#pragma once
#include "base.h"
#include "local_flags.h"
#include "message_status.h"
#include "netaddr.h"
#include "socket_addr.h"
#include <util/generic/array_ref.h>
#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/string.h>
#include <util/system/defaults.h>
#include <util/system/type_name.h>
#include <util/system/yassert.h>
#include <optional>
#include <typeinfo>
namespace NBus {
/// \brief Structure to preserve identity from message to reply
struct TBusIdentity : TNonCopyable {
friend class TBusMessage;
friend class NPrivate::TRemoteServerSession;
friend struct NPrivate::TClientRequestImpl;
friend class TOnMessageContext;
// TODO: make private
TBusKey MessageId;
ui32 Size;
TIntrusivePtr<NPrivate::TRemoteServerConnection> Connection;
ui16 Flags;
ui32 LocalFlags;
TInstant RecvTime;
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::optional<TString> MessageType;
// TODO: drop
TNetAddr GetNetAddr() const;
void Pack(char* dest);
void Unpack(const char* src);
bool IsInWork() const {
return LocalFlags & NPrivate::MESSAGE_IN_WORK;
// for internal use only
void BeginWork() {
// for internal use only
void EndWork() {
void Swap(TBusIdentity& that) {
DoSwap(MessageId, that.MessageId);
DoSwap(Size, that.Size);
DoSwap(Connection, that.Connection);
DoSwap(Flags, that.Flags);
DoSwap(LocalFlags, that.LocalFlags);
DoSwap(RecvTime, that.RecvTime);
#ifndef NDEBUG
DoSwap(MessageType, that.MessageType);
TString ToString() const;
void SetInWork(bool inWork) {
if (LocalFlags == 0 && inWork) {
LocalFlags = NPrivate::MESSAGE_IN_WORK;
} else if (LocalFlags == NPrivate::MESSAGE_IN_WORK && !inWork) {
LocalFlags = 0;
} else {
Y_FAIL("impossible combination of flag and parameter: %s %d",
inWork ? "true" : "false", unsigned(LocalFlags));
void SetMessageType(const std::type_info& messageTypeInfo) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
Y_VERIFY(!MessageType, "state check");
MessageType = TypeName(messageTypeInfo);
static const size_t BUS_IDENTITY_PACKED_SIZE = sizeof(TBusIdentity);
/// \brief Message flags in TBusHeader.Flags
enum EMessageFlags {
MESSAGE_COMPRESS_INTERNAL = 0x8000, ///< message is compressed
MESSAGE_COMPRESS_RESPONSE = 0x4000, ///< message prefers compressed response
MESSAGE_VERSION_INTERNAL = 0x00F0, ///< these bits are used as version
/// \brief Message header present in all message send and received
/// This header is send into the wire.
/// \todo fix for low/high end, 32/64bit some day
#pragma pack(1)
struct TBusHeader {
friend class TBusMessage;
TBusKey Id = 0; ///< unique message ID
ui32 Size = 0; ///< total size of the message
TBusInstant SendTime = 0; ///< time the message was sent
ui16 FlagsInternal = 0; ///< TRACE is one of the flags
ui16 Type = 0; ///< to be used by TBusProtocol
int GetVersionInternal() {
return (FlagsInternal & MESSAGE_VERSION_INTERNAL) >> 4;
void SetVersionInternal(unsigned ver = YBUS_VERSION) {
FlagsInternal |= (ver << 4);
TBusHeader() {
TBusHeader(TArrayRef<const char> data) {
/// function for serialization/deserialization of the header
/// returns number of bytes written/read
int ReadHeader(TArrayRef<const char> data);
void GenerateId();
#pragma pack()
#define TBUSMAX_MESSAGE 26 * 1024 * 1024 + sizeof(NBus::TBusHeader) ///< is't it enough?
#define TBUSMIN_MESSAGE sizeof(NBus::TBusHeader) ///< can't be less then header
inline bool IsVersionNegotiation(const NBus::TBusHeader& header) {
return header.Id == 0 && header.Size == sizeof(TBusHeader);
/// \brief Base class for all messages passed in the system
enum ECreateUninitialized {
class TBusMessage
: protected TBusHeader,
public TRefCounted<TBusMessage, TAtomicCounter, TDelete>,
private TNonCopyable {
friend class TLocalSession;
friend struct ::NBus::NPrivate::TBusSessionImpl;
friend class ::NBus::NPrivate::TRemoteServerSession;
friend class ::NBus::NPrivate::TRemoteClientSession;
friend class ::NBus::NPrivate::TRemoteConnection;
friend class ::NBus::NPrivate::TRemoteClientConnection;
friend class ::NBus::NPrivate::TRemoteServerConnection;
friend struct ::NBus::NPrivate::TBusMessagePtrAndHeader;
ui32 LocalFlags;
/// connection identity for reply set by PushMessage()
NPrivate::TBusSocketAddr ReplyTo;
// server-side response only, hack
ui32 RequestSize;
TInstant RecvTime;
/// constructor to create messages on sending end
TBusMessage(ui16 type, int approxsize = sizeof(TBusHeader));
/// constructor with serialzed data to examine the header
// slow, for diagnostics only
virtual TString Describe() const;
// must be called if this message object needs to be reused
void Reset();
void CheckClean() const;
void SetCompressed(bool);
void SetCompressedResponse(bool);
bool IsCompressed() const {
bool IsCompressedResponse() const {
/// can have private data to destroy
virtual ~TBusMessage();
/// returns header of the message
TBusHeader* GetHeader() {
return this;
const TBusHeader* GetHeader() const {
return this;
/// helper to return type for protocol object to unpack object
static ui16 GetType(TArrayRef<const char> data) {
return TBusHeader(data).Type;
/// returns payload data
static TArrayRef<const char> GetPayload(TArrayRef<const char> data) {
return data.Slice(sizeof(TBusHeader));
void DoReset();
/// serialize message identity to be used to construct reply message
void GetIdentity(TBusIdentity& ident) const;
/// set message identity from serialized form
void SetIdentity(const TBusIdentity& ident);
TNetAddr GetReplyTo() const {
return ReplyTo.ToNetAddr();
/// store of application specific data, never serialized into wire
void* Data;
class TBusMessageAutoPtr: public TAutoPtr<TBusMessage> {
TBusMessageAutoPtr() {
TBusMessageAutoPtr(TBusMessage* message)
: TAutoPtr<TBusMessage>(message)
template <typename T1>
TBusMessageAutoPtr(const TAutoPtr<T1>& that)
: TAutoPtr<TBusMessage>(that.Release())