/* * Real Audio 1.0 (14.4K) * Copyright (c) 2003 the ffmpeg project * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "avcodec.h" #include "ra144.h" #define DATABLOCK1 20 /* size of 14.4 input block in bytes */ #define DATACHUNK1 1440 /* size of 14.4 input chunk in bytes */ #define AUDIOBLOCK 160 /* size of output block in 16-bit words (320 bytes) */ #define AUDIOBUFFER 12288 /* size of output buffer in 16-bit words (24576 bytes) */ /* consts */ #define NBLOCKS 4 /* number of segments within a block */ #define BLOCKSIZE 40 /* (quarter) block size in 16-bit words (80 bytes) */ #define HALFBLOCK 20 /* BLOCKSIZE/2 */ #define BUFFERSIZE 146 /* for do_output */ /* internal globals */ typedef struct { unsigned int resetflag, val, oldval; unsigned int unpacked[28]; /* buffer for unpacked input */ unsigned int *iptr; /* pointer to current input (from unpacked) */ unsigned int gval; unsigned short *gsp; unsigned int gbuf1[8]; unsigned short gbuf2[120]; signed short output_buffer[40]; unsigned int *decptr; /* decoder ptr */ signed short *decsp; /* the swapped buffers */ unsigned int swapb1a[10]; unsigned int swapb2a[10]; unsigned int swapb1b[10]; unsigned int swapb2b[10]; unsigned int *swapbuf1; unsigned int *swapbuf2; unsigned int *swapbuf1alt; unsigned int *swapbuf2alt; unsigned int buffer[5]; unsigned short int buffer_2[148]; unsigned short int buffer_a[40]; unsigned short int buffer_b[40]; unsigned short int buffer_c[40]; unsigned short int buffer_d[40]; unsigned short int work[50]; unsigned short *sptr; int buffer1[10]; int buffer2[10]; signed short wavtable1[2304]; unsigned short wavtable2[2304]; } Real144_internal; static int ra144_decode_init(AVCodecContext * avctx) { Real144_internal *glob=avctx->priv_data; memset(glob,0,sizeof(Real144_internal)); glob->resetflag=1; glob->swapbuf1=glob->swapb1a; glob->swapbuf2=glob->swapb2a; glob->swapbuf1alt=glob->swapb1b; glob->swapbuf2alt=glob->swapb2b; memcpy(glob->wavtable1,wavtable1,sizeof(wavtable1)); memcpy(glob->wavtable2,wavtable2,sizeof(wavtable2)); return 0; } static void final(Real144_internal *glob, short *i1, short *i2, void *out, int *statbuf, int len); static void add_wav(Real144_internal *glob, int n, int f, int m1, int m2, int m3, short *s1, short *s2, short *s3, short *dest); static int irms(short *data, int factor); static void rotate_block(short *source, short *target, int offset); /* lookup square roots in table */ static int t_sqrt(unsigned int x) { int s=0; while (x>0xfff) { s++; x=x>>2; } return (sqrt_table[x]<<s)<<2; } /* do 'voice' */ static void do_voice(int *a1, int *a2) { int buffer[10]; int *b1,*b2; int x,y; int *ptr,*tmp; b1=buffer; b2=a2; for (x=0;x<10;x++) { b1[x]=(*a1)<<4; if(x>0) { ptr=b2+x; for (y=0;y<=x-1;y++) b1[y]=(((*a1)*(*(--ptr)))>>12)+b2[y]; } tmp=b1; b1=b2; b2=tmp; a1++; } ptr=a2+10; while (ptr>a2) (*a2++)>>=4; } /* do quarter-block output */ static