diff options
authorInnokentii Mokin <innokentii@ydb.tech>2023-12-21 14:41:43 +0300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-12-21 14:41:43 +0300
commitb97c74bcf1cf0f259b62d40cc3698eaae1fc530a (patch)
parent3afc4b1d33b0473a5108e0c734d25cb96eba1cee (diff)
Add dynamic config cli (#615)
* add dynamic config cli --------- Co-authored-by: Innokentii Mokin <innokentii@ydb.tech>
6 files changed, 799 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ya.make b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ya.make
index 087dd39a8e..4af51f31c8 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ya.make
@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ SRCS(
+ ydb_admin.cpp
+ ydb_dynamic_config.cpp
@@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ PEERDIR(
+ ydb/library/yaml_config/public
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_admin.cpp b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_admin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebe8b00491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_admin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "ydb_admin.h"
+#include "ydb_dynamic_config.h"
+namespace NYdb {
+namespace NConsoleClient {
+ : TClientCommandTree("admin", {}, "Administrative cluster operations")
+ AddCommand(std::make_unique<NDynamicConfig::TCommandConfig>());
+ AddCommand(std::make_unique<NDynamicConfig::TCommandVolatileConfig>());
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_admin.h b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_admin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbdc75d8c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_admin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "ydb_command.h"
+namespace NYdb {
+namespace NConsoleClient {
+class TCommandAdmin : public TClientCommandTree {
+ TCommandAdmin();
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_dynamic_config.cpp b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_dynamic_config.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca50992011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_dynamic_config.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+#include "ydb_dynamic_config.h"
+#include <ydb/public/sdk/cpp/client/draft/ydb_dynamic_config.h>
+#include <ydb/library/yaml_config/public/yaml_config.h>
+#include <openssl/sha.h>
+#include <util/folder/path.h>
+#include <util/string/hex.h>
+using namespace NKikimr;
+namespace NYdb::NConsoleClient::NDynamicConfig {
+TString WrapYaml(const TString& yaml) {
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(yaml);
+ TStringStream out;
+ out << (doc.HasExplicitDocumentStart() ? "" : "---\n")
+ << doc << (yaml[yaml.size() - 1] != '\n' ? "\n" : "");
+ return out.Str();
+ : TClientCommandTree("config", {}, "Dynamic config")
+ AddCommand(std::make_unique<TCommandConfigFetch>());
+ AddCommand(std::make_unique<TCommandConfigReplace>());
+ AddCommand(std::make_unique<TCommandConfigResolve>());
+ : TYdbCommand("fetch", {"get", "dump"}, "Fetch main dynamic-config")
+void TCommandConfigFetch::Config(TConfig& config) {
+ TYdbCommand::Config(config);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("all", "Fetch both main and volatile config")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&All);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("output-directory", "Directory to save config(s)")
+ .RequiredArgument("[directory]").StoreResult(&OutDir);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("strip-metadata", "Strip metadata from config")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&StripMetadata);
+ config.SetFreeArgsNum(0);
+ config.Opts->MutuallyExclusive("all", "strip-metadata");
+ config.Opts->MutuallyExclusive("output-directory", "strip-metadata");
+void TCommandConfigFetch::Parse(TConfig& config) {
+ TClientCommand::Parse(config);
+int TCommandConfigFetch::Run(TConfig& config) {
+ auto driver = std::make_unique<NYdb::TDriver>(CreateDriver(config));
