/* * log functions * Copyright (c) 2003 Michel Bardiaux * * This file is part of Libav. * * Libav is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Libav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Libav; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * @file * logging functions */ #include "config.h" #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #if HAVE_IO_H #include <io.h> #endif #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "avstring.h" #include "avutil.h" #include "common.h" #include "internal.h" #include "log.h" #if HAVE_VALGRIND_VALGRIND_H #include <valgrind/valgrind.h> /* this is the log level at which valgrind will output a full backtrace */ #define BACKTRACE_LOGLEVEL AV_LOG_ERROR #endif static int av_log_level = AV_LOG_INFO; static int flags; #define NB_LEVELS 8 #if HAVE_SETCONSOLETEXTATTRIBUTE #include <windows.h> static const uint8_t color[NB_LEVELS] = { 12, 12, 12, 14, 7, 10, 11, 8}; static int16_t background, attr_orig; static HANDLE con; #define set_color(x) SetConsoleTextAttribute(con, background | color[x]) #define reset_color() SetConsoleTextAttribute(con, attr_orig) #define print_256color(x) #else static const uint8_t color[NB_LEVELS] = { 0x41, 0x41, 0x11, 0x03, 9, 0x02, 0x06, 0x07 }; #define set_color(x) fprintf(stderr, "\033[%d;3%dm", color[x] >> 4, color[x]&15) #define print_256color(x) fprintf(stderr, "\033[38;5;%dm", x) #define reset_color() fprintf(stderr, "\033[0m") #endif static int use_color = -1; static void check_color_terminal(void) { #if HAVE_SETCONSOLETEXTATTRIBUTE CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO con_info; con = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); use_color = (con != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && !getenv("NO_COLOR") && !getenv("AV_LOG_FORCE_NOCOLOR"); if (use_color) { GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(con, &con_info); attr_orig = con_info.wAttributes; background = attr_orig & 0xF0; } #elif HAVE_ISATTY char *term = getenv("TERM"); use_color = !getenv("NO_COLOR") && !getenv("AV_LOG_FORCE_NOCOLOR") && (getenv("TERM") && isatty(2) || getenv("AV_LOG_FORCE_COLOR")); if (use_color) use_color += term && strstr(term, "256color"); #else use_color = getenv("AV_LOG_FORCE_COLOR") && !getenv("NO_COLOR") && !getenv("AV_LOG_FORCE_NOCOLOR"); #endif } static void colored_fputs(int level, int tint, const char *str) { if (use_color < 0) check_color_terminal(); switch (use_color) { case 1: set_color(level); break; case 2: set_color(level); if (tint) print_256color(tint); break; default: break; } fputs(str, stderr); if (use_color) { reset_color(); } } const char *av_default_item_name(void *ptr) { return (*(AVClass **) ptr)->class_name; } void av_log_default_callback(void *avcl, int level, const char *fmt, va_list vl) { static int print_prefix = 1; static int count; static char prev[1024]; char line[1024]; static int is_atty; AVClass* avc = avcl ? *(AVClass **) avcl : NULL; unsigned tint = level & 0xff00; level &= 0xff; if (level > av_log_level) return; line[0] = 0; if (print_prefix && avc) { if (avc->parent_log_context_offset) { AVClass** parent = *(AVClass ***) (((uint8_t *) avcl) + avc->parent_log_context_offset); if (parent && *parent) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "[%s @ %p] ", (*parent)->item_name(parent), parent); } } snprintf(line + strlen(line), sizeof(line) - strlen(line), "[%s @ %p] ", avc->item_name(avcl), avcl); } vsnprintf(line + strlen(line), sizeof(line) - strlen(line), fmt, vl); print_prefix = strlen(line) && line[strlen(line) - 1] == '\n'; #if HAVE_ISATTY if (!is_atty) is_atty = isatty(2) ? 1 : -1; #endif if (print_prefix && (flags & AV_LOG_SKIP_REPEATED) && !strncmp(line, prev, sizeof line)) { count++; if (is_atty == 1) fprintf(stderr, " Last message repeated %d times\r", count); return; } if (count > 0) { fprintf(stderr, " Last message repeated %d times\n", count); count = 0; } colored_fputs(av_clip(level >> 3, 0, NB_LEVELS - 1), tint >> 8, line); av_strlcpy(prev, line, sizeof line); #if CONFIG_VALGRIND_BACKTRACE if (level <= BACKTRACE_LOGLEVEL) VALGRIND_PRINTF_BACKTRACE(""); #endif } static void (*av_log_callback)(void*, int, const char*, va_list) = av_log_default_callback; void av_log(void* avcl, int level, const char *fmt, ...) { AVClass* avc = avcl ? *(AVClass **) avcl : NULL; va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); if (avc && avc->version >= (50 << 16 | 15 << 8 | 2) && avc->log_level_offset_offset && level >= AV_LOG_FATAL) level += *(int *) (((uint8_t *) avcl) + avc->log_level_offset_offset); av_vlog(avcl, level, fmt, vl); va_end(vl); } void av_vlog(void* avcl, int level, const char *fmt, va_list vl) { av_log_callback(avcl, level, fmt, vl); } int av_log_get_level(void) { return av_log_level; } void av_log_set_level(int level) { av_log_level = level; } void av_log_set_flags(int arg) { flags = arg; } void av_log_set_callback(void (*callback)(void*, int, const char*, va_list)) { av_log_callback = callback; } static void missing_feature_sample(int sample, void *avc, const char *msg, va_list argument_list) { av_vlog(avc, AV_LOG_WARNING, msg, argument_list); av_log(avc, AV_LOG_WARNING, " is not implemented. Update your Libav " "version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still " "occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not " "been implemented.\n"); if (sample) av_log(avc, AV_LOG_WARNING, "If you want to help, upload a sample " "of this file to ftp://upload.libav.org/incoming/ " "and contact the libav-devel mailing list.\n"); } void avpriv_request_sample(void *avc, const char *msg, ...) { va_list argument_list; va_start(argument_list, msg); missing_feature_sample(1, avc, msg, argument_list); va_end(argument_list); } void avpriv_report_missing_feature(void *avc, const char *msg, ...) { va_list argument_list; va_start(argument_list, msg); missing_feature_sample(0, avc, msg, argument_list); va_end(argument_list); }