMs;
+ const bool Register;
TMap<TActorId, TActorId> ReplicaPublishActors; // replica -> publish actor
- void PassAway() override {
- for (auto &xpair : ReplicaPublishActors) {
- if (xpair.second)
- Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- }
- TActor::PassAway();
- }
- void HandleUndelivered() {
- BLOG_ERROR("publish on unavailable statestorage board service " << StateStorageGroupId);
- Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->Replicas.empty()) {
- BLOG_ERROR("publish on unconfigured statestorage board service " << StateStorageGroupId);
- } else {
+ void PassAway() override {
+ for (auto &xpair : ReplicaPublishActors) {
+ if (xpair.second)
+ Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ }
+ TActor::PassAway();
+ }
+ void HandleUndelivered() {
+ BLOG_ERROR("publish on unavailable statestorage board service " << StateStorageGroupId);
+ Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->Replicas.empty()) {
+ BLOG_ERROR("publish on unconfigured statestorage board service " << StateStorageGroupId);
+ } else {
TMap<TActorId, TActorId> updated;
- for (auto &replicaId : msg->Replicas) {
+ for (auto &replicaId : msg->Replicas) {
const TActorId *known = ReplicaPublishActors.FindPtr(replicaId);
- if (known && *known)
- updated[replicaId] = *known;
- else
+ if (known && *known)
+ updated[replicaId] = *known;
+ else
updated[replicaId] = RegisterWithSameMailbox(new TBoardReplicaPublishActor(Path, Payload, replicaId, SelfId()));
- }
- ReplicaPublishActors = std::move(updated);
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
- }
- bool ResolveGone(TEvents::TEvGone::TPtr &ev) {
+ }
+ ReplicaPublishActors = std::move(updated);
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
+ }
+ bool ResolveGone(TEvents::TEvGone::TPtr &ev) {
const TActorId sender = ev->Sender;
- for (auto &xpair : ReplicaPublishActors) {
- if (xpair.second == sender) {
+ for (auto &xpair : ReplicaPublishActors) {
+ if (xpair.second == sender) {
xpair.second = TActorId();
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CalmGone(TEvents::TEvGone::TPtr &ev) {
- if (ResolveGone(ev)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void CalmGone(TEvents::TEvGone::TPtr &ev) {
+ if (ResolveGone(ev)) {
const TActorId proxyId = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroupId);
- const ui32 flags = IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery;
- TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> x = new IEventHandle(proxyId, SelfId(), new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard(Path), flags);
- TActivationContext::Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(50), x);
- Become(&TThis::StateResolve);
- }
- }
+ const ui32 flags = IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery;
+ TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> x = new IEventHandle(proxyId, SelfId(), new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard(Path), flags);
+ TActivationContext::Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(50), x);
+ Become(&TThis::StateResolve);
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::BOARD_PUBLISH_ACTOR;
TBoardPublishActor(const TString &path, const TString &payload, const TActorId &owner, ui32 groupId, ui32 ttlMs, bool reg)
- : Path(path)
- , Payload(payload)
- , Owner(owner)
- , StateStorageGroupId(groupId)
- , TtlMs(ttlMs)
- , Register(reg)
- {
- Y_UNUSED(TtlMs);
- Y_UNUSED(Register);
- }
- void Bootstrap() {
+ : Path(path)
+ , Payload(payload)
+ , Owner(owner)
+ , StateStorageGroupId(groupId)
+ , TtlMs(ttlMs)
+ , Register(reg)
+ {
+ Y_UNUSED(TtlMs);
+ Y_UNUSED(Register);
+ }
+ void Bootstrap() {
const TActorId proxyId = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroupId);
- Send(proxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard(Path), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
- Become(&TThis::StateResolve);
- }
- STATEFN(StateResolve) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvGone, ResolveGone);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, HandleUndelivered);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateCalm) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvGone, CalmGone);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
+ Send(proxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard(Path), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
+ Become(&TThis::StateResolve);
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateResolve) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvGone, ResolveGone);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, HandleUndelivered);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateCalm) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvGone, CalmGone);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateBoardPublishActor(const TString &path, const TString &payload, const TActorId &owner, ui32 groupId, ui32 ttlMs, bool reg) {
- return new TBoardPublishActor(path, payload, owner, groupId, ttlMs, reg);
-TString MakeEndpointsBoardPath(const TString &database) {
- return "gpc+" + database;
+ return new TBoardPublishActor(path, payload, owner, groupId, ttlMs, reg);
+TString MakeEndpointsBoardPath(const TString &database) {
+ return "gpc+" + database;
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/board_replica.cpp b/ydb/core/base/board_replica.cpp
index 3fe56e8735..c38fd20e35 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/board_replica.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/board_replica.cpp
@@ -1,229 +1,229 @@
-#include "statestorage_impl.h"
+#include "statestorage_impl.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_REPLICA, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_REPLICA, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_REPLICA, stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TBoardReplicaActor : public TActor<TBoardReplicaActor> {
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_REPLICA, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_REPLICA, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::BOARD_REPLICA, stream)
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TBoardReplicaActor : public TActor<TBoardReplicaActor> {
using TOwnerIndex = TMap<TActorId, ui32, TActorId::TOrderedCmp>;
- using TPathIndex = TMap<TString, TSet<ui32>>;
- struct TEntry {
- TString Payload;
+ using TPathIndex = TMap<TString, TSet<ui32>>;
+ struct TEntry {
+ TString Payload;
TActorId Owner;
- TOwnerIndex::iterator OwnerIt;
- TPathIndex::iterator PathIt;
- };
- TVector<TEntry> Entries;
- TVector<ui32> AvailableEntries;
- TOwnerIndex IndexOwner;
- TPathIndex IndexPath;
- ui32 AllocateEntry() {
- ui32 ret;
- if (AvailableEntries) {
- ret = AvailableEntries.back();
- AvailableEntries.pop_back();
- }
- else {
- ret = Entries.size();
- Entries.emplace_back();
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish::TPtr &ev) {
- auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- const TString &path = record.GetPath();
+ TOwnerIndex::iterator OwnerIt;
+ TPathIndex::iterator PathIt;
+ };
+ TVector<TEntry> Entries;
+ TVector<ui32> AvailableEntries;
+ TOwnerIndex IndexOwner;
+ TPathIndex IndexPath;
+ ui32 AllocateEntry() {
+ ui32 ret;
+ if (AvailableEntries) {
+ ret = AvailableEntries.back();
+ AvailableEntries.pop_back();
+ }
+ else {
+ ret = Entries.size();
+ Entries.emplace_back();
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const TString &path = record.GetPath();
const TActorId &owner = ev->Sender;
- if (!record.GetRegister()) {
- BLOG_ERROR("free floating entries not implemented yet");
- return;
- }
- auto ownerIt = IndexOwner.find(owner);
- if (ownerIt != IndexOwner.end()) {
- const ui32 entryIndex = ownerIt->second;
- TEntry &entry = Entries[entryIndex];
- if (entry.PathIt->first != path) {
- BLOG_ERROR("unconsistent path for same owner");
- // reply nothing, request suspicious
- return;
- }
- entry.Payload = record.GetPayload();
+ if (!record.GetRegister()) {
+ BLOG_ERROR("free floating entries not implemented yet");
+ return;
+ }
+ auto ownerIt = IndexOwner.find(owner);
+ if (ownerIt != IndexOwner.end()) {
+ const ui32 entryIndex = ownerIt->second;
+ TEntry &entry = Entries[entryIndex];
+ if (entry.PathIt->first != path) {
+ BLOG_ERROR("unconsistent path for same owner");
+ // reply nothing, request suspicious
+ return;
+ }
+ entry.Payload = record.GetPayload();
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(entry.Owner == ActorIdFromProto(record.GetOwner()));
- } else {
- const ui32 entryIndex = AllocateEntry();
- TEntry &entry = Entries[entryIndex];
- entry.Payload = record.GetPayload();
+ } else {
+ const ui32 entryIndex = AllocateEntry();
+ TEntry &entry = Entries[entryIndex];
+ entry.Payload = record.GetPayload();
entry.Owner = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetOwner());
- auto ownerInsPairIt = IndexOwner.emplace(owner, entryIndex);
- entry.OwnerIt = ownerInsPairIt.first;
- auto pathInsPairIt = IndexPath.emplace(std::make_pair(path, TSet<ui32>()));
- entry.PathIt = pathInsPairIt.first;
- entry.PathIt->second.emplace(entryIndex);
- Send(owner, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck, IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession, ev->Cookie);
- }
- }
- bool IsLastEntryOnNode(TOwnerIndex::iterator ownerIt) {
- const ui32 ownerNodeId = ownerIt->first.NodeId();
- if (ownerIt != IndexOwner.begin()) {
- auto x = ownerIt;
- --x;
- if (x->first.NodeId() == ownerNodeId)
- return false;
- }
- ++ownerIt;
- if (ownerIt != IndexOwner.end()) {
- if (ownerIt->first.NodeId() == ownerNodeId)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void CleanupEntry(ui32 entryIndex) {
- TEntry &entry = Entries[entryIndex];
- entry.PathIt->second.erase(entryIndex);
- if (entry.PathIt->second.empty()) {
- IndexPath.erase(entry.PathIt);
- }
- if (IsLastEntryOnNode(entry.OwnerIt)) {
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(entry.OwnerIt->first.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- }
- IndexOwner.erase(entry.OwnerIt);
- TString().swap(entry.Payload);
+ auto ownerInsPairIt = IndexOwner.emplace(owner, entryIndex);
+ entry.OwnerIt = ownerInsPairIt.first;
+ auto pathInsPairIt = IndexPath.emplace(std::make_pair(path, TSet<ui32>()));
+ entry.PathIt = pathInsPairIt.first;
+ entry.PathIt->second.emplace(entryIndex);
+ Send(owner, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck, IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession, ev->Cookie);
+ }
+ }
+ bool IsLastEntryOnNode(TOwnerIndex::iterator ownerIt) {
+ const ui32 ownerNodeId = ownerIt->first.NodeId();
+ if (ownerIt != IndexOwner.begin()) {
+ auto x = ownerIt;
+ --x;
+ if (x->first.NodeId() == ownerNodeId)
+ return false;
+ }
+ ++ownerIt;
+ if (ownerIt != IndexOwner.end()) {
+ if (ownerIt->first.NodeId() == ownerNodeId)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void CleanupEntry(ui32 entryIndex) {
+ TEntry &entry = Entries[entryIndex];
+ entry.PathIt->second.erase(entryIndex);
+ if (entry.PathIt->second.empty()) {
+ IndexPath.erase(entry.PathIt);
+ }
+ if (IsLastEntryOnNode(entry.OwnerIt)) {
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(entry.OwnerIt->first.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ }
+ IndexOwner.erase(entry.OwnerIt);
+ TString().swap(entry.Payload);
entry.Owner = TActorId();
- entry.PathIt = IndexPath.end();
- entry.OwnerIt = IndexOwner.end();
- AvailableEntries.emplace_back(entryIndex);
- }
- void PassAway() override {
- ui32 prevNode = 0;
- for (auto &xpair : IndexOwner) {
- const ui32 nodeId = xpair.first.NodeId();
- if (nodeId != prevNode) {
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- prevNode = nodeId;
- }
- Send(xpair.first, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown());
- }
- // all cleanup in actor destructor
- TActor::PassAway();
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup::TPtr &ev) {
- auto ownerIt = IndexOwner.find(ev->Sender);
- if (ownerIt == IndexOwner.end()) // do nothing, already removed?
- return;
- CleanupEntry(ownerIt->second);
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup::TPtr &ev) {
- auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- const auto &path = record.GetPath();
- if (record.GetSubscribe()) {
- BLOG_ERROR("trying to subscribe on path, must be not implemented yet");
- // reply nothing, request suspicious
- return;
- }
- auto pathIt = IndexPath.find(path);
- if (pathIt == IndexPath.end()) {
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo(path, true), 0, ev->Cookie);
- return;
- }
- auto reply = MakeHolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo>(path, false);
- auto *info = reply->Record.MutableInfo();
- info->Reserve(pathIt->second.size());
- for (ui32 entryIndex : pathIt->second) {
- const TEntry &entry = Entries[entryIndex];
- auto *ex = info->Add();
+ entry.PathIt = IndexPath.end();
+ entry.OwnerIt = IndexOwner.end();
+ AvailableEntries.emplace_back(entryIndex);
+ }
+ void PassAway() override {
+ ui32 prevNode = 0;
+ for (auto &xpair : IndexOwner) {
+ const ui32 nodeId = xpair.first.NodeId();
+ if (nodeId != prevNode) {
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ prevNode = nodeId;
+ }
+ Send(xpair.first, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown());
+ }
+ // all cleanup in actor destructor
+ TActor::PassAway();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto ownerIt = IndexOwner.find(ev->Sender);
+ if (ownerIt == IndexOwner.end()) // do nothing, already removed?
+ return;
+ CleanupEntry(ownerIt->second);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const auto &path = record.GetPath();
+ if (record.GetSubscribe()) {
+ BLOG_ERROR("trying to subscribe on path, must be not implemented yet");
+ // reply nothing, request suspicious
+ return;
+ }
+ auto pathIt = IndexPath.find(path);
+ if (pathIt == IndexPath.end()) {
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo(path, true), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ return;
+ }
+ auto reply = MakeHolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo>(path, false);
+ auto *info = reply->Record.MutableInfo();
+ info->Reserve(pathIt->second.size());
+ for (ui32 entryIndex : pathIt->second) {
+ const TEntry &entry = Entries[entryIndex];
+ auto *ex = info->Add();
ActorIdToProto(entry.Owner, ex->MutableOwner());
- ex->SetPayload(entry.Payload);
- }
- Send(ev->Sender, std::move(reply), 0, ev->Cookie);
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
- auto ownerIt = IndexOwner.find(ev->Sender);
- if (ownerIt == IndexOwner.end())
- return;
- CleanupEntry(ownerIt->second);
- }
- void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui32 nodeId = msg->NodeId;
+ ex->SetPayload(entry.Payload);
+ }
+ Send(ev->Sender, std::move(reply), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto ownerIt = IndexOwner.find(ev->Sender);
+ if (ownerIt == IndexOwner.end())
+ return;
+ CleanupEntry(ownerIt->second);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui32 nodeId = msg->NodeId;
auto ownerIt = IndexOwner.lower_bound(TActorId(nodeId, 0, 0, 0));
- while (ownerIt != IndexOwner.end() && ownerIt->first.NodeId() == nodeId) {
- const ui32 entryToCleanupIndex = ownerIt->second;
- ++ownerIt;
- CleanupEntry(entryToCleanupIndex);
- }
- }
+ while (ownerIt != IndexOwner.end() && ownerIt->first.NodeId() == nodeId) {
+ const ui32 entryToCleanupIndex = ownerIt->second;
+ ++ownerIt;
+ CleanupEntry(entryToCleanupIndex);
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::BOARD_REPLICA_ACTOR;
- }
- TBoardReplicaActor()
- : TActor(&TThis::StateWork)
- {}
- STATEFN(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, PassAway);
- hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, Handle);
- IgnoreFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected);
- default:
- // in debug spam some message
- break;
- }
- }
-IActor* CreateStateStorageBoardReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &, ui32) {
- return new TBoardReplicaActor();
+ }
+ TBoardReplicaActor()
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateWork)
+ {}
+ STATEFN(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, PassAway);
+ hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, Handle);
+ IgnoreFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected);
+ default:
+ // in debug spam some message
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+IActor* CreateStateStorageBoardReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &, ui32) {
+ return new TBoardReplicaActor();
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/compile_time_flags.h b/ydb/core/base/compile_time_flags.h
index 0f807c44b6..4259148ee3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/compile_time_flags.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/compile_time_flags.h
@@ -44,22 +44,22 @@
-// This feature flag enables use of flow controlled queue in statestorage lookup requests
+// This feature flag enables use of flow controlled queue in statestorage lookup requests
// This feature flag enables immediate ReadTable on datashard
// Runtime support shipped in 20-2, will be enabled in 20-4
-// This feature flag enables statestorage replica probes
+// This feature flag enables statestorage replica probes
// This feature enables cutting PDisk's log from the middle of log chunks list
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/defs.h b/ydb/core/base/defs.h
index a1604d4188..bb4eb55689 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/defs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/defs.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./ydb/core/base/defs.h
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/defs.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
@@ -8,49 +8,49 @@
#include <ydb/core/debug/valgrind_check.h>
#include <util/generic/array_ref.h>
#include <util/generic/string.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
- // actorlib is organic part of kikimr so we emulate global import by this directive
- using namespace NActors;
- struct TPtrHash {
- template<typename TSmartPtr>
- size_t operator()(const TSmartPtr &x) const {
- return THash<intptr_t>()(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&*x));
- }
- };
- struct TPtrEqual {
- template<typename TPtrLeft, typename TPtrRight>
- bool operator()(const TPtrLeft &left, const TPtrRight &right) const {
- return (&*left == &*right);
- }
- };
- struct TPtrLess {
- template<typename TPtrLeft, typename TPtrRight>
- bool operator()(const TPtrLeft &left, const TPtrRight &right) const {
- return (&*left < &*right);
- }
- };
- inline ui64 Hash64to32(ui64 x) noexcept {
- const ui64 x1 = 0x001DFF3D8DC48F5Dull * (x >> 32ull);
- const ui64 x2 = 0x179CA10C9242235Dull * (x & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFull);
- const ui64 sum = 0x0F530CAD458B0FB1ull + x1 + x2;
- return (sum >> 32);
- }
- inline ui64 Hash128to32(ui64 a, ui64 b) noexcept {
- const ui64 x1 = 0x001DFF3D8DC48F5Dull * (a & 0xFFFFFFFFull);
- const ui64 x2 = 0x179CA10C9242235Dull * (a >> 32);
- const ui64 x3 = 0x0F530CAD458B0FB1ull * (b & 0xFFFFFFFFull);
- const ui64 x4 = 0xB5026F5AA96619E9ull * (b >> 32);
- const ui64 sum = 0x06C9C021156EAA1Full + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4;
- return (sum >> 32);
- }
+namespace NKikimr {
+ // actorlib is organic part of kikimr so we emulate global import by this directive
+ using namespace NActors;
+ struct TPtrHash {
+ template<typename TSmartPtr>
+ size_t operator()(const TSmartPtr &x) const {
+ return THash<intptr_t>()(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&*x));
+ }
+ };
+ struct TPtrEqual {
+ template<typename TPtrLeft, typename TPtrRight>
+ bool operator()(const TPtrLeft &left, const TPtrRight &right) const {
+ return (&*left == &*right);
+ }
+ };
+ struct TPtrLess {
+ template<typename TPtrLeft, typename TPtrRight>
+ bool operator()(const TPtrLeft &left, const TPtrRight &right) const {
+ return (&*left < &*right);
+ }
+ };
+ inline ui64 Hash64to32(ui64 x) noexcept {
+ const ui64 x1 = 0x001DFF3D8DC48F5Dull * (x >> 32ull);
+ const ui64 x2 = 0x179CA10C9242235Dull * (x & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFull);
+ const ui64 sum = 0x0F530CAD458B0FB1ull + x1 + x2;
+ return (sum >> 32);
+ }
+ inline ui64 Hash128to32(ui64 a, ui64 b) noexcept {
+ const ui64 x1 = 0x001DFF3D8DC48F5Dull * (a & 0xFFFFFFFFull);
+ const ui64 x2 = 0x179CA10C9242235Dull * (a >> 32);
+ const ui64 x3 = 0x0F530CAD458B0FB1ull * (b & 0xFFFFFFFFull);
+ const ui64 x4 = 0xB5026F5AA96619E9ull * (b >> 32);
+ const ui64 sum = 0x06C9C021156EAA1Full + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4;
+ return (sum >> 32);
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/domain.h b/ydb/core/base/domain.h
index c7e3e836c8..05346e474a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/domain.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/domain.h
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
#include "localdb.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_config.pb.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
- static const ui32 FirstUserTag = 32;
- static const ui32 FakeRootTag = 0xFFFFE;
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
+ static const ui32 FirstUserTag = 32;
+ static const ui32 FakeRootTag = 0xFFFFE;
static const ui32 MaxUserTag = 0xFFFFF;
static const ui32 BadDomainId = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
static const ui64 BadTabletId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull;
static const ui32 DomainBits = 5;
static const ui32 MaxDomainId = (1 << DomainBits) - 1;
// it's very sad mistake
// MakeTabletID should be called with hiveUid == 0 for all domain's static tablets
// but we do it with hiveUid == domain, and collision with dynamic tablets occurs
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
typedef THashMap<TString, TIntrusiveConstPtr<NLocalDb::TCompactionPolicy>> TNamedCompactionPolicies;
- struct TDomain : public TThrRefBase {
+ struct TDomain : public TThrRefBase {
using TPtr = TIntrusivePtr<TDomain>;
using TVectorUi64 = TVector<ui64>;
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
const ui32 DomainUid;
const ui32 DefaultStateStorageGroup;
- const ui32 DefaultSchemeBoardGroup;
- const ui64 SchemeRoot;
+ const ui32 DefaultSchemeBoardGroup;
+ const ui64 SchemeRoot;
const TString Name;
const TVector<ui64> Coordinators;
const TVector<ui64> Mediators;
@@ -88,40 +88,40 @@ struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
const TVector<ui32> StateStorageGroups;
const ui32 DefaultHiveUid;
const TVector<ui32> HiveUids;
- const ui64 DomainPlanResolution;
+ const ui64 DomainPlanResolution;
const TStoragePoolKinds StoragePoolTypes;
static constexpr ui32 TimecastBucketsPerMediator = 2; // <- any sense in making this configurable? may be for debug?..
//don't reinterpret any data
TDomain(const TString &name, ui32 domainUid, ui64 schemeRootId,
- ui32 defaultStateStorageGroup, ui32 defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
- TVectorUi32 stateStorageGroup,
+ ui32 defaultStateStorageGroup, ui32 defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
+ TVectorUi32 stateStorageGroup,
TVectorUi64 coordinators, TVectorUi64 mediators, TVectorUi64 allocators,
ui32 defaultHiveUid, TVectorUi32 hivesUids,
ui64 domainPlanResolution, const TStoragePoolKinds &poolTypes)
: DomainUid(domainUid)
, DefaultStateStorageGroup(defaultStateStorageGroup)
- , DefaultSchemeBoardGroup(defaultSchemeBoardGroup)
+ , DefaultSchemeBoardGroup(defaultSchemeBoardGroup)
, SchemeRoot(schemeRootId)
- , Name(name)
+ , Name(name)
, Coordinators(std::move(coordinators))
, Mediators(std::move(mediators))
, TxAllocators(std::move(allocators))
, StateStorageGroups(std::move(stateStorageGroup))
, DefaultHiveUid(defaultHiveUid)
, HiveUids(std::move(hivesUids))
- , DomainPlanResolution(domainPlanResolution)
+ , DomainPlanResolution(domainPlanResolution)
, StoragePoolTypes(poolTypes)
- {}
+ {}
//interpret coordinatorUids, mediatorUids and allocatorUids as vector uids and call proper MakeTabletId for each
template <typename TUidsContainerUi32, typename TUidsContainerUi64>
static TDomain::TPtr ConstructDomain(const TString &name, ui32 domainUid, ui64 schemeRoot,
- ui32 defaultStateStorageGroup, ui32 defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
- const TUidsContainerUi32 &stateStorageGroups,
+ ui32 defaultStateStorageGroup, ui32 defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
+ const TUidsContainerUi32 &stateStorageGroups,
ui32 defaultHiveUid,const TUidsContainerUi32 &hiveUids,
ui64 planResolution,
const TUidsContainerUi64 &coordinatorUids,
@@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
const TStoragePoolKinds &poolTypes = TStoragePoolKinds())
return new TDomain(name, domainUid, schemeRoot,
- defaultStateStorageGroup, defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
- TVectorUi32(stateStorageGroups.begin(), stateStorageGroups.end()),
- MakeCoordinatorsIds(TVectorUi64(coordinatorUids.begin(), coordinatorUids.end()), domainUid),
- MakeMediatrosIds(TVectorUi64(mediatorUids.begin(), mediatorUids.end()), domainUid),
- MakeAllocatorsIds(TVectorUi64(allocatorUids.begin(), allocatorUids.end()), domainUid),
- defaultHiveUid, TVectorUi32(hiveUids.begin(), hiveUids.end()),
- planResolution, poolTypes);
+ defaultStateStorageGroup, defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
+ TVectorUi32(stateStorageGroups.begin(), stateStorageGroups.end()),
+ MakeCoordinatorsIds(TVectorUi64(coordinatorUids.begin(), coordinatorUids.end()), domainUid),
+ MakeMediatrosIds(TVectorUi64(mediatorUids.begin(), mediatorUids.end()), domainUid),
+ MakeAllocatorsIds(TVectorUi64(allocatorUids.begin(), allocatorUids.end()), domainUid),
+ defaultHiveUid, TVectorUi32(hiveUids.begin(), hiveUids.end()),
+ planResolution, poolTypes);
//no any tablets setted
@@ -147,48 +147,48 @@ struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
const ui32 defHiveUid = domainId;
ui64 planResolution = 500;
return new TDomain(name, domainId, schemeRoot,
- stateStorageGroup, stateStorageGroup,
- TVectorUi32(1, stateStorageGroup),
- TVectorUi64(),
- TVectorUi64(),
- TVectorUi64(),
- defHiveUid, TVectorUi32(1, defHiveUid),
- planResolution, TStoragePoolKinds());
+ stateStorageGroup, stateStorageGroup,
+ TVectorUi32(1, stateStorageGroup),
+ TVectorUi64(),
+ TVectorUi64(),
+ TVectorUi64(),
+ defHiveUid, TVectorUi32(1, defHiveUid),
+ planResolution, TStoragePoolKinds());
template <typename TUidsContainerUi32, typename TUidsContainerUi64>
static TDomain::TPtr ConstructDomainWithExplicitTabletIds(const TString &name, ui32 domainUid, ui64 schemeRoot,
- ui32 defaultStateStorageGroup, ui32 defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
- const TUidsContainerUi32 &stateStorageGroups,
- ui32 defaultHiveUid,const TUidsContainerUi32 &hiveUids,
- ui64 planResolution,
- const TUidsContainerUi64 &coordinatorUids,
- const TUidsContainerUi64 &mediatorUids,
- const TUidsContainerUi64 &allocatorUids,
- const TStoragePoolKinds &poolTypes = TStoragePoolKinds())
+ ui32 defaultStateStorageGroup, ui32 defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
+ const TUidsContainerUi32 &stateStorageGroups,
+ ui32 defaultHiveUid,const TUidsContainerUi32 &hiveUids,
+ ui64 planResolution,
+ const TUidsContainerUi64 &coordinatorUids,
+ const TUidsContainerUi64 &mediatorUids,
+ const TUidsContainerUi64 &allocatorUids,
+ const TStoragePoolKinds &poolTypes = TStoragePoolKinds())
return new TDomain(name, domainUid, schemeRoot,
- defaultStateStorageGroup, defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
- TVectorUi32(stateStorageGroups.begin(), stateStorageGroups.end()),
- TVectorUi64(coordinatorUids.begin(), coordinatorUids.end()),
- TVectorUi64(mediatorUids.begin(), mediatorUids.end()),
- TVectorUi64(allocatorUids.begin(), allocatorUids.end()),
- defaultHiveUid, TVectorUi32(hiveUids.begin(), hiveUids.end()),
- planResolution, poolTypes);
+ defaultStateStorageGroup, defaultSchemeBoardGroup,
+ TVectorUi32(stateStorageGroups.begin(), stateStorageGroups.end()),
+ TVectorUi64(coordinatorUids.begin(), coordinatorUids.end()),
+ TVectorUi64(mediatorUids.begin(), mediatorUids.end()),
+ TVectorUi64(allocatorUids.begin(), allocatorUids.end()),
+ defaultHiveUid, TVectorUi32(hiveUids.begin(), hiveUids.end()),
+ planResolution, poolTypes);
- ui32 DomainRootTag() const {
+ ui32 DomainRootTag() const {
return DomainUid + FirstUserTag;
- }
+ }
static TVector<ui64> TransformUids(TVector<ui64> &&uids, std::function<ui64 (ui32)> func) {
TVector<ui64> result(std::move(uids));
for (ui32 i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
result[i] = func(result[i]);
return result;
- }
+ }
static TVector<ui64> TransformIntoVectorUids(ui32 count) {
TVector<ui64> result;
@@ -196,11 +196,11 @@ struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
return result;
- }
+ }
static TVector<ui64> MakeCoordinatorsIds(TVector<ui64> &&uids, ui32 domainUid) {
return TransformUids(std::move(uids), [&domainUid](ui32 uid) { return MakeTxCoordinatorID(domainUid, uid); });
- }
+ }
static TVector<ui64> MakeCoordinatorsIds(ui32 count, ui32 domainUid) {
return MakeCoordinatorsIds(TransformIntoVectorUids(count), domainUid);
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
return HiveUids.at(idx);
- };
+ };
TMap<ui32, TIntrusivePtr<TDomain>> Domains;
THashMap<TString, TIntrusivePtr<TDomain>> DomainByName;
TMap<ui32, TIntrusivePtr<TDomain>> DomainByStateStorageGroup;
@@ -300,27 +300,27 @@ struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
return it->second->DomainUid;
- ui32 GetDomainUidByTabletId(ui64 tabletId) const {
- const ui32 ssid = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId);
- if (const auto *x = DomainByStateStorageGroup.FindPtr(ssid))
- return x->Get()->DomainUid;
- else
+ ui32 GetDomainUidByTabletId(ui64 tabletId) const {
+ const ui32 ssid = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId);
+ if (const auto *x = DomainByStateStorageGroup.FindPtr(ssid))
+ return x->Get()->DomainUid;
+ else
return BadDomainId;
- }
+ }
const TDomain& GetDomain(ui32 domainUid) const {
auto it = Domains.find(domainUid);
Y_VERIFY(it != Domains.end(), "domainUid = %" PRIu32, domainUid);
return *(it->second);
- const TDomain* GetDomainByName(TStringBuf name) const {
+ const TDomain* GetDomainByName(TStringBuf name) const {
auto it = DomainByName.find(name);
if (it != DomainByName.end())
return it->second.Get();
- return nullptr;
- }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
ui64 GetHive(ui32 hiveUid) const {
auto it = HivesByHiveUid.find(hiveUid);
if (it != HivesByHiveUid.end())
@@ -336,13 +336,13 @@ struct TDomainsInfo : public TThrRefBase {
return BadDomainId;
- ui32 GetHiveUidByHiveId(ui64 hiveTabletId) const {
- for (const auto &xpair : HivesByHiveUid)
- if (xpair.second == hiveTabletId)
- return xpair.first;
- return Max<ui32>();
- }
+ ui32 GetHiveUidByHiveId(ui64 hiveTabletId) const {
+ for (const auto &xpair : HivesByHiveUid)
+ if (xpair.second == hiveTabletId)
+ return xpair.first;
+ return Max<ui32>();
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/events.h b/ydb/core/base/events.h
index 77d6661a88..f5fedfe19b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/events.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/events.h
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/events.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/dq_events_ids.h>
#include <ydb/core/yq/libs/events/event_ids.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TKikimrEvents : TEvents {
- enum EEventSpaceKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TKikimrEvents : TEvents {
+ enum EEventSpaceKikimr {
Please mind that you should never change the order
for the following keywords, you should consider
@@ -18,57 +18,57 @@ struct TKikimrEvents : TEvents {
- ES_DEPRECATED_4098, //4098
+ ES_DEPRECATED_4098, //4098
ES_HIVE, //4100
ES_TABLET, //4102
ES_TX_PROXY, // generic proxy commands 4106
- ES_TX_USERPROXY, // user proxy interface
+ ES_TX_USERPROXY, // user proxy interface
ES_PROXY_BUS, //4122
ES_PQ_L2_CACHE, //4142
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ struct TKikimrEvents : TEvents {
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ struct TKikimrEvents : TEvents {
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ struct TKikimrEvents : TEvents {
- };
+ };
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/hive.h b/ydb/core/base/hive.h
index 6bcce181da..7464c76699 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/hive.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/hive.h
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "blobstorage.h"
-#include "events.h"
+#include "events.h"
#include "storage_pools.h"
#include "subdomain.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/hive.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet.h>
#include <util/stream/str.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
struct TEvHive {
- enum EEv {
- // requests
+ enum EEv {
+ // requests
EvBootTablet = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_HIVE),
- EvCreateTablet,
- EvForgetTablet,
- EvReconfigureTablet,
- EvLookupChannelInfo,
+ EvCreateTablet,
+ EvForgetTablet,
+ EvReconfigureTablet,
+ EvLookupChannelInfo,
EvTabletMetrics = EvStopTablet + 7, // review 194375
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ namespace NKikimr {
- // replies
- EvBootTabletReply = EvBootTablet + 512,
- EvCreateTabletReply,
- EvForgetTabletReply,
- EvReconfigureTabletReply,
- EvChannelInfo,
+ // replies
+ EvBootTabletReply = EvBootTablet + 512,
+ EvCreateTabletReply,
+ EvForgetTabletReply,
+ EvReconfigureTabletReply,
+ EvChannelInfo,
@@ -74,20 +74,20 @@ namespace NKikimr {
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_HIVE),
"expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_HIVE)");
struct TEvBootTablet : public TEventPB<TEvBootTablet, NKikimrHive::TEvBootTablet, EvBootTablet> {
- TEvBootTablet()
- {}
- TEvBootTablet(ui64 tabletId)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- }
+ TEvBootTablet()
+ {}
+ TEvBootTablet(ui64 tabletId)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -95,18 +95,18 @@ namespace NKikimr {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvBootTabletReply
: public TEventPB<TEvBootTabletReply, NKikimrHive::TEvBootTabletReply, EvBootTabletReply> {
- TEvBootTabletReply()
- {}
+ TEvBootTabletReply()
+ {}
TEvBootTabletReply(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString& msg = {})
- {
- Record.SetStatus(status);
+ {
+ Record.SetStatus(status);
- }
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -115,18 +115,18 @@ namespace NKikimr {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvCreateTablet : public TEventPB<TEvCreateTablet, NKikimrHive::TEvCreateTablet, EvCreateTablet> {
- TEvCreateTablet()
- {}
+ TEvCreateTablet()
+ {}
TEvCreateTablet(ui64 ownerId, ui64 ownerIdx,
TTabletTypes::EType tabletType,
const TChannelsBindings& bindedChannels) {
- Record.SetOwner(ownerId);
- Record.SetOwnerIdx(ownerIdx);
- Record.SetTabletType(tabletType);
+ Record.SetOwner(ownerId);
+ Record.SetOwnerIdx(ownerIdx);
+ Record.SetTabletType(tabletType);
for (auto& channel : bindedChannels) {
*Record.AddBindedChannels() = channel;
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
for (auto& channel : bindedChannels) {
*Record.AddBindedChannels() = channel;
- }
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -184,29 +184,29 @@ namespace NKikimr {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvCreateTabletReply : TEventPB<TEvCreateTabletReply, NKikimrHive::TEvCreateTabletReply, EvCreateTabletReply> {
TEvCreateTabletReply() = default;
TEvCreateTabletReply(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 ownerId, ui64 ownerIdx) {
- Record.SetStatus(status);
- Record.SetOwner(ownerId);
- Record.SetOwnerIdx(ownerIdx);
+ Record.SetStatus(status);
+ Record.SetOwner(ownerId);
+ Record.SetOwnerIdx(ownerIdx);
TEvCreateTabletReply(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 ownerId, ui64 ownerIdx, ui64 tabletId)
: TEvCreateTabletReply(status, ownerId, ownerIdx)
- if (tabletId != 0)
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ if (tabletId != 0)
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
TEvCreateTabletReply(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 ownerId, ui64 ownerIdx, ui64 tabletId, ui64 origin)
: TEvCreateTabletReply(status, ownerId, ownerIdx, tabletId)
- }
+ }
NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status,
@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ namespace NKikimr {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvTabletCreationResult : public TEventPB<
TEvTabletCreationResult, NKikimrHive::TEvTabletCreationResult, EvTabletCreationResult> {
@@ -369,12 +369,12 @@ namespace NKikimr {
struct TEvReconfigureTablet
: public TEventPB<TEvReconfigureTablet, NKikimrHive::TEvReconfigureTablet, EvReconfigureTablet> {
- TEvReconfigureTablet()
- {}
- TEvReconfigureTablet(ui64 tabletId) {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- }
+ TEvReconfigureTablet()
+ {}
+ TEvReconfigureTablet(ui64 tabletId) {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -382,17 +382,17 @@ namespace NKikimr {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvReconfigureTabletReply : public TEventPB<TEvReconfigureTabletReply,
NKikimrHive::TEvReconfigureTabletReply, EvReconfigureTabletReply> {
- TEvReconfigureTabletReply()
- {}
+ TEvReconfigureTabletReply()
+ {}
TEvReconfigureTabletReply(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 tabletId) {
- Record.SetStatus(status);
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- }
+ Record.SetStatus(status);
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ namespace NKikimr {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvDeleteTablet : public TEventPB<TEvDeleteTablet, NKikimrHive::TEvDeleteTablet, EvDeleteTablet> {
@@ -463,10 +463,10 @@ namespace NKikimr {
struct TEvLookupChannelInfo : TEventPB<TEvLookupChannelInfo, NKikimrHive::TEvLookupChannelInfo, EvLookupChannelInfo> {
TEvLookupChannelInfo() = default;
TEvLookupChannelInfo(ui64 tabletId) {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- }
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -474,15 +474,15 @@ namespace NKikimr {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvChannelInfo : TEventPB<TEvChannelInfo, NKikimrHive::TEvChannelInfo, EvChannelInfo> {
TEvChannelInfo() = default;
TEvChannelInfo(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 tabletId) {
- Record.SetStatus(status);
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- }
+ Record.SetStatus(status);
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ namespace NKikimr {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvTabletMetrics : public TEventPB<TEvTabletMetrics, NKikimrHive::TEvTabletMetrics, EvTabletMetrics> {
@@ -547,9 +547,9 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TEvRequestHiveInfo(ui64 tabletId, bool returnFollowers) {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- }
+ }
struct TEvResponseHiveInfo : TEventPB<TEvResponseHiveInfo, NKikimrHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo, EvResponseHiveInfo> {};
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
- };
+ };
IActor* CreateDefaultHive(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.cpp b/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.cpp
index 425da90d58..80b4ed8203 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-#include "kikimr_issue.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-const char IssueMapResource[] = "kikimr_issue.txt";
-static_assert(NYql::DEFAULT_ERROR == NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::DEFAULT_ERROR,
- "value of particular and common error mismatched for \"DEFAULT_ERROR\"");
-static_assert(NYql::UNEXPECTED_ERROR == NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::UNEXPECTED,
- "value of particular and common error mismatched for \"UNEXPECTED_ERROR\"");
+#include "kikimr_issue.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
+const char IssueMapResource[] = "kikimr_issue.txt";
+static_assert(NYql::DEFAULT_ERROR == NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::DEFAULT_ERROR,
+ "value of particular and common error mismatched for \"DEFAULT_ERROR\"");
+static_assert(NYql::UNEXPECTED_ERROR == NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::UNEXPECTED,
+ "value of particular and common error mismatched for \"UNEXPECTED_ERROR\"");
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.h b/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.h
index 8b12130622..fd7e232d2c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.h
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <ydb/core/protos/issue_id.pb.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_id.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_message.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
extern const char IssueMapResource[17];
-inline NYql::ESeverity GetSeverity(NYql::TIssueCode id) {
- return NYql::GetSeverity<NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds, IssueMapResource>(id);
-inline TString GetMessage(NYql::TIssueCode id) {
- return NYql::GetMessage<NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds, IssueMapResource>(id);
-inline NYql::TIssue& SetIssueCode(NYql::TIssueCode id, NYql::TIssue& issue) {
- issue.SetCode(id, GetSeverity(id));
- return issue;
-inline TString IssueCodeToString(NYql::TIssueCode id) {
- const TString& message = GetMessage(id);
- if (message) {
- return message;
- } else {
- return NYql::IssueCodeToString<NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds>(id);
- }
-inline NYql::TIssue MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::EIssueCode id, const TString& message) {
- NYql::TIssue issue;
- SetIssueCode(id, issue);
- issue.Message = message;
- return issue;
-inline NYql::TIssue MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::EIssueCode id) {
- return MakeIssue(id, IssueCodeToString(id));
+inline NYql::ESeverity GetSeverity(NYql::TIssueCode id) {
+ return NYql::GetSeverity<NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds, IssueMapResource>(id);
+inline TString GetMessage(NYql::TIssueCode id) {
+ return NYql::GetMessage<NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds, IssueMapResource>(id);
+inline NYql::TIssue& SetIssueCode(NYql::TIssueCode id, NYql::TIssue& issue) {
+ issue.SetCode(id, GetSeverity(id));
+ return issue;
+inline TString IssueCodeToString(NYql::TIssueCode id) {
+ const TString& message = GetMessage(id);
+ if (message) {
+ return message;
+ } else {
+ return NYql::IssueCodeToString<NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds>(id);
+ }
+inline NYql::TIssue MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::EIssueCode id, const TString& message) {
+ NYql::TIssue issue;
+ SetIssueCode(id, issue);
+ issue.Message = message;
+ return issue;
+inline NYql::TIssue MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::EIssueCode id) {
+ return MakeIssue(id, IssueCodeToString(id));
inline TString SerializeIssues(const NYql::TIssues& in) {
NYql::TIssue rootIssue;
for(const auto& i : in) {
return NYql::IssueToBinaryMessage(rootIssue);
inline NYql::TIssues DeserializeIssues(const TString& in) {
NYql::TIssues result;
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.txt b/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.txt
index c8da213891..56c375080b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.txt
+++ b/ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.txt
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-ids { code: UNEXPECTED severity: S_FATAL }
-ids { code: DEFAULT_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: INFO severity: S_INFO }
-ids { code: WARNING severity: S_WARNING }
-ids { code: SUCCESS severity: S_INFO }
-ids { code: ACCESS_DENIED severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: PATH_NOT_EXIST severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: DATABASE_NOT_EXIST severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: GENERIC_DATASHARD_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: UNEXPECTED severity: S_FATAL }
+ids { code: DEFAULT_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: INFO severity: S_INFO }
+ids { code: WARNING severity: S_WARNING }
+ids { code: SUCCESS severity: S_INFO }
+ids { code: ACCESS_DENIED severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: PATH_NOT_EXIST severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: DATABASE_NOT_EXIST severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: GENERIC_DATASHARD_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
ids { code: RESOLVE_LOOKUP_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: GENERIC_TXPROXY_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: KEY_PARSE_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: EMPTY_OP_RANGE severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: ENGINE_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: DOMAIN_LOCALITY_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: SHARD_NOT_AVAILABLE severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: TX_STATE_UNKNOWN severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: TX_DECLINED_BY_COORDINATOR severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: GENERIC_TXPROXY_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: KEY_PARSE_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: EMPTY_OP_RANGE severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: ENGINE_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: DOMAIN_LOCALITY_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: SHARD_NOT_AVAILABLE severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: TX_STATE_UNKNOWN severity: S_ERROR }
+ids { code: TX_DECLINED_BY_COORDINATOR severity: S_ERROR }
-ids { code: SCOPE_REQPROXY severity: S_INFO}
-ids { code: SCOPE_TXPROXY_INTERPRET severity: S_INFO}
-ids { code: SCOPE_TXPROXY_RESOLVE severity: S_INFO}
-ids { code: SCOPE_TXPROXY_PREPARE severity: S_INFO}
-ids { code: SCOPE_TXPROXY_EXECUTE severity: S_INFO}
+ids { code: SCOPE_REQPROXY severity: S_INFO}
+ids { code: SCOPE_TXPROXY_INTERPRET severity: S_INFO}
+ids { code: SCOPE_TXPROXY_RESOLVE severity: S_INFO}
+ids { code: SCOPE_TXPROXY_PREPARE severity: S_INFO}
+ids { code: SCOPE_TXPROXY_EXECUTE severity: S_INFO}
ids { code: YDB_API_VALIDATION_ERROR severity: S_ERROR }
ids { code: YDB_AUTH_UNAVAILABLE severity: S_ERROR }
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/localdb.cpp b/ydb/core/base/localdb.cpp
index 85e50aa408..d07ee26fc1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/localdb.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/localdb.cpp
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ TCompactionPolicy::TBackgroundPolicy::TBackgroundPolicy(ui32 threshold,
TCompactionPolicy::TBackgroundPolicy::TBackgroundPolicy(const NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactionPolicy::TBackgroundPolicy &policyPb)
- : Threshold(policyPb.HasThreshold() ? policyPb.GetThreshold() : 101)
- , PriorityBase(policyPb.HasPriorityBase() ? policyPb.GetPriorityBase() : 100)
- , TimeFactor(policyPb.HasTimeFactor() ? policyPb.GetTimeFactor() : 1.0)
+ : Threshold(policyPb.HasThreshold() ? policyPb.GetThreshold() : 101)
+ , PriorityBase(policyPb.HasPriorityBase() ? policyPb.GetPriorityBase() : 100)
+ , TimeFactor(policyPb.HasTimeFactor() ? policyPb.GetTimeFactor() : 1.0)
, ResourceBrokerTask(policyPb.HasResourceBrokerTask() ? policyPb.GetResourceBrokerTask() : BackgroundCompactionTaskName)
@@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ TCompactionPolicy::TGenerationPolicy::TGenerationPolicy(ui64 sizeToCompact,
TCompactionPolicy::TGenerationPolicy::TGenerationPolicy(const NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactionPolicy::TGenerationPolicy &policyPb)
- : SizeToCompact(policyPb.HasSizeToCompact() ? policyPb.GetSizeToCompact() : 0)
- , CountToCompact(policyPb.HasCountToCompact() ? policyPb.GetCountToCompact() : 5)
- , ForceCountToCompact(policyPb.HasForceCountToCompact() ? policyPb.GetForceCountToCompact() : 8)
- , ForceSizeToCompact(policyPb.HasForceSizeToCompact() ? policyPb.GetForceSizeToCompact() : 0)
- , CompactionBrokerQueue(policyPb.HasCompactionBrokerQueue() ? policyPb.GetCompactionBrokerQueue() : 1)
- , ResourceBrokerTask(policyPb.HasResourceBrokerTask() ? policyPb.GetResourceBrokerTask() : TString())
- , KeepInCache(policyPb.HasKeepInCache() ? policyPb.GetKeepInCache() : false)
- , BackgroundCompactionPolicy(policyPb.HasBackgroundCompactionPolicy() ? policyPb.GetBackgroundCompactionPolicy() : TBackgroundPolicy())
+ : SizeToCompact(policyPb.HasSizeToCompact() ? policyPb.GetSizeToCompact() : 0)
+ , CountToCompact(policyPb.HasCountToCompact() ? policyPb.GetCountToCompact() : 5)
+ , ForceCountToCompact(policyPb.HasForceCountToCompact() ? policyPb.GetForceCountToCompact() : 8)
+ , ForceSizeToCompact(policyPb.HasForceSizeToCompact() ? policyPb.GetForceSizeToCompact() : 0)
+ , CompactionBrokerQueue(policyPb.HasCompactionBrokerQueue() ? policyPb.GetCompactionBrokerQueue() : 1)
+ , ResourceBrokerTask(policyPb.HasResourceBrokerTask() ? policyPb.GetResourceBrokerTask() : TString())
+ , KeepInCache(policyPb.HasKeepInCache() ? policyPb.GetKeepInCache() : false)
+ , BackgroundCompactionPolicy(policyPb.HasBackgroundCompactionPolicy() ? policyPb.GetBackgroundCompactionPolicy() : TBackgroundPolicy())
, ExtraCompactionPercent(policyPb.HasExtraCompactionPercent() ? policyPb.GetExtraCompactionPercent() : 10)
, ExtraCompactionExpPercent(policyPb.HasExtraCompactionExpPercent() ? policyPb.GetExtraCompactionExpPercent() : 110)
, ExtraCompactionMinSize(policyPb.HasExtraCompactionMinSize() ? policyPb.GetExtraCompactionMinSize() : 16384)
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ void TCompactionPolicy::TGenerationPolicy::Serialize(NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactio
: InMemSizeToSnapshot(4 * 1024 * 1024)
- , InMemStepsToSnapshot(300)
- , InMemForceStepsToSnapshot(500)
+ , InMemStepsToSnapshot(300)
+ , InMemForceStepsToSnapshot(500)
, InMemForceSizeToSnapshot(16 * 1024 * 1024)
, InMemCompactionBrokerQueue(0)
, InMemResourceBrokerTask(LegacyQueueIdToTaskName(0))
@@ -120,27 +120,27 @@ TCompactionPolicy::TCompactionPolicy()
TCompactionPolicy::TCompactionPolicy(const NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactionPolicy& policyPb)
- : InMemSizeToSnapshot(policyPb.HasInMemSizeToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetInMemSizeToSnapshot() : 4 * 1024 * 1024)
- , InMemStepsToSnapshot(policyPb.HasInMemStepsToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetInMemStepsToSnapshot() : 300)
- , InMemForceStepsToSnapshot(policyPb.HasInMemForceStepsToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetInMemForceStepsToSnapshot() : 500)
- , InMemForceSizeToSnapshot(policyPb.HasInMemForceSizeToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetInMemForceSizeToSnapshot() : 16 * 1024 * 1024)
- , InMemCompactionBrokerQueue(policyPb.HasInMemCompactionBrokerQueue() ? policyPb.GetInMemCompactionBrokerQueue() : 0)
- , InMemResourceBrokerTask(policyPb.HasInMemResourceBrokerTask() ? policyPb.GetInMemResourceBrokerTask() : LegacyQueueIdToTaskName(0))
- , ReadAheadHiThreshold(policyPb.HasReadAheadHiThreshold() ? policyPb.GetReadAheadHiThreshold() : 64 * 1024 * 1024)
- , ReadAheadLoThreshold(policyPb.HasReadAheadLoThreshold() ? policyPb.GetReadAheadLoThreshold() : 16 * 1024 * 1024)
- , MinDataPageSize(policyPb.HasMinDataPageSize() ? policyPb.GetMinDataPageSize() : 7 * 1024)
- , SnapshotCompactionBrokerQueue(policyPb.HasSnapBrokerQueue() ? policyPb.GetSnapBrokerQueue() : 0)
- , SnapshotResourceBrokerTask(policyPb.HasSnapshotResourceBrokerTask() ? policyPb.GetSnapshotResourceBrokerTask() : LegacyQueueIdToTaskName(0))
- , BackupCompactionBrokerQueue(policyPb.HasBackupBrokerQueue() ? policyPb.GetBackupBrokerQueue() : 1)
+ : InMemSizeToSnapshot(policyPb.HasInMemSizeToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetInMemSizeToSnapshot() : 4 * 1024 * 1024)
+ , InMemStepsToSnapshot(policyPb.HasInMemStepsToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetInMemStepsToSnapshot() : 300)
+ , InMemForceStepsToSnapshot(policyPb.HasInMemForceStepsToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetInMemForceStepsToSnapshot() : 500)
+ , InMemForceSizeToSnapshot(policyPb.HasInMemForceSizeToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetInMemForceSizeToSnapshot() : 16 * 1024 * 1024)
+ , InMemCompactionBrokerQueue(policyPb.HasInMemCompactionBrokerQueue() ? policyPb.GetInMemCompactionBrokerQueue() : 0)
+ , InMemResourceBrokerTask(policyPb.HasInMemResourceBrokerTask() ? policyPb.GetInMemResourceBrokerTask() : LegacyQueueIdToTaskName(0))
+ , ReadAheadHiThreshold(policyPb.HasReadAheadHiThreshold() ? policyPb.GetReadAheadHiThreshold() : 64 * 1024 * 1024)
+ , ReadAheadLoThreshold(policyPb.HasReadAheadLoThreshold() ? policyPb.GetReadAheadLoThreshold() : 16 * 1024 * 1024)
+ , MinDataPageSize(policyPb.HasMinDataPageSize() ? policyPb.GetMinDataPageSize() : 7 * 1024)
+ , SnapshotCompactionBrokerQueue(policyPb.HasSnapBrokerQueue() ? policyPb.GetSnapBrokerQueue() : 0)
+ , SnapshotResourceBrokerTask(policyPb.HasSnapshotResourceBrokerTask() ? policyPb.GetSnapshotResourceBrokerTask() : LegacyQueueIdToTaskName(0))
+ , BackupCompactionBrokerQueue(policyPb.HasBackupBrokerQueue() ? policyPb.GetBackupBrokerQueue() : 1)
, BackupResourceBrokerTask(policyPb.HasBackupResourceBrokerTask() ? policyPb.GetBackupResourceBrokerTask() : ScanTaskName)
- , DefaultTaskPriority(policyPb.HasDefaultTaskPriority() ? policyPb.GetDefaultTaskPriority() : 5)
- , BackgroundSnapshotPolicy(policyPb.HasBackgroundSnapshotPolicy() ? policyPb.GetBackgroundSnapshotPolicy() : TBackgroundPolicy())
+ , DefaultTaskPriority(policyPb.HasDefaultTaskPriority() ? policyPb.GetDefaultTaskPriority() : 5)
+ , BackgroundSnapshotPolicy(policyPb.HasBackgroundSnapshotPolicy() ? policyPb.GetBackgroundSnapshotPolicy() : TBackgroundPolicy())
, LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot(policyPb.HasLogOverheadSizeToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetLogOverheadSizeToSnapshot() : 16 * 1024 * 1024)
, LogOverheadCountToSnapshot(policyPb.HasLogOverheadCountToSnapshot() ? policyPb.GetLogOverheadCountToSnapshot() : 500)
, DroppedRowsPercentToCompact(policyPb.HasDroppedRowsPercentToCompact() ? policyPb.GetDroppedRowsPercentToCompact() : 50)
, CompactionStrategy(policyPb.GetCompactionStrategy())
, KeepEraseMarkers(policyPb.HasKeepEraseMarkers() ? policyPb.GetKeepEraseMarkers() : false)
if (!InMemResourceBrokerTask)
InMemResourceBrokerTask = LegacyQueueIdToTaskName(InMemCompactionBrokerQueue);
if (!SnapshotResourceBrokerTask)
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ TCompactionPolicy::TCompactionPolicy(const NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactionPolicy& p
if (policyPb.HasShardPolicy()) {
void TCompactionPolicy::Serialize(NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactionPolicy& policyPb) const {
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ void TCompactionPolicy::Serialize(NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactionPolicy& policyPb)
if (ShardPolicy.ByteSizeLong() > 0) {
for (ui32 i = 0; i < Generations.size(); ++i) {
auto &g = *policyPb.AddGeneration();
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/localdb.h b/ydb/core/base/localdb.h
index 0643016292..8679cb286f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/localdb.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/localdb.h
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
#include <util/generic/list.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/flat_scheme_op.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/yverify_stream.h>
#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NLocalDb {
-struct TCompactionPolicy : public TThrRefBase {
+struct TCompactionPolicy : public TThrRefBase {
struct TBackgroundPolicy {
ui32 Threshold;
ui32 PriorityBase;
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ struct TCompactionPolicy : public TThrRefBase {
- struct TGenerationPolicy {
- ui64 SizeToCompact;
- ui32 CountToCompact;
- ui32 ForceCountToCompact;
- ui64 ForceSizeToCompact;
+ struct TGenerationPolicy {
+ ui64 SizeToCompact;
+ ui32 CountToCompact;
+ ui32 ForceCountToCompact;
+ ui64 ForceSizeToCompact;
ui32 CompactionBrokerQueue; // TODO: remove deprecated field
TString ResourceBrokerTask;
- bool KeepInCache;
+ bool KeepInCache;
TBackgroundPolicy BackgroundCompactionPolicy;
ui32 ExtraCompactionPercent;
ui32 ExtraCompactionExpPercent;
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ struct TCompactionPolicy : public TThrRefBase {
&& ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize == p.ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize
&& UpliftPartSize == p.UpliftPartSize;
- };
- ui64 InMemSizeToSnapshot;
- ui32 InMemStepsToSnapshot;
- ui32 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot;
- ui64 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot;
+ };
+ ui64 InMemSizeToSnapshot;
+ ui32 InMemStepsToSnapshot;
+ ui32 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot;
+ ui64 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot;
ui32 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue; // TODO: remove deprecated field
TString InMemResourceBrokerTask;
ui64 ReadAheadHiThreshold;
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ struct TCompactionPolicy : public TThrRefBase {
NKikimrSchemeOp::ECompactionStrategy CompactionStrategy;
NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactionPolicy::TShardPolicy ShardPolicy;
bool KeepEraseMarkers;
TVector<TGenerationPolicy> Generations;
- TCompactionPolicy();
+ TCompactionPolicy();
explicit TCompactionPolicy(const NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactionPolicy& policyPb);
void Serialize(NKikimrSchemeOp::TCompactionPolicy& policyPb) const;
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ struct TCompactionPolicy : public TThrRefBase {
&& ReadAheadHiThreshold == p.ReadAheadHiThreshold
&& ReadAheadLoThreshold == p.ReadAheadLoThreshold
&& MinDataPageSize == p.MinDataPageSize
- && Generations == p.Generations
+ && Generations == p.Generations
&& SnapshotCompactionBrokerQueue == p.SnapshotCompactionBrokerQueue
&& SnapshotResourceBrokerTask == p.SnapshotResourceBrokerTask
&& BackupCompactionBrokerQueue == p.BackupCompactionBrokerQueue
@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ struct TCompactionPolicy : public TThrRefBase {
&& KeepEraseMarkers == p.KeepEraseMarkers
&& ::google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(ShardPolicy, p.ShardPolicy);
typedef TIntrusivePtr<TCompactionPolicy> TCompactionPolicyPtr;
TCompactionPolicyPtr CreateDefaultTablePolicy();
TCompactionPolicyPtr CreateDefaultUserTablePolicy();
bool ValidateCompactionPolicyChange(const TCompactionPolicy& oldPolicy, const TCompactionPolicy& newPolicy, TString& err);
// Get Resource Broker task type name by Compaction Broker queue ID.
@@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ extern const TString KqpResourceManagerTaskName;
extern const TString KqpResourceManagerQueue;
extern const TString LegacyQueueIdTaskNamePrefix;
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/logoblob.cpp b/ydb/core/base/logoblob.cpp
index 13242640f8..4bea376f60 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/logoblob.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/logoblob.cpp
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-#include "logoblob.h"
+#include "logoblob.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/base.pb.h>
-#include <util/string/printf.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include <util/string/printf.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
TString TLogoBlobID::ToString() const {
return Sprintf(
"[%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 "]",
- TabletID(),
- Generation(),
- Step(),
- Channel(),
- Cookie(),
- BlobSize(),
+ TabletID(),
+ Generation(),
+ Step(),
+ Channel(),
+ Cookie(),
+ BlobSize(),
void TLogoBlobID::Out(IOutputStream &o) const {
- char buf[240];
- sprintf(buf,
+ char buf[240];
+ sprintf(buf,
"[%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 "]",
- TabletID(),
- Generation(),
- Step(),
- Channel(),
- Cookie(),
- BlobSize(),
+ TabletID(),
+ Generation(),
+ Step(),
+ Channel(),
+ Cookie(),
+ BlobSize(),
- );
- o << buf;
+ );
+ o << buf;
void TLogoBlobID::Out(IOutputStream &o, const TVector<TLogoBlobID> &vec) {
- o << "[ ";
- for (const auto &x : vec)
- o << x << ' ';
- o << "]";
+ o << "[ ";
+ for (const auto &x : vec)
+ o << x << ' ';
+ o << "]";
static const char *SkipSpaces(const char *str) {
while (str && *str && *str == ' ')
@@ -66,17 +66,17 @@ bool TLogoBlobID::Parse(TLogoBlobID &out, const TString &buf, TString &errorExpl
PARSE_NUM(const ui64 tabletID, "tablet id", 10);
- PARSE_NUM(const ui64 gen, "generation", 10);
- PARSE_NUM(const ui64 step, "step", 10);
- PARSE_NUM(const ui64 channel, "channel", 10);
- PARSE_NUM(const ui64 cookie, "cookie", 10);
- PARSE_NUM(const ui64 blobSize, "blob size", 10);
- const ui64 partid = strtoll(str, &endptr, 10);
+ PARSE_NUM(const ui64 gen, "generation", 10);
+ PARSE_NUM(const ui64 step, "step", 10);
+ PARSE_NUM(const ui64 channel, "channel", 10);
+ PARSE_NUM(const ui64 cookie, "cookie", 10);
+ PARSE_NUM(const ui64 blobSize, "blob size", 10);
+ const ui64 partid = strtoll(str, &endptr, 10);
str = SkipSpaces(endptr);
if (!(str && *str && *str == ']')) {
- errorExplanation = "Can't find trailing ']' after part id";
+ errorExplanation = "Can't find trailing ']' after part id";
return false;
str = SkipSpaces(str + 1);
@@ -85,32 +85,32 @@ bool TLogoBlobID::Parse(TLogoBlobID &out, const TString &buf, TString &errorExpl
return false;
- if (partid)
- out = TLogoBlobID(tabletID, gen, step, channel, blobSize, cookie, partid);
- else
- out = TLogoBlobID(tabletID, gen, step, channel, blobSize, cookie);
+ if (partid)
+ out = TLogoBlobID(tabletID, gen, step, channel, blobSize, cookie, partid);
+ else
+ out = TLogoBlobID(tabletID, gen, step, channel, blobSize, cookie);
return true;
-TLogoBlobID LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(const NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID &proto) {
- return TLogoBlobID(proto.GetRawX1(), proto.GetRawX2(), proto.GetRawX3());
-void LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(const TLogoBlobID &id, NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID *proto) {
- const ui64* raw = id.GetRaw();
- proto->SetRawX1(raw[0]);
- proto->SetRawX2(raw[1]);
- proto->SetRawX3(raw[2]);
+TLogoBlobID LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(const NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID &proto) {
+ return TLogoBlobID(proto.GetRawX1(), proto.GetRawX2(), proto.GetRawX3());
+void LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(const TLogoBlobID &id, NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID *proto) {
+ const ui64* raw = id.GetRaw();
+ proto->SetRawX1(raw[0]);
+ proto->SetRawX2(raw[1]);
+ proto->SetRawX3(raw[2]);
void LogoBlobIDVectorFromLogoBlobIDRepeated(
TVector<TLogoBlobID> *to,
const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID> &proto) {
- to->reserve(proto.size());
- to->clear();
- for (const auto &x : proto)
- to->emplace_back(LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x));
+ to->reserve(proto.size());
+ to->clear();
+ for (const auto &x : proto)
+ to->emplace_back(LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x));
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/logoblob.h b/ydb/core/base/logoblob.h
index 558610738a..36eea54393 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/logoblob.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/logoblob.h
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-namespace NKikimrProto {
- class TLogoBlobID;
-namespace NKikimr {
- struct TLogoBlobID {
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+namespace NKikimrProto {
+ class TLogoBlobID;
+namespace NKikimr {
+ struct TLogoBlobID {
static const ui32 MaxChannel = 255ul;
static const ui32 MaxBlobSize = 67108863ul;
static const ui32 MaxCookie = 16777215ul;
static const ui32 MaxPartId = 15ul;
static const ui32 MaxCrcMode = 3ul;
- TLogoBlobID()
- {
+ TLogoBlobID()
+ {
Set(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- explicit TLogoBlobID(const TLogoBlobID &source, ui32 partId)
- {
+ }
+ explicit TLogoBlobID(const TLogoBlobID &source, ui32 partId)
+ {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(partId < 16);
- Raw.X[0] = source.Raw.X[0];
- Raw.X[1] = source.Raw.X[1];
+ Raw.X[0] = source.Raw.X[0];
+ Raw.X[1] = source.Raw.X[1];
Raw.X[2] = (source.Raw.X[2] & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0ull) | partId;
- }
- explicit TLogoBlobID(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation, ui32 step, ui32 channel, ui32 blobSize, ui32 cookie)
- {
+ }
+ explicit TLogoBlobID(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation, ui32 step, ui32 channel, ui32 blobSize, ui32 cookie)
+ {
Set(tabletId, generation, step, channel, blobSize, cookie, 0, 0);
- }
- explicit TLogoBlobID(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation, ui32 step, ui32 channel, ui32 blobSize, ui32 cookie, ui32 partId)
- {
+ }
+ explicit TLogoBlobID(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation, ui32 step, ui32 channel, ui32 blobSize, ui32 cookie, ui32 partId)
+ {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(partId != 0);
Set(tabletId, generation, step, channel, blobSize, cookie, partId, 0);
- }
+ }
explicit TLogoBlobID(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation, ui32 step, ui32 channel, ui32 blobSize, ui32 cookie,
ui32 partId, ui32 crcMode)
Set(tabletId, generation, step, channel, blobSize, cookie, partId, crcMode);
- explicit TLogoBlobID(ui64 raw1, ui64 raw2, ui64 raw3)
- {
- Raw.X[0] = raw1;
- Raw.X[1] = raw2;
- Raw.X[2] = raw3;
- }
+ explicit TLogoBlobID(ui64 raw1, ui64 raw2, ui64 raw3)
+ {
+ Raw.X[0] = raw1;
+ Raw.X[1] = raw2;
+ Raw.X[2] = raw3;
+ }
explicit TLogoBlobID(const ui64 raw[3]) {
memcpy(Raw.X, raw, 3 * sizeof(ui64));
@@ -77,128 +77,128 @@ namespace NKikimr {
return id;
- ui32 Hash() const {
+ ui32 Hash() const {
const ui64 x1 = 0x001DFF3D8DC48F5Dull * (Raw.X[0] & 0xFFFFFFFFull);
- const ui64 x2 = 0x179CA10C9242235Dull * (Raw.X[0] >> 32);
+ const ui64 x2 = 0x179CA10C9242235Dull * (Raw.X[0] >> 32);
const ui64 x3 = 0x0F530CAD458B0FB1ull * (Raw.X[1] & 0xFFFFFFFFull);
- const ui64 x4 = 0xB5026F5AA96619E9ull * (Raw.X[1] >> 32);
- const ui64 x5 = 0x5851F42D4C957F2Dull * (Raw.X[2] >> 32);
+ const ui64 x4 = 0xB5026F5AA96619E9ull * (Raw.X[1] >> 32);
+ const ui64 x5 = 0x5851F42D4C957F2Dull * (Raw.X[2] >> 32);
const ui64 sum = 0x06C9C021156EAA1Full + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5;
- return (sum >> 32);
- }
- ui64 TabletID() const { return Raw.N.TabletID; }
- ui32 Generation() const { return Raw.N.Generation; }
- ui32 Step() const { return (Raw.N.StepR1 << 8) | Raw.N.StepR2; }
- ui32 Channel() const { return Raw.N.Channel; }
- ui32 BlobSize() const { return Raw.N.BlobSize; }
- ui32 Cookie() const { return Raw.N.Cookie; }
- ui32 PartId() const { return Raw.N.PartId; }
+ return (sum >> 32);
+ }
+ ui64 TabletID() const { return Raw.N.TabletID; }
+ ui32 Generation() const { return Raw.N.Generation; }
+ ui32 Step() const { return (Raw.N.StepR1 << 8) | Raw.N.StepR2; }
+ ui32 Channel() const { return Raw.N.Channel; }
+ ui32 BlobSize() const { return Raw.N.BlobSize; }
+ ui32 Cookie() const { return Raw.N.Cookie; }
+ ui32 PartId() const { return Raw.N.PartId; }
ui32 CrcMode() const { return Raw.N.CrcMode; }
- const ui64* GetRaw() const { return Raw.X; }
+ const ui64* GetRaw() const { return Raw.X; }
TString ToString() const;
void Out(IOutputStream &o) const;
static bool Parse(TLogoBlobID &out, const TString &buf, TString &errorExplanation);
static void Out(IOutputStream &o, const TVector<TLogoBlobID> &vec);
// Returns -1 if *this < x, 0 if *this == x, 1 if *this > x
int Compare(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
- r1[0] != r2[0] ? (r1[0] < r2[0] ? -1 : 1) :
+ r1[0] != r2[0] ? (r1[0] < r2[0] ? -1 : 1) :
r1[1] != r2[1] ? (r1[1] < r2[1] ? -1 : 1) :
r1[2] != r2[2] ? (r1[2] < r2[2] ? -1 : 1) : 0;
- bool operator<(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
- const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
- const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
- return
- r1[0] != r2[0] ? r1[0] < r2[0] :
- r1[1] != r2[1] ? r1[1] < r2[1] :
- r1[2] < r2[2];
- }
- bool operator>(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
- return (x < *this);
- }
- bool operator<=(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
- const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
- const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
- return
- r1[0] != r2[0] ? r1[0] < r2[0] :
- r1[1] != r2[1] ? r1[1] < r2[1] :
- r1[2] <= r2[2];
- }
- bool operator>=(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
- return (x <= *this);
- }
- bool operator==(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
- const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
- const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
- return
+ bool operator<(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
+ const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
+ const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
+ return
+ r1[0] != r2[0] ? r1[0] < r2[0] :
+ r1[1] != r2[1] ? r1[1] < r2[1] :
+ r1[2] < r2[2];
+ }
+ bool operator>(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
+ return (x < *this);
+ }
+ bool operator<=(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
+ const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
+ const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
+ return
+ r1[0] != r2[0] ? r1[0] < r2[0] :
+ r1[1] != r2[1] ? r1[1] < r2[1] :
+ r1[2] <= r2[2];
+ }
+ bool operator>=(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
+ return (x <= *this);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
+ const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
+ const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
+ return
r1[2] == r2[2] && r1[1] == r2[1] && r1[0] == r2[0];
- }
- bool operator!=(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
- const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
- const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
- return
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
+ const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
+ const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
+ return
r1[2] != r2[2] || r1[1] != r2[1] || r1[0] != r2[0];
- }
- explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
- return (Raw.N.TabletID != 0);
- }
+ }
+ explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
+ return (Raw.N.TabletID != 0);
+ }
bool IsValid() const noexcept {
return (Raw.N.TabletID != 0);
- // compares only main part (without part id)
- bool IsSameBlob(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
- const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
- const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
+ // compares only main part (without part id)
+ bool IsSameBlob(const TLogoBlobID &x) const {
+ const ui64 *r1 = GetRaw();
+ const ui64 *r2 = x.GetRaw();
return r1[0] == r2[0] && r1[1] == r2[1] && (r1[2] & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0ull) == (r2[2] & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0ull);
- }
- TLogoBlobID FullID() const {
- return TLogoBlobID(*this, 0);
- }
- private:
- union {
- struct {
- ui64 TabletID; // 8
- ui64 StepR1 : 24; // 8
- ui64 Generation : 32;
- ui64 Channel : 8;
- ui64 PartId : 4; // 8
+ }
+ TLogoBlobID FullID() const {
+ return TLogoBlobID(*this, 0);
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ struct {
+ ui64 TabletID; // 8
+ ui64 StepR1 : 24; // 8
+ ui64 Generation : 32;
+ ui64 Channel : 8;
+ ui64 PartId : 4; // 8
ui64 BlobSize : 26;
ui64 CrcMode : 2;
- ui64 Cookie : 24;
- ui64 StepR2 : 8;
- } N;
- ui64 X[3];
- } Raw;
+ ui64 Cookie : 24;
+ ui64 StepR2 : 8;
+ } N;
+ ui64 X[3];
+ } Raw;
void Set(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation, ui32 step, ui32 channel, ui32 blobSize, ui32 cookie, ui32 partId,
ui32 crcMode) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(channel <= MaxChannel);
@@ -206,87 +206,87 @@ namespace NKikimr {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(cookie <= MaxCookie);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(partId <= MaxPartId);
Y_VERIFY(crcMode <= MaxCrcMode);
- Raw.N.TabletID = tabletId;
- Raw.N.Generation = generation;
+ Raw.N.TabletID = tabletId;
+ Raw.N.Generation = generation;
Raw.N.StepR1 = (step & 0xFFFFFF00ull) >> 8;
Raw.N.StepR2 = (step & 0x000000FFull);
- Raw.N.Channel = channel;
- Raw.N.Cookie = cookie;
- Raw.N.BlobSize = blobSize;
+ Raw.N.Channel = channel;
+ Raw.N.Cookie = cookie;
+ Raw.N.BlobSize = blobSize;
Raw.N.CrcMode = crcMode;
- Raw.N.PartId = partId;
- }
+ Raw.N.PartId = partId;
+ }
struct THash {
ui32 operator()(const TLogoBlobID &id) const noexcept {
return id.Hash();
- };
+ };
static_assert(sizeof(TLogoBlobID) == 24, "expect sizeof(TLogoBlobID) == 24");
- struct TLogoBlob {
- TLogoBlobID Id;
+ struct TLogoBlob {
+ TLogoBlobID Id;
TString Buffer;
- TLogoBlob()
- {}
+ TLogoBlob()
+ {}
TLogoBlob(const TLogoBlobID &id, const TString &buffer)
- : Id(id)
- , Buffer(buffer)
- {}
- };
- struct TLogoBlobRef {
- TLogoBlobID Id;
- ui32 Status;
- ui32 Shift;
+ : Id(id)
+ , Buffer(buffer)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TLogoBlobRef {
+ TLogoBlobID Id;
+ ui32 Status;
+ ui32 Shift;
TString Buffer;
explicit TLogoBlobRef(const TLogoBlobID &id, ui32 status, ui32 shift, const TString &buffer)
- : Id(id)
- , Status(status)
- , Shift(shift)
- , Buffer(buffer)
- {}
- };
- struct TLogoBlobRequest {
- TLogoBlobID Id;
- ui32 Shift;
- ui32 Size;
- TLogoBlobRequest(const TLogoBlobID &id, ui32 shift, ui32 sz)
- : Id(id)
- , Shift(shift)
- , Size(sz)
- {}
- };
- TLogoBlobID LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(const NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID &proto);
- void LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(const TLogoBlobID &id, NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID *proto);
+ : Id(id)
+ , Status(status)
+ , Shift(shift)
+ , Buffer(buffer)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TLogoBlobRequest {
+ TLogoBlobID Id;
+ ui32 Shift;
+ ui32 Size;
+ TLogoBlobRequest(const TLogoBlobID &id, ui32 shift, ui32 sz)
+ : Id(id)
+ , Shift(shift)
+ , Size(sz)
+ {}
+ };
+ TLogoBlobID LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(const NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID &proto);
+ void LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(const TLogoBlobID &id, NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID *proto);
void LogoBlobIDVectorFromLogoBlobIDRepeated(
TVector<TLogoBlobID> *to,
const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID> &proto);
- template<typename TIterator>
- void LogoBlobIDRepatedFromLogoBlobIDVector(
- ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID> *proto,
- TIterator begin, TIterator end)
- {
- proto->Reserve(end - begin);
- proto->Clear();
- while (begin != end) {
- LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(*begin, proto->Add());
- ++begin;
- }
- }
+ template<typename TIterator>
+ void LogoBlobIDRepatedFromLogoBlobIDVector(
+ ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<NKikimrProto::TLogoBlobID> *proto,
+ TIterator begin, TIterator end)
+ {
+ proto->Reserve(end - begin);
+ proto->Clear();
+ while (begin != end) {
+ LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(*begin, proto->Add());
+ ++begin;
+ }
+ }
template<typename TContainer>
void LogoBlobIDRepatedFromLogoBlobIDUniversal(
@@ -302,21 +302,21 @@ namespace NKikimr {
inline void Out<NKikimr::TLogoBlobID>(IOutputStream& o, const NKikimr::TLogoBlobID &x) {
- return x.Out(o);
+ return x.Out(o);
inline void Out<TVector<NKikimr::TLogoBlobID>>(IOutputStream& out, const TVector<NKikimr::TLogoBlobID> &xvec) {
- return NKikimr::TLogoBlobID::Out(out, xvec);
-struct THash<NKikimr::TLogoBlobID> {
+ return NKikimr::TLogoBlobID::Out(out, xvec);
+struct THash<NKikimr::TLogoBlobID> {
inline ui64 operator()(const NKikimr::TLogoBlobID& x) const noexcept {
- return x.Hash();
- }
+ return x.Hash();
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/logoblob_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/base/logoblob_ut.cpp
index 295d51a8c8..75d9d2b833 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/logoblob_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/logoblob_ut.cpp
@@ -11,66 +11,66 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TString explanation;
bool res = false;
- res = TLogoBlobID::Parse(id, "[ 0:1:2:0:0:0:0]", explanation);
- UNIT_ASSERT(res && id == TLogoBlobID(0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0));
+ res = TLogoBlobID::Parse(id, "[ 0:1:2:0:0:0:0]", explanation);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res && id == TLogoBlobID(0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0));
- res = TLogoBlobID::Parse(id, "[ 0:1:2:0:0:0:0", explanation);
- UNIT_ASSERT(!res && explanation == "Can't find trailing ']' after part id");
+ res = TLogoBlobID::Parse(id, "[ 0:1:2:0:0:0:0", explanation);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!res && explanation == "Can't find trailing ']' after part id");
- res = TLogoBlobID::Parse(id, "[ 0:1:2:0:0 v:0:0", explanation);
+ res = TLogoBlobID::Parse(id, "[ 0:1:2:0:0 v:0:0", explanation);
UNIT_ASSERT(!res && explanation == "Can't find trailing ':' after cookie");
- res = TLogoBlobID::Parse(id, "[ 0:1:2:0:0 :0:0]", explanation);
+ res = TLogoBlobID::Parse(id, "[ 0:1:2:0:0 :0:0]", explanation);
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(LogoBlobCompare) {
- bool res = false;
- const TLogoBlobID left(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
- UNIT_ASSERT(left.TabletID() == 1);
- UNIT_ASSERT(left.Channel() == 1);
- UNIT_ASSERT(left.Generation() == 0x30002C2D);
- UNIT_ASSERT(left.Step() == 0x50005F6F);
- UNIT_ASSERT(left.Cookie() == 0x0001A01B);
- UNIT_ASSERT(left.BlobSize() == 0x3333);
- UNIT_ASSERT(left.PartId() == 0);
- res = left < TLogoBlobID(2, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
- res = left < TLogoBlobID(2, 0x80008C8D, 0x80008F8F, 8, 0x8333, 0x0001801B);
- res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x00002C2D, 0x00005F6F, 2, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
- res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x40002C2D, 0x20005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
- res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x60005F6F, 1, 0x5333, 0x0005A01B);
- res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01C);
- res = left == TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01C);
- UNIT_ASSERT(!res);
- res = left == TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
- res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
- UNIT_ASSERT(!res);
- res = left <= TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
- res = left == TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B, 1).FullID();
- UNIT_ASSERT(left.IsSameBlob(TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B, 1)));
+ bool res = false;
+ const TLogoBlobID left(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(left.TabletID() == 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(left.Channel() == 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(left.Generation() == 0x30002C2D);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(left.Step() == 0x50005F6F);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(left.Cookie() == 0x0001A01B);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(left.BlobSize() == 0x3333);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(left.PartId() == 0);
+ res = left < TLogoBlobID(2, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
+ res = left < TLogoBlobID(2, 0x80008C8D, 0x80008F8F, 8, 0x8333, 0x0001801B);
+ res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x00002C2D, 0x00005F6F, 2, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
+ res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x40002C2D, 0x20005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
+ res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x60005F6F, 1, 0x5333, 0x0005A01B);
+ res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01C);
+ res = left == TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01C);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!res);
+ res = left == TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
+ res = left < TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!res);
+ res = left <= TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B);
+ res = left == TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B, 1).FullID();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(left.IsSameBlob(TLogoBlobID(1, 0x30002C2D, 0x50005F6F, 1, 0x3333, 0x0001A01B, 1)));
Y_UNIT_TEST(LogoBlobSort) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/path.cpp b/ydb/core/base/path.cpp
index 0b4dfde0af..0cfb16f99d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/path.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/path.cpp
@@ -50,26 +50,26 @@ TString JoinPath(const TVector<TString>& path) {
TString CanonizePath(const TString &path)
if (!path)
- return TString();
+ return TString();
- const auto parts = SplitPath(path);
- return CanonizePath(parts);
+ const auto parts = SplitPath(path);
+ return CanonizePath(parts);
+TString CanonizePath(const TVector<TString>& path) {
+ if (path.empty())
+ return TString();
+ return TString("/") + JoinPath(path);
+ui32 CanonizedPathLen(const TVector<TString>& path) {
+ ui32 ret = path.size();
+ for (auto &x : path)
+ ret += x.size();
+ return ret;
-TString CanonizePath(const TVector<TString>& path) {
- if (path.empty())
- return TString();
- return TString("/") + JoinPath(path);
-ui32 CanonizedPathLen(const TVector<TString>& path) {
- ui32 ret = path.size();
- for (auto &x : path)
- ret += x.size();
- return ret;
TStringBuf ExtractDomain(const TString& path) noexcept {
auto domain = TStringBuf(path);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/path.h b/ydb/core/base/path.h
index ba2917a8a2..c2b93d2baf 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/path.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/path.h
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TVector<TString> SplitPath(TString path);
TString JoinPath(const TVector<TString>& path);
TString CanonizePath(const TString &path);
-TString CanonizePath(const TVector<TString>& path);
-ui32 CanonizedPathLen(const TVector<TString>& path);
+TString CanonizePath(const TVector<TString>& path);
+ui32 CanonizedPathLen(const TVector<TString>& path);
TStringBuf ExtractDomain(const TString& path) noexcept;
TStringBuf ExtractDomain(TStringBuf path) noexcept;
TStringBuf ExtractBase(const TString& path) noexcept;
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/pathid.h b/ydb/core/base/pathid.h
index 2bea368de5..e974f84613 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/pathid.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/pathid.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ struct TPathId {
bool operator>=(const TPathId& x) const;
bool operator==(const TPathId& x) const;
bool operator!=(const TPathId& x) const;
- explicit operator bool() const;
+ explicit operator bool() const;
TPathId NextId() const;
TPathId PrevId() const;
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/pool_stats_collector.cpp b/ydb/core/base/pool_stats_collector.cpp
index f0995a64e5..7dcbf28954 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/pool_stats_collector.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/pool_stats_collector.cpp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/helpers/pool_stats_collector.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
// Periodically collects stats from executor threads and exposes them as mon counters
class TStatsCollectingActor : public NActors::TStatsCollectingActor {
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/pool_stats_collector.h b/ydb/core/base/pool_stats_collector.h
index e88954cb5d..cbf06f9f51 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/pool_stats_collector.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/pool_stats_collector.h
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/counters.h>
-namespace NActors {
- struct TActorSystemSetup;
-namespace NKikimr {
- IActor* CreateStatsCollector(ui32 intervalSec,
- const TActorSystemSetup& setup,
+namespace NActors {
+ struct TActorSystemSetup;
+namespace NKikimr {
+ IActor* CreateStatsCollector(ui32 intervalSec,
+ const TActorSystemSetup& setup,
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr counters);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/quoter.cpp b/ydb/core/base/quoter.cpp
index 4d1af89881..c31333fe56 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/quoter.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/quoter.cpp
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-#include "quoter.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include "quoter.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
TActorId MakeQuoterServiceID() {
- char x[12] = { 'q', 'u', 'o', 't', 'e', 'r', 's', 'v', 'c' };
+ char x[12] = { 'q', 'u', 'o', 't', 'e', 'r', 's', 'v', 'c' };
return TActorId(0, TStringBuf(x, 12));
-ui64 TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(ui32 tag, ui32 rate) {
- Y_VERIFY(rate <= 0x3FFFFFFF);
- return (1ULL << 62) | (static_cast<ui64>(tag) << 30) | (static_cast<ui64>(rate) & 0x3FFFFFFF);
+ui64 TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(ui32 tag, ui32 rate) {
+ Y_VERIFY(rate <= 0x3FFFFFFF);
+ return (1ULL << 62) | (static_cast<ui64>(tag) << 30) | (static_cast<ui64>(rate) & 0x3FFFFFFF);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/quoter.h b/ydb/core/base/quoter.h
index 849acff050..41a19775bc 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/quoter.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/quoter.h
@@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "events.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "events.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h>
-#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/time_series_vec.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TEvQuota {
- enum EEv {
- EvRequest = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_QUOTA),
- EvCancelRequest,
- EvClearance,
- EvProxyRequest = EvRequest + 512,
- EvProxyStats,
- EvProxyCloseSession,
- EvProxySession = EvRequest + 2 * 512,
- EvProxyUpdate,
- EvEnd
- };
- static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_QUOTA), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_QUOTA)");
- struct TResourceLeaf {
- static constexpr ui64 QuoterSystem = Max<ui64>(); // use as quoter id for some embedded quoters
- static constexpr ui64 ResourceForbid = 0; // never allow, just wait for deadline and forbid
- static constexpr ui64 ResourceNocheck = 1; // allow everything, w/o any check
- static ui64 MakeTaggedRateRes(ui32 tag, ui32 rate);
- // todo: tagged local rate-limiters
- const ui64 QuoterId;
- const ui64 ResourceId;
- const TString Quoter;
- const TString Resource;
- const ui64 Amount;
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TEvQuota {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvRequest = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_QUOTA),
+ EvCancelRequest,
+ EvClearance,
+ EvProxyRequest = EvRequest + 512,
+ EvProxyStats,
+ EvProxyCloseSession,
+ EvProxySession = EvRequest + 2 * 512,
+ EvProxyUpdate,
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_QUOTA), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_QUOTA)");
+ struct TResourceLeaf {
+ static constexpr ui64 QuoterSystem = Max<ui64>(); // use as quoter id for some embedded quoters
+ static constexpr ui64 ResourceForbid = 0; // never allow, just wait for deadline and forbid
+ static constexpr ui64 ResourceNocheck = 1; // allow everything, w/o any check
+ static ui64 MakeTaggedRateRes(ui32 tag, ui32 rate);
+ // todo: tagged local rate-limiters
+ const ui64 QuoterId;
+ const ui64 ResourceId;
+ const TString Quoter;
+ const TString Resource;
+ const ui64 Amount;
const bool IsUsedAmount;
TResourceLeaf(const TResourceLeaf&) = default;
TResourceLeaf(ui64 quoterId, ui64 resourceId, ui64 amount, bool isUsedAmount = false)
- : QuoterId(quoterId)
- , ResourceId(resourceId)
- , Amount(amount)
+ : QuoterId(quoterId)
+ , ResourceId(resourceId)
+ , Amount(amount)
, IsUsedAmount(isUsedAmount)
TResourceLeaf(const TString &quoter, const TString &resource, ui64 amount, bool isUsedAmount = false)
- : QuoterId(0)
- , ResourceId(0)
- , Quoter(quoter)
- , Resource(resource)
- , Amount(amount)
+ : QuoterId(0)
+ , ResourceId(0)
+ , Quoter(quoter)
+ , Resource(resource)
+ , Amount(amount)
, IsUsedAmount(isUsedAmount)
- };
- enum class EResourceOperator {
- Unknown,
- And,
- OrBoth,
- OrAny,
- };
- // event cookie + sender actorid would be used as id for cancel requests
- struct TEvRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvRequest, EvRequest> {
- const EResourceOperator Operator;
- const TVector<TResourceLeaf> Reqs;
- TDuration Deadline;
- TEvRequest(EResourceOperator op, TVector<TResourceLeaf> &&reqs, TDuration deadline)
- : Operator(op)
- , Reqs(std::move(reqs))
- , Deadline(deadline)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvClearance : public TEventLocal<TEvClearance, EvClearance> {
- // clearance result, could be success or deadline, or one of error
- enum class EResult {
- GenericError,
- UnknownResource,
- Deadline,
- Success = 128
- } Result;
- TEvClearance(EResult result)
- : Result(result)
- {}
- };
- // when cookie present - cancel one request
+ };
+ enum class EResourceOperator {
+ Unknown,
+ And,
+ OrBoth,
+ OrAny,
+ };
+ // event cookie + sender actorid would be used as id for cancel requests
+ struct TEvRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvRequest, EvRequest> {
+ const EResourceOperator Operator;
+ const TVector<TResourceLeaf> Reqs;
+ TDuration Deadline;
+ TEvRequest(EResourceOperator op, TVector<TResourceLeaf> &&reqs, TDuration deadline)
+ : Operator(op)
+ , Reqs(std::move(reqs))
+ , Deadline(deadline)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvClearance : public TEventLocal<TEvClearance, EvClearance> {
+ // clearance result, could be success or deadline, or one of error
+ enum class EResult {
+ GenericError,
+ UnknownResource,
+ Deadline,
+ Success = 128
+ } Result;
+ TEvClearance(EResult result)
+ : Result(result)
+ {}
+ };
+ // when cookie present - cancel one request
// when cookie omitted - cancel all requests from sender
- struct TEvCancelRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvClearance, EvCancelRequest> {};
- // b/w service and quoter proxy
- // initial request
- struct TEvProxyRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvProxyRequest, EvProxyRequest> {
- const TString Resource;
- TEvProxyRequest(const TString &resource)
- : Resource(resource)
- {}
- };
- enum class EStatUpdatePolicy {
- Never,
- OnActivity, // on queue and on allocation
- EveryTick,
- EveryActiveTick,
- };
- struct TEvProxySession : public TEventLocal<TEvProxySession, EvProxySession> {
- enum EResult {
- GenericError,
- UnknownResource,
- Success = 128
- } Result;
- const ui64 QuoterId;
- const ui64 ResourceId;
- const TString Resource;
- const TDuration TickSize;
- const EStatUpdatePolicy StatUpdatePolicy;
- TEvProxySession(EResult result, ui64 quoterId, ui64 resourceId, const TString &resource, TDuration tickSize, EStatUpdatePolicy statUpdatePolicy)
- : Result(result)
- , QuoterId(quoterId)
- , ResourceId(resourceId)
- , Resource(resource)
- , TickSize(tickSize)
- , StatUpdatePolicy(statUpdatePolicy)
- {}
- };
- struct TProxyStat {
- const ui64 ResourceId;
- const ui64 Tick;
+ struct TEvCancelRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvClearance, EvCancelRequest> {};
+ // b/w service and quoter proxy
+ // initial request
+ struct TEvProxyRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvProxyRequest, EvProxyRequest> {
+ const TString Resource;
+ TEvProxyRequest(const TString &resource)
+ : Resource(resource)
+ {}
+ };
+ enum class EStatUpdatePolicy {
+ Never,
+ OnActivity, // on queue and on allocation
+ EveryTick,
+ EveryActiveTick,
+ };
+ struct TEvProxySession : public TEventLocal<TEvProxySession, EvProxySession> {
+ enum EResult {
+ GenericError,
+ UnknownResource,
+ Success = 128
+ } Result;
+ const ui64 QuoterId;
+ const ui64 ResourceId;
+ const TString Resource;
+ const TDuration TickSize;
+ const EStatUpdatePolicy StatUpdatePolicy;
+ TEvProxySession(EResult result, ui64 quoterId, ui64 resourceId, const TString &resource, TDuration tickSize, EStatUpdatePolicy statUpdatePolicy)
+ : Result(result)
+ , QuoterId(quoterId)
+ , ResourceId(resourceId)
+ , Resource(resource)
+ , TickSize(tickSize)
+ , StatUpdatePolicy(statUpdatePolicy)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TProxyStat {
+ const ui64 ResourceId;
+ const ui64 Tick;
const double Consumed;
const TTimeSeriesMap<double> History;
- const ui64 QueueSize;
+ const ui64 QueueSize;
const double QueueWeight;
const double ExpectedRate;
const double Cap;
TProxyStat(ui64 id, ui64 tick, double consumed, const TTimeSeriesMap<double>& history, ui64 queueSize, double queueWeight, double rate, double cap)
- : ResourceId(id)
- , Tick(tick)
- , Consumed(consumed)
+ : ResourceId(id)
+ , Tick(tick)
+ , Consumed(consumed)
, History(history)
- , QueueSize(queueSize)
+ , QueueSize(queueSize)
, QueueWeight(queueWeight)
- , ExpectedRate(rate)
- , Cap(cap)
- {}
- TProxyStat(const TProxyStat &x) = default;
- };
- struct TEvProxyStats : public TEventLocal<TEvProxyStats, EvProxyStats> {
- const TDeque<TProxyStat> Stats;
- TEvProxyStats(TDeque<TProxyStat> &&stats)
+ , ExpectedRate(rate)
+ , Cap(cap)
+ {}
+ TProxyStat(const TProxyStat &x) = default;
+ };
+ struct TEvProxyStats : public TEventLocal<TEvProxyStats, EvProxyStats> {
+ const TDeque<TProxyStat> Stats;
+ TEvProxyStats(TDeque<TProxyStat> &&stats)
: Stats(std::move(stats))
- {}
- };
- struct TEvProxyCloseSession : public TEventLocal<TEvProxyCloseSession, EvProxyCloseSession> {
- const TString Resource;
- const ui64 ResourceId;
- TEvProxyCloseSession(const TString &resource, ui64 resourceId)
- : Resource(resource)
- , ResourceId(resourceId)
- {}
- };
- enum class ETickPolicy : ui32 {
- Front, // all quota could be used right from tick start
- Sustained, // quota must be used on sustained rate
- Ahead, // sustained + could go negative
- };
- struct TUpdateTick {
- ui32 Channel;
- ui32 Ticks;
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvProxyCloseSession : public TEventLocal<TEvProxyCloseSession, EvProxyCloseSession> {
+ const TString Resource;
+ const ui64 ResourceId;
+ TEvProxyCloseSession(const TString &resource, ui64 resourceId)
+ : Resource(resource)
+ , ResourceId(resourceId)
+ {}
+ };
+ enum class ETickPolicy : ui32 {
+ Front, // all quota could be used right from tick start
+ Sustained, // quota must be used on sustained rate
+ Ahead, // sustained + could go negative
+ };
+ struct TUpdateTick {
+ ui32 Channel;
+ ui32 Ticks;
double Rate;
- ETickPolicy Policy;
- TUpdateTick()
- : Channel(0)
- , Ticks(0)
+ ETickPolicy Policy;
+ TUpdateTick()
+ : Channel(0)
+ , Ticks(0)
, Rate(0.0)
- , Policy(ETickPolicy::Sustained)
- {}
+ , Policy(ETickPolicy::Sustained)
+ {}
TUpdateTick(ui32 channel, ui32 ticks, double rate, ETickPolicy policy)
- : Channel(channel)
- , Ticks(ticks)
- , Rate(rate)
- , Policy(policy)
- {}
- TUpdateTick(const TUpdateTick &) = default;
- TUpdateTick& operator=(const TUpdateTick &) noexcept = default;
- };
- enum class EUpdateState {
- Normal,
- Evict,
- Broken
- };
- struct TProxyResourceUpdate {
- const ui64 ResourceId;
+ : Channel(channel)
+ , Ticks(ticks)
+ , Rate(rate)
+ , Policy(policy)
+ {}
+ TUpdateTick(const TUpdateTick &) = default;
+ TUpdateTick& operator=(const TUpdateTick &) noexcept = default;
+ };
+ enum class EUpdateState {
+ Normal,
+ Evict,
+ Broken
+ };
+ struct TProxyResourceUpdate {
+ const ui64 ResourceId;
const double SustainedRate;
- const TVector<TUpdateTick> Update;
- const EUpdateState ResourceState;
+ const TVector<TUpdateTick> Update;
+ const EUpdateState ResourceState;
TProxyResourceUpdate(ui64 resourceId, double sustainedRate, TVector<TUpdateTick> &&update, EUpdateState resState)
- : ResourceId(resourceId)
- , SustainedRate(sustainedRate)
- , Update(std::move(update))
- , ResourceState(resState)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvProxyUpdate : public TEventLocal<TEvProxyUpdate, EvProxyUpdate> {
- const ui64 QuoterId;
- TVector<TProxyResourceUpdate> Resources;
- const EUpdateState QuoterState;
- TEvProxyUpdate(ui64 quoterId, EUpdateState quoterState)
- : QuoterId(quoterId)
- , QuoterState(quoterState)
- {}
- };
- // interface b/w proxy and proxy backend is private, so not defined here
+ : ResourceId(resourceId)
+ , SustainedRate(sustainedRate)
+ , Update(std::move(update))
+ , ResourceState(resState)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvProxyUpdate : public TEventLocal<TEvProxyUpdate, EvProxyUpdate> {
+ const ui64 QuoterId;
+ TVector<TProxyResourceUpdate> Resources;
+ const EUpdateState QuoterState;
+ TEvProxyUpdate(ui64 quoterId, EUpdateState quoterState)
+ : QuoterId(quoterId)
+ , QuoterState(quoterState)
+ {}
+ };
+ // interface b/w proxy and proxy backend is private, so not defined here
TActorId MakeQuoterServiceID();
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage.cpp
index 8be146cc6b..de39a327ae 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage.cpp
@@ -1,273 +1,273 @@
-#include "statestorage.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
-#include <util/generic/mem_copy.h>
-#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-static const ui32 Primes[128] = {
- 104743, 105023, 105359, 105613,
- 104759, 105031, 105361, 105619,
- 104761, 105037, 105367, 105649,
- 104773, 105071, 105373, 105653,
- 104779, 105097, 105379, 105667,
- 104789, 105107, 105389, 105673,
- 104801, 105137, 105397, 105683,
- 104803, 105143, 105401, 105691,
- 104827, 105167, 105407, 105701,
- 104831, 105173, 105437, 105727,
- 104849, 105199, 105449, 105733,
- 104851, 105211, 105467, 105751,
- 104869, 105227, 105491, 105761,
- 104879, 105229, 105499, 105767,
- 104891, 105239, 105503, 105769,
- 104911, 105251, 105509, 105817,
- 104917, 105253, 105517, 105829,
- 104933, 105263, 105527, 105863,
- 104947, 105269, 105529, 105871,
- 104953, 105277, 105533, 105883,
- 104959, 105319, 105541, 105899,
- 104971, 105323, 105557, 105907,
- 104987, 105331, 105563, 105913,
- 104999, 105337, 105601, 105929,
- 105019, 105341, 105607, 105943,
- 105953, 106261, 106487, 106753,
- 105967, 106273, 106501, 106759,
- 105971, 106277, 106531, 106781,
- 105977, 106279, 106537, 106783,
- 105983, 106291, 106541, 106787,
- 105997, 106297, 106543, 106801,
- 106013, 106303, 106591, 106823,
+#include "statestorage.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+#include <util/generic/mem_copy.h>
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+static const ui32 Primes[128] = {
+ 104743, 105023, 105359, 105613,
+ 104759, 105031, 105361, 105619,
+ 104761, 105037, 105367, 105649,
+ 104773, 105071, 105373, 105653,
+ 104779, 105097, 105379, 105667,
+ 104789, 105107, 105389, 105673,
+ 104801, 105137, 105397, 105683,
+ 104803, 105143, 105401, 105691,
+ 104827, 105167, 105407, 105701,
+ 104831, 105173, 105437, 105727,
+ 104849, 105199, 105449, 105733,
+ 104851, 105211, 105467, 105751,
+ 104869, 105227, 105491, 105761,
+ 104879, 105229, 105499, 105767,
+ 104891, 105239, 105503, 105769,
+ 104911, 105251, 105509, 105817,
+ 104917, 105253, 105517, 105829,
+ 104933, 105263, 105527, 105863,
+ 104947, 105269, 105529, 105871,
+ 104953, 105277, 105533, 105883,
+ 104959, 105319, 105541, 105899,
+ 104971, 105323, 105557, 105907,
+ 104987, 105331, 105563, 105913,
+ 104999, 105337, 105601, 105929,
+ 105019, 105341, 105607, 105943,
+ 105953, 106261, 106487, 106753,
+ 105967, 106273, 106501, 106759,
+ 105971, 106277, 106531, 106781,
+ 105977, 106279, 106537, 106783,
+ 105983, 106291, 106541, 106787,
+ 105997, 106297, 106543, 106801,
+ 106013, 106303, 106591, 106823,
constexpr ui64 MaxRingCount = 1024;
constexpr ui64 MaxNodeCount = 1024;
-class TStateStorageRingWalker {
- const ui32 Sz;
- const ui32 Delta;
- ui32 A;
- TStateStorageRingWalker(ui32 hash, ui32 sz)
- : Sz(sz)
- , Delta(Primes[hash % 128])
- , A(hash + Delta)
- {
+class TStateStorageRingWalker {
+ const ui32 Sz;
+ const ui32 Delta;
+ ui32 A;
+ TStateStorageRingWalker(ui32 hash, ui32 sz)
+ : Sz(sz)
+ , Delta(Primes[hash % 128])
+ , A(hash + Delta)
+ {
- }
- ui32 Next() {
- A += Delta;
- return (A % Sz);
- }
-void TStateStorageInfo::SelectReplicas(ui64 tabletId, TSelection *selection) const {
- const ui32 hash = StateStorageHashFromTabletID(tabletId);
- const ui32 total = Rings.size();
- Y_VERIFY(NToSelect <= total);
- if (selection->Sz < NToSelect) {
- selection->Status.Reset(new TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::EStatus[NToSelect]);
+ }
+ ui32 Next() {
+ A += Delta;
+ return (A % Sz);
+ }
+void TStateStorageInfo::SelectReplicas(ui64 tabletId, TSelection *selection) const {
+ const ui32 hash = StateStorageHashFromTabletID(tabletId);
+ const ui32 total = Rings.size();
+ Y_VERIFY(NToSelect <= total);
+ if (selection->Sz < NToSelect) {
+ selection->Status.Reset(new TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::EStatus[NToSelect]);
selection->SelectedReplicas.Reset(new TActorId[NToSelect]);
- }
- selection->Sz = NToSelect;
- Fill(selection->Status.Get(), selection->Status.Get() + NToSelect, TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown);
- if (NToSelect == total) {
- for (ui32 idx : xrange(total)) {
- selection->SelectedReplicas[idx] = Rings[idx].SelectReplica(hash);
- }
- } else { // NToSelect < total, first - select rings with walker, then select concrete node
- TStateStorageRingWalker walker(hash, total);
- for (ui32 idx : xrange(NToSelect))
- selection->SelectedReplicas[idx] = Rings[walker.Next()].SelectReplica(hash);
- }
+ }
+ selection->Sz = NToSelect;
+ Fill(selection->Status.Get(), selection->Status.Get() + NToSelect, TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown);
+ if (NToSelect == total) {
+ for (ui32 idx : xrange(total)) {
+ selection->SelectedReplicas[idx] = Rings[idx].SelectReplica(hash);
+ }
+ } else { // NToSelect < total, first - select rings with walker, then select concrete node
+ TStateStorageRingWalker walker(hash, total);
+ for (ui32 idx : xrange(NToSelect))
+ selection->SelectedReplicas[idx] = Rings[walker.Next()].SelectReplica(hash);
+ }
TActorId TStateStorageInfo::TRing::SelectReplica(ui32 hash) const {
- if (Replicas.size() == 1)
- return Replicas[0];
- Y_VERIFY(!Replicas.empty());
+ if (Replicas.size() == 1)
+ return Replicas[0];
+ Y_VERIFY(!Replicas.empty());
if (UseRingSpecificNodeSelection) {
return Replicas[CombineHashes(hash, ContentHash()) % Replicas.size()];
} else {
return Replicas[hash % Replicas.size()];
TList<TActorId> TStateStorageInfo::SelectAllReplicas() const {
-// TODO: we really need this method in such way?
+// TODO: we really need this method in such way?
TList<TActorId> replicas;
- for (auto &ring : Rings) {
+ for (auto &ring : Rings) {
for (TActorId replica : ring.Replicas)
- replicas.push_back(replica);
+ replicas.push_back(replica);
return replicas;
-ui32 TStateStorageInfo::TRing::ContentHash() const {
- ui64 hash = 17;
+ui32 TStateStorageInfo::TRing::ContentHash() const {
+ ui64 hash = 17;
for (TActorId replica : Replicas) {
- hash = Hash64to32((hash << 32) | replica.Hash32());
- }
- return static_cast<ui32>(hash);
-ui32 TStateStorageInfo::ContentHash() const {
- ui64 hash = RelaxedLoad<ui64>(&Hash);
- if (Y_UNLIKELY(hash == Max<ui64>())) {
- hash = 37;
- for (const TRing &ring : Rings) {
- hash = Hash64to32((hash << 32) | ring.ContentHash());
- }
- RelaxedStore<ui64>(&Hash, static_cast<ui32>(hash));
- }
- return static_cast<ui32>(hash);
-void TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::MergeReply(EStatus status, EStatus *owner, ui64 targetCookie, bool resetOld) {
- ui32 unknown = 0;
- ui32 ok = 0;
- ui32 noinfo = 0;
- ui32 outdated = 0;
- const ui32 majority = Sz / 2 + 1;
- ui32 cookie = 0;
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < Sz; ++i) {
- EStatus &st = Status[i];
- if (resetOld && st != StatusUnknown)
- st = StatusOutdated;
- if (cookie == targetCookie)
- st = status;
- ++cookie;
- switch (st) {
- case StatusUnknown:
- ++unknown;
- break;
- case StatusOk:
- ++ok;
- break;
- case StatusNoInfo:
- ++noinfo;
- break;
- case StatusOutdated:
- ++outdated;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (owner) {
- if (ok >= majority) {
- *owner = StatusOk;
- } else if (outdated >= majority) {
- *owner = StatusOutdated;
- } else if (ok + unknown < majority) {
- if (outdated)
- *owner = StatusOutdated;
- else
- *owner = StatusNoInfo;
- }
- }
-static void CopyStateStorageRingInfo(
- const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage::TRing &source,
- TStateStorageInfo *info,
- char *serviceId,
- ui32 depth
-) {
- info->NToSelect = source.GetNToSelect();
- const bool hasRings = source.RingSize() > 0;
- const bool hasNodes = source.NodeSize() > 0;
- if (hasRings) { // has explicitely defined rings, use them as info rings
- Y_VERIFY(!hasNodes);
+ hash = Hash64to32((hash << 32) | replica.Hash32());
+ }
+ return static_cast<ui32>(hash);
+ui32 TStateStorageInfo::ContentHash() const {
+ ui64 hash = RelaxedLoad<ui64>(&Hash);
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(hash == Max<ui64>())) {
+ hash = 37;
+ for (const TRing &ring : Rings) {
+ hash = Hash64to32((hash << 32) | ring.ContentHash());
+ }
+ RelaxedStore<ui64>(&Hash, static_cast<ui32>(hash));
+ }
+ return static_cast<ui32>(hash);
+void TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::MergeReply(EStatus status, EStatus *owner, ui64 targetCookie, bool resetOld) {
+ ui32 unknown = 0;
+ ui32 ok = 0;
+ ui32 noinfo = 0;
+ ui32 outdated = 0;
+ const ui32 majority = Sz / 2 + 1;
+ ui32 cookie = 0;
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < Sz; ++i) {
+ EStatus &st = Status[i];
+ if (resetOld && st != StatusUnknown)
+ st = StatusOutdated;
+ if (cookie == targetCookie)
+ st = status;
+ ++cookie;
+ switch (st) {
+ case StatusUnknown:
+ ++unknown;
+ break;
+ case StatusOk:
+ ++ok;
+ break;
+ case StatusNoInfo:
+ ++noinfo;
+ break;
+ case StatusOutdated:
+ ++outdated;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (owner) {
+ if (ok >= majority) {
+ *owner = StatusOk;
+ } else if (outdated >= majority) {
+ *owner = StatusOutdated;
+ } else if (ok + unknown < majority) {
+ if (outdated)
+ *owner = StatusOutdated;
+ else
+ *owner = StatusNoInfo;
+ }
+ }
+static void CopyStateStorageRingInfo(
+ const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage::TRing &source,
+ TStateStorageInfo *info,
+ char *serviceId,
+ ui32 depth
+) {
+ info->NToSelect = source.GetNToSelect();
+ const bool hasRings = source.RingSize() > 0;
+ const bool hasNodes = source.NodeSize() > 0;
+ if (hasRings) { // has explicitely defined rings, use them as info rings
+ Y_VERIFY(!hasNodes);
Y_VERIFY(source.RingSize() < MaxRingCount);
- info->Rings.resize(source.RingSize());
- for (ui32 iring = 0, ering = source.RingSize(); iring != ering; ++iring) {
- serviceId[depth] = (iring + 1);
- const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage::TRing &ring = source.GetRing(iring);
+ info->Rings.resize(source.RingSize());
+ for (ui32 iring = 0, ering = source.RingSize(); iring != ering; ++iring) {
+ serviceId[depth] = (iring + 1);
+ const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage::TRing &ring = source.GetRing(iring);
info->Rings[iring].UseRingSpecificNodeSelection = ring.GetUseRingSpecificNodeSelection();
if (ring.GetUseSingleNodeActorId()) {
Y_VERIFY(ring.NodeSize() == 1);
const TActorId replicaActorID = TActorId(ring.GetNode(0), TStringBuf(serviceId, serviceId + 12));
- info->Rings[iring].Replicas.push_back(replicaActorID);
- }
+ info->Rings[iring].Replicas.push_back(replicaActorID);
+ }
else {
Y_VERIFY(ring.NodeSize() > 0);
for (ui32 inode = 0, enode = ring.NodeSize(); inode != enode; ++inode) {
serviceId[depth + 1] = (inode + 1);
const TActorId replicaActorID = TActorId(ring.GetNode(inode), TStringBuf(serviceId, serviceId + 12));
- // reset for next ring
- serviceId[depth + 1] = char();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (hasNodes) { // has explicitely defined replicas, use nodes as 1-node rings
- Y_VERIFY(!hasRings);
+ // reset for next ring
+ serviceId[depth + 1] = char();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hasNodes) { // has explicitely defined replicas, use nodes as 1-node rings
+ Y_VERIFY(!hasRings);
Y_VERIFY(source.NodeSize() < MaxNodeCount);
- info->Rings.resize(source.NodeSize());
- for (ui32 inode = 0, enode = source.NodeSize(); inode != enode; ++inode) {
- serviceId[depth] = (inode + 1);
+ info->Rings.resize(source.NodeSize());
+ for (ui32 inode = 0, enode = source.NodeSize(); inode != enode; ++inode) {
+ serviceId[depth] = (inode + 1);
const TActorId replicaActorID = TActorId(source.GetNode(inode), TStringBuf(serviceId, serviceId + 12));
- info->Rings[inode].Replicas.push_back(replicaActorID);
- }
- return;
- }
- Y_FAIL("must have rings or legacy node config");
+ info->Rings[inode].Replicas.push_back(replicaActorID);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ Y_FAIL("must have rings or legacy node config");
TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> BuildStateStorageInfo(char (&namePrefix)[TActorId::MaxServiceIDLength], const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage& config) {
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> info = new TStateStorageInfo();
- info->StateStorageGroup = config.GetSSId();
- const size_t offset = FindIndex(namePrefix, char());
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> info = new TStateStorageInfo();
+ info->StateStorageGroup = config.GetSSId();
+ const size_t offset = FindIndex(namePrefix, char());
Y_VERIFY(offset != NPOS && (offset + sizeof(ui32)) < TActorId::MaxServiceIDLength);
- memcpy(namePrefix + offset, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&info->StateStorageGroup), sizeof(ui32));
- CopyStateStorageRingInfo(config.GetRing(), info.Get(), namePrefix, offset + sizeof(ui32));
- return info;
-void BuildStateStorageInfos(const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage& config,
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &stateStorageInfo,
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &boardInfo,
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoardInfo)
+ memcpy(namePrefix + offset, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&info->StateStorageGroup), sizeof(ui32));
+ CopyStateStorageRingInfo(config.GetRing(), info.Get(), namePrefix, offset + sizeof(ui32));
+ return info;
+void BuildStateStorageInfos(const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage& config,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &stateStorageInfo,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &boardInfo,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoardInfo)
char ssr[TActorId::MaxServiceIDLength] = { 's', 's', 'r' }; // state storage replica
char ssb[TActorId::MaxServiceIDLength] = { 's', 's', 'b' }; // state storage board
char sbr[TActorId::MaxServiceIDLength] = { 's', 'b', 'r' }; // scheme board replica
- stateStorageInfo = BuildStateStorageInfo(ssr, config);
- boardInfo = BuildStateStorageInfo(ssb, config);
- schemeBoardInfo = BuildStateStorageInfo(sbr, config);
+ stateStorageInfo = BuildStateStorageInfo(ssr, config);
+ boardInfo = BuildStateStorageInfo(ssb, config);
+ schemeBoardInfo = BuildStateStorageInfo(sbr, config);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage.h b/ydb/core/base/statestorage.h
index f008f70902..9b3e3b6b1b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage.h
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "events.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "events.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/statestorage.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/config.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/interconnect/event_filter.h>
#include <util/stream/str.h>
#include <util/generic/list.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TEvStateStorage {
- enum EEv {
- // requests (local, to proxy)
- EvLookup = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_STATESTORAGE),
- EvUpdate,
- EvLock,
- EvResolveReplicas,
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TEvStateStorage {
+ enum EEv {
+ // requests (local, to proxy)
+ EvLookup = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_STATESTORAGE),
+ EvUpdate,
+ EvLock,
+ EvResolveReplicas,
- EvCleanup,
- EvResolveBoard,
- EvBoardInfo,
+ EvCleanup,
+ EvResolveBoard,
+ EvBoardInfo,
EvResolveSchemeBoard, // subset (by hash)
EvListSchemeBoard, // all
- EvUpdateGroupConfig,
- // replies (local, from proxy)
- EvInfo = EvLookup + 512,
- EvUpdateSignature,
- EvResolveReplicasList,
+ EvUpdateGroupConfig,
+ // replies (local, from proxy)
+ EvInfo = EvLookup + 512,
+ EvUpdateSignature,
+ EvResolveReplicasList,
- // replicas interface
- EvReplicaLookup = EvLock + 2 * 512,
- EvReplicaUpdate,
- EvReplicaLock,
+ // replicas interface
+ EvReplicaLookup = EvLock + 2 * 512,
+ EvReplicaUpdate,
+ EvReplicaLock,
- EvReplicaCleanup,
- EvReplicaInfo = EvLock + 3 * 512,
- EvReplicaShutdown,
- EvReplicaBoardPublish = EvLock + 4 * 512,
- EvReplicaBoardLookup,
- EvReplicaBoardCleanup,
- EvReplicaBoardPublishAck = EvLock + 5 * 512,
- EvReplicaBoardInfo,
- EvReplicaProbeSubscribe = EvLock + 6 * 512,
- EvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe,
- EvReplicaProbeConnected,
- EvReplicaProbeDisconnected,
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvReplicaCleanup,
+ EvReplicaInfo = EvLock + 3 * 512,
+ EvReplicaShutdown,
+ EvReplicaBoardPublish = EvLock + 4 * 512,
+ EvReplicaBoardLookup,
+ EvReplicaBoardCleanup,
+ EvReplicaBoardPublishAck = EvLock + 5 * 512,
+ EvReplicaBoardInfo,
+ EvReplicaProbeSubscribe = EvLock + 6 * 512,
+ EvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe,
+ EvReplicaProbeConnected,
+ EvReplicaProbeDisconnected,
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_STATESTORAGE), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_STATESTORAGE)");
- struct TProxyOptions {
- enum ESigWaitMode {
- SigNone,
- SigAsync,
- SigSync,
- };
- ESigWaitMode SigWaitMode;
- TProxyOptions(ESigWaitMode sigWaitMode = SigNone)
- : SigWaitMode(sigWaitMode)
- {}
+ struct TProxyOptions {
+ enum ESigWaitMode {
+ SigNone,
+ SigAsync,
+ SigSync,
+ };
+ ESigWaitMode SigWaitMode;
+ TProxyOptions(ESigWaitMode sigWaitMode = SigNone)
+ : SigWaitMode(sigWaitMode)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
switch (SigWaitMode) {
@@ -87,18 +87,18 @@ struct TEvStateStorage {
default: return "Unknown";
- };
- struct TEvLookup : public TEventLocal<TEvLookup, EvLookup> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui64 Cookie;
- const TProxyOptions ProxyOptions;
- TEvLookup(ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie, const TProxyOptions &proxyOptions = TProxyOptions())
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Cookie(cookie)
- , ProxyOptions(proxyOptions)
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvLookup : public TEventLocal<TEvLookup, EvLookup> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui64 Cookie;
+ const TProxyOptions ProxyOptions;
+ TEvLookup(ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie, const TProxyOptions &proxyOptions = TProxyOptions())
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
+ , ProxyOptions(proxyOptions)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -108,32 +108,32 @@ struct TEvStateStorage {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvUpdate : public TEventLocal<TEvUpdate, EvUpdate> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui64 Cookie;
+ };
+ struct TEvUpdate : public TEventLocal<TEvUpdate, EvUpdate> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui64 Cookie;
const TActorId ProposedLeader;
const TActorId ProposedLeaderTablet;
- const ui32 ProposedGeneration;
- const ui32 ProposedStep;
- const ui32 SignatureSz;
- const TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
- const TProxyOptions ProxyOptions;
+ const ui32 ProposedGeneration;
+ const ui32 ProposedStep;
+ const ui32 SignatureSz;
+ const TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
+ const TProxyOptions ProxyOptions;
TEvUpdate(ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie, const TActorId &leader, const TActorId &leaderTablet, ui32 gen, ui32 step, const ui64 *sig, ui32 sigsz, const TProxyOptions &proxyOptions = TProxyOptions())
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Cookie(cookie)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
, ProposedLeader(leader)
, ProposedLeaderTablet(leaderTablet)
- , ProposedGeneration(gen)
- , ProposedStep(step)
- , SignatureSz(sigsz)
- , Signature(new ui64[sigsz])
- , ProxyOptions(proxyOptions)
- {
- Copy(sig, sig + sigsz, Signature.Get());
- }
+ , ProposedGeneration(gen)
+ , ProposedStep(step)
+ , SignatureSz(sigsz)
+ , Signature(new ui64[sigsz])
+ , ProxyOptions(proxyOptions)
+ {
+ Copy(sig, sig + sigsz, Signature.Get());
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ struct TEvStateStorage {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvDelete : TEventLocal<TEvDelete, EvDelete> {
const ui64 TabletID;
const ui64 Cookie;
@@ -175,16 +175,16 @@ struct TEvStateStorage {
- struct TEvCleanup : TEventLocal<TEvCleanup, EvCleanup> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
+ struct TEvCleanup : TEventLocal<TEvCleanup, EvCleanup> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
const TActorId ProposedLeader;
TEvCleanup(ui64 tabletId, TActorId proposedLeader)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
, ProposedLeader(proposedLeader)
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvDeleteResult : TEventLocal<TEvDeleteResult, EvDeleteResult> {
const ui64 TabletID;
const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
@@ -203,26 +203,26 @@ struct TEvStateStorage {
- struct TEvLock : public TEventLocal<TEvLock, EvLock> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui64 Cookie;
+ struct TEvLock : public TEventLocal<TEvLock, EvLock> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui64 Cookie;
const TActorId ProposedLeader;
- const ui32 ProposedGeneration;
- const ui32 SignatureSz;
- const TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
- const TProxyOptions ProxyOptions;
+ const ui32 ProposedGeneration;
+ const ui32 SignatureSz;
+ const TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
+ const TProxyOptions ProxyOptions;
TEvLock(ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie, const TActorId &leader, ui32 gen, const ui64 *sig, ui32 sigsz, const TProxyOptions &proxyOptions = TProxyOptions())
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Cookie(cookie)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
, ProposedLeader(leader)
- , ProposedGeneration(gen)
- , SignatureSz(sigsz)
- , Signature(new ui64[sigsz])
- , ProxyOptions(proxyOptions)
- {
- Copy(sig, sig + sigsz, Signature.Get());
- }
+ , ProposedGeneration(gen)
+ , SignatureSz(sigsz)
+ , Signature(new ui64[sigsz])
+ , ProxyOptions(proxyOptions)
+ {
+ Copy(sig, sig + sigsz, Signature.Get());
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -242,47 +242,47 @@ struct TEvStateStorage {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- inline static void MakeFilteredSignatureCopy(const ui64 *sig, ui32 sigsz, ui64 *target) {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != sigsz; ++i) {
- if (sig[i] != Max<ui64>())
- target[i] = sig[i];
- else
- target[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- struct TEvInfo : public TEventLocal<TEvInfo, EvInfo> {
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui64 Cookie;
+ };
+ inline static void MakeFilteredSignatureCopy(const ui64 *sig, ui32 sigsz, ui64 *target) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != sigsz; ++i) {
+ if (sig[i] != Max<ui64>())
+ target[i] = sig[i];
+ else
+ target[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ struct TEvInfo : public TEventLocal<TEvInfo, EvInfo> {
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui64 Cookie;
const TActorId CurrentLeader;
const TActorId CurrentLeaderTablet;
- const ui32 CurrentGeneration;
- const ui32 CurrentStep;
- const bool Locked;
- const ui64 LockedFor;
- const ui32 SignatureSz;
- TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
+ const ui32 CurrentGeneration;
+ const ui32 CurrentStep;
+ const bool Locked;
+ const ui64 LockedFor;
+ const ui32 SignatureSz;
+ TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
TVector<std::pair<TActorId, TActorId>> Followers;
TEvInfo(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie, const TActorId &leader, const TActorId &leaderTablet, ui32 gen, ui32 step, bool locked, ui64 lockedFor, const ui64 *sig, ui32 sigsz, const TMap<TActorId, TActorId> &followers)
- : Status(status)
- , TabletID(tabletId)
- , Cookie(cookie)
+ : Status(status)
+ , TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
, CurrentLeader(leader)
, CurrentLeaderTablet(leaderTablet)
- , CurrentGeneration(gen)
- , CurrentStep(step)
- , Locked(locked)
- , LockedFor(lockedFor)
- , SignatureSz(sigsz)
- , Signature(new ui64[sigsz])
+ , CurrentGeneration(gen)
+ , CurrentStep(step)
+ , Locked(locked)
+ , LockedFor(lockedFor)
+ , SignatureSz(sigsz)
+ , Signature(new ui64[sigsz])
, Followers(followers.begin(), followers.end())
- {
- MakeFilteredSignatureCopy(sig, sigsz, Signature.Get());
- }
+ {
+ MakeFilteredSignatureCopy(sig, sigsz, Signature.Get());
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -316,20 +316,20 @@ struct TEvStateStorage {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvUpdateSignature : public TEventLocal<TEvUpdateSignature, EvUpdateSignature> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui32 Sz;
- const TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
- TEvUpdateSignature(ui64 tabletId, ui64 *sig, ui32 sigsz)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Sz(sigsz)
- , Signature(new ui64[sigsz])
- {
- MakeFilteredSignatureCopy(sig, sigsz, Signature.Get());
- }
+ };
+ struct TEvUpdateSignature : public TEventLocal<TEvUpdateSignature, EvUpdateSignature> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui32 Sz;
+ const TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
+ TEvUpdateSignature(ui64 tabletId, ui64 *sig, ui32 sigsz)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Sz(sigsz)
+ , Signature(new ui64[sigsz])
+ {
+ MakeFilteredSignatureCopy(sig, sigsz, Signature.Get());
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -345,43 +345,43 @@ struct TEvStateStorage {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted : public TEventPB<TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted, EvReplicaLeaderDemoted> {
TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted() {}
TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted(ui64 tabletId, ui64 signature)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetSignature(signature);
- }
- };
- struct TEvResolveReplicas;
- struct TEvResolveBoard;
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetSignature(signature);
+ }
+ };
+ struct TEvResolveReplicas;
+ struct TEvResolveBoard;
struct TEvResolveSchemeBoard;
- struct TEvResolveReplicasList;
- struct TEvReplicaLookup;
- struct TEvReplicaInfo;
- struct TEvReplicaUpdate;
- struct TEvReplicaLock;
+ struct TEvResolveReplicasList;
+ struct TEvReplicaLookup;
+ struct TEvReplicaInfo;
+ struct TEvReplicaUpdate;
+ struct TEvReplicaLock;
struct TEvReplicaDelete;
- struct TEvReplicaCleanup;
- struct TEvReplicaBoardPublish;
- struct TEvReplicaBoardLookup;
- struct TEvReplicaBoardCleanup;
- struct TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck;
- struct TEvReplicaBoardInfo;
+ struct TEvReplicaCleanup;
+ struct TEvReplicaBoardPublish;
+ struct TEvReplicaBoardLookup;
+ struct TEvReplicaBoardCleanup;
+ struct TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck;
+ struct TEvReplicaBoardInfo;
struct TEvListSchemeBoard;
struct TEvListSchemeBoardResult;
- struct TEvUpdateGroupConfig;
- struct TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe;
- struct TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe;
- struct TEvReplicaProbeConnected;
- struct TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected;
- struct TEvReplicaShutdown : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaShutdown> {
- };
+ struct TEvUpdateGroupConfig;
+ struct TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe;
+ struct TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe;
+ struct TEvReplicaProbeConnected;
+ struct TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected;
+ struct TEvReplicaShutdown : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaShutdown> {
+ };
struct TEvReplicaDumpRequest : public TEventPB<TEvReplicaDumpRequest, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvDumpRequest, EvReplicaDumpRequest> {
@@ -395,138 +395,138 @@ struct TEvStateStorage {
struct TEvResponseReplicasDumps : public TEventLocal<TEvResponseReplicasDumps, EvResponseReplicasDumps> {
TVector<std::pair<TActorId, TAutoPtr<TEvReplicaDump>>> ReplicasDumps;
struct TEvReplicaRegFollower : public TEventPB<TEvReplicaRegFollower, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvRegisterFollower, EvReplicaRegFollower> {
- {}
+ {}
TEvReplicaRegFollower(ui64 tabletId, TActorId follower, TActorId tablet, bool isCandidate)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
ActorIdToProto(follower, Record.MutableFollower());
ActorIdToProto(tablet, Record.MutableFollowerTablet());
- Record.SetCandidate(isCandidate);
- }
- };
+ Record.SetCandidate(isCandidate);
+ }
+ };
struct TEvReplicaUnregFollower : public TEventPB<TEvReplicaUnregFollower, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvUnregisterFollower, EvReplicaUnregFollower> {
- {}
+ {}
TEvReplicaUnregFollower(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &follower)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
ActorIdToProto(follower, Record.MutableFollower());
- }
- };
- struct TEvBoardInfo : public TEventLocal<TEvBoardInfo, EvBoardInfo> {
- enum class EStatus {
- Unknown,
- Ok,
- NotAvailable,
- };
- struct TInfoEntry {
- TString Payload;
- };
- const EStatus Status;
- const TString Path;
+ }
+ };
+ struct TEvBoardInfo : public TEventLocal<TEvBoardInfo, EvBoardInfo> {
+ enum class EStatus {
+ Unknown,
+ Ok,
+ NotAvailable,
+ };
+ struct TInfoEntry {
+ TString Payload;
+ };
+ const EStatus Status;
+ const TString Path;
TMap<TActorId, TInfoEntry> InfoEntries;
- TEvBoardInfo(EStatus status, const TString &path)
- : Status(status)
- , Path(path)
- {}
- TEvBoardInfo(const TEvBoardInfo &x)
- : Status(x.Status)
- , Path(x.Path)
- , InfoEntries(x.InfoEntries)
- {}
- };
-struct TStateStorageInfo : public TThrRefBase {
- struct TSelection {
- enum EStatus {
- StatusUnknown,
- StatusOk,
- StatusNoInfo,
- StatusOutdated,
- };
- ui32 Sz;
+ TEvBoardInfo(EStatus status, const TString &path)
+ : Status(status)
+ , Path(path)
+ {}
+ TEvBoardInfo(const TEvBoardInfo &x)
+ : Status(x.Status)
+ , Path(x.Path)
+ , InfoEntries(x.InfoEntries)
+ {}
+ };
+struct TStateStorageInfo : public TThrRefBase {
+ struct TSelection {
+ enum EStatus {
+ StatusUnknown,
+ StatusOk,
+ StatusNoInfo,
+ StatusOutdated,
+ };
+ ui32 Sz;
TArrayHolder<TActorId> SelectedReplicas;
- TArrayHolder<EStatus> Status;
- TSelection()
- : Sz(0)
- {}
- void MergeReply(EStatus status, EStatus *owner, ui64 targetCookie, bool resetOld);
+ TArrayHolder<EStatus> Status;
+ TSelection()
+ : Sz(0)
+ {}
+ void MergeReply(EStatus status, EStatus *owner, ui64 targetCookie, bool resetOld);
const TActorId* begin() const { return SelectedReplicas.Get(); }
const TActorId* end() const { return SelectedReplicas.Get() + Sz; }
- };
- struct TRing {
+ };
+ struct TRing {
bool UseRingSpecificNodeSelection;
TVector<TActorId> Replicas;
TActorId SelectReplica(ui32 hash) const;
- ui32 ContentHash() const;
- };
- ui32 StateStorageGroup;
- ui32 NToSelect;
- TVector<TRing> Rings;
- void SelectReplicas(ui64 tabletId, TSelection *selection) const;
+ ui32 ContentHash() const;
+ };
+ ui32 StateStorageGroup;
+ ui32 NToSelect;
+ TVector<TRing> Rings;
+ void SelectReplicas(ui64 tabletId, TSelection *selection) const;
TList<TActorId> SelectAllReplicas() const;
- ui32 ContentHash() const;
- TStateStorageInfo()
- : StateStorageGroup(Max<ui32>())
- , NToSelect(0)
- , Hash(Max<ui64>())
- {}
- mutable ui64 Hash;
-enum class EBoardLookupMode {
- First,
- Second,
- Majority,
- FirstNonEmptyDoubleTime,
- SecondNonEmptyDoubleTime,
- MajorityDoubleTime,
+ ui32 ContentHash() const;
+ TStateStorageInfo()
+ : StateStorageGroup(Max<ui32>())
+ , NToSelect(0)
+ , Hash(Max<ui64>())
+ {}
+ mutable ui64 Hash;
+enum class EBoardLookupMode {
+ First,
+ Second,
+ Majority,
+ FirstNonEmptyDoubleTime,
+ SecondNonEmptyDoubleTime,
+ MajorityDoubleTime,
TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> BuildStateStorageInfo(char (&namePrefix)[TActorId::MaxServiceIDLength], const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage& config);
-void BuildStateStorageInfos(const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage& config,
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &stateStorageInfo,
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &boardInfo,
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoardInfo);
-IActor* CreateStateStorageWarden(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoard);
+void BuildStateStorageInfos(const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage& config,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &stateStorageInfo,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &boardInfo,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoardInfo);
+IActor* CreateStateStorageWarden(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoard);
IActor* CreateStateStorageProxy(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoard);
-IActor* CreateStateStorageProxyStub();
-IActor* CreateStateStorageReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, ui32 replicaIndex);
+IActor* CreateStateStorageProxyStub();
+IActor* CreateStateStorageReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, ui32 replicaIndex);
IActor* CreateStateStorageMonitoringActor(ui64 targetTablet, const TActorId &sender, const TString &query);
IActor* CreateStateStorageTabletGuardian(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &leader, const TActorId &tabletLeader, ui32 generation);
IActor* CreateStateStorageFollowerGuardian(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &follower); // created as followerCandidate
-IActor* CreateStateStorageBoardReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &, ui32);
-IActor* CreateSchemeBoardReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo>&, ui32);
+IActor* CreateStateStorageBoardReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &, ui32);
+IActor* CreateSchemeBoardReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo>&, ui32);
IActor* CreateBoardLookupActor(const TString &path, const TActorId &owner, ui32 groupId, EBoardLookupMode mode, bool sub, bool useNodeSubscriptions);
IActor* CreateBoardPublishActor(const TString &path, const TString &payload, const TActorId &owner, ui32 groupId, ui32 ttlMs, bool reg);
-TString MakeEndpointsBoardPath(const TString &database);
-void RegisterStateStorageEventScopes(const std::shared_ptr<TEventFilter>& filter);
+TString MakeEndpointsBoardPath(const TString &database);
+void RegisterStateStorageEventScopes(const std::shared_ptr<TEventFilter>& filter);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_event_filter.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_event_filter.cpp
index 87e58fca07..75d772e3a1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_event_filter.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_event_filter.cpp
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-#include "statestorage.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-void RegisterStateStorageEventScopes(const std::shared_ptr<TEventFilter>& filter) {
- static const ui32 eventsFromPeerToSystem[] = {
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaLookup,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaUpdate,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaLock,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaDumpRequest,
+#include "statestorage.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
+void RegisterStateStorageEventScopes(const std::shared_ptr<TEventFilter>& filter) {
+ static const ui32 eventsFromPeerToSystem[] = {
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaLookup,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaUpdate,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaLock,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaDumpRequest,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaDelete,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaCleanup,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardPublish,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardLookup,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardCleanup,
- };
- static const ui32 eventsFromSystemToPeer[] = {
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaDelete,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaCleanup,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardPublish,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardLookup,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardCleanup,
+ };
+ static const ui32 eventsFromSystemToPeer[] = {
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaDump,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaInfo,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardPublishAck,
- TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardInfo,
- };
- for (ui32 e : eventsFromPeerToSystem) {
- filter->RegisterEvent(e, TEventFilter::MakeRouteMask({
- {ENodeClass::PEER_TENANT, ENodeClass::SYSTEM},
- {ENodeClass::SYSTEM, ENodeClass::SYSTEM}
- }));
- }
- for (ui32 e : eventsFromSystemToPeer) {
- filter->RegisterEvent(e, TEventFilter::MakeRouteMask({
- {ENodeClass::SYSTEM, ENodeClass::PEER_TENANT},
- {ENodeClass::SYSTEM, ENodeClass::SYSTEM}
- }));
- }
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaDump,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaInfo,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardPublishAck,
+ TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardInfo,
+ };
+ for (ui32 e : eventsFromPeerToSystem) {
+ filter->RegisterEvent(e, TEventFilter::MakeRouteMask({
+ {ENodeClass::PEER_TENANT, ENodeClass::SYSTEM},
+ {ENodeClass::SYSTEM, ENodeClass::SYSTEM}
+ }));
+ }
+ for (ui32 e : eventsFromSystemToPeer) {
+ filter->RegisterEvent(e, TEventFilter::MakeRouteMask({
+ {ENodeClass::SYSTEM, ENodeClass::PEER_TENANT},
+ {ENodeClass::SYSTEM, ENodeClass::SYSTEM}
+ }));
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian.cpp
index 3ef80bc0c2..f1df97896b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#include "statestorage_impl.h"
-#include "statestorage_guardian_impl.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
-#include "tablet.h"
+#include "statestorage_impl.h"
+#include "statestorage_guardian_impl.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
+#include "tablet.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/compile_time_flags.h>
@@ -12,573 +12,573 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NStateStorageGuardian {
-struct TGuardedInfo;
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NStateStorageGuardian {
+struct TGuardedInfo;
struct TFollowerInfo;
-struct TEvPrivate {
- enum EEv {
+struct TEvPrivate {
+ enum EEv {
EvRefreshFollowerState = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- EvEnd
- };
- static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE)");
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
+ "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE)");
struct TEvRefreshFollowerState : public TEventLocal<TEvRefreshFollowerState, EvRefreshFollowerState> {
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TFollowerInfo> FollowerInfo;
TEvRefreshFollowerState(const TIntrusivePtr<TFollowerInfo> &info)
: FollowerInfo(info)
- {}
- };
-struct TGuardedInfo : public TAtomicRefCount<TGuardedInfo> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
+ {}
+ };
+struct TGuardedInfo : public TAtomicRefCount<TGuardedInfo> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
const TActorId Leader;
const TActorId TabletLeader;
- const ui32 Generation;
+ const ui32 Generation;
TGuardedInfo(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &leader, const TActorId &tabletLeader, ui32 generation)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
, Leader(leader)
, TabletLeader(tabletLeader)
- , Generation(generation)
- {}
+ , Generation(generation)
+ {}
struct TFollowerInfo : public TAtomicRefCount<TGuardedInfo> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui64 TabletID;
const TActorId Follower;
const TActorId Tablet;
- const bool IsCandidate;
+ const bool IsCandidate;
TFollowerInfo(ui64 tabletId, TActorId follower, TActorId tablet, bool isCandidate)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
, Follower(follower)
- , Tablet(tablet)
- , IsCandidate(isCandidate)
- {}
-class TReplicaGuardian : public TActorBootstrapped<TReplicaGuardian> {
- TIntrusiveConstPtr<TGuardedInfo> Info;
+ , Tablet(tablet)
+ , IsCandidate(isCandidate)
+ {}
+class TReplicaGuardian : public TActorBootstrapped<TReplicaGuardian> {
+ TIntrusiveConstPtr<TGuardedInfo> Info;
const TActorId Replica;
const TActorId Guard;
- ui64 Signature;
- TInstant DowntimeFrom;
- void PassAway() override {
- if (Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe);
+ ui64 Signature;
+ TInstant DowntimeFrom;
+ void PassAway() override {
+ if (Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe);
const TActorId ssProxyId = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Info->TabletID));
- Send(ssProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe(Replica));
- }
- TActor::PassAway();
- }
- void RequestInfo() {
+ Send(ssProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe(Replica));
+ }
+ TActor::PassAway();
+ }
+ void RequestInfo() {
const TActorId ssProxyId = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Info->TabletID));
- Send(ssProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe(Replica));
- Become(&TThis::StateLookup);
- } else {
- MakeRequest();
- }
- }
- void MakeRequest() {
- Send(Replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup(Info->TabletID, 0), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
- Become(&TThis::StateLookup);
- }
- void UpdateInfo() {
- TAutoPtr<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate> req(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate());
- req->Record.SetTabletID(Info->TabletID);
+ Send(ssProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe(Replica));
+ Become(&TThis::StateLookup);
+ } else {
+ MakeRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ void MakeRequest() {
+ Send(Replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup(Info->TabletID, 0), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
+ Become(&TThis::StateLookup);
+ }
+ void UpdateInfo() {
+ TAutoPtr<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate> req(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate());
+ req->Record.SetTabletID(Info->TabletID);
ActorIdToProto(Info->Leader, req->Record.MutableProposedLeader());
ActorIdToProto(Info->TabletLeader, req->Record.MutableProposedLeaderTablet());
- req->Record.SetProposedGeneration(Info->Generation);
- req->Record.SetProposedStep(0);
- req->Record.SetSignature(Signature);
- req->Record.SetIsGuardian(true);
- Send(Replica, req.Release(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
- Become(&TThis::StateUpdate);
- }
- void Gone() {
- Send(Guard, new TEvents::TEvGone());
- PassAway();
- }
- void SomeSleep() {
- const TInstant now = TActivationContext::Now();
- if (DowntimeFrom > now) {
- DowntimeFrom = now;
- } else if (DowntimeFrom + TDuration::Seconds(15) < now) {
- return Gone();
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateSleep, TDuration::MilliSeconds(250), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
- void Demoted() {
+ req->Record.SetProposedGeneration(Info->Generation);
+ req->Record.SetProposedStep(0);
+ req->Record.SetSignature(Signature);
+ req->Record.SetIsGuardian(true);
+ Send(Replica, req.Release(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
+ Become(&TThis::StateUpdate);
+ }
+ void Gone() {
+ Send(Guard, new TEvents::TEvGone());
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void SomeSleep() {
+ const TInstant now = TActivationContext::Now();
+ if (DowntimeFrom > now) {
+ DowntimeFrom = now;
+ } else if (DowntimeFrom + TDuration::Seconds(15) < now) {
+ return Gone();
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateSleep, TDuration::MilliSeconds(250), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
+ void Demoted() {
Send(Info->Leader, new TEvTablet::TEvDemoted(false));
- return PassAway();
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- const auto status = record.GetStatus();
- Signature = record.GetSignature();
- DowntimeFrom = TInstant::Max();
- if (status == NKikimrProto::OK) {
- const ui32 gen = record.GetCurrentGeneration();
- if (gen > Info->Generation) {
- return Demoted();
- } else if (gen == Info->Generation) {
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const auto status = record.GetStatus();
+ Signature = record.GetSignature();
+ DowntimeFrom = TInstant::Max();
+ if (status == NKikimrProto::OK) {
+ const ui32 gen = record.GetCurrentGeneration();
+ if (gen > Info->Generation) {
+ return Demoted();
+ } else if (gen == Info->Generation) {
const TActorId leader = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetCurrentLeader());
const TActorId tabletLeader = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetCurrentLeaderTablet());
if (!leader || leader == Info->Leader && !tabletLeader) {
- return UpdateInfo();
+ return UpdateInfo();
} else if (leader != Info->Leader || tabletLeader != Info->TabletLeader) {
- return Demoted(); // hack around cluster restarts
- } else {
- Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
- Send(Guard, ev->Release().Release());
- return;
- }
- } else {
- return UpdateInfo(); // what about locked-state?
- }
- } else if (status == NKikimrProto::ERROR) {
- return UpdateInfo();
- } else {
+ return Demoted(); // hack around cluster restarts
+ } else {
+ Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
+ Send(Guard, ev->Release().Release());
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return UpdateInfo(); // what about locked-state?
+ }
+ } else if (status == NKikimrProto::ERROR) {
+ return UpdateInfo();
+ } else {
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_REPLICA_GUARDIAN;
TReplicaGuardian(TGuardedInfo *info, TActorId replica, TActorId guard)
- : Info(info)
- , Replica(replica)
- , Guard(guard)
- , Signature(0)
- , DowntimeFrom(TInstant::Max())
+ : Info(info)
+ , Replica(replica)
+ , Guard(guard)
+ , Signature(0)
+ , DowntimeFrom(TInstant::Max())
- void Bootstrap() {
- RequestInfo();
- }
- STATEFN(StateLookup) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected::EventType, MakeRequest);
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected::EventType, Gone);
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
- cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateCalm) { // info is correct, wait for disconnect event
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, RequestInfo);
- cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, RequestInfo);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateSleep) { // not-connected, sleeping for retry
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, RequestInfo);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateUpdate) { // waiting for update result
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
- cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ RequestInfo();
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateLookup) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected::EventType, MakeRequest);
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected::EventType, Gone);
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateCalm) { // info is correct, wait for disconnect event
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, RequestInfo);
+ cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, RequestInfo);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateSleep) { // not-connected, sleeping for retry
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, RequestInfo);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateUpdate) { // waiting for update result
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
class TFollowerGuardian : public TActorBootstrapped<TFollowerGuardian> {
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TFollowerInfo> Info;
const TActorId Replica;
const TActorId Guard;
- TInstant DowntimeFrom;
+ TInstant DowntimeFrom;
void RefreshInfo(TEvPrivate::TEvRefreshFollowerState::TPtr &ev) {
Info = ev->Get()->FollowerInfo;
- }
+ }
void UpdateInfo(TEvPrivate::TEvRefreshFollowerState::TPtr &ev) {
- RefreshInfo(ev);
- UpdateInfo();
- }
- void UpdateInfo() {
+ RefreshInfo(ev);
+ UpdateInfo();
+ }
+ void UpdateInfo() {
const TActorId ssProxyId = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Info->TabletID));
- Send(ssProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe(Replica));
- Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
- } else {
- MakeRequest();
- }
- }
- void MakeRequest() {
- Send(
- Replica,
+ Send(ssProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe(Replica));
+ Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
+ } else {
+ MakeRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ void MakeRequest() {
+ Send(
+ Replica,
new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaRegFollower(Info->TabletID, Info->Follower, Info->Tablet, Info->IsCandidate),
- IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
- Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
- }
- void SomeSleep() {
- const TInstant now = TActivationContext::Now();
- if (DowntimeFrom > now) {
- DowntimeFrom = now;
- } else if (DowntimeFrom + TDuration::Seconds(15) < now) {
- return Gone();
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateSleep, TDuration::MilliSeconds(250), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
- void PassAway() override {
+ IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
+ Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
+ }
+ void SomeSleep() {
+ const TInstant now = TActivationContext::Now();
+ if (DowntimeFrom > now) {
+ DowntimeFrom = now;
+ } else if (DowntimeFrom + TDuration::Seconds(15) < now) {
+ return Gone();
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateSleep, TDuration::MilliSeconds(250), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
+ void PassAway() override {
Send(Replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUnregFollower(Info->TabletID, Info->Follower));
- if (Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ if (Replica.NodeId() != SelfId().NodeId())
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Replica.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
const TActorId ssProxyId = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Info->TabletID));
- Send(ssProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe(Replica));
- }
- TActor::PassAway();
- }
- void Gone() {
- Send(Guard, new TEvents::TEvGone());
- PassAway();
- }
- void Ping() {
- DowntimeFrom = TInstant::Max();
- }
+ Send(ssProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe(Replica));
+ }
+ TActor::PassAway();
+ }
+ void Gone() {
+ Send(Guard, new TEvents::TEvGone());
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void Ping() {
+ DowntimeFrom = TInstant::Max();
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_REPLICA_GUARDIAN;
TFollowerGuardian(TFollowerInfo *info, const TActorId replica, const TActorId guard)
- : Info(info)
- , Replica(replica)
- , Guard(guard)
- , DowntimeFrom(TInstant::Max())
+ : Info(info)
+ , Replica(replica)
+ , Guard(guard)
+ , DowntimeFrom(TInstant::Max())
- void Bootstrap() {
- UpdateInfo();
- }
- STATEFN(StateCalm) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ UpdateInfo();
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateCalm) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvRefreshFollowerState, UpdateInfo);
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected::EventType, MakeRequest);
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected::EventType, Gone);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
- cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
- cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing::EventType, Ping);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateSleep) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected::EventType, MakeRequest);
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected::EventType, Gone);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing::EventType, Ping);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateSleep) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvRefreshFollowerState, RefreshInfo);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, UpdateInfo);
- cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
- }
- }
-class TTabletGuardian : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletGuardian> {
- TIntrusivePtr<TGuardedInfo> Info;
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, UpdateInfo);
+ cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown::EventType, Gone);
+ }
+ }
+class TTabletGuardian : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletGuardian> {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TGuardedInfo> Info;
TIntrusivePtr<TFollowerInfo> FollowerInfo;
TVector<std::pair<TActorId, TActorId>> ReplicaGuardians; // replica -> guardian, position dependant so vector
- ui32 ReplicasOnlineThreshold;
+ ui32 ReplicasOnlineThreshold;
THolder<TFollowerTracker> FollowerTracker;
TActorId Launcher() const {
return Info ? Info->Leader : FollowerInfo->Follower;
- }
- void HandlePoison() {
- for (const auto &xpair : ReplicaGuardians)
- Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
- return PassAway();
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList::TPtr &ev) {
+ }
+ void HandlePoison() {
+ for (const auto &xpair : ReplicaGuardians)
+ Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList::TPtr &ev) {
const TVector<TActorId> &replicasList = ev->Get()->Replicas;
Y_VERIFY(!replicasList.empty(), "must not happens, guardian must be created over active tablet");
- const ui32 replicaSz = replicasList.size();
+ const ui32 replicaSz = replicasList.size();
TVector<std::pair<TActorId, TActorId>> updatedReplicaGuardians;
- updatedReplicaGuardians.reserve(replicaSz);
- const bool inspectCurrent = (ReplicaGuardians.size() == replicaSz);
- if (!inspectCurrent) {
- for (const auto &xpair : ReplicaGuardians) {
- if (xpair.second)
- Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
- }
- ReplicaGuardians.clear();
- }
- for (ui32 idx : xrange(replicasList.size())) {
+ updatedReplicaGuardians.reserve(replicaSz);
+ const bool inspectCurrent = (ReplicaGuardians.size() == replicaSz);
+ if (!inspectCurrent) {
+ for (const auto &xpair : ReplicaGuardians) {
+ if (xpair.second)
+ Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
+ }
+ ReplicaGuardians.clear();
+ }
+ for (ui32 idx : xrange(replicasList.size())) {
const TActorId replica = replicasList[idx];
- if (inspectCurrent && ReplicaGuardians[idx].first == replica && ReplicaGuardians[idx].second) {
- updatedReplicaGuardians.emplace_back(ReplicaGuardians[idx]);
+ if (inspectCurrent && ReplicaGuardians[idx].first == replica && ReplicaGuardians[idx].second) {
+ updatedReplicaGuardians.emplace_back(ReplicaGuardians[idx]);
ReplicaGuardians[idx].second = TActorId();
- } else {
- if (Info)
+ } else {
+ if (Info)
updatedReplicaGuardians.emplace_back(replica, RegisterWithSameMailbox(new TReplicaGuardian(Info.Get(), replica, SelfId())));
- else
+ else
updatedReplicaGuardians.emplace_back(replica, RegisterWithSameMailbox(new TFollowerGuardian(FollowerInfo.Get(), replica, SelfId())));
- }
- }
- for (const auto &xpair : ReplicaGuardians) {
- if (xpair.second)
- Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
- }
- ReplicaGuardians.swap(updatedReplicaGuardians);
- ReplicasOnlineThreshold = (ReplicaGuardians.size() == 1) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &xpair : ReplicaGuardians) {
+ if (xpair.second)
+ Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
+ }
+ ReplicaGuardians.swap(updatedReplicaGuardians);
+ ReplicasOnlineThreshold = (ReplicaGuardians.size() == 1) ? 0 : 1;
if (!FollowerTracker || !inspectCurrent) // would notify on first change
FollowerTracker.Reset(new TFollowerTracker(replicaSz));
- Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
+ Become(&TThis::StateCalm);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
Y_FAIL("must not happens, guardian must be created over active tablet");
- }
+ }
bool ReplicaDown(TActorId guardian) {
- ui32 replicasOnline = 0;
- bool ret = false;
- for (auto it = ReplicaGuardians.begin(), end = ReplicaGuardians.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- if (it->second == guardian) {
+ ui32 replicasOnline = 0;
+ bool ret = false;
+ for (auto it = ReplicaGuardians.begin(), end = ReplicaGuardians.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+ if (it->second == guardian) {
it->second = TActorId();
- ret = true;
- } else if (it->second) {
- ++replicasOnline;
- }
- }
- if (replicasOnline == ReplicasOnlineThreshold) {
- Send(Launcher(), new TEvTablet::TEvDemoted(true));
- HandlePoison();
- // we are dead now
- return false;
- }
- return ret; // true on erase, false on outdated notify
- }
- void SendResolveRequest(TDuration delay) {
+ ret = true;
+ } else if (it->second) {
+ ++replicasOnline;
+ }
+ }
+ if (replicasOnline == ReplicasOnlineThreshold) {
+ Send(Launcher(), new TEvTablet::TEvDemoted(true));
+ HandlePoison();
+ // we are dead now
+ return false;
+ }
+ return ret; // true on erase, false on outdated notify
+ }
+ void SendResolveRequest(TDuration delay) {
const ui64 tabletId = Info ? Info->TabletID : FollowerInfo->TabletID;
- const ui64 stateStorageGroup = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId);
+ const ui64 stateStorageGroup = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId);
const TActorId proxyActorID = MakeStateStorageProxyID(stateStorageGroup);
- if (delay == TDuration::Zero()) {
- Send(proxyActorID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas(tabletId), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
- } else {
- TActivationContext::Schedule(
- delay,
- new IEventHandle(proxyActorID, SelfId(), new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas(tabletId), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery)
- );
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateResolve);
- }
- void HandleGoneResolve(TEvents::TEvGone::TPtr &ev) {
- // already resolving so no more action needed, just refresh active replica list
- ReplicaDown(ev->Sender);
- }
- void HandleGoneCalm(TEvents::TEvGone::TPtr &ev) {
- if (ReplicaDown(ev->Sender)) {
- const ui64 rndDelay = AppData()->RandomProvider->GenRand() % 150;
- SendResolveRequest(TDuration::MilliSeconds(150 + rndDelay));
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ if (delay == TDuration::Zero()) {
+ Send(proxyActorID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas(tabletId), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
+ } else {
+ TActivationContext::Schedule(
+ delay,
+ new IEventHandle(proxyActorID, SelfId(), new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas(tabletId), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery)
+ );
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateResolve);
+ }
+ void HandleGoneResolve(TEvents::TEvGone::TPtr &ev) {
+ // already resolving so no more action needed, just refresh active replica list
+ ReplicaDown(ev->Sender);
+ }
+ void HandleGoneCalm(TEvents::TEvGone::TPtr &ev) {
+ if (ReplicaDown(ev->Sender)) {
+ const ui64 rndDelay = AppData()->RandomProvider->GenRand() % 150;
+ SendResolveRequest(TDuration::MilliSeconds(150 + rndDelay));
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- const NKikimrStateStorage::TEvInfo &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const NKikimrStateStorage::TEvInfo &record = ev->Get()->Record;
const TActorId guardian = ev->Sender;
- for (ui32 idx : xrange(ReplicaGuardians.size())) {
- if (ReplicaGuardians[idx].second != guardian)
- continue;
+ for (ui32 idx : xrange(ReplicaGuardians.size())) {
+ if (ReplicaGuardians[idx].second != guardian)
+ continue;
TVector<TActorId> reported;
reported.reserve(record.FollowerSize() + record.FollowerCandidatesSize());
for (const auto &x : record.GetFollower()) {
- }
+ }
for (const auto &x : record.GetFollowerCandidates()) {
- }
- Sort(reported);
+ }
+ Sort(reported);
if (FollowerTracker->Merge(idx, reported)) {
const auto &merged = FollowerTracker->GetMerged();
- // reuse reported so in many cases no allocation happens
- reported.clear();
- reported.reserve(merged.size());
- for (const auto &xpair : merged) {
- reported.emplace_back(xpair.first);
- }
+ // reuse reported so in many cases no allocation happens
+ reported.clear();
+ reported.reserve(merged.size());
+ for (const auto &xpair : merged) {
+ reported.emplace_back(xpair.first);
+ }
Send(Launcher(), new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerListRefresh(std::move(reported)));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
bool RefreshFollowerInfo(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerUpdateState::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ const auto *msg = ev->Get();
const ui64 tabletId = FollowerInfo->TabletID;
Y_VERIFY(msg->FollowerActor == FollowerInfo->Follower);
const bool hasChanges = msg->TabletActor != FollowerInfo->Tablet || msg->IsCandidate != FollowerInfo->IsCandidate;
- if (hasChanges) {
+ if (hasChanges) {
FollowerInfo = new TFollowerInfo(
- tabletId,
+ tabletId,
- msg->TabletActor,
- msg->IsCandidate
- );
- }
- return hasChanges;
- }
+ msg->TabletActor,
+ msg->IsCandidate
+ );
+ }
+ return hasChanges;
+ }
void UpdateFollowerInfo(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerUpdateState::TPtr &ev) {
if (!RefreshFollowerInfo(ev))
- return;
- for (auto &xpair : ReplicaGuardians) {
+ return;
+ for (auto &xpair : ReplicaGuardians) {
const TActorId guardian = xpair.second;
Send(guardian, new TEvPrivate::TEvRefreshFollowerState(FollowerInfo));
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_TABLET_GUARDIAN;
- TTabletGuardian(TGuardedInfo *info)
- : Info(info)
+ TTabletGuardian(TGuardedInfo *info)
+ : Info(info)
, ReplicasOnlineThreshold(0)
TTabletGuardian(TFollowerInfo *info)
: FollowerInfo(info)
, ReplicasOnlineThreshold(0)
- void Bootstrap() {
- SendResolveRequest(TDuration::Zero());
- }
- STATEFN(StateResolve) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ SendResolveRequest(TDuration::Zero());
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateResolve) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerUpdateState, UpdateFollowerInfo);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvGone, HandleGoneResolve);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, HandlePoison);
- cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EventType, HandlePoison);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateCalm) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvGone, HandleGoneResolve);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, HandlePoison);
+ cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EventType, HandlePoison);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateCalm) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerUpdateState, UpdateFollowerInfo);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvGone, HandleGoneCalm);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, HandlePoison);
- cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EventType, HandlePoison);
- }
- }
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvGone, HandleGoneCalm);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, HandlePoison);
+ cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EventType, HandlePoison);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateStateStorageTabletGuardian(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &leader, const TActorId &tabletLeader, ui32 generation) {
TIntrusivePtr<NStateStorageGuardian::TGuardedInfo> info = new NStateStorageGuardian::TGuardedInfo(tabletId, leader, tabletLeader, generation);
- return new NStateStorageGuardian::TTabletGuardian(info.Get());
+ return new NStateStorageGuardian::TTabletGuardian(info.Get());
IActor* CreateStateStorageFollowerGuardian(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &follower) {
TIntrusivePtr<NStateStorageGuardian::TFollowerInfo> followerInfo = new NStateStorageGuardian::TFollowerInfo(tabletId, follower, TActorId(), true);
return new NStateStorageGuardian::TTabletGuardian(followerInfo.Get());
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian_impl.h b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian_impl.h
index 60ef793e5d..0bdda91ead 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian_impl.h
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
-#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NStateStorageGuardian {
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NStateStorageGuardian {
struct TFollowerTracker {
TVector<TVector<TActorId>> Reported; // reported followers by replica index
TMap<TActorId, ui32> Merged; // follower -> referenced by
bool AddMerged(TActorId x) {
- auto itPair = Merged.emplace(x, 1);
- if (itPair.second) {
- return true;
- } else {
- itPair.first->second++;
- return false;
- }
- }
+ auto itPair = Merged.emplace(x, 1);
+ if (itPair.second) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ itPair.first->second++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
bool DelMerged(TActorId x) {
- auto it = Merged.find(x);
+ auto it = Merged.find(x);
Y_VERIFY(it != Merged.end(), "follower tracker consistency broken");
- if (it->second == 1) {
- Merged.erase(it);
- return true;
- } else {
- it->second--;
- return false;
- }
- }
+ if (it->second == 1) {
+ Merged.erase(it);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ it->second--;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
TFollowerTracker(ui32 replicas)
- : Reported(replicas)
- {}
+ : Reported(replicas)
+ {}
const TMap<TActorId, ui32>& GetMerged() const {
- return Merged;
- }
- // update reported list for replica, returns true if smth changed
- // reported must be sorted
+ return Merged;
+ }
+ // update reported list for replica, returns true if smth changed
+ // reported must be sorted
bool Merge(ui32 replicaIdx, TVector<TActorId> &reported) {
- bool changed = false;
+ bool changed = false;
TVector<TActorId> &old = Reported[replicaIdx];
- const ui32 oldSz = old.size();
- bool gotDuplicates = false;
- ui32 oldIdx = 0;
+ const ui32 oldSz = old.size();
+ bool gotDuplicates = false;
+ ui32 oldIdx = 0;
TActorId prevReported;
for (TActorId x : reported) {
- if (x == prevReported) { // skip duplicated
- gotDuplicates = true;
- continue;
- }
- prevReported = x;
- // every x must be kept in merged
- while (oldIdx < oldSz && old[oldIdx] < x) {
- changed |= DelMerged(old[oldIdx]);
- ++oldIdx;
- }
- if (oldIdx < oldSz && old[oldIdx] == x) {
- ++oldIdx;
- // do nothing
- } else {
- // new entries
- changed |= AddMerged(x);
- }
- }
- // erase old tail
- for (; oldIdx < oldSz; ++oldIdx) {
- changed |= DelMerged(old[oldIdx]);
- }
- if (gotDuplicates)
- reported.erase(Unique(reported.begin(), reported.end()), reported.end());
- Reported[replicaIdx].swap(reported);
- return changed;
- }
+ if (x == prevReported) { // skip duplicated
+ gotDuplicates = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ prevReported = x;
+ // every x must be kept in merged
+ while (oldIdx < oldSz && old[oldIdx] < x) {
+ changed |= DelMerged(old[oldIdx]);
+ ++oldIdx;
+ }
+ if (oldIdx < oldSz && old[oldIdx] == x) {
+ ++oldIdx;
+ // do nothing
+ } else {
+ // new entries
+ changed |= AddMerged(x);
+ }
+ }
+ // erase old tail
+ for (; oldIdx < oldSz; ++oldIdx) {
+ changed |= DelMerged(old[oldIdx]);
+ }
+ if (gotDuplicates)
+ reported.erase(Unique(reported.begin(), reported.end()), reported.end());
+ Reported[replicaIdx].swap(reported);
+ return changed;
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian_impl_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian_impl_ut.cpp
index c750c994c4..00638ab480 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian_impl_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_guardian_impl_ut.cpp
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "statestorage_guardian_impl.h"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "statestorage_guardian_impl.h"
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
- namespace NStateStorageGuardian {
- Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TGuardianImpl) {
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+ namespace NStateStorageGuardian {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TGuardianImpl) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(FollowerTracker) {
TFollowerTracker tracker(2);
- {
+ {
TVector<TActorId> followers = { TActorId(1, 1, 1, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 5, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 10, 1) };
UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.Merge(0, followers) == true);
- }
- {
+ }
+ {
TVector<TActorId> followers = { TActorId(1, 1, 1, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 5, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 10, 1) };
UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.Merge(1, followers) == false);
- }
- {
+ }
+ {
TVector<TActorId> followers = { TActorId(1, 1, 1, 1) };
UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.Merge(0, followers) == false);
- }
- {
+ }
+ {
TVector<TActorId> followers = { TActorId(1, 1, 1, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 5, 1) };
UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.Merge(1, followers) == true);
- }
- auto merged = tracker.GetMerged();
- UNIT_ASSERT(merged.size() == 2);
+ }
+ auto merged = tracker.GetMerged();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(merged.size() == 2);
UNIT_ASSERT(merged.FindPtr(TActorId(1, 1, 1, 1)) != nullptr);
UNIT_ASSERT(merged.FindPtr(TActorId(1, 1, 5, 1)) != nullptr);
UNIT_ASSERT(merged.FindPtr(TActorId(1, 1, 10, 1)) == nullptr);
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(FollowerTrackerDuplicates) {
TFollowerTracker tracker(1);
- {
+ {
TVector<TActorId> followers = { TActorId(1, 1, 1, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 5, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 10, 1) };
UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.Merge(0, followers) == true);
- }
- {
+ }
+ {
TVector<TActorId> followers = { TActorId(1, 1, 1, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 10, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 10, 1) };
UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.Merge(0, followers) == true);
- UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.GetMerged().size() == 2);
- }
- {
+ UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.GetMerged().size() == 2);
+ }
+ {
TVector<TActorId> followers = { TActorId(1, 1, 1, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 11, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 11, 1) };
UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.Merge(0, followers) == true);
- UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.GetMerged().size() == 2);
- }
- {
+ UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.GetMerged().size() == 2);
+ }
+ {
TVector<TActorId> followers = { TActorId(1, 1, 1, 1), TActorId(1, 1, 5, 1) };
UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.Merge(0, followers) == true);
- UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.GetMerged().size() == 2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ UNIT_ASSERT(tracker.GetMerged().size() == 2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_impl.h b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_impl.h
index 92c393d254..2a2aa22f6a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_impl.h
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "pathid.h"
-#include "statestorage.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include "statestorage.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
inline TActorId MakeStateStorageReplicaID(ui32 node, ui64 stateStorageGroup, ui32 replicaIndex) {
- char x[12] = { 's', 't', 's' };
- x[3] = (char)stateStorageGroup;
- memcpy(x + 5, &replicaIndex, sizeof(ui32));
+ char x[12] = { 's', 't', 's' };
+ x[3] = (char)stateStorageGroup;
+ memcpy(x + 5, &replicaIndex, sizeof(ui32));
return TActorId(node, TStringBuf(x, 12));
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvInfo, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaInfo> {
- TEvReplicaInfo()
- {}
- TEvReplicaInfo(ui64 tabletId, NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetStatus(status);
- }
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvInfo, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaInfo> {
+ TEvReplicaInfo()
+ {}
+ TEvReplicaInfo(ui64 tabletId, NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetStatus(status);
+ }
TEvReplicaInfo(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &currentLeader, const TActorId &currentLeaderTablet, ui32 currentGeneration, ui32 currentStep, bool locked, ui64 lockedFor)
- {
- Record.SetStatus(NKikimrProto::OK);
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetStatus(NKikimrProto::OK);
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
ActorIdToProto(currentLeader, Record.MutableCurrentLeader());
ActorIdToProto(currentLeaderTablet, Record.MutableCurrentLeaderTablet());
- Record.SetCurrentGeneration(currentGeneration);
- Record.SetCurrentStep(currentStep);
- if (locked) {
- Record.SetLocked(locked);
- Record.SetLockedFor(lockedFor);
- }
- }
+ Record.SetCurrentGeneration(currentGeneration);
+ Record.SetCurrentStep(currentStep);
+ if (locked) {
+ Record.SetLocked(locked);
+ Record.SetLockedFor(lockedFor);
+ }
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -62,71 +62,71 @@ struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvRep
return str.Str();
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateGroupConfig : public TEventLocal<TEvUpdateGroupConfig, EvUpdateGroupConfig> {
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> GroupConfig;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> BoardConfig;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> SchemeBoardConfig;
- TEvUpdateGroupConfig(
- const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info,
- const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board,
- const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &scheme)
- : GroupConfig(info)
- , BoardConfig(board)
- , SchemeBoardConfig(scheme)
- {}
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe : public TEventLocal<TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe, EvReplicaProbeSubscribe> {
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateGroupConfig : public TEventLocal<TEvUpdateGroupConfig, EvUpdateGroupConfig> {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> GroupConfig;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> BoardConfig;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> SchemeBoardConfig;
+ TEvUpdateGroupConfig(
+ const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info,
+ const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board,
+ const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &scheme)
+ : GroupConfig(info)
+ , BoardConfig(board)
+ , SchemeBoardConfig(scheme)
+ {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe : public TEventLocal<TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe, EvReplicaProbeSubscribe> {
const TActorId ReplicaId;
TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe(TActorId replicaId)
- : ReplicaId(replicaId)
- {}
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe : public TEventLocal<TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe, EvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe> {
+ : ReplicaId(replicaId)
+ {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe : public TEventLocal<TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe, EvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe> {
const TActorId ReplicaId;
TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe(TActorId replicaId)
- : ReplicaId(replicaId)
- {}
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected : public TEventLocal<TEvReplicaProbeConnected, EvReplicaProbeConnected> {
+ : ReplicaId(replicaId)
+ {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected : public TEventLocal<TEvReplicaProbeConnected, EvReplicaProbeConnected> {
const TActorId ReplicaId;
TEvReplicaProbeConnected(TActorId replicaId)
- : ReplicaId(replicaId)
- {}
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected : public TEventLocal<TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected, EvReplicaProbeDisconnected> {
+ : ReplicaId(replicaId)
+ {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected : public TEventLocal<TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected, EvReplicaProbeDisconnected> {
const TActorId ReplicaId;
TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected(TActorId replicaId)
- : ReplicaId(replicaId)
- {}
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas : public TEventLocal<TEvResolveReplicas, EvResolveReplicas> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- TEvResolveReplicas(ui64 tabletId)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- {}
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard : public TEventLocal<TEvResolveBoard, EvResolveBoard> {
- const TString Path;
- TEvResolveBoard(const TString &path)
- : Path(path)
- {}
+ : ReplicaId(replicaId)
+ {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas : public TEventLocal<TEvResolveReplicas, EvResolveReplicas> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ TEvResolveReplicas(ui64 tabletId)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard : public TEventLocal<TEvResolveBoard, EvResolveBoard> {
+ const TString Path;
+ TEvResolveBoard(const TString &path)
+ : Path(path)
+ {}
struct TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveSchemeBoard : public TEventLocal<TEvResolveSchemeBoard, EvResolveSchemeBoard> {
enum EKeyType {
@@ -149,43 +149,43 @@ struct TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveSchemeBoard : public TEventLocal<TEvResolveSch
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList : public TEventLocal<TEvResolveReplicasList, EvResolveReplicasList> {
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList : public TEventLocal<TEvResolveReplicasList, EvResolveReplicasList> {
TVector<TActorId> Replicas;
- ui32 ConfigContentHash = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 ConfigContentHash = Max<ui32>();
struct TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoard : public TEventLocal<TEvListSchemeBoard, EvListSchemeBoard> {
struct TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoardResult : public TEventLocal<TEvListSchemeBoardResult, EvListSchemeBoardResult> {
- TIntrusiveConstPtr<TStateStorageInfo> Info;
- TEvListSchemeBoardResult(const TIntrusiveConstPtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info)
- : Info(info)
- {}
+ TIntrusiveConstPtr<TStateStorageInfo> Info;
+ TEvListSchemeBoardResult(const TIntrusiveConstPtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info)
+ : Info(info)
+ {}
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvLookup, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaLookup>{
- struct TActualityCounter : public TRefCounted<TActualityCounter, TAtomicCounter> {};
- using TActualityCounterPtr = TIntrusivePtr<TActualityCounter>;
- TActualityCounterPtr ActualityRefCounter;
- TEvReplicaLookup()
- {}
- TEvReplicaLookup(ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetCookie(cookie);
- }
- TEvReplicaLookup(ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie, TActualityCounterPtr &actualityRefCounter)
- : ActualityRefCounter(actualityRefCounter)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetCookie(cookie);
- }
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvLookup, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaLookup>{
+ struct TActualityCounter : public TRefCounted<TActualityCounter, TAtomicCounter> {};
+ using TActualityCounterPtr = TIntrusivePtr<TActualityCounter>;
+ TActualityCounterPtr ActualityRefCounter;
+ TEvReplicaLookup()
+ {}
+ TEvReplicaLookup(ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetCookie(cookie);
+ }
+ TEvReplicaLookup(ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie, TActualityCounterPtr &actualityRefCounter)
+ : ActualityRefCounter(actualityRefCounter)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetCookie(cookie);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
str << "{EvReplicaLookup TabletID: " << Record.GetTabletID();
@@ -193,18 +193,18 @@ struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvR
str << "}";
return str.Str();
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvUpdate, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaUpdate> {
- TEvReplicaUpdate()
- {}
- TEvReplicaUpdate(ui64 tabletId, ui32 proposedGeneration, ui32 proposedStep)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetProposedGeneration(proposedGeneration);
- Record.SetProposedStep(proposedStep);
- }
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvUpdate, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaUpdate> {
+ TEvReplicaUpdate()
+ {}
+ TEvReplicaUpdate(ui64 tabletId, ui32 proposedGeneration, ui32 proposedStep)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetProposedGeneration(proposedGeneration);
+ Record.SetProposedStep(proposedStep);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvR
str << "}";
return str.Str();
struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvDelete, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaDelete> {
@@ -233,26 +233,26 @@ struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvR
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaCleanup : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaCleanup, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvCleanup, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaCleanup> {
- TEvReplicaCleanup()
- {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaCleanup : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaCleanup, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvCleanup, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaCleanup> {
+ TEvReplicaCleanup()
+ {}
TEvReplicaCleanup(ui64 tabletId, TActorId proposedLeader)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
ActorIdToProto(proposedLeader, Record.MutableProposedLeader());
- }
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvLock, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaLock> {
- TEvReplicaLock()
- {}
- TEvReplicaLock(ui64 tabletId, ui32 proposedGeneration)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetProposedGeneration(proposedGeneration);
- }
+ }
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvLock, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaLock> {
+ TEvReplicaLock()
+ {}
+ TEvReplicaLock(ui64 tabletId, ui32 proposedGeneration)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetProposedGeneration(proposedGeneration);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -261,55 +261,55 @@ struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvRep
str << "}";
return str.Str();
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardPublish> {
- TEvReplicaBoardPublish()
- {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublish, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardPublish> {
+ TEvReplicaBoardPublish()
+ {}
TEvReplicaBoardPublish(const TString &path, const TString &payload, ui64 ttlMs, bool reg, TActorId owner)
- {
- Record.SetPath(path);
- Record.SetPayload(payload);
- Record.SetTtlMs(ttlMs);
- Record.SetRegister(reg);
+ {
+ Record.SetPath(path);
+ Record.SetPayload(payload);
+ Record.SetTtlMs(ttlMs);
+ Record.SetRegister(reg);
ActorIdToProto(owner, Record.MutableOwner());
- }
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardLookup> {
- TEvReplicaBoardLookup()
- {}
+ }
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardLookup, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardLookup> {
+ TEvReplicaBoardLookup()
+ {}
TEvReplicaBoardLookup(const TString &path, TActorId owner, bool sub)
- {
- Record.SetPath(path);
+ {
+ Record.SetPath(path);
ActorIdToProto(owner, Record.MutableOwner());
- Record.SetSubscribe(sub);
- }
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardCleanup> {
- TEvReplicaBoardCleanup()
- {}
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardPublishAck> {
- TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck()
- {}
-struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardInfo> {
- TEvReplicaBoardInfo()
- {}
- TEvReplicaBoardInfo(const TString &path, bool dropped)
- {
- Record.SetPath(path);
- Record.SetDropped(dropped);
- }
+ Record.SetSubscribe(sub);
+ }
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardCleanup, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardCleanup> {
+ TEvReplicaBoardCleanup()
+ {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardPublishAck> {
+ TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck()
+ {}
+struct TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo : public TEventPB<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo, NKikimrStateStorage::TEvReplicaBoardInfo, TEvStateStorage::EvReplicaBoardInfo> {
+ TEvReplicaBoardInfo()
+ {}
+ TEvReplicaBoardInfo(const TString &path, bool dropped)
+ {
+ Record.SetPath(path);
+ Record.SetDropped(dropped);
+ }
IActor* CreateStateStorageReplicaProbe(TActorId replica);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_monitoring.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_monitoring.cpp
index 83122b6ad3..5bcc3ec67f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_monitoring.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_monitoring.cpp
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-#include "statestorage_impl.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
+#include "statestorage_impl.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/templates.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/mon.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TStateStorageMonitoringActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageMonitoringActor> {
- struct TReplicaInfo {
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TStateStorageMonitoringActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageMonitoringActor> {
+ struct TReplicaInfo {
TActorId ActorID;
- TInstant ReplyTime;
+ TInstant ReplyTime;
TActorId CurrentLeader;
TActorId CurrentLeaderTablet;
TVector<TActorId> Followers;
- ui32 CurrentGeneration;
- ui64 ConfigContentHash;
- bool Locked;
- ui64 LockedFor;
+ ui32 CurrentGeneration;
+ ui64 ConfigContentHash;
+ bool Locked;
+ ui64 LockedFor;
TReplicaInfo(const TActorId &x)
- : ActorID(x)
+ : ActorID(x)
, ReplyTime(TInstant::MicroSeconds(Max<ui64>()))
, CurrentLeader()
, CurrentLeaderTablet()
- , CurrentGeneration(Max<ui32>())
- , ConfigContentHash(0)
- , Locked(false)
- , LockedFor(0)
- {}
- };
- const ui64 TabletID;
+ , CurrentGeneration(Max<ui32>())
+ , ConfigContentHash(0)
+ , Locked(false)
+ , LockedFor(0)
+ {}
+ };
+ const ui64 TabletID;
const TActorId Sender;
const TString Query;
- TInstant BeginMoment;
- TInstant ReplicasRequestMoment;
- TDuration ProxyReplyTime;
+ TInstant BeginMoment;
+ TInstant ReplicasRequestMoment;
+ TDuration ProxyReplyTime;
TVector<TReplicaInfo> ReplicasInfo;
- ui64 WaitingForReplicas;
- ui64 SelfConfigContentHash;
+ ui64 WaitingForReplicas;
+ ui64 SelfConfigContentHash;
void Reply(const TString &response, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TStringStream str;
+ TStringStream str;
HTML(str) {
H3() { str << "State Storage";}
DIV_CLASS("container") {
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ class TStateStorageMonitoringActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageMoni
if (ProxyReplyTime.GetValue() != Max<ui64>()) {
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "Proxy reply time: " << ProxyReplyTime.ToString(); }
- DIV_CLASS("CfgHash") {str << "Config hash: " << SelfConfigContentHash; }
+ DIV_CLASS("CfgHash") {str << "Config hash: " << SelfConfigContentHash; }
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "&nbsp;";}
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class TStateStorageMonitoringActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageMoni
TABLEH() { str << "Locked";}
TABLEH() { str << "Generation";}
TABLEH() { str << "Reply time";}
- TABLEH() { str << "CfgHash";}
+ TABLEH() { str << "CfgHash";}
@@ -81,32 +81,32 @@ class TStateStorageMonitoringActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageMoni
TABLED() {str << replica.ActorID.NodeId();}
if (replica.ReplyTime.GetValue() == Max<ui64>()) { // general timeout
- TABLED() { str << "timeout";}
- TABLED() { str << "-"; }
- TABLED() { str << "-"; }
- TABLED() { str << "-"; }
- TABLED() { str << "-"; }
- TABLED() { str << "-"; }
+ TABLED() { str << "timeout";}
+ TABLED() { str << "-"; }
+ TABLED() { str << "-"; }
+ TABLED() { str << "-"; }
+ TABLED() { str << "-"; }
+ TABLED() { str << "-"; }
} else if (replica.CurrentGeneration == Max<ui32>()) {
- TABLED() { str << "not available";}
- TABLED() { str << "-"; }
- TABLED() { str << "-"; }
- TABLED() { str << "-"; }
- TABLED() { str << "-"; }
- TABLED() { str << replica.ConfigContentHash; }
+ TABLED() { str << "not available";}
+ TABLED() { str << "-"; }
+ TABLED() { str << "-"; }
+ TABLED() { str << "-"; }
+ TABLED() { str << "-"; }
+ TABLED() { str << replica.ConfigContentHash; }
} else {
TABLED() {str << replica.CurrentLeader;}
- TABLED() {
+ TABLED() {
if (replica.Followers)
for (auto &s : replica.Followers)
- str << s << "; ";
- else
- str << "-";
- }
- TABLED() { str << replica.Locked; }
- TABLED() { str << replica.CurrentGeneration; }
- TABLED() { str << (replica.ReplyTime - ReplicasRequestMoment); }
- TABLED() { str << replica.ConfigContentHash; }
+ str << s << "; ";
+ else
+ str << "-";
+ }
+ TABLED() { str << replica.Locked; }
+ TABLED() { str << replica.CurrentGeneration; }
+ TABLED() { str << (replica.ReplyTime - ReplicasRequestMoment); }
+ TABLED() { str << replica.ConfigContentHash; }
@@ -114,133 +114,133 @@ class TStateStorageMonitoringActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageMoni
- ctx.Send(Sender, new NMon::TEvHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- void CheckCompletion(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (WaitingForReplicas > 0)
- return;
- return Reply("complete", ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ ctx.Send(Sender, new NMon::TEvHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void CheckCompletion(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (WaitingForReplicas > 0)
+ return;
+ return Reply("complete", ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const TVector<TActorId> &replicasList = ev->Get()->Replicas;
- if (replicasList.empty())
- return Reply("empty replica list", ctx);
- SelfConfigContentHash = ev->Get()->ConfigContentHash;
- ReplicasRequestMoment = ctx.Now();
- ProxyReplyTime = ReplicasRequestMoment - BeginMoment;
- ReplicasInfo.reserve(replicasList.size());
- for (ui64 cookie = 0, e = replicasList.size(); cookie < e; ++cookie) {
+ if (replicasList.empty())
+ return Reply("empty replica list", ctx);
+ SelfConfigContentHash = ev->Get()->ConfigContentHash;
+ ReplicasRequestMoment = ctx.Now();
+ ProxyReplyTime = ReplicasRequestMoment - BeginMoment;
+ ReplicasInfo.reserve(replicasList.size());
+ for (ui64 cookie = 0, e = replicasList.size(); cookie < e; ++cookie) {
const TActorId &replica = replicasList[cookie];
- ReplicasInfo.push_back(replica);
- ctx.Send(replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup(TabletID, cookie));
- }
- WaitingForReplicas = ReplicasInfo.size();
- Become(&TThis::StateCollect);
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrStateStorage::TEvInfo &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- const ui64 cookie = record.GetCookie();
+ ReplicasInfo.push_back(replica);
+ ctx.Send(replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup(TabletID, cookie));
+ }
+ WaitingForReplicas = ReplicasInfo.size();
+ Become(&TThis::StateCollect);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrStateStorage::TEvInfo &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const ui64 cookie = record.GetCookie();
Y_VERIFY(cookie < ReplicasInfo.size());
- auto &xinfo = ReplicasInfo[cookie];
- if (xinfo.ReplyTime.GetValue() != Max<ui64>())
- return;
- xinfo.ReplyTime = ctx.Now();
- --WaitingForReplicas;
- if (record.GetStatus() == NKikimrProto::OK) {
+ auto &xinfo = ReplicasInfo[cookie];
+ if (xinfo.ReplyTime.GetValue() != Max<ui64>())
+ return;
+ xinfo.ReplyTime = ctx.Now();
+ --WaitingForReplicas;
+ if (record.GetStatus() == NKikimrProto::OK) {
if (record.HasCurrentLeader())
xinfo.CurrentLeader = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetCurrentLeader());
if (record.HasCurrentLeaderTablet())
xinfo.CurrentLeaderTablet = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetCurrentLeaderTablet());
- xinfo.CurrentGeneration = record.HasCurrentGeneration() ? record.GetCurrentGeneration() : 0;
- xinfo.Locked = record.HasLocked() ? record.GetLocked() : false;
- xinfo.LockedFor = record.HasLockedFor() ? record.GetLockedFor() : 0;
- }
- xinfo.ConfigContentHash = record.GetConfigContentHash();
- return CheckCompletion(ctx);
- }
- void HandleInit(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ xinfo.CurrentGeneration = record.HasCurrentGeneration() ? record.GetCurrentGeneration() : 0;
+ xinfo.Locked = record.HasLocked() ? record.GetLocked() : false;
+ xinfo.LockedFor = record.HasLockedFor() ? record.GetLockedFor() : 0;
+ }
+ xinfo.ConfigContentHash = record.GetConfigContentHash();
+ return CheckCompletion(ctx);
+ }
+ void HandleInit(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- return Reply("unknown state storage", ctx);
- }
- void HandleCollect(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- for (auto &x : ReplicasInfo) {
- if (x.ActorID == ev->Sender) {
- if (x.ReplyTime.GetValue() == Max<ui64>()) {
- x.ReplyTime = ctx.Now();
- --WaitingForReplicas;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return CheckCompletion(ctx);
- }
- void Timeout(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- return Reply("timeout", ctx);
- }
+ return Reply("unknown state storage", ctx);
+ }
+ void HandleCollect(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ for (auto &x : ReplicasInfo) {
+ if (x.ActorID == ev->Sender) {
+ if (x.ReplyTime.GetValue() == Max<ui64>()) {
+ x.ReplyTime = ctx.Now();
+ --WaitingForReplicas;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return CheckCompletion(ctx);
+ }
+ void Timeout(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ return Reply("timeout", ctx);
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_MON;
TStateStorageMonitoringActor(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &sender, const TString &query)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Sender(sender)
- , Query(query)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Sender(sender)
+ , Query(query)
, ProxyReplyTime(TDuration::MicroSeconds(Max<ui64>()))
- , WaitingForReplicas(0)
+ , WaitingForReplicas(0)
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- // try to send monitoring request to proxy
- const ui64 stateStorageGroup = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(TabletID);
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ // try to send monitoring request to proxy
+ const ui64 stateStorageGroup = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(TabletID);
const TActorId proxyActorID = MakeStateStorageProxyID(stateStorageGroup);
- BeginMoment = ctx.Now();
- ctx.Send(proxyActorID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas(TabletID), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
- ctx.Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(10), new TEvents::TEvWakeup()); // global timeout
- Become(&TThis::StateInit);
- }
- STFUNC(StateInit) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleInit);
- CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Timeout);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateCollect) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleCollect);
- CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Timeout);
- }
- }
+ BeginMoment = ctx.Now();
+ ctx.Send(proxyActorID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas(TabletID), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
+ ctx.Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(10), new TEvents::TEvWakeup()); // global timeout
+ Become(&TThis::StateInit);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateInit) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleInit);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Timeout);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateCollect) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleCollect);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Timeout);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateStateStorageMonitoringActor(ui64 targetTablet, const TActorId &sender, const TString &query) {
- return new TStateStorageMonitoringActor(targetTablet, sender, query);
+ return new TStateStorageMonitoringActor(targetTablet, sender, query);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_proxy.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_proxy.cpp
index 969e31bb31..13d396cb0f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_proxy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_proxy.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#include "statestorage_impl.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
+#include "statestorage_impl.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/compile_time_flags.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
@@ -10,594 +10,594 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/helpers/flow_controlled_queue.h>
-#include <util/digest/city.h>
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-// make configurable, here is no sense in too low ttl
-const static ui64 StateStorageRequestTimeout = 30 * 1000 * 1000;
-class TStateStorageProxyRequest : public TActor<TStateStorageProxyRequest> {
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> Info;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> FlowControlledInfo;
- const bool UseInterconnectSubscribes;
- ui64 TabletID;
- ui64 Cookie;
- TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions ProxyOptions;
- ui32 SuggestedGeneration;
- ui32 SuggestedStep;
+#include <util/digest/city.h>
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+namespace NKikimr {
+// make configurable, here is no sense in too low ttl
+const static ui64 StateStorageRequestTimeout = 30 * 1000 * 1000;
+class TStateStorageProxyRequest : public TActor<TStateStorageProxyRequest> {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> Info;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> FlowControlledInfo;
+ const bool UseInterconnectSubscribes;
+ ui64 TabletID;
+ ui64 Cookie;
+ TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions ProxyOptions;
+ ui32 SuggestedGeneration;
+ ui32 SuggestedStep;
TActorId SuggestedLeader;
TActorId SuggestedLeaderTablet;
TActorId Source;
- ui32 Replicas;
- THolder<TStateStorageInfo::TSelection> ReplicaSelection;
- TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
- TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::EStatus ReplyStatus;
- ui32 RepliesMerged;
- ui32 RepliesAfterReply;
- ui32 SignaturesMerged;
+ ui32 Replicas;
+ THolder<TStateStorageInfo::TSelection> ReplicaSelection;
+ TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
+ TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::EStatus ReplyStatus;
+ ui32 RepliesMerged;
+ ui32 RepliesAfterReply;
+ ui32 SignaturesMerged;
TActorId ReplyLeader;
TActorId ReplyLeaderTablet;
- ui32 ReplyGeneration;
- ui32 ReplyStep;
- bool ReplyLocked;
- ui64 ReplyLockedFor;
+ ui32 ReplyGeneration;
+ ui32 ReplyStep;
+ bool ReplyLocked;
+ ui64 ReplyLockedFor;
TMap<TActorId, TActorId> Followers;
- void SelectRequestReplicas(TStateStorageInfo *info) {
- THolder<TStateStorageInfo::TSelection> selection(new TStateStorageInfo::TSelection());
- info->SelectReplicas(TabletID, selection.Get());
- Replicas = selection->Sz;
- ReplicaSelection = std::move(selection);
- Signature.Reset(new ui64[Replicas]);
- Fill(Signature.Get(), Signature.Get() + Replicas, 0);
- }
- template<typename T>
- void SendRequest(const T &op) {
- Y_VERIFY(ReplicaSelection && ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas && ReplicaSelection->Sz);
- ui64 cookie = 0;
- const ui32 sendFlags = IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | (UseInterconnectSubscribes ? IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession : 0);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < ReplicaSelection->Sz; ++i, ++cookie)
- Send(ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas[i], op(cookie), sendFlags, cookie);
- }
- void PassAway() override {
- if (UseInterconnectSubscribes && ReplicaSelection) {
+ void SelectRequestReplicas(TStateStorageInfo *info) {
+ THolder<TStateStorageInfo::TSelection> selection(new TStateStorageInfo::TSelection());
+ info->SelectReplicas(TabletID, selection.Get());
+ Replicas = selection->Sz;
+ ReplicaSelection = std::move(selection);
+ Signature.Reset(new ui64[Replicas]);
+ Fill(Signature.Get(), Signature.Get() + Replicas, 0);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ void SendRequest(const T &op) {
+ Y_VERIFY(ReplicaSelection && ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas && ReplicaSelection->Sz);
+ ui64 cookie = 0;
+ const ui32 sendFlags = IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | (UseInterconnectSubscribes ? IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession : 0);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < ReplicaSelection->Sz; ++i, ++cookie)
+ Send(ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas[i], op(cookie), sendFlags, cookie);
+ }
+ void PassAway() override {
+ if (UseInterconnectSubscribes && ReplicaSelection) {
const ui32 selfNode = SelfId().NodeId();
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < ReplicaSelection->Sz; ++i) {
- const ui32 node = ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas[i].NodeId();
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < ReplicaSelection->Sz; ++i) {
+ const ui32 node = ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas[i].NodeId();
if (node != selfNode) {
Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(node), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- }
- }
- TActor::PassAway();
- }
- void Reply(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status) {
+ }
+ }
+ TActor::PassAway();
+ }
+ void Reply(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status) {
Send(Source, new TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo(status, TabletID, Cookie, ReplyLeader, ReplyLeaderTablet, ReplyGeneration, ReplyStep, ReplyLocked, ReplyLockedFor, Signature.Get(), Replicas, Followers));
- }
- void ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status) {
- Reply(status);
- PassAway();
- }
- void ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status) {
- Reply(status);
- if (ProxyOptions.SigWaitMode == ProxyOptions.SigAsync && RepliesMerged != Replicas)
- Become(&TThis::StateUpdateSig);
- else
- PassAway();
- }
- struct TCloneUpdateEventOp {
- const TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate * const Ev;
+ }
+ void ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status) {
+ Reply(status);
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status) {
+ Reply(status);
+ if (ProxyOptions.SigWaitMode == ProxyOptions.SigAsync && RepliesMerged != Replicas)
+ Become(&TThis::StateUpdateSig);
+ else
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ struct TCloneUpdateEventOp {
+ const TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate * const Ev;
const bool UpdateLeaderTablet;
- mutable ui32 Idx;
- TCloneUpdateEventOp(const TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate *ev)
- : Ev(ev)
+ mutable ui32 Idx;
+ TCloneUpdateEventOp(const TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate *ev)
+ : Ev(ev)
, UpdateLeaderTablet(!!ev->ProposedLeaderTablet)
- , Idx(0)
- {}
- IEventBase* operator()(ui64 cookie) const {
- THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate> req(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate());
- req->Record.SetTabletID(Ev->TabletID);
+ , Idx(0)
+ {}
+ IEventBase* operator()(ui64 cookie) const {
+ THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate> req(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate());
+ req->Record.SetTabletID(Ev->TabletID);
ActorIdToProto(Ev->ProposedLeader, req->Record.MutableProposedLeader());
if (UpdateLeaderTablet)
ActorIdToProto(Ev->ProposedLeaderTablet, req->Record.MutableProposedLeaderTablet());
- req->Record.SetProposedGeneration(Ev->ProposedGeneration);
- req->Record.SetProposedStep(Ev->ProposedStep);
- req->Record.SetSignature(Ev->Signature[Idx]);
- ++Idx;
- req->Record.SetCookie(cookie);
- return req.Release();
- }
- };
- struct TCloneLockEventOp {
- const TEvStateStorage::TEvLock * const Ev;
- mutable ui32 Idx;
- TCloneLockEventOp(const TEvStateStorage::TEvLock *ev)
- : Ev(ev)
- , Idx(0)
- {}
- IEventBase* operator()(ui64 cookie) const {
- THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock> req(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock());
- req->Record.SetTabletID(Ev->TabletID);
+ req->Record.SetProposedGeneration(Ev->ProposedGeneration);
+ req->Record.SetProposedStep(Ev->ProposedStep);
+ req->Record.SetSignature(Ev->Signature[Idx]);
+ ++Idx;
+ req->Record.SetCookie(cookie);
+ return req.Release();
+ }
+ };
+ struct TCloneLockEventOp {
+ const TEvStateStorage::TEvLock * const Ev;
+ mutable ui32 Idx;
+ TCloneLockEventOp(const TEvStateStorage::TEvLock *ev)
+ : Ev(ev)
+ , Idx(0)
+ {}
+ IEventBase* operator()(ui64 cookie) const {
+ THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock> req(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock());
+ req->Record.SetTabletID(Ev->TabletID);
ActorIdToProto(Ev->ProposedLeader, req->Record.MutableProposedLeader());
- req->Record.SetProposedGeneration(Ev->ProposedGeneration);
- req->Record.SetSignature(Ev->Signature[Idx]);
- ++Idx;
- req->Record.SetCookie(cookie);
- return req.Release();
- }
- };
- void MergeNodeError(ui32 node) {
- ui64 cookie = 0;
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < ReplicaSelection->Sz; ++i, ++cookie) {
- const ui32 replicaNode = ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas[i].NodeId();
- if (replicaNode == node)
- MergeConnectionError(cookie);
- }
- }
- void MergeConnectionError(ui64 cookie) {
+ req->Record.SetProposedGeneration(Ev->ProposedGeneration);
+ req->Record.SetSignature(Ev->Signature[Idx]);
+ ++Idx;
+ req->Record.SetCookie(cookie);
+ return req.Release();
+ }
+ };
+ void MergeNodeError(ui32 node) {
+ ui64 cookie = 0;
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < ReplicaSelection->Sz; ++i, ++cookie) {
+ const ui32 replicaNode = ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas[i].NodeId();
+ if (replicaNode == node)
+ MergeConnectionError(cookie);
+ }
+ }
+ void MergeConnectionError(ui64 cookie) {
Y_VERIFY(cookie < Replicas);
- if (Signature[cookie] == 0) {
- Signature[cookie] = Max<ui64>();
- ++RepliesMerged;
- ReplicaSelection->MergeReply(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo, &ReplyStatus, cookie, false);
- }
- }
- void MergeReply(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo *ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Record;
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status = record.GetStatus();
- const ui64 cookie = record.GetCookie();
- Y_VERIFY(cookie < Replicas);
- Y_VERIFY(Signature[cookie] == 0 || Signature[cookie] == Max<ui64>());
- Signature[cookie] = ev->Record.GetSignature();
- ++RepliesMerged;
- ++SignaturesMerged;
- if (status == NKikimrProto::OK) {
- const ui32 gen = record.GetCurrentGeneration();
- const ui32 step = record.GetCurrentStep();
+ if (Signature[cookie] == 0) {
+ Signature[cookie] = Max<ui64>();
+ ++RepliesMerged;
+ ReplicaSelection->MergeReply(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo, &ReplyStatus, cookie, false);
+ }
+ }
+ void MergeReply(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo *ev) {
+ const auto &record = ev->Record;
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status = record.GetStatus();
+ const ui64 cookie = record.GetCookie();
+ Y_VERIFY(cookie < Replicas);
+ Y_VERIFY(Signature[cookie] == 0 || Signature[cookie] == Max<ui64>());
+ Signature[cookie] = ev->Record.GetSignature();
+ ++RepliesMerged;
+ ++SignaturesMerged;
+ if (status == NKikimrProto::OK) {
+ const ui32 gen = record.GetCurrentGeneration();
+ const ui32 step = record.GetCurrentStep();
const TActorId leader = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetCurrentLeader());
if (gen < ReplyGeneration || (gen == ReplyGeneration && step < ReplyStep)) {
- ReplicaSelection->MergeReply(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated, &ReplyStatus, cookie, false);
- } else {
+ ReplicaSelection->MergeReply(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated, &ReplyStatus, cookie, false);
+ } else {
const bool reset = gen > ReplyGeneration || step > ReplyStep || leader != ReplyLeader;
const TActorId replyLeaderTablet = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetCurrentLeaderTablet());
- ReplyGeneration = gen;
- ReplyStep = step;
+ ReplyGeneration = gen;
+ ReplyStep = step;
if (ReplyLeader != leader) {
ReplyLeader = leader;
ReplyLeaderTablet = replyLeaderTablet;
} else if (!ReplyLeaderTablet) {
ReplyLeaderTablet = replyLeaderTablet;
- } else {
+ } else {
Y_VERIFY(ReplyLeaderTablet == replyLeaderTablet || !replyLeaderTablet);
- }
- // todo: accurate handling of locked flag
- ReplyLocked = (reset ? false : ReplyLocked) || record.GetLocked();
- ReplyLockedFor = reset ? record.GetLockedFor() : Max(ReplyLockedFor, record.GetLockedFor());
- ReplicaSelection->MergeReply(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk, &ReplyStatus, cookie, reset);
- }
- } else if (status == NKikimrProto::ERROR) {
- ReplicaSelection->MergeReply(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo, &ReplyStatus, cookie, false);
- } else {
+ }
+ // todo: accurate handling of locked flag
+ ReplyLocked = (reset ? false : ReplyLocked) || record.GetLocked();
+ ReplyLockedFor = reset ? record.GetLockedFor() : Max(ReplyLockedFor, record.GetLockedFor());
+ ReplicaSelection->MergeReply(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk, &ReplyStatus, cookie, reset);
+ }
+ } else if (status == NKikimrProto::ERROR) {
+ ReplicaSelection->MergeReply(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo, &ReplyStatus, cookie, false);
+ } else {
- }
+ }
for (ui32 i = 0, end = record.FollowerSize(); i < end; ++i) {
Followers[ActorIdFromProto(record.GetFollower(i))] = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetFollowerTablet(i));
- }
- }
- template<typename TEv>
- void PrepareInit(TEv *ev, bool allowFlowControlled) {
- TabletID = ev->TabletID;
- Cookie = ev->Cookie;
- ProxyOptions = ev->ProxyOptions;
- if (allowFlowControlled && FlowControlledInfo.Get() && KIKIMR_ALLOW_FLOWCONTROLLED_QUEUE_FOR_SSLOOKUP)
- SelectRequestReplicas(FlowControlledInfo.Get());
- else
- SelectRequestReplicas(Info.Get());
- }
- // request setup
- void HandleInit(TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup *msg = ev->Get();
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleInit ev: " << msg->ToString());
- Source = ev->Sender;
- PrepareInit(msg, true);
- SendRequest([this](ui64 cookie) { return new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup(TabletID, cookie); });
- Become(&TThis::StateLookup, TDuration::MicroSeconds(StateStorageRequestTimeout), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
- void HandleInit(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate *msg = ev->Get();
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleInit ev: %s" << msg->ToString());
- Source = ev->Sender;
- PrepareInit(msg, false);
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename TEv>
+ void PrepareInit(TEv *ev, bool allowFlowControlled) {
+ TabletID = ev->TabletID;
+ Cookie = ev->Cookie;
+ ProxyOptions = ev->ProxyOptions;
+ if (allowFlowControlled && FlowControlledInfo.Get() && KIKIMR_ALLOW_FLOWCONTROLLED_QUEUE_FOR_SSLOOKUP)
+ SelectRequestReplicas(FlowControlledInfo.Get());
+ else
+ SelectRequestReplicas(Info.Get());
+ }
+ // request setup
+ void HandleInit(TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup *msg = ev->Get();
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleInit ev: " << msg->ToString());
+ Source = ev->Sender;
+ PrepareInit(msg, true);
+ SendRequest([this](ui64 cookie) { return new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup(TabletID, cookie); });
+ Become(&TThis::StateLookup, TDuration::MicroSeconds(StateStorageRequestTimeout), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
+ void HandleInit(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate *msg = ev->Get();
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleInit ev: %s" << msg->ToString());
+ Source = ev->Sender;
+ PrepareInit(msg, false);
SuggestedLeader = msg->ProposedLeader;
SuggestedLeaderTablet = msg->ProposedLeaderTablet;
- SuggestedGeneration = msg->ProposedGeneration;
- SuggestedStep = msg->ProposedStep;
- if (msg->SignatureSz == Replicas) {
- TCloneUpdateEventOp op(msg);
- SendRequest(op);
- Become(&TThis::StateUpdate, TDuration::MicroSeconds(StateStorageRequestTimeout), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- } else {
- // wrong signature, reply with no-info (but correct signature count)
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
- }
- }
- void HandleInit(TEvStateStorage::TEvLock::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvStateStorage::TEvLock *msg = ev->Get();
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleInit ev: " << msg->ToString());
- Source = ev->Sender;
- PrepareInit(msg, false);
+ SuggestedGeneration = msg->ProposedGeneration;
+ SuggestedStep = msg->ProposedStep;
+ if (msg->SignatureSz == Replicas) {
+ TCloneUpdateEventOp op(msg);
+ SendRequest(op);
+ Become(&TThis::StateUpdate, TDuration::MicroSeconds(StateStorageRequestTimeout), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ } else {
+ // wrong signature, reply with no-info (but correct signature count)
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleInit(TEvStateStorage::TEvLock::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvLock *msg = ev->Get();
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleInit ev: " << msg->ToString());
+ Source = ev->Sender;
+ PrepareInit(msg, false);
SuggestedLeader = msg->ProposedLeader;
- SuggestedGeneration = msg->ProposedGeneration;
- SuggestedStep = 0;
- if (msg->SignatureSz == Replicas) {
- TCloneLockEventOp op(msg);
- SendRequest(op);
- Become(&TThis::StateUpdate, TDuration::MicroSeconds(StateStorageRequestTimeout), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- } else { // wrong signature, reply with no-info (but correct signature count)
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
- }
- }
- // lookup handling
- void HandleLookupTimeout() {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleLookupTimeout");
- switch (ReplyStatus) {
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown:
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT);
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk:
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::OK);
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo:
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated:
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::RACE);
- return;
- }
+ SuggestedGeneration = msg->ProposedGeneration;
+ SuggestedStep = 0;
+ if (msg->SignatureSz == Replicas) {
+ TCloneLockEventOp op(msg);
+ SendRequest(op);
+ Become(&TThis::StateUpdate, TDuration::MicroSeconds(StateStorageRequestTimeout), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ } else { // wrong signature, reply with no-info (but correct signature count)
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ // lookup handling
+ void HandleLookupTimeout() {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleLookupTimeout");
+ switch (ReplyStatus) {
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown:
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT);
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk:
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::OK);
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo:
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated:
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::RACE);
+ return;
+ }
- PassAway();
- }
- void CheckLookupReply() {
- const ui32 majority = (Replicas / 2 + 1);
- const bool allowReply = ProxyOptions.SigWaitMode == ProxyOptions.SigNone
- || (ProxyOptions.SigWaitMode == ProxyOptions.SigAsync && SignaturesMerged >= majority)
- || RepliesMerged == Replicas;
- if (allowReply) {
- switch (ReplyStatus) {
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown:
- return; // not yet ready, do nothing
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk:
- ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::OK);
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo:
- if (RepliesMerged == Replicas) // for negative response always waits for full reply set to avoid herding of good replicas by fast retry cycle
- ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated:
- ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::RACE);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void HandleLookup(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleLookup ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
- MergeNodeError(node);
- CheckLookupReply();
- }
- void HandleLookup(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleLookup ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- const ui64 cookie = ev->Cookie;
- MergeConnectionError(cookie);
- CheckLookupReply();
- }
- void HandleLookup(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleLookup ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo *msg = ev->Get();
- MergeReply(msg);
- CheckLookupReply();
- }
- // update handling
- void HandleUpdateTimeout() {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateTimeout");
- switch (ReplyStatus) {
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown:
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT);
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk:
- {
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void CheckLookupReply() {
+ const ui32 majority = (Replicas / 2 + 1);
+ const bool allowReply = ProxyOptions.SigWaitMode == ProxyOptions.SigNone
+ || (ProxyOptions.SigWaitMode == ProxyOptions.SigAsync && SignaturesMerged >= majority)
+ || RepliesMerged == Replicas;
+ if (allowReply) {
+ switch (ReplyStatus) {
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown:
+ return; // not yet ready, do nothing
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk:
+ ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::OK);
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo:
+ if (RepliesMerged == Replicas) // for negative response always waits for full reply set to avoid herding of good replicas by fast retry cycle
+ ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated:
+ ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::RACE);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleLookup(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleLookup ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
+ const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
+ MergeNodeError(node);
+ CheckLookupReply();
+ }
+ void HandleLookup(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleLookup ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
+ const ui64 cookie = ev->Cookie;
+ MergeConnectionError(cookie);
+ CheckLookupReply();
+ }
+ void HandleLookup(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleLookup ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ MergeReply(msg);
+ CheckLookupReply();
+ }
+ // update handling
+ void HandleUpdateTimeout() {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateTimeout");
+ switch (ReplyStatus) {
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown:
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT);
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk:
+ {
const bool race = (ReplyLeader != SuggestedLeader || ReplyGeneration != SuggestedGeneration);
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status = race ? NKikimrProto::RACE : NKikimrProto::OK;
- ReplyAndDie(status);
- }
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo:
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated:
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::RACE);
- return;
- }
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status = race ? NKikimrProto::RACE : NKikimrProto::OK;
+ ReplyAndDie(status);
+ }
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo:
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated:
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::RACE);
+ return;
+ }
- PassAway();
- }
- void CheckUpdateReply() {
- const bool allowReply = ProxyOptions.SigWaitMode != ProxyOptions.SigSync || RepliesMerged == Replicas;
- if (allowReply) {
- switch (ReplyStatus) {
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown:
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk:
- {
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void CheckUpdateReply() {
+ const bool allowReply = ProxyOptions.SigWaitMode != ProxyOptions.SigSync || RepliesMerged == Replicas;
+ if (allowReply) {
+ switch (ReplyStatus) {
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown:
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOk:
+ {
const bool race = (ReplyLeader != SuggestedLeader || ReplyGeneration != SuggestedGeneration); // step overrun is consumed
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status = race ? NKikimrProto::RACE : NKikimrProto::OK;
- ReplyAndSig(status);
- }
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo:
- // should not happens for update queries
- ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
- return;
- case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated:
- ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::RACE);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void HandleUpdate(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdate ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
- MergeNodeError(node);
- CheckUpdateReply();
- }
- void HandleUpdate(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdate ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- const ui64 cookie = ev->Cookie;
- MergeConnectionError(cookie);
- CheckUpdateReply();
- }
- void HandleUpdate(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdate ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo *msg = ev->Get();
- MergeReply(msg);
- CheckUpdateReply();
- }
- // async wait for full signature
- void MergeSigNodeError(ui32 node) {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < ReplicaSelection->Sz; ++i) {
- const ui32 replicaNode = ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas[i].NodeId();
- if (replicaNode == node) {
- if (Signature[i] == 0) {
- Signature[i] = Max<ui64>();
- ++RepliesAfterReply;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void UpdateSigFor(ui64 cookie, ui64 sig) {
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status = race ? NKikimrProto::RACE : NKikimrProto::OK;
+ ReplyAndSig(status);
+ }
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusNoInfo:
+ // should not happens for update queries
+ ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
+ return;
+ case TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusOutdated:
+ ReplyAndSig(NKikimrProto::RACE);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleUpdate(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdate ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
+ const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
+ MergeNodeError(node);
+ CheckUpdateReply();
+ }
+ void HandleUpdate(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdate ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
+ const ui64 cookie = ev->Cookie;
+ MergeConnectionError(cookie);
+ CheckUpdateReply();
+ }
+ void HandleUpdate(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdate ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ MergeReply(msg);
+ CheckUpdateReply();
+ }
+ // async wait for full signature
+ void MergeSigNodeError(ui32 node) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < ReplicaSelection->Sz; ++i) {
+ const ui32 replicaNode = ReplicaSelection->SelectedReplicas[i].NodeId();
+ if (replicaNode == node) {
+ if (Signature[i] == 0) {
+ Signature[i] = Max<ui64>();
+ ++RepliesAfterReply;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void UpdateSigFor(ui64 cookie, ui64 sig) {
+ Y_VERIFY(cookie < Replicas);
+ if (Signature[cookie] == 0) {
+ Signature[cookie] = sig;
+ ++RepliesAfterReply;
+ ++SignaturesMerged;
+ if (RepliesMerged + RepliesAfterReply == Replicas) {
+ Send(Source, new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature(TabletID, Signature.Get(), Replicas));
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleUpdateSig(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
+ const ui64 cookie = ev->Cookie;
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateSig undelivered for: " << cookie);
+ return UpdateSigFor(cookie, Max<ui64>());
+ }
+ void HandleUpdateSig(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
+ const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateSig node disconnected: " << node);
+ MergeSigNodeError(node);
+ if (RepliesMerged + RepliesAfterReply == Replicas) {
+ Send(Source, new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature(TabletID, Signature.Get(), Replicas));
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleUpdateSig(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateSig ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui64 cookie = msg->Record.GetCookie();
Y_VERIFY(cookie < Replicas);
- if (Signature[cookie] == 0) {
- Signature[cookie] = sig;
- ++RepliesAfterReply;
- ++SignaturesMerged;
- if (RepliesMerged + RepliesAfterReply == Replicas) {
- Send(Source, new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature(TabletID, Signature.Get(), Replicas));
- return PassAway();
- }
- }
- }
- void HandleUpdateSig(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
- const ui64 cookie = ev->Cookie;
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateSig undelivered for: " << cookie);
- return UpdateSigFor(cookie, Max<ui64>());
- }
- void HandleUpdateSig(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
- const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateSig node disconnected: " << node);
- MergeSigNodeError(node);
- if (RepliesMerged + RepliesAfterReply == Replicas) {
- Send(Source, new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature(TabletID, Signature.Get(), Replicas));
- return PassAway();
- }
- }
- void HandleUpdateSig(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateSig ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 cookie = msg->Record.GetCookie();
- Y_VERIFY(cookie < Replicas);
- Y_VERIFY(Signature[cookie] == 0 || Signature[cookie] == Max<ui64>());
- return UpdateSigFor(cookie, msg->Record.GetSignature());
- }
- void HandleUpdateSigTimeout() {
- BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateSigTimeout RepliesAfterReply# " << (ui32)RepliesAfterReply);
- if (RepliesAfterReply > 0)
- Send(Source, new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature(TabletID, Signature.Get(), Replicas));
- PassAway();
- }
+ Y_VERIFY(Signature[cookie] == 0 || Signature[cookie] == Max<ui64>());
+ return UpdateSigFor(cookie, msg->Record.GetSignature());
+ }
+ void HandleUpdateSigTimeout() {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyRequest::HandleUpdateSigTimeout RepliesAfterReply# " << (ui32)RepliesAfterReply);
+ if (RepliesAfterReply > 0)
+ Send(Source, new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature(TabletID, Signature.Get(), Replicas));
+ PassAway();
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_PROXY_REQUEST;
- TStateStorageProxyRequest(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &flowControlledInfo)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
- , Info(info)
- , FlowControlledInfo(flowControlledInfo)
+ TStateStorageProxyRequest(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &flowControlledInfo)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ , Info(info)
+ , FlowControlledInfo(flowControlledInfo)
, UseInterconnectSubscribes(true)
- , TabletID(0)
- , Cookie(0)
- , SuggestedGeneration(0)
- , SuggestedStep(0)
+ , TabletID(0)
+ , Cookie(0)
+ , SuggestedGeneration(0)
+ , SuggestedStep(0)
, Replicas(0)
- , ReplyStatus(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown)
- , RepliesMerged(0)
- , RepliesAfterReply(0)
- , SignaturesMerged(0)
- , ReplyGeneration(0)
- , ReplyStep(0)
- , ReplyLocked(false)
- , ReplyLockedFor(0)
+ , ReplyStatus(TStateStorageInfo::TSelection::StatusUnknown)
+ , RepliesMerged(0)
+ , RepliesAfterReply(0)
+ , SignaturesMerged(0)
+ , ReplyGeneration(0)
+ , ReplyStep(0)
+ , ReplyLocked(false)
+ , ReplyLockedFor(0)
- STATEFN(StateInit) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup, HandleInit);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate, HandleInit);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvLock, HandleInit);
+ STATEFN(StateInit) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup, HandleInit);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate, HandleInit);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvLock, HandleInit);
- BLOG_W("ProxyRequest::StateInit unexpected event type# "
+ BLOG_W("ProxyRequest::StateInit unexpected event type# "
<< ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event: "
<< TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
- }
- }
- // main lookup
- STATEFN(StateLookup) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, HandleLookup);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleLookup);
+ }
+ }
+ // main lookup
+ STATEFN(StateLookup) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, HandleLookup);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleLookup);
- hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleLookup);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleLookupTimeout);
+ hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleLookup);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleLookupTimeout);
- BLOG_W("ProxyRequest::StateLookup unexpected event type# "
+ BLOG_W("ProxyRequest::StateLookup unexpected event type# "
<< ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event: "
<< TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
- }
- }
- // both update and lock
- STATEFN(StateUpdate) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, HandleUpdate);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleUpdate);
+ }
+ }
+ // both update and lock
+ STATEFN(StateUpdate) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, HandleUpdate);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleUpdate);
- hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleUpdate);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleUpdateTimeout);
+ hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleUpdate);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleUpdateTimeout);
- BLOG_W("ProxyRequest::StateUpdate unexpected event type# "
+ BLOG_W("ProxyRequest::StateUpdate unexpected event type# "
<< ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event: "
<< TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
- }
- }
- // already replied, async signature update
- STATEFN(StateUpdateSig) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, HandleUpdateSig);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleUpdateSig);
+ }
+ }
+ // already replied, async signature update
+ STATEFN(StateUpdateSig) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, HandleUpdateSig);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleUpdateSig);
- hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleUpdateSig);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleUpdateSigTimeout);
+ hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleUpdateSig);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleUpdateSigTimeout);
- BLOG_W("ProxyRequest::StateUpdateSig unexpected event type# "
+ BLOG_W("ProxyRequest::StateUpdateSig unexpected event type# "
<< ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event: "
<< TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
class TStateStorageDumpRequest : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageDumpRequest> {
const TActorId Sender;
@@ -617,51 +617,51 @@ public:
, UndeliveredCount(0)
- void SendResponse() {
- Send(Sender, Response.Release());
- PassAway();
+ void SendResponse() {
+ Send(Sender, Response.Release());
+ PassAway();
- void Bootstrap() {
+ void Bootstrap() {
Response = new TEvStateStorage::TEvResponseReplicasDumps();
- AllReplicas = Info->SelectAllReplicas();
+ AllReplicas = Info->SelectAllReplicas();
if (!AllReplicas.empty()) {
for (const TActorId &replica : AllReplicas) {
- Send(replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDumpRequest(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
+ Send(replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDumpRequest(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
- Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(60), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(60), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
} else {
- SendResponse();
+ SendResponse();
- STATEFN(StateRequestedDumps) {
+ STATEFN(StateRequestedDumps) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDump, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Undelivered);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, Timeout);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDump, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Undelivered);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, Timeout);
- void OnResponseReceived() {
+ void OnResponseReceived() {
if (Response->ReplicasDumps.size() + UndeliveredCount >= AllReplicas.size())
- SendResponse();
+ SendResponse();
- void Undelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &) {
+ void Undelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &) {
- OnResponseReceived();
+ OnResponseReceived();
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDump::TPtr &ev) {
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDump::TPtr &ev) {
Response->ReplicasDumps.emplace_back(std::make_pair(ev->Sender, ev->Release()));
- OnResponseReceived();
+ OnResponseReceived();
- void Timeout() {
- SendResponse();
+ void Timeout() {
+ SendResponse();
@@ -687,85 +687,85 @@ public:
, TabletID(tabletId)
- void SendResponse() {
- Send(Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvDeleteResult(TabletID, Count > AllReplicas.size() / 2 ? NKikimrProto::OK : NKikimrProto::ERROR));
- PassAway();
+ void SendResponse() {
+ Send(Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvDeleteResult(TabletID, Count > AllReplicas.size() / 2 ? NKikimrProto::OK : NKikimrProto::ERROR));
+ PassAway();
- void Bootstrap() {
- AllReplicas = Info->SelectAllReplicas();
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ AllReplicas = Info->SelectAllReplicas();
if (!AllReplicas.empty()) {
for (const TActorId &replica : AllReplicas) {
- Send(replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete(TabletID), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
+ Send(replica, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete(TabletID), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
- Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(60), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(60), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
} else {
- SendResponse();
+ SendResponse();
- STATEFN(StateRequestedDelete) {
+ STATEFN(StateRequestedDelete) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Undelivered);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, Timeout);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Undelivered);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, Timeout);
- void OnResponseReceived() {
+ void OnResponseReceived() {
if (Count + UndeliveredCount >= AllReplicas.size())
- SendResponse();
+ SendResponse();
- void Undelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &) {
+ void Undelivered(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &) {
- OnResponseReceived();
+ OnResponseReceived();
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &) {
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo::TPtr &) {
- OnResponseReceived();
+ OnResponseReceived();
- void Timeout() {
- SendResponse();
+ void Timeout() {
+ SendResponse();
-class TStateStorageProxy : public TActor<TStateStorageProxy> {
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> Info;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> BoardInfo;
+class TStateStorageProxy : public TActor<TStateStorageProxy> {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> Info;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> BoardInfo;
TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> SchemeBoardInfo;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> FlowControlledInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> FlowControlledInfo;
TMap<TActorId, TActorId> ReplicaProbes;
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvRequestReplicasDumps::TPtr &ev) {
- TActivationContext::Register(new TStateStorageDumpRequest(ev->Sender, Info));
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvDelete::TPtr &ev) {
- TActivationContext::Register(new TStateStorageDeleteRequest(ev->Sender, Info, ev->Get()->TabletID));
- }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvRequestReplicasDumps::TPtr &ev) {
+ TActivationContext::Register(new TStateStorageDumpRequest(ev->Sender, Info));
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvDelete::TPtr &ev) {
+ TActivationContext::Register(new TStateStorageDeleteRequest(ev->Sender, Info, ev->Get()->TabletID));
+ }
void SpreadCleanupRequest(const TStateStorageInfo::TSelection &selection, ui64 tabletId, TActorId proposedLeader) {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < selection.Sz; ++i)
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < selection.Sz; ++i)
Send(selection.SelectedReplicas[i], new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaCleanup(tabletId, proposedLeader));
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvCleanup::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto *msg = ev->Get();
- THolder<TStateStorageInfo::TSelection> selection(new TStateStorageInfo::TSelection());
- Info->SelectReplicas(msg->TabletID, selection.Get());
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvCleanup::TPtr &ev) {
+ const auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ THolder<TStateStorageInfo::TSelection> selection(new TStateStorageInfo::TSelection());
+ Info->SelectReplicas(msg->TabletID, selection.Get());
SpreadCleanupRequest(*selection, msg->TabletID, msg->ProposedLeader);
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas::TPtr &ev) {
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas::TPtr &ev) {
ResolveReplicas(ev, ev->Get()->TabletID, Info);
void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard::TPtr &ev) {
if (!BoardInfo) {
Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList(), 0, ev->Cookie);
@@ -786,166 +786,166 @@ class TStateStorageProxy : public TActor<TStateStorageProxy> {
const auto *msg = ev->Get();
- ui64 fakeTabletId;
+ ui64 fakeTabletId;
switch (msg->KeyType) {
case TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveSchemeBoard::KeyTypePath:
- fakeTabletId = CityHash64(msg->Path);
+ fakeTabletId = CityHash64(msg->Path);
case TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveSchemeBoard::KeyTypePathId:
- fakeTabletId = msg->PathId.Hash();
+ fakeTabletId = msg->PathId.Hash();
- ResolveReplicas(ev, fakeTabletId, SchemeBoardInfo);
+ ResolveReplicas(ev, fakeTabletId, SchemeBoardInfo);
void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoard::TPtr &ev) {
if (!SchemeBoardInfo) {
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoardResult(nullptr), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoardResult(nullptr), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ return;
+ }
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoardResult(SchemeBoardInfo), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
+ const auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected(msg->ReplicaId));
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoardResult(SchemeBoardInfo), 0, ev->Cookie);
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto *msg = ev->Get();
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected(msg->ReplicaId));
- return;
- }
- auto it = ReplicaProbes.find(msg->ReplicaId);
- if (it == ReplicaProbes.end()) {
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected(msg->ReplicaId));
- return;
- }
- TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(it->second));
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
- return;
- const auto *msg = ev->Get();
- auto it = ReplicaProbes.find(msg->ReplicaId);
- if (it != ReplicaProbes.end()) {
- TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(it->second));
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateGroupConfig::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> old = Info;
- Info = msg->GroupConfig;
- BoardInfo = msg->BoardConfig;
- SchemeBoardInfo = msg->SchemeBoardConfig;
- RegisterDerivedServices(TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem, old.Get());
- }
- void RegisterDerivedServices(TActorSystem *sys, const TStateStorageInfo *old) {
- RegisterReplicaProbes(sys);
- RegisterFlowContolled(sys, old);
- }
- void RegisterReplicaProbes(TActorSystem *sys) {
- return;
- for (auto &xpair : ReplicaProbes)
- sys->Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- ReplicaProbes.clear();
- for (auto &ring : Info->Rings)
+ auto it = ReplicaProbes.find(msg->ReplicaId);
+ if (it == ReplicaProbes.end()) {
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected(msg->ReplicaId));
+ return;
+ }
+ TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(it->second));
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
+ return;
+ const auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ auto it = ReplicaProbes.find(msg->ReplicaId);
+ if (it != ReplicaProbes.end()) {
+ TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(it->second));
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateGroupConfig::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> old = Info;
+ Info = msg->GroupConfig;
+ BoardInfo = msg->BoardConfig;
+ SchemeBoardInfo = msg->SchemeBoardConfig;
+ RegisterDerivedServices(TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem, old.Get());
+ }
+ void RegisterDerivedServices(TActorSystem *sys, const TStateStorageInfo *old) {
+ RegisterReplicaProbes(sys);
+ RegisterFlowContolled(sys, old);
+ }
+ void RegisterReplicaProbes(TActorSystem *sys) {
+ return;
+ for (auto &xpair : ReplicaProbes)
+ sys->Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ ReplicaProbes.clear();
+ for (auto &ring : Info->Rings)
for (const TActorId replicaId : ring.Replicas) {
const TActorId probeId = sys->Register(CreateStateStorageReplicaProbe(replicaId));
- ReplicaProbes.emplace(replicaId, probeId);
- }
- }
+ ReplicaProbes.emplace(replicaId, probeId);
+ }
+ }
template<typename TEventPtr>
void ResolveReplicas(const TEventPtr &ev, ui64 tabletId, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info) const {
- THolder<TStateStorageInfo::TSelection> selection(new TStateStorageInfo::TSelection());
- info->SelectReplicas(tabletId, selection.Get());
- TAutoPtr<TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList> reply(new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList());
- reply->Replicas.insert(reply->Replicas.end(), selection->SelectedReplicas.Get(), selection->SelectedReplicas.Get() + selection->Sz);
- reply->ConfigContentHash = info->ContentHash();
- Send(ev->Sender, reply.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
- }
- void RegisterFlowContolled(TActorSystem *sys, const TStateStorageInfo *old) {
- return;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> updated = new TStateStorageInfo();
- updated->StateStorageGroup = Info->StateStorageGroup;
- updated->NToSelect = Info->NToSelect;
- updated->Rings.resize(Info->Rings.size());
- const bool checkOldInfo = FlowControlledInfo && old
- && updated->StateStorageGroup == FlowControlledInfo->StateStorageGroup
- && updated->NToSelect == FlowControlledInfo->NToSelect
- && updated->Rings.size() == FlowControlledInfo->Rings.size();
- ui32 ringIdx = 0;
- for (const ui32 ringsSz = Info->Rings.size(); ringIdx < ringsSz; ++ringIdx) {
- const bool checkRing = checkOldInfo && (FlowControlledInfo->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas.size() == Info->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas.size());
- TStateStorageInfo::TRing &ctring = updated->Rings[ringIdx];
- TStateStorageInfo::TRing *fcring = checkRing ? &FlowControlledInfo->Rings[ringIdx] : nullptr;
- const auto &srcring = Info->Rings[ringIdx];
- const auto *oldring = checkRing ? &old->Rings[ringIdx] : nullptr;
- ctring.Replicas.resize(srcring.Replicas.size());
- ui32 replicaIdx = 0;
- for (const ui32 srcSize = srcring.Replicas.size(); replicaIdx < srcSize; ++replicaIdx) {
- if (checkRing && srcring.Replicas[replicaIdx] == oldring->Replicas[replicaIdx]) {
- ctring.Replicas[replicaIdx] = fcring->Replicas[replicaIdx];
+ THolder<TStateStorageInfo::TSelection> selection(new TStateStorageInfo::TSelection());
+ info->SelectReplicas(tabletId, selection.Get());
+ TAutoPtr<TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList> reply(new TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList());
+ reply->Replicas.insert(reply->Replicas.end(), selection->SelectedReplicas.Get(), selection->SelectedReplicas.Get() + selection->Sz);
+ reply->ConfigContentHash = info->ContentHash();
+ Send(ev->Sender, reply.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ }
+ void RegisterFlowContolled(TActorSystem *sys, const TStateStorageInfo *old) {
+ return;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> updated = new TStateStorageInfo();
+ updated->StateStorageGroup = Info->StateStorageGroup;
+ updated->NToSelect = Info->NToSelect;
+ updated->Rings.resize(Info->Rings.size());
+ const bool checkOldInfo = FlowControlledInfo && old
+ && updated->StateStorageGroup == FlowControlledInfo->StateStorageGroup
+ && updated->NToSelect == FlowControlledInfo->NToSelect
+ && updated->Rings.size() == FlowControlledInfo->Rings.size();
+ ui32 ringIdx = 0;
+ for (const ui32 ringsSz = Info->Rings.size(); ringIdx < ringsSz; ++ringIdx) {
+ const bool checkRing = checkOldInfo && (FlowControlledInfo->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas.size() == Info->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas.size());
+ TStateStorageInfo::TRing &ctring = updated->Rings[ringIdx];
+ TStateStorageInfo::TRing *fcring = checkRing ? &FlowControlledInfo->Rings[ringIdx] : nullptr;
+ const auto &srcring = Info->Rings[ringIdx];
+ const auto *oldring = checkRing ? &old->Rings[ringIdx] : nullptr;
+ ctring.Replicas.resize(srcring.Replicas.size());
+ ui32 replicaIdx = 0;
+ for (const ui32 srcSize = srcring.Replicas.size(); replicaIdx < srcSize; ++replicaIdx) {
+ if (checkRing && srcring.Replicas[replicaIdx] == oldring->Replicas[replicaIdx]) {
+ ctring.Replicas[replicaIdx] = fcring->Replicas[replicaIdx];
fcring->Replicas[replicaIdx] = TActorId();
- } else {
- if (fcring && replicaIdx < fcring->Replicas.size())
- Send(fcring->Replicas[replicaIdx], new TEvents::TEvPoison());
- TFlowControlledQueueConfig flowConfig;
- flowConfig.MaxAllowedInFly = 10000;
- flowConfig.TargetDynamicRate = 250000;
- ctring.Replicas[replicaIdx] = sys->Register(
- CreateFlowControlledRequestQueue(srcring.Replicas[replicaIdx], NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_PROXY_REQUEST, flowConfig),
- TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled
- );
- }
- }
- if (fcring) {
- for (const ui32 fcSize = fcring->Replicas.size(); replicaIdx < fcSize; ++replicaIdx) {
- Send(fcring->Replicas[replicaIdx], new TEvents::TEvPoison());
- }
- }
- }
- if (FlowControlledInfo) {
- for (const ui32 oldSize = FlowControlledInfo->Rings.size(); ringIdx < oldSize; ++ringIdx) {
+ } else {
+ if (fcring && replicaIdx < fcring->Replicas.size())
+ Send(fcring->Replicas[replicaIdx], new TEvents::TEvPoison());
+ TFlowControlledQueueConfig flowConfig;
+ flowConfig.MaxAllowedInFly = 10000;
+ flowConfig.TargetDynamicRate = 250000;
+ ctring.Replicas[replicaIdx] = sys->Register(
+ CreateFlowControlledRequestQueue(srcring.Replicas[replicaIdx], NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_PROXY_REQUEST, flowConfig),
+ TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (fcring) {
+ for (const ui32 fcSize = fcring->Replicas.size(); replicaIdx < fcSize; ++replicaIdx) {
+ Send(fcring->Replicas[replicaIdx], new TEvents::TEvPoison());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (FlowControlledInfo) {
+ for (const ui32 oldSize = FlowControlledInfo->Rings.size(); ringIdx < oldSize; ++ringIdx) {
for (TActorId outdated : FlowControlledInfo->Rings[oldSize].Replicas)
- Send(outdated, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
- }
- }
- FlowControlledInfo = std::move(updated);
- }
+ Send(outdated, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
+ }
+ }
+ FlowControlledInfo = std::move(updated);
+ }
void Registered(TActorSystem* sys, const TActorId&) {
- RegisterDerivedServices(sys, nullptr);
- }
+ RegisterDerivedServices(sys, nullptr);
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_PROXY;
@@ -954,79 +954,79 @@ public:
const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info,
const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &boardInfo,
const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoardInfo)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
- , Info(info)
- , BoardInfo(boardInfo)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ , Info(info)
+ , BoardInfo(boardInfo)
, SchemeBoardInfo(schemeBoardInfo)
- STATEFN(StateInit) {
- BLOG_TRACE("Proxy::StateInit ev type# " << ev->GetTypeRewrite() << " event: "
+ STATEFN(StateInit) {
+ BLOG_TRACE("Proxy::StateInit ev type# " << ev->GetTypeRewrite() << " event: "
<< TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvRequestReplicasDumps, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvDelete, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvCleanup, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard, Handle);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvRequestReplicasDumps, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvDelete, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvCleanup, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicas, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveBoard, Handle);
hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveSchemeBoard, Handle);
hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoard, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateGroupConfig, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe, Handle);
- default:
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateGroupConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe, Handle);
+ default:
TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(RegisterWithSameMailbox(new TStateStorageProxyRequest(Info, FlowControlledInfo))));
- break;
- }
- }
-class TStateStorageProxyStub : public TActor<TStateStorageProxyStub> {
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup::TPtr &ev) {
- BLOG_D("ProxyStub::Handle ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- const TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
- const ui64 cookie = msg->Cookie;
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo(
- NKikimrProto::ERROR,
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+class TStateStorageProxyStub : public TActor<TStateStorageProxyStub> {
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup::TPtr &ev) {
+ BLOG_D("ProxyStub::Handle ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
+ const TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
+ const ui64 cookie = msg->Cookie;
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo(
+ NKikimrProto::ERROR,
tabletId, cookie, TActorId(), TActorId(), 0, 0, false, 0,
nullptr, 0, TMap<TActorId, TActorId>()));
- }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_PROXY_STUB;
- TStateStorageProxyStub()
- : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
+ TStateStorageProxyStub()
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
- STATEFN(StateFunc) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup, Handle);
+ STATEFN(StateFunc) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup, Handle);
- BLOG_W("ProxyStub::StateFunc unexpected event type# "
+ BLOG_W("ProxyStub::StateFunc unexpected event type# "
<< ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event: "
<< TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateStateStorageProxy(
const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info,
const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board,
const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoard
) {
return new TStateStorageProxy(info, board, schemeBoard);
-IActor* CreateStateStorageProxyStub() {
- return new TStateStorageProxyStub();
+IActor* CreateStateStorageProxyStub() {
+ return new TStateStorageProxyStub();
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_replica.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_replica.cpp
index a612baef41..aca41acb16 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_replica.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_replica.cpp
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-#include "statestorage_impl.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
+#include "statestorage_impl.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
#include "appdata.h"
-#include "tablet.h"
+#include "tablet.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TStateStorageReplica : public TActor<TStateStorageReplica> {
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> Info;
- const ui32 ReplicaIndex;
- struct TTabletState {
- enum ETabletState {
- Unknown,
- Normal,
- Locked,
- };
- };
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TStateStorageReplica : public TActor<TStateStorageReplica> {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> Info;
+ const ui32 ReplicaIndex;
+ struct TTabletState {
+ enum ETabletState {
+ Unknown,
+ Normal,
+ Locked,
+ };
+ };
struct TFollowerEntryInfo {
TActorId FollowerSys;
TActorId FollowerTablet;
- bool Candidate = false;
+ bool Candidate = false;
TFollowerEntryInfo() = default;
TFollowerEntryInfo(TActorId sys, TActorId tablet, bool candidate)
: FollowerSys(sys)
, FollowerTablet(tablet)
- , Candidate(candidate)
- {}
- };
- struct TEntry {
- TTabletState::ETabletState TabletState;
+ , Candidate(candidate)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEntry {
+ TTabletState::ETabletState TabletState;
TActorId CurrentLeader;
TActorId CurrentLeaderTablet;
TActorId CurrentGuardian;
- ui32 CurrentGeneration;
- ui32 CurrentStep;
- ui64 LockedFrom;
+ ui32 CurrentGeneration;
+ ui32 CurrentStep;
+ ui64 LockedFrom;
TMap<TActorId, TFollowerEntryInfo> Followers; // guardian -> follower actors
- TEntry()
- : TabletState(TTabletState::Unknown)
- , CurrentGeneration(0)
- , CurrentStep(0)
- , LockedFrom(0)
- {}
- };
+ TEntry()
+ : TabletState(TTabletState::Unknown)
+ , CurrentGeneration(0)
+ , CurrentStep(0)
+ , LockedFrom(0)
+ {}
+ };
typedef TMap<ui64, TEntry> TTablets;
- TTablets Tablets;
+ TTablets Tablets;
TMap<ui32, std::map<ui64, ui64>> FollowerIndex; // node, tablet, refcounter
- ui64 Signature() const {
- return SelfId().LocalId();
- }
- template<typename TEv>
- bool CheckSignature(const TEv *msg) const {
- const bool ok = msg->Record.HasSignature() && msg->Record.GetSignature() == Signature();
- return ok;
- }
+ ui64 Signature() const {
+ return SelfId().LocalId();
+ }
+ template<typename TEv>
+ bool CheckSignature(const TEv *msg) const {
+ const bool ok = msg->Record.HasSignature() && msg->Record.GetSignature() == Signature();
+ return ok;
+ }
void NotifyWithTabletInfo(const TActorId &recp, ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie, const TEntry *entry) {
- THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo> msg;
+ THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo> msg;
if (entry && entry->CurrentLeader) {
- const bool locked = (entry->TabletState == TTabletState::Locked);
- auto now = TActivationContext::Now();
- const ui64 lockedFor = (locked && (now.MicroSeconds() > entry->LockedFrom)) ? (now.MicroSeconds() - entry->LockedFrom) : 0;
+ const bool locked = (entry->TabletState == TTabletState::Locked);
+ auto now = TActivationContext::Now();
+ const ui64 lockedFor = (locked && (now.MicroSeconds() > entry->LockedFrom)) ? (now.MicroSeconds() - entry->LockedFrom) : 0;
msg.Reset(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo(tabletId, entry->CurrentLeader, entry->CurrentLeaderTablet, entry->CurrentGeneration, entry->CurrentStep, locked, lockedFor));
if (entry->Followers.size()) {
@@ -96,101 +96,101 @@ class TStateStorageReplica : public TActor<TStateStorageReplica> {
const TFollowerEntryInfo &followerInfo = xpair.second;
if (followerInfo.Candidate) {
ActorIdToProto(followerInfo.FollowerSys, msg->Record.AddFollowerCandidates());
- } else {
+ } else {
ActorIdToProto(followerInfo.FollowerSys, msg->Record.AddFollower());
ActorIdToProto(followerInfo.FollowerTablet, msg->Record.AddFollowerTablet());
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- msg.Reset(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo(tabletId, NKikimrProto::ERROR));
- }
- msg->Record.SetCookie(cookie);
- msg->Record.SetSignature(Signature());
- msg->Record.SetConfigContentHash(Info->ContentHash());
- Send(recp, msg.Release());
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ msg.Reset(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo(tabletId, NKikimrProto::ERROR));
+ }
+ msg->Record.SetCookie(cookie);
+ msg->Record.SetSignature(Signature());
+ msg->Record.SetConfigContentHash(Info->ContentHash());
+ Send(recp, msg.Release());
+ }
void ReplyWithStatus(const TActorId &recp, ui64 tabletId, ui64 cookie, NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status) {
THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo> msg(new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaInfo(tabletId, status));
- msg->Record.SetSignature(Signature());
- msg->Record.SetConfigContentHash(Info->ContentHash());
- Send(recp, msg.Release());
+ msg->Record.SetSignature(Signature());
+ msg->Record.SetConfigContentHash(Info->ContentHash());
+ Send(recp, msg.Release());
bool EraseFollowerAndNotify(ui64 tabletId, TEntry &tabletEntry, TActorId followerGuardian) {
if (!tabletEntry.Followers.erase(followerGuardian))
- return false;
- if (tabletEntry.CurrentGuardian)
+ return false;
+ if (tabletEntry.CurrentGuardian)
NotifyWithTabletInfo(followerGuardian, tabletId, 0, &tabletEntry);
- return true;
- }
+ return true;
+ }
void ForgetFollower(ui64 tabletId, TActorId followerGuardian) {
- auto tabletIt = Tablets.find(tabletId);
- if (tabletIt == Tablets.end())
- return;
+ auto tabletIt = Tablets.find(tabletId);
+ if (tabletIt == Tablets.end())
+ return;
const bool erased = EraseFollowerAndNotify(tabletId, tabletIt->second, followerGuardian);
- if (!erased)
- return;
+ if (!erased)
+ return;
const ui32 followerNodeId = followerGuardian.NodeId();
auto *followerIndex = FollowerIndex.FindPtr(followerNodeId);
if (followerIndex == nullptr)
- return;
+ return;
auto it = followerIndex->find(tabletId);
if (it == followerIndex->end())
- return;
- if (--it->second == 0)
+ return;
+ if (--it->second == 0)
- }
- void PassAway() override {
- const ui32 selfNode = SelfId().NodeId();
- THashSet<ui32> nodesToUnsubscribe;
- for (auto &xpair : Tablets) {
- const auto &entry = xpair.second;
- if (entry.CurrentGuardian)
- Send(entry.CurrentGuardian, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown());
+ }
+ void PassAway() override {
+ const ui32 selfNode = SelfId().NodeId();
+ THashSet<ui32> nodesToUnsubscribe;
+ for (auto &xpair : Tablets) {
+ const auto &entry = xpair.second;
+ if (entry.CurrentGuardian)
+ Send(entry.CurrentGuardian, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown());
for (auto &spair : entry.Followers) {
const TActorId followerGuardian = spair.first;
if (followerGuardian.NodeId() != selfNode)
Send(followerGuardian, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown());
- }
- }
- for (ui32 xnode : nodesToUnsubscribe) {
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(xnode), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- }
- TActor::PassAway();
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup *msg = ev->Get();
- BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << msg->ToString());
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->Record.GetTabletID();
+ }
+ }
+ for (ui32 xnode : nodesToUnsubscribe) {
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(xnode), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ }
+ TActor::PassAway();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup *msg = ev->Get();
+ BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << msg->ToString());
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->Record.GetTabletID();
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup,
"tabletId# %" PRIu64 " SSGFTID# %" PRIu64 " SSG# %" PRIu64,
(ui64)tabletId, (ui64)StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId), (ui64)Info->StateStorageGroup);
- TTablets::const_iterator it = Tablets.find(msg->Record.GetTabletID());
- if (it != Tablets.end())
- NotifyWithTabletInfo(ev->Sender, it->first, msg->Record.GetCookie(), &it->second);
- else
- NotifyWithTabletInfo(ev->Sender, tabletId, msg->Record.GetCookie(), nullptr);
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDumpRequest::TPtr &ev) {
+ TTablets::const_iterator it = Tablets.find(msg->Record.GetTabletID());
+ if (it != Tablets.end())
+ NotifyWithTabletInfo(ev->Sender, it->first, msg->Record.GetCookie(), &it->second);
+ else
+ NotifyWithTabletInfo(ev->Sender, tabletId, msg->Record.GetCookie(), nullptr);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDumpRequest::TPtr &ev) {
TAutoPtr<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDump> dump = new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDump();
for (const auto &it : Tablets) {
NKikimrStateStorage::TEvInfo& info = *dump->Record.AddInfo();
@@ -200,261 +200,261 @@ class TStateStorageReplica : public TActor<TStateStorageReplica> {
ActorIdToProto(it.second.CurrentLeader, info.MutableCurrentLeader());
ActorIdToProto(it.second.CurrentLeaderTablet, info.MutableCurrentLeaderTablet());
if (it.second.TabletState == TTabletState::Locked) {
- info.SetLockedFor(TActivationContext::Now().MicroSeconds() - it.second.LockedFrom);
+ info.SetLockedFor(TActivationContext::Now().MicroSeconds() - it.second.LockedFrom);
- Send(ev->Sender, dump.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ Send(ev->Sender, dump.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate *msg = ev->Get();
- BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << msg->ToString());
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->Record.GetTabletID();
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate *msg = ev->Get();
+ BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << msg->ToString());
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->Record.GetTabletID();
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
- TEntry *x = nullptr;
- auto tabletIt = Tablets.find(tabletId);
- if (tabletIt != Tablets.end())
- x = &tabletIt->second;
+ TEntry *x = nullptr;
+ auto tabletIt = Tablets.find(tabletId);
+ if (tabletIt != Tablets.end())
+ x = &tabletIt->second;
const TActorId proposedLeader = ActorIdFromProto(msg->Record.GetProposedLeader());
- const ui32 proposedGeneration = msg->Record.GetProposedGeneration();
- const ui32 proposedStep = msg->Record.GetProposedStep();
- const bool allow = CheckSignature(msg) &&
- (!x
- || (proposedGeneration > x->CurrentGeneration)
+ const ui32 proposedGeneration = msg->Record.GetProposedGeneration();
+ const ui32 proposedStep = msg->Record.GetProposedStep();
+ const bool allow = CheckSignature(msg) &&
+ (!x
+ || (proposedGeneration > x->CurrentGeneration)
|| (proposedGeneration == x->CurrentGeneration && proposedLeader == x->CurrentLeader && proposedStep >= x->CurrentStep)
- );
- if (allow) {
- if (tabletIt == Tablets.end())
- tabletIt = Tablets.insert(std::make_pair(tabletId, TEntry())).first;
- x = &tabletIt->second;
+ );
+ if (allow) {
+ if (tabletIt == Tablets.end())
+ tabletIt = Tablets.insert(std::make_pair(tabletId, TEntry())).first;
+ x = &tabletIt->second;
if (x->CurrentLeader && proposedLeader != x->CurrentLeader)
Send(x->CurrentLeader, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted(tabletId, Signature()));
- x->CurrentGeneration = proposedGeneration;
- x->CurrentStep = proposedStep;
+ x->CurrentGeneration = proposedGeneration;
+ x->CurrentStep = proposedStep;
x->CurrentLeader = proposedLeader;
if (msg->Record.HasProposedLeaderTablet())
x->CurrentLeaderTablet = ActorIdFromProto(msg->Record.GetProposedLeaderTablet());
- if (msg->Record.GetIsGuardian())
- x->CurrentGuardian = ev->Sender;
- x->TabletState = TTabletState::Normal;
- x->LockedFrom = 0;
- }
- NotifyWithTabletInfo(ev->Sender, tabletId, msg->Record.GetCookie(), x);
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaCleanup::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- const ui64 tabletId = record.GetTabletID();
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
+ if (msg->Record.GetIsGuardian())
+ x->CurrentGuardian = ev->Sender;
+ x->TabletState = TTabletState::Normal;
+ x->LockedFrom = 0;
+ }
+ NotifyWithTabletInfo(ev->Sender, tabletId, msg->Record.GetCookie(), x);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaCleanup::TPtr &ev) {
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << ev->Get()->ToString());
+ const ui64 tabletId = record.GetTabletID();
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
const TActorId proposedLeader = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetProposedLeader());
- auto tabletIt = Tablets.find(tabletId);
+ auto tabletIt = Tablets.find(tabletId);
if (tabletIt == Tablets.end() || tabletIt->second.CurrentLeader != proposedLeader)
- return;
+ return;
if (tabletIt->second.Followers) {
BLOG_ERROR("trying to cleanup entry with attached followers. Suspicious! TabletId: " << tabletId);
- return;
- }
- Tablets.erase(tabletIt);
- // do not reply anything
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete::TPtr &ev) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Tablets.erase(tabletIt);
+ // do not reply anything
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete::TPtr &ev) {
TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete *msg = ev->Get();
- BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << msg->ToString());
+ BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << msg->ToString());
const ui64 tabletId = msg->Record.GetTabletID();
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
- auto tabletIt = Tablets.find(tabletId);
- if (tabletIt == Tablets.end()) {
- ReplyWithStatus(ev->Sender, tabletId, 0/*msg->Record.GetCookie()*/, NKikimrProto::ALREADY);
- return;
- }
+ auto tabletIt = Tablets.find(tabletId);
+ if (tabletIt == Tablets.end()) {
+ ReplyWithStatus(ev->Sender, tabletId, 0/*msg->Record.GetCookie()*/, NKikimrProto::ALREADY);
+ return;
+ }
for (auto &sp : tabletIt->second.Followers) {
const ui32 followerNodeId = sp.first.NodeId();
if (auto *x = FollowerIndex.FindPtr(followerNodeId))
- x->erase(tabletId);
- }
- Tablets.erase(tabletIt);
- ReplyWithStatus(ev->Sender, tabletId, 0/*msg->Record.GetCookie()*/, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ x->erase(tabletId);
+ }
+ Tablets.erase(tabletIt);
+ ReplyWithStatus(ev->Sender, tabletId, 0/*msg->Record.GetCookie()*/, NKikimrProto::OK);
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock *msg = ev->Get();
- BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << msg->ToString());
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->Record.GetTabletID();
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock *msg = ev->Get();
+ BLOG_D("Replica::Handle ev: " << msg->ToString());
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->Record.GetTabletID();
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
const TActorId &sender = ev->Sender;
- if (CheckSignature(msg)) {
- TEntry &x = Tablets[tabletId];
- const ui32 proposedGeneration = msg->Record.GetProposedGeneration();
+ if (CheckSignature(msg)) {
+ TEntry &x = Tablets[tabletId];
+ const ui32 proposedGeneration = msg->Record.GetProposedGeneration();
const TActorId proposedLeader = ActorIdFromProto(msg->Record.GetProposedLeader());
- const bool allow = (proposedGeneration > x.CurrentGeneration
+ const bool allow = (proposedGeneration > x.CurrentGeneration
|| (x.TabletState == TTabletState::Locked && proposedGeneration == x.CurrentGeneration && proposedLeader == x.CurrentLeader));
- if (allow) {
+ if (allow) {
if (x.CurrentLeader && proposedLeader != x.CurrentLeader)
Send(x.CurrentLeader, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted(tabletId, Signature()));
- x.CurrentGeneration = proposedGeneration;
- x.CurrentStep = 0;
+ x.CurrentGeneration = proposedGeneration;
+ x.CurrentStep = 0;
x.CurrentLeader = proposedLeader;
x.CurrentLeaderTablet = TActorId();
x.CurrentGuardian = TActorId();
- x.TabletState = TTabletState::Locked;
- x.LockedFrom = TActivationContext::Now().MicroSeconds();
- }
- NotifyWithTabletInfo(sender, tabletId, msg->Record.GetCookie(), &x);
- } else {
- NotifyWithTabletInfo(sender, tabletId, msg->Record.GetCookie(), nullptr);
- }
- }
+ x.TabletState = TTabletState::Locked;
+ x.LockedFrom = TActivationContext::Now().MicroSeconds();
+ }
+ NotifyWithTabletInfo(sender, tabletId, msg->Record.GetCookie(), &x);
+ } else {
+ NotifyWithTabletInfo(sender, tabletId, msg->Record.GetCookie(), nullptr);
+ }
+ }
void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaRegFollower::TPtr &ev) {
const NKikimrStateStorage::TEvRegisterFollower &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- const ui64 tabletId = record.GetTabletID();
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
+ const ui64 tabletId = record.GetTabletID();
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
TEntry &x = Tablets[tabletId]; // could lead to creation of zombie entries when follower exist w/o leader so we must filter on info
const TActorId follower = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetFollower());
const TActorId tablet = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetFollowerTablet());
- const bool isCandidate = record.HasCandidate() && record.GetCandidate();
+ const bool isCandidate = record.HasCandidate() && record.GetCandidate();
auto insIt = x.Followers.emplace(ev->Sender, TFollowerEntryInfo(follower, tablet, isCandidate));
TFollowerEntryInfo &followerInfo = insIt.first->second;
- if (insIt.second == false) { // already known
+ if (insIt.second == false) { // already known
Y_VERIFY(insIt.first->second.FollowerSys == follower);
const bool hasChanges = (followerInfo.FollowerTablet != tablet) || (followerInfo.Candidate != isCandidate);
- if (!hasChanges)
- return;
+ if (!hasChanges)
+ return;
followerInfo.Candidate = isCandidate;
followerInfo.FollowerTablet = tablet;
- } else { // new entry
+ } else { // new entry
auto indIt = FollowerIndex[follower.NodeId()].insert(std::make_pair(tabletId, 1));
- if (indIt.second == false)
- ++indIt.first->second;
- // and now send ping to detect lost unreg event and subscribe to session
+ if (indIt.second == false)
+ ++indIt.first->second;
+ // and now send ping to detect lost unreg event and subscribe to session
Send(ev->Sender, // ping replica guardian, not tablet as follower could be promoted to leader
- new TEvTablet::TEvPing(tabletId, 0),
- IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession,
- tabletId);
- }
- if (x.CurrentGuardian)
- NotifyWithTabletInfo(x.CurrentGuardian, tabletId, 0, &x);
- }
+ new TEvTablet::TEvPing(tabletId, 0),
+ IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession,
+ tabletId);
+ }
+ if (x.CurrentGuardian)
+ NotifyWithTabletInfo(x.CurrentGuardian, tabletId, 0, &x);
+ }
void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUnregFollower::TPtr &ev) {
const TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUnregFollower *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->Record.GetTabletID();
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->Record.GetTabletID();
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
ForgetFollower(tabletId, ev->Sender);
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
- const ui64 tabletId = ev->Cookie;
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
+ const ui64 tabletId = ev->Cookie;
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId) == Info->StateStorageGroup);
ForgetFollower(tabletId, ev->Sender);
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvPing::TPtr &ev) {
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvents::TEvPong());
- }
- void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
- const ui32 nodeId = ev->Get()->NodeId;
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvPing::TPtr &ev) {
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvents::TEvPong());
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
+ const ui32 nodeId = ev->Get()->NodeId;
auto *followerIndex = FollowerIndex.FindPtr(nodeId);
if (followerIndex == nullptr)
- return;
+ return;
for (const auto &xpair : *followerIndex) {
- const ui64 tabletId = xpair.first;
- if (auto *x = Tablets.FindPtr(tabletId)) {
- bool changed = false;
+ const ui64 tabletId = xpair.first;
+ if (auto *x = Tablets.FindPtr(tabletId)) {
+ bool changed = false;
for (auto it = x->Followers.begin(); it != x->Followers.end();) {
- if (it->first.NodeId() == nodeId) {
- changed = true;
+ if (it->first.NodeId() == nodeId) {
+ changed = true;
it = x->Followers.erase(it);
- }
- else
- ++it;
- }
- if (changed && x->CurrentGuardian)
- NotifyWithTabletInfo(x->CurrentGuardian, tabletId, 0, x);
- }
- }
+ }
+ else
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (changed && x->CurrentGuardian)
+ NotifyWithTabletInfo(x->CurrentGuardian, tabletId, 0, x);
+ }
+ }
- }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_REPLICA;
TStateStorageReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, ui32 replicaIndex)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
- , Info(info)
- , ReplicaIndex(replicaIndex)
- {
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ , Info(info)
+ , ReplicaIndex(replicaIndex)
+ {
- }
- STATEFN(StateInit) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDumpRequest, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock, Handle);
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateInit) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDumpRequest, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUpdate, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLock, Handle);
hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaRegFollower, Handle);
hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaUnregFollower, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaCleanup, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvPing, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, PassAway);
- hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, Handle);
- IgnoreFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaDelete, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaCleanup, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvPing, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, PassAway);
+ hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, Handle);
+ IgnoreFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected);
- BLOG_W("Replica::StateInit unexpected event type# " << ev->GetTypeRewrite()
+ BLOG_W("Replica::StateInit unexpected event type# " << ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event: " << ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().data() : "serialized?");
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateStateStorageReplica(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, ui32 replicaIndex) {
- return new TStateStorageReplica(info, replicaIndex);
+ return new TStateStorageReplica(info, replicaIndex);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_replica_probe.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_replica_probe.cpp
index a2ce88517c..959c5a77ac 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_replica_probe.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_replica_probe.cpp
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
-#include "statestorage_impl.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
-#include "appdata.h"
+#include "statestorage_impl.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
+#include "appdata.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TStateStorageReplicaProbe : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageReplicaProbe> {
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TStateStorageReplicaProbe : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageReplicaProbe> {
const TActorId ReplicaId;
TSet<TActorId> Subscribers;
- void PassAway() override {
+ void PassAway() override {
for (TActorId x : Subscribers)
- Send(x, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected(ReplicaId));
- Subscribers.clear();
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(ReplicaId.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- IActor::PassAway();
- }
- void HandleWait(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
- Subscribers.emplace(ev->Sender);
- }
- void HandleConnected(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected(ReplicaId));
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
- Subscribers.erase(ev->Sender);
- }
- void HandlePong() {
- // we can receive outdated pong, we don't care much, it's best effort
+ Send(x, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeDisconnected(ReplicaId));
+ Subscribers.clear();
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(ReplicaId.NodeId()), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ IActor::PassAway();
+ }
+ void HandleWait(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
+ Subscribers.emplace(ev->Sender);
+ }
+ void HandleConnected(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected(ReplicaId));
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe::TPtr &ev) {
+ Subscribers.erase(ev->Sender);
+ }
+ void HandlePong() {
+ // we can receive outdated pong, we don't care much, it's best effort
for (TActorId x : Subscribers)
- Send(x, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected(ReplicaId));
- Subscribers.clear();
- }
- void SomeSleep() {
- Become(&TThis::StateWait, TDuration::MilliSeconds(75), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_PROXY;
- }
- void Bootstrap() {
- Send(ReplicaId, new TEvents::TEvPing(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
- Become(&TThis::StateWait);
- }
+ Send(x, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeConnected(ReplicaId));
+ Subscribers.clear();
+ }
+ void SomeSleep() {
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait, TDuration::MilliSeconds(75), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_PROXY;
+ }
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ Send(ReplicaId, new TEvents::TEvPing(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
TStateStorageReplicaProbe(TActorId replicaId)
- : ReplicaId(replicaId)
- {}
- STATEFN(StateWait) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe, HandleWait);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPong::EventType, HandlePong);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Bootstrap);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
- cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateConnected) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe, HandleConnected);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
- cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
- }
- }
+ : ReplicaId(replicaId)
+ {}
+ STATEFN(StateWait) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe, HandleWait);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPong::EventType, HandlePong);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Bootstrap);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateConnected) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeSubscribe, HandleConnected);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaProbeUnsubscribe, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::EventType, SomeSleep);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateStateStorageReplicaProbe(TActorId replica) {
- return new TStateStorageReplicaProbe(replica);
+ return new TStateStorageReplicaProbe(replica);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_ut.cpp
index 512ac834b9..94a49082db 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_ut.cpp
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
-#include "statestorage.h"
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+#include "statestorage.h"
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TStateStorageConfig) {
+namespace NKikimr {
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TStateStorageConfig) {
void FillStateStorageInfo(TStateStorageInfo *info, ui32 replicas, ui32 nToSelect, ui32 replicasInRing, bool useRingSpecificNodeSelection) {
- info->StateStorageGroup = 1;
- info->NToSelect = nToSelect;
- info->Rings.resize(replicas);
- for (ui32 i : xrange(replicas)) {
- for (ui32 j : xrange(replicasInRing)) {
+ info->StateStorageGroup = 1;
+ info->NToSelect = nToSelect;
+ info->Rings.resize(replicas);
+ for (ui32 i : xrange(replicas)) {
+ for (ui32 j : xrange(replicasInRing)) {
info->Rings[i].Replicas.push_back(TActorId(i, i, i + j, i));
info->Rings[i].UseRingSpecificNodeSelection = useRingSpecificNodeSelection;
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
ui64 StabilityRun(ui32 replicas, ui32 nToSelect, ui32 replicasInRing, bool useRingSpecificNodeSelection) {
- ui64 retHash = 0;
- TStateStorageInfo info;
+ ui64 retHash = 0;
+ TStateStorageInfo info;
FillStateStorageInfo(&info, replicas, nToSelect, replicasInRing, useRingSpecificNodeSelection);
- TStateStorageInfo::TSelection selection;
- for (ui64 tabletId = 8000000; tabletId < 9000000; ++tabletId) {
- info.SelectReplicas(tabletId, &selection);
- Y_VERIFY(nToSelect == selection.Sz);
- for (ui32 idx : xrange(nToSelect))
- retHash = CombineHashes<ui64>(retHash, selection.SelectedReplicas[idx].Hash());
- }
- return retHash;
- }
+ TStateStorageInfo::TSelection selection;
+ for (ui64 tabletId = 8000000; tabletId < 9000000; ++tabletId) {
+ info.SelectReplicas(tabletId, &selection);
+ Y_VERIFY(nToSelect == selection.Sz);
+ for (ui32 idx : xrange(nToSelect))
+ retHash = CombineHashes<ui64>(retHash, selection.SelectedReplicas[idx].Hash());
+ }
+ return retHash;
+ }
double UniqueCombinationsRun(ui32 replicas, ui32 nToSelect, ui32 replicasInRing, bool useRingSpecificNodeSelection) {
const ui64 tabletStartId = 8000000;
const ui64 tabletCount = 1000000;
@@ -56,24 +56,24 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TStateStorageConfig) {
return static_cast<double>(hashes.size()) / static_cast<double>(tabletCount);
- Y_UNIT_TEST(TestReplicaSelection) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestReplicaSelection) {
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(3, 3, 1, false) == 17606246762804570019ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(13, 3, 1, false) == 421354124534079828ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(13, 9, 1, false) == 10581416019959162949ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(3, 3, 1, true) == 17606246762804570019ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(13, 3, 1, true) == 421354124534079828ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(13, 9, 1, true) == 10581416019959162949ULL);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(TestMultiReplicaFailDomains) {
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestMultiReplicaFailDomains) {
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(3, 3, 3, false) == 12043409773822600429ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(13, 3, 5, false) == 3265154396592024904ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(13, 9, 8, false) == 12079940289459527060ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(3, 3, 3, true) == 7845257406715748850ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(13, 3, 5, true) == 1986618578793030392ULL);
UNIT_ASSERT(StabilityRun(13, 9, 8, true) == 6173011524598124144ULL);
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(TestReplicaSelectionUniqueCombinations) {
UNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(UniqueCombinationsRun(13, 3, 1, false), 0.000206, 1e-7);
UNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(UniqueCombinationsRun(13, 3, 3, false), 0.000519, 1e-7);
@@ -91,33 +91,33 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TStateStorageConfig) {
double UniformityRun(ui32 replicas, ui32 nToSelect, ui32 replicasInRing, bool useRingSpecificNodeSelection) {
THashMap<TActorId, ui32> history;
- TStateStorageInfo info;
+ TStateStorageInfo info;
FillStateStorageInfo(&info, replicas, nToSelect, replicasInRing, useRingSpecificNodeSelection);
- TStateStorageInfo::TSelection selection;
- for (ui64 tabletId = 8000000; tabletId < 9000000; ++tabletId) {
- info.SelectReplicas(tabletId, &selection);
- Y_VERIFY(nToSelect == selection.Sz);
- for (ui32 idx : xrange(nToSelect))
- history[selection.SelectedReplicas[idx]] += 1;
- }
- ui32 mn = history.begin()->second;
- ui32 mx = history.begin()->second;
- for (auto &x : history) {
- const ui32 cur = x.second;
- if (cur < mn)
- mn = cur;
- if (cur > mx)
- mx = cur;
- }
- return static_cast<double>(mx - mn) / static_cast<double>(mx);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(UniformityTest) {
+ TStateStorageInfo::TSelection selection;
+ for (ui64 tabletId = 8000000; tabletId < 9000000; ++tabletId) {
+ info.SelectReplicas(tabletId, &selection);
+ Y_VERIFY(nToSelect == selection.Sz);
+ for (ui32 idx : xrange(nToSelect))
+ history[selection.SelectedReplicas[idx]] += 1;
+ }
+ ui32 mn = history.begin()->second;
+ ui32 mx = history.begin()->second;
+ for (auto &x : history) {
+ const ui32 cur = x.second;
+ if (cur < mn)
+ mn = cur;
+ if (cur > mx)
+ mx = cur;
+ }
+ return static_cast<double>(mx - mn) / static_cast<double>(mx);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(UniformityTest) {
UNIT_ASSERT(UniformityRun(13, 3, 1, false) < 0.10);
UNIT_ASSERT(UniformityRun(13, 3, 3, false) < 0.10);
UNIT_ASSERT(UniformityRun(113, 3, 1, false) < 0.10);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TStateStorageConfig) {
UNIT_ASSERT(UniformityRun(113, 3, 5, true) < 0.10);
UNIT_ASSERT(UniformityRun(113, 9, 1, true) < 0.10);
UNIT_ASSERT(UniformityRun(113, 9, 8, true) < 0.10);
- }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_warden.cpp b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_warden.cpp
index d383a2272b..972a74e1fb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/statestorage_warden.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/statestorage_warden.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#include "statestorage_impl.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
-#include "appdata.h"
-#include "tablet.h"
+#include "statestorage_impl.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
+#include "appdata.h"
+#include "tablet.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/cms/cms.h>
#include <ydb/core/cms/console/console.h>
@@ -11,141 +11,141 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TStateStorageWarden : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageWarden> {
- const ui32 GroupId; // for convenience
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> StateStorageInfo;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> BoardInfo;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> SchemeBoardInfo;
- template<typename TCreateFunc>
- bool UpdateReplicaInfo(TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &updated, TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &current, TCreateFunc createFunc) {
- // updates current to updated, kills unused replicas, starts new
- // returns true is smth changed
- const ui32 selfNode = SelfId().NodeId();
- TActorSystem *sys = TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem;
- const ui32 sysPoolId = AppData()->SystemPoolId;
- bool hasChanges = false;
- const bool checkRings = (updated->Rings.size() == current->Rings.size()) && (updated->NToSelect == current->NToSelect);
- ui32 ringIdx = 0;
- ui32 index = 0;
- for (const ui32 ringSz = updated->Rings.size(); ringIdx < ringSz; ++ringIdx) {
- const auto &replicas = updated->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas;
- const bool checkReplicas = checkRings && (replicas.size() == current->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas.size());
- ui32 replicaIdx = 0;
- for (const ui32 replicaSz = replicas.size(); replicaIdx < replicaSz; ++replicaIdx, ++index) {
- // keep previous
- if (checkReplicas && replicas[replicaIdx] == current->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas[replicaIdx])
- continue;
- hasChanges = true;
- // should kill?
