# makeinfo HTML output init file # # Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2014 Andreas Cadhalpun # Copyright (c) 2014 Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu # # This file is part of FFmpeg. # # FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # no navigation elements set_from_init_file('HEADERS', 0); sub ffmpeg_heading_command($$$$$) { my $self = shift; my $cmdname = shift; my $command = shift; my $args = shift; my $content = shift; my $result = ''; # not clear that it may really happen if ($self->in_string) { $result .= $self->command_string($command) ."\n" if ($cmdname ne 'node'); $result .= $content if (defined($content)); return $result; } my $element_id = $self->command_id($command); $result .= "<a name=\"$element_id\"></a>\n" if (defined($element_id) and $element_id ne ''); print STDERR "Process $command " .Texinfo::Structuring::_print_root_command_texi($command)."\n" if ($self->get_conf('DEBUG')); my $element; if ($Texinfo::Common::root_commands{$command->{'cmdname'}} and $command->{'parent'} and $command->{'parent'}->{'type'} and $command->{'parent'}->{'type'} eq 'element') { $element = $command->{'parent'}; } if ($element) { $result .= &{$self->{'format_element_header'}}($self, $cmdname, $command, $element); } my $heading_level; # node is used as heading if there is nothing else. if ($cmdname eq 'node') { if (!$element or (!$element->{'extra'}->{'section'} and $element->{'extra'}->{'node'} and $element->{'extra'}->{'node'} eq $command # bogus node may not have been normalized and defined($command->{'extra'}->{'normalized'}))) { if ($command->{'extra'}->{'normalized'} eq 'Top') { $heading_level = 0; } else { $heading_level = 3; } } } else { $heading_level = $command->{'level'}; } my $heading = $self->command_text($command); # $heading not defined may happen if the command is a @node, for example # if there is an error in the node. if (defined($heading) and $heading ne '' and defined($heading_level)) { if ($Texinfo::Common::root_commands{$cmdname} and $Texinfo::Common::sectioning_commands{$cmdname}) { my $content_href = $self->command_contents_href($command, 'contents', $self->{'current_filename'}); if ($content_href) { my $this_href = $content_href =~ s/^\#toc-/\#/r; $heading .= '<span class="pull-right">'. '<a class="anchor hidden-xs" '. "href=\"$this_href\" aria-hidden=\"true\">". ($ENV{"FA_ICONS"} ? '<i class="fa fa-link"></i>' : '#'). '</a> '. '<a class="anchor hidden-xs"'. "href=\"$content_href\" aria-hidden=\"true\">". ($ENV{"FA_ICONS"} ? '<i class="fa fa-navicon"></i>' : 'TOC'). '</a>'. '</span>'; } } if ($self->in_preformatted()) { $result .= $heading."\n"; } else { # if the level was changed, set the command name right if ($cmdname ne 'node' and $heading_level ne $Texinfo::Common::command_structuring_level{$cmdname}) { $cmdname = $Texinfo::Common::level_to_structuring_command{$cmdname}->[$heading_level]; } $result .= &{$self->{'format_heading_text'}}( $self, $cmdname, $heading, $heading_level + $self->get_conf('CHAPTER_HEADER_LEVEL') - 1, $command); } } $result .= $content if (defined($content)); return $result; } foreach my $command (keys(%Texinfo::Common::sectioning_commands), 'node') { texinfo_register_command_formatting($command, \&ffmpeg_heading_command); } # print the TOC where @contents is used set_from_init_file('INLINE_CONTENTS', 1); # make chapters <h2> set_from_init_file('CHAPTER_HEADER_LEVEL', 2); # Do not add <hr> set_from_init_file('DEFAULT_RULE', ''); set_from_init_file('BIG_RULE', ''); # Customized file beginning sub ffmpeg_begin_file($$$) { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $element = shift; my $command; if ($element and $self->get_conf('SPLIT')) { $command = $self->element_command($element); } my ($title, $description, $encoding, $date, $css_lines, $doctype, $bodytext, $copying_comment, $after_body_open, $extra_head, $program_and_version, $program_homepage, $program, $generator) = $self->_file_header_informations($command); my $links = $self->_get_links ($filename, $element); my $head1 = $ENV{"FFMPEG_HEADER1"} || <<EOT; <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <!-- Created by $program_and_version, $program_homepage --> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> EOT my $head_title = <<EOT; $title EOT my $head2 = $ENV{"FFMPEG_HEADER2"} || <<EOT; </title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.min.css"> </head> <body> <div style="width: 95%; margin: auto"> <h1> EOT my $head3 = $ENV{"FFMPEG_HEADER3"} || <<EOT; </h1> EOT return $head1 . $head_title . $head2 . $head_title . $head3; } texinfo_register_formatting_function('begin_file', \&ffmpeg_begin_file); # Customized file ending sub ffmpeg_end_file($) { my $self = shift; my $program_string = &{$self->{'format_program_string'}}($self); my $program_text = <<EOT; <p style="font-size: small;"> $program_string </p> EOT my $footer = $ENV{FFMPEG_FOOTER} || <<EOT; </div> </body> </html> EOT return $program_text . $footer; } texinfo_register_formatting_function('end_file', \&ffmpeg_end_file); # Dummy title command # Ignore title. Title is handled through ffmpeg_begin_file(). set_from_init_file('USE_TITLEPAGE_FOR_TITLE', 1); sub ffmpeg_title($$$$) { return ''; } texinfo_register_command_formatting('titlefont', \&ffmpeg_title); # Customized float command. Part of code borrowed from GNU Texinfo. sub ffmpeg_float($$$$$) { my $self = shift; my $cmdname = shift; my $command = shift; my $args = shift; my $content = shift; my ($caption, $prepended) = Texinfo::Common::float_name_caption($self, $command); my $caption_text = ''; my $prepended_text; my $prepended_save = ''; if ($self->in_string()) { if ($prepended) { $prepended_text = $self->convert_tree_new_formatting_context( $prepended, 'float prepended'); } else { $prepended_text = ''; } if ($caption) { $caption_text = $self->convert_tree_new_formatting_context( {'contents' => $caption->{'args'}->[0]->{'contents'}}, 'float caption'); } return $prepended.$content.$caption_text; } my $id = $self->command_id($command); my $label; if (defined($id) and $id ne '') { $label = "<a name=\"$id\"></a>"; } else { $label = ''; } if ($prepended) { if ($caption) { # prepend the prepended tree to the first paragraph my @caption_original_contents = @{$caption->{'args'}->[0]->{'contents'}}; my @caption_contents; my $new_paragraph; while (@caption_original_contents) { my $content = shift @caption_original_contents; if ($content->{'type'} and $content->{'type'} eq 'paragraph') { %{$new_paragraph} = %{$content}; $new_paragraph->{'contents'} = [@{$content->{'contents'}}]; unshift (@{$new_paragraph->{'contents'}}, {'cmdname' => 'strong', 'args' => [{'type' => 'brace_command_arg', 'contents' => [$prepended]}]}); push @caption_contents, $new_paragraph; last; } else { push @caption_contents, $content; } } push @caption_contents, @caption_original_contents; if ($new_paragraph) { $caption_text = $self->convert_tree_new_formatting_context( {'contents' => \@caption_contents}, 'float caption'); $prepended_text = ''; } } if ($caption_text eq '') { $prepended_text = $self->convert_tree_new_formatting_context( $prepended, 'float prepended'); if ($prepended_text ne '') { $prepended_save = $prepended_text; $prepended_text = '<p><strong>'.$prepended_text.'</strong></p>'; } } } else { $prepended_text = ''; } if ($caption and $caption_text eq '') { $caption_text = $self->convert_tree_new_formatting_context( $caption->{'args'}->[0], 'float caption'); } if ($prepended_text.$caption_text ne '') { $prepended_text = $self->_attribute_class('div','float-caption'). '>' . $prepended_text; $caption_text .= '</div>'; } my $html_class = ''; if ($prepended_save =~ /NOTE/) { $html_class = 'info'; $prepended_text = ''; $caption_text = ''; } elsif ($prepended_save =~ /IMPORTANT/) { $html_class = 'warning'; $prepended_text = ''; $caption_text = ''; } return $self->_attribute_class('div', $html_class). '>' . "\n" . $prepended_text . $caption_text . $content . '</div>'; } texinfo_register_command_formatting('float', \&ffmpeg_float); 1;