FFmpeg Infrastructure: ====================== Trademark: ~~~~~~~~~~ ffmpeg trademark registered in france by ffmpeg creator. Domain + NS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ffmpeg.org domain name ns1.avcodec.org Primary Name server (bulgaria) ns2.avcodec.org Replica Name server (hungary) ns3.avcodec.org Replica Name server (italy) Servers: ~~~~~~~~ Main Server: ------------ Our Main server is hosted at telepoint.bg for more details see: https://www.ffmpeg.org/#thanks_sponsor_0001 Nothing runs on our main server directly, instead several VMs run on it. ffmpeg.org VM: -------------- Web, mail, and public facing git, also website git fftrac VM: ---------- trac.ffmpeg.org Issue tracking gpg encrypted backups of the trac repositories are created once a day and can be downloaded by any of the admins. ffaux VM: --------- patchwork.ffmpeg.org Patch tracking vote.ffmpeg.org Condorcet voting fate: ----- fate.ffmpeg.org FFmpeg automated testing environment coverage: --------- coverage.ffmpeg.org Fate code coverage The main and fate server as well as VMs currently run ubuntu Cronjobs: ~~~~~~~~~ Part of the docs is in the main ffmpeg repository as texi files, this part is build by a cronjob. So is the doxygen stuff as well as the FFmpeg git snapshot. These 3 scripts are under the ffcron user Git: ~~~~ Public facing git is provided by our infra, (https://git.ffmpeg.org/gitweb) main developer ffmpeg git repository for historic reasons is provided by (git@source.ffmpeg.org:ffmpeg) Other developer git repositories are provided via git@git.ffmpeg.org:<NAME_OF_REPOSITORY> git mirrors are available on https://github.com/FFmpeg (there are some exceptions where primary repositories are on github or elsewhere instead of the mirrors) Github mirrors are redundantly synced by multiple people You need a new git repository related to FFmpeg ? contact root at ffmpeg.org git repositories are managed by gitolite, every change to permissions is logged, including when, what and by whom Fate: ~~~~~ fatesamples are provided via rsync. Every FFmpeg developer who has a shell account in ffmpeg.org should be in the samples group and be able to upload samples. See https://www.ffmpeg.org/fate.html#Uploading-new-samples-to-the-fate-suite Accounts: ~~~~~~~~~ You need an account for some FFmpeg work? Send mail to root at ffmpeg.org VMs: ~~~~ You need a VM, docker container for FFmpeg? contact root at ffmpeg.org (for docker, CC Andriy) Multimedia Wiki: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Multimedia Wiki http://wiki.multimedia.cx is ran by Mike Melanson. While not directly part of FFmpeg infrastructure, technical codec and format information written by FFmpeg developers can be found within. It is our unofficial official tech wiki. For access contact Mike. IRC: ~~~~ irc channels are at https://libera.chat/ irc channel archives are at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org #ffmpeg and #ffmpeg-devel founder/admins: BtbN, Michael, Compn #ffmpeg-meeting founder/admins: BtbN, Michael Twitter aka X: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://twitter.com/FFmpeg or https://x.com/FFmpeg If you would like to post to twitter please contact twitter MAINTAINERS for access. We want more developers posting to twitter! Reddit: ~~~~~~~ https://www.reddit.com/r/ffmpeg/ moderated by Gyan Facebook: ~~~~~~~~~ https://www.facebook.com/ffmpeg ??? Wikipedia entry: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FFmpeg