<HTML> <HEAD> <!-- Created by texi2html 1.56k from faq.texi on 28 December 2002 --> <TITLE>FFmpeg FAQ</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>FFmpeg FAQ</H1> <P> <P><HR><P> <H1>Table of Contents</H1> <UL> <LI><A NAME="TOC1" HREF="faq.html#SEC1">1. General Problems</A> <UL> <LI><A NAME="TOC2" HREF="faq.html#SEC2">1.1 ffserver doesn't not work.</A> <LI><A NAME="TOC3" HREF="faq.html#SEC3">1.2 I cannot read this file although this format seems to be suppored by ffmpeg.</A> <LI><A NAME="TOC4" HREF="faq.html#SEC4">1.3 I get audio/video synchro problems when grabbing.</A> <LI><A NAME="TOC5" HREF="faq.html#SEC5">1.4 How do I encode jpegs to another format ?</A> <LI><A NAME="TOC6" HREF="faq.html#SEC6">1.5 FFmpeg does not support codec XXX. Can you include a Windows DLL loader to support it ?</A> <LI><A NAME="TOC7" HREF="faq.html#SEC7">1.6 How can I read from the standard input or write to the standard output ?</A> </UL> <LI><A NAME="TOC8" HREF="faq.html#SEC8">2. Development</A> <UL> <LI><A NAME="TOC9" HREF="faq.html#SEC9">2.1 Can you support my C compiler XXX ?</A> <LI><A NAME="TOC10" HREF="faq.html#SEC10">2.2 I want to use ffmpeg or libavcodec under Windows. Can you support my proprietary C compiler XXX ?</A> <LI><A NAME="TOC11" HREF="faq.html#SEC11">2.3 Can you add automake, libtool or autoconf support ?</A> </UL> </UL> <P><HR><P> <P> FFmpeg FAQ <H1><A NAME="SEC1" HREF="faq.html#TOC1">1. General Problems</A></H1> <H2><A NAME="SEC2" HREF="faq.html#TOC2">1.1 ffserver doesn't not work.</A></H2> <P> ffmpeg development is now concentrated on the codec and format handling. New developments broke ffserver, so don't expect it to work correctly. It is planned to fix it ASAP. <H2><A NAME="SEC3" HREF="faq.html#TOC3">1.2 I cannot read this file although this format seems to be suppored by ffmpeg.</A></H2> <P> Even if ffmpeg can read the file format, it may not support all its codecs. Please consult the supported codec list in the ffmpeg documentation. <H2><A NAME="SEC4" HREF="faq.html#TOC4">1.3 I get audio/video synchro problems when grabbing.</A></H2> <P> Currently, the grabbing stuff does not handle synchronisation correctly. You are free to correct it. It is planned to fix it ASAP. <H2><A NAME="SEC5" HREF="faq.html#TOC5">1.4 How do I encode jpegs to another format ?</A></H2> <P> If the jpegs are named img1.jpg, img2.jpg, img3.jpg,..., use: <PRE> ffmpeg -i img%d.jpg /tmp/a.mpg </PRE> <P> <SAMP>`%d'</SAMP> is replaced by the image number. <P> <TT>`img%03d.jpg'</TT> generates <TT>`img001.jpg'</TT>, <TT>`img002.jpg'</TT>, etc... <P> The same system is used for the other image formats. <H2><A NAME="SEC6" HREF="faq.html#TOC6">1.5 FFmpeg does not support codec XXX. Can you include a Windows DLL loader to support it ?</A></H2> <P> No. FFmpeg only supports open source codecs. Windows DLLs are not portable, bloated and often slow. <H2><A NAME="SEC7" HREF="faq.html#TOC7">1.6 How can I read from the standard input or write to the standard output ?</A></H2> <P> Use <TT>`-'</TT> as filename. <H1><A NAME="SEC8" HREF="faq.html#TOC8">2. Development</A></H1> <H2><A NAME="SEC9" HREF="faq.html#TOC9">2.1 Can you support my C compiler XXX ?</A></H2> <P> No. Only GCC is supported. GCC is ported on most systems available and I don't see the need to pollute the source code with <CODE>#ifdef</CODE>s related to the compiler. <H2><A NAME="SEC10" HREF="faq.html#TOC10">2.2 I want to use ffmpeg or libavcodec under Windows. Can you support my proprietary C compiler XXX ?</A></H2> <P> No. Use <CODE>mingw-gcc</CODE> available at <A HREF="http://www.mingw.org/">http://www.mingw.org/</A> to compile the code. It generates object files fully compatible with other windows compilers. <H2><A NAME="SEC11" HREF="faq.html#TOC11">2.3 Can you add automake, libtool or autoconf support ?</A></H2> <P> No. These tools are too blowted and they complicate the build. Moreover, since only <SAMP>`gcc'</SAMP> is supported they would add little advantages in terms of portability. <P><HR><P> This document was generated on 28 December 2002 using <A HREF="http://wwwinfo.cern.ch/dis/texi2html/">texi2html</A> 1.56k. </BODY> </HTML>