diff options
authorfreulaeux <freulaeux@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:52:27 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:52:27 +0300
commit175cd301442afbed0644b8908e65247547bd9071 (patch)
parent97307a7569f3826a54684399895ab653340d3d5d (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <freulaeux@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
24 files changed, 2030 insertions, 2030 deletions
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/arrow_helpers.cpp b/ydb/core/formats/arrow_helpers.cpp
index 346e6b9fe6..3e1e1b0444 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/arrow_helpers.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/arrow_helpers.cpp
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/io/memory.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/ipc/reader.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/array/array_primitive.h>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/array/builder_primitive.h>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type_traits.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/array/array_primitive.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/array/builder_primitive.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type_traits.h>
#include <library/cpp/containers/stack_vector/stack_vec.h>
-#include <memory>
+#include <memory>
#define Y_VERIFY_OK(status) Y_VERIFY(status.ok(), "%s", status.ToString().c_str())
@@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> ExtractColumns(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::
return arrow::RecordBatch::Make(dstSchema, srcBatch->num_rows(), columns);
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> CombineInTable(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>>& batches) {
auto res = arrow::Table::FromRecordBatches(batches);
if (!res.ok()) {
@@ -1001,41 +1001,41 @@ bool TArrowToYdbConverter::Process(const arrow::RecordBatch& batch, TString& err
return true;
-std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> NumVecToArray(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>& type,
- const std::vector<double>& vec) {
- std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> out;
- SwitchType(type->id(), [&](const auto& type) {
- using TWrap = std::decay_t<decltype(type)>;
- if constexpr (arrow::is_number_type<typename TWrap::T>::value) {
- typename arrow::TypeTraits<typename TWrap::T>::BuilderType builder;
- for (const auto val : vec) {
- Y_VERIFY(builder.Append(static_cast<typename TWrap::T::c_type>(val)).ok());
- }
- Y_VERIFY(builder.Finish(&out).ok());
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- });
- return out;
-std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> BoolVecToArray(const std::vector<bool>& vec) {
- std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> out;
- arrow::BooleanBuilder builder;
- for (const auto val : vec) {
- Y_VERIFY(builder.Append(val).ok());
- }
- Y_VERIFY(builder.Finish(&out).ok());
- return out;
-bool ArrayScalarsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>& lhs, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>& rhs) {
- bool res = lhs->length() == rhs->length();
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < lhs->length() && res; ++i) {
- res &= arrow::ScalarEquals(*lhs->GetScalar(i).ValueOrDie(), *rhs->GetScalar(i).ValueOrDie());
- }
- return res;
+std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> NumVecToArray(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>& type,
+ const std::vector<double>& vec) {
+ std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> out;
+ SwitchType(type->id(), [&](const auto& type) {
+ using TWrap = std::decay_t<decltype(type)>;
+ if constexpr (arrow::is_number_type<typename TWrap::T>::value) {
+ typename arrow::TypeTraits<typename TWrap::T>::BuilderType builder;
+ for (const auto val : vec) {
+ Y_VERIFY(builder.Append(static_cast<typename TWrap::T::c_type>(val)).ok());
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(builder.Finish(&out).ok());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ return out;
+std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> BoolVecToArray(const std::vector<bool>& vec) {
+ std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> out;
+ arrow::BooleanBuilder builder;
+ for (const auto val : vec) {
+ Y_VERIFY(builder.Append(val).ok());
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(builder.Finish(&out).ok());
+ return out;
+bool ArrayScalarsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>& lhs, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>& rhs) {
+ bool res = lhs->length() == rhs->length();
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < lhs->length() && res; ++i) {
+ res &= arrow::ScalarEquals(*lhs->GetScalar(i).ValueOrDie(), *rhs->GetScalar(i).ValueOrDie());
+ }
+ return res;
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/arrow_helpers.h b/ydb/core/formats/arrow_helpers.h
index 534da6a646..cd3ec9f865 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/arrow_helpers.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/arrow_helpers.h
@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ inline bool HasNulls(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>& column) {
return column->null_bitmap_data();
-bool ArrayScalarsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>& lhs, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>& rhs);
-std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> NumVecToArray(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>& type,
- const std::vector<double>& vec);
-std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> BoolVecToArray(const std::vector<bool>& vec);
+bool ArrayScalarsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>& lhs, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>& rhs);
+std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> NumVecToArray(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>& type,
+ const std::vector<double>& vec);
+std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> BoolVecToArray(const std::vector<bool>& vec);
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/bit_cast.h b/ydb/core/formats/bit_cast.h
index b4d66de9b8..486645877d 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/bit_cast.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/bit_cast.h
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <string.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <type_traits>
-/** \brief Returns value `from` converted to type `To` while retaining bit representation.
- * `To` and `From` must satisfy `CopyConstructible`.
- */
-template <typename To, typename From>
-std::decay_t<To> bit_cast(const From & from)
- To res {};
- memcpy(static_cast<void*>(&res), &from, std::min(sizeof(res), sizeof(from)));
- return res;
-/** \brief Returns value `from` converted to type `To` while retaining bit representation.
- * `To` and `From` must satisfy `CopyConstructible`.
- */
-template <typename To, typename From>
-std::decay_t<To> safe_bit_cast(const From & from)
- static_assert(sizeof(To) == sizeof(From), "bit cast on types of different width");
- return bit_cast<To, From>(from);
-} \ No newline at end of file
+#pragma once
+#include <string.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <type_traits>
+/** \brief Returns value `from` converted to type `To` while retaining bit representation.
+ * `To` and `From` must satisfy `CopyConstructible`.
+ */
+template <typename To, typename From>
+std::decay_t<To> bit_cast(const From & from)
+ To res {};
+ memcpy(static_cast<void*>(&res), &from, std::min(sizeof(res), sizeof(from)));
+ return res;
+/** \brief Returns value `from` converted to type `To` while retaining bit representation.
+ * `To` and `From` must satisfy `CopyConstructible`.
+ */
+template <typename To, typename From>
+std::decay_t<To> safe_bit_cast(const From & from)
+ static_assert(sizeof(To) == sizeof(From), "bit cast on types of different width");
+ return bit_cast<To, From>(from);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/clickhouse_type_traits.h b/ydb/core/formats/clickhouse_type_traits.h
index 3b4a079114..b694d2b91f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/clickhouse_type_traits.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/clickhouse_type_traits.h
@@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <type_traits>
+#pragma once
+#include <type_traits>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type.h>
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-constexpr size_t NextSize(size_t size) {
- if (size < 8) {
- return size * 2;
- }
- return size;
-struct TError {};
-template <bool is_signed, bool is_floating, size_t size>
-struct TConstruct {
- using Type = TError;
-template <> struct TConstruct<false, false, 1> { using Type = arrow::UInt8Type; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<false, false, 2> { using Type = arrow::UInt16Type; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<false, false, 4> { using Type = arrow::UInt32Type; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<false, false, 8> { using Type = arrow::UInt64Type; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<false, true, 1> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<false, true, 2> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<false, true, 4> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<false, true, 8> { using Type = arrow::DoubleType; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<true, false, 1> { using Type = arrow::Int8Type; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<true, false, 2> { using Type = arrow::Int16Type; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<true, false, 4> { using Type = arrow::Int32Type; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<true, false, 8> { using Type = arrow::Int64Type; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<true, true, 1> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<true, true, 2> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<true, true, 4> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
-template <> struct TConstruct<true, true, 8> { using Type = arrow::DoubleType; };
-template <typename A, typename B>
-struct TResultOfAdditionMultiplication {
- using Type = typename TConstruct<
- std::is_signed_v<A> || std::is_signed_v<B>,
- std::is_floating_point_v<A> || std::is_floating_point_v<B>,
- NextSize(std::max(sizeof(A), sizeof(B)))>::Type;
-template <typename A, typename B>
-struct TResultOfSubtraction {
- using Type = typename TConstruct<
- true,
- std::is_floating_point_v<A> || std::is_floating_point_v<B>,
- NextSize(std::max(sizeof(A), sizeof(B)))>::Type;
-template <typename A, typename B>
-struct TResultOfFloatingPointDivision {
- using Type = arrow::DoubleType;
-template <typename A, typename B>
-struct TResultOfIntegerDivision {
- using Type = typename TConstruct<
- std::is_signed_v<A> || std::is_signed_v<B>,
- false,
- sizeof(A)>::Type;
-template <typename A, typename B>
-struct TResultOfModulo {
- static constexpr bool result_is_signed = std::is_signed_v<A>;
- /// If modulo of division can yield negative number, we need larger type to accommodate it.
- /// Example: toInt32(-199) % toUInt8(200) will return -199 that does not fit in Int8, only in Int16.
- static constexpr size_t size_of_result = result_is_signed ? NextSize(sizeof(B)) : sizeof(B);
- using Type0 = typename TConstruct<result_is_signed, false, size_of_result>::Type;
- using Type = std::conditional_t<std::is_floating_point_v<A> || std::is_floating_point_v<B>, arrow::DoubleType, Type0>;
-template <typename A>
-struct TResultOfNegate {
- using Type = typename TConstruct<
- true,
- std::is_floating_point_v<A>,
- std::is_signed_v<A> ? sizeof(A) : NextSize(sizeof(A))>::Type;
-template <typename A>
-struct TResultOfAbs {
- using Type = typename TConstruct<
- false,
- std::is_floating_point_v<A>,
- sizeof(A)>::Type;
-template <typename A> struct TToInteger {
- using Type = typename TConstruct<
- std::is_signed_v<A>,
- false,
- std::is_floating_point_v<A> ? 8 : sizeof(A)>::Type;
+constexpr size_t NextSize(size_t size) {
+ if (size < 8) {
+ return size * 2;
+ }
+ return size;
+struct TError {};
+template <bool is_signed, bool is_floating, size_t size>
+struct TConstruct {
+ using Type = TError;
+template <> struct TConstruct<false, false, 1> { using Type = arrow::UInt8Type; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<false, false, 2> { using Type = arrow::UInt16Type; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<false, false, 4> { using Type = arrow::UInt32Type; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<false, false, 8> { using Type = arrow::UInt64Type; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<false, true, 1> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<false, true, 2> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<false, true, 4> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<false, true, 8> { using Type = arrow::DoubleType; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<true, false, 1> { using Type = arrow::Int8Type; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<true, false, 2> { using Type = arrow::Int16Type; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<true, false, 4> { using Type = arrow::Int32Type; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<true, false, 8> { using Type = arrow::Int64Type; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<true, true, 1> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<true, true, 2> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<true, true, 4> { using Type = arrow::FloatType; };
+template <> struct TConstruct<true, true, 8> { using Type = arrow::DoubleType; };
+template <typename A, typename B>
+struct TResultOfAdditionMultiplication {
+ using Type = typename TConstruct<
+ std::is_signed_v<A> || std::is_signed_v<B>,
+ std::is_floating_point_v<A> || std::is_floating_point_v<B>,
+ NextSize(std::max(sizeof(A), sizeof(B)))>::Type;
+template <typename A, typename B>
+struct TResultOfSubtraction {
+ using Type = typename TConstruct<
+ true,
+ std::is_floating_point_v<A> || std::is_floating_point_v<B>,
+ NextSize(std::max(sizeof(A), sizeof(B)))>::Type;
+template <typename A, typename B>
+struct TResultOfFloatingPointDivision {
+ using Type = arrow::DoubleType;
+template <typename A, typename B>
+struct TResultOfIntegerDivision {
+ using Type = typename TConstruct<
+ std::is_signed_v<A> || std::is_signed_v<B>,
+ false,
+ sizeof(A)>::Type;
+template <typename A, typename B>
+struct TResultOfModulo {
+ static constexpr bool result_is_signed = std::is_signed_v<A>;
+ /// If modulo of division can yield negative number, we need larger type to accommodate it.
+ /// Example: toInt32(-199) % toUInt8(200) will return -199 that does not fit in Int8, only in Int16.
