 * Wavesynth pseudo-codec
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Nicolas George
 * This file is part of FFmpeg.
 * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#include "libavutil/intreadwrite.h"
#include "libavutil/log.h"
#include "avcodec.h"
#include "internal.h"

#define SIN_BITS 14
#define WS_MAX_CHANNELS 32

#define PINK_UNIT 128

   Format of the extradata and packets


   All numbers are in little endian.

   The codec extradata define a set of intervals with uniform content.
   Overlapping intervals are added together.

       uint32      number of intervals
       ...         intervals

       int64       start timestamp; time_base must be 1/sample_rate;
                   start timestamps must be in ascending order
       int64       end timestamp
       uint32      type
       uint32      channels mask
       ...         additional information, depends on type

   sine interval (type fourcc "SINE"):
       int32       start frequency, in 1/(1<<16) Hz
       int32       end frequency
       int32       start amplitude, 1<<16 is the full amplitude
       int32       end amplitude
       uint32      start phase, 0 is sin(0), 0x20000000 is sin(pi/2), etc.;
                   n | (1<<31) means to match the phase of previous channel #n

   pink noise interval (type fourcc "NOIS"):
       int32       start amplitude
       int32       end amplitude

   The input packets encode the time and duration of the requested segment.

       int64       start timestamp
       int32       duration


enum ws_interval_type {
    WS_SINE  = MKTAG('S','I','N','E'),
    WS_NOISE = MKTAG('N','O','I','S'),

struct ws_interval {
    int64_t ts_start, ts_end;
    uint64_t phi0, dphi0, ddphi;
    uint64_t amp0, damp;
    uint64_t phi, dphi, amp;
    uint32_t channels;
    enum ws_interval_type type;
    int next;

struct wavesynth_context {
    int64_t cur_ts;
    int64_t next_ts;
    int32_t *sin;
    struct ws_interval *inter;
    uint32_t dither_state;
    uint32_t pink_state;
    int32_t pink_pool[PINK_UNIT];
    unsigned pink_need, pink_pos;
    int nb_inter;
    int cur_inter;
    int next_inter;

#define LCG_A 1284865837
#define LCG_C 4150755663
#define LCG_AI 849225893 /* A*AI = 1 [mod 1<<32] */

static uint32_t lcg_next(uint32_t *s)
    *s = *s * LCG_A + LCG_C;
    return *s;

static void lcg_seek(uint32_t *s, uint32_t dt)
    uint32_t a, c, t = *s;

    a = LCG_A;
    c = LCG_C;
    while (dt) {
        if (dt & 1)
            t = a * t + c;
        c *= a + 1; /* coefficients for a double step */
        a *= a;
        dt >>= 1;
    *s = t;

/* Emulate pink noise by summing white noise at the sampling frequency,
 * white noise at half the sampling frequency (each value taken twice),
 * etc., with a total of 8 octaves.
 * This is known as the Voss-McCartney algorithm. */

static void pink_fill(struct wavesynth_context *ws)
    int32_t vt[7] = { 0 }, v = 0;
    int i, j;

    ws->pink_pos = 0;
    if (!ws->pink_need)
    for (i = 0; i < PINK_UNIT; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
            if ((i >> j) & 1)
            v -= vt[j];
            vt[j] = (int32_t)lcg_next(&ws->pink_state) >> 3;
            v += vt[j];
        ws->pink_pool[i] = v + ((int32_t)lcg_next(&ws->pink_state) >> 3);
    lcg_next(&ws->pink_state); /* so we use exactly 256 steps */

 * @return  (1<<64) * a / b, without overflow, if a < b
static uint64_t frac64(uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
    uint64_t r = 0;
    int i;

    if (b < (uint64_t)1 << 32) { /* b small, use two 32-bits steps */
        a <<= 32;
        return ((a / b) << 32) | ((a % b) << 32) / b;
    if (b < (uint64_t)1 << 48) { /* b medium, use four 16-bits steps */
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            a <<= 16;
            r = (r << 16) | (a / b);
            a %= b;
        return r;
    for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (a >= (uint64_t)1 << 63 || a << 1 >= b) {
            r |= (uint64_t)1 << i;
            a = (a << 1) - b;
        } else {
            a <<= 1;
    return r;

static uint64_t phi_at(struct ws_interval *in, int64_t ts)
    uint64_t dt = ts - in->ts_start;
    uint64_t dt2 = dt & 1 ? /* dt * (dt - 1) / 2 without overflow */
                   dt * ((dt - 1) >> 1) : (dt >> 1) * (dt - 1);
    return in->phi0 + dt * in->dphi0 + dt2 * in->ddphi;