- if (ringIdx < current->Rings.size() && replicaIdx < current->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas.size()) {
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::STATESTORAGE, stream)
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TStateStorageWarden : public TActorBootstrapped<TStateStorageWarden> {
+ const ui32 GroupId; // for convenience
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> StateStorageInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> BoardInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> SchemeBoardInfo;
+ template<typename TCreateFunc>
+ bool UpdateReplicaInfo(TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &updated, TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &current, TCreateFunc createFunc) {
+ // updates current to updated, kills unused replicas, starts new
+ // returns true is smth changed
+ const ui32 selfNode = SelfId().NodeId();
+ TActorSystem *sys = TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem;
+ const ui32 sysPoolId = AppData()->SystemPoolId;
+ bool hasChanges = false;
+ const bool checkRings = (updated->Rings.size() == current->Rings.size()) && (updated->NToSelect == current->NToSelect);
+ ui32 ringIdx = 0;
+ ui32 index = 0;
+ for (const ui32 ringSz = updated->Rings.size(); ringIdx < ringSz; ++ringIdx) {
+ const auto &replicas = updated->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas;
+ const bool checkReplicas = checkRings && (replicas.size() == current->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas.size());
+ ui32 replicaIdx = 0;
+ for (const ui32 replicaSz = replicas.size(); replicaIdx < replicaSz; ++replicaIdx, ++index) {
+ // keep previous
+ if (checkReplicas && replicas[replicaIdx] == current->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas[replicaIdx])
+ continue;
+ hasChanges = true;
+ // should kill?
+ if (ringIdx < current->Rings.size() && replicaIdx < current->Rings[ringIdx].Replicas.size()) {
const TActorId outdated = current->Rings[ringSz].Replicas[replicaIdx];
- if (outdated.NodeId() == selfNode) {
+ if (outdated.NodeId() == selfNode) {
sys->RegisterLocalService(outdated, TActorId());
- Send(outdated, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
- }
- }
- // must start?
- if (replicas[replicaIdx].NodeId() == selfNode) {
+ Send(outdated, new TEvents::TEvPoison());
+ }
+ }
+ // must start?
+ if (replicas[replicaIdx].NodeId() == selfNode) {
const TActorId replicaActorId = Register(createFunc(updated.Get(), index), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, sysPoolId);
- sys->RegisterLocalService(replicas[replicaIdx], replicaActorId);
- }
- }
- }
- if (hasChanges)
- current = updated;
- return hasChanges;
- }
- void UpdateConfig(const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage &config) {
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> stateStorageInfo;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> boardInfo;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> schemeBoardInfo;
- BuildStateStorageInfos(config, stateStorageInfo, boardInfo, schemeBoardInfo);
- bool hasChanges = false;
- hasChanges |= UpdateReplicaInfo(stateStorageInfo, StateStorageInfo, CreateStateStorageReplica);
- hasChanges |= UpdateReplicaInfo(boardInfo, BoardInfo, CreateStateStorageBoardReplica);
- hasChanges |= UpdateReplicaInfo(schemeBoardInfo, SchemeBoardInfo, CreateSchemeBoardReplica);
- // Update proxy config
- if (hasChanges) {
- Send(MakeStateStorageProxyID(GroupId), new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateGroupConfig(stateStorageInfo, boardInfo, schemeBoardInfo));
- }
- }
- void Handle(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- if (!record.GetConfig().HasDomainsConfig())
- return;
- for (const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage &config : record.GetConfig().GetDomainsConfig().GetStateStorage()) {
- if (config.GetSSId() == GroupId) {
- UpdateConfig(config);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_PROXY;
- }
- TStateStorageWarden(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoard)
- : GroupId(info->StateStorageGroup)
- , StateStorageInfo(info)
- , BoardInfo(board)
- , SchemeBoardInfo(schemeBoard)
- {
- Y_VERIFY(GroupId == board->StateStorageGroup);
- Y_VERIFY(GroupId == schemeBoard->StateStorageGroup);
- }
- void Bootstrap()
- {
- Send(NConsole::MakeConfigsDispatcherID(SelfId().NodeId()),
- new NConsole::TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest(NKikimrConsole::TConfigItem::DomainsConfigItem));
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
- }
- STATEFN(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, PassAway);
- hFunc(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest, Handle);
- }
- }
-IActor* CreateStateStorageWarden(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoard) {
- return new TStateStorageWarden(info, board, schemeBoard);
+ sys->RegisterLocalService(replicas[replicaIdx], replicaActorId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasChanges)
+ current = updated;
+ return hasChanges;
+ }
+ void UpdateConfig(const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage &config) {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> stateStorageInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> boardInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> schemeBoardInfo;
+ BuildStateStorageInfos(config, stateStorageInfo, boardInfo, schemeBoardInfo);
+ bool hasChanges = false;
+ hasChanges |= UpdateReplicaInfo(stateStorageInfo, StateStorageInfo, CreateStateStorageReplica);
+ hasChanges |= UpdateReplicaInfo(boardInfo, BoardInfo, CreateStateStorageBoardReplica);
+ hasChanges |= UpdateReplicaInfo(schemeBoardInfo, SchemeBoardInfo, CreateSchemeBoardReplica);
+ // Update proxy config
+ if (hasChanges) {
+ Send(MakeStateStorageProxyID(GroupId), new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateGroupConfig(stateStorageInfo, boardInfo, schemeBoardInfo));
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev) {
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ if (!record.GetConfig().HasDomainsConfig())
+ return;
+ for (const NKikimrConfig::TDomainsConfig::TStateStorage &config : record.GetConfig().GetDomainsConfig().GetStateStorage()) {
+ if (config.GetSSId() == GroupId) {
+ UpdateConfig(config);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SS_PROXY;
+ }
+ TStateStorageWarden(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoard)
+ : GroupId(info->StateStorageGroup)
+ , StateStorageInfo(info)
+ , BoardInfo(board)
+ , SchemeBoardInfo(schemeBoard)
+ {
+ Y_VERIFY(GroupId == board->StateStorageGroup);
+ Y_VERIFY(GroupId == schemeBoard->StateStorageGroup);
+ }
+ void Bootstrap()
+ {
+ Send(NConsole::MakeConfigsDispatcherID(SelfId().NodeId()),
+ new NConsole::TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest(NKikimrConsole::TConfigItem::DomainsConfigItem));
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, PassAway);
+ hFunc(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest, Handle);
+ }
+ }
+IActor* CreateStateStorageWarden(const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &info, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &board, const TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> &schemeBoard) {
+ return new TStateStorageWarden(info, board, schemeBoard);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/tablet.cpp b/ydb/core/base/tablet.cpp
index 9267c0f972..db3a3deb80 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/tablet.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/tablet.cpp
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
-#include "tablet.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include "tablet.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletStorageInfoFromProto(const NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletStorageInfo &proto) {
auto info = MakeIntrusive<TTabletStorageInfo>();
- info->TabletID = proto.GetTabletID();
- if (proto.HasTabletType())
- info->TabletType = proto.GetTabletType();
- if (proto.HasVersion())
- info->Version = proto.GetVersion();
- info->Channels.resize((ui32)proto.ChannelsSize());
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = info->Channels.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- const NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletChannelInfo &channelInfo = proto.GetChannels(i);
- TTabletChannelInfo &x = info->Channels[i];
- x.Channel = channelInfo.GetChannel();
- if (channelInfo.HasChannelType()) {
- auto erasure = (TBlobStorageGroupType::EErasureSpecies)channelInfo.GetChannelType();
- x.Type = TBlobStorageGroupType(erasure);
- Y_VERIFY(!channelInfo.HasChannelErasureName());
- } else {
- auto erasure = TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureSpeciesByName(channelInfo.GetChannelErasureName());
- x.Type = TBlobStorageGroupType(erasure);
- }
- Y_VERIFY((ui32)x.Type.GetErasure() < x.Type.ErasureSpeciesCount);
- x.StoragePool = channelInfo.GetStoragePool();
- x.History.resize((ui32)channelInfo.HistorySize());
- for (ui32 j = 0, je = x.History.size(); j != je; ++j) {
- const NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry &entry = channelInfo.GetHistory(j);
- TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry &m = x.History[j];
- m.FromGeneration = entry.GetFromGeneration();
- m.GroupID = entry.GetGroupID();
- }
- }
- if ((proto.HasTenantIdOwner() && proto.GetTenantIdOwner() && proto.GetTenantIdOwner() != InvalidOwnerId)
- || (proto.HasTenantIdLocalId() && proto.GetTenantIdLocalId() && proto.GetTenantIdLocalId() != InvalidLocalPathId))
- {
- info->TenantPathId = TPathId(proto.GetTenantIdOwner(), proto.GetTenantIdLocalId());
- }
- return info;
-void TabletStorageInfoToProto(const TTabletStorageInfo &info, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletStorageInfo *proto) {
- proto->SetTabletID(info.TabletID);
- proto->SetTabletType(info.TabletType);
- proto->SetVersion(info.Version);
- proto->MutableChannels()->Clear();
- proto->MutableChannels()->Reserve(info.Channels.size());
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = info.Channels.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletChannelInfo *x = proto->MutableChannels()->Add();
- const TTabletChannelInfo &channelInfo = info.Channels[i];
- x->SetChannel(channelInfo.Channel);
- x->SetChannelType(channelInfo.Type.GetErasure());
- x->SetStoragePool(channelInfo.StoragePool);
- x->MutableHistory()->Reserve(channelInfo.History.size());
- for (ui32 j = 0, je = channelInfo.History.size(); j != je; ++j) {
- NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry *m = x->MutableHistory()->Add();
- const TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry &entry = channelInfo.History[j];
- m->SetFromGeneration(entry.FromGeneration);
- m->SetGroupID(entry.GroupID);
- }
- }
- if (info.TenantPathId) {
- proto->SetTenantIdOwner(info.TenantPathId.OwnerId);
- proto->SetTenantIdLocalId(info.TenantPathId.LocalPathId);
- }
-const char* TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Str(EReason status) {
- switch (status) {
- default:
- return "TabletReadReasonNotDefined";
- }
-void TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Out(IOutputStream& os, EReason x) {
- switch (x) {
- default:
- os << static_cast<int>(x);
- return;
- }
+ info->TabletID = proto.GetTabletID();
+ if (proto.HasTabletType())
+ info->TabletType = proto.GetTabletType();
+ if (proto.HasVersion())
+ info->Version = proto.GetVersion();
+ info->Channels.resize((ui32)proto.ChannelsSize());
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = info->Channels.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ const NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletChannelInfo &channelInfo = proto.GetChannels(i);
+ TTabletChannelInfo &x = info->Channels[i];
+ x.Channel = channelInfo.GetChannel();
+ if (channelInfo.HasChannelType()) {
+ auto erasure = (TBlobStorageGroupType::EErasureSpecies)channelInfo.GetChannelType();
+ x.Type = TBlobStorageGroupType(erasure);
+ Y_VERIFY(!channelInfo.HasChannelErasureName());
+ } else {
+ auto erasure = TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureSpeciesByName(channelInfo.GetChannelErasureName());
+ x.Type = TBlobStorageGroupType(erasure);
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY((ui32)x.Type.GetErasure() < x.Type.ErasureSpeciesCount);
+ x.StoragePool = channelInfo.GetStoragePool();
+ x.History.resize((ui32)channelInfo.HistorySize());
+ for (ui32 j = 0, je = x.History.size(); j != je; ++j) {
+ const NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry &entry = channelInfo.GetHistory(j);
+ TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry &m = x.History[j];
+ m.FromGeneration = entry.GetFromGeneration();
+ m.GroupID = entry.GetGroupID();
+ }
+ }
+ if ((proto.HasTenantIdOwner() && proto.GetTenantIdOwner() && proto.GetTenantIdOwner() != InvalidOwnerId)
+ || (proto.HasTenantIdLocalId() && proto.GetTenantIdLocalId() && proto.GetTenantIdLocalId() != InvalidLocalPathId))
+ {
+ info->TenantPathId = TPathId(proto.GetTenantIdOwner(), proto.GetTenantIdLocalId());
+ }
+ return info;
+void TabletStorageInfoToProto(const TTabletStorageInfo &info, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletStorageInfo *proto) {
+ proto->SetTabletID(info.TabletID);
+ proto->SetTabletType(info.TabletType);
+ proto->SetVersion(info.Version);
+ proto->MutableChannels()->Clear();
+ proto->MutableChannels()->Reserve(info.Channels.size());
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = info.Channels.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletChannelInfo *x = proto->MutableChannels()->Add();
+ const TTabletChannelInfo &channelInfo = info.Channels[i];
+ x->SetChannel(channelInfo.Channel);
+ x->SetChannelType(channelInfo.Type.GetErasure());
+ x->SetStoragePool(channelInfo.StoragePool);
+ x->MutableHistory()->Reserve(channelInfo.History.size());
+ for (ui32 j = 0, je = channelInfo.History.size(); j != je; ++j) {
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry *m = x->MutableHistory()->Add();
+ const TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry &entry = channelInfo.History[j];
+ m->SetFromGeneration(entry.FromGeneration);
+ m->SetGroupID(entry.GroupID);
+ }
+ }
+ if (info.TenantPathId) {
+ proto->SetTenantIdOwner(info.TenantPathId.OwnerId);
+ proto->SetTenantIdLocalId(info.TenantPathId.LocalPathId);
+ }
+const char* TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Str(EReason status) {
+ switch (status) {
+ default:
+ return "TabletReadReasonNotDefined";
+ }
+void TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Out(IOutputStream& os, EReason x) {
+ switch (x) {
+ default:
+ os << static_cast<int>(x);
+ return;
+ }
Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(, NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::EReason, o, x) {
o << NKikimrTabletBase::TEvTabletStop::EReason_Name(x);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/tablet.h b/ydb/core/base/tablet.h
index ac25709d73..602e39c600 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/tablet.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/tablet.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "blobstorage.h"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "logoblob.h"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "events.h"
+#include "logoblob.h"
#include "shared_quota.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/resource_profile.h>
@@ -12,37 +12,37 @@
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_metrics.h>
#include <library/cpp/deprecated/enum_codegen/enum_codegen.h>
-#include <util/generic/deque.h>
-#include <util/generic/vector.h>
-#include <util/datetime/base.h>
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/datetime/base.h>
#include <functional>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletStorageInfoFromProto(const NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletStorageInfo &proto);
-void TabletStorageInfoToProto(const TTabletStorageInfo &info, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletStorageInfo *proto);
-inline ui64 MakeGenStepPair(ui32 gen, ui32 step) {
- ui64 g = gen;
- ui64 s = step;
- return (g << 32ull) | s;
+void TabletStorageInfoToProto(const TTabletStorageInfo &info, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletStorageInfo *proto);
+inline ui64 MakeGenStepPair(ui32 gen, ui32 step) {
+ ui64 g = gen;
+ ui64 s = step;
+ return (g << 32ull) | s;
inline std::pair<ui32, ui32> ExpandGenStepPair(ui64 x) {
- ui32 g = (ui32)(x >> 32ull);
- ui32 s = (ui32)(x);
+ ui32 g = (ui32)(x >> 32ull);
+ ui32 s = (ui32)(x);
return std::pair<ui32, ui32>(g, s);
-struct TEvTablet {
- enum EEv {
- EvBoot = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLET),
- EvRestored,
- EvCommitStatus,
- EvCommitResult,
- EvPing,
- EvDemoted,
+struct TEvTablet {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvBoot = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLET),
+ EvRestored,
+ EvCommitStatus,
+ EvCommitResult,
+ EvPing,
+ EvDemoted,
@@ -52,25 +52,25 @@ struct TEvTablet {
EvFollowerSyncComplete, // from leader to user tablet when all old followers are touched and synced
- EvCommit = EvBoot + 512,
- EvAux,
- EvPong,
- EvPreCommit,
- EvTabletActive,
+ EvCommit = EvBoot + 512,
+ EvAux,
+ EvPong,
+ EvPreCommit,
+ EvTabletActive,
EvFGcAck, // from user tablet to follower
- EvTabletDead = EvBoot + 1024,
+ EvTabletDead = EvBoot + 1024,
EvFollowerUpdateState, // notifications to guardian
EvFeatures, // from user tablet to sys tablet, notify on supported features
EvTabletStop, // from local to sys tablet, from sys tablet to user tablet
EvTabletStopped, // from user tablet to sys tablet, ready to die now
EvReadLocalBase = EvBoot + 1536,
- EvLocalMKQL,
- EvLocalMKQLResponse,
+ EvLocalMKQL,
+ EvLocalMKQLResponse,
@@ -82,66 +82,66 @@ struct TEvTablet {
EvFollowerAttach = EvBoot + 2048,
EvFollowerListRefresh, // from guardian to leader
- EvReserved_00,
+ EvReserved_00,
EvFollowerGcAck, // from follower to leader
// from leader to follower
EvFollowerUpdate = EvBoot + 2560,
- EvReserved_01,
+ EvReserved_01,
EvFollowerRefresh, // from leader to follower
- // utilitary
- EvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult = EvBoot + 3072,
+ // utilitary
+ EvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult = EvBoot + 3072,
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLET), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLET)");
- struct TDependencyGraph : public TThrRefBase {
- struct TEntry {
+ struct TDependencyGraph : public TThrRefBase {
+ struct TEntry {
std::pair<ui32, ui32> Id;
- bool IsSnapshot;
+ bool IsSnapshot;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> References;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> GcDiscovered;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> GcLeft;
TString EmbeddedLogBody;
- TEntry()
- : IsSnapshot(false)
- {}
+ TEntry()
+ : IsSnapshot(false)
+ {}
void Set(const std::pair<ui32, ui32> &id, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &refs, bool isSnapshot, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &gcDiscovered, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &gcLeft) {
- Id = id;
- References.swap(refs);
- IsSnapshot = isSnapshot;
- GcDiscovered.swap(gcDiscovered);
- GcLeft.swap(gcLeft);
- EmbeddedLogBody.clear();
- }
+ Id = id;
+ References.swap(refs);
+ IsSnapshot = isSnapshot;
+ GcDiscovered.swap(gcDiscovered);
+ GcLeft.swap(gcLeft);
+ EmbeddedLogBody.clear();
+ }
void Set(const std::pair<ui32, ui32> &id, const TString &embeddedLogBody, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &gcDiscovered, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &gcLeft) {
- Id = id;
- References.clear();
- IsSnapshot = false;
- GcDiscovered.swap(gcDiscovered);
- GcLeft.swap(gcLeft);
- EmbeddedLogBody = embeddedLogBody;
- }
- };
+ Id = id;
+ References.clear();
+ IsSnapshot = false;
+ GcDiscovered.swap(gcDiscovered);
+ GcLeft.swap(gcLeft);
+ EmbeddedLogBody = embeddedLogBody;
+ }
+ };
std::pair<ui32, ui32> Snapshot;
TDeque<TEntry> Entries;
TDependencyGraph(const std::pair<ui32, ui32> &snap)
- : Snapshot(snap)
- {}
+ : Snapshot(snap)
+ {}
void Describe(IOutputStream &out) const noexcept {
<< "Deps{" << Snapshot.first << ":" << Snapshot.second
@@ -149,41 +149,41 @@ struct TEvTablet {
void AddEntry(const std::pair<ui32, ui32> &id, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &references, bool isSnapshot, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &gcDiscovered, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &gcLeft) {
- if (isSnapshot) {
- Snapshot = id;
- Entries.clear();
- }
- Entries.push_back(TEntry());
- Entries.back().Set(id, references, isSnapshot, gcDiscovered, gcLeft);
- }
+ if (isSnapshot) {
+ Snapshot = id;
+ Entries.clear();
+ }
+ Entries.push_back(TEntry());
+ Entries.back().Set(id, references, isSnapshot, gcDiscovered, gcLeft);
+ }
void AddEntry(const std::pair<ui32, ui32> &id, const TString &embeddedLogBody, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &gcDiscovered, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &gcLeft) {
- Entries.push_back(TEntry());
- Entries.back().Set(id, embeddedLogBody, gcDiscovered, gcLeft);
- }
- void Invalidate() {
+ Entries.push_back(TEntry());
+ Entries.back().Set(id, embeddedLogBody, gcDiscovered, gcLeft);
+ }
+ void Invalidate() {
Snapshot = std::make_pair(Max<ui32>(), Max<ui32>());
- Entries.clear();
- }
- bool IsValid() const {
+ Entries.clear();
+ }
+ bool IsValid() const {
return (Snapshot.first != Max<ui32>());
- }
- };
- using TLogEntryReference = TLogoBlob;
- // dependency graph to boot tablet, not yet ready
- struct TEvBoot : public TEventLocal<TEvBoot, EvBoot> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui32 Generation;
- TIntrusivePtr<TDependencyGraph> DependencyGraph;
+ }
+ };
+ using TLogEntryReference = TLogoBlob;
+ // dependency graph to boot tablet, not yet ready
+ struct TEvBoot : public TEventLocal<TEvBoot, EvBoot> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui32 Generation;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TDependencyGraph> DependencyGraph;
const TActorId Launcher;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletStorageInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletStorageInfo;
TResourceProfilesPtr ResourceProfiles;
TSharedQuotaPtr TxCacheQuota;
@@ -200,129 +200,129 @@ struct TEvTablet {
TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota = nullptr,
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue&& read = NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue(),
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue&& readOps = NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue())
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Generation(generation)
- , DependencyGraph(dependencyGraph)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Generation(generation)
+ , DependencyGraph(dependencyGraph)
, Launcher(launcher)
- , TabletStorageInfo(info)
+ , TabletStorageInfo(info)
, ResourceProfiles(profiles)
, TxCacheQuota(txCacheQuota)
, GroupReadBytes(std::move(read))
, GroupReadOps(std::move(readOps))
- {}
- };
- // tablet is ready for operation
- struct TEvRestored : public TEventLocal<TEvRestored, EvRestored> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui32 Generation;
+ {}
+ };
+ // tablet is ready for operation
+ struct TEvRestored : public TEventLocal<TEvRestored, EvRestored> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui32 Generation;
const TActorId UserTabletActor;
const bool Follower;
TEvRestored(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation, const TActorId &userTabletActor, bool follower)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Generation(generation)
- , UserTabletActor(userTabletActor)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Generation(generation)
+ , UserTabletActor(userTabletActor)
, Follower(follower)
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvNewFollowerAttached : public TEventLocal<TEvNewFollowerAttached, EvNewFollowerAttached> {
const ui32 TotalFollowers;
TEvNewFollowerAttached(ui32 totalFollowers)
: TotalFollowers(totalFollowers)
- {}
- };
- // tablet
- struct TCommitInfo {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui32 Generation;
- const ui32 Step;
+ {}
+ };
+ // tablet
+ struct TCommitInfo {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui32 Generation;
+ const ui32 Step;
const TVector<ui32> DependsOn;
- const bool IsSnapshot;
- bool IsTotalSnapshot;
+ const bool IsSnapshot;
+ bool IsTotalSnapshot;
bool WaitFollowerGcAck;
TCommitInfo(ui64 tabletId, ui32 gen, ui32 step, const TVector<ui32> &dependsOn, bool isSnapshot)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Generation(gen)
- , Step(step)
- , DependsOn(dependsOn)
- , IsSnapshot(isSnapshot)
- , IsTotalSnapshot(false)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Generation(gen)
+ , Step(step)
+ , DependsOn(dependsOn)
+ , IsSnapshot(isSnapshot)
+ , IsTotalSnapshot(false)
, WaitFollowerGcAck(false)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvCommit : public TEventLocal<TEvCommit, EvCommit>, public TCommitInfo {
- const bool PreCommited;
- TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic CommitTactic;
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvCommit : public TEventLocal<TEvCommit, EvCommit>, public TCommitInfo {
+ const bool PreCommited;
+ TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic CommitTactic;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> ExternalReferences;
TVector<TLogEntryReference> References;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> GcDiscovered;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> GcLeft;
TString EmbeddedLogBody;
TString FollowerAux;
- TEvCommit(ui64 tabletId, ui32 gen, ui32 step, const TVector<ui32> &dependsOn, bool isSnapshot
- , bool preCommited = false
- , TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic tactic = TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::TacticMinLatency)
- : TCommitInfo(tabletId, gen, step, dependsOn, isSnapshot)
- , PreCommited(preCommited)
- , CommitTactic(tactic)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvAux : public TEventLocal<TEvAux, EvAux> {
+ TEvCommit(ui64 tabletId, ui32 gen, ui32 step, const TVector<ui32> &dependsOn, bool isSnapshot
+ , bool preCommited = false
+ , TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic tactic = TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::TacticMinLatency)
+ : TCommitInfo(tabletId, gen, step, dependsOn, isSnapshot)
+ , PreCommited(preCommited)
+ , CommitTactic(tactic)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvAux : public TEventLocal<TEvAux, EvAux> {
TString FollowerAux;
TEvAux(TString followerAux)
: FollowerAux(std::move(followerAux))
- {}
- };
- struct TEvPreCommit : public TEventLocal<TEvPreCommit, EvPreCommit>, public TCommitInfo {
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvPreCommit : public TEventLocal<TEvPreCommit, EvPreCommit>, public TCommitInfo {
TEvPreCommit(ui64 tabletId, ui32 gen, ui32 step, const TVector<ui32> &dependsOn, bool isSnapshot)
- : TCommitInfo(tabletId, gen, step, dependsOn, isSnapshot)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvTabletActive : public TEventLocal<TEvTabletActive, EvTabletActive> {};
- struct TEvDemoted : public TEventLocal<TEvDemoted, EvDemoted> {
- const bool ByIsolation;
- TEvDemoted(bool byIsolation)
- : ByIsolation(byIsolation)
- {}
- };
+ : TCommitInfo(tabletId, gen, step, dependsOn, isSnapshot)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvTabletActive : public TEventLocal<TEvTabletActive, EvTabletActive> {};
+ struct TEvDemoted : public TEventLocal<TEvDemoted, EvDemoted> {
+ const bool ByIsolation;
+ TEvDemoted(bool byIsolation)
+ : ByIsolation(byIsolation)
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvPromoteToLeader : public TEventLocal<TEvPromoteToLeader, EvPromoteToLeader> {
- const ui32 SuggestedGeneration;
+ const ui32 SuggestedGeneration;
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletStorageInfo;
TEvPromoteToLeader(ui32 suggestedGeneration, TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info)
- : SuggestedGeneration(suggestedGeneration)
- , TabletStorageInfo(info)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvCommitResult : public TEventLocal<TEvCommitResult, EvCommitResult> {
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui32 Generation;
- const ui32 Step;
+ : SuggestedGeneration(suggestedGeneration)
+ , TabletStorageInfo(info)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvCommitResult : public TEventLocal<TEvCommitResult, EvCommitResult> {
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui32 Generation;
+ const ui32 Step;
const ui32 ConfirmedOnSend;
TVector<ui32> YellowMoveChannels;
TVector<ui32> YellowStopChannels;
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue GroupWrittenBytes;
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue GroupWrittenOps;
NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status,
ui64 tabletId,
@@ -333,146 +333,146 @@ struct TEvTablet {
TVector<ui32>&& yellowStopChannels,
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue&& written,
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue&& writtenOps)
- : Status(status)
- , TabletID(tabletId)
- , Generation(gen)
- , Step(step)
+ : Status(status)
+ , TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Generation(gen)
+ , Step(step)
, ConfirmedOnSend(confirmedOnSend)
, YellowMoveChannels(std::move(yellowMoveChannels))
, YellowStopChannels(std::move(yellowStopChannels))
, GroupWrittenBytes(std::move(written))
, GroupWrittenOps(std::move(writtenOps))
- {}
- };
- struct TEvTabletDead : public TEventLocal<TEvTabletDead, EvTabletDead> {
- XX(ReasonBootLocked, 0) \
- XX(ReasonBootSSTimeout, 1) \
- XX(ReasonBootRace, 2) \
- XX(ReasonReserved01, 3) \
- XX(ReasonBootBSError, 4) \
- XX(ReasonBootSuggestOutdated, 5) \
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvTabletDead : public TEventLocal<TEvTabletDead, EvTabletDead> {
+ XX(ReasonBootLocked, 0) \
+ XX(ReasonBootSSTimeout, 1) \
+ XX(ReasonBootRace, 2) \
+ XX(ReasonReserved01, 3) \
+ XX(ReasonBootBSError, 4) \
+ XX(ReasonBootSuggestOutdated, 5) \
XX(ReasonBootSSError, 6) \
- XX(ReasonBootReservedValue, 32) \
- XX(ReasonPill, 33) \
- XX(ReasonError, 34) \
- XX(ReasonDemotedByStateStorage, 35) \
- XX(ReasonReserved03, 36) \
- XX(ReasonBSError, 37) \
- XX(ReasonInconsistentCommit, 38) \
- XX(ReasonIsolated, 39) \
- XX(ReasonDemotedByBlobStorage, 40)
- enum EReason {
- };
+ XX(ReasonBootReservedValue, 32) \
+ XX(ReasonPill, 33) \
+ XX(ReasonError, 34) \
+ XX(ReasonDemotedByStateStorage, 35) \
+ XX(ReasonReserved03, 36) \
+ XX(ReasonBSError, 37) \
+ XX(ReasonInconsistentCommit, 38) \
+ XX(ReasonIsolated, 39) \
+ XX(ReasonDemotedByBlobStorage, 40)
+ enum EReason {
+ };
static void Out(IOutputStream& o, EReason x);
- static const char* Str(EReason status);
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const EReason Reason;
- const ui32 Generation;
- bool IsBootReason() const {
- return (Reason <= ReasonBootReservedValue);
- }
- TEvTabletDead(ui64 tabletId, EReason reason, ui32 generation)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Reason(reason)
- , Generation(generation)
- {}
- };
+ static const char* Str(EReason status);
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const EReason Reason;
+ const ui32 Generation;
+ bool IsBootReason() const {
+ return (Reason <= ReasonBootReservedValue);
+ }
+ TEvTabletDead(ui64 tabletId, EReason reason, ui32 generation)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Reason(reason)
+ , Generation(generation)
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvFollowerUpdateState : public TEventLocal<TEvFollowerUpdateState, EvFollowerUpdateState> {
- const bool IsCandidate;
+ const bool IsCandidate;
const TActorId FollowerActor;
const TActorId TabletActor;
TEvFollowerUpdateState(bool isCandidate, TActorId followerActor, TActorId tabletActor)
- : IsCandidate(isCandidate)
+ : IsCandidate(isCandidate)
, FollowerActor(followerActor)
- , TabletActor(tabletActor)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvPing : public TEventPB<TEvPing, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPing, EvPing> {
- enum EFlags {
- FlagWaitBoot = 1,
- };
- TEvPing()
- {}
- TEvPing(ui64 tabletId, ui64 flags)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetFlags(flags);
- }
- };
- struct TEvPong : public TEventPB<TEvPong, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPong, EvPong> {
- enum EFlags {
- FlagBoot = 1,
+ , TabletActor(tabletActor)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvPing : public TEventPB<TEvPing, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPing, EvPing> {
+ enum EFlags {
+ FlagWaitBoot = 1,
+ };
+ TEvPing()
+ {}
+ TEvPing(ui64 tabletId, ui64 flags)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetFlags(flags);
+ }
+ };
+ struct TEvPong : public TEventPB<TEvPong, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPong, EvPong> {
+ enum EFlags {
+ FlagBoot = 1,
FlagLeader = 2,
FlagFollower = 4,
- };
- TEvPong()
- {}
- TEvPong(ui64 tabletId, ui64 flags)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetFlags(flags);
- }
- };
- struct TEvReadLocalBase : public TEventPB<TEvReadLocalBase, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvReadLocalBase, EvReadLocalBase> {
- TEvReadLocalBase()
- {}
+ };
+ TEvPong()
+ {}
+ TEvPong(ui64 tabletId, ui64 flags)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetFlags(flags);
+ }
+ };
+ struct TEvReadLocalBase : public TEventPB<TEvReadLocalBase, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvReadLocalBase, EvReadLocalBase> {
+ TEvReadLocalBase()
+ {}
TEvReadLocalBase(const TString& rootKey, bool saveScheme)
- if (!rootKey.empty())
- Record.SetRootKey(rootKey);
- if (saveScheme)
- Record.SetSaveScheme(true);
+ if (!rootKey.empty())
+ Record.SetRootKey(rootKey);
+ if (saveScheme)
+ Record.SetSaveScheme(true);
- struct TEvReadLocalBaseResult : public TEventPB<TEvReadLocalBaseResult, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvReadLocalBaseResult, TEvTablet::EvReadLocalBaseResult> {
+ struct TEvReadLocalBaseResult : public TEventPB<TEvReadLocalBaseResult, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvReadLocalBaseResult, TEvTablet::EvReadLocalBaseResult> {
+ ui64 Origin() const { return Record.GetOrigin(); }
+ bool IsError() const { return Record.HasIsError() && Record.GetIsError(); }
+ TStringBuf DocBuffer() const { return Record.HasDocBuffer() ? Record.GetDocBuffer() : TStringBuf(); }
+ TEvReadLocalBaseResult()
+ {}
- ui64 Origin() const { return Record.GetOrigin(); }
- bool IsError() const { return Record.HasIsError() && Record.GetIsError(); }
- TStringBuf DocBuffer() const { return Record.HasDocBuffer() ? Record.GetDocBuffer() : TStringBuf(); }
- TEvReadLocalBaseResult()
- {}
TEvReadLocalBaseResult(ui64 origin, const TString& rootKey, bool isError, const TString& docBuffer, const TString* schemeBuffer)
- Record.SetOrigin(origin);
- Record.SetRootKey(rootKey);
- Record.SetIsError(isError);
- Record.SetDocBuffer(docBuffer);
- if (schemeBuffer)
- Record.SetScheme(*schemeBuffer);
+ Record.SetOrigin(origin);
+ Record.SetRootKey(rootKey);
+ Record.SetIsError(isError);
+ Record.SetDocBuffer(docBuffer);
+ if (schemeBuffer)
+ Record.SetScheme(*schemeBuffer);
struct TEvLocalMKQL : public TEventPB<TEvLocalMKQL, NKikimrTabletTxBase::TEvLocalMKQL, TEvTablet::EvLocalMKQL> {
- TEvLocalMKQL()
- {}
- };
+ TEvLocalMKQL()
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvLocalMKQLResponse : public TEventPB<TEvLocalMKQLResponse, NKikimrTabletTxBase::TEvLocalMKQLResponse, TEvTablet::EvLocalMKQLResponse> {
- TEvLocalMKQLResponse()
- {}
- };
+ TEvLocalMKQLResponse()
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvLocalSchemeTx : public TEventPB<TEvLocalSchemeTx, NKikimrTabletTxBase::TEvLocalSchemeTx, TEvTablet::EvLocalSchemeTx> {
@@ -495,225 +495,225 @@ struct TEvTablet {
struct TEvFollowerAttach : public TEventPB<TEvFollowerAttach, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvFollowerAttach, EvFollowerAttach> {
- {}
+ {}
TEvFollowerAttach(ui64 tabletId, ui32 followerAttempt)
- {
- Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
- }
- };
+ }
+ };
struct TEvFollowerUpdate : public TEventPB<TEvFollowerUpdate, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvFollowerUpdate, EvFollowerUpdate> {
- {}
+ {}
TEvFollowerUpdate(ui64 tabletId, ui32 followerAttempt, ui64 streamCounter)
- {
- Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
- Record.SetStreamCounter(streamCounter);
- }
- };
+ Record.SetStreamCounter(streamCounter);
+ }
+ };
struct TEvFollowerAuxUpdate : public TEventPB<TEvFollowerAuxUpdate, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvFollowerAuxUpdate, EvFollowerAuxUpdate> {
TEvFollowerAuxUpdate() = default;
TEvFollowerAuxUpdate(ui64 tabletId, ui32 followerAttempt, ui64 streamCounter)
- {
- Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
- Record.SetStreamCounter(streamCounter);
- }
- };
+ Record.SetStreamCounter(streamCounter);
+ }
+ };
struct TEvFollowerDetach : public TEventPB<TEvFollowerDetach, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvFollowerDetach, EvFollowerDetach> {
- {}
+ {}
TEvFollowerDetach(ui64 tabletId, ui32 followerAttempt)
- {
- Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
- }
- };
+ }
+ };
struct TEvFollowerListRefresh : public TEventLocal<TEvFollowerListRefresh, EvFollowerListRefresh> {
TVector<TActorId> FollowerList;
TEvFollowerListRefresh(TVector<TActorId> &&followers)
: FollowerList(std::move(followers))
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvFollowerDisconnect : public TEventPB<TEvFollowerDisconnect, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvFollowerDisconnect, EvFollowerDisconnect> {
- {}
+ {}
TEvFollowerDisconnect(ui64 tabletId, ui32 followerAttempt)
- {
- Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
- }
- };
+ }
+ };
struct TEvFollowerRefresh : public TEventPB<TEvFollowerRefresh, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvFollowerRefresh, EvFollowerRefresh> {
- {}
+ {}
TEvFollowerRefresh(ui64 tabletId, ui32 generation)
- {
- Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
- Record.SetGeneration(generation);
- }
- };
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
+ Record.SetGeneration(generation);
+ }
+ };
struct TEvFollowerGcAck : public TEventPB<TEvFollowerGcAck, NKikimrTabletBase::TEvFollowerGcAck, EvFollowerGcAck> {
- {}
+ {}
TEvFollowerGcAck(ui64 tabletId, ui32 followerAttempt, ui32 generation, ui32 step)
- {
- Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
- Record.SetGeneration(generation);
- Record.SetStep(step);
- }
- };
+ Record.SetGeneration(generation);
+ Record.SetStep(step);
+ }
+ };
struct TFUpdateBody {
- const bool IsSnapshot;
- const ui32 Step;
+ const bool IsSnapshot;
+ const ui32 Step;
TString EmbeddedBody;
TVector<std::pair<TLogoBlobID, TString>> References;
TString AuxPayload;
bool NeedFollowerGcAck;
TFUpdateBody(const TEvFollowerUpdate &upd)
- : IsSnapshot(upd.Record.GetIsSnapshot())
- , Step(upd.Record.GetStep())
+ : IsSnapshot(upd.Record.GetIsSnapshot())
+ , Step(upd.Record.GetStep())
, NeedFollowerGcAck(upd.Record.HasNeedGCApplyAck() ? upd.Record.GetNeedGCApplyAck() : false)
- {
- const auto &r = upd.Record;
- if (r.HasBody())
- EmbeddedBody = r.GetBody();
- if (r.HasAuxPayload())
- AuxPayload = r.GetAuxPayload();
- References.reserve(r.ReferencesIdsSize());
- for (ui32 i = 0, end = r.ReferencesIdsSize(); i != end; ++i) {
- const TLogoBlobID &id = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(r.GetReferencesIds(i));
- References.emplace_back(std::make_pair(id, r.GetReferences(i)));
- }
- }
+ {
+ const auto &r = upd.Record;
+ if (r.HasBody())
+ EmbeddedBody = r.GetBody();
+ if (r.HasAuxPayload())
+ AuxPayload = r.GetAuxPayload();
+ References.reserve(r.ReferencesIdsSize());
+ for (ui32 i = 0, end = r.ReferencesIdsSize(); i != end; ++i) {
+ const TLogoBlobID &id = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(r.GetReferencesIds(i));
+ References.emplace_back(std::make_pair(id, r.GetReferences(i)));
+ }
+ }
TFUpdateBody(TString auxUpdate)
- : IsSnapshot(false)
- , Step(0)
+ : IsSnapshot(false)
+ , Step(0)
, AuxPayload(std::move(auxUpdate))
, NeedFollowerGcAck(false)
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvFBoot : public TEventLocal<TEvFBoot, EvFBoot> {
// boot new round of follower
- const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui64 TabletID;
const ui32 FollowerID;
- const ui32 Generation;
+ const ui32 Generation;
const TActorId Launcher;
// must be present one of: or loaded graph or snapshot follower update
- TIntrusivePtr<TDependencyGraph> DependencyGraph;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TDependencyGraph> DependencyGraph;
THolder<TFUpdateBody> Update;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletStorageInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletStorageInfo;
TResourceProfilesPtr ResourceProfiles;
TSharedQuotaPtr TxCacheQuota;
TEvFBoot(ui64 tabletID, ui32 followerID, ui32 generation, TActorId launcher, const TEvFollowerUpdate &upd,
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles = nullptr,
TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota = nullptr)
- : TabletID(tabletID)
+ : TabletID(tabletID)
, FollowerID(followerID)
- , Generation(generation)
- , Launcher(launcher)
+ , Generation(generation)
+ , Launcher(launcher)
, Update(new TFUpdateBody(upd))
- , TabletStorageInfo(info)
+ , TabletStorageInfo(info)
, ResourceProfiles(profiles)
, TxCacheQuota(txCacheQuota)
- {}
+ {}
TEvFBoot(ui64 tabletID, ui32 followerID, ui32 generation, TActorId launcher, TDependencyGraph *dependencyGraph,
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles = nullptr,
TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota = nullptr)
- : TabletID(tabletID)
+ : TabletID(tabletID)
, FollowerID(followerID)
- , Generation(generation)
- , Launcher(launcher)
- , DependencyGraph(dependencyGraph)
- , TabletStorageInfo(info)
- , ResourceProfiles(profiles)
- , TxCacheQuota(txCacheQuota)
- {}
- };
+ , Generation(generation)
+ , Launcher(launcher)
+ , DependencyGraph(dependencyGraph)
+ , TabletStorageInfo(info)
+ , ResourceProfiles(profiles)
+ , TxCacheQuota(txCacheQuota)
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvFUpdate : public TEventLocal<TEvFUpdate, EvFUpdate> {
THolder<TFUpdateBody> Update;
TEvFUpdate(const TEvFollowerUpdate &upd)
: Update(new TFUpdateBody(upd))
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvFAuxUpdate : public TEventLocal<TEvFAuxUpdate, EvFAuxUpdate> {
const TString AuxUpdate;
TEvFAuxUpdate(const TString &auxUpdate)
- : AuxUpdate(auxUpdate)
- {}
- };
+ : AuxUpdate(auxUpdate)
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvFollowerGcApplied : public TEventLocal<TEvFollowerGcApplied, EvFollowerGcApplied> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui32 Generation;
- const ui32 Step;
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui32 Generation;
+ const ui32 Step;
const TDuration FollowerSyncDelay;
TEvFollowerGcApplied(ui64 tabletId, ui32 gen, ui32 step, TDuration followerSyncDelay)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Generation(gen)
- , Step(step)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Generation(gen)
+ , Step(step)
, FollowerSyncDelay(followerSyncDelay)
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvFollowerSyncComplete : public TEventLocal<TEvFollowerSyncComplete, EvFollowerSyncComplete> {};
struct TEvFGcAck : public TEventLocal<TEvFGcAck, EvFGcAck> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- const ui32 Generation;
- const ui32 Step;
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui32 Generation;
+ const ui32 Step;
TEvFGcAck(ui64 tabletId, ui32 gen, ui32 step)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Generation(gen)
- , Step(step)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult : public TEventLocal<TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult, EvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult> {
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Generation(gen)
+ , Step(step)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult : public TEventLocal<TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult, EvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult> {
TVector<ui32> LightYellowMoveGroups;
TVector<ui32> YellowStopGroups;
TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult(TVector<ui32> &&lightYellowMoveGroups, TVector<ui32> &&yellowStopGroups)
: LightYellowMoveGroups(std::move(lightYellowMoveGroups))
, YellowStopGroups(std::move(yellowStopGroups))
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvResetTabletResult : public TEventLocal<TEvResetTabletResult, EvResetTabletResult> {
const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
@@ -777,19 +777,19 @@ struct TEvTablet {
struct TEvTabletStopped : TEventLocal<TEvTabletStopped, EvTabletStopped> {};
IActor* CreateTabletKiller(ui64 tabletId, ui32 nodeId = 0, ui32 maxGeneration = Max<ui32>());
IActor* CreateTabletDSChecker(const TActorId &replyTo, TTabletStorageInfo *info);
IActor* CreateTabletReqReset(const TActorId &replyTo, const TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> &tabletStorageInfo, ui32 knownGeneration = 0);
inline void Out<NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason>(IOutputStream& o, NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason x) {
- return NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Out(o, x);
+ return NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Out(o, x);
inline TString ToString(NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason x) {
- return NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Str(x);
+ return NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Str(x);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/tablet_killer.cpp b/ydb/core/base/tablet_killer.cpp
index 907fca83d3..d46e2c5c89 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/tablet_killer.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/tablet_killer.cpp
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-#include "statestorage.h"
-#include "tablet.h"
-#include "tabletid.h"
+#include "statestorage.h"
+#include "tablet.h"
+#include "tabletid.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
namespace NKikimr {
class TTabletKillRequest : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletKillRequest> {
- const ui64 TabletId;
+ const ui64 TabletId;
const ui32 NodeId;
const ui32 MaxGeneration;
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
TActorId LeaderActor;
if (NodeId == 0) {
LeaderActor = msg->CurrentLeader;
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ public:
void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
const TActorId stateStorageProxyId = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(TabletId));
- ctx.Send(stateStorageProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup(TabletId, 0));
+ ctx.Send(stateStorageProxyId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup(TabletId, 0));
STFUNC(StateFunc) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, Handle);
@@ -62,5 +62,5 @@ IActor* CreateTabletKiller(ui64 tabletId, ui32 nodeId, ui32 maxGeneration) {
return new TTabletKillRequest(tabletId, nodeId, maxGeneration);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h b/ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h
index 54cfed771f..a0420b8672 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
- EvClientCheckDelay,
+ EvClientCheckDelay,
EvMessage, // replacement for EvSend
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
, ClientId(clientId)
, ServerId(serverId)
, Leader(leader)
- , Dead(dead)
+ , Dead(dead)
const ui64 TabletId;
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
const TActorId ClientId;
const TActorId ServerId;
const bool Leader;
- const bool Dead;
+ const bool Dead;
struct TEvServerConnected : public TEventLocal<TEvServerConnected, EvServerConnected> {
@@ -214,10 +214,10 @@ namespace NKikimr {
struct TEvClientRetry : public TEventLocal<TEvClientRetry, EvClientRetry> {
TEvClientRetry() {}
- struct TEvClientCheckDelay : public TEventLocal<TEvClientCheckDelay, EvClientCheckDelay> {
- TEvClientCheckDelay() {}
- };
+ struct TEvClientCheckDelay : public TEventLocal<TEvClientCheckDelay, EvClientCheckDelay> {
+ TEvClientCheckDelay() {}
+ };
class TEvMessage : public TEventLocal<TEvMessage, EvMessage> {
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
virtual void Stop(TActorIdentity owner) = 0;
// Destroys all servers, created by Accept or Enqueue.
- virtual void Detach(TActorIdentity owner) = 0;
+ virtual void Detach(TActorIdentity owner) = 0;
// Creates an inactive server, returns server Id.
// Owner of context is not captured at this time.
@@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ namespace NKikimr {
struct TClientRetryState {
bool IsAllowedToRetry(TDuration& wait, const TClientRetryPolicy& policy);
- TDuration MakeCheckDelay();
+ TDuration MakeCheckDelay();
ui64 RetryNumber = 0;
TDuration RetryDuration;
struct TClientConfig {
- bool ConnectToUserTablet = false;
+ bool ConnectToUserTablet = false;
bool AllowFollower = false;
bool ForceFollower = false;
- bool ForceLocal = false;
- bool PreferLocal = false;
- bool CheckAliveness = false;
+ bool ForceLocal = false;
+ bool PreferLocal = false;
+ bool CheckAliveness = false;
bool ExpectShutdown = false;
TClientRetryPolicy RetryPolicy;
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/tablet_pipecache.h b/ydb/core/base/tablet_pipecache.h
index 7023f6b7eb..d3a519c9bd 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/tablet_pipecache.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/tablet_pipecache.h
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "events.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "events.h"
#include "counters.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h>
-#include <util/stream/str.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TEvPipeCache {
- enum EEv {
- EvForward = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_PIPECACHE),
- EvUnlink,
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TEvPipeCache {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvForward = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_PIPECACHE),
+ EvUnlink,
- EvDeliveryProblem = EvForward + 1 * 512,
+ EvDeliveryProblem = EvForward + 1 * 512,
- EvEnd
- };
- static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PIPECACHE), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PIPECACHE)");
- struct TEvForward : public TEventLocal<TEvForward, EvForward> {
- public:
- THolder<IEventBase> Ev;
- const ui64 TabletId;
- const bool Subscribe;
- TEvForward(IEventBase *ev, ui64 tabletId, bool subscribe = true)
- : Ev(ev)
- , TabletId(tabletId)
- , Subscribe(subscribe)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvUnlink : public TEventLocal<TEvUnlink, EvUnlink> {
- const ui64 TabletId;
- TEvUnlink(ui64 tabletId)
- : TabletId(tabletId)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvDeliveryProblem : public TEventLocal<TEvDeliveryProblem, EvDeliveryProblem> {
- const ui64 TabletId;
- const bool NotDelivered;
- TEvDeliveryProblem(ui64 tabletId, bool notDelivered)
- : TabletId(tabletId)
- , NotDelivered(notDelivered)
- {}
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PIPECACHE), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PIPECACHE)");
+ struct TEvForward : public TEventLocal<TEvForward, EvForward> {
+ public:
+ THolder<IEventBase> Ev;
+ const ui64 TabletId;
+ const bool Subscribe;
+ TEvForward(IEventBase *ev, ui64 tabletId, bool subscribe = true)
+ : Ev(ev)
+ , TabletId(tabletId)
+ , Subscribe(subscribe)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvUnlink : public TEventLocal<TEvUnlink, EvUnlink> {
+ const ui64 TabletId;
+ TEvUnlink(ui64 tabletId)
+ : TabletId(tabletId)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvDeliveryProblem : public TEventLocal<TEvDeliveryProblem, EvDeliveryProblem> {
+ const ui64 TabletId;
+ const bool NotDelivered;
+ TEvDeliveryProblem(ui64 tabletId, bool notDelivered)
+ : TabletId(tabletId)
+ , NotDelivered(notDelivered)
+ {}
+ };
* Requests node id of the given tablet id, where pipe cache is connected
@@ -77,21 +77,21 @@ struct TEvPipeCache {
, NodeId(nodeId)
-struct TPipePeNodeCacheConfig : public TAtomicRefCount<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig>{
- ui64 TabletCacheLimit;
- TDuration PipeRefreshTime;
- NTabletPipe::TClientConfig PipeConfig;
+struct TPipePeNodeCacheConfig : public TAtomicRefCount<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig>{
+ ui64 TabletCacheLimit;
+ TDuration PipeRefreshTime;
+ NTabletPipe::TClientConfig PipeConfig;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr Counters;
- TPipePeNodeCacheConfig()
- : TabletCacheLimit(500000)
- , PipeRefreshTime(TDuration::Seconds(30))
- {}
-IActor* CreatePipePeNodeCache(const TIntrusivePtr<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig> &config);
+ TPipePeNodeCacheConfig()
+ : TabletCacheLimit(500000)
+ , PipeRefreshTime(TDuration::Seconds(30))
+ {}
+IActor* CreatePipePeNodeCache(const TIntrusivePtr<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig> &config);
TActorId MakePipePeNodeCacheID(bool allowFollower);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/tablet_resolver.h b/ydb/core/base/tablet_resolver.h
index a2c446cec2..24744cef47 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/tablet_resolver.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/tablet_resolver.h
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "events.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "events.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/base.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h>
#include <util/stream/str.h>
#include <util/string/builder.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TEvTabletResolver {
- enum EEv {
- EvForward = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLETRESOLVER),
- EvTabletProblem,
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TEvTabletResolver {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvForward = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLETRESOLVER),
+ EvTabletProblem,
- EvForwardResult = EvForward + 1 * 512,
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvForwardResult = EvForward + 1 * 512,
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLETRESOLVER), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLETRESOLVER)");
- struct TEvForward : public TEventLocal<TEvForward, EvForward> {
+ struct TEvForward : public TEventLocal<TEvForward, EvForward> {
enum class EResolvePrio : ui8 {
- };
+ };
struct TResolveFlags {
EResolvePrio LocalNodePrio;
@@ -104,17 +104,17 @@ struct TEvTabletResolver {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- THolder<IEventHandle> Ev;
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ THolder<IEventHandle> Ev;
TResolveFlags ResolveFlags;
EActor Actor;
TEvForward(ui64 tabletId, IEventHandle *ev, TResolveFlags flags = TResolveFlags(), EActor actor = EActor::Tablet)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Ev(ev)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Ev(ev)
, ResolveFlags(flags)
, Actor(actor)
- {}
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -133,16 +133,16 @@ struct TEvTabletResolver {
return sysTablet;
- };
- struct TEvTabletProblem : public TEventLocal<TEvTabletProblem, EvTabletProblem> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
+ };
+ struct TEvTabletProblem : public TEventLocal<TEvTabletProblem, EvTabletProblem> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
const TActorId TabletActor;
TEvTabletProblem(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &tabletActor)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , TabletActor(tabletActor)
- {}
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , TabletActor(tabletActor)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ struct TEvTabletResolver {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvNodeProblem : public TEventLocal<TEvNodeProblem, EvNodeProblem> {
const ui32 NodeId;
const ui64 CacheEpoch;
@@ -170,27 +170,27 @@ struct TEvTabletResolver {
- struct TEvForwardResult : public TEventLocal<TEvForwardResult, EvForwardResult> {
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- ui64 TabletID;
+ struct TEvForwardResult : public TEventLocal<TEvForwardResult, EvForwardResult> {
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ ui64 TabletID;
TActorId TabletActor;
TActorId Tablet;
ui64 CacheEpoch;
- TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 tabletId)
- : Status(status)
- , TabletID(tabletId)
+ TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 tabletId)
+ : Status(status)
+ , TabletID(tabletId)
, CacheEpoch(0)
- {}
+ {}
TEvForwardResult(ui64 tabletId, const TActorId &tabletActor, const TActorId &tablet, ui64 cacheEpoch)
- : Status(NKikimrProto::OK)
- , TabletID(tabletId)
- , TabletActor(tabletActor)
+ : Status(NKikimrProto::OK)
+ , TabletID(tabletId)
+ , TabletActor(tabletActor)
, Tablet(tablet)
, CacheEpoch(cacheEpoch)
- {}
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -202,18 +202,18 @@ struct TEvTabletResolver {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TTabletResolverConfig : public TThrRefBase {
ui64 TabletCacheLimit;
- : TabletCacheLimit(500000)
+ : TabletCacheLimit(500000)
IActor* CreateTabletResolver(const TIntrusivePtr<TTabletResolverConfig> &config);
TActorId MakeTabletResolverID();
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/tablet_status_checker.cpp b/ydb/core/base/tablet_status_checker.cpp
index d5ebfe87fe..bfb51b8e85 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/tablet_status_checker.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/base/tablet_status_checker.cpp
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-#include "tablet.h"
+#include "tablet.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TTabletStatusCheckRequest : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletStatusCheckRequest> {
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TTabletStatusCheckRequest : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletStatusCheckRequest> {
const TActorId ReplyTo;
- TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
- ui32 RequestsLeft;
+ TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
+ ui32 RequestsLeft;
TVector<ui32> LightYellowMoveGroups;
TVector<ui32> YellowStopGroups;
- void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvStatusResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const TEvBlobStorage::TEvStatusResult *msg = ev->Get();
- --RequestsLeft;
+ void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvStatusResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const TEvBlobStorage::TEvStatusResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ --RequestsLeft;
if (msg->StatusFlags.Check(NKikimrBlobStorage::StatusDiskSpaceLightYellowMove)) {
if (msg->StatusFlags.Check(NKikimrBlobStorage::StatusDiskSpaceYellowStop)) {
- if (RequestsLeft == 0) {
+ if (RequestsLeft == 0) {
ctx.Send(ReplyTo, new TEvTablet::TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult(std::move(LightYellowMoveGroups),
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- }
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_ACTOR;
- }
+ }
TTabletStatusCheckRequest(const TActorId &replyTo, TTabletStorageInfo *info)
- : ReplyTo(replyTo)
- , Info(info)
- , RequestsLeft(0)
- {}
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ : ReplyTo(replyTo)
+ , Info(info)
+ , RequestsLeft(0)
+ {}
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
THashSet<ui32> seen;
- for (const auto &channel : Info->Channels) {
- const ui32 groupToCheck = channel.History.back().GroupID;
+ for (const auto &channel : Info->Channels) {
+ const ui32 groupToCheck = channel.History.back().GroupID;
if (seen.insert(groupToCheck).second) {
SendToBSProxy(ctx, groupToCheck, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvStatus(TInstant::Max()), groupToCheck);
- }
+ }
- }
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvStatusResult, Handle);
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die);
- }
- }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvStatusResult, Handle);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateTabletDSChecker(const TActorId &replyTo, TTabletStorageInfo *info) {
- return new TTabletStatusCheckRequest(replyTo, info);
+ return new TTabletStatusCheckRequest(replyTo, info);
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/tabletid.h b/ydb/core/base/tabletid.h
index 67a575473b..cd0a7cb58f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/tabletid.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/tabletid.h
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
- // extract 8 bits of state-storage group
- inline ui64 StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(ui64 tabletId) {
- return (tabletId >> 56) & 0xFFull;
- }
- inline ui32 StateStorageHashFromTabletID(ui64 tabletId) {
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
+ // extract 8 bits of state-storage group
+ inline ui64 StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(ui64 tabletId) {
+ return (tabletId >> 56) & 0xFFull;
+ }
+ inline ui32 StateStorageHashFromTabletID(ui64 tabletId) {
return (ui32)Hash64to32(tabletId);
- }
+ }
// extract 12 bits of hive group id (zero is 'human assigned')
inline ui64 HiveUidFromTabletID(ui64 tabletId) {
- return (tabletId >> 44) & 0xFFFull;
- }
- inline ui64 UniqPartFromTabletID(ui64 tabletId) {
- return (tabletId & 0x00000FFFFFFFFFFFull);
- }
+ return (tabletId >> 44) & 0xFFFull;
+ }
+ inline ui64 UniqPartFromTabletID(ui64 tabletId) {
+ return (tabletId & 0x00000FFFFFFFFFFFull);
+ }
inline ui64 AvoidReservedUniqPart(ui64 candidate, ui64 brokenBegin, ui64 brokenEnd) {
if (candidate >= brokenBegin && candidate < brokenEnd) {
return brokenEnd;
@@ -43,24 +43,24 @@ namespace NKikimr {
return uniqPart != AvoidReservedUniqPartsBySystemTablets(uniqPart);
- // 8 + 12 + 44
+ // 8 + 12 + 44
inline ui64 MakeTabletID(ui64 stateStorageGroup, ui64 hiveUid, ui64 uniqPart) {
Y_VERIFY(stateStorageGroup < (1ull << 8ull) && hiveUid < (1ull << 12ull) && uniqPart < (1ull << 44ull));
return (stateStorageGroup << 56ull) | (hiveUid << 44ull) | uniqPart;
- }
+ }
// blob storage controller (exactly one per domain in default state storage group)
inline ui64 MakeBSControllerID(ui64 stateStorageGroup) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(stateStorageGroup < (1ull << 8ull));
return MakeTabletID(stateStorageGroup, 0, 0x1001);
- }
+ }
// one default hive per domain (in default state storage group!)
inline ui64 MakeDefaultHiveID(ui64 stateStorageGroup) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(stateStorageGroup < (1ull << 8ull));
return MakeTabletID(stateStorageGroup, 0, 1);
- }
+ }
// cluster management system tablet (exactly one per domain in default state storage group)
inline ui64 MakeCmsID(ui64 stateStorageGroup) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(stateStorageGroup < (1ull << 8ull));
@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ namespace NKikimr {
// TODO: think about encoding scheme for sibling group hive
inline TActorId MakeStateStorageProxyID(ui64 stateStorageGroup) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(stateStorageGroup < (1ull << 8ull));
- char x[12] = { 's', 't', 's', 'p', 'r', 'o', 'x', 'y' };
- x[8] = (char)stateStorageGroup;
+ char x[12] = { 's', 't', 's', 'p', 'r', 'o', 'x', 'y' };
+ x[8] = (char)stateStorageGroup;
return TActorId(0, TStringBuf(x, 12));
- }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/tracing.h b/ydb/core/base/tracing.h
index 8f8b5b728d..40420e4541 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/tracing.h
+++ b/ydb/core/base/tracing.h
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public:
class ITrace {
enum EType {
- TypeSysTabletBootstrap,
+ TypeSysTabletBootstrap,
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/ut/ya.make b/ydb/core/base/ut/ya.make
index d999eb8780..7d6b2f3546 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/ut/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/base/ut/ya.make
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ SRCS(
- statestorage_ut.cpp
- statestorage_guardian_impl_ut.cpp
+ statestorage_ut.cpp
+ statestorage_guardian_impl_ut.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/base/ya.make b/ydb/core/base/ya.make
index a98739b702..83db5825c3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/base/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/base/ya.make
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- appdata.h
+ appdata.h
- board_lookup.cpp
- board_publish.cpp
- board_replica.cpp
+ board_lookup.cpp
+ board_publish.cpp
+ board_replica.cpp
- defs.h
- domain.h
+ defs.h
+ domain.h
- events.h
+ events.h
- kikimr_issue.cpp
- kikimr_issue.h
+ kikimr_issue.cpp
+ kikimr_issue.h
- logoblob.cpp
- logoblob.h
+ logoblob.cpp
+ logoblob.h
- pool_stats_collector.cpp
- pool_stats_collector.h
- quoter.cpp
- quoter.h
+ pool_stats_collector.cpp
+ pool_stats_collector.h
+ quoter.cpp
+ quoter.h
- statestorage.cpp
- statestorage.h
- statestorage_event_filter.cpp
- statestorage_guardian.cpp
- statestorage_guardian_impl.h
- statestorage_impl.h
- statestorage_monitoring.cpp
- statestorage_proxy.cpp
- statestorage_replica.cpp
- statestorage_replica_probe.cpp
- statestorage_warden.cpp
+ statestorage.cpp
+ statestorage.h
+ statestorage_event_filter.cpp
+ statestorage_guardian.cpp
+ statestorage_guardian_impl.h
+ statestorage_impl.h
+ statestorage_monitoring.cpp
+ statestorage_proxy.cpp
+ statestorage_replica.cpp
+ statestorage_replica_probe.cpp
+ statestorage_warden.cpp
- tablet.cpp
- tablet.h
- tablet_killer.cpp
+ tablet.cpp
+ tablet.h
+ tablet_killer.cpp
- tablet_pipecache.h
- tablet_resolver.h
- tablet_status_checker.cpp
- tabletid.h
+ tablet_pipecache.h
+ tablet_resolver.h
+ tablet_status_checker.cpp
+ tabletid.h
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ SRCS(
@@ -112,15 +112,15 @@ PEERDIR(
ydb/core/base/kikimr_issue.txt kikimr_issue.txt
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/backpressure/queue_backpressure_client.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/backpressure/queue_backpressure_client.cpp
index b90fd1a57a..200b85f616 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/backpressure/queue_backpressure_client.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/backpressure/queue_backpressure_client.cpp
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ private:
if (ev && ev->Get()->Cookie != CheckReadinessCookie) {
return; // obsolete scheduled event
QLOG_INFO_S("BSQ16", "called"
<< " CheckReadinessCookie# " << CheckReadinessCookie
<< " State# " << GetStateName());
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/base/blobstorage_vdiskid.h b/ydb/core/blobstorage/base/blobstorage_vdiskid.h
index f2f397c0e4..c8d5a818b1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/base/blobstorage_vdiskid.h
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/base/blobstorage_vdiskid.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "defs.h"
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
#include <util/str_stl.h>
#include <util/digest/numeric.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
class TBlobStorageGroupInfo;
struct TVDiskIdShort;
@@ -16,37 +16,37 @@ struct TVDiskIdShort;
// TVDiskID -- global vdisk identifier
#pragma pack(push, 4)
-struct TVDiskID {
+struct TVDiskID {
ui32 GroupID = 0;
ui32 GroupGeneration = 0;
ui8 FailRealm = 0;
ui8 FailDomain = 0;
ui8 VDisk = 0;
ui8 Padding = 0;
TVDiskID() = default;
TVDiskID(ui32 groupId, ui32 groupGen, TVDiskIdShort vdiskIdShort);
TVDiskID(IInputStream &str);
TVDiskID(ui32 groupId, ui32 groupGen, ui8 failRealm, ui8 failDomain, ui8 vdisk)
- : GroupID(groupId)
- , GroupGeneration(groupGen)
+ : GroupID(groupId)
+ , GroupGeneration(groupGen)
, FailRealm(failRealm)
, FailDomain(failDomain)
- , VDisk(vdisk)
+ , VDisk(vdisk)
bool SameGroupAndGeneration(const TVDiskID &x) const {
- return x.GroupID == GroupID && x.GroupGeneration == GroupGeneration;
- }
+ return x.GroupID == GroupID && x.GroupGeneration == GroupGeneration;
+ }
bool SameGroupAndGeneration(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TVDiskID &x) const {
- return x.GetGroupID() == GroupID && x.GetGroupGeneration() == GroupGeneration;
- }
+ return x.GetGroupID() == GroupID && x.GetGroupGeneration() == GroupGeneration;
+ }
bool SameExceptGeneration(const TVDiskID &x) const {
return x.GroupID == GroupID && x.FailRealm == FailRealm && x.FailDomain == FailDomain && x.VDisk == VDisk;
- }
+ }
bool SameDisk(const TVDiskID &x) const {
return *this == x;
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ struct TVDiskID {
static const TVDiskID InvalidId;
#pragma pack(pop)
-TVDiskID VDiskIDFromVDiskID(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TVDiskID &x);
-void VDiskIDFromVDiskID(const TVDiskID &id, NKikimrBlobStorage::TVDiskID *proto);
+TVDiskID VDiskIDFromVDiskID(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TVDiskID &x);
+void VDiskIDFromVDiskID(const TVDiskID &id, NKikimrBlobStorage::TVDiskID *proto);
// TVDiskIdShort -- topology info about VDisk, it avoids runtime info like
// group generation
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ struct TVDiskIdShort {
, FailDomain(id.FailDomain)
, VDisk(id.VDisk)
ui64 GetRaw() const {
return (ui64(FailRealm) << 16) | (ui64(FailDomain) << 8) | ui64(VDisk);
@@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ struct TVDiskIdShort {
ui32 x = (((ui32(FailRealm) << 8) | ui32(FailDomain)) << 8) | ui32(VDisk);
return IntHash<ui64>(x);
#pragma pack(pop)
} // NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/dsproxy_discover.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/dsproxy_discover.cpp
index 12bf08fe0e..2605a19a2e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/dsproxy_discover.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/dsproxy_discover.cpp
@@ -448,20 +448,20 @@ class TBlobStorageGroupDiscoverRequest : public TBlobStorageGroupRequestActor<TB
vDiskData.IsMoreRequested = false;
if (vDiskData.Blobs.size() > 0) {
TLogoBlobID &lastBlobId = vDiskData.Blobs.back().Id;
ui64 tablet = lastBlobId.TabletID();
- ui32 channel = lastBlobId.Channel();
- ui32 gen = lastBlobId.Generation();
- ui32 step = lastBlobId.Step();
- ui32 cookie = lastBlobId.Cookie();
- if (cookie > 0)
- vDiskData.nextLogoBlobId = TLogoBlobID(tablet, gen, step, channel, TLogoBlobID::MaxBlobSize, cookie - 1);
- else if (step > 0)
- vDiskData.nextLogoBlobId = TLogoBlobID(tablet, gen, step - 1, channel, TLogoBlobID::MaxBlobSize, TLogoBlobID::MaxCookie);
- else if (gen > 0)
- vDiskData.nextLogoBlobId = TLogoBlobID(tablet, gen - 1, Max<ui32>(), channel, TLogoBlobID::MaxBlobSize, TLogoBlobID::MaxCookie);
- else
+ ui32 channel = lastBlobId.Channel();
+ ui32 gen = lastBlobId.Generation();
+ ui32 step = lastBlobId.Step();
+ ui32 cookie = lastBlobId.Cookie();
+ if (cookie > 0)
+ vDiskData.nextLogoBlobId = TLogoBlobID(tablet, gen, step, channel, TLogoBlobID::MaxBlobSize, cookie - 1);
+ else if (step > 0)
+ vDiskData.nextLogoBlobId = TLogoBlobID(tablet, gen, step - 1, channel, TLogoBlobID::MaxBlobSize, TLogoBlobID::MaxCookie);
+ else if (gen > 0)
+ vDiskData.nextLogoBlobId = TLogoBlobID(tablet, gen - 1, Max<ui32>(), channel, TLogoBlobID::MaxBlobSize, TLogoBlobID::MaxCookie);
+ else
vDiskData.IsAllRead = true;
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/dsproxy_strategy_base.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/dsproxy_strategy_base.cpp
index 8c9b9f3edb..c73c20712e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/dsproxy_strategy_base.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/dsproxy_strategy_base.cpp
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ void TStrategyBase::EvaluateCurrentLayout(TLogContext &logCtx, TBlobState &state
for (ui32 partIdx = beginPartIdx; partIdx < endPartIdx; ++partIdx) {
TBlobState::ESituation partSituation = disk.DiskParts[partIdx].Situation;
if (partSituation == TBlobState::ESituation::Present) {
- R_LOG_DEBUG_SX(logCtx, "BPG42", "Request# "
+ R_LOG_DEBUG_SX(logCtx, "BPG42", "Request# "
<< " Id# " << state.Id.ToString()
<< " Disk# " << diskIdx << " Part# " << partIdx << " Present");
presentLayout.AddItem(diskIdx, partIdx, info.Type);
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_fault_tolerance_ut_discover.h b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_fault_tolerance_ut_discover.h
index c14df21045..2e8df42324 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_fault_tolerance_ut_discover.h
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_fault_tolerance_ut_discover.h
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public:
SendToBSProxy(GetActorContext(), Info->GroupID, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(tabletId, 0, false, false,
- TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ TInstant::Max(), 0));
auto resp = WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscoverResult>();
const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status = resp->Get()->Status;
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public:
TLogoBlobID::MaxChannel, TLogoBlobID::MaxBlobSize, TLogoBlobID::MaxCookie),
disks, false);
- SendToBSProxy(GetActorContext(), Info->GroupID, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(tabletId, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ SendToBSProxy(GetActorContext(), Info->GroupID, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(tabletId, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
auto response = WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscoverResult>();
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(response->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_fault_tolerance_ut_runtime.h b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_fault_tolerance_ut_runtime.h
index d483efadbf..bc33af4b86 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_fault_tolerance_ut_runtime.h
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_fault_tolerance_ut_runtime.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public:
TVector<std::pair<TVDiskID, TActorId>> VDisks;
std::unique_ptr<TAppData> AppData;
std::unique_ptr<TActorSystem> ActorSystem;
- TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
+ TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
void Setup(TBlobStorageGroupType groupType, ui32 numFailDomains, ui32 numVDisksPerFailDomain, ui32 numRealms) {
Counters = new NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters;
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_sequence_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_sequence_ut.cpp
index d4da4506d4..fdd7a92ea3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_sequence_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_sequence_ut.cpp
@@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestGivenBlock42Put6PartsOnOneVDiskWhenDiscoverThenRecoverFirst) {
const ui32 minGeneration = 0;
// Send Discover
runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(
- proxy, sender, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(tabletId, minGeneration, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0)));
+ proxy, sender, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(tabletId, minGeneration, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0)));
// Receive VGet
TMap<TActorId, TGetRequest> lastRequest;
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/dsproxy_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/dsproxy_ut.cpp
index 16aa7af975..13b1bec356 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/dsproxy_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/dsproxy_ut.cpp
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyBlock : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
TEST_RESPONSE(MessagePutResult, BLOCKED, 0, "");
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 80:
@@ -2337,13 +2337,13 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxySimpleDiscover : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
TEST_RESPONSE(MessagePutResult, OK, 0, "");
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 30:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, OK, 1, testData2);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 40:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, OK, 1, testData2);
@@ -2375,7 +2375,7 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyDiscover : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
"Unexpected " << (int)LastResponse.Message);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 10:
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_C(LastResponse.Message, TResponseData::MessageDiscoverResult,
@@ -2383,7 +2383,7 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyDiscover : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
if (LastResponse.Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
VERBOSE_COUT("ReSending TEvDiscover (due to " << (int)LastResponse.Status << ")");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
TestStep -= 10;
@@ -2391,14 +2391,14 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyDiscover : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, OK, 1, testData2);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 20:
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_C(LastResponse.Message, TResponseData::MessageDiscoverResult,
"Unexpected message type# " << (int)LastResponse.Message);
if (LastResponse.Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
VERBOSE_COUT("ReSending TEvDiscover (due to " << (int)LastResponse.Status << ")");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
TestStep -= 10;
@@ -2429,13 +2429,13 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyDiscoverFail : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
"Unexpected " << (int)LastResponse.Message);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 10:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, ERROR, 0, "");
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 20:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, ERROR, 0, "");
@@ -2465,13 +2465,13 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyDiscoverEmpty : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
"Unexpected " << (int)LastResponse.Message);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 10:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, NODATA, 0, "");
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 20:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, NODATA, 0, "");
@@ -2501,13 +2501,13 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyDiscoverTimeout : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
"Unexpected " << (int)LastResponse.Message);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 10:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, TIMEOUT, 0, "");
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 20:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, TIMEOUT, 0, "");
@@ -2698,14 +2698,14 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyLongTailDiscover : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
"Unexpected " << (int)LastResponse.Message);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 10:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, OK, 1, testData2);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 20:
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, OK, 1, testData2);
@@ -3065,7 +3065,7 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyBasic1 : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
TEST_RESPONSE(MessagePutResult, OK, 0, "");
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 230:
if (Env->ShouldBeUndiscoverable) {
@@ -3074,7 +3074,7 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyBasic1 : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, OK, 1, testData2);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = false, expecting OK");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, false, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, false, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 240:
if (Env->ShouldBeUndiscoverable) {
@@ -3083,7 +3083,7 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyBasic1 : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, OK, 1, "");
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting NODATA");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(2/*tabletId*/, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(2/*tabletId*/, 0, true, false, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 250:
if (Env->ShouldBeUndiscoverable) {
@@ -3092,7 +3092,7 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyBasic1 : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, NODATA, 0, "");
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting OK + data");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 260:
if (Env->ShouldBeUndiscoverable) {
@@ -3101,7 +3101,7 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyBasic1 : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, OK, 1, testData2);
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = false, expecting OK");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, false, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(1, 0, false, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 270:
if (Env->ShouldBeUndiscoverable) {
@@ -3110,7 +3110,7 @@ class TTestBlobStorageProxyBasic1 : public TTestBlobStorageProxy {
TEST_RESPONSE(MessageDiscoverResult, OK, 1, "");
VERBOSE_COUT("Sending TEvDiscover, read body = true, expecting NODATA");
- ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(2/*tabletId*/, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
+ ctx.Send(Proxy, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover(2/*tabletId*/, 0, true, true, TInstant::Max(), 0));
case 280:
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/groupinfo/blobstorage_groupinfo.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/groupinfo/blobstorage_groupinfo.cpp
index 221c55ce00..054d5be665 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/groupinfo/blobstorage_groupinfo.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/groupinfo/blobstorage_groupinfo.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include "blobstorage_groupinfo_partlayout.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/services/blobstorage_service_id.h>
#include <ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/ingress/blobstorage_ingress.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/pop_count/popcount.h>
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
#include <util/random/fast.h>
#include <util/system/unaligned_mem.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
class TQuorumCheckerBase : public TBlobStorageGroupInfo::IQuorumChecker {
const TBlobStorageGroupInfo::TTopology *Top;
@@ -784,8 +784,8 @@ void TBlobStorageGroupInfo::PickSubgroup(ui32 hash, TVDiskIds *outVDisk, TServic
bool TBlobStorageGroupInfo::BelongsToSubgroup(const TVDiskID &vdisk, ui32 hash) const {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG_S(vdisk.GroupID == GroupID, "Expected GroupID# " << GroupID << ", given GroupID# " << vdisk.GroupID);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG_S(vdisk.GroupGeneration == GroupGeneration, "Expected GroupGeeration# " << GroupGeneration
@@ -902,21 +902,21 @@ TString TBlobStorageGroupInfo::ToString() const {
-TVDiskID VDiskIDFromVDiskID(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TVDiskID &x) {
- return TVDiskID(x.GetGroupID(), x.GetGroupGeneration(), x.GetRing(), x.GetDomain(), x.GetVDisk());
-void VDiskIDFromVDiskID(const TVDiskID &id, NKikimrBlobStorage::TVDiskID *proto) {
- proto->SetGroupID(id.GroupID);
- proto->SetGroupGeneration(id.GroupGeneration);
+TVDiskID VDiskIDFromVDiskID(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TVDiskID &x) {
+ return TVDiskID(x.GetGroupID(), x.GetGroupGeneration(), x.GetRing(), x.GetDomain(), x.GetVDisk());
+void VDiskIDFromVDiskID(const TVDiskID &id, NKikimrBlobStorage::TVDiskID *proto) {
+ proto->SetGroupID(id.GroupID);
+ proto->SetGroupGeneration(id.GroupGeneration);
- proto->SetVDisk(id.VDisk);
+ proto->SetVDisk(id.VDisk);
TFailDomain::TLevelIds::TLevelIds() {
bool TFailDomain::TLevelIds::IsEmpty() const {
return Ids.empty();
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/groupinfo/blobstorage_groupinfo.h b/ydb/core/blobstorage/groupinfo/blobstorage_groupinfo.h
index 918283ffad..e2d1445be4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/groupinfo/blobstorage_groupinfo.h
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/groupinfo/blobstorage_groupinfo.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/blobstorage/base/blobstorage_vdiskid.h>
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ namespace NActors {
class TNodeLocation;
} // NActors
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
struct TDsProxyNodeMon;
class TSubgroupPartLayout;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct TEncryptionKey {
-// current state of storage group
+// current state of storage group
class TBlobStorageGroupInfo : public TThrRefBase {
@@ -161,19 +161,19 @@ public:
ui32 FailDomainOrderNumber = 0;
- struct TFailDomain {
+ struct TFailDomain {
// VDisks composing this fail domain
TVector<TVDiskInfo> VDisks;
// fail domain order number; domains are numbered continuously through all fail realms
ui32 FailDomainOrderNumber = 0;
- };
+ };
struct TFailRealm {
// fail domains contained in this fail realm
TVector<TFailDomain> FailDomains;
- };
+ };
struct TTopology {
// group type (i.e. erasure)
const TBlobStorageGroupType GType;
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ public:
static TIntrusivePtr<TBlobStorageGroupInfo> Parse(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TGroupInfo& group,
const TEncryptionKey *key, IOutputStream *err);
static bool DecryptGroupKey(TBlobStorageGroupInfo::EEncryptionMode encryptionMode, const TString& mainKeyId,
const TString& encryptedGroupKey, ui64 groupKeyNonce, const TCypherKey& tenantKey, TCypherKey *outGroupKey,
ui32 groupId);
@@ -429,8 +429,8 @@ private:
TMaybe<TKikimrScopeId> AcceptedScope;
TString StoragePoolName;
TPDiskCategory::EDeviceType DeviceType = TPDiskCategory::DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
// physical fail domain description
struct TFailDomain {
struct TLevelIds {
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/blobstorage_node_warden_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/blobstorage_node_warden_ut.cpp
index 4ecd790f01..e3c74cce7b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/blobstorage_node_warden_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/blobstorage_node_warden_ut.cpp
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void SetupServices(TTestActorRuntime &runtime, TString extraPath, TIntrusivePtr<
{ // setup domain info
auto domain = TDomainsInfo::TDomain::ConstructDomainWithExplicitTabletIds("dc-1", domainId, 0,
- domainId, domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
+ domainId, domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/group_stat_aggregator.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/group_stat_aggregator.cpp
index 41fd81aa0d..9f63143b32 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/group_stat_aggregator.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/group_stat_aggregator.cpp
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ namespace {
THashMap<ui32, TNodeStat> PerNodeStat;
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::NODE_WARDEN_STATAGGR_ACTOR;
- }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::NODE_WARDEN_STATAGGR_ACTOR;
+ }
TGroupStatAggregatorActor(ui32 groupId, const TActorId& vdiskServiceId, TDuration reportPeriod = TDuration::Seconds(10))
: GroupId(groupId)
, VDiskServiceId(vdiskServiceId)
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp
index 131298cd4e..d92b19c6cc 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ public:
ui64 whiteboardReportCycles = 0;
ui64 updateSchedulerCycles = 0;
if (!IsFormattingNow && AtomicGet(PDisk->IsStarted)) {
- PDisk->InputRequest(request.Release());
+ PDisk->InputRequest(request.Release());
// Update the current scheduler
whiteboardReportCycles = timer.Elapsed();
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_restore_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_restore_ut.cpp
index 520387dca0..2e0cc9c9a7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_restore_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_restore_ut.cpp
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
-#include "blobstorage_pdisk_ut.h"
+#include "blobstorage_pdisk_ut.h"
#include "blobstorage_pdisk_ut_actions.h"
#include "blobstorage_pdisk_ut_config.h"
#include "blobstorage_pdisk_ut_run.h"
#include <util/folder/tempdir.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TYardTestRestore) {
- YARD_UNIT_TEST(TestRestore15) {
+ YARD_UNIT_TEST(TestRestore15) {
TTestContext tc(false, true);
- ui32 chunkSize = MIN_CHUNK_SIZE;
+ ui32 chunkSize = MIN_CHUNK_SIZE;
Run<TTestWriteChunksAndLog>(&tc, 1, chunkSize, false, true);
- ui32 dataSize = 8 * chunkSize;
- NPDisk::TAlignedData dataAfter(dataSize);
+ ui32 dataSize = 8 * chunkSize;
+ NPDisk::TAlignedData dataAfter(dataSize);
ReadPdiskFile(&tc, dataSize, dataAfter);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
- VERBOSE_COUT("TestRestore15 i=" << i);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
+ VERBOSE_COUT("TestRestore15 i=" << i);
DestroySectors(&tc, dataAfter, dataSize, i, 15);
Run<TTestCheckLog>(&tc, 1, chunkSize, false, true);
- //Can't use resutlts for the next test because we don't wait for the restoration before shutting down.
- }
- }
-} // namespace NKikimr
+ //Can't use resutlts for the next test because we don't wait for the restoration before shutting down.
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_ut.h b/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_ut.h
index 3da1bddc17..6bf5c0695d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_ut.h
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/blobstorage_pdisk_ut.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "blobstorage_pdisk_ut_defs.h"
#include "blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice.h"
#include <ydb/library/pdisk_io/buffers.h>
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include <ydb/core/node_whiteboard/node_whiteboard.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_vdisk_config.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/events.h>
@@ -36,18 +36,18 @@
#include <library/cpp/svnversion/svnversion.h>
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/tests_data.h>
-#include <util/folder/dirut.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/folder/dirut.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <util/generic/queue.h>
-#include <util/generic/string.h>
-#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
-#include <util/generic/ymath.h>
-#include <util/random/entropy.h>
-#include <util/stream/input.h>
-#include <util/string/printf.h>
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/generic/ymath.h>
+#include <util/random/entropy.h>
+#include <util/stream/input.h>
+#include <util/string/printf.h>
#include <util/system/backtrace.h>
-#include <util/system/defaults.h>
-#include <util/system/event.h>
-#include <util/system/sanitizers.h>
-#include <util/system/valgrind.h>
+#include <util/system/defaults.h>
+#include <util/system/event.h>
+#include <util/system/sanitizers.h>
+#include <util/system/valgrind.h>
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/testload/test_load_actor.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/testload/test_load_actor.cpp
index c482893ebf..c8788b1310 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/testload/test_load_actor.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/testload/test_load_actor.cpp
@@ -330,12 +330,12 @@ public:
Y_VERIFY(it != InfoRequests.end());
THttpInfoRequest& info = it->second;
-#define PROFILE(NAME) \
- str << "<option value=\"" << ui32(NKikimrBlobStorage::TEvTestLoadRequest::NAME) << "\">" << #NAME << "</option>";
- str << "<option value=\"" << ui32(NKikimrBlobStorage::NAME) << "\">" << #NAME << "</option>";
+#define PROFILE(NAME) \
+ str << "<option value=\"" << ui32(NKikimrBlobStorage::TEvTestLoadRequest::NAME) << "\">" << #NAME << "</option>";
+ str << "<option value=\"" << ui32(NKikimrBlobStorage::NAME) << "\">" << #NAME << "</option>";
TStringStream str;
HTML(str) {
if (info.ErrorMessage) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_pdiskfit/lib/fail_injection_test.h b/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_pdiskfit/lib/fail_injection_test.h
index 7455fbc55c..7e0bfa05e0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_pdiskfit/lib/fail_injection_test.h
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_pdiskfit/lib/fail_injection_test.h
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ struct TPDiskFailureInjectionTest {
TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> Counters;
- TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
+ TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
std::unique_ptr<NKikimr::TAppData> AppData;
std::shared_ptr<NKikimr::NPDisk::IIoContextFactory> IoContext;
std::unique_ptr<NActors::TActorSystem> ActorSystem;
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/lib/astest.h b/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/lib/astest.h
index 2bbb6b7095..2cf254eff2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/lib/astest.h
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/lib/astest.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public:
- TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
+ TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> Counters;
std::unique_ptr<NActors::TMon> Monitoring;
std::unique_ptr<NKikimr::TAppData> AppData;
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/lib/prepare.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/lib/prepare.cpp
index 501ef3a384..b2c020c3d2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/lib/prepare.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/lib/prepare.cpp
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ TConfiguration::~TConfiguration() {
-static TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
+static TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
void TConfiguration::Prepare(IVDiskSetup *vdiskSetup, bool newPDisks, bool runRepl) { // FIXME: put newPDisks into configuration (see up)
Counters = TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters>(new NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters());
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/vdisk_test.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/vdisk_test.cpp
index 58384e8668..694828c9f8 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/vdisk_test.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/vdisk_test.cpp
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TBsVDiskOutOfSpace) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteUntilYellowZone) {
TWriteUntilYellowZone test;
const ui32 chunkSize = 512u << 10u;
- const ui64 diskSize = 700ull << 20ull;
+ const ui64 diskSize = 700ull << 20ull;
TestRun<TWriteUntilYellowZone, TFastVDiskSetupCompacted>(&test, TIMEOUT, chunkSize, diskSize);
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/handoff/handoff_proxy.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/handoff/handoff_proxy.cpp
index ecbcf16288..9a2d1676e0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/handoff/handoff_proxy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/handoff/handoff_proxy.cpp
@@ -322,12 +322,12 @@ namespace NKikimr {
, WaitQueue()
, InFlightQueue()
, State()
- {
- BadStateTimeouts[0] = TDuration::Seconds(0);
- BadStateTimeouts[1] = TDuration::MilliSeconds(500);
- BadStateTimeouts[2] = TDuration::Seconds(3);
- BadStateTimeouts[3] = TDuration::Seconds(10);
- }
+ {
+ BadStateTimeouts[0] = TDuration::Seconds(0);
+ BadStateTimeouts[1] = TDuration::MilliSeconds(500);
+ BadStateTimeouts[2] = TDuration::Seconds(3);
+ BadStateTimeouts[3] = TDuration::Seconds(10);
+ }
IActor *CreateHandoffProxyActor(TIntrusivePtr<TBlobStorageGroupInfo> info,
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/generic/blobstorage_hullwritesst_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/generic/blobstorage_hullwritesst_ut.cpp
index b6c6ea31eb..2bd6de3d43 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/generic/blobstorage_hullwritesst_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/generic/blobstorage_hullwritesst_ut.cpp
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TTLogoBlobCompactRecordMerger merger(TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3);
for (ui32 step = 0; step < maxStep; step++) {
- TLogoBlobID id(1, 1, step, 0, 0, 0);
+ TLogoBlobID id(1, 1, step, 0, 0, 0);
TKeyLogoBlob key(id);
ui64 ingressMagic = ui64(1) << ui64(2); // magic
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TTLogoBlobCompactRecordMerger merger(TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3);
for (ui32 step = 0; step < maxStep; step++) {
- TLogoBlobID id(1, 1, step, 0, 0, 0);
+ TLogoBlobID id(1, 1, step, 0, 0, 0);
TKeyLogoBlob key(id);
ui64 ingressMagic1 = ui64(1) << ui64(2); // magic
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/generic/hullds_sst_it_all_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/generic/hullds_sst_it_all_ut.cpp
index 748bb79054..f965e75f61 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/generic/hullds_sst_it_all_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/generic/hullds_sst_it_all_ut.cpp
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ namespace NKikimr {
static const ui32 CompWorthReadSize = 2u << 20u;
TLogoBlobSstPtr GenerateSst(ui32 step, ui32 recs, ui32 plus, ui64 tabletId = 0, ui32 generation = 0,
- ui32 channel = 0, ui32 cookie = 0) {
- using TRec = TLogoBlobSst::TRec;
+ ui32 channel = 0, ui32 cookie = 0) {
+ using TRec = TLogoBlobSst::TRec;
TLogoBlobSstPtr ptr(new TLogoBlobSst(TTestContexts().GetVCtx()));
for (ui32 i = 0; i < recs; i++) {
- TLogoBlobID id(tabletId, generation, step + i * plus, channel, 0, cookie);
+ TLogoBlobID id(tabletId, generation, step + i * plus, channel, 0, cookie);
TRec rec {TKeyLogoBlob(id), TMemRecLogoBlob()};
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TLogoBlobOrderedSstsPtr GenerateOrderedSsts(ui32 step, ui32 recs, ui32 plus, ui32 ssts, ui64 tabletId = 0,
- ui32 generation = 0, ui32 channel = 0, ui32 cookie = 0) {
+ ui32 generation = 0, ui32 channel = 0, ui32 cookie = 0) {
TSegments vec;
for (ui32 i = 0; i < ssts; i++) {
- vec.push_back(GenerateSst(step, recs, plus, tabletId, generation, channel, cookie));
+ vec.push_back(GenerateSst(step, recs, plus, tabletId, generation, channel, cookie));
step += recs * plus;
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TBlobStorageHullSstIt) {
using namespace NBlobStorageHullSstItHelpers;
- using TMemIterator = TLogoBlobSst::TMemIterator;
+ using TMemIterator = TLogoBlobSst::TMemIterator;
Y_UNIT_TEST(TestSeekToFirst) {
TLogoBlobSstPtr ptr(GenerateSst(10, 10, 1));
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TMemIterator it(ptr.Get());
TLogoBlobID id;
- id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0);
+ id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0);
UNIT_ASSERT(it.GetCurKey().ToString() == TString("[0:0:15:0:0:0:0]"));
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TMemIterator it(ptr.Get());
TLogoBlobID id;
- id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0);
+ id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0);
UNIT_ASSERT(it.GetCurKey().ToString() == TString("[0:0:15:0:0:0:0]"));
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TMemIterator it(ptr.Get());
TLogoBlobID id;
- id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0);
+ id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0);
UNIT_ASSERT(it.GetCurKey().ToString() == "[0:0:10:0:0:0:0]");
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TMemIterator it(ptr.Get());
TLogoBlobID id;
- id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0);
+ id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TMemIterator it(ptr.Get());
TLogoBlobID id;
- id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0);
+ id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0);
UNIT_ASSERT(it.GetCurKey().ToString() == "[0:0:16:0:0:0:0]");
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TBlobStorageHullOrderedSstsIt) {
using namespace NBlobStorageHullSstItHelpers;
- using TIterator = TLogoBlobOrderedSsts::TReadIterator;
+ using TIterator = TLogoBlobOrderedSsts::TReadIterator;
TTestContexts TestCtx(ChunkSize, CompWorthReadSize);
Y_UNIT_TEST(TestSeekToFirst) {
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TIterator it(hullCtx, ptr.Get());
TLogoBlobID id;
- id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0);
+ id = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0);
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/ingress/blobstorage_ingress_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/ingress/blobstorage_ingress_ut.cpp
index 19651da55c..82cf659f5a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/ingress/blobstorage_ingress_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/ingress/blobstorage_ingress_ut.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TVDiskID vdisk21 = TVDiskID(0, 1, 0, 2, 1);
TVDiskID vdisk30 = TVDiskID(0, 1, 0, 3, 0);
- TLogoBlobID lb1(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ TLogoBlobID lb1(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// correspondings parts
TIngress i1 = *TIngress::CreateIngressWithLocal(&groupInfo.GetTopology(), vdisk10, TLogoBlobID(lb1, 1));
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
Y_UNIT_TEST(IngressLocalParts) {
TBlobStorageGroupInfo groupInfo(TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3, 2, 4);
- TLogoBlobID lb1(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ TLogoBlobID lb1(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TBlobStorageGroupInfo::TVDiskIds vDisks;
TBlobStorageGroupInfo::TServiceIds serviceIds;
groupInfo.PickSubgroup(lb1.Hash(), &vDisks, &serviceIds);
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
Y_UNIT_TEST(IngressGetMainReplica) {
TBlobStorageGroupInfo groupInfo(TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3, 2, 4);
- TLogoBlobID lb1(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ TLogoBlobID lb1(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TBlobStorageGroupInfo::TVDiskIds vDisks;
TBlobStorageGroupInfo::TServiceIds serviceIds;
groupInfo.PickSubgroup(lb1.Hash(), &vDisks, &serviceIds);
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
Y_UNIT_TEST(IngressHandoffPartsDelete) {
TBlobStorageGroupInfo groupInfo(TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3, 2, 4);
- TLogoBlobID lb1(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ TLogoBlobID lb1(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TBlobStorageGroupInfo::TVDiskIds vDisks;
TBlobStorageGroupInfo::TServiceIds serviceIds;
groupInfo.PickSubgroup(lb1.Hash(), &vDisks, &serviceIds);
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/query/query_stream.h b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/query/query_stream.h
index ff7cadb334..1f5236284d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/query/query_stream.h
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/query/query_stream.h
@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TDumpProcessor Processor;
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::BS_MONSTREAM_ACTOR;
- }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::BS_MONSTREAM_ACTOR;
+ }
TLevelIndexStreamActor(THullDsSnap&& fullSnap, TEvBlobStorage::TEvMonStreamQuery::TPtr& ev)
: FullSnap(std::move(fullSnap))
, StreamId(std::move(ev->Get()->StreamId))
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/blobstorage_monactors.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/blobstorage_monactors.cpp
index 4f741e4524..44b3c58c9c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/blobstorage_monactors.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/blobstorage_monactors.cpp
@@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ namespace NKikimr {
} else if (allButton) {
// browse database
IsRangeQuery = true;
- From = TLogoBlobID(0, 4294967295, 4294967295, 0, 0, 0, TLogoBlobID::MaxPartId);
- To = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ From = TLogoBlobID(0, 4294967295, 4294967295, 0, 0, 0, TLogoBlobID::MaxPartId);
+ To = TLogoBlobID(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
req = TEvBlobStorage::TEvVGet::CreateRangeIndexQuery(SelfVDiskId, TInstant::Max(),
NKikimrBlobStorage::EGetHandleClass::AsyncRead, flags, {}, From, To, 15);
} else
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/syncer/guid_proxybase.h b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/syncer/guid_proxybase.h
index 2db69beb32..ffdd4b26c7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/syncer/guid_proxybase.h
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/syncer/guid_proxybase.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
// unsubscribe on session when die
auto nodeId = TargetServiceId.NodeId();
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId),
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId),
new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe);
diff --git a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/syncer/syncer_job_actor.cpp b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/syncer/syncer_job_actor.cpp
index 69dc453f43..c1a1629bf1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/syncer/syncer_job_actor.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/syncer/syncer_job_actor.cpp
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
// overridden Die (unsubsribe from Message/Session tracking)
void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
// unsubscribe on session when die
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(NodeId),
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(NodeId),
new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe);
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/client_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/client/client_ut.cpp
index a4a95c54fa..b94c722588 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/client_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/client_ut.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ using NClient::TValue;
namespace Tests {
using namespace NMiniKQL;
-// const ui32 TestDomain = 1;
+// const ui32 TestDomain = 1;
static const TString TablePlacement = "/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables";
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ struct TTestTables {
TTestTables(TClient& client, EVariant var, ui32 numFollowers = 0)
: Client(client)
- {
+ {
TOpts opts(var, numFollowers);
NKikimrSchemeOp::TTableDescription tableSimple;
@@ -115,24 +115,24 @@ struct TTestTables {
auto *c3 = tableSimple.AddColumns();
if (opts.Sharded)
if (opts.FollowerCount)
if (opts.OutOfOrder) {
if (opts.SoftUpdates)
*tableSimple.AddKeyColumnNames() = "key";
NKikimrSchemeOp::TTableDescription tableByBytes;
@@ -179,14 +179,14 @@ struct TTestTables {
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(client.CreateTable(TablePlacement, tableSimple), NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_OK);
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(client.CreateTable(TablePlacement, tableByBytes), NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_OK);
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(client.CreateTable(TablePlacement, tableComp), NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_OK);
- }
+ }
~TTestTables() {
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Client.DeleteTable(TablePlacement, "Simple"), NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_OK);
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Client.DeleteTable(TablePlacement, "ByBytes"), NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_OK);
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Client.DeleteTable(TablePlacement, "Comp"), NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_OK);
TClient& Client;
@@ -337,21 +337,21 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TServer server(settings);
TClient client(settings);
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult res;
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult res;
UNIT_ASSERT(client.LocalQuery(TxAllocator, "("
- "(let row '('('dummyKey (Bool 'true))))"
- "(let select '('reservedIds))"
+ "(let row '('('dummyKey (Bool 'true))))"
+ "(let select '('reservedIds))"
"(return (AsList (SetResult 'reservedIds (SelectRow 'config row select))))"
- ")", res));
+ ")", res));
TValue value = TValue::Create(res.GetValue(), res.GetType());
UNIT_ASSERT(value["reservedIds"].Size() <= 1);
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(NoAffectedProgram) {
- using namespace NScheme;
+ using namespace NScheme;
TPortManager tp;
ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
@@ -359,10 +359,10 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TServer server(settings);
TClient client(settings);
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult res;
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery("("
- "(return (AsList (SetResult 'res1 (Int32 '42))))"
- ")", res));
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult res;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery("("
+ "(return (AsList (SetResult 'res1 (Int32 '42))))"
+ ")", res));
TValue value = TValue::Create(res.GetValue(), res.GetType());
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(i32(resOpt), 42);
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(ReadWriteMiniKQL) {
TPortManager tp;
@@ -412,42 +412,42 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
void ReadWriteViaMiniKQLBody(TClient &client, bool useHead, bool useFollower) {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
const TString writeQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (let update '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
- (let result1 (UpdateRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row1 update))
- (let result2 (UpdateRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row2 update))
- (return (AsList result1 result2))
- )
- )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
+ (
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (let update '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
+ (let result1 (UpdateRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row1 update))
+ (let result2 (UpdateRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row2 update))
+ (return (AsList result1 result2))
+ )
+ )___";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
const TString readQueryTemplate = R"___(
- (
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let nonExistRow1 '('('key (Uint64 '3))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (let nonExistRow2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693952))))
- (let select '('uint))
+ (
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let nonExistRow1 '('('key (Uint64 '3))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (let nonExistRow2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693952))))
+ (let select '('uint))
(let result1 (SelectRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row1 select __HEAD__))
(let result2 (SelectRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row2 select __HEAD__))
- (let entry1 (Coalesce (FlatMap result1 (lambda '(x) (Member x 'uint))) (Uint64 '0)))
- (let entry2 (Coalesce (FlatMap result2 (lambda '(x) (Member x 'uint))) (Uint64 '0)))
+ (let entry1 (Coalesce (FlatMap result1 (lambda '(x) (Member x 'uint))) (Uint64 '0)))
+ (let entry2 (Coalesce (FlatMap result2 (lambda '(x) (Member x 'uint))) (Uint64 '0)))
(let non1 (SelectRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple nonExistRow1 select __HEAD__))
(let non2 (SelectRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple nonExistRow2 select __HEAD__))
- (return (AsList (SetResult 'uint1 entry1) (SetResult 'uint2 entry2) (SetResult 'empty1 (Exists non1)) (SetResult 'empty2 (Exists non2)) ))
- )
- )___";
+ (return (AsList (SetResult 'uint1 entry1) (SetResult 'uint2 entry2) (SetResult 'empty1 (Exists non1)) (SetResult 'empty2 (Exists non2)) ))
+ )
+ )___";
TString readQuery = readQueryTemplate;
SubstGlobal(readQuery, "__HEAD__", !useHead ? (useFollower ? "'follower" : "'online") : "'head");
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(readQuery, readRes));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(readQuery, readRes));
TValue value = TValue::Create(readRes.GetValue(), readRes.GetType());
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::Sharded_NoOpts);
ReadWriteViaMiniKQLBody(client, false, false);
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(ReadWrite_MiniKQL_AfterAlter) {
TPortManager tp;
@@ -607,74 +607,74 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(ReadWriteViaMiniKQLRecreateDifferentTable) {
- TPortManager tp;
- ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
+ TPortManager tp;
+ ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
TServer server(settings);
TClient client(settings);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_NoOpts);
ReadWriteViaMiniKQLBody(client, false, false);
- {
+ {
NKikimrSchemeOp::TTableDescription tableSimple;
- tableSimple.SetName("Simple");
- auto *c1 = tableSimple.AddColumns();
- c1->SetName("key");
- c1->SetType("Uint32");
- auto *c2 = tableSimple.AddColumns();
- c2->SetName("uint");
- c2->SetType("Uint64");
- auto *c3 = tableSimple.AddColumns();
- c3->SetName("bytes");
+ tableSimple.SetName("Simple");
+ auto *c1 = tableSimple.AddColumns();
+ c1->SetName("key");
+ c1->SetType("Uint32");
+ auto *c2 = tableSimple.AddColumns();
+ c2->SetName("uint");
+ c2->SetType("Uint64");
+ auto *c3 = tableSimple.AddColumns();
+ c3->SetName("bytes");
- *tableSimple.AddKeyColumnNames() = "key";
- client.CreateTable(TablePlacement, tableSimple);
- }
+ *tableSimple.AddKeyColumnNames() = "key";
+ client.CreateTable(TablePlacement, tableSimple);
+ }
const TString writeQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint32 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint32 '3))))
- (let update '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
- (let result1 (UpdateRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row1 update))
- (let result2 (UpdateRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row2 update))
- (return (AsList result1 result2))
- )
- )___";
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
- }
+ (
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint32 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint32 '3))))
+ (let update '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
+ (let result1 (UpdateRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row1 update))
+ (let result2 (UpdateRow '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple row2 update))
+ (return (AsList result1 result2))
+ )
+ )___";
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(ReadWriteViaMiniKQLRecreateSameTable) {
- TPortManager tp;
- ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
+ TPortManager tp;
+ ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
TServer server(settings);
TClient client(settings);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_NoOpts);
ReadWriteViaMiniKQLBody(client, false, false);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::Sharded_NoOpts);
ReadWriteViaMiniKQLBody(client, false, false);
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(ReadWriteViaMiniKQLShardedHead) {
TPortManager tp;
ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
@@ -802,42 +802,42 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
GetStepTxIdBody(client, true);
- void CASViaMiniKQLBody(TClient &client) {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
+ void CASViaMiniKQLBody(TClient &client) {
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
const TString writeQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (return (AsList
- (UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
- (UpdateRow table row2 '( '('uint (Uint64 '20)))))
- )
- )
- )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult updateRes;
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (return (AsList
+ (UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
+ (UpdateRow table row2 '( '('uint (Uint64 '20)))))
+ )
+ )
+ )___";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult updateRes;
const TString updateQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (let select '('uint))
- (let read1 (SelectRow table row1 select))
- (let read2 (SelectRow table row2 select))
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (let select '('uint))
+ (let read1 (SelectRow table row1 select))
+ (let read2 (SelectRow table row2 select))
(let cmp1 (IfPresent read1 (lambda '(x) (Coalesce (Equal (Member x 'uint) (Uint64 '10)) (Bool 'false))) (Bool 'false)))
(let cmp2 (IfPresent read2 (lambda '(x) (Coalesce (Equal (Member x 'uint) (Uint64 '10)) (Bool 'false))) (Bool 'false)))
- (return (Extend (Extend
- (AsList (SetResult 'cmp1 cmp1) (SetResult 'cmp2 cmp2))
- (ListIf cmp2 (UpdateRow table row1 '('('uint (Uint64 '50))))))
- (ListIf cmp1 (UpdateRow table row2 '('('uint (Uint64 '50)))))
- ))
- )
- )___";
+ (return (Extend (Extend
+ (AsList (SetResult 'cmp1 cmp1) (SetResult 'cmp2 cmp2))
+ (ListIf cmp2 (UpdateRow table row1 '('('uint (Uint64 '50))))))
+ (ListIf cmp1 (UpdateRow table row2 '('('uint (Uint64 '50)))))
+ ))
+ )
+ )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(updateQuery, updateRes));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(updateQuery, updateRes));
TValue value = TValue::Create(updateRes.GetValue(), updateRes.GetType());
@@ -848,24 +848,24 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
UNIT_ASSERT(cmp2Opt.HaveValue() && bool(cmp2Opt) == false);
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
const TString readQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (let select '('uint))
- (let read1 (SelectRow table row1 select))
- (let read2 (SelectRow table row2 select))
- (let emptyList (List (ListType(VoidType))))
- (return (Extend
- (IfPresent read1 (lambda '(x) (IfPresent (Member x 'uint) (lambda '(z) (AsList (SetResult 'row1 z))) emptyList )) emptyList)
- (IfPresent read2 (lambda '(x) (IfPresent (Member x 'uint) (lambda '(z) (AsList (SetResult 'row2 z))) emptyList )) emptyList)
- ))
- )
- )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(readQuery, readRes));
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (let select '('uint))
+ (let read1 (SelectRow table row1 select))
+ (let read2 (SelectRow table row2 select))
+ (let emptyList (List (ListType(VoidType))))
+ (return (Extend
+ (IfPresent read1 (lambda '(x) (IfPresent (Member x 'uint) (lambda '(z) (AsList (SetResult 'row1 z))) emptyList )) emptyList)
+ (IfPresent read2 (lambda '(x) (IfPresent (Member x 'uint) (lambda '(z) (AsList (SetResult 'row2 z))) emptyList )) emptyList)
+ ))
+ )
+ )___";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(readQuery, readRes));
TValue value = TValue::Create(readRes.GetValue(), readRes.GetType());
@@ -926,60 +926,60 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::Sharded_OutOfOrder_SoftUpdates);
- }
- void RowEraseViaMiniKQLBody(TClient &client) {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
+ }
+ void RowEraseViaMiniKQLBody(TClient &client) {
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
const TString writeQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (return (AsList
- (UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
- (UpdateRow table row2 '( '('uint (Uint64 '20)))))
- )
- )
- )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult updateRes;
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (return (AsList
+ (UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
+ (UpdateRow table row2 '( '('uint (Uint64 '20)))))
+ )
+ )
+ )___";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult updateRes;
const TString updateQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (return (AsList (EraseRow table row2)))
- )
- )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(updateQuery, updateRes));
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (return (AsList (EraseRow table row2)))
+ )
+ )___";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(updateQuery, updateRes));
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
const TString readQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (let select '('uint))
- (let read1 (SelectRow table row1 select))
- (let read2 (SelectRow table row2 select))
- (let emptyList (List (ListType(VoidType))))
- (return (Extend
- (IfPresent read1 (lambda '(x) (IfPresent (Member x 'uint) (lambda '(z) (AsList (SetResult 'row1 z))) emptyList )) emptyList)
- (IfPresent read2 (lambda '(x) (IfPresent (Member x 'uint) (lambda '(z) (AsList (SetResult 'row2 z))) emptyList )) emptyList)
- ))
- )
- )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(readQuery, readRes));
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (let select '('uint))
+ (let read1 (SelectRow table row1 select))
+ (let read2 (SelectRow table row2 select))
+ (let emptyList (List (ListType(VoidType))))
+ (return (Extend
+ (IfPresent read1 (lambda '(x) (IfPresent (Member x 'uint) (lambda '(z) (AsList (SetResult 'row1 z))) emptyList )) emptyList)
+ (IfPresent read2 (lambda '(x) (IfPresent (Member x 'uint) (lambda '(z) (AsList (SetResult 'row2 z))) emptyList )) emptyList)
+ ))
+ )
+ )___";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(readQuery, readRes));
TValue value = TValue::Create(readRes.GetValue(), readRes.GetType());
TValue row1Opt = value["row1"];
TValue row2Opt = value["row2"];
UNIT_ASSERT(row1Opt.HaveValue() && ui64(row1Opt) == 10);
@@ -988,23 +988,23 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(RowEraseViaMiniKQL) {
TPortManager tp;
ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
TServer server(settings);
TClient client(settings);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_NoOpts);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_OutOfOrder);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_SoftUpdates);
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_OutOfOrder_SoftUpdates);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::Sharded_NoOpts);
@@ -1034,73 +1034,73 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::Sharded_OutOfOrder_SoftUpdates);
- }
- void ReadRangeViaMiniKQLBody(TClient &client) {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
+ }
+ void ReadRangeViaMiniKQLBody(TClient &client) {
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
const TString writeQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (return (AsList
- (UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
- (UpdateRow table row2 '( '('uint (Uint64 '20)))))
- )
- )
- )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (return (AsList
+ (UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
+ (UpdateRow table row2 '( '('uint (Uint64 '20)))))
+ )
+ )
+ )___";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
const TString readQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let range '('IncFrom '('key (Uint64 '0) (Void))))
- (let select '('uint 'key))
- (let options '())
- (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
- (let reslist (Member res 'List))
- (return (AsList
- (SetResult 'list reslist)
- ))
- )
- )___";
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let range '('IncFrom '('key (Uint64 '0) (Void))))
+ (let select '('uint 'key))
+ (let options '())
+ (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
+ (let reslist (Member res 'List))
+ (return (AsList
+ (SetResult 'list reslist)
+ ))
+ )
+ )___";
UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(readQuery, readRes));
TValue value = TValue::Create(readRes.GetValue(), readRes.GetType());
TValue list = value["list"];
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[0]["uint"]), 10);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[0]["key"]), 2);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[1]["uint"]), 20);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[1]["key"]), 2305843009213693951);
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(ReadRangeViaMiniKQL) {
TPortManager tp;
ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
TServer server(settings);
TClient client(settings);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_NoOpts);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_OutOfOrder);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_SoftUpdates);
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::OneShard_OutOfOrder_SoftUpdates);
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::Sharded_NoOpts);
@@ -1130,56 +1130,56 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TTestTables tables(client, TTestTables::Sharded_OutOfOrder_SoftUpdates);
- }
- void SelectRangeOptionsBody(TClient &client) {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
+ }
+ void SelectRangeOptionsBody(TClient &client) {
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
const TString writeQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
- (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '3))))
- (let row3 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
- (let row4 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693952))))
- (return (AsList
- (UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
- (UpdateRow table row2 '( '('uint (Uint64 '20))))
- (UpdateRow table row3 '( '('uint (Uint64 '30))))
- (UpdateRow table row4 '( '('uint (Uint64 '40))))
- ))
- )
- )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
- {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '2))))
+ (let row2 '('('key (Uint64 '3))))
+ (let row3 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693951))))
+ (let row4 '('('key (Uint64 '2305843009213693952))))
+ (return (AsList
+ (UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '10))))
+ (UpdateRow table row2 '( '('uint (Uint64 '20))))
+ (UpdateRow table row3 '( '('uint (Uint64 '30))))
+ (UpdateRow table row4 '( '('uint (Uint64 '40))))
+ ))
+ )
+ )___";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
+ {
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
const TString readQuery = R"___(
- (
+ (
(let from (Parameter 'FROM (DataType 'Uint64)))
(let to (Parameter 'TO (DataType 'Uint64)))
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let range '('IncFrom 'IncTo '('key from to)))
- (let select '('uint 'key))
- (let options '())
- (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
- (let reslist (Member res 'List))
- (return (AsList
- (SetResult 'list reslist)
- ))
- )
- )___";
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let range '('IncFrom 'IncTo '('key from to)))
+ (let select '('uint 'key))
+ (let options '())
+ (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
+ (let reslist (Member res 'List))
+ (return (AsList
+ (SetResult 'list reslist)
+ ))
+ )
+ )___";
const TString readParams = R"___(
- (
- (let params (Parameters))
- (let params (AddParameter params 'FROM (Uint64 '2)))
- (let params (AddParameter params 'TO (Uint64 '2305843009213693952)))
- (return params)
- )
- )___";
+ (
+ (let params (Parameters))
+ (let params (AddParameter params 'FROM (Uint64 '2)))
+ (let params (AddParameter params 'TO (Uint64 '2305843009213693952)))
+ (return params)
+ )
+ )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQueryParams(readQuery, readParams, false, readRes));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQueryParams(readQuery, readParams, false, readRes));
TValue value = TValue::Create(readRes.GetValue(), readRes.GetType());
@@ -1195,40 +1195,40 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[3]["uint"]), 40);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[3]["key"]), 2305843009213693952);
- }
+ }
- {
+ {
TString binQuery;
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
const TString readQuery = R"___(
- (
+ (
(let from (Parameter 'FROM (DataType 'Uint64)))
(let to (Parameter 'TO (DataType 'Uint64)))
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let range '('ExcFrom 'IncTo '('key from to)))
- (let select '('uint 'key))
- (let options '())
- (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
- (let reslist (Member res 'List))
- (return (AsList
- (SetResult 'list reslist)
- ))
- )
- )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.Compile(readQuery, binQuery));
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let range '('ExcFrom 'IncTo '('key from to)))
+ (let select '('uint 'key))
+ (let options '())
+ (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
+ (let reslist (Member res 'List))
+ (return (AsList
+ (SetResult 'list reslist)
+ ))
+ )
+ )___";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.Compile(readQuery, binQuery));
const TString readParams = R"___(
- (
- (let params (Parameters))
- (let params (AddParameter params 'FROM (Uint64 '2)))
- (let params (AddParameter params 'TO (Uint64 '2305843009213693952)))
- (return params)
- )
- )___";
+ (
+ (let params (Parameters))
+ (let params (AddParameter params 'FROM (Uint64 '2)))
+ (let params (AddParameter params 'TO (Uint64 '2305843009213693952)))
+ (return params)
+ )
+ )___";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQueryParams(binQuery, readParams, true, readRes));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQueryParams(binQuery, readParams, true, readRes));
TValue value = TValue::Create(readRes.GetValue(), readRes.GetType());
@@ -1242,23 +1242,23 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[2]["uint"]), 40);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[2]["key"]), 2305843009213693952);
- }
+ }
- {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
+ {
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
const TString readQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let range '('IncFrom 'ExcTo '('key (Uint64 '4) (Uint64 '2305843009213693952))))
- (let select '('uint 'key))
- (let options '())
- (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
- (let reslist (Member res 'List))
- (return (AsList
- (SetResult 'list reslist)
- ))
- )
- )___";
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let range '('IncFrom 'ExcTo '('key (Uint64 '4) (Uint64 '2305843009213693952))))
+ (let select '('uint 'key))
+ (let options '())
+ (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
+ (let reslist (Member res 'List))
+ (return (AsList
+ (SetResult 'list reslist)
+ ))
+ )
+ )___";
UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(readQuery, readRes));
@@ -1270,23 +1270,23 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[0]["uint"]), 30);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ui64(list[0]["key"]), 2305843009213693951);
- }
+ }
- {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
+ {
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult readRes;
const TString readQuery = R"___(
- (
- (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
- (let range '('ExcFrom 'IncTo '('key (Uint64 '3) (Uint64 '2305843009213693950))))
- (let select '('uint 'key))
- (let options '())
- (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
- (let reslist (Member res 'List))
- (return (AsList
- (SetResult 'list reslist)
- ))
- )
- )___";
+ (
+ (let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)
+ (let range '('ExcFrom 'IncTo '('key (Uint64 '3) (Uint64 '2305843009213693950))))
+ (let select '('uint 'key))
+ (let options '())
+ (let res (SelectRange table range select options))
+ (let reslist (Member res 'List))
+ (return (AsList
+ (SetResult 'list reslist)
+ ))
+ )
+ )___";
UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(readQuery, readRes));
@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TValue list = value["list"];
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(SelectRangeOptions) {
@@ -1542,89 +1542,89 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(FollowerCacheRefresh) {
- TPortManager tp;
- ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
+ TPortManager tp;
+ ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
TServer server(settings);
TClient client(settings);
- server.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::TABLET_EXECUTOR, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
- client.MarkNodeInHive(server.GetRuntime(), 1, false);
- PrepareTestData(client, true);
- client.MarkNodeInHive(server.GetRuntime(), 1, true);
- const ui64 tabletId = 72075186224037888ull;
+ server.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::TABLET_EXECUTOR, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
+ client.MarkNodeInHive(server.GetRuntime(), 1, false);
+ PrepareTestData(client, true);
+ client.MarkNodeInHive(server.GetRuntime(), 1, true);
+ const ui64 tabletId = 72075186224037888ull;
WaitForLeaderStart(client, server.GetRuntime(), tabletId, TDuration::Seconds(5));
WaitForFollowerStart(client, server.GetRuntime(), tabletId, TDuration::Seconds(5));
- // force some rounds of compaction
- for (ui32 i : xrange(50, 3000)) {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
+ // force some rounds of compaction
+ for (ui32 i : xrange(50, 3000)) {
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
const TString writeQuery = "((let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)"
- "(let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '" + ToString(i) + "))))"
- "(return (AsList"
- "(UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '" + ToString(i) + "))))"
- ")))";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
- }
+ "(let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '" + ToString(i) + "))))"
+ "(return (AsList"
+ "(UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '" + ToString(i) + "))))"
+ ")))";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
+ }
Cout << "Read from leader" << Endl;
- CheckRead(client, false);
+ CheckRead(client, false);
Cout << "Read from leader again" << Endl;
- CheckRead(client, false);
+ CheckRead(client, false);
Cout << "Read from follower" << Endl;
- CheckRead(client, true);
- }
+ CheckRead(client, true);
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(FollowerDrop) {
- TPortManager tp;
- ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
- auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
- settings.SetNodeCount(1);
- TServer server(settings);
- TClient client(settings);
- server.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::TABLET_EXECUTOR, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
- PrepareTestData(client, false);
- const ui64 tabletId = 72075186224037888ull;
+ TPortManager tp;
+ ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
+ auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
+ settings.SetNodeCount(1);
+ TServer server(settings);
+ TClient client(settings);
+ server.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::TABLET_EXECUTOR, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
+ PrepareTestData(client, false);
+ const ui64 tabletId = 72075186224037888ull;
WaitForLeaderStart(client, server.GetRuntime(), tabletId, TDuration::Seconds(5));
WaitForFollowerStart(client, server.GetRuntime(), tabletId, TDuration::Seconds(5));
- NTabletPipe::TClientConfig pipeClientConfig;
+ NTabletPipe::TClientConfig pipeClientConfig;
pipeClientConfig.ForceFollower = true;
server.GetRuntime()->SendToPipe(tabletId, TActorId(), new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill(), 0, pipeClientConfig);
- client.AlterTable(TablePlacement, Sprintf(
- R"___(
- Name: "Simple"
- Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64"}
- Columns { Name: "uint" Type: "Uint64"}
- KeyColumnNames: ["key"]
+ client.AlterTable(TablePlacement, Sprintf(
+ R"___(
+ Name: "Simple"
+ Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64"}
+ Columns { Name: "uint" Type: "Uint64"}
+ KeyColumnNames: ["key"]
PartitionConfig { FollowerCount: 0 }
- )___"));
- // force some rounds of compaction
- for (ui32 i : xrange(50, 3000)) {
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
- const TString writeQuery = "((let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)"
- "(let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '" + ToString(i) + "))))"
- "(return (AsList"
- "(UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '" + ToString(i) + "))))"
- ")))";
- UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
- }
- }
+ )___"));
+ // force some rounds of compaction
+ for (ui32 i : xrange(50, 3000)) {
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult writeRes;
+ const TString writeQuery = "((let table '/dc-1/Berkanavt/tables/Simple)"
+ "(let row1 '('('key (Uint64 '" + ToString(i) + "))))"
+ "(return (AsList"
+ "(UpdateRow table row1 '( '('uint (Uint64 '" + ToString(i) + "))))"
+ ")))";
+ UNIT_ASSERT(client.FlatQuery(writeQuery, writeRes));
+ }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(PromoteFollower) {
TPortManager tp;
ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
@@ -1852,42 +1852,42 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
Cout << schemaDiff << Endl;
UNIT_ASSERT_C(!schemaDiff.empty(), "Schema not changed after update");
Y_UNIT_TEST(LocalSchemeDropTable) {
- TPortManager tp;
- ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
+ TPortManager tp;
+ ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
TServer server(settings);
TClient client(settings);
- server.StartDummyTablets();
+ server.StartDummyTablets();
WaitForLeaderStart(client, server.GetRuntime(), ChangeStateStorage(Tests::DummyTablet1, TestDomain), TDuration::Seconds(1));
- NTabletFlatScheme::TSchemeChanges schemeInitial;
+ NTabletFlatScheme::TSchemeChanges schemeInitial;
TString err;
- bool success = false;
- success = client.LocalSchemeTx(Tests::DummyTablet1, "", true, schemeInitial, err);
- UNIT_ASSERT(success);
+ bool success = false;
+ success = client.LocalSchemeTx(Tests::DummyTablet1, "", true, schemeInitial, err);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(success);
const TString oldScheme = ToString(schemeInitial);
TString change = R"___(
- Delta {
- DeltaType: DropTable
- TableId: 32
- }
- )___";
- // Update
- NTabletFlatScheme::TSchemeChanges schemeChanged;
- success = client.LocalSchemeTx(Tests::DummyTablet1, change, false, schemeChanged, err);
- UNIT_ASSERT(success);
+ Delta {
+ DeltaType: DropTable
+ TableId: 32
+ }
+ )___";
+ // Update
+ NTabletFlatScheme::TSchemeChanges schemeChanged;
+ success = client.LocalSchemeTx(Tests::DummyTablet1, change, false, schemeChanged, err);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(success);
const TString newScheme = ToString(schemeChanged);
TString schemaDiff = DiffStrings(oldScheme, newScheme);
- UNIT_ASSERT_C(!schemaDiff.empty(), "Schema not changed after update");
- }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(!schemaDiff.empty(), "Schema not changed after update");
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(TestOldTypes) {
TPortManager tp;
@@ -2051,104 +2051,104 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
// TODO: check resluts
void OfflineFollowerContinueWork() {
- TPortManager tp;
- ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
- const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
- TServer server(settings);
- TClient client(settings);
+ TPortManager tp;
+ ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
+ const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
+ TServer server(settings);
+ TClient client(settings);
TTestActorRuntime &runtime = *server.GetRuntime();
- const ui64 tabletId = ChangeStateStorage(DummyTablet1, settings.Domain);
+ const ui64 tabletId = ChangeStateStorage(DummyTablet1, settings.Domain);
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> tabletInfo = CreateTestTabletInfo(tabletId, TTabletTypes::TX_DUMMY);
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> setupInfo = new TTabletSetupInfo(&CreateFlatDummyTablet, TMailboxType::Simple, 0, TMailboxType::Simple, 0);
const TActorId edge = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
const TActorId leaderTablet = runtime.Register(CreateTablet(edge, tabletInfo.Get(), setupInfo.Get(), 0, nullptr, nullptr));
const TActorId leaderId = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvRestored>(edge)->Get()->UserTabletActor;
const TActorId followerTablet = runtime.Register(CreateTabletFollower(edge, tabletInfo.Get(), setupInfo.Get(), 1, nullptr, nullptr));
const TActorId followerId = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvRestored>(edge)->Get()->UserTabletActor;
- const char *writeQuery = R"__((
- (let row_ '('('key (Uint64 '42))))
- (let update_ '('('v_ui64 (Uint64 '%lu))))
- (let result_ (UpdateRow 't_by_ui64 row_ update_))
- (return (AsList result_))
- ))__";
- const char *readQuery = R"__((
- (let row_ '('('key (Uint64 '42))))
- (let select_ '('v_ui64))
- (let pgmReturn (AsList
- (SetResult 'res (SelectRow 't_by_ui64 row_ select_))
- ))
- (return pgmReturn)
- ))__";
- {
+ const char *writeQuery = R"__((
+ (let row_ '('('key (Uint64 '42))))
+ (let update_ '('('v_ui64 (Uint64 '%lu))))
+ (let result_ (UpdateRow 't_by_ui64 row_ update_))
+ (return (AsList result_))
+ ))__";
+ const char *readQuery = R"__((
+ (let row_ '('('key (Uint64 '42))))
+ (let select_ '('v_ui64))
+ (let pgmReturn (AsList
+ (SetResult 'res (SelectRow 't_by_ui64 row_ select_))
+ ))
+ (return pgmReturn)
+ ))__";
+ {
THolder<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL> reqWrite = MakeHolder<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL>();
- reqWrite->Record.MutableProgram()->MutableProgram()->SetText(Sprintf(writeQuery, ui64(10)));
+ reqWrite->Record.MutableProgram()->MutableProgram()->SetText(Sprintf(writeQuery, ui64(10)));
runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(leaderId, edge, reqWrite.Release()));
- auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse>(edge);
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->Record.GetStatus(), 0);
- }
- {
+ auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse>(edge);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->Record.GetStatus(), 0);
+ }
+ {
runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(leaderTablet, edge, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill()));
- auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead>(edge);
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->TabletID, tabletId);
- }
- {
+ auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead>(edge);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->TabletID, tabletId);
+ }
+ {
THolder<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL> reqRead = MakeHolder<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL>();
- reqRead->Record.MutableProgram()->MutableProgram()->SetText(readQuery);
+ reqRead->Record.MutableProgram()->MutableProgram()->SetText(readQuery);
runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(followerId, edge, reqRead.Release()));
- auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse>(edge);
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->Record.GetStatus(), 0);
- }
- {
- NTabletPipe::TClientConfig pipeClientConfig;
+ auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse>(edge);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->Record.GetStatus(), 0);
+ }
+ {
+ NTabletPipe::TClientConfig pipeClientConfig;
pipeClientConfig.AllowFollower = true;
pipeClientConfig.ForceFollower = true;
- runtime.Register(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(edge, tabletId, pipeClientConfig));
- auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(edge);
+ runtime.Register(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(edge, tabletId, pipeClientConfig));
+ auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(edge);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(OfflineFollowerContinueWork) {
void FollowerOfflineBoot() {
- TPortManager tp;
- ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
- const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
- TServer server(settings);
- TClient client(settings);
+ TPortManager tp;
+ ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
+ const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
+ TServer server(settings);
+ TClient client(settings);
TTestActorRuntime &runtime = *server.GetRuntime();
- const ui64 tabletId = ChangeStateStorage(DummyTablet1, settings.Domain);
+ const ui64 tabletId = ChangeStateStorage(DummyTablet1, settings.Domain);
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> tabletInfo = CreateTestTabletInfo(tabletId, TTabletTypes::TX_DUMMY);
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> setupInfo = new TTabletSetupInfo(&CreateFlatDummyTablet, TMailboxType::Simple, 0, TMailboxType::Simple, 0);
const TActorId edge = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
const TActorId leaderTablet = runtime.Register(CreateTablet(edge, tabletInfo.Get(), setupInfo.Get(), 0, nullptr, nullptr));
const TActorId leaderId = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvRestored>(edge)->Get()->UserTabletActor;
@@ -2161,23 +2161,23 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
const TActorId followerTablet = runtime.Register(CreateTabletFollower(edge, tabletInfo.Get(), setupInfo.Get(), 1, nullptr, nullptr));
const TActorId followerId = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvRestored>(edge)->Get()->UserTabletActor;
- {
- NTabletPipe::TClientConfig pipeClientConfig;
+ {
+ NTabletPipe::TClientConfig pipeClientConfig;
pipeClientConfig.AllowFollower = true;
pipeClientConfig.ForceFollower = true;
pipeClientConfig.RetryPolicy = {.RetryLimitCount = 2};
- runtime.Register(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(edge, tabletId, pipeClientConfig));
- auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(edge);
+ runtime.Register(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(edge, tabletId, pipeClientConfig));
+ auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(edge);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(FollowerOfflineBoot) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/flat_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/client/flat_ut.cpp
index ddd5d8e5a0..362c052aa1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/flat_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/flat_ut.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/tests_data.h>
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
#include <util/random/mersenne.h>
#include <util/system/sanitizers.h>
@@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TFlatTest) {
Columns { Name: "unused004" Type: "Float"}
KeyColumnNames: ["Key"]
UniformPartitionsCount: 2
PartitionConfig {
FollowerCount: %d
CompactionPolicy {
@@ -1916,7 +1916,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TFlatTest) {
annoyingClient.CreateTable("/dc-1/Dir", " Name: \"Table2\" CopyFromTable: \"/dc-1/Dir/TableOld\"");
strResult = ReadFromTable(annoyingClient, "/dc-1/Dir/Table2");
UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(strResult, strResultOld);
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(CopyTableAndCompareColumnsSchema) {
TPortManager pm;
@@ -1974,34 +1974,34 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TFlatTest) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(CopyCopiedTableAndRead) {
- TPortManager pm;
- ui16 port = pm.GetPort(2134);
+ TPortManager pm;
+ ui16 port = pm.GetPort(2134);
TServer cleverServer = TServer(TServerSettings(port));
cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::OPS_COMPACT, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO);
- TFlatMsgBusClient annoyingClient(port);
+ TFlatMsgBusClient annoyingClient(port);
- // Copy the table
- cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
- cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::TX_DATASHARD, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
+ // Copy the table
+ cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
+ cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::TX_DATASHARD, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
Cerr << "Copy TableOld to Table" << Endl;
- annoyingClient.CreateTable("/dc-1/Dir", " Name: \"Table\" CopyFromTable: \"/dc-1/Dir/TableOld\"");
+ annoyingClient.CreateTable("/dc-1/Dir", " Name: \"Table\" CopyFromTable: \"/dc-1/Dir/TableOld\"");
TString strResultOld = ReadFromTable(annoyingClient, "/dc-1/Dir/TableOld");
TString strResult = ReadFromTable(annoyingClient, "/dc-1/Dir/Table");
- Cout << strResult << Endl;
- UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(strResult, strResultOld);
+ Cout << strResult << Endl;
+ UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(strResult, strResultOld);
// Make second copy of the old table
Cerr << "Copy Table to Table2" << Endl;
annoyingClient.CreateTable("/dc-1/Dir", " Name: \"Table3\" CopyFromTable: \"/dc-1/Dir/Table\"");
strResult = ReadFromTable(annoyingClient, "/dc-1/Dir/Table3");
UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(strResult, strResultOld);
Y_UNIT_TEST(CopyTableAndAddFollowers) {
TPortManager pm;
ui16 port = pm.GetPort(2134);
@@ -2052,11 +2052,11 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TFlatTest) {
TPortManager pm;
ui16 port = pm.GetPort(2134);
TServer cleverServer = TServer(TServerSettings(port));
cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::OPS_COMPACT, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO);
TFlatMsgBusClient annoyingClient(port);
TString strResultOld = ReadFromTable(annoyingClient, "/dc-1/Dir/TableOld");
Cerr << strResultOld << Endl;
@@ -2713,61 +2713,61 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TFlatTest) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteSplitAndReadFromFollower) {
- TPortManager pm;
- ui16 port = pm.GetPort(2134);
+ TPortManager pm;
+ ui16 port = pm.GetPort(2134);
TServer cleverServer = TServer(TServerSettings(port).SetNodeCount(2));
cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::OPS_COMPACT, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO);
- TFlatMsgBusClient annoyingClient(port);
- PrepareSourceTable(annoyingClient, true);
- cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
- cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::TX_DATASHARD, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
- // Write new rows to the copy in order to trigger compaction
+ TFlatMsgBusClient annoyingClient(port);
+ PrepareSourceTable(annoyingClient, true);
+ cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
+ cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::TX_DATASHARD, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
+ // Write new rows to the copy in order to trigger compaction
TMap<ui32, TString> rows ={
- {1, "AAA"},
- {201, "BBB"},
- {301, "CCC"}
- };
- UNIT_ASSERT(annoyingClient.WaitForTabletAlive(cleverServer.GetRuntime(), 72075186224037888, false, TDuration::Minutes(1)));
- for (const auto& r : rows) {
- WriteRow(annoyingClient, "TableOld", r.first, r.second);
- }
+ {1, "AAA"},
+ {201, "BBB"},
+ {301, "CCC"}
+ };
+ UNIT_ASSERT(annoyingClient.WaitForTabletAlive(cleverServer.GetRuntime(), 72075186224037888, false, TDuration::Minutes(1)));
+ for (const auto& r : rows) {
+ WriteRow(annoyingClient, "TableOld", r.first, r.second);
+ }
TString strResult = ReadFromTable(annoyingClient, "/dc-1/Dir/TableOld", 201, false);
- SplitTable(annoyingClient, "/dc-1/Dir/TableOld", 0, {100, 200});
- for (const auto& r : rows) {
+ SplitTable(annoyingClient, "/dc-1/Dir/TableOld", 0, {100, 200});
+ for (const auto& r : rows) {
TString val = ReadRow(annoyingClient, "TableOld", r.first);
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(val, r.second);
- }
- for (auto tabletId : xrange(72075186224037888, 72075186224037893)) {
- cleverServer.GetRuntime()->Send(
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(val, r.second);
+ }
+ for (auto tabletId : xrange(72075186224037888, 72075186224037893)) {
+ cleverServer.GetRuntime()->Send(
new IEventHandle(MakeTabletResolverID(), TActorId(),
new TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem(tabletId, TActorId())
- ));
- }
- for (auto tabletId : xrange(72075186224037890, 72075186224037893)) {
- UNIT_ASSERT(annoyingClient.WaitForTabletAlive(cleverServer.GetRuntime(), tabletId, false, TDuration::Minutes(1)));
- }
+ ));
+ }
+ for (auto tabletId : xrange(72075186224037890, 72075186224037893)) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT(annoyingClient.WaitForTabletAlive(cleverServer.GetRuntime(), tabletId, false, TDuration::Minutes(1)));
+ }
for (ui32 i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { // multiple rounds to move some reads to followers
TString strResultAfter = ReadFromTable(annoyingClient, "/dc-1/Dir/TableOld", 201, true);
- UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(strResultAfter, strResult);
- }
- annoyingClient.DeleteTable("/dc-1/Dir", "TableOld");
- annoyingClient.Ls("/dc-1/Dir/TableOld");
- }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(strResultAfter, strResult);
+ }
+ annoyingClient.DeleteTable("/dc-1/Dir", "TableOld");
+ annoyingClient.Ls("/dc-1/Dir/TableOld");
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteSplitKillRead) {
TPortManager pm;
ui16 port = pm.GetPort(2134);
@@ -2778,7 +2778,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TFlatTest) {
TFlatMsgBusClient annoyingClient(port);
cleverServer.GetRuntime()->SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
// Write new rows to the copy in order to trigger compaction
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/flat_ut_client.h b/ydb/core/client/flat_ut_client.h
index f9fb19897d..07f5b30cc6 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/flat_ut_client.h
+++ b/ydb/core/client/flat_ut_client.h
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ public:
void KillTablet(Tests::TServer &server, ui64 tabletId) {
TTestActorRuntime* runtime = server.GetRuntime();
TActorId sender = runtime->AllocateEdgeActor();
runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeTabletResolverID(), sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem(tabletId, TActorId())));
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeTabletResolverID(), sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward(tabletId, nullptr)));
- TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
- auto forwardResult = runtime->GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult>(handle);
- UNIT_ASSERT(forwardResult && forwardResult->Tablet);
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(forwardResult->Tablet, sender, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill()));
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeTabletResolverID(), sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward(tabletId, nullptr)));
+ TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
+ auto forwardResult = runtime->GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult>(handle);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(forwardResult && forwardResult->Tablet);
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(forwardResult->Tablet, sender, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill()));
runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeTabletResolverID(), sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem(tabletId, TActorId())));
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/db_key_resolver.h b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/db_key_resolver.h
index 2ad0943978..e748525fa8 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/db_key_resolver.h
+++ b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/db_key_resolver.h
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ public:
struct TTable {
TString TableName;
TSet<TString> ColumnNames;
- ui64 RefreshAgainst = 0;
+ ui64 RefreshAgainst = 0;
struct TTableResult {
enum EStatus {
Ok = 0,
- Error = 1,
- LookupError = 2
+ Error = 1,
+ LookupError = 2
TTableResult(EStatus status, const TString& reason = TString())
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public:
TAutoPtr<NKikimr::TTableId> TableId;
ui32 KeyColumnCount = 0;
TMap<TString, TColumn> Columns;
- ui64 CacheGeneration = 0;
+ ui64 CacheGeneration = 0;
using TTableResults = TVector<TTableResult>;
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ public:
static_assert(End < EventSpaceEnd(NActors::TEvents::ES_PRIVATE), "expect End < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE)");
- struct TEvResolveTablesResult : public NActors::TEventLocal<TEvResolveTablesResult, EvResolveTablesResult> {
+ struct TEvResolveTablesResult : public NActors::TEventLocal<TEvResolveTablesResult, EvResolveTablesResult> {
TEvResolveTablesResult(TTableResults&& result);
TTableResults Result;
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/mkql_compile_service.cpp b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/mkql_compile_service.cpp
index 88ba107928..e01d61a22c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/mkql_compile_service.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/mkql_compile_service.cpp
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile::TEvCompile(const TString& program)
: Program(program)
TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompileStatus::TEvCompileStatus(const TString& pgm, const NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult& result)
: Program(pgm)
, Result(result)
// Actor with queue of programs to compile. Creates TMiniKQLCompileActor for each program.
class TMiniKQLCompileService : public NActors::TActorBootstrapped<TMiniKQLCompileService> {
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public:
, Alloc(allocPoolCounters, functionRegistry->SupportsSizedAllocators())
, TypeEnv(Alloc)
, Cookie(0)
- , Retried(false)
+ , Retried(false)
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ public:
NMiniKQL::TScopedAlloc Alloc;
NMiniKQL::TTypeEnvironment TypeEnv;
ui64 Cookie;
- bool Retried;
+ bool Retried;
THashMap<TString, ui64> CompileResolveCookies;
- bool ForceRefresh;
+ bool ForceRefresh;
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ public:
void Bootstrap(const TActorContext& ctx) {
Counters = GetServiceCounters(AppData(ctx)->Counters, "compile")->GetSubgroup("subsystem", "cache");
AllocPoolCounters = TAlignedPagePoolCounters(AppData(ctx)->Counters, "compile");
if (!DbSchemeResolver) {
@@ -99,41 +99,41 @@ public:
void Handle(TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile *msg = ev->Get();
+ TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile *msg = ev->Get();
TCompileContext::TPtr c(new TCompileContext(msg->Program, ev->Sender, AllocPoolCounters, AppData(ctx)->FunctionRegistry));
c->Cookie = ev->Cookie;
- c->CompileResolveCookies = std::move(msg->CompileResolveCookies);
- c->ForceRefresh = msg->ForceRefresh;
+ c->CompileResolveCookies = std::move(msg->CompileResolveCookies);
+ c->ForceRefresh = msg->ForceRefresh;
void Handle(NYql::TMiniKQLCompileActorEvents::TEvCompileResult::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
auto it = Compiling.find(ev->Sender);
Y_VERIFY(it != Compiling.end());
- TCompileContext::TPtr cptr = it->second;
+ TCompileContext::TPtr cptr = it->second;
- const bool hasErrors = !msg->Result.Errors.Empty();
- if (!hasErrors || cptr->Retried || cptr->ForceRefresh) {
- auto* compileStatusEv = new TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompileStatus(cptr->Program, msg->Result);
- compileStatusEv->CompileResolveCookies = std::move(msg->CompileResolveCookies);
- ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(new IEventHandle(cptr->ResponseTo, ctx.SelfID, compileStatusEv,
- 0, cptr->Cookie));
- Compile(ctx);
- } else {
- // recreate compile context
- const TAppData *appData = AppData(ctx);
+ const bool hasErrors = !msg->Result.Errors.Empty();
+ if (!hasErrors || cptr->Retried || cptr->ForceRefresh) {
+ auto* compileStatusEv = new TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompileStatus(cptr->Program, msg->Result);
+ compileStatusEv->CompileResolveCookies = std::move(msg->CompileResolveCookies);
+ ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(new IEventHandle(cptr->ResponseTo, ctx.SelfID, compileStatusEv,
+ 0, cptr->Cookie));
+ Compile(ctx);
+ } else {
+ // recreate compile context
+ const TAppData *appData = AppData(ctx);
TCompileContext::TPtr c = new TCompileContext(cptr->Program, cptr->ResponseTo, AllocPoolCounters, appData->FunctionRegistry);
- c->Cookie = cptr->Cookie;
- c->Retried = true;
- auto *compileActor = NYql::CreateCompileActor(c->Program, &c->TypeEnv, DbSchemeResolver.Get(), ctx.SelfID, std::move(msg->CompileResolveCookies), false);
+ c->Cookie = cptr->Cookie;
+ c->Retried = true;
+ auto *compileActor = NYql::CreateCompileActor(c->Program, &c->TypeEnv, DbSchemeResolver.Get(), ctx.SelfID, std::move(msg->CompileResolveCookies), false);
const TActorId actId = ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(compileActor, TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->UserPoolId);
- Compiling.insert(TCompilingMap::value_type(actId, c));
- }
+ Compiling.insert(TCompilingMap::value_type(actId, c));
+ }
void Compile(const TActorContext& ctx) {
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ private:
auto next = CompileQueue.front();
- auto* act = NYql::CreateCompileActor(
- next->Program,
- &next->TypeEnv,
- DbSchemeResolver.Get(),
- ctx.SelfID,
- std::move(next->CompileResolveCookies),
- next->ForceRefresh);
- auto *appData = AppData(ctx);
+ auto* act = NYql::CreateCompileActor(
+ next->Program,
+ &next->TypeEnv,
+ DbSchemeResolver.Get(),
+ ctx.SelfID,
+ std::move(next->CompileResolveCookies),
+ next->ForceRefresh);
+ auto *appData = AppData(ctx);
auto actId = ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(act, TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->UserPoolId);
Compiling.insert(TCompilingMap::value_type(actId, next));
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ private:
using TCompilingMap = THashMap<TActorId, TCompileContext::TPtr>;
TCompilingMap Compiling;
- TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> Counters;
+ TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> Counters;
TAlignedPagePoolCounters AllocPoolCounters;
TActorId SchemeCache;
THolder<NYql::IDbSchemeResolver> DbSchemeResolver;
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/mkql_compile_service.h b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/mkql_compile_service.h
index ddb832b5ad..4b0aca1491 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/mkql_compile_service.h
+++ b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/mkql_compile_service.h
@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ struct TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents {
static_assert(End < EventSpaceEnd(NActors::TEvents::ES_USERSPACE), "expect End < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_USERSPACE)");
- struct TEvCompile : public NActors::TEventLocal<TEvCompile, Compile> {
+ struct TEvCompile : public NActors::TEventLocal<TEvCompile, Compile> {
explicit TEvCompile(const TString& program);
TString Program;
- bool ForceRefresh = false;
+ bool ForceRefresh = false;
THashMap<TString, ui64> CompileResolveCookies;
- struct TEvCompileStatus : public NActors::TEventLocal<TEvCompileStatus, CompileStatus> {
+ struct TEvCompileStatus : public NActors::TEventLocal<TEvCompileStatus, CompileStatus> {
TEvCompileStatus(const TString& program, const NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult& result);
TString Program;
NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult Result;
THashMap<TString, ui64> CompileResolveCookies;
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/yql_expr_minikql.cpp b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/yql_expr_minikql.cpp
index 44cde3a555..76f38bf35c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/yql_expr_minikql.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/yql_expr_minikql.cpp
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <util/string/cast.h>
#include <util/string/hex.h>
-#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
#include <utility>
namespace NYql {
@@ -1417,8 +1417,8 @@ ConvertToMiniKQL(TExprContainer::TPtr expr,
TMiniKQLCompileActorEvents::TEvCompileResult::TEvCompileResult(const TMiniKQLCompileResult& result, THashMap<TString, ui64> &&resolveCookies)
: Result(result)
- , CompileResolveCookies(std::move(resolveCookies))
+ , CompileResolveCookies(std::move(resolveCookies))
class TMiniKQLCompileActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TMiniKQLCompileActor> {
@@ -1431,12 +1431,12 @@ public:
IDbSchemeResolver* dbSchemeResolver,
TActorId responseTo,
THashMap<TString, ui64> &&resolveRefreshCookies,
- bool forceCacheRefresh)
+ bool forceCacheRefresh)
: TypeEnv(typeEnv)
, Program(program)
, DbSchemeResolver(dbSchemeResolver)
, ResponseTo(responseTo)
- , ResolveRefreshCookies(std::move(resolveRefreshCookies))
+ , ResolveRefreshCookies(std::move(resolveRefreshCookies))
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ public:
try {
TMiniKQLCompileResult result;
if (!ParseProgram(result.Errors)) {
- return SendResponseAndDie(result, {}, ctx);
+ return SendResponseAndDie(result, {}, ctx);
CollectKeys(Expr->Root.Get(), CompileCtx);
@@ -1466,20 +1466,20 @@ public:
} else {
if (!PerformTypeAnnotation(Expr->Root, Expr->Context, CompileCtx)) {
- return SendResponseAndDie(result, {}, ctx);
+ return SendResponseAndDie(result, {}, ctx);
result.CompiledProgram = CompileProgram();
- return SendResponseAndDie(result, {}, ctx);
+ return SendResponseAndDie(result, {}, ctx);
} catch (const TNodeException& ex) {
// TODO: pass backtrace
TMiniKQLCompileResult res(NYql::TIssue(Expr->Context.GetPosition(ex.Pos()), ex.what()));
- return SendResponseAndDie(res, {}, ctx);
+ return SendResponseAndDie(res, {}, ctx);
} catch (const yexception& ex) { // Catch TProgramBuilder exceptions.
// TODO: pass backtrace
TMiniKQLCompileResult res(NYql::ExceptionToIssue(ex));
- return SendResponseAndDie(res, {}, ctx);
+ return SendResponseAndDie(res, {}, ctx);
@@ -1494,22 +1494,22 @@ public:
void Handle(IDbSchemeResolver::TEvents::TEvResolveTablesResult::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
THashMap<TString, ui64> compileResolveCookies;
try {
const auto& results = ev->Get()->Result;
auto& tablesToResolve = CompileCtx->GetTablesToResolve();
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(tablesToResolve.size() == results.size(), "tablesToResolve.size() != results.size()");
TVector<NYql::TIssue> resolveErrors;
ui32 i = 0;
- for (auto &xpair : tablesToResolve) {
- auto &x = xpair.second;
- auto &response = results[i];
+ for (auto &xpair : tablesToResolve) {
+ auto &x = xpair.second;
+ auto &response = results[i];
switch (response.Status) {
case IDbSchemeResolver::TTableResult::Ok:
case IDbSchemeResolver::TTableResult::LookupError:
NYql::TIssue(TPosition(), TStringBuilder()
@@ -1527,35 +1527,35 @@ private:
- compileResolveCookies[x.Request.TableName] = response.CacheGeneration;
- x.Response = response;
- ++i;
+ compileResolveCookies[x.Request.TableName] = response.CacheGeneration;
+ x.Response = response;
+ ++i;
if (!resolveErrors.empty()) {
TMiniKQLCompileResult result(resolveErrors);
return SendResponseAndDie(result, std::move(compileResolveCookies), ctx);
TMiniKQLCompileResult result;
if (!PerformTypeAnnotation(Expr->Root, Expr->Context, CompileCtx)) {
- return SendResponseAndDie(result, std::move(compileResolveCookies), ctx);
+ return SendResponseAndDie(result, std::move(compileResolveCookies), ctx);
result.CompiledProgram = CompileProgram();
- return SendResponseAndDie(result, std::move(compileResolveCookies), ctx);
+ return SendResponseAndDie(result, std::move(compileResolveCookies), ctx);
catch (const TNodeException& ex) {
// TODO: pass backtrace
TMiniKQLCompileResult result(NYql::TIssue(Expr->Context.GetPosition(ex.Pos()), ex.what()));
- return SendResponseAndDie(result, std::move(compileResolveCookies), ctx);
+ return SendResponseAndDie(result, std::move(compileResolveCookies), ctx);
catch (const yexception& ex) { // Catch TProgramBuilder exceptions.
// TODO: pass backtrace
TMiniKQLCompileResult result(NYql::ExceptionToIssue(ex));
- return SendResponseAndDie(result, std::move(compileResolveCookies), ctx);
+ return SendResponseAndDie(result, std::move(compileResolveCookies), ctx);
@@ -1593,22 +1593,22 @@ private:
void SendResponseAndDie(const TMiniKQLCompileResult& result, THashMap<TString, ui64> &&resolveCookies, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(
- new IEventHandle(
- ResponseTo,
- ctx.SelfID,
- new TMiniKQLCompileActorEvents::TEvCompileResult(result, std::move(resolveCookies))
- ));
+ ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(
+ new IEventHandle(
+ ResponseTo,
+ ctx.SelfID,
+ new TMiniKQLCompileActorEvents::TEvCompileResult(result, std::move(resolveCookies))
+ ));
- void Cleanup() {
- CompileCtx.Drop();
- Expr.Drop();
- Compiler.Drop();
- }
+ void Cleanup() {
+ CompileCtx.Drop();
+ Expr.Drop();
+ Compiler.Drop();
+ }
const NKikimr::NMiniKQL::TTypeEnvironment* TypeEnv;
TString Program;
TContext::TPtr CompileCtx;
@@ -1625,9 +1625,9 @@ CreateCompileActor(const TString& program,
IDbSchemeResolver* dbSchemeResolver,
TActorId responseTo,
THashMap<TString, ui64> &&resolveRefreshCookies,
- bool forceCacheRefresh)
+ bool forceCacheRefresh)
- return new TMiniKQLCompileActor(program, typeEnv, dbSchemeResolver, responseTo, std::move(resolveRefreshCookies), forceCacheRefresh);
+ return new TMiniKQLCompileActor(program, typeEnv, dbSchemeResolver, responseTo, std::move(resolveRefreshCookies), forceCacheRefresh);
} // namespace NYql
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/yql_expr_minikql.h b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/yql_expr_minikql.h
index 265991094b..ab6011c105 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/yql_expr_minikql.h
+++ b/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/yql_expr_minikql.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "compile_result.h"
-#include "compile_context.h"
+#include "compile_context.h"
#include "db_key_resolver.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ struct TMiniKQLCompileActorEvents {
struct TEvCompileResult : public NActors::TEventBase<TEvCompileResult, CompileResult> {
explicit TEvCompileResult(const TMiniKQLCompileResult& result, THashMap<TString, ui64> &&resolveCookies);
DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvCompileResult, "EvCompileResult");
TMiniKQLCompileResult Result;
THashMap<TString, ui64> CompileResolveCookies;
@@ -58,6 +58,6 @@ CreateCompileActor(const TString& program,
IDbSchemeResolver* dbSchemeResolver,
NActors::TActorId responseTo,
THashMap<TString, ui64> &&resolveRefreshCookies,
- bool forceCacheRefresh); // TEvCompileResult.
+ bool forceCacheRefresh); // TEvCompileResult.
} // namespace NYql
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/scheme_cache_lib/yql_db_scheme_resolver.cpp b/ydb/core/client/scheme_cache_lib/yql_db_scheme_resolver.cpp
index 63a1c2ea67..eb74fa36e9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/scheme_cache_lib/yql_db_scheme_resolver.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/scheme_cache_lib/yql_db_scheme_resolver.cpp
@@ -14,52 +14,52 @@ using namespace NThreading;
namespace {
-class TTableProxyActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TTableProxyActor> {
- using TTable = NYql::IDbSchemeResolver::TTable;
- using TTableResult = NYql::IDbSchemeResolver::TTableResult;
- using TTableResults = NYql::IDbSchemeResolver::TTableResults;
+class TTableProxyActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TTableProxyActor> {
+ using TTable = NYql::IDbSchemeResolver::TTable;
+ using TTableResult = NYql::IDbSchemeResolver::TTableResult;
+ using TTableResults = NYql::IDbSchemeResolver::TTableResults;
const TActorId SchemeCache;
const TActorId ResponseTo;
TVector<TTable> Tables;
- void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate &request = *ev->Get()->Request;
Y_VERIFY(request.ResultSet.size() == Tables.size());
TVector<TTableResult> results;
- results.reserve(Tables.size());
- for (ui32 idx = 0, end = Tables.size(); idx != end; ++idx) {
- auto &src = Tables[idx];
- const NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry &res = request.ResultSet[idx];
- switch (res.Status) {
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::Ok:
- {
- results.push_back({TTableResult::Ok});
- auto &reply = results.back();
- reply.Status = TTableResult::Ok;
- reply.Table.TableName = src.TableName;
- reply.Table.ColumnNames = std::move(src.ColumnNames);
- reply.TableId = new TTableId(res.TableId);
+ results.reserve(Tables.size());
+ for (ui32 idx = 0, end = Tables.size(); idx != end; ++idx) {
+ auto &src = Tables[idx];
+ const NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry &res = request.ResultSet[idx];
+ switch (res.Status) {
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::Ok:
+ {
+ results.push_back({TTableResult::Ok});
+ auto &reply = results.back();
+ reply.Status = TTableResult::Ok;
+ reply.Table.TableName = src.TableName;
+ reply.Table.ColumnNames = std::move(src.ColumnNames);
+ reply.TableId = new TTableId(res.TableId);
reply.CacheGeneration = 0;
TSet<TString> replyColumns;
- TMap<TString, THashMap<ui32, TSysTables::TTableColumnInfo>::const_iterator> backindex;
- for (auto it = res.Columns.begin(), eit = res.Columns.end(); it != eit; ++it) {
+ TMap<TString, THashMap<ui32, TSysTables::TTableColumnInfo>::const_iterator> backindex;
+ for (auto it = res.Columns.begin(), eit = res.Columns.end(); it != eit; ++it) {
auto& name = it->second.Name;
backindex.insert({name, it});
if (it->second.KeyOrder >= 0) {
- ++reply.KeyColumnCount;
+ ++reply.KeyColumnCount;
- }
+ }
replyColumns.insert(reply.Table.ColumnNames.begin(), reply.Table.ColumnNames.end());
for (const auto &column : replyColumns) {
@@ -71,80 +71,80 @@ class TTableProxyActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TTableProxyActor> {
- const auto *x = backindex.FindPtr(column);
- if (x == nullptr) {
- reply.Status = TTableResult::Error;
- reply.Reason = "column '" + column + "' not exist";
- } else {
- const auto &col = (*x)->second;
- reply.Columns.insert(std::make_pair(column,
- IDbSchemeResolver::TTableResult::TColumn{col.Id, col.KeyOrder, col.PType, 0}));
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::RootUnknown:
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::PathErrorUnknown:
- results.push_back({TTableResult::Error, ToString(res.Status)});
- break;
- default:
- results.push_back({TTableResult::LookupError, ToString(res.Status)});
- break;
- }
- }
- ctx.Send(ResponseTo, new NYql::IDbSchemeResolver::TEvents::TEvResolveTablesResult(std::move(results)));
- return Die(ctx);
- }
+ const auto *x = backindex.FindPtr(column);
+ if (x == nullptr) {
+ reply.Status = TTableResult::Error;
+ reply.Reason = "column '" + column + "' not exist";
+ } else {
+ const auto &col = (*x)->second;
+ reply.Columns.insert(std::make_pair(column,
+ IDbSchemeResolver::TTableResult::TColumn{col.Id, col.KeyOrder, col.PType, 0}));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::RootUnknown:
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::PathErrorUnknown:
+ results.push_back({TTableResult::Error, ToString(res.Status)});
+ break;
+ default:
+ results.push_back({TTableResult::LookupError, ToString(res.Status)});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.Send(ResponseTo, new NYql::IDbSchemeResolver::TEvents::TEvResolveTablesResult(std::move(results)));
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLE_SCHEME_RESOLVER;
TTableProxyActor(TActorId schemeCache, TActorId responseTo, const TVector<TTable> &tables)
- : SchemeCache(schemeCache)
- , ResponseTo(responseTo)
- , Tables(tables)
- {}
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ : SchemeCache(schemeCache)
+ , ResponseTo(responseTo)
+ , Tables(tables)
+ {}
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
TAutoPtr<NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate> request(new NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate());
- request->ResultSet.reserve(Tables.size());
- for (auto &table : Tables) {
- request->ResultSet.push_back({});
- auto &x = request->ResultSet.back();
+ request->ResultSet.reserve(Tables.size());
+ for (auto &table : Tables) {
+ request->ResultSet.push_back({});
+ auto &x = request->ResultSet.back();
x.Path = SplitPath(table.TableName);
x.Operation = NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::OpTable;
x.ShowPrivatePath = true;
- }
- ctx.Send(SchemeCache, new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet(request));
- Become(&TThis::StateWait);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWait) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult, Handle);
- }
- }
+ }
+ ctx.Send(SchemeCache, new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet(request));
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWait) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult, Handle);
+ }
+ }
} // anonymous namespace
class TDbSchemeResolver : public IDbSchemeResolver {
- TDbSchemeResolver(TActorSystem *actorSystem)
- : HostActorSystem(actorSystem)
+ TDbSchemeResolver(TActorSystem *actorSystem)
+ : HostActorSystem(actorSystem)
TDbSchemeResolver(TActorSystem *actorSystem, const TActorId &schemeCacheActor)
- : HostActorSystem(actorSystem)
- , SchemeCacheActor(schemeCacheActor)
- {}
+ : HostActorSystem(actorSystem)
+ , SchemeCacheActor(schemeCacheActor)
+ {}
- virtual ~TDbSchemeResolver() {}
+ virtual ~TDbSchemeResolver() {}
virtual NThreading::TFuture<TTableResults> ResolveTables(const TVector<TTable>& tables) override {
TTableResults results;
@@ -158,17 +158,17 @@ public:
virtual void ResolveTables(const TVector<TTable>& tables, NActors::TActorId responseTo) override {
- TAutoPtr<NActors::IActor> proxyActor(new TTableProxyActor(SchemeCacheActor, responseTo, tables));
+ TAutoPtr<NActors::IActor> proxyActor(new TTableProxyActor(SchemeCacheActor, responseTo, tables));
HostActorSystem->Register(proxyActor.Release(), TMailboxType::HTSwap, HostActorSystem->AppData<TAppData>()->UserPoolId);
- TActorSystem *HostActorSystem;
+ TActorSystem *HostActorSystem;
TActorId SchemeCacheActor;
NYql::IDbSchemeResolver* CreateDbSchemeResolver(TActorSystem *actorSystem, const TActorId &schemeCacheActor) {
- TAutoPtr<NYql::IDbSchemeResolver> resolver(new TDbSchemeResolver(actorSystem, schemeCacheActor));
+ TAutoPtr<NYql::IDbSchemeResolver> resolver(new TDbSchemeResolver(actorSystem, schemeCacheActor));
return resolver.Release();
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/scheme_cache_lib/yql_db_scheme_resolver.h b/ydb/core/client/scheme_cache_lib/yql_db_scheme_resolver.h
index 2bd037e50e..b1d2eaae8e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/scheme_cache_lib/yql_db_scheme_resolver.h
+++ b/ydb/core/client/scheme_cache_lib/yql_db_scheme_resolver.h
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ namespace NYql {
class IDbSchemeResolver;
} // namespace NYql
-namespace NActors {
- class TActorSystem;
+namespace NActors {
+ class TActorSystem;
struct TActorId;
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NSchCache {
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/grpc_proxy_status.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/grpc_proxy_status.cpp
index d30c697b0e..827335ad40 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/grpc_proxy_status.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/grpc_proxy_status.cpp
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public:
void Die(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
for (const ui32 node : Nodes) {
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(node), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(node), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_blobstorage_config.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_blobstorage_config.cpp
index 1949c542b4..a0af40eac9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_blobstorage_config.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_blobstorage_config.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace {
class TMessageBusBlobStorageConfig
: public TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest<
- TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerConfigResponse,
+ TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerConfigResponse,
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_bsadm.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_bsadm.cpp
index deae48ded7..a3bed376f4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_bsadm.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_bsadm.cpp
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-#include "msgbus_tabletreq.h"
+#include "msgbus_tabletreq.h"
#include "msgbus_securereq.h"
#include <ydb/core/blobstorage/base/blobstorage_events.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
-namespace {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+namespace {
const ui64 DefaultTimeout = 90000;
class TMessageBusBSAdmGroupReconfigureWipe : public TMessageBusSecureRequest<
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ public:
IActor* CreateMessageBusBSAdm(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
const NKikimrClient::TBSAdm &record = static_cast<TBusBSAdm *>(msg.GetMessage())->Record;
- const ui32 targetDomain = record.GetDomain();
- const ui64 tabletId = MakeBSControllerID(targetDomain);
+ const ui32 targetDomain = record.GetDomain();
+ const ui64 tabletId = MakeBSControllerID(targetDomain);
if (record.HasGroupReconfigureWipe()) {
const auto &x = record.GetGroupReconfigureWipe();
if (!x.HasLocation()) {
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ IActor* CreateMessageBusBSAdm(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
return new TMessageBusBSAdmGroupReconfigureWipe(msg, tabletId, req, true,
- }
- return nullptr;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server.cpp
index 8276af570d..8a4d8a3bbd 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server.cpp
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#include <library/cpp/monlib/messagebus/mon_messagebus.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/node_whiteboard/node_whiteboard.h>
-#include "msgbus_server.h"
+#include "msgbus_server.h"
#include "msgbus_server_tracer.h"
#include "msgbus_http_server.h"
#include "grpc_server.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
class TBusMessageContext::TImpl : public TThrRefBase {
virtual ~TImpl() = default;
@@ -441,95 +441,95 @@ TMessageBusServer::TMessageBusServer(
ui32 bindPort,
std::shared_ptr<IPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory> pqReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory
- : SessionConfig(sessionConfig)
- , BusQueue(busQueue)
+ : SessionConfig(sessionConfig)
+ , BusQueue(busQueue)
, PQReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory(pqReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory)
- , Protocol(bindPort)
-TMessageBusServer::~TMessageBusServer() {
+ , Protocol(bindPort)
+TMessageBusServer::~TMessageBusServer() {
void TMessageBusServer::InitSession(TActorSystem *actorSystem, const TActorId &proxy) {
- ActorSystem = actorSystem;
- Proxy = proxy;
- Session = NBus::TBusServerSession::Create(&Protocol, this, SessionConfig, BusQueue);
+ ActorSystem = actorSystem;
+ Proxy = proxy;
+ Session = NBus::TBusServerSession::Create(&Protocol, this, SessionConfig, BusQueue);
HttpServer.Reset(CreateMessageBusHttpServer(actorSystem, this, Protocol, SessionConfig));
Monitor = ActorSystem->Register(new TMessageBusMonitorActor(Session, SessionConfig), TMailboxType::HTSwap,
-void TMessageBusServer::ShutdownSession() {
+void TMessageBusServer::ShutdownSession() {
- if (Session) {
- Session->Shutdown();
- }
-void TMessageBusServer::RegisterMonPage(NMonitoring::TBusNgMonPage *busMonPage) {
- busMonPage->BusWww->RegisterServerSession(Session);
-void TMessageBusServer::OnMessage(NBus::TOnMessageContext &msg) {
+ if (Session) {
+ Session->Shutdown();
+ }
+void TMessageBusServer::RegisterMonPage(NMonitoring::TBusNgMonPage *busMonPage) {
+ busMonPage->BusWww->RegisterServerSession(Session);
+void TMessageBusServer::OnMessage(NBus::TOnMessageContext &msg) {
TBusMessageContext messageContext(msg);
void TMessageBusServer::OnMessage(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
- const ui32 msgType = msg.GetMessage()->GetHeader()->Type;
+ const ui32 msgType = msg.GetMessage()->GetHeader()->Type;
- switch (msgType) {
- return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvRequest>(msg);
+ switch (msgType) {
+ return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvRequest>(msg);
return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvInitRoot>(msg);
- return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusBSAdm, msg);
- return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvNavigate>(msg);
+ return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusBSAdm, msg);
+ return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvNavigate>(msg);
return GetTypes(msg);
- return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusHiveCreateTablet, msg);
+ return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusHiveCreateTablet, msg);
- return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusLocalEnumerateTablets, msg);
+ return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusLocalEnumerateTablets, msg);
- return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusKeyValue, msg);
+ return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusKeyValue, msg);
- return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvPersQueue>(msg);
+ return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvPersQueue>(msg);
return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusChooseProxy, msg);
- return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusTabletStateRequest, msg);
+ return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusTabletStateRequest, msg);
return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusTabletCountersRequest, msg);
- return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusLocalMKQL, msg);
+ return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusLocalMKQL, msg);
- return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusLocalSchemeTx, msg);
+ return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusLocalSchemeTx, msg);
- return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusTabletKillRequest, msg);
+ return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusTabletKillRequest, msg);
- return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvFlatTxRequest>(msg);
+ return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvFlatTxRequest>(msg);
return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusSchemeOperationStatus, msg);
- return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvFlatDescribeRequest>(msg);
+ return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvFlatDescribeRequest>(msg);
return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusBlobStorageLoadRequest, msg);
return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusBlobStorageGetRequest, msg);
- return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvDbSchema>(msg);
+ return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvDbSchema>(msg);
- return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvDbOperation>(msg);
+ return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvDbOperation>(msg);
- return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvDbBatch>(msg);
+ return ClientProxyRequest<TEvBusProxy::TEvDbBatch>(msg);
return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusBlobStorageConfig, msg);
@@ -552,12 +552,12 @@ void TMessageBusServer::OnMessage(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusConsoleRequest, msg);
return ClientActorRequest(CreateMessageBusTestShardControl, msg);
- default:
- return UnknownMessage(msg);
- }
-void TMessageBusServer::OnError(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, NBus::EMessageStatus status) {
+ default:
+ return UnknownMessage(msg);
+ }
+void TMessageBusServer::OnError(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, NBus::EMessageStatus status) {
if (ActorSystem) {
if (status == NBus::MESSAGE_SHUTDOWN) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(*ActorSystem, NKikimrServices::MSGBUS_REQUEST, "Msgbus client disconnected before reply was sent"
@@ -567,18 +567,18 @@ void TMessageBusServer::OnError(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, NBus::EMessageS
<< " msg# " << msg->Describe());
-template<typename TEv>
-void TMessageBusServer::ClientProxyRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
- if (Proxy)
- ActorSystem->Send(Proxy, new TEv(msg));
- else
+template<typename TEv>
+void TMessageBusServer::ClientProxyRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
+ if (Proxy)
+ ActorSystem->Send(Proxy, new TEv(msg));
+ else
msg.SendReplyMove(new TBusResponseStatus(MSTATUS_ERROR, "MessageBus proxy is not available"));
-void TMessageBusServer::ClientActorRequest(ActorCreationFunc func, TBusMessageContext &msg) {
- if (IActor *x = func(msg))
+void TMessageBusServer::ClientActorRequest(ActorCreationFunc func, TBusMessageContext &msg) {
+ if (IActor *x = func(msg))
ActorSystem->Register(x, TMailboxType::HTSwap, ActorSystem->AppData<TAppData>()->UserPoolId);
msg.SendReplyMove(new TBusResponseStatus(MSTATUS_ERROR));
@@ -596,12 +596,12 @@ void TMessageBusServer::GetTypes(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
void TMessageBusServer::UnknownMessage(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
msg.SendReplyMove(new TBusResponseStatus(MSTATUS_UNKNOWN, "undocumented error 9"));
IActor* TMessageBusServer::CreateProxy() {
return CreateMessageBusServerProxy(this, PQReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory);
IActor* TMessageBusServer::CreateMessageBusTraceService() {
return nullptr;
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ IMessageBusServer* CreateMsgBusServer(
ui32 bindPort
) {
return new TMessageBusServer(config, queue, bindPort, pqReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory);
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server.h b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server.h
index 24e2544771..3d40fc9001 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server.h
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server.h
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <ydb/public/lib/base/defs.h>
#include <ydb/public/lib/base/msgbus.h>
#include "msgbus_http_server.h"
#include "msgbus_server_pq_metacache.h"
-namespace NMonitoring {
- class TBusNgMonPage;
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMonitoring {
+ class TBusNgMonPage;
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NGRpcProxy {
class IRequestContext;
} // NGRpcProxy
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
class IMessageWatcher {
virtual ~IMessageWatcher() {}
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ private:
THolder<TMessageBusSessionIdentHolder::TImpl> CreateSessionIdentHolder();
-struct TEvBusProxy {
- enum EEv {
- EvRequest = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_PROXY_BUS),
- EvNavigate,
+struct TEvBusProxy {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvRequest = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_PROXY_BUS),
+ EvNavigate,
@@ -106,18 +106,18 @@ struct TEvBusProxy {
EvStreamIsReadyNotUsed = EvRequest + 512,
- EvEnd
- };
- template<EEv EvId>
- struct TEvMsgBusRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvMsgBusRequest<EvId>, EvId> {
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ template<EEv EvId>
+ struct TEvMsgBusRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvMsgBusRequest<EvId>, EvId> {
TBusMessageContext MsgContext;
TEvMsgBusRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
- MsgContext.Swap(msg);
- }
- };
+ MsgContext.Swap(msg);
+ }
+ };
typedef TEvMsgBusRequest<EvRequest> TEvRequest;
typedef TEvMsgBusRequest<EvNavigate> TEvNavigate;
typedef TEvMsgBusRequest<EvFlatTxRequest> TEvFlatTxRequest;
@@ -128,51 +128,51 @@ struct TEvBusProxy {
typedef TEvMsgBusRequest<EvDbOperation> TEvDbOperation;
typedef TEvMsgBusRequest<EvDbBatch> TEvDbBatch;
typedef TEvMsgBusRequest<EvInitRoot> TEvInitRoot;
-class TMessageBusServer : public IMessageBusServer, public NBus::IBusServerHandler {
- const NBus::TBusServerSessionConfig &SessionConfig;
- NBus::TBusMessageQueuePtr BusQueue;
+class TMessageBusServer : public IMessageBusServer, public NBus::IBusServerHandler {
+ const NBus::TBusServerSessionConfig &SessionConfig;
+ NBus::TBusMessageQueuePtr BusQueue;
NBus::TBusServerSessionPtr Session;
TActorId Proxy;
TActorId Monitor;
std::shared_ptr<IPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory> PQReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory;
- TProtocol Protocol;
+ TProtocol Protocol;
TActorSystem *ActorSystem = nullptr;
TIntrusivePtr<IMessageBusHttpServer> HttpServer;
const NBus::TBusServerSessionConfig &sessionConfig,
NBus::TBusMessageQueue *busQueue,
ui32 bindPort,
std::shared_ptr<IPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory> pqReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory
- ~TMessageBusServer();
+ ~TMessageBusServer();
void InitSession(TActorSystem *actorSystem, const TActorId &proxy);
- void ShutdownSession();
- void RegisterMonPage(NMonitoring::TBusNgMonPage *busMonPage);
+ void ShutdownSession();
+ void RegisterMonPage(NMonitoring::TBusNgMonPage *busMonPage);
void OnMessage(NBus::TOnMessageContext &msg) override;
void OnMessage(TBusMessageContext &msg);
IActor* CreateMessageBusTraceService() override;
IActor* CreateProxy() override;
- void OnError(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> message, NBus::EMessageStatus status) override;
+ void OnError(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> message, NBus::EMessageStatus status) override;
void GetTypes(TBusMessageContext &msg);
void UnknownMessage(TBusMessageContext &msg);
- template<typename TEv>
- void ClientProxyRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg);
- typedef std::function<IActor* (TBusMessageContext &msg)> ActorCreationFunc;
- void ClientActorRequest(ActorCreationFunc func, TBusMessageContext &msg);
+ template<typename TEv>
+ void ClientProxyRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg);
+ typedef std::function<IActor* (TBusMessageContext &msg)> ActorCreationFunc;
+ void ClientActorRequest(ActorCreationFunc func, TBusMessageContext &msg);
template <typename TProto>
void CopyProtobufsByFieldName(TProto& protoTo, const TProto& protoFrom) {
using namespace ::google::protobuf;
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ void CopyProtobufsByFieldName(TProtoTo& protoTo, const TProtoFrom& protoFrom) {
class IPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory;
IActor* CreateMessageBusServerProxy(
TMessageBusServer *server,
std::shared_ptr<IPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory> pqReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ IActor* CreateMessageBusServerProxy(
//IActor* CreateMessageBusDatashardSetConfig(TBusMessageContext &msg);
IActor* CreateMessageBusTabletCountersRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg);
-IActor* CreateMessageBusLocalMKQL(TBusMessageContext &msg);
+IActor* CreateMessageBusLocalMKQL(TBusMessageContext &msg);
IActor* CreateMessageBusLocalSchemeTx(TBusMessageContext &msg);
IActor* CreateMessageBusSchemeInitRoot(TBusMessageContext &msg);
IActor* CreateMessageBusBSAdm(TBusMessageContext &msg);
@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ IActor* CreateMessageBusS3ListingRequest(TBusMessageContext& msg);
IActor* CreateMessageBusInterconnectDebug(TBusMessageContext& msg);
IActor* CreateMessageBusConsoleRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg);
IActor* CreateMessageBusTestShardControl(TBusMessageContext &msg);
-TBusResponse* ProposeTransactionStatusToResponse(EResponseStatus status, const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus &result);
+TBusResponse* ProposeTransactionStatusToResponse(EResponseStatus status, const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus &result);
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_db.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_db.cpp
index 7ba54a6ed8..08f3d71786 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_db.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_db.cpp
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public:
} else {
- TAutoPtr<TBusResponse> response(ProposeTransactionStatusToResponse(status, result));
+ TAutoPtr<TBusResponse> response(ProposeTransactionStatusToResponse(status, result));
if (result.HasExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse()) {
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ protected:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardTryLater:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardOverloaded:
return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_REJECTED, msg->Record, ctx);
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown:
- return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_TIMEOUT, msg->Record, ctx);
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown:
+ return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_TIMEOUT, msg->Record, ctx);
return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_INTERNALERROR, msg->Record, ctx);
@@ -709,8 +709,8 @@ protected:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardTryLater:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardOverloaded:
return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_REJECTED, msg->Record, ctx);
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown:
- return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_TIMEOUT, msg->Record, ctx);
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown:
+ return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_TIMEOUT, msg->Record, ctx);
return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_INTERNALERROR, msg->Record, ctx);
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_hive_create_tablet.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_hive_create_tablet.cpp
index 0d7ad8b14e..0c41e53f09 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_hive_create_tablet.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_hive_create_tablet.cpp
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-#include "msgbus_tabletreq.h"
+#include "msgbus_tabletreq.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/storage_pools.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/hive.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/hive.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/subdomain.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
-namespace {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+namespace {
const ui32 DefaultTimeout = 90000;
template <typename ResponseType>
class TMessageBusHiveCreateTablet
: public TActorBootstrapped<TMessageBusHiveCreateTablet<ResponseType>>
, public TMessageBusSessionIdentHolder {
using TBase = TActorBootstrapped<TMessageBusHiveCreateTablet<ResponseType>>;
struct TRequest {
TEvHive::EEv Event;
ui64 OwnerId;
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ using TBase = TActorBootstrapped<TMessageBusHiveCreateTablet<ResponseType>>;
ui32 ResponsesReceived;
ui32 DomainUid;
TString ErrorReason;
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::MSGBUS_COMMON;
TMessageBusHiveCreateTablet(TBusMessageContext &msg)
: TMessageBusSessionIdentHolder(msg)
, Status(NKikimrProto::UNKNOWN)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public:
ErrorReason = Sprintf("Unexpected reply from Hive with Cookie# %" PRIu64 ", Marker# HC2",
return SendReplyAndDie(CreateErrorReply(MSTATUS_ERROR, ctx), ctx);
- }
+ }
TRequest &cmd = Requests[ev->Cookie];
if (cmd.Status != NKikimrProto::UNKNOWN) {
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ public:
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
@@ -304,13 +304,13 @@ public:
TBase::Become(&TMessageBusHiveCreateTablet<ResponseType>::StateWaiting, ctx, Timeout, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- } else {
+ } else {
if (ErrorReason.size() == 0) {
ErrorReason = Sprintf("Unexpected Status, Marker# HC8");
return SendReplyAndDie(CreateErrorReply(MSTATUS_ERROR, ctx), ctx);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
STFUNC(StateWaiting) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
@@ -320,15 +320,15 @@ public:
CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleTimeout);
IActor* CreateMessageBusHiveCreateTablet(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
if (msg.GetMessage()->GetHeader()->Type == MTYPE_CLIENT_OLD_HIVE_CREATE_TABLET) {
return new TMessageBusHiveCreateTablet<TBusHiveCreateTabletResult>(msg);
} else {
return new TMessageBusHiveCreateTablet<TBusResponse>(msg);
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_ic_debug.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_ic_debug.cpp
index 69759324f9..7757757fee 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_ic_debug.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_ic_debug.cpp
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ public:
} else if (record.HasPoisonSessionNodeId()) {
const ui32 nodeId = record.GetPoisonSessionNodeId();
Callback = [=](const TActorContext& ctx) {
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId), new NActors::TEvInterconnect::TEvPoisonSession);
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId), new NActors::TEvInterconnect::TEvPoisonSession);
} else if (record.HasCloseInputSessionNodeId()) {
const ui32 nodeId = record.GetCloseInputSessionNodeId();
Callback = [=](const TActorContext& ctx) {
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId), new NActors::TEvInterconnect::TEvCloseInputSession);
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId), new NActors::TEvInterconnect::TEvCloseInputSession);
} else if (record.HasClosePeerSocketNodeId()) {
const ui32 nodeId = record.GetClosePeerSocketNodeId();
Callback = [=](const TActorContext& ctx) {
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId), new NActors::TEvInterconnect::TEvClosePeerSocket);
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId), new NActors::TEvInterconnect::TEvClosePeerSocket);
} else {
NInterconnect::TLoadParams params;
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_keyvalue.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_keyvalue.cpp
index 925ce5c0ea..ad644f4c26 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_keyvalue.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_keyvalue.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#include "msgbus_tabletreq.h"
+#include "msgbus_tabletreq.h"
#include <ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_events.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
namespace {
const ui32 DefaultTimeoutMs = 1000 * 90; // 90 seconds is a good default
const ui64 MaxAllowedTimeoutMs = 1000 * 60 * 30; // 30 minutes is an instanely long request
@@ -13,29 +13,29 @@ template <typename ResponseType>
class TMessageBusKeyValue
: public TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest<TMessageBusKeyValue<ResponseType>, TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse, NKikimrServices::TActivity::FRONT_KV_REQUEST> {
using TBase = TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest<TMessageBusKeyValue<ResponseType>, TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse, NKikimrServices::TActivity::FRONT_KV_REQUEST>;
NKikimrClient::TKeyValueRequest RequestProto;
ui64 TabletId;
TMessageBusKeyValue(TBusMessageContext &msg, ui64 tabletId, bool withRetry, TDuration timeout)
- : TBase(msg, tabletId, withRetry, timeout, false)
+ : TBase(msg, tabletId, withRetry, timeout, false)
, RequestProto(static_cast<TBusKeyValue *>(msg.GetMessage())->Record)
, TabletId(tabletId)
- {}
+ {}
void Handle(TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse *msg = ev->Get();
TAutoPtr<ResponseType> response(new ResponseType());
CopyProtobufsByFieldName(response->Record, msg->Record);
TBase::SendReplyAndDie(response.Release(), ctx);
- }
+ }
TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest* MakeReq(const TActorContext &ctx) {
THolder<TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest> request(new TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest());
request->Record = RequestProto;
return request.Release();
- }
+ }
NBus::TBusMessage* CreateErrorReply(EResponseStatus status, const TActorContext &ctx,
const TString& text = TString()) override {
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ public:
return response.Release();
IActor* CreateMessageBusKeyValue(NKikimr::NMsgBusProxy::TBusMessageContext &msg) {
auto &record = static_cast<TBusKeyValue *>(msg.GetMessage())->Record;
const ui64 tabletId = record.GetTabletId();
const bool withRetry = true;
TDuration timeout = TDuration::MilliSeconds(DefaultTimeoutMs);
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ IActor* CreateMessageBusKeyValue(NKikimr::NMsgBusProxy::TBusMessageContext &msg)
} else {
return new TMessageBusKeyValue<TBusResponse>(msg, tabletId, withRetry, timeout);
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_local_minikql.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_local_minikql.cpp
index 198b76a61b..42fa4ed9a8 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_local_minikql.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_local_minikql.cpp
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-#include "msgbus_tabletreq.h"
+#include "msgbus_tabletreq.h"
#include "msgbus_securereq.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
-namespace {
- const ui64 DefaultTimeout = 90000;
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+namespace {
+ const ui64 DefaultTimeout = 90000;
class TMessageBusLocalMKQL : public TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest<TMessageBusLocalMKQL, TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse, NKikimrServices::TActivity::FRONT_LOCAL_MQKL>> {
const NKikimrClient::TLocalMKQL Request;
TMessageBusLocalMKQL(TBusMessageContext &msg, const NKikimrClient::TLocalMKQL &request, ui64 tabletId, bool withRetry, TDuration timeout, bool connectToFollower)
: TMessageBusSecureRequest(msg, tabletId, withRetry, timeout, connectToFollower)
- , Request(request)
+ , Request(request)
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- const auto replyStatus = (record.GetStatus() == NKikimrProto::OK) ? MSTATUS_OK : MSTATUS_ERROR;
- TAutoPtr<TBusResponse> response(new TBusResponseStatus(replyStatus));
- response->Record.SetTabletId(TabletID);
- if (record.HasExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse())
- *response->Record.MutableExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse() = record.GetExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse();
- if (record.HasEngineStatus())
- response->Record.SetExecutionEngineStatus(record.GetEngineStatus());
- if (record.HasEngineResponseStatus())
- response->Record.SetExecutionEngineResponseStatus(record.GetEngineResponseStatus());
- if (record.HasMiniKQLErrors())
- response->Record.SetMiniKQLErrors(record.GetMiniKQLErrors());
- if (record.HasCompileResults())
- *response->Record.MutableMiniKQLCompileResults() = record.GetCompileResults();
- return SendReplyAndDie(response.Release(), ctx);
- }
- TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL* MakeReq(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const auto replyStatus = (record.GetStatus() == NKikimrProto::OK) ? MSTATUS_OK : MSTATUS_ERROR;
+ TAutoPtr<TBusResponse> response(new TBusResponseStatus(replyStatus));
+ response->Record.SetTabletId(TabletID);
+ if (record.HasExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse())
+ *response->Record.MutableExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse() = record.GetExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse();
+ if (record.HasEngineStatus())
+ response->Record.SetExecutionEngineStatus(record.GetEngineStatus());
+ if (record.HasEngineResponseStatus())
+ response->Record.SetExecutionEngineResponseStatus(record.GetEngineResponseStatus());
+ if (record.HasMiniKQLErrors())
+ response->Record.SetMiniKQLErrors(record.GetMiniKQLErrors());
+ if (record.HasCompileResults())
+ *response->Record.MutableMiniKQLCompileResults() = record.GetCompileResults();
+ return SendReplyAndDie(response.Release(), ctx);
+ }
+ TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL* MakeReq(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TAutoPtr<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL> req = new TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL();
- auto *pgm = req->Record.MutableProgram();
- *pgm = Request.GetProgram();
- return req.Release();
- }
-IActor* CreateMessageBusLocalMKQL(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
- const auto &record = static_cast<TBusTabletLocalMKQL *>(msg.GetMessage())->Record;
- if (!record.HasProgram())
- return nullptr;
+ TAutoPtr<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL> req = new TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL();
+ auto *pgm = req->Record.MutableProgram();
+ *pgm = Request.GetProgram();
+ return req.Release();
+ }
+IActor* CreateMessageBusLocalMKQL(TBusMessageContext &msg) {
+ const auto &record = static_cast<TBusTabletLocalMKQL *>(msg.GetMessage())->Record;
+ if (!record.HasProgram())
+ return nullptr;
const bool connectToFollower = record.HasConnectToFollower() ? record.GetConnectToFollower() : false;
- const ui64 tabletId = record.GetTabletID();
- const bool withRetry = record.HasWithRetry() ? record.GetWithRetry() : false;
- const TDuration timeout = TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.HasTimeout() ? record.GetTimeout() : DefaultTimeout);
+ const ui64 tabletId = record.GetTabletID();
+ const bool withRetry = record.HasWithRetry() ? record.GetWithRetry() : false;
+ const TDuration timeout = TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.HasTimeout() ? record.GetTimeout() : DefaultTimeout);
return new TMessageBusLocalMKQL(msg, record, tabletId, withRetry, timeout, connectToFollower);
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_proxy.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_proxy.cpp
index f35687982a..7f3146d21a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_proxy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_proxy.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "msgbus_server.h"
+#include "msgbus_server.h"
#include "msgbus_server_request.h"
#include "msgbus_server_proxy.h"
#include "msgbus_securereq.h"
@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@
#include <ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_message.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_manager.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
template <typename ResponseType>
class TMessageBusServerFlatDescribeRequest : public TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMessageBusServerRequestBase<TMessageBusServerFlatDescribeRequest<ResponseType>>> {
using TBase = TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMessageBusServerRequestBase<TMessageBusServerFlatDescribeRequest<ResponseType>>>;
THolder<TBusSchemeDescribe> Request;
- NYql::TIssueManager IssueManager;
+ NYql::TIssueManager IssueManager;
void Handle(NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
auto &mutableRecord = *ev->Get()->MutableRecord();
@@ -34,26 +34,26 @@ class TMessageBusServerFlatDescribeRequest : public TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMe
- response->Record.SetStatusCode(NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS);
+ response->Record.SetStatusCode(NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS);
} else {
- switch (status) {
+ switch (status) {
case NKikimrScheme::StatusPathDoesNotExist:
- response->Record.SetStatusCode(NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::PATH_NOT_EXIST);
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::PATH_NOT_EXIST));
- break;
- default:
- response->Record.SetStatusCode(NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR);
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::DEFAULT_ERROR));
- break;
- }
+ response->Record.SetStatusCode(NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::PATH_NOT_EXIST);
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::PATH_NOT_EXIST));
+ break;
+ default:
+ response->Record.SetStatusCode(NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR);
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::DEFAULT_ERROR));
+ break;
+ }
- if (IssueManager.GetIssues())
- IssuesToMessage(IssueManager.GetIssues(), response->Record.MutableIssues());
+ if (IssueManager.GetIssues())
+ IssuesToMessage(IssueManager.GetIssues(), response->Record.MutableIssues());
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class TMessageBusServerFlatDescribeRequest : public TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMe
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() { return NKikimrServices::TActivity::FRONT_SCHEME_DESCRIBE; }
TMessageBusServerFlatDescribeRequest(TEvBusProxy::TEvFlatDescribeRequest* msg)
: TBase(msg->MsgContext)
, Request(static_cast<TBusSchemeDescribe*>(msg->MsgContext.ReleaseMessage()))
@@ -105,17 +105,17 @@ IActor* CreateMessageBusServerProxy(
std::shared_ptr<IPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory> pqReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory
) {
return new TMessageBusServerProxy(server, pqReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory);
TBusResponse* ProposeTransactionStatusToResponse(EResponseStatus status,
- const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus &result) {
+ const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus &result) {
TAutoPtr<TBusResponse> response(new TBusResponse());
- response->Record.SetStatusCode(result.GetStatusCode());
- response->Record.MutableIssues()->CopyFrom(result.GetIssues());
+ response->Record.SetStatusCode(result.GetStatusCode());
+ response->Record.MutableIssues()->CopyFrom(result.GetIssues());
if (result.HasExecutionEngineStatus())
if (result.HasExecutionEngineResponseStatus())
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ TBusResponse* ProposeTransactionStatusToResponse(EResponseStatus status,
return response.Release();
//void TMessageBusServerProxy::Handle(TEvBusProxy::TEvRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx); // see msgbus_server_request.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_request.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_request.cpp
index cfdd592788..9223bea9f1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_request.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_request.cpp
@@ -11,67 +11,67 @@
#include <ydb/library/yql/minikql/mkql_node_serialization.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_message.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
class TMessageBusServerRequest : public TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMessageBusServerRequestBase<TMessageBusServerRequest>> {
using TBase = TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMessageBusServerRequestBase<TMessageBusServerRequest>>;
THolder<TBusRequest> Request;
TVector<TString*> WriteResolvedKeysTo;
TAutoPtr<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction> Proposal;
TAutoPtr<NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus> ProposalStatus;
size_t InFlyRequests;
THashMap<TString, ui64> CompileResolveCookies;
TString TextProgramForCompilation;
- bool CompilationRetried;
+ bool CompilationRetried;
void ReplyWithResult(EResponseStatus status, NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus &result,
const TActorContext &ctx);
- bool RetryResolve(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ bool RetryResolve(const TActorContext &ctx);
void FinishReply(const TActorContext &ctx);
void TryToAllocateQuota(const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompileStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableStreamStateRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
bool AllRequestsCompleted(const TActorContext& ctx);
bool AllRequestsCompletedMKQL(const TActorContext& ctx);
bool AllRequestsCompletedReadTable(const TActorContext& ctx);
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::FRONT_MKQL_REQUEST;
- }
+ }
TMessageBusServerRequest(TEvBusProxy::TEvRequest* msg)
: TBase(msg->MsgContext)
, Request(static_cast<TBusRequest*>(msg->MsgContext.ReleaseMessage()))
, InFlyRequests(0)
- , CompilationRetried(false)
+ , CompilationRetried(false)
TBase::SetRequireAdminAccess(true); // MiniKQL and ReadTable execution required administative access
void StateWork(TAutoPtr<NActors::IEventHandle> &ev, const NActors::TActorContext &ctx) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFunc(TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompileStatus, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus, Handle);
HFunc(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableStreamStateRequest, Handle);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
ProposalStatus.Reset(new NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus());
Proposal.Reset(new TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction());
NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction &record = Proposal->Record;
// Transaction protobuf structure might be very heavy (if it has a batch of parameters)
// so we don't want to copy it, just move its contents
@@ -98,17 +98,17 @@ public:
if (mkqlTx.HasProgram() && mkqlTx.GetProgram().HasText()) {
- TextProgramForCompilation = mkqlTx.GetProgram().GetText();
- const bool forceRefresh = (mkqlTx.GetMode() == NKikimrTxUserProxy::TMiniKQLTransaction::COMPILE);
- auto* compEv = new TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile(TextProgramForCompilation);
- compEv->ForceRefresh = forceRefresh;
+ TextProgramForCompilation = mkqlTx.GetProgram().GetText();
+ const bool forceRefresh = (mkqlTx.GetMode() == NKikimrTxUserProxy::TMiniKQLTransaction::COMPILE);
+ auto* compEv = new TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile(TextProgramForCompilation);
+ compEv->ForceRefresh = forceRefresh;
ctx.Send(GetMiniKQLCompileServiceID(), compEv);
if (mkqlTx.HasParams()) {
if (mkqlTx.GetParams().HasText()) {
- auto* compEv = new TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile(mkqlTx.GetParams().GetText());
+ auto* compEv = new TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile(mkqlTx.GetParams().GetText());
ctx.Send(GetMiniKQLCompileServiceID(), compEv); // todo: handle undelivery (with warns atleast)
} else
@@ -141,26 +141,26 @@ public:
-bool TMessageBusServerRequest::RetryResolve(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (CompilationRetried || !TextProgramForCompilation)
- return false;
- auto *compEv = new TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile(TextProgramForCompilation);
- compEv->ForceRefresh = false;
- compEv->CompileResolveCookies = std::move(CompileResolveCookies);
- ctx.Send(GetMiniKQLCompileServiceID(), compEv);
- ++InFlyRequests;
- CompilationRetried = true;
- return true;
+bool TMessageBusServerRequest::RetryResolve(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (CompilationRetried || !TextProgramForCompilation)
+ return false;
+ auto *compEv = new TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompile(TextProgramForCompilation);
+ compEv->ForceRefresh = false;
+ compEv->CompileResolveCookies = std::move(CompileResolveCookies);
+ ctx.Send(GetMiniKQLCompileServiceID(), compEv);
+ ++InFlyRequests;
+ CompilationRetried = true;
+ return true;
void TMessageBusServerRequest::ReplyWithResult(EResponseStatus status,
NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus &result,
const TActorContext &ctx)
- TAutoPtr<TBusResponse> response(ProposeTransactionStatusToResponse(status, result));
+ TAutoPtr<TBusResponse> response(ProposeTransactionStatusToResponse(status, result));
if (result.HasExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse()) {
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ void TMessageBusServerRequest::ReplyWithResult(EResponseStatus status,
if (result.HasStatus()) {
if (result.HasTxStats()) {
@@ -186,20 +186,20 @@ void TMessageBusServerRequest::FinishReply(const TActorContext &ctx)
AsyncDestroy(Proposal, ctx, AppData(ctx)->UserPoolId);
void TMessageBusServerRequest::Handle(TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompileStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
auto* mkqlTx = Proposal->Record.MutableTransaction()->MutableMiniKQLTransaction();
const auto& result = ev->Get()->Result;
- const bool need2CompileProgram = (bool)TextProgramForCompilation;
+ const bool need2CompileProgram = (bool)TextProgramForCompilation;
const bool need2CompileParams = mkqlTx->HasParams() && mkqlTx->GetParams().HasText();
const TString& pgm = ev->Get()->Program;
- Y_VERIFY((need2CompileProgram && TextProgramForCompilation == pgm) // TODO: do not check texts, trust cookies
+ Y_VERIFY((need2CompileProgram && TextProgramForCompilation == pgm) // TODO: do not check texts, trust cookies
|| (need2CompileParams && mkqlTx->GetParams().GetText() == pgm));
- if (need2CompileProgram && TextProgramForCompilation == pgm) {
+ if (need2CompileProgram && TextProgramForCompilation == pgm) {
auto* compileResults = ProposalStatus->MutableMiniKQLCompileResults();
auto* pgm = mkqlTx->MutableProgram();
if (result.Errors.Empty()) {
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ void TMessageBusServerRequest::Handle(TMiniKQLCompileServiceEvents::TEvCompileSt
NYql::IssuesToMessage(result.Errors, compileResults->MutableProgramCompileErrors());
- CompileResolveCookies = std::move(ev->Get()->CompileResolveCookies);
+ CompileResolveCookies = std::move(ev->Get()->CompileResolveCookies);
if (need2CompileParams && mkqlTx->GetParams().GetText() == pgm) {
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ bool TMessageBusServerRequest::AllRequestsCompletedMKQL(const TActorContext& ctx
switch (mkqlTx->GetMode()) {
case NKikimrTxUserProxy::TMiniKQLTransaction::COMPILE_AND_EXEC: {
- TAutoPtr<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction> ev = new TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction();
- ev->Record.CopyFrom(Proposal->Record);
+ TAutoPtr<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction> ev = new TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction();
+ ev->Record.CopyFrom(Proposal->Record);
ctx.Send(MakeTxProxyID(), ev.Release());
return true;
@@ -275,56 +275,56 @@ bool TMessageBusServerRequest::AllRequestsCompletedMKQL(const TActorContext& ctx
-void TMessageBusServerRequest::Handle(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus *msg = ev->Get();
- const TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus status = static_cast<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus>(msg->Record.GetStatus());
- switch (status) {
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyAccepted:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyResolved:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyPrepared:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorPlanned:
- // transitional statuses
- return;
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecComplete:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecAlready:
- // completion
+void TMessageBusServerRequest::Handle(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus *msg = ev->Get();
+ const TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus status = static_cast<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus>(msg->Record.GetStatus());
+ switch (status) {
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyAccepted:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyResolved:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyPrepared:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorPlanned:
+ // transitional statuses
+ return;
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecComplete:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecAlready:
+ // completion
return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_OK, msg->Record, ctx);
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecTimeout:
- return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_INPROGRESS, msg->Record, ctx);
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecTimeout:
+ return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_INPROGRESS, msg->Record, ctx);
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyNotReady:
- return HandleError(MSTATUS_NOTREADY, status, ctx);
+ return HandleError(MSTATUS_NOTREADY, status, ctx);
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecAborted:
- return HandleError(MSTATUS_ABORTED, status, ctx);
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::EmptyAffectedSet:
+ return HandleError(MSTATUS_ABORTED, status, ctx);
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::EmptyAffectedSet:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecError:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::AccessDenied:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::DomainLocalityError:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecResultUnavailable:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecCancelled:
case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::WrongRequest:
- return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_ERROR, msg->Record, ctx);
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError:
- if (!RetryResolve(ctx))
- ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_ERROR, msg->Record, ctx);
- return;
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable:
+ return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_ERROR, msg->Record, ctx);
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError:
+ if (!RetryResolve(ctx))
+ ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_ERROR, msg->Record, ctx);
+ return;
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable:
if (!RetryResolve(ctx)) // TODO: retry if partitioning changed due to split/merge
- ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_REJECTED, msg->Record, ctx);
- return;
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown:
- return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_TIMEOUT, msg->Record, ctx);
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardTryLater:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardOverloaded:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorDeclined:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorAborted:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorOutdated:
- return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_REJECTED, msg->Record, ctx);
- default:
- return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_INTERNALERROR, msg->Record, ctx);
- }
+ ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_REJECTED, msg->Record, ctx);
+ return;
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown:
+ return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_TIMEOUT, msg->Record, ctx);
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardTryLater:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardOverloaded:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorDeclined:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorAborted:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorOutdated:
+ return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_REJECTED, msg->Record, ctx);
+ default:
+ return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_INTERNALERROR, msg->Record, ctx);
+ }
void TMessageBusServerRequest::Handle(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableStreamStateRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
auto *response = new TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableStreamStateResponse;
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ void TMessageBusServerRequest::Handle(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableStreamStateRe
void TMessageBusServerProxy::Handle(TEvBusProxy::TEvRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
ctx.Register(new TMessageBusServerRequest(ev->Get()));
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_scheme_initroot.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_scheme_initroot.cpp
index a1f9575161..a8538eea1c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_scheme_initroot.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_scheme_initroot.cpp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/ticket_parser.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
using namespace NSchemeShard;
class TMessageBusSchemeInitRoot : public TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMessageBusServerRequestBase<TMessageBusSchemeInitRoot>> {
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ class TMessageBusSchemeInitRoot : public TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMessageBusSer
void Handle(TEvSchemeShard::TEvInitRootShardResult::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- const NKikimrTxScheme::TEvInitRootShardResult &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const NKikimrTxScheme::TEvInitRootShardResult &record = ev->Get()->Record;
const auto status = (TEvSchemeShard::TEvInitRootShardResult::EStatus)record.GetStatus();
- switch (status) {
+ switch (status) {
case TEvSchemeShard::TEvInitRootShardResult::StatusSuccess:
case TEvSchemeShard::TEvInitRootShardResult::StatusAlreadyInitialized:
return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_OK, status, ctx);
- default:
+ default:
return ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_ERROR, status, ctx);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
if (PipeClient) {
NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, PipeClient);
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ public:
ReplyWithResult(MSTATUS_ERROR, TEvSchemeShard::TEvInitRootShardResult::StatusBadArgument, ctx);
void TMessageBusServerProxy::Handle(TEvBusProxy::TEvInitRoot::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
TEvBusProxy::TEvInitRoot *msg = ev->Get();
ctx.Register(new TMessageBusSchemeInitRoot(msg));
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_scheme_request.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_scheme_request.cpp
index b8d2894b95..7df5e262d0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_scheme_request.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_scheme_request.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class TMessageBusServerSchemeRequest : public TMessageBusSecureRequest<TMessageB
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() { return NKikimrServices::TActivity::FRONT_SCHEME_REQUEST; }
template <TEvBusProxy::EEv EvId>
TMessageBusServerSchemeRequest(TEvBusProxy::TEvMsgBusRequest<EvId>* msg)
: TBase(msg->MsgContext)
@@ -158,14 +158,14 @@ void TMessageBusServerSchemeRequest<TBusSchemeOperation>::SendProposeRequest(con
TAutoPtr<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction> req(new TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction());
NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction &record = req->Record;
- if (!Request->Record.HasTransaction()) {
+ if (!Request->Record.HasTransaction()) {
return HandleError(MSTATUS_ERROR, TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Unknown, "Malformed request: no modify scheme transaction provided", ctx);
- }
+ }
- if (!Request->Record.GetTransaction().HasModifyScheme()) {
+ if (!Request->Record.GetTransaction().HasModifyScheme()) {
return HandleError(MSTATUS_ERROR, TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Unknown, "Malformed request: no modify scheme request body provided", ctx);
- }
+ }
bool needAdminCheck = false;
switch (Request->Record.GetTransaction().GetModifyScheme().GetOperationType()) {
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpSplitMergeTablePartitions:
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_tablet_kill.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_tablet_kill.cpp
index 4dca5bc5f5..62da8569e2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_tablet_kill.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_tablet_kill.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace NMsgBusProxy {
class TMessageBusTabletKillRequest : public TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest<TMessageBusTabletKillRequest, TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, NKikimrServices::TActivity::FRONT_POISON_TABLET> {
TMessageBusTabletKillRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg)
- : TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest(msg, static_cast<TBusTabletKillRequest*>(msg.GetMessage())->Record.GetTabletID(), false, TDuration::Seconds(60), false)
+ : TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest(msg, static_cast<TBusTabletKillRequest*>(msg.GetMessage())->Record.GetTabletID(), false, TDuration::Seconds(60), false)
TEvents::TEvPoisonPill* MakeReq(const TActorContext &ctx) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_tracer.cpp b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_tracer.cpp
index 4b0f57f2f4..ff93f8d1cb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_tracer.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_tracer.cpp
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ namespace {
const ui32 DefaultTimeout = 90000;
-template <typename TDerived>
+template <typename TDerived>
class TMessageBusTraceSimpleActor : public NMsgBusProxy::TMessageBusLocalServiceRequest<TDerived, NKikimrServices::TActivity::MSGBUS_TRACER_ACTOR> {
TMessageBusTraceSimpleActor(NMsgBusProxy::TBusMessageContext &msg)
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_servicereq.h b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_servicereq.h
index 49ae7d1738..704a231dd1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_servicereq.h
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_servicereq.h
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ public:
static constexpr auto ActorActivityType() {
- return Activity;
- }
+ return Activity;
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_tabletreq.h b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_tabletreq.h
index 21b4c76fef..f173ae9097 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_tabletreq.h
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_tabletreq.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "msgbus_server.h"
#include <ydb/public/lib/base/msgbus.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet.h>
@@ -9,136 +9,136 @@
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#define CHECK_PROTOBUF_FIELD_PRESENCE(pb, field, errslist) \
if (!pb.Has##field()) { \
errslist.push_back( #field );\
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
-template<typename TDerived, typename TTabletReplyEvent>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+template<typename TDerived, typename TTabletReplyEvent>
class TMessageBusTabletRequest : public TActorBootstrapped<TDerived>, public TMessageBusSessionIdentHolder {
- const TDuration Timeout;
- const bool WithRetry;
+ const TDuration Timeout;
+ const bool WithRetry;
const bool ConnectToFollower;
TActorId PipeClient;
ui64 TabletId = 0;
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
PipeClient = TActorId();
return SendReplyAndDie(CreateErrorReply(MSTATUS_ERROR, ctx,
- Sprintf("Tablet pipe client connected with status# %s for tablet %" PRIu64 " Marker# MBT3",
+ Sprintf("Tablet pipe client connected with status# %s for tablet %" PRIu64 " Marker# MBT3",
NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status).data(), msg->TabletId)), ctx);
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
PipeClient = TActorId();
SendReplyMove(CreateErrorReply(MSTATUS_ERROR, ctx, "Tablet pipe client destroyed Marker# MBT2"));
return Die(ctx);
- }
- void HandleTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ }
+ void HandleTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx) {
return SendReplyAndDie(CreateErrorReply(MSTATUS_TIMEOUT, ctx, "Tablet request timed out Marker# MBT4"), ctx);
- }
- void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- if (PipeClient) {
- NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, PipeClient);
+ }
+ void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ if (PipeClient) {
+ NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, PipeClient);
PipeClient = TActorId();
- }
- TActorBootstrapped<TDerived>::Die(ctx);
- }
+ }
+ TActorBootstrapped<TDerived>::Die(ctx);
+ }
virtual NBus::TBusMessage* CreateErrorReply(EResponseStatus status, const TActorContext &ctx,
const TString& text = TString()) {
LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::MSGBUS_REQUEST, "TabletRequest TabletId# " << TabletId
<< " status# " << status << " text# \"" << text << "\"" << Endl);
return new TBusResponseStatus(status, text);
- }
- void SendReplyAndDie(NBus::TBusMessage *reply, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ }
+ void SendReplyAndDie(NBus::TBusMessage *reply, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- return Die(ctx);
- }
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
TMessageBusTabletRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg, bool withRetry, TDuration timeout, bool connectToFollower)
: TMessageBusSessionIdentHolder(msg)
- , Timeout(timeout)
- , WithRetry(withRetry)
+ , Timeout(timeout)
+ , WithRetry(withRetry)
, ConnectToFollower(connectToFollower)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::MSGBUS_COMMON;
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- NTabletPipe::TClientConfig clientConfig;
- if (WithRetry) {
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ NTabletPipe::TClientConfig clientConfig;
+ if (WithRetry) {
clientConfig.RetryPolicy = NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries();
- }
+ }
if (ConnectToFollower) {
clientConfig.AllowFollower = true;
clientConfig.ForceFollower = true;
- }
+ }
std::pair<ui64, TAutoPtr<IEventBase>> reqPair = static_cast<TDerived *>(this)->MakeReqPair(ctx);
TabletId = reqPair.first;
- if (reqPair.first) {
+ if (reqPair.first) {
PipeClient = ctx.RegisterWithSameMailbox(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(ctx.SelfID, reqPair.first, clientConfig));
- NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, PipeClient, reqPair.second.Release());
- this->Become(&TDerived::StateFunc, ctx, Timeout, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- } else {
+ NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, PipeClient, reqPair.second.Release());
+ this->Become(&TDerived::StateFunc, ctx, Timeout, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ } else {
return SendReplyAndDie(CreateErrorReply(MSTATUS_ERROR, ctx,
"Unable to obtain TabletId Marker# MBT1"), ctx);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HTemplFunc(TTabletReplyEvent, static_cast<TDerived *>(this)->Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleTimeout);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HTemplFunc(TTabletReplyEvent, static_cast<TDerived *>(this)->Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleTimeout);
+ }
+ }
template<typename TDerived, typename TTabletReplyEvent, NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType Activity>
-class TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest : public TMessageBusTabletRequest<TDerived, TTabletReplyEvent> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
+class TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest : public TMessageBusTabletRequest<TDerived, TTabletReplyEvent> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
TMessageBusSimpleTabletRequest(TBusMessageContext &msg, ui64 tabletId, bool withRetry, TDuration timeout, bool connectToFollower)
: TMessageBusTabletRequest<TDerived, TTabletReplyEvent>(msg, withRetry, timeout, connectToFollower)
- , TabletID(tabletId)
- {}
+ , TabletID(tabletId)
+ {}
std::pair<ui64, TAutoPtr<IEventBase>> MakeReqPair(const TActorContext &ctx) {
return std::pair<ui64, TAutoPtr<IEventBase>>(TabletID, static_cast<TDerived *>(this)->MakeReq(ctx));
- }
+ }
static constexpr auto ActorActivityType() {
- return Activity;
- }
+ return Activity;
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/server/ya.make b/ydb/core/client/server/ya.make
index 6e73ee7a06..8cbeec21b7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/server/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/client/server/ya.make
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ SRCS(
- msgbus_server_local_minikql.cpp
+ msgbus_server_local_minikql.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/client/ya.make b/ydb/core/client/ya.make
index ff68c7c55d..cd39222ad1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/client/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/client/ya.make
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/ydb/core/cms/cluster_info.cpp b/ydb/core/cms/cluster_info.cpp
index 4a8681f767..a1dc8a0b95 100644
--- a/ydb/core/cms/cluster_info.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/cms/cluster_info.cpp
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
#include <util/string/builder.h>
#include <util/system/hostname.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS, stream)
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS, stream)
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NCms {
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ void TClusterInfo::AddPDisk(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TBaseConfig::TPDisk &info)
void TClusterInfo::UpdatePDiskState(const TPDiskID &id, const NKikimrWhiteboard::TPDiskStateInfo &info)
if (!HasPDisk(id)) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Cannot update state for unknown PDisk " << id.ToString());
+ BLOG_ERROR("Cannot update state for unknown PDisk " << id.ToString());
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ void TClusterInfo::AddVDisk(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TBaseConfig::TVSlot &info)
ui32 nodeId = info.GetVSlotId().GetNodeId();
if (!HasNode(nodeId)) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Got VDisk info from BSC base config for unknown node " << nodeId);
+ BLOG_ERROR("Got VDisk info from BSC base config for unknown node " << nodeId);
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ void TClusterInfo::AddVDisk(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TBaseConfig::TVSlot &info)
if (!HasPDisk(vdisk->PDiskId)) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Got VDisk info from BSC base config for unknown PDisk " << vdisk->PDiskId.ToString());
+ BLOG_ERROR("Got VDisk info from BSC base config for unknown PDisk " << vdisk->PDiskId.ToString());
PDisks.emplace(vdisk->PDiskId, new TPDiskInfo(vdisk->PDiskId));
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ void TClusterInfo::UpdateVDiskState(const TVDiskID &id, const NKikimrWhiteboard:
- BLOG_ERROR("Cannot update state for unknown VDisk " << id.ToString());
+ BLOG_ERROR("Cannot update state for unknown VDisk " << id.ToString());
@@ -513,14 +513,14 @@ void TClusterInfo::AddBSGroup(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TBaseConfig::TGroup &inf
TPDiskID pdiskId = {vdisk.GetNodeId(), vdisk.GetPDiskId()};
if (!HasPDisk(pdiskId)) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Group " << bsgroup.GroupId << " refers unknown pdisk " << pdiskId.ToString());
+ BLOG_ERROR("Group " << bsgroup.GroupId << " refers unknown pdisk " << pdiskId.ToString());
auto &pdisk = PDiskRef(pdiskId);
if (!pdisk.VSlots.contains(vdisk.GetVSlotId())) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Group " << bsgroup.GroupId << " refers unknown slot " <<
+ BLOG_ERROR("Group " << bsgroup.GroupId << " refers unknown slot " <<
vdisk.GetVSlotId() << " in disk " << pdiskId.ToString());
diff --git a/ydb/core/cms/console/configs_dispatcher.cpp b/ydb/core/cms/console/configs_dispatcher.cpp
index a4d86176d5..8e50754239 100644
--- a/ydb/core/cms/console/configs_dispatcher.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/cms/console/configs_dispatcher.cpp
@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/string/join.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_TRACE
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
#define BLOG_N(stream) LOG_NOTICE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
-#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
+#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER, stream)
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NConsole {
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ public:
TConfigsDispatcher(const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &config);
- void Bootstrap();
+ void Bootstrap();
- void EnqueueEvent(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev);
- void ProcessEnqueuedEvents();
+ void EnqueueEvent(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev);
+ void ProcessEnqueuedEvents();
TDynBitMap KindsToBitMap(const TVector<ui32> &kinds) const;
TString KindsToString(const TDynBitMap &kinds) const;
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ public:
* another protobuf. It's assumed that source config doesn't
* have fields not listed in kinds.
- void ReplaceConfigItems(const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &from, NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &to, const TDynBitMap &kinds) const;
- bool CompareConfigs(const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &lhs, const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &rhs);
+ void ReplaceConfigItems(const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &from, NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &to, const TDynBitMap &kinds) const;
+ bool CompareConfigs(const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &lhs, const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &rhs);
TSubscription::TPtr FindSubscription(ui64 id);
TSubscription::TPtr FindSubscription(const TDynBitMap &kinds);
@@ -108,28 +108,28 @@ public:
void SendNotificationResponse(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev);
- void MaybeSendNotificationResponse(TSubscription::TPtr subscription);
+ void MaybeSendNotificationResponse(TSubscription::TPtr subscription);
- void CreateSubscriberActor(ui32 kind, bool replace);
- void CreateSubscriberActor(const TDynBitMap &kinds, bool replace);
+ void CreateSubscriberActor(ui32 kind, bool replace);
+ void CreateSubscriberActor(const TDynBitMap &kinds, bool replace);
* Send config notification to a subscriber. Called for subscriptions
* having config update being processed.
void SendUpdateToSubscriber(TSubscription::TPtr subscription, TActorId subscriber);
* Remove subscriber and all his subscriptions.
- void RemoveSubscriber(TSubscriber::TPtr subscriber);
+ void RemoveSubscriber(TSubscriber::TPtr subscriber);
* Remove subscription from own data and CMS. It should be called
* for confirmed CMS subscriptions which have no more local
* subscribers.
- void RemoveSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscription);
+ void RemoveSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscription);
* Create subscription for subscriber. If subscription with similar
* config kinds already exists then just re-use it. Otherwise
@@ -137,48 +137,48 @@ public:
* then deliver it to the new subscriber.
void AddSubscription(TActorId subscriber, const TDynBitMap &kinds, bool replace);
* This is called on start and on tenant change to clean up old config
* subscriptions. It also adds subscription for own config.
- void CleanUpSubscriptions();
+ void CleanUpSubscriptions();
* Process successfull subscription registration in CMS. Send
* corresponsing notifications to subscribers. If no more subscribers
* left for this subscription then remove it.
- void ProcessAddedSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscription, ui64 id);
+ void ProcessAddedSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscription, ui64 id);
* This method is used to process notifications sent to self.
- void ProcessLocalCacheUpdate(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigRequest::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvAddConfigSubscriptionResponse::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvGetNodeConfigResponse::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvReplaceConfigSubscriptionsResponse::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus::TPtr &ev);
+ void ProcessLocalCacheUpdate(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigRequest::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvAddConfigSubscriptionResponse::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvGetNodeConfigResponse::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvReplaceConfigSubscriptionsResponse::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus::TPtr &ev);
* Initial state when we just get status from tenant pool to collect assigned
* tenants. It's possible we start before tenant pool and therefore might have
* to retry request.
- STATEFN(StateInit) {
+ STATEFN(StateInit) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFuncTraced(NMon::TEvHttpInfo, Handle);
- hFuncTraced(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(NMon::TEvHttpInfo, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus, Handle);
- EnqueueEvent(ev);
+ EnqueueEvent(ev);
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ public:
* In this state we remove all old service subscriptions and install a new
* one for own config.
- STATEFN(StateConfigure) {
+ STATEFN(StateConfigure) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFuncTraced(NMon::TEvHttpInfo, Handle);
- hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvReplaceConfigSubscriptionsResponse, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(NMon::TEvHttpInfo, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvReplaceConfigSubscriptionsResponse, Handle);
- EnqueueEvent(ev);
+ EnqueueEvent(ev);
@@ -202,17 +202,17 @@ public:
* Primary state for subscriptions and notifications processing.
- STATEFN(StateWork) {
+ STATEFN(StateWork) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFuncTraced(NMon::TEvHttpInfo, Handle);
- hFuncTraced(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigRequest, Handle);
- hFuncTraced(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest, Handle);
- hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvAddConfigSubscriptionResponse, Handle);
- hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse, Handle);
- hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest, Handle);
- hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvGetNodeConfigResponse, Handle);
- hFuncTraced(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(NMon::TEvHttpInfo, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigRequest, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvAddConfigSubscriptionResponse, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvGetNodeConfigResponse, Handle);
+ hFuncTraced(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus, Handle);
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ private:
THashMap<ui64, TSubscription::TPtr> SubscriptionsById;
THashMap<TDynBitMap, TSubscription::TPtr> SubscriptionsByKinds;
THashMap<TActorId, TSubscriber::TPtr> Subscribers;
// Messages that had an unknown subscription id at the time they are received
THashMap<ui64, TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr> OutOfOrderConfigNotifications;
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ private:
THashMap<ui64, TDynBitMap> RequestCookies;
ui64 NextRequestCookie;
THashSet<TString> CurrentTenants;
// Structures to process config requests.
THashMap<ui64, THolder<IEventHandle>> ConfigRequests;
THashMap<TDynBitMap, std::shared_ptr<NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig>> ConfigsCache;
@@ -251,32 +251,32 @@ TConfigsDispatcher::TConfigsDispatcher(const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &config)
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Bootstrap()
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Bootstrap()
- BLOG_D("TConfigsDispatcher Bootstrap");
+ BLOG_D("TConfigsDispatcher Bootstrap");
- NActors::TMon *mon = AppData()->Mon;
+ NActors::TMon *mon = AppData()->Mon;
if (mon) {
NMonitoring::TIndexMonPage *actorsMonPage = mon->RegisterIndexPage("actors", "Actors");
- mon->RegisterActorPage(actorsMonPage, "configs_dispatcher", "Configs Dispatcher", false, TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem, SelfId());
+ mon->RegisterActorPage(actorsMonPage, "configs_dispatcher", "Configs Dispatcher", false, TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem, SelfId());
Send(MakeTenantPoolRootID(), new TEvents::TEvSubscribe);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::EnqueueEvent(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::EnqueueEvent(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev)
- BLOG_D("Enqueue event type: " << ev->GetTypeRewrite());
+ BLOG_D("Enqueue event type: " << ev->GetTypeRewrite());
-void TConfigsDispatcher::ProcessEnqueuedEvents()
+void TConfigsDispatcher::ProcessEnqueuedEvents()
while (!EventsQueue.empty()) {
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> &ev = EventsQueue.front();
- BLOG_D("Dequeue event type: " << ev->GetTypeRewrite());
- TlsActivationContext->Send(ev.Release());
+ BLOG_D("Dequeue event type: " << ev->GetTypeRewrite());
+ TlsActivationContext->Send(ev.Release());
@@ -325,12 +325,12 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::ReplaceConfigItems(const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &fro
-bool TConfigsDispatcher::CompareConfigs(const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &lhs, const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &rhs)
+bool TConfigsDispatcher::CompareConfigs(const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &lhs, const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig &rhs)
TString str1, str2;
Y_PROTOBUF_SUPPRESS_NODISCARD lhs.SerializeToString(&str1);
Y_PROTOBUF_SUPPRESS_NODISCARD rhs.SerializeToString(&str2);
- return (str1 == str2);
+ return (str1 == str2);
TConfigsDispatcher::TSubscription::TPtr TConfigsDispatcher::FindSubscription(ui64 id)
@@ -367,18 +367,18 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::SendNotificationResponse(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificat
Send(ev->Sender, resp.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::MaybeSendNotificationResponse(TSubscription::TPtr subscription)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::MaybeSendNotificationResponse(TSubscription::TPtr subscription)
- if (!subscription->UpdateInProcess || !subscription->SubscribersToUpdate.empty())
+ if (!subscription->UpdateInProcess || !subscription->SubscribersToUpdate.empty())
auto &rec = subscription->UpdateInProcess->Get()->Record;
- ReplaceConfigItems(subscription->CurrentConfig.Config, CurrentConfig, subscription->Kinds);
+ ReplaceConfigItems(subscription->CurrentConfig.Config, CurrentConfig, subscription->Kinds);
- BLOG_D("Got all confirmations for config update"
+ BLOG_D("Got all confirmations for config update"
<< " subscriptionid=" << subscription->SubscriptionId
<< " configid=" << TConfigId(rec.GetConfigId()).ToString());
@@ -387,23 +387,23 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::MaybeSendNotificationResponse(TSubscription::TPtr subsc
subscription->UpdateInProcess = nullptr;
-void TConfigsDispatcher::CreateSubscriberActor(ui32 kind, bool replace)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::CreateSubscriberActor(ui32 kind, bool replace)
TDynBitMap kinds;
- CreateSubscriberActor(kinds, replace);
+ CreateSubscriberActor(kinds, replace);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::CreateSubscriberActor(const TDynBitMap &kinds, bool replace)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::CreateSubscriberActor(const TDynBitMap &kinds, bool replace)
- BLOG_D("Create new subscriber kinds=" << KindsToString(kinds));
+ BLOG_D("Create new subscriber kinds=" << KindsToString(kinds));
- auto *subscriber = CreateConfigSubscriber(MakeConfigsDispatcherID(SelfId().NodeId()),
+ auto *subscriber = CreateConfigSubscriber(MakeConfigsDispatcherID(SelfId().NodeId()),
- SelfId(),
+ SelfId(),
- Register(subscriber);
+ Register(subscriber);
RequestCookies[NextRequestCookie] = kinds;
@@ -418,15 +418,15 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::SendUpdateToSubscriber(TSubscription::TPtr subscription
auto notification = MakeHolder<TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest>();
- BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest to " << subscriber
+ BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest to " << subscriber
<< ": " << notification->Record.ShortDebugString());
- Send(subscriber, notification.Release(), 0, subscription->UpdateInProcess->Cookie);
+ Send(subscriber, notification.Release(), 0, subscription->UpdateInProcess->Cookie);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::RemoveSubscriber(TSubscriber::TPtr subscriber)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::RemoveSubscriber(TSubscriber::TPtr subscriber)
- BLOG_D("Remove subscriber " << subscriber->Subscriber);
+ BLOG_D("Remove subscriber " << subscriber->Subscriber);
for (auto subscription : subscriber->Subscriptions) {
@@ -434,36 +434,36 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::RemoveSubscriber(TSubscriber::TPtr subscriber)
if (subscription->UpdateInProcess) {
- MaybeSendNotificationResponse(subscription);
+ MaybeSendNotificationResponse(subscription);
// If there are no more subscribers using this subscription then
// it can be removed. Don't remove subscriptions which are not
// yet confirmed by CMS.
if (subscription->Subscribers.empty() && subscription->SubscriptionId)
- RemoveSubscription(subscription);
+ RemoveSubscription(subscription);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::RemoveSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscription)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::RemoveSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscription)
- BLOG_D("Remove subscription id=" << subscription->SubscriptionId
+ BLOG_D("Remove subscription id=" << subscription->SubscriptionId
<< " kinds=" << KindsToString(subscription->Kinds));
- Register(CreateSubscriptionEraser(subscription->SubscriptionId));
+ Register(CreateSubscriptionEraser(subscription->SubscriptionId));
void TConfigsDispatcher::AddSubscription(TActorId subscriber,
const TDynBitMap &kinds,
- bool replace)
+ bool replace)
- BLOG_D("Add subscription for " << subscriber << " kinds=" << KindsToString(kinds));
+ BLOG_D("Add subscription for " << subscriber << " kinds=" << KindsToString(kinds));
// If there is a subscription for required config kinds then
// re-use it for new subscriber. Otherwise create a new one.
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::AddSubscription(TActorId subscriber,
SubscriptionsByKinds.emplace(kinds, subscription);
- CreateSubscriberActor(kinds, replace);
+ CreateSubscriberActor(kinds, replace);
@@ -495,17 +495,17 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::AddSubscription(TActorId subscriber,
auto resp = MakeHolder<TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse>();
- BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to "
+ BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to "
<< subscriber);
- Send(subscriber, resp.Release());
+ Send(subscriber, resp.Release());
// If there is an ongoing config update then include new subscriber into
// the process.
if (subscription->UpdateInProcess) {
- SendUpdateToSubscriber(subscription, subscriber);
+ SendUpdateToSubscriber(subscription, subscriber);
} else if (!subscription->FirstUpdate) {
// If subscription already had an update notification then send corresponding
// notification to the subscriber using current config.
@@ -516,13 +516,13 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::AddSubscription(TActorId subscriber,
- BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to "<< subscriber);
+ BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to "<< subscriber);
- Send(subscriber, notification.Release());
+ Send(subscriber, notification.Release());
-void TConfigsDispatcher::CleanUpSubscriptions()
+void TConfigsDispatcher::CleanUpSubscriptions()
BLOG_N("Cleaning up all current subscriptions");
@@ -547,15 +547,15 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::CleanUpSubscriptions()
auto subscription = FindSubscription(kinds);
if (subscription) {
- CreateSubscriberActor(kinds, true);
+ CreateSubscriberActor(kinds, true);
} else {
- AddSubscription(SelfId(), kinds, true);
+ AddSubscription(SelfId(), kinds, true);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::ProcessAddedSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscription, ui64 id)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::ProcessAddedSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscription, ui64 id)
BLOG_N("Confirmed CMS subscription"
<< " kinds=" << KindsToString(subscription->Kinds)
@@ -566,9 +566,9 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::ProcessAddedSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscripti
SubscriptionsById[id] = subscription;
for (auto &subscriber : subscription->Subscribers) {
- BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to " << subscriber);
+ BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to " << subscriber);
- Send(subscriber, new TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse);
+ Send(subscriber, new TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse);
auto it = OutOfOrderConfigNotifications.find(id);
@@ -588,33 +588,33 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::ProcessAddedSubscription(TSubscription::TPtr subscripti
// Probably there are no more subscribers for this subscription.