+ static constexpr size_t size_of_result = result_is_signed ? NextSize(sizeof(B)) : sizeof(B);
+ using Type0 = typename TConstruct<result_is_signed, false, size_of_result>::Type;
+ using Type = std::conditional_t<std::is_floating_point_v<A> || std::is_floating_point_v<B>, arrow::DoubleType, Type0>;
+template <typename A>
+struct TResultOfNegate {
+ using Type = typename TConstruct<
+ true,
+ std::is_floating_point_v<A>,
+ std::is_signed_v<A> ? sizeof(A) : NextSize(sizeof(A))>::Type;
+template <typename A>
+struct TResultOfAbs {
+ using Type = typename TConstruct<
+ false,
+ std::is_floating_point_v<A>,
+ sizeof(A)>::Type;
+template <typename A> struct TToInteger {
+ using Type = typename TConstruct<
+ std::is_signed_v<A>,
+ false,
+ std::is_floating_point_v<A> ? 8 : sizeof(A)>::Type;
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/custom_registry.cpp b/ydb/core/formats/custom_registry.cpp
index ea9433e52d..404d01d6a9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/custom_registry.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/custom_registry.cpp
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-#include "functions.h"
-#include "func_common.h"
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "func_common.h"
#include <util/system/yassert.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/cast.cc>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
-namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
+namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-static void RegisterMath(cp::FunctionRegistry* registry) {
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TAcosh>(TAcosh::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TAtanh>(TAtanh::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TCbrt>(TCbrt::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TCosh>(TCosh::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeConstNullary<TE>(TE::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TErf>(TErf::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TErfc>(TErfc::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TExp>(TExp::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TExp2>(TExp2::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TExp10>(TExp10::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathBinary<THypot>(THypot::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TLgamma>(TLgamma::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeConstNullary<TPi>(TPi::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TSinh>(TSinh::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TSqrt>(TSqrt::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TTgamma>(TTgamma::Name)).ok());
-static void RegisterRound(cp::FunctionRegistry* registry) {
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticUnary<TRound>(TRound::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticUnary<TRoundBankers>(TRoundBankers::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticUnary<TRoundToExp2>(TRoundToExp2::Name)).ok());
-static void RegisterArithmetic(cp::FunctionRegistry* registry) {
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticIntBinary<TGreatestCommonDivisor>(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticIntBinary<TLeastCommonMultiple>(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticBinary<TModulo>(TModulo::Name)).ok());
- Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticBinary<TModuloOrZero>(TModuloOrZero::Name)).ok());
-static std::unique_ptr<cp::FunctionRegistry> CreateCustomRegistry() {
- auto registry = cp::FunctionRegistry::Make();
- RegisterMath(registry.get());
- RegisterRound(registry.get());
- RegisterArithmetic(registry.get());
- cp::internal::RegisterScalarCast(registry.get());
- return registry;
-cp::FunctionRegistry* GetCustomFunctionRegistry() {
- static auto g_registry = CreateCustomRegistry();
- return g_registry.get();
-cp::ExecContext* GetCustomExecContext() {
- static auto context = std::make_unique<cp::ExecContext>(arrow::default_memory_pool(), NULLPTR, GetCustomFunctionRegistry());
- return context.get();
+static void RegisterMath(cp::FunctionRegistry* registry) {
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TAcosh>(TAcosh::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TAtanh>(TAtanh::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TCbrt>(TCbrt::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TCosh>(TCosh::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeConstNullary<TE>(TE::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TErf>(TErf::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TErfc>(TErfc::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TExp>(TExp::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TExp2>(TExp2::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TExp10>(TExp10::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathBinary<THypot>(THypot::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TLgamma>(TLgamma::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeConstNullary<TPi>(TPi::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TSinh>(TSinh::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TSqrt>(TSqrt::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeMathUnary<TTgamma>(TTgamma::Name)).ok());
+static void RegisterRound(cp::FunctionRegistry* registry) {
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticUnary<TRound>(TRound::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticUnary<TRoundBankers>(TRoundBankers::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticUnary<TRoundToExp2>(TRoundToExp2::Name)).ok());
+static void RegisterArithmetic(cp::FunctionRegistry* registry) {
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticIntBinary<TGreatestCommonDivisor>(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticIntBinary<TLeastCommonMultiple>(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticBinary<TModulo>(TModulo::Name)).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(registry->AddFunction(MakeArithmeticBinary<TModuloOrZero>(TModuloOrZero::Name)).ok());
+static std::unique_ptr<cp::FunctionRegistry> CreateCustomRegistry() {
+ auto registry = cp::FunctionRegistry::Make();
+ RegisterMath(registry.get());
+ RegisterRound(registry.get());
+ RegisterArithmetic(registry.get());
+ cp::internal::RegisterScalarCast(registry.get());
+ return registry;
+cp::FunctionRegistry* GetCustomFunctionRegistry() {
+ static auto g_registry = CreateCustomRegistry();
+ return g_registry.get();
+cp::ExecContext* GetCustomExecContext() {
+ static auto context = std::make_unique<cp::ExecContext>(arrow::default_memory_pool(), NULLPTR, GetCustomFunctionRegistry());
+ return context.get();
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/custom_registry.h b/ydb/core/formats/custom_registry.h
index ff25ae2a3c..8442e44eee 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/custom_registry.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/custom_registry.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
-namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
+namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
- cp::FunctionRegistry* GetCustomFunctionRegistry();
- cp::ExecContext* GetCustomExecContext();
+ cp::FunctionRegistry* GetCustomFunctionRegistry();
+ cp::ExecContext* GetCustomExecContext();
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/execs.h b/ydb/core/formats/execs.h
index 3600e9ea2c..bf98b70927 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/execs.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/execs.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/scalar.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/status.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type.h>
@@ -10,174 +10,174 @@
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/cast.h>
#include <util/datetime/base.h>
#include <util/system/yassert.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <memory>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <vector>
-#include "switch_type.h"
-namespace cp = arrow::compute;
-using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarBinary;
-using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarUnary;
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include "switch_type.h"
+namespace cp = arrow::compute;
+using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarBinary;
+using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarUnary;
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
-cp::ArrayKernelExec ArithmeticBinaryExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
- switch (getId.id) {
- case arrow::Type::INT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::FLOAT:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::FloatType, arrow::FloatType, arrow::FloatType, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::DOUBLE:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, Op>::Exec;
- default:
- Y_VERIFY(false);
- return cp::internal::ExecFail;
- }
-template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
-cp::ArrayKernelExec ArithmeticBinaryIntExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
- switch (getId.id) {
- case arrow::Type::INT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
- default:
- Y_VERIFY(false);
- return cp::internal::ExecFail;
- }
-template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
-cp::ArrayKernelExec ArithmeticUnaryExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
- switch (getId.id) {
- case arrow::Type::INT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::FLOAT:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::FloatType, arrow::FloatType, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::DOUBLE:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, Op>::Exec;
- default:
- Y_VERIFY(false);
- return cp::internal::ExecFail;
- }
-template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
-cp::ArrayKernelExec MathUnaryExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
- switch (getId.id) {
- case arrow::Type::INT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::FLOAT:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::FloatType, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::DOUBLE:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, Op>::Exec;
- default:
- Y_VERIFY(false);
- return cp::internal::ExecFail;
- }
-template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
-cp::ArrayKernelExec MathBinaryExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
- switch (getId.id) {
- case arrow::Type::INT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT8:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT16:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT32:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::INT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::UINT64:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::FLOAT:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::FloatType, arrow::FloatType, Op>::Exec;
- case arrow::Type::DOUBLE:
- return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, Op>::Exec;
- default:
- Y_VERIFY(false);
- return cp::internal::ExecFail;
- }
-template <typename TOperator, typename TRes>
-static arrow::Status SimpleNullaryExec(cp::KernelContext* ctx, const cp::ExecBatch&, arrow::Datum* out) {
- *out = arrow::MakeScalar(TOperator:: template Call<typename cp::internal::GetViewType<TRes>::T>(ctx));
- return arrow::Status::OK();
+template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
+cp::ArrayKernelExec ArithmeticBinaryExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
+ switch (getId.id) {
+ case arrow::Type::INT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::FLOAT:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::FloatType, arrow::FloatType, arrow::FloatType, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::DOUBLE:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, Op>::Exec;
+ default:
+ Y_VERIFY(false);
+ return cp::internal::ExecFail;
+ }
+template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
+cp::ArrayKernelExec ArithmeticBinaryIntExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
+ switch (getId.id) {
+ case arrow::Type::INT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ default:
+ Y_VERIFY(false);
+ return cp::internal::ExecFail;
+ }
+template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
+cp::ArrayKernelExec ArithmeticUnaryExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
+ switch (getId.id) {
+ case arrow::Type::INT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::FLOAT:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::FloatType, arrow::FloatType, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::DOUBLE:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, Op>::Exec;
+ default:
+ Y_VERIFY(false);
+ return cp::internal::ExecFail;
+ }
+template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
+cp::ArrayKernelExec MathUnaryExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
+ switch (getId.id) {
+ case arrow::Type::INT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::FLOAT:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::FloatType, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::DOUBLE:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, Op>::Exec;
+ default:
+ Y_VERIFY(false);
+ return cp::internal::ExecFail;
+ }
+template <template <typename... Args> class KernelGenerator, typename Op>
+cp::ArrayKernelExec MathBinaryExec(cp::internal::detail::GetTypeId getId) {
+ switch (getId.id) {
+ case arrow::Type::INT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int8Type, arrow::Int8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT8:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt8Type, arrow::UInt8Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int16Type, arrow::Int16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT16:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt16Type, arrow::UInt16Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int32Type, arrow::Int32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT32:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt32Type, arrow::UInt32Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::INT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::Int64Type, arrow::Int64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::UINT64:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::UInt64Type, arrow::UInt64Type, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::FLOAT:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::FloatType, arrow::FloatType, Op>::Exec;
+ case arrow::Type::DOUBLE:
+ return KernelGenerator<arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, arrow::DoubleType, Op>::Exec;
+ default:
+ Y_VERIFY(false);
+ return cp::internal::ExecFail;
+ }
+template <typename TOperator, typename TRes>
+static arrow::Status SimpleNullaryExec(cp::KernelContext* ctx, const cp::ExecBatch&, arrow::Datum* out) {
+ *out = arrow::MakeScalar(TOperator:: template Call<typename cp::internal::GetViewType<TRes>::T>(ctx));
+ return arrow::Status::OK();
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/func_common.h b/ydb/core/formats/func_common.h
index b661f88756..c697fcf03e 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/func_common.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/func_common.h
@@ -1,177 +1,177 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/scalar.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/status.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type_fwd.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type_traits.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/function.h>
#include <util/system/yassert.h>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include "switch_type.h"
-#include "execs.h"
-namespace cp = arrow::compute;
-using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarBinary;
-using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarUnary;
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "switch_type.h"
+#include "execs.h"
+namespace cp = arrow::compute;
+using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarBinary;
+using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarUnary;
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-template <typename T>
-using IsUnsignedInteger =
- std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_integral<T>::value &&
- std::is_unsigned<T>::value>;
-template <typename T>
-using IsSignedInteger =
- std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_integral<T>::value &&
- std::is_signed<T>::value>;
-template<typename T>
-using IsNumeric = std::integral_constant<bool, IsSignedInteger<T>::value ||
- IsUnsignedInteger<T>::value ||
- std::is_floating_point<T>::value>;
-template<typename TArr>
-using IsArrayNumeric = std::integral_constant<bool, arrow::is_number_type<typename TArr::TypeClass>::value>;
-template <typename T, typename R = T>
-using EnableIfSigned =
- std::enable_if_t<IsSignedInteger<T>::value, R>;
-template <typename T, typename R = T>
-using EnableIfUnsigned =
- std::enable_if_t<IsUnsignedInteger<T>::value, R>;
-template <typename T, typename R = T>
-using EnableIfInteger = std::enable_if_t<IsSignedInteger<T>::value ||
- IsUnsignedInteger<T>::value, R>;
-template <typename T, typename R = T>
-using EnableIfFloatingPoint =
- std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, R>;
-template <typename T, typename R = T>
-using EnableIfFloat64 =
- std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, arrow::TypeTraits<arrow::DoubleType>::CType>::value, R>;
-template <typename T, typename R = T>
-using EnableIfFloat32 =
- std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, arrow::TypeTraits<arrow::FloatType>::CType>::value, R>;
-template <typename T, typename R = T>
-using EnableIfNumeric =
- std::enable_if_t<IsNumeric<T>::value, R>;
-template <typename TType>
-using TArray = typename arrow::TypeTraits<TType>::ArrayType;
-template <typename TType>
-using TBuilder = typename arrow::TypeTraits<TType>::BuilderType;
-template <typename TSignedInt>
-TSignedInt SafeSignedNegate(TSignedInt u) {
- using TUnsignedInt = typename std::make_unsigned<TSignedInt>::type;
- return static_cast<TSignedInt>(~static_cast<TUnsignedInt>(u) + 1);
-struct TArithmeticFunction : cp::ScalarFunction {
- using ScalarFunction::ScalarFunction;
