diff options
authorbugaevskiy <bugaevskiy@yandex-team.com>2022-09-14 10:56:04 +0300
committerbugaevskiy <bugaevskiy@yandex-team.com>2022-09-14 10:56:04 +0300
commitcf4d965eab8e00116d391487e1775b363a968aef (patch)
parenta8f6f495b07e14c4c4356073ead36e2bea67ffd6 (diff)
Reimport boost/property_map as a separate project
-rw-r--r--contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include/boost/property_map/property_map.hpp (renamed from contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/property_map.hpp)0
-rw-r--r--contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include/boost/property_map/shared_array_property_map.hpp (renamed from contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/shared_array_property_map.hpp)0
-rw-r--r--contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include/boost/property_map/vector_property_map.hpp (renamed from contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/vector_property_map.hpp)0
24 files changed, 38 insertions, 2784 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/hyperscan/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/libs/hyperscan/CMakeLists.txt
index f3bb08de5c..ddf484c10a 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/hyperscan/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/libs/hyperscan/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ target_link_libraries(contrib-libs-hyperscan PUBLIC
+ restricted-boost-property_map
target_sources(contrib-libs-hyperscan PRIVATE
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/restricted/boost/CMakeLists.txt
index e932a69337..b6ff8b2fc5 100644
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/restricted/boost/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ add_subdirectory(pool)
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/compose_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/compose_property_map.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d8941d38e..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/compose_property_map.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2013 Eurodecision
-// Authors: Guillaume Pinot
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
-// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/property_map for documentation.
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-// A compose property map: make_compose_property_map(f, g)[x] == f[g[x]]
-// g must be a readable property map.
-// The category of compose_property_map(f, g) is the category of f.
-template <typename FPMap, typename GPMap>
-class compose_property_map
- typedef typename boost::property_traits<FPMap>::category category;
- typedef typename boost::property_traits<GPMap>::key_type key_type;
- typedef typename boost::property_traits<FPMap>::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename boost::property_traits<FPMap>::reference reference;
- inline compose_property_map(const FPMap &f_p, const GPMap &g_p):
- f(f_p), g(g_p)
- {}
- inline compose_property_map() {}
- inline reference
- operator[](const key_type &v) const {
- return f[get(g, v)];
- }
- // return type of get():
- // if (reference is not a ref)
- // value_type
- // else if (reference is const)
- // reference
- // else
- // const value_type&
- inline friend typename boost::mpl::if_<
- boost::mpl::not_< boost::is_reference<reference> >,
- value_type,
- typename boost::mpl::if_<
- boost::is_const<reference>,
- reference,
- const value_type&
- >::type
- >::type
- get(const compose_property_map &m, const key_type &k) {
- return get(m.f, get(m.g, k));
- }
- inline friend void
- put(const compose_property_map &m, const key_type &k, const value_type &v) {
- put(m.f, get(m.g, k), v);
- }
- FPMap f;
- GPMap g;
-template <class FPMap, class GPMap>
-inline compose_property_map<FPMap, GPMap>
-make_compose_property_map(const FPMap &f, const GPMap &g) {
- return compose_property_map<FPMap, GPMap>(f, g);
-} // namespace boost
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/dynamic_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/dynamic_property_map.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f5de47cab..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/dynamic_property_map.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2004-5 The Trustees of Indiana University.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// dynamic_property_map.hpp -
-// Support for runtime-polymorphic property maps. This header is factored
-// out of Doug Gregor's routines for reading GraphML files for use in reading
-// GraphViz graph files.
-// Authors: Doug Gregor
-// Ronald Garcia
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/any.hpp>
-#include <boost/function/function3.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <map>
-#include <boost/type.hpp>
-#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace detail {
- // read_value -
- // A wrapper around lexical_cast, which does not behave as
- // desired for std::string types.
- template<typename Value>
- inline Value read_value(const std::string& value)
- { return boost::lexical_cast<Value>(value); }
- template<>
- inline std::string read_value<std::string>(const std::string& value)
- { return value; }
-// dynamic_property_map -
-// This interface supports polymorphic manipulation of property maps.
-class dynamic_property_map
- virtual ~dynamic_property_map() { }
- virtual boost::any get(const any& key) = 0;
- virtual std::string get_string(const any& key) = 0;
- virtual void put(const any& key, const any& value) = 0;
- virtual const std::type_info& key() const = 0;
- virtual const std::type_info& value() const = 0;
-// Property map exceptions
-struct dynamic_property_exception : public std::exception {
- virtual ~dynamic_property_exception() {}
- virtual const char* what() const noexcept = 0;
-struct property_not_found : public dynamic_property_exception {
- std::string property;
- mutable std::string statement;
- property_not_found(const std::string& property) : property(property) {}
- virtual ~property_not_found() {}
- const char* what() const noexcept {
- if(statement.empty())
- statement =
- std::string("Property not found: ") + property + ".";
- return statement.c_str();
- }
-struct dynamic_get_failure : public dynamic_property_exception {
- std::string property;
- mutable std::string statement;
- dynamic_get_failure(const std::string& property) : property(property) {}
- virtual ~dynamic_get_failure() {}
- const char* what() const noexcept {
- if(statement.empty())
- statement =
- std::string(
- "dynamic property get cannot retrieve value for property: ")
- + property + ".";
- return statement.c_str();
- }
-struct dynamic_const_put_error : public dynamic_property_exception {
- virtual ~dynamic_const_put_error() {}
- const char* what() const noexcept {
- return "Attempt to put a value into a const property map: ";
- }
-namespace detail {
-// Trying to work around VC++ problem that seems to relate to having too many
-// functions named "get"
-template <typename PMap, typename Key>
-typename boost::property_traits<PMap>::reference
-get_wrapper_xxx(const PMap& pmap, const Key& key) {
- using boost::get;
- return get(pmap, key);
-// dynamic_property_map_adaptor -
-// property-map adaptor to support runtime polymorphism.
-template<typename PropertyMap>
-class dynamic_property_map_adaptor : public dynamic_property_map
- typedef typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::key_type key_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::category category;
- // do_put - overloaded dispatches from the put() member function.
- // Attempts to "put" to a property map that does not model
- // WritablePropertyMap result in a runtime exception.
- // in_value must either hold an object of value_type or a string that
- // can be converted to value_type via iostreams.
- void do_put(const any& in_key, const any& in_value, mpl::bool_<true>)
- {
- using boost::put;
- key_type key_ = any_cast<key_type>(in_key);
- if (in_value.type() == typeid(value_type)) {
- put(property_map_, key_, any_cast<value_type>(in_value));
- } else {
- // if in_value is an empty string, put a default constructed value_type.
- std::string v = any_cast<std::string>(in_value);
- if (v.empty()) {
- put(property_map_, key_, value_type());
- } else {
- put(property_map_, key_, detail::read_value<value_type>(v));
- }
- }
- }
- void do_put(const any&, const any&, mpl::bool_<false>)
- {
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(dynamic_const_put_error());
- }
- explicit dynamic_property_map_adaptor(const PropertyMap& property_map_)
- : property_map_(property_map_) { }
- virtual boost::any get(const any& key_)
- {
- return get_wrapper_xxx(property_map_, any_cast<typename boost::property_traits<PropertyMap>::key_type>(key_));
- }
- virtual std::string get_string(const any& key_)
- {
- std::ostringstream out;
- out << get_wrapper_xxx(property_map_, any_cast<typename boost::property_traits<PropertyMap>::key_type>(key_));
- return out.str();
- }
- virtual void put(const any& in_key, const any& in_value)
- {
- do_put(in_key, in_value,
- mpl::bool_<(is_convertible<category*,
- writable_property_map_tag*>::value)>());
- }
- virtual const std::type_info& key() const { return typeid(key_type); }
- virtual const std::type_info& value() const { return typeid(value_type); }
- PropertyMap& base() { return property_map_; }
- const PropertyMap& base() const { return property_map_; }
- PropertyMap property_map_;
-} // namespace detail
-// dynamic_properties -
-// container for dynamic property maps
-struct dynamic_properties
- typedef std::multimap<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<dynamic_property_map> >
- property_maps_type;
- typedef boost::function3<boost::shared_ptr<dynamic_property_map>,
- const std::string&,
- const boost::any&,
- const boost::any&> generate_fn_type;
- typedef property_maps_type::iterator iterator;
- typedef property_maps_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
- dynamic_properties() : generate_fn() { }
- dynamic_properties(const generate_fn_type& g) : generate_fn(g) {}
- ~dynamic_properties() {}
- template<typename PropertyMap>
- dynamic_properties&
- property(const std::string& name, PropertyMap property_map_)
- {
- boost::shared_ptr<dynamic_property_map> pm(
- boost::static_pointer_cast<dynamic_property_map>(
- boost::make_shared<detail::dynamic_property_map_adaptor<PropertyMap> >(property_map_)));
- property_maps.insert(property_maps_type::value_type(name, pm));
- return *this;
- }
- template<typename PropertyMap>
- dynamic_properties
- property(const std::string& name, PropertyMap property_map_) const
- {
- dynamic_properties result = *this;
- result.property(name, property_map_);
- return result;
- }
- iterator begin() { return property_maps.begin(); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return property_maps.begin(); }
- iterator end() { return property_maps.end(); }
- const_iterator end() const { return property_maps.end(); }
- iterator lower_bound(const std::string& name)
- { return property_maps.lower_bound(name); }
- const_iterator lower_bound(const std::string& name) const
- { return property_maps.lower_bound(name); }
- void
- insert(const std::string& name, boost::shared_ptr<dynamic_property_map> pm)
- {
- property_maps.insert(property_maps_type::value_type(name, pm));
- }
- template<typename Key, typename Value>
- boost::shared_ptr<dynamic_property_map>
- generate(const std::string& name, const Key& key, const Value& value)
- {
- if(!generate_fn) {
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(property_not_found(name));
- } else {
- return generate_fn(name,key,value);
- }
- }
- property_maps_type property_maps;
- generate_fn_type generate_fn;
-template<typename Key, typename Value>
-put(const std::string& name, dynamic_properties& dp, const Key& key,
- const Value& value)
- for (dynamic_properties::iterator i = dp.lower_bound(name);
- i != dp.end() && i->first == name; ++i) {
- if (i->second->key() == typeid(key)) {
- i->second->put(key, value);
- return true;
- }
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<dynamic_property_map> new_map = dp.generate(name, key, value);
- if (new_map.get()) {
- new_map->put(key, value);
- dp.insert(name, new_map);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
-template<typename Value, typename Key>
-get(const std::string& name, const dynamic_properties& dp, const Key& key)
- for (dynamic_properties::const_iterator i = dp.lower_bound(name);
- i != dp.end() && i->first == name; ++i) {
- if (i->second->key() == typeid(key))
- return any_cast<Value>(i->second->get(key));
- }
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(dynamic_get_failure(name));
-template<typename Value, typename Key>
-get(const std::string& name, const dynamic_properties& dp, const Key& key, type<Value>)
- for (dynamic_properties::const_iterator i = dp.lower_bound(name);
- i != dp.end() && i->first == name; ++i) {
- if (i->second->key() == typeid(key))
- return any_cast<Value>(i->second->get(key));
- }
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(dynamic_get_failure(name));
-template<typename Key>
-get(const std::string& name, const dynamic_properties& dp, const Key& key)
- for (dynamic_properties::const_iterator i = dp.lower_bound(name);
- i != dp.end() && i->first == name; ++i) {
- if (i->second->key() == typeid(key))
- return i->second->get_string(key);
- }
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(dynamic_get_failure(name));
-// The easy way to ignore properties.
