/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 Fabrice Bellard * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <float.h> #include "libavutil/opt.h" #include "libavutil/parseutils.h" #include "libavutil/avstring.h" #include "libavutil/pixdesc.h" #include "libavutil/avassert.h" // FIXME those are internal headers, ffserver _really_ shouldn't use them #include "libavformat/ffm.h" #include "cmdutils.h" #include "ffserver_config.h" /* FIXME: make ffserver work with IPv6 */ /* resolve host with also IP address parsing */ static int resolve_host(struct in_addr *sin_addr, const char *hostname) { if (!ff_inet_aton(hostname, sin_addr)) { #if HAVE_GETADDRINFO struct addrinfo *ai, *cur; struct addrinfo hints = { 0 }; hints.ai_family = AF_INET; if (getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, &hints, &ai)) return -1; /* getaddrinfo returns a linked list of addrinfo structs. * Even if we set ai_family = AF_INET above, make sure * that the returned one actually is of the correct type. */ for (cur = ai; cur; cur = cur->ai_next) { if (cur->ai_family == AF_INET) { *sin_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)cur->ai_addr)->sin_addr; freeaddrinfo(ai); return 0; } } freeaddrinfo(ai); return -1; #else struct hostent *hp; hp = gethostbyname(hostname); if (!hp) return -1; memcpy(sin_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(struct in_addr)); #endif } return 0; } void ffserver_get_arg(char *buf, int buf_size, const char **pp) { const char *p; char *q; int quote; p = *pp; while (av_isspace(*p)) p++; q = buf; quote = 0; if (*p == '\"' || *p == '\'') quote = *p++; for(;;) { if (quote) { if (*p == quote) break; } else { if (av_isspace(*p)) break; } if (*p == '\0') break; if ((q - buf) < buf_size - 1) *q++ = *p; p++; } *q = '\0'; if (quote && *p == quote) p++; *pp = p; } void ffserver_parse_acl_row(FFServerStream *stream, FFServerStream* feed, FFServerIPAddressACL *ext_acl, const char *p, const char *filename, int line_num) { char arg[1024]; FFServerIPAddressACL acl; int errors = 0; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), &p); if (av_strcasecmp(arg, "allow") == 0) acl.action = IP_ALLOW; else if (av_strcasecmp(arg, "deny") == 0) acl.action = IP_DENY; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ACL action '%s' is not ALLOW or DENY\n", filename, line_num, arg); errors++; } ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), &p); if (resolve_host(&acl.first, arg)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ACL refers to invalid host or IP address '%s'\n", filename, line_num, arg); errors++; } else acl.last = acl.first; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), &p); if (arg[0]) { if (resolve_host(&acl.last, arg)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ACL refers to invalid host or IP address '%s'\n", filename, line_num, arg); errors++; } } if (!errors) { FFServerIPAddressACL *nacl = av_mallocz(sizeof(*nacl)); FFServerIPAddressACL **naclp = 0; acl.next = 0; *nacl = acl; if (stream) naclp = &stream->acl; else if (feed) naclp = &feed->acl; else if (ext_acl) naclp = &ext_acl; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ACL found not in <stream> or <feed>\n", filename, line_num); errors++; } if (naclp) { while (*naclp) naclp = &(*naclp)->next; *naclp = nacl; } else av_free(nacl); } } /* add a codec and set the default parameters */ static void add_codec(FFServerStream *stream, AVCodecContext *av) { AVStream *st; if(stream->nb_streams >= FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(stream->streams)) return; /* compute default parameters */ switch(av->codec_type) { case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: if (av->bit_rate == 0) av->bit_rate = 64000; if (av->sample_rate == 0) av->sample_rate = 22050; if (av->channels == 0) av->channels = 1; break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: if (av->bit_rate == 0) av->bit_rate = 64000; if (av->time_base.num == 0){ av->time_base.den = 5; av->time_base.num = 1; } if (av->width == 0 || av->height == 0) { av->width = 160; av->height = 128; } /* Bitrate tolerance is less for streaming */ if (av->bit_rate_tolerance == 0) av->bit_rate_tolerance = FFMAX(av->bit_rate / 4, (int64_t)av->bit_rate*av->time_base.num/av->time_base.den); if (av->qmin == 0) av->qmin = 3; if (av->qmax == 0) av->qmax = 31; if (av->max_qdiff == 0) av->max_qdiff = 3; av->qcompress = 0.5; av->qblur = 0.5; if (!av->nsse_weight) av->nsse_weight = 8; av->frame_skip_cmp = FF_CMP_DCTMAX; if (!av->me_method) av->me_method = ME_EPZS; /* FIXME: rc_buffer_aggressivity and rc_eq are deprecated */ av->rc_buffer_aggressivity = 1.0; if (!av->rc_eq) av->rc_eq = av_strdup("tex^qComp"); if (!av->i_quant_factor) av->i_quant_factor = -0.8; if (!av->b_quant_factor) av->b_quant_factor = 1.25; if (!av->b_quant_offset) av->b_quant_offset = 1.25; if (!av->rc_max_rate) av->rc_max_rate = av->bit_rate * 2; if (av->rc_max_rate && !av->rc_buffer_size) { av->rc_buffer_size = av->rc_max_rate; } break; default: abort(); } st = av_mallocz(sizeof(AVStream)); if (!st) return; st->codec = av; stream->streams[stream->nb_streams++] = st; } static enum AVCodecID opt_codec(const char *name, enum AVMediaType type) { AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_encoder_by_name(name); if (!codec || codec->type != type) return AV_CODEC_ID_NONE; return codec->id; } static int ffserver_opt_default(const char *opt, const char *arg, AVCodecContext *avctx, int type) { int ret = 0; const AVOption *o = av_opt_find(avctx, opt, NULL, type, 0); if(o) ret = av_opt_set(avctx, opt, arg, 0); return ret; } static int ffserver_opt_preset(const char *arg, AVCodecContext *avctx, int type, enum AVCodecID *audio_id, enum AVCodecID *video_id) { FILE *f=NULL; char filename[1000], tmp[1000], tmp2[1000], line[1000]; int ret = 0; AVCodec *codec = NULL; if (avctx) codec = avcodec_find_encoder(avctx->codec_id); if (!(f = get_preset_file(filename, sizeof(filename), arg, 0, codec ? codec->name : NULL))) { fprintf(stderr, "File for preset '%s' not found\n", arg); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } while(!feof(f)){ int e= fscanf(f, "%999[^\n]\n", line) - 1; if(line[0] == '#' && !e) continue; e|= sscanf(line, "%999[^=]=%999[^\n]\n", tmp, tmp2) - 2; if(e){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid syntax: '%s'\n", filename, line); ret = AVERROR(EINVAL); break; } if (audio_id && !strcmp(tmp, "acodec")) { *audio_id = opt_codec(tmp2, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO); } else if (video_id && !strcmp(tmp, "vcodec")){ *video_id = opt_codec(tmp2, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO); } else if(!strcmp(tmp, "scodec")) { /* opt_subtitle_codec(tmp2); */ } else if (avctx && (ret = ffserver_opt_default(tmp, tmp2, avctx, type)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid option or argument: '%s', parsed as " "'%s' = '%s'\n", filename, line, tmp, tmp2); break; } } fclose(f); return ret; } static AVOutputFormat *ffserver_guess_format(const char *short_name, const char *filename, const char *mime_type) { AVOutputFormat *fmt = av_guess_format(short_name, filename, mime_type); if (fmt) { AVOutputFormat *stream_fmt; char stream_format_name[64]; snprintf(stream_format_name, sizeof(stream_format_name), "%s_stream", fmt->name); stream_fmt = av_guess_format(stream_format_name, NULL, NULL); if (stream_fmt) fmt = stream_fmt; } return fmt; } static void vreport_config_error(const char *filename, int line_num, int log_level, int *errors, const char *fmt, va_list vl) { av_log(NULL, log_level, "%s:%d: ", filename, line_num); av_vlog(NULL, log_level, fmt, vl); (*errors)++; } static void report_config_error(const char *filename, int line_num, int log_level, int *errors, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); vreport_config_error(filename, line_num, log_level, errors, fmt, vl); va_end(vl); } static int ffserver_set_int_param(int *dest, const char *value, int factor, int min, int max, FFServerConfig *config, int line_num, const char *error_msg, ...) { int tmp; char *tailp; if (!value || !value[0]) goto error; errno = 0; tmp = strtol(value, &tailp, 0); if (tmp < min || tmp > max) goto error; if (factor) { if (FFABS(tmp) > INT_MAX / FFABS(factor)) goto error; tmp *= factor; } if (tailp[0] || errno) goto error; if (dest) *dest = tmp; return 0; error: if (config) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, error_msg); vreport_config_error(config->filename, line_num, AV_LOG_ERROR, &config->errors, error_msg, vl); va_end(vl); } return AVERROR(EINVAL); } static int ffserver_set_float_param(float *dest, const char *value, float factor, float min, float max, FFServerConfig *config, int line_num, const char *error_msg, ...) { double tmp; char *tailp; if (!value || !value[0]) goto error; errno = 0; tmp = strtod(value, &tailp); if (tmp < min || tmp > max) goto error; if (factor) tmp *= factor; if (tailp[0] || errno) goto error; if (dest) *dest = tmp; return 0; error: if (config) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, error_msg); vreport_config_error(config->filename, line_num, AV_LOG_ERROR, &config->errors, error_msg, vl); va_end(vl); } return AVERROR(EINVAL); } static int ffserver_save_avoption(const char *opt, const char *arg, AVDictionary **dict, int type, FFServerConfig *config, int line_num) { int ret = 0; AVDictionaryEntry *e; const AVOption *o = av_opt_find(config->dummy_ctx, opt, NULL, type | AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN); if (!o) { report_config_error(config->filename, line_num, AV_LOG_ERROR, &config->errors, "Option not found: %s\n", opt); } else if ((ret = av_opt_set(config->dummy_ctx, opt, arg, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)) < 0) { report_config_error(config->filename, line_num, AV_LOG_ERROR, &config->errors, "Invalid value for option %s (%s): %s\n", opt, arg, av_err2str(ret)); } else if ((e = av_dict_get(*dict, opt, NULL, 0))) { if ((o->type == AV_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS) && arg && (arg[0] == '+' || arg[0] == '-')) return av_dict_set(dict, opt, arg, AV_DICT_APPEND); report_config_error(config->filename, line_num, AV_LOG_ERROR, &config->errors, "Redeclaring value of the option %s, previous value: %s\n", opt, e->value); } else if (av_dict_set(dict, opt, arg, 0) < 0) { return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } return 0; } #define ERROR(...) report_config_error(config->filename, line_num, AV_LOG_ERROR, &config->errors, __VA_ARGS__) #define WARNING(...) report_config_error(config->filename, line_num, AV_LOG_WARNING, &config->warnings, __VA_ARGS__) static int ffserver_parse_config_global(FFServerConfig *config, const char *cmd, const char **p, int line_num) { int val; char arg[1024]; if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Port") || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "HTTPPort")) { if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Port")) WARNING("Port option is deprecated, use HTTPPort instead\n"); ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(&val, arg, 0, 1, 65535, config, line_num, "Invalid port: %s\n", arg); if (val < 1024) WARNING("Trying to use IETF assigned system port: %d\n", val); config->http_addr.sin_port = htons(val); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "HTTPBindAddress") || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "BindAddress")) { if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "BindAddress")) WARNING("BindAddress option is deprecated, use HTTPBindAddress instead\n"); ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (resolve_host(&config->http_addr.sin_addr, arg)) ERROR("Invalid host/IP address: %s\n", arg); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "NoDaemon")) { WARNING("NoDaemon option has no effect, you should remove it\n"); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "RTSPPort")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(&val, arg, 0, 1, 65535, config, line_num, "Invalid port: %s\n", arg); config->rtsp_addr.sin_port = htons(val); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "RTSPBindAddress")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (resolve_host(&config->rtsp_addr.sin_addr, arg)) ERROR("Invalid host/IP address: %s\n", arg); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "MaxHTTPConnections")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(&val, arg, 0, 1, 65535, config, line_num, "Invalid MaxHTTPConnections: %s\n", arg); config->nb_max_http_connections = val; if (config->nb_max_connections > config->nb_max_http_connections) ERROR("Inconsistent configuration: MaxClients(%d) > MaxHTTPConnections(%d)\n", config->nb_max_connections, config->nb_max_http_connections); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "MaxClients")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(&val, arg, 0, 1, 65535, config, line_num, "Invalid MaxClients: %s\n", arg); config->nb_max_connections = val; if (config->nb_max_connections > config->nb_max_http_connections) ERROR("Inconsistent configuration: MaxClients(%d) > MaxHTTPConnections(%d)\n", config->nb_max_connections, config->nb_max_http_connections); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "MaxBandwidth")) { int64_t llval; char *tailp; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); errno = 0; llval = strtoll(arg, &tailp, 10); if (llval < 10 || llval > 10000000 || tailp[0] || errno) ERROR("Invalid MaxBandwidth: %s\n", arg); else config->max_bandwidth = llval; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "CustomLog")) { if (!config->debug) ffserver_get_arg(config->logfilename, sizeof(config->logfilename), p); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "LoadModule")) { ERROR("Loadable modules are no longer supported\n"); } else ERROR("Incorrect keyword: '%s'\n", cmd); return 0; } static int ffserver_parse_config_feed(FFServerConfig *config, const char *cmd, const char **p, int line_num, FFServerStream **pfeed) { FFServerStream *feed; char arg[1024]; av_assert0(pfeed); feed = *pfeed; if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "<Feed")) { char *q; FFServerStream *s; feed = av_mallocz(sizeof(FFServerStream)); if (!feed) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); ffserver_get_arg(feed->filename, sizeof(feed->filename), p); q = strrchr(feed->filename, '>'); if (*q) *q = '\0'; for (s = config->first_feed; s; s = s->next) { if (!strcmp(feed->filename, s->filename)) ERROR("Feed '%s' already registered\n", s->filename); } feed->fmt = av_guess_format("ffm", NULL, NULL); /* default feed file */ snprintf(feed->feed_filename, sizeof(feed->feed_filename), "/tmp/%s.ffm", feed->filename); feed->feed_max_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024; feed->is_feed = 1; feed->feed = feed; /* self