- arrow::Result<const arrow::compute::Kernel*> DispatchBest(std::vector<arrow::ValueDescr>* values) const override {
- RETURN_NOT_OK(CheckArity(*values));
- using arrow::compute::detail::DispatchExactImpl;
- if (auto* kernel = DispatchExactImpl(this, *values)) {
- return kernel;
- }
- arrow::compute::internal::EnsureDictionaryDecoded(values);
- // Only promote types for binary functions
- if (values->size() == 2) {
- arrow::compute::internal::ReplaceNullWithOtherType(values);
- if (auto type = arrow::compute::internal::CommonNumeric(*values)) {
- arrow::compute::internal::ReplaceTypes(type, values);
- }
- #if 0 // TODO: dates + ints
- else if (auto type = arrow::compute::internal::CommonTimestamp(*values)) {
- arrow::compute::internal::ReplaceTypes(type, values);
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (auto* kernel = DispatchExactImpl(this, *values)) {
- return kernel;
- }
- return arrow::compute::detail::NoMatchingKernel(this, *values);
- }
-template <typename Op>
-std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeConstNullary(const std::string& name) {
- auto func = std::make_shared<arrow::compute::ScalarFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Nullary(), nullptr);
- cp::ArrayKernelExec exec = SimpleNullaryExec<Op, arrow::DoubleType>;
- Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({}, arrow::float64(), exec).ok());
- return func;
-template <typename Op>
-std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeArithmeticBinary(const std::string& name) {
- auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Binary(), nullptr);
- for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
- auto exec = ArithmeticBinaryExec<ScalarBinary, Op>(ty);
- Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty, ty}, ty, exec).ok());
- }
- return func;
-template <typename Op>
-std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeArithmeticIntBinary(const std::string& name) {
- auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Binary(), nullptr);
- for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto exec = ArithmeticBinaryIntExec<ScalarBinary, Op>(ty);
- Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty, ty}, ty, exec).ok());
- }
- return func;
-template <typename Op>
-std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeArithmeticUnary(const std::string& name) {
- auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Unary(), nullptr);
- for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
- auto exec = ArithmeticUnaryExec<ScalarUnary, Op>(ty);
- Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty}, ty, exec).ok());
- }
- return func;
-template <typename Op>
-std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeMathUnary(const std::string& name) {
- auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Unary(), nullptr);
- for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
- auto exec = MathUnaryExec<ScalarUnary, Op>(ty);
- Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty}, arrow::float64(), exec).ok());
- }
- return func;
-template <typename Op>
-std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeMathBinary(const std::string& name) {
- auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Binary(), nullptr);
- for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
- auto exec = MathBinaryExec<ScalarBinary, Op>(ty);
- Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty, ty}, arrow::float64(), exec).ok());
- }
- return func;
+template <typename T>
+using IsUnsignedInteger =
+ std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_unsigned<T>::value>;
+template <typename T>
+using IsSignedInteger =
+ std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_signed<T>::value>;
+template<typename T>
+using IsNumeric = std::integral_constant<bool, IsSignedInteger<T>::value ||
+ IsUnsignedInteger<T>::value ||
+ std::is_floating_point<T>::value>;
+template<typename TArr>
+using IsArrayNumeric = std::integral_constant<bool, arrow::is_number_type<typename TArr::TypeClass>::value>;
+template <typename T, typename R = T>
+using EnableIfSigned =
+ std::enable_if_t<IsSignedInteger<T>::value, R>;
+template <typename T, typename R = T>
+using EnableIfUnsigned =
+ std::enable_if_t<IsUnsignedInteger<T>::value, R>;
+template <typename T, typename R = T>
+using EnableIfInteger = std::enable_if_t<IsSignedInteger<T>::value ||
+ IsUnsignedInteger<T>::value, R>;
+template <typename T, typename R = T>
+using EnableIfFloatingPoint =
+ std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, R>;
+template <typename T, typename R = T>
+using EnableIfFloat64 =
+ std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, arrow::TypeTraits<arrow::DoubleType>::CType>::value, R>;
+template <typename T, typename R = T>
+using EnableIfFloat32 =
+ std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, arrow::TypeTraits<arrow::FloatType>::CType>::value, R>;
+template <typename T, typename R = T>
+using EnableIfNumeric =
+ std::enable_if_t<IsNumeric<T>::value, R>;
+template <typename TType>
+using TArray = typename arrow::TypeTraits<TType>::ArrayType;
+template <typename TType>
+using TBuilder = typename arrow::TypeTraits<TType>::BuilderType;
+template <typename TSignedInt>
+TSignedInt SafeSignedNegate(TSignedInt u) {
+ using TUnsignedInt = typename std::make_unsigned<TSignedInt>::type;
+ return static_cast<TSignedInt>(~static_cast<TUnsignedInt>(u) + 1);
+struct TArithmeticFunction : cp::ScalarFunction {
+ using ScalarFunction::ScalarFunction;
+ arrow::Result<const arrow::compute::Kernel*> DispatchBest(std::vector<arrow::ValueDescr>* values) const override {
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(CheckArity(*values));
+ using arrow::compute::detail::DispatchExactImpl;
+ if (auto* kernel = DispatchExactImpl(this, *values)) {
+ return kernel;
+ }
+ arrow::compute::internal::EnsureDictionaryDecoded(values);
+ // Only promote types for binary functions
+ if (values->size() == 2) {
+ arrow::compute::internal::ReplaceNullWithOtherType(values);
+ if (auto type = arrow::compute::internal::CommonNumeric(*values)) {
+ arrow::compute::internal::ReplaceTypes(type, values);
+ }
+ #if 0 // TODO: dates + ints
+ else if (auto type = arrow::compute::internal::CommonTimestamp(*values)) {
+ arrow::compute::internal::ReplaceTypes(type, values);
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ if (auto* kernel = DispatchExactImpl(this, *values)) {
+ return kernel;
+ }
+ return arrow::compute::detail::NoMatchingKernel(this, *values);
+ }
+template <typename Op>
+std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeConstNullary(const std::string& name) {
+ auto func = std::make_shared<arrow::compute::ScalarFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Nullary(), nullptr);
+ cp::ArrayKernelExec exec = SimpleNullaryExec<Op, arrow::DoubleType>;
+ Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({}, arrow::float64(), exec).ok());
+ return func;
+template <typename Op>
+std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeArithmeticBinary(const std::string& name) {
+ auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Binary(), nullptr);
+ for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
+ auto exec = ArithmeticBinaryExec<ScalarBinary, Op>(ty);
+ Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty, ty}, ty, exec).ok());
+ }
+ return func;
+template <typename Op>
+std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeArithmeticIntBinary(const std::string& name) {
+ auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Binary(), nullptr);
+ for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto exec = ArithmeticBinaryIntExec<ScalarBinary, Op>(ty);
+ Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty, ty}, ty, exec).ok());
+ }
+ return func;
+template <typename Op>
+std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeArithmeticUnary(const std::string& name) {
+ auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Unary(), nullptr);
+ for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
+ auto exec = ArithmeticUnaryExec<ScalarUnary, Op>(ty);
+ Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty}, ty, exec).ok());
+ }
+ return func;
+template <typename Op>
+std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeMathUnary(const std::string& name) {
+ auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Unary(), nullptr);
+ for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
+ auto exec = MathUnaryExec<ScalarUnary, Op>(ty);
+ Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty}, arrow::float64(), exec).ok());
+ }
+ return func;
+template <typename Op>
+std::shared_ptr<cp::ScalarFunction> MakeMathBinary(const std::string& name) {
+ auto func = std::make_shared<TArithmeticFunction>(name, cp::Arity::Binary(), nullptr);
+ for (const auto& ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
+ auto exec = MathBinaryExec<ScalarBinary, Op>(ty);
+ Y_VERIFY(func->AddKernel({ty, ty}, arrow::float64(), exec).ok());
+ }
+ return func;
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/func_gcd.h b/ydb/core/formats/func_gcd.h
index d69ec595fd..9d4b72e4b0 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/func_gcd.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/func_gcd.h
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/array/array_base.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/array/builder_base.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernel.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/datum.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type_traits.h>
-#include "func_common.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <type_traits>
+#include "func_common.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <type_traits>
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-template<typename T>
-__attribute__((always_inline)) void FastIntSwap(T& lhs, T& rhs) {
- lhs ^= rhs;
- rhs ^= lhs;
- lhs ^= rhs;
- }
-struct TGreatestCommonDivisor {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "gcd";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr TRes Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status*) {
- static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TRes>, "");
- static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TArg0>, "");
- static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TArg1>, "");
- while (rhs != 0) {
- lhs %= rhs;
- FastIntSwap(lhs, rhs);
- }
- return lhs;
- }
+template<typename T>
+__attribute__((always_inline)) void FastIntSwap(T& lhs, T& rhs) {
+ lhs ^= rhs;
+ rhs ^= lhs;
+ lhs ^= rhs;
+ }
+struct TGreatestCommonDivisor {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "gcd";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr TRes Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status*) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TRes>, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TArg0>, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TArg1>, "");
+ while (rhs != 0) {
+ lhs %= rhs;
+ FastIntSwap(lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ return lhs;
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/func_lcm.h b/ydb/core/formats/func_lcm.h
index 410389187f..1e31b0e516 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/func_lcm.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/func_lcm.h
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "func_common.h"
-#include "func_mul.h"
-#include "func_gcd.h"
-#include "clickhouse_type_traits.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "func_common.h"
+#include "func_mul.h"
+#include "func_gcd.h"
+#include "clickhouse_type_traits.h"
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-struct TLeastCommonMultiple {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "lcm";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr TRes Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status* st) {
- static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TRes>, "");
- static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TArg0>, "");
- static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TArg1>, "");
- auto gcd = TGreatestCommonDivisor::Call<TRes, TArg0, TArg1>(ctx, lhs, rhs, st);
- if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(gcd == 0)) {
- *st = arrow::Status::Invalid("divide by zero");
- return 0;
- }
- return TMultiply::Call<TRes, TArg0, TArg1>(ctx, lhs, rhs, st) / gcd;
- }
+struct TLeastCommonMultiple {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "lcm";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr TRes Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status* st) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TRes>, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TArg0>, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_integral_v<TArg1>, "");
+ auto gcd = TGreatestCommonDivisor::Call<TRes, TArg0, TArg1>(ctx, lhs, rhs, st);
+ if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(gcd == 0)) {
+ *st = arrow::Status::Invalid("divide by zero");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return TMultiply::Call<TRes, TArg0, TArg1>(ctx, lhs, rhs, st) / gcd;
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/func_math.h b/ydb/core/formats/func_math.h
index 24d919e817..74cf8694ff 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/func_math.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/func_math.h
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "func_common.h"
-#include <cmath>
+#pragma once
+#include "func_common.h"
+#include <cmath>
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-struct TAcosh {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "acosh";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::acosh(arg);
- }
-struct TAtanh {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "atanh";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::atanh(arg);
- }
-struct TCbrt {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "cbrt";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::cbrt(arg);
- }
-struct TCosh {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "cosh";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::cosh(arg);
- }
-struct TE {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "e";
- static constexpr double value = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470;
- template <typename TRes>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*) {
- return value;
- }
-struct TErf {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "erf";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::erf(arg);
- }
-struct TErfc {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "erfc";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::erfc(arg);
- }
-struct TExp {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "exp";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::exp(arg);
- }
-struct TExp2 {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "exp2";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::exp2(arg);
- }
-struct TExp10 {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "exp10";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return exp10(arg);
- }
-struct THypot {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "hypot";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::hypot(lhs, rhs);
- }
-struct TLgamma {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "lgamma";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::lgamma(arg);
- }
-struct TPi {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "pi";
- static constexpr double value = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693;
- template <typename TRes>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*) {
- return value;
- }
-struct TSinh {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "sinh";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::sinh(arg);
- }
-struct TSqrt {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "sqrt";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::sqrt(arg);
- }
-struct TTgamma {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "tgamma";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::tgamma(arg);
- }
+struct TAcosh {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "acosh";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::acosh(arg);
+ }
+struct TAtanh {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "atanh";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::atanh(arg);
+ }
+struct TCbrt {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "cbrt";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::cbrt(arg);
+ }
+struct TCosh {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "cosh";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::cosh(arg);
+ }
+struct TE {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "e";
+ static constexpr double value = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470;
+ template <typename TRes>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*) {
+ return value;
+ }
+struct TErf {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "erf";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::erf(arg);
+ }
+struct TErfc {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "erfc";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::erfc(arg);
+ }
+struct TExp {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "exp";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::exp(arg);
+ }
+struct TExp2 {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "exp2";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::exp2(arg);
+ }
+struct TExp10 {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "exp10";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return exp10(arg);
+ }
+struct THypot {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "hypot";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::hypot(lhs, rhs);
+ }
+struct TLgamma {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "lgamma";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::lgamma(arg);
+ }
+struct TPi {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "pi";
+ static constexpr double value = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693;
+ template <typename TRes>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*) {
+ return value;
+ }
+struct TSinh {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "sinh";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::sinh(arg);
