/* * MOV, 3GP, MP4 encoder. * Copyright (c) 2003 Thomas Raivio. * Enhancements by Gildas Bazin <gbazin@netcourrier.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "avformat.h" #include "avi.h" #include "avio.h" #undef NDEBUG #include <assert.h> #define MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE 16384 #define globalTimescale 1000 typedef struct MOVIentry { unsigned int flags, pos, size; unsigned int samplesInChunk; char key_frame; unsigned int entries; } MOVIentry; typedef struct MOVIndex { int entry; int mdat_size; int ents_allocated; long timescale; long time; long trackDuration; long sampleCount; long sampleDuration; int hasKeyframes; int trackID; AVCodecContext *enc; int vosLen; uint8_t *vosData; MOVIentry** cluster; } MOVTrack; typedef struct { long time; int nb_streams; int mdat_written; offset_t mdat_pos; offset_t movi_list; long timescale; MOVTrack tracks[MAX_STREAMS]; } MOVContext; static int mov_write_esds_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track); //FIXME supprt 64bit varaint with wide placeholders static int updateSize (ByteIOContext *pb, int pos) { long curpos = url_ftell(pb); url_fseek(pb, pos, SEEK_SET); put_be32(pb, curpos - pos); /* rewrite size */ url_fseek(pb, curpos, SEEK_SET); return curpos - pos; } /* Chunk offset atom */ static int mov_write_stco_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int i; int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "stco"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* version & flags */ put_be32(pb, track->entry); /* entry count */ for (i=0; i<track->entry; i++) { int cl = i / MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; int id = i % MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; put_be32(pb, track->cluster[cl][id].pos); } return updateSize (pb, pos); } /* Sample size atom */ static int mov_write_stsz_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int equalChunks = 1; int i, j, entries = 0, tst = -1, oldtst = -1; int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "stsz"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* version & flags */ for (i=0; i<track->entry; i++) { int cl = i / MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; int id = i % MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; tst = track->cluster[cl][id].size/track->cluster[cl][id].entries; if(oldtst != -1 && tst != oldtst) { equalChunks = 0; } oldtst = tst; entries += track->cluster[cl][id].entries; } if (equalChunks) { int sSize = track->cluster[0][0].size/track->cluster[0][0].entries; put_be32(pb, sSize); // sample size put_be32(pb, entries); // sample count } else { put_be32(pb, 0); // sample size put_be32(pb, entries); // sample count for (i=0; i<track->entry; i++) { int cl = i / MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; int id = i % MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; for ( j=0; j<track->cluster[cl][id].entries; j++) { put_be32(pb, track->cluster[cl][id].size / track->cluster[cl][id].entries); } } } return updateSize (pb, pos); } /* Sample to chunk atom */ static int mov_write_stsc_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int index = 0, oldval = -1, i, entryPos, curpos; int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "stsc"); put_be32(pb, 0); // version & flags entryPos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, track->entry); // entry count for (i=0; i<track->entry; i++) { int cl = i / MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; int id = i % MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; if(oldval != track->cluster[cl][id].samplesInChunk) { put_be32(pb, i+1); // first chunk put_be32(pb, track->cluster[cl][id].samplesInChunk); // samples per chunk put_be32(pb, 0x1); // sample description index oldval = track->cluster[cl][id].samplesInChunk; index++; } } curpos = url_ftell(pb); url_fseek(pb, entryPos, SEEK_SET); put_be32(pb, index); // rewrite size url_fseek(pb, curpos, SEEK_SET); return updateSize (pb, pos); } /* Sync sample atom */ static int mov_write_stss_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { long curpos; int i, index = 0, entryPos; int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); // size put_tag(pb, "stss"); put_be32(pb, 0); // version & flags entryPos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, track->entry); // entry count for (i=0; i<track->entry; i++) { int cl = i / MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; int id = i % MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; if(track->cluster[cl][id].key_frame == 1) { put_be32(pb, i+1); index++; } } curpos = url_ftell(pb); url_fseek(pb, entryPos, SEEK_SET); put_be32(pb, index); // rewrite size url_fseek(pb, curpos, SEEK_SET); return updateSize (pb, pos); } static int mov_write_damr_tag(ByteIOContext *pb) { put_be32(pb, 0x11); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "damr"); put_tag(pb, "FFMP"); put_byte(pb, 0); put_be16(pb, 0x80); /* Mode set (all modes for AMR_NB) */ put_be16(pb, 0xa); /* Mode change period (no restriction) */ //put_be16(pb, 