-ignore_other_properties(const std::string&,
- const boost::any&,
- const boost::any&) {
- return boost::shared_ptr<boost::dynamic_property_map>();
-} // namespace boost
-#endif // DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_MAP_RG09302004_HPP
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/function_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/function_property_map.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c8c295f4c3..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/function_property_map.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// Author: Philipp Moeller
-// Copyright 2012, Philipp Moeller
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
-// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/result_of.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
-#include <utility>
-namespace boost {
-template<typename Func, typename Key, typename Ret = typename boost::result_of<const Func(const Key&)>::type>
-class function_property_map: public put_get_helper<Ret, function_property_map<Func, Key, Ret> > {
- public:
- typedef Key key_type;
- typedef Ret reference;
- typedef typename boost::remove_cv<typename boost::remove_reference<Ret>::type>::type value_type;
- typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
- boost::mpl::and_<
- boost::is_reference<Ret>,
- boost::mpl::not_<boost::is_const<Ret> >
- >,
- boost::lvalue_property_map_tag,
- boost::readable_property_map_tag>::type
- category;
- function_property_map(Func f = Func()) : f(f) {}
- reference operator[](const Key& k) const {
- return f(k);
- }
- private:
- Func f;
-template<typename Key, typename Func>
-function_property_map<Func, Key>
-make_function_property_map(const Func& f) {
- return function_property_map<Func, Key>(f);
-template<typename Key, typename Ret, typename Func>
-function_property_map<Func, Key, Ret>
-make_function_property_map(const Func& f) {
- return function_property_map<Func, Key, Ret>(f);
-} // boost
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/basic_reduce.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/basic_reduce.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 44bd1ad510..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/basic_reduce.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor
-// Andrew Lumsdaine
-namespace boost { namespace parallel {
-/** Reduction operation used to reconcile differences between local
- * and remote values for a particular key in a property map. The
- * type @c T is typically the @c value_type of the property
- * map. This basic reduction returns a default-constructed @c T as
- * the default value and always resolves to the remote value.
- */
-template<typename T>
-struct basic_reduce
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, non_default_resolver = false);
- /// Returns a default-constructed T object
- template<typename Key>
- T operator()(const Key&) const { return T(); }
- /// Returns the remote value
- template<typename Key>
- const T& operator()(const Key&, const T&, const T& remote) const
- { return remote; }
-} } // end namespace boost::parallel
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/caching_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/caching_property_map.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eeb5cfaaac..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/caching_property_map.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2004 The Trustees of Indiana University.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor
-// Andrew Lumsdaine
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-// This probably doesn't belong here
-template<typename Key, typename Value>
-inline void local_put(dummy_property_map, const Key&, const Value&) {}
-namespace parallel {
-/** Property map that caches values placed in it but does not
- * broadcast values to remote processors. This class template is
- * meant as an adaptor for @ref distributed_property_map that
- * suppresses communication in the event of a remote @c put operation
- * by mapping it to a local @c put operation.
- *
- * @todo Find a better name for @ref caching_property_map
- */
-template<typename PropertyMap>
-class caching_property_map
- typedef typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::key_type key_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::reference reference;
- typedef typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::category category;
- explicit caching_property_map(const PropertyMap& property_map)
- : property_map(property_map) {}
- PropertyMap& base() { return property_map; }
- const PropertyMap& base() const { return property_map; }
- template<typename Reduce>
- void set_reduce(const Reduce& reduce)
- { property_map.set_reduce(reduce); }
- void reset() { property_map.reset(); }
-#if 0
- reference operator[](const key_type& key) const
- {
- return property_map[key];
- }
- PropertyMap property_map;
-template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key>
-inline typename caching_property_map<PropertyMap>::value_type
-get(const caching_property_map<PropertyMap>& pm, const Key& key)
-{ return get(pm.base(), key); }
-template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key, typename Value>
-inline void
-local_put(const caching_property_map<PropertyMap>& pm, const Key& key,
- const Value& value)
-{ local_put(pm.base(), key, value); }
-template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key, typename Value>
-inline void
-cache(const caching_property_map<PropertyMap>& pm, const Key& key,
- const Value& value)
-{ cache(pm.base(), key, value); }
-template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key, typename Value>
-inline void
-put(const caching_property_map<PropertyMap>& pm, const Key& key,
- const Value& value)
-{ local_put(pm.base(), key, value); }
-template<typename PropertyMap>
-inline caching_property_map<PropertyMap>
-make_caching_property_map(const PropertyMap& pm)
-{ return caching_property_map<PropertyMap>(pm); }
-} } // end namespace boost::parallel
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/detail/untracked_pair.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/detail/untracked_pair.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 779ee6cc2e..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/detail/untracked_pair.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Matthias Troyer
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// This file contains helper data structures for use in transmitting
-// properties. The basic idea is to optimize away any storage for the
-// properties when no properties are specified.
-#include <boost/mpi/datatype.hpp>
-#include <utility> // for std::pair
-#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace parallel { namespace detail {
- * This structure is like std::pair, with the only difference
- * that tracking in the serialization library is turned off.
- */
-template<typename T, typename U>
-struct untracked_pair : public std::pair<T,U>
- untracked_pair() {}
- untracked_pair(const T& t, const U& u)
- : std::pair<T,U>(t,u) {}
- template<class T1, class U1>
- untracked_pair(std::pair<T1,U1> const& p)
- : std::pair<T,U>(p) {}
-template<typename T, typename U>
-inline untracked_pair<T, U>
-make_untracked_pair(const T& t, const U& u)
- return untracked_pair<T,U>(t,u);
-} } } // end namespace boost::parallel::detail
-namespace boost { namespace mpi {
-template<typename T, typename U>
-struct is_mpi_datatype<boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<T, U> >
- : is_mpi_datatype<std::pair<T,U> > {};
-} } // end namespace boost::mpi
-namespace boost { namespace serialization {
-// pair
-template<class Archive, class F, class S>
-inline void serialize(
- Archive & ar,
- boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<F, S> & p,
- const unsigned int /* file_version */
- ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("first", p.first);
- ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("second", p.second);
-template<typename T, typename U>
-struct is_bitwise_serializable<
- boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<T, U> >
- : is_bitwise_serializable<std::pair<T, U> > {};
-template<typename T, typename U>
-struct implementation_level<boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<T, U> >
- : mpl::int_<object_serializable> {} ;
-template<typename T, typename U>
-struct tracking_level<boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<T, U> >
- : mpl::int_<track_never> {} ;
-} } // end namespace boost::serialization
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/distributed_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/distributed_property_map.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ef6004c5b..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/distributed_property_map.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,693 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004-2008 The Trustees of Indiana University.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor
-// Nick Edmonds
-// Andrew Lumsdaine
-// The placement of this #include probably looks very odd relative to
-// the #ifndef/#define pair below. However, this placement is
-// extremely important to allow the various property map headers to be
-// included in any order.