static void wavesynth_seek(struct wavesynth_context *ws, int64_t ts)
    int *last, i;
    struct ws_interval *in;

    last = &ws->cur_inter;
    for (i = 0; i < ws->nb_inter; i++) {
        in = &ws->inter[i];
        if (ts < in->ts_start)
        if (ts >= in->ts_end)
        *last = i;
        last = &in->next;
        in->phi  = phi_at(in, ts);
        in->dphi = in->dphi0 + (ts - in->ts_start) * in->ddphi;
        in->amp  = in->amp0  + (ts - in->ts_start) * in->damp;
    ws->next_inter = i;
    ws->next_ts = i < ws->nb_inter ? ws->inter[i].ts_start : INF_TS;
    *last = -1;
    lcg_seek(&ws->dither_state, (uint32_t)ts - (uint32_t)ws->cur_ts);
    if (ws->pink_need) {
        int64_t pink_ts_cur  = (ws->cur_ts + PINK_UNIT - 1) & ~(PINK_UNIT - 1);
        int64_t pink_ts_next = ts & ~(PINK_UNIT - 1);
        int pos = ts & (PINK_UNIT - 1);
        lcg_seek(&ws->pink_state, (pink_ts_next - pink_ts_cur) << 1);
        if (pos) {
            ws->pink_pos = pos;
        } else {
            ws->pink_pos = PINK_UNIT;
    ws->cur_ts = ts;

static int wavesynth_parse_extradata(AVCodecContext *avc)
    struct wavesynth_context *ws = avc->priv_data;
    struct ws_interval *in;
    uint8_t *edata, *edata_end;
    int32_t f1, f2, a1, a2;
    uint32_t phi;
    int64_t dphi1, dphi2, dt, cur_ts = -0x8000000000000000;
    int i;

    if (avc->extradata_size < 4)
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    edata = avc->extradata;
    edata_end = edata + avc->extradata_size;
    ws->nb_inter = AV_RL32(edata);
    edata += 4;
    if (ws->nb_inter < 0 || (edata_end - edata) / 24 < ws->nb_inter)
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    ws->inter = av_calloc(ws->nb_inter, sizeof(*ws->inter));
    if (!ws->inter)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    for (i = 0; i < ws->nb_inter; i++) {
        in = &ws->inter[i];
        if (edata_end - edata < 24)
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);
        in->ts_start = AV_RL64(edata +  0);
        in->ts_end   = AV_RL64(edata +  8);
        in->type     = AV_RL32(edata + 16);
        in->channels = AV_RL32(edata + 20);
        edata += 24;
        if (in->ts_start < cur_ts ||
            in->ts_end <= in->ts_start ||
            (uint64_t)in->ts_end - in->ts_start > INT64_MAX
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);
        cur_ts = in->ts_start;
        dt = in->ts_end - in->ts_start;
        switch (in->type) {
            case WS_SINE:
                if (edata_end - edata < 20 || avc->sample_rate <= 0)
                    return AVERROR(EINVAL);
                f1  = AV_RL32(edata +  0);
                f2  = AV_RL32(edata +  4);
                a1  = AV_RL32(edata +  8);
                a2  = AV_RL32(edata + 12);
                phi = AV_RL32(edata + 16);
                edata += 20;
                dphi1 = frac64(f1, (int64_t)avc->sample_rate << 16);
                dphi2 = frac64(f2, (int64_t)avc->sample_rate << 16);
                in->dphi0 = dphi1;
                in->ddphi = (dphi2 - dphi1) / dt;
                if (phi & 0x80000000) {
                    phi &= ~0x80000000;
                    if (phi >= i)
                        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
                    in->phi0 = phi_at(&ws->inter[phi], in->ts_start);
                } else {
                    in->phi0 = (uint64_t)phi << 33;
            case WS_NOISE:
                if (edata_end - edata < 8)
                    return AVERROR(EINVAL);
                a1  = AV_RL32(edata +  0);
                a2  = AV_RL32(edata +  4);
                edata += 8;
                return AVERROR(EINVAL);
        in->amp0 = (int64_t)a1 << 32;
        in->damp = (((int64_t)a2 << 32) - ((int64_t)a1 << 32)) / dt;
    if (edata != edata_end)
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    return 0;

static av_cold int wavesynth_init(AVCodecContext *avc)
    struct wavesynth_context *ws = avc->priv_data;
    int i, r;