+ auto client = NYdb::NDynamicConfig::TDynamicConfigClient(*driver);
+ auto result = client.GetConfig().GetValueSync();
+ ThrowOnError(result);
+ auto cfg = result.GetConfig();
+ auto metadata = NYamlConfig::GetMetadata(cfg);
+ ui64 version = metadata.Version.value();
+ if (StripMetadata) {
+ cfg = NYamlConfig::StripMetadata(cfg);
+ }
+ if (!OutDir) {
+ Cout << WrapYaml(cfg);
+ } else {
+ TFsPath dir(OutDir);
+ dir.MkDirs();
+ auto filepath = (dir / "dynconfig.yaml");
+ TFileOutput out(filepath);
+ out << cfg;
+ }
+ if (All) {
+ for (auto [id, cfg] : result.GetVolatileConfigs()) {
+ if (StripMetadata) {
+ cfg = NYamlConfig::StripMetadata(cfg);
+ }
+ if (!OutDir) {
+ Cout << WrapYaml(cfg);
+ } else {
+ auto filename = TString("volatile_") + ToString(version) + "_" + ToString(id) + ".yaml";
+ auto filepath = (TFsPath(OutDir) / filename);
+ TFileOutput out(filepath);
+ out << cfg;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ : TYdbCommand("replace", {}, "Replace dynamic config")
+ , IgnoreCheck(false)
+void TCommandConfigReplace::Config(TConfig& config) {
+ TYdbCommand::Config(config);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption('f', "filename", "Filename of the file containing configuration")
+ .Required().RequiredArgument("[config.yaml]").StoreResult(&Filename);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("ignore-local-validation", "Ignore local config applicability checks")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&IgnoreCheck);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("dry-run", "Check config applicability")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&DryRun);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("allow-unknown-fields", "Allow fields not present in config")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&AllowUnknownFields);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("force", "Ignore metadata on config replacement")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&Force);
+ config.SetFreeArgsNum(0);
+void TCommandConfigReplace::Parse(TConfig& config) {
+ TClientCommand::Parse(config);
+ if (Filename == "") {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Must specify non-empty -f (--filename)";
+ }
+ const auto configStr = Filename == "-" ? Cin.ReadAll() : TFileInput(Filename).ReadAll();
+ DynamicConfig = configStr;
+ if (!IgnoreCheck) {
+ NYamlConfig::GetMetadata(configStr);
+ auto tree = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(configStr);
+ const auto resolved = NYamlConfig::ResolveAll(tree);
+ Y_UNUSED(resolved); // we can't check it better without ydbd
+ }
+int TCommandConfigReplace::Run(TConfig& config) {
+ std::unique_ptr<NYdb::TDriver> driver = std::make_unique<NYdb::TDriver>(CreateDriver(config));
+ auto client = NYdb::NDynamicConfig::TDynamicConfigClient(*driver);
+ auto exec = [&]() {
+ if (Force) {
+ return client.SetConfig(DynamicConfig, DryRun, AllowUnknownFields).GetValueSync();
+ }
+ return client.ReplaceConfig(DynamicConfig, DryRun, AllowUnknownFields).GetValueSync();
+ };
+ auto status = exec();
+ ThrowOnError(status);
+ if (!status.GetIssues()) {
+ Cout << status << Endl;
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ : TYdbCommand("resolve", {}, "Resolve config")
+void TCommandConfigResolve::Config(TConfig& config) {
+ TYdbCommand::Config(config);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("all", "Resolve for all combinations")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&All);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("label", "Labels for this node")
+ .Optional().RequiredArgument("[LABEL=VALUE]")
+ .KVHandler([this](TString key, TString val) {
+ Labels[key] = val;
+ });
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption('f', "filename", "Filename of the file containing configuration to resolve")
+ .Optional().RequiredArgument("[config.yaml]").StoreResult(&Filename);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("directory", "Directory with config(s)")
