 * Indeo Video Interactive 4 compatible decoder
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Maxim Poliakovski
 * This file is part of Libav.
 * Libav is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * Libav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with Libav; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

 * @file
 * This file contains data needed for the Indeo 4 decoder.


#include <stdint.h>
#include "dsputil.h"
#include "ivi_common.h"

 *  standard picture dimensions
static const uint16_t ivi4_common_pic_sizes[14] = {
    640, 480, 320, 240, 160, 120, 704, 480, 352, 240, 352, 288, 176, 144

 *  Indeo 4 8x8 scan (zigzag) patterns
static const uint8_t ivi4_alternate_scan_8x8[64] = {
     0,  8,  1,  9, 16, 24,  2,  3, 17, 25, 10, 11, 32, 40, 48, 56,
     4,  5,  6,  7, 33, 41, 49, 57, 18, 19, 26, 27, 12, 13, 14, 15,
    34, 35, 43, 42, 50, 51, 59, 58, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31, 30, 29, 28,
    36, 37, 38, 39, 47, 46, 45, 44, 52, 53, 54, 55, 63, 62, 61, 60

static const uint8_t ivi4_alternate_scan_4x4[16] = {
    0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 12, 2, 3, 9, 13, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15

static const uint8_t ivi4_vertical_scan_4x4[16] = {
    0, 4, 8, 12, 1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 6, 10, 14, 3, 7, 11, 15

static const uint8_t ivi4_horizontal_scan_4x4[16] = {
    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

static const uint8_t *scan_index_to_tab[15] = {
    // for 8x8 transforms

    // for 4x4 transforms

    // TODO: check if those are needed

 *  Indeo 4 dequant tables
static uint16_t ivi4_quant_8x8_intra[9][64] = {
      43,  342,  385,  470,  555,  555,  598,  726,
     342,  342,  470,  513,  555,  598,  726,  769,
     385,  470,  555,  555,  598,  726,  726,  811,
     470,  470,  555,  555,  598,  726,  769,  854,
     470,  555,  555,  598,  683,  726,  854, 1025,
     555,  555,  598,  683,  726,  854, 1025, 1153,
     555,  555,  598,  726,  811,  982, 1195, 1451,
     555,  598,  726,  811,  982, 1195, 1451, 1793
      86, 1195, 2390, 2390, 4865, 4865, 4865, 4865,
    1195, 1195, 2390, 2390, 4865, 4865, 4865, 4865,
    2390, 2390, 4865, 4865, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827,
    2390, 2390, 4865, 4865, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827,
    4865, 4865, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827,
    4865, 4865, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827,
    4865, 4865, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827,
    4865, 4865, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827, 6827
     235, 1067, 1195, 1323, 1451, 1579, 1707, 1835,
     235, 1067, 1195, 1323, 1451, 1579, 1707, 1835,
     235, 1067, 1195, 1323, 1451, 1579, 1707, 1835,
     235, 1067, 1195, 1323, 1451, 1579, 1707, 1835,
     235, 1067, 1195, 1323, 1451, 1579, 1707, 1835,
     235, 1067, 1195, 1323, 1451, 1579, 1707, 1835,
     235, 1067, 1195, 1323, 1451, 1579, 1707, 1835,
     235, 1067, 1195, 1323, 1451, 1579, 1707, 1835
    1707, 1707, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    1707, 1707, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    1707, 1707, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    1707, 1707, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    1707, 1707, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    1707, 1707, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    1707, 1707, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    1707, 1707, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414
     897,  897,  897,  897,  897,  897,  897,  897,
    1067, 1067, 1067, 1067, 1067, 1067, 1067, 1067,
    1238, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1238,
    1409, 1409, 1409, 1409, 1409, 1409, 1409, 1409,
    1579, 1579, 1579, 1579, 1579, 1579, 1579, 1579,
    1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750,
    1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921,
    2091, 2091, 2091, 2091, 2091, 2091, 2091, 2091
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414
    2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390
      22,  171,  214,  257,  257,  299,  299,  342,
     171,  171,  257,  257,  299,  299,  342,  385,
     214,  257,  257,  299,  299,  342,  342,  385,
     257,  257,  257,  299,  299,  342,  385,  427,
     257,  257,  299,  299,  342,  385,  427,  513,
     257,  299,  299,  342,  385,  427,  513,  598,
     299,  299,  299,  385,  385,  470,  598,  726,
     299,  299,  385,  385,  470,  598,  726,  897
      86,  598, 1195, 1195, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
     598,  598, 1195, 1195, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    1195, 1195, 2390, 2390, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    1195, 1195, 2390, 2390, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    2390, 2390, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    2390, 2390, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    2390, 2390, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    2390, 2390, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414