0x81ff); /* Mode set (all modes for AMR_NB) */ //put_be16(pb, 1); /* Mode change period (no restriction) */ return 0x11; } static int mov_write_audio_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW) put_tag(pb, "ulaw"); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW) put_tag(pb, "alaw"); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_QT) put_tag(pb, "ima4"); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MACE3) put_tag(pb, "MAC3"); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MACE6) put_tag(pb, "MAC6"); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AAC) put_tag(pb, "mp4a"); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AMR_NB) put_tag(pb, "samr"); else put_tag(pb, " "); put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be16(pb, 1); /* Data-reference index, XXX == 1 */ /* SoundDescription */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* Version */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* Revision level */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be16(pb, track->enc->channels); /* Number of channels */ /* TODO: Currently hard-coded to 16-bit, there doesn't seem to be a good way to get number of bits of audio */ put_be16(pb, 0x10); /* Reserved */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* compression ID (= 0) */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* packet size (= 0) */ put_be16(pb, track->timescale); /* Time scale */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AAC) mov_write_esds_tag(pb, track); if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AMR_NB) mov_write_damr_tag(pb); return updateSize (pb, pos); } static int mov_write_d263_tag(ByteIOContext *pb) { put_be32(pb, 0xf); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "d263"); put_tag(pb, "FFMP"); put_be16(pb, 0x0a); put_byte(pb, 0); return 0xf; } /* TODO: No idea about these values */ static int mov_write_svq3_tag(ByteIOContext *pb) { put_be32(pb, 0x15); put_tag(pb, "SMI "); put_tag(pb, "SEQH"); put_be32(pb, 0x5); put_be32(pb, 0xe2c0211d); put_be32(pb, 0xc0000000); put_byte(pb, 0); return 0x15; } static unsigned int descrLength(unsigned int len) { if (len < 0x00000080) return 2 + len; else if (len < 0x00004000) return 3 + len; else if(len < 0x00200000) return 4 + len; else return 5 + len; } static void putDescr(ByteIOContext *pb, int tag, int size) { uint32_t len; uint8_t vals[4]; len = size; vals[3] = (uint8_t)(len & 0x7f); len >>= 7; vals[2] = (uint8_t)((len & 0x7f) | 0x80); len >>= 7; vals[1] = (uint8_t)((len & 0x7f) | 0x80); len >>= 7; vals[0] = (uint8_t)((len & 0x7f) | 0x80); put_byte(pb, tag); // DescriptorTag if (size < 0x00000080) { put_byte(pb, vals[3]); } else if (size < 0x00004000) { put_byte(pb, vals[2]); put_byte(pb, vals[3]); } else if (size < 0x00200000) { put_byte(pb, vals[1]); put_byte(pb, vals[2]); put_byte(pb, vals[3]); } else if (size < 0x10000000) { put_byte(pb, vals[0]); put_byte(pb, vals[1]); put_byte(pb, vals[2]); put_byte(pb, vals[3]); } } static int mov_write_esds_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) // Basic { int decoderSpecificInfoLen = track->vosLen ? descrLength(track->vosLen):0; int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); // size put_tag(pb, "esds"); put_be32(pb, 0); // Version // ES descriptor putDescr(pb, 0x03, 3 + descrLength(13 + decoderSpecificInfoLen) + descrLength(1)); put_be16(pb, 0x0001); // ID (= 1) put_byte(pb, 0x00); // flags (= no flags) // DecoderConfig descriptor putDescr(pb, 0x04, 13 + decoderSpecificInfoLen); if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AAC) put_byte(pb, 0x40); // Object type indication else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MPEG4) put_byte(pb, 0x20); // Object type indication (Visual 14496-2) if(track->enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) put_byte(pb, 0x15); // flags (= Audiostream) else put_byte(pb, 0x11); // flags (= Visualstream) put_byte(pb, 0x0); // Buffersize DB (24 bits) put_be16(pb, 0x0dd2); // Buffersize DB // TODO: find real values for these put_be32(pb, 0x0002e918); // maxbitrate put_be32(pb, 0x00017e6b); // avg bitrate if (track->vosLen) { // DecoderSpecific info descriptor putDescr(pb, 0x05, track->vosLen); put_buffer(pb, track->vosData, track->vosLen); } // SL descriptor putDescr(pb, 0x06, descrLength(1)); put_byte(pb, 0x02); return updateSize (pb, pos); } static int mov_write_video_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_SVQ1) put_tag(pb, "SVQ1"); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_SVQ3) put_tag(pb, "SVQ3"); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MPEG4) put_tag(pb, "mp4v"); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_H263) put_tag(pb, "s263"); else put_tag(pb, " "); /* Unknown tag */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be16(pb, 1); /* Data-reference index */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved (= 02000c) */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved ("SVis")*/ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved (400)*/ put_be16(pb, track->enc->width); /* Video