+ .Optional().RequiredArgument("[directory]").StoreResult(&Dir);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("output-directory", "Directory to save config(s)")
+ .Optional().RequiredArgument("[directory]").StoreResult(&OutDir);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("from-cluster", "Fetch current config from cluster instead of the local file")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&FromCluster);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("remote-resolve", "Use resolver on cluster instead of built-in resolver")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&RemoteResolve);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("node-id", "Take labels from node with the specified id")
+ .Optional().RequiredArgument("[node]").StoreResult(&NodeId);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("skip-volatile", "Ignore volatile configs")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&SkipVolatile);
+ config.SetFreeArgsNum(0);
+void TCommandConfigResolve::Parse(TConfig& config) {
+ TClientCommand::Parse(config);
+ if ((ui32(!Filename.empty()) + ui32(!Dir.empty()) + ui32(FromCluster)) != 1) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Must specify one of -f (--filename), --directory and --from-cluster";
+ }
+ if (All && (!Labels.empty() || NodeId)) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Should specify either --all or --label and --node-id";
+ }
+TString CalcHash(const TString& ser) {
+ SHA_CTX ctx;
+ SHA1_Init(&ctx);
+ SHA1_Update(&ctx, ser.data(), ser.size());
+ unsigned char sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+ SHA1_Final(sha1, &ctx);
+ TString hex = HexEncode(TString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sha1), SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH));
+ hex.to_lower();
+ return hex;
+TString LabelSetHash(const TSet<NYamlConfig::TNamedLabel>& labels) {
+ TStringStream labelsStream;
+ labelsStream << "[";
+ for (const auto& label : labels) {
+ labelsStream << "(" << label.Name << ":" << (label.Inv ? "-" : label.Value.Quote()) << "),";
+ }
+ labelsStream << "]";
+ TString ser = labelsStream.Str();
+ return CalcHash(ser);
+TString ConfigHash(const NFyaml::TNodeRef& config) {
+ TStringStream configStream;
+ configStream << config;
+ TString ser = configStream.Str();
+ return "0_" + CalcHash(ser);
+int TCommandConfigResolve::Run(TConfig& config) {
+ auto driver = std::make_unique<NYdb::TDriver>(CreateDriver(config));
+ auto client = NYdb::NDynamicConfig::TDynamicConfigClient(*driver);
+ if (NodeId) {
+ auto result = client.GetNodeLabels(NodeId).GetValueSync();
+ ThrowOnError(result);
+ // TODO: maybe we should merge labels instead
+ Labels = result.GetLabels();
+ }
+ TString configStr;
+ TMap<ui64, TString> volatileConfigStrs;
+ if (!Filename.empty()) {
+ configStr = TFileInput(Filename).ReadAll();
+ // TODO: support multiple files (e.g. volatile and non-volatile)
+ }
+ if (!Dir.empty()) {
+ auto dir = TFsPath(Dir);
+ configStr = TFileInput(dir / "dynconfig.yaml").ReadAll();
+ TVector<TFsPath> entries;
+ dir.List(entries);
+ for (auto& entry : entries) {
+ if (entry.IsFile() && entry.GetName().StartsWith("volatile_") && entry.GetName().EndsWith(".yaml")) {
+ auto volatileConfigStr = TFileInput(entry).ReadAll();
+ auto metadata = NYamlConfig::GetVolatileMetadata(volatileConfigStr);
+ volatileConfigStrs[metadata.Id.value()] = volatileConfigStr;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: use kind to distinguish between config types
+ // TODO: throw error on version mismatch
+ }
+ if (FromCluster) {
+ auto result = client.GetConfig().GetValueSync();
+ ThrowOnError(result);
+ configStr = result.GetConfig();
+ volatileConfigStrs = result.GetVolatileConfigs();
+ }
+ auto tree = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(configStr);
+ if (!SkipVolatile) {
+ for (auto& [_, cfgStr]: volatileConfigStrs) {
+ auto volatileCfg = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(cfgStr);
+ auto selectors = volatileCfg.Root().Map().at("selector_config");