// In that case it should be removed.
if (subscription->Subscribers.empty())
- RemoveSubscription(subscription);
+ RemoveSubscription(subscription);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::ProcessLocalCacheUpdate(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::ProcessLocalCacheUpdate(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev)
auto &rec = ev->Get()->Record;
- BLOG_D("Got new config: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_D("Got new config: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
auto subscription = FindSubscription(rec.GetSubscriptionId());
if (!subscription) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Cannot find subscription for configs cache update subscriptionid=" << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
+ BLOG_ERROR("Cannot find subscription for configs cache update subscriptionid=" << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
- BLOG_D("Update local cache for kinds=" << KindsToString(subscription->Kinds)
+ BLOG_D("Update local cache for kinds=" << KindsToString(subscription->Kinds)
<< " config='" << rec.GetConfig().ShortDebugString() << "'");
ConfigsCache[subscription->Kinds].reset(new NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig(rec.GetConfig()));
auto resp = MakeHolder<TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse>(rec);
- BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse to self: " << resp->Record.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse to self: " << resp->Record.ShortDebugString());
- Send(ev->Sender, resp.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ Send(ev->Sender, resp.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr &ev)
TStringStream str;
str << NMonitoring::HTTPOKHTML;
@@ -687,18 +687,18 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr &ev)
- Send(ev->Sender, new NMon::TEvHttpInfoRes(str.Str(), 0, NMon::IEvHttpInfoRes::EContentType::Custom));
+ Send(ev->Sender, new NMon::TEvHttpInfoRes(str.Str(), 0, NMon::IEvHttpInfoRes::EContentType::Custom));
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigRequest::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigRequest::TPtr &ev)
auto kinds = KindsToBitMap(ev->Get()->ConfigItemKinds);
if (ev->Get()->Cache && !kinds.Empty()) {
auto subscription = FindSubscription(kinds);
- if (!subscription || !subscription->Subscribers.contains(SelfId())) {
- BLOG_D("Add subscription for local cache kinds=" << KindsToString(kinds));
- AddSubscription(SelfId(), kinds, false);
+ if (!subscription || !subscription->Subscribers.contains(SelfId())) {
+ BLOG_D("Add subscription for local cache kinds=" << KindsToString(kinds));
+ AddSubscription(SelfId(), kinds, false);
@@ -706,17 +706,17 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigRequest::TPtr
auto resp = MakeHolder<TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigResponse>();
resp->Config = ConfigsCache.at(kinds);
- BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigResponse"
- " to " << ev->Sender << ": " << resp->Config->ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigResponse"
+ " to " << ev->Sender << ": " << resp->Config->ShortDebugString());
- Send(ev->Sender, std::move(resp), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ Send(ev->Sender, std::move(resp), 0, ev->Cookie);
} else {
- Register(CreateNodeConfigCourier(ev->Get()->ConfigItemKinds, SelfId(), NextRequestCookie));
+ Register(CreateNodeConfigCourier(ev->Get()->ConfigItemKinds, SelfId(), NextRequestCookie));
ConfigRequests[NextRequestCookie++] = THolder<IEventHandle>(ev.Release());
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest::TPtr &ev)
auto kinds = KindsToBitMap(ev->Get()->ConfigItemKinds);
auto subscriber = FindSubscriber(ev->Sender);
@@ -726,31 +726,31 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRe
auto subscription = *subscriber->Subscriptions.begin();
if (subscription->Kinds == kinds) {
- BLOG_D("Nothing to change for " << subscriber->Subscriber);
- BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to " << subscriber->Subscriber);
- Send(subscriber->Subscriber, new TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse);
+ BLOG_D("Nothing to change for " << subscriber->Subscriber);
+ BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to " << subscriber->Subscriber);
+ Send(subscriber->Subscriber, new TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse);
- // something changed so refresh subscription
- RemoveSubscriber(subscriber);
+ // something changed so refresh subscription
+ RemoveSubscriber(subscriber);
- if (!kinds.Empty()) {
- AddSubscription(ev->Sender, kinds, false);
- } else {
- BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to " << ev->Sender);
+ if (!kinds.Empty()) {
+ AddSubscription(ev->Sender, kinds, false);
+ } else {
+ BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse to " << ev->Sender);
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse);
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvAddConfigSubscriptionResponse::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvAddConfigSubscriptionResponse::TPtr &ev)
auto it = RequestCookies.find(ev->Cookie);
if (it == RequestCookies.end()) {
- BLOG_I("Cookie mismatch for TEvAddConfigSubscriptionResponse");
+ BLOG_I("Cookie mismatch for TEvAddConfigSubscriptionResponse");
auto kinds = it->second;
@@ -758,39 +758,39 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvAddConfigSubscriptionResponse::TP
auto &rec = ev->Get()->Record;
if (rec.GetStatus().GetCode() != Ydb::StatusIds::SUCCESS) {
- LOG_CRIT_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER,
+ LOG_CRIT_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER,
"Cannot get config subscription for " << KindsToString(kinds)
<< " code=" << rec.GetStatus().GetCode()
<< " reason= " << rec.GetStatus().GetReason());
- CreateSubscriberActor(kinds, false);
+ CreateSubscriberActor(kinds, false);
auto subscription = FindSubscription(kinds);
- ProcessAddedSubscription(subscription, rec.GetSubscriptionId());
+ ProcessAddedSubscription(subscription, rec.GetSubscriptionId());
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse::TPtr &ev)
auto rec = ev->Get()->Record;
auto subscription = FindSubscription(rec.GetSubscriptionId());
// Probably subscription was cleared up due to tenant's change.
if (!subscription) {
- BLOG_I("Got notification response for unknown subscription " << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
+ BLOG_I("Got notification response for unknown subscription " << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
if (!subscription->UpdateInProcess) {
- BLOG_D("Notification was ignored for subscription "
+ BLOG_D("Notification was ignored for subscription "
<< rec.GetSubscriptionId());
if (ev->Cookie != subscription->UpdateInProcess->Cookie) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Notification cookie mismatch for subscription " << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
+ BLOG_ERROR("Notification cookie mismatch for subscription " << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
@@ -798,12 +798,12 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse::TPtr
TConfigId id2(rec.GetConfigId());
// This might be outdated notification response.
if (id1 != id2) {
- BLOG_I("Config id mismatch in notification response for subscription " << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
+ BLOG_I("Config id mismatch in notification response for subscription " << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
if (!subscription->SubscribersToUpdate.contains(ev->Sender)) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Notification from unexpected subscriber for subscription " << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
+ BLOG_ERROR("Notification from unexpected subscriber for subscription " << rec.GetSubscriptionId());
@@ -811,14 +811,14 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse::TPtr
// If all subscribers responded then send response to CMS.
- MaybeSendNotificationResponse(subscription);
+ MaybeSendNotificationResponse(subscription);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev)
// Process local update sent by own local subscription.
- if (ev->Sender == SelfId()) {
- ProcessLocalCacheUpdate(ev);
+ if (ev->Sender == SelfId()) {
+ ProcessLocalCacheUpdate(ev);
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &
if (subscription->UpdateInProcess) {
- BLOG_D("Drop previous unfinished notification for subscription id="
+ BLOG_D("Drop previous unfinished notification for subscription id="
<< subscription->SubscriptionId);
subscription->UpdateInProcess = nullptr;
@@ -855,67 +855,67 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &
* Avoid notifications in case only config id changed and
* config body is equal to currently used one.
- if (subscription->FirstUpdate || !CompareConfigs(subscription->CurrentConfig.Config, rec.GetConfig())) {
+ if (subscription->FirstUpdate || !CompareConfigs(subscription->CurrentConfig.Config, rec.GetConfig())) {
for (auto &subscriber : subscription->Subscribers)
- SendUpdateToSubscriber(subscription, subscriber);
+ SendUpdateToSubscriber(subscription, subscriber);
} else {
- MaybeSendNotificationResponse(subscription);
+ MaybeSendNotificationResponse(subscription);
subscription->FirstUpdate = false;
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvGetNodeConfigResponse::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvGetNodeConfigResponse::TPtr &ev)
auto it = ConfigRequests.find(ev->Cookie);
if (it == ConfigRequests.end()) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Node config response for unknown request cookie=" << ev->Cookie);
+ BLOG_ERROR("Node config response for unknown request cookie=" << ev->Cookie);
auto resp = MakeHolder<TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigResponse>();
resp->Config.reset(new NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig(ev->Get()->Record.GetConfig()));
- BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigResponse"
- " to " << ev->Sender
- << ": " << resp->Config->ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_TRACE("Send TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigResponse"
+ " to " << ev->Sender
+ << ": " << resp->Config->ShortDebugString());
- Send(it->second->Sender, resp.Release(), 0, it->second->Cookie);
+ Send(it->second->Sender, resp.Release(), 0, it->second->Cookie);
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvReplaceConfigSubscriptionsResponse::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvConsole::TEvReplaceConfigSubscriptionsResponse::TPtr &ev)
auto it = RequestCookies.find(ev->Cookie);
if (it == RequestCookies.end()) {
- BLOG_ERROR("Cookie mismatch for TEvReplaceConfigSubscriptionsResponse");
+ BLOG_ERROR("Cookie mismatch for TEvReplaceConfigSubscriptionsResponse");
auto &rec = ev->Get()->Record;
if (rec.GetStatus().GetCode() != Ydb::StatusIds::SUCCESS) {
- LOG_CRIT_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER,
+ LOG_CRIT_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CONFIGS_DISPATCHER,
"Cannot initialize subscription: " << rec.GetStatus().GetReason());
- CleanUpSubscriptions();
+ CleanUpSubscriptions();
auto subscription = FindSubscription(it->second);
- ProcessAddedSubscription(subscription, rec.GetSubscriptionId());
+ ProcessAddedSubscription(subscription, rec.GetSubscriptionId());
// Register other subscriptions in CMS.
for (auto subscription : Subscriptions)
if (!subscription->SubscriptionId)
- CreateSubscriberActor(subscription->Kinds, false);
+ CreateSubscriberActor(subscription->Kinds, false);
- ProcessEnqueuedEvents();
+ ProcessEnqueuedEvents();
-void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus::TPtr &ev)
+void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus::TPtr &ev)
auto &rec = ev->Get()->Record;
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ void TConfigsDispatcher::Handle(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus::TPtr &ev)
BLOG_N("Update list of assigned tenants: " << JoinSeq(", ", CurrentTenants));
- CleanUpSubscriptions();
+ CleanUpSubscriptions();
diff --git a/ydb/core/cms/console/console_configs_provider.cpp b/ydb/core/cms/console/console_configs_provider.cpp
index 6dabfc1267..4ba6f46033 100644
--- a/ydb/core/cms/console/console_configs_provider.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/cms/console/console_configs_provider.cpp
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public:
"TServiceConfigSender(" << Subscription->Id << ") Die");
auto nodeId = Subscription->Subscriber.ServiceId.NodeId();
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId),
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId),
new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe);
diff --git a/ydb/core/cms/console/console_tenants_manager.cpp b/ydb/core/cms/console/console_tenants_manager.cpp
index baf25e22a7..0db3f5dced 100644
--- a/ydb/core/cms/console/console_tenants_manager.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/cms/console/console_tenants_manager.cpp
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
#include <ydb/core/util/pb.h>
#include <ydb/public/lib/operation_id/operation_id.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_NOTICE
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
-#define BLOG_NOTICE(stream) LOG_NOTICE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
-#define BLOG_CRIT(stream) LOG_CRIT_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_NOTICE
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
+#define BLOG_NOTICE(stream) LOG_NOTICE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
+#define BLOG_CRIT(stream) LOG_CRIT_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_TENANTS, stream)
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NConsole {
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public:
void OnPipeDestroyed(const TActorContext &ctx)
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "pipe destroyed");
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "pipe destroyed");
if (BSControllerPipe) {
NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, BSControllerPipe);
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public:
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "read pool state: " << request->Record.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "read pool state: " << request->Record.ShortDebugString());
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, BSControllerPipe, request.Release());
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public:
auto request = MakeHolder<TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerConfigRequest>();
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "send pool request: " << request->Record.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "send pool request: " << request->Record.ShortDebugString());
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, BSControllerPipe, request.Release());
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public:
void DeletePool(const TActorContext &ctx)
if (!PoolId) {
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "cannot delete missing pool " << Pool->Config.GetName());
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "cannot delete missing pool " << Pool->Config.GetName());
ctx.Send(OwnerId, new TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolDeleted(Tenant, Pool));
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ public:
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "send pool request: " << request->Record.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "send pool request: " << request->Record.ShortDebugString());
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, BSControllerPipe, request.Release());
void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx)
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "Bootstrap");
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "Bootstrap");
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public:
void ReplyAndDie(IEventBase *resp,
const TActorContext &ctx)
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "reply with " << resp->ToString());
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "reply with " << resp->ToString());
ctx.Send(OwnerId, resp);
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ public:
auto &rec = ev->Get()->Record.GetResponse();
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "got read response: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "got read response: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
- if (!CheckReadStatus(rec)) {
+ if (!CheckReadStatus(rec)) {
ReplyAndDie(new TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolFailed(Tenant, Pool, Pool->Issue), ctx);
@@ -214,14 +214,14 @@ public:
- bool CheckReadStatus(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigResponse &resp)
+ bool CheckReadStatus(const NKikimrBlobStorage::TConfigResponse &resp)
if (!resp.GetSuccess() || !resp.GetStatus(0).GetSuccess()) {
TString error = resp.GetErrorDescription();
if (resp.StatusSize() && resp.GetStatus(0).GetErrorDescription())
error = resp.GetStatus(0).GetErrorDescription();
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "cannot read pool '" << Pool->Config.GetName() << "' ("
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "cannot read pool '" << Pool->Config.GetName() << "' ("
<< Pool->Config.GetStoragePoolId() << "): " << error);
Pool->Issue = error;
return false;
@@ -234,14 +234,14 @@ public:
auto &rec = ev->Get()->Record.GetResponse();
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "got config response: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "got config response: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
if (!rec.GetSuccess() || !rec.GetStatus(0).GetSuccess()) {
TString error = rec.GetErrorDescription();
if (rec.StatusSize() && rec.GetStatus(0).GetErrorDescription())
error = rec.GetStatus(0).GetErrorDescription();
- BLOG_ERROR(LogPrefix << "cannot create pool '" << Pool->Config.GetName() << "' ("
+ BLOG_ERROR(LogPrefix << "cannot create pool '" << Pool->Config.GetName() << "' ("
<< Pool->Config.GetStoragePoolId() << "): " << error);
Pool->Issue = error;
ReplyAndDie(new TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolFailed(Tenant, Pool, error), ctx);
@@ -266,22 +266,22 @@ public:
auto &rec = ev->Get()->Record.GetResponse();
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "got check response: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "got check response: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
- if (!CheckReadStatus(rec)) {
+ if (!CheckReadStatus(rec)) {
ReplyAndDie(new TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolFailed(Tenant, Pool, Pool->Issue), ctx);
if (rec.GetStatus(0).StoragePoolSize() == 0) {
- BLOG_ERROR(LogPrefix << "check response misses pool status");
+ BLOG_ERROR(LogPrefix << "check response misses pool status");
ReplyAndDie(new TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolFailed(Tenant, Pool, Pool->Issue), ctx);
const auto &scope = rec.GetStatus(0).GetStoragePool(0).GetScopeId();
if (TTenantsManager::TDomainId(scope.GetX1(), scope.GetX2()) != Tenant->DomainId) {
- BLOG_ERROR(LogPrefix << "scope id check failure "
+ BLOG_ERROR(LogPrefix << "scope id check failure "
<< Tenant->DomainId
<< " vs " << scope.ShortDebugString());
ReplyAndDie(new TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolFailed(Tenant, Pool, Pool->Issue), ctx);
@@ -296,14 +296,14 @@ public:
auto &rec = ev->Get()->Record.GetResponse();
- BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "got config response: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_D(LogPrefix << "got config response: " << rec.ShortDebugString());
if (!rec.GetSuccess() || !rec.GetStatus(0).GetSuccess()) {
TString error = rec.GetErrorDescription();
if (rec.StatusSize() && rec.GetStatus(0).GetErrorDescription())
error = rec.GetStatus(0).GetErrorDescription();
- BLOG_ERROR(LogPrefix << "cannot delete pool '"
+ BLOG_ERROR(LogPrefix << "cannot delete pool '"
<< Pool->Config.GetName() << "' ("
<< Pool->Config.GetStoragePoolId() << "): " << error);
Pool->Issue = error;
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ public:
void AlterSubdomain(const TActorContext &ctx)
- BLOG_D("TSubDomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") alter subdomain version " << Version);
+ BLOG_D("TSubDomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") alter subdomain version " << Version);
auto request = MakeHolder<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction>();
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ public:
- BLOG_TRACE("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") send alter subdomain cmd: "
+ BLOG_TRACE("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") send alter subdomain cmd: "
<< request->ToString());
ctx.Send(MakeTxProxyID(), request.Release());
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ public:
void CreateSubdomain(const TActorContext &ctx)
- BLOG_D("TSubDomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") create subdomain");
+ BLOG_D("TSubDomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") create subdomain");
auto request = MakeHolder<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction>();
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ public:
if (Tenant->Attributes.UserAttributesSize())
- BLOG_TRACE("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") send subdomain creation cmd: "
+ BLOG_TRACE("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") send subdomain creation cmd: "
<< request->ToString());
ctx.Send(MakeTxProxyID(), request.Release());
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ public:
void DropSubdomain(const TActorContext &ctx)
- BLOG_D("TSubDomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") drop subdomain");
+ BLOG_D("TSubDomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") drop subdomain");
auto request = MakeHolder<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction>();
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ public:
- BLOG_TRACE("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") send subdomain drop cmd: "
+ BLOG_TRACE("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") send subdomain drop cmd: "
<< request->ToString());
ctx.Send(MakeTxProxyID(), request.Release());
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ public:
auto *domain = AppData(ctx)->DomainsInfo->GetDomainByName(ExtractDomain(Tenant->Path));
if (!domain) {
TString error = "cannot find domain info";
- BLOG_CRIT("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") " << error);
+ BLOG_CRIT("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") " << error);
ReplyAndDie(new TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainFailed(Tenant, error), ctx);
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ public:
void ReplyAndDie(const TActorContext &ctx)
- BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") done");
+ BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") done");
if (Action == CREATE)
ReplyAndDie(new TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainCreated(Tenant, SchemeshardId, PathId), ctx);
else if (Action == CONFIGURE || Action == CONFIGURE_ATTR)
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ public:
void ReplyAndDie(IEventBase *resp,
const TActorContext &ctx)
- BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") reply with " << resp->ToString());
+ BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") reply with " << resp->ToString());
ctx.Send(OwnerId, resp);
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ public:
auto request = MakeHolder<TEvSchemeShard::TEvNotifyTxCompletion>();
- BLOG_TRACE("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") send notification request: " << request->ToString());
+ BLOG_TRACE("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") send notification request: " << request->ToString());
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, Pipe, request.Release());
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ public:
void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ")::Bootstrap");
+ BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ")::Bootstrap");
if (Action == CREATE) {
@@ -729,12 +729,12 @@ public:
void Handle(TEvSchemeShard::TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext&) {
- BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: "
+ BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: "
<< ev->Get()->Record.ShortDebugString());
void Handle(TEvSchemeShard::TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: "
+ BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: "
<< ev->Get()->Record.ShortDebugString());
if (Action == CONFIGURE && Tenant->Attributes.UserAttributesSize()) {
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ public:
void HandleSubdomain(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx)
- BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") got propose result: "
+ BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") got propose result: "
<< ev->Get()->Record.ShortDebugString());
auto &rec = ev->Get()->Record;
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ public:
// Check if removal finished or in-progress.
if (rec.GetSchemeShardStatus() == NKikimrScheme::StatusPathDoesNotExist
|| rec.GetSchemeShardStatus() == NKikimrScheme::StatusMultipleModifications) {
- BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") consider dubdomain is removed");
+ BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") consider dubdomain is removed");
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ public:
const auto &rec = ev->Get()->GetRecord();
- BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") got describe result: "
+ BLOG_D("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") got describe result: "
<< rec.ShortDebugString());
if (Action == REMOVE) {
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ public:
if (rec.GetStatus() != NKikimrScheme::EStatus::StatusSuccess) {
- BLOG_ERROR("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") "
+ BLOG_ERROR("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") "
<< "Receive TEvDescribeSchemeResult with bad status "
<< NKikimrScheme::EStatus_Name(rec.GetStatus()) <<
" reason is <" << rec.GetReason() << ">" <<
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ public:
auto pathType = rec.GetPathDescription().GetSelf().GetPathType();
auto expectedPathType = Tenant->IsExternalSubdomain ? NKikimrSchemeOp::EPathTypeExtSubDomain : NKikimrSchemeOp::EPathTypeSubDomain;
if (pathType != expectedPathType) {
- BLOG_ERROR("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") "
+ BLOG_ERROR("TSubdomainManip(" << Tenant->Path << ") "
<< "Resolve subdomain fail, tenant path "
<< Tenant->Path << " has invalid path type "
<< NKikimrSchemeOp::EPathType_Name(pathType)
@@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@ void TTenantsManager::ClearState()
void TTenantsManager::Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx)
- BLOG_D("TTenantsManager::Bootstrap");
+ BLOG_D("TTenantsManager::Bootstrap");
TxProcessor = Self.GetTxProcessor()->GetSubProcessor("tenants",
@@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@ bool TTenantsManager::CheckComputationalUnitsQuota(const TUnitsCount &units,
if (Config.TotalComputationalUnitsQuota
&& Config.TotalComputationalUnitsQuota < stats.Total.Allocated) {
- BLOG_NOTICE("Cluster computational units quota is exceeded ("
+ BLOG_NOTICE("Cluster computational units quota is exceeded ("
<< stats.Total.Allocated << "/"
<< Config.TotalComputationalUnitsQuota << ")");
@@ -1560,7 +1560,7 @@ bool TTenantsManager::CheckComputationalUnitsQuota(const TUnitsCount &units,
ui64 cur = pr.second.Allocated * 100;
ui64 quota = pr.second.Connected * Config.TotalComputationalUnitsLoadQuota;
if (cur > quota) {
- BLOG_NOTICE("Cluster computational units load quota ("
+ BLOG_NOTICE("Cluster computational units load quota ("
<< Config.TotalComputationalUnitsLoadQuota
<< "%) is exceeded for slots '"
<< pr.first << "' (" << pr.second.Allocated
@@ -1575,7 +1575,7 @@ bool TTenantsManager::CheckComputationalUnitsQuota(const TUnitsCount &units,
ui64 cur = stats.Total.Allocated * 100;
ui64 quota = stats.Total.Connected * Config.TotalComputationalUnitsLoadQuota;
if (cur > quota) {
- BLOG_NOTICE("Cluster computational units load quota ("
+ BLOG_NOTICE("Cluster computational units load quota ("
<< Config.TotalComputationalUnitsLoadQuota
<< "%) is exceeded (" << stats.Total.Allocated
<< "/" << stats.Total.Connected << ")");
diff --git a/ydb/core/cms/console/net_classifier_updater.cpp b/ydb/core/cms/console/net_classifier_updater.cpp
index 9e96c3ce2b..121a65efc3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/cms/console/net_classifier_updater.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/cms/console/net_classifier_updater.cpp
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
#include <util/stream/zlib.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_NOTICE
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS, stream)
-#define BLOG_NOTICE(stream) LOG_NOTICE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS, stream)
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS, stream)
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR || defined BLOG_NOTICE
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS, stream)
+#define BLOG_NOTICE(stream) LOG_NOTICE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS, stream)
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS, stream)
namespace NKikimr::NNetClassifierUpdater {
using namespace NConsole;
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ public:
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::NET_CLASSIFIER_UPDATER;
- void Bootstrap() {
+ void Bootstrap() {
- Send(SelfId(), new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
+ Send(SelfId(), new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
const auto& UpdaterConfig() const {
- return AppData()->NetClassifierConfig.GetUpdaterConfig();
+ return AppData()->NetClassifierConfig.GetUpdaterConfig();
void HandleWhileIniting(TEvents::TEvWakeup::TPtr&) {
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ private:
void RequestCurrentConfigViaCookie() {
- BLOG_D("NetClassifierUpdater requested distributable config item via cookie");
+ BLOG_D("NetClassifierUpdater requested distributable config item via cookie");
auto event = MakeHolder<TEvConsole::TEvGetConfigItemsRequest>();
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ private:
void InitDefaultConfiguration() {
- LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS,
+ LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::CMS_CONFIGS,
"NetClassifierUpdate is adding distributable config item with cookie");
auto event = MakeHolder<TEvConsole::TEvConfigureRequest>();
@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ private:
void HandleWhileIniting(TEvConsole::TEvConfigureResponse::TPtr& ev) {
const auto& record = ev->Get()->Record;
if (record.GetStatus().GetCode() == Ydb::StatusIds::SUCCESS) {
- BLOG_D("NetClassifierUpdater created a new distributable config item");
+ BLOG_D("NetClassifierUpdater created a new distributable config item");
} else {
- BLOG_ERROR("NetClassifierUpdater failed to add config item: " << record.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_ERROR("NetClassifierUpdater failed to add config item: " << record.ShortDebugString());
@@ -137,12 +137,12 @@ private:
} else {
Y_VERIFY(record.ConfigItemsSize() == 1); // only one config item should have the cookie
- BLOG_D("NetClassifierUpdater found the distributable config via cookie");
+ BLOG_D("NetClassifierUpdater found the distributable config via cookie");
} else {
- BLOG_ERROR("NetClassifierUpdater failed get current distributable config version: " << record.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_ERROR("NetClassifierUpdater failed get current distributable config version: " << record.ShortDebugString());
@@ -157,10 +157,10 @@ private:
void CompleteInitialization() {
- BLOG_D("NetClassifierUpdater has been initialized");
+ BLOG_D("NetClassifierUpdater has been initialized");
- Send(SelfId(), new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
+ Send(SelfId(), new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
STATEFN(Working) {
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ private:
// hurray! the update is finished
} else {
- BLOG_ERROR("NetClassifierUpdater failed to update distributable config: " << record.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_ERROR("NetClassifierUpdater failed to update distributable config: " << record.ShortDebugString());
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ private:
Send(LocalConsole, event.Release());
} else {
- BLOG_ERROR("NetClassifierUpdater failed to get current distributable config version: " << record.ShortDebugString());
+ BLOG_ERROR("NetClassifierUpdater failed to get current distributable config version: " << record.ShortDebugString());
diff --git a/ydb/core/cms/json_proxy_operations.h b/ydb/core/cms/json_proxy_operations.h
index 4187f16a40..6bce70054d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/cms/json_proxy_operations.h
+++ b/ydb/core/cms/json_proxy_operations.h
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ public:
ui64 GetTabletId(const TActorContext &) const override
const TCgiParameters &cgi = this->RequestEvent->Get()->Request.GetParams();
- ui64 tabletId = 0;
- if (cgi.Has("tabletid")) {
- TryFromString(cgi.Get("tabletid"), tabletId);
- }
+ ui64 tabletId = 0;
+ if (cgi.Has("tabletid")) {
+ TryFromString(cgi.Get("tabletid"), tabletId);
+ }
if (!tabletId && cgi.Has("followerid")) {
TryFromString(cgi.Get("followerid"), tabletId);
- }
- return tabletId;
+ }
+ return tabletId;
TString GetTabletName() const override
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_base/cli_cmds_discovery.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_base/cli_cmds_discovery.cpp
index e725ebec4a..729ae432c3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_base/cli_cmds_discovery.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_base/cli_cmds_discovery.cpp
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-#include "cli_cmds.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NDriverClient {
+#include "cli_cmds.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NDriverClient {
TClientCommandDiscoveryBase::TClientCommandDiscoveryBase(const TString& name, const TString& description)
: TClientGRpcCommand(name, {}, description)
int TClientCommandDiscoveryBase::Run(TConfig &config) {
return TClientGRpcCommand::Run(config);
//using TClientGRpcCommand::PrintResponse;
void TClientCommandDiscoveryBase::PrintResponse(const Ydb::Operations::Operation &response) {
if (response.status() != Ydb::StatusIds::SUCCESS) {
@@ -28,35 +28,35 @@ void TClientCommandDiscoveryBase::PrintResponse(const Ydb::Operations::Operation
if (endpoint.serviceSize()) {
for (auto &x : endpoint.Getservice())
Cout << " #" << x;
- }
+ }
Cout << Endl;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
// Old kikimr behavior:
// ./kikimr discovery list -d <database>
struct TClientCommandDiscoveryListEndpoints
: TClientCommandDiscoveryBase
- TClientCommandDiscoveryListEndpoints()
+ TClientCommandDiscoveryListEndpoints()
: TClientCommandDiscoveryBase("list", "List existing tenants")
- {}
+ {}
void Config(TConfig &config) override {
- TClientCommand::Config(config);
- Database = "";
- config.Opts->AddLongOption('d', "db", "Set target database")
- .RequiredArgument("NAME").StoreResult(&Database);
- }
- : TClientCommandTree("discovery", {}, "Endpoint discovery")
+ TClientCommand::Config(config);
+ Database = "";
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption('d', "db", "Set target database")
+ .RequiredArgument("NAME").StoreResult(&Database);
+ }
+ : TClientCommandTree("discovery", {}, "Endpoint discovery")
// New YDB behavior:
// ./ydb discover <database>
@@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ void TClientCommandDiscoveryLite::Config(TConfig& config) {
SetFreeArgTitle(0, "<database>", "Database to discover");
void TClientCommandDiscoveryLite::Parse(TConfig& config) {
Database = config.ParseResult->GetFreeArgs().at(0);
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli.cpp
index f8c792bc3c..f84f6784df 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli.cpp
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-#include "cli.h"
+#include "cli.h"
#include <ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NDriverClient {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NDriverClient {
void DumpProxyErrorCodes(IOutputStream &o, const NKikimrClient::TResponse &response) {
- o << "status: " << response.GetStatus() << Endl;
- o << "status transcript: " << static_cast<NMsgBusProxy::EResponseStatus>(response.GetStatus()) << Endl;
- if (response.HasProxyErrorCode()) {
- o << "proxy error code: " << response.GetProxyErrorCode() << Endl;
- o << "proxy error code transcript: " << static_cast<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus>(response.GetProxyErrorCode()) << Endl;
- }
+ o << "status: " << response.GetStatus() << Endl;
+ o << "status transcript: " << static_cast<NMsgBusProxy::EResponseStatus>(response.GetStatus()) << Endl;
+ if (response.HasProxyErrorCode()) {
+ o << "proxy error code: " << response.GetProxyErrorCode() << Endl;
+ o << "proxy error code transcript: " << static_cast<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus>(response.GetProxyErrorCode()) << Endl;
+ }
void HideOptions(NLastGetopt::TOpts& opts, const TString& prefix) {
for (auto opt : opts.Opts_) {
if (opt.Get()->GetName().StartsWith(prefix)) {
opt.Get()->Hidden_ = true;
void HideOptions(NLastGetopt::TOpts& opts) {
for (auto opt : opts.Opts_) {
opt.Get()->Hidden_ = true;
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli.h b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli.h
index 25b3a5fb60..099664792e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli.h
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "cli_cmd_config.h"
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/interconnect/poller_tcp.h>
#include <ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.h>
#include <library/cpp/deprecated/enum_codegen/enum_codegen.h>
#include <util/stream/file.h>
#include <util/stream/format.h>
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NDriverClient {
void DumpProxyErrorCodes(IOutputStream &o, const NKikimrClient::TResponse &response);
void DumpSchemeErrorCode(IOutputStream &o, const NKikimrClient::TResponse &response);
- int SchemeInitRoot(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char** argv);
- int BSAdmCreateVSlots(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
- int BSAdmCreateGroup(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
+ int SchemeInitRoot(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char** argv);
+ int BSAdmCreateVSlots(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
+ int BSAdmCreateGroup(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
int CompileAndExecMiniKQL(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
int MessageBusTrace(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char** argv);
int KeyValueRequest(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ namespace NDriverClient {
int PersQueueStress(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
int PersQueueDiscoverClustersRequest(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
int LoadRequest(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
- int ActorsysPerfTest(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
+ int ActorsysPerfTest(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv);
void HideOptions(NLastGetopt::TOpts& opts, const TString& prefix);
void HideOptions(NLastGetopt::TOpts& opts);
int NewClient(int argc, char** argv, std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories> factories);
TString NewClientCommandsDescription(std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories> factories);
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_actorsystem_perftest.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_actorsystem_perftest.cpp
index 9c597866bc..a26faf4262 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_actorsystem_perftest.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_actorsystem_perftest.cpp
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
-#include "cli.h"
+#include "cli.h"
#include <ydb/core/actorlib_impl/mad_squirrel.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_basic.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/executor_pool_basic.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NDriverClient {
-struct TCmdActorsysPerfConfig : public TCliCmdConfig {
- ui32 Threads = 3;
- ui32 Duration = 60;
- void Parse(int argc, char **argv) {
- using namespace NLastGetopt;
- TOpts opts = TOpts::Default();
- opts.AddLongOption('t', "threads", "size of thread pool to measure").DefaultValue(3).StoreResult(&Threads);
- opts.AddLongOption('d', "duration", "duration of test in seconds").DefaultValue(60).StoreResult(&Duration);
- ConfigureBaseLastGetopt(opts);
- TOptsParseResult res(&opts, argc, argv);
- }
-int ActorsysPerfTest(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv) {
- Y_UNUSED(cmdConf);
- using namespace NActors;
- TCmdActorsysPerfConfig config;
- config.Parse(argc, argv);
- if (config.Threads < 1 || config.Threads > 1000) {
- Cerr << "Thread pool size must be in [1, 1000] range";
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup(new TActorSystemSetup());
- setup->NodeId = 1;
- setup->ExecutorsCount = 1;
- setup->Executors.Reset(new TAutoPtr<IExecutorPool>[1]);
- setup->Executors[0].Reset(new TBasicExecutorPool(0, config.Threads, 0));
- setup->Scheduler.Reset(new TBasicSchedulerThread(TSchedulerConfig(1024, 0, 100000, false)));
- Cerr << "Starting test for " << TDuration::Seconds(config.Duration).ToString() << " with " << config.Threads << " threads" << Endl;
- TActorSystem actorSys(setup, nullptr);
- TVector<TExecutorThreadStats> stats(1);
- TExecutorPoolStats poolStats;
- TVector<std::pair<ui32, double>> lineProfile = {{ 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, .0 }};
- actorSys.Start();
- actorSys.Register(CreateGopherMother(lineProfile, 1000, 2));
- Sleep(TDuration::Seconds(config.Duration));
- actorSys.GetPoolStats(0, poolStats, stats);
- actorSys.Stop();
- ui64 sentEvents = 0;
- for (auto &x : stats)
- sentEvents += x.SentEvents;
- Cerr << "Produced " << sentEvents << " signals at rate " << sentEvents/config.Duration << " per second " << sentEvents/config.Duration/config.Threads << " per thread" << Endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NDriverClient {
+struct TCmdActorsysPerfConfig : public TCliCmdConfig {
+ ui32 Threads = 3;
+ ui32 Duration = 60;
+ void Parse(int argc, char **argv) {
+ using namespace NLastGetopt;
+ TOpts opts = TOpts::Default();
+ opts.AddLongOption('t', "threads", "size of thread pool to measure").DefaultValue(3).StoreResult(&Threads);
+ opts.AddLongOption('d', "duration", "duration of test in seconds").DefaultValue(60).StoreResult(&Duration);
+ ConfigureBaseLastGetopt(opts);
+ TOptsParseResult res(&opts, argc, argv);
+ }
+int ActorsysPerfTest(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv) {
+ Y_UNUSED(cmdConf);
+ using namespace NActors;
+ TCmdActorsysPerfConfig config;
+ config.Parse(argc, argv);
+ if (config.Threads < 1 || config.Threads > 1000) {
+ Cerr << "Thread pool size must be in [1, 1000] range";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup(new TActorSystemSetup());
+ setup->NodeId = 1;
+ setup->ExecutorsCount = 1;
+ setup->Executors.Reset(new TAutoPtr<IExecutorPool>[1]);
+ setup->Executors[0].Reset(new TBasicExecutorPool(0, config.Threads, 0));
+ setup->Scheduler.Reset(new TBasicSchedulerThread(TSchedulerConfig(1024, 0, 100000, false)));
+ Cerr << "Starting test for " << TDuration::Seconds(config.Duration).ToString() << " with " << config.Threads << " threads" << Endl;
+ TActorSystem actorSys(setup, nullptr);
+ TVector<TExecutorThreadStats> stats(1);
+ TExecutorPoolStats poolStats;
+ TVector<std::pair<ui32, double>> lineProfile = {{ 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, .0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, .0 }};
+ actorSys.Start();
+ actorSys.Register(CreateGopherMother(lineProfile, 1000, 2));
+ Sleep(TDuration::Seconds(config.Duration));
+ actorSys.GetPoolStats(0, poolStats, stats);
+ actorSys.Stop();
+ ui64 sentEvents = 0;
+ for (auto &x : stats)
+ sentEvents += x.SentEvents;
+ Cerr << "Produced " << sentEvents << " signals at rate " << sentEvents/config.Duration << " per second " << sentEvents/config.Duration/config.Threads << " per thread" << Endl;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_cmds_tablet.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_cmds_tablet.cpp
index ae65857a53..361e757ca1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_cmds_tablet.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_cmds_tablet.cpp
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ public:
virtual void Parse(TConfig& config) override {
Program = GetMiniKQL(config.ParseResult->GetFreeArgs().at(0));
if (config.ParseResult->GetFreeArgCount() > 1)
Params = GetMiniKQL(config.ParseResult->GetFreeArgs().at(1));
Request = new NMsgBusProxy::TBusTabletLocalMKQL;
auto* pgm = Request->Record.MutableProgram();
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public:
} else {
if (!Params.empty()) {
if (IsMiniKQL(Params)) {
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public:
config.JsonUi64AsText = config.ParseResult->Has("json-ui64-as-string");
config.JsonBinaryAsBase64 = config.ParseResult->Has("json-binary-as-base64");
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_fakeinitshard.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_fakeinitshard.cpp
index 2a99cfa03c..00c4820330 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_fakeinitshard.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_fakeinitshard.cpp
@@ -1 +1 @@
-#include "cli.h"
+#include "cli.h"
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_faketx.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_faketx.cpp
index 2a99cfa03c..00c4820330 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_faketx.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_faketx.cpp
@@ -1 +1 @@
-#include "cli.h"
+#include "cli.h"
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_inspect.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_inspect.cpp
index 2a99cfa03c..00c4820330 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_inspect.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_inspect.cpp
@@ -1 +1 @@
-#include "cli.h"
+#include "cli.h"
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_minikql_compile_and_exec.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_minikql_compile_and_exec.cpp
index 1609a1f7ec..b4429d5721 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_minikql_compile_and_exec.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_minikql_compile_and_exec.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ int CompileAndExecMiniKQL(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv) {
} else if (config.PathToTextPgm) {
TString pgmText = TFileInput(config.PathToTextPgm).ReadAll();
- mkqlTx->MutableProgram()->SetText(pgmText);
+ mkqlTx->MutableProgram()->SetText(pgmText);
if (config.PathToBinParams) {
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ int CompileAndExecMiniKQL(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char **argv) {
} else if (config.PathToTextParams) {
TString paramsText = TFileInput(config.PathToTextParams).ReadAll();
- mkqlTx->MutableParams()->SetText(paramsText);
+ mkqlTx->MutableParams()->SetText(paramsText);
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_scheme_initroot.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_scheme_initroot.cpp
index 0e7d19f720..ebca272cc4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_scheme_initroot.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_scheme_initroot.cpp
@@ -1,94 +1,94 @@
-#include "cli.h"
+#include "cli.h"
#include <ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.h>
#include <ydb/core/scheme/tablet_scheme.h>
#include <ydb/core/scheme/scheme_types_defs.h>
#include <ydb/core/scheme/scheme_type_registry.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NDriverClient {
-struct TCmdSchemeInitShardConfig : public TCliCmdConfig {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NDriverClient {
+struct TCmdSchemeInitShardConfig : public TCliCmdConfig {
TString TagName;
- TAutoPtr<NKikimrTxScheme::TConfig> GlobalConfig;
- TCmdSchemeInitShardConfig();
- void Parse(int argc, char **argv);
-int SchemeInitRoot(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char** argv) {
+ TAutoPtr<NKikimrTxScheme::TConfig> GlobalConfig;
+ TCmdSchemeInitShardConfig();
+ void Parse(int argc, char **argv);
+int SchemeInitRoot(TCommandConfig &cmdConf, int argc, char** argv) {
-#ifdef _win32_
- WSADATA dummy;
- WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &dummy);
- TCmdSchemeInitShardConfig schemeInitShardConfig;
- schemeInitShardConfig.Parse(argc, argv);
+#ifdef _win32_
+ WSADATA dummy;
+ WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &dummy);
+ TCmdSchemeInitShardConfig schemeInitShardConfig;
+ schemeInitShardConfig.Parse(argc, argv);
TAutoPtr<NMsgBusProxy::TBusSchemeInitRoot> request(new NMsgBusProxy::TBusSchemeInitRoot());
- request->Record.SetTagName(schemeInitShardConfig.TagName);
- if (schemeInitShardConfig.GlobalConfig)
- request->Record.MutableGlobalConfig()->MergeFrom(*schemeInitShardConfig.GlobalConfig);
- TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply;
+ request->Record.SetTagName(schemeInitShardConfig.TagName);
+ if (schemeInitShardConfig.GlobalConfig)
+ request->Record.MutableGlobalConfig()->MergeFrom(*schemeInitShardConfig.GlobalConfig);
+ TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply;
NBus::EMessageStatus status = schemeInitShardConfig.SyncCall(request, reply);
- switch (status) {
- case NBus::MESSAGE_OK:
- {
+ switch (status) {
+ case NBus::MESSAGE_OK:
+ {
const NKikimrClient::TResponse &response = static_cast<NMsgBusProxy::TBusResponse *>(reply.Get())->Record;
- Cout << "status: " << response.GetStatus() << Endl;
- Cout << "status transcript: " << static_cast<NMsgBusProxy::EResponseStatus>(response.GetStatus()) << Endl;
- if (response.HasTabletId())
- Cout << "tabletid: " << response.GetTabletId() << Endl;
+ Cout << "status: " << response.GetStatus() << Endl;
+ Cout << "status transcript: " << static_cast<NMsgBusProxy::EResponseStatus>(response.GetStatus()) << Endl;
+ if (response.HasTabletId())
+ Cout << "tabletid: " << response.GetTabletId() << Endl;
return response.GetStatus() == NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_OK ? 0 : 1;
- }
- default:
- {
- const char *description = NBus::MessageStatusDescription(status);
- Cerr << description << Endl;
- }
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ const char *description = NBus::MessageStatusDescription(status);
+ Cerr << description << Endl;
+ }
return 1;
- }
- : TagName()
-void TCmdSchemeInitShardConfig::Parse(int argc, char **argv) {
- using namespace NLastGetopt;
+ }
+ : TagName()
+void TCmdSchemeInitShardConfig::Parse(int argc, char **argv) {
+ using namespace NLastGetopt;
TString configPb;
TString configPbFile;
- TOpts opts = TOpts::Default();
- opts.AddLongOption('n', "name", "domain name").Required().RequiredArgument("STR").StoreResult(&TagName);
- opts.AddLongOption("config", "apply global config").RequiredArgument("STR").StoreResult(&configPb);
+ TOpts opts = TOpts::Default();
+ opts.AddLongOption('n', "name", "domain name").Required().RequiredArgument("STR").StoreResult(&TagName);
+ opts.AddLongOption("config", "apply global config").RequiredArgument("STR").StoreResult(&configPb);
opts.AddLongOption("config-file", "load global config from file").RequiredArgument("PATH").StoreResult(&configPbFile);
- ConfigureBaseLastGetopt(opts);
- TOptsParseResult res(&opts, argc, argv);
+ ConfigureBaseLastGetopt(opts);
+ TOptsParseResult res(&opts, argc, argv);
ConfigureMsgBusLastGetopt(res, argc, argv);
#if 0
- if (!configPbFile.empty()) {
- GlobalConfig.Reset(new NKikimrTxScheme::TConfig);
+ if (!configPbFile.empty()) {
+ GlobalConfig.Reset(new NKikimrTxScheme::TConfig);
Y_VERIFY(ParsePBFromFile(configPbFile, GlobalConfig.Get()));
- } else if (!configPb.empty()) {
- GlobalConfig.Reset(new NKikimrTxScheme::TConfig);
+ } else if (!configPb.empty()) {
+ GlobalConfig.Reset(new NKikimrTxScheme::TConfig);
Y_VERIFY(::google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(configPb, GlobalConfig.Get()));
- }
+ }
Cout << "config options for init-root are not used anymore (deprecated)" << Endl;
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_scheme_navigate.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_scheme_navigate.cpp
index 2a99cfa03c..00c4820330 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_scheme_navigate.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli_scheme_navigate.cpp
@@ -1 +1 @@
-#include "cli.h"
+#include "cli.h"
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/ya.make b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/ya.make
index c72c409c42..cb1f9670be 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/ya.make
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ LIBRARY(cli_utils)
- cli.cpp
+ cli.cpp
- cli_actorsystem_perftest.cpp
+ cli_actorsystem_perftest.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/config.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/config.cpp
index 2f13c1310c..01f82b98ed 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/config.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/config.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#include "config.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include "config.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
TKikimrRunConfig::TKikimrRunConfig(NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig& appConfig, ui32 nodeId, const TKikimrScopeId& scopeId)
: AppConfig(appConfig)
, NodeId(nodeId)
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/config.h b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/config.h
index ab42354f76..faf1797413 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/config.h
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/config.h
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <ydb/core/protos/config.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/event_filter.h>
#include <ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_config_base/config_base.h>
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
union TBasicKikimrServicesMask {
struct {
bool EnableBasicServices:1;
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ union TBasicKikimrServicesMask {
bool EnableBSNodeWarden:1;
bool EnableStateStorageService:1;
bool EnableLocalService:1;
- bool EnableSharedCache:1;
+ bool EnableSharedCache:1;
bool EnableBlobCache:1;
bool EnableLogger:1;
bool EnableSchedulerActor:1;
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ union TBasicKikimrServicesMask {
bool EnableConfigsDispatcher:1;
bool EnableSecurityServices:1;
bool EnableTabletInfo:1;
- bool EnableQuoterService:1;
+ bool EnableQuoterService:1;
bool EnablePersQueueClusterDiscovery:1;
bool EnableNetClassifier:1;
bool EnablePersQueueClusterTracker:1;
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ struct TKikimrRunConfig {
NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig& AppConfig;
ui32 NodeId;
TKikimrScopeId ScopeId;
TString PathToConfigCacheFile;
TKikimrRunConfig(NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig& appConfig,
ui32 nodeId = 0, const TKikimrScopeId& scopeId = {});
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/driver.h b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/driver.h
index 93a1085362..7ad96718d1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/driver.h
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/driver.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
XX(EDM_BS, "bs", "admin running kikimr") \
XX(EDM_BLOBSTORAGE, "blobstorage", "admin running kikimr") \
XX(EDM_CMS, "cms", "admin running kikimr") \
- XX(EDM_DISCOVERY, "discovery", "discover endpoints") \
+ XX(EDM_DISCOVERY, "discovery", "discover endpoints") \
XX(EDM_WHOAMI, "whoami", "admin running kikimr") \
XX(EDM_FORMAT_INFO, "format-info", "read pdisk format info") \
XX(EDM_FORMAT_UTIL, "format-util", "query blob storage format configuration file") \
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ namespace NKikimr {
XX(EDM_PERSQUEUE_REQUEST, "persqueue-request", "send protobuf request to a persqueue tablet") \
XX(EDM_PERSQUEUE_STRESS, "persqueue-stress", "stress read or write to a persqueue tablet") \
XX(EDM_PERSQUEUE_DISCOVER_CLUSTERS, "persqueue-discover-clusters", "persqueue session clusters discovery") \
- XX(EDM_LOAD_REQUEST, "bs-load-test", "send protobuf request to blobstorage test load actor (https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/kikimr/developers/BSLoadTest/)") \
- XX(EDM_ACTORSYS_PERFTEST, "actorsys-perf-test", "make actorsystem performance test") \
+ XX(EDM_LOAD_REQUEST, "bs-load-test", "send protobuf request to blobstorage test load actor (https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/kikimr/developers/BSLoadTest/)") \
+ XX(EDM_ACTORSYS_PERFTEST, "actorsys-perf-test", "make actorsystem performance test") \
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/dummy.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/dummy.cpp
index 87e5362934..12624df93a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/dummy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/dummy.cpp
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-#include "dummy.h"
+#include "dummy.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/blobstorage_grouptype.h>
-TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig> DummyActorSystemConfig() {
- TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig> ret(new NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig());
- NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TScheduler *sched = ret->MutableScheduler();
- sched->SetResolution(512);
- sched->SetSpinThreshold(0);
- sched->SetProgressThreshold(10000);
- NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor *exec1 = ret->AddExecutor();
- NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor *exec2 = ret->AddExecutor();
- NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor *exec3 = ret->AddExecutor();
- exec1->SetType(NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor::BASIC);
- exec1->SetThreads(1);
- exec1->SetSpinThreshold(50);
- exec2->SetType(NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor::BASIC);
- exec2->SetThreads(2);
- exec2->SetSpinThreshold(50);
- exec3->SetType(NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor::IO);
- exec3->SetThreads(10);
- ret->SetSysExecutor(0);
- ret->SetUserExecutor(1);
- ret->SetBatchExecutor(1);
- ret->SetIoExecutor(2);
- return ret;
-TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TChannelProfileConfig> DummyChannelProfileConfig() {
- TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TChannelProfileConfig> ret(new NKikimrConfig::TChannelProfileConfig());
- auto *profile = ret->AddProfile();
- profile->SetProfileId(0);
- auto *channel0 = profile->AddChannel();
- auto *channel1 = profile->AddChannel();
- auto *channel2 = profile->AddChannel();
- channel0->SetErasureSpecies(NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureName[NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3]);
- channel0->SetPDiskCategory(0);
- channel1->SetErasureSpecies(NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureName[NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3]);
- channel1->SetPDiskCategory(0);
- channel2->SetErasureSpecies(NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureName[NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3]);
- channel2->SetPDiskCategory(0);
- return ret;
+TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig> DummyActorSystemConfig() {
+ TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig> ret(new NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig());
+ NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TScheduler *sched = ret->MutableScheduler();
+ sched->SetResolution(512);
+ sched->SetSpinThreshold(0);
+ sched->SetProgressThreshold(10000);
+ NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor *exec1 = ret->AddExecutor();
+ NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor *exec2 = ret->AddExecutor();
+ NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor *exec3 = ret->AddExecutor();
+ exec1->SetType(NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor::BASIC);
+ exec1->SetThreads(1);
+ exec1->SetSpinThreshold(50);
+ exec2->SetType(NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor::BASIC);
+ exec2->SetThreads(2);
+ exec2->SetSpinThreshold(50);
+ exec3->SetType(NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig::TExecutor::IO);
+ exec3->SetThreads(10);
+ ret->SetSysExecutor(0);
+ ret->SetUserExecutor(1);
+ ret->SetBatchExecutor(1);
+ ret->SetIoExecutor(2);
+ return ret;
+TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TChannelProfileConfig> DummyChannelProfileConfig() {
+ TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TChannelProfileConfig> ret(new NKikimrConfig::TChannelProfileConfig());
+ auto *profile = ret->AddProfile();
+ profile->SetProfileId(0);
+ auto *channel0 = profile->AddChannel();
+ auto *channel1 = profile->AddChannel();
+ auto *channel2 = profile->AddChannel();
+ channel0->SetErasureSpecies(NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureName[NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3]);
+ channel0->SetPDiskCategory(0);
+ channel1->SetErasureSpecies(NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureName[NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3]);
+ channel1->SetPDiskCategory(0);
+ channel2->SetErasureSpecies(NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureName[NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupType::ErasureMirror3]);
+ channel2->SetPDiskCategory(0);
+ return ret;
TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TAllocatorConfig> DummyAllocatorConfig() {
TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TAllocatorConfig> ret(new NKikimrConfig::TAllocatorConfig());
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/dummy.h b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/dummy.h
index 21dc11c05e..3b546cc1b9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/dummy.h
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/dummy.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/config.pb.h>
-TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig> DummyActorSystemConfig();
-TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TChannelProfileConfig> DummyChannelProfileConfig();
+TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TActorSystemConfig> DummyActorSystemConfig();
+TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TChannelProfileConfig> DummyChannelProfileConfig();
TAutoPtr<NKikimrConfig::TAllocatorConfig> DummyAllocatorConfig();
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/kikimr_services_initializers.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/kikimr_services_initializers.cpp
index ff94357227..819c1478d1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/kikimr_services_initializers.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/kikimr_services_initializers.cpp
@@ -655,8 +655,8 @@ void TBasicServicesInitializer::InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup* s
if (icConfig.GetEnforceScopeValidation()) {
icCommon->EventFilter = std::make_shared<TEventFilter>();
- RegisterBlobStorageEventScopes(icCommon->EventFilter);
- RegisterStateStorageEventScopes(icCommon->EventFilter);
+ RegisterBlobStorageEventScopes(icCommon->EventFilter);
+ RegisterStateStorageEventScopes(icCommon->EventFilter);
if (const auto& whiteboardId = NNodeWhiteboard::MakeNodeWhiteboardServiceId(NodeId)) {
@@ -825,17 +825,17 @@ void TBSNodeWardenInitializer::InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup* se
// TStateStorageServiceInitializer
-template<typename TCreateFunc>
-void StartLocalStateStorageReplicas(TCreateFunc createFunc, TStateStorageInfo *info, ui32 poolId, TActorSystemSetup &setup) {
- ui32 index = 0;
- for (auto &ring : info->Rings) {
+template<typename TCreateFunc>
+void StartLocalStateStorageReplicas(TCreateFunc createFunc, TStateStorageInfo *info, ui32 poolId, TActorSystemSetup &setup) {
+ ui32 index = 0;
+ for (auto &ring : info->Rings) {
for (TActorId replica : ring.Replicas) {
- if (replica.NodeId() == setup.NodeId) {
- setup.LocalServices.emplace_back(
- replica,
- TActorSetupCmd(createFunc(info, index), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, poolId));
+ if (replica.NodeId() == setup.NodeId) {
+ setup.LocalServices.emplace_back(
+ replica,
+ TActorSetupCmd(createFunc(info, index), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, poolId));
- ++index;
+ ++index;
@@ -854,16 +854,16 @@ void TStateStorageServiceInitializer::InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSe
Y_VERIFY(ssid <= maxssid);
knownss[ssid] = true;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> ssrInfo;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> ssbInfo;
- TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> sbrInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> ssrInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> ssbInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> sbrInfo;
+ BuildStateStorageInfos(ssconf, ssrInfo, ssbInfo, sbrInfo);
+ StartLocalStateStorageReplicas(CreateStateStorageReplica, ssrInfo.Get(), appData->SystemPoolId, *setup);
+ StartLocalStateStorageReplicas(CreateStateStorageBoardReplica, ssbInfo.Get(), appData->SystemPoolId, *setup);
+ StartLocalStateStorageReplicas(CreateSchemeBoardReplica, sbrInfo.Get(), appData->SystemPoolId, *setup);
- BuildStateStorageInfos(ssconf, ssrInfo, ssbInfo, sbrInfo);
- StartLocalStateStorageReplicas(CreateStateStorageReplica, ssrInfo.Get(), appData->SystemPoolId, *setup);
- StartLocalStateStorageReplicas(CreateStateStorageBoardReplica, ssbInfo.Get(), appData->SystemPoolId, *setup);
- StartLocalStateStorageReplicas(CreateSchemeBoardReplica, sbrInfo.Get(), appData->SystemPoolId, *setup);
setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::pair<TActorId, TActorSetupCmd>(MakeStateStorageProxyID(ssid),
TActorSetupCmd(CreateStateStorageProxy(ssrInfo.Get(), ssbInfo.Get(), sbrInfo.Get()),
@@ -876,11 +876,11 @@ void TStateStorageServiceInitializer::InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSe
- setup->LocalServices.emplace_back(
+ setup->LocalServices.emplace_back(
- TActorSetupCmd(CreateTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher(), TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->SystemPoolId)
- );
+ TActorSetupCmd(CreateTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher(), TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->SystemPoolId)
+ );
// TLocalServiceInitializer
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ void TLocalServiceInitializer::InitializeServices(
- setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTenantPoolRootID(),
+ setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTenantPoolRootID(),
TActorSetupCmd(CreateTenantPool(tenantPoolConfig), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, 0)));
@@ -956,45 +956,45 @@ void TLocalServiceInitializer::InitializeServices(
-// TSharedCacheInitializer
-TSharedCacheInitializer::TSharedCacheInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig)
- : IKikimrServicesInitializer(runConfig)
-void TSharedCacheInitializer::InitializeServices(
- NActors::TActorSystemSetup* setup,
- const NKikimr::TAppData* appData) {
+// TSharedCacheInitializer
+TSharedCacheInitializer::TSharedCacheInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig)
+ : IKikimrServicesInitializer(runConfig)
+void TSharedCacheInitializer::InitializeServices(
+ NActors::TActorSystemSetup* setup,
+ const NKikimr::TAppData* appData) {
auto config = MakeIntrusive<TSharedPageCacheConfig>();
NKikimrSharedCache::TSharedCacheConfig cfg;
- if (Config.HasBootstrapConfig() && Config.GetBootstrapConfig().HasSharedCacheConfig()) {
+ if (Config.HasBootstrapConfig() && Config.GetBootstrapConfig().HasSharedCacheConfig()) {
- }
+ }
if (Config.HasSharedCacheConfig()) {
config->TotalAsyncQueueInFlyLimit = cfg.GetAsyncQueueInFlyLimit();
config->TotalScanQueueInFlyLimit = cfg.GetScanQueueInFlyLimit();
TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> tabletGroup = GetServiceCounters(appData->Counters, "tablets");
- TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> sausageGroup = tabletGroup->GetSubgroup("type", "S_CACHE");
+ TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> sausageGroup = tabletGroup->GetSubgroup("type", "S_CACHE");
config->CacheConfig = new TCacheCacheConfig(cfg.GetMemoryLimit(),
- sausageGroup->GetCounter("fresh"),
- sausageGroup->GetCounter("staging"),
- sausageGroup->GetCounter("warm"));
+ sausageGroup->GetCounter("fresh"),
+ sausageGroup->GetCounter("staging"),
+ sausageGroup->GetCounter("warm"));
config->Counters = new TSharedPageCacheCounters(sausageGroup);
setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::pair<TActorId, TActorSetupCmd>(MakeSharedPageCacheId(0),
TActorSetupCmd(CreateSharedPageCache(config.Get()), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, appData->UserPoolId)));
auto *configurator = NConsole::CreateSharedCacheConfigurator();
TActorSetupCmd(configurator, TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->UserPoolId));
// TBlobCacheInitializer
TBlobCacheInitializer::TBlobCacheInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig)
@@ -1214,14 +1214,14 @@ TTabletCountersAggregatorInitializer::TTabletCountersAggregatorInitializer(const
void TTabletCountersAggregatorInitializer::InitializeServices(
NActors::TActorSystemSetup* setup,
const NKikimr::TAppData* appData) {
- {
- TActorSetupCmd tabletCountersAggregatorSetup(CreateTabletCountersAggregator(false), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, appData->UserPoolId);
+ {
+ TActorSetupCmd tabletCountersAggregatorSetup(CreateTabletCountersAggregator(false), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, appData->UserPoolId);
setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::pair<TActorId, TActorSetupCmd>(MakeTabletCountersAggregatorID(NodeId, false), tabletCountersAggregatorSetup));
- }
- {
- TActorSetupCmd tabletCountersAggregatorSetup(CreateTabletCountersAggregator(true), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, appData->UserPoolId);
+ }
+ {
+ TActorSetupCmd tabletCountersAggregatorSetup(CreateTabletCountersAggregator(true), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, appData->UserPoolId);
setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::pair<TActorId, TActorSetupCmd>(MakeTabletCountersAggregatorID(NodeId, true), tabletCountersAggregatorSetup));
- }
+ }
@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ static TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> CreateTablet(
if (tabletInfo->TabletType == TTabletTypes::TYPE_INVALID) {
tabletInfo->TabletType = tabletType;
return tabletSetup;
@@ -1291,37 +1291,37 @@ void TBootstrapperInitializer::InitializeServices(
const NKikimr::TAppData* appData) {
if (Config.HasBootstrapConfig()) {
for (const auto &boot : Config.GetBootstrapConfig().GetTablet()) {
- if (boot.GetAllowDynamicConfiguration()) {
+ if (boot.GetAllowDynamicConfiguration()) {
setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::pair<TActorId, TActorSetupCmd>(
- TActorSetupCmd(CreateConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(boot), TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->SystemPoolId)));
- } else {
- const bool standby = boot.HasStandBy() && boot.GetStandBy();
- for (const ui32 bootstrapperNode : boot.GetNode()) {
- if (bootstrapperNode == NodeId) {
+ TActorSetupCmd(CreateConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(boot), TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->SystemPoolId)));
+ } else {
+ const bool standby = boot.HasStandBy() && boot.GetStandBy();
+ for (const ui32 bootstrapperNode : boot.GetNode()) {
+ if (bootstrapperNode == NodeId) {
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info(TabletStorageInfoFromProto(boot.GetInfo()));
- auto tabletType = BootstrapperTypeToTabletType(boot.GetType());
+ auto tabletType = BootstrapperTypeToTabletType(boot.GetType());
- auto tabletSetupInfo = CreateTablet(
+ auto tabletSetupInfo = CreateTablet(
- TIntrusivePtr<TBootstrapperInfo> bi = new TBootstrapperInfo(tabletSetupInfo.Get());
+ TIntrusivePtr<TBootstrapperInfo> bi = new TBootstrapperInfo(tabletSetupInfo.Get());
- if (boot.NodeSize() != 1) {
- bi->OtherNodes.reserve(boot.NodeSize() - 1);
- for (ui32 x : boot.GetNode())
- if (x != NodeId)
- bi->OtherNodes.push_back(x);
- if (boot.HasWatchThreshold())
- bi->WatchThreshold = TDuration::MilliSeconds(boot.GetWatchThreshold());
+ if (boot.NodeSize() != 1) {
+ bi->OtherNodes.reserve(boot.NodeSize() - 1);
+ for (ui32 x : boot.GetNode())
+ if (x != NodeId)
+ bi->OtherNodes.push_back(x);
+ if (boot.HasWatchThreshold())
+ bi->WatchThreshold = TDuration::MilliSeconds(boot.GetWatchThreshold());
if (boot.HasStartFollowers())
bi->StartFollowers = boot.GetStartFollowers();
- }
+ }
setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::pair<TActorId, TActorSetupCmd>(MakeBootstrapperID(info->TabletID, bootstrapperNode), TActorSetupCmd(CreateBootstrapper(info.Get(), bi.Get(), standby), TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->SystemPoolId)));
@@ -1520,24 +1520,24 @@ void TGRpcServicesInitializer::InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup* se
TActorSetupCmd(proxy, TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, appData->UserPoolId));
- if (Config.HasGRpcConfig() && Config.GetGRpcConfig().GetStartGRpcProxy()) {
- // logical copy from TKikimrRunner::InitializeGrpc
- const auto &config = Config.GetGRpcConfig();
+ if (Config.HasGRpcConfig() && Config.GetGRpcConfig().GetStartGRpcProxy()) {
+ // logical copy from TKikimrRunner::InitializeGrpc
+ const auto &config = Config.GetGRpcConfig();
if (appData->Mon) {
TActorSetupCmd(NGRpcService::CreateGrpcMonService(), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, appData->UserPoolId)
- TVector<TString> rootDomains;
- for (auto &domain : appData->DomainsInfo->Domains)
- rootDomains.emplace_back("/" + domain.second->Name);
- const bool ignoreServeRootDomain = ScopeId.IsTenantScope();
- const bool serveRootDomain = !ignoreServeRootDomain && config.GetServeRootDomains();
+ TVector<TString> rootDomains;
+ for (auto &domain : appData->DomainsInfo->Domains)
+ rootDomains.emplace_back("/" + domain.second->Name);
+ const bool ignoreServeRootDomain = ScopeId.IsTenantScope();
+ const bool serveRootDomain = !ignoreServeRootDomain && config.GetServeRootDomains();
auto stringsFromProto = [](TVector<TString>& vec, const auto& proto) {
if (!proto.empty()) {
@@ -1548,78 +1548,78 @@ void TGRpcServicesInitializer::InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup* se
TVector<TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription>> endpoints;
- const TString &address = config.GetHost() && config.GetHost() != "[::]" ? config.GetHost() : FQDNHostName();
- if (const ui32 port = config.GetPort()) {
- TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription> desc = new NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription();
+ const TString &address = config.GetHost() && config.GetHost() != "[::]" ? config.GetHost() : FQDNHostName();
+ if (const ui32 port = config.GetPort()) {
+ TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription> desc = new NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription();
desc->Address = config.GetPublicHost() ? config.GetPublicHost() : address;
desc->Port = config.GetPublicPort() ? config.GetPublicPort() : port;
- desc->Ssl = false;
+ desc->Ssl = false;
stringsFromProto(desc->AddressesV4, config.GetPublicAddressesV4());
stringsFromProto(desc->AddressesV6, config.GetPublicAddressesV6());
- if (serveRootDomain)
- desc->ServedDatabases.insert(desc->ServedDatabases.end(), rootDomains.begin(), rootDomains.end());
- desc->ServedServices.insert(desc->ServedServices.end(), config.GetServices().begin(), config.GetServices().end());
+ if (serveRootDomain)
+ desc->ServedDatabases.insert(desc->ServedDatabases.end(), rootDomains.begin(), rootDomains.end());
+ desc->ServedServices.insert(desc->ServedServices.end(), config.GetServices().begin(), config.GetServices().end());
- }
- if (const ui32 sslPort = config.GetSslPort()) {
- TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription> desc = new NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription();
+ }
+ if (const ui32 sslPort = config.GetSslPort()) {
+ TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription> desc = new NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription();
desc->Address = config.GetPublicHost() ? config.GetPublicHost() : address;
desc->Port = config.GetPublicSslPort() ? config.GetPublicSslPort() : sslPort;
- desc->Ssl = true;
+ desc->Ssl = true;
stringsFromProto(desc->AddressesV4, config.GetPublicAddressesV4());
stringsFromProto(desc->AddressesV6, config.GetPublicAddressesV6());
desc->TargetNameOverride = config.GetPublicTargetNameOverride();
- if (serveRootDomain)
- desc->ServedDatabases.insert(desc->ServedDatabases.end(), rootDomains.begin(), rootDomains.end());
- desc->ServedServices.insert(desc->ServedServices.end(), config.GetServices().begin(), config.GetServices().end());
+ if (serveRootDomain)
+ desc->ServedDatabases.insert(desc->ServedDatabases.end(), rootDomains.begin(), rootDomains.end());
+ desc->ServedServices.insert(desc->ServedServices.end(), config.GetServices().begin(), config.GetServices().end());
- }
- for (auto &sx : config.GetExtEndpoints()) {
- const TString &localAddress = sx.GetHost() ? (sx.GetHost() != "[::]" ? sx.GetHost() : FQDNHostName()) : address;
- if (const ui32 port = sx.GetPort()) {
- TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription> desc = new NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription();
+ }
+ for (auto &sx : config.GetExtEndpoints()) {
+ const TString &localAddress = sx.GetHost() ? (sx.GetHost() != "[::]" ? sx.GetHost() : FQDNHostName()) : address;
+ if (const ui32 port = sx.GetPort()) {
+ TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription> desc = new NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription();
desc->Address = sx.GetPublicHost() ? sx.GetPublicHost() : localAddress;
desc->Port = sx.GetPublicPort() ? sx.GetPublicPort() : port;
- desc->Ssl = false;
+ desc->Ssl = false;
stringsFromProto(desc->AddressesV4, sx.GetPublicAddressesV4());
stringsFromProto(desc->AddressesV6, sx.GetPublicAddressesV6());
- if (serveRootDomain)
- desc->ServedDatabases.insert(desc->ServedDatabases.end(), rootDomains.begin(), rootDomains.end());
- desc->ServedServices.insert(desc->ServedServices.end(), sx.GetServices().begin(), sx.GetServices().end());
+ if (serveRootDomain)
+ desc->ServedDatabases.insert(desc->ServedDatabases.end(), rootDomains.begin(), rootDomains.end());
+ desc->ServedServices.insert(desc->ServedServices.end(), sx.GetServices().begin(), sx.GetServices().end());
- }
- if (const ui32 sslPort = sx.GetSslPort()) {
- TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription> desc = new NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription();
+ }
+ if (const ui32 sslPort = sx.GetSslPort()) {
+ TIntrusivePtr<NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription> desc = new NGRpcService::TGrpcEndpointDescription();
desc->Address = sx.GetPublicHost() ? sx.GetPublicHost() : localAddress;
desc->Port = sx.GetPublicSslPort() ? sx.GetPublicSslPort() : sslPort;
- desc->Ssl = true;
+ desc->Ssl = true;
stringsFromProto(desc->AddressesV4, sx.GetPublicAddressesV4());
stringsFromProto(desc->AddressesV6, sx.GetPublicAddressesV6());
desc->TargetNameOverride = sx.GetPublicTargetNameOverride();
- if (serveRootDomain)
- desc->ServedDatabases.insert(desc->ServedDatabases.end(), rootDomains.begin(), rootDomains.end());
- desc->ServedServices.insert(desc->ServedServices.end(), sx.GetServices().begin(), sx.GetServices().end());
+ if (serveRootDomain)
+ desc->ServedDatabases.insert(desc->ServedDatabases.end(), rootDomains.begin(), rootDomains.end());
+ desc->ServedServices.insert(desc->ServedServices.end(), sx.GetServices().begin(), sx.GetServices().end());
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
TActorSetupCmd(CreateGrpcPublisherServiceActor(std::move(endpoints)), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, appData->UserPoolId)
- }
+ }
@@ -1915,18 +1915,18 @@ void TMemoryTrackerInitializer::InitializeServices(
-TQuoterServiceInitializer::TQuoterServiceInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig)
- : IKikimrServicesInitializer(runConfig)
-void TQuoterServiceInitializer::InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup* setup, const NKikimr::TAppData* appData) {
- Y_UNUSED(appData);
- setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::make_pair(
- MakeQuoterServiceID(),
- TActorSetupCmd(CreateQuoterService(), TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->SystemPoolId))
- );
+TQuoterServiceInitializer::TQuoterServiceInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig)
+ : IKikimrServicesInitializer(runConfig)
+void TQuoterServiceInitializer::InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup* setup, const NKikimr::TAppData* appData) {
+ Y_UNUSED(appData);
+ setup->LocalServices.push_back(std::make_pair(
+ MakeQuoterServiceID(),
+ TActorSetupCmd(CreateQuoterService(), TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->SystemPoolId))
+ );
const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig,
std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories> factories)
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/kikimr_services_initializers.h b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/kikimr_services_initializers.h
index 47d4691032..407ce1bb7b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/kikimr_services_initializers.h
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/kikimr_services_initializers.h
@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ public:
void InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup *setup, const NKikimr::TAppData *appData) override;
-class TSharedCacheInitializer : public IKikimrServicesInitializer {
+class TSharedCacheInitializer : public IKikimrServicesInitializer {
TSharedCacheInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig);
void InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup *setup, const NKikimr::TAppData *appData) override;
class TBlobCacheInitializer : public IKikimrServicesInitializer {
TBlobCacheInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig);
@@ -371,13 +371,13 @@ public:
void InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup* setup, const NKikimr::TAppData* appData) override;
-class TQuoterServiceInitializer : public IKikimrServicesInitializer {
- TQuoterServiceInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig);
+class TQuoterServiceInitializer : public IKikimrServicesInitializer {
+ TQuoterServiceInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig);
+ void InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup* setup, const NKikimr::TAppData* appData) override;
- void InitializeServices(NActors::TActorSystemSetup* setup, const NKikimr::TAppData* appData) override;
class TKqpServiceInitializer : public IKikimrServicesInitializer {
TKqpServiceInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig, std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories> factories);
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/main.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/main.cpp
index 66497a9a0e..f0a9315685 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/main.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/main.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#include "main.h"
#include "driver.h"
// add support for base utils
#include <ydb/core/driver_lib/base_utils/format_info.h>
#include <ydb/core/driver_lib/base_utils/format_util.h>
#include <ydb/core/driver_lib/base_utils/node_by_host.h>
// add support for CLI utils
#include <ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/cli.h>
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#include <sys/mman.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
int MainRun(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig, std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories> factories) {
#ifdef _win32_
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ int MainRun(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig, std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories>
using namespace NLastGetopt;
using TDriverModeParser = TCliCommands<EDriverMode>;
NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig appConfig;
TCommandConfig cmdConf;
TKikimrRunConfig runConfig(appConfig);
TRunCommandConfigParser configParser(runConfig);
TOpts opts = TOpts::Default();
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ int MainRun(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig, std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories>
switch (mode) {
- case EDM_RUN:
+ case EDM_RUN:
configParser.ParseRunOpts(argc, argv);
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ int MainRun(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig, std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories>
case EDM_CMS:
return NDriverClient::NewClient(argc + freeArgsPos, argv - freeArgsPos, factories);
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ int MainRun(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig, std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories>
return MainFormatUtil(cmdConf, argc, argv);
return MainNodeByHost(cmdConf, argc, argv);
- return NDriverClient::SchemeInitRoot(cmdConf, argc, argv);
+ return NDriverClient::SchemeInitRoot(cmdConf, argc, argv);
return NDriverClient::CompileAndExecMiniKQL(cmdConf, argc, argv);
@@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ int MainRun(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig, std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories>
return NDriverClient::PersQueueDiscoverClustersRequest(cmdConf, argc, argv);
return NDriverClient::LoadRequest(cmdConf, argc, argv);
- return NDriverClient::ActorsysPerfTest(cmdConf, argc, argv);
- default:
+ return NDriverClient::ActorsysPerfTest(cmdConf, argc, argv);
+ default:
Y_FAIL("Not Happens");
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
} // NKikimr
namespace {
std::terminate_handler defaultTerminateHandler;
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ void SetupTerminateHandler() {
int ParameterizedMain(int argc, char **argv, std::shared_ptr<NKikimr::TModuleFactories> factories) {
- try {
+ try {
return NKikimr::Main(argc, argv, std::move(factories));
catch (const NYdb::NConsoleClient::TMissUseException& e) {
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ int ParameterizedMain(int argc, char **argv, std::shared_ptr<NKikimr::TModuleFac
return 1;
catch (const yexception& e) {
- Cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << Endl;
- return 1;
- }
+ Cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << Endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/run.cpp b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/run.cpp
index 74cd67ca5e..a4f74aa4e0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/run.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/run.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#include "run.h"
-#include "dummy.h"
+#include "run.h"
+#include "dummy.h"
#include "service_initializer.h"
#include "kikimr_services_initializers.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/events.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h>
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
#include <ydb/core/mon_alloc/profiler.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/affinity.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/counters.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tabletid.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/statestorage_impl.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/mind/local.h>
#include <ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/hive.h>
@@ -55,16 +55,16 @@
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_list_renderer.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_monitoring_proxy.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/tx.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.h>
#include <ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/bsc.h>
#include <ydb/core/blobstorage/other/mon_get_blob_page.h>
#include <ydb/core/blobstorage/other/mon_blob_range_page.h>
#include <ydb/core/blobstorage/other/mon_vdisk_stream.h>
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
#include <library/cpp/sighandler/async_signals_handler.h>
#include <library/cpp/svnversion/svnversion.h>
#include <library/cpp/malloc/api/malloc.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/sig.h>
#include <ydb/core/node_whiteboard/node_whiteboard.h>
@@ -125,17 +125,17 @@
#include <ydb/core/tracing/tablet_info.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
class TDomainsInitializer : public IAppDataInitializer {
const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig& Config;
TDomainsInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig)
: Config(runConfig.AppConfig)
virtual void Initialize(NKikimr::TAppData* appData) override
// setup domain info
@@ -150,18 +150,18 @@ public:
Y_VERIFY(!poolTypes.contains(type.GetKind()), "duplicated slot type");
poolTypes[type.GetKind()] = type.GetPoolConfig();
bool isExplicitTabletIds = domain.ExplicitCoordinatorsSize() + domain.ExplicitMediatorsSize() + domain.ExplicitAllocatorsSize();
- const ui32 defaultSSId = domainId;
- const ui32 schemeBoardSSId = (domain.HasSchemeBoardSSId() && domain.GetSchemeBoardSSId()) ? domain.GetSchemeBoardSSId() : defaultSSId;
- Y_VERIFY(Find(domain.GetSSId(), defaultSSId) != domain.GetSSId().end());
- Y_VERIFY(Find(domain.GetSSId(), schemeBoardSSId) != domain.GetSSId().end());
+ const ui32 defaultSSId = domainId;
+ const ui32 schemeBoardSSId = (domain.HasSchemeBoardSSId() && domain.GetSchemeBoardSSId()) ? domain.GetSchemeBoardSSId() : defaultSSId;
+ Y_VERIFY(Find(domain.GetSSId(), defaultSSId) != domain.GetSSId().end());
+ Y_VERIFY(Find(domain.GetSSId(), schemeBoardSSId) != domain.GetSSId().end());
TDomainsInfo::TDomain::TPtr domainPtr = nullptr;
if (isExplicitTabletIds) {
domainPtr = TDomainsInfo::TDomain::ConstructDomainWithExplicitTabletIds(domainName, domainId, schemeRoot,
- defaultSSId, schemeBoardSSId, domain.GetSSId(),
+ defaultSSId, schemeBoardSSId, domain.GetSSId(),
domainId, domain.GetHiveUid(),
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public:
} else {
domainPtr = TDomainsInfo::TDomain::ConstructDomain(domainName, domainId, schemeRoot,
- defaultSSId, schemeBoardSSId, domain.GetSSId(),
+ defaultSSId, schemeBoardSSId, domain.GetSSId(),
domainId, domain.GetHiveUid(),
domain.GetCoordinator(), domain.GetMediator(),
@@ -207,18 +207,18 @@ public:
appData->CompactionConfig = Config.GetCompactionConfig();
class TChannelProfilesInitializer : public IAppDataInitializer {
const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig& Config;
TChannelProfilesInitializer(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig)
: Config(runConfig.AppConfig)
virtual void Initialize(NKikimr::TAppData* appData) override
if (!Config.HasChannelProfileConfig()) {
@@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ public:
outProfile.Channels.push_back(TChannelProfiles::TProfile::TChannel(erasure, pDiskCategory, vDiskCategory, kind));
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
@@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ public:
appData->ProxySchemeCacheNodes = Config.GetBootstrapConfig().GetProxySchemeCacheNodes();
if (Config.GetBootstrapConfig().HasProxySchemeCacheDistNodes())
appData->ProxySchemeCacheDistrNodes = Config.GetBootstrapConfig().GetProxySchemeCacheDistNodes();
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
class TDynamicNameserviceInitializer : public IAppDataInitializer {
const NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig& Config;
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ TKikimrRunner::~TKikimrRunner() {
void TKikimrRunner::InitializeMonitoring(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig, bool includeHostName)
@@ -461,9 +461,9 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeMessageBus(
BusMonPage.Reset(new NMonitoring::TBusNgMonPage());
- }
+ }
static TString ReadFile(const TString& fileName) {
TFileInput f(fileName);
return f.ReadAll();
@@ -489,17 +489,17 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
std::unordered_map<TString, bool*> names;
- bool hasLegacy = opts.SslData.Empty() && services.empty();
+ bool hasLegacy = opts.SslData.Empty() && services.empty();
names["legacy"] = &hasLegacy;
- bool hasScripting = services.empty();
+ bool hasScripting = services.empty();
names["scripting"] = &hasScripting;
- bool hasCms = services.empty();
+ bool hasCms = services.empty();
names["cms"] = &hasCms;
- bool hasKesus = services.empty();
+ bool hasKesus = services.empty();
names["locking"] = names["kesus"] = &hasKesus;
bool hasMonitoring = services.empty();
names["monitoring"] = &hasMonitoring;
- bool hasDiscovery = services.empty();
+ bool hasDiscovery = services.empty();
names["discovery"] = &hasDiscovery;
bool hasTableService = services.empty();
names["table_service"] = &hasTableService;
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
names["yql"] = &hasYql;
bool hasYqlInternal = services.empty();
names["yql_internal"] = &hasYqlInternal;
- bool hasPQ = services.empty();
+ bool hasPQ = services.empty();
names["pq"] = &hasPQ;
bool hasPQv1 = false;
names["pqv1"] = &hasPQv1;
@@ -543,11 +543,11 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
std::unordered_set<TString> enabled;
for (const auto& name : services) {
- }
+ }
for (const auto& name : grpcConfig.GetServicesEnabled()) {
std::unordered_set<TString> disabled;
for (const auto& name : grpcConfig.GetServicesDisabled()) {
@@ -601,30 +601,30 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
- const auto grpcRequestProxyId = NGRpcService::CreateGRpcRequestProxyId();
- if (hasLegacy) {
- // start legacy service
- auto grpcService = new NGRpcProxy::TGRpcService();
+ const auto grpcRequestProxyId = NGRpcService::CreateGRpcRequestProxyId();
+ if (hasLegacy) {
+ // start legacy service
+ auto grpcService = new NGRpcProxy::TGRpcService();
auto future = grpcService->Prepare(ActorSystem.Get(), NMsgBusProxy::CreatePersQueueMetaCacheV2Id(), NMsgBusProxy::CreateMsgBusProxyId(), Counters);
- auto startCb = [grpcService](NThreading::TFuture<void> result) {
- if (result.HasException()) {
- try {
- result.GetValue();
- }
- catch (const std::exception& ex) {
- Y_FAIL("Unable to prepare GRpc service: %s", ex.what());
- }
- }
- else {
- grpcService->Start();
- }
- };
- future.Subscribe(startCb);
- server.AddService(grpcService);
- }
+ auto startCb = [grpcService](NThreading::TFuture<void> result) {
+ if (result.HasException()) {
+ try {
+ result.GetValue();
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ Y_FAIL("Unable to prepare GRpc service: %s", ex.what());
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ grpcService->Start();
+ }
+ };
+ future.Subscribe(startCb);
+ server.AddService(grpcService);
+ }
if (hasTableService) {
server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcYdbTableService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
@@ -642,13 +642,13 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
if (hasS3Internal) {
server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcYdbS3InternalService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters,
- }
- if (hasScripting) {
- server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcYdbScriptingService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters,
- grpcRequestProxyId));
- }
+ }
+ if (hasScripting) {
+ server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcYdbScriptingService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters,
+ grpcRequestProxyId));
+ }
if (hasLongTx) {
server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcYdbLongTxService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
@@ -667,12 +667,12 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
if (hasImport) {
server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcYdbImportService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
- }
- if (hasKesus) {
- server.AddService(new NKesus::TKesusGRpcService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
- }
+ }
+ if (hasKesus) {
+ server.AddService(new NKesus::TKesusGRpcService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
+ }
if (hasPQv1) {
server.AddService(new NGRpcService::V1::TGRpcPersQueueService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, NMsgBusProxy::CreatePersQueueMetaCacheV2Id(), grpcRequestProxyId));
@@ -689,13 +689,13 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
- if (hasCms) {
- server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcCmsService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
- }
- if (hasDiscovery) {
- server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcDiscoveryService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
- }
+ if (hasCms) {
+ server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcCmsService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
+ }
+ if (hasDiscovery) {
+ server.AddService(new NGRpcService::TGRpcDiscoveryService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
+ }
if (hasRateLimiter) {
server.AddService(new NQuoter::TRateLimiterGRpcService(ActorSystem.Get(), Counters, grpcRequestProxyId));
@@ -727,8 +727,8 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
- };
+ };
if (appConfig.HasGRpcConfig() && appConfig.GetGRpcConfig().GetStartGRpcProxy()) {
const auto& grpcConfig = appConfig.GetGRpcConfig();
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
if (appConfig.HasDomainsConfig() &&
appConfig.GetDomainsConfig().HasSecurityConfig() &&
appConfig.GetDomainsConfig().GetSecurityConfig().HasEnforceUserTokenRequirement()) {
- opts.SetUseAuth(appConfig.GetDomainsConfig().GetSecurityConfig().GetEnforceUserTokenRequirement());
+ opts.SetUseAuth(appConfig.GetDomainsConfig().GetSecurityConfig().GetEnforceUserTokenRequirement());
if (grpcConfig.HasKeepAliveEnable()) {
@@ -757,8 +757,8 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
- }
- else {
+ }
+ else {
@@ -776,48 +776,48 @@ void TKikimrRunner::InitializeGRpc(const TKikimrRunConfig& runConfig) {
GRpcServers.push_back({ "grpcs", new NGrpc::TGRpcServer(sslOpts) });
fillFn(grpcConfig, *GRpcServers.back().second, sslOpts);
if (grpcConfig.GetPort()) {
GRpcServers.push_back({ "grpc", new NGrpc::TGRpcServer(opts) });
fillFn(grpcConfig, *GRpcServers.back().second, opts);
- for (auto &ex : grpcConfig.GetExtEndpoints()) {
- // todo: check uniq
- if (ex.GetPort()) {
+ for (auto &ex : grpcConfig.GetExtEndpoints()) {
+ // todo: check uniq
+ if (ex.GetPort()) {
NGrpc::TServerOptions xopts = opts;
- xopts.SetPort(ex.GetPort());
- if (ex.GetHost())
- xopts.SetHost(ex.GetHost());
+ xopts.SetPort(ex.GetPort());
+ if (ex.GetHost())
+ xopts.SetHost(ex.GetHost());
GRpcServers.push_back({ "grpc", new NGrpc::TGRpcServer(xopts) });
fillFn(ex, *GRpcServers.back().second, xopts);
- if (ex.HasSslPort() && ex.GetSslPort()) {
+ if (ex.HasSslPort() && ex.GetSslPort()) {
NGrpc::TServerOptions xopts = opts;
- xopts.SetPort(ex.GetSslPort());
+ xopts.SetPort(ex.GetSslPort());
NGrpc::TSslData sslData;
- sslData.Root = ex.HasCA() ? ReadFile(ex.GetCA()) : ReadFile(grpcConfig.GetCA());
- sslData.Cert = ex.HasCert() ? ReadFile(ex.GetCert()) : ReadFile(grpcConfig.GetCert());
- sslData.Key = ex.HasKey() ? ReadFile(ex.GetKey()) : ReadFile(grpcConfig.GetKey());
- xopts.SetSslData(sslData);
- Y_VERIFY(xopts.SslData->Root, "CA not set");
- Y_VERIFY(xopts.SslData->Cert, "Cert not set");
- Y_VERIFY(xopts.SslData->Key, "Key not set");
+ sslData.Root = ex.HasCA() ? ReadFile(ex.GetCA()) : ReadFile(grpcConfig.GetCA());
+ sslData.Cert = ex.HasCert() ? ReadFile(ex.GetCert()) : ReadFile(grpcConfig.GetCert());
+ sslData.Key = ex.HasKey() ? ReadFile(ex.GetKey()) : ReadFile(grpcConfig.GetKey());
+ xopts.SetSslData(sslData);
+ Y_VERIFY(xopts.SslData->Root, "CA not set");
+ Y_VERIFY(xopts.SslData->Cert, "Cert not set");
+ Y_VERIFY(xopts.SslData->Key, "Key not set");
GRpcServers.push_back({ "grpcs", new NGrpc::TGRpcServer(xopts) });
fillFn(ex, *GRpcServers.back().second, xopts);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
@@ -1162,9 +1162,9 @@ TIntrusivePtr<TServiceInitializersList> TKikimrRunner::CreateServiceInitializers
if (serviceMask.EnableLocalService) {
sil->AddServiceInitializer(new TLocalServiceInitializer(runConfig));
- if (serviceMask.EnableSharedCache) {
- sil->AddServiceInitializer(new TSharedCacheInitializer(runConfig));
- }
+ if (serviceMask.EnableSharedCache) {
+ sil->AddServiceInitializer(new TSharedCacheInitializer(runConfig));
+ }
if (serviceMask.EnableBlobCache) {
sil->AddServiceInitializer(new TBlobCacheInitializer(runConfig));
@@ -1295,10 +1295,10 @@ TIntrusivePtr<TServiceInitializersList> TKikimrRunner::CreateServiceInitializers
sil->AddServiceInitializer(new TLeaseHolderInitializer(runConfig));
sil->AddServiceInitializer(new TConfigValidatorsInitializer(runConfig));
- if (serviceMask.EnableQuoterService) {
- sil->AddServiceInitializer(new TQuoterServiceInitializer(runConfig));
- }
+ if (serviceMask.EnableQuoterService) {
+ sil->AddServiceInitializer(new TQuoterServiceInitializer(runConfig));
+ }
if (serviceMask.EnableSysViewService) {
sil->AddServiceInitializer(new TSysViewServiceInitializer(runConfig));
@@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ void TKikimrRunner::KikimrStart() {
void TKikimrRunner::KikimrStop(bool graceful) {
@@ -1476,14 +1476,14 @@ void TKikimrRunner::KikimrStop(bool graceful) {
if (YqSharedResources) {
- if (ActorSystem) {
- ActorSystem->Cleanup();
- }
+ if (ActorSystem) {
+ ActorSystem->Cleanup();
+ }
if (ModuleFactories) {
if (ModuleFactories->DataShardExportFactory) {
@@ -1493,18 +1493,18 @@ void TKikimrRunner::KikimrStop(bool graceful) {
void TKikimrRunner::BusyLoop() {
- auto shouldContinueState = KikimrShouldContinue.PollState();
- while (shouldContinueState == TProgramShouldContinue::Continue) {
+ auto shouldContinueState = KikimrShouldContinue.PollState();
+ while (shouldContinueState == TProgramShouldContinue::Continue) {
// TODO make this interval configurable
- Sleep(TDuration::MilliSeconds(10));
- shouldContinueState = KikimrShouldContinue.PollState();
- }
+ Sleep(TDuration::MilliSeconds(10));
+ shouldContinueState = KikimrShouldContinue.PollState();
+ }
-TProgramShouldContinue TKikimrRunner::KikimrShouldContinue;
+TProgramShouldContinue TKikimrRunner::KikimrShouldContinue;
void TKikimrRunner::OnTerminate(int) {
- KikimrShouldContinue.ShouldStop(0);
+ KikimrShouldContinue.ShouldStop(0);
diff --git a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/run.h b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/run.h
index 9973b8c3d3..dfd93a24e7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/run.h
+++ b/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/run.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "config.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "config.h"
#include "factories.h"
#include "service_initializer.h"
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
#include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/counters.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
class TKikimrRunner : public virtual TThrRefBase {
- static TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
+ static TProgramShouldContinue KikimrShouldContinue;
static void OnTerminate(int);
std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories> ModuleFactories;
@@ -116,5 +116,5 @@ public:
int MainRun(const TKikimrRunConfig &runConfig, std::shared_ptr<TModuleFactories> factories);
diff --git a/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_minikql_host.h b/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_minikql_host.h
index 071556758c..edfd182286 100644
--- a/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_minikql_host.h
+++ b/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_minikql_host.h
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "flat_local_tx_factory.h"
-#include "minikql_engine_host.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include "minikql_engine_host.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NMiniKQL {
-class TLocalMiniKQLHost : public TEngineHost {
+class TLocalMiniKQLHost : public TEngineHost {
NTable::TDatabase &db,
TEngineHostCounters& counters,
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public:
, Factory(factory)
bool IsMyKey(const TTableId& tableId, const TArrayRef<const TCell>& row) const override
@@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ private:
const TMiniKQLFactory* const Factory;
diff --git a/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_factory.h b/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_factory.h
index dbf638d8a9..200d21b369 100644
--- a/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_factory.h
+++ b/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_factory.h
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
namespace NMiniKQL {
struct TMiniKQLFactory : NTabletFlatExecutor::IMiniKQLFactory {
- using ITransaction = NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
+ using ITransaction = NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
TAutoPtr<ITransaction> Make(TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL::TPtr&) override;
TAutoPtr<ITransaction> Make(TEvTablet::TEvLocalSchemeTx::TPtr&) override;
diff --git a/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_minikql.h b/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_minikql.h
index 914f607288..0feabf20e6 100644
--- a/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_minikql.h
+++ b/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_minikql.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "flat_local_tx_factory.h"
-#include "flat_local_minikql_host.h"
+#include "flat_local_minikql_host.h"
#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_exception.h>
#include <ydb/core/engine/mkql_engine_flat.h>
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
#include <ydb/library/yql/minikql/mkql_node_serialization.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_message.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NMiniKQL {
class TLocalDbSchemeResolver : public NYql::IDbSchemeResolver {
TLocalDbSchemeResolver(const NTable::TScheme& scheme, ui64 tabletId)
@@ -70,81 +70,81 @@ private:
const ui64 TabletId;
-class TFlatLocalMiniKQL : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
+class TFlatLocalMiniKQL : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
ui64 TabletId = Max<ui64>();
const TActorId Sender;
- const TLocalMiniKQLProgram SourceProgram;
+ const TLocalMiniKQLProgram SourceProgram;
const TMiniKQLFactory* const Factory;
TString SerializedMiniKQLProgram;
TString SerializedMiniKQLParams;
- TAutoPtr<NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult> ProgramCompileResult;
+ TAutoPtr<NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult> ProgramCompileResult;
IEngineFlat::EResult EngineResultStatusCode;
IEngineFlat::EStatus EngineResponseStatus;
- TAutoPtr<NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult> EngineEvaluatedResponse;
+ TAutoPtr<NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult> EngineEvaluatedResponse;
ui64 PageFaultCount = 0;
bool ParseProgram(TStringBuf program, NYql::TIssues &errors, NYql::TExprContainer &expr) {
- NYql::TAstParseResult astResult = NYql::ParseAst(program);
- if (!astResult.Root) {
+ NYql::TAstParseResult astResult = NYql::ParseAst(program);
+ if (!astResult.Root) {
errors = astResult.Issues;
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
if (!NYql::CompileExpr(*astResult.Root, expr.Root, expr.Context, nullptr)) {
errors = expr.Context.IssueManager.GetIssues();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
bool PrepareParams(TTransactionContext &txc, const TAppData *appData) {
- if (SourceProgram.Params.Binary) {
- SerializedMiniKQLParams = SourceProgram.Program.Binary;
- return true;
- }
+ if (SourceProgram.Params.Binary) {
+ SerializedMiniKQLParams = SourceProgram.Program.Binary;
+ return true;
+ }
if (SourceProgram.Params.Text) {
ProgramCompileResult = new NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult();
NYql::TExprContainer::TPtr expr = new NYql::TExprContainer();
NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult parseResult;
if (!ParseProgram(SourceProgram.Params.Text, parseResult.Errors, *expr)) {
return false;
TAlignedPagePoolCounters counters(appData->Counters, "local_tx");
TScopedAlloc alloc(counters, appData->FunctionRegistry->SupportsSizedAllocators());
TTypeEnvironment typeEnv(alloc);
auto future = ConvertToMiniKQL(expr, appData->FunctionRegistry, &typeEnv, nullptr);
NYql::TConvertResult compileResult = future.GetValue();
if (!compileResult.Errors.Empty()) {
return false;
- }
+ }
return true;
- }
+ }
bool PrepareProgram(TTransactionContext &txc, const TAppData *appData) {
- // simple case - everything prepared for us and no params
- if (SourceProgram.Program.Binary) {
- SerializedMiniKQLProgram = SourceProgram.Program.Binary;
- return true;
- }
- // so we must prepare program
- ProgramCompileResult = new NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult();
+ // simple case - everything prepared for us and no params
+ if (SourceProgram.Program.Binary) {
+ SerializedMiniKQLProgram = SourceProgram.Program.Binary;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // so we must prepare program
+ ProgramCompileResult = new NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult();
NYql::TExprContainer::TPtr expr = new NYql::TExprContainer();
NYql::TMiniKQLCompileResult parseResult;
if (!ParseProgram(SourceProgram.Program.Text, parseResult.Errors, *expr)) {
@@ -168,81 +168,81 @@ class TFlatLocalMiniKQL : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
ProgramCompileResult->CompiledProgram = SerializeRuntimeNode(compileResult.Node, typeEnv);
SerializedMiniKQLProgram = ProgramCompileResult->CompiledProgram;
return true;
- }
- void ClearResponse() {
+ }
+ void ClearResponse() {
EngineResultStatusCode = IEngineFlat::EResult::Unknown;
EngineResponseStatus = IEngineFlat::EStatus::Unknown;
- EngineEvaluatedResponse.Destroy();
- }
- bool MakeCompileResponse(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TAutoPtr<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse> response = new TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse();
- auto &record = response->Record;
+ EngineEvaluatedResponse.Destroy();
+ }
+ bool MakeCompileResponse(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TAutoPtr<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse> response = new TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse();
+ auto &record = response->Record;
- if (ProgramCompileResult) {
- auto *compileResults = record.MutableCompileResults();
- if (ProgramCompileResult->Errors.Empty()) {
- record.SetStatus(NKikimrProto::OK);
- compileResults->SetCompiledProgram(ProgramCompileResult->CompiledProgram);
- } else {
+ if (ProgramCompileResult) {
+ auto *compileResults = record.MutableCompileResults();
+ if (ProgramCompileResult->Errors.Empty()) {
+ record.SetStatus(NKikimrProto::OK);
+ compileResults->SetCompiledProgram(ProgramCompileResult->CompiledProgram);
+ } else {
NYql::IssuesToMessage(ProgramCompileResult->Errors, compileResults->MutableProgramCompileErrors());
- }
- } else {
- record.SetStatus(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
- }
- ctx.Send(Sender, response.Release());
- return true;
- }
+ }
+ } else {
+ record.SetStatus(NKikimrProto::ERROR);
+ }
+ ctx.Send(Sender, response.Release());
+ return true;
+ }
bool MakeResponse(IEngineFlat *engine, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TAutoPtr<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse> response = new TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse();
- auto &record = response->Record;
+ TAutoPtr<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse> response = new TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse();
+ auto &record = response->Record;
- record.SetStatus((EngineResultStatusCode == IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok && EngineResponseStatus != IEngineFlat::EStatus::Error) ? NKikimrProto::OK : NKikimrProto::ERROR);
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Unknown)
- record.SetEngineStatus(static_cast<ui32>(EngineResultStatusCode));
- if (EngineResponseStatus != IEngineFlat::EStatus::Unknown)
- record.SetEngineResponseStatus(static_cast<ui32>(EngineResponseStatus));
- if (EngineEvaluatedResponse)
- *record.MutableExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse() = *EngineEvaluatedResponse;
- if (engine && engine->GetErrors())
- record.SetMiniKQLErrors(engine->GetErrors());
- ctx.Send(Sender, response.Release());
- EngineResultStatusCode = IEngineFlat::EResult::Unknown;
- return true;
- }
- bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- ClearResponse();
+ record.SetStatus((EngineResultStatusCode == IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok && EngineResponseStatus != IEngineFlat::EStatus::Error) ? NKikimrProto::OK : NKikimrProto::ERROR);
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Unknown)
+ record.SetEngineStatus(static_cast<ui32>(EngineResultStatusCode));
+ if (EngineResponseStatus != IEngineFlat::EStatus::Unknown)
+ record.SetEngineResponseStatus(static_cast<ui32>(EngineResponseStatus));
+ if (EngineEvaluatedResponse)
+ *record.MutableExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse() = *EngineEvaluatedResponse;
+ if (engine && engine->GetErrors())
+ record.SetMiniKQLErrors(engine->GetErrors());
+ ctx.Send(Sender, response.Release());
+ EngineResultStatusCode = IEngineFlat::EResult::Unknown;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ ClearResponse();
TabletId = txc.Tablet;
- const TAppData *appData = AppData(ctx);
- const auto functionRegistry = appData->FunctionRegistry;
- if (!SerializedMiniKQLProgram) {
+ const TAppData *appData = AppData(ctx);
+ const auto functionRegistry = appData->FunctionRegistry;
+ if (!SerializedMiniKQLProgram) {
if (!PrepareProgram(txc, appData))
- return MakeCompileResponse(ctx);
- if (SourceProgram.CompileOnly)
- return MakeCompileResponse(ctx);
- }
- if (!SerializedMiniKQLParams) {
+ return MakeCompileResponse(ctx);
+ if (SourceProgram.CompileOnly)
+ return MakeCompileResponse(ctx);
+ }
+ if (!SerializedMiniKQLParams) {
if (!PrepareParams(txc, appData))
- return MakeResponse(nullptr, ctx);
- }
- try {
+ return MakeResponse(nullptr, ctx);
+ }
+ try {
TAlignedPagePoolCounters poolCounters(appData->Counters, "local_tx");
TEngineFlatSettings proxySettings(
@@ -251,42 +251,42 @@ class TFlatLocalMiniKQL : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
*TAppData::RandomProvider, *TAppData::TimeProvider,
nullptr, poolCounters
- proxySettings.EvaluateResultType = true;
- proxySettings.EvaluateResultValue = true;
+ proxySettings.EvaluateResultType = true;
+ proxySettings.EvaluateResultValue = true;
TAutoPtr<IEngineFlat> proxyEngine = CreateEngineFlat(proxySettings);
- EngineResultStatusCode = proxyEngine->SetProgram(SerializedMiniKQLProgram, SerializedMiniKQLParams);
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return MakeResponse(proxyEngine.Get(), ctx);
- for (auto &key : proxyEngine->GetDbKeys()) {
- key->Status = TKeyDesc::EStatus::Ok;
+ EngineResultStatusCode = proxyEngine->SetProgram(SerializedMiniKQLProgram, SerializedMiniKQLParams);
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return MakeResponse(proxyEngine.Get(), ctx);
+ for (auto &key : proxyEngine->GetDbKeys()) {
+ key->Status = TKeyDesc::EStatus::Ok;
- for (const auto &x : key->Columns) {
- key->ColumnInfos.push_back({x.Column, x.ExpectedType, 0, TKeyDesc::EStatus::Ok}); // type-check
- }
- }
+ for (const auto &x : key->Columns) {
+ key->ColumnInfos.push_back({x.Column, x.ExpectedType, 0, TKeyDesc::EStatus::Ok}); // type-check
+ }
+ }
EngineResultStatusCode = proxyEngine->PrepareShardPrograms(IEngineFlat::TShardLimits(1, 0));
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return MakeResponse(proxyEngine.Get(), ctx);
- const ui32 affectedShardCount = proxyEngine->GetAffectedShardCount();
- if (affectedShardCount == 0) {
- proxyEngine->AfterShardProgramsExtracted();
- } else {
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return MakeResponse(proxyEngine.Get(), ctx);
+ const ui32 affectedShardCount = proxyEngine->GetAffectedShardCount();
+ if (affectedShardCount == 0) {
+ proxyEngine->AfterShardProgramsExtracted();
+ } else {
Y_VERIFY(affectedShardCount == 1);
- IEngineFlat::TShardData shardData;
- EngineResultStatusCode = proxyEngine->GetAffectedShard(0, shardData);
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return MakeResponse(proxyEngine.Get(), ctx);
+ IEngineFlat::TShardData shardData;
+ EngineResultStatusCode = proxyEngine->GetAffectedShard(0, shardData);
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return MakeResponse(proxyEngine.Get(), ctx);
const TString shardProgram = shardData.Program;
- proxyEngine->AfterShardProgramsExtracted();
+ proxyEngine->AfterShardProgramsExtracted();
TEngineHostCounters hostCounters;
TLocalMiniKQLHost host(txc.DB, hostCounters, TEngineHostSettings(TabletId, false), Factory);
TEngineFlatSettings engineSettings(
@@ -296,74 +296,74 @@ class TFlatLocalMiniKQL : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
&host, poolCounters
TAutoPtr<IEngineFlat> engine = CreateEngineFlat(engineSettings);
- EngineResultStatusCode = engine->AddProgram(TabletId, shardProgram);
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
+ EngineResultStatusCode = engine->AddProgram(TabletId, shardProgram);
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
IEngineFlat::TValidationInfo validationInfo;
EngineResultStatusCode = engine->Validate(validationInfo);
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
EngineResultStatusCode = engine->PinPages(PageFaultCount);
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
- EngineResultStatusCode = engine->PrepareOutgoingReadsets();
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
+ EngineResultStatusCode = engine->PrepareOutgoingReadsets();
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
Y_VERIFY(engine->GetOutgoingReadsetsCount() == 0);
- engine->AfterOutgoingReadsetsExtracted();
- EngineResultStatusCode = engine->PrepareIncomingReadsets();
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
+ engine->AfterOutgoingReadsetsExtracted();
+ EngineResultStatusCode = engine->PrepareIncomingReadsets();
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
Y_VERIFY(engine->GetExpectedIncomingReadsetsCount() == 0);
- EngineResultStatusCode = engine->Execute();
- if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
+ EngineResultStatusCode = engine->Execute();
+ if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return MakeResponse(engine.Get(), ctx);
const TString shardEngineReply = engine->GetShardReply(TabletId);
proxyEngine->AddShardReply(TabletId, shardEngineReply);
- proxyEngine->FinalizeOriginReplies(TabletId);
- }
- proxyEngine->BuildResult();
- EngineResponseStatus = proxyEngine->GetStatus();
- if (EngineResponseStatus == IEngineFlat::EStatus::Complete || EngineResponseStatus == IEngineFlat::EStatus::Aborted) {
- EngineEvaluatedResponse = new NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult();
- proxyEngine->FillResultValue(*EngineEvaluatedResponse);
- } else
- return MakeResponse(proxyEngine.Get(), ctx);
- return true;
- } catch (const TNotReadyTabletException& ex) {
+ proxyEngine->FinalizeOriginReplies(TabletId);
+ }
+ proxyEngine->BuildResult();
+ EngineResponseStatus = proxyEngine->GetStatus();
+ if (EngineResponseStatus == IEngineFlat::EStatus::Complete || EngineResponseStatus == IEngineFlat::EStatus::Aborted) {
+ EngineEvaluatedResponse = new NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult();
+ proxyEngine->FillResultValue(*EngineEvaluatedResponse);
+ } else
+ return MakeResponse(proxyEngine.Get(), ctx);
+ return true;
+ } catch (const TNotReadyTabletException& ex) {
- return false;
- } catch (...) {
+ return false;
+ } catch (...) {
Y_FAIL("there must be no leaked exceptions");
- }
- }
- void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ }
+ }
+ void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
if (EngineResultStatusCode != IEngineFlat::EResult::Unknown)
- MakeResponse(nullptr, ctx);
- }
+ MakeResponse(nullptr, ctx);
+ }
TActorId sender,
const TLocalMiniKQLProgram &program,
const TMiniKQLFactory* factory)
: Sender(sender)
- , SourceProgram(program)
+ , SourceProgram(program)
, Factory(factory)
- {}
+ {}
diff --git a/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_scheme.h b/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_scheme.h
index 243a404522..c70476a0cd 100644
--- a/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_scheme.h
+++ b/ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_scheme.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NMiniKQL {
-class TFlatLocalSchemeTx : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
+class TFlatLocalSchemeTx : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
TFlatLocalSchemeTx(TActorId sender, TEvTablet::TEvLocalSchemeTx::TPtr &ev)
: Sender(sender)
diff --git a/ydb/core/engine/mkql_engine_flat.cpp b/ydb/core/engine/mkql_engine_flat.cpp
index 9211a17890..c7fe388eef 100644
--- a/ydb/core/engine/mkql_engine_flat.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/engine/mkql_engine_flat.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include <util/string/printf.h>
#include <util/string/vector.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NMiniKQL {
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/base/base.h b/ydb/core/grpc_services/base/base.h
index b7167962e4..44b25c4a5f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/base/base.h
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/base/base.h
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ struct TRpcServices {
- EvModifyPermissions,
- EvListEndpoints,
+ EvModifyPermissions,
+ EvListEndpoints,
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/defs.h b/ydb/core/grpc_services/defs.h
index d07ce14ce9..9925f73cc9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/defs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/defs.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./ydb/core/grpc_services/defs.h
#include <ydb/core/base/defs.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/events.h>
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_helper.h b/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_helper.h
index e5bf4f8cf8..9a2a673c7b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_helper.h
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_helper.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include "grpc_mon.h"
#include <ydb/core/control/immediate_control_board_impl.h>
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_request_proxy.cpp b/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_request_proxy.cpp
index 4786c54517..a1e7accb87 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_request_proxy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_request_proxy.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#include <ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/scheme_board.h>
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NGRpcService {
@@ -276,14 +276,14 @@ private:
for (auto& [database, queue] : DeferredEvents) {
for (TEventReqHolder& req : queue) {
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
for (const auto& [database, actor] : Subscribers) {
Send(actor, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- }
+ }
- }
+ }
std::unordered_map<TString, TDatabaseInfo> Databases;
std::unordered_map<TString, std::deque<TEventReqHolder>> DeferredEvents; // Events deferred to handle after getting database info
std::unordered_map<TString, TActorId> Subscribers;
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_request_proxy.h b/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_request_proxy.h
index 5344782177..97315f6e9f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_request_proxy.h
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_request_proxy.h
@@ -47,33 +47,33 @@ public:
- void Handle(TEvAlterTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvCreateTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvDropTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvCopyTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvAlterTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvCreateTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvDropTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvCopyTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvCopyTablesRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvRenameTablesRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvDescribeTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvGetOperationRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvDescribeTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvGetOperationRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvCancelOperationRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvForgetOperationRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvListOperationsRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvCreateSessionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvKeepAliveRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvDeleteSessionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvReadTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvExplainDataQueryRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvPrepareDataQueryRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvExecuteDataQueryRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvExecuteSchemeQueryRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvCreateTenantRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvAlterTenantRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvGetTenantStatusRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvListTenantsRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvRemoveTenantRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvBeginTransactionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvCommitTransactionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
- void Handle(TEvRollbackTransactionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvCreateSessionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvKeepAliveRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvDeleteSessionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvReadTableRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvExplainDataQueryRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvPrepareDataQueryRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvExecuteDataQueryRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvExecuteSchemeQueryRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvCreateTenantRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvAlterTenantRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvGetTenantStatusRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvListTenantsRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvRemoveTenantRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvBeginTransactionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvCommitTransactionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvRollbackTransactionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvListEndpointsRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvDescribeTenantOptionsRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvDescribeTableOptionsRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ protected:
void Handle(TEvDataStreamsSplitShardRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvDataStreamsStartStreamEncryptionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void Handle(TEvDataStreamsStopStreamEncryptionRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
TActorId DiscoveryCacheActorID;
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_calls.h b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_calls.h
index b2234ddd3f..43136c2f4a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_calls.h
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_calls.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include "local_rate_limiter.h"
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_create_session.cpp b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_create_session.cpp
index 748053a24f..2f6e9fae26 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_create_session.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_create_session.cpp
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ private:
Send(NKqp::MakeKqpProxyID(SelfId().NodeId()), ev.Release());
- void StateWork(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ void StateWork(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFunc(NKqp::TEvKqp::TEvCreateSessionResponse, Handle);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup, Handle);
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_deferrable.h b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_deferrable.h
index 3217b7cb1c..644e7b84c4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_deferrable.h
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_deferrable.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include "grpc_request_proxy.h"
#include "rpc_common.h"
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_discovery.cpp b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_discovery.cpp
index 9210f1191a..75550f92ac 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_discovery.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_discovery.cpp
@@ -1,234 +1,234 @@
-#include "grpc_request_proxy.h"
-#include "rpc_calls.h"
-#include "rpc_kqp_base.h"
+#include "grpc_request_proxy.h"
+#include "rpc_calls.h"
+#include "rpc_kqp_base.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/statestorage.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/path.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/location.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/scheme_cache.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_message.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/interconnect/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-#include <util/random/shuffle.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NGRpcService {
-using namespace NActors;
-using namespace Ydb;
-using namespace NKqp;
-namespace NDiscoveryPrivate {
- struct TEvPrivate {
- enum EEv {
- EvRequest = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- EvEnd
- };
- struct TEvRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvRequest, EvRequest> {
- const TString Database;
- const ui32 StateStorageId;
- TEvRequest(const TString &db, ui32 stateStorageId)
- : Database(db)
- , StateStorageId(stateStorageId)
- {}
- };
- };
- class TDiscoveryCache : public TActor<TDiscoveryCache> {
- THashMap<TString, THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo>> OldInfo;
- THashMap<TString, THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo>> NewInfo;
+#include <util/random/shuffle.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NGRpcService {
+using namespace NActors;
+using namespace Ydb;
+using namespace NKqp;
+namespace NDiscoveryPrivate {
+ struct TEvPrivate {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvRequest = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ struct TEvRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvRequest, EvRequest> {
+ const TString Database;
+ const ui32 StateStorageId;
+ TEvRequest(const TString &db, ui32 stateStorageId)
+ : Database(db)
+ , StateStorageId(stateStorageId)
+ {}
+ };
+ };
+ class TDiscoveryCache : public TActor<TDiscoveryCache> {
+ THashMap<TString, THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo>> OldInfo;
+ THashMap<TString, THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo>> NewInfo;
struct TWaiter {
TActorId ActorId;
ui64 Cookie;
THashMap<TString, TVector<TWaiter>> Requested;
- bool Scheduled;
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo> msg = ev->Release();
- const TString &path = msg->Path;
- auto vecIt = Requested.find(path);
- if (vecIt != Requested.end()) {
- for (auto &x : vecIt->second)
+ bool Scheduled;
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo> msg = ev->Release();
+ const TString &path = msg->Path;
+ auto vecIt = Requested.find(path);
+ if (vecIt != Requested.end()) {
+ for (auto &x : vecIt->second)
Send(x.ActorId, new TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo(*msg), 0, x.Cookie);
- Requested.erase(vecIt);
- }
- NewInfo.emplace(path, std::move(msg));
- if (!Scheduled) {
- Scheduled = true;
- Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(1), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
- }
- void Wakeup() {
- OldInfo.swap(NewInfo);
- NewInfo.clear();
- if (!OldInfo.empty()) {
- Scheduled = true;
- Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(1), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- } else {
- Scheduled = false;
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
- if (auto *x = OldInfo.FindPtr(msg->Database)) {
+ Requested.erase(vecIt);
+ }
+ NewInfo.emplace(path, std::move(msg));
+ if (!Scheduled) {
+ Scheduled = true;
+ Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(1), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
+ }
+ void Wakeup() {
+ OldInfo.swap(NewInfo);
+ NewInfo.clear();
+ if (!OldInfo.empty()) {
+ Scheduled = true;
+ Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(1), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ } else {
+ Scheduled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (auto *x = OldInfo.FindPtr(msg->Database)) {
Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo(**x), 0, ev->Cookie);
- return;
- }
- if (auto *x = NewInfo.FindPtr(msg->Database)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (auto *x = NewInfo.FindPtr(msg->Database)) {
Send(ev->Sender, new TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo(**x), 0, ev->Cookie);
- return;
- }
- auto &rqstd = Requested[msg->Database];
- if (rqstd.empty()) {
- Register(CreateBoardLookupActor(msg->Database, SelfId(), msg->StateStorageId, EBoardLookupMode::Second, false, false));
- }
+ return;
+ }
+ auto &rqstd = Requested[msg->Database];
+ if (rqstd.empty()) {
+ Register(CreateBoardLookupActor(msg->Database, SelfId(), msg->StateStorageId, EBoardLookupMode::Second, false, false));
+ }
rqstd.push_back({ev->Sender, ev->Cookie});
- }
- public:
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::GRPC_REQ;
- }
- TDiscoveryCache()
- : TActor(&TThis::StateWork)
- , Scheduled(false)
- {}
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvRequest, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Wakeup);
- }
- }
- };
-class TListEndpointsRPC : public TActorBootstrapped<TListEndpointsRPC> {
- THolder<TEvListEndpointsRequest> Request;
+ }
+ public:
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::GRPC_REQ;
+ }
+ TDiscoveryCache()
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateWork)
+ , Scheduled(false)
+ {}
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvRequest, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, Wakeup);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+class TListEndpointsRPC : public TActorBootstrapped<TListEndpointsRPC> {
+ THolder<TEvListEndpointsRequest> Request;
const TActorId CacheId;
- const bool RequestScheme = true;
- THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo> LookupResponse;
- THolder<TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo> NameserviceResponse;
- THolder<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult> SchemeCacheResponse;
+ const bool RequestScheme = true;
+ THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo> LookupResponse;
+ THolder<TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo> NameserviceResponse;
+ THolder<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult> SchemeCacheResponse;
bool ResolveResources = false;
ui64 LookupCookie = 0;
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::GRPC_REQ;
TListEndpointsRPC(TEvListEndpointsRequest::TPtr &msg, TActorId cacheId)
- : Request(msg->Release().Release())
- , CacheId(cacheId)
- {}
- void Bootstrap() {
- // request endpoints
+ : Request(msg->Release().Release())
+ , CacheId(cacheId)
+ {}
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ // request endpoints
- // request self node info
+ // request self node info
Send(GetNameserviceActorId(), new TEvInterconnect::TEvGetNode(SelfId().NodeId()));
- // request path info
- if (RequestScheme) {
+ // request path info
+ if (RequestScheme) {
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateWait);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWait) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWait) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::TPtr &ev) {
if (ev->Cookie != LookupCookie) {
LookupResponse = THolder<TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo>(ev->Release().Release());
- TryReplyAndDie();
- }
- void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ TryReplyAndDie();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo::TPtr &ev) {
NameserviceResponse = THolder<TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo>(ev->Release().Release());
- TryReplyAndDie();
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ TryReplyAndDie();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev) {
SchemeCacheResponse = THolder<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult>(ev->Release().Release());
- TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult *msg = SchemeCacheResponse.Get();
- NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate *navigate = msg->Request.Get();
- Y_VERIFY(navigate->ResultSet.size() == 1);
- const auto &entry = navigate->ResultSet.front();
+ TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult *msg = SchemeCacheResponse.Get();
+ NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate *navigate = msg->Request.Get();
+ Y_VERIFY(navigate->ResultSet.size() == 1);
+ const auto &entry = navigate->ResultSet.front();
LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::GRPC_PROXY,
"TListEndpointsRPC: handle TEvNavigateKeySetResult"
<< ", entry: " << entry.ToString());
- if (navigate->ErrorCount > 0) {
- switch (entry.Status) {
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::PathErrorUnknown:
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::RootUnknown:
- {
- auto issue = MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::DATABASE_NOT_EXIST, "Requested database not exists");
- google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
- NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
- Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::NOT_FOUND, issueMessages);
- return PassAway();
- }
- default:
- {
+ if (navigate->ErrorCount > 0) {
+ switch (entry.Status) {
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::PathErrorUnknown:
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::RootUnknown:
+ {
+ auto issue = MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::DATABASE_NOT_EXIST, "Requested database not exists");
+ google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
+ NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
+ Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::NOT_FOUND, issueMessages);
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ default:
+ {
LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::GRPC_PROXY,
<< ", entry: " << entry.ToString());
- auto issue = MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, "Database resolve failed with no certain result");
- google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
- NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
- Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::UNAVAILABLE, issueMessages);
- return PassAway();
- }
- }
- }
+ auto issue = MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, "Database resolve failed with no certain result");
+ google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
+ NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
+ Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::UNAVAILABLE, issueMessages);
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (!entry.DomainInfo) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::GRPC_PROXY,
"TListEndpointsRPC: GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR (empty domain info)"
@@ -254,36 +254,36 @@ public:
- TryReplyAndDie();
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
- auto issue = MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::UNEXPECTED, "Unexpected error while resolving database");
- google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
- NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
- Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::INTERNAL_ERROR, issueMessages);
- return PassAway();
- }
- bool CheckServices(const TSet<TString> &req, const NKikimrStateStorage::TEndpointBoardEntry &entry) {
- if (req.empty())
- return true;
- for (const auto &x : entry.GetServices())
- if (req.count(x))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- void TryReplyAndDie() {
- if (!NameserviceResponse || !LookupResponse || (RequestScheme && !SchemeCacheResponse))
- return;
- if (RequestScheme) {
- // check presence of database (acl should be checked here too)
- const auto &entry = SchemeCacheResponse->Request->ResultSet.front();
+ TryReplyAndDie();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ auto issue = MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::UNEXPECTED, "Unexpected error while resolving database");
+ google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
+ NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
+ Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::INTERNAL_ERROR, issueMessages);
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ bool CheckServices(const TSet<TString> &req, const NKikimrStateStorage::TEndpointBoardEntry &entry) {
+ if (req.empty())
+ return true;
+ for (const auto &x : entry.GetServices())
+ if (req.count(x))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void TryReplyAndDie() {
+ if (!NameserviceResponse || !LookupResponse || (RequestScheme && !SchemeCacheResponse))
+ return;
+ if (RequestScheme) {
+ // check presence of database (acl should be checked here too)
+ const auto &entry = SchemeCacheResponse->Request->ResultSet.front();
if (entry.Path.size() != 1
&& (entry.Kind != NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::KindSubdomain && entry.Kind != NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::KindExtSubdomain))
@@ -292,38 +292,38 @@ public:
<< ", entry.Path: " << CanonizePath(entry.Path)
<< ", entry.Kind: " << (ui64)entry.Kind);
- auto issue = MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ACCESS_DENIED, "Requested path is not database name");
- google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
- NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
- Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::NOT_FOUND, issueMessages);
- return PassAway();
- }
- }
- if (LookupResponse->Status != TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::EStatus::Ok) {
+ auto issue = MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ACCESS_DENIED, "Requested path is not database name");
+ google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
+ NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
+ Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::NOT_FOUND, issueMessages);
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ }
+ if (LookupResponse->Status != TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::EStatus::Ok) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::GRPC_PROXY,
"TListEndpointsRPC: LookupResponse in not OK"
<< ", LookupResponse->Status: " << ui64(LookupResponse->Status));
auto issue = MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, "Database nodes resolve failed with no certain result");
- google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
- NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
- Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::UNAVAILABLE, issueMessages);
- return PassAway();
- }
- TStackVec<const TString*> entries;
- entries.reserve(LookupResponse->InfoEntries.size());
+ google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TYdbIssueMessageType> issueMessages;
+ NYql::IssueToMessage(issue, issueMessages.Add());
+ Request->SendResult(Ydb::StatusIds::UNAVAILABLE, issueMessages);
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ TStackVec<const TString*> entries;
+ entries.reserve(LookupResponse->InfoEntries.size());
for (auto &xpair : LookupResponse->InfoEntries)
- entries.emplace_back(&xpair.second.Payload);
- Shuffle(entries.begin(), entries.end());
+ entries.emplace_back(&xpair.second.Payload);
+ Shuffle(entries.begin(), entries.end());
auto *result = TEvListEndpointsRequest::AllocateResult<Ydb::Discovery::ListEndpointsResult>(Request);
- const TSet<TString> services(Request->GetProtoRequest()->Getservice().begin(), Request->GetProtoRequest()->Getservice().end());
+ const TSet<TString> services(Request->GetProtoRequest()->Getservice().begin(), Request->GetProtoRequest()->Getservice().end());
const bool sslServer = Request->SslServer();
using TEndpointKey = std::pair<TString, ui32>;
struct TEndpointState {
int Index = -1;
@@ -334,12 +334,12 @@ public:
THashMap<TEndpointKey, TEndpointState> states;
- NKikimrStateStorage::TEndpointBoardEntry entry;
- for (const TString *xpayload : entries) {
+ NKikimrStateStorage::TEndpointBoardEntry entry;
+ for (const TString *xpayload : entries) {
Y_PROTOBUF_SUPPRESS_NODISCARD entry.ParseFromString(*xpayload);
- if (!CheckServices(services, entry))
- continue;
+ if (!CheckServices(services, entry))
+ continue;
if (entry.GetSsl() != sslServer)
@@ -387,33 +387,33 @@ public:
- for (auto &service : entry.GetServices()) {
+ for (auto &service : entry.GetServices()) {
if (state.Services.insert(service).second) {
- }
- }
- auto &nodeInfo = NameserviceResponse->Node;
+ }
+ }
+ auto &nodeInfo = NameserviceResponse->Node;
if (nodeInfo && nodeInfo->Location.GetDataCenterId()) {
const auto &location = nodeInfo->Location.GetDataCenterId();
- if (IsSafeLocationMarker(location))
+ if (IsSafeLocationMarker(location))
- }
+ }
Request->SendResult(*result, Ydb::StatusIds::SUCCESS);
- PassAway();
- }
- bool IsSafeLocationMarker(TStringBuf location) {
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ bool IsSafeLocationMarker(TStringBuf location) {
const ui8* isrc = reinterpret_cast<const ui8*>(location.data());
- for (auto idx : xrange(location.size())) {
- if (isrc[idx] >= 0x80)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
+ for (auto idx : xrange(location.size())) {
+ if (isrc[idx] >= 0x80)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
void Lookup(const TString& db) {
TVector<TString> path = NKikimr::SplitPath(db);
@@ -474,14 +474,14 @@ public:
Send(MakeSchemeCacheID(), new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet(request.Release()), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
void TGRpcRequestProxy::Handle(TEvListEndpointsRequest::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- if (!DiscoveryCacheActorID)
+ if (!DiscoveryCacheActorID)
DiscoveryCacheActorID = ctx.Register(new NDiscoveryPrivate::TDiscoveryCache());
ctx.Register(new TListEndpointsRPC(ev, DiscoveryCacheActorID));
-} // namespace NGRpcService
-} // namespace NKikimr
+} // namespace NGRpcService
+} // namespace NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_keep_alive.cpp b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_keep_alive.cpp
index 55c69c940a..e4188c8ab9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_keep_alive.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_keep_alive.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public:
- void StateWork(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ void StateWork(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFunc(NKqp::TEvKqp::TEvProcessResponse, Handle);
HFunc(NKqp::TEvKqp::TEvPingSessionResponse, Handle);
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_kqp_base.h b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_kqp_base.h
index 410a90005f..2811a49e78 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_kqp_base.h
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_kqp_base.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include "rpc_deferrable.h"
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_read_table.cpp b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_read_table.cpp
index 36eed2909b..bbb8790728 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_read_table.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_read_table.cpp
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ static void ConvertKeyRange(const Ydb::Table::KeyRange& keyRange, const TGetOutp
-class TReadTableRPC : public TActorBootstrapped<TReadTableRPC> {
+class TReadTableRPC : public TActorBootstrapped<TReadTableRPC> {
enum EWakeupTag : ui64 {
TimeoutTimer = 0,
RlSendAllowed = 1,
diff --git a/ydb/core/grpc_services/ya.make b/ydb/core/grpc_services/ya.make
index de82c16279..05b156bf04 100644
--- a/ydb/core/grpc_services/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/grpc_services/ya.make
@@ -15,52 +15,52 @@ SRCS(
- rpc_alter_table.cpp
+ rpc_alter_table.cpp
- rpc_calls.cpp
+ rpc_calls.cpp
- rpc_copy_table.cpp
+ rpc_copy_table.cpp
- rpc_create_table.cpp
+ rpc_create_table.cpp
- rpc_describe_path.cpp
- rpc_describe_table.cpp
+ rpc_describe_path.cpp
+ rpc_describe_table.cpp
- rpc_drop_table.cpp
- rpc_discovery.cpp
+ rpc_drop_table.cpp
+ rpc_discovery.cpp
- rpc_get_operation.cpp
+ rpc_get_operation.cpp
- rpc_kqp_base.cpp
+ rpc_kqp_base.cpp
- rpc_make_directory.cpp
- rpc_modify_permissions.cpp
+ rpc_make_directory.cpp
+ rpc_modify_permissions.cpp
- rpc_read_table.cpp
+ rpc_read_table.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tablet_impl.h b/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tablet_impl.h
index 93d3a99f1c..1607e352d0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tablet_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tablet_impl.h
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ private:
bool OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext& ctx) override;
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInitSchema();
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInit();
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInitSchema();
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInit();
void ResetState();
diff --git a/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tx_init.cpp b/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tx_init.cpp
index 7072f9255c..1f3f96ff9f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tx_init.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tx_init.cpp
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ struct TKesusTablet::TTxInit : public TTxBase {
-NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* TKesusTablet::CreateTxInit() {
+NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* TKesusTablet::CreateTxInit() {
return new TTxInit(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tx_init_schema.cpp b/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tx_init_schema.cpp
index 7047aac063..92554789c7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tx_init_schema.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tx_init_schema.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ struct TKesusTablet::TTxInitSchema : public TTxBase {
-NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* TKesusTablet::CreateTxInitSchema() {
+NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* TKesusTablet::CreateTxInitSchema() {
return new TTxInitSchema(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/keyvalue/channel_balancer.h b/ydb/core/keyvalue/channel_balancer.h
index b49ef0afd7..36c3bea5ab 100644
--- a/ydb/core/keyvalue/channel_balancer.h
+++ b/ydb/core/keyvalue/channel_balancer.h
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ namespace NKikimr::NKeyValue {
const TActorId ActorId;
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::KEYVALUE_ACTOR;
- }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::KEYVALUE_ACTOR;
+ }
TChannelBalancer(ui8 numChannels, TActorId actorId)
: ChannelInfo(numChannels)
, ActorId(actorId)
diff --git a/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_flat_impl.h b/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_flat_impl.h
index d4f252e6be..292f2feff9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_flat_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_flat_impl.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "defs.h"
#include "keyvalue.h"
#include "keyvalue_collector.h"
#include "keyvalue_scheme_flat.h"
#include "keyvalue_simple_db.h"
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
// Uncomment the following macro to enable consistency check before every transactions in TTxRequest
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NKeyValue {
constexpr ui64 CollectorErrorInitialBackoffMs = 10;
constexpr ui64 CollectorErrorMaxBackoffMs = 5000;
constexpr ui64 CollectorMaxErrors = 20;
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ constexpr ui64 PeriodicRefreshMs = 15000;
class TKeyValueFlat : public TActor<TKeyValueFlat>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
- struct TTxInit : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
+ struct TTxInit : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
TActorId KeyValueActorId;
TKeyValueFlat &Self;
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ protected:
if (state.GetIsDamaged()) {
return true;
- }
+ }
return iter->Last() != NTable::EReady::Page;
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ protected:
- struct TTxRequest : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
+ struct TTxRequest : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
THolder<TIntermediate> Intermediate;
TKeyValueFlat *Self;
@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ protected:
TSimpleDbFlat db(txc.DB);
Self->State.RequestExecute(Intermediate, db, ctx, Self->Info());
- return true;
- }
- void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ return true;
+ }
+ void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::KEYVALUE, "KeyValue# " << Self->TabletID() << " TTxRequest Complete");
Self->State.RequestComplete(Intermediate, ctx, Self->Info());
- }
+ }
bool CheckConsistency(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext &txc) {
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ protected:
return true;
- };
- struct TTxMonitoring : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
+ };
+ struct TTxMonitoring : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
const THolder<NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo> Event;
const TActorId RespondTo;
TKeyValueFlat *Self;
TTxMonitoring(THolder<NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo> event, const TActorId &respondTo, TKeyValueFlat *keyValue)
: Event(std::move(event))
, RespondTo(respondTo)
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ protected:
- struct TTxStoreCollect : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
+ struct TTxStoreCollect : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
TKeyValueFlat *Self;
TTxStoreCollect(TKeyValueFlat *keyValueFlat)
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ protected:
- struct TTxEraseCollect : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
+ struct TTxEraseCollect : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
TKeyValueFlat *Self;
TTxEraseCollect(TKeyValueFlat *keyValueFlat)
@@ -249,25 +249,25 @@ protected:
TKeyValueState State;
TDeque<TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>> InitialEventsQueue;
TActorId CollectorActorId;
void OnDetach(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::KEYVALUE, "KeyValue# " << TabletID() << " OnDetach");
- }
+ }
void OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::KEYVALUE, "KeyValue# " << TabletID()
<< " OnTabletDead " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- }
- void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ }
+ void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
ctx.Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(PeriodicRefreshMs), new TEvKeyValue::TEvPeriodicRefresh);
Execute(new TTxInit(ctx.SelfID, *this), ctx);
- }
+ }
void Enqueue(STFUNC_SIG) override {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::KEYVALUE,
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ protected:
<< " Enqueue, event type# " << (ui32)ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event# " << (ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().c_str() : "serialized?"));
- }
+ }
// gRPC
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ protected:
- void Handle(TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void Handle(TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::KEYVALUE, "KeyValue# " << TabletID()
<< " Handle TEvRequest " << ev->Get()->ToString());
@@ -390,18 +390,18 @@ protected:
- bool OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- if (!Executor() || !Executor()->GetStats().IsActive)
- return false;
- if (!ev)
- return true;
+ bool OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ if (!Executor() || !Executor()->GetStats().IsActive)
+ return false;
+ if (!ev)
+ return true;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::KEYVALUE, "KeyValue# " << TabletID() << " Handle TEvRemoteHttpInfo: %s"
<< ev->Get()->Query.data());
Execute(new TTxMonitoring(ev->Release(), ev->Sender, this), ctx);
- return true;
+ return true;
void Handle(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
@@ -409,19 +409,19 @@ protected:
ctx.Send(Tablet(), new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill);
- }
+ }
void RestoreActorActivity() {
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::KEYVALUE_ACTOR;
TKeyValueFlat(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
, TTabletExecutedFlat(info, tablet, new NMiniKQL::TMiniKQLFactory)
TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> counters(
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ public:
virtual void HandleDie(const TActorContext &ctx)
if (CollectorActorId) {
@@ -456,19 +456,19 @@ public:
return false;
- STFUNC(StateInit) {
+ STFUNC(StateInit) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::KEYVALUE, "KeyValue# " << TabletID()
<< " StateInit flat event type# " << (ui32)ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event# " << (ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().data() : "serialized?"));
- StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
if (HandleHook(ev, ctx))
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(TEvKeyValue::TEvRead, Handle);
hFunc(TEvKeyValue::TEvReadRange, Handle);
hFunc(TEvKeyValue::TEvExecuteTransaction, Handle);
@@ -486,28 +486,28 @@ public:
HFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult, Handle);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle);
- default:
+ default:
if (!HandleDefaultEvents(ev, ctx)) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::KEYVALUE, "KeyValue# " << TabletID()
<< " StateWork unexpected event type# " << (ui32)ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event# " << (ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().data() : "serialized?"));
- break;
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateBroken) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateBroken) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead)
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead)
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::KEYVALUE, "KeyValue# " << TabletID()
<< " BrokenState unexpected event type# " << (ui32)ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event# " << (ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().data() : "serialized?"));
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void InitSchemeComplete(const TActorContext &ctx) {
@@ -538,8 +538,8 @@ public:
bool ReassignChannelsEnabled() const override {
return true;
}// NKeyValue
}// NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_storage_request.cpp b/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_storage_request.cpp
index 27c4c05177..e9032d2ed3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_storage_request.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_storage_request.cpp
@@ -568,13 +568,13 @@ public:
readQueries[queryIdx].Set(readItem.LogoBlobId, readItem.BlobOffset, readItem.BlobSize);
- const ui32 group = TabletInfo->GroupFor(readItem.LogoBlobId.Channel(), readItem.LogoBlobId.Generation());
+ const ui32 group = TabletInfo->GroupFor(readItem.LogoBlobId.Channel(), readItem.LogoBlobId.Generation());
Y_VERIFY(group != Max<ui32>(), "Get Blob# %s is mapped to an invalid group (-1)!",
- if (prevGroup != Max<ui32>()) {
+ if (prevGroup != Max<ui32>()) {
Y_VERIFY(prevGroup == group);
} else {
- prevGroup = group;
+ prevGroup = group;
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ public:
Y_VERIFY(queryIdx == readQueryCount);
- ctx, prevGroup,
+ ctx, prevGroup,
new TEvBlobStorage::TEvGet(readQueries, readQueryCount, IntermediateResults->Deadline,
handleClass, false),
diff --git a/ydb/core/kqp/kqp_ic_gateway.cpp b/ydb/core/kqp/kqp_ic_gateway.cpp
index c5851dc65f..47489a9bd5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/kqp/kqp_ic_gateway.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/kqp/kqp_ic_gateway.cpp
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ public:
- NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, ShemePipeActorId);
+ NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, ShemePipeActorId);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/impl.h b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/impl.h
index 822c790f57..ba311a254c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/impl.h
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
namespace NBsController {
using NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat;
-using NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
+using NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
using NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionBase;
using NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext;
@@ -1635,8 +1635,8 @@ private:
void ProcessSelectGroupsQueueItem(TList<TSelectGroupsQueueItem>::iterator it);
void NotifyNodesAwaitingKeysForGroups(ui32 groupId);
- ITransaction* CreateTxInitScheme();
- ITransaction* CreateTxMigrate();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxInitScheme();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxMigrate();
ITransaction* CreateTxLoadEverything();
ITransaction* CreateTxUpdateSeenOperational(TVector<TGroupId> groups);
ITransaction* CreateTxUpdateLastSeenReady(std::vector<std::pair<TVSlotId, TInstant>> lastSeenReadyQ);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/init_scheme.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/init_scheme.cpp
index 334f31d09f..0a7779a131 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/init_scheme.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/init_scheme.cpp
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public:
-ITransaction* TBlobStorageController::CreateTxInitScheme() {
+ITransaction* TBlobStorageController::CreateTxInitScheme() {
return new TTxInitScheme(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/migrate.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/migrate.cpp
index d66bdbd3f0..20d10f8b62 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/migrate.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/migrate.cpp
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ public:
-ITransaction* TBlobStorageController::CreateTxMigrate() {
+ITransaction* TBlobStorageController::CreateTxMigrate() {
return new TTxMigrate(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/configured_tablet_bootstrapper.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/configured_tablet_bootstrapper.cpp
index 856922ace6..008acd2b40 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/configured_tablet_bootstrapper.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/configured_tablet_bootstrapper.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-#include "configured_tablet_bootstrapper.h"
+#include "configured_tablet_bootstrapper.h"
#include <ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper.h>
#include <ydb/core/cms/console/configs_dispatcher.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
-// for 'create' funcs
+// for 'create' funcs
#include <ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/bsc.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/hive.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator.h>
@@ -22,195 +22,195 @@
#include <ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tablet.h>
#include <ydb/core/sys_view/processor/processor.h>
#include <ydb/core/test_tablet/test_tablet.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TConfiguredTabletBootstrapper : public TActorBootstrapped<TConfiguredTabletBootstrapper> {
- const ui64 TabletId;
- const ::NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet DefaultConfig;
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TConfiguredTabletBootstrapper : public TActorBootstrapped<TConfiguredTabletBootstrapper> {
+ const ui64 TabletId;
+ const ::NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet DefaultConfig;
TActorId BootstrapperInstance;
- TString CurrentConfig;
- void Handle(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet tabletConfig;
- if (record.GetConfig().HasBootstrapConfig()) {
- for (const NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &x : record.GetConfig().GetBootstrapConfig().GetTablet()) {
- if (x.GetInfo().GetTabletID() == TabletId) {
- tabletConfig.CopyFrom(x);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- CheckChanged(tabletConfig);
- Send(ev->Sender, new NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse(record), 0, ev->Cookie);
- }
- void CheckChanged(const NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &config) {
- TString x = config.SerializeAsString();
- if (CurrentConfig == x)
- return;
- if (BootstrapperInstance) {
- Send(BootstrapperInstance, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ TString CurrentConfig;
+ void Handle(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev) {
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet tabletConfig;
+ if (record.GetConfig().HasBootstrapConfig()) {
+ for (const NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &x : record.GetConfig().GetBootstrapConfig().GetTablet()) {
+ if (x.GetInfo().GetTabletID() == TabletId) {
+ tabletConfig.CopyFrom(x);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CheckChanged(tabletConfig);
+ Send(ev->Sender, new NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationResponse(record), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ }
+ void CheckChanged(const NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &config) {
+ TString x = config.SerializeAsString();
+ if (CurrentConfig == x)
+ return;
+ if (BootstrapperInstance) {
+ Send(BootstrapperInstance, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->RegisterLocalService(MakeBootstrapperID(TabletId, SelfId().NodeId()), TActorId());
BootstrapperInstance = TActorId();
- }
- CurrentConfig = x;
- // not apply config
- const ui32 selfNode = SelfId().NodeId();
- if (Find(config.GetNode(), selfNode) != config.GetNode().end()) {
+ }
+ CurrentConfig = x;
+ // not apply config
+ const ui32 selfNode = SelfId().NodeId();
+ if (Find(config.GetNode(), selfNode) != config.GetNode().end()) {
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> storageInfo = TabletStorageInfoFromProto(config.GetInfo());
- const auto *appData = AppData();
- // extract from kikimr_services_initializer
- const TTabletTypes::EType tabletType = BootstrapperTypeToTabletType(config.GetType());
- if (storageInfo->TabletType == TTabletTypes::TYPE_INVALID)
- storageInfo->TabletType = tabletType;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> tabletSetupInfo = MakeTabletSetupInfo(tabletType, appData->UserPoolId, appData->SystemPoolId);
- TIntrusivePtr<TBootstrapperInfo> bi = new TBootstrapperInfo(tabletSetupInfo.Get());
- if (config.NodeSize() != 1) {
- for (ui32 node : config.GetNode()) {
- if (node != selfNode)
- bi->OtherNodes.emplace_back(node);
- }
- if (config.HasWatchThreshold())
- bi->WatchThreshold = TDuration::MilliSeconds(config.GetWatchThreshold());
+ const auto *appData = AppData();
+ // extract from kikimr_services_initializer
+ const TTabletTypes::EType tabletType = BootstrapperTypeToTabletType(config.GetType());
+ if (storageInfo->TabletType == TTabletTypes::TYPE_INVALID)
+ storageInfo->TabletType = tabletType;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> tabletSetupInfo = MakeTabletSetupInfo(tabletType, appData->UserPoolId, appData->SystemPoolId);
+ TIntrusivePtr<TBootstrapperInfo> bi = new TBootstrapperInfo(tabletSetupInfo.Get());
+ if (config.NodeSize() != 1) {
+ for (ui32 node : config.GetNode()) {
+ if (node != selfNode)
+ bi->OtherNodes.emplace_back(node);
+ }
+ if (config.HasWatchThreshold())
+ bi->WatchThreshold = TDuration::MilliSeconds(config.GetWatchThreshold());
if (config.HasStartFollowers())
bi->StartFollowers = config.GetStartFollowers();
- }
- BootstrapperInstance = Register(CreateBootstrapper(storageInfo.Get(), bi.Get(), false), TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->SystemPoolId);
- TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->RegisterLocalService(MakeBootstrapperID(TabletId, SelfId().NodeId()), BootstrapperInstance);
- }
- }
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::CONFIGURED_BOOTSTRAPPER;
- }
- TConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(const ::NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &defaultConfig)
- : TabletId(defaultConfig.GetInfo().GetTabletID())
- , DefaultConfig(defaultConfig)
- {}
- void Bootstrap() {
- // start with initial config (as we can start CMS itself - it could be not possible to get actual config at all)
- CheckChanged(DefaultConfig);
- // and subscribe for changes
- Send(NConsole::MakeConfigsDispatcherID(SelfId().NodeId()),
- new NConsole::TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest(NKikimrConsole::TConfigItem::BootstrapConfigItem));
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
- }
- STATEFN(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest, Handle);
- }
- }
-TTabletTypes::EType BootstrapperTypeToTabletType(ui32 type) {
- switch (type) {
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_DUMMY:
- return TTabletTypes::TX_DUMMY;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::HIVE:
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_HIVE:
- return TTabletTypes::FLAT_HIVE;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_COORDINATOR:
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_TX_COORDINATOR:
- return TTabletTypes::FLAT_TX_COORDINATOR;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_MEDIATOR:
- return TTabletTypes::TX_MEDIATOR;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::BS_DOMAINCONTROLLER:
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_BS_CONTROLLER:
- return TTabletTypes::FLAT_BS_CONTROLLER;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::DATASHARD:
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FAKE_DATASHARD:
- return TTabletTypes::FLAT_DATASHARD;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::SCHEMESHARD:
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_SCHEMESHARD:
- return TTabletTypes::FLAT_SCHEMESHARD;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::KEYVALUEFLAT:
- return TTabletTypes::KEYVALUEFLAT;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_PROXY:
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_TX_PROXY:
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_ALLOCATOR:
- return TTabletTypes::TX_ALLOCATOR;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::CMS:
- return TTabletTypes::CMS;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::NODE_BROKER:
- return TTabletTypes::NODE_BROKER;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TENANT_SLOT_BROKER:
- return TTabletTypes::TENANT_SLOT_BROKER;
- case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::CONSOLE:
- return TTabletTypes::CONSOLE;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unknown tablet type");
- }
- return TTabletTypes::TYPE_INVALID;
-TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> MakeTabletSetupInfo(
- TTabletTypes::EType tabletType,
- ui32 poolId, ui32 tabletPoolId)
- TTabletSetupInfo::TTabletCreationFunc createFunc;
- switch (tabletType) {
- case TTabletTypes::BSController:
- createFunc = &CreateFlatBsController;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::Hive:
- createFunc = &CreateDefaultHive;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::Coordinator:
- createFunc = &CreateFlatTxCoordinator;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::Mediator:
- createFunc = &CreateTxMediator;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::TxAllocator:
- createFunc = &CreateTxAllocator;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::DataShard:
+ }
+ BootstrapperInstance = Register(CreateBootstrapper(storageInfo.Get(), bi.Get(), false), TMailboxType::HTSwap, appData->SystemPoolId);
+ TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->RegisterLocalService(MakeBootstrapperID(TabletId, SelfId().NodeId()), BootstrapperInstance);
+ }
+ }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::CONFIGURED_BOOTSTRAPPER;
+ }
+ TConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(const ::NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &defaultConfig)
+ : TabletId(defaultConfig.GetInfo().GetTabletID())
+ , DefaultConfig(defaultConfig)
+ {}
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ // start with initial config (as we can start CMS itself - it could be not possible to get actual config at all)
+ CheckChanged(DefaultConfig);
+ // and subscribe for changes
+ Send(NConsole::MakeConfigsDispatcherID(SelfId().NodeId()),
+ new NConsole::TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest(NKikimrConsole::TConfigItem::BootstrapConfigItem));
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest, Handle);
+ }
+ }
+TTabletTypes::EType BootstrapperTypeToTabletType(ui32 type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_DUMMY:
+ return TTabletTypes::TX_DUMMY;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::HIVE:
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_HIVE:
+ return TTabletTypes::FLAT_HIVE;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_COORDINATOR:
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_TX_COORDINATOR:
+ return TTabletTypes::FLAT_TX_COORDINATOR;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_MEDIATOR:
+ return TTabletTypes::TX_MEDIATOR;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::BS_DOMAINCONTROLLER:
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_BS_CONTROLLER:
+ return TTabletTypes::FLAT_BS_CONTROLLER;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::DATASHARD:
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FAKE_DATASHARD:
+ return TTabletTypes::FLAT_DATASHARD;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::SCHEMESHARD:
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_SCHEMESHARD:
+ return TTabletTypes::FLAT_SCHEMESHARD;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::KEYVALUEFLAT:
+ return TTabletTypes::KEYVALUEFLAT;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_PROXY:
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::FLAT_TX_PROXY:
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TX_ALLOCATOR:
+ return TTabletTypes::TX_ALLOCATOR;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::CMS:
+ return TTabletTypes::CMS;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::NODE_BROKER:
+ return TTabletTypes::NODE_BROKER;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TENANT_SLOT_BROKER:
+ return TTabletTypes::TENANT_SLOT_BROKER;
+ case NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::CONSOLE:
+ return TTabletTypes::CONSOLE;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unknown tablet type");
+ }
+ return TTabletTypes::TYPE_INVALID;
+TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> MakeTabletSetupInfo(
+ TTabletTypes::EType tabletType,
+ ui32 poolId, ui32 tabletPoolId)
+ TTabletSetupInfo::TTabletCreationFunc createFunc;
+ switch (tabletType) {
+ case TTabletTypes::BSController:
+ createFunc = &CreateFlatBsController;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::Hive:
+ createFunc = &CreateDefaultHive;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::Coordinator:
+ createFunc = &CreateFlatTxCoordinator;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::Mediator:
+ createFunc = &CreateTxMediator;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::TxAllocator:
+ createFunc = &CreateTxAllocator;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::DataShard:
createFunc = &CreateDataShard;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::SchemeShard:
- createFunc = &CreateFlatTxSchemeShard;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::KeyValue:
- createFunc = &CreateKeyValueFlat;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::CMS:
- createFunc = &NCms::CreateCms;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::NodeBroker:
- createFunc = &NNodeBroker::CreateNodeBroker;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::TenantSlotBroker:
- createFunc = &NTenantSlotBroker::CreateTenantSlotBroker;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::Console:
- createFunc = &NConsole::CreateConsole;
- break;
- case TTabletTypes::Kesus:
- createFunc = &NKesus::CreateKesusTablet;
- break;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::SchemeShard:
+ createFunc = &CreateFlatTxSchemeShard;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::KeyValue:
+ createFunc = &CreateKeyValueFlat;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::CMS:
+ createFunc = &NCms::CreateCms;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::NodeBroker:
+ createFunc = &NNodeBroker::CreateNodeBroker;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::TenantSlotBroker:
+ createFunc = &NTenantSlotBroker::CreateTenantSlotBroker;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::Console:
+ createFunc = &NConsole::CreateConsole;
+ break;
+ case TTabletTypes::Kesus:
+ createFunc = &NKesus::CreateKesusTablet;
+ break;
case TTabletTypes::SysViewProcessor:
createFunc = &NSysView::CreateSysViewProcessor;
@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> MakeTabletSetupInfo(
case TTabletTypes::ReplicationController:
createFunc = &NReplication::CreateController;
- default:
- return nullptr;
- }
- return new TTabletSetupInfo(createFunc, TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, poolId, TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, tabletPoolId);
-IActor* CreateConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(const ::NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &defaultConfig) {
- return new TConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(defaultConfig);
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return new TTabletSetupInfo(createFunc, TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, poolId, TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled, tabletPoolId);
+IActor* CreateConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(const ::NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &defaultConfig) {
+ return new TConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(defaultConfig);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/configured_tablet_bootstrapper.h b/ydb/core/mind/configured_tablet_bootstrapper.h
index bb9664c3bf..6b30b86954 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/configured_tablet_bootstrapper.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/configured_tablet_bootstrapper.h
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_setup.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_types.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/config.pb.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
- // would subscribe to boot config and instantiate tablet bootstrapper if configured for this node
- IActor* CreateConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(const ::NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &defaultConfig);
- TTabletTypes::EType BootstrapperTypeToTabletType(ui32 type);
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> MakeTabletSetupInfo(TTabletTypes::EType tabletType, ui32 poolId, ui32 tabletPoolId);
+namespace NKikimr {
+ // would subscribe to boot config and instantiate tablet bootstrapper if configured for this node
+ IActor* CreateConfiguredTabletBootstrapper(const ::NKikimrConfig::TBootstrap::TTablet &defaultConfig);
+ TTabletTypes::EType BootstrapperTypeToTabletType(ui32 type);
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> MakeTabletSetupInfo(TTabletTypes::EType tabletType, ui32 poolId, ui32 tabletPoolId);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/defs.h b/ydb/core/mind/defs.h
index c2d8cb0bce..a746b59cd3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/defs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/defs.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./ydb/core/mind/defs.h
#include <ydb/core/base/defs.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/events.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
// ensure that the type of passed variable is the same as given one
template<typename T, typename U>
inline T EnsureType(U &&value) {
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ namespace NKikimr {
return std::move(value);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/dynamic_nameserver.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/dynamic_nameserver.cpp
index 253586f4a7..6f4f147982 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/dynamic_nameserver.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/dynamic_nameserver.cpp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace NNodeBroker {
static void ResetInterconnectProxyConfig(ui32 nodeId, const TActorContext &ctx)
- auto aid = TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId);
+ auto aid = TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId);
if (!aid)
ctx.Send(aid, new TEvInterconnect::TEvDisconnect);
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ void TDynamicNodeResolverBase::Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx)
.MinRetryTime = TDuration::MilliSeconds(50),
.MaxRetryTime = TDuration::Seconds(2)
ui32 group = dinfo->GetDefaultStateStorageGroup(domain);
- auto pipe = NTabletPipe::CreateClient(ctx.SelfID, MakeNodeBrokerID(group), NTabletPipe::TClientConfig(retryPolicy));
+ auto pipe = NTabletPipe::CreateClient(ctx.SelfID, MakeNodeBrokerID(group), NTabletPipe::TClientConfig(retryPolicy));
NodeBrokerPipe = ctx.RegisterWithSameMailbox(pipe);
TAutoPtr<TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode> request = new TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode;
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive.h b/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive.h
index 44e18374d7..cce565aecd 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <bitset>
#include <util/generic/queue.h>
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client_cache.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/pipe_tracker.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_impl.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_counters.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_metrics.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NHive {
using NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat;
using NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext;
using NTabletFlatExecutor::TExecutorCounters;
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ using TResourceNormalizedValues = std::tuple<double, double, double, double>;
using TOwnerIdxType = NScheme::TPairUi64Ui64;
static constexpr std::size_t MAX_TABLET_CHANNELS = 256;
enum class ETabletState : ui64 {
Unknown = 0,
GroupAssignment = 50,
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_impl.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_impl.cpp
index 5a7b00aaf4..58ca2ac3e4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_impl.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_impl.cpp
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ inline IOutputStream& operator <<(IOutputStream& out, const TArrayRef<const NKik
return out;
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NHive {
void THive::Handle(TEvHive::TEvCreateTablet::TPtr& ev) {
NKikimrHive::TEvCreateTablet& rec = ev->Get()->Record;
if (rec.HasOwner() && rec.HasOwnerIdx() && rec.HasTabletType() && rec.BindedChannelsSize() != 0) {
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ void THive::Handle(TEvHive::TEvCreateTablet::TPtr& ev) {
Send(ev->Sender, reply.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
void THive::Handle(TEvHive::TEvAdoptTablet::TPtr& ev) {
BLOG_D("Handle TEvHive::TEvAdoptTablet");
NKikimrHive::TEvAdoptTablet& rec = ev->Get()->Record;
@@ -129,16 +129,16 @@ void THive::Handle(TEvLocal::TEvRegisterNode::TPtr& ev) {
bool THive::OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- if (!Executor() || !Executor()->GetStats().IsActive)
- return false;
+ if (!Executor() || !Executor()->GetStats().IsActive)
+ return false;
if (!ev)
return true;
CreateEvMonitoring(ev, ctx);
return true;
void THive::Handle(TEvHive::TEvStopTablet::TPtr& ev) {
BLOG_D("Handle StopTablet");
NKikimrHive::TEvStopTablet& rec = ev->Get()->Record;
@@ -501,13 +501,13 @@ void THive::OnDetach(const TActorContext&) {
void THive::OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr&, const TActorContext&) {
BLOG_I("OnTabletDead: " << TabletID());
return PassAway();
void THive::BuildLocalConfig() {
if (ResourceProfiles)
@@ -541,23 +541,23 @@ void THive::Cleanup() {
if (BSControllerPipeClient) {
NTabletPipe::CloseClient(SelfId(), BSControllerPipeClient);
BSControllerPipeClient = TActorId();
if (RootHivePipeClient) {
NTabletPipe::CloseClient(SelfId(), RootHivePipeClient);
RootHivePipeClient = TActorId();
- if (ResponsivenessPinger) {
+ if (ResponsivenessPinger) {
- ResponsivenessPinger = nullptr;
- }
+ ResponsivenessPinger = nullptr;
+ }
void THive::Handle(TEvLocal::TEvStatus::TPtr& ev) {
BLOG_D("Handle TEvLocal::TEvStatus for Node " << ev->Sender.NodeId() << ": " << ev->Get()->Record.ShortDebugString());
Execute(CreateStatus(ev->Sender, ev->Get()->Record));
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ void THive::Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected::TPtr &ev) {
BLOG_W("Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId " << nodeId);
Send(GetNameserviceActorId(), new TEvInterconnect::TEvGetNode(nodeId));
void THive::Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
BLOG_W("Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, NodeId " << ev->Get()->NodeId);
@@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ void THive::ScheduleDisconnectNode(THolder<TEvPrivate::TEvProcessDisconnectNode>
} else {
KillNode(event->NodeId, event->Local);
void THive::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvKickTablet::TPtr &ev) {
TFullTabletId tabletId(ev->Get()->TabletId);
TTabletInfo* tablet = FindTablet(tabletId);
@@ -843,16 +843,16 @@ void THive::OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext&) {
new NConsole::TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionRequest(NKikimrConsole::TConfigItem::HiveConfigItem));
- if (!ResponsivenessPinger) {
- ResponsivenessPinger = new TTabletResponsivenessPinger(TabletCounters->Simple()[NHive::COUNTER_RESPONSE_TIME_USEC], TDuration::Seconds(1));
+ if (!ResponsivenessPinger) {
+ ResponsivenessPinger = new TTabletResponsivenessPinger(TabletCounters->Simple()[NHive::COUNTER_RESPONSE_TIME_USEC], TDuration::Seconds(1));
ResponsivenessActorID = RegisterWithSameMailbox(ResponsivenessPinger);
- }
+ }
void THive::DefaultSignalTabletActive(const TActorContext& ctx) {
void THive::AssignTabletGroups(TLeaderTabletInfo& tablet) {
ui32 channels = tablet.GetChannelCount();
@@ -1567,16 +1567,16 @@ bool THive::IsTabletMoveExpedient(const TTabletInfo& tablet, const TNodeInfo& no
void THive::FillTabletInfo(NKikimrHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo& response, ui64 tabletId, const TLeaderTabletInfo *info, const NKikimrHive::TEvRequestHiveInfo &req) {
- if (info) {
+ if (info) {
auto& tabletInfo = *response.AddTablets();
- tabletInfo.SetTabletType(info->Type);
- tabletInfo.SetState(static_cast<ui32>(info->State));
+ tabletInfo.SetTabletType(info->Type);
+ tabletInfo.SetState(static_cast<ui32>(info->State));
- tabletInfo.SetNodeID(info->NodeId);
- tabletInfo.MutableTabletOwner()->SetOwner(info->Owner.first);
- tabletInfo.MutableTabletOwner()->SetOwnerIdx(info->Owner.second);
+ tabletInfo.SetNodeID(info->NodeId);
+ tabletInfo.MutableTabletOwner()->SetOwner(info->Owner.first);
+ tabletInfo.MutableTabletOwner()->SetOwnerIdx(info->Owner.second);
if (!info->IsRunning()) {
@@ -1590,14 +1590,14 @@ void THive::FillTabletInfo(NKikimrHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo& response, ui64 tabl
for (const auto& follower : info->Followers) {
if (req.HasFollowerID() && req.GetFollowerID() != follower.Id)
- NKikimrHive::TTabletInfo& tabletInfo = *response.AddTablets();
- tabletInfo.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- tabletInfo.SetTabletType(info->Type);
+ NKikimrHive::TTabletInfo& tabletInfo = *response.AddTablets();
+ tabletInfo.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ tabletInfo.SetTabletType(info->Type);
- tabletInfo.MutableTabletOwner()->SetOwner(info->Owner.first);
- tabletInfo.MutableTabletOwner()->SetOwnerIdx(info->Owner.second);
+ tabletInfo.MutableTabletOwner()->SetOwner(info->Owner.first);
+ tabletInfo.MutableTabletOwner()->SetOwnerIdx(info->Owner.second);
if (!follower.IsRunning()) {
@@ -1609,13 +1609,13 @@ void THive::FillTabletInfo(NKikimrHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo& response, ui64 tabl
void THive::Handle(TEvHive::TEvRequestHiveInfo::TPtr& ev) {
- const auto& record = ev->Get()->Record;
- TAutoPtr<TEvHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo> response = new TEvHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo();
+ const auto& record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ TAutoPtr<TEvHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo> response = new TEvHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo();
TInstant now = TlsActivationContext->Now();
- if (record.HasTabletID()) {
+ if (record.HasTabletID()) {
TTabletId tabletId = record.GetTabletID();
NKikimrHive::TForwardRequest forwardRequest;
if (CheckForForwardTabletRequest(tabletId, forwardRequest)) {
@@ -1628,20 +1628,20 @@ void THive::Handle(TEvHive::TEvRequestHiveInfo::TPtr& ev) {
} else {
BLOG_W("Can't find the tablet from RequestHiveInfo(TabletID=" << tabletId << ")");
- } else {
- response->Record.MutableTablets()->Reserve(Tablets.size());
- for (auto it = Tablets.begin(); it != Tablets.end(); ++it) {
+ } else {
+ response->Record.MutableTablets()->Reserve(Tablets.size());
+ for (auto it = Tablets.begin(); it != Tablets.end(); ++it) {
if (record.HasTabletType() && record.GetTabletType() != it->second.Type) {
- continue;
+ continue;
if (it->second.IsDeleting()) {
- FillTabletInfo(response->Record, it->first, &it->second, record);
- }
- }
+ FillTabletInfo(response->Record, it->first, &it->second, record);
+ }
+ }
Send(ev->Sender, response.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
@@ -2626,6 +2626,6 @@ TString THive::GetLogPrefix() const {
IActor* CreateDefaultHive(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info) {
return new NHive::THive(info, tablet);
} // NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_impl.h b/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_impl.h
index 8fbb8d24ee..70c4530fee 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_impl.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <bitset>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/hive.h>
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ namespace std {
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NHive {
struct TCompleteNotifications {
TVector<THolder<IEventHandle>> Notifications;
TActorId SelfID;
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ protected:
friend class TQueryMigrationWaitActor;
friend class TReleaseTabletsWaitActor;
friend class TDrainNodeWaitActor;
friend class TTxInitScheme;
friend class TTxDeleteTablet;
friend class TTxDeleteOwnerTablets;
@@ -260,19 +260,19 @@ protected:
TFollowerId followerId,
TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus::EStatus status,
TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason reason);
- ITransaction* CreateBootTablet(TTabletId tabletId);
+ ITransaction* CreateBootTablet(TTabletId tabletId);
ITransaction* CreateKillNode(TNodeId nodeId, const TActorId& local);
ITransaction* CreateUpdateTabletGroups(TTabletId tabletId, TVector<NKikimrBlobStorage::TEvControllerSelectGroupsResult::TGroupParameters> groups = {});
- ITransaction* CreateCheckTablets();
+ ITransaction* CreateCheckTablets();
ITransaction* CreateSyncTablets(const TActorId &local, NKikimrLocal::TEvSyncTablets& rec);
ITransaction* CreateStopTablet(TTabletId tabletId, const TActorId& actorToNotify);
ITransaction* CreateResumeTablet(TTabletId tabletId, const TActorId& actorToNotify);
ITransaction* CreateStartTablet(TFullTabletId tabletId, const TActorId& local, ui64 cookie, bool external = false);
- ITransaction* CreateUpdateTabletMetrics(TEvHive::TEvTabletMetrics::TPtr& ev);
+ ITransaction* CreateUpdateTabletMetrics(TEvHive::TEvTabletMetrics::TPtr& ev);
ITransaction* CreateReassignGroups(TTabletId tabletId, const TActorId& actorToNotify, const std::bitset<MAX_TABLET_CHANNELS>& channelProfileNewGroup);
ITransaction* CreateLockTabletExecution(const NKikimrHive::TEvLockTabletExecution& rec, const TActorId& sender, const ui64 cookie);
ITransaction* CreateUnlockTabletExecution(const NKikimrHive::TEvUnlockTabletExecution& rec, const TActorId& sender, const ui64 cookie);
- ITransaction* CreateUnlockTabletExecution(ui64 tabletId, ui64 seqNo);
+ ITransaction* CreateUnlockTabletExecution(ui64 tabletId, ui64 seqNo);
ITransaction* CreateRequestTabletSequence(TEvHive::TEvRequestTabletIdSequence::TPtr event);
ITransaction* CreateResponseTabletSequence(TEvHive::TEvResponseTabletIdSequence::TPtr event);
ITransaction* CreateDisconnectNode(THolder<TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected> event);
@@ -286,24 +286,24 @@ protected:
ITransaction* CreateConfigureSubdomain(TEvHive::TEvConfigureHive::TPtr event);
ITransaction* CreateSwitchDrainOn(TNodeId nodeId, TDrainSettings settings, const TActorId& initiator);
ITransaction* CreateSwitchDrainOff(TNodeId nodeId, TDrainSettings settings, NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui32 movements);
TDomainsView DomainsView;
TActorId BSControllerPipeClient;
TActorId RootHivePipeClient;
- ui64 HiveUid; // Hive Personal Identifier - identifies a unique individual hive
- ui32 HiveDomain;
+ ui64 HiveUid; // Hive Personal Identifier - identifies a unique individual hive
+ ui32 HiveDomain;
TTabletId RootHiveId;
TTabletId HiveId;
ui64 HiveGeneration;
TSubDomainKey RootDomainKey;
TSubDomainKey PrimaryDomainKey;
TString RootDomainName;
- TIntrusivePtr<NTabletPipe::TBoundedClientCacheConfig> PipeClientCacheConfig;
+ TIntrusivePtr<NTabletPipe::TBoundedClientCacheConfig> PipeClientCacheConfig;
THolder<NTabletPipe::IClientCache> PipeClientCache;
- TPipeTracker PipeTracker;
+ TPipeTracker PipeTracker;
NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy PipeRetryPolicy;
std::unordered_map<TNodeId, TNodeInfo> Nodes;
std::unordered_map<TTabletId, TLeaderTabletInfo> Tablets;
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ protected:
NKikimrHive::TEvSeizeTablets MigrationFilter;
TActorId ResponsivenessActorID;
- TTabletResponsivenessPinger *ResponsivenessPinger;
+ TTabletResponsivenessPinger *ResponsivenessPinger;
// remove after upgrade to sub hives
ui64 NextTabletId = 0x10000;
@@ -498,41 +498,41 @@ protected:
void Handle(NConsole::TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvSetConfigSubscriptionResponse::TPtr& ev);
void Handle(NSysView::TEvSysView::TEvGetTabletIdsRequest::TPtr& ev);
void Handle(NSysView::TEvSysView::TEvGetTabletsRequest::TPtr& ev);
void RestartPipeTx(ui64 tabletId);
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::HIVE_ACTOR;
THive(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &tablet);
void SendToBSControllerPipe(IEventBase* payload);
void SendToRootHivePipe(IEventBase* payload);
void RestartBSControllerPipe();
void RestartRootHivePipe();
struct TBestNodeResult {
TNodeInfo* BestNode;
bool TryToContinue;
TBestNodeResult(TNodeInfo& bestNode)
: BestNode(&bestNode)
, TryToContinue(true)
TBestNodeResult(bool tryToContinue)
: BestNode(nullptr)
, TryToContinue(tryToContinue)
TBestNodeResult FindBestNode(const TTabletInfo& tablet);
struct TSelectedNode {
@@ -793,8 +793,8 @@ protected:
void ResolveDomain(TSubDomainKey domain);
TString GetDomainName(TSubDomainKey domain);
TSubDomainKey GetMySubDomainKey() const;
} // NHive
} // NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_ut.cpp
index 7001052580..0383d49a12 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_ut.cpp
@@ -2001,29 +2001,29 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(THiveTest) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(PipeAlivenessOfDeadTablet) {
TTestBasicRuntime runtime(1, false);
- Setup(runtime, true);
+ Setup(runtime, true);
TActorId sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
- const ui64 hiveTablet = MakeDefaultHiveID(0);
- const ui64 testerTablet = 1;
+ const ui64 hiveTablet = MakeDefaultHiveID(0);
+ const ui64 testerTablet = 1;
CreateTestBootstrapper(runtime, CreateTestTabletInfo(hiveTablet, TTabletTypes::FLAT_HIVE), &CreateDefaultHive);
TTabletTypes::EType tabletType = TTabletTypes::Dummy;
const ui64 tabletId = SendCreateTestTablet(runtime, hiveTablet, testerTablet, MakeHolder<TEvHive::TEvCreateTablet>(testerTablet, 0, tabletType, BINDED_CHANNELS), 0, true);
- MakeSureTabletIsUp(runtime, tabletId, 0);
+ MakeSureTabletIsUp(runtime, tabletId, 0);
if (!SendDeleteTestTablet(runtime, hiveTablet, MakeHolder<TEvHive::TEvDeleteTablet>(testerTablet, 0, 0))) {
- MakeSureTabletIsDown(runtime, tabletId, 0);
- NTabletPipe::TClientConfig clientConfig;
- clientConfig.CheckAliveness = true;
+ MakeSureTabletIsDown(runtime, tabletId, 0);
+ NTabletPipe::TClientConfig clientConfig;
+ clientConfig.CheckAliveness = true;
clientConfig.RetryPolicy = {.RetryLimitCount = 3};
- runtime.Register(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(sender, tabletId, clientConfig));
- TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
- auto connectResult = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(handle);
- UNIT_ASSERT(connectResult);
- UNIT_ASSERT(connectResult->Dead == true);
- }
+ runtime.Register(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(sender, tabletId, clientConfig));
+ TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
+ auto connectResult = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(handle);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(connectResult);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(connectResult->Dead == true);
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCreateTabletBeforeLocal) {
TTestBasicRuntime runtime(1, false);
Setup(runtime, false);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/leader_tablet_info.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/leader_tablet_info.cpp
index 40f104fe51..13e1d5b2ee 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/leader_tablet_info.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/leader_tablet_info.cpp
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ namespace NHive {
TString TLeaderTabletInfo::DEFAULT_STORAGE_POOL_NAME = "default";
TPathId TLeaderTabletInfo::GetTenant() const {
- // todo: must be explicit TenantPathId
+ // todo: must be explicit TenantPathId
if (!ObjectDomain)
- return TPathId();
+ return TPathId();
return TPathId(ObjectDomain.GetSchemeShard(), ObjectDomain.GetPathId());
bool TLeaderTabletInfo::IsSomeoneAliveOnNode(TNodeId nodeId) const {
if (CanBeAlive() && Node->Id == nodeId) {
return true;
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/leader_tablet_info.h b/ydb/core/mind/hive/leader_tablet_info.h
index a37d33a67c..88425b3cae 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/leader_tablet_info.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/leader_tablet_info.h
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ public:
ui32 GetFollowersAliveOnDataCenter(TDataCenterId dataCenterId) const;
ui32 GetFollowersAliveOnDataCenterExcludingFollower(TDataCenterId dataCenterId, const TTabletInfo& excludingFollower) const;
- TPathId GetTenant() const;
+ TPathId GetTenant() const;
bool IsAllAlive() const {
if (!IsAlive())
return false;
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/monitoring.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/monitoring.cpp
index 12fb52416e..7e9a83b354 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/monitoring.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/monitoring.cpp
@@ -9,44 +9,44 @@
#include "hive_schema.h"
#include "hive_log.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NHive {
class TTxMonEvent_DbState : public TTransactionBase<THive> {
- struct TTabletInfo {
- ui32 KnownGeneration;
- ui32 TabletType;
+ struct TTabletInfo {
+ ui32 KnownGeneration;
+ ui32 TabletType;
ui32 LeaderNode;
ETabletState TabletState;
- };
- struct TNodeInfo {
+ };
+ struct TNodeInfo {
TActorId Local;
- ui64 TabletsOn;
- TNodeInfo()
- : TabletsOn(0)
- {}
- };
+ ui64 TabletsOn;
+ TNodeInfo()
+ : TabletsOn(0)
+ {}
+ };
const TActorId Source;
TMap<ui64, TTabletInfo> TabletInfo;
TMap<ui32, TNodeInfo> NodeInfo;
TTxMonEvent_DbState(const TActorId &source, TSelf *hive)
- : TBase(hive)
- , Source(source)
- {}
+ : TBase(hive)
+ , Source(source)
+ {}
TTxType GetTxType() const override { return NHive::TXTYPE_MON_DB_STATE; }
bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext& ctx) override {
- TabletInfo.clear();
- NodeInfo.clear();
+ TabletInfo.clear();
+ NodeInfo.clear();
NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
{ // read tablets from DB
auto rowset = db.Table<Schema::Tablet>().Range().Select();
if (!rowset.IsReady())
@@ -57,40 +57,40 @@ public:
const ui32 type = rowset.GetValue<Schema::Tablet::TabletType>();
const ui32 leaderNode = rowset.GetValue<Schema::Tablet::LeaderNode>();
const ETabletState tabletState = rowset.GetValue<Schema::Tablet::State>();
TabletInfo[tabletId] = {knownGen, type, leaderNode, tabletState};
++NodeInfo[leaderNode].TabletsOn; // leaderNode could be zero, then - counter of tablets w/o leader node
if (!rowset.Next())
return false;
- }
- }
- // read nodes
- {
+ }
+ }
+ // read nodes
+ {
auto rowset = db.Table<Schema::Node>().Range().Select();
if (!rowset.IsReady())
return false;
while (rowset.IsValid()) {
const ui32 nodeId = rowset.GetValue<Schema::Node::ID>();
const TActorId local = rowset.GetValue<Schema::Node::Local>();
- NodeInfo[nodeId].Local = local;
+ NodeInfo[nodeId].Local = local;
if (!rowset.Next())
return false;
- }
- }
- // todo: send result back
- TStringStream str;
- RenderHTMLPage(str);
- ctx.Send(Source, new NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
- return true;
- }
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: send result back
+ TStringStream str;
+ RenderHTMLPage(str);
+ ctx.Send(Source, new NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
+ return true;
+ }
void Complete(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
- }
+ }
void RenderHTMLPage(IOutputStream &out) {
HTML(out) {
UL_CLASS("nav nav-tabs") {
@@ -362,9 +362,9 @@ public:
out << "</tbody>";
out << "</table>";
- }
+ }
class TTxMonEvent_MemStateDomains : public TTransactionBase<THive> {
const TActorId Source;
@@ -1102,14 +1102,14 @@ public:
void RenderHTMLPage(IOutputStream &out) {
ui64 nodes = 0;
ui64 tablets = 0;
- ui64 runningTablets = 0;
- ui64 aliveNodes = 0;
+ ui64 runningTablets = 0;
+ ui64 aliveNodes = 0;
THashMap<ui32, TMap<TString, ui32>> tabletsByNodeByType;
THashMap<TTabletTypes::EType, ui32> tabletTypesToChannels;
for (const auto& pr : Self->Tablets) {
if (pr.second.IsRunning()) {
- ++runningTablets;
+ ++runningTablets;
for (const auto& sl : pr.second.Followers) {
@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ public:
for (const auto& pr : Self->Nodes) {
if (pr.second.IsAlive()) {
- ++aliveNodes;
+ ++aliveNodes;
if (!pr.second.IsUnknown()) {
@@ -2874,10 +2874,10 @@ class TTxMonEvent_ResetTablet : public TTransactionBase<THive> {
const ui32 KnownGeneration;
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::HIVE_MON_REQUEST;
- }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::HIVE_MON_REQUEST;
+ }
TResetter(TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info, TActorId source, ui32 knownGeneration)
: Info(std::move(info))
, Source(source)
@@ -3444,7 +3444,7 @@ void THive::CreateEvMonitoring(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr& ev, const TActorCo
return Execute(new TTxMonEvent_Storage(ev->Sender, ev, this), ctx);
return Execute(new TTxMonEvent_Landing(ev->Sender, ev, this), ctx);
} // NHive
} // NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tablet_info.h b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tablet_info.h
index 4adff1939c..dc360a30e4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tablet_info.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tablet_info.h
@@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ public:
return max(NormalizeRawValues(current, maximum));
- void UpdateWeight() {
+ void UpdateWeight() {
TResourceRawValues current = GetResourceCurrentValues();
TResourceRawValues maximum = GetResourceMaximumValues();
- Weight = GetUsage(current, maximum);
+ Weight = GetUsage(current, maximum);
void PostponeStart(TInstant nextStart) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__block_storage_result.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__block_storage_result.cpp
index 967dafc004..28315ec93b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__block_storage_result.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__block_storage_result.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public:
-ITransaction* THive::CreateBlockStorageResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult::TPtr& ev) {
+ITransaction* THive::CreateBlockStorageResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult::TPtr& ev) {
return new TTxBlockStorageResult(ev, this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__create_tablet.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__create_tablet.cpp
index bdaae5ec5f..f3b27bfd9a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__create_tablet.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__create_tablet.cpp
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ public:
tablet.TabletStorageInfo.Reset(new TTabletStorageInfo(tablet.Id, tablet.Type));
- tablet.TabletStorageInfo->TenantPathId = tablet.GetTenant();
+ tablet.TabletStorageInfo->TenantPathId = tablet.GetTenant();
UpdateChannelsBinding(tablet, db);
for (const auto& srcFollowerGroup : FollowerGroups) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__cut_tablet_history.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__cut_tablet_history.cpp
index 686c0f1892..9bf4c94b98 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__cut_tablet_history.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__cut_tablet_history.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public:
void Complete(const TActorContext&) override {}
-ITransaction* THive::CreateCutTabletHistory(TEvHive::TEvCutTabletHistory::TPtr& ev) {
+ITransaction* THive::CreateCutTabletHistory(TEvHive::TEvCutTabletHistory::TPtr& ev) {
return new TTxCutTabletHistory(ev, this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__delete_tablet.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__delete_tablet.cpp
index db1435d8cc..6d481e695f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__delete_tablet.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__delete_tablet.cpp
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public:
-ITransaction* THive::CreateDeleteTablet(TEvHive::TEvDeleteTablet::TPtr& ev) {
+ITransaction* THive::CreateDeleteTablet(TEvHive::TEvDeleteTablet::TPtr& ev) {
return new TTxDeleteTablet(ev, this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__delete_tablet_result.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__delete_tablet_result.cpp
index 077df0477f..bbe89acae4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__delete_tablet_result.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__delete_tablet_result.cpp
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public:
-ITransaction* THive::CreateDeleteTabletResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvDeleteTabletResult::TPtr& ev) {
+ITransaction* THive::CreateDeleteTabletResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvDeleteTabletResult::TPtr& ev) {
return new TTxDeleteTabletResult(ev, this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__init_scheme.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__init_scheme.cpp
index 92020e7123..b65451f94a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__init_scheme.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__init_scheme.cpp
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public:
-ITransaction* THive::CreateInitScheme() {
+ITransaction* THive::CreateInitScheme() {
return new TTxInitScheme(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__load_everything.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__load_everything.cpp
index 8a125e8498..e4c1cf1f51 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__load_everything.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__load_everything.cpp
@@ -506,8 +506,8 @@ public:
tablet.TabletStorageInfo.Reset(new TTabletStorageInfo(tabletId, tablet.Type));
tablet.TabletStorageInfo->Version = tabletRowset.GetValueOrDefault<Schema::Tablet::TabletStorageVersion>();
- tablet.TabletStorageInfo->TenantPathId = tablet.GetTenant();
+ tablet.TabletStorageInfo->TenantPathId = tablet.GetTenant();
auto tabletChannelRowset = db.Table<Schema::TabletChannel>().Range(tabletId).Select();
if (!tabletChannelRowset.IsReady())
return false;
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ public:
-ITransaction* THive::CreateLoadEverything() {
+ITransaction* THive::CreateLoadEverything() {
return new TTxLoadEverything(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__unlock_tablet.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__unlock_tablet.cpp
index 748e7ef4ed..66786b43b2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__unlock_tablet.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__unlock_tablet.cpp
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ ITransaction* THive::CreateUnlockTabletExecution(const NKikimrHive::TEvUnlockTab
return new TTxUnlockTabletExecution(rec, sender, cookie, this);
-ITransaction* THive::CreateUnlockTabletExecution(ui64 tabletId, ui64 seqNo) {
+ITransaction* THive::CreateUnlockTabletExecution(ui64 tabletId, ui64 seqNo) {
return new TTxUnlockTabletExecution(tabletId, seqNo, this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__update_tablet_metrics.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__update_tablet_metrics.cpp
index e4262a1303..7e6150ec9a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__update_tablet_metrics.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__update_tablet_metrics.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
-ITransaction* THive::CreateUpdateTabletMetrics(TEvHive::TEvTabletMetrics::TPtr& ev) {
+ITransaction* THive::CreateUpdateTabletMetrics(TEvHive::TEvTabletMetrics::TPtr& ev) {
return new TTxUpdateTabletMetrics(ev, this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__update_tablet_status.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__update_tablet_status.cpp
index 30815578ed..7e682e857d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__update_tablet_status.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/tx__update_tablet_status.cpp
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public:
-ITransaction* THive::CreateUpdateTabletStatus(
+ITransaction* THive::CreateUpdateTabletStatus(
TTabletId tabletId,
const TActorId &local,
ui32 generation,
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/hive/ya.make b/ydb/core/mind/hive/ya.make
index 75ac32b558..171f26f1b5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/hive/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/hive/ya.make
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ SRCS(
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/lease_holder.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/lease_holder.cpp
index 7c4ca38847..5d47d04c71 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/lease_holder.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/lease_holder.cpp
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ private:
void StopNode(const TActorContext &ctx)
LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::NODE_BROKER, "Stop node upon lease expiration (exit code 2)");
- AppData(ctx)->KikimrShouldContinue->ShouldStop(2);
+ AppData(ctx)->KikimrShouldContinue->ShouldStop(2);
TString ToString(TInstant t) const
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/local.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/local.cpp
index 7d8f7120e7..09fc15f76d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/local.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/local.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "local.h"
+#include "local.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/counters.h>
@@ -18,47 +18,47 @@
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
template <>
void Out<std::pair<ui64, ui32>>(IOutputStream& out, const std::pair<ui64, ui32>& p) {
out << '(' << p.first << ',' << p.second << ')';
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
- struct TEvPrivate {
- enum EEv {
- EvRegisterTimeout = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
+ struct TEvPrivate {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvRegisterTimeout = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE)");
- typedef TEventSchedulerEv<EvRegisterTimeout> TEvRegisterTimeout;
+ typedef TEventSchedulerEv<EvRegisterTimeout> TEvRegisterTimeout;
struct TEvSendTabletMetrics : TEventLocal<TEvSendTabletMetrics, EvSendTabletMetrics> {};
struct TEvUpdateSystemUsage : TEventLocal<TEvUpdateSystemUsage, EvUpdateSystemUsage> {};
struct TEvLocalDrainTimeout : TEventLocal<TEvLocalDrainTimeout, EvLocalDrainTimeout> {};
- };
+ };
struct TTablet {
TActorId Tablet;
- ui32 Generation;
+ ui32 Generation;
TTabletTypes::EType TabletType;
NKikimrLocal::EBootMode BootMode;
ui32 FollowerId;
- : Tablet()
- , Generation(0)
+ : Tablet()
+ , Generation(0)
, TabletType()
, BootMode(NKikimrLocal::EBootMode::BOOT_MODE_LEADER)
, FollowerId(0)
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TTabletEntry : TTablet {
TInstant From;
@@ -79,17 +79,17 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
const TActorId Owner;
const ui64 HiveId;
TVector<TSubDomainKey> ServicedDomains;
TActorId HivePipeClient;
- bool Connected;
+ bool Connected;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TLocalConfig> Config;
- TIntrusivePtr<TLocalConfig> Config;
TActorId BootQueue;
ui32 HiveGeneration;
TActorId KnownHiveLeader;
using TTabletId = std::pair<ui64, ui32>; // <TTabletId, TFollowerId>
TInstant StartTime;
std::unordered_map<TTabletId, TTabletEntry> InbootTablets;
@@ -117,46 +117,46 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
TSharedQuotaPtr TxCacheQuota;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr Counters;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterStartAttempts;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterStartAttempts;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterFollowerAttempts;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterRestored;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelLocked;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelSSTimeout;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelRace;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelError;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelBootBSError;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelOutdated;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelBootSSError;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelPoisonPill;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelDemotedBySS;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelBSError;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelInconsistentCommit;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelIsolated;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelDemotedByBS;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelUnknownReason;
- void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterRestored;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelLocked;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelSSTimeout;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelRace;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelError;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelBootBSError;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelOutdated;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelBootSSError;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelPoisonPill;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelDemotedBySS;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelBSError;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelInconsistentCommit;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelIsolated;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelDemotedByBS;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr CounterCancelUnknownReason;
+ void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
if (HivePipeClient) {
if (Connected) {
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, HivePipeClient, new TEvLocal::TEvStatus(TEvLocal::TEvStatus::StatusDead));
- NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, HivePipeClient);
+ NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, HivePipeClient);
HivePipeClient = TActorId();
for (const auto &xpair : OnlineTablets) {
ctx.Send(xpair.second.Tablet, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- OnlineTablets.clear();
+ OnlineTablets.clear();
for (const auto &xpair : InbootTablets) {
- ctx.Send(xpair.second.Tablet, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ ctx.Send(xpair.second.Tablet, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- InbootTablets.clear();
- TActor::Die(ctx);
- }
+ InbootTablets.clear();
+ TActor::Die(ctx);
+ }
void MarkDeadTablet(TTabletId tabletId,
ui32 generation,
TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus::EStatus status,
@@ -165,15 +165,15 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
if (Connected) { // must be 'connected' check
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, HivePipeClient, new TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus(status, reason, tabletId, generation));
- }
- void TryToRegister(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ }
+ void TryToRegister(const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar::TryToRegister");
// pipe client is in use for convenience, real info update come from EvPing
- NTabletPipe::TClientConfig pipeConfig;
+ NTabletPipe::TClientConfig pipeConfig;
pipeConfig.RetryPolicy = {
.MinRetryTime = TDuration::MilliSeconds(100),
.MaxRetryTime = TDuration::Seconds(5),
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
.DoFirstRetryInstantly = true
HivePipeClient = ctx.RegisterWithSameMailbox(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(ctx.SelfID, HiveId, pipeConfig));
THolder<TEvLocal::TEvRegisterNode> request = MakeHolder<TEvLocal::TEvRegisterNode>(HiveId);
for (auto &domain: ServicedDomains) {
*request->Record.AddServicedDomains() = NKikimrSubDomains::TDomainKey(domain);
@@ -197,21 +197,21 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, HivePipeClient, request.Release());
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar::TryToRegister pipe to hive, pipe:" << HivePipeClient.ToString());
- }
- void HandlePipeDestroyed(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ }
+ void HandlePipeDestroyed(const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar HandlePipeDestroyed - DISCONNECTED");
HivePipeClient = TActorId();
- Connected = false;
- TryToRegister(ctx);
+ Connected = false;
+ TryToRegister(ctx);
if (SentDrainNode && !DrainResultReceived) {
LOG_NOTICE_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar: drain complete: hive pipe destroyed, hive id: " << HiveId);
DrainResultReceived = true;
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvEnumerateTablets::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const NKikimrLocal::TEvEnumerateTablets &record = ev->Get()->Record;
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
- info->SetBootMode(tablet.second.BootMode);
+ info->SetBootMode(tablet.second.BootMode);
@@ -240,31 +240,31 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
ctx.Send(ev->Sender, result.Release());
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected {"
<< "TabletId=" << msg->TabletId
<< " Status=" << msg->Status
<< " ClientId=" << msg->ClientId);
- if (msg->ClientId != HivePipeClient)
- return;
+ if (msg->ClientId != HivePipeClient)
+ return;
if (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::OK) {
SendTabletMetricsInProgress = false;
- return;
+ return;
- HandlePipeDestroyed(ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
+ HandlePipeDestroyed(ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed {"
<< "TabletId=" << msg->TabletId
<< " ClientId=" << msg->ClientId);
- if (msg->ClientId != HivePipeClient)
- return;
- HandlePipeDestroyed(ctx);
- }
+ if (msg->ClientId != HivePipeClient)
+ return;
+ HandlePipeDestroyed(ctx);
+ }
void SendStatusOk(const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar SendStatusOk");
TAutoPtr<TEvLocal::TEvStatus> eventStatus = new TEvLocal::TEvStatus(TEvLocal::TEvStatus::StatusOk);
@@ -307,19 +307,19 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
- void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvPing::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvPing::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar::Handle TEvLocal::TEvPing");
const TActorId &sender = ev->Sender;
- const NKikimrLocal::TEvPing &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const NKikimrLocal::TEvPing &record = ev->Get()->Record;
Y_VERIFY(HiveId == record.GetHiveId());
const ui32 hiveGen = record.GetHiveGeneration();
if (hiveGen < HiveGeneration) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar::Handle TEvLocal::TEvPing - outdated");
- ctx.Send(sender, new TEvLocal::TEvStatus(TEvLocal::TEvStatus::StatusOutdated));
- return;
- }
+ ctx.Send(sender, new TEvLocal::TEvStatus(TEvLocal::TEvStatus::StatusOutdated));
+ return;
+ }
if (!HivePipeClient) {
@@ -331,16 +331,16 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
ctx.Send(x.second.Tablet, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
if (record.GetPurge()) {
for (const auto &x : OnlineTablets)
ctx.Send(x.second.Tablet, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
ResourceProfiles = new TResourceProfiles;
// we send starting and running tablets
TAutoPtr<TEvLocal::TEvSyncTablets> eventSyncTablets = new TEvLocal::TEvSyncTablets();
for (const auto& pr : InbootTablets) {
@@ -374,10 +374,10 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
- }
- void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvBootTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- NKikimrLocal::TEvBootTablet &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvBootTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ NKikimrLocal::TEvBootTablet &record = ev->Get()->Record;
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info(TabletStorageInfoFromProto(record.GetInfo()));
info->HiveId = HiveId;
TTabletId tabletId(info->TabletID, record.GetFollowerId());
@@ -390,32 +390,32 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
auto tabletType = info->TabletType;
Y_VERIFY(tabletType != TTabletTypes::TypeInvalid);
ui32 suggestedGen = record.GetSuggestedGeneration();
- if (ev->Sender != BootQueue) {
- LOG_NOTICE(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL,
+ if (ev->Sender != BootQueue) {
+ LOG_NOTICE(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL,
"TLocalNodeRegistrar: Handle TEvLocal::TEvBootTablet unexpected sender:%s",
ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus(
TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus::StatusBootQueueUnknown, tabletId, suggestedGen));
- return;
- }
+ return;
+ }
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar: Handle TEvLocal::TEvBootTablet tabletType:"
<< tabletType << " tabletId:" << tabletId << " suggestedGen:" << suggestedGen);
TMap<TTabletTypes::EType, TLocalConfig::TTabletClassInfo>::const_iterator it = Config->TabletClassInfo.find(tabletType);
- if (it == Config->TabletClassInfo.end()) {
+ if (it == Config->TabletClassInfo.end()) {
LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL,
"TLocalNodeRegistrar: boot-tablet unknown tablet type: "
<< tabletType << " for tablet: " << tabletId);
- ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus(
- TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus::StatusTypeUnknown, tabletId, suggestedGen));
- return;
+ ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus(
+ TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus::StatusTypeUnknown, tabletId, suggestedGen));
+ return;
- {
- auto it = OnlineTablets.find(tabletId);
- if (it != OnlineTablets.end()) {
+ {
+ auto it = OnlineTablets.find(tabletId);
+ if (it != OnlineTablets.end()) {
if (it->second.BootMode == NKikimrLocal::EBootMode::BOOT_MODE_FOLLOWER
&& record.GetBootMode() == NKikimrLocal::EBootMode::BOOT_MODE_LEADER) {
// promote to leader
@@ -435,20 +435,20 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
ctx.Send(it->second.Tablet, new TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop(tabletId.first, TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::ReasonStop));
- OnlineTablets.erase(it);
- }
- }
+ OnlineTablets.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
TTabletEntry &entry = InbootTablets[tabletId];
if (entry.Tablet && entry.Generation != suggestedGen) {
ctx.Send(entry.Tablet, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- TTabletSetupInfo *setupInfo = it->second.SetupInfo.Get();
+ TTabletSetupInfo *setupInfo = it->second.SetupInfo.Get();
switch (record.GetBootMode()) {
case NKikimrLocal::BOOT_MODE_LEADER:
entry.Tablet = setupInfo->Tablet(info.Get(), ctx.SelfID, ctx, suggestedGen, ResourceProfiles, TxCacheQuota);
- CounterStartAttempts->Inc();
+ CounterStartAttempts->Inc();
case NKikimrLocal::BOOT_MODE_FOLLOWER:
entry.Tablet = setupInfo->Follower(info.Get(), ctx.SelfID, ctx, tabletId.second, ResourceProfiles, TxCacheQuota);
@@ -456,20 +456,20 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
- entry.Generation = suggestedGen;
- entry.From = ctx.Now();
+ entry.Generation = suggestedGen;
+ entry.From = ctx.Now();
entry.TabletType = tabletType;
entry.BootMode = record.GetBootMode();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar::Handle TEvLocal::TEvBootTablet tabletId:" << tabletId << " tablet entry created");
if (record.GetBootMode() == NKikimrLocal::BOOT_MODE_FOLLOWER) {
MarkRunningTablet(tabletId, suggestedGen, ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvStopTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrLocal::TEvStopTablet &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvStopTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrLocal::TEvStopTablet &record = ev->Get()->Record;
TTabletId tabletId(record.GetTabletId(), record.GetFollowerId());
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar: Handle TEvStopTablet TabletId:" << tabletId);
@@ -478,22 +478,22 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
if (onlineTabletIt != OnlineTablets.end()) {
// Provide/check generation here
ctx.Send(onlineTabletIt->second.Tablet, new TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop(tabletId.first, TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::ReasonStop));
- } else {
- auto inbootTabletIt = InbootTablets.find(tabletId);
- if (inbootTabletIt != InbootTablets.end()) {
- // Provide/check generation here
+ } else {
+ auto inbootTabletIt = InbootTablets.find(tabletId);
+ if (inbootTabletIt != InbootTablets.end()) {
+ // Provide/check generation here
ctx.Send(inbootTabletIt->second.Tablet, new TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop(tabletId.first, TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::ReasonStop));
- }
+ }
- void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvDeadTabletAck::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvDeadTabletAck::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const NKikimrLocal::TEvDeadTabletAck &record = ev->Get()->Record;
TTabletId tabletId(record.GetTabletId(), record.GetFollowerId());
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar: Handle TEvDeadTabletAck TabletId:" << tabletId);
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvTabletMetrics::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
TEvLocal::TEvTabletMetrics* msg = ev->Get();
const TTabletId tabletId(msg->TabletId, msg->FollowerId);
@@ -685,14 +685,14 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTablet::TEvRestored *msg = ev->Get();
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTablet::TEvRestored *msg = ev->Get();
if (msg->Follower) // ignore follower notifications
- return;
- CounterRestored->Inc(); // always update counter for every tablet, even non-actual one. it's about tracking not resource allocation
+ return;
+ CounterRestored->Inc(); // always update counter for every tablet, even non-actual one. it's about tracking not resource allocation
const auto tabletId = msg->TabletID;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar: Handle TEvTablet::TEvRestored tablet "
<< tabletId
@@ -701,9 +701,9 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
auto inbootIt = std::find_if(InbootTablets.begin(), InbootTablets.end(), [&](const auto& pr) -> bool {
return pr.second.Tablet == ev->Sender;
- if (inbootIt == InbootTablets.end())
- return;
- TTabletEntry &entry = inbootIt->second;
+ if (inbootIt == InbootTablets.end())
+ return;
+ TTabletEntry &entry = inbootIt->second;
if (msg->Generation < entry.Generation) {
LOG_WARN_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar: Handle TEvTablet::TEvRestored tablet "
<< tabletId
@@ -715,85 +715,85 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
MarkRunningTablet(inbootIt->first, msg->Generation, ctx);
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCutTabletHistory::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (Connected) // must be 'connected' check
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, HivePipeClient, ev.Get()->Release().Release());
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead *msg = ev->Get();
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead *msg = ev->Get();
const auto tabletId = msg->TabletID;
- const ui32 generation = msg->Generation;
+ const ui32 generation = msg->Generation;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar: Handle TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead tabletId:"
<< tabletId << " generation:" << generation << " reason:" << (ui32)msg->Reason);
- switch (msg->Reason) {
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootLocked:
- CounterCancelLocked->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSTimeout:
- CounterCancelSSTimeout->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace:
- CounterCancelRace->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError:
- CounterCancelBootBSError->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSuggestOutdated:
- CounterCancelOutdated->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSError:
- CounterCancelBootSSError->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonPill:
- CounterCancelPoisonPill->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonDemotedByStateStorage:
- CounterCancelDemotedBySS->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBSError:
- CounterCancelBSError->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonInconsistentCommit:
- CounterCancelInconsistentCommit->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonIsolated:
- CounterCancelIsolated->Inc();
- break;
- case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonDemotedByBlobStorage:
- CounterCancelDemotedByBS->Inc();
- break;
- default:
- CounterCancelUnknownReason->Inc();
- break;
- }
- // known tablets should be in online-tablets or in inboot-tablets (with correct generation).
+ switch (msg->Reason) {
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootLocked:
+ CounterCancelLocked->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSTimeout:
+ CounterCancelSSTimeout->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace:
+ CounterCancelRace->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError:
+ CounterCancelBootBSError->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSuggestOutdated:
+ CounterCancelOutdated->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSError:
+ CounterCancelBootSSError->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonPill:
+ CounterCancelPoisonPill->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonDemotedByStateStorage:
+ CounterCancelDemotedBySS->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBSError:
+ CounterCancelBSError->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonInconsistentCommit:
+ CounterCancelInconsistentCommit->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonIsolated:
+ CounterCancelIsolated->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonDemotedByBlobStorage:
+ CounterCancelDemotedByBS->Inc();
+ break;
+ default:
+ CounterCancelUnknownReason->Inc();
+ break;
+ }
+ // known tablets should be in online-tablets or in inboot-tablets (with correct generation).
auto onlineIt = std::find_if(OnlineTablets.begin(), OnlineTablets.end(), [&](const auto& pr) -> bool {
return pr.second.Tablet == ev->Sender;
if (onlineIt != OnlineTablets.end()) { // from online list
MarkDeadTablet(onlineIt->first, generation, TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus::StatusFailed, msg->Reason, ctx);
- OnlineTablets.erase(onlineIt);
+ OnlineTablets.erase(onlineIt);
- return;
+ return;
auto inbootIt = std::find_if(InbootTablets.begin(), InbootTablets.end(), [&](const auto& pr) -> bool {
return pr.second.Tablet == ev->Sender;
- if (inbootIt != InbootTablets.end() && inbootIt->second.Generation <= generation) {
+ if (inbootIt != InbootTablets.end() && inbootIt->second.Generation <= generation) {
MarkDeadTablet(inbootIt->first, generation, TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus::StatusBootFailed, msg->Reason, ctx);
- InbootTablets.erase(inbootIt);
- return;
- }
- // deprecated tablet, we don't care
- }
+ InbootTablets.erase(inbootIt);
+ return;
+ }
+ // deprecated tablet, we don't care
+ }
void HandlePoison(const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar: HandlePoison");
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ class TLocalNodeRegistrar : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocalNodeRegistrar> {
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::LOCAL_ACTOR;
@@ -864,11 +864,11 @@ public:
TLocalNodeRegistrar(const TActorId &owner, ui64 hiveId, TVector<TSubDomainKey> servicedDomains,
const NKikimrTabletBase::TMetrics &resourceLimit, TIntrusivePtr<TLocalConfig> config,
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr counters)
- : Owner(owner)
+ : Owner(owner)
, HiveId(hiveId)
, ServicedDomains(std::move(servicedDomains))
- , Connected(false)
- , Config(config)
+ , Connected(false)
+ , Config(config)
, HiveGeneration(0)
, SendTabletMetricsInProgress(false)
, ResourceLimit(resourceLimit)
@@ -877,51 +877,51 @@ public:
TxCacheQuota = new TSharedQuota(Counters->GetCounter("UsedTxDataCache"),
- CounterStartAttempts = Counters->GetCounter("Local_StartAttempts", true);
+ CounterStartAttempts = Counters->GetCounter("Local_StartAttempts", true);
CounterFollowerAttempts = Counters->GetCounter("Local_FollowerAttempts", true);
- CounterRestored = Counters->GetCounter("Local_Restored", true);
- CounterCancelLocked = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelLocked", true);
- CounterCancelSSTimeout = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelSSTimeout", true);
- CounterCancelRace = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelRace", true);
- CounterCancelBootBSError = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelBootBSError", true);
- CounterCancelOutdated = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelOutdated", true);
- CounterCancelBootSSError = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelBootSSError", true);
- CounterCancelPoisonPill = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelPoisonPill", true);
- CounterCancelDemotedBySS = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelDemotedBySS", true);
- CounterCancelBSError = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelBSError", true);
- CounterCancelInconsistentCommit = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelInconsistentCommit", true);
- CounterCancelIsolated = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelIsolated", true);
- CounterCancelDemotedByBS = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelDemotedByBS", true);
- CounterCancelUnknownReason = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelUnknownReason", true);
+ CounterRestored = Counters->GetCounter("Local_Restored", true);
+ CounterCancelLocked = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelLocked", true);
+ CounterCancelSSTimeout = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelSSTimeout", true);
+ CounterCancelRace = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelRace", true);
+ CounterCancelBootBSError = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelBootBSError", true);
+ CounterCancelOutdated = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelOutdated", true);
+ CounterCancelBootSSError = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelBootSSError", true);
+ CounterCancelPoisonPill = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelPoisonPill", true);
+ CounterCancelDemotedBySS = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelDemotedBySS", true);
+ CounterCancelBSError = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelBSError", true);
+ CounterCancelInconsistentCommit = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelInconsistentCommit", true);
+ CounterCancelIsolated = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelIsolated", true);
+ CounterCancelDemotedByBS = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelDemotedByBS", true);
+ CounterCancelUnknownReason = Counters->GetCounter("Local_CancelUnknownReason", true);
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar::Bootstrap");
Send(SelfId(), new TEvPrivate::TEvUpdateSystemUsage());
StartTime = ctx.Now();
- TryToRegister(ctx);
+ TryToRegister(ctx);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvRestored, Handle); // tablet restored, notify queue about update
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, Handle); // tablet dead, notify queue about update
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvRestored, Handle); // tablet restored, notify queue about update
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, Handle); // tablet dead, notify queue about update
HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvCutTabletHistory, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvBootTablet, Handle); // command to boot tablet
- HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvPing, Handle); // command to update link to per-local boot-queue
- HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvStopTablet, Handle); // stop tablet
- HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvDeadTabletAck, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvBootTablet, Handle); // command to boot tablet
+ HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvPing, Handle); // command to update link to per-local boot-queue
+ HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvStopTablet, Handle); // stop tablet
+ HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvDeadTabletAck, Handle);
HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvEnumerateTablets, Handle);
HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvTabletMetrics, Handle);
HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvTabletMetricsAck, Handle);
HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvAlterTenant, Handle);
HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvReconnect, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvSendTabletMetrics, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvUpdateSystemUsage, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvLocalDrainTimeout, HandleDrainTimeout);
@@ -933,11 +933,11 @@ public:
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::LOCAL, "TLocalNodeRegistrar: Unhandled in StateWork type: %" PRIx32
" event: %s", ev->GetTypeRewrite(), ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().data() : "serialized?");
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
class TDomainLocal : public TActorBootstrapped<TDomainLocal> {
struct TResolveTask {
TRegistrationInfo Info;
@@ -1136,12 +1136,12 @@ class TDomainLocal : public TActorBootstrapped<TDomainLocal> {
if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus::OK) {
- }
+ }
for (auto &pr : ResolveTasks)
SendResolveRequest(pr.second.Info, ctx);
- }
+ }
void HandlePipe(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx)
TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ class TDomainLocal : public TActorBootstrapped<TDomainLocal> {
SendStatus(info.TenantName, ev->Sender, ctx);
- }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
@@ -1391,8 +1391,8 @@ public:
class TLocal : public TActorBootstrapped<TLocal> {
TIntrusivePtr<TLocalConfig> Config;
THashMap<TString, TActorId> DomainLocals;
@@ -1503,8 +1503,8 @@ public:
-IActor* CreateLocal(TLocalConfig *config) {
- return new TLocal(config);
+IActor* CreateLocal(TLocalConfig *config) {
+ return new TLocal(config);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/local.h b/ydb/core/mind/local.h
index 66fdc5a8f3..05c9bdc48e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/local.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/local.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/local.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_setup.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/events.h>
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/subdomain.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_metrics.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
struct TRegistrationInfo {
TString DomainName;
@@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ struct TDrainProgress : public TThrRefBase {
-struct TEvLocal {
- enum EEv {
- EvRegisterNode = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_LOCAL),
- EvPing,
- EvBootTablet,
- EvStopTablet, // must be here
- EvDeadTabletAck,
+struct TEvLocal {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvRegisterNode = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_LOCAL),
+ EvPing,
+ EvBootTablet,
+ EvStopTablet, // must be here
+ EvDeadTabletAck,
- EvStatus = EvRegisterNode + 512,
- EvTabletStatus,
+ EvStatus = EvRegisterNode + 512,
+ EvTabletStatus,
EvAddTenant = EvRegisterNode + 1024,
@@ -92,33 +92,33 @@ struct TEvLocal {
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_LOCAL),
"expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_LOCAL)");
struct TEvRegisterNode : public TEventPB<TEvRegisterNode, NKikimrLocal::TEvRegisterNode, EvRegisterNode> {
- TEvRegisterNode()
- {}
+ TEvRegisterNode()
+ {}
TEvRegisterNode(ui64 hiveId) {
- }
- };
+ }
+ };
struct TEvPing : public TEventPB<TEvPing, NKikimrLocal::TEvPing, EvPing> {
- TEvPing()
- {}
+ TEvPing()
+ {}
TEvPing(ui64 hiveId, ui32 hiveGeneration, bool purge, const NKikimrLocal::TLocalConfig &config) {
- Record.SetPurge(purge);
+ Record.SetPurge(purge);
- }
- };
+ }
+ };
struct TEvReconnect : TEventPB<TEvReconnect, NKikimrLocal::TEvReconnect, EvReconnect> {
TEvReconnect() = default;
@@ -129,19 +129,19 @@ struct TEvLocal {
struct TEvStatus : public TEventPB<TEvStatus, NKikimrLocal::TEvStatus, EvStatus> {
- enum EStatus {
- StatusOk,
- StatusOutdated,
- StatusDead,
- };
+ enum EStatus {
+ StatusOk,
+ StatusOutdated,
+ StatusDead,
+ };
TEvStatus() {
- Record.SetStatus(StatusOk);
- }
+ Record.SetStatus(StatusOk);
+ }
TEvStatus(EStatus status) {
- Record.SetStatus(status);
- }
+ Record.SetStatus(status);
+ }
TEvStatus(EStatus status, ui64 inbootTablets, ui64 onlineTablets, ui64 deadTablets) {
@@ -149,64 +149,64 @@ struct TEvLocal {
- };
+ };
struct TEvBootTablet : public TEventPB<TEvBootTablet, NKikimrLocal::TEvBootTablet, EvBootTablet> {
- TEvBootTablet()
- {}
+ TEvBootTablet()
+ {}
TEvBootTablet(const TTabletStorageInfo &info, ui32 followerId, ui32 suggestedGeneration) {
- TabletStorageInfoToProto(info, Record.MutableInfo());
- Record.SetSuggestedGeneration(suggestedGeneration);
+ TabletStorageInfoToProto(info, Record.MutableInfo());
+ Record.SetSuggestedGeneration(suggestedGeneration);
- }
+ }
TEvBootTablet(const TTabletStorageInfo &info, ui32 followerId) {
TabletStorageInfoToProto(info, Record.MutableInfo());
- };
- struct TEvStopTablet : public TEventPB<TEvStopTablet, NKikimrLocal::TEvStopTablet, EvStopTablet> {
- TEvStopTablet()
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvStopTablet : public TEventPB<TEvStopTablet, NKikimrLocal::TEvStopTablet, EvStopTablet> {
+ TEvStopTablet()
+ {}
TEvStopTablet(std::pair<ui64, ui32> tabletId)
- {
+ {
- }
- };
- struct TEvDeadTabletAck : public TEventPB<TEvDeadTabletAck, NKikimrLocal::TEvDeadTabletAck, EvDeadTabletAck> {
- TEvDeadTabletAck()
- {}
+ }
+ };
+ struct TEvDeadTabletAck : public TEventPB<TEvDeadTabletAck, NKikimrLocal::TEvDeadTabletAck, EvDeadTabletAck> {
+ TEvDeadTabletAck()
+ {}
TEvDeadTabletAck(std::pair<ui64, ui32> tabletId, ui32 generation)
- {
+ {
- Record.SetGeneration(generation);
- }
- };
+ Record.SetGeneration(generation);
+ }
+ };
struct TEvTabletStatus : public TEventPB<TEvTabletStatus, NKikimrLocal::TEvTabletStatus, EvTabletStatus> {
- enum EStatus {
- StatusOk,
- StatusBootFailed,
- StatusTypeUnknown,
- StatusBSBootError,
- StatusBSWriteError,
- StatusFailed,
- StatusBootQueueUnknown,
+ enum EStatus {
+ StatusOk,
+ StatusBootFailed,
+ StatusTypeUnknown,
+ StatusBSBootError,
+ StatusBSWriteError,
+ StatusFailed,
+ StatusBootQueueUnknown,
- };
- TEvTabletStatus()
- {}
+ };
+ TEvTabletStatus()
+ {}
TEvTabletStatus(EStatus status, TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason reason, std::pair<ui64, ui32> tabletId, ui32 generation) {
@@ -216,12 +216,12 @@ struct TEvLocal {
TEvTabletStatus(EStatus status, std::pair<ui64, ui32> tabletId, ui32 generation) {
- Record.SetStatus(status);
+ Record.SetStatus(status);
- Record.SetGeneration(generation);
- }
- };
+ Record.SetGeneration(generation);
+ }
+ };
struct TEvEnumerateTablets : public TEventPB<TEvEnumerateTablets, NKikimrLocal::TEvEnumerateTablets, EvEnumerateTablets> {
@@ -261,23 +261,23 @@ struct TEvLocal {
struct TEvTabletMetricsAck : public TEventPB<TEvTabletMetricsAck, NKikimrLocal::TEvTabletMetricsAck, EvTabletMetricsAck> {
struct TEvAddTenant : public TEventLocal<TEvAddTenant, EvAddTenant> {
TRegistrationInfo TenantInfo;
TEvAddTenant(const TString &domainName)
: TenantInfo(domainName)
TEvAddTenant(const TString &domainName, NKikimrTabletBase::TMetrics resourceLimit)
: TenantInfo(domainName, resourceLimit)
- {}
+ {}
TEvAddTenant(const TRegistrationInfo &info)
: TenantInfo(info)
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvRemoveTenant : public TEventLocal<TEvRemoveTenant, EvRemoveTenant> {
TString TenantName;
@@ -365,10 +365,10 @@ struct TLocalConfig : public TThrRefBase {
TMap<TTabletTypes::EType, TTabletClassInfo> TabletClassInfo;
-IActor* CreateLocal(TLocalConfig *config);
+IActor* CreateLocal(TLocalConfig *config);
inline TActorId MakeLocalID(ui32 node) {
char x[12] = { 'l', 'o', 'c', 'l'};
x[4] = (char)(node & 0xFF);
@@ -380,8 +380,8 @@ inline TActorId MakeLocalID(ui32 node) {
x[10] = 0;
x[11] = 0;
return TActorId(node, TStringBuf(x, 12));
inline TActorId MakeLocalRegistrarID(ui32 node, ui64 hiveId) {
char x[12] = { 'l', 'o', 'c', 'l'};
x[4] = (char)(node & 0xFF);
@@ -393,6 +393,6 @@ inline TActorId MakeLocalRegistrarID(ui32 node, ui64 hiveId) {
x[10] = (char)(((hiveId >> 16) & 0xFF) ^ ((hiveId >> 48) & 0xFF));
x[11] = (char)(((hiveId >> 24) & 0xFF) ^ ((hiveId >> 56) & 0xFF));
return TActorId(node, TStringBuf(x, 12));
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/node_broker.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/node_broker.cpp
index ef7d194f14..a2ef938369 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/node_broker.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/node_broker.cpp
@@ -832,10 +832,10 @@ void TNodeBroker::Handle(TEvNodeBroker::TEvRegistrationRequest::TPtr &ev,
NActors::TScopeId ScopeId;
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::NODE_BROKER_ACTOR;
- }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::NODE_BROKER_ACTOR;
+ }
TRegisterNodeActor(TEvNodeBroker::TEvRegistrationRequest::TPtr& ev, TNodeBroker *self)
: Ev(ev)
, Self(self)
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration.cpp
index c19dcb715b..15ecddceb2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration.cpp
@@ -1,150 +1,150 @@
-#include "tenant_node_enumeration.h"
-#include "tenant_pool.h"
+#include "tenant_node_enumeration.h"
+#include "tenant_pool.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/statestorage.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/path.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-TString MakeTenantNodeEnumerationPath(const TString &tenantName) {
- return "node+" + tenantName;
-static ui32 ExtractDefaultGroupForPath(const TString &path) {
- auto *domains = AppData()->DomainsInfo.Get();
- const TStringBuf domainName = ExtractDomain(path);
- auto *domainInfo = domains->GetDomainByName(domainName);
- if (domainInfo)
- return domainInfo->DefaultStateStorageGroup;
- else
- return Max<ui32>();
-class TTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher : public TActorBootstrapped<TTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher> {
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+TString MakeTenantNodeEnumerationPath(const TString &tenantName) {
+ return "node+" + tenantName;
+static ui32 ExtractDefaultGroupForPath(const TString &path) {
+ auto *domains = AppData()->DomainsInfo.Get();
+ const TStringBuf domainName = ExtractDomain(path);
+ auto *domainInfo = domains->GetDomainByName(domainName);
+ if (domainInfo)
+ return domainInfo->DefaultStateStorageGroup;
+ else
+ return Max<ui32>();
+class TTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher : public TActorBootstrapped<TTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher> {
TMap<TString, TActorId> PublishActors;
- void Handle(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ void Handle(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus::TPtr &ev) {
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
TMap<TString, TActorId> toRemove;
- toRemove.swap(PublishActors);
- for (auto &x : record.GetSlots()) {
- if (const TString &assigned = x.GetAssignedTenant()) {
- auto it = toRemove.find(assigned);
- if (it != toRemove.end()) {
- PublishActors.emplace(*it);
- toRemove.erase(it);
- } else {
- const TString assignedPath = MakeTenantNodeEnumerationPath(assigned);
- const ui32 statestorageGroupId = ExtractDefaultGroupForPath(assigned);
- if (statestorageGroupId == Max<ui32>())
- continue;
+ toRemove.swap(PublishActors);
+ for (auto &x : record.GetSlots()) {
+ if (const TString &assigned = x.GetAssignedTenant()) {
+ auto it = toRemove.find(assigned);
+ if (it != toRemove.end()) {
+ PublishActors.emplace(*it);
+ toRemove.erase(it);
+ } else {
+ const TString assignedPath = MakeTenantNodeEnumerationPath(assigned);
+ const ui32 statestorageGroupId = ExtractDefaultGroupForPath(assigned);
+ if (statestorageGroupId == Max<ui32>())
+ continue;
const TActorId publishActor = Register(CreateBoardPublishActor(assignedPath, TString(), SelfId(), statestorageGroupId, 0, true));
- PublishActors.emplace(assigned, publishActor);
- }
- }
- }
- for (auto &xpair : toRemove) {
- Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- }
- }
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TENANT_NODES_ENUMERATION;
- }
- TTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher()
- {}
- void Bootstrap() {
- Send(MakeTenantPoolRootID(), new TEvents::TEvSubscribe());
- Become(&TThis::StateWait);
- }
- STATEFN(StateWait) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus, Handle);
- }
- }
-class TTenantNodeEnumerationLookup : public TActorBootstrapped<TTenantNodeEnumerationLookup> {
+ PublishActors.emplace(assigned, publishActor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto &xpair : toRemove) {
+ Send(xpair.second, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ }
+ }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TENANT_NODES_ENUMERATION;
+ }
+ TTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher()
+ {}
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ Send(MakeTenantPoolRootID(), new TEvents::TEvSubscribe());
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateWait) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus, Handle);
+ }
+ }
+class TTenantNodeEnumerationLookup : public TActorBootstrapped<TTenantNodeEnumerationLookup> {
const TActorId ReplyTo;
- const TString TenantName;
+ const TString TenantName;
TActorId LookupActor;
- void PassAway() override {
- if (LookupActor) {
- Send(LookupActor, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ void PassAway() override {
+ if (LookupActor) {
+ Send(LookupActor, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
LookupActor = TActorId();
- }
- IActor::PassAway();
- }
- void ReportErrorAndDie() {
- Send(ReplyTo, new TEvTenantNodeEnumerator::TEvLookupResult(TenantName, false));
- PassAway();
- }
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ }
+ IActor::PassAway();
+ }
+ void ReportErrorAndDie() {
+ Send(ReplyTo, new TEvTenantNodeEnumerator::TEvLookupResult(TenantName, false));
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::TPtr &ev) {
LookupActor = TActorId();
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->Status != TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::EStatus::Ok)
- return ReportErrorAndDie();
- TVector<ui32> nodes;
- for (auto &xpair : msg->InfoEntries) {
- nodes.push_back(xpair.first.NodeId());
- }
- SortUnique(nodes);
- Send(ReplyTo, new TEvTenantNodeEnumerator::TEvLookupResult(TenantName, std::move(nodes)));
- PassAway();
- }
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TENANT_NODES_ENUMERATION;
- }
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->Status != TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo::EStatus::Ok)
+ return ReportErrorAndDie();
+ TVector<ui32> nodes;
+ for (auto &xpair : msg->InfoEntries) {
+ nodes.push_back(xpair.first.NodeId());
+ }
+ SortUnique(nodes);
+ Send(ReplyTo, new TEvTenantNodeEnumerator::TEvLookupResult(TenantName, std::move(nodes)));
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TENANT_NODES_ENUMERATION;
+ }
TTenantNodeEnumerationLookup(TActorId replyTo, const TString &tenantName)
- : ReplyTo(replyTo)
- , TenantName(tenantName)
- {}
- void Bootstrap() {
- const ui32 statestorageGroupId = ExtractDefaultGroupForPath(TenantName);
- if (statestorageGroupId == Max<ui32>())
- return ReportErrorAndDie();
- const TString path = MakeTenantNodeEnumerationPath(TenantName);
- LookupActor = Register(CreateBoardLookupActor(path, SelfId(), statestorageGroupId, EBoardLookupMode::Majority, false, false));
- Become(&TThis::StateWait);
- }
- STATEFN(StateWait) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo, Handle);
- }
- }
-IActor* CreateTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher() {
- return new TTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher();
+ : ReplyTo(replyTo)
+ , TenantName(tenantName)
+ {}
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ const ui32 statestorageGroupId = ExtractDefaultGroupForPath(TenantName);
+ if (statestorageGroupId == Max<ui32>())
+ return ReportErrorAndDie();
+ const TString path = MakeTenantNodeEnumerationPath(TenantName);
+ LookupActor = Register(CreateBoardLookupActor(path, SelfId(), statestorageGroupId, EBoardLookupMode::Majority, false, false));
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateWait) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvBoardInfo, Handle);
+ }
+ }
+IActor* CreateTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher() {
+ return new TTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher();
IActor* CreateTenantNodeEnumerationLookup(TActorId replyTo, const TString &tenantName) {
- return new TTenantNodeEnumerationLookup(replyTo, tenantName);
+ return new TTenantNodeEnumerationLookup(replyTo, tenantName);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration.h b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration.h
index a856418a68..f7ee7e937e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration.h
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_local.h>
-#include <util/generic/vector.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
- struct TEvTenantNodeEnumerator {
- enum EEv {
- EvLookupResult = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TENANT_NODE_ENUMERATOR),
- EvEnd
- };
- static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TENANT_NODE_ENUMERATOR),
- "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TENANT_NODE_ENUMERATOR)");
- struct TEvLookupResult : public TEventLocal<TEvLookupResult, EvLookupResult> {
- const TString Tenant;
- const bool Success;
- TVector<ui32> AssignedNodes;
- TEvLookupResult(const TString &tenant, TVector<ui32> &&assignedNodes)
- : Tenant(tenant)
- , Success(true)
- , AssignedNodes(std::move(assignedNodes))
- {}
- TEvLookupResult(const TString &tenant, bool success)
- : Tenant(tenant)
- , Success(success)
- {}
- };
- };
- IActor* CreateTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher();
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+ struct TEvTenantNodeEnumerator {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvLookupResult = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TENANT_NODE_ENUMERATOR),
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TENANT_NODE_ENUMERATOR),
+ "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TENANT_NODE_ENUMERATOR)");
+ struct TEvLookupResult : public TEventLocal<TEvLookupResult, EvLookupResult> {
+ const TString Tenant;
+ const bool Success;
+ TVector<ui32> AssignedNodes;
+ TEvLookupResult(const TString &tenant, TVector<ui32> &&assignedNodes)
+ : Tenant(tenant)
+ , Success(true)
+ , AssignedNodes(std::move(assignedNodes))
+ {}
+ TEvLookupResult(const TString &tenant, bool success)
+ : Tenant(tenant)
+ , Success(success)
+ {}
+ };
+ };
+ IActor* CreateTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher();
IActor* CreateTenantNodeEnumerationLookup(TActorId replyTo, const TString &tenantName);
-} // namespace NKikimr
+} // namespace NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration_ut.cpp
index ec834b19d4..f8c7a505c2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration_ut.cpp
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-#include "tenant_node_enumeration.h"
+#include "tenant_node_enumeration.h"
#include <ydb/core/testlib/tenant_runtime.h>
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace {
-void CheckAddTenant(TTenantTestRuntime &runtime, const TString &tenant, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::EStatus status, ui64 cpu = 1, ui64 expectedCpu = 0, ui64 memory = 1, ui64 expectedMemory = 0, ui64 network = 1, ui64 expectedNetwork = 0)
- NKikimrTabletBase::TMetrics limit;
- limit.SetCPU(cpu);
- limit.SetMemory(memory);
- limit.SetNetwork(network);
- runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(MakeLocalID(runtime.GetNodeId(0)),
- runtime.Sender,
- new TEvLocal::TEvAddTenant(tenant, limit)));
- TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
- auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus>(handle);
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->TenantName, tenant);
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL((int)reply->Status, (int)status);
- if (status == TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED) {
- if (expectedCpu)
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetCPU(), expectedCpu);
- else
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetCPU(), cpu);
- if (expectedMemory)
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetMemory(), expectedMemory);
- else
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetMemory(), memory);
- if (expectedNetwork)
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetNetwork(), expectedNetwork);
- else
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetNetwork(), network);
- }
-Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TEnumerationTest) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(TestPublish) {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace {
+void CheckAddTenant(TTenantTestRuntime &runtime, const TString &tenant, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::EStatus status, ui64 cpu = 1, ui64 expectedCpu = 0, ui64 memory = 1, ui64 expectedMemory = 0, ui64 network = 1, ui64 expectedNetwork = 0)
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TMetrics limit;
+ limit.SetCPU(cpu);
+ limit.SetMemory(memory);
+ limit.SetNetwork(network);
+ runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(MakeLocalID(runtime.GetNodeId(0)),
+ runtime.Sender,
+ new TEvLocal::TEvAddTenant(tenant, limit)));
+ TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
+ auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus>(handle);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->TenantName, tenant);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL((int)reply->Status, (int)status);
+ if (status == TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED) {
+ if (expectedCpu)
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetCPU(), expectedCpu);
+ else
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetCPU(), cpu);
+ if (expectedMemory)
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetMemory(), expectedMemory);
+ else
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetMemory(), memory);
+ if (expectedNetwork)
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetNetwork(), expectedNetwork);
+ else
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->ResourceLimit.GetNetwork(), network);
+ }
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TEnumerationTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(TestPublish) {
- TTenantTestRuntime runtime(DefaultTenantTestConfig);
- CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT1_1_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED, 5);
- CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT1_2_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED);
- CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT2_1_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED);
- CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT1_U_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::UNKNOWN_TENANT);
- CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANTU_1_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::UNKNOWN_TENANT);
- CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT1_1_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED, 3, 5);
- runtime.WaitForHiveState({{{DOMAIN1_NAME, 1, 1, 1},
- {TENANT1_1_NAME, 5, 1, 1},
+ TTenantTestRuntime runtime(DefaultTenantTestConfig);
+ CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT1_1_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED, 5);
+ CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT1_2_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED);
+ CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT2_1_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED);
+ CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT1_U_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::UNKNOWN_TENANT);
+ CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANTU_1_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::UNKNOWN_TENANT);
+ CheckAddTenant(runtime, TENANT1_1_NAME, TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus::STARTED, 3, 5);
+ runtime.WaitForHiveState({{{DOMAIN1_NAME, 1, 1, 1},
+ {TENANT1_1_NAME, 5, 1, 1},
{TENANT1_2_NAME, 1, 1, 1}}});
- runtime.Register(CreateTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher(), 0);
- runtime.DispatchEvents(TDispatchOptions(), TDuration::MilliSeconds(1000));
+ runtime.Register(CreateTenantNodeEnumerationPublisher(), 0);
+ runtime.DispatchEvents(TDispatchOptions(), TDuration::MilliSeconds(1000));
TActorId sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
runtime.Register(CreateTenantNodeEnumerationLookup(sender, "/" + DOMAIN1_NAME));
- TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
- const auto event = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTenantNodeEnumerator::TEvLookupResult>(handle);
- UNIT_ASSERT(event->Success);
- UNIT_ASSERT(event->AssignedNodes.size() == 1 && event->AssignedNodes[0] == 1);
- }
-} //namespace NKikimr
+ TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
+ const auto event = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTenantNodeEnumerator::TEvLookupResult>(handle);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(event->Success);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(event->AssignedNodes.size() == 1 && event->AssignedNodes[0] == 1);
+ }
+} //namespace NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.cpp b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.cpp
index dff57a7f43..80236570b9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.cpp
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ public:
for (auto &subscriber : StatusSubscribers) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TENANT_POOL,
LogPrefix << "send status update to " << subscriber);
- ctx.Send(subscriber, BuildStatusEvent(true));
+ ctx.Send(subscriber, BuildStatusEvent(true));
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ public:
DetachSlot(*tenant->AssignedSlots.begin(), ctx);
- THolder<TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus> BuildStatusEvent(bool listStatic = false)
+ THolder<TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus> BuildStatusEvent(bool listStatic = false)
THolder<TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus> ev = MakeHolder<TEvTenantPool::TEvTenantPoolStatus>();
if (listStatic) {
@@ -497,17 +497,17 @@ public:
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvSubscribe::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- StatusSubscribers.insert(ev->Sender);
- Send(ev->Sender, BuildStatusEvent(true));
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- StatusSubscribers.erase(ev->Sender);
- }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvSubscribe::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ StatusSubscribers.insert(ev->Sender);
+ Send(ev->Sender, BuildStatusEvent(true));
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ StatusSubscribers.erase(ev->Sender);
+ }
void Handle(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest::TPtr &ev,
const TActorContext &ctx)
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ public:
auto& rec = ev->Get()->Record;
auto event = BuildStatusEvent(rec.GetListStaticSlots());
- ctx.Send(ev->Sender, std::move(event), 0, ev->Cookie);
+ ctx.Send(ev->Sender, std::move(event), 0, ev->Cookie);
void Handle(TEvTenantPool::TEvConfigureSlot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx)
@@ -766,8 +766,8 @@ public:
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison);
- HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvSubscribe, Handle);
- HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe, Handle);
+ HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvSubscribe, Handle);
+ HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvLocal::TEvTenantStatus, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
@@ -855,16 +855,16 @@ public:
return res;
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvSubscribe::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- for (auto &pr : DomainTenantPools)
- ctx.Send(new IEventHandle(pr.second, ev->Sender, new TEvents::TEvSubscribe()));
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- for (auto &pr : DomainTenantPools)
- ctx.Send(new IEventHandle(pr.second, ev->Sender, new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe()));
- }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvSubscribe::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ for (auto &pr : DomainTenantPools)
+ ctx.Send(new IEventHandle(pr.second, ev->Sender, new TEvents::TEvSubscribe()));
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ for (auto &pr : DomainTenantPools)
+ ctx.Send(new IEventHandle(pr.second, ev->Sender, new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe()));
+ }
void Handle(TEvLocal::TEvLocalDrainNode::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_NOTICE_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TENANT_POOL, "Forward drain node to local.");
@@ -923,8 +923,8 @@ public:
STFUNC(StateWork) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvSubscribe, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvSubscribe, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe, Handle);
HFunc(NMon::TEvHttpInfo, Handle);
HFunc(TEvLocal::TEvLocalDrainNode, Handle);
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.h b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.h
index 3d36c90ddd..0202ba7863 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.h
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/tenant_pool.h
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ inline TActorId MakeTenantPoolID(ui32 node = 0, ui32 domain = 0) {
inline TActorId MakeTenantPoolRootID() {
- char x[12] = { 't', 'e', 'n', 'a', 'n', 't', 'p', 'o', 'o', 'l', 'r', 't' };
+ char x[12] = { 't', 'e', 'n', 'a', 'n', 't', 'p', 'o', 'o', 'l', 'r', 't' };
return TActorId(0, TStringBuf(x, 12));
} // namespace NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/ut/ya.make b/ydb/core/mind/ut/ya.make
index cb309fdf44..26e6412fc7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/ut/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/ut/ya.make
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ SRCS(
- tenant_node_enumeration_ut.cpp
+ tenant_node_enumeration_ut.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/mind/ya.make b/ydb/core/mind/ya.make
index 2355f969be..b9248c9d91 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mind/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/mind/ya.make
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
- configured_tablet_bootstrapper.cpp
- configured_tablet_bootstrapper.h
+ configured_tablet_bootstrapper.cpp
+ configured_tablet_bootstrapper.h
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ SRCS(
- local.cpp
- local.h
+ local.cpp
+ local.h
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ SRCS(
- tenant_node_enumeration.cpp
- tenant_node_enumeration.h
+ tenant_node_enumeration.cpp
+ tenant_node_enumeration.h
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ SRCS(
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/mon/ya.make b/ydb/core/mon/ya.make
index 134a386eb1..c717b0f5b9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/mon/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/mon/ya.make
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
- mon.cpp
+ mon.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/persqueue/blob.cpp b/ydb/core/persqueue/blob.cpp
index b542aa5384..7727f12a13 100644
--- a/ydb/core/persqueue/blob.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/persqueue/blob.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "blob.h"
-#include "type_codecs.h"
+#include "type_codecs.h"
#include <util/string/builder.h>
#include <util/string/escape.h>
#include <util/system/unaligned_mem.h>
diff --git a/ydb/core/persqueue/read_balancer.h b/ydb/core/persqueue/read_balancer.h
index ae87ef98d9..6a07edcb78 100644
--- a/ydb/core/persqueue/read_balancer.h
+++ b/ydb/core/persqueue/read_balancer.h
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class TPersQueueReadBalancer : public TActor<TPersQueueReadBalancer>, public TTa
- struct TTxPreInit : public ITransaction {
+ struct TTxPreInit : public ITransaction {
TPersQueueReadBalancer * const Self;
TTxPreInit(TPersQueueReadBalancer *self)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class TPersQueueReadBalancer : public TActor<TPersQueueReadBalancer>, public TTa
friend struct TTxPreInit;
- struct TTxInit : public ITransaction {
+ struct TTxInit : public ITransaction {
TPersQueueReadBalancer * const Self;
TTxInit(TPersQueueReadBalancer *self)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class TPersQueueReadBalancer : public TActor<TPersQueueReadBalancer>, public TTa
ui64 Idx;
- struct TTxWrite : public ITransaction {
+ struct TTxWrite : public ITransaction {
TPersQueueReadBalancer * const Self;
TVector<ui32> DeletedPartitions;
TVector<std::pair<ui32, TPartInfo>> NewPartitions;
diff --git a/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ya.make b/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ya.make
index d3a1770775..7cbb0b9496 100644
--- a/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ya.make
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ PEERDIR(
- internals_ut.cpp
+ internals_ut.cpp
- type_codecs_ut.cpp
+ type_codecs_ut.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/persqueue/ya.make b/ydb/core/persqueue/ya.make
index 9fafb4b70e..50e89676ef 100644
--- a/ydb/core/persqueue/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/persqueue/ya.make
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ SRCS(
- type_codecs_defs.cpp
+ type_codecs_defs.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/config.proto b/ydb/core/protos/config.proto
index d7a489bd6d..d64169d4fc 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/config.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/config.proto
@@ -26,31 +26,31 @@ import "ydb/core/protos/key.proto";
import "ydb/core/protos/alloc.proto";
import "ydb/core/protos/node_limits.proto";
import "ydb/core/yq/libs/config/protos/yq_config.proto";
-package NKikimrConfig;
+package NKikimrConfig;
option java_package = "ru.yandex.kikimr.proto";
-message TAffinity {
+message TAffinity {
repeated uint32 X = 1; // DEPRECATED: Use `CpuList` instead
// Numerical list of processors. The numbers are separated by commas and may include ranges. For example: 0,5,7,9-11
optional string CpuList = 2; // Processors to include. Use all processor if not set.
optional string ExcludeCpuList = 3; // Exclude specified processors from `CpuList` (or all processors if not set)
-message TActorSystemConfig {
- message TExecutor {
- enum EType {
- BASIC = 1;
- IO = 2;
+message TActorSystemConfig {
+ message TExecutor {
+ enum EType {
+ BASIC = 1;
+ IO = 2;
- };
+ };
- optional EType Type = 1;
+ optional EType Type = 1;
optional uint32 Threads = 2;
- optional uint64 SpinThreshold = 3;
- optional TAffinity Affinity = 4;
- optional uint32 InjectMadSquirrels = 5;
+ optional uint64 SpinThreshold = 3;
+ optional TAffinity Affinity = 4;
+ optional uint32 InjectMadSquirrels = 5;
optional string Name = 6;
optional uint32 TimePerMailboxMicroSecs = 7;
optional uint32 EventsPerMailbox = 8;
@@ -65,23 +65,23 @@ message TActorSystemConfig {
optional uint32 MaxThreads = 13; // Higher balancing bound, should be not lower than `Threads`
optional uint32 BalancingPriority = 14; // Priority of pool to obtain cpu due to balancing (higher is better)
optional uint64 ToleratedLatencyUs = 15; // p100-latency threshold indicating that more cpus are required by pool
- }
- message TScheduler {
- optional uint64 Resolution = 1;
- optional uint64 SpinThreshold = 2;
- optional uint64 ProgressThreshold = 3;
- optional TAffinity Affinity = 4;
+ }
+ message TScheduler {
+ optional uint64 Resolution = 1;
+ optional uint64 SpinThreshold = 2;
+ optional uint64 ProgressThreshold = 3;
+ optional TAffinity Affinity = 4;
optional bool UseSchedulerActor = 5;
- }
- repeated TExecutor Executor = 1;
- optional TScheduler Scheduler = 2;
- optional uint32 SysExecutor = 3;
- optional uint32 UserExecutor = 4;
- optional uint32 IoExecutor = 5;
- optional uint32 BatchExecutor = 6;
+ }
+ repeated TExecutor Executor = 1;
+ optional TScheduler Scheduler = 2;
+ optional uint32 SysExecutor = 3;
+ optional uint32 UserExecutor = 4;
+ optional uint32 IoExecutor = 5;
+ optional uint32 BatchExecutor = 6;
message TServiceExecutor {
required string ServiceName = 1;
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ message TActorSystemConfig {
optional TUnitedWorkers UnitedWorkers = 11;
-message TStaticNameserviceConfig {
+message TStaticNameserviceConfig {
enum ENameserviceType {
NS_DEFAULT = 0; // default (nodebroker)
@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ message TStaticNameserviceConfig {
optional string Address = 2;
- message TNode { // todo: multiple networks
- optional uint32 NodeId = 1;
- optional string Address = 2;
- optional uint32 Port = 3;
+ message TNode { // todo: multiple networks
+ optional uint32 NodeId = 1;
+ optional string Address = 2;
+ optional uint32 Port = 3;
optional string Host = 4;
optional string InterconnectHost = 5;
@@ -138,73 +138,73 @@ message TStaticNameserviceConfig {
repeated TEndpoint Endpoint = 7;
optional NActorsInterconnect.TNodeLocation WalleLocation = 8 [deprecated=true];
- }
- repeated TNode Node = 1;
+ }
+ repeated TNode Node = 1;
optional string ClusterUUID = 2;
repeated string AcceptUUID = 3;
optional bool SuppressVersionCheck = 4;
optional ENameserviceType Type = 5;
message TDynamicNameserviceConfig {
optional uint32 MaxStaticNodeId = 1 [default = 1000];
optional uint32 MaxDynamicNodeId = 2 [default = 200000];
optional uint64 LeaseDuration = 3 [default = 3600000000]; // DEPRECATED
-message TDomainsConfig {
- message TStateStorage {
- message TRing {
- optional uint32 NToSelect = 1;
- repeated TRing Ring = 2;
+message TDomainsConfig {
+ message TStateStorage {
+ message TRing {
+ optional uint32 NToSelect = 1;
+ repeated TRing Ring = 2;
repeated uint32 Node = 3;
optional bool UseSingleNodeActorId = 4;
optional bool UseRingSpecificNodeSelection = 5;
- }
- optional uint32 SSId = 1;
- optional TRing Ring = 2;
- }
+ }
+ optional uint32 SSId = 1;
+ optional TRing Ring = 2;
+ }
message TStoragePoolType {
optional string Kind = 1;
optional NKikimrBlobStorage.TDefineStoragePool PoolConfig = 2;
- message TDomain {
+ message TDomain {
message TTxLimits {
optional uint64 PerRequestDataSizeLimit = 1;
optional uint64 PerShardReadSizeLimit = 2;
optional uint64 PerShardIncomingReadSetSizeLimit = 3;
- optional uint32 DomainId = 1;
- optional fixed64 SchemeRoot = 2;
- repeated uint64 Coordinator = 3;
- repeated uint64 Mediator = 4;
- repeated uint64 Proxy = 5;
+ optional uint32 DomainId = 1;
+ optional fixed64 SchemeRoot = 2;
+ repeated uint64 Coordinator = 3;
+ repeated uint64 Mediator = 4;
+ repeated uint64 Proxy = 5;
repeated uint32 SSId = 6;
repeated uint32 HiveUid = 7;
- optional uint64 PlanResolution = 8;
- optional string Name = 9;
+ optional uint64 PlanResolution = 8;
+ optional string Name = 9;
optional TTxLimits TxLimits = 10; // DEPRECATED
repeated TStoragePoolType StoragePoolTypes = 11;
repeated fixed64 ExplicitMediators = 12;
repeated fixed64 ExplicitCoordinators = 13;
repeated fixed64 ExplicitAllocators = 14;
- optional uint32 SchemeBoardSSId = 15;
- }
+ optional uint32 SchemeBoardSSId = 15;
+ }
message THiveConfig { // look for another THiveConfig later in this file
optional uint32 HiveUid = 1;
optional fixed64 Hive = 2;
- message TExecLevel {
- }
+ message TExecLevel {
+ }
message TNamedCompactionPolicy {
optional string Name = 1;
optional NKikimrSchemeOp.TCompactionPolicy Policy = 2;
@@ -219,23 +219,23 @@ message TDomainsConfig {
repeated string ViewerAllowedSIDs = 6;
- repeated TDomain Domain = 1;
- repeated TStateStorage StateStorage = 2;
- repeated TExecLevel ExecLevel = 3;
+ repeated TDomain Domain = 1;
+ repeated TStateStorage StateStorage = 2;
+ repeated TExecLevel ExecLevel = 3;
repeated THiveConfig HiveConfig = 4;
repeated TNamedCompactionPolicy NamedCompactionPolicy = 5;
optional TSecurityConfig SecurityConfig = 6;
optional bool ForbidImplicitStoragePools = 7 [default = true];
-message TBlobStorageConfig {
+message TBlobStorageConfig {
optional NKikimrBlobStorage.TNodeWardenServiceSet ServiceSet = 1;
optional bool EnableOverseerLsnReporting = 2 [default = false]; // deprecated
optional string CacheFilePath = 3;
optional bool CachePDisks = 4 [default = true];
optional bool CacheVDisks = 5 [default = true];
message TBlobStorageFormatConfig {
message TDrive {
optional uint64 RackId = 1;
@@ -295,22 +295,22 @@ message TCompileServiceConfig {
message TBootstrap {
- enum ETabletType {
+ enum ETabletType {
HIVE = 1;
- TX_PROXY = 12;
+ TX_PROXY = 12;
@@ -325,23 +325,23 @@ message TBootstrap {
- }
- message TTablet {
- optional ETabletType Type = 1;
- repeated uint32 Node = 2;
- optional NKikimrTabletBase.TTabletStorageInfo Info = 3;
- optional bool StandBy = 4;
- optional uint64 WatchThreshold = 5;
+ }
+ message TTablet {
+ optional ETabletType Type = 1;
+ repeated uint32 Node = 2;
+ optional NKikimrTabletBase.TTabletStorageInfo Info = 3;
+ optional bool StandBy = 4;
+ optional uint64 WatchThreshold = 5;
optional bool StartFollowers = 6;
- optional bool AllowDynamicConfiguration = 7 [default = false];
- }
- repeated TTablet Tablet = 1;
- optional uint64 ProxySchemeCacheNodes = 2;
- optional uint64 ProxySchemeCacheDistNodes = 3;
+ optional bool AllowDynamicConfiguration = 7 [default = false];
+ }
+ repeated TTablet Tablet = 1;
+ optional uint64 ProxySchemeCacheNodes = 2;
+ optional uint64 ProxySchemeCacheDistNodes = 3;
optional NKikimrTablet.TCompactionBroker CompactionBroker = 4;
optional NKikimrNodeLimits.TNodeLimitsConfig NodeLimits = 5;
optional NKikimrResourceBroker.TResourceBrokerConfig ResourceBroker = 6;
@@ -582,19 +582,19 @@ message TGRpcConfig {
repeated string PublicAddressesV6 = 17;
optional string PublicTargetNameOverride = 18;
- // empty service list is 'run most services "what means 'most' in unspecified"'
- repeated string Services = 20;
- optional bool ServeRootDomains = 21 [default = true];
+ // empty service list is 'run most services "what means 'most' in unspecified"'
+ repeated string Services = 20;
+ optional bool ServeRootDomains = 21 [default = true];
repeated string ServicesEnabled = 22;
repeated string ServicesDisabled = 23;
// server socket options
optional bool KeepAliveEnable = 100 [default = true]; // SO_KEEPALIVE
optional uint32 KeepAliveIdleTimeoutTriggerSec = 101 [default = 90]; // TCP_KEEPIDLE
optional uint32 KeepAliveMaxProbeCount = 102 [default = 3]; // TCP_KEEPCNT
optional uint32 KeepAliveProbeIntervalSec = 103 [default = 10]; // TCP_KEEPINTVL
- repeated TGRpcConfig ExtEndpoints = 200; // run specific services on separate endpoints
+ repeated TGRpcConfig ExtEndpoints = 200; // run specific services on separate endpoints
message TDynamicNodeConfig {
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/counters_bs_controller.proto b/ydb/core/protos/counters_bs_controller.proto
index 5883f96c8e..c0bd88bea1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/counters_bs_controller.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/counters_bs_controller.proto
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import "ydb/core/protos/counters.proto";
-package NKikimr.NBlobStorageController;
-option java_package = "ru.yandex.kikimr.proto";
-option (TabletTypeName) = "BSController"; // Used as prefix for all counters
-enum ESimpleCounters {
- COUNTER_RESPONSE_TIME_USEC = 0 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "ResponseTimeMicrosec"}];
+package NKikimr.NBlobStorageController;
+option java_package = "ru.yandex.kikimr.proto";
+option (TabletTypeName) = "BSController"; // Used as prefix for all counters
+enum ESimpleCounters {
+ COUNTER_RESPONSE_TIME_USEC = 0 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "ResponseTimeMicrosec"}];
COUNTER_GROUPS_WITH_SLOTS_ON_FAULTY_DISKS = 1 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "GroupsWithSlotsOnFaultyDisks"}];
COUNTER_SLOTS_ON_FAULTY_DISKS = 2 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "SlotsOnFaultyDisks"}];
COUNTER_BYTES_ON_FAULTY_DISKS = 3 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "BytesOnFaultyDisks"}];
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ enum ESimpleCounters {
COUNTER_DISK_SCRUB_CUR_DISKS = 18 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "CurrentlyScrubbedDisks"}];
COUNTER_DISK_SCRUB_CUR_GROUPS = 19 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "CurrentlyScrubbedGroups"}];
COUNTER_SELF_HEAL_UNREASSIGNABLE_GROUPS = 20 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "SelfHealUnreassignableGroups"}];
-enum ECumulativeCounters {
+enum ECumulativeCounters {
COUNTER_REGISTER_NODE_COUNT = 0 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "RegisterNodeCount"}];
COUNTER_REGISTER_NODE_USEC = 1 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "RegisterNodeMicrosec"}];
COUNTER_GET_GROUP_COUNT = 2 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "GetGroupCount"}];
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ enum ECumulativeCounters {
COUNTER_CONFIGCMD_REASSIGN_GROUP_DISK_USEC = 37 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "ReassignGroupDisk"}];
COUNTER_DISK_SCRUB_QUANTUM_FINISHED = 38 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "QuantumFinished"}];
-enum EPercentileCounters {
- option (GlobalCounterOpts) = {
+enum EPercentileCounters {
+ option (GlobalCounterOpts) = {
Ranges { Value: 0 Name: "(1) < 500 us" }
Ranges { Value: 500 Name: "(2) 0.5-1 ms" }
Ranges { Value: 1000 Name: "(3) 1-2 ms" }
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ enum EPercentileCounters {
Ranges { Value: 8000000 Name: "(16) 8-16 s" }
Ranges { Value: 16000000 Name: "(17) 16-32 s" }
Ranges { Value: 32000000 Name: "(18) 32 < s" }
- };
+ };
COUNTER_PERCENTILE_SELECT_GROUPS = 0 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "SelectGroups"}];
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ enum EPercentileCounters {
Ranges { Value: 21600 Name: "21600" }
Ranges { Value: 86400 Name: "inf" }
-enum ETxTypes {
+enum ETxTypes {
TXTYPE_INIT_SCHEME = 0 [(TxTypeOpts) = {Name: "TTxInitScheme"}];
TXTYPE_MIGRATE = 1 [(TxTypeOpts) = {Name: "TTxMigrate"}];
TXTYPE_LOAD_EVERYTHING = 2 [(TxTypeOpts) = {Name: "TTxLoadEverything"}];
@@ -214,4 +214,4 @@ enum ETxTypes {
TXTYPE_SCRUB_QUANTUM_FINISHED = 20 [(TxTypeOpts) = {Name: "TTxScrubQuantumFinished"}];
TXTYPE_UPDATE_LAST_SEEN_READY = 21 [(TxTypeOpts) = {Name: "TTxUpdateLastSeenReady"}];
TXTYPE_UPDATE_NODE_DRIVES = 22 [(TxTypeOpts) = {Name: "TTxUpdateNodeDrives"}];
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/counters_hive.proto b/ydb/core/protos/counters_hive.proto
index 34bdadf1e8..952f4e99e3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/counters_hive.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/counters_hive.proto
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ option java_package = "ru.yandex.kikimr.proto";
option (TabletTypeName) = "Hive"; // Used as prefix for all counters
enum ESimpleCounters {
- COUNTER_TABLETS_TOTAL = 0 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "TabletsTotal"}];
- COUNTER_TABLETS_ALIVE = 1 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "TabletsAlive"}];
- COUNTER_BOOTQUEUE_SIZE = 2 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "BootQueueSize"}];
- COUNTER_STATE_DONE = 3 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "StateDone"}];
+ COUNTER_TABLETS_TOTAL = 0 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "TabletsTotal"}];
+ COUNTER_TABLETS_ALIVE = 1 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "TabletsAlive"}];
+ COUNTER_BOOTQUEUE_SIZE = 2 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "BootQueueSize"}];
+ COUNTER_STATE_DONE = 3 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "StateDone"}];
COUNTER_RESPONSE_TIME_USEC = 4 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "ResponseTimeMicrosec"}];
COUNTER_METRICS_COUNTER = 5 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "MetricsCounter"}];
COUNTER_METRICS_CPU = 6 [(CounterOpts) = {Name: "MetricsCPU"}];
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/flat_scheme_op.proto b/ydb/core/protos/flat_scheme_op.proto
index a95f044b1a..33e598c1c2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/flat_scheme_op.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/flat_scheme_op.proto
@@ -248,10 +248,10 @@ message TPipelineConfig {
message TPartitionConfig {
- optional string NamedCompactionPolicy = 1; // One of the predefined policies
- optional TCompactionPolicy CompactionPolicy = 2; // Customized policy
+ optional string NamedCompactionPolicy = 1; // One of the predefined policies
+ optional TCompactionPolicy CompactionPolicy = 2; // Customized policy
optional uint64 FollowerCount = 3;
- optional uint64 ExecutorCacheSize = 4; // Cache size for the whole tablet including all user and system tables
+ optional uint64 ExecutorCacheSize = 4; // Cache size for the whole tablet including all user and system tables
optional bool AllowFollowerPromotion = 5 [default = true]; // if true followers can upgrade to leader, if false followers only handle reads
optional uint64 TxReadSizeLimit = 6; // Maximum size in bytes that is allowed to be read by a single Tx
//optional bool CrossDataCenterFollowers = 7; // deprecated -> CrossDataCenterFollowerCount
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/flat_tx_scheme.proto b/ydb/core/protos/flat_tx_scheme.proto
index 4482ae7919..dc06523e5c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/flat_tx_scheme.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/flat_tx_scheme.proto
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ message TEvDescribeSchemeResult {
optional string Reason = 2;
optional string Path = 3;
optional NKikimrSchemeOp.TPathDescription PathDescription = 4;
- optional fixed64 PathOwner = 5;
- optional fixed64 PathId = 6;
+ optional fixed64 PathOwner = 5;
+ optional fixed64 PathId = 6;
optional string LastExistedPrefixPath = 7;
optional fixed64 LastExistedPrefixPathId = 8;
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/grpc.proto b/ydb/core/protos/grpc.proto
index 8bc3f9b240..797cc2de82 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/grpc.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/grpc.proto
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ service TGRpcServer {
// * Rename Request to MiniKQLRequest ???