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_and_derived.hpp>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/optional.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/process_group.hpp>
-#include <boost/function/function1.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/basic_reduce.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/detail/untracked_pair.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/local_property_map.hpp>
-#include <map>
-#include <boost/version.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/unsafe_serialize.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp>
-// Serialization functions for constructs we use
-#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace parallel {
-namespace detail {
- /**************************************************************************
- * Metafunction that degrades an Lvalue Property Map category tag to
- * a Read Write Property Map category tag.
- **************************************************************************/
- template<bool IsLvaluePropertyMap>
- struct make_nonlvalue_property_map
- {
- template<typename T> struct apply { typedef T type; };
- };
- template<>
- struct make_nonlvalue_property_map<true>
- {
- template<typename>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef read_write_property_map_tag type;
- };
- };
- /**************************************************************************
- * Performs a "put" on a property map so long as the property map is
- * a Writable Property Map or a mutable Lvalue Property Map. This
- * is required because the distributed property map's message
- * handler handles "put" messages even for a const property map,
- * although receipt of a "put" message is ill-formed.
- **************************************************************************/
- template<bool IsLvaluePropertyMap>
- struct maybe_put_in_lvalue_pm
- {
- template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key, typename Value>
- static inline void
- do_put(PropertyMap, const Key&, const Value&)
- { BOOST_ASSERT(false); }
- };
- template<>
- struct maybe_put_in_lvalue_pm<true>
- {
- template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key, typename Value>
- static inline void
- do_put(PropertyMap pm, const Key& key, const Value& value)
- {
- using boost::put;
- put(pm, key, value);
- }
- };
- template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key, typename Value>
- inline void
- maybe_put_impl(PropertyMap pm, const Key& key, const Value& value,
- writable_property_map_tag)
- {
- using boost::put;
- put(pm, key, value);
- }
- template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key, typename Value>
- inline void
- maybe_put_impl(PropertyMap pm, const Key& key, const Value& value,
- lvalue_property_map_tag)
- {
- typedef typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::reference reference;
- // DPG TBD: Some property maps are improperly characterized as
- // lvalue_property_maps, when in fact they do not provide true
- // references. The most typical example is those property maps
- // built from vector<bool> and its iterators, which deal with
- // proxies. We don't want to mischaracterize these as not having a
- // "put" operation, so we only consider an lvalue_property_map as
- // constant if its reference is const value_type&. In fact, this
- // isn't even quite correct (think of a
- // vector<bool>::const_iterator), but at present C++ doesn't
- // provide us with any alternatives.
- typedef is_same<const value_type&, reference> is_constant;
- maybe_put_in_lvalue_pm<(!is_constant::value)>::do_put(pm, key, value);
- }
- template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key, typename Value>
- inline void
- maybe_put_impl(PropertyMap, const Key&, const Value&, ...)
- { BOOST_ASSERT(false); }
- template<typename PropertyMap, typename Key, typename Value>
- inline void
- maybe_put(PropertyMap pm, const Key& key, const Value& value)
- {
- maybe_put_impl(pm, key, value,
- typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::category());
- }
-} // end namespace detail
-/** The consistency model used by the distributed property map. */
-enum consistency_model {
- cm_forward = 1 << 0,
- cm_backward = 1 << 1,
- cm_bidirectional = cm_forward | cm_backward,
- cm_flush = 1 << 2,
- cm_reset = 1 << 3,
- cm_clear = 1 << 4
-/** Distributed property map adaptor.
- *
- * The distributed property map adaptor is a property map whose
- * stored values are distributed across multiple non-overlapping
- * memory spaces on different processes. Values local to the current
- * process are stored within a local property map and may be
- * immediately accessed via @c get and @c put. Values stored on
- * remote processes may also be access via @c get and @c put, but the
- * behavior differs slightly:
- *
- * - @c put operations update a local ghost cell and send a "put"
- * message to the process that owns the value. The owner is free to
- * update its own "official" value or may ignore the put request.
- *
- * - @c get operations returns the contents of the local ghost
- * cell. If no ghost cell is available, one is created using the
- * default value provided by the "reduce" operation. See, e.g.,
- * @ref basic_reduce and @ref property_reduce.
- *
- * Using distributed property maps requires a bit more care than using
- * local, sequential property maps. While the syntax and semantics are
- * similar, distributed property maps may contain out-of-date
- * information that can only be guaranteed to be synchronized by
- * calling the @ref synchronize function in all processes.
- *
- * To address the issue of out-of-date values, distributed property
- * maps are supplied with a reduction operation. The reduction
- * operation has two roles:
- *
- * -# When a value is needed for a remote key but no value is
- * immediately available, the reduction operation provides a
- * suitable default. For instance, a distributed property map
- * storing distances may have a reduction operation that returns
- * an infinite value as the default, whereas a distributed
- * property map for vertex colors may return white as the
- * default.
- *
- * -# When a value is received from a remote process, the process
- * owning the key associated with that value must determine which
- * value---the locally stored value, the value received from a
- * remote process, or some combination of the two---will be
- * stored as the "official" value in the property map. The
- * reduction operation transforms the local and remote values
- * into the "official" value to be stored.
- *
- * @tparam ProcessGroup the type of the process group over which the
- * property map is distributed and is also the medium for
- * communication.
- *
- * @tparam StorageMap the type of the property map that will
- * store values for keys local to this processor. The @c value_type of
- * this property map will become the @c value_type of the distributed
- * property map. The distributed property map models the same property
- * map concepts as the @c LocalPropertyMap, with one exception: a
- * distributed property map cannot be an LvaluePropertyMap (because
- * remote values are not addressable), and is therefore limited to
- * ReadWritePropertyMap.
- */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-class distributed_property_map
- public:
- /// The key type of the property map.
- typedef typename property_traits<GlobalMap>::key_type key_type;
- /// The value type of the property map.
- typedef typename property_traits<StorageMap>::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<StorageMap>::reference reference;
- typedef ProcessGroup process_group_type;
- private:
- typedef distributed_property_map self_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<StorageMap>::category local_category;
- typedef typename property_traits<StorageMap>::key_type local_key_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<GlobalMap>::value_type owner_local_pair;
- typedef typename ProcessGroup::process_id_type process_id_type;
- enum property_map_messages {
- /** A request to store a value in a property map. The message
- * contains a std::pair<key, data>.
- */
- property_map_put,
- /** A request to retrieve a particular value in a property
- * map. The message contains a key. The owner of that key will
- * reply with a value.
- */
- property_map_get,
- /** A request to update values stored on a remote processor. The
- * message contains a vector of keys for which the source
- * requests updated values. This message will only be transmitted
- * during synchronization.
- */
- property_map_multiget,
- /** A request to store values in a ghost cell. This message
- * contains a vector of key/value pairs corresponding to the
- * sequence of keys sent to the source processor.
- */
- property_map_multiget_reply,
- /** The payload containing a vector of local key-value pairs to be
- * put into the remote property map. A key-value std::pair will be
- * used to store each local key-value pair.
- */
- property_map_multiput
- };
- // Code from Joaquín M López Muñoz to work around unusual implementation of
- // std::pair in VC++ 10:
- template<typename First,typename Second>
- class pair_first_extractor {
- typedef std::pair<First,Second> value_type;
- public:
- typedef First result_type;
- const result_type& operator()(const value_type& x) const {
- return x.first;
- }
- result_type& operator()(value_type& x) const {
- return x.first;
- }
- };
- public:
- /// The type of the ghost cells
- typedef multi_index::multi_index_container<
- std::pair<key_type, value_type>,
- multi_index::indexed_by<
- multi_index::sequenced<>,
- multi_index::hashed_unique<
- pair_first_extractor<key_type, value_type>
- >
- >
- > ghost_cells_type;
- /// Iterator into the ghost cells
- typedef typename ghost_cells_type::iterator iterator;
- /// Key-based index into the ghost cells
- typedef typename ghost_cells_type::template nth_index<1>::type
- ghost_cells_key_index_type;
- /// Iterator into the ghost cells (by key)
- typedef typename ghost_cells_key_index_type::iterator key_iterator;
- /** The property map category. A distributed property map cannot be
- * an Lvalue Property Map, because values on remote processes cannot
- * be addresses.
- */
- typedef typename detail::make_nonlvalue_property_map<
- (is_base_and_derived<lvalue_property_map_tag, local_category>::value
- || is_same<lvalue_property_map_tag, local_category>::value)>
- ::template apply<local_category>::type category;
- /** Default-construct a distributed property map. This function
- * creates an initialized property map that must be assigned to a
- * valid value before being used. It is only provided here because
- * property maps must be Default Constructible.
- */
- distributed_property_map() {}
- /** Construct a distributed property map. Builds a distributed
- * property map communicating over the given process group and using
- * the given local property map for storage. Since no reduction
- * operation is provided, the default reduction operation @c
- * basic_reduce<value_type> is used.
