/* * AVOptions * Copyright (c) 2005 Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ /** * @file opt.c * AVOptions * @author Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at> */ #include "avcodec.h" #include "opt.h" static int8_t si_prefixes['z' - 'E' + 1]={ ['y'-'E']= -24, ['z'-'E']= -21, ['a'-'E']= -18, ['f'-'E']= -15, ['p'-'E']= -12, ['n'-'E']= - 9, ['u'-'E']= - 6, ['m'-'E']= - 3, ['c'-'E']= - 2, ['d'-'E']= - 1, ['h'-'E']= 2, ['k'-'E']= 3, ['K'-'E']= 3, ['M'-'E']= 6, ['G'-'E']= 9, ['T'-'E']= 12, ['P'-'E']= 15, ['E'-'E']= 18, ['Z'-'E']= 21, ['Y'-'E']= 24, }; /** strtod() function extended with 'k', 'M', 'G', 'ki', 'Mi', 'Gi' and 'B' * postfixes. This allows using f.e. kB, MiB, G and B as a postfix. This * function assumes that the unit of numbers is bits not bytes. */ double av_strtod(const char *name, char **tail) { double d; int p = 0; char *next; d = strtod(name, &next); /* if parsing succeeded, check for and interpret postfixes */ if (next!=name) { if(*next >= 'E' && *next <= 'z'){ int e= si_prefixes[*next - 'E']; if(e){ if(next[1] == 'i'){ d*= pow( 2, e/0.3); next+=2; }else{ d*= pow(10, e); next++; } } } if(*next=='B') { d*=8; *next++; } } /* if requested, fill in tail with the position after the last parsed character */ if (tail) *tail = next; return d; } static double av_parse_num(const char *name, char **tail){ double d; d= av_strtod(name, tail); if(*tail>name && (**tail=='/' || **tail==':')) d/=av_strtod((*tail)+1, tail); return d; } //FIXME order them and do a bin search static AVOption *find_opt(void *v, const char *name, const char *unit){ AVClass *c= *(AVClass**)v; //FIXME silly way of storing AVClass AVOption *o= c->option; for(;o && o->name; o++){ if(!strcmp(o->name, name) && (!unit || !strcmp(o->unit, unit)) ) return o; } return NULL; } AVOption *av_next_option(void *obj, AVOption *last){ if(last && last[1].name) return ++last; else if(last) return NULL; else return (*(AVClass**)obj)->option; } static AVOption *av_set_number(void *obj, const char *name, double num, int den, int64_t intnum){ AVOption *o= find_opt(obj, name, NULL); void *dst; if(!o || o->offset<=0) return NULL; if(o->max*den < num*intnum || o->min*den > num*intnum) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Value %lf for parameter '%s' out of range.\n", num, name); return NULL; } dst= ((uint8_t*)obj) + o->offset; switch(o->type){ case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS: case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT: *(int *)dst= lrintf(num/den)*intnum; break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT64: *(int64_t *)dst= lrintf(num/den)*intnum; break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT: *(float *)dst= num*intnum/den; break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE:*(double *)dst= num*intnum/den; break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL: if((int)num == num) *(AVRational*)dst= (AVRational){num*intnum, den}; else *(AVRational*)dst= av_d2q(num*intnum/den, 1<<24); default: return NULL; } return o; } static AVOption *set_all_opt(void *v, const char *unit, double d){ AVClass *c= *(AVClass**)v; //FIXME silly way of storing AVClass AVOption *o= c->option; AVOption *ret=NULL; for(;o && o->name; o++){ if(o->type != FF_OPT_TYPE_CONST && o->unit && !strcmp(o->unit, unit)){ double tmp= d; if(o->type == FF_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS) tmp= av_get_int(v, o->name, NULL) | (int64_t)d; av_set_number(v, o->name, tmp, 1, 1); ret= o; } } return ret; } //FIXME use eval.c maybe? AVOption *av_set_string(void *obj, const char *name, const char *val){ AVOption *o= find_opt(obj, name, NULL); if(o && o->offset==0 && o->type == FF_OPT_TYPE_CONST && o->unit){ return set_all_opt(obj, o->unit, o->default_val); } if(!o || !val || o->offset<=0) return NULL; if(o->type != FF_OPT_TYPE_STRING){ for(;;){ int i; char buf[256], *tail; int cmd=0; double d; if(*val == '+' || *val == '-') cmd= *(val++); for(i=0; i<sizeof(buf)-1 && val[i] && val[i]!='+' && val[i]!='-'; i++) buf[i]= val[i]; buf[i]=0; val+= i; d= av_parse_num(buf, &tail); if(tail <= buf){ AVOption *o_named= find_opt(obj, buf, o->unit); if(o_named && o_named->type == FF_OPT_TYPE_CONST) d= o_named->default_val; else if(!strcmp(buf, "default")) d= o->default_val; else if(!strcmp(buf, "max" )) d= o->max; else if(!strcmp(buf, "min" )) d= o->min; else return NULL; } if(o->type == FF_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS){ if (cmd=='+') d= av_get_int(obj, name, NULL) | (int64_t)d; else if(cmd=='-') d= av_get_int(obj, name, NULL) &~(int64_t)d; }else if(cmd=='-') d= -d; av_set_number(obj, name, d, 1, 1); if(!*val) return o; } return NULL; } memcpy(((uint8_t*)obj) + o->offset, val, sizeof(val)); return o; } AVOption *av_set_double(void *obj, const char *name, double n){ return av_set_number(obj, name, n, 1, 1); } AVOption *av_set_q(void *obj, const char *name, AVRational n){ return av_set_number(obj, name, n.num, n.den, 1); } AVOption *av_set_int(void *obj, const char *name, int64_t n){ return av_set_number(obj, name, 1, 1, n); } /** * * @param buf a buffer which is used for returning non string values as strings, can be NULL * @param buf_len allocated length in bytes of buf */ const char *av_get_string(void *obj, const char *name, AVOption **o_out, char *buf, int buf_len){ AVOption *o= find_opt(obj, name, NULL); void *dst; if(!o || o->offset<=0) return NULL; if(o->type != FF_OPT_TYPE_STRING && (!buf || !buf_len)) return NULL; dst= ((uint8_t*)obj) + o->offset; if(o_out) *o_out= o; if(o->type == FF_OPT_TYPE_STRING) return dst; switch(o->type){ case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS: snprintf(buf, buf_len, "0x%08X",*(int *)dst);break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT: snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%d" , *(int *)dst);break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT64: snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%"PRId64, *(int64_t*)dst);break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT: snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%f" , *(float *)dst);break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE: snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%f" , *(double *)dst);break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL: snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%d/%d", ((AVRational*)dst)->num, ((AVRational*)dst)->den);break; default: return NULL; } return buf; } static int av_get_number(void *obj, const char *name, AVOption **o_out, double *num, int *den, int64_t *intnum){ AVOption *o= find_opt(obj, name, NULL); void *dst; if(!o || o->offset<=0) goto error; dst= ((uint8_t*)obj) + o->offset; if(o_out) *o_out= o; switch(o->type){ case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS: case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT: *intnum= *(int *)dst;return 0; case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT64: *intnum= *(int64_t*)dst;return 0; case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT: *num= *(float *)dst;return 0; case FF_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE: *num= *(double *)dst;return 0; case FF_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL: *intnum= ((AVRational*)dst)->num; *den = ((AVRational*)dst)->den; return 0; } error: *den=*intnum=0; return -1; } double av_get_double(void *obj, const char *name, AVOption **o_out){ int64_t intnum=1; double num=1; int den=1; av_get_number(obj, name, o_out, &num, &den, &intnum); return num*intnum/den; } AVRational av_get_q(void *obj, const char *name, AVOption **o_out){ int64_t intnum=1; double num=1; int den=1; av_get_number(obj, name, o_out, &num, &den, &intnum); if(num == 1.0 && (int)intnum == intnum) return (AVRational){intnum, den}; else return av_d2q(num*intnum/den, 1<<24); } int64_t av_get_int(void *obj, const char *name, AVOption **o_out){ int64_t intnum=1; double num=1; int den=1; av_get_number(obj, name, o_out, &num, &den, &intnum); return num*intnum/den; } int av_opt_show(void *obj, void *av_log_obj){ AVOption *opt=NULL; if(!obj) return -1; av_log(av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%s AVOptions:\n", (*(AVClass**)obj)->class_name); while((opt= av_next_option(obj, opt))){ if(!(opt->flags & (AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM|AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM))) continue; av_log(av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "-%-17s ", opt->name); switch( opt->type ) { case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS: av_log( av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%-7s ", "<flags>" ); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT: av_log( av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%-7s ", "<int>" ); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT64: av_log( av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%-7s ", "<int64>" ); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE: av_log( av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%-7s ", "<double>" ); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT: av_log( av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%-7s ", "<float>" ); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_STRING: av_log( av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%-7s ", "<string>" ); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL: av_log( av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%-7s ", "<rational>" ); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_CONST: default: av_log( av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%-7s ", "" ); break; } av_log(av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%c", (opt->flags & AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM) ? 'E' : '.'); av_log(av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%c", (opt->flags & AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM) ? 'D' : '.'); av_log(av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%c", (opt->flags & AV_OPT_FLAG_VIDEO_PARAM ) ? 'V' : '.'); av_log(av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%c", (opt->flags & AV_OPT_FLAG_AUDIO_PARAM ) ? 'A' : '.'); av_log(av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "%c", (opt->flags & AV_OPT_FLAG_SUBTITLE_PARAM) ? 'S' : '.'); if(opt->help) av_log(av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, " %s", opt->help); av_log(av_log_obj, AV_LOG_INFO, "\n"); } return 0; } /** Set the values of the AVCodecContext or AVFormatContext structure. * They are set to the defaults specified in the according AVOption options * array default_val field. * * @param s AVCodecContext or AVFormatContext for which the defaults will be set */ void av_opt_set_defaults(void *s) { AVOption *opt = NULL; while ((opt = av_next_option(s, opt)) != NULL) { switch(opt->type) { case FF_OPT_TYPE_CONST: /* Nothing to be done here */ break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS: case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT: { int val; val = opt->default_val; av_set_int(s, opt->name, val); } break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT: { double val; val = opt->default_val; av_set_double(s, opt->name, val); } break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL: { AVRational val; val = av_d2q(opt->default_val, INT_MAX); av_set_q(s, opt->name, val); } break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_STRING: /* Cannot set default for string as default_val is of type * double */ break; default: av_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "AVOption type %d of option %s not implemented yet\n", opt->type, opt->name); } } }