+ NYamlConfig::AppendVolatileConfigs(tree, selectors);
+ }
+ }
+ TVector<NFyaml::TDocument> configs;
+ if (!RemoteResolve) {
+ if (All) {
+ auto resolved = NYamlConfig::ResolveAll(tree);
+ for (auto& [labelSets, config] : resolved.Configs) {
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse("---\nlabel_sets: []\nconfig: {}\n");
+ auto node = config.second.Copy(doc);
+ doc.Root().Map().at("config").Insert(node.Ref());
+ auto labelSetsSeq = doc.Root().Map().at("label_sets").Sequence();
+ for (auto& labelSet : labelSets) {
+ auto map = doc.Buildf("{}");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < labelSet.size(); ++i) {
+ auto& label = labelSet[i];
+ NFyaml::TNodeRef node;
+ switch (label.Type) {
+ case NYamlConfig::TLabel::EType::Common:
+ node = doc.Buildf("%s: {type: COMMON, value: %s}", resolved.Labels[i].c_str(), label.Value.c_str());
+ break;
+ case NYamlConfig::TLabel::EType::Negative:
+ node = doc.Buildf("%s: {type: NOT_SET}", resolved.Labels[i].c_str());
+ break;
+ case NYamlConfig::TLabel::EType::Empty:
+ node = doc.Buildf("%s: {type: EMPTY}", resolved.Labels[i].c_str());
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_ABORT("unknown label type");
+ }
+ map.Insert(node);
+ }
+ labelSetsSeq.Append(map);
+ }
+ configs.push_back(std::move(doc));
+ }
+ } else {
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse("---\nlabel_sets: []\nconfig: {}\n");
+ auto labelSetsSeq = doc.Root().Map().at("label_sets").Sequence();
+ auto map = doc.Buildf("{}");
+ TSet<NYamlConfig::TNamedLabel> namedLabels;
+ for (auto& [name, value] : Labels) {
+ namedLabels.insert(NYamlConfig::TNamedLabel{name, value});
+ auto node = doc.Buildf("%s: {type: COMMON, value: %s}", name.c_str(), value.c_str());
+ map.Insert(node);
+ }
+ labelSetsSeq.Append(map);
+ auto resolved = NYamlConfig::Resolve(tree, namedLabels);
+ auto node = resolved.second.Copy(doc);
+ doc.Root().Map().at("config").Insert(node.Ref());
+ configs.push_back(std::move(doc));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (All) {
+ auto result = client.VerboseResolveConfig(configStr, volatileConfigStrs).GetValueSync();
+ ThrowOnError(result);
+ TVector<TString> labels(result.GetLabels().begin(), result.GetLabels().end());
+ for (const auto& [labelSets, configStr] : result.GetConfigs()) {
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse("---\nlabel_sets: []\nconfig: {}\n");
+ auto config = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(configStr);
+ auto node = config.Root().Copy(doc);
+ doc.Root().Map().at("config").Insert(node.Ref());
+ auto labelSetsSeq = doc.Root().Map().at("label_sets").Sequence();
+ for (auto& labelSet : labelSets) {
+ auto map = doc.Buildf("{}");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < labelSet.size(); ++i) {
+ auto& label = labelSet[i];
+ NFyaml::TNodeRef node;
+ switch (label.Type) {
+ case NYdb::NDynamicConfig::TVerboseResolveConfigResult::TLabel::EType::Common:
+ node = doc.Buildf("%s: {type: COMMON, value: %s}", labels[i].c_str(), label.Value.c_str());
+ break;
+ case NYdb::NDynamicConfig::TVerboseResolveConfigResult::TLabel::EType::Negative:
+ node = doc.Buildf("%s: {type: NOT_SET}", labels[i].c_str());
+ break;
+ case NYdb::NDynamicConfig::TVerboseResolveConfigResult::TLabel::EType::Empty:
+ node = doc.Buildf("%s: {type: EMPTY}", labels[i].c_str());
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_ABORT("unknown label type");
+ }
+ map.Insert(node);
+ }
+ labelSetsSeq.Append(map);
+ }
+ configs.push_back(std::move(doc));
+ }
+ } else {
+ const auto result = client.ResolveConfig(configStr, volatileConfigStrs, Labels).GetValueSync();
+ ThrowOnError(result);
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse("---\nlabel_sets: []\nconfig: {}\n");
+ auto labelSetsSeq = doc.Root().Map().at("label_sets").Sequence();
+ auto map = doc.Buildf("{}");
+ TSet<NYamlConfig::TNamedLabel> namedLabels;
+ for (auto& [name, value] : Labels) {
+ namedLabels.insert(NYamlConfig::TNamedLabel{name, value});