+ }
+struct TSqrt {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "sqrt";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::sqrt(arg);
+ }
+struct TTgamma {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "tgamma";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::tgamma(arg);
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/func_modulo.h b/ydb/core/formats/func_modulo.h
index cf810f9d79..85bcc7b9a1 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/func_modulo.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/func_modulo.h
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "func_common.h"
-#include "clickhouse_type_traits.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "func_common.h"
+#include "clickhouse_type_traits.h"
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-struct TModulo {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "mod";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr EnableIfInteger<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status* st) {
- static_assert(std::is_same<TRes, TArg0>::value && std::is_same<TRes, TArg1>::value, "");
- if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(rhs == 0)) {
- *st = arrow::Status::Invalid("divide by zero");
- return 0;
- }
- return static_cast<TRes>(lhs) % static_cast<TRes>(rhs);
- }
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloatingPoint<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status* st) {
- static_assert(std::is_same<TRes, TArg0>::value && std::is_same<TRes, TArg1>::value, "");
- if (static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg1>::Type::c_type>(rhs) == 0) {
- *st = arrow::Status::Invalid("divide by zero");
- return 0;
- }
- return static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg0>::Type::c_type>(lhs) % static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg1>::Type::c_type>(rhs);
- }
+struct TModulo {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "mod";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr EnableIfInteger<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status* st) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<TRes, TArg0>::value && std::is_same<TRes, TArg1>::value, "");
+ if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(rhs == 0)) {
+ *st = arrow::Status::Invalid("divide by zero");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return static_cast<TRes>(lhs) % static_cast<TRes>(rhs);
+ }
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloatingPoint<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status* st) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<TRes, TArg0>::value && std::is_same<TRes, TArg1>::value, "");
+ if (static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg1>::Type::c_type>(rhs) == 0) {
+ *st = arrow::Status::Invalid("divide by zero");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg0>::Type::c_type>(lhs) % static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg1>::Type::c_type>(rhs);
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/func_modulo_or_zero.h b/ydb/core/formats/func_modulo_or_zero.h
index be05e263f7..a2a4a494a3 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/func_modulo_or_zero.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/func_modulo_or_zero.h
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "func_common.h"
-#include "clickhouse_type_traits.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "func_common.h"
+#include "clickhouse_type_traits.h"
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-struct TModuloOrZero {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "modOrZero";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr EnableIfInteger<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status*) {
- static_assert(std::is_same<TRes, TArg0>::value && std::is_same<TRes, TArg1>::value, "");
- if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(rhs == 0)) {
- return 0;
- }
- return static_cast<TRes>(lhs) % static_cast<TRes>(rhs);
- }
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloatingPoint<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status*) {
- static_assert(std::is_same<TRes, TArg0>::value && std::is_same<TRes, TArg1>::value, "");
- if (static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg1>::Type::c_type>(rhs) == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg0>::Type::c_type>(lhs) % static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg1>::Type::c_type>(rhs);
- }
+struct TModuloOrZero {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "modOrZero";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr EnableIfInteger<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status*) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<TRes, TArg0>::value && std::is_same<TRes, TArg1>::value, "");
+ if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(rhs == 0)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return static_cast<TRes>(lhs) % static_cast<TRes>(rhs);
+ }
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloatingPoint<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg0 lhs, TArg1 rhs, arrow::Status*) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<TRes, TArg0>::value && std::is_same<TRes, TArg1>::value, "");
+ if (static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg1>::Type::c_type>(rhs) == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg0>::Type::c_type>(lhs) % static_cast<typename TToInteger<TArg1>::Type::c_type>(rhs);
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/func_mul.h b/ydb/core/formats/func_mul.h
index 6294353988..d9be3198e9 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/func_mul.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/func_mul.h
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-#include "func_common.h"
-namespace cp = arrow::compute;
+#include "func_common.h"
+namespace cp = arrow::compute;
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-template <typename T, typename TUnsigned = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type>
-constexpr TUnsigned ToUnsigned(T sgnd) {
- return static_cast<TUnsigned>(sgnd);
-struct TMultiply {
- static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(int8_t() * int8_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
- static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(uint8_t() * uint8_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
- static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(int16_t() * int16_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
- static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(uint16_t() * uint16_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
- static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(int32_t() * int32_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
- static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(uint32_t() * uint32_t()), uint32_t>::value, "");
- static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(int64_t() * int64_t()), int64_t>::value, "");
- static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(uint64_t() * uint64_t()), uint64_t>::value, "");
- template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr arrow::enable_if_floating_point<T> Call(cp::KernelContext*, T left, T right,
- arrow::Status*) {
- return left * right;
- }
- template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr std::enable_if_t<IsUnsignedInteger<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, uint16_t>::value, T>
- Call(cp::KernelContext*, T left, T right, arrow::Status*) {
- return left * right;
- }
- template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr std::enable_if_t<IsSignedInteger<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, int16_t>::value, T>
- Call(cp::KernelContext*, T left, T right, arrow::Status*) {
- return ToUnsigned(left) * ToUnsigned(right);
- }
- // Multiplication of 16 bit integer types implicitly promotes to signed 32 bit
- // integer. However, some inputs may nevertheless overflow (which triggers undefined
- // behaviour). Therefore we first cast to 32 bit unsigned integers where overflow is
- // well defined.
- template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr arrow::enable_if_same<T, int16_t, T> Call(cp::KernelContext*, int16_t left,
- int16_t right, arrow::Status*) {
- return static_cast<uint32_t>(left) * static_cast<uint32_t>(right);
- }
- template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
- static constexpr arrow::enable_if_same<T, uint16_t, T> Call(cp::KernelContext*, uint16_t left,
- uint16_t right, arrow::Status*) {
- return static_cast<uint32_t>(left) * static_cast<uint32_t>(right);
- }
+template <typename T, typename TUnsigned = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type>
+constexpr TUnsigned ToUnsigned(T sgnd) {
+ return static_cast<TUnsigned>(sgnd);
+struct TMultiply {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(int8_t() * int8_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(uint8_t() * uint8_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(int16_t() * int16_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(uint16_t() * uint16_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(int32_t() * int32_t()), int32_t>::value, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(uint32_t() * uint32_t()), uint32_t>::value, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(int64_t() * int64_t()), int64_t>::value, "");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(uint64_t() * uint64_t()), uint64_t>::value, "");
+ template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr arrow::enable_if_floating_point<T> Call(cp::KernelContext*, T left, T right,
+ arrow::Status*) {
+ return left * right;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr std::enable_if_t<IsUnsignedInteger<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, uint16_t>::value, T>
+ Call(cp::KernelContext*, T left, T right, arrow::Status*) {
+ return left * right;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr std::enable_if_t<IsSignedInteger<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, int16_t>::value, T>
+ Call(cp::KernelContext*, T left, T right, arrow::Status*) {
+ return ToUnsigned(left) * ToUnsigned(right);
+ }
+ // Multiplication of 16 bit integer types implicitly promotes to signed 32 bit
+ // integer. However, some inputs may nevertheless overflow (which triggers undefined
+ // behaviour). Therefore we first cast to 32 bit unsigned integers where overflow is
+ // well defined.
+ template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr arrow::enable_if_same<T, int16_t, T> Call(cp::KernelContext*, int16_t left,
+ int16_t right, arrow::Status*) {
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(left) * static_cast<uint32_t>(right);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename TArg0, typename TArg1>
+ static constexpr arrow::enable_if_same<T, uint16_t, T> Call(cp::KernelContext*, uint16_t left,
+ uint16_t right, arrow::Status*) {
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(left) * static_cast<uint32_t>(right);
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/func_round.h b/ydb/core/formats/func_round.h
index 978b355303..a65e893622 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/func_round.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/func_round.h
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
-#pragma once
+#pragma once
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type_traits.h>
-#include "func_common.h"
-#include "bit_cast.h"
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <fenv.h>
-#include <type_traits>
+#include "func_common.h"
+#include "bit_cast.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <fenv.h>
+#include <type_traits>
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-struct TRound {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "round";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr TRes Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- return std::round(arg);
- }
-struct TRoundBankers {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "roundBankers";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr TRes Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- fesetround(FE_TONEAREST);
- return std::rint(arg);
- }
-struct TRoundToExp2 {
- static constexpr const char * Name = "roundToExp2";
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<TRes> &&
- (sizeof(TRes) <= sizeof(uint32_t)), TRes>
- Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- static_assert(std::is_same_v<TRes, TArg>, "");
- return arg <= 0 ? 0 : (TRes(1) << (31 - __builtin_clz(arg)));
- }
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<TRes> &&
- (sizeof(TRes) == sizeof(uint64_t)), TRes>
- Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- static_assert(std::is_same_v<TRes, TArg>, "");
- return arg <= 0 ? 0 : (TRes(1) << (63 - __builtin_clzll(arg)));
- }
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat32<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- static_assert(std::is_same_v<TRes, TArg>, "");
- return bit_cast<TRes>(bit_cast<uint32_t>(arg) & ~((1ULL << 23) - 1));
- }
- template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
- static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
- static_assert(std::is_same_v<TRes, TArg>, "");
- return bit_cast<TRes>(bit_cast<uint64_t>(arg) & ~((1ULL << 52) - 1));
- }
+struct TRound {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "round";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr TRes Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ return std::round(arg);
+ }
+struct TRoundBankers {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "roundBankers";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr TRes Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ fesetround(FE_TONEAREST);
+ return std::rint(arg);
+ }
+struct TRoundToExp2 {
+ static constexpr const char * Name = "roundToExp2";
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<TRes> &&
+ (sizeof(TRes) <= sizeof(uint32_t)), TRes>
+ Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same_v<TRes, TArg>, "");
+ return arg <= 0 ? 0 : (TRes(1) << (31 - __builtin_clz(arg)));
+ }
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<TRes> &&
+ (sizeof(TRes) == sizeof(uint64_t)), TRes>
+ Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same_v<TRes, TArg>, "");
+ return arg <= 0 ? 0 : (TRes(1) << (63 - __builtin_clzll(arg)));
+ }
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat32<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same_v<TRes, TArg>, "");
+ return bit_cast<TRes>(bit_cast<uint32_t>(arg) & ~((1ULL << 23) - 1));
+ }
+ template <typename TRes, typename TArg>
+ static constexpr EnableIfFloat64<TRes> Call(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, TArg arg, arrow::Status*) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same_v<TRes, TArg>, "");
+ return bit_cast<TRes>(bit_cast<uint64_t>(arg) & ~((1ULL << 52) - 1));
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/function_factory.h b/ydb/core/formats/function_factory.h
index 803a7c2e5a..4c61a3387c 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/function_factory.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/function_factory.h
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
#pragma once
#include <ydb/core/formats/arrow/compute/registry.h>
#include <ydb/core/formats/arrow/result.h>
#include <ydb/core/formats/arrow/status.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <memory>
-#include <shared_mutex>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <utility>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <shared_mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
#include <ydb/core/formats/arrow/compute/function.h>
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-template <bool mt = false>
-class TFunctionFactory {
- TFunctionFactory() = default;
- arrow::Status AddFunction(std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function> function, bool allowOverwrite) {
- auto it = nameToFunc.find(function->name());
- if (it != nameToFunc.end() && !allowOverwrite) {
- return arrow::Status::KeyError("Already have a function registered with name: ", function->name());
- }
- nameToFunc[function->name()] = std::move(function);
- return arrow::Status::OK();
- }
- arrow::Result<std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function>> GetFunction(const std::string& name) const {
- auto it = nameToFunc.find(name);
- if (it == nameToFunc.end()) {
- return arrow::compute::GetFunctionRegistry()->GetFunction(name);
- }
- return it->second;
- }
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function>> nameToFunc;
-template <>
-class TFunctionFactory<true> {
- TFunctionFactory() = default;
- arrow::Status AddFunction(std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function> function, bool allowOverwrite) {
- std::unique_lock guard(lock);
- auto it = nameToFunc.find(function->name());
- if (it != nameToFunc.end() && !allowOverwrite) {
- return arrow::Status::KeyError("Already have a function registered with name: ", function->name());
- }
- nameToFunc[function->name()] = std::move(function);
- return arrow::Status::OK();
- }
- arrow::Result<std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function>> GetFunction(const std::string& name) const {
- std::shared_lock guard(lock);
- auto it = nameToFunc.find(name);
- if (it == nameToFunc.end()) {
- return arrow::compute::GetFunctionRegistry()->GetFunction(name);
- }
- return it->second;
- }
- mutable std::shared_mutex lock;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function>> nameToFunc;
+template <bool mt = false>
+class TFunctionFactory {
+ TFunctionFactory() = default;
+ arrow::Status AddFunction(std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function> function, bool allowOverwrite) {
+ auto it = nameToFunc.find(function->name());
+ if (it != nameToFunc.end() && !allowOverwrite) {
+ return arrow::Status::KeyError("Already have a function registered with name: ", function->name());
+ }
+ nameToFunc[function->name()] = std::move(function);
+ return arrow::Status::OK();
+ }
+ arrow::Result<std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function>> GetFunction(const std::string& name) const {
+ auto it = nameToFunc.find(name);