void do_output_subblock(Real144_internal *glob, unsigned int x) { int a,b,c,d,e,f,g; if (x==1) memset(glob->buffer,0,20); if ((*glob->iptr)==0) a=0; else a=(*glob->iptr)+HALFBLOCK-1; glob->iptr++; b=*(glob->iptr++); c=*(glob->iptr++); d=*(glob->iptr++); if (a) rotate_block(glob->buffer_2,glob->buffer_a,a); memcpy(glob->buffer_b,etable1+b*BLOCKSIZE,BLOCKSIZE*2); e=((ftable1[b]>>4)*glob->gval)>>8; memcpy(glob->buffer_c,etable2+c*BLOCKSIZE,BLOCKSIZE*2); f=((ftable2[c]>>4)*glob->gval)>>8; if (a) g=irms(glob->buffer_a,glob->gval)>>12; else g=0; add_wav(glob,d,a,g,e,f,glob->buffer_a,glob->buffer_b,glob->buffer_c,glob->buffer_d); memmove(glob->buffer_2,glob->buffer_2+BLOCKSIZE,(BUFFERSIZE-BLOCKSIZE)*2); memcpy(glob->buffer_2+BUFFERSIZE-BLOCKSIZE,glob->buffer_d,BLOCKSIZE*2); final(glob,glob->gsp,glob->buffer_d,glob->output_buffer,glob->buffer,BLOCKSIZE); } /* rotate block */ static void rotate_block(short *source, short *target, int offset) { short *end; short *ptr1; short *ptr2; short *ptr3; ptr2=source+BUFFERSIZE; ptr3=ptr1=ptr2-offset; end=target+BLOCKSIZE; while (target<end) { *(target++)=*(ptr3++); if (ptr3==ptr2) ptr3=ptr1; } } /* inverse root mean square */ static int irms(short *data, int factor) { short *p1,*p2; unsigned int sum; p2=(p1=data)+BLOCKSIZE; for (sum=0;p2>p1;p1++) sum+=(*p1)*(*p1); if (sum==0) return 0; /* OOPS - division by zero */ return (0x20000000/(t_sqrt(sum)>>8))*factor; } /* multiply/add wavetable */ static void add_wav(Real144_internal *glob, int n, int f, int m1, int m2, int m3, short *s1, short *s2, short *s3, short *dest) { int a,b,c; short *ptr,*ptr2; ptr=glob->wavtable1+n*9; ptr2=glob->wavtable2+n*9; if (f!=0) { a=((*ptr)*m1)>>((*ptr2)+1); } else { a=0; } ptr++;ptr2++; b=((*ptr)*m2)>>((*ptr2)+1); ptr++;ptr2++; c=((*ptr)*m3)>>((*ptr2)+1); ptr2=(ptr=dest)+BLOCKSIZE; if (f!=0) while (ptr<ptr2) *(ptr++)=((*(s1++))*a+(*(s2++))*b+(*(s3++))*c)>>12; else while (ptr<ptr2) *(ptr++)=((*(s2++))*b+(*(s3++))*c)>>12; } static void final(Real144_internal *glob, short *i1, short *i2, void *out, int *statbuf, int len) { int x,sum; int buffer[10]; short *ptr; short *ptr2; memcpy(glob->work,statbuf,20); memcpy(glob->work+10,i2,len*2); buffer[9]=i1[0]; buffer[8]=i1[1]; buffer[7]=i1[2]; buffer[6]=i1[3]; buffer[5]=i1[4]; buffer[4]=i1[5]; buffer[3]=i1[6]; buffer[2]=i1[7]; buffer[1]=i1[8]; buffer[0]=i1[9]; ptr2=(ptr=glob->work)+len; while (ptr<ptr2) { for(sum=0,x=0;x<=9;x++) sum+=buffer[x]*(ptr[x]); sum=sum>>12; x=ptr[10]-sum; if (x<-32768 || x>32767) { memset(out,0,len*2); memset(statbuf,0,20); return; } ptr[10]=x; ptr++; } memcpy(out,ptr+10-len,len*2); memcpy(statbuf,ptr,20); } /* Decode 20-byte input */ static void unpack_input(const unsigned char *input, unsigned int *output) { unsigned int outbuffer[28]; unsigned short inbuffer[10]; unsigned int x; unsigned int *ptr; /* fix endianness */ for (x=0;x<20;x+=2) inbuffer[x/2]=(input[x]<<8)+input[x+1]; /* unpack */ ptr=outbuffer; *(ptr++)=27; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[0]>>10)&0x3f; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[0]>>5)&0x1f; *(ptr++)=inbuffer[0]&0x1f; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[1]>>12)&0xf; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[1]>>8)&0xf; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[1]>>5)&7; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[1]>>2)&7; *(ptr++)=((inbuffer[1]<<1)&6)|((inbuffer[2]>>15)&1); *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[2]>>12)&7; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[2]>>10)&3; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[2]>>5)&0x1f; *(ptr++)=((inbuffer[2]<<2)&0x7c)|((inbuffer[3]>>14)&3); *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[3]>>6)&0xff; *(ptr++)=((inbuffer[3]<<1)&0x7e)|((inbuffer[4]>>15)&1); *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[4]>>8)&0x7f; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[4]>>1)&0x7f; *(ptr++)=((inbuffer[4]<<7)&0x80)|((inbuffer[5]>>9)&0x7f); *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[5]>>2)&0x7f; *(ptr++)=((inbuffer[5]<<5)&0x60)|((inbuffer[6]>>11)&0x1f); *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[6]>>4)&0x7f; *(ptr++)=((inbuffer[6]<<4)&0xf0)|((inbuffer[7]>>12)&0xf); *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[7]>>5)&0x7f; *(ptr++)=((inbuffer[7]<<2)&0x7c)|((inbuffer[8]>>14)&3); *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[8]>>7)&0x7f; *(ptr++)=((inbuffer[8]<<1)&0xfe)|((inbuffer[9]>>15)&1); *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[9]>>8)&0x7f; *(ptr++)=(inbuffer[9]>>1)&0x7f; *(output++)=outbuffer[11]; for (x=1;x<11;*(output++)=outbuffer[x++]); ptr=outbuffer+12; for (x=0;x<16;x+=4) { *(output++)=ptr[x]; *(output++)=ptr[x+2]; *(output++)=ptr[x+3]; *(output++)=ptr[x+1]; } } static unsigned int rms(int *data, int f) { int *c; int x; unsigned int res; int b; c=data; b=0; res=0x10000; for (x=0;x<10;x++) { res=(((0x1000000-(*c)*(*c))>>12)*res)>>12; if (res==0) return 0; if (res<=0x3fff) { while (res<=0x3fff) { b++; res<<=2; } } else { if (res>0x10000) return 0; /* We're screwed, might as well go out with a bang. :P */ } c++; } if (res>0) res=t_sqrt(res); res>>=(b+10); res=(res*f)>>10; return res; } static void dec1(Real144_internal *glob, int *data, int *inp, int n, int f) { short *ptr,*end; *(glob->decptr++)=rms(data,f); glob->decptr++; end=(ptr=glob->decsp)+(n*10); while (ptr<end) *(ptr++)=*(inp++); } static int eq(Real144_internal *glob, short *in, int *target) { int retval; int a; int b; int c; unsigned int u; short *sptr; int *ptr1,*ptr2,*ptr3; int *bp1,*bp2,*temp; retval=0; bp1=glob->buffer1; bp2=glob->buffer2; ptr2=(ptr3=glob->buffer2)+9; sptr=in; while (ptr2>=ptr3) *(ptr3++)=*(sptr++); target+=9; a=bp2[9]; *target=a; if (a+0x1000>0x1fff) return 