- // MiniKQL request (DML)
+ // MiniKQL request (DML)
rpc Request(TRequest) returns (TResponse);
- // DML transactions
+ // DML transactions
rpc SchemeOperation(TSchemeOperation) returns (TResponse);
- // status polling for scheme transactions
+ // status polling for scheme transactions
rpc SchemeOperationStatus(TSchemeOperationStatus) returns (TResponse);
- // describe
+ // describe
rpc SchemeDescribe(TSchemeDescribe) returns (TResponse);
// whoami
rpc WhoAmI(TWhoAmI) returns (TResponse);
@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ service TGRpcServer {
rpc LocalSchemeTx(TLocalSchemeTx) returns (TResponse);
rpc TabletKillRequest(TTabletKillRequest) returns (TResponse);
rpc InterconnectDebug(TInterconnectDebug) returns (TResponse);
//rpc Navigate(TSchemeNavigate) returns (TResponse);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rpc TabletStateRequest(TTabletStateRequest) returns (TResponse);
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/issue_id.proto b/ydb/core/protos/issue_id.proto
index f6d7a04a3d..1c82c0d95e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/issue_id.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/issue_id.proto
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
-syntax = "proto3";
-package NKikimrIssues;
-option java_package = "ru.yandex.kikimr.proto";
+syntax = "proto3";
+package NKikimrIssues;
+option java_package = "ru.yandex.kikimr.proto";
import "ydb/library/yql/public/issue/protos/issue_severity.proto";
-message TIssuesIds {
-// reserved range [200000, 399999]
- enum EIssueCode {
- INFO = 2;
- WARNING = 3;
- SUCCESS = 4;
- ACCESS_DENIED = 200000;
- PATH_NOT_EXIST = 200200;
+message TIssuesIds {
+// reserved range [200000, 399999]
+ enum EIssueCode {
+ INFO = 2;
+ WARNING = 3;
+ SUCCESS = 4;
+ ACCESS_DENIED = 200000;
+ PATH_NOT_EXIST = 200200;
- KEY_PARSE_ERROR = 200501;
- EMPTY_OP_RANGE = 200502;
- ENGINE_ERROR = 200503;
- TX_STATE_UNKNOWN = 200506;
+ KEY_PARSE_ERROR = 200501;
+ EMPTY_OP_RANGE = 200502;
+ ENGINE_ERROR = 200503;
+ TX_STATE_UNKNOWN = 200506;
- SCOPE_REQPROXY = 200600;
+ SCOPE_REQPROXY = 200600;
YDB_DB_NOT_READY = 200802;
- }
- message TIssueId {
- EIssueCode code = 2;
- NYql.TSeverityIds.ESeverityId severity = 1;
- string format = 3;
- }
- repeated TIssueId ids = 1;
-message TStatusIds {
- enum EStatusCode {
- UNKNOWN = 0;
- SUCCESS = 1;
- ERROR = 128;
- TIMEOUT = 130;
- NOTREADY = 131;
- REJECTED = 134;
- BAD_REQUEST = 150;
- QUERY_ERROR = 151;
- BAD_SESSION = 153;
- }
+ }
+ message TIssueId {
+ EIssueCode code = 2;
+ NYql.TSeverityIds.ESeverityId severity = 1;
+ string format = 3;
+ }
+ repeated TIssueId ids = 1;
+message TStatusIds {
+ enum EStatusCode {
+ UNKNOWN = 0;
+ SUCCESS = 1;
+ ERROR = 128;
+ TIMEOUT = 130;
+ NOTREADY = 131;
+ REJECTED = 134;
+ BAD_REQUEST = 150;
+ QUERY_ERROR = 151;
+ BAD_SESSION = 153;
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/msgbus.proto b/ydb/core/protos/msgbus.proto
index 51330712f9..df7cda5980 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/msgbus.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/msgbus.proto
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ message TMsgBusRequestBase {
message TRequest {
optional NKikimrTxUserProxy.TTransaction Transaction = 1;
optional uint64 ProxyFlags = 2;
- optional uint64 ExecTimeoutPeriod = 4;
+ optional uint64 ExecTimeoutPeriod = 4;
optional string SecurityToken = 5;
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ message TResponse {
{Value: 3 Name: "NotImplemented" Man: "Not yet implemented feature requested" },
{Value: 4 Name: "ResolveError" Man: "Some keys not resolved, see UnresolvedKeys for details" },
{Value: 5 Name: "AccessDenied" Man: "Access denied for request" },
- {Value: 6 Name: "DomainLocalityError" Man: "Cross database transactions not allowed"},
+ {Value: 6 Name: "DomainLocalityError" Man: "Cross database transactions not allowed"},
{Value: 16 Name: "ProxyNotReady" Man: "Transaction proxy not ready for handling requests, try later. Most known case is temporary lack of txid-s" },
{Value: 17 Name: "ProxyAccepted" Man: "Request accepted by proxy. Transitional status" },
{Value: 18 Name: "ProxyResolved" Man: "Request keys resolved to datashards. Transitional status" },
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ message TResponse {
{Value: 20 Name: "ProxyShardNotAvailable" Man: "One or more of affected datashards not available, request execution cancelled" },
{Value: 21 Name: "ProxyShardTryLater" Man: "One or more of affected datashards are starting, try again" },
{Value: 22 Name: "ProxyShardOverloaded" Man: "One or more of affected datashards are overloaded, try again" },
- {Value: 23 Name: "ProxyShardUnknown" Man: "State of transaction on one or more datashards is unknown" },
+ {Value: 23 Name: "ProxyShardUnknown" Man: "State of transaction on one or more datashards is unknown" },
{Value: 32 Name: "CoordinatorDeclined" Man: "Coordinator declines to plan transaction, try again" },
{Value: 33 Name: "CoordinatorOutdated" Man: "Coordinator was not able to plan transaction due to timing restrictions, try again" },
{Value: 34 Name: "CoordinatorAborted" Man: "Transaction aborted by coordinator" },
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ message TResponse {
optional bytes ProxyErrors = 6;
- optional NKikimrIssues.TStatusIds.EStatusCode StatusCode = 7;
+ optional NKikimrIssues.TStatusIds.EStatusCode StatusCode = 7;
repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage Issues = 8;
optional uint32 ExecutionEngineStatus = 100 [
(CommonDescription) = "MiniKQL engine processing status, if OK - see ExecutionEngineResponseStatus",
(EnumValueHint) = { Hints : [
@@ -260,27 +260,27 @@ message TTabletCountersRequest {
optional uint64 Timeout = 11;
-message TLocalMKQL {
- message TProgram {
- optional bytes Bin = 1;
- optional string Text = 2;
- };
- message TParams {
- optional bytes Bin = 1;
- optional string Text = 2;
- }
- optional uint64 TabletID = 1;
- optional NKikimrTxUserProxy.TMiniKQLTransaction Program = 2;
+message TLocalMKQL {
+ message TProgram {
+ optional bytes Bin = 1;
+ optional string Text = 2;
+ };
+ message TParams {
+ optional bytes Bin = 1;
+ optional string Text = 2;
+ }
+ optional uint64 TabletID = 1;
+ optional NKikimrTxUserProxy.TMiniKQLTransaction Program = 2;
optional bool ConnectToFollower = 3;
optional string SecurityToken = 5;
- optional bool WithRetry = 10;
- optional uint64 Timeout = 11;
+ optional bool WithRetry = 10;
+ optional uint64 Timeout = 11;
message TLocalSchemeTx {
optional uint64 TabletID = 1;
optional bool ConnectToFollower = 2;
@@ -451,8 +451,8 @@ message TFlatDescribeResponse {
optional NKikimrSchemeOp.TPathDescription PathDescription = 2;
optional string ErrorReason = 3; // When present contains human-readable error description
optional int32 SchemeStatus = 4;
- optional NKikimrIssues.TStatusIds.EStatusCode StatusCode = 7;
+ optional NKikimrIssues.TStatusIds.EStatusCode StatusCode = 7;
repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage Issues = 8;
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/scheme_log.proto b/ydb/core/protos/scheme_log.proto
index e6b23804f5..fcf4ba52b9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/scheme_log.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/scheme_log.proto
@@ -12,21 +12,21 @@ message TAlterRecord {
AddColumnToKey = 5;
AddColumnToFamily = 6;
AddFamily = 7;
- UpdateExecutorInfo = 8;
+ UpdateExecutorInfo = 8;
SetCompactionPolicy = 9;
SetRoom = 10;
SetFamily = 11;
SetRedo = 12;
SetTable = 13;
required EDeltaType DeltaType = 1;
optional uint32 TableId = 2;
optional string TableName = 3;
optional uint32 ColumnId = 4;
optional uint32 FamilyId = 7;
optional uint32 RoomId = 8;
//_ Global: DB redo log tweaks settings
optional uint32 Annex = 16; // Same as Large, but for redo log
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ message TAlterRecord {
optional bytes Default = 10; // Serialized default value for cell
optional bool NotNull = 24 [default = false];
- optional uint64 ExecutorCacheSize = 100;
+ optional uint64 ExecutorCacheSize = 100;
optional NKikimrSchemeOp.TCompactionPolicy CompactionPolicy = 101;
- optional bool ExecutorAllowLogBatching = 102;
- optional uint64 ExecutorLogFlushPeriod = 103;
- optional uint32 ExecutorLimitInFlyTx = 104;
+ optional bool ExecutorAllowLogBatching = 102;
+ optional uint64 ExecutorLogFlushPeriod = 103;
+ optional uint32 ExecutorLimitInFlyTx = 104;
optional string ExecutorResourceProfile = 105;
- optional bool ExecutorLogFastCommitTactic = 106;
+ optional bool ExecutorLogFastCommitTactic = 106;
message TSchemeChanges {
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/services.proto b/ydb/core/protos/services.proto
index 45dde9723a..c17c8a7dc3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/services.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/services.proto
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ enum EServiceKikimr {
// BLOBSTORAGE section
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ enum EServiceKikimr {
// DATASHARD section //
TX_DATASHARD = 290; //
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ enum EServiceKikimr {
- // BLOBSTORAGE again
- BS_HANDOFF = 298;
+ // BLOBSTORAGE again
+ BS_HANDOFF = 298;
// HIVE section
HIVE = 300;
LOCAL = 301;
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ enum EServiceKikimr {
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ enum EServiceKikimr {
// SQS section
SQS = 470;
// HEALTH section
HEALTH = 500;
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ enum EServiceKikimr {
CMS = 523;
HTTP = 524;
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ enum EServiceKikimr {
// KESUS section
@@ -671,12 +671,12 @@ message TActivity {
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ message TActivity {
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/statestorage.proto b/ydb/core/protos/statestorage.proto
index 5b655c3243..4165af89ba 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/statestorage.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/statestorage.proto
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ message TEvInfo {
repeated NActorsProto.TActorId Follower = 11;
repeated NActorsProto.TActorId FollowerTablet = 12;
repeated NActorsProto.TActorId FollowerCandidates = 13;
- optional fixed32 ConfigContentHash = 14;
+ optional fixed32 ConfigContentHash = 14;
+message TEvReplicaShutdown {
-message TEvReplicaShutdown {
message TEvDumpRequest {
@@ -46,30 +46,30 @@ message TEvUpdate {
optional uint32 ProposedGeneration = 5;
optional uint32 ProposedStep = 6;
optional uint64 Signature = 7;
- optional bool IsGuardian = 8;
+ optional bool IsGuardian = 8;
message TEvDelete {
optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
-message TEvCleanup {
- optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
+message TEvCleanup {
+ optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
optional NActorsProto.TActorId ProposedLeader = 2;
message TEvRegisterFollower {
- optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
+ optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
optional NActorsProto.TActorId Follower = 2;
optional NActorsProto.TActorId FollowerTablet = 3;
- optional bool Candidate = 4;
+ optional bool Candidate = 4;
message TEvUnregisterFollower {
- optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
+ optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
optional NActorsProto.TActorId Follower = 2;
message TEvLock {
optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
optional uint64 Cookie = 2;
@@ -77,56 +77,56 @@ message TEvLock {
optional uint32 ProposedGeneration = 4;
optional uint64 Signature = 5;
message TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted {
- optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
- optional uint64 Signature = 2;
-message TEvReplicaBoardPublish {
- optional string Path = 1;
+ optional fixed64 TabletID = 1;
+ optional uint64 Signature = 2;
+message TEvReplicaBoardPublish {
+ optional string Path = 1;
optional bytes Payload = 2;
- optional uint64 TtlMs = 3;
- optional bool Register = 4;
+ optional uint64 TtlMs = 3;
+ optional bool Register = 4;
optional NActorsProto.TActorId Owner = 5;
-message TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck {
-message TEvReplicaBoardLookup {
- optional string Path = 1;
+message TEvReplicaBoardPublishAck {
+message TEvReplicaBoardLookup {
+ optional string Path = 1;
optional NActorsProto.TActorId Owner = 2;
- optional bool Subscribe = 3;
-message TEvReplicaBoardCleanup {
-message TBoardEntryInfo {
+ optional bool Subscribe = 3;
+message TEvReplicaBoardCleanup {
+message TBoardEntryInfo {
optional NActorsProto.TActorId Owner = 1;
optional bytes Payload = 2;
-message TEvReplicaBoardInfo {
- optional string Path = 1;
- optional bool Dropped = 2;
- repeated TBoardEntryInfo Info = 3;
-message TEndpointBoardEntry {
- optional string Address = 1;
- optional uint32 Port = 2;
- optional float Load = 3;
- optional bool Ssl = 4;
- repeated string Services = 5;
- optional string DataCenter = 6;
+message TEvReplicaBoardInfo {
+ optional string Path = 1;
+ optional bool Dropped = 2;
+ repeated TBoardEntryInfo Info = 3;
+message TEndpointBoardEntry {
+ optional string Address = 1;
+ optional uint32 Port = 2;
+ optional float Load = 3;
+ optional bool Ssl = 4;
+ repeated string Services = 5;
+ optional string DataCenter = 6;
optional uint32 NodeId = 7;
repeated string AddressesV4 = 8;
repeated string AddressesV6 = 9;
optional string TargetNameOverride = 10;
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/tablet.proto b/ydb/core/protos/tablet.proto
index 3fad551919..f0bec238e7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/tablet.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/tablet.proto
@@ -68,17 +68,17 @@ message TTabletLogEntry {
optional uint32 Confirmed = 4;
optional bool IsSnapshot = 5;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcDiscovered = 6;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcLeft = 7;
- optional bool IsTotalSnapshot = 8;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcDiscovered = 6;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcLeft = 7;
+ optional bool IsTotalSnapshot = 8;
// zero log entry
optional fixed64 ZeroConfirmed = 10;
optional uint32 ZeroTailSz = 11;
repeated fixed64 ZeroTailBitmask = 12;
- optional bytes EmbeddedLogBody = 13;
+ optional bytes EmbeddedLogBody = 13;
message TTabletChannelInfo {
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ message TTabletStorageInfo {
repeated TTabletChannelInfo Channels = 2;
optional TTabletTypes.EType TabletType = 3;
optional uint32 Version = 4;
- optional uint64 TenantIdOwner = 5;
- optional uint64 TenantIdLocalId = 6;
+ optional uint64 TenantIdOwner = 5;
+ optional uint64 TenantIdLocalId = 6;
message TEvPing {
@@ -127,61 +127,61 @@ message TEvReadLocalBaseResult {
message TEvFollowerAttach {
- optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
+ optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
optional uint32 FollowerAttempt = 2;
message TEvFollowerUpdate {
- optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
+ optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
optional uint32 FollowerAttempt = 2;
- optional uint64 StreamCounter = 3;
- optional uint32 Generation = 10;
- optional uint32 Step = 11;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID ReferencesIds = 12;
- repeated bytes References = 13;
- optional bool IsSnapshot = 14;
- optional bytes Body = 15;
- optional bytes AuxPayload = 16;
- optional TTabletStorageInfo TabletStorageInfo = 17; // set only for initial log snapshot
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcDiscovered = 20;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcLeft = 21;
- optional bool NeedGCApplyAck = 22;
+ optional uint64 StreamCounter = 3;
+ optional uint32 Generation = 10;
+ optional uint32 Step = 11;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID ReferencesIds = 12;
+ repeated bytes References = 13;
+ optional bool IsSnapshot = 14;
+ optional bytes Body = 15;
+ optional bytes AuxPayload = 16;
+ optional TTabletStorageInfo TabletStorageInfo = 17; // set only for initial log snapshot
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcDiscovered = 20;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcLeft = 21;
+ optional bool NeedGCApplyAck = 22;
message TEvFollowerGcAck {
- optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
+ optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
optional uint32 FollowerAttempt = 2;
- optional uint32 Generation = 3;
- optional uint32 Step = 4;
+ optional uint32 Generation = 3;
+ optional uint32 Step = 4;
message TEvFollowerAuxUpdate {
- optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
+ optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
optional uint32 FollowerAttempt = 2;
- optional uint64 StreamCounter = 3;
- optional bytes AuxPayload = 10;
+ optional uint64 StreamCounter = 3;
+ optional bytes AuxPayload = 10;
message TEvFollowerDetach {
- optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
+ optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
optional uint32 FollowerAttempt = 2;
message TEvFollowerDisconnect {
- optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
+ optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
optional uint32 FollowerAttempt = 2;
- optional uint32 Reason = 3; // todo: enum
+ optional uint32 Reason = 3; // todo: enum
message TEvFollowerRefresh {
- optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
- optional uint32 Generation = 2;
- optional bool OfflineProtocol = 3;
+ optional fixed64 TabletId = 1;
+ optional uint32 Generation = 2;
+ optional bool OfflineProtocol = 3;
message TEvGetCounters {
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/tablet_database.proto b/ydb/core/protos/tablet_database.proto
index 2a75a813cc..a6658688a6 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/tablet_database.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/tablet_database.proto
@@ -13,35 +13,35 @@ message TExecutorSettings {
optional bool KeepInMemory = 5;
- message TCompactionPolicy {
- message TGenerationPolicy {
- optional uint32 GenerationId = 1;
- optional uint64 SizeToCompact = 2; //
- optional uint32 CountToCompact = 3; //
- optional uint64 TimeFromCompaction = 4; // AND ^^
- optional uint32 ForceCountToCompact = 10; // OR one of force limits happend
- optional uint64 ForceSizeToCompact = 11; //
- optional uint64 ForceTimeFromCompaction = 12; //
- optional uint32 CompactionQueue = 20; // what broker queue to use for compaction (by default: generationid + 1)
- }
- optional uint64 InMemSizeToSnapshot = 1; //
- optional uint32 InMemStepsToSnapshot = 2; // snapshot inmem state when size AND steps from last snapshot passed
- optional uint32 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot = 3; // OR steps passed
- optional uint64 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot = 4; // OR size reached
- optional uint64 InMemForceTimeToSnapshot = 5; // OR time from last snapshot passed
- optional uint32 InMemCompactionQueue = 6; // default: 0
- repeated TGenerationPolicy Generation = 10;
- }
- message TDatabasePolicy {
- optional uint64 MainCacheSize = 1;
- optional uint32 ExecutorTxInFly = 2;
- optional uint32 TabletMetaInfoChannelIndex = 3;
- optional TCompactionPolicy CompactionPolicy = 10;
- repeated TLocalityGroupPolicy LocalityGroupPolicy = 11;
+ message TCompactionPolicy {
+ message TGenerationPolicy {
+ optional uint32 GenerationId = 1;
+ optional uint64 SizeToCompact = 2; //
+ optional uint32 CountToCompact = 3; //
+ optional uint64 TimeFromCompaction = 4; // AND ^^
+ optional uint32 ForceCountToCompact = 10; // OR one of force limits happend
+ optional uint64 ForceSizeToCompact = 11; //
+ optional uint64 ForceTimeFromCompaction = 12; //
+ optional uint32 CompactionQueue = 20; // what broker queue to use for compaction (by default: generationid + 1)
+ }
+ optional uint64 InMemSizeToSnapshot = 1; //
+ optional uint32 InMemStepsToSnapshot = 2; // snapshot inmem state when size AND steps from last snapshot passed
+ optional uint32 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot = 3; // OR steps passed
+ optional uint64 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot = 4; // OR size reached
+ optional uint64 InMemForceTimeToSnapshot = 5; // OR time from last snapshot passed
+ optional uint32 InMemCompactionQueue = 6; // default: 0
+ repeated TGenerationPolicy Generation = 10;
+ }
+ message TDatabasePolicy {
+ optional uint64 MainCacheSize = 1;
+ optional uint32 ExecutorTxInFly = 2;
+ optional uint32 TabletMetaInfoChannelIndex = 3;
+ optional TCompactionPolicy CompactionPolicy = 10;
+ repeated TLocalityGroupPolicy LocalityGroupPolicy = 11;
reserved 100; //optional bool ExposeCounters = 100;
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/tx_datashard.proto b/ydb/core/protos/tx_datashard.proto
index bbce9aca1e..89863b2540 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/tx_datashard.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/tx_datashard.proto
@@ -482,10 +482,10 @@ message TEvProposeTransaction {
optional TMvccSnapshot MvccSnapshot = 10;
-message TEvCancelTransactionProposal {
- optional uint64 TxId = 1;
+message TEvCancelTransactionProposal {
+ optional uint64 TxId = 1;
message TError {
enum EKind {
OK = 0;
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/tx_proxy.proto b/ydb/core/protos/tx_proxy.proto
index da1c723c44..dedd2f9cbb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/tx_proxy.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/tx_proxy.proto
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import "ydb/core/protos/query_stats.proto";
import "ydb/library/mkql_proto/protos/minikql.proto";
import "ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_issue_message.proto";
package NKikimrTxUserProxy;
option java_package = "ru.yandex.kikimr.proto";
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ message TTransaction {
message TEvProposeTransaction {
optional TTransaction Transaction = 1;
optional uint64 ProxyFlags = 2;
- optional uint64 ExecTimeoutPeriod = 3;
+ optional uint64 ExecTimeoutPeriod = 3;
optional string UserToken = 4; // already built and serialized user's token
optional bool StreamResponse = 5;
optional uint64 CancelAfterMs = 6;
@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ message TEvProposeTransactionStatus {
optional fixed64 TxId = 2;
optional fixed64 Step = 3;
- optional NKikimrIssues.TStatusIds.EStatusCode StatusCode = 7;
+ optional NKikimrIssues.TStatusIds.EStatusCode StatusCode = 7;
repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage Issues = 8;
optional uint32 ExecutionEngineStatus = 10;
optional uint32 ExecutionEngineResponseStatus = 11;
optional bytes ExecutionEngineResponse = 12; // Native document.
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ message TEvProposeTransactionStatus {
repeated bytes UnresolvedKeys = 16; // text
optional TMiniKQLCompileResults MiniKQLCompileResults = 17;
- optional NKikimrMiniKQL.TResult ExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse = 18;
+ optional NKikimrMiniKQL.TResult ExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse = 18;
optional NKikimrQueryStats.TTxStats TxStats = 19;
optional TTxProxyTimings Timings = 20;
diff --git a/ydb/core/protos/ya.make b/ydb/core/protos/ya.make
index 8b2e705dc9..70bb65514c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/protos/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/protos/ya.make
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ SRCS(
- counters_bs_controller.proto
+ counters_bs_controller.proto
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ SRCS(
- issue_id.proto
+ issue_id.proto
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ SRCS(
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/quoter/defs.h b/ydb/core/quoter/defs.h
index 65d6274870..7361613831 100644
--- a/ydb/core/quoter/defs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/quoter/defs.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./ydb/core/quoter/defs.h
#include <ydb/core/base/defs.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/events.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
diff --git a/ydb/core/quoter/kesus_quoter_proxy.cpp b/ydb/core/quoter/kesus_quoter_proxy.cpp
index e051e63eb3..4d2d20691e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/quoter/kesus_quoter_proxy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/quoter/kesus_quoter_proxy.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "kesus_quoter_proxy.h"
-#include "quoter_service_impl.h"
+#include "quoter_service_impl.h"
#include "debug_info.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/counters.h>
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <util/system/types.h>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
@@ -37,20 +37,20 @@
#define KESUS_PROXY_LOG_WARN(stream) PLOG_WARN(LogPrefix << stream)
#define KESUS_PROXY_LOG_ERROR(stream) PLOG_ERROR(LogPrefix << stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NQuoter {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NQuoter {
static constexpr double FADING_ALLOCATION_COEFFICIENT = 0.999;
static constexpr double PREFETCH_COEFFICIENT_DEFAULT = 0.20;
static constexpr double PREFETCH_WATERMARK_DEFAULT = 0.75;
using NKesus::TEvKesus;
-class TKesusQuoterProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TKesusQuoterProxy> {
- struct TResourceState {
- const TString Resource;
+class TKesusQuoterProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TKesusQuoterProxy> {
+ struct TResourceState {
+ const TString Resource;
ui64 ResId = Max<ui64>();
double Available = 0;
double QueueWeight = 0;
double ResourceBucketMaxSize = 0;
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class TKesusQuoterProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TKesusQuoterProxy> {
bool ProxySessionWasSent = false;
TInstant LastAllocated = TInstant::Zero();
std::pair<TDuration, double> AverageAllocationParams = {TDuration::Zero(), 0.0};
NKikimrKesus::TStreamingQuoterResource Props;
bool InitedProps = false;
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class TKesusQuoterProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TKesusQuoterProxy> {
explicit TResourceState(const TString& resource, const NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr& quoterCounters)
: Resource(resource)
, Counters(resource, quoterCounters)
- {}
+ {}
void AddUpdate(TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate& ev) const {
TVector<TEvQuota::TUpdateTick> update;
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ class TKesusQuoterProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TKesusQuoterProxy> {
*Counters.Accumulated = static_cast<i64>(available);
- };
+ };
struct TEvPrivate {
enum EEv {
EvOfflineResourceAllocation = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
@@ -242,28 +242,28 @@ class TKesusQuoterProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TKesusQuoterProxy> {
const TActorId QuoterServiceId;
- const ui64 QuoterId;
- const TVector<TString> Path;
+ const ui64 QuoterId;
+ const TVector<TString> Path;
const TString LogPrefix;
- TIntrusiveConstPtr<NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TKesusInfo> KesusInfo;
+ TIntrusiveConstPtr<NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TKesusInfo> KesusInfo;
THolder<ITabletPipeFactory> TabletPipeFactory;
TActorId KesusPipeClient;
bool Connected = false;
TInstant DisconnectTime;
ui64 OfflineAllocationCookie = 0;
TMap<TString, THolder<TResourceState>> Resources; // Map because iterators are needed to remain valid during insertions.
- THashMap<ui64, decltype(Resources)::iterator> ResIndex;
+ THashMap<ui64, decltype(Resources)::iterator> ResIndex;
THashMap<ui64, std::vector<TString>> CookieToResourcePath;
ui64 NextCookie = 1;
THolder<NKesus::TEvKesus::TEvUpdateConsumptionState> UpdateEv;
THolder<NKesus::TEvKesus::TEvAccountResources> AccountEv;
THolder<TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate> ProxyUpdateEv;
THashMap<TDuration, THolder<TEvPrivate::TEvOfflineResourceAllocation>> OfflineAllocationEvSchedule;
struct TCounters {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr QuoterCounters;
@@ -286,14 +286,14 @@ private:
std::vector<TString> paths = {std::move(resourcePath)};
return NewCookieForRequest(std::move(paths));
ui64 NewCookieForRequest(std::vector<TString> resourcePaths) {
const ui64 cookie = NextCookie++;
Y_VERIFY(CookieToResourcePath.emplace(cookie, std::move(resourcePaths)).second);
return cookie;
std::vector<TString> PopResourcePathsForRequest(ui64 cookie) {
auto resPathIt = CookieToResourcePath.find(cookie);
if (resPathIt != CookieToResourcePath.end()) {
@@ -304,13 +304,13 @@ private:
return {};
static TString KesusErrorToString(const NKikimrKesus::TKesusError& err) {
NYql::TIssues issues;
NYql::IssuesFromMessage(err.GetIssues(), issues);
return issues.ToString();
void SendProxySessionError(TEvQuota::TEvProxySession::EResult code, const TString& resourcePath) {
KESUS_PROXY_LOG_TRACE("ProxySession(\"" << resourcePath << "\", Error: " << code << ")");
@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ private:
- }
+ }
void ProcessSubscribeResourceError(Ydb::StatusIds::StatusCode code, TResourceState* resState) {
if (!resState->ProxySessionWasSent) {
resState->ProxySessionWasSent = true;
@@ -349,13 +349,13 @@ private:
- }
+ }
TResourceState* FindResource(ui64 id) {
const auto indexIt = ResIndex.find(id);
return indexIt != ResIndex.end() ? indexIt->second->second.Get() : nullptr;
const TResourceState* FindResource(ui64 id) const {
const auto indexIt = ResIndex.find(id);
return indexIt != ResIndex.end() ? indexIt->second->second.Get() : nullptr;
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ private:
void DeleteResourceInfo(const TString& resource, const ui64 resourceId) {
auto indexIt = ResIndex.find(resourceId);
- if (indexIt != ResIndex.end()) {
+ if (indexIt != ResIndex.end()) {
auto resIt = indexIt->second;
if (resIt != Resources.end()) { // else it is already new resource with same path.
TResourceState& res = *resIt->second;
@@ -607,12 +607,12 @@ private:
- ResIndex.erase(indexIt);
- return;
- }
+ ResIndex.erase(indexIt);
+ return;
+ }
auto resIt = Resources.find(resource);
- if (resIt != Resources.end()) {
+ if (resIt != Resources.end()) {
TResourceState& res = *resIt->second;
if (res.SessionIsActive) {
ActivateSession(res, false);
@@ -620,9 +620,9 @@ private:
if (res.ResId != Max<ui64>()) {
- Resources.erase(resIt);
- }
- }
+ Resources.erase(resIt);
+ }
+ }
void Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxyCloseSession::TPtr& ev) {
TEvQuota::TEvProxyCloseSession* msg = ev->Get();
@@ -855,45 +855,45 @@ private:
return TStringBuilder() << "[" << CanonizePath(path) << "]: ";
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::QUOTER_PROXY_ACTOR;
- }
+ }
TKesusQuoterProxy(ui64 quoterId, const NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry& navEntry, const TActorId& quoterServiceId, THolder<ITabletPipeFactory> tabletPipeFactory)
: QuoterServiceId(quoterServiceId)
, QuoterId(quoterId)
- , Path(navEntry.Path)
+ , Path(navEntry.Path)
, LogPrefix(GetLogPrefix(Path))
- , KesusInfo(navEntry.KesusInfo)
+ , KesusInfo(navEntry.KesusInfo)
, TabletPipeFactory(std::move(tabletPipeFactory))
- {
+ {
- Y_UNUSED(QuoterId);
+ Y_UNUSED(QuoterId);
QUOTER_SYSTEM_DEBUG(DebugInfo->KesusQuoterProxies.emplace(CanonizePath(Path), this));
- }
+ }
~TKesusQuoterProxy() {
- void Bootstrap() {
+ void Bootstrap() {
KESUS_PROXY_LOG_INFO("Created kesus quoter proxy. Tablet id: " << GetKesusTabletId());
- Become(&TThis::StateFunc);
+ Become(&TThis::StateFunc);
- }
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxyRequest, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxyStats, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxyCloseSession, Handle);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxyRequest, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxyStats, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxyCloseSession, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
hFunc(NKesus::TEvKesus::TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult, Handle);
@@ -901,18 +901,18 @@ public:
hFunc(NKesus::TEvKesus::TEvUpdateConsumptionStateAck, Handle);
hFunc(NKesus::TEvKesus::TEvAccountResourcesAck, Handle);
hFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvOfflineResourceAllocation, Handle);
- default:
+ default:
KESUS_PROXY_LOG_WARN("TKesusQuoterProxy::StateFunc unexpected event type# "
- << ev->GetTypeRewrite()
- << " event: "
- << TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
+ << ev->GetTypeRewrite()
+ << " event: "
+ << TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(false, "Unknown event");
- break;
- }
+ break;
+ }
- }
+ }
ui64 GetKesusTabletId() const {
return KesusInfo->Description.GetKesusTabletId();
@@ -958,8 +958,8 @@ public:
struct TDefaultTabletPipeFactory : public ITabletPipeFactory {
IActor* CreateTabletPipe(const NActors::TActorId& owner, ui64 tabletId, const NKikimr::NTabletPipe::TClientConfig& config) override {
return NTabletPipe::CreateClient(owner, tabletId, config);
@@ -968,18 +968,18 @@ struct TDefaultTabletPipeFactory : public ITabletPipeFactory {
THolder<ITabletPipeFactory> ITabletPipeFactory::GetDefaultFactory() {
return MakeHolder<TDefaultTabletPipeFactory>();
IActor* CreateKesusQuoterProxy(ui64 quoterId, const NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry& navEntry, const TActorId& quoterServiceId, THolder<ITabletPipeFactory> tabletPipeFactory) {
return new TKesusQuoterProxy(quoterId, navEntry, quoterServiceId, std::move(tabletPipeFactory));
TKesusResourceAllocationStatistics::TKesusResourceAllocationStatistics(size_t windowSize)
: BestPrevStat(windowSize)
, Stat(windowSize)
Y_ASSERT(windowSize >= 2);
void TKesusResourceAllocationStatistics::SetProps(const NKikimrKesus::TStreamingQuoterResource& props) {
DefaultAllocationDelta = TDuration::MilliSeconds(100);
diff --git a/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service.cpp b/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service.cpp
index c4aa98281a..b9a1b629f5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service.cpp
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-#include "quoter_service_impl.h"
+#include "quoter_service_impl.h"
#include "debug_info.h"
#include "kesus_quoter_proxy.h"
#include "probes.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/counters.h>
#include <library/cpp/lwtrace/mon/mon_lwtrace.h>
#include <cmath>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
-#error log macro definition clash
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
+#error log macro definition clash
#define BLOG_T(stream) LOG_TRACE_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, stream)
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, stream)
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, stream)
#define BLOG_WARN(stream) LOG_WARN_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NQuoter {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NQuoter {
extern const TString CONSUMED_COUNTER_NAME = "QuotaConsumed";
extern const TString REQUESTED_COUNTER_NAME = "QuotaRequested";
extern const TString RESOURCE_COUNTER_SENSOR_NAME = "resource";
@@ -47,71 +47,71 @@ NMonitoring::IHistogramCollectorPtr GetLatencyHistogramBuckets() {
return NMonitoring::ExplicitHistogram({0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 30000, 50000});
-TRequest& TReqState::Get(ui32 idx) {
- Y_VERIFY(idx < Requests.size());
- auto &x = Requests[idx];
- Y_VERIFY(x.Source);
- return Requests[idx];
-ui32 TReqState::Idx(TRequest &request) {
- const ui32 idx = static_cast<ui32>(&request - &*Requests.begin());
- Y_VERIFY(idx < Requests.size());
- return idx;
+TRequest& TReqState::Get(ui32 idx) {
+ Y_VERIFY(idx < Requests.size());
+ auto &x = Requests[idx];
+ Y_VERIFY(x.Source);
+ return Requests[idx];
+ui32 TReqState::Idx(TRequest &request) {
+ const ui32 idx = static_cast<ui32>(&request - &*Requests.begin());
+ Y_VERIFY(idx < Requests.size());
+ return idx;
ui32 TReqState::HeadByOwner(TActorId ownerId) {
- if (ui32 *x = ByOwner.FindPtr(ownerId))
- return *x;
- else
- return Max<ui32>();
+ if (ui32 *x = ByOwner.FindPtr(ownerId))
+ return *x;
+ else
+ return Max<ui32>();
ui32 TReqState::Allocate(TActorId source, ui64 eventCookie) {
- ui32 idx;
- if (Unused) {
- idx = Unused.back();
- Unused.pop_back();
- } else {
- idx = Requests.size();
- Requests.emplace_back();
- }
- auto &x = Requests[idx];
- x.Source = source;
- x.EventCookie = eventCookie;
+ ui32 idx;
+ if (Unused) {
+ idx = Unused.back();
+ Unused.pop_back();
+ } else {
+ idx = Requests.size();
+ Requests.emplace_back();
+ }
+ auto &x = Requests[idx];
+ x.Source = source;
+ x.EventCookie = eventCookie;
x.StartTime = TActivationContext::Now();
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.PrevByOwner == Max<ui32>());
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextByOwner == Max<ui32>());
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.PrevDeadlineRequest == Max<ui32>());
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextDeadlineRequest == Max<ui32>());
- auto itpair = ByOwner.emplace(source, idx);
- if (!itpair.second) {
- ui32 &other = itpair.first->second;
- x.NextByOwner = other;
- Requests[other].PrevByOwner = idx;
- other = idx;
- }
- return idx;
-void TReqState::Free(ui32 idx) {
- auto &x = Get(idx);
- bool lastEntry = true;
- if (x.NextByOwner != Max<ui32>()) {
- lastEntry = false;
- Requests[x.NextByOwner].PrevByOwner = x.PrevByOwner;
- }
- if (x.PrevByOwner != Max<ui32>()) {
- lastEntry = false;
- Requests[x.PrevByOwner].NextByOwner = x.NextByOwner;
- }
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.PrevByOwner == Max<ui32>());
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextByOwner == Max<ui32>());
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.PrevDeadlineRequest == Max<ui32>());
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextDeadlineRequest == Max<ui32>());
+ auto itpair = ByOwner.emplace(source, idx);
+ if (!itpair.second) {
+ ui32 &other = itpair.first->second;
+ x.NextByOwner = other;
+ Requests[other].PrevByOwner = idx;
+ other = idx;
+ }
+ return idx;
+void TReqState::Free(ui32 idx) {
+ auto &x = Get(idx);
+ bool lastEntry = true;
+ if (x.NextByOwner != Max<ui32>()) {
+ lastEntry = false;
+ Requests[x.NextByOwner].PrevByOwner = x.PrevByOwner;
+ }
+ if (x.PrevByOwner != Max<ui32>()) {
+ lastEntry = false;
+ Requests[x.PrevByOwner].NextByOwner = x.NextByOwner;
+ }
if (lastEntry) {
} else {
@@ -122,89 +122,89 @@ void TReqState::Free(ui32 idx) {
- x.NextByOwner = Max<ui32>();
- x.PrevByOwner = Max<ui32>();
- if (x.NextDeadlineRequest != Max<ui32>()) {
- Requests[x.NextDeadlineRequest].PrevDeadlineRequest = x.PrevDeadlineRequest;
- }
- if (x.PrevDeadlineRequest != Max<ui32>()) {
- Requests[x.PrevDeadlineRequest].NextDeadlineRequest = x.NextDeadlineRequest;
- }
- x.PrevDeadlineRequest = Max<ui32>();
- x.NextDeadlineRequest = Max<ui32>();
+ x.NextByOwner = Max<ui32>();
+ x.PrevByOwner = Max<ui32>();
+ if (x.NextDeadlineRequest != Max<ui32>()) {
+ Requests[x.NextDeadlineRequest].PrevDeadlineRequest = x.PrevDeadlineRequest;
+ }
+ if (x.PrevDeadlineRequest != Max<ui32>()) {
+ Requests[x.PrevDeadlineRequest].NextDeadlineRequest = x.NextDeadlineRequest;
+ }
+ x.PrevDeadlineRequest = Max<ui32>();
+ x.NextDeadlineRequest = Max<ui32>();
x.Source = TActorId();
- Unused.push_back(idx);
-TResourceLeaf& TResState::Get(ui32 idx) {
- Y_VERIFY(idx < Leafs.size());
- return Leafs[idx];
+ Unused.push_back(idx);
+TResourceLeaf& TResState::Get(ui32 idx) {
+ Y_VERIFY(idx < Leafs.size());
+ return Leafs[idx];
ui32 TResState::Allocate(TResource *resource, ui64 amount, bool isUsedAmount, ui32 requestIdx) {
- ui32 idx;
- if (Unused) {
- idx = Unused.back();
- Unused.pop_back();
- } else {
- idx = Leafs.size();
- Leafs.emplace_back();
- }
- auto &x = Leafs[idx];
- x.Resource = resource;
- x.Amount = amount;
+ ui32 idx;
+ if (Unused) {
+ idx = Unused.back();
+ Unused.pop_back();
+ } else {
+ idx = Leafs.size();
+ Leafs.emplace_back();
+ }
+ auto &x = Leafs[idx];
+ x.Resource = resource;
+ x.Amount = amount;
x.IsUsedAmount = isUsedAmount;
- x.RequestIdx = requestIdx;
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.PrevInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextResourceLeaf == Max<ui32>());
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.State == EResourceState::Unknown);
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.QuoterId == 0);
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.ResourceId == 0);
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.QuoterName.empty());
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.ResourceName.empty());
- return idx;
-void TResState::FreeChain(ui32 headIdx) {
- while (headIdx != Max<ui32>()) {
- auto &x = Get(headIdx);
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.Resource == nullptr);
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.PrevInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
- Unused.push_back(headIdx);
- headIdx = x.NextResourceLeaf;
- x.NextResourceLeaf = Max<ui32>();
- x.Amount = Max<ui64>();
- x.RequestIdx = Max<ui32>();
- x.State = EResourceState::Unknown;
- x.QuoterId = 0;
- x.ResourceId = 0;
- TString().swap(x.ResourceName);
- TString().swap(x.QuoterName);
+ x.RequestIdx = requestIdx;
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.PrevInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextResourceLeaf == Max<ui32>());
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.State == EResourceState::Unknown);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.QuoterId == 0);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.ResourceId == 0);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.QuoterName.empty());
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.ResourceName.empty());
+ return idx;
+void TResState::FreeChain(ui32 headIdx) {
+ while (headIdx != Max<ui32>()) {
+ auto &x = Get(headIdx);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.Resource == nullptr);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.NextInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(x.PrevInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
+ Unused.push_back(headIdx);
+ headIdx = x.NextResourceLeaf;
+ x.NextResourceLeaf = Max<ui32>();
+ x.Amount = Max<ui64>();
+ x.RequestIdx = Max<ui32>();
+ x.State = EResourceState::Unknown;
+ x.QuoterId = 0;
+ x.ResourceId = 0;
+ TString().swap(x.ResourceName);
+ TString().swap(x.QuoterName);
x.StartQueueing = TInstant::Zero();
x.StartCharging = TInstant::Zero();
- }
-void TResource::ApplyQuotaChannel(const TEvQuota::TUpdateTick &tick) {
- // full rewrite
- // todo: incremental update (?) as-is would be applied on next tick
- QuotaChannels[tick.Channel] = tick;
+ }
+void TResource::ApplyQuotaChannel(const TEvQuota::TUpdateTick &tick) {
+ // full rewrite
+ // todo: incremental update (?) as-is would be applied on next tick
+ QuotaChannels[tick.Channel] = tick;
void TResource::MarkStartedCharging(TRequest& request, TResourceLeaf& leaf, TInstant now) {
if (leaf.StartCharging == TInstant::Zero()) {
leaf.StartCharging = now;
@@ -264,14 +264,14 @@ void TResource::ChargeUsedAmount(double amount, TInstant now) {
TDuration TResource::Charge(double amount, TInstant now) {
-// Zero - charged
-// Max - not in current tick (or resource already queued)
-// smth b/w - delayed by pace limit
+// Zero - charged
+// Max - not in current tick (or resource already queued)
+// smth b/w - delayed by pace limit
if (TickRate < TICK_RATE_EPSILON) { // zero
return TDuration::Max();
- // could be fullfilled right now?
+ // could be fullfilled right now?
const double ticksToFullfill = amount / TickRate;
const double durationToFullfillInUs = ticksToFullfill * static_cast<double>(TickSize.MicroSeconds());
// TODO: calculate time for many requests (not for one). Now errors can be accumulated when big rates are used.
@@ -287,50 +287,50 @@ TDuration TResource::Charge(double amount, TInstant now) {
<< ". LastAllocated: " << LastAllocated);
if (Balance >= 0.0) {
- if (timeToFullfill <= now) {
- LastAllocated = Max(now - QuoterServiceConfig.ScheduleTickSize * 2, timeToFullfill);
- Balance -= amount;
- AmountConsumed += amount;
+ if (timeToFullfill <= now) {
+ LastAllocated = Max(now - QuoterServiceConfig.ScheduleTickSize * 2, timeToFullfill);
+ Balance -= amount;
+ AmountConsumed += amount;
History.Add(now, amount);
- if (FreeBalance > Balance)
- FreeBalance = Balance;
+ if (FreeBalance > Balance)
+ FreeBalance = Balance;
- return TDuration::Zero();
- }
- if (amount <= FreeBalance) {
- LastAllocated = now;
- FreeBalance -= amount;
- Balance -= amount;
- AmountConsumed += amount;
+ return TDuration::Zero();
+ }
+ if (amount <= FreeBalance) {
+ LastAllocated = now;
+ FreeBalance -= amount;
+ Balance -= amount;
+ AmountConsumed += amount;
History.Add(now, amount);
- return TDuration::Zero();
- }
- }
+ return TDuration::Zero();
+ }
+ }
- const TDuration delay = timeToFullfill - now;
- return (delay > TDuration::Zero()) ? delay : TDuration::Max();
+ const TDuration delay = timeToFullfill - now;
+ return (delay > TDuration::Zero()) ? delay : TDuration::Max();
TResource& TQuoterState::GetOrCreate(ui64 quoterId, ui64 resId, const TString& quoter, const TString& resource, const TQuoterServiceConfig &quoterServiceConfig) {
- auto xpair = Resources.emplace(resId, nullptr);
- if (xpair.second)
+ auto xpair = Resources.emplace(resId, nullptr);
+ if (xpair.second)
xpair.first->second.Reset(new TResource(quoterId, resId, quoter, resource, quoterServiceConfig, Counters.QuoterCounters));
- return *xpair.first->second;
-bool TQuoterState::Empty() {
- return Resources.empty() && WaitingResource.empty() && WaitingQueueResolve.empty();
+ return *xpair.first->second;
+bool TQuoterState::Empty() {
+ return Resources.empty() && WaitingResource.empty() && WaitingQueueResolve.empty();
TQuoterService::TQuoterService(const TQuoterServiceConfig &config)
: Config(config)
, LastProcessed(TInstant::Zero())
@@ -344,349 +344,349 @@ TQuoterService::~TQuoterService() {
QUOTER_SYSTEM_DEBUG(DebugInfo->QuoterService = nullptr);
-void TQuoterService::ScheduleNextTick(TInstant requested, TResource &quores) {
+void TQuoterService::ScheduleNextTick(TInstant requested, TResource &quores) {
- const TInstant next = TimeToGranularity(requested);
- const TInstant last = TimeToGranularity(quores.LastTick + quores.TickSize);
+ const TInstant next = TimeToGranularity(requested);
+ const TInstant last = TimeToGranularity(quores.LastTick + quores.TickSize);
const TInstant selected = Max(next, last, LastProcessed);
- quores.NextTick = selected;
- quores.LastTick = selected;
+ quores.NextTick = selected;
+ quores.LastTick = selected;
BLOG_T("Schedule next tick for \"" << quores.Resource << "\". Tick size: " << quores.TickSize << ". Time: " << quores.NextTick);
- ScheduleFeed[quores.NextTick].emplace(&quores);
-TInstant TQuoterService::TimeToGranularity(TInstant rawTime) {
- // up to next schedule tick
- const ui64 rawUs = rawTime.MicroSeconds();
- const ui64 schedUs = Config.ScheduleTickSize.MicroSeconds();
- const ui64 x = (rawUs + (schedUs - 1)) / schedUs * schedUs;
- return TInstant::MicroSeconds(x);
-void TQuoterService::Bootstrap() {
+ ScheduleFeed[quores.NextTick].emplace(&quores);
+TInstant TQuoterService::TimeToGranularity(TInstant rawTime) {
+ // up to next schedule tick
+ const ui64 rawUs = rawTime.MicroSeconds();
+ const ui64 schedUs = Config.ScheduleTickSize.MicroSeconds();
+ const ui64 x = (rawUs + (schedUs - 1)) / schedUs * schedUs;
+ return TInstant::MicroSeconds(x);
+void TQuoterService::Bootstrap() {
TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> counters = GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, QUOTER_SERVICE_COUNTER_SENSOR_NAME);
- Counters.ActiveQuoterProxies = counters->GetCounter("ActiveQuoterProxies", false);
- Counters.ActiveProxyResources = counters->GetCounter("ActiveProxyResources", false);
- Counters.KnownLocalResources = counters->GetCounter("KnownLocalResources", false);
- Counters.RequestsInFly = counters->GetCounter("RequestsInFly", false);
- Counters.Requests = counters->GetCounter("Requests", true);
- Counters.ResultOk = counters->GetCounter("ResultOk", true);
- Counters.ResultDeadline = counters->GetCounter("ResultDeadline", true);
- Counters.ResultError = counters->GetCounter("ResultError", true);
+ Counters.ActiveQuoterProxies = counters->GetCounter("ActiveQuoterProxies", false);
+ Counters.ActiveProxyResources = counters->GetCounter("ActiveProxyResources", false);
+ Counters.KnownLocalResources = counters->GetCounter("KnownLocalResources", false);
+ Counters.RequestsInFly = counters->GetCounter("RequestsInFly", false);
+ Counters.Requests = counters->GetCounter("Requests", true);
+ Counters.ResultOk = counters->GetCounter("ResultOk", true);
+ Counters.ResultDeadline = counters->GetCounter("ResultDeadline", true);
+ Counters.ResultError = counters->GetCounter("ResultError", true);
Counters.RequestLatency = counters->GetHistogram("RequestLatencyMs", GetLatencyHistogramBuckets());
Counters.ServiceCounters = std::move(counters);
- Become(&TThis::StateFunc);
+ Become(&TThis::StateFunc);
void TQuoterService::TryTickSchedule(TInstant now) {
- if (!TickScheduled) {
- TickScheduled = true;
+ if (!TickScheduled) {
+ TickScheduled = true;
LastProcessed = TimeToGranularity(now != TInstant::Zero() ? now : TActivationContext::Now());
- Schedule(Config.ScheduleTickSize, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
- }
-void TQuoterService::ReplyRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult resultCode) {
+ Schedule(Config.ScheduleTickSize, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ }
+void TQuoterService::ReplyRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult resultCode) {
LWTRACK(RequestDone, request.Orbit, resultCode, request.EventCookie);
- Send(request.Source, new TEvQuota::TEvClearance(resultCode), 0, request.EventCookie);
- ForgetRequest(request, reqIdx);
-void TQuoterService::ForgetRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
- // request must be replied
- // we must not stop track request while not replied or explicitly canceled
+ Send(request.Source, new TEvQuota::TEvClearance(resultCode), 0, request.EventCookie);
+ ForgetRequest(request, reqIdx);
+void TQuoterService::ForgetRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
+ // request must be replied
+ // we must not stop track request while not replied or explicitly canceled
// so only correct entry points are from ReplyRequest or from CancelRequest
- // cleanup from resource wait queue
- for (ui32 leafIdx = request.ResourceLeaf; leafIdx != Max<ui32>(); ) {
- TResourceLeaf &leaf = ResState.Get(leafIdx);
- switch (leaf.State) {
- case EResourceState::Unknown:
- case EResourceState::Cleared:
- break;
- case EResourceState::Wait:
- if (leaf.Resource) {
- if (leaf.NextInWaitQueue != Max<ui32>()) {
- ResState.Get(leaf.NextInWaitQueue).PrevInWaitQueue = leaf.PrevInWaitQueue;
- } else {
- Y_VERIFY(leaf.Resource->QueueTail == leafIdx);
- leaf.Resource->QueueTail = leaf.PrevInWaitQueue;
- }
- if (leaf.PrevInWaitQueue != Max<ui32>()) {
- ResState.Get(leaf.PrevInWaitQueue).NextInWaitQueue = leaf.NextInWaitQueue;
- } else {
- Y_VERIFY(leaf.Resource->QueueHead == leafIdx);
- leaf.Resource->QueueHead = leaf.NextInWaitQueue;
- }
- if (leaf.Resource->QueueHead == Max<ui32>()) {
- leaf.Resource->QueueSize = 0;
+ // cleanup from resource wait queue
+ for (ui32 leafIdx = request.ResourceLeaf; leafIdx != Max<ui32>(); ) {
+ TResourceLeaf &leaf = ResState.Get(leafIdx);
+ switch (leaf.State) {
+ case EResourceState::Unknown:
+ case EResourceState::Cleared:
+ break;
+ case EResourceState::Wait:
+ if (leaf.Resource) {
+ if (leaf.NextInWaitQueue != Max<ui32>()) {
+ ResState.Get(leaf.NextInWaitQueue).PrevInWaitQueue = leaf.PrevInWaitQueue;
+ } else {
+ Y_VERIFY(leaf.Resource->QueueTail == leafIdx);
+ leaf.Resource->QueueTail = leaf.PrevInWaitQueue;
+ }
+ if (leaf.PrevInWaitQueue != Max<ui32>()) {
+ ResState.Get(leaf.PrevInWaitQueue).NextInWaitQueue = leaf.NextInWaitQueue;
+ } else {
+ Y_VERIFY(leaf.Resource->QueueHead == leafIdx);
+ leaf.Resource->QueueHead = leaf.NextInWaitQueue;
+ }
+ if (leaf.Resource->QueueHead == Max<ui32>()) {
+ leaf.Resource->QueueSize = 0;
leaf.Resource->QueueWeight = 0.0;
- } else {
- leaf.Resource->QueueSize -= 1;
- leaf.Resource->QueueWeight -= leaf.Amount;
- }
- // TODO: resource schedule update over new active entry
- leaf.Resource = nullptr;
- leaf.PrevInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
- leaf.NextInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
- }
- break;
- case EResourceState::ResolveQuoter:
- if (TQuoterState *quoter = Quoters.FindPtr(leaf.QuoterId))
- quoter->WaitingQueueResolve.erase(reqIdx);
- break;
- case EResourceState::ResolveResource:
- if (TQuoterState *quoter = Quoters.FindPtr(leaf.QuoterId))
- if (TSet<ui32> *resWaitMap = quoter->WaitingResource.FindPtr(leaf.ResourceName))
- resWaitMap->erase(reqIdx);
- break;
- }
- leaf.State = EResourceState::Unknown;
- leafIdx = leaf.NextResourceLeaf;
- }
- ResState.FreeChain(request.ResourceLeaf);
- request.ResourceLeaf = Max<ui32>();
- // cleanup from deadline queue is inside of generic ReqState::Free
- ReqState.Free(reqIdx);
- Counters.RequestsInFly->Dec();
-void TQuoterService::DeclineRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
+ } else {
+ leaf.Resource->QueueSize -= 1;
+ leaf.Resource->QueueWeight -= leaf.Amount;
+ }
+ // TODO: resource schedule update over new active entry
+ leaf.Resource = nullptr;
+ leaf.PrevInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
+ leaf.NextInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
+ }
+ break;
+ case EResourceState::ResolveQuoter:
+ if (TQuoterState *quoter = Quoters.FindPtr(leaf.QuoterId))
+ quoter->WaitingQueueResolve.erase(reqIdx);
+ break;
+ case EResourceState::ResolveResource:
+ if (TQuoterState *quoter = Quoters.FindPtr(leaf.QuoterId))
+ if (TSet<ui32> *resWaitMap = quoter->WaitingResource.FindPtr(leaf.ResourceName))
+ resWaitMap->erase(reqIdx);
+ break;
+ }
+ leaf.State = EResourceState::Unknown;
+ leafIdx = leaf.NextResourceLeaf;
+ }
+ ResState.FreeChain(request.ResourceLeaf);
+ request.ResourceLeaf = Max<ui32>();
+ // cleanup from deadline queue is inside of generic ReqState::Free
+ ReqState.Free(reqIdx);
+ Counters.RequestsInFly->Dec();
+void TQuoterService::DeclineRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
- return ReplyRequest(request, reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::UnknownResource);
+ return ReplyRequest(request, reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::UnknownResource);
void TQuoterService::FailRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
return ReplyRequest(request, reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::GenericError);
-void TQuoterService::AllowRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
- Counters.ResultOk->Inc();
+void TQuoterService::AllowRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
+ Counters.ResultOk->Inc();
Counters.RequestLatency->Collect((TActivationContext::Now() - request.StartTime).MilliSeconds());
- return ReplyRequest(request, reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
-void TQuoterService::DeadlineRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
+ return ReplyRequest(request, reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
+void TQuoterService::DeadlineRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
- return ReplyRequest(request, reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Deadline);
-TQuoterService::EInitLeafStatus TQuoterService::InitSystemLeaf(const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
- if (leaf.ResourceId == TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceForbid) {
- return EInitLeafStatus::Forbid;
- }
- if (leaf.ResourceId == TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck) {
- // do nothing, always allow
- return EInitLeafStatus::Charged;
- }
- if ((leaf.ResourceId & (0x3ULL << 62)) == (1ULL << 62)) {
- // static rated resource
- const ui32 rate = (leaf.ResourceId & 0x3FFFFFFF);
+ return ReplyRequest(request, reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Deadline);
+TQuoterService::EInitLeafStatus TQuoterService::InitSystemLeaf(const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
+ if (leaf.ResourceId == TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceForbid) {
+ return EInitLeafStatus::Forbid;
+ }
+ if (leaf.ResourceId == TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck) {
+ // do nothing, always allow
+ return EInitLeafStatus::Charged;
+ }
+ if ((leaf.ResourceId & (0x3ULL << 62)) == (1ULL << 62)) {
+ // static rated resource
+ const ui32 rate = (leaf.ResourceId & 0x3FFFFFFF);
auto &quores = StaticRatedQuoter.GetOrCreate(leaf.QuoterId, leaf.ResourceId, TString(), TString(), Config);
- if (quores.LastAllocated == TInstant::Max()) {
- Counters.KnownLocalResources->Inc();
- quores.NextTick = TInstant::Zero();
- quores.LastTick = TInstant::Zero();
- quores.QueueHead = Max<ui32>();
- quores.QueueTail = Max<ui32>();
- quores.LastAllocated = TInstant::Zero();
+ if (quores.LastAllocated == TInstant::Max()) {
+ Counters.KnownLocalResources->Inc();
+ quores.NextTick = TInstant::Zero();
+ quores.LastTick = TInstant::Zero();
+ quores.QueueHead = Max<ui32>();
+ quores.QueueTail = Max<ui32>();
+ quores.LastAllocated = TInstant::Zero();
quores.AmountConsumed = 0.0;
// NOTE: do not change `History`: we dont need it for static rate
quores.FreeBalance = 0.0;
quores.TickRate = static_cast<double>(rate);
- quores.Balance = quores.TickRate;
- quores.TickSize = TDuration::Seconds(1);
- quores.StatUpdatePolicy = EStatUpdatePolicy::Never;
- quores.ApplyQuotaChannel(TEvQuota::TUpdateTick(0, Max<ui32>(), rate, TEvQuota::ETickPolicy::Ahead));
- FeedResource(quores);
- }
- if (quores.NextTick == TInstant::Zero()) {
- ScheduleNextTick(TActivationContext::Now(), quores);
- }
- return TryCharge(quores, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, QuoterIdCounter, leaf, request, reqIdx);
- }
- return EInitLeafStatus::Unknown;
-TQuoterService::EInitLeafStatus TQuoterService::InitResourceLeaf(const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
- // resolve quoter
- ui64 quoterId = leaf.QuoterId;
- TQuoterState *quoter = quoterId ? Quoters.FindPtr(quoterId) : nullptr;
- if (quoter == nullptr) {
- if (!leaf.Quoter)
+ quores.Balance = quores.TickRate;
+ quores.TickSize = TDuration::Seconds(1);
+ quores.StatUpdatePolicy = EStatUpdatePolicy::Never;
+ quores.ApplyQuotaChannel(TEvQuota::TUpdateTick(0, Max<ui32>(), rate, TEvQuota::ETickPolicy::Ahead));
+ FeedResource(quores);
+ }
+ if (quores.NextTick == TInstant::Zero()) {
+ ScheduleNextTick(TActivationContext::Now(), quores);
+ }
+ return TryCharge(quores, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, QuoterIdCounter, leaf, request, reqIdx);
+ }
+ return EInitLeafStatus::Unknown;
+TQuoterService::EInitLeafStatus TQuoterService::InitResourceLeaf(const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
+ // resolve quoter
+ ui64 quoterId = leaf.QuoterId;
+ TQuoterState *quoter = quoterId ? Quoters.FindPtr(quoterId) : nullptr;
+ if (quoter == nullptr) {
+ if (!leaf.Quoter)
return EInitLeafStatus::GenericError;
- auto qIndxIt = QuotersIndex.find(leaf.Quoter);
- if (qIndxIt == QuotersIndex.end()) {
- TVector<TString> path = NKikimr::SplitPath(leaf.Quoter);
+ auto qIndxIt = QuotersIndex.find(leaf.Quoter);
+ if (qIndxIt == QuotersIndex.end()) {
+ TVector<TString> path = NKikimr::SplitPath(leaf.Quoter);
if (path.empty()) {
BLOG_WARN("Empty path to quoter is provided: \"" << leaf.Quoter << "\"");
return EInitLeafStatus::GenericError;
if (CanonizePath(path) != leaf.Quoter) {
BLOG_WARN("Not canonized path to quoter is provided. Provided: \"" << leaf.Quoter << "\", but canonized is \"" << CanonizePath(path) << "\"");
return EInitLeafStatus::GenericError;
- quoterId = ++QuoterIdCounter;
- QuotersIndex.emplace(leaf.Quoter, quoterId);
+ quoterId = ++QuoterIdCounter;
+ QuotersIndex.emplace(leaf.Quoter, quoterId);
quoter = &Quoters.emplace(quoterId, TQuoterState(leaf.Quoter, Counters.ServiceCounters)).first->second;
- Counters.ActiveQuoterProxies->Inc();
- THolder<NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate> req(new NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate());
- req->ResultSet.emplace_back();
- req->ResultSet.back().Path.swap(path);
- req->ResultSet.back().Operation = NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::OpPath;
- Send(MakeSchemeCacheID(), new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet(req), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery, 0);
- BLOG_I("resolve new quoter " << leaf.Quoter);
- } else {
- // ok, got quoterId, proceed
- quoterId = qIndxIt->second;
- quoter = Quoters.FindPtr(quoterId);
- Y_VERIFY(quoter != nullptr);
- }
- }
- if (!quoter->ProxyId) {
- quoter->WaitingQueueResolve.emplace(reqIdx);
- // todo: make generic 'leaf for resolve' helper
+ Counters.ActiveQuoterProxies->Inc();
+ THolder<NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate> req(new NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate());
+ req->ResultSet.emplace_back();
+ req->ResultSet.back().Path.swap(path);
+ req->ResultSet.back().Operation = NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::OpPath;
+ Send(MakeSchemeCacheID(), new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet(req), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery, 0);
+ BLOG_I("resolve new quoter " << leaf.Quoter);
+ } else {
+ // ok, got quoterId, proceed
+ quoterId = qIndxIt->second;
+ quoter = Quoters.FindPtr(quoterId);
+ Y_VERIFY(quoter != nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!quoter->ProxyId) {
+ quoter->WaitingQueueResolve.emplace(reqIdx);
+ // todo: make generic 'leaf for resolve' helper
const ui32 resLeafIdx = ResState.Allocate(nullptr, leaf.Amount, leaf.IsUsedAmount, reqIdx);
- TResourceLeaf& resLeaf = ResState.Get(resLeafIdx);
- resLeaf.QuoterId = quoterId;
- resLeaf.QuoterName = leaf.Quoter;
- resLeaf.ResourceId = leaf.ResourceId;
- resLeaf.ResourceName = leaf.Resource;
- resLeaf.NextResourceLeaf = request.ResourceLeaf;
- request.ResourceLeaf = resLeafIdx;
- resLeaf.State = EResourceState::ResolveQuoter;
- return EInitLeafStatus::Wait;
- }
- ui64 resourceId = leaf.ResourceId;
- THolder<TResource> *resHolder = leaf.ResourceId ? quoter->Resources.FindPtr(resourceId) : nullptr;
- if (resHolder == nullptr) {
- if (!leaf.Resource)
+ TResourceLeaf& resLeaf = ResState.Get(resLeafIdx);
+ resLeaf.QuoterId = quoterId;
+ resLeaf.QuoterName = leaf.Quoter;
+ resLeaf.ResourceId = leaf.ResourceId;
+ resLeaf.ResourceName = leaf.Resource;
+ resLeaf.NextResourceLeaf = request.ResourceLeaf;
+ request.ResourceLeaf = resLeafIdx;
+ resLeaf.State = EResourceState::ResolveQuoter;
+ return EInitLeafStatus::Wait;
+ }
+ ui64 resourceId = leaf.ResourceId;
+ THolder<TResource> *resHolder = leaf.ResourceId ? quoter->Resources.FindPtr(resourceId) : nullptr;
+ if (resHolder == nullptr) {
+ if (!leaf.Resource)
return EInitLeafStatus::GenericError;
- if (const ui64 *rsId = quoter->ResourcesIndex.FindPtr(leaf.Resource)) {
- resourceId = *rsId;
- resHolder = quoter->Resources.FindPtr(resourceId);
- }
- if (resHolder == nullptr) {
- auto rIndxIt = quoter->WaitingResource.emplace(leaf.Resource, TSet<ui32>());
- rIndxIt.first->second.emplace(reqIdx);
+ if (const ui64 *rsId = quoter->ResourcesIndex.FindPtr(leaf.Resource)) {
+ resourceId = *rsId;
+ resHolder = quoter->Resources.FindPtr(resourceId);
+ }
+ if (resHolder == nullptr) {
+ auto rIndxIt = quoter->WaitingResource.emplace(leaf.Resource, TSet<ui32>());
+ rIndxIt.first->second.emplace(reqIdx);
const ui32 resLeafIdx = ResState.Allocate(nullptr, leaf.Amount, leaf.IsUsedAmount, reqIdx);
- TResourceLeaf& resLeaf = ResState.Get(resLeafIdx);
- resLeaf.QuoterId = quoterId;
- resLeaf.QuoterName = leaf.Quoter;
- resLeaf.ResourceId = leaf.ResourceId;
- resLeaf.ResourceName = leaf.Resource;
- resLeaf.NextResourceLeaf = request.ResourceLeaf;
- request.ResourceLeaf = resLeafIdx;
- resLeaf.State = EResourceState::ResolveResource;
- if (rIndxIt.second) { // new resource, create resource session
- BLOG_I("resolve resource " << resLeaf.ResourceName << " on quoter " << quoter->QuoterName);
- Send(quoter->ProxyId, new TEvQuota::TEvProxyRequest(resLeaf.ResourceName));
- }
- return EInitLeafStatus::Wait;
- }
- }
+ TResourceLeaf& resLeaf = ResState.Get(resLeafIdx);
+ resLeaf.QuoterId = quoterId;
+ resLeaf.QuoterName = leaf.Quoter;
+ resLeaf.ResourceId = leaf.ResourceId;
+ resLeaf.ResourceName = leaf.Resource;
+ resLeaf.NextResourceLeaf = request.ResourceLeaf;
+ request.ResourceLeaf = resLeafIdx;
+ resLeaf.State = EResourceState::ResolveResource;
+ if (rIndxIt.second) { // new resource, create resource session
+ BLOG_I("resolve resource " << resLeaf.ResourceName << " on quoter " << quoter->QuoterName);
+ Send(quoter->ProxyId, new TEvQuota::TEvProxyRequest(resLeaf.ResourceName));
+ }
+ return EInitLeafStatus::Wait;
+ }
+ }
if ((*resHolder)->NextTick == TInstant::Zero()) {
ScheduleNextTick(TActivationContext::Now(), **resHolder);
- // ok, got resource
- const EInitLeafStatus chargeResult = TryCharge(**resHolder, quoterId, resourceId, leaf, request, reqIdx);
- switch (resHolder->Get()->StatUpdatePolicy) {
+ // ok, got resource
+ const EInitLeafStatus chargeResult = TryCharge(**resHolder, quoterId, resourceId, leaf, request, reqIdx);
+ switch (resHolder->Get()->StatUpdatePolicy) {
case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryTick:
case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryActiveTick:
- case EStatUpdatePolicy::OnActivity:
- FillStats(**resHolder);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return chargeResult;
-void TQuoterService::MarkScheduleAllocation(TResource& quores, TDuration delay, TInstant now) {
+ case EStatUpdatePolicy::OnActivity:
+ FillStats(**resHolder);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return chargeResult;
+void TQuoterService::MarkScheduleAllocation(TResource& quores, TDuration delay, TInstant now) {
- Y_VERIFY(quores.NextTick != TInstant::Zero() && quores.NextTick != TInstant::Max());
- Y_VERIFY(delay > TDuration::Zero());
- if (delay == TDuration::Max()) {
- if (quores.Activation) {
- ScheduleAllocation[quores.Activation].erase(&quores);
- quores.Activation = TInstant::Zero();
- }
- return;
- }
- const TInstant newActivation = TimeToGranularity(now + delay);
- if (quores.Activation && quores.Activation != newActivation) {
- ScheduleAllocation[quores.Activation].erase(&quores);
- quores.Activation = TInstant::Zero();
- }
- if (newActivation < quores.NextTick) {
- ScheduleAllocation[newActivation].emplace(&quores);
- quores.Activation = newActivation;
- }
-TQuoterService::EInitLeafStatus TQuoterService::TryCharge(TResource& quores, ui64 quoterId, ui64 resourceId, const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
+ Y_VERIFY(quores.NextTick != TInstant::Zero() && quores.NextTick != TInstant::Max());
+ Y_VERIFY(delay > TDuration::Zero());
+ if (delay == TDuration::Max()) {
+ if (quores.Activation) {
+ ScheduleAllocation[quores.Activation].erase(&quores);
+ quores.Activation = TInstant::Zero();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const TInstant newActivation = TimeToGranularity(now + delay);
+ if (quores.Activation && quores.Activation != newActivation) {
+ ScheduleAllocation[quores.Activation].erase(&quores);
+ quores.Activation = TInstant::Zero();
+ }
+ if (newActivation < quores.NextTick) {
+ ScheduleAllocation[newActivation].emplace(&quores);
+ quores.Activation = newActivation;
+ }
+TQuoterService::EInitLeafStatus TQuoterService::TryCharge(TResource& quores, ui64 quoterId, ui64 resourceId, const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx) {
*quores.Counters.Requested += leaf.Amount;
@@ -703,207 +703,207 @@ TQuoterService::EInitLeafStatus TQuoterService::TryCharge(TResource& quores, ui6
if (quores.QueueSize == 0) {
startedCharge = true;
const TDuration delay = quores.Charge(leaf.Amount, now);
if (delay == TDuration::Zero()) {
LWTRACK(StartCharging, request.Orbit, leaf.Quoter, leaf.Resource, leaf.QuoterId, leaf.ResourceId);
quores.Counters.RequestTime->Collect((now - request.StartTime).MilliSeconds());
return EInitLeafStatus::Charged;
- MarkScheduleAllocation(quores, delay, now);
- }
- // need wait entry for resource
+ MarkScheduleAllocation(quores, delay, now);
+ }
+ // need wait entry for resource
const ui32 resLeafIdx = ResState.Allocate(&quores, leaf.Amount, leaf.IsUsedAmount, reqIdx);
- TResourceLeaf& resLeaf = ResState.Get(resLeafIdx);
- resLeaf.State = EResourceState::Wait;
+ TResourceLeaf& resLeaf = ResState.Get(resLeafIdx);
+ resLeaf.State = EResourceState::Wait;
if (startedCharge) {
quores.MarkStartedCharging(request, resLeaf, now);
} else {
resLeaf.StartQueueing = now;
- quores.QueueSize += 1;
- quores.QueueWeight += leaf.Amount;
- resLeaf.QuoterId = quoterId;
- resLeaf.QuoterName = leaf.Quoter;
- resLeaf.ResourceId = resourceId;
- resLeaf.ResourceName = leaf.Resource;
- if (quores.QueueTail == Max<ui32>()) {
- quores.QueueTail = resLeafIdx;
- quores.QueueHead = resLeafIdx;
- } else {
+ quores.QueueSize += 1;
+ quores.QueueWeight += leaf.Amount;
+ resLeaf.QuoterId = quoterId;
+ resLeaf.QuoterName = leaf.Quoter;
+ resLeaf.ResourceId = resourceId;
+ resLeaf.ResourceName = leaf.Resource;
+ if (quores.QueueTail == Max<ui32>()) {
+ quores.QueueTail = resLeafIdx;
+ quores.QueueHead = resLeafIdx;
+ } else {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(ResState.Get(quores.QueueTail).NextInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
- resLeaf.PrevInWaitQueue = quores.QueueTail;
- ResState.Get(quores.QueueTail).NextInWaitQueue = resLeafIdx;
+ resLeaf.PrevInWaitQueue = quores.QueueTail;
+ ResState.Get(quores.QueueTail).NextInWaitQueue = resLeafIdx;
quores.QueueTail = resLeafIdx;
- }
- resLeaf.NextResourceLeaf = request.ResourceLeaf;
- request.ResourceLeaf = resLeafIdx;
- return EInitLeafStatus::Wait;
-void TQuoterService::InitialRequestProcessing(TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev, const ui32 reqIdx) {
- TryTickSchedule();
- TEvQuota::TEvRequest *msg = ev->Get();
- TRequest &request = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
- request.Operator = msg->Operator;
- request.Deadline = TInstant::Max();
- Y_VERIFY(request.Operator == EResourceOperator::And); // todo: support other modes
- Y_VERIFY(msg->Reqs.size() >= 1);
- bool canAllow = true;
- for (const auto &leaf : msg->Reqs) {
+ }
+ resLeaf.NextResourceLeaf = request.ResourceLeaf;
+ request.ResourceLeaf = resLeafIdx;
+ return EInitLeafStatus::Wait;
+void TQuoterService::InitialRequestProcessing(TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev, const ui32 reqIdx) {
+ TryTickSchedule();
+ TEvQuota::TEvRequest *msg = ev->Get();
+ TRequest &request = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
+ request.Operator = msg->Operator;
+ request.Deadline = TInstant::Max();
+ Y_VERIFY(request.Operator == EResourceOperator::And); // todo: support other modes
+ Y_VERIFY(msg->Reqs.size() >= 1);
+ bool canAllow = true;
+ for (const auto &leaf : msg->Reqs) {
LWTRACK(RequestResource, request.Orbit, leaf.Amount, leaf.Quoter, leaf.Resource, leaf.QuoterId, leaf.ResourceId);
- const EInitLeafStatus initLeafStatus =
- (leaf.QuoterId == TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem) ?
- InitSystemLeaf(leaf, request, reqIdx) :
- InitResourceLeaf(leaf, request, reqIdx);
- switch (initLeafStatus) {
- case EInitLeafStatus::Unknown:
- return DeclineRequest(request, reqIdx);
+ const EInitLeafStatus initLeafStatus =
+ (leaf.QuoterId == TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem) ?
+ InitSystemLeaf(leaf, request, reqIdx) :
+ InitResourceLeaf(leaf, request, reqIdx);
+ switch (initLeafStatus) {
+ case EInitLeafStatus::Unknown:
+ return DeclineRequest(request, reqIdx);
case EInitLeafStatus::GenericError:
return FailRequest(request, reqIdx);
- case EInitLeafStatus::Forbid:
- return DeadlineRequest(request, reqIdx);
- case EInitLeafStatus::Charged:
- break;
- case EInitLeafStatus::Wait:
- canAllow = false;
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unkown initLeafStatus");
- }
- }
- if (canAllow) {
- Y_VERIFY(request.ResourceLeaf == Max<ui32>());
- return AllowRequest(request, reqIdx);
- }
- if (msg->Deadline != TDuration::Max()) {
- const TDuration delay = Min(TDuration::Days(1), msg->Deadline);
+ case EInitLeafStatus::Forbid:
+ return DeadlineRequest(request, reqIdx);
+ case EInitLeafStatus::Charged:
+ break;
+ case EInitLeafStatus::Wait:
+ canAllow = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unkown initLeafStatus");
+ }
+ }
+ if (canAllow) {
+ Y_VERIFY(request.ResourceLeaf == Max<ui32>());
+ return AllowRequest(request, reqIdx);
+ }
+ if (msg->Deadline != TDuration::Max()) {
+ const TDuration delay = Min(TDuration::Days(1), msg->Deadline);
const TInstant now = TActivationContext::Now();
request.Deadline = TimeToGranularity(now + delay);
- auto deadlineIt = ScheduleDeadline.find(request.Deadline);
- if (deadlineIt == ScheduleDeadline.end()) {
- TInstant deadline = request.Deadline; // allocate could invalidate request&
+ auto deadlineIt = ScheduleDeadline.find(request.Deadline);
+ if (deadlineIt == ScheduleDeadline.end()) {
+ TInstant deadline = request.Deadline; // allocate could invalidate request&
deadlineIt = ScheduleDeadline.emplace(deadline, ReqState.Allocate(TActorId(0, "placeholder"), 0)).first;
- }
- const ui32 placeholderIdx = deadlineIt->second;
- TRequest &placeholder = ReqState.Get(placeholderIdx);
- TRequest &reqq = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
- if (placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest != Max<ui32>()) {
- reqq.NextDeadlineRequest = placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest;
- ReqState.Get(placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest).PrevDeadlineRequest = reqIdx;
- }
- reqq.PrevDeadlineRequest = placeholderIdx;
- placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest = reqIdx;
- }
-void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev) {
+ }
+ const ui32 placeholderIdx = deadlineIt->second;
+ TRequest &placeholder = ReqState.Get(placeholderIdx);
+ TRequest &reqq = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
+ if (placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest != Max<ui32>()) {
+ reqq.NextDeadlineRequest = placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest;
+ ReqState.Get(placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest).PrevDeadlineRequest = reqIdx;
+ }
+ reqq.PrevDeadlineRequest = placeholderIdx;
+ placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest = reqIdx;
+ }
+void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev) {
BLOG_T("Request(" << PrintEvent(ev) << ")");
- Counters.RequestsInFly->Inc();
- Counters.Requests->Inc();
- TEvQuota::TEvRequest *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui32 reqIdx = ReqState.Allocate(ev->Sender, ev->Cookie);
- TRequest &request = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
+ Counters.RequestsInFly->Inc();
+ Counters.Requests->Inc();
+ TEvQuota::TEvRequest *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui32 reqIdx = ReqState.Allocate(ev->Sender, ev->Cookie);
+ TRequest &request = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
LWTRACK(StartRequest, request.Orbit, msg->Operator, msg->Deadline, ev->Cookie);
- if (msg->Reqs.empty()) // request nothing? most probably is error so decline
- return DeclineRequest(request, reqIdx);
- // dirty processing of simple embedded resources
- if (msg->Reqs.size() == 1) {
+ if (msg->Reqs.empty()) // request nothing? most probably is error so decline
+ return DeclineRequest(request, reqIdx);
+ // dirty processing of simple embedded resources
+ if (msg->Reqs.size() == 1) {
const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf = msg->Reqs[0];
- switch (msg->Operator) {
- case EResourceOperator::And:
- // only one case supported right now
- {
- if (leaf.QuoterId == TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem) {
- switch (leaf.ResourceId) {
- case TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceForbid:
+ switch (msg->Operator) {
+ case EResourceOperator::And:
+ // only one case supported right now
+ {
+ if (leaf.QuoterId == TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem) {
+ switch (leaf.ResourceId) {
+ case TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceForbid:
LWTRACK(RequestResource, request.Orbit, leaf.Amount, leaf.Quoter, leaf.Resource, leaf.QuoterId, leaf.ResourceId);
- return DeadlineRequest(request, reqIdx);
- case TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck:
+ return DeadlineRequest(request, reqIdx);
+ case TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck:
LWTRACK(RequestResource, request.Orbit, leaf.Amount, leaf.Quoter, leaf.Resource, leaf.QuoterId, leaf.ResourceId);
- return AllowRequest(request, reqIdx);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- // not supported yet modes
- default:
+ return AllowRequest(request, reqIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // not supported yet modes
+ default:
LWTRACK(RequestResource, request.Orbit, leaf.Amount, leaf.Quoter, leaf.Resource, leaf.QuoterId, leaf.ResourceId);
- return DeclineRequest(request, reqIdx);
- }
- }
- // ok, simple processing failed, make full processing
- InitialRequestProcessing(ev, reqIdx);
-void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvQuota::TEvCancelRequest::TPtr &ev) {
- const ui64 cookie = ev->Cookie;
- const ui32 headByOwner = ReqState.HeadByOwner(ev->Sender);
- if (headByOwner == Max<ui32>())
- return;
- TRequest &headRequest = ReqState.Get(headByOwner);
- ui32 nextReqIdx = headRequest.NextByOwner;
- while (nextReqIdx != Max<ui32>()) {
- const ui32 reqIdx = nextReqIdx;
- TRequest &req = ReqState.Get(nextReqIdx);
- nextReqIdx = req.NextByOwner;
- if (cookie == 0 || req.EventCookie == cookie)
- ForgetRequest(req, reqIdx);
- }
- if (cookie == 0 || headRequest.EventCookie == cookie)
- ForgetRequest(headRequest, headByOwner);
-void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxySession::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvQuota::TEvProxySession *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 quoterId = msg->QuoterId;
- const TString &resourceName = msg->Resource;
- auto quoterIt = Quoters.find(quoterId);
- if (quoterIt == Quoters.end())
- return;
- TQuoterState &quoter = quoterIt->second;
- if (quoter.ProxyId != ev->Sender)
- return;
- auto resIt = quoter.WaitingResource.find(resourceName);
- Y_VERIFY(resIt != quoter.WaitingResource.end());
- TSet<ui32> waitingRequests = std::move(resIt->second);
- quoter.WaitingResource.erase(resIt);
- const bool isError = msg->Result != msg->Success;
- if (isError) {
- BLOG_I("resource sesson failed: " << quoter.QuoterName << ":" << resourceName);
+ return DeclineRequest(request, reqIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ // ok, simple processing failed, make full processing
+ InitialRequestProcessing(ev, reqIdx);
+void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvQuota::TEvCancelRequest::TPtr &ev) {
+ const ui64 cookie = ev->Cookie;
+ const ui32 headByOwner = ReqState.HeadByOwner(ev->Sender);
+ if (headByOwner == Max<ui32>())
+ return;
+ TRequest &headRequest = ReqState.Get(headByOwner);
+ ui32 nextReqIdx = headRequest.NextByOwner;
+ while (nextReqIdx != Max<ui32>()) {
+ const ui32 reqIdx = nextReqIdx;
+ TRequest &req = ReqState.Get(nextReqIdx);
+ nextReqIdx = req.NextByOwner;
+ if (cookie == 0 || req.EventCookie == cookie)
+ ForgetRequest(req, reqIdx);
+ }
+ if (cookie == 0 || headRequest.EventCookie == cookie)
+ ForgetRequest(headRequest, headByOwner);
+void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxySession::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvQuota::TEvProxySession *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui64 quoterId = msg->QuoterId;
+ const TString &resourceName = msg->Resource;
+ auto quoterIt = Quoters.find(quoterId);
+ if (quoterIt == Quoters.end())
+ return;
+ TQuoterState &quoter = quoterIt->second;
+ if (quoter.ProxyId != ev->Sender)
+ return;
+ auto resIt = quoter.WaitingResource.find(resourceName);
+ Y_VERIFY(resIt != quoter.WaitingResource.end());
+ TSet<ui32> waitingRequests = std::move(resIt->second);
+ quoter.WaitingResource.erase(resIt);
+ const bool isError = msg->Result != msg->Success;
+ if (isError) {
+ BLOG_I("resource sesson failed: " << quoter.QuoterName << ":" << resourceName);
for (ui32 reqIdx : waitingRequests) {
if (msg->Result == TEvQuota::TEvProxySession::UnknownResource) {
DeclineRequest(ReqState.Get(reqIdx), reqIdx);
@@ -911,301 +911,301 @@ void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxySession::TPtr &ev) {
FailRequest(ReqState.Get(reqIdx), reqIdx);
- return;
- }
- const ui64 resourceId = msg->ResourceId;
- BLOG_I("resource session established: " << quoter.QuoterName << ":" << resourceName << " as " << resourceId);
- // success, create resource
+ return;
+ }
+ const ui64 resourceId = msg->ResourceId;
+ BLOG_I("resource session established: " << quoter.QuoterName << ":" << resourceName << " as " << resourceId);
+ // success, create resource
auto resPairIt = quoter.Resources.emplace(resourceId, new TResource(quoterId, resourceId, quoter.QuoterName, resourceName, Config, quoter.Counters.QuoterCounters));
- Y_VERIFY(resPairIt.second, "must be no duplicating resources");
- quoter.ResourcesIndex.emplace(resourceName, resourceId);
- Counters.ActiveProxyResources->Inc();
- TResource &quores = *resPairIt.first->second;
- quores.TickSize = msg->TickSize;
- quores.StatUpdatePolicy = msg->StatUpdatePolicy;
+ Y_VERIFY(resPairIt.second, "must be no duplicating resources");
+ quoter.ResourcesIndex.emplace(resourceName, resourceId);
+ Counters.ActiveProxyResources->Inc();
+ TResource &quores = *resPairIt.first->second;
+ quores.TickSize = msg->TickSize;
+ quores.StatUpdatePolicy = msg->StatUpdatePolicy;
quores.LastAllocated = TInstant::Zero();
- // move requests to 'wait resource' state
- for (ui32 reqId : waitingRequests) {
- TRequest &req = ReqState.Get(reqId);
- ui32 resIdx = req.ResourceLeaf;
- while (resIdx != Max<ui32>()) {
- TResourceLeaf &leaf = ResState.Get(resIdx);
- Y_VERIFY(leaf.RequestIdx == reqId);
- if (leaf.State == EResourceState::ResolveResource
- && leaf.QuoterId == quoterId
- && leaf.ResourceName == resourceName)
- {
- leaf.Resource = &quores;
- leaf.State = EResourceState::Wait;
- leaf.ResourceId = resourceId;
- quores.QueueSize += 1;
- quores.QueueWeight += leaf.Amount;
+ // move requests to 'wait resource' state
+ for (ui32 reqId : waitingRequests) {
+ TRequest &req = ReqState.Get(reqId);
+ ui32 resIdx = req.ResourceLeaf;
+ while (resIdx != Max<ui32>()) {
+ TResourceLeaf &leaf = ResState.Get(resIdx);
+ Y_VERIFY(leaf.RequestIdx == reqId);
+ if (leaf.State == EResourceState::ResolveResource
+ && leaf.QuoterId == quoterId
+ && leaf.ResourceName == resourceName)
+ {
+ leaf.Resource = &quores;
+ leaf.State = EResourceState::Wait;
+ leaf.ResourceId = resourceId;
+ quores.QueueSize += 1;
+ quores.QueueWeight += leaf.Amount;
- if (quores.QueueTail == Max<ui32>()) {
- quores.QueueTail = resIdx;
- quores.QueueHead = resIdx;
- } else {
+ if (quores.QueueTail == Max<ui32>()) {
+ quores.QueueTail = resIdx;
+ quores.QueueHead = resIdx;
+ } else {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(ResState.Get(quores.QueueTail).NextInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
- leaf.PrevInWaitQueue = quores.QueueTail;
- ResState.Get(quores.QueueTail).NextInWaitQueue = resIdx;
+ leaf.PrevInWaitQueue = quores.QueueTail;
+ ResState.Get(quores.QueueTail).NextInWaitQueue = resIdx;
quores.QueueTail = resIdx;
- }
- }
- // initial charge would be in first session update
- resIdx = leaf.NextResourceLeaf;
- }
- }
- switch (quores.StatUpdatePolicy) {
- case EStatUpdatePolicy::OnActivity:
- if (quores.QueueSize > 0)
- FillStats(quores);
- break;
- case EStatUpdatePolicy::Never:
- case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryTick:
- case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryActiveTick:
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("not implemented");
- }
-void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 quoterId = msg->QuoterId;
- auto quoterIt = Quoters.find(quoterId);
- if (quoterIt == Quoters.end())
- return;
- TQuoterState &quoter = quoterIt->second;
- if (quoter.ProxyId != ev->Sender)
- return;
- if (msg->QuoterState == EUpdateState::Broken || (msg->QuoterState == EUpdateState::Evict && quoter.Empty())) {
- BLOG_I("closing quoter on ProxyUpdate " << quoter.QuoterName);
- return BreakQuoter(quoterIt);
- }
- BLOG_D("ProxyUpdate for quoter " << quoter.QuoterName);
- for (auto &resUpdate : msg->Resources) {
- auto resourceIt = quoter.Resources.find(resUpdate.ResourceId);
- if (resourceIt == quoter.Resources.end())
- continue;
- TResource &quores = *resourceIt->second;
- if (resUpdate.ResourceState == EUpdateState::Broken
- || (resUpdate.ResourceState == EUpdateState::Evict && quores.QueueHead == Max<ui32>()))
- {
+ }
+ }
+ // initial charge would be in first session update
+ resIdx = leaf.NextResourceLeaf;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (quores.StatUpdatePolicy) {
+ case EStatUpdatePolicy::OnActivity:
+ if (quores.QueueSize > 0)
+ FillStats(quores);
+ break;
+ case EStatUpdatePolicy::Never:
+ case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryTick:
+ case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryActiveTick:
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("not implemented");
+ }
+void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui64 quoterId = msg->QuoterId;
+ auto quoterIt = Quoters.find(quoterId);
+ if (quoterIt == Quoters.end())
+ return;
+ TQuoterState &quoter = quoterIt->second;
+ if (quoter.ProxyId != ev->Sender)
+ return;
+ if (msg->QuoterState == EUpdateState::Broken || (msg->QuoterState == EUpdateState::Evict && quoter.Empty())) {
+ BLOG_I("closing quoter on ProxyUpdate " << quoter.QuoterName);
+ return BreakQuoter(quoterIt);
+ }
+ BLOG_D("ProxyUpdate for quoter " << quoter.QuoterName);
+ for (auto &resUpdate : msg->Resources) {
+ auto resourceIt = quoter.Resources.find(resUpdate.ResourceId);
+ if (resourceIt == quoter.Resources.end())
+ continue;
+ TResource &quores = *resourceIt->second;
+ if (resUpdate.ResourceState == EUpdateState::Broken
+ || (resUpdate.ResourceState == EUpdateState::Evict && quores.QueueHead == Max<ui32>()))
+ {
BLOG_I("closing resource on ProxyUpdate " << quoter.QuoterName << ":" << quores.Resource);
- Send(quoter.ProxyId, new TEvQuota::TEvProxyCloseSession(quores.Resource, quores.ResourceId));
- ForbidResource(quores);
- quoter.ResourcesIndex.erase(quores.Resource);
- quoter.Resources.erase(resourceIt);
- continue;
- }
- for (auto &update : resUpdate.Update) {
+ Send(quoter.ProxyId, new TEvQuota::TEvProxyCloseSession(quores.Resource, quores.ResourceId));
+ ForbidResource(quores);
+ quoter.ResourcesIndex.erase(quores.Resource);
+ quoter.Resources.erase(resourceIt);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (auto &update : resUpdate.Update) {
if (update.Ticks == 0) {
- quores.QuotaChannels.erase(update.Channel);
+ quores.QuotaChannels.erase(update.Channel);
} else {
Y_VERIFY(update.Rate >= 0.0);
- quores.QuotaChannels[update.Channel] = update;
+ quores.QuotaChannels[update.Channel] = update;
- }
+ }
if (quores.NextTick == TInstant::Zero()) {
- FeedResource(quores);
+ FeedResource(quores);
- }
- if (quoter.Empty()) {
+ }
+ if (quoter.Empty()) {
BLOG_I("closing quoter on ProxyUpdate as no activity left " << quoter.QuoterName);
- return BreakQuoter(quoterIt);
- }
-void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ return BreakQuoter(quoterIt);
+ }
+void TQuoterService::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev) {
THolder<NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate> navigate(ev->Get()->Request.Release());
- Y_VERIFY(navigate->ResultSet.size() == 1);
- auto &navEntry = navigate->ResultSet.front();
- const TString &path = CanonizePath(navEntry.Path);
- auto quotersIndexIt = QuotersIndex.find(path);
- if (quotersIndexIt == QuotersIndex.end())
- return;
- auto quoterIt = Quoters.find(quotersIndexIt->second);
- Y_VERIFY(quoterIt != Quoters.end());
- if (quoterIt->second.ProxyId)
- return;
- switch (navEntry.Kind) {
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::KindKesus:
- BLOG_I("path resolved as Kesus " << path);
- return CreateKesusQuoter(navEntry, quotersIndexIt, quoterIt);
- default:
- BLOG_I("path not resolved as known entity " << path);
- return BreakQuoter(quotersIndexIt, quoterIt);
- }
-void TQuoterService::CreateKesusQuoter(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry &navigate, decltype(QuotersIndex)::iterator indexIt, decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt) {
- // todo: create quoter
- TQuoterState &quoter = quoterIt->second;
- const ui64 quoterId = quoterIt->first;
- if (quoter.ProxyId) {
- return BreakQuoter(indexIt, quoterIt);
- }
+ Y_VERIFY(navigate->ResultSet.size() == 1);
+ auto &navEntry = navigate->ResultSet.front();
+ const TString &path = CanonizePath(navEntry.Path);
+ auto quotersIndexIt = QuotersIndex.find(path);
+ if (quotersIndexIt == QuotersIndex.end())
+ return;
+ auto quoterIt = Quoters.find(quotersIndexIt->second);
+ Y_VERIFY(quoterIt != Quoters.end());
+ if (quoterIt->second.ProxyId)
+ return;
+ switch (navEntry.Kind) {
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::KindKesus:
+ BLOG_I("path resolved as Kesus " << path);
+ return CreateKesusQuoter(navEntry, quotersIndexIt, quoterIt);
+ default:
+ BLOG_I("path not resolved as known entity " << path);
+ return BreakQuoter(quotersIndexIt, quoterIt);
+ }
+void TQuoterService::CreateKesusQuoter(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry &navigate, decltype(QuotersIndex)::iterator indexIt, decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt) {
+ // todo: create quoter
+ TQuoterState &quoter = quoterIt->second;
+ const ui64 quoterId = quoterIt->first;
+ if (quoter.ProxyId) {
+ return BreakQuoter(indexIt, quoterIt);
+ }
quoter.ProxyId = Register(CreateKesusQuoterProxy(quoterId, navigate, SelfId()), TMailboxType::HTSwap, AppData()->UserPoolId);
- TSet<ui32> waitingQueueResolve(std::move(quoter.WaitingQueueResolve));
- for (ui32 reqIdx : waitingQueueResolve) {
- TRequest &req = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
- for (ui32 resLeafIdx = req.ResourceLeaf; resLeafIdx != Max<ui32>(); ) {
- TResourceLeaf &leaf = ResState.Get(resLeafIdx);
- if (leaf.QuoterId == quoterId) {
- Y_VERIFY(leaf.State == EResourceState::ResolveQuoter);
- Y_VERIFY(leaf.ResourceName);
- auto itpair = quoter.WaitingResource.emplace(leaf.ResourceName, TSet<ui32>());
- itpair.first->second.emplace(reqIdx);
- if (itpair.second) { // new resolve entry, request
- BLOG_I("resolve resource " << leaf.ResourceName << " on quoter " << quoter.QuoterName);
- Send(quoter.ProxyId, new TEvQuota::TEvProxyRequest(leaf.ResourceName));
- }
- leaf.State = EResourceState::ResolveResource;
- }
- resLeafIdx = leaf.NextResourceLeaf;
- }
- }
-void TQuoterService::BreakQuoter(decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt) {
- return BreakQuoter(QuotersIndex.find(quoterIt->second.QuoterName), quoterIt);
-void TQuoterService::BreakQuoter(decltype(QuotersIndex)::iterator indexIt, decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt) {
- // quoter is broken, fail everything and cleanup
- TQuoterState &quoter = quoterIt->second;
- if (quoter.ProxyId) {
- Send(quoter.ProxyId, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ TSet<ui32> waitingQueueResolve(std::move(quoter.WaitingQueueResolve));
+ for (ui32 reqIdx : waitingQueueResolve) {
+ TRequest &req = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
+ for (ui32 resLeafIdx = req.ResourceLeaf; resLeafIdx != Max<ui32>(); ) {
+ TResourceLeaf &leaf = ResState.Get(resLeafIdx);
+ if (leaf.QuoterId == quoterId) {
+ Y_VERIFY(leaf.State == EResourceState::ResolveQuoter);
+ Y_VERIFY(leaf.ResourceName);
+ auto itpair = quoter.WaitingResource.emplace(leaf.ResourceName, TSet<ui32>());
+ itpair.first->second.emplace(reqIdx);
+ if (itpair.second) { // new resolve entry, request
+ BLOG_I("resolve resource " << leaf.ResourceName << " on quoter " << quoter.QuoterName);
+ Send(quoter.ProxyId, new TEvQuota::TEvProxyRequest(leaf.ResourceName));
+ }
+ leaf.State = EResourceState::ResolveResource;
+ }
+ resLeafIdx = leaf.NextResourceLeaf;
+ }
+ }
+void TQuoterService::BreakQuoter(decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt) {
+ return BreakQuoter(QuotersIndex.find(quoterIt->second.QuoterName), quoterIt);
+void TQuoterService::BreakQuoter(decltype(QuotersIndex)::iterator indexIt, decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt) {
+ // quoter is broken, fail everything and cleanup
+ TQuoterState &quoter = quoterIt->second;
+ if (quoter.ProxyId) {
+ Send(quoter.ProxyId, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
quoter.ProxyId = TActorId();
- }
- TSet<ui32> waitingQueueResolve(std::move(quoter.WaitingQueueResolve));
- for (ui32 reqIdx : waitingQueueResolve) {
- DeclineRequest(ReqState.Get(reqIdx), reqIdx);
- }
- TMap<TString, TSet<ui32>> waitingResource(std::move(quoter.WaitingResource));
- for (auto &xpair : waitingResource) {
- for (ui32 reqIdx : xpair.second)
- DeclineRequest(ReqState.Get(reqIdx), reqIdx);
- }
- for (auto &xpair : quoter.Resources) {
- ForbidResource(*xpair.second);
- }
- Quoters.erase(quoterIt);
- QuotersIndex.erase(indexIt);
- Counters.ActiveQuoterProxies->Dec();
-void TQuoterService::ForbidResource(TResource &quores) {
- while (quores.QueueHead != Max<ui32>()) {
- const ui32 reqIdx = ResState.Get(quores.QueueHead).RequestIdx;
- DeclineRequest(ReqState.Get(reqIdx), reqIdx);
- }
- if (quores.Activation != TInstant::Zero()) {
- ScheduleAllocation[quores.Activation].erase(&quores);
- quores.Activation = TInstant::Zero();
- }
- if (quores.NextTick != TInstant::Zero()) {
- ScheduleFeed[quores.NextTick].erase(&quores);
- quores.NextTick = TInstant::Zero();
- }
- Counters.ActiveProxyResources->Dec();
- // cleanup is outside
-void TQuoterService::CheckRequest(ui32 reqIdx) {
- TRequest &request = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
- for (ui32 nextLeaf = request.ResourceLeaf; nextLeaf != Max<ui32>(); ) {
- auto &leaf = ResState.Get(nextLeaf);
- if (leaf.State != EResourceState::Cleared)
- return;
- nextLeaf = leaf.NextResourceLeaf;
- }
- // ok, no uncleared resources, process request
- AllowRequest(request, reqIdx);
-void TQuoterService::FillStats(TResource &quores) {
- auto &dq = StatsToPublish[quores.QuoterId];
+ }
+ TSet<ui32> waitingQueueResolve(std::move(quoter.WaitingQueueResolve));
+ for (ui32 reqIdx : waitingQueueResolve) {
+ DeclineRequest(ReqState.Get(reqIdx), reqIdx);
+ }
+ TMap<TString, TSet<ui32>> waitingResource(std::move(quoter.WaitingResource));
+ for (auto &xpair : waitingResource) {
+ for (ui32 reqIdx : xpair.second)
+ DeclineRequest(ReqState.Get(reqIdx), reqIdx);
+ }
+ for (auto &xpair : quoter.Resources) {
+ ForbidResource(*xpair.second);
+ }
+ Quoters.erase(quoterIt);
+ QuotersIndex.erase(indexIt);
+ Counters.ActiveQuoterProxies->Dec();
+void TQuoterService::ForbidResource(TResource &quores) {
+ while (quores.QueueHead != Max<ui32>()) {
+ const ui32 reqIdx = ResState.Get(quores.QueueHead).RequestIdx;
+ DeclineRequest(ReqState.Get(reqIdx), reqIdx);
+ }
+ if (quores.Activation != TInstant::Zero()) {
+ ScheduleAllocation[quores.Activation].erase(&quores);
+ quores.Activation = TInstant::Zero();
+ }
+ if (quores.NextTick != TInstant::Zero()) {
+ ScheduleFeed[quores.NextTick].erase(&quores);
+ quores.NextTick = TInstant::Zero();
+ }
+ Counters.ActiveProxyResources->Dec();
+ // cleanup is outside
+void TQuoterService::CheckRequest(ui32 reqIdx) {
+ TRequest &request = ReqState.Get(reqIdx);
+ for (ui32 nextLeaf = request.ResourceLeaf; nextLeaf != Max<ui32>(); ) {
+ auto &leaf = ResState.Get(nextLeaf);
+ if (leaf.State != EResourceState::Cleared)
+ return;
+ nextLeaf = leaf.NextResourceLeaf;
+ }
+ // ok, no uncleared resources, process request
+ AllowRequest(request, reqIdx);
+void TQuoterService::FillStats(TResource &quores) {
+ auto &dq = StatsToPublish[quores.QuoterId];
const double expectedRate = -1.0;
const double cap = -1.0;
dq.emplace_back(quores.ResourceId, 0, quores.AmountConsumed, quores.History, quores.QueueSize, quores.QueueWeight, expectedRate, cap);
quores.AmountConsumed = 0.0;
-void TQuoterService::FeedResource(TResource &quores) {
+void TQuoterService::FeedResource(TResource &quores) {
quores.Balance = 0.0;
quores.FreeBalance = 0.0;
quores.TickRate = 0.0;
- for (auto it = quores.QuotaChannels.begin(), end = quores.QuotaChannels.end(); it != end;) {
- auto &quota = it->second;
- switch (quota.Policy) {
- case TEvQuota::ETickPolicy::Front:
- quores.Balance += quota.Rate;
- quores.FreeBalance += quota.Rate;
- break;
- case TEvQuota::ETickPolicy::Sustained:
- case TEvQuota::ETickPolicy::Ahead:
- quores.Balance += quota.Rate;
- break;
- }
- quores.TickRate += quota.Rate;
- if (quota.Ticks == 1) {
- it = quores.QuotaChannels.erase(it);
- } else {
- if (quota.Ticks != Max<ui32>()) // Max<ui32> means forever
- --quota.Ticks;
- ++it;
- }
- }
+ for (auto it = quores.QuotaChannels.begin(), end = quores.QuotaChannels.end(); it != end;) {
+ auto &quota = it->second;
+ switch (quota.Policy) {
+ case TEvQuota::ETickPolicy::Front:
+ quores.Balance += quota.Rate;
+ quores.FreeBalance += quota.Rate;
+ break;
+ case TEvQuota::ETickPolicy::Sustained:
+ case TEvQuota::ETickPolicy::Ahead:
+ quores.Balance += quota.Rate;
+ break;
+ }
+ quores.TickRate += quota.Rate;
+ if (quota.Ticks == 1) {
+ it = quores.QuotaChannels.erase(it);
+ } else {
+ if (quota.Ticks != Max<ui32>()) // Max<ui32> means forever
+ --quota.Ticks;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
BLOG_T("Feed resource \"" << quores.Resource << "\". Balance: " << quores.Balance << ". FreeBalance: " << quores.FreeBalance);
@@ -1215,72 +1215,72 @@ void TQuoterService::FeedResource(TResource &quores) {
- if (quores.QueueTail == Max<ui32>()) {
- quores.NextTick = TInstant::Zero();
- } else {
- // must recheck resource allocation
+ if (quores.QueueTail == Max<ui32>()) {
+ quores.NextTick = TInstant::Zero();
+ } else {
+ // must recheck resource allocation
ScheduleNextTick(quores.NextTick ? quores.NextTick + quores.TickSize : TActivationContext::Now(), quores);
- AllocateResource(quores);
- }
- switch (quores.StatUpdatePolicy) {
- case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryTick:
- FillStats(quores);
- break;
- case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryActiveTick:
- if (quores.QueueSize || quores.AmountConsumed > 0)
- FillStats(quores);
- break;
- case EStatUpdatePolicy::OnActivity:
- if (quores.AmountConsumed > 0)
- FillStats(quores);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void TQuoterService::AllocateResource(TResource &quores) {
+ AllocateResource(quores);
+ }
+ switch (quores.StatUpdatePolicy) {
+ case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryTick:
+ FillStats(quores);
+ break;
+ case EStatUpdatePolicy::EveryActiveTick:
+ if (quores.QueueSize || quores.AmountConsumed > 0)
+ FillStats(quores);
+ break;
+ case EStatUpdatePolicy::OnActivity:
+ if (quores.AmountConsumed > 0)
+ FillStats(quores);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void TQuoterService::AllocateResource(TResource &quores) {
BLOG_T("Allocate resource \"" << quores.Resource << "\"");
- const TInstant now = TActivationContext::Now();
+ const TInstant now = TActivationContext::Now();
ui64 requestsProcessed = 0;
const double prevAmountConsumed = quores.AmountConsumed;
- while (quores.QueueHead != Max<ui32>()) {
- TResourceLeaf &leaf = ResState.Get(quores.QueueHead);
+ while (quores.QueueHead != Max<ui32>()) {
+ TResourceLeaf &leaf = ResState.Get(quores.QueueHead);
TDuration delay = quores.Charge(ReqState.Get(leaf.RequestIdx), leaf, now);
- if (delay == TDuration::Zero()) {
- // resource available and charged
- // detach from Resource request queue
- Y_VERIFY(leaf.PrevInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
- quores.QueueHead = leaf.NextInWaitQueue;
- if (quores.QueueHead != Max<ui32>()) {
- TResourceLeaf &nextLeaf = ResState.Get(quores.QueueHead);
- nextLeaf.PrevInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
- quores.QueueSize -= 1;
- quores.QueueWeight -= leaf.Amount;
- } else {
- // last entry in queue
- quores.QueueTail = Max<ui32>();
- quores.QueueSize = 0;
+ if (delay == TDuration::Zero()) {
+ // resource available and charged
+ // detach from Resource request queue
+ Y_VERIFY(leaf.PrevInWaitQueue == Max<ui32>());
+ quores.QueueHead = leaf.NextInWaitQueue;
+ if (quores.QueueHead != Max<ui32>()) {
+ TResourceLeaf &nextLeaf = ResState.Get(quores.QueueHead);
+ nextLeaf.PrevInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
+ quores.QueueSize -= 1;
+ quores.QueueWeight -= leaf.Amount;
+ } else {
+ // last entry in queue
+ quores.QueueTail = Max<ui32>();
+ quores.QueueSize = 0;
quores.QueueWeight = 0.0;
- }
- leaf.NextInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
- leaf.PrevInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
- leaf.Resource = nullptr;
- leaf.State = EResourceState::Cleared;
- CheckRequest(leaf.RequestIdx);
+ }
+ leaf.NextInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
+ leaf.PrevInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
+ leaf.Resource = nullptr;
+ leaf.State = EResourceState::Cleared;
+ CheckRequest(leaf.RequestIdx);
- } else {
- MarkScheduleAllocation(quores, delay, now);
+ } else {
+ MarkScheduleAllocation(quores, delay, now);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
@@ -1292,70 +1292,70 @@ void TQuoterService::AllocateResource(TResource &quores) {
-void TQuoterService::HandleTick() {
+void TQuoterService::HandleTick() {
const TInstant until = TimeToGranularity(TActivationContext::Now());
while (LastProcessed < until) {
- // process resource allocation
- auto allocIt = ScheduleAllocation.find(LastProcessed);
- if (allocIt != ScheduleAllocation.end()) {
- while (allocIt->second) {
- auto xset = std::move(allocIt->second);
- for (TResource* quores : xset) {
- quores->Activation = TInstant::Zero();
- AllocateResource(*quores);
- }
- }
- ScheduleAllocation.erase(allocIt);
- }
- // process resource feeding
- auto feedIt = ScheduleFeed.find(LastProcessed);
- if (feedIt != ScheduleFeed.end()) {
- while (feedIt->second) {
- auto xset = std::move(feedIt->second);
- for (TResource* quores : xset)
- FeedResource(*quores);
- }
- ScheduleFeed.erase(feedIt);
- }
- // process deadlines
- auto deadlineIt = ScheduleDeadline.find(LastProcessed);
- if (deadlineIt != ScheduleDeadline.end()) {
- TRequest &placeholder = ReqState.Get(deadlineIt->second);
- Y_VERIFY(placeholder.Source.NodeId() == 0);
- while (placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest != Max<ui32>()) {
- TRequest &reqToCancel = ReqState.Get(placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest);
- DeadlineRequest(reqToCancel, placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest);
- }
- // TODO: return placeholder request
- ReqState.Free(deadlineIt->second);
- ScheduleDeadline.erase(deadlineIt);
- }
- LastProcessed += Config.ScheduleTickSize;
- }
- if (ScheduleAllocation || ScheduleFeed || ScheduleDeadline) {
- Schedule(Config.ScheduleTickSize, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+ // process resource allocation
+ auto allocIt = ScheduleAllocation.find(LastProcessed);
+ if (allocIt != ScheduleAllocation.end()) {
+ while (allocIt->second) {
+ auto xset = std::move(allocIt->second);
+ for (TResource* quores : xset) {
+ quores->Activation = TInstant::Zero();
+ AllocateResource(*quores);
+ }
+ }
+ ScheduleAllocation.erase(allocIt);
+ }
+ // process resource feeding
+ auto feedIt = ScheduleFeed.find(LastProcessed);
+ if (feedIt != ScheduleFeed.end()) {
+ while (feedIt->second) {
+ auto xset = std::move(feedIt->second);
+ for (TResource* quores : xset)
+ FeedResource(*quores);
+ }
+ ScheduleFeed.erase(feedIt);
+ }
+ // process deadlines
+ auto deadlineIt = ScheduleDeadline.find(LastProcessed);
+ if (deadlineIt != ScheduleDeadline.end()) {
+ TRequest &placeholder = ReqState.Get(deadlineIt->second);
+ Y_VERIFY(placeholder.Source.NodeId() == 0);
+ while (placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest != Max<ui32>()) {
+ TRequest &reqToCancel = ReqState.Get(placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest);
+ DeadlineRequest(reqToCancel, placeholder.NextDeadlineRequest);
+ }
+ // TODO: return placeholder request
+ ReqState.Free(deadlineIt->second);
+ ScheduleDeadline.erase(deadlineIt);
+ }
+ LastProcessed += Config.ScheduleTickSize;
+ }
+ if (ScheduleAllocation || ScheduleFeed || ScheduleDeadline) {
+ Schedule(Config.ScheduleTickSize, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
} else {
TickScheduled = false;
- }
-void TQuoterService::PublishStats() {
- for (auto &xpair : StatsToPublish) {
- if (TQuoterState *qs = Quoters.FindPtr(xpair.first)) {
- Send(qs->ProxyId, new TEvQuota::TEvProxyStats(std::move(xpair.second)));
- }
- }
- StatsToPublish.clear();
+ }
+void TQuoterService::PublishStats() {
+ for (auto &xpair : StatsToPublish) {
+ if (TQuoterState *qs = Quoters.FindPtr(xpair.first)) {
+ Send(qs->ProxyId, new TEvQuota::TEvProxyStats(std::move(xpair.second)));
+ }
+ }
+ StatsToPublish.clear();
TString TQuoterService::PrintEvent(const TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr& ev) {
const auto& req = *ev->Get();
TStringBuilder ret;
@@ -1387,10 +1387,10 @@ TString TQuoterService::PrintEvent(const TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr& ev) {
return std::move(ret);
-} // namespace NQuoter
-IActor* CreateQuoterService(const TQuoterServiceConfig &config) {
- return new NQuoter::TQuoterService(config);
-} // namespace NKikimr
+} // namespace NQuoter
+IActor* CreateQuoterService(const TQuoterServiceConfig &config) {
+ return new NQuoter::TQuoterService(config);
+} // namespace NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service.h b/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service.h
index 0b95dae8ca..982f6552b9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service.h
+++ b/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service.h
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/quoter.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TQuoterServiceConfig {
- TDuration ScheduleTickSize = TDuration::MilliSeconds(1);
- };
-IActor* CreateQuoterService(const TQuoterServiceConfig &config = TQuoterServiceConfig());
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TQuoterServiceConfig {
+ TDuration ScheduleTickSize = TDuration::MilliSeconds(1);
+ };
+IActor* CreateQuoterService(const TQuoterServiceConfig &config = TQuoterServiceConfig());
diff --git a/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_impl.h b/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_impl.h
index c3b1a0a5db..d27ea134e1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_impl.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "quoter_service.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "quoter_service.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/lwtrace/shuttle.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
-#include <util/generic/deque.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NQuoter {
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NQuoter {
extern const TString CONSUMED_COUNTER_NAME;
extern const TString REQUESTED_COUNTER_NAME;
@@ -35,120 +35,120 @@ extern const TString REQUESTS_COUNT_SENSOR_NAME;
-using EResourceOperator = TEvQuota::EResourceOperator;
-using EStatUpdatePolicy = TEvQuota::EStatUpdatePolicy;
-using EUpdateState = TEvQuota::EUpdateState;
-struct TResource;
+using EResourceOperator = TEvQuota::EResourceOperator;
+using EStatUpdatePolicy = TEvQuota::EStatUpdatePolicy;
+using EUpdateState = TEvQuota::EUpdateState;
+struct TResource;
NMonitoring::IHistogramCollectorPtr GetLatencyHistogramBuckets();
-struct TRequest {
+struct TRequest {
TActorId Source = TActorId();
- ui64 EventCookie = 0;
+ ui64 EventCookie = 0;
TInstant StartTime;
- EResourceOperator Operator = EResourceOperator::Unknown;
- TInstant Deadline = TInstant::Max();
- ui32 ResourceLeaf = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 PrevDeadlineRequest = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 NextDeadlineRequest = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 PrevByOwner = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 NextByOwner = Max<ui32>();
+ EResourceOperator Operator = EResourceOperator::Unknown;
+ TInstant Deadline = TInstant::Max();
+ ui32 ResourceLeaf = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 PrevDeadlineRequest = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 NextDeadlineRequest = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 PrevByOwner = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 NextByOwner = Max<ui32>();
// tracing
mutable NLWTrace::TOrbit Orbit;
-class TReqState {
- TVector<TRequest> Requests;
+class TReqState {
+ TVector<TRequest> Requests;
THashMap<TActorId, ui32> ByOwner;
- TVector<ui32> Unused;
- ui32 Idx(TRequest &request);
- TRequest& Get(ui32 idx);
+ TVector<ui32> Unused;
+ ui32 Idx(TRequest &request);
+ TRequest& Get(ui32 idx);
ui32 HeadByOwner(TActorId ownerId);
ui32 Allocate(TActorId source, ui64 eventCookie);
- void Free(ui32 idx);
-enum class EResourceState {
- Unknown,
- ResolveQuoter,
- ResolveResource,
- Wait,
- Cleared,
-struct TResourceLeaf {
- TResource *Resource = nullptr;
- ui64 Amount = Max<ui64>();
+ void Free(ui32 idx);
+enum class EResourceState {
+ Unknown,
+ ResolveQuoter,
+ ResolveResource,
+ Wait,
+ Cleared,
+struct TResourceLeaf {
+ TResource *Resource = nullptr;
+ ui64 Amount = Max<ui64>();
bool IsUsedAmount = false;
- ui32 RequestIdx = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 NextInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 PrevInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 NextResourceLeaf = Max<ui32>();
- EResourceState State = EResourceState::Unknown;
- ui64 QuoterId = 0;
- ui64 ResourceId = 0;
- TString QuoterName; // optional
- TString ResourceName;
+ ui32 RequestIdx = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 NextInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 PrevInWaitQueue = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 NextResourceLeaf = Max<ui32>();
+ EResourceState State = EResourceState::Unknown;
+ ui64 QuoterId = 0;
+ ui64 ResourceId = 0;
+ TString QuoterName; // optional
+ TString ResourceName;
TInstant StartQueueing = TInstant::Zero(); // optional phase
TInstant StartCharging = TInstant::Zero(); // when resource is processed
-class TResState {
- TVector<TResourceLeaf> Leafs;
- TVector<ui32> Unused;
- TResourceLeaf& Get(ui32 idx);
+class TResState {
+ TVector<TResourceLeaf> Leafs;
+ TVector<ui32> Unused;
+ TResourceLeaf& Get(ui32 idx);
ui32 Allocate(TResource *resource, ui64 amount, bool isUsedAmount, ui32 requestIdx);
- void FreeChain(ui32 headIdx);
-struct TResource {
- const ui64 QuoterId;
- const ui64 ResourceId;
+ void FreeChain(ui32 headIdx);
+struct TResource {
+ const ui64 QuoterId;
+ const ui64 ResourceId;
const TString Quoter;
- const TString Resource;
+ const TString Resource;
const TQuoterServiceConfig& QuoterServiceConfig;
- TInstant Activation = TInstant::Zero();
- TInstant NextTick = TInstant::Zero();
- TInstant LastTick = TInstant::Zero();
- ui32 QueueHead = Max<ui32>(); // to resource leaf
- ui32 QueueTail = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 QueueSize = 0;
+ TInstant Activation = TInstant::Zero();
+ TInstant NextTick = TInstant::Zero();
+ TInstant LastTick = TInstant::Zero();
+ ui32 QueueHead = Max<ui32>(); // to resource leaf
+ ui32 QueueTail = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 QueueSize = 0;
double QueueWeight = 0;
- TInstant LastAllocated = TInstant::Max();
+ TInstant LastAllocated = TInstant::Max();
double FreeBalance = 0.0; // could be used w/o pace limit
double Balance = 0.0; // total balance, but under pace limit
double TickRate = 0.0;
- TDuration TickSize = TDuration::Seconds(1);
- TMap<ui32, TEvQuota::TUpdateTick> QuotaChannels;
- // stats block
- TEvQuota::EStatUpdatePolicy StatUpdatePolicy = TEvQuota::EStatUpdatePolicy::Never;
+ TDuration TickSize = TDuration::Seconds(1);
+ TMap<ui32, TEvQuota::TUpdateTick> QuotaChannels;
+ // stats block
+ TEvQuota::EStatUpdatePolicy StatUpdatePolicy = TEvQuota::EStatUpdatePolicy::Never;
double AmountConsumed = 0.0; // consumed from last stats notification
TTimeSeriesMap<double> History; // consumption history from last stats notification
TInstant StartStarvationTime = TInstant::Zero();
struct {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr Consumed;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr Requested;
@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ struct TResource {
} Counters;
TResource(ui64 quoterId, ui64 resourceId, const TString& quoter, const TString& resource, const TQuoterServiceConfig &quoterServiceConfig, const NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr& quoterCounters)
- : QuoterId(quoterId)
- , ResourceId(resourceId)
+ : QuoterId(quoterId)
+ , ResourceId(resourceId)
, Quoter(quoter)
- , Resource(resource)
+ , Resource(resource)
, QuoterServiceConfig(quoterServiceConfig)
auto counters = quoterCounters->GetSubgroup(RESOURCE_COUNTER_SENSOR_NAME, resource ? resource : "__StaticRatedResource");
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ struct TResource {
Counters.RequestsCount = counters->GetCounter(REQUESTS_COUNT_SENSOR_NAME, true);
Counters.ElapsedMicrosecInStarvation = counters->GetCounter(ELAPSED_MICROSEC_IN_STARVATION_SENSOR_NAME, true);
- void ApplyQuotaChannel(const TEvQuota::TUpdateTick &tick);
+ void ApplyQuotaChannel(const TEvQuota::TUpdateTick &tick);
TDuration Charge(double amount, TInstant now); // Zero - fullfiled, Max - not in current tick, Duration - in current tick, but not right now due to pace limit
TDuration Charge(TRequest& request, TResourceLeaf& leaf, TInstant now);
void ChargeUsedAmount(double amount, TInstant now);
@@ -182,153 +182,153 @@ struct TResource {
void MarkStartedCharging(TRequest& request, TResourceLeaf& leaf, TInstant now);
void StartStarvation(TInstant now);
void StopStarvation(TInstant now);
-struct TScheduleTick {
- ui32 ActivationHead = Max<ui32>();
-struct TQuoterState {
- const TString QuoterName;
+struct TScheduleTick {
+ ui32 ActivationHead = Max<ui32>();
+struct TQuoterState {
+ const TString QuoterName;
TActorId ProxyId;
- THashMap<ui64, THolder<TResource>> Resources;
- THashMap<TString, ui64> ResourcesIndex;
- TSet<ui32> WaitingQueueResolve; // => requests
- TMap<TString, TSet<ui32>> WaitingResource; // => requests
+ THashMap<ui64, THolder<TResource>> Resources;
+ THashMap<TString, ui64> ResourcesIndex;
+ TSet<ui32> WaitingQueueResolve; // => requests
+ TMap<TString, TSet<ui32>> WaitingResource; // => requests
struct {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr QuoterCounters;
} Counters;
TResource& GetOrCreate(ui64 quoterId, ui64 resId, const TString& quoter, const TString& resource, const TQuoterServiceConfig &quoterServiceConfig);
- bool Empty();
+ bool Empty();
void InitCounters(const NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr& serviceCounters) {
Counters.QuoterCounters = serviceCounters->GetSubgroup(QUOTER_COUNTER_SENSOR_NAME, QuoterName);
TQuoterState(const TString& quoterName, const NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr& serviceCounters)
- : QuoterName(quoterName)
+ : QuoterName(quoterName)
if (serviceCounters) {
-class TQuoterService : public TActorBootstrapped<TQuoterService> {
- TQuoterServiceConfig Config;
- TInstant LastProcessed;
- THashMap<TInstant, TSet<TResource*>> ScheduleAllocation; // some sort of linked list instead of TSet?
- THashMap<TInstant, TSet<TResource*>> ScheduleFeed;
- THashMap<TInstant, ui32> ScheduleDeadline;
- THashMap<ui64, ui32> Deadlines; // ticknum => req-idx
- TResState ResState;
- TReqState ReqState;
- THashMap<ui64, TQuoterState> Quoters;
- THashMap<TString, ui64> QuotersIndex;
- ui64 QuoterIdCounter = 1;
- TQuoterState StaticRatedQuoter; // ??? could be just static rated quoters, w/o all fancy quoter stuff
- bool TickScheduled;
- TMap<ui64, TDeque<TEvQuota::TProxyStat>> StatsToPublish; // quoterId -> stats
- struct {
+class TQuoterService : public TActorBootstrapped<TQuoterService> {
+ TQuoterServiceConfig Config;
+ TInstant LastProcessed;
+ THashMap<TInstant, TSet<TResource*>> ScheduleAllocation; // some sort of linked list instead of TSet?
+ THashMap<TInstant, TSet<TResource*>> ScheduleFeed;
+ THashMap<TInstant, ui32> ScheduleDeadline;
+ THashMap<ui64, ui32> Deadlines; // ticknum => req-idx
+ TResState ResState;
+ TReqState ReqState;
+ THashMap<ui64, TQuoterState> Quoters;
+ THashMap<TString, ui64> QuotersIndex;
+ ui64 QuoterIdCounter = 1;
+ TQuoterState StaticRatedQuoter; // ??? could be just static rated quoters, w/o all fancy quoter stuff
+ bool TickScheduled;
+ TMap<ui64, TDeque<TEvQuota::TProxyStat>> StatsToPublish; // quoterId -> stats
+ struct {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr ServiceCounters;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ActiveQuoterProxies;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ActiveProxyResources;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr KnownLocalResources;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr RequestsInFly;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr Requests;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ResultOk;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ResultDeadline;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ResultError;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ActiveQuoterProxies;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ActiveProxyResources;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr KnownLocalResources;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr RequestsInFly;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr Requests;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ResultOk;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ResultDeadline;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ResultError;
NMonitoring::THistogramPtr RequestLatency;
- } Counters;
- enum class EInitLeafStatus {
- Unknown,
- Forbid,
- Charged,
- Wait,
+ } Counters;
+ enum class EInitLeafStatus {
+ Unknown,
+ Forbid,
+ Charged,
+ Wait,
- };
- void ScheduleNextTick(TInstant requested, TResource &quores);
- TInstant TimeToGranularity(TInstant rawTime);
+ };
+ void ScheduleNextTick(TInstant requested, TResource &quores);
+ TInstant TimeToGranularity(TInstant rawTime);
void TryTickSchedule(TInstant now = TInstant::Zero());
- void ReplyRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult resultCode);
- void ForgetRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
- void DeclineRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
+ void ReplyRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx, TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult resultCode);
+ void ForgetRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
+ void DeclineRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
void FailRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
- void AllowRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
- void DeadlineRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
- EInitLeafStatus InitSystemLeaf(const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
- EInitLeafStatus InitResourceLeaf(const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
- EInitLeafStatus TryCharge(TResource& quores, ui64 quoterId, ui64 resourceId, const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
+ void AllowRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
+ void DeadlineRequest(TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
+ EInitLeafStatus InitSystemLeaf(const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
+ EInitLeafStatus InitResourceLeaf(const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
+ EInitLeafStatus TryCharge(TResource& quores, ui64 quoterId, ui64 resourceId, const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request, ui32 reqIdx);
EInitLeafStatus NotifyUsed(TResource& quores, ui64 quoterId, ui64 resourceId, const TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf &leaf, TRequest &request);
- void MarkScheduleAllocation(TResource& quores, TDuration delay, TInstant now);
- void InitialRequestProcessing(TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev, const ui32 reqIdx);
- void ForbidResource(TResource &quores);
- void CheckRequest(ui32 reqIdx);
- void FillStats(TResource &quores);
- void FeedResource(TResource &quores);
- void AllocateResource(TResource &quores);
- void PublishStats();
- void Handle(TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvQuota::TEvCancelRequest::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxySession::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev);
- void HandleTick();
- void CreateKesusQuoter(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry &navigate, decltype(QuotersIndex)::iterator indexIt, decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt);
- void BreakQuoter(decltype(QuotersIndex)::iterator indexIt, decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt);
- void BreakQuoter(decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt);
+ void MarkScheduleAllocation(TResource& quores, TDuration delay, TInstant now);
+ void InitialRequestProcessing(TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev, const ui32 reqIdx);
+ void ForbidResource(TResource &quores);
+ void CheckRequest(ui32 reqIdx);
+ void FillStats(TResource &quores);
+ void FeedResource(TResource &quores);
+ void AllocateResource(TResource &quores);
+ void PublishStats();
+ void Handle(TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvQuota::TEvCancelRequest::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxySession::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev);
+ void HandleTick();
+ void CreateKesusQuoter(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry &navigate, decltype(QuotersIndex)::iterator indexIt, decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt);
+ void BreakQuoter(decltype(QuotersIndex)::iterator indexIt, decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt);
+ void BreakQuoter(decltype(Quoters)::iterator quoterIt);
TString PrintEvent(const TEvQuota::TEvRequest::TPtr& ev);
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::QUOTER_SERVICE_ACTOR;
- }
+ }
TQuoterService(const TQuoterServiceConfig &config);
void Bootstrap();
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvRequest, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvCancelRequest, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxySession, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, HandleTick);
- hFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult, Handle);
- default:
- LOG_WARN_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, "TQuoterService::StateFunc unexpected event type# "
- << ev->GetTypeRewrite()
- << " event: "
- << TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
- break;
- }
- PublishStats();
- }
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvRequest, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvCancelRequest, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxySession, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvQuota::TEvProxyUpdate, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, HandleTick);
+ hFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult, Handle);
+ default:
+ LOG_WARN_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::QUOTER_SERVICE, "TQuoterService::StateFunc unexpected event type# "
+ << ev->GetTypeRewrite()
+ << " event: "
+ << TString(ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString() : "serialized?"));
+ break;
+ }
+ PublishStats();
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_ut.cpp
index 440208dd2f..88c74ca3fb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_ut.cpp
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-#include "quoter_service.h"
+#include "quoter_service.h"
#include <ydb/core/kesus/tablet/events.h>
#include <ydb/core/testlib/basics/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/testlib/basics/helpers.h>
#include <ydb/core/testlib/tablet_helpers.h>
#include <ydb/core/testlib/test_client.h>
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
#include <util/system/compiler.h>
#include <util/system/valgrind.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-using namespace Tests;
-Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TQuoterServiceTest) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(StaticRateLimiter) {
- TServerSettings serverSettings(0);
- TServer server = TServer(serverSettings, true);
- TTestActorRuntime *runtime = server.GetRuntime();
+namespace NKikimr {
+using namespace Tests;
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TQuoterServiceTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(StaticRateLimiter) {
+ TServerSettings serverSettings(0);
+ TServer server = TServer(serverSettings, true);
+ TTestActorRuntime *runtime = server.GetRuntime();
const TActorId serviceId = MakeQuoterServiceID();
const TActorId serviceActorId = runtime->Register(CreateQuoterService());
- runtime->RegisterService(serviceId, serviceActorId);
+ runtime->RegisterService(serviceId, serviceActorId);
TActorId sender = runtime->AllocateEdgeActor();
- {
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
- new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceForbid, 1)
- }, TDuration::Max())));
- THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
- UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Deadline);
- }
- {
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
- new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1)
- }, TDuration::Max())));
- THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
- UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
- }
- {
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
- new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 1000), 1)
- }, TDuration::Max())));
- THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
- UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
- }
+ {
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
+ new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceForbid, 1)
+ }, TDuration::Max())));
+ THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Deadline);
+ }
+ {
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
+ new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1)
+ }, TDuration::Max())));
+ THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
+ }
+ {
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
+ new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 1000), 1)
+ }, TDuration::Max())));
+ THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
+ }
// test static quter queues processing
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TQuoterServiceTest) {
reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
- }
+ }
#if defined(OPTIMIZED)
#error "Macro conflict."
@@ -256,86 +256,86 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TQuoterServiceTest) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(StaticMultipleAndResources) {
- TServerSettings serverSettings(0);
- TServer server = TServer(serverSettings, true);
- TTestActorRuntime *runtime = server.GetRuntime();
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(StaticMultipleAndResources) {
+ TServerSettings serverSettings(0);
+ TServer server = TServer(serverSettings, true);
+ TTestActorRuntime *runtime = server.GetRuntime();
const TActorId serviceId = MakeQuoterServiceID();
const TActorId serviceActorId = runtime->Register(CreateQuoterService());
- runtime->RegisterService(serviceId, serviceActorId);
+ runtime->RegisterService(serviceId, serviceActorId);
TActorId sender = runtime->AllocateEdgeActor();
- {
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
- new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceForbid, 1),
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1),
- }, TDuration::Max())));
- THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
- UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Deadline);
- }
- {
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
- new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1),
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1),
- }, TDuration::Max())));
- THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
- UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
- }
- {
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
- new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 1000), 1),
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1),
- }, TDuration::Max())));
- THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
- UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(StaticDeadlines) {
- TServerSettings serverSettings(0);
- TServer server = TServer(serverSettings, true);
- TTestActorRuntime *runtime = server.GetRuntime();
+ {
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
+ new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceForbid, 1),
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1),
+ }, TDuration::Max())));
+ THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Deadline);
+ }
+ {
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
+ new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1),
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1),
+ }, TDuration::Max())));
+ THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
+ }
+ {
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
+ new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 1000), 1),
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::ResourceNocheck, 1),
+ }, TDuration::Max())));
+ THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
+ UNIT_ASSERT(reply->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(StaticDeadlines) {
+ TServerSettings serverSettings(0);
+ TServer server = TServer(serverSettings, true);
+ TTestActorRuntime *runtime = server.GetRuntime();
const TActorId serviceId = MakeQuoterServiceID();
const TActorId serviceActorId = runtime->Register(CreateQuoterService());
- runtime->RegisterService(serviceId, serviceActorId);
+ runtime->RegisterService(serviceId, serviceActorId);
TActorId sender = runtime->AllocateEdgeActor();
- {
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
- new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 10), 20)
- }, TDuration::Seconds(3))));
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
- new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 10), 20)
- }, TDuration::Seconds(3))));
- runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
- new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
- TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 10), 20)
- }, TDuration::Seconds(3))));
- THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply1 = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
+ {
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
+ new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 10), 20)
+ }, TDuration::Seconds(3))));
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
+ new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 10), 20)
+ }, TDuration::Seconds(3))));
+ runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(MakeQuoterServiceID(), sender,
+ new TEvQuota::TEvRequest(TEvQuota::EResourceOperator::And, {
+ TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf(TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::QuoterSystem, TEvQuota::TResourceLeaf::MakeTaggedRateRes(1, 10), 20)
+ }, TDuration::Seconds(3))));
+ THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply1 = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
UNIT_ASSERT_C(reply1->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success, "Result: " << static_cast<int>(reply1->Result));
- THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply2 = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
+ THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply2 = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
UNIT_ASSERT_C(reply2->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Success, "Result: " << static_cast<int>(reply2->Result));
- THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply3 = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
+ THolder<TEvQuota::TEvClearance> reply3 = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvQuota::TEvClearance>();
UNIT_ASSERT_C(reply3->Result == TEvQuota::TEvClearance::EResult::Deadline, "Result: " << static_cast<int>(reply3->Result));
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/quoter/ut/ya.make b/ydb/core/quoter/ut/ya.make
index f507192a06..eca5ac0e40 100644
--- a/ydb/core/quoter/ut/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/quoter/ut/ya.make
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ IF (NOT OS_WINDOWS)
@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ IF (NOT OS_WINDOWS)
diff --git a/ydb/core/quoter/ya.make b/ydb/core/quoter/ya.make
index 3f3368d468..937aae960d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/quoter/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/quoter/ya.make
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
- ddoarn
- g:kikimr
+ ddoarn
+ g:kikimr
- defs.h
- kesus_quoter_proxy.cpp
+ defs.h
+ kesus_quoter_proxy.cpp
- quoter_service.cpp
- quoter_service.h
- quoter_service_impl.h
+ quoter_service.cpp
+ quoter_service.h
+ quoter_service_impl.h
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tablecell.h b/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tablecell.h
index a2d8406451..bccfdca97d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tablecell.h
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tablecell.h
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ inline int CompareTypedCells(const TCell& a, const TCell& b, NScheme::TTypeIdOrd
case NKikimr::NScheme::NTypeIds::String2m:
case NKikimr::NScheme::NTypeIds::Utf8:
case NKikimr::NScheme::NTypeIds::Json:
- case NKikimr::NScheme::NTypeIds::Yson:
+ case NKikimr::NScheme::NTypeIds::Yson:
// XXX: using memcmp is meaningless for both JsonDocument and Json
case NKikimr::NScheme::NTypeIds::JsonDocument:
case NKikimr::NScheme::NTypeIds::DyNumber:
@@ -224,57 +224,57 @@ inline int CompareTypedCellVectors(const TCell* a, const TCell* b, const TTypeCl
return 0;
-// TODO: use NYql ops when TCell and TUnboxedValuePod had merged
+// TODO: use NYql ops when TCell and TUnboxedValuePod had merged
inline ui64 GetValueHash(NScheme::TTypeId type, const TCell& cell) {
if (cell.IsNull())
return 0;
- const NYql::NProto::TypeIds yqlType = static_cast<NYql::NProto::TypeIds>(type);
- switch (yqlType) {
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Bool:
- return ((*(const ui8 *)cell.Data()) == 0) ? THash<ui8>()((ui8)0) : THash<ui8>()((ui8)1);
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Int8:
- return THash<i8>()(*(const i8*)cell.Data());
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Uint8:
+ const NYql::NProto::TypeIds yqlType = static_cast<NYql::NProto::TypeIds>(type);
+ switch (yqlType) {
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Bool:
+ return ((*(const ui8 *)cell.Data()) == 0) ? THash<ui8>()((ui8)0) : THash<ui8>()((ui8)1);
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Int8:
+ return THash<i8>()(*(const i8*)cell.Data());
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Uint8:
return THash<ui8>()(*(const ui8*)cell.Data());
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Int16:
- return THash<i16>()(*(const i16*)cell.Data());
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Uint16:
- return THash<ui16>()(*(const ui16*)cell.Data());
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Int32:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Int16:
+ return THash<i16>()(*(const i16*)cell.Data());
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Uint16:
+ return THash<ui16>()(*(const ui16*)cell.Data());
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Int32:
return THash<i32>()(ReadUnaligned<i32>((const i32*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Uint32:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Uint32:
return THash<ui32>()(ReadUnaligned<ui32>((const ui32*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Int64:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Int64:
return THash<i64>()(ReadUnaligned<i64>((const i64*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Uint64:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Uint64:
return THash<ui64>()(ReadUnaligned<ui64>((const ui64*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Float:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Float:
return THash<float>()(ReadUnaligned<float>((const float*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Double:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Double:
return THash<double>()(ReadUnaligned<double>((const double*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Date:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Date:
return THash<ui16>()(ReadUnaligned<ui16>((const ui16*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Datetime:
- return THash<ui32>()(ReadUnaligned<ui32>((const ui32*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Timestamp:
- return THash<ui32>()(ReadUnaligned<ui64>((const ui64*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Interval:
- return THash<ui32>()(ReadUnaligned<ui64>((const ui64*)cell.Data()));
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::String:
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Utf8:
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Yson:
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Json:
- case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Decimal:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Datetime:
+ return THash<ui32>()(ReadUnaligned<ui32>((const ui32*)cell.Data()));
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Timestamp:
+ return THash<ui32>()(ReadUnaligned<ui64>((const ui64*)cell.Data()));
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Interval:
+ return THash<ui32>()(ReadUnaligned<ui64>((const ui64*)cell.Data()));
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::String:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Utf8:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Yson:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Json:
+ case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::Decimal:
case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::JsonDocument:
case NYql::NProto::TypeIds::DyNumber:
return ComputeHash(TStringBuf{cell.Data(), cell.Size()});
- default:
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(false, "Type not supported for user columns: %d", type);
- break;
+ default:
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(false, "Type not supported for user columns: %d", type);
+ break;
return 0;
@@ -527,4 +527,4 @@ void DbgPrintValue(TString&, const TCell&, ui32 type);
TString DbgPrintCell(const TCell& r, NScheme::TTypeId typeId, const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry);
TString DbgPrintTuple(const TDbTupleRef& row, const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry);
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tablecell_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tablecell_ut.cpp
index 36c2d07f1a..5bd4a27ab9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tablecell_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tablecell_ut.cpp
@@ -281,76 +281,76 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(Scheme) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(YqlTypesMustBeDefined) {
- const char charArr[64] = { 0 };
- TArrayRef<const NScheme::TTypeId> yqlIds(NScheme::NTypeIds::YqlIds);
- for (NScheme::TTypeId typeId : yqlIds) {
- switch (typeId) {
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Int32:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(i32)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(i32)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(i32)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Int64:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Byte:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Bool:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Double:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(double)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(double)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(double)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Float:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(float)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(float)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(float)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::String:
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Utf8:
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Yson:
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Json:
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(YqlTypesMustBeDefined) {
+ const char charArr[64] = { 0 };
+ TArrayRef<const NScheme::TTypeId> yqlIds(NScheme::NTypeIds::YqlIds);
+ for (NScheme::TTypeId typeId : yqlIds) {
+ switch (typeId) {
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Int32:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(i32)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(i32)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(i32)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Int64:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Byte:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Bool:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui8)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Double:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(double)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(double)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(double)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Float:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(float)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(float)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(float)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::String:
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Utf8:
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Yson:
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Json:
case NScheme::NTypeIds::JsonDocument:
case NScheme::NTypeIds::DyNumber:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, 30));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, 30), TCell(charArr, 30), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Decimal:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64) * 2));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64) * 2), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64) * 2), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Date:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui16)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui16)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui16)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Datetime:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Timestamp:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)), typeId);
- break;
- case NScheme::NTypeIds::Interval:
- GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)));
- CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)), typeId);
- break;
- default:
- UNIT_FAIL("undefined YQL type");
- }
- }
- }
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, 30));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, 30), TCell(charArr, 30), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Decimal:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64) * 2));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64) * 2), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64) * 2), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Date:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui16)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui16)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui16)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Datetime:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui32)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Timestamp:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(ui64)), typeId);
+ break;
+ case NScheme::NTypeIds::Interval:
+ GetValueHash(typeId, TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)));
+ CompareTypedCells(TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)), TCell(charArr, sizeof(i64)), typeId);
+ break;
+ default:
+ UNIT_FAIL("undefined YQL type");
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tabledefs.cpp b/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tabledefs.cpp
index 3e2a4391b4..8c91e03d0e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tabledefs.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tabledefs.cpp
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-#include "scheme_tabledefs.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include "scheme_tabledefs.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
bool TTableRange::IsEmptyRange(TConstArrayRef<const NScheme::TTypeId> cellTypeIds) const {
- if (Point)
- return false;
+ if (Point)
+ return false;
const int compares = CompareBorders<true, false>(To, From, InclusiveTo, InclusiveFrom, cellTypeIds);
- return (compares < 0);
+ return (compares < 0);
bool TSerializedTableRange::IsEmpty(TConstArrayRef<NScheme::TTypeId> type) const
auto cmp = CompareBorders<true, false>(To.GetCells(), From.GetCells(), ToInclusive, FromInclusive, type);
@@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ bool TSerializedTableRange::IsEmpty(TConstArrayRef<NScheme::TTypeId> type) const
void TKeyDesc::Out(IOutputStream& o, TKeyDesc::EStatus x) {
- case EStatus::name: \
- o << #name; \
- return;
- switch (x) {
- default:
- o << static_cast<int>(x);
- return;
- }
+ case EStatus::name: \
+ o << #name; \
+ return;
+ switch (x) {
+ default:
+ o << static_cast<int>(x);
+ return;
+ }
struct TSystemColumnsData {
const TString PartitionColumnName = "_yql_partition_id";
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ bool IsSystemColumn(ui32 columnId) {
return false;
bool IsSystemColumn(const TStringBuf columnName) {
return GetSystemColumns().FindPtr(columnName);
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tabledefs.h b/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tabledefs.h
index 5bbe0ae2cb..190233fdee 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tabledefs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tabledefs.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "scheme_tablecell.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "scheme_tablecell.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/pathid.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/tx.pb.h>
@@ -9,23 +9,23 @@
#include <ydb/library/aclib/aclib.h>
#include <library/cpp/deprecated/enum_codegen/enum_codegen.h>
#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
#include <util/generic/map.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
using TSchemaVersion = ui64;
-// ident for table, must be unique in selected scope
-// for global transactions ownerid is tabletid of owning schemeshard and tableid is counter designated by schemeshard
+// ident for table, must be unique in selected scope
+// for global transactions ownerid is tabletid of owning schemeshard and tableid is counter designated by schemeshard
// SysViewInfo is not empty for system views attached to corresponding table
-struct TTableId {
+struct TTableId {
TPathId PathId;
TString SysViewInfo;
TSchemaVersion SchemaVersion = 0;
TTableId() = default;
// raw ctors
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ struct TTableId {
: PathId(ownerId, tableId)
, SysViewInfo(sysViewInfo)
, SchemaVersion(schemaVersion)
- {}
+ {}
TTableId(ui64 ownerId, ui64 tableId, const TString& sysViewInfo)
: TTableId(ownerId, tableId, sysViewInfo, 0)
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ struct TTableId {
TTableId(ui64 ownerId, ui64 tableId)
: TTableId(ownerId, tableId, TString(), 0)
- {}
+ {}
// ctors from TPathId
TTableId(const TPathId& pathId, const TString& sysViewInfo, ui64 schemaVersion)
: TTableId(pathId.OwnerId, pathId.LocalPathId, sysViewInfo, schemaVersion)
@@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ struct TTableId {
: TTableId(pathId, TString(), 0)
- explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
+ explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return bool(PathId);
- }
+ }
bool HasSamePath(const TTableId &x) const noexcept {
return PathId == x.PathId && SysViewInfo == x.SysViewInfo;
- }
+ }
bool IsSystemView() const noexcept {
return !SysViewInfo.empty();
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ struct TTableId {
return hash;
- }
+ }
struct TIndexId {
TPathId PathId;
TSchemaVersion SchemaVersion = 0;
@@ -138,45 +138,45 @@ using TTablePathHashMap = THashMap<TTableId, T, TTablePathHashFn, TTablePathEqua
using TTablePathHashSet = THashSet<TTableId, TTablePathHashFn, TTablePathEqualFn>;
-// defines key range as low and high borders (possibly partial - w/o defined key values on tail)
-// missing values interpreted as infinity and mean "greater then any key with set prefix"
-// column order must match table key order
-// [{a, null}, {b, null}) => { (a, null), (b, null), inclusive = true, inclusive = false ) }
-// ({a, inf}, {b, inf}) => { (a), (b), false, false) } ('inclusive' does not matter for infinity)
-// [{a, 1}, {inf}) => { (a, 1), (), inclusive = true, inclusive = false) }
-// (-inf, +inf) => { (null, null), (), inclusive = true, false) } ((null, null) is smallest defined key greater then -infinity, so we must include it in range
-// [{a, 1}, {b, 3}] => { (a, 1), (b, 3), inclusive = true, inclusive = true) } (probably most used case w/o any corner cases
-class TTableRange {
+// defines key range as low and high borders (possibly partial - w/o defined key values on tail)
+// missing values interpreted as infinity and mean "greater then any key with set prefix"
+// column order must match table key order
+// [{a, null}, {b, null}) => { (a, null), (b, null), inclusive = true, inclusive = false ) }
+// ({a, inf}, {b, inf}) => { (a), (b), false, false) } ('inclusive' does not matter for infinity)
+// [{a, 1}, {inf}) => { (a, 1), (), inclusive = true, inclusive = false) }
+// (-inf, +inf) => { (null, null), (), inclusive = true, false) } ((null, null) is smallest defined key greater then -infinity, so we must include it in range
+// [{a, 1}, {b, 3}] => { (a, 1), (b, 3), inclusive = true, inclusive = true) } (probably most used case w/o any corner cases
+class TTableRange {
TConstArrayRef<TCell> From;
TConstArrayRef<TCell> To;
bool InclusiveFrom;
bool InclusiveTo;
bool Point;
explicit TTableRange(TConstArrayRef<TCell> point)
- : From(point)
- , To()
- , InclusiveFrom(true)
- , InclusiveTo(true)
+ : From(point)
+ , To()
+ , InclusiveFrom(true)
+ , InclusiveTo(true)
, Point(true) {}
TTableRange(TConstArrayRef<TCell> fromValues, bool inclusiveFrom, TConstArrayRef<TCell> toValues, bool inclusiveTo,
bool point = false)
- : From(fromValues)
- , To(toValues)
- , InclusiveFrom(inclusiveFrom || point)
- , InclusiveTo(inclusiveTo || point)
+ : From(fromValues)
+ , To(toValues)
+ , InclusiveFrom(inclusiveFrom || point)
+ , InclusiveTo(inclusiveTo || point)
, Point(point)
if (Point) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(toValues.empty() || fromValues.size() == toValues.size());
bool IsEmptyRange(TConstArrayRef<const NScheme::TTypeId> cellTypeIds) const;
class TSerializedTableRange {
TSerializedCellVec From;
@@ -283,55 +283,55 @@ int ComparePointAndRange(const TConstArrayRef<TCell>& point, const TTableRange&
// Template args determine where range lies regarding compared border.
// E.g. CompareBorders<true, true>(...) compares borders of ranges lying on the left
// of compared borders (or in other words upper range borders are compared).
-template<bool FirstLeft, bool SecondLeft>
+template<bool FirstLeft, bool SecondLeft>
int CompareBorders(TConstArrayRef<TCell> first, TConstArrayRef<TCell> second, bool inclusiveFirst, bool inclusiveSecond,
TConstArrayRef<NScheme::TTypeId> cellTypes)
- const ui32 firstSize = first.size();
- const ui32 secondSize = second.size();
- for (ui32 idx = 0, keyColumns = cellTypes.size(); idx < keyColumns; ++idx) {
- const bool firstComplete = (firstSize == idx);
- const bool secondComplete = (secondSize == idx);
- if (firstComplete) {
- if (secondComplete)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- if (secondComplete)
- return -1;
- if (first[idx].IsNull()) {
- if (!second[idx].IsNull())
- return -1;
- } else if (second[idx].IsNull()) {
- return 1;
+ const ui32 firstSize = first.size();
+ const ui32 secondSize = second.size();
+ for (ui32 idx = 0, keyColumns = cellTypes.size(); idx < keyColumns; ++idx) {
+ const bool firstComplete = (firstSize == idx);
+ const bool secondComplete = (secondSize == idx);
+ if (firstComplete) {
+ if (secondComplete)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (secondComplete)
+ return -1;
+ if (first[idx].IsNull()) {
+ if (!second[idx].IsNull())
+ return -1;
+ } else if (second[idx].IsNull()) {
+ return 1;
} else if (const int compares = CompareTypedCells(first[idx], second[idx], cellTypes[idx])) {
- return compares;
- }
- }
- if (FirstLeft && SecondLeft) {
- if (inclusiveFirst == inclusiveSecond)
- return 0;
- return (inclusiveFirst ? 1 : -1);
- } else if (FirstLeft && !SecondLeft) {
- if (inclusiveFirst && inclusiveSecond)
- return 0;
- return -1;
- } else if (!FirstLeft && SecondLeft) {
- if (inclusiveFirst && inclusiveSecond)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- } else { // !FirstLeft && !SecondLeft
- if (inclusiveFirst == inclusiveSecond)
- return 0;
- return (inclusiveFirst ? -1 : 1);
- }
+ return compares;
+ }
+ }
+ if (FirstLeft && SecondLeft) {
+ if (inclusiveFirst == inclusiveSecond)
+ return 0;
+ return (inclusiveFirst ? 1 : -1);
+ } else if (FirstLeft && !SecondLeft) {
+ if (inclusiveFirst && inclusiveSecond)
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
+ } else if (!FirstLeft && SecondLeft) {
+ if (inclusiveFirst && inclusiveSecond)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ } else { // !FirstLeft && !SecondLeft
+ if (inclusiveFirst == inclusiveSecond)
+ return 0;
+ return (inclusiveFirst ? -1 : 1);
+ }
/// @note returns 0 on any overlap
inline int CompareRanges(const TTableRange& rangeX, const TTableRange& rangeY,
const TConstArrayRef<NScheme::TTypeId> types)
@@ -385,13 +385,13 @@ private:
TOwnedCellVec FromKey;
TOwnedCellVec ToKey;
TOwnedTableRange(TInit init)
: TTableRange(std::move(init.Range))
, FromKey_(std::move(init.FromKey))
, ToKey_(std::move(init.ToKey))
{ }
static TInit Allocate(TOwnedCellVec fromKey, bool inclusiveFrom,
TOwnedCellVec toKey, bool inclusiveTo,
bool point)
@@ -422,11 +422,11 @@ private:
Point = false;
: TTableRange({ }, false, { }, false, false)
{ }
explicit TOwnedTableRange(TOwnedCellVec point)
: TOwnedTableRange(Allocate(std::move(point), true, TOwnedCellVec(), true, true))
{ }
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ public:
explicit TOwnedTableRange(TConstArrayRef<TCell> point)
: TOwnedTableRange(Allocate(TOwnedCellVec(point), true, TOwnedCellVec(), true, true))
{ }
TOwnedTableRange(TOwnedCellVec fromKey, bool inclusiveFrom, TOwnedCellVec toKey, bool inclusiveTo, bool point = false)
: TOwnedTableRange(Allocate(std::move(fromKey), inclusiveFrom, std::move(toKey), inclusiveTo, point))
{ }
@@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ public:
TOwnedCellVec FromKey_;
TOwnedCellVec ToKey_;
struct TReadTarget {
enum class EMode {
@@ -579,63 +579,63 @@ struct TSecurityObject : TAtomicRefCount<TSecurityObject>, NACLib::TSecurityObje
-// key description of one minikql operation
+// key description of one minikql operation
class TKeyDesc : TNonCopyable {
- // what we do on row?
- enum struct ERowOperation {
- Unknown = 1,
- Read = 2,
- Update = 3,
- Erase = 4,
- };
- // what we do on column?
- enum struct EColumnOperation {
- Read = 1,
- Set = 2, // == erase
- InplaceUpdate = 3,
- };
+ // what we do on row?
+ enum struct ERowOperation {
+ Unknown = 1,
+ Read = 2,
+ Update = 3,
+ Erase = 4,
+ };
+ // what we do on column?
+ enum struct EColumnOperation {
+ Read = 1,
+ Set = 2, // == erase
+ InplaceUpdate = 3,
+ };
enum ESystemColumnIds : ui32 {
EColumnIdInvalid = Max<ui32>(),
EColumnIdSystemStart = EColumnIdInvalid - 1000,
EColumnIdDataShard = EColumnIdSystemStart + 1
- XX(Unknown, 0) \
- XX(Ok, 1) \
- XX(TypeCheckFailed, 2) \
- XX(OperationNotSupported, 3) \
+ XX(Unknown, 0) \
+ XX(Ok, 1) \
+ XX(TypeCheckFailed, 2) \
+ XX(OperationNotSupported, 3) \
XX(NotExists, 4) \
XX(SnapshotNotExist, 5) \
XX(SnapshotNotReady, 6)
- enum class EStatus {
- };
+ enum class EStatus {
+ };
static void Out(IOutputStream& out, EStatus x);
- // one column operation (in)
- struct TColumnOp {
- ui32 Column;
- EColumnOperation Operation;
- ui32 ExpectedType;
+ // one column operation (in)
+ struct TColumnOp {
+ ui32 Column;
+ EColumnOperation Operation;
+ ui32 ExpectedType;
ui32 InplaceUpdateMode;
ui32 ImmediateUpdateSize;
- };
- // one column info (out)
- struct TColumnInfo {
- ui32 Column;
- ui32 Type;
- ui32 AllowInplaceMode;
- EStatus Status;
- };
+ };
+ // one column info (out)
+ struct TColumnInfo {
+ ui32 Column;
+ ui32 Type;
+ ui32 AllowInplaceMode;
+ EStatus Status;
+ };
struct TRangeLimits {
ui64 ItemsLimit;
ui64 BytesLimit;
@@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ public:
TMaybe<TPartitionRangeInfo> Range;
- // in
- const TTableId TableId;
+ // in
+ const TTableId TableId;
const TOwnedTableRange Range;
const TRangeLimits RangeLimits;
const ERowOperation RowOperation;
@@ -671,30 +671,30 @@ public:
const TVector<TColumnOp> Columns;
const bool Reverse;
TReadTarget ReadTarget; // Set for Read row operation
- // out
- EStatus Status;
+ // out
+ EStatus Status;
TVector<TColumnInfo> ColumnInfos;
TVector<TPartitionInfo> Partitions;
TIntrusivePtr<TSecurityObject> SecurityObject;
bool IsSystemView() const { return Partitions.empty(); }
- template<typename TKeyColumnTypes, typename TColumns>
+ template<typename TKeyColumnTypes, typename TColumns>
TKeyDesc(const TTableId& tableId, const TTableRange& range, ERowOperation rowOperation,
const TKeyColumnTypes &keyColumnTypes, const TColumns &columns,
ui64 itemsLimit = 0, ui64 bytesLimit = 0, bool reverse = false)
- : TableId(tableId)
+ : TableId(tableId)
, Range(range.From, range.InclusiveFrom, range.To, range.InclusiveTo, range.Point)
, RangeLimits(itemsLimit, bytesLimit)
, RowOperation(rowOperation)
- , KeyColumnTypes(keyColumnTypes.begin(), keyColumnTypes.end())
- , Columns(columns.begin(), columns.end())
+ , KeyColumnTypes(keyColumnTypes.begin(), keyColumnTypes.end())
+ , Columns(columns.begin(), columns.end())
, Reverse(reverse)
- , Status(EStatus::Unknown)
- {}
+ , Status(EStatus::Unknown)
+ {}
struct TSystemColumnInfo {
TKeyDesc::ESystemColumnIds ColumnId;
NKikimr::NScheme::TTypeId TypeId;
@@ -710,8 +710,8 @@ inline int ComparePointKeys(const TKeyDesc& point1, const TKeyDesc& point2) {
return CompareTypedCellVectors(
point1.Range.From.data(), point2.Range.From.data(), point1.KeyColumnTypes.data(), point1.KeyColumnTypes.size());
inline int ComparePointAndRangeKeys(const TKeyDesc& point, const TKeyDesc& range) {
return ComparePointAndRange(point.Range.From, range.Range, point.KeyColumnTypes, range.KeyColumnTypes);
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme/tablet_scheme.h b/ydb/core/scheme/tablet_scheme.h
index 089f6f5597..4373b3576a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme/tablet_scheme.h
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme/tablet_scheme.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <ydb/public/lib/scheme_types/scheme_type_id.h>
#include <ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_raw_type_value.h>
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme/ya.make b/ydb/core/scheme/ya.make
index aa330c3e15..128ef015bf 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme/ya.make
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ OWNER(
- scheme_tablecell.cpp
- scheme_tabledefs.cpp
+ scheme_tablecell.cpp
+ scheme_tabledefs.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_type_registry.cpp b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_type_registry.cpp
index 1a7343d2a4..d737254361 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_type_registry.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_type_registry.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "scheme_type_registry.h"
#include "scheme_types.h"
-#include "scheme_types_defs.h"
+#include "scheme_types_defs.h"
#include <util/digest/murmur.h>
#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ namespace NScheme {
- // move to 'init defaults?'
+ // move to 'init defaults?'
- RegisterType<TDouble>();
- RegisterType<TFloat>();
+ RegisterType<TDouble>();
+ RegisterType<TFloat>();
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_type_registry.h b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_type_registry.h
index bb3f24a061..a82af19267 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_type_registry.h
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_type_registry.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public:
template <typename T>
void RegisterType() {
- RegisterType(Singleton<T>());
+ RegisterType(Singleton<T>());
void RegisterType(const IType *type) {
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ public:
Y_VERIFY(TypeByNameMap.insert({ type->GetName(), type }).second);
- }
+ }
ITypeSP GetType(TTypeId typeId) const {
if (typeId) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types.h b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types.h
index 88231e8c5a..3034843a24 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types.h
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types.h
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <ydb/public/lib/scheme_types/scheme_type_id.h>
#include <util/string/hex.h>
-#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
-#include <typeinfo>
+#include <typeinfo>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NScheme {
class ITypeMetadata {
enum class EFlags {
CanBeValueInKey = 0x01,
CanCompare = 0x02,
@@ -27,30 +27,30 @@ public:
virtual ~ITypeMetadata() {}
virtual TTypeId GetTypeId() const = 0;
virtual const char* GetName() const = 0;
class IType : public ITypeMetadata {
friend class ITypeSP;
friend class TTypeRegistry;
class ITypeSP {
ITypeSP(const IType* t = nullptr)
: Type(t)
- , TypeId(t ? t->GetTypeId() : 0)
- {}
+ , TypeId(t ? t->GetTypeId() : 0)
+ {}
ITypeSP(TTypeId typeId)
: Type(nullptr)
, TypeId(typeId)
- {}
+ {}
const IType* operator->() const noexcept { return Type; }
explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return TypeId != 0; }
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types_defs.cpp b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types_defs.cpp
index b925a986d1..eeaba2e9af 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types_defs.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types_defs.cpp
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ namespace NNames {
diff --git a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types_defs.h b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types_defs.h
index 1dc3ff04ab..bb06b09702 100644
--- a/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types_defs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types_defs.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public:
typedef T TValueType;
static constexpr TTypeId TypeId = TypeId_;
class TInstance {
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public:
TTypeId GetTypeId() const override { return TypeId; }
static TRawTypeValue ToRawTypeValue(const T& value) {
- return TRawTypeValue((void*)&value, sizeof(T), TypeId);
+ return TRawTypeValue((void*)&value, sizeof(T), TypeId);
static const char* TypeName() {
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ public:
template<typename T, ui32 TypeId, const char* Name>
class IIntegerTypeWithKeyString : public TTypedType<T, IIntegerTypeWithKeyString<T, TypeId, Name>, TypeId, Name> {
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "expect std::is_integral<T>::value");
@@ -75,43 +75,43 @@ namespace NNames {
extern const char Int64[6];
extern const char Uint64[7];
class TInt32 : public IIntegerTypeWithKeyString<i32, NTypeIds::Int32, NNames::Int32> {};
class TUint32 : public IIntegerTypeWithKeyString<ui32, NTypeIds::Uint32, NNames::Uint32> {};
class TInt64 : public IIntegerTypeWithKeyString<i64, NTypeIds::Int64, NNames::Int64> {};
class TUint64 : public IIntegerTypeWithKeyString<ui64, NTypeIds::Uint64, NNames::Uint64> {};
-// upyachka to get around undefined tryfromstring for chars
+// upyachka to get around undefined tryfromstring for chars
namespace NNames {
extern const char Uint8[6];
class TUint8 : public TTypedType<ui8, TUint8, NTypeIds::Uint8, NNames::Uint8> {
namespace NNames {
extern const char Bool[5];
class TBool : public TTypedType<bool, TBool, NTypeIds::Bool, NNames::Bool> {
-namespace NNames {
+namespace NNames {
extern const char Float[6];
extern const char Double[7];
-template<typename T, typename TDerived, ui32 TypeId, const char *Name>
-class TRealBase : public TTypedType<T, TDerived, TypeId, Name> {
+template<typename T, typename TDerived, ui32 TypeId, const char *Name>
+class TRealBase : public TTypedType<T, TDerived, TypeId, Name> {
class TDouble : public TRealBase<double, TDouble, NTypeIds::Double, NNames::Double> {};
class TFloat : public TRealBase<float, TFloat, NTypeIds::Float, NNames::Float> {};
template<typename TFirst, typename TSecond, ui32 TypeId, const char* Name>
class IIntegerPair : public TTypedType<
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ namespace NNames {
class TPairUi64Ui64 : public IIntegerPair<ui64, ui64, NTypeIds::PairUi64Ui64, NNames::PairUi64Ui64> {};
/// Byte strings
diff --git a/ydb/core/security/secure_request.h b/ydb/core/security/secure_request.h
index d4a33cde9d..04e276a897 100644
--- a/ydb/core/security/secure_request.h
+++ b/ydb/core/security/secure_request.h
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ private:
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::GRPC_REQ_AUTH;
- }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::GRPC_REQ_AUTH;
+ }
template <typename... Args>
TSecureRequestActor(Args&&... args)
: TBase(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
diff --git a/ydb/core/security/ya.make b/ydb/core/security/ya.make
index 2592ef53d2..514b0c3474 100644
--- a/ydb/core/security/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/security/ya.make
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper.cpp
index 0a19021edd..d2e5dd8b7f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper.cpp
@@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
-#include "bootstrapper.h"
+#include "bootstrapper.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/statestorage.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/bootstrapper.pb.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch : public TEventPB<TEvWatch, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch, EvWatch> {
- TEvWatch()
- {}
- TEvWatch(ui64 tabletId, ui64 selfSeed, ui64 round)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetSelfSeed(selfSeed);
- Record.SetRound(round);
- }
-struct TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult : public TEventPB<TEvWatchResult, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult, EvWatchResult> {
- TEvWatchResult()
- {}
- TEvWatchResult(ui64 tabletId, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::EState state, ui64 seed, ui64 round)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetState(state);
- Record.SetSeed(seed);
- Record.SetRound(round);
- }
-struct TEvBootstrapper::TEvNotify : public TEventPB<TEvNotify, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvNotify, EvNotify> {
- TEvNotify()
- {}
- TEvNotify(ui64 tabletId, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvNotify::EOp op, ui64 round)
- {
- Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
- Record.SetOp(op);
- Record.SetRound(round);
- }
-class TBootstrapper : public TActor<TBootstrapper> {
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletInfo;
- TIntrusivePtr<TBootstrapperInfo> BootstrapperInfo;
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch : public TEventPB<TEvWatch, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch, EvWatch> {
+ TEvWatch()
+ {}
+ TEvWatch(ui64 tabletId, ui64 selfSeed, ui64 round)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetSelfSeed(selfSeed);
+ Record.SetRound(round);
+ }
+struct TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult : public TEventPB<TEvWatchResult, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult, EvWatchResult> {
+ TEvWatchResult()
+ {}
+ TEvWatchResult(ui64 tabletId, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::EState state, ui64 seed, ui64 round)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetState(state);
+ Record.SetSeed(seed);
+ Record.SetRound(round);
+ }
+struct TEvBootstrapper::TEvNotify : public TEventPB<TEvNotify, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvNotify, EvNotify> {
+ TEvNotify()
+ {}
+ TEvNotify(ui64 tabletId, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvNotify::EOp op, ui64 round)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletID(tabletId);
+ Record.SetOp(op);
+ Record.SetRound(round);
+ }
+class TBootstrapper : public TActor<TBootstrapper> {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletInfo;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TBootstrapperInfo> BootstrapperInfo;
TActorId LookOnActorID;
TActorId FollowerActorID;
- ui64 RoundCounter;
- ui64 SelfSeed;
+ ui64 RoundCounter;
+ ui64 SelfSeed;
TInstant BootDelayedUntil;
- // we watch someone and do not act w/o shutdown
- struct TWatch {
- struct TWatched {
+ // we watch someone and do not act w/o shutdown
+ struct TWatch {
+ struct TWatched {
TActorId ActorID;
- bool Owner;
- TWatched()
- : Owner(false)
- {}
+ bool Owner;
+ TWatched()
+ : Owner(false)
+ {}
TWatched(const TActorId &actorID, bool owner)
- : ActorID(actorID)
- , Owner(owner)
- {}
- };
- bool CheckWatch(ui32 fromNode) {
- bool seenOwner = false;
- for (TWatched &x : Watched) {
- seenOwner |= x.Owner;
- if (x.ActorID.NodeId() == fromNode)
- return (x.Owner == false);
- }
- return !seenOwner;
- }
- bool RemoveAlienEntry(ui32 idx) {
- Watched[idx] = Watched.back();
- Watched.pop_back();
- if (!AnyOf(Watched, [](const TWatch::TWatched &x) { return x.Owner; }))
- Watched.clear();
- return Watched.empty();
- }
+ : ActorID(actorID)
+ , Owner(owner)
+ {}
+ };
+ bool CheckWatch(ui32 fromNode) {
+ bool seenOwner = false;
+ for (TWatched &x : Watched) {
+ seenOwner |= x.Owner;
+ if (x.ActorID.NodeId() == fromNode)
+ return (x.Owner == false);
+ }
+ return !seenOwner;
+ }
+ bool RemoveAlienEntry(ui32 idx) {
+ Watched[idx] = Watched.back();
+ Watched.pop_back();
+ if (!AnyOf(Watched, [](const TWatch::TWatched &x) { return x.Owner; }))
+ Watched.clear();
+ return Watched.empty();
+ }
bool RemoveAlien(const TActorId &alien) {
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = Watched.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- if (Watched[i].ActorID == alien)
- return RemoveAlienEntry(i);
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool RemoveAlienNode(ui32 node) {
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = Watched.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- if (Watched[i].ActorID.NodeId() == node)
- return RemoveAlienEntry(i);
- }
- return false;
- }
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = Watched.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if (Watched[i].ActorID == alien)
+ return RemoveAlienEntry(i);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool RemoveAlienNode(ui32 node) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = Watched.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if (Watched[i].ActorID.NodeId() == node)
+ return RemoveAlienEntry(i);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
TVector<TWatched> Watched;
- };
- // we are under watch, must notify on error
- struct TWatched {
- struct TWatcher {
+ };
+ // we are under watch, must notify on error
+ struct TWatched {
+ struct TWatcher {
TActorId ActorID;
- ui64 Round;
- TWatcher()
- : ActorID()
- , Round()
- {}
+ ui64 Round;
+ TWatcher()
+ : ActorID()
+ , Round()
+ {}
TWatcher(const TActorId &actorID, ui64 round)
- : ActorID(actorID)
- , Round(round)
- {}
- };
+ : ActorID(actorID)
+ , Round(round)
+ {}
+ };
void AddWatcher(const TActorId &actorId, ui64 round) {
- for (TWatcher &x : Watchers) {
- if (actorId.NodeId() == x.ActorID.NodeId()) {
- x.ActorID = actorId;
- x.Round = round;
- return;
- }
- }
- Watchers.push_back(TWatcher(actorId, round));
- }
+ for (TWatcher &x : Watchers) {
+ if (actorId.NodeId() == x.ActorID.NodeId()) {
+ x.ActorID = actorId;
+ x.Round = round;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Watchers.push_back(TWatcher(actorId, round));
+ }
TVector<TWatcher> Watchers;
- };
- struct TRound {
- enum class EAlienState {
- Wait,
- Unknown,
- Free,
+ };
+ struct TRound {
+ enum class EAlienState {
+ Wait,
+ Unknown,
+ Free,
- };
- struct TAlien {
- EAlienState State;
- ui64 Seed;
- TAlien()
- : State(EAlienState::Wait)
- , Seed()
- {}
- TAlien(EAlienState state, ui64 seed)
- : State(state)
- , Seed(seed)
- {}
- };
+ };
+ struct TAlien {
+ EAlienState State;
+ ui64 Seed;
+ TAlien()
+ : State(EAlienState::Wait)
+ , Seed()
+ {}
+ TAlien(EAlienState state, ui64 seed)
+ : State(state)
+ , Seed(seed)
+ {}
+ };
TVector<TAlien> Aliens;
- };
- TAutoPtr<TWatch> Watches; // we watch them
- TAutoPtr<TWatched> Watched; // we are under watch
- TAutoPtr<TRound> Round;
+ };
+ TAutoPtr<TWatch> Watches; // we watch them
+ TAutoPtr<TWatched> Watched; // we are under watch
+ TAutoPtr<TRound> Round;
const char* GetTabletTypeName() {
return TTabletTypes::TypeToStr((TTabletTypes::EType)TabletInfo->TabletType);
@@ -181,154 +181,154 @@ class TBootstrapper : public TActor<TBootstrapper> {
return NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::EState_Name(state).c_str();
- ui32 AlienIndex(ui32 alienNodeId) {
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes.size(); i != e; ++i)
- if (BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes[i] == alienNodeId)
- return i;
- return Max<ui32>();
- }
- void BeginNewRound(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes.empty())
- return Boot(ctx);
+ ui32 AlienIndex(ui32 alienNodeId) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes[i] == alienNodeId)
+ return i;
+ return Max<ui32>();
+ }
+ void BeginNewRound(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes.empty())
+ return Boot(ctx);
SelfSeed = AppData(ctx)->RandomProvider->GenRand64();
LOG_INFO(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, begin new round, seed: %" PRIu64,
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName(), SelfSeed);
- const ui64 tabletId = TabletInfo->TabletID;
- ++RoundCounter;
- Round.Reset(new TRound());
- Round->Aliens.resize(BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes.size());
- for (ui32 alienNode : BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes) {
- ctx.Send(MakeBootstrapperID(tabletId, alienNode), new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch(tabletId, SelfSeed, RoundCounter), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession, RoundCounter);
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateFree); // todo: global timeout?
- }
- void Boot(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const ui64 tabletId = TabletInfo->TabletID;
+ ++RoundCounter;
+ Round.Reset(new TRound());
+ Round->Aliens.resize(BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes.size());
+ for (ui32 alienNode : BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes) {
+ ctx.Send(MakeBootstrapperID(tabletId, alienNode), new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch(tabletId, SelfSeed, RoundCounter), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession, RoundCounter);
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateFree); // todo: global timeout?
+ }
+ void Boot(const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_NOTICE(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, boot",
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName());
if (FollowerActorID) {
LookOnActorID = FollowerActorID;
FollowerActorID = TActorId();
ctx.Send(LookOnActorID, new TEvTablet::TEvPromoteToLeader(0, TabletInfo));
- } else {
- TTabletSetupInfo *x = BootstrapperInfo->SetupInfo.Get();
+ } else {
+ TTabletSetupInfo *x = BootstrapperInfo->SetupInfo.Get();
LookOnActorID = x->Tablet(TabletInfo.Get(), ctx.SelfID, ctx, 0, AppData(ctx)->ResourceProfiles);
- }
+ }
- Watched.Reset(new TWatched());
- Become(&TThis::StateOwner);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (ev->Sender == LookOnActorID) {
+ Watched.Reset(new TWatched());
+ Become(&TThis::StateOwner);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (ev->Sender == LookOnActorID) {
LOG_INFO(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, tablet dead",
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName());
LookOnActorID = TActorId();
- NotifyAndRound(ctx);
- }
- }
- void Stop() {
- if (LookOnActorID) {
- Send(LookOnActorID, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ NotifyAndRound(ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ void Stop() {
+ if (LookOnActorID) {
+ Send(LookOnActorID, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
LookOnActorID = TActorId();
- }
+ }
if (FollowerActorID) {
Send(FollowerActorID, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
FollowerActorID = TActorId();
- }
- NotifyWatchers();
+ }
+ NotifyWatchers();
BootDelayedUntil = { };
- Round.Destroy();
- }
- void HandlePoison() {
- Stop();
- PassAway();
- }
- void Standby() {
- Stop();
- Become(&TThis::StateStandBy);
- }
+ Round.Destroy();
+ }
+ void HandlePoison() {
+ Stop();
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void Standby() {
+ Stop();
+ Become(&TThis::StateStandBy);
+ }
void BecomeWatch(const TActorId &watchOn, bool owner, const TActorContext &ctx) {
BootDelayedUntil = { };
- Round.Destroy();
+ Round.Destroy();
LOG_INFO(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, become watch",
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName());
- Watches.Reset(new TWatch());
- Watched.Reset(new TWatched());
+ Watches.Reset(new TWatch());
+ Watched.Reset(new TWatched());
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, add watched node: %" PRIu32,
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName(), watchOn.NodeId());
- Watches->Watched.push_back(TWatch::TWatched(watchOn, owner));
+ Watches->Watched.push_back(TWatch::TWatched(watchOn, owner));
if (BootstrapperInfo->StartFollowers && !FollowerActorID) {
LOG_NOTICE(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, boot follower",
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName());
- TTabletSetupInfo *x = BootstrapperInfo->SetupInfo.Get();
+ TTabletSetupInfo *x = BootstrapperInfo->SetupInfo.Get();
FollowerActorID = x->Follower(TabletInfo.Get(), ctx.SelfID, ctx, 0, AppData(ctx)->ResourceProfiles);
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateWatch);
- }
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateWatch);
+ }
bool ApplyAlienState(const TActorId &alien, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::EState state, ui64 seed, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const ui32 alienNodeIdx = AlienIndex(alien.NodeId());
- if (alienNodeIdx == Max<ui32>())
- return true;
- if (Round->Aliens[alienNodeIdx].State != TRound::EAlienState::Wait)
- return false;
+ const ui32 alienNodeIdx = AlienIndex(alien.NodeId());
+ if (alienNodeIdx == Max<ui32>())
+ return true;
+ if (Round->Aliens[alienNodeIdx].State != TRound::EAlienState::Wait)
+ return false;
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, apply alien %" PRIu32 " state: %s",
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName(), alien.NodeId(), GetStateName(state));
- switch (state) {
- case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::UNKNOWN:
- Round->Aliens[alienNodeIdx] = TRound::TAlien(TRound::EAlienState::Unknown, Max<ui64>());
- return false;
- case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::FREE:
- Round->Aliens[alienNodeIdx] = TRound::TAlien(TRound::EAlienState::Free, seed);
- return false;
- case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::OWNER:
- BecomeWatch(alien, true, ctx);
- return true;
- case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::WAITFOR:
- BecomeWatch(alien, false, ctx);
- return true;
+ switch (state) {
+ case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::UNKNOWN:
+ Round->Aliens[alienNodeIdx] = TRound::TAlien(TRound::EAlienState::Unknown, Max<ui64>());
+ return false;
+ case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::FREE:
+ Round->Aliens[alienNodeIdx] = TRound::TAlien(TRound::EAlienState::Free, seed);
+ return false;
+ case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::OWNER:
+ BecomeWatch(alien, true, ctx);
+ return true;
+ case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::WAITFOR:
+ BecomeWatch(alien, false, ctx);
+ return true;
case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::UNDELIVERED:
Round->Aliens[alienNodeIdx] = TRound::TAlien(TRound::EAlienState::Undelivered, Max<ui64>());
return false;
case NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::DISCONNECTED:
Round->Aliens[alienNodeIdx] = TRound::TAlien(TRound::EAlienState::Disconnected, Max<ui64>());
return false;
- default:
+ default:
Y_FAIL("unhandled case");
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
bool CheckBootPermitted(size_t undelivered, size_t disconnected, const TActorContext &ctx) {
// Total number of nodes that participate in tablet booting
size_t total = 1 + BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes.size();
@@ -375,23 +375,23 @@ class TBootstrapper : public TActor<TBootstrapper> {
return false;
- void CheckRoundCompletion(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- ui64 minAlienSeed = Max<ui64>();
- ui32 minAlien = Max<ui32>();
+ void CheckRoundCompletion(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ ui64 minAlienSeed = Max<ui64>();
+ ui32 minAlien = Max<ui32>();
size_t undelivered = 0;
size_t disconnected = 0;
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = Round->Aliens.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- const TRound::TAlien &alien = Round->Aliens[i];
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = Round->Aliens.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ const TRound::TAlien &alien = Round->Aliens[i];
switch (alien.State) {
case TRound::EAlienState::Wait:
- return;
+ return;
case TRound::EAlienState::Unknown:
case TRound::EAlienState::Free:
- if (minAlienSeed > alien.Seed) {
- minAlienSeed = alien.Seed;
- minAlien = BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes[i];
- }
+ if (minAlienSeed > alien.Seed) {
+ minAlienSeed = alien.Seed;
+ minAlien = BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes[i];
+ }
case TRound::EAlienState::Undelivered:
@@ -399,240 +399,240 @@ class TBootstrapper : public TActor<TBootstrapper> {
case TRound::EAlienState::Disconnected:
- }
- }
- Round.Destroy();
- // ok, we got all reactions, now boot tablet or sleep for threshold
- if (minAlienSeed < SelfSeed || minAlienSeed == SelfSeed && ctx.SelfID.NodeId() > minAlien) {
+ }
+ }
+ Round.Destroy();
+ // ok, we got all reactions, now boot tablet or sleep for threshold
+ if (minAlienSeed < SelfSeed || minAlienSeed == SelfSeed && ctx.SelfID.NodeId() > minAlien) {
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, lost round, wait for threshold",
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName());
- const ui64 wx = BootstrapperInfo->WatchThreshold.MicroSeconds();
+ const ui64 wx = BootstrapperInfo->WatchThreshold.MicroSeconds();
const auto sleepDuration = TDuration::MicroSeconds(wx / 2 + wx * (SelfSeed % 0x10000) / 0x20000);
- Become(&TThis::StateSleep);
- ctx.ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Schedule(sleepDuration, new IEventHandle(ctx.SelfID, ctx.SelfID, new TEvents::TEvWakeup(), 0, RoundCounter));
- return;
+ Become(&TThis::StateSleep);
+ ctx.ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->Schedule(sleepDuration, new IEventHandle(ctx.SelfID, ctx.SelfID, new TEvents::TEvWakeup(), 0, RoundCounter));
+ return;
} else if (!CheckBootPermitted(undelivered, disconnected, ctx)) {
- } else {
- Boot(ctx);
- return;
- }
- }
- void NotifyWatchers() {
- if (Watched) {
- for (const TWatched::TWatcher &xw : Watched->Watchers)
- Send(xw.ActorID, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvNotify(TabletInfo->TabletID, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvNotify::DROP, xw.Round));
- Watched.Destroy();
- Watches.Destroy();
- }
- }
- void NotifyAndRound(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- NotifyWatchers();
- BeginNewRound(ctx);
- }
- void HandleFree(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ } else {
+ Boot(ctx);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ void NotifyWatchers() {
+ if (Watched) {
+ for (const TWatched::TWatcher &xw : Watched->Watchers)
+ Send(xw.ActorID, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvNotify(TabletInfo->TabletID, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvNotify::DROP, xw.Round));
+ Watched.Destroy();
+ Watches.Destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ void NotifyAndRound(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ NotifyWatchers();
+ BeginNewRound(ctx);
+ }
+ void HandleFree(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult &record = ev->Get()->Record;
Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletInfo->TabletID);
- if (record.GetRound() != RoundCounter)
- return;
- if (ApplyAlienState(ev->Sender, record.GetState(), record.GetSeed(), ctx))
- return;
- CheckRoundCompletion(ctx);
- }
- void HandleFree(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const ui64 round = ev->Cookie;
+ if (record.GetRound() != RoundCounter)
+ return;
+ if (ApplyAlienState(ev->Sender, record.GetState(), record.GetSeed(), ctx))
+ return;
+ CheckRoundCompletion(ctx);
+ }
+ void HandleFree(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const ui64 round = ev->Cookie;
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, undelivered from %s, round %" PRIu64,
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName(), ev->Sender.ToString().c_str(), round);
- if (round != RoundCounter)
- return;
+ if (round != RoundCounter)
+ return;
if (ApplyAlienState(ev->Sender, NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::UNDELIVERED, Max<ui64>(), ctx))
- return;
+ return;
+ CheckRoundCompletion(ctx);
+ }
- CheckRoundCompletion(ctx);
- }
- void HandleFree(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
+ void HandleFree(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, disconnected from %" PRIu32,
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName(), node);
if (ApplyAlienState(TActorId(node, 0, 0, 0), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::DISCONNECTED, Max<ui64>(), ctx))
- return;
+ return;
+ CheckRoundCompletion(ctx);
+ }
- CheckRoundCompletion(ctx);
- }
- void HandleFree(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ void HandleFree(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletInfo->TabletID);
- ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::FREE, SelfSeed, record.GetRound()));
- }
- void HandleWatch(TEvBootstrapper::TEvNotify::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::FREE, SelfSeed, record.GetRound()));
+ }
+ void HandleWatch(TEvBootstrapper::TEvNotify::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const TActorId alien = ev->Sender;
- if (Watches->RemoveAlien(alien)) {
- NotifyAndRound(ctx);
- }
- }
- void HandleWatch(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
+ if (Watches->RemoveAlien(alien)) {
+ NotifyAndRound(ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleWatch(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const ui32 node = ev->Get()->NodeId;
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, "tablet: %" PRIu64 ", type: %s, disconnected from %" PRIu32,
TabletInfo->TabletID, GetTabletTypeName(), node);
- if (Watches->RemoveAlienNode(node)) {
- NotifyAndRound(ctx);
- }
- }
- void HandleOwner(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ if (Watches->RemoveAlienNode(node)) {
+ NotifyAndRound(ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleOwner(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletInfo->TabletID);
- // add to watchers list (if node not already there)
- Watched->AddWatcher(ev->Sender, record.GetRound());
- ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::OWNER, 0, record.GetRound()));
- }
- void HandleWatch(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ // add to watchers list (if node not already there)
+ Watched->AddWatcher(ev->Sender, record.GetRound());
+ ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::OWNER, 0, record.GetRound()));
+ }
+ void HandleWatch(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletInfo->TabletID);
- if (Watches->CheckWatch(ev->Sender.NodeId())) {
- ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::UNKNOWN, 0, record.GetRound()));
- } else {
- Watched->AddWatcher(ev->Sender, record.GetRound());
- ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::WAITFOR, 0, record.GetRound()));
- }
- }
- void HandleSleep(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- HandleFree(ev, ctx);
- }
- void HandleSleep(TEvents::TEvWakeup::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const ui64 roundCookie = ev->Cookie;
- if (roundCookie != RoundCounter)
- return;
- BeginNewRound(ctx);
- }
- void HandleStandBy(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ if (Watches->CheckWatch(ev->Sender.NodeId())) {
+ ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::UNKNOWN, 0, record.GetRound()));
+ } else {
+ Watched->AddWatcher(ev->Sender, record.GetRound());
+ ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::WAITFOR, 0, record.GetRound()));
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleSleep(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ HandleFree(ev, ctx);
+ }
+ void HandleSleep(TEvents::TEvWakeup::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const ui64 roundCookie = ev->Cookie;
+ if (roundCookie != RoundCounter)
+ return;
+ BeginNewRound(ctx);
+ }
+ void HandleStandBy(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletInfo->TabletID);
- ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::UNKNOWN, Max<ui64>(), record.GetRound()));
- }
- void HandlePoisonStandBy() {
- PassAway();
- }
- void PassAway() override {
+ ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult(record.GetTabletID(), NKikimrBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult::UNKNOWN, Max<ui64>(), record.GetRound()));
+ }
+ void HandlePoisonStandBy() {
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void PassAway() override {
for (ui32 nodeId : BootstrapperInfo->OtherNodes) {
Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe);
- NotifyWatchers();
- TActor::PassAway();
- }
+ NotifyWatchers();
+ TActor::PassAway();
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_BOOTSTRAPPER;
- TBootstrapper(TTabletStorageInfo *tabletInfo, TBootstrapperInfo *bootstrapperInfo, bool standby)
- : TActor(standby ? &TThis::StateStandBy : &TThis::StateBoot)
- , TabletInfo(tabletInfo)
- , BootstrapperInfo(bootstrapperInfo)
- , RoundCounter(0xdeadbeefdeadbeefull)
- , SelfSeed(0xdeadbeefdeadbeefull)
+ TBootstrapper(TTabletStorageInfo *tabletInfo, TBootstrapperInfo *bootstrapperInfo, bool standby)
+ : TActor(standby ? &TThis::StateStandBy : &TThis::StateBoot)
+ , TabletInfo(tabletInfo)
+ , BootstrapperInfo(bootstrapperInfo)
+ , RoundCounter(0xdeadbeefdeadbeefull)
+ , SelfSeed(0xdeadbeefdeadbeefull)
Y_VERIFY(TTabletTypes::TYPE_INVALID != TabletInfo->TabletType);
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> AfterRegister(const TActorId &selfId, const TActorId &parentId) override {
- return new IEventHandle(selfId, selfId, new TEvents::TEvBootstrap());
- }
- STFUNC(StateBoot) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Bootstrap, BeginNewRound);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateFree) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult, HandleFree); // => noop|sleep|owner|watch
- HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleFree); // => reply
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleFree); // => watchresult with unknown
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison); // => die
- HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleFree); // => watchresult with unknown
- cFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvStandBy, Standby);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateSleep) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleSleep);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup, HandleSleep);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison);
- cFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvStandBy, Standby);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateWatch) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleWatch);
- HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvNotify, HandleWatch);
- HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleWatch);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison);
- cFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvStandBy, Standby);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateOwner) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleOwner);
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison);
- cFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvStandBy, Standby);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateStandBy) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleStandBy);
- CFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvActivate, BeginNewRound);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonStandBy);
- }
- }
-IActor* CreateBootstrapper(TTabletStorageInfo *tabletInfo, TBootstrapperInfo *bootstrapperInfo, bool standby) {
- return new TBootstrapper(tabletInfo, bootstrapperInfo, standby);
+ return new IEventHandle(selfId, selfId, new TEvents::TEvBootstrap());
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateBoot) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Bootstrap, BeginNewRound);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateFree) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatchResult, HandleFree); // => noop|sleep|owner|watch
+ HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleFree); // => reply
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleFree); // => watchresult with unknown
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison); // => die
+ HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleFree); // => watchresult with unknown
+ cFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvStandBy, Standby);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateSleep) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleSleep);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup, HandleSleep);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison);
+ cFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvStandBy, Standby);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWatch) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleWatch);
+ HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvNotify, HandleWatch);
+ HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleWatch);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison);
+ cFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvStandBy, Standby);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateOwner) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleOwner);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoison);
+ cFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvStandBy, Standby);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateStandBy) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch, HandleStandBy);
+ CFunc(TEvBootstrapper::EvActivate, BeginNewRound);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonStandBy);
+ }
+ }
+IActor* CreateBootstrapper(TTabletStorageInfo *tabletInfo, TBootstrapperInfo *bootstrapperInfo, bool standby) {
+ return new TBootstrapper(tabletInfo, bootstrapperInfo, standby);
TActorId MakeBootstrapperID(ui64 tablet, ui32 node) {
- char x[12] ={'b', 'o', 'o', 't'};
- memcpy(x + 4, &tablet, sizeof(ui64));
+ char x[12] ={'b', 'o', 'o', 't'};
+ memcpy(x + 4, &tablet, sizeof(ui64));
return TActorId(node, TStringBuf(x, x + 12));
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper.h b/ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper.h
index 6ebeb5e8a9..2e246ea2b0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper.h
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_setup.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TEvBootstrapper {
- enum EEv {
- EvActivate = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_BOOTSTRAPPER),
- EvStandBy,
- EvWatch,
- EvWatchResult,
- EvNotify,
- EvEnd,
- };
- static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_BOOTSTRAPPER), "event space overrun");
- struct TEvActivate : public TEventBase<TEvActivate, EvActivate> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_NONLOCAL_EVENT(TEvActivate, "TEvBootstrapper::Activate");
- };
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TEvBootstrapper {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvActivate = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_BOOTSTRAPPER),
+ EvStandBy,
+ EvWatch,
+ EvWatchResult,
+ EvNotify,
+ EvEnd,
+ };
+ static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_BOOTSTRAPPER), "event space overrun");
+ struct TEvActivate : public TEventBase<TEvActivate, EvActivate> {
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_NONLOCAL_EVENT(TEvActivate, "TEvBootstrapper::Activate");
+ };
struct TEvStandBy : public TEventBase<TEvStandBy, EvStandBy> {
- DEFINE_SIMPLE_NONLOCAL_EVENT(TEvStandBy, "TEvBootstrapper::StandBy");
- };
- struct TEvWatch;
- struct TEvWatchResult;
- struct TEvNotify;
-struct TBootstrapperInfo : public TThrRefBase {
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> SetupInfo;
+ DEFINE_SIMPLE_NONLOCAL_EVENT(TEvStandBy, "TEvBootstrapper::StandBy");
+ };
+ struct TEvWatch;
+ struct TEvWatchResult;
+ struct TEvNotify;
+struct TBootstrapperInfo : public TThrRefBase {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> SetupInfo;
TVector<ui32> OtherNodes;
- TDuration WatchThreshold;
+ TDuration WatchThreshold;
TDuration OfflineDelay;
bool StartFollowers;
- TBootstrapperInfo(TTabletSetupInfo *setupInfo)
- : SetupInfo(setupInfo)
- , WatchThreshold(TDuration::MilliSeconds(200))
+ TBootstrapperInfo(TTabletSetupInfo *setupInfo)
+ : SetupInfo(setupInfo)
+ , WatchThreshold(TDuration::MilliSeconds(200))
, OfflineDelay(TDuration::Seconds(3))
, StartFollowers(false)
- {}
-IActor* CreateBootstrapper(TTabletStorageInfo *tabletInfo, TBootstrapperInfo *bootstrapperInfo, bool standby = false);
+ {}
+IActor* CreateBootstrapper(TTabletStorageInfo *tabletInfo, TBootstrapperInfo *bootstrapperInfo, bool standby = false);
TActorId MakeBootstrapperID(ui64 tablet, ui32 node);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/defs.h b/ydb/core/tablet/defs.h
index 987be720e5..b982be8e2c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/defs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/defs.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./ydb/core/tablet/defs.h
#include <ydb/core/base/defs.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/events.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/logoblob.h>
namespace NKikimr {
class TFlatBlobDataOutputStream;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/node_tablet_monitor.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/node_tablet_monitor.cpp
index 47f567010e..8bb34e7ea0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/node_tablet_monitor.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/node_tablet_monitor.cpp
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ private:
} else if (actionParam == "kill_tablet") {
if (cgi.Has("tablet_id")) {
ui64 tabletId = FromStringWithDefault<ui64>(cgi.Get("tablet_id"));
- ctx.Register(CreateTabletKiller(tabletId));
+ ctx.Register(CreateTabletKiller(tabletId));
if (cgi.Has("filter_node_id"))
ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new NMon::TEvHttpInfoRes("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; nodetabmon?action=browse_tablets&node_id=" + cgi.Get("filter_node_id") + "\" />"));
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/node_whiteboard.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/node_whiteboard.cpp
index 4564d4da97..783758e99d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/node_whiteboard.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/node_whiteboard.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/process_stats.h>
#include <ydb/core/node_whiteboard/node_whiteboard.h>
-#include "tablet_counters.h"
+#include "tablet_counters.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/counters.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/tuples.h>
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/resource_broker.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/resource_broker.cpp
index f21796d4bf..fff30b2601 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/resource_broker.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/resource_broker.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void TTask::OutputState(IOutputStream &os, const TString &prefix) const
<< prefix << " ID: " << TaskId << Endl
<< prefix << " Client: " << Client.ToString() << Endl
<< prefix << " Type: " << ToString(Type) << Endl
- << prefix << " Required resources: {" << JoinSeq(", ", RequiredResources) << "}" << Endl
+ << prefix << " Required resources: {" << JoinSeq(", ", RequiredResources) << "}" << Endl
<< prefix << " Priority: " << Priority << Endl
<< prefix << " InFly: " << InFly << Endl
<< prefix << " Queue: " << Queue->Name << Endl
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters.cpp
index b9a72c626b..b2ef0d4ad7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters.cpp
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
-#include "tablet_counters.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-/// The TTabletCountersBase class
-TTabletCountersBase::MakeDiffForAggr(const TTabletCountersBase& baseLine) const {
- TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> retVal = new TTabletCountersBase(*this);
- if (baseLine.HasCounters()) {
+#include "tablet_counters.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
+/// The TTabletCountersBase class
+TTabletCountersBase::MakeDiffForAggr(const TTabletCountersBase& baseLine) const {
+ TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> retVal = new TTabletCountersBase(*this);
+ if (baseLine.HasCounters()) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(baseLine.SimpleCounters.Size() == SimpleCounters.Size());
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(baseLine.CumulativeCounters.Size() == CumulativeCounters.Size());
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(baseLine.PercentileCounters.Size() == PercentileCounters.Size());
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(baseLine.SimpleCountersMetaInfo == SimpleCountersMetaInfo);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(baseLine.CumulativeCountersMetaInfo == CumulativeCountersMetaInfo);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(baseLine.PercentileCountersMetaInfo == PercentileCountersMetaInfo);
- retVal->SimpleCounters.AdjustToBaseLine(baseLine.SimpleCounters);
- retVal->CumulativeCounters.AdjustToBaseLine(baseLine.CumulativeCounters);
- retVal->PercentileCounters.AdjustToBaseLine(baseLine.PercentileCounters);
- }
- return retVal;
-void TTabletCountersBase::RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(/*out*/ TTabletCountersBase& baseLine) const {
- baseLine = *this;
-// private
-TTabletCountersBase::TTabletCountersBase(const TTabletCountersBase& rp)
- : TTabletCountersBase()
- *this = rp;
-TTabletCountersBase::operator = (const TTabletCountersBase& rp) {
- if (&rp == this)
- return *this;
- if (!HasCounters()) {
- SimpleCounters.Reset(rp.SimpleCounters);
- SimpleCountersMetaInfo = rp.SimpleCountersMetaInfo;
- CumulativeCounters.Reset(rp.CumulativeCounters);
- CumulativeCountersMetaInfo = rp.CumulativeCountersMetaInfo;
- PercentileCounters.Reset(rp.PercentileCounters);
- PercentileCountersMetaInfo = rp.PercentileCountersMetaInfo;
- } else {
- SimpleCounters.SetTo(rp.SimpleCounters);
- CumulativeCounters.SetTo(rp.CumulativeCounters);
- PercentileCounters.SetTo(rp.PercentileCounters);
- }
- return *this;
+ retVal->SimpleCounters.AdjustToBaseLine(baseLine.SimpleCounters);
+ retVal->CumulativeCounters.AdjustToBaseLine(baseLine.CumulativeCounters);
+ retVal->PercentileCounters.AdjustToBaseLine(baseLine.PercentileCounters);
+ }
+ return retVal;
+void TTabletCountersBase::RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(/*out*/ TTabletCountersBase& baseLine) const {
+ baseLine = *this;
+// private
+TTabletCountersBase::TTabletCountersBase(const TTabletCountersBase& rp)
+ : TTabletCountersBase()
+ *this = rp;
+TTabletCountersBase::operator = (const TTabletCountersBase& rp) {
+ if (&rp == this)
+ return *this;
+ if (!HasCounters()) {
+ SimpleCounters.Reset(rp.SimpleCounters);
+ SimpleCountersMetaInfo = rp.SimpleCountersMetaInfo;
+ CumulativeCounters.Reset(rp.CumulativeCounters);
+ CumulativeCountersMetaInfo = rp.CumulativeCountersMetaInfo;
+ PercentileCounters.Reset(rp.PercentileCounters);
+ PercentileCountersMetaInfo = rp.PercentileCountersMetaInfo;
+ } else {
+ SimpleCounters.SetTo(rp.SimpleCounters);
+ CumulativeCounters.SetTo(rp.CumulativeCounters);
+ PercentileCounters.SetTo(rp.PercentileCounters);
+ }
+ return *this;
void TTabletSimpleCounterBase::OutputHtml(IOutputStream &os, const char* name) const {
HTML(os) {PRE() {os << name << ": " << Value;}}
void TTabletPercentileCounter::OutputHtml(IOutputStream &os, const char* name) const {
HTML(os) {
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {H4() {os << name;}}
DIV_CLASS("row") {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < RangeCount; ++i) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < RangeCount; ++i) {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-3") {
PRE() {
- os << Ranges[i].RangeName << ": " << Values[i];
+ os << Ranges[i].RangeName << ": " << Values[i];
- }
+ }
void TTabletCountersBase::OutputHtml(IOutputStream &os) const {
HTML(os) {
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {OutputHtml(os, "Simple", SimpleCountersMetaInfo, "col-md-3", SimpleCounters);}
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {OutputHtml(os, "Cumulative", CumulativeCountersMetaInfo, "col-md-3", CumulativeCounters);}
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {OutputHtml(os, "Percentile", PercentileCountersMetaInfo, "col-md-12", PercentileCounters);}
-template<typename T>
+template<typename T>
void TTabletCountersBase::OutputHtml(IOutputStream &os, const char* sectionName, const char* const* counterNames, const char* counterClass, const TCountersArray<T>& counters) const {
HTML(os) {
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {H3() {os << sectionName; }}
DIV_CLASS("row") {
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = counters.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = counters.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
if (counterNames[i]) {
DIV_CLASS(counterClass) {counters[i].OutputHtml(os, counterNames[i]);}
- }
+ }
void TTabletCountersBase::OutputProto(NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletCountersBase& op) const {
if (HasCounters()) {
for (ui32 idx = 0; idx < SimpleCounters.Size(); ++idx) {
@@ -247,5 +247,5 @@ IOutputStream& operator <<(IOutputStream& out, const TTabletLabeledCountersBase:
-} // end of NKikimr namespace
+} // end of NKikimr namespace
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters.h b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters.h
index ff6af770ea..a8cc27e9ed 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <util/generic/singleton.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <library/cpp/deprecated/enum_codegen/enum_codegen.h>
@@ -7,62 +7,62 @@
#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/counters.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/tablet_counters.pb.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-#define COUNTER_TEXT_ARRAY(name, value, ...) value,
-#define COUNTER_PERCENTILE_CONFIG_ARRAY(rangeVal, rangeText, ...) { rangeVal, rangeText },
-template <typename T>
-class TCountersArray;
-/// The TTabletSimpleCounterBase class
-class TTabletSimpleCounterBase {
- //
- TTabletSimpleCounterBase()
- : Value(0)
- {}
- ~TTabletSimpleCounterBase() {}
- //
- ui64 Get() const {
- return Value;
- }
+namespace NKikimr {
+#define COUNTER_TEXT_ARRAY(name, value, ...) value,
+#define COUNTER_PERCENTILE_CONFIG_ARRAY(rangeVal, rangeText, ...) { rangeVal, rangeText },
+template <typename T>
+class TCountersArray;
+/// The TTabletSimpleCounterBase class
+class TTabletSimpleCounterBase {
+ //
+ TTabletSimpleCounterBase()
+ : Value(0)
+ {}
+ ~TTabletSimpleCounterBase() {}
+ //
+ ui64 Get() const {
+ return Value;
+ }
void OutputHtml(IOutputStream &os, const char* name) const;
- //
- ui64 Value;
-/// The TTabletSimpleCounter class
-class TTabletSimpleCounter : public TTabletSimpleCounterBase {
- friend class TCountersArray<TTabletSimpleCounter>;
- //
- TTabletSimpleCounter()
- {}
- ~TTabletSimpleCounter()
- {}
- //
+ //
+ ui64 Value;
+/// The TTabletSimpleCounter class
+class TTabletSimpleCounter : public TTabletSimpleCounterBase {
+ friend class TCountersArray<TTabletSimpleCounter>;
+ //
+ TTabletSimpleCounter()
+ {}
+ ~TTabletSimpleCounter()
+ {}
+ //
TTabletSimpleCounter& Set(ui64 value) {
Value = value;
- return *this;
- }
+ return *this;
+ }
TTabletSimpleCounter& Add(ui64 delta) {
Value += delta;
return *this;
- }
+ }
TTabletSimpleCounter& Sub(ui64 delta) {
Value -= delta;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public:
TTabletSimpleCounter& operator = (ui64 value) {
return Set(value);
TTabletSimpleCounter& operator += (ui64 delta) {
return Add(delta);
@@ -81,86 +81,86 @@ public:
return Sub(delta);
- //
- void Initialize(const TTabletSimpleCounter& rp) {
- SetTo(rp);
- }
- void AdjustToBaseLine(const TTabletSimpleCounter&) { /* no-op */ }
- void SetTo(const TTabletSimpleCounter& rp) {
- Value = rp.Value;
- }
+ //
+ void Initialize(const TTabletSimpleCounter& rp) {
+ SetTo(rp);
+ }
+ void AdjustToBaseLine(const TTabletSimpleCounter&) { /* no-op */ }
+ void SetTo(const TTabletSimpleCounter& rp) {
+ Value = rp.Value;
+ }
void Populate(const TTabletSimpleCounter& rp) {
-/// The TTabletCumulativeCounter class
-class TTabletCumulativeCounter : public TTabletSimpleCounterBase{
- friend class TCountersArray<TTabletCumulativeCounter>;
- //
- TTabletCumulativeCounter()
- {}
- ~TTabletCumulativeCounter()
- {}
- //
- TTabletCumulativeCounter& Increment(ui64 delta) {
- Value += delta;
- return *this;
- }
- TTabletCumulativeCounter& operator += (ui64 delta) {
- return Increment(delta);
- }
- //
- void Initialize(const TTabletCumulativeCounter& rp) {
- SetTo(rp);
- }
- void AdjustToBaseLine(const TTabletCumulativeCounter& baseLine) {
+/// The TTabletCumulativeCounter class
+class TTabletCumulativeCounter : public TTabletSimpleCounterBase{
+ friend class TCountersArray<TTabletCumulativeCounter>;
+ //
+ TTabletCumulativeCounter()
+ {}
+ ~TTabletCumulativeCounter()
+ {}
+ //
+ TTabletCumulativeCounter& Increment(ui64 delta) {
+ Value += delta;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TTabletCumulativeCounter& operator += (ui64 delta) {
+ return Increment(delta);
+ }
+ //
+ void Initialize(const TTabletCumulativeCounter& rp) {
+ SetTo(rp);
+ }
+ void AdjustToBaseLine(const TTabletCumulativeCounter& baseLine) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(Value >= baseLine.Value);
- Value -= baseLine.Value;
- }
- void SetTo(const TTabletCumulativeCounter& rp) {
- Value = rp.Value;
- }
+ Value -= baseLine.Value;
+ }
+ void SetTo(const TTabletCumulativeCounter& rp) {
+ Value = rp.Value;
+ }
void Populate(const TTabletCumulativeCounter& rp) {
Value += rp.Value;
-/// The TTabletPercentileCounter class
-class TTabletPercentileCounter : TNonCopyable {
- friend class TCountersArray<TTabletPercentileCounter>;
- //
+/// The TTabletPercentileCounter class
+class TTabletPercentileCounter : TNonCopyable {
+ friend class TCountersArray<TTabletPercentileCounter>;
+ //
struct TRangeDef {
- ui64 RangeVal;
- const char* RangeName;
+ ui64 RangeVal;
+ const char* RangeName;
friend bool operator <(const TRangeDef& x, const TRangeDef& y) { return x.RangeVal < y.RangeVal; }
friend bool operator <(const ui64 x, const TRangeDef& y) { return x < y.RangeVal; }
- };
- template <ui32 rangeCount>
+ };
+ template <ui32 rangeCount>
void Initialize(const TRangeDef(&ranges)[rangeCount], bool integral) {
Initialize(rangeCount, ranges, integral);
- }
- TTabletPercentileCounter& IncrementFor(ui64 what) {
- ui32 index = FindSlot(what);
- Values[index] += 1;
- return *this;
- }
+ }
+ TTabletPercentileCounter& IncrementFor(ui64 what) {
+ ui32 index = FindSlot(what);
+ Values[index] += 1;
+ return *this;
+ }
TTabletPercentileCounter& IncrementForRange(ui64 idx) {
Values[idx] += 1;
return *this;
@@ -174,18 +174,18 @@ public:
return *this;
- ui32 GetRangeCount() const {
- return RangeCount;
- }
- const char* GetRangeName(ui32 index) const {
- return Ranges[index].RangeName;
- }
- ui64 GetRangeValue(ui32 index) const {
- return Values[index];
- }
+ ui32 GetRangeCount() const {
+ return RangeCount;
+ }
+ const char* GetRangeName(ui32 index) const {
+ return Ranges[index].RangeName;
+ }
+ ui64 GetRangeValue(ui32 index) const {
+ return Values[index];
+ }
ui64 GetRangeBound(ui32 index) const {
return Ranges[index].RangeVal;
@@ -203,54 +203,54 @@ public:
void OutputHtml(IOutputStream &os, const char* name) const;
- //
- void AdjustToBaseLine(const TTabletPercentileCounter& baseLine) {
- //
+ //
+ void AdjustToBaseLine(const TTabletPercentileCounter& baseLine) {
+ //
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(RangeCount == baseLine.RangeCount);
if (Integral) {
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < RangeCount; ++i) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < RangeCount; ++i) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(Values[i] >= baseLine.Values[i]);
- Values[i] -= baseLine.Values[i];
- }
- }
- void Initialize(const TTabletPercentileCounter& rp) {
- //
+ Values[i] -= baseLine.Values[i];
+ }
+ }
+ void Initialize(const TTabletPercentileCounter& rp) {
+ //
if (rp.IsInitialized()) {
Initialize(rp.RangeCount, rp.Ranges, rp.Integral);
- }
- //
- void SetTo(const TTabletPercentileCounter& rp) {
- //
+ }
+ //
+ void SetTo(const TTabletPercentileCounter& rp) {
+ //
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(RangeCount == rp.RangeCount);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < RangeCount; ++i) {
- Values[i] = rp.Values[i];
- }
- }
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < RangeCount; ++i) {
+ Values[i] = rp.Values[i];
+ }
+ }
void Initialize(ui32 rangeCount, const TRangeDef* ranges, bool integral) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(rangeCount > 0);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(ranges[0].RangeVal == 0);
- RangeCount = rangeCount;
- Ranges = ranges;
+ RangeCount = rangeCount;
+ Ranges = ranges;
Integral = integral;
Values = TArrayHolder<ui64>(new ui64[RangeCount]());
- }
+ }
void Clear() {
if (IsInitialized()) {
@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@ public:
- //
+ //
ui32 FindSlot(ui64 what) const {
return Max<ssize_t>(0, std::upper_bound(Ranges, Ranges + RangeCount, what) - Ranges - 1);
- }
+ }
bool IsSorted() const {
return std::is_sorted(Ranges, Ranges + RangeCount);
- }
+ }
bool IsInitialized() const {
return RangeCount != 0;
@@ -283,32 +283,32 @@ private:
- //
+ //
ui32 RangeCount = 0;
const TRangeDef* Ranges = nullptr;
bool Integral = false;
- TArrayHolder<ui64> Values;
-template <typename T>
-class TCountersArray : TNonCopyable {
- friend class TTabletCountersBase;
+ TArrayHolder<ui64> Values;
+template <typename T>
+class TCountersArray : TNonCopyable {
+ friend class TTabletCountersBase;
friend class TTabletLabeledCountersBase;
typedef std::shared_ptr<T> TCountersHolder;
- //
- TCountersArray(ui32 countersQnt)
- : CountersQnt(countersQnt)
+ //
+ TCountersArray(ui32 countersQnt)
+ : CountersQnt(countersQnt)
, CountersHolder(nullptr)
- , Counters(nullptr)
- {
+ , Counters(nullptr)
+ {
if (CountersQnt) {
CountersHolder.reset(new T[CountersQnt](), &CheckedArrayDelete<T>);
Counters = CountersHolder.get();
- }
+ }
//not owning constructor - can refer to part of other counters
TCountersArray(TCountersHolder& countersHolder, T* counters, const ui32 countersQnt)
@@ -318,65 +318,65 @@ public:
- ~TCountersArray()
- {
- Counters = nullptr;
- CountersQnt = 0;
- }
- //
- explicit operator bool() const {
- return Counters;
- }
- //
- T& operator[] (ui32 index) {
+ ~TCountersArray()
+ {
+ Counters = nullptr;
+ CountersQnt = 0;
+ }
+ //
+ explicit operator bool() const {
+ return Counters;
+ }
+ //
+ T& operator[] (ui32 index) {
Y_ASSERT(index < CountersQnt);
- return Counters[index];
- }
- const T& operator[] (ui32 index) const {
+ return Counters[index];
+ }
+ const T& operator[] (ui32 index) const {
Y_ASSERT(index < CountersQnt);
- return Counters[index];
- }
- ui32 Size() const {
- return CountersQnt;
- }
- //
- void Reset(const TCountersArray<T>& rp) {
+ return Counters[index];
+ }
+ ui32 Size() const {
+ return CountersQnt;
+ }
+ //
+ void Reset(const TCountersArray<T>& rp) {
- Counters = nullptr;
- CountersQnt = rp.CountersQnt;
+ Counters = nullptr;
+ CountersQnt = rp.CountersQnt;
if (CountersQnt) {
CountersHolder.reset(new T[CountersQnt](), &CheckedArrayDelete<T>);
Counters = CountersHolder.get();
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = CountersQnt; i < e; ++i) {
- Counters[i].Initialize(rp.Counters[i]);
- }
- }
- //
- void AdjustToBaseLine(const TCountersArray<T>& baseLine) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = CountersQnt; i < e; ++i) {
+ Counters[i].Initialize(rp.Counters[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ void AdjustToBaseLine(const TCountersArray<T>& baseLine) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(baseLine.CountersQnt == CountersQnt);
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = CountersQnt; i < e; ++i) {
- Counters[i].AdjustToBaseLine(baseLine.Counters[i]);
- }
- }
- void SetTo(const TCountersArray<T>& rp) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = CountersQnt; i < e; ++i) {
+ Counters[i].AdjustToBaseLine(baseLine.Counters[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ void SetTo(const TCountersArray<T>& rp) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(rp.CountersQnt == CountersQnt);
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = CountersQnt; i < e; ++i) {
- Counters[i].SetTo(rp.Counters[i]);
- }
- }
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = CountersQnt; i < e; ++i) {
+ Counters[i].SetTo(rp.Counters[i]);
+ }
+ }
void Populate(const TCountersArray<T>& rp) {
if (CountersQnt != rp.CountersQnt) {
@@ -387,41 +387,41 @@ private:
- //
- ui32 CountersQnt;
+ //
+ ui32 CountersQnt;
TCountersHolder CountersHolder;
- T* Counters;
-/// The TTabletCountersBase class
-class TTabletCountersBase {
- //
- TTabletCountersBase()
- : SimpleCounters(0)
- , CumulativeCounters(0)
- , PercentileCounters(0)
- , SimpleCountersMetaInfo(nullptr)
- , CumulativeCountersMetaInfo(nullptr)
- , PercentileCountersMetaInfo(nullptr)
- {}
- TTabletCountersBase(ui32 simpleCountersQnt,
- ui32 cumulativeCountersQnt,
- ui32 percentileCountersQnt,
- const char* const * simpleCountersMetaInfo,
- const char* const * cumulativeCountersMetaInfo,
- const char* const * percentileCountersMetaInfo)
- : SimpleCounters(simpleCountersQnt)
- , CumulativeCounters(cumulativeCountersQnt)
- , PercentileCounters(percentileCountersQnt)
- , SimpleCountersMetaInfo(simpleCountersMetaInfo)
- , CumulativeCountersMetaInfo(cumulativeCountersMetaInfo)
- , PercentileCountersMetaInfo(percentileCountersMetaInfo)
- {}
+ T* Counters;
+/// The TTabletCountersBase class
+class TTabletCountersBase {
+ //
+ TTabletCountersBase()
+ : SimpleCounters(0)
+ , CumulativeCounters(0)
+ , PercentileCounters(0)
+ , SimpleCountersMetaInfo(nullptr)
+ , CumulativeCountersMetaInfo(nullptr)
+ , PercentileCountersMetaInfo(nullptr)
+ {}
+ TTabletCountersBase(ui32 simpleCountersQnt,
+ ui32 cumulativeCountersQnt,
+ ui32 percentileCountersQnt,
+ const char* const * simpleCountersMetaInfo,
+ const char* const * cumulativeCountersMetaInfo,
+ const char* const * percentileCountersMetaInfo)
+ : SimpleCounters(simpleCountersQnt)
+ , CumulativeCounters(cumulativeCountersQnt)
+ , PercentileCounters(percentileCountersQnt)
+ , SimpleCountersMetaInfo(simpleCountersMetaInfo)
+ , CumulativeCountersMetaInfo(cumulativeCountersMetaInfo)
+ , PercentileCountersMetaInfo(percentileCountersMetaInfo)
+ {}
//Constructor only for access of other counters. Lifetime of class constructed this way must not exceed lifetime of existed one.