+ if (it == nameToFunc.end()) {
+ return arrow::compute::GetFunctionRegistry()->GetFunction(name);
+ }
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function>> nameToFunc;
+template <>
+class TFunctionFactory<true> {
+ TFunctionFactory() = default;
+ arrow::Status AddFunction(std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function> function, bool allowOverwrite) {
+ std::unique_lock guard(lock);
+ auto it = nameToFunc.find(function->name());
+ if (it != nameToFunc.end() && !allowOverwrite) {
+ return arrow::Status::KeyError("Already have a function registered with name: ", function->name());
+ }
+ nameToFunc[function->name()] = std::move(function);
+ return arrow::Status::OK();
+ }
+ arrow::Result<std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function>> GetFunction(const std::string& name) const {
+ std::shared_lock guard(lock);
+ auto it = nameToFunc.find(name);
+ if (it == nameToFunc.end()) {
+ return arrow::compute::GetFunctionRegistry()->GetFunction(name);
+ }
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ mutable std::shared_mutex lock;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::Function>> nameToFunc;
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/functions.h b/ydb/core/formats/functions.h
index 4b8ad3a056..4c0ecda6be 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/functions.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/functions.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "func_gcd.h"
-#include "func_lcm.h"
-#include "func_modulo.h"
-#include "func_modulo_or_zero.h"
-#include "func_math.h"
-#include "func_round.h"
+#pragma once
+#include "func_gcd.h"
+#include "func_lcm.h"
+#include "func_modulo.h"
+#include "func_modulo_or_zero.h"
+#include "func_math.h"
+#include "func_round.h"
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/program.cpp b/ydb/core/formats/program.cpp
index 402bc1900f..3bc39be6fe 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/program.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/program.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-#include <memory>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <algorithm>
#include "program.h"
#include "arrow_helpers.h"
-#include <util/system/yassert.h>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/array/array_base.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/array/builder_primitive.h>
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include <ydb/core/util/yverify_stream.h>
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
const char * GetFunctionName(EOperation op) {
switch (op) {
case EOperation::CastBoolean:
@@ -83,18 +83,18 @@ const char * GetFunctionName(EOperation op) {
return "multiply";
case EOperation::Divide:
return "divide";
- case EOperation::Abs:
- return "abs";
- case EOperation::Negate:
- return "negate";
- case EOperation::Gcd:
- return "gcd";
- case EOperation::Lcm:
- return "lcm";
- case EOperation::Modulo:
- return "mod";
- case EOperation::ModuloOrZero:
- return "modOrZero";
+ case EOperation::Abs:
+ return "abs";
+ case EOperation::Negate:
+ return "negate";
+ case EOperation::Gcd:
+ return "gcd";
+ case EOperation::Lcm:
+ return "lcm";
+ case EOperation::Modulo:
+ return "mod";
+ case EOperation::ModuloOrZero:
+ return "modOrZero";
case EOperation::AddNotNull:
return "add_checked";
case EOperation::SubtractNotNull:
@@ -109,52 +109,52 @@ const char * GetFunctionName(EOperation op) {
case EOperation::MatchSubstring:
return "match_substring";
- case EOperation::Acosh:
- return "acosh";
- case EOperation::Atanh:
- return "atanh";
- case EOperation::Cbrt:
- return "cbrt";
- case EOperation::Cosh:
- return "cosh";
- case EOperation::E:
- return "e";
- case EOperation::Erf:
- return "erf";
- case EOperation::Erfc:
- return "erfc";
- case EOperation::Exp:
- return "exp";
- case EOperation::Exp2:
- return "exp2";
- case EOperation::Exp10:
- return "exp10";
- case EOperation::Hypot:
- return "hypot";
- case EOperation::Lgamma:
- return "lgamma";
- case EOperation::Pi:
- return "pi";
- case EOperation::Sinh:
- return "sinh";
- case EOperation::Sqrt:
- return "sqrt";
- case EOperation::Tgamma:
- return "tgamma";
- case EOperation::Floor:
- return "floor";
- case EOperation::Ceil:
- return "ceil";
- case EOperation::Trunc:
- return "trunc";
- case EOperation::Round:
- return "round";
- case EOperation::RoundBankers:
- return "roundBankers";
- case EOperation::RoundToExp2:
- return "roundToExp2";
+ case EOperation::Acosh:
+ return "acosh";
+ case EOperation::Atanh:
+ return "atanh";
+ case EOperation::Cbrt:
+ return "cbrt";
+ case EOperation::Cosh:
+ return "cosh";
+ case EOperation::E:
+ return "e";
+ case EOperation::Erf:
+ return "erf";
+ case EOperation::Erfc:
+ return "erfc";
+ case EOperation::Exp:
+ return "exp";
+ case EOperation::Exp2:
+ return "exp2";
+ case EOperation::Exp10:
+ return "exp10";
+ case EOperation::Hypot:
+ return "hypot";
+ case EOperation::Lgamma:
+ return "lgamma";
+ case EOperation::Pi:
+ return "pi";
+ case EOperation::Sinh:
+ return "sinh";
+ case EOperation::Sqrt:
+ return "sqrt";
+ case EOperation::Tgamma:
+ return "tgamma";
+ case EOperation::Floor:
+ return "floor";
+ case EOperation::Ceil:
+ return "ceil";
+ case EOperation::Trunc:
+ return "trunc";
+ case EOperation::Round:
+ return "round";
+ case EOperation::RoundBankers:
+ return "roundBankers";
+ case EOperation::RoundToExp2:
+ return "roundToExp2";
// TODO: "is_in", "index_in"
@@ -163,160 +163,160 @@ const char * GetFunctionName(EOperation op) {
return "";
-void AddColumn(std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>& batch,
- std::string field_name,
- const arrow::Datum& column) {
- auto field = ::arrow::field(std::move(field_name), column.type());
- Y_VERIFY(field != nullptr);
- Y_VERIFY(field->type()->Equals(column.type()));
- Y_VERIFY(column.is_scalar() || column.length() == batch->rows);
- auto new_schema = *batch->fields->AddField(batch->fields->num_fields(), field);
- batch->datums.push_back(column);
- batch->fields = new_schema;
-arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> GetColumnByName(const std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>& batch, const std::string& name) {
- int i = batch->fields->GetFieldIndex(name);
- if (i == -1) {
- return arrow::Status::Invalid("Not found or duplicate");
- }
- else {
- return batch->datums[i];
- }
-std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch> ToTDatumBatch(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch) {
- std::vector<arrow::Datum> datums;
- datums.reserve(batch->num_columns());
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch->num_columns(); ++i) {
- datums.push_back(arrow::Datum(batch->column(i)));
- }
- return std::make_shared<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>(TProgramStep::TDatumBatch{std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(*batch->schema()), batch->num_rows(), std::move(datums)});
-std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> ToRecordBatch(std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>& batch) {
- std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> columns;
- columns.reserve(batch->datums.size());
- for (auto col : batch->datums) {
- if (col.is_scalar()) {
- columns.push_back(*arrow::MakeArrayFromScalar(*col.scalar(), batch->rows));
- }
- else if (col.is_array()){
- Y_VERIFY(col.length() != -1);
- columns.push_back(col.make_array());
- }
- }
- return arrow::RecordBatch::Make(batch->fields, batch->rows, columns);
+void AddColumn(std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>& batch,
+ std::string field_name,
+ const arrow::Datum& column) {
+ auto field = ::arrow::field(std::move(field_name), column.type());
+ Y_VERIFY(field != nullptr);
+ Y_VERIFY(field->type()->Equals(column.type()));
+ Y_VERIFY(column.is_scalar() || column.length() == batch->rows);
+ auto new_schema = *batch->fields->AddField(batch->fields->num_fields(), field);
+ batch->datums.push_back(column);
+ batch->fields = new_schema;
+arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> GetColumnByName(const std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>& batch, const std::string& name) {
+ int i = batch->fields->GetFieldIndex(name);
+ if (i == -1) {
+ return arrow::Status::Invalid("Not found or duplicate");
+ }
+ else {
+ return batch->datums[i];
+ }
+std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch> ToTDatumBatch(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch) {
+ std::vector<arrow::Datum> datums;
+ datums.reserve(batch->num_columns());
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch->num_columns(); ++i) {
+ datums.push_back(arrow::Datum(batch->column(i)));
+ }
+ return std::make_shared<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>(TProgramStep::TDatumBatch{std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(*batch->schema()), batch->num_rows(), std::move(datums)});
+std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> ToRecordBatch(std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>& batch) {
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> columns;
+ columns.reserve(batch->datums.size());
+ for (auto col : batch->datums) {
+ if (col.is_scalar()) {
+ columns.push_back(*arrow::MakeArrayFromScalar(*col.scalar(), batch->rows));
+ }
+ else if (col.is_array()){
+ Y_VERIFY(col.length() != -1);
+ columns.push_back(col.make_array());
+ }
+ }
+ return arrow::RecordBatch::Make(batch->fields, batch->rows, columns);
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> MakeConstantColumn(const arrow::Scalar& value, int64_t size) {
auto res = arrow::MakeArrayFromScalar(value, size);
return *res;
-//firstly try to call function from custom registry, if fails call from default
-arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> CallFromCustomOrDefaultRegistry(EOperation funcId, const std::vector<arrow::Datum>& arguments, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) {
- std::string funcName = GetFunctionName(funcId);
- if (ctx != nullptr && ctx->func_registry()->GetFunction(funcName).ok()) {
- return arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(funcId), arguments, ctx);
- } else {
- return arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(funcId), arguments);
- }
-std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> CallArrayFunction(EOperation funcId, const std::vector<std::string>& args,
- std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) {
+//firstly try to call function from custom registry, if fails call from default
+arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> CallFromCustomOrDefaultRegistry(EOperation funcId, const std::vector<arrow::Datum>& arguments, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) {
+ std::string funcName = GetFunctionName(funcId);
+ if (ctx != nullptr && ctx->func_registry()->GetFunction(funcName).ok()) {
+ return arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(funcId), arguments, ctx);
+ } else {
+ return arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(funcId), arguments);
+ }
+std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> CallArrayFunction(EOperation funcId, const std::vector<std::string>& args,
+ std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) {
std::vector<arrow::Datum> arguments;
for (auto& colName : args) {
auto column = batch->GetColumnByName(colName);
- arguments.push_back(arrow::Datum(*column));
+ arguments.push_back(arrow::Datum(*column));
- std::string funcName = GetFunctionName(funcId);
- arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> result;
- result = CallFromCustomOrDefaultRegistry(funcId, arguments, ctx);
- Y_VERIFY(result.ok());
- Y_VERIFY(result->is_array());
- return result->make_array();
-std::shared_ptr<arrow::Scalar> CallScalarFunction(EOperation funcId, const std::vector<std::string>& args,
- std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) {
- std::vector<arrow::Datum> arguments;
- arguments.reserve(args.size());
- for (auto& colName : args) {
- auto column = batch->GetColumnByName(colName);
- Y_VERIFY(column);
- arguments.push_back(arrow::Datum{column});
- }
- std::string funcName = GetFunctionName(funcId);
- arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> result;
- result = CallFromCustomOrDefaultRegistry(funcId, arguments, ctx);
+ std::string funcName = GetFunctionName(funcId);
+ arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> result;
+ result = CallFromCustomOrDefaultRegistry(funcId, arguments, ctx);
- Y_VERIFY(result->is_scalar());
- return result->scalar();
+ Y_VERIFY(result->is_array());
+ return result->make_array();
-arrow::Datum CallFunctionById(EOperation funcId, const std::vector<std::string>& args,
- std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch> batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) {
- std::vector<arrow::Datum> arguments;
- arguments.reserve(args.size());
- for (auto& colName : args) {
- auto column = GetColumnByName(batch, colName);
- Y_VERIFY(column.ok());
- arguments.push_back(*column);
- }
- std::string funcName = GetFunctionName(funcId);
- arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> result;
- if (ctx != nullptr && ctx->func_registry()->GetFunction(funcName).ok()) {
- result = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(funcId), arguments, ctx);
- } else {
- result = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(funcId), arguments);
- }
- Y_VERIFY(result.ok());
- return result.ValueOrDie();
+std::shared_ptr<arrow::Scalar> CallScalarFunction(EOperation funcId, const std::vector<std::string>& args,
+ std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) {
+ std::vector<arrow::Datum> arguments;
+ arguments.reserve(args.size());
+ for (auto& colName : args) {
+ auto column = batch->GetColumnByName(colName);
+ Y_VERIFY(column);
+ arguments.push_back(arrow::Datum{column});
+ }
+ std::string funcName = GetFunctionName(funcId);
+ arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> result;
+ result = CallFromCustomOrDefaultRegistry(funcId, arguments, ctx);
+ Y_VERIFY(result.ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(result->is_scalar());
+ return result->scalar();
+arrow::Datum CallFunctionById(EOperation funcId, const std::vector<std::string>& args,
+ std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch> batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) {
+ std::vector<arrow::Datum> arguments;
+ arguments.reserve(args.size());
+ for (auto& colName : args) {
+ auto column = GetColumnByName(batch, colName);
+ Y_VERIFY(column.ok());
+ arguments.push_back(*column);
+ }
+ std::string funcName = GetFunctionName(funcId);
+ arrow::Result<arrow::Datum> result;
+ if (ctx != nullptr && ctx->func_registry()->GetFunction(funcName).ok()) {
+ result = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(funcId), arguments, ctx);
+ } else {
+ result = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(funcId), arguments);
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(result.ok());
+ return result.ValueOrDie();
-void TProgramStep::ApplyAssignes(std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>& batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) const {
+void TProgramStep::ApplyAssignes(std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep::TDatumBatch>& batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) const {
if (Assignes.empty()) {
- batch->datums.reserve(batch->datums.size() + Assignes.size());
+ batch->datums.reserve(batch->datums.size() + Assignes.size());
for (auto& assign : Assignes) {
- Y_VERIFY(!GetColumnByName(batch, assign.GetName()).ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(!GetColumnByName(batch, assign.GetName()).ok());
- arrow::Datum column;
+ arrow::Datum column;
if (assign.IsConstant()) {
- column = assign.GetConstant();
+ column = assign.GetConstant();
} else {
- column = CallFunctionById(assign.GetOperation(), assign.GetArguments(), batch, ctx);
+ column = CallFunctionById(assign.GetOperation(), assign.GetArguments(), batch, ctx);
- AddColumn(batch, assign.GetName(), column);
+ AddColumn(batch, assign.GetName(), column);
- //Y_VERIFY(batch->Validate().ok());
+ //Y_VERIFY(batch->Validate().ok());
-void TProgramStep::ApplyFilters(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch) const {
+void TProgramStep::ApplyFilters(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch) const {
if (Filters.empty()) {
std::vector<std::vector<bool>> filters;
for (auto& colName : Filters) {
- auto column = GetColumnByName(batch, colName);
- Y_VERIFY(column.ok());
- Y_VERIFY(column->is_array());
- Y_VERIFY(column->type() == arrow::boolean());
- auto boolColumn = std::static_pointer_cast<arrow::BooleanArray>(column->make_array());
+ auto column = GetColumnByName(batch, colName);
+ Y_VERIFY(column.ok());
+ Y_VERIFY(column->is_array());
+ Y_VERIFY(column->type() == arrow::boolean());
+ auto boolColumn = std::static_pointer_cast<arrow::BooleanArray>(column->make_array());
auto& bits = filters.back();
for (size_t i = 0; i < bits.size(); ++i) {
@@ -330,52 +330,52 @@ void TProgramStep::ApplyFilters(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch) const {
if (bits.size()) {
- auto filter = NArrow::MakeFilter(bits);
- std::unordered_set<std::string_view> projSet;
- for (auto& str: Projection) {
- projSet.insert(str);
- }
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch->fields->num_fields(); ++i) {
- //only array filtering, scalar cannot be filtered
- auto& cur_field_name = batch->fields->field(i)->name();
- bool is_proj = (Projection.empty() || projSet.contains(cur_field_name));
- if (batch->datums[i].is_array() && is_proj) {
- auto res = arrow::compute::Filter(batch->datums[i].make_array(), filter);
- Y_VERIFY_S(res.ok(), res.status().message());
- Y_VERIFY((*res).kind() == batch->datums[i].kind());
- batch->datums[i] = *res;
- }
- }
- int newRows = 0;
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < filter->length(); ++i) {
- newRows += filter->Value(i);
- }
- batch->rows = newRows;
+ auto filter = NArrow::MakeFilter(bits);
+ std::unordered_set<std::string_view> projSet;
+ for (auto& str: Projection) {
+ projSet.insert(str);
+ }
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch->fields->num_fields(); ++i) {
+ //only array filtering, scalar cannot be filtered
+ auto& cur_field_name = batch->fields->field(i)->name();
+ bool is_proj = (Projection.empty() || projSet.contains(cur_field_name));