static uint16_t ivi4_quant_8x8_inter[9][64] = {
     427,  427,  470,  427,  427,  427,  470,  470,
     427,  427,  470,  427,  427,  427,  470,  470,
     470,  470,  470,  470,  470,  470,  470,  470,
     427,  427,  470,  470,  427,  427,  470,  470,
     427,  427,  470,  427,  427,  427,  470,  470,
     427,  427,  470,  427,  427,  427,  470,  470,
     470,  470,  470,  470,  470,  470,  470,  470,
     470,  470,  470,  470,  470,  470,  470,  470
    1707, 1707, 2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    1707, 1707, 2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822,
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822,
    3414, 3414, 4822, 4822, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    3414, 3414, 4822, 4822, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    3414, 3414, 4822, 4822, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    3414, 3414, 4822, 4822, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414
    1195, 1195, 1281, 1238, 1195, 1195, 1281, 1281,
    1195, 1195, 1281, 1238, 1195, 1195, 1281, 1281,
    1195, 1195, 1281, 1238, 1195, 1195, 1281, 1281,
    1195, 1195, 1281, 1238, 1195, 1195, 1281, 1281,
    1195, 1195, 1281, 1238, 1195, 1195, 1281, 1281,
    1195, 1195, 1281, 1238, 1195, 1195, 1281, 1281,
    1195, 1195, 1281, 1238, 1195, 1195, 1281, 1281,
    1195, 1195, 1281, 1238, 1195, 1195, 1281, 1281
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 3414, 3414, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433
    1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195,
    1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195,
    1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281,
    1238, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1238,
    1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195,
    1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195,
    1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281,
    1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281, 1281
    2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414, 3414,
    2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433,
    2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707
      86,  171,  171,  214,  214,  214,  214,  257,
     171,  171,  214,  214,  214,  214,  257,  257,
     171,  214,  214,  214,  214,  257,  257,  257,
     214,  214,  214,  214,  257,  257,  257,  299,
     214,  214,  214,  257,  257,  257,  299,  299,
     214,  214,  257,  257,  257,  299,  299,  299,
     214,  257,  257,  257,  299,  299,  299,  342,
     257,  257,  257,  299,  299,  299,  342,  342
     854,  854, 1195, 1195, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
     854,  854, 1195, 1195, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1195, 1195, 1707, 1707, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    1195, 1195, 1707, 1707, 2390, 2390, 2390, 2390,
    1707, 1707, 2390, 2390, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 2390, 2390, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 2390, 2390, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707,
    1707, 1707, 2390, 2390, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707

static uint16_t ivi4_quant_4x4_intra[5][16] = {
      22,  214,  257,  299,
     214,  257,  299,  342,
     257,  299,  342,  427,
     299,  342,  427,  513
     129, 1025, 1451, 1451,
    1025, 1025, 1451, 1451,
    1451, 1451, 2049, 2049,
    1451, 1451, 2049, 2049
      43,  171,  171,  171,
      43,  171,  171,  171,
      43,  171,  171,  171,
      43,  171,  171,  171
      43,   43,   43,   43,
     171,  171,  171,  171,
     171,  171,  171,  171,
     171,  171,  171,  171
      43,   43,   43,   43,
      43,   43,   43,   43,
      43,   43,   43,   43,
      43,   43,   43,   43

static uint16_t ivi4_quant_4x4_inter[5][16] = {
     107,  214,  257,  299,
     214,  257,  299,  299,
     257,  299,  299,  342,
     299,  299,  342,  342
     513, 1025, 1238, 1238,
    1025, 1025, 1238, 1238,
    1238, 1238, 1451, 1451,
    1238, 1238, 1451, 1451
      43,  171,  171,  171,
      43,  171,  171,  171,
      43,  171,  171,  171,
      43,  171,  171,  171
      43,   43,   43,   43,
     171,  171,  171,  171,
     171,  171,  171,  171,
     171,  171,  171,  171
      43,   43,   43,   43,
      43,   43,   43,   43,
      43,   43,   43,   43,
      43,   43,   43,   43

 *  Table for mapping quant matrix index from the bitstream
 *  into internal quant table number.
static uint8_t  quant_index_to_tab[22] = {
    0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 0, 1, 6, 7, 8, // for 8x8 quant matrixes
    0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4                          // for 4x4 quant matrixes