    if (avc->channels > WS_MAX_CHANNELS) {
        av_log(avc, AV_LOG_ERROR,
               "This implementation is limited to %d channels.\n",
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    r = wavesynth_parse_extradata(avc);
    if (r < 0) {
        av_log(avc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid intervals definitions.\n");
        goto fail;
    ws->sin = av_malloc(sizeof(*ws->sin) << SIN_BITS);
    if (!ws->sin) {
        r = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        goto fail;
    for (i = 0; i < 1 << SIN_BITS; i++)
        ws->sin[i] = floor(32767 * sin(2 * M_PI * i / (1 << SIN_BITS)));
    ws->dither_state = MKTAG('D','I','T','H');
    for (i = 0; i < ws->nb_inter; i++)
        ws->pink_need += ws->inter[i].type == WS_NOISE;
    ws->pink_state = MKTAG('P','I','N','K');
    ws->pink_pos = PINK_UNIT;
    wavesynth_seek(ws, 0);
    avc->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16;
    return 0;

    return r;

static void wavesynth_synth_sample(struct wavesynth_context *ws, int64_t ts,
                                   int32_t *channels)
    int32_t amp, val, *cv;
    struct ws_interval *in;
    int i, *last, pink;
    uint32_t c, all_ch = 0;

    i = ws->cur_inter;
    last = &ws->cur_inter;
    if (ws->pink_pos == PINK_UNIT)
    pink = ws->pink_pool[ws->pink_pos++] >> 16;
    while (i >= 0) {
        in = &ws->inter[i];
        i = in->next;
        if (ts >= in->ts_end) {
            *last = i;
        last = &in->next;
        amp = in->amp >> 32;
        in->amp  += in->damp;
        switch (in->type) {
            case WS_SINE:
                val = amp * ws->sin[in->phi >> (64 - SIN_BITS)];
                in->phi  += in->dphi;
                in->dphi += in->ddphi;
            case WS_NOISE:
                val = amp * pink;
                val = 0;
        all_ch |= in->channels;
        for (c = in->channels, cv = channels; c; c >>= 1, cv++)
            if (c & 1)
                *cv += val;
    val = (int32_t)lcg_next(&ws->dither_state) >> 16;
    for (c = all_ch, cv = channels; c; c >>= 1, cv++)
        if (c & 1)
            *cv += val;

static void wavesynth_enter_intervals(struct wavesynth_context *ws, int64_t ts)
    int *last, i;
    struct ws_interval *in;

    last = &ws->cur_inter;
    for (i = ws->cur_inter; i >= 0; i = ws->inter[i].next)
        last = &ws->inter[i].next;
    for (i = ws->next_inter; i < ws->nb_inter; i++) {
        in = &ws->inter[i];
        if (ts < in->ts_start)
        if (ts >= in->ts_end)
        *last = i;
        last = &in->next;
        in->phi = in->phi0;
        in->dphi = in->dphi0;
        in->amp = in->amp0;
    ws->next_inter = i;
    ws->next_ts = i < ws->nb_inter ? ws->inter[i].ts_start : INF_TS;
    *last = -1;

static int wavesynth_decode(AVCodecContext *avc, void *rframe, int *rgot_frame,
                            AVPacket *packet)
    struct wavesynth_context *ws = avc->priv_data;
    AVFrame *frame = rframe;
    int64_t ts;
    int duration;
    int s, c, r;
    int16_t *pcm;
    int32_t channels[WS_MAX_CHANNELS];

    *rgot_frame = 0;
    if (packet->size != 12)
    ts = AV_RL64(packet->data);
    if (ts != ws->cur_ts)
        wavesynth_seek(ws, ts);
    duration = AV_RL32(packet->data + 8);
    if (duration <= 0)
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    frame->nb_samples = duration;
    r = ff_get_buffer(avc, frame, 0);
    if (r < 0)
        return r;
    pcm = (int16_t *)frame->data[0];
    for (s = 0; s < duration; s++, ts++) {
        memset(channels, 0, avc->channels * sizeof(*channels));
        if (ts >= ws->next_ts)
            wavesynth_enter_intervals(ws, ts);
        wavesynth_synth_sample(ws, ts, channels);
        for (c = 0; c < avc->channels; c++)
            *(pcm++) = channels[c] >> 16;
    ws->cur_ts += duration;
    *rgot_frame = 1;
    return packet->size;

static av_cold int wavesynth_close(AVCodecContext *avc)
    struct wavesynth_context *ws = avc->priv_data;

    return 0;

AVCodec ff_ffwavesynth_decoder = {
    .name           = "wavesynth",
    .long_name      = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Wave synthesis pseudo-codec"),
    .type           = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO,
    .id             = AV_CODEC_ID_FFWAVESYNTH,
    .priv_data_size = sizeof(struct wavesynth_context),
    .init           = wavesynth_init,
    .close          = wavesynth_close,
    .decode         = wavesynth_decode,
    .capabilities   = AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1,