+ auto node = doc.Buildf("%s: {type: COMMON, value: %s}", name.c_str(), value.c_str());
+ map.Insert(node);
+ }
+ labelSetsSeq.Append(map);
+ auto config = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(result.GetConfig());
+ auto node = config.Root().Copy(doc);
+ doc.Root().Map().at("config").Insert(node.Ref());
+ configs.push_back(std::move(doc));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!OutDir) {
+ for (auto& doc : configs) {
+ Cout << doc;
+ }
+ } else {
+ TFsPath dir(OutDir);
+ dir.MkDirs();
+ for (auto& doc : configs) {
+ auto node = doc.Root().Map().at("config");
+ auto filename = TString("config_") + ConfigHash(node) + ".yaml";
+ auto filepath = dir / filename;
+ TFileOutput out(filepath);
+ out << doc;
+ }
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ : TClientCommandTree("volatile-config", {}, "Volatile dynamic configs")
+ AddCommand(std::make_unique<TCommandConfigVolatileAdd>());
+ AddCommand(std::make_unique<TCommandConfigVolatileDrop>());
+ AddCommand(std::make_unique<TCommandConfigVolatileFetch>());
+ : TYdbCommand("add", {}, "Add volatile dynamic config")
+void TCommandConfigVolatileAdd::Config(TConfig& config) {
+ TYdbCommand::Config(config);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption('f', "filename", "filename to set")
+ .Required().RequiredArgument("[config.yaml]").StoreResult(&Filename);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("ignore-local-validation", "Ignore local config applicability checks")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&IgnoreCheck);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("dry-run", "Check config applicability")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&DryRun);
+ config.SetFreeArgsNum(0);
+void TCommandConfigVolatileAdd::Parse(TConfig& config) {
+ TClientCommand::Parse(config);
+ if (Filename.empty()) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Must non-empty specify -f (--filename)";
+ }
+int TCommandConfigVolatileAdd::Run(TConfig& config) {
+ auto driver = std::make_unique<NYdb::TDriver>(CreateDriver(config));
+ auto client = NYdb::NDynamicConfig::TDynamicConfigClient(*driver);
+ const auto configStr = Filename == "-" ? Cin.ReadAll() : TFileInput(Filename).ReadAll();
+ if (!IgnoreCheck) {
+ auto result = client.GetConfig().GetValueSync();
+ ThrowOnError(result);
+ if (result.GetConfig().empty()) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Config on server is empty";
+ }
+ NYamlConfig::GetVolatileMetadata(configStr);
+ auto tree = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(result.GetConfig());
+ auto volatileCfg = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(configStr);
+ auto selectors = volatileCfg.Root().Map().at("selector_config");
+ NYamlConfig::AppendVolatileConfigs(tree, selectors);
+ auto resolved = NYamlConfig::ResolveAll(tree);
+ Y_UNUSED(resolved); // we can't check it better without ydbd
+ }
+ auto status = client.AddVolatileConfig(configStr).GetValueSync();
+ ThrowOnError(status);
+ Cout << status << Endl;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ : TYdbCommand("drop", {}, "Remove volatile dynamic configs")
+void TCommandConfigVolatileDrop::Config(TConfig& config) {
+ TYdbCommand::Config(config);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("id", "Id of config to remove")
+ .Optional().RequiredArgument("[ui64]")
+ .InsertTo(&Ids);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("all", "Remove all volatile configs")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&All);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption('f', "filename", "Filename of the file containing configuration to remove")
+ .RequiredArgument("[String]").DefaultValue("").StoreResult(&Filename);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("cluster", "Cluster name")
+ .RequiredArgument("[String]").DefaultValue("").StoreResult(&Cluster);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("version", "Config version")