+ if (batch->datums[i].is_array() && is_proj) {
+ auto res = arrow::compute::Filter(batch->datums[i].make_array(), filter);
+ Y_VERIFY_S(res.ok(), res.status().message());
+ Y_VERIFY((*res).kind() == batch->datums[i].kind());
+ batch->datums[i] = *res;
+ }
+ }
+ int newRows = 0;
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < filter->length(); ++i) {
+ newRows += filter->Value(i);
+ }
+ batch->rows = newRows;
-void TProgramStep::ApplyProjection(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch) const {
- if (Projection.empty()) {
- return;
- }
- std::unordered_set<std::string_view> projSet;
- for (auto& str: Projection) {
- projSet.insert(str);
- }
- std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field>> newFields;
- std::vector<arrow::Datum> newDatums;
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch->fields->num_fields(); ++i) {
- auto& cur_field_name = batch->fields->field(i)->name();
- if (projSet.contains(cur_field_name)) {
- newFields.push_back(batch->fields->field(i));
- Y_VERIFY(newFields.back());
- newDatums.push_back(batch->datums[i]);
- }
- }
- batch->fields = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(newFields);
- batch->datums = std::move(newDatums);
+void TProgramStep::ApplyProjection(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch) const {
+ if (Projection.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::unordered_set<std::string_view> projSet;
+ for (auto& str: Projection) {
+ projSet.insert(str);
+ }
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field>> newFields;
+ std::vector<arrow::Datum> newDatums;
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch->fields->num_fields(); ++i) {
+ auto& cur_field_name = batch->fields->field(i)->name();
+ if (projSet.contains(cur_field_name)) {
+ newFields.push_back(batch->fields->field(i));
+ Y_VERIFY(newFields.back());
+ newDatums.push_back(batch->datums[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ batch->fields = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(newFields);
+ batch->datums = std::move(newDatums);
void TProgramStep::ApplyProjection(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch) const {
if (Projection.empty()) {
@@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ void TProgramStep::ApplyProjection(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch) c
batch = NArrow::ExtractColumns(batch, std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(fields));
-void TProgramStep::Apply(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) const {
- auto rb = ToTDatumBatch(batch);
- ApplyAssignes(rb, ctx);
- ApplyFilters(rb);
- ApplyProjection(rb);
- batch = ToRecordBatch(rb);
+void TProgramStep::Apply(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) const {
+ auto rb = ToTDatumBatch(batch);
+ ApplyAssignes(rb, ctx);
+ ApplyFilters(rb);
+ ApplyProjection(rb);
+ batch = ToRecordBatch(rb);
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/program.h b/ydb/core/formats/program.h
index 9d8a2c027d..ff15d30ebf 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/program.h
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/program.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/exec.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/exec.h>
#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
#include <util/system/types.h>
@@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ enum class EOperation {
- //
+ //
- Abs,
- Negate,
- Gcd,
- Lcm,
- Modulo,
- ModuloOrZero,
+ Abs,
+ Negate,
+ Gcd,
+ Lcm,
+ Modulo,
+ ModuloOrZero,
@@ -56,30 +56,30 @@ enum class EOperation {
- // math
- Acosh,
- Atanh,
- Cbrt,
- Cosh,
- E,
- Erf,
- Erfc,
- Exp,
- Exp2,
- Exp10,
- Hypot,
- Lgamma,
- Pi,
- Sinh,
- Sqrt,
- Tgamma,
- // round
- Floor,
- Ceil,
- Trunc,
- Round,
- RoundBankers,
- RoundToExp2
+ // math
+ Acosh,
+ Atanh,
+ Cbrt,
+ Cosh,
+ E,
+ Erf,
+ Erfc,
+ Exp,
+ Exp2,
+ Exp10,
+ Hypot,
+ Lgamma,
+ Pi,
+ Sinh,
+ Sqrt,
+ Tgamma,
+ // round
+ Floor,
+ Ceil,
+ Trunc,
+ Round,
+ RoundBankers,
+ RoundToExp2
const char * GetFunctionName(EOperation op);
@@ -174,29 +174,29 @@ struct TProgramStep {
std::vector<std::string> Projection; // Step's result columns (remove others)
// TODO: group by
- struct TDatumBatch {
- std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema> fields;
- int64_t rows;
- std::vector<arrow::Datum> datums;
- };
+ struct TDatumBatch {
+ std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema> fields;
+ int64_t rows;
+ std::vector<arrow::Datum> datums;
+ };
bool Empty() const {
return Assignes.empty() && Filters.empty() && Projection.empty();
- void Apply(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) const;
+ void Apply(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) const;
- void ApplyAssignes(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) const;
- void ApplyFilters(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch) const;
+ void ApplyAssignes(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch, arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx) const;
+ void ApplyFilters(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch) const;
void ApplyProjection(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch) const;
- void ApplyProjection(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch) const;
+ void ApplyProjection(std::shared_ptr<TDatumBatch>& batch) const;
inline void ApplyProgram(std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch,
- const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep>>& program,
- arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx = nullptr) {
+ const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TProgramStep>>& program,
+ arrow::compute::ExecContext* ctx = nullptr) {
for (auto& step : program) {
- step->Apply(batch, ctx);
+ step->Apply(batch, ctx);
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/ut/ya.make b/ydb/core/formats/ut/ya.make
index 878516a600..d58f1f4f4f 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/ut/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/ut/ya.make
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ CFLAGS(
- ut_arithmetic.cpp
- ut_math.cpp
- ut_round.cpp
- ut_program_step.cpp
- custom_registry.cpp
+ ut_arithmetic.cpp
+ ut_math.cpp
+ ut_round.cpp
+ ut_program_step.cpp
+ custom_registry.cpp
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/ut_arithmetic.cpp b/ydb/core/formats/ut_arithmetic.cpp
index 1eff1bd338..ffffad99cc 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/ut_arithmetic.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/ut_arithmetic.cpp
@@ -1,372 +1,372 @@
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
-#include "func_common.h"
-#include "functions.h"
-#include "custom_registry.h"
-#include "arrow_helpers.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
+#include "func_common.h"
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "custom_registry.h"
+#include "arrow_helpers.h"
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
-using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarBinary;
-using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarUnary;
-const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>> nonPrimitiveTypes = {
- arrow::list(arrow::utf8()),
- arrow::list(arrow::int64()),
- arrow::large_list(arrow::large_utf8()),
- arrow::fixed_size_list(arrow::utf8(), 3),
- arrow::fixed_size_list(arrow::int64(), 4),
- arrow::dictionary(arrow::int32(), arrow::utf8())
-const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>> decimalTypes = {
- arrow::decimal128(12, 2),
- arrow::decimal256(12, 2)
-template<typename TType>
-EnableIfSigned<TType> MakeRandomNum() {
- double lowerLimit = -120;
- double upperLimit = 120;
- return static_cast<TType>(double(rand()) * (upperLimit - lowerLimit) / RAND_MAX + lowerLimit);
-template<typename TType>
-EnableIfUnsigned<TType> MakeRandomNum() {
- double lowerLimit = 0;
- double upperLimit = 120;
- return static_cast<TType>(double(rand()) * (upperLimit - lowerLimit) / RAND_MAX + lowerLimit);
-template<typename TType>
-std::shared_ptr<TArray<TType>> GenerateTestArray(int64_t sz) {
- std::srand(std::time(nullptr));
- TBuilder<TType> builder;
- std::shared_ptr<TArray<TType>> res;
- arrow::Status st;
- UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Reserve(sz).ok());
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
- UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Append(MakeRandomNum<typename TType::c_type>()).ok());
- }
- UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Finish(&res).ok());
- return res;
-void TestWrongTypeUnary(const std::string& func_name, std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> type, cp::ExecContext* exc = nullptr) {
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(func_name, {arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 1).ValueOrDie()}, exc);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(res.ok(), false);
-void TestWrongTypeBinary(const std::string& func_name, std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> type0,
- std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> type1,
- cp::ExecContext* exc = nullptr) {
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(func_name, {arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type0, 1).ValueOrDie(),
- arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type1, 1).ValueOrDie()},
- exc);
- UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(res.ok(), false);
-std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> MakeBooleanArray(const std::vector<bool>& arr) {
- arrow::BooleanBuilder builder;
- std::shared_ptr<arrow::BooleanArray> res;
- UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Reserve(arr.size()).ok());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i) {
- UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Append(arr[i]).ok());
- }
- UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Finish(&res).ok());
- return res;
-Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ArrowAbsTest) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsSignedInts) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::SignedIntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {-32, -12, 54});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12, 54});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {arg0});
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsUnsignedInts) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::UnsignedIntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12, 54});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12, 54});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {arg0});
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsFloating) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {-32.4, -12.3, 54.7});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32.4, 12.3, 54.7});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {arg0});
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsNull) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 3).ValueOrDie();
- auto expected = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 3).ValueOrDie();
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {arg0});
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- /*Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsWrongTypes) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::TemporalTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeUnary(TAbsoluteValue::Name, type);
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::StringTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeUnary(TAbsoluteValue::Name, type);
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::BaseBinaryTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeUnary(TAbsoluteValue::Name, type);
- }
- for (auto type : nonPrimitiveTypes) {
- TestWrongTypeUnary(TAbsoluteValue::Name, type);
- }
- }*/
-Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ArrowNegateTest) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(NegateSignedInts) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::SignedIntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {-32, -12, 54});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12, -54});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("negate", {arg0});
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(NegateFloating) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {-32.4, -12.3, 54.7});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32.4, 12.3, -54.7});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("negate", {arg0});
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(NegateWrongTypes) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::TemporalTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeUnary("negate", type);
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::StringTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeUnary("negate", type);
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::BaseBinaryTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeUnary("negate", type);
- }
- for (auto type : nonPrimitiveTypes) {
- TestWrongTypeUnary("negate", type);
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(NegateNull) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::SignedIntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 3).ValueOrDie();
- auto expected = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 3).ValueOrDie();
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("negate", {arg0});
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(GcdInts) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {24, 10});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {8, 2});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(GcdNull) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 2).ValueOrDie();
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {24, 10});
- auto expected = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 2).ValueOrDie();
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(GcdDiffTypes) {
- auto registry = cp::GetFunctionRegistry();
- auto func = MakeArithmeticIntBinary<TGreatestCommonDivisor>(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name);
- UNIT_ASSERT(registry->AddFunction(func, true).ok());
- for (auto type0 : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- for (auto type1 : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type0, {32, 12});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type1, {16, 10});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(res->type(), {16, 2});
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(GcdWrongTypes) {
- for (auto type0 : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- for (auto type1 : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type0, type1, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::TemporalTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::StringTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::BaseBinaryTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type);
- }
- for (auto type : nonPrimitiveTypes) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type);
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmInts) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {6, 12});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {3, 10});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {6, 60});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmNull) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 2).ValueOrDie();
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {24, 10});
- auto expected = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 2).ValueOrDie();
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmDiffTypes) {
- for (auto type0 : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- for (auto type1 : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type0, {6, 12});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type1, {3, 10});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(res->type(), {6, 60});
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmWrongTypes) {
- for (auto type0 : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- for (auto type1 : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type0, type1, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::TemporalTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::StringTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- for (auto type : cp::internal::BaseBinaryTypes()) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- for (auto type : nonPrimitiveTypes) {
- TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmNullDivide) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {0, 16});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {0, 5});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(!res.ok());
- }
- }
-Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ModuloTest) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloInts) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10, 16});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {3, 5});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {1, 1});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModulo::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloFloats) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10.2234, 16.2347});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {3.22343, 5.4234});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {1, 1});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModulo::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloNullDivide) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10.2234, 16.2347});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {0, 5.4234});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModulo::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(!res.ok());
- }
- }
-Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ModuloOrZeroTest) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloOrZeroInts) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10, 16});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {6, 0});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {4, 0});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModuloOrZero::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloOrZeroFloats) {
