#pragma once
#include "events_local.h"
#include "poller.h"
#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
namespace NActors {
struct TEvPollerRegister : TEventLocal<TEvPollerRegister, ui32(ENetwork::EvPollerRegister)> {
const TIntrusivePtr<TSharedDescriptor> Socket; // socket to watch for
const TActorId ReadActorId; // actor id to notify about read availability
const TActorId WriteActorId; // actor id to notify about write availability; may be the same as the ReadActorId
TEvPollerRegister(TIntrusivePtr<TSharedDescriptor> socket, const TActorId& readActorId, const TActorId& writeActorId)
: Socket(std::move(socket))
, ReadActorId(readActorId)
, WriteActorId(writeActorId)
// poller token is sent in response to TEvPollerRegister; it allows requesting poll when read/write returns EAGAIN
class TPollerToken : public TThrRefBase {
class TImpl;
std::unique_ptr<TImpl> Impl;
friend class TPollerActor;
TPollerToken(std::unique_ptr<TImpl> impl);
void Request(bool read, bool write);
using TPtr = TIntrusivePtr<TPollerToken>;
struct TEvPollerRegisterResult : TEventLocal<TEvPollerRegisterResult, ui32(ENetwork::EvPollerRegisterResult)> {
TIntrusivePtr<TSharedDescriptor> Socket;
TPollerToken::TPtr PollerToken;
TEvPollerRegisterResult(TIntrusivePtr<TSharedDescriptor> socket, TPollerToken::TPtr pollerToken)
: Socket(std::move(socket))
, PollerToken(std::move(pollerToken))
struct TEvPollerReady : TEventLocal<TEvPollerReady, ui32(ENetwork::EvPollerReady)> {
TIntrusivePtr<TSharedDescriptor> Socket;
const bool Read, Write;
TEvPollerReady(TIntrusivePtr<TSharedDescriptor> socket, bool read, bool write)
: Socket(std::move(socket))
, Read(read)
, Write(write)
IActor* CreatePollerActor();
inline TActorId MakePollerActorId() {
char x[12] = {'I', 'C', 'P', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'e', 'r', '\xDE', '\xAD', '\xBE', '\xEF'};
return TActorId(0, TStringBuf(std::begin(x), std::end(x)));