- */
- distributed_property_map(const ProcessGroup& pg, const GlobalMap& global,
- const StorageMap& pm)
- : data(new data_t(pg, global, pm, basic_reduce<value_type>(), false))
- {
- typedef handle_message<basic_reduce<value_type> > Handler;
- data->ghost_cells.reset(new ghost_cells_type());
- Handler handler(data);
- data->process_group.replace_handler(handler, true);
- data->process_group.template get_receiver<Handler>()
- ->setup_triggers(data->process_group);
- }
- /** Construct a distributed property map. Builds a distributed
- * property map communicating over the given process group and using
- * the given local property map for storage. The given @p reduce
- * parameter is used as the reduction operation.
- */
- template<typename Reduce>
- distributed_property_map(const ProcessGroup& pg, const GlobalMap& global,
- const StorageMap& pm,
- const Reduce& reduce);
- ~distributed_property_map();
- /// Set the reduce operation of the distributed property map.
- template<typename Reduce>
- void set_reduce(const Reduce& reduce);
- // Set the consistency model for the distributed property map
- void set_consistency_model(int model);
- // Get the consistency model
- int get_consistency_model() const { return data->model; }
- // Set the maximum number of ghost cells that we are allowed to
- // maintain. If 0, all ghost cells will be retained.
- void set_max_ghost_cells(std::size_t max_ghost_cells);
- // Clear out all ghost cells
- void clear();
- // Reset the values in all ghost cells to the default value
- void reset();
- // Flush all values destined for remote processors
- void flush();
- reference operator[](const key_type& key) const
- {
- owner_local_pair p = get(data->global, key);
- if (p.first == process_id(data->process_group)) {
- return data->storage[p.second];
- } else {
- return cell(key);
- }
- }
- process_group_type process_group() const
- {
- return data->process_group.base();
- }
- StorageMap& base() { return data->storage; }
- const StorageMap& base() const { return data->storage; }
- /** Sends a "put" request.
- * \internal
- *
- */
- void
- request_put(process_id_type p, const key_type& k, const value_type& v) const
- {
- send(data->process_group, p, property_map_put,
- boost::parallel::detail::make_untracked_pair(k, v));
- }
- /** Access the ghost cell for the given key.
- * \internal
- */
- value_type& cell(const key_type& k, bool request_if_missing = true) const;
- /** Perform synchronization
- * \internal
- */
- void do_synchronize();
- const GlobalMap& global() const { return data->global; }
- GlobalMap& global() { return data->global; }
- struct data_t
- {
- data_t(const ProcessGroup& pg, const GlobalMap& global,
- const StorageMap& pm, const function1<value_type, key_type>& dv,
- bool has_default_resolver)
- : process_group(pg), global(global), storage(pm),
- ghost_cells(), max_ghost_cells(1000000), get_default_value(dv),
- has_default_resolver(has_default_resolver), model(cm_forward) { }
- /// The process group
- ProcessGroup process_group;
- /// A mapping from the keys of this property map to the global
- /// descriptor.
- GlobalMap global;
- /// Local property map
- StorageMap storage;
- /// The ghost cells
- shared_ptr<ghost_cells_type> ghost_cells;
- /// The maximum number of ghost cells we are permitted to hold. If
- /// zero, we are permitted to have an infinite number of ghost
- /// cells.
- std::size_t max_ghost_cells;
- /// Default value for remote ghost cells, as defined by the
- /// reduction operation.
- function1<value_type, key_type> get_default_value;
- /// True if this resolver is the "default" resolver, meaning that
- /// we should not be able to get() a default value; it needs to be
- /// request()ed first.
- bool has_default_resolver;
- // Current consistency model
- int model;
- // Function that resets all of the ghost cells to their default
- // values. It knows the type of the resolver, so we can eliminate
- // a large number of calls through function pointers.
- void (data_t::*reset)();
- // Clear out all ghost cells
- void clear();
- // Flush all values destined for remote processors
- void flush();
- // Send out requests to "refresh" the values of ghost cells that
- // we're holding.
- void refresh_ghost_cells();
- private:
- template<typename Resolver> void do_reset();
- friend class distributed_property_map;
- };
- friend struct data_t;
- shared_ptr<data_t> data;
- private:
- // Prunes the least recently used ghost cells until we have @c
- // max_ghost_cells or fewer ghost cells.
- void prune_ghost_cells() const;
- /** Handles incoming messages.
- *
- * This function object is responsible for handling all incoming
- * messages for the distributed property map.
- */
- template<typename Reduce>
- struct handle_message
- {
- explicit handle_message(const shared_ptr<data_t>& data,
- const Reduce& reduce = Reduce())
- : data_ptr(data), reduce(reduce) { }
- void operator()(process_id_type source, int tag);
- /// Individual message handlers
- void
- handle_put(int source, int tag,
- const boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<key_type, value_type>& data,
- trigger_receive_context);
- value_type
- handle_get(int source, int tag, const key_type& data,
- trigger_receive_context);
- void
- handle_multiget(int source, int tag,
- const std::vector<key_type>& data,
- trigger_receive_context);
- void
- handle_multiget_reply
- (int source, int tag,
- const std::vector<boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<key_type, value_type> >& msg,
- trigger_receive_context);
- void
- handle_multiput
- (int source, int tag,
- const std::vector<unsafe_pair<local_key_type, value_type> >& data,
- trigger_receive_context);
- void setup_triggers(process_group_type& pg);
- private:
- weak_ptr<data_t> data_ptr;
- Reduce reduce;
- };
- /* Sets up the next stage in a multi-stage synchronization, for
- bidirectional consistency. */
- struct on_synchronize
- {
- explicit on_synchronize(const shared_ptr<data_t>& data) : data_ptr(data) { }
- void operator()();
- private:
- weak_ptr<data_t> data_ptr;
- };
-/* An implementation helper macro for the common case of naming
- distributed property maps with all of the normal template
- parameters. */
- distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>
-/* Request that the value for the given remote key be retrieved in
- the next synchronization round. */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-inline void
-request(const PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP& pm,
- typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::key_type const& key)
- if (get(pm.data->global, key).first != process_id(pm.data->process_group))
- pm.cell(key, false);
-/** Get the value associated with a particular key. Retrieves the
- * value associated with the given key. If the key denotes a
- * locally-owned object, it returns the value from the local property
- * map; if the key denotes a remotely-owned object, retrieves the
- * value of the ghost cell for that key, which may be the default
- * value provided by the reduce operation.
- *
- * Complexity: For a local key, O(1) get operations on the underlying
- * property map. For a non-local key, O(1) accesses to the ghost cells.
- */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::value_type
-get(const PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP& pm,
- typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::key_type const& key)
- using boost::get;
- typename property_traits<GlobalMap>::value_type p =
- get(pm.data->global, key);
- if (p.first == process_id(pm.data->process_group)) {
- return get(pm.data->storage, p.second);
- } else {
- return pm.cell(key);
- }
-/** Put a value associated with the given key into the property map.
- * When the key denotes a locally-owned object, this operation updates
- * the underlying local property map. Otherwise, the local ghost cell
- * is updated and a "put" message is sent to the processor owning this
- * key.
- *
- * Complexity: For a local key, O(1) put operations on the underlying
- * property map. For a nonlocal key, O(1) accesses to the ghost cells
- * and will send O(1) messages of size O(sizeof(key) + sizeof(value)).
- */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-put(const PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP& pm,
- typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::key_type const & key,
- typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::value_type const & value)
- using boost::put;
- typename property_traits<GlobalMap>::value_type p =
- get(pm.data->global, key);
- if (p.first == process_id(pm.data->process_group)) {
- put(pm.data->storage, p.second, value);
- } else {
- if (pm.data->model & cm_forward)
- pm.request_put(p.first, key, value);
- pm.cell(key, false) = value;
- }
-/** Put a value associated with a given key into the local view of the
- * property map. This operation is equivalent to @c put, but with one
- * exception: no message will be sent to the owning processor in the
- * case of a remote update. The effect is that any value written via
- * @c local_put for a remote key may be overwritten in the next
- * synchronization round.
- */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-local_put(const PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP& pm,
- typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::key_type const & key,
- typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::value_type const & value)
- using boost::put;
- typename property_traits<GlobalMap>::value_type p =
- get(pm.data->global, key);
- if (p.first == process_id(pm.data->process_group))
- put(pm.data->storage, p.second, value);
- else pm.cell(key, false) = value;
-/** Cache the value associated with the given remote key. If the key
- * is local, ignore the operation. */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-inline void
-cache(const PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP& pm,
- typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::key_type const & key,
- typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::value_type const & value)
- typename ProcessGroup::process_id_type id = get(pm.data->global, key).first;
- if (id != process_id(pm.data->process_group)) pm.cell(key, false) = value;
-/// Synchronize the property map.
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-synchronize(PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP& pm)
- pm.do_synchronize();
-/// Create a distributed property map.