width */ put_be16(pb, track->enc->height); /* Video height */ put_be32(pb, 0x00480000); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x00480000); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* Reserved */ put_be16(pb, 0x18); /* Reserved */ put_be16(pb, 0xffff); /* Reserved */ if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MPEG4) mov_write_esds_tag(pb, track); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_H263) mov_write_d263_tag(pb); else if(track->enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_SVQ3) mov_write_svq3_tag(pb); return updateSize (pb, pos); } static int mov_write_stsd_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "stsd"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* version & flags */ put_be32(pb, 1); /* entry count */ if (track->enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) mov_write_video_tag(pb, track); else if (track->enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) mov_write_audio_tag(pb, track); return updateSize(pb, pos); } /* TODO?: Currently all samples/frames seem to have same duration */ /* Time to sample atom */ static int mov_write_stts_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { put_be32(pb, 0x18); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "stts"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* version & flags */ put_be32(pb, 1); /* entry count */ put_be32(pb, track->sampleCount); /* sample count */ put_be32(pb, track->sampleDuration); /* sample duration */ return 0x18; } static int mov_write_dref_tag(ByteIOContext *pb) { put_be32(pb, 28); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "dref"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* version & flags */ put_be32(pb, 1); /* entry count */ put_be32(pb, 0xc); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "url "); put_be32(pb, 1); /* version & flags */ return 28; } static int mov_write_stbl_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "stbl"); mov_write_stsd_tag(pb, track); mov_write_stts_tag(pb, track); if (track->enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO && track->hasKeyframes) mov_write_stss_tag(pb, track); mov_write_stsc_tag(pb, track); mov_write_stsz_tag(pb, track); mov_write_stco_tag(pb, track); return updateSize(pb, pos); } static int mov_write_dinf_tag(ByteIOContext *pb) { int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "dinf"); mov_write_dref_tag(pb); return updateSize(pb, pos); } static int mov_write_smhd_tag(ByteIOContext *pb) { put_be32(pb, 16); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "smhd"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* version & flags */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* reserved (balance, normally = 0) */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* reserved */ return 16; } static int mov_write_vmhd_tag(ByteIOContext *pb) { put_be32(pb, 0x14); /* size (always 0x14) */ put_tag(pb, "vmhd"); put_be32(pb, 0x01); /* version & flags */ put_be64(pb, 0); /* reserved (graphics mode = copy) */ return 0x14; } static int mov_write_minf_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "minf"); if(track->enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) mov_write_vmhd_tag(pb); else mov_write_smhd_tag(pb); mov_write_dinf_tag(pb); mov_write_stbl_tag(pb, track); return updateSize(pb, pos); } static int mov_write_hdlr_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { char *str; int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "hdlr"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* Version & flags */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved */ if(track->enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) put_tag(pb, "vide"); /* handler type */ else put_tag(pb, "soun"); /* handler type */ put_be32(pb ,0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb ,0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb ,0); /* reserved */ if(track->enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) str = "VideoHandler"; else str = "SoundHandler"; put_byte(pb, strlen(str)); /* string counter */ put_buffer(pb, str, strlen(str)); return updateSize(pb, pos); } static int mov_write_mdhd_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { put_be32(pb, 32); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "mdhd"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* Version & flags */ put_be32(pb, track->time); /* creation time */ put_be32(pb, track->time); /* modification time */ put_be32(pb, track->timescale); /* time scale (sample rate for audio) */ put_be32(pb, track->trackDuration); /* duration */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* language, 0 = english */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* reserved (quality) */ return 32; } static int mov_write_mdia_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "mdia"); mov_write_mdhd_tag(pb, track); mov_write_hdlr_tag(pb, track); mov_write_minf_tag(pb, track); return updateSize(pb, pos); } static int mov_write_tkhd_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int64_t