TTabletCountersBase(const ui32 simpleOffset, const ui32 cumulativeOffset, const ui32 percentileOffset, TTabletCountersBase* counters)
: SimpleCounters(counters->Simple().CountersHolder, counters->Simple().Counters + simpleOffset,
@@ -440,56 +440,56 @@ public:
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(counters->Percentile().Size() > percentileOffset);
- virtual ~TTabletCountersBase()
- {}
- bool HasCounters() const {
- return SimpleCounters || CumulativeCounters || PercentileCounters;
- }
- // counters
- TCountersArray<TTabletSimpleCounter>& Simple() {
- return SimpleCounters;
- }
- const TCountersArray<TTabletSimpleCounter>& Simple() const {
- return SimpleCounters;
- }
- TCountersArray<TTabletCumulativeCounter>& Cumulative() {
- return CumulativeCounters;
- }
- const TCountersArray<TTabletCumulativeCounter>& Cumulative() const {
- return CumulativeCounters;
- }
- TCountersArray<TTabletPercentileCounter>& Percentile() {
- return PercentileCounters;
- }
- const TCountersArray<TTabletPercentileCounter>& Percentile() const {
- return PercentileCounters;
- }
- //
- TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> MakeDiffForAggr(const TTabletCountersBase&) const;
- void RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(/*out*/ TTabletCountersBase& baseLine) const;
- //
+ virtual ~TTabletCountersBase()
+ {}
+ bool HasCounters() const {
+ return SimpleCounters || CumulativeCounters || PercentileCounters;
+ }
+ // counters
+ TCountersArray<TTabletSimpleCounter>& Simple() {
+ return SimpleCounters;
+ }
+ const TCountersArray<TTabletSimpleCounter>& Simple() const {
+ return SimpleCounters;
+ }
+ TCountersArray<TTabletCumulativeCounter>& Cumulative() {
+ return CumulativeCounters;
+ }
+ const TCountersArray<TTabletCumulativeCounter>& Cumulative() const {
+ return CumulativeCounters;
+ }
+ TCountersArray<TTabletPercentileCounter>& Percentile() {
+ return PercentileCounters;
+ }
+ const TCountersArray<TTabletPercentileCounter>& Percentile() const {
+ return PercentileCounters;
+ }
+ //
+ TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> MakeDiffForAggr(const TTabletCountersBase&) const;
+ void RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(/*out*/ TTabletCountersBase& baseLine) const;
+ //
void OutputHtml(IOutputStream &os) const;
void OutputProto(NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletCountersBase& op) const;
- //
- const char* SimpleCounterName(ui32 index) const {
- return SimpleCountersMetaInfo[index];
- }
- const char* CumulativeCounterName(ui32 index) const {
- return CumulativeCountersMetaInfo[index];
- }
- const char* PercentileCounterName(ui32 index) const {
- return PercentileCountersMetaInfo[index];
- }
+ //
+ const char* SimpleCounterName(ui32 index) const {
+ return SimpleCountersMetaInfo[index];
+ }
+ const char* CumulativeCounterName(ui32 index) const {
+ return CumulativeCountersMetaInfo[index];
+ }
+ const char* PercentileCounterName(ui32 index) const {
+ return PercentileCountersMetaInfo[index];
+ }
void Populate(const TTabletCountersBase& rp) {
if (!HasCounters()) {
@@ -507,24 +507,24 @@ public:
- //
- TTabletCountersBase(const TTabletCountersBase&);
- TTabletCountersBase& operator = (const TTabletCountersBase&);
- //
- template<typename T>
+ //
+ TTabletCountersBase(const TTabletCountersBase&);
+ TTabletCountersBase& operator = (const TTabletCountersBase&);
+ //
+ template<typename T>
void OutputHtml(IOutputStream &os, const char* sectionName, const char* const* counterNames, const char* counterClass, const TCountersArray<T>& counters) const;
- //
- TCountersArray<TTabletSimpleCounter> SimpleCounters;
- TCountersArray<TTabletCumulativeCounter> CumulativeCounters;
- TCountersArray<TTabletPercentileCounter> PercentileCounters;
- const char* const * SimpleCountersMetaInfo;
- const char* const * CumulativeCountersMetaInfo;
- const char* const * PercentileCountersMetaInfo;
+ //
+ TCountersArray<TTabletSimpleCounter> SimpleCounters;
+ TCountersArray<TTabletCumulativeCounter> CumulativeCounters;
+ TCountersArray<TTabletPercentileCounter> PercentileCounters;
+ const char* const * SimpleCountersMetaInfo;
+ const char* const * CumulativeCountersMetaInfo;
+ const char* const * PercentileCountersMetaInfo;
/// The TTabletLabeledCountersBase class
@@ -668,5 +668,5 @@ private:
IOutputStream& operator <<(IOutputStream& out, const TTabletLabeledCountersBase::EAggregateFunc& func);
-} // end of NKikimr
+} // end of NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.cpp
index 5bdcce4d06..1885b26e09 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include <library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/templates.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/encode.h>
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
#include <util/string/vector.h>
#include <util/string/split.h>
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TActorId MakeTabletCountersAggregatorID(ui32 node, bool follower) {
if (!follower) {
- char x[12] = {'t','a','b','l','c','o','u','n','t','a','g','g'};
+ char x[12] = {'t','a','b','l','c','o','u','n','t','a','g','g'};
return TActorId(node, TStringBuf(x, 12));
- } else {
- char x[12] ={'s','l','a','v','c','o','u','n','t','a','g','g'};
+ } else {
+ char x[12] ={'s','l','a','v','c','o','u','n','t','a','g','g'};
return TActorId(node, TStringBuf(x, 12));
- }
+ }
TStringBuf GetHistogramAggregateSimpleName(TStringBuf name) {
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public:
ui64 GetSum(ui32 counterIndex) const {
Y_VERIFY(counterIndex < SumSimpleCounters.size(),
"inconsistent sum simple counters, %u >= %lu", counterIndex, SumSimpleCounters.size());
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public:
*MaxSimpleCounters[counterIndex] = value;
- void SetValue(ui64 tabletID, ui32 counterIndex, ui64 value, TTabletTypes::EType tabletType) {
+ void SetValue(ui64 tabletID, ui32 counterIndex, ui64 value, TTabletTypes::EType tabletType) {
Y_VERIFY(counterIndex < CountersByTabletID.size(),
"inconsistent counters for tablet type %s", TTabletTypes::TypeToStr(tabletType));
auto it = CountersByTabletID[counterIndex].find(tabletID);
@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ public:
CountersByTabletID[counterIndex].insert(std::make_pair(tabletID, value));
ChangedCounters[counterIndex] = true;
- }
+ }
- void ForgetTablet(ui64 tabletId) {
- for (ui32 idx : xrange(CountersByTabletID.size())) {
- auto &counters = CountersByTabletID[idx];
- counters.erase(tabletId);
+ void ForgetTablet(ui64 tabletId) {
+ for (ui32 idx : xrange(CountersByTabletID.size())) {
+ auto &counters = CountersByTabletID[idx];
+ counters.erase(tabletId);
ChangedCounters[idx] = true;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void RecalcAll() {
for (ui32 idx : xrange(CountersByTabletID.size())) {
@@ -174,23 +174,23 @@ public:
- //
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr CounterGroup;
+ //
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr CounterGroup;
- TCountersVector MaxSimpleCounters;
- TCountersVector SumSimpleCounters;
+ TCountersVector MaxSimpleCounters;
+ TCountersVector SumSimpleCounters;
THistogramVector HistSimpleCounters;
using TCountersByTabletIDMap = THashMap<ui64, ui64>;
TVector<TCountersByTabletIDMap> CountersByTabletID;
TVector<bool> ChangedCounters;
- void Recalc(ui32 idx) {
- auto &counters = CountersByTabletID[idx];
+ void Recalc(ui32 idx) {
+ auto &counters = CountersByTabletID[idx];
THistogramCounter* histCounter = HistSimpleCounters[idx].Get();
ui64 maxVal = 0;
ui64 sumVal = 0;
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ private:
- for (auto&& t : counters) {
+ for (auto&& t : counters) {
ui64 tValue = t.second;
maxVal = Max(tValue, maxVal);
sumVal += tValue;
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ private:
- *MaxSimpleCounters[idx].Get() = maxVal;
- *SumSimpleCounters[idx].Get() = sumVal;
+ *MaxSimpleCounters[idx].Get() = maxVal;
+ *SumSimpleCounters[idx].Get() = sumVal;
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ public:
void SetValue(ui64 tabletID, ui32 counterIndex, ui64 value, ui64 id) {
CountersByTabletID[counterIndex][tabletID] = std::make_pair(value, id);
Changed = true;
@@ -502,13 +502,13 @@ public:
auto& quietStats = QuietTabletCounters[tabletID];
if (executorCounters) {
if (quietStats.first == nullptr)
quietStats.first = new TTabletCountersBase();
if (appCounters) {
if (quietStats.second == nullptr)
quietStats.second = new TTabletCountersBase();
@@ -554,12 +554,12 @@ public:
void ForgetTablet(ui64 tabletID, TTabletTypes::EType tabletType, TPathId tenantPathId) {
- AllTypes.Forget(tabletID);
- // and now erase from every other path
- auto iterTabletType = CountersByTabletType.find(tabletType);
- if (iterTabletType != CountersByTabletType.end()) {
- iterTabletType->second->Forget(tabletID);
- }
+ AllTypes.Forget(tabletID);
+ // and now erase from every other path
+ auto iterTabletType = CountersByTabletType.find(tabletType);
+ if (iterTabletType != CountersByTabletType.end()) {
+ iterTabletType->second->Forget(tabletID);
+ }
// from db counters
if (auto itPath = CountersByPathId.find(tenantPathId); itPath != CountersByPathId.end()) {
itPath->second->Forget(tabletID, tabletType);
@@ -723,26 +723,26 @@ private:
if (!TabletExecutorCounters.IsInitialized) {
- TabletExecutorCounters.Apply(tabletID, executorCounters, tabletType);
+ TabletExecutorCounters.Apply(tabletID, executorCounters, tabletType);
if (appCounters) {
if (!TabletAppCounters.IsInitialized) {
TabletAppCounters.Initialize(limitedAppCounters ? limitedAppCounters : appCounters);
- TabletAppCounters.Apply(tabletID, appCounters, tabletType);
+ TabletAppCounters.Apply(tabletID, appCounters, tabletType);
- void Forget(ui64 tabletId) {
+ void Forget(ui64 tabletId) {
if (TabletExecutorCounters.IsInitialized) {
if (TabletAppCounters.IsInitialized) {
- }
+ }
void RecalcAll() {
if (TabletExecutorCounters.IsInitialized) {
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ private:
IsInitialized = true;
- void Apply(ui64 tabletID, const TTabletCountersBase* counters, TTabletTypes::EType tabletType) {
+ void Apply(ui64 tabletID, const TTabletCountersBase* counters, TTabletTypes::EType tabletType) {
TInstant now = TInstant::Now();
@@ -999,9 +999,9 @@ private:
- void Forget(ui64 tabletId) {
- Y_VERIFY(IsInitialized);
+ void Forget(ui64 tabletId) {
+ Y_VERIFY(IsInitialized);
if (DoAggregateSimpleCounters || DoAggregateCumulativeCounters) {
if (DoAggregateSimpleCounters) {
@@ -1010,11 +1010,11 @@ private:
- } else {
- for (auto &x : SimpleCounters)
- x = 0;
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ for (auto &x : SimpleCounters)
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ }
void RecalcAll() {
if (DoAggregateSimpleCounters) {
@@ -1618,12 +1618,12 @@ TTabletCountersAggregatorActor::Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
TabletMon = new TTabletMon(appData->Counters, Follower, DbWatcherActorId);
auto mon = appData->Mon;
- if (mon) {
+ if (mon) {
if (!Follower)
mon->RegisterActorPage(nullptr, "labeledcounters", "Labeled Counters", false, TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem, SelfId(), false);
- else
+ else
mon->RegisterActorPage(nullptr, "followercounters", "Follower Counters", false, TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem, SelfId(), false);
- }
+ }
ctx.Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(WAKEUP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
@@ -1859,7 +1859,7 @@ CreateTabletCountersAggregator(bool follower) {
void TabletCountersForgetTablet(ui64 tabletId, TTabletTypes::EType tabletType, TPathId tenantPathId, bool follower, TActorIdentity identity) {
const TActorId countersAggregator = MakeTabletCountersAggregatorID(identity.NodeId(), follower);
identity.Send(countersAggregator, new TEvTabletCounters::TEvTabletCountersForgetTablet(tabletId, tabletType, tenantPathId));
@@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@ public:
void Die(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
for (const ui32 node : Nodes) {
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(node), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(node), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
@@ -2297,7 +2297,7 @@ public:
void Die(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
for (const ui32 node : Nodes) {
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(node), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(node), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.h b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.h
index 451338033e..db350d41cb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include "defs.h"
-#include "tablet_counters.h"
+#include "tablet_counters.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/defs.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct TEvTabletCounters {
struct TEvTabletAddCounters : public TEventLocal<TEvTabletAddCounters, EvTabletAddCounters> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui64 TabletID;
const TTabletTypes::EType TabletType;
const TPathId TenantPathId;
TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> ExecutorCounters;
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ struct TEvTabletCounters {
struct TEvTabletCountersForgetTablet : public TEventLocal<TEvTabletCountersForgetTablet, EvTabletCountersForgetTablet> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
+ const ui64 TabletID;
const TTabletTypes::EType TabletType;
const TPathId TenantPathId;
TEvTabletCountersForgetTablet(ui64 tabletID, TTabletTypes::EType tabletType, TPathId tenantPathId)
: TabletID(tabletID)
- , TabletType(tabletType)
+ , TabletType(tabletType)
, TenantPathId(tenantPathId)
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_impl.h b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_impl.h
index 00e8aba9d9..b47b1f1097 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_impl.h
@@ -1,122 +1,122 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/statestorage.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/tablet.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_metrics.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/scheduler_cookie.h>
-#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tracing.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
IActor* CreateTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph(const TActorId &owner, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 blockedGen, NTracing::ITrace *trace, ui64 followerCookie);
IActor* CreateTabletFindLastEntry(const TActorId &owner, bool readBody, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 blockedGen);
IActor* CreateTabletReqWriteLog(const TActorId &owner, const TLogoBlobID &entryId, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry *entry, TVector<TEvTablet::TLogEntryReference> &refs, TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic commitTactic, TTabletStorageInfo *info);
IActor* CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(const TActorId &owner, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 generation, bool blockPrevEntry);
IActor* CreateTabletReqDelete(const TActorId &owner, const TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> &tabletStorageInfo, ui32 generation = std::numeric_limits<ui32>::max());
-struct TEvTabletBase {
- enum EEv {
- EvBlockBlobStorageResult = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLETBASE),
- EvRebuildGraphResult,
- EvFindLatestLogEntryResult,
- EvWriteLogResult,
+struct TEvTabletBase {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvBlockBlobStorageResult = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLETBASE),
+ EvRebuildGraphResult,
+ EvFindLatestLogEntryResult,
+ EvWriteLogResult,
EvFollowerRetry = EvBlockBlobStorageResult + 512,
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLETBASE), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TABLETBASE)");
- struct TEvBlockBlobStorageResult : public TEventLocal<TEvBlockBlobStorageResult, EvBlockBlobStorageResult> {
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ struct TEvBlockBlobStorageResult : public TEventLocal<TEvBlockBlobStorageResult, EvBlockBlobStorageResult> {
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
const ui64 TabletId;
const TString ErrorReason;
TEvBlockBlobStorageResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 tabletId, const TString &reason = TString())
- : Status(status)
+ : Status(status)
, TabletId(tabletId)
, ErrorReason(reason)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvRebuildGraphResult : public TEventLocal<TEvRebuildGraphResult, EvRebuildGraphResult> {
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvRebuildGraphResult : public TEventLocal<TEvRebuildGraphResult, EvRebuildGraphResult> {
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
const TString ErrorReason;
- TIntrusivePtr<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph> DependencyGraph;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph> DependencyGraph;
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue GroupReadBytes;
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue GroupReadOps;
THolder<NTracing::ITrace> Trace;
NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status,
NTracing::ITrace *trace,
const TString &reason = TString()
- : Status(status)
+ : Status(status)
, ErrorReason(reason)
, Trace(trace)
- {}
+ {}
const TIntrusivePtr<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph> &graph,
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue &&read,
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue &&readOps,
NTracing::ITrace *trace
- : Status(NKikimrProto::OK)
- , DependencyGraph(graph)
+ : Status(NKikimrProto::OK)
+ , DependencyGraph(graph)
, GroupReadBytes(std::move(read))
, GroupReadOps(std::move(readOps))
, Trace(trace)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult : public TEventLocal<TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult, EvFindLatestLogEntryResult> {
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- const TLogoBlobID Latest;
- const ui32 BlockedGeneration;
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult : public TEventLocal<TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult, EvFindLatestLogEntryResult> {
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ const TLogoBlobID Latest;
+ const ui32 BlockedGeneration;
const TString Buffer;
const TString ErrorReason;
TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString &reason = TString())
- : Status(status)
- , BlockedGeneration(0)
+ : Status(status)
+ , BlockedGeneration(0)
, ErrorReason(reason)
- {
+ {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(status != NKikimrProto::OK);
- }
+ }
TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult(const TLogoBlobID &latest, ui32 blockedGeneration, const TString &buffer)
- : Status(NKikimrProto::OK)
- , Latest(latest)
- , BlockedGeneration(blockedGeneration)
- , Buffer(buffer)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvWriteLogResult : public TEventLocal<TEvWriteLogResult, EvWriteLogResult> {
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
- const TLogoBlobID EntryId;
+ : Status(NKikimrProto::OK)
+ , Latest(latest)
+ , BlockedGeneration(blockedGeneration)
+ , Buffer(buffer)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvWriteLogResult : public TEventLocal<TEvWriteLogResult, EvWriteLogResult> {
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
+ const TLogoBlobID EntryId;
TVector<ui32> YellowMoveChannels;
TVector<ui32> YellowStopChannels;
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue GroupWrittenBytes;
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue GroupWrittenOps;
const TString ErrorReason;
- struct TErrorCondition {
- } ErrorCondition;
+ struct TErrorCondition {
+ } ErrorCondition;
NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status,
const TLogoBlobID &entryId,
@@ -125,36 +125,36 @@ struct TEvTabletBase {
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue&& written,
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue&& writtenOps,
const TString &reason = TString())
- : Status(status)
- , EntryId(entryId)
+ : Status(status)
+ , EntryId(entryId)
, YellowMoveChannels(std::move(yellowMoveChannels))
, YellowStopChannels(std::move(yellowStopChannels))
, GroupWrittenBytes(std::move(written))
, GroupWrittenOps(std::move(writtenOps))
, ErrorReason(reason)
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvFollowerRetry : public TEventLocal<TEvFollowerRetry, EvFollowerRetry> {
- const ui32 Round;
+ const ui32 Round;
TEvFollowerRetry(ui32 round)
- : Round(round)
- {}
- };
+ : Round(round)
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvTrySyncFollower : public TEventLocal<TEvTrySyncFollower, EvTrySyncFollower> {
const TActorId FollowerId;
- TSchedulerCookieHolder CookieHolder;
+ TSchedulerCookieHolder CookieHolder;
TEvTrySyncFollower(TActorId followerId, ISchedulerCookie *cookie)
: FollowerId(followerId)
- , CookieHolder(cookie)
- {}
- };
+ , CookieHolder(cookie)
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvTryBuildFollowerGraph : public TEventLocal<TEvTryBuildFollowerGraph, EvTryBuildFollowerGraph> {};
struct TEvDeleteTabletResult : public TEventLocal<TEvDeleteTabletResult, EvDeleteTabletResult> {
const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus Status;
const ui64 TabletId;
@@ -164,6 +164,6 @@ struct TEvTabletBase {
, TabletId(tabletId)
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_monitoring_proxy.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_monitoring_proxy.cpp
index c867aefeb7..a61a43b7e5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_monitoring_proxy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_monitoring_proxy.cpp
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ TTabletMonitoringProxyActor::Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
-static ui64 TryParseTabletId(TStringBuf tabletIdParam) {
+static ui64 TryParseTabletId(TStringBuf tabletIdParam) {
if (tabletIdParam.StartsWith("0x")) {
ui64 result = 0;
TryIntFromString<16, ui64>(tabletIdParam.substr(2), result);
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ static ui64 TryParseTabletId(TStringBuf tabletIdParam) {
} else {
return FromStringWithDefault<ui64>(tabletIdParam);
TTabletMonitoringProxyActor::Handle(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ TTabletMonitoringProxyActor::Handle(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorCon
if (tabletId) {
TString url = TStringBuilder() << msg->Request.GetPathInfo() << "?" << cgi->Print();
ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(new TForwardingActor(Config, tabletId, true, ev->Sender, std::move(url)));
- return;
- }
- }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
bool hasIdParam = cgi->Has("TabletID");
if (hasIdParam) {
const TString &tabletIdParam = cgi->Get("TabletID");
@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ TTabletMonitoringProxyActor::Handle(NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorCon
if (tabletId) {
TString url = TStringBuilder() << msg->Request.GetPathInfo() << "?" << cgi->Print();
ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(CreateStateStorageMonitoringActor(tabletId, ev->Sender, std::move(url)));
- return;
- }
- }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
TStringStream str;
const NKikimr::TDomainsInfo* domainsInfo = AppData(ctx)->DomainsInfo.Get();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client.cpp
index 8c9dc53a33..2fa35af9a0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client.cpp
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
- #error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PIPE_CLIENT, "TClient[" << TabletId << "] " << stream << " " << ctx.SelfID)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PIPE_CLIENT, "TClient[" << TabletId << "] " << stream << " " << ctx.SelfID)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PIPE_CLIENT, "TClient[" << TabletId << "] " << stream << " " << ctx.SelfID)
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
+ #error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PIPE_CLIENT, "TClient[" << TabletId << "] " << stream << " " << ctx.SelfID)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PIPE_CLIENT, "TClient[" << TabletId << "] " << stream << " " << ctx.SelfID)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PIPE_CLIENT, "TClient[" << TabletId << "] " << stream << " " << ctx.SelfID)
#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PIPE_CLIENT, "TClient[" << TabletId << "] " << stream << " " << ctx.SelfID)
namespace NKikimr {
@@ -44,18 +44,18 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void Bootstrap(const TActorContext& ctx) {
- BLOG_D("::Bootstrap");
+ BLOG_D("::Bootstrap");
void StateLookup(STFUNC_SIG) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSendQueued);
+ FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSendQueued);
FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvMessage, HandleSendQueued);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown, HandleConnect);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, HandleConnect);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, HandleConnect);
HFunc(TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult, HandleLookup);
HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleRelaxed);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnectResult, HandleOutdated);
@@ -66,39 +66,39 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSendQueued);
FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvMessage, HandleSendQueued);
- HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown, HandleConnect);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown, HandleConnect);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, HandleConnect);
HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, HandleConnectNode);
- HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleConnect);
+ HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleConnect);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnectResult, HandleOutdated);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void StateConnect(STFUNC_SIG) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSendQueued);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSendQueued);
FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvMessage, HandleSendQueued);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown, HandleConnect);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, HandleConnect);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, HandleConnect);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleConnect);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed, HandleConnect);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnectResult, HandleConnect);
HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleConnect);
- }
- }
- void StateWait(STFUNC_SIG) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSendQueued);
+ }
+ }
+ void StateWait(STFUNC_SIG) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSendQueued);
FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvMessage, HandleSendQueued);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown, HandleConnect);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, HandleConnect);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, HandleConnect);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientRetry, HandleWait);
HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleRelaxed);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnectResult, HandleOutdated);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void StateCheckDead(STFUNC_SIG) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle);
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
- void StateWork(STFUNC_SIG) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ void StateWork(STFUNC_SIG) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSend);
FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvMessage, HandleSend);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown, Handle);
@@ -126,25 +126,25 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
- bool IsLocalNode(const TActorContext& ctx) const {
+ bool IsLocalNode(const TActorContext& ctx) const {
auto leader = GetTabletLeader();
return leader.NodeId() == 0 || ctx.ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->NodeId == leader.NodeId();
- }
+ }
TActorId GetTabletLeader() const {
return Config.ConnectToUserTablet ? LastKnownLeaderTablet : LastKnownLeader;
- }
- void HandleSendQueued(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- BLOG_D("queue send");
- Y_VERIFY(!IsShutdown);
- PayloadQueue->Push(ev.Release());
- }
+ }
+ void HandleSendQueued(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ BLOG_D("queue send");
+ Y_VERIFY(!IsShutdown);
+ PayloadQueue->Push(ev.Release());
+ }
void HandleSend(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- BLOG_D("send");
+ BLOG_D("send");
- Push(ctx, ev);
+ Push(ctx, ev);
ui32 GenerateConnectFeatures() const {
@@ -156,24 +156,24 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void HandleLookup(TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_VERIFY(ev->Get()->TabletID == TabletId);
+ Y_VERIFY(ev->Get()->TabletID == TabletId);
if (ev->Get()->Status != NKikimrProto::OK || (Config.ConnectToUserTablet && !ev->Get()->TabletActor)) {
- BLOG_D("forward result error, check reconnect");
- return TryToReconnect(ctx);
+ BLOG_D("forward result error, check reconnect");
+ return TryToReconnect(ctx);
LastKnownLeaderTablet = ev->Get()->TabletActor;
LastKnownLeader = ev->Get()->Tablet;
LastCacheEpoch = ev->Get()->CacheEpoch;
if (IsLocalNode(ctx)) {
- BLOG_D("forward result local node, try to connect");
+ BLOG_D("forward result local node, try to connect");
} else {
const ui32 nodeId = GetTabletLeader().NodeId();
- BLOG_D("forward result remote node " << nodeId);
+ BLOG_D("forward result remote node " << nodeId);
if (InterconnectNodeId == nodeId) {
// Already connected to correct remote node
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
- BLOG_D("remote node connected");
+ BLOG_D("remote node connected");
InterconnectSessionId = ev->Sender;
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
if (ev->Cookie != InterconnectCookie) {
BLOG_D("ignored outdated TEvNodeDisconnected");
- }
+ }
BLOG_D("remote node disonnected while connecting, check retry");
if (InterconnectSessionId) {
@@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
- void HandleConnect(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void HandleConnect(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (ev->Cookie != InterconnectCookie) {
BLOG_D("ignored outdated TEvNodeDisconnected");
- BLOG_D("remote node disonnected while connecting, check retry");
+ BLOG_D("remote node disonnected while connecting, check retry");
if (InterconnectSessionId) {
Y_VERIFY(ev->Sender == InterconnectSessionId);
@@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
- void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (ev->Cookie != InterconnectCookie) {
BLOG_D("ignored outdated TEvNodeDisconnected");
- BLOG_D("remote node disconnected while working, drop pipe");
+ BLOG_D("remote node disconnected while working, drop pipe");
@@ -259,18 +259,18 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
- void HandleConnect(TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void HandleConnect(TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (ev->InterconnectSession != InterconnectSessionId) {
// Ingnore TEvPeerClosed from an unexpected interconnect session
BLOG_D("ignore outdated peer closed from " << ev->Sender);
- BLOG_D("peer closed while connecting, check reconnect");
- return TryToReconnect(ctx);
- }
- void HandleConnect(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnectResult::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ BLOG_D("peer closed while connecting, check reconnect");
+ return TryToReconnect(ctx);
+ }
+ void HandleConnect(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnectResult::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (ev->InterconnectSession != InterconnectSessionId || ev->Cookie != 0 && ev->Cookie != ConnectCookie) {
// Ignore TEvConnectResult from an unexpected interconnect session or retry attempt
BLOG_D("ignored outdated connection result from " << ev->Sender);
@@ -283,27 +283,27 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
ServerId = ActorIdFromProto(record.GetServerId());
Leader = record.GetLeader();
- Y_VERIFY(!ServerId || record.GetStatus() == NKikimrProto::OK);
+ Y_VERIFY(!ServerId || record.GetStatus() == NKikimrProto::OK);
BLOG_D("connected with status " << record.GetStatus() << " role: " << (Leader ? "Leader" : "Follower"));
- if (!ServerId) {
- return TryToReconnect(ctx);
+ if (!ServerId) {
+ return TryToReconnect(ctx);
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ BLOG_D("send queued");
+ while (TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> x = PayloadQueue->Pop())
+ Push(ctx, x);
+ PayloadQueue.Destroy();
- BLOG_D("send queued");
- while (TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> x = PayloadQueue->Pop())
- Push(ctx, x);
- PayloadQueue.Destroy();
ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected(TabletId, NKikimrProto::OK, ctx.SelfID, ServerId, Leader, false));
- if (IsShutdown) {
- BLOG_D("shutdown pipe due to pending shutdown request");
- return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
+ if (IsShutdown) {
+ BLOG_D("shutdown pipe due to pending shutdown request");
+ return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
@@ -312,21 +312,21 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed(TabletId, ctx.SelfID, ev->Sender));
- void HandleConnect(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void HandleConnect(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const auto* msg = ev->Get();
if (msg->SourceType != TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::EventType || ev->Cookie != ConnectCookie) {
BLOG_D("ignored unexpected TEvUndelivered of event " << msg->SourceType << " with cookie " << ev->Cookie);
- BLOG_D("connect request undelivered");
- TryToReconnect(ctx);
+ BLOG_D("connect request undelivered");
+ TryToReconnect(ctx);
void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- BLOG_D("pipe event not delivered, drop pipe");
- return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
+ BLOG_D("pipe event not delivered, drop pipe");
+ return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
@@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
Y_VERIFY(ev->Get()->Record.GetTabletId() == TabletId);
- BLOG_D("peer closed");
- return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
+ BLOG_D("peer closed");
+ return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerShutdown::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
@@ -350,42 +350,42 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
- void HandleConnect(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- BLOG_D("poison pill while connecting");
+ void HandleConnect(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ BLOG_D("poison pill while connecting");
- if (ServerId)
+ if (ServerId)
ctx.Send(ServerId, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed(TabletId, ctx.SelfID, ServerId));
- return NotifyConnectFail(ctx);
+ return NotifyConnectFail(ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ BLOG_D("received poison pill");
+ ctx.Send(ServerId, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed(TabletId, ctx.SelfID, ServerId));
+ return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ BLOG_D("received shutdown");
+ ctx.Send(ServerId, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed(TabletId, SelfId(), ServerId));
+ return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ void HandleConnect(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- BLOG_D("received poison pill");
- ctx.Send(ServerId, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed(TabletId, ctx.SelfID, ServerId));
- return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
- BLOG_D("received shutdown");
- ctx.Send(ServerId, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed(TabletId, SelfId(), ServerId));
- return NotifyDisconnect(ctx);
- }
- void HandleConnect(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
- BLOG_D("received pending shutdown");
- IsShutdown = true;
- }
+ BLOG_D("received pending shutdown");
+ IsShutdown = true;
+ }
void HandleWait(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientRetry::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
- BLOG_D("client retry");
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ BLOG_D("client retry");
LastKnownLeaderTablet = TActorId();
LastKnownLeader = TActorId();
@@ -395,9 +395,9 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
NTabletPipe::SendData(SelfId(), HiveClient, new TEvHive::TEvRequestHiveInfo(TabletId, false));
- // check aliveness section
- void Handle(TEvHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ // check aliveness section
+ void Handle(TEvHive::TEvResponseHiveInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
if (record.HasForwardRequest() && (++CurrentHiveForwards < MAX_HIVE_FORWARDS)) {
BLOG_I("hive request forwarded to " << record.GetForwardRequest().GetHiveTabletId());
CloseClient(ctx, HiveClient);
@@ -416,61 +416,61 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected(TabletId, NKikimrProto::ERROR, SelfId(), TActorId(), Leader, definitelyDead));
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientCheckDelay::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- const ui64 hiveUid = HiveUidFromTabletID(TabletId);
- const ui64 hiveTabletId = AppData()->DomainsInfo->GetHive(hiveUid);
- if (hiveUid == 0)
- BLOG_ERROR("trying to check aliveness of hand-made tablet! would definitely fail");
- RequestHiveInfo(hiveTabletId);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (HiveClient != ev->Sender)
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientCheckDelay::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ const ui64 hiveUid = HiveUidFromTabletID(TabletId);
+ const ui64 hiveTabletId = AppData()->DomainsInfo->GetHive(hiveUid);
+ if (hiveUid == 0)
+ BLOG_ERROR("trying to check aliveness of hand-made tablet! would definitely fail");
+ RequestHiveInfo(hiveTabletId);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (HiveClient != ev->Sender)
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected(TabletId, NKikimrProto::ERROR, SelfId(), TActorId(), Leader, false));
- return Die(ctx);
+ return Die(ctx);
- }
+ }
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (HiveClient != ev->Sender)
- return;
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (HiveClient != ev->Sender)
+ return;
ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected(TabletId, NKikimrProto::ERROR, SelfId(), TActorId(), Leader, false));
- return Die(ctx);
+ return Die(ctx);
- void NotifyConnectFail(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void NotifyConnectFail(const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (Config.CheckAliveness && !IsReservedTabletId(TabletId)) {
- BLOG_D("connect failed, check aliveness");
- if (!Config.RetryPolicy)
- BLOG_ERROR("check aliveness w/o retry policy, possible perfomance hit");
- Become(&TThis::StateCheckDead, RetryState.MakeCheckDelay(), new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientCheckDelay());
- } else {
- BLOG_D("connect failed");
+ BLOG_D("connect failed, check aliveness");
+ if (!Config.RetryPolicy)
+ BLOG_ERROR("check aliveness w/o retry policy, possible perfomance hit");
+ Become(&TThis::StateCheckDead, RetryState.MakeCheckDelay(), new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientCheckDelay());
+ } else {
+ BLOG_D("connect failed");
ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected(TabletId, NKikimrProto::ERROR, SelfId(), TActorId(), Leader, false));
- return Die(ctx);
+ return Die(ctx);
- void NotifyDisconnect(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- BLOG_D("notify reset");
- ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed(TabletId, ctx.SelfID, ServerId));
- return Die(ctx);
- }
+ void NotifyDisconnect(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ BLOG_D("notify reset");
+ ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed(TabletId, ctx.SelfID, ServerId));
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
void NotifyNodeProblem(const TActorContext &ctx) {
ctx.Send(MakeTabletResolverID(), new TEvTabletResolver::TEvNodeProblem(InterconnectNodeId, LastCacheEpoch));
@@ -490,36 +490,36 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void Lookup(const TActorContext& ctx) {
- BLOG_D("lookup");
+ BLOG_D("lookup");
TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TResolveFlags resolveFlags;
- ctx.Send(MakeTabletResolverID(), new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward(TabletId, nullptr, resolveFlags));
- Become(&TThis::StateLookup);
+ ctx.Send(MakeTabletResolverID(), new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward(TabletId, nullptr, resolveFlags));
+ Become(&TThis::StateLookup);
- void TryToReconnect(const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ void TryToReconnect(const TActorContext& ctx) {
if (LastKnownLeaderTablet)
ctx.Send(MakeTabletResolverID(), new TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem(TabletId, LastKnownLeaderTablet));
LastKnownLeaderTablet = TActorId();
LastKnownLeader = TActorId();
- TDuration waitDuration;
+ TDuration waitDuration;
if (Config.RetryPolicy && RetryState.IsAllowedToRetry(waitDuration, Config.RetryPolicy)) {
- if (waitDuration == TDuration::Zero()) {
- BLOG_D("immediate retry");
- Lookup(ctx);
- } else {
- BLOG_D("schedule retry");
- ctx.Schedule(waitDuration, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientRetry);
- Become(&TThis::StateWait);
- }
- } else {
- return NotifyConnectFail(ctx);
+ if (waitDuration == TDuration::Zero()) {
+ BLOG_D("immediate retry");
+ Lookup(ctx);
+ } else {
+ BLOG_D("schedule retry");
+ ctx.Schedule(waitDuration, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientRetry);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return NotifyConnectFail(ctx);
@@ -599,8 +599,8 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void Push(const TActorContext& ctx, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev) {
- BLOG_D("push event to server");
+ BLOG_D("push event to server");
if (!InterconnectSessionId) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
case TEvTabletPipe::EvMessage: {
@@ -638,28 +638,28 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
- void SendEvent(IEventHandle* ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::PIPE_CLIENT, "TClient[%" PRIu64 "]::SendEvent %s", TabletId,
- ctx.SelfID.ToString().c_str());
+ void SendEvent(IEventHandle* ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::PIPE_CLIENT, "TClient[%" PRIu64 "]::SendEvent %s", TabletId,
+ ctx.SelfID.ToString().c_str());
if (InterconnectSessionId) {
Y_VERIFY(ev->Recipient.NodeId() == InterconnectNodeId,
"Sending event to %s via remote node %" PRIu32, ev->Recipient.ToString().c_str(), InterconnectNodeId);
- ev->Rewrite(TEvInterconnect::EvForward, InterconnectSessionId);
+ ev->Rewrite(TEvInterconnect::EvForward, InterconnectSessionId);
} else {
Y_VERIFY(ev->Recipient.NodeId() == ctx.SelfID.NodeId(),
"Sending event to %s via local node %" PRIu32, ev->Recipient.ToString().c_str(), ctx.SelfID.NodeId());
- ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(ev);
+ ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(ev);
- void Die(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
- if (HiveClient)
- CloseClient(ctx, HiveClient);
+ void Die(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
+ if (HiveClient)
+ CloseClient(ctx, HiveClient);
- IActor::Die(ctx);
- }
+ IActor::Die(ctx);
+ }
const TActorId Owner;
@@ -689,11 +689,11 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void SendData(TActorId self, TActorId clientId, IEventBase *payload, ui64 cookie) {
- auto ev = new IEventHandle(clientId, self, payload, 0, cookie);
- ev->Rewrite(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, clientId);
- TActivationContext::Send(ev);
- }
+ auto ev = new IEventHandle(clientId, self, payload, 0, cookie);
+ ev->Rewrite(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, clientId);
+ TActivationContext::Send(ev);
+ }
void SendData(TActorId self, TActorId clientId, THolder<IEventBase>&& payload, ui64 cookie) {
SendData(self, clientId, payload.Release(), cookie);
@@ -707,10 +707,10 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void SendData(TActorId self, TActorId clientId, ui32 eventType, TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> buffer, ui64 cookie) {
auto ev = new IEventHandle(eventType, 0, clientId, self, buffer, cookie);
- ev->Rewrite(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, clientId);
- TActivationContext::Send(ev);
- }
+ ev->Rewrite(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, clientId);
+ TActivationContext::Send(ev);
+ }
void SendData(const TActorContext& ctx, const TActorId& clientId, IEventBase* payload, ui64 cookie) {
auto ev = new IEventHandle(clientId, ctx.SelfID, payload, 0, cookie);
ev->Rewrite(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, clientId);
@@ -732,35 +732,35 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void CloseClient(TActorIdentity self, TActorId clientId) {
- self.Send(clientId, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- }
+ self.Send(clientId, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ }
void CloseAndForgetClient(TActorIdentity self, TActorId &clientId) {
- if (clientId) {
- CloseClient(self, clientId);
+ if (clientId) {
+ CloseClient(self, clientId);
clientId = TActorId();
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
bool TClientRetryState::IsAllowedToRetry(TDuration& wait, const TClientRetryPolicy& policy) {
if (RetryNumber == 0) {
wait = policy.DoFirstRetryInstantly ? TDuration::Zero() : policy.MinRetryTime;
} else {
- const ui64 baseRetryDuration = RetryDuration.GetValue() * policy.BackoffMultiplier;
- const ui64 croppedRetryDuration = Min(policy.MaxRetryTime.GetValue(), baseRetryDuration);
- const ui64 randomizedRetryDuration = croppedRetryDuration * AppData()->RandomProvider->Uniform(100, 115) / 100;
- wait = TDuration::FromValue(randomizedRetryDuration);
+ const ui64 baseRetryDuration = RetryDuration.GetValue() * policy.BackoffMultiplier;
+ const ui64 croppedRetryDuration = Min(policy.MaxRetryTime.GetValue(), baseRetryDuration);
+ const ui64 randomizedRetryDuration = croppedRetryDuration * AppData()->RandomProvider->Uniform(100, 115) / 100;
+ wait = TDuration::FromValue(randomizedRetryDuration);
wait = Max(policy.MinRetryTime, wait);
RetryDuration = wait;
return !policy.RetryLimitCount || RetryNumber <= policy.RetryLimitCount;
- TDuration TClientRetryState::MakeCheckDelay() {
- const ui64 randomizedRetryDuration = RetryDuration.GetValue() * AppData()->RandomProvider->Uniform(100, 133) / 100;
- return TDuration::FromValue(randomizedRetryDuration);
- }
+ TDuration TClientRetryState::MakeCheckDelay() {
+ const ui64 randomizedRetryDuration = RetryDuration.GetValue() * AppData()->RandomProvider->Uniform(100, 133) / 100;
+ return TDuration::FromValue(randomizedRetryDuration);
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client_cache.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client_cache.cpp
index f8b350b393..47b81e4568 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client_cache.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client_cache.cpp
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
TActorId client = currentClient->Client;
if (!PoolContainer) {
- CloseClient(ctx, client);
+ CloseClient(ctx, client);
} else {
if (currentClient->Flags & TClientCacheEntry::Opened) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_server.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_server.cpp
index b34418de3b..b7c669e72c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_server.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_server.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvPush, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvMessage, Handle);
- FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSend); // only for direct (one-node) sends, for generic send see EvPush
+ FFunc(TEvTabletPipe::EvSend, HandleSend); // only for direct (one-node) sends, for generic send see EvPush
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvPeerClosed, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvShutdown, Handle);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle);
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
const TActorId clientId = ActorIdFromProto(ev->Get()->Record.GetClientId());
IActor* server = CreateServer(TabletId, clientId, ev->InterconnectSession, ev->Get()->Record.GetFeatures(), ev->Cookie);
TActorId serverId = TActivationContext::Register(server);
- LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]"
+ LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]"
<< " Accept Connect Originator# " << ev->Sender);
ActivateServer(TabletId, serverId, owner, recipientId, leader);
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void Reject(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr &ev, TActorIdentity owner, NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, bool leader) override {
Y_VERIFY(ev->Get()->Record.GetTabletId() == TabletId);
const TActorId clientId = ActorIdFromProto(ev->Get()->Record.GetClientId());
- LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]"
+ LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]"
<< " Reject Connect Originator# " << ev->Sender);
owner.Send(clientId, new TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnectResult(status, TabletId, clientId, TActorId(), leader));
@@ -292,23 +292,23 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
Stopped = true;
- void Detach(TActorIdentity owner) override {
- LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]" << " Detach");
+ void Detach(TActorIdentity owner) override {
+ LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]" << " Detach");
for (const auto& serverId : ServerIds) {
- CloseServer(owner, serverId);
+ CloseServer(owner, serverId);
Active = false;
- ActivatePending.clear();
+ ActivatePending.clear();
TActorId Enqueue(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr &ev, TActorIdentity owner) override {
- Y_UNUSED(owner);
+ Y_UNUSED(owner);
Y_VERIFY(ev->Get()->Record.GetTabletId() == TabletId);
const TActorId clientId = ActorIdFromProto(ev->Get()->Record.GetClientId());
IActor* server = CreateServer(TabletId, clientId, ev->InterconnectSession, ev->Get()->Record.GetFeatures(), ev->Cookie);
TActorId serverId = TActivationContext::Register(server);
- LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]"
+ LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]"
<< " Enqueue Connect Originator# " << ev->Sender);
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void Activate(TActorIdentity owner, TActorId recipientId, bool leader) override {
- LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]" << " Activate");
+ LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::PIPE_SERVER, "[" << TabletId << "]" << " Activate");
for (const auto& serverId : ActivatePending) {
ActivateServer(TabletId, serverId, owner, recipientId, leader);
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ namespace NTabletPipe {
void CloseServer(TActorIdentity owner, TActorId serverId) {
- owner.Send(serverId, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill);
+ owner.Send(serverId, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_ut.cpp
index ef920c8b91..2a528070fb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_ut.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
namespace NKikimr {
struct TEvProducerTablet {
enum EEv {
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ namespace NKikimr {
struct TEvReject : public TEventLocal<TEvReject, EvReject> {};
- class TProducerTablet : public TActor<TProducerTablet>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
+ class TProducerTablet : public TActor<TProducerTablet>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
TProducerTablet(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
, TTabletExecutedFlat(info, tablet, nullptr)
, HasData(false)
, IsOpened(false)
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ namespace NKikimr {
using IActor::Send; // name is used by IActor API
- STFUNC(StateInit) {
- StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ STFUNC(StateInit) {
+ StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
HFunc(TEvProducerTablet::TEvConnect, Handle);
HFunc(TEvProducerTablet::TEvSend, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ namespace NKikimr {
return Die(ctx);
- void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
Cout << "Producer loaded\n";
@@ -206,10 +206,10 @@ namespace NKikimr {
- class TConsumerTablet : public TActor<TConsumerTablet>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
+ class TConsumerTablet : public TActor<TConsumerTablet>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
TConsumerTablet(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
, TTabletExecutedFlat(info, tablet, nullptr)
, PipeConnectAcceptor(NTabletPipe::CreateConnectAcceptor(TabletID()))
, RejectAll(false)
@@ -219,19 +219,19 @@ namespace NKikimr {
- void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext&) override {
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext&) override {
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
Cout << "Consumer loaded\n";
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Activate(SelfId(), SelfId());
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Activate(SelfId(), SelfId());
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateInit) {
+ StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
- STFUNC(StateInit) {
- StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected, Handle);
@@ -245,21 +245,21 @@ namespace NKikimr {
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &) {
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &) {
Cout << "Get connect request from another tablet\n";
if (RejectAll) {
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Reject(ev, SelfId(), NKikimrProto::BLOCKED);
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Reject(ev, SelfId(), NKikimrProto::BLOCKED);
} else {
- LastServerId = PipeConnectAcceptor->Accept(ev, SelfId(), SelfId());
+ LastServerId = PipeConnectAcceptor->Accept(ev, SelfId(), SelfId());
- void HandleQueued(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &) {
+ void HandleQueued(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &) {
Cout << "Enqueue connect request from another tablet\n";
if (RejectAll) {
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Reject(ev, SelfId(), NKikimrProto::BLOCKED);
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Reject(ev, SelfId(), NKikimrProto::BLOCKED);
} else {
- LastServerId = PipeConnectAcceptor->Enqueue(ev, SelfId());
+ LastServerId = PipeConnectAcceptor->Enqueue(ev, SelfId());
@@ -295,10 +295,10 @@ namespace NKikimr {
Cout << "Cleanup of pipe reset on server\n";
- void Handle(TEvConsumerTablet::TEvReject::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &) {
+ void Handle(TEvConsumerTablet::TEvReject::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &) {
Cout << "Drop & reject all connects\n";
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
RejectAll = true;
@@ -309,14 +309,14 @@ namespace NKikimr {
void OnDetach(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
Cout << "Consumer dead\n";
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
return Die(ctx);
void OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
Cout << "Consumer dead\n";
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
return Die(ctx);
@@ -333,28 +333,28 @@ namespace NKikimr {
ui32 ServerPipesClosed;
- class TConsumerTabletWithoutAcceptor : public TActor<TConsumerTabletWithoutAcceptor>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
+ class TConsumerTabletWithoutAcceptor : public TActor<TConsumerTabletWithoutAcceptor>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
TConsumerTabletWithoutAcceptor(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
, TTabletExecutedFlat(info, tablet, nullptr)
- void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
+ void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
Cout << "Consumer loaded\n";
- STFUNC(StateInit) {
- StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ STFUNC(StateInit) {
+ StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected, Handle);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvPing, Handle);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipecache.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipecache.cpp
index 1feb1a21c3..292571f661 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipecache.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipecache.cpp
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipecache.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
- TIntrusiveConstPtr<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig> Config;
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
+ TIntrusiveConstPtr<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig> Config;
NTabletPipe::TClientConfig PipeConfig;
struct TCounters {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr Tablets;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr Subscribers;
@@ -66,30 +66,30 @@ class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
ui32 NodeId = 0;
bool Connected = false;
struct TTabletState {
THashMap<TActorId, TClientState> ByClient;
THashMap<TActorId, TClientState*> ByPeer;
TActorId LastClient;
- TInstant LastCreated;
+ TInstant LastCreated;
TClientState* FindClient(const TActorId& clientId) {
auto it = ByClient.find(clientId);
if (it == ByClient.end()) {
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
- }
- };
+ }
+ };
struct TPeerState {
THashSet<ui64> ConnectedToTablet;
- };
+ };
using TByTablet = THashMap<ui64, TTabletState>;
using TByPeer = THashMap<TActorId, TPeerState>;
TByTablet ByTablet;
TByPeer ByPeer;
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
auto *tabletState = FindTablet(tablet);
if (Y_UNLIKELY(!tabletState))
auto byPeerIt = tabletState->ByPeer.find(peer);
if (byPeerIt == tabletState->ByPeer.end())
@@ -144,40 +144,40 @@ class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
NTabletPipe::CloseClient(SelfId(), clientId);
- }
+ }
// Avoid keeping dead tablets forever
if (tabletState->ByClient.empty() && !tabletState->LastClient) {
- }
+ }
void DropClient(ui64 tablet, TActorId client, bool notDelivered) {
auto *tabletState = FindTablet(tablet);
if (Y_UNLIKELY(!tabletState))
- return;
+ return;
auto *clientState = tabletState->FindClient(client);
if (!clientState)
for (auto &kv : clientState->Peers) {
const auto &peer = kv.first;
const ui64 seqNo = kv.second;
const bool msgNotDelivered = notDelivered || seqNo > clientState->MaxForwardedSeqNo;
Send(peer, new TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem(tablet, msgNotDelivered));
- auto byPeerIt = ByPeer.find(peer);
- Y_VERIFY(byPeerIt != ByPeer.end());
- byPeerIt->second.ConnectedToTablet.erase(tablet);
+ auto byPeerIt = ByPeer.find(peer);
+ Y_VERIFY(byPeerIt != ByPeer.end());
+ byPeerIt->second.ConnectedToTablet.erase(tablet);
if (byPeerIt->second.ConnectedToTablet.empty()) {
- }
+ }
for (auto &req : clientState->NodeRequests) {
Send(req.Sender, new TEvPipeCache::TEvGetTabletNodeResult(tablet, 0), 0, req.Cookie);
@@ -198,13 +198,13 @@ class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
if (tabletState->LastClient == client) {
tabletState->LastClient = TActorId();
// Avoid keeping dead tablets forever
if (tabletState->ByClient.empty() && !tabletState->LastClient) {
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
TClientState* EnsureClient(TTabletState *tabletState, ui64 tabletId) {
TClientState *clientState = nullptr;
if (!tabletState->LastClient || Config->PipeRefreshTime && tabletState->ByClient.size() < 2 && Config->PipeRefreshTime < (TActivationContext::Now() - tabletState->LastCreated)) {
@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
} else {
clientState = tabletState->FindClient(tabletState->LastClient);
Y_VERIFY(clientState, "Missing expected client state for active client");
- }
+ }
return clientState;
void Handle(TEvPipeCache::TEvGetTabletNode::TPtr &ev) {
const ui64 tablet = ev->Get()->TabletId;
@@ -312,48 +312,48 @@ class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
NTabletPipe::SendDataWithSeqNo(peer, tabletState->LastClient, msg->Ev.Release(), seqNo, cookie);
} else {
NTabletPipe::SendData(peer, tabletState->LastClient, msg->Ev.Release(), cookie);
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvPipeCache::TEvUnlink::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvPipeCache::TEvUnlink *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 tablet = msg->TabletId;
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvPipeCache::TEvUnlink::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvPipeCache::TEvUnlink *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui64 tablet = msg->TabletId;
const TActorId peer = ev->Sender;
- auto byPeerIt = ByPeer.find(peer);
- if (byPeerIt == ByPeer.end())
- return;
- auto &connectedTo = byPeerIt->second.ConnectedToTablet;
- if (tablet == 0) { // unlink everything
- for (ui64 x : connectedTo)
- UnlinkOne(peer, x);
+ auto byPeerIt = ByPeer.find(peer);
+ if (byPeerIt == ByPeer.end())
+ return;
+ auto &connectedTo = byPeerIt->second.ConnectedToTablet;
+ if (tablet == 0) { // unlink everything
+ for (ui64 x : connectedTo)
+ UnlinkOne(peer, x);
- return;
- } else {
- UnlinkOne(peer, tablet);
- connectedTo.erase(tablet);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ UnlinkOne(peer, tablet);
+ connectedTo.erase(tablet);
if (connectedTo.empty()) {
- return;
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev) {
- const TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev) {
+ const TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
if (Counters) {
- return DropClient(msg->TabletId, msg->ClientId, true);
+ return DropClient(msg->TabletId, msg->ClientId, true);
} else {
if (Counters) {
auto *tabletState = FindTablet(msg->TabletId);
if (tabletState) {
auto *clientState = tabletState->FindClient(msg->ClientId);
@@ -374,12 +374,12 @@ class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
- }
+ }
// Unknown client (dropped before it connected)
- NTabletPipe::CloseClient(SelfId(), msg->ClientId);
- }
+ NTabletPipe::CloseClient(SelfId(), msg->ClientId);
+ }
void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientShuttingDown::TPtr &ev) {
const auto *msg = ev->Get();
@@ -420,51 +420,51 @@ class TPipePeNodeCache : public TActor<TPipePeNodeCache> {
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev) {
- const TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev) {
+ const TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
if (Counters) {
- DropClient(msg->TabletId, msg->ClientId, false);
- }
+ DropClient(msg->TabletId, msg->ClientId, false);
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_PIPE_SERVER;
- TPipePeNodeCache(const TIntrusivePtr<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig> &config)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateWork)
- , Config(config)
+ TPipePeNodeCache(const TIntrusivePtr<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig> &config)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateWork)
+ , Config(config)
, PipeConfig(Config->PipeConfig)
, Counters(Config->Counters)
PipeConfig.ExpectShutdown = true;
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(TEvPipeCache::TEvGetTabletNode, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvPipeCache::TEvForward, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvPipeCache::TEvUnlink, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvPipeCache::TEvForward, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvPipeCache::TEvUnlink, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientShuttingDown, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
- }
- }
-IActor* CreatePipePeNodeCache(const TIntrusivePtr<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig> &config) {
- return new TPipePeNodeCache(config);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
+ }
+ }
+IActor* CreatePipePeNodeCache(const TIntrusivePtr<TPipePeNodeCacheConfig> &config) {
+ return new TPipePeNodeCache(config);
TActorId MakePipePeNodeCacheID(bool allowFollower) {
- char x[12] = "PipeCache";
+ char x[12] = "PipeCache";
x[9] = allowFollower ? 'F' : 'A';
return TActorId(0, TStringBuf(x, 12));
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_blockbs.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_blockbs.cpp
index 47a82eff2e..7e2e94ec95 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_blockbs.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_blockbs.cpp
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
-#include "tablet_impl.h"
+#include "tablet_impl.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
constexpr ui32 MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3;
-class TTabletReqBlockBlobStorageGroup : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqBlockBlobStorageGroup> {
+class TTabletReqBlockBlobStorageGroup : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqBlockBlobStorageGroup> {
const TActorId Owner;
- const ui64 TabletId;
- const ui32 GroupId;
- const ui32 Generation;
+ const ui64 TabletId;
+ const ui32 GroupId;
+ const ui32 Generation;
ui32 ErrorCount;
void ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString &reason = { }) {
Send(Owner, new TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult(status, TabletId, reason));
- PassAway();
- }
- void SendRequest() {
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void SendRequest() {
const TActorId proxy = MakeBlobStorageProxyID(GroupId);
THolder<TEvBlobStorage::TEvBlock> event(new TEvBlobStorage::TEvBlock(TabletId, Generation, TInstant::Max()));
event->IsMonitored = false;
SendToBSProxy(TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext(), proxy, event.Release());
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr&) {
return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "BlobStorage proxy unavailable");
- void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvBlockResult::TPtr &ev) {
- const TEvBlobStorage::TEvBlockResult *msg = ev->Get();
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::OK);
+ void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvBlockResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ const TEvBlobStorage::TEvBlockResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::OK);
case NKikimrProto::BLOCKED:
case NKikimrProto::RACE:
case NKikimrProto::NO_GROUP:
// The request will never succeed
return ReplyAndDie(msg->Status, msg->ErrorReason);
- default:
+ default:
if (ErrorCount >= MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
- return SendRequest();
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateWait) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvBlockResult, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ return SendRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWait) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvBlockResult, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_REQ_BLOCK_BS;
- void Bootstrap() {
- SendRequest();
- Become(&TThis::StateWait);
- }
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ SendRequest();
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
TTabletReqBlockBlobStorageGroup(const TActorId &owner, ui64 tabletId, ui32 groupId, ui32 gen)
- : Owner(owner)
- , TabletId(tabletId)
- , GroupId(groupId)
- , Generation(gen)
+ : Owner(owner)
+ , TabletId(tabletId)
+ , GroupId(groupId)
+ , Generation(gen)
, ErrorCount(0)
-class TTabletReqBlockBlobStorage : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqBlockBlobStorage> {
+class TTabletReqBlockBlobStorage : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqBlockBlobStorage> {
const TActorId Owner;
- TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
- const ui32 Generation;
- const bool BlockPrevEntry;
- ui32 Replied = 0;
+ TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
+ const ui32 Generation;
+ const bool BlockPrevEntry;
+ ui32 Replied = 0;
TVector<TActorId> ReqActors;
- void PassAway() override {
- for (auto &x : ReqActors)
- if (x)
- Send(x, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- TActor::PassAway();
- }
+ void PassAway() override {
+ for (auto &x : ReqActors)
+ if (x)
+ Send(x, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ TActor::PassAway();
+ }
void ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString &reason = { }) {
Send(Owner, new TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult(status, Info->TabletID, reason));
- PassAway();
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
- auto it = Find(ReqActors, ev->Sender);
- Y_VERIFY(it != ReqActors.end(), "must not get response from unknown actor");
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ auto it = Find(ReqActors, ev->Sender);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != ReqActors.end(), "must not get response from unknown actor");
*it = TActorId();
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- if (++Replied == ReqActors.size())
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::OK);
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ if (++Replied == ReqActors.size())
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::OK);
- default:
+ default:
return ReplyAndDie(msg->Status, msg->ErrorReason);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
TTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(TActorId owner, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 generation, bool blockPrevEntry)
- : Owner(owner)
- , Info(info)
- , Generation(generation)
- , BlockPrevEntry(blockPrevEntry)
- {}
+ : Owner(owner)
+ , Info(info)
+ , Generation(generation)
+ , BlockPrevEntry(blockPrevEntry)
+ {}
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_REQ_BLOCK_BS;
- }
- void Bootstrap() {
- TSet<ui32> blocked;
- const ui64 tabletId = Info->TabletID;
- ReqActors.reserve(Info->Channels.size());
- for (auto &x : Info->Channels) {
- if (auto *g = x.LatestEntry()) {
- if (blocked.insert(g->GroupID).second)
+ }
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ TSet<ui32> blocked;
+ const ui64 tabletId = Info->TabletID;
+ ReqActors.reserve(Info->Channels.size());
+ for (auto &x : Info->Channels) {
+ if (auto *g = x.LatestEntry()) {
+ if (blocked.insert(g->GroupID).second)
ReqActors.push_back(RegisterWithSameMailbox(new TTabletReqBlockBlobStorageGroup(SelfId(), tabletId, g->GroupID, Generation)));
- }
- if (BlockPrevEntry) {
- if (auto *pg = x.PreviousEntry())
- if (blocked.insert(pg->GroupID).second)
+ }
+ if (BlockPrevEntry) {
+ if (auto *pg = x.PreviousEntry())
+ if (blocked.insert(pg->GroupID).second)
ReqActors.push_back(RegisterWithSameMailbox(new TTabletReqBlockBlobStorageGroup(SelfId(), tabletId, pg->GroupID, Generation)));
- }
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateWait);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWait) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWait) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(const TActorId &owner, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 generation, bool blockPrevEntry) {
- return new TTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(owner, info, generation, blockPrevEntry);
+ return new TTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(owner, info, generation, blockPrevEntry);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_delete.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_delete.cpp
index 6bac6464c2..754c79bb32 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_delete.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_delete.cpp
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ class TTabletReqDelete : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqDelete> {
const TActorId proxyActorID = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageId);
ctx.Send(proxyActorID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvDelete(TabletStorageInfo->TabletID));
- ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::OK, ctx);
+ ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::OK, ctx);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_findlatest.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_findlatest.cpp
index ccedd48f93..ca3d09aa43 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_findlatest.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_findlatest.cpp
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
-#include "tablet_impl.h"
+#include "tablet_impl.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, stream)
-#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TTabletReqFindLatestLogEntry : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqFindLatestLogEntry> {
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, stream)
+#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, stream)
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TTabletReqFindLatestLogEntry : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqFindLatestLogEntry> {
const TActorId Owner;
- const bool ReadBody;
- const ui32 BlockedGeneration;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
- const TTabletChannelInfo *ChannelInfo;
- ui64 CurrentHistoryIndex;
- void ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString &reason) {
- Send(Owner, new TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult(status, reason));
- PassAway();
- }
- void FindLastEntryNext() {
- if (CurrentHistoryIndex == 0)
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::NODATA, "Tablet has no data");
- --CurrentHistoryIndex;
- const ui32 group = ChannelInfo->History[CurrentHistoryIndex].GroupID;
- const ui32 minGeneration = ChannelInfo->History[CurrentHistoryIndex].FromGeneration;
- auto request = MakeHolder<TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover>(Info->TabletID, minGeneration, ReadBody, true, TInstant::Max(), BlockedGeneration);
- SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), group, request.Release());
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr&) {
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "BlobStorage proxy unavailable");
+ const bool ReadBody;
+ const ui32 BlockedGeneration;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
+ const TTabletChannelInfo *ChannelInfo;
+ ui64 CurrentHistoryIndex;
+ void ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString &reason) {
+ Send(Owner, new TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult(status, reason));
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void FindLastEntryNext() {
+ if (CurrentHistoryIndex == 0)
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::NODATA, "Tablet has no data");
+ --CurrentHistoryIndex;
+ const ui32 group = ChannelInfo->History[CurrentHistoryIndex].GroupID;
+ const ui32 minGeneration = ChannelInfo->History[CurrentHistoryIndex].FromGeneration;
+ auto request = MakeHolder<TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscover>(Info->TabletID, minGeneration, ReadBody, true, TInstant::Max(), BlockedGeneration);
+ SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), group, request.Release());
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr&) {
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "BlobStorage proxy unavailable");
- void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscoverResult::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscoverResult *msg = ev->Get();
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- // as we can assign groups in ABA order, we must check that found entry is not from outdated generation
- if (ChannelInfo->History[CurrentHistoryIndex].FromGeneration > msg->Id.Generation()) {
- return FindLastEntryNext();
- } else {
- Send(Owner, new TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult(msg->Id, msg->BlockedGeneration, msg->Buffer));
- return PassAway();
- }
- case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
- return FindLastEntryNext();
- case NKikimrProto::RACE:
- case NKikimrProto::ERROR:
- case NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT:
+ void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscoverResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscoverResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ // as we can assign groups in ABA order, we must check that found entry is not from outdated generation
+ if (ChannelInfo->History[CurrentHistoryIndex].FromGeneration > msg->Id.Generation()) {
+ return FindLastEntryNext();
+ } else {
+ Send(Owner, new TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult(msg->Id, msg->BlockedGeneration, msg->Buffer));
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
+ return FindLastEntryNext();
+ case NKikimrProto::RACE:
+ case NKikimrProto::ERROR:
+ case NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT:
case NKikimrProto::NO_GROUP:
- BLOG_ERROR("Handle::TEvDiscoverResult, result status " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
- return ReplyAndDie(msg->Status, msg->ErrorReason);
- default:
+ BLOG_ERROR("Handle::TEvDiscoverResult, result status " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
+ return ReplyAndDie(msg->Status, msg->ErrorReason);
+ default:
Y_VERIFY(false, "default case status %s", NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status).c_str());
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
- }
- }
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_REQ_FIND_LATEST;
TTabletReqFindLatestLogEntry(const TActorId &owner, bool readBody, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 blockedGeneration)
- : Owner(owner)
- , ReadBody(readBody)
- , BlockedGeneration(blockedGeneration)
- , Info(info)
- , ChannelInfo(Info->ChannelInfo(0))
- , CurrentHistoryIndex(ChannelInfo->History.size())
+ : Owner(owner)
+ , ReadBody(readBody)
+ , BlockedGeneration(blockedGeneration)
+ , Info(info)
+ , ChannelInfo(Info->ChannelInfo(0))
+ , CurrentHistoryIndex(ChannelInfo->History.size())
Y_VERIFY(CurrentHistoryIndex > 0);
- void Bootstrap() {
- Become(&TThis::StateInit);
- FindLastEntryNext();
- }
- STATEFN(StateInit) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscoverResult, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- }
- }
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ Become(&TThis::StateInit);
+ FindLastEntryNext();
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateInit) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvDiscoverResult, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateTabletFindLastEntry(const TActorId &owner, bool readBody, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 blockedGeneration) {
- return new TTabletReqFindLatestLogEntry(owner, readBody, info, blockedGeneration);
+ return new TTabletReqFindLatestLogEntry(owner, readBody, info, blockedGeneration);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_rebuildhistory.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_rebuildhistory.cpp
index fa17afe467..c0b4c0c2bc 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_rebuildhistory.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_rebuildhistory.cpp
@@ -1,506 +1,506 @@
-#include "tablet_impl.h"
+#include "tablet_impl.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_metrics.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
#include <util/string/builder.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
#include "tablet_tracing_signals.h"
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
-#error log macro definition clash
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
+#error log macro definition clash
#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "TabletId# " << Info->TabletID << (FollowerCookie ? "f " : " ") << stream)
#define BLOG_W(stream) LOG_WARN_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "TabletId# " << Info->TabletID << (FollowerCookie ? "f " : " ") << stream)
#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "TabletId# " << Info->TabletID << (FollowerCookie ? "f " : " ") << stream)
#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "TabletId# " << Info->TabletID << (FollowerCookie ? "f " : " ") << stream)
#define BLOG_CRIT(stream) LOG_CRIT_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "TabletId# " << Info->TabletID << (FollowerCookie ? "f " : " ") << stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
- // TODO: handle input error condition with Panic notification
-class TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph> {
- struct TLogEntry {
- enum EStatus {
- StatusUnknown,
- StatusOk,
- StatusBody,
- // set by zero-entry tail definition
- StatusMustBePresent,
- StatusMustBeIgnored,
- StatusMustBeIgnoredBody,
- } Status;
+namespace NKikimr {
+ // TODO: handle input error condition with Panic notification
+class TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph> {
+ struct TLogEntry {
+ enum EStatus {
+ StatusUnknown,
+ StatusOk,
+ StatusBody,
+ // set by zero-entry tail definition
+ StatusMustBePresent,
+ StatusMustBeIgnored,
+ StatusMustBeIgnoredBody,
+ } Status;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> References;
TVector<ui32> DependsOn;
- bool IsSnapshot;
- bool IsTotalSnapshot;
+ bool IsSnapshot;
+ bool IsTotalSnapshot;
TString EmbeddedLogBody;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> GcDiscovered;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> GcLeft;
- void BecomeConfirmed() {
- switch (Status) {
- case StatusUnknown:
- Status = StatusMustBePresent;
- break;
- case StatusOk:
- break;
- case StatusBody:
- Status = StatusOk;
- break;
- case StatusMustBePresent:
- break;
- case StatusMustBeIgnored:
- Status = StatusMustBePresent;
- break;
- case StatusMustBeIgnoredBody:
- Status = StatusOk;
- break;
- default:
+ void BecomeConfirmed() {
+ switch (Status) {
+ case StatusUnknown:
+ Status = StatusMustBePresent;
+ break;
+ case StatusOk:
+ break;
+ case StatusBody:
+ Status = StatusOk;
+ break;
+ case StatusMustBePresent:
+ break;
+ case StatusMustBeIgnored:
+ Status = StatusMustBePresent;
+ break;
+ case StatusMustBeIgnoredBody:
+ Status = StatusOk;
+ break;
+ default:
- }
- }
- void BecomeDeclined() {
- switch (Status) {
- case StatusUnknown:
- Status = StatusMustBeIgnored;
- break;
- case StatusOk:
- case StatusBody:
- Status = StatusMustBeIgnoredBody;
- break;
- case StatusMustBePresent:
- Status = StatusMustBeIgnored;
- break;
- case StatusMustBeIgnored:
- case StatusMustBeIgnoredBody:
- break;
- default:
+ }
+ }
+ void BecomeDeclined() {
+ switch (Status) {
+ case StatusUnknown:
+ Status = StatusMustBeIgnored;
+ break;
+ case StatusOk:
+ case StatusBody:
+ Status = StatusMustBeIgnoredBody;
+ break;
+ case StatusMustBePresent:
+ Status = StatusMustBeIgnored;
+ break;
+ case StatusMustBeIgnored:
+ case StatusMustBeIgnoredBody:
+ break;
+ default:
- }
- }
- void UpdateReferences(const NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &x) {
+ }
+ }
+ void UpdateReferences(const NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &x) {
if (const ui32 referencesSz = (ui32)x.ReferencesSize()) {
- References.resize(referencesSz);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != referencesSz; ++i)
- References[i] = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x.GetReferences(i));
- }
- if (x.DependsOnSize())
- DependsOn.insert(DependsOn.begin(), x.GetDependsOn().begin(), x.GetDependsOn().end());
- if (x.HasIsTotalSnapshot())
- IsTotalSnapshot = x.GetIsTotalSnapshot();
- if (x.HasIsSnapshot())
- IsSnapshot = x.GetIsSnapshot();
- if (x.HasEmbeddedLogBody()) {
+ References.resize(referencesSz);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != referencesSz; ++i)
+ References[i] = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x.GetReferences(i));
+ }
+ if (x.DependsOnSize())
+ DependsOn.insert(DependsOn.begin(), x.GetDependsOn().begin(), x.GetDependsOn().end());
+ if (x.HasIsTotalSnapshot())
+ IsTotalSnapshot = x.GetIsTotalSnapshot();
+ if (x.HasIsSnapshot())
+ IsSnapshot = x.GetIsSnapshot();
+ if (x.HasEmbeddedLogBody()) {
Y_VERIFY(References.empty(), "must not mix embedded and referenced log bodies");
Y_VERIFY(IsSnapshot == false, "log snapshot could not be embedded");
- EmbeddedLogBody = x.GetEmbeddedLogBody();
- }
- if (const ui32 gcDiscoveredSize = x.GcDiscoveredSize()) {
- GcDiscovered.resize(gcDiscoveredSize);
- for (ui32 i= 0; i != gcDiscoveredSize; ++i)
- GcDiscovered[i] = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x.GetGcDiscovered(i));
- }
- if (const ui32 gcLeftSize = x.GcLeftSize()) {
- GcLeft.resize(gcLeftSize);
- for (ui32 i= 0; i != gcLeftSize; ++i)
- GcLeft[i] = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x.GetGcLeft(i));
- }
- switch (Status) {
- case StatusUnknown:
- Status = StatusBody;
- break;
- case StatusOk:
+ EmbeddedLogBody = x.GetEmbeddedLogBody();
+ }
+ if (const ui32 gcDiscoveredSize = x.GcDiscoveredSize()) {
+ GcDiscovered.resize(gcDiscoveredSize);
+ for (ui32 i= 0; i != gcDiscoveredSize; ++i)
+ GcDiscovered[i] = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x.GetGcDiscovered(i));
+ }
+ if (const ui32 gcLeftSize = x.GcLeftSize()) {
+ GcLeft.resize(gcLeftSize);
+ for (ui32 i= 0; i != gcLeftSize; ++i)
+ GcLeft[i] = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x.GetGcLeft(i));
+ }
+ switch (Status) {
+ case StatusUnknown:
+ Status = StatusBody;
+ break;
+ case StatusOk:
- break;
- case StatusBody:
- break;
- case StatusMustBePresent:
- Status = StatusOk;
- break;
- case StatusMustBeIgnored:
- Status = StatusMustBeIgnoredBody;
- break;
- case StatusMustBeIgnoredBody:
- break;
- default:
+ break;
+ case StatusBody:
+ break;
+ case StatusMustBePresent:
+ Status = StatusOk;
+ break;
+ case StatusMustBeIgnored:
+ Status = StatusMustBeIgnoredBody;
+ break;
+ case StatusMustBeIgnoredBody:
+ break;
+ default:
- }
- }
- TLogEntry()
- : Status(StatusUnknown)
- , IsSnapshot(false)
- , IsTotalSnapshot(false)
- {}
- };
- struct TGenerationEntry {
+ }
+ }
+ TLogEntry()
+ : Status(StatusUnknown)
+ , IsSnapshot(false)
+ , IsTotalSnapshot(false)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TGenerationEntry {
TVector<TLogEntry> Body;
std::pair<ui32, ui32> PrevGeneration; // gen : confirmed-state
- ui32 NextGeneration;
- ui32 Base;
- ui32 Cutoff;
- bool HasZeroEntry;
- NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry ZeroEntryContent;
- TGenerationEntry()
- : NextGeneration(0)
- , Base(1)
- , Cutoff(Max<ui32>())
- , HasZeroEntry(false)
- {}
- TLogEntry& Entry(ui32 step) {
+ ui32 NextGeneration;
+ ui32 Base;
+ ui32 Cutoff;
+ bool HasZeroEntry;
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry ZeroEntryContent;
+ TGenerationEntry()
+ : NextGeneration(0)
+ , Base(1)
+ , Cutoff(Max<ui32>())
+ , HasZeroEntry(false)
+ {}
+ TLogEntry& Entry(ui32 step) {
Y_VERIFY(step >= Base);
- const ui32 idx = step - Base;
+ const ui32 idx = step - Base;
Y_VERIFY(idx < Body.size());
- return Body[idx];
- }
- void Ensure(ui32 step) {
+ return Body[idx];
+ }
+ void Ensure(ui32 step) {
Y_VERIFY(step >= Base);
- const ui32 idx = step - Base;
- if (idx >= Body.size())
- Body.resize(idx + 1);
- }
- };
+ const ui32 idx = step - Base;
+ if (idx >= Body.size())
+ Body.resize(idx + 1);
+ }
+ };
const TActorId Owner;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
- const ui32 BlockedGen;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
+ const ui32 BlockedGen;
std::pair<ui32, ui32> LatestKnownStep;
std::pair<ui32, ui32> Snapshot;
std::pair<ui32, ui32> Confirmed;
TMap<ui32, TGenerationEntry> LogInfo;
TSet<TLogoBlobID> RefsToCheck;
- TMap<ui32, TVector<TLogoBlobID>> RefsToCheckByGroup;
+ TMap<ui32, TVector<TLogoBlobID>> RefsToCheckByGroup;
TSet<TLogoBlobID> RangesToDiscover;
- ui32 RequestsLeft;
+ ui32 RequestsLeft;
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue GroupReadBytes;
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue GroupReadOps;
THolder<NTracing::ITrace> IntrospectionTrace;
const ui64 FollowerCookie;
- TGenerationEntry& GenerationInfo(ui32 gen) {
- TGenerationEntry& x = LogInfo[gen];
+ TGenerationEntry& GenerationInfo(ui32 gen) {
+ TGenerationEntry& x = LogInfo[gen];
if (gen == Snapshot.first)
x.Base = Snapshot.second;
- return x;
- }
- void ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString &reason) {
+ return x;
+ }
+ void ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString &reason) {
Send(Owner, new TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult(status, IntrospectionTrace.Release(), reason), 0, FollowerCookie);
- PassAway();
- }
- void ProcessZeroEntry(ui32 gen, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &logEntry) {
- BLOG_D("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessZeroEntry - generation " << gen);
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void ProcessZeroEntry(ui32 gen, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &logEntry) {
+ BLOG_D("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessZeroEntry - generation " << gen);
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TOnProcessZeroEntry>(gen, Snapshot, Confirmed));
Y_VERIFY(logEntry.HasZeroConfirmed() && logEntry.HasZeroTailSz());
- TGenerationEntry &current = GenerationInfo(gen);
- current.HasZeroEntry = true;
- current.ZeroEntryContent.CopyFrom(logEntry);
- }
- bool RebuildGenSequenceByZeroEntries() {
- if (LogInfo.empty())
- return true;
- // not reverse iterators cuz of simpler erase logic
- auto it = LogInfo.end();
- --it;
- for (;;) {
- const ui32 gen = it->first;
- TGenerationEntry &current = it->second;
- if (!current.HasZeroEntry || gen == Snapshot.first) {
- break;
- }
- NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &zeroLogEntry = current.ZeroEntryContent;
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> confirmed = ExpandGenStepPair(zeroLogEntry.GetZeroConfirmed());
- const ui32 prevGeneration = confirmed.first;
- if (prevGeneration < Snapshot.first) {
- BLOG_CRIT("snapshot overrun in gen " << gen << " zero entry, declared prev gen " << prevGeneration << " while known snapshot is " << Snapshot.first << ":" << Snapshot.second);
- if (IntrospectionTrace)
+ TGenerationEntry &current = GenerationInfo(gen);
+ current.HasZeroEntry = true;
+ current.ZeroEntryContent.CopyFrom(logEntry);
+ }
+ bool RebuildGenSequenceByZeroEntries() {
+ if (LogInfo.empty())
+ return true;
+ // not reverse iterators cuz of simpler erase logic
+ auto it = LogInfo.end();
+ --it;
+ for (;;) {
+ const ui32 gen = it->first;
+ TGenerationEntry &current = it->second;
+ if (!current.HasZeroEntry || gen == Snapshot.first) {
+ break;
+ }
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &zeroLogEntry = current.ZeroEntryContent;
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> confirmed = ExpandGenStepPair(zeroLogEntry.GetZeroConfirmed());
+ const ui32 prevGeneration = confirmed.first;
+ if (prevGeneration < Snapshot.first) {
+ BLOG_CRIT("snapshot overrun in gen " << gen << " zero entry, declared prev gen " << prevGeneration << " while known snapshot is " << Snapshot.first << ":" << Snapshot.second);
+ if (IntrospectionTrace)
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TErrorRebuildGraph>(gen, 0));
- return false;
- }
- current.PrevGeneration = confirmed;
- TGenerationEntry &prev = GenerationInfo(prevGeneration);
- prev.NextGeneration = gen;
+ return false;
+ }
+ current.PrevGeneration = confirmed;
+ TGenerationEntry &prev = GenerationInfo(prevGeneration);
+ prev.NextGeneration = gen;
if (confirmed.first > 0)
- FillGenerationEntries(confirmed, prev, zeroLogEntry);
- // here we could erase intermediate entries but who cares as they would be skipped?
- it = LogInfo.find(prevGeneration);
- }
- // cleanup front entries
- LogInfo.erase(LogInfo.begin(), it);
- return true;
- }
+ FillGenerationEntries(confirmed, prev, zeroLogEntry);
+ // here we could erase intermediate entries but who cares as they would be skipped?
+ it = LogInfo.find(prevGeneration);
+ }
+ // cleanup front entries
+ LogInfo.erase(LogInfo.begin(), it);
+ return true;
+ }
void FillGenerationEntries(std::pair<ui32, ui32> &confirmed, TGenerationEntry &prev, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &logEntry) {
if (confirmed.first == Snapshot.first)
prev.Base = Snapshot.second;
- const ui32 tailsz = logEntry.GetZeroTailSz();
+ const ui32 tailsz = logEntry.GetZeroTailSz();
Y_VERIFY(logEntry.ZeroTailBitmaskSize() == ((tailsz + 63) / 64));
const ui32 gensz = confirmed.second + tailsz;
- prev.Ensure(gensz);
- prev.Cutoff = gensz; // last entry we interested in, later entries has no interest for us
- { // static part, mark as confirmed
- ui32 step = prev.Base;
+ prev.Ensure(gensz);
+ prev.Cutoff = gensz; // last entry we interested in, later entries has no interest for us
+ { // static part, mark as confirmed
+ ui32 step = prev.Base;
for (ui32 end = confirmed.second; step <= end; ++step) {
- TLogEntry &x = prev.Entry(step);
- x.BecomeConfirmed();
- }
- }
- { // tail part, mark accordingly to flags
- ui64 mask = 0;
- ui64 val = 0;
+ TLogEntry &x = prev.Entry(step);
+ x.BecomeConfirmed();
+ }
+ }
+ { // tail part, mark accordingly to flags
+ ui64 mask = 0;
+ ui64 val = 0;
ui32 step = confirmed.second + 1;
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < tailsz; ++i, mask <<= 1, ++step) {
- if (mask == 0) {
- mask = 1;
- val = logEntry.GetZeroTailBitmask(i / 64);
- }
- const bool ok = val & mask;
- if (step >= prev.Base) {
- TLogEntry &x = prev.Entry(step);
- if (ok)
- x.BecomeConfirmed();
- else
- x.BecomeDeclined();
- }
- }
- for (ui32 end = (ui32)(prev.Body.size() + prev.Base); step < end; ++step) {
- TLogEntry &x = prev.Entry(step);
- x.BecomeDeclined();
- }
- }
- }
- void ProcessLogEntry(const TLogoBlobID &id, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &logEntry) {
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < tailsz; ++i, mask <<= 1, ++step) {
+ if (mask == 0) {
+ mask = 1;
+ val = logEntry.GetZeroTailBitmask(i / 64);
+ }
+ const bool ok = val & mask;
+ if (step >= prev.Base) {
+ TLogEntry &x = prev.Entry(step);
+ if (ok)
+ x.BecomeConfirmed();
+ else
+ x.BecomeDeclined();
+ }
+ }
+ for (ui32 end = (ui32)(prev.Body.size() + prev.Base); step < end; ++step) {
+ TLogEntry &x = prev.Entry(step);
+ x.BecomeDeclined();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ProcessLogEntry(const TLogoBlobID &id, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &logEntry) {
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TOnProcessLogEntry>(id, Snapshot, Confirmed, logEntry));
Y_VERIFY(logEntry.HasSnapshot() && logEntry.HasConfirmed());
- LOG_DEBUG(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, [&](){
- TStringBuilder sb;
+ LOG_DEBUG(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, [&](){
+ TStringBuilder sb;
sb << "TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: " << id.TabletID() << ", id " << id
- << ", refs: [";
- for (auto&& t : logEntry.GetReferences())
- sb << LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(t).ToString() << ",";
- sb << "] for " << Info->TabletID;
+ << ", refs: [";
+ for (auto&& t : logEntry.GetReferences())
+ sb << LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(t).ToString() << ",";
+ sb << "] for " << Info->TabletID;
return (TString)sb;
- }());
- const ui32 step = id.Step();
- TGenerationEntry &gx = GenerationInfo(id.Generation());
- gx.Ensure(step);
+ }());
+ const ui32 step = id.Step();
+ TGenerationEntry &gx = GenerationInfo(id.Generation());
+ gx.Ensure(step);
// ignore synth log entries, they are for follower sync only
- if (id.Cookie() == 0) {
- gx.Entry(step).UpdateReferences(logEntry);
- }
- }
- void DiscoverRange(std::pair<ui32, ui32> from, std::pair<ui32, ui32> to, bool mustRestoreFirst) {
- const TTabletChannelInfo * const channel = Info->ChannelInfo(0);
- const ui64 tabletId = Info->TabletID;
- auto it = channel->History.begin();
- auto endIt = channel->History.end();
- do {
- const ui32 fromGen = it->FromGeneration;
- const ui32 group = it->GroupID;
- const bool last = (++it == endIt);
- const ui32 toGen = last ? Max<ui32>() : it->FromGeneration;
- if (toGen <= from.first)
- continue;
- if (fromGen > to.first)
- return;
- const bool lastGen = (to.first < toGen);
- const TLogoBlobID fromId(tabletId, from.first, from.second, 0, 0, 0);
- const TLogoBlobID toId(tabletId, lastGen ? to.first : toGen - 1, lastGen ? to.second : Max<ui32>(), 0, TLogoBlobID::MaxBlobSize, TLogoBlobID::MaxCookie);
- SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), group, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvRange(tabletId, fromId, toId, mustRestoreFirst, TInstant::Max(), false, BlockedGen));
- RangesToDiscover.insert(toId);
+ if (id.Cookie() == 0) {
+ gx.Entry(step).UpdateReferences(logEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ void DiscoverRange(std::pair<ui32, ui32> from, std::pair<ui32, ui32> to, bool mustRestoreFirst) {
+ const TTabletChannelInfo * const channel = Info->ChannelInfo(0);
+ const ui64 tabletId = Info->TabletID;
+ auto it = channel->History.begin();
+ auto endIt = channel->History.end();
+ do {
+ const ui32 fromGen = it->FromGeneration;
+ const ui32 group = it->GroupID;
+ const bool last = (++it == endIt);
+ const ui32 toGen = last ? Max<ui32>() : it->FromGeneration;
+ if (toGen <= from.first)
+ continue;
+ if (fromGen > to.first)
+ return;
+ const bool lastGen = (to.first < toGen);
+ const TLogoBlobID fromId(tabletId, from.first, from.second, 0, 0, 0);
+ const TLogoBlobID toId(tabletId, lastGen ? to.first : toGen - 1, lastGen ? to.second : Max<ui32>(), 0, TLogoBlobID::MaxBlobSize, TLogoBlobID::MaxCookie);
+ SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), group, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvRange(tabletId, fromId, toId, mustRestoreFirst, TInstant::Max(), false, BlockedGen));
+ RangesToDiscover.insert(toId);
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TOnDiscoverRangeRequest>(group, fromId, toId));
- if (lastGen)
- return;
- from = std::make_pair(toGen, 0);
- } while (it != endIt);
- }
- void ProcessKeyEntry(const TLogoBlobID &id, const TString &logBody) {
- NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry logEntry;
+ if (lastGen)
+ return;
+ from = std::make_pair(toGen, 0);
+ } while (it != endIt);
+ }
+ void ProcessKeyEntry(const TLogoBlobID &id, const TString &logBody) {
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry logEntry;
if (!logEntry.ParseFromString(logBody)) {
- BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessKeyEntry logBody ParseFromString error, id# " << id);
+ BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessKeyEntry logBody ParseFromString error, id# " << id);
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "Log entry parse failed");
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "Log entry parse failed");
LatestKnownStep = std::pair<ui32, ui32>(id.Generation(), id.Step());
- Snapshot = ExpandGenStepPair(logEntry.GetSnapshot());
- BLOG_D("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessKeyEntry, LastBlobID: " << id.ToString()
- << " Snap: " << Snapshot.first << ":" << Snapshot.second
- << " for " << Info->TabletID);
- const bool isZeroStep = id.Step() == 0;
- const bool isSynthEntry = id.Cookie() != 0;
- ui32 lastGen = 0;
- ui32 lastStep = 0;
- if (isZeroStep) {
+ Snapshot = ExpandGenStepPair(logEntry.GetSnapshot());
+ BLOG_D("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessKeyEntry, LastBlobID: " << id.ToString()
+ << " Snap: " << Snapshot.first << ":" << Snapshot.second
+ << " for " << Info->TabletID);
+ const bool isZeroStep = id.Step() == 0;
+ const bool isSynthEntry = id.Cookie() != 0;
+ ui32 lastGen = 0;
+ ui32 lastStep = 0;
+ if (isZeroStep) {
Confirmed = std::pair<ui32, ui32>(LatestKnownStep.first, 0);
- ProcessZeroEntry(id.Generation(), logEntry);
+ ProcessZeroEntry(id.Generation(), logEntry);
lastGen = LatestKnownStep.first;
lastStep = 0;
- } else {
+ } else {
Confirmed = std::pair<ui32, ui32>(LatestKnownStep.first, logEntry.GetConfirmed());
- ProcessLogEntry(id, logEntry);
- lastGen = LatestKnownStep.first;
- lastStep = isSynthEntry ? (LatestKnownStep.second) : (LatestKnownStep.second - 1);
- TGenerationEntry &gx = GenerationInfo(lastGen);
+ ProcessLogEntry(id, logEntry);
+ lastGen = LatestKnownStep.first;
+ lastStep = isSynthEntry ? (LatestKnownStep.second) : (LatestKnownStep.second - 1);
+ TGenerationEntry &gx = GenerationInfo(lastGen);
for (ui32 i = gx.Base, e = Confirmed.second; i <= e; ++i)
- gx.Entry(i).BecomeConfirmed();
- }
- // request snapshot to confirmed range
- if (Confirmed.first)
- DiscoverRange(Snapshot, Confirmed, false);
+ gx.Entry(i).BecomeConfirmed();
+ }
+ // request snapshot to confirmed range
+ if (Confirmed.first)
+ DiscoverRange(Snapshot, Confirmed, false);
if (FollowerCookie == 0) {
- if (lastGen != Confirmed.first || lastStep != Confirmed.second)
- DiscoverRange({ Confirmed.first, Confirmed.second + 1 }, { lastGen, lastStep }, true);
- }
- Become(&TThis::StateReadLog);
- }
- void ApplyDiscoveryRange(TEvBlobStorage::TEvRangeResult *msg) {
+ if (lastGen != Confirmed.first || lastStep != Confirmed.second)
+ DiscoverRange({ Confirmed.first, Confirmed.second + 1 }, { lastGen, lastStep }, true);
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StateReadLog);
+ }
+ void ApplyDiscoveryRange(TEvBlobStorage::TEvRangeResult *msg) {
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TOnApplyDiscoveryRange>(msg->GroupId, msg->From, msg->To));
for (TVector<TEvBlobStorage::TEvRangeResult::TResponse>::iterator it = msg->Responses.begin(), end = msg->Responses.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- const TLogoBlobID &id = it->Id;
+ const TLogoBlobID &id = it->Id;
GroupReadBytes[std::make_pair(id.Channel(), msg->GroupId)] += it->Buffer.size();
GroupReadOps[std::make_pair(id.Channel(), msg->GroupId)] += 1;
- NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry logEntry;
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry logEntry;
if (!logEntry.ParseFromString(it->Buffer)) {
- BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ApplyDiscoveryRange it->Buffer ParseFromString error, id# " << id);
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "Log entry parse failed");
+ BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ApplyDiscoveryRange it->Buffer ParseFromString error, id# " << id);
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "Log entry parse failed");
- const bool isZeroStep = (id.Step() == 0);
- if (isZeroStep) {
- ProcessZeroEntry(id.Generation(), logEntry);
- } else {
- ProcessLogEntry(id, logEntry);
- }
- }
- }
- void MakeHistory() {
- if (!RebuildGenSequenceByZeroEntries()) {
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "RebuildGenSequenceByZeroEntries failed");
- }
- ScanRefsToCheck();
+ const bool isZeroStep = (id.Step() == 0);
+ if (isZeroStep) {
+ ProcessZeroEntry(id.Generation(), logEntry);
+ } else {
+ ProcessLogEntry(id, logEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MakeHistory() {
+ if (!RebuildGenSequenceByZeroEntries()) {
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "RebuildGenSequenceByZeroEntries failed");
+ }
+ ScanRefsToCheck();
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
- if (RefsToCheckByGroup.empty())
- return BuildHistory();
- for (auto &xpair : RefsToCheckByGroup) {
- if (!SendRefsCheck(xpair.second, xpair.first)) {
- BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::MakeHistory SendRefsCheck A error");
+ if (RefsToCheckByGroup.empty())
+ return BuildHistory();
+ for (auto &xpair : RefsToCheckByGroup) {
+ if (!SendRefsCheck(xpair.second, xpair.first)) {
+ BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::MakeHistory SendRefsCheck A error");
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "SendRefsCheck failed");
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "SendRefsCheck failed");
- }
- RefsToCheckByGroup.clear();
- Become(&TThis::StateCheckReferences);
- }
- bool SendRefsCheck(const TVector<TLogoBlobID> &refs, ui32 group) {
- if (refs.empty())
- return true;
+ }
+ RefsToCheckByGroup.clear();
+ Become(&TThis::StateCheckReferences);
+ }
+ bool SendRefsCheck(const TVector<TLogoBlobID> &refs, ui32 group) {
+ if (refs.empty())
+ return true;
ui64 endIdx = refs.size();
ui64 firstRequestIdx = 0;
while(firstRequestIdx < endIdx) {
@@ -509,10 +509,10 @@ class TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqRebuil
for (ui64 i = firstRequestIdx; i != endIdx; ++i) {
ui64 size = refs[i].BlobSize();
Y_VERIFY(size != 0);
const ui64 replyDataSize = totalSize + size + NKikimr::BlobProtobufHeaderMaxSize;
- if (replyDataSize <= NKikimr::MaxProtobufSize) {
- totalSize += size + NKikimr::BlobProtobufHeaderMaxSize;
+ if (replyDataSize <= NKikimr::MaxProtobufSize) {
+ totalSize += size + NKikimr::BlobProtobufHeaderMaxSize;
} else {
endRequestIdx = i;
@@ -526,395 +526,395 @@ class TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqRebuil
for (ui64 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
q[i].Set(refs[i + firstRequestIdx] /*must be index read*/);
- SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), group, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvGet(q, (ui32)count, TInstant::Max(),
- NKikimrBlobStorage::EGetHandleClass::FastRead, true, true, BlockedGen));
+ SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), group, new TEvBlobStorage::TEvGet(q, (ui32)count, TInstant::Max(),
+ NKikimrBlobStorage::EGetHandleClass::FastRead, true, true, BlockedGen));
firstRequestIdx = endRequestIdx;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void ScanRefsToCheck() {
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void ScanRefsToCheck() {
if (LatestKnownStep.first != Confirmed.first)
- return;
+ return;
const ui32 tailGeneration = LatestKnownStep.first;
- TGenerationEntry *gx = LogInfo.FindPtr(tailGeneration);
- if (!gx)
- return;
- const ui64 tabletId = Info->TabletID;
- for (i64 pi = gx->Body.size() - 1; pi >= 0; --pi) {
- const ui32 step = gx->Base + (ui32)pi;
+ TGenerationEntry *gx = LogInfo.FindPtr(tailGeneration);
+ if (!gx)
+ return;
+ const ui64 tabletId = Info->TabletID;
+ for (i64 pi = gx->Body.size() - 1; pi >= 0; --pi) {
+ const ui32 step = gx->Base + (ui32)pi;
if (step <= Confirmed.second)
- break;
- TLogEntry &entry = gx->Entry(step);
- if (entry.Status == TLogEntry::StatusBody) {
- for (TLogoBlobID &ref : entry.References) {
- if (ref.TabletID() != tabletId)
- continue;
- const ui32 group = Info->GroupFor(ref.Channel(), ref.Generation());
- RefsToCheckByGroup[group].push_back(ref);
- RefsToCheck.insert(ref);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CheckReferences(TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult *msg) {
+ break;
+ TLogEntry &entry = gx->Entry(step);
+ if (entry.Status == TLogEntry::StatusBody) {
+ for (TLogoBlobID &ref : entry.References) {
+ if (ref.TabletID() != tabletId)
+ continue;
+ const ui32 group = Info->GroupFor(ref.Channel(), ref.Generation());
+ RefsToCheckByGroup[group].push_back(ref);
+ RefsToCheck.insert(ref);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void CheckReferences(TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult *msg) {
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(msg->Status == NKikimrProto::OK);
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = msg->ResponseSz; i != e; ++i) {
- const TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult::TResponse &response = msg->Responses[i];
- switch (response.Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = msg->ResponseSz; i != e; ++i) {
+ const TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult::TResponse &response = msg->Responses[i];
+ switch (response.Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
Y_VERIFY(1 == RefsToCheck.erase(response.Id));
GroupReadBytes[std::make_pair(response.Id.Channel(), msg->GroupId)] += response.Buffer.size();
GroupReadOps[std::make_pair(response.Id.Channel(), msg->GroupId)] += 1;
- break;
- case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
- BLOG_W("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::CheckReferences - NODATA for blob " << response.Id);
- break; // must left as unchecked
- default:
- BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::CheckReferences - blob " << response.Id
+ break;
+ case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
+ BLOG_W("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::CheckReferences - NODATA for blob " << response.Id);
+ break; // must left as unchecked
+ default:
+ BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::CheckReferences - blob " << response.Id
<< " Status# " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(response.Status));
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TErrorUnknownStatus>(response.Status, msg->ErrorReason));
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
- }
- }
- --RequestsLeft;
- if (RequestsLeft == 0)
- return BuildHistory();
- }
- void BuildHistory() {
- TAutoPtr<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph> graph(new TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph(Snapshot));
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
+ }
+ }
+ --RequestsLeft;
+ if (RequestsLeft == 0)
+ return BuildHistory();
+ }
+ void BuildHistory() {
+ TAutoPtr<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph> graph(new TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph(Snapshot));
std::pair<ui32, ui32> invalidLogEntry = std::make_pair(Max<ui32>(), Max<ui32>());
ui32 lastUnbrokenTailEntry = Confirmed.second;
for (TMap<ui32, TGenerationEntry>::iterator gen = LogInfo.begin(), egen = LogInfo.end();;) {
- const ui32 generation = gen->first;
- TGenerationEntry &gx = gen->second;
+ const ui32 generation = gen->first;
+ TGenerationEntry &gx = gen->second;
const bool isTailGeneration = LatestKnownStep.first == generation && Confirmed.first == generation;
- bool hasSnapshotInGeneration = (generation == 0);
- BLOG_D("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - Process generation " << generation
- << " from " << (ui32)gx.Base << " with " << gx.Body.size() << " steps");
+ bool hasSnapshotInGeneration = (generation == 0);
+ BLOG_D("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - Process generation " << generation
+ << " from " << (ui32)gx.Base << " with " << gx.Body.size() << " steps");
for (ui32 i = 0, e = (ui32)gx.Body.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- const ui32 step = gx.Base + i;
+ const ui32 step = gx.Base + i;
const bool isTail = isTailGeneration && step > Confirmed.second;
- ui32 generationSnapshotStep = 0;
- TLogEntry &entry = gx.Entry(step);
+ ui32 generationSnapshotStep = 0;
+ TLogEntry &entry = gx.Entry(step);
std::pair<ui32, ui32> id(generation, step);
- if (isTail) {
+ if (isTail) {
// Ignore unconfirmed commits on followers
if (FollowerCookie != 0) {
- switch (entry.Status) {
- case TLogEntry::StatusUnknown:
- break;
- case TLogEntry::StatusOk:
+ switch (entry.Status) {
+ case TLogEntry::StatusUnknown:
+ break;
+ case TLogEntry::StatusOk:
- case TLogEntry::StatusBody:
- {
- bool dependsOk = true;
+ case TLogEntry::StatusBody:
+ {
+ bool dependsOk = true;
for (TVector<ui32>::const_iterator it = entry.DependsOn.begin(), end = entry.DependsOn.end(); dependsOk && it != end; ++it) {
- const ui32 x = *it;
- Y_VERIFY(x < step, "depends on future step %" PRIu32 " from %" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32, x, generation, step);
- dependsOk = x < gx.Base || x <= Confirmed.second || gx.Entry(x).Status == TLogEntry::StatusOk || x <= generationSnapshotStep;
- }
- bool refsOk = true;
+ const ui32 x = *it;
+ Y_VERIFY(x < step, "depends on future step %" PRIu32 " from %" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32, x, generation, step);
+ dependsOk = x < gx.Base || x <= Confirmed.second || gx.Entry(x).Status == TLogEntry::StatusOk || x <= generationSnapshotStep;
+ }
+ bool refsOk = true;
for (TVector<TLogoBlobID>::const_iterator it = entry.References.begin(), end = entry.References.end(); refsOk && it != end; ++it) {
- const TLogoBlobID &x = *it;
+ const TLogoBlobID &x = *it;
refsOk = !RefsToCheck.contains(x);
- }
- const bool snapOk = entry.IsTotalSnapshot || (entry.IsSnapshot && (id.second == lastUnbrokenTailEntry + 1));
- const bool satisfied = refsOk && (snapOk || dependsOk);
- if (satisfied) {
- entry.Status = TLogEntry::StatusOk;
- LOG_DEBUG(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, [&](){
+ }
+ const bool snapOk = entry.IsTotalSnapshot || (entry.IsSnapshot && (id.second == lastUnbrokenTailEntry + 1));
+ const bool satisfied = refsOk && (snapOk || dependsOk);
+ if (satisfied) {
+ entry.Status = TLogEntry::StatusOk;
+ LOG_DEBUG(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, [&](){
TStringBuilder sb;
- sb << "TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - ";
+ sb << "TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - ";
sb << "References: [";
- for (auto&& t : entry.References)
- sb << t.ToString() << ",";
- sb << "] for " << Info->TabletID;
- if (entry.GcDiscovered) {
- sb << ", Gc+: [";
- for (auto&& t : entry.GcDiscovered)
- sb << t.ToString() << ",";
- sb << "]";
- }
- if (entry.GcLeft) {
- sb << ", Gc-: [";
- for (auto&& t : entry.GcLeft)
- sb << t.ToString() << ",";
- sb << "]";
- }
+ for (auto&& t : entry.References)
+ sb << t.ToString() << ",";
+ sb << "] for " << Info->TabletID;
+ if (entry.GcDiscovered) {
+ sb << ", Gc+: [";
+ for (auto&& t : entry.GcDiscovered)
+ sb << t.ToString() << ",";
+ sb << "]";
+ }
+ if (entry.GcLeft) {
+ sb << ", Gc-: [";
+ for (auto&& t : entry.GcLeft)
+ sb << t.ToString() << ",";
+ sb << "]";
+ }
return (TString) sb;
- if (entry.EmbeddedLogBody)
- graph->AddEntry(id, entry.EmbeddedLogBody, entry.GcDiscovered, entry.GcLeft);
- else
- graph->AddEntry(id, entry.References, entry.IsSnapshot, entry.GcDiscovered, entry.GcLeft);
+ if (entry.EmbeddedLogBody)
+ graph->AddEntry(id, entry.EmbeddedLogBody, entry.GcDiscovered, entry.GcLeft);
+ else
+ graph->AddEntry(id, entry.References, entry.IsSnapshot, entry.GcDiscovered, entry.GcLeft);
if (lastUnbrokenTailEntry + 1 == id.second)
lastUnbrokenTailEntry = id.second;
- if (entry.IsSnapshot) {
- generationSnapshotStep = step;
- hasSnapshotInGeneration = true;
- }
- } else {
- BLOG_D("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - miss " << id.first << ":" << id.second);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
+ if (entry.IsSnapshot) {
+ generationSnapshotStep = step;
+ hasSnapshotInGeneration = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ BLOG_D("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - miss " << id.first << ":" << id.second);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
- }
- } else {
- if (step <= gx.Cutoff) {
- switch (entry.Status) {
- case TLogEntry::StatusOk:
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (step <= gx.Cutoff) {
+ switch (entry.Status) {
+ case TLogEntry::StatusOk:
- LOG_DEBUG(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, [&](){
+ LOG_DEBUG(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, [&](){
TStringBuilder sb;
- sb << "TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - NOT A TAIL - ";
+ sb << "TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - NOT A TAIL - ";
sb << "References: [";
for (auto&& t : entry.References) {
sb << t.ToString();
sb << ",";
- sb << "] for " << Info->TabletID;
+ sb << "] for " << Info->TabletID;
return (TString) sb;
- if (entry.EmbeddedLogBody)
- graph->AddEntry(id, entry.EmbeddedLogBody, entry.GcDiscovered, entry.GcLeft);
- else
- graph->AddEntry(id, entry.References, entry.IsSnapshot, entry.GcDiscovered, entry.GcLeft);
- hasSnapshotInGeneration |= entry.IsSnapshot;
- break;
- case TLogEntry::StatusMustBeIgnored:
- case TLogEntry::StatusMustBeIgnoredBody:
- break;
- default:
- graph->Invalidate();
- invalidLogEntry = id;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!hasSnapshotInGeneration && !gx.HasZeroEntry) {
- graph->Invalidate();
- if (invalidLogEntry.first < generation)
+ if (entry.EmbeddedLogBody)
+ graph->AddEntry(id, entry.EmbeddedLogBody, entry.GcDiscovered, entry.GcLeft);
+ else
+ graph->AddEntry(id, entry.References, entry.IsSnapshot, entry.GcDiscovered, entry.GcLeft);
+ hasSnapshotInGeneration |= entry.IsSnapshot;
+ break;
+ case TLogEntry::StatusMustBeIgnored:
+ case TLogEntry::StatusMustBeIgnoredBody:
+ break;
+ default:
+ graph->Invalidate();
+ invalidLogEntry = id;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hasSnapshotInGeneration && !gx.HasZeroEntry) {
+ graph->Invalidate();
+ if (invalidLogEntry.first < generation)
invalidLogEntry = std::make_pair(generation, 0);
- }
- if (gx.NextGeneration == 0) {
- ++gen;
- if (gen == egen)
- break;
- graph->Invalidate();
+ }
+ if (gx.NextGeneration == 0) {
+ ++gen;
+ if (gen == egen)
+ break;
+ graph->Invalidate();
invalidLogEntry = std::make_pair(generation, Max<ui32>());
- } else {
- gen = LogInfo.find(gx.NextGeneration);
+ } else {
+ gen = LogInfo.find(gx.NextGeneration);
Y_VERIFY(gen != egen);
- }
- }
- if (!graph->IsValid()) {
- LOG_ALERT(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, [&]() {
- TStringBuilder sb;
- sb << "TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - Graph rebuild error - no Log entry for ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!graph->IsValid()) {
+ LOG_ALERT(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, [&]() {
+ TStringBuilder sb;
+ sb << "TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - Graph rebuild error - no Log entry for ";
sb << Info->TabletID << ":" << invalidLogEntry.first << ":" << invalidLogEntry.second;
return (TString)sb;
- }());
+ }());
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TErrorRebuildGraph>(invalidLogEntry.first, invalidLogEntry.second));
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "Graph has missing log entries");
- }
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "Graph has missing log entries");
+ }
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
- Send(Owner, new TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult(
- graph.Release(),
- std::move(GroupReadBytes),
- std::move(GroupReadOps),
- IntrospectionTrace.Release()),
+ Send(Owner, new TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult(
+ graph.Release(),
+ std::move(GroupReadBytes),
+ std::move(GroupReadOps),
+ IntrospectionTrace.Release()),
0, FollowerCookie);
- PassAway();
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr&) {
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "BlobStorage proxy unavailable");
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr&) {
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "BlobStorage proxy unavailable");
- void Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult *msg = ev->Get();
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ void Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
if (FollowerCookie == 0 && msg->Latest.Generation() > BlockedGen) {
- BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph - Found entry beyond blocked generation"
+ BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph - Found entry beyond blocked generation"
<< " LastBlobID: " << msg->Latest.ToString() << ". Blocked: " << BlockedGen);
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TErrorEntryBeyondBlocked>(msg->Latest, BlockedGen));
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "Found entry beyond blocked generation");
- }
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "Found entry beyond blocked generation");
+ }
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
- return ProcessKeyEntry(msg->Latest, msg->Buffer);
+ return ProcessKeyEntry(msg->Latest, msg->Buffer);
case NKikimrProto::RACE:
- case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
- return ReplyAndDie(msg->Status, msg->ErrorReason); // valid condition, nothing known in blob-storage
- default:
- BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::Handle TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult"
+ case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
+ return ReplyAndDie(msg->Status, msg->ErrorReason); // valid condition, nothing known in blob-storage
+ default:
+ BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::Handle TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult"
<< " Status# " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TErrorUnknownStatus>(msg->Status, msg->ErrorReason));
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvRangeResult::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvBlobStorage::TEvRangeResult *msg = ev->Get();
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- ApplyDiscoveryRange(msg);
- break;
- case NKikimrProto::RACE:
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::RACE, msg->ErrorReason);
- default:
- BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::HandleDiscover TEvRangeResult"
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvRangeResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvBlobStorage::TEvRangeResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ ApplyDiscoveryRange(msg);
+ break;
+ case NKikimrProto::RACE:
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::RACE, msg->ErrorReason);
+ default:
+ BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::HandleDiscover TEvRangeResult"
<< " Status# " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status)
<< " Result# " << msg->Print(false));
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TErrorUnknownStatus>(msg->Status, msg->ErrorReason));
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
- }
- if (!RangesToDiscover.empty())
- return;
- MakeHistory();
- }
- void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult *msg = ev->Get();
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- return CheckReferences(msg);
- case NKikimrProto::RACE:
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::RACE, msg->ErrorReason);
- default:
- BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::Handle TEvGetResult"
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
+ }
+ if (!RangesToDiscover.empty())
+ return;
+ MakeHistory();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ return CheckReferences(msg);
+ case NKikimrProto::RACE:
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::RACE, msg->ErrorReason);
+ default:
+ BLOG_ERROR("TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::Handle TEvGetResult"
<< " Status# " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status)
<< " Result# " << msg->Print(false));
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TErrorUnknownStatus>(msg->Status, msg->ErrorReason));
- return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
- }
- }
+ return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason);
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_REQ_REBUILD_GRAPH;
TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph(const TActorId &owner, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 blockedGen, NTracing::ITrace *trace, ui64 followerCookie)
- : Owner(owner)
- , Info(info)
- , BlockedGen(blockedGen)
- , RequestsLeft(0)
+ : Owner(owner)
+ , Info(info)
+ , BlockedGen(blockedGen)
+ , RequestsLeft(0)
, IntrospectionTrace(trace)
, FollowerCookie(followerCookie)
- void Bootstrap() {
+ void Bootstrap() {
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
if (FollowerCookie == 0)
- Register(CreateTabletFindLastEntry(SelfId(), true, Info.Get(), BlockedGen));
- else
- Register(CreateTabletFindLastEntry(SelfId(), true, Info.Get(), 0));
- Become(&TThis::StateWaitLatestEntry);
- }
- STATEFN(StateWaitLatestEntry) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateReadLog) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvRangeResult, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateCheckReferences) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
- }
- }
+ Register(CreateTabletFindLastEntry(SelfId(), true, Info.Get(), BlockedGen));
+ else
+ Register(CreateTabletFindLastEntry(SelfId(), true, Info.Get(), 0));
+ Become(&TThis::StateWaitLatestEntry);
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateWaitLatestEntry) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateReadLog) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvRangeResult, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateCheckReferences) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, PassAway);
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph(const TActorId &owner, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 blockedGen, NTracing::ITrace *trace, ui64 followerCookie) {
return new TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph(owner, info, blockedGen, trace, followerCookie);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_reset.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_reset.cpp
index c57f95b806..b73c68c120 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_reset.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_reset.cpp
@@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ class TTabletReqReset : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqReset> {
void BlockBlobStorage(const TActorContext& ctx) {
- ctx.Register(CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(ctx.SelfID, TabletStorageInfo.Get(), Generation, false));
+ ctx.Register(CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(ctx.SelfID, TabletStorageInfo.Get(), Generation, false));
void Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
if (ev->Get()->Status == NKikimrProto::RACE) {
- ctx.Register(CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(ctx.SelfID, TabletStorageInfo.Get(), Generation, false));
+ ctx.Register(CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(ctx.SelfID, TabletStorageInfo.Get(), Generation, false));
if (ev->Get()->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
return ReplyAndDie(ev->Get()->Status, ctx);
- TTablet::ExternalWriteZeroEntry(TabletStorageInfo.Get(), Generation + 1, SelfId());
+ TTablet::ExternalWriteZeroEntry(TabletStorageInfo.Get(), Generation + 1, SelfId());
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_writelog.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_writelog.cpp
index def4adf504..7c4d02c405 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_writelog.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_writelog.cpp
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-#include "tablet_impl.h"
+#include "tablet_impl.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/blobstorage.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_metrics.h>
#include <util/random/random.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TTabletReqWriteLog : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqWriteLog> {
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TTabletReqWriteLog : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqWriteLog> {
const TActorId Owner;
- const TLogoBlobID LogEntryID;
- TAutoPtr<NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry> LogEntry;
+ const TLogoBlobID LogEntryID;
+ TAutoPtr<NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry> LogEntry;
TVector<TEvTablet::TLogEntryReference> References;
- const TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic CommitTactic;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
+ const TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic CommitTactic;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue GroupWrittenBytes;
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue GroupWrittenOps;
ui64 RequestCookies = 0;
ui64 ResponseCookies = 0;
- ui32 RepliesToWait;
+ ui32 RepliesToWait;
TVector<ui32> YellowMoveChannels;
TVector<ui32> YellowStopChannels;
void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr&, const TActorContext &ctx) {
return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, "BlobStorage proxy unavailable", ctx);
- void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvPutResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvBlobStorage::TEvPutResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvPutResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvBlobStorage::TEvPutResult *msg = ev->Get();
if (msg->StatusFlags.Check(NKikimrBlobStorage::StatusDiskSpaceLightYellowMove)) {
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ class TTabletReqWriteLog : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqWriteLog> {
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "Put Result: " << msg->Print(false));
GroupWrittenBytes[std::make_pair(msg->Id.Channel(), msg->GroupId)] += msg->Id.BlobSize();
@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ class TTabletReqWriteLog : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqWriteLog> {
return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::OK, { }, ctx);
- return;
- case NKikimrProto::RACE: // TODO: must be handled with retry
- case NKikimrProto::BLOCKED:
+ return;
+ case NKikimrProto::RACE: // TODO: must be handled with retry
+ case NKikimrProto::BLOCKED:
return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::BLOCKED, msg->ErrorReason, ctx);
- default:
+ default:
return ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::ERROR, msg->ErrorReason, ctx);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void ReplyAndDie(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, const TString &reason, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (YellowMoveChannels) {
@@ -82,74 +82,74 @@ class TTabletReqWriteLog : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletReqWriteLog> {
- Die(ctx);
- }
+ Die(ctx);
+ }
void SendToBS(const TLogoBlobID &id, const TString &buffer, const TActorContext &ctx,
const NKikimrBlobStorage::EPutHandleClass handleClass) {
Y_VERIFY(id.TabletID() == Info->TabletID);
- const TTabletChannelInfo *channelInfo = Info->ChannelInfo(id.Channel());
+ const TTabletChannelInfo *channelInfo = Info->ChannelInfo(id.Channel());
- const TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry *x = channelInfo->LatestEntry();
+ const TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry *x = channelInfo->LatestEntry();
Y_VERIFY(x->FromGeneration <= id.Generation());
ui64 cookie = RandomNumber<ui64>();
RequestCookies ^= cookie;
SendPutToGroup(ctx, x->GroupID, Info.Get(), MakeHolder<TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut>(id, buffer, TInstant::Max(), handleClass, CommitTactic), cookie);
- }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_REQ_WRITE_LOG;
TTabletReqWriteLog(const TActorId &owner, const TLogoBlobID &logid, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry *entry, TVector<TEvTablet::TLogEntryReference> &refs, TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic commitTactic, TTabletStorageInfo *info)
- : Owner(owner)
- , LogEntryID(logid)
- , LogEntry(entry)
- , CommitTactic(commitTactic)
- , Info(info)
- , RepliesToWait(Max<ui32>())
- {
- References.swap(refs);
+ : Owner(owner)
+ , LogEntryID(logid)
+ , LogEntry(entry)
+ , CommitTactic(commitTactic)
+ , Info(info)
+ , RepliesToWait(Max<ui32>())
+ {
+ References.swap(refs);
- }
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ }
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
TString logEntryBuffer = LogEntry->SerializeAsString();
- // todo: adaptive save-with-retry and timeouts
- // todo: cancelation
- const auto handleClass = NKikimrBlobStorage::TabletLog;
- for (const auto &ref : References)
- SendToBS(ref.Id, ref.Buffer, ctx, handleClass);
- const TLogoBlobID actualLogEntryId = TLogoBlobID(
- LogEntryID.TabletID(),
- LogEntryID.Generation(),
- LogEntryID.Step(),
- LogEntryID.Channel(),
+ // todo: adaptive save-with-retry and timeouts
+ // todo: cancelation
+ const auto handleClass = NKikimrBlobStorage::TabletLog;
+ for (const auto &ref : References)
+ SendToBS(ref.Id, ref.Buffer, ctx, handleClass);
+ const TLogoBlobID actualLogEntryId = TLogoBlobID(
+ LogEntryID.TabletID(),
+ LogEntryID.Generation(),
+ LogEntryID.Step(),
+ LogEntryID.Channel(),
- LogEntryID.Cookie()
- );
+ LogEntryID.Cookie()
+ );
SendToBS(actualLogEntryId, logEntryBuffer, ctx, NKikimrBlobStorage::TabletLog);
- RepliesToWait = References.size() + 1;
- Become(&TThis::StateWait);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWait) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvPutResult, Handle);
+ RepliesToWait = References.size() + 1;
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWait) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvPutResult, Handle);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateTabletReqWriteLog(const TActorId &owner, const TLogoBlobID &entryId, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry *entry, TVector<TEvTablet::TLogEntryReference> &refs, TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic commitTactic, TTabletStorageInfo *info) {
- return new TTabletReqWriteLog(owner, entryId, entry, refs, commitTactic, info);
+ return new TTabletReqWriteLog(owner, entryId, entry, refs, commitTactic, info);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_resolver.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_resolver.cpp
index b206261fe0..c0a39a2216 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_resolver.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_resolver.cpp
@@ -12,70 +12,70 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/interconnect/interconnect.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/cache.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
-#include <util/generic/deque.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-const TDuration TabletResolverNegativeCacheTimeout = TDuration::MilliSeconds(300);
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+const TDuration TabletResolverNegativeCacheTimeout = TDuration::MilliSeconds(300);
const TDuration TabletResolverRefreshNodesPeriod = TDuration::Seconds(60);
-class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
- struct TEvPrivate {
- enum EEv {
- EvPingTimeout = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- EvStopListRemoval,
+class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
+ struct TEvPrivate {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvPingTimeout = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
+ EvStopListRemoval,
- EvEnd
- };
- struct TEvPingTimeout : public TEventLocal<TEvPingTimeout, EvPingTimeout> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- TSchedulerCookieHolder Cookie;
- TEvPingTimeout(ui64 tabletId, ISchedulerCookie *cookie)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- , Cookie(cookie)
- {}
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ struct TEvPingTimeout : public TEventLocal<TEvPingTimeout, EvPingTimeout> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ TSchedulerCookieHolder Cookie;
+ TEvPingTimeout(ui64 tabletId, ISchedulerCookie *cookie)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ , Cookie(cookie)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
str << "{EvPingTimeout TabletID: " << TabletID;
if (Cookie.Get()) {
str << " Cookie: present";
- }
- else {
+ }
+ else {
str << " Cookie: nullptr";
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvStopListRemoval : public TEventLocal<TEvStopListRemoval, EvStopListRemoval> {
- const ui64 TabletID;
- TEvStopListRemoval(ui64 tabletId)
- : TabletID(tabletId)
- {}
- };
+ };
+ struct TEvStopListRemoval : public TEventLocal<TEvStopListRemoval, EvStopListRemoval> {
+ const ui64 TabletID;
+ TEvStopListRemoval(ui64 tabletId)
+ : TabletID(tabletId)
+ {}
+ };
struct TEvRefreshNodes : public TEventLocal<TEvRefreshNodes, EvRefreshNodes> {
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE)");
- };
- struct TEntry {
- enum EState {
- StInit,
- StInitResolve,
- StNormal,
- StProblemResolve,
- StProblemPing,
+ };
+ struct TEntry {
+ enum EState {
+ StInit,
+ StInitResolve,
+ StNormal,
+ StProblemResolve,
+ StProblemPing,
- };
+ };
static const char* StateToString(EState state) {
switch (state) {
case StInit: return "StInit";
@@ -89,36 +89,36 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
struct TQueueEntry {
- TInstant AddInstant;
- TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TPtr Ev;
- TQueueEntry(TInstant instant, TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TPtr &ev)
- : AddInstant(instant)
- , Ev(ev)
- {}
- };
+ TInstant AddInstant;
+ TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TPtr Ev;
+ TQueueEntry(TInstant instant, TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TPtr &ev)
+ : AddInstant(instant)
+ , Ev(ev)
+ {}
+ };
typedef TOneOneQueueInplace<TQueueEntry *, 64> TQueueType;
EState State = StInit;
TAutoPtr<TQueueType, TQueueType::TPtrCleanDestructor> Queue;
TActorId KnownLeader;
TActorId KnownLeaderTablet;
- TInstant LastResolved;
- TInstant LastPing;
- TSchedulerCookieHolder Cookie;
+ TInstant LastResolved;
+ TInstant LastPing;
+ TSchedulerCookieHolder Cookie;
TVector<std::pair<TActorId, TActorId>> KnownFollowers;
ui64 CacheEpoch = 0;
ui64 LastCheckEpoch = 0;
TEntry() {}
- };
+ };
struct TResolveInfo {
TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TResolveFlags ResFlags;
@@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
typedef NCache::TUnboundedCacheOnMap<ui64, TAutoPtr<TEntry>> TUnresolvedTablets;
typedef NCache::T2QCache<ui64, TAutoPtr<TEntry>> TResolvedTablets;
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletResolverConfig> Config;
TActorSystem* ActorSystem;
TUnresolvedTablets UnresolvedTablets;
TResolvedTablets ResolvedTablets;
- THashSet<ui64> TabletsOnStopList;
+ THashSet<ui64> TabletsOnStopList;
THashMap<ui32, TString> NodeToDcMapping;
THashMap<ui32, ui64> NodeProblems;
ui64 LastNodeProblemsUpdateEpoch = 0;
@@ -183,33 +183,33 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr SelectedNone;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr InFlyResolveCounter;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr InFlyResolveCounter;
std::optional<TString> FindNodeDc(ui32 nodeId) const {
- auto it = NodeToDcMapping.find(nodeId);
+ auto it = NodeToDcMapping.find(nodeId);
return it != NodeToDcMapping.end() ? std::make_optional(it->second) : std::nullopt;
- }
- void ResolveRequest(ui64 tabletId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ }
+ void ResolveRequest(ui64 tabletId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const TActorId ssproxy = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(tabletId));
- ctx.Send(ssproxy, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup(tabletId, 0), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery, tabletId);
- InFlyResolveCounter->Inc();
- }
- bool PushQueue(TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TPtr &ev, TEntry &entry, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (!entry.Queue)
+ ctx.Send(ssproxy, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup(tabletId, 0), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery, tabletId);
+ InFlyResolveCounter->Inc();
+ }
+ bool PushQueue(TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TPtr &ev, TEntry &entry, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (!entry.Queue)
entry.Queue.Reset(new TEntry::TQueueType());
- entry.Queue->Push(new TEntry::TQueueEntry(ctx.Now(), ev));
- return true;
- }
+ entry.Queue->Push(new TEntry::TQueueEntry(ctx.Now(), ev));
+ return true;
+ }
std::pair<TActorId, TActorId> SelectForward(const TActorContext& ctx, const TEntry& entry, TResolveInfo& info, ui64 tabletId)
- const ui32 selfNode = ctx.SelfID.NodeId();
+ const ui32 selfNode = ctx.SelfID.NodeId();
const std::optional<TString> selfDc = FindNodeDc(selfNode);
const std::optional<TString> leaderDc = FindNodeDc(entry.KnownLeader.NodeId());
struct TCandidate {
TActorId KnownLeader;
TActorId KnownLeaderTablet;
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
addCandidate(prio, TCandidate{ entry.KnownLeader, entry.KnownLeaderTablet, isLocal, isLocalDc, true });
- }
+ }
if (info.ResFlags.AllowFollower()) {
for (const auto &x : entry.KnownFollowers) {
bool isLocal = (x.first.NodeId() == selfNode);
@@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
addCandidate(prio, TCandidate{ x.first, x.second, isLocal, isLocalDc, false });
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
auto dcName = [](const std::optional<TString>& x) { return x ? x->data() : "<none>"; };
if (!winners.empty()) {
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
info.NumLocal, info.NumLocalDc, info.NumOtherDc, disallowed,
tabletId, entry.KnownFollowers.size(), countLeader, info.ResFlags.AllowFollower(),
if (winner.IsLeader) {
if (winner.IsLocal)
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
return std::make_pair(winner.KnownLeader, winner.KnownLeaderTablet);
- }
+ }
"No candidates for SelectForward, node %" PRIu32 " selfDC %s leaderDC %s %s"
" local %" PRIu32 " localDc %" PRIu32 " other %" PRIu32 " disallowed %" PRIu32,
@@ -304,72 +304,72 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
return std::make_pair(TActorId(), TActorId());
- }
+ }
bool SendForward(const TActorId &sender, const TEntry &entry, TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward *msg,
const TActorContext &ctx, bool * needFollowerUpdate = nullptr) {
TResolveInfo info(*msg, ctx.Now() - entry.LastResolved, needFollowerUpdate); // fills needFollowerUpdate in dtor
const std::pair<TActorId, TActorId> endpoint = SelectForward(ctx, entry, info, msg->TabletID);
- if (endpoint.first) {
+ if (endpoint.first) {
ctx.Send(sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult(msg->TabletID, endpoint.second, endpoint.first, LastCacheEpoch));
- if (!!msg->Ev)
+ if (!!msg->Ev)
ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(msg->Ev->Forward(msg->SelectActor(endpoint.second, endpoint.first)));
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- void SendQueued(ui64 tabletId, TEntry &entry, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void SendQueued(ui64 tabletId, TEntry &entry, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (TEntry::TQueueType *queue = entry.Queue.Get()) {
- for (TAutoPtr<TEntry::TQueueEntry> x = queue->Pop(); !!x; x.Reset(queue->Pop())) {
- TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward *msg = x->Ev->Get();
- if (!SendForward(x->Ev->Sender, entry, msg, ctx))
- ctx.Send(x->Ev->Sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::ERROR, tabletId));
- }
- entry.Queue.Destroy();
- }
- }
- void SendPing(ui64 tabletId, TEntry &entry, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ for (TAutoPtr<TEntry::TQueueEntry> x = queue->Pop(); !!x; x.Reset(queue->Pop())) {
+ TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward *msg = x->Ev->Get();
+ if (!SendForward(x->Ev->Sender, entry, msg, ctx))
+ ctx.Send(x->Ev->Sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::ERROR, tabletId));
+ }
+ entry.Queue.Destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ void SendPing(ui64 tabletId, TEntry &entry, const TActorContext &ctx) {
ctx.Send(entry.KnownLeader, new TEvTablet::TEvPing(tabletId, 0), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery, tabletId); // no subscribe for reason
- entry.Cookie.Reset(ISchedulerCookie::Make3Way());
- const TDuration timeout = TDuration::MilliSeconds(500);
- ctx.Schedule(timeout, new TEvPrivate::TEvPingTimeout(tabletId, entry.Cookie.Get()), entry.Cookie.Get());
- }
+ entry.Cookie.Reset(ISchedulerCookie::Make3Way());
+ const TDuration timeout = TDuration::MilliSeconds(500);
+ ctx.Schedule(timeout, new TEvPrivate::TEvPingTimeout(tabletId, entry.Cookie.Get()), entry.Cookie.Get());
+ }
void ApplyEntryInfo(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo& msg, TEntry &entry, const TActorContext &ctx) {
entry.KnownLeader = msg.CurrentLeader;
entry.KnownLeaderTablet = msg.CurrentLeaderTablet;
- entry.LastResolved = ctx.Now();
+ entry.LastResolved = ctx.Now();
entry.KnownFollowers = std::move(msg.Followers);
entry.CacheEpoch = ++LastCacheEpoch;
"ApplyEntry leader tabletId: %" PRIu64 " followers: %" PRIu64,
msg.TabletID, entry.KnownFollowers.size());
- SendQueued(msg.TabletID, entry, ctx);
- }
+ SendQueued(msg.TabletID, entry, ctx);
+ }
void DropEntry(ui64 tabletId, TEntry& entry, const TActorContext &ctx) {
"DropEntry tabletId: %" PRIu64 " followers: %" PRIu64,
tabletId, entry.KnownFollowers.size());
if (TEntry::TQueueType *queue = entry.Queue.Get()) {
- for (TAutoPtr<TEntry::TQueueEntry> x = queue->Pop(); !!x; x.Reset(queue->Pop())) {
- ctx.Send(x->Ev->Sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::ERROR, tabletId));
- }
- }
+ for (TAutoPtr<TEntry::TQueueEntry> x = queue->Pop(); !!x; x.Reset(queue->Pop())) {
+ ctx.Send(x->Ev->Sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::ERROR, tabletId));
+ }
+ }
- if (TabletResolverNegativeCacheTimeout) {
- if (TabletsOnStopList.emplace(tabletId).second)
- Schedule(TabletResolverNegativeCacheTimeout, new TEvPrivate::TEvStopListRemoval(tabletId));
- }
- }
+ if (TabletResolverNegativeCacheTimeout) {
+ if (TabletsOnStopList.emplace(tabletId).second)
+ Schedule(TabletResolverNegativeCacheTimeout, new TEvPrivate::TEvStopListRemoval(tabletId));
+ }
+ }
TAutoPtr<TEntry>& GetEntry(ui64 tabletId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TAutoPtr<TEntry>* entryPtr;
if (!ResolvedTablets.Find(tabletId, entryPtr)) {
@@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
void MoveEntryToResolved(ui64 tabletId, TAutoPtr<TEntry>& entry) {
TAutoPtr<TEntry>* resolvedEntryPtr;
- Y_VERIFY(ResolvedTablets.Insert(tabletId, entry, resolvedEntryPtr));
- Y_VERIFY(UnresolvedTablets.Erase(tabletId));
+ Y_VERIFY(ResolvedTablets.Insert(tabletId, entry, resolvedEntryPtr));
+ Y_VERIFY(UnresolvedTablets.Erase(tabletId));
void MoveEntryToUnresolved(ui64 tabletId, TAutoPtr<TEntry>& entry) {
@@ -461,16 +461,16 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
- void Handle(TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
- // allow some requests to bypass negative caching in low-load case
- if (InFlyResolveCounter->Val() > 20 && TabletsOnStopList.contains(tabletId)) {
- Send(ev->Sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::ERROR, tabletId));
- return;
- }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
+ // allow some requests to bypass negative caching in low-load case
+ if (InFlyResolveCounter->Val() > 20 && TabletsOnStopList.contains(tabletId)) {
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::ERROR, tabletId));
+ return;
+ }
CheckDelayedNodeProblem(tabletId, ctx);
TAutoPtr<TEntry> &entryHolder = GetEntry(tabletId, ctx);
@@ -480,95 +480,95 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
"Handle TEvForward tabletId: %" PRIu64 " entry.State: %s ev: %s",
tabletId, TEntry::StateToString(entry.State), msg->ToString().data());
- switch (entry.State) {
- case TEntry::StInit:
- {
- PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
- ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
- entry.State = TEntry::StInitResolve;
- }
- break;
- case TEntry::StInitResolve:
- PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
- break;
+ switch (entry.State) {
+ case TEntry::StInit:
+ {
+ PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
+ ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
+ entry.State = TEntry::StInitResolve;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TEntry::StInitResolve:
+ PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
+ break;
case TEntry::StNormal: {
bool needFollowerUpdate = false;
if (!SendForward(ev->Sender, entry, msg, ctx, &needFollowerUpdate)) {
- PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
- ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
+ PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
+ ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
entry.State = TEntry::StFollowerUpdate;
if (needFollowerUpdate) {
- ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
+ ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
entry.State = TEntry::StFollowerUpdate;
- }
- break;
+ }
+ break;
- case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
- case TEntry::StProblemPing:
- PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
- break;
+ case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
+ case TEntry::StProblemPing:
+ PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
+ break;
case TEntry::StFollowerUpdate:
- if (!SendForward(ev->Sender, entry, msg, ctx))
- PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
- break;
- default:
+ if (!SendForward(ev->Sender, entry, msg, ctx))
+ PushQueue(ev, entry, ctx);
+ break;
+ default:
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
TAutoPtr<TEntry>* entryHolder = FindEntry(tabletId);
if (!entryHolder) {
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_RESOLVER, "Handle TEvTabletProblem tabletId: %" PRIu64
" no entyHolder", tabletId);
- return;
+ return;
TEntry &entry = *entryHolder->Get();
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_RESOLVER, "Handle TEvTabletProblem tabletId: %" PRIu64
" entry.State: %s", tabletId, TEntry::StateToString(entry.State));
- switch (entry.State) {
- case TEntry::StInit:
- case TEntry::StInitResolve:
- break;
- case TEntry::StNormal:
+ switch (entry.State) {
+ case TEntry::StInit:
+ case TEntry::StInitResolve:
+ break;
+ case TEntry::StNormal:
if (!msg->TabletActor || entry.KnownLeaderTablet == msg->TabletActor) {
- ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
- entry.State = TEntry::StProblemResolve;
+ ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
+ entry.State = TEntry::StProblemResolve;
MoveEntryToUnresolved(tabletId, *entryHolder);
- } else {
+ } else {
// find in follower list
for (auto it = entry.KnownFollowers.begin(), end = entry.KnownFollowers.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- if (it->second == msg->TabletActor) {
+ if (it->second == msg->TabletActor) {
- ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
+ ResolveRequest(tabletId, ctx);
entry.State = TEntry::StFollowerUpdate;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
- case TEntry::StProblemPing:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
+ case TEntry::StProblemPing:
case TEntry::StFollowerUpdate:
for (auto it = entry.KnownFollowers.begin(), end = entry.KnownFollowers.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- if (it->second == msg->TabletActor) {
+ if (it->second == msg->TabletActor) {
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void Handle(TEvTabletResolver::TEvNodeProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TEvTabletResolver::TEvNodeProblem *msg = ev->Get();
const ui32 nodeId = msg->NodeId;
@@ -587,30 +587,30 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
- void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- InFlyResolveCounter->Dec();
- TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
- const bool success = (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::OK); // todo: handle 'locked' state
+ void Handle(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ InFlyResolveCounter->Dec();
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
+ const bool success = (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::OK); // todo: handle 'locked' state
TAutoPtr<TEntry>* entryHolder = FindEntry(tabletId);
if (!entryHolder) {
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_RESOLVER, "Handle TEvInfo tabletId: %" PRIu64 " no entryHolder",
- return;
+ return;
TEntry &entry = *entryHolder->Get();
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_RESOLVER, "Handle TEvInfo tabletId: %" PRIu64
" entry.State: %s success: %s ev: %s", tabletId, TEntry::StateToString(entry.State),
(success ? "true" : "false"), ev->GetBase()->ToString().data());
- switch (entry.State) {
- case TEntry::StInit:
+ switch (entry.State) {
+ case TEntry::StInit:
Y_FAIL("must not happens");
- case TEntry::StInitResolve:
- if (success) {
+ case TEntry::StInitResolve:
+ if (success) {
if (msg->CurrentLeaderTablet) {
entry.State = TEntry::StNormal;
ApplyEntryInfo(*msg, entry, ctx);
@@ -621,176 +621,176 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
ApplyEntryInfo(*msg, entry, ctx);
DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- } else {
+ } else {
DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- }
- break;
+ }
+ break;
case TEntry::StFollowerUpdate:
- if (success) {
+ if (success) {
if (msg->CurrentLeaderTablet) {
- entry.State = TEntry::StNormal;
+ entry.State = TEntry::StNormal;
ApplyEntryInfo(*msg, entry, ctx);
- } else {
+ } else {
// HACK: Don't cache invalid CurrentLeaderTablet
- // FIXME: Use subscription + cache here to reduce the workload
+ // FIXME: Use subscription + cache here to reduce the workload
ApplyEntryInfo(*msg, entry, ctx);
- DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- }
- } else {
- DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- }
- break;
- case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
- if (success) {
+ DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
+ }
+ } else {
+ DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
+ if (success) {
if (entry.KnownLeader == msg->CurrentLeader) {
if (!(entry.KnownLeaderTablet == msg->CurrentLeaderTablet || !entry.KnownLeaderTablet)) {
- DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx); // got info but not full, occurs on transitional cluster states
- } else {
+ DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx); // got info but not full, occurs on transitional cluster states
+ } else {
entry.KnownLeaderTablet = msg->CurrentLeaderTablet;
- entry.State = TEntry::StProblemPing;
- SendPing(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- }
- } else {
+ entry.State = TEntry::StProblemPing;
+ SendPing(tabletId, entry, ctx);
+ }
+ } else {
if (msg->CurrentLeaderTablet) {
- entry.State = TEntry::StNormal;
+ entry.State = TEntry::StNormal;
ApplyEntryInfo(*msg, entry, ctx);
- MoveEntryToResolved(tabletId, *entryHolder);
- } else {
+ MoveEntryToResolved(tabletId, *entryHolder);
+ } else {
ApplyEntryInfo(*msg, entry, ctx);
- DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- }
- }
- } else {
+ DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- }
- break;
- case TEntry::StProblemPing:
+ }
+ break;
+ case TEntry::StProblemPing:
case TEntry::StNormal:
- break;
- default:
+ break;
+ default:
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPong::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPong &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- const ui64 tabletId = record.GetTabletID();
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPong::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPong &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const ui64 tabletId = record.GetTabletID();
TAutoPtr<TEntry>* entryHolder = FindEntry(tabletId);
if (!entryHolder) {
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_RESOLVER, "Handle TEvPong tabletId: %" PRIu64 " no entryHolder",
- return;
+ return;
TEntry &entry = *entryHolder->Get();
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_RESOLVER, "Handle TEvPong tabletId: %" PRIu64 " entry.State: %s",
tabletId, TEntry::StateToString(entry.State));
- switch (entry.State) {
- case TEntry::StInit:
- case TEntry::StInitResolve:
- case TEntry::StNormal:
- case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
- break;
- case TEntry::StProblemPing:
+ switch (entry.State) {
+ case TEntry::StInit:
+ case TEntry::StInitResolve:
+ case TEntry::StNormal:
+ case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
+ break;
+ case TEntry::StProblemPing:
if (ev->Sender == entry.KnownLeader) {
- entry.Cookie.Detach();
+ entry.Cookie.Detach();
entry.State = TEntry::StNormal;
- SendQueued(tabletId, entry, ctx);
+ SendQueued(tabletId, entry, ctx);
MoveEntryToResolved(tabletId, *entryHolder);
- }
- break;
- default:
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- // cold be Ping or Initial Statestorage resolve
- const ui64 tabletId = ev->Cookie;
- TAutoPtr<TEntry>* entryHolder = FindEntry(tabletId);
- if (!entryHolder)
- return;
- TEntry &entry = *entryHolder->Get();
- if (ev->Get()->SourceType == TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup::EventType) {
- InFlyResolveCounter->Dec();
- DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- return;
- }
- switch (entry.State) {
- case TEntry::StInit:
- case TEntry::StInitResolve:
- case TEntry::StNormal:
- case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ // cold be Ping or Initial Statestorage resolve
+ const ui64 tabletId = ev->Cookie;
+ TAutoPtr<TEntry>* entryHolder = FindEntry(tabletId);
+ if (!entryHolder)
+ return;
+ TEntry &entry = *entryHolder->Get();
+ if (ev->Get()->SourceType == TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup::EventType) {
+ InFlyResolveCounter->Dec();
+ DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (entry.State) {
+ case TEntry::StInit:
+ case TEntry::StInitResolve:
+ case TEntry::StNormal:
+ case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
case TEntry::StFollowerUpdate:
- break;
- case TEntry::StProblemPing:
+ break;
+ case TEntry::StProblemPing:
if (ev->Sender == entry.KnownLeader) {
- DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- }
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvPingTimeout::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvPrivate::TEvPingTimeout *msg = ev->Get();
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
+ DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvPingTimeout::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvPrivate::TEvPingTimeout *msg = ev->Get();
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletID;
TAutoPtr<TEntry>* entryHolder = FindEntry(tabletId);
if (!entryHolder) {
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_RESOLVER, "Handle TEvPingTimeout tabletId: %" PRIu64
" no entryHolder", tabletId);
- return;
+ return;
TEntry &entry = *entryHolder->Get();
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_RESOLVER, "Handle TEvPingTimeout tabletId: %" PRIu64 " entry.State: %s",
tabletId, TEntry::StateToString(entry.State));
- switch (entry.State) {
- case TEntry::StInit:
- case TEntry::StInitResolve:
- case TEntry::StNormal:
- case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
+ switch (entry.State) {
+ case TEntry::StInit:
+ case TEntry::StInitResolve:
+ case TEntry::StNormal:
+ case TEntry::StProblemResolve:
case TEntry::StFollowerUpdate:
- break;
- case TEntry::StProblemPing:
- if (msg->Cookie.DetachEvent()) {
+ break;
+ case TEntry::StProblemPing:
+ if (msg->Cookie.DetachEvent()) {
DropEntry(tabletId, entry, ctx);
- }
- break;
- default:
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvStopListRemoval::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &) {
- TEvPrivate::TEvStopListRemoval *msg = ev->Get();
- TabletsOnStopList.erase(msg->TabletID);
- }
- void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodesInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- const TEvInterconnect::TEvNodesInfo *msg = ev->Get();
- bool distinct = false;
- for (const auto &nodeInfo : msg->Nodes) {
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvStopListRemoval::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &) {
+ TEvPrivate::TEvStopListRemoval *msg = ev->Get();
+ TabletsOnStopList.erase(msg->TabletID);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodesInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ const TEvInterconnect::TEvNodesInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ bool distinct = false;
+ for (const auto &nodeInfo : msg->Nodes) {
if (nodeInfo.Location.GetDataCenterId() != msg->Nodes[0].Location.GetDataCenterId())
- distinct = true;
+ distinct = true;
NodeToDcMapping[nodeInfo.NodeId] = nodeInfo.Location.GetDataCenterId();
- }
- if (!distinct)
- NodeToDcMapping.clear();
+ }
+ if (!distinct)
+ NodeToDcMapping.clear();
ctx.Schedule(TabletResolverRefreshNodesPeriod, new TEvPrivate::TEvRefreshNodes);
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvRefreshNodes::TPtr &, const TActorContext &ctx) {
@@ -799,13 +799,13 @@ class TTabletResolver : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResolver> {
ctx.Send(GetNameserviceActorId(), new TEvInterconnect::TEvListNodes());
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_RESOLVER_ACTOR;
TTabletResolver(const TIntrusivePtr<TTabletResolverConfig> &config)
- : Config(config)
+ : Config(config)
, ActorSystem(nullptr)
, ResolvedTablets(new NCache::T2QCacheConfig())
@@ -821,20 +821,20 @@ public:
if (TEntry::TQueueType *queue = value->Queue.Get()) {
for (TAutoPtr<TEntry::TQueueEntry> x = queue->Pop(); !!x; x.Reset(queue->Pop())) {
- ActorSystem->Send(x->Ev->Sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::RACE, key));
+ ActorSystem->Send(x->Ev->Sender, new TEvTabletResolver::TEvForwardResult(NKikimrProto::RACE, key));
~TTabletResolver() {
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
auto tablets = GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets");
SelectedLeaderLocal = tablets->GetCounter("TabletResolver/SelectedLeaderLocal", true);
@@ -846,35 +846,35 @@ public:
SelectedNone = tablets->GetCounter("TabletResolver/SelectedNone", true);
InFlyResolveCounter = tablets->GetCounter("TabletResolver/InFly");
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem, Handle);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTabletResolver::TEvForward, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletResolver::TEvTabletProblem, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletResolver::TEvNodeProblem, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPong, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvPingTimeout, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvStopListRemoval, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodesInfo, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPong, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvPingTimeout, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvStopListRemoval, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodesInfo, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvRefreshNodes, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
LOG_WARN(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_RESOLVER, "TTabletResolver::StateWork unexpected event type: %" PRIx32
" event: %s", ev->GetTypeRewrite(), ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().data() : "serialized?");
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateTabletResolver(const TIntrusivePtr<TTabletResolverConfig> &config) {
return new TTabletResolver(config);
TActorId MakeTabletResolverID() {
- const char x[12] = "TabletProxy";
+ const char x[12] = "TabletProxy";
return TActorId(0, TStringBuf(x, 12));
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_responsiveness_pinger.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_responsiveness_pinger.cpp
index c4ed29ddaa..8d29408d25 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_responsiveness_pinger.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_responsiveness_pinger.cpp
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-#include "tablet_responsiveness_pinger.h"
+#include "tablet_responsiveness_pinger.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-TTabletResponsivenessPinger::TTabletResponsivenessPinger(TTabletSimpleCounter &counter, TDuration pingInterval)
- : Counter(counter)
- , PingInterval(pingInterval)
- , LastResponseTime(TDuration::Zero())
- , SelfPingSentTime(TInstant::Zero())
-void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- SelfPingSentTime = TInstant::Zero();
- Become(&TThis::StateWait, ctx, PingInterval, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
-void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::OnAnyEvent(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (SelfPingSentTime) {
- const TInstant now = AppData(ctx)->TimeProvider->Now();
- const TDuration responseTime = now - SelfPingSentTime;
- LastResponseTime = Max(LastResponseTime, responseTime);
- Counter.Set(LastResponseTime.MicroSeconds());
- }
-void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::Detach(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Die(ctx);
-void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::DoPing(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvents::TEvPing());
- SelfPingSentTime = AppData(ctx)->TimeProvider->Now();
- Become(&TThis::StatePing);
-void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::ReceivePing(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const TInstant now = AppData(ctx)->TimeProvider->Now();
- const TDuration responseTime = now - SelfPingSentTime;
- LastResponseTime = responseTime;
- Counter.Set(LastResponseTime.MicroSeconds());
- if (responseTime > PingInterval)
- DoPing(ctx);
- else
- Bootstrap(ctx);
-STFUNC(TTabletResponsivenessPinger::StateWait) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, DoPing);
- }
-STFUNC(TTabletResponsivenessPinger::StatePing) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- CFunc(TEvents::TEvPing::EventType, ReceivePing);
- }
+namespace NKikimr {
+TTabletResponsivenessPinger::TTabletResponsivenessPinger(TTabletSimpleCounter &counter, TDuration pingInterval)
+ : Counter(counter)
+ , PingInterval(pingInterval)
+ , LastResponseTime(TDuration::Zero())
+ , SelfPingSentTime(TInstant::Zero())
+void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ SelfPingSentTime = TInstant::Zero();
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait, ctx, PingInterval, new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
+void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::OnAnyEvent(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (SelfPingSentTime) {
+ const TInstant now = AppData(ctx)->TimeProvider->Now();
+ const TDuration responseTime = now - SelfPingSentTime;
+ LastResponseTime = Max(LastResponseTime, responseTime);
+ Counter.Set(LastResponseTime.MicroSeconds());
+ }
+void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::Detach(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Die(ctx);
+void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::DoPing(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvents::TEvPing());
+ SelfPingSentTime = AppData(ctx)->TimeProvider->Now();
+ Become(&TThis::StatePing);
+void TTabletResponsivenessPinger::ReceivePing(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const TInstant now = AppData(ctx)->TimeProvider->Now();
+ const TDuration responseTime = now - SelfPingSentTime;
+ LastResponseTime = responseTime;
+ Counter.Set(LastResponseTime.MicroSeconds());
+ if (responseTime > PingInterval)
+ DoPing(ctx);
+ else
+ Bootstrap(ctx);
+STFUNC(TTabletResponsivenessPinger::StateWait) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ CFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, DoPing);
+ }
+STFUNC(TTabletResponsivenessPinger::StatePing) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ CFunc(TEvents::TEvPing::EventType, ReceivePing);
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_responsiveness_pinger.h b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_responsiveness_pinger.h
index c628ab4d33..93954ea0b4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_responsiveness_pinger.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_responsiveness_pinger.h
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tablet_counters.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "tablet_counters.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TTabletResponsivenessPinger : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResponsivenessPinger> {
- TTabletSimpleCounter &Counter;
- const TDuration PingInterval;
- TDuration LastResponseTime;
- TInstant SelfPingSentTime;
- STFUNC(StateWait);
- STFUNC(StatePing);
- void DoPing(const TActorContext &ctx);
- void ReceivePing(const TActorContext &ctx);
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TTabletResponsivenessPinger : public TActorBootstrapped<TTabletResponsivenessPinger> {
+ TTabletSimpleCounter &Counter;
+ const TDuration PingInterval;
+ TDuration LastResponseTime;
+ TInstant SelfPingSentTime;
+ STFUNC(StateWait);
+ STFUNC(StatePing);
+ void DoPing(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void ReceivePing(const TActorContext &ctx);
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_RESPONSIVENESS_PINGER;
- TTabletResponsivenessPinger(TTabletSimpleCounter &counter, TDuration pingInterval);
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx);
- void OnAnyEvent(const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Detach(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ TTabletResponsivenessPinger(TTabletSimpleCounter &counter, TDuration pingInterval);
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void OnAnyEvent(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Detach(const TActorContext &ctx);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_setup.h b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_setup.h
index 231b79cea9..57ea7d6edb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_setup.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_setup.h
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/shared_quota.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_types.h>
#include <functional>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
class TTabletStorageInfo;
-class TTabletSetupInfo : public TThrRefBase {
+class TTabletSetupInfo : public TThrRefBase {
typedef std::function<IActor* (const TActorId &, TTabletStorageInfo*)> TTabletCreationFunc;
using TPtr = TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo>;
- const TTabletCreationFunc Op;
- const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType;
- const TMailboxType::EType TabletMailboxType;
- const ui32 PoolId;
- const ui32 TabletPoolId;
- TTabletSetupInfo(TTabletCreationFunc op, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId, TMailboxType::EType tabletMailboxType, ui32 tabletPoolId)
- : Op(op)
- , MailboxType(mailboxType)
- , TabletMailboxType(tabletMailboxType)
- , PoolId(poolId)
- , TabletPoolId(tabletPoolId)
- {}
+ const TTabletCreationFunc Op;
+ const TMailboxType::EType MailboxType;
+ const TMailboxType::EType TabletMailboxType;
+ const ui32 PoolId;
+ const ui32 TabletPoolId;
+ TTabletSetupInfo(TTabletCreationFunc op, TMailboxType::EType mailboxType, ui32 poolId, TMailboxType::EType tabletMailboxType, ui32 tabletPoolId)
+ : Op(op)
+ , MailboxType(mailboxType)
+ , TabletMailboxType(tabletMailboxType)
+ , PoolId(poolId)
+ , TabletPoolId(tabletPoolId)
+ {}
TActorId Apply(TTabletStorageInfo *info, TActorIdentity owner);
TActorId Apply(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorContext &ctx);
TActorId Tablet(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &launcher, const TActorContext &ctx,
@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ public:
TActorId Follower(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &launcher, const TActorContext &ctx,
ui32 followerID, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles = nullptr,
TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota = nullptr);
IActor* CreateTablet(const TActorId &launcher, TTabletStorageInfo *info, TTabletSetupInfo *setupInfo,
ui32 suggestedGeneration, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles = nullptr,
TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota = nullptr);
IActor* CreateTabletFollower(const TActorId &launcher, TTabletStorageInfo *info, TTabletSetupInfo *setupInfo,
ui32 followerID, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles = nullptr,
TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota = nullptr);
struct ITabletFactory: public virtual TThrRefBase {
virtual TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> CreateTablet(
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ struct ITabletFactory: public virtual TThrRefBase {
const TAppData& appData) = 0;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_sys.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_sys.cpp
index 216d7328e2..44bfac7b2d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_sys.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_sys.cpp
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-#include "tablet_sys.h"
+#include "tablet_sys.h"
#include "tablet_tracing_signals.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/compile_time_flags.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/hive.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipecache.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
-#include <util/generic/deque.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <util/generic/queue.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
#include <util/stream/str.h>
-#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
-#error log macro definition clash
-#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "Tablet: " << TabletID() << " " << stream)
-#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "Tablet: " << TabletID() << " " << stream)
-#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "Tablet: " << TabletID() << " " << stream)
-#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "Tablet: " << TabletID() << " " << stream)
-namespace NKikimr {
+#if defined BLOG_D || defined BLOG_I || defined BLOG_ERROR
+#error log macro definition clash
+#define BLOG_D(stream) LOG_DEBUG_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "Tablet: " << TabletID() << " " << stream)
+#define BLOG_I(stream) LOG_INFO_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "Tablet: " << TabletID() << " " << stream)
+#define BLOG_ERROR(stream) LOG_ERROR_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "Tablet: " << TabletID() << " " << stream)
+#define BLOG_TRACE(stream) LOG_TRACE_S(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::TABLET_MAIN, "Tablet: " << TabletID() << " " << stream)
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace {
static constexpr size_t MaxStepsInFlight = 10000;
@@ -36,481 +36,481 @@ namespace {
-ui64 TTablet::StateStorageGroup() const {
- return StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Info->TabletID);
-ui64 TTablet::TabletID() const {
- return Info->TabletID;
+ui64 TTablet::StateStorageGroup() const {
+ return StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Info->TabletID);
+ui64 TTablet::TabletID() const {
+ return Info->TabletID;
void TTablet::NextFollowerAttempt() {
const ui32 node = FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID.NodeId();
- if (node && node != SelfId().NodeId()) {
+ if (node && node != SelfId().NodeId()) {
const TActorId proxy = TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(node);
- Send(proxy, new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe);
- }
+ Send(proxy, new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe);
+ }
-void TTablet::ReportTabletStateChange(ETabletState state) {
+void TTablet::ReportTabletStateChange(ETabletState state) {
const TActorId tabletStateServiceId = NNodeWhiteboard::MakeNodeWhiteboardServiceId(SelfId().NodeId());
if (state == TTabletStateInfo::Created || state == TTabletStateInfo::ResolveLeader) {
Send(tabletStateServiceId, new NNodeWhiteboard::TEvWhiteboard::TEvTabletStateUpdate(TabletID(), FollowerId, state, Info, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, Leader));
} else {
Send(tabletStateServiceId, new NNodeWhiteboard::TEvWhiteboard::TEvTabletStateUpdate(TabletID(), FollowerId, state, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration));
-void TTablet::PromoteToCandidate(ui32 gen) {
- if (SuggestedGeneration != 0) {
- if (gen >= SuggestedGeneration)
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace);
- StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = SuggestedGeneration;
- } else {
- StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = 1 + Max(gen, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration);
- }
- StateStorageInfo.KnownStep = 0;
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(SetupInfo);
- if (!UserTablet)
- UserTablet = SetupInfo->Apply(Info.Get(), SelfId());
+void TTablet::PromoteToCandidate(ui32 gen) {
+ if (SuggestedGeneration != 0) {
+ if (gen >= SuggestedGeneration)
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace);
+ StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = SuggestedGeneration;
+ } else {
+ StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = 1 + Max(gen, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration);
+ }
+ StateStorageInfo.KnownStep = 0;
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(SetupInfo);
+ if (!UserTablet)
+ UserTablet = SetupInfo->Apply(Info.Get(), SelfId());
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
- // todo: handle 'proxy not found' case
- Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate(TabletID(), 0, SelfId(), UserTablet, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, 0, StateStorageInfo.Signature.Get(), StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz, TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions::SigAsync));
- Become(&TThis::StateBecomeCandidate);
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Candidate);
-void TTablet::TabletBlockBlobStorage() {
- Y_VERIFY(Info);
- IActor * const x = CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(SelfId(), Info.Get(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration - 1, false);
+ // todo: handle 'proxy not found' case
+ Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdate(TabletID(), 0, SelfId(), UserTablet, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, 0, StateStorageInfo.Signature.Get(), StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz, TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions::SigAsync));
+ Become(&TThis::StateBecomeCandidate);
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Candidate);
+void TTablet::TabletBlockBlobStorage() {
+ Y_VERIFY(Info);
+ IActor * const x = CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(SelfId(), Info.Get(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration - 1, false);
TActorId newActorId = Register(x);
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TOnTabletBlockBlobStorage>(newActorId, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration));
- Become(&TThis::StateBlockBlobStorage);
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::BlockBlobStorage);
-void TTablet::TabletRebuildGraph() {
+ Become(&TThis::StateBlockBlobStorage);
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::BlockBlobStorage);
+void TTablet::TabletRebuildGraph() {
THolder<NTracing::ITrace> newTrace;
NTracing::TTraceID rebuildGraphTraceID;
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
newTrace = THolder<NTracing::ITrace>(IntrospectionTrace->CreateTrace(NTracing::ITrace::TypeReqRebuildHistoryGraph));
rebuildGraphTraceID = newTrace->GetSelfID();
- RebuildGraphRequest = Register(CreateTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph(
- SelfId(), Info.Get(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration - 1, IntrospectionTrace ? newTrace.Release() : nullptr, 0)
- );
+ RebuildGraphRequest = Register(CreateTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph(
+ SelfId(), Info.Get(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration - 1, IntrospectionTrace ? newTrace.Release() : nullptr, 0)
+ );
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TOnTabletRebuildGraph>(RebuildGraphRequest, rebuildGraphTraceID));
- Become(&TThis::StateRebuildGraph);
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::RebuildGraph);
-void TTablet::WriteZeroEntry(TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph *graph) {
- // rebuild zero entry
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> snapshot(0, 0);
- ui32 lastGeneration = 0;
- ui32 confirmedStep = 0;
- ui32 lastInGeneration = 0;
+ Become(&TThis::StateRebuildGraph);
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::RebuildGraph);
+void TTablet::WriteZeroEntry(TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph *graph) {
+ // rebuild zero entry
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> snapshot(0, 0);
+ ui32 lastGeneration = 0;
+ ui32 confirmedStep = 0;
+ ui32 lastInGeneration = 0;
TDeque<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph::TEntry>::iterator it = graph->Entries.begin();
TDeque<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph::TEntry>::iterator end = graph->Entries.end();
TDeque<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph::TEntry>::iterator snapIterator = it;
TDeque<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph::TEntry>::iterator confirmedIterator = it;
- // find tail (todo: do it in reverse order?)
- for (; it != end; ++it) {
- const ui32 gen = it->Id.first;
- const ui32 step = it->Id.second;
- if (gen > lastGeneration) {
- lastGeneration = gen;
- // do not skip unconfirmed ranges at start of generation except snapshot case
- if (step == 1 || it->IsSnapshot)
- confirmedStep = step;
- else
- confirmedStep = 0;
- confirmedIterator = it;
- }
- Y_VERIFY(gen == lastGeneration);
- lastInGeneration = step;
- if (it->IsSnapshot) {
- snapshot = std::pair<ui32, ui32>(gen, step);
- snapIterator = it;
- }
- // if see continuous confirmed range - extend it on next entry
- if (confirmedStep + 1 == step) {
- confirmedStep = step;
- confirmedIterator = it;
- }
- }
+ // find tail (todo: do it in reverse order?)
+ for (; it != end; ++it) {
+ const ui32 gen = it->Id.first;
+ const ui32 step = it->Id.second;
+ if (gen > lastGeneration) {
+ lastGeneration = gen;
+ // do not skip unconfirmed ranges at start of generation except snapshot case
+ if (step == 1 || it->IsSnapshot)
+ confirmedStep = step;
+ else
+ confirmedStep = 0;
+ confirmedIterator = it;
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(gen == lastGeneration);
+ lastInGeneration = step;
+ if (it->IsSnapshot) {
+ snapshot = std::pair<ui32, ui32>(gen, step);
+ snapIterator = it;
+ }
+ // if see continuous confirmed range - extend it on next entry
+ if (confirmedStep + 1 == step) {
+ confirmedStep = step;
+ confirmedIterator = it;
+ }
+ }
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TOnWriteZeroEntry>(snapshot, lastGeneration, confirmedStep, lastInGeneration));
- // fill tail bitmask (beyond continuous confirmed range) (if any present)
- TAutoPtr<NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry> entry(new NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry());
- entry->SetSnapshot(MakeGenStepPair(snapshot.first, snapshot.second));
- entry->SetZeroConfirmed(MakeGenStepPair(lastGeneration, confirmedStep));
- {
- const ui32 tailLength = lastInGeneration - confirmedStep;
- entry->SetZeroTailSz(tailLength);
- entry->MutableZeroTailBitmask()->Reserve((tailLength + 63) / 64);
- if (tailLength > 0) {
- ui64 mask = 1;
- ui64 value = 0;
- // if confirmed iterator points to already confirmed step - move iterator on next confirmed entry
- if (confirmedStep)
- ++confirmedIterator;
- for (ui32 i = confirmedStep + 1; i <= lastInGeneration; ++i) {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(confirmedIterator != end);
- if (confirmedIterator->Id.second == i) {
- value |= mask;
- ++confirmedIterator;
- }
- mask = mask << 1;
- if (mask == 0) {
- entry->MutableZeroTailBitmask()->Add(value);
- mask = 1;
- value = 0;
- }
- }
- if (mask != 1)
- entry->MutableZeroTailBitmask()->Add(value);
- }
- }
- if (snapIterator != graph->Entries.begin())
- graph->Entries.erase(graph->Entries.begin(), snapIterator); // erase head of graph
- Graph.Snapshot = snapshot;
- const TLogoBlobID logid(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ // fill tail bitmask (beyond continuous confirmed range) (if any present)
+ TAutoPtr<NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry> entry(new NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry());
+ entry->SetSnapshot(MakeGenStepPair(snapshot.first, snapshot.second));
+ entry->SetZeroConfirmed(MakeGenStepPair(lastGeneration, confirmedStep));
+ {
+ const ui32 tailLength = lastInGeneration - confirmedStep;
+ entry->SetZeroTailSz(tailLength);
+ entry->MutableZeroTailBitmask()->Reserve((tailLength + 63) / 64);
+ if (tailLength > 0) {
+ ui64 mask = 1;
+ ui64 value = 0;
+ // if confirmed iterator points to already confirmed step - move iterator on next confirmed entry
+ if (confirmedStep)
+ ++confirmedIterator;
+ for (ui32 i = confirmedStep + 1; i <= lastInGeneration; ++i) {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(confirmedIterator != end);
+ if (confirmedIterator->Id.second == i) {
+ value |= mask;
+ ++confirmedIterator;
+ }
+ mask = mask << 1;
+ if (mask == 0) {
+ entry->MutableZeroTailBitmask()->Add(value);
+ mask = 1;
+ value = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mask != 1)
+ entry->MutableZeroTailBitmask()->Add(value);
+ }
+ }
+ if (snapIterator != graph->Entries.begin())
+ graph->Entries.erase(graph->Entries.begin(), snapIterator); // erase head of graph
+ Graph.Snapshot = snapshot;
+ const TLogoBlobID logid(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TVector<TEvTablet::TLogEntryReference> refs;
- Register(CreateTabletReqWriteLog(SelfId(), logid, entry.Release(), refs, TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::TacticMinLatency, Info.Get()));
- BLOG_D(" TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# " << logid.ToString());
- Become(&TThis::StateWriteZeroEntry);
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::WriteZeroEntry);
-void TTablet::StartActivePhase() {
- Graph.NextEntry = 1;
+ Register(CreateTabletReqWriteLog(SelfId(), logid, entry.Release(), refs, TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::TacticMinLatency, Info.Get()));
+ BLOG_D(" TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# " << logid.ToString());
+ Become(&TThis::StateWriteZeroEntry);
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::WriteZeroEntry);
+void TTablet::StartActivePhase() {
+ Graph.NextEntry = 1;
Graph.MinFollowerUpdate = 1;
- Send(Launcher, new TEvTablet::TEvRestored(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, UserTablet, false));
- Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvRestored(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, UserTablet, false));
- Become(&TThis::StateActivePhase);
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Restored);
- StateStorageGuardian = Register(CreateStateStorageTabletGuardian(TabletID(), SelfId(), UserTablet, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration));
- // if nowhere to sync - then declare sync done
+ Send(Launcher, new TEvTablet::TEvRestored(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, UserTablet, false));
+ Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvRestored(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, UserTablet, false));
+ Become(&TThis::StateActivePhase);
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Restored);
+ StateStorageGuardian = Register(CreateStateStorageTabletGuardian(TabletID(), SelfId(), UserTablet, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration));
+ // if nowhere to sync - then declare sync done
-void TTablet::TryPumpWaitingForGc() {
- if (WaitingForGcAck.empty())
- return;
- ui32 minConfirmedGcStep = Max<ui32>();
+void TTablet::TryPumpWaitingForGc() {
+ if (WaitingForGcAck.empty())
+ return;
+ ui32 minConfirmedGcStep = Max<ui32>();
for (auto &xpair : LeaderInfo) {
const TLeaderInfo &followerInfo = xpair.second;
if (followerInfo.SyncState == EFollowerSyncState::Ignore)
- continue;
+ continue;
minConfirmedGcStep = Min(followerInfo.ConfirmedGCStep, minConfirmedGcStep);
- }
- while (WaitingForGcAck) {
- auto ackFront = WaitingForGcAck.front();
- const ui32 gcStep = ackFront.first;
- if (gcStep > minConfirmedGcStep)
- break;
- const TInstant commitMoment = ackFront.second;
- const TDuration delay = TActivationContext::Now() - commitMoment ;
+ }
+ while (WaitingForGcAck) {
+ auto ackFront = WaitingForGcAck.front();
+ const ui32 gcStep = ackFront.first;
+ if (gcStep > minConfirmedGcStep)
+ break;
+ const TInstant commitMoment = ackFront.second;
+ const TDuration delay = TActivationContext::Now() - commitMoment ;
Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, gcStep, delay));
- WaitingForGcAck.pop_front();
- }
+ WaitingForGcAck.pop_front();
+ }
void TTablet::TryFinishFollowerSync() {
if (InitialFollowerSyncDone)
- return;
- // explicit state check is evil, but parallel flag is even more evil. Conceptually correct way is defining dedicated
- // handlers for active/not-active phases (eg by template<bool>) but would lead to code bloat.
- // So for now this check is here
- if (CurrentStateFunc() != &TThis::StateActivePhase)
- return;
+ return;
+ // explicit state check is evil, but parallel flag is even more evil. Conceptually correct way is defining dedicated
+ // handlers for active/not-active phases (eg by template<bool>) but would lead to code bloat.
+ // So for now this check is here
+ if (CurrentStateFunc() != &TThis::StateActivePhase)
+ return;
for (const auto &xpair : LeaderInfo) {
EFollowerSyncState syncState = xpair.second.SyncState;
if (syncState == EFollowerSyncState::NeedSync || syncState == EFollowerSyncState::Pending)
- return;
- }
+ return;
+ }
InitialFollowerSyncDone = true;
Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete());
-void TTablet::UpdateStateStorageSignature(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature::TPtr &ev) {
- const TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature *msg = ev->Get();
- StateStorageInfo.MergeSignature(msg->Signature.Get(), msg->Sz);
-void TTablet::HandlePingBoot(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev) {
- // todo: handle wait-boot flag
- NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPing &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletID());
+void TTablet::UpdateStateStorageSignature(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature::TPtr &ev) {
+ const TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature *msg = ev->Get();
+ StateStorageInfo.MergeSignature(msg->Signature.Get(), msg->Sz);
+void TTablet::HandlePingBoot(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev) {
+ // todo: handle wait-boot flag
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPing &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletID());
Send(ev->Sender, new TEvTablet::TEvPong(TabletID(), TEvTablet::TEvPong::FlagBoot | TEvTablet::TEvPong::FlagLeader));
void TTablet::HandlePingFollower(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev) {
- NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPing &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletID());
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPing &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletID());
Send(ev->Sender, new TEvTablet::TEvPong(TabletID(), TEvTablet::TEvPong::FlagFollower));
void TTablet::HandleStateStorageLeaderResolve(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->SignatureSz) {
- StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz = msg->SignatureSz;
- StateStorageInfo.Signature.Reset(msg->Signature.Release());
- }
- StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = msg->CurrentGeneration;
- StateStorageInfo.Signature.Reset(msg->Signature.Release());
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->SignatureSz) {
+ StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz = msg->SignatureSz;
+ StateStorageInfo.Signature.Reset(msg->Signature.Release());
+ }
+ StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = msg->CurrentGeneration;
+ StateStorageInfo.Signature.Reset(msg->Signature.Release());
if (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::OK && msg->CurrentLeader) {
FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID = msg->CurrentLeader;
new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach(TabletID(), FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt),
- IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
+ IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
- } else { // something goes weird, try again a bit later
+ } else { // something goes weird, try again a bit later
- TActivationContext::Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(100),
- new IEventHandle(SelfId(), SelfId(),
+ TActivationContext::Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(100),
+ new IEventHandle(SelfId(), SelfId(),
new TEvTabletBase::TEvFollowerRetry(++FollowerInfo.RetryRound),
0, FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt)
- );
- }
+ );
+ }
void TTablet::HandleFollowerRetry(TEvTabletBase::TEvFollowerRetry::TPtr &ev) {
if (ev->Cookie != FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt)
- return;
+ return;
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTabletBase::TEvTryBuildFollowerGraph::TPtr &ev) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
BLOG_TRACE("Follower starting to rebuild history");
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(!RebuildGraphRequest);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(!RebuildGraphRequest);
RebuildGraphRequest = Register(CreateTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph(SelfId(), Info.Get(), 0, nullptr, ++FollowerInfo.RebuildGraphCookie));
- // todo: tracing? at least as event
+ // todo: tracing? at least as event
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult::TPtr &ev) {
if (ev->Sender != RebuildGraphRequest || ev->Cookie != FollowerInfo.RebuildGraphCookie || UserTablet) {
BLOG_D("Outdated TEvRebuildGraphResult ignored");
- return;
+ return;
RebuildGraphRequest = TActorId(); // check consistency??
- TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult *msg = ev->Get();
BLOG_TRACE("Follower received rebuild history result Status# " << msg->Status);
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- {
- UserTablet = SetupInfo->Apply(Info.Get(), SelfId());
- Send(UserTablet,
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ {
+ UserTablet = SetupInfo->Apply(Info.Get(), SelfId());
+ Send(UserTablet,
new TEvTablet::TEvFBoot(TabletID(), FollowerId, 0,
- Launcher, msg->DependencyGraph.Get(), Info,
- ResourceProfiles, TxCacheQuota));
- Send(Launcher, new TEvTablet::TEvRestored(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, UserTablet, true));
- BLOG_TRACE("SBoot with rebuilt graph");
- }
- break;
- case NKikimrProto::NODATA: // any not-positive cases ignored and handled by long retry
- default:
+ Launcher, msg->DependencyGraph.Get(), Info,
+ ResourceProfiles, TxCacheQuota));
+ Send(Launcher, new TEvTablet::TEvRestored(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, UserTablet, true));
+ BLOG_TRACE("SBoot with rebuilt graph");
+ }
+ break;
+ case NKikimrProto::NODATA: // any not-positive cases ignored and handled by long retry
+ default:
Schedule(OfflineFollowerWaitRetry, new TEvTabletBase::TEvTryBuildFollowerGraph());
- break;
- }
+ break;
+ }
bool TTablet::CheckFollowerUpdate(const TActorId &sender, ui32 attempt, ui64 counter) {
if (sender != FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID || attempt != FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt)
- return false;
+ return false;
if (counter != FollowerInfo.StreamCounter) {
Send(FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach(TabletID(), FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
if (ev->Sender == FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID) {
- return;
+ return;
if (ev->Sender == UserTablet && ev->Get()->SourceType == TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::EventType) {
return HandleStopped();
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
if (ev->Get()->NodeId != FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID.NodeId())
- return;
+ return;
BLOG_TRACE("Follower got TEvNodeDisconnected NodeId# " << ev->Get()->NodeId);
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDisconnect::TPtr &ev) {
// sent from PassAway of leader
if (ev->Sender != FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID)
- return;
+ return;
BLOG_TRACE("Follower got TEvFollowerDisconnect Sender# " << ev->Sender);
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletId() == TabletID());
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletId() == TabletID());
if (record.GetGeneration() < ExpandGenStepPair(FollowerInfo.EpochGenStep).first) {
Send(ev->Sender, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach(TabletID(), Max<ui32>()));
- return;
- }
+ return;
+ }
FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID = ev->Sender;
new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach(TabletID(), FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt),
- IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
+ IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAuxUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
if (!CheckFollowerUpdate(ev->Sender, record.GetFollowerAttempt(), record.GetStreamCounter()))
- return;
+ return;
Y_VERIFY(FollowerInfo.StreamCounter != 0);
- Y_VERIFY(UserTablet);
+ Y_VERIFY(UserTablet);
Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvFAuxUpdate(record.GetAuxPayload()));
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
BLOG_TRACE("FollowerUpdate attempt: " << record.GetFollowerAttempt() << ":" << record.GetStreamCounter()
- << ", " << record.GetGeneration() << ":" << record.GetStep());
+ << ", " << record.GetGeneration() << ":" << record.GetStep());
if (!CheckFollowerUpdate(ev->Sender, record.GetFollowerAttempt(), record.GetStreamCounter()))
- return;
+ return;
if (FollowerInfo.StreamCounter == 0) {
FollowerInfo.RetryRound = 0; // reset retry round counter to enable fast sync with leader
- // first event, must be snapshot
- Y_VERIFY(record.GetIsSnapshot());
- // update storage info for case of channel history upgrade
- if (record.HasTabletStorageInfo()) {
+ // first event, must be snapshot
+ Y_VERIFY(record.GetIsSnapshot());
+ // update storage info for case of channel history upgrade
+ if (record.HasTabletStorageInfo()) {
Info = TabletStorageInfoFromProto(record.GetTabletStorageInfo());
- }
+ }
// Drop currently running graph rebuild request
if (RebuildGraphRequest) {
Send(RebuildGraphRequest, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
RebuildGraphRequest = TActorId();
- if (!UserTablet) {
- UserTablet = SetupInfo->Apply(Info.Get(), SelfId());
- Send(Launcher, new TEvTablet::TEvRestored(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, UserTablet, true));
- }
+ if (!UserTablet) {
+ UserTablet = SetupInfo->Apply(Info.Get(), SelfId());
+ Send(Launcher, new TEvTablet::TEvRestored(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, UserTablet, true));
+ }
if (!FollowerStStGuardian)
FollowerStStGuardian = Register(CreateStateStorageFollowerGuardian(TabletID(), SelfId()));
FollowerInfo.EpochGenStep = MakeGenStepPair(record.GetGeneration(), record.GetStep());
- Send(UserTablet,
+ Send(UserTablet,
new TEvTablet::TEvFBoot(TabletID(), FollowerId, record.GetGeneration(),
Launcher, *ev->Get(), Info,
ResourceProfiles, TxCacheQuota));
BLOG_TRACE("SBoot attempt: " << FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt
- << ", " << record.GetGeneration() << ":" << record.GetStep());
- } else {
- Y_VERIFY(UserTablet);
+ << ", " << record.GetGeneration() << ":" << record.GetStep());
+ } else {
+ Y_VERIFY(UserTablet);
Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvFUpdate(*ev->Get()));
BLOG_TRACE("SUpdate attempt: " << FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt
- << ", " << record.GetGeneration() << ":" << record.GetStep());
- }
+ << ", " << record.GetGeneration() << ":" << record.GetStep());
+ }
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvPromoteToLeader::TPtr &ev) {
TEvTablet::TEvPromoteToLeader *msg = ev->Get();
BLOG_TRACE("Follower got TEvPromoteToLeader Sender# " << ev->Sender << " Generation# " << msg->SuggestedGeneration);
@@ -522,74 +522,74 @@ void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvPromoteToLeader::TPtr &ev) {
, FollowerStStGuardian));
- Info = msg->TabletStorageInfo;
+ Info = msg->TabletStorageInfo;
// detach from leader
if (FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID) {
Send(FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach(TabletID(), FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt));
- }
+ }
if (FollowerStStGuardian) {
Send(FollowerStStGuardian, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
FollowerStStGuardian = TActorId();
- }
- if (RebuildGraphRequest) {
- Send(RebuildGraphRequest, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ }
+ if (RebuildGraphRequest) {
+ Send(RebuildGraphRequest, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
RebuildGraphRequest = TActorId();
- }
- // setup start info
- SuggestedGeneration = msg->SuggestedGeneration;
+ }
+ // setup start info
+ SuggestedGeneration = msg->SuggestedGeneration;
Leader = true;
FollowerId = 0;
- Bootstrap();
+ Bootstrap();
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvFGcAck::TPtr &ev) {
const TEvTablet::TEvFGcAck *msg = ev->Get();
if (FollowerInfo.EpochGenStep <= MakeGenStepPair(msg->Generation, msg->Step))
Send(FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcAck(TabletID(), FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt, msg->Generation, msg->Step));
TMap<TActorId, TTablet::TLeaderInfo>::iterator
TTablet::EraseFollowerInfo(TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator followerIt) {
const ui32 followerNode = followerIt->first.NodeId();
auto retIt = LeaderInfo.erase(followerIt);
- TryPumpWaitingForGc();
+ TryPumpWaitingForGc();
if (followerNode != SelfId().NodeId()) {
bool noMoreFollowersOnNode = true;
for (const auto &xpair : LeaderInfo) {
if (xpair.first.NodeId() == followerNode) {
noMoreFollowersOnNode = false;
- break;
- }
- }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
if (noMoreFollowersOnNode)
Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(followerNode), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe);
- }
- return retIt;
+ }
+ return retIt;
TMap<TActorId, TTablet::TLeaderInfo>::iterator TTablet::HandleFollowerConnectionProblem(TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator followerIt) {
TLeaderInfo &followerInfo = followerIt->second;
- bool shouldEraseEntry = false;
+ bool shouldEraseEntry = false;
switch (followerInfo.SyncState) {
case EFollowerSyncState::Pending:
case EFollowerSyncState::Active:
followerInfo.SyncState = EFollowerSyncState::NeedSync;
followerInfo.SyncAttempt = 0;
BLOG_D("HandleFollowerConnectionProblem " << followerIt->first << " moved to NeedSync state");
- break;
+ break;
case EFollowerSyncState::NeedSync:
if (!followerInfo.SyncCookieHolder && followerInfo.SyncAttempt > 3) {
shouldEraseEntry = !followerInfo.PresentInList;
@@ -597,187 +597,187 @@ TMap<TActorId, TTablet::TLeaderInfo>::iterator TTablet::HandleFollowerConnection
BLOG_D("HandleFollowerConnectionProblem " << followerIt->first << " moved to Ignore state, shouldEraseEntry# " << shouldEraseEntry);
} else {
BLOG_D("HandleFollowerConnectionProblem " << followerIt->first << " kept in NeedSync state");
- }
- break;
+ }
+ break;
case EFollowerSyncState::Ignore:
BLOG_D("HandleFollowerConnectionProblem " << followerIt->first << " kept in Ignore state");
- break;
- }
- if (shouldEraseEntry) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (shouldEraseEntry) {
followerIt = EraseFollowerInfo(followerIt);
- } else {
+ } else {
- }
- TryPumpWaitingForGc();
+ }
+ TryPumpWaitingForGc();
return followerIt;
void TTablet::TrySyncToFollower(TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator followerIt) {
TLeaderInfo &followerInfo = followerIt->second;
if (followerInfo.SyncCookieHolder) // already awaiting
- return;
+ return;
TDuration delay = TDuration::MilliSeconds(250 + Min<ui32>(3, followerInfo.SyncAttempt) * 250);
followerInfo.SyncCookieHolder.Reset(new TSchedulerCookieHolder(ISchedulerCookie::Make3Way()));
auto *schedCookie = followerInfo.SyncCookieHolder->Get();
Schedule(delay, new TEvTabletBase::TEvTrySyncFollower(followerIt->first, schedCookie), schedCookie);
void TTablet::DoSyncToFollower(TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator followerIt) {
TLeaderInfo &followerInfo = followerIt->second;
Send(followerIt->first, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession);
followerInfo.LastSyncAttempt = TActivationContext::Now();
void TTablet::HandleByLeader(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev) {
auto followerIt = LeaderInfo.find(ev->Sender);
if (followerIt != LeaderInfo.end()) {
- return;
+ return;
if (ev->Sender == UserTablet && ev->Get()->SourceType == TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::EventType) {
return HandleStopped();
void TTablet::HandleByLeader(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev) {
// typical number if followers on one node is one. so we don't bother with batched check for unsubscribe
- // and we still need to unsubscribe 'cuz of possible races
- const TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected *msg = ev->Get();
+ // and we still need to unsubscribe 'cuz of possible races
+ const TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected *msg = ev->Get();
for (auto it = LeaderInfo.begin(); it != LeaderInfo.end(); ) {
- if (it->first.NodeId() == msg->NodeId)
+ if (it->first.NodeId() == msg->NodeId)
it = HandleFollowerConnectionProblem(it);
- else
- ++it;
- }
+ else
+ ++it;
+ }
void TTablet::HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerListRefresh::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator infoIt = LeaderInfo.begin();
for (auto it = msg->FollowerList.begin(), end = msg->FollowerList.end(); it != end; ++it) {
while (infoIt != LeaderInfo.end() && infoIt->first < *it) {
if (infoIt->second.SyncState == EFollowerSyncState::Ignore) {
infoIt = EraseFollowerInfo(infoIt);
- } else {
- infoIt->second.PresentInList = false;
- ++infoIt;
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ infoIt->second.PresentInList = false;
+ ++infoIt;
+ }
+ }
if (infoIt != LeaderInfo.end() && infoIt->first == *it)
- infoIt->second.PresentInList = true;
- }
+ infoIt->second.PresentInList = true;
+ }
while (infoIt != LeaderInfo.end()) {
if (infoIt->second.SyncState == EFollowerSyncState::Ignore) {
infoIt = EraseFollowerInfo(infoIt);
- } else {
- infoIt->second.PresentInList = false;
- ++infoIt;
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ infoIt->second.PresentInList = false;
+ ++infoIt;
+ }
+ }
void TTablet::HandleByLeader(TEvTabletBase::TEvTrySyncFollower::TPtr &ev) {
TEvTabletBase::TEvTrySyncFollower *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->CookieHolder.DetachEvent()) {
+ if (msg->CookieHolder.DetachEvent()) {
auto it = LeaderInfo.find(msg->FollowerId);
if (it == LeaderInfo.end())
- return;
- it->second.SyncCookieHolder.Destroy();
+ return;
+ it->second.SyncCookieHolder.Destroy();
- }
+ }
void TTablet::HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh::TPtr &ev) {
// could be received by promoted leader
Send(ev->Sender, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach(TabletID(), Max<ui32>()));
void TTablet::HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach::TPtr &ev) {
// could be received by leader from promoted leader, just cleanup and wait for normal termination
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
auto followerIt = LeaderInfo.find(ev->Sender);
if (followerIt == LeaderInfo.end() || followerIt->second.FollowerAttempt != record.GetFollowerAttempt())
- return;
+ return;
void TTablet::HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach::TPtr &ev) {
const TActorId followerId = ev->Sender;
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
auto followerIt = LeaderInfo.find(followerId);
if (followerIt != LeaderInfo.end()) {
// attaching follower known
Y_VERIFY(followerIt->second.FollowerAttempt < record.GetFollowerAttempt() || followerIt->second.FollowerAttempt == Max<ui32>());
followerIt->second.SyncState = EFollowerSyncState::Pending; // keep ConfirmedGCStep and FromList
- } else {
+ } else {
if (LeaderInfo.empty()) {
// Consider sending follower updates starting with the next commit
Graph.MinFollowerUpdate = Graph.NextEntry;
auto followerItPair = LeaderInfo.insert(decltype(LeaderInfo)::value_type(ev->Sender, TLeaderInfo(EFollowerSyncState::Pending)));
followerIt = followerItPair.first;
- }
+ }
TLeaderInfo &followerInfo = followerIt->second;
followerInfo.FollowerAttempt = record.GetFollowerAttempt();
followerInfo.StreamCounter = 0;
followerInfo.SyncAttempt = 0;
- if (UserTablet)
+ if (UserTablet)
Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvNewFollowerAttached(LeaderInfo.size()));
void TTablet::HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcAck::TPtr &ev) {
const TActorId followerId = ev->Sender;
TLeaderInfo *followerInfo = LeaderInfo.FindPtr(followerId);
if (!followerInfo || followerInfo->SyncState != EFollowerSyncState::Active)
- return;
- const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ return;
+ const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
if (record.GetGeneration() != StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration || followerInfo->FollowerAttempt != record.GetFollowerAttempt())
- return;
- const ui32 step = record.GetStep();
+ return;
+ const ui32 step = record.GetStep();
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(followerInfo->ConfirmedGCStep < step);
followerInfo->ConfirmedGCStep = Max(step, followerInfo->ConfirmedGCStep);
- TryPumpWaitingForGc();
-void TTablet::HandleStateStorageInfoResolve(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->SignatureSz) {
- StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz = msg->SignatureSz;
- StateStorageInfo.Signature.Reset(msg->Signature.Release());
- }
- StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = msg->CurrentGeneration;
- StateStorageInfo.KnownStep = msg->CurrentStep;
- if (SuggestedGeneration && StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration >= SuggestedGeneration)
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSuggestOutdated);
+ TryPumpWaitingForGc();
+void TTablet::HandleStateStorageInfoResolve(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->SignatureSz) {
+ StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz = msg->SignatureSz;
+ StateStorageInfo.Signature.Reset(msg->Signature.Release());
+ }
+ StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = msg->CurrentGeneration;
+ StateStorageInfo.KnownStep = msg->CurrentStep;
+ if (SuggestedGeneration && StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration >= SuggestedGeneration)
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSuggestOutdated);
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
@@ -786,51 +786,51 @@ void TTablet::HandleStateStorageInfoResolve(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev)
, StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz));
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- { // enough replicas replied and we have state info now
- Y_VERIFY(msg->TabletID == TabletID());
- if (msg->Locked) {
- // tablet already locked, check lock threshold or die
- const ui64 lockedForThreshold = 2 * 1000 * 1000;
- if (msg->LockedFor > lockedForThreshold) {
- return LockedInitializationPath();
- } else {
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootLocked);
- }
- }
- if (SuggestedGeneration && SuggestedGeneration <= StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration) {
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace);
- }
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ { // enough replicas replied and we have state info now
+ Y_VERIFY(msg->TabletID == TabletID());
+ if (msg->Locked) {
+ // tablet already locked, check lock threshold or die
+ const ui64 lockedForThreshold = 2 * 1000 * 1000;
+ if (msg->LockedFor > lockedForThreshold) {
+ return LockedInitializationPath();
+ } else {
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootLocked);
+ }
+ }
+ if (SuggestedGeneration && SuggestedGeneration <= StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration) {
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace);
+ }
if (!msg->CurrentLeader || !msg->CurrentGeneration) {
- return LockedInitializationPath();
- }
- BLOG_D("HandleStateStorageInfoResolve, KnownGeneration: " << msg->CurrentGeneration << " Promote");
- return PromoteToCandidate(0);
- }
- case NKikimrProto::ERROR:
- case NKikimrProto::RACE:
- case NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT:
- return LockedInitializationPath();
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
-void TTablet::HandleStateStorageInfoLock(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- const TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
- StateStorageInfo.MergeSignature(msg->Signature.Get(), msg->SignatureSz);
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- { // ok, we had successfully locked state storage for synthetic generation, now find actual one
- StateStorageInfo.Update(msg);
+ return LockedInitializationPath();
+ }
+ BLOG_D("HandleStateStorageInfoResolve, KnownGeneration: " << msg->CurrentGeneration << " Promote");
+ return PromoteToCandidate(0);
+ }
+ case NKikimrProto::ERROR:
+ case NKikimrProto::RACE:
+ case NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT:
+ return LockedInitializationPath();
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+void TTablet::HandleStateStorageInfoLock(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ const TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ StateStorageInfo.MergeSignature(msg->Signature.Get(), msg->SignatureSz);
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ { // ok, we had successfully locked state storage for synthetic generation, now find actual one
+ StateStorageInfo.Update(msg);
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
@@ -839,128 +839,128 @@ void TTablet::HandleStateStorageInfoLock(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev) {
, StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz));
- Register(CreateTabletFindLastEntry(SelfId(), false, Info.Get(), 0));
- Become(&TThis::StateDiscover);
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Discover);
- }
- return;
- case NKikimrProto::ERROR:
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSError);
- case NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT:
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSTimeout);
- case NKikimrProto::RACE:
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace);
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
-void TTablet::HandleStateStorageInfoUpgrade(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev) {
- const TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
- StateStorageInfo.MergeSignature(msg->Signature.Get(), msg->SignatureSz);
- switch (msg->Status){
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- { // ok, we marked ourselves as generation owner
- NeedCleanupOnLockedPath = false;
- StateStorageInfo.Update(msg);
+ Register(CreateTabletFindLastEntry(SelfId(), false, Info.Get(), 0));
+ Become(&TThis::StateDiscover);
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Discover);
+ }
+ return;
+ case NKikimrProto::ERROR:
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSError);
+ case NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT:
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSTimeout);
+ case NKikimrProto::RACE:
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace);
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+void TTablet::HandleStateStorageInfoUpgrade(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev) {
+ const TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg = ev->Get();
+ StateStorageInfo.MergeSignature(msg->Signature.Get(), msg->SignatureSz);
+ switch (msg->Status){
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ { // ok, we marked ourselves as generation owner
+ NeedCleanupOnLockedPath = false;
+ StateStorageInfo.Update(msg);
for (const auto &xpair : msg->Followers) {
- if (xpair.first == SelfId())
- continue;
+ if (xpair.first == SelfId())
+ continue;
if (LeaderInfo.empty()) {
// Consider sending follower updates starting with the next commit
Graph.MinFollowerUpdate = Graph.NextEntry;
auto itPair = LeaderInfo.insert(decltype(LeaderInfo)::value_type(xpair.first, TLeaderInfo(EFollowerSyncState::NeedSync)));
// some followers could be already present by active TEvFollowerAttach
- if (itPair.second)
+ if (itPair.second)
- }
- return TabletBlockBlobStorage();
- }
- case NKikimrProto::ERROR:
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSError);
- case NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT:
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSTimeout);
- case NKikimrProto::RACE:
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace);
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
-void TTablet::HandleFindLatestLogEntry(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult *msg = ev->Get();
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- {
- DiscoveredLastBlocked = msg->BlockedGeneration;
- if (msg->Latest.Generation() > msg->BlockedGeneration + 1) {
- BLOG_ERROR("HandleFindLatestLogEntry inconsistency. LatestGeneration: "
- << msg->Latest.Generation() << ", blocked: " << msg->BlockedGeneration);
- }
- const ui32 latestKnownGeneration = Max(msg->Latest.Generation(), msg->BlockedGeneration);
- BLOG_D("HandleFindLatestLogEntry, latestKnownGeneration: " << latestKnownGeneration << " Promote");
- return PromoteToCandidate(latestKnownGeneration);
- }
- case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
- BLOG_D("HandleFindLatestLogEntry, NODATA Promote");
- DiscoveredLastBlocked = 0;
- return PromoteToCandidate(0);
- default:
- {
- BLOG_ERROR("HandleFindLatestLogEntry, msg->Status: " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError, msg->ErrorReason);
- }
- }
-void TTablet::HandleBlockBlobStorageResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult *msg = ev->Get();
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- return TabletRebuildGraph();
- default:
- {
- BLOG_ERROR("HandleBlockBlobStorageResult, msg->Status: " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status)
- << (DiscoveredLastBlocked == Max<ui32>()) ? "not discovered" : Sprintf("discovered gen was: %u", DiscoveredLastBlocked).c_str());
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError, msg->ErrorReason);
- }
- }
-void TTablet::HandleRebuildGraphResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ }
+ return TabletBlockBlobStorage();
+ }
+ case NKikimrProto::ERROR:
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSError);
+ case NKikimrProto::TIMEOUT:
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootSSTimeout);
+ case NKikimrProto::RACE:
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootRace);
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+void TTablet::HandleFindLatestLogEntry(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ {
+ DiscoveredLastBlocked = msg->BlockedGeneration;
+ if (msg->Latest.Generation() > msg->BlockedGeneration + 1) {
+ BLOG_ERROR("HandleFindLatestLogEntry inconsistency. LatestGeneration: "
+ << msg->Latest.Generation() << ", blocked: " << msg->BlockedGeneration);
+ }
+ const ui32 latestKnownGeneration = Max(msg->Latest.Generation(), msg->BlockedGeneration);
+ BLOG_D("HandleFindLatestLogEntry, latestKnownGeneration: " << latestKnownGeneration << " Promote");
+ return PromoteToCandidate(latestKnownGeneration);
+ }
+ case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
+ BLOG_D("HandleFindLatestLogEntry, NODATA Promote");
+ DiscoveredLastBlocked = 0;
+ return PromoteToCandidate(0);
+ default:
+ {
+ BLOG_ERROR("HandleFindLatestLogEntry, msg->Status: " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError, msg->ErrorReason);
+ }
+ }
+void TTablet::HandleBlockBlobStorageResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ return TabletRebuildGraph();
+ default:
+ {
+ BLOG_ERROR("HandleBlockBlobStorageResult, msg->Status: " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status)
+ << (DiscoveredLastBlocked == Max<ui32>()) ? "not discovered" : Sprintf("discovered gen was: %u", DiscoveredLastBlocked).c_str());
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError, msg->ErrorReason);
+ }
+ }
+void TTablet::HandleRebuildGraphResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult::TPtr &ev) {
if (ev->Cookie != 0) // remains from follower past
- return;
+ return;
RebuildGraphRequest = TActorId(); // check consistency??
- TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult *msg = ev->Get();
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
TIntrusivePtr<TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph> graph;
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
graph = msg->DependencyGraph;
- case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
+ case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
graph = new TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph(std::pair<ui32, ui32>(0, 0));
- default:
+ default:
switch (msg->Status) {
case NKikimrProto::OK:
case NKikimrProto::NODATA:
- WriteZeroEntry(graph.Get());
- Send(UserTablet,
+ WriteZeroEntry(graph.Get());
+ Send(UserTablet,
new TEvTablet::TEvBoot(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration,
graph.Get(), Launcher, Info, ResourceProfiles,
@@ -968,118 +968,118 @@ void TTablet::HandleRebuildGraphResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult::TPt
- {
- BLOG_ERROR("HandleRebuildGraphResult, msg->Status: " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError, msg->ErrorReason);
- }
- }
-void TTablet::HandleWriteZeroEntry(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult *msg = ev->Get();
- switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- return StartActivePhase();
- default:
- {
- BLOG_ERROR("HandleWriteZeroEntry, msg->Status: " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
+ {
+ BLOG_ERROR("HandleRebuildGraphResult, msg->Status: " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError, msg->ErrorReason);
+ }
+ }
+void TTablet::HandleWriteZeroEntry(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ switch (msg->Status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ return StartActivePhase();
+ default:
+ {
+ BLOG_ERROR("HandleWriteZeroEntry, msg->Status: " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError, msg->ErrorReason); // TODO: detect 'need channel reconfiguration' case
- }
- }
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev) {
- NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPing &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletID());
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonBootBSError, msg->ErrorReason); // TODO: detect 'need channel reconfiguration' case
+ }
+ }
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev) {
+ NKikimrTabletBase::TEvPing &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ Y_VERIFY(record.GetTabletID() == TabletID());
Send(ev->Sender, new TEvTablet::TEvPong(TabletID(), TEvTablet::TEvPong::FlagLeader));
void TTablet::HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvTabletActive::TPtr &ev) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Active);
- ActivateTime = AppData()->TimeProvider->Now();
- BLOG_I("Active! Generation: " << StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration
- << ", Type: " << TTabletTypes::TypeToStr((TTabletTypes::EType)Info->TabletType)
- << " started in " << (ActivateTime-BoostrapTime).MilliSeconds() << "msec");
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Activate(SelfId(), UserTablet, true);
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Active);
+ ActivateTime = AppData()->TimeProvider->Now();
+ BLOG_I("Active! Generation: " << StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration
+ << ", Type: " << TTabletTypes::TypeToStr((TTabletTypes::EType)Info->TabletType)
+ << " started in " << (ActivateTime-BoostrapTime).MilliSeconds() << "msec");
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Activate(SelfId(), UserTablet, true);
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvTabletActive::TPtr &ev) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
BLOG_D("Follower TabletStateActive");
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Activate(SelfId(), UserTablet, false);
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Activate(SelfId(), UserTablet, false);
Send(FollowerStStGuardian, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerUpdateState(false, SelfId(), UserTablet));
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Active);
-TTablet::TLogEntry* TTablet::MakeLogEntry(TEvTablet::TCommitInfo &commitInfo, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry *commitEv) {
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Active);
+TTablet::TLogEntry* TTablet::MakeLogEntry(TEvTablet::TCommitInfo &commitInfo, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry *commitEv) {
Y_VERIFY(commitInfo.TabletID == TabletID() && commitInfo.Generation == StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration && commitInfo.Step == Graph.NextEntry,
"commitInfo.TabletID=%ld, tablet=%ld, commitInfo.Generation=%d, KnownGeneration=%d, commitInfo.Step=%d, nextEntry=%d",
commitInfo.TabletID, TabletID(), commitInfo.Generation, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, commitInfo.Step, Graph.NextEntry);
- const ui32 step = Graph.NextEntry++;
- TLogEntry *entry = new TLogEntry(step, Graph.Confirmed, 0);
+ const ui32 step = Graph.NextEntry++;
+ TLogEntry *entry = new TLogEntry(step, Graph.Confirmed, 0);
- Graph.Index[step] = entry;
- entry->IsSnapshot = commitInfo.IsSnapshot || commitInfo.IsTotalSnapshot;
- entry->IsTotalSnapshot = commitInfo.IsTotalSnapshot;
+ Graph.Index[step] = entry;
+ entry->IsSnapshot = commitInfo.IsSnapshot || commitInfo.IsTotalSnapshot;
+ entry->IsTotalSnapshot = commitInfo.IsTotalSnapshot;
entry->Source = TActorId();
- for (ui32 dependsOn : commitInfo.DependsOn) {
- TGraph::TIndex::iterator it = Graph.Index.find(dependsOn);
- if (it != Graph.Index.end()) {
- if (commitEv)
- commitEv->AddDependsOn(dependsOn);
- it->second->Dependent.push_back(step);
- ++entry->DependenciesLeft;
- }
- }
- return entry;
-TTablet::TLogEntry* TTablet::FindLogEntry(TEvTablet::TCommitInfo &commitInfo, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &commitEv) {
- TLogEntry **entryPtr = Graph.Index.FindPtr(commitInfo.Step);
- if (!entryPtr)
- return nullptr;
- TLogEntry *entry = *entryPtr;
- if (entry->IsSnapshot != commitInfo.IsSnapshot || entry->IsTotalSnapshot != commitInfo.IsTotalSnapshot)
- return nullptr;
- for (ui32 dependsOn : commitInfo.DependsOn) {
- TGraph::TIndex::iterator it = Graph.Index.find(dependsOn);
- if (it != Graph.Index.end())
- commitEv.AddDependsOn(dependsOn);
- }
- if (commitEv.DependsOnSize() != entry->DependenciesLeft)
- return nullptr;
- return entry;
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPreCommit::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvTablet::TEvPreCommit *msg = ev->Get();
- MakeLogEntry(*msg, nullptr);
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvAux::TPtr &ev) {
+ for (ui32 dependsOn : commitInfo.DependsOn) {
+ TGraph::TIndex::iterator it = Graph.Index.find(dependsOn);
+ if (it != Graph.Index.end()) {
+ if (commitEv)
+ commitEv->AddDependsOn(dependsOn);
+ it->second->Dependent.push_back(step);
+ ++entry->DependenciesLeft;
+ }
+ }
+ return entry;
+TTablet::TLogEntry* TTablet::FindLogEntry(TEvTablet::TCommitInfo &commitInfo, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &commitEv) {
+ TLogEntry **entryPtr = Graph.Index.FindPtr(commitInfo.Step);
+ if (!entryPtr)
+ return nullptr;
+ TLogEntry *entry = *entryPtr;
+ if (entry->IsSnapshot != commitInfo.IsSnapshot || entry->IsTotalSnapshot != commitInfo.IsTotalSnapshot)
+ return nullptr;
+ for (ui32 dependsOn : commitInfo.DependsOn) {
+ TGraph::TIndex::iterator it = Graph.Index.find(dependsOn);
+ if (it != Graph.Index.end())
+ commitEv.AddDependsOn(dependsOn);
+ }
+ if (commitEv.DependsOnSize() != entry->DependenciesLeft)
+ return nullptr;
+ return entry;
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPreCommit::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvTablet::TEvPreCommit *msg = ev->Get();
+ MakeLogEntry(*msg, nullptr);
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvAux::TPtr &ev) {
TString& auxUpdate = ev->Get()->FollowerAux;
- if (!Graph.Queue.empty()) {
+ if (!Graph.Queue.empty()) {
- } else {
+ } else {
- }
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommit::TPtr &ev) {
+ }
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommit::TPtr &ev) {
if (Graph.StepsInFlight >= MaxStepsInFlight || Graph.BytesInFlight >= MaxBytesInFlight) {
// Delay commit handling until inflight goes down
@@ -1091,79 +1091,79 @@ void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommit::TPtr &ev) {
bool TTablet::HandleNext(TEvTablet::TEvCommit::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvTablet::TEvCommit *msg = ev->Get();
+ TEvTablet::TEvCommit *msg = ev->Get();
std::unique_ptr<NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry> x(new NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry());
TLogEntry *entry = msg->PreCommited ? FindLogEntry(*msg, *x) : MakeLogEntry(*msg, x.get());
if (entry == nullptr) {
return false;
- entry->Source = ev->Sender;
- entry->SourceCookie = ev->Cookie;
+ entry->Source = ev->Sender;
+ entry->SourceCookie = ev->Cookie;
entry->WaitFollowerGcAck = msg->WaitFollowerGcAck;
- x->SetSnapshot(MakeGenStepPair(Graph.Snapshot.first, Graph.Snapshot.second));
- x->SetConfirmed(Graph.Confirmed);
+ x->SetSnapshot(MakeGenStepPair(Graph.Snapshot.first, Graph.Snapshot.second));
+ x->SetConfirmed(Graph.Confirmed);
const bool saveFollowerUpdate = !LeaderInfo.empty();
if (saveFollowerUpdate)
entry->FollowerUpdate.Reset(new TFollowerUpdate());
- if (entry->IsSnapshot)
- x->SetIsSnapshot(true);
- if (entry->IsTotalSnapshot)
- x->SetIsTotalSnapshot(true);
- x->MutableReferences()->Reserve((i32)(msg->ExternalReferences.size() + msg->References.size()));
+ if (entry->IsSnapshot)
+ x->SetIsSnapshot(true);
+ if (entry->IsTotalSnapshot)
+ x->SetIsTotalSnapshot(true);
+ x->MutableReferences()->Reserve((i32)(msg->ExternalReferences.size() + msg->References.size()));
if (saveFollowerUpdate)
for (TVector<TLogoBlobID>::const_iterator it = msg->ExternalReferences.begin(), end = msg->ExternalReferences.end(); it != end; ++it)
- LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(*it, x->AddReferences());
+ LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(*it, x->AddReferences());
for (TVector<TEvTablet::TLogEntryReference>::const_iterator it = msg->References.begin(), end = msg->References.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- const TLogoBlobID &id = it->Id;
- Y_VERIFY(id.TabletID() == TabletID() && id.Generation() == StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration);
- LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(id, x->AddReferences());
+ const TLogoBlobID &id = it->Id;
+ Y_VERIFY(id.TabletID() == TabletID() && id.Generation() == StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration);
+ LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(id, x->AddReferences());
if (saveFollowerUpdate)
entry->FollowerUpdate->References.push_back(std::make_pair(it->Id, it->Buffer));
- }
- if (!msg->GcDiscovered.empty()) {
- x->MutableGcDiscovered()->Reserve((i32)msg->GcDiscovered.size());
- for (auto &gcx : msg->GcDiscovered)
- LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(gcx, x->AddGcDiscovered());
+ }
+ if (!msg->GcDiscovered.empty()) {
+ x->MutableGcDiscovered()->Reserve((i32)msg->GcDiscovered.size());
+ for (auto &gcx : msg->GcDiscovered)
+ LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(gcx, x->AddGcDiscovered());
if (saveFollowerUpdate)
- }
- if (!msg->GcLeft.empty()) {
- x->MutableGcLeft()->Reserve((i32)msg->GcLeft.size());
- for (auto &gcx : msg->GcLeft)
- LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(gcx, x->AddGcLeft());
+ }
+ if (!msg->GcLeft.empty()) {
+ x->MutableGcLeft()->Reserve((i32)msg->GcLeft.size());
+ for (auto &gcx : msg->GcLeft)
+ LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(gcx, x->AddGcLeft());
if (saveFollowerUpdate)
- }
- if (msg->EmbeddedLogBody) {
- Y_VERIFY(x->ReferencesSize() == 0);
- x->SetEmbeddedLogBody(msg->EmbeddedLogBody);
+ }
+ if (msg->EmbeddedLogBody) {
+ Y_VERIFY(x->ReferencesSize() == 0);
+ x->SetEmbeddedLogBody(msg->EmbeddedLogBody);
if (saveFollowerUpdate)
entry->FollowerUpdate->Body = msg->EmbeddedLogBody;
- }
+ }
if (saveFollowerUpdate && msg->FollowerAux)
entry->FollowerUpdate->AuxPayload = msg->FollowerAux;
entry->ByteSize = x->ByteSizeLong();
for (const auto& ref : msg->References) {
entry->ByteSize += ref.Buffer.size();
@@ -1174,43 +1174,43 @@ bool TTablet::HandleNext(TEvTablet::TEvCommit::TPtr &ev) {
return true;
- const TLogoBlobID logid(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, entry->Step, 0, 0, 0);
- entry->StateStorageConfirmed = true; // todo: do real query against state-storage (optionally?)
- entry->Task = Register(
+ const TLogoBlobID logid(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, entry->Step, 0, 0, 0);
+ entry->StateStorageConfirmed = true; // todo: do real query against state-storage (optionally?)
+ entry->Task = Register(
CreateTabletReqWriteLog(SelfId(), logid, x.release(), msg->References, msg->CommitTactic, Info.Get())
- );
+ );
Graph.StepsInFlight += 1;
Graph.BytesInFlight += entry->ByteSize;
return true;
-void TTablet::CheckEntry(TGraph::TIndex::iterator it) {
- ui32 step = it->first;
- TLogEntry *entry = it->second;
- if (!entry->BlobStorageConfirmed || !entry->StateStorageConfirmed || entry->DependenciesLeft > 0)
- return;
- TStackVec<ui32> cleanupQueue;
- do {
- while (!entry && cleanupQueue) {
- it = Graph.Index.find(cleanupQueue.back());
- cleanupQueue.pop_back();
- Y_VERIFY(it != Graph.Index.end());
- TLogEntry *ex = it->second;
- if (--ex->DependenciesLeft == 0 && ex->StateStorageConfirmed && ex->BlobStorageConfirmed) {
- step = it->first;
- entry = ex;
- }
- }
- while (entry) {
- Graph.Index.erase(it);
- entry->Commited = true;
- entry->CommitedMoment = TActivationContext::Now();
- Send(entry->Source,
+void TTablet::CheckEntry(TGraph::TIndex::iterator it) {
+ ui32 step = it->first;
+ TLogEntry *entry = it->second;
+ if (!entry->BlobStorageConfirmed || !entry->StateStorageConfirmed || entry->DependenciesLeft > 0)
+ return;
+ TStackVec<ui32> cleanupQueue;
+ do {
+ while (!entry && cleanupQueue) {
+ it = Graph.Index.find(cleanupQueue.back());
+ cleanupQueue.pop_back();
+ Y_VERIFY(it != Graph.Index.end());
+ TLogEntry *ex = it->second;
+ if (--ex->DependenciesLeft == 0 && ex->StateStorageConfirmed && ex->BlobStorageConfirmed) {
+ step = it->first;
+ entry = ex;
+ }
+ }
+ while (entry) {
+ Graph.Index.erase(it);
+ entry->Commited = true;
+ entry->CommitedMoment = TActivationContext::Now();
+ Send(entry->Source,
new TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult(
@@ -1222,37 +1222,37 @@ void TTablet::CheckEntry(TGraph::TIndex::iterator it) {
0, entry->SourceCookie);
- const auto &dependent = entry->Dependent;
- entry = nullptr;
- step = 0;
- for (ui32 i : dependent) {
- if (entry)
- cleanupQueue.push_back(i);
- else {
- it = Graph.Index.find(i);
- Y_VERIFY(it != Graph.Index.end());
- TLogEntry *ex = it->second;
- if (--ex->DependenciesLeft == 0 && ex->StateStorageConfirmed && ex->BlobStorageConfirmed) {
- step = it->first;
- entry = ex;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } while (cleanupQueue);
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult::TPtr &ev) {
- Y_VERIFY(GcInFly > 0);
- --GcInFly;
+ const auto &dependent = entry->Dependent;
+ entry = nullptr;
+ step = 0;
+ for (ui32 i : dependent) {
+ if (entry)
+ cleanupQueue.push_back(i);
+ else {
+ it = Graph.Index.find(i);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != Graph.Index.end());
+ TLogEntry *ex = it->second;
+ if (--ex->DependenciesLeft == 0 && ex->StateStorageConfirmed && ex->BlobStorageConfirmed) {
+ step = it->first;
+ entry = ex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (cleanupQueue);
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ Y_VERIFY(GcInFly > 0);
+ --GcInFly;
TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult *msg = ev->Get();
switch (msg->Status) {
- case NKikimrProto::RACE:
- case NKikimrProto::BLOCKED:
+ case NKikimrProto::RACE:
+ case NKikimrProto::BLOCKED:
case NKikimrProto::NO_GROUP:
// We want to stop after current graph is committed
if (BlobStorageStatus == NKikimrProto::OK) {
@@ -1266,106 +1266,106 @@ void TTablet::Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult::TPtr &ev) {
if (GcInFly == 0 && GcNextStep != 0) {
GcLogChannel(std::exchange(GcNextStep, 0));
- return;
- }
+ return;
+ }
-void TTablet::GcLogChannel(ui32 step) {
- const ui64 tabletid = TabletID();
- const ui32 gen = StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration;
+void TTablet::GcLogChannel(ui32 step) {
+ const ui64 tabletid = TabletID();
+ const ui32 gen = StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration;
if (GcInFly != 0 || Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep != 0 && Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep <= step) {
if (GcInFlyStep < step) {
BLOG_D("GcCollect 0 channel postponed, tablet:gen:step => " << gen << ":" << step);
GcNextStep = step;
- BLOG_D("GcCollect 0 channel skipped, tablet:gen:step => " << gen << ":" << step);
- return;
- }
- BLOG_D("GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => " << gen << ":" << step);
- const TTabletChannelInfo *channelInfo = Info->ChannelInfo(0);
- if (GcCounter == 0) {
+ BLOG_D("GcCollect 0 channel skipped, tablet:gen:step => " << gen << ":" << step);
+ return;
+ }
+ BLOG_D("GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => " << gen << ":" << step);
+ const TTabletChannelInfo *channelInfo = Info->ChannelInfo(0);
+ if (GcCounter == 0) {
TSet<ui32> alreadySent;
- for (const auto &x : channelInfo->History) {
- const ui32 groupId = x.GroupID;
- if (!alreadySent.insert(groupId).second)
- continue;
- ++GcInFly;
- SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), groupId,
- new TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbage(
- tabletid, gen, ++GcCounter, 0,
- true,
- gen, step,
+ for (const auto &x : channelInfo->History) {
+ const ui32 groupId = x.GroupID;
+ if (!alreadySent.insert(groupId).second)
+ continue;
+ ++GcInFly;
+ SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), groupId,
+ new TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbage(
+ tabletid, gen, ++GcCounter, 0,
+ true,
+ gen, step,
nullptr, nullptr, TInstant::Max(),
- )
- );
- }
- } else {
- ++GcInFly;
- SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), channelInfo->LatestEntry()->GroupID,
- new TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbage(
- tabletid, gen, ++GcCounter, 0,
- true,
- gen, step,
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ ++GcInFly;
+ SendToBSProxy(SelfId(), channelInfo->LatestEntry()->GroupID,
+ new TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbage(
+ tabletid, gen, ++GcCounter, 0,
+ true,
+ gen, step,
nullptr, nullptr, TInstant::Max(),
- )
- );
- }
+ )
+ );
+ }
GcInFlyStep = step;
GcNextStep = 0;
void TTablet::SpreadFollowerAuxUpdate(const TString& auxUpdate) {
for (auto &xpair : LeaderInfo) {
SendFollowerAuxUpdate(xpair.second, xpair.first, auxUpdate);
void TTablet::SendFollowerAuxUpdate(TLeaderInfo& info, const TActorId& follower, const TString& auxUpdate) {
if (info.FollowerAttempt == Max<ui32>())
if (info.StreamCounter == 0)
const ui64 tabletId = TabletID();
auto notify = MakeHolder<TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAuxUpdate>(tabletId, info.FollowerAttempt, info.StreamCounter);
Send(follower, notify.Release(), 0, IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
bool TTablet::ProgressCommitQueue() {
- const ui64 tabletId = TabletID();
- while (!Graph.Queue.empty()) {
+ const ui64 tabletId = TabletID();
+ while (!Graph.Queue.empty()) {
TLogEntry *entry = Graph.Queue.front().get();
- if (!entry->Commited)
- break;
- const ui32 step = entry->Step;
- if (entry->IsSnapshot) {
- Graph.Snapshot = std::pair<ui32, ui32>(StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, step);
- GcLogChannel(entry->ConfirmedOnSend);
- }
+ if (!entry->Commited)
+ break;
+ const ui32 step = entry->Step;
+ if (entry->IsSnapshot) {
+ Graph.Snapshot = std::pair<ui32, ui32>(StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, step);
+ GcLogChannel(entry->ConfirmedOnSend);
+ }
if (entry->FollowerUpdate && LeaderInfo && step >= Graph.MinFollowerUpdate) {
} else if (entry->WaitFollowerGcAck) {
Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied(tabletId, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, step, TDuration::Max()));
- }
- Graph.Confirmed = step;
- Graph.Queue.pop_front();
- }
+ }
+ Graph.Confirmed = step;
+ Graph.Queue.pop_front();
+ }
if (CheckBlobStorageError()) {
return false;
@@ -1373,19 +1373,19 @@ bool TTablet::ProgressCommitQueue() {
return true;
void TTablet::ProgressFollowerQueue() {
const ui32 goodUntil = LeaderInfo ? Graph.ConfirmedCommited : Max<ui32>();
while (!Graph.PostponedFollowerUpdates.empty()) {
TLogEntry *entry = Graph.PostponedFollowerUpdates.front().get();
- const ui32 step = entry->Step;
- if (step > goodUntil)
- break;
+ const ui32 step = entry->Step;
+ if (step > goodUntil)
+ break;
auto *sup = entry->FollowerUpdate.Get();
bool needWaitForFollowerGcAck = false;
for (auto &xpair : LeaderInfo) {
if (step < Graph.MinFollowerUpdate) {
@@ -1396,166 +1396,166 @@ void TTablet::ProgressFollowerQueue() {
TLeaderInfo &followerInfo = xpair.second;
if (!needWaitForFollowerGcAck) {
if (followerInfo.SyncState != EFollowerSyncState::Ignore)
needWaitForFollowerGcAck = true;
- }
+ }
if (followerInfo.FollowerAttempt == Max<ui32>())
- continue;
+ continue;
if (followerInfo.SyncState == EFollowerSyncState::Active
|| followerInfo.SyncState == EFollowerSyncState::Pending && entry->IsSnapshot)
- {
+ {
auto notify = MakeHolder<TEvTablet::TEvFollowerUpdate>(TabletID(), followerInfo.FollowerAttempt, followerInfo.StreamCounter);
- auto &record = notify->Record;
- record.SetGeneration(StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration);
- record.SetStep(step);
- record.SetIsSnapshot(entry->IsSnapshot);
+ auto &record = notify->Record;
+ record.SetGeneration(StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration);
+ record.SetStep(step);
+ record.SetIsSnapshot(entry->IsSnapshot);
- if (sup->Body)
- record.SetBody(sup->Body);
- if (sup->AuxPayload)
- record.SetAuxPayload(sup->AuxPayload);
- if (sup->References) {
- record.MutableReferences()->Reserve(sup->References.size());
- record.MutableReferencesIds()->Reserve(sup->References.size());
- for (auto &refpair : sup->References) {
- record.AddReferences(refpair.second);
- LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(refpair.first, record.AddReferencesIds());
- }
- }
+ if (sup->Body)
+ record.SetBody(sup->Body);
+ if (sup->AuxPayload)
+ record.SetAuxPayload(sup->AuxPayload);
+ if (sup->References) {
+ record.MutableReferences()->Reserve(sup->References.size());
+ record.MutableReferencesIds()->Reserve(sup->References.size());
+ for (auto &refpair : sup->References) {
+ record.AddReferences(refpair.second);
+ LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(refpair.first, record.AddReferencesIds());
+ }
+ }
if (followerInfo.StreamCounter == 0) {
- TabletStorageInfoToProto(*Info, record.MutableTabletStorageInfo());
+ TabletStorageInfoToProto(*Info, record.MutableTabletStorageInfo());
followerInfo.SyncState = EFollowerSyncState::Active;
- }
+ }
const ui32 subscFlag = (followerInfo.StreamCounter == 0) ? IEventHandle::FlagSubscribeOnSession : 0;
- Send(xpair.first, notify.Release(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | subscFlag);
- ++xpair.second.StreamCounter;
- }
+ Send(xpair.first, notify.Release(), IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery | subscFlag);
+ ++xpair.second.StreamCounter;
+ }
for (const TString &x : entry->FollowerAuxUpdates)
SendFollowerAuxUpdate(xpair.second, xpair.first, x);
- }
+ }
if (entry->WaitFollowerGcAck) {
if (needWaitForFollowerGcAck) {
- WaitingForGcAck.emplace_back(step, entry->CommitedMoment);
- } else {
+ WaitingForGcAck.emplace_back(step, entry->CommitedMoment);
+ } else {
Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, step, TDuration::Max()));
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
if (Graph.PostponedFollowerUpdates && Graph.Queue.empty() && Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep == 0) {
- Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep = Graph.NextEntry - 1;
+ Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep = Graph.NextEntry - 1;
if (GcInFly) {
// Since we always confirm the last commit it should be impossible
// to ever try to commit inside a garbage collected range.
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(GcInFlyStep < Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(GcNextStep < Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep);
- TLogoBlobID entryId(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep, 0, 0, 1);
- THolder<NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry> entry(new NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry());
- entry->SetSnapshot(MakeGenStepPair(Graph.Snapshot.first, Graph.Snapshot.second));
- entry->SetConfirmed(Graph.Confirmed);
- entry->SetIsSnapshot(false);
- entry->SetIsTotalSnapshot(false);
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(Graph.Confirmed == Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep); // last entry must be confirmed
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep > Graph.ConfirmedCommited); // commit should make some progress
- TVector<TEvTablet::TLogEntryReference> refs;
- Register(
- CreateTabletReqWriteLog(SelfId(), entryId, entry.Release(), refs, TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic::TacticMinLatency, Info.Get())
- );
- }
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr& ev) {
+ TLogoBlobID entryId(TabletID(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration, Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep, 0, 0, 1);
+ THolder<NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry> entry(new NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry());
+ entry->SetSnapshot(MakeGenStepPair(Graph.Snapshot.first, Graph.Snapshot.second));
+ entry->SetConfirmed(Graph.Confirmed);
+ entry->SetIsSnapshot(false);
+ entry->SetIsTotalSnapshot(false);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(Graph.Confirmed == Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep); // last entry must be confirmed
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep > Graph.ConfirmedCommited); // commit should make some progress
+ TVector<TEvTablet::TLogEntryReference> refs;
+ Register(
+ CreateTabletReqWriteLog(SelfId(), entryId, entry.Release(), refs, TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::ETactic::TacticMinLatency, Info.Get())
+ );
+ }
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr& ev) {
if (PipeConnectAcceptor->IsStopped()) {
PipeConnectAcceptor->Reject(ev, SelfId(), NKikimrProto::TRYLATER, Leader);
} else if (PipeConnectAcceptor->IsActive()) {
PipeConnectAcceptor->Accept(ev, SelfId(), UserTablet, Leader);
} else {
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Enqueue(ev, SelfId());
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Enqueue(ev, SelfId());
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDestroyed::TPtr& ev) {
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Erase(ev);
-void TTablet::HandleQueued(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr& ev) {
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDestroyed::TPtr& ev) {
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Erase(ev);
+void TTablet::HandleQueued(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr& ev) {
if (PipeConnectAcceptor->IsStopped()) {
// FIXME: do we really need it?
PipeConnectAcceptor->Reject(ev, SelfId(), NKikimrProto::TRYLATER, Leader);
} else {
PipeConnectAcceptor->Enqueue(ev, SelfId());
void TTablet::HandleByFollower(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr &ev) {
if (PipeConnectAcceptor->IsActive() && !PipeConnectAcceptor->IsStopped()) {
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Accept(ev, SelfId(), UserTablet, false);
- } else {
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Reject(ev, SelfId(), NKikimrProto::TRYLATER, false);
- }
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev) {
- TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult *msg = ev->Get();
- const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status = msg->Status;
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Accept(ev, SelfId(), UserTablet, false);
+ } else {
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Reject(ev, SelfId(), NKikimrProto::TRYLATER, false);
+ }
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ const NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status = msg->Status;
const TLogoBlobID &logid = msg->EntryId;
- // todo: channel reconfiguration
- switch (status) {
- case NKikimrProto::OK:
- {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(logid.Generation() == StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration && logid.TabletID() == TabletID());
- const ui32 step = logid.Step();
- if (logid.Cookie() == 0) {
- TGraph::TIndex::iterator indexIt = Graph.Index.find(step);
- Y_VERIFY(indexIt != Graph.Index.end());
- TLogEntry *entry = indexIt->second;
- entry->BlobStorageConfirmed = true;
+ // todo: channel reconfiguration
+ switch (status) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(logid.Generation() == StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration && logid.TabletID() == TabletID());
+ const ui32 step = logid.Step();
+ if (logid.Cookie() == 0) {
+ TGraph::TIndex::iterator indexIt = Graph.Index.find(step);
+ Y_VERIFY(indexIt != Graph.Index.end());
+ TLogEntry *entry = indexIt->second;
+ entry->BlobStorageConfirmed = true;
entry->YellowMoveChannels = std::move(msg->YellowMoveChannels);
entry->YellowStopChannels = std::move(msg->YellowStopChannels);
- entry->GroupWrittenBytes = std::move(msg->GroupWrittenBytes);
- entry->GroupWrittenOps = std::move(msg->GroupWrittenOps);
- Graph.ConfirmedCommited = Max(Graph.ConfirmedCommited, entry->ConfirmedOnSend);
+ entry->GroupWrittenBytes = std::move(msg->GroupWrittenBytes);
+ entry->GroupWrittenOps = std::move(msg->GroupWrittenOps);
+ Graph.ConfirmedCommited = Max(Graph.ConfirmedCommited, entry->ConfirmedOnSend);
Graph.StepsInFlight -= 1;
Graph.BytesInFlight -= entry->ByteSize;
- CheckEntry(indexIt);
- } else {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(logid.Cookie() == 1 && step == Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep);
- Graph.ConfirmedCommited = Max(Graph.ConfirmedCommited, step);
- Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep = 0;
+ CheckEntry(indexIt);
+ } else {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(logid.Cookie() == 1 && step == Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep);
+ Graph.ConfirmedCommited = Max(Graph.ConfirmedCommited, step);
+ Graph.SyncCommit.SyncStep = 0;
if (GcInFly == 0 && GcNextStep != 0) {
GcLogChannel(std::exchange(GcNextStep, 0));
- }
+ }
if (!ProgressCommitQueue()) {
return; // we died
@@ -1572,11 +1572,11 @@ void TTablet::Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev) {
- return;
- }
- default:
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
- }
+ }
if (msg->YellowMoveChannels) {
@@ -1591,8 +1591,8 @@ void TTablet::Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev) {
void TTablet::HandleFeatures(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures::TPtr &ev) {
SupportedFeatures = ev->Get()->Features;
@@ -1610,24 +1610,24 @@ void TTablet::HandleStopped() {
-void TTablet::HandlePoisonPill() {
- return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonPill);
+void TTablet::HandlePoisonPill() {
+ return CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonPill);
-void TTablet::HandleDemoted() {
+void TTablet::HandleDemoted() {
StopTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::ReasonDemoted, TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonDemotedByStateStorage);
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvDemoted::TPtr &ev) {
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvDemoted::TPtr &ev) {
const auto deadReason =
- ev->Get()->ByIsolation ? TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonIsolated
- : TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonDemotedByStateStorage;
+ ev->Get()->ByIsolation ? TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonIsolated
+ : TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::ReasonDemotedByStateStorage;
const auto stopReason = ev->Get()->ByIsolation
? TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::ReasonIsolated
: TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::ReasonDemoted;
StopTablet(stopReason, deadReason);
bool TTablet::CheckBlobStorageError() {
if (Y_LIKELY(BlobStorageStatus == NKikimrProto::OK)) {
return false;
@@ -1723,17 +1723,17 @@ void TTablet::ReassignYellowChannels(TVector<ui32> &&yellowMoveChannels) {
/* subscribe */ false));
-void TTablet::CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason reason, const TString &details) {
- " Type: " << TTabletTypes::TypeToStr((TTabletTypes::EType)Info->TabletType)
- << ", EReason: " << TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Str(reason)
- << ", SuggestedGeneration: " << SuggestedGeneration
- << ", KnownGeneration: " << StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration
- << (details ? ", Details: " : "") << details.data());
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
- const ui32 reportedGeneration = SuggestedGeneration ? SuggestedGeneration : StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration;
+void TTablet::CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason reason, const TString &details) {
+ " Type: " << TTabletTypes::TypeToStr((TTabletTypes::EType)Info->TabletType)
+ << ", EReason: " << TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::Str(reason)
+ << ", SuggestedGeneration: " << SuggestedGeneration
+ << ", KnownGeneration: " << StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration
+ << (details ? ", Details: " : "") << details.data());
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
+ const ui32 reportedGeneration = SuggestedGeneration ? SuggestedGeneration : StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration;
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
@@ -1741,213 +1741,213 @@ void TTablet::CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason reason, const TStri
, reason
, SuggestedGeneration
, StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration));
- SendIntrospectionData();
+ SendIntrospectionData();
- Send(Launcher, new TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead(TabletID(), reason, reportedGeneration));
- if (UserTablet)
- Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead(TabletID(), reason, reportedGeneration));
- if (StateStorageGuardian)
- Send(StateStorageGuardian, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ Send(Launcher, new TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead(TabletID(), reason, reportedGeneration));
+ if (UserTablet)
+ Send(UserTablet, new TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead(TabletID(), reason, reportedGeneration));
+ if (StateStorageGuardian)
+ Send(StateStorageGuardian, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
if (FollowerStStGuardian)
Send(FollowerStStGuardian, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- if (RebuildGraphRequest)
- Send(RebuildGraphRequest, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- TSet<ui32> nodesToUnsubsribe;
+ if (RebuildGraphRequest)
+ Send(RebuildGraphRequest, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ TSet<ui32> nodesToUnsubsribe;
for (auto &xpair : LeaderInfo) {
Send(xpair.first, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDisconnect(TabletID(), xpair.second.FollowerAttempt));
const ui32 followerNode = xpair.first.NodeId();
if (followerNode && followerNode != SelfId().NodeId())
- }
+ }
if (FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID)
Send(FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID, new TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach(TabletID(), FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt));
- if (NeedCleanupOnLockedPath)
- Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvCleanup(TabletID(), SelfId()));
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Dead);
+ if (NeedCleanupOnLockedPath)
+ Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvCleanup(TabletID(), SelfId()));
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Dead);
const ui32 leaderNode = FollowerInfo.KnownLeaderID.NodeId();
if (leaderNode && leaderNode != SelfId().NodeId())
- for (ui32 x : nodesToUnsubsribe) {
- Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(x), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- }
- PassAway();
-void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig::TPtr &ev) {
+ for (ui32 x : nodesToUnsubsribe) {
+ Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(x), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ }
+ PassAway();
+void TTablet::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig::TPtr &ev) {
ResourceProfiles = ev->Get()->ResourceProfiles;
if (UserTablet)
- TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(UserTablet));
-void TTablet::LockedInitializationPath() {
- const ui32 latestChangeGeneration = SuggestedGeneration ? SuggestedGeneration - 1 : Info->ChannelInfo(0)->LatestEntry()->FromGeneration;
- BLOG_D("LockedInitializationPath");
- if (StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration < latestChangeGeneration) {
- StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = latestChangeGeneration;
- StateStorageInfo.KnownStep = 0;
- }
+ TActivationContext::Send(ev->Forward(UserTablet));
+void TTablet::LockedInitializationPath() {
+ const ui32 latestChangeGeneration = SuggestedGeneration ? SuggestedGeneration - 1 : Info->ChannelInfo(0)->LatestEntry()->FromGeneration;
+ BLOG_D("LockedInitializationPath");
+ if (StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration < latestChangeGeneration) {
+ StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration = latestChangeGeneration;
+ StateStorageInfo.KnownStep = 0;
+ }
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
, StateStorageInfo.KnownStep
, StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz));
- // lock => find latest => update => normal path
- Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLock(TabletID(), 0, SelfId(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration + 1, StateStorageInfo.Signature.Get(), StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz, TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions::SigAsync));
- NeedCleanupOnLockedPath = true;
- Become(&TThis::StateLock);
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Lock);
+ // lock => find latest => update => normal path
+ Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLock(TabletID(), 0, SelfId(), StateStorageInfo.KnownGeneration + 1, StateStorageInfo.Signature.Get(), StateStorageInfo.SignatureSz, TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions::SigAsync));
+ NeedCleanupOnLockedPath = true;
+ Become(&TThis::StateLock);
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Lock);
TTablet::TTablet(const TActorId &launcher, TTabletStorageInfo *info, TTabletSetupInfo *setupInfo, bool leader,
ui32 suggestedGeneration, ui32 followerId, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles, TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota)
: TActor(leader ? &TThis::StateBootstrapNormal : &TThis::StateBootstrapFollower)
, InitialFollowerSyncDone(false)
- , Launcher(launcher)
- , Info(info)
- , SetupInfo(setupInfo)
- , SuggestedGeneration(suggestedGeneration)
- , NeedCleanupOnLockedPath(false)
- , GcCounter(0)
- , PipeConnectAcceptor(NTabletPipe::CreateConnectAcceptor(info->TabletID))
+ , Launcher(launcher)
+ , Info(info)
+ , SetupInfo(setupInfo)
+ , SuggestedGeneration(suggestedGeneration)
+ , NeedCleanupOnLockedPath(false)
+ , GcCounter(0)
+ , PipeConnectAcceptor(NTabletPipe::CreateConnectAcceptor(info->TabletID))
, Leader(leader)
, FollowerId(followerId)
- , DiscoveredLastBlocked(Max<ui32>())
- , GcInFly(0)
+ , DiscoveredLastBlocked(Max<ui32>())
+ , GcInFly(0)
, GcInFlyStep(0)
, GcNextStep(0)
, ResourceProfiles(profiles)
, TxCacheQuota(txCacheQuota)
Y_VERIFY(!info->Channels.empty() && !info->Channels[0].History.empty());
- Y_VERIFY(TTabletTypes::TYPE_INVALID != info->TabletType);
+ Y_VERIFY(TTabletTypes::TYPE_INVALID != info->TabletType);
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> TTablet::AfterRegister(const TActorId &self, const TActorId& parentId) {
- Y_UNUSED(parentId);
- return new IEventHandle(self, self, new TEvents::TEvBootstrap());
+ Y_UNUSED(parentId);
+ return new IEventHandle(self, self, new TEvents::TEvBootstrap());
void TTablet::RetryFollowerBootstrapOrWait() {
if (FollowerInfo.RetryRound) {
- TActivationContext::Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(2000), new IEventHandle(
- SelfId(), SelfId(),
+ TActivationContext::Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(2000), new IEventHandle(
+ SelfId(), SelfId(),
new TEvTabletBase::TEvFollowerRetry(++FollowerInfo.RetryRound),
0, FollowerInfo.FollowerAttempt));
- } else {
+ } else {
FollowerInfo.RetryRound = 1;
- }
+ }
void TTablet::BootstrapFollower() {
// create guardians right now and schedule offline follower boot
if (!FollowerStStGuardian) {
FollowerStStGuardian = Register(CreateStateStorageFollowerGuardian(TabletID(), SelfId()));
Schedule(OfflineFollowerWaitFirst, new TEvTabletBase::TEvTryBuildFollowerGraph());
- }
+ }
Leader = false;
- BoostrapTime = AppData()->TimeProvider->Now();
- bool enInt = AppData()->EnableIntrospection;
+ BoostrapTime = AppData()->TimeProvider->Now();
+ bool enInt = AppData()->EnableIntrospection;
if (enInt) {
- StateStorageInfo.ProxyID = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroup());
- Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup(TabletID(), 0, TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions(TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions::SigAsync)));
+ StateStorageInfo.ProxyID = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroup());
+ Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup(TabletID(), 0, TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions(TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions::SigAsync)));
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TOnTabletBootstrap>(SuggestedGeneration, false, StateStorageInfo.ProxyID));
-void TTablet::Bootstrap() {
- DiscoveredLastBlocked = Max<ui32>();
+void TTablet::Bootstrap() {
+ DiscoveredLastBlocked = Max<ui32>();
Leader = true;
- BoostrapTime = AppData()->TimeProvider->Now();
- bool enInt = AppData()->EnableIntrospection;
+ BoostrapTime = AppData()->TimeProvider->Now();
+ bool enInt = AppData()->EnableIntrospection;
if (enInt) {
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Created); // useless?
- StateStorageInfo.ProxyID = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroup());
- Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup(TabletID(), 0, TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions(TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions::SigAsync)));
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::Created); // useless?
+ StateStorageInfo.ProxyID = MakeStateStorageProxyID(StateStorageGroup());
+ Send(StateStorageInfo.ProxyID, new TEvStateStorage::TEvLookup(TabletID(), 0, TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions(TEvStateStorage::TProxyOptions::SigAsync)));
if (IntrospectionTrace) {
IntrospectionTrace->Attach(MakeHolder<NTracing::TOnTabletBootstrap>(SuggestedGeneration, true, StateStorageInfo.ProxyID));
- // todo: handle "proxy unknown" case (normal timeouts are handled by proxy)
- PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
- Become(&TThis::StateResolveStateStorage);
- ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::ResolveStateStorage);
-void TTablet::ExternalWriteZeroEntry(TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 gen, TActorIdentity owner) {
+ // todo: handle "proxy unknown" case (normal timeouts are handled by proxy)
+ PipeConnectAcceptor->Detach(SelfId());
+ Become(&TThis::StateResolveStateStorage);
+ ReportTabletStateChange(TTabletStateInfo::ResolveStateStorage);
+void TTablet::ExternalWriteZeroEntry(TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 gen, TActorIdentity owner) {
THolder<NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry> entry = MakeHolder<NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry>();
entry->SetSnapshot(MakeGenStepPair(0, 0));
entry->SetZeroConfirmed(MakeGenStepPair(0, 0));
TLogoBlobID logid(info->TabletID, gen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TVector<TEvTablet::TLogEntryReference> refs;
- TActivationContext::Register(CreateTabletReqWriteLog(owner, logid, entry.Release(), refs, TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::TacticDefault, info));
+ TActivationContext::Register(CreateTabletReqWriteLog(owner, logid, entry.Release(), refs, TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::TacticDefault, info));
TActorId TTabletSetupInfo::Apply(TTabletStorageInfo *info, TActorIdentity owner) {
- return TActivationContext::Register(Op(owner, info), owner, MailboxType, PoolId);
+ return TActivationContext::Register(Op(owner, info), owner, MailboxType, PoolId);
TActorId TTabletSetupInfo::Apply(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- return Apply(info, TActorIdentity(ctx.SelfID));
+ return Apply(info, TActorIdentity(ctx.SelfID));
TActorId TTabletSetupInfo::Tablet(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &launcher, const TActorContext &ctx,
ui32 suggestedGeneration, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles, TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota) {
return ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(CreateTablet(launcher, info, this, suggestedGeneration, profiles, txCacheQuota),
TabletMailboxType, TabletPoolId);
TActorId TTabletSetupInfo::Follower(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &launcher, const TActorContext &ctx,
ui32 followerId, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles, TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota) {
return ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(CreateTabletFollower(launcher, info, this, followerId, profiles, txCacheQuota),
TabletMailboxType, TabletPoolId);
IActor* CreateTablet(const TActorId &launcher, TTabletStorageInfo *info, TTabletSetupInfo *setupInfo,
ui32 suggestedGeneration, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles, TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota) {
return new TTablet(launcher, info, setupInfo, true, suggestedGeneration, 0, profiles, txCacheQuota);
IActor* CreateTabletFollower(const TActorId &launcher, TTabletStorageInfo *info, TTabletSetupInfo *setupInfo,
ui32 followerId, TResourceProfilesPtr profiles, TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota) {
return new TTablet(launcher, info, setupInfo, false, 0, followerId, profiles, txCacheQuota);
-void TTablet::SendIntrospectionData() {
+void TTablet::SendIntrospectionData() {
const TActorId tabletStateServiceId = NNodeWhiteboard::MakeNodeWhiteboardServiceId(SelfId().NodeId());
- Send(tabletStateServiceId, new NNodeWhiteboard::TEvWhiteboard::TEvIntrospectionData(TabletID(), IntrospectionTrace.Release()));
- IntrospectionTrace.Reset(NTracing::CreateTrace(NTracing::ITrace::TypeSysTabletBootstrap));
+ Send(tabletStateServiceId, new NNodeWhiteboard::TEvWhiteboard::TEvIntrospectionData(TabletID(), IntrospectionTrace.Release()));
+ IntrospectionTrace.Reset(NTracing::CreateTrace(NTracing::ITrace::TypeSysTabletBootstrap));
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_sys.h b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_sys.h
index 1a3b9db19e..661d75a4e0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_sys.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_sys.h
@@ -1,232 +1,232 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tablet_impl.h"
-#include "tablet_setup.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "tablet_impl.h"
+#include "tablet_setup.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <ydb/core/node_whiteboard/node_whiteboard.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <util/generic/intrlist.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
class TTablet : public TActor<TTablet> {
using TTabletStateInfo = NKikimrWhiteboard::TTabletStateInfo;
using ETabletState = TTabletStateInfo::ETabletState;
- struct TStateStorageInfo {
+ struct TStateStorageInfo {
TActorId ProxyID;
- ui32 KnownGeneration;
- ui32 KnownStep;
+ ui32 KnownGeneration;
+ ui32 KnownStep;
TActorId CurrentLeader;
- ui32 SignatureSz;
- TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
- TStateStorageInfo()
- : KnownGeneration(0)
- , KnownStep(0)
- , SignatureSz(0)
- {}
- void Update(const TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg) {
- const ui32 xg = msg->CurrentGeneration;
- const ui32 xs = msg->CurrentStep;
+ ui32 SignatureSz;
+ TArrayHolder<ui64> Signature;
+ TStateStorageInfo()
+ : KnownGeneration(0)
+ , KnownStep(0)
+ , SignatureSz(0)
+ {}
+ void Update(const TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo *msg) {
+ const ui32 xg = msg->CurrentGeneration;
+ const ui32 xs = msg->CurrentStep;
const TActorId &xm = msg->CurrentLeader;
- if (xg > KnownGeneration) {
- KnownGeneration = xg;
- KnownStep = xs;
+ if (xg > KnownGeneration) {
+ KnownGeneration = xg;
+ KnownStep = xs;
CurrentLeader = xm;
- } else if (xg == KnownGeneration) {
- if (KnownStep < xs)
- KnownStep = xs;
- } else {
- // happens?
- }
- }
- void MergeSignature(ui64 *sig, ui32 sigsz) {
- Y_VERIFY(sigsz == SignatureSz);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != sigsz; ++i)
- if (const ui64 x = sig[i])
- Signature[i] = x;
- }
- } StateStorageInfo;
+ } else if (xg == KnownGeneration) {
+ if (KnownStep < xs)
+ KnownStep = xs;
+ } else {
+ // happens?
+ }
+ }
+ void MergeSignature(ui64 *sig, ui32 sigsz) {
+ Y_VERIFY(sigsz == SignatureSz);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != sigsz; ++i)
+ if (const ui64 x = sig[i])
+ Signature[i] = x;
+ }
+ } StateStorageInfo;
struct TFollowerUpdate {
TVector<std::pair<TLogoBlobID, TString>> References;
TString Body;
TString AuxPayload;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> GcDiscovered;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> GcLeft;
- };
- struct TLogEntry {
- const ui32 Step;
- const ui32 ConfirmedOnSend;
+ };
+ struct TLogEntry {
+ const ui32 Step;
+ const ui32 ConfirmedOnSend;
TVector<ui32> Dependent;
- bool StateStorageConfirmed;
- bool BlobStorageConfirmed;
- ui32 DependenciesLeft;
- bool IsSnapshot;
- bool IsTotalSnapshot;
- bool Commited;
+ bool StateStorageConfirmed;
+ bool BlobStorageConfirmed;
+ ui32 DependenciesLeft;
+ bool IsSnapshot;
+ bool IsTotalSnapshot;
+ bool Commited;
bool WaitFollowerGcAck;
- TInstant CommitedMoment;
+ TInstant CommitedMoment;
TActorId Source;
TActorId Task;
- ui64 SourceCookie;
+ ui64 SourceCookie;
THolder<TFollowerUpdate> FollowerUpdate;
TVector<TString> FollowerAuxUpdates;
NMetrics::TTabletThroughputRawValue GroupWrittenBytes;
NMetrics::TTabletIopsRawValue GroupWrittenOps;
TVector<ui32> YellowMoveChannels;
TVector<ui32> YellowStopChannels;
size_t ByteSize;
- TLogEntry(ui32 step, ui32 confirmedOnSend, ui64 sourceCookie)
- : Step(step)
- , ConfirmedOnSend(confirmedOnSend)
- , StateStorageConfirmed(false)
- , BlobStorageConfirmed(false)
- , DependenciesLeft(0)
- , IsSnapshot(false)
- , IsTotalSnapshot(false)
- , Commited(false)
+ TLogEntry(ui32 step, ui32 confirmedOnSend, ui64 sourceCookie)
+ : Step(step)
+ , ConfirmedOnSend(confirmedOnSend)
+ , StateStorageConfirmed(false)
+ , BlobStorageConfirmed(false)
+ , DependenciesLeft(0)
+ , IsSnapshot(false)
+ , IsTotalSnapshot(false)
+ , Commited(false)
, WaitFollowerGcAck(false)
- , CommitedMoment(TInstant::Zero())
- , SourceCookie(sourceCookie)
+ , CommitedMoment(TInstant::Zero())
+ , SourceCookie(sourceCookie)
, ByteSize(0)
- {}
- };
- struct TGraph {
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TGraph {
typedef TDeque<std::unique_ptr<TLogEntry>> TQueueType;
typedef THashMap<ui32, TLogEntry *> TIndex;
TQueueType Queue;
TQueueType PostponedFollowerUpdates;
- TIndex Index;
+ TIndex Index;
TDeque<TEvTablet::TEvCommit::TPtr> DelayCommitQueue;
- ui32 Confirmed;
- ui32 ConfirmedCommited;
- ui32 NextEntry;
+ ui32 Confirmed;
+ ui32 ConfirmedCommited;
+ ui32 NextEntry;
ui32 MinFollowerUpdate;
ui32 StepsInFlight;
ui64 BytesInFlight;
- std::pair<ui32, ui32> Snapshot;
- struct {
- ui32 SyncStep = 0;
- } SyncCommit;
- TGraph()
- : Confirmed(0)
- , ConfirmedCommited(0)
- , NextEntry(0)
+ std::pair<ui32, ui32> Snapshot;
+ struct {
+ ui32 SyncStep = 0;
+ } SyncCommit;
+ TGraph()
+ : Confirmed(0)
+ , ConfirmedCommited(0)
+ , NextEntry(0)
, MinFollowerUpdate(0)
, StepsInFlight(0)
, BytesInFlight(0)
- {}
- } Graph;
+ {}
+ } Graph;
struct TFollowerInfo {
TActorId KnownLeaderID;
- ui32 RetryRound;
+ ui32 RetryRound;
ui32 FollowerAttempt;
- ui64 StreamCounter;
- ui64 EpochGenStep;
- ui64 RebuildGraphCookie;
+ ui64 StreamCounter;
+ ui64 EpochGenStep;
+ ui64 RebuildGraphCookie;
- : RetryRound(0)
+ : RetryRound(0)
, FollowerAttempt(0)
- , StreamCounter(0)
- , EpochGenStep(Max<ui64>())
- , RebuildGraphCookie(1)
- {}
- void NextAttempt() {
+ , StreamCounter(0)
+ , EpochGenStep(Max<ui64>())
+ , RebuildGraphCookie(1)
+ {}
+ void NextAttempt() {
KnownLeaderID = TActorId();
- // do not touch RetryRound on retries
+ // do not touch RetryRound on retries
- StreamCounter = 0;
- // do not reset EpochGenStep for sync actuality check!
- }
+ StreamCounter = 0;
+ // do not reset EpochGenStep for sync actuality check!