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-inline distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>
-make_distributed_property_map(const ProcessGroup& pg, GlobalMap global,
- StorageMap storage)
- typedef distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>
- result_type;
- return result_type(pg, global, storage);
- * \overload
- */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap,
- typename Reduce>
-inline distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>
-make_distributed_property_map(const ProcessGroup& pg, GlobalMap global,
- StorageMap storage, Reduce reduce)
- typedef distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>
- result_type;
- return result_type(pg, global, storage, reduce);
-} } // end namespace boost::parallel
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/impl/distributed_property_map.ipp>
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/global_index_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/global_index_map.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ab954445c5..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/global_index_map.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor
-// Andrew Lumsdaine
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace parallel {
-template<typename IndexMap, typename GlobalMap>
-class global_index_map
- typedef typename property_traits<IndexMap>::key_type key_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<IndexMap>::value_type value_type;
- typedef value_type reference;
- typedef readable_property_map_tag category;
- template<typename ProcessGroup>
- global_index_map(ProcessGroup pg, value_type num_local_indices,
- IndexMap index_map, GlobalMap global)
- : index_map(index_map), global(global)
- {
- typedef typename ProcessGroup::process_id_type process_id_type;
- starting_index.reset(new std::vector<value_type>(num_processes(pg) + 1));
- send(pg, 0, 0, num_local_indices);
- synchronize(pg);
- // Populate starting_index in all processes
- if (process_id(pg) == 0) {
- (*starting_index)[0] = 0;
- for (process_id_type src = 0; src < num_processes(pg); ++src) {
- value_type n;
- receive(pg, src, 0, n);
- (*starting_index)[src + 1] = (*starting_index)[src] + n;
- }
- for (process_id_type dest = 1; dest < num_processes(pg); ++dest)
- send(pg, dest, 1, &starting_index->front(), num_processes(pg));
- synchronize(pg);
- } else {
- synchronize(pg);
- receive(pg, 0, 1, &starting_index->front(), num_processes(pg));
- }
- }
- friend inline value_type
- get(const global_index_map& gim, const key_type& x)
- {
- using boost::get;
- return (*gim.starting_index)[get(gim.global, x).first]
- + get(gim.index_map, x);
- }
- shared_ptr<std::vector<value_type> > starting_index;
- IndexMap index_map;
- GlobalMap global;
-} } // end namespace boost::parallel
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/impl/distributed_property_map.ipp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/impl/distributed_property_map.ipp
deleted file mode 100644
index a4213bcf9a..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/impl/distributed_property_map.ipp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Indiana University.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor
-// Nick Edmonds
-// Andrew Lumsdaine
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/distributed_property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/detail/untracked_pair.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_and_derived.hpp>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/simple_trigger.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace parallel {
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Reduce>
-::distributed_property_map(const ProcessGroup& pg, const GlobalMap& global,
- const StorageMap& pm, const Reduce& reduce)
- : data(new data_t(pg, global, pm, reduce, Reduce::non_default_resolver))
- typedef handle_message<Reduce> Handler;
- data->ghost_cells.reset(new ghost_cells_type());
- data->reset = &data_t::template do_reset<Reduce>;
- data->process_group.replace_handler(Handler(data, reduce));
- data->process_group.template get_receiver<Handler>()
- ->setup_triggers(data->process_group);
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::~distributed_property_map() { }
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Reduce>
-PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::set_reduce(const Reduce& reduce)
- typedef handle_message<Reduce> Handler;
- data->process_group.replace_handler(Handler(data, reduce));
- Handler* handler = data->process_group.template get_receiver<Handler>();
- BOOST_ASSERT(handler);
- handler->setup_triggers(data->process_group);
- data->get_default_value = reduce;
- data->has_default_resolver = Reduce::non_default_resolver;
- int model = data->model;
- data->reset = &data_t::template do_reset<Reduce>;
- set_consistency_model(model);
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-void PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::prune_ghost_cells() const
- if (data->max_ghost_cells == 0)
- return;
- while (data->ghost_cells->size() > data->max_ghost_cells) {
- // Evict the last ghost cell
- if (data->model & cm_flush) {
- // We need to flush values when we evict them.
- boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<key_type, value_type> const& victim
- = data->ghost_cells->back();
- send(data->process_group, get(data->global, victim.first).first,
- property_map_put, victim);
- }
- // Actually remove the ghost cell
- data->ghost_cells->pop_back();
- }
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::value_type&
-PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::cell(const key_type& key, bool request_if_missing) const
- // Index by key
- ghost_cells_key_index_type const& key_index
- = data->ghost_cells->template get<1>();
- // Search for the ghost cell by key, and project back to the sequence
- iterator ghost_cell
- = data->ghost_cells->template project<0>(key_index.find(key));
- if (ghost_cell == data->ghost_cells->end()) {
- value_type value;
- if (data->has_default_resolver)
- // Since we have a default resolver, use it to create a default
- // value for this ghost cell.
- value = data->get_default_value(key);
- else if (request_if_missing)
- // Request the actual value of this key from its owner
- send_oob_with_reply(data->process_group, get(data->global, key).first,
- property_map_get, key, value);
- else
- value = value_type();
- // Create a ghost cell containing the new value
- ghost_cell
- = data->ghost_cells->push_front(std::make_pair(key, value)).first;
- // If we need to, prune the ghost cells
- if (data->max_ghost_cells > 0)
- prune_ghost_cells();
- } else if (data->max_ghost_cells > 0)
- // Put this cell at the beginning of the MRU list
- data->ghost_cells->relocate(data->ghost_cells->begin(), ghost_cell);
- return const_cast<value_type&>(ghost_cell->second);
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Reduce>
-::handle_message<Reduce>::operator()(process_id_type source, int tag)
- BOOST_ASSERT(false);
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Reduce>
-handle_put(int /*source*/, int /*tag*/,
- const boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<key_type, value_type>& req, trigger_receive_context)
- using boost::get;
- shared_ptr<data_t> data(data_ptr);
- owner_local_pair p = get(data->global, req.first);
- BOOST_ASSERT(p.first == process_id(data->process_group));
- detail::maybe_put(data->storage, p.second,
- reduce(req.first,
- get(data->storage, p.second),
- req.second));
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Reduce>
-typename PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::value_type
-handle_get(int source, int /*tag*/, const key_type& key,
- trigger_receive_context)
- using boost::get;
- shared_ptr<data_t> data(data_ptr);
- owner_local_pair p = get(data->global, key);
- return get(data->storage, p.second);
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Reduce>
-handle_multiget(int source, int tag, const std::vector<key_type>& keys,
- trigger_receive_context)
- shared_ptr<data_t> data(data_ptr);
- typedef boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<key_type, value_type> key_value;
- std::vector<key_value> results;
- std::size_t n = keys.size();
- results.reserve(n);
- using boost::get;
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- local_key_type local_key = get(data->global, keys[i]).second;
- results.push_back(key_value(keys[i], get(data->storage, local_key)));
- }
- send(data->process_group, source, property_map_multiget_reply, results);
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Reduce>
- (int source, int tag,
- const std::vector<boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair<key_type, value_type> >& msg,
- trigger_receive_context)
- shared_ptr<data_t> data(data_ptr);
- // Index by key
- ghost_cells_key_index_type const& key_index
- = data->ghost_cells->template get<1>();
- std::size_t n = msg.size();
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- // Search for the ghost cell by key, and project back to the sequence
- iterator position
- = data->ghost_cells->template project<0>(key_index.find(msg[i].first));
- if (position != data->ghost_cells->end())
- const_cast<value_type&>(position->second) = msg[i].second;
- }
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Reduce>
- (int source, int tag,
- const std::vector<unsafe_pair<local_key_type, value_type> >& values,
- trigger_receive_context)
- using boost::get;
- shared_ptr<data_t> data(data_ptr);
- std::size_t n = values.size();
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- local_key_type local_key = values[i].first;
- value_type local_value = get(data->storage, local_key);
- detail::maybe_put(data->storage, values[i].first,
- reduce(values[i].first,
- local_value,
- values[i].second));
- }
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Reduce>
-setup_triggers(process_group_type& pg)
- using boost::parallel::simple_trigger;
- simple_trigger(pg, property_map_put, this, &handle_message::handle_put);
- simple_trigger(pg, property_map_get, this, &handle_message::handle_get);
- simple_trigger(pg, property_map_multiget, this,
- &handle_message::handle_multiget);
- simple_trigger(pg, property_map_multiget_reply, this,
- &handle_message::handle_multiget_reply);
- simple_trigger(pg, property_map_multiput, this,
- &handle_message::handle_multiput);
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
- int stage=0; // we only get called at the start now
- shared_ptr<data_t> data(data_ptr);
- // Determine in which stage backward consistency messages should be sent.
- int backward_stage = -1;
- if (data->model & cm_backward) {
- if (data->model & cm_flush) backward_stage = 1;
- else backward_stage = 0;
- }
- // Flush results in first stage
- if (stage == 0 && data->model & cm_flush)
- data->flush();
- // Backward consistency
- if (stage == backward_stage && !(data->model & (cm_clear | cm_reset)))
- data->refresh_ghost_cells();
- // Optionally clear results
- if (data->model & cm_clear)
- data->clear();
- // Optionally reset results
- if (data->model & cm_reset) {
- if (data->reset) ((*data).*data->reset)();
- }
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::set_consistency_model(int model)
- data->model = model;
- bool need_on_synchronize = (model != cm_forward);
- // Backward consistency is a two-stage process.
- if (model & cm_backward) {
- // For backward consistency to work, we absolutely cannot throw
- // away any ghost cells.