+ .RequiredArgument("[ui64]").StoreResult(&Version);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("force", "Ignore version and cluster check")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&Force);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("directory", "Directory with volatile configs")
+ .Optional().RequiredArgument("[directory]").StoreResult(&Dir);
+void TCommandConfigVolatileDrop::Parse(TConfig& config) {
+ TClientCommand::Parse(config);
+ if ((ui32(!Ids.empty()) + ui32(All) + ui32(!Filename.empty()) + ui32(!Dir.empty())) != 1) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Must specify one of --id, --all, -f (--filename) and --directory";
+ }
+ if ((ui32(!Filename.empty() || !Dir.empty()) + ui32(!Ids.empty() || All)) != 1) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Must specify either --directory or -f (--filename) and --id or --all";
+ }
+ if (!Force && !(!Cluster.empty() || !Version) && Filename.empty() && Dir.empty()) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Must specify either --force or --cluster and --version or --filename";
+ }
+int TCommandConfigVolatileDrop::Run(TConfig& config) {
+ auto driver = std::make_unique<NYdb::TDriver>(CreateDriver(config));
+ auto client = NYdb::NDynamicConfig::TDynamicConfigClient(*driver);
+ if (!Dir.empty()) {
+ auto dir = TFsPath(Dir);
+ TVector<TFsPath> entries;
+ dir.List(entries);
+ for (auto& entry : entries) {
+ if (entry.IsFile() && entry.GetName().StartsWith("volatile_") && entry.GetName().EndsWith(".yaml")) {
+ auto volatileConfigStr = TFileInput(entry).ReadAll();
+ if (NYamlConfig::IsVolatileConfig(volatileConfigStr)) {
+ auto metadata = NYamlConfig::GetVolatileMetadata(volatileConfigStr);
+ Ids.insert(metadata.Id.value());
+ Cluster = metadata.Cluster.value();
+ Version = metadata.Version.value();
+ }
+ // TODO: throw error on multiple Cluster/Versions
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Filename.empty()) {
+ auto volatileConfigStr = TFileInput(Filename).ReadAll();
+ if (NYamlConfig::IsVolatileConfig(volatileConfigStr)) {
+ auto metadata = NYamlConfig::GetVolatileMetadata(volatileConfigStr);
+ Ids.insert(metadata.Id.value());
+ Cluster = metadata.Cluster.value();
+ Version = metadata.Version.value();
+ } else {
+ ythrow yexception() << "File " << Filename << " is not volatile config";
+ }
+ }
+ auto status = [&]() {
+ if (All && Force) {
+ return client.ForceRemoveAllVolatileConfigs().GetValueSync();
+ }
+ if (All) {
+ return client.RemoveAllVolatileConfigs(Cluster, Version).GetValueSync();
+ }
+ if (Force) {
+ return client.ForceRemoveVolatileConfig(TVector<ui64>(Ids.begin(), Ids.end())).GetValueSync();
+ }
+ return client.RemoveVolatileConfig(Cluster, Version, TVector<ui64>(Ids.begin(), Ids.end())).GetValueSync();
+ }();
+ ThrowOnError(status);
+ Cout << status << Endl;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ : TYdbCommand("fetch", {"get", "dump"}, "Fetch volatile config")
+void TCommandConfigVolatileFetch::Config(TConfig& config) {
+ TYdbCommand::Config(config);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("id", "Volatile config id")
+ .Optional().RequiredArgument("[ui64]").InsertTo(&Ids);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("all", "Fetch all volatile configs")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&All);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("output-directory", "Directory to save config(s)")
+ .RequiredArgument("[directory]").StoreResult(&OutDir);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("strip-metadata", "Strip metadata from config(s)")
+ .NoArgument().SetFlag(&StripMetadata);
+ config.SetFreeArgsNum(0);
+ config.Opts->MutuallyExclusive("output-directory", "strip-metadata");
+void TCommandConfigVolatileFetch::Parse(TConfig& config) {
+ TClientCommand::Parse(config);
+int TCommandConfigVolatileFetch::Run(TConfig& config) {
+ auto driver = std::make_unique<NYdb::TDriver>(CreateDriver(config));
+ auto client = NYdb::NDynamicConfig::TDynamicConfigClient(*driver);