- for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10.2234, 16.2347});
- auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {0.23, 5.4234});
- auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {0, 1});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModuloOrZero::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
- }
- }
+namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
+using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarBinary;
+using cp::internal::applicator::ScalarUnary;
+const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>> nonPrimitiveTypes = {
+ arrow::list(arrow::utf8()),
+ arrow::list(arrow::int64()),
+ arrow::large_list(arrow::large_utf8()),
+ arrow::fixed_size_list(arrow::utf8(), 3),
+ arrow::fixed_size_list(arrow::int64(), 4),
+ arrow::dictionary(arrow::int32(), arrow::utf8())
+const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>> decimalTypes = {
+ arrow::decimal128(12, 2),
+ arrow::decimal256(12, 2)
+template<typename TType>
+EnableIfSigned<TType> MakeRandomNum() {
+ double lowerLimit = -120;
+ double upperLimit = 120;
+ return static_cast<TType>(double(rand()) * (upperLimit - lowerLimit) / RAND_MAX + lowerLimit);
+template<typename TType>
+EnableIfUnsigned<TType> MakeRandomNum() {
+ double lowerLimit = 0;
+ double upperLimit = 120;
+ return static_cast<TType>(double(rand()) * (upperLimit - lowerLimit) / RAND_MAX + lowerLimit);
+template<typename TType>
+std::shared_ptr<TArray<TType>> GenerateTestArray(int64_t sz) {
+ std::srand(std::time(nullptr));
+ TBuilder<TType> builder;
+ std::shared_ptr<TArray<TType>> res;
+ arrow::Status st;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Reserve(sz).ok());
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Append(MakeRandomNum<typename TType::c_type>()).ok());
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Finish(&res).ok());
+ return res;
+void TestWrongTypeUnary(const std::string& func_name, std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> type, cp::ExecContext* exc = nullptr) {
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(func_name, {arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 1).ValueOrDie()}, exc);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(res.ok(), false);
+void TestWrongTypeBinary(const std::string& func_name, std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> type0,
+ std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> type1,
+ cp::ExecContext* exc = nullptr) {
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(func_name, {arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type0, 1).ValueOrDie(),
+ arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type1, 1).ValueOrDie()},
+ exc);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(res.ok(), false);
+std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> MakeBooleanArray(const std::vector<bool>& arr) {
+ arrow::BooleanBuilder builder;
+ std::shared_ptr<arrow::BooleanArray> res;
+ UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Reserve(arr.size()).ok());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i) {
+ UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Append(arr[i]).ok());
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT(builder.Finish(&res).ok());
+ return res;
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ArrowAbsTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsSignedInts) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::SignedIntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {-32, -12, 54});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12, 54});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {arg0});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsUnsignedInts) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::UnsignedIntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12, 54});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12, 54});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {arg0});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsFloating) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {-32.4, -12.3, 54.7});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32.4, 12.3, 54.7});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {arg0});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsNull) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 3).ValueOrDie();
+ auto expected = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 3).ValueOrDie();
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {arg0});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ /*Y_UNIT_TEST(AbsWrongTypes) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::TemporalTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeUnary(TAbsoluteValue::Name, type);
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::StringTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeUnary(TAbsoluteValue::Name, type);
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::BaseBinaryTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeUnary(TAbsoluteValue::Name, type);
+ }
+ for (auto type : nonPrimitiveTypes) {
+ TestWrongTypeUnary(TAbsoluteValue::Name, type);
+ }
+ }*/
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ArrowNegateTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NegateSignedInts) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::SignedIntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {-32, -12, 54});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12, -54});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("negate", {arg0});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NegateFloating) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {-32.4, -12.3, 54.7});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {32.4, 12.3, -54.7});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("negate", {arg0});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NegateWrongTypes) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::TemporalTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeUnary("negate", type);
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::StringTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeUnary("negate", type);
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::BaseBinaryTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeUnary("negate", type);
+ }
+ for (auto type : nonPrimitiveTypes) {
+ TestWrongTypeUnary("negate", type);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(NegateNull) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::SignedIntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 3).ValueOrDie();
+ auto expected = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 3).ValueOrDie();
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction("negate", {arg0});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GcdInts) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {32, 12});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {24, 10});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {8, 2});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GcdNull) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 2).ValueOrDie();
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {24, 10});
+ auto expected = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 2).ValueOrDie();
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GcdDiffTypes) {
+ auto registry = cp::GetFunctionRegistry();
+ auto func = MakeArithmeticIntBinary<TGreatestCommonDivisor>(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(registry->AddFunction(func, true).ok());
+ for (auto type0 : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ for (auto type1 : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type0, {32, 12});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type1, {16, 10});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(res->type(), {16, 2});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(GcdWrongTypes) {
+ for (auto type0 : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ for (auto type1 : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type0, type1, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::TemporalTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::StringTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::BaseBinaryTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type);
+ }
+ for (auto type : nonPrimitiveTypes) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TGreatestCommonDivisor::Name, type, type);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmInts) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {6, 12});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {3, 10});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {6, 60});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmNull) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 2).ValueOrDie();
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {24, 10});
+ auto expected = arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(type, 2).ValueOrDie();
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmDiffTypes) {
+ for (auto type0 : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ for (auto type1 : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type0, {6, 12});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type1, {3, 10});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(res->type(), {6, 60});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmWrongTypes) {
+ for (auto type0 : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ for (auto type1 : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type0, type1, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::TemporalTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::StringTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::BaseBinaryTypes()) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ for (auto type : nonPrimitiveTypes) {
+ TestWrongTypeBinary(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, type, type, GetCustomExecContext());
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(LcmNullDivide) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {0, 16});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {0, 5});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TLeastCommonMultiple::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!res.ok());
+ }
+ }
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ModuloTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloInts) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10, 16});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {3, 5});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {1, 1});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModulo::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloFloats) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10.2234, 16.2347});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {3.22343, 5.4234});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {1, 1});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModulo::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloNullDivide) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10.2234, 16.2347});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {0, 5.4234});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModulo::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!res.ok());
+ }
+ }
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ModuloOrZeroTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloOrZeroInts) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10, 16});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {6, 0});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {4, 0});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModuloOrZero::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ModuloOrZeroFloats) {
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ auto arg0 = NumVecToArray(type, {10.2234, 16.2347});
+ auto arg1 = NumVecToArray(type, {0.23, 5.4234});
+ auto expected = NumVecToArray(type, {0, 1});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TModuloOrZero::Name, {arg0, arg1}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expected));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/ut_math.cpp b/ydb/core/formats/ut_math.cpp
index 93fbb00dea..c9945c4e09 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/ut_math.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/ut_math.cpp
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
-#include "func_common.h"
-#include "functions.h"
-#include "custom_registry.h"
-#include "arrow_helpers.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
+#include "func_common.h"
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "custom_registry.h"
+#include "arrow_helpers.h"
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TE::Name, {}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->scalar()->Equals(arrow::MakeScalar(std::exp(1.0))));
- }
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TPi::Name, {}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->scalar()->Equals(arrow::MakeScalar(std::atan2(0, -1))));
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(AcoshFloat32) {
- std::vector<double> argVec = {2.324, 1.34234, 41.14324, 123};
- std::vector<double> expVec;
- for (auto val : argVec) {
- expVec.push_back(std::acosh(static_cast<float>(val)));
- }
- auto expRes = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), expVec);
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TAcosh::Name, {NumVecToArray(arrow::float32(), argVec)}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(AcoshFloat64) {
- std::vector<double> argVec = {2.324, 1.34234, 41.14324, 123};
- std::vector<double> expVec;
- for (auto val : argVec) {
- expVec.push_back(std::acosh(val));
- }
- auto expRes = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), expVec);
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TAcosh::Name, {NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), argVec)}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(AcoshInts) {
- std::vector<double> argVec = {2.324, 1.34234, 41.14324, 123};
- std::vector<double> expVec;
- for (auto val : argVec) {
- expVec.push_back(std::acosh(static_cast<int64_t>(val)));
- }
- auto expRes = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), expVec);
- for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TAcosh::Name, {NumVecToArray(type, argVec)}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
- }
- }
+namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TE::Name, {}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->scalar()->Equals(arrow::MakeScalar(std::exp(1.0))));
+ }
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TPi::Name, {}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->scalar()->Equals(arrow::MakeScalar(std::atan2(0, -1))));
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(AcoshFloat32) {
+ std::vector<double> argVec = {2.324, 1.34234, 41.14324, 123};
+ std::vector<double> expVec;
+ for (auto val : argVec) {
+ expVec.push_back(std::acosh(static_cast<float>(val)));
+ }
+ auto expRes = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), expVec);
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TAcosh::Name, {NumVecToArray(arrow::float32(), argVec)}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(AcoshFloat64) {
+ std::vector<double> argVec = {2.324, 1.34234, 41.14324, 123};
+ std::vector<double> expVec;
+ for (auto val : argVec) {
+ expVec.push_back(std::acosh(val));
+ }
+ auto expRes = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), expVec);
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TAcosh::Name, {NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), argVec)}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(AcoshInts) {
+ std::vector<double> argVec = {2.324, 1.34234, 41.14324, 123};
+ std::vector<double> expVec;
+ for (auto val : argVec) {
+ expVec.push_back(std::acosh(static_cast<int64_t>(val)));
+ }
+ auto expRes = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), expVec);
+ for (auto type : cp::internal::IntTypes()) {
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TAcosh::Name, {NumVecToArray(type, argVec)}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/ut_program_step.cpp b/ydb/core/formats/ut_program_step.cpp
index c908a2f742..fa368af562 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/ut_program_step.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/ut_program_step.cpp
@@ -1,199 +1,199 @@
-#include <array>
-#include <memory>
-#include <vector>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/exec.h>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type_fwd.h>
-#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-#include "custom_registry.h"
-#include "program.h"
-#include "arrow_helpers.h"
+#include <array>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/exec.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/type_fwd.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include "custom_registry.h"
+#include "program.h"
+#include "arrow_helpers.h"
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-size_t FilterTest(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> args, EOperation frst, EOperation scnd) {
- auto schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(std::vector{
- std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("x", args.at(0)->type()),
- std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("y", args.at(1)->type()),
- std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("z", args.at(2)->type())});
- auto rBatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, 3, std::vector{args.at(0), args.at(1), args.at(2)});
- auto ps = std::make_shared<TProgramStep>();
- ps->Assignes = {TAssign("res1", frst, {"x", "y"}), TAssign("res2", scnd, {"res1", "z"})};
- ps->Filters = {"res2"};
- ps->Projection = {"res1", "res2"};
- ApplyProgram(rBatch, {ps}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->ValidateFull().ok());
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_columns() == 2);
- return rBatch->num_rows();
-size_t FilterTestUnary(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> args, EOperation frst, EOperation scnd) {
- auto schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(std::vector{
- std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("x", args.at(0)->type()),