maxTrackLenTemp; put_be32(pb, 0x5c); /* size (always 0x5c) */ put_tag(pb, "tkhd"); put_be32(pb, 0xf); /* version & flags (track enabled) */ put_be32(pb, track->time); /* creation time */ put_be32(pb, track->time); /* modification time */ put_be32(pb, track->trackID); /* track-id */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved */ maxTrackLenTemp = ((int64_t)globalTimescale*(int64_t)track->trackDuration)/(int64_t)track->timescale; put_be32(pb, (long)maxTrackLenTemp); /* duration */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved (Layer & Alternate group) */ /* Volume, only for audio */ if(track->enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) put_be16(pb, 0x0100); else put_be16(pb, 0); put_be16(pb, 0); /* reserved */ /* Matrix structure */ put_be32(pb, 0x00010000); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x00010000); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x40000000); /* reserved */ /* Track width and height, for visual only */ if(track->enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) { put_be32(pb, track->enc->width*0x10000); put_be32(pb, track->enc->height*0x10000); } else { put_be32(pb, 0); put_be32(pb, 0); } return 0x5c; } static int mov_write_trak_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVTrack* track) { int pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "trak"); mov_write_tkhd_tag(pb, track); mov_write_mdia_tag(pb, track); return updateSize(pb, pos); } /* TODO: Not sorted out, but not necessary either */ static int mov_write_iods_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVContext *mov) { put_be32(pb, 0x15); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "iods"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* version & flags */ put_be16(pb, 0x1007); put_byte(pb, 0); put_be16(pb, 0x4fff); put_be16(pb, 0xfffe); put_be16(pb, 0x01ff); return 0x15; } static int mov_write_mvhd_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVContext *mov) { int maxTrackID = 1, maxTrackLen = 0, i; int64_t maxTrackLenTemp; put_be32(pb, 0x6c); /* size (always 0x6c) */ put_tag(pb, "mvhd"); put_be32(pb, 0); /* version & flags */ put_be32(pb, mov->time); /* creation time */ put_be32(pb, mov->time); /* modification time */ put_be32(pb, mov->timescale); /* timescale */ for (i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++) { if(mov->tracks[i].entry > 0) { maxTrackLenTemp = ((int64_t)globalTimescale*(int64_t)mov->tracks[i].trackDuration)/(int64_t)mov->tracks[i].timescale; if(maxTrackLen < maxTrackLenTemp) maxTrackLen = maxTrackLenTemp; if(maxTrackID < mov->tracks[i].trackID) maxTrackID = mov->tracks[i].trackID; } } put_be32(pb, maxTrackLen); /* duration of longest track */ put_be32(pb, 0x00010000); /* reserved (preferred rate) 1.0 = normal */ put_be16(pb, 0x0100); /* reserved (preferred volume) 1.0 = normal */ put_be16(pb, 0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved */ /* Matrix structure */ put_be32(pb, 0x00010000); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x00010000); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x0); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0x40000000); /* reserved */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved (preview time) */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved (preview duration) */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved (poster time) */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved (selection time) */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved (selection duration) */ put_be32(pb, 0); /* reserved (current time) */ put_be32(pb, maxTrackID+1); /* Next track id */ return 0x6c; } static int mov_write_moov_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVContext *mov) { int pos, i; pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size placeholder*/ put_tag(pb, "moov"); mov->timescale = globalTimescale; for (i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++) { if(mov->tracks[i].entry <= 0) continue; if(mov->tracks[i].enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) { mov->tracks[i].timescale = mov->tracks[i].enc->frame_rate; mov->tracks[i].sampleDuration = mov->tracks[i].enc->frame_rate_base; } else if(mov->tracks[i].enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) { /* If AMR, track timescale = 8000, AMR_WB = 16000 */ if(mov->tracks[i].enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AMR_NB) { mov->tracks[i].sampleDuration = 160; // Bytes per chunk mov->tracks[i].timescale = 8000; } else { mov->tracks[i].timescale = mov->tracks[i].enc->sample_rate; mov->tracks[i].sampleDuration = mov->tracks[i].enc->frame_size; } } mov->tracks[i].trackDuration = mov->tracks[i].sampleCount * mov->tracks[i].sampleDuration; mov->tracks[i].time = mov->time; mov->tracks[i].trackID = i+1; } mov_write_mvhd_tag(pb, mov); //mov_write_iods_tag(pb, mov); for (i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++) { if(mov->tracks[i].entry > 0) { mov_write_trak_tag(pb, &(mov->tracks[i])); } } return updateSize(pb, pos); } int