path: root/tests
diff options
authorRostislav Pehlivanov <atomnuker@gmail.com>2017-10-21 19:31:44 +0100
committerRostislav Pehlivanov <atomnuker@gmail.com>2018-01-06 18:31:37 +0000
commit6b35a83214f1bc3fb38c9ea9c2cd3676f28709fa (patch)
treece009e168ee6b5a998b3b53b13068ecc83c4a6cb /tests
parent2ca65fc7b74444edd51d5803a2c1e05a801a6023 (diff)
Remove the ffserver program
Signed-off-by: Rostislav Pehlivanov <atomnuker@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Makefile b/tests/Makefile
index fd3713fe81..14b9601378 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile
+++ b/tests/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-FFSERVER_REFFILE = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ffserver.regression.ref
VREF = tests/vsynth1/00.pgm
AREF = tests/data/asynth1.sw
@@ -11,14 +9,6 @@ FFMPEG=ffmpeg$(PROGSSUF)$(EXESUF)
-ffservertest: export PROGSUF = $(PROGSSUF)
-ffservertest: ffserver$(PROGSSUF)$(EXESUF) ffmpeg$(PROGSSUF)$(EXESUF) tests/vsynth1/00.pgm tests/data/asynth1.sw
- @echo
- @echo "Unfortunately ffserver is broken and therefore its regression"
- @echo "test fails randomly. Treat the results accordingly."
- @echo
- $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ffserver-regression.sh $(FFSERVER_REFFILE) $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ffserver.conf "$(TARGET_SAMPLES)" "$(TARGET_EXEC)" "$(TARGET_PATH)"
APITESTSDIR := tests/api
OBJDIRS += tests/data tests/vsynth1 tests/data/filtergraphs $(APITESTSDIR)/
diff --git a/tests/ffserver-regression.sh b/tests/ffserver-regression.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9007fe37ca..0000000000
--- a/tests/ffserver-regression.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#perl -e 'chomp($wd = `pwd`); print map { s!tests/data/!!; "<Stream $_>\nFile $wd/tests/data/$_\n</Stream>\n\n" } @ARGV' tests/data/a* >> tests/data/ffserver.conf
-#perl -e 'chomp($wd = `pwd`); print map { s!tests/data/!!; "<Stream $_.asf>\nFile $wd/tests/data/$_\n</Stream>\n\n" } @ARGV' tests/data/a* >> tests/data/ffserver.conf
-. $(dirname $0)/md5.sh
-FILES=$(sed -n 's/^[^#]*<Stream \(.*\)>.*/\1/p' $2 | grep -v html)
-rm -f tests/feed1.ffm
-$target_exec ${target_path}/ffserver${PROGSUF} -f "$2" &
-echo "Waiting for feeds to startup..."
-sleep 2
- cd tests/data || exit $?
- rm -f ff-* ffserver.regression
- WGET_OPTIONS="--user-agent=NSPlayer -q --proxy=off -e verbose=off -e server_response=off -T3 --tries=1"
- for file in $FILES; do
- if [ $(expr $file : "a-*") != 0 ]; then
- wget $WGET_OPTIONS -O - http://localhost:9999/$file > ff-$file
- else
- wget $WGET_OPTIONS -O - http://localhost:9999/$file?date=19700101T000000Z | dd bs=1 count=100000 > ff-$file 2>/dev/null
- fi
- do_md5sum ff-$file >>ffserver.regression
- done
- wget $WGET_OPTIONS -O - 'http://localhost:9999/teststat.html?abc' > ff-stat 2>/dev/null
- do_md5sum ff-stat >>ffserver.regression
-wait > /dev/null 2>&1
-rm -f tests/feed1.ffm
-if diff -u "$1" tests/data/ffserver.regression; then
- echo
- echo Server regression test succeeded.
- exit 0
- echo
- echo Server regression test: Error.
- exit 1
diff --git a/tests/ffserver.conf b/tests/ffserver.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3495d959e2..0000000000
--- a/tests/ffserver.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-# This is a test configuration file. You can invoke it with
-# ../ffserver -f ffserver.conf
-# when in the tests directory and once the vsynth1 subdirectory
-# has been populated. Then point your browser at http://whatever:9999/teststat.html
-# and you can look at the streams
-# Port on which the server is listening. You must select a different
-# port from your standard http web server if it is running on the same
-# computer.
-HTTPPort 9999
-RTSPPort 9990
-# Address on which the server is bound. Only useful if you have
-# several network interfaces.
-# Number of simultaneous requests that can be handled. Since FFServer
-# is very fast, this limit is determined mainly by your Internet
-# connection speed.
-MaxClients 1000
-MaxBandwidth 100000
-# Access Log file (uses standard Apache log file format)
-# '-' is the standard output
-CustomLog -
-# Definition of the live feeds. Each live feed contains one video
-# and/or audio sequence coming from an ffmpeg encoder or another
-# ffserver. This sequence may be encoded simultaneously with several
-# codecs at several resolutions.