+ }
} FollowerInfo;
void NextFollowerAttempt();
enum class EFollowerSyncState {
NeedSync, // follower known but not connected, blocks gc
Pending, // follower connected but stream not yet started, blocks gc
Active, // follower active, blocks gc
Ignore, // could not connect to follower for too long. ignore for gc
- };
+ };
struct TLeaderInfo {
ui32 FollowerAttempt;
- ui64 StreamCounter;
+ ui64 StreamCounter;
EFollowerSyncState SyncState;
- TInstant LastSyncAttempt;
- ui64 SyncAttempt;
- THolder<TSchedulerCookieHolder> SyncCookieHolder;
- ui32 ConfirmedGCStep;
- bool PresentInList;
+ TInstant LastSyncAttempt;
+ ui64 SyncAttempt;
+ THolder<TSchedulerCookieHolder> SyncCookieHolder;
+ ui32 ConfirmedGCStep;
+ bool PresentInList;
TLeaderInfo(EFollowerSyncState syncState = EFollowerSyncState::Pending)
: FollowerAttempt(Max<ui32>())
- , StreamCounter(0)
- , SyncState(syncState)
- , LastSyncAttempt(TInstant::Zero())
- , SyncAttempt(0)
- , ConfirmedGCStep(0)
- , PresentInList(false)
- {}
- };
+ , StreamCounter(0)
+ , SyncState(syncState)
+ , LastSyncAttempt(TInstant::Zero())
+ , SyncAttempt(0)
+ , ConfirmedGCStep(0)
+ , PresentInList(false)
+ {}
+ };
TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo> LeaderInfo;
- TDeque<std::pair<ui32, TInstant>> WaitingForGcAck; // step, commitMoment
+ TDeque<std::pair<ui32, TInstant>> WaitingForGcAck; // step, commitMoment
bool InitialFollowerSyncDone;
const TActorId Launcher;
TActorId UserTablet;
TActorId StateStorageGuardian;
TActorId FollowerStStGuardian;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> SetupInfo;
- ui32 SuggestedGeneration;
- bool NeedCleanupOnLockedPath;
- ui32 GcCounter;
- THolder<NTabletPipe::IConnectAcceptor> PipeConnectAcceptor;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> SetupInfo;
+ ui32 SuggestedGeneration;
+ bool NeedCleanupOnLockedPath;
+ ui32 GcCounter;
+ THolder<NTabletPipe::IConnectAcceptor> PipeConnectAcceptor;
TInstant BoostrapTime;
TInstant ActivateTime;
bool Leader;
ui32 FollowerId;
- ui32 DiscoveredLastBlocked;
- ui32 GcInFly;
+ ui32 DiscoveredLastBlocked;
+ ui32 GcInFly;
ui32 GcInFlyStep;
ui32 GcNextStep;
TResourceProfilesPtr ResourceProfiles;
TSharedQuotaPtr TxCacheQuota;
THolder<NTracing::ITrace> IntrospectionTrace;
TActorId RebuildGraphRequest;
// Delayed cancellation reason
struct TDelayedCancelTablet {
const TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason Reason;
@@ -251,34 +251,34 @@ class TTablet : public TActor<TTablet> {
TString BlobStorageErrorReason;
bool BlobStorageErrorReported = false;
- ui64 StateStorageGroup() const;
- ui64 TabletID() const;
- void ReportTabletStateChange(ETabletState state);
- void PromoteToCandidate(ui32 gen);
- void TabletBlockBlobStorage();
- void TabletRebuildGraph();
- void WriteZeroEntry(TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph *graph);
- void StartActivePhase();
- void UpdateStateStorageSignature(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature::TPtr &ev);
+ ui64 StateStorageGroup() const;
+ ui64 TabletID() const;
+ void ReportTabletStateChange(ETabletState state);
+ void PromoteToCandidate(ui32 gen);
+ void TabletBlockBlobStorage();
+ void TabletRebuildGraph();
+ void WriteZeroEntry(TEvTablet::TDependencyGraph *graph);
+ void StartActivePhase();
+ void UpdateStateStorageSignature(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature::TPtr &ev);
void TryFinishFollowerSync();
- void TryPumpWaitingForGc();
- void HandlePingBoot(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev);
+ void TryPumpWaitingForGc();
+ void HandlePingBoot(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev);
void HandlePingFollower(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev);
- void HandleStateStorageInfoResolve(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev);
+ void HandleStateStorageInfoResolve(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev);
void HandleStateStorageLeaderResolve(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev);
void HandleFollowerRetry(TEvTabletBase::TEvFollowerRetry::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByFollower(TEvTabletBase::TEvTryBuildFollowerGraph::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByFollower(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult::TPtr &ev);
- void HandleStateStorageInfoLock(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev);
- void HandleStateStorageInfoUpgrade(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev);
- void HandleFindLatestLogEntry(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult::TPtr &ev);
- void HandleBlockBlobStorageResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult::TPtr &ev);
+ void HandleStateStorageInfoLock(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev);
+ void HandleStateStorageInfoUpgrade(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo::TPtr &ev);
+ void HandleFindLatestLogEntry(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult::TPtr &ev);
+ void HandleBlockBlobStorageResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDisconnect::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerUpdate::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAuxUpdate::TPtr &ev);
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class TTablet : public TActor<TTablet> {
void HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvFGcAck::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByFollower(TEvTablet::TEvTabletActive::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByFollower(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh::TPtr &ev);
@@ -298,264 +298,264 @@ class TTablet : public TActor<TTablet> {
void HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcAck::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByLeader(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByLeader(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev);
- void HandleRebuildGraphResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult::TPtr &ev);
- void HandleWriteZeroEntry(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev);
+ void HandleRebuildGraphResult(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult::TPtr &ev);
+ void HandleWriteZeroEntry(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPing::TPtr &ev);
void HandleByLeader(TEvTablet::TEvTabletActive::TPtr &ev);
bool CheckFollowerUpdate(const TActorId &actorId, ui32 attempt, ui64 counter);
- TLogEntry* MakeLogEntry(TEvTablet::TCommitInfo &commitInfo, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry *commitEv);
- TLogEntry* FindLogEntry(TEvTablet::TCommitInfo &commitInfo, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &commitEv);
- void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPreCommit::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommit::TPtr &ev);
+ TLogEntry* MakeLogEntry(TEvTablet::TCommitInfo &commitInfo, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry *commitEv);
+ TLogEntry* FindLogEntry(TEvTablet::TCommitInfo &commitInfo, NKikimrTabletBase::TTabletLogEntry &commitEv);
+ void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvPreCommit::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommit::TPtr &ev);
bool HandleNext(TEvTablet::TEvCommit::TPtr &ev);
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvAux::TPtr &ev);
- void CheckEntry(TGraph::TIndex::iterator it);
- // next funcs return next correct iterator
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvAux::TPtr &ev);
+ void CheckEntry(TGraph::TIndex::iterator it);
+ // next funcs return next correct iterator
TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator EraseFollowerInfo(TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator followerIt);
TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator HandleFollowerConnectionProblem(TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator followerIt);
void TrySyncToFollower(TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator followerIt);
void DoSyncToFollower(TMap<TActorId, TLeaderInfo>::iterator followerIt);
- void GcLogChannel(ui32 step);
+ void GcLogChannel(ui32 step);
bool ProgressCommitQueue();
void ProgressFollowerQueue();
void SpreadFollowerAuxUpdate(const TString& auxUpdate);
void SendFollowerAuxUpdate(TLeaderInfo& info, const TActorId& follower, const TString& auxUpdate);
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr& ev);
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDestroyed::TPtr& ev);
- void HandleQueued(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr& ev);
- void Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr& ev);
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDestroyed::TPtr& ev);
+ void HandleQueued(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect::TPtr& ev);
+ void Handle(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult::TPtr &ev);
void HandleFeatures(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures::TPtr &ev);
void HandleStop(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::TPtr &ev);
void HandleStopped();
- void HandlePoisonPill();
- void HandleDemoted();
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvDemoted::TPtr &ev);
+ void HandlePoisonPill();
+ void HandleDemoted();
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvDemoted::TPtr &ev);
bool CheckBlobStorageError();
bool StopTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::EReason stopReason,
TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason deadReason,
const TString &deadDetails = TString());
void ReassignYellowChannels(TVector<ui32> &&yellowChannels);
- void CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason reason, const TString &details = TString());
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig::TPtr &ev);
+ void CancelTablet(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::EReason reason, const TString &details = TString());
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig::TPtr &ev);
- void LockedInitializationPath();
- void Bootstrap();
+ void LockedInitializationPath();
+ void Bootstrap();
void BootstrapFollower();
void RetryFollowerBootstrapOrWait();
- void SendIntrospectionData();
- STATEFN(StateResolveStateStorage) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, HandleStateStorageInfoResolve);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
+ void SendIntrospectionData();
+ STATEFN(StateResolveStateStorage) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, HandleStateStorageInfoResolve);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted::EventType, HandleDemoted);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleByLeader);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateLock) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, HandleStateStorageInfoLock);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateLock) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, HandleStateStorageInfoLock);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted::EventType, HandleDemoted);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleByLeader);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateDiscover) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult, HandleFindLatestLogEntry);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateDiscover) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvFindLatestLogEntryResult, HandleFindLatestLogEntry);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted::EventType, HandleDemoted);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvTrySyncFollower, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleByLeader);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateBecomeCandidate) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, HandleStateStorageInfoUpgrade);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateBecomeCandidate) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, HandleStateStorageInfoUpgrade);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted::EventType, HandleDemoted);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvTrySyncFollower, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleByLeader);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateBlockBlobStorage) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult, HandleBlockBlobStorageResult);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateBlockBlobStorage) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvBlockBlobStorageResult, HandleBlockBlobStorageResult);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted::EventType, HandleDemoted);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvTrySyncFollower, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleByLeader);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateRebuildGraph) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult, HandleRebuildGraphResult);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateRebuildGraph) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult, HandleRebuildGraphResult);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted::EventType, HandleDemoted);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvTrySyncFollower, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleByLeader);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateWriteZeroEntry) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult, HandleWriteZeroEntry);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateWriteZeroEntry) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult, HandleWriteZeroEntry);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, HandlePingBoot);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted::EventType, HandleDemoted);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleQueued);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvTrySyncFollower, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleByLeader);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateActivePhase) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvCommit, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvAux, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPreCommit, Handle);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateActivePhase) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvCommit, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvAux, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPreCommit, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletActive, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerAttach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDetach, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcAck, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerListRefresh, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvTrySyncFollower, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvDemoted, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvWriteLogResult, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvUpdateSignature, UpdateStateStorageSignature);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPing, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvDemoted, Handle);
cFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLeaderDemoted::EventType, HandleDemoted);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, Handle);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDestroyed, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDestroyed, Handle);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleByLeader);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleByLeader);
- hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult, Handle);
- }
- }
- STATEFN(StateBootstrapNormal) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvBootstrap::EventType, Bootstrap);
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
+ hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult, Handle);
+ }
+ }
+ STATEFN(StateBootstrapNormal) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvBootstrap::EventType, Bootstrap);
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
STATEFN(StateBootstrapFollower) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
cFunc(TEvents::TEvBootstrap::EventType, BootstrapFollower);
- default:
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- }
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ }
STATEFN(StateResolveLeader) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPromoteToLeader, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletActive, HandleByFollower);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvStateStorage::TEvInfo, HandleStateStorageLeaderResolve);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvFollowerRetry, HandleFollowerRetry);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvTryBuildFollowerGraph, HandleByFollower);
@@ -565,12 +565,12 @@ class TTablet : public TActor<TTablet> {
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
- }
- }
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ }
+ }
STATEFN(StateFollowerSubscribe) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvPromoteToLeader, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerDisconnect, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerUpdate, HandleByFollower);
@@ -578,25 +578,25 @@ class TTablet : public TActor<TTablet> {
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerRefresh, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFGcAck, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletActive, HandleByFollower);
- hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvTryBuildFollowerGraph, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvTabletBase::TEvRebuildGraphResult, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleByFollower);
hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect, HandleByFollower);
- hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDestroyed, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDestroyed, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures, HandleFeatures);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleStop);
cFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStopped::EventType, HandleStopped);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
- }
- }
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, HandlePoisonPill);
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TABLET_ACTOR;
const TActorId &launcher,
TTabletStorageInfo *info,
@@ -607,9 +607,9 @@ public:
TResourceProfilesPtr profiles = nullptr,
TSharedQuotaPtr txCacheQuota = nullptr
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> AfterRegister(const TActorId &self, const TActorId &parentId) override;
- static void ExternalWriteZeroEntry(TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 gen, TActorIdentity owner);
+ static void ExternalWriteZeroEntry(TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui32 gen, TActorIdentity owner);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet/ya.make
index 9a37dba57b..25e611b408 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet/ya.make
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- defs.h
+ defs.h
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ SRCS(
- tablet_counters.cpp
- tablet_counters.h
+ tablet_counters.cpp
+ tablet_counters.h
- tablet_impl.h
+ tablet_impl.h
@@ -33,27 +33,27 @@ SRCS(
- tablet_pipecache.cpp
+ tablet_pipecache.cpp
- tablet_req_blockbs.cpp
+ tablet_req_blockbs.cpp
- tablet_req_findlatest.cpp
- tablet_req_rebuildhistory.cpp
+ tablet_req_findlatest.cpp
+ tablet_req_rebuildhistory.cpp
- tablet_req_writelog.cpp
- tablet_resolver.cpp
- tablet_responsiveness_pinger.cpp
- tablet_responsiveness_pinger.h
- tablet_setup.h
- tablet_sys.h
- tablet_sys.cpp
+ tablet_req_writelog.cpp
+ tablet_resolver.cpp
+ tablet_responsiveness_pinger.cpp
+ tablet_responsiveness_pinger.h
+ tablet_setup.h
+ tablet_sys.h
+ tablet_sys.cpp
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/defs.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/defs.h
index 5885c4e4d7..166674c3ff 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/defs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/defs.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./ydb/core/tablet_flat/defs.h
#include "flat_page_iface.h"
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
#include <ydb/core/util/type_alias.h>
#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
#include <util/generic/ylimits.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
using TTxType = ui32; // App-specific transaction type number (protobuf enum values like TXTYPE_*)
constexpr TTxType UnknownTxType = TTxType(-1);
-namespace NScheme {
- class TTypeRegistry;
-} // end of NKikimr::NScheme namespace
+namespace NScheme {
+ class TTypeRegistry;
+} // end of NKikimr::NScheme namespace
namespace NTable {
using TRawVals = TArrayRef<const TRawTypeValue>;
@@ -117,5 +117,5 @@ namespace NTable {
namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
using TTxStamp = NTable::TTxStamp;
using TRawVals = NTable::TRawVals;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_bio_actor.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_bio_actor.cpp
index 6593a759ca..6a866fb395 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_bio_actor.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_bio_actor.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void TBlockIO::Inbox(TEventHandlePtr &eh, const ::NActors::TActorContext&)
void TBlockIO::Bootstrap(EPriority priority, TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TFetch> origin) noexcept
- Origin = origin;
+ Origin = origin;
Priority = priority;
Y_VERIFY(Origin->Pages, "Got TFetch request without pages list");
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_boot_snap.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_boot_snap.h
index 9ed179af26..0eae48284f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_boot_snap.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_boot_snap.h
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ namespace NBoot {
} else {
NPageCollection::TGroupBlobsByCookie chop(entry.References);
- while (auto span = chop.Do())
- SortLogoSpan(stamp, span);
+ while (auto span = chop.Do())
+ SortLogoSpan(stamp, span);
ProcessGcLogEntry(entry, false);
@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ namespace NBoot {
void ProcessGcLogEntry(TDependency::TEntry &entry, bool snap)
if (Back->Follower) // do nothing for followers
- return;
+ return;
if (auto logl = Env->Logger()->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< NFmt::Do(*Back) << " process " << (snap ? "snap" : "log")
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_cxx_database.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_cxx_database.h
index 6b441a4f9c..27a260bcb2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_cxx_database.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_cxx_database.h
@@ -636,14 +636,14 @@ struct Schema {
struct AutoPrecharge {};
template <TTableId _TableId> struct Table {
- constexpr static TTableId TableId = _TableId;
+ constexpr static TTableId TableId = _TableId;
using Precharge = AutoPrecharge;
template <TColumnId _ColumnId, NScheme::TTypeId _ColumnType, bool _IsNotNull = false>
struct Column {
- constexpr static TColumnId ColumnId = _ColumnId;
- constexpr static NScheme::TTypeId ColumnType = _ColumnType;
+ constexpr static TColumnId ColumnId = _ColumnId;
+ constexpr static NScheme::TTypeId ColumnType = _ColumnType;
constexpr static bool IsNotNull = _IsNotNull;
using Type = typename NSchemeTypeMapper<_ColumnType>::Type;
@@ -1831,13 +1831,13 @@ struct Schema {
- template <ui32 LimitTxInFly = 0>
- struct ExecutorLimitInFlyTx {
- static void Materialize(TToughDb& database) {
+ template <ui32 LimitTxInFly = 0>
+ struct ExecutorLimitInFlyTx {
+ static void Materialize(TToughDb& database) {
- }
- };
+ }
+ };
template <ui64 CacheSize>
struct ExecutorCacheSize {
static void Materialize(TToughDb& database) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_database.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_database.cpp
index 63e382ead5..c459119515 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_database.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_database.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "defs.h"
#include "flat_abi_evol.h"
-#include "flat_database.h"
+#include "flat_database.h"
#include "flat_redo_writer.h"
#include "flat_redo_player.h"
#include "flat_dbase_naked.h"
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
#include <ydb/core/util/pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_type_registry.h>
#include <util/generic/cast.h>
#define MAX_REDO_BYTES_PER_COMMIT 268435456U // 256MB
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NTable {
TDatabase::TDatabase(TDatabaseImpl *databaseImpl) noexcept
: DatabaseImpl(databaseImpl ? databaseImpl : new TDatabaseImpl(0, new TScheme, nullptr))
, NoMoreReadsFlag(true)
@@ -244,12 +244,12 @@ void TDatabase::Begin(TTxStamp stamp, IPages& env)
Change = MakeHolder<TChange>(Stamp = stamp, DatabaseImpl->Serial() + 1);
Env = &env;
NoMoreReadsFlag = false;
TPartView TDatabase::GetPartView(ui32 tableId, const TLogoBlobID &bundle) const {
return Require(tableId)->GetPartView(bundle);
TVector<TPartView> TDatabase::GetTableParts(ui32 tableId) const {
return Require(tableId)->GetAllParts();
@@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ ui32 TDatabase::TxSnapTable(ui32 table)
return Change->Snapshots.size() - 1;
TAutoPtr<TSubset> TDatabase::Subset(ui32 table, TArrayRef<const TLogoBlobID> bundle, TEpoch before) const
return Require(table)->Subset(bundle, before);
@@ -553,8 +553,8 @@ TDatabase::TProd TDatabase::Commit(TTxStamp stamp, bool commit, TCookieAllocator
Env = nullptr;
return { std::move(Change) };
TTable* TDatabase::Require(ui32 table) const noexcept
return DatabaseImpl->Get(table, true).Self.Get();
@@ -562,11 +562,11 @@ TTable* TDatabase::Require(ui32 table) const noexcept
TGarbage TDatabase::RollUp(TTxStamp stamp, TArrayRef<const char> delta, TArrayRef<const char> redo,
TMemGlobs annex)
Y_VERIFY(!annex || redo, "Annex have to be rolled up with redo log");
if (delta) {
TSchemeChanges changes;
bool parseOk = ParseFromStringNoSizeLimit(changes, delta);
@@ -574,23 +574,23 @@ TGarbage TDatabase::RollUp(TTxStamp stamp, TArrayRef<const char> delta, TArrayRe
DatabaseImpl->Apply(changes, nullptr);
if (redo) {
return std::move(DatabaseImpl->Garbage);
void TDatabase::RollUpRemoveRowVersions(ui32 table, const TRowVersion& lower, const TRowVersion& upper)
if (auto& wrap = DatabaseImpl->Get(table, false)) {
wrap->RemoveRowVersions(lower, upper);
TCompactionStats TDatabase::GetCompactionStats(ui32 table) const
return Require(table)->GetCompactionStats();
@@ -602,4 +602,4 @@ void DebugDumpDb(const TDatabase &db) {
db.DebugDump(Cout, typeRegistry);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_database.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_database.h
index 03481e463c..98baa8f438 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_database.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_database.h
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "flat_row_eggs.h"
#include "flat_row_versions.h"
-#include "flat_update_op.h"
+#include "flat_update_op.h"
#include "flat_dbase_scheme.h"
#include "flat_dbase_change.h"
#include "flat_dbase_misc.h"
#include "flat_iterator.h"
#include "util_basics.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NPageCollection {
class TCookieAllocator;
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ struct TKeyRange {
class TDatabase {
using TMemGlobs = TVector<NPageCollection::TMemGlob>;
using TCookieAllocator = NPageCollection::TCookieAllocator;
using TCounters = TDbStats;
struct TProd {
THolder<TChange> Change;
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ public:
TDatabase(const TDatabase&) = delete;
TDatabase(TDatabaseImpl *databaseImpl = nullptr) noexcept;
- ~TDatabase();
+ ~TDatabase();
/* Returns durable monotonic change number for table or entire database
on default (table = Max<ui32>()). Serial is incremented for each
successful Commit(). AHTUNG: Serial may go to the past in case of
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
TTagsRef tags, ui64 readFlags, ui64 itemsLimit, ui64 bytesLimit,
EDirection direction = EDirection::Forward,
TRowVersion snapshot = TRowVersion::Max());
void CalculateReadSize(TSizeEnv& env, ui32 table, TRawVals minKey, TRawVals maxKey,
TTagsRef tags, ui64 readFlags, ui64 itemsLimit, ui64 bytesLimit,
EDirection direction = EDirection::Forward,
@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ public:
const TRowVersionRanges& GetRemovedRowVersions(ui32 table) const;
void NoMoreReadsForTx();
TAlter& Alter(); /* Begin DDL ALTER script */
ui32 TxSnapTable(ui32 table);
const TScheme& GetScheme() const noexcept;
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TRowScheme> GetRowScheme(ui32 table) const noexcept;
TPartView GetPartView(ui32 table, const TLogoBlobID &bundle) const;
@@ -151,17 +151,17 @@ public:
void Merge(ui32 table, TPartView);
void Merge(ui32 table, TIntrusiveConstPtr<TColdPart>);
void Merge(ui32 table, TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTxStatusPart>);
void DebugDumpTable(ui32 table, IOutputStream& str, const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry) const;
void DebugDump(IOutputStream& str, const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry) const;
TKeyRangeCache* DebugGetTableErasedKeysCache(ui32 table) const;
- // executor interface
+ // executor interface
void Begin(TTxStamp, IPages& env);
TProd Commit(TTxStamp, bool commit, TCookieAllocator* = nullptr);
TGarbage RollUp(TTxStamp, TArrayRef<const char> delta, TArrayRef<const char> redo, TMemGlobs annex);
void RollUpRemoveRowVersions(ui32 table, const TRowVersion& lower, const TRowVersion& upper);
bool ValidateCommit(TString&);
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ public:
TTable* Require(ui32 tableId) const noexcept;
const THolder<TDatabaseImpl> DatabaseImpl;
ui64 Stamp = Max<ui64>();
bool NoMoreReadsFlag;
IPages* Env = nullptr;
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ private:
mutable TDeque<TPartSimpleIt> TempIterators; // Keeps the last result of Select() valid
mutable THashSet<ui32> IteratedTables;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_apply.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_apply.cpp
index d914ede391..f87b315d33 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_apply.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_apply.cpp
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ bool TSchemeModifier::Apply(const TAlterRecord &delta)
changes |= SetExecutorLimitInFlyTx(delta.GetExecutorLimitInFlyTx());
if (delta.HasExecutorResourceProfile())
changes |= SetExecutorResourceProfile(delta.GetExecutorResourceProfile());
- if (delta.HasExecutorLogFastCommitTactic())
- changes |= SetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic(delta.GetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic());
+ if (delta.HasExecutorLogFastCommitTactic())
+ changes |= SetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic(delta.GetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic());
} else if (action == TAlterRecord::SetCompactionPolicy) {
changes = SetCompactionPolicy(table, delta.GetCompactionPolicy());
} else {
@@ -245,11 +245,11 @@ bool TSchemeModifier::SetExecutorAllowLogBatching(bool allow)
return std::exchange(Scheme.Executor.AllowLogBatching, allow) != allow;
-bool TSchemeModifier::SetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic(bool allow)
- return std::exchange(Scheme.Executor.LogFastTactic, allow) != allow;
+bool TSchemeModifier::SetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic(bool allow)
+ return std::exchange(Scheme.Executor.LogFastTactic, allow) != allow;
bool TSchemeModifier::SetExecutorLogFlushPeriod(TDuration delay)
return std::exchange(Scheme.Executor.LogFlushPeriod, delay) != delay;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_apply.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_apply.h
index 8d458ee20b..3502030b71 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_apply.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_apply.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace NTable {
bool SetExecutorCacheSize(ui64 cacheSize);
bool SetExecutorAllowLogBatching(bool allow);
- bool SetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic(bool allow);
+ bool SetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic(bool allow);
bool SetExecutorLogFlushPeriod(TDuration flushPeriod);
bool SetExecutorLimitInFlyTx(ui32 limitTxInFly);
bool SetExecutorResourceProfile(const TString &name);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_scheme.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_scheme.cpp
index 3e684e4ed0..fa12005009 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_scheme.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_scheme.cpp
@@ -196,47 +196,47 @@ TAlter& TAlter::SetExecutorCacheSize(ui64 cacheSize)
TAlterRecord &delta = *Log.AddDelta();
- delta.SetExecutorCacheSize(cacheSize);
+ delta.SetExecutorCacheSize(cacheSize);
return *this;
-TAlter& TAlter::SetExecutorFastLogPolicy(bool allow)
- TAlterRecord &delta = *Log.AddDelta();
- delta.SetDeltaType(TAlterRecord::UpdateExecutorInfo);
- delta.SetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic(allow);
- return *this;
+TAlter& TAlter::SetExecutorFastLogPolicy(bool allow)
+ TAlterRecord &delta = *Log.AddDelta();
+ delta.SetDeltaType(TAlterRecord::UpdateExecutorInfo);
+ delta.SetExecutorLogFastCommitTactic(allow);
+ return *this;
TAlter& TAlter::SetExecutorAllowLogBatching(bool allow)
TAlterRecord &delta = *Log.AddDelta();
- delta.SetExecutorAllowLogBatching(allow);
+ delta.SetExecutorAllowLogBatching(allow);
return *this;
TAlter& TAlter::SetExecutorLogFlushPeriod(TDuration flushPeriod)
TAlterRecord &delta = *Log.AddDelta();
- delta.SetExecutorLogFlushPeriod(flushPeriod.MicroSeconds());
+ delta.SetExecutorLogFlushPeriod(flushPeriod.MicroSeconds());
return *this;
TAlter& TAlter::SetExecutorLimitInFlyTx(ui32 limitTxInFly)
TAlterRecord &delta = *Log.AddDelta();
- delta.SetExecutorLimitInFlyTx(limitTxInFly);
+ delta.SetExecutorLimitInFlyTx(limitTxInFly);
return *this;
TAlter& TAlter::SetExecutorResourceProfile(const TString &name)
TAlterRecord &delta = *Log.AddDelta();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_scheme.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_scheme.h
index a8b0424e08..1fd5ed2b48 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_scheme.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_dbase_scheme.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "flat_table_column.h"
#include "flat_page_iface.h"
@@ -7,29 +7,29 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/localdb.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/scheme_log.pb.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
#include <util/generic/list.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NTable {
using namespace NTabletFlatScheme;
using NKikimrSchemeOp::ECompactionStrategy;
using TCompactionPolicy = NLocalDb::TCompactionPolicy;
-class TScheme {
+class TScheme {
using TTypeId = ui32;
using ECache = NPage::ECache;
enum EDefault {
DefaultRoom = 0,
DefaultChannel = 1,
- };
+ };
struct TRoom /* Storage unit settings (page collection) */ {
TRoom() = default;
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ public:
ui8 Main = DefaultChannel; /* Primary channel for page collection */
ui8 Blobs = DefaultChannel; /* Channel for external blobs */
ui8 Outer = DefaultChannel; /* Channel for outer values pack*/
- };
+ };
struct TFamily /* group of columns configuration */ {
using ECodec = NPage::ECodec;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
using TColumn = NTable::TColumn;
struct TTableSchema {
using TColumns = THashMap<ui32, TColumn>;
using TColumnNames = THashMap<TString, ui32>;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public:
ui32 EraseCacheMinRows = 0; // 0 means use default
ui32 EraseCacheMaxBytes = 0; // 0 means use default
struct TRedo {
/* Do not put cell values below this byte limit to external blobs
on writing redo log update entries (annex to log). By default
@@ -120,18 +120,18 @@ public:
ui32 Annex = 512; /* some reasonably low default value */
- };
- struct TExecutorInfo {
+ };
+ struct TExecutorInfo {
ui64 CacheSize = 384 * 1024;
bool AllowLogBatching = false;
- bool LogFastTactic = true;
+ bool LogFastTactic = true;
TDuration LogFlushPeriod = TDuration::MicroSeconds(500);
ui32 LimitInFlyTx = 0;
TString ResourceProfile = "default";
ECompactionStrategy DefaultCompactionStrategy = NKikimrSchemeOp::CompactionStrategyGenerational;
- };
+ };
const TTableInfo* GetTableInfo(ui32 id) const { return const_cast<TScheme*>(this)->GetTableInfo(id); }
const TColumn* GetColumnInfo(ui32 table, ui32 id) const { return const_cast<TScheme*>(this)->GetColumnInfo(const_cast<TScheme*>(this)->GetTableInfo(table), id); }
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ public:
inline TColumn* GetColumnInfo(TTableInfo* ptable, ui32 id) {
return ptable ? ptable->Columns.FindPtr(id) : nullptr;
inline const TColumn* GetColumnInfo(const TTableInfo* ptable, ui32 id) const {
return ptable ? ptable->Columns.FindPtr(id) : nullptr;
@@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ public:
THashMap<TString, ui32> TableNames;
TExecutorInfo Executor;
TRedo Redo;
// scheme delta
class TAlter {
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public:
return Log;
TAlter& Merge(const TSchemeChanges &delta);
TAlter& AddTable(const TString& name, ui32 id);
TAlter& DropTable(ui32 id);
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ public:
TAlter& SetRoom(ui32 table, ui32 room, ui32 main, ui32 blobs, ui32 outer);
TAlter& SetRedo(ui32 annex);
TAlter& SetExecutorCacheSize(ui64 cacheSize);
- TAlter& SetExecutorFastLogPolicy(bool allow);
+ TAlter& SetExecutorFastLogPolicy(bool allow);
TAlter& SetExecutorAllowLogBatching(bool allow);
TAlter& SetExecutorLogFlushPeriod(TDuration flushPeriod);
TAlter& SetExecutorLimitInFlyTx(ui32 limitTxInFly);
@@ -239,4 +239,4 @@ protected:
TSchemeChanges Log;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.cpp
index a8e7712371..59afc46215 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#include "flat_executor.h"
-#include "flat_executor_bootlogic.h"
-#include "flat_executor_txloglogic.h"
-#include "flat_executor_borrowlogic.h"
+#include "flat_executor.h"
+#include "flat_executor_bootlogic.h"
+#include "flat_executor_txloglogic.h"
+#include "flat_executor_borrowlogic.h"
#include "flat_bio_actor.h"
#include "flat_executor_snapshot.h"
#include "flat_scan_actor.h"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#include "flat_boot_cookie.h"
#include "flat_boot_oven.h"
#include "flat_executor_tx_env.h"
-#include "flat_executor_counters.h"
+#include "flat_executor_counters.h"
#include "logic_snap_main.h"
#include "logic_alter_main.h"
#include "flat_abi_evol.h"
@@ -33,16 +33,16 @@
#include <ydb/core/scheme/scheme_type_registry.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/yverify_stream.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/templates.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
#include <util/generic/ymath.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
struct TCompactionChangesCtx {
@@ -57,39 +57,39 @@ struct TCompactionChangesCtx {
{ }
-TTableSnapshotContext::TTableSnapshotContext() = default;
-TTableSnapshotContext::~TTableSnapshotContext() = default;
+TTableSnapshotContext::TTableSnapshotContext() = default;
+TTableSnapshotContext::~TTableSnapshotContext() = default;
using namespace NResourceBroker;
NFlatExecutorSetup::ITablet* owner,
const TActorId& ownerActorId)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
, Time(TAppData::TimeProvider)
- , Owner(owner)
+ , Owner(owner)
, OwnerActorId(ownerActorId)
- , ActivationQueue(new TActivationQueue())
- , PendingQueue(new TActivationQueue())
+ , ActivationQueue(new TActivationQueue())
+ , PendingQueue(new TActivationQueue())
, Emitter(new TIdEmitter)
, CounterEventsInFlight(new TEvTabletCounters::TInFlightCookie)
- , Stats(new TExecutorStatsImpl())
+ , Stats(new TExecutorStatsImpl())
, LogFlushDelayOverrideUsec(-1, -1, 60*1000*1000)
-TExecutor::~TExecutor() {
+TExecutor::~TExecutor() {
ui64 TExecutor::Stamp() const noexcept
return CommitManager ? CommitManager->Stamp() : TTxStamp{ Generation0, Step0 }.Raw;
-TActorContext TExecutor::OwnerCtx() const {
+TActorContext TExecutor::OwnerCtx() const {
return TActivationContext::ActorContextFor(OwnerActorId);
void TExecutor::Registered(TActorSystem *sys, const TActorId&)
Logger = new NUtil::TLogger(sys, NKikimrServices::TABLET_EXECUTOR);
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ void TExecutor::Registered(TActorSystem *sys, const TActorId&)
Memory = new TMemory(Logger.Get(), this, Emitter, Sprintf(" at tablet %" PRIu64, Owner->TabletID()));
TString myTabletType = TTabletTypes::TypeToStr(Owner->TabletType());
AppData()->Icb->RegisterSharedControl(LogFlushDelayOverrideUsec, myTabletType + "_LogFlushDelayOverrideUsec");
- // instantiate alert counters so even never reported alerts are created
- GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_pending_nodata", true);
- GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_req_nodata", true);
- GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_scan_nodata", true);
- GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_boot_nodata", true);
+ // instantiate alert counters so even never reported alerts are created
+ GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_pending_nodata", true);
+ GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_req_nodata", true);
+ GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_scan_nodata", true);
+ GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_boot_nodata", true);
void TExecutor::PassAway() {
@@ -123,57 +123,57 @@ void TExecutor::PassAway() {
- Owner = nullptr;
+ Owner = nullptr;
Send(MakeSharedPageCacheId(), new NSharedCache::TEvUnregister());
return TActor::PassAway();
-void TExecutor::Broken() {
- if (BootLogic)
+void TExecutor::Broken() {
+ if (BootLogic)
- if (Owner) {
+ if (Owner) {
TabletCountersForgetTablet(Owner->TabletID(), Owner->TabletType(),
Owner->Info()->TenantPathId, Stats->IsFollower, SelfId());
- Owner->Detach(OwnerCtx());
- }
+ Owner->Detach(OwnerCtx());
+ }
return PassAway();
void TExecutor::RecreatePageCollectionsCache() noexcept
TCacheCacheConfig cacheConfig(Scheme().Executor.CacheSize, CounterCacheFresh, CounterCacheStaging, CounterCacheMemTable);
PrivatePageCache = MakeHolder<TPrivatePageCache>(cacheConfig);
Stats->PacksMetaBytes = 0;
for (const auto &it : Database->GetScheme().Tables) {
auto subset = Database->Subset(it.first, NTable::TEpoch::Max(), { }, { });
for (auto &partView : subset->Flatten) AddCachesOfBundle(partView);
- if (TransactionWaitPads) {
+ if (TransactionWaitPads) {
for (auto &xpair : TransactionWaitPads) {
auto &seat = xpair.second->Seat;
LWTRACK(TransactionEnqueued, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID);
- TransactionWaitPads.clear();
- }
+ TransactionWaitPads.clear();
+ }
if (CompactionReadWaitPads) {
for (auto &xpair : CompactionReadWaitPads) {
void TExecutor::ReflectSchemeSettings() noexcept
for (const auto &it : Scheme().Tables) {
@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ void TExecutor::CheckYellow(TVector<ui32> &&yellowMoveChannels, TVector<ui32> &&
if (Stats->YellowMoveChannels && terminal) {
- return;
+ return;
size_t oldMoveCount = Stats->YellowMoveChannels.size();
size_t oldStopCount = Stats->YellowStopChannels.size();
Stats->YellowMoveChannels.insert(Stats->YellowMoveChannels.end(), yellowMoveChannels.begin(), yellowMoveChannels.end());
@@ -245,10 +245,10 @@ void TExecutor::CheckYellow(TVector<ui32> &&yellowMoveChannels, TVector<ui32> &&
if (HasYellowCheckInFly || terminal)
- HasYellowCheckInFly = true;
+ HasYellowCheckInFly = true;
Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(15), new TEvPrivate::TEvCheckYellow());
void TExecutor::SendReassignYellowChannels(const TVector<ui32> &yellowChannels) {
if (Owner->ReassignChannelsEnabled()) {
auto* info = Owner->Info();
@@ -264,17 +264,17 @@ void TExecutor::SendReassignYellowChannels(const TVector<ui32> &yellowChannels)
void TExecutor::UpdateYellow() {
Register(CreateTabletDSChecker(SelfId(), Owner->Info()));
void TExecutor::UpdateCompactions() {
Schedule(TDuration::Minutes(1), new TEvPrivate::TEvUpdateCompactions);
void TExecutor::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult::TPtr &ev) {
- Y_VERIFY(HasYellowCheckInFly);
- HasYellowCheckInFly = false;
+ Y_VERIFY(HasYellowCheckInFly);
+ HasYellowCheckInFly = false;
const auto* info = Owner->Info();
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult::TPtr &ev) {
if (itStop != yellowStopGroups.end() && *itStop == group) {
- }
+ }
@@ -304,33 +304,33 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult::TPtr &ev) {
Stats->IsAnyChannelYellowStop = false;
CheckYellow(std::move(lightYellowMoveChannels), std::move(yellowStopChannels));
void TExecutor::ActivateFollower(const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Info))
logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " activating executor";
auto loadedState = BootLogic->ExtractState();
- BootLogic.Destroy();
- Y_VERIFY(!GcLogic);
+ BootLogic.Destroy();
+ Y_VERIFY(!GcLogic);
Database = loadedState->Database;
BorrowLogic = loadedState->Loans;
- Y_VERIFY(!CompactionLogic);
- if (!Counters) {
+ Y_VERIFY(!CompactionLogic);
+ if (!Counters) {
Counters = MakeHolder<TExecutorCounters>();
CountersBaseline = MakeHolder<TExecutorCounters>();
- Counters->RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(*CountersBaseline);
- }
- CounterCacheFresh = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
- CounterCacheStaging = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
+ Counters->RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(*CountersBaseline);
+ }
+ CounterCacheFresh = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
+ CounterCacheStaging = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
CounterCacheMemTable = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
ResourceMetrics = MakeHolder<NMetrics::TResourceMetrics>(Owner->TabletID(), FollowerId, Launcher);
PendingBlobQueue.Config.TabletID = Owner->TabletID();
@@ -341,50 +341,50 @@ void TExecutor::ActivateFollower(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Stats->IsActive = true;
+ Stats->IsActive = true;
Stats->IsFollower = true;
- Owner->ActivateExecutor(OwnerCtx());
- UpdateCounters(ctx);
+ Owner->ActivateExecutor(OwnerCtx());
+ UpdateCounters(ctx);
-void TExecutor::Active(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TExecutor::Active(const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Info))
logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " activating executor";
auto loadedState = BootLogic->ExtractState();
- BootLogic.Destroy();
+ BootLogic.Destroy();
Counters = MakeHolder<TExecutorCounters>();
CommitManager = loadedState->CommitManager;
Database = loadedState->Database;
LogicSnap = loadedState->Snap;
- GcLogic = loadedState->GcLogic;
+ GcLogic = loadedState->GcLogic;
LogicRedo = loadedState->Redo;
LogicAlter = loadedState->Alter;
BorrowLogic = loadedState->Loans;
- Stats->CompactedPartLoans = BorrowLogic->GetCompactedLoansList();
- Stats->HasSharedBlobs = BorrowLogic->GetHasFlag();
+ Stats->CompactedPartLoans = BorrowLogic->GetCompactedLoansList();
+ Stats->HasSharedBlobs = BorrowLogic->GetHasFlag();
CommitManager->Start(this, Owner->Tablet(), &Step0, Counters.Get());
CompactionLogic = THolder<TCompactionLogic>(new TCompactionLogic(Logger.Get(), Broker.Get(), this, loadedState->Comp,
Sprintf("tablet-%" PRIu64, Owner->TabletID())));
CountersBaseline = MakeHolder<TExecutorCounters>();
- Counters->RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(*CountersBaseline);
+ Counters->RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(*CountersBaseline);
LogicRedo->InstallCounters(Counters.Get(), nullptr);
- CounterCacheFresh = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
- CounterCacheStaging = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
+ CounterCacheFresh = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
+ CounterCacheStaging = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
CounterCacheMemTable = new NMonitoring::TCounterForPtr;
ResourceMetrics = MakeHolder<NMetrics::TResourceMetrics>(Owner->TabletID(), 0, Launcher);
PendingBlobQueue.Config.TabletID = Owner->TabletID();
@@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ void TExecutor::Active(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- RequestInMemPagesForDatabase();
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
- Stats->IsActive = true;
+ RequestInMemPagesForDatabase();
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ Stats->IsActive = true;
Stats->IsFollower = false;
for (const auto &it: Database->GetScheme().Tables)
@@ -409,81 +409,81 @@ void TExecutor::Active(const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (auto error = CheckBorrowConsistency()) {
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Crit))
logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Borrow consistency failed: " << error;
- Owner->ActivateExecutor(OwnerCtx());
- UpdateCounters(ctx);
-void TExecutor::TranscriptBootOpResult(ui32 res, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- switch (res) {
- case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultUnhandled:
- return; // do nothing?
- case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultContinue:
- return; // do nothing.
- case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultComplete:
- return Active(ctx);
- case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultBroken:
- BootLogic.Destroy();
- if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
- logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken while booting";
- }
- return Broken();
- default:
+ Owner->ActivateExecutor(OwnerCtx());
+ UpdateCounters(ctx);
+void TExecutor::TranscriptBootOpResult(ui32 res, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ switch (res) {
+ case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultUnhandled:
+ return; // do nothing?
+ case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultContinue:
+ return; // do nothing.
+ case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultComplete:
+ return Active(ctx);
+ case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultBroken:
+ BootLogic.Destroy();
+ if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
+ logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken while booting";
+ }
+ return Broken();
+ default:
Y_FAIL("unknown boot result");
- }
+ }
void TExecutor::TranscriptFollowerBootOpResult(ui32 res, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- switch (res) {
- case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultUnhandled:
- return;
- case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultContinue:
- return;
- case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultComplete:
+ switch (res) {
+ case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultUnhandled:
+ return;
+ case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultContinue:
+ return;
+ case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultComplete:
return ActivateFollower(ctx);
- case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultBroken:
- BootLogic.Destroy();
- if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
+ case TExecutorBootLogic::OpResultBroken:
+ BootLogic.Destroy();
+ if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken while follower booting";
- }
- return Broken();
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unknown boot result");
- }
+ }
+ return Broken();
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unknown boot result");
+ }
void TExecutor::PlanTransactionActivation() {
- if (!CanExecuteTransaction())
- return;
+ if (!CanExecuteTransaction())
+ return;
const ui64 limitTxInFly = Scheme().Executor.LimitInFlyTx;
- while (PendingQueue->Head() && (!limitTxInFly || (Stats->TxInFly - Stats->TxPending < limitTxInFly))) {
+ while (PendingQueue->Head() && (!limitTxInFly || (Stats->TxInFly - Stats->TxPending < limitTxInFly))) {
TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat = PendingQueue->Pop();
LWTRACK(TransactionEnqueued, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID);
- --Stats->TxPending;
- }
+ --Stats->TxPending;
+ }
while (ActivateTransactionInFlight < ActivateTransactionWaiting) {
Send(SelfId(), new TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution());
- }
+ }
void TExecutor::ActivateWaitingTransactions(TPrivatePageCache::TPage::TWaitQueuePtr waitPadsQueue) {
- if (waitPadsQueue) {
+ if (waitPadsQueue) {
bool haveTransactions = false;
bool haveCompactionReads = false;
while (TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad *waitPad = waitPadsQueue->Pop()) {
@@ -501,20 +501,20 @@ void TExecutor::ActivateWaitingTransactions(TPrivatePageCache::TPage::TWaitQueue
} else {
Y_Fail("Unexpected wait pad triggered");
- }
+ }
if (haveTransactions) {
if (haveCompactionReads) {
- }
+ }
void TExecutor::AddCachesOfBundle(const NTable::TPartView &partView) noexcept
auto *partStore = partView.As<NTable::TPartStore>();
ui32 room = 0;
@@ -564,29 +564,29 @@ void TExecutor::DropSingleCache(const TLogoBlobID &label) noexcept
Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::CACHE_PINNED_LOAD] = PrivatePageCache->GetStats().PinnedLoadSize;
-void TExecutor::TranslateCacheTouchesToSharedCache() {
+void TExecutor::TranslateCacheTouchesToSharedCache() {
auto touches = PrivatePageCache->GetPrepareSharedTouched();
- if (touches.empty())
- return;
+ if (touches.empty())
+ return;
Send(MakeSharedPageCacheId(), new NSharedCache::TEvTouch(std::move(touches)));
-void TExecutor::RequestInMemPagesForDatabase() {
+void TExecutor::RequestInMemPagesForDatabase() {
const auto &scheme = Scheme();
- for (auto &sxpair : scheme.Tables) {
+ for (auto &sxpair : scheme.Tables) {
// should be over page collection cache with already set inmem flags?
if (scheme.CachePolicy(sxpair.first) == NTable::NPage::ECache::Ever) {
auto subset = Database->Subset(sxpair.first, NTable::TEpoch::Max(), { } , { });
for (auto &partView: subset->Flatten)
RequestInMemPagesForPartStore(sxpair.first, partView);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
TExecutorCaches TExecutor::CleanupState() {
TExecutorCaches caches;
if (BootLogic) {
caches = BootLogic->DetachCaches();
} else {
@@ -600,45 +600,45 @@ TExecutorCaches TExecutor::CleanupState() {
- BootLogic.Destroy();
+ BootLogic.Destroy();
ReadyPartSwitches = 0;
- Database.Destroy();
- Y_VERIFY(!GcLogic);
+ Database.Destroy();
+ Y_VERIFY(!GcLogic);
- Y_VERIFY(!CompactionLogic);
- BorrowLogic.Destroy();
+ Y_VERIFY(!CompactionLogic);
+ BorrowLogic.Destroy();
return caches;
-void TExecutor::Boot(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TExecutor::Boot(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (Stats->IsFollower) {
TabletCountersForgetTablet(Owner->TabletID(), Owner->TabletType(),
Owner->Info()->TenantPathId, Stats->IsFollower, SelfId());
- Become(&TThis::StateBoot);
- Stats->IsActive = false;
+ Become(&TThis::StateBoot);
+ Stats->IsActive = false;
Stats->IsFollower = false;
- TEvTablet::TEvBoot *msg = ev->Get();
- Generation0 = msg->Generation;
- Step0 = 0;
+ TEvTablet::TEvBoot *msg = ev->Get();
+ Generation0 = msg->Generation;
+ Step0 = 0;
Launcher = msg->Launcher;
- const ui64 maxBootBytesInFly = 12 * 1024 * 1024;
+ const ui64 maxBootBytesInFly = 12 * 1024 * 1024;
auto executorCaches = CleanupState();
BootLogic.Reset(new TExecutorBootLogic(this, SelfId(), Owner->Info(), maxBootBytesInFly));
ui64 totalBytes = 0;
for (auto& kv : msg->GroupReadBytes) {
totalBytes += kv.second;
@@ -655,116 +655,116 @@ void TExecutor::Boot(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const auto res = BootLogic->ReceiveBoot(ev, std::move(executorCaches));
- return TranscriptBootOpResult(res, ctx);
+ return TranscriptBootOpResult(res, ctx);
void TExecutor::FollowerBoot(TEvTablet::TEvFBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateInit
+ Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateInit
|| CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateFollowerBoot
|| CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateFollower);
- Stats->IsActive = false;
+ Stats->IsActive = false;
Stats->IsFollower = true;
TEvTablet::TEvFBoot *msg = ev->Get();
- Generation0 = msg->Generation;
- Step0 = 0;
- Launcher = msg->Launcher;
+ Generation0 = msg->Generation;
+ Step0 = 0;
+ Launcher = msg->Launcher;
FollowerId = msg->FollowerID;
- const ui64 maxBootBytesInFly = 12 * 1024 * 1024;
+ const ui64 maxBootBytesInFly = 12 * 1024 * 1024;
auto executorCaches = CleanupState();
BootLogic.Reset(new TExecutorBootLogic(this, SelfId(), Owner->Info(), maxBootBytesInFly));
const auto res = BootLogic->ReceiveFollowerBoot(ev, std::move(executorCaches));
return TranscriptFollowerBootOpResult(res, ctx);
-void TExecutor::Restored(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TExecutor::Restored(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateBoot && BootLogic);
- TEvTablet::TEvRestored *msg = ev->Get();
+ TEvTablet::TEvRestored *msg = ev->Get();
Y_VERIFY(Generation() == msg->Generation);
const TExecutorBootLogic::EOpResult res = BootLogic->ReceiveRestored(ev);
- return TranscriptBootOpResult(res, ctx);
-void TExecutor::DetachTablet(const TActorContext &) {
+ return TranscriptBootOpResult(res, ctx);
+void TExecutor::DetachTablet(const TActorContext &) {
TabletCountersForgetTablet(Owner->TabletID(), Owner->TabletType(),
Owner->Info()->TenantPathId, Stats->IsFollower, SelfId());
return PassAway();
void TExecutor::FollowerUpdate(THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody> upd) {
- if (BootLogic) {
+ if (BootLogic) {
Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateFollowerBoot);
- } else if (PendingPartSwitches) {
+ } else if (PendingPartSwitches) {
Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateFollower);
- } else {
+ } else {
Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateFollower);
- }
+ }
void TExecutor::FollowerAuxUpdate(TString upd) {
- if (BootLogic) {
+ if (BootLogic) {
Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateFollowerBoot);
PostponedFollowerUpdates.emplace_back(new TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody(std::move(upd)));
- } else if (PendingPartSwitches) {
+ } else if (PendingPartSwitches) {
Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateFollower);
PostponedFollowerUpdates.emplace_back(new TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody(std::move(upd)));
- } else {
+ } else {
Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateFollower);
- }
+ }
void TExecutor::FollowerAttached() {
HadFollowerAttached = true;
NeedFollowerSnapshot = true;
- if (CurrentStateFunc() != &TThis::StateWork)
- return;
+ if (CurrentStateFunc() != &TThis::StateWork)
+ return;
void TExecutor::FollowerSyncComplete() {
- Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateWork || CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateBoot);
- if (GcLogic)
+ Y_VERIFY(CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateWork || CurrentStateFunc() == &TThis::StateBoot);
+ if (GcLogic)
- else if (BootLogic)
+ else if (BootLogic)
- else
- Y_FAIL("must not happens");
+ else
+ Y_FAIL("must not happens");
void TExecutor::FollowerGcApplied(ui32 step, TDuration followerSyncDelay) {
- if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
+ if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " switch applied on followers, step " << step;
- }
+ }
+ auto it = InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.find(step);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.end());
+ CheckCollectionBarrier(it->second);
+ InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.erase(it);
- auto it = InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.find(step);
- Y_VERIFY(it != InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.end());
- CheckCollectionBarrier(it->second);
- InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.erase(it);
if (followerSyncDelay != TDuration::Max())
void TExecutor::CheckCollectionBarrier(TIntrusivePtr<TBarrier> &barrier) {
- if (barrier && barrier->RefCount() == 1) {
+ if (barrier && barrier->RefCount() == 1) {
if (BorrowLogic->SetGcBarrier(GcLogic->GetActiveGcBarrier())) {
// N.B. PassAway may have already been called
@@ -772,24 +772,24 @@ void TExecutor::CheckCollectionBarrier(TIntrusivePtr<TBarrier> &barrier) {
- }
- barrier.Drop();
+ }
+ barrier.Drop();
void TExecutor::ApplyFollowerPostponedUpdates() {
while (PostponedFollowerUpdates && !PendingPartSwitches) {
THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody> upd = std::move(PostponedFollowerUpdates.front());
- if (upd->Step) {
+ if (upd->Step) {
- } else {
+ } else {
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
void TExecutor::ApplyFollowerUpdate(THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody> update) {
if (update->Step <= Step0 || CommitManager) {
@@ -799,23 +799,23 @@ void TExecutor::ApplyFollowerUpdate(THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody> update) {
Step0 = update->Step;
- if (update->IsSnapshot) // do nothing over snapshot after initial one
- return;
+ if (update->IsSnapshot) // do nothing over snapshot after initial one
+ return;
TString schemeUpdate;
TString dataUpdate;
TStackVec<TString> partSwitches;
- TStackVec<TLogoBlob> loanPartInfos;
+ TStackVec<TLogoBlob> loanPartInfos;
TVector<NPageCollection::TMemGlob> annex;
- if (update->EmbeddedBody) { // we embed only regular updates
- Y_VERIFY(update->References.empty());
- dataUpdate = update->EmbeddedBody;
- } else {
- for (auto &xpair : update->References) {
- const TLogoBlobID &id = xpair.first;
+ if (update->EmbeddedBody) { // we embed only regular updates
+ Y_VERIFY(update->References.empty());
+ dataUpdate = update->EmbeddedBody;
+ } else {
+ for (auto &xpair : update->References) {
+ const TLogoBlobID &id = xpair.first;
const TString &body = xpair.second;
const NBoot::TCookie cookie(id.Cookie());
Y_VERIFY(cookie.Type() == NBoot::TCookie::EType::Log);
@@ -827,34 +827,34 @@ void TExecutor::ApplyFollowerUpdate(THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody> update) {
- switch (cookie.Index()) {
+ switch (cookie.Index()) {
case NBoot::TCookie::EIdx::RedoLz4:
- if (dataUpdate)
- dataUpdate.append(body);
- else
- dataUpdate = body;
- break;
+ if (dataUpdate)
+ dataUpdate.append(body);
+ else
+ dataUpdate = body;
+ break;
case NBoot::TCookie::EIdx::Alter:
- if (schemeUpdate)
- schemeUpdate.append(body);
- else
- schemeUpdate = body;
- break;
+ if (schemeUpdate)
+ schemeUpdate.append(body);
+ else
+ schemeUpdate = body;
+ break;
case NBoot::TCookie::EIdx::TurnLz4:
- partSwitches.push_back(body);
- break;
+ partSwitches.push_back(body);
+ break;
case NBoot::TCookie::EIdx::Loan:
- loanPartInfos.push_back(TLogoBlob(id, body));
- break;
+ loanPartInfos.push_back(TLogoBlob(id, body));
+ break;
case NBoot::TCookie::EIdx::GCExt:
- // ignore
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unsupported blob kind");
- }
- }
- }
+ // ignore
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unsupported blob kind");
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (schemeUpdate || dataUpdate || annex) {
if (dataUpdate)
dataUpdate = NPageCollection::TSlicer::Lz4()->Decode(dataUpdate);
@@ -867,35 +867,35 @@ void TExecutor::ApplyFollowerUpdate(THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody> update) {
- }
- for (const TLogoBlob &loanQu : loanPartInfos) {
+ }
+ for (const TLogoBlob &loanQu : loanPartInfos) {
const TString uncompressed = NPageCollection::TSlicer::Lz4()->Decode(loanQu.Buffer);
TProtoBox<NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart> proto(uncompressed);
// for now follower borrowed info is not cleared.
- // it's not problem as by design we expect limited number of loans
+ // it's not problem as by design we expect limited number of loans
BorrowLogic->RestoreFollowerBorrowedInfo(loanQu.Id, proto);
- }
- if (partSwitches) {
+ }
+ if (partSwitches) {
NKikimrExecutorFlat::TFollowerPartSwitchAux auxProto;
- if (update->AuxPayload) {
+ if (update->AuxPayload) {
const TString auxBody = NPageCollection::TSlicer::Lz4()->Decode(update->AuxPayload);
- Y_VERIFY(auxProto.ParseFromString(auxBody));
+ Y_VERIFY(auxProto.ParseFromString(auxBody));
Y_VERIFY(auxProto.BySwitchAuxSize() <= partSwitches.size());
- }
+ }
bool hadPendingPartSwitches = bool(PendingPartSwitches);
ui32 nextAuxIdx = 0;
- for (ui32 idx : xrange(partSwitches.size())) {
+ for (ui32 idx : xrange(partSwitches.size())) {
const TString uncompressed = NPageCollection::TSlicer::Lz4()->Decode(partSwitches[idx]);
const TProtoBox<NKikimrExecutorFlat::TTablePartSwitch> proto(uncompressed);
const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TFollowerPartSwitchAux::TBySwitch *aux = nullptr;
if (proto.HasIntroducedParts() || proto.HasIntroducedTxStatus()) {
Y_VERIFY(nextAuxIdx < auxProto.BySwitchAuxSize());
@@ -918,76 +918,76 @@ void TExecutor::ApplyFollowerUpdate(THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody> update) {
- }
+ }
if (!hadPendingPartSwitches) {
ApplyReadyPartSwitches(); // safe to apply switches right now
} else if (update->NeedFollowerGcAck) {
Send(Owner->Tablet(), new TEvTablet::TEvFGcAck(Owner->TabletID(), Generation(), Step0));
- }
+ }
void TExecutor::ApplyFollowerAuxUpdate(const TString &auxBody) {
const TString aux = NPageCollection::TSlicer::Lz4()->Decode(auxBody);
TProtoBox<NKikimrExecutorFlat::TFollowerAux> proto(aux);
for (const auto &x : proto.GetPageCollectionsTouched()) {
- const TLogoBlobID &metaId = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x.GetMetaInfoId());
+ const TLogoBlobID &metaId = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x.GetMetaInfoId());
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo *collectionInfo = PrivatePageCache->Info(metaId);
- if (!collectionInfo)
- continue;
+ if (!collectionInfo)
+ continue;
TVector<NTable::TPageId> pages;
- for (ui32 pageId : x.GetTouchedPages()) {
+ for (ui32 pageId : x.GetTouchedPages()) {
auto* page = collectionInfo->EnsurePage(pageId);
switch (page->LoadState) {
case TPrivatePageCache::TPage::LoadStateNo:
page->LoadState = TPrivatePageCache::TPage::LoadStateRequestedAsync;
- break;
+ break;
case TPrivatePageCache::TPage::LoadStateRequested:
case TPrivatePageCache::TPage::LoadStateRequestedAsync:
- break;
+ break;
case TPrivatePageCache::TPage::LoadStateLoaded:
PrivatePageCache->Touch(pageId, collectionInfo);
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unknown ELoadState");
- }
- }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unknown ELoadState");
+ }
+ }
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< NFmt::Do(*this) << " refresh pageCollection " << metaId
<< " " << pages.size() << " pages of " << x.TouchedPagesSize();
if (pages) {
auto *req = new NPageCollection::TFetch(0, collectionInfo->PageCollection, std::move(pages));
RequestFromSharedCache(req, NBlockIO::EPriority::Bkgr, EPageCollectionRequest::CacheSync);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
if (proto.HasUserAuxUpdate())
void TExecutor::RequestFromSharedCache(TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TFetch> fetch,
NBlockIO::EPriority priority,
EPageCollectionRequest requestCategory)
Y_VERIFY(fetch->Pages.size() > 0, "Got TFetch req w/o any page");
Send(MakeSharedPageCacheId(), new NSharedCache::TEvRequest(
- SelfId()),
- 0, (ui64)requestCategory);
+ SelfId()),
+ 0, (ui64)requestCategory);
void TExecutor::AddFollowerPartSwitch(
const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TTablePartSwitch &switchProto,
const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TFollowerPartSwitchAux::TBySwitch *aux,
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ void TExecutor::AddFollowerPartSwitch(
auto& partSwitch = PendingPartSwitches.emplace_back();
partSwitch.FollowerUpdateStep = updateStep;
- partSwitch.TableId = switchProto.GetTableId();
+ partSwitch.TableId = switchProto.GetTableId();
partSwitch.Step = step;
if (switchProto.HasIntroducedParts() && switchProto.GetIntroducedParts().BundlesSize()) {
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ void TExecutor::AddFollowerPartSwitch(
for (auto &x : switchProto.GetLeavingBundles())
- partSwitch.Leaving.push_back(LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x));
+ partSwitch.Leaving.push_back(LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x));
for (auto &x : switchProto.GetLeavingTxStatus())
@@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@ void TExecutor::AddFollowerPartSwitch(
move.SourceTable = x.GetSourceTable();
bool TExecutor::PrepareExternalPart(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch, NTable::TPartComponents &&pc) {
@@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ bool TExecutor::PrepareExternalPart(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch, NTable::TPar
auto &bundle = partSwitch.NewBundles.emplace_back(std::move(pc));
return PrepareExternalPart(partSwitch, bundle);
@@ -1118,15 +1118,15 @@ bool TExecutor::PrepareExternalPart(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch, TPendingPart
return true;
- }
+ }
auto partView = stage->Loader.Result();
return false;
Y_FAIL("Unexpected PrepareExternalPart called");
bool TExecutor::PrepareExternalTxStatus(
TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch,
@@ -1257,12 +1257,12 @@ void TExecutor::RequestInMemPagesForPartStore(ui32 tableId, const NTable::TPartV
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo *info = PrivatePageCache->Info(req->PageCollection->Label());
for (ui32 pageId : req->Pages)
PrivatePageCache->MarkSticky(pageId, info);
RequestFromSharedCache(req, NBlockIO::EPriority::Bkgr, EPageCollectionRequest::CacheSync);
- }
-void TExecutor::ApplyExternalPartSwitch(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch) {
+ }
+void TExecutor::ApplyExternalPartSwitch(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch) {
TVector<NTable::TPartView> newParts;
for (auto &bundle : partSwitch.NewBundles) {
@@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ void TExecutor::ApplyExternalPartSwitch(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch) {
RequestInMemPagesForPartStore(partSwitch.TableId, stage->PartView);
TVector<TIntrusiveConstPtr<NTable::TColdPart>> newColdParts = std::move(partSwitch.NewColdParts);
TVector<TIntrusiveConstPtr<NTable::TTxStatusPart>> newTxStatus;
@@ -1314,26 +1314,26 @@ void TExecutor::ApplyExternalPartSwitch(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch) {
if (partSwitch.FollowerUpdateStep) {
- auto subset = Database->Subset(partSwitch.TableId, partSwitch.Leaving, partSwitch.Head);
- if (partSwitch.Head != subset->Head) {
+ auto subset = Database->Subset(partSwitch.TableId, partSwitch.Leaving, partSwitch.Head);
+ if (partSwitch.Head != subset->Head) {
Y_FAIL("Follower table epoch head has diverged from leader");
- } else if (*subset && !subset->IsStickedToHead()) {
+ } else if (*subset && !subset->IsStickedToHead()) {
Y_FAIL("Follower table replace subset isn't sticked to head");
- }
+ }
Y_VERIFY(newColdParts.empty(), "Unexpected cold part at a follower");
Database->Replace(partSwitch.TableId, std::move(newParts), *subset);
Database->ReplaceTxStatus(partSwitch.TableId, std::move(newTxStatus), *subset);
for (auto &gone : subset->Flatten)
Send(Owner->Tablet(), new TEvTablet::TEvFGcAck(Owner->TabletID(), Generation(), partSwitch.FollowerUpdateStep));
- } else {
+ } else {
for (auto &partView : newParts) {
Database->Merge(partSwitch.TableId, partView);
if (CompactionLogic) {
CompactionLogic->BorrowedPart(partSwitch.TableId, std::move(partView));
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ void TExecutor::ApplyExternalPartSwitch(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch) {
for (auto &txStatus : newTxStatus) {
Database->Merge(partSwitch.TableId, txStatus);
- }
+ }
if (partSwitch.Moves) {
struct TMoveState {
@@ -1393,30 +1393,30 @@ void TExecutor::ApplyExternalPartSwitch(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch) {
-bool TExecutor::CanExecuteTransaction() const {
+bool TExecutor::CanExecuteTransaction() const {
return Stats->IsActive && (Stats->IsFollower || PendingPartSwitches.empty()) && !BrokenTransaction;
void TExecutor::Execute(TAutoPtr<ITransaction> self, const TActorContext &ctx) {
Y_VERIFY(ActivationQueue, "attempt to execute transaction before activation");
TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat = new TSeat(++TransactionUniqCounter, self);
LWTRACK(TransactionBegin, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID, Owner->TabletID(), TypeName(*seat->Self));
- ++Stats->TxInFly;
- Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
+ ++Stats->TxInFly;
+ Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
Counters->Cumulative()[TExecutorCounters::TX_COUNT_ALL].Increment(1); //Deprecated
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< NFmt::Do(*this) << " " << NFmt::Do(*seat)
<< " queued, type " << NFmt::Do(*seat->Self);
ui64 staticRemain = Memory->RemainedStatic(*seat);
// Submit resource broker task if there is no enough memory to start
@@ -1434,34 +1434,34 @@ void TExecutor::Execute(TAutoPtr<ITransaction> self, const TActorContext &ctx) {
Memory->AllocStatic(*seat, Memory->Profile->GetInitialTxMemory());
- if (!CanExecuteTransaction()
+ if (!CanExecuteTransaction()
|| Scheme().Executor.LimitInFlyTx && Stats->TxInFly > Scheme().Executor.LimitInFlyTx)
- {
+ {
LWTRACK(TransactionPending, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID,
CanExecuteTransaction() ? "tx limit reached" : "transactions paused");
- ++Stats->TxPending;
+ ++Stats->TxPending;
- }
+ }
if (ActiveTransaction || ActivateTransactionWaiting) {
LWTRACK(TransactionEnqueued, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID);
- return;
- }
+ return;
+ }
ExecuteTransaction(seat, ctx);
void TExecutor::ExecuteTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- ActiveTransaction = true;
+ ActiveTransaction = true;
- THPTimer cpuTimer;
+ THPTimer cpuTimer;
TPageCollectionTxEnv env(*PrivatePageCache);
@@ -1473,12 +1473,12 @@ void TExecutor::ExecuteTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, const TActorContext &ct
const bool done = seat->Self->Execute(txc, ctx.MakeFor(OwnerActorId));
LWTRACK(TransactionExecuteEnd, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID, done);
seat->CPUExecTime += cpuTimer.PassedReset();
if (done && !Stats->IsFollower) { /* possible rw commit */
for (auto one: env.MakeSnap)
Database->TxSnapTable(one.first /* table */);
bool failed = false;
TString failureReason;
if (done && (failed = !Database->ValidateCommit(failureReason))) {
@@ -1531,33 +1531,33 @@ void TExecutor::ExecuteTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, const TActorContext &ct
seat->OnCommitted = std::move(txc.OnCommitted_);
CommitTransactionLog(seat, env, prod.Change, cpuTimer, ctx);
- } else {
+ } else {
PostponeTransaction(seat, env, prod.Change, cpuTimer, ctx);
- }
- ActiveTransaction = false;
+ }
+ ActiveTransaction = false;
void TExecutor::UnpinTransactionPages(TSeat &seat) {
for (auto &xinfoid : seat.Pinned) {
if (TPrivatePageCache::TInfo *info = PrivatePageCache->Info(xinfoid.first)) {
- for (auto &x : xinfoid.second) {
- ui32 pageId = x.first;
+ for (auto &x : xinfoid.second) {
+ ui32 pageId = x.first;
TPrivatePageCachePinPad *pad = x.second.Get();
- x.second.Reset();
+ x.second.Reset();
PrivatePageCache->Unpin(pageId, pad, info);
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
seat.MemoryTouched = 0;
Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::CACHE_PINNED_SET] = PrivatePageCache->GetStats().PinnedSetSize;
Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::CACHE_PINNED_LOAD] = PrivatePageCache->GetStats().PinnedLoadSize;
void TExecutor::ReleaseTxData(TSeat &seat, ui64 requested, const TActorContext &ctx)
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug))
@@ -1581,10 +1581,10 @@ void TExecutor::PostponeTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv &
if (!env.ToLoad && !seat->RequestedMemory) {
Y_Fail(NFmt::Do(*this) << " " << NFmt::Do(*seat) << " type "
<< NFmt::Do(*seat->Self) << " postoned w/o demands");
- }
+ }
TTxType txType = seat->Self->GetTxType();
ui32 touchedPages = 0;
ui32 touchedBytes = 0;
ui32 newPinnedPages = 0;
@@ -1592,42 +1592,42 @@ void TExecutor::PostponeTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv &
ui32 loadPages = 0;
ui64 loadBytes = 0;
ui64 prevTouched = seat->MemoryTouched;
- // must pin new entries
+ // must pin new entries
for (auto &xpair : env.Touches) {
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo *pageCollectionInfo = xpair.first;
auto &pinned = seat->Pinned[pageCollectionInfo->Id];
for (auto &x : xpair.second) {
- // would insert only if first seen
+ // would insert only if first seen
if (pinned.insert(std::make_pair(x, PrivatePageCache->Pin(x, pageCollectionInfo))).second) {
seat->MemoryTouched += pageCollectionInfo->GetPage(x)->Size;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
touchedPages += xpair.second.size();
- }
+ }
touchedBytes = seat->MemoryTouched - prevTouched;
prevTouched = seat->MemoryTouched;
for (auto &xpair : env.ToLoad) {
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo *pageCollectionInfo = xpair.first;
auto &pinned = seat->Pinned[pageCollectionInfo->Id];
- for (auto &x : xpair.second) {
+ for (auto &x : xpair.second) {
if (pinned.insert(std::make_pair(x, PrivatePageCache->Pin(x, pageCollectionInfo))).second) {
seat->MemoryTouched += pageCollectionInfo->GetPage(x)->Size;
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (seat->AttachedMemory)
const ui64 requestedMemory = std::exchange(seat->RequestedMemory, 0);
seat->CurrentTxDataLimit += requestedMemory;
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< NFmt::Do(*this) << " " << NFmt::Do(*seat)
@@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ void TExecutor::PostponeTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv &
seat->TerminationReason = ETerminationReason::MemoryLimitExceeded;
CommitTransactionLog(seat, env, change, bookkeepingTimer, ctx);
- return;
+ return;
} else if (totalMemory > seat->CurrentMemoryLimit) {
// We usually try to at least double allocated memory. But it's OK to use less
@@ -1686,8 +1686,8 @@ void TExecutor::PostponeTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv &
// todo: counters
- }
+ }
// If memory was allocated and there is nothing to load
// then tx may be re-activated.
if (!env.ToLoad) {
@@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ void TExecutor::PostponeTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv &
auto padHolder = MakeHolder<TTransactionWaitPad>(std::move(seat));
auto *const pad = padHolder.Get();
TransactionWaitPads[pad] = std::move(padHolder);
for (auto &xpair : env.ToLoad) {
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo *pageCollectionInfo = xpair.first;
@@ -1710,20 +1710,20 @@ void TExecutor::PostponeTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv &
waitPages += xpair.second.size();
- for (auto &x : xpair.second) {
+ for (auto &x : xpair.second) {
- }
+ }
const std::pair<ui32, ui64> toLoad = PrivatePageCache->Load(pages, pad, pageCollectionInfo);
- if (toLoad.first) {
+ if (toLoad.first) {
auto *req = new NPageCollection::TFetch(0, pageCollectionInfo->PageCollection, std::move(pages));
loadPages += toLoad.first;
loadBytes += toLoad.second;
RequestFromSharedCache(req, NBlockIO::EPriority::Fast, EPageCollectionRequest::Cache);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< NFmt::Do(*this) << " " << NFmt::Do(*pad->Seat) << " postponed"
@@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ void TExecutor::PostponeTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv &
<< "{" << waitPages << " wait, " << loadPages << " load}"
<< ", freshly touched " << newPinnedPages << " pages";
pad->Seat->CPUBookkeepingTime += bookkeepingTimer.PassedReset();
@@ -1749,42 +1749,42 @@ void TExecutor::PostponeTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv &
AppTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_LOADED_BLOCKS).Increment(loadPages);
AppTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_BYTES_READ).Increment(loadBytes);
Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::CACHE_PINNED_SET] = PrivatePageCache->GetStats().PinnedSetSize;
Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::CACHE_PINNED_LOAD] = PrivatePageCache->GetStats().PinnedLoadSize;
void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv &env,
TAutoPtr<NTable::TChange> change, THPTimer &bookkeepingTimer, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const bool isReadOnly = !(change->HasAny() || env.HasChanges());
const bool isTerminated = seat->TerminationReason != ETerminationReason::None;
const TTxType txType = seat->Self->GetTxType();
- ui64 touchedBlocks = 0;
+ ui64 touchedBlocks = 0;
for (auto &xpair : env.Touches) {
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo *pageCollectionInfo = xpair.first;
touchedBlocks += xpair.second.size();
for (ui32 blockId : xpair.second)
PrivatePageCache->Touch(blockId, pageCollectionInfo);
- }
- Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_TOUCHED_BLOCKS].IncrementFor(touchedBlocks);
+ }
+ Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_TOUCHED_BLOCKS].IncrementFor(touchedBlocks);
if (AppTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType)
AppTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_TOUCHED_BLOCKS).Increment(touchedBlocks);
if (seat->Retries == 1) {
const double currentBookkeepingTime = seat->CPUBookkeepingTime;
const double currentExecTime = seat->CPUExecTime;
if (isTerminated) {
if (Stats->IsFollower) {
- Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
+ Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
seat->Self->Terminate(seat->TerminationReason, OwnerCtx());
} else if (LogicRedo->TerminateTransaction(seat, ctx, OwnerActorId)) {
@@ -1792,19 +1792,19 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
} else if (isReadOnly) {
if (Stats->IsFollower) {
- // todo: extract completion counters from txloglogic
- --Stats->TxInFly;
- Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
+ // todo: extract completion counters from txloglogic
+ --Stats->TxInFly;
+ Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
CompleteRoTransaction(seat, OwnerCtx(), Counters.Get(), AppTxCounters);
} else if (LogicRedo->CommitROTransaction(seat, OwnerCtx())) {
- --Stats->TxInFly;
- Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
- }
- } else {
+ --Stats->TxInFly;
+ Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
+ }
+ } else {
const bool allowBatching = Scheme().Executor.AllowLogBatching;
- const bool force = !allowBatching
+ const bool force = !allowBatching
|| change->Scheme
|| change->Annex /* Required for replication to followers */
|| change->RemovedRowVersions /* Required for replication to followers */
@@ -1814,12 +1814,12 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
|| env.LoanTxStatus
|| env.LoanConfirmation
|| env.BorrowUpdates;
auto commitResult = LogicRedo->CommitRWTransaction(seat, *change, force);
Y_VERIFY(!force || commitResult.Commit);
auto *commit = commitResult.Commit.Get(); // could be nullptr
Y_VERIFY(env.MakeSnap.size() == change->Snapshots.size());
for (auto seq: xrange(env.MakeSnap.size())) {
@@ -1917,15 +1917,15 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
ReleaseScanLocks(std::move(snapshot->Barrier), *snapshot->Subset);
LogicRedo->CutLog(change->Deleted[num], edge, commit->GcDelta);
- }
+ }
if (auto garbage = std::move(change->Garbage)) {
commit->WaitFollowerGcAck = true; // as we could collect some page collections
for (auto &subset: garbage) {
ui64 total = 0;
TDeque<NTable::NFwd::TSieve> sieve(subset->Flatten.size() + 1);
for (auto seq: xrange(subset->Flatten.size())) {
sieve[seq] = {
@@ -1953,9 +1953,9 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
TIntrusivePtr<TBarrier> barrier(new TBarrier(commit->Step));
Y_VERIFY(InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.emplace(commit->Step, barrier).second);
- GcLogic->HoldBarrier(barrier->Step);
- }
+ GcLogic->HoldBarrier(barrier->Step);
+ }
NKikimrExecutorFlat::TFollowerPartSwitchAux aux;
if (auto *snap = env.DropSnap.Get()) {
@@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
for (auto &bundle: result.Bundles)
BorrowLogic->BorrowBundle(bundle.first, bundle.second, commit);
if (result.Moved) {
for (const auto& [src, dst] : result.Moved) {
auto srcSubset = Database->Subset(src, snap->SnapContext->Impl->Edge(src).Head, { }, { });
@@ -2083,25 +2083,25 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
InFlySnapCollectionBarriers.emplace(commit->Step, std::move(result.Barriers));
- }
+ }
bool hadPendingPartSwitches = bool(PendingPartSwitches);
aux.MutableBySwitchAux()->Reserve(aux.BySwitchAuxSize() + env.LoanBundle.size() + env.LoanTxStatus.size());
for (auto &loaned : env.LoanBundle) {
auto& partSwitch = PendingPartSwitches.emplace_back();
- partSwitch.TableId = loaned->LocalTableId;
+ partSwitch.TableId = loaned->LocalTableId;
partSwitch.Step = commit->Step;
Y_VERIFY(loaned->PartComponents.PageCollectionComponents, "Loaned PartComponents without any page collections");
loaned->PartComponents.PageCollectionComponents.front().LargeGlobId.Lead, *loaned, commit);
- {
- NKikimrExecutorFlat::TTablePartSwitch proto;
- proto.SetTableId(partSwitch.TableId);
+ {
+ NKikimrExecutorFlat::TTablePartSwitch proto;
+ proto.SetTableId(partSwitch.TableId);
TGCBlobDelta dummy; /* this isn't real cut log operation */
@@ -2122,23 +2122,23 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
auto *snap = proto.MutableIntroducedParts();
auto *bySwitchAux = aux.AddBySwitchAux();
TPageCollectionProtoHelper::Snap(snap, loaned->PartComponents, partSwitch.TableId, CompactionLogic->BorrowedPartLevel());
TPageCollectionProtoHelper(true, false).Do(bySwitchAux->AddHotBundles(), loaned->PartComponents);
auto body = proto.SerializeAsString();
auto glob = CommitManager->Turns.One(commit->Refs, std::move(body), true);
LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(glob.Logo, bySwitchAux->MutablePartSwitchRef());
- }
+ }
PrepareExternalPart(partSwitch, std::move(loaned->PartComponents));
for (auto &loaned : env.LoanTxStatus) {
auto& partSwitch = PendingPartSwitches.emplace_back();
partSwitch.TableId = loaned->LocalTableId;
partSwitch.Step = commit->Step;
loaned->DataId.Lead, *loaned, commit);
@@ -2191,47 +2191,47 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
if (!hadPendingPartSwitches) {
ApplyReadyPartSwitches(); // safe to apply switches right now
- }
+ }
if (aux.BySwitchAuxSize()) {
commit->FollowerAux = NPageCollection::TSlicer::Lz4()->Encode(aux.SerializeAsString());
- if (env.BorrowUpdates) {
+ if (env.BorrowUpdates) {
commit->WaitFollowerGcAck = true;
- for (auto &borrowUpdate : env.BorrowUpdates) {
- BorrowLogic->UpdateBorrow(
- borrowUpdate.first,
- borrowUpdate.second,
+ for (auto &borrowUpdate : env.BorrowUpdates) {
+ BorrowLogic->UpdateBorrow(
+ borrowUpdate.first,
+ borrowUpdate.second,
- }
+ }
TIntrusivePtr<TBarrier> barrier(new TBarrier(commit->Step));
Y_VERIFY(InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.emplace(commit->Step, barrier).second);
- GcLogic->HoldBarrier(barrier->Step);
- }
- if (env.LoanConfirmation) {
+ GcLogic->HoldBarrier(barrier->Step);
+ }
+ if (env.LoanConfirmation) {
commit->WaitFollowerGcAck = true;
- for (auto &xupd : env.LoanConfirmation) {
- BorrowLogic->ConfirmUpdateLoan(
- xupd.first,
- xupd.second.BorrowId,
+ for (auto &xupd : env.LoanConfirmation) {
+ BorrowLogic->ConfirmUpdateLoan(
+ xupd.first,
+ xupd.second.BorrowId,
- }
+ }
TIntrusivePtr<TBarrier> barrier(new TBarrier(commit->Step));
Y_VERIFY(InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.emplace(commit->Step, barrier).second);
- GcLogic->HoldBarrier(barrier->Step);
- }
+ GcLogic->HoldBarrier(barrier->Step);
+ }
if (commitResult.Commit)
for (auto &affectedTable : change->Affects)
CompactionLogic->UpdateInMemStatsStep(affectedTable, 1, Database->GetTableMemSize(affectedTable));
- if (commitResult.NeedFlush && !LogBatchFlushScheduled) {
- LogBatchFlushScheduled = true;
+ if (commitResult.NeedFlush && !LogBatchFlushScheduled) {
+ LogBatchFlushScheduled = true;
auto delay = Scheme().Executor.LogFlushPeriod;
if (LogFlushDelayOverrideUsec != -1) {
@@ -2244,36 +2244,36 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
delay = Min(delay, TDuration::Seconds(59));
Schedule(delay, new TEvents::TEvFlushLog());
- }
+ }
if (NeedFollowerSnapshot || LogicSnap->MayFlush(false))
- }
+ }
if (!Stats->IsFollower && HadFollowerAttached && env.Touches) {
NKikimrExecutorFlat::TFollowerAux proto;
for (auto &xpair : env.Touches) {
auto *px = proto.AddPageCollectionsTouched();
- LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(xpair.first->Id, px->MutableMetaInfoId());
+ LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(xpair.first->Id, px->MutableMetaInfoId());
for (ui32 blockId : xpair.second)
- px->AddTouchedPages(blockId);
- }
+ px->AddTouchedPages(blockId);
+ }
auto coded = NPageCollection::TSlicer::Lz4()->Encode(proto.SerializeAsString());
Send(Owner->Tablet(), new TEvTablet::TEvAux(std::move(coded)));
- }
- const ui64 bookkeepingTimeuS = ui64(1000000. * (currentBookkeepingTime + bookkeepingTimer.PassedReset()));
- const ui64 execTimeuS = ui64(1000000. * currentExecTime);
+ }
+ const ui64 bookkeepingTimeuS = ui64(1000000. * (currentBookkeepingTime + bookkeepingTimer.PassedReset()));
+ const ui64 execTimeuS = ui64(1000000. * currentExecTime);
- Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_EXECUTE_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(execTimeuS);
- Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_BOOKKEEPING_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(bookkeepingTimeuS);
+ Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_EXECUTE_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(execTimeuS);
+ Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_BOOKKEEPING_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(bookkeepingTimeuS);
Counters->Cumulative()[TExecutorCounters::CONSUMED_CPU].Increment(execTimeuS + bookkeepingTimeuS);
if (AppTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType) {
AppTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_EXECUTE_CPUTIME).Increment(execTimeuS);
@@ -2284,19 +2284,19 @@ void TExecutor::CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, TPageCollectionTxEnv
ResourceMetrics->CPU.Increment(bookkeepingTimeuS + execTimeuS, Time->Now());
void TExecutor::MakeLogSnapshot() {
if (!LogicSnap->MayFlush(true) || PendingPartSwitches)
- return;
+ return;
NeedFollowerSnapshot = false;
- THPTimer makeLogSnapTimer;
+ THPTimer makeLogSnapTimer;
auto commit = CommitManager->Begin(true, ECommit::Snap);
NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogSnapshot snap;
@@ -2390,21 +2390,21 @@ void TExecutor::MakeLogSnapshot() {
LogicSnap->MakeSnap(snap, *commit, Logger.Get());
- const ui64 makeLogSnapTimeuS = ui64(1000000. * makeLogSnapTimer.Passed());
- Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_LOGSNAP_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(makeLogSnapTimeuS);
-void TExecutor::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const ui64 makeLogSnapTimeuS = ui64(1000000. * makeLogSnapTimer.Passed());
+ Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_LOGSNAP_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(makeLogSnapTimeuS);
+void TExecutor::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
Y_VERIFY(ActivateTransactionInFlight > 0);
- if (!CanExecuteTransaction())
- return;
+ if (!CanExecuteTransaction())
+ return;
if (TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat = ActivationQueue->Pop()) {
Y_VERIFY(ActivateTransactionWaiting > 0);
@@ -2417,8 +2417,8 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution::TPtr &ev, const TActorC
// one transaction in queue.
Y_VERIFY(ActivateTransactionWaiting == 0);
void TExecutor::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvBrokenTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
@@ -2436,38 +2436,38 @@ void TExecutor::Wakeup(TEvents::TEvWakeup::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext&) {
void TExecutor::Handle(TEvents::TEvFlushLog::TPtr &ev) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
LogBatchFlushScheduled = false;
void TExecutor::Handle(NSharedCache::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev) {
const auto priority = ev->Get()->Priority;
TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TFetch> msg = ev->Get()->Fetch;
Y_VERIFY(msg->Pages, "empty page collection request, do not do it");
const TLogoBlobID &metaId = msg->PageCollection->Label();
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo *collectionInfo = PrivatePageCache->Info(metaId);
- if (!collectionInfo) {
+ if (!collectionInfo) {
auto *reply = new NSharedCache::TEvResult(std::move(msg->PageCollection), msg->Cookie, NKikimrProto::RACE);
Send(ev->Sender, reply, 0, ev->Cookie);
- return;
- }
+ return;
+ }
TVector<NSharedCache::TEvResult::TLoaded> cached;
TVector<NTable::TPageId> left;
for (auto &x : msg->Pages) {
if (TSharedPageRef body = PrivatePageCache->LookupShared(x, collectionInfo)) {
cached.emplace_back(x, body);
- } else {
+ } else {
- }
- }
- if (cached) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (cached) {
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< NFmt::Do(*this) << " cache hit for data request from: "
@@ -2477,8 +2477,8 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NSharedCache::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev) {
auto *reply = new NSharedCache::TEvResult(msg->PageCollection, msg->Cookie, NKikimrProto::OK);
Send(ev->Sender, reply, 0, ev->Cookie);
- }
+ }
if (left) {
DoSwap(msg->Pages, left);
@@ -2491,12 +2491,12 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NSharedCache::TEvRequest::TPtr &ev) {
auto *req = new NSharedCache::TEvRequest(priority, msg, SelfId());
TActorIdentity(ev->Sender).Send(MakeSharedPageCacheId(), req, 0, ev->Cookie);
- }
+ }
void TExecutor::Handle(NSharedCache::TEvResult::TPtr &ev) {
const bool failed = (ev->Get()->Status != NKikimrProto::OK);
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(failed ? ELnLev::Info : ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< NFmt::Do(*this) << " got result " << NFmt::Do(*ev->Get())
@@ -2506,34 +2506,34 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NSharedCache::TEvResult::TPtr &ev) {
switch (EPageCollectionRequest(ev->Cookie)) {
case EPageCollectionRequest::Cache:
case EPageCollectionRequest::CacheSync:
- {
+ {
auto *msg = ev->CastAsLocal<NSharedCache::TEvResult>();
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo *collectionInfo = PrivatePageCache->Info(msg->Origin->Label());
- if (!collectionInfo) // collection could be outdated
- return;
+ if (!collectionInfo) // collection could be outdated
+ return;
if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) { // collection is still active but we got bs error. no choice then die
- if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
+ if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken on page collection request error " << NFmt::Do(*ev->Get());
- }
- if (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::NODATA) {
- GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_req_nodata", true)->Inc();
- }
- return Broken();
- }
+ }
+ if (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::NODATA) {
+ GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_req_nodata", true)->Inc();
+ }
+ return Broken();
+ }
for (auto& loaded : msg->Loaded) {
TPrivatePageCache::TPage::TWaitQueuePtr transactionsToActivate = PrivatePageCache->ProvideBlock(std::move(loaded), collectionInfo);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
case EPageCollectionRequest::PendingInit:
- {
+ {
auto *msg = ev->CastAsLocal<NSharedCache::TEvResult>();
const auto *pageCollection = msg->Origin.Get();
@@ -2554,42 +2554,42 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NSharedCache::TEvResult::TPtr &ev) {
if (foundStage)
- // nope. just ignore.
+ // nope. just ignore.
if (!foundStage)
- return;
+ return;
foundStage->Fetching = nullptr;
if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
- if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
- logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken while pending part init" << NFmt::Do(*ev->Get());
- }
- if (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::NODATA) {
- GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_pending_nodata", true)->Inc();
- }
- return Broken();
- }
+ if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
+ logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken while pending part init" << NFmt::Do(*ev->Get());
+ }
+ if (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::NODATA) {
+ GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_pending_nodata", true)->Inc();
+ }
+ return Broken();
+ }
foundStage->Loader.Save(msg->Cookie, msg->Loaded);
if (PrepareExternalPart(*foundSwitch, *foundBundle)) {
// Waiting for more pages
- }
+ }
- }
- return;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
void TExecutor::Handle(NSharedCache::TEvUpdated::TPtr &ev) {
const auto *msg = ev->Get();
@@ -2605,24 +2605,24 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NSharedCache::TEvUpdated::TPtr &ev) {
-void TExecutor::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
- if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
- logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken on commit error for step " << msg->Step;
- }
- return Broken();
- }
+void TExecutor::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
+ if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
+ logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken on commit error for step " << msg->Step;
+ }
+ return Broken();
+ }
Y_VERIFY(msg->Generation == Generation());
- const ui32 step = msg->Step;
- ActiveTransaction = true;
+ const ui32 step = msg->Step;
+ ActiveTransaction = true;
GcLogic->OnCommitLog(step, msg->ConfirmedOnSend, ctx);
const auto cookie = static_cast<ECommit>(ev->Cookie);
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
@@ -2633,43 +2633,43 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext
switch (cookie) {
case ECommit::Redo:
- {
+ {
const ui64 confirmedTransactions = LogicRedo->Confirm(step, ctx, OwnerActorId);
- Stats->TxInFly -= confirmedTransactions;
- Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
- auto snapCollectionIt = InFlySnapCollectionBarriers.find(step);
- if (snapCollectionIt != InFlySnapCollectionBarriers.end()) {
- for (auto &x : snapCollectionIt->second)
- CheckCollectionBarrier(x);
- InFlySnapCollectionBarriers.erase(snapCollectionIt);
- }
- }
- break;
+ Stats->TxInFly -= confirmedTransactions;
+ Counters->Simple()[TExecutorCounters::DB_TX_IN_FLY] = Stats->TxInFly;
+ auto snapCollectionIt = InFlySnapCollectionBarriers.find(step);
+ if (snapCollectionIt != InFlySnapCollectionBarriers.end()) {
+ for (auto &x : snapCollectionIt->second)
+ CheckCollectionBarrier(x);
+ InFlySnapCollectionBarriers.erase(snapCollectionIt);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case ECommit::Snap:
if (NeedFollowerSnapshot)
- break;
+ break;
case ECommit::Data:
- {
- auto it = InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.find(step);
+ {
+ auto it = InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.find(step);
Y_VERIFY(it != InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.end());
// just check, real barrier release on follower gc ack
- }
- // any action on snapshot commit?
- break;
+ }
+ // any action on snapshot commit?
+ break;
case ECommit::Misc:
- break;
- default:
+ break;
+ default:
Y_FAIL("unknown event cookie");
- }
+ }
CheckYellow(std::move(msg->YellowMoveChannels), std::move(msg->YellowStopChannels));
ui64 totalBytes = 0;
for (auto& kv : msg->GroupWrittenBytes) {
totalBytes += kv.second;
@@ -2685,16 +2685,16 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext
- ActiveTransaction = false;
+ ActiveTransaction = false;
void TExecutor::Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult::TPtr &ev) {
- GcLogic->OnCollectGarbageResult(ev);
+ GcLogic->OnCollectGarbageResult(ev);
void TExecutor::Handle(TEvResourceBroker::TEvResourceAllocated::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
if (!msg->Cookie.Get()) {
// Generic broker is not using cookies
@@ -2708,11 +2708,11 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(TEvResourceBroker::TEvResourceAllocated::TPtr &ev) {
return StartSeat(msg->TaskId, cookie);
case TResource::ESource::Scan:
return StartScan(msg->TaskId, cookie);
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unexpected resource source");
- }
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unexpected resource source");
+ }
void TExecutor::StartSeat(ui64 task, TResource *cookie_) noexcept
auto *cookie = CheckedCast<TMemory::TCookie*>(cookie_);
@@ -2725,14 +2725,14 @@ void TExecutor::StartSeat(ui64 task, TResource *cookie_) noexcept
THolder<TScanSnapshot> TExecutor::PrepareScanSnapshot(ui32 table, const NTable::TCompactionParams *params, TRowVersion snapshot)
auto commit = CommitManager->Begin(true, ECommit::Misc);
if (params && params->Edge.Head == NTable::TEpoch::Max()) {
auto redo = Database->SnapshotToLog(table, { Generation(), commit->Step });
LogicRedo->MakeLogEntry(*commit, std::move(redo), { table }, true);
@@ -2761,8 +2761,8 @@ THolder<TScanSnapshot> TExecutor::PrepareScanSnapshot(ui32 table, const NTable::
} else {
// This grabs a volatile snapshot of the mutable table state
subset = Database->ScanSnapshot(table, snapshot);
- }
+ }
for (auto &partView : subset->Flatten)
@@ -2831,14 +2831,14 @@ void TExecutor::UtilizeSubset(const NTable::TSubset &subset,
const NTable::NFwd::TSeen &seen,
THashSet<TLogoBlobID> reusedBundles,
TLogCommit *commit)
if (seen.Sieve.size() == subset.Flatten.size() + 1) {
/* The last TSieve, if present, corresponds to external blobs of all
compacted TMemTable tables, this pseudo NPage::TBlobs is generated by
NFwd blobs tracer for this GC logic and may bypass borrow logic
since TMemTable cannot be borrowed.
} else if (seen.Sieve.size() != subset.Flatten.size()) {
Y_FAIL("Got an unexpected TSieve items count after compaction");
@@ -2885,8 +2885,8 @@ void TExecutor::UtilizeSubset(const NTable::TSubset &subset,
Counters->Cumulative()[TExecutorCounters::DB_ELOBS_ITEMS_GONE].Increment(seen.Total - seen.Seen);
void TExecutor::ReleaseScanLocks(TIntrusivePtr<TBarrier> barrier, const NTable::TSubset &subset)
@@ -2905,20 +2905,20 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvScanStat::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
-void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult::TPtr &ev) {
+void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult::TPtr &ev) {
auto *msg = ev->Get();
const auto outcome = Scans->Release(msg->Serial, msg->Status, msg->Result);
if (outcome.System) {
/* System scans are used for compactions and specially handled */
- Handle(msg, CheckedCast<TProdCompact*>(msg->Result.Get()), outcome.Cancelled);
+ Handle(msg, CheckedCast<TProdCompact*>(msg->Result.Get()), outcome.Cancelled);
ReleaseScanLocks(std::move(msg->Barrier), *msg->Subset);
-void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled) {
- THPTimer partSwitchCpuTimer;
+void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled) {
+ THPTimer partSwitchCpuTimer;
if (msg->Params->TaskId != 0) {
// We have taken over this task, mark it as finished in the broker
@@ -2927,7 +2927,7 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled)
const ui32 tableId = msg->Params->Table;
const bool abandoned = cancelled || !Scheme().GetTableInfo(tableId);
TProdCompact::TResults results = std::move(msg->Results);
@@ -2955,14 +2955,14 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled)
if (cancelled && Scheme().GetTableInfo(tableId)) {
CompactionLogic->CancelledCompaction(ops->Serial, std::move(msg->Params));
- return;
+ return;
} else if (!msg->Success) {
- if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
- logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken on compaction error";
- }
+ if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Error)) {
+ logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " Broken on compaction error";
+ }
CheckYellow(std::move(msg->YellowMoveChannels), std::move(msg->YellowStopChannels), /* terminal */ true);
- return Broken();
+ return Broken();
ActiveTransaction = true;
@@ -2972,12 +2972,12 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled)
- // now apply effects
- NKikimrExecutorFlat::TTablePartSwitch proto;
- proto.SetTableId(tableId);
+ // now apply effects
+ NKikimrExecutorFlat::TTablePartSwitch proto;
+ proto.SetTableId(tableId);
NKikimrExecutorFlat::TFollowerPartSwitchAux aux;
auto commit = CommitManager->Begin(true, ECommit::Data);
commit->WaitFollowerGcAck = true;
@@ -2989,8 +2989,8 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled)
// effectively a snapshot.
Y_VERIFY(msg->Params->Edge.Head > NTable::TEpoch::Zero());
LogicRedo->CutLog(tableId, { snapStamp, ops->Subset->Head }, commit->GcDelta);
- auto *sx = proto.MutableTableSnapshoted();
- sx->SetTable(tableId);
+ auto *sx = proto.MutableTableSnapshoted();
+ sx->SetTable(tableId);
@@ -3003,11 +3003,11 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled)
for (const auto &result : results) {
const auto &newPart = result.Part;
auto *partStore = newPart.As<NTable::TPartStore>();
{ /*_ enum all new blobs (include external) to gc logic */
@@ -3016,8 +3016,8 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled)
- }
+ }
if (newTxStatus) {
for (const auto &txStatus : newTxStatus) {
auto *partStore = dynamic_cast<const NTable::TTxStatusPartStore*>(txStatus.Get());
@@ -3037,8 +3037,8 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled)
Y_VERIFY(ops->Trace->Seen + totalGrow == totalBlobs);
- }
+ }
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBundleChange*> bundleChanges;
{ /*_ Replace original subset with compacted results */
@@ -3160,15 +3160,15 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled)
{ /*_ Finalize switch (turn) blob and attach it to commit */
auto body = proto.SerializeAsString();
auto glob = CommitManager->Turns.One(commit->Refs, std::move(body), true);
if (bySwitchAux)
LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(glob.Logo, bySwitchAux->MutablePartSwitchRef());
commit->FollowerAux = NPageCollection::TSlicer::Lz4()->Encode(aux.SerializeAsString());
Y_VERIFY(InFlyCompactionGcBarriers.emplace(commit->Step, ops->Barrier).second);
if (hadFrozen || logicResult.MemCompacted)
@@ -3186,17 +3186,17 @@ void TExecutor::Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled)
for (auto &snap : logicResult.CompleteSnapshots) {
if (snap->Impl->Complete(tableId, ops->Barrier)) {
auto snapIt = WaitingSnapshots.find(snap.Get());
- Y_VERIFY(snapIt != WaitingSnapshots.end());
- TIntrusivePtr<TTableSnapshotContext> snapCtxPtr = snapIt->second;
- WaitingSnapshots.erase(snapIt);
- Owner->SnapshotComplete(snapCtxPtr, OwnerCtx());
- }
- }
- Owner->CompactionComplete(tableId, OwnerCtx());
- ActiveTransaction = false;
+ Y_VERIFY(snapIt != WaitingSnapshots.end());
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTableSnapshotContext> snapCtxPtr = snapIt->second;
+ WaitingSnapshots.erase(snapIt);
+ Owner->SnapshotComplete(snapCtxPtr, OwnerCtx());
+ }
+ }
+ Owner->CompactionComplete(tableId, OwnerCtx());
+ ActiveTransaction = false;
if (LogicSnap->MayFlush(false)) {
@@ -3224,10 +3224,10 @@ void TExecutor::UpdateUsedTabletMemory() {
UsedTabletMemory += Owner->GetMemoryUsage();
-void TExecutor::UpdateCounters(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> executorCounters;
- TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> externalTabletCounters;
+void TExecutor::UpdateCounters(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> executorCounters;
+ TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> externalTabletCounters;
if (CounterEventsInFlight.RefCount() == 1) {
@@ -3245,8 +3245,8 @@ void TExecutor::UpdateCounters(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- }
+ }
if (CommitManager) /* exists only on leader, mostly storage usage data */ {
auto redo = LogicRedo->LogStats();
@@ -3333,17 +3333,17 @@ void TExecutor::UpdateCounters(const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (AppCounters) {
externalTabletCounters = AppCounters->MakeDiffForAggr(*AppCountersBaseline);
// tablet id + tablet type
ui64 tabletId = Owner->TabletID();
auto tabletType = Owner->TabletType();
auto tenantPathId = Owner->Info()->TenantPathId;
TActorId countersAggregator = MakeTabletCountersAggregatorID(SelfId().NodeId(), Stats->IsFollower);
Send(countersAggregator, new TEvTabletCounters::TEvTabletAddCounters(
CounterEventsInFlight, tabletId, tabletType, tenantPathId, executorCounters, externalTabletCounters));
@@ -3353,8 +3353,8 @@ void TExecutor::UpdateCounters(const TActorContext &ctx) {
Schedule(TDuration::Seconds(15), new TEvPrivate::TEvUpdateCounters());
float TExecutor::GetRejectProbability() const {
// Limit number of in-flight TXs
// TODO: make configurable
@@ -3534,32 +3534,32 @@ bool TExecutor::CompactTables() {
-STFUNC(TExecutor::StateInit) {
+STFUNC(TExecutor::StateInit) {
Y_FAIL("must be no events before boot processing");
-STFUNC(TExecutor::StateBoot) {
+STFUNC(TExecutor::StateBoot) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
// N.B. must work during follower promotion to leader
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvBrokenTransaction, Handle);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup, Wakeup);
hFunc(TEvResourceBroker::TEvResourceAllocated, Handle);
- default:
+ default:
return TranscriptBootOpResult(BootLogic->Receive(*ev), ctx);
- }
-STFUNC(TExecutor::StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution, Handle);
+ }
+STFUNC(TExecutor::StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvBrokenTransaction, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateCompactionRead, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateCompactionChanges, Handle);
- CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvUpdateCounters, UpdateCounters);
+ CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvUpdateCounters, UpdateCounters);
cFunc(TEvPrivate::EvCheckYellow, UpdateYellow);
cFunc(TEvPrivate::EvUpdateCompactions, UpdateCompactions);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup, Wakeup);
@@ -3567,27 +3567,27 @@ STFUNC(TExecutor::StateWork) {
hFunc(NSharedCache::TEvRequest, Handle);
hFunc(NSharedCache::TEvResult, Handle);
hFunc(NSharedCache::TEvUpdated, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult, Handle);
hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult, Handle);
HFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult, Handle);
hFunc(TEvResourceBroker::TEvResourceAllocated, Handle);
HFunc(NOps::TEvScanStat, Handle);
- hFunc(NOps::TEvResult, Handle);
+ hFunc(NOps::TEvResult, Handle);
HFunc(NBlockIO::TEvStat, Handle);
- default:
- break;
- }
- TranslateCacheTouchesToSharedCache();
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ TranslateCacheTouchesToSharedCache();
STFUNC(TExecutor::StateFollower) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution, Handle);
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvBrokenTransaction, Handle);
- CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvUpdateCounters, UpdateCounters);
+ CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvUpdateCounters, UpdateCounters);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup, Wakeup);
hFunc(NSharedCache::TEvResult, Handle);
hFunc(NSharedCache::TEvUpdated, Handle);
@@ -3596,26 +3596,26 @@ STFUNC(TExecutor::StateFollower) {
HFunc(NOps::TEvScanStat, Handle);
hFunc(NOps::TEvResult, Handle);
HFunc(NBlockIO::TEvStat, Handle);
- default:
- break;
- }
- TranslateCacheTouchesToSharedCache();
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ TranslateCacheTouchesToSharedCache();
STFUNC(TExecutor::StateFollowerBoot) {
- Y_VERIFY(BootLogic);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ Y_VERIFY(BootLogic);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
// N.B. must handle activities started before resync
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution, Handle);
HFunc(TEvPrivate::TEvBrokenTransaction, Handle);
HFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup, Wakeup);
hFunc(TEvResourceBroker::TEvResourceAllocated, Handle);
- default:
+ default:
return TranscriptFollowerBootOpResult(BootLogic->Receive(*ev), ctx);
- }
+ }
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TVector<ui64>> TExecutor::GetBorrowedParts() const {
if (BorrowLogic) {
return BorrowLogic->GetBorrowedParts();
@@ -3624,13 +3624,13 @@ THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TVector<ui64>> TExecutor::GetBorrowedParts() const {
return { };
-const TExecutorStats& TExecutor::GetStats() const {
- return *Stats;
+const TExecutorStats& TExecutor::GetStats() const {
+ return *Stats;
void TExecutor::RenderHtmlCounters(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev) const {
- TStringStream str;
+ TStringStream str;
if (Database) {
HTML(str) {
str << "<style>";
@@ -3638,32 +3638,32 @@ void TExecutor::RenderHtmlCounters(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev) const {
str << "table.metrics td { text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; }";
str << "table.metrics td:nth-child(3) { text-align: left; }";
str << "</style>";
- if (Counters) {
+ if (Counters) {
H3() {str << "Executor counters";}
- Counters->OutputHtml(str);
- }
- if (AppCounters) {
+ Counters->OutputHtml(str);
+ }
+ if (AppCounters) {
H3() {str << "App counters";}
- AppCounters->OutputHtml(str);
- }
+ AppCounters->OutputHtml(str);
+ }
if (ResourceMetrics) {
str << NMetrics::AsHTML(*ResourceMetrics);
- } else {
+ } else {
HTML(str) {str << "loading...";} // todo: populate from bootlogic
- }
+ }
Send(ev->Sender, new NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
void TExecutor::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev) const {
auto cgi = ev->Get()->Cgi();
- TStringStream str;
+ TStringStream str;
const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& tr = *AppData()->TypeRegistry;
if (cgi.Has("force_compaction")) {
bool ok;
bool allTables = false;
@@ -3756,8 +3756,8 @@ void TExecutor::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev) const {
- }
+ }
H3() {str << "Storage:";}
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "Bytes pinned in cache: " << PrivatePageCache->GetStats().PinnedSetSize << Endl; }
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "Bytes pinned to load: " << PrivatePageCache->GetStats().PinnedLoadSize << Endl; }
@@ -3766,9 +3766,9 @@ void TExecutor::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev) const {
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "used tablet memory: " << UsedTabletMemory; }
- if (CompactionLogic)
+ if (CompactionLogic)
CompactionLogic->OutputHtml(str, *scheme, cgi);
H3() {str << "Page collection cache:";}
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "fresh bytes: " << CounterCacheFresh->Val(); }
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "staging bytes: " << CounterCacheStaging->Val(); }
@@ -3779,10 +3779,10 @@ void TExecutor::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev) const {
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "Total bytes exclusive to local cache: " << PrivatePageCache->GetStats().TotalExclusive; }
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "Total bytes in transit to shared cache: " << PrivatePageCache->GetStats().TotalSharedPending; }
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "Total bytes marked as sticky: " << PrivatePageCache->GetStats().TotalSticky; }
- if (GcLogic) {
+ if (GcLogic) {
H3() {str << "Gc logic:";}
- auto gcInfo = GcLogic->IntrospectStateSize();
+ auto gcInfo = GcLogic->IntrospectStateSize();
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "uncommited entries: " << gcInfo.UncommitedEntries;}
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "uncommited blob ids: " << gcInfo.UncommitedBlobIds; }
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "uncommited entries bytes: " << gcInfo.UncommitedEntriesBytes;}
@@ -3791,37 +3791,37 @@ void TExecutor::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev) const {
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "commited blob ids left: " << gcInfo.CommitedBlobIdsLeft;}
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "commited entries bytes: " << gcInfo.CommitedEntriesBytes; }
DIV_CLASS("row") {str << "active collect barriers: " << gcInfo.BarriersSetSize; }
- }
- if (BorrowLogic) {
+ }
+ if (BorrowLogic) {
H3() {str << "Borrow logic:";}
- BorrowLogic->OutputHtml(str);
- }
+ BorrowLogic->OutputHtml(str);
+ }
- } else {
+ } else {
HTML(str) {str << "loading...";} // todo: populate from bootlogic
- }
+ }
Send(ev->Sender, new NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
const NTable::TScheme& TExecutor::Scheme() const noexcept {
return Database->GetScheme();
-void TExecutor::RegisterExternalTabletCounters(TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> appCounters) {
- AppCounters = appCounters;
+void TExecutor::RegisterExternalTabletCounters(TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> appCounters) {
+ AppCounters = appCounters;
AppCountersBaseline = MakeHolder<TTabletCountersBase>();
- AppCounters->RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(*AppCountersBaseline);
+ AppCounters->RememberCurrentStateAsBaseline(*AppCountersBaseline);
if (LogicRedo) {
- AppTxCounters = dynamic_cast<TTabletCountersWithTxTypes*>(AppCounters.Get());
+ AppTxCounters = dynamic_cast<TTabletCountersWithTxTypes*>(AppCounters.Get());
LogicRedo->InstallCounters(Counters.Get(), AppTxCounters);
- }
+ }
void TExecutor::GetTabletCounters(TEvTablet::TEvGetCounters::TPtr &ev) {
TAutoPtr<TEvTablet::TEvGetCountersResponse> response = new TEvTablet::TEvGetCountersResponse();
@@ -3856,8 +3856,8 @@ void TExecutor::ReadResourceProfile() {
-TString TExecutor::CheckBorrowConsistency() {
- THashSet<TLogoBlobID> knownBundles;
+TString TExecutor::CheckBorrowConsistency() {
+ THashSet<TLogoBlobID> knownBundles;
for (auto& kv : Scheme().Tables) {
const ui32 tableId = kv.first;
@@ -3869,16 +3869,16 @@ TString TExecutor::CheckBorrowConsistency() {
- return BorrowLogic->DebugCheckBorrowConsistency(knownBundles);
+ return BorrowLogic->DebugCheckBorrowConsistency(knownBundles);
TTransactionWaitPad::TTransactionWaitPad(THolder<TSeat> seat)
: Seat(std::move(seat))
// ICompactionBackend implementation
ui64 TExecutor::OwnerTabletId() const
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.h
index 55e6adc241..df08b3a338 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tablet_flat_executor.h"
-#include "flat_database.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "tablet_flat_executor.h"
+#include "flat_database.h"
#include "flat_dbase_change.h"
-#include "flat_sausagecache.h"
+#include "flat_sausagecache.h"
#include "flat_part_store.h"
#include "flat_part_outset.h"
#include "flat_part_loader.h"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include "flat_exec_read.h"
#include "flat_executor_misc.h"
#include "flat_executor_compaction_logic.h"
-#include "flat_executor_gclogic.h"
+#include "flat_executor_gclogic.h"
#include "flat_bio_events.h"
#include "flat_bio_stats.h"
#include "flat_fwd_sieve.h"
@@ -32,27 +32,27 @@
#include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/counters.h>
-#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
-#include <util/thread/singleton.h>
+#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
+#include <util/thread/singleton.h>
#include <optional>
#include <variant>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NTable {
class TLoader;
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
class TLogicSnap;
-class TExecutorBootLogic;
+class TExecutorBootLogic;
class TLogicRedo;
class TLogicAlter;
class TLogicSnap;
-class TExecutorBorrowLogic;
-class TExecutorCounters;
+class TExecutorBorrowLogic;
+class TExecutorCounters;
class TCommitManager;
class TScans;
class TMemory;
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ struct TPageCollectionTxEnv;
struct TProdCompact;
struct TProdBackup;
struct TSeat;
-struct TPendingPartSwitch {
+struct TPendingPartSwitch {
struct TLargeGlobLoader {
size_t Index;
NPageCollection::TLargeGlobId LargeGlobId;
@@ -251,9 +251,9 @@ struct TPendingPartSwitch {
using TPendingBlobs = THashMultiMap<TLogoBlobID, TBlobWaiter>;
- ui32 TableId = 0;
+ ui32 TableId = 0;
ui32 Step = 0;
TList<TNewBundle> NewBundles;
TList<TNewTxStatus> NewTxStatus;
TVector<TIntrusiveConstPtr<NTable::TColdPart>> NewColdParts;
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ struct TPendingPartSwitch {
TVector<TLogoBlobID> LeavingTxStatus;
TVector<TBundleMove> Moves;
NTable::TEpoch Head = NTable::TEpoch::Zero();
ui32 FollowerUpdateStep = 0;
bool AddPendingBlob(const TLogoBlobID& id, TBlobWaiter waiter) {
@@ -275,21 +275,21 @@ struct TPendingPartSwitch {
PendingBlobs.emplace_direct(ctx, id, std::move(waiter));
return newBlob;
enum class EPageCollectionRequest : ui64 {
- Undefined = 0,
- Cache = 1,
- CacheSync,
- PendingInit,
- BootLogic,
-struct TExecutorStatsImpl : public TExecutorStats {
- TInstant YellowLastChecked;
+ Undefined = 0,
+ Cache = 1,
+ CacheSync,
+ PendingInit,
+ BootLogic,
+struct TExecutorStatsImpl : public TExecutorStats {
+ TInstant YellowLastChecked;
ui64 PacksMetaBytes = 0; /* Memory occupied by NPageCollection::TMeta */
struct TTransactionWaitPad : public TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad {
THolder<TSeat> Seat;
@@ -323,43 +323,43 @@ class TExecutor
friend class TExecutorCompactionLogic;
class TTxExecutorDbMon;
- static constexpr ui64 PostponeTransactionMemThreshold = 250*1024*1024;
- struct TEvPrivate {
- enum EEv {
- EvActivateExecution = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- EvUpdateCounters,
- EvCheckYellow,
+ static constexpr ui64 PostponeTransactionMemThreshold = 250*1024*1024;
+ struct TEvPrivate {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvActivateExecution = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
+ EvUpdateCounters,
+ EvCheckYellow,
- EvEnd
- };
- static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE), "enum range overrun");
- struct TEvActivateExecution : public TEventLocal<TEvActivateExecution, EvActivateExecution> {};
- struct TEvUpdateCounters : public TEventLocal<TEvUpdateCounters, EvUpdateCounters> {};
- struct TEvCheckYellow : public TEventLocal<TEvCheckYellow, EvCheckYellow> {};
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_PRIVATE), "enum range overrun");
+ struct TEvActivateExecution : public TEventLocal<TEvActivateExecution, EvActivateExecution> {};
+ struct TEvUpdateCounters : public TEventLocal<TEvUpdateCounters, EvUpdateCounters> {};
+ struct TEvCheckYellow : public TEventLocal<TEvCheckYellow, EvCheckYellow> {};
struct TEvUpdateCompactions : public TEventLocal<TEvUpdateCompactions, EvUpdateCompactions> {};
struct TEvActivateCompactionRead : public TEventLocal<TEvActivateCompactionRead, EvActivateCompactionRead> {};
struct TEvActivateCompactionChanges : public TEventLocal<TEvActivateCompactionChanges, EvActivateCompactionChanges> {};
struct TEvBrokenTransaction : public TEventLocal<TEvBrokenTransaction, EvBrokenTransaction> {};
- };
+ };
const TIntrusivePtr<ITimeProvider> Time = nullptr;
NFlatExecutorSetup::ITablet * Owner;
const TActorId OwnerActorId;
TAutoPtr<NUtil::ILogger> Logger;
ui32 FollowerId = 0;
using TActivationQueue = TOneOneQueueInplace<TSeat *, 64>;
THolder<TActivationQueue, TActivationQueue::TPtrCleanDestructor> ActivationQueue;
- THolder<TActivationQueue, TActivationQueue::TPtrCleanDestructor> PendingQueue;
+ THolder<TActivationQueue, TActivationQueue::TPtrCleanDestructor> PendingQueue;
THashMap<ui64, TCompactionReadState> CompactionReads;
TDeque<ui64> CompactionReadQueue;
bool CompactionReadActivating = false;
@@ -368,27 +368,27 @@ class TExecutor
TMap<TSeat*, TAutoPtr<TSeat>> PostponedTransactions;
THashMap<ui64, THolder<TScanSnapshot>> ScanSnapshots;
ui64 ScanSnapshotId = 1;
bool ActiveTransaction = false;
bool BrokenTransaction = false;
ui32 ActivateTransactionWaiting = 0;
ui32 ActivateTransactionInFlight = 0;
using TWaitingSnaps = THashMap<TTableSnapshotContext *, TIntrusivePtr<TTableSnapshotContext>>;
const TIntrusivePtr<TIdEmitter> Emitter;
TAutoPtr<TBroker> Broker;
- TWaitingSnaps WaitingSnapshots;
- THolder<TExecutorBootLogic> BootLogic;
+ TWaitingSnaps WaitingSnapshots;
+ THolder<TExecutorBootLogic> BootLogic;
THolder<TPrivatePageCache> PrivatePageCache;
THolder<TExecutorCounters> Counters;
THolder<TTabletCountersBase> AppCounters;
THolder<TTabletCountersBase> CountersBaseline;
THolder<TTabletCountersBase> AppCountersBaseline;
THolder<NMetrics::TResourceMetrics> ResourceMetrics;
TAutoPtr<NTable::TDatabase> Database;
TAutoPtr<TCommitManager> CommitManager;
@@ -400,51 +400,51 @@ class TExecutor
THolder<TExecutorGCLogic> GcLogic;
THolder<TCompactionLogic> CompactionLogic;
THolder<TExecutorBorrowLogic> BorrowLogic;
TLoadBlobQueue PendingBlobQueue;
- // Used control number of in flight events to the counter aggregator
+ // Used control number of in flight events to the counter aggregator
TIntrusivePtr<TEvTabletCounters::TInFlightCookie> CounterEventsInFlight;
TTabletCountersWithTxTypes* AppTxCounters = nullptr;
TActorId Launcher;
THashMap<TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad*, THolder<TTransactionWaitPad>> TransactionWaitPads;
THashMap<TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad*, THolder<TCompactionReadWaitPad>> CompactionReadWaitPads;
ui64 TransactionUniqCounter = 0;
ui64 CompactionReadUniqCounter = 0;
bool LogBatchFlushScheduled = false;
bool HadFollowerAttached = false;
bool NeedFollowerSnapshot = false;
- TCacheCacheConfig::TCounterPtr CounterCacheFresh;
+ TCacheCacheConfig::TCounterPtr CounterCacheFresh;
TCacheCacheConfig::TCounterPtr CounterCacheMemTable;
- TCacheCacheConfig::TCounterPtr CounterCacheStaging;
+ TCacheCacheConfig::TCounterPtr CounterCacheStaging;
THashMap<ui32, TIntrusivePtr<TBarrier>> InFlyCompactionGcBarriers;
TDeque<THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody>> PostponedFollowerUpdates;
THashMap<ui32, TVector<TIntrusivePtr<TBarrier>>> InFlySnapCollectionBarriers;
THolder<TExecutorStatsImpl> Stats;
bool HasYellowCheckInFly = false;
TDeque<TPendingPartSwitch> PendingPartSwitches;
size_t ReadyPartSwitches = 0;
ui64 UsedTabletMemory = 0;
- TActorContext OwnerCtx() const;
+ TActorContext OwnerCtx() const;
TControlWrapper LogFlushDelayOverrideUsec;
ui64 Stamp() const noexcept;
void Registered(TActorSystem*, const TActorId&) override;
void PassAway() override;
- void Broken();
- void Active(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Broken();
+ void Active(const TActorContext &ctx);
void ActivateFollower(const TActorContext &ctx);
void RecreatePageCollectionsCache() noexcept;
void ReflectSchemeSettings() noexcept;
@@ -461,11 +461,11 @@ class TExecutor
void OnBlobLoaded(const TLogoBlobID& id, TString body, uintptr_t cookie) override;
void AdvancePendingPartSwitches();
bool ApplyReadyPartSwitches();
TExecutorCaches CleanupState();
- bool CanExecuteTransaction() const;
- void TranscriptBootOpResult(ui32 res, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ bool CanExecuteTransaction() const;
+ void TranscriptBootOpResult(ui32 res, const TActorContext &ctx);
void TranscriptFollowerBootOpResult(ui32 res, const TActorContext &ctx);
void ExecuteTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, const TActorContext &ctx);
void CommitTransactionLog(TAutoPtr<TSeat>, TPageCollectionTxEnv&, TAutoPtr<NTable::TChange>,
@@ -481,8 +481,8 @@ class TExecutor
void DropCachesOfBundle(const NTable::TPart &part) noexcept;
void DropSingleCache(const TLogoBlobID&) noexcept;
- void TranslateCacheTouchesToSharedCache();
- void RequestInMemPagesForDatabase();
+ void TranslateCacheTouchesToSharedCache();
+ void RequestInMemPagesForDatabase();
void RequestInMemPagesForPartStore(ui32 tableId, const NTable::TPartView &partView);
void RequestFromSharedCache(TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TFetch> fetch,
NBlockIO::EPriority way, EPageCollectionRequest requestCategory);
@@ -493,17 +493,17 @@ class TExecutor
void StartScan(ui64 task, TResource*) noexcept;
void StartSeat(ui64 task, TResource*) noexcept;
void PostponedScanCleared(NResourceBroker::TEvResourceBroker::TEvResourceAllocated *msg, const TActorContext &ctx);
void ApplyFollowerUpdate(THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody> update);
void ApplyFollowerAuxUpdate(const TString &auxBody);
void ApplyFollowerPostponedUpdates();
void AddFollowerPartSwitch(const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TTablePartSwitch &switchProto,
const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TFollowerPartSwitchAux::TBySwitch *aux, ui32 updateStep, ui32 step);
- void ApplyExternalPartSwitch(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch);
+ void ApplyExternalPartSwitch(TPendingPartSwitch &partSwitch);
void Wakeup(TEvents::TEvWakeup::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCommitResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvActivateExecution::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvBrokenTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvents::TEvFlushLog::TPtr &ev);
void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult::TPtr&);
@@ -512,19 +512,19 @@ class TExecutor
void Handle(NSharedCache::TEvUpdated::TPtr &ev);
void Handle(NResourceBroker::TEvResourceBroker::TEvResourceAllocated::TPtr&);
void Handle(NOps::TEvScanStat::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(NOps::TEvResult::TPtr &ev);
+ void Handle(NOps::TEvResult::TPtr &ev);
void Handle(NBlockIO::TEvStat::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled);
+ void Handle(NOps::TEvResult *ops, TProdCompact *msg, bool cancelled);
void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvGetResult::TPtr&, const TActorContext&);
void UpdateUsedTabletMemory();
- void UpdateCounters(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void UpdateCounters(const TActorContext &ctx);
void UpdateYellow();
void UpdateCompactions();
void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvCheckBlobstorageStatusResult::TPtr &ev);
void ReadResourceProfile();
- TString CheckBorrowConsistency();
+ TString CheckBorrowConsistency();
// ICompactionBackend API
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ class TExecutor
const NTable::TCompactionChanges& changes,
NKikimrSchemeOp::ECompactionStrategy strategy);
void Describe(IOutputStream &out) const noexcept override
@@ -569,14 +569,14 @@ public:
<< ":" << Generation() << ":" << Step() << "}";
- // IExecutor interface
- void Boot(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
- void Restored(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
- void DetachTablet(const TActorContext &ctx) override;
+ // IExecutor interface
+ void Boot(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
+ void Restored(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
+ void DetachTablet(const TActorContext &ctx) override;
void Execute(TAutoPtr<ITransaction> transaction, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
TString BorrowSnapshot(ui32 tableId, const TTableSnapshotContext& snap, TRawVals from, TRawVals to, ui64 loaner) const override;
ui64 MakeScanSnapshot(ui32 table) override;
void DropScanSnapshot(ui64 snapId) override;
ui64 QueueScan(ui32 tableId, TAutoPtr<NTable::IScan> scan, ui64 cookie, const TScanOptions& options) override;
@@ -594,43 +594,43 @@ public:
void FollowerBoot(TEvTablet::TEvFBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
void FollowerUpdate(THolder<TEvTablet::TFUpdateBody> update) override;
void FollowerAuxUpdate(TString upd) override;
void RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev) const override;
void RenderHtmlCounters(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev) const override;
void RenderHtmlDb(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) const override;
void GetTabletCounters(TEvTablet::TEvGetCounters::TPtr &ev) override;
void UpdateConfig(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig::TPtr &ev) override;
void SendUserAuxUpdateToFollowers(TString upd, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TVector<ui64>> GetBorrowedParts() const override;
- const TExecutorStats& GetStats() const override;
+ const TExecutorStats& GetStats() const override;
NMetrics::TResourceMetrics* GetResourceMetrics() const override;
void RegisterExternalTabletCounters(TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> appCounters) override;
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::FLAT_EXECUTOR;
TExecutor(NFlatExecutorSetup::ITablet *owner, const TActorId& ownerActorId);
- ~TExecutor();
- STFUNC(StateInit);
- STFUNC(StateBoot);
- STFUNC(StateWork);
+ ~TExecutor();
+ STFUNC(StateInit);
+ STFUNC(StateBoot);
+ STFUNC(StateWork);
- // database interface
+ // database interface
const NTable::TScheme& Scheme() const noexcept override;
- ui64 TabletId() const { return Owner->TabletID(); }
+ ui64 TabletId() const { return Owner->TabletID(); }
float GetRejectProbability() const override;
TActorId GetLauncher() const { return Launcher; }
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.proto b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.proto
index cff11fd06b..7758812187 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.proto
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import "ydb/core/protos/base.proto";
import "ydb/core/protos/tablet.proto";
import "ydb/core/protos/flat_scheme_op.proto";
-package NKikimrExecutorFlat;
-option java_package = "ru.yandex.kikimr.proto";
+package NKikimrExecutorFlat;
+option java_package = "ru.yandex.kikimr.proto";
message TLargeGlobId {
// This is the correct way of doing for what StorageInfo is now used.
@@ -88,61 +88,61 @@ message TEvolution {
required uint32 Head = 2;
-message TLogTableSnap {
- optional uint32 Table = 1;
+message TLogTableSnap {
+ optional uint32 Table = 1;
repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID DbPartMetaInfoBody = 2; // Legacy, replaced with Bundles
optional uint32 Legacy0_ = 3;
optional uint32 Legacy1_ = 4;
optional uint32 Legacy2_ = 5;
optional uint32 Legacy3_ = 6;
- optional uint32 CompactionLevel = 7;
+ optional uint32 CompactionLevel = 7;
repeated TBundle Bundles = 8;
message TLogTxStatusSnap {
optional uint32 Table = 1;
repeated TTxStatus TxStatus = 2;
-message TLogMemSnap {
- optional uint32 Table = 1;
- optional uint32 Generation = 2;
- optional uint32 Step = 3;
+message TLogMemSnap {
+ optional uint32 Table = 1;
+ optional uint32 Generation = 2;
+ optional uint32 Step = 3;
optional int64 Head = 4;
-message TGcChannelBarrierInfo {
- optional uint32 Channel = 1;
- optional uint32 SetToGeneration = 2;
- optional uint32 SetToStep = 3;
-message TEmbeddedLogBody {
- optional uint32 Generation = 1;
- optional uint32 Step = 2;
- optional bytes Body = 3;
-message TBorrowedList {
- optional uint64 Who = 1;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID What = 2;
-message TBorrowedPart {
+message TGcChannelBarrierInfo {
+ optional uint32 Channel = 1;
+ optional uint32 SetToGeneration = 2;
+ optional uint32 SetToStep = 3;
+message TEmbeddedLogBody {
+ optional uint32 Generation = 1;
+ optional uint32 Step = 2;
+ optional bytes Body = 3;
+message TBorrowedList {
+ optional uint64 Who = 1;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID What = 2;
+message TBorrowedPart {
optional NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID MetaId = 1;
- repeated uint64 Loaners = 2;
- repeated TBorrowedList BorrowedList = 3;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID BorrowKeepList = 4;
- optional uint64 Lender = 10;
- repeated NKikimrTabletBase.TTabletStorageInfo StorageInfo = 11;
- optional bool LoanCollected = 12;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID LoanKeepList = 13;
+ repeated uint64 Loaners = 2;
+ repeated TBorrowedList BorrowedList = 3;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID BorrowKeepList = 4;
+ optional uint64 Lender = 10;
+ repeated NKikimrTabletBase.TTabletStorageInfo StorageInfo = 11;
+ optional bool LoanCollected = 12;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID LoanKeepList = 13;
message TSnapWaste {
optional uint64 Since = 1; // Stamp of waste accounting age
optional uint64 Level = 2; // Total bytes keeping by tablet
@@ -171,17 +171,17 @@ message TRowVersionState {
repeated TRemovedRange RemovedRanges = 2;
-message TLogSnapshot {
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID NonSnapLogBodies = 1;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID SchemeInfoBodies = 2;
- repeated TLogTableSnap DbParts = 3;
- repeated TEmbeddedLogBody EmbeddedLogBodies = 4;
- repeated TLogMemSnap TableSnapshoted = 5;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID BorrowInfoIds = 6;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcSnapDiscovered = 12;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcSnapLeft = 13;
- repeated TGcChannelBarrierInfo GcBarrierInfo = 14;
+message TLogSnapshot {
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID NonSnapLogBodies = 1;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID SchemeInfoBodies = 2;
+ repeated TLogTableSnap DbParts = 3;
+ repeated TEmbeddedLogBody EmbeddedLogBodies = 4;
+ repeated TLogMemSnap TableSnapshoted = 5;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID BorrowInfoIds = 6;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcSnapDiscovered = 12;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcSnapLeft = 13;
+ repeated TGcChannelBarrierInfo GcBarrierInfo = 14;
optional bytes Legacy0_ = 15;
optional TEvolution Version = 16;
@@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ message TLogSnapshot {
repeated TCompactionState CompactionStates = 19;
repeated TRowVersionState RowVersionStates = 20;
repeated TLogTxStatusSnap TxStatusParts = 21;
-message TTablePartSwitch {
+message TTablePartSwitch {
optional TLogTableSnap IntroducedParts = 1;
- optional TLogMemSnap TableSnapshoted = 2;
- optional uint32 TableId = 3;
+ optional TLogMemSnap TableSnapshoted = 2;
+ optional uint32 TableId = 3;
repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID LeavingBundles = 10;
repeated TBundleChange ChangedBundles = 11;
optional TCompactionState CompactionChanges = 12;
@@ -207,43 +207,43 @@ message TTablePartSwitch {
repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID LeavingTxStatus = 16;
optional TLogTxStatusSnap IntroducedTxStatus = 17;
-message TExternalGcEntry {
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcDiscovered = 1;
- repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcLeft = 2;
+message TExternalGcEntry {
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcDiscovered = 1;
+ repeated NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID GcLeft = 2;
message TFollowerPartSwitchAux {
- message TBySwitch {
- optional NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID PartSwitchRef = 1;
+ message TBySwitch {
+ optional NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID PartSwitchRef = 1;
repeated TBundle HotBundles = 2;
repeated TTxStatus HotTxStatus = 3;
- }
- repeated TBySwitch BySwitchAux = 1;
+ }
+ repeated TBySwitch BySwitchAux = 1;
message TFollowerAux {
message TTouchByPageCollection {
- optional NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID MetaInfoId = 1;
- repeated uint32 TouchedPages = 2;
- }
+ optional NKikimrProto.TLogoBlobID MetaInfoId = 1;
+ repeated uint32 TouchedPages = 2;
+ }
repeated TTouchByPageCollection PageCollectionsTouched = 1;
optional bytes UserAuxUpdate = 2;
-message TDatabaseBorrowPart {
- message TPartInfo {
+message TDatabaseBorrowPart {
+ message TPartInfo {
optional TBundle Bundle = 12;
- repeated NKikimrTabletBase.TTabletStorageInfo StorageInfo = 11;
- }
- optional uint64 LenderTablet = 1;
- optional uint32 SourceTable = 2;
- repeated TPartInfo Parts = 3;
+ repeated NKikimrTabletBase.TTabletStorageInfo StorageInfo = 11;
+ }
+ optional uint64 LenderTablet = 1;
+ optional uint32 SourceTable = 2;
+ repeated TPartInfo Parts = 3;
repeated TTxStatus TxStatusParts = 4;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_bootlogic.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_bootlogic.cpp
index e00012ffdd..cf72960f9c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_bootlogic.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_bootlogic.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "flat_executor_bootlogic.h"
+#include "flat_executor_bootlogic.h"
#include "flat_boot_env.h"
#include "flat_boot_blobs.h"
#include "flat_boot_back.h"
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/counters.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/pb.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
NBoot::TLoadBlobs::TLoadBlobs(IStep *owner, NPageCollection::TLargeGlobId largeGlobId, ui64 cookie)
: IStep(owner, NBoot::EStep::Blobs)
, Cookie(cookie)
@@ -32,20 +32,20 @@ TExecutorBootLogic::TExecutorBootLogic(IOps *ops, const TActorId &self, TTabletS
: Ops(ops)
, SelfId(self)
, Info(info)
- , GroupResolveCachedChannel(Max<ui32>())
- , GroupResolveCachedGeneration(Max<ui32>())
- , GroupResolveCachedGroup(Max<ui32>())
+ , GroupResolveCachedChannel(Max<ui32>())
+ , GroupResolveCachedGeneration(Max<ui32>())
+ , GroupResolveCachedGroup(Max<ui32>())
LoadBlobQueue.Config.MaxBytesInFly = maxBytesInFly;
Steps->Execute(); /* should flush all jobs in internal queue */
Y_VERIFY(Steps->Alone(), "Bootlogic is still has pending IStep()s");
@@ -59,58 +59,58 @@ void TExecutorBootLogic::Describe(IOutputStream &out) const noexcept
TExecutorBootLogic::EOpResult TExecutorBootLogic::ReceiveFollowerBoot(
TEvTablet::TEvFBoot::TPtr &ev,
TExecutorCaches &&caches)
TEvTablet::TEvFBoot *msg = ev->Get();
PrepareEnv(true, msg->Generation, std::move(caches));
- if (msg->DependencyGraph) {
- Steps->Spawn<NBoot::TStages>(std::move(msg->DependencyGraph), nullptr);
- } else {
- auto *update = msg->Update.Get();
- Y_VERIFY(update->IsSnapshot);
+ if (msg->DependencyGraph) {
+ Steps->Spawn<NBoot::TStages>(std::move(msg->DependencyGraph), nullptr);
+ } else {
+ auto *update = msg->Update.Get();
+ Y_VERIFY(update->IsSnapshot);
- if (auto logl = Steps->Logger()->Log(ELnLev::Debug))
- logl
+ if (auto logl = Steps->Logger()->Log(ELnLev::Debug))
+ logl
<< NFmt::Do(State()) << " start follower from log"
<< " snapshot " << State().Generation << ":" << update->Step;
- TString body;
- TVector<TLogoBlobID> logo;
- logo.reserve(update->References.size());
- for (const auto &blob : update->References) {
- logo.emplace_back(blob.first);
- body.append(blob.second);
- }
+ TString body;
+ TVector<TLogoBlobID> logo;
+ logo.reserve(update->References.size());
+ for (const auto &blob : update->References) {
+ logo.emplace_back(blob.first);
+ body.append(blob.second);
+ }
const auto span = NPageCollection::TGroupBlobsByCookie(logo).Do();
const auto largeGlobId = NPageCollection::TGroupBlobsByCookie::ToLargeGlobId(span, GetBSGroupFor(logo[0]));
- Y_VERIFY(span.size() == update->References.size());
- Y_VERIFY(TCookie(logo[0].Cookie()).Type() == TCookie::EType::Log);
+ Y_VERIFY(span.size() == update->References.size());
+ Y_VERIFY(TCookie(logo[0].Cookie()).Type() == TCookie::EType::Log);
Y_VERIFY(largeGlobId, "Cannot make TLargeGlobId for snapshot");
Steps->Spawn<NBoot::TStages>(nullptr, new NBoot::TBody{ largeGlobId, std::move(body) });
- }
- Steps->Execute();
- return CheckCompletion();
-TExecutorBootLogic::EOpResult TExecutorBootLogic::ReceiveBoot(
- TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev,
+ }
+ Steps->Execute();
+ return CheckCompletion();
+TExecutorBootLogic::EOpResult TExecutorBootLogic::ReceiveBoot(
+ TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev,
TExecutorCaches &&caches)
PrepareEnv(false, ev->Get()->Generation, std::move(caches));
Steps->Spawn<NBoot::TStages>(std::move(ev->Get()->DependencyGraph), nullptr);
- Steps->Execute();
- return CheckCompletion();
+ Steps->Execute();
+ return CheckCompletion();
void TExecutorBootLogic::PrepareEnv(bool follower, ui32 gen, TExecutorCaches caches) noexcept
BootStartTime = TAppData::TimeProvider->Now();
@@ -189,62 +189,62 @@ ui32 TExecutorBootLogic::GetBSGroupFor(const TLogoBlobID &logo) const {
return info->GroupFor(logo.Channel(), logo.Generation());
-ui32 TExecutorBootLogic::GetBSGroupID(ui32 channel, ui32 generation) {
- if (generation != GroupResolveCachedGeneration || channel != GroupResolveCachedChannel) {
- GroupResolveCachedChannel = channel;
- GroupResolveCachedGeneration = generation;
+ui32 TExecutorBootLogic::GetBSGroupID(ui32 channel, ui32 generation) {
+ if (generation != GroupResolveCachedGeneration || channel != GroupResolveCachedChannel) {
+ GroupResolveCachedChannel = channel;
+ GroupResolveCachedGeneration = generation;
GroupResolveCachedGroup = Info->GroupFor(channel, generation);
- }
- return GroupResolveCachedGroup;
+ }
+ return GroupResolveCachedGroup;
TExecutorBootLogic::EOpResult TExecutorBootLogic::CheckCompletion()
if (LoadBlobQueue.SendRequests(SelfId))
return OpResultContinue;
if (Steps && !Steps->Alone())
return OpResultContinue;
if (Loads)
- return OpResultContinue;
+ return OpResultContinue;
if (State().Follower || Restored) {
if (auto logl = Steps->Logger()->Log(ELnLev::Info)) {
auto spent = TAppData::TimeProvider->Now() - BootStartTime;
<< NFmt::Do(State()) << " booting completed"
<< ", took " << NFmt::TDelay(spent);
- return OpResultComplete;
- }
- return OpResultContinue;
+ return OpResultComplete;
+ }
+ return OpResultContinue;
TExecutorBootLogic::EOpResult TExecutorBootLogic::ReceiveRestored(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev) {
- Restored = true;
+ Restored = true;
return CheckCompletion();
void TExecutorBootLogic::OnBlobLoaded(const TLogoBlobID& id, TString body, uintptr_t cookie) {
auto it = EntriesToLoad.find(id);
Y_VERIFY(it != EntriesToLoad.end(),
"OnBlobLoaded with unexpected blob id %s", id.ToString().c_str());
auto entry = std::move(it->second);
entry->Feed(id, std::move(body));
@@ -259,56 +259,56 @@ TExecutorBootLogic::EOpResult TExecutorBootLogic::Receive(::NActors::IEventHandl
} else if (auto *msg = ev.CastAsLocal<NSharedCache::TEvResult>()) {
if (EPageCollectionRequest(ev.Cookie) != EPageCollectionRequest::BootLogic)
- return OpResultUnhandled;
+ return OpResultUnhandled;
auto it = Loads.find(msg->Origin.Get());
if (it == Loads.end()) // could receive outdated results
- return OpResultUnhandled;
+ return OpResultUnhandled;
// Remove step from loads first (so HandleBio may request more pages)
auto step = std::move(it->second);
- if (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::NODATA) {
- GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_boot_nodata", true)->Inc();
- }
+ if (msg->Status == NKikimrProto::NODATA) {
+ GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_boot_nodata", true)->Inc();
+ }
if (!step->HandleBio(*msg))
- return OpResultBroken;
+ return OpResultBroken;
} else {
- return OpResultUnhandled;
- }
+ return OpResultUnhandled;
+ }
return CheckCompletion();
TAutoPtr<NBoot::TResult> TExecutorBootLogic::ExtractState() noexcept {
Y_VERIFY(Result_->Database, "Looks like booting hasn't been done");
return Result_;
void TExecutorBootLogic::Cancel() {
void TExecutorBootLogic::FollowersSyncComplete() {
TExecutorCaches TExecutorBootLogic::DetachCaches() {
if (Result_) {
for (auto &x : Result().PageCaches)
State().PageCaches[x->Id] = x;
- }
+ }
return TExecutorCaches{
.PageCaches = std::move(State().PageCaches),
.TxStatusCaches = std::move(State().TxStatusCaches),
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_bootlogic.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_bootlogic.h
index 662fe9835f..34edb2d6b4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_bootlogic.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_bootlogic.h
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "flat_executor.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "flat_executor.h"
#include "flat_boot_cookie.h"
#include "flat_boot_util.h"
#include "flat_load_blob_queue.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
class TCommitManager;
namespace NBoot {
@@ -53,46 +53,46 @@ class TExecutorBootLogic
friend class NBoot::TAlter;
friend class NBoot::TTurns;
friend class NBoot::TSnap;
- enum EOpResult {
- OpResultUnhandled,
- OpResultContinue,
- OpResultBroken,
- OpResultComplete,
- };
+ enum EOpResult {
+ OpResultUnhandled,
+ OpResultContinue,
+ OpResultBroken,
+ OpResultComplete,
+ };
using ELnLev = NUtil::ELnLev;
using IOps = NActors::IActorOps;
using TCookie = NBoot::TCookie;
bool Restored = false;
IOps * const Ops = nullptr;
const TActorId SelfId;
TAutoPtr<NBoot::TBack> State_;
TAutoPtr<NBoot::TResult> Result_;
TAutoPtr<NBoot::TRoot> Steps;
- TInstant BootStartTime;
+ TInstant BootStartTime;
const TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTabletStorageInfo> Info;
TLoadBlobQueue LoadBlobQueue;
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TIntrusivePtr<NBoot::TLoadBlobs>> EntriesToLoad;
THashMap<const NPageCollection::IPageCollection*, TIntrusivePtr<NBoot::IStep>> Loads;
- ui32 GroupResolveCachedChannel;
- ui32 GroupResolveCachedGeneration;
- ui32 GroupResolveCachedGroup;
+ ui32 GroupResolveCachedChannel;
+ ui32 GroupResolveCachedGeneration;
+ ui32 GroupResolveCachedGroup;
EOpResult CheckCompletion();
void PrepareEnv(bool follower, ui32 generation, TExecutorCaches caches) noexcept;
ui32 GetBSGroupFor(const TLogoBlobID &logo) const;
- ui32 GetBSGroupID(ui32 channel, ui32 generation);
+ ui32 GetBSGroupID(ui32 channel, ui32 generation);
void LoadEntry(TIntrusivePtr<NBoot::TLoadBlobs>);
NBoot::TSpawned LoadPages(NBoot::IStep*, TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TFetch> req);
@@ -101,22 +101,22 @@ private:
inline NBoot::TResult& Result() const noexcept { return *Result_; }
inline NBoot::TBack& State() const noexcept { return *State_; }
TExecutorBootLogic(IOps*, const TActorId&, TTabletStorageInfo *info, ui64 maxBytesInFly);
- ~TExecutorBootLogic();
+ ~TExecutorBootLogic();
void Describe(IOutputStream&) const noexcept;
EOpResult ReceiveBoot(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, TExecutorCaches &&caches);
EOpResult ReceiveFollowerBoot(TEvTablet::TEvFBoot::TPtr &ev, TExecutorCaches &&caches);
EOpResult ReceiveRestored(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev);
EOpResult Receive(::NActors::IEventHandle&);
void FollowersSyncComplete();
void Cancel();
TAutoPtr<NBoot::TResult> ExtractState() noexcept;
TExecutorCaches DetachCaches();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_borrowlogic.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_borrowlogic.cpp
index 4a385f25a7..bd52264b10 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_borrowlogic.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_borrowlogic.cpp
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
-#include "flat_executor_borrowlogic.h"
+#include "flat_executor_borrowlogic.h"
#include "flat_bio_eggs.h"
#include <library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/templates.h>
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
-#include <util/string/builder.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
TExecutorBorrowLogic::TExecutorBorrowLogic(TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TSteppedCookieAllocator> cookies)
: SelfTabletId(cookies ? cookies->Tablet : 0)
, Cookies(cookies)
, Slicer(1, Cookies.Get(), NBlockIO::BlockSize)
- , HasFlag(false)
-void TExecutorBorrowLogic::UpdateStorageInfo(TTabletStorageInfo *update) {
- auto itpair = ReferencedStorageInfos.insert(std::make_pair(update->TabletID, update));
- if (!itpair.second) {
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> &stored = itpair.first->second;
- if (*stored < *update)
- stored = update;
- }
-void TExecutorBorrowLogic::FillBorrowProto(
- const TLogoBlobID &metaId,
- NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto,
- const TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo)
+ , HasFlag(false)
+void TExecutorBorrowLogic::UpdateStorageInfo(TTabletStorageInfo *update) {
+ auto itpair = ReferencedStorageInfos.insert(std::make_pair(update->TabletID, update));
+ if (!itpair.second) {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> &stored = itpair.first->second;
+ if (*stored < *update)
+ stored = update;
+ }
+void TExecutorBorrowLogic::FillBorrowProto(
+ const TLogoBlobID &metaId,
+ NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto,
+ const TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo)
LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(metaId, proto.MutableMetaId());
- if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow) {
- proto.MutableLoaners()->Reserve(storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.size());
- for (ui64 x : storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow)
- proto.AddLoaners(x);
- }
- if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep) {
- proto.MutableBorrowKeepList()->Reserve(storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.size());
- for (const auto &x : storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep)
- LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x, proto.AddBorrowKeepList());
- }
- // we don't fill borrowed list for now (as we don't keep referenced blobs)
- if (storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender) {
- proto.SetLender(storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender);
+ if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow) {
+ proto.MutableLoaners()->Reserve(storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.size());
+ for (ui64 x : storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow)
+ proto.AddLoaners(x);
+ }
+ if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep) {
+ proto.MutableBorrowKeepList()->Reserve(storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.size());
+ for (const auto &x : storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep)
+ LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x, proto.AddBorrowKeepList());
+ }
+ // we don't fill borrowed list for now (as we don't keep referenced blobs)
+ if (storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender) {
+ proto.SetLender(storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender);
if (auto *info = storedInfo.LoanInfo.StorageInfo.Get())
TabletStorageInfoToProto(*info, proto.AddStorageInfo());
- if (storedInfo.LoanInfo.Collected) {
- proto.SetLoanCollected(true);
- if (storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep) {
- proto.MutableLoanKeepList()->Reserve(storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep.size());
- for (const auto &x : storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep)
- LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x, proto.AddLoanKeepList());
- }
- }
- }
+ if (storedInfo.LoanInfo.Collected) {
+ proto.SetLoanCollected(true);
+ if (storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep) {
+ proto.MutableLoanKeepList()->Reserve(storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep.size());
+ for (const auto &x : storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep)
+ LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x, proto.AddLoanKeepList());
+ }
+ }
+ }
void TExecutorBorrowLogic::StoreBorrowProto(
- const TLogoBlobID &metaId,
+ const TLogoBlobID &metaId,
TBorrowedPartInfo &info,
TLogCommit *commit)
Cookies->Switch(commit->Step, false /* could reuse step */);
- NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart proto;
+ NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart proto;
FillBorrowProto(metaId, proto, info);
auto glob = Slicer.One(commit->Refs, proto.SerializeAsString(), true);
if (auto gone = std::exchange(info.BorrowBlobId, glob.Logo))
bool TExecutorBorrowLogic::BundlePartiallyCompacted(
const NTable::IBundle &bundle,
const NTable::NFwd::TSieve &sieve,
@@ -119,18 +119,18 @@ bool TExecutorBorrowLogic::BundleCompacted(
const NTable::IBundle &bundle,
const NTable::NFwd::TSieve &sieve,
TLogCommit *commit)
const TLogoBlobID &metaId = bundle.BundleId();
- TBorrowedPartInfo *info = BorrowedInfo.FindPtr(metaId);
- if (info == nullptr)
- return true;
+ TBorrowedPartInfo *info = BorrowedInfo.FindPtr(metaId);
+ if (info == nullptr)
+ return true;
// 1. if bundle borrowed - keep blobs non-collected
- if (info->BorrowInfo.FullBorrow) {
+ if (info->BorrowInfo.FullBorrow) {
"Trying to compact the same page collection twice");
- if (SelfTabletId == metaId.TabletID()) {
+ if (SelfTabletId == metaId.TabletID()) {
@@ -139,23 +139,23 @@ bool TExecutorBorrowLogic::BundleCompacted(
Y_VERIFY(end == info->BorrowInfo.Keep.end(),
"Unexpected duplicates in compacted blobs");
KeepBytes += info->BorrowInfo.UpdateKeepBytes();
- }
- }
- if (info->LoanInfo.Lender) {
- info->LoanInfo.Collected = true;
- }
+ }
+ }
+ if (info->LoanInfo.Lender) {
+ info->LoanInfo.Collected = true;
+ }
CheckLoanCompletion(metaId, *info, commit->Step);
- // must be loaned or borrowed (otherwise would be not on list)
- // in this case - changes must be propagated to lender before cleanup
+ // must be loaned or borrowed (otherwise would be not on list)
+ // in this case - changes must be propagated to lender before cleanup
// in that case - loaner must detach from borrowed bundle and we must keep blobs non-collect awhile
StoreBorrowProto(metaId, *info, commit);
- return false;
+ return false;
bool TExecutorBorrowLogic::BundleCompacted(
const NTable::IBorrowBundle &bundle,
TLogCommit *commit)
@@ -222,15 +222,15 @@ void TExecutorBorrowLogic::BorrowBundle(
const TLogoBlobID &bundleId,
const TSet<ui64> &loaners,
TLogCommit *commit)
auto storedInfoItPair = BorrowedInfo.insert(std::make_pair(bundleId, TBorrowedPartInfo()));
- HasFlag = true;
- TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoItPair.first->second;
+ HasFlag = true;
+ TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoItPair.first->second;
Y_VERIFY(!(storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender && storedInfo.LoanInfo.Collected),
"Sanity check: trying to borrow a compacted bundle");
// It is possible to borrow partially compacted bundles, in which case
// keep list might not be empty. However, if bundle has been fully
// compacted keep list would contain bundleId and it is possible
@@ -238,37 +238,37 @@ void TExecutorBorrowLogic::BorrowBundle(
"Sanity check: trying to borrow a compacted bundle");
- auto &fullBorrow = storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow;
- fullBorrow.insert( // not replace as some borrows could exist
- fullBorrow.end(),
- loaners.begin(),
- loaners.end());
- Sort(fullBorrow);
+ auto &fullBorrow = storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow;
+ fullBorrow.insert( // not replace as some borrows could exist
+ fullBorrow.end(),
+ loaners.begin(),
+ loaners.end());
+ Sort(fullBorrow);
// !!HACK: Allow to borrow the same bundle multiple times
//Y_VERIFY(std::adjacent_find(fullBorrow.begin(), fullBorrow.end()) == fullBorrow.end());
fullBorrow.erase(std::unique(fullBorrow.begin(), fullBorrow.end()), fullBorrow.end());
StoreBorrowProto(bundleId, storedInfo, commit);
void TExecutorBorrowLogic::LoanBundle(
const TLogoBlobID &bundleId,
TPageCollectionTxEnv::TLoanBundle &loaned,
TLogCommit *commit)
auto storedInfoItPair = BorrowedInfo.insert(std::make_pair(bundleId, TBorrowedPartInfo()));
"must not back-borrow parts at %" PRIu64 " part owner %" PRIu64 " existing loan from %" PRIu64 " new loan from %" PRIu64,
SelfTabletId, bundleId.TabletID(), storedInfoItPair.first->second.LoanInfo.Lender, loaned.Lender);
- HasFlag = true;
- TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoItPair.first->second;
+ HasFlag = true;
+ TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoItPair.first->second;
storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender = loaned.Lender;
StoreBorrowProto(bundleId, storedInfo, commit);
void TExecutorBorrowLogic::LoanTxStatus(
const TLogoBlobID &bundleId,
TPageCollectionTxEnv::TLoanTxStatus &loaned,
@@ -289,283 +289,283 @@ void TExecutorBorrowLogic::LoanTxStatus(
void TExecutorBorrowLogic::SnapToLog(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogSnapshot &snap, TLogCommit &commit)
- for (auto &xpair : BorrowedInfo)
+ for (auto &xpair : BorrowedInfo)
LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(xpair.second.BorrowBlobId, snap.AddBorrowInfoIds());
commit.GcDelta.Deleted.end(), Garbage.begin(), Garbage.end());
const THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TCompactedPartLoans>* TExecutorBorrowLogic::GetCompactedLoansList() {
- return &CompactedPartLoans;
-const bool* TExecutorBorrowLogic::GetHasFlag() {
- return &HasFlag;
-bool TExecutorBorrowLogic::CheckLoanCompletion(const TLogoBlobID &metaId, TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo, ui32 step) {
- if (metaId.TabletID() == SelfTabletId) // produced by ourselves, could not be loaned
- return false;
- if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow
- || storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep
- || !storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender
- || !storedInfo.LoanInfo.Collected)
- return false;
- // zero to signal "from restore, apply right now
- // for new changes wait for step commit
- if (step == 0) {
- auto &x = CompactedPartLoans[metaId];
- x.MetaInfoId = metaId;
- x.Lender = storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender;
- } else {
- if (PendingCompactedPartLoans.empty() || PendingCompactedPartLoans.back().BindStep != step) {
- PendingCompactedPartLoans.emplace_back();
- auto &x = PendingCompactedPartLoans.back();
- x.BindStep = step;
- }
- PendingCompactedPartLoans.back().Parts.emplace_back(metaId, storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender);
- }
- return true;
-bool TExecutorBorrowLogic::SetGcBarrier(ui32 step) {
- bool somethingChanged = false;
- while (!PendingCompactedPartLoans.empty()) {
- auto &x = PendingCompactedPartLoans.front();
- if (x.BindStep > step)
- break;
- for (auto &compactedPart : x.Parts)
- CompactedPartLoans.emplace(compactedPart.MetaInfoId, std::move(compactedPart));
- somethingChanged = true;
- PendingCompactedPartLoans.pop_front();
- }
- HasFlag = !BorrowedInfo.empty();
- return somethingChanged;
+ return &CompactedPartLoans;
+const bool* TExecutorBorrowLogic::GetHasFlag() {
+ return &HasFlag;
+bool TExecutorBorrowLogic::CheckLoanCompletion(const TLogoBlobID &metaId, TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo, ui32 step) {
+ if (metaId.TabletID() == SelfTabletId) // produced by ourselves, could not be loaned
+ return false;
+ if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow
+ || storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep
+ || !storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender
+ || !storedInfo.LoanInfo.Collected)
+ return false;
+ // zero to signal "from restore, apply right now
+ // for new changes wait for step commit
+ if (step == 0) {
+ auto &x = CompactedPartLoans[metaId];
+ x.MetaInfoId = metaId;
+ x.Lender = storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender;
+ } else {
+ if (PendingCompactedPartLoans.empty() || PendingCompactedPartLoans.back().BindStep != step) {
+ PendingCompactedPartLoans.emplace_back();
+ auto &x = PendingCompactedPartLoans.back();
+ x.BindStep = step;
+ }
+ PendingCompactedPartLoans.back().Parts.emplace_back(metaId, storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool TExecutorBorrowLogic::SetGcBarrier(ui32 step) {
+ bool somethingChanged = false;
+ while (!PendingCompactedPartLoans.empty()) {
+ auto &x = PendingCompactedPartLoans.front();
+ if (x.BindStep > step)
+ break;
+ for (auto &compactedPart : x.Parts)
+ CompactedPartLoans.emplace(compactedPart.MetaInfoId, std::move(compactedPart));
+ somethingChanged = true;
+ PendingCompactedPartLoans.pop_front();
+ }
+ HasFlag = !BorrowedInfo.empty();
+ return somethingChanged;
void TExecutorBorrowLogic::UpdateBorrow(
- const TLogoBlobID &metaInfoId,
+ const TLogoBlobID &metaInfoId,
TPageCollectionTxEnv::TBorrowUpdate &borrowUpdate,
TLogCommit *commit)
- auto storedInfoIt = BorrowedInfo.find(metaInfoId);
- if (storedInfoIt == BorrowedInfo.end())
+ auto storedInfoIt = BorrowedInfo.find(metaInfoId);
+ if (storedInfoIt == BorrowedInfo.end())
- bool smthChanged = false;
- TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoIt->second;
- for (auto &loaner : borrowUpdate.StoppedLoans) {
- const auto it = std::find(storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.begin(), storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.end(), loaner);
- if (it == storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.end())
- continue;
- smthChanged = true;
- if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.size() == 1) {
+ bool smthChanged = false;
+ TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoIt->second;
+ for (auto &loaner : borrowUpdate.StoppedLoans) {
+ const auto it = std::find(storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.begin(), storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.end(), loaner);
+ if (it == storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.end())
+ continue;
+ smthChanged = true;
+ if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.size() == 1) {
- if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep) {
+ if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep) {
- storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.begin(),
- storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.end());
+ storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.begin(),
+ storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.end());
KeepBytes += storedInfo.BorrowInfo.UpdateKeepBytes();
- }
- } else {
- *it = storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.back();
- storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.crop(storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.size() - 1);
- }
- }
- if (!smthChanged) // if nothing changes - nothing to change
+ }
+ } else {
+ *it = storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.back();
+ storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.crop(storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.size() - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!smthChanged) // if nothing changes - nothing to change
- if (metaInfoId.TabletID() == SelfTabletId) {
- // could not be loaned, so if complete - could be erased
+ if (metaInfoId.TabletID() == SelfTabletId) {
+ // could not be loaned, so if complete - could be erased
StoreBorrowProto(metaInfoId, storedInfo, commit);
- if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.empty()) {
+ if (storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.empty()) {
- BorrowedInfo.erase(storedInfoIt);
- HasFlag = !BorrowedInfo.empty();
- }
- } else {
- // if not local - must be loaned
+ BorrowedInfo.erase(storedInfoIt);
+ HasFlag = !BorrowedInfo.empty();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if not local - must be loaned
CheckLoanCompletion(metaInfoId, storedInfo, commit->Step);
StoreBorrowProto(metaInfoId, storedInfo, commit);
- }
+ }
void TExecutorBorrowLogic::ConfirmUpdateLoan(
- const TLogoBlobID &metaInfoId,
- const TLogoBlobID &borrowId,
+ const TLogoBlobID &metaInfoId,
+ const TLogoBlobID &borrowId,
TLogCommit *commit)
- auto storedInfoIt = BorrowedInfo.find(metaInfoId);
- if (storedInfoIt == BorrowedInfo.end())
+ auto storedInfoIt = BorrowedInfo.find(metaInfoId);
+ if (storedInfoIt == BorrowedInfo.end())
- Y_UNUSED(borrowId);
- TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoIt->second;
- //if (storedInfo.BorrowBlobId != borrowId)
+ Y_UNUSED(borrowId);
+ TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoIt->second;
+ //if (storedInfo.BorrowBlobId != borrowId)
// return;
- //if (storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender == 0) // already confirmed, nothing to update
+ //if (storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender == 0) // already confirmed, nothing to update
// return;
- Y_VERIFY(storedInfo.LoanInfo.Collected, "must not stop loan for non-collected parts");
- Y_VERIFY(!storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow, "must not stop loan for borrowed parts");
- // todo: merge - in such case we could loan part from different lenders.
- // so naive approach would not work
- storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender = 0;
+ Y_VERIFY(storedInfo.LoanInfo.Collected, "must not stop loan for non-collected parts");
+ Y_VERIFY(!storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow, "must not stop loan for borrowed parts");
+ // todo: merge - in such case we could loan part from different lenders.
+ // so naive approach would not work
+ storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender = 0;
StoreBorrowProto(metaInfoId, storedInfo, commit);
- BorrowedInfo.erase(storedInfoIt);
- CompactedPartLoans.erase(metaInfoId);
- HasFlag = !BorrowedInfo.empty();
+ BorrowedInfo.erase(storedInfoIt);
+ CompactedPartLoans.erase(metaInfoId);
+ HasFlag = !BorrowedInfo.empty();
void TExecutorBorrowLogic::RestoreFollowerBorrowedInfo(const TLogoBlobID &blobId, const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto) {
- Y_UNUSED(blobId);
+ Y_UNUSED(blobId);
const TLogoBlobID metaInfoId = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(proto.GetMetaId());
- if (proto.HasLender()) {
- auto storedInfoItPair = BorrowedInfo.insert(std::make_pair(metaInfoId, TBorrowedPartInfo()));
- TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoItPair.first->second;
- storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender = proto.GetLender();
+ if (proto.HasLender()) {
+ auto storedInfoItPair = BorrowedInfo.insert(std::make_pair(metaInfoId, TBorrowedPartInfo()));
+ TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoItPair.first->second;
+ storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender = proto.GetLender();
if (proto.StorageInfoSize() > 0) {
Y_VERIFY(proto.StorageInfoSize() == 1);
storedInfo.LoanInfo.StorageInfo = TabletStorageInfoFromProto(proto.GetStorageInfo(0));
- }
- // as part switch could be pending - we could not drop info right now
- // and in reality we never drop info until reloading - it's simpler to keep some (limited in number) deprecated infos
-void TExecutorBorrowLogic::RestoreBorrowedInfo(const TLogoBlobID &blobId, const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto) {
+ }
+ // as part switch could be pending - we could not drop info right now
+ // and in reality we never drop info until reloading - it's simpler to keep some (limited in number) deprecated infos
+void TExecutorBorrowLogic::RestoreBorrowedInfo(const TLogoBlobID &blobId, const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto) {
const TLogoBlobID metaInfoId = LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(proto.GetMetaId());
- auto storedInfoItPair = BorrowedInfo.insert(std::make_pair(metaInfoId, TBorrowedPartInfo()));
- TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoItPair.first->second;
- if (!storedInfoItPair.second) {
- Y_VERIFY(blobId > storedInfo.BorrowBlobId);
+ auto storedInfoItPair = BorrowedInfo.insert(std::make_pair(metaInfoId, TBorrowedPartInfo()));
+ TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo = storedInfoItPair.first->second;
+ if (!storedInfoItPair.second) {
+ Y_VERIFY(blobId > storedInfo.BorrowBlobId);
KeepBytes -= storedInfo.BorrowInfo.KeepBytes;
- storedInfo = TBorrowedPartInfo();
- }
- storedInfo.BorrowBlobId = blobId;
- if (proto.LoanersSize()) {
- storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.insert(
- storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.end(),
- proto.GetLoaners().begin(),
- proto.GetLoaners().end());
- }
- // we don't fill and use borrowed list for now
- if (proto.BorrowKeepListSize()) {
- storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.reserve(proto.BorrowKeepListSize());
- for (const auto &x : proto.GetBorrowKeepList())
- storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.emplace_back(LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x));
+ storedInfo = TBorrowedPartInfo();
+ }
+ storedInfo.BorrowBlobId = blobId;
+ if (proto.LoanersSize()) {
+ storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.insert(
+ storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow.end(),
+ proto.GetLoaners().begin(),
+ proto.GetLoaners().end());
+ }
+ // we don't fill and use borrowed list for now
+ if (proto.BorrowKeepListSize()) {
+ storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.reserve(proto.BorrowKeepListSize());
+ for (const auto &x : proto.GetBorrowKeepList())
+ storedInfo.BorrowInfo.Keep.emplace_back(LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x));
KeepBytes += storedInfo.BorrowInfo.UpdateKeepBytes();
- }
- if (proto.HasLender()) {
- storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender = proto.GetLender();
+ }
+ if (proto.HasLender()) {
+ storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender = proto.GetLender();
if (proto.StorageInfoSize() > 0) {
Y_VERIFY(proto.StorageInfoSize() == 1);
storedInfo.LoanInfo.StorageInfo = TabletStorageInfoFromProto(proto.GetStorageInfo(0));
- }
- storedInfo.LoanInfo.Collected = proto.HasLoanCollected() && proto.GetLoanCollected();
- if (proto.LoanKeepListSize()) {
- storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep.reserve(proto.LoanKeepListSize());
- for (const auto &x : proto.GetLoanKeepList())
- storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep.emplace_back(LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x));
- }
- if (!storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow
- // todo: partial borrow
- && !storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender)
- {
+ }
+ storedInfo.LoanInfo.Collected = proto.HasLoanCollected() && proto.GetLoanCollected();
+ if (proto.LoanKeepListSize()) {
+ storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep.reserve(proto.LoanKeepListSize());
+ for (const auto &x : proto.GetLoanKeepList())
+ storedInfo.LoanInfo.Keep.emplace_back(LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x));
+ }
+ if (!storedInfo.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow
+ // todo: partial borrow
+ && !storedInfo.LoanInfo.Lender)
+ {
- BorrowedInfo.erase(storedInfoItPair.first);
- CompactedPartLoans.erase(metaInfoId);
- } else {
- CheckLoanCompletion(metaInfoId, storedInfo, 0);
- }
- HasFlag = !BorrowedInfo.empty();
+ BorrowedInfo.erase(storedInfoItPair.first);
+ CompactedPartLoans.erase(metaInfoId);
+ } else {
+ CheckLoanCompletion(metaInfoId, storedInfo, 0);
+ }
+ HasFlag = !BorrowedInfo.empty();
void TExecutorBorrowLogic::OutputHtml(IOutputStream &out) {
HTML(out) {
H4() {out << "Borrowed parts";}
PRE() {
- for (const auto &xpair : BorrowedInfo) {
- if (xpair.second.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow) {
- out << xpair.first << ":";
- for (ui64 targetTablet : xpair.second.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow)
- out << " " << targetTablet;
- out << Endl;
- }
- }
+ for (const auto &xpair : BorrowedInfo) {
+ if (xpair.second.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow) {
+ out << xpair.first << ":";
+ for (ui64 targetTablet : xpair.second.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow)
+ out << " " << targetTablet;
+ out << Endl;
+ }
+ }
H4() {out << "Loaned parts";}
PRE() {
- for (const auto &xpair : BorrowedInfo) {
- if (xpair.second.LoanInfo.Lender)
- out << xpair.first << ": " << xpair.second.LoanInfo.Lender;
- if (xpair.second.LoanInfo.Collected)
- out << " - collected";
- out << Endl;
- }
+ for (const auto &xpair : BorrowedInfo) {
+ if (xpair.second.LoanInfo.Lender)
+ out << xpair.first << ": " << xpair.second.LoanInfo.Lender;
+ if (xpair.second.LoanInfo.Collected)
+ out << " - collected";
+ out << Endl;
+ }
-TString TExecutorBorrowLogic::DebugCheckBorrowConsistency(THashSet<TLogoBlobID> &knownBundles) {
- TStringBuilder out;
- // every non-collected bundle must be known
- for (const auto &xpair : BorrowedInfo) {
+TString TExecutorBorrowLogic::DebugCheckBorrowConsistency(THashSet<TLogoBlobID> &knownBundles) {
+ TStringBuilder out;
+ // every non-collected bundle must be known
+ for (const auto &xpair : BorrowedInfo) {
bool collected;
- if (xpair.second.LoanInfo.Lender) {
+ if (xpair.second.LoanInfo.Lender) {
collected = xpair.second.LoanInfo.Collected;
} else if (xpair.second.BorrowInfo.FullBorrow) {
collected = xpair.second.BorrowInfo.HasKeep(xpair.first);
} else {
out << xpair.first << ": neither borrowed nor loaned. ";
- }
+ }
if (collected) {
if (knownBundles.contains(xpair.first))
@@ -574,12 +574,12 @@ TString TExecutorBorrowLogic::DebugCheckBorrowConsistency(THashSet<TLogoBlobID>
if (!knownBundles.contains(xpair.first))
out << xpair.first << ": non-collected bundle not present in database. ";
- }
- // must be no foreign bundles not tracked by borrow logic
- return out;
+ }
+ // must be no foreign bundles not tracked by borrow logic
+ return out;
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TVector<ui64>> TExecutorBorrowLogic::GetBorrowedParts() const {
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TVector<ui64>> result;
for (const auto &xpair : BorrowedInfo) {
@@ -593,4 +593,4 @@ THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TVector<ui64>> TExecutorBorrowLogic::GetBorrowedParts() co
return result;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_borrowlogic.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_borrowlogic.h
index a4a8c14a67..5d990b49dc 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_borrowlogic.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_borrowlogic.h
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "flat_fwd_sieve.h"
#include "flat_exec_commit.h"
#include "flat_executor_tx_env.h"
#include "flat_sausage_slicer.h"
#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.pb.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
-class TExecutorBorrowLogic {
- const ui64 SelfTabletId;
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+class TExecutorBorrowLogic {
+ const ui64 SelfTabletId;
TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TSteppedCookieAllocator> Cookies;
NPageCollection::TSlicer Slicer;
ui64 KeepBytes = 0;
- struct TBorrowedPartInfo {
- TLogoBlobID BorrowBlobId;
- struct { // out
+ struct TBorrowedPartInfo {
+ TLogoBlobID BorrowBlobId;
+ struct { // out
TVector<ui64> FullBorrow;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> Keep;
ui64 KeepBytes = 0;
bool HasKeep(const TLogoBlobID &blob) const noexcept
return std::find(Keep.begin(), Keep.end(), blob) != Keep.end();
@@ -36,94 +36,94 @@ class TExecutorBorrowLogic {
return KeepBytes - oldKeepBytes;
- // todo: per-borrower keep lists
- } BorrowInfo;
- struct { // in
- ui64 Lender = 0;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> StorageInfo; // todo: must be list with info for every referenced tablet
- bool Collected = false;
+ // todo: per-borrower keep lists
+ } BorrowInfo;
+ struct { // in
+ ui64 Lender = 0;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> StorageInfo; // todo: must be list with info for every referenced tablet
+ bool Collected = false;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> Keep;
- } LoanInfo;
- };
- struct TCompactedPart {
- ui32 BindStep = Max<ui32>();
- TVector<TCompactedPartLoans> Parts;
- };
+ } LoanInfo;
+ };
+ struct TCompactedPart {
+ ui32 BindStep = Max<ui32>();
+ TVector<TCompactedPartLoans> Parts;
+ };
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TBorrowedPartInfo> BorrowedInfo;
TDeque<TLogoBlobID> Garbage;
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TCompactedPartLoans> CompactedPartLoans;
- TDeque<TCompactedPart> PendingCompactedPartLoans;
- bool HasFlag;
+ TDeque<TCompactedPart> PendingCompactedPartLoans;
+ bool HasFlag;
THashMap<ui64, TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo>> ReferencedStorageInfos;
- void UpdateStorageInfo(TTabletStorageInfo *update);
- void FillBorrowProto(
- const TLogoBlobID &metaId,
- NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto,
- const TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo);
+ void UpdateStorageInfo(TTabletStorageInfo *update);
+ void FillBorrowProto(
+ const TLogoBlobID &metaId,
+ NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto,
+ const TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo);
void StoreBorrowProto(
- const TLogoBlobID &metaId,
- TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo,
+ const TLogoBlobID &metaId,
+ TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo,
TLogCommit *commit);
- bool CheckLoanCompletion(const TLogoBlobID &metaId, TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo, ui32 step);
+ bool CheckLoanCompletion(const TLogoBlobID &metaId, TBorrowedPartInfo &storedInfo, ui32 step);
- TTabletStorageInfo* StorageInfoFor(const TLogoBlobID &blobId) {
- auto it = ReferencedStorageInfos.find(blobId.TabletID());
- if (it != ReferencedStorageInfos.end())
- return it->second.Get();
- else
- return nullptr;
- }
+ TTabletStorageInfo* StorageInfoFor(const TLogoBlobID &blobId) {
+ auto it = ReferencedStorageInfos.find(blobId.TabletID());
+ if (it != ReferencedStorageInfos.end())
+ return it->second.Get();
+ else
+ return nullptr;
+ }
ui64 GetKeepBytes() const {
return KeepBytes;
- // called on lender at moment of sharing part
+ // called on lender at moment of sharing part
void BorrowBundle(
const TLogoBlobID &bundleId,
const TSet<ui64> &loaners,
TLogCommit *commit);
- // called on loaner at moment of attaching part
+ // called on loaner at moment of attaching part
void LoanBundle(
const TLogoBlobID &bundleId,
TPageCollectionTxEnv::TLoanBundle &loaned,
TLogCommit *commit);
// called on loaner at moment of attaching part
void LoanTxStatus(
const TLogoBlobID &bundleId,
TPageCollectionTxEnv::TLoanTxStatus &loaned,
TLogCommit *commit);
- // called on lender
+ // called on lender
void UpdateBorrow(
const TLogoBlobID &bundleId,
TPageCollectionTxEnv::TBorrowUpdate &borrowUpdate,
TLogCommit *commit);
- // confirmation for loaner
+ // confirmation for loaner
void ConfirmUpdateLoan(
const TLogoBlobID &bundleId,
- const TLogoBlobID &borrowId,
+ const TLogoBlobID &borrowId,
TLogCommit *commit);
void SnapToLog(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogSnapshot&, TLogCommit&);
// returns true if sieve blobs could be collected
// returning false means those blobs are still in use
bool BundlePartiallyCompacted(
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ public:
const NTable::NFwd::TSieve &sieve,
TLogCommit *commit);
- // returns true if part blobs could be collected
- // returning false means part is still in use
+ // returns true if part blobs could be collected
+ // returning false means part is still in use
bool BundleCompacted(
const NTable::IBundle &bundle,
const NTable::NFwd::TSieve &sieve,
TLogCommit *commit);
// returns true if bundle blobs could be collected
// returns false when part is still in use
bool BundleCompacted(
@@ -150,24 +150,24 @@ public:
const TLogoBlobID &bundleId,
TLogCommit *commit);
- // returns true if smth moved to CompactedPartLoands so we need to signal for user tablet
- bool SetGcBarrier(ui32 step);
+ // returns true if smth moved to CompactedPartLoands so we need to signal for user tablet
+ bool SetGcBarrier(ui32 step);
const THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TCompactedPartLoans>* GetCompactedLoansList();
- const bool* GetHasFlag();
- // on bootstrap
- void RestoreBorrowedInfo(const TLogoBlobID &blobId, const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto);
+ const bool* GetHasFlag();
+ // on bootstrap
+ void RestoreBorrowedInfo(const TLogoBlobID &blobId, const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto);
// for followers
void RestoreFollowerBorrowedInfo(const TLogoBlobID &blobId, const NKikimrExecutorFlat::TBorrowedPart &proto);
- // for monitoring
+ // for monitoring
void OutputHtml(IOutputStream &out);
- TString DebugCheckBorrowConsistency(THashSet<TLogoBlobID> &knownBundles);
+ TString DebugCheckBorrowConsistency(THashSet<TLogoBlobID> &knownBundles);
// for cleanup
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TVector<ui64>> GetBorrowedParts() const;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_compaction_logic.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_compaction_logic.cpp
index 70756363fa..3d699e8f87 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_compaction_logic.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_compaction_logic.cpp
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/templates.h>
-#include <util/generic/cast.h>
+#include <util/generic/cast.h>
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
TCompactionLogic::TCompactionLogic(NUtil::ILogger *logger,
NTable::IResourceBroker *broker,
NTable::ICompactionBackend *backend,
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ TCompactionLogic::TCompactionLogic(NUtil::ILogger *logger,
, Time(TAppData::TimeProvider.Get())
, State(state)
, TaskNameSuffix(taskNameSuffix)
void TCompactionLogic::Start() {
auto result = ReflectSchemeChanges();
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ void TCompactionLogic::Start() {
void TCompactionLogic::Stop() {
for (auto &kv : State->Tables) {
- }
+ }
@@ -105,25 +105,25 @@ TVector<TTableCompactionChanges> TCompactionLogic::ApplyChanges()
void TCompactionLogic::PrepareTableSnapshot(ui32 table, NTable::TSnapEdge edge, TTableSnapshotContext *snapContext) {
- TCompactionLogicState::TTableInfo *tableInfo = State->Tables.FindPtr(table);
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(tableInfo);
- TCompactionLogicState::TInMem &inMem = tableInfo->InMem;
+ TCompactionLogicState::TTableInfo *tableInfo = State->Tables.FindPtr(table);
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(tableInfo);
+ TCompactionLogicState::TInMem &inMem = tableInfo->InMem;
Y_VERIFY(edge.TxStamp != Max<ui64>(), "TxStamp of snapshot is undefined");
tableInfo->SnapRequests.emplace_back(TCompactionLogicState::TSnapRequest(edge, snapContext));
- switch (inMem.State) {
+ switch (inMem.State) {
case ECompactionState::Free:
SubmitCompactionTask(table, 0,
inMem.State = ECompactionState::SnapshotPending;
- break;
+ break;
case ECompactionState::Pending:
inMem.State = ECompactionState::SnapshotPending;
- break;
+ break;
case ECompactionState::PendingBackground:
// Replace background compaction with regular snapshot task.
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ void TCompactionLogic::PrepareTableSnapshot(ui32 table, NTable::TSnapEdge edge,
inMem.State = ECompactionState::SnapshotPending;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
bool TCompactionLogic::PrepareForceCompaction() {
bool ok = true;
for (auto &it : State->Tables) {
@@ -460,11 +460,11 @@ void TCompactionLogic::UpdateLogUsage(const NRedo::TUsage &usage)
bool TCompactionLogic::BeginMemTableCompaction(ui64 taskId, ui32 tableId)
- TCompactionLogicState::TTableInfo *tableInfo = State->Tables.FindPtr(tableId);
+ TCompactionLogicState::TTableInfo *tableInfo = State->Tables.FindPtr(tableId);
"Unexpected BeginMemTableCompaction(%" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu32 ") for a dropped table",
taskId, tableId);
TCompactionLogicState::TInMem &inMem = tableInfo->InMem;
Y_VERIFY(taskId == inMem.CompactionTask.TaskId);
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ bool TCompactionLogic::BeginMemTableCompaction(ui64 taskId, ui32 tableId)
inMem.State = ECompactionState::Compaction;
edge.Head = NTable::TEpoch::Max();
case ECompactionState::SnapshotPending:
inMem.CompactingSteps = inMem.Steps;
inMem.State = ECompactionState::SnapshotCompaction;
@@ -522,22 +522,22 @@ TCompactionLogic::HandleCompaction(
const ui32 tableId = params->Table;
const auto edge = params->Edge;
- TCompactionLogicState::TTableInfo *tableInfo = State->Tables.FindPtr(tableId);
+ TCompactionLogicState::TTableInfo *tableInfo = State->Tables.FindPtr(tableId);
Y_VERIFY(tableInfo, "Unexpected CompleteCompaction for a dropped table");
if (compactionId == tableInfo->InMem.CompactionTask.CompactionId) {
TCompactionLogicState::TInMem &inMem = tableInfo->InMem;
Y_VERIFY(params->TaskId == inMem.CompactionTask.TaskId);
- switch (inMem.State) {
+ switch (inMem.State) {
case ECompactionState::Compaction:
inMem.Steps -= std::exchange(inMem.CompactingSteps, 0);
inMem.State = ECompactionState::Free;
inMem.CompactionTask.TaskId = 0;
inMem.CompactionTask.CompactionId = 0;
- break;
+ break;
case ECompactionState::SnapshotCompaction:
- Y_VERIFY(tableInfo->SnapRequests);
+ Y_VERIFY(tableInfo->SnapRequests);
Y_VERIFY(edge == tableInfo->SnapRequests.front().Edge);
if (ret) {
@@ -547,11 +547,11 @@ TCompactionLogic::HandleCompaction(
inMem.State = ECompactionState::Free;
inMem.CompactionTask.TaskId = 0;
inMem.CompactionTask.CompactionId = 0;
- break;
- default:
+ break;
+ default:
Y_FAIL("must not happens, state=%d", (int)inMem.State);
- }
+ }
if (tableInfo->ForcedCompactionState == EForcedCompactionState::CompactingMem) {
tableInfo->ForcedCompactionState = EForcedCompactionState::None;
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ TCompactionLogic::HandleCompaction(
inMem.State = ECompactionState::Pending;
- }
+ }
if (ret) {
// Signal we need UpdateInMemStats call
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ TCompactionLogic::HandleCompaction(
// Maybe schedule another compaction
- }
+ }
if (tableInfo->ForcedCompactionState == EForcedCompactionState::None) {
if (tableInfo->ForcedCompactionQueued) {
@@ -617,9 +617,9 @@ TCompactionLogic::CancelledCompaction(
void TCompactionLogic::BorrowedPart(ui32 tableId, NTable::TPartView partView) {
auto *tableInfo = State->Tables.FindPtr(tableId);
- Y_VERIFY(tableInfo);
+ Y_VERIFY(tableInfo);
tableInfo->Strategy->PartMerged(std::move(partView), 255);
void TCompactionLogic::BorrowedPart(ui32 tableId, TIntrusiveConstPtr<NTable::TColdPart> part) {
auto *tableInfo = State->Tables.FindPtr(tableId);
@@ -629,8 +629,8 @@ void TCompactionLogic::BorrowedPart(ui32 tableId, TIntrusiveConstPtr<NTable::TCo
ui32 TCompactionLogic::BorrowedPartLevel() {
return 255;
TTableCompactionChanges TCompactionLogic::RemovedParts(ui32 tableId, TArrayRef<const TLogoBlobID> parts) {
auto *tableInfo = State->Tables.FindPtr(tableId);
@@ -738,12 +738,12 @@ ui64 TCompactionLogic::GetBackingSize(ui64 ownerTabletId) const {
void TCompactionLogic::OutputHtml(IOutputStream &out, const NTable::TScheme &scheme, const TCgiParameters& cgi) {
HTML(out) {
- for (const auto &xtable : State->Tables) {
+ for (const auto &xtable : State->Tables) {
H4() {out << scheme.GetTableInfo(xtable.first)->Name;}
DIV_CLASS("row") { out
- << "InMem Size: " << xtable.second.InMem.EstimatedSize
- << ", Changes: " << xtable.second.InMem.Steps
+ << "InMem Size: " << xtable.second.InMem.EstimatedSize
+ << ", Changes: " << xtable.second.InMem.Steps
<< ", Compaction state: " << xtable.second.InMem.State
<< ", Backing size: " << xtable.second.Strategy->GetBackingSize()
<< ", Log overhead size: " << xtable.second.InMem.LogOverheadSize
@@ -761,10 +761,10 @@ void TCompactionLogic::OutputHtml(IOutputStream &out, const NTable::TScheme &sch
<< ") submitted " << xtable.second.InMem.CompactionTask.SubmissionTimestamp.ToStringLocal();
- }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_compaction_logic.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_compaction_logic.h
index e64964235e..b85a13a19e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_compaction_logic.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_compaction_logic.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tablet_flat_executor.h"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "tablet_flat_executor.h"
#include "flat_executor_misc.h"
#include "flat_store_bundle.h"
#include "flat_exec_broker.h"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace NTable{
namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
class TTableSnapshotContext;
using TCompactionPolicy = NLocalDb::TCompactionPolicy;
enum class EForceCompaction {
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ enum class EForcedCompactionState {
-struct TCompactionLogicState {
+struct TCompactionLogicState {
struct TCompactionTask {
ui64 TaskId = 0;
ui32 Priority = 0;
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ struct TCompactionLogicState {
ui64 CompactionId = 0;
- struct TInMem {
+ struct TInMem {
ui64 EstimatedSize = 0;
ui32 Steps = 0;
ui32 CompactingSteps = 0;
@@ -60,35 +60,35 @@ struct TCompactionLogicState {
ui64 LogOverheadCount = 0;
ui64 LogOverheadSize = 0;
float OverloadFactor = 0.0;
- };
- struct TSnapRequest {
+ };
+ struct TSnapRequest {
const NTable::TSnapEdge Edge;
TIntrusivePtr<TTableSnapshotContext> Context;
TSnapRequest(NTable::TSnapEdge edge, TTableSnapshotContext *context)
: Edge(edge)
- , Context(context)
- {}
- ~TSnapRequest();
- };
- struct TTableInfo {
+ , Context(context)
+ {}
+ ~TSnapRequest();
+ };
+ struct TTableInfo {
ui32 TableId = Max<ui32>();
- TInMem InMem;
+ TInMem InMem;
// This identifies currently active strategy type
// The default value is used as a marker for uninitialized strategies
NKikimrSchemeOp::ECompactionStrategy StrategyType = NKikimrSchemeOp::CompactionStrategyUnset;
THolder<NTable::ICompactionStrategy> Strategy;
TDeque<TSnapRequest> SnapRequests;
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TCompactionPolicy> Policy;
EForcedCompactionState ForcedCompactionState = EForcedCompactionState::None;
bool ForcedCompactionQueued = false;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ struct TCompactionLogicState {
TTableInfo() = default;
- ~TTableInfo();
+ ~TTableInfo();
ui32 ComputeBackgroundPriority(const TCompactionLogicState::TCompactionTask &task,
const TCompactionPolicy::TBackgroundPolicy &policy,
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ struct TCompactionLogicState {
class TFlatTableScan;
-struct TTableCompactionResult {
+struct TTableCompactionResult {
NTable::TCompactionChanges Changes;
NKikimrSchemeOp::ECompactionStrategy Strategy;
TVector<TIntrusivePtr<TTableSnapshotContext>> CompleteSnapshots;
bool MemCompacted = false;
struct TTableCompactionChanges {
ui32 Table;
NTable::TCompactionChanges Changes;
@@ -153,14 +153,14 @@ struct TReflectSchemeChangesResult {
TVector<TStrategyChange> StrategyChanges;
-class TCompactionLogic {
+class TCompactionLogic {
NUtil::ILogger * const Logger;
NTable::IResourceBroker * const Broker;
NTable::ICompactionBackend * const Backend;
ITimeProvider * const Time = nullptr;
- TAutoPtr<TCompactionLogicState> State;
+ TAutoPtr<TCompactionLogicState> State;
TString TaskNameSuffix;
// Update background compaction task when priority changes
// at least by 5% (1/20 of current value).
static constexpr ui32 PRIORITY_UPDATE_FACTOR = 20;
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public:
TString taskSuffix = { });
- ~TCompactionLogic();
+ ~TCompactionLogic();
void Start();
void Stop();
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ public:
void RequestChanges(ui32 tableId);
TVector<TTableCompactionChanges> ApplyChanges();
- //
+ //
void PrepareTableSnapshot(ui32 table, NTable::TSnapEdge edge, TTableSnapshotContext *snapContext);
// Force compaction support
// See slightly simlified state diagram: jing.yandex-team.ru/files/eivanov89/ForcedCompactionPath.png
// or img/ForcedCompactionQueue.drawio
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public:
float GetOverloadFactor() const;
ui64 GetBackingSize() const;
ui64 GetBackingSize(ui64 ownerTabletId) const;
TTableCompactionResult CompleteCompaction(
ui64 compactionId,
THolder<NTable::TCompactionParams> params,
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public:
void BorrowedPart(ui32 tableId, NTable::TPartView partView);
void BorrowedPart(ui32 tableId, TIntrusiveConstPtr<NTable::TColdPart> part);
ui32 BorrowedPartLevel();
TTableCompactionChanges RemovedParts(ui32 tableId, TArrayRef<const TLogoBlobID> parts);
void OutputHtml(IOutputStream &out, const NTable::TScheme &scheme, const TCgiParameters& cgi);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_counters.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_counters.cpp
index 471476c69e..ddecce5206 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_counters.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_counters.cpp
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-#include "flat_executor_counters.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
- XX(0, "<200 us") \
- XX(200, "200-500 us") \
- XX(500, "0.5-1 ms") \
- XX(1000, "1-5 ms") \
- XX(5000, "5-20 ms") \
- XX(20000, "20-50 ms") \
- XX(50000, "50-200 ms") \
- XX(200000, "0.2-0.5 s") \
- XX(500000, "0.5-1 s") \
- XX(1000000, "1-4 s") \
- XX(40000000, "4-10 s") \
- XX(100000000, "10-30 s") \
- XX(300000000, "> 30s")
- XX(0, "0 || 1") \
- XX(2, "2-10") \
- XX(10, "10-50") \
- XX(50, "50-200") \
- XX(200, "200-1000") \
- XX(1000, ">1000")
+#include "flat_executor_counters.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+ XX(0, "<200 us") \
+ XX(200, "200-500 us") \
+ XX(500, "0.5-1 ms") \
+ XX(1000, "1-5 ms") \
+ XX(5000, "5-20 ms") \
+ XX(20000, "20-50 ms") \
+ XX(50000, "50-200 ms") \
+ XX(200000, "0.2-0.5 s") \
+ XX(500000, "0.5-1 s") \
+ XX(1000000, "1-4 s") \
+ XX(40000000, "4-10 s") \
+ XX(100000000, "10-30 s") \
+ XX(300000000, "> 30s")
+ XX(0, "0 || 1") \
+ XX(2, "2-10") \
+ XX(10, "10-50") \
+ XX(50, "50-200") \
+ XX(200, "200-1000") \
+ XX(1000, ">1000")
XX(0ULL, "0") \
XX(1ULL, "10240") \
@@ -65,22 +65,22 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
XX(800000, "90%") \
XX(900000, "100%")
-const char* TExecutorCounters::SimpleCounterNames[TExecutorCounters::SIMPLE_COUNTER_SIZE] =
-const char* TExecutorCounters::CumulativeCounterNames[TExecutorCounters::CUMULATIVE_COUNTER_SIZE] =
-const char* TExecutorCounters::PercentileCounterNames[TExecutorCounters::PERCENTILE_COUNTER_SIZE] =
- : TTabletCountersBase(SIMPLE_COUNTER_SIZE, CUMULATIVE_COUNTER_SIZE, PERCENTILE_COUNTER_SIZE, SimpleCounterNames, CumulativeCounterNames, PercentileCounterNames)
- static TTabletPercentileCounter::TRangeDef txLatencyConfig[] = { FLAT_EXECUTOR_LATENCY_RANGES(COUNTER_PERCENTILE_CONFIG_ARRAY) };
- static TTabletPercentileCounter::TRangeDef txTouchedConfig[] = { FLAT_EXECUTOR_TOUCHED_BLOCKS(COUNTER_PERCENTILE_CONFIG_ARRAY) };
+const char* TExecutorCounters::SimpleCounterNames[TExecutorCounters::SIMPLE_COUNTER_SIZE] =
+const char* TExecutorCounters::CumulativeCounterNames[TExecutorCounters::CUMULATIVE_COUNTER_SIZE] =
+const char* TExecutorCounters::PercentileCounterNames[TExecutorCounters::PERCENTILE_COUNTER_SIZE] =
+ : TTabletCountersBase(SIMPLE_COUNTER_SIZE, CUMULATIVE_COUNTER_SIZE, PERCENTILE_COUNTER_SIZE, SimpleCounterNames, CumulativeCounterNames, PercentileCounterNames)
+ static TTabletPercentileCounter::TRangeDef txLatencyConfig[] = { FLAT_EXECUTOR_LATENCY_RANGES(COUNTER_PERCENTILE_CONFIG_ARRAY) };
+ static TTabletPercentileCounter::TRangeDef txTouchedConfig[] = { FLAT_EXECUTOR_TOUCHED_BLOCKS(COUNTER_PERCENTILE_CONFIG_ARRAY) };
static TTabletPercentileCounter::TRangeDef txDataSize[] = { FLAT_EXECUTOR_DATA_SIZE(COUNTER_PERCENTILE_CONFIG_ARRAY) };
static TTabletPercentileCounter::TRangeDef txDataRate[] = { FLAT_EXECUTOR_DATA_RATE(COUNTER_PERCENTILE_CONFIG_ARRAY) };
static TTabletPercentileCounter::TRangeDef txConsumedCpu[] = { FLAT_EXECUTOR_CONSUMED_CPU_RANGES(COUNTER_PERCENTILE_CONFIG_ARRAY) };
Percentile()[TX_PERCENTILE_LATENCY_RO].Initialize(txLatencyConfig, false);
Percentile()[TX_PERCENTILE_LATENCY_RW].Initialize(txLatencyConfig, false);
Percentile()[TX_PERCENTILE_LATENCY_COMMIT].Initialize(txLatencyConfig, false);
@@ -95,6 +95,6 @@ TExecutorCounters::TExecutorCounters()
Percentile()[TX_PERCENTILE_TABLET_BYTES_WRITTEN].Initialize(txDataRate, false);
Percentile()[TX_PERCENTILE_CONSUMED_CPU].Initialize(txConsumedCpu, false);
Percentile()[TX_PERCENTILE_FOLLOWERSYNC_LATENCY].Initialize(txLatencyConfig, false);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_counters.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_counters.h
index b4eb041987..f100bc48a0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_counters.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_counters.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
XX(DB_TX_IN_FLY, "ExecutorTxInFly") \
XX(LOG_REDO_COUNT, "LogRedoItems") \
XX(LOG_REDO_MEMORY, "LogRedoMemory") \
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
XX(CACHE_FRESH_SIZE, "CacheFreshSize") \
XX(CACHE_STAGING_SIZE, "CacheStagingSize") \
XX(CACHE_WARM_SIZE, "CacheMemTableSize") \
- XX(CACHE_PINNED_SET, "CachePinned") \
+ XX(CACHE_PINNED_SET, "CachePinned") \
XX(CACHE_PINNED_LOAD, "CachePinnedLoad") \
XX(CACHE_TOTAL_COLLECTIONS, "CacheTotalCollections") \
XX(CACHE_TOTAL_SHARED_BODY, "CacheTotalSharedBody") \
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
XX(CONSUMED_STORAGE, "ConsumedStorage") \
XX(CONSUMED_MEMORY, "ConsumedMemory") \
XX(COMPACTION_READ_IN_FLY, "CompactionReadInFly") \
XX(LOG_COMMITS, "LogCommits") \
XX(LOG_WRITTEN, "LogWritten") \
XX(LOG_EMBEDDED, "LogEmbedded" ) \
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
XX(DB_ELOBS_ITEMS_GONE, "DbELargeObjsItemsGone") \
XX(DB_REDO_WRITTEN_BYTES, "DbRedoWrittenBytes") \
XX(DB_ANNEX_WRITTEN_BYTES, "DbAnnexWrittenBytes") \
- XX(TX_COUNT_ALL, "Tx(all)") \
+ XX(TX_COUNT_ALL, "Tx(all)") \
XX(TX_QUEUED, "TxQueued") \
XX(TX_RETRIED, "TxRetried") \
XX(TX_FINISHED, "TxFinished") \
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
XX(TX_MEM_CAPTURES, "TxMemoryCaptures") \
XX(TX_MEM_ATTACHES, "TxMemoryAttaches") \
XX(TX_DATA_RELEASES, "TxDataReleases") \
- XX(TX_RO_COMPLETED, "Tx(ro complete)") \
- XX(TX_RW_COMPLETED, "Tx(rw complete)") \
+ XX(TX_RO_COMPLETED, "Tx(ro complete)") \
+ XX(TX_RW_COMPLETED, "Tx(rw complete)") \
XX(TX_TERMINATED, "Tx(terminated)") \
XX(TX_CHARGE_WEEDED, "TxKeyChargeWeeded") \
XX(TX_CHARGE_SIEVED, "TxKeyChargeSieved") \
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
XX(TX_BYTES_READ, "TxReadBytes") \
XX(TX_CACHE_HITS, "TxPageCacheHits") \
XX(TX_CACHE_MISSES, "TxPageCacheMisses") \
- XX(GC_DISCOVERED, "GcBlobsDiscovered") \
- XX(GC_DISCARDED, "GcBlobsDiscarded") \
- XX(GC_FORGOTTEN, "GcBlobsForgotten") \
- XX(GC_KEEPSET, "GcKeepFlagsSet") \
+ XX(GC_DISCOVERED, "GcBlobsDiscovered") \
+ XX(GC_DISCARDED, "GcBlobsDiscarded") \
+ XX(GC_FORGOTTEN, "GcBlobsForgotten") \
+ XX(GC_KEEPSET, "GcKeepFlagsSet") \
XX(GC_NOTKEEPSET, "GcNotKeepFlagsSet") \
XX(COMPACTION_READ_POSTPONED, "CompactionReadPostponed") \
@@ -111,44 +111,44 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
XX(COMPACTION_READ_CACHE_MISSES, "CompactionReadCacheMisses") \
XX(COMPACTION_READ_LOAD_BYTES, "CompactionReadLoadBytes") \
XX(COMPACTION_READ_LOAD_PAGES, "CompactionReadLoadPages") \
-class TExecutorCounters : public TTabletCountersBase {
- enum ESimpleCounter {
- };
- static const char* SimpleCounterNames[SIMPLE_COUNTER_SIZE];
- enum ECumulativeCounter {
- };
- static const char* CumulativeCounterNames[CUMULATIVE_COUNTER_SIZE];
- enum EPercentileCounter {
- };
- static const char* PercentileCounterNames[PERCENTILE_COUNTER_SIZE];
- TExecutorCounters();
+class TExecutorCounters : public TTabletCountersBase {
+ enum ESimpleCounter {
+ };
+ static const char* SimpleCounterNames[SIMPLE_COUNTER_SIZE];
+ enum ECumulativeCounter {
+ };
+ static const char* CumulativeCounterNames[CUMULATIVE_COUNTER_SIZE];
+ enum EPercentileCounter {
+ };
+ static const char* PercentileCounterNames[PERCENTILE_COUNTER_SIZE];
+ TExecutorCounters();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic.cpp
index adc84409ac..bded66353e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic.cpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ TExecutorGCLogic::TExecutorGCLogic(TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info,
, SnapshotStep(0)
, PrevSnapshotStep(0)
, ConfirmedOnSendStep(0)
- , AllowGarbageCollection(false)
+ , AllowGarbageCollection(false)
@@ -21,44 +21,44 @@ void TExecutorGCLogic::WriteToLog(TLogCommit &commit) {
TGCTime time(Generation, commit.Step);
TGCLogEntry& uncommittedDelta = UncommittedDeltaLog[time];
uncommittedDelta.Time = time;
- const ui32 gcEntriesInBatch = 250000; // ~7mb rawsize
+ const ui32 gcEntriesInBatch = 250000; // ~7mb rawsize
Cookies->Switch(commit.Step, true /* require step switch */);
const ui32 gcGrowSize = commit.GcDelta.Created.size();
const ui32 gcLeftSize = commit.GcDelta.Deleted.size();
if (commit.Type == ECommit::Snap || gcGrowSize + gcLeftSize < gcEntriesInBatch) {
uncommittedDelta.Delta = commit.GcDelta; /* preserve for embedding */
- } else {
- ui32 placedDiscovered = 0;
- ui32 placedLeft = 0;
+ } else {
+ ui32 placedDiscovered = 0;
+ ui32 placedLeft = 0;
uncommittedDelta.Delta = std::exchange(commit.GcDelta, { });
while (placedDiscovered < gcGrowSize || placedLeft < gcLeftSize) {
NKikimrExecutorFlat::TExternalGcEntry proto;
- ui32 leftInBatch = gcEntriesInBatch;
+ ui32 leftInBatch = gcEntriesInBatch;
if (placedDiscovered < gcGrowSize) {
const ui32 toMove = Min(leftInBatch, gcGrowSize - placedDiscovered);
auto it = uncommittedDelta.Delta.Created.begin() + placedDiscovered;
- LogoBlobIDRepatedFromLogoBlobIDVector(proto.MutableGcDiscovered(), it, it + toMove);
- placedDiscovered += toMove;
- leftInBatch -= toMove;
- }
- if (leftInBatch && placedLeft < gcLeftSize) {
- const ui32 toMove = Min(leftInBatch, gcLeftSize - placedLeft);
+ LogoBlobIDRepatedFromLogoBlobIDVector(proto.MutableGcDiscovered(), it, it + toMove);
+ placedDiscovered += toMove;
+ leftInBatch -= toMove;
+ }
+ if (leftInBatch && placedLeft < gcLeftSize) {
+ const ui32 toMove = Min(leftInBatch, gcLeftSize - placedLeft);
auto it = uncommittedDelta.Delta.Deleted.begin() + placedLeft;
- LogoBlobIDRepatedFromLogoBlobIDVector(proto.MutableGcLeft(), it, it + toMove);
- placedLeft += toMove;
- }
+ LogoBlobIDRepatedFromLogoBlobIDVector(proto.MutableGcLeft(), it, it + toMove);
+ placedLeft += toMove;
+ }
Slicer.One(commit.Refs, proto.SerializeAsString(), true);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
TGCLogEntry TExecutorGCLogic::SnapshotLog(ui32 step) {
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ TGCLogEntry TExecutorGCLogic::SnapshotLog(ui32 step) {
TExecutorGCLogic::MergeVectors(snapshot.Delta.Deleted, le.second.Deleted);
- for (const auto &it : UncommittedDeltaLog) {
+ for (const auto &it : UncommittedDeltaLog) {
TExecutorGCLogic::MergeVectors(snapshot.Delta.Created, it.second.Delta.Created);
TExecutorGCLogic::MergeVectors(snapshot.Delta.Deleted, it.second.Delta.Deleted);
- }
+ }
PrevSnapshotStep = SnapshotStep;
SnapshotStep = step;
return snapshot;
@@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ void TExecutorGCLogic::SnapToLog(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogSnapshot &snap, ui32 s
for (const TLogoBlobID &x : gcLogEntry.Delta.Deleted)
LogoBlobIDFromLogoBlobID(x, gcSnapLeft->Add());
- for (const auto &chIt : ChannelInfo) {
- if (chIt.second.CommitedGcBarrier) {
+ for (const auto &chIt : ChannelInfo) {
+ if (chIt.second.CommitedGcBarrier) {
auto *x = snap.AddGcBarrierInfo();
- x->SetChannel(chIt.first);
- x->SetSetToGeneration(chIt.second.CommitedGcBarrier.Generation);
- x->SetSetToStep(chIt.second.CommitedGcBarrier.Step);
- }
- }
+ x->SetChannel(chIt.first);
+ x->SetSetToGeneration(chIt.second.CommitedGcBarrier.Generation);
+ x->SetSetToStep(chIt.second.CommitedGcBarrier.Step);
+ }
+ }
void TExecutorGCLogic::OnCommitLog(ui32 step, ui32 confirmedOnSend, const TActorContext& ctx) {
@@ -134,64 +134,64 @@ void TExecutorGCLogic::ApplyLogEntry(TGCLogEntry& entry) {
void TExecutorGCLogic::ApplyLogSnapshot(TGCLogEntry &snapshot, const TVector<std::pair<ui32, ui64>> &barriers) {
- for (auto &xpair : barriers) {
- const ui32 channel = xpair.first;
- const std::pair<ui32, ui32> barrier = ExpandGenStepPair(xpair.second);
- ChannelInfo[channel].CommitedGcBarrier = {barrier.first, barrier.second};
- }
+ for (auto &xpair : barriers) {
+ const ui32 channel = xpair.first;
+ const std::pair<ui32, ui32> barrier = ExpandGenStepPair(xpair.second);
+ ChannelInfo[channel].CommitedGcBarrier = {barrier.first, barrier.second};
+ }
-void TExecutorGCLogic::HoldBarrier(ui32 step) {
- Y_VERIFY(true == HoldBarriersSet.insert(TGCTime(Generation, step)).second);
+void TExecutorGCLogic::HoldBarrier(ui32 step) {
+ Y_VERIFY(true == HoldBarriersSet.insert(TGCTime(Generation, step)).second);
void TExecutorGCLogic::ReleaseBarrier(ui32 step) {
- Y_VERIFY(1 == HoldBarriersSet.erase(TGCTime(Generation, step)));
+ Y_VERIFY(1 == HoldBarriersSet.erase(TGCTime(Generation, step)));
+ui32 TExecutorGCLogic::GetActiveGcBarrier() {
+ if (HoldBarriersSet.empty())
+ return Max<ui32>();
+ return HoldBarriersSet.begin()->Step;
-ui32 TExecutorGCLogic::GetActiveGcBarrier() {
- if (HoldBarriersSet.empty())
- return Max<ui32>();
- return HoldBarriersSet.begin()->Step;
void TExecutorGCLogic::FollowersSyncComplete(bool isBoot) {
- Y_UNUSED(isBoot);
- AllowGarbageCollection = true;
+ Y_UNUSED(isBoot);
+ AllowGarbageCollection = true;
void TExecutorGCLogic::ApplyDelta(TGCTime time, TGCBlobDelta &delta) {
for (const TLogoBlobID &blobId : delta.Created) {
- auto &channel = ChannelInfo[blobId.Channel()];
- TGCTime gcTime(blobId.Generation(), blobId.Step());
+ auto &channel = ChannelInfo[blobId.Channel()];
+ TGCTime gcTime(blobId.Generation(), blobId.Step());
Y_VERIFY(channel.KnownGcBarrier < gcTime);
for (const TLogoBlobID &blobId : delta.Deleted) {
- auto &channel = ChannelInfo[blobId.Channel()];
+ auto &channel = ChannelInfo[blobId.Channel()];
- }
+ }
void TExecutorGCLogic::SendCollectGarbage(const TActorContext& ctx) {
- if (!AllowGarbageCollection)
- return;
- const TGCTime uncommittedTime(UncommittedDeltaLog.empty() ? TGCTime::Infinity() : UncommittedDeltaLog.begin()->first);
+ if (!AllowGarbageCollection)
+ return;
+ const TGCTime uncommittedTime(UncommittedDeltaLog.empty() ? TGCTime::Infinity() : UncommittedDeltaLog.begin()->first);
const TGCTime uncommitedSnap(Generation, ConfirmedOnSendStep >= SnapshotStep ? SnapshotStep : PrevSnapshotStep);
- const TGCTime minBarrier = HoldBarriersSet.empty() ? TGCTime::Infinity() : *HoldBarriersSet.begin();
- const TGCTime minTime = std::min(uncommittedTime, std::min(uncommitedSnap, minBarrier));
+ const TGCTime minBarrier = HoldBarriersSet.empty() ? TGCTime::Infinity() : *HoldBarriersSet.begin();
+ const TGCTime minTime = std::min(uncommittedTime, std::min(uncommitedSnap, minBarrier));
for (auto it = ChannelInfo.begin(); it != ChannelInfo.end(); ++it) {
- it->second.SendCollectGarbage(minTime, TabletStorageInfo.Get(), it->first, Generation, ctx);
+ it->second.SendCollectGarbage(minTime, TabletStorageInfo.Get(), it->first, Generation, ctx);
- : GcCounter(1)
- , GcWaitFor(0)
+ : GcCounter(1)
+ , GcWaitFor(0)
@@ -219,68 +219,68 @@ void TExecutorGCLogic::MergeVectors(THolder<TVector<TLogoBlobID>>& destination,
void DeduplicateGCKeepVectors(TVector<TLogoBlobID> *keep, TVector<TLogoBlobID> *doNotKeep, ui32 barrierGen, ui32 barrierStep) {
if (keep && doNotKeep && !keep->empty() && !doNotKeep->empty()) {
- // vectors must be sorted!
+ // vectors must be sorted!
TVector<TLogoBlobID>::const_iterator keepIt = keep->begin();
TVector<TLogoBlobID>::const_iterator keepEnd = keep->end();
TVector<TLogoBlobID>::const_iterator notIt = doNotKeep->begin();
TVector<TLogoBlobID>::const_iterator notEnd = doNotKeep->end();
TVector<TLogoBlobID>::iterator keepIns = keep->begin();
TVector<TLogoBlobID>::iterator notIns = doNotKeep->begin();
- bool keepModified = false;
- bool notKeepModified = false;
- for (;;) {
- if (keepIt == keepEnd) {
- if (notKeepModified && notIt != notEnd) {
- const ui64 toCopy = notEnd - notIt;
- MemMove(&*notIns, &*notIt, toCopy);
- notIns += toCopy;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (notIt == notEnd) {
- if (keepModified && keepIt != keepEnd) {
- const ui64 toCopy = keepEnd - keepIt;
- MemMove(&*keepIns, &*keepIt, toCopy);
- keepIns += toCopy;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (*keepIt < *notIt) {
- if (keepModified)
- *keepIns = *keepIt;
- ++keepIns;
- ++keepIt;
- } else if (*notIt < *keepIt) {
- if (notKeepModified)
- *notIns = *notIt;
- ++notIns;
- ++notIt;
- } else {
- // we discard keep mark anycase and
- // could eleminate donotkeep mark if seen both events in live tail
- if (keepIt->Generation() != barrierGen || keepIt->Step() <= barrierStep) {
- if (notKeepModified)
- *notIns = *notIt;
- ++notIns;
- } else {
- notKeepModified = true;
- }
- keepModified = true;
- ++keepIt;
- ++notIt;
- }
- }
- if (keepModified)
- keep->erase(keepIns, keepEnd);
- if (notKeepModified)
- doNotKeep->erase(notIns, notEnd);
+ bool keepModified = false;
+ bool notKeepModified = false;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (keepIt == keepEnd) {
+ if (notKeepModified && notIt != notEnd) {
+ const ui64 toCopy = notEnd - notIt;
+ MemMove(&*notIns, &*notIt, toCopy);
+ notIns += toCopy;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (notIt == notEnd) {
+ if (keepModified && keepIt != keepEnd) {
+ const ui64 toCopy = keepEnd - keepIt;
+ MemMove(&*keepIns, &*keepIt, toCopy);
+ keepIns += toCopy;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*keepIt < *notIt) {
+ if (keepModified)
+ *keepIns = *keepIt;
+ ++keepIns;
+ ++keepIt;
+ } else if (*notIt < *keepIt) {
+ if (notKeepModified)
+ *notIns = *notIt;
+ ++notIns;
+ ++notIt;
+ } else {
+ // we discard keep mark anycase and
+ // could eleminate donotkeep mark if seen both events in live tail
+ if (keepIt->Generation() != barrierGen || keepIt->Step() <= barrierStep) {
+ if (notKeepModified)
+ *notIns = *notIt;
+ ++notIns;
+ } else {
+ notKeepModified = true;
+ }
+ keepModified = true;
+ ++keepIt;
+ ++notIt;
+ }
+ }
+ if (keepModified)
+ keep->erase(keepIns, keepEnd);
+ if (notKeepModified)
+ doNotKeep->erase(notIns, notEnd);
@@ -292,28 +292,28 @@ TVector<TLogoBlobID>* TExecutorGCLogic::CreateVector(const TVector<TLogoBlobID>&
-TExecutorGCLogic::TIntrospection TExecutorGCLogic::IntrospectStateSize() const {
- TIntrospection ret;
- for (auto &xpair : UncommittedDeltaLog) {
- ++ret.UncommitedEntries;
+TExecutorGCLogic::TIntrospection TExecutorGCLogic::IntrospectStateSize() const {
+ TIntrospection ret;
+ for (auto &xpair : UncommittedDeltaLog) {
+ ++ret.UncommitedEntries;
ret.UncommitedBlobIds += xpair.second.Delta.Created.size() + xpair.second.Delta.Deleted.size();
- }
- ret.UncommitedEntriesBytes += ret.UncommitedBlobIds * sizeof(TLogoBlobID) + 96;
- ret.BarriersSetSize += HoldBarriersSet.size();
- for (auto xchannelp : ChannelInfo) {
- for (auto &xpair : xchannelp.second.CommittedDelta) {
- ++ret.CommitedEntries;
+ }
+ ret.UncommitedEntriesBytes += ret.UncommitedBlobIds * sizeof(TLogoBlobID) + 96;
+ ret.BarriersSetSize += HoldBarriersSet.size();
+ for (auto xchannelp : ChannelInfo) {
+ for (auto &xpair : xchannelp.second.CommittedDelta) {
+ ++ret.CommitedEntries;
ret.CommitedBlobIdsKnown += xpair.second.Created.size();
ret.CommitedBlobIdsLeft += xpair.second.Deleted.size();
- }
- ret.CommitedEntriesBytes += sizeof(TLogoBlobID) *(ret.CommitedBlobIdsKnown + ret.CommitedBlobIdsLeft) + 96;
- }
- return ret;
+ }
+ ret.CommitedEntriesBytes += sizeof(TLogoBlobID) *(ret.CommitedBlobIdsKnown + ret.CommitedBlobIdsLeft) + 96;
+ }
+ return ret;
namespace {
void ValidateGCVector(ui64 tabletId, ui32 channel, const char* name, const TVector<TLogoBlobID>& vec) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
@@ -332,136 +332,136 @@ namespace {
-void TExecutorGCLogic::TChannelInfo::SendCollectGarbageEntry(
- const TActorContext &ctx,
+void TExecutorGCLogic::TChannelInfo::SendCollectGarbageEntry(
+ const TActorContext &ctx,
TVector<TLogoBlobID> &&keep, TVector<TLogoBlobID> &&notKeep,
- ui64 tabletid, ui32 channel, ui32 bsgroup, ui32 generation)
+ ui64 tabletid, ui32 channel, ui32 bsgroup, ui32 generation)
ValidateGCVector(tabletid, channel, "Keep", keep);
ValidateGCVector(tabletid, channel, "DoNotKeep", notKeep);
- THolder<TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbage> ev =
+ THolder<TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbage> ev =
- tabletid,
- generation, GcCounter,
- channel, true,
- KnownGcBarrier.Generation, KnownGcBarrier.Step,
+ tabletid,
+ generation, GcCounter,
+ channel, true,
+ KnownGcBarrier.Generation, KnownGcBarrier.Step,
keep.empty() ? nullptr : new TVector<TLogoBlobID>(std::move(keep)),
notKeep.empty() ? nullptr : new TVector<TLogoBlobID>(std::move(notKeep)),
- TInstant::Max(),
- true);
- GcCounter += ev->PerGenerationCounterStepSize();
- SendToBSProxy(ctx, bsgroup, ev.Release());
- ++GcWaitFor;
+ TInstant::Max(),
+ true);
+ GcCounter += ev->PerGenerationCounterStepSize();
+ SendToBSProxy(ctx, bsgroup, ev.Release());
+ ++GcWaitFor;
void TExecutorGCLogic::TChannelInfo::SendCollectGarbage(TGCTime uncommittedTime, const TTabletStorageInfo *tabletStorageInfo, ui32 channel, ui32 generation, const TActorContext& ctx) {
- if (GcWaitFor > 0)
+ if (GcWaitFor > 0)
TVector<TLogoBlobID> keep;
TVector<TLogoBlobID> notKeep;
- TGCTime collectBarrier;
- for (auto it = CommittedDelta.begin(), end = CommittedDelta.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- if (it->first < uncommittedTime) {
+ TGCTime collectBarrier;
+ for (auto it = CommittedDelta.begin(), end = CommittedDelta.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+ if (it->first < uncommittedTime) {
keep.insert(keep.end(), it->second.Created.begin(), it->second.Created.end());
notKeep.insert(notKeep.end(), it->second.Deleted.begin(), it->second.Deleted.end());
- collectBarrier = it->first;
+ collectBarrier = it->first;
} else
// The first barrier of gen:0 (zero entry) is special
TGCTime zeroTime{ generation, 0 };
if (KnownGcBarrier < zeroTime && collectBarrier < zeroTime && zeroTime <= uncommittedTime) {
collectBarrier = zeroTime;
- if (collectBarrier) {
+ if (collectBarrier) {
DeduplicateGCKeepVectors(&keep, &notKeep, generation, KnownGcBarrier.Step);
- CollectSent = collectBarrier;
- KnownGcBarrier = collectBarrier;
- const auto *channelInfo = tabletStorageInfo->ChannelInfo(channel);
+ CollectSent = collectBarrier;
+ KnownGcBarrier = collectBarrier;
+ const auto *channelInfo = tabletStorageInfo->ChannelInfo(channel);
- const ui32 lastCommitedGcBarrier = CommitedGcBarrier.Generation;
+ const ui32 lastCommitedGcBarrier = CommitedGcBarrier.Generation;
const ui32 firstFlagGen = std::min<ui32>(keep.empty() ? Max<ui32>() : keep.front().Generation(), notKeep.empty() ? Max<ui32>() : notKeep.front().Generation());
- const auto *latestEntry = channelInfo->LatestEntry();
- if (lastCommitedGcBarrier >= latestEntry->FromGeneration && firstFlagGen >= latestEntry->FromGeneration) {
- // normal case, commit gc info for last entry only
+ const auto *latestEntry = channelInfo->LatestEntry();
+ if (lastCommitedGcBarrier >= latestEntry->FromGeneration && firstFlagGen >= latestEntry->FromGeneration) {
+ // normal case, commit gc info for last entry only
SendCollectGarbageEntry(ctx, std::move(keep), std::move(notKeep), tabletStorageInfo->TabletID, channel, latestEntry->GroupID, generation);
- } else {
- // bloated case - spread among different groups
+ } else {
+ // bloated case - spread among different groups
TMap<ui32, std::pair<TVector<TLogoBlobID>, TVector<TLogoBlobID>>> affectedGroups;
- { // mark every actual generation for update
- auto xit = UpperBound(channelInfo->History.begin(), channelInfo->History.end(), lastCommitedGcBarrier, TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry::TCmp());
+ { // mark every actual generation for update
+ auto xit = UpperBound(channelInfo->History.begin(), channelInfo->History.end(), lastCommitedGcBarrier, TTabletChannelInfo::THistoryEntry::TCmp());
if (xit != channelInfo->History.begin()) {
for (; xit != channelInfo->History.end(); ++xit)
- affectedGroups[xit->GroupID];
- }
- ui32 activeGen = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 activeGroup = Max<ui32>();
+ affectedGroups[xit->GroupID];
+ }
+ ui32 activeGen = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 activeGroup = Max<ui32>();
TVector<TLogoBlobID> *vec = nullptr;
for (const auto &blobId : keep) {
- if (activeGen != blobId.Generation()) {
- activeGen = blobId.Generation();
- activeGroup = channelInfo->GroupForGeneration(blobId.Generation());
- vec = &affectedGroups[activeGroup].first;
- }
- vec->push_back(blobId);
- }
- activeGen = Max<ui32>();
- activeGroup = Max<ui32>();
- vec = nullptr;
+ if (activeGen != blobId.Generation()) {
+ activeGen = blobId.Generation();
+ activeGroup = channelInfo->GroupForGeneration(blobId.Generation());
+ vec = &affectedGroups[activeGroup].first;
+ }
+ vec->push_back(blobId);
+ }
+ activeGen = Max<ui32>();
+ activeGroup = Max<ui32>();
+ vec = nullptr;
for (const auto &blobId : notKeep) {
- if (activeGen != blobId.Generation()) {
- activeGen = blobId.Generation();
- activeGroup = channelInfo->GroupForGeneration(blobId.Generation());
- vec = &affectedGroups[activeGroup].second;
- }
- vec->push_back(blobId);
- }
- for (auto &xpair : affectedGroups) {
- SendCollectGarbageEntry(ctx, std::move(xpair.second.first), std::move(xpair.second.second), tabletStorageInfo->TabletID, channel, xpair.first, generation);
- }
- }
+ if (activeGen != blobId.Generation()) {
+ activeGen = blobId.Generation();
+ activeGroup = channelInfo->GroupForGeneration(blobId.Generation());
+ vec = &affectedGroups[activeGroup].second;
+ }
+ vec->push_back(blobId);
+ }
+ for (auto &xpair : affectedGroups) {
+ SendCollectGarbageEntry(ctx, std::move(xpair.second.first), std::move(xpair.second.second), tabletStorageInfo->TabletID, channel, xpair.first, generation);
+ }
+ }
void TExecutorGCLogic::TChannelInfo::OnCollectGarbageSuccess() {
- if (--GcWaitFor || !CollectSent)
- return;
+ if (--GcWaitFor || !CollectSent)
+ return;
auto it = CommittedDelta.upper_bound(CollectSent);
if (it != CommittedDelta.begin()) {
CommittedDelta.erase(CommittedDelta.begin(), it);
- CommitedGcBarrier = KnownGcBarrier;
+ CommitedGcBarrier = KnownGcBarrier;
void TExecutorGCLogic::TChannelInfo::OnCollectGarbageFailure() {
- --GcWaitFor;
+ --GcWaitFor;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic.h
index ba6d071f4c..9c1fa568a2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include "flat_sausage_slicer.h"
#include "flat_exec_commit.h"
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ struct TGCTime {
inline bool Valid() const { return Generation != 0 || Step != 0; }
inline void Clear() { Generation = Step = 0; }
static TGCTime Infinity() { return TGCTime(std::numeric_limits<ui32>::max(), std::numeric_limits<ui32>::max()); }
- explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return Valid(); }
+ explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return Valid(); }
struct TGCLogEntry {
@@ -42,37 +42,37 @@ public:
TGCLogEntry SnapshotLog(ui32 step);
void SnapToLog(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogSnapshot &logSnapshot, ui32 step);
void OnCommitLog(ui32 step, ui32 confirmedOnSend, const TActorContext &ctx); // notification about log commit - could send GC to blob storage
- void OnCollectGarbageResult(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult::TPtr& ev); // notification on any garbage collection results
+ void OnCollectGarbageResult(TEvBlobStorage::TEvCollectGarbageResult::TPtr& ev); // notification on any garbage collection results
void ApplyLogEntry(TGCLogEntry &entry); // apply one log entry, used during recovery and also from WriteToLog
void ApplyLogSnapshot(TGCLogEntry &snapshot, const TVector<std::pair<ui32, ui64>> &barriers);
- void HoldBarrier(ui32 step); // holds GC on no more than this step for channels specified
+ void HoldBarrier(ui32 step); // holds GC on no more than this step for channels specified
void ReleaseBarrier(ui32 step);
- ui32 GetActiveGcBarrier();
+ ui32 GetActiveGcBarrier();
void FollowersSyncComplete(bool isBoot);
- struct TIntrospection {
- ui64 UncommitedEntries;
- ui64 UncommitedBlobIds;
- ui64 UncommitedEntriesBytes;
- ui64 CommitedEntries;
- ui64 CommitedBlobIdsKnown;
- ui64 CommitedBlobIdsLeft;
- ui64 CommitedEntriesBytes;
- ui64 BarriersSetSize;
- TIntrospection()
- : UncommitedEntries(0)
- , UncommitedBlobIds(0)
- , UncommitedEntriesBytes(0)
- , CommitedEntries(0)
- , CommitedBlobIdsKnown(0)
- , CommitedBlobIdsLeft(0)
- , CommitedEntriesBytes(0)
- , BarriersSetSize(0)
- {}
- };
- TIntrospection IntrospectStateSize() const;
+ struct TIntrospection {
+ ui64 UncommitedEntries;
+ ui64 UncommitedBlobIds;
+ ui64 UncommitedEntriesBytes;
+ ui64 CommitedEntries;
+ ui64 CommitedBlobIdsKnown;
+ ui64 CommitedBlobIdsLeft;
+ ui64 CommitedEntriesBytes;
+ ui64 BarriersSetSize;
+ TIntrospection()
+ : UncommitedEntries(0)
+ , UncommitedBlobIds(0)
+ , UncommitedEntriesBytes(0)
+ , CommitedEntries(0)
+ , CommitedBlobIdsKnown(0)
+ , CommitedBlobIdsLeft(0)
+ , CommitedEntriesBytes(0)
+ , BarriersSetSize(0)
+ {}
+ };
+ TIntrospection IntrospectStateSize() const;
const TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletStorageInfo;
const TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TSteppedCookieAllocator> Cookies;
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ protected:
struct TChannelInfo {
TMap<TGCTime, TGCBlobDelta> CommittedDelta; // we don't really need per-step map, what we really need is distinction b/w sent and not-yet-sent idsets
TGCTime CollectSent;
- TGCTime KnownGcBarrier;
- TGCTime CommitedGcBarrier;
- ui32 GcCounter;
- ui32 GcWaitFor;
+ TGCTime KnownGcBarrier;
+ TGCTime CommitedGcBarrier;
+ ui32 GcCounter;
+ ui32 GcWaitFor;
inline TChannelInfo();
void ApplyDelta(TGCTime time, TGCBlobDelta &delta);
@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ protected:
ui32 PrevSnapshotStep;
ui32 ConfirmedOnSendStep;
THashMap<ui32, TChannelInfo> ChannelInfo;
- TMap<TGCTime, TGCLogEntry> UncommittedDeltaLog;
- TSet<TGCTime> HoldBarriersSet;
+ TMap<TGCTime, TGCLogEntry> UncommittedDeltaLog;
+ TSet<TGCTime> HoldBarriersSet;
+ bool AllowGarbageCollection;
- bool AllowGarbageCollection;
void ApplyDelta(TGCTime time, TGCBlobDelta &delta);
void SendCollectGarbage(const TActorContext& executor);
static inline void MergeVectors(THolder<TVector<TLogoBlobID>>& destination, const TVector<TLogoBlobID>& source);
@@ -112,6 +112,6 @@ protected:
void DeduplicateGCKeepVectors(TVector<TLogoBlobID> *keep, TVector<TLogoBlobID> *doNotKeep, ui32 barrierGen, ui32 barrierStep);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic_ut.cpp
index a21d9e7343..8c0c5ac6f0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic_ut.cpp
@@ -6,111 +6,111 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TFlatTableExecutorGC) {
bool TestDeduplication(TVector<TLogoBlobID> keep, TVector<TLogoBlobID> dontkeep, ui32 gen, ui32 step, TVector<TLogoBlobID> expectKeep, TVector<TLogoBlobID> expectnot) {
- DeduplicateGCKeepVectors(&keep, &dontkeep, gen, step);
- return (keep == expectKeep) && (dontkeep == expectnot);
- }
+ DeduplicateGCKeepVectors(&keep, &dontkeep, gen, step);
+ return (keep == expectKeep) && (dontkeep == expectnot);
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(TestGCVectorDeduplicaton) {
- UNIT_ASSERT(TestDeduplication(
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- 0, 0,
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
- }
- ));
- UNIT_ASSERT(TestDeduplication(
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- 1, 0,
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
- }
- ));
- UNIT_ASSERT(TestDeduplication(
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- 1, 3,
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
- }
- ));
- UNIT_ASSERT(TestDeduplication(
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- 0, 0,
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- },
- {
- TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
- }
- ));
- }
+ UNIT_ASSERT(TestDeduplication(
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ 0, 0,
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
+ }
+ ));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(TestDeduplication(
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ 1, 0,
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
+ }
+ ));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(TestDeduplication(
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ 1, 3,
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1),
+ }
+ ));
+ UNIT_ASSERT(TestDeduplication(
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ 0, 0,
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
+ },
+ {
+ TLogoBlobID(1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0),
+ }
+ ));
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_snapshot.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_snapshot.h
index 54a39f204d..fae02f7fc8 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_snapshot.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_snapshot.h
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
Get(table, EReady::Done);
Holds.Step = Min(Holds.Step, step);
- Holds.Bundles[bundle].insert(loaner);
+ Holds.Bundles[bundle].insert(loaner);
void Moved(ui32 src, ui32 dst)
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_txloglogic.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_txloglogic.cpp
index f373103f76..df59ddc245 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_txloglogic.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_txloglogic.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "flat_executor_txloglogic.h"
+#include "flat_executor_txloglogic.h"
#include "flat_executor_counters.h"
#include "flat_exec_seat.h"
#include "flat_exec_commit_mgr.h"
@@ -10,41 +10,41 @@
#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.pb.h>
#include <util/system/sanitizers.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
-const static ui64 MaxSizeToEmbedInLog = 2048;
+const static ui64 MaxSizeToEmbedInLog = 2048;
const static ui64 MaxBytesToBatch = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
const static ui64 MaxItemsToBatch = 64;
TLogicRedo::TCompletionEntry::TCompletionEntry(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, ui32 step)
- : Step(step)
+ : Step(step)
, InFlyRWTransaction(seat)
TLogicRedo::TLogicRedo(TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TSteppedCookieAllocator> cookies, TCommitManager *commitManager, TAutoPtr<NRedo::TQueue> queue)
: CommitManager(commitManager)
, Cookies(cookies)
, Batch(new NRedo::TBatch)
, Queue(queue)
, Slicer(1, Cookies.Get(), NBlockIO::BlockSize)
void TLogicRedo::Describe(IOutputStream &out) const noexcept
return Queue->Describe(out);
void TLogicRedo::InstallCounters(TExecutorCounters *counters, TTabletCountersWithTxTypes *appTxCounters) {
- Counters = counters;
+ Counters = counters;
AppTxCounters = appTxCounters;
NRedo::TStats TLogicRedo::LogStats() const noexcept
return { Queue->Items, Queue->Memory, Queue->LargeGlobIdsBytes };
@@ -71,54 +71,54 @@ bool TLogicRedo::TerminateTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, const TActorContext
void CompleteRoTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, const TActorContext &ownerCtx, TExecutorCounters *counters, TTabletCountersWithTxTypes *appTxCounters ) {
- const TTxType txType = seat->Self->GetTxType();
+ const TTxType txType = seat->Self->GetTxType();
- const ui64 latencyus = ui64(1000000. * seat->LatencyTimer.Passed());
- counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_LATENCY_RO].IncrementFor(latencyus);
- THPTimer completeTimer;
+ const ui64 latencyus = ui64(1000000. * seat->LatencyTimer.Passed());
+ counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_LATENCY_RO].IncrementFor(latencyus);
+ THPTimer completeTimer;
LWTRACK(TransactionCompleteBegin, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID);
LWTRACK(TransactionCompleteEnd, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID);
const ui64 completeTimeus = ui64(1000000. * completeTimer.Passed());
- counters->Cumulative()[TExecutorCounters::TX_RO_COMPLETED].Increment(1);
- if (appTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType)
- appTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_RO_COMPLETED).Increment(1);
- counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_COMMITED_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(completeTimeus);
+ counters->Cumulative()[TExecutorCounters::TX_RO_COMPLETED].Increment(1);
+ if (appTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType)
+ appTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_RO_COMPLETED).Increment(1);
+ counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_COMMITED_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(completeTimeus);
- if (appTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType)
- appTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_COMMITED_CPUTIME).Increment(completeTimeus);
+ if (appTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType)
+ appTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_COMMITED_CPUTIME).Increment(completeTimeus);
bool TLogicRedo::CommitROTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, const TActorContext &ownerCtx) {
- if (CompletionQueue.empty()) {
- CompleteRoTransaction(seat, ownerCtx, Counters, AppTxCounters);
- return true;
- } else {
+ if (CompletionQueue.empty()) {
+ CompleteRoTransaction(seat, ownerCtx, Counters, AppTxCounters);
+ return true;
+ } else {
LWTRACK(TransactionReadOnlyWait, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID, CompletionQueue.back().Step);
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
void TLogicRedo::FlushBatchedLog()
if (TAutoPtr<TLogCommit> commit = Batch->Commit) {
auto affects = Batch->Affects();
MakeLogEntry(*commit, Batch->Flush(), affects, true);
- }
+ }
Y_VERIFY(Batch->Commit == nullptr, "Batch still has acquired commit");
TLogicRedo::TCommitRWTransactionResult TLogicRedo::CommitRWTransaction(
TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, NTable::TChange &change, bool force)
Y_VERIFY(force || !(change.Scheme || change.Annex));
const TTxType txType = seat->Self->GetTxType();
@@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ TLogicRedo::TCommitRWTransactionResult TLogicRedo::CommitRWTransaction(
if (force || MaxItemsToBatch < 2 || change.Redo.size() > MaxBytesToBatch) {
auto commit = CommitManager->Begin(true, ECommit::Redo);
CompletionQueue.push_back({ seat, commit->Step });
MakeLogEntry(*commit, std::move(change.Redo), change.Affects, !force);
const auto was = commit->GcDelta.Created.size();
for (auto &one: change.Annex) {
if (one.GId.Logo.Step() != commit->Step) {
@@ -172,30 +172,30 @@ TLogicRedo::TCommitRWTransactionResult TLogicRedo::CommitRWTransaction(
Y_VERIFY(was + change.Annex.size() == commit->GcDelta.Created.size());
return { commit, false };
- } else {
+ } else {
if (Batch->Bytes + change.Redo.size() > MaxBytesToBatch)
if (!Batch->Commit)
Batch->Commit = CommitManager->Begin(false, ECommit::Redo);
CompletionQueue.push_back({ seat, Batch->Commit->Step });
Batch->Add(std::move(change.Redo), change.Affects);
if (Batch->Bodies.size() >= MaxItemsToBatch)
return { nullptr, bool(Batch->Commit) };
- }
+ }
void TLogicRedo::MakeLogEntry(TLogCommit &commit, TString redo, TArrayRef<const ui32> affects, bool embed)
if (redo) {
NSan::CheckMemIsInitialized(redo.data(), redo.size());
Cookies->Switch(commit.Step, true /* require step switch */);
auto coded = NPageCollection::TSlicer::Lz4()->Encode(redo);
@@ -211,59 +211,59 @@ void TLogicRedo::MakeLogEntry(TLogCommit &commit, TString redo, TArrayRef<const
Queue->Push({ Cookies->Gen, commit.Step }, affects, largeGlobId);
- }
+ }
ui64 TLogicRedo::Confirm(ui32 step, const TActorContext &ctx, const TActorId &ownerId) {
- Y_VERIFY(!CompletionQueue.empty(), "t: %" PRIu64
- " non-expected confirmation %" PRIu32
+ Y_VERIFY(!CompletionQueue.empty(), "t: %" PRIu64
+ " non-expected confirmation %" PRIu32
", prev %" PRIu32, Cookies->Tablet, step, PrevConfirmedStep);
- Y_VERIFY(CompletionQueue[0].Step == step, "t: %" PRIu64
- " inconsistent confirmation head: %" PRIu32
- ", step: %" PRIu32
- ", queue size: %" PRISZT
- ", prev confimed: %" PRIu32
+ Y_VERIFY(CompletionQueue[0].Step == step, "t: %" PRIu64
+ " inconsistent confirmation head: %" PRIu32
+ ", step: %" PRIu32
+ ", queue size: %" PRISZT
+ ", prev confimed: %" PRIu32
, Cookies->Tablet, CompletionQueue[0].Step, step, CompletionQueue.size(), PrevConfirmedStep);
- PrevConfirmedStep = step;
- const TActorContext ownerCtx = ctx.MakeFor(ownerId);
- ui64 confirmedTransactions = 0;
- do {
- TCompletionEntry &entry = CompletionQueue[0];
+ PrevConfirmedStep = step;
+ const TActorContext ownerCtx = ctx.MakeFor(ownerId);
+ ui64 confirmedTransactions = 0;
+ do {
+ TCompletionEntry &entry = CompletionQueue[0];
auto &seat = entry.InFlyRWTransaction;
const TTxType txType = seat->Self->GetTxType();
const ui64 commitLatencyus = ui64(1000000. * seat->CommitTimer.Passed());
const ui64 latencyus = ui64(1000000. * seat->LatencyTimer.Passed());
- Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_LATENCY_COMMIT].IncrementFor(commitLatencyus);
- Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_LATENCY_RW].IncrementFor(latencyus);
- ++confirmedTransactions;
- THPTimer completeTimer;
+ Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_LATENCY_COMMIT].IncrementFor(commitLatencyus);
+ Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_LATENCY_RW].IncrementFor(latencyus);
+ ++confirmedTransactions;
+ THPTimer completeTimer;
LWTRACK(TransactionCompleteBegin, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID);
LWTRACK(TransactionCompleteEnd, seat->Self->Orbit, seat->UniqID);
const ui64 completeTimeus = ui64(1000000. * completeTimer.Passed());
- Counters->Cumulative()[TExecutorCounters::TX_RW_COMPLETED].Increment(1);
- if (AppTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType)
- AppTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_RW_COMPLETED).Increment(1);
- Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_COMMITED_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(completeTimeus);
+ Counters->Cumulative()[TExecutorCounters::TX_RW_COMPLETED].Increment(1);
+ if (AppTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType)
+ AppTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_RW_COMPLETED).Increment(1);
+ Counters->Percentile()[TExecutorCounters::TX_PERCENTILE_COMMITED_CPUTIME].IncrementFor(completeTimeus);
- if (AppTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType)
- AppTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_COMMITED_CPUTIME).Increment(completeTimeus);
- for (auto &x : entry.WaitingROTransactions) {
- ++confirmedTransactions;
- CompleteRoTransaction(x, ownerCtx, Counters, AppTxCounters);
- }
+ if (AppTxCounters && txType != UnknownTxType)
+ AppTxCounters->TxCumulative(txType, COUNTER_TT_COMMITED_CPUTIME).Increment(completeTimeus);
+ for (auto &x : entry.WaitingROTransactions) {
+ ++confirmedTransactions;
+ CompleteRoTransaction(x, ownerCtx, Counters, AppTxCounters);
+ }
for (auto &x : entry.WaitingTerminatedTransactions) {
const TTxType roTxType = x->Self->GetTxType();
- x->Self->Terminate(x->TerminationReason, ownerCtx);
+ x->Self->Terminate(x->TerminationReason, ownerCtx);
if (AppTxCounters && roTxType != UnknownTxType)
@@ -272,31 +272,31 @@ ui64 TLogicRedo::Confirm(ui32 step, const TActorContext &ctx, const TActorId &ow
- CompletionQueue.pop_front();
- } while (!CompletionQueue.empty() && CompletionQueue[0].Step == step);
- return confirmedTransactions;
+ CompletionQueue.pop_front();
+ } while (!CompletionQueue.empty() && CompletionQueue[0].Step == step);
+ return confirmedTransactions;
void TLogicRedo::SnapToLog(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogSnapshot &snap)
Y_VERIFY(Batch->Commit == nullptr);
for (auto &xpair : Queue->Edges) {
auto genstep = ExpandGenStepPair(xpair.second.TxStamp);
auto *x = snap.AddTableSnapshoted();
- x->SetTable(xpair.first);
- x->SetGeneration(genstep.first);
- x->SetStep(genstep.second);
+ x->SetTable(xpair.first);
+ x->SetGeneration(genstep.first);
+ x->SetStep(genstep.second);
- }
+ }
void TLogicRedo::CutLog(ui32 table, NTable::TSnapEdge edge, TGCBlobDelta &gc)
Queue->Cut(table, edge, gc);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_txloglogic.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_txloglogic.h
index 9e6421e164..1272c4f947 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_txloglogic.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_txloglogic.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "flat_sausage_grind.h"
#include "flat_sausage_slicer.h"
#include "flat_dbase_change.h"
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
#include "logic_redo_eggs.h"
#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_protobuf.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
class TCommitManager;
namespace NRedo {
@@ -30,33 +30,33 @@ class TLogicRedo {
TAutoPtr<NRedo::TBatch> Batch;
TAutoPtr<NRedo::TQueue> Queue;
NPageCollection::TSlicer Slicer;
TExecutorCounters *Counters = nullptr;
TTabletCountersWithTxTypes *AppTxCounters = nullptr;
- struct TCompletionEntry {
- ui32 Step;
+ struct TCompletionEntry {
+ ui32 Step;
/* vvvv argh.... */
TAutoPtr<TSeat> InFlyRWTransaction;
TVector<TAutoPtr<TSeat>> WaitingROTransactions;
TVector<TAutoPtr<TSeat>> WaitingTerminatedTransactions;
TCompletionEntry(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, ui32 step);
- };
+ };
TDeque<TCompletionEntry> CompletionQueue; // would be graph once data-dependencies implemented
ui32 PrevConfirmedStep = 0;
- struct TCommitRWTransactionResult {
+ struct TCommitRWTransactionResult {
TAutoPtr<TLogCommit> Commit;
- bool NeedFlush;
- };
+ bool NeedFlush;
+ };
TLogicRedo(TAutoPtr<NPageCollection::TSteppedCookieAllocator>, TCommitManager*, TAutoPtr<NRedo::TQueue>);
void Describe(IOutputStream &out) const noexcept;
void InstallCounters(TExecutorCounters *counters, TTabletCountersWithTxTypes* appTxCounters);
bool TerminateTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat>, const TActorContext &ctx, const TActorId &ownerId);
@@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ public:
TCommitRWTransactionResult CommitRWTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat> seat, NTable::TChange &change, bool force);
void MakeLogEntry(TLogCommit&, TString redo, TArrayRef<const ui32> affects, bool embed);
void FlushBatchedLog();
ui64 Confirm(ui32 step, const TActorContext &ctx, const TActorId &ownerId);
void CutLog(ui32 table, NTable::TSnapEdge, TGCBlobDelta&);
void SnapToLog(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogSnapshot&);
NRedo::TStats LogStats() const noexcept;
TArrayRef<const NRedo::TUsage> GrabLogUsage() const noexcept;
void CompleteRoTransaction(TAutoPtr<TSeat>, const TActorContext &ownerCtx, TExecutorCounters *counters, TTabletCountersWithTxTypes *appTxCounters);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_sausagecache.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_sausagecache.cpp
index 5ba65c2f5a..4d396e8f75 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_sausagecache.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_sausagecache.cpp
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-#include "flat_sausagecache.h"
-#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+#include "flat_sausagecache.h"
+#include <util/generic/xrange.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
TPrivatePageCache::TPage::TPage(ui32 size, ui32 pageId, TInfo* info)
- : LoadState(LoadStateNo)
- , CacheGeneration(TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone)
+ : LoadState(LoadStateNo)
+ , CacheGeneration(TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone)
, Sticky(false)
, SharedPending(false)
, Padding(0)
- , Size(size)
- , Id(pageId)
+ , Size(size)
+ , Id(pageId)
, Info(info)
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo::TInfo(TIntrusiveConstPtr<NPageCollection::IPageCollection> pageCollection)
: Id(pageCollection->Label())
, PageCollection(std::move(pageCollection))
, Users(0)
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo::TInfo(const TInfo &info)
: Id(info.Id)
, PageCollection(info.PageCollection)
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ TPrivatePageCache::TInfo::TInfo(const TInfo &info)
TPrivatePageCache::TPrivatePageCache(const TCacheCacheConfig &cacheConfig, bool prepareForSharedCache)
: Cache(cacheConfig)
- , PrepareForSharedCache(prepareForSharedCache)
+ , PrepareForSharedCache(prepareForSharedCache)
void TPrivatePageCache::RegisterPageCollection(TIntrusivePtr<TInfo> info) {
auto itpair = PageCollections.insert(decltype(PageCollections)::value_type(info->Id, info));
Y_VERIFY(itpair.second, "double registration of page collection is forbidden. logic flaw?");
TPage* evicted = nullptr;
for (const auto& kv : info->PageMap) {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ void TPrivatePageCache::RegisterPageCollection(TIntrusivePtr<TInfo> info) {
if (page->LoadState == TPage::LoadStateLoaded && !page->Sticky) {
evicted = TPage::Join(evicted, Cache.Touch(page));
- }
+ }
if (page->SharedBody)
Stats.TotalSharedBody += page->Size;
if (page->PinnedBody)
@@ -69,49 +69,49 @@ void TPrivatePageCache::RegisterPageCollection(TIntrusivePtr<TInfo> info) {
Stats.TotalExclusive += page->Size;
if (page->Sticky)
Stats.TotalSticky += page->Size;
- }
+ }
TPrivatePageCache::TPage::TWaitQueuePtr TPrivatePageCache::ForgetPageCollection(TLogoBlobID id) {
- // todo: amortize destruction cost (how?)
+ // todo: amortize destruction cost (how?)
auto it = PageCollections.find(id);
Y_VERIFY(it != PageCollections.end(), "trying to forget unknown page collection. logic flaw?");
TIntrusivePtr<TInfo> info = it->second;
- TPage::TWaitQueuePtr ret;
+ TPage::TWaitQueuePtr ret;
for (const auto& kv : info->PageMap) {
auto* page = kv.second.Get();
if (page->LoadState == TPage::LoadStateRequested) {
while (TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad *x = page->WaitQueue->Pop()) {
- if (0 == x->Dec()) {
- if (!ret)
+ if (0 == x->Dec()) {
+ if (!ret)
ret = new TPrivatePageCache::TPage::TWaitQueue;
- ret->Push(x);
- }
- }
+ ret->Push(x);
+ }
+ }
if (page->PinPad) {
Stats.PinnedSetSize -= page->Size;
if (page->LoadState != TPage::LoadStateLoaded)
Stats.PinnedLoadSize -= page->Size;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
- return ret;
+ return ret;
void TPrivatePageCache::LockPageCollection(TLogoBlobID id) {
auto it = PageCollections.find(id);
Y_VERIFY(it != PageCollections.end(), "trying to lock unknown page collection. logic flaw?");
@@ -158,36 +158,36 @@ bool TPrivatePageCache::UnlockPageCollection(TLogoBlobID id) {
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, THashMap<ui32, TSharedData>> TPrivatePageCache::GetPrepareSharedTouched() {
- return std::move(ToTouchShared);
+ return std::move(ToTouchShared);
TPrivatePageCache::TInfo* TPrivatePageCache::Info(TLogoBlobID id) {
auto *x = PageCollections.FindPtr(id);
- if (x)
- return x->Get();
- else
- return nullptr;
+ if (x)
+ return x->Get();
+ else
+ return nullptr;
void TPrivatePageCache::Touch(TPage *page) {
if (!page->Sticky) {
- switch (page->LoadState) {
- case TPage::LoadStateNo:
- return;
- case TPage::LoadStateLoaded:
- case TPage::LoadStateRequested:
- case TPage::LoadStateRequestedAsync:
- return Evict(Cache.Touch(page));
- }
- }
+ switch (page->LoadState) {
+ case TPage::LoadStateNo:
+ return;
+ case TPage::LoadStateLoaded:
+ case TPage::LoadStateRequested:
+ case TPage::LoadStateRequestedAsync:
+ return Evict(Cache.Touch(page));
+ }
+ }
void TPrivatePageCache::Touch(ui32 pageId, TInfo *info) {
if (auto* page = info->GetPage(pageId)) {
void TPrivatePageCache::MarkSticky(ui32 pageId, TInfo *collectionInfo) {
TPage *page = collectionInfo->EnsurePage(pageId);
if (Y_LIKELY(!page->Sticky)) {
@@ -202,39 +202,39 @@ void TPrivatePageCache::MarkSticky(ui32 pageId, TInfo *collectionInfo) {
page->CacheGeneration = TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone;
TIntrusivePtr<TPrivatePageCachePinPad> TPrivatePageCache::Pin(ui32 pageId, TInfo *info) {
TPage *page = info->EnsurePage(pageId);
- if (!page->PinPad) {
+ if (!page->PinPad) {
page->PinPad = new TPrivatePageCachePinPad();
Stats.PinnedSetSize += page->Size;
// N.B. it's ok not to call Touch here, because pinned pages don't have
// to be part of the cache even when they are loaded.