- data->max_ghost_cells = 0;
- }
- // attach the on_synchronize handler.
- if (need_on_synchronize)
- data->process_group.replace_on_synchronize_handler(on_synchronize(data));
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::set_max_ghost_cells(std::size_t max_ghost_cells)
- if ((data->model & cm_backward) && max_ghost_cells > 0)
- boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("distributed_property_map::set_max_ghost_cells: "
- "cannot limit ghost-cell usage with a backward "
- "consistency model"));
- if (max_ghost_cells == 1)
- // It is not safe to have only 1 ghost cell; the cell() method
- // will fail.
- max_ghost_cells = 2;
- data->max_ghost_cells = max_ghost_cells;
- prune_ghost_cells();
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-void PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::clear()
- data->clear();
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-void PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::data_t::clear()
- ghost_cells->clear();
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-void PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::reset()
- if (data->reset) ((*data).*data->reset)();
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-void PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::flush()
- data->flush();
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-void PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::data_t::refresh_ghost_cells()
- using boost::get;
- std::vector<std::vector<key_type> > keys;
- keys.resize(num_processes(process_group));
- // Collect the set of keys for which we will request values
- for (iterator i = ghost_cells->begin(); i != ghost_cells->end(); ++i)
- keys[get(global, i->first).first].push_back(i->first);
- // Send multiget requests to each of the other processors
- typedef typename ProcessGroup::process_size_type process_size_type;
- process_size_type n = num_processes(process_group);
- process_id_type id = process_id(process_group);
- for (process_size_type p = (id + 1) % n ; p != id ; p = (p + 1) % n) {
- if (!keys[p].empty())
- send(process_group, p, property_map_multiget, keys[p]);
- }
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-void PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::data_t::flush()
- using boost::get;
- int n = num_processes(process_group);
- std::vector<std::vector<unsafe_pair<local_key_type, value_type> > > values;
- values.resize(n);
- // Collect all of the flushed values
- for (iterator i = ghost_cells->begin(); i != ghost_cells->end(); ++i) {
- std::pair<int, local_key_type> g = get(global, i->first);
- values[g.first].push_back(std::make_pair(g.second, i->second));
- }
- // Transmit flushed values
- for (int p = 0; p < n; ++p) {
- if (!values[p].empty())
- send(process_group, p, property_map_multiput, values[p]);
- }
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-void PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::do_synchronize()
- if (data->model & cm_backward) {
- synchronize(data->process_group);
- return;
- }
- // Request refreshes of the values of our ghost cells
- data->refresh_ghost_cells();
- // Allows all of the multigets to get to their destinations
- synchronize(data->process_group);
- // Allows all of the multiget responses to get to their destinations
- synchronize(data->process_group);
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
-template<typename Resolver>
-void PBGL_DISTRIB_PMAP::data_t::do_reset()
- Resolver* resolver = get_default_value.template target<Resolver>();
- BOOST_ASSERT(resolver);
- for (iterator i = ghost_cells->begin(); i != ghost_cells->end(); ++i)
- const_cast<value_type&>(i->second) = (*resolver)(i->first);
-} } // end namespace boost::parallel
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/local_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/local_property_map.hpp
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index 4b16d9742b..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/local_property_map.hpp
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@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Indiana University.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor
-// Andrew Lumsdaine
-// The placement of this #include probably looks very odd relative to
-// the #ifndef/#define pair below. However, this placement is
-// extremely important to allow the various property map headers to be
-// included in any order.
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-namespace boost {
- /** Property map that accesses an underlying, local property map
- * using a subset of the global keys.
- */
- template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
- class local_property_map
- {
- typedef typename property_traits<GlobalMap>::value_type owner_local_pair;
- public:
- typedef ProcessGroup process_group_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<StorageMap>::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<GlobalMap>::key_type key_type;
- typedef typename property_traits<StorageMap>::reference reference;
- typedef typename property_traits<StorageMap>::category category;
- local_property_map() { }
- local_property_map(const ProcessGroup& process_group,
- const GlobalMap& global, const StorageMap& storage)
- : process_group_(process_group), global_(global), storage(storage) { }
- reference operator[](const key_type& key)
- {
- owner_local_pair p = get(global_, key);
- BOOST_ASSERT(p.first == process_id(process_group_));
- return storage[p.second];
- }
- GlobalMap& global() const { return global_; }
- StorageMap& base() const { return storage; }
- ProcessGroup& process_group() { return process_group_; }
- const ProcessGroup& process_group() const { return process_group_; }
- private:
- ProcessGroup process_group_;
- mutable GlobalMap global_;
- mutable StorageMap storage;
- };
- template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
- inline
- typename local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>::reference
- get(const local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>& pm,
- typename local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>::key_type
- const & key)
- {
- typename property_traits<GlobalMap>::value_type p = get(pm.global(), key);
- return get(pm.base(), p.second);
- }
- template<typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
- inline void
- put(const local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>& pm,
- typename local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>
- ::key_type const & key,
- typename local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>
- ::value_type const& v)
- {
- typename property_traits<GlobalMap>::value_type p = get(pm.global(), key);
- BOOST_ASSERT(p.first == process_id(pm.process_group()));
- put(pm.base(), p.second, v);
- }
-} // end namespace boost
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/parallel_property_maps.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/parallel_property_maps.hpp
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index 04a268dc44..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/parallel_property_maps.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-// (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek 1999-2001.
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Trustees of Indiana University
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor and Jeremy Siek
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
-// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/property_map for documentation.
-// Parallel property maps moved over from <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-// as part of refactoring out all parallel code from sequential property map
-// library.
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <boost/detail/iterator.hpp>
-#include <boost/concept_archetype.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/distributed_property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/local_property_map.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-/** Distributed iterator property map.
- *
- * This specialization of @ref iterator_property_map builds a
- * distributed iterator property map given the local index maps
- * generated by distributed graph types that automatically have index
- * properties.
- *
- * This specialization is useful when creating external distributed
- * property maps via the same syntax used to create external
- * sequential property maps.
- */
-template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename ProcessGroup,
- typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap,
- typename ValueType, typename Reference>
-class iterator_property_map
- <RandomAccessIterator,
- local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>,
- ValueType, Reference>
- : public parallel::distributed_property_map
- <ProcessGroup,
- GlobalMap,
- iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator, StorageMap,
- ValueType, Reference> >
- typedef iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator, StorageMap,
- ValueType, Reference> local_iterator_map;
- typedef parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- local_iterator_map> inherited;
- typedef local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>
- index_map_type;
- typedef iterator_property_map self_type;
- iterator_property_map() { }
- iterator_property_map(RandomAccessIterator cc, const index_map_type& id)
- : inherited(id.process_group(), id.global(),
- local_iterator_map(cc, id.base())) { }
-/** Distributed iterator property map.
- *
- * This specialization of @ref iterator_property_map builds a
- * distributed iterator property map given a distributed index
- * map. Only the local portion of the distributed index property map
- * is utilized.
- *
- * This specialization is useful when creating external distributed
- * property maps via the same syntax used to create external
- * sequential property maps.
- */
-template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename ProcessGroup,
- typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap,
- typename ValueType, typename Reference>
-class iterator_property_map<
- RandomAccessIterator,
- parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup,GlobalMap,StorageMap>,
- ValueType, Reference
- >
- : public parallel::distributed_property_map
- <ProcessGroup,
- GlobalMap,
- iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator, StorageMap,
- ValueType, Reference> >
- typedef iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator, StorageMap,
- ValueType, Reference> local_iterator_map;
- typedef parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- local_iterator_map> inherited;
- typedef parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- StorageMap>
- index_map_type;
- iterator_property_map() { }
- iterator_property_map(RandomAccessIterator cc, const index_map_type& id)
- : inherited(id.process_group(), id.global(),
- local_iterator_map(cc, id.base())) { }
-namespace parallel {
-// Generate an iterator property map with a specific kind of ghost
-// cells
-template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename ProcessGroup,
- typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap>
- GlobalMap,
- iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator,
- StorageMap> >
-make_iterator_property_map(RandomAccessIterator cc,
- local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- StorageMap> index_map)
- typedef distributed_property_map<
- ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator, StorageMap> >
- result_type;
- return result_type(index_map.process_group(), index_map.global(),
- make_iterator_property_map(cc, index_map.base()));
-} // end namespace parallel
-/** Distributed safe iterator property map.
- *
- * This specialization of @ref safe_iterator_property_map builds a
- * distributed iterator property map given the local index maps
- * generated by distributed graph types that automatically have index
- * properties.
- *
- * This specialization is useful when creating external distributed
- * property maps via the same syntax used to create external
- * sequential property maps.
- */
-template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename ProcessGroup,
- typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap, typename ValueType,
- typename Reference>
-class safe_iterator_property_map
- <RandomAccessIterator,
- local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap>,
- ValueType, Reference>
- : public parallel::distributed_property_map
- <ProcessGroup,
- GlobalMap,
- safe_iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator, StorageMap,
- ValueType, Reference> >
- typedef safe_iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator, StorageMap,
- ValueType, Reference> local_iterator_map;
- typedef parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- local_iterator_map> inherited;
- typedef local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap> index_map_type;
- safe_iterator_property_map() { }
- safe_iterator_property_map(RandomAccessIterator cc, std::size_t n,
- const index_map_type& id)
- : inherited(id.process_group(), id.global(),
- local_iterator_map(cc, n, id.base())) { }
-/** Distributed safe iterator property map.