feeding :-) */ *pfeed = feed; return 0; } av_assert0(feed); if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Launch")) { int i; feed->child_argv = av_mallocz(64 * sizeof(char *)); if (!feed->child_argv) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); for (i = 0; i < 62; i++) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (!arg[0]) break; feed->child_argv[i] = av_strdup(arg); if (!feed->child_argv[i]) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } feed->child_argv[i] = av_asprintf("http://%s:%d/%s", (config->http_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) ? "" : inet_ntoa(config->http_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(config->http_addr.sin_port), feed->filename); if (!feed->child_argv[i]) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "ACL")) { ffserver_parse_acl_row(NULL, feed, NULL, *p, config->filename, line_num); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "File") || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "ReadOnlyFile")) { ffserver_get_arg(feed->feed_filename, sizeof(feed->feed_filename), p); feed->readonly = !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "ReadOnlyFile"); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Truncate")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); /* assume Truncate is true in case no argument is specified */ if (!arg[0]) { feed->truncate = 1; } else { WARNING("Truncate N syntax in configuration file is deprecated, " "use Truncate alone with no arguments\n"); feed->truncate = strtod(arg, NULL); } } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "FileMaxSize")) { char *p1; double fsize; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); p1 = arg; fsize = strtod(p1, &p1); switch(av_toupper(*p1)) { case 'K': fsize *= 1024; break; case 'M': fsize *= 1024 * 1024; break; case 'G': fsize *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; default: ERROR("Invalid file size: %s\n", arg); break; } feed->feed_max_size = (int64_t)fsize; if (feed->feed_max_size < FFM_PACKET_SIZE*4) ERROR("Feed max file size is too small, must be at least %d\n", FFM_PACKET_SIZE*4); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "</Feed>")) { *pfeed = NULL; } else { ERROR("Invalid entry '%s' inside <Feed></Feed>\n", cmd); } return 0; } static void ffserver_apply_stream_config(AVCodecContext *enc, const AVDictionary *conf, AVDictionary **opts) { AVDictionaryEntry *e; /* Return values from ffserver_set_*_param are ignored. Values are initially parsed and checked before inserting to AVDictionary. */ //video params if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoBitRateRangeMin", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->rc_min_rate, e->value, 1000, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoBitRateRangeMax", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->rc_max_rate, e->value, 1000, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "Debug", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->debug, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "Strict", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->strict_std_compliance, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoBufferSize", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->rc_buffer_size, e->value, 8*1024, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoBitRateTolerance", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->bit_rate_tolerance, e->value, 1000, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoBitRate", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->bit_rate, e->value, 1000, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoSizeWidth", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->width, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoSizeHeight", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->height, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "PixelFormat", NULL, 0))) { int val; ffserver_set_int_param(&val, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); enc->pix_fmt = val; } if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoGopSize", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->gop_size, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoFrameRateNum", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->time_base.num, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoFrameRateDen", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->time_base.den, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoQDiff", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->max_qdiff, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoQMax", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->qmax, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoQMin", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->qmin, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "LumiMask", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_float_param(&enc->lumi_masking, e->value, 0, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "DarkMask", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_float_param(&enc->dark_masking, e->value, 0, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if (av_dict_get(conf, "BitExact", NULL, 0)) enc->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_BITEXACT; if (av_dict_get(conf, "DctFastint", NULL, 0)) enc->dct_algo = FF_DCT_FASTINT; if (av_dict_get(conf, "IdctSimple", NULL, 0)) enc->idct_algo = FF_IDCT_SIMPLE; if (av_dict_get(conf, "VideoHighQuality", NULL, 0)) enc->mb_decision = FF_MB_DECISION_BITS; if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "VideoTag", NULL, 0))) enc->codec_tag = MKTAG(e->value[0], e->value[1], e->value[2], e->value[3]); if (av_dict_get(conf, "Qscale", NULL, 0)) { enc->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_QSCALE; ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->global_quality, e->value, FF_QP2LAMBDA, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); } if (av_dict_get(conf, "Video4MotionVector", NULL, 0)) { enc->mb_decision = FF_MB_DECISION_BITS; //FIXME remove enc->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_4MV; } //audio params if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "AudioChannels", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->channels, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "AudioSampleRate", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->sample_rate, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((e = av_dict_get(conf, "AudioBitRate", NULL, 0))) ffserver_set_int_param(&enc->bit_rate, e->value, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL); av_opt_set_dict2(enc, opts, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN); } static int ffserver_parse_config_stream(FFServerConfig *config, const char *cmd, const char **p, int line_num, FFServerStream **pstream) { char arg[1024], arg2[1024]; FFServerStream *stream; int val; av_assert0(pstream); stream = *pstream; if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "<Stream")) { char *q; FFServerStream *s; stream = av_mallocz(sizeof(FFServerStream)); if (!stream) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); config->dummy_ctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL); if (!config->dummy_ctx) { av_free(stream); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } ffserver_get_arg(stream->filename, sizeof(stream->filename), p); q = strrchr(stream->filename, '>'); if (q) *q = '\0'; for (s = config->first_stream; s; s = s->next) { if (!strcmp(stream->filename, s->filename)) ERROR("Stream '%s' already registered\n", s->filename); } stream->fmt = ffserver_guess_format(NULL, stream->filename, NULL); if (stream->fmt) { config->audio_id = stream->fmt->audio_codec; config->video_id = stream->fmt->video_codec; } else { config->audio_id = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE; config->video_id = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE; } *pstream = stream; return 0; } av_assert0(stream); if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Feed")) { FFServerStream *sfeed; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); sfeed = config->first_feed; while (sfeed) { if (!strcmp(sfeed->filename, arg)) break; sfeed = sfeed->next_feed; } if (!sfeed) ERROR("Feed with name '%s' for stream '%s' is not defined\n", arg, stream->filename); else stream->feed = sfeed; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Format")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (!strcmp(arg, "status")) { stream->stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_STATUS; stream->fmt = NULL; } else { stream->stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_LIVE; /* JPEG cannot be used here, so use single frame MJPEG */ if (!strcmp(arg, "jpeg")) strcpy(arg, "mjpeg"); stream->fmt = ffserver_guess_format(arg, NULL, NULL); if (!stream->fmt) ERROR("Unknown Format: %s\n", arg); } if (stream->fmt) { config->audio_id = stream->fmt->audio_codec; config->video_id = stream->fmt->video_codec; } } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "InputFormat")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); stream->ifmt = av_find_input_format(arg); if (!stream->ifmt) ERROR("Unknown input format: %s\n", arg); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "FaviconURL")) { if (stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_STATUS) ffserver_get_arg(stream->feed_filename, sizeof(stream->feed_filename), p); else ERROR("FaviconURL only permitted for status streams\n"); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Author") || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Comment") || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Copyright") || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Title")) { char key[32]; int i; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); for (i = 0; i < strlen(cmd); i++) key[i] = av_tolower(cmd[i]); key[i] = 0; WARNING("'%s' option in configuration file is deprecated, " "use 'Metadata %s VALUE' instead\n", cmd, key); if (av_dict_set(&stream->metadata, key, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Metadata")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_get_arg(arg2, sizeof(arg2), p); if (av_dict_set(&stream->metadata, arg, arg2, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Preroll")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); stream->prebuffer = atof(arg) * 1000; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "StartSendOnKey")) { stream->send_on_key = 1; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AudioCodec")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); config->audio_id = opt_codec(arg, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO); if (config->audio_id == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) ERROR("Unknown AudioCodec: %s\n", arg); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoCodec")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); config->video_id = opt_codec(arg, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO); if (config->video_id == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) ERROR("Unknown VideoCodec: %s\n", arg); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "MaxTime")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); stream->max_time = atof(arg) * 1000; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AudioBitRate")) { float f; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_float_param(&f, arg, 1000, 0, FLT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s\n", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set_int(&config->audio_conf, cmd, lrintf(f), 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AudioChannels")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 0, 1, 8, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s, valid range is 1-8.", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->audio_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AudioSampleRate")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 0, 0, INT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->audio_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoBitRateRange")) { int minrate, maxrate; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (sscanf(arg, "%d-%d", &minrate, &maxrate) == 2) { if (av_dict_set_int(&config->video_conf, "VideoBitRateRangeMin", minrate, 0) < 0 || av_dict_set_int(&config->video_conf, "VideoBitRateRangeMax", maxrate, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else ERROR("Incorrect format for VideoBitRateRange -- should be " "<min>-<max>: %s\n", arg); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Debug")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Strict")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoBufferSize")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 8*1024, 0, INT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoBitRateTolerance")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 1000, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoBitRate")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 1000, 0, INT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoSize")) { int ret, w, h; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ret = av_parse_video_size(&w, &h, arg); if (ret < 0) ERROR("Invalid video size '%s'\n", arg); else if ((w % 2) || (h % 2)) WARNING("Image size is not a multiple of 2\n"); if (av_dict_set_int(&config->video_conf, "VideoSizeWidth", w, 0) < 0 || av_dict_set_int(&config->video_conf, "VideoSizeHeight", h, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoFrameRate")) { AVRational frame_rate; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (av_parse_video_rate(&frame_rate, arg) < 0) { ERROR("Incorrect frame rate: %s\n", arg); } else { if (av_dict_set_int(&config->video_conf, "VideoFrameRateNum", frame_rate.num, 0) < 0 || av_dict_set_int(&config->video_conf, "VideoFrameRateDen", frame_rate.den, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "PixelFormat")) { enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); pix_fmt = av_get_pix_fmt(arg); if (pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) ERROR("Unknown pixel format: %s\n", arg); if (av_dict_set_int(&config->video_conf, cmd, pix_fmt, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoGopSize")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoIntraOnly")) { if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, "1", 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoHighQuality")) { if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, "", 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Video4MotionVector")) { if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, "", 