mov_write_mdat_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, MOVContext* mov) { mov->mdat_pos = url_ftell(pb); put_be32(pb, 0); /* size placeholder*/ put_tag(pb, "mdat"); return 0; } /* TODO: This needs to be more general */ int mov_write_ftyp_tag(ByteIOContext *pb, AVFormatContext *s) { put_be32(pb, 0x14 ); /* size */ put_tag(pb, "ftyp"); if (!strcmp("3gp", s->oformat->name)) put_tag(pb, "3gp4"); else put_tag(pb, "isom"); put_be32(pb, 0x200 ); if (!strcmp("3gp", s->oformat->name)) put_tag(pb, "3gp4"); else put_tag(pb, "mp41"); return 0x14; } static int mov_write_header(AVFormatContext *s) { ByteIOContext *pb = &s->pb; if(s->oformat != NULL) { if(!strcmp("3gp", s->oformat->name) || !strcmp("mp4", s->oformat->name)) mov_write_ftyp_tag(pb,s); } put_flush_packet(pb); return 0; } static int Timestamp() { return 1067949799U+(24107*86400); //its the modification time of this line :) } static int mov_write_packet(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, const uint8_t *buf, int size, int64_t pts) { MOVContext *mov = s->priv_data; ByteIOContext *pb = &s->pb; AVCodecContext *enc = &s->streams[stream_index]->codec; MOVTrack* trk = &mov->tracks[stream_index]; int cl, id; unsigned int samplesInChunk = 0; if (url_is_streamed(&s->pb)) return 0; /* Can't handle that */ if (!size) return 0; /* Discard 0 sized packets */ if (enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO ) { samplesInChunk = 1; } else if (enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO ) { if( enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AMR_NB) { /* We must find out how many AMR blocks there are in one packet */ static uint16_t packed_size[16] = {13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 27, 32, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int len = 0; while (len < size && samplesInChunk < 100) { len += packed_size[(buf[len] >> 3) & 0x0F]; samplesInChunk++; } } else if(enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW) { samplesInChunk = size/enc->channels; } else { samplesInChunk = 1; } } if ((enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MPEG4 || enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AAC) && trk->vosLen == 0) { assert(enc->extradata_size); trk->vosLen = enc->extradata_size; trk->vosData = av_malloc(trk->vosLen); memcpy(trk->vosData, enc->extradata, trk->vosLen); } cl = trk->entry / MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; id = trk->entry % MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; if (trk->ents_allocated <= trk->entry) { trk->cluster = av_realloc(trk->cluster, (cl+1)*sizeof(void*)); if (!trk->cluster) return -1; trk->cluster[cl] = av_malloc(MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE*sizeof(MOVIentry)); if (!trk->cluster[cl]) return -1; trk->ents_allocated += MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; } if (mov->mdat_written == 0) { mov_write_mdat_tag(pb, mov); mov->mdat_written = 1; mov->time = Timestamp(); } trk->cluster[cl][id].pos = url_ftell(pb) - mov->movi_list; trk->cluster[cl][id].samplesInChunk = samplesInChunk; trk->cluster[cl][id].size = size; trk->cluster[cl][id].entries = samplesInChunk; if(enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) { trk->cluster[cl][id].key_frame = enc->coded_frame->key_frame; if(enc->coded_frame->pict_type == FF_I_TYPE) trk->hasKeyframes = 1; } trk->enc = enc; trk->entry++; trk->sampleCount += samplesInChunk; trk->mdat_size += size; put_buffer(pb, buf, size); put_flush_packet(pb); return 0; } static int mov_write_trailer(AVFormatContext *s) { MOVContext *mov = s->priv_data; ByteIOContext *pb = &s->pb; int res = 0; int i, j; offset_t file_size; file_size = url_ftell(pb); j = 0; /* Write size of mdat tag */ for (i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++) { if(mov->tracks[i].ents_allocated > 0) { j += mov->tracks[i].mdat_size; } } url_fseek(pb, mov->mdat_pos, SEEK_SET); put_be32(pb, j+8); url_fseek(pb, file_size, SEEK_SET); mov_write_moov_tag(pb, mov); for (i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++) { for (j=0; j<mov->tracks[i].ents_allocated/MOV_INDEX_CLUSTER_SIZE; j++) { av_free(mov->tracks[i].cluster[j]); } av_free(mov->tracks[i].cluster); mov->tracks[i].cluster = NULL; mov->tracks[i].ents_allocated = mov->tracks[i].entry = 0; } put_flush_packet(pb); return res; } static AVOutputFormat mov_oformat = { "mov", "mov format", NULL, "mov", sizeof(MOVContext), CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW, CODEC_ID_MPEG4, mov_write_header, mov_write_packet, mov_write_trailer, }; static AVOutputFormat _3gp_oformat = { "3gp", "3gp format", NULL, "3gp", sizeof(MOVContext), CODEC_ID_AMR_NB, CODEC_ID_H263, mov_write_header, mov_write_packet, mov_write_trailer, }; static AVOutputFormat mp4_oformat = { "mp4", "mp4 format", "application/mp4", "mp4,m4a", sizeof(MOVContext), CODEC_ID_AAC, CODEC_ID_MPEG4, mov_write_header, mov_write_packet, mov_write_trailer, }; int movenc_init(void) { av_register_output_format(&mov_oformat); av_register_output_format(&_3gp_oformat); av_register_output_format(&mp4_oformat); return 0; }