- *
- * This specialization of @ref safe_iterator_property_map builds a
- * distributed iterator property map given a distributed index
- * map. Only the local portion of the distributed index property map
- * is utilized.
- *
- * This specialization is useful when creating external distributed
- * property maps via the same syntax used to create external
- * sequential property maps.
- */
-template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename ProcessGroup,
- typename GlobalMap, typename StorageMap,
- typename ValueType, typename Reference>
-class safe_iterator_property_map<
- RandomAccessIterator,
- parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup,GlobalMap,StorageMap>,
- ValueType, Reference>
- : public parallel::distributed_property_map
- <ProcessGroup,
- GlobalMap,
- safe_iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator, StorageMap,
- ValueType, Reference> >
- typedef safe_iterator_property_map<RandomAccessIterator, StorageMap,
- ValueType, Reference> local_iterator_map;
- typedef parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- local_iterator_map> inherited;
- typedef parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- StorageMap>
- index_map_type;
- safe_iterator_property_map() { }
- safe_iterator_property_map(RandomAccessIterator cc, std::size_t n,
- const index_map_type& id)
- : inherited(id.process_group(), id.global(),
- local_iterator_map(cc, n, id.base())) { }
-#include <boost/property_map/vector_property_map.hpp>
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/process_group.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/process_group.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fac0a19485..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/process_group.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2004 The Trustees of Indiana University.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor
-// Andrew Lumsdaine
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <utility>
-namespace boost { namespace parallel {
- * A special type used as a flag to a process group constructor that
- * indicates that the copy of a process group will represent a new
- * distributed data structure.
- */
-struct attach_distributed_object { };
- * Describes the context in which a trigger is being invoked to
- * receive a message.
- */
-enum trigger_receive_context {
- /// No trigger is active at this time.
- trc_none,
- /// The trigger is being invoked during synchronization, at the end
- /// of a superstep.
- trc_in_synchronization,
- /// The trigger is being invoked as an "early" receive of a message
- /// that was sent through the normal "send" operations to be
- /// received by the end of the superstep, but the process group sent
- /// the message earlier to clear its buffers.
- trc_early_receive,
- /// The trigger is being invoked for an out-of-band message, which
- /// must be handled immediately.
- trc_out_of_band,
- /// The trigger is being invoked for an out-of-band message, which
- /// must be handled immediately and has alredy been received by
- /// an MPI_IRecv call.
- trc_irecv_out_of_band
-// Process group tags
-struct process_group_tag {};
-struct linear_process_group_tag : virtual process_group_tag {};
-struct messaging_process_group_tag : virtual process_group_tag {};
-struct immediate_process_group_tag : virtual messaging_process_group_tag {};
-struct bsp_process_group_tag : virtual messaging_process_group_tag {};
-struct batch_process_group_tag : virtual messaging_process_group_tag {};
-struct locking_process_group_tag : virtual process_group_tag {};
-struct spawning_process_group_tag : virtual process_group_tag {};
-struct process_group_archetype
- typedef int process_id_type;
-void wait(process_group_archetype&);
-void synchronize(process_group_archetype&);
-int process_id(const process_group_archetype&);
-int num_processes(const process_group_archetype&);
-template<typename T> void send(process_group_archetype&, int, int, const T&);
-template<typename T>
-receive(const process_group_archetype& pg,
- process_group_archetype::process_id_type source, int tag, T& value);
-template<typename T>
-std::pair<process_group_archetype::process_id_type, std::size_t>
-receive(const process_group_archetype& pg, int tag, T values[], std::size_t n);
-template<typename T>
-std::pair<process_group_archetype::process_id_type, std::size_t>
-receive(const process_group_archetype& pg,
- process_group_archetype::process_id_type source, int tag, T values[],
- std::size_t n);
-} } // end namespace boost::parallel
-namespace boost { namespace graph { namespace distributed {
- using boost::parallel::trigger_receive_context;
- using boost::parallel::trc_early_receive;
- using boost::parallel::trc_out_of_band;
- using boost::parallel::trc_irecv_out_of_band;
- using boost::parallel::trc_in_synchronization;
- using boost::parallel::trc_none;
- using boost::parallel::attach_distributed_object;
-} } } // end namespace boost::graph::distributed
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/simple_trigger.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/simple_trigger.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab5cfde7f..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/simple_trigger.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Douglas Gregor
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// This file contains a simplification of the "trigger" method for
-// process groups. The simple trigger handles the common case where
-// the handler associated with a trigger is a member function bound to
-// a particular pointer.
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/process_group.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace parallel {
-namespace detail {
- *
- * The actual function object that bridges from the normal trigger
- * interface to the simplified interface. This is the equivalent of
- * bind(pmf, self, _1, _2, _3, _4), but without the compile-time
- * overhead of bind.
- */
-template<typename Class, typename T, typename Result>
-class simple_trigger_t
- simple_trigger_t(Class* self,
- Result (Class::*pmf)(int, int, const T&,
- trigger_receive_context))
- : self(self), pmf(pmf) { }
- Result
- operator()(int source, int tag, const T& data,
- trigger_receive_context context) const
- {
- return (self->*pmf)(source, tag, data, context);
- }
- Class* self;
- Result (Class::*pmf)(int, int, const T&, trigger_receive_context);
-} // end namespace detail
- * Simplified trigger interface that reduces the amount of code
- * required to connect a process group trigger to a handler that is
- * just a bound member function.
- *
- */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename Class, typename T>
-inline void
-simple_trigger(ProcessGroup& pg, int tag, Class* self,
- void (Class::*pmf)(int source, int tag, const T& data,
- trigger_receive_context context), int)
- pg.template trigger<T>(tag,
- detail::simple_trigger_t<Class, T, void>(self, pmf));
- * Simplified trigger interface that reduces the amount of code
- * required to connect a process group trigger with a reply to a
- * handler that is just a bound member function.
- *
- */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename Class, typename T, typename Result>
-inline void
-simple_trigger(ProcessGroup& pg, int tag, Class* self,
- Result (Class::*pmf)(int source, int tag, const T& data,
- trigger_receive_context context), long)
- pg.template trigger_with_reply<T>
- (tag, detail::simple_trigger_t<Class, T, Result>(self, pmf));
- * Simplified trigger interface that reduces the amount of code
- * required to connect a process group trigger to a handler that is
- * just a bound member function.
- */
-template<typename ProcessGroup, typename Class, typename T, typename Result>
-inline void
-simple_trigger(ProcessGroup& pg, int tag, Class* self,
- Result (Class::*pmf)(int source, int tag, const T& data,
- trigger_receive_context context))
- // We pass 0 (an int) to help VC++ disambiguate calls to simple_trigger
- // with Result=void.
- simple_trigger(pg, tag, self, pmf, 0);
-} } // end namespace boost::parallel
-namespace boost { namespace graph { namespace parallel { using boost::parallel::simple_trigger; } } }
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/unsafe_serialize.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/unsafe_serialize.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a37dc21dd7..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/unsafe_serialize.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Indiana University.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor
-// Andrew Lumsdaine
-// This file contains the "unsafe_serialize" routine, which transforms
-// types they may not be serializable (such as void*) into
-// serializable equivalents.
-#include <boost/mpi/datatype.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/is_bitwise_serializable.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
-#include <utility>
-namespace boost { namespace mpi {
- template<> struct is_mpi_datatype<void*> : mpl::true_ { };
-} } // end namespace boost::mpi
-namespace boost {
- typedef mpl::if_c<(sizeof(int) == sizeof(void*)),
- int,
- mpl::if_c<(sizeof(long) == sizeof(void*)),
- long,
- mpl::if_c<(sizeof(void*) <= sizeof(boost::intmax_t)),
- boost::intmax_t,
- void>::type
- >::type
- >::type ptr_serialize_type;
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT ((!boost::is_void<ptr_serialize_type>::value));
- template<typename T> inline T& unsafe_serialize(T& x) { return x; }
- inline ptr_serialize_type& unsafe_serialize(void*& x)
- { return reinterpret_cast<ptr_serialize_type&>(x); }
- // Force Boost.MPI to serialize a void* like a ptr_serialize_type
- namespace mpi {
- template<> inline MPI_Datatype get_mpi_datatype<void*>(void* const& x)
- {
- return get_mpi_datatype<ptr_serialize_type>();
- }
- }
- template<typename T, typename U>
- struct unsafe_pair
- {
- unsafe_pair() { }
- unsafe_pair(const T& t, const U& u) : first(t), second(u) { }
- unsafe_pair(const std::pair<T, U>& p) : first(p.first), second(p.second) { }
- T first;
- U second;
- template<typename Archiver>
- void serialize(Archiver& ar, const unsigned /*version*/)
- {
- ar & unsafe_serialize(first) & unsafe_serialize(second);
- }
- };
- template<typename T, typename U>
- bool operator<(unsafe_pair<T,U> const& x, unsafe_pair<T,U> const& y)
- {
- return std::make_pair(x.first, x.second) <
- std::make_pair(y.first, y.second);
- }
-} // end namespace boost
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/vector_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/vector_property_map.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f1ad4c4fb0..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/parallel/vector_property_map.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) Vladimir Prus 2003.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
-// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/vector_property_map.html for
-// documentation.