- if (page->LoadState != TPage::LoadStateLoaded)
+ if (page->LoadState != TPage::LoadStateLoaded)
Stats.PinnedLoadSize += page->Size;
- }
- return page->PinPad;
+ }
+ return page->PinPad;
void TPrivatePageCache::Unpin(ui32 pageId, TPrivatePageCachePinPad *pad, TInfo *info) {
TPage *page = info->GetPage(pageId);
if (page && page->PinPad.Get() == pad) {
- if (page->PinPad.RefCount() == 1) {
- page->PinPad.Drop();
+ if (page->PinPad.RefCount() == 1) {
+ page->PinPad.Drop();
Stats.PinnedSetSize -= page->Size;
- if (page->LoadState != TPage::LoadStateLoaded)
+ if (page->LoadState != TPage::LoadStateLoaded)
Stats.PinnedLoadSize -= page->Size;
if (page->CacheGeneration != TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone || page->Sticky)
- return;
+ return;
- if (page->LoadState == TPage::LoadStateLoaded) {
- page->LoadState = TPage::LoadStateNo;
+ if (page->LoadState == TPage::LoadStateLoaded) {
+ page->LoadState = TPage::LoadStateNo;
if (!page->SharedPending) {
if (Y_LIKELY(page->PinnedBody)) {
Stats.TotalPinnedBody -= page->Size;
@@ -245,55 +245,55 @@ void TPrivatePageCache::Unpin(ui32 pageId, TPrivatePageCachePinPad *pad, TInfo *
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
std::pair<ui32, ui64> TPrivatePageCache::Load(TVector<ui32> &pages, TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad *waitPad, TInfo *info) {
- ui32 blocksToRequest = 0;
- ui64 bytesToRequest = 0;
+ ui32 blocksToRequest = 0;
+ ui64 bytesToRequest = 0;
auto it = pages.begin();
auto end = pages.end();
- while (it != end) {
+ while (it != end) {
TPage *page = info->EnsurePage(*it);
- switch (page->LoadState) {
- case TPage::LoadStateNo:
+ switch (page->LoadState) {
+ case TPage::LoadStateNo:
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(!page->SharedPending, "Trying to load a page that may be restored");
- case TPage::LoadStateRequestedAsync:
- page->LoadState = TPage::LoadStateRequested;
+ case TPage::LoadStateRequestedAsync:
+ page->LoadState = TPage::LoadStateRequested;
bytesToRequest += page->Size;
page->WaitQueue = new TPage::TWaitQueue();
- ++blocksToRequest;
- ++it;
- break;
- case TPage::LoadStateLoaded:
+ ++blocksToRequest;
+ ++it;
+ break;
+ case TPage::LoadStateLoaded:
Y_FAIL("must not request already loaded pages");
- case TPage::LoadStateRequested:
+ case TPage::LoadStateRequested:
if (!page->WaitQueue)
page->WaitQueue = new TPage::TWaitQueue();
- --end;
- if (end != it)
- *it = *end;
- break;
- }
- }
+ --end;
+ if (end != it)
+ *it = *end;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
pages.erase(end, pages.end());
- return std::make_pair(blocksToRequest, bytesToRequest);
+ return std::make_pair(blocksToRequest, bytesToRequest);
bool TPrivatePageCache::Restore(TPage *page) {
if (page->LoadState == TPage::LoadStateNo && page->SharedPending) {
page->LoadState = TPage::LoadStateLoaded;
@@ -305,20 +305,20 @@ bool TPrivatePageCache::Restore(TPage *page) {
if (Y_LIKELY(!page->PinnedBody))
Stats.TotalPinnedBody += page->Size;
page->PinnedBody = TPinnedPageRef(page->SharedBody).GetData();
- page->LoadState = TPage::LoadStateLoaded;
+ page->LoadState = TPage::LoadStateLoaded;
return true;
Stats.TotalSharedBody -= page->Size;
if (Y_UNLIKELY(page->PinnedBody)) {
Stats.TotalExclusive += page->Size;
- }
+ }
return false;
const TSharedData* TPrivatePageCache::Lookup(ui32 pageId, TInfo *info) {
TPage *page = info->GetPage(pageId);
if (!page)
@@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ const TSharedData* TPrivatePageCache::Lookup(ui32 pageId, TInfo *info) {
return page->GetBody();
TSharedPageRef TPrivatePageCache::LookupShared(ui32 pageId, TInfo *info) {
TPage *page = info->GetPage(pageId);
if (!page)
@@ -345,13 +345,13 @@ TSharedPageRef TPrivatePageCache::LookupShared(ui32 pageId, TInfo *info) {
TPrivatePageCache::TPage::TWaitQueuePtr TPrivatePageCache::ProvideBlock(
NSharedCache::TEvResult::TLoaded&& loaded, TInfo *info)
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(loaded.Page && loaded.Page.IsUsed());
TPage *page = info->EnsurePage(loaded.PageId);
- if (page->LoadState != TPage::LoadStateLoaded && page->PinPad)
+ if (page->LoadState != TPage::LoadStateLoaded && page->PinPad)
Stats.PinnedLoadSize -= page->Size;
if (Y_UNLIKELY(page->SharedBody))
Stats.TotalSharedBody -= page->Size;
if (Y_UNLIKELY(page->PinnedBody))
@@ -360,66 +360,66 @@ TPrivatePageCache::TPage::TWaitQueuePtr TPrivatePageCache::ProvideBlock(
Stats.TotalExclusive -= page->Size;
if (Y_UNLIKELY(page->SharedPending))
Stats.TotalSharedPending -= page->Size;
// N.B. we must be careful not to accidentally drop the sticky bit
page->Fill(std::move(loaded.Page), page->Sticky);
Stats.TotalSharedBody += page->Size;
Stats.TotalPinnedBody += page->Size;
- TPage::TWaitQueuePtr ret;
- if (page->WaitQueue) {
+ TPage::TWaitQueuePtr ret;
+ if (page->WaitQueue) {
while (TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad *x = page->WaitQueue->Pop()) {
- if (0 == x->Dec()) {
- if (!ret)
- ret = new TPage::TWaitQueue();
- ret->Push(x);
- }
- }
- page->WaitQueue.Destroy();
- }
- if (page->CacheGeneration == TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone
+ if (0 == x->Dec()) {
+ if (!ret)
+ ret = new TPage::TWaitQueue();
+ ret->Push(x);
+ }
+ }
+ page->WaitQueue.Destroy();
+ }
+ if (page->CacheGeneration == TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone
&& !page->Sticky && !page->PinPad)
- { // should be cache refresh by provided profile
+ { // should be cache refresh by provided profile
- }
- return ret;
+ }
+ return ret;
void TPrivatePageCache::UpdateCacheSize(ui64 cacheSize) {
- Cache.UpdateCacheSize(cacheSize);
+ Cache.UpdateCacheSize(cacheSize);
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TIntrusivePtr<TPrivatePageCache::TInfo>> TPrivatePageCache::DetachPrivatePageCache() {
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TIntrusivePtr<TPrivatePageCache::TInfo>> ret;
for (const auto &xpair : PageCollections) {
TIntrusivePtr<TInfo> info(new TInfo(*xpair.second));
- ret.insert(std::make_pair(xpair.first, info));
- }
- return ret;
+ ret.insert(std::make_pair(xpair.first, info));
+ }
+ return ret;
void TPrivatePageCache::Evict(TPage *pages) {
- if (pages == nullptr)
- return;
- TPage *page = pages;
- for (;;) {
- Y_VERIFY(page->CacheGeneration == TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted, "evicting non-evicted page with gen %" PRIu32, (ui32)page->CacheGeneration);
- page->CacheGeneration = TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone;
+ if (pages == nullptr)
+ return;
+ TPage *page = pages;
+ for (;;) {
+ Y_VERIFY(page->CacheGeneration == TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted, "evicting non-evicted page with gen %" PRIu32, (ui32)page->CacheGeneration);
+ page->CacheGeneration = TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone;
Y_VERIFY(!page->Sticky, "Unexpected sticky page evicted from cache");
- switch (page->LoadState) {
- case TPage::LoadStateNo:
- case TPage::LoadStateRequested:
- case TPage::LoadStateRequestedAsync:
- break;
- case TPage::LoadStateLoaded:
+ switch (page->LoadState) {
+ case TPage::LoadStateNo:
+ case TPage::LoadStateRequested:
+ case TPage::LoadStateRequestedAsync:
+ break;
+ case TPage::LoadStateLoaded:
if (PrepareForSharedCache) {
auto &x = ToTouchShared[page->Info->Id][page->Id];
if (!page->SharedPending && !page->SharedBody && page->PinnedBody) {
@@ -428,9 +428,9 @@ void TPrivatePageCache::Evict(TPage *pages) {
Stats.TotalSharedPending += page->Size;
page->SharedPending = true;
x = page->PinnedBody;
- }
+ }
if (!page->PinPad) {
page->LoadState = TPage::LoadStateNo;
if (!page->SharedPending) {
@@ -441,16 +441,16 @@ void TPrivatePageCache::Evict(TPage *pages) {
page->PinnedBody = { };
- }
+ }
- }
- break;
- default:
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
Y_FAIL("unknown load state");
- }
- TPage *next = page->Next()->Node();
+ }
+ TPage *next = page->Next()->Node();
if (page != next) {
@@ -468,10 +468,10 @@ void TPrivatePageCache::Evict(TPage *pages) {
if (page == next)
- break;
- page = next;
- }
+ break;
+ page = next;
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_sausagecache.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_sausagecache.h
index 8f4de229b3..ac040eb017 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_sausagecache.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_sausagecache.h
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "flat_sausage_gut.h"
#include "flat_sausage_fetch.h"
#include "shared_handle.h"
#include "shared_cache_events.h"
#include <ydb/core/util/cache_cache.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/page_map.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
struct TPrivatePageCachePinPad : public TAtomicRefCount<TPrivatePageCachePinPad> {
// no internal state
struct TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad : public TExplicitSimpleCounter {
// no internal state
class TPrivatePageCache {
struct TInfo;
struct TStats {
@@ -33,33 +33,33 @@ public:
ui64 PinnedLoadSize = 0; // number of bytes pinned by transactions (which are currently being loaded)
- struct TPage : public TIntrusiveListItem<TPage> {
+ struct TPage : public TIntrusiveListItem<TPage> {
using TWaitQueue = TOneOneQueueInplace<TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad *, 64>;
- using TWaitQueuePtr = TAutoPtr<TWaitQueue, TWaitQueue::TCleanDestructor>;
- enum ELoadState {
- LoadStateNo,
- LoadStateLoaded,
- LoadStateRequested,
- LoadStateRequestedAsync,
- };
- ui64 LoadState : 2;
- ui64 CacheGeneration : 3;
+ using TWaitQueuePtr = TAutoPtr<TWaitQueue, TWaitQueue::TCleanDestructor>;
+ enum ELoadState {
+ LoadStateNo,
+ LoadStateLoaded,
+ LoadStateRequested,
+ LoadStateRequestedAsync,
+ };
+ ui64 LoadState : 2;
+ ui64 CacheGeneration : 3;
ui64 Sticky : 1;
ui64 SharedPending : 1;
ui64 Padding : 1;
- const ui64 Size : 24;
- const ui64 Id : 32;
+ const ui64 Size : 24;
+ const ui64 Id : 32;
TInfo* const Info;
TIntrusivePtr<TPrivatePageCachePinPad> PinPad;
- TWaitQueuePtr WaitQueue;
+ TWaitQueuePtr WaitQueue;
TSharedPageRef SharedBody;
TSharedData PinnedBody;
TPage(ui32 size, ui32 pageId, TInfo* info);
TPage(const TPage&) = delete;
TPage(TPage&&) = delete;
@@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ public:
return a;
- struct TWeight {
- static ui64 Get(TPage *x) {
- return x->Size;
- }
- };
- };
+ struct TWeight {
+ static ui64 Get(TPage *x) {
+ return x->Size;
+ }
+ };
+ };
struct TInfo : public TThrRefBase {
ui32 Total() const noexcept {
return PageMap.size();
@@ -225,32 +225,32 @@ public:
- const TLogoBlobID Id;
+ const TLogoBlobID Id;
const TIntrusiveConstPtr<NPageCollection::IPageCollection> PageCollection;
TPageMap<THolder<TPage>> PageMap;
ui64 Users;
explicit TInfo(TIntrusiveConstPtr<NPageCollection::IPageCollection> pack);
TInfo(const TInfo &info);
- };
+ };
TPrivatePageCache(const TCacheCacheConfig &cacheConfig, bool prepareForSharedCache = true);
void RegisterPageCollection(TIntrusivePtr<TInfo> info);
TPage::TWaitQueuePtr ForgetPageCollection(TLogoBlobID id);
void LockPageCollection(TLogoBlobID id);
// Return true for page collections removed after unlock.
bool UnlockPageCollection(TLogoBlobID id);
- TInfo* Info(TLogoBlobID id);
- void Touch(ui32 page, TInfo *collectionInfo);
+ TInfo* Info(TLogoBlobID id);
+ void Touch(ui32 page, TInfo *collectionInfo);
TIntrusivePtr<TPrivatePageCachePinPad> Pin(ui32 page, TInfo *collectionInfo);
void Unpin(ui32 page, TPrivatePageCachePinPad *pad, TInfo *collectionInfo);
void MarkSticky(ui32 pageId, TInfo *collectionInfo);
const TStats& GetStats() const { return Stats; }
void UpdateSharedBody(TInfo *collectionInfo, ui32 pageId, TSharedPageRef shared) noexcept {
@@ -262,25 +262,25 @@ public:
std::pair<ui32, ui64> Load(TVector<ui32> &pages, TPrivatePageCacheWaitPad *waitPad, TInfo *info); // blocks to load, bytes to load
const TSharedData* Lookup(ui32 page, TInfo *collection);
TSharedPageRef LookupShared(ui32 page, TInfo *collection);
TPage::TWaitQueuePtr ProvideBlock(NSharedCache::TEvResult::TLoaded&& loaded, TInfo *collectionInfo);
- void UpdateCacheSize(ui64 cacheSize);
+ void UpdateCacheSize(ui64 cacheSize);
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TIntrusivePtr<TInfo>> DetachPrivatePageCache();
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, THashMap<ui32, TSharedData>> GetPrepareSharedTouched();
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TIntrusivePtr<TInfo>> PageCollections;
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, THashMap<ui32, TSharedData>> ToTouchShared;
TStats Stats;
- TCacheCache<TPage, TPage::TWeight> Cache;
- bool PrepareForSharedCache;
+ TCacheCache<TPage, TPage::TWeight> Cache;
+ bool PrepareForSharedCache;
bool Restore(TPage *page);
- void Touch(TPage *page);
- void Evict(TPage *pages);
+ void Touch(TPage *page);
+ void Evict(TPage *pages);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_scan_actor.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_scan_actor.h
index 379abfcff0..5cbf2797a0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_scan_actor.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_scan_actor.h
@@ -628,13 +628,13 @@ namespace NOps {
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(lvl))
logl << NFmt::Do(*this) << " " << NFmt::Do(msg);
- if (msg.Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
- if (msg.Status == NKikimrProto::NODATA) {
- GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_scan_nodata", true)->Inc();
- }
+ if (msg.Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
+ if (msg.Status == NKikimrProto::NODATA) {
+ GetServiceCounters(AppData()->Counters, "tablets")->GetCounter("alerts_scan_nodata", true)->Inc();
+ }
return Terminate(EAbort::Host);
- }
+ }
// TODO: would want to postpone pinning until usage
TVector<NPageCollection::TLoadedPage> pinned(Reserve(msg.Loaded.size()));
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_store_hotdog.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_store_hotdog.cpp
index 49f35fe51f..42a062cadf 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_store_hotdog.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_store_hotdog.cpp
@@ -30,19 +30,19 @@ void TPageCollectionProtoHelper::Snap(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogTableSnap *snap,
void TPageCollectionProtoHelper::Snap(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogTableSnap *snap, const TPartComponents &pc, ui32 table, ui32 level)
- snap->SetTable(table);
- snap->SetCompactionLevel(level);
+ snap->SetTable(table);
+ snap->SetCompactionLevel(level);
TPageCollectionProtoHelper(false, false).Do(snap->AddBundles(), pc);
void TPageCollectionProtoHelper::Do(TBundle *bundle, const TPartComponents &pc)
for (auto &one : pc.PageCollectionComponents)
Bundle(bundle->AddPageCollections(), one.LargeGlobId, one.Packet.Get(), one.Sticky);
if (auto &legacy = pc.Legacy)
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ void TPageCollectionProtoHelper::Do(TBundle *bundle, const TPartComponents &pc)
void TPageCollectionProtoHelper::Do(TBundle *bundle, const NTable::TPartView &partView)
Y_VERIFY(partView, "Cannot make bundle dump from empty NTable::TPartView");
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ void TPageCollectionProtoHelper::Bundle(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TPageCollection *pa
pages.emplace_back(pageId, *body);
} else {
Y_FAIL("index and page collection pages must be kept inmemory");
- }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_store_hotdog.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_store_hotdog.h
index a3430d9587..1a2953bf40 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_store_hotdog.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_store_hotdog.h
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
static void Snap(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogTableSnap *snap, const TPartComponents &pc, ui32 table, ui32 level);
static void Snap(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogTableSnap *snap, const TPartView &partView, ui32 table, ui32 level);
static void Snap(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TLogTableSnap *snap, const TIntrusiveConstPtr<TColdPart> &part, ui32 table, ui32 level);
void Do(TBundle *bundle, const TPartView &partView);
void Do(TBundle *bundle, const TIntrusiveConstPtr<TColdPart> &part);
void Do(TBundle *bundle, const TPartComponents &pc);
static TPartComponents MakePageCollectionComponents(const TBundle &proto, bool unsplit = false);
- private:
+ private:
void Bundle(NKikimrExecutorFlat::TPageCollection *pageCollectionProto, const TPrivatePageCache::TInfo &cache);
void Bundle(
NKikimrExecutorFlat::TPageCollection *pageCollectionProto,
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table.cpp
index a50371e341..686a404268 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "flat_table.h"
+#include "flat_table.h"
#include "flat_row_celled.h"
#include "flat_row_remap.h"
#include "flat_bloom_hash.h"
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
#include "flat_range_cache.h"
#include "flat_util_misc.h"
#include "util_fmt_abort.h"
#include <ydb/core/util/yverify_stream.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NTable {
TTable::TTable(TEpoch epoch) : Epoch(epoch) { }
TTable::~TTable() { }
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ TIntrusiveConstPtr<TRowScheme> TTable::GetScheme() const noexcept
TAutoPtr<TSubset> TTable::Subset(TArrayRef<const TLogoBlobID> bundle, TEpoch head)
head = Min(head, Epoch);
TAutoPtr<TSubset> subset = new TSubset(head, Scheme);
if (head > TEpoch::Zero()) {
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ TAutoPtr<TSubset> TTable::Subset(TArrayRef<const TLogoBlobID> bundle, TEpoch hea
- }
+ }
for (const TLogoBlobID &token : bundle) {
if (auto* c = ColdParts.FindPtr(token)) {
@@ -83,17 +83,17 @@ TAutoPtr<TSubset> TTable::Subset(TArrayRef<const TLogoBlobID> bundle, TEpoch hea
Y_VERIFY_S(p, "Cannot find part " << token);
subset->CommittedTransactions = CommittedTransactions;
subset->RemovedTransactions = RemovedTransactions;
return subset;
TAutoPtr<TSubset> TTable::Subset(TEpoch head) const noexcept
head = Min(head, Epoch);
TAutoPtr<TSubset> subset = new TSubset(head, Scheme);
for (const auto &it : TxStatus) {
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ void TTable::Replace(TArrayRef<const TPartView> partViews, const TSubset &subset
for (auto &memTable : subset.Frozen) {
const auto found = Frozen.erase(memTable.MemTable);
Y_VERIFY(found == 1, "Got an unknown TMemTable table in TSubset");
NUtil::SubSafe(Stat_.FrozenWaste, memTable->GetWastedMem());
@@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ void TTable::Replace(TArrayRef<const TPartView> partViews, const TSubset &subset
- }
+ }
for (auto &part : subset.Flatten) {
Y_VERIFY(part.Slices && *part.Slices,
"Got an empty TPart subset in TSubset");
auto it = Flatten.find(part->Label);
Y_VERIFY(it != Flatten.end(), "Got an unknown TPart table in TSubset");
auto& existing = it->second;
@@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ void TTable::Replace(TArrayRef<const TPartView> partViews, const TSubset &subset
void TTable::ReplaceTxStatus(TArrayRef<const TIntrusiveConstPtr<TTxStatusPart>> newTxStatus, const TSubset &subset) noexcept
for (auto &part : subset.TxStatus) {
@@ -1012,4 +1012,4 @@ TPartStats& TPartStats::operator-=(const TPartStats& rhs)
return *this;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table.h
index 3642538ea4..a1fdeb9709 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "flat_update_op.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "flat_update_op.h"
#include "flat_dbase_scheme.h"
#include "flat_mem_warm.h"
#include "flat_iterator.h"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include "flat_table_misc.h"
#include "flat_sausage_solid.h"
#include "util_basics.h"
#include <ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tablecell.h>
#include <library/cpp/containers/stack_vector/stack_vec.h>
@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NTable {
class TTableEpochs;
class TKeyRangeCache;
class TTable: public TAtomicRefCount<TTable> {
using TOpsRef = TArrayRef<const TUpdateOp>;
using TMemGlob = NPageCollection::TMemGlob;
struct TStat {
/*_ In memory (~memtable) data statistics */
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ public:
IPages* env, ui64 flg,
ui64 itemsLimit, ui64 bytesLimit,
EDirection direction, TRowVersion snapshot) const;
void Update(ERowOp, TRawVals key, TOpsRef, TArrayRef<TMemGlob> apart, TRowVersion rowVersion);
void UpdateTx(ERowOp, TRawVals key, TOpsRef, TArrayRef<TMemGlob> apart, ui64 txId);
void CommitTx(ui64 txId, TRowVersion rowVersion);
void RemoveTx(ui64 txId);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table_part.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table_part.h
index 8da0885e61..aa555c515b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table_part.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table_part.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include "flat_part_scheme.h"
#include "flat_page_index.h"
#include "flat_page_data.h"
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
#include "flat_page_txidstat.h"
#include "flat_page_txstatus.h"
#include "util_basics.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NTable {
struct IPages;
* Cold parts are parts that don't have any metadata loaded into memory,
* so we don't know much about them. Concrete implementations should
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_update_op.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_update_op.h
index cbf629b1d7..9d7cb269ef 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_update_op.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_update_op.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "flat_row_eggs.h"
#include "flat_row_column.h"
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
#include <ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_raw_type_value.h>
#include <util/string/printf.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NTable {
inline const char* EOpToStr(const ECellOp op) {
switch (op) {
case ECellOp::Empty:
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ namespace NTable {
struct TUpdateOp {
TUpdateOp() = default;
TUpdateOp(TTag tag, TCellOp op, TRawTypeValue value)
: Tag(tag)
, Op(op)
, Value(value)
TArrayRef<const char> AsRef() const noexcept
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/protos/flat_table_part.proto b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/protos/flat_table_part.proto
index 5723be79c2..61fa39e957 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/protos/flat_table_part.proto
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/protos/flat_table_part.proto
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ message TStat {
message TRoot { // NTable::TPart page collection metablob
optional int64 Epoch = 2;
- optional uint64 Bytes = 3; // Actual raw data pages size in part
+ optional uint64 Bytes = 3; // Actual raw data pages size in part
optional uint64 Coded = 4; // Observable (encoded) data pages size
optional TEvol Evol = 6;
optional TStat Stat = 7; // Some stats collected on compaction
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_sausagecache.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_sausagecache.cpp
index 16368bdf56..c60c30202b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_sausagecache.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_sausagecache.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "shared_sausagecache.h"
+#include "shared_sausagecache.h"
#include "shared_cache_events.h"
#include "flat_bio_events.h"
#include "flat_bio_actor.h"
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/containers/stack_vector/stack_vec.h>
#include <util/generic/set.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
TSharedPageCacheCounters::TSharedPageCacheCounters(const TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> &group)
: ActivePages(group->GetCounter("ActivePages"))
@@ -30,53 +30,53 @@ TSharedPageCacheCounters::TSharedPageCacheCounters(const TIntrusivePtr<NMonitori
namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
-static bool Satisfies(NLog::EPriority priority = NLog::PRI_DEBUG) {
- if (NLog::TSettings *settings = TlsActivationContext->LoggerSettings())
- return settings->Satisfies(priority, NKikimrServices::TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE);
- else
- return false;
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+static bool Satisfies(NLog::EPriority priority = NLog::PRI_DEBUG) {
+ if (NLog::TSettings *settings = TlsActivationContext->LoggerSettings())
+ return settings->Satisfies(priority, NKikimrServices::TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE);
+ else
+ return false;
class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TSharedPageCacheConfig> Config;
using ELnLev = NUtil::ELnLev;
using TBlocks = TVector<NSharedCache::TEvResult::TLoaded>;
- enum EPageState {
- PageStateNo,
- PageStateLoaded,
- PageStateRequested,
- PageStateRequestedAsync,
- PageStatePending,
+ enum EPageState {
+ PageStateNo,
+ PageStateLoaded,
+ PageStateRequested,
+ PageStateRequestedAsync,
+ PageStatePending,
- };
+ };
struct TCollection;
struct TPage
: public TSharedPageHandle
, public TIntrusiveListItem<TPage>
- ui64 State : 4;
- ui64 CacheGeneration : 3;
- ui64 InMemory : 1;
- ui64 Size : 24;
+ ui64 State : 4;
+ ui64 CacheGeneration : 3;
+ ui64 InMemory : 1;
+ ui64 Size : 24;
const ui64 PageId : 32;
TCollection* Collection;
TPage(ui32 pageId, TCollection* collection)
- : State(PageStateNo)
- , CacheGeneration(TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone)
- , InMemory(false)
- , Size(0)
+ : State(PageStateNo)
+ , CacheGeneration(TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone)
+ , InMemory(false)
+ , Size(0)
, PageId(pageId)
, Collection(collection)
- {}
+ {}
bool HasMissingBody() const {
switch (State) {
case PageStateNo:
@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
State = PageStateLoaded;
- struct TWeight {
- static ui64 Get(TPage *x) {
+ struct TWeight {
+ static ui64 Get(TPage *x) {
return sizeof(TPage) + (x->State == PageStateLoaded ? x->Size : 0);
- }
- };
- };
+ }
+ };
+ };
struct TRequest : public TSimpleRefCount<TRequest> {
TRequest(TIntrusiveConstPtr<NPageCollection::IPageCollection> pageCollection)
: Label(pageCollection->Label())
@@ -116,59 +116,59 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
TActorId Owner; /* receiver of NBlockIO::TEvStat*/
NBlockIO::EPriority Priority;
TIntrusiveConstPtr<NPageCollection::IPageCollection> PageCollection;
- ui64 EventCookie = 0;
- ui64 RequestCookie = 0;
- ui64 PendingBlocks = 0;
+ ui64 EventCookie = 0;
+ ui64 RequestCookie = 0;
+ ui64 PendingBlocks = 0;
TBlocks ReadyBlocks;
TDeque<ui32> PagesToRequest;
- };
- struct TExpectant {
+ };
+ struct TExpectant {
TDeque<std::pair<TIntrusivePtr<TRequest>, ui32>> SourceRequests; // waiting request, index in ready blocks for page
- };
- struct TCollection {
+ };
+ struct TCollection {
TLogoBlobID MetaId;
TSet<TActorId> Owners;
TPageMap<TIntrusivePtr<TPage>> PageMap;
TMap<ui32, TExpectant> Expectants;
TDeque<ui32> DroppedPages;
- };
+ };
struct TCollectionsOwner {
THashSet<TCollection*> Collections;
- struct TRequestQueue {
- struct TPagesToRequest : public TIntrusiveListItem<TPagesToRequest> {
+ struct TRequestQueue {
+ struct TPagesToRequest : public TIntrusiveListItem<TPagesToRequest> {
TIntrusivePtr<TRequest> Request;
- };
- struct TByActorRequest {
- TIntrusiveList<TPagesToRequest> Listed;
+ };
+ struct TByActorRequest {
+ TIntrusiveList<TPagesToRequest> Listed;
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TDeque<TPagesToRequest>> Index;
- };
+ };
TMap<TActorId, TByActorRequest> Requests;
- i64 Limit = 0;
- i64 InFly = 0;
+ i64 Limit = 0;
+ i64 InFly = 0;
TActorId NextToRequest;
- };
+ };
TIntrusivePtr<TSharedPageGCList> GCList = new TSharedPageGCList;
TActorId Owner;
TAutoPtr<NUtil::ILogger> Logger;
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TCollection> Collections;
THashMap<TActorId, TCollectionsOwner> CollectionsOwners;
- TRequestQueue AsyncRequests;
- TRequestQueue ScanRequests;
- TCacheCache<TPage, TPage::TWeight> Cache;
+ TRequestQueue AsyncRequests;
+ TRequestQueue ScanRequests;
+ TCacheCache<TPage, TPage::TWeight> Cache;
TControlWrapper SizeOverride;
ui64 StatBioReqs = 0;
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
sys->AppData<TAppData>()->Icb->RegisterSharedControl(SizeOverride, Config->CacheName + "_Size");
- void TakePoison()
+ void TakePoison()
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Info)) {
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
TCollection& AttachCollection(const TLogoBlobID &metaId, const NPageCollection::IPageCollection &pageCollection, const TActorId &owner) {
- TCollection &collection = Collections[metaId];
+ TCollection &collection = Collections[metaId];
if (!collection.MetaId) {
collection.MetaId = metaId;
@@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
"Page collection %s changed number of pages from %" PRISZT " to %" PRIu32 " by %s",
metaId.ToString().c_str(), collection.PageMap.size(), pageCollection.Total(), owner.ToString().c_str());
if (collection.Owners.insert(owner).second) {
return collection;
@@ -243,15 +243,15 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
TCollection &collection = AttachCollection(metaId, pageCollection, msg->Owner);
- TStackVec<std::pair<ui32, ui32>> pendingPages; // pageId, reqIdx
- ui32 pagesToLoad = 0;
+ TStackVec<std::pair<ui32, ui32>> pendingPages; // pageId, reqIdx
+ ui32 pagesToLoad = 0;
TBlocks readyBlocks;
TVector<ui32> pagesToWait;
- if (logsat)
+ if (logsat)
TRequestQueue *queue = nullptr;
switch (msg->Priority) {
case NBlockIO::EPriority::None:
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
queue = &ScanRequests;
for (const ui32 reqIdx : xrange(msg->Fetch->Pages.size())) {
const ui32 pageId = msg->Fetch->Pages[reqIdx];
Y_VERIFY(pageId < collection.PageMap.size(),
@@ -276,47 +276,47 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
Y_VERIFY(collection.PageMap.emplace(pageId, (page = new TPage(pageId, &collection))));
page->Size = pageCollection.Page(pageId).Size;
if (Config->Counters) {
*Config->Counters->RequestedBytes += page->Size;
- switch (page->State) {
+ switch (page->State) {
case PageStateEvicted:
Y_VERIFY(page->Use()); // still in PageMap, guaranteed to be alive
page->State = PageStateLoaded;
- case PageStateLoaded:
+ case PageStateLoaded:
StatHitPages += 1;
StatHitBytes += page->Size;
readyBlocks.emplace_back(pageId, TSharedPageRef::MakeUsed(page, GCList));
- if (logsat)
- pagesToWait.emplace_back(pageId);
+ if (logsat)
+ pagesToWait.emplace_back(pageId);
if (Config->Counters) {
*Config->Counters->CacheHitBytes += page->Size;
- break;
- case PageStateNo:
- ++pagesToLoad;
+ break;
+ case PageStateNo:
+ ++pagesToLoad;
- case PageStateRequested:
- case PageStateRequestedAsync:
- case PageStatePending:
+ case PageStateRequested:
+ case PageStateRequestedAsync:
+ case PageStatePending:
if (Config->Counters) {
*Config->Counters->CacheMissBytes += page->Size;
readyBlocks.emplace_back(pageId, TSharedPageRef());
- pendingPages.emplace_back(pageId, reqIdx);
- break;
- }
- }
+ pendingPages.emplace_back(pageId, reqIdx);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
auto waitingRequest = MakeIntrusive<TRequest>(std::move(msg->Fetch->PageCollection));
waitingRequest->Source = ev->Sender;
@@ -326,70 +326,70 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
waitingRequest->RequestCookie = msg->Fetch->Cookie;
waitingRequest->ReadyBlocks = std::move(readyBlocks);
- if (pendingPages) {
+ if (pendingPages) {
TVector<ui32> pagesToKeep;
TVector<ui32> pagesToRequest;
ui64 pagesToRequestBytes = 0;
- pagesToRequest.reserve(pagesToLoad);
- if (logsat)
- pagesToWait.reserve(pendingPages.size() - pagesToLoad);
- TRequestQueue::TPagesToRequest *qpages = nullptr;
- if (queue) {
- // register for loading regardless of pending state, to simplify actor deregister logic
- // would be filtered on actual request
+ pagesToRequest.reserve(pagesToLoad);
+ if (logsat)
+ pagesToWait.reserve(pendingPages.size() - pagesToLoad);
+ TRequestQueue::TPagesToRequest *qpages = nullptr;
+ if (queue) {
+ // register for loading regardless of pending state, to simplify actor deregister logic
+ // would be filtered on actual request
auto &owner = queue->Requests[msg->Owner];
- auto &list = owner.Index[metaId];
- qpages = &list.emplace_back();
+ auto &list = owner.Index[metaId];
+ qpages = &list.emplace_back();
qpages->Request = waitingRequest;
- owner.Listed.PushBack(qpages);
- }
- for (auto xpair : pendingPages) {
- const ui32 pageId = xpair.first;
- const ui32 reqIdx = xpair.second;
- collection.Expectants[pageId].SourceRequests.emplace_back(waitingRequest, reqIdx);
- ++waitingRequest->PendingBlocks;
+ owner.Listed.PushBack(qpages);
+ }
+ for (auto xpair : pendingPages) {
+ const ui32 pageId = xpair.first;
+ const ui32 reqIdx = xpair.second;
+ collection.Expectants[pageId].SourceRequests.emplace_back(waitingRequest, reqIdx);
+ ++waitingRequest->PendingBlocks;
auto* page = collection.PageMap[pageId].Get();
- if (qpages)
+ if (qpages)
- switch (page->State) {
- case PageStateNo:
- pagesToRequest.push_back(pageId);
+ switch (page->State) {
+ case PageStateNo:
+ pagesToRequest.push_back(pageId);
pagesToRequestBytes += page->Size;
- if (queue)
- page->State = PageStatePending;
- else
- page->State = PageStateRequested;
- break;
- case PageStateRequested:
- if (logsat)
- pagesToWait.emplace_back(pageId);
- break;
- case PageStateRequestedAsync:
- case PageStatePending:
- if (!queue) {
- pagesToRequest.push_back(pageId);
+ if (queue)
+ page->State = PageStatePending;
+ else
+ page->State = PageStateRequested;
+ break;
+ case PageStateRequested:
+ if (logsat)
+ pagesToWait.emplace_back(pageId);
+ break;
+ case PageStateRequestedAsync:
+ case PageStatePending:
+ if (!queue) {
+ pagesToRequest.push_back(pageId);
pagesToRequestBytes += page->Size;
- page->State = PageStateRequested;
- } else {
- pagesToWait.emplace_back(pageId);
- }
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("must not happens");
- }
- }
+ page->State = PageStateRequested;
+ } else {
+ pagesToWait.emplace_back(pageId);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("must not happens");
+ }
+ }
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< "PageCollection " << metaId << " class " << waitingRequest->Priority
@@ -397,143 +397,143 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
<< " already requested " << pagesToWait
<< " to request " << pagesToRequest;
- if (pagesToRequest) {
- if (queue) {
- RequestFromQueue(*queue);
- } else {
+ if (pagesToRequest) {
+ if (queue) {
+ RequestFromQueue(*queue);
+ } else {
if (Config->Counters) {
*Config->Counters->LoadInFlyPages += pagesToRequest.size();
*Config->Counters->LoadInFlyBytes += pagesToRequestBytes;
auto *fetch = new NPageCollection::TFetch(0, waitingRequest->PageCollection, std::move(pagesToRequest));
NBlockIO::Once(this, waitingRequest->Owner, 0, waitingRequest->Priority, fetch);
- }
- }
- } else {
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< "PageCollection " << metaId << " class " << msg->Priority
<< " from cache " << msg->Fetch->Pages;
- }
+ }
- }
- void RequestFromQueue(TRequestQueue &queue) {
- if (queue.Requests.empty())
- return;
+ }
+ void RequestFromQueue(TRequestQueue &queue) {
+ if (queue.Requests.empty())
+ return;
TMap<TActorId, TRequestQueue::TByActorRequest>::iterator it;
- if (queue.NextToRequest) {
- it = queue.Requests.find(queue.NextToRequest);
- if (it == queue.Requests.end())
- it = queue.Requests.begin();
- } else {
- it = queue.Requests.begin();
- }
- while (queue.InFly <= queue.Limit) { // on limit == 0 would request pages one by one
+ if (queue.NextToRequest) {
+ it = queue.Requests.find(queue.NextToRequest);
+ if (it == queue.Requests.end())
+ it = queue.Requests.begin();
+ } else {
+ it = queue.Requests.begin();
+ }
+ while (queue.InFly <= queue.Limit) { // on limit == 0 would request pages one by one
// request whole limit from one page collection for better locality (if possible)
- // should be 'request from one logoblobid
- auto &owner = it->second;
- Y_VERIFY(!owner.Listed.Empty());
- ui32 nthToRequest = 0;
- ui32 nthToLoad = 0;
- ui64 sizeToLoad = 0;
+ // should be 'request from one logoblobid
+ auto &owner = it->second;
+ Y_VERIFY(!owner.Listed.Empty());
+ ui32 nthToRequest = 0;
+ ui32 nthToLoad = 0;
+ ui64 sizeToLoad = 0;
auto &wa = *owner.Listed.Front()->Request;
if (wa.Source) { // is request already served?
auto *collection = Collections.FindPtr(wa.Label);
- Y_VERIFY(collection);
+ Y_VERIFY(collection);
for (ui32 pageId : wa.PagesToRequest) {
- ++nthToRequest;
+ ++nthToRequest;
auto* page = collection->PageMap[pageId].Get();
- if (!page || page->State != PageStatePending)
- continue;
- ++nthToLoad;
+ if (!page || page->State != PageStatePending)
+ continue;
+ ++nthToLoad;
queue.InFly += page->Size;
sizeToLoad += page->Size;
- if (queue.InFly > queue.Limit)
- break;
- }
- if (nthToRequest != 0) {
- if (nthToLoad != 0) {
+ if (queue.InFly > queue.Limit)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (nthToRequest != 0) {
+ if (nthToLoad != 0) {
TVector<ui32> toLoad;
- toLoad.reserve(nthToLoad);
+ toLoad.reserve(nthToLoad);
for (ui32 pageId : wa.PagesToRequest) {
auto* page = collection->PageMap[pageId].Get();
- if (!page || page->State != PageStatePending)
- continue;
- toLoad.push_back(pageId);
- page->State = PageStateRequestedAsync;
- if (--nthToLoad == 0)
- break;
- }
+ if (!page || page->State != PageStatePending)
+ continue;
+ toLoad.push_back(pageId);
+ page->State = PageStateRequestedAsync;
+ if (--nthToLoad == 0)
+ break;
+ }
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< "queue pageCollection " << wa.Label << " q: "
<< (&queue == &AsyncRequests ? "async" : "scan")
<< " pages " << toLoad;
- // fetch cookie -> requested size;
- // event cookie -> ptr to queue
+ // fetch cookie -> requested size;
+ // event cookie -> ptr to queue
auto *fetch = new NPageCollection::TFetch(sizeToLoad, wa.PageCollection, std::move(toLoad));
NBlockIO::Once(this, wa.Owner, (ui64)&queue, wa.Priority, fetch);
- }
- }
- }
- // cleanup
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // cleanup
if (!wa.Source || nthToRequest == wa.PagesToRequest.size()) {
- {
+ {
auto reqit = owner.Index.find(wa.Label);
- Y_VERIFY(reqit != owner.Index.end());
- reqit->second.pop_front();
- if (reqit->second.empty())
- owner.Index.erase(reqit);
- }
- Y_VERIFY(bool(owner.Listed) == bool(owner.Index));
- if (owner.Listed.Empty())
- it = queue.Requests.erase(it);
- else
- ++it;
- } else {
+ Y_VERIFY(reqit != owner.Index.end());
+ reqit->second.pop_front();
+ if (reqit->second.empty())
+ owner.Index.erase(reqit);
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(bool(owner.Listed) == bool(owner.Index));
+ if (owner.Listed.Empty())
+ it = queue.Requests.erase(it);
+ else
+ ++it;
+ } else {
wa.PagesToRequest.erase(wa.PagesToRequest.begin(), wa.PagesToRequest.begin() + nthToRequest);
- ++it;
- }
- if (it == queue.Requests.end())
- it = queue.Requests.begin();
- if (it == queue.Requests.end()) {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (it == queue.Requests.end())
+ it = queue.Requests.begin();
+ if (it == queue.Requests.end()) {
queue.NextToRequest = TActorId();
- break;
- }
- queue.NextToRequest = it->first;
- }
- }
+ break;
+ }
+ queue.NextToRequest = it->first;
+ }
+ }
void Handle(NSharedCache::TEvTouch::TPtr &ev) {
NSharedCache::TEvTouch *msg = ev->Get();
THashMap<TLogoBlobID, NSharedCache::TEvUpdated::TActions> actions;
- for (auto &xpair : msg->Touched) {
- auto collectionIt = Collections.find(xpair.first);
+ for (auto &xpair : msg->Touched) {
+ auto collectionIt = Collections.find(xpair.first);
if (collectionIt == Collections.end()) {
for (auto &x : xpair.second) {
if (x.second) {
@@ -541,23 +541,23 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
x.second = { };
- continue;
+ continue;
auto &collection = collectionIt->second;
- for (auto &x : xpair.second) {
+ for (auto &x : xpair.second) {
const ui32 pageId = x.first;
Y_VERIFY(pageId < collection.PageMap.size());
auto* page = collection.PageMap[pageId].Get();
- if (!page) {
+ if (!page) {
if (x.second) {
Y_VERIFY(collection.PageMap.emplace(pageId, (page = new TPage(pageId, &collection))));
page->Size = x.second.size();
} else {
- continue;
+ continue;
- }
+ }
if (auto body = std::move(x.second)) {
if (page->HasMissingBody()) {
@@ -567,29 +567,29 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
auto ref = TSharedPageRef::MakeUsed(page, GCList);
Y_VERIFY(ref.IsUsed(), "Unexpected failure to grab a cached page");
actions[xpair.first].Accepted[pageId] = std::move(ref);
- }
- switch (page->State) {
- case PageStateNo:
+ }
+ switch (page->State) {
+ case PageStateNo:
Y_FAIL("unexpected uninitialized page found");
- case PageStateRequested:
- case PageStateRequestedAsync:
- case PageStatePending:
- break;
+ case PageStateRequested:
+ case PageStateRequestedAsync:
+ case PageStatePending:
+ break;
case PageStateEvicted:
page->State = PageStateLoaded;
- case PageStateLoaded:
+ case PageStateLoaded:
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unknown load state");
- }
- }
- }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unknown load state");
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (actions) {
auto msg = MakeHolder<NSharedCache::TEvUpdated>();
@@ -598,14 +598,14 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
- }
+ }
void Handle(NSharedCache::TEvUnregister::TPtr &ev) {
- DropFromQueue(ScanRequests, ev->Sender);
- DropFromQueue(AsyncRequests, ev->Sender);
- RequestFromQueue(AsyncRequests);
- RequestFromQueue(ScanRequests);
+ DropFromQueue(ScanRequests, ev->Sender);
+ DropFromQueue(AsyncRequests, ev->Sender);
+ RequestFromQueue(AsyncRequests);
+ RequestFromQueue(ScanRequests);
auto ownerIt = CollectionsOwners.find(ev->Sender);
if (ownerIt != CollectionsOwners.end()) {
@@ -617,8 +617,8 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
- }
+ }
void Handle(NSharedCache::TEvInvalidate::TPtr &ev) {
const TLogoBlobID pageCollectionId = ev->Get()->PageCollectionId;
auto collectionIt = Collections.find(pageCollectionId);
@@ -627,11 +627,11 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
<< "invalidate pageCollection " << pageCollectionId
<< (collectionIt == Collections.end() ? " unknown" : "");
- }
+ }
if (collectionIt == Collections.end())
auto &collection = collectionIt->second;
DropRequestsFor(ev->Sender, pageCollectionId);
@@ -651,35 +651,35 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
- }
+ }
void Handle(NBlockIO::TEvData::TPtr &ev) {
auto *msg = ev->Get();
- if (TRequestQueue *queue = (TRequestQueue *)ev->Cookie) {
- Y_VERIFY(queue == &ScanRequests || queue == &AsyncRequests);
- Y_VERIFY(queue->InFly >= (i64)msg->Cookie);
- queue->InFly -= msg->Cookie;
- RequestFromQueue(*queue);
- }
+ if (TRequestQueue *queue = (TRequestQueue *)ev->Cookie) {
+ Y_VERIFY(queue == &ScanRequests || queue == &AsyncRequests);
+ Y_VERIFY(queue->InFly >= (i64)msg->Cookie);
+ queue->InFly -= msg->Cookie;
+ RequestFromQueue(*queue);
+ }
auto collectionIt = Collections.find(msg->Origin->Label());
- if (collectionIt == Collections.end())
- return;
+ if (collectionIt == Collections.end())
+ return;
if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
DropCollection(collectionIt, msg->Status);
- } else {
- TCollection &collection = collectionIt->second;
- for (auto &paged : msg->Blocks) {
+ } else {
+ TCollection &collection = collectionIt->second;
+ for (auto &paged : msg->Blocks) {
StatMissPages += 1;
StatMissBytes += paged.Data.size();
Y_VERIFY(paged.PageId < collection.PageMap.size());
auto* page = collection.PageMap[paged.PageId].Get();
if (!page || !page->HasMissingBody())
- continue;
+ continue;
if (page->State == PageStateRequested && Config->Counters) {
*Config->Counters->LoadInFlyBytes -= page->Size;
@@ -688,12 +688,12 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
BodyProvided(collection, paged.PageId, page);
- }
+ }
- }
+ }
void DropExpiredCollection(TCollection* collection) {
if (!collection->Owners &&
!collection->Expectants &&
@@ -770,21 +770,21 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
void BodyProvided(TCollection &collection, ui32 pageId, TPage *page) {
- auto expectantIt = collection.Expectants.find(pageId);
- if (expectantIt == collection.Expectants.end())
- return;
- for (auto &xpair : expectantIt->second.SourceRequests) {
- auto &r = xpair.first;
- auto &rblock = r->ReadyBlocks[xpair.second];
+ auto expectantIt = collection.Expectants.find(pageId);
+ if (expectantIt == collection.Expectants.end())
+ return;
+ for (auto &xpair : expectantIt->second.SourceRequests) {
+ auto &r = xpair.first;
+ auto &rblock = r->ReadyBlocks[xpair.second];
Y_VERIFY(rblock.PageId == pageId);
rblock.Page = TSharedPageRef::MakeUsed(page, GCList);
if (--r->PendingBlocks == 0)
- }
- collection.Expectants.erase(expectantIt);
- }
+ }
+ collection.Expectants.erase(expectantIt);
+ }
void SendReadyBlocks(TRequest &wa) {
/* Do not hold my NPageCollection::IPageCollection, leave std::move(wa.PageCollection) */
@@ -798,25 +798,25 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
void DropCollection(THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TCollection>::iterator collectionIt, NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus blobStorageError) {
- // decline all pending requests
- TCollection &collection = collectionIt->second;
+ // decline all pending requests
+ TCollection &collection = collectionIt->second;
const TLogoBlobID &pageCollectionId = collectionIt->first;
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug))
logl << "droping pageCollection " << pageCollectionId;
- for (auto &expe : collection.Expectants) {
- for (auto &xpair : expe.second.SourceRequests) {
- auto &x = xpair.first;
- if (!x->Source)
- continue;
+ for (auto &expe : collection.Expectants) {
+ for (auto &xpair : expe.second.SourceRequests) {
+ auto &x = xpair.first;
+ if (!x->Source)
+ continue;
Send(x->Source, new NSharedCache::TEvResult(std::move(x->PageCollection), x->RequestCookie, blobStorageError), 0, x->EventCookie);
x->Source = TActorId();
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
bool haveValidPages = false;
size_t droppedPagesCount = 0;
for (const auto &kv : collection.PageMap) {
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
page->Collection = nullptr;
if (haveValidPages) {
TVector<ui32> dropped(Reserve(droppedPagesCount));
for (const auto &kv : collection.PageMap) {
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
} else {
for (TActorId owner : collection.Owners) {
DropRequestsFor(owner, pageCollectionId);
@@ -874,89 +874,89 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
// This collection no longer has anything useful
- }
+ }
void DropRequestsFor(TActorId owner, const TLogoBlobID &metaId) {
DropFromQueue(ScanRequests, owner, metaId);
DropFromQueue(AsyncRequests, owner, metaId);
void DropFromQueue(TRequestQueue &queue, TActorId ownerId, const TLogoBlobID &metaId) {
- auto ownerIt = queue.Requests.find(ownerId);
- if (ownerIt == queue.Requests.end())
- return;
- auto &reqsByOwner = ownerIt->second;
- auto reqsIt = reqsByOwner.Index.find(metaId);
- if (reqsIt == reqsByOwner.Index.end())
- return;
- if (reqsByOwner.Index.size() == 1) {
- queue.Requests.erase(ownerIt);
- } else {
- for (auto &x : reqsIt->second)
- x.Unlink();
- reqsByOwner.Index.erase(reqsIt);
- }
- }
+ auto ownerIt = queue.Requests.find(ownerId);
+ if (ownerIt == queue.Requests.end())
+ return;
+ auto &reqsByOwner = ownerIt->second;
+ auto reqsIt = reqsByOwner.Index.find(metaId);
+ if (reqsIt == reqsByOwner.Index.end())
+ return;
+ if (reqsByOwner.Index.size() == 1) {
+ queue.Requests.erase(ownerIt);
+ } else {
+ for (auto &x : reqsIt->second)
+ x.Unlink();
+ reqsByOwner.Index.erase(reqsIt);
+ }
+ }
void DropFromQueue(TRequestQueue &queue, TActorId ownerId) {
- auto it = queue.Requests.find(ownerId);
- if (it != queue.Requests.end()) {
+ auto it = queue.Requests.find(ownerId);
+ if (it != queue.Requests.end()) {
if (auto logl = Logger->Log(ELnLev::Debug)) {
<< " drop from queue for " << ownerId
<< " pageCollections " << it->second.Index.size();
- queue.Requests.erase(it);
- }
- }
+ queue.Requests.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
void Evict(TPage *pages) {
- if (pages == nullptr)
- return;
- TPage *page = pages;
- for (;;) {
- Y_VERIFY(page->CacheGeneration == TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted);
- page->CacheGeneration = TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone;
- switch (page->State) {
- case PageStateNo:
+ if (pages == nullptr)
+ return;
+ TPage *page = pages;
+ for (;;) {
+ Y_VERIFY(page->CacheGeneration == TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted);
+ page->CacheGeneration = TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone;
+ switch (page->State) {
+ case PageStateNo:
Y_FAIL("unexpected uninitialized page");
case PageStateEvicted:
Y_FAIL("unexpected evicted page");
- case PageStateRequested:
- case PageStateRequestedAsync:
- case PageStatePending:
- break;
+ case PageStateRequested:
+ case PageStateRequestedAsync:
+ case PageStatePending:
+ break;
- case PageStateLoaded:
+ case PageStateLoaded:
page->State = PageStateEvicted;
if (page->UnUse()) {
- break;
+ break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unknown load state");
- }
- TPage *next = page->Next()->Node();
+ default:
+ Y_FAIL("unknown load state");
+ }
+ TPage *next = page->Next()->Node();
if (page != next) {
if (page == next)
- break;
- page = next;
- }
- }
+ break;
+ page = next;
+ }
+ }
void Handle(TEvSharedPageCache::TEvConfigure::TPtr& ev) {
const auto* msg = ev->Get();
@@ -1005,20 +1005,20 @@ class TSharedPageCache : public TActor<TSharedPageCache> {
TSharedPageCache(TSharedPageCacheConfig *config)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
- , Config(config)
- , Cache(*config->CacheConfig)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
+ , Config(config)
+ , Cache(*config->CacheConfig)
, SizeOverride(config->CacheConfig->Limit, 1, Max<i64>())
- {
- AsyncRequests.Limit = Config->TotalAsyncQueueInFlyLimit;
- ScanRequests.Limit = Config->TotalScanQueueInFlyLimit;
- }
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ {
+ AsyncRequests.Limit = Config->TotalAsyncQueueInFlyLimit;
+ ScanRequests.Limit = Config->TotalScanQueueInFlyLimit;
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(NSharedCache::TEvAttach, Handle);
hFunc(NSharedCache::TEvRequest, Handle);
hFunc(NSharedCache::TEvTouch, Handle);
@@ -1027,29 +1027,29 @@ public:
hFunc(NBlockIO::TEvData, Handle);
hFunc(TEvSharedPageCache::TEvConfigure, Handle);
cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, GCWakeup);
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, TakePoison);
- }
- }
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, TakePoison);
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::SAUSAGE_CACHE;
- }
-} // NTabletFlatExecutor
+ }
+} // NTabletFlatExecutor
IActor* CreateSharedPageCache(TSharedPageCacheConfig *config) {
return new NTabletFlatExecutor::TSharedPageCache(config);
-template<> inline
+template<> inline
void Out<TVector<ui32>>(IOutputStream& o, const TVector<ui32> &vec) {
- o << "[ ";
- for (const auto &x : vec)
- o << x << ' ';
- o << "]";
+ o << "[ ";
+ for (const auto &x : vec)
+ o << x << ' ';
+ o << "]";
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_sausagecache.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_sausagecache.h
index 73f873a2ba..f7afb2ee99 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_sausagecache.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_sausagecache.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/shared_cache.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/cache_cache.h>
#include <util/system/unaligned_mem.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
struct TEvSharedPageCache {
enum EEv {
EvBegin = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_FLAT_EXECUTOR) + 1536,
@@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ struct TSharedPageCacheCounters final : public TAtomicRefCount<TSharedPageCacheC
struct TSharedPageCacheConfig final : public TAtomicRefCount<TSharedPageCacheConfig> {
- TIntrusivePtr<TCacheCacheConfig> CacheConfig;
- ui64 TotalScanQueueInFlyLimit = 512 * 1024 * 1024;
- ui64 TotalAsyncQueueInFlyLimit = 512 * 1024 * 1024;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TCacheCacheConfig> CacheConfig;
+ ui64 TotalScanQueueInFlyLimit = 512 * 1024 * 1024;
+ ui64 TotalAsyncQueueInFlyLimit = 512 * 1024 * 1024;
TString CacheName = "SharedPageCache";
TIntrusivePtr<TSharedPageCacheCounters> Counters;
IActor* CreateSharedPageCache(TSharedPageCacheConfig *config);
inline TActorId MakeSharedPageCacheId(ui64 id = 0) {
- char x[12] = { 's', 'h', 's', 'c' };
+ char x[12] = { 's', 'h', 's', 'c' };
WriteUnaligned<ui64>((ui64*)(x+4), id);
return TActorId(0, TStringBuf(x, 12));
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.cpp
index 756d0e35f7..4b3c15490c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.cpp
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-#include "tablet_flat_executed.h"
+#include "tablet_flat_executed.h"
#include "flat_executor.h"
#include "flat_executor_counters.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/templates.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
using IExecutor = NFlatExecutorSetup::IExecutor;
TTabletExecutedFlat::TTabletExecutedFlat(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &tablet, IMiniKQLFactory *factory)
- : ITablet(info, tablet)
+ : ITablet(info, tablet)
, Factory(factory)
, Executor0(nullptr)
- , StartTime0(TAppData::TimeProvider->Now())
+ , StartTime0(TAppData::TimeProvider->Now())
IExecutor* TTabletExecutedFlat::CreateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (!Executor()) {
+ if (!Executor()) {
IActor *executor = NFlatExecutorSetup::CreateExecutor(this, ctx.SelfID);
const TActorId executorID = ctx.RegisterWithSameMailbox(executor);
- Executor0 = dynamic_cast<TExecutor *>(executor);
- Y_VERIFY(Executor0);
- ITablet::ExecutorActorID = executorID;
- }
- return Executor();
+ Executor0 = dynamic_cast<TExecutor *>(executor);
+ Y_VERIFY(Executor0);
+ ITablet::ExecutorActorID = executorID;
+ }
+ return Executor();
void TTabletExecutedFlat::Execute(TAutoPtr<ITransaction> transaction, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- Execute(transaction);
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ Execute(transaction);
void TTabletExecutedFlat::Execute(TAutoPtr<ITransaction> transaction) {
if (transaction)
- static_cast<TExecutor*>(Executor())->Execute(transaction, ExecutorCtx(*TlsActivationContext));
+ static_cast<TExecutor*>(Executor())->Execute(transaction, ExecutorCtx(*TlsActivationContext));
const NTable::TScheme& TTabletExecutedFlat::Scheme() const noexcept {
return static_cast<TExecutor*>(Executor())->Scheme();
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
// Notify sys tablet that leader supports graceful shutdown
ctx.Send(Tablet(), new TEvTablet::TEvFeatures(TEvTablet::TEvFeatures::GracefulStop));
const auto& msg = *ev->Get();
UpdateTabletInfo(msg.TabletStorageInfo, msg.Launcher);
- CreateExecutor(ctx)->Boot(ev, ExecutorCtx(ctx));
+ CreateExecutor(ctx)->Boot(ev, ExecutorCtx(ctx));
TxCacheQuota = ev->Get()->TxCacheQuota;
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Executor()->Restored(ev, ExecutorCtx(ctx));
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Executor()->Restored(ev, ExecutorCtx(ctx));
void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvFBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- UpdateTabletInfo(ev->Get()->TabletStorageInfo);
+ UpdateTabletInfo(ev->Get()->TabletStorageInfo);
CreateExecutor(ctx)->FollowerBoot(ev, ExecutorCtx(ctx));
TxCacheQuota = ev->Get()->TxCacheQuota;
void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvFUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvFAuxUpdate::TPtr &ev) {
void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvNewFollowerAttached::TPtr &ev) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
- if (Executor())
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ if (Executor())
void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete::TPtr &ev) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
- if (Executor())
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ if (Executor())
void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied::TPtr &ev) {
- auto *msg = ev->Get();
+ auto *msg = ev->Get();
Executor()->FollowerGcApplied(msg->Step, msg->FollowerSyncDelay);
void TTabletExecutedFlat::Handle(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig::TPtr &ev) {
if (Executor())
@@ -107,21 +107,21 @@ void TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleTabletStop(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::TPtr &ev, c
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (Executor0) {
- Executor0->DetachTablet(ExecutorCtx(ctx));
- Executor0 = nullptr;
- }
- OnTabletDead(ev, ctx);
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleLocalMKQL(TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (Executor0) {
+ Executor0->DetachTablet(ExecutorCtx(ctx));
+ Executor0 = nullptr;
+ }
+ OnTabletDead(ev, ctx);
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleLocalMKQL(TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
Y_VERIFY(Factory, "Need IMiniKQLFactory to execute MKQL query");
Execute(Factory->Make(ev), ctx);
void TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleLocalSchemeTx(TEvTablet::TEvLocalSchemeTx::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
Y_VERIFY(Factory, "Need IMiniKQLFactory to execute scheme query");
@@ -134,60 +134,60 @@ void TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleLocalReadColumns(TEvTablet::TEvLocalReadColumns:
Execute(Factory->Make(ev), ctx);
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::SignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- ctx.Send(Tablet(), new TEvTablet::TEvTabletActive());
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::DefaultSignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- SignalTabletActive(ctx);
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::Enqueue(STFUNC_SIG) {
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::SignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ ctx.Send(Tablet(), new TEvTablet::TEvTabletActive());
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::DefaultSignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ SignalTabletActive(ctx);
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::Enqueue(STFUNC_SIG) {
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::ActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- DefaultSignalTabletActive(ctx);
- OnActivateExecutor(ctx);
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::Detach(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Executor0 = nullptr;
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::ActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ DefaultSignalTabletActive(ctx);
+ OnActivateExecutor(ctx);
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::Detach(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Executor0 = nullptr;
ctx.Send(Tablet(), new TEvents::TEvPoison());
- OnDetach(ctx);
-bool TTabletExecutedFlat::OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (ev) {
- TStringStream str;
+ OnDetach(ctx);
+bool TTabletExecutedFlat::OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (ev) {
+ TStringStream str;
HTML(str) {str << "nothing to see here...";}
- ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
- }
- return false;
-void TTabletExecutedFlat::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- LOG_NOTICE_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_EXECUTOR, "RenderHtmlPage for tablet " << TabletID());
- auto cgi = ev->Get()->Cgi();
- auto path = ev->Get()->PathInfo();
+ ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
+ }
+ return false;
+void TTabletExecutedFlat::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ LOG_NOTICE_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TABLET_EXECUTOR, "RenderHtmlPage for tablet " << TabletID());
+ auto cgi = ev->Get()->Cgi();
+ auto path = ev->Get()->PathInfo();
TString queryString = cgi.Print();
- if (path == "/app") {
- OnRenderAppHtmlPage(ev, ctx);
- return;
- } else if (path == "/executorInternals") {
+ if (path == "/app") {
+ OnRenderAppHtmlPage(ev, ctx);
+ return;
+ } else if (path == "/executorInternals") {
- return;
- } else if (path == "/counters") {
+ return;
+ } else if (path == "/counters") {
- return;
+ return;
} else if (path == "/db") {
Executor()->RenderHtmlDb(ev, ExecutorCtx(ctx));
- } else {
- const TDuration uptime = TAppData::TimeProvider->Now() - StartTime0;
- TStringStream str;
+ } else {
+ const TDuration uptime = TAppData::TimeProvider->Now() - StartTime0;
+ TStringStream str;
HTML(str) {
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "NodeID: " << ctx.SelfID.NodeId(); }
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void TTabletExecutedFlat::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, cons
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "Uptime: " << uptime.ToString(); }
DIV_CLASS("row") {
- DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "Tablet type: " << TTabletTypes::TypeToStr((TTabletTypes::EType)TabletType()); }
+ DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "Tablet type: " << TTabletTypes::TypeToStr((TTabletTypes::EType)TabletType()); }
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "Tablet id: " << TabletID() << (Executor()->GetStats().IsFollower ? " Follower" : " Leader"); }
@@ -204,16 +204,16 @@ void TTabletExecutedFlat::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, cons
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "Tablet generation: " << Executor()->Generation();}
- DIV_CLASS("row") {
- DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") { str << "Tenant id: " << Info()->TenantPathId; }
- }
- if (OnRenderAppHtmlPage(nullptr, ctx)) {
+ DIV_CLASS("row") {
+ DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") { str << "Tenant id: " << Info()->TenantPathId; }
+ }
+ if (OnRenderAppHtmlPage(nullptr, ctx)) {
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "<a href=\"tablets/app?" << queryString << "\">App</a>";}
- }
+ }
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "<a href=\"tablets/counters?" << queryString << "\">Counters</a>"; }
@@ -224,26 +224,26 @@ void TTabletExecutedFlat::RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, cons
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "<a href=\"tablets?FollowerID=" << TabletID() << "\">Connect to follower</a>";}
DIV_CLASS("row") {
- DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "<a href=\"tablets?SsId=" << TabletID() << "\">State Storage</a>";}
+ DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "<a href=\"tablets?SsId=" << TabletID() << "\">State Storage</a>";}
DIV_CLASS("row") {
DIV_CLASS("col-md-12") {str << "<a href=\"tablets?KillTabletID=" << TabletID() << "\">Kill</a>";}
- ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
- return;
- }
+ ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfoRes(str.Str()));
+ return;
+ }
void TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleGetCounters(TEvTablet::TEvGetCounters::TPtr &ev) {
-bool TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleDefaultEvents(STFUNC_SIG) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvBoot, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvRestored, Handle);
+bool TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleDefaultEvents(STFUNC_SIG) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvBoot, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvRestored, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFBoot, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFUpdate, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFAuxUpdate, Handle);
@@ -251,35 +251,35 @@ bool TTabletExecutedFlat::HandleDefaultEvents(STFUNC_SIG) {
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvNewFollowerAttached, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleTabletStop);
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL, HandleLocalMKQL);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL, HandleLocalMKQL);
HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvLocalSchemeTx, HandleLocalSchemeTx);
HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvLocalReadColumns, HandleLocalReadColumns);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvGetCounters, HandleGetCounters);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
- HFunc(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo, RenderHtmlPage);
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
+ HFunc(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo, RenderHtmlPage);
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
void TTabletExecutedFlat::StateInitImpl(STFUNC_SIG) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvBoot, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvBoot, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFBoot, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFUpdate, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFAuxUpdate, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvRestored, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvRestored, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop, HandleTabletStop);
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig, Handle);
- HFunc(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo, RenderHtmlPage);
+ HFunc(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo, RenderHtmlPage);
return Enqueue(ev, ctx);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.h
index be16c72333..117d7532bb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "tablet_flat_executor.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
class TExecutor;
struct IMiniKQLFactory {
@@ -15,36 +15,36 @@ struct IMiniKQLFactory {
virtual TAutoPtr<ITransaction> Make(TEvTablet::TEvLocalReadColumns::TPtr&) = 0;
-class TTabletExecutedFlat : public NFlatExecutorSetup::ITablet {
+class TTabletExecutedFlat : public NFlatExecutorSetup::ITablet {
using IExecutor = NFlatExecutorSetup::IExecutor;
TTabletExecutedFlat(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &tablet, IMiniKQLFactory *factory);
IExecutor* Executor() const { return Executor0; }
const TInstant StartTime() const { return StartTime0; }
void Execute(TAutoPtr<ITransaction> transaction, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Execute(TAutoPtr<ITransaction> transaction);
const NTable::TScheme& Scheme() const noexcept;
- TActorContext ExecutorCtx(const TActivationContext &ctx) {
+ TActorContext ExecutorCtx(const TActivationContext &ctx) {
return TActorContext(ctx.Mailbox, ctx.ExecutorThread, ctx.EventStart, ExecutorID());
- }
- virtual void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
- virtual void OnDetach(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
+ }
+ virtual void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
+ virtual void OnDetach(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
virtual void OnTabletStop(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- virtual void OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
- virtual bool OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void SignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx);
- virtual void DefaultSignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx); // must be overriden with empty body to postpone 'tablet active' notification
- virtual void Enqueue(STFUNC_SIG);
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ virtual void OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
+ virtual bool OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void SignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ virtual void DefaultSignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx); // must be overriden with empty body to postpone 'tablet active' notification
+ virtual void Enqueue(STFUNC_SIG);
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete::TPtr&);
void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvFBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvFUpdate::TPtr&);
@@ -52,22 +52,22 @@ protected:
void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied::TPtr&);
void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvNewFollowerAttached::TPtr&);
void Handle(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig::TPtr&);
void HandleTabletStop(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandleTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandleLocalMKQL(TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandleTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandleLocalMKQL(TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void HandleLocalSchemeTx(TEvTablet::TEvLocalSchemeTx::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void HandleLocalReadColumns(TEvTablet::TEvLocalReadColumns::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void HandleGetCounters(TEvTablet::TEvGetCounters::TPtr &ev);
- STFUNC(StateInitImpl);
- void ActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override; // executor is active after this point
- void Detach(const TActorContext &ctx) override; // executor is dead after this point
- bool HandleDefaultEvents(STFUNC_SIG);
+ STFUNC(StateInitImpl);
+ void ActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override; // executor is active after this point
+ void Detach(const TActorContext &ctx) override; // executor is dead after this point
+ bool HandleDefaultEvents(STFUNC_SIG);
virtual void RenderHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr&, const TActorContext &ctx);
bool TryCaptureTxCache(ui64 size) {
if (!TxCacheQuota)
return false;
@@ -77,19 +77,19 @@ protected:
if (size)
IExecutor* CreateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx);
TAutoPtr<IMiniKQLFactory> Factory;
IExecutor *Executor0;
- TInstant StartTime0;
+ TInstant StartTime0;
TSharedQuotaPtr TxCacheQuota;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.cpp b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.cpp
index 004e2cfa05..f69991ece9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.cpp
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-#include "tablet_flat_executor.h"
-#include "flat_executor.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
-namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
+#include "tablet_flat_executor.h"
+#include "flat_executor.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
IActor* CreateExecutor(ITablet *owner, const TActorId& ownerActorId) {
return new TExecutor(owner, ownerActorId);
- }
- void ITablet::SnapshotComplete(TIntrusivePtr<TTableSnapshotContext> snapContext, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(snapContext);
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- Y_FAIL("must be overriden if plan to use table snapshot completion");
- }
- void ITablet::CompactionComplete(ui32 tableId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(tableId);
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- }
- void ITablet::CompletedLoansChanged(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- }
+ }
+ void ITablet::SnapshotComplete(TIntrusivePtr<TTableSnapshotContext> snapContext, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(snapContext);
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ Y_FAIL("must be overriden if plan to use table snapshot completion");
+ }
+ void ITablet::CompactionComplete(ui32 tableId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(tableId);
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ }
+ void ITablet::CompletedLoansChanged(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ }
void ITablet::ScanComplete(NTable::EAbort status, TAutoPtr<IDestructable> prod, ui64 cookie, const TActorContext &ctx)
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
void ITablet::UpdateTabletInfo(TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info, const TActorId& launcherID) {
- if (info)
- TabletInfo = info;
+ if (info)
+ TabletInfo = info;
if (launcherID)
LauncherActorID = launcherID;
- }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.h
index 6ee8566f19..075ebce354 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "flat_scan_iface.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet.h>
@@ -9,37 +9,37 @@
#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
#include <util/system/type_name.h>
#include <util/generic/variant.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TTabletCountersBase;
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TTabletCountersBase;
namespace NTable {
class TDatabase;
class TScheme;
-namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
-class TTransactionContext;
-class TExecutor;
+namespace NTabletFlatExecutor {
+class TTransactionContext;
+class TExecutor;
struct TPageCollectionTxEnv;
-class TTableSnapshotContext : public TThrRefBase, TNonCopyable {
- friend class TExecutor;
+class TTableSnapshotContext : public TThrRefBase, TNonCopyable {
+ friend class TExecutor;
friend struct TPageCollectionTxEnv;
- class TImpl;
- THolder<TImpl> Impl;
- TTableSnapshotContext();
- virtual ~TTableSnapshotContext();
- virtual TConstArrayRef<ui32> TablesToSnapshot() const = 0;
+ class TImpl;
+ THolder<TImpl> Impl;
+ TTableSnapshotContext();
+ virtual ~TTableSnapshotContext();
+ virtual TConstArrayRef<ui32> TablesToSnapshot() const = 0;
NTable::TSnapEdge Edge(ui32 table) const;
class TMemoryGCToken : public TThrRefBase {
TMemoryGCToken(ui64 size, ui64 taskId)
@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ struct IExecuting {
class TTxMemoryProviderBase : TNonCopyable {
TTxMemoryProviderBase(ui64 memoryLimit, ui64 taskId)
: MemoryLimit(memoryLimit)
, TaskId(taskId)
, RequestedMemory(0)
, NotEnoughMemoryCount(0)
- {}
+ {}
~TTxMemoryProviderBase() {}
ui64 GetMemoryLimit() const
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ private:
ui32 NotEnoughMemoryCount;
TIntrusivePtr<TMemoryGCToken> MemoryGCToken;
TAutoPtr<TMemoryToken> MemoryToken;
class TTxMemoryProvider : public TTxMemoryProviderBase {
TTxMemoryProvider(ui64 memoryLimit, ui64 taskId)
@@ -226,17 +226,17 @@ private:
TVector<std::function<void()>> OnCommitted_;
-struct TCompactedPartLoans {
- TLogoBlobID MetaInfoId;
- ui64 Lender;
- TCompactedPartLoans() = default;
- TCompactedPartLoans(const TLogoBlobID &metaId, ui64 lender)
- : MetaInfoId(metaId)
- , Lender(lender)
- {}
+struct TCompactedPartLoans {
+ TLogoBlobID MetaInfoId;
+ ui64 Lender;
+ TCompactedPartLoans() = default;
+ TCompactedPartLoans(const TLogoBlobID &metaId, ui64 lender)
+ : MetaInfoId(metaId)
+ , Lender(lender)
+ {}
struct TFinishedCompactionInfo {
ui64 Edge = 0;
TInstant FullCompactionTs;
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ enum class ETerminationReason {
class ITransaction : TNonCopyable {
using TTransactionContext = NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext;
ITransaction() = default;
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ public:
virtual ~ITransaction() = default;
/// @return true if execution complete and transaction is ready for commit
virtual bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
- virtual void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
+ virtual void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
virtual void Terminate(ETerminationReason reason, const TActorContext &/*ctx*/) {
Y_FAIL("Unexpected transaction termination (reason %" PRIu32 ")", (ui32)reason);
@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ public:
NLWTrace::TOrbit Orbit;
template<typename T>
class TTransactionBase : public ITransaction {
@@ -302,16 +302,16 @@ public:
{ }
-struct TExecutorStats {
- bool IsActive = false;
+struct TExecutorStats {
+ bool IsActive = false;
bool IsFollower = false;
bool IsAnyChannelYellowMove = false;
bool IsAnyChannelYellowStop = false;
- ui64 TxInFly = 0;
- ui64 TxPending = 0;
+ ui64 TxInFly = 0;
+ ui64 TxPending = 0;
const THashMap<TLogoBlobID, TCompactedPartLoans>* CompactedPartLoans = nullptr;
- const bool* HasSharedBlobs = nullptr;
+ const bool* HasSharedBlobs = nullptr;
TVector<ui32> YellowMoveChannels;
TVector<ui32> YellowStopChannels;
@@ -325,10 +325,10 @@ struct TExecutorStats {
return it != YellowStopChannels.end() && *it == channel;
- virtual ~TExecutorStats() {}
+ virtual ~TExecutorStats() {}
struct TScanOptions {
enum class EReadPrio {
@@ -425,24 +425,24 @@ struct TScanOptions {
-namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
- struct ITablet : TNonCopyable {
- virtual ~ITablet() {}
- virtual void ActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
- virtual void Detach(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
- TTabletStorageInfo* Info() const { return TabletInfo.Get(); }
- ui64 TabletID() const { return TabletInfo->TabletID; }
+namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
+ struct ITablet : TNonCopyable {
+ virtual ~ITablet() {}
+ virtual void ActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
+ virtual void Detach(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
+ TTabletStorageInfo* Info() const { return TabletInfo.Get(); }
+ ui64 TabletID() const { return TabletInfo->TabletID; }
TTabletTypes::EType TabletType() const { return TabletInfo->TabletType; }
const TActorId& Tablet() const { return TabletActorID; }
const TActorId& ExecutorID() const { return ExecutorActorID; }
const TActorId& LauncherID() const { return LauncherActorID; }
- virtual void SnapshotComplete(TIntrusivePtr<TTableSnapshotContext> snapContext, const TActorContext &ctx); // would be FAIL in default implementation
- virtual void CompletedLoansChanged(const TActorContext &ctx); // would be no-op in default implementation
- virtual void CompactionComplete(ui32 tableId, const TActorContext &ctx); // would be no-op in default implementation
+ virtual void SnapshotComplete(TIntrusivePtr<TTableSnapshotContext> snapContext, const TActorContext &ctx); // would be FAIL in default implementation
+ virtual void CompletedLoansChanged(const TActorContext &ctx); // would be no-op in default implementation
+ virtual void CompactionComplete(ui32 tableId, const TActorContext &ctx); // would be no-op in default implementation
virtual void ScanComplete(NTable::EAbort status, TAutoPtr<IDestructable> prod, ui64 cookie, const TActorContext &ctx);
virtual bool ReassignChannelsEnabled() const;
@@ -452,37 +452,37 @@ namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
virtual void OnLeaderUserAuxUpdate(TString) { /* default */ }
- // create transaction?
- protected:
+ // create transaction?
+ protected:
ITablet(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &tablet)
- : TabletActorID(tablet)
- , TabletInfo(info)
- {
+ : TabletActorID(tablet)
+ , TabletInfo(info)
+ {
Y_VERIFY(TTabletTypes::TYPE_INVALID != TabletInfo->TabletType);
- }
+ }
TActorId ExecutorActorID;
TActorId TabletActorID;
TActorId LauncherActorID;
void UpdateTabletInfo(TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info, const TActorId& launcherID = {});
- private:
- TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletInfo;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // tablet -> executor
- struct IExecutor : TNonCopyable {
- virtual ~IExecutor() {}
+ private:
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> TabletInfo;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // tablet -> executor
+ struct IExecutor : TNonCopyable {
+ virtual ~IExecutor() {}
// tablet assigned as leader, could begin loading
- virtual void Boot(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
+ virtual void Boot(TEvTablet::TEvBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
// tablet generation restoration complete, tablet could act as leader
- virtual void Restored(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
- // die!
- virtual void DetachTablet(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
+ virtual void Restored(TEvTablet::TEvRestored::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
+ // die!
+ virtual void DetachTablet(const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
// tablet assigned as follower (or follower connection refreshed), must begin loading
virtual void FollowerBoot(TEvTablet::TEvFBoot::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
// next follower incremental update
@@ -493,9 +493,9 @@ namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
virtual void FollowerSyncComplete() = 0;
// all followers had completed log with requested gc-barrier
virtual void FollowerGcApplied(ui32 step, TDuration followerSyncDelay) = 0;
virtual void Execute(TAutoPtr<ITransaction> transaction, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
/* Make blob with data required for table bootstapping. Note:
1. Once non-trivial blob obtained and commited in tx all of its
borrowed bundles have to be eventually released (see db).
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
virtual void RenderHtmlDb(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) const = 0;
virtual void RegisterExternalTabletCounters(TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> appCounters) = 0;
virtual void GetTabletCounters(TEvTablet::TEvGetCounters::TPtr&) = 0;
virtual void UpdateConfig(TEvTablet::TEvUpdateConfig::TPtr&) = 0;
virtual void SendUserAuxUpdateToFollowers(TString upd, const TActorContext &ctx) = 0;
@@ -536,9 +536,9 @@ namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
// This method lets executor know about new yellow channels
virtual void OnYellowChannels(TVector<ui32> yellowMoveChannels, TVector<ui32> yellowStopChannels) = 0;
- virtual const TExecutorStats& GetStats() const = 0;
+ virtual const TExecutorStats& GetStats() const = 0;
virtual NMetrics::TResourceMetrics* GetResourceMetrics() const = 0;
/* This stange looking functionallity probably should be dropped */
virtual float GetRejectProbability() const = 0;
@@ -546,21 +546,21 @@ namespace NFlatExecutorSetup {
// Returns current database scheme (executor must be active)
virtual const NTable::TScheme& Scheme() const noexcept = 0;
- ui32 Generation() const { return Generation0; }
- ui32 Step() const { return Step0; }
- protected:
- //
- IExecutor()
- : Generation0(0)
- , Step0(0)
- {}
- ui32 Generation0;
- ui32 Step0;
- };
+ ui32 Generation() const { return Generation0; }
+ ui32 Step() const { return Step0; }
+ protected:
+ //
+ IExecutor()
+ : Generation0(0)
+ , Step0(0)
+ {}
+ ui32 Generation0;
+ ui32 Step0;
+ };
IActor* CreateExecutor(ITablet *owner, const TActorId& ownerActorId);
-}} // end of the NKikimr namespace
+}} // end of the NKikimr namespace
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/exec/runner.h b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/exec/runner.h
index 610af31463..3b58ab814b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/exec/runner.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/exec/runner.h
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ namespace NFake {
TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> info(new TStateStorageInfo());
info->StateStorageGroup = 0;
- info->NToSelect = 1;
- info->Rings.resize(1);
- info->Rings[0].Replicas.push_back(replica);
+ info->NToSelect = 1;
+ info->Rings.resize(1);
+ info->Rings[0].Replicas.push_back(replica);
auto *actor = CreateStateStorageReplica(info, 0);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/exec/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/exec/ya.make
index 12a7b7acc4..7557219985 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/exec/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/exec/ya.make
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/rows/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/rows/ya.make
index 40f5d308f0..b8185eac60 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/rows/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/rows/ya.make
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/table/model/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/table/model/ya.make
index 227adef063..dab9796656 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/table/model/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/table/model/ya.make
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/table/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/table/ya.make
index 6c50a6d86c..53d6ab494b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/table/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/table/ya.make
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/perf/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/perf/ya.make
index c2de849f8c..dc0e8ca728 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/perf/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/perf/ya.make
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/surg/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/surg/ya.make
index 7e74eec7bb..18495b00b9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/surg/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/surg/ya.make
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/ya.make
index fe5af5a304..e3f445cf0b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/tool/ya.make
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ya.make
index 03471d21c2..fd66d04202 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ya.make
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ELSE()
diff --git a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ya.make b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ya.make
index ec84d93b3f..6b1226bf01 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ya.make
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
- ddoarn
+ ddoarn
- defs.h
+ defs.h
- flat_database.cpp
- flat_database.h
+ flat_database.cpp
+ flat_database.h
- flat_executor.cpp
- flat_executor.h
- flat_executor_bootlogic.cpp
- flat_executor_bootlogic.h
- flat_executor_borrowlogic.cpp
- flat_executor_borrowlogic.h
+ flat_executor.cpp
+ flat_executor.h
+ flat_executor_bootlogic.cpp
+ flat_executor_bootlogic.h
+ flat_executor_borrowlogic.cpp
+ flat_executor_borrowlogic.h
- flat_executor_counters.cpp
- flat_executor_counters.h
+ flat_executor_counters.cpp
+ flat_executor_counters.h
- flat_executor_txloglogic.cpp
- flat_executor_txloglogic.h
- flat_iterator.h
+ flat_executor_txloglogic.cpp
+ flat_executor_txloglogic.h
+ flat_iterator.h
- flat_sausagecache.cpp
- flat_sausagecache.h
+ flat_sausagecache.cpp
+ flat_sausagecache.h
@@ -58,23 +58,23 @@ SRCS(
- flat_table.cpp
+ flat_table.cpp
- flat_table_part.cpp
- flat_table_part.h
+ flat_table_part.cpp
+ flat_table_part.h
- flat_update_op.h
+ flat_update_op.h
- shared_sausagecache.cpp
- shared_sausagecache.h
- tablet_flat_executor.h
- tablet_flat_executor.cpp
- tablet_flat_executed.h
- tablet_flat_executed.cpp
- flat_executor.proto
+ shared_sausagecache.cpp
+ shared_sausagecache.h
+ tablet_flat_executor.h
+ tablet_flat_executor.cpp
+ tablet_flat_executed.h
+ tablet_flat_executed.cpp
+ flat_executor.proto
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/testlib/actors/test_runtime_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/testlib/actors/test_runtime_ut.cpp
index 2494ff74ca..fce7f19293 100644
--- a/ydb/core/testlib/actors/test_runtime_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/testlib/actors/test_runtime_ut.cpp
@@ -227,14 +227,14 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TActorTest) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(TestSendAfterDelay) {
- TMutex syncMutex;
+ TMutex syncMutex;
class TMyActor : public TActor<TMyActor> {
- TMyActor(TMutex *syncMutex)
+ TMyActor(TMutex *syncMutex)
: TActor(&TMyActor::StateFunc)
, CurrentTime(TInstant::MicroSeconds(0))
- , SyncMutex(syncMutex)
+ , SyncMutex(syncMutex)
@@ -244,34 +244,34 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TActorTest) {
- Y_VERIFY(SyncMutex);
+ Y_VERIFY(SyncMutex);
auto sender = ev->Sender;
auto selfID = ctx.SelfID;
auto actorSystem = ctx.ExecutorThread.ActorSystem;
- TMutex *syncMutex = SyncMutex;
+ TMutex *syncMutex = SyncMutex;
- with_lock(*syncMutex) {
- Sleep(TDuration::MilliSeconds(100));
- CurrentTime = actorSystem->Timestamp();
- actorSystem->Send(new IEventHandle(sender, selfID, new TEvents::TEvPong()));
- }
+ with_lock(*syncMutex) {
+ Sleep(TDuration::MilliSeconds(100));
+ CurrentTime = actorSystem->Timestamp();
+ actorSystem->Send(new IEventHandle(sender, selfID, new TEvents::TEvPong()));
+ }
- SyncMutex = nullptr;
+ SyncMutex = nullptr;
TInstant CurrentTime;
- TMutex *SyncMutex;
+ TMutex *SyncMutex;
TTestActorRuntime runtime;
try {
TActorId sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
- auto myActor = new TMyActor(&syncMutex);
+ auto myActor = new TMyActor(&syncMutex);
TActorId actorId = runtime.Register(myActor);
runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(actorId, sender, new TEvents::TEvPing));
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TActorTest) {
- with_lock(syncMutex) {}
+ with_lock(syncMutex) {}
Y_UNIT_TEST(TestGetCtxTime) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/testlib/basics/services.cpp b/ydb/core/testlib/basics/services.cpp
index 54db83df82..b4585ad96c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/testlib/basics/services.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/testlib/basics/services.cpp
@@ -155,26 +155,26 @@ namespace NPDisk {
TIntrusivePtr<TStateStorageInfo> info(new TStateStorageInfo());
info->StateStorageGroup = stateStorageGroup;
- info->NToSelect = N;
- info->Rings.resize(N);
+ info->NToSelect = N;
+ info->Rings.resize(N);
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
- info->Rings[i].Replicas.push_back(replicas[i]);
+ info->Rings[i].Replicas.push_back(replicas[i]);
return info;
static TActorId MakeBoardReplicaID(
- const ui32 node,
- const ui64 stateStorageGroup,
- const ui32 replicaIndex
- ) {
- char x[12] = { 's', 's', 'b' };
- x[3] = (char)stateStorageGroup;
- memcpy(x + 5, &replicaIndex, sizeof(ui32));
+ const ui32 node,
+ const ui64 stateStorageGroup,
+ const ui32 replicaIndex
+ ) {
+ char x[12] = { 's', 's', 'b' };
+ x[3] = (char)stateStorageGroup;
+ memcpy(x + 5, &replicaIndex, sizeof(ui32));
return TActorId(node, TStringBuf(x, 12));
- }
+ }
void SetupStateStorage(TTestActorRuntime& runtime, ui32 nodeIndex, ui64 stateStorageGroup, bool firstNode)
const TActorId ssreplicas[3] = {
@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@ namespace NPDisk {
const TActorId breplicas[3] = {
- MakeBoardReplicaID(runtime.GetNodeId(0), stateStorageGroup, 0),
- MakeBoardReplicaID(runtime.GetNodeId(0), stateStorageGroup, 1),
- MakeBoardReplicaID(runtime.GetNodeId(0), stateStorageGroup, 2),
- };
+ MakeBoardReplicaID(runtime.GetNodeId(0), stateStorageGroup, 0),
+ MakeBoardReplicaID(runtime.GetNodeId(0), stateStorageGroup, 1),
+ MakeBoardReplicaID(runtime.GetNodeId(0), stateStorageGroup, 2),
+ };
const TActorId sbreplicas[3] = {
MakeSchemeBoardReplicaID(runtime.GetNodeId(0), stateStorageGroup, 0),
MakeSchemeBoardReplicaID(runtime.GetNodeId(0), stateStorageGroup, 1),
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ namespace NPDisk {
auto ssInfo = GenerateStateStorageInfo(ssreplicas, stateStorageGroup);
auto sbInfo = GenerateStateStorageInfo(sbreplicas, stateStorageGroup);
- auto bInfo = GenerateStateStorageInfo(breplicas, stateStorageGroup);
+ auto bInfo = GenerateStateStorageInfo(breplicas, stateStorageGroup);
if (!firstNode || nodeIndex == 0) {
for (ui32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
@@ -207,13 +207,13 @@ namespace NPDisk {
TActorSetupCmd(CreateStateStorageReplica(ssInfo.Get(), i), TMailboxType::Revolving, 0), nodeIndex);
TActorSetupCmd(CreateSchemeBoardReplica(sbInfo.Get(), i), TMailboxType::Revolving, 0), nodeIndex);
- runtime.AddLocalService(breplicas[i],
- TActorSetupCmd(CreateStateStorageBoardReplica(bInfo.Get(), i), TMailboxType::Revolving, 0), nodeIndex);
+ runtime.AddLocalService(breplicas[i],
+ TActorSetupCmd(CreateStateStorageBoardReplica(bInfo.Get(), i), TMailboxType::Revolving, 0), nodeIndex);
- TActorSetupCmd(CreateStateStorageProxy(ssInfo.Get(), bInfo.Get(), sbInfo.Get()), TMailboxType::Revolving, 0), nodeIndex);
+ TActorSetupCmd(CreateStateStorageProxy(ssInfo.Get(), bInfo.Get(), sbInfo.Get()), TMailboxType::Revolving, 0), nodeIndex);
static void SetupStateStorageGroups(TTestActorRuntime& runtime, ui32 nodeIndex, TAppPrepare& app)
diff --git a/ydb/core/testlib/fake_coordinator.cpp b/ydb/core/testlib/fake_coordinator.cpp
index 53125d8c0d..0be35b3bcf 100644
--- a/ydb/core/testlib/fake_coordinator.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/testlib/fake_coordinator.cpp
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
namespace NKikimr {
- void BootFakeCoordinator(TTestActorRuntime& runtime, ui64 coordinatorId, TFakeCoordinator::TState::TPtr state) {
+ void BootFakeCoordinator(TTestActorRuntime& runtime, ui64 coordinatorId, TFakeCoordinator::TState::TPtr state) {
CreateTestBootstrapper(runtime, CreateTestTabletInfo(coordinatorId, TTabletTypes::FLAT_TX_COORDINATOR),
[=](const TActorId & tablet, TTabletStorageInfo* info) {
- return new TFakeCoordinator(tablet, info, state);
+ return new TFakeCoordinator(tablet, info, state);
diff --git a/ydb/core/testlib/fake_coordinator.h b/ydb/core/testlib/fake_coordinator.h
index 17b2e001f7..b3098d60a5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/testlib/fake_coordinator.h
+++ b/ydb/core/testlib/fake_coordinator.h
@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ namespace NKikimr {
State->TxIds.insert(std::make_pair(tx.GetTxId(), shards));
Cerr << "FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: " << tx.GetTxId() << " at step: " << State->CurrentStep << "\n";
for (ui64 shard : shards) {
- auto evPlan = new TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep(State->CurrentStep, 0, shard);
- auto planTx = evPlan->Record.AddTransactions();
- planTx->SetCoordinator(TabletID());
- planTx->SetTxId(tx.GetTxId());
+ auto evPlan = new TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep(State->CurrentStep, 0, shard);
+ auto planTx = evPlan->Record.AddTransactions();
+ planTx->SetCoordinator(TabletID());
+ planTx->SetTxId(tx.GetTxId());
ActorIdToProto(ctx.SelfID, planTx->MutableAckTo());
- State->QueuedPlans[std::make_pair(shard, State->CurrentStep)].push_back(evPlan);
+ State->QueuedPlans[std::make_pair(shard, State->CurrentStep)].push_back(evPlan);
@@ -228,5 +228,5 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TAutoPtr<NTabletPipe::IClientCache> Pipes;
- void BootFakeCoordinator(TTestActorRuntime& runtime, ui64 tabletId, TFakeCoordinator::TState::TPtr state);
+ void BootFakeCoordinator(TTestActorRuntime& runtime, ui64 tabletId, TFakeCoordinator::TState::TPtr state);
diff --git a/ydb/core/testlib/tablet_flat_dummy.cpp b/ydb/core/testlib/tablet_flat_dummy.cpp
index f95160b88c..1a9dca04a5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/testlib/tablet_flat_dummy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/testlib/tablet_flat_dummy.cpp
@@ -5,143 +5,143 @@
#include <ydb/core/engine/minikql/flat_local_tx_factory.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace {
class TDummyFlatTablet : public TActor<TDummyFlatTablet>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
struct Schema : NIceDb::Schema {
- struct Snaps : Table<1> {
- struct SourceTableId : Column<1, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
- struct DestinationTablet : Column<2, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
- struct Delivered : Column<3, NScheme::NTypeIds::Bool> {};
- using TKey = TableKey<SourceTableId, DestinationTablet>;
- using TColumns = TableColumns<SourceTableId, DestinationTablet, Delivered>;
- };
- struct t_by_ui64 : Table<32> {
- struct key : Column<32, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
+ struct Snaps : Table<1> {
+ struct SourceTableId : Column<1, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32> {};
+ struct DestinationTablet : Column<2, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
+ struct Delivered : Column<3, NScheme::NTypeIds::Bool> {};
+ using TKey = TableKey<SourceTableId, DestinationTablet>;
+ using TColumns = TableColumns<SourceTableId, DestinationTablet, Delivered>;
+ };
+ struct t_by_ui64 : Table<32> {
+ struct key : Column<32, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
struct v_bytes : Column<33, NScheme::NTypeIds::String4k> {};
- struct v_ui64 : Column<34, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
- using TKey = TableKey<key>;
- using TColumns = TableColumns<key, v_bytes, v_ui64>;
- };
- struct t_by_bytes : Table<33> {
+ struct v_ui64 : Column<34, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
+ using TKey = TableKey<key>;
+ using TColumns = TableColumns<key, v_bytes, v_ui64>;
+ };
+ struct t_by_bytes : Table<33> {
struct key : Column<32, NScheme::NTypeIds::String4k> {};
struct v_bytes : Column<33, NScheme::NTypeIds::String4k> {};
- struct v_ui64 : Column<34, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
- using TKey = TableKey<key>;
- using TColumns = TableColumns<key, v_bytes, v_ui64>;
- };
- using TTables = SchemaTables<Snaps, t_by_ui64, t_by_bytes>;
- };
- struct TTxSchemeInit : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
- TDummyFlatTablet * const Self;
- TTxSchemeInit(TDummyFlatTablet *self)
- : Self(self)
- {}
- bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ struct v_ui64 : Column<34, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
+ using TKey = TableKey<key>;
+ using TColumns = TableColumns<key, v_bytes, v_ui64>;
+ };
+ using TTables = SchemaTables<Snaps, t_by_ui64, t_by_bytes>;
+ };
+ struct TTxSchemeInit : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
+ TDummyFlatTablet * const Self;
+ TTxSchemeInit(TDummyFlatTablet *self)
+ : Self(self)
+ {}
+ bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- return true;
- }
- void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- Self->Execute(new TTxInit(Self), ctx);
- }
- };
- struct TTxInit : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
- TDummyFlatTablet * const Self;
- TTxInit(TDummyFlatTablet *self)
- : Self(self)
- {}
- bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- Y_UNUSED(txc);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ Self->Execute(new TTxInit(Self), ctx);
+ }
+ };
+ struct TTxInit : public NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction {
+ TDummyFlatTablet * const Self;
+ TTxInit(TDummyFlatTablet *self)
+ : Self(self)
+ {}
+ bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ Y_UNUSED(txc);
- return true;
- }
- void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- Self->SignalTabletActive(ctx);
- }
- };
- friend struct TTxSchemeInit;
- friend struct TTxInit;
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ Self->SignalTabletActive(ctx);
+ }
+ };
+ friend struct TTxSchemeInit;
+ friend struct TTxInit;
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Become(&TThis::StateBroken);
- ctx.Send(Tablet(), new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill);
- }
- void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ Become(&TThis::StateBroken);
+ ctx.Send(Tablet(), new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill);
+ }
+ void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
if (Executor()->GetStats().IsFollower)
- SignalTabletActive(ctx);
- else
- Execute(new TTxSchemeInit(this), ctx);
- }
+ SignalTabletActive(ctx);
+ else
+ Execute(new TTxSchemeInit(this), ctx);
+ }
void OnDetach(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- Die(ctx);
- }
+ Die(ctx);
+ }
void OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- Die(ctx);
- }
- void DefaultSignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void DefaultSignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TEST_ACTOR_RUNTIME;
TDummyFlatTablet(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
, TTabletExecutedFlat(info, tablet, new NMiniKQL::TMiniKQLFactory)
- {}
- STFUNC(StateInit) {
- StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle);
- default:
- HandleDefaultEvents(ev, ctx);
- break;
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateBroken) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead)
- }
- }
+ {}
+ STFUNC(StateInit) {
+ StateInitImpl(ev, ctx);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle);
+ default:
+ HandleDefaultEvents(ev, ctx);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateBroken) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead, HandleTabletDead)
+ }
+ }
} // namespace
IActor* CreateFlatDummyTablet(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info) {
- return new TDummyFlatTablet(tablet, info);
+ return new TDummyFlatTablet(tablet, info);
diff --git a/ydb/core/testlib/tablet_helpers.cpp b/ydb/core/testlib/tablet_helpers.cpp
index 90b589f8a2..a853040b93 100644
--- a/ydb/core/testlib/tablet_helpers.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/testlib/tablet_helpers.cpp
@@ -570,8 +570,8 @@ namespace NKikimr {
TActorId FollowerTablet(TTestActorRuntime &runtime, const TActorId &launcher, TTabletStorageInfo *info, std::function<IActor * (const TActorId &, TTabletStorageInfo *)> op) {
return runtime.Register(CreateTabletFollower(launcher, info, new TTabletSetupInfo(op, TMailboxType::Simple, 0, TMailboxType::Simple, 0), 0, new TResourceProfiles));
- }
+ }
TActorId ResolveTablet(TTestActorRuntime &runtime, ui64 tabletId, ui32 nodeIndex, bool sysTablet) {
auto sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor(nodeIndex);
runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(MakeTabletResolverID(), sender,
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
- class TFakeHive : public TActor<TFakeHive>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
+ class TFakeHive : public TActor<TFakeHive>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
static std::function<IActor* (const TActorId &, TTabletStorageInfo*)> DefaultGetTabletCreationFunc(ui32 type) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/testlib/tenant_runtime.cpp b/ydb/core/testlib/tenant_runtime.cpp
index b9dd51a7b7..974cc166d0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/testlib/tenant_runtime.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/testlib/tenant_runtime.cpp
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ void TTenantTestRuntime::Setup(bool createTenantPools)
poolTypes["hdd-2"] = hddPool;
poolTypes["hdd-3"] = hddPool;
auto domainPtr = TDomainsInfo::TDomain::ConstructDomainWithExplicitTabletIds(domain.Name, i, domain.SchemeShardId,
- i, i, TVector<ui32>{i},
+ i, i, TVector<ui32>{i},
i, TVector<ui32>{i},
TVector<ui64>{TDomainsInfo::MakeTxCoordinatorIDFixed(i, 1)},
diff --git a/ydb/core/testlib/test_client.cpp b/ydb/core/testlib/test_client.cpp
index 846d412833..d4907c26f1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/testlib/test_client.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/testlib/test_client.cpp
@@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ namespace Tests {
void TServer::SetupMessageBus(ui16 port, const TString &tracePath) {
- if (port) {
- Bus = NBus::CreateMessageQueue(NBus::TBusQueueConfig());
- if (tracePath) {
+ if (port) {
+ Bus = NBus::CreateMessageQueue(NBus::TBusQueueConfig());
+ if (tracePath) {
@@ -233,14 +233,14 @@ namespace Tests {
- } else {
+ } else {
- }
+ }
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ namespace Tests {
planResolution = Settings->UseRealThreads ? 7 : 500;
auto domain = TDomainsInfo::TDomain::ConstructDomainWithExplicitTabletIds(Settings->DomainName, domainId, ChangeStateStorage(SchemeRoot, domainId),
- domainId, domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
+ domainId, domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
TVector<ui64>{TDomainsInfo::MakeTxCoordinatorIDFixed(domainId, 1)},
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ namespace Tests {
TActorId traceServiceId = Runtime->Register(traceService, nodeIdx, Runtime->GetAppData(nodeIdx).IOPoolId, TMailboxType::Simple, 0);
Runtime->RegisterService(NMessageBusTracer::MakeMessageBusTraceServiceID(), traceServiceId, nodeIdx);
- }
+ }
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ namespace Tests {
ClientConfig.Ip = serverSetup.IpAddress;
ClientConfig.Port = serverSetup.Port;
- ClientConfig.BusSessionConfig.TotalTimeout = Max<int>() / 2;
+ ClientConfig.BusSessionConfig.TotalTimeout = Max<int>() / 2;
ClientConfig.BusSessionConfig.ConnectTimeout = ConnectTimeoutMilliSeconds;
ClientConfig.BusSessionConfig.NumRetries = 10;
Client.reset(new NMsgBusProxy::TMsgBusClient(ClientConfig));
@@ -1322,13 +1322,13 @@ namespace Tests {
NMsgBusProxy::EResponseStatus TClient::CreateTable(const TString& parent, const NKikimrSchemeOp::TTableDescription &table, TDuration timeout) {
TAutoPtr<NMsgBusProxy::TBusSchemeOperation> request(new NMsgBusProxy::TBusSchemeOperation());
- auto *op = request->Record.MutableTransaction()->MutableModifyScheme();
+ auto *op = request->Record.MutableTransaction()->MutableModifyScheme();
- op->SetWorkingDir(parent);
- op->MutableCreateTable()->CopyFrom(table);
+ op->SetWorkingDir(parent);
+ op->MutableCreateTable()->CopyFrom(table);
TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply;
NBus::EMessageStatus status = SendAndWaitCompletion(request.Release(), reply, timeout);
const NKikimrClient::TResponse &response = dynamic_cast<NMsgBusProxy::TBusResponse *>(reply.Get())->Record;
return (NMsgBusProxy::EResponseStatus)response.GetStatus();
@@ -1410,8 +1410,8 @@ namespace Tests {
bool parseOk = ::google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(scheme, &table);
return CreateTable(parent, table, timeout);
- }
+ }
NMsgBusProxy::EResponseStatus TClient::CreateKesus(const TString& parent, const TString& name) {
auto* request = new NMsgBusProxy::TBusSchemeOperation();
auto* tx = request->Record.MutableTransaction()->MutableModifyScheme();
@@ -1811,25 +1811,25 @@ namespace Tests {
bool TClient::LocalQuery(const ui64 tabletId, const TString &pgmText, NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult& result) {
- TAutoPtr<NMsgBusProxy::TBusTabletLocalMKQL> request = new NMsgBusProxy::TBusTabletLocalMKQL();
+ TAutoPtr<NMsgBusProxy::TBusTabletLocalMKQL> request = new NMsgBusProxy::TBusTabletLocalMKQL();
request->Record.SetTabletID(ChangeStateStorage(tabletId, Domain));
- auto *mkql = request->Record.MutableProgram();
- mkql->MutableProgram()->SetText(pgmText);
- TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply;
+ auto *mkql = request->Record.MutableProgram();
+ mkql->MutableProgram()->SetText(pgmText);
+ TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply;
auto status = SyncCall(request, reply);
const NKikimrClient::TResponse &response = dynamic_cast<NMsgBusProxy::TBusResponse *>(reply.Get())->Record;
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(response.GetStatus(), NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_OK);
- if (response.HasExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse())
- result.CopyFrom(response.GetExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse());
+ if (response.HasExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse())
+ result.CopyFrom(response.GetExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse());
return response.GetExecutionEngineResponseStatus() == ui32(NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Complete);
- }
+ }
bool TClient::LocalSchemeTx(const ui64 tabletId, const NTabletFlatScheme::TSchemeChanges& changes, bool dryRun,
NTabletFlatScheme::TSchemeChanges& scheme, TString& err) {
TAutoPtr<NMsgBusProxy::TBusTabletLocalSchemeTx> request = new NMsgBusProxy::TBusTabletLocalSchemeTx();
@@ -1859,35 +1859,35 @@ namespace Tests {
bool TClient::Compile(const TString &mkql, TString &compiled) {
- TAutoPtr<NMsgBusProxy::TBusRequest> request = new NMsgBusProxy::TBusRequest();
+ TAutoPtr<NMsgBusProxy::TBusRequest> request = new NMsgBusProxy::TBusRequest();
auto* mkqlTx = request->Record.MutableTransaction()->MutableMiniKQLTransaction();
- mkqlTx->SetMode(NKikimrTxUserProxy::TMiniKQLTransaction::COMPILE);
+ mkqlTx->SetMode(NKikimrTxUserProxy::TMiniKQLTransaction::COMPILE);
TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply;
NBus::EMessageStatus msgStatus = SyncCall(request, reply);
const NKikimrClient::TResponse &response = static_cast<NMsgBusProxy::TBusResponse *>(reply.Get())->Record;
- if (!response.HasMiniKQLCompileResults())
- return false;
+ if (!response.HasMiniKQLCompileResults())
+ return false;
- const auto &compileRes = response.GetMiniKQLCompileResults();
- if (compileRes.ProgramCompileErrorsSize()) {
+ const auto &compileRes = response.GetMiniKQLCompileResults();
+ if (compileRes.ProgramCompileErrorsSize()) {
NYql::TIssues issues;
NYql::IssuesFromMessage(compileRes.GetProgramCompileErrors(), issues);
TStringStream err;
Cerr << "error: " << err.Str() << Endl;
- return false;
- }
- compiled = compileRes.GetCompiledProgram();
- return true;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
+ compiled = compileRes.GetCompiledProgram();
+ return true;
+ }
ui32 TClient::FlatQueryRaw(const TString &query, TFlatQueryOptions& opts, NKikimrClient::TResponse& response, int retryCnt) {
while (retryCnt--) {
TAutoPtr<NMsgBusProxy::TBusRequest> request = new NMsgBusProxy::TBusRequest();
@@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ namespace Tests {
if (opts.Params)
@@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ namespace Tests {
TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply;
NBus::EMessageStatus msgStatus = SyncCall(request, reply);
NMsgBusProxy::TBusResponse * ret = static_cast<NMsgBusProxy::TBusResponse *>(reply.Get());
ui32 responseStatus = ret->Record.GetStatus();
if (responseStatus == NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_NOTREADY ||
@@ -1919,11 +1919,11 @@ namespace Tests {
response.Swap(&static_cast<NMsgBusProxy::TBusResponse *>(reply.Get())->Record);
UNIT_ASSERT(retryCnt > 0);
return response.GetStatus();
bool TClient::FlatQuery(const TString &query, TFlatQueryOptions& opts, NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult &result, const NKikimrClient::TResponse& expectedResponse) {
NKikimrClient::TResponse response;
FlatQueryRaw(query, opts, response);
@@ -1949,26 +1949,26 @@ namespace Tests {
Cerr << response.GetUnresolvedKeys(i) << Endl;
- if (response.HasMiniKQLCompileResults()) {
- const auto &compileRes = response.GetMiniKQLCompileResults();
- if (compileRes.ProgramCompileErrorsSize()) {
+ if (response.HasMiniKQLCompileResults()) {
+ const auto &compileRes = response.GetMiniKQLCompileResults();
+ if (compileRes.ProgramCompileErrorsSize()) {
NYql::TIssues issues;
NYql::IssuesFromMessage(compileRes.GetProgramCompileErrors(), issues);
TStringStream err;
Cerr << "error: " << err.Str() << Endl;
- }
- if (compileRes.ParamsCompileErrorsSize()) {
+ }
+ if (compileRes.ParamsCompileErrorsSize()) {
NYql::TIssues issues;
NYql::IssuesFromMessage(compileRes.GetParamsCompileErrors(), issues);
TStringStream err;
Cerr << "error: " << err.Str() << Endl;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
if (response.HasHadFollowerReads() && response.GetHadFollowerReads()) {
Cerr << "had follower reads" << Endl;
- }
+ }
if (expectedResponse.HasStatus()) {
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(response.GetStatus(), expectedResponse.GetStatus());
@@ -2003,8 +2003,8 @@ namespace Tests {
bool TClient::FlatQuery(const TString& mkql, NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult& result) {
TFlatQueryOptions opts;
return FlatQuery(mkql, opts, result);
- }
+ }
TString TClient::SendTabletMonQuery(TTestActorRuntime* runtime, ui64 tabletId, TString query) {
TActorId sender = runtime->AllocateEdgeActor(0);
ForwardToTablet(*runtime, tabletId, sender, new NActors::NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo(query), 0);
diff --git a/ydb/core/testlib/test_client.h b/ydb/core/testlib/test_client.h
index fd8a5cc678..2064752ab4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/testlib/test_client.h
+++ b/ydb/core/testlib/test_client.h
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ namespace Tests {
const TDuration ITERATION_DURATION = TDuration::MilliSeconds(50);
- constexpr const char* TestDomainName = "dc-1";
- const ui32 TestDomain = 1;
+ constexpr const char* TestDomainName = "dc-1";
+ const ui32 TestDomain = 1;
const ui64 DummyTablet1 = 0x840100;
const ui64 DummyTablet2 = 0x840101;
const ui64 Coordinator = 0x800001;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/balance_coverage_builder.h b/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/balance_coverage_builder.h
index 555d1ae016..c14eaaadd6 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/balance_coverage_builder.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/balance_coverage_builder.h
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/tx.pb.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
- class TBalanceCoverageBuilder : TNonCopyable {
- public:
- TBalanceCoverageBuilder();
- bool IsComplete() const;
- /// returns false if result was already added
- bool AddResult(const NKikimrTx::TBalanceTrackList& tracks);
- private:
- struct TNode {
- const ui64 Tablet;
- bool HasResult;
+namespace NKikimr {
+ class TBalanceCoverageBuilder : TNonCopyable {
+ public:
+ TBalanceCoverageBuilder();
+ bool IsComplete() const;
+ /// returns false if result was already added
+ bool AddResult(const NKikimrTx::TBalanceTrackList& tracks);
+ private:
+ struct TNode {
+ const ui64 Tablet;
+ bool HasResult;
TVector<TAutoPtr<TNode>> Children;
- TNode(ui64 tablet)
- : Tablet(tablet)
- , HasResult(false)
- {
- }
- };
- bool AddToTree(const NKikimrTx::TBalanceTrack& track);
- bool AddNode(TAutoPtr<TNode>& node, const NKikimrTx::TBalanceTrack& track, ui32 index);
- bool CheckTree() const;
- bool CheckNode(const TNode& node) const;
- private:
- bool IsComplete0;
- TAutoPtr<TNode> Root;
- };
+ TNode(ui64 tablet)
+ : Tablet(tablet)
+ , HasResult(false)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ bool AddToTree(const NKikimrTx::TBalanceTrack& track);
+ bool AddNode(TAutoPtr<TNode>& node, const NKikimrTx::TBalanceTrack& track, ui32 index);
+ bool CheckTree() const;
+ bool CheckNode(const TNode& node) const;
+ private:
+ bool IsComplete0;
+ TAutoPtr<TNode> Root;
+ };
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/balance_coverage_builder_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/balance_coverage_builder_ut.cpp
index 5eccc1f787..89a3b011ff 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/balance_coverage_builder_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/balance_coverage_builder_ut.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "balance_coverage_builder.h"
+#include "balance_coverage_builder.h"
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
namespace NKikimr {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator.h b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator.h
index b98d575a68..e7a76df3ce 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator.h
@@ -1,115 +1,115 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/tx/tx.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h>
-#include <util/generic/bitmap.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#include <util/generic/bitmap.h>
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NFlatTxCoordinator {
struct TMediatorStep;
struct TMediatorConfirmations;
struct TCoordinatorStepConfirmations;
namespace NKikimr {
IActor* CreateFlatTxCoordinator(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info);
-struct TEvTxCoordinator {
- enum EEv {
- EvCoordinatorStep = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_COORDINATOR),
- EvCoordinatorSync,
- EvCoordinatorStepResult = EvCoordinatorStep + 1 * 512,
- EvCoordinatorSyncResult,
- EvMediatorQueueStep = EvCoordinatorStep + 2 * 512,
- EvMediatorQueueRestart,
- EvMediatorQueueStop,
- EvMediatorQueueConfirmations,
- EvCoordinatorConfirmPlan = EvCoordinatorStep + 3 * 512,
- EvEnd
- };
+struct TEvTxCoordinator {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvCoordinatorStep = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_COORDINATOR),
+ EvCoordinatorSync,
+ EvCoordinatorStepResult = EvCoordinatorStep + 1 * 512,
+ EvCoordinatorSyncResult,
+ EvMediatorQueueStep = EvCoordinatorStep + 2 * 512,
+ EvMediatorQueueRestart,
+ EvMediatorQueueStop,
+ EvMediatorQueueConfirmations,
+ EvCoordinatorConfirmPlan = EvCoordinatorStep + 3 * 512,
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_COORDINATOR), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_COORDINATOR)");
- struct TEvCoordinatorStep : public TEventPB<TEvCoordinatorStep, NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStep, EvCoordinatorStep> {
- TEvCoordinatorStep()
- {}
+ struct TEvCoordinatorStep : public TEventPB<TEvCoordinatorStep, NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStep, EvCoordinatorStep> {
+ TEvCoordinatorStep()
+ {}
TEvCoordinatorStep(const NFlatTxCoordinator::TMediatorStep &mediatorStep, ui64 prevStep, ui64 mediatorId, ui64 coordinatorId, ui64 activeGeneration);
- };
- struct TEvCoordinatorStepResult : public TEventPB<TEvCoordinatorStep, NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStepResult, EvCoordinatorStepResult> {
- TEvCoordinatorStepResult()
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvCoordinatorStepResult : public TEventPB<TEvCoordinatorStep, NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStepResult, EvCoordinatorStepResult> {
+ TEvCoordinatorStepResult()
+ {}
TEvCoordinatorStepResult(NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStepResult::EStatus status, ui64 step, ui64 completeStep, ui64 latestKnown, ui64 subjectiveTime, ui64 mediator, ui64 coordinator);
- };
- struct TEvCoordinatorSync : public TEventPB<TEvCoordinatorSync, NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorSync, EvCoordinatorSync> {
- TEvCoordinatorSync()
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvCoordinatorSync : public TEventPB<TEvCoordinatorSync, NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorSync, EvCoordinatorSync> {
+ TEvCoordinatorSync()
+ {}
TEvCoordinatorSync(ui64 cookie, ui64 mediator, ui64 coordinator);
- };
- struct TEvCoordinatorSyncResult : public TEventPB<TEvCoordinatorSyncResult, NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorSyncResult, EvCoordinatorSyncResult> {
- TEvCoordinatorSyncResult()
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvCoordinatorSyncResult : public TEventPB<TEvCoordinatorSyncResult, NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorSyncResult, EvCoordinatorSyncResult> {
+ TEvCoordinatorSyncResult()
+ {}
TEvCoordinatorSyncResult(NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus status, ui64 cookie);
TEvCoordinatorSyncResult(ui64 cookie, ui64 completeStep, ui64 latestKnown, ui64 subjectiveTime, ui64 mediator, ui64 coordinator);
- };
- // must be explicit queue?
- struct TEvMediatorQueueStep : public TEventLocal<TEvMediatorQueueStep, EvMediatorQueueStep> {
- const ui64 GenCookie;
+ };
+ // must be explicit queue?
+ struct TEvMediatorQueueStep : public TEventLocal<TEvMediatorQueueStep, EvMediatorQueueStep> {
+ const ui64 GenCookie;
TAutoPtr<NFlatTxCoordinator::TMediatorStep> Step;
TEvMediatorQueueStep(ui64 genCookie, TAutoPtr<NFlatTxCoordinator::TMediatorStep> step);
- };
- struct TEvMediatorQueueRestart : public TEventLocal<TEvMediatorQueueRestart, EvMediatorQueueRestart> {
- const ui64 MediatorId;
- const ui64 StartFrom;
- const ui64 GenCookie;
+ };
+ struct TEvMediatorQueueRestart : public TEventLocal<TEvMediatorQueueRestart, EvMediatorQueueRestart> {
+ const ui64 MediatorId;
+ const ui64 StartFrom;
+ const ui64 GenCookie;
TEvMediatorQueueRestart(ui64 mediatorId, ui64 startFrom, ui64 genCookie);
- };
- struct TEvMediatorQueueStop : public TEventLocal<TEvMediatorQueueStop, EvMediatorQueueStop> {
- const ui64 MediatorId;
+ };
+ struct TEvMediatorQueueStop : public TEventLocal<TEvMediatorQueueStop, EvMediatorQueueStop> {
+ const ui64 MediatorId;
TEvMediatorQueueStop(ui64 mediatorId);
- };
- struct TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations : public TEventLocal<TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations, EvMediatorQueueConfirmations> {
+ };
+ struct TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations : public TEventLocal<TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations, EvMediatorQueueConfirmations> {
TAutoPtr<NFlatTxCoordinator::TMediatorConfirmations> Confirmations;
TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations(TAutoPtr<NFlatTxCoordinator::TMediatorConfirmations> &confirmations);
- };
- struct TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan : public TEventLocal<TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan, EvCoordinatorConfirmPlan> {
+ };
+ struct TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan : public TEventLocal<TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan, EvCoordinatorConfirmPlan> {
TAutoPtr<NFlatTxCoordinator::TCoordinatorStepConfirmations> Confirmations;
TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan(TAutoPtr<NFlatTxCoordinator::TCoordinatorStepConfirmations> &confirmations);
- };
+ };
inline void Out<NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStepResult::EStatus>(IOutputStream& o, NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStepResult::EStatus x) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__check.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__check.cpp
index ced25533e1..345ce8d1dd 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__check.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__check.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NFlatTxCoordinator {
-ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxConsistencyCheck() {
+ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxConsistencyCheck() {
return new TTxConsistencyCheck(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__init.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__init.cpp
index 84ce53c913..beb9975b42 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__init.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__init.cpp
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxInit : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
-ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxInit() {
+ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxInit() {
return new TTxCoordinator::TTxInit(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__mediators_confirmations.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__mediators_confirmations.cpp
index daeb4e5cca..28a644503d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__mediators_confirmations.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__mediators_confirmations.cpp
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
#include "coordinator_impl.h"
#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_cxx_database.h>
#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NFlatTxCoordinator {
struct TTxCoordinator::TTxMediatorConfirmations : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
- TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> Confirmations;
- i64 CompleteTransactions;
- TTxMediatorConfirmations(TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> &confirmations, TSelf *coordinator)
- : TBase(coordinator)
- , Confirmations(confirmations)
- , CompleteTransactions(0)
- {}
+ TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> Confirmations;
+ i64 CompleteTransactions;
+ TTxMediatorConfirmations(TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> &confirmations, TSelf *coordinator)
+ : TBase(coordinator)
+ , Confirmations(confirmations)
+ , CompleteTransactions(0)
+ {}
TTxType GetTxType() const override { return TXTYPE_MEDIATOR_CONFIRMATIONS; }
bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
const TTabletId mediatorId = Confirmations->MediatorId;
- CompleteTransactions = 0;
+ CompleteTransactions = 0;
NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
ui64 internalTxGen = txc.Generation;
ui64 internalTxStep = txc.Step;
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxMediatorConfirmations : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoo
THashSet<TTabletId>& mediatorAffectedSet = txit->second.UnconfirmedAffectedSet[mediatorId];
for (const TTabletId affected : txidsx.second) {
THashSet<TTabletId>::size_type result = mediatorAffectedSet.erase(affected);
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxMediatorConfirmations : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoo
<< " gen:step " << internalTxGen << ":" << internalTxStep
<< " Confirmed transaction " << txid << " for mediator " << mediatorId << " tablet " << affected << " result=" << result);
if (mediatorAffectedSet.empty()) {
"at tablet# " << Self->TabletID()
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxMediatorConfirmations : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoo
<< " Mediator " << mediatorId << " confirmed finish of transaction " << txid);
if (txit->second.UnconfirmedAffectedSet.empty()) { // transaction finished
"at tablet# " << Self->TabletID()
@@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxMediatorConfirmations : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoo
- }
+ }
return true;
- }
- void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- *Self->MonCounters.TxInFly -= CompleteTransactions;
- Self->MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly -= CompleteTransactions;
+ }
+ void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ *Self->MonCounters.TxInFly -= CompleteTransactions;
+ Self->MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly -= CompleteTransactions;
- }
-ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxMediatorConfirmations(TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> &confirmations) {
- return new TTxMediatorConfirmations(confirmations, this);
+ }
+ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxMediatorConfirmations(TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> &confirmations) {
+ return new TTxMediatorConfirmations(confirmations, this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__monitoring.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__monitoring.cpp
index 41b87af5ca..550c8ef281 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__monitoring.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__monitoring.cpp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxMonitoring : public TTxCoordinator::TTxConsistencyChec
-ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxMonitoring(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr& ev) {
+ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxMonitoring(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr& ev) {
return new TTxMonitoring(this, ev->Sender);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__plan_step.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__plan_step.cpp
index 000df7145a..c1fac2ffa5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__plan_step.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__plan_step.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#include "coordinator_impl.h"
-#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NFlatTxCoordinator {
struct TInFlyAccountant {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr Counter;
TInFlyAccountant(NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr counter)
@@ -18,46 +18,46 @@ struct TInFlyAccountant {
struct TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
- const ui64 PlanOnStep;
- const bool Rapid;
+ const ui64 PlanOnStep;
+ const bool Rapid;
TVector<TQueueType::TSlot> Slots;
TMap<ui64, std::pair<ui64, bool *>> StepsToConfirm;
- TAutoPtr<TCoordinatorStepConfirmations> ProxyPlanConfirmations;
- TInstant ExecStartMoment;
- ui64 PlannedCounter;
- ui64 DeclinedCounter;
+ TAutoPtr<TCoordinatorStepConfirmations> ProxyPlanConfirmations;
+ TInstant ExecStartMoment;
+ ui64 PlannedCounter;
+ ui64 DeclinedCounter;
TInFlyAccountant InFlyAccountant;
TTxPlanStep(ui64 toPlan, TVector<TQueueType::TSlot> &slots, TSelf *coordinator, bool rapid)
- : TBase(coordinator)
- , PlanOnStep(toPlan)
- , Rapid(rapid)
- , PlannedCounter(0)
- , DeclinedCounter(0)
+ : TBase(coordinator)
+ , PlanOnStep(toPlan)
+ , Rapid(rapid)
+ , PlannedCounter(0)
+ , DeclinedCounter(0)
, InFlyAccountant(Self->MonCounters.StepsInFly)
- {
- Slots.swap(slots);
- }
+ {
+ Slots.swap(slots);
+ }
void Plan(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) {
NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
- ExecStartMoment = ctx.Now();
+ ExecStartMoment = ctx.Now();
const bool lowDiskSpace = Self->Executor()->GetStats().IsAnyChannelYellowStop;
THashSet<TTxId> newTransactions;
TVector<TAutoPtr<TMediatorStep>> mediatorSteps;
THashMap<TTabletId, TVector<TTabletId>> byMediatorAffected;
// first fill every mediator with something (every mediator must receive step)
const ui32 mediatorsSize = Self->Config.Mediators->List().size();
for (TTabletId mediatorId : Self->Config.Mediators->List()) {
mediatorSteps.push_back(new TMediatorStep(mediatorId, PlanOnStep));
// create mediator steps
ProxyPlanConfirmations.Reset(new TCoordinatorStepConfirmations(PlanOnStep));
for (const auto &slot : Slots) {
@@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
for (auto &x : byMediatorAffected) {
const TTxId txId = proposal->TxId;
auto durationMs = (ExecStartMoment - proposal->AcceptMoment).MilliSeconds();
if (proposal->MaxStep < PlanOnStep) {
ProxyPlanConfirmations->Queue->Push(new TCoordinatorStepConfirmations::TEntry {
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
// check is transactions already processed?
if (newTransactions.insert(txId).second == false) {
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
auto it = Self->Transactions.find(txId);
if (it != Self->Transactions.end()) {
@@ -112,24 +112,24 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
if (lowDiskSpace && !proposal->IgnoreLowDiskSpace) {
- Self->MonCounters.StepDeclinedNoSpaceTx->Inc();
- ProxyPlanConfirmations->Queue->Push(new TCoordinatorStepConfirmations::TEntry{
- txId,
- proposal->Proxy,
- TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusDeclinedNoSpace,
- 0
- });
- ++DeclinedCounter;
- continue;
- }
+ Self->MonCounters.StepDeclinedNoSpaceTx->Inc();
+ ProxyPlanConfirmations->Queue->Push(new TCoordinatorStepConfirmations::TEntry{
+ txId,
+ proposal->Proxy,
+ TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusDeclinedNoSpace,
+ 0
+ });
+ ++DeclinedCounter;
+ continue;
+ }
// write transaction in body
// todo: subtree insertion, moderator/body store
TTransaction& transaction = Self->Transactions[txId];
transaction.PlanOnStep = PlanOnStep;
for (const auto &txprop : proposal->AffectedSet) {
@@ -138,27 +138,27 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
TVector<TTabletId> affectedSet(transaction.AffectedSet.begin(), transaction.AffectedSet.end());
FLOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "Transaction " << txId << " has been planned");
// todo: moderator, proxy
for (ui32 idx = 0; idx < mediatorsSize; ++idx) {
TTabletId mediatorId = mediatorSteps[idx]->MediatorId;
TVector<TTabletId> &affected = byMediatorAffected[mediatorId];
if (!affected.empty()) {
- mediatorSteps[idx]->Transactions.push_back(TMediatorStep::TTx(txId, &affected.front(), affected.size(), 0));
+ mediatorSteps[idx]->Transactions.push_back(TMediatorStep::TTx(txId, &affected.front(), affected.size(), 0));
@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
PlanOnStep } );
for (const TAutoPtr<TMediatorStep> &mp : mediatorSteps) {
const ui64 mediatorId = mp->MediatorId;
// write mediator entry
for (const auto &tx : mp->Transactions) {
for (TTabletId tablet : tx.PushToAffected) {
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
FLOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "Planned transaction " << tx.TxId << " for mediator " << mediatorId << " tablet " << tablet);
TMediator& mediator = Self->Mediator(mediatorId, ctx);
if (mediator.PushUpdates) {
StepsToConfirm[mediatorId] = std::pair<ui64, bool *>(mediator.GenCookie, &mp->Confirmed);
@@ -191,51 +191,51 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
- }
+ }
TTxType GetTxType() const override { return TXTYPE_STEP; }
bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
PlannedCounter = 0;
DeclinedCounter = 0;
Plan(txc, ctx);
if (Rapid)
Self->VolatileState.Queue.RapidFreeze = false;
*Self->MonCounters.TxPlanned += PlannedCounter;
*Self->MonCounters.TxInFly += PlannedCounter;
Self->MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly += PlannedCounter;
*Self->MonCounters.TxDeclined += DeclinedCounter;
return true;
- }
- void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ }
+ void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
auto durationMs = (ctx.Now() - ExecStartMoment).MilliSeconds();
- for (auto &cx : StepsToConfirm) {
- const ui64 mediatorId = cx.first;
- TMediator &mediator = Self->Mediator(mediatorId, ctx);
- if (mediator.GenCookie == cx.second.first) {
- *cx.second.second = true;
- Self->SendMediatorStep(mediator, ctx);
- }
- }
- ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan(ProxyPlanConfirmations));
+ for (auto &cx : StepsToConfirm) {
+ const ui64 mediatorId = cx.first;
+ TMediator &mediator = Self->Mediator(mediatorId, ctx);
+ if (mediator.GenCookie == cx.second.first) {
+ *cx.second.second = true;
+ Self->SendMediatorStep(mediator, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan(ProxyPlanConfirmations));
// uncomment this to enable consistency self-check
//Self->Execute(Self->CreateTxConsistencyCheck(), ctx);
- }
-ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxPlanStep(ui64 toStep, TVector<TQueueType::TSlot> &slots, bool rapid) {
- return new TTxPlanStep(toStep, slots, this, rapid);
+ }
+ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxPlanStep(ui64 toStep, TVector<TQueueType::TSlot> &slots, bool rapid) {
+ return new TTxPlanStep(toStep, slots, this, rapid);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__restart_mediator.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__restart_mediator.cpp
index 3ac0c4a611..673115d22b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__restart_mediator.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__restart_mediator.cpp
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
#include "coordinator_impl.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NFlatTxCoordinator {
struct TTxCoordinator::TTxRestartMediatorQueue : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
const TTabletId MediatorId;
- const ui64 GenCookie;
+ const ui64 GenCookie;
TVector<bool *> StepsToConfirm;
- TTxRestartMediatorQueue(ui64 mediatorId, ui64 genCookie, TSelf *coordinator)
- : TBase(coordinator)
- , MediatorId(mediatorId)
- , GenCookie(genCookie)
- {}
+ TTxRestartMediatorQueue(ui64 mediatorId, ui64 genCookie, TSelf *coordinator)
+ : TBase(coordinator)
+ , MediatorId(mediatorId)
+ , GenCookie(genCookie)
+ {}
TTxType GetTxType() const override { return TXTYPE_RESTART_MEDIATOR; }
bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- TMediator &mediator = Self->Mediator(MediatorId, ctx);
- if (mediator.GenCookie != GenCookie)
- return true;
+ TMediator &mediator = Self->Mediator(MediatorId, ctx);
+ if (mediator.GenCookie != GenCookie)
+ return true;
THashMap<TTxId,TVector<TTabletId>> pushToAffectedBuffer;
TVector<TAutoPtr<TMediatorStep>> mediatorSteps;
if (!Self->RestoreMediatorInfo(MediatorId, mediatorSteps, txc, pushToAffectedBuffer))
return false;
for (const auto& it : pushToAffectedBuffer) {
TTransaction& transaction = Self->Transactions[it.first];
THashSet<TTabletId>& unconfirmedAffectedSet = transaction.UnconfirmedAffectedSet[MediatorId];
@@ -39,60 +39,60 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxRestartMediatorQueue : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoor
it.first, affectedTabletId);
for (const auto &mp : mediatorSteps) {
mediator.PushUpdates = true;
return true;
- }
- void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- TMediator &mediator = Self->Mediator(MediatorId, ctx);
- if (mediator.GenCookie != GenCookie)
- return;
- for (bool *x : StepsToConfirm)
- *x = true;
- Self->SendMediatorStep(mediator, ctx);
- }
-ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxRestartMediatorQueue(TTabletId mediatorId, ui64 genCookie) {
- return new TTxRestartMediatorQueue(mediatorId, genCookie, this);
+ }
+ void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ TMediator &mediator = Self->Mediator(MediatorId, ctx);
+ if (mediator.GenCookie != GenCookie)
+ return;
+ for (bool *x : StepsToConfirm)
+ *x = true;
+ Self->SendMediatorStep(mediator, ctx);
+ }
+ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxRestartMediatorQueue(TTabletId mediatorId, ui64 genCookie) {
+ return new TTxRestartMediatorQueue(mediatorId, genCookie, this);
bool TTxCoordinator::RestoreMediatorInfo(TTabletId mediatorId, TVector<TAutoPtr<TMediatorStep>> &planned, TTransactionContext &txc, /*TKeyBuilder &kb, */THashMap<TTxId,TVector<TTabletId>> &pushToAffected) const {
NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
- pushToAffected.clear();
- planned.clear();
+ pushToAffected.clear();
+ planned.clear();
auto rowset = db.Table<Schema::AffectedSet>().Range(mediatorId).Select();
if (!rowset.IsReady())
return false;
// Later we will need this to be sorted by stepId
TMap<TStepId, TAutoPtr<TMediatorStep>> mediatorSteps;
while (!rowset.EndOfSet()) {
const TTxId txId = rowset.GetValue<Schema::AffectedSet::TransactionID>();
auto itTransaction = Transactions.find(txId);
Y_VERIFY(itTransaction != Transactions.end());
TStepId step = itTransaction->second.PlanOnStep;
auto itStep = mediatorSteps.find(step);
if (itStep == mediatorSteps.end()) {
itStep = mediatorSteps.insert(std::make_pair(step, new TMediatorStep(mediatorId, step))).first;
TAutoPtr<TMediatorStep>& mediatorStep = itStep->second;
- if (mediatorStep->Transactions.empty() || mediatorStep->Transactions.back().TxId != txId)
- mediatorStep->Transactions.push_back(TMediatorStep::TTx(txId));
+ if (mediatorStep->Transactions.empty() || mediatorStep->Transactions.back().TxId != txId)
+ mediatorStep->Transactions.push_back(TMediatorStep::TTx(txId));
TMediatorStep::TTx &tx = mediatorStep->Transactions.back();
TTabletId tablet = rowset.GetValue<Schema::AffectedSet::DataShardID>();
@@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ bool TTxCoordinator::RestoreMediatorInfo(TTabletId mediatorId, TVector<TAutoPtr<
if (!rowset.Next())
return false;
- for (auto& pr : mediatorSteps)
+ for (auto& pr : mediatorSteps)
return true;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__restore_transaction.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__restore_transaction.cpp
index df8a1a9949..26a916bdff 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__restore_transaction.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__restore_transaction.cpp
@@ -2,26 +2,26 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_exception.h>
#include <util/stream/file.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NFlatTxCoordinator {
struct TTxCoordinator::TTxRestoreTransactions : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
TTxRestoreTransactions(TSelf *coordinator)
- : TBase(coordinator)
- {}
+ : TBase(coordinator)
+ {}
bool Restore(TTransactions &transactions, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) {
NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
- {
+ {
auto rowset = db.Table<Schema::Transaction>().Range().Select();
if (!rowset.IsReady())
return false;
while (!rowset.EndOfSet()) {
TTxId txId = rowset.GetValue<Schema::Transaction::ID>();
TTransaction& transaction = transactions[txId];
@@ -34,30 +34,30 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxRestoreTransactions : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoord
return false; // data not ready
int errors = 0;
auto rowset = db.Table<Schema::AffectedSet>().Range().Select();
if (!rowset.IsReady())
return false;
while (!rowset.EndOfSet()) {
- const TTxId txId = rowset.GetValue<Schema::AffectedSet::TransactionID>();
+ const TTxId txId = rowset.GetValue<Schema::AffectedSet::TransactionID>();
const TTabletId medId = rowset.GetValue<Schema::AffectedSet::MediatorID>();
- const ui64 affectedShardId = rowset.GetValue<Schema::AffectedSet::DataShardID>();
+ const ui64 affectedShardId = rowset.GetValue<Schema::AffectedSet::DataShardID>();
auto itTransaction = transactions.find(txId);
if (itTransaction != transactions.end()) {
- itTransaction->second.UnconfirmedAffectedSet[medId].insert(affectedShardId);
+ itTransaction->second.UnconfirmedAffectedSet[medId].insert(affectedShardId);
} else {
- LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "Transaction not found: MedId = " << medId << " TxId = " << txId << " DataShardId = " << affectedShardId);
+ LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "Transaction not found: MedId = " << medId << " TxId = " << txId << " DataShardId = " << affectedShardId);
if (!rowset.Next())
return false;
if (errors > 0) {
// DB is corrupt. Make a dump and stop
const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& tr = *AppData(ctx)->TypeRegistry;
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxRestoreTransactions : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoord
Y_FAIL("Transaction(s) not found!");
return true;
- }
+ }
TTxType GetTxType() const override { return TXTYPE_INIT; }
bool Execute(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
@@ -86,25 +86,25 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxRestoreTransactions : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoord
*Self->MonCounters.TxInFly += txCounter;
Self->MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly = txCounter;
return true;
- }
- void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- // start mediator queues
+ }
+ void Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ // start mediator queues
for (ui64 mediatorId: Self->Config.Mediators->List()) {
- TMediator &mediator = Self->Mediator(mediatorId, ctx);
+ TMediator &mediator = Self->Mediator(mediatorId, ctx);
- }
- // start plan process.
- Self->Become(&TSelf::StateWork);
+ }
+ // start plan process.
+ Self->Become(&TSelf::StateWork);
- Self->SchedulePlanTick(ctx);
- }
-ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxRestoreTransactions() {
+ Self->SchedulePlanTick(ctx);
+ }
+ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxRestoreTransactions() {
return new TTxRestoreTransactions(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__schema.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__schema.cpp
index 7eca419af6..1fb202a258 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__schema.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__schema.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxSchema : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
-ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxSchema() {
+ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxSchema() {
return new TTxSchema(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__schema_upgrade.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__schema_upgrade.cpp
index 15180f3155..931a7c993e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__schema_upgrade.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator__schema_upgrade.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct TTxCoordinator::TTxUpgrade : public TTransactionBase<TTxCoordinator> {
-ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxUpgrade() {
+ITransaction* TTxCoordinator::CreateTxUpgrade() {
return new TTxUpgrade(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_impl.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_impl.cpp
index c18c062031..b4eeb184e2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_impl.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_impl.cpp
@@ -7,65 +7,65 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/counters.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/services.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/tx.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NFlatTxCoordinator {
static constexpr TDuration MaxEmptyPlanDelay = TDuration::Seconds(1);
static void SendTransactionStatus(const TActorId &proxy, TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus status,
ui64 txid, ui64 stepId, const TActorContext &ctx, ui64 tabletId) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "tablet# " << tabletId << " txid# " << txid
<< " step# " << stepId << " Status# " << status << " SEND to# " << proxy.ToString() << " Proxy marker# C1");
- ctx.Send(proxy, new TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus(status, txid, stepId));
-static TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> MakeTransactionProposal(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr &counter) {
+ ctx.Send(proxy, new TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus(status, txid, stepId));
+static TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> MakeTransactionProposal(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr &counter) {
const TActorId &sender = ev->Sender;
- const NKikimrTx::TEvProposeTransaction &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- const NKikimrTx::TProxyTransaction &txrec = record.GetTransaction();
- const ui64 txId = txrec.HasTxId() ? txrec.GetTxId() : 0;
- const ui64 minStep = txrec.HasMinStep() ? txrec.GetMinStep() : 0;
- const ui64 maxStep = txrec.HasMaxStep() ? txrec.GetMaxStep() : Max<ui64>();
+ const NKikimrTx::TEvProposeTransaction &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const NKikimrTx::TProxyTransaction &txrec = record.GetTransaction();
+ const ui64 txId = txrec.HasTxId() ? txrec.GetTxId() : 0;
+ const ui64 minStep = txrec.HasMinStep() ? txrec.GetMinStep() : 0;
+ const ui64 maxStep = txrec.HasMaxStep() ? txrec.GetMaxStep() : Max<ui64>();
const bool ignoreLowDiskSpace = txrec.GetIgnoreLowDiskSpace();
TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> proposal(new TTransactionProposal(sender, txId, minStep, maxStep, ignoreLowDiskSpace));
- proposal->AffectedSet.resize(txrec.AffectedSetSize());
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = txrec.AffectedSetSize(); i != e; ++i) {
- const auto &x = txrec.GetAffectedSet(i);
- auto &s = proposal->AffectedSet[i];
- s.TabletId = x.GetTabletId();
+ proposal->AffectedSet.resize(txrec.AffectedSetSize());
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = txrec.AffectedSetSize(); i != e; ++i) {
+ const auto &x = txrec.GetAffectedSet(i);
+ auto &s = proposal->AffectedSet[i];
+ s.TabletId = x.GetTabletId();
Y_ASSERT(x.GetFlags() > 0 && x.GetFlags() <= 3);
- s.AffectedFlags = x.GetFlags();
- }
- counter->Inc();
- return proposal;
+ s.AffectedFlags = x.GetFlags();
+ }
+ counter->Inc();
+ return proposal;
const ui32 TTxCoordinator::Schema::CurrentVersion = 1;
TTxCoordinator::TTxCoordinator(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &tablet)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
, TTabletExecutedFlat(info, tablet, new NMiniKQL::TMiniKQLFactory)
, DebugName(Sprintf("/tmp/coordinator_db_log_%" PRIu64 ".%" PRIi32 ".%" PRIu64 ".gz", TabletID(), getpid(), tablet.LocalId()))
, DebugLogFile(DebugName)
, DebugLog(&DebugLogFile, ZLib::GZip, 1)
Cerr << "Coordinator LOG will be dumped to " << DebugName << Endl;
- Config.PlanAhead = 50;
+ Config.PlanAhead = 50;
Config.Resolution = 1250;
Config.RapidSlotFlushSize = 1000; // todo: something meaningful
- MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly = 0;
+ MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly = 0;
TabletCountersPtr.Reset(new TProtobufTabletCounters<
@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ TTxCoordinator::TTxCoordinator(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &tablet)
TabletCounters = TabletCountersPtr.Get();
-void TTxCoordinator::PlanTx(TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> &proposal, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- proposal->AcceptMoment = ctx.Now();
+void TTxCoordinator::PlanTx(TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> &proposal, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ proposal->AcceptMoment = ctx.Now();
if (proposal->MaxStep <= VolatileState.LastPlanned) {
return SendTransactionStatus(proposal->Proxy
@@ -92,122 +92,122 @@ void TTxCoordinator::PlanTx(TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> &proposal, const TAct
proposal->TxId, 0, ctx, TabletID());
- bool forRapidExecution = (proposal->MinStep <= VolatileState.LastPlanned);
- ui64 planStep = 0;
- // cycle for flow control
- for (ui64 cstep = (proposal->MinStep + Config.Resolution - 1) / Config.Resolution * Config.Resolution; /*no-op*/;cstep += Config.Resolution) {
+ bool forRapidExecution = (proposal->MinStep <= VolatileState.LastPlanned);
+ ui64 planStep = 0;
+ // cycle for flow control
+ for (ui64 cstep = (proposal->MinStep + Config.Resolution - 1) / Config.Resolution * Config.Resolution; /*no-op*/;cstep += Config.Resolution) {
if (cstep >= proposal->MaxStep) {
return SendTransactionStatus(proposal->Proxy,
TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusOutdated, proposal->TxId, 0, ctx, TabletID());
- if (forRapidExecution) {
- planStep = VolatileState.LastPlanned + 1;
- if ((planStep % Config.Resolution) == 0) // if point on border - do not use rapid slot
- forRapidExecution = false;
- } else {
- planStep = cstep;
- }
- break;
- }
+ if (forRapidExecution) {
+ planStep = VolatileState.LastPlanned + 1;
+ if ((planStep % Config.Resolution) == 0) // if point on border - do not use rapid slot
+ forRapidExecution = false;
+ } else {
+ planStep = cstep;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
SendTransactionStatus(proposal->Proxy, TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusAccepted,
proposal->TxId, planStep, ctx, TabletID());
- if (forRapidExecution) {
+ if (forRapidExecution) {
TQueueType::TSlot &rapidSlot = VolatileState.Queue.RapidSlot;
- rapidSlot.Queue->Push(proposal.Release());
- ++rapidSlot.QueueSize;
- if (rapidSlot.QueueSize >= Config.RapidSlotFlushSize && !VolatileState.Queue.RapidFreeze) {
+ rapidSlot.Queue->Push(proposal.Release());
+ ++rapidSlot.QueueSize;
+ if (rapidSlot.QueueSize >= Config.RapidSlotFlushSize && !VolatileState.Queue.RapidFreeze) {
TVector<TQueueType::TSlot> slots;
- slots.push_back(rapidSlot);
+ slots.push_back(rapidSlot);
rapidSlot = TQueueType::TSlot();
- VolatileState.LastPlanned = planStep;
- VolatileState.Queue.RapidFreeze = true;
+ VolatileState.LastPlanned = planStep;
+ VolatileState.Queue.RapidFreeze = true;
Execute(CreateTxPlanStep(planStep, slots, true), ctx);
- }
- } else {
+ }
+ } else {
TQueueType::TSlot &planSlot = VolatileState.Queue.LowSlot(planStep);
- planSlot.Queue->Push(proposal.Release());
- ++planSlot.QueueSize;
- }
-void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> proposal = MakeTransactionProposal(ev, MonCounters.TxIn);
+ planSlot.Queue->Push(proposal.Release());
+ ++planSlot.QueueSize;
+ }
+void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> proposal = MakeTransactionProposal(ev, MonCounters.TxIn);
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "tablet# " << TabletID() << " txid# " << proposal->TxId
<< " HANDLE EvProposeTransaction marker# C0");
- PlanTx(proposal, ctx);
-void TTxCoordinator::HandleEnqueue(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TryInitMonCounters(ctx);
- TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> proposal = MakeTransactionProposal(ev, MonCounters.TxIn);
+ PlanTx(proposal, ctx);
+void TTxCoordinator::HandleEnqueue(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TryInitMonCounters(ctx);
+ TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> proposal = MakeTransactionProposal(ev, MonCounters.TxIn);
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "tablet# " << TabletID() << " txid# " << proposal->TxId
<< " HANDLE Enqueue EvProposeTransaction");
if (Y_UNLIKELY(Stopping)) {
return SendTransactionStatus(proposal->Proxy,
proposal->TxId, 0, ctx, TabletID());
- if (!VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted)
+ if (!VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted)
VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted.Reset(new TQueueType::TQ());
- VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted->Push(proposal.Release());
-void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvPlanTick::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted->Push(proposal.Release());
+void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvPlanTick::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
//LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "tablet# " << TabletID() << " HANDLE EvPlanTick LastPlanned " << VolatileState.LastPlanned);
- if (VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted) {
- while (TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> x = VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted->Pop())
- PlanTx(x, ctx);
- VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted.Destroy();
- }
- // do work
- const ui64 resolution = Config.Resolution;
+ if (VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted) {
+ while (TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> x = VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted->Pop())
+ PlanTx(x, ctx);
+ VolatileState.Queue.Unsorted.Destroy();
+ }
+ // do work
+ const ui64 resolution = Config.Resolution;
const ui64 now = TAppData::TimeProvider->Now().MilliSeconds();
- const ui64 dirty = now + Config.PlanAhead;
- const ui64 next = (dirty + resolution - 1) / resolution * resolution;
- if (next <= VolatileState.LastPlanned) {
- return SchedulePlanTick(ctx);
+ const ui64 dirty = now + Config.PlanAhead;
+ const ui64 next = (dirty + resolution - 1) / resolution * resolution;
+ if (next <= VolatileState.LastPlanned) {
+ return SchedulePlanTick(ctx);
TVector<TQueueType::TSlot> slots;
- if (VolatileState.Queue.RapidSlot.QueueSize) {
- slots.push_back(VolatileState.Queue.RapidSlot);
+ if (VolatileState.Queue.RapidSlot.QueueSize) {
+ slots.push_back(VolatileState.Queue.RapidSlot);
VolatileState.Queue.RapidSlot = TQueueType::TSlot();
- }
- while (!VolatileState.Queue.Low.empty()) {
- auto frontIt = VolatileState.Queue.Low.begin();
- if (frontIt->first > next)
- break;
- if (frontIt->second.QueueSize)
- slots.push_back(frontIt->second);
- VolatileState.Queue.Low.erase(frontIt);
- }
- VolatileState.LastPlanned = next;
- SchedulePlanTick(ctx);
+ }
+ while (!VolatileState.Queue.Low.empty()) {
+ auto frontIt = VolatileState.Queue.Low.begin();
+ if (frontIt->first > next)
+ break;
+ if (frontIt->second.QueueSize)
+ slots.push_back(frontIt->second);
+ VolatileState.Queue.Low.erase(frontIt);
+ }
+ VolatileState.LastPlanned = next;
+ SchedulePlanTick(ctx);
// Check if we have an empty step
if (slots.empty()) {
auto monotonic = ctx.Monotonic();
@@ -226,48 +226,48 @@ void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvPlanTick::TPtr &ev, const TActorConte
VolatileState.LastEmptyPlanAt = { };
- Execute(CreateTxPlanStep(next, slots, false), ctx);
-void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations *msg = ev->Get();
+ Execute(CreateTxPlanStep(next, slots, false), ctx);
+void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "tablet# " << TabletID()
<< " HANDLE EvMediatorQueueConfirmations MediatorId# " << msg->Confirmations->MediatorId);
Execute(CreateTxMediatorConfirmations(msg->Confirmations), ctx);
-void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStop::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStop *msg = ev->Get();
+void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStop::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStop *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "tablet# " << TabletID()
<< " HANDLE EvMediatorQueueStop MediatorId# " << msg->MediatorId);
- TMediator &mediator = Mediator(msg->MediatorId, ctx);
- mediator.PushUpdates = false;
- mediator.GenCookie = Max<ui64>();
- mediator.Queue.Destroy();
-void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueRestart::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueRestart *msg = ev->Get();
+ TMediator &mediator = Mediator(msg->MediatorId, ctx);
+ mediator.PushUpdates = false;
+ mediator.GenCookie = Max<ui64>();
+ mediator.Queue.Destroy();
+void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueRestart::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueRestart *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_NOTICE_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "tablet# " << TabletID()
<< " HANDLE EvMediatorQueueRestart MediatorId# " << msg->MediatorId);
- TMediator &mediator = Mediator(msg->MediatorId, ctx);
- mediator.PushUpdates = false;
- mediator.GenCookie = msg->GenCookie;
- mediator.Queue.Reset(new TMediator::TStepQueue());
+ TMediator &mediator = Mediator(msg->MediatorId, ctx);
+ mediator.PushUpdates = false;
+ mediator.GenCookie = msg->GenCookie;
+ mediator.Queue.Reset(new TMediator::TStepQueue());
Execute(CreateTxRestartMediatorQueue(msg->MediatorId, msg->GenCookie), ctx);
-void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TAutoPtr<TCoordinatorStepConfirmations> confirmations = ev->Get()->Confirmations;
- while (TAutoPtr<TCoordinatorStepConfirmations::TEntry> x = confirmations->Queue->Pop()) {
+void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TAutoPtr<TCoordinatorStepConfirmations> confirmations = ev->Get()->Confirmations;
+ while (TAutoPtr<TCoordinatorStepConfirmations::TEntry> x = confirmations->Queue->Pop()) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "tablet# " << TabletID() << " txid# " << x->TxId
<< " stepId# " << x->Step << " Status# " << x->Status
<< " SEND EvProposeTransactionStatus to# " << x->ProxyId.ToString() << " Proxy");
- ctx.Send(x->ProxyId, new TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus(x->Status, x->TxId, x->Step));
- }
+ ctx.Send(x->ProxyId, new TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus(x->Status, x->TxId, x->Step));
+ }
void TTxCoordinator::DoConfiguration(const TEvSubDomain::TEvConfigure &ev, const TActorContext &ctx, const TActorId &ackTo) {
const TEvSubDomain::TEvConfigure::ProtoRecordType &record = ev.Record;
@@ -305,25 +305,25 @@ void TTxCoordinator::Handle(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr&, const TActorContext&
ctx.Send(Tablet(), new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill);
-void TTxCoordinator::OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TTxCoordinator::OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) {
Execute(CreateTxSchema(), ctx);
-void TTxCoordinator::TryInitMonCounters(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (MonCounters.Coordinator)
- return;
- auto &counters = AppData(ctx)->Counters;
+void TTxCoordinator::TryInitMonCounters(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (MonCounters.Coordinator)
+ return;
+ auto &counters = AppData(ctx)->Counters;
MonCounters.Coordinator = GetServiceCounters(counters, "coordinator");
- MonCounters.TxIn = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("TxIn", true);
- MonCounters.TxPlanned = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("TxPlanned", true);
- MonCounters.TxDeclined = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("TxDeclined", true);
- MonCounters.TxInFly = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("TxInFly", false);
- MonCounters.StepsUncommited = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("StepsUncommited", false);
- MonCounters.StepsInFly = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("StepsInFly", false);
+ MonCounters.TxIn = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("TxIn", true);
+ MonCounters.TxPlanned = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("TxPlanned", true);
+ MonCounters.TxDeclined = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("TxDeclined", true);
+ MonCounters.TxInFly = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("TxInFly", false);
+ MonCounters.StepsUncommited = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("StepsUncommited", false);
+ MonCounters.StepsInFly = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("StepsInFly", false);
MonCounters.PlanTxCalls = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("PlanTx/Calls", true);
MonCounters.PlanTxOutdated = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("PlanTx/Outdated", true);
MonCounters.PlanTxAccepted = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("PlanTx/Accepted", true);
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ void TTxCoordinator::TryInitMonCounters(const TActorContext &ctx) {
MonCounters.StepOutdatedTx = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("Step/OutdatedTx", true);
MonCounters.StepPlannedDeclinedTx = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("Step/PlannedDeclinedTx", true);
MonCounters.StepPlannedTx = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("Step/PlannedTx", true);
- MonCounters.StepDeclinedNoSpaceTx = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("Step/DeclinedNoSpaceTx", true);
+ MonCounters.StepDeclinedNoSpaceTx = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetCounter("Step/DeclinedNoSpaceTx", true);
MonCounters.LegacyTxFromReceiveToPlan.Init(MonCounters.Coordinator.Get(), "TxFromReceiveToPlan", "ms", 1, 20);
MonCounters.TxFromReceiveToPlan = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetHistogram(
@@ -340,14 +340,14 @@ void TTxCoordinator::TryInitMonCounters(const TActorContext &ctx) {
MonCounters.LegacyTxPlanLatency.Init(MonCounters.Coordinator.Get(), "TxPlanLatency", "ms", 1, 20);
MonCounters.TxPlanLatency = MonCounters.Coordinator->GetHistogram(
"TxPlanLatencyMs", NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(20, 2, 1));
-void TTxCoordinator::SendMediatorStep(TMediator &mediator, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- while (TMediatorStep *step = mediator.Queue->Head()) {
- if (!step->Confirmed)
- return;
- TAutoPtr<TMediatorStep> extracted = mediator.Queue->Pop();
+void TTxCoordinator::SendMediatorStep(TMediator &mediator, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ while (TMediatorStep *step = mediator.Queue->Head()) {
+ if (!step->Confirmed)
+ return;
+ TAutoPtr<TMediatorStep> extracted = mediator.Queue->Pop();
for (const auto& tx: extracted->Transactions) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR, "Send from# " << TabletID()
<< " to mediator# " << extracted->MediatorId << ", step# " << extracted->Step
@@ -355,17 +355,17 @@ void TTxCoordinator::SendMediatorStep(TMediator &mediator, const TActorContext &
VolatileState.LastSentStep = Max(VolatileState.LastSentStep, extracted->Step);
- ctx.Send(mediator.QueueActor, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStep(mediator.GenCookie, extracted));
- }
-void TTxCoordinator::SchedulePlanTick(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const ui64 planResolution = Config.Resolution;
- ctx.Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(planResolution), new TEvPrivate::TEvPlanTick());
+ ctx.Send(mediator.QueueActor, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStep(mediator.GenCookie, extracted));
+ }
+void TTxCoordinator::SchedulePlanTick(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const ui64 planResolution = Config.Resolution;
+ ctx.Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(planResolution), new TEvPrivate::TEvPlanTick());
bool TTxCoordinator::OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (!Executor() || !Executor()->GetStats().IsActive)
+ if (!Executor() || !Executor()->GetStats().IsActive)
return false;
if (!ev)
@@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ bool TTxCoordinator::OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const
Execute(CreateTxMonitoring(ev), ctx);
return true;
void TTxCoordinator::OnTabletStop(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const auto* msg = ev->Get();
@@ -434,6 +434,6 @@ void TTxCoordinator::OnStopGuardComplete(const TActorContext &ctx) {
IActor* CreateFlatTxCoordinator(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info) {
return new NFlatTxCoordinator::TTxCoordinator(info, tablet);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_impl.h b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_impl.h
index 744fd0cdc8..39018aff1e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_impl.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include "coordinator.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/counters_coordinator.pb.h>
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NFlatTxCoordinator {
typedef ui64 TStepId;
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ struct TTransactionProposal {
TTabletId TabletId;
ui64 AffectedFlags : 8;
- // reserved
+ // reserved
TVector<TAffectedEntry> AffectedSet;
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ struct TMediatorStep {
ui64 Moderator;
- TTx(TTxId txId, TTabletId *affected, ui32 affectedSize, ui64 moderator)
+ TTx(TTxId txId, TTabletId *affected, ui32 affectedSize, ui64 moderator)
: TxId(txId)
, PushToAffected(affected, affected + affectedSize)
, Moderator(moderator)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ struct TMediatorConfirmations {
IActor* CreateTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue(const TActorId &owner, ui64 coordinator, ui64 mediator, ui64 coordinatorGeneration);
using NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat;
-using NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
+using NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
using NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionBase;
using NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext;
@@ -167,128 +167,128 @@ do { \
class TTxCoordinator : public TActor<TTxCoordinator>, public TTabletExecutedFlat {
- struct TEvPrivate {
- enum EEv {
- EvPlanTick = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
+ struct TEvPrivate {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvPlanTick = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE)");
- struct TEvPlanTick : public TEventLocal<TEvPlanTick, EvPlanTick> {};
+ struct TEvPlanTick : public TEventLocal<TEvPlanTick, EvPlanTick> {};
struct TEvAcquireReadStepFlush : public TEventLocal<TEvAcquireReadStepFlush, EvAcquireReadStepFlush> {};
- };
+ };
struct TQueueType {
- typedef TOneOneQueueInplace<TTransactionProposal *, 512> TQ;
- struct TFlowEntry {
- ui16 Weight;
- ui16 Limit;
- TFlowEntry()
- : Weight(0)
- , Limit(0)
- {}
- };
- struct TSlot {
- TAutoPtr<TQ, TQ::TPtrCleanDestructor> Queue;
- ui64 QueueSize;
- TSlot()
- : Queue(new TQ())
- , QueueSize(0)
- {}
- };
+ typedef TOneOneQueueInplace<TTransactionProposal *, 512> TQ;
+ struct TFlowEntry {
+ ui16 Weight;
+ ui16 Limit;
+ TFlowEntry()
+ : Weight(0)
+ , Limit(0)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TSlot {
+ TAutoPtr<TQ, TQ::TPtrCleanDestructor> Queue;
+ ui64 QueueSize;
+ TSlot()
+ : Queue(new TQ())
+ , QueueSize(0)
+ {}
+ };
typedef TMap<TStepId, TSlot> TSlotQueue;
- TSlotQueue Low;
- TSlot RapidSlot; // slot for entries with schedule on 'right now' moment (actually - with min-schedule time in past).
- bool RapidFreeze;
- TAutoPtr<TQ, TQ::TPtrCleanDestructor> Unsorted;
+ TSlotQueue Low;
+ TSlot RapidSlot; // slot for entries with schedule on 'right now' moment (actually - with min-schedule time in past).
+ bool RapidFreeze;
+ TAutoPtr<TQ, TQ::TPtrCleanDestructor> Unsorted;
TSlot& LowSlot(TStepId step) {
TMap<TStepId, TSlot>::iterator it = Low.find(step);
- if (it != Low.end())
- return it->second;
+ if (it != Low.end())
+ return it->second;
std::pair<TMap<TStepId, TSlot>::iterator, bool> xit = Low.insert(TSlotQueue::value_type(step, TSlot()));
TSlot &ret = xit.first->second;
- return ret;
- }
+ return ret;
+ }
- : RapidFreeze(false)
- {}
- };
- struct TTxInit;
+ : RapidFreeze(false)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TTxInit;
struct TTxRestoreTransactions;
struct TTxConfigure;
struct TTxSchema;
struct TTxUpgrade;
- struct TTxPlanStep;
- struct TTxRestartMediatorQueue;
- struct TTxMediatorConfirmations;
+ struct TTxPlanStep;
+ struct TTxRestartMediatorQueue;
+ struct TTxMediatorConfirmations;
struct TTxConsistencyCheck;
struct TTxMonitoring;
struct TTxStopGuard;
struct TTxAcquireReadStep;
- ITransaction* CreateTxInit();
- ITransaction* CreateTxRestoreTransactions();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxInit();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxRestoreTransactions();
ITransaction* CreateTxConfigure(
TActorId ackTo, ui64 version, ui64 resolution, const TVector<TTabletId> &mediators,
const NKikimrSubDomains::TProcessingParams &config);
- ITransaction* CreateTxSchema();
- ITransaction* CreateTxUpgrade();
- ITransaction* CreateTxPlanStep(TStepId toStep, TVector<TQueueType::TSlot> &slots, bool rapid);
- ITransaction* CreateTxRestartMediatorQueue(TTabletId mediatorId, ui64 genCookie);
- ITransaction* CreateTxMediatorConfirmations(TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> &confirmations);
- ITransaction* CreateTxConsistencyCheck();
- ITransaction* CreateTxMonitoring(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr& ev);
+ ITransaction* CreateTxSchema();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxUpgrade();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxPlanStep(TStepId toStep, TVector<TQueueType::TSlot> &slots, bool rapid);
+ ITransaction* CreateTxRestartMediatorQueue(TTabletId mediatorId, ui64 genCookie);
+ ITransaction* CreateTxMediatorConfirmations(TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> &confirmations);
+ ITransaction* CreateTxConsistencyCheck();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxMonitoring(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr& ev);
ITransaction* CreateTxStopGuard();
- struct TConfig {
+ struct TConfig {
ui64 MediatorsVersion;
TMediators::TPtr Mediators;
TVector<TTabletId> Coordinators;
- ui64 PlanAhead;
- ui64 Resolution;
- ui64 RapidSlotFlushSize;
- bool Synthetic;
- TConfig()
+ ui64 PlanAhead;
+ ui64 Resolution;
+ ui64 RapidSlotFlushSize;
+ bool Synthetic;
+ TConfig()
: MediatorsVersion(0)
, PlanAhead(0)
- , Resolution(0)
- , RapidSlotFlushSize(0)
- , Synthetic(false)
- {}
- };
- struct TMediator {
- typedef TOneOneQueueInplace<TMediatorStep *, 32> TStepQueue;
+ , Resolution(0)
+ , RapidSlotFlushSize(0)
+ , Synthetic(false)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TMediator {
+ typedef TOneOneQueueInplace<TMediatorStep *, 32> TStepQueue;
TActorId QueueActor;
- ui64 GenCookie;
- bool PushUpdates;
- TAutoPtr<TStepQueue, TStepQueue::TPtrCleanDestructor> Queue;
- TMediator()
- : GenCookie(0)
- , PushUpdates(false)
- {}
- };
+ ui64 GenCookie;
+ bool PushUpdates;
+ TAutoPtr<TStepQueue, TStepQueue::TPtrCleanDestructor> Queue;
+ TMediator()
+ : GenCookie(0)
+ , PushUpdates(false)
+ {}
+ };
struct TTransaction {
TStepId PlanOnStep;
THashSet<TTabletId> AffectedSet;
@@ -309,13 +309,13 @@ class TTxCoordinator : public TActor<TTxCoordinator>, public TTabletExecutedFlat
{ }
- struct TVolatileState {
+ struct TVolatileState {
ui64 LastPlanned = 0;
ui64 LastSentStep = 0;
ui64 LastAcquired = 0;
ui64 LastEmptyStep = 0;
TMonotonic LastEmptyPlanAt{ };
TQueueType Queue;
ui64 AcquireReadStepInFlight = 0;
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ class TTxCoordinator : public TActor<TTxCoordinator>, public TTabletExecutedFlat
bool AcquireReadStepFlushing = false;
bool AcquireReadStepStarting = false;
struct Schema : NIceDb::Schema {
static const ui32 CurrentVersion;
@@ -334,11 +334,11 @@ public:
struct ID : Column<0, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {}; // PK
struct Plan : Column<1, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
struct AffectedSet : Column<2, NScheme::NTypeIds::String> { using Type = TVector<TTabletId>; };
using TKey = TableKey<ID>;
using TColumns = TableColumns<ID, Plan, AffectedSet>;
- };
+ };
struct AffectedSet : Table<4> {
struct MediatorID : Column<1, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
struct TransactionID : Column<2, Transaction::ID::ColumnType> {};
@@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ public:
using TKey = TableKey<MediatorID, TransactionID, DataShardID>;
using TColumns = TableColumns<MediatorID, TransactionID, DataShardID>;
- };
+ };
struct State : Table<2> {
enum EKeyType {
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ public:
using TKey = TableKey<StateKey>;
using TColumns = TableColumns<StateKey, StateValue>;
- };
+ };
struct DomainConfiguration : Table<5> {
struct Version : Column<1, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
@@ -373,18 +373,18 @@ public:
using TTables = SchemaTables<Transaction, AffectedSet, State, DomainConfiguration>;
- };
- struct TCoordinatorMonCounters {
- TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> Coordinator;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxIn;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxPlanned;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxDeclined;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxInFly;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr StepsUncommited;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr StepsInFly;
+ };
+ struct TCoordinatorMonCounters {
+ TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> Coordinator;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxIn;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxPlanned;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxDeclined;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxInFly;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr StepsUncommited;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr StepsInFly;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr PlanTxCalls;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr PlanTxOutdated;
@@ -394,25 +394,25 @@ private:
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr StepOutdatedTx;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr StepPlannedDeclinedTx;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr StepPlannedTx;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr StepDeclinedNoSpaceTx;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr StepDeclinedNoSpaceTx;
NMon::THistogramCounterHelper LegacyTxFromReceiveToPlan;
NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxFromReceiveToPlan;
NMon::THistogramCounterHelper LegacyTxPlanLatency;
NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPlanLatency;
- i64 CurrentTxInFly;
- };
- TVolatileState VolatileState;
- TConfig Config;
- TCoordinatorMonCounters MonCounters;
+ i64 CurrentTxInFly;
+ };
+ TVolatileState VolatileState;
+ TConfig Config;
+ TCoordinatorMonCounters MonCounters;
TTabletCountersBase* TabletCounters;
TAutoPtr<TTabletCountersBase> TabletCountersPtr;
typedef THashMap<TTabletId, TMediator> TMediatorsIndex;
TMediatorsIndex Mediators;
typedef THashMap<TTxId, TTransaction> TTransactions;
TTransactions Transactions;
@@ -425,69 +425,69 @@ private:
TZLibCompress DebugLog;
- void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
for (TMediatorsIndex::iterator it = Mediators.begin(), end = Mediators.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- TMediator &x = it->second;
- ctx.Send(x.QueueActor, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- }
- Mediators.clear();
- if (MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly && MonCounters.TxInFly)
- *MonCounters.TxInFly -= MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly;
- return TActor::Die(ctx);
- }
- void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override;
+ TMediator &x = it->second;
+ ctx.Send(x.QueueActor, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ }
+ Mediators.clear();
+ if (MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly && MonCounters.TxInFly)
+ *MonCounters.TxInFly -= MonCounters.CurrentTxInFly;
+ return TActor::Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override;
void DefaultSignalTabletActive(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
Y_UNUSED(ctx); //unactivate incomming tablet's pipes until StateSync
- void OnDetach(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- void OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ void OnDetach(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- return Die(ctx);
- }
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
TMediator& Mediator(TTabletId mediatorId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TMediator &mediator = Mediators[mediatorId];
- if (!mediator.QueueActor)
- mediator.QueueActor = ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(CreateTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue(ctx.SelfID, TabletID(), mediatorId, Executor()->Generation()));
- return mediator;
- }
- void SendMediatorStep(TMediator &mediator, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandleEnqueue(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ TMediator &mediator = Mediators[mediatorId];
+ if (!mediator.QueueActor)
+ mediator.QueueActor = ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(CreateTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue(ctx.SelfID, TabletID(), mediatorId, Executor()->Generation()));
+ return mediator;
+ }
+ void SendMediatorStep(TMediator &mediator, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandleEnqueue(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTxProxy::TEvAcquireReadStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvAcquireReadStepFlush::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvPlanTick::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStop::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueRestart::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvPlanTick::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStop::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueRestart::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorConfirmPlan::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvSubDomain::TEvConfigure::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx);
void DoConfiguration(const TEvSubDomain::TEvConfigure &ev, const TActorContext &ctx, const TActorId &ackTo = TActorId());
- void Sync(ui64 mediator, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Sync(const TActorContext &ctx);
- void PlanTx(TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> &proposal, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void SchedulePlanTick(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Sync(ui64 mediator, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Sync(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void PlanTx(TAutoPtr<TTransactionProposal> &proposal, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void SchedulePlanTick(const TActorContext &ctx);
bool RestoreMediatorInfo(TTabletId mediatorId, TVector<TAutoPtr<TMediatorStep>> &planned, TTransactionContext &txc, /*TKeyBuilder &kb, */THashMap<TTxId,TVector<TTabletId>> &pushToAffected) const;
- void TryInitMonCounters(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void TryInitMonCounters(const TActorContext &ctx);
bool OnRenderAppHtmlPage(NMon::TEvRemoteHttpInfo::TPtr ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
void OnTabletStop(TEvTablet::TEvTabletStop::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
@@ -500,17 +500,17 @@ private:
void MaybeFlushAcquireReadStep(const TActorContext &ctx);
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TX_COORDINATOR_ACTOR;
TTxCoordinator(TTabletStorageInfo *info, const TActorId &tablet);
// no incomming pipes is allowed in StateInit
HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle))
HFunc(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction, HandleEnqueue)
HFunc(TEvTxProxy::TEvAcquireReadStep, Handle)
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ public:
HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle)
HFunc(TEvSubDomain::TEvConfigure, Handle)
HFunc(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction, Handle)
@@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ public:
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/mediator_queue.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/mediator_queue.cpp
index 5fb038b8bf..9b3955fa1b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/mediator_queue.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/mediator_queue.cpp
@@ -5,176 +5,176 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NFlatTxCoordinator {
-class TTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue> {
+class TTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue> {
const TActorId Owner;
- const ui64 Coordinator;
- const ui64 Mediator;
- const ui64 CoordinatorGeneration;
+ const ui64 Coordinator;
+ const ui64 Mediator;
+ const ui64 CoordinatorGeneration;
TActorId PipeClient;
- ui64 GenCookie;
- ui64 PrevStep;
- TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> Confirmations;
- void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- if (PipeClient) {
- NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, PipeClient);
+ ui64 GenCookie;
+ ui64 PrevStep;
+ TAutoPtr<TMediatorConfirmations> Confirmations;
+ void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ if (PipeClient) {
+ NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, PipeClient);
PipeClient = TActorId();
- }
- return IActor::Die(ctx);
- }
- void Sync(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_PRIVATE, "[%" PRIu64 "] to [%" PRIu64 "] sync", Coordinator, Mediator);
- if (PipeClient) {
- NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, PipeClient);
+ }
+ return IActor::Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void Sync(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_PRIVATE, "[%" PRIu64 "] to [%" PRIu64 "] sync", Coordinator, Mediator);
+ if (PipeClient) {
+ NTabletPipe::CloseClient(ctx, PipeClient);
PipeClient = TActorId();
- }
+ }
PipeClient = ctx.RegisterWithSameMailbox(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(ctx.SelfID, Mediator));
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " tablet# " << Coordinator << " SEND EvCoordinatorSync to# " << Mediator << " Mediator");
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, PipeClient, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorSync(++GenCookie, Mediator, Coordinator));
- Become(&TThis::StateSync);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorSyncResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorSyncResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ Become(&TThis::StateSync);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorSyncResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorSyncResult *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " tablet# " << Coordinator << " HANDLE EvCoordinatorSyncResult Status# "
<< NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Record.GetStatus()));
- if (msg->Record.GetCookie() != GenCookie)
- return;
- if (msg->Record.GetStatus() != NKikimrProto::OK)
- return Sync(ctx);
- PrevStep = 0;
+ if (msg->Record.GetCookie() != GenCookie)
+ return;
+ if (msg->Record.GetStatus() != NKikimrProto::OK)
+ return Sync(ctx);
+ PrevStep = 0;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " tablet# " << Coordinator << " SEND EvMediatorQueueRestart to# " << Owner.ToString() << " Owner");
- ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueRestart(Mediator, 0, ++GenCookie));
- Become(&TThis::StateWork);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStep *msg = ev->Get();
+ ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueRestart(Mediator, 0, ++GenCookie));
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStep *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE EvMediatorQueueStep step# " << msg->Step->Step);
- if (msg->GenCookie == GenCookie && PipeClient) {
+ if (msg->GenCookie == GenCookie && PipeClient) {
const NFlatTxCoordinator::TMediatorStep &step = *msg->Step;
- LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_PRIVATE, "[%" PRIu64 "] to [%" PRIu64 "], step [%" PRIu64 "]", Coordinator, Mediator, step.Step);
+ LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_PRIVATE, "[%" PRIu64 "] to [%" PRIu64 "], step [%" PRIu64 "]", Coordinator, Mediator, step.Step);
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " tablet# " << Coordinator << " SEND to# " << Mediator << " Mediator TEvCoordinatorStep");
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, PipeClient, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorStep(
step, PrevStep, Mediator, Coordinator, CoordinatorGeneration));
- PrevStep = step.Step;
- }
+ PrevStep = step.Step;
+ }
if (Confirmations) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " tablet# " << Coordinator << " SEND EvMediatorQueueConfirmations to# " << Owner.ToString()
<< " Owner");
- ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations(Confirmations));
+ ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueConfirmations(Confirmations));
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE EvClientConnected Status# " << NKikimrProto::EReplyStatus_Name(msg->Status));
- if (msg->ClientId != PipeClient)
- return;
- if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK)
- return Sync(ctx);
- // actual work is in sync-reply handling
- }
+ if (msg->ClientId != PipeClient)
+ return;
+ if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK)
+ return Sync(ctx);
+ // actual work is in sync-reply handling
+ }
void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE EvClientDestroyed");
- if (msg->ClientId != PipeClient)
- return;
+ if (msg->ClientId != PipeClient)
+ return;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " tablet# " << Coordinator << " SEND EvMediatorQueueStop to# " << Owner.ToString()
<< " Owner Mediator# " << Mediator);
- ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStop(Mediator));
- Sync(ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrTx::TEvPlanStepAck &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ ctx.Send(Owner, new TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStop(Mediator));
+ Sync(ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrTx::TEvPlanStepAck &record = ev->Get()->Record;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATOR_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE EvPlanStepAck");
- if (!Confirmations)
- Confirmations.Reset(new TMediatorConfirmations(Mediator));
+ if (!Confirmations)
+ Confirmations.Reset(new TMediatorConfirmations(Mediator));
const TTabletId tabletId = record.GetTabletId();
- for (const auto txid : record.GetTxId()) {
+ for (const auto txid : record.GetTxId()) {
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TX_COORDINATOR_MEDIATORQ_ACTOR;
TTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue(const TActorId &owner, ui64 coordinator, ui64 mediator, ui64 coordinatorGeneration)
- : Owner(owner)
- , Coordinator(coordinator)
- , Mediator(mediator)
- , CoordinatorGeneration(coordinatorGeneration)
- , PipeClient()
- , GenCookie(0)
- , PrevStep(0)
+ : Owner(owner)
+ , Coordinator(coordinator)
+ , Mediator(mediator)
+ , CoordinatorGeneration(coordinatorGeneration)
+ , PipeClient()
+ , GenCookie(0)
+ , PrevStep(0)
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Sync(ctx);
- }
- STFUNC(StateSync) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorSyncResult, Handle);
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Sync(ctx);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateSync) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvCoordinatorSyncResult, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStep, Handle);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTxCoordinator::TEvMediatorQueueStep, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die)
- }
- }
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die)
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue(const TActorId &owner, ui64 coordinator, ui64 mediator, ui64 coordinatorGeneration) {
return new NFlatTxCoordinator::TTxCoordinatorMediatorQueue(owner, coordinator, mediator, coordinatorGeneration);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard.cpp
index f5521ec9aa..d86568b4a1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard.cpp
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ TDataShard::TDataShard(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info)
, ReadColumnsScanInUserPool(0, 0, 1)
, BackupReadAheadLo(0, 0, 64*1024*1024)
, BackupReadAheadHi(0, 0, 128*1024*1024)
- , DataShardSysTables(InitDataShardSysTables(this))
+ , DataShardSysTables(InitDataShardSysTables(this))
, ChangeSenderActivator(info->TabletID)
, ChangeExchangeSplitter(this)
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ void TDataShard::SwitchToWork(const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_INFO_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_DATASHARD, "Switched to work state "
<< DatashardStateName(State) << " tabletId " << TabletID());
// Cleanup any removed snapshots from the previous generation
Execute(new TTxCleanupRemovedSnapshots(this), ctx);
@@ -1067,27 +1067,27 @@ TUserTable::TSpecialUpdate TDataShard::SpecialUpdates(const NTable::TDatabase& d
const TUserTable& tableInfo = *it->second;
Y_VERIFY(tableInfo.LocalTid != Max<ui32>());
- TUserTable::TSpecialUpdate ret;
+ TUserTable::TSpecialUpdate ret;
+ if (tableInfo.SpecialColTablet != Max<ui32>()) {
+ ret.ColIdTablet = tableInfo.SpecialColTablet;
+ ret.Tablet = TabletID();
- if (tableInfo.SpecialColTablet != Max<ui32>()) {
- ret.ColIdTablet = tableInfo.SpecialColTablet;
- ret.Tablet = TabletID();
- ret.HasUpdates = true;
+ ret.HasUpdates = true;
- if (tableInfo.SpecialColEpoch != Max<ui32>() || tableInfo.SpecialColUpdateNo != Max<ui32>()) {
- auto dbChange = db.Head(tableInfo.LocalTid);
- ret.ColIdEpoch = tableInfo.SpecialColEpoch;
- ret.ColIdUpdateNo = tableInfo.SpecialColUpdateNo;
+ if (tableInfo.SpecialColEpoch != Max<ui32>() || tableInfo.SpecialColUpdateNo != Max<ui32>()) {
+ auto dbChange = db.Head(tableInfo.LocalTid);
+ ret.ColIdEpoch = tableInfo.SpecialColEpoch;
+ ret.ColIdUpdateNo = tableInfo.SpecialColUpdateNo;
ret.Epoch = dbChange.Epoch.ToCounter();
- ret.UpdateNo = dbChange.Serial;
- ret.HasUpdates = true;
- }
- return ret;
+ ret.UpdateNo = dbChange.Serial;
+ ret.HasUpdates = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
void TDataShard::SetTableAccessTime(const TTableId& tableId, TInstant ts) {
@@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ void TDataShard::Handle(TEvDataShard::TEvStateChangedResult::TPtr& ev, const TAc
<< " datashard " << TabletID()
<< " state " << DatashardStateName(State));
// TODO: implement
- NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), StateReportPipe);
+ NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), StateReportPipe);
bool TDataShard::CheckDataTxReject(const TString& opDescr,
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__engine_host.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__engine_host.cpp
index 9e5959591e..876c337093 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__engine_host.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__engine_host.cpp
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public:
NUdf::TUnboxedValue SelectRow(const TArrayRef<const TCell>& row, TStructLiteral* columnIds,
- TOptionalType* returnType, const TReadTarget& readTarget, const THolderFactory& holderFactory) const
+ TOptionalType* returnType, const TReadTarget& readTarget, const THolderFactory& holderFactory) const
@@ -224,15 +224,15 @@ public:
return result.CreateResult(lock.MakeRow(false), holderFactory);
- void UpdateRow(const TArrayRef<const TCell>& row, const TArrayRef<const TUpdateCommand>& commands) const
- {
+ void UpdateRow(const TArrayRef<const TCell>& row, const TArrayRef<const TUpdateCommand>& commands) const
+ {
Y_ASSERT("Not supported");
- void EraseRow(const TArrayRef<const TCell>& row) const {
+ void EraseRow(const TArrayRef<const TCell>& row) const {
@@ -252,31 +252,31 @@ private:
TVector<ui32> KeyTypes;
-class TDataShardSysTables : public TThrRefBase {
- TDataShardSysTable Locks;
- TDataShardSysTable Locks2;
+class TDataShardSysTables : public TThrRefBase {
+ TDataShardSysTable Locks;
+ TDataShardSysTable Locks2;
TDataShardSysTables(TDataShard *self)
- : Locks(TTableId(TSysTables::SysSchemeShard, TSysTables::SysTableLocks), self)
- , Locks2(TTableId(TSysTables::SysSchemeShard, TSysTables::SysTableLocks2), self)
- {}
+ : Locks(TTableId(TSysTables::SysSchemeShard, TSysTables::SysTableLocks), self)
+ , Locks2(TTableId(TSysTables::SysSchemeShard, TSysTables::SysTableLocks2), self)
+ {}
const TDataShardSysTable& Get(const TTableId& tableId) const {
if (tableId.PathId.LocalPathId == TSysTables::SysTableLocks2)
- return Locks2;
+ return Locks2;
if (tableId.PathId.LocalPathId == TSysTables::SysTableLocks)
- return Locks;
- Y_FAIL("unexpected sys table id");
- }
+ return Locks;
+ Y_FAIL("unexpected sys table id");
+ }
TIntrusivePtr<TThrRefBase> InitDataShardSysTables(TDataShard* self) {
- return new TDataShardSysTables(self);
+ return new TDataShardSysTables(self);
class TDataShardEngineHost : public TEngineHost {
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public:
bool IsValidKey(TKeyDesc& key, std::pair<ui64, ui64>& maxSnapshotTime) const override {
if (TSysTables::IsSystemTable(key.TableId))
- return DataShardSysTable(key.TableId).IsValidKey(key);
+ return DataShardSysTable(key.TableId).IsValidKey(key);
// prevent updates/erases with LockTxId set
if (LockTxId && key.RowOperation != TKeyDesc::ERowOperation::Read) {
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ public:
const THolderFactory& holderFactory) override
if (TSysTables::IsSystemTable(tableId)) {
- return DataShardSysTable(tableId).SelectRow(row, columnIds, returnType, readTarget, holderFactory);
+ return DataShardSysTable(tableId).SelectRow(row, columnIds, returnType, readTarget, holderFactory);
Self->SysLocksTable().SetLock(tableId, row, LockTxId);
@@ -388,59 +388,59 @@ public:
void UpdateRow(const TTableId& tableId, const TArrayRef<const TCell>& row, const TArrayRef<const TUpdateCommand>& commands) override {
if (TSysTables::IsSystemTable(tableId)) {
- DataShardSysTable(tableId).UpdateRow(row, commands);
+ DataShardSysTable(tableId).UpdateRow(row, commands);
Self->SysLocksTable().BreakLock(tableId, row);
Self->SetTableUpdateTime(tableId, Now);
- // apply special columns if declared
- TUserTable::TSpecialUpdate specUpdates = Self->SpecialUpdates(DB, tableId);
- if (specUpdates.HasUpdates) {
- TStackVec<TUpdateCommand> extendedCmds;
- extendedCmds.reserve(commands.size() + 3);
- for (const TUpdateCommand& cmd : commands) {
- if (cmd.Column == specUpdates.ColIdTablet)
- specUpdates.ColIdTablet = Max<ui32>();
- else if (cmd.Column == specUpdates.ColIdEpoch)
- specUpdates.ColIdEpoch = Max<ui32>();
- else if (cmd.Column == specUpdates.ColIdUpdateNo)
- specUpdates.ColIdUpdateNo = Max<ui32>();
- extendedCmds.push_back(cmd);
- }
- if (specUpdates.ColIdTablet != Max<ui32>()) {
- extendedCmds.emplace_back(TUpdateCommand{
- specUpdates.ColIdTablet, TKeyDesc::EColumnOperation::Set, EInplaceUpdateMode::Unknown,
- TCell::Make<ui64>(specUpdates.Tablet)
- });
+ // apply special columns if declared
+ TUserTable::TSpecialUpdate specUpdates = Self->SpecialUpdates(DB, tableId);
+ if (specUpdates.HasUpdates) {
+ TStackVec<TUpdateCommand> extendedCmds;
+ extendedCmds.reserve(commands.size() + 3);
+ for (const TUpdateCommand& cmd : commands) {
+ if (cmd.Column == specUpdates.ColIdTablet)
+ specUpdates.ColIdTablet = Max<ui32>();
+ else if (cmd.Column == specUpdates.ColIdEpoch)
+ specUpdates.ColIdEpoch = Max<ui32>();
+ else if (cmd.Column == specUpdates.ColIdUpdateNo)
+ specUpdates.ColIdUpdateNo = Max<ui32>();
+ extendedCmds.push_back(cmd);
+ }
+ if (specUpdates.ColIdTablet != Max<ui32>()) {
+ extendedCmds.emplace_back(TUpdateCommand{
+ specUpdates.ColIdTablet, TKeyDesc::EColumnOperation::Set, EInplaceUpdateMode::Unknown,
+ TCell::Make<ui64>(specUpdates.Tablet)
+ });
- if (specUpdates.ColIdEpoch != Max<ui32>()) {
- extendedCmds.emplace_back(TUpdateCommand{
- specUpdates.ColIdEpoch, TKeyDesc::EColumnOperation::Set, EInplaceUpdateMode::Unknown,
- TCell::Make<ui64>(specUpdates.Epoch)
- });
- }
- if (specUpdates.ColIdUpdateNo != Max<ui32>()) {
- extendedCmds.emplace_back(TUpdateCommand{
- specUpdates.ColIdUpdateNo, TKeyDesc::EColumnOperation::Set, EInplaceUpdateMode::Unknown,
- TCell::Make<ui64>(specUpdates.UpdateNo)
- });
- }
- TEngineHost::UpdateRow(tableId, row, {extendedCmds.data(), extendedCmds.size()});
- } else {
- TEngineHost::UpdateRow(tableId, row, commands);
+ if (specUpdates.ColIdEpoch != Max<ui32>()) {
+ extendedCmds.emplace_back(TUpdateCommand{
+ specUpdates.ColIdEpoch, TKeyDesc::EColumnOperation::Set, EInplaceUpdateMode::Unknown,
+ TCell::Make<ui64>(specUpdates.Epoch)
+ });
+ }
+ if (specUpdates.ColIdUpdateNo != Max<ui32>()) {
+ extendedCmds.emplace_back(TUpdateCommand{
+ specUpdates.ColIdUpdateNo, TKeyDesc::EColumnOperation::Set, EInplaceUpdateMode::Unknown,
+ TCell::Make<ui64>(specUpdates.UpdateNo)
+ });
+ }
+ TEngineHost::UpdateRow(tableId, row, {extendedCmds.data(), extendedCmds.size()});
+ } else {
+ TEngineHost::UpdateRow(tableId, row, commands);
void EraseRow(const TTableId& tableId, const TArrayRef<const TCell>& row) override {
if (TSysTables::IsSystemTable(tableId)) {
- DataShardSysTable(tableId).EraseRow(row);
+ DataShardSysTable(tableId).EraseRow(row);
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ public:
// Returns whether row belong this shard.
bool IsMyKey(const TTableId& tableId, const TArrayRef<const TCell>& row) const override {
if (TSysTables::IsSystemTable(tableId))
- return DataShardSysTable(tableId).IsMyKey(row);
+ return DataShardSysTable(tableId).IsMyKey(row);
auto iter = Self->TableInfos.find(tableId.PathId.LocalPathId);
if (iter == Self->TableInfos.end()) {
@@ -493,9 +493,9 @@ public:
const TDataShardSysTable& DataShardSysTable(const TTableId& tableId) const {
- return static_cast<const TDataShardSysTables *>(Self->GetDataShardSysTables())->Get(tableId);
- }
+ return static_cast<const TDataShardSysTables *>(Self->GetDataShardSysTables())->Get(tableId);
+ }
TDataShard* Self;
NTable::TDatabase& DB;
const ui64& LockTxId;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__engine_host.h b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__engine_host.h
index 4c2c2bab06..8e3064c83d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__engine_host.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__engine_host.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace NDataShard {
class TDataShard;
TIntrusivePtr<TThrRefBase> InitDataShardSysTables(TDataShard* self);
class TEngineBay : TNonCopyable {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__init.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__init.cpp
index 1009a615c7..dc12c49959 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__init.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__init.cpp
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ void TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) {
// InReadSets table might have a lot of garbage due to old bug.
- // Run transaction to collect if shard is not going offline.
- if (Self->State != TShardState::Offline && Self->State != TShardState::PreOffline)
+ // Run transaction to collect if shard is not going offline.
+ if (Self->State != TShardState::Offline && Self->State != TShardState::PreOffline)
Self->Execute(Self->CreateTxCheckInReadSets(), ctx);
// Tables created with older SchemeShard versions don't have
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__op_rows.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__op_rows.cpp
index 93a0ae3877..3b3c9d9d6f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__op_rows.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__op_rows.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "datashard_impl.h"
-#include "datashard_direct_transaction.h"
+#include "datashard_direct_transaction.h"
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NDataShard {
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ template <typename TEvRequest>
class TTxDirectBase : public TTransactionBase<TDataShard> {
TEvRequest Ev;
- TOperation::TPtr Op;
- TVector<EExecutionUnitKind> CompleteList;
+ TOperation::TPtr Op;
+ TVector<EExecutionUnitKind> CompleteList;
TTxDirectBase(TDataShard* ds, TEvRequest ev)
: TBase(ds)
@@ -25,26 +25,26 @@ public:
<< ": at tablet# " << Self->TabletID());
if (Self->IsFollower()) {
- return true; // TODO: report error
+ return true; // TODO: report error
- if (Ev) {
- const ui64 tieBreaker = Self->NextTieBreakerIndex++;
- Op = new TDirectTransaction(tieBreaker, ctx.Now(), tieBreaker, Ev);
- Op->BuildExecutionPlan(false);
- Self->Pipeline.GetExecutionUnit(Op->GetCurrentUnit()).AddOperation(Op);
+ if (Ev) {
+ const ui64 tieBreaker = Self->NextTieBreakerIndex++;
+ Op = new TDirectTransaction(tieBreaker, ctx.Now(), tieBreaker, Ev);
+ Op->BuildExecutionPlan(false);
+ Self->Pipeline.GetExecutionUnit(Op->GetCurrentUnit()).AddOperation(Op);
- Ev = nullptr;
+ Ev = nullptr;
- auto status = Self->Pipeline.RunExecutionPlan(Op, CompleteList, txc, ctx);
- if (!CompleteList.empty()) {
+ auto status = Self->Pipeline.RunExecutionPlan(Op, CompleteList, txc, ctx);
+ if (!CompleteList.empty()) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (status == EExecutionStatus::Restart) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ Op = nullptr;
return true;
- } else if (status == EExecutionStatus::Restart) {
- return false;
- } else {
- Op = nullptr;
- return true;
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ public:
LOG_INFO_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_DATASHARD, "TTxDirectBase(" << GetTxType() << ") Complete"
<< ": at tablet# " << Self->TabletID());
- Self->Pipeline.RunCompleteList(Op, CompleteList, ctx);
+ Self->Pipeline.RunCompleteList(Op, CompleteList, ctx);
if (Self->Pipeline.CanRunAnotherOp()) {
- Self->PlanQueue.Progress(ctx);
+ Self->PlanQueue.Progress(ctx);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__propose_tx_base.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__propose_tx_base.cpp
index 44014f9ada..7dfb1a294e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__propose_tx_base.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__propose_tx_base.cpp
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void TDataShard::TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete(const TActorContext &ctx) {
Self->Pipeline.RunCompleteList(Op, CompleteList, ctx);
- }
+ }
if (!Op->IsInProgress() && !Op->IsExecutionPlanFinished())
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__schema_changed.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__schema_changed.cpp
index 9cd0ea46fd..3d6b2a31cb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__schema_changed.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard__schema_changed.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public:
void Complete(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
- NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(Self->SelfId(), Self->SchemeShardPipe);
+ NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(Self->SelfId(), Self->SchemeShardPipe);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_common_upload.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_common_upload.cpp
index 862565e9b4..088da2b521 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_common_upload.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_common_upload.cpp
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
#include "change_collector.h"
#include "datashard_common_upload.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NDataShard {
template <typename TEvRequest, typename TEvResponse>
TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::TCommonUploadOps(typename TEvRequest::TPtr& ev, bool breakLocks, bool collectChanges)
: BreakLocks(breakLocks)
, CollectChanges(collectChanges)
, Ev(ev)
template <typename TEvRequest, typename TEvResponse>
bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTransactionContext& txc,
const TRowVersion& readVersion, const TRowVersion& writeVersion)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTrans
const auto& record = Ev->Get()->Record;
Result = MakeHolder<TEvResponse>(self->TabletID());
TInstant deadline = TInstant::MilliSeconds(record.GetCancelDeadlineMs());
if (deadline && deadline < AppData()->TimeProvider->Now()) {
SetError(NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::EXECUTION_CANCELLED, "Deadline exceeded");
@@ -29,31 +29,31 @@ bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTrans
const ui64 tableId = record.GetTableId();
const TTableId fullTableId(self->GetPathOwnerId(), tableId);
const ui64 localTableId = self->GetLocalTableId(fullTableId);
- if (localTableId == 0) {
- SetError(NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_ERROR, Sprintf("Unknown table id %" PRIu64, tableId));
+ if (localTableId == 0) {
+ SetError(NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_ERROR, Sprintf("Unknown table id %" PRIu64, tableId));
return true;
- }
+ }
const ui64 shadowTableId = self->GetShadowTableId(fullTableId);
const TUserTable& tableInfo = *self->GetUserTables().at(tableId); /// ... find
- Y_VERIFY(tableInfo.LocalTid == localTableId);
+ Y_VERIFY(tableInfo.LocalTid == localTableId);
Y_VERIFY(tableInfo.ShadowTid == shadowTableId);
- // Check schemas
+ // Check schemas
if (record.GetRowScheme().KeyColumnIdsSize() != tableInfo.KeyColumnIds.size()) {
- SetError(NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_ERROR,
- Sprintf("Key column count mismatch: got %" PRIu64 ", expected %" PRIu64,
+ SetError(NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_ERROR,
+ Sprintf("Key column count mismatch: got %" PRIu64 ", expected %" PRIu64,
record.GetRowScheme().KeyColumnIdsSize(), tableInfo.KeyColumnIds.size()));
return true;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tableInfo.KeyColumnIds.size(); ++i) {
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < tableInfo.KeyColumnIds.size(); ++i) {
if (record.GetRowScheme().GetKeyColumnIds(i) != tableInfo.KeyColumnIds[i]) {
- SetError(NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_ERROR, Sprintf("Key column schema at position %" PRISZT, i));
+ SetError(NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_ERROR, Sprintf("Key column schema at position %" PRISZT, i));
return true;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
const bool writeToTableShadow = record.GetWriteToTableShadow();
const bool readForTableShadow = writeToTableShadow && !shadowTableId;
const ui32 writeTableId = writeToTableShadow && shadowTableId ? shadowTableId : localTableId;
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTrans
- // Prepare (id, Type) vector for value columns
+ // Prepare (id, Type) vector for value columns
TVector<NTable::TTag> tagsForSelect;
- TVector<std::pair<ui32, NScheme::TTypeId>> valueCols;
+ TVector<std::pair<ui32, NScheme::TTypeId>> valueCols;
for (const auto& colId : record.GetRowScheme().GetValueColumnIds()) {
if (readForTableShadow) {
@@ -79,36 +79,36 @@ bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTrans
return true;
valueCols.emplace_back(colId, col->Type);
- }
- TVector<TRawTypeValue> key;
- TVector<NTable::TUpdateOp> value;
- TSerializedCellVec keyCells;
- TSerializedCellVec valueCells;
+ }
+ TVector<TRawTypeValue> key;
+ TVector<NTable::TUpdateOp> value;
+ TSerializedCellVec keyCells;
+ TSerializedCellVec valueCells;
bool pageFault = false;
NTable::TRowState rowState;
- ui64 bytes = 0;
+ ui64 bytes = 0;
for (const auto& r : record.GetRows()) {
- // TODO: use safe parsing!
- keyCells.Parse(r.GetKeyColumns());
- valueCells.Parse(r.GetValueColumns());
- bytes += keyCells.GetBuffer().size() + valueCells.GetBuffer().size();
- if (keyCells.GetCells().size() != tableInfo.KeyColumnTypes.size() ||
- valueCells.GetCells().size() != valueCols.size())
- {
+ // TODO: use safe parsing!
+ keyCells.Parse(r.GetKeyColumns());
+ valueCells.Parse(r.GetValueColumns());
+ bytes += keyCells.GetBuffer().size() + valueCells.GetBuffer().size();
+ if (keyCells.GetCells().size() != tableInfo.KeyColumnTypes.size() ||
+ valueCells.GetCells().size() != valueCols.size())
+ {
SetError(NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_ERROR, "Cell count doesn't match row scheme");
return true;
- }
- key.clear();
- size_t ki = 0;
+ }
+ key.clear();
+ size_t ki = 0;
ui64 keyBytes = 0;
- for (const auto& kt : tableInfo.KeyColumnTypes) {
+ for (const auto& kt : tableInfo.KeyColumnTypes) {
const TCell& c = keyCells.GetCells()[ki];
if (kt == NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint8 && !c.IsNull() && c.AsValue<ui8>() > 127) {
SetError(NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::BAD_ARGUMENT, "Keys with Uint8 column values >127 are currently prohibited");
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTrans
keyBytes += c.Size();
key.emplace_back(TRawTypeValue(c.AsRef(), kt));
- ++ki;
- }
+ ++ki;
+ }
if (keyBytes > NLimits::MaxWriteKeySize) {
Sprintf("Row key size of %" PRISZT " bytes is larger than the allowed threshold %" PRIu64,
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTrans
- value.clear();
- size_t vi = 0;
- for (const auto& vt : valueCols) {
+ value.clear();
+ size_t vi = 0;
+ for (const auto& vt : valueCols) {
if (valueCells.GetCells()[vi].Size() > NLimits::MaxWriteValueSize) {
Sprintf("Row cell size of %" PRISZT " bytes is larger than the allowed threshold %" PRIu64,
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTrans
if (allowUpdate) {
value.emplace_back(NTable::TUpdateOp(vt.first, NTable::ECellOp::Set, TRawTypeValue(valueCells.GetCells()[vi].AsRef(), vt.second)));
- ++vi;
- }
+ ++vi;
+ }
if (readForTableShadow && rowState != NTable::ERowOp::Absent && value.empty()) {
// We don't want to issue an Upsert when key already exists and there are no updates
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTrans
txc.DB.Update(writeTableId, NTable::ERowOp::Upsert, key, value, writeVersion);
- }
+ }
if (pageFault) {
if (ChangeCollector) {
@@ -202,12 +202,12 @@ bool TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTrans
self->IncCounter(COUNTER_UPLOAD_ROWS, record.GetRows().size());
- self->IncCounter(COUNTER_UPLOAD_ROWS_BYTES, bytes);
- tableInfo.Stats.UpdateTime = TAppData::TimeProvider->Now();
+ self->IncCounter(COUNTER_UPLOAD_ROWS_BYTES, bytes);
+ tableInfo.Stats.UpdateTime = TAppData::TimeProvider->Now();
return true;
template <typename TEvRequest, typename TEvResponse>
void TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::SendResult(TDataShard* self, const TActorContext& ctx) {
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ void TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::SendResult(TDataShard* self, con
ctx.Send(Ev->Sender, std::move(Result));
template <typename TEvRequest, typename TEvResponse>
TVector<NMiniKQL::IChangeCollector::TChange> TCommonUploadOps<TEvRequest, TEvResponse>::GetCollectedChanges() const {
if (!ChangeCollector) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_transaction.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_transaction.cpp
index 63615d08c8..145f0936cd 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_transaction.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_transaction.cpp
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-#include "datashard_direct_transaction.h"
+#include "datashard_direct_transaction.h"
#include "datashard_direct_erase.h"
#include "datashard_direct_upload.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NDataShard {
TDirectTransaction::TDirectTransaction(ui64 txId, TInstant receivedAt, ui64 tieBreakerIndex, TEvDataShard::TEvUploadRowsRequest::TPtr& ev)
: TOperation(TBasicOpInfo(txId, EOperationKind::DirectTx, Flags, 0, receivedAt, tieBreakerIndex))
, Impl(new TDirectTxUpload(ev))
TDirectTransaction::TDirectTransaction(ui64 txId, TInstant receivedAt, ui64 tieBreakerIndex, TEvDataShard::TEvEraseRowsRequest::TPtr& ev)
: TOperation(TBasicOpInfo(txId, EOperationKind::DirectTx, Flags, 0, receivedAt, tieBreakerIndex))
, Impl(new TDirectTxErase(ev))
-void TDirectTransaction::BuildExecutionPlan(bool loaded)
- Y_VERIFY(GetExecutionPlan().empty());
- Y_VERIFY(!loaded);
- TVector<EExecutionUnitKind> plan;
- plan.push_back(EExecutionUnitKind::BuildAndWaitDependencies);
+void TDirectTransaction::BuildExecutionPlan(bool loaded)
+ Y_VERIFY(GetExecutionPlan().empty());
+ Y_VERIFY(!loaded);
+ TVector<EExecutionUnitKind> plan;
+ plan.push_back(EExecutionUnitKind::BuildAndWaitDependencies);
- plan.push_back(EExecutionUnitKind::CompletedOperations);
- RewriteExecutionPlan(plan);
+ plan.push_back(EExecutionUnitKind::CompletedOperations);
+ RewriteExecutionPlan(plan);
bool TDirectTransaction::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTransactionContext& txc) {
auto [readVersion, writeVersion] = self->GetReadWriteVersions();
if (!Impl->Execute(self, txc, readVersion, writeVersion))
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ bool TDirectTransaction::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTransactionContext& txc) {
self->PromoteCompleteEdge(writeVersion.Step, txc);
return true;
void TDirectTransaction::SendResult(TDataShard* self, const TActorContext& ctx) {
Impl->SendResult(self, ctx);
TVector<NMiniKQL::IChangeCollector::TChange> TDirectTransaction::GetCollectedChanges() const {
return Impl->GetCollectedChanges();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_transaction.h b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_transaction.h
index 39dd6bfb57..5b42e1f1d7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_transaction.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_transaction.h
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "datashard_impl.h"
-#include "datashard_locks.h"
-#include "operation.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "datashard_impl.h"
+#include "datashard_locks.h"
+#include "operation.h"
#include <ydb/core/engine/minikql/change_collector_iface.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/tx_processing.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_cxx_database.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NDataShard {
class IDirectTx {
virtual ~IDirectTx() = default;
virtual bool Execute(TDataShard* self, TTransactionContext& txc, const TRowVersion& readVersion, const TRowVersion& writeVersion) = 0;
virtual void SendResult(TDataShard* self, const TActorContext& ctx) = 0;
virtual TVector<NMiniKQL::IChangeCollector::TChange> GetCollectedChanges() const = 0;
class TDirectTransaction : public TOperation {
TDirectTransaction(ui64 txId, TInstant receivedAt, ui64 tieBreakerIndex, TEvDataShard::TEvUploadRowsRequest::TPtr& ev);
TDirectTransaction(ui64 txId, TInstant receivedAt, ui64 tieBreakerIndex, TEvDataShard::TEvEraseRowsRequest::TPtr& ev);
- void BuildExecutionPlan(bool) override;
+ void BuildExecutionPlan(bool) override;
bool Execute(TDataShard* self, TTransactionContext& txc);
void SendResult(TDataShard* self, const TActorContext& ctx);
TVector<NMiniKQL::IChangeCollector::TChange> GetCollectedChanges() const;
friend class TDirectOpUnit;
THolder<IDirectTx> Impl;
static constexpr ui32 Flags = NTxDataShard::TTxFlags::Immediate | NTxDataShard::TTxFlags::GlobalWriter;
} // NDataShard
} // NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_upload.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_upload.cpp
index fb8a3eb6de..6173c0e218 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_upload.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_direct_upload.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include "datashard_direct_upload.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NDataShard {
TDirectTxUpload::TDirectTxUpload(TEvDataShard::TEvUploadRowsRequest::TPtr& ev)
: TCommonUploadOps(ev, true, true)
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ TDirectTxUpload::TDirectTxUpload(TEvDataShard::TEvUploadRowsRequest::TPtr& ev)
bool TDirectTxUpload::Execute(TDataShard* self, TTransactionContext& txc, const TRowVersion& readVersion, const TRowVersion& writeVersion) {
return TCommonUploadOps::Execute(self, txc, readVersion, writeVersion);
void TDirectTxUpload::SendResult(TDataShard* self, const TActorContext& ctx) {
TCommonUploadOps::SendResult(self, ctx);
TVector<NMiniKQL::IChangeCollector::TChange> TDirectTxUpload::GetCollectedChanges() const {
return TCommonUploadOps::GetCollectedChanges();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_impl.h b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_impl.h
index b49b70beb5..11313474f8 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_impl.h
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ class TDataShard
using TColumns = TableColumns<SrcTabletId>;
- // Additional tx artifacts which can be reused on tx restart.
+ // Additional tx artifacts which can be reused on tx restart.
struct TxArtifacts : Table<12> {
struct TxId : Column<1, NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64> {};
// Specify which tx artifacts have been stored to local DB and can be
@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ class TDataShard
void OnStopGuardComplete(const TActorContext &ctx);
void OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext &ctx) override;
void Cleanup(const TActorContext &ctx);
void SwitchToWork(const TActorContext &ctx);
void SyncConfig();
@@ -1044,15 +1044,15 @@ class TDataShard
bool CheckMediatorAuthorisation(ui64 mediatorId);
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInit();
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInitSchema();
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInit();
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInitSchema();
NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInitSchemaDefaults();
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxSchemaChanged(TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChangedResult::TPtr& ev);
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxStartSplit();
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxSplitSnapshotComplete(TIntrusivePtr<TSplitSnapshotContext> snapContext);
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInitiateBorrowedPartsReturn();
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxCheckInReadSets();
- NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxRemoveOldInReadSets();
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxSchemaChanged(TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChangedResult::TPtr& ev);
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxStartSplit();
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxSplitSnapshotComplete(TIntrusivePtr<TSplitSnapshotContext> snapContext);
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxInitiateBorrowedPartsReturn();
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxCheckInReadSets();
+ NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxRemoveOldInReadSets();
NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction* CreateTxExecuteMvccStateChange();
TReadWriteVersions GetLocalReadWriteVersions() const;
@@ -1252,11 +1252,11 @@ public:
void SnapshotComplete(TIntrusivePtr<NTabletFlatExecutor::TTableSnapshotContext> snapContext, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
void CompactionComplete(ui32 tableId, const TActorContext &ctx) override;
- void CompletedLoansChanged(const TActorContext &ctx) override;
+ void CompletedLoansChanged(const TActorContext &ctx) override;
void ReplyCompactionWaiters(ui32 tableId, ui64 edge, const TActorContext &ctx);
- TUserTable::TSpecialUpdate SpecialUpdates(const NTable::TDatabase& db, const TTableId& tableId) const;
+ TUserTable::TSpecialUpdate SpecialUpdates(const NTable::TDatabase& db, const TTableId& tableId) const;
void SetTableAccessTime(const TTableId& tableId, TInstant ts);
void SetTableUpdateTime(const TTableId& tableId, TInstant ts);
@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ public:
static void PersistSchemeTxResult(NIceDb::TNiceDb &db, const TSchemaOperation& op);
void NotifySchemeshard(const TActorContext& ctx, ui64 txId = 0);
- TThrRefBase* GetDataShardSysTables() { return DataShardSysTables.Get(); }
+ TThrRefBase* GetDataShardSysTables() { return DataShardSysTables.Get(); }
TSnapshotManager& GetSnapshotManager() { return SnapshotManager; }
const TSnapshotManager& GetSnapshotManager() const { return SnapshotManager; }
@@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ private:
// Set of InRS keys to remove from local DB.
THashSet<TReadSetKey> InRSToRemove;
- TIntrusivePtr<TThrRefBase> DataShardSysTables;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TThrRefBase> DataShardSysTables;
// Simple volatile counter
ui64 NextTieBreakerIndex = 1;
@@ -2118,10 +2118,10 @@ protected:
HFuncTraced(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle);
- if (!HandleDefaultEvents(ev, ctx)) {
+ if (!HandleDefaultEvents(ev, ctx)) {
LOG_WARN_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_DATASHARD, "TDataShard::StateInactive unhandled event type: " << ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event: " << (ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().data() : "serialized?"));
- }
+ }
@@ -2228,11 +2228,11 @@ protected:
fFunc(TEvDataShard::EvReplicationSourceOffsetsAck, HandleByReplicationSourceOffsetsServer);
fFunc(TEvDataShard::EvReplicationSourceOffsetsCancel, HandleByReplicationSourceOffsetsServer);
- if (!HandleDefaultEvents(ev, ctx)) {
+ if (!HandleDefaultEvents(ev, ctx)) {
LOG_WARN_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_DATASHARD,
"TDataShard::StateWork unhandled event type: "<< ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event: " << (ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().data() : "serialized?"));
- }
+ }
@@ -2273,11 +2273,11 @@ protected:
void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), SchemeShardPipe);
- NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), StateReportPipe);
- NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), DbStatsReportPipe);
- NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), TableResolvePipe);
+ NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), SchemeShardPipe);
+ NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), StateReportPipe);
+ NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), DbStatsReportPipe);
+ NTabletPipe::CloseAndForgetClient(SelfId(), TableResolvePipe);
if (ReplicationSourceOffsetsServer) {
InvokeOtherActor(*ReplicationSourceOffsetsServer, &TReplicationSourceOffsetsServer::PassAway);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_pipeline.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_pipeline.cpp
index eddd7abcca..3498162c17 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_pipeline.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_pipeline.cpp
@@ -14,21 +14,21 @@ namespace NDataShard {
#define LOAD_SYS_UI64(db, row, value) if (!TDataShard::SysGetUi64(db, row, value)) return false;
TPipeline::TPipeline(TDataShard * self)
- : Self(self)
+ : Self(self)
, DepTracker(self)
, ActivePlannedOpsLogicallyCompleteEnd(ActivePlannedOps.end())
, ActivePlannedOpsLogicallyIncompleteEnd(ActivePlannedOps.end())
- , LastPlannedTx(0, 0)
- , LastCompleteTx(0, 0)
- , UtmostCompleteTx(0, 0)
- , KeepSchemaStep(0)
- , LastCleanupTime(0)
- , SchemaTx(nullptr)
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < static_cast<ui32>(EExecutionUnitKind::Count); ++i)
- ExecutionUnits[i] = CreateExecutionUnit(static_cast<EExecutionUnitKind>(i), *Self, *this);
+ , LastPlannedTx(0, 0)
+ , LastCompleteTx(0, 0)
+ , UtmostCompleteTx(0, 0)
+ , KeepSchemaStep(0)
+ , LastCleanupTime(0)
+ , SchemaTx(nullptr)
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < static_cast<ui32>(EExecutionUnitKind::Count); ++i)
+ ExecutionUnits[i] = CreateExecutionUnit(static_cast<EExecutionUnitKind>(i), *Self, *this);
for (auto &pr : ActiveOps) {
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ void TPipeline::RemoveInReadSets(TOperation::TPtr op,
void TPipeline::RemoveTx(TStepOrder stepTxId) {
- // Optimization: faster Alter. Do not wait if no TxInFly.
+ // Optimization: faster Alter. Do not wait if no TxInFly.
// Can't persist KeepSchemaStep here. TxInFly must be restored on init.
if (Self->TransQueue.TxInFly() == 0) {
KeepSchemaStep = LastPlannedTx.Step;
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ void TPipeline::SaveLastPlannedTx(NIceDb::TNiceDb& db, TStepOrder stepTxId) {
Self->PersistSys(db, Schema::Sys_LastPlannedTx, LastPlannedTx.TxId);
-void TPipeline::CompleteTx(const TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TPipeline::CompleteTx(const TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext &ctx) {
NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
using Schema = TDataShard::Schema;
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ void TPipeline::CompleteTx(const TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext& txc,
while (!DelayedAcks.empty()
&& DelayedAcks.begin()->first.Step <= OutdatedReadSetStep())
- {
+ {
auto &pr = *DelayedAcks.begin();
LOG_NOTICE(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_DATASHARD,
@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ ui64 TPipeline::OutdatedCleanupStep() const
return LastPlannedTx.Step;
-ui64 TPipeline::GetTxCompleteLag(EOperationKind kind, ui64 timecastStep) const
+ui64 TPipeline::GetTxCompleteLag(EOperationKind kind, ui64 timecastStep) const
auto &plan = Self->TransQueue.GetPlan(kind);
if (plan.empty())
@@ -961,18 +961,18 @@ ui64 TPipeline::GetTxCompleteLag(EOperationKind kind, ui64 timecastStep) const
return 0;
-ui64 TPipeline::GetDataTxCompleteLag(ui64 timecastStep) const
+ui64 TPipeline::GetDataTxCompleteLag(ui64 timecastStep) const
+ return GetTxCompleteLag(EOperationKind::DataTx, timecastStep);
+ui64 TPipeline::GetScanTxCompleteLag(ui64 timecastStep) const
- return GetTxCompleteLag(EOperationKind::DataTx, timecastStep);
-ui64 TPipeline::GetScanTxCompleteLag(ui64 timecastStep) const
- return GetTxCompleteLag(EOperationKind::ReadTable, timecastStep);
+ return GetTxCompleteLag(EOperationKind::ReadTable, timecastStep);
void TPipeline::ProposeTx(TOperation::TPtr op, const TStringBuf &txBody, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx)
NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
SetProposed(op->GetTxId(), op->GetTarget());
PreserveSchema(db, op->GetMaxStep());
@@ -1098,13 +1098,13 @@ void TPipeline::SaveForPropose(TValidatedDataTx::TPtr tx) {
void TPipeline::SetProposed(ui64 txId, const TActorId& actorId) {
- auto it = DataTxCache.find(txId);
- if (it != DataTxCache.end()) {
- it->second->SetSource(actorId);
- }
+ auto it = DataTxCache.find(txId);
+ if (it != DataTxCache.end()) {
+ it->second->SetSource(actorId);
+ }
void TPipeline::ForgetUnproposedTx(ui64 txId) {
auto it = DataTxCache.find(txId);
if (it != DataTxCache.end() && !it->second->IsProposed()) {
@@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ TOperation::TPtr TPipeline::BuildOperation(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction::
return tx;
-void TPipeline::BuildDataTx(TActiveTransaction *tx, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx)
+void TPipeline::BuildDataTx(TActiveTransaction *tx, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx)
auto dataTx = tx->BuildDataTx(Self, txc, ctx);
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ void TPipeline::BuildDataTx(TActiveTransaction *tx, TTransactionContext &txc, co
-EExecutionStatus TPipeline::RunExecutionUnit(TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx)
+EExecutionStatus TPipeline::RunExecutionUnit(TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx)
auto &unit = GetExecutionUnit(op->GetCurrentUnit());
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_pipeline.h b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_pipeline.h
index 9053c3ef86..67c35260b2 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_pipeline.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_pipeline.h
@@ -118,15 +118,15 @@ public:
TOperation::TPtr GetNextActiveOp(bool dryRun);
bool IsReadyOp(TOperation::TPtr op);
- bool LoadTxDetails(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx, TActiveTransaction::TPtr tx);
+ bool LoadTxDetails(TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx, TActiveTransaction::TPtr tx);
- void DeactivateOp(TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void DeactivateOp(TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext &ctx);
void RemoveTx(TStepOrder stepTxId);
const TSchemaOperation* FindSchemaTx(ui64 txId) const;
void CompleteSchemaTx(NIceDb::TNiceDb& db, ui64 txId);
void MarkOpAsUsingSnapshot(TOperation::TPtr op);
- bool PlanTxs(ui64 step, TVector<ui64> &txIds, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ bool PlanTxs(ui64 step, TVector<ui64> &txIds, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx);
void PreserveSchema(NIceDb::TNiceDb& db, ui64 step);
TDuration CleanupTimeout() const;
ECleanupStatus Cleanup(NIceDb::TNiceDb& db, const TActorContext& ctx);
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ public:
TStepOrder GetLastCompleteTx() const { return LastCompleteTx; }
TStepOrder GetUtmostCompleteTx() const { return UtmostCompleteTx; }
- ui64 GetTxCompleteLag(EOperationKind kind, ui64 timecastStep) const;
- ui64 GetDataTxCompleteLag(ui64 timecastStep) const;
- ui64 GetScanTxCompleteLag(ui64 timecastStep) const;
+ ui64 GetTxCompleteLag(EOperationKind kind, ui64 timecastStep) const;
+ ui64 GetDataTxCompleteLag(ui64 timecastStep) const;
+ ui64 GetScanTxCompleteLag(ui64 timecastStep) const;
// schema ops
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ private:
bool GetPlannedTx(NIceDb::TNiceDb& db, ui64& step, ui64& txId);
void SaveLastPlannedTx(NIceDb::TNiceDb& db, TStepOrder stepTxId);
- void CompleteTx(TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void CompleteTx(TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext &txc, const TActorContext &ctx);
void PersistConfig(NIceDb::TNiceDb& db);
void MoveToNextUnit(TOperation::TPtr op);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_split_src.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_split_src.cpp
index cf9cb87c45..a7349fc9cf 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_split_src.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_split_src.cpp
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public:
// Build snapshot data of all tables for each destination shard
for (ui32 i = 0; i < Self->SrcSplitDescription->DestinationRangesSize(); ++i) {
const auto& dstRangeDescr = Self->SrcSplitDescription->GetDestinationRanges(i);
- const ui64 dstTablet = dstRangeDescr.GetTabletID();
+ const ui64 dstTablet = dstRangeDescr.GetTabletID();
TAutoPtr<NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvSplitTransferSnapshot> snapshot = new NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvSplitTransferSnapshot;
@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ public:
// Apply dst range to user table
- snapBody = Self->Executor()->BorrowSnapshot(localTableId, *SnapContext, from, to, dstTablet);
+ snapBody = Self->Executor()->BorrowSnapshot(localTableId, *SnapContext, from, to, dstTablet);
} else {
// Transfer full contents of system table
- snapBody = Self->Executor()->BorrowSnapshot(localTableId, *SnapContext, {}, {}, dstTablet);
+ snapBody = Self->Executor()->BorrowSnapshot(localTableId, *SnapContext, {}, {}, dstTablet);
if (snapBody.empty()) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_user_table.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_user_table.cpp
index c8e8653788..70bc940073 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_user_table.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_user_table.cpp
@@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ void TUserTable::ParseProto(const NKikimrSchemeOp::TTableDescription& descr)
TableSchemaVersion = descr.GetTableSchemaVersion();
IsBackup = descr.GetIsBackup();
- CheckSpecialColumns();
+ CheckSpecialColumns();
for (const auto& indexDesc : descr.GetTableIndexes()) {
Y_VERIFY(indexDesc.HasPathOwnerId() && indexDesc.HasLocalPathId());
@@ -278,27 +278,27 @@ void TUserTable::ParseProto(const NKikimrSchemeOp::TTableDescription& descr)
-void TUserTable::CheckSpecialColumns() {
- SpecialColTablet = Max<ui32>();
- SpecialColEpoch = Max<ui32>();
- SpecialColUpdateNo = Max<ui32>();
- for (const auto &xpair : Columns) {
- const ui32 colId = xpair.first;
- const auto &column = xpair.second;
- if (column.IsKey || column.Type != NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64)
- continue;
- if (column.Name == "__tablet")
- SpecialColTablet = colId;
- else if (column.Name == "__updateEpoch")
- SpecialColEpoch = colId;
- else if (column.Name == "__updateNo")
- SpecialColUpdateNo = colId;
- }
+void TUserTable::CheckSpecialColumns() {
+ SpecialColTablet = Max<ui32>();
+ SpecialColEpoch = Max<ui32>();
+ SpecialColUpdateNo = Max<ui32>();
+ for (const auto &xpair : Columns) {
+ const ui32 colId = xpair.first;
+ const auto &column = xpair.second;
+ if (column.IsKey || column.Type != NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64)
+ continue;
+ if (column.Name == "__tablet")
+ SpecialColTablet = colId;
+ else if (column.Name == "__updateEpoch")
+ SpecialColEpoch = colId;
+ else if (column.Name == "__updateNo")
+ SpecialColUpdateNo = colId;
+ }
void TUserTable::AlterSchema() {
NKikimrSchemeOp::TTableDescription schema;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_user_table.h b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_user_table.h
index 6d25b3386e..0dab30cb84 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_user_table.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_user_table.h
@@ -330,19 +330,19 @@ struct TUserTable : public TThrRefBase {
- struct TSpecialUpdate {
- bool HasUpdates = false;
- ui32 ColIdTablet = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 ColIdEpoch = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 ColIdUpdateNo = Max<ui32>();
+ struct TSpecialUpdate {
+ bool HasUpdates = false;
+ ui32 ColIdTablet = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 ColIdEpoch = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 ColIdUpdateNo = Max<ui32>();
ui64 Tablet = 0;
ui64 Epoch = 0;
ui64 UpdateNo = 0;
- };
- ui32 LocalTid = Max<ui32>();
+ };
+ ui32 LocalTid = Max<ui32>();
ui32 ShadowTid = 0;
TString Name;
TString Path;
@@ -363,10 +363,10 @@ struct TUserTable : public TThrRefBase {
mutable bool StatsUpdateInProgress = false;
mutable bool StatsNeedUpdate = true;
- ui32 SpecialColTablet = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 SpecialColEpoch = Max<ui32>();
- ui32 SpecialColUpdateNo = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 SpecialColTablet = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 SpecialColEpoch = Max<ui32>();
+ ui32 SpecialColUpdateNo = Max<ui32>();
TUserTable() { }
TUserTable(ui32 localTid, const NKikimrSchemeOp::TTableDescription& descr, ui32 shadowTid); // for create
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ private:
TString Schema;
ui64 TableSchemaVersion = 0;
- void CheckSpecialColumns();
+ void CheckSpecialColumns();
void AlterSchema();
void ParseProto(const NKikimrSchemeOp::TTableDescription& descr);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_common.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_common.cpp
index 6bd42514bf..d754f7ad0e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_common.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_common.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void TTester::Setup(TTestActorRuntime& runtime, const TOptions& opts) {
auto domain = TDomainsInfo::TDomain::ConstructDomainWithExplicitTabletIds(
- domainId, domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
+ domainId, domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
TVector<ui64>{TDomainsInfo::MakeTxCoordinatorIDFixed(domainId, 1)},
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/defs.h b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/defs.h
index 528e9d2456..5d005e7918 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/defs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/defs.h
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./ydb/core/tx/defs.h
#include <ydb/core/base/defs.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/events.h>
#include <ydb/core/util/yverify_stream.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TNoOpDestroy {
- template <typename T>
- static inline void Destroy(const T &) noexcept {}
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TNoOpDestroy {
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline void Destroy(const T &) noexcept {}
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/direct_tx_unit.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/direct_tx_unit.cpp
index bf3112b8a9..1284b1f6ad 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/direct_tx_unit.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/direct_tx_unit.cpp
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-#include "datashard_direct_transaction.h"
+#include "datashard_direct_transaction.h"
#include "datashard_pipeline.h"
#include "execution_unit_ctors.h"
#include "setup_sys_locks.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NDataShard {
class TDirectOpUnit : public TExecutionUnit {
TDirectOpUnit(TDataShard& self, TPipeline& pipeline)
: TExecutionUnit(EExecutionUnitKind::DirectOp, true, self, pipeline)
bool IsReadyToExecute(TOperation::TPtr op) const override {
return !op->HasRuntimeConflicts();
- }
+ }
EExecutionStatus Execute(TOperation::TPtr op, TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx) override {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
if (op->IsImmediate()) {
// Every time we execute immediate transaction we may choose a new mvcc version
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public:
TDirectTransaction* tx = dynamic_cast<TDirectTransaction*>(op.Get());
Y_VERIFY(tx != nullptr);
if (!tx->Execute(&DataShard, txc)) {
return EExecutionStatus::Restart;
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ public:
return EExecutionStatus::DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts;
- }
+ }
void Complete(TOperation::TPtr op, const TActorContext& ctx) override {
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ public:
Y_VERIFY(tx != nullptr);
tx->SendResult(&DataShard, ctx);
- }
+ }
}; // TDirectOpUnit
THolder<TExecutionUnit> CreateDirectOpUnit(TDataShard& self, TPipeline& pipeline) {
return THolder(new TDirectOpUnit(self, pipeline));
} // NDataShard
} // NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/operation.h b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/operation.h
index 9d81527bbd..0f4b713e91 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/operation.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/operation.h
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ enum class EOperationKind : ui32 {
CommitWrites = NKikimrTxDataShard::ETransactionKind::TX_KIND_COMMIT_WRITES,
// Values [100, inf) are used for internal kinds.
- DirectTx = 101,
+ DirectTx = 101,
class TBasicOpInfo {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/progress_queue.h b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/progress_queue.h
index 3a50a547cf..116ed33372 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/progress_queue.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/progress_queue.h
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-template <typename T, typename TDestruct, typename TEvent>
-class TTxProgressQueue {
- bool HasInFly;
- TOneOneQueueInplace<T, 32> Queue;
- TTxProgressQueue()
- : HasInFly(false)
- {}
- ~TTxProgressQueue() {
- while (T head = Queue.Pop())
- TDestruct::Destroy(head);
- }
- void Progress(T x, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (!HasInFly) {
+namespace NKikimr {
+template <typename T, typename TDestruct, typename TEvent>
+class TTxProgressQueue {
+ bool HasInFly;
+ TOneOneQueueInplace<T, 32> Queue;
+ TTxProgressQueue()
+ : HasInFly(false)
+ {}
+ ~TTxProgressQueue() {
+ while (T head = Queue.Pop())
+ TDestruct::Destroy(head);
+ }
+ void Progress(T x, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ if (!HasInFly) {
- ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvent(x));
- HasInFly = true;
- } else {
- Queue.Push(x);
- }
- }
- void Reset(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvent(x));
+ HasInFly = true;
+ } else {
+ Queue.Push(x);
+ }
+ }
+ void Reset(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- if (T x = Queue.Pop())
- ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvent(x));
- else
- HasInFly = false;
- }
+ if (T x = Queue.Pop())
+ ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, new TEvent(x));
+ else
+ HasInFly = false;
+ }
template <typename TEvent>
class TTxProgressCountedScalarQueue {
ui32 InFly;
@@ -103,4 +103,4 @@ public:
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/read_table_scan.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/read_table_scan.cpp
index 86bf8aa4a1..63e94fde96 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/read_table_scan.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/read_table_scan.cpp
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ public:
void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Sink.NodeId()),
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(Sink.NodeId()),
new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ya.make b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ya.make
index 19ead6c1d9..9c98e8e79b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ya.make
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ SRCS(
- datashard_direct_transaction.cpp
- datashard_direct_transaction.h
+ datashard_direct_transaction.cpp
+ datashard_direct_transaction.h
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/execute_queue.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/execute_queue.cpp
index 88710d58f2..07740e9f82 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/execute_queue.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/execute_queue.cpp
@@ -5,44 +5,44 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-#include <util/string/builder.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTxMediator {
- class TTxMediatorExecQueue : public TActor<TTxMediatorExecQueue> {
- struct TBucket {
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTxMediator {
+ class TTxMediatorExecQueue : public TActor<TTxMediatorExecQueue> {
+ struct TBucket {
TActorId ActiveActor;
- };
+ };
const TActorId Owner;
- const ui64 MediatorId;
- const ui64 HashRange;
+ const ui64 MediatorId;
+ const ui64 HashRange;
TTimeCastBuckets BucketSelector;
TVector<TBucket> Buckets;
TBucket& SelectBucket(TTabletId tablet) {
const ui32 bucketIdx = BucketSelector.Select(tablet);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(bucketIdx < Buckets.size());
- return Buckets[bucketIdx];
- }
- template<typename TEv>
+ return Buckets[bucketIdx];
+ }
+ template<typename TEv>
void SendStepToBucket(TTabletId tablet, TStepId step, TVector<TTx> &tx, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TBucket &bucket = SelectBucket(tablet);
- Sort(tx.begin(), tx.end(), TTx::TCmpOrderId());
- LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_PRIVATE, [&]() {
- TStringBuilder ss;
- ss << "Mediator exec queue [" << MediatorId << "], step# " << step << " for tablet [" << tablet << "]. TxIds:";
- for (const auto &x : tx)
+ TBucket &bucket = SelectBucket(tablet);
+ Sort(tx.begin(), tx.end(), TTx::TCmpOrderId());
+ LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_PRIVATE, [&]() {
+ TStringBuilder ss;
+ ss << "Mediator exec queue [" << MediatorId << "], step# " << step << " for tablet [" << tablet << "]. TxIds:";
+ for (const auto &x : tx)
ss << " txid# " << x.TxId;
ss << " marker# M2";
return (TString)ss;
- }());
+ }());
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_EXEC_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " MediatorId# " << MediatorId << " SEND Ev to# " << bucket.ActiveActor.ToString()
<< " step# " << step << " forTablet# " << tablet << [&]() {
@@ -52,159 +52,159 @@ namespace NTxMediator {
ss << " marker# M3";
return (TString)ss;
- ctx.Send(bucket.ActiveActor, new TEv(step, tablet, tx));
- }
+ ctx.Send(bucket.ActiveActor, new TEv(step, tablet, tx));
+ }
void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- for (const TBucket &bucket : Buckets)
- ctx.Send(bucket.ActiveActor, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
- Buckets.clear();
- return TActor::Die(ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitStep *msg = ev->Get();
- TMediateStep *step = msg->MediateStep.Get();
+ for (const TBucket &bucket : Buckets)
+ ctx.Send(bucket.ActiveActor, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ Buckets.clear();
+ return TActor::Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitStep *msg = ev->Get();
+ TMediateStep *step = msg->MediateStep.Get();
const ui32 totalCoordinators = step->Steps.size();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_EXEC_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " MediatorId# " << MediatorId << " HANDLE TEvCommitStep " << step->ToString() << " marker# M1");
- for (ui32 i = 0; i != totalCoordinators; ++i) {
- TCoordinatorStep &coord = *step->Steps[i];
- Sort(coord.TabletsToTransaction.begin(), coord.TabletsToTransaction.end(), TCoordinatorStep::TabletToTransactionCmp());
- }
- ui64 activeTablet = Max<ui64>();
- ui64 lookupTablet = Max<ui64>();
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i != totalCoordinators; ++i) {
+ TCoordinatorStep &coord = *step->Steps[i];
+ Sort(coord.TabletsToTransaction.begin(), coord.TabletsToTransaction.end(), TCoordinatorStep::TabletToTransactionCmp());
+ }
+ ui64 activeTablet = Max<ui64>();
+ ui64 lookupTablet = Max<ui64>();
TVector<ui64> readPositions(totalCoordinators, 0);
TVector<TTx> currentTx;
- do {
- for (ui64 ci = 0; ci != totalCoordinators; ++ci) {
- ui64 &readPos = readPositions[ci];
- TCoordinatorStep &coord = *step->Steps[ci];
- const ui64 tttsize = coord.TabletsToTransaction.size();
- while (readPos < tttsize) {
+ do {
+ for (ui64 ci = 0; ci != totalCoordinators; ++ci) {
+ ui64 &readPos = readPositions[ci];
+ TCoordinatorStep &coord = *step->Steps[ci];
+ const ui64 tttsize = coord.TabletsToTransaction.size();
+ while (readPos < tttsize) {
const std::pair<TTabletId, std::size_t> &x = coord.TabletsToTransaction[readPos];
if (x.first != activeTablet)
- break;
+ break;
- ++readPos;
- }
- if (readPos < tttsize) {
+ ++readPos;
+ }
+ if (readPos < tttsize) {
const std::pair<TTabletId, std::size_t> &x = coord.TabletsToTransaction[readPos];
if (x.first < lookupTablet)
lookupTablet = x.first;
- }
- }
- if (activeTablet != Max<ui64>()) {
- SendStepToBucket<TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitTabletStep>(activeTablet, step->To, currentTx, ctx);
- }
- activeTablet = lookupTablet;
- lookupTablet = Max<ui64>();
- currentTx.clear();
- } while (activeTablet != Max<ui64>());
- for (const TBucket &bucket : Buckets) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (activeTablet != Max<ui64>()) {
+ SendStepToBucket<TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitTabletStep>(activeTablet, step->To, currentTx, ctx);
+ }
+ activeTablet = lookupTablet;
+ lookupTablet = Max<ui64>();
+ currentTx.clear();
+ } while (activeTablet != Max<ui64>());
+ for (const TBucket &bucket : Buckets) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_EXEC_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " MediatorId# " << MediatorId << " SEND TEvStepPlanComplete to# "
<< bucket.ActiveActor.ToString() << " bucket.ActiveActor step# " << step->To);
- ctx.Send(bucket.ActiveActor, new TEvTxMediator::TEvStepPlanComplete(step->To));
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvRequestLostAcks::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxMediator::TEvRequestLostAcks *msg = ev->Get();
- TCoordinatorStep *step = msg->CoordinatorStep.Get();
+ ctx.Send(bucket.ActiveActor, new TEvTxMediator::TEvStepPlanComplete(step->To));
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvRequestLostAcks::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTxMediator::TEvRequestLostAcks *msg = ev->Get();
+ TCoordinatorStep *step = msg->CoordinatorStep.Get();
const TActorId &ackTo = msg->AckTo;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_EXEC_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " MediatorId# " << MediatorId << " HANDLE TEvRequestLostAcks " << step->ToString()
<< " AckTo# " << ackTo.ToString());
- Sort(step->TabletsToTransaction.begin(), step->TabletsToTransaction.end(), TCoordinatorStep::TabletToTransactionCmp());
+ Sort(step->TabletsToTransaction.begin(), step->TabletsToTransaction.end(), TCoordinatorStep::TabletToTransactionCmp());
TVector<TTx> currentTx;
TTabletId activeTablet = 0;
for (TVector<std::pair<TTabletId, std::size_t>>::const_iterator it = step->TabletsToTransaction.begin(), end = step->TabletsToTransaction.end(); it != end; ++it) {
if (activeTablet != it->first) {
- if (activeTablet)
+ if (activeTablet)
SendStepToBucket<TEvTxMediator::TEvOoOTabletStep>(activeTablet, step->Step, currentTx, ctx);
activeTablet = it->first;
- currentTx.clear();
- }
+ currentTx.clear();
+ }
- currentTx.back().AckTo = ackTo;
- }
- if (activeTablet)
+ currentTx.back().AckTo = ackTo;
+ }
+ if (activeTablet)
SendStepToBucket<TEvTxMediator::TEvOoOTabletStep>(activeTablet, step->Step, currentTx, ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
- // todo: check config coherence
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ // todo: check config coherence
const TActorId &sender = ev->Sender;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_EXEC_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " MediatorId# " << MediatorId << " HANDLE TEvWatch");
- for (ui32 bucketIdx : record.GetBucket()) {
+ for (ui32 bucketIdx : record.GetBucket()) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_EXEC_QUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " MediatorId# " << MediatorId << " SEND TEvWatchBucket to# "
<< Buckets[bucketIdx].ActiveActor.ToString() << " bucket.ActiveActor");
- ctx.Send(Buckets[bucketIdx].ActiveActor, new TEvTxMediator::TEvWatchBucket(sender));
- }
- }
- void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ ctx.Send(Buckets[bucketIdx].ActiveActor, new TEvTxMediator::TEvWatchBucket(sender));
+ }
+ }
+ void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
for (ui32 bucketIdx = 0; bucketIdx < Buckets.size(); ++bucketIdx)
Buckets[bucketIdx].ActiveActor = ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(CreateTxMediatorTabletQueue(ctx.SelfID, MediatorId, 1, bucketIdx), TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled);
- }
- public:
+ }
+ public:
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TX_MEDIATOR_ACTOR;
TTxMediatorExecQueue(const TActorId &owner, ui64 mediator, ui64 hashRange, ui32 timecastBuckets)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateWork)
- , Owner(owner)
- , MediatorId(mediator)
- , HashRange(hashRange)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateWork)
+ , Owner(owner)
+ , MediatorId(mediator)
+ , HashRange(hashRange)
, BucketSelector(timecastBuckets)
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> AfterRegister(const TActorId &self, const TActorId& parentId) override {
- return new IEventHandle(self, self, new TEvents::TEvBootstrap());
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitStep, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvRequestLostAcks, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch, Handle);
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die);
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Bootstrap, Bootstrap);
- }
- }
- };
+ return new IEventHandle(self, self, new TEvents::TEvBootstrap());
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitStep, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvRequestLostAcks, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch, Handle);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Bootstrap, Bootstrap);
+ }
+ }
+ };
IActor* CreateTxMediatorExecQueue(const TActorId &owner, ui64 mediator, ui64 hashRange, ui32 timecastBuckets) {
return new NTxMediator::TTxMediatorExecQueue(owner, mediator, hashRange, timecastBuckets);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator.cpp
index c4811cd0ff..0fbd44403c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator.cpp
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
#include "mediator.h"
#include "mediator_impl.h"
-#include <util/generic/intrlist.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTxMediator {
- TCoordinatorStep::TCoordinatorStep(const NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStep &record)
- : Step(record.GetStep())
- , PrevStep(record.GetPrevStep())
- {
+#include <util/generic/intrlist.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTxMediator {
+ TCoordinatorStep::TCoordinatorStep(const NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStep &record)
+ : Step(record.GetStep())
+ , PrevStep(record.GetPrevStep())
+ {
const std::size_t txsize = record.TransactionsSize();
- // todo: save body as-is, without any processing
- // and defer parsing and per-tablet mapping for latter stage, when we could merge all selected steps
- // (for mediator exec queue, to split latency sensitive stuff from calculations)
- Transactions.reserve(txsize);
- TabletsToTransaction.reserve(record.GetTotalTxAffectedEntries());
+ // todo: save body as-is, without any processing
+ // and defer parsing and per-tablet mapping for latter stage, when we could merge all selected steps
+ // (for mediator exec queue, to split latency sensitive stuff from calculations)
+ Transactions.reserve(txsize);
+ TabletsToTransaction.reserve(record.GetTotalTxAffectedEntries());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != txsize; ++i) {
- const NKikimrTx::TCoordinatorTransaction &c = record.GetTransactions(i);
+ const NKikimrTx::TCoordinatorTransaction &c = record.GetTransactions(i);
- c.HasModerator() ? c.GetModerator() : 0,
- c.GetTxId()
+ c.HasModerator() ? c.GetModerator() : 0,
+ c.GetTxId()
- for (ui32 tabi = 0, tabe = c.GetAffectedSet().size(); tabi != tabe; ++tabi)
+ for (ui32 tabi = 0, tabe = c.GetAffectedSet().size(); tabi != tabe; ++tabi)
TabletsToTransaction.emplace_back(c.GetAffectedSet(tabi), i);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
IActor* CreateTxMediator(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info) {
- return new NTxMediator::TTxMediator(info, tablet);
+ return new NTxMediator::TTxMediator(info, tablet);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__init.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__init.cpp
index 13b5a8d5fb..51c566699c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__init.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__init.cpp
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ struct TTxMediator::TTxInit : public TTransactionBase<TTxMediator> {
-ITransaction* TTxMediator::CreateTxInit() {
+ITransaction* TTxMediator::CreateTxInit() {
return new TTxMediator::TTxInit(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__schema.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__schema.cpp
index d7f63562d7..8279ad5b05 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__schema.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__schema.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ struct TTxMediator::TTxSchema : public TTransactionBase<TTxMediator> {
-ITransaction* TTxMediator::CreateTxSchema() {
+ITransaction* TTxMediator::CreateTxSchema() {
return new TTxSchema(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__schema_upgrade.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__schema_upgrade.cpp
index 5d40df6be7..7eb7228b86 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__schema_upgrade.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator__schema_upgrade.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ struct TTxMediator::TTxUpgrade : public TTransactionBase<TTxMediator> {
-ITransaction* TTxMediator::CreateTxUpgrade() {
+ITransaction* TTxMediator::CreateTxUpgrade() {
return new TTxUpgrade(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator_impl.h b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator_impl.h
index cbe080a886..c98bd4246b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator_impl.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/scheme_types/scheme_types.h>
@@ -13,36 +13,36 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tx_processing.h>
#include <ydb/core/tx/tx.h>
#include <util/generic/map.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NTxMediator {
using TStepId = ui64;
using TTxId = ui64;
using TTabletId = ui64;
- struct TTx {
- // transaction body
- ui64 Moderator;
+ struct TTx {
+ // transaction body
+ ui64 Moderator;
TTxId TxId;
TActorId AckTo;
TTx(ui64 moderator, TTxId txid)
- : Moderator(moderator)
- , TxId(txid)
- , AckTo() // must be updated before commit
+ : Moderator(moderator)
+ , TxId(txid)
+ , AckTo() // must be updated before commit
Y_VERIFY(TxId != 0);
- struct TCmpOrderId {
+ struct TCmpOrderId {
bool operator()(const TTx &left, const TTx &right) const noexcept {
- return left.TxId < right.TxId;
- }
- };
+ return left.TxId < right.TxId;
+ }
+ };
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -52,23 +52,23 @@ namespace NTxMediator {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TCoordinatorStep {
+ };
+ struct TCoordinatorStep {
const TStepId Step;
const TStepId PrevStep;
TVector<TTx> Transactions;
TVector<std::pair<TTabletId, std::size_t>> TabletsToTransaction; // tablet -> tx index in Transactions
- struct TabletToTransactionCmp {
+ struct TabletToTransactionCmp {
bool operator()(const std::pair<TTabletId, std::size_t> &left, const std::pair<TTabletId, std::size_t> &right) const {
- return left.first < right.first;
- }
- };
- TCoordinatorStep(const NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStep &record);
+ return left.first < right.first;
+ }
+ };
+ TCoordinatorStep(const NKikimrTx::TEvCoordinatorStep &record);
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@ namespace NTxMediator {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TMediateStep {
+ };
+ struct TMediateStep {
TStepId From;
TStepId To;
TVector<TAutoPtr<TCoordinatorStep>> Steps;
TMediateStep(TStepId from, TStepId to)
- : From(from)
- , To(to)
- {}
+ : From(from)
+ , To(to)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -120,34 +120,34 @@ namespace NTxMediator {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
-struct TEvTxMediator {
+ };
+struct TEvTxMediator {
using TTabletId = NTxMediator::TTabletId;
using TStepId = NTxMediator::TStepId;
- enum EEv {
- EvCommitStep = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_MEDIATOR),
- EvRequestLostAcks,
+ enum EEv {
+ EvCommitStep = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_MEDIATOR),
+ EvRequestLostAcks,
- EvCommitTabletStep = EvCommitStep + 1 * 512,
- EvStepPlanComplete,
- EvOoOTabletStep,
- EvWatchBucket,
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvCommitTabletStep = EvCommitStep + 1 * 512,
+ EvStepPlanComplete,
+ EvOoOTabletStep,
+ EvWatchBucket,
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_MEDIATOR), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_MEDIATOR)");
- struct TEvCommitStep : public TEventLocal<TEvCommitStep, EvCommitStep> {
- TAutoPtr<NTxMediator::TMediateStep> MediateStep;
- TEvCommitStep(TAutoPtr<NTxMediator::TMediateStep> &mds)
- : MediateStep(mds)
- {}
+ struct TEvCommitStep : public TEventLocal<TEvCommitStep, EvCommitStep> {
+ TAutoPtr<NTxMediator::TMediateStep> MediateStep;
+ TEvCommitStep(TAutoPtr<NTxMediator::TMediateStep> &mds)
+ : MediateStep(mds)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -155,16 +155,16 @@ struct TEvTxMediator {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvRequestLostAcks : public TEventLocal<TEvRequestLostAcks, EvRequestLostAcks> {
- TAutoPtr<NTxMediator::TCoordinatorStep> CoordinatorStep;
+ };
+ struct TEvRequestLostAcks : public TEventLocal<TEvRequestLostAcks, EvRequestLostAcks> {
+ TAutoPtr<NTxMediator::TCoordinatorStep> CoordinatorStep;
const TActorId AckTo;
TEvRequestLostAcks(TAutoPtr<NTxMediator::TCoordinatorStep> &cds, const TActorId &ackTo)
- : CoordinatorStep(cds)
- , AckTo(ackTo)
- {}
+ : CoordinatorStep(cds)
+ , AckTo(ackTo)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -173,19 +173,19 @@ struct TEvTxMediator {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- // just reschedule command, actual transport is over command queue
- struct TEvCommitTabletStep : public TEventLocal<TEvCommitTabletStep, EvCommitTabletStep> {
+ };
+ // just reschedule command, actual transport is over command queue
+ struct TEvCommitTabletStep : public TEventLocal<TEvCommitTabletStep, EvCommitTabletStep> {
const TStepId Step;
const TTabletId TabletId;
TVector<NTxMediator::TTx> Transactions; // todo: inplace placing
TEvCommitTabletStep(TStepId step, TTabletId tabletId, TVector<NTxMediator::TTx> &transactions)
- : Step(step)
- , TabletId(tabletId)
- , Transactions(transactions.begin(), transactions.end())
- {}
+ : Step(step)
+ , TabletId(tabletId)
+ , Transactions(transactions.begin(), transactions.end())
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ struct TEvTxMediator {
str << "}}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvStepPlanComplete : public TEventLocal<TEvStepPlanComplete, EvStepPlanComplete> {
+ };
+ struct TEvStepPlanComplete : public TEventLocal<TEvStepPlanComplete, EvStepPlanComplete> {
const TStepId Step;
TEvStepPlanComplete(TStepId step)
- : Step(step)
- {}
+ : Step(step)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -213,18 +213,18 @@ struct TEvTxMediator {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvOoOTabletStep : public TEventLocal<TEvOoOTabletStep, EvOoOTabletStep> {
+ };
+ struct TEvOoOTabletStep : public TEventLocal<TEvOoOTabletStep, EvOoOTabletStep> {
const TStepId Step;
const TTabletId TabletId;
TVector<NTxMediator::TTx> Transactions;
TEvOoOTabletStep(TStepId step, TTabletId tabletId, TVector<NTxMediator::TTx> &transactions)
- : Step(step)
- , TabletId(tabletId)
- , Transactions(transactions.begin(), transactions.end())
- {}
+ : Step(step)
+ , TabletId(tabletId)
+ , Transactions(transactions.begin(), transactions.end())
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -237,14 +237,14 @@ struct TEvTxMediator {
str << "}}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvWatchBucket : public TEventLocal<TEvWatchBucket, EvWatchBucket> {
+ };
+ struct TEvWatchBucket : public TEventLocal<TEvWatchBucket, EvWatchBucket> {
const TActorId Source;
TEvWatchBucket(const TActorId &source)
- : Source(source)
- {}
+ : Source(source)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -252,14 +252,14 @@ struct TEvTxMediator {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
namespace NTxMediator {
typedef ui64 TCoordinatorId;
-using NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
+using NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
using NActors::TActorContext;
class TTxMediator : public TActor<TTxMediator>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat {
@@ -308,10 +308,10 @@ class TTxMediator : public TActor<TTxMediator>, public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTab
struct TTxSchema;
struct TTxUpgrade;
- ITransaction* CreateTxInit();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxInit();
ITransaction* CreateTxConfigure(TActorId ackTo, ui64 version, const TVector<TCoordinatorId> &coordinators, ui32 timeCastBuckets);
- ITransaction* CreateTxSchema();
- ITransaction* CreateTxUpgrade();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxSchema();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxUpgrade();
TConfig Config;
@@ -411,10 +411,10 @@ public:
IActor* CreateTxMediatorTabletQueue(const TActorId &owner, ui64 mediator, ui64 hashRange, ui64 hashBucket);
IActor* CreateTxMediatorExecQueue(const TActorId &owner, ui64 mediator, ui64 hashRange, ui32 timecastBuckets);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/tablet_queue.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/tablet_queue.cpp
index ccf716fa81..b28179517c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/mediator/tablet_queue.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/mediator/tablet_queue.cpp
@@ -12,186 +12,186 @@
#include <ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client_cache.h>
-#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTxMediator {
-class TTxMediatorTabletQueue : public TActor<TTxMediatorTabletQueue> {
- struct TStepEntry {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTxMediator {
+class TTxMediatorTabletQueue : public TActor<TTxMediatorTabletQueue> {
+ struct TStepEntry {
const TStepId Step;
- ui64 RefCounter;
+ ui64 RefCounter;
TStepEntry(TStepId step)
- : Step(step)
- , RefCounter(0)
- {}
- };
- struct TTabletEntry {
- enum EState {
- StateInit,
- StateConnect,
- StateConnected,
- };
- struct TStep {
- TStepEntry * const StepRef;
+ : Step(step)
+ , RefCounter(0)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TTabletEntry {
+ enum EState {
+ StateInit,
+ StateConnect,
+ StateConnected,
+ };
+ struct TStep {
+ TStepEntry * const StepRef;
TVector<TTx> Transactions;
- TStep(TStepEntry *stepRef)
- : StepRef(stepRef)
- {}
- };
+ TStep(TStepEntry *stepRef)
+ : StepRef(stepRef)
+ {}
+ };
typedef TOneOneQueueInplace<TStep *, 32> TQueueType;
- EState State;
+ EState State;
TAutoPtr<TQueueType, TQueueType::TPtrCleanDestructor> Queue;
TMap<TStepId, TVector<TTx>> OutOfOrder; // todo: replace TVector<> with chunked queue to conserve copying
- TTabletEntry()
- : State(StateInit)
+ TTabletEntry()
+ : State(StateInit)
, Queue(new TQueueType())
- {}
- void MergeOutOfOrder(TStep *x);
+ {}
+ void MergeOutOfOrder(TStep *x);
void MergeToOutOfOrder(TStepId step, TVector<TTx> &update);
- };
+ };
const TActorId Owner;
- const ui64 Mediator;
- const ui64 HashRange;
- const ui64 HashBucket;
+ const ui64 Mediator;
+ const ui64 HashRange;
+ const ui64 HashBucket;
THashMap<TTabletId, TTabletEntry> PerTabletPlanQueue; // by tablet entries
- typedef TOneOneQueueInplace<TStepEntry *, 512> TStepCommitQueue;
- TAutoPtr<TStepCommitQueue, TStepCommitQueue::TPtrCleanDestructor> StepCommitQueue;
- TAutoPtr<NTabletPipe::IClientCache> Pipes;
+ typedef TOneOneQueueInplace<TStepEntry *, 512> TStepCommitQueue;
+ TAutoPtr<TStepCommitQueue, TStepCommitQueue::TPtrCleanDestructor> StepCommitQueue;
+ TAutoPtr<NTabletPipe::IClientCache> Pipes;
TStepId AcceptedStep;
TStepId CommitedStep;
- TStepEntry *ActiveStep;
+ TStepEntry *ActiveStep;
THashSet<TActorId> TimecastWatches;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TimecastLagCounter;
- void SendToTablet(TTabletEntry::TStep *tabletStep, ui64 tablet, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TimecastLagCounter;
+ void SendToTablet(TTabletEntry::TStep *tabletStep, ui64 tablet, const TActorContext &ctx) {
auto evx = new TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep(tabletStep->StepRef->Step, Mediator, tablet);
- for (const TTx &tx : tabletStep->Transactions) {
+ for (const TTx &tx : tabletStep->Transactions) {
NKikimrTx::TMediatorTransaction *x = evx->Record.AddTransactions();
- x->SetTxId(tx.TxId);
- if (tx.Moderator)
- x->SetModerator(tx.Moderator);
+ x->SetTxId(tx.TxId);
+ if (tx.Moderator)
+ x->SetModerator(tx.Moderator);
ActorIdToProto(tx.AckTo, x->MutableAckTo());
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_PRIVATE, "Send from %" PRIu64 " to tablet %" PRIu64 ", step# %"
PRIu64 ", txid# %" PRIu64 ", marker M5" PRIu64, Mediator, tablet, tabletStep->StepRef->Step, tx.TxId);
- }
+ }
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " SEND to# " << tablet << " " << evx->ToString());
- Pipes->Send(ctx, tablet, evx);
- }
- void CheckStepHead(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Pipes->Send(ctx, tablet, evx);
+ }
+ void CheckStepHead(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- bool updateTimecast = false;
- while (TStepEntry *sx = StepCommitQueue->Head()) {
- if (sx->RefCounter != 0 || sx->Step > AcceptedStep)
- break;
- updateTimecast = true;
- CommitedStep = sx->Step;
- delete StepCommitQueue->Pop();
- }
- if (updateTimecast) {
- if (!TimecastLagCounter)
+ bool updateTimecast = false;
+ while (TStepEntry *sx = StepCommitQueue->Head()) {
+ if (sx->RefCounter != 0 || sx->Step > AcceptedStep)
+ break;
+ updateTimecast = true;
+ CommitedStep = sx->Step;
+ delete StepCommitQueue->Pop();
+ }
+ if (updateTimecast) {
+ if (!TimecastLagCounter)
TimecastLagCounter = GetServiceCounters(AppData(ctx)->Counters, "processing")->GetSubgroup("mediator", ToString(Mediator))->GetSubgroup("sensor", "TimecastLag")->GetNamedCounter("Bucket", ToString(HashBucket));
- *TimecastLagCounter = (AcceptedStep - CommitedStep);
- TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate evx;
- evx.Record.SetMediator(Mediator);
- evx.Record.SetBucket(HashBucket);
- evx.Record.SetTimeBarrier(CommitedStep);
+ *TimecastLagCounter = (AcceptedStep - CommitedStep);
+ TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate evx;
+ evx.Record.SetMediator(Mediator);
+ evx.Record.SetBucket(HashBucket);
+ evx.Record.SetTimeBarrier(CommitedStep);
TAllocChunkSerializer serializer;
const bool success = evx.SerializeToArcadiaStream(&serializer);
TIntrusivePtr<TEventSerializedData> data = serializer.Release(evx.IsExtendedFormat());
- // todo: we must throttle delivery
- const ui32 sendFlags = IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery;
+ // todo: we must throttle delivery
+ const ui32 sendFlags = IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery;
for (const TActorId &x : TimecastWatches) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " SEND to# " << x.ToString() << " " << evx.ToString());
ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(new IEventHandle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate::EventType, sendFlags, x, ctx.SelfID, data, 0));
- }
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitTabletStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitTabletStep *msg = ev->Get();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitTabletStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitTabletStep *msg = ev->Get();
const TStepId step = msg->Step;
const TTabletId tablet = msg->TabletId;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " HANDLE " << msg->ToString() << " marker# M4");
- TTabletEntry &tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue[tablet];
- if (!ActiveStep) {
- ActiveStep = new TStepEntry(step);
- StepCommitQueue->Push(ActiveStep);
- }
+ TTabletEntry &tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue[tablet];
+ if (!ActiveStep) {
+ ActiveStep = new TStepEntry(step);
+ StepCommitQueue->Push(ActiveStep);
+ }
Y_VERIFY(ActiveStep->Step == step);
- ++ActiveStep->RefCounter;
- TTabletEntry::TStep *tabletStep = new TTabletEntry::TStep(ActiveStep);
- tabletStep->Transactions.swap(msg->Transactions);
- tabletEntry.Queue->Push(tabletStep);
- switch (tabletEntry.State) {
- case TTabletEntry::StateInit:
- Pipes->Prepare(ctx, tablet);
- tabletEntry.State = TTabletEntry::StateConnect;
- break;
- case TTabletEntry::StateConnect:
- break;
- case TTabletEntry::StateConnected:
- SendToTablet(tabletStep, tablet, ctx);
- break;
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvOoOTabletStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxMediator::TEvOoOTabletStep *msg = ev->Get();
+ ++ActiveStep->RefCounter;
+ TTabletEntry::TStep *tabletStep = new TTabletEntry::TStep(ActiveStep);
+ tabletStep->Transactions.swap(msg->Transactions);
+ tabletEntry.Queue->Push(tabletStep);
+ switch (tabletEntry.State) {
+ case TTabletEntry::StateInit:
+ Pipes->Prepare(ctx, tablet);
+ tabletEntry.State = TTabletEntry::StateConnect;
+ break;
+ case TTabletEntry::StateConnect:
+ break;
+ case TTabletEntry::StateConnected:
+ SendToTablet(tabletStep, tablet, ctx);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvOoOTabletStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTxMediator::TEvOoOTabletStep *msg = ev->Get();
const TStepId step = msg->Step;
const TTabletId tablet = msg->TabletId;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " HANDLE " << msg->ToString());
- TTabletEntry &tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue[tablet];
- TTabletEntry::TStep *headStep = tabletEntry.Queue->Head();
- if (!headStep || headStep->StepRef->Step > step) {
- AckOoO(tablet, step, msg->Transactions, ctx); // from already confirmed space, just reply right here
- } else { // not yet confirmed, save for later use
- tabletEntry.MergeToOutOfOrder(step, msg->Transactions);
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
+ TTabletEntry &tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue[tablet];
+ TTabletEntry::TStep *headStep = tabletEntry.Queue->Head();
+ if (!headStep || headStep->StepRef->Step > step) {
+ AckOoO(tablet, step, msg->Transactions, ctx); // from already confirmed space, just reply right here
+ } else { // not yet confirmed, save for later use
+ tabletEntry.MergeToOutOfOrder(step, msg->Transactions);
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
const TTabletId tablet = msg->TabletId;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " HANDLE " << msg->ToString());
- TTabletEntry &tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue[tablet];
+ TTabletEntry &tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue[tablet];
Y_VERIFY(tabletEntry.State == TTabletEntry::StateConnect);
if (!Pipes->OnConnect(ev)) {
if (msg->Dead) {
LOG_WARN_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
@@ -207,9 +207,9 @@ class TTxMediatorTabletQueue : public TActor<TTxMediatorTabletQueue> {
- Pipes->Prepare(ctx, tablet);
+ Pipes->Prepare(ctx, tablet);
- }
+ }
tabletEntry.State = TTabletEntry::StateConnected;
TTabletEntry::TQueueType::TReadIterator it = tabletEntry.Queue->Iterator();
@@ -217,111 +217,111 @@ class TTxMediatorTabletQueue : public TActor<TTxMediatorTabletQueue> {
SendToTablet(sx, tablet, ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
const TTabletId tablet = msg->TabletId;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " HANDLE " << msg->ToString());
- TTabletEntry &tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue[tablet];
+ TTabletEntry &tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue[tablet];
Y_VERIFY(tabletEntry.State == TTabletEntry::StateConnected);
- // if connect to tablet lost and tablet is in no use - just forget connection
- if (tabletEntry.Queue->Head() == nullptr) {
- PerTabletPlanQueue.erase(tablet);
- } else { // if have smth in queue - request reconnect
- Pipes->Prepare(ctx, tablet);
- tabletEntry.State = TTabletEntry::StateConnect;
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvStepPlanComplete::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const TEvTxMediator::TEvStepPlanComplete *msg = ev->Get();
+ // if connect to tablet lost and tablet is in no use - just forget connection
+ if (tabletEntry.Queue->Head() == nullptr) {
+ PerTabletPlanQueue.erase(tablet);
+ } else { // if have smth in queue - request reconnect
+ Pipes->Prepare(ctx, tablet);
+ tabletEntry.State = TTabletEntry::StateConnect;
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvStepPlanComplete::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const TEvTxMediator::TEvStepPlanComplete *msg = ev->Get();
const TStepId step = msg->Step;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " HANDLE " << msg->ToString());
- if (ActiveStep)
- ActiveStep = nullptr;
- else
- StepCommitQueue->Push(new TStepEntry(step));
- AcceptedStep = step;
- CheckStepHead(ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAccepted::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const NKikimrTx::TEvPlanStepAccepted &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ if (ActiveStep)
+ ActiveStep = nullptr;
+ else
+ StepCommitQueue->Push(new TStepEntry(step));
+ AcceptedStep = step;
+ CheckStepHead(ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAccepted::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const NKikimrTx::TEvPlanStepAccepted &record = ev->Get()->Record;
const TTabletId tablet = record.GetTabletId();
const TStepId step = record.GetStep();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " HANDLE " << ev->Get()->ToString());
- TTabletEntry *tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue.FindPtr(tablet);
- if (!tabletEntry)
- return;
- TTabletEntry::TStep *headStep = tabletEntry->Queue->Head();
- if (!headStep)
- return;
- // if non-head step confirmed - just skip and wait for head confirmation
- if (headStep->StepRef->Step != step)
- return;
- --headStep->StepRef->RefCounter;
- delete tabletEntry->Queue->Pop();
- // confirm out of order request (if any).
- const auto ooIt = tabletEntry->OutOfOrder.find(step);
- if (ooIt != tabletEntry->OutOfOrder.end()) {
- AckOoO(tablet, step, ooIt->second, ctx);
- tabletEntry->OutOfOrder.erase(ooIt);
- }
- CheckStepHead(ctx);
- }
- void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvWatchBucket::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TTabletEntry *tabletEntry = PerTabletPlanQueue.FindPtr(tablet);
+ if (!tabletEntry)
+ return;
+ TTabletEntry::TStep *headStep = tabletEntry->Queue->Head();
+ if (!headStep)
+ return;
+ // if non-head step confirmed - just skip and wait for head confirmation
+ if (headStep->StepRef->Step != step)
+ return;
+ --headStep->StepRef->RefCounter;
+ delete tabletEntry->Queue->Pop();
+ // confirm out of order request (if any).