- std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("z", args.at(1)->type())});
- auto rBatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, 3, std::vector{args.at(0), args.at(1)});
- auto ps = std::make_shared<TProgramStep>();
- ps->Assignes = {TAssign("res1", frst, {"x"}), TAssign("res2", scnd, {"res1", "z"})};
- ps->Filters = {"res2"};
- ps->Projection = {"res1", "res2"};
- ApplyProgram(rBatch, {ps}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->ValidateFull().ok());
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_columns() == 2);
- return rBatch->num_rows();
-Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ProgramStepTest) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepRound0) {
- for (auto eop : {EOperation::Round, EOperation::RoundBankers, EOperation::RoundToExp2}) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), {32.3, 12.5, 34.7});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(eop), {x}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, eop, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepRound1) {
- for (auto eop : {EOperation::Ceil, EOperation::Floor, EOperation::Trunc}) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), {32.3, 12.5, 34.7});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(eop), {x});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, eop, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(Filter) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::uint32(), {10, 34, 8});
- auto z = NumVecToArray(arrow::int64(), {33, 70, 12});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z}, EOperation::Add, EOperation::Less) == 2);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepAdd) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("add", {x, y});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Add, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepSubstract) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("subtract", {x, y});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Subtract, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepMultiply) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("multiply", {x, y});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Multiply, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepDivide) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("divide", {x, y});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Divide, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepGcd) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 16, 8});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("gcd", {x, y}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Gcd, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepLcm) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 16, 8});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("lcm", {x, y}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Lcm, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepMod) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 16, 8});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {3, 5, 2});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("mod", {x, y}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Modulo, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepModOrZero) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 16, 8});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {3, 5, 0});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("modOrZero", {x, y}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::ModuloOrZero, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepAbs) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {-64, -16, 8});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {x});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Abs, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepNegate) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {-64, -16, 8});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("negate", {x});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Negate, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepCompares) {
- for (auto eop : {EOperation::Equal, EOperation::Less, EOperation::Greater, EOperation::GreaterEqual,
- EOperation::LessEqual, EOperation::NotEqual}) {
- auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 5, 1});
- auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 1, 5});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(eop), {x, y});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, eop, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepLogic0) {
- for (auto eop : {EOperation::And, EOperation::Or, EOperation::Xor}) {
- auto x = BoolVecToArray({true, false, false});
- auto y = BoolVecToArray({true, true, false});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(eop), {x, y});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, eop, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepLogic1) {
- auto x = BoolVecToArray({true, false, false});
- auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("invert", {x});
- UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Invert, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepScalarTest) {
- auto schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(std::vector{
- std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("x", arrow::int64()),
- std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("filter", arrow::boolean())});
- auto rBatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, 4, std::vector{NumVecToArray(arrow::int64(), {64, 5, 1, 43}),
- BoolVecToArray({true, false, false, true})});
- auto ps = std::make_shared<TProgramStep>();
- ps->Assignes = {TAssign("y", 56), TAssign("res", EOperation::Add, {"x", "y"})};
- ps->Filters = {"filter"};
- ps->Projection = {"res", "filter"};
- ApplyProgram(rBatch, {ps}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->ValidateFull().ok());
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_columns() == 2);
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_rows() == 2);
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepEmptyFilter) {
- auto schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(std::vector{
- std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("x", arrow::int64()),
- std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("filter", arrow::boolean())});
- auto rBatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, 4, std::vector{NumVecToArray(arrow::int64(), {64, 5, 1, 43}),
- BoolVecToArray({true, false, false, true})});
- auto ps = std::make_shared<TProgramStep>();
- ps->Assignes = {TAssign("y", 56), TAssign("res", EOperation::Add, {"x", "y"})};
- ps->Filters = {};
- ps->Projection = {"res", "filter"};
- ApplyProgram(rBatch, {ps}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->ValidateFull().ok());
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_columns() == 2);
- UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_rows() == 4);
- }
+size_t FilterTest(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> args, EOperation frst, EOperation scnd) {
+ auto schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(std::vector{
+ std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("x", args.at(0)->type()),
+ std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("y", args.at(1)->type()),
+ std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("z", args.at(2)->type())});
+ auto rBatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, 3, std::vector{args.at(0), args.at(1), args.at(2)});
+ auto ps = std::make_shared<TProgramStep>();
+ ps->Assignes = {TAssign("res1", frst, {"x", "y"}), TAssign("res2", scnd, {"res1", "z"})};
+ ps->Filters = {"res2"};
+ ps->Projection = {"res1", "res2"};
+ ApplyProgram(rBatch, {ps}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->ValidateFull().ok());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_columns() == 2);
+ return rBatch->num_rows();
+size_t FilterTestUnary(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> args, EOperation frst, EOperation scnd) {
+ auto schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(std::vector{
+ std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("x", args.at(0)->type()),
+ std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("z", args.at(1)->type())});
+ auto rBatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, 3, std::vector{args.at(0), args.at(1)});
+ auto ps = std::make_shared<TProgramStep>();
+ ps->Assignes = {TAssign("res1", frst, {"x"}), TAssign("res2", scnd, {"res1", "z"})};
+ ps->Filters = {"res2"};
+ ps->Projection = {"res1", "res2"};
+ ApplyProgram(rBatch, {ps}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->ValidateFull().ok());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_columns() == 2);
+ return rBatch->num_rows();
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ProgramStepTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepRound0) {
+ for (auto eop : {EOperation::Round, EOperation::RoundBankers, EOperation::RoundToExp2}) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), {32.3, 12.5, 34.7});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(eop), {x}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, eop, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepRound1) {
+ for (auto eop : {EOperation::Ceil, EOperation::Floor, EOperation::Trunc}) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::float64(), {32.3, 12.5, 34.7});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(eop), {x});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, eop, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(Filter) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::uint32(), {10, 34, 8});
+ auto z = NumVecToArray(arrow::int64(), {33, 70, 12});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z}, EOperation::Add, EOperation::Less) == 2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepAdd) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("add", {x, y});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Add, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepSubstract) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("subtract", {x, y});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Subtract, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepMultiply) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("multiply", {x, y});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Multiply, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepDivide) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {10, 34, 8});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("divide", {x, y});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Divide, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepGcd) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 16, 8});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("gcd", {x, y}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Gcd, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepLcm) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 16, 8});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {32, 12, 4});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("lcm", {x, y}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Lcm, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepMod) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 16, 8});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {3, 5, 2});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("mod", {x, y}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Modulo, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepModOrZero) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 16, 8});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {3, 5, 0});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("modOrZero", {x, y}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, EOperation::ModuloOrZero, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepAbs) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {-64, -16, 8});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("abs", {x});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Abs, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepNegate) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {-64, -16, 8});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("negate", {x});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Negate, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepCompares) {
+ for (auto eop : {EOperation::Equal, EOperation::Less, EOperation::Greater, EOperation::GreaterEqual,
+ EOperation::LessEqual, EOperation::NotEqual}) {
+ auto x = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 5, 1});
+ auto y = NumVecToArray(arrow::int32(), {64, 1, 5});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(eop), {x, y});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, eop, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepLogic0) {
+ for (auto eop : {EOperation::And, EOperation::Or, EOperation::Xor}) {
+ auto x = BoolVecToArray({true, false, false});
+ auto y = BoolVecToArray({true, true, false});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction(GetFunctionName(eop), {x, y});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTest({x, y, z->make_array()}, eop, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepLogic1) {
+ auto x = BoolVecToArray({true, false, false});
+ auto z = arrow::compute::CallFunction("invert", {x});
+ UNIT_ASSERT(FilterTestUnary({x, z->make_array()}, EOperation::Invert, EOperation::Equal) == 3);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepScalarTest) {
+ auto schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(std::vector{
+ std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("x", arrow::int64()),
+ std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("filter", arrow::boolean())});
+ auto rBatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, 4, std::vector{NumVecToArray(arrow::int64(), {64, 5, 1, 43}),
+ BoolVecToArray({true, false, false, true})});
+ auto ps = std::make_shared<TProgramStep>();
+ ps->Assignes = {TAssign("y", 56), TAssign("res", EOperation::Add, {"x", "y"})};
+ ps->Filters = {"filter"};
+ ps->Projection = {"res", "filter"};
+ ApplyProgram(rBatch, {ps}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->ValidateFull().ok());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_columns() == 2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_rows() == 2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ProgramStepEmptyFilter) {
+ auto schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(std::vector{
+ std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("x", arrow::int64()),
+ std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("filter", arrow::boolean())});
+ auto rBatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, 4, std::vector{NumVecToArray(arrow::int64(), {64, 5, 1, 43}),
+ BoolVecToArray({true, false, false, true})});
+ auto ps = std::make_shared<TProgramStep>();
+ ps->Assignes = {TAssign("y", 56), TAssign("res", EOperation::Add, {"x", "y"})};
+ ps->Filters = {};
+ ps->Projection = {"res", "filter"};
+ ApplyProgram(rBatch, {ps}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->ValidateFull().ok());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_columns() == 2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(rBatch->num_rows() == 4);
+ }
diff --git a/ydb/core/formats/ut_round.cpp b/ydb/core/formats/ut_round.cpp
index 05fc6f3879..7b639b0888 100644
--- a/ydb/core/formats/ut_round.cpp
+++ b/ydb/core/formats/ut_round.cpp
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
-#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
-#include "func_common.h"
-#include "functions.h"
-#include "custom_registry.h"
-#include "arrow_helpers.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/api.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/compute/api.h>
+#include "func_common.h"
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "custom_registry.h"
+#include "arrow_helpers.h"
namespace NKikimr::NArrow {
-namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
-Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(RoundsTest) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(RoundTest) {
- for (auto ty : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- auto arg = NumVecToArray(ty, {2.34, 5.65, 10.01, 100.0});
- auto expRes = NumVecToArray(ty, {2, 6, 10, 100});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TRound::Name, {arg}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(RoundBankersTest) {
- for (auto ty : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
- auto arg = NumVecToArray(ty, {2.34, 5.5, 6.5, 100.7});
- auto expRes = NumVecToArray(ty, {2, 6, 6, 101});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TRoundBankers::Name, {arg}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(RoundToExp2Test) {
- for (auto ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
- auto arg = NumVecToArray(ty, {2.34, 5.5, 6.5, 100.7, 54});
- auto expRes = NumVecToArray(ty, {2, 4, 4, 64, 32});
- auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TRoundToExp2::Name, {arg}, GetCustomExecContext());
- UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
- }
- }
+namespace cp = ::arrow::compute;
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(RoundsTest) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(RoundTest) {
+ for (auto ty : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ auto arg = NumVecToArray(ty, {2.34, 5.65, 10.01, 100.0});
+ auto expRes = NumVecToArray(ty, {2, 6, 10, 100});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TRound::Name, {arg}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(RoundBankersTest) {
+ for (auto ty : cp::internal::FloatingPointTypes()) {
+ auto arg = NumVecToArray(ty, {2.34, 5.5, 6.5, 100.7});
+ auto expRes = NumVecToArray(ty, {2, 6, 6, 101});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TRoundBankers::Name, {arg}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(RoundToExp2Test) {
+ for (auto ty : cp::internal::NumericTypes()) {
+ auto arg = NumVecToArray(ty, {2.34, 5.5, 6.5, 100.7, 54});
+ auto expRes = NumVecToArray(ty, {2, 4, 4, 64, 32});
+ auto res = arrow::compute::CallFunction(TRoundToExp2::Name, {arg}, GetCustomExecContext());
+ UNIT_ASSERT(res->Equals(expRes));
+ }
+ }