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/distributed_property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/parallel/local_property_map.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-/** Distributed vector property map.
- *
- * This specialization of @ref vector_property_map builds a
- * distributed vector property map given the local index maps
- * generated by distributed graph types that automatically have index
- * properties.
- *
- * This specialization is useful when creating external distributed
- * property maps via the same syntax used to create external
- * sequential property maps.
- */
-template<typename T, typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap,
- typename StorageMap>
-class vector_property_map<T,
- local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- StorageMap> >
- : public parallel::distributed_property_map<
- ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, vector_property_map<T, StorageMap> >
- typedef vector_property_map<T, StorageMap> local_iterator_map;
- typedef parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- local_iterator_map> inherited;
- typedef local_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, StorageMap> index_map_type;
- vector_property_map(const index_map_type& index = index_map_type())
- : inherited(index.process_group(), index.global(),
- local_iterator_map(index.base())) { }
- vector_property_map(unsigned inital_size,
- const index_map_type& index = index_map_type())
- : inherited(index.process_group(), index.global(),
- local_iterator_map(inital_size, index.base())) { }
-/** Distributed vector property map.
- *
- * This specialization of @ref vector_property_map builds a
- * distributed vector property map given the local index maps
- * generated by distributed graph types that automatically have index
- * properties.
- *
- * This specialization is useful when creating external distributed
- * property maps via the same syntax used to create external
- * sequential property maps.
- */
-template<typename T, typename ProcessGroup, typename GlobalMap,
- typename StorageMap>
-class vector_property_map<
- T,
- parallel::distributed_property_map<
- ProcessGroup,
- GlobalMap,
- StorageMap
- >
- >
- : public parallel::distributed_property_map<
- ProcessGroup, GlobalMap, vector_property_map<T, StorageMap> >
- typedef vector_property_map<T, StorageMap> local_iterator_map;
- typedef parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- local_iterator_map> inherited;
- typedef parallel::distributed_property_map<ProcessGroup, GlobalMap,
- StorageMap>
- index_map_type;
- vector_property_map(const index_map_type& index = index_map_type())
- : inherited(index.process_group(), index.global(),
- local_iterator_map(index.base())) { }
- vector_property_map(unsigned inital_size,
- const index_map_type& index = index_map_type())
- : inherited(index.process_group(), index.global(),
- local_iterator_map(inital_size, index.base())) { }
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/property_map_iterator.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/property_map_iterator.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a7be8afecf..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/property_map_iterator.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-// (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek, 2001.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
-// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/property_map for documentation.
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-namespace boost {
- //======================================================================
- // property iterator, generalized from ideas by Francois Faure
- namespace detail {
- template <class Iterator, class LvaluePropertyMap>
- class lvalue_pmap_iter
- : public iterator_adaptor< lvalue_pmap_iter< Iterator, LvaluePropertyMap >,
- Iterator,
- typename property_traits<LvaluePropertyMap>::value_type,
- use_default,
- typename property_traits<LvaluePropertyMap>::reference>
- {
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- typedef iterator_adaptor< lvalue_pmap_iter< Iterator, LvaluePropertyMap >,
- Iterator,
- typename property_traits<LvaluePropertyMap>::value_type,
- use_default,
- typename property_traits<LvaluePropertyMap>::reference> super_t;
- public:
- lvalue_pmap_iter() { }
- lvalue_pmap_iter(Iterator const& it,
- LvaluePropertyMap m)
- : super_t(it),
- m_map(m) {}
- private:
- typename super_t::reference
- dereference() const
- {
- return m_map[*(this->base_reference())];
- }
- LvaluePropertyMap m_map;
- };
- template <class Iterator, class ReadablePropertyMap>
- class readable_pmap_iter :
- public iterator_adaptor< readable_pmap_iter< Iterator, ReadablePropertyMap >,
- Iterator,
- typename property_traits<ReadablePropertyMap>::value_type,
- use_default,
- typename property_traits<ReadablePropertyMap>::value_type>
- {
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- typedef iterator_adaptor< readable_pmap_iter< Iterator, ReadablePropertyMap >,
- Iterator,
- typename property_traits<ReadablePropertyMap>::value_type,
- use_default,
- typename property_traits<ReadablePropertyMap>::value_type> super_t;
- public:
- readable_pmap_iter() { }
- readable_pmap_iter(Iterator const& it,
- ReadablePropertyMap m)
- : super_t(it),
- m_map(m) {}
- private:
- typename super_t::reference
- dereference() const
- {
- return get(m_map, *(this->base_reference()));
- }
- ReadablePropertyMap m_map;
- };
- } // namespace detail
- template <class PropertyMap, class Iterator>
- struct property_map_iterator_generator :
- mpl::if_< is_same< typename property_traits<PropertyMap>::category, lvalue_property_map_tag>,
- detail::lvalue_pmap_iter<Iterator, PropertyMap>,
- detail::readable_pmap_iter<Iterator, PropertyMap> >
- {};
- template <class PropertyMap, class Iterator>
- typename property_map_iterator_generator<PropertyMap, Iterator>::type
- make_property_map_iterator(PropertyMap pmap, Iterator iter)
- {
- typedef typename property_map_iterator_generator<PropertyMap,
- Iterator>::type Iter;
- return Iter(iter, pmap);
- }
-} // namespace boost
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/transform_value_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/transform_value_property_map.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a7b574a2d..0000000000
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/transform_value_property_map.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Author: Philipp Moeller
-// Copyright 2012, Philipp Moeller
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
-// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/result_of.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
-#include <utility>
-namespace boost {
-template<typename Func, typename PM, typename Ret = typename boost::result_of<const Func(typename property_traits<PM>::reference)>::type>
-class transform_value_property_map: public put_get_helper<Ret, transform_value_property_map<Func, PM, Ret> > {
- public:
- typedef typename property_traits<PM>::key_type key_type;
- typedef Ret reference;
- typedef typename boost::remove_cv<typename boost::remove_reference<Ret>::type>::type value_type;
- typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
- boost::mpl::and_<
- boost::is_reference<Ret>,
- boost::mpl::not_<boost::is_const<Ret> >
- >,
- boost::lvalue_property_map_tag,
- boost::readable_property_map_tag>::type
- category;
- transform_value_property_map(Func f, PM pm) : f(f), pm(pm) {}
- reference operator[](const key_type& k) const {
- return f(get(pm, k));
- }
- private:
- Func f;
- PM pm;
-template<typename PM, typename Func>
-transform_value_property_map<Func, PM>
-make_transform_value_property_map(const Func& f, const PM& pm) {
- return transform_value_property_map<Func, PM>(f, pm);
-template<typename Ret, typename PM, typename Func>
-transform_value_property_map<Func, PM, Ret>
-make_transform_value_property_map(const Func& f, const PM& pm) {
- return transform_value_property_map<Func, PM, Ret>(f, pm);
-} // boost
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/libs/graph/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/restricted/boost/libs/graph/CMakeLists.txt
index 39f1d9338d..36bba08dce 100644
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/libs/graph/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/restricted/boost/libs/graph/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ target_link_libraries(boost-libs-graph INTERFACE
+ restricted-boost-property_map
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a302522b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# This file was gererated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
+# Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
+# like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
+# ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
+# original buildsystem will not be accepted.
+add_library(restricted-boost-property_map INTERFACE)
+target_include_directories(restricted-boost-property_map INTERFACE
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include
+target_link_libraries(restricted-boost-property_map INTERFACE
+ contrib-libs-cxxsupp
+ yutil
+ restricted-boost-any
+ restricted-boost-assert
+ restricted-boost-bind
+ restricted-boost-concept_check
+ restricted-boost-config
+ restricted-boost-core
+ restricted-boost-function
+ restricted-boost-iterator
+ restricted-boost-lexical_cast
+ restricted-boost-mpl
+ restricted-boost-multi_index
+ restricted-boost-optional
+ restricted-boost-serialization
+ restricted-boost-smart_ptr
+ restricted-boost-static_assert
+ restricted-boost-throw_exception
+ restricted-boost-type_traits
+ restricted-boost-utility
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include/boost/property_map/property_map.hpp
index 22bdeaff15..22bdeaff15 100644
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/property_map.hpp
+++ b/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include/boost/property_map/property_map.hpp
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/shared_array_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include/boost/property_map/shared_array_property_map.hpp
index 8056d95e5a..8056d95e5a 100644
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/shared_array_property_map.hpp
+++ b/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include/boost/property_map/shared_array_property_map.hpp
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/vector_property_map.hpp b/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include/boost/property_map/vector_property_map.hpp
index 8eac06d255..8eac06d255 100644
--- a/contrib/restricted/boost/boost/property_map/vector_property_map.hpp
+++ b/contrib/restricted/boost/property_map/include/boost/property_map/vector_property_map.hpp