+ auto result = client.GetConfig().GetValueSync();
+ ThrowOnError(result);
+ if (OutDir) {
+ TFsPath dir(OutDir);
+ dir.MkDirs();
+ }
+ ui64 version = 0;
+ for (auto [id, cfg] : result.GetVolatileConfigs()) {
+ if (All || Ids.contains(id)) {
+ version = NYamlConfig::GetVolatileMetadata(cfg).Version.value();
+ if (StripMetadata) {
+ cfg = NYamlConfig::StripMetadata(cfg);
+ }
+ if (!OutDir) {
+ Cout << WrapYaml(cfg);
+ } else {
+ auto filename = TString("volatile_") + ToString(version) + "_" + ToString(id) + ".yaml";
+ auto filepath = (TFsPath(OutDir) / filename);
+ TFileOutput out(filepath);
+ out << cfg;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+} // namespace NYdb::NConsoleClient::NDynamicConfig
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_dynamic_config.h b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_dynamic_config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e43f846cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_dynamic_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "ydb_command.h"
+#include "ydb_common.h"
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
+namespace NYdb::NConsoleClient::NDynamicConfig {
+class TCommandConfig : public TClientCommandTree {
+ TCommandConfig();
+class TCommandConfigReplace : public TYdbCommand {
+ TCommandConfigReplace();
+ void Config(TConfig& config) override;
+ void Parse(TConfig& config) override;
+ int Run(TConfig& config) override;
+ bool IgnoreCheck = false;
+ bool Force = false;
+ bool DryRun = false;
+ bool AllowUnknownFields = false;
+ TString DynamicConfig;
+ TString Filename;
+class TCommandConfigFetch : public TYdbCommand {
+ TCommandConfigFetch();
+ void Config(TConfig&) override;
+ void Parse(TConfig&) override;
+ int Run(TConfig& config) override;
+ bool All = false;
+ bool StripMetadata = false;
+ TString OutDir;
+class TCommandConfigResolve : public TYdbCommand {
+ TCommandConfigResolve();
+ void Config(TConfig& config) override;
+ void Parse(TConfig& config) override;
+ int Run(TConfig& config) override;
+ TMap<TString, TString> Labels;
+ bool All = false;
+ TString Filename;
+ TString Dir;
+ TString OutDir;
+ bool FromCluster = false;
+ bool RemoteResolve = false;
+ bool SkipVolatile = false;
+ ui64 NodeId;
+class TCommandVolatileConfig : public TClientCommandTree {
+ TCommandVolatileConfig();
+class TCommandConfigVolatileAdd : public TYdbCommand {
+ TCommandConfigVolatileAdd();
+ void Config(TConfig& config) override;
+ void Parse(TConfig& config) override;
+ int Run(TConfig& config) override;
+ bool IgnoreCheck = false;
+ bool DryRun = false;
+ TString Filename;
+class TCommandConfigVolatileDrop : public TYdbCommand {
+ TCommandConfigVolatileDrop();
+ void Config(TConfig& config) override;
+ void Parse(TConfig& config) override;
+ int Run(TConfig& config) override;
+ ui64 Version;
+ TString Cluster;
+ THashSet<ui64> Ids;
+ TString Dir;
+ TString Filename;
+ bool All = false;
+ bool Force = false;
+class TCommandConfigVolatileFetch : public TYdbCommand {
+ TCommandConfigVolatileFetch();
+ void Config(TConfig&) override;
+ void Parse(TConfig&) override;
+ int Run(TConfig& config) override;
+ THashSet<ui64> Ids;
+ bool All = false;
+ TString OutDir;
+ bool StripMetadata = false;
+} // namespace NYdb::NConsoleClient::NDynamicConfig
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_root_common.cpp b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_root_common.cpp
index f9ae625a35..b2c4098692 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_root_common.cpp
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_root_common.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "ydb_root_common.h"
#include "ydb_profile.h"
+#include "ydb_admin.h"
#include "ydb_service_auth.h"
#include "ydb_service_discovery.h"
#include "ydb_service_export.h"
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ TClientCommandRootCommon::TClientCommandRootCommon(const TString& name, const TC
, Settings(settings)
+ AddCommand(std::make_unique<TCommandAdmin>());