-<Feed feed1.ffm>
-# You must use 'ffmpeg' to send a live feed to ffserver. In this
-# example, you can type:
-# ffmpeg http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm
-# ffserver can also do time shifting. It means that it can stream any
-# previously recorded live stream. The request should contain:
-# "http://xxxx?date=[YYYY-MM-DDT][[HH:]MM:]SS[.m...]".You must specify
-# a path where the feed is stored on disk. You also specify the
-# maximum size of the feed (100M bytes here). Default:
-# File=/tmp/feed_name.ffm FileMaxSize=5M
-File tests/feed1.ffm
-FileMaxSize 100M
-# Fire up ffmpeg pointing at this stream
-Launch ./ffmpeg -v 0 -y -f image2 -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -i tests/vsynth1/%02d.pgm -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact
-ACL allow localhost
-# Now you can define each stream which will be generated from the
-# original audio and video stream. Each format has a filename (here
-# 'test128.mpg'). FFServer will send this stream when answering a
-# request containing this filename.
-<Stream test_h.avi>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Format avi
-VideoFrameRate 10
-VideoSize 352x288
-VideoBitRate 100
-VideoGopSize 30
-PreRoll 10
-MaxTime 100
-<Stream test_l.avi>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Format avi
-VideoFrameRate 2
-VideoSize 320x240
-VideoBitRate 40
-VideoGopSize 20
-PreRoll 20
-MaxTime 100
-#<Stream test_h.mpg>
-#Feed feed1.ffm
-#VideoFrameRate 10
-#VideoSize 352x288
-#VideoBitRate 100
-#VideoGopSize 30
-#PreRoll 10
-#MaxTime 100
-#<Stream test_l.mpg>
-#Feed feed1.ffm
-#VideoFrameRate 2
-#VideoSize 320x240
-#VideoBitRate 40
-#VideoGopSize 20
-#PreRoll 20
-#MaxTime 100
-<Stream test.swf>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Qscale 10
-VideoFrameRate 10
-VideoSize 352x288
-VideoBitRate 100
-VideoGopSize 30
-PreRoll 10
-MaxTime 100
-<Stream test_h.asf>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Format asf
-Qscale 10
-VideoFrameRate 10
-VideoSize 320x240
-VideoBitRate 100
-VideoGopSize 30
-PreRoll 10
-MaxTime 100
-AVOptionVideo flags +global_header
-Metadata title "Test data stream"
-<Stream test_l.asf>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Format asf
-Qscale 10
-VideoFrameRate 2
-VideoSize 320x240
-VideoBitRate 40
-VideoGopSize 20
-PreRoll 20
-MaxTime 100
-AVOptionVideo flags +global_header
-Metadata title "Test data stream"
-<Stream test_h.rm>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Format rm
-Qscale 10
-VideoBitRate 100
-VideoFrameRate 10
-VideoGopSize 30
-VideoSize 320x240
-PreRoll 10
-MaxTime 100
-<Stream test_l.rm>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Format rm
-Qscale 10
-VideoBitRate 40
-VideoFrameRate 2
-VideoGopSize 20
-VideoSize 320x240
-PreRoll 20
-MaxTime 100
-<Stream test.jpg>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Format jpeg
-Strict -1
-VideoFrameRate 1
-VideoSize 352x288
-PreRoll 2
-<Stream test_small.jpg>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Format jpeg
-Strict -1
-VideoFrameRate 1
-VideoSize 160x128
-PreRoll 2
-<Stream test.mjpg>
-Feed feed1.ffm
-Format mpjpeg
-Strict -1
-VideoFrameRate 1
-VideoSize 320x240
-PreRoll 1
-MaxTime 100
-# Special stream : server status
-<Stream teststat.html>
-Format status
diff --git a/tests/ffserver.regression.ref b/tests/ffserver.regression.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index fd8536c853..0000000000
--- a/tests/ffserver.regression.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-0c9639f09decbc54c9f091dcf1ca0e8f *ff-test_h.avi
-e28ba75853caf975e06d92955c9f7f73 *ff-test_l.avi
-a767dbdf5d1bded3450279f812f97b37 *ff-test.swf
-ca209a0c67afbd3bc3bcde0840f313fc *ff-test_h.asf
-f97a91609bfc8a1857455f17c5ec101c *ff-test_l.asf
-06f5a6a4c5d1c6735f4d0068e825c91f *ff-test_h.rm
-1f57580f02f0317407b3b82a3d5e093f *ff-test_l.rm
-e04e6ebf9584654df131f5eec881ac38 *ff-test.jpg
-f15d43e9d3630601b61a024023249bb8 *ff-test_small.jpg
-4735c72cde67000f12e9d1dbfbd975a7 *ff-test.mjpg
-fd038af80560e15271ce42651093ee43 *ff-stat