+ const auto ooIt = tabletEntry->OutOfOrder.find(step);
+ if (ooIt != tabletEntry->OutOfOrder.end()) {
+ AckOoO(tablet, step, ooIt->second, ctx);
+ tabletEntry->OutOfOrder.erase(ooIt);
+ }
+ CheckStepHead(ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvTxMediator::TEvWatchBucket::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " HANDLE " << ev->Get()->ToString());
const TActorId &source = ev->Get()->Source;
- TimecastWatches.insert(source);
- }
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TimecastWatches.insert(source);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " HANDLE TEvUndelivered");
- // for now every non-delivery is reason to drop watch
- TimecastWatches.erase(ev->Sender);
- }
+ // for now every non-delivery is reason to drop watch
+ TimecastWatches.erase(ev->Sender);
+ }
void AckOoO(TTabletId tablet, TStepId step, const TVector<TTx> &transactions, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TMap<TActorId, TAutoPtr<TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck>> acks;
- for (const TTx &tx : transactions) {
- TAutoPtr<TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck> &ack = acks[tx.AckTo];
- if (!ack)
- ack = new TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck(tablet, step, (const ui64 *)nullptr, (const ui64 *)nullptr);
- ack->Record.AddTxId(tx.TxId);
- }
+ for (const TTx &tx : transactions) {
+ TAutoPtr<TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck> &ack = acks[tx.AckTo];
+ if (!ack)
+ ack = new TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAck(tablet, step, (const ui64 *)nullptr, (const ui64 *)nullptr);
+ ack->Record.AddTxId(tx.TxId);
+ }
for (const auto &x : acks) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TABLETQUEUE, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " Mediator# " << Mediator << " SEND to# " << x.first.ToString() << " " << x.second->ToString());
- ctx.Send(x.first, x.second.Release());
+ ctx.Send(x.first, x.second.Release());
- }
- void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- Pipes->Detach(ctx);
- Pipes.Destroy();
- TActor::Die(ctx);
- }
+ }
+ void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ Pipes->Detach(ctx);
+ Pipes.Destroy();
+ TActor::Die(ctx);
+ }
static NTabletPipe::TClientConfig GetPipeClientConfig() {
NTabletPipe::TClientConfig config;
@@ -335,41 +335,41 @@ class TTxMediatorTabletQueue : public TActor<TTxMediatorTabletQueue> {
return config;
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TX_MEDIATOR_ACTOR;
TTxMediatorTabletQueue(const TActorId &owner, ui64 mediator, ui64 hashRange, ui64 hashBucket)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
- , Owner(owner)
- , Mediator(mediator)
- , HashRange(hashRange)
- , HashBucket(hashBucket)
- , StepCommitQueue(new TStepCommitQueue())
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
+ , Owner(owner)
+ , Mediator(mediator)
+ , HashRange(hashRange)
+ , HashBucket(hashBucket)
+ , StepCommitQueue(new TStepCommitQueue())
, Pipes(NTabletPipe::CreateUnboundedClientCache(GetPipeClientConfig()))
- , AcceptedStep(0)
- , CommitedStep(0)
- , ActiveStep(nullptr)
+ , AcceptedStep(0)
+ , CommitedStep(0)
+ , ActiveStep(nullptr)
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAccepted, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitTabletStep, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvStepPlanComplete, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvOoOTabletStep, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvWatchBucket, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die);
- }
- }
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStepAccepted, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvCommitTabletStep, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvStepPlanComplete, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvOoOTabletStep, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTxMediator::TEvWatchBucket, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, Die);
+ }
+ }
TString yvector2str(const TVector<TTx>& v) {
TStringStream stream;
stream << '{';
@@ -383,10 +383,10 @@ TString yvector2str(const TVector<TTx>& v) {
-void TTxMediatorTabletQueue::TTabletEntry::MergeOutOfOrder(TStep *sx) {
+void TTxMediatorTabletQueue::TTabletEntry::MergeOutOfOrder(TStep *sx) {
const TStepId step = sx->StepRef->Step;
- const auto ox = OutOfOrder.find(step);
- if (ox != OutOfOrder.end()) {
+ const auto ox = OutOfOrder.find(step);
+ if (ox != OutOfOrder.end()) {
const TVector<TTx> &o = ox->second;
IsSorted(sx->Transactions.begin(), sx->Transactions.end(), TTx::TCmpOrderId()),
@@ -395,68 +395,68 @@ void TTxMediatorTabletQueue::TTabletEntry::MergeOutOfOrder(TStep *sx) {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(IsSorted(o.begin(), o.end(), TTx::TCmpOrderId()), "%s", yvector2str(o).c_str());
- // ok, now merge sorted arrays replacing ack-to
+ // ok, now merge sorted arrays replacing ack-to
TVector<TTx>::iterator planIt = sx->Transactions.begin();
TVector<TTx>::iterator planEnd = sx->Transactions.end();
TVector<TTx>::const_iterator oooIt = o.begin();
TVector<TTx>::const_iterator oooEnd = o.end();
- while (oooIt != oooEnd && planIt != planEnd) {
- if (planIt->TxId < oooIt->TxId) {
- ++planIt;
- } else if (planIt->TxId == oooIt->TxId) {
- planIt->AckTo = oooIt->AckTo;
- ++oooIt;
- ++planIt;
- } else {
+ while (oooIt != oooEnd && planIt != planEnd) {
+ if (planIt->TxId < oooIt->TxId) {
+ ++planIt;
+ } else if (planIt->TxId == oooIt->TxId) {
+ planIt->AckTo = oooIt->AckTo;
+ ++oooIt;
+ ++planIt;
+ } else {
Y_FAIL("Inconsistency: Plan TxId %" PRIu64 " > OutOfOrder TxId %" PRIu64, planIt->TxId, oooIt->TxId);
- }
- }
- OutOfOrder.erase(ox);
- }
+ }
+ }
+ OutOfOrder.erase(ox);
+ }
void TTxMediatorTabletQueue::TTabletEntry::MergeToOutOfOrder(TStepId step, TVector<TTx> &update) {
TVector<TTx> &current = OutOfOrder[step];
- if (current.empty()) {
- current.swap(update);
- } else {
+ if (current.empty()) {
+ current.swap(update);
+ } else {
TVector<TTx> old;
- old.swap(current);
+ old.swap(current);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(IsSorted(old.begin(), old.end(), TTx::TCmpOrderId()), "%s", yvector2str(old).c_str());
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(IsSorted(update.begin(), update.end(), TTx::TCmpOrderId()), "%s", yvector2str(update).c_str());
- // now merge old with update
+ // now merge old with update
TVector<TTx>::const_iterator oldIt = old.begin();
TVector<TTx>::const_iterator oldEnd = old.end();
TVector<TTx>::const_iterator updIt = update.begin();
TVector<TTx>::const_iterator updEnd = update.end();
- while (oldIt != oldEnd && updIt != updEnd) {
+ while (oldIt != oldEnd && updIt != updEnd) {
if (oldIt->TxId < updIt->TxId) {
- current.push_back(*oldIt);
- ++oldIt;
+ current.push_back(*oldIt);
+ ++oldIt;
} else if (updIt->TxId < oldIt->TxId) {
- ++updIt;
- } else {
+ ++updIt;
+ } else {
- ++updIt;
- ++oldIt;
- }
- }
- // append tail
- current.insert(current.end(), oldIt, oldEnd);
- current.insert(current.end(), updIt, updEnd);
+ ++updIt;
+ ++oldIt;
+ }
+ }
+ // append tail
+ current.insert(current.end(), oldIt, oldEnd);
+ current.insert(current.end(), updIt, updEnd);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(IsSorted(current.begin(), current.end(), TTx::TCmpOrderId()), "%s", yvector2str(current).c_str());
- }
+ }
IActor* CreateTxMediatorTabletQueue(const TActorId &owner, ui64 mediator, ui64 hashRange, ui64 hashBucket) {
- return new NTxMediator::TTxMediatorTabletQueue(owner, mediator, hashRange, hashBucket);
+ return new NTxMediator::TTxMediatorTabletQueue(owner, mediator, hashRange, hashBucket);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/cache.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/cache.cpp
index cf56cc17b9..8e778a4a1d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/cache.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/cache.cpp
@@ -676,10 +676,10 @@ class TSchemeCache: public TMonitorableActor<TSchemeCache> {
TableKind = TResolve::KindUnknown;
Created = false;
CreateStep = 0;
- // pathid is never changed (yet) so must be kept
+ // pathid is never changed (yet) so must be kept
@@ -687,9 +687,9 @@ class TSchemeCache: public TMonitorableActor<TSchemeCache> {
IsPrivatePath = false;
- // virtual must be kept
+ // virtual must be kept
@@ -959,8 +959,8 @@ class TSchemeCache: public TMonitorableActor<TSchemeCache> {
, TableKind(TResolve::EKind::KindUnknown)
, Created(false)
, CreateStep(0)
- , IsPrivatePath(false)
- , IsVirtual(isVirtual)
+ , IsPrivatePath(false)
+ , IsVirtual(isVirtual)
, SchemaVersion(0)
@@ -977,8 +977,8 @@ class TSchemeCache: public TMonitorableActor<TSchemeCache> {
, Created(other.Created)
, CreateStep(other.CreateStep)
, PathId(other.PathId)
- , IsPrivatePath(other.IsPrivatePath)
- , IsVirtual(other.IsVirtual)
+ , IsPrivatePath(other.IsPrivatePath)
+ , IsVirtual(other.IsVirtual)
, SchemaVersion(other.SchemaVersion)
if (other.Subscriber) {
@@ -1196,11 +1196,11 @@ class TSchemeCache: public TMonitorableActor<TSchemeCache> {
template <typename TContextPtr>
- void AddInFlight(TContextPtr context, const size_t entryIndex, const bool isSync) const {
+ void AddInFlight(TContextPtr context, const size_t entryIndex, const bool isSync) const {
if (IsVirtual) {
- return;
+ return;
if (isSync) {
@@ -1266,8 +1266,8 @@ class TSchemeCache: public TMonitorableActor<TSchemeCache> {
Created = true;
PathId = TPathId(TSysTables::SysSchemeShard, 0);
Path = "/sys";
- IsVirtual = true;
+ IsVirtual = true;
void FillAsSysLocks(const bool v2) {
@@ -1285,9 +1285,9 @@ class TSchemeCache: public TMonitorableActor<TSchemeCache> {
for (ui32 type : keyColumnTypes) {
- IsPrivatePath = true;
- IsVirtual = true;
+ IsPrivatePath = true;
+ IsVirtual = true;
void Fill(TSchemeBoardEvents::TEvNotifyUpdate& notify) {
@@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ class TSchemeCache: public TMonitorableActor<TSchemeCache> {
NSchemeCache::TDomainInfo::TPtr DomainInfo;
THashMap<TString, TString> Attributes;
bool IsPrivatePath;
- bool IsVirtual;
+ bool IsVirtual;
// Used for Table and Index
ui64 SchemaVersion;
@@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@ class TSchemeCache: public TMonitorableActor<TSchemeCache> {
Y_VERIFY(byPath == byPathByPathId);
if (!byPath->IsFilled() || byPath->GetPathId().OwnerId == notifyPathId.OwnerId) {
if (byPath->GetPathId() < notifyPathId) {
return SwapSubscriberAndUpsert(byPath, notifyPathId, notifyPath);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/double_indexed.h b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/double_indexed.h
index 6035a1d502..99dad5aea4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/double_indexed.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/double_indexed.h
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ protected:
- // storage entry must be kept by other index, we clean only one
+ // storage entry must be kept by other index, we clean only one
Y_VERIFY(AnotherIndexIterator(pIt) != sIndex.end());
IndexIterator(pIt) = pIndex.end();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/events.h b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/events.h
index 4dd45d981b..018ebbff7d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/events.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/events.h
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ struct TSchemeBoardEvents {
explicit TEvRequestDescribe(const TPathId pathId, const TActorId& replica)
: PathId(pathId)
- , Replica(replica)
+ , Replica(replica)
struct TEvDescribeResult: public TEventLocal<TEvDescribeResult, EvDescribeResult> {
- const bool Commit = false;
+ const bool Commit = false;
const TLocalPathId DeletedPathBegin = 0; // The points are inclusive
const TLocalPathId DeletedPathEnd = 0; // [DeletedPathBegin; DeletedPathEnd]
const TLocalPathId MigratedPathId = InvalidLocalPathId;
@@ -78,19 +78,19 @@ struct TSchemeBoardEvents {
- explicit TEvDescribeResult(TLocalPathId deletedPathBegin, TLocalPathId deletedPathEnd)
+ explicit TEvDescribeResult(TLocalPathId deletedPathBegin, TLocalPathId deletedPathEnd)
: Commit(false)
- , DeletedPathBegin(deletedPathBegin)
- , DeletedPathEnd(deletedPathEnd)
+ , DeletedPathBegin(deletedPathBegin)
+ , DeletedPathEnd(deletedPathEnd)
explicit TEvDescribeResult(
- TLocalPathId deletedPathBegin, TLocalPathId deletedPathEnd,
+ TLocalPathId deletedPathBegin, TLocalPathId deletedPathEnd,
const NSchemeBoard::TTwoPartDescription& description)
: Commit(false)
- , DeletedPathBegin(deletedPathBegin)
- , DeletedPathEnd(deletedPathEnd)
+ , DeletedPathBegin(deletedPathBegin)
+ , DeletedPathEnd(deletedPathEnd)
, Description(description)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ struct TSchemeBoardEvents {
bool HasDeletedLocalPathIds() const {
- return DeletedPathBegin != 0;
+ return DeletedPathBegin != 0;
bool HasMigratedPath() const {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/helpers.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/helpers.cpp
index 7bc6c5b1c9..3b53323ad3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/helpers.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/helpers.cpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
namespace NSchemeBoard {
TActorId MakeInterconnectProxyId(const ui32 nodeId) {
- return TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId);
+ return TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(nodeId);
ui64 GetPathVersion(const NKikimrScheme::TEvDescribeSchemeResult& record) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/helpers.h b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/helpers.h
index 6863ec4062..3b07df3e06 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/helpers.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/helpers.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#define SB_LOG_N(service, stream) LOG_NOTICE_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::service, stream)
#define SB_LOG_W(service, stream) LOG_WARN_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::service, stream)
#define SB_LOG_E(service, stream) LOG_ERROR_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::service, stream)
-#define SB_LOG_CRIT(service, stream) LOG_CRIT_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::service, stream)
+#define SB_LOG_CRIT(service, stream) LOG_CRIT_S((TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext()), NKikimrServices::service, stream)
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NSchemeBoard {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/load_test.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/load_test.cpp
index 22362cba6d..d993f1e5ed 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/load_test.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/load_test.cpp
@@ -190,20 +190,20 @@ class TLoadProducer: public TActorBootstrapped<TLoadProducer> {
void Populate() {
- const ui32 ssId = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Owner);
+ const ui32 ssId = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Owner);
Descriptions = GenerateDescriptions(Owner, Config, NextPathId);
Populator = Register(CreateSchemeBoardPopulator(
- Owner, Max<ui64>(), ssId, Descriptions, NextPathId
+ Owner, Max<ui64>(), ssId, Descriptions, NextPathId
TPathId pathId(Owner, NextPathId - 1);
const TString& topPath = Descriptions.at(pathId).Record.GetPath();
// subscriber will help us to know when sync is completed
Subscriber = Register(CreateSchemeBoardSubscriber(
- SelfId(), topPath, ssId,
+ SelfId(), topPath, ssId,
@@ -324,10 +324,10 @@ private:
class TLoadConsumer: public TActorBootstrapped<TLoadConsumer> {
void Subscribe(const TPathId& pathId) {
- const ui32 ssId = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Owner);
+ const ui32 ssId = StateStorageGroupFromTabletID(Owner);
for (ui32 i = 0; i < Config.SubscriberMulti; ++i) {
const TActorId subscriber = Register(CreateSchemeBoardSubscriber(
- SelfId(), pathId, ssId,
+ SelfId(), pathId, ssId,
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/populator.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/populator.cpp
index 1105af1933..f860bb88cb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/populator.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/populator.cpp
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
-#include <util/digest/city.h>
+#include <util/digest/city.h>
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <util/generic/map.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/set.h>
#include <util/generic/string.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
-#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NSchemeBoard {
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace NSchemeBoard {
#define SBP_LOG_D(stream) SB_LOG_D(SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR, stream)
#define SBP_LOG_N(stream) SB_LOG_N(SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR, stream)
#define SBP_LOG_E(stream) SB_LOG_E(SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR, stream)
namespace {
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class TReplicaPopulator: public TMonitorableActor<TReplicaPopulator> {
if (msg->HasDeletedLocalPathIds()) {
auto& deletedLocalPathIds = *update->Record.MutableDeletedLocalPathIds();
- deletedLocalPathIds.SetBegin(msg->DeletedPathBegin);
- deletedLocalPathIds.SetEnd(msg->DeletedPathEnd);
+ deletedLocalPathIds.SetBegin(msg->DeletedPathBegin);
+ deletedLocalPathIds.SetEnd(msg->DeletedPathEnd);
CurPathId = TPathId(Owner, msg->DeletedPathEnd);
@@ -410,8 +410,8 @@ public:
explicit TReplicaPopulator(
const TActorId& parent,
const TActorId& replica,
- const ui64 owner,
- const ui64 generation)
+ const ui64 owner,
+ const ui64 generation)
: Parent(parent)
, Replica(replica)
, Owner(owner)
@@ -498,40 +498,40 @@ private:
class TPopulator: public TMonitorableActor<TPopulator> {
TConstArrayRef<TActorId> SelectReplicas(TPathId pathId, TStringBuf path) {
- SelectionReplicaCache.clear();
+ SelectionReplicaCache.clear();
- const ui64 pathHash = CityHash64(path);
+ const ui64 pathHash = CityHash64(path);
const ui64 idHash = pathId.Hash();
- TStateStorageInfo::TSelection selection;
+ TStateStorageInfo::TSelection selection;
- GroupInfo->SelectReplicas(pathHash, &selection);
- SelectionReplicaCache.insert(SelectionReplicaCache.end(), selection.begin(), selection.end());
+ GroupInfo->SelectReplicas(pathHash, &selection);
+ SelectionReplicaCache.insert(SelectionReplicaCache.end(), selection.begin(), selection.end());
- GroupInfo->SelectReplicas(idHash, &selection);
+ GroupInfo->SelectReplicas(idHash, &selection);
for (const TActorId& replica : selection) {
if (Find(SelectionReplicaCache, replica) == SelectionReplicaCache.end()) {
- SelectionReplicaCache.emplace_back(replica);
+ SelectionReplicaCache.emplace_back(replica);
if (SelectionReplicaCache) {
return TConstArrayRef<TActorId>(&SelectionReplicaCache.front(), SelectionReplicaCache.size());
} else {
return TConstArrayRef<TActorId>();
- }
+ }
void Update(const TPathId pathId, const bool isDeletion, const ui64 cookie) {
auto it = Descriptions.find(pathId);
Y_VERIFY(it != Descriptions.end());
const auto& record = it->second.Record;
TConstArrayRef<TActorId> replicas = SelectReplicas(pathId, record.GetPath());
- for (const auto& replica : replicas) {
+ for (const auto& replica : replicas) {
const TActorId* replicaPopulator = ReplicaToReplicaPopulator.FindPtr(replica);
- Y_VERIFY(replicaPopulator != nullptr);
+ Y_VERIFY(replicaPopulator != nullptr);
auto update = MakeHolder<TSchemeBoardEvents::TEvUpdateBuilder>(Owner, Generation, record, isDeletion);
if (!isDeletion) {
@@ -552,14 +552,14 @@ class TPopulator: public TMonitorableActor<TPopulator> {
const TActorId replicaPopulator = ev->Sender;
const TActorId replica = ev->Get()->Replica;
- if (ReplicaToReplicaPopulator[replica] != replicaPopulator) {
+ if (ReplicaToReplicaPopulator[replica] != replicaPopulator) {
SBP_LOG_CRIT("Inconsistent replica populator"
<< ": self# " << SelfId()
<< ", replica# " << replica
<< ", replicaPopulator# " << replicaPopulator);
- return;
- }
+ return;
+ }
if (Descriptions.empty()) {
Send(replicaPopulator, new TSchemeBoardEvents::TEvDescribeResult(true));
@@ -788,9 +788,9 @@ class TPopulator: public TMonitorableActor<TPopulator> {
<< ": self# " << SelfId()
<< ", sender# " << ev->Sender);
- const auto& info = ev->Get()->Info;
+ const auto& info = ev->Get()->Info;
- if (!info) {
+ if (!info) {
SBP_LOG_E("Publish on unconfigured SchemeBoard"
<< ": self# " << SelfId()
<< ", StateStorage group# " << StateStorageGroup);
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ class TPopulator: public TMonitorableActor<TPopulator> {
- GroupInfo = info;
+ GroupInfo = info;
for (auto& replica : info->SelectAllReplicas()) {
IActor* replicaPopulator = new TReplicaPopulator(SelfId(), replica, Owner, Generation);
ReplicaToReplicaPopulator.emplace(replica, Register(replicaPopulator, TMailboxType::ReadAsFilled));
@@ -908,12 +908,12 @@ public:
explicit TPopulator(
const ui64 owner,
const ui64 generation,
- const ui32 ssId,
+ const ui32 ssId,
TMap<TPathId, TTwoPartDescription> descriptions,
const ui64 maxPathId)
: Owner(owner)
, Generation(generation)
- , StateStorageGroup(ssId)
+ , StateStorageGroup(ssId)
, Descriptions(std::move(descriptions))
, MaxPathId(TPathId(owner, maxPathId))
@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ private:
TDelayedUpdates DelayedUpdates;
- TIntrusiveConstPtr<TStateStorageInfo> GroupInfo;
+ TIntrusiveConstPtr<TStateStorageInfo> GroupInfo;
THashMap<TActorId, TActorId> ReplicaToReplicaPopulator;
TVector<TActorId> SelectionReplicaCache;
@@ -994,11 +994,11 @@ private:
IActor* CreateSchemeBoardPopulator(
const ui64 owner,
const ui64 generation,
- const ui32 ssId,
+ const ui32 ssId,
TMap<TPathId, NSchemeBoard::TTwoPartDescription> descriptions,
const ui64 maxPathId
) {
- return new NSchemeBoard::TPopulator(owner, generation, ssId, std::move(descriptions), maxPathId);
+ return new NSchemeBoard::TPopulator(owner, generation, ssId, std::move(descriptions), maxPathId);
} // NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/populator.h b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/populator.h
index 4fa65e2663..8105c56ba4 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/populator.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/populator.h
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
IActor* CreateSchemeBoardPopulator(
const ui64 owner,
const ui64 generation,
- const ui32 schemeBoardSSId,
+ const ui32 schemeBoardSSId,
TMap<TPathId, NSchemeBoard::TTwoPartDescription> descriptions,
const ui64 maxPathId
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/replica.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/replica.cpp
index 4079ab5ef4..638656e91d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/replica.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/replica.cpp
@@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ public:
struct TPopulatorInfo {
- ui64 Generation = 0;
- ui64 PendingGeneration = 0;
+ ui64 Generation = 0;
+ ui64 PendingGeneration = 0;
TActorId PopulatorActor;
bool IsCommited() const {
@@ -776,8 +776,8 @@ private:
<< ", generation# " << generation);
info.PendingGeneration = generation;
- info.PopulatorActor = ev->Sender;
+ info.PopulatorActor = ev->Sender;
Send(ev->Sender, new TSchemeBoardEvents::TEvHandshakeResponse(owner, info.Generation), 0, ev->Cookie);
@@ -1284,19 +1284,19 @@ private:
Send(MakeInterconnectProxyId(nodeId), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
- void PassAway() override {
- for (auto &xpair : Populators) {
+ void PassAway() override {
+ for (auto &xpair : Populators) {
if (const TActorId populator = xpair.second.PopulatorActor) {
- Send(populator, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown());
- }
- }
- for (auto &xpair : Subscribers) {
- Send(xpair.first, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown());
- }
+ Send(populator, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown());
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto &xpair : Subscribers) {
+ Send(xpair.first, new TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaShutdown());
+ }
- }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ public:
- STATEFN(StateWork) {
+ STATEFN(StateWork) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(TSchemeBoardEvents::TEvHandshakeRequest, Handle);
hFunc(TSchemeBoardEvents::TEvUpdate, Handle);
@@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ public:
hFunc(TSchemeBoardMonEvents::TEvDescribeRequest, Handle);
hFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeDisconnected, Handle);
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, PassAway);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, PassAway);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/subscriber_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/subscriber_ut.cpp
index fe8aa8a102..7e1d580305 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/subscriber_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/subscriber_ut.cpp
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ class TSubscriberTest: public NUnitTest::TTestBase {
Context->Send(proxy, edge, new TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoard());
auto ev = Context->GrabEdgeEvent<TEvStateStorage::TEvListSchemeBoardResult>(edge);
- Y_VERIFY(ev->Get()->Info);
- auto allReplicas = ev->Get()->Info->SelectAllReplicas();
+ Y_VERIFY(ev->Get()->Info);
+ auto allReplicas = ev->Get()->Info->SelectAllReplicas();
return TVector<TActorId>(allReplicas.begin(), allReplicas.end());
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_helpers.h b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_helpers.h
index b4eff238f4..1f2e4d5e9b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_helpers.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_helpers.h
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class TTestWithSchemeshard: public NUnitTest::TTestBase {
ui32 planResolution = 50;
auto domain = TDomainsInfo::TDomain::ConstructDomainWithExplicitTabletIds(
name, domainUid, schemeshardTabletId,
- stateStorageGroup, stateStorageGroup, TVector<ui32>{stateStorageGroup},
+ stateStorageGroup, stateStorageGroup, TVector<ui32>{stateStorageGroup},
domainUid, TVector<ui32>{domainUid},
TVector<ui64>{TDomainsInfo::MakeTxCoordinatorIDFixed(domainUid, 1)},
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class TTestWithSchemeshard: public NUnitTest::TTestBase {
void BootCoordinator(TTestActorRuntime& runtime, ui64 tabletId) {
CoordinatorState = new TFakeCoordinator::TState();
- BootFakeCoordinator(runtime, tabletId, CoordinatorState);
+ BootFakeCoordinator(runtime, tabletId, CoordinatorState);
void BootHive(TTestActorRuntime& runtime, ui64 tabletId) {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/scheme_cache.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/scheme_cache.cpp
index 75712788ed..5cf9a0b0d5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/scheme_cache.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/scheme_cache.cpp
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-#include "scheme_cache.h"
+#include "scheme_cache.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/path.h>
#include <util/string/builder.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NSchemeCache {
TSchemeCacheConfig::TSchemeCacheConfig(const TAppData* appData, NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr counters)
: Counters(counters)
for (const auto& [_, domain] : appData->DomainsInfo->Domains) {
if (!domain->SchemeRoot) {
- }
+ }
Roots.emplace_back(domain->DomainRootTag(), domain->SchemeRoot, domain->Name);
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ TString TDomainInfo::ToString() const {
<< " ResourcesDomainKey: " << ResourcesDomainKey
<< " Params { " << Params.ShortDebugString() << " }"
<< " }";
TString TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry::ToString() const {
return TStringBuilder() << "{"
<< " Path: " << JoinPath(Path)
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ TString TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry::ToString() const {
<< " Kind: " << Kind
<< " DomainInfo " << (DomainInfo ? DomainInfo->ToString() : "<null>")
<< " }";
TString TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry::ToString(const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry) const {
return ToString();
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ TString TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry::ToString(const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typ
template <typename TResultSet>
static TString ResultSetToString(const TResultSet& rs, const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry) {
TStringBuilder out;
for (ui32 i = 0; i < rs.size(); ++i) {
if (i) {
out << ",";
out << rs.at(i).ToString(typeRegistry);
- }
+ }
return out;
TString TSchemeCacheNavigate::ToString(const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry) const {
return TStringBuilder() << "{"
<< " ErrorCount: " << ErrorCount
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ TString TSchemeCacheNavigate::ToString(const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistr
<< " DomainOwnerId: " << DomainOwnerId
<< " ResultSet [" << ResultSetToString(ResultSet, typeRegistry) << "]"
<< " }";
TString TSchemeCacheRequest::TEntry::ToString() const {
return TStringBuilder() << "{"
<< " TableId: " << (KeyDescription ? ::ToString(KeyDescription->TableId.PathId) : "<moved>")
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ TString TSchemeCacheRequest::TEntry::ToString() const {
<< " PartitionsCount: " << (KeyDescription ? ::ToString(KeyDescription->Partitions.size()) : "<moved>")
<< " DomainInfo " << (DomainInfo ? DomainInfo->ToString() : "<null>")
<< " }";
TString TSchemeCacheRequest::TEntry::ToString(const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry) const {
TStringBuilder out;
out << "{"
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ TString TSchemeCacheRequest::TEntry::ToString(const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& type
<< " Kind: " << Kind
<< " PartitionsCount: " << (KeyDescription ? ::ToString(KeyDescription->Partitions.size()) : "<moved>")
<< " DomainInfo " << (DomainInfo ? DomainInfo->ToString() : "<null>");
if (KeyDescription) {
TDbTupleRef from(KeyDescription->KeyColumnTypes.data(), KeyDescription->Range.From.data(), KeyDescription->Range.From.size());
TDbTupleRef to(KeyDescription->KeyColumnTypes.data(), KeyDescription->Range.To.data(), KeyDescription->Range.To.size());
if (KeyDescription->Range.Point) {
out << " Point: " << DbgPrintTuple(from, typeRegistry);
} else {
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ TString TSchemeCacheRequest::TEntry::ToString(const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& type
<< " To: " << DbgPrintTuple(to, typeRegistry)
<< " IncTo: " << KeyDescription->Range.InclusiveTo;
- }
+ }
out << " }";
return out;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ TString TSchemeCacheRequest::ToString(const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry
<< " DomainOwnerId: " << DomainOwnerId
<< " ResultSet [" << ResultSetToString(ResultSet, typeRegistry) << "]"
<< " }";
} // NSchemeCache
} // NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/scheme_cache.h b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/scheme_cache.h
index 5ea882d163..26a07897a1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/scheme_cache.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/scheme_cache.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/events.h>
@@ -13,33 +13,33 @@
#include <ydb/library/aclib/aclib.h>
#include <util/datetime/base.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
namespace NSchemeCache {
-struct TSchemeCacheConfig : public TThrRefBase {
- struct TTagEntry {
+struct TSchemeCacheConfig : public TThrRefBase {
+ struct TTagEntry {
ui32 Tag = 0;
ui64 RootSchemeShard = 0;
TString Name;
explicit TTagEntry(ui32 tag, ui64 rootSchemeShard, const TString& name)
- : Tag(tag)
- , RootSchemeShard(rootSchemeShard)
- , Name(name)
- {}
- };
+ : Tag(tag)
+ , RootSchemeShard(rootSchemeShard)
+ , Name(name)
+ {}
+ };
TSchemeCacheConfig() = default;
explicit TSchemeCacheConfig(const TAppData* appData, NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr counters);
TVector<TTagEntry> Roots;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr Counters;
struct TDomainInfo : public TAtomicRefCount<TDomainInfo> {
using TPtr = TIntrusivePtr<TDomainInfo>;
@@ -104,19 +104,19 @@ struct TSchemeCacheNavigate {
OpUnknown = 0,
OpTable = 1, // would return table info
OpPath = 2, // would return owning scheme shard id
- OpTopic = 3, // would return topic info
- OpList = 4, // would list children and cache them
+ OpTopic = 3, // would return topic info
+ OpList = 4, // would list children and cache them
- enum EKind {
- KindUnknown = 0,
- KindPath = 2,
- KindTable = 3,
- KindTopic = 4,
+ enum EKind {
+ KindUnknown = 0,
+ KindPath = 2,
+ KindTable = 3,
+ KindTopic = 4,
KindRtmr = 5,
KindKesus = 6,
- KindSolomon = 7,
- KindSubdomain = 8,
+ KindSolomon = 7,
+ KindSubdomain = 8,
KindExtSubdomain = 9,
KindIndex = 10,
KindOlapStore = 11,
@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ struct TSchemeCacheNavigate {
KindCdcStream = 13,
KindSequence = 14,
KindReplication = 15,
- };
- struct TListNodeEntry : public TAtomicRefCount<TListNodeEntry> {
+ };
+ struct TListNodeEntry : public TAtomicRefCount<TListNodeEntry> {
struct TChild {
const TString Name;
const TPathId PathId;
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ struct TSchemeCacheNavigate {
EKind Kind = KindUnknown;
TVector<TChild> Children;
- };
+ };
struct TDirEntryInfo : public TAtomicRefCount<TDirEntryInfo>{
NKikimrSchemeOp::TDirEntry Info;
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ struct TSchemeCacheNavigate {
NKikimrSubDomains::TDomainDescription Description;
- struct TPQGroupInfo : public TAtomicRefCount<TPQGroupInfo> {
- EKind Kind = KindUnknown;
+ struct TPQGroupInfo : public TAtomicRefCount<TPQGroupInfo> {
+ EKind Kind = KindUnknown;
NKikimrSchemeOp::TPersQueueGroupDescription Description;
- };
+ };
struct TRtmrVolumeInfo : public TAtomicRefCount<TRtmrVolumeInfo> {
EKind Kind = KindUnknown;
NKikimrSchemeOp::TRtmrVolumeDescription Description;
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ struct TSchemeCacheNavigate {
// other
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TDomainDescription> DomainDescription;
- TIntrusiveConstPtr<TPQGroupInfo> PQGroupInfo;
+ TIntrusiveConstPtr<TPQGroupInfo> PQGroupInfo;
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TRtmrVolumeInfo> RTMRVolumeInfo;
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TKesusInfo> KesusInfo;
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TSolomonVolumeInfo> SolomonVolumeInfo;
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ struct TSchemeCacheNavigate {
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TCdcStreamInfo> CdcStreamInfo;
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TSequenceInfo> SequenceInfo;
TIntrusiveConstPtr<TReplicationInfo> ReplicationInfo;
TString ToString() const;
TString ToString(const NScheme::TTypeRegistry& typeRegistry) const;
@@ -335,32 +335,32 @@ struct TSchemeCacheRequest {
struct TSchemeCacheRequestContext : TAtomicRefCount<TSchemeCacheRequestContext>, TNonCopyable {
TActorId Sender;
- ui64 WaitCounter;
+ ui64 WaitCounter;
TAutoPtr<TSchemeCacheRequest> Request;
const TInstant CreatedAt;
TSchemeCacheRequestContext(const TActorId& sender, TAutoPtr<TSchemeCacheRequest> request, const TInstant& now = TInstant::Now())
- : Sender(sender)
- , WaitCounter(0)
- , Request(request)
+ : Sender(sender)
+ , WaitCounter(0)
+ , Request(request)
, CreatedAt(now)
- {}
+ {}
struct TSchemeCacheNavigateContext : TAtomicRefCount<TSchemeCacheNavigateContext>, TNonCopyable {
TActorId Sender;
- ui64 WaitCounter;
+ ui64 WaitCounter;
TAutoPtr<TSchemeCacheNavigate> Request;
const TInstant CreatedAt;
TSchemeCacheNavigateContext(const TActorId& sender, TAutoPtr<TSchemeCacheNavigate> request, const TInstant& now = TInstant::Now())
- : Sender(sender)
- , WaitCounter(0)
- , Request(request)
+ : Sender(sender)
+ , WaitCounter(0)
+ , Request(request)
, CreatedAt(now)
- {}
+ {}
class TDescribeResult
: public TAtomicRefCount<TDescribeResult>
, public NKikimrScheme::TEvDescribeSchemeResult
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard.h b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard.h
index af6b3980d4..d33173508c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard.h
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
namespace NKikimr {
namespace NSchemeShard {
-static constexpr ui64 RootSchemeShardId = 0;
-static constexpr ui64 RootPathId = 1;
+static constexpr ui64 RootSchemeShardId = 0;
+static constexpr ui64 RootPathId = 1;
struct TSchemeLimits;
struct TEvSchemeShard {
@@ -226,18 +226,18 @@ struct TEvSchemeShard {
TEvDescribeScheme(ui64 tabletId, ui64 pathId)
- TEvDescribeScheme(TTableId tableId)
- {
+ TEvDescribeScheme(TTableId tableId)
+ {
- }
+ }
TEvDescribeScheme(NKikimr::TPathId pathId)
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ struct TEvSchemeShard {
TEvDescribeSchemeResult(const TString& path, ui64 pathOwner, TPathId pathId)
- Record.SetPathOwner(pathOwner);
+ Record.SetPathOwner(pathOwner);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__init_populator.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__init_populator.cpp
index 52b1c4c692..299757e38b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__init_populator.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__init_populator.cpp
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ struct TSchemeShard::TTxInitPopulator : public TTransactionBase<TSchemeShard> {
void Complete(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
- const ui64 tabletId = Self->TabletID();
- const auto &domains = *AppData()->DomainsInfo;
- const ui32 domainId = domains.GetDomainUidByTabletId(tabletId);
- const ui32 boardSSId = domains.GetDomain(domainId).DefaultSchemeBoardGroup;
+ const ui64 tabletId = Self->TabletID();
+ const auto &domains = *AppData()->DomainsInfo;
+ const ui32 domainId = domains.GetDomainUidByTabletId(tabletId);
+ const ui32 boardSSId = domains.GetDomain(domainId).DefaultSchemeBoardGroup;
IActor* populator = CreateSchemeBoardPopulator(
- tabletId, Self->Generation(), boardSSId,
+ tabletId, Self->Generation(), boardSSId,
std::move(Descriptions), Self->NextLocalPathId
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_copy_table.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_copy_table.cpp
index 95daa4695f..f504c34ef5 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_copy_table.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_copy_table.cpp
@@ -452,19 +452,19 @@ public:
TTableInfo::TPtr srcTableInfo = context.SS->Tables.at(srcPath.Base()->PathId);
- // do not allow copy from table with enabled external blobs
- {
+ // do not allow copy from table with enabled external blobs
+ {
const NKikimrSchemeOp::TPartitionConfig &srcPartitionConfig = srcTableInfo->PartitionConfig();
- if (PartitionConfigHasExternalBlobsEnabled(srcPartitionConfig)) {
+ if (PartitionConfigHasExternalBlobsEnabled(srcPartitionConfig)) {
result->SetError(NKikimrScheme::StatusPreconditionFailed, "source table contains external blobs, copy operation is not safe so prohibited");
- return result;
- }
+ return result;
+ }
if (srcPartitionConfig.GetShadowData()) {
result->SetError(NKikimrScheme::StatusPreconditionFailed, "Cannot copy tables with enabled ShadowData");
return result;
- }
+ }
auto schema = Transaction.GetCreateTable();
const bool omitFollowers = schema.GetOmitFollowers();
const bool isBackup = schema.GetIsBackup();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_impl.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_impl.cpp
index da67c4a0ff..0715543a22 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_impl.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_impl.cpp
@@ -3996,14 +3996,14 @@ void TSchemeShard::StateWork(STFUNC_SIG) {
HFuncTraced(TEvSchemeShard::TEvLogin, Handle);
- default:
+ default:
if (!HandleDefaultEvents(ev, ctx)) {
<< " unhandled event type: " << ev->GetTypeRewrite()
<< " event: " << (ev->HasEvent() ? ev->GetBase()->ToString().data() : "serialized?"));
- break;
+ break;
@@ -5742,11 +5742,11 @@ bool TSchemeShard::FillUniformPartitioning(TVector<TString>& rangeEnds, ui32 key
// Check that first key column has integer type
switch(firstKeyColType) {
case NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint32:
- maxVal = Max<ui32>();
+ maxVal = Max<ui32>();
valSz = 4;
case NScheme::NTypeIds::Uint64:
- maxVal = Max<ui64>();
+ maxVal = Max<ui64>();
valSz = 8;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_helpers/test_env.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_helpers/test_env.cpp
index 4cf009ab8f..9cfd8037b7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_helpers/test_env.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_helpers/test_env.cpp
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ void NSchemeShardUT_Private::TTestEnv::AddDomain(TTestActorRuntime &runtime, TAp
ui32 planResolution = 50;
auto domain = TDomainsInfo::TDomain::ConstructDomainWithExplicitTabletIds(
"MyRoot", domainUid, schemeRoot,
- ssId, ssId, TVector<ui32>{ssId},
+ ssId, ssId, TVector<ui32>{ssId},
domainUid, TVector<ui32>{domainUid},
TVector<ui64>{TDomainsInfo::MakeTxCoordinatorIDFixed(domainUid, 1)},
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain.cpp
index abd97369cc..d0d30bf7da 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain.cpp
@@ -690,17 +690,17 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardSubDomainTest) {
TTestEnv env(runtime);
ui64 txId = 100;
- TestCreateSubDomain(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot", R"(
- StoragePools {
- Name: "/dc-1/users/tenant-1:hdd"
- Kind: "hdd"
- }
- PlanResolution: 50
- Coordinators: 1
- Mediators: 1
- TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2
- Name: "USER_0"
- )");
+ TestCreateSubDomain(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot", R"(
+ StoragePools {
+ Name: "/dc-1/users/tenant-1:hdd"
+ Kind: "hdd"
+ }
+ PlanResolution: 50
+ Coordinators: 1
+ Mediators: 1
+ TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2
+ Name: "USER_0"
+ )");
TestCreateSubDomain(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot",
"PlanResolution: 50 "
@@ -715,35 +715,35 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardSubDomainTest) {
"Columns { Name: \"Value\" Type: \"Utf8\"}"
"KeyColumnNames: [\"RowId\"]");
- TestCreateTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/USER_0", R"(
- Name: "ex_blobs"
- Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" }
- Columns { Name: "value" Type: "String" }
- KeyColumnNames: ["key"]
- PartitionConfig {
- ColumnFamilies {
- Id: 0
- StorageConfig {
- SysLog {
- PreferredPoolKind: "hdd"
- }
- Log {
- PreferredPoolKind: "hdd"
- }
- Data {
- PreferredPoolKind: "hdd"
- }
- External {
- PreferredPoolKind: "hdd"
- }
- ExternalThreshold: 524288
- }
- }
- }
- )");
- env.TestWaitNotification(runtime, {100, 101, 102, 103, 104});
+ TestCreateTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/USER_0", R"(
+ Name: "ex_blobs"
+ Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" }
+ Columns { Name: "value" Type: "String" }
+ KeyColumnNames: ["key"]
+ PartitionConfig {
+ ColumnFamilies {
+ Id: 0
+ StorageConfig {
+ SysLog {
+ PreferredPoolKind: "hdd"
+ }
+ Log {
+ PreferredPoolKind: "hdd"
+ }
+ Data {
+ PreferredPoolKind: "hdd"
+ }
+ External {
+ PreferredPoolKind: "hdd"
+ }
+ ExternalThreshold: 524288
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )");
+ env.TestWaitNotification(runtime, {100, 101, 102, 103, 104});
TestCopyTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/USER_1", "dst", "/MyRoot/USER_0/src", NKikimrScheme::StatusInvalidParameter);
TestCopyTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot", "dst", "/MyRoot/USER_0/src", NKikimrScheme::StatusInvalidParameter);
TestCopyTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/USER_0", "ex_blobs_copy", "/MyRoot/USER_0/ex_blobs", NKikimrScheme::StatusPreconditionFailed);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.cpp
index c52682e683..08042194fc 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.cpp
@@ -10,25 +10,25 @@
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
#include <queue>
-namespace NKikimr {
-ui64 TMediatorTimecastEntry::Get(ui64 tabletId) const {
+namespace NKikimr {
+ui64 TMediatorTimecastEntry::Get(ui64 tabletId) const {
- return AtomicGet(Step);
-void TMediatorTimecastEntry::Update(ui64 step, ui64 *exemption, ui64 exsz) {
+ return AtomicGet(Step);
+void TMediatorTimecastEntry::Update(ui64 step, ui64 *exemption, ui64 exsz) {
Y_VERIFY(exsz == 0, "exemption lists not supported yet");
- AtomicSet(Step, step);
-class TMediatorTimecastProxy : public TActor<TMediatorTimecastProxy> {
+ AtomicSet(Step, step);
+class TMediatorTimecastProxy : public TActor<TMediatorTimecastProxy> {
struct TWaiter {
TActorId Sender;
ui64 TabletId;
@@ -53,25 +53,25 @@ class TMediatorTimecastProxy : public TActor<TMediatorTimecastProxy> {
std::priority_queue<TWaiter> Waiters;
- struct TMediator {
- const ui32 BucketsSz;
+ struct TMediator {
+ const ui32 BucketsSz;
TArrayHolder<TMediatorBucket> Buckets;
TActorId PipeClient;
- TMediator(ui32 bucketsSz)
- : BucketsSz(bucketsSz)
+ TMediator(ui32 bucketsSz)
+ : BucketsSz(bucketsSz)
, Buckets(new TMediatorBucket[bucketsSz])
- {}
- };
+ {}
+ };
struct TTabletInfo {
ui64 MediatorTabletId;
TMediator* Mediator;
ui32 BucketId;
ui32 RefCount = 0;
THashMap<ui64, TMediator> Mediators; // mediator tablet -> info
THashMap<ui64, TTabletInfo> Tablets;
@@ -81,92 +81,92 @@ class TMediatorTimecastProxy : public TActor<TMediatorTimecastProxy> {
Y_VERIFY(pr.first->second.BucketsSz == processing.GetTimeCastBucketsPerMediator());
return pr.first->second;
- }
- void RegisterMediator(ui64 mediatorTabletId, TMediator &mediator, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TAutoPtr<TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch> ev(new TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch());
- for (ui32 bucketId = 0, e = mediator.BucketsSz; bucketId != e; ++bucketId) {
- auto &x = mediator.Buckets[bucketId];
+ }
+ void RegisterMediator(ui64 mediatorTabletId, TMediator &mediator, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TAutoPtr<TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch> ev(new TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch());
+ for (ui32 bucketId = 0, e = mediator.BucketsSz; bucketId != e; ++bucketId) {
+ auto &x = mediator.Buckets[bucketId];
if (!x.Entry)
- continue;
+ continue;
if (x.Entry.RefCount() == 1) {
x.Waiters = { };
- continue;
- }
- ev->Record.AddBucket(bucketId);
- }
- if (ev->Record.BucketSize()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ev->Record.AddBucket(bucketId);
+ }
+ if (ev->Record.BucketSize()) {
mediator.PipeClient = ctx.RegisterWithSameMailbox(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(ctx.SelfID, mediatorTabletId));
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " SEND to# " << mediatorTabletId << " Mediator " << ev->ToString());
- NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, mediator.PipeClient, ev.Release());
- }
- }
- void SubscribeBucket(ui64 mediatorTabletId, TMediator &mediator, ui32 bucketId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, mediator.PipeClient, ev.Release());
+ }
+ }
+ void SubscribeBucket(ui64 mediatorTabletId, TMediator &mediator, ui32 bucketId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (mediator.PipeClient) {
TAutoPtr<TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch> ev(new TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch(bucketId));
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " SEND to# " << mediatorTabletId << " Mediator " << ev->ToString());
NTabletPipe::SendData(ctx, mediator.PipeClient, ev.Release());
} else {
- RegisterMediator(mediatorTabletId, mediator, ctx);
+ RegisterMediator(mediatorTabletId, mediator, ctx);
- }
+ }
void TryResync(const TActorId &pipeClient, ui64 tabletId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
for (auto &xpair : Mediators) {
- const ui64 mediatorTabletId = xpair.first;
+ const ui64 mediatorTabletId = xpair.first;
TMediator &mediator = xpair.second;
if (mediator.PipeClient == pipeClient) {
Y_VERIFY(tabletId == mediatorTabletId);
mediator.PipeClient = TActorId();
RegisterMediator(mediatorTabletId, mediator, ctx);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUnregisterTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUnregisterTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWaitPlanStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TX_MEDIATOR_ACTOR;
- TMediatorTimecastProxy()
- : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
- {}
- STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet, Handle);
+ TMediatorTimecastProxy()
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateFunc)
+ {}
+ STFUNC(StateFunc) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet, Handle);
HFunc(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUnregisterTablet, Handle);
HFunc(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWaitPlanStep, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
- }
- }
-void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet *msg = ev->Get();
+ HFunc(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
+ }
+ }
+void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE " << msg->ToString());
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletId;
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->TabletId;
const NKikimrSubDomains::TProcessingParams &processingParams = msg->ProcessingParams;
auto& tabletInfo = Tablets[tabletId];
TMediators mediators(processingParams);
@@ -177,15 +177,15 @@ void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet::TPtr
TTimeCastBuckets buckets(processingParams);
const ui32 bucketId = buckets.Select(tabletId);
tabletInfo.BucketId = bucketId;
TMediator &mediator = MediatorInfo(mediatorTabletId, processingParams);
tabletInfo.Mediator = &mediator;
Y_VERIFY(bucketId < mediator.BucketsSz);
auto &bucket = mediator.Buckets[bucketId];
if (!bucket.Entry)
bucket.Entry = new TMediatorTimecastEntry();
TAutoPtr<TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult> result(
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTablet::TPtr
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " SEND to# " << ev->Sender.ToString() << " Sender " << result->ToString());
ctx.Send(ev->Sender, result.Release());
- SubscribeBucket(mediatorTabletId, mediator, bucketId, ctx);
-void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUnregisterTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ SubscribeBucket(mediatorTabletId, mediator, bucketId, ctx);
+void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUnregisterTablet::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const auto *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE " << msg->ToString());
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUnregisterTablet::TP
void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWaitPlanStep::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const auto *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
@@ -241,30 +241,30 @@ void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvWaitPlanStep::TPtr &
ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvNotifyPlanStep(tabletId, currentStep));
-void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE EvClientConnected");
- TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
- TryResync(msg->ClientId, msg->TabletId, ctx);
- }
-void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->Status != NKikimrProto::OK) {
+ TryResync(msg->ClientId, msg->TabletId, ctx);
+ }
+void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE EvClientDestroyed");
- TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
- TryResync(msg->ClientId, msg->TabletId, ctx);
-void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
+ TryResync(msg->ClientId, msg->TabletId, ctx);
+void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE "<< ev->Get()->ToString());
- const NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate &record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ const NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate &record = ev->Get()->Record;
Y_VERIFY(record.ExemptionSize() == 0, "exemption lists are not supported yet");
- const ui64 mediatorTabletId = record.GetMediator();
+ const ui64 mediatorTabletId = record.GetMediator();
auto it = Mediators.find(mediatorTabletId);
if (it != Mediators.end()) {
auto &mediator = it->second;
@@ -293,12 +293,12 @@ void TMediatorTimecastProxy::Handle(TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate::TPtr &ev, co
- }
- }
-IActor* CreateMediatorTimecastProxy() {
- return new TMediatorTimecastProxy();
+ }
+ }
+IActor* CreateMediatorTimecastProxy() {
+ return new TMediatorTimecastProxy();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.h b/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.h
index acae9b8421..1202d5a799 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast.h
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/subdomains.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/tx_mediator_timecast.pb.h>
#include <util/stream/str.h>
#include <util/string/builder.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-class TMediatorTimecastEntry : public TThrRefBase {
- TAtomic Step;
- TMediatorTimecastEntry()
- : Step(0)
- {}
- ui64 Get(ui64 tabletId) const;
- void Update(ui64 step, ui64 *exemption, ui64 exsz);
-struct TEvMediatorTimecast {
- enum EEv {
- // local part
- EvRegisterTablet = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_MEDIATORTIMECAST),
- EvUnregisterTablet,
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TMediatorTimecastEntry : public TThrRefBase {
+ TAtomic Step;
+ TMediatorTimecastEntry()
+ : Step(0)
+ {}
+ ui64 Get(ui64 tabletId) const;
+ void Update(ui64 step, ui64 *exemption, ui64 exsz);
+struct TEvMediatorTimecast {
+ enum EEv {
+ // local part
+ EvRegisterTablet = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_MEDIATORTIMECAST),
+ EvUnregisterTablet,
- EvRegisterTabletResult = EvRegisterTablet + 1 * 512,
+ EvRegisterTabletResult = EvRegisterTablet + 1 * 512,
- // mediator part
- EvWatch = EvRegisterTablet + 2 * 512,
- EvUpdate = EvRegisterTablet + 3 * 512,
- EvEnd
- };
- static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_MEDIATORTIMECAST), "expected EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd()");
- struct TEvRegisterTablet : public TEventLocal<TEvRegisterTablet, EvRegisterTablet> {
- const ui64 TabletId;
+ // mediator part
+ EvWatch = EvRegisterTablet + 2 * 512,
+ EvUpdate = EvRegisterTablet + 3 * 512,
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_MEDIATORTIMECAST), "expected EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd()");
+ struct TEvRegisterTablet : public TEventLocal<TEvRegisterTablet, EvRegisterTablet> {
+ const ui64 TabletId;
NKikimrSubDomains::TProcessingParams ProcessingParams;
TEvRegisterTablet(ui64 tabletId, const NKikimrSubDomains::TProcessingParams &processing)
- : TabletId(tabletId)
+ : TabletId(tabletId)
, ProcessingParams(processing)
- {}
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ struct TEvMediatorTimecast {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvRegisterTabletResult : public TEventLocal<TEvRegisterTabletResult, EvRegisterTabletResult> {
- const ui64 TabletId;
- const TIntrusivePtr<TMediatorTimecastEntry> Entry;
- TEvRegisterTabletResult(ui64 tabletId, TIntrusivePtr<TMediatorTimecastEntry> &entry)
- : TabletId(tabletId)
- , Entry(entry)
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvRegisterTabletResult : public TEventLocal<TEvRegisterTabletResult, EvRegisterTabletResult> {
+ const ui64 TabletId;
+ const TIntrusivePtr<TMediatorTimecastEntry> Entry;
+ TEvRegisterTabletResult(ui64 tabletId, TIntrusivePtr<TMediatorTimecastEntry> &entry)
+ : TabletId(tabletId)
+ , Entry(entry)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ struct TEvMediatorTimecast {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvUnregisterTablet : public TEventLocal<TEvUnregisterTablet, EvUnregisterTablet> {
- const ui64 TabletId;
- TEvUnregisterTablet(ui64 tabletId)
- : TabletId(tabletId)
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvUnregisterTablet : public TEventLocal<TEvUnregisterTablet, EvUnregisterTablet> {
+ const ui64 TabletId;
+ TEvUnregisterTablet(ui64 tabletId)
+ : TabletId(tabletId)
+ {}
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ struct TEvMediatorTimecast {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvWaitPlanStep : public TEventLocal<TEvWaitPlanStep, EvWaitPlanStep> {
const ui64 TabletId;
const ui64 PlanStep;
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ struct TEvMediatorTimecast {
- struct TEvWatch : public TEventPB<TEvWatch, NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch, EvWatch> {
- TEvWatch()
- {}
- TEvWatch(ui32 bucket)
- {
- Record.AddBucket(bucket);
- }
+ struct TEvWatch : public TEventPB<TEvWatch, NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast::TEvWatch, EvWatch> {
+ TEvWatch()
+ {}
+ TEvWatch(ui32 bucket)
+ {
+ Record.AddBucket(bucket);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ struct TEvMediatorTimecast {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvUpdate : public TEventPB<TEvUpdate, NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate, EvUpdate> {
+ };
+ struct TEvUpdate : public TEventPB<TEvUpdate, NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast::TEvUpdate, EvUpdate> {
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
str << "{TEvUpdate ";
@@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ struct TEvMediatorTimecast {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
-IActor* CreateMediatorTimecastProxy();
+ };
+IActor* CreateMediatorTimecastProxy();
inline TActorId MakeMediatorTimecastProxyID() {
return TActorId(0, TStringBuf("txmdtimecast"));
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx.cpp
index 68c51835c3..56b32469ff 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
namespace NKikimr {
-TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TEvProposeTransaction(ui64 coordinator, ui64 txId, ui8 execLevel, ui64 minStep, ui64 maxStep) {
+TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TEvProposeTransaction(ui64 coordinator, ui64 txId, ui8 execLevel, ui64 minStep, ui64 maxStep) {
NKikimrTx::TProxyTransaction *x = Record.MutableTransaction();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx.h b/ydb/core/tx/tx.h
index 1e560e35ab..bacde44237 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/tabletid.h>
#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_types.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/tx.pb.h>
@@ -8,51 +8,51 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/appdata.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TEvTxProxy {
- enum EEv {
- EvProposeTransaction = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROXY),
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TEvTxProxy {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvProposeTransaction = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROXY),
- EvProposeTransactionStatus = EvProposeTransaction + 1 * 512,
+ EvProposeTransactionStatus = EvProposeTransaction + 1 * 512,
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROXY), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROXY)");
- struct TEvProposeTransaction : public TEventPB<TEvProposeTransaction, NKikimrTx::TEvProposeTransaction, EvProposeTransaction> {
+ struct TEvProposeTransaction : public TEventPB<TEvProposeTransaction, NKikimrTx::TEvProposeTransaction, EvProposeTransaction> {
TEvProposeTransaction() = default;
- TEvProposeTransaction(ui64 coordinator, ui64 txId, ui8 execLevel, ui64 minStep, ui64 maxStep);
- };
- struct TEvProposeTransactionStatus : public TEventPB<TEvProposeTransactionStatus, NKikimrTx::TEvProposeTransactionStatus, EvProposeTransactionStatus> {
- enum class EStatus {
- StatusUnknown,
- StatusDeclined,
- StatusOutdated,
- StatusAborted,
- StatusDeclinedNoSpace,
+ TEvProposeTransaction(ui64 coordinator, ui64 txId, ui8 execLevel, ui64 minStep, ui64 maxStep);
+ };
+ struct TEvProposeTransactionStatus : public TEventPB<TEvProposeTransactionStatus, NKikimrTx::TEvProposeTransactionStatus, EvProposeTransactionStatus> {
+ enum class EStatus {
+ StatusUnknown,
+ StatusDeclined,
+ StatusOutdated,
+ StatusAborted,
+ StatusDeclinedNoSpace,
StatusRestarting, // coordinator is restarting (tx dropped)
- StatusAccepted = 16, // accepted by coordinator
- StatusPlanned, // planned by coordinator
- StatusProcessed, // plan entry delivered to all tablets (for synth-exec-level)
- StatusConfirmed, // execution confirmed by moderator (for synth-exec-level)
- };
+ StatusAccepted = 16, // accepted by coordinator
+ StatusPlanned, // planned by coordinator
+ StatusProcessed, // plan entry delivered to all tablets (for synth-exec-level)
+ StatusConfirmed, // execution confirmed by moderator (for synth-exec-level)
+ };
TEvProposeTransactionStatus() = default;
TEvProposeTransactionStatus(EStatus status, ui64 txid, ui64 stepId);
- EStatus GetStatus() const {
+ EStatus GetStatus() const {
- return static_cast<EStatus>(Record.GetStatus());
- }
- };
+ return static_cast<EStatus>(Record.GetStatus());
+ }
+ };
struct TEvAcquireReadStep
: public TEventPB<TEvAcquireReadStep, NKikimrTx::TEvAcquireReadStep, EvAcquireReadStep>
@@ -74,39 +74,39 @@ struct TEvTxProxy {
-// basic
-struct TExecLevelHierarchy {
- struct TEntry {
- ui32 ExecLevel;
- ui64 ReversedDomainMask;
- };
+// basic
+struct TExecLevelHierarchy {
+ struct TEntry {
+ ui32 ExecLevel;
+ ui64 ReversedDomainMask;
+ };
TVector<TEntry> Entries;
- ui32 Select(ui64 mask) const {
- for (ui32 i = 0, e = Entries.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- const TEntry &x = Entries[i];
- if ((x.ReversedDomainMask & mask) == 0)
- return x.ExecLevel;
- }
- return 0;
- }
-// test hierarchy
-// one availability domain #0.
-// one synthetic execution level (#0) with 2 controller shards (#0, #1).
-// one domain execution level (#1) with 2 controller shards (#0, #1).
-// one proxy #0.
-// one mediator (0-#0)
-// three dummy tx-tablets in domain (##0-2)
-// or 8 data shard in domain (##0-7)
-// one scheme shard (#F0)
+ ui32 Select(ui64 mask) const {
+ for (ui32 i = 0, e = Entries.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ const TEntry &x = Entries[i];
+ if ((x.ReversedDomainMask & mask) == 0)
+ return x.ExecLevel;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+// test hierarchy
+// one availability domain #0.
+// one synthetic execution level (#0) with 2 controller shards (#0, #1).
+// one domain execution level (#1) with 2 controller shards (#0, #1).
+// one proxy #0.
+// one mediator (0-#0)
+// three dummy tx-tablets in domain (##0-2)
+// or 8 data shard in domain (##0-7)
+// one scheme shard (#F0)
struct TTestTxConfig {
static constexpr ui64 DomainUid = 0;
static constexpr ui64 Coordinator = 0x0000000000800001;
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ struct TTestTxConfig {
static constexpr ui64 SchemeShard = 0x00000000008587a0;
static constexpr ui64 Hive = 0x000000000000A001;
static constexpr ui64 UseLessId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
struct TEvSubDomain {
enum EEv {
EvConfigure = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_SUB_DOMAIN),
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ struct TEvSubDomain {
TAutoPtr<TEvSubDomain::TEvConfigure> CreateDomainConfigurationFromStatic(const TAppData *appdata, ui64 tabletId);
inline void Out<NKikimr::TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus>(IOutputStream& o,
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator__reserve.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator__reserve.cpp
index be9bda28a1..69473e0f82 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator__reserve.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator__reserve.cpp
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ struct TTxAllocator::TTxReserve: public TTransactionBase<TTxAllocator> {
-ITransaction* TTxAllocator::CreateTxReserve(TEvTxAllocator::TEvAllocate::TPtr &ev) {
+ITransaction* TTxAllocator::CreateTxReserve(TEvTxAllocator::TEvAllocate::TPtr &ev) {
return new TTxReserve(this, ev);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator__scheme.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator__scheme.cpp
index 624a3f0ce9..53e9c11d68 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator__scheme.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator__scheme.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ struct TTxAllocator::TTxSchema: public TTransactionBase<TTxAllocator> {
-ITransaction* TTxAllocator::CreateTxSchema() {
+ITransaction* TTxAllocator::CreateTxSchema() {
return new TTxSchema(this);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_impl.h b/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_impl.h
index 055ff615e5..5a539f9b7b 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_impl.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_impl.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
namespace NKikimr {
using namespace NTabletFlatExecutor;
-using NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
+using NTabletFlatExecutor::ITransaction;
namespace NTxAllocator {
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ private:
struct TTxSchema;
struct TTxReserve;
- ITransaction* CreateTxSchema();
- ITransaction* CreateTxReserve(TEvTxAllocator::TEvAllocate::TPtr &ev);
+ ITransaction* CreateTxSchema();
+ ITransaction* CreateTxReserve(TEvTxAllocator::TEvAllocate::TPtr &ev);
const ui64 PrivateMarker;
TTxAllocatorMonCounters MonCounters;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_ut_helpers.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_ut_helpers.cpp
index 25ef4a9bf4..95566493b6 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_ut_helpers.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_ut_helpers.cpp
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void TTestEnv::Setup(TTestActorRuntime &runtime) {
TAppPrepare app;
auto domain = TDomainsInfo::TDomain::ConstructDomainWithExplicitTabletIds("dc-1", domainId, 0,
- domainId, domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
+ domainId, domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
domainId, TVector<ui32>{domainId},
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_processing.h b/ydb/core/tx/tx_processing.h
index 52bdea91c7..72276c1af3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_processing.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_processing.h
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tx.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TEvTxProcessing {
- enum EEv {
- EvPlanStep = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROCESSING),
- EvReadSet,
- EvPrePlanTx, // unused
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "tx.h"
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TEvTxProcessing {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvPlanStep = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROCESSING),
+ EvReadSet,
+ EvPrePlanTx, // unused
- EvPlanStepAck = EvPlanStep + 512,
- EvPrePlanTxAck, // unused
+ EvPlanStepAck = EvPlanStep + 512,
+ EvPrePlanTxAck, // unused
- EvPlanStepAccepted,
+ EvPlanStepAccepted,
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROCESSING), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROCESSING)");
- struct TEvPlanStep : public TEventPB<TEvPlanStep, NKikimrTx::TEvMediatorPlanStep, EvPlanStep> {
- TEvPlanStep()
- {}
- TEvPlanStep(ui64 step, ui64 mediator, ui64 tablet)
- {
- Record.SetStep(step);
- Record.SetMediatorID(mediator);
- Record.SetTabletID(tablet);
- }
+ struct TEvPlanStep : public TEventPB<TEvPlanStep, NKikimrTx::TEvMediatorPlanStep, EvPlanStep> {
+ TEvPlanStep()
+ {}
+ TEvPlanStep(ui64 step, ui64 mediator, ui64 tablet)
+ {
+ Record.SetStep(step);
+ Record.SetMediatorID(mediator);
+ Record.SetTabletID(tablet);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ struct TEvTxProcessing {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvPlanStepAck : public TEventPB<TEvPlanStepAck, NKikimrTx::TEvPlanStepAck, EvPlanStepAck> {
- TEvPlanStepAck()
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvPlanStepAck : public TEventPB<TEvPlanStepAck, NKikimrTx::TEvPlanStepAck, EvPlanStepAck> {
+ TEvPlanStepAck()
+ {}
TEvPlanStepAck(ui64 tabletId, ui64 step, ui64 txid)
@@ -61,18 +61,18 @@ struct TEvTxProcessing {
- template<typename TIterator>
- TEvPlanStepAck(ui64 tabletId, ui64 step, TIterator begin, const TIterator &end)
- {
- Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
- Record.SetStep(step);
- while (begin != end) {
+ template<typename TIterator>
+ TEvPlanStepAck(ui64 tabletId, ui64 step, TIterator begin, const TIterator &end)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
+ Record.SetStep(step);
+ while (begin != end) {
const ui64 x = ui64(*begin);
- Record.AddTxId(x);
- ++begin;
- }
- }
+ Record.AddTxId(x);
+ ++begin;
+ }
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ struct TEvTxProcessing {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvPlanStepAccepted : public TEventPB<TEvPlanStepAccepted, NKikimrTx::TEvPlanStepAccepted, EvPlanStepAccepted> {
- TEvPlanStepAccepted()
- {}
- TEvPlanStepAccepted(ui64 tabletId, ui64 step)
- {
- Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
- Record.SetStep(step);
- }
+ };
+ struct TEvPlanStepAccepted : public TEventPB<TEvPlanStepAccepted, NKikimrTx::TEvPlanStepAccepted, EvPlanStepAccepted> {
+ TEvPlanStepAccepted()
+ {}
+ TEvPlanStepAccepted(ui64 tabletId, ui64 step)
+ {
+ Record.SetTabletId(tabletId);
+ Record.SetStep(step);
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -103,22 +103,22 @@ struct TEvTxProcessing {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
- struct TEvReadSet : public TEventPB<TEvReadSet, NKikimrTx::TEvReadSet, EvReadSet> {
- TEvReadSet()
- {}
+ };
+ struct TEvReadSet : public TEventPB<TEvReadSet, NKikimrTx::TEvReadSet, EvReadSet> {
+ TEvReadSet()
+ {}
TEvReadSet(ui64 step, ui64 orderId, ui64 tabletSource, ui64 tabletDest, ui64 tabletProducer, const TString &readSet, ui64 seqno = 0)
- {
- Record.SetStep(step);
- Record.SetTxId(orderId);
- Record.SetTabletSource(tabletSource);
- Record.SetTabletDest(tabletDest);
+ {
+ Record.SetStep(step);
+ Record.SetTxId(orderId);
+ Record.SetTabletSource(tabletSource);
+ Record.SetTabletDest(tabletDest);
- Record.SetReadSet(readSet);
+ Record.SetReadSet(readSet);
- }
+ }
TString ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ struct TEvTxProcessing {
str << "}";
return str.Str();
- };
+ };
struct TEvReadSetAck : public TThrRefBase, public TEventPB<TEvReadSetAck, NKikimrTx::TEvReadSetAck, EvReadSetAck> {
@@ -244,6 +244,6 @@ struct TEvTxProcessing {
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/datareq.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/datareq.cpp
index 034c76354b..af48b42d60 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/datareq.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/datareq.cpp
@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
#include <util/generic/queue.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTxProxy {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTxProxy {
const ui32 MaxDatashardProgramSize = 48 * 1024 * 1024; // 48 MB
const ui32 ShardCancelDeadlineShiftSec = 60;
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ namespace {
static constexpr TDuration MaxReattachDuration = TDuration::Seconds(4);
-struct TFlatMKQLRequest : public TThrRefBase {
- TAutoPtr<NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat> Engine;
+struct TFlatMKQLRequest : public TThrRefBase {
+ TAutoPtr<NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat> Engine;
ui64 LockTxId;
bool NeedDiagnostics;
bool LlvmRuntime;
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ struct TFlatMKQLRequest : public TThrRefBase {
TMaybe<ui64> PerShardKeysSizeLimitBytes;
NKikimrTxUserProxy::TMiniKQLTransaction::TLimits Limits;
TRowVersion Snapshot = TRowVersion::Min();
TMap<ui64, TAutoPtr<TBalanceCoverageBuilder>> BalanceCoverageBuilders;
- NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult EngineResultStatusCode;
- NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus EngineResponseStatus;
+ NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult EngineResultStatusCode;
+ NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus EngineResponseStatus;
TString EngineResponse;
- NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult EngineEvaluatedResponse;
+ NKikimrMiniKQL::TResult EngineEvaluatedResponse;
: LockTxId(0)
, NeedDiagnostics(false)
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ struct TFlatMKQLRequest : public TThrRefBase {
, CollectStats(false)
, ReadOnlyProgram(false)
, EngineResultStatusCode(NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::Unknown)
- , EngineResponseStatus(NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Unknown)
- {}
+ , EngineResponseStatus(NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Unknown)
+ {}
void RequestAdditionResults(ui64 txId) {
auto lockTxId = Engine->GetLockTxId();
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ struct TFlatMKQLRequest : public TThrRefBase {
NeedDiagnostics = Engine->HasDiagnosticsRequest();
// Class used to merge key ranges and arrange shards for ordered scans.
class TKeySpace {
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ struct TReadTableRequest : public TThrRefBase {
-class TDataReq : public TActor<TDataReq> {
+class TDataReq : public TActor<TDataReq> {
enum class EParseRangeKeyExp {
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ public:
- struct TPerTablet {
- enum {
- AffectedRead = 1 << 0,
- AffectedWrite = 1 << 1,
- };
+ struct TPerTablet {
+ enum {
+ AffectedRead = 1 << 0,
+ AffectedWrite = 1 << 1,
+ };
- XX(StatusUnknown, 128) \
+ XX(StatusUnknown, 128) \
XX(StatusWait, 0) \
XX(StatusPrepared, 1) \
XX(StatusError, 2) \
@@ -254,36 +254,36 @@ public:
enum class ETabletStatus {
- };
- ui64 MinStep = 0;
- ui64 MaxStep = 0;
- ui32 AffectedFlags = 0;
- ETabletStatus TabletStatus = ETabletStatus::StatusUnknown;
- ui64 ReadSize = 0;
- ui64 ReplySize = 0;
+ };
+ ui64 MinStep = 0;
+ ui64 MaxStep = 0;
+ ui32 AffectedFlags = 0;
+ ETabletStatus TabletStatus = ETabletStatus::StatusUnknown;
+ ui64 ReadSize = 0;
+ ui64 ReplySize = 0;
ui64 ProgramSize = 0;
- ui64 IncomingReadSetsSize = 0;
+ ui64 IncomingReadSetsSize = 0;
ui64 OutgoingReadSetsSize = 0;
bool StreamCleared = false;
bool Restarting = false;
size_t RestartCount = 0;
- TTableId TableId;
+ TTableId TableId;
THolder<NKikimrQueryStats::TTxStats> Stats;
TReattachState ReattachState;
- };
+ };
- struct TEvPrivate {
- enum EEv {
- EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
+ struct TEvPrivate {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- EvEnd
- };
- static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE)");
- struct TEvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionWatchdog : public TEventSimple<TEvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionWatchdog, EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog> {};
+ EvEnd
+ };
+ static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE)");
+ struct TEvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionWatchdog : public TEventSimple<TEvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionWatchdog, EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog> {};
struct TEvReattachToShard : public TEventLocal<TEvReattachToShard, EvReattachToShard> {
const ui64 TabletId;
@@ -292,82 +292,82 @@ private:
: TabletId(tabletId)
{ }
- };
- const TTxProxyServices Services;
- const ui64 TxId;
- ui64 SelectedCoordinator;
- ui64 ProxyFlags;
- TDuration ExecTimeoutPeriod;
+ };
+ const TTxProxyServices Services;
+ const ui64 TxId;
+ ui64 SelectedCoordinator;
+ ui64 ProxyFlags;
+ TDuration ExecTimeoutPeriod;
TDuration CancelAfter;
- TSchedulerCookieHolder ExecTimeoutCookieHolder;
+ TSchedulerCookieHolder ExecTimeoutCookieHolder;
TActorId RequestSource;
ui32 TxFlags;
bool CanUseFollower;
bool StreamResponse;
- TIntrusivePtr<TFlatMKQLRequest> FlatMKQLRequest;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TFlatMKQLRequest> FlatMKQLRequest;
TIntrusivePtr<TReadTableRequest> ReadTableRequest;
TString DatashardErrors;
TVector<ui64> ComplainingDatashards;
TVector<TString> UnresolvedKeys;
TAutoPtr<const NACLib::TUserToken> UserToken;
THashMap<ui64, TPerTablet> PerTablet;
- NYql::TIssueManager IssueManager;
+ NYql::TIssueManager IssueManager;
TTablePathHashSet InvalidatedTables;
- ui64 TabletsLeft; // todo: add scale modifiers
- ui64 TabletErrors;
- ui64 AggrMinStep;
- ui64 AggrMaxStep;
- ui64 PlanStep;
+ ui64 TabletsLeft; // todo: add scale modifiers
+ ui64 TabletErrors;
+ ui64 AggrMinStep;
+ ui64 AggrMaxStep;
+ ui64 PlanStep;
ECoordinatorStatus CoordinatorStatus = ECoordinatorStatus::Unknown;
ui64 ResultsReceivedCount;
ui64 ResultsReceivedSize;
TRequestControls RequestControls;
- TInstant WallClockAccepted;
+ TInstant WallClockAccepted;
TInstant WallClockResolveStarted;
- TInstant WallClockResolved;
- TInstant WallClockPrepared;
- TInstant WallClockPlanned;
- TDuration ElapsedPrepareExec;
- TDuration ElapsedExecExec;
- TDuration ElapsedPrepareComplete;
- TDuration ElapsedExecComplete;
- TInstant WallClockFirstPrepareReply;
- TInstant WallClockLastPrepareReply;
- TInstant WallClockMinPrepareArrive;
- TInstant WallClockMaxPrepareArrive;
- TDuration WallClockMinPrepareComplete;
- TDuration WallClockMaxPrepareComplete;
- TInstant WallClockFirstExecReply;
- TInstant WallClockLastExecReply;
+ TInstant WallClockResolved;
+ TInstant WallClockPrepared;
+ TInstant WallClockPlanned;
+ TDuration ElapsedPrepareExec;
+ TDuration ElapsedExecExec;
+ TDuration ElapsedPrepareComplete;
+ TDuration ElapsedExecComplete;
+ TInstant WallClockFirstPrepareReply;
+ TInstant WallClockLastPrepareReply;
+ TInstant WallClockMinPrepareArrive;
+ TInstant WallClockMaxPrepareArrive;
+ TDuration WallClockMinPrepareComplete;
+ TDuration WallClockMaxPrepareComplete;
+ TInstant WallClockFirstExecReply;
+ TInstant WallClockLastExecReply;
TDuration CpuTime;
- TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet> PrepareFlatMKQLRequest(TStringBuf miniKQLProgram, TStringBuf miniKQLParams, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet> PrepareFlatMKQLRequest(TStringBuf miniKQLProgram, TStringBuf miniKQLParams, const TActorContext &ctx);
void ProcessFlatMKQLResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheRequest, const TActorContext &ctx);
void ProcessReadTableResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheRequest, const TActorContext &ctx);
TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon> TxProxyMon;
- void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- --*TxProxyMon->DataReqInFly;
+ void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ --*TxProxyMon->DataReqInFly;
Send(Services.FollowerPipeCache, new TEvPipeCache::TEvUnlink(0));
Send(Services.LeaderPipeCache, new TEvPipeCache::TEvUnlink(0));
ProcessStreamClearance(false, ctx);
if (ReadTableRequest) {
for (auto &tr : ReadTableRequest->StreamingShards) {
@@ -375,19 +375,19 @@ private:
- TActor::Die(ctx);
- }
+ TActor::Die(ctx);
+ }
static TInstant Now() {
return AppData()->TimeProvider->Now();
- void ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus status, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::EStatusCode code, bool reportIssues, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void MarkShardError(ui64 tabletId, TDataReq::TPerTablet &perTablet, bool invalidateDistCache, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void TryToInvalidateTable(TTableId tableId, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void RegisterPlan(const TActorContext &ctx);
- void MergeResult(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus status, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::EStatusCode code, bool reportIssues, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void MarkShardError(ui64 tabletId, TDataReq::TPerTablet &perTablet, bool invalidateDistCache, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void TryToInvalidateTable(TTableId tableId, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void RegisterPlan(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void MergeResult(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void MakeFlatMKQLResponse(const TActorContext &ctx, const NCpuTime::TCpuTimer& timer);
void ProcessStreamResponseData(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev,
@@ -397,41 +397,41 @@ private:
ui64 SelectCoordinator(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest &cacheRequest, const TActorContext &ctx);
const TDomainsInfo::TDomain& SelectDomain(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest &cacheRequest, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandleWatchdog(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandleWatchdog(const TActorContext &ctx);
void HandleUndeliveredResolve(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionRestart::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionAttachResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandlePrepareErrors(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandlePrepareErrorTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandlePrepareErrors(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandlePrepareErrorTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx);
void HandlePlan(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionAttachResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandlePlan(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandlePlan(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableSinkStateRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableStreamStateRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandleResolve(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandleResolve(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaResponse::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaRelease::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvReattachToShard::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandlePrepare(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandlePrepareErrors(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandlePlan(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandleExecTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx);
- void HandleExecTimeoutResolve(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandlePrepare(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandlePrepareErrors(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandlePlan(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandleExecTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void HandleExecTimeoutResolve(const TActorContext &ctx);
void ExtractDatashardErrors(const NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult & record);
- void CancelProposal(ui64 exceptTablet);
+ void CancelProposal(ui64 exceptTablet);
void FailProposedRequest(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus status, TString errMsg, const TActorContext &ctx);
void SendStreamClearanceResponse(ui64 shard, bool cleared, const TActorContext &ctx);
@@ -447,25 +447,25 @@ private:
void BuildTxStats(NKikimrQueryStats::TTxStats& stats);
bool IsReadOnlyRequest() const;
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TX_REQ_PROXY;
TDataReq(const TTxProxyServices &services, ui64 txid, const TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon> mon,
const TRequestControls& requestControls)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateWaitInit)
- , Services(services)
- , TxId(txid)
- , SelectedCoordinator(0)
- , ProxyFlags(0)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateWaitInit)
+ , Services(services)
+ , TxId(txid)
+ , SelectedCoordinator(0)
+ , ProxyFlags(0)
, TxFlags(0)
, CanUseFollower(true)
- , TabletsLeft(0)
- , TabletErrors(0)
- , AggrMinStep(0)
- , AggrMaxStep(Max<ui64>())
- , PlanStep(0)
+ , TabletsLeft(0)
+ , TabletErrors(0)
+ , AggrMinStep(0)
+ , AggrMaxStep(Max<ui64>())
+ , PlanStep(0)
, ResultsReceivedCount(0)
, ResultsReceivedSize(0)
, RequestControls(requestControls)
@@ -475,41 +475,41 @@ public:
, WallClockPrepared(TInstant::MicroSeconds(0))
, WallClockPlanned(TInstant::MicroSeconds(0))
, TxProxyMon(mon)
- {
- ++*TxProxyMon->DataReqInFly;
- }
- STFUNC(StateWaitInit) {
+ {
+ ++*TxProxyMon->DataReqInFly;
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWaitInit) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest, Handle);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateWaitResolve) {
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWaitResolve) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFuncTraced(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead, HandleResolve);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFuncTraced(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead, HandleResolve);
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, HandleUndeliveredResolve); // we must wait for resolve completion
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleExecTimeoutResolve); // we must wait for resolve completion to keep key description
- CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog, HandleWatchdog);
- }
- }
- // resolve zombie state to keep shared key desc
- STFUNC(StateResolveTimeout) {
- TRACE_EVENT(NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY);
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- CFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::EventType, Die);
- CFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::EventType, Die);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateWaitPrepare) {
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleExecTimeoutResolve); // we must wait for resolve completion to keep key description
+ CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog, HandleWatchdog);
+ }
+ }
+ // resolve zombie state to keep shared key desc
+ STFUNC(StateResolveTimeout) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ CFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::EventType, Die);
+ CFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::EventType, Die);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWaitPrepare) {
+ TRACE_EVENT(NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY);
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFuncTraced(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableSinkStateRequest, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableStreamStateRequest, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult, HandlePrepare);
@@ -520,28 +520,28 @@ public:
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaRequest, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaResponse, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaRelease, Handle);
- HFuncTraced(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem, HandlePrepare);
+ HFuncTraced(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem, HandlePrepare);
HFuncTraced(TEvPrivate::TEvReattachToShard, Handle);
- HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleExecTimeout);
- CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog, HandleWatchdog);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StatePrepareErrors) {
+ CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog, HandleWatchdog);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StatePrepareErrors) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFuncTraced(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult, HandlePrepareErrors);
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead, Handle);
- HFuncTraced(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem, HandlePrepareErrors);
- HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
- CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandlePrepareErrorTimeout);
- }
- }
- STFUNC(StateWaitPlan) {
+ HFuncTraced(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem, HandlePrepareErrors);
+ HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandlePrepareErrorTimeout);
+ }
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWaitPlan) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFuncTraced(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableSinkStateRequest, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableStreamStateRequest, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus, Handle);
@@ -553,15 +553,15 @@ public:
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaRequest, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaResponse, Handle);
HFuncTraced(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaRelease, Handle);
- HFuncTraced(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem, HandlePlan);
+ HFuncTraced(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem, HandlePlan);
HFuncTraced(TEvPrivate::TEvReattachToShard, Handle);
- HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
+ HFuncTraced(TEvents::TEvUndelivered, Handle);
CFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleExecTimeout);
- CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog, HandleWatchdog);
- }
- }
+ CFunc(TEvPrivate::EvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionsWatchdog, HandleWatchdog);
+ }
+ }
: OrderedQueue(false)
@@ -707,39 +707,39 @@ bool TKeySpace::TryToMergeWithPrev(TRanges::iterator it)
return false;
-void TDataReq::ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus status, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::EStatusCode code, bool reportIssues, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- auto *x = new TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus(status);
- x->Record.SetTxId(TxId);
- if (reportIssues && IssueManager.GetIssues()) {
- IssuesToMessage(IssueManager.GetIssues(), x->Record.MutableIssues());
- IssueManager.Reset();
- }
- x->Record.SetStatusCode(code);
+void TDataReq::ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus status, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::EStatusCode code, bool reportIssues, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ auto *x = new TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus(status);
+ x->Record.SetTxId(TxId);
+ if (reportIssues && IssueManager.GetIssues()) {
+ IssuesToMessage(IssueManager.GetIssues(), x->Record.MutableIssues());
+ IssueManager.Reset();
+ }
+ x->Record.SetStatusCode(code);
for (auto& unresolvedKey : UnresolvedKeys) {
- if (PlanStep)
- x->Record.SetStep(PlanStep);
- if (FlatMKQLRequest) {
- x->Record.SetExecutionEngineStatus((ui32)FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode);
- if (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponseStatus != NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Unknown)
- x->Record.SetExecutionEngineResponseStatus((ui32)FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponseStatus);
- if (!FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponse.empty())
- x->Record.SetExecutionEngineResponse(FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponse);
+ if (PlanStep)
+ x->Record.SetStep(PlanStep);
+ if (FlatMKQLRequest) {
+ x->Record.SetExecutionEngineStatus((ui32)FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode);
+ if (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponseStatus != NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Unknown)
+ x->Record.SetExecutionEngineResponseStatus((ui32)FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponseStatus);
+ if (!FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponse.empty())
+ x->Record.SetExecutionEngineResponse(FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponse);
- if (FlatMKQLRequest->Engine) {
- auto errors = FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->GetErrors();
+ if (FlatMKQLRequest->Engine) {
+ auto errors = FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->GetErrors();
if (!errors.empty()) {
- x->Record.SetMiniKQLErrors(errors);
- }
- }
- }
+ x->Record.SetMiniKQLErrors(errors);
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (ReadTableRequest) {
@@ -749,36 +749,36 @@ void TDataReq::ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus
if (!DatashardErrors.empty())
- if (const ui32 cs = ComplainingDatashards.size()) {
- x->Record.MutableComplainingDataShards()->Reserve(cs);
- for (auto ds : ComplainingDatashards)
- x->Record.AddComplainingDataShards(ds);
- }
- if (ProxyFlags & TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::ProxyTrackWallClock) {
+ if (const ui32 cs = ComplainingDatashards.size()) {
+ x->Record.MutableComplainingDataShards()->Reserve(cs);
+ for (auto ds : ComplainingDatashards)
+ x->Record.AddComplainingDataShards(ds);
+ }
+ if (ProxyFlags & TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::ProxyTrackWallClock) {
auto *timings = x->Record.MutableTimings();
- if (WallClockAccepted.GetValue())
+ if (WallClockAccepted.GetValue())
- if (WallClockResolved.GetValue())
+ if (WallClockResolved.GetValue())
- if (WallClockPrepared.GetValue())
+ if (WallClockPrepared.GetValue())
- if (WallClockPlanned.GetValue())
+ if (WallClockPlanned.GetValue())
- if (ElapsedExecExec.GetValue())
+ if (ElapsedExecExec.GetValue())
- if (ElapsedExecComplete.GetValue())
+ if (ElapsedExecComplete.GetValue())
- if (ElapsedPrepareExec.GetValue())
+ if (ElapsedPrepareExec.GetValue())
- if (ElapsedPrepareComplete.GetValue())
+ if (ElapsedPrepareComplete.GetValue())
- }
+ }
TInstant wallClockEnd = Now();
- TDuration prepareTime = WallClockPrepared.GetValue() ? WallClockPrepared - WallClockAccepted : TDuration::Zero();
- TDuration executeTime = WallClockPrepared.GetValue() ? wallClockEnd - WallClockPrepared : wallClockEnd - WallClockAccepted;
+ TDuration prepareTime = WallClockPrepared.GetValue() ? WallClockPrepared - WallClockAccepted : TDuration::Zero();
+ TDuration executeTime = WallClockPrepared.GetValue() ? wallClockEnd - WallClockPrepared : wallClockEnd - WallClockAccepted;
TDuration totalTime = wallClockEnd - WallClockAccepted;
(*TxProxyMon->ResultsReceivedCount) += ResultsReceivedCount;
@@ -797,58 +797,58 @@ void TDataReq::ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus
- switch (status) {
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyAccepted:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyResolved:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyPrepared:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::CoordinatorPlanned:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecComplete:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecAborted:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecAlready:
- LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " RESPONSE Status# " << TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Str(status)
- << " prepare time: " << prepareTime.ToString()
- << " execute time: " << executeTime.ToString()
- << " total time: " << totalTime.ToString()
- << " marker# P13");
+ switch (status) {
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyAccepted:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyResolved:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyPrepared:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::CoordinatorPlanned:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecComplete:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecAborted:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecAlready:
+ LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ << " RESPONSE Status# " << TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Str(status)
+ << " prepare time: " << prepareTime.ToString()
+ << " execute time: " << executeTime.ToString()
+ << " total time: " << totalTime.ToString()
+ << " marker# P13");
- TxProxyMon->TxPrepareTimeHgram->Collect(prepareTime.MilliSeconds());
- TxProxyMon->TxExecuteTimeHgram->Collect(executeTime.MilliSeconds());
- TxProxyMon->TxTotalTimeHgram->Collect(totalTime.MilliSeconds());
- if (PerTablet.size() > 1) {
- if (WallClockFirstPrepareReply.GetValue()) {
- TxProxyMon->TxPrepareSpreadHgram->Collect((WallClockLastPrepareReply - WallClockFirstPrepareReply).MilliSeconds());
- TxProxyMon->TxPrepareArriveSpreadHgram->Collect((WallClockMaxPrepareArrive - WallClockMinPrepareArrive).MilliSeconds());
- TxProxyMon->TxPrepareCompleteSpreadHgram->Collect((WallClockMaxPrepareComplete - WallClockMinPrepareComplete).MilliSeconds());
- }
- if (WallClockFirstExecReply.GetValue()) {
- TxProxyMon->TxExecSpreadHgram->Collect((WallClockLastExecReply - WallClockFirstExecReply).MilliSeconds());
- }
- }
- break;
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyShardTryLater:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyShardOverloaded:
+ TxProxyMon->TxPrepareTimeHgram->Collect(prepareTime.MilliSeconds());
+ TxProxyMon->TxExecuteTimeHgram->Collect(executeTime.MilliSeconds());
+ TxProxyMon->TxTotalTimeHgram->Collect(totalTime.MilliSeconds());
+ if (PerTablet.size() > 1) {
+ if (WallClockFirstPrepareReply.GetValue()) {
+ TxProxyMon->TxPrepareSpreadHgram->Collect((WallClockLastPrepareReply - WallClockFirstPrepareReply).MilliSeconds());
+ TxProxyMon->TxPrepareArriveSpreadHgram->Collect((WallClockMaxPrepareArrive - WallClockMinPrepareArrive).MilliSeconds());
+ TxProxyMon->TxPrepareCompleteSpreadHgram->Collect((WallClockMaxPrepareComplete - WallClockMinPrepareComplete).MilliSeconds());
+ }
+ if (WallClockFirstExecReply.GetValue()) {
+ TxProxyMon->TxExecSpreadHgram->Collect((WallClockLastExecReply - WallClockFirstExecReply).MilliSeconds());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyShardTryLater:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyShardOverloaded:
LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " RESPONSE Status# " << TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Str(status)
- << " shard: " << ComplainingDatashards.front()
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ << " RESPONSE Status# " << TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Str(status)
+ << " shard: " << ComplainingDatashards.front()
<< " table: " << fnGetTableIdByShard(ComplainingDatashards.front())
- << " marker# P13a");
+ << " marker# P13a");
+ TxProxyMon->ReportStatusNotOK->Inc();
+ break;
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable:
+ case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyShardUnknown:
+ LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ << " RESPONSE Status# " << TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Str(status)
+ << " shard: " << (ComplainingDatashards ? ComplainingDatashards.front() : 0)
+ << " marker# P13b");
- break;
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable:
- case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ProxyShardUnknown:
- LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " RESPONSE Status# " << TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Str(status)
- << " shard: " << (ComplainingDatashards ? ComplainingDatashards.front() : 0)
- << " marker# P13b");
- TxProxyMon->ReportStatusNotOK->Inc();
- break;
+ break;
case TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecResponseData:
LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
@@ -856,18 +856,18 @@ void TDataReq::ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus
<< " marker# P13d");
- default:
+ default:
LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " RESPONSE Status# " << TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Str(status)
- << " marker# P13c");
- TxProxyMon->ReportStatusNotOK->Inc();
- break;
- }
- ctx.Send(RequestSource, x); // todo: error tracking
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ << " RESPONSE Status# " << TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Str(status)
+ << " marker# P13c");
+ TxProxyMon->ReportStatusNotOK->Inc();
+ break;
+ }
+ ctx.Send(RequestSource, x); // todo: error tracking
void Aggregate(NKikimrQueryStats::TReadOpStats& aggr, const NKikimrQueryStats::TReadOpStats& stats) {
aggr.SetCount(aggr.GetCount() + stats.GetCount());
aggr.SetRows(aggr.GetRows() + stats.GetRows());
@@ -930,8 +930,8 @@ void TDataReq::BuildTxStats(NKikimrQueryStats::TTxStats& stats) {
void TDataReq::ProcessFlatMKQLResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheRequest, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat &engine = *FlatMKQLRequest->Engine;
+ NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat &engine = *FlatMKQLRequest->Engine;
// Restore DbKeys
auto &keyDescriptions = engine.GetDbKeys();
Y_VERIFY(keyDescriptions.size() == cacheRequest->ResultSet.size());
@@ -949,23 +949,23 @@ void TDataReq::ProcessFlatMKQLResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheRe
FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode = engine.PrepareShardPrograms(shardLimits);
auto afterBuild = Now();
- if (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode != NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok) {
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ENGINE_ERROR));
- ReportStatus(
- TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::WrongRequest,
- NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::BAD_REQUEST, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->MiniKQLWrongRequest->Inc();
- return Die(ctx);
- }
+ if (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode != NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok) {
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ENGINE_ERROR));
+ ReportStatus(
+ TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::WrongRequest,
+ NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::BAD_REQUEST, true, ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->MiniKQLWrongRequest->Inc();
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
FlatMKQLRequest->ReadOnlyProgram = engine.IsReadOnlyProgram();
- TxProxyMon->TxPrepareBuildShardProgramsHgram->Collect((afterBuild - beforeBuild).MicroSeconds());
+ TxProxyMon->TxPrepareBuildShardProgramsHgram->Collect((afterBuild - beforeBuild).MicroSeconds());
if (engine.GetAffectedShardCount() > 1 || FlatMKQLRequest->Snapshot) // TODO KIKIMR-11912
CanUseFollower = false;
TDuration shardCancelAfter = ExecTimeoutPeriod;
if (CancelAfter) {
shardCancelAfter = Min(shardCancelAfter, CancelAfter);
@@ -974,13 +974,13 @@ void TDataReq::ProcessFlatMKQLResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheRe
TInstant shardCancelDeadline = WallClockAccepted + shardCancelAfter
+ TDuration::Seconds(ShardCancelDeadlineShiftSec);
- for (ui32 shx = 0, affectedShards = engine.GetAffectedShardCount(); shx != affectedShards; ++shx) {
- NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::TShardData shardData;
- const auto shardDataRes = engine.GetAffectedShard(shx, shardData);
+ for (ui32 shx = 0, affectedShards = engine.GetAffectedShardCount(); shx != affectedShards; ++shx) {
+ NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::TShardData shardData;
+ const auto shardDataRes = engine.GetAffectedShard(shx, shardData);
Y_VERIFY(shardDataRes == NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok);
- NKikimrTxDataShard::TDataTransaction dataTransaction;
- dataTransaction.SetMiniKQL(shardData.Program);
+ NKikimrTxDataShard::TDataTransaction dataTransaction;
+ dataTransaction.SetMiniKQL(shardData.Program);
dataTransaction.SetImmediate(shardData.Immediate || FlatMKQLRequest->Snapshot && FlatMKQLRequest->ReadOnlyProgram);
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ void TDataReq::ProcessFlatMKQLResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheRe
if (FlatMKQLRequest->PerShardKeysSizeLimitBytes)
const TString transactionBuffer = dataTransaction.SerializeAsString();
if (transactionBuffer.size() > MaxDatashardProgramSize) {
TString error = TStringBuilder() << "Datashard program size limit exceeded ("
<< transactionBuffer.size() << " > " << MaxDatashardProgramSize << ")";
@@ -1018,34 +1018,34 @@ void TDataReq::ProcessFlatMKQLResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheRe
return Die(ctx);
- const auto affectedType = shardData.HasWrites ? TPerTablet::AffectedWrite : TPerTablet::AffectedRead;
- TPerTablet &perTablet = PerTablet[shardData.ShardId];
- Y_VERIFY(perTablet.TabletStatus == TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusUnknown);
- perTablet.TabletStatus = TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusWait;
+ const auto affectedType = shardData.HasWrites ? TPerTablet::AffectedWrite : TPerTablet::AffectedRead;
+ TPerTablet &perTablet = PerTablet[shardData.ShardId];
+ Y_VERIFY(perTablet.TabletStatus == TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusUnknown);
+ perTablet.TabletStatus = TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusWait;
perTablet.ProgramSize = transactionBuffer.size();
- ++TabletsLeft;
- perTablet.AffectedFlags |= affectedType;
- // we would need shard -> table mapping for scheme cache invalidation on errors
+ ++TabletsLeft;
+ perTablet.AffectedFlags |= affectedType;
+ // we would need shard -> table mapping for scheme cache invalidation on errors
for (const auto& keyDescription : keyDescriptions) {
for (auto& partition : keyDescription->Partitions) {
if (auto *x = PerTablet.FindPtr(partition.ShardId)) {
x->TableId = keyDescription->TableId;
- }
- }
- TxProxyMon->MiniKQLResolveSentToShard->Inc();
- LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ }
+ }
+ TxProxyMon->MiniKQLResolveSentToShard->Inc();
+ LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " SEND TEvProposeTransaction to datashard " << shardData.ShardId
<< " with " << shardData.Program.size() << " bytes program"
<< " affected shards " << engine.GetAffectedShardCount()
<< " followers " << (CanUseFollower ? "allowed" : "disallowed") << " marker# P4");
const TActorId pipeCache = CanUseFollower ? Services.FollowerPipeCache : Services.LeaderPipeCache;
TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction* ev;
if (FlatMKQLRequest->Snapshot && FlatMKQLRequest->ReadOnlyProgram) {
@@ -1055,18 +1055,18 @@ void TDataReq::ProcessFlatMKQLResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheRe
ev = new TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction(NKikimrTxDataShard::TX_KIND_DATA,
ctx.SelfID, TxId, transactionBuffer, TxFlags | (shardData.Immediate ? NTxDataShard::TTxFlags::Immediate : 0));
Send(pipeCache, new TEvPipeCache::TEvForward(ev, shardData.ShardId, true));
- FlatMKQLRequest->BalanceCoverageBuilders[shardData.ShardId] = new TBalanceCoverageBuilder();
- }
- engine.AfterShardProgramsExtracted();
+ FlatMKQLRequest->BalanceCoverageBuilders[shardData.ShardId] = new TBalanceCoverageBuilder();
+ }
+ engine.AfterShardProgramsExtracted();
TxProxyMon->TxPrepareSendShardProgramsHgram->Collect((Now() - afterBuild).MicroSeconds());
- Become(&TThis::StateWaitPrepare);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWaitPrepare);
void TDataReq::ProcessReadTableResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheRequest, const TActorContext &ctx)
auto &entry = cacheRequest->ResultSet[0];
@@ -1135,27 +1135,27 @@ void TDataReq::ProcessReadTableResolve(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *cacheR
-TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet> TDataReq::PrepareFlatMKQLRequest(TStringBuf miniKQLProgram, TStringBuf miniKQLParams, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet> TDataReq::PrepareFlatMKQLRequest(TStringBuf miniKQLProgram, TStringBuf miniKQLParams, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TAutoPtr<NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest> request(new NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest());
- *TxProxyMon->MiniKQLParamsSize += miniKQLParams.size();
- *TxProxyMon->MiniKQLProgramSize += miniKQLProgram.size();
+ *TxProxyMon->MiniKQLParamsSize += miniKQLParams.size();
+ *TxProxyMon->MiniKQLProgramSize += miniKQLProgram.size();
auto beforeSetProgram = Now();
- FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode = FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->SetProgram(miniKQLProgram, miniKQLParams);
+ FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode = FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->SetProgram(miniKQLProgram, miniKQLParams);
TxProxyMon->TxPrepareSetProgramHgram->Collect((Now() - beforeSetProgram).MicroSeconds());
- if (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode != NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
- return nullptr;
+ if (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode != NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok)
+ return nullptr;
WallClockResolveStarted = Now();
- auto &keyDescriptions = FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->GetDbKeys();
+ auto &keyDescriptions = FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->GetDbKeys();
// check keys and set use follower flag
CanUseFollower = true;
- request->ResultSet.reserve(keyDescriptions.size());
+ request->ResultSet.reserve(keyDescriptions.size());
for (auto &keyd : keyDescriptions) {
if (keyd->RowOperation != TKeyDesc::ERowOperation::Read || keyd->ReadTarget.GetMode() != TReadTarget::EMode::Follower) {
CanUseFollower = false;
@@ -1166,56 +1166,56 @@ TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet> TDataReq::PrepareFlatMKQLReque
- return new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet(request);
-void TDataReq::TryToInvalidateTable(TTableId tableId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- const bool notYetInvalidated = InvalidatedTables.insert(tableId).second;
- if (notYetInvalidated)
+ return new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet(request);
+void TDataReq::TryToInvalidateTable(TTableId tableId, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ const bool notYetInvalidated = InvalidatedTables.insert(tableId).second;
+ if (notYetInvalidated)
ctx.Send(Services.SchemeCache, new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvInvalidateTable(tableId, TActorId()));
-void TDataReq::MarkShardError(ui64 shardId, TDataReq::TPerTablet &perTablet, bool invalidateDistCache, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TDataReq::MarkShardError(ui64 shardId, TDataReq::TPerTablet &perTablet, bool invalidateDistCache, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (perTablet.TabletStatus == TDataReq::TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusError)
- return;
+ return;
perTablet.TabletStatus = TDataReq::TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusError;
- if (invalidateDistCache)
- TryToInvalidateTable(perTablet.TableId, ctx);
+ if (invalidateDistCache)
+ TryToInvalidateTable(perTablet.TableId, ctx);
if (++TabletErrors == TabletsLeft) {
LOG_ERROR_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " invalidateDistCache: " << invalidateDistCache
<< " DIE TDataReq MarkShardError TabletsLeft# " << TabletsLeft);
- return Die(ctx);
+ return Die(ctx);
-void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest *msg = ev->Get();
- const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction &record = msg->Ev->Get()->Record;
+ TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest *msg = ev->Get();
+ const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction &record = msg->Ev->Get()->Record;
- ProxyFlags = record.HasProxyFlags() ? record.GetProxyFlags() : 0;
+ ProxyFlags = record.HasProxyFlags() ? record.GetProxyFlags() : 0;
ExecTimeoutPeriod = record.HasExecTimeoutPeriod()
? TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetExecTimeoutPeriod())
: TDuration::MilliSeconds(RequestControls.DefaultTimeoutMs);
- if (ExecTimeoutPeriod.Minutes() > 60) {
+ if (ExecTimeoutPeriod.Minutes() > 60) {
LOG_WARN_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " huge ExecTimeoutPeriod requested " << ExecTimeoutPeriod.ToString()
<< ", trimming to 30 min");
- ExecTimeoutPeriod = TDuration::Minutes(30);
- }
+ ExecTimeoutPeriod = TDuration::Minutes(30);
+ }
CancelAfter = TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetCancelAfterMs());
if (CancelAfter.Hours() > 8) {
LOG_WARN_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
@@ -1226,8 +1226,8 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorConte
WallClockAccepted = Now();
- ctx.Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(KIKIMR_DATAREQ_WATCHDOG_PERIOD), new TEvPrivate::TEvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionWatchdog());
+ ctx.Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(KIKIMR_DATAREQ_WATCHDOG_PERIOD), new TEvPrivate::TEvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionWatchdog());
// Schedule execution timeout
TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> wakeupEv(new IEventHandle(ctx.SelfID, ctx.SelfID, new TEvents::TEvWakeup()));
@@ -1236,11 +1236,11 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorConte
CreateLongTimer(ctx, ExecTimeoutPeriod, wakeupEv, AppData(ctx)->SystemPoolId, ExecTimeoutCookieHolder.Get());
- const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TTransaction &txbody = record.GetTransaction();
- RequestSource = msg->Ev->Sender;
+ const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TTransaction &txbody = record.GetTransaction();
+ RequestSource = msg->Ev->Sender;
TxFlags = txbody.GetFlags() & ~NTxDataShard::TTxFlags::Immediate; // Ignore external immediate flag
StreamResponse = record.GetStreamResponse();
// Subscribe for TEvStreamIsDead event.
if (StreamResponse)
ctx.Send(RequestSource, new TEvents::TEvSubscribe, IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
@@ -1273,13 +1273,13 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorConte
TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet> resolveReq;
NCpuTime::TCpuTimer timer(CpuTime);
- if (txbody.HasMiniKQLTransaction()) {
+ if (txbody.HasMiniKQLTransaction()) {
const auto& mkqlTxBody = txbody.GetMiniKQLTransaction();
const TAppData* appData = AppData(ctx);
const auto functionRegistry = appData->FunctionRegistry;
- if (mkqlTxBody.GetFlatMKQL()) {
+ if (mkqlTxBody.GetFlatMKQL()) {
FlatMKQLRequest = new TFlatMKQLRequest;
FlatMKQLRequest->LlvmRuntime = mkqlTxBody.GetLlvmRuntime();
FlatMKQLRequest->CollectStats = mkqlTxBody.GetCollectStats();
@@ -1294,88 +1294,88 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorConte
NMiniKQL::TEngineFlatSettings settings(NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EProtocol::V1, functionRegistry,
*TAppData::RandomProvider, *TAppData::TimeProvider,
nullptr, TxProxyMon->AllocPoolCounters);
- settings.EvaluateResultType = mkqlTxBody.GetEvaluateResultType();
- settings.EvaluateResultValue = mkqlTxBody.GetEvaluateResultValue();
+ settings.EvaluateResultType = mkqlTxBody.GetEvaluateResultType();
+ settings.EvaluateResultValue = mkqlTxBody.GetEvaluateResultValue();
if (FlatMKQLRequest->LlvmRuntime) {
LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Using LLVM runtime to execute transaction: " << TxId);
settings.LlvmRuntime = true;
- if (ctx.LoggerSettings()->Satisfies(NLog::PRI_DEBUG, NKikimrServices::MINIKQL_ENGINE, TxId)) {
- auto actorSystem = ctx.ExecutorThread.ActorSystem;
- auto txId = TxId;
- settings.BacktraceWriter = [txId, actorSystem](const char* operation, ui32 line, const TBackTrace* backtrace) {
- LOG_DEBUG_SAMPLED_BY(*actorSystem, NKikimrServices::MINIKQL_ENGINE, txId,
- "Proxy data request, txId: %" PRIu64 ", %s (%" PRIu32 ")\n%s",
+ if (ctx.LoggerSettings()->Satisfies(NLog::PRI_DEBUG, NKikimrServices::MINIKQL_ENGINE, TxId)) {
+ auto actorSystem = ctx.ExecutorThread.ActorSystem;
+ auto txId = TxId;
+ settings.BacktraceWriter = [txId, actorSystem](const char* operation, ui32 line, const TBackTrace* backtrace) {
+ LOG_DEBUG_SAMPLED_BY(*actorSystem, NKikimrServices::MINIKQL_ENGINE, txId,
+ "Proxy data request, txId: %" PRIu64 ", %s (%" PRIu32 ")\n%s",
txId, operation, line, backtrace ? backtrace->PrintToString().data() : "");
- };
+ };
settings.LogErrorWriter = [txId, actorSystem](const TString& message) {
LOG_ERROR_S(*actorSystem, NKikimrServices::MINIKQL_ENGINE, "Proxy data request, txId: "
<< txId << ", engine error: " << message);
- }
- if ((TxFlags & NTxDataShard::TTxFlags::ForceOnline) != 0) {
- settings.ForceOnline = true;
- }
+ }
+ if ((TxFlags & NTxDataShard::TTxFlags::ForceOnline) != 0) {
+ settings.ForceOnline = true;
+ }
- FlatMKQLRequest->Engine = NMiniKQL::CreateEngineFlat(settings);
+ FlatMKQLRequest->Engine = NMiniKQL::CreateEngineFlat(settings);
FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->SetStepTxId({ 0, TxId });
TString program = mkqlTxBody.GetProgram().GetBin();
TString params = mkqlTxBody.GetParams().GetBin();
- resolveReq = PrepareFlatMKQLRequest(program, params, ctx);
+ resolveReq = PrepareFlatMKQLRequest(program, params, ctx);
- }
- }
- if (!resolveReq || !resolveReq->Request) {
- ReportStatus(
- TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::WrongRequest,
- NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::BAD_REQUEST, true, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!resolveReq || !resolveReq->Request) {
+ ReportStatus(
+ TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::WrongRequest,
+ NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::BAD_REQUEST, true, ctx);
- return Die(ctx);
- } else if (resolveReq->Request->ResultSet.empty()) {
+ return Die(ctx);
+ } else if (resolveReq->Request->ResultSet.empty()) {
- if (FlatMKQLRequest) {
+ if (FlatMKQLRequest) {
FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode = FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->PrepareShardPrograms(
NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::TShardLimits(0, 0));
- if (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode != NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok) {
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ENGINE_ERROR, "could not prepare shard programs"));
- ReportStatus(
- TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::WrongRequest,
- NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::QUERY_ERROR, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->MiniKQLWrongRequest->Inc();
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->AfterShardProgramsExtracted();
+ if (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResultStatusCode != NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok) {
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ENGINE_ERROR, "could not prepare shard programs"));
+ ReportStatus(
+ TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::WrongRequest,
+ NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::QUERY_ERROR, true, ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->MiniKQLWrongRequest->Inc();
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ FlatMKQLRequest->Engine->AfterShardProgramsExtracted();
return MakeFlatMKQLResponse(ctx, timer);
- } else {
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ENGINE_ERROR, "empty affected set"));
- ReportStatus(
- TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::EmptyAffectedSet,
- NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::QUERY_ERROR, true, ctx);
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- } else {
- if (ProxyFlags & TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::ProxyReportAccepted)
- ReportStatus(
- TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyAccepted,
- NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TRANSIENT, false, ctx);
- }
+ } else {
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ENGINE_ERROR, "empty affected set"));
+ ReportStatus(
+ TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::EmptyAffectedSet,
+ NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::QUERY_ERROR, true, ctx);
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ProxyFlags & TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::ProxyReportAccepted)
+ ReportStatus(
+ TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyAccepted,
+ NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TRANSIENT, false, ctx);
+ }
resolveReq->Request->DatabaseName = record.GetDatabaseName();
LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " SEND to# " << Services.SchemeCache.ToString() << " TSchemeCache with "
+ << " SEND to# " << Services.SchemeCache.ToString() << " TSchemeCache with "
<< resolveReq->Request->ResultSet.size() << " scheme entries. DataReq marker# P2" );
- ctx.Send(Services.SchemeCache, resolveReq.Release());
- Become(&TThis::StateWaitResolve);
+ ctx.Send(Services.SchemeCache, resolveReq.Release());
+ Become(&TThis::StateWaitResolve);
void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult *msg = ev->Get();
NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate *resp = msg->Request.Get();
@@ -1387,12 +1387,12 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev,
<< resp->ErrorCount);
if (resp->ErrorCount > 0) {
- const TString errorExplanation = "unresolved table: " + ReadTableRequest->TablePath;
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, errorExplanation));
+ const TString errorExplanation = "unresolved table: " + ReadTableRequest->TablePath;
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, errorExplanation));
+ UnresolvedKeys.push_back(errorExplanation);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SCHEME_ERROR, true, ctx);
- UnresolvedKeys.push_back(errorExplanation);
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SCHEME_ERROR, true, ctx);
return Die(ctx);
@@ -1403,10 +1403,10 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev,
for (size_t i = 0; i < ReadTableRequest->Columns.size(); ++i) {
auto &col = ReadTableRequest->Columns[i];
if (colNames.contains(col.Name)) {
- const TString errorExplanation = "duplicated columns are not supported: " + col.Name;
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, errorExplanation));
- UnresolvedKeys.push_back(errorExplanation);
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SCHEME_ERROR, true, ctx);
+ const TString errorExplanation = "duplicated columns are not supported: " + col.Name;
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, errorExplanation));
+ UnresolvedKeys.push_back(errorExplanation);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SCHEME_ERROR, true, ctx);
@@ -1456,12 +1456,12 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev,
// Report unresolved columns.
if (!colNames.empty()) {
- for (auto entry: colNames) {
- const TString &errorExplanation = "unresolved column: " + entry.first;
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, errorExplanation));
- UnresolvedKeys.push_back(errorExplanation);
- }
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SCHEME_ERROR, true, ctx);
+ for (auto entry: colNames) {
+ const TString &errorExplanation = "unresolved column: " + entry.first;
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, errorExplanation));
+ UnresolvedKeys.push_back(errorExplanation);
+ }
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SCHEME_ERROR, true, ctx);
return Die(ctx);
@@ -1490,8 +1490,8 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev,
ReadTableRequest->FromValues, fromExpand)
|| !ParseRangeKey(ReadTableRequest->Range.GetTo(), keyTypes,
ReadTableRequest->ToValues, toExpand)) {
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::KEY_PARSE_ERROR, "could not parse key string"));
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::QUERY_ERROR, true, ctx);
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::KEY_PARSE_ERROR, "could not parse key string"));
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::QUERY_ERROR, true, ctx);
return Die(ctx);
@@ -1502,10 +1502,10 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev,
if (range.IsEmptyRange({keyTypes.begin(), keyTypes.end()})) {
- const TString errorExplanation = "empty range requested";
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::EMPTY_OP_RANGE, errorExplanation));
- UnresolvedKeys.push_back(errorExplanation);
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::QUERY_ERROR, true, ctx);
+ const TString errorExplanation = "empty range requested";
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::EMPTY_OP_RANGE, errorExplanation));
+ UnresolvedKeys.push_back(errorExplanation);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::QUERY_ERROR, true, ctx);
return Die(ctx);
@@ -1522,10 +1522,10 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev,
ctx.Send(Services.SchemeCache, new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet(request));
-void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult *msg = ev->Get();
+void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult *msg = ev->Get();
NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest *request = msg->Request.Get();
LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, (request->ErrorCount == 0 ? NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG : NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR),
NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
@@ -1533,48 +1533,48 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, c
TxProxyMon->CacheRequestLatency->Collect((Now() - WallClockAccepted).MilliSeconds());
WallClockResolved = Now();
- if (request->ErrorCount > 0) {
- bool gotHardResolveError = false;
- for (const auto &x : request->ResultSet) {
+ if (request->ErrorCount > 0) {
+ bool gotHardResolveError = false;
+ for (const auto &x : request->ResultSet) {
if ((ui32)x.Status < (ui32) NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest::EStatus::OkScheme) {
- TryToInvalidateTable(x.KeyDescription->TableId, ctx);
+ TryToInvalidateTable(x.KeyDescription->TableId, ctx);
TStringStream ss;
- switch (x.Status) {
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest::EStatus::PathErrorNotExist:
- gotHardResolveError = true;
+ switch (x.Status) {
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest::EStatus::PathErrorNotExist:
+ gotHardResolveError = true;
ss << "table not exists: " << x.KeyDescription->TableId;
- break;
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest::EStatus::TypeCheckError:
- gotHardResolveError = true;
+ break;
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest::EStatus::TypeCheckError:
+ gotHardResolveError = true;
ss << "type check error: " << x.KeyDescription->TableId;
- break;
- default:
+ break;
+ default:
ss << "unresolved table: " << x.KeyDescription->TableId << ". Status: " << x.Status;
- break;
- }
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, ss.Str()));
+ break;
+ }
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_RESOLVE_ERROR, ss.Str()));
- if (gotHardResolveError) {
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SCHEME_ERROR, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->ResolveKeySetWrongRequest->Inc();
- } else {
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
- }
- return Die(ctx);
- }
+ if (gotHardResolveError) {
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SCHEME_ERROR, true, ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->ResolveKeySetWrongRequest->Inc();
+ } else {
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
+ }
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
if (ProxyFlags & TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::ProxyReportResolved)
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyResolved, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TRANSIENT, false, ctx);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyResolved, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TRANSIENT, false, ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->TxPrepareResolveHgram->Collect((WallClockResolved - WallClockResolveStarted).MicroSeconds());
- TxProxyMon->TxPrepareResolveHgram->Collect((WallClockResolved - WallClockResolveStarted).MicroSeconds());
NCpuTime::TCpuTimer timer(CpuTime);
for (const NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest::TEntry& entry : request->ResultSet) {
ui32 access = 0;
@@ -1596,14 +1596,14 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, c
&& entry.KeyDescription->Status == TKeyDesc::EStatus::Ok
&& entry.KeyDescription->SecurityObject != nullptr
&& !entry.KeyDescription->SecurityObject->CheckAccess(access, *UserToken)) {
- TStringStream explanation;
- explanation << "Access denied for " << UserToken->GetUserSID()
- << " with access " << NACLib::AccessRightsToString(access)
+ TStringStream explanation;
+ explanation << "Access denied for " << UserToken->GetUserSID()
+ << " with access " << NACLib::AccessRightsToString(access)
<< " to tableId# " << entry.KeyDescription->TableId;
- LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, explanation.Str());
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ACCESS_DENIED, explanation.Str()));
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::AccessDenied, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ACCESS_DENIED, true, ctx);
+ LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, explanation.Str());
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::ACCESS_DENIED, explanation.Str()));
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::AccessDenied, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ACCESS_DENIED, true, ctx);
return Die(ctx);
@@ -1628,8 +1628,8 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, c
if (!CheckDomainLocality(*request)) {
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::DOMAIN_LOCALITY_ERROR));
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::DomainLocalityError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::BAD_REQUEST, true, ctx);
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::DOMAIN_LOCALITY_ERROR));
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::DomainLocalityError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::BAD_REQUEST, true, ctx);
return Die(ctx);
@@ -1645,8 +1645,8 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, c
} else {
Y_FAIL("No request");
void TDataReq::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvReattachToShard::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const ui64 tabletId = ev->Get()->TabletId;
TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(tabletId);
@@ -1664,31 +1664,31 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvPrivate::TEvReattachToShard::TPtr &ev, const TActorCont
tabletId, true), 0, ++perTablet->ReattachState.Cookie);
-void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem *msg = ev->Get();
- TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(msg->TabletId);
- Y_VERIFY(perTablet);
+void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem *msg = ev->Get();
+ TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(msg->TabletId);
+ Y_VERIFY(perTablet);
bool wasRestarting = std::exchange(perTablet->Restarting, false);
// We can only be sure tx was not prepared if initial propose was not delivered
bool notPrepared = msg->NotDelivered && !perTablet->RestartCount;
// Disconnected while waiting for initial propose response
- if (perTablet->TabletStatus == TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusWait) {
- NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ if (perTablet->TabletStatus == TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusWait) {
+ NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId << " shard " << msg->TabletId << " delivery problem"
<< " (waiting, notDelivered=" << msg->NotDelivered << ", notPrepared=" << notPrepared << ")");
- ComplainingDatashards.push_back(msg->TabletId);
+ ComplainingDatashards.push_back(msg->TabletId);
CancelProposal(notPrepared ? msg->TabletId : 0);
if (notPrepared) {
- TStringStream explanation;
+ TStringStream explanation;
explanation << "could not deliver program to shard " << msg->TabletId << " with txid# " << TxId;
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::SHARD_NOT_AVAILABLE, explanation.Str()));
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::SHARD_NOT_AVAILABLE, explanation.Str()));
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
} else if (wasRestarting) {
// We are waiting for propose and have a restarting flag, which means shard was
// persisting our tx. We did not receive a reply, so we cannot be sure if it
@@ -1698,20 +1698,20 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const T
explanation << "could not prepare program at shard " << msg->TabletId << " with txid# " << TxId;
IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::SHARD_NOT_AVAILABLE, explanation.Str()));
ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
- } else {
- TStringStream explanation;
+ } else {
+ TStringStream explanation;
explanation << "tx state unknown for shard " << msg->TabletId << " with txid# " << TxId;
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::TX_STATE_UNKNOWN, explanation.Str()));
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::TX_STATE_UNKNOWN, explanation.Str()));
auto status = IsReadOnlyRequest()
? TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable
: TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown;
ReportStatus(status, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TIMEOUT, true, ctx);
- }
- Become(&TThis::StatePrepareErrors, ctx, TDuration::MilliSeconds(500), new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
+ }
+ Become(&TThis::StatePrepareErrors, ctx, TDuration::MilliSeconds(500), new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
- return HandlePrepareErrors(ev, ctx);
- }
+ return HandlePrepareErrors(ev, ctx);
+ }
// Disconnected while waiting for other shards to prepare
if (perTablet->TabletStatus == TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusPrepared) {
@@ -1748,29 +1748,29 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const T
return HandlePrepareErrors(ev, ctx);
-void TDataReq::HandlePrepareErrors(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem *msg = ev->Get();
- TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(msg->TabletId);
- Y_VERIFY(perTablet);
- if (perTablet->TabletStatus == TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusWait) {
- NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+void TDataReq::HandlePrepareErrors(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem *msg = ev->Get();
+ TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(msg->TabletId);
+ Y_VERIFY(perTablet);
+ if (perTablet->TabletStatus == TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusWait) {
+ NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId << " shard " << msg->TabletId << " delivery problem (gathering prepare errors)");
- return MarkShardError(msg->TabletId, *perTablet, true, ctx);
- }
-void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult *msg = ev->Get();
- const NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult &record = msg->Record;
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->GetOrigin();
- TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(tabletId);
+ return MarkShardError(msg->TabletId, *perTablet, true, ctx);
+ }
+void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ const NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult &record = msg->Record;
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->GetOrigin();
+ TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(tabletId);
LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, (msg->GetStatus() != NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::ERROR ?
@@ -1778,34 +1778,34 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev
NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " HANDLE Prepare TEvProposeTransactionResult TDataReq TabletStatus# " << perTablet->TabletStatus
- << " GetStatus# " << msg->GetStatus()
- << " shard id " << tabletId
+ << " GetStatus# " << msg->GetStatus()
+ << " shard id " << tabletId
<< " read size " << record.GetReadSize()
<< " out readset size " << record.OutgoingReadSetInfoSize()
- << " marker# P6");
+ << " marker# P6");
WallClockLastPrepareReply = Now();
- const TInstant reportedArriveTime = TInstant::MicroSeconds(record.GetPrepareArriveTime());
- const TDuration completionDelta = WallClockLastPrepareReply - reportedArriveTime;
- WallClockMinPrepareArrive = WallClockMinPrepareArrive.GetValue() ? Min(WallClockMinPrepareArrive, reportedArriveTime) : reportedArriveTime;
- WallClockMaxPrepareArrive = Max(WallClockMaxPrepareArrive, reportedArriveTime);
- WallClockMinPrepareComplete = WallClockMaxPrepareComplete.GetValue() ? Min(WallClockMaxPrepareComplete, completionDelta) : completionDelta;
- WallClockMaxPrepareComplete = Max(WallClockMaxPrepareComplete, completionDelta);
- if (WallClockFirstPrepareReply.GetValue() == 0)
- WallClockFirstPrepareReply = WallClockLastPrepareReply;
+ const TInstant reportedArriveTime = TInstant::MicroSeconds(record.GetPrepareArriveTime());
+ const TDuration completionDelta = WallClockLastPrepareReply - reportedArriveTime;
+ WallClockMinPrepareArrive = WallClockMinPrepareArrive.GetValue() ? Min(WallClockMinPrepareArrive, reportedArriveTime) : reportedArriveTime;
+ WallClockMaxPrepareArrive = Max(WallClockMaxPrepareArrive, reportedArriveTime);
+ WallClockMinPrepareComplete = WallClockMaxPrepareComplete.GetValue() ? Min(WallClockMaxPrepareComplete, completionDelta) : completionDelta;
+ WallClockMaxPrepareComplete = Max(WallClockMaxPrepareComplete, completionDelta);
+ if (WallClockFirstPrepareReply.GetValue() == 0)
+ WallClockFirstPrepareReply = WallClockLastPrepareReply;
if (perTablet->TabletStatus == TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusPrepared) { // do nothing
- return;
+ return;
- switch (msg->GetStatus()) {
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::PREPARED:
+ switch (msg->GetStatus()) {
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::PREPARED:
perTablet->TabletStatus = TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusPrepared;
- perTablet->MinStep = record.GetMinStep();
- perTablet->MaxStep = record.GetMaxStep();
+ perTablet->MinStep = record.GetMinStep();
+ perTablet->MaxStep = record.GetMaxStep();
perTablet->ReadSize = record.GetReadSize();
perTablet->ReplySize = record.GetReplySize();
perTablet->OutgoingReadSetsSize = record.OutgoingReadSetInfoSize();
@@ -1817,17 +1817,17 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev
targetTablet->IncomingReadSetsSize += size;
- AggrMaxStep = Min(AggrMaxStep, perTablet->MaxStep);
- AggrMinStep = Max(AggrMinStep, perTablet->MinStep);
+ AggrMaxStep = Min(AggrMaxStep, perTablet->MaxStep);
+ AggrMinStep = Max(AggrMinStep, perTablet->MinStep);
- if (record.HasExecLatency())
- ElapsedPrepareExec = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedPrepareExec, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetExecLatency()));
- if (record.HasProposeLatency())
- ElapsedPrepareComplete = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedPrepareComplete, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetProposeLatency()));
+ if (record.HasExecLatency())
+ ElapsedPrepareExec = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedPrepareExec, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetExecLatency()));
+ if (record.HasProposeLatency())
+ ElapsedPrepareComplete = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedPrepareComplete, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetProposeLatency()));
ui64 privateCoordinator = TCoordinators(TVector<ui64>(
@@ -1866,22 +1866,22 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev
return RegisterPlan(ctx);
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::COMPLETE:
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::COMPLETE:
perTablet->TabletStatus = TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusFinished;
- if (record.HasExecLatency())
- ElapsedExecExec = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedExecExec, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetExecLatency()));
- if (record.HasProposeLatency())
- ElapsedExecComplete = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedExecComplete, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetProposeLatency()));
+ if (record.HasExecLatency())
+ ElapsedExecExec = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedExecExec, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetExecLatency()));
+ if (record.HasProposeLatency())
+ ElapsedExecComplete = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedExecComplete, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetProposeLatency()));
- return MergeResult(ev, ctx);
+ return MergeResult(ev, ctx);
case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::RESPONSE_DATA:
ProcessStreamResponseData(ev, ctx);
case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::ERROR: {
- CancelProposal(tabletId);
+ CancelProposal(tabletId);
bool schemeChanged = false;
for (const auto& e : record.GetError()) {
if (e.GetKind() == NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_CHANGED) {
@@ -1893,26 +1893,26 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev
} else {
ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
- Become(&TThis::StatePrepareErrors, ctx, TDuration::MilliSeconds(500), new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
+ Become(&TThis::StatePrepareErrors, ctx, TDuration::MilliSeconds(500), new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
- return HandlePrepareErrors(ev, ctx);
+ return HandlePrepareErrors(ev, ctx);
case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::ABORTED:
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecAborted, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS, true, ctx);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecAborted, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS, true, ctx);
return Die(ctx);
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TRY_LATER:
- ExtractDatashardErrors(record);
- CancelProposal(tabletId);
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardTryLater, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->TxResultShardTryLater->Inc();
- return Die(ctx);
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::OVERLOADED:
- ExtractDatashardErrors(record);
- CancelProposal(tabletId);
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardOverloaded, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::OVERLOADED, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->TxResultShardOverloaded->Inc();
- return Die(ctx);
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TRY_LATER:
+ ExtractDatashardErrors(record);
+ CancelProposal(tabletId);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardTryLater, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->TxResultShardTryLater->Inc();
+ return Die(ctx);
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::OVERLOADED:
+ ExtractDatashardErrors(record);
+ CancelProposal(tabletId);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardOverloaded, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::OVERLOADED, true, ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->TxResultShardOverloaded->Inc();
+ return Die(ctx);
case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::EXEC_ERROR:
ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
@@ -1933,30 +1933,30 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePrepare(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev
ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::WrongRequest, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::BAD_REQUEST, true, ctx);
return Die(ctx);
- default:
- // everything other is hard error
- ExtractDatashardErrors(record);
- CancelProposal(tabletId);
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
+ default:
+ // everything other is hard error
+ ExtractDatashardErrors(record);
+ CancelProposal(tabletId);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
- return Die(ctx);
- }
-void TDataReq::CancelProposal(ui64 exceptTablet) {
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+void TDataReq::CancelProposal(ui64 exceptTablet) {
if (CanUseFollower)
- return;
- for (const auto &x : PerTablet)
- if (x.first != exceptTablet) {
+ return;
+ for (const auto &x : PerTablet)
+ if (x.first != exceptTablet) {
Send(Services.LeaderPipeCache, new TEvPipeCache::TEvForward(
- new TEvDataShard::TEvCancelTransactionProposal(TxId),
- x.first,
- false
- ));
- }
+ new TEvDataShard::TEvCancelTransactionProposal(TxId),
+ x.first,
+ false
+ ));
+ }
void TDataReq::ExtractDatashardErrors(const NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult & record) {
TString allErrors;
for (const auto &er : record.GetError()) {
@@ -1964,109 +1964,109 @@ void TDataReq::ExtractDatashardErrors(const NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransa
DatashardErrors = allErrors;
- ComplainingDatashards.push_back(record.GetOrigin());
+ ComplainingDatashards.push_back(record.GetOrigin());
-void TDataReq::HandlePrepareErrors(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult *msg = ev->Get();
- const NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult &record = msg->Record;
- const ui64 tabletId = msg->GetOrigin();
- TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(tabletId);
+void TDataReq::HandlePrepareErrors(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ const NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult &record = msg->Record;
+ const ui64 tabletId = msg->GetOrigin();
+ TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(tabletId);
LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, (msg->GetStatus() != NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::ERROR ?
NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG : NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR),
NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " HANDLE PrepareErrors TEvProposeTransactionResult TDataReq TabletStatus# " << perTablet->TabletStatus
- << " shard id " << tabletId);
+ << " HANDLE PrepareErrors TEvProposeTransactionResult TDataReq TabletStatus# " << perTablet->TabletStatus
+ << " shard id " << tabletId);
if (perTablet->TabletStatus != TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusWait) // do nothing for already processed cases
- return;
- switch (msg->GetStatus()) {
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::ERROR:
- for (const auto &er : record.GetError()) {
- const NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::EKind errorKind = er.GetKind();
- switch (errorKind) {
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_ERROR:
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::WRONG_PAYLOAD_TYPE:
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::WRONG_SHARD_STATE:
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_CHANGED:
- return MarkShardError(tabletId, *perTablet, true, ctx);
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
+ return;
+ switch (msg->GetStatus()) {
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::ERROR:
+ for (const auto &er : record.GetError()) {
+ const NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::EKind errorKind = er.GetKind();
+ switch (errorKind) {
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_ERROR:
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::WRONG_PAYLOAD_TYPE:
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::WRONG_SHARD_STATE:
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TError::SCHEME_CHANGED:
+ return MarkShardError(tabletId, *perTablet, true, ctx);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- default:
- return MarkShardError(tabletId, *perTablet, false, ctx);
- }
-void TDataReq::HandlePrepareErrorTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ default:
+ return MarkShardError(tabletId, *perTablet, false, ctx);
+ }
+void TDataReq::HandlePrepareErrorTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- return Die(ctx);
-void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- // from coordinator
- TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus *msg = ev->Get();
- const NKikimrTx::TEvProposeTransactionStatus &record = msg->Record;
- switch (msg->GetStatus()) {
- case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusAccepted:
+ return Die(ctx);
+void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ // from coordinator
+ TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus *msg = ev->Get();
+ const NKikimrTx::TEvProposeTransactionStatus &record = msg->Record;
+ switch (msg->GetStatus()) {
+ case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusAccepted:
// nop
LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " HANDLE TEvProposeTransactionStatus TDataReq marker# P11 Status# " << msg->GetStatus());
- case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusProcessed:
+ case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusProcessed:
// nop
LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " HANDLE TEvProposeTransactionStatus TDataReq marker# P11 Status# " << msg->GetStatus());
- case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusConfirmed:
+ case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusConfirmed:
- // nop
+ // nop
LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " HANDLE TEvProposeTransactionStatus TDataReq marker# P11 Status# " << msg->GetStatus());
- break;
- case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusPlanned:
- // ok
- PlanStep = record.GetStepId();
+ break;
+ case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusPlanned:
+ // ok
+ PlanStep = record.GetStepId();
CoordinatorStatus = ECoordinatorStatus::Planned;
LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " HANDLE TEvProposeTransactionStatus TDataReq marker# P10 Status# " << msg->GetStatus());
WallClockPlanned = Now();
- if (ProxyFlags & TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::ProxyReportPlanned)
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorPlanned, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TRANSIENT, false, ctx);
- break;
- case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusOutdated:
- case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusDeclined:
- case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusDeclinedNoSpace:
+ if (ProxyFlags & TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::ProxyReportPlanned)
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorPlanned, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TRANSIENT, false, ctx);
+ break;
+ case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusOutdated:
+ case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusDeclined:
+ case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusDeclinedNoSpace:
case TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::StatusRestarting: // TODO: retry
// cancel proposal only for defined cases and fall through for generic error handling
- CancelProposal(0);
+ CancelProposal(0);
- default:
- // smth goes wrong
+ default:
+ // smth goes wrong
LOG_ERROR_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " HANDLE TEvProposeTransactionStatus TDataReq marker# P9 Status# " << msg->GetStatus());
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorDeclined, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorDeclined, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
- return Die(ctx);
- }
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
void TDataReq::Handle(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionRestart::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const auto &record = ev->Get()->Record;
@@ -2179,11 +2179,11 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePlan(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionAttachResult::TPtr
return Die(ctx);
-void TDataReq::HandlePlan(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- // from tablets
- TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult *msg = ev->Get();
- const auto &record = msg->Record;
+void TDataReq::HandlePlan(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ // from tablets
+ TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult *msg = ev->Get();
+ const auto &record = msg->Record;
const ui64 tabletId = msg->GetOrigin();
TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(tabletId);
@@ -2193,29 +2193,29 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePlan(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, c
? NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG : NActors::NLog::PRI_ERROR),
NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " HANDLE Plan TEvProposeTransactionResult TDataReq GetStatus# " << msg->GetStatus()
+ << " HANDLE Plan TEvProposeTransactionResult TDataReq GetStatus# " << msg->GetStatus()
<< " shard id " << tabletId
- << " marker# P12");
- if (record.HasExecLatency())
- ElapsedExecExec = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedExecExec, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetExecLatency()));
- if (record.HasProposeLatency())
- ElapsedExecComplete = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedExecComplete, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetProposeLatency()));
- switch (msg->GetStatus()) {
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::COMPLETE:
+ << " marker# P12");
+ if (record.HasExecLatency())
+ ElapsedExecExec = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedExecExec, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetExecLatency()));
+ if (record.HasProposeLatency())
+ ElapsedExecComplete = Max<TDuration>(ElapsedExecComplete, TDuration::MilliSeconds(record.GetProposeLatency()));
+ switch (msg->GetStatus()) {
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::COMPLETE:
if (Y_LIKELY(perTablet)) {
perTablet->TabletStatus = TPerTablet::ETabletStatus::StatusFinished;
- return MergeResult(ev, ctx);
+ return MergeResult(ev, ctx);
case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::RESPONSE_DATA:
ProcessStreamResponseData(ev, ctx);
- case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::ABORTED:
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecAborted, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS, true, ctx);
+ case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::ABORTED:
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecAborted, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS, true, ctx);
- return Die(ctx);
+ return Die(ctx);
case NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::RESULT_UNAVAILABLE:
ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecResultUnavailable, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
@@ -2226,54 +2226,54 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePlan(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, c
ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecCancelled, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
return Die(ctx);
- default:
+ default:
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
- return Die(ctx);
- }
-void TDataReq::HandlePlan(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem *msg = ev->Get();
- if (msg->TabletId == SelectedCoordinator) {
- if (msg->NotDelivered) {
- NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " not delivered to coordinator"
- << " coordinator id " << msg->TabletId << " marker# P8");
- TStringStream explanation;
- explanation << "tx failed to plan with txid#" << TxId;
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::TX_DECLINED_BY_COORDINATOR, explanation.Str()));
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorDeclined, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->PlanCoordinatorDeclined->Inc();
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+void TDataReq::HandlePlan(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem *msg = ev->Get();
+ if (msg->TabletId == SelectedCoordinator) {
+ if (msg->NotDelivered) {
+ NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ << " not delivered to coordinator"
+ << " coordinator id " << msg->TabletId << " marker# P8");
+ TStringStream explanation;
+ explanation << "tx failed to plan with txid#" << TxId;
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::TX_DECLINED_BY_COORDINATOR, explanation.Str()));
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorDeclined, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->PlanCoordinatorDeclined->Inc();
} else if (CoordinatorStatus == ECoordinatorStatus::Planned) {
// We lost pipe to coordinator, but we already know tx is planned
- } else {
- NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " delivery problem to coordinator"
- << " coordinator id " << msg->TabletId << " marker# P8b");
- TStringStream explanation;
- explanation << "tx state unknown, lost pipe with selected tx coordinator with txid#" << TxId;
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::TX_STATE_UNKNOWN, explanation.Str()));
+ } else {
+ NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ << " delivery problem to coordinator"
+ << " coordinator id " << msg->TabletId << " marker# P8b");
+ TStringStream explanation;
+ explanation << "tx state unknown, lost pipe with selected tx coordinator with txid#" << TxId;
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::TX_STATE_UNKNOWN, explanation.Str()));
auto status = IsReadOnlyRequest()
? TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorDeclined
: TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::CoordinatorUnknown;
ReportStatus(status, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TIMEOUT, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->PlanClientDestroyed->Inc();
- }
- return Die(ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->PlanClientDestroyed->Inc();
+ }
+ return Die(ctx);
} else if (TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(msg->TabletId)) {
bool wasRestarting = std::exchange(perTablet->Restarting, false);
switch (perTablet->TabletStatus) {
@@ -2305,31 +2305,31 @@ void TDataReq::HandlePlan(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TAct
- NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId << " shard " << msg->TabletId << " lost pipe while waiting for reply"
<< (msg->NotDelivered ? " (last message not delivered)" : ""));
- ComplainingDatashards.push_back(msg->TabletId);
- TStringStream explanation;
- explanation << "tx state unknown for shard " << msg->TabletId << " with txid#" << TxId;
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::TX_STATE_UNKNOWN, explanation.Str()));
+ ComplainingDatashards.push_back(msg->TabletId);
+ TStringStream explanation;
+ explanation << "tx state unknown for shard " << msg->TabletId << " with txid#" << TxId;
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::TX_STATE_UNKNOWN, explanation.Str()));
auto status = IsReadOnlyRequest()
? TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardNotAvailable
: TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyShardUnknown;
ReportStatus(status, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TIMEOUT, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->ClientConnectedError->Inc();
- return Die(ctx);
- }
- NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId << " lost pipe with unknown endpoint, ignoring");
+ TxProxyMon->ClientConnectedError->Inc();
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId << " lost pipe with unknown endpoint, ignoring");
void TDataReq::Handle(TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableSinkStateRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
auto *response = new TEvDataShard::TEvGetReadTableSinkStateResponse;
@@ -2397,8 +2397,8 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceRequest::TPtr &ev, cons
// Handle shard restart. For now temporary snapshots are used by scan transaction
// and therefore any shard restart may cause inconsistent response.
if (ReadTableRequest->ClearanceSenders.contains(shard) || PerTablet[shard].StreamCleared) {
- LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
- "Cannot recover from shard restart, shard: " << shard << ", txid: " << TxId);
+ LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
+ "Cannot recover from shard restart, shard: " << shard << ", txid: " << TxId);
// We must send response to current request too
auto response = MakeHolder<TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceResponse>();
@@ -2406,10 +2406,10 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceRequest::TPtr &ev, cons
ctx.Send(ev->Sender, response.Release());
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
- Die(ctx);
- return;
- }
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
+ Die(ctx);
+ return;
+ }
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
"Got clearance request, shard: " << rec.GetShardId()
@@ -2428,9 +2428,9 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceRequest::TPtr &ev, cons
ProcessStreamClearance(true, ctx);
-void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx)
+void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx)
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
@@ -2440,16 +2440,16 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorCo
-void TDataReq::HandleResolve(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
- Y_VERIFY(ReadTableRequest);
- LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
- "Abort read table transaction because stream is dead txid: " << TxId);
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecComplete, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
- Become(&TThis::StateResolveTimeout);
+void TDataReq::HandleResolve(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamIsDead::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ Y_VERIFY(ReadTableRequest);
+ LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
+ "Abort read table transaction because stream is dead txid: " << TxId);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecComplete, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::REJECTED, true, ctx);
+ Become(&TThis::StateResolveTimeout);
void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaRequest::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx)
@@ -2479,34 +2479,34 @@ void TDataReq::Handle(TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamQuotaRelease::TPtr &ev, const TA
-void TDataReq::HandleExecTimeoutResolve(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- LOG_ERROR_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " HANDLE ExecTimeout TDataReq");
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecTimeout, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TIMEOUT, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->ExecTimeout->Inc();
- Become(&TThis::StateResolveTimeout);
-void TDataReq::HandleExecTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TDataReq::HandleExecTimeoutResolve(const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_ERROR_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " HANDLE ExecTimeout TDataReq");
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecTimeout, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TIMEOUT, true, ctx);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecTimeout, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TIMEOUT, true, ctx);
- return Die(ctx);
-void TDataReq::MergeResult(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Become(&TThis::StateResolveTimeout);
+void TDataReq::HandleExecTimeout(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ LOG_ERROR_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ << " HANDLE ExecTimeout TDataReq");
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecTimeout, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TIMEOUT, true, ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->ExecTimeout->Inc();
+ return Die(ctx);
+void TDataReq::MergeResult(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult &record = ev->Get()->Record;
ResultsReceivedSize += record.GetTxResult().size();
WallClockLastExecReply = Now();
- if (WallClockFirstExecReply.GetValue() == 0)
- WallClockFirstExecReply = WallClockLastExecReply;
+ if (WallClockFirstExecReply.GetValue() == 0)
+ WallClockFirstExecReply = WallClockLastExecReply;
const ui64 tabletId = record.GetOrigin();
TPerTablet *perTablet = PerTablet.FindPtr(tabletId);
@@ -2555,27 +2555,27 @@ void TDataReq::MergeResult(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev,
- const ui64 originShard = record.GetOrigin();
- auto builderIt = FlatMKQLRequest->BalanceCoverageBuilders.find(originShard);
- if (builderIt != FlatMKQLRequest->BalanceCoverageBuilders.end()) {
- if (builderIt->second->AddResult(record.GetBalanceTrackList())) {
+ const ui64 originShard = record.GetOrigin();
+ auto builderIt = FlatMKQLRequest->BalanceCoverageBuilders.find(originShard);
+ if (builderIt != FlatMKQLRequest->BalanceCoverageBuilders.end()) {
+ if (builderIt->second->AddResult(record.GetBalanceTrackList())) {
engine.AddShardReply(originShard, record.GetTxResult());
- if (builderIt->second->IsComplete()) {
- engine.FinalizeOriginReplies(originShard);
- FlatMKQLRequest->BalanceCoverageBuilders.erase(builderIt);
- }
- }
- }
+ if (builderIt->second->IsComplete()) {
+ engine.FinalizeOriginReplies(originShard);
+ FlatMKQLRequest->BalanceCoverageBuilders.erase(builderIt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (FlatMKQLRequest->BalanceCoverageBuilders.empty()) {
return MakeFlatMKQLResponse(ctx, timer);
} else {
CpuTime += timer.GetTime();
void TDataReq::MakeFlatMKQLResponse(const TActorContext &ctx, const NCpuTime::TCpuTimer& timer) {
- NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat &engine = *FlatMKQLRequest->Engine;
+ NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat &engine = *FlatMKQLRequest->Engine;
engine.SetStepTxId({ PlanStep, TxId });
engine.SetDeadline(WallClockAccepted + ExecTimeoutPeriod);
@@ -2583,30 +2583,30 @@ void TDataReq::MakeFlatMKQLResponse(const TActorContext &ctx, const NCpuTime::TC
- engine.BuildResult();
- FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponseStatus = engine.GetStatus();
- switch (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponseStatus) {
- case NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Unknown:
- case NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Error:
- LOG_ERROR_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " MergeResult ExecError TDataReq marker# P16");
+ engine.BuildResult();
+ FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponseStatus = engine.GetStatus();
+ switch (FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponseStatus) {
+ case NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Unknown:
+ case NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Error:
+ LOG_ERROR_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ << " MergeResult ExecError TDataReq marker# P16");
CpuTime += timer.GetTime();
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
- TxProxyMon->MergeResultMiniKQLExecError->Inc();
- return Die(ctx);
- case NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Complete:
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecError, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
+ TxProxyMon->MergeResultMiniKQLExecError->Inc();
+ return Die(ctx);
+ case NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Complete:
case NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EStatus::Aborted: {
- LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
- "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " MergeResult ExecComplete TDataReq marker# P17");
+ LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
+ "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
+ << " MergeResult ExecComplete TDataReq marker# P17");
auto fillResult = engine.FillResultValue(FlatMKQLRequest->EngineEvaluatedResponse);
switch (fillResult) {
case NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::Ok:
CpuTime += timer.GetTime();
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecComplete, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS, true, ctx);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ExecComplete, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS, true, ctx);
case NMiniKQL::IEngineFlat::EResult::ResultTooBig:
@@ -2639,13 +2639,13 @@ void TDataReq::MakeFlatMKQLResponse(const TActorContext &ctx, const NCpuTime::TC
- return Die(ctx);
+ return Die(ctx);
- default:
+ default:
Y_FAIL("unknown engine status# %" PRIu32 " txid# %" PRIu64, (ui32)FlatMKQLRequest->EngineResponseStatus, (ui64)TxId);
- }
+ }
void TDataReq::ProcessStreamResponseData(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr &ev,
const TActorContext &ctx)
@@ -2694,7 +2694,7 @@ void TDataReq::FinishShardStream(TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult::TPtr
void TDataReq::FinishStreamResponse(const TActorContext &ctx) {
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecComplete, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS, true, ctx);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::ExecComplete, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::SUCCESS, true, ctx);
@@ -2747,8 +2747,8 @@ void TDataReq::FailProposedRequest(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::
DatashardErrors = errMsg;
// Cancel the Tx on all shards (so we pass invalid tablet id)
- CancelProposal(0);
- ReportStatus(status, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
+ CancelProposal(0);
+ ReportStatus(status, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::ERROR, true, ctx);
Become(&TThis::StatePrepareErrors, ctx, TDuration::MilliSeconds(500), new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
@@ -2775,20 +2775,20 @@ bool TDataReq::CheckDomainLocality(NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheRequest &cacheReque
return true;
-void TDataReq::RegisterPlan(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TDataReq::RegisterPlan(const TActorContext &ctx) {
WallClockPrepared = Now();
- TDomainsInfo *domainsInfo = AppData(ctx)->DomainsInfo.Get();
+ TDomainsInfo *domainsInfo = AppData(ctx)->DomainsInfo.Get();
ui64 totalReadSize = 0;
TSet<ui32> affectedDomains;
- for (const auto &xp : PerTablet) {
- const ui32 tabletDomain = domainsInfo->GetDomainUidByTabletId(xp.first);
+ for (const auto &xp : PerTablet) {
+ const ui32 tabletDomain = domainsInfo->GetDomainUidByTabletId(xp.first);
Y_VERIFY(tabletDomain != Max<ui32>());
- affectedDomains.insert(tabletDomain);
+ affectedDomains.insert(tabletDomain);
totalReadSize += xp.second.ReadSize;
- }
+ }
// Check reply size
ui64 sizeLimit = RequestControls.PerRequestDataSizeLimit;
if (FlatMKQLRequest && FlatMKQLRequest->Limits.GetTotalReadSizeLimitBytes()) {
@@ -2822,50 +2822,50 @@ void TDataReq::RegisterPlan(const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (ProxyFlags & TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::ProxyReportPrepared)
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyPrepared, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TRANSIENT, false, ctx);
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ProxyPrepared, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::TRANSIENT, false, ctx);
Y_VERIFY(SelectedCoordinator, "shouldn't be run with null SelectedCoordinator");
- TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction> req(new TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction(SelectedCoordinator, TxId, 0,
- AggrMinStep, AggrMaxStep));
- auto *reqAffectedSet = req->Record.MutableTransaction()->MutableAffectedSet();
- reqAffectedSet->Reserve(PerTablet.size());
- for (const auto &xp : PerTablet) {
- auto x = reqAffectedSet->Add();
- x->SetTabletId(xp.first);
- x->SetFlags(xp.second.AffectedFlags);
- }
+ TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction> req(new TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransaction(SelectedCoordinator, TxId, 0,
+ AggrMinStep, AggrMaxStep));
+ auto *reqAffectedSet = req->Record.MutableTransaction()->MutableAffectedSet();
+ reqAffectedSet->Reserve(PerTablet.size());
+ for (const auto &xp : PerTablet) {
+ auto x = reqAffectedSet->Add();
+ x->SetTabletId(xp.first);
+ x->SetFlags(xp.second.AffectedFlags);
+ }
LOG_DEBUG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
- << " SEND EvProposeTransaction to# " << SelectedCoordinator << " Coordinator marker# P7 ");
+ << " SEND EvProposeTransaction to# " << SelectedCoordinator << " Coordinator marker# P7 ");
Send(Services.LeaderPipeCache, new TEvPipeCache::TEvForward(req.Release(), SelectedCoordinator, true));
CoordinatorStatus = ECoordinatorStatus::Waiting;
- Become(&TThis::StateWaitPlan);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWaitPlan);
void TDataReq::HandleUndeliveredResolve(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &, const TActorContext &ctx) {
IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_TXPROXY_ERROR, "unexpected event delivery problem"));
ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Unknown, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::INTERNAL_ERROR, true, ctx);
-void TDataReq::Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_TXPROXY_ERROR, "unexpected event delivery problem"));
- ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Unknown, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::INTERNAL_ERROR, true, ctx);
- return Die(ctx);
-void TDataReq::HandleWatchdog(const TActorContext &ctx) {
+void TDataReq::Handle(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::TPtr &, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ IssueManager.RaiseIssue(MakeIssue(NKikimrIssues::TIssuesIds::GENERIC_TXPROXY_ERROR, "unexpected event delivery problem"));
+ ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TResultStatus::Unknown, NKikimrIssues::TStatusIds::INTERNAL_ERROR, true, ctx);
+ return Die(ctx);
+void TDataReq::HandleWatchdog(const TActorContext &ctx) {
const TDuration fromStart = Now() - this->WallClockAccepted;
LOG_LOG_S_SAMPLED_BY(ctx, NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, TxId,
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId
<< " Transactions still running for " << fromStart);
- ctx.Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(KIKIMR_DATAREQ_WATCHDOG_PERIOD), new TEvPrivate::TEvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionWatchdog());
+ ctx.Schedule(TDuration::MilliSeconds(KIKIMR_DATAREQ_WATCHDOG_PERIOD), new TEvPrivate::TEvProxyDataReqOngoingTransactionWatchdog());
void TDataReq::SendStreamClearanceResponse(ui64 shard, bool cleared, const TActorContext &ctx)
TAutoPtr<TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceResponse> response
@@ -2979,9 +2979,9 @@ bool TDataReq::IsReadOnlyRequest() const {
IActor* CreateTxProxyDataReq(const TTxProxyServices &services, const ui64 txid, const TIntrusivePtr<NKikimr::NTxProxy::TTxProxyMon>& mon,
const TRequestControls& requestControls) {
return new NTxProxy::TDataReq(services, txid, mon, requestControls);
#define STATUS_TO_STRING_IMPL_ITEM(name, ...) \
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/describe.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/describe.cpp
index 75f986addc..deb38ca2b7 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/describe.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/describe.cpp
@@ -8,35 +8,35 @@
#include <ydb/core/sys_view/common/schema.h>
#include <ydb/library/aclib/aclib.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTxProxy {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTxProxy {
class TDescribeReq : public TActor<TDescribeReq> {
const TTxProxyServices Services;
THolder<TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme> SchemeRequest;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon> TxProxyMon;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon> TxProxyMon;
TInstant WallClockStarted;
TActorId Source;
- ui64 SourceCookie;
+ ui64 SourceCookie;
TAutoPtr<const NACLib::TUserToken> UserToken;
TString TextPath;
- void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- --*TxProxyMon->NavigateReqInFly;
+ void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ --*TxProxyMon->NavigateReqInFly;
Send(Services.LeaderPipeCache, new TEvPipeCache::TEvUnlink(0));
- TActor::Die(ctx);
- }
+ TActor::Die(ctx);
+ }
void ReportError(NKikimrScheme::EStatus status, const TString& reason, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TAutoPtr<NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResultBuilder> result =
new NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResultBuilder();
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ class TDescribeReq : public TActor<TDescribeReq> {
- ctx.Send(Source, result.Release(), 0, SourceCookie);
- }
+ ctx.Send(Source, result.Release(), 0, SourceCookie);
+ }
void FillRootDescr(NKikimrSchemeOp::TDirEntry* descr, const TString& name, ui64 schemeRootId) {
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class TDescribeReq : public TActor<TDescribeReq> {
void FillSystemViewDescr(NKikimrSchemeOp::TDirEntry* descr, ui64 schemeShardId) {
@@ -176,54 +176,54 @@ class TDescribeReq : public TActor<TDescribeReq> {
return Die(ctx);
- void Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
- void Handle(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
+ void Handle(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
void Handle(NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx);
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TX_PROXY_NAVIGATE;
TDescribeReq(const TTxProxyServices &services, const TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon>& txProxyMon)
- : TActor(&TThis::StateWaitInit)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateWaitInit)
, Services(services)
- , TxProxyMon(txProxyMon)
- {
- ++*TxProxyMon->NavigateReqInFly;
- }
- STFUNC(StateWaitInit) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- HFunc(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme, Handle);
- }
- }
+ , TxProxyMon(txProxyMon)
+ {
+ ++*TxProxyMon->NavigateReqInFly;
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWaitInit) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme, Handle);
+ }
+ }
STFUNC(StateWaitResolve) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult, Handle);
- STFUNC(StateWaitExec) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ STFUNC(StateWaitExec) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFunc(NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem, Handle);
- }
- }
+ HFunc(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem, Handle);
+ }
+ }
void TDescribeReq::Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme *msg = ev->Get();
- const auto &record = msg->Ev->Get()->Record;
+ TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme *msg = ev->Get();
+ const auto &record = msg->Ev->Get()->Record;
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " HANDLE EvNavigateScheme " << record.GetDescribePath().GetPath());
WallClockStarted = ctx.Now();
- Source = msg->Ev->Sender;
- SourceCookie = msg->Ev->Cookie;
+ Source = msg->Ev->Sender;
+ SourceCookie = msg->Ev->Cookie;
if (record.GetDescribePath().HasPath()) {
TDomainsInfo *domainsInfo = AppData(ctx)->DomainsInfo.Get();
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ void TDescribeReq::Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme::TPtr &ev, const TAct
FillRootDescr(entry, domain.second->Name, domain.second->SchemeRoot);
- ctx.Send(Source, result.Release(), 0, SourceCookie);
+ ctx.Send(Source, result.Release(), 0, SourceCookie);
return Die(ctx);
@@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ void TDescribeReq::Handle(TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme::TPtr &ev, const TAct
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " SEND to# " << shardToRequest << " shardToRequest " << req->ToString());
Send(Services.LeaderPipeCache, new TEvPipeCache::TEvForward(req.Release(), shardToRequest, true), 0, SourceCookie);
TAutoPtr<NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate> request(new NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate());
request->DatabaseName = record.GetDatabaseName();
NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry entry;
@@ -296,17 +296,17 @@ void TDescribeReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &
TxProxyMon->CacheRequestLatency->Collect((ctx.Now() - WallClockStarted).MilliSeconds());
- Y_VERIFY(navigate->ResultSet.size() == 1);
- const auto& entry = navigate->ResultSet.front();
+ Y_VERIFY(navigate->ResultSet.size() == 1);
+ const auto& entry = navigate->ResultSet.front();
LOG_LOG_S(ctx, (navigate->ErrorCount == 0 ? NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG : NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO),
"Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# " << navigate->ErrorCount);
if (navigate->ErrorCount > 0) {
- switch (entry.Status) {
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::PathErrorUnknown:
+ switch (entry.Status) {
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::PathErrorUnknown:
if (UserToken != nullptr && entry.SecurityObject != nullptr) {
ui32 access = NACLib::EAccessRights::DescribeSchema;
if (!entry.SecurityObject->CheckAccess(access, *UserToken)) {
@@ -321,19 +321,19 @@ void TDescribeReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &
ReportError(NKikimrScheme::StatusPathDoesNotExist, "Path not found", ctx);
- case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::RootUnknown:
+ case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::RootUnknown:
ReportError(NKikimrScheme::StatusPathDoesNotExist, "Root not found", ctx);
- TxProxyMon->ResolveKeySetWrongRequest->Inc();
- break;
+ TxProxyMon->ResolveKeySetWrongRequest->Inc();
+ break;
case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::EStatus::RedirectLookupError:
ReportError(NKikimrScheme::StatusNotAvailable, "Could not resolve redirected path", ctx);
- default:
+ default:
ReportError(NKikimrScheme::StatusNotAvailable, "Could not resolve path", ctx);
- TxProxyMon->ResolveKeySetFail->Inc();
- break;
- }
+ TxProxyMon->ResolveKeySetFail->Inc();
+ break;
+ }
return Die(ctx);
@@ -370,11 +370,11 @@ void TDescribeReq::Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr &
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString()
<< " SEND to# " << shardToRequest << " shardToRequest " << req->ToString());
Send(Services.LeaderPipeCache, new TEvPipeCache::TEvForward(req.Release(), shardToRequest, true), 0, SourceCookie);
- Become(&TThis::StateWaitExec);
+ Become(&TThis::StateWaitExec);
void TDescribeReq::Handle(NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
@@ -429,19 +429,19 @@ void TDescribeReq::Handle(NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult:
- ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(ev->Forward(Source));
- return Die(ctx);
-void TDescribeReq::Handle(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
- Y_UNUSED(ev);
+ ctx.ExecutorThread.Send(ev->Forward(Source));
+ return Die(ctx);
+void TDescribeReq::Handle(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ev);
ReportError(NKikimrScheme::StatusNotAvailable, "Schemeshard not available", ctx);
return Die(ctx);
IActor* CreateTxProxyDescribeFlatSchemeReq(const TTxProxyServices &services, const TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon>& txProxyMon) {
return new TDescribeReq(services, txProxyMon);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/mon.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/mon.cpp
index 08d42c25c7..14f5d47064 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/mon.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/mon.cpp
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
#include "mon.h"
#include <ydb/core/base/counters.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTxProxy {
-TTxProxyMon::TTxProxyMon(const TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters>& counters)
- : Counters(counters)
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTxProxy {
+TTxProxyMon::TTxProxyMon(const TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters>& counters)
+ : Counters(counters)
, TxGroup(GetServiceCounters(counters, "proxy")->GetSubgroup("subsystem", "tx"))
, DataReqGroup(GetServiceCounters(counters, "proxy")->GetSubgroup("subsystem", "datareq"))
, AllocPoolCounters(counters, "tx_proxy")
CacheRequestLatency = TxGroup->GetHistogram("CacheRequest/LatencyMs", NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(10, 4, 1));
- Navigate = TxGroup->GetCounter("Navigate/Request", true);
+ Navigate = TxGroup->GetCounter("Navigate/Request", true);
NavigateLatency = TxGroup->GetHistogram("Navigate/LatencyMs", NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(10, 4, 1));
- SchemeRequest = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/SchemeRequest", true);
+ SchemeRequest = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/SchemeRequest", true);
SchemeRequestLatency = TxGroup->GetHistogram("SchemeRequest/LatencyMs", NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(10, 4, 1));
- SchemeRequestProxyNotReady = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/SchemeRequestProxyNotReady", true);
- MakeRequest = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/MakeRequest", true);
+ SchemeRequestProxyNotReady = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/SchemeRequestProxyNotReady", true);
+ MakeRequest = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/MakeRequest", true);
SnapshotRequest = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/SnapshotRequest", true);
CommitWritesRequest = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/CommitWritesRequest", true);
- MakeRequestProxyNotReady = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/MakeRequestProxyNotReady", true);
- TxNotImplemented = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/TxNotImplemented", true);
+ MakeRequestProxyNotReady = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/MakeRequestProxyNotReady", true);
+ TxNotImplemented = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/TxNotImplemented", true);
KqpRequest = TxGroup->GetCounter("Propose/KqpRequest", true);
- DataReqInFly = TxGroup->GetCounter("InFly/DataTx", false);
- SchemeReqInFly = TxGroup->GetCounter("InFly/SchemeOp", false);
- NavigateReqInFly = TxGroup->GetCounter("InFly/Navigate", false);
- ReportStatusOK = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ReportStatus/OK", true);
- ReportStatusNotOK = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ReportStatus/NotOK", true);
+ DataReqInFly = TxGroup->GetCounter("InFly/DataTx", false);
+ SchemeReqInFly = TxGroup->GetCounter("InFly/SchemeOp", false);
+ NavigateReqInFly = TxGroup->GetCounter("InFly/Navigate", false);
+ ReportStatusOK = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ReportStatus/OK", true);
+ ReportStatusNotOK = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ReportStatus/NotOK", true);
ReportStatusStreamData = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ReportStatus/StreamData", true);
TxPrepareTimeHgram = DataReqGroup->GetHistogram("TxPrepareTimesMs",
NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(20, 2, 1));
TxExecuteTimeHgram = DataReqGroup->GetHistogram("TxExecuteTimesMs",
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ TTxProxyMon::TTxProxyMon(const TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters>& cou
NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(10, 2, 1));
TxExecSpreadHgram = DataReqGroup->GetHistogram("TxExecSpreadMs",
NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(10, 2, 1));
TxPrepareSetProgramHgram = DataReqGroup->GetHistogram("TxPrepareSetProgramUs",
NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(10, 2, 100));
TxPrepareResolveHgram = DataReqGroup->GetHistogram("TxPrepareResolveUs",
@@ -57,76 +57,76 @@ TTxProxyMon::TTxProxyMon(const TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters>& cou
NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(10, 2, 100));
TxPrepareSendShardProgramsHgram = DataReqGroup->GetHistogram("TxPrepareSendShardProgramsUs",
NMonitoring::ExponentialHistogram(10, 2, 100));
- MiniKQLResolveSentToShard = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MiniKQLResolve/SentToShard", true);
- MiniKQLWrongRequest = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MiniKQLResolve/WrongRequest", true);
+ MiniKQLResolveSentToShard = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MiniKQLResolve/SentToShard", true);
+ MiniKQLWrongRequest = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MiniKQLResolve/WrongRequest", true);
ReadTableResolveSentToShard = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ReadTableResolve/SentToShard", true);
ReadTableWrongRequest = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ReadTableResolve/WrongRequest", true);
- MiniKQLProgramSize = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MiniKQLProgramSize", true);
- MiniKQLParamsSize = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MiniKQLParamsSize", true);
- ExecTimeout = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ExecTimeout", true);
- MarkShardError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MarkShardError", true);
- PrepareErrorTimeout = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("PrepareErrorTimeout", true);
- PlanClientDestroyed = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/ClientDestroyed", true);
- PlanClientConnected = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/ClientConnected", true);
- PlanCoordinatorDeclined = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/CoordinatorDeclined", true);
- PlanClientTxResultComplete = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/TxResult/Complete", true);
- PlanClientTxResultAborted = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/TxResult/Aborted", true);
+ MiniKQLProgramSize = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MiniKQLProgramSize", true);
+ MiniKQLParamsSize = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MiniKQLParamsSize", true);
+ ExecTimeout = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ExecTimeout", true);
+ MarkShardError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MarkShardError", true);
+ PrepareErrorTimeout = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("PrepareErrorTimeout", true);
+ PlanClientDestroyed = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/ClientDestroyed", true);
+ PlanClientConnected = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/ClientConnected", true);
+ PlanCoordinatorDeclined = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/CoordinatorDeclined", true);
+ PlanClientTxResultComplete = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/TxResult/Complete", true);
+ PlanClientTxResultAborted = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/TxResult/Aborted", true);
PlanClientTxResultResultUnavailable = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/TxResult/ResultUnavailable", true);
PlanClientTxResultCancelled = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/TxResult/Cancelled", true);
- PlanClientTxResultExecError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/TxResult/ExecError", true);
- ClientTxStatusAccepted = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/Accepted", true);
- ClientTxStatusProcessed = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/Processed", true);
- ClientTxStatusConfirmed = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/Confirmed", true);
- ClientTxStatusPlanned = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/Planned", true);
- ClientTxStatusCoordinatorDeclined = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/CoordinatorDeclined", true);
- MakeRequestProxyAccepted = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MakeRequest/ProxyAccepted", true);
- MakeRequestWrongRequest = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MakeRequest/WrongRequest", true);
- MakeRequestEmptyAffectedSet = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MakeRequest/EmptyAffectedSet", true);
- ResolveKeySetLegacySuccess = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/LegacySuccess", true);
- ResolveKeySetMiniKQLSuccess = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/MiniKQLSuccess", true);
+ PlanClientTxResultExecError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("Plan/TxResult/ExecError", true);
+ ClientTxStatusAccepted = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/Accepted", true);
+ ClientTxStatusProcessed = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/Processed", true);
+ ClientTxStatusConfirmed = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/Confirmed", true);
+ ClientTxStatusPlanned = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/Planned", true);
+ ClientTxStatusCoordinatorDeclined = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientTx/Status/CoordinatorDeclined", true);
+ MakeRequestProxyAccepted = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MakeRequest/ProxyAccepted", true);
+ MakeRequestWrongRequest = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MakeRequest/WrongRequest", true);
+ MakeRequestEmptyAffectedSet = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MakeRequest/EmptyAffectedSet", true);
+ ResolveKeySetLegacySuccess = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/LegacySuccess", true);
+ ResolveKeySetMiniKQLSuccess = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/MiniKQLSuccess", true);
ResolveKeySetReadTableSuccess = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/ReadTableSuccess", true);
ResolveKeySetRedirectUnavaible = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/RedirectUnavaible", true);
- ResolveKeySetFail = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/Fail", true);
- ResolveKeySetWrongRequest = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/WrongRequest", true);
+ ResolveKeySetFail = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/Fail", true);
+ ResolveKeySetWrongRequest = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/WrongRequest", true);
ResolveKeySetDomainLocalityFail = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResolveKeySet/DomainLocalityFail", true);
- ClientConnectedOk = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientConnected/Ok", true);
- ClientConnectedError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientConnected/Error", true);
- ClientDestroyedOk = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientDestoroyed/Ok", true);
- ClientDestroyedError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientDestoroyed/Error", true);
- TxResultTabletPrepared = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/TabletPrepared", true);
- TxResultPrepared = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Prepared", true);
- TxResultComplete = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Complete", true);
- TxResultError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Error", true);
- TxResultAborted = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Aborted", true);
- TxResultFatal = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Fatal", true);
- TxResultShardOverloaded = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Overloaded", true);
- TxResultShardTryLater = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/TryLater", true);
+ ClientConnectedOk = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientConnected/Ok", true);
+ ClientConnectedError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientConnected/Error", true);
+ ClientDestroyedOk = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientDestoroyed/Ok", true);
+ ClientDestroyedError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ClientDestoroyed/Error", true);
+ TxResultTabletPrepared = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/TabletPrepared", true);
+ TxResultPrepared = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Prepared", true);
+ TxResultComplete = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Complete", true);
+ TxResultError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Error", true);
+ TxResultAborted = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Aborted", true);
+ TxResultFatal = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Fatal", true);
+ TxResultShardOverloaded = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Overloaded", true);
+ TxResultShardTryLater = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/TryLater", true);
TxResultExecError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/ExecError", true);
TxResultResultUnavailable = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/ResultUnavailable", true);
TxResultCancelled = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("TxResult/Cancelled", true);
- MergeResultRequestExecError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/RequestExecError", true);
- MergeResultRequestExecComplete = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/RequestExecComplete", true);
- MergeResultMiniKQLExecError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/MiniKQLExecError", true);
- MergeResultMiniKQLExecComplete = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/MiniKQLExecComplete", true);
- MergeResultMiniKQLUnknownStatus = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/MiniKQLUnknownStatus", true);
+ MergeResultRequestExecError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/RequestExecError", true);
+ MergeResultRequestExecComplete = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/RequestExecComplete", true);
+ MergeResultMiniKQLExecError = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/MiniKQLExecError", true);
+ MergeResultMiniKQLExecComplete = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/MiniKQLExecComplete", true);
+ MergeResultMiniKQLUnknownStatus = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("MergeResult/MiniKQLUnknownStatus", true);
ResultsReceivedCount = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResultsReceived/Count", true);
ResultsReceivedSize = DataReqGroup->GetCounter("ResultsReceived/Size", true);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/mon.h b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/mon.h
index 8e3732fe86..d747ab4f99 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/mon.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/mon.h
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ namespace NTxProxy {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxNotImplemented;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr KqpRequest;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr DataReqInFly;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr SchemeReqInFly;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr NavigateReqInFly;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr DataReqInFly;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr SchemeReqInFly;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr NavigateReqInFly;
// tx_proxy_datareq group
TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> DataReqGroup;
@@ -45,28 +45,28 @@ namespace NTxProxy {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ReportStatusNotOK;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ReportStatusStreamData;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareTimeHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxExecuteTimeHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxTotalTimeHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareSpreadHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareArriveSpreadHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareCompleteSpreadHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxExecSpreadHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareSetProgramHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareResolveHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareBuildShardProgramsHgram;
- NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareSendShardProgramsHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareTimeHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxExecuteTimeHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxTotalTimeHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareSpreadHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareArriveSpreadHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareCompleteSpreadHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxExecSpreadHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareSetProgramHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareResolveHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareBuildShardProgramsHgram;
+ NMonitoring::THistogramPtr TxPrepareSendShardProgramsHgram;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr MiniKQLResolveSentToShard;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr MiniKQLWrongRequest;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ReadTableResolveSentToShard;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ReadTableWrongRequest;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr MiniKQLProgramSize;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr MiniKQLParamsSize;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr MiniKQLProgramSize;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr MiniKQLParamsSize;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr ExecTimeout;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr MarkShardError;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr PrepareErrorTimeout;
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ namespace NTxProxy {
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultError;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultAborted;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultFatal;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultShardOverloaded;
- NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultShardTryLater;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultShardOverloaded;
+ NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultShardTryLater;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultExecError;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultResultUnavailable;
NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TxResultCancelled;
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ namespace NTxProxy {
TAlignedPagePoolCounters AllocPoolCounters;
- TTxProxyMon(const TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters>& counters);
+ TTxProxyMon(const TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters>& counters);
} // NTxProxy
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.cpp
index 23a9a1953a..55962e7d06 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#include "proxy.h"
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
TActorId MakeTxProxyID() {
return TActorId(0, TStringBuf("TxProxyServ"));
TString NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::ToString() const {
TStringStream str;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.h b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.h
index deca1f059f..86d4f1ac79 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.h
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "mon.h"
#include <ydb/public/lib/base/defs.h>
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@
#include <ydb/core/scheme/scheme_tabledefs.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/tx_proxy.pb.h>
-#include <util/generic/set.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMiniKQL {
- struct TKeyDescriptionRange;
- struct TKeyDescriptionSuffixItem;
- struct TKeyDescription;
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMiniKQL {
+ struct TKeyDescriptionRange;
+ struct TKeyDescriptionSuffixItem;
+ struct TKeyDescription;
namespace NTxProxy {
struct TTxProxyServices {
TActorId Proxy;
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ namespace NTxProxy {
-struct TEvTxUserProxy {
- enum EEv {
- EvProposeTransaction = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_USERPROXY), // reply would be with generic TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus
- EvNavigate, // --/-- TEvSchemeShard::TEvNavigateSchemePartResult
- EvProposeTransactionStatus = EvProposeTransaction + 1 * 512,
- EvNavigateStatus,
+struct TEvTxUserProxy {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvProposeTransaction = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_USERPROXY), // reply would be with generic TEvTxProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus
+ EvNavigate, // --/-- TEvSchemeShard::TEvNavigateSchemePartResult
+ EvProposeTransactionStatus = EvProposeTransaction + 1 * 512,
+ EvNavigateStatus,
@@ -61,27 +61,27 @@ struct TEvTxUserProxy {
- EvEnd
- };
+ EvEnd
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_USERPROXY), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_USERPROXY)");
- struct TEvProposeTransaction : public TEventPB<TEvProposeTransaction, NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction, EvProposeTransaction> {
- enum EProxyFlags {
- ProxyTrackWallClock = 1 << 0,
- ProxyReportAccepted = 1 << 1,
- ProxyReportResolved = 1 << 2,
- ProxyReportPrepared = 1 << 3,
- ProxyReportPlanned = 1 << 4,
- };
- TEvProposeTransaction()
- {}
- TEvProposeTransaction(ui64 proxyFlags)
- {
- Record.SetProxyFlags(proxyFlags);
- }
+ struct TEvProposeTransaction : public TEventPB<TEvProposeTransaction, NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction, EvProposeTransaction> {
+ enum EProxyFlags {
+ ProxyTrackWallClock = 1 << 0,
+ ProxyReportAccepted = 1 << 1,
+ ProxyReportResolved = 1 << 2,
+ ProxyReportPrepared = 1 << 3,
+ ProxyReportPlanned = 1 << 4,
+ };
+ TEvProposeTransaction()
+ {}
+ TEvProposeTransaction(ui64 proxyFlags)
+ {
+ Record.SetProxyFlags(proxyFlags);
+ }
bool HasSchemeProposal() const {
return HasModifyScheme() || HasTransactionalModification();
@@ -135,32 +135,32 @@ struct TEvTxUserProxy {
return false;
- };
- struct TEvNavigate : public TEventPB<TEvNavigate, NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvNavigate, EvNavigate> {
- TEvNavigate()
- {}
- };
+ };
+ struct TEvNavigate : public TEventPB<TEvNavigate, NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvNavigate, EvNavigate> {
+ TEvNavigate()
+ {}
+ };
using TResultStatus = NTxProxy::TResultStatus;
- struct TEvProposeTransactionStatus : public TEventPB<TEvProposeTransactionStatus, NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus, EvProposeTransactionStatus> {
- using EStatus = TResultStatus::EStatus;
- TEvProposeTransactionStatus()
- {}
- TEvProposeTransactionStatus(EStatus status) {
- Record.SetStatus(static_cast<ui32>(status));
- }
- EStatus Status() const {
- return static_cast<EStatus>(Record.GetStatus());
- }
+ struct TEvProposeTransactionStatus : public TEventPB<TEvProposeTransactionStatus, NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus, EvProposeTransactionStatus> {
+ using EStatus = TResultStatus::EStatus;
+ TEvProposeTransactionStatus()
+ {}
+ TEvProposeTransactionStatus(EStatus status) {
+ Record.SetStatus(static_cast<ui32>(status));
+ }
+ EStatus Status() const {
+ return static_cast<EStatus>(Record.GetStatus());
+ }
TString ToString() const;
- };
+ };
struct TEvInvalidateTable : public TEventPB<TEvInvalidateTable, NKikimrTxUserProxy::TEvInvalidateTable, EvInvalidateTable> {
TEvInvalidateTable() = default;
TEvInvalidateTable(const TTableId& tableId) {
@@ -219,44 +219,44 @@ struct TEvTxUserProxy {
, Issues(issues)
-struct TEvTxProxyReq {
- enum EEv {
- EvMakeRequest = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROXY_REQ),
- EvSchemeRequest,
- EvNavigateScheme,
- EvEnd,
- };
+struct TEvTxProxyReq {
+ enum EEv {
+ EvMakeRequest = EventSpaceBegin(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROXY_REQ),
+ EvSchemeRequest,
+ EvNavigateScheme,
+ EvEnd,
+ };
static_assert(EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROXY_REQ), "expect EvEnd < EventSpaceEnd(TKikimrEvents::ES_TX_PROXY_REQ)");
- struct TEvMakeRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvMakeRequest, EvMakeRequest> {
- TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr Ev;
- TEvMakeRequest(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev)
- : Ev(ev)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvSchemeRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvSchemeRequest, EvSchemeRequest> {
- TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr Ev;
- TEvSchemeRequest(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev)
- : Ev(ev)
- {}
- };
- struct TEvNavigateScheme : public TEventLocal<TEvNavigateScheme, EvNavigateScheme> {
- TEvTxUserProxy::TEvNavigate::TPtr Ev;
- TEvNavigateScheme(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvNavigate::TPtr &ev)
- : Ev(ev)
- {}
- };
+ struct TEvMakeRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvMakeRequest, EvMakeRequest> {
+ TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr Ev;
+ TEvMakeRequest(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev)
+ : Ev(ev)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvSchemeRequest : public TEventLocal<TEvSchemeRequest, EvSchemeRequest> {
+ TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr Ev;
+ TEvSchemeRequest(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev)
+ : Ev(ev)
+ {}
+ };
+ struct TEvNavigateScheme : public TEventLocal<TEvNavigateScheme, EvNavigateScheme> {
+ TEvTxUserProxy::TEvNavigate::TPtr Ev;
+ TEvNavigateScheme(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvNavigate::TPtr &ev)
+ : Ev(ev)
+ {}
+ };
namespace NTxProxy {
using TTableColumnInfo = TSysTables::TTableColumnInfo;
@@ -312,5 +312,5 @@ namespace NTxProxy {
IActor* CreateTxProxy(const TVector<ui64> &allocators);
TActorId MakeTxProxyID();
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_impl.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_impl.cpp
index 34371fccfd..20dc8cce17 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_impl.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_impl.cpp
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
#include <ydb/core/kqp/executer/kqp_executer.h>
#include <ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_client_cache.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/counters_tx_proxy.pb.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-using namespace NTabletFlatExecutor;
-namespace NTxProxy {
+namespace NKikimr {
+using namespace NTabletFlatExecutor;
+namespace NTxProxy {
template<class EventType>
struct TDelayedQueue {
typedef typename EventType::TPtr EventTypePtr;
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ struct TDelayedQueue {
class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
- TTxProxyServices Services;
+ TTxProxyServices Services;
THolder<NTabletPipe::IClientCache> PipeClientCache;
TTxAllocatorClient TxAllocatorClient;
static const TDuration TimeoutDelayedRequest;
typedef TDelayedQueue<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction> TDelayedProposal;
TDelayedProposal DelayedProposal;
@@ -57,21 +57,21 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
typedef TDelayedQueue<TEvTxUserProxy::TEvAllocateTxId> TDelayedAllocateTxId;
TDelayedAllocateTxId DelayedAllocateTxId;
- TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> CacheCounters;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon> TxProxyMon;
+ TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> CacheCounters;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon> TxProxyMon;
TRequestControls RequestControls;
- void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
- ctx.Send(Services.SchemeCache, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
+ void Die(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ ctx.Send(Services.SchemeCache, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
ctx.Send(Services.LeaderPipeCache, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
ctx.Send(Services.FollowerPipeCache, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
return TActor::Die(ctx);
void Handle(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_NOTICE_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
"actor# " << SelfId() <<
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
" from Sender# " << ev->Sender.ToString());
void ReplyDecline(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus status, const TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_NOTICE_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
"actor# " << SelfId() <<
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
ctx.Send(ev->Sender, new TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus(status), 0, ev->Cookie);
void ReplyNotImplemented(const TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TTransaction &tx = ev->Get()->Record.GetTransaction();
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
" RESPONSE Status# NotImplemented Type# Unknown");
return ReplyDecline(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::NotImplemented, ev, ctx);
void Decline(const TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (ev->Get()->HasSchemeProposal()) {
LOG_WARN_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
ReplyNotImplemented(ev, ctx);
void DelayRequest(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
auto request = new TDelayedProposal::TRequest(ev, ctx.Now() + TimeoutDelayedRequest);
@@ -190,21 +190,21 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
.BackoffMultiplier = 5,
return config;
- }
+ }
static const NTabletPipe::TClientConfig& GetPipeClientConfig() {
static const NTabletPipe::TClientConfig config = InitPipeClientConfig();
return config;
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvTxAllocator::TEvAllocateResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (!TxAllocatorClient.OnAllocateResult(ev, ctx)) {
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
TxAllocatorClient.SendRequest(msg->TabletId, ctx);
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed *msg = ev->Get();
LOG_WARN_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
@@ -236,45 +236,45 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
"actor# " << SelfId() <<
" TxId# " << txid <<
" ProcessProposeTransaction");
- // process scheme transactions
+ // process scheme transactions
const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TTransaction &tx = ev->Get()->Record.GetTransaction();
if (ev->Get()->HasSchemeProposal()) {
- // todo: in-fly and shutdown
+ // todo: in-fly and shutdown
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(txid != 0);
ui64 cookie = ev->Cookie;
const TString userRequestId = tx.GetUserRequestId();
TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxyReq::TEvSchemeRequest> request = new TEvTxProxyReq::TEvSchemeRequest(ev);
const TActorId reqId = ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(CreateTxProxyFlatSchemeReq(Services, txid, request, TxProxyMon));
- TxProxyMon->SchemeRequest->Inc();
- LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
+ TxProxyMon->SchemeRequest->Inc();
+ LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
"actor# " << SelfId() <<
" Cookie# " << cookie <<
" userReqId# \"" << userRequestId << "\""
" txid# " << txid <<
" SEND to# " << reqId.ToString().data());
- return;
- }
- // otherwise process data transaction
+ return;
+ }
+ // otherwise process data transaction
if (ev->Get()->HasMakeProposal()) {
- // todo: in-fly and shutdown
+ // todo: in-fly and shutdown
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(txid != 0);
const TActorId reqId = ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(CreateTxProxyDataReq(Services, txid, TxProxyMon, RequestControls));
- TxProxyMon->MakeRequest->Inc();
- LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
+ TxProxyMon->MakeRequest->Inc();
+ LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
"actor# " << SelfId() <<
" Cookie# " << (ui64)ev->Cookie <<
" userReqId# \"" << tx.GetUserRequestId() << "\"" <<
" txid# " << txid <<
" SEND to# " << reqId.ToString().data() <<
" DataReq marker# P0");
- ctx.Send(reqId, new TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest(ev));
- return;
- }
+ ctx.Send(reqId, new TEvTxProxyReq::TEvMakeRequest(ev));
+ return;
+ }
if (ev->Get()->HasSnapshotProposal()) {
auto cookie = ev->Cookie;
auto userReqId = tx.GetUserRequestId();
@@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
ReplyNotImplemented(ev, ctx);
- }
+ }
void Handle(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
const NKikimrTxUserProxy::TTransaction &tx = ev->Get()->Record.GetTransaction();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
@@ -395,23 +395,23 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
ctx.Send(ev->Sender, reply.Release(), 0, ev->Cookie);
- void Handle(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvNavigate::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
+ void Handle(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvNavigate::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
TString path = ev->Get()->Record.GetDescribePath().GetPath();
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
"actor# " << SelfId() <<
" Handle TEvNavigate " <<
" describe path " << path);
- TxProxyMon->Navigate->Inc();
+ TxProxyMon->Navigate->Inc();
TActorId reqId = ctx.ExecutorThread.RegisterActor(CreateTxProxyDescribeFlatSchemeReq(Services, TxProxyMon));
- ctx.Send(reqId, new TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme(ev));
- }
+ ctx.Send(reqId, new TEvTxProxyReq::TEvNavigateScheme(ev));
+ }
void Handle(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvInvalidateTable::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
"actor# " << SelfId() <<
" HANDLE EvInvalidateTable");
- ctx.Send(Services.SchemeCache, new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvInvalidateTable(TTableId(ev.Get()->Get()->Record.GetSchemeShardId(), ev.Get()->Get()->Record.GetTableId()), ev.Get()->Sender));
+ ctx.Send(Services.SchemeCache, new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvInvalidateTable(TTableId(ev.Get()->Get()->Record.GetSchemeShardId(), ev.Get()->Get()->Record.GetTableId()), ev.Get()->Sender));
void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvInvalidateTableResult::TPtr &ev, const TActorContext &ctx) {
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ class TTxProxy : public TActorBootstrapped<TTxProxy> {
ctx.Send(ev.Get()->Get()->Sender, new TEvTxUserProxy::TEvInvalidateTableResult);
TTxProxy(const TVector<ui64> &txAllocators)
: PipeClientCache(NTabletPipe::CreateUnboundedClientCache(GetPipeClientConfig()))
, TxAllocatorClient(NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, PipeClientCache.Get(), txAllocators)
@@ -451,20 +451,20 @@ public:
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
"actor# " << SelfId() <<
" Become StateWork");
- }
+ }
static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
return NKikimrServices::TActivity::TX_PROXY_ACTOR;
- }
- STFUNC(StateWork) {
- switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTxAllocator::TEvAllocateResult, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvNavigate, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction, Handle);
+ HFunc(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransaction, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvInvalidateTable, Handle);
HFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvInvalidateTableResult, Handle);
@@ -474,24 +474,24 @@ public:
HFunc(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvGetProxyServicesRequest, Handle);
- HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle);
- default:
+ HFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill, Handle);
+ default:
LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY,
"actor# " << SelfId() <<
" IGNORING message type# " << ev->GetTypeRewrite() <<
" from Sender# " << ev->Sender.ToString() <<
" at StateWork");
- break;
- }
- }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
const TDuration TTxProxy::TimeoutDelayedRequest = TDuration::Seconds(15);
IActor* CreateTxProxy(const TVector<ui64> &allocators) {
return new NTxProxy::TTxProxy(allocators);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/schemereq.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/schemereq.cpp
index 5a5215d45f..923fe381ae 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/schemereq.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/schemereq.cpp
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
#include <ydb/core/base/path.h>
#include <ydb/library/aclib/aclib.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <util/string/cast.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NTxProxy {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NTxProxy {
static constexpr TStringBuf DocApiRequestType = "_document_api_request";
static constexpr TStringBuf DocApiTableVersionAttribute = "__document_api_version";
@@ -26,44 +26,44 @@ struct TBaseSchemeReq: public TActorBootstrapped<TDerived> {
using TEvSchemeShardPropose = NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvModifySchemeTransaction;
const TTxProxyServices Services;
- const ui64 TxId;
+ const ui64 TxId;
THolder<TEvTxProxyReq::TEvSchemeRequest> SchemeRequest;
- TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon> TxProxyMon;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon> TxProxyMon;
TInstant WallClockStarted;
TActorId Source;
TActorId PipeClient;
struct TPathToResolve {
NKikimrSchemeOp::EOperationType OperationRelated;
TVector<TString> Path;
bool RequiredRedirect = true;
ui32 RequiredAccess = NACLib::EAccessRights::NoAccess;
std::optional<NKikimrSchemeOp::TModifyACL> RequiredGrandAccess;
TPathToResolve(NKikimrSchemeOp::EOperationType opType)
: OperationRelated(opType)
- }
+ }
TVector<TPathToResolve> ResolveForACL;
std::optional<NACLib::TUserToken> UserToken;
TBaseSchemeReq(const TTxProxyServices &services, ui64 txid, TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxyReq::TEvSchemeRequest> request, const TIntrusivePtr<TTxProxyMon> &txProxyMon)
: Services(services)
- , TxId(txid)
+ , TxId(txid)
, SchemeRequest(request)
- , TxProxyMon(txProxyMon)
+ , TxProxyMon(txProxyMon)
, Source(SchemeRequest->Ev->Sender)
- {
- ++*TxProxyMon->SchemeReqInFly;
- }
+ {
+ ++*TxProxyMon->SchemeReqInFly;
+ }
auto& GetRequestEv() { return *SchemeRequest->Ev->Get(); }
auto& GetRequestProto() { return GetRequestEv().Record; }
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ struct TBaseSchemeReq: public TActorBootstrapped<TDerived> {
void ExtractUserToken() {
if (!GetRequestProto().GetUserToken().empty()) {
UserToken = NACLib::TUserToken(GetRequestProto().GetUserToken());
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
static TVector<TString> Merge(const TVector<TString>& l, TVector<TString>&& r) {
TVector<TString> result = l;
std::move(r.begin(), r.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ struct TBaseSchemeReq: public TActorBootstrapped<TDerived> {
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpModifyACL:
return *modifyScheme.MutableModifyACL()->MutableName();
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpSplitMergeTablePartitions:
Y_FAIL("no implementation for ESchemeOpSplitMergeTablePartitions");
@@ -174,14 +174,14 @@ struct TBaseSchemeReq: public TActorBootstrapped<TDerived> {
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpAlterBlockStoreVolume:
return *modifyScheme.MutableAlterBlockStoreVolume()->MutableName();
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpAssignBlockStoreVolume:
return *modifyScheme.MutableAssignBlockStoreVolume()->MutableName();
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpCreateKesus:
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpAlterKesus:
return *modifyScheme.MutableKesus()->MutableName();
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpCreateSolomonVolume:
return *modifyScheme.MutableCreateSolomonVolume()->MutableName();
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ struct TBaseSchemeReq: public TActorBootstrapped<TDerived> {
toResolve.RequiredAccess = NACLib::EAccessRights::SelectRow;
- break;
+ break;
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpCreateIndexedTable:
case NKikimrSchemeOp::ESchemeOpCreateColumnStore:
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ struct TBaseSchemeReq: public TActorBootstrapped<TDerived> {
case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::KindSubdomain:
case NSchemeCache::TSchemeCacheNavigate::KindExtSubdomain:
return true;
- default:
+ default:
return false;
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ void TSchemeTransactionalReq::Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
WallClockStarted = ctx.Now();
for(auto& scheme: GetModifications()) {
if (!ExamineTables(scheme, ctx)) {
ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::NotImplemented, ctx);
@@ -1256,22 +1256,22 @@ void TSchemeTransactionalReq::Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (!resolveRequest) {
ReportStatus(TEvTxUserProxy::TEvProposeTransactionStatus::EStatus::ResolveError, ctx);
- return Die(ctx);
- }
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::TX_PROXY, "Actor# " << ctx.SelfID.ToString() << " txid# " << TxId << " TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache");
ctx.Send(Services.SchemeCache, new TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet(resolveRequest));
IActor* CreateTxProxyFlatSchemeReq(const TTxProxyServices &services, const ui64 txid, TAutoPtr<TEvTxProxyReq::TEvSchemeRequest> request, const TIntrusivePtr<NKikimr::NTxProxy::TTxProxyMon>& mon) {
if (request->Ev->Get()->HasModifyScheme()) {
return new TFlatSchemeReq(services, txid, request, mon);
} else {
return new TSchemeTransactionalReq(services, txid, request, mon);
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/storage_tenant_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/storage_tenant_ut.cpp
index d1b8dcd732..c3b8e9921a 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/storage_tenant_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/storage_tenant_ut.cpp
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TStorageTenantTest) {
TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> info = TabletStorageInfoFromProto(storageInfo.GetInfo());
TActorId edge = runtime->AllocateEdgeActor(nodeIdx);
- IActor* x = CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(edge, info.Get(), Max<ui32>(), false);
+ IActor* x = CreateTabletReqBlockBlobStorage(edge, info.Get(), Max<ui32>(), false);
runtime->Register(x, nodeIdx);
// TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
diff --git a/ydb/core/tx/ya.make b/ydb/core/tx/ya.make
index 343ed8290a..5bfe4b3b86 100644
--- a/ydb/core/tx/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/tx/ya.make
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- defs.h
+ defs.h
- tx.h
+ tx.h
- tx_processing.h
+ tx_processing.h
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/util/cache_cache.h b/ydb/core/util/cache_cache.h
index 0859cad738..a8ab10977d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/util/cache_cache.h
+++ b/ydb/core/util/cache_cache.h
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include <ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/counters/counters.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/counters.h>
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-#include <util/generic/intrlist.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-struct TCacheCacheConfig : public TAtomicRefCount<TCacheCacheConfig> {
- using TCounterPtr = NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr;
- enum ECacheGeneration {
- CacheGenNone,
- CacheGenEvicted,
- CacheGenFresh,
- CacheGenStaging,
- CacheGenWarm,
- };
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+#include <util/generic/intrlist.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+struct TCacheCacheConfig : public TAtomicRefCount<TCacheCacheConfig> {
+ using TCounterPtr = NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr;
+ enum ECacheGeneration {
+ CacheGenNone,
+ CacheGenEvicted,
+ CacheGenFresh,
+ CacheGenStaging,
+ CacheGenWarm,
+ };
ui64 Limit;
- ui64 FreshLimit;
- ui64 StagingLimit;
- ui64 WarmLimit;
- TCounterPtr ReportedFresh;
- TCounterPtr ReportedStaging;
- TCounterPtr ReportedWarm;
- TCacheCacheConfig(ui64 limit, const TCounterPtr &reportedFresh, const TCounterPtr &reportedStaging, const TCounterPtr &reportedWarm)
+ ui64 FreshLimit;
+ ui64 StagingLimit;
+ ui64 WarmLimit;
+ TCounterPtr ReportedFresh;
+ TCounterPtr ReportedStaging;
+ TCounterPtr ReportedWarm;
+ TCacheCacheConfig(ui64 limit, const TCounterPtr &reportedFresh, const TCounterPtr &reportedStaging, const TCounterPtr &reportedWarm)
: Limit(0)
, FreshLimit(0)
, StagingLimit(0)
, WarmLimit(0)
- , ReportedFresh(reportedFresh)
- , ReportedStaging(reportedStaging)
- , ReportedWarm(reportedWarm)
+ , ReportedFresh(reportedFresh)
+ , ReportedStaging(reportedStaging)
+ , ReportedWarm(reportedWarm)
void SetLimit(ui64 limit) {
Limit = limit;
@@ -49,206 +49,206 @@ struct TCacheCacheConfig : public TAtomicRefCount<TCacheCacheConfig> {
WarmLimit = FreshLimit;
- template<typename TItem>
- struct TDefaultWeight {
- static ui64 Get(TItem *) {
- return 1;
- }
- };
- template<typename TItem>
- struct TDefaultGeneration {
- static ECacheGeneration Get(TItem *x) {
- return static_cast<ECacheGeneration>(x->CacheGeneration);
- }
- static void Set(TItem *x, ECacheGeneration gen) {
- x->CacheGeneration = gen;
- }
- };
-template <typename TItem
- , typename TWeight = TCacheCacheConfig::TDefaultWeight<TItem>
- , typename TGeneration = TCacheCacheConfig::TDefaultGeneration<TItem>
- >
-class TCacheCache {
- TCacheCache(const TCacheCacheConfig &config)
- : Config(config)
- , FreshWeight(0)
- , StagingWeight(0)
- , WarmWeight(0)
- {}
- TItem* Touch(TItem *item) { // returns evicted elements as list
- TIntrusiveListItem<TItem> *xitem = item;
- const TCacheCacheConfig::ECacheGeneration cacheGen = GenerationOp.Get(item);
- switch (cacheGen) {
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone: // place in fresh
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted: // corner case: was evicted from staging and touched in same update
- return AddToFresh(item);
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenFresh: // just update inside fresh
- xitem->Unlink();
- FreshList.PushFront(xitem);
- return nullptr;
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenStaging: // move to warm
- return MoveToWarm(item);
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenWarm: // just update inside warm
- xitem->Unlink();
- WarmList.PushFront(xitem);
- return nullptr;
- default:
+ template<typename TItem>
+ struct TDefaultWeight {
+ static ui64 Get(TItem *) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename TItem>
+ struct TDefaultGeneration {
+ static ECacheGeneration Get(TItem *x) {
+ return static_cast<ECacheGeneration>(x->CacheGeneration);
+ }
+ static void Set(TItem *x, ECacheGeneration gen) {
+ x->CacheGeneration = gen;
+ }
+ };
+template <typename TItem
+ , typename TWeight = TCacheCacheConfig::TDefaultWeight<TItem>
+ , typename TGeneration = TCacheCacheConfig::TDefaultGeneration<TItem>
+ >
+class TCacheCache {
+ TCacheCache(const TCacheCacheConfig &config)
+ : Config(config)
+ , FreshWeight(0)
+ , StagingWeight(0)
+ , WarmWeight(0)
+ {}
+ TItem* Touch(TItem *item) { // returns evicted elements as list
+ TIntrusiveListItem<TItem> *xitem = item;
+ const TCacheCacheConfig::ECacheGeneration cacheGen = GenerationOp.Get(item);
+ switch (cacheGen) {
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone: // place in fresh
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted: // corner case: was evicted from staging and touched in same update
+ return AddToFresh(item);
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenFresh: // just update inside fresh
+ xitem->Unlink();
+ FreshList.PushFront(xitem);
+ return nullptr;
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenStaging: // move to warm
+ return MoveToWarm(item);
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenWarm: // just update inside warm
+ xitem->Unlink();
+ WarmList.PushFront(xitem);
+ return nullptr;
+ default:
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(false, "unknown/broken cache generation");
- return nullptr;
- }
- }
- // evict and erase differs on Evicted handling
- void Evict(TItem *item) {
- const TCacheCacheConfig::ECacheGeneration cacheGen = GenerationOp.Get(item);
- switch (cacheGen) {
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone:
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted:
- break;
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenFresh:
- Unlink(item, FreshWeight);
- if (Config.ReportedFresh)
- *Config.ReportedFresh = FreshWeight;
- break;
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenStaging:
- Unlink(item, StagingWeight);
- if (Config.ReportedStaging)
- *Config.ReportedStaging = StagingWeight;
- break;
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenWarm:
- Unlink(item, WarmWeight);
- if (Config.ReportedWarm)
- *Config.ReportedWarm = WarmWeight;
- break;
- default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // evict and erase differs on Evicted handling
+ void Evict(TItem *item) {
+ const TCacheCacheConfig::ECacheGeneration cacheGen = GenerationOp.Get(item);
+ switch (cacheGen) {
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone:
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted:
+ break;
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenFresh:
+ Unlink(item, FreshWeight);
+ if (Config.ReportedFresh)
+ *Config.ReportedFresh = FreshWeight;
+ break;
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenStaging:
+ Unlink(item, StagingWeight);
+ if (Config.ReportedStaging)
+ *Config.ReportedStaging = StagingWeight;
+ break;
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenWarm:
+ Unlink(item, WarmWeight);
+ if (Config.ReportedWarm)
+ *Config.ReportedWarm = WarmWeight;
+ break;
+ default:
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(false, "unknown cache generaton");
- }
- }
- void Erase(TItem *item) {
- const TCacheCacheConfig::ECacheGeneration cacheGen = GenerationOp.Get(item);
- switch (cacheGen) {
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone:
- break;
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted:
- item->Unlink();
- GenerationOp.Set(item, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone);
- break;
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenFresh:
- Unlink(item, FreshWeight);
- if (Config.ReportedFresh)
- *Config.ReportedFresh = FreshWeight;
- break;
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenStaging:
- Unlink(item, StagingWeight);
- if (Config.ReportedStaging)
- *Config.ReportedStaging = StagingWeight;
- break;
- case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenWarm:
- Unlink(item, WarmWeight);
- if (Config.ReportedWarm)
- *Config.ReportedWarm = WarmWeight;
- break;
- default:
+ }
+ }
+ void Erase(TItem *item) {
+ const TCacheCacheConfig::ECacheGeneration cacheGen = GenerationOp.Get(item);
+ switch (cacheGen) {
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone:
+ break;
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted:
+ item->Unlink();
+ GenerationOp.Set(item, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenNone);
+ break;
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenFresh:
+ Unlink(item, FreshWeight);
+ if (Config.ReportedFresh)
+ *Config.ReportedFresh = FreshWeight;
+ break;
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenStaging:
+ Unlink(item, StagingWeight);
+ if (Config.ReportedStaging)
+ *Config.ReportedStaging = StagingWeight;
+ break;
+ case TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenWarm:
+ Unlink(item, WarmWeight);
+ if (Config.ReportedWarm)
+ *Config.ReportedWarm = WarmWeight;
+ break;
+ default:
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(false, "unknown cache generaton");
- }
- }
- void UpdateCacheSize(ui64 cacheSize) {
- if (cacheSize == 0)
- cacheSize = Max<ui64>();
+ }
+ }
+ void UpdateCacheSize(ui64 cacheSize) {
+ if (cacheSize == 0)
+ cacheSize = Max<ui64>();
- }
- void Unlink(TItem *item, ui64 &weight) {
- item->Unlink();
- const ui64 elementWeight = WeightOp.Get(item);
+ }
+ void Unlink(TItem *item, ui64 &weight) {
+ item->Unlink();
+ const ui64 elementWeight = WeightOp.Get(item);
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(elementWeight <= weight);
- weight -= elementWeight;
- }
- TItem* AddToFresh(TItem *item) {
- TItem *ret = nullptr;
- while (FreshWeight > Config.FreshLimit) {
+ weight -= elementWeight;
+ }
+ TItem* AddToFresh(TItem *item) {
+ TItem *ret = nullptr;
+ while (FreshWeight > Config.FreshLimit) {
- TItem *x = FreshList.PopBack();
+ TItem *x = FreshList.PopBack();
Y_VERIFY(GenerationOp.Get(x) == TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenFresh, "malformed entry in fresh cache. %" PRIu32, (ui32)GenerationOp.Get(x));
- Unlink(x, FreshWeight);
- ret = AddToStaging(x, ret);
- }
- item->Unlink();
- FreshWeight += WeightOp.Get(item);
- FreshList.PushFront(item);
- GenerationOp.Set(item, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenFresh);
- if (Config.ReportedStaging)
- *Config.ReportedStaging = StagingWeight;
- if (Config.ReportedFresh)
- *Config.ReportedFresh = FreshWeight;
- return ret;
- }
- TItem* MoveToWarm(TItem *item) {
- TItem *ret = nullptr;
- Unlink(item, StagingWeight);
- while (WarmWeight > Config.WarmLimit) {
+ Unlink(x, FreshWeight);
+ ret = AddToStaging(x, ret);
+ }
+ item->Unlink();
+ FreshWeight += WeightOp.Get(item);
+ FreshList.PushFront(item);
+ GenerationOp.Set(item, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenFresh);
+ if (Config.ReportedStaging)
+ *Config.ReportedStaging = StagingWeight;
+ if (Config.ReportedFresh)
+ *Config.ReportedFresh = FreshWeight;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ TItem* MoveToWarm(TItem *item) {
+ TItem *ret = nullptr;
+ Unlink(item, StagingWeight);
+ while (WarmWeight > Config.WarmLimit) {
- TItem *x = WarmList.PopBack();
+ TItem *x = WarmList.PopBack();
Y_VERIFY(GenerationOp.Get(x) == TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenWarm, "malformed entry in warm cache. %" PRIu32, (ui32)GenerationOp.Get(x));
- Unlink(x, WarmWeight);
- ret = AddToStaging(x, ret);
- }
- WarmWeight += WeightOp.Get(item);
- WarmList.PushFront(item);
- GenerationOp.Set(item, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenWarm);
- if (Config.ReportedStaging)
- *Config.ReportedStaging = StagingWeight;
- if (Config.ReportedWarm)
- *Config.ReportedWarm = WarmWeight;
- return ret;
- }
- TItem* AddToStaging(TItem *item, TItem *ret) {
- while (StagingWeight > Config.StagingLimit) {
+ Unlink(x, WarmWeight);
+ ret = AddToStaging(x, ret);
+ }
+ WarmWeight += WeightOp.Get(item);
+ WarmList.PushFront(item);
+ GenerationOp.Set(item, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenWarm);
+ if (Config.ReportedStaging)
+ *Config.ReportedStaging = StagingWeight;
+ if (Config.ReportedWarm)
+ *Config.ReportedWarm = WarmWeight;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ TItem* AddToStaging(TItem *item, TItem *ret) {
+ while (StagingWeight > Config.StagingLimit) {
- TItem *evicted = StagingList.PopBack();
+ TItem *evicted = StagingList.PopBack();
Y_VERIFY(GenerationOp.Get(evicted) == TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenStaging, "malformed entry in staging cache %" PRIu32, (ui32)GenerationOp.Get(evicted));
- Unlink(evicted, StagingWeight);
- GenerationOp.Set(evicted, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted);
- if (ret == nullptr)
- ret = evicted;
- else
- evicted->LinkBefore(ret);
- }
- StagingWeight += WeightOp.Get(item);
- StagingList.PushFront(item);
- GenerationOp.Set(item, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenStaging);
- return ret;
- }
- TCacheCacheConfig Config;
- TIntrusiveList<TItem> FreshList;
- TIntrusiveList<TItem> StagingList;
- TIntrusiveList<TItem> WarmList;
- ui64 FreshWeight;
- ui64 StagingWeight;
- ui64 WarmWeight;
- TWeight WeightOp;
- TGeneration GenerationOp;
+ Unlink(evicted, StagingWeight);
+ GenerationOp.Set(evicted, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenEvicted);
+ if (ret == nullptr)
+ ret = evicted;
+ else
+ evicted->LinkBefore(ret);
+ }
+ StagingWeight += WeightOp.Get(item);
+ StagingList.PushFront(item);
+ GenerationOp.Set(item, TCacheCacheConfig::CacheGenStaging);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ TCacheCacheConfig Config;
+ TIntrusiveList<TItem> FreshList;
+ TIntrusiveList<TItem> StagingList;
+ TIntrusiveList<TItem> WarmList;
+ ui64 FreshWeight;
+ ui64 StagingWeight;
+ ui64 WarmWeight;
+ TWeight WeightOp;
+ TGeneration GenerationOp;
diff --git a/ydb/core/util/defs.h b/ydb/core/util/defs.h
index 5883cc376d..77c876c9c1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/util/defs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/util/defs.h
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
// unique tag to fix pragma once gcc glueing: ./ydb/core/util/defs.h
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/interconnect.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/interconnect/interconnect_common.h>
-#include <util/system/defaults.h>
+#include <util/system/defaults.h>
#include <util/generic/bt_exception.h>
-#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/string.h>
-#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
-#include <util/system/atomic.h>
-#include <util/system/align.h>
-#include <util/generic/vector.h>
-#include <util/datetime/base.h>
-#include <util/generic/ylimits.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/system/atomic.h>
+#include <util/system/align.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/datetime/base.h>
+#include <util/generic/ylimits.h>
diff --git a/ydb/core/util/intrusive_fixed_hash_set.h b/ydb/core/util/intrusive_fixed_hash_set.h
index 3007cfa6c6..09a255b7d6 100644
--- a/ydb/core/util/intrusive_fixed_hash_set.h
+++ b/ydb/core/util/intrusive_fixed_hash_set.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace NKikimr {
// bool E(const T&) - equals function (returns true iff *this == T)
-template <class T, T* T::*N, ui64 (*H)(const T&), bool (*E)(const T&, const T&)>
+template <class T, T* T::*N, ui64 (*H)(const T&), bool (*E)(const T&, const T&)>
class TIntrusiveFixedHashSet {
TVector<T*> Table;
diff --git a/ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h b/ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h
index 9a8aaaa597..499215b821 100644
--- a/ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h
+++ b/ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <library/cpp/actors/util/queue_oneone_inplace.h>
diff --git a/ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace_ut.cpp b/ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace_ut.cpp
index 0e7097ab5d..ac60a69f3d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/util/queue_oneone_inplace_ut.cpp
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <library/cpp/threading/future/legacy_future.h>
-#include "queue_oneone_inplace.h"
+#include "queue_oneone_inplace.h"
Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TOneOneQueueTests) {
Y_UNIT_TEST(TestSimpleEnqueueDequeue) {
using TQueueType = TOneOneQueueInplace<ui64, 32>; // 3 values per chunk
TQueueType queue;
- UNIT_ASSERT(queue.Pop() == 0);
- UNIT_ASSERT(queue.Head() == 0);
- queue.Push(10);
- queue.Push(11);
- queue.Push(12);
- queue.Push(13);
- queue.Push(14);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 10);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 10);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 11);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 11);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 12);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 12);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 13);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 13);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 14);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 14);
- UNIT_ASSERT(queue.Pop() == 0);
- }
+ UNIT_ASSERT(queue.Pop() == 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(queue.Head() == 0);
+ queue.Push(10);
+ queue.Push(11);
+ queue.Push(12);
+ queue.Push(13);
+ queue.Push(14);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 10);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 10);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 11);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 11);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 12);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 12);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 13);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 13);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 14);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 14);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(queue.Pop() == 0);
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(CleanInDestructor) {
using TQueueType = TOneOneQueueInplace<std::shared_ptr<bool> *, 32>;
std::shared_ptr<bool> p(new bool(true));
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(1u, p.use_count());
- {
+ {
TAutoPtr<TQueueType, TQueueType::TPtrCleanDestructor> queue(new TQueueType());
queue->Push(new std::shared_ptr<bool>(p));
queue->Push(new std::shared_ptr<bool>(p));
queue->Push(new std::shared_ptr<bool>(p));
queue->Push(new std::shared_ptr<bool>(p));
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(5u, p.use_count());
- }
+ }
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(1, p.use_count());
- }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(ReadIterator) {
using TQueueType = TOneOneQueueInplace<int, 32>;
TQueueType queue;
- queue.Push(10);
- queue.Push(11);
- queue.Push(12);
- queue.Push(13);
- queue.Push(14);
- auto it = queue.Iterator();
- while (it.Next());
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 10);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 10);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 11);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 11);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 12);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 12);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 13);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 13);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 14);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 14);
- UNIT_ASSERT(queue.Pop() == 0);
- }
+ queue.Push(10);
+ queue.Push(11);
+ queue.Push(12);
+ queue.Push(13);
+ queue.Push(14);
+ auto it = queue.Iterator();
+ while (it.Next());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 10);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 10);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 11);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 11);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 12);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 12);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 13);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 13);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Head(), 14);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.Pop(), 14);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(queue.Pop() == 0);
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/util/ya.make b/ydb/core/util/ya.make
index 4df0498f7f..4f325d8fcb 100644
--- a/ydb/core/util/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/util/ya.make
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- cache_cache.h
+ cache_cache.h
- defs.h
+ defs.h
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ SRCS(
- queue_oneone_inplace.h
+ queue_oneone_inplace.h
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ SRCS(
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ PEERDIR(
diff --git a/ydb/core/viewer/json_cluster.h b/ydb/core/viewer/json_cluster.h
index a0ed37e70e..36b5362a45 100644
--- a/ydb/core/viewer/json_cluster.h
+++ b/ydb/core/viewer/json_cluster.h
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public:
void Die(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
if (NodesInfo != nullptr) {
for (const auto& ni : NodesInfo->Nodes) {
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(ni.NodeId), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(ni.NodeId), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
diff --git a/ydb/core/viewer/json_counters.h b/ydb/core/viewer/json_counters.h
index 9bbdef1423..cac1e0885c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/viewer/json_counters.h
+++ b/ydb/core/viewer/json_counters.h
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public:
void Die(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
if (NodesInfo != nullptr) {
for (const auto& ni : NodesInfo->Nodes) {
- ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(ni.NodeId), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
+ ctx.Send(TActivationContext::InterconnectProxy(ni.NodeId), new TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe());
diff --git a/ydb/library/wilson/ya.make b/ydb/library/wilson/ya.make
index bde38a152a..e4daf898c7 100644
--- a/ydb/library/wilson/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/library/wilson/ya.make
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- )
+ )
diff --git a/ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes/yql_expr_nodes.h b/ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes/yql_expr_nodes.h
index 4116a87358..01cc777118 100644
--- a/ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes/yql_expr_nodes.h
+++ b/ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes/yql_expr_nodes.h
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ public:
return TCoAtom(node);
- TParent& Build() {
+ TParent& Build() {
return this->NGenerated::TCoAtomBuilder<TParent>::Build();
- }
+ }
TParent& Build(const TStringBuf& value, ui32 flags = TNodeFlags::ArbitraryContent) {
this->ValueHolder = this->Ctx.AppendString(value);
this->Flags = flags;
diff --git a/ydb/library/yql/core/issue/protos/issue_id.proto b/ydb/library/yql/core/issue/protos/issue_id.proto
index b82cb7852b..a2ed91d640 100644
--- a/ydb/library/yql/core/issue/protos/issue_id.proto
+++ b/ydb/library/yql/core/issue/protos/issue_id.proto
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ message TIssuesIds {
// yql parser errors
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ message TIssuesIds {
-// range [200000, 399999) reserved for KiKiMR issue codes, do not use!
+// range [200000, 399999) reserved for KiKiMR issue codes, do not use!
message TIssueId {
diff --git a/ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue.h b/ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue.h
index 3a85a53016..7b97674c9d 100644
--- a/ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue.h
+++ b/ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue.h
@@ -270,10 +270,10 @@ public:
return Issues_.empty();
- explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
- return !Issues_.empty();
- }
+ explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
+ return !Issues_.empty();
+ }
inline size_t Size() const {
return Issues_.size();
@@ -298,10 +298,10 @@ public:
- void Reserve(size_t capacity) {
- Issues_.reserve(capacity);
- }
+ void Reserve(size_t capacity) {
+ Issues_.reserve(capacity);
+ }
TVector<TIssue> Issues_;
diff --git a/ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_message.cpp b/ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_message.cpp
index 04d8d47615..f9d512ca5a 100644
--- a/ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_message.cpp
+++ b/ydb/library/yql/public/issue/yql_issue_message.cpp
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ TIssue IssueFromMessage(const TIssueMessage& issueMessage) {
template<typename TIssueMessage>
void IssuesFromMessage(const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TIssueMessage> &message, TIssues &issues) {
- issues.Clear();
- if (message.size()) {
- issues.Reserve(message.size());
- for (auto &x : message)
- issues.AddIssue(IssueFromMessage(x));
- }
+ issues.Clear();
+ if (message.size()) {
+ issues.Reserve(message.size());
+ for (auto &x : message)
+ issues.AddIssue(IssueFromMessage(x));
+ }
template<typename TIssueMessage>
void IssueToMessage(const TIssue& topIssue, TIssueMessage* issueMessage) {
TDeque<std::pair<const TIssue*, TIssueMessage*>> queue;
@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@ void IssueToMessage(const TIssue& topIssue, TIssueMessage* issueMessage) {
template<typename TIssueMessage>
void IssuesToMessage(const TIssues& issues, ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<TIssueMessage> *message) {
- message->Clear();
- if (!issues)
- return;
- message->Reserve(issues.Size());
- for (const auto &issue : issues) {
+ message->Clear();
+ if (!issues)
+ return;
+ message->Reserve(issues.Size());
+ for (const auto &issue : issues) {
IssueToMessage(issue, message->Add());
- }
+ }
TIssue IssueFromMessage<Ydb::Issue::IssueMessage>(const Ydb::Issue::IssueMessage& issueMessage);
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ NIssue::NProto::IssueMessage IssueToMessage(const TIssue& topIssue) {
NIssue::NProto::IssueMessage issueMessage;
IssueToMessage(topIssue, &issueMessage);
return issueMessage;
TString IssueToBinaryMessage(const TIssue& issue) {
TString result;
diff --git a/ydb/public/api/grpc/ydb_discovery_v1.proto b/ydb/public/api/grpc/ydb_discovery_v1.proto
index 34410d6abd..dc06a4f678 100644
--- a/ydb/public/api/grpc/ydb_discovery_v1.proto
+++ b/ydb/public/api/grpc/ydb_discovery_v1.proto
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-syntax = "proto3";
+syntax = "proto3";
package Ydb.Discovery.V1;
option java_package = "com.yandex.ydb.discovery.v1";
import "ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_discovery.proto";
-service DiscoveryService {
- rpc ListEndpoints(Ydb.Discovery.ListEndpointsRequest) returns (Ydb.Discovery.ListEndpointsResponse);
+service DiscoveryService {
+ rpc ListEndpoints(Ydb.Discovery.ListEndpointsRequest) returns (Ydb.Discovery.ListEndpointsResponse);
rpc WhoAmI(Ydb.Discovery.WhoAmIRequest) returns (Ydb.Discovery.WhoAmIResponse);
diff --git a/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_discovery.proto b/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_discovery.proto
index f859032d8d..5577dafe36 100644
--- a/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_discovery.proto
+++ b/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_discovery.proto
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-syntax = "proto3";
-option cc_enable_arenas = true;
-package Ydb.Discovery;
+syntax = "proto3";
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+package Ydb.Discovery;
option java_package = "com.yandex.ydb.discovery";
-option java_outer_classname = "DiscoveryProtos";
+option java_outer_classname = "DiscoveryProtos";
import "ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_operation.proto";
-message ListEndpointsRequest {
- string database = 1;
- repeated string service = 2;
-// todo: feature flags
+message ListEndpointsRequest {
+ string database = 1;
+ repeated string service = 2;
+// todo: feature flags
-message EndpointInfo {
+message EndpointInfo {
// This is an address (usually fqdn) and port of this node's grpc endpoint
- string address = 1;
- uint32 port = 2;
- float load_factor = 3;
- bool ssl = 4;
- repeated string service = 5;
- string location = 6;
+ string address = 1;
+ uint32 port = 2;
+ float load_factor = 3;
+ bool ssl = 4;
+ repeated string service = 5;
+ string location = 6;
uint32 node_id = 7;
// Optional ipv4 and/or ipv6 addresses of the endpoint, which clients may
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ message EndpointInfo {
string ssl_target_name_override = 10;
-message ListEndpointsResult {
- repeated EndpointInfo endpoints = 1;
- string self_location = 2;
+message ListEndpointsResult {
+ repeated EndpointInfo endpoints = 1;
+ string self_location = 2;
-message ListEndpointsResponse {
- Ydb.Operations.Operation operation = 1;
+message ListEndpointsResponse {
+ Ydb.Operations.Operation operation = 1;
message WhoAmIRequest {
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/base/defs.h b/ydb/public/lib/base/defs.h
index aa6f7c27ed..97e933c93a 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/base/defs.h
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/base/defs.h
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
/// @note It must not depend on anything except util, library and propobufs
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actorid.h>
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
#include <library/cpp/deprecated/enum_codegen/enum_codegen.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NKikimr {
enum class EDataReqStatusExcerpt {
Unknown, // must not happen
Complete, // request success
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ inline const char* EDataReqStatusExcerptStr(EDataReqStatusExcerpt status) {
return "Unknown error";
namespace NTxProxy {
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/base/msgbus.h b/ydb/public/lib/base/msgbus.h
index d7e255216c..f11bd9771f 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/base/msgbus.h
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/base/msgbus.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "defs.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "defs.h"
#include "msgbus_status.h"
#include <ydb/core/protos/msgbus.pb.h>
#include <ydb/core/protos/msgbus_kv.pb.h>
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
#include <library/cpp/messagebus/protobuf/ybusbuf.h>
#include <library/cpp/messagebus/session_config.h>
#include <library/cpp/messagebus/queue_config.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
-enum {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+enum {
MTYPE_CLIENT_CREATE_TABLET_POOL = 10410, // deprecated
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ enum {
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ enum {
template <typename InstanceType, class TBufferRecord, int MType>
struct TBusMessage : NBus::TBusBufferMessage<TBufferRecord, MType> { NBus::TBusBufferBase* New() override { return new InstanceType; } };
// we had to define structs instead of typedef because we need to create real C++ type, so we could use RTTI names later in protocol registration
struct TBusRequest : TBusMessage<TBusRequest, NKikimrClient::TRequest, MTYPE_CLIENT_REQUEST> {};
struct TBusResponse : TBusMessage<TBusResponse, NKikimrClient::TResponse, MTYPE_CLIENT_RESPONSE> {};
@@ -152,22 +152,22 @@ struct TBusConsoleRequest : TBusMessage<TBusConsoleRequest, NKikimrClient::TCons
struct TBusConsoleResponse : TBusMessage<TBusConsoleResponse, NKikimrClient::TConsoleResponse, MTYPE_CLIENT_CONSOLE_RESPONSE> {};
struct TBusTestShardControlRequest : TBusMessage<TBusTestShardControlRequest, NKikimrClient::TTestShardControlRequest, MTYPE_CLIENT_TEST_SHARD_CONTROL> {};
-class TBusResponseStatus : public TBusResponse {
+class TBusResponseStatus : public TBusResponse {
TBusResponseStatus(EResponseStatus status, const TString& text = TString())
- {
- Record.SetStatus(status);
+ {
+ Record.SetStatus(status);
if (text) {
- }
-class TProtocol : public NBus::TBusBufferProtocol {
+ }
+class TProtocol : public NBus::TBusBufferProtocol {
THashMap<TString, NBus::TBusBufferBase*> NameToType;
static TString TrimMessageName(const TString& name) {
std::size_t pos = name.rfind(':');
if (pos != TString::npos && pos + 5 <= name.size() && name.substr(pos + 1, 4) == "TBus")
@@ -189,14 +189,14 @@ public:
return nullptr;
- TProtocol(int port)
- : NBus::TBusBufferProtocol("CLI_MB", port)
- {
- RegisterType(new TBusRequest);
- RegisterType(new TBusResponse);
- RegisterType(new TBusFakeConfigDummy);
- RegisterType(new TBusSchemeInitRoot);
- RegisterType(new TBusBSAdm);
+ TProtocol(int port)
+ : NBus::TBusBufferProtocol("CLI_MB", port)
+ {
+ RegisterType(new TBusRequest);
+ RegisterType(new TBusResponse);
+ RegisterType(new TBusFakeConfigDummy);
+ RegisterType(new TBusSchemeInitRoot);
+ RegisterType(new TBusBSAdm);
RegisterType(new TBusTypesRequest);
RegisterType(new TBusTypesResponse);
RegisterType(new TBusMessageBusTraceRequest);
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public:
RegisterType(new TBusTabletKillRequest);
RegisterType(new TBusTabletStateRequest);
RegisterType(new TBusTabletCountersRequest);
- RegisterType(new TBusTabletLocalMKQL);
+ RegisterType(new TBusTabletLocalMKQL);
RegisterType(new TBusTabletLocalSchemeTx);
RegisterType(new TBusSchemeOperation);
RegisterType(new TBusSchemeOperationStatus);
@@ -246,20 +246,20 @@ public:
RegisterType(new TBusConsoleRequest);
RegisterType(new TBusConsoleResponse);
RegisterType(new TBusTestShardControlRequest);
- }
+ }
const static ui32 DefaultPort = 2134;
-class IMessageBusServer {
+class IMessageBusServer {
virtual NActors::IActor* CreateProxy() = 0;
virtual NActors::IActor* CreateMessageBusTraceService() = 0;
- virtual ~IMessageBusServer() {}
+ virtual ~IMessageBusServer() {}
class IPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoWorkerFactory;
IMessageBusServer* CreateMsgBusServer(
NBus::TBusMessageQueue *queue,
const NBus::TBusServerSessionConfig &config,
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ IMessageBusServer* CreateMsgBusTracingServer(
inline NActors::TActorId CreateMsgBusProxyId() {
return NActors::TActorId(0, "MsgBusProxy");
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.cpp b/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.cpp
index 9b59c497e8..4d5f2427eb 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.cpp
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#include "msgbus_client.h"
-#include <util/system/event.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+#include "msgbus_client.h"
+#include <util/system/event.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
void TMsgBusClientConfig::CrackAddress(const TString& address, TString& hostname, ui32& port) {
size_t first_colon_pos = address.find(':');
if (first_colon_pos != TString::npos) {
@@ -45,23 +45,23 @@ struct TSyncMessageCookie : public TMessageCookie {
TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> Reply;
NBus::EMessageStatus ErrorStatus = NBus::MESSAGE_UNKNOWN;
TManualEvent Ev;
: Ev()
- {}
- void Wait() {
- Ev.Wait();
- }
+ {}
+ void Wait() {
+ Ev.Wait();
+ }
virtual void Signal(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage>& msg, NBus::EMessageStatus errorStatus, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply) {
ErrorStatus = errorStatus;
Reply = reply;
- Ev.Signal();
- }
+ Ev.Signal();
+ }
template <typename CallbackType>
struct TAsyncMessageCookie : public TMessageCookie {
@@ -91,89 +91,89 @@ void TAsyncMessageCookie<TMsgBusClient::TOnCallWithRequest>::Signal(TAutoPtr<NBu
- : Ip("localhost")
- , Port(NMsgBusProxy::TProtocol::DefaultPort)
- , UseCompression(false)
+ : Ip("localhost")
+ , Port(NMsgBusProxy::TProtocol::DefaultPort)
+ , UseCompression(false)
void TMsgBusClientConfig::ConfigureLastGetopt(NLastGetopt::TOpts &opts, const TString& prefix) {
BusSessionConfig.ConfigureLastGetopt(opts, prefix);
BusQueueConfig.ConfigureLastGetopt(opts, prefix);
-TMsgBusClient::TMsgBusClient(const TMsgBusClientConfig &config)
- : Config(config)
- , Protocol(NMsgBusProxy::TProtocol::DefaultPort)
-TMsgBusClient::~TMsgBusClient() {
- Shutdown();
-void TMsgBusClient::Init() {
- NetAddr = new NBus::TNetAddr(Config.Ip, Config.Port); // could throw
- Bus = NBus::CreateMessageQueue(Config.BusQueueConfig);
- Session = NBus::TBusClientSession::Create(&Protocol, this, Config.BusSessionConfig, Bus);
-void TMsgBusClient::Shutdown() {
- if (Bus) {
+TMsgBusClient::TMsgBusClient(const TMsgBusClientConfig &config)
+ : Config(config)
+ , Protocol(NMsgBusProxy::TProtocol::DefaultPort)
+TMsgBusClient::~TMsgBusClient() {
+ Shutdown();
+void TMsgBusClient::Init() {
+ NetAddr = new NBus::TNetAddr(Config.Ip, Config.Port); // could throw
+ Bus = NBus::CreateMessageQueue(Config.BusQueueConfig);
+ Session = NBus::TBusClientSession::Create(&Protocol, this, Config.BusSessionConfig, Bus);
+void TMsgBusClient::Shutdown() {
+ if (Bus) {
if (Session) {
- Session.Drop();
- Bus.Drop();
- }
-NBus::EMessageStatus TMsgBusClient::SyncCall(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> &reply) {
+ Session.Drop();
+ Bus.Drop();
+ }
+NBus::EMessageStatus TMsgBusClient::SyncCall(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> &reply) {
TAutoPtr<TSyncMessageCookie> cookie(new TSyncMessageCookie());
- msg->Data = cookie.Get();
- // msgbus would recreate second TAutoPtr for our msg pointer (wut?!) Second copy terminates in OnRelease/OnError where we release it.
- NBus::EMessageStatus status = Session->SendMessage(msg.Get(), NetAddr.Get(), true);
- if (status == NBus::MESSAGE_OK) {
- cookie->Wait();
- reply = cookie->Reply;
- return cookie->ErrorStatus;
- } else {
- return status;
- }
+ msg->Data = cookie.Get();
+ // msgbus would recreate second TAutoPtr for our msg pointer (wut?!) Second copy terminates in OnRelease/OnError where we release it.
+ NBus::EMessageStatus status = Session->SendMessage(msg.Get(), NetAddr.Get(), true);
+ if (status == NBus::MESSAGE_OK) {
+ cookie->Wait();
+ reply = cookie->Reply;
+ return cookie->ErrorStatus;
+ } else {
+ return status;
+ }
NBus::EMessageStatus TMsgBusClient::AsyncCall(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, TOnCall callback) {
TAutoPtr<TMessageCookie> cookie(new TAsyncMessageCookie<TOnCall>(callback, msg->Data));
msg->Data = cookie.Get();
if (Config.UseCompression) {
- msg->SetCompressed(true);
+ msg->SetCompressed(true);
NBus::EMessageStatus status = Session->SendMessage(msg.Get(), NetAddr.Get(), false);
- if (status == NBus::MESSAGE_OK) {
- // would be destructed in onresult/onerror
+ if (status == NBus::MESSAGE_OK) {
+ // would be destructed in onresult/onerror
- }
+ }
return status;
NBus::EMessageStatus TMsgBusClient::AsyncCall(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, TOnCallWithRequest callback) {
TAutoPtr<TMessageCookie> cookie(new TAsyncMessageCookie<TOnCallWithRequest>(callback, msg->Data));
msg->Data = cookie.Get();
if (Config.UseCompression) {
- msg->SetCompressed(true);
+ msg->SetCompressed(true);
NBus::EMessageStatus status = Session->SendMessage(msg.Get(), NetAddr.Get(), false);
if (status == NBus::MESSAGE_OK) {
@@ -193,42 +193,42 @@ void TMsgBusClient::OnReply(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pMessage, TAutoPtr<NBus:
OnResult(pMessage, NBus::MESSAGE_OK, pReply);
-void TMsgBusClient::OnError(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pMessage, NBus::EMessageStatus status) {
- if (status == NBus::MESSAGE_UNKNOWN) // timeouted request
- return;
+void TMsgBusClient::OnError(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pMessage, NBus::EMessageStatus status) {
+ if (status == NBus::MESSAGE_UNKNOWN) // timeouted request
+ return;
OnResult(pMessage, status, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage>());
const TMsgBusClientConfig& TMsgBusClient::GetConfig() {
return Config;
EDataReqStatusExcerpt ExtractDataRequestStatus(const NKikimrClient::TResponse *record) {
if (!record)
- return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::Unknown;
+ return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::Unknown;
switch (record->GetStatus()) {
- case MSTATUS_OK:
- return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::Complete;
- return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::InProgress;
- return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::Error;
- return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::LostInSpaceAndTime;
- return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::RejectedForNow;
- return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::InternalError;
- default:
- return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::Unknown;
- }
+ case MSTATUS_OK:
+ return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::Complete;
+ return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::InProgress;
+ return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::Error;
+ return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::LostInSpaceAndTime;
+ return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::RejectedForNow;
+ return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::InternalError;
+ default:
+ return EDataReqStatusExcerpt::Unknown;
+ }
void SetMsgBusDefaults(NBus::TBusSessionConfig& sessionConfig,
NBus::TBusQueueConfig& queueConfig) {
size_t memorySize = NSystemInfo::TotalMemorySize();
@@ -243,6 +243,6 @@ void SetMsgBusDefaults(NBus::TBusSessionConfig& sessionConfig,
((NSystemInfo::CachedNumberOfCpus() - 1) / 4 + 1);
sessionConfig.TotalTimeout = TDuration::Minutes(5).MilliSeconds();
sessionConfig.ConnectTimeout = TDuration::Seconds(15).MilliSeconds();
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.h b/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.h
index 66dc1fbec1..7d721946d8 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.h
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_client.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include "msgbus_client_config.h"
@@ -8,43 +8,43 @@
#include <functional>
#include <util/system/info.h>
#include <library/cpp/messagebus/ybus.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NMsgBusProxy {
-class TMsgBusClient : NBus::IBusClientHandler {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NMsgBusProxy {
+class TMsgBusClient : NBus::IBusClientHandler {
TMsgBusClientConfig Config;
- TProtocol Protocol;
- TAutoPtr<NBus::TNetAddr> NetAddr;
- NBus::TBusMessageQueuePtr Bus;
- NBus::TBusClientSessionPtr Session;
- void OnReply(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pMessage, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pReply) override;
- void OnError(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pMessage, NBus::EMessageStatus status) override;
+ TProtocol Protocol;
+ TAutoPtr<NBus::TNetAddr> NetAddr;
+ NBus::TBusMessageQueuePtr Bus;
+ NBus::TBusClientSessionPtr Session;
+ void OnReply(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pMessage, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pReply) override;
+ void OnError(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pMessage, NBus::EMessageStatus status) override;
void OnResult(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pMessage, NBus::EMessageStatus status, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> pReply);
typedef std::function<void (NBus::EMessageStatus status, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply)> TOnCall;
typedef std::function<void (NBus::EMessageStatus status,
TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> message,
TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> reply)> TOnCallWithRequest;
- TMsgBusClient(const TMsgBusClientConfig &config);
- ~TMsgBusClient();
- NBus::EMessageStatus SyncCall(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> &reply);
+ TMsgBusClient(const TMsgBusClientConfig &config);
+ ~TMsgBusClient();
+ NBus::EMessageStatus SyncCall(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> &reply);
NBus::EMessageStatus AsyncCall(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, TOnCall callback);
NBus::EMessageStatus AsyncCall(TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> msg, TOnCallWithRequest callback);
- void Init();
- void Shutdown();
+ void Init();
+ void Shutdown();
const TMsgBusClientConfig& GetConfig();
EDataReqStatusExcerpt ExtractDataRequestStatus(const NKikimrClient::TResponse *response);
} // NMsgBusProxy
void SetMsgBusDefaults(NBus::TBusSessionConfig& sessionConfig,
NBus::TBusQueueConfig& queueConfig);
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_player.cpp b/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_player.cpp
index 4407b8a08a..befa19f73a 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_player.cpp
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/msgbus_player.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ ui32 TMsgBusPlayer::PlayTrace(const TString &traceFile, ui32 maxInFlight, std::f
if (read != sizeof(NBus::TBusHeader))
ythrow yexception() << "Error reading message header";
filePos += read;
- NBus::TBusHeader messageHeader(::TArrayRef<char>(messageBuffer.Data(), messageBuffer.Size()));
+ NBus::TBusHeader messageHeader(::TArrayRef<char>(messageBuffer.Data(), messageBuffer.Size()));
messageBuffer.Resize(messageHeader.Size - sizeof(NBus::TBusHeader));
if (!messageBuffer.Empty()) {
read = stream->Load(messageBuffer.Data(), messageBuffer.Size());
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ ui32 TMsgBusPlayer::PlayTrace(const TString &traceFile, ui32 maxInFlight, std::f
filePos += read;
if (replyKey == YBUS_KEYINVALID) {
- TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> request = protocol.Deserialize(messageHeader.Type, ::TArrayRef<char>(messageBuffer.Data(), messageBuffer.Size()));
+ TAutoPtr<NBus::TBusMessage> request = protocol.Deserialize(messageHeader.Type, ::TArrayRef<char>(messageBuffer.Data(), messageBuffer.Size()));
if (request == nullptr)
ythrow yexception() << "Error deserializing message (" << DumpMessageHeader(messageHeader) << ")";
TBusKey requestKey = messageHeader.Id;
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/scheme_types/scheme_type_id.h b/ydb/public/lib/scheme_types/scheme_type_id.h
index 9340fa1a24..22fada2a7d 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/scheme_types/scheme_type_id.h
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/scheme_types/scheme_type_id.h
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ static constexpr TTypeId YqlIds[] = {
-// types must be defined in GetValueHash and CompareTypedCells
+// types must be defined in GetValueHash and CompareTypedCells
constexpr bool IsYqlTypeImpl(TTypeId typeId, ui32 i) {
return i == Y_ARRAY_SIZE(YqlIds) ? false :
YqlIds[i] == typeId ? true : IsYqlTypeImpl(typeId, i + 1);
diff --git a/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/client/impl/ydb_stats/stats.h b/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/client/impl/ydb_stats/stats.h
index 95c477a13b..cae4099682 100644
--- a/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/client/impl/ydb_stats/stats.h
+++ b/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/client/impl/ydb_stats/stats.h
@@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ public:
case TSessionPoolStatCollector::EStatCollectorType::SETTLERPOOL:
return TSessionPoolStatCollector(nullptr, SettlerSessions_.Get(), nullptr);
- return TSessionPoolStatCollector();
+ return TSessionPoolStatCollector();
TClientStatCollector GetClientStatCollector() {
diff --git a/ydb/services/discovery/grpc_service.cpp b/ydb/services/discovery/grpc_service.cpp
index c7ad95ffc5..010322b5d9 100644
--- a/ydb/services/discovery/grpc_service.cpp
+++ b/ydb/services/discovery/grpc_service.cpp
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-#include "grpc_service.h"
+#include "grpc_service.h"
#include <ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_helper.h>
#include <ydb/core/grpc_services/grpc_request_proxy.h>
#include <ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_calls.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NGRpcService {
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NGRpcService {
static TString GetSdkBuildInfo(NGrpc::IRequestContextBase* reqCtx) {
const auto& res = reqCtx->GetPeerMetaValues(NYdb::YDB_SDK_BUILD_INFO_HEADER);
if (res.empty()) {
@@ -15,55 +15,55 @@ static TString GetSdkBuildInfo(NGrpc::IRequestContextBase* reqCtx) {
return TString{res[0]};
-TGRpcDiscoveryService::TGRpcDiscoveryService(NActors::TActorSystem *system,
- TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> counters,
+TGRpcDiscoveryService::TGRpcDiscoveryService(NActors::TActorSystem *system,
+ TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> counters,
NActors::TActorId id)
- : ActorSystem_(system)
- , Counters_(counters)
- , GRpcRequestProxyId_(id)
- {
- }
+ : ActorSystem_(system)
+ , Counters_(counters)
+ , GRpcRequestProxyId_(id)
+ {
+ }
void TGRpcDiscoveryService::InitService(grpc::ServerCompletionQueue *cq, NGrpc::TLoggerPtr logger) {
- CQ_ = cq;
+ CQ_ = cq;
- }
+ }
void TGRpcDiscoveryService::SetGlobalLimiterHandle(NGrpc::TGlobalLimiter *limiter) {
- Limiter_ = limiter;
- }
- bool TGRpcDiscoveryService::IncRequest() {
- return Limiter_->Inc();
- }
- void TGRpcDiscoveryService::DecRequest() {
- Limiter_->Dec();
- Y_ASSERT(Limiter_->GetCurrentInFlight() >= 0);
- }
+ Limiter_ = limiter;
+ }
+ bool TGRpcDiscoveryService::IncRequest() {
+ return Limiter_->Inc();
+ }
+ void TGRpcDiscoveryService::DecRequest() {
+ Limiter_->Dec();
+ Y_ASSERT(Limiter_->GetCurrentInFlight() >= 0);
+ }
void TGRpcDiscoveryService::SetupIncomingRequests(NGrpc::TLoggerPtr logger) {
- auto getCounterBlock = CreateCounterCb(Counters_, ActorSystem_);
- #ifdef ADD_REQUEST
- #error ADD_REQUEST macro already defined
- #endif
+ auto getCounterBlock = CreateCounterCb(Counters_, ActorSystem_);
+ #ifdef ADD_REQUEST
+ #error ADD_REQUEST macro already defined
+ #endif
MakeIntrusive<TGRpcRequest<Ydb::Discovery::IN, Ydb::Discovery::OUT, TGRpcDiscoveryService>>(this, &Service_, CQ_, \
[this](NGrpc::IRequestContextBase *reqCtx) { \
NGRpcService::ReportGrpcReqToMon(*ActorSystem_, reqCtx->GetPeer(), GetSdkBuildInfo(reqCtx)); \
}, &Ydb::Discovery::V1::DiscoveryService::AsyncService::Request ## NAME, \
#NAME, logger, getCounterBlock("discovery", #NAME))->Run();
- ADD_REQUEST(ListEndpoints, ListEndpointsRequest, ListEndpointsResponse, {
- ActorSystem_->Send(GRpcRequestProxyId_, new TEvListEndpointsRequest(reqCtx));
- })
+ ADD_REQUEST(ListEndpoints, ListEndpointsRequest, ListEndpointsResponse, {
+ ActorSystem_->Send(GRpcRequestProxyId_, new TEvListEndpointsRequest(reqCtx));
+ })
ADD_REQUEST(WhoAmI, WhoAmIRequest, WhoAmIResponse, {
ActorSystem_->Send(GRpcRequestProxyId_, new TEvWhoAmIRequest(reqCtx));
- #undef ADD_REQUEST
- }
-} // namespace NGRpcService
-} // namespace NKikimr
+ #undef ADD_REQUEST
+ }
+} // namespace NGRpcService
+} // namespace NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/services/discovery/grpc_service.h b/ydb/services/discovery/grpc_service.h
index 0b089400d7..c6cb25f0fd 100644
--- a/ydb/services/discovery/grpc_service.h
+++ b/ydb/services/discovery/grpc_service.h
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actorsystem.h>
#include <ydb/public/api/grpc/ydb_discovery_v1.grpc.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/grpc/server/grpc_server.h>
-namespace NKikimr {
-namespace NGRpcService {
- class TGRpcDiscoveryService
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NGRpcService {
+ class TGRpcDiscoveryService
: public NGrpc::TGrpcServiceBase<Ydb::Discovery::V1::DiscoveryService>
- {
- public:
- TGRpcDiscoveryService(NActors::TActorSystem* system,
- TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> counters,
+ {
+ public:
+ TGRpcDiscoveryService(NActors::TActorSystem* system,
+ TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> counters,
NActors::TActorId id);
void InitService(grpc::ServerCompletionQueue* cq, NGrpc::TLoggerPtr logger) override;
void SetGlobalLimiterHandle(NGrpc::TGlobalLimiter* limiter) override;
- bool IncRequest();
- void DecRequest();
- private:
+ bool IncRequest();
+ void DecRequest();
+ private:
void SetupIncomingRequests(NGrpc::TLoggerPtr logger);
- NActors::TActorSystem* ActorSystem_;
+ NActors::TActorSystem* ActorSystem_;
grpc::ServerCompletionQueue* CQ_ = nullptr;
- TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> Counters_;
+ TIntrusivePtr<NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters> Counters_;
NActors::TActorId GRpcRequestProxyId_;
NGrpc::TGlobalLimiter* Limiter_ = nullptr;
- };
-} // namespace NGRpcService
-} // namespace NKikimr
+ };
+} // namespace NGRpcService
+} // namespace NKikimr
diff --git a/ydb/services/discovery/ya.make b/ydb/services/discovery/ya.make
index abe915bbbb..a3aaae080e 100644
--- a/ydb/services/discovery/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/services/discovery/ya.make
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
- grpc_service.cpp
+ grpc_service.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_dummy.cpp b/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_dummy.cpp
index 32367c5b50..c628b0b3e4 100644
--- a/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_dummy.cpp
+++ b/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_dummy.cpp
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ class TBiStreamPingRequestRPC : public TActorBootstrapped<TBiStreamPingRequestRP
- static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
- return NKikimrServices::TActivity::GRPC_REQ;
- }
+ static constexpr NKikimrServices::TActivity::EType ActorActivityType() {
+ return NKikimrServices::TActivity::GRPC_REQ;
+ }
TBiStreamPingRequestRPC(TEvBiStreamPingRequest* msg)
: Request_(msg) {}
diff --git a/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_ut.cpp b/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_ut.cpp
index 57119197bf..2d37063079 100644
--- a/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_ut.cpp
@@ -3323,7 +3323,7 @@ void InitConfigs(TKikimrWithGrpcAndRootSchema &server) {
- STORAGE_CONFIG1.SetExternalThreshold(Max<ui32>());
+ STORAGE_CONFIG1.SetExternalThreshold(Max<ui32>());
@@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TTableProfileTests) {
{TString("log"), TString("hdd")},
{TString("data"), TString("hdd")},
{TString("external"), TString("hdd")},
- {TString("external_threshold"), ToString(Max<ui32>())},
+ {TString("external_threshold"), ToString(Max<ui32>())},
{TString("codec"), TString("lz4")},
{TString("in_memory"), TString("false")} }});
} else {
diff --git a/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/test_storage_config.py b/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/test_storage_config.py
index 97fda366b1..94f1789ed5 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/test_storage_config.py
+++ b/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/test_storage_config.py
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ def case_0():
- creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
+ creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
has_external = True
scheme = lambda table_name: has_item(
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ def case_11():
- creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
+ creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
has_external = True
scheme = lambda table_name: has_item(
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ def case_12():
- creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
+ creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
has_external = True
scheme = lambda table_name: has_item(
@@ -305,8 +305,8 @@ def case_4():
storage_config.appoint_log('NotExist', True)
storage_config.appoint_data('NotExist', True)
storage_config.appoint_external('NotExist', True)
- creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
+ creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
has_external = True
scheme = lambda table_name: has_item(
@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ def case_5():
- creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
+ creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
has_external = True
scheme = lambda table_name: has_item(
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ def case_6():
- creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
+ creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
has_external = True
scheme = lambda table_name: has_item(
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ def case_7():
storage_config.appoint_data('hdd2', threshold=12200)
storage_config.appoint_external('hdd2', threshold=524200)
- creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
+ creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
has_external = True
scheme = lambda table_name: has_item(
@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ def case_9():
storage_config.appoint_data('hdd', threshold=12288)
storage_config.appoint_external('hdd', threshold=524288)
- creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
+ creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
has_external = True
scheme = lambda table_name: has_item(
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ def case_10():
storage_config.appoint_data('hdd', threshold=12288)
storage_config.appoint_external('hdd', threshold=2*1024*1024+1)
- creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
+ creation_options.partition_config.with_partitioning_policy(0) # for now external blobs and autosplit not compatible
has_external = False
scheme = lambda table_name: has_item(