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AVOptionVideo") || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AVOptionAudio")) { int ret; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_get_arg(arg2, sizeof(arg2), p); if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AVOptionVideo")) ret = ffserver_save_avoption(arg, arg2, &config->video_opts, AV_OPT_FLAG_VIDEO_PARAM ,config, line_num); else ret = ffserver_save_avoption(arg, arg2, &config->audio_opts, AV_OPT_FLAG_AUDIO_PARAM ,config, line_num); if (ret < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AVPresetVideo") || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AVPresetAudio")) { char **preset = NULL; ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "AVPresetVideo")) { preset = &config->video_preset; ffserver_opt_preset(arg, NULL, 0, NULL, &config->video_id); } else { preset = &config->audio_preset; ffserver_opt_preset(arg, NULL, 0, &config->audio_id, NULL); } *preset = av_strdup(arg); if (!preset) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoTag")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (strlen(arg) == 4) { if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, "VideoTag", "arg", 0) < 0) goto nomem; } } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "BitExact")) { if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, "", 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "DctFastint")) { if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, "", 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "IdctSimple")) { if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, "", 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "Qscale")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoQDiff")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 0, 1, 31, config, line_num, "%s out of range\n", cmd); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoQMax")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 0, 1, 31, config, line_num, "%s out of range\n", cmd); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "VideoQMin")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(NULL, arg, 0, 1, 31, config, line_num, "%s out of range\n", cmd); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "LumiMask")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_float_param(NULL, arg, 0, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "DarkMask")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_float_param(NULL, arg, 0, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid %s: %s", cmd, arg); if (av_dict_set(&config->video_conf, cmd, arg, 0) < 0) goto nomem; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "NoVideo")) { config->video_id = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "NoAudio")) { config->audio_id = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "ACL")) { ffserver_parse_acl_row(stream, NULL, NULL, *p, config->filename, line_num); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "DynamicACL")) { ffserver_get_arg(stream->dynamic_acl, sizeof(stream->dynamic_acl), p); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "RTSPOption")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); av_freep(&stream->rtsp_option); stream->rtsp_option = av_strdup(arg); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "MulticastAddress")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); if (resolve_host(&stream->multicast_ip, arg)) ERROR("Invalid host/IP address: %s\n", arg); stream->is_multicast = 1; stream->loop = 1; /* default is looping */ } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "MulticastPort")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(&val, arg, 0, 1, 65535, config, line_num, "Invalid MulticastPort: %s\n", arg); stream->multicast_port = val; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "MulticastTTL")) { ffserver_get_arg(arg, sizeof(arg), p); ffserver_set_int_param(&val, arg, 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, config, line_num, "Invalid MulticastTTL: %s\n", arg); stream->multicast_ttl = val; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "NoLoop")) { stream->loop = 0; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "</Stream>")) { if (stream->feed && stream->fmt && strcmp(stream->fmt->name, "ffm")) { if (config->audio_id != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) { AVCodecContext *audio_enc = avcodec_alloc_context3(avcodec_find_encoder(config->audio_id)); if (config->audio_preset && ffserver_opt_preset(arg, audio_enc, AV_OPT_FLAG_AUDIO_PARAM|AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM, NULL, NULL) < 0) ERROR("Could not apply preset '%s'\n", arg); ffserver_apply_stream_config(audio_enc, config->audio_conf, &config->audio_opts); add_codec(stream, audio_enc); } if (config->video_id != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) { AVCodecContext *video_enc = avcodec_alloc_context3(avcodec_find_encoder(config->video_id)); if (config->video_preset && ffserver_opt_preset(arg, video_enc, AV_OPT_FLAG_VIDEO_PARAM|AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM, NULL, NULL) < 0) ERROR("Could not apply preset '%s'\n", arg); ffserver_apply_stream_config(video_enc, config->video_conf, &config->video_opts); add_codec(stream, video_enc); } } av_dict_free(&config->video_opts); av_dict_free(&config->video_conf); av_dict_free(&config->audio_opts); av_dict_free(&config->audio_conf); av_freep(&config->video_preset); av_freep(&config->audio_preset); avcodec_free_context(&config->dummy_ctx); *pstream = NULL; } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "File") || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "ReadOnlyFile")) { ffserver_get_arg(stream->feed_filename, sizeof(stream->feed_filename), p); } else { ERROR("Invalid entry '%s' inside <Stream></Stream>\n", cmd); } return 0; nomem: av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory. Aborting.\n"); av_dict_free(&config->video_opts); av_dict_free(&config->video_conf); av_dict_free(&config->audio_opts); av_dict_free(&config->audio_conf); av_freep(&config->video_preset); av_freep(&config->audio_preset); avcodec_free_context(&config->dummy_ctx); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } static int ffserver_parse_config_redirect(FFServerConfig *config, const char *cmd, const char **p, int line_num, FFServerStream **predirect) { FFServerStream *redirect; av_assert0(predirect); redirect = *predirect; if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "<Redirect")) { char *q; redirect = av_mallocz(sizeof(FFServerStream)); if (!redirect) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); ffserver_get_arg(redirect->filename, sizeof(redirect->filename), p); q = strrchr(redirect->filename, '>'); if (*q) *q = '\0'; redirect->stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_REDIRECT; *predirect = redirect; return 0; } av_assert0(redirect); if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "URL")) { ffserver_get_arg(redirect->feed_filename, sizeof(redirect->feed_filename), p); } else if (!av_strcasecmp(cmd, "</Redirect>")) { if (!redirect->feed_filename[0]) ERROR("No URL found for <Redirect>\n"); *predirect = NULL; } else { ERROR("Invalid entry '%s' inside <Redirect></Redirect>\n", cmd); } return 0; } int ffserver_parse_ffconfig(const char *filename, FFServerConfig *config) { FILE *f; char line[1024]; char cmd[64]; const char *p; int line_num = 0; FFServerStream **last_stream, *stream = NULL, *redirect = NULL; FFServerStream **last_feed, *feed = NULL; int ret = 0; av_assert0(config); f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!f) { ret = AVERROR(errno); av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Could not open the configuration file '%s'\n", filename); return ret; } config->first_stream = NULL; last_stream = &config->first_stream; config->first_feed = NULL; last_feed = &config->first_feed; config->errors = config->warnings = 0; for(;;) { if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) == NULL) break; line_num++; p = line; while (av_isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '\0' || *p == '#') continue; ffserver_get_arg(cmd, sizeof(cmd), &p); if (feed || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "<Feed")) { int opening = !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "<Feed"); if (opening && (stream || feed || redirect)) { ERROR("Already in a tag\n"); } else { if ((ret = ffserver_parse_config_feed(config, cmd, &p, line_num, &feed)) < 0) break; if (opening) { /* add in stream list */ *last_stream = feed; last_stream = &feed->next; /* add in feed list */ *last_feed = feed; last_feed = &feed->next_feed; } } } else if (stream || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "<Stream")) { int opening = !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "<Stream"); if (opening && (stream || feed || redirect)) { ERROR("Already in a tag\n"); } else { if ((ret = ffserver_parse_config_stream(config, cmd, &p, line_num, &stream)) < 0) break; if (opening) { /* add in stream list */ *last_stream = stream; last_stream = &stream->next; } } } else if (redirect || !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "<Redirect")) { int opening = !av_strcasecmp(cmd, "<Redirect"); if (opening && (stream || feed || redirect)) ERROR("Already in a tag\n"); else { if ((ret = ffserver_parse_config_redirect(config, cmd, &p, line_num, &redirect)) < 0) break; if (opening) { /* add in stream list */ *last_stream = redirect; last_stream = &redirect->next; } } } else { ffserver_parse_config_global(config, cmd, &p, line_num); } } if (stream || feed || redirect) ERROR("Not closed tag %s\n", stream ? "<Stream>" : (feed ? "<Feed>" : "<Redirect>")); fclose(f); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (config->errors) return AVERROR(EINVAL); else return 0; } #undef ERROR #undef WARNING