0; /* We're screwed, might as well go out with a bang. :P */ c=8;u=a; while (c>=0) { if (u==0x1000) u++; if (u==0xfffff000) u--; b=0x1000-((u*u)>>12); if (b==0) b++; ptr2=bp1; ptr1=(ptr3=bp2)+c; for (u=0;u<=c;u++) *(ptr2++)=((*(ptr3++)-(((*target)*(*(ptr1--)))>>12))*(0x1000000/b))>>12; *(--target)=u=bp1[(c--)]; if ((u+0x1000)>0x1fff) retval=1; temp=bp2; bp2=bp1; bp1=temp; } return retval; } static void dec2(Real144_internal *glob, int *data, int *inp, int n, int f, int *inp2, int l) { unsigned int *ptr1,*ptr2; int work[10]; int a,b; int x; int result; if(l+1<NBLOCKS/2) a=NBLOCKS-(l+1); else a=l+1; b=NBLOCKS-a; if (l==0) { glob->decsp=glob->sptr=glob->gbuf2; glob->decptr=glob->gbuf1; } ptr1=inp; ptr2=inp2; for (x=0;x<10*n;x++) *(glob->sptr++)=(a*(*ptr1++)+b*(*ptr2++))>>2; result=eq(glob,glob->decsp,work); if (result==1) { dec1(glob,data,inp,n,f); } else { *(glob->decptr++)=rms(work,f); glob->decptr++; } glob->decsp+=n*10; } /* Uncompress one block (20 bytes -> 160*2 bytes) */ static int ra144_decode_frame(AVCodecContext * avctx, void *vdata, int *data_size, const uint8_t * buf, int buf_size) { unsigned int a,b,c; signed short *shptr; unsigned int *lptr,*temp; const short **dptr; int16_t *datao; int16_t *data = vdata; Real144_internal *glob=avctx->priv_data; if(buf_size==0) return 0; datao = data; unpack_input(buf,glob->unpacked); glob->iptr=glob->unpacked; glob->val=decodetable[0][(*(glob->iptr++))<<1]; dptr=decodetable+1; lptr=glob->swapbuf1; while (lptr<glob->swapbuf1+10) *(lptr++)=(*(dptr++))[(*(glob->iptr++))<<1]; do_voice(glob->swapbuf1,glob->swapbuf2); a=t_sqrt(glob->val*glob->oldval)>>12; for (c=0;c<NBLOCKS;c++) { if (c==(NBLOCKS-1)) { dec1(glob,glob->swapbuf1,glob->swapbuf2,3,glob->val); } else { if (c*2==(NBLOCKS-2)) { if (glob->oldval<glob->val) { dec2(glob,glob->swapbuf1,glob->swapbuf2,3,a,glob->swapbuf2alt,c); } else { dec2(glob,glob->swapbuf1alt,glob->swapbuf2alt,3,a,glob->swapbuf2,c); } } else { if (c*2<(NBLOCKS-2)) { dec2(glob,glob->swapbuf1alt,glob->swapbuf2alt,3,glob->oldval,glob->swapbuf2,c); } else { dec2(glob,glob->swapbuf1,glob->swapbuf2,3,glob->val,glob->swapbuf2alt,c); } } } } /* do output */ for (b=0,c=0;c<4;c++) { glob->gval=glob->gbuf1[c*2]; glob->gsp=glob->gbuf2+b; do_output_subblock(glob,glob->resetflag); glob->resetflag=0; shptr=glob->output_buffer; while (shptr<glob->output_buffer+BLOCKSIZE) *data++=av_clip_int16(*(shptr++)<<2); b+=30; } glob->oldval=glob->val; temp=glob->swapbuf1alt; glob->swapbuf1alt=glob->swapbuf1; glob->swapbuf1=temp; temp=glob->swapbuf2alt; glob->swapbuf2alt=glob->swapbuf2; glob->swapbuf2=temp; *data_size=(data-datao)*sizeof(*data); return 20; } AVCodec ra_144_decoder = { "real_144", CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO, CODEC_ID_RA_144, sizeof(Real144_internal), ra144_decode_init, NULL, NULL, ra144_decode_frame, .long_name = "RealAudio 1.0 (14.4K)", };