diff options
authorLoren Merritt <lorenm@u.washington.edu>2005-05-31 22:48:33 +0000
committerLoren Merritt <lorenm@u.washington.edu>2005-05-31 22:48:33 +0000
commit1d62fc856067e7c2b1379ac1e2938b16497e9b25 (patch)
parentef7b5aee5decccb1ff33fd99d80762ca017cc82e (diff)
MMX for H.264 iDCT (adapted from x264)
Originally committed as revision 4329 to svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg/trunk
2 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libavcodec/i386/dsputil_mmx.c b/libavcodec/i386/dsputil_mmx.c
index 32565c3d3f..7b905f6448 100644
--- a/libavcodec/i386/dsputil_mmx.c
+++ b/libavcodec/i386/dsputil_mmx.c
@@ -3205,6 +3205,8 @@ void ff_vp3_idct_sse2(int16_t *input_data);
void ff_vp3_idct_mmx(int16_t *data);
void ff_vp3_dsp_init_mmx(void);
+void ff_h264_idct_add_mmx2(uint8_t *dst, int16_t *block, int stride);
/* XXX: those functions should be suppressed ASAP when all IDCTs are
converted */
static void ff_libmpeg2mmx_idct_put(uint8_t *dest, int line_size, DCTELEM *block)
@@ -3424,6 +3426,8 @@ void dsputil_init_mmx(DSPContext* c, AVCodecContext *avctx)
c->vsad[4]= vsad_intra16_mmx2;
+ c->h264_idct_add= ff_h264_idct_add_mmx2;
if(!(avctx->flags & CODEC_FLAG_BITEXACT)){
c->put_no_rnd_pixels_tab[0][1] = put_no_rnd_pixels16_x2_mmx2;
c->put_no_rnd_pixels_tab[0][2] = put_no_rnd_pixels16_y2_mmx2;
diff --git a/libavcodec/i386/idct_mmx.c b/libavcodec/i386/idct_mmx.c
index c356afe12c..6587455179 100644
--- a/libavcodec/i386/idct_mmx.c
+++ b/libavcodec/i386/idct_mmx.c
@@ -597,3 +597,89 @@ declare_idct (ff_mmxext_idct, mmxext_table,
declare_idct (ff_mmx_idct, mmx_table,
mmx_row_head, mmx_row, mmx_row_tail, mmx_row_mid)
+/* in/out: mma=mma+mmb, mmb=mmb-mma */
+#define SUMSUB_BA( a, b ) \
+ "paddw "#b", "#a" \n\t"\
+ "paddw "#b", "#b" \n\t"\
+ "psubw "#a", "#b" \n\t"
+#define SUMSUB_BADC( a, b, c, d ) \
+ "paddw "#b", "#a" \n\t"\
+ "paddw "#d", "#c" \n\t"\
+ "paddw "#b", "#b" \n\t"\
+ "paddw "#d", "#d" \n\t"\
+ "psubw "#a", "#b" \n\t"\
+ "psubw "#c", "#d" \n\t"
+/* in: a,b out: a,s */
+#define SUMSUBD2_AB( a, b, t, s ) \
+ "movq "#a", "#s" \n\t"\
+ "movq "#b", "#t" \n\t"\
+ "psraw $1 , "#b" \n\t"\
+ "psraw $1 , "#s" \n\t"\
+ "paddw "#b", "#a" \n\t"\
+ "psubw "#t", "#s" \n\t"
+#define IDCT4_1D( s02, s13, d02, d13, t, u ) \
+ SUMSUB_BA ( s02, d02 )\
+ SUMSUBD2_AB( s13, d13, u, t )\
+ SUMSUB_BADC( s13, s02, t, d02 )
+#define SBUTTERFLY( a, b, t, n ) \
+ "movq "#a", "#t" \n\t" /* abcd */\
+ "punpckl"#n" "#b", "#a" \n\t" /* aebf */\
+ "punpckh"#n" "#b", "#t" \n\t" /* cgdh */
+#define TRANSPOSE4( a, b, c, d, t ) \
+ SBUTTERFLY( a, b, t, wd ) /* a=aebf t=cgdh */\
+ SBUTTERFLY( c, d, b, wd ) /* c=imjn b=kolp */\
+ SBUTTERFLY( a, c, d, dq ) /* a=aeim d=bfjn */\
+ SBUTTERFLY( t, b, c, dq ) /* t=cgko c=dhlp */
+#define STORE_DIFF_4P( p, t, pw32, z, dst ) \
+ asm volatile(\
+ "paddw "#pw32", "#p" \n\t"\
+ "psraw $6, "#p" \n\t"\
+ "movd (%0), "#t" \n\t"\
+ "punpcklbw "#z", "#t" \n\t"\
+ "paddsw "#t", "#p" \n\t"\
+ "packuswb "#z", "#p" \n\t"\
+ "movd "#p", (%0) \n\t" :: "r"(dst) )
+static const uint64_t ff_pw_32 attribute_used __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) = 0x0020002000200020ULL;
+void ff_h264_idct_add_mmx2(uint8_t *dst, int16_t *block, int stride)
+ /* Load dct coeffs */
+ asm volatile(
+ "movq (%0), %%mm0 \n\t"
+ "movq 8(%0), %%mm1 \n\t"
+ "movq 16(%0), %%mm2 \n\t"
+ "movq 24(%0), %%mm3 \n\t"
+ :: "r"(block) );
+ asm volatile(
+ /* mm1=s02+s13 mm2=s02-s13 mm4=d02+d13 mm0=d02-d13 */
+ IDCT4_1D( %%mm2, %%mm1, %%mm0, %%mm3, %%mm4, %%mm5 )
+ /* in: 1,4,0,2 out: 1,2,3,0 */
+ TRANSPOSE4( %%mm1, %%mm4, %%mm0, %%mm2, %%mm3 )
+ /* mm2=s02+s13 mm3=s02-s13 mm4=d02+d13 mm1=d02-d13 */
+ IDCT4_1D( %%mm3, %%mm2, %%mm1, %%mm0, %%mm4, %%mm5 )
+ /* in: 2,4,1,3 out: 2,3,0,1 */
+ TRANSPOSE4( %%mm2, %%mm4, %%mm1, %%mm3, %%mm0 )
+ "pxor %%mm7, %%mm7 \n\t"
+ "movq ff_pw_32, %%mm6 \n\t"
+ :: );
+ STORE_DIFF_4P( %%mm2, %%mm4, %%mm6, %%mm7, &dst[0*stride] );
+ STORE_DIFF_4P( %%mm3, %%mm4, %%mm6, %%mm7, &dst[1*stride] );
+ STORE_DIFF_4P( %%mm0, %%mm4, %%mm6, %%mm7, &dst[2*stride] );
+ STORE_DIFF_4P( %%mm1, %%mm4, %%mm6